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Mekelle Institute of Technology


Biochar production from Raya Brewery’s spent grain and sewage sludge

1. Hayelom G/Mikael
2. Abay Redae

Submitted to: Mr. Solomon K.

OCTOBER 26, 2018

Table of Contents
Preface.......................................................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................................................... iv
Limitations ................................................................................................................................................. 20
Abstract....................................................................................................................................................... vi
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 1
2. History of biochar ................................................................................................................................... 2
3. Significance of the project ...................................................................................................................... 3
4. Objective .................................................................................................................................................. 5
4.1 General objective .................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Specific objective..................................................................................................................... 5
5. Literature review .................................................................................................................................... 5
6. Applications of biochar........................................................................................................................... 8
6.1 Biochar in agricultural sector and waste management ....................................................... 8
6.2 Climate change mitigation ................................................................................................... 12
6.3 Treatment of waste water and drinking water .................................................................. 13
6.4 Biochar as a tool for waste management ............................................................................ 14
8.Chemicals, apparatus and methodology .............................................................................................. 14
8.1 Chemicals .............................................................................................................................. 14
8.2 Apparatus .............................................................................................................................. 14
8.3 Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 15
8.3.1 Analysis of physical and chemical properties of biochar ....................................... 16
9. Result and discussion ............................................................................................................................ 17
9.1 Biochar Yield......................................................................................................................... 17
9.2 Ash content of Biochar ......................................................................................................... 18
10. Conclusion and recommendation ..................................................................................................... 19
References .................................................................................................................................................. 21

List of figures
1. Figure 1. Terra Preta soil versus usually discovered soil in Amazon (Glaser et al. 2001) .. 3
2. Figure 2 The biochar system (Nick, 2018) ......................................................................... 11
3. Figure 3. Diagram for the factors affecting BC production and application (Obemah et al,
2014) .................................................................................................................................. 12
4. Figure 4. Biochar-waste water filtration (Steffen Werner et al, April 2013) ................... 13
5. Figure 5. A metal flame curtain biochar kiln (left) and a soil pit flame curtain biochar kiln
(right) (Tobias Seitz et al, 2016) ........................................................................................ 15
6. Figure 6 biochar production process .................................................................................. 16
7. Figure 7. spent grain, sludge and biochar .......................................................................... 19

List of tables
1. Table 1 biochar and ash contents of both measured and expected values. ........................ 17

For four months from June to September, I did an internship at Raya Brewery company, a beer
distribution company where its core business involves distributing beer to a huge number of
customers which covers large areas in the in Ethiopia, basically in the northern market.

I worked on an internship project to investigate the use of the Raya brewery’s spent grain and sewage sludge
for the production of biochar which is a solid material obtained from the thermochemical conversion
of biomass in an oxygen-limited environment with a range of applications as an agent for soil
improvement, improved resource use efficiency, remediation and/or protection against particular
environmental pollution, and as an avenue for greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation.

The comprehensive utilization of biochar can solve the sustainable development, energy saving
environmental protection and management problems and can help build low carbon highly
efficient economic development model and have a great significance for safeguarding national
environmental, energy and food security.

The production of biochar from brewery’s spent grain and sewage sludge is more significant
because biochar has over 55 uses in different sectors. Especially for our country it is very necessary
and relevant because our way of life is mainly depending on agriculture. In this paper we not only
made full use of BSG and SS, but also depose sewage and achieved the purpose of using waste to
treat waste.

Thus, the aim of this study is to fill the existing knowledge gaps by exploring the current state and
future perspectives of biochar in Ethiopia through investigation of the main driving factors,
challenges, and opportunities for various biochar applications.

The internship opportunity we had with Raya Brewery was a great chance for learning and
professional development. Therefore, we consider ourselves as a very lucky as we were provided
with an opportunity to be a part of it. We are also grateful for having a chance to meet so many
wonderful people and professionals who led us though this internship period.

At the very beginning, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to GOD for giving us the
strength and the composure to complete our internship program and prepare this report within the
scheduled time.

Bearing in mind previous we are using this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude and special
thanks to the Raya Brewery in spite of being extraordinarily busy with his duties, took time out to
hear, guide and keep us on the correct path and allowing us to carry out our project at their
esteemed organization and extending during the training.

We express our deepest thanks to our advisor Mr. Guesh, department of chemical engineering
lecturer in Mekelle institute of technology, for taking part in useful decision & giving necessary
advices and guidance and arranged all facilities to make life easier. we choose this moment to
acknowledge his contribution gratefully.

We also would like to express our deepest thanks to Mr. Solomon, department head of chemical
engineering and the institute for providing us this internship opportunity.

It is our radiant sentiment to place on record our best regards, deepest sense of gratitude to our
supervisor Mr. Dilnesa Lemma, Raya Brewery, for his careful and precious guidance which was
extremely valuable for our study both theoretically and practically.

We perceive as this opportunity as a big milestone in our career development. We will strive to
use gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and we will continue to work on their
improvement, in order to attain desired career objectives. Hope to continue cooperation with all of
you in the future.

