Pediatric Dialysis 2nd Ed. - B. Warady, Et. Al., (Springer, 2012) WW

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Pediatric Dialysis

Bradley A. Warady • Franz Schaefer

• Steven R. Alexander

Pediatric Dialysis
Second Edition
Bradley A. Warady, MD Franz Schaefer, MD
Department of Pediatrics Pediatric Nephrology Division
University of Missouri - Kansas City Heidelberg University Hospital
School of Medicine Heidelberg, Germany
Section of Pediatric Nephrology
Children’s Mercy Hospital
and Clinics, Kansas City

Steven R. Alexander, MD
Division of Pediatric Nephrology
Stanford University School
of Medicine and Lucile Packard
Children’s Hospital at Stanford
Stanford, CA, USA

ISBN 978-1-4614-0720-1 e-ISBN 978-1-4614-0721-8

DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8
Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London

Library of Congress Control Number: 2011941584

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012

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We thank our families for the support they provide us.
We thank our colleagues for the insight they share with us.
We thank our patients for the trust they have in us.

The editors

The provision of optimal dialysis therapy to children requires a thorough

understanding of the multidisciplinary manner in which the pediatric patient
is affected by renal insufficiency. It was based on this philosophy that the
inaugural edition of Pediatric Dialysis was published in 2004. Since that
time, advances have taken place in dialysis-related care with the creation of a
wealth of new knowledge, outpacing much of the content that occupied a
prominent place in the original text. In response, we believe that even in this
age of the electronic transmission of information, the availability of a con-
temporary, comprehensive, and authoritative source of information such as
Pediatric Dialysis cannot only help facilitate the provision of superb patient
care by seasoned clinicians, but it also can help meet the demand of our young
trainees for the information that they require as a foundation for the future
advances that they will surely initiate.
We are, in turn, fortunate to have been able to enlist the collaboration of
over 70 colleagues from North America, Europe, and Asia to thoroughly
update this text, which remains the most comprehensive source of state-of-
the-art information on the dialysis of infants, children, and adolescents cur-
rently available. To them, we are eternally grateful for their commitment to
this project. The inclusion of a host of new authors from “both sides of the
pond” with their unique and fresh perspectives, combined with many authors
from the first edition and all with recognized expertise on the topic chosen for
their review, has resulted in a text that is clinically relevant and that will
someday hopefully duplicate the appearance of one of the initial editions,
owned by a dialysis nurse and characterized as being “full of worn pages as a
result of almost daily use.” The addition of several new chapters, including
Conservation of Residual Renal Function in Children Reaching End-Stage
Renal Disease, Intensified Hemodialysis in Children, and Transitioning the
Adolescent Dialysis Patient to Adult Care, should contribute to that end.
As clinicians ourselves who have spent many hours over the past three
decades on hospital wards, in the intensive care unit, and in the dialysis unit
applying what we have learned from the documented experience of others,
we know that this text is undoubtedly the product of the hard work and inge-
nuity exhibited by the global pediatric nephrology community and, as such,

viii Preface

cannot help but to serve as a valuable tool with a singular emphasis on

successfully caring for our challenging patient population. If that goal can be
achieved through the publication of the second edition of Pediatric Dialysis
and even one child benefits from our combined efforts, it will all have been

Kansas City, MO, USA Bradley A. Warady

Heidelberg, Germany Franz Schaefer
Stanford, CA, USA Steven R. Alexander

The editors would like to acknowledge the superb administrative support of

Cynthia Kiel, whose contributions to this text were exceptional. Similarly, the
editors would like to thank Kevin Wright from Springer, whose project man-
agement skills and unwavering support and patience contributed greatly to
the successful completion of this book.


Part I Essential Primers

1 Notes on the History of Dialysis Therapy in Children............. 3

Steven R. Alexander and Pierre Cochat
2 The Biology of Dialysis ............................................................... 17
Zhongping Huang, Dayong Gao, Claudio Ronco,
and William R. Clark
3 The Demographics of Dialysis in Children ............................... 37
Jeffrey J. Fadrowski, Steven R. Alexander,
and Bradley A. Warady
4 Organization and Management of a Pediatric
Dialysis Program ......................................................................... 53
Linda Jones and Michael Aldridge
5 Dialysis in Developing Countries ............................................... 73
Hong Xu and Arvind Bagga

Part II Considerations Around the Initiation of Dialysis

6 The Decision to Initiate Dialysis

in a Pediatric Patient................................................................... 85
Larry A. Greenbaum and Franz Schaefer
7 Initiation of Maintenance Renal Replacement
Therapy in Infants ...................................................................... 101
Rene G. VanDeVoorde III and Denis Geary
8 Urological Issues in Pediatric Dialysis ...................................... 115
Angus Alexander, Antoine E. Khoury,
and Armando J. Lorenzo
9 Conservation of Residual Renal Function
in Children Reaching End-Stage Renal Disease ...................... 139
Il-Soo Ha and Franz Schaefer

xii Contents

Part III Peritoneal Dialysis

10 Peritoneal Access in Children Receiving Dialysis .................... 153

Bradley A. Warady and Walter S. Andrews
11 Technical Aspects and Prescription of Peritoneal
Dialysis in Children..................................................................... 169
Enrico Verrina and Katia Perri
12 Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions ...................................................... 205
Claus Peter Schmitt
13 Peritoneal Dialysis During Infancy ........................................... 219
Tuula Hölttä, Christer Holmberg, and Kai Rönnholm
14 Peritonitis and Exit-Site Infections............................................ 231
Vimal Chadha, Franz Schaefer, and Bradley A. Warady
15 Non-infectious Complications of Peritoneal
Dialysis in Children..................................................................... 257
Sevcan A. Bakkaloglu

Part IV Hemodialysis

16 Hemodialysis Vascular Access in Children ............................... 275

Deepa H. Chand and Mary L. Brandt
17 Technical Aspects of Hemodialysis in Children ....................... 287
Marcus R. Benz and Franz Schaefer
18 Prescribing and Monitoring Hemodialysis
for Pediatric Patients .................................................................. 313
Stuart L. Goldstein
19 Maintenance Hemodialysis During Infancy ............................. 321
Tim Ulinski and Pierre Cochat
20 Intensified Hemodialysis in Children ........................................ 329
Dominik Müller and Denis Geary
21 Common Complications of Haemodialysis ............................... 345
Daljit K. Hothi and Elizabeth Harvey

Part V Management of Secondary Complications

of Chronic Dialysis

22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children

Receiving Maintenance Dialysis ................................................ 377
KDOQI Work Group
23 Technical Aspects of Controlled Enteral Nutrition
in Pediatric Dialysis .................................................................... 439
Bethany J. Foster and Dagmara Borzych
Contents xiii

24 Growth and Pubertal Development in Dialyzed

Children and Adolescents........................................................... 453
Dieter Haffner and Dagmar-Christiane Fischer
25 Diagnosis and Management of Renal
Osteodystrophy in Children ....................................................... 483
Katherine Wesseling-Perry and Isidro B. Salusky
26 The Cardiovascular Status of Pediatric
Dialysis Patients .......................................................................... 505
Rukshana Shroff, Elke Wuhl, and Mark Mitsnefes
27 Management of Renal Anemia in Children
with Chronic Kidney Disease ..................................................... 531
Peter D. Yorgin and Joshua Zaritsky
28 Immune Function and Immunizations
in Dialyzed Children ................................................................... 569
Annabelle N. Chua and Alicia M. Neu
29 Neurological Effects and Cognitive Development .................... 581
Debbie S. Gipson and Stephen R. Hooper
30 Psychosocial Adjustment and Adherence
of Children and Adolescents on Dialysis ................................... 593
Ahna L.H. Pai and Lisa M. Ingerski

