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Sci (2018) 7(5): 2213-2220

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 05 (2018)
Journal homepage:

Review Article

Prevalence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synovae in

Poultry- India Perspective

A. Prajapati1*, N. Subhashree1, J. Siju Susan2, Manjunath G.B. Reddy2,

R. Yogisharadhya2 and S.S. Patil2

Division of Bacteriology and Mycology, ICAR- Indian Veterinary Research Institute,
Izatnagar, Bareilly 243122, India
ICAR- National Institute of Veterinary Epidemiology and Disease Informatics,
Bengaluru- 64, India

*Corresponding author


Keywords Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae are important poultry pathogens
responsible for high economic losses to the poultry industry in term of mortality, poor
Prevalence, weight gain and decrease of feed efficiency in broiler chickens and reduction of egg
Mycoplasma production in layer chickens and turkeys. Serum plate agglutination (SPA),
gallisepticum, hemagglutination inhibition (HI) and ELISA are the most common serological techniques
Mycoplasma used for rapid detection of infection and the adoption of control measures of the diseases.
synovae, Poultry, Application of molecular techniques like PCR, real time PCR is currently used for the
India demonstration of the DNA of the pathogen. Different studies based on detection of anti
Article Info antibodies and DNA of organism show that disease is quiet prevalent in both broiler and
layer in India. Both killed and live vaccines are available for vaccination against
Accepted: Mycoplasma gallisepticum or M. synoviae which can be a useful to control vertical
18 April 2018 transmission from breeder to chicks. Eradication of disease is possible through strict
Available Online: biosecuity measure at farm, early detection of new infections and prevention of vertically
10 May 2018
transmission of agents.

Introduction costs occur in treatment (Peebles and Branton,

Poultry mycoplasmosis is an important a
respiratory diseases of chickens and turkey. Etiology
Disease is of worldwide distributions and
affects both the broiler grower and the layer Avian mycoplasmosis is mainly caused by
birds. Poultry industry are facing significant Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma
economic losses occurring due to drop in egg synoviae species of mycoplasma (OIE, 2008)
production, decrease in egg quality, high and less commonly by Mycoplasma
embryonic mortality, poor hatchability, high meleagridis and Mycoplasma iowae.
morbidity, poor weight gain and medication Organism classified into the class Mollicutes

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(5): 2213-2220

Order Mycoplasmatales and Family carry the mycoplasma infection (Peebles and
Mycoplasmataceae. Mycoplasmas are the Branton, 2012).
smallest free living eubacteria but differ from
other bacteria not having cell wall. The Risk factors
complete genome sequence of Mycoplasma
gallisepticum strain reveal the presence of Immune status of birds, litter conditions,
996,422 bp with an overall G+C content of 31 stocking density, climate, type of drinker and
mol% (Papazisi et al., 2003). feeder affects the rate of spread within the
flock. Infected fomites and personal carry the
Species affected organism play important role in between flock
transmission (Nneoma Okwara, 2016). Co-
Presently mycoplasmosis is one of the most infection of M. gallisepticum and low
important economic diseases of poultry and pathogenic avian influenza virus (H3N8) in
particularly affect intensive production chickens has been reported (Stipkovits et al.,
systems in most of countries. Of different 2012) which suggested that LPAI may
pathogenic mycoplasma species M. predispose the birds to M. gallisepticum
gallisepticum is most economically significant infection and vice versa (Sid et al., 2016).
and affects mainly gallinaceous avian species. Presence of concurrent infection with ranikhet
It causes chronic respiratory disease (CRD) in disease virus, infectious bronchitis virus,
chickens and infectious sinusitis in turkeys. M. colibacillosis or other pathogens make disease
synoviae is also pathogenic for both chickens more severe (Matilda et al., 2018; Nneoma
and turkeys. All the age groups of turkeys and Okwara, 2016).
chickens are susceptible but disease is more
common in upto 32 weeks old commercial Indian scenario
layer chicken (Udhayavel et al., 2016; Singh
et al., 2016). Mycoplasma meleagridis and Recent reports by various workers showed that
Mycoplasma iowae is pathogenic primarily for M. gallisepticum and M. synoviae is quite
turkeys only. prevalent in different states and geographical
location of India and its prevalence varies
Transmission from 10% to 55% and 2% to 52% respectively
(Table 1 and 2). Seasonal wise study showed
Poultry mycoplasmas are transmitted through that incidence of CRD was observed highest
both direct and indirect contact with infected during summer followed by winter and rainy
birds and fomites (Kleven, 2008). Horizontal season (Rajkumar et al., 2017).
bird-to-bird transmission occurs within flocks
through close contact. Infectious aerosols Prevalence in different countries
generated after coughing and sneezing of
infected birds carry the organism and Systematic review of some recent publication
transmitted it other birds through direct showed that M. gallisepticum in poultry is
inhalation or contact with infected bird or highly prevalent in developing countries i.e.
infected fomites (NneomaOkwara, 2016). 43.50% layers and 63.5% broiler in Malaysia
(Ching et al., 2016), 45.1% in Bangladesh
Contaminate feed and water can also transmit (Hossain et al., 2010), 0.9% Layers and 2.7%
the disease. Infected breeders can also broilers in Belgium (Michiels et al., 2016),
transmit the mycoplasma vertically to chicks 53.40% in Pakistan (Hussain et al., 2018) and
through in ovo resulting hatched chickens 29.5% in Accra, Ghana (Matilda et al., 2018).