BC – Biochar

BSG – Brewery’s spent grain

CEC – cation exchange capacity

GHG – greenhouse gas

IBI – International Biochar Initiative

MCPA – 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid

PAHS – polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

PCBS – polychlorinated biphenyls

PCDS – dibenzofurans

SS – sewage sludge

Brewery`s spent grain (BSG) and sewage sludge (SS) were used as raw material at a temperature
500°C and limited oxygen (O2<5%) conditions to prepare biochar (BC). Biochar also known as
black carbon is residue of biomass which has been generated by the process of pyrolysis and
believed by many to represent enormous opportunities in enhancing crop growth, remediating
contaminated soil and preventing climate change causing carbon emissions. One aim is to examine
the BC characterization prepared under 500°C and various proportions of SS. Another aim is to
find the optimum preparation conditions of BC and ash content of the BC. Results showed BC had
more obvious physical and chemical variation in a temperature <500°C. pH values increased with
the increasing proportion of SS in the same preparation temperature which because SS contained
more CaO which was used in the sewage disposal process. pH values increased evidently at the
500°C (pH from 6.5 to 9.2). We measure the pH value by mixing the biochar produced at 500 oC
with de ionized water. The pH was 7.8 indicating that biochars contained alkaline matters. That
is why it is preferred to be applied in soil due to its alkaline properties. Due to its high porosity
biochar had good adsorption properties and can be used as an adsorbent of pollutants in soil and
water. Moreover, the comprehensive utilization of biochar can solve the sustainable development,
energy saving environmental protection and management problems and can help build low carbon
highly efficient economic development model and have a great significance for safeguarding
national environmental, energy and food security. The population of Ethiopia is growing rapidly,
increasing the food demand and the pressure on soils and other natural resources. In the highlands
of Ethiopia, relatively fertile soils of volcanic origin (Nitisols) predominate. However, many of
them are affected by several fertility constraints. Due to this reason, the major aim of this project
is the production Biochar from Raya brewery spent grain and sewage sludge which are considered
as a waste in order to counteract these constraints.

Key words: biochar, spent grain, swage sludge, pyrolysis, fertile soi

1. Introduction
Some of the common definitions of biochar include:

“An umbrella concept which covers all solid thermally degraded biomass products produced in the
process of pyrolysis, including Torre faction and hydrothermal carbonization with different
features and applications” And the definition by the International Biochar Initiative (2012):
“Biochar is a solid material obtained from the thermochemical conversion of biomass in an
oxygen-limited environment. Biochar can be used as a product itself or as an ingredient within a
blended product, with a range of applications as an agent for soil improvement, improved resource
use efficiency, remediation and/or protection against particular environmental pollution, and as an
avenue for greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation.”

Biochar is just charcoal made from biomass—which is plant material and agricultural waste—
hence the name ‘biochar’. It is a fine-grained charcoal produced from pyrolysis: the slow burning
of organic matter in a low- or no-oxygen environment. What differentiates biochar from charcoal
is its purpose; it is produced as an additive to soils, mainly to improve nutrient retention and carbon
storage. Although the history of biochar extends thousands of years, its science is still relatively
poorly understood (Talberg, 2009).

Biochar also known as black carbon is residue of biomass which has been generated by the process
of pyrolysis under the condition of limited oxygen. Biochar is a form of charcoal believed by
many to represent enormous opportunities in enhancing crop growth, remediating contaminated
soil and preventing climate change causing carbon emissions. Due to its high porosity biochar had
good adsorption properties and can be used as an adsorbent of pollutants in soil and water.
Moreover, the comprehensive utilization of biochar can solve the sustainable development, energy
saving environmental protection and management problems and can help build low carbon highly
efficient economic development model and have a great significance for safeguarding national
environmental, energy and food security.

Biochar is a solid product which contains a large amount of carbon and it can be produced from
several types of biomass, such as wood, leaves and manure. Biochar applications are attracting
considerable attention as they offer economically feasible and environmentally sustainable
solutions. Biochar has already been researched in Finland for around a decade but only recently
its economic potential has been discovered and the market of biochar has started to emerge.
Previous research has mainly focused on the pyrolysis-process, characterization of biochar and
potential applications, rather than analyzing biochar’s market and economic potential

Biochar has several physicochemical properties which determine its characteristics, such as
capability to hold nutrients, air, heavy metals, organic chemicals, and water. Moreover, biochar
can also be favorable for microorganisms. The characteristics of biochar can be affected by raw
material selection, production conditions, such as temperature and length of the pyrolysis process.

In addition, different additives and enrichment processes can be used to adjust the characteristics
of biochar depending on its use (Salo, 2018 ).

Thus, the aim of this study is to fill the existing knowledge gaps by exploring the current state and
future perspectives of biochar in Ethiopia through investigation of the main driving factors,
challenges, and opportunities for various biochar applications.

2. History of biochar
The term ‘biochar’ was coined in recent times, but the origins of the concept are ancient (Talberg, 2009).
Various evidences indicate towards the usage of biochar in the fields from the time immemorial,
for example the Amazon basin. It has been discovered that the soil up to two meters in depth
throughout the Amazon basin are the regions of terra preta. The soil of this region is dark in color,
highly fertile and supports the agricultural needs of the entire region for centuries. It is found that
the soil in this region contains high amount organic matter and char. The soil from terra preta has
neutral pH and good nutrient retention quality that makes the soil in this region productive
compared to the soil in the 16 biology, biotechnology and sustainable development nearby region
(Lehmann, 2007).

Terra Preta” refers to a particularly fertile anthropogenic soil discovered near the ruins of a pre-Columbian
civilization located in the Amazon basin. This soil contrasts sharply with typical Amazonian jungle soils,
which are often nutrient deficient. The nutrient poor soils are the result of excessive rain dissolving nutrients
from the topsoil and precipitating them into deeper soil strata, subsurface environments which are
inaccessible to rooting crops. Some two thousand years ago the current Terra Preta soils were generated by
enrichment of the native jungle soils with a carbonaceous material. Terra Preta soils have remained highly
fertile and crops used to grow vigorously in them because they harbor large microbial communities. The
indigenous Terra Preta people produced these carbonaceous materials by burying biomass in pits, where
they smoldered and decomposed for days although this is still conjecture (Ahmed Ahmed et al, 2016).