Part VI Drugs and Dialysis

31 Drug Administration and Pharmacogenomics

in Children Receiving Acute or Chronic Renal
Replacement Therapy................................................................. 609
Douglas L. Blowey and J. Steven Leeder
32 Use of Contrast Agents in Children with Chronic
Kidney Disease ............................................................................ 629
Carlos E. Araya and Vikas R. Dharnidharka

Part VII Outcomes of Chronic Dialysis

33 Long-Term Outcome of Chronic Dialysis in Children ............ 645

Sarah Ledermann, Lesley Rees, and Rukshana Shroff
34 Health-Related Quality of Life in Children on Dialysis .......... 661
Arlene C. Gerson and Susan Furth
35 Transitioning the Adolescent Dialysis Patient
to Adult Care ............................................................................... 673
Maria E. Ferris and Lorraine E. Bell
36 The Ethics of Withholding or Withdrawing Dialysis
in the Pediatric ESRD Patient.................................................... 689
Pierre Cochat and Bruno Ranchin
xiv Contents

37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment

with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT ................. 697
Patrick D. Brophy, Hui Kim Yap, and Steven R. Alexander

Part VIII Special Indications and Techniques

of Blood Purification

38 The Development of CRRT for Infants and Children ............. 739

Claudio Ronco and Zaccaria Ricci
39 Extracorporeal Liver Replacement Therapy
for Pediatric Patients .................................................................. 755
Claus P. Schmitt and Franz Schaefer
40 Dialytic Therapy of Inborn Errors of Metabolism .................. 765
Philippe Jouvet and Franz Schaefer
41 Pediatric Therapeutic Apheresis ............................................... 775
Stuart L. Goldstein, Gunter Klaus, David F. Friedman,
and Haewon C. Kim
42 Extracorporeal Therapy for Drug Overdose
and Poisoning............................................................................... 797
Vimal Chadha

Index ..................................................................................................... 809


Michael Aldridge, MSN, RN, CCRN, CNS Department of Nursing,

Concordia University of Texas, Concordia, TX, USA
Angus Alexander Senior Fellow, Division of Urology,
The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada
Steven R. Alexander, MD Division of Pediatric Nephrology,
Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children’s
Hospital at Stanford, Stanford, CA, USA
Walter S. Andrews, MD Department of General Surgery,
University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Medicine, Children’s
Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Kansas City, MO, USA
Carlos E. Araya, MD Deparment of Pediatrics, University of Florida
College of Medicine, Gainseville, FL, USA
Arvind Bagga, MD Department of Pediatrics, All India Institute
of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Sevcan A. Bakkaloglu, MD Department of Pediatric Nephrology,
Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey
Lorraine E. Bell, MDCM, FRCPC Department of Pediatrics,
Division of Nephrology, McGill University Health Centre,
Montreal, Canada
Marcus R. Benz, MD Division of Pediatric Nephrology,
Children’s University Hospital, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich,
Munich, Germany
Douglas L. Blowey, MD Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Mercy
Hospital and University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO, USA
Dagmara Borzych, MD, PhD Department of Pediatric and Adolescent
Nephrology and Hypertension, Medical University of Gdansk,
Gdansk, Poland
Mary L. Brandt, MD Division of Pediatric Surgery,
Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA

xvi Contributors

Patrick D. Brophy, MD Department of Pediatrics, University of Iowa

Children’s Hospital, Iowa City, IA, USA
Vimal Chadha, MD Department of Pediatrics, Section of Pediatric
Nephrology, Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Kansas City,
Deepa H. Chand, MD, MHSA Department of Nephrology
and Hypertension, Akron Children’s Hospital, Akron, OH, USA
Annabelle N. Chua, MD Department of Pediatrics, Renal Section,
Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston,
William R. Clark, MD Gambro Renal Products, Lakewood, CO, USA
Pierre Cochat, MD, PhD Service de néphrologie et rhumatologie
pédiatriques, Centre de référence des maladies rénales rares, Hospices
Civils de Lyon & Université Claude-Bernard Lyon, Lyon, France
Vikas R. Dharnidharka, MD, MPH Department of Pediatrics,
University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL, USA
Jeffrey J. Fadrowski, MD, MHS Department of Pediatrics,
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Maria E. Ferris, MD, MPH, PhD Department of Medicine and Pediatrics,
Division of Nephrology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
and University of North Carolina Children’s Hospital, Chapel Hill,
Dagmar-Christiane Fischer, PhD Department of Pediatric Kidney,
Liver and Metabolic Diseases, Hannover Medical School,
Hannover, Germany
Bethany J. Foster, MD, MSCE Department of Epidemiology,
Biostatistics and Occupational Health and Department of Pediatrics,
Division of Nephrology, McGill University Health Centre and Montreal
Children’s Hospital, Montreal, QC, Canada
David F. Friedman, MD Associate Medical Director, Transfusion Service
and Apheresis Service, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Medical Director, Phlebotomy Service, Children’s Hospital
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Susan Furth, MD, PhD Department of Nephrology,
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Dayong Gao, Ph.D Department of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Denis Geary, MB, MRCP(UK), FRCPC Department of Paediatrics,
The Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
Contributors xvii

Arlene C. Gerson, PhD Department of Pediatrics and Epidemiology,

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA
Debbie S. Gipson, MD Department of Pediatrics,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Stuart L. Goldstein, MD Department of Pediatrics,
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Division of Nephrology
and Hypertension & The Heart Institute, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Center for Acute Care Nephrology, Pheresis Service,
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Larry A. Greenbaum, MD, PhD Department of Pediatrics,
Emory University and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA
Il-Soo Ha, MD, PhD Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University
Children’s Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Dieter Haffner, MD Department of Pediatric Kidney, Liver,
and Metabolic Disease, Hannover, Germany
Elizabeth Harvey, MD, FRCPC Division of Nephrology, The Hospital
for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Tuula Hölttä, MD Department of Pediatric Nephrology
and Transplantation, University of Helsinki and Hospital for Children
and Adolescents, Helsinki, Finland
Christer Holmberg, MD Department of Pediatric Nephrology
and Transplantation, University of Helsinki and Hospital for Children
and Adolescents, Helsinki, Finland
Stephen R. Hooper, PhD Carolina Institute for Developmental Diabilities,
University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Daljit K. Hothi, MBBS, MRCPCH, MD Department of Nephro-Urology,
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom
Zhongping Huang, PhD Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Widener University, Chester, PA, USA
Lisa M. Ingerski, PhD Center for the Promotion of Adherence
and Self-Management,Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Linda Jones, MHA, RN Section of Pediatric Nephrology,
Children’s Mercy Hospitals, Kansas City, MO, USA
Philippe Jouvet, MD, PhD Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric
Intensive Care Unit, University of Montreal and Sainte-Justine Hospital,
Montreal, QC, Canada
xviii Contributors

Antoine E. Khoury Department of Urology, Children’s Hospital

of Orange County and University of California Irvine Medical Center,
Orange, CA, USA
Haewon C. Kim, MD Medical Director, Apheresis Service,
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Gunter Klaus, MD Pediatric Kidney Center, KfH-Kuratorium fur Dialyse
und Nierentransplantation, Marburg, Germany
Sarah Ledermann, MB, MRCPCH Department of Pediatric Nephrology,
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom
J. Steven Leeder, PharmD, PhD Department of Pediatrics,
Division of Pharmacology and Medical Toxicology, Children’s Mercy
Hospitals and Clinics, Kansas City, MO, USA
Armando J. Lorenzo, MD Division of Urology, The Hospital
for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada
Mark Mitsnefes, MD Division of Nephrology and Hypertension,
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, OH, USA
Dominik Müller, MD Department of Pediatric Nephrology,
Hospital Charite, Berlin, Germany
Alicia M. Neu, MD Department of Pediatric Nephrology,
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD, USA
Ahna L.H. Pai, PhD Center for the Promotion of Adherence
and Self-Management, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Katia Perri, MD Department of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation,
Giannina Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy
Bruno Ranchin, MD Service de néphrologie et rhumatologie pédiatriques
Centre de référence des maladies rénales rares, Hospices Civils de Lyon,
Lyon, France
Lesley Rees, MBChB, FRCP, FRCPCH, MD Department of Pediatric
Nephrology, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London,
United Kingdom
Zaccaria Ricci, MD Department of Cardio-Anesthesiology
and Pediatric Intensive Care, Ospedale Bambin Gesù, Rome, Italy
Claudio Ronco, MD Nephrology Department, International Renal
Research Institute, St. Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza, Italy
Kai Rönnholm, MD Department of Pediatric Nephrology
and Transplantation, University of Helsinki and Hospital for Children
and Adolescents, Helsinki, Finland
Contributors xix