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(5): 2213-2220

Table.1 Prevalence of M. gallisepticum in poultry in India

State Samples Size Test Prevalence/Inc References

Some Districts of 1350 ELISA and 55.5% in SPA Vadivalagan
Tamil Nadu Sera sample SPA and 42.1% in et al., 2018
Namakkal region of 103 layer sera Indirect 53.40% Udhayavel et
Tamil Nadu samples ELISA al., 2016
Different geographical 1827 serum ELISA 43.95% Reddy, 2014
regions in the country samples
Different geographical 1715 Choanal Isolation and 10.38% Reddy, 2014
regions in the country cleft swabs PCR
7 States (Telangana, 309 Choanal PCR 11.65% Rajkumar et
Karnataka, swabs al., 2018
Tamilnadu, Gujarat,
Himachal Pradesh,
West Bengal and
5 States (Telangana, 635 serum ELISA 32.6% Rajkumar et
Karnataka, Gujarat, samples al., 2018
Himachal Pradesh,
West Bengal)
Different States (n = 7) 1, 285 sera ELISA 32.06% Baksi et al.,
of India samples 2016
Haryana 92 tissue PCR 27% Tomar et al.,
samples 2017
Haryana 98 serum RPA 22.44% Tomar et al.,
samples 2017
Haryana (18 different 284 serum RPA 28.87% Tomar et al.,
hatcheries) samples from 2017
Hyderabad 13,394 dead Post mortem 11.50% CRD Rajkumar et
(Organized poultry birds examination al., 2017
Rewa (Madhya 98 serum ELISA 21.40% Singh et al.,
Pradesh) sample 2016

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(5): 2213-2220

Table.2 Prevalence of M. synovae in poultry in India

State Samples Size Test Prevalence/In References

7 States (Telangana, 309 Choanal PCR 33.0% Rajkumar et
Karnataka, Tamilnadu, swabs al., 2018
Gujarat, Himachal
Pradesh, West Bengal
and Odisha)
5 States (Telangana, 635 serum ELISA 52.1 % Rajkumar et
Karnataka, samples al., 2018
Gujrat, Himachal
Pradesh, West Bengal)
Different states (n = 7) of 1354 ELISA 41.1% Baksi et al.,
India 2016
Haryana 92 tissue PCR 2.1% Tomar et al.,
samples 2017
Haryana 98 serum RPA 18.36% Tomar et al.,
samples 2017
Haryana 284 serum RPA 10.56% Tomar et al.,
(18 different hatcheries) samples 2017
Tamilnadu 116 samples PCR 36.2% Senthilnathan
et al., 2015
Clinical signs respiratory distress, lameness, pale comb,
swollen hock and foot pad. Infections mainly
M. gallisepticum infection involve synovial membranes of joints and
M. gallisepticum infection is characterized by tendon sheaths resulting exudative synovitis,
respiratory manifestation. The incubation tendovaginitis, or bursitis (Ferguson and
period of chronic respiratory disease varies Noormohammadi, 2013). In some cases
ranging between 6-21 days. Infected chickens associated with egg shell apex abnormalities,
show sign of coughing, sneezing, rales, ocular shell thinning with cracks and breaks
and nasal discharges. There is decrease in (Feberwee et al., 2009).
feed consumption, decrease in egg
production, increased mortality and poor Diagnosis
hatchability. In broilers most outbreaks occur
between 3rd and 6th weeks of age that lead to Isolation and Identification of Mycoplasma
poor feed conversion, sharp decline in weight spp
gain and low carcass quality. In turkeys M. gallisepticum and M. synoviae are
infection is characterised by swelling of the relatively fastidious micro-organisms that
infra orbital sinus, conjunctivitis and frothy require special nutritional requirement
exudates (Peebles and Branton, 2012). (Kleven, 2008). Frey medium (Frey et al.,
M. synoviae infection 1968), SP-4 medium (Bradbury, 1998), PPLO
medium (Kleven, 2008) are some of the
M. synoviae infection are mostly subclinical commercial available liquid and agar media
in nature and is characterised by milder used for M. gallisepticum / M. synoviae
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(5): 2213-2220