Analyses of the dark soils have revealed high concentrations of charcoal and organic matter, such as plant
and animal remain (manure, bones and fish). Terra preta’s productivity is due to good nutrient retention
and a neutral pH, in areas where soils are generally acidic. Interestingly, terra preta exists only in inhabited
areas, suggesting that humans are responsible for its creation. What has not been confirmed is how terra
preta was created so many years ago. The existence of terra preta near human habitation suggests that
they are created by human. There are many theories regarding the evolution of terra preta soil.
Some believes that in ancient times slash and char techniques practiced similar to slash -and -burn
techniques which is responsible for the dark earth, it involves clearing and ignition of vegetation
combined with other biomass in a small plot, and allowing the refuse to smoulder (rather than
burn) then it is buried under soil, which leads to formation of terra preta (Talberg, 2009).

Biochar applications as soil amendment starts over 2500 years ago, when biochar was used by
native Indians to fertilize small plots of land in highly infertile soils in the Amazon. This technique
was known as “Terra Preta”. These Terra Preta soils have been reported to remain exceptionally
fertile in comparison to surrounding soils, even after many centuries. This extraordinary finding

has brought considerable attention to biochar’s capability of long-term microbial activity and
carbon sequestration. The picture below is from an area in Amazon and it illustrates the significant
effect of biochar on soil over time (Salo, 2018 ).

Figure 1. Terra Preta soil versus usually discovered soil in Amazon (Glaser et al. 2001)

From these hypotheses of slash-and-char practices, the method of biochar production has been

3. Significance of the project

Due to biochar preparation had widely raw material sources, relatively simple preparation process
and excellent physical and chemical properties, it has become an ideal adsorption material. At
present, a lot of researches focused on the adsorption property by one kind raw material made
biochar, however, studies about two or more raw material made biochar property were rarely
reported. Raya Brewery`s spent grain (BSG) and sewage sludge (SS) are two kinds of typical
wastes. BSG is the rest material of the brewery while SS is the suspended substance in the sewage
treatment plant formed after precipitation. There are many kinds of traditional processing methods
for utilization BSG and SS. Due to BSG`s chemical composition, it can be of value as a raw
material, such as food ingredient, energy production, charcoal production, as a brick component,
paper manufacture etc. As the constituents removed by effluent treatment, SS is by far the largest
in volume waste, therefore, its handling methods and disposal techniques become a matter of great
concern. 80% of the SS had not been disposed of properly. Because the disadvantages of the
traditional treatment ways of SS, the waste problems were not radically solved, and its great
potential environmental risk, it is put forward that resource utilization technique will be the main
way of the final disposal of sludge (Zhang Yinxin et al, 2015).

Brewery`s spent grain (BSG) and sewage sludge (SS) are used as raw material at the temperature
from 400°C to 700°C and limited oxygen (O2 <5%) conditions to prepare biochar (BC), which is
an effective means of adsorbing pollutants in soil and water such as contaminants like polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHS), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBS), dibenzofurans (PCDS), 2-
methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) and pesticides via the surface adsorption and
distribution adsorption, also can strongly adsorb metal ions such as Hg (III), As(III), Cr(VI), Pb
(II) and Cd(II) in aqueous solution. In many different brewery companies as in Raya brewery,
excess amount of brewery spent grain was used for little function (cattle food) and sewage sludge
was simply disposed directly to the environment which causes environmental pollution like water,
soil and air pollution (Zhang Yinxin et al, 2015).

Biochar Plus improves the capacities of developing countries to absorb and use biochar
technology, knowledge of which is readily available and promotes socio-economic development
of families and communities. It also stimulates the development of specific biochar-related policies
and incentive schemes, and builds the technical, entrepreneurial and scientific capacities of all
stakeholders involved. The development of four energy clusters is expected to reduce
anthropogenic pressure on forested areas and increase the soil fertility of cropland:

✓ Producing and selling biochar stoves.

✓ Producing and selling the fuel produced with locally available feedstock (pellets).
✓ Collecting and distributing the biochar.
✓ Receiving carbon credits and selling them in the international carbon markets.

Ethiopia is the thirteenth most populated country in the world and the second in Africa. In 2015,
the total population accounted for more than 99 million, and by 2050 it is expected to be almost
double with 188 million citizens. Consequently, its population density is going to raise from
approx. 90 km -1 to 170 km -1, but the area of fertile arable will probably not grow in the same
way. This number illustrates the future challenge of Ethiopia to use its natural resources
sustainably and to retain their productivity. The most important natural resource in this aspect, are
Ethiopian soils, which are the foundation of the nation's food-security, but in the same way highly
vulnerable to misdirected soil management. Rather fertile soils of volcanic origin are found across
the highlands and they are used intensively. However, this intensive land-use has led to severe
deforestation and unbalanced crop and livestock production and thus is accompanied by land

The population of Ethiopia is growing rapidly, increasing the food demand and the pressure on
soils and other natural resources. In the highlands of Ethiopia, relatively fertile soils of volcanic
origin (Nitisols) predominate. However, many of them are affected by several fertility constraints
such as:

Organic matter depletion

Nutrient depletion

Soil erosion
Soil acidity
Low moisture availability
Soil structural deterioration
Soil pollution
Soil fauna and flora depletion
Biomass coverage removal
Salinity and sodicity
Physical land degradation

In order to counteract these constraints, several interventions have been identified, each of them
cross-linked to more than one other. These interventions are achieved by different actions, such as
composting, intercropping, bio-fertilizer production and dissemination, agroforestry, and other
land management practices. Due to this reason, the major aim of this project is the production
Biochar from brewery spent grain and sewage sludge which are considered as a waste. This is
because biochar is the most promising biomass residue in the preservation soil nutrients, removing
soil contaminants, prevention of climate change, water and waste water treatments and so on.

