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Meera Mushin – H00367326


Checklist What the teacher did…

Teacher roles and responsibilities. Time spent Roles and responsibilities…

10 min Deals with attendance issues

 Signs in and out
 Attends the morning assembly 1 hour Arrange for Parents Meeting
 Deals with attendance issues with administration
 Does bus duty
 Meets with parents/guardians 2 min Deals with disruptive behavior
 Deals with disruptive behavior 20 min Lesson preparation
 Lesson preparation
 Playground/break duty 10 min Tidies up the classroom
 Deals with administration
5 hours Takes learner to trip
 Attends a meeting
 Marking work 45 min Class teaching
 Plans with colleagues
5 min Gives instructions and rules
 Tidies up the classroom
 Takes learners to other classes
 Class teaching
 ?
 ?
 ?
 ?

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