isolation. M. synoviae requires extra addition ELISA

of Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)
in the media (Kleven, 2008). Due to lack of Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays
cell wall organism is not susceptible to (ELISA) is sensitive and specific test for the
antibiotic acting through cell wall inhibitions. detection of specific antibodies in serum
Penicillin (2,000 IU/ml) and thallium acetate (Ewing et al., 1996). Many commercial
(up to 1:2.000) are added to the growth ELISA kits are available for the detection of
medium to control other bacterial and fungal M. gallisepticum and M. synoviae.
contamination. Optimal growth is usually
seen at 37°C with 5% CO2. Colonies are Molecular techniques
usually seen after 3–5 days post incubation
and in solid media organism produce Accuracy, time saving, and cost effectively of
characteristic nipple shaped or fried egg molecular techniques made them to
appears colony. Both M. gallisepticum and M. complementary or even alternative for
synoviae ferment glucose and form acid conventional diagnostic methods. PCR assays
which can be detected by the phenol red proved to be sensitive and specific for M.
indicator (OIE, 2008). gallisepticum detection. Various PCR assay
are described by different worker and used for
Serological tests diagnosis and screening of samples
(Rajkumar et al., 2018; Reddy, 2014).
Serological test like serum plate agglutination
(SPA), hemagglutination inhibition Several PCR primers targeting different genes
(HI) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent of M. gallisepticum were described previously
assays (ELISA) are the mostly used for the (Collett et al., 2005). Besides selection of the
diagnosis and to study the sero epidemiology mgc2 gene sequence has been used
of disease (OIE, 2008). successfully for the differentiation of M.
gallisepticum strains, including field and
Hemagglutination inhibition vaccine strains (Ferguson et al., 2005). Real
time PCR is also found a rapid and sensitive
Test is based on inhibition of test to identify M. gallisepticum-infected
haemagglutinating capability of M. flocks (Carli and Eyigor, 2003).
gallisepticum and M. synoviae to avian red
blood cells by specific antibodies in sera. HI Prevention and control
has high specificity but the disadvantages are
low sensitivity (Kleven, 2008). Vaccines

Serum plate agglutination test Vaccination is an effective mean for

controlling M. gallisepticum or M. synoviae in
It is a simple, quick, and inexpensive test for breeder and layer farm and it add to
the screening of M. gallisepticum and M. biosecurity measures of farm by enhancing
synoviae antibodies in serum. Positive sample the immunity of birds. Both killed and live
agglutinate the coloured antigen after mixing vaccines are currently in commercial use. The
equal amounts of tested serum sample and commercial M. gallisepticum vaccine is used
stained M. gallisepticum or M. synoviae mainly in breeding flocks but also
antigen. The test has efficient sensitivity but increasingly in laying flocks.
of low specificity (Vadivalagan et al., 2016).

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(5): 2213-2220

Killed vaccines Biosecurity

M. gallisepticum killed vaccines (bacterins) Biosecurity is important mean to prevent the

protect young birds from infection with entry and spread of disease in flock. It
virulent M. gallisepticum and commercial egg includes the acquisition of birds free from M.
layers from M. gallisepticum-induced drops in gallisepticum and M. synoviae antibodies and
egg production (Jacob, et al., 2014). Vaccines constant monitoring of breeder flocks. Proper
have been shown to reduce but not eliminate hygiene in farm also play important role in
colonization by M. gallisepticum following control of avian mycoplasmosis (Racicot et
infection (OIE, 2008). al., 2011). M. gallisepticum infection mainly
is transmitted vertically through ovaries hence
Live vaccines the preferred method for control is to maintain
disease free flocks.
Three types of live vaccine stain (F strain
vaccine, 6/85 strain vaccine, and ts-11 Use of antimicrobials in breeders and eggs
vaccine) are available for commercial use in
poultry for vaccination (Nicholas et al., Mycoplasma is susceptible to antibiotics such
2009). Both 6/85 and ts-11vaccines have as macrolides and lincosamides (tylosin),
greater safety and low potential for tiamulin, and fluoroquinolones. Use of
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How to cite this article:

Prajapati, A., N. Subhashree, J. Siju Susan, Manjunath G.B. Reddy, R. Yogisharadhya and Patil
S.S. 2018. Prevalence of Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synovae in Poultry- India
Perspective. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(05): 2213-2220.


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