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AUGUST 11, 2013

Sample Proposal for Biometrics

(Company Logo)

(Company Address)


(Name of Recipient)


SUBJECT: Proposal for Biometric

Dear Ma’am/Sir:

It is a pleasure to introduce our company, (Name of your Company). We are a solution provider and service partner
of (Name of Business Partners) with over (years) of experience in the field of Information Technology.

We are pleased to present this proposal for the (Subject of Proposal) which includes the cost of the project, terms
and delivery schedule. Our enterprise-class customized software that can be used with barcode, smartcard,
fingerprint and face recognition authentication technology for access control, employee time and attendance

If everything is in order, let us know and when you wish to proceed. We have arranged a very flexible ownership
scheme with payment options designed to stay within your operating budget considering the huge benefits and
savings you can have once the system has been commissioned into full operation.

Upon approval, please sign the authorization on the last page of the attached document and fax to the undersigned.

Respectfully Yours,
(Name of Staff)
(Name of Company)


Tel No.

Mobile No.


Enc. Proposal for Biometric


Project Proposal

Prepared for:


Prepared by:

(Name of Staff)



The information contained in this proposal shall not be disclosed outside the
organization, as appropriate and shall not be duplicated, used or disclosed, in whole
or in part, for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal. If a contract is
awarded to this offeror as a result of or in connection with the submission of the data
herein, the organization shall have the right to duplicate, use, or disclose the data to
the extent provided by the contract. This restriction does not limit the organization’s
right to use information contained in the data if it is obtained from another source
without restriction. The data subject to this restriction comprise the whole of this


Biometrics is now becoming more useful when it comes to identification and verification of human. The reason
why it becomes so popular is because; it is not like a swipe card or identification card that can be easily lost or
stolen. By simply detecting your fingerprint, iris, retina, facial geometry, hand geometry, voice recognition etc. The
biometric can easily identify the person and it’s harder to gain access to secure areas as you cannot just swipe
someone else’s card or use other persons pin code.

Our goal is to promote the Biometrics Punch Clock System to all government and non – government unit in and
outside the province and it is the best solution that aligns with your security needs and your time budget
requirements with the highest quality service at a competitive price with the best possible customer satisfaction.

Qty. Brand/Model Description Unit Price

Grand Total:


Task Name Duration


Installation, configuration and seminar

From the beginning of the
deployment process, we
provide the following
Total estimated no. of day/s
a) Train your authorized
IT Staff in the enrollment
process or we can assist
you in the enrollment of all
your employees.

b) Assist your IT Staff in designing disaster recovery strategy and policies.

c) Provide you with the User and Operation Manual.


a) 50% of payment shall be paid to (Name of Company)

b) Another 50% upon completion of the project.


a) Biometric comes with a 1 year warranty against design flaws and software bugs.

b) It can be used to an unlimited number of employees.

c) Delivery and deployment of the solution is within (days) upon receipt of purchase order.

d) For software modifications not included in this proposal, we allow up to 3 modifications of the software free of
charge. Succeeding modifications will be billed a minimal of (Price per visit) per visit.

e) All price quotes are VAT inclusive.

f) Price Validity: (days) upon receiving of this proposal.

6. Responsibilities
Why Us?

1. Trust. (Name of Company) has been your solution provider and service partner for over (how many years) years
of experience in the IT field and hold degree level IT qualifications. We hold a record of creating IT solutions for
all computers related problems for both home & business user’s needs.90% of our customers receive a very good
support. Providing a fast, reliable service at a reasonable price is one of our top priorities. But our No.1 priority is
customer satisfaction, and as a result we hold a record for very satisfied customers in and outside the Province.
Combined with our friendly approach and reasonable rates we believe our service is hard to beat.
2. Proven track record. We developed custom solutions for our customers ranging from IT hardware
infrastructure solutions to custom software solutions. Our purpose is to PREVENT computer problems from
escalating into unexpected downtime, data loss, interruptions in business, and financial loss.
3. Qualification. We have diversified experiences in the IT industry and academia. Thus, we can deliver a tried and
tested best practices solution that delivers 100% of your requirements.
About Us
(Name of Company) is an IT company providing quality services and consultancy to its customers in the province of
(Indicate Province). (Name of company) is an authorized service provider for (service partner).
For customer’s more than technical assistance, we have a pool of IT experts more than willing to assist you in
planning, designing and implementation of your IT systems.

We are dedicated team of qualified IT professionals, always ready to provide a reliable and quality technical
support services for the following:

1. Consumer Desktops/Workstations
2. Laptops/Net books
3. Servers
4. Storage
5. Networks
6. Point-of-Sale Systems
7. Printers/Plotters

This proposal is valid for 30 days from the proposal date.



Authorized Representative



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