Listening Checking Vital Sign

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Instruction : Please transcribe the video into good sentences!

00.00 – 00.48

Nurse : Good morning, Mr Greenwood. I need to do your vital signs. Is that okay?

Patient : Okay, but you did them a short time ago. Didn’t you?

Nurse : Oh no, that was four hours ago.We have to do your vital signs regularly

Patient: why is that?

Nurse: It’s important to check that everything is alright. Can I take you temperature first?

Patient: Sure.

Nurse : I’ll put the thermometer under your tongue to take your temperature.

Patient : Okay.

Nurse : Right, it’s 37.9 degrees. Your temperature is a bit high . It was 37 degrees this morning.

That’s normal. Thirty seven point nine degrees is a little high.

Patient : Yes, I feel a bit sweaty

00.48 – 01.37

Nurse : Let me take your blood pressure and pulse now!

Patient : Okay, my blood pressure is usually a little low. I’m very fit so it’s usually quite low.

Nurse : I’ve got a digital monitor here, I will wrap the cuff around your upper arm first. There

we are. Now, I’ll turn on the monitor and take your blood pressure.

Patient : Uh, the cuff is a bit tight now.

Nurse : Yes, it is a bit, it won’t take long. There, your blood pressure is 80 over 50. Quite low but

if you are very fit, a low blood pressure is normal..

Patient : What is my pulse like? It’s usually quite slow. I run everyday, so I think I’m very


Nurse : Your pulse is quite slow as well, it’s 58. That is okay, because you play a lot of sport.
01.37 - 02.21

Nurse : I’m going to check your oxygen sets as well.

Patient : Why are you checking that?

Nurse : It’s to see how much oxygen is in your blood. I’m going to put the sets probe on your

finger now. Can you put out your finger for me?

Patient: Sure.

Nurse: Right, your oxygen sets are 99%. That’s very good. I also counted your respirations.

Patient : Really?

Nurse : Yes it’s better to check a patient’s respiration when they don’t know about it. Your

respiratory rate is 16

Patient : Is that okay?

Nurse : Yes, it just means that you are breathing 16 breaths per minute

Patient : that’s a relief.

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