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!st Semester-2018, Class Test-1

Subject Name: Business Communication
Full Marks – 50 Time: 2 Hour
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any Three from the rest.
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.

1. Answer the following. 2 X 10

a. What do you mean by Communication?
b. What are the types of Listening?
c. Define Grapevine Communication.
d. What is Feedback in Communication?
e. Give an example of Horizontal Communication.
f. A business proposal from the Branch Manager of a company to the Managing Director of the company is an
example of ________________ Communication.
g. What is Physical Barrier to Listening?
h. What is Listening?
i. What is the difference between Encoding and Decoding in Communication?
g. _______________ formal channel of Communication flows in all directions.

2. Communication is a two-way process. Justify?

10* 3
3. What is Listening? What are the types of Listening.

4. Explain Formal Channels of Communication.

5. What is Listening and Hearing? What are the differences between Listening and Hearing.

6. Explain Barriers of Listening.


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