Starting Up A Business Skv462b Utgava16

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I am considering starting
a business. What do I
have to bear in mind?

I have decided to
start a business.
How do I go about it?
Coordinated services from public authorities


Starting Up
I am running a business.
What’s the best way
for me to do it?


a Business
I want to develop my
business. How can I
move forward?

Closing down
I am going to close
Information and guidance down my business.
How do I go about this?
from the authorities
Do you want to start a business? Contents
In this brochure you get with an overview of what you need to know and
do to start up and run a business. Considering 4 Running 16

We present the information in phases that many entrepreneurs go Business idea...............................................................................................................4 Keep account of the business transactions............................ 16
Starting up a business while employed...........................................4 Do you need a cash register?................................................................... 16
through: Considering, Starting, Running, Developing and Closing down.
Starting up a business while unemployed....................................4 Making tax deductions.................................................................................. 16
Our headings give you a view of what life as an entrepreneur may be like. Starting up a business as a student.....................................................5 Paying tax on the earnings of the business........................... 17
Young entrepreneurs..........................................................................................5 Receiving remuneration or salary...................................................... 17
This brochure is one of several products from eleven cooperating authorities
Running a business after turning 65..................................................5 Paying dividends and receiving bonuses................................... 17
where we bring together information and services to make it easier for you.
Hobby or business?................................................................................................5 How VAT works ...................................................................................................... 18
You can also check out the website, where you can find more Closing the accounts and filing an
information and e-services from several authorities gathered in one place. income tax return ............................................................................................... 18
Starting 6 Submitting your income tax return, your VAT return,
Create your business plan..............................................................................6 PAYE return and your payments on time................................... 18
Financing your start.............................................................................................6 File the annual report in time................................................................. 19
Find out whether you need a permit or not.................................6 Employing staff...................................................................................................... 19 Register beneficial ownership...................................................................7 Contracting another business operator...................................... 20
Choose the form of business enterprise........................................7 Important dates.................................................................................................... 20
At you can find information and services from Swedish Choose the form of business – overview........................................9 If you fall ill or have children.................................................................... 20
authorities when you want to start and run a company. At Register your business.................................................................................. 10 Make your company more digital........................................................ 21
you can write your business plan, register your company, apply for F-tax Select the right industry code (SNI)................................................ 10
Protect your business..................................................................................... 10
and much more.
Handling personal data................................................................................. 12
Developing 22

Good luck with your life as an entrepreneur! Sustainable business....................................................................................... 12 Reaching out to new markets................................................................ 22
Rural business......................................................................................................... 12 International trading........................................................................................ 22
Get started with your marketing........................................................ 12 Financing growth................................................................................................. 23
Take good care of your assets............................................................... 13 Change business form.................................................................................... 23
Finding your business premises.......................................................... 13

Closing down 24
Selling the business.......................................................................................... 24
Generational ownership changes...................................................... 24
Bankruptcy................................................................................................................. 24

More help available here 25

In some places in Sweden, those who are Running a business
employed are also eligible for support to start after turning 65
their own business. The Special Business
You can run a business even if you start to
Start-up Grant is aimed at people who
take out your pension. If so, your social
want to start their own business, but have
contributions will be reduced and you will
a disability that entails a diminished work
get a higher earned income tax credit.
capacity. This support is to be used for
investments, etc. The Public Employment
Agency can provide information on the Hobby or business?
amount of assistance available.
One way of starting is to turn your hobby
Contact the Public Employment Agency
Are you considering starting up a to discuss your plans with your employer into a business. This requires that you carry
for more information.
business? If so, you need an idea that before starting up your business. out your activities
If you are newly arrived in Sweden and
you can turn into money. Formulating The amount of tax you pay will be ›› independently
have an introduction plan you will receive
determined by your total income from
your business idea is the first step an introduction benefit instead of an activity ›› regularly
employment and your own business. If you
towards fulfilling your dream of grant. ›› with the objective of making a profit.
are a sole trader, you should apply for FA tax
becoming an entrepreneur. The Public Employment Agency decides
whether to grant you the financial assistance. Your business must be conducted on a
An external consultant helps to assess your regular and lasting basis, meaning over an
Starting up a business business concept. It has to be sufficiently extended period of time. The purpose of the
Business idea while unemployed profitable and able to provide sustainable business must be to earn a profit. You must be
Your business idea is your idea of what you financial support. The Public Employment able to show that your business is estimated
Jobseekers with a good chance of succeeding Agency will also consider your ability to run
are going to sell, how you are going to do it to provide a financial surplus in the long term.
with a business they want to start can, in your own business. You can have begun the
and to whom. The business idea also points If your business meets these three
some cases, receive support and help to work of starting your business, but basically
out the strength and unique competence of requirements, it is considered to be a business
start a company. Through Sweden’s Public you may not have received any revenue. For
the company. enterprise and not a hobby. If so, it may be
Employment Agency you can also get your instance, you may not have raised a bank
Formulating a business idea is a time to apply for F tax (corporate tax) with
business idea tested and an education in loan or sent any invoices to customers.
crucial step when you wish to become an the Swedish Tax Agency and begin life as an
how to start a business. The support is called
entrepreneur. A thorough business idea entrepreneur.
Support for Starting a Business (Stöd till start
increases your chances of success. Your av näringsverksamhet) and is a financial Starting up a business
business idea should include answers to the assistance when starting your business.
following questions: as a student
You can get this support for a maximum of
You may start a business while you are
›› What is the purpose of my business? six months while working on starting your
studying. Just remember that if you are
›› Is there a demand for my product or service? business.
receiving financial aid from the Swedish
The financial assistance consists of an
›› What is my target group, and how do I reach it? National Board of Student Aid (CSN), both
activity grant or introduction benefits. The
›› Is my business idea unique? If not, what your student loan and study grant will be
level of the activity grant is equivalent to the
singles out my business idea compared to reduced if you earn more before tax than a set
unemployment benefit you received before
my competitors? maximum amount. How much you can earn
your start-up. If you have not been entitled to
›› How do I make an income? per six-month period depends on how many
unemployment benefits, you may still receive
weeks you receive student funding.
When you have identified your business idea a lower grant set by the Social Insurance
you should write it down. Make it short and Agency. Recently arrived migrants with an
uncomplicated – a few sentences is enough. introduction activities plan established by Young entrepreneurs
Attend a “Starting The Public Employment Agency can receive Generally, you must have turned 18 to be
up a business” day! introduction benefits. The support is taxable allowed to start a business. If you have turned
Several authorities take Starting up a business and treated, for example, as income for 16 but not 18, you need permission from your
a look at what you need while employed pension calculations. legal guardian and from the Chief Guardian
to know and do to start You can combine employment with running in your municipality to run a business. Your
up your own business. your own business. However, you cannot To receive an activity grant, you must legal guardians are generally your parents,
The lectures are held in work with anything that competes with ›› be unemployed or at risk of becoming and in every municipality, there is a Chief
Swedish. Register for a your employer’s business, nor do anything unemployed Guardian. Together with your parents
“Starting up a business” disloyal to your employer. In some cases, ›› be registered with the Swedish Public you apply for permission from the Chief
day at www.verksamt. your employment contract will specify your Employment Agency. Guardian, using a specific form that you can
se/starta-foretag-dagen. options for running your own business get from your municipality.
alongside your employment. It is always best

