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Linux at CERN
1.1. Introduction & Summary

For physics computing, Linux is the operating system of choice at CERN. It

provides a variety of services on machines ranging from desktops to servers.
CERN has its own Linux distribution and support infrastructure. In the future,
Linux use will increase due to rising number of farm machines, and
investment into automatized tools will be needed to administer such large
number of machines with reasonable cost in manpower.

1.2. History

Linux is a UNIX-like POSIX-compliant operating system grown out of a study

project of Finnish student Linus Torvalds in 1991 . Together with the utilities
and compiler from the GNU project and other open source projects, it has
since has evolved with the help of volunteers from all over the world to
become a production-quality multi-architecture operating system (History) and
user environment, subsumed here under the name of the kernel ("Linux").

CERN has been using Linux since at least 1995 when individual physicists
groups started using it. As from 1997, CERN has had a centrally-supported
Linux release, then based on Red Hat 4, with all the CERN tools and
environments (AFS, ASIS, SUE) available as on the other vendor UNICes.
Regular releases have followed the Linux evolution of the outside world, and
CERN has actively contributed to the development (Gigabit drivers, porting
GNU libc to IA64) as necessary to its needs.

Illustration 1different Linux environments

Batch &
Interactive Farms:
~1200 (in Computer Center)

'Special' servers

~200 Disk servers

~50 Tape servers
Desktops / Desk-side:
Embedded Systems:
(few now, lots later)

1.3. Linux use at CERN


A large part of the Linux systems installed at CERN is used for computing
through large batch farms running LFS, like LXBATCH. Today, the typical
physicists computing job fits comfortably within a single dual-processor IA32
machine, so the farm machines are processing jobs independently without
need for Single-System-Image abstractions or MPI. This independence
between (a large number of) jobs running over extended periods of time has
given rise to the term High-throughput computing (HTC). Dual-Processor
machines with commodity hardware and off-the-shelf networking offer a sweet
spot in terms of price / CPU performance for this kind of workload. Linux
supports this type of machine very well.

An "interactive" cluster (LXPLUS) allows users without a desktop Linux

machine to develop applications and submit them to the batch system. It also
is being used for reading mail or occasionally for web access, e.g. from X-
Terminals or for remote users.

A smaller interactive cluster with SUN Solaris allows to validate code against
a different compiler.

b)Special Servers
Similar to the batch farms, commodity hardware with Linux as the operating
system can deliver significant cost benefits over proprietary solutions for
storage or special-purpose server applications. At CERN, a combination of
Dual-Processor IA32 with (cheap) hardware RAID cards and IDE disk drives
has offered reliable disk storage in the form of the "Disk Server". Similarly,
tape drives are directly attached via SCSI or FC to Linux "Tape Servers".

Access to the data from the application is handled via the SHIFT architecture
or through CERN's mass storage application CASTOR.

Other special-purpose servers are also running Linux, for example ORACLE
database servers, AFS or NFS file servers or CERN's DNS service. Linux is
used here in parallel with SUN Solaris, typically being preferred as soon as
the number of system grows. Solaris typically runs at CERN on more reliable
hardware for services where high availability of individual machines is


A number of physicists prefer to use Linux on their desktop or laptop

computer for their day-to-day work like reading mail or web browsing. CERN
Linux comes with the required graphical user environment (both GNOME and
KDE are available) and utilities. Compatibility with CERN-IT central mail and
web services is regularly checked.
This behavior by users has brought up a number of problems in terms of
interoperability in the past, especially documents in proprietary formats (like
Microsoft Word/ PowerPoint or Adobe Framemaker) have forced users to
keep a second machine with Microsoft Windows (or to run VMware or dual-
boot). As of lately, open source programs like are getting
better at understanding such formats, but are no full substitute yet.

Illustration 2Dependencies inside

CERN Linux 7.3

Running Linux on the desktop is also a

preferred solution for software developers,
since it allows them to be in complete control
of the runtime environment (unlike on the
shared farm machines). To facilitate this
approach, one of the paradigms for CERN
Linux is to have the same operating system
(including libraries and compilers) on desktops
and farm machines (and embedded devices, if

d)Embedded appliances

These special-purpose devices used to run proprietary real time operating

systems like LynxOs or VxWorks. They are being used mainly by the
accelerator controls and experiments "online" groups, to handle data under
special conditions (radiation, heat, vibration) or constraints (hard or soft real
time processing). Due to growing familiarity with UNIX/POSIX, we see a trend
to run Linux on such devices as long as no hard real time guarantees are
required. This allows for more comfortable development and debugging
(instead of the cross-compiling development proprietary environments). From
a system administration perspective, such machines are very close to
ordinary off-the-shelf PCs as used in the batch farms, but they may need
special supporting services (e.g. for diskless booting) or drivers (for VMEbus
devices). They also put special demands on the Linux kernel internals, for
example on context switching time or inter-task fairness.