4. Objective
4.1 General objective
The general objective of this project was to produce biochar from brewery spent grain and waste

4.2 Specific objective

✓ To examine the Biochar characterization prepared under different temperatures and various
proportions of SS.
✓ To find the optimum preparation conditions of BC and ash content of biochar.

5. Literature review
The concept of utilization of brewery spent grain and sewage sludge for the production of biochar
has been experienced in the past decades. Thus, different researchers had conducted researches on
how to use brewery spent grain and sewage sludge for the production of biochar.

It had extensive source for biochar producing such as straw, grass, woodchips, livestock poultry
dung, organic waste and sludge etc. Due to its high porosity, large specific surface area and rich
source of functional groups such as: carboxyl, negative charges, high charge density phenolic,
hydroxyl, carbonyl and quinolyl biochar had good adsorption properties, and can be used as the
adsorbent of pollutants in soil and water. Studies had shown that biochar can adsorb organic
contaminants like PAHS, PCBS, PCDS, MCPA and pesticides via the surface adsorption and
distribution adsorption, also can strongly adsorb metal ions such as Hg (II), as(III), Cr(VI), Pb(II)
and Cd(II) in aqueous solution. Moreover, biomass carbonization technology ware cognized as

one of the visible technical measures to solve the problem of climate change, and has many
advantages such as low cost of production ecological safety, no pollution. Moreover, the
comprehensive utilization of biochar can solve sustainable development, energy saving,
environmental protection and management problems, and can help to build a low carbon highly
efficient economic development model, have a great significance for safeguarding national
environmental, energy, food security (Zhang Yinxin et al, 2015).
BSG is rich in fiber and protein and, to date, the main use for the elimination of this by-product
has been as an animal feed. However, because of its nutritional content, BSG is of interest for
application and fortification of human food products, particularly in view of its low cost and
availability in large amounts. In addition, the importance of BSG as an ingredient and potential
source of health-promoting bioactive components is beginning to be recognized. The investigation
of alternative uses of BSG is pertinent, not only from the perspective of the brewer who can benefit
from valorization of this by-product, but also from an environmental perspective as the recycling
and reuse of industrial wastes and by-products has become increasingly important (Kieran M.
Lynch, Eric J. Steffen and Elke K. Arend, 2016).

Biochar is produced from the pyrolysis of carbon-rich plant- and animal-residues under low
oxygen and high temperature conditions and has been increasingly used for its positive role in soil
compartmentalization through activities such as carbon sequestration and improving soil quality.
Biochar is also considered a unique adsorbent due to its high specific surface area and highly
carbonaceous nature. Therefore, soil amendments with small amounts of biochar could result in
higher adsorption and, consequently, decrease the bioavailability of contaminants to microbial
communities, plants, earthworms, and other organisms in the soil. However, the mechanisms
affecting the environmental fate and behavior of organic contaminants, especially pesticides in
biochar-amended soil, are not well understood. The purpose of this work is to review the role of
biochar in primary processes, such as adsorption–desorption and leaching of pesticides. Biochar
has demonstrable effects on the fate and effects of pesticides and has been shown to affect the
degradation and bioavailability of pesticides for living organisms. Moreover, some key aspects of
agricultural and environmental applications of biochar are highlighted (Mahdi Safaei Khorran,
Qian Zhang, Dunli Lin and Yuan Zheng, 2016).

Biochar (BC) is the carbon-rich product obtained when biomass, such as wood, manure, or leaves,
is heated in a closed container with little or no available air. In more technical terms, BC is
produced by so-called thermal decomposition of organic material under limited supply of oxygen
(O2) and at relatively low temperature (< 700oC). The term “BC” is a relatively contemporary
development, evolving in conjunction with soil management, carbon sequestration issues, and
immobilization of pollutants. Addition of BC to agriculture soils has been projected as a means to
improve soil fertility and mitigate climate change. Recently, it is reported that conversion of
biomass into BC can not only result in the renewable energy (synthetic gas and biooil), but also
decrease the content of CO2 in the atmosphere, which reveal more research on the effect and
behavior of BC in soil. It is indicated that amending BC into soil improves the structure and
properties of soil, such as the water-holding capacity, organic matter content, aeration condition,

pH value, cationic exchange capacity (CEC), and the formation of aggregates of soil. The leaching
losses of nitrogen and phosphorous in soil and the releases of greenhouse gases (N2O and CH4)
from soil could be decreased in the presence of BC. In addition, BC has porous structure, charged
surface, and surface functional groups (such as carboxyl, hydroxyl, phenolic hydroxyl, and
carbonyl groups). These properties are the important factors that influence the migration,
transformation, and bioavailability of contaminants in soil (Obemah et al, 2014).

