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Octane number

Measure of the ignition quality of gas (gasoline or petrol). Higher this number, the
less susceptible is the gas to 'knocking' (explosion caused by its premature burning in
the combustion chamber) when burnt in a standard (spark-ignition internal
combustion) engine. Octane number denotes the percentage (by volume) of iso-
octane (a type of octane) in a combustible mixture (containing iso-octane and
normal-heptane) whose 'anti-knocking' characteristics match those of the gas being
tested. In the older vehicles, high octane numbers were achieved by adding lead
tetraethyl to the gas (the 'leaded gas'), a pollutant that contributes to lead poisoning
(see Lead).
In the newer vehicles, the same result is achieved by the engine design that increases
turbulence in the combustion chamber, and/or by adding aromatic hydrocarbons
(such as xylenes) and oxygenates (oxygen-containing compounds such as alcohols) to
the gas (the 'unleaded gas'). Also called Octane rating. See also cetane number.

cetane number
Measure of the ignition quality of diesel fuel; higher this number, the easier it is to
start a standard (direct-injection) diesel engine. It denotes the percentage (by
volume) of cetane (chemical name Hexadecane) in a combustible mixture (containing
cetane and 1-methylnapthalene) whose ignition characteristics match those of the
diesel fuel being tested. See also Octane number.

Smoke point

The smoke point of an oil or fat is the temperature at which, under specific
and defined conditions, it begins to produce a continuous bluish smoke that
becomes clearly visible.[1] Smoke point values can vary greatly, depending on
factors such as the volume of oil utilized, the size of the container, the
presence of air currents, the type and source of light as well as the quality of
the oil and its acidity content, otherwise known as free fatty acid (FFA)
content.[2] The more FFA an oil contains, the quicker it will break down and
start smoking.[2][3] The higher in quality and the lower in FFA, the higher the
smoke point.[4] It is important to consider, however, that the FFA only
represents typically less than 1% of the total oil and consequently renders
smoke point a poor indicator of the capacity of a fat or oil to withstand
The smoke point of an oil correlates with its level of refinement. [7][8] Many
cooking oils have smoke points above standard home cooking temperatures:
freezing point
Temperature at which a liquid turns into solid. Freezing point of pure water is 0°C or
32°F at normal atmospheric pressure.
Liquids have a characteristic temperature at which they turn into solids, known as
their freezing point. In theory, the melting point of a solid should be the same as the
freezing point of the liquid. In practice, small differences between these quantities can
be observed.

It is difficult, if not impossible, to heat a solid above its melting point because the
heat that enters the solid at its melting point is used to convert the solid into a liquid.
It is possible, however, to cool some liquids to temperatures below their freezing
points without forming a solid. When this is done, the liquid is said to be supercooled.

An example of a supercooled liquid can be made by heating solid sodium acetate

trihydrate (NaCH3CO2 3 H2O). When this solid melts, the sodium acetate dissolves in
the water that was trapped in the crystal to form a solution. When the solution cools
to room temperature, it should solidify. But it often doesn't. If a small crystal of
sodium acetate trihydrate is added to the liquid, however, the contents of the flask
solidify within seconds.

A liquid can become supercooled because the particles in a solid are packed in a
regular structure that is characteristic of that particular substance. Some of these
solids form very easily; others do not. Some need a particle of dust, or a seed crystal,
to act as a site on which the crystal can grow. In order to form crystals of sodium
acetate trihydrate, Na+ ions, CH3CO2- ions, and water molecules must come together
in the proper orientation. It is difficult for these particles to organize themselves, but
a seed crystal can provide the framework on which the proper arrangement of ions
and water molecules can grow.

Because it is difficult to heat solids to temperatures above their melting points, and
because pure solids tend to melt over a very small temperature range, melting points
are often used to help identify compounds. We can distinguish between the three
sugars known as glucose (MP = 150oC), fructose (MP = 103-105oC),
and sucrose (MP = 185-186oC), for example, by determining the melting point of a
small sample.

Measurements of the melting point of a solid can also provide information about the
purity of the substance. Pure, crystalline solids melt over a very narrow range of
temperatures, whereas mixtures melt over a broad temperature range. Mixtures also
tend to melt at temperatures below the melting points of the pure solids

Reid VApor

Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) testing for crude oil, fuel, other refined petroleum products, and
petrochemicals is offered by Intertek labs on a global basis.
Reid Vapor Pressure, ASTM D323, is an ASTM test method which measures the vapor
pressure of crude oil and petroleum refined products. Measuring the vapor pressure of
volatile petroleum liquids, the ASTM D323 test analyzes petroleum products and crude oils.
The ASTM D323 RVP test is used in various quality control and R&D applications. RVP tests
measure the potential impact of gasolines on engine performance and help benchmark fuels
for various emission regulatory compliance programs.
RVP testing for crude oils helps refiners understand the nature of feedstocks coming into the
refinery, helping the refiner make optimal processing decisions. Reid Vapor Pressure testing
indirectly measures volatile petroleum solvent evaporation rates.
The RVP test is not used for liquefied petroleum gases (LPG). For LPG, the ASTM D1267 or
D6897 tests are suggested. The RVP test is not used for fuels with oxygenated compounds,
other than methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE). For most oxyenated compounds ASTM D4953
testing is suggested. All tests are offered by the Intertek global laboratory network

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