4 Starting Up a Business Starting Up a Business 5

Starting Licensing and supervisory authorities may
be local, regional or national. Local and
regional authorities include municipalities,
county administrative boards and police
authorities. The Swedish Data Inspection
Board, the National Food Agency and the
for cohabiting partners with mutual children.
Your business will be identified by your
personal identity number. You may, but do not
normally need to register the business with the
Swedish Companies Registration Office. If you
do so, the business name is protected in the
Swedish Board of Agriculture are examples county in which you are registered. Besides
of national authorities. the name protection, there may be other
reasons to register the business with the
Use the tool Find permits on
Swedish Companies Registration Office. For You can apply instance, you may need to have a registered
Regardless of what you intend to work Financing your start enterprise if you intend to submit tenders in
electronically for some of
with, you gain a great deal by planning You need money to start up a business. For public procurement processes or if a licence
the permits.
your business start and being well many businesses, bank loans are the most or permit is required for certain activities.
prepared. One way of getting started is important form of finance. To approve
loans, lenders prefer businesses to be making Register beneficial ownership Trading partnership
to describe your business concept in a
good sales and turning over a profit. New Swedish companies, associations and legal If you want to run your business with
business plan.
businesses are unable to do this. In this entities must register beneficial ownership somebody else, you can form a trading
situation, the bank will usually want you to information, except sole trader businesses. A partnership. The trading partnership has
provide private security or name a guarantor beneficial owner is someone who ultimately to have at least two owners, referred to as
for the loan. owns or controls a company, association or partners. You are not counted as employees,
Create your business plan How much you can borrow depends on other type of legal entity. A beneficial owner but the trading partnership may employ staff.
The business plan is a tool that helps you plan the estimated risk involved in your business can also be someone who benefits from A trading partnership must always be
your business start. In the business plan, concept. This risk factor also determines how someone else acting on their behalf. Newly registered with the Swedish Companies
you describe how you are going to put your much collateral you must provide. registered companies and associations must Registration Office. The business gets its
business concept into effect so that you have Remember to include interest and loan register beneficial ownership information registration number and business name
clear objectives for your operations. Think repayments in your budget to give you a good within four weeks from their registration through the registration. The name of
through your business concept carefully overall view of the costs and expenses in your date. You can find more information about a trading partnership is protected in
before starting up. Describe business. beneficial ownership on the county in which it is registered. The
If you only need a small amount of money, partners have to agree to operate a trading
›› what product or service you will be selling banks offer an overdraft facility. Then you partnership before registering with the
›› who will be buying the product or service can use the credit on your account to finance Choose the form of Swedish Companies Registration Office.
›› the market
your purchases for a period of time. This business enterprise This agreement should be in writing so you
may be more expensive than a bank loan, but There are different forms of business and they remember what you decided on the division
›› your advantages and disadvantages
could work well as a short-term loan. work in different ways. When choosing your of labour, how profits or losses are to be
compared with competitors.
You can also finance your business by form of business, consider what suits you and distributed and what happens if a partner
The business plan must be easy to understand. renting, leasing or buying items on your situation the best. A summary of the wants to leave the trading partnership, for
Although it has to be factual and attract instalment instead of paying for everything most common forms of business enterprise is instance. This type of agreement is known
interest. Keep in mind that suppliers, at once. It may be more expensive than shown below. as a partnership agreement or articles of
customers and your bank may want to see borrowing or using your own funds, but you partnership.
your business plan. do not need to have access to as much cash Sole trader business No starting capital is required for a trading
A business plan may vary in detail when you begin. As a sole trader, you run and are responsible partnership. You decide how much you want
depending on the nature of the business. It for the business as a private person. You to invest in the business. You do not have to
has to be a living document that keeps pace are personally responsible for agreements register the starting capital anywhere.
with the development of your business and is Find out whether you being kept and liabilities being paid, but As partners, you represent the trading
updated regularly. need a permit or not you must keep the finances of the enterprise partnership and have joint influence. You
Your business plan should include three When you start a business, it is important to separate from your own private finances. No are personally and jointly responsible for
budgets: a start-up budget, a profit budget find out whether the business needs to have starting capital is required for sole traders. ensuring that the partnership’s debts are
and a cash flow budget. a permit from, register with, or make some In most cases, the business does not have to paid. Consequently, you may be forced to
You need the business plan for yourself other notification to any public authority. be audited, although taking expert financial pay the partnership’s debts from your own
in particular. Only when you yourself have This may involve special requirements on advice may nevertheless be wise. private finances alone. You can then in turn
a good grasp of what you want to do in your If you run your business as a sole trader make a claim against the trading partnership
›› you as the business operator
business and how you are going to do it, can you can employ staff. However, you cannot or the other partners for their share of the debt.
you be more convincing in getting other ›› the premises
employ your husband or wife. If you both If any of the partners is a legal entity and
people to listen and take an interest. ›› the business itself. work in the business, you may instead share if the entity is of a certain size the trading
the profit between you. The same rules apply partnership must have an approved or

6 Starting Up a Business Starting Up a Business 7

You can find more information on
forms of business at
authorised public accountant. Even if
the partnership is not required to have
you register with the Swedish Companies
Registration Office, the limited company Choose the form of business
an accountant, it may be wise to have a will be given a registration number. Limited
competent financial advisor. Trading company names are protected throughout
partnerships must register beneficial Sweden. Limited companies must register Trading Limited Limited Economic
ownership information with the Swedish beneficial ownership information with the Sole trader partnership partnership company association
Companies Registration Office. Swedish Companies Registration Office.
Legal entity No Yes Yes Yes Yes

