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Data was collected of the residential load profile of 24 homes. The transformer loading is also
already specified. Since the traveling patterns of vehicles are hard to determine a probabilistically
model was made. We assumed a constant charging power and that it takes 5 hours for a battery to
fully charge. We used three kinds of charging which are uncoordinated, delayed and smart charging.
Data for typical residential and commercial base load profile was provided. These different charging
systems have different effects on the base load profile. Research and comparison on the most used
EV batteries was done


Charging rate Voltage(V) Current(A) Power (kW) Charging

Normal 230AC 13 2.4 5

1. Finding base load (real power) for each charging (delayed, uncoordinated and smart)

Number of cars charging (at the time) * 2.4

2. Combined load profiles using real powers for each charging process. The typical household
base profile.
Base profile(PHEV)+base profile (household)
3. The apparent power for the PHEV battery in each charging process
S=√𝑃2 + 𝑄 2
Where q is the reactive which remains constant and P is the base load

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