Test 2-c

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1. The glass lay __________ on the table

a. A. Not touched
b. B.Untouched
c. C.Untouching
d. D.Not touch

2. Opposite - Hinder

a. A.Hold Back
b. B.Motivate
c. C.Accomplish
d. D.Push

3. Profuse

a. A. Defuse
b. B. Ample
c. C.Flimsy
d. D.Declare
e. E.Accept

4. Typify

a. A. Typing
b. B.Disembody
c. C.Misrepresent
d. D.Forewarn
e. E.Exempify

5. Salim could not make it to the party as he ______________ to finish his assignment.

a. A.Has
b. B.Had
c. C.Have
d. D.want

6. Premeditated (Opposite)

a. A. Ingenuous
b. B. Artless
c. C. Spontaneous
d. D. Natural

7. Avert

a. A. Defend
b. B. Attack
c. C. Resign
d. D. Surrender

8. In the questions below, each passage consist of six sentences. The first and sixth sentences are given in the beginning. The
middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled as P, Q, R and S. Find out the proper order
for the four sentences.

S1: I keep on flapping my big ears all day.

P : They also fear that I will flip them all away.
Q : But children wonder why I flap them so.
R : I flap them so to make sure they are safely there on either side of my head.
S : But I know what I am doing.
S6: Am I not a smart, intelligent elephant?
The Proper sequence should be:
a. A. SRQP
b. B. QPSR
c. C. QPRS
d. D. PSRQ

9. Sunitha has a flair_______music

a. A. At
b. B. To
c. C. With
d. D. For

10. He worked really hard and thus ________________ to be promoted.

a. A. Warranted
b. B. Deserve
c. C. Deserves
d. D. Merit

11. Get out of the building! It sound like the generator is going to explode

a. A. it is sounding like the generator is going to explode

b. B. it sounds like the generator is going to explode
c. C. it sounds like generator exploded
d. D. No Changes

12. There was__________ in the country when their cricket team won the world cup.

a. A. Happiness
b. B. Energy
c. C. shock
d. D. jubilation

13. As soon as I turn the ignition key, the engine caught fire.

a. A. I turn an ignition key

b. B.I turned the ignition key
c. C.I was turning the ignition key
d. D. No change

14. The new television set was delivered _______________ damage condition.

a. A. From
b. B. At
c. C. On
d. D. In

15. In the questions below, each passage consist of six sentences. The first and sixth sentence are given in the beginning. The
middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labeled as P, Q, R and S. Find out the proper order
for the four sentences.

S1: Once upon a time an ant lived on the bank of a river.

S6: She was touched.
P: The dove saw the ant struggling in water in a helpless condition.
Q: All its efforts to come up failed.
R: One day it suddenly slipped into the water.
S: A dove lived in a tree on the bank not far from the spot.

a. A. RQSP
b. B. QRPS
c. C. SRPQ
d. D. PQRS

16. Microsoft created a revolution _________ making the personal computer affordable for middle class.
a. A. following
b. B. After
c. C. By
d. D. Through

17. She has __________ in chennai, since she was 8.

a. A. been living
b. B. live
c. C. lives
d. D. lived

18. The leaves ___________ yellow and dry.

a. A. is
b. B. was
c. C.were
d. D. are

19. odd man out

a. A. fair
b. B. lair
c. C. hair
d. D. pair


a. A. Loft
b. B. Attic
c. C. Basement
d. D. Roof

21. In questions below, each passage consist of six sentences. The first and sixth sentence are given in the begining. The middle
four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. These are labelled as P, Q, R and S. Find out the proper order for the
four sentences.
S1:Once upon a time an ant lived on the bank of river.
P :The dove saw the ant struggling in water in a helpless condition.
Q :All its efforts to come up is failed.
R :One day it suddenly slipped in to water.
S :A dove lived in the tree on the bank not far from the spot.
S6:She was touched.
The Proper sequence should be:


22. He had no interest in ______ obligatory dinners and social events.

a. A. Attend
b. B. Attending
c. C. Attends
d. D. Attend to

23. Many employees feel that the economic situation should not be a ________ to the performance management system of any

a. A. Deterrent
b. B. Encouragement
c. C. Problem
d. D. Symptom
24. Based on the given passage find out which of the statement can be inferred from the passage.
Skeptics argue that flying saucers and UFOs that are believed to be guided by extraterrestrial beings or aliens are creations of
human imagination. They have demonstrated that a number of photographs that apparently show flying saucers are either phony
or are misinterpreted images of earthly or natural objects such as aeroplanes or meteors. However, there are scientists who have
also contributed plenty of evidence and asserted that aliens do exist.

a. A. Lack of credibility of photographic evidence should be taken as proof of non existence of aliens
b. B. While the existence of flying saucers and UFOs has been denied, the possibility of alien beings is still a reality
c. C.UFOs and flying saucers, if a reality, are of the same shape and size as aeroplanes
d. D. The fact that a number of photographs of flying saucers are fake cannot disprove the existence of aliens and UFOs

25. Based on the given passage find out which of the statement can be inferred from the passage.
Efficiency is all right in its place, in the shop, the factory, the store. The trouble with efficiency is that it wants to rule our play as
well as our work; it won?t be content to reign in the shop, it follows us home.

a. A. Efficiency can become all pervading

b. B. Efficiency does not always pay
c. C. Efficiency can be more of a torture than blessing
d. D. None of these

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