Limited partnership Economic association Number of Only 1 person At least 2 people At least 2 people At least 1 person At least 3 people
owners or enterprises or enterprises or enterprise or enterprises
The rules for a limited partnership are the An economic association is formed by a
same as for a trading partnership, with a minimum of three members. The association Owner liability The business operator The partnership can The partnership can The company can enter The association can
few exceptions. In a limited partnership, is created to enable members to benefit is personally liable
for the agreements
enter into agreements.
The partners are liable
enter into agreements.
The general partner is
into agreements and is
liable for its debts.
enter into agreements
and is liable for its
there are two different kinds of partners: financially from the association’s operations, entered into and for the if the partnership liable if the partnership debts.
debts of the enterprise. cannot pay its debts. cannot pay its debts.
general partners and limited partners. A Every member normally has a vote at the
general partner is liable for all the debts of the general meetings of the association. It is Capital No No General partner: no At least SEK 50,000. Yes, in the form of
partnership. Limited partners are only liable usually said that associations are based on requirement Limited partners: at a cash or work invest-
least SEK 1 ment.
for the capital investment they made in the democracy, commitment and responsibility.
company. This investment has to be registered Every member pays a contribution Representatives The sole trader The partners The general partner The board of directors The board of directors
with the Swedish Companies Registration and usually an annual membership fee.
Registration With the Swedish Tax With the the Swedish With the the Swedish With the the Swedish With the the Swedish
Office. Limited partnerships must register The association itself decides how large Agency and possibly Companies Registration Companies Registration Companies Registration Companies Registration
beneficial ownership information with the the contribution should be. Members are the Swedish Companies Office and the Swedish Office and the Swedish Office and the Swedish Office and the Swedish
Registration Office Tax Agency Tax Agency Tax Agency Tax Agency
Swedish Companies Registration Office. not personally liable for the association’s
debts and other commitments in excess of Name protection In the county In the county In the county Nationwide Nationwide
Limited company their contribution. However, those who are
Form of taxation F or FA tax The partnership: F tax The partnership: F tax The company: F tax The association: F tax
When you start a limited company, you need members of the Board can be held personally (FA tax for income from Partners: SA tax (spe- Partners: SA tax (spe- The owners: A tax The members: A tax
a minimum of SEK 50,000 in share capital. liable if they mismanage their assignment. both the business and cial debited A tax) cial debited A tax) (employees) (employees)
The share capital may consist of funds or of An economic association must be
property that the company has a use for, so registered with the Swedish Companies Taxation The business operator Partners are taxed Partners are taxed The company is taxed The association is taxed
is taxed for the surplus for their part of the for their part of the on its profit (corpora- on its profit (corpora-
called contributions in kind. When you own Registration Office before it can start doing (income tax + social partnership’s surplus partnership’s surplus tion tax). The owners tion tax). The members
shares in a limited company, you are at risk business. Members of the association start security contributions). (income tax + social (income tax + social are taxed on salary are taxed on salary
security contributions). security contributions). withdrawn and possible taken out and possible
of losing the invested capital if the limited the association and write the regulations. dividends (income tax + dividends (income tax +
company goes bankrupt. The shareholders The economic association will be given a possible gains tax). possible gains tax).

are not personally liable for the company’s registration number when it registers with Annual report Only annual accounts. If the trading partner- If the limited partner- All limited companies An annual report must
debts and other commitments. However, the Swedish Companies Registration Office. and auditor Auditor is not required. ship has a legal entity ship has a legal entity must file an annual be prepared and
of a certain size as a of a certain size as a report, and in certain an auditor must be
members of the board of directors may be Economic association names are protected co-owner, the partner- co-owner, the partner- cases an auditor’s re- appointed.
personally liable if they mismanage their throughout Sweden. An economic association ship must appoint an ship must appoint an port, with the Swedish
accountant and submit accountant and submit Companies Registration
assignments. A limited company must must have an auditor. The auditor of smaller an annual report to the an annual report to the Office. Small companies
have a board of directors with one or more economic associations does not need to be an Swedish Companies Swedish Companies may choose not to have
Registration Office. Registration Office. an auditor. Find out
members. If the board members are less than approved or authorised public accountant. more at the website of
three, there must also be at least one deputy It suffices if he or she is competent for the the Swedish Companies
Registration Office.
member appointed. assignment. Economic associations must
Small companies may choose not to register beneficial ownership information with Allocation of Normally only to As per agreement if As per agreement if Profit can be allocated Profit can be divided
profit and loss to the shareholders in between the members
have an auditor. Nevertheless, all limited the Swedish Companies Registration Office. the business owner.
Exceptions are spouses
such an agreement
exists. Equal distribu-
such an agreement
exists. If no agreement the form of a dividend. in the form of a bonus.
companies must file an annual report with and cohabitants with tion otherwise. exists and the partners
mutual children. cannot agree on the al-
the Swedish Companies Registration Office. Community association
location, the issue must
You must also register your limited company Lantmäteriet is the agency responsible be decided in court.
with the Swedish Companies Registration for forming community associations. A
Income as the Surplus The surplus for the The surplus for the Salary withdrawn Salary withdrawn
Office. Before registering, you should community association can be formed to basis of sickness partners individually. partners individually.
decide in writing to start the company manage joint facilities such as roads, garages, benefits

by setting up a special document, known water and sewage facilities etc. You can Qualifying period 1, 7, 14, 30, 60 or 90 1, 7, 14, 30, 60 or 90 1, 7, 14, 30, 60 or 90 1 day 1 day
as the memorandum of association. The find data on community associations in the days days days
memorandum of association must contain Community Association Register (SFR)
Pensionable Surplus The surplus for the The surplus for the Salary withdrawn Salary withdrawn
a draft of the articles of association. As a maintained by Lantmäteriet. Community income partners individually. partners individually.
founder of the company, you should also associations must register beneficial
subscribe to a number of shares. You do this ownership information with the Swedish Register beneficial No Yes Yes Yes Yes
by stating in the memorandum of association Companies Registration Office.
how many shares you subscribe to. When

