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MCT/MST Lesson Observation

Feedback to student teacher

Student Teacher’s Name: Muna Observer’s Name: Melissa

Unit/Lesson: Diamond, 10 Grade Level: 1
Date: 31 October 2018 School: Al Maha

What is the curriculum Learning Outcome you are working towards for this lesson? Is
diamond the correct word?
Include links to videos in you plan. Another teacher should be able to pick up your plan and
be able to have all the information they need to teach a similar lesson. Also, when you are a
teacher, you will re-use plans, or parts of them each year. Will you remember which video
to use in a year’s time?
I like that you have set up centres, with different activities in each, for the students to move
around, and each activity is related to your topic. How many transitions would you expect in
this lesson? It is not clear from your plan.
In the ‘assessment’ section of your plan, you have recorded what you, the teacher, will do.
What is it that you want the students to be able to do or say – and how will you know?
Timings are not recorded on your plan – these are tricky to get right, however, it is good to
have a rough idea of how long you expect the different phases of your lesson will take. This
could be a goal for future teaching.

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