Tdah Drama

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outpatient clinic
kevins house

narrator: Kevin is a cheerful 9 years old third grader who is

brought to the outpatient clinic after the teacher at the
private school he attends repeatedly called his mother about
his worsening classroom behavior.

*Suena telefono en la casa de kevin contesta la mama*

Mother: Hello
Teacher: Hi , is this Kevin´s mother _____?
Mother: Yes, she is.
Teacher: Ms_____ Sorry to bother you but Im calling to set an
appointment to talk about your son. Is very Important. Can we
meet tomorrow at ten?
Mother: Sure.


Teacher: your son is very likable and friendly, he always

obeyed when spoken to but also repeatedly disrupted the class
by his antics and could no longer be tolerated in the
classroom. He also hummed and made noises under his breath,
blurted out answers without raising his hand, and always
tried to be first when the teacher asked a question, even
though he often did not have the answer when called upon.

Mother: Oh God this can´t be happening, it must be normal at

his age. Lord have mercyy on meee

teacher: I have to remind him constantly to stay in his seat.

he also on the playground is a whirlwind of energy. Althought
he often elicited guffaws from his classmates by his antics
and daredevil behavior, he seemed to have a few playmates who
spent any time with him because of his tendency to disrupt
gams and invent his own rules. he was often the last to be
chosen for playground teams. In games such as football he
usually concentrates on vapor trails in the sky or
interesting pebbles underfoot.

Teacher: However, he seems very bright, he seldom managed to

complete his assignments in class. But there is a problem,
papers were often sent home but rarely returned.

Mother: *surprised* How is that possible? I spend a good deal

of time helping kevin complete his homework. i dont know what
is happening; kevin interupts conversations, runs into the
living room to see what was on the television. he
investigates any sound or movement in the kitchen whe he
does his homework.

Mother: Now that i realize,he constantly forgets to take his

materials to school and has crumpled papers left inside his
book bag. How was I so blind??


Therapist: so how would you describe kevin?

mother: kevin is the sweetest boy imaginable *sonriendo*.

however, i have to admit that he is all boy and a real
handfull. I was told by his kindergarden teacher that he was
immature and should have spent another year in kindergarden
before entering first grade.

*EN LA CASA* *kevin moviendose por todos lados, dejando

juguetes por ahi, buscando que hacer*

narrator: kevin was always on the go, usually leaving a trail

of toys in his wake as he sped through the house looking for
thinks to do. despite a roomul of toys and games, he usally

Kevin: I have nothing to do! everything here is so boring!!!

i don´t want to play the games that my sister likes, she
loves puzzles, board games, but i dont!!

mother: oh god, he literally is like a motor that ran out of

gas when he winds down. *haciendo expresión de cansada*

*Hay que poner varias escenas en donde se vea a kevin

haciendo quehaceres como sacando la basura y distrayéndose en
el camino, y demasiado metido en video juegos*
therapist: i can tell a difference in kevin´s behavior. i was
watching him in the waiting room and he was playing quietly
on the floor with some transformers he brought.

*kEvin se va con el examinador*

Therapist: Well, based on the examination, KEVIN is a healthy

boy, in good physical conditions, except from some scrapes
and bruises and lacerations on the scalp and forearm. there
is no significant medical history. However, his early
activity was high, he had short attention for toys as a

Entrevista con el niño

Mother: yeah even if he was very firendly as baby, when i

held him he would struggle to turn around to see what was
going on if there was any movement in the neighborhood. he
always woke up early, would get out of bed in. the morning
and explore the household. I have been worried about my early
difficulty in managing him,he doesnt learn to stop doing
dangerous things!! Gosh!

therapist: and how does your husband dealed with all this

Therapist: how are you kevin?

therapist: how do you feel today?

kevin: I feel very scolded, my mother thinks I have a problem

therapist: to have as a problem?

kevin: my mother scolds me because I do not stay calm

therapist: do you think it's something very bad?

kevin: I feel that not really

therapist: you want to tell me something that you did not say
to your mom

kevin: if there is really something that affects me, I feel

that my mom loves me and helps me but my dad does not, he
always goes out of the country and almost never plays with me
that affects me.

mother*frustrada*: well, he was always on sales trips, didnt

arrive home early. He was somewhat disorganized but very
successfull in his job, but couldnt tolerate office work. he
enjoyed playing outdoor games with kevin, but enden up
yelling at him and was very impatient with his antics.

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