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Arsitektur Enterprise – SI0064

Assignment2: Paper Summary

In this assignment, you will read and summarize a current research paper from an established
journal or proceedings. Topic area such as the Methodology/Framework/Tools for Enterprise
Your job is to explain an aspect of the paper in your own words. Evaluate the paper, you may use
other sources as well, as long as you include a copy and cite the source. You must base the majority
of your work on the paper assigned to you. Points will be deducted for relying too heavily on other
sources. You may be asked to present this paper to the class (if time permits). Anticipate common
questions, such as "how is this related to our class?", "what is your motivation?", "why did you
include the other paper(s)?", and "what is the primary contribution of the paper?"
Your summary should be at least 10 pages (A4), single spaced, 1-point times font, 2cm margins,
single column. Full justify the text. At the top of the first page, centered, include the title and
relevant class information: your name, NIM, email, class and faculty. Include any figures on
additional pages.
Be sure to have the reference included in a "reference" section. The paper must be cited in your
summary. Do this by placing the reference number in square brackets, such as [1]. Your paper must
not contain any text from the original paper, unless you quote it and cite it. If you paraphrase
something from the paper, also cite it. If your summary exceeds 10 pages, you may be asked to re-
write it (with points deducted).

Paper Summary Format/Templete:

Rendy Permana, 152114129
Enterprise System - B
Program Studi Sistem Informasi, STMIK Mikroskil

Role of Information Systems/Information Technology is very significant to be balanced with the right settings
and penegelolaan so losses/threats that may occur can be avoided even able to be prevented. These observations are
discussed regarding the effectiveness of Governance of Information Technology (IT) at the Faculty of ABC. The
purpose of these observations is to study the management of IT in accordance with the standards the COBIT
Framework, draft Governance infrastructure relevant to the operations of the Faculty of the ABC in accordance with the
standards the COBIT Framework, establishing IT governance are able to implement and can assess the maturity level.

The method used in this observation is a qualitative methodology, while the data collection method conducted
by Interview/interviews and questionnaires with sources that have been determined in accordance with the domain and
the Control Objectives used. Informant IT Governance audit on ABC is the Dean of Faculty, Head of Studies, Lecturer,
Head of Laboratory and Administration. Methods of data analysis done several stages, namely the determination of the
domain, the determination of process control, determining and mapping the maturity level indicator

The conclusion of this observation is largely the application of COBIT processes in the Faculty of ABC is at
level 2, there are 7 on ABC Faculty of IT processes at the level of 3 Initial and IT processes at the level of repeatable
and 1 at the level of IT processes define, based on the results of mapping, there 11 and 46 IT processes Control
Cbjectives details that must be considered at the Faculty of ABC and not all recommendations by COBIT processes can
be applied.

Keywords : COBIT Framework, Maturity Level, Control Objective, Define Level, Repeatable Level
• A quick description of the paper and its results/experimental procedures
• Do not discuss the results, only summarize
• Discuss the results/procedures and how they are exciting
• Answer the question: Why was this paperstopic very important?
• You can also include if you do not agree with any of the results, or methods
Application to Research
• How do the results of research apply to your course
• What do you take away from the paper?
• How does it help you?
• Writed of the reference list using IEEE style

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