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Task 3: Literacy Strategies

Objective: To observe literacy strategies in action over 4 weeks.

 This task is intended to be implemented over the four weeks.
 For this task student should:
 record examples of practices and/or strategies that they observe- e.g phonics, guided reading,
Sustained Silent Reading, graded readers, literate-rich, print-rich environment,
 take photos and/or video recordings (if the school and the MST give permission)
 ask questions about and reflect on best practice observed

Before the Observation

Pre TP classes

 Discuss/review any relevant content from Learning to Read and Write, Section 2 “Readers & Writers
in the Making” pp27-99
 Neuman, S., Copple, C. and Bredcamp, S. (2000). Learning to Read and Write. Washington:
National Association for the Education of Young Children.
 (Neuman, Copple & Bredcamp, 2000, 56)

In the school

 Explain the task to your MST so she can try to highlight and include some of the strategies/aspects
you may need to consider
 Decide what time(s) each day you will conduct this observation.
 See if you can find out what the teacher plans to do each day by studying his/her plans, and/or talking with

After the Observation - Reflection

Choose 3 best practices you observed during your time in school. Reflect on
these and consider why you could implement these in a UAE primary classroom
in the future. Explain how these practices will affect student learning and
reading levels in a primary class.

Observe your MST’s classroom and general practices you see around the school. Discuss
the areas below in context of what you observe in school and support with a photo and a
reference to reading when possible.

Describe the classroom environment.

-The classroom in my teaching practice included several materials and tools such as a big
box containing the student’s files for all subjects. In addition, some shelf’s for holding the
books and stories. In addition, there was a big cupboard that holds all the materials which
the teacher, and the students’ needs for the lessons. Furthermore, each table had a basket
to hold the pencils, rubble, ruler, and glue to be easier for the students. Also a big box for
math materials such as cubes and dices.
Consider how the class is a print rich environment. What print can you see around the
room? (labels, captions, flashcards, headings, rules, instructions, timetable, flash cards,
etc) For each one you mention insert pictures and state the purpose of each one.

-we can make a classroom rich of print by word displays, charts and other printed materials such as
flashcards about high frequency words and some connection words , Also if possible flashcards about days
of week , some nouns and adjective . In my teaching practice this semester I had I good rich class of print for
example in these picture below:

Some adjectives that help the student to copy the spelling if they need for
writing their writing, especially for grade one that I thought them this semester.

Some nouns about people ,things and places that help the student to know
Word is the appropriate word for them writing.

Special panel to explain some rules and how the children respect these rules
During the day in the school.

Flash cards about days of week to remind the student every day about that
and memorise the word well .

Some different meanings for adjective to help the child gain more words.
Is there a variety of books and genres in the class? Mention some. How are they

There are several kind of book in the classroom such as (you and me our place) and (hurry and slow).
The teacher displayed these books by shared reading to whole the class and by guided reading in the groups
sometimes, also the children read individually if they finished the lesson.
Describe the reading area in your classroom.

The reading area is located at the corner of the classroom where it does not hinder movement in the
classroom. It is a comfortable area with cushions for the child's comfort and provides a varied environment
away from routine on tables. It contains various types of books and stories related to curriculum and non-

Does the teacher read to the children? How often? How does she motivate them to read?

Yes, indeed the teacher reads them in groups by guided reading and for whole the class by shared reading.

About guided reading, the teacher read for them twice while once for shared reading in the week.

The teacher encourage students to read their promise to go on a trip, sometimes extending their swimming
Describe the reading approaches have you observed? Where do the children sit? How does
the teacher encourage participation?

Read aloud Shared reading Guided reading Independent reading

There was no Every Sunday the Every new lesson teacher The students were
read aloud for teacher read a big book started with the students able to read
grade one to the children, so with showing some independently by
students. children explore the joy pictures about the book, sitting in the reading
of reading. also she read in direct, corner after they
and sometimes gave finish they work.
The children sat on the
activities that focus on
ground to make a
The teacher encourage
The teacher encourage the students by pries them
them by connect their with stamp, so the
prior knowledge with
students feel challenge.
the story.

Consider how the teacher reminds children of any concepts of print when reading? (left-to-
right, top to bottom, punctuation, author, illustrator, etc)

In every reading, the teacher reminds the students to start the reading from left to right if the reading is in
English and they should start from top to bottom, also the teacher remind them the rules of punctuation. In
addition, the teacher always reminds them to find the author and illustrator.
How does the teacher teach phonics and word attack skills to children? Describe a phonics
lesson you observed and mention how the children are scaffolded to recognise the word
and get the meaning.

I did not have any type of phonic lesson, but I tried to teach them some of what I learned from the college to
develop their skills and correct their mistakes. But once my MST saw me I corrected for one boy and told me
it’s not important and let them write without correct spelling because they are grade one .

What comprehension strategies are the children learning/using?

Children learned some comprehension strategies such as predicting so the child connect his or her existing
knowledge to new information.

The other strategies was asking question about the lesson but the teacher was asking them to read and
identify the answer from the text.

Ask your teacher about special reading events carried out in the school - e.g ‘Book
Character Day’, DEAR Time, Book Fairs, ‘Extreme Reading’ competitions etc.

In that month, there were no reading events in the school, but only they had a science fair about the
student’s projects, and a role-play, which was about the ginger bread man.

Describe some types of writing activities or the method the teacher uses for writing – e.g
emergent writing, copy writing, dictations, etc

Teacher used some type of writing such as reports after each trip by helping the students with some words
on the board.

Choose 3 best practices you observed during your time in school. Reflect on these and
consider why you could implement these in a UAE primary classroom in the future. Explain
how these practices will affect student learning and reading levels in a primary class.

-My first best practices was guided reading because it help the students become good reader and introduce
vocabulary. Second practices was shared reading since helps students become familiar with the elements of
poetry like rhyme and rhythm. Moreover, to provide children with an enjoyable experience and children
develop their understanding of phonics and gain more vocabulary. Finally, the diagnostic routine that
allows a teacher to determine student’s individual strengths and weaknesses, and scaffold the students and
moving them from low level to high level also help the student to enhance their reading skill.

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