Isidro B. Salusky, MD Department of Pediatric Nephrology,

University of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Franz Schaefer, MD Pediatric Nephrology Division,
Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany
Claus Peter Schmitt, MD Department of General Pediatrics,
Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Heidelberg, Germany
Rukshana Shroff, MD, FRCPCH, PhD Department of Nephrology,
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom
Tim Ulinski, MD, PhD Service de Néphrologie Pédiatrique,
Hopital Armand Trousseau, AP-HP and University Pierre and
Marie Curie, Paris, France
Rene G.VanDeVoorde III, MD Department of Nephrology
and Hypertension, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, OH, USA
Enrico Verrina, MD Department of Nephrology, Dialysis
and Transplantation, Giannina Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy
Bradley A. Warady, MD Department of Pediatrics, University
of Missouri - Kansas City School of Medicine, Section of Pediatric
Nephrology, Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, Kansas City, MO, USA
Katherine Wesseling-Perry, MD Department of Pediatrics,
University of California-Los Angeles, David Geffen School of Medicine,
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Elke Wuhl, MD Department of Pediatric Nephrology,
University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Hong Xu, MD Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Children’s Hospital
of Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Hui Kim Yap, MD Department of Pediatrics, National University
of Singapore, Singapore
Peter D. Yorgin, MD Division of Nephrology,
University of California-San Diego School of Medicine,
San Diego, CA, USA
Joshua Zaritsky, MD, PhD Department of Pediatrics,
Mattel Children’s Hospital at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Part I
Essential Primers
Notes on the History of Dialysis
Therapy in Children 1
Steven R. Alexander and Pierre Cochat

Key Words
Dialysis therapy • Children • History

renal failure…” [1]. When long-term dialysis

Introduction became possible in the 1960s, hundreds of units
sprang up in North America and Europe spawning
In his authoritative and entertaining monograph on
a new breed of physicians who “…trained franti-
the history of dialysis, Stewart Cameron calls
cally to run them…” These physicians adopted a
attention to the important role played by the devel-
culture that was more “active” than the traditional
opment of dialysis technology in the founding of
contemplative approach of medicine specialties,
nephrology as a medical specialty [1]. Prior to the
and by the 1970s, nephrology had become “…an
1950s and 1960s, the study and management of
autonomous specialty with an uneasy relationship
disorders of the kidney was the province of general
to general internal medicine. There is no doubt
physicians. Along with the introduction of the
that those physicians who chose to make dialysis
renal biopsy and its interpretation [2], the intro-
their principal interest were to some extent a breed
duction of dialysis was “…an important motor
apart, with whom physicians in general found it
which accelerated the emergence of nephrology as
difficult to relate…” [1].
a specialty. Suddenly there was a need for special-
In contrast, the discipline of pediatric nephrology
ist knowledge to apply the complex data from the
emerged in response to different drivers. Based on
increasing number of critically ill patients who
the classic work of pediatric physiologists on fluid
survived their primary disease only to go into acute
and electrolyte metabolism, regulation of intracel-
lular and extracellular fluid, acid–base homeosta-
sis, and parenteral fluid therapy, the first generation
S.R. Alexander, MD ()
of pediatric nephrologists who arose in the 1950s
Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Stanford University
School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children’s and 1960s were rarely exposed to the care of chil-
Hospital at Stanford, Stanford, CA, USA dren with acute or chronic renal failure [3, 4]. It is
e-mail: emblematic that the early starting point of pediat-
P. Cochat, MD, PhD ric nephrology as a specialty is traced by some to
Service de néphrologie et rhumatologie pédiatriques, the organization of the International Study of
Centre de référence des maladies rénales rares, Hospices
Kidney Disease in Children (ISKDC) in the 1960s,
Civils de Lyon & Université Claude-Bernard Lyon,
Lyon, France which was a study of childhood nephrotic syn-
e-mail: drome [1]. Early pediatric nephrologists rarely

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_1, 3

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
4 S.R. Alexander and P. Cochat

cared for children suffering what is now called

acute kidney injury (AKI), a role more often played
Dialysis: The Founding Fathers
by pediatric surgeons. Those who cared for chil-
The term dialysis has both Latin and Greek roots
dren with what is now known as chronic kidney
and refers to a separation or dissolution: (from
disease (CKD) focused on dietary restrictions
dialyein – to separate; dia – apart; lyein – to
and diuretic, antibiotic, and electrolyte therapies,
loose) [6]. The modern understanding of the
attempting to ease the progression to end-stage
term is the result of the work of a Scottish physi-
renal disease (ESRD). When ESRD was reached,
cal chemist, Thomas Graham (1805–1869) who
older children and adolescents often had to look to
redefined dialysis to reflect his newfound under-
adult ESRD programs for access to chronic dialysis
standing of the ability of a semipermeable
and transplantation; infants and younger children
membrane (Graham’s own concept) to separate
were frequently offered only palliative care [5].
solutions containing a crystalloid from a colloid
During the past five decades, the landscape has
[7]. Using sheets of vegetable parchment
changed dramatically. Acute and chronic dialysis
impregnated with starch as the membrane,
is now routinely available for children throughout
Graham observed that some substances (e.g.,
the world, and the study of dialysis therapy and
sugars) crossed the membrane and would crys-
the disordered physiology of the pediatric patient
tallize on drying, while larger molecules like
with AKI or ESRD has come to occupy a promi-
gum arabic would remain in the original solu-
nent if not dominant place in pediatric nephrol-
tion. Based on his own discovery of the laws
ogy research [4]. Pediatric nephrology training
governing diffusion of gasses, Graham realized
programs worldwide are expected to teach train-
that the crystalloid molecules moved by the
ees how to dialyze children of all ages, and mod-
force of diffusion across the membrane which
ern pediatric nephrology training program
prevented the movement of larger molecules.
graduates come equipped with technical skills
For this work, Graham is known as the “father
unimagined by the founders of the specialty. With
of modern dialysis” [8].
increasing acceptance of universal access to dial-
Earlier work by a Frenchman, Rene’ Dutrochet
ysis therapy for children has come a concomitant
(1776–1847) introduced the term osmosis to
growth in the demand for pediatric nephrologists,
describe the movement of water down concentra-
leading to a steady increase in the size of pediatric
tion gradients of salts across membranes that
nephrology programs. Unlike adult dialysis pro-
retard the movement of solutes. Dutrochet’s
grams, many of which long ago separated from
osmotic pressure forms the basis of osmotic-
their academic roots, pediatric dialysis programs
induced ultrafiltration and has earned him the
remain firmly grounded in university medical
sobriquet, “grandfather of dialysis” [9].
centers and medical school-affiliated children’s
Application of these principles led scientists
hospitals, a fortunate association that has pro-
in the late nineteenth century to explore the use
moted, sustained, and demanded a culture of sci-
of semipermeable membranes in the laboratory
entific inquiry in what easily could have become
to investigate the properties of many substances.
a purely technical and derivative discipline.
Animal membranes were popular, including the
In this chapter, we have attempted to briefly
peritoneal membrane (of calves), but the concept
review selected high points in the development of
was limited to separation and purification of sub-
dialysis therapy for children. We have left to the
stances. Beginning with the animal experiments
chapters that follow a detailed description of these
of John Jacob Abel (1857–1938) and his team in
innovations. Our goal is to place them in historical
Baltimore, the early twentieth century saw much
context, acknowledging the debt owed to those pio-
progress in the ability to perform dialysis in liv-
neering pediatric nephrologists, nurses, engineers,
ing animals. In 1913, Abel’s team built an appa-
dieticians, and social workers and their young
ratus using hollow collodion tubes encased in a
patients whose efforts have helped make a complex
glass cylinder that foretold the design of modern
and life-sustaining therapy a part of routine medical
hollow fiber dialyzers. They called the process
management for children throughout the world.
1 Notes on the History of Dialysis Therapy in Children 5

