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Republic of the Philippines


I. Objectives:
A. General :
To acquire knowledge and skill in plating/presenting poultry dishes

B. Specific :

At the end of the lesson the 75% of the students should be able to

a) Define what is plating and presenting

b) Identify the factors to consider in presenting/plating poultry dishes
c) Describe the creative food presentation techniques
d) Appreciate the important of plating /presenting poultry dishes

. C. Subject Matter

Topic: Plating /presenting poultry dishes

Reference: Learning module grade 10 cookery page 313-318


 Visual aids
 Marker
 Scotch tape

D. Procedure

I. Preparation

A. Greetings

B. Prayer

C. Checking of attendance

D. Review the past lesson

E. Motivation

II. Lesson Proper

Republic of the Philippines

Teachers activity Students Activity

Okay class. Let's have a prayer first (Student name) The students will stand and pray
Please lead the prayer.

Good morning class. Good morning ma'am

Okay now, may I call on the class secretary of this class I'm happy to tell you that all of my classmate
and tell me whose absent for this day are present today.

Before we proceed to our next lesson, what was our past

lesson all about? ( Students raise their hands)
(Call a student)
Our past lesson is about plating/presenting
So what dis you learned about in plating/presenting poultry dishes.
poultry dishes Ma'am plating/presenting poultry dishes
It's is the way if food presented affects a
Anyon ! person perception of how it will taste and
Very good!

So how to control portion sizes? Ma'am by eating smaller portion of food is one
(Call a student) of the easiest way to cut back on calories.

Okay very good!

I see that all of you was truly understand the past lesson.
Hope that this new topic also.

So before we start our lesson proper I have here an action

exercise. ( Students raise their hands)
Okay class. Let's start the discussion So, our topic is all Ma'am it is the arranging the meal on the
about. Plating/presenting poultry dishes. individual plate.
So when you heard plating what comes on your mind?
(Call a student)

It is the process of arranging and decorating food to

enhance its presentation. Ma'am food presentation is the art of
Why is plating food is important ? modifying, processing, arranging and
Because food presentation is just as essential to the decorating food to enhance its creative appeal.
success of a dish as it's taste and flavor
Do you understand?
How about food presentation?
( Call a student)

And now let's proceed to the factors to consider in Ma'am.

presenting /plating poultry dishes. M'am type of service wares
Republic of the Philippines

We have 5 factors to consider in presenting poultry dishes. Ma'am plating

Ma'am garnishing
Ma'am sauces
Ma'am accompaniments

Yes ma'am!

Okay very good!

Do you understand?
And now let's proceed to the creative food presentation Ma'am
techniques Ma'am plating the food
(Call a students) Ma'am decorative the frame
Yes. Ma'am mix shapes, color and textures
If you say plating the food it is it is refer to placing the
food on a plate in as appealing a manner as possible Ma'am framing strategies to your cooking for a
How about Decorative the frame? quick way to improve your food's presentation.
And we have mix shapes, colors and textures.
It us combining foods with different shapes, colors and
texture on the same plate.
And the last one is garnishes
If you heard garnished what come on your mind?
Any one!
Very good! Ma'am to decorate food with a small amount if
Garnish it is the item or substance used as decoration or different food.
embellishment by preparing food.
Do you understand?

Yes ma'am!

III. Generalization

- to generalized our topic for today we can define what is plating and presenting and identify what is
factor to consider in presenting/plating poultry dishes and describe the creative food presentation

V. Evaluation

I. Identification

Directions: Read and identify what is being describe by the following sentences write the correct answer
on the space provided before each number.

1. Is the act of arranging the meal on the individual plate

2. It is the way to improve your food presentation
3. Combine foods with different shapes, colors and texture.
4. Can be simple or intricate as you like.
5. What is garnishing? (5 pts)


1. Plating
2. Decorate the frame
3. Mix, shape color and texture
4. Garnishes
5. Give additional flavor
Republic of the Philippines


Directions: In one whole sheet of yellow paper define the following question.

Topic : Store poultry and game bird

1. Poultry
2. Freezing and stewing poultry


 Learning module grade10 cookery

Page 320-321

Prepared by:
Zyrelle Mae alinsangao
Student Teacher

Mrs. Olga, Centeno

Critic Teacher

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