Improving the soil and biomass with coal is estimated at the international level as a way to enhance
soil productiveness, fertility and also to mitigate climate change. Biochar employed to improve
land scope and impound carbon, is attracting a great deal of attention. Its characteristics of
chemical, physical and biological properties, containing big surface area, CEC (Cation Exchange
Capacity), high water-holding capacity, size of pore, volume, distribution, and element
composition, affect its recognized influences, particularly on microbial communities. These are
discovered in the agriculture lands, lands remediation and composting. However, incomplete
information existed about biochar for several farmers or peasants in agriculture scope. Therefore,
farmers or peasants and gardeners are facing new opportunities and defiance each day, from
feeding global extending and expanding population, whilst meeting severe new emissions
requirements, to create more food on fewer land area while reducing their environmental
emissions. Widespread application and utilization of biochar in agricultural scope, forestry
production, energy, environmental protection and additional areas, has interested awareness by
scientists and investigators inside and/or outside the country. The objective of this paper is to
provide a guide for the farmers or peasants and gardeners with an essential information about
biochar and what the ability of biochar can be achieved in the soil, and which can provide the
scientific reference for the biochar application, and to get high yield and good quality of crops in
all of different soils (Tawheed Mohammed Elhessin Shareef and Baowei Zhao, 2016).

Given its high pore volume and adsorption capacity, and when applied as an agricultural soil
amendment, its ability to enhance the soil's nutrient- and water- holding capacities, biochar has
become a focus of research interest. In most applications, crop productivity is significantly
increased after agricultural soils are amended with biochar. In addition to increasing soil quality,
the biochar amendments sequester carbon within the soil. However, the long-term effects of
amending agricultural soils with biochar are difficult to predict, because the mechanisms behind
the increase in productivity of biochar amended soils are not yet fully understood. Long-term
detrimental effects on soil and the environment can occur if biochar is applied haphazardly.
Current knowledge and the additional experimental work required to thoroughly understand the
influence of biochar amendment on the behavior of agricultural soils processes are reviewed.
Further, studies on the post production processing of biochar are discussed in the context of the
possible engineering of biochar for particular states of soil degradation (Ahmed Ahmed et al,

Biochar is the carbon-rich product when biomass (such as wood, manure or crop residues) is heated
in a closed container with little or no available air. It can be used to improve agriculture and the

environment in several ways, and its stability in soil and superior nutrient-retention properties
make it an ideal soil amendment to increase crop yields. In addition to this, biochar sequestration,
in combination with sustainable biomass production, can be carbon-negative and therefore used to
actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, with major implications for mitigation of
climate change. Biochar production can also be combined with bioenergy production through the
use of the gases that are given off in the pyrolysis process (Lehmann, J. D. and S. Joseph , 2009).

Biochar has shown promise as a soil amendment that increases carbon sequestration and fertility,
but its effects on dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) cycling and
loss is not well understood. Here, nutrient release from a variety of new and aged biochars, pure
and mixed with soils, is examined using batch extraction and column leaching. In successive batch
extractions of biochar, cumulative losses were about 0.1-2, 0.5-8 and 5-100% of the total C, N and
P initially present, respectively, with greater releases from biochars made at lower temperature and
from grass. Ammonium was usually the most abundant N form in leachates but nitrate was also
abundant in some biochars, while organic N and P represented as much as 61% and 93% of the
total N and P lost, respectively. Release of DOC, N and P into water was correlated with biochar
volatile matter content and acid functional group density. However, P release via Mehlich-1
extraction was more strongly related to ash content, suggesting a mineral-associated P fraction.
Columns with soil/biochar mixtures showed evidence of both soil nutrient sorption by biochar and
biochar nutrient sorption by soil, depending upon biochar and soil type (Mukherjee et al, 2013).

The production of biochar from brewery’s spent grain and sewage sludge is more significant
because biochar has over 55 uses in different sectors. Especially for our country it is very necessary
and relevant because our way of life is mainly depending on agriculture. In this paper we not only
made full use of BSG and SS, but also depose sewage and achieved the purpose of using waste to
treat waste. Moreover, various proportions of BSG and SS mixed for preparing biochar.

6. Applications of biochar
Biochar has been popularized by its potential role in climate change mitigation. Biochar is rich in
carbon and, depending on its ultimate use, the biochar may retain the carbon, thereby delaying or
completely preventing the release of the carbon back into the atmosphere in the form of carbon
dioxide gas. The benefits of biochar go beyond this, however, extending to the agricultural sector
and to various types of waste management. Furthermore, as outlined above, its production process
co-generates biofuel, a sustainable renewable energy source.

6.1 Biochar in agricultural sector and waste management

The agricultural sector can benefit from biochar in two ways: soil improvement and animal and
crop waste disposal. Soil improvement, and therefore increased productivity, can be the driver
behind biochar production and use. Since 1980, field trials have been taking place around the
world experimenting with the application of biochar types on specific soils.

The type of biochar varies with biomass type—in many cases rice, wood or bark has been used
and production parameters, such as the rate of pyrolysis and kiln size. In most of the studies, acidic
soils have been the subject of research, and these have generally been in tropical or semi-tropical
regions. Experiments have also employed differing treatments, applying relatively more or less
biochar, with and without the use of other fertilizers.

Results of trials have ranged from no increase in productivity (the case of banana plantations in
Brazil) to as much as a 151 per cent increase in soybean yield in one project. In many cases it was
noted that soil acidity was reduced and mineral uptake increased, with residual effects sometimes
lasting through to the following season or two. Research is still required into the use of biochar for
pastures or tree plantations, and for soils in dry and/or temperate regions.

A second benefit of biochar production to the agricultural sector (and some industries, such as the
paper industry) is the fact that it uses organic waste. Left to accumulate, animal and crop waste
can contaminate ground and surface waters. Waste management practices are aimed at preventing
such contamination, but they can become costly. Biochar presents an attractive alternative if the
economic costs can be kept below those of waste management.