“vividiffusion” and were the first to conceive of acute glomerulonephritis complicating scarlet
dialysis as a means of removing “…substances fever. Severely hypertensive, fluid overloaded,
from the blood whose accumulation is detrimen- and becoming increasingly cyanotic, “…it
tal to life…” [10]. However, clinical application appeared that the boy was going to die…” [12].
of these techniques would be delayed until mid- Modeling their technique on methods first
century when both hemodialysis (HD) and peri- described in adults in 1946 [15], Bloxsum and
toneal dialysis gained traction as treatments for Powell had #30 Fr. mushroom catheters surgically
renal failure in humans. placed into the right and left lower quadrants to
serve as irrigating tubes. The irrigating solution
was mammalian Tyrode’s solution, then in com-
Peritoneal Dialysis mon use as a surgical irrigant. It contained sodium,
potassium, chloride, magnesium, phosphate,
The roots of the use of peritoneal dialysis (PD) in bicarbonate, and dextrose in near-physiologic
children can be traced to the use of the peritoneal concentrations, along with penicillin (only
cavity to treat dehydration in infants. In 1918, 5,000 units/L), sulfadiazine, and heparin. Fluid
two Johns Hopkins pediatricians, Kenneth from 1-L autoclaved flasks was dripped continu-
Blackfan and Kenneth Maxcy, first described the ously at 10 mL/min into one catheter while being
successful fluid resuscitation of dehydrated drained by gravity from the other. Peritoneal
infants using intraperitoneal injections of saline lavage was continued for 4 days, during which the
solution [11]. At that time, dehydrated infants too patient’s azotemia worsened, but enough ultrafil-
small or dehydrated to permit intravenous access, tration occurred to improve blood pressure from
were treated by injecting fluids into the subcuta- 186/130 to 148/105. Fortunately, a spontaneous
neous tissues (“clysis”), a method Blackfan and diuresis began almost immediately, and by the
Maxcy noted was often “disappointing,” because third day of treatment, the boy had begun to
“…absorption from the subcutaneous tissues is recover. During lavage, the drainage catheter
often very slow and after repeated injections is often became obstructed requiring reversal of
almost nil…” Injection of physiologic sodium flow through the two catheters and eventual appli-
chloride solution directly into the peritoneal cav- cation of suction to the drainage line. By the
ity was “…simple…practicable and accompanied fourth day, the system would no longer drain at
by a minimum of risk to the patient…” [11]. all, with fluid leaking freely around both catheters.
These same characteristic features, simplicity, Peritoneal fluid cultures were positive for three
practicality, and safety, have made peritoneal organisms, which may have been contaminants,
dialysis particularly well suited for use in chil- as the boy did not display signs of clinical perito-
dren for the past 60 years. nitis. Although Bloxsum and Powell entitled their
The first reports of the use of the peritoneum paper: “The treatment of acute temporary dys-
to treat children with renal failure appeared in function of the kidneys by peritoneal irrigation:
1948 [12] and 1949 [13] at a time when world- Successful treatment of a 10-year old male child,”
wide reported clinical experience with PD totaled the contribution of peritoneal irrigation to the
only 100 patients [14]. These first pediatric acute child’s successful recovery is questionable.
PD reports are of interest in part because they The 1949 experience of Henry Swan and Harry
describe in arresting detail many of the problems H. Gordon was more promising [13]. These pio-
that have continued to complicate the use of PD neering Denver pediatric surgeons employed con-
in children. tinuous peritoneal lavage to treat three acutely
Writing in the premier issue of the journal anuric children, 9 months, 3 years, and 8 years of
Pediatrics, a pediatrician, Allan Bloxsum, and his age. Rigid surgical suction tips covered by metal
urologist colleague at Houston’s St. Joseph’s sheaths with multiple perforations were implanted
Hospital, Norborne Powell, described the treat- into the upper abdomen and pelvis allowing large
ment of an oliguric 10-year-old boy who suffered volumes (~33 L/day) of sterile, physiologic
6 S.R. Alexander and P. Cochat

Tyrode’s solution to flow by gravity from 20-L Although successful as a treatment for AKI,
carboys continuously into and out of the abdo- early PD techniques were poorly suited for the
men. Ultrafiltration was controlled by adjusting child with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The
the dextrose concentration between 2% and 4%, need to reinsert the dialysis catheter for each
while dialysate temperature was regulated by treatment made prolonged use of PD in young
changing the number of illuminated incandescent patients problematic. In the largest published
60-W lightbulbs in a box placed over the inflow pediatric series from the disposable catheter
tubing. The two older children regained normal period, Feldman, Baliah, and Drummond main-
renal function and survived after 9 and 12 days of tained seven children, ages 6–14 years on inter-
peritoneal lavage; the infant was sustained for 28 mittent peritoneal dialysis (IPD) for 3.5–8 months
days, but did not regain renal function and suc- while awaiting transplantation. Treatments were
cumbed to obscure complications. Peritonitis infrequent, ranging from every 7–12 days to
occurred only once and responded to intraperito- every 4–12 weeks. Although complications were
neal antibiotics. Removal of urea and maintenance few, at the time of the report, two children had
of fluid balance were successful in all three chil- died, two had been transferred to hemodialysis,
dren, although obviously herculean efforts were and three remained on IPD; no child had been
required to deliver this therapy [13]. Although successfully transplanted [29].
impractical and technically difficult to deliver, the More than any other advance, it was the devel-
continuous peritoneal lavage of Swan and Gordon opment of a permanent peritoneal catheter that
should be credited as the first conclusive demon- made long-term PD an acceptable form of treat-
stration of the lifesaving potential of PD when ment for pediatric patients. First proposed by
used to treat acute renal failure in children. Palmer, Quinton, and Gray in 1964 [30] and later
It was more than a decade before the use of PD refined by Tenckhoff and Schechter in 1968 [31],
in children was again reported. During the 1950s the permanent PD catheter revolutionized chronic
and early 1960s, the development of disposable PD for adults and children in the same way the
nylon catheters [16] and commercially prepared Scribner shunt transformed chronic hemodialy-
dialysis solutions led to the replacement of con- sis, making long-term renal replacement therapy
tinuous peritoneal lavage techniques with inter- possible. In Seattle, the new permanent perito-
mittent forms of PD, allowing the routine use of neal catheters were combined with an existing
peritoneal dialysis as a treatment for AKI and automated dialysate delivery system that had
some intoxications in adults [17]. These methods been designed by Boen, Mion, Curtis, and
were adapted for use in children in the early Shilipetar for use in the home [32, 33]. In the
1960s by teams in Indianapolis and Memphis early 1970s, this work culminated in Seattle in
[18, 19] who also showed how PD could be effec- the establishment of the first pediatric chronic
tive in the treatment of the boric acid and salicy- home PD program [34]. The success of the Seattle
late intoxications commonly seen in small program throughout the 1970s showed that
children at that time [20, 21]. Subsequent reports chronic IPD could be a practical option for some
established PD as the most frequently employed children with ESRD [35].
renal replacement therapy (RRT) for AKI in pedi- Additional limited experience with chronic
atric patients [22–28]. Compared to hemodialysis IPD was reported from several other pediatric
(HD), PD appeared ideally suited for use in chil- centers [36–39], but enthusiasm for the technique
dren. It was intrinsically simple, practical, safe, was limited. Chronic IPD seemed to involve
and easily adapted for use in patients of all ages many of the least desirable features of chronic
and sizes, from premature newborn infants to HD, including substantial fluid and dietary restric-
fully grown adolescents. In contrast, HD at this tions, immobility during treatments that lasted
early stage of development required large extra- many hours, and the need for complex machinery
corporeal blood circuits and vascular access that requiring parental or nursing supervision, with-
was difficult to achieve and maintain in pediatric out providing the one great advantage of HD:
patients (see later in this chapter). efficiency. Moreover, it became clear from efforts
1 Notes on the History of Dialysis Therapy in Children 7