8 Starting Up a Business Starting Up a Business 9

Register your business By using e-services you For limited companies and economic Insuring yourself and your business
associations, name protection applies Keep in mind that your private home
When registering your business, you use ›› save time
nationwide. For sole traders, trading insurance will not cover your business. You
your electronic ID to login to Mina sidor at ›› avoid limited opening hours and long telephone partnerships and limited partnerships, the This e-service is only available queues should therefore think about what insurance
protection applies within the county.
in Swedish at the moment. ›› have access to your own data and can correct
coverage you and your business should have.
If you start a limited company, trading any faulty information
partnership, limited partnership or economic Examples of business names Business insurance
›› receive help with various calculations.
association you need to register your business ›› Imaginary words, such as Cajin Aktiebolag. There are several types of business insurance.
with the Swedish Companies Registration ›› Imaginary words + industry words, such as ›› Property insurance protects equipment, goods
Office. If you start a community association Select the right industry code (SNI) Cajin Mode Aktiebolag. and other objects in the event of burglary, fire,
you need to contact Lantmäteriet specifically. water damage and so on.
When you register your company with ›› Place name + industry word, such as
No matter your business type, you need Ronneby IT Aktiebolag. ›› Third-party insurance provides protection if
the Swedish Tax Agency, you must enter
to provide information to the Swedish Tax anyone were to claim damages from your business.
the SNI code. SNI stands for Svensk
Agency, to Examples of why a business
Näringsgrensindelning (Standard Industrial ›› Consequential loss insurance provides
›› apply for an approval for F tax or FA tax name is not approved
Classification) and the classification is based compensation for losses that can arise as a
›› apply for VAT registration, if VAT must be on an EU standard. An SNI code consists of ›› A business name that can be confused with result of an interruption in business.
reported in your business five digits and describes the activities you another business name or trademark.
›› Legal expense insurance reimburses legal and
›› provide details for the calculation of your are going to conduct. It is Statistics Sweden ›› Only information about what the enterprise court costs.
preliminary tax (SCB), who uses the data for economic works with, such as Bilverkstad AB or Bageriet
›› state what type of economic activities you plan statistics and for SCB’s business registers Handelsbolag. ›› You may need partnership insurance if you run
the enterprise together with somebody else.
to carry out by providing industry codes (SNI). where all Sweden’s companies are to be
›› register as an employer if you are going to included. You can find SNI codes at Check your business name
employ staff When you have a suggestion for a business Unemployment insurance
name, you can use the e-service “Sök As an entrepreneur, if you become
Electronic ID företagsnamn” (Search company name) at unemployed and seek compensation from
An electronic ID (eID) is an electronic identity Protect your business to check if it is registered with unemployment insurance, special rules apply
document comparable to physical identity the Swedish Companies Registration Office. in addition to the general conditions. You
documents, for example identity cards or Information security Even if you do not find a similar name, it is are considered to be unemployed only if all
drivers licenses. An eID provides secure Information security is about taking action not certain that the name can be registered activities in the business have ceased.
identification online. to prevent information from getting in the since the Swedish Companies Registration If you or anyone closely associated with
An eID may be in the form of a file on wrong hands or to be destroyed. Today, it is Office also takes other factors into account. you should resume the activities, five years
disk, on smart card or a mobile BankID on common to be affected by various types of must pass until you may be considered
a smartphone or a tablet computer. You can fraud. It may be about being exposed to unemployed, unless the business is
Do not order printed materials, signs and
easily obtain an eID from a bank or Telia. computer viruses, identity and company theft. permanently terminated.
so on until your business name has been
For example, to protect your business, you registered.
To be regarded as permanently
Register your business can use e-services instead of paper forms and a terminated, the business normally should
with an electronic ID digital mailbox for all your government mail. be closed down or taken over by someone
If you have an electronic ID, you can quickly You should also save all your information in Protect your trademark else. You may not be personally active in the
and easily take care of matters related to your a cloud service or on an external hard drive. Your trademark characterises your product business or have any significant influence
business enterprise on These Always be careful with personal information or service. A strong trademark that customers over it.
e-services are only available in Swedish at the and documents containing personal data. associate with good quality and reliable You must be a member of an
moment. You can for example origin is essential if you want to succeed in unemployment fund in order to claim
›› apply for an approval for F tax or FA tax with the
Protect the business name business. benefits based on your income.
Swedish Tax Agency When you start limited companies, trading By having a trademark protection, you
partnerships, limited partnerships and prevent your competitors from taking Life and accident insurance
›› apply for registration of your business name to
the Swedish Companies Registration Office economic associations, you have to choose advantage of the characteristic features or You should consider obtaining life and
a business name. If you are a sole trader you your product. Your trademark does not need accident insurance. An insurance of this
›› report to the Swedish Tax Agency that you
should be registered as an employer can choose to register your company name to be the same as your business name. You kind will provide you with compensation
with the Swedish Companies Registration may need more than one trademark for your if you are injured or disabled at work. If
›› report to the Swedish Tax Agency that you
Office. If you do not choose a name your products or services. you have to quit working due to the injury,
should be registered for VAT
name will automatically be the same as The Swedish Patent and Registration you can receive a disability pension and
›› report changes to or strike off your business.
your first and last name. By registering your Office can give you practical advice to help a supplementary pension. Survivor’s
business name with the Swedish Companies you with your application. protection is provided in case of death.
Registration Office you protect it from being Labour market insurance is mandatory if
used by others in your line of business. you employ staff and are bound to a collective

10 Starting Up a Business Starting Up a Business 11

agreement or a so called “local collective Rural business Take good care of your assets Finding your business premises
agreement” with a trade union organisation. Depending on your business, there may be By protecting your trademarks and other Many people start their business at home, Is your visiting
advantages to starting and running your intellectual properties, like patents and while others need commercial premises. Start address different
National retirement pension
business in the countryside. designs, you can get unique advantages over with thinking about your requirements for from your postal
and occupational pension
›› Land costs and office rents are lower outside your competitors. This way you can increase the premises. Is a central location important address?
As an entrepreneur, it is your own your chances of making a profit out of your or is it more important to have a loading dock
the metropolitan areas. Remember to state
responsibility to ensure that you earn products and services. and a large car park? Do you need an office,
your retirement pension. To be entitled to ›› There are public grants to apply for, for those your visiting address
who want to start and run a business in the Contact the Swedish Patent and warehouse or staff rooms? when you register your
national retirement pension, it is important Registration Office for more information on When you have found the premises you
countryside. business at
that you pay social security contributions how to take care of your assets and be more would like to rent, be sure to read the lease
›› Many entrepreneurs in the countryside are The Swedish Tax Agency
or employer’s contributions and pension successful in business. carefully. You need to know what the rent will register the visiting
investing in new technology and digital marketing
contribution through the tax. This means to reach out to their customers, enabling you includes and the period of notice. The premises address and forward it
that you need to draw salary or take out to reach a large market, no matter where in the must also meet requirements imposed by to Statistic Sweden’s
profit to build a solid base for your future The Swedish Patent and Registration Office Business Register.
country you are running your business. the authorities. The requirements depend
retirement. The higher salary or profit you can give you guidance on how to succeed in
›› You can get free advice in many places around business by using your intellectual property on your business. For instance, there may be
take out, the more pension credits you earn. the country. requirements for availability and safety. You
There is however an upper limit. For 2018 this are responsible of finding out how to meet the
limit is SEK 42,031 per month before tax. requirements for your premises.
Read more about running rural businesses on
As an entrepreneur, it may also be wise to Contact the landlord if you want to make
the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s website ,
compensate for not having an occupational changes to the premises. Find out whether
pension. This is a pension most employees in the landlord is willing to bear the costs of
Sweden receive through their employer. The On you will find free
renovation and if you need building permits.
occupational pension is about 4,5 per cent of business counselling in your region, though
Also contact an insurance company and find
the salary, and you should try to compensate the service is only available in Swedish.
out if they have any requirements regarding
for that by saving the corresponding amount the premises before insuring them.
each month. Get started with your marketing
Marketing is about getting your business to be
Handling personal data seen and building relationships. It is also
about how your company is perceived
As an entrepreneur, you are likely to handle
by others, that is, your brand. It’s useful
personal data, which is data that can be
to complete a detailed marketing plan
linked to a living person. Keep in mind that
describing goals and efforts to achieve those
there are rules that control what information
you can collect about others and how
You also need to specify your target group,
to handle this information. The EU has
namely who should be your customers. One
decided on new rules (the EU General Data
of the keys to being successful is to see what
Protection Regulation, also known as the
kind of needs or problems your customers
GDPR), which will become effective on May
have and then offer them a solution. You need
25, 2018. Until then, the Personal Data Act
to find a convincing way to tell customers
applies. On the Swedish Data Protection that you are there so they can choose your
Authority’s website, you can read more product or service. Keep in mind that you
about the laws for handling personal data, can handle a lot of your marketing with relatively small resources and your own work.
A good first step may be to create a clear,
customer-oriented website that informs your
Sustainable business
customers about your services or products.
Are you considering starting up a sustainable For example, in order for your customers
business where you can combine a profit to find your site, you can work with search
with environmental concerns and social engine optimization and social media.
responsibility? Running a sustainable
business can make you more competitive and
create new business opportunities.

