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Dialog I

Role: 1. Pure midwives (Chairman) a

team2. Midwives implementers (ninank) b

3. Husband (delni)

4. Patients (hasfiana)

5. Lab officers (sumiat)


Sector in the morning, came a pregnant women on behalf of NY. Nova to the emergency
installation of obstetrics for checked her pregnancy, the mother came across damping by her
husband, the mother was held by midwives in igd midwifery.


conversationPatients: Good morning mother midwives

Midwives a: good morning mother, please login anyone can I help you?

Patient: Yes mother

Midwives: Good mother, introduce my name midwives pure, I midwives in charge of take care
of today who and what mother complaints? Name of the mother

Patient: My name is mother Nova, I got pregnant child into the to 2 I got pregnant this way
midwives 1 month but since last pies there is out of blood from my pubic,

Midwives: Good mother, we will do our checks on the mother, but earlier I will ask the identity
of the

motherPatients: Iya midwives

Midwives: How old and when date of birth mother?

Patients: My age 28 years, my birth date 06/10/1990

Midwives m: Is the mother religion?

Patients: Islam

Midwives m: What is the last education mother?

Patients: My latest education is high school

Midwives m: what MOM work?

Patients: My job is

housewivesMidwives m: Where the mother address?

Patient: My address in housing petobo block d No. 6

Midwives m: Sorry mother, I want to menyakan the identity of the husband's mother, who the
name of the father?

Husband: My name is made mardika

Midwives m: how old father?

Husband: My age 42 years

Midwives m: what last education father?

Husband: My last education that is high school

Midwives m: what do the father?

Husband: My job entrepreneur

Midwives m: How the phone number that can in the contact

Patients: My phone number-4829-6629

only bu midwives 0823Midwives m: Good enough to my question, next mother we will do the

I am going to give up the examination to my friend midwives mutmainna as midwives

implementers, let please bu I deliver you

Midwives n: Yes let mother please go into the room examination. Introduce my name midwives
mutmainna, I will do checks on the mother, silahakan mother urination first, then when you're
done please lie in bed examination.

Patients: Iya bu midwives

Midwives n: First I want to menyakan since when mother feel out blood pervaginam and
whether accompanied by abdominal pain?

Patients: I feel my complaint since last morning, keluardarah pervaginam but a little-little and
accompanied the bottom of
abdominal painMidwives n: When mother get last menstruation?

Patients: My last menstruation on July 12, 2018

Midwives n: Mother never done pregnancy examination earlier at the clinic or the same doctor

Patients: Have never midwives

Midwives n: This wedding keberapa and how long have MOM married?

The patient: This is my first marriage and I married have been approximately 4 years

Midwives n: Do you have a specific disease? Or there is a disease derived from the parents?

Patients: No bu midwives

Midwives n: Years how mother gave birth to the first child and is he healthy?

Patients: I gave birth to the first child by 2014 and he healthy

Midwives n: Good bu I will melanjtkan examination of the vital signs of in the mother

Patients: Please bu midwives

Midwives n: The result of vital signnya mother is normal, then I will do my stomach
examination, mother and also examination in this inspection to find out pregnancy conditions
mother. "in order to please to open clothes in the bottom of the mother.

Patients: Good midwives

motherMidwives n: Permissions bu…. I've finished doing the next inspection we will
collaborate with the lab officer for sampling mother, briefly I call the officer laboratorium…

blood(I-phone) (percakan pass I-phone)

Midwives n: Good morning laboratotium,

,Lab officer: Yeah I sumiati laboratory officer here

Midwives n: Yes I midwives mutmainna of the space midwifery igd want to inform the complete
blood examination also HCG urinalysis patients on behalf of NY. Nova, 28 years, housing
address petobo block d No. 6

Lab officer: Yeah good I repeat, complete blood examination also HCG urinalysis patients on
behalf of NY. Nova, 28 years, housing address petobo block d No. 6, iya me soon to get there

(lab officer arrived in the room igd midwifery)

Lab officer: Good morning bu, I sumiati lab officers who took blood samples of the mother,
sorry the name of the mother who? And how old mother? (while Bon laboratories with the
patient's identity bracelet)

match the rightPatients: My name is Nova 28-year-

Petugal lab: Excuse me bu ya… I've finished sampling, blood later the results of the labnya
examination of my mother will report to midwives jaga… good bu me excuse me first..

Midwives: Mother may istrahat used to be ya… while waiting for the next inspection results..

Dialog to to 2


After the mother Nova carried out an examination of midwives doing collaboration with the
doctor in charge of implementing igd

kenidananMidwives: Excuse me doctor, there are patients incoming NY. Nova g2p1a0 UK 5-6
minggudengan complaints pervaginam bleeding, VT no opening, bleeding no

Doctor: Well, I will meet his patient

Next doctors meet

patientsDoctor: Good morning bu, introduce my doctor, R.. My doctor today, I can report from
me midwives that pregnant women but there is a complaint out blood pervaginam, sorry I check
back ya

motherDoctor then do the examination of the patient's

Doctor: Sorry mother came with who?

Patients: My husband

Doctor: Iya bu I will explain the mother pregnancy condition with midwives mother husband.
Midwives please call the husband mother Novi.

Midwives: Good dock..

(then midwives call husband and memepersilahkan mother Nova to sit Nova mother's husband)
Doctor: Good morning Sir, my doctor murniati is going to do an examination in the mother
Nova, I will explain the condition of the mother Nova pregnancy, sorry who the father name?

Husband: My name father made mardika

Doctor: Good Pak made, currently your wife experienced abort immines where pregnancy
mother blood pervagianam, but pregnancy can still be there is out preserved. For the moment I
will give action and treatment:-the installation of an infusion,-the granting of anti bleeding
injections,-giving drink medicine for her pregnancy,-plan obstetric ultrasound tomorrow,-
antibiotic, as well as total istrahat on the bed for mother. We later liat the development of the
mother for a few days when mother complaints reduced then kaperbolehkan home, so,, what
there is Aya who want on ask Sir?

Husband: It's obvious doctor

thanksDoctor: Later our midwives is going to do such action, sya say goodbye first..

Midwives: Good Sir, I bidan… that in delegate to do the actions please father signed an
agreement we would do

action(then midwives prepare an infusion of equipment and injections)

Midwives: Excuse me bu, I will do the installation of an infusion against mother, and I will inject
a cure, either bu I've finished, the mother istrahat used to be yes.. When there are complaints, the
mother of bias called me,

Patients: Yeah terimakasi bu midwives.

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