1.4. CERN Linux distribution and certification

As mentioned earlier, the goal is to use a single Linux release to cover all
aspects of Linux use at CERN, both to comply with user expectation and to
keep support effort down. No commercial distribution fulfills all CERN's needs
and runs on all the hardware found at CERN, so CERN has been providing a
modified version of Red Hat. The modifications include additional kernel
patches, new software like OpenAFS and CERN-specific physics software
and management applications.

Whenever the goal of having a uniform system cannot be met (e.g. due to
new bugs being discovered or incompatible hardware, both of which can
trigger a kernel update), such deviations are noted and are folded into the
next release.

In order to ensure that no requirements on a new release are overlooked, a

formal process has been established for moving to a new release.
A "certification coordination" group (LXCERT) with appointed members from
the large Linux user groups and service providers inside CERN oversees the
process and is responsible for bringing up and arbitrating user requirements
and dependencies between different applications. Certification process is
tracked, a final decision to adopt or reject lies with this coordination group. In
the future, the influence of GRID computing will bring in more requirements
from other sites as well.

1.5. CERN Linux support

AT CERN, the support for Linux is handled at multiple levels and in different
• Users with several machines (like the CERN-IT farms) typically have
dedicated local support for the day-to-day running of their applications.
• Large user groups (experiments, divisions) also have local support to
handle direct user questions
• CERN-IT offers centralized support:
• the CERN Helpdesk will take calls and re-route them appropriately. This
level is handled by an external company.
• a second level will deal with recurring user problems and gives individual
assistance to users, like desktop installations. This level is handled by
an external company.
• An in-house third-level support handles everything else, including
preparations of new releases, kernel bug fixes, workarounds to common
problems, assistance to the farm operations and documentation.
• eventually, support calls may be opened with a vendor. Given that
CERN has no support contract for the majority of Linux machines, these
calls are typically used to inform the Linux user community and may not
be resolved for considerable time.

1.6. Outlook

The current assumptions about physicists' jobs still seem to hold, so the
current computing model is likely to be useful in the future. Therefore, the
number of CPU nodes in batch farms will increase to cope with the massive
amount of computational power required for LHC. Similarly, the online event
filter farms will grow massively. This growth requires new farm management
tools to prevent operational costs from exploding, such tools are currently
under development as part of the "fabrics" efforts of EDG, LCG and EGEE.

At the same time, a number of (relatively) low-cost storage solutions have

appeared that could offer advantages over the current "Disk-Server" model
used by CERN. Typically they provide for direct data access by the clients,
and for better scalability by keeping data and metadata on separate services.
Such solutions are being evaluated at the moment (e.g. As part of CERN's
OpenLAB industry collaboration), they could be integrated with or ultimately
replace CERN's own storage solutions.

Similarly, new developments in the interconnect area such as InfiniBand,

10Gb Ethernet, RDMA, PCI-X, PCI-Express, could be "enabling" technologies
by providing cheap high-bandwidth and low-latency connections between
CPU nodes themselves and storage. This could lead to new approaches for
experiment data analysis or the storage subsystem.

The various GRID projects bring in new challenges, both technical (new
services to be defined and implemented) and political (interoperability
between sites perhaps leading to a HEP-wide Linux distribution, access to
remote resources).

Lastly, the Linux world itself is changing – vendors like Red Hat or SuSE are
now concentrating more on profitable bits of their business, making life harder
for the copycat distributions like CERN Linux which in the past have profited
from "free" software updates. Third-party hardware and software vendors like
ORACLE, IBM and SUN have all embraced Linux and are offering commercial
support. The large (noncommercial) user and developer community is
meanwhile proceeding with adding features (the 2.6 kernel is expected soon),
often enough in uncoordinated fashion, and creating new software as often as
abandoning older products.

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