12 Starting Up a Business Starting Up a Business 13

14 Starting Up a Business Starting Up a Business 15
Running Paying tax on the earnings
of the business
The profit of the business is taxed in a variety
of ways depending on the form of business
enterprise. The profit is the difference between
income and expenses. Income consists
In a trading partnership or limited
partnership, the partners (co-owners) share
the profit or loss. You make a standard
deduction for social security contributions
from each partner’s individual share of the
results. You have now calculated the surplus
for each partner. This surplus is then used
mainly of the funds received by the business
when calculating each partner’s income
when it sells goods and services. Expenses
tax and social security contributions. The
are the expenditures necessary to run the
partners’ surplus is also used by the Swedish
business. Some expenses may not be fully
It is important that you study the rules Social Insurance Agency to calculate the
the bank or obtain credit from a supplier. You deducted at the time of purchase, but must
that apply to your tax payments early income on which their sickness benefits are
can also obtain details from your accounts instead be depreciated over several years.
on. Moreover, you will benefit from based, and by the Swedish Pensions Agency
for your income tax return. Sole traders, trading partnerships and
having proper accounting from the to calculate their pensionable income.
You are obliged to acoount for all the limited partnerships are not taxed on their
beginning. It saves time, money and You pay national income tax on income
business transactions in your company. A profits. The profit instead provides the basis
unnecessary work. over a certain amount. Keep in mind that
business transaction is any event that affect for the taxation of the trader or the partners.
national income tax is calculated on the total
the economy in your business – a change More information on how taxation works is
income from your employment and from
in assets or debts, as well as any costs and available in the section Receiving remuneration
You are obliged to keep accounts of all financial your business activities.
revenues. or salary.
transactions in the business. A transaction In a limited company or an economic
Whether you do the accounting yourself In a limited company or an economic
refers to when you buy or sell something or association, as an owner or member, you are
or hire help depends on how much you association, the actual company or association
raise a loan, for example. also viewed as an employee if you are active
know, how interested you are and how much is taxed on the profit through corporation
in the company or association. The
time you can devote to it. However, even if tax. You must pay preliminary tax on the
remuneration you withdraw from the company
someone else does your accounts, you do profit or surplus, see the section Receiving
Keep account of the is thereby considered to be salary. This salary
need to understand them. Responsibility remuneration or salary. You pay the
business transactions preliminary tax through deposits into your
and your employer’s contributions are deductible
always rests with you.
Accounting is a useful tool in your business. expenses for the company or association.
Sole traders and trading partnerships tax account at and they
Your accounts enable you to monitor The fact that you, as an owner or member,
owned by natural persons and with a must be recorded no later than the due date,
operations and steer your business towards are viewed as an employee means that you
turnover of less than SEK 3 million are usually the 12th of every month. A couple
its targets. The answers to many questions are must register the company or association
permitted to compile simplified annual of times a year you should check that you
in your accounts. How much money can you as an employer with the Swedish Tax
accounts. Simplified annual accounts consist are paying the correct preliminary tax. You
withdraw for yourself? How is the business Agency. The company or association is your
of an income statement and a balance sheet. should neither pay too much nor too little. If
doing? Can you make the investments you employer and must therefore pay employer’s
More information is available on your preliminary tax needs to be adjusted,
were planning on? Can you afford to employ contributions and preliminary income tax you can file a preliminary income tax return
staff? for you and other employees.
with the Swedish Tax Agency at any time.
Accounting is also important when you
need to show others how your business is Do you need a cash register?
doing. You may want to borrow money from Receiving remuneration or salary Paying dividends and
If you sell goods and services for cash
payment or payment by credit card, you must If you conduct business as a sole trader, receiving bonuses
have a certified cash register. A cash register trading partnership or limited partnership, A limited company can pay all or part of its
is the system in a physical cash box that you may not draw salary from your business. profits to its shareholders. This payment is
The owners/ registers all payments. You have to report a If you deposit or withdraw money from not regarded as a salary to the shareholder,
The bank
you yourself
cash register at the same time as you report the business, the profit is not affected. but is taxed as income from capital.
your business to the Swedish Tax Agency. Consequently, it also does not affect how Remember that dividends do not form a
There are businesses exempt from this rule. much tax you must pay. basis for calculation of your future pension or
More information about cash registers is As a sole trader, you make a standard the income on which your sickness benefits
Why keep available on deduction for social security contributions are based. Special rules apply for what are
from the profit. You have now calculated known as close companies. A close company
accounts? the surplus from your business operations. is a limited company or an economic
Making tax deductions Income tax and social security contributions association where four or less partners own
You may make deductions in your income are calculated based on this surplus. The shares that correspond to more than 50
tax statement for what you need to be able surplus is also used by the Swedish Social percent of the votes.
Swedish Tax Other
Agency authorities to maintain the business. This may, for Insurance Agency to calculate the income on If an economic association makes a
example, be a matter of having an office at which your sickness benefits are based, and profit, the association can pay money back
home, a company car or costs you had before by the Swedish Pensions Agency to calculate to its members as a bonus. This bonus is not
the business began operating. your pensionable income. regarded as a salary. Consult the Swedish Tax

16 Starting Up a Business Starting Up a Business 17

Agency for more information on taxation of Closing the accounts and of payments other than taxes and social Employing staff
such bonuses. filing an income tax return security contributions, such as payments to If you hire somebody, you become an employer.
When you pay taxes and charges on your suppliers. With a record of non-payment, it This is true even if it is you yourself you
Once the financial year is over, you have to
salary or profit, you earn credits for your may be difficult to get a loan, buy something hire (if you have a limited company or
sum up how the year went, i.e. close your
national retirement pension. on instalment, get a credit card, etc. If you an economic association). Becoming an
annual accounts. Simply put, this means
conduct business as a sole trader, your private employer has several implications:
that you sum up the income and expenses
finances are also affected and it may be
How VAT works in an income statement as well as assets and ›› You must register as an employer with
difficult, for example, to rent a flat or arrange
liabilities in a balance sheet. The rules on the the Swedish Tax Agency.
VAT is a tax on goods and services. When a telephone subscription.
closing of the accounts differ depending on ›› You must withhold taxes and report these taxes
you sell something in your company, you add The credit-rating agencies decide
the form of business enterprise you have and for employees.
VAT to your price. When you buy something whether or not you are issued with a record
the size of your turnover.
for your company, the seller has also added of non-payment. They do so by making an ›› You must pay employer’s social security
You then complete your income tax contributions on the employees’ wages.
VAT. On most goods and services, 25 percent assessment of a large amount of information
return using the information in your annual
is VAT, but there are exceptions. from various sources, including the Swedish You report salaries, taxes and employer’s
You must report the VAT in a VAT return Enforcement Authority. This data is used to contributions every month in a PAYE return
If you are a sole trader you report your
to the Swedish Tax Agency. The difference provide information to people or enterprises – even if you have not paid any salary. After
profit or loss in a special supplement to your
between the VAT on what you have sold when you want to borrow money, make the end of the year, you file statements of
income tax return.
(output VAT) and the VAT on what you have purchases on instalment or the like. These earnings and tax withholdings for your
If you have a trading partnership you
purchased (input VAT) determines whether people or enterprises then decide whether employees.
must file an income tax return. Each partner
you need to pay VAT or will get a VAT refund. reports his or her share of the trading or not you can borrow money or make such On July 1, 2018, a PAYE return will be
Depending on the turnover your company partnership’s or limited partnership’s profit purchases. introduced at an individual level, which
has and what you selected in the registration, or loss on a special supplement to their means that as an employer you must report
you will submit a VAT return every month, income tax return. all payments you have made to each employee
every three months or once a year. More File the annual report in time each month, and what taxes you have
If you have a limited company or a
information on how often you need to submit economic association you must file an In some cases, you must to prepare an annual deducted. This report replaces the annual
VAT can be found on income tax return and report the company’s report and send it to the Swedish Companies income statement and applies to companies
If you have an income of no more than profit and the taxes the company must Registration Office. This applies to that maintain a personnel ledger and have
SEK 30,000 in one year, you are exempt from pay itself. Shareholders or members of the ›› larger sole trader businesses more than 15 employees. On January 1, 2019,
VAT. The exemption applies to own sales economic association file information on ›› trading partnerships and limited partnerships this will apply to all companies.
within the country. The exemption does not their salary and any dividends or bonuses in with legal entities as partners and larger trading The Swedish Public Employment Agency
apply to purchases of goods and services their income tax return. partnerships and limited partnerships offers a free service when you need to recruit
when you as a buyer are required to report Submit the return with the Swedish Tax ›› all limited companies staff.
and pay the output VAT. You do not have Agency. They calculate your tax liability for In some cases, you can get financial
›› larger economic associations.
right of deduction of VAT when you are the year and compare it with the preliminary support from the Swedish Public
exempt from paying it. tax you have paid during the year. If you have It is important that you file your annual Employment Agency when you hire
paid too little tax over the year, you have to report in time to the Swedish Companies someone. This applies if you, for instance,
pay more; but you will receive a refund if you Registration Office. If you run a limited hire a person who is newly arrived in Sweden,
have paid too much. You can easily file the partnership you will have to pay a late filing someone who has been unemployed for
return on the Swedish Tax Agency website. penalty if do not submit the report in time. some time or a young person who needs to
Reporting VAT In some cases, you must also provide gain work experience. The financial support
statistics to Statistics Sweden (SCB). You compensates for parts of the salary and
Sales ≤ SEK 1 million File tax return
Submitting your income tax are required by law to provide SCB with enables you to gain valuable skills for your
VAT return once a month, every three months return, your VAT return, PAYE information regarding your business, if company.
or once a year return and your payments on time SCB so requires. If this is the case, SCB will
You will have to pay a penalty if you file your contact you with more information. In the restaurant and hairdresser
Sales ≥ SEK 1 million File tax return return late. If you pay the enterprise’s tax, industries, a special ledger called the
VAT or employees’ taxes and social security Would you like to know more about personnel ledger must be kept. Everyone
VAT return once a month or every three months accounting, tax and VAT? Sign up for the working in the premises of the enterprise
contributions too late, you must also pay the
“Starting Up a Business” information must be recorded there. More information
interest expense and are at risk of the debt being
meeting at on this is available on the Swedish Tax
transferred to the Swedish Enforcement Agency website.
Authority (Kronofogden) for collection. This
costs extra and the enterprise is issued with
a record of non-payment. Moreover, your
approval for F tax can be revoked.
You can also be issued with a record
of non-payment if you do not take care

18 Starting Up a Business Starting Up a Business 19

If an employee falls ill If you fall ill or have children waiting days. Your national health insurance for more than seven days, you must have a
When an employee falls ill, you must pay sick As a business operator, you are covered by contribution will be lower if you choose medical certificate.
pay up to and including the fourteenth sick health and parental insurance. The benefit a longer waiting period. You can choose After 14 days, when the sick pay period
day. The first sick day is always a waiting day. you receive will be based on the income from between 1, 14, 30, 60 and 90 waiting days. If is over, the Social Insurance Agency can
The employee receives no remuneration at which your sickness benefit is calculated. The you do not select a waiting period, you will disburse sickness benefits if you are still ill.
all for this time. You pay sick pay for days 2 Swedish Social Insurance Agency calculates still have to complete the basic waiting period The company or association must therefore
to 14. On day 8, the employee must submit this income in various ways, depending on of seven days if you fall ill. If you choose a make a report and submit a medical
a medical certificate. If the employee is still what form of business enterprise you have. shorter waiting period, the change will take certificate to the Social Insurance Agency.
ill after day 14, you must file a notification effect after a period of notice. The period of
of illness with the Swedish Social Insurance Limited company or economic association notice corresponds with the number of days
Agency, who can pay sickness benefits. with which the waiting period is reduced. Make your company more digital
If you have a limited company or are a
The rules regarding sick pay apply member of an economic association, you The number of waiting days you select affects Increase your online visibility and create
as of the first day of employment if the are regarded as an employee. The Social neither temporary parental benefit nor the more and better business. With digital tools,
employment agreement applies until Insurance Agency then calculates the standard parental benefit. you can also streamline your administration
further notice or is limited in time to one income for sickness benefits based on your Contact the Social Insurance Agency of the company.
month or longer. Even for shorter periods of salary. If you do not draw any salary, you if you would like to change the number of There are many benefits to start
employment, the employee may be entitled to cannot receive any compensation if you fall waiting days. After the age of 55, you cannot managing your business digitally, and it is
sick pay under certain circumstances. If the ill. For parental leave, you can only receive change back to a shorter waiting period. often both cheaper and easier. With today’s
employee is not entitled to sick pay, they may the minimum level compensation. Note digital accounting software, you can get
instead be entitled to sickness benefits from Sickness benefits from the a comprehensive solution for both your
that dividends from a limited company or
the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Social Insurance Agency accounting, billing and connections to your
bonuses from an economic association are
not included in this income. If you are ill and cannot work in a sole trader bank. You can also get automatic reminders
business, a trading partnership or a limited if someone has not paid an invoice, or if you
Contracting another Sole trader, trading partnership partnership, you must report sick to the forget to send an invoice for a job done.
business operator or limited partnership Social Insurance Agency on the first day of Get a digital mailbox to receive your mail
If you purchase a service from a sole trader, If you are a sole trader or have a trading your illness. The Social Insurance Agency from authorities digitally instead of on paper.
such as a craftsman to furnish your premises, partnership or a limited partnership, the can then pay you sickness benefits after your Unlike regular emails, the digital mailbox
you have to check whether that person has income on which your sickness benefit is waiting days. Generally, you cannot receive is secure because login is via electronic ID,
F or FA tax. If the person you engage only based will be calculated according to your sickness payment for more than seven days such as Mobile BankID. A digital mailbox is
has A tax, you must withhold taxes and share of the estimated surplus from the before you submit your registration. free, environmentally friendly and accessible
pay employer’s contributions on the pay for business. However, your income may not be If you are ill for more than seven days, you wherever you are.
services rendered. calculated as being higher than the amount must also submit a medical certificate to the To be more visible online, you can have
If the person you engage has written on an employee with similar duties would Social Insurance Agency. your own website or be active in social media.
an invoice, tender or the like, that he or she is receive as a salary. If you are entitled to rehabilitation When you become more digital and
approved for F tax this information applies. compensation or preventive sickness benefit visible on the web, you also need to consider
If you nonetheless want to check that the Businesses under construction you can receive compensation from the first protecting your business. Read more under
person is approved for F tax, you can contact day of sickness or treatment, provided that the section Protect your business.
If you are in process of starting up your
the Swedish Tax Agency. you have not selected a waiting period and
business as a sole trader, trading partnership
thus only have the basic waiting period of
or limited partnership, you are entitled to
seven days.
extra protection for the first two years as
Important dates selfemployed. During this time, the level of
If you have chosen another number of
There are a lot of important dates for waiting days, you have to wait that number
your sickness benefit is based on a fictitious
entrepreneurs to keep in mind, for example of days before you can receive rehabilitation
income, equal to what an employee with the
compensation or preventive sickness benefit.
›› when to pay preliminary tax same work tasks, training and experience
›› when to report and pay VAT would receive. The 24 months are calculated
Sick pay from the business
from the month when you registered your
›› when to report & pay tax and employer’s When you are employed in a limited company
contributions for employees company with the Swedish Tax Agency.
or an economic association, the company or
›› when to file the income tax return
Waiting days association must pay you sick pay if you fall
›› when you will receive your final tax statement ill. The same rules apply to you as to all other
No sickness benefits will be paid for the
›› when you will receive your tax refund if you waiting days. If you are a sole trader or a
have paid too much preliminary tax. The first 14 calendar days that you are,
partner in a trading partnership or limited
partially or entirely, unable to work due to
partnership, you have a seven-day basic
You can find information about these illness is called the sick pay period. Since the
waiting period for health insurance. You
important dates on first day of illness is a waiting day, you cannot
may, however, choose another number of
receive any sick pay for that day. If you are ill