to maintain adult ESRD patients on chronic IPD America [48–51] and Europe [52, 53] quickly
that long-term technique survival was not often followed suit, enthusiasm in many areas was
achieved [40]. Inadequate dialysis and frequent tempered by the availability of dialysis fluid only
peritonitis were cited as the most common causes in 2,000-mL containers. In Canada, small-volume
of IPD failure in the 1970s, leading to widespread plastic dialysis fluid containers were provided by
reliance on HD among adult dialysis programs Baxter, Inc. soon after the first pediatric CAPD
and limited access to chronic RRT for children, patients were trained there in 1978, but it would
especially infants. In fact, pediatric dialysis and be another 2 years before small-volume contain-
transplant programs at the time routinely excluded ers became available in the United States and
infants and small children, reasoning with Hurley much of the rest of the world [54].
that “…although it is technically possible to per- During the 1980s, the popularity of CAPD for
form hemodialysis and transplantation in these children spread worldwide [55]. In Japan, where
children, the myriad of well-known problems… transplantation was less common due to religious
should contraindicate such therapy …” [41], and prohibitions on organ donation, Masataka Honda
with Reinhart: “…we may find the price the child and other pioneers established large CAPD pro-
pays for life too great…” [42]. During a period in grams that demonstrated the long-term capabilities
which advances in ESRD therapy pushed the of the modality in children [56]. Pediatric neph-
upper age limits for successful therapy well into rologists in developing countries soon realized that
the seventh and eighth decades, the youngest CAPD was relatively affordable, which meant that
ESRD patients remained therapeutic orphans, ESRD was no longer an inexorably lethal condi-
considered by many to have severely limited tion for children from families with limited
chances for survival [43, 44]. resources [57–59]. And throughout the world, the
The description of what became known as survival of so many more children with ESRD
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis increased the demand for the multidisciplinary
(CAPD) by Robert Popovich and Jack Moncrief pediatric specialists required to care for them.
and associates in 1976 heralded a new era in the The next big step in the evolution of PD for
treatment of ESRD in children [44]. As originally children was the resurgence of automated cycling
described, 2 L of dialysate were infused into an machinery. As we have seen, during the 1960s
adult and retained for 4–5 h, then drained and and 1970s, automated PD machinery was used to
repeated a total of five times per day while the deliver chronic IPD, but treatments were infre-
patient went about regular daily activities [45]. As quent, with patients often receiving three PD
early experience with CAPD in adults was ana- treatments per week, usually for 12 h overnight.
lyzed by pediatric nephrologists it became clear Following the success of CAPD, in the early
that this new modality offered theoretical advan- 1980s quality of life issues made a revival of
tages to children when compared to HD and IPD interest in automated PD inevitable in those coun-
that included near steady-state biochemical con- tries that could afford it. The CAPD technique
trol, no disequilibrium syndrome, greatly reduced required interruption of daily activities several
fluid and dietary restrictions, and freedom from times each day for dialysis exchanges; how much
repeated dialysis needle punctures. CAPD easier and less intrusive it would be to relegate
allowed children of all ages to receive dialysis at dialysis to nightly exchanges performed by auto-
home, which offered a more normal childhood. mated cyclers while the patient and family slept.
And for the first time, CAPD made it possible to The first reports of an automated dialysis fluid
routinely provide chronic dialysis for infants and cycling device adapted to provide “continuous”
small children, which meant that this population cycler PD (CCPD) were published in 1981 by
could now be safely maintained on CAPD until groups in Charlotte, North Carolina and Houston,
they reached transplantable age and size. Texas [60, 61]. The technique maintained the prin-
The first child to receive CAPD was a 3-year- ciple of continuous PD by cycling dialysate
old girl in Toronto in 1978 [46, 47]. Although a exchanges through the night and leaving an
number of pediatric dialysis programs in North exchange in place during the day. CCPD was first
8 S.R. Alexander and P. Cochat

shown to work in a pediatric patient by the Houston young patients with renal failure for whom treat-
group in 1981 [61]. Soon CCPD became extremely ment options were essentially nonexistent at that
popular among pediatric dialysis programs in time [69]. Prior to Kolff’s remarkable invention,
developed countries worldwide [62–66]. the stage had been set for the introduction of an
During the late 1980s improvements in renal extracorporeal dialysis device by the availability
transplantation increased renal allograft and of two key elements: heparin and cellophane.
patient survival rates so dramatically in children Heparin was first purified from an extract of
that all forms of dialysis were viewed even more liver tissue in 1916 by a second year medical stu-
as a bridge to get children safely to or between dent at Johns Hopkins, Jay MacLean, working in
kidney transplants [62]. The ready availability of the laboratory of a prominent hematologist,
potent vitamin D analogues, ESRD-friendly phos- William H. Howell [70]. Heparin rapidly replaced
phate binders and nutritional supplements and hirudin, a naturally occurring, but often toxic
formulas, controlled enteral nutrition via gastros- anticoagulant extracted from the heads and gul-
tomy or nasogastric tubes, recombinant human lets of leeches.
erythropoietin, and recombinant human growth The basis for cellophane is cellulose, a sub-
hormone (see Chaps. 22, 23, 25, and 27) gave stance first purified from wood in 1885.
pediatric nephrologists a powerful armamentar- Cellophane had been available since 1910 as
ium with which to bring the child on chronic dial- sheets of cellulose acetate used in the packing
ysis safely to transplantation in optimal condition industry, but it had the necessary qualities of a
– well nourished, normally grown, with minimal good dialysis membrane: It could be easily steril-
renal anemia and bone disease. Attention could ized without injury to the material and had a long
then be turned to quality of life issues, scholastic shelf life. When cellophane tubes became widely
and emotional development, and child and family available as sausage casings in the 1920s, studies
psychosocial adjustment to the rigors of ESRD in animals showed the casings also made excel-
and chronic dialysis (see Chaps. 29, 30, and 33). lent diffusion membranes [71]. Clinical applica-
Before 1982, fewer than 100 pediatric patients tion of cellophane and heparin in the construction
had been treated with CAPD worldwide, and of a dialysis device awaited Kolff’s invention of
CCPD for children was virtually unknown. the rotating drum kidney in 1944.
During the ensuing three decades, continuous Pediatric application of the Kolff artificial kid-
forms of PD became available in pediatric dialy- ney was first reported in 1950 by John Merrill and
sis centers throughout the world. Regional, his colleagues in Boston who included a 3½-year-
national, and international multicenter study old boy with nephrotic syndrome in their initial
groups and registries developed during this period series of 42 adult patients dialyzed using a rotating
have since added much to our knowledge of peri- drum machine essentially the same as Kolff’s
toneal dialysis in children [63–67]. These efforts original design [72]. As described by Merrill:
have spawned an extensive series of clinical Blood is led from the radial artery by means of an
guidelines and treatment options that will be dis- inlying glass cannula through a rotating coupling
cussed in many of the chapters that follow. to the surface of a revolving metal drum. Here it
passes through a length of cellophane tubing (~20
meters) wound spirally around the drum, and is
carried by the motion of the drum to the distal end.
Hemodialysis During its course, the blood-filled tubing is passed
through a rinsing fluid maintained at a constant
The clinical use of an “artificial kidney” was pio- temperature of 101 degrees F in a 100 liter con-
neered in 1944 in adult patients suffering from tainer. Into this medium, diffusion from the blood
takes place through the cellophane membrane. Dis-
acute renal failure by Willem J (“Pim”) Kolff
tally, the blood is passed through a second rotating
[68], a Dutch physician in Nazi-occupied Holland coupling, and pumped to inflow flasks, whence it
during the Second World War. Kolff’s interest in is fed by gravity to a vein in the forearm through
dialysis grew from his experiences caring for another inlying cannula. [72]
1 Notes on the History of Dialysis Therapy in Children 9

