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Depok) Sasakpanjang, Tajurhalang, Bogor



Bidang Studi : B. INGGRIS Hari,Tanggal :

Kelas : III Waktu :
Nama Siswa Kelas Nilai Paraf Guru

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, or c!

1. Is – this – fingers - my
The correct order is ….
a. Is this my fingers
b. This is fingers my
c. This is my fingers

What part of the body is it?
a. Leg
b. Hand
c. Chest

3. We have two ears

The Indonesian sentence is ….
a. Kita punya dua mata
b. Kita punya dua tangan
c. Kita punya dua telinga

4. Mouth in Indonesian is ….
a. bibir
b. lidah
c. mulut
5. we use eyes for ….
a. seeing
b. speaking
c. eating

6. we use …. for walking

a. legs
b. hands
c. arm

Panji: “What animal is that?
Rido; “That is a …”
a. wolf
b. crocodile
c. buffalo


Boni : “What animal is that?”

Andi : “That is a …”
a. bear
b. cow
c. deer

9. The animal known live in the water is ….

a. bird
b. fish
c. mouse

10. There is a …. On the teacher’s table.

a. ruler
b. eraser
c. globe

12. Bambang Pamungkas is a soccer player. He kicks the ball using his ….
a. leg
b. arm
c. hand

13. Dika: “What do you do after dinner?

Chiko: “ I … after dinner.”
a. study
b. breakfast
c. take a shower

14. … lives in Ujung Kulon.

a. rhinoceros
b. snake
c. lion

15. The students can read and borrow book in the ….

a. library
b. canteen
c. laboratorium

B. Fill in the blank with the correct answer!

1. A cow has … legs.

2. We can hear something with our ….

3. We wear … to protect our head from rain.

4. We can write with our ….

5. r – i – g – f – f – a – e
It is wild animal. It has long neck. It is a ….

6. We see something using our ….

7. Book – this – my – is

The correct order is ….

8. Giska write on the ….

9. Mr. Bagas is Dita’s father.

Dita is Mr. Bagas’s ….

10. Mr. Koko is Yusuf’s grandfather.

Yusuf is Mr. Koko’s ….

C. Answer the questions with the correct answer!

1. Mention 5 animals eats meat!

Answer :

2. Mention the animals that has white colour!

Answer :

3. Mention 6 parts of your body!


4. Mention 5 members of family!


5. Arrange the words below to correct sentences!

a. is – uncle – my – Mr. Adi
b. sister – is – Imelda – my
c. have – ears – I - two

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