20 Starting Up a Business Starting Up a Business 21

Developing Financing growth
Read more about the goods you need an
import permit for on the page Special
Bank loans are the most common type of
regulations for certain goods at Swedish
Custom’s website.
external financing. This is mainly suitable
when it concerns investments in tangible assets
that can be sold on a second-hand market.
A VAT number is a number given to all Venture capital is an investment that you
who conduct activities subject to VAT and or somebody else makes in your company
have been registered with the Swedish with their own funds to be able to obtain
Tax Agency. VAT stands for value added a return on the investment in the future.
tax. It is important that you check that the Venture capital is suitable for particularly
buyer’s VAT number is valid. You will find risky enterprises with good profit
After a few years, it may be time to EU:s single market means that goods can
information on different countries’ VAT opportunities.
further develop the enterprise. You may circulate freely within the EU, without
numbers and if a number is valid on If you change your business activities
want to find new markets, get help to customs control or customs duties. For – remember to change the industry codes
many goods, the EU countries therefore have
finance your growth or simply change (SNI codes). This is done at
common rules. However, for certain goods
the form of business enterprise. Trading in services Venture capital also presupposes that the
the EU countries have their own national
rules. There are special provisions for When trading in services, you do not need to investor is actively involved in the business,
entering certain goods. In those cases, you provide a customs declaration, whether you such as through representation on the Board
There may be many reasons to continue with trade with countries inside or outside the EU. of Directors. The investment is usually
need a license or some form of permission to
the business in a different form. One common EEA countries – EU countries as well as limited in time.
bring the goods to Sweden from another EU
reason is that you want to bring in partners to Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein
the business. – have a common market for services. It
is often enough that the service meets the Change business form
Read more about trading with other
requirements in Sweden in order for it to be There may be many reasons you think about
Reaching out to new markets EU/EES countries on the portal Your
Europe, sold in other EU/EEA countries. However, in continuing with the company in another
When you have a profitable and maximally some areas, national requirements apply and form. If you are thinking about changing
utilised domestic market, it may be time to then a permit may be required to perform the business forms, it might be a good idea to talk
seek new markets. Assuming you are pre- When you trade with countries outside the service. to an accounting consultant to find out how
pared to invest long term, exports could be EU you have to declare all goods you bring The EU Free Trade Agreement and it would affect your business and you as an
profitable. in to or take out of the EU to Customs. WTO:s GATS agreement are important rules owner. Also, be sure to complete the
You do not need a general permit to begin for Swedish service providers who want to accounting process correctly.
international trade, but you need a special sell services outside the EU.
International trading identification number, an EORI number.
Does your business idea extend beyond the You can get an EORI number from Swedish
borders of Sweden? Then it is important that Customs. Some goods, like pharmaceutical
you find out what rules apply in Sweden as products, chemicals and organic products
well as in the country in which you intend to may require an import permit in order for
conduct business. you to import to an EU country. You apply
The rules for international trade vary for the permit with the responsible authority.
depending on what type of goods or service For certain other goods you also need an
you trade in, if you trade with companies or import permit. This may apply to iron and
private persons, and if they are in countries steel, as well as some agricultural and food
within or outside the EU. products. In Sweden, the National Board
of Trade Sweden and the Swedish Board of
Trading goods Agriculture issue these licenses. You may
When trading with goods from another need to pay customs and other charges to the
country, it is important to determine if Customs Administration and report VAT to
the person you are trading with is located the Swedish Tax Agency when purchasing
within the EU or not. If they are in an EU goods from a non-EU country.
area that does not belong to the Customs
Union or where EU tax rules does not apply,
the rules for import and export of goods
to non-EU countries apply. EEA countries
– EU countries and Norway, Iceland and
Lichtenstein – have a common market for

22 Starting Up a Business Starting Up a Business 23

Closing down
More help available here

At some time in the future, you will Generational ownership changes A number of authorities and organisations arrange various courses which you may
want to close down, sell or perhaps turn A generation change in ownership entails benefit from. “Starting up a business” days are arranged throughout Sweden, for
example. The lectures are held in Swedish. You have a great
the enterprise over to your children. special challenges both for the person
Entrepreneur organisations offer training, and sometimes municipal adult deal to think about
How you close your business depends leaving and the one entering. If you remain
involved in the business in some capacity, education centres or study associations may have what you are looking for. when planning to
on what form your business has. Growing numbers of libraries offer special service to business operators. This start up a business.
it is important that you can constructively
interact with your children in their new roles service can include books, periodicals, access to various databases and individual Here is a list of some
as owners and/or managers. Your behaviour guidance from the staff. of the authorities,
Make sure you think through the tax
implications the closing may cause. It is affects their possibilities of succeeding in the organisations and
also important that you conclude your business. services you can
accounts in the right way. If you begin to
Information services and Authorities contact and use to
plan the shutdown in time, you can take
control over your shift in ownership. This Bankruptcy electronic services Swedish Board of Agriculture
get information,
is true regardless of what form of business No one wants to end their business by going is a website for those who (Jordbruksverket) is the administrative advice and opinions.
enterprise you have. bankrupt, but if your business cannot pay its run or are about to start a business where the authority for programmes based on the
debts and will not be able to pay them for a Swedish Companies Registration Office, the governmental rural development policy.
long period of time, bankruptcy cannot be Swedish Tax Agency and the Swedish Agency On our website, you will find information
Selling the business avoided. for Economic and Regional Growth have on various forms of support offered to
A shift of ownership is most successful if you During the bankruptcy process, the assets gathered information and electronic services entrepreneurs in rural areas. You will also
have run the business in a manner attractive of the enterprise are sold and the proceeds that are of use to business operators. Do you find information on international trade in
to an external buyer. It is important that the are distributed to the creditors in accordance have questions about starting and running a agricultural products and foodstuffs.
organisation does not rely entirely on you with a certain system, to the extent possible business? Are you having trouble to find the
and that you are early aware of the problems after payment of bankruptcy costs. answer to your question on You Customer service: 0771-223 223,
that can arise. You must take into account are welcome to contact us: from abroad +46 771 223 223
legal, financial, business, organizational,
psychosocial, emotional and tax aspects. helpdesk 0771-190 300 Swedish Companies Registration
Office (Bolagsverket) is, in most cases,
The Swedish Trade and Industry Register where you should begin the process of
and European Business Register are registering a new business. Electronic
services where you can find information on services, forms and information material
enterprises. You can reach these electronic are available from the Swedish Companies
services from the Swedish Companies Registration Office website. You can also
Registration Office’s website. find out whether a business you are looking for exists by calling the Swedish Companies
Registration Office or by using the e-service
the Swedish Trade and Industry Register. 0771-670 670,
from abroad +46 771 670 670
or +46 60 18 40 00

Use the Find Advisors service at Here, you can

easily find useful contacts for starting your business.

24 Starting Up a Business Starting Up a Business 25

Swedish Customs (Tullverket) can help you Swedish Pensions Agency Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) has Enterprise Europe Network provides
if you plan on exporting or importing goods (Pensionsmyndigheten) administers and regular information meetings for prospective information and assistance on matters
to or from countries outside the EU. Swedish pays out the national retirement pension, and new entrepreneurs. You can register for concerning the EU and the European
Customs can provide information on what survivor’s pension and pension-related these meetings on its website at market. You can get answers to questions,
rules apply. Swedish Customs also offers benefits. We also provide general as well as attend seminars or get help with business
courses and information meetings. individual pension information. contacts. Tax information service: 0771-567 567,
0771-520 520, from abroad +46 771 520 520 0771-776 776, from abroad +46 498-200 700 from abroad +46 8 564 851 60
Service line: 020-567 000, Insamlingsstiftelsen IFS
Swedish Enforcement Authority Swedish Public Employment Service from abroad +46 8 764 92 00 Rådgivningscentrum, IFS, provides special
(Kronofogden) deals with matters (Arbetsförmedlingen) can help you with assistance to those not born in Sweden
concerning unpaid debts, etc. General staff recruitment. You can publish job who intend to start a business. You can get
information is available on its website, but advertisements and search for staff on the Advice and networks advice, such as help preparing a business
you can also call the customer service centre website. You can also discuss recruitment ALMI Företagspartner has offices in every plan, in various languages free of charge. IFS
for personal service on general issues. over the phone, by chat or by visiting the local county and can help you if you plan on also holds information meetings. There are public employment office. To take advantage starting a business or have recently done several advice centres throughout Sweden.
Customer service centre: 0771-73 73 00, of the service that the Swedish Public so. Assistance is available within business
from abroad +46 8 564 851 50 Employment Agency can offer when you development and finance when you decide to 08-693 99 42
want to start your own business, you have to develop your business concept.
Lantmäteriet can help you form a visit the local public employment office. NyföretagarCentrum has some 100
community association. Information about 0771-416 416, locations in Sweden. Here, you can get free
community associations is available on our from abroad +46 771 416 416 Coompanion – Kooperativ utveckling advice and help in assessing your business
website. You can also call our customer is located in every county and provides idea. NyföretagarCentrum is backed
support centre for help with issues regarding tailor-made advice from concept to by a broad, local network of people and
community associations and Lantmäteriet’s Swedish Social Insurance Agency successful enterprise to those who want to companies that can offer expert advice
other activities. (Försäkringskassan) provides information jointly translate their ideas into reality. This before you start up your business. on sick pay, sickness benefits and parental may range from assessing business concepts,
Customer support centre: 0771-63 63 63, benefits on its website. It also has special web selecting the form of business enterprise and
from abroad +46 771 63 63 63 pages for employers. You can call one of the addressing organisational and management
customer service centres or the self-service issues to advice on what small enterprises can Other contacts
Municipalities and county administrative line to report illness, report the care of sick gain by working with others. It may also be useful to contact your bank or
boards have business sector advisors who children, order forms and certificates, etc. other advisors, such as accountants, auditors
work to promote business in their areas. or lawyers. People in your surroundings
They provide assistance and grants and can Customer service centre for partners: Drivhuset helps new entrepreneurs to start who have experience of running a business
help you find suitable premises or make new 0771-179 000 and run a business or to realise their ideas or knowledge of the industry in which you
business contacts. in other ways. They do this by providing intend to start business are other valuable Statistics Sweden guidance, training and a creative office contacts. (Statistiska centralbyrån) At Statistics environment.
Sweden’s website, you will find information
Swedish Patent and Registration Office and statistics relevant when starting or
(Patent- och registrerings­verket, PRV) developing your business. There is also a
provides protection and sole rights to search function to help you find the right
technical ideas, trademarks and designs. industry codes (SNI codes) for your business.
Information in the PRV register can help Moreover, you can submit data to Statistics
you conduct analyses of what is happening Sweden via the website. We are happy to help
in your industry. PRV offers commissioned you if you have any questions regarding data
services in all its areas. collection or Statistics Sweden’s Business
08-782 28 00, from abroad +46 8 782 28 00
Statistics Sweden 010-479 40 00,
from abroad +46 10 479 40 00

26 Starting Up a Business Starting Up a Business 27

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Coordinated services from public authorities

Swedish Customs | Lantmäteriet | Swedish Patent and Registration Office | Swedish Pensions Agency
Swedish Public Employment Service | Swedish Social Insurance Agency | Statistics Sweden | Swedish Tax Agency
Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth | Swedish Board of Agriculture | Swedish Companies Registration Office
E-print. January 2018. Production: Nimbus Communication. Photo: Anna Sigvardsson, Magnus Skoglöf. Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth Info 0127 Rev L. The Swedish Board of Agriculture. Swedish Companies Registration Office no. 14f. Swedish Customs.
Lantmäteriet. The Swedish Patent and Registration Office. Swedish Pensions Agency. Swedish Public Employment Service order no. 503 506. Swedish Social Insurance Agency FK 275 2018-eng. Statistics Sweden no. 4f. Swedish Tax Agency SKV 462B 16th edition.

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