Merrill’s pediatric patient received a single while dialysis had been successful in supporting
4-h dialysis treatment and was said to have this child’s reversible ATN, “…in view of the dif-
had “…modest improvement, but of short ficulty in assessing elements of reversibility of
duration…” [72]. renal failure in chronic states, more frequent use of
In 1955, FM Mateer, L. Greenman, and T.S. dialysis is indicated in these situations…” [73].
Danowski described their experience at the In 1957, Frank H Carter and a team at the
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh with eight Cleveland Clinic that included Willem Kolff,
hemodialysis treatments in five severely uremic who had emigrated to the United States in 1950,
children, 7–15 years of age, all of whom were next described eight hemodialysis treatments in
“…either stuporous or confused… overbreathing five children (2–14 years of age) using an
present in three of the five… (one child) had improved disposable Alwall twin coil kidney that
developed pulmonary edema, and convulsions could be modified for children <20 kg by using
had appeared in (two children)…” [73]. Their only one of the two coils, thereby reducing prim-
equipment was built by the Westinghouse ing volume from 750 to 400 mL [75]. The coils
Company based on an Alwall coil kidney design sat in the warmed rinsing bath with rinsing fluid
[74]. Alwall’s coil kidney in effect turned Kolff’s circulating over the blood-filled cellophane tub-
rotating drum on its end submerging the coils of ing. Vascular access was via a large-bore polyvi-
cellophane tubing completely in the dialysate nyl catheter inserted into the inferior vena cava
bath. Mateer’s version of the coil kidney was via a saphenous vein cutdown with return of dia-
more compact than the Kolff machine, consisting lyzed blood to a large vein in the arm. Roller
of ~15 m of 1 1 in. cellophane tubing wound on pump speed was 200–400 mL/min. Catheters
8 remained in place until the child died or recov-
stainless steel screens submerged in a warmed ered sufficient renal function to no longer need
32 L bath of dialysate. An in-line roller pump dialysis [75].
propelled heparinized blood through the tubing
Four of the five children survived, including a
from radial artery through the cellophane coils to
2-year-old boy with probable acute glomerulone-
return via the saphenous vein. Dialysate consisted
phritis who presented anuric with a blood urea
of Pittsburgh tap water to which were added
nitrogen (BUN) of 322 mg/dL. Carter noted that
sodium, calcium, chloride, bicarbonate, glucose,
“…in the hands of a well-trained team, hemodi-
and variable amounts of potassium; a fresh batch
alysis is not only helpful in producing a smoother
was mixed every 200 min, and with every bath
course in these children, but it may also be life-
change an antibiotic (usually oxytetracycline)
saving…” [75].
was injected into the tubing leading to the artifi-
Unlike the concise and constricted prose
cial kidney [73].
demanded by modern journal editors, the papers
For these severely uremic children, dialysis
by Mateer and Carter published 50 years ago are
was clearly a heroic treatment that was surpris-
wonderfully detailed, conveying the intensity and
ingly effective, if only temporarily. After treat-
drama that must have attended these early hemo-
ments lasting 2–13 h, all patients became more
dialysis sessions. While some laboratory testing
alert, pulmonary edema and overbreathing
was available, management decisions relied pri-
improved, phosphorus levels fell, and blood
marily on clinical judgment. Presaging modern
nonprotein nitrogen levels decreased from an
use of aggressive RRT in critically ill children,
average of 231 to 113 mg/dL. Two of the five
Mateer concluded that:
children survived, one recovering normal renal
function after an episode of what may have been …the relative safety of the procedure (hemodialysis)
warrants an increased use in uremic patients whose
hemolytic uremic syndrome (“…previously prognosis has been considered hopeless, with the
well…bloody diarrhea…oliguria, albuminuria, goal that time will thereby be provided for recovery
profound anemia…”). Mateer concluded that, for those who have reversible lesions… [73]
10 S.R. Alexander and P. Cochat

Intoxications with salicylates or barbiturates on a first-come, first served basis if they were
represented another potential use for hemodialysis medically stable…” [81].
in children [76], but while potentially lifesaving in Using the Seattle pumpless method [79],
cases of reversible AKI or intoxications, the role Potter’s patients were dialyzed thrice weekly pri-
of periodic hemodialysis in the management of marily using the recently introduced flat plate
irreversible renal failure in children faced daunt- dialyzers and an automated dialysate delivery
ing technical challenges, the first of which was the system. The basic flat plate device, known as a
absence of a reusable vascular access. This prob- Kiil kidney [87], consisted of two grooved poly-
lem was first solved in 1960 by Belding Scribner propylene plates separated by a sheet of cello-
and the team in Seattle with the development of a phane clamped tightly together. Blood flowed
Teflon(R)-silastic shunt that still bears his name through the enclosed dialyzer down the grooves
[77]. The Scribner shunt consisted of silastic- on one side of the cellophane membrane across
teflon cannulas inserted in the radial artery and a from dialysate flowing in the grooves of the plate
nearby forearm vein that were connected to each on the other side of the membrane in a counter
other between dialysis treatments and could be current direction. One or more of these mem-
separated and connected to the arterial and venous brane “sandwiches” could be clamped together to
tubing of a dialysis apparatus. Smaller versions of construct the dialyzer. The parents of the children
the Scribner shunt were soon adapted for use in treated at home in the early days of the program
children [78], and by the mid-1960s the availabil- were required to construct a Kiil dialyzer for
ity of repeated vascular access via these shunts every treatment (Donald Potter, MD, personal
made chronic hemodialysis in children a reality. communication, 2011).
Using a pumpless system developed for pedi- Vascular access was via arteriovenous shunts
atric patients by Robert Hickman and Belding originating in the radial, brachial, posterior tibial,
Scribner in Seattle in the early 1960s [79], the or femoral artery. Extracorporeal volume during
first large pediatric chronic hemodialysis pro- treatment averaged 14% of estimated blood vol-
grams were established in Seattle [80], San ume, and blood loss with each treatment was
Francisco [81], Los Angeles [82], Minneapolis 20–40 mL. Transfusions were given when the
[83], London [84], and Paris [85]. hematocrit fell to 15%, leading to a mean transfu-
The San Francisco experience is illustrative of sion requirement of 0.5 unit of packed red blood
the problems encountered and overcome by these cells per month. The highest dialyzer clearance
pioneering pediatric centers during this early available was 128 mL/min, and because of this
period so critical to the successful adaptation of low clearance, five of the children were dialyzed
chronic hemodialysis for children. In a report 18–27 h/week. Dialysis prescriptions were
summarizing their initial experience from 1966 to adjusted according to pre-dialysis BUN, which
1969, Donald Potter and his associates at San averaged 70–86 mg/dL [81].
Francisco General Hospital described the chronic There were many complications, including
hemodialysis of 14 children 2–16 years of age hemodynamic decompensation due to the a-v
weighing 10–52 kg [81]. Time on dialysis ranged shunt, shunt clotting and infection, anemia,
from 1 to 27 months, with five children receiving hypertension, renal bone disease, congestive
dialysis at home. For the first 3 years of the pedi- heart failure, uremic pericarditis, and growth
atric dialysis program, children were selected for delay. Despite these difficulties, there was only
dialysis in competition with adult patients by a one death, and at the time of the 1970 report,
committee, a stark reminder of the earliest days of seven children had received successful kidney
chronic hemodialysis when the scarcity of this transplants [81]. Looking back on his early expe-
resource forced painful decisions into the hands of rience, Potter recently recalled that although
so-called “Life and Death Committees” [86]. By hemodialysis in 1970 appeared to be a potentially
1969, a separate pediatric unit had been created successful therapy for uremic children, there
in San Francisco, and children were accepted “… were many who doubted its technical problems
1 Notes on the History of Dialysis Therapy in Children 11

could be overcome sufficiently to allow its routine renal osteodystrophy, anemia, undernutrition,
use in children. According to Potter, three major and poor growth velocity. However, actuarial
subsequent advances turned the tide: (1) improved patient survival was reported to be 90% after 3
vascular access with the introduction of arterio- years on chronic hemodialysis [90].
venous fistulas and permanent double-lumen By the early 1970s, it became clear among
catheters, (2) the introduction of smaller more pediatric nephrologists in North America and
efficient dialyzers and lower-volume dialysis cir- Europe that the care of children with ESRD
cuits, and (3) the development of dialysis equip- required separate facilities from those in which
ment with more precise ultrafiltration monitoring adult patients were dialyzed. The concept of
and control capability (Donald Potter, personal specialized pediatric dialysis centers was pio-
communication, 2011). neered in Europe by Broyer, Scharer, Chantler,
The problem of ultrafiltration monitoring in Donkerwolke, Rizzoni, and others who stressed
infants, at once the most critical due to their small the importance of concentrating pediatric ESRD
body size and narrow blood volume safety limits, patients in multidisciplinary pediatric centers
was solved ingeniously by another pioneering specially equipped by experience and expertise
pediatric hemodialysis program in Minneapolis to care for children on dialysis and for their fami-
led by Michael Mauer and Carl Kjellstrand who lies [91]. These units were usually attached to
developed electronic weighing equipment on University departments of pediatrics, as was the
which the dialyzing infant lay throughout the pro- case in similar units established in North America.
cedure. The equipment required meticulous cali- However, no single pediatric center in Europe or
bration, but was able to very accurately measure North America could hope to treat enough
weight changes to within 3 g [88]. In a review patients to properly develop the therapy. As a
published in 1976, Mauer and R.E. Lynch result, the concept of large national and interna-
addressed these issues and others in an engaging tional patient databases or registries of children
description of the state of the art of pediatric hemo- receiving RRT was born.
dialysis in North America in the early 1970s [89]. The first of these was the work of the European
Developments in Europe paralleled those in Dialysis and Transplant Association (EDTA),
North America. In 1975, the second edition of the which in 1971 published the first report devoted
famous French textbook of pediatric nephrology entirely to the care of pediatric dialysis patients
was coedited by Pierre Royer, Renée Habib, [92]. The 1971 report presented data on 296
Michel Broyer, and Chantal Loirat. There were patients aged less than 15 years at the start of RRT
six pages about hemodialysis (HD), stating as who were receiving treatment at 122 centers, only
follows: “The management of end-stage renal five of which had treated three or more pediatric
disease in children is a recent experience, and patients, reflecting the practice in Europe at that
pediatric maintenance hemodialysis had really time of managing children on dialysis in adult
begun in 1969–70 in Europe” [90]. According to units. In 1976, the components of a pediatric dial-
these authors, there were three major contraindi- ysis center were rigorously defined by the EDTA
cations to chronic dialysis in children: (1) sys- to include pediatricians, pediatric nurses, dieti-
temic disease such as lupus, (2) mental retardation, cians, social workers, child psychologists, school
and (3) young age, i.e., below 18 months. Vascular facilities, along with a separate children’s ward in
accesses included only (radial or femoral) which therapy was provided away from adult
arteriovenous shunt or fistula so that such a pro- patients [93]. Close association with a transplant
cedure was limited to children older than 2–3 program was also prescribed, reflecting early rec-
years. There was no specific device for pediatric ognition of the critical importance of transplanta-
dialysis, and children suffered from many uncom- tion as the therapy of choice for children with
fortable/unacceptable side effects (seizures, severe ESRD. By 1989, nearly 80% of all children receiv-
hypotension) during hemodialysis sessions. ing dialysis in the countries of the EDTA were
Morbidity mainly included arterial hypertension, cared for in specialized pediatric centers [94].
12 S.R. Alexander and P. Cochat

The most recent report on pediatric dialysis in encephalopathy, pyrogenic reactions and symptoms
Europe appeared in 2010 summarizing data on of bioincompatibility, malnutrition, intradialytic
483 incident and 2,512 prevalent pediatric dialy- symptomatic hypovolemia, seizures and develop-
sis patients (age <15 years) from 28 countries mental delay, just to name a few.
[95]. In comparison to the last demographic Indeed the history of maintenance HD in chil-
report of the former EDTA registry 14 years ago, dren has been strongly modified by the introduc-
the authors found in 2007 a nearly threefold tion of more efficient and biocompatible synthetic
higher incidence and prevalence of RRT among membranes, by erythropoietin treatment, by
children aged younger than 15 years. They spec- growth hormone therapy, by the development of
ulated that the difference was likely to be due to new therapeutic approaches to bone disease and
underreporting to the previous EDTA registry, calcium-phosphate disorders, by advances in
the recent achievement of RRT programs for all vascular accesses (microsurgery for arterio-
children in many countries, and an increasing venous fistulas, new materials for cuffed tunneled
acceptance and survival of infants and children venous catheters), by introducing pediatric data
with multiple comorbidities in pediatric RRT for dialysis adequacy measurement (Kt/V, urea
programs in Europe, resulting in a truly increased reduction ratio), by novel dialysis strategies
incidence and prevalence of RRT [95]. (high-flux dialysis, hemodiafiltration), by opti-
In North America, the success of the EDTA mizing the use of anticoagulation (low molecular
pediatric registry prompted over 60 pediatric weight heparins, regional trisodium citrate), by
ESRD programs to band together in 1987 to form improving dialysis water quality and bacterial
what is now called the North American Pediatric safety (ultrapure dialysate), by noninvasive
Renal Trials and Collaborative Studies investigation of vascular access blood flow, by
(NAPRTCS) [96]. The NAPRTCS is a voluntary using urokinase or tPA for the management of the
registry restricted to pediatric centers in Canada, thrombosed hemodialysis catheter, by improving
the United States, Mexico, and Costa Rica that nutritional assessment and support, by using new
initially focused on transplant patients. In 1992, machines with precise control of ultrafiltration by
the NAPRTCS expanded to include dialysis volumetric assessment and continuous blood vol-
patients and in 1994 expanded again to include ume monitoring during dialysis sessions, by the
children with chronic kidney disease (CKD). In a availability of specific small size dialyzers and
recent report from 2008, the NAPRTCS presented tubing for infants, and by the use of sodium mod-
data on 6,491 children treated with dialysis in eling [97–102]. In the mean time, HD practice
North American centers since 1992, approxi- has benefited from specific medical and staff
mately one-third of whom had received hemo- training, including courses, fellowship programs,
dialysis ( and congresses. Specific regulations have been
A complete listing of the more than 130 publica- established for HD practice in children, accord-
tions based on NAPRTCS data that have appeared ing to local health-care organization, public
since 1990 is available on the NAPRTCS web health, resources, and law. During this period,
site, as are all of its most recent Annual Data patient morbidity and mortality have significantly
Reports ( decreased. Worldwide experience has resulted in
Both the EDTA and the NAPRTCS registries large databases and general practical guidelines
have catalogued and promoted the steady growth [103–105]. However this only includes devel-
and development of RRT for children that has oped countries since the cost of HD is rather high,
occurred since the 1970s and 1980s. During the and such a technique is not available/accessible
last three decades, HD in children has dramati- in many developing countries.
cally improved, with the near disappearance of Among the most recent advances, some of
many of the complications that once plagued them have brought significant improvement in
pediatric hemodialysis: disequilibrium syn- HD for children:
drome, need for blood transfusions, disabling • Daily online hemodiafiltration allows better
bone disease and uremic dwarfism, aluminum nutrition, reduces blood pressure, improves
1 Notes on the History of Dialysis Therapy in Children 13

left ventricular size and function, improves 4. Chesney RW. The development of pediatric nephrology.
calcium x phosphate control, better controls Pediatr Res. 2002;52:770–8.
5. Scharer K, Fine RN. The history of dialysis therapy
chronic microinflammation, and promotes in children. In: Warady BA, Schaefer FS, Fine RN,
catch-up growth in children [98, 106]. Alexander SR, editors. Pediatric dialysis. Dordrecht:
• The lowest age limit for starting HD in chil- Kluwer Academic Publishers Inc.; 2004. p. 1–11.
dren has dropped, including neonates thanks 6. Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary.
Collins World Publishing, 1978. p. 503.
to specific devices and improvement in gen- 7. Graham T. Liquid diffusion applied to analysis.
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The Biology of Dialysis
Zhongping Huang, Dayong Gao,
Claudio Ronco, and William R. Clark

Diffusion • Convection • Membrane • Hemodialysis • Hemofiltration

discussion of toxin elimination mechanisms for

Introduction the native kidney, the dialytic solute removal
mechanisms (diffusion, convection, and adsorp-
Dialysis forms the cornerstone of therapy for most tion) broadly applicable to all renal replacement
patients with chronic kidney disease Stage V (end- therapies are reviewed. The relative importance of
stage renal disease; ESRD) and many patients with these mechanisms in the different therapies used in
acute kidney injury (AKI). Consequently, it is both the ESRD and AKI settings will then be dis-
imperative that clinicians managing these patients cussed. As the major determinant of overall effi-
understand the fundamental principles of dialytic ciency of hemodialysis (HD), the most commonly
therapies, especially those having a biologic basis. applied renal replacement therapy, diffusive solute
In this chapter, many of these principles are removal will be rigorously assessed by applying a
reviewed. The topic of uremic toxicity is first “resistance-in-series” model to a dialyzer. In much
addressed, with emphasis on the classification of the same way, fluid and mass transfer in peritoneal
uremic toxins based on molecular weight (MW). dialysis will be assessed by examining the ele-
After a frame of reference is established with a ments of the system: peritoneal microcirculation,
peritoneal membrane, and the dialysate compart-
Z. Huang, PhD ment. Finally, from a kinetic perspective, the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, differences between intermittent, continuous, and
Widener University, Chester, PA, USA semi-continuous therapies will be discussed, with
D. Gao, PhD emphasis on quantification of solute removal.
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
C. Ronco, MD Biology of Uremic Toxicity
Nephrology Department, International Renal
Research Institute, St. Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza, Italy
Classification of Uremic Toxins
W.R. Clark, MD ()
Gambro Renal Products, Lakewood, CO, USA
In the properly functioning human kidney, plasma
Nephrology Division, School of Medicine,
Indianapolis, IN, USA water and blood solutes are removed by ultrafiltra-
e-mail: tion and convection, respectively. Solutes of MW

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_2, 17

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
18 Z. Huang et al.

Table 2.1 Uremic toxin classes and dialytic removal clinically measurable, has not yet been identi-
mechanisms fied. Low-molecular-weight (LMW) peptides
Primary removal and proteins (MW, 5,000–50,000 daltons) are the
Solute category mechanism most recently identified class of uremic toxins
Small solutes (mw <300 D) Diffusion [5]. The plasma concentrations of these
Middle molecules (mw 500–5,000 D) Diffusion
compounds are typically increased 10–100-fold
in ESRD. A specific toxin in this class, b2-
LMW proteins (mw 5,000–50,000 D) Convection
Diffusion microglobulin (b2M: MW, 11,800 daltons), has
Adsorption been identified as a causative factor in the devel-
Large proteins (mw >50,000 D) Convection opment of dialysis-related amyloidosis, a deposi-
mw molecular weight, D daltons, LMW low molecular tion disorder specific to the ESRD population
weight [6]. For major therapeutic approaches [intermit-
tent hemodialysis (IHD) and continuous renal
less than approximately 40,000 daltons have essen- replacement therapy (CRRT)] used in acute and
tially unrestrained passage through the glomeru- chronic dialysis, Table 2.1 also indicates the pre-
lus, the kidney’s filtration unit [1]. Therefore, the dominant solute removal mechanisms (see below)
rate of clearance at the level of the glomerulus for for these solute classes.
such molecules very closely approximates renal
plasma flow rate. Most molecules subsequently
undergo some degree of modification in distal Renal Mechanisms for Toxin Removal
portions of the nephron, such that urinary clear-
ance ultimately is modified quite significantly, Although creatinine and, particularly, urea are felt
relative to the clearance by the glomerulus. By to be surrogates for the entire small solute class in
definition, ESRD and AKI are associated with patients with renal failure, these compounds do not
absent or minimal native kidney function. As a inherently have significant toxicity. In addition, the
result, blood solutes normally removed by the renal handling of compounds in this class is quite
above filtration mechanism are retained in the dissimilar. Although glomerular filtration is the
bloodstream with a resultant increase in their initial elimination step for both urea and creati-
plasma concentrations. nine, subsequent handling of these two molecules
The classification of uremic solutes is typi- in distal portions of the nephron is quite disparate.
cally based on MW [2] and four reasonably well- Whereas urea undergoes significant reabsorption
accepted classes currently exist (Table 2.1), in the proximal tubule [7], the final concentration
although a more sophisticated classification of creatinine in the urine is influenced heavily by
scheme has been proposed by Vanholder and col- the extent of its tubular secretion [8]. This latter
leagues comprising the Uremic Toxicity Working feature is especially important in advanced stages
Group [3]. In the traditional scheme, one cate- of chronic kidney disease, during which tubular
gory, simply called “small solutes,” is comprised creatinine secretion can account for a substantial
predominantly of nitrogenous compounds of percentage of total renal elimination [9].
MW less than 300 daltons. Prototypical solutes Previous work suggests reabsorption followed
in this category are by-products of protein by cellular catabolism in the proximal tubule is
metabolism and include the compounds urea another important elimination mechanism for
(MW, 60 daltons) and creatinine (MW, 113 dal- many uremic toxins, especially the LMW protein
tons), which are commonly measured in clinical class of compounds. In addition to b2M (see
medicine to estimate kidney function. The second above), complement Factor D (MW, 23.5 kDa)
category, referred to as “middle molecules,” con- [10] is also a representative molecule in this cate-
sists of a diverse group of molecules in the 500– gory. Factor D acts as an up-regulator of the alter-
5,000 dalton range [4]. Although this class has native complement pathway and activation of the
been widely studied from an experimental per- alternative pathