Topic Proposal 2

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Sumedh Dadi

Professor Malcolm Campbell

UWRT 1104

September 27, 2018

Topic Proposal: Y / N to Nanotechnology


The topic which I have been paying a great deal of attention to lately, is the debate on the

ethicalness of the accessibility of mind-altering drugs made by nanotechnology, made with the

sole purpose of enhancing one’s brain performance. The 2011 science-fiction thriller, Limitless

portrayed a somewhat similar scenario of a street-bound, disheveled vagabond, whose life

changes due to the consumption of one mind-altering drug. Although I initially favored the act of

supplying these drugs to the world, I now think that I should probably consider the act of critical

thinking, or in other words, take in to the account of consideration from both perspectives, the

pros and the cons. The reason why I favor brain intake of drugs, is primarily because I, being

diagnosed with ADHD, often had trouble grasping relatively new concepts, and I even do

sometimes face trouble during conversations. Due to age, I have gotten better, but still do face a

few problems with learning and talking. Notwithstanding my stance on this issue, my project will

be based on nanotechnology manufactured drugs in general, as well as the positive and negative

effects they have on the human mind. Once I complete my intense research, I should hopefully

come out with a clearer perception to properly base my stance on this issue.

The invention of this drug happens to be a significant step in science, and indeed leads

the way for more promising scientific discoveries in the future. This nanotech powered drug

made the average human think that he or she was smarter than they thought they were and
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proved that they never used that potential. However, like any other medicine, this unique

discovery could also lead to certain problems too. These nanotechnology-powered drugs used to

enhance the brain functioning of the average human, are similar to the steroid use of the average

athlete. So, de

The gathering of information on this interesting topic required an abundant amount of

research. The day this project was assigned, I instantly remembered a science fiction thriller I

had watched back in the day, Limitless. The film however, proved to be an unflattering depiction

of the drug, primarily since the drug shown in the movie, was nothing but a pure fantasy of what

everyday stimulants are really like. UNC Charlotte’s very own Atkins Library provided a

considerable number of books, journals, magazines and articles relating to nanoscience,

nanotechnology and STEM. I will also be looking for soft copies of nanotechnology related

references through the library portal. Also, not to forget, the Internet proved and will later prove

to play a crucial role in helping me meet the demands of my hungry brain. The respective links

from the Internet are listed at the end of this document.

Unlike the famous debate of the influence of nature vs. nurture on genetics, this debate

also proved to attract more positive opinions from people when compared to the negative. For

instance, those in favor of the consumption of this certain drug, claim that it can improve certain

aspects of the human mind, such as memory, stamina, hearing and the overall intellect. However,

those against it, argue that these respective nanoparticles that enhance our thinking capacities,

also has the potential to harm your lungs akin to smoking. This negative opinion was formed

based on a study conducted on mice by a few students in Oxford University. This incident has

triggered a relatively lowkey debate on the ethicality and reliability of the drug use. This debate

is mainly happening mostly in the scientific fields and is on the brink of being controversial.
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Several science-fiction movies in this decade have dealt with this controversial topic, and

example are the widely discussed Limitless, the mass-hysteric superhero films Black Panther and

Avengers: Infinity War, and another relatively lowkey sci-fi thriller, Condescendence.

Initial Inquiry Question(s)

What specific parts of the brain will nanotechnology manufactured drugs affect?

What specific parts of the body could they possibly impair and what are the possible side


Do these drugs affect the brain performance academically, socially, or both?

Is it recommended for those who are already mentally impaired to consume

nanotechnology powered stimulants?

My Interest in this Topic

My personal experience with a mental disorder, is what spurred my interest to this topic.

Being born with a mental disability has always worked against me wherever I went. Wherever I

went, I always struggled to adapt, while everyone else seemed relatively normal. Social

situations were even more troublesome for me, with me often failing to hold a conversation

without changing the topic. I was no better academically. I was constantly procrastinating and

often failed to submit several major assignments, resulting in huge blows to my grades. The only

time I succeeded, was unfortunately due to the supervision of my parents. Why I said

unfortunately? Well, the constant, somewhat intruding parental supervision somewhat acted as a

hindrance during my formative years, when I was trying my best to be independent. My scattered

view of life never took me anywhere until a significant event took place three years ago. Just like

in the movie Limitless, one single Adderall tablet changed my life for the better. My focus,
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memory, attention span and social abilities sky-rocketed to significant peaks and I was suddenly

well-liked by many of my peers. Since then, I have constantly been experiencing either relapses

of Concerta/Adderall or the resurfacing of my ADHD symptoms.

Although I do possess a somewhat great deal of knowledge regarding the topics mind-

altering drugs or stimulants, deep down inside my body lies a child that cries for more

information. At times, I still feel that I do not know enough, and there always lies room to

accumulate more knowledge. I hope to dive deeper into the beneficial aspects as well as the

negative aspects of these nanotechnology manufactured drugs, so I can develop my final stance

on this issue.

Next Steps
As of now, I will be using several widely-renowned or popular websites such as

Wikipedia to grasp more information on this topic. Why Wikipedia? Even though it is not

ethically considered to be reliable, Wikipedia has shown a significant amount of improvement in

the quality of their webpages since its official launch in 2001. If not Wikipedia, then I would use

the references listed on that specific Wiki page. Examples of such references related to

nanotechnology, include Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Nanotechnology and

Nanoscience. I will also be using the library and several of its online resources in order to access

the great deal of information they have, such as scientific journals, articles and formal college

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