By accepting organic material as its input, the biochar production process transforms waste into a
resource. The pyrolysis process reduces the weight and volume of the feedstock, and by operating
at a temperature above 350˚C, it also removes potential pathogens that can be a problem if directly
applied to soils (Talberg, 2009).

Biochar can be added to soils in order to improve crop yields, or alternatively, for the purpose of
soil remediation. In soil, biochar can improve nutrient availability, the soil’s physical properties
and water relations, as well as microbial activity necessary for plants. This can indirectly help
improve the condition of waterways, as the retention of nutrients in the topsoil reduces the need
for fertilizing the crops. Biochar can act as a carbon sink. It sequesters 3.5 times its own weight of
CO2, and once the carbon is sequestered in the biochar, it can remain stable in the soil for hundreds
of thousands of years. (Nick, 2018).

In recent years biochar has been demonstrated to be a useful amendment to sequester carbon and
reduce greenhouse gas emission from the soil to atmosphere. Hence, it can help to mitigate global
environment change. Some studies have shown that biochar addition to agricultural soils increases
crop production. The mechanisms involved are: increased soil aeration and water-holding capacity
(WHC), enhanced microbial activity and plant nutrient status in soil, and alteration of some
important soil chemical properties. This review provides an in-depth consideration of the
production, characterization and agricultural use of different biochars. Biochar is a complex
organic material and its characteristics vary with production conditions and the feedstock used.
The agronomic benefits of biochar solely depend upon the use of particular types of biochar with
proper field application rate under appropriate soil types and conditions (Mahmood Laghari et al,

Potential Benefits of Biochar as a Soil Amendment

The benefits of amending soil with properly produced and processed biochar include:

Increased crop yields

High porosity providing a large surface area for high cation exchange capacity (CEC),
important for nutrient availability to crops
Improvement of soil water holding capacity
Stable microbial habitat, important for resilience of microbial populations
More diverse microbial populations, important for nutrient bioavailability and immune
system functions
Long-term sequestration of carbon
Reduction of soil density in heavy soils, improving water percolation and root development
Capture of nutrients in crop soils and riparian buffers reducing the amount of
leaching and run-off from agricultural fields into waterways
Reduction of N2O emissions from soil
Potential for helping to control invasive species by adsorbing allelochemicals (a chemical
produced by a living organism that exerts a detrimental physiological effect on individuals
of another species when released into the environment).

Figure 2 The biochar system (Nick, 2018)

Figure 3. Diagram for the factors affecting BC production and application (Obemah et al, 2014)

6.2 Climate change mitigation

Biochar has been given a lot of attention recently as one means of addressing climate change. It
has the capacity to do so in three ways: the storage of carbon over long periods; the reduction of
greenhouse gases such as methane (CH 4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) that can be generated from
waste disposal, waste processing or recycling; and the production of renewable energy.

Through the production process, around 50 percent of the feedstock’s carbon content is retained
in the biochar. This compares to the 10 to 20 per cent that remains in biomass after 5 to 10 years
of natural decay, and the less than 3 per cent that remains in ash after complete burning. Some
analysts have suggested that ‘up to 12% of the total anthropogenic [carbon] emissions by land use
change can be off-set annually in soil, if slash-and-burn is replaced by slash-and-char. If it proves
practicable to replace traditional slash-and-burn practices with slash-and-char methods, biochar
may present a real quantifiable and verifiable option for storing carbon in the long term.

At the same time, it has the potential to reduce emissions from other activities that might need to
take place in the absence of the biochar option. These other activities are the waste disposal process
described above and any recycling process. Both can be sources of greenhouse gas emissions,
either as carbon dioxide from transport and processing, or methane from landfill sites.

Finally, the pyrolysis process also produces viable forms of renewable energy. The syngas and
bio-oils that result from the biochar production process, and the generated heat, can be used either
to produce electricity, or as fuel. Not only does this represent a renewable energy alternative but it
also improves the energy efficiency of the pyrolysis process (Talberg, 2009).

Nonetheless, biochar advocates claim, for example, that biochar could sequester as much as 2.2
billion tons of carbon every year by 2050, that it can be useful for climate geoengineering as a
means of “carbon dioxide removal”, to “enhance” the global carbon cycle. Such large-scale visions
would entail conversion of large areas of lands to grow biochar feedstocks, raising the potential
for land grabs and expanding monocultures and deforestation. One recent report published in
Nature Communications, co- authored by leading International Biochar Initiative (IBI) members,

claims a theoretical potential for biochar to reduce global emissions by 12% based on “sustainable”
levels of biomass harvest – yet this included conversion of 556 million hectares of land (al, 2004).

6.3 Treatment of waste water and drinking water

Irrigating crops with wastewater from open drainage channels is a common practice in urban
agricultural production in many dry regions of Africa, Asia and Latin America. While the
wastewater-borne nutrients reduce the need for inputs of mineral fertilizers or manures and thus
reduce production costs, wastewater-borne pathogens and contaminants pose a health risk for the
producers and consumers of the crops. It is generally acknowledged that biochar additions can
increase the soil’s sorption and retention capacity for nutrients and water. Biochar possibly also
has a high potential for use in water purification, replacing the coal-based activated carbon as a
sorbent for contaminants and pathogens. It was therefore hypothesized that biochar can be used
for pathogen removal from wastewater while at the same time being loaded with nutrients and
contaminants. If contaminants are of minor concern the "loaded" biochar can be used as a soil
amendment, providing not only long-term sorption capacity but also nutrients. When used as top
filter layer in a sand column system, the biochar effectively reduced E. coli concentrations from
raw wastewater by up to 2 log units (Steffen Werner et al, April 2013 ).

Biochar has many of the same qualities as activated carbon, most importantly the porosity and
large specific surface area. Activated carbon is known as an effective adsorbent of pollutants, and
biochar can potentially be used in many of the same applications, as a cheaper option. Studies
have shown that biochar is capable of reducing contaminants from water, including heavy metals
such as zinc and lead, organics such as gasoline and pesticides, chemical and biological oxygen
demand, nutrients and total suspended solids (Nick, 2018).

Figure 4. Biochar-waste water filtration (Steffen Werner et al, April 2013 )

6.4 Biochar as a tool for waste management
Managing animal and crop wastes from agriculture poses a significant environmental burden that
leads to pollution of ground and surface waters. These wastes as well as other by-products are
usable resources for pyrolysis bioenergy. Strict quality controls have to be applied for biochar,
particularly for those produced from waste, but also from other feedstocks. Pathogens that may
pose challenges to direct soil application of animal manures or sewage sludge are removed by
pyrolysis, which typically operates above 350°C and is thus a valuable alternative to direct soil
application. Contents of heavy metals can be a concern in sewage sludge and some specific
industrial wastes, and should be avoided. However, biochar applications are, in contrast to manure
or compost applications, not primarily a fertilizer, which has to be applied annually. Due to the
longevity of biochar in soil, accumulation of heavy metals by repeated and regular applications
over long periods of time that can occur for other soil additions may not occur with biochar
(Lehmann, J. D. and S. Joseph , 2009).

Waste management is inadequate in most cities in developing countries, as a significant portion of

the population lacks access to a waste-collection service and only a fraction of the generated waste
is actually collected. Biochar is potentially an immediate, economically viable solution for
reducing the global impact of bio-waste and wastewater. (Meththika Vithanage; Anushka Upamali
Rajapaksha; Mahtab Ahmad; Yoshiyuki ).

In addition to the above-mentioned applications biochar has the following uses.

• Building sector
• Cosmetic industries
• Metallurgy
• Medicine
• Food industry
• Energy production
• As a support for catalyst development

7. Chemicals, apparatus and methodology

7.1 Chemicals
❖ SS and BSG
❖ KBr
❖ Ultra-pure water (de-ionized water)

7.2 Apparatus
❖ Oven for drying
❖ Crusher for reducing size
❖ Sieve for separation
❖ Ceramic crucible for sample storage

❖ Muffle furnace for burning
❖ Mechanical shaker
❖ Vacuum filter
❖ Ph meter
❖ Scanning electron microscope

7.3 Methodology
The biochar production process begins with biomass being fed into a pyrolysis kiln—a furnace
that burns with little or no oxygen. The biomass could be crop residue, wood and wood waste,
certain animal manure, or various other organic materials.

At the end of this, two main products come out of the kiln. The first is biochar, usually representing
about 50 per cent of the carbon content of the biomass. The other is biofuel. The biofuel is often
syngas, which is a mixture of mainly hydrogen and carbon monoxide, with a little carbon dioxide.
The proportions of the three gases vary according to the processes used to create the syngas.
However, the important point is that syngas is combustible and so can be used as a fuel source.
Depending on the process, the biofuel from the kiln could also be bio-oil, which can be used as a
substitute for diesel in some engines.

The pyrolysis occurs at temperatures 500˚C; but some parameters can be altered, such as the rate
of pyrolysis, or the quantity of oxygen. Generally, faster pyrolysis results in more oils and liquids,
slower pyrolysis produces more syngas. Minimizing the oxygen present during pyrolysis
optimizes the production of biochar. Pyrolysis can be followed by a second stage: gasification.
Gasification liberates more energy rich syngases from the char (usually hydrogen-based). There
may also be a ‘gas cleanup’ stage to remove some of the particulates, hydrocarbons and soluble
matter from the gas.

The biofuel generated from the pyrolysis process can be used to create the electricity needed to
power the kiln or secondary stages of the process. So, it is possible for the system to run
autonomous of external power sources (Talberg, 2009).

Figure 5. A metal flame curtain biochar kiln (left) and a soil pit flame curtain biochar kiln (right) (Tobias Seitz et al, 2016)

BSG and SS Drying Crushing Mixing

Cooling Pyrolysis

Figure 6 biochar production process

The ff will be carried out for the preparation of bio-char from BSG and SS.

1. Collected of material-the BSG and SS were collected from Raya brewery.

2. Drying-the BSG and SS were air dried at room temperature for 3-5 days to reduce the
moisture content. We use sun light energy instead of oven.
3. Crushing-BSG and SS were crushed in to smaller pieces for a particular size range of
0.125mm sieve (80 mesh). Crushing was done by using high speed universal crasher.
4. Mixing-the samples were mixed in various proportion then placed in ceramic crucibles.
5. Pyrolysis (heating)- the following trials were carried out at constant temperature of
Recipe 1 – a mixture of 1kg of BSG and 1kg of SS was pyrolyzed at 500 oC (1:1).
Recipe 2 – a mixture of 1kg of BSG and 1.5kg of SS was pyrolyzed at 500 oC (1:1.5).
Recipe 3 – a mixture of 1kg of BSG and 2kg of SS was pyrolyzed at 500 oC (1:2).
Recipe 4 – a mixture of 1kg of BSG and 4kg of SS was pyrolyzed at 500 oC (1:4).
6. Cooling- After heating for 2 h, the biochar samples were allowed to cool to room
7. The biochar and ash produced during the process were separated for each of the above four
recipes in step 5. Here ash was separate by using water because it can be washed easily and
then the ash and biochar is allowed to air dried.
8. The ash and biochar content which were separated in step 7 were weighed.
9. Finally, pH was measured

7.3.1 Analysis of physical and chemical properties of biochar

The biochar production rate was calculated using the following equation:

Production rate (%)=(Mbiochar/Mraw material)×100,

where M Biochar and M raw material are mass of the biochar and its feed stock respectively.

The ash content of biochar was determined by calcining six hours in 75oc and the equation:
Ash content (%)= 𝑚2−𝑚1 × 100


• m1=mass of crucible, g
• m2=mass of biochar and crucible, g
• m3 =mass of ash and crucible, g

8. Result and discussion

Following the above methodology, we obtained the result given in the table below.

Table 1 biochar and ash contents of both measured and expected values.

Recipe no Measured weight Measured weight Expected weight Expected weight

of biochar (kg) of ash (kg) of biochar (kg) of ash (kg)
Recipe 1: (1:1) 1.58 0.42 1.208 0.792
Recipe 2: (1:1.5) 2.03 0.47 1.44 1.06
Recipe 3: (1:2) 2.48 0.52 1.55 1.45
Recipe 4: (1:4) 4.16 0.84 2.57 2.43

8.1 Biochar Yield

Temperature was an important factor that affected the biochar yield. The biochar production rate
was calculated using the following equation:

Production rate (%)=(Mbiochar/Mraw material)×100

where M Biochar and M raw material are mass of the biochar and its feed stock respectively.

Case 1: from the table above, we have:

Mbiochar =1.58kg and Mraw material =2kg,

Production rate (%)=(Mbiochar/Mraw material)×100

= 1.58/2 *100%

= 79%.

Case 2: in the same way as case 1 Mbiochar =1.9kg and Mraw material =2.5kg

Production rate (%)=(Mbiochar/Mraw material)×100

= 2.03/2.5*100%

= 81.2%.

Case 3: Mbiochar =2.79kg and Mraw material =3kg

Production rate (%)=(Mbiochar/Mraw material)×100

= 2.48/3*100%

= 82.7%.

Case 4: Mbiochar =4.75kg and Mraw material =5kg

Production rate (%)=(Mbiochar/Mraw material)×100

= 4.16/5*100%

= 83.2%.

As we can see from the above result table, Biochar yield increased significantly with the increase
of SS addition proportion at the same temperature condition indicating that more SS proportion
could produce more carbon contained materials. The contents of inorganic substances in the SS
was far higher than those in BSG, so under the same temperature conditions, higher BSG
proportion resulted in more organic matter burn in to fuel gas or oil. Biochar yield decreased
markedly with the temperature increasing at the same SS proportion.

pH values increased with the increasing proportion of SS in the same preparation temperature
which because SS contained more CaO which was used in the sewage disposal process. pH values
increased evidently at the 500°C (pH from 6.5 to 9.2). We measure the pH value by mixing the
biochar produced at 500 oC with de ionized water. The pH was 7.8 indicating that biochars
contained alkaline matters. That is why it is preferred to be applied in soil due to its alkaline

8.2 Ash content of Biochar

Ash contents increased with the increasing pyrolysis temperature under the same proportion of SS
conditions. From the concept of mass balance, we can calculate the ash content percentage as:
Ash content (%)= 𝑚2−𝑚1 × 100


• m1=mass of crucible, g
• m2=mass of biochar and crucible, g
• m3 =mass of ash and crucible, g

or ash content % = 100% - Biochar production rate.

For example, in case 1

ash content % = 100% - Biochar production rate

= 100% - 79% = 21%.

In the same way the remaining three cases are 19%, 17.3% and 16.8%.

The result indicated that the ash content is slightly increasing with the increase of SS addition
proportion at the same temperature condition the same BSG proportion. But with the increasing of
pyrolysis temperature, the pyrolysis degree of biomass increased, then the biochar yield declines
as ash contents accumulated gradually. Under the same temperature, more proportion of BSG lead
to higher contents of ash which because BSG contained more Si and organic matter compared with

Figure 7. spent grain, sludge and biochar

9. Conclusion recommendation
The mixture of de-watered sludge and brewery spent grain can be efficiently converted into biochar
by pyrolysis. Biochar yield increased in a relatively low temperature and a high ratio of SS, while
ash increased as temperature and SS ratio increased. The deviation of the calculated values from
the expected values due to burning conditions.

pH values increased with the increasing proportion of SS in the same preparation temperature
which because SS contained more CaO which was used in the sewage disposal process. pH values
increased evidently at the 500°C (pH from 6.5 to 9.2). We measure the pH value by mixing the
biochar produced at 500 oC with de ionized water. The pH was 7.8 indicating that biochars
contained alkaline matters. That is why it is preferred to be applied in soil due to its alkaline
properties and soil amendment


The sewage sludge in Raya brewery drain to the filed it is useless even the spent grain is used as
animal feed. In our project by using sludge and spent grain we can produce biochar which is multi
advantage used in climate change, waste management and agriculture sector.

So, we highly recommend to Raya brewery S.C to consider this future work so should be collect
the sewage sludge and spent grain and produce biochar other than mini advantages of the two
wastes. The government should also focus on production of biochar for meeting all the benefits
obtained from it.

There were so many limitations during the progress of the project work. Some of the materials
were not easily available such as

❖ Oven
❖ Ceramic crucible
❖ Muffle furnace
❖ Vacuum filter

Even though, these materials are not available we use sunlight energy for drying of the raw
materials which are brewery spent grain and sewage sludge, cans instead of ceramic crucible for
sample storage, fire for burning instead of furnace. In case of limitation of the materials our result
differs from expected result.


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