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Unit 7 Groner 56 ‘A. Ifthe verb in bold is correct, put a tick. Its incorrect, rewrite it correctly. Could you tel me where your passport was been issued? \When the winning actor was fll announced, big cheer went uo, Has your business trp to Calcutta next week confirmed by the hin office? Everyone who was been invited to te wedksng came. ‘The wire coat hanger invonted in 1903 by a Mr Parkhouse. ‘The issue has discussed in Pariament yesterday, but no decisions were taken. By the tine we ge there, the problem should have been sorted out. Britan was be invaded bythe Romans under Emperor Claudius in 43 AD. The party had been planned months in advance, but we stil had prablems. ‘iter be treated, was alowed to leave the hospital, We boarded the stip anc were showing to our cabin by a steward, ‘The nen supermarket is to be opened by an actor from a soap opera. B_ Write a verb from the box in the correct passive form in each gap. now ight * make * meet * show * write The stolen tems inthe atc of an empty house last week. When the openaircnema opens, the fest fim wil be Vertigo, Questions in Parlament about the Minister's business interests. We'e looking forward to 2 guided tour ofthe hole factory. Just imagine that when these words Europeans ha oot yet discovered America. (Once the barbecue wel be abl to start cooking, Before to see the mventon, | had to agree not to tll anyone. | would relly lke athe airport thats possible, t very clear to us that we werent welcome, Gareth says he’s aways wanted as someone wth a good sense of hurour. C Circle the correct word or phrase, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Global warming is thcught to be caused / is caused by polution. There are to be estimated / are estimated to be about 5,400 clferent species of mammals. [tis to be reported / has been reported tat gunshots have been heard inthe city cert. ‘The escaped prisoner is beleved to use / to have used a rope to cimb te wal Ibis to be calculated /is calculated that about 60% ofa man's body mass i water. ver 200 people are being understood / are understood to have been injured inthe explosion Itis considered impolte in some cutures to be eaten / to eat wit you let hand, There mean / were meant to have been 60 crates of olives inthe ore, not 600! / Thore has been suggested that people who dont recycle should pay more tax. ‘You order is guarantee will be delivered / to be delivered within three working days Poser nd sets Unit 7 D Each sentence contains one verb in the wrong form. Underline the incorrect word or phrase and route it correctly. T Heathrow Arport, near London, has caled the works busiest international arport and the GB mien passengers who ae processed each year would probably agree. 2 The land on which the apart stands sol o Fairey Aviation by the local vicar and was used fortes: fights during the 1930s, unger the name Great Wester Aerodrome. 3 In. 194, the airport was handed over tothe government and was developed for civilian use, was named ater a smal vilage that was removed to create space, Heath Row. 4 The fist concrete sab ofthe modern runways was lid by Queen Elizabeth lin 1953, and the ist terminal building, which has later renamed Terminal 2, was opened twe years late. 5 The London Undergrcund was extended to reach Heathrow in 1977, meering that passengers coud be transport from cental London va the Pcadily Line in ust under an hour. 6 Four passenger terminals and a cargo terminal have been constructed and permissen was been granted for a fith passenger :erminal in 2001, 7 thas been suggested that a new airport, which would lead to Heathrow being retred over a period of 20 years, has been but on a floating sland inthe Thames, although no firm plans have Been drawn vp. E Complete the sentoncas describing each situation using the phrase given, 1 I started taining tobe an accountant sx months ago. Ive got sik mare months to go, and then Ihave to take ‘exams. in taining) By Ure te | ake ny exe, 2 The council have bee thinking far same time of redeveloping the cy centre, (under consideration) ‘The redevelopment of the city centre 3 Theyve been having discussions on the issue for over two weeks. (in progress) Discussions on the issue 4 This weekend, the local Art Society willbe displaying their latest works atthe library. (on display) The local Art Society latest works 5. George seems to have been puting his website together for along te. {under construction} George's website F ifthe word or phrase in bold is correct, puta tick. I itis incorrect, rewrite it correctly. Hannah... and that was that, really. Anyway, what about your new ca? Tell me about that ‘Alison: — Oh, what a nightmare! We had to have it repaired tice! (1) Hannah: Oh, no! What happened? Alison: — Well, we got delivered it to our house on Monday mornin. (2) Hannah: Right. ‘Alison: We decided to have it eheck straight away, because ithad come all the way ftom America, 3 Hannah: Oh, | dict krow you'd had them do that (4) Aso: You, Away, we had ry dd tote 2 ok at Arde fod hat te enge wast uming proce. ; Hannah: Did you have the compary to come to fx i (6) ‘Alison: Wel, not at fist. We got my brother to working oni. (7) Hannah: Oh, he's wry zo0d. bet he socn had running it smooth. (8) Alson: Ys, but we il ao get he company come aut nthe end, ease he lun topoed woking o Hannah: Tere! You should get them to give you some compensation. (10) ‘Alison: Maybe. Oh, isthat the time” Listen, give me a cal. 387 Unit 58 G Complete each sentence using the noun in bold and an appropriate causative form of the verb in bold 1 you dont understand, it to you again after the lesson, (your teacher / explain) 2 Iwas a bt depressed, but watching my kitten pla with a bal of woo soon. ‘much better. (me / feel) 3. Dorit bother redecorating youself - it (a professional / do) 4 “vow WS 80 annoying because t meant had to take the tube to work (our car / steal) 5. You wont learn as much if you {you with your homework al the time. (your parents / help) 6 The concert started quiety, but the band soon to thet hit songs. (us all /dance) 7 Tel Gordon yourself Dont try your dirty work for you ime / do) 8 Have you thought about 2 short as mine? (your hair / cut) 91 me how to juga with fv balls, but stil could’ do it. (Karen / show) 10. Have you heard about the problems caused by students by companies ‘on the Internet? (their essays / write) H_ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning tothe first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words, including the word given. 1 They made me wait for over 20 minis on the phone! kept 1 for over 20 mnutes on the phone! 2 Although people consider Ashley to be a star, she is avays friendly towards everyone. considered Despite 1 Ashey’ alvaysfendly towards everyone. 3 We have had reports thatthe Prime Minister is making a suprise vist to Syria, be The Prime Minster a surprise visit to Syria, 4 The manager provided the staf with extra taining. by The the manager. 5 think someone needs to exlan ths computer program to me. explaining, thik I need | me, 66 They have been building the new stadium for much longer than they orgirally estmated, under The new stadium for much longer tan they originally estimated. 7 Do you know wy they made Craig stay behind after the lesson? to Do you know why - ‘ehind aftr the lesson? 8 Call Lionel and ask him to send the eports upto my afice. have Call Lonel and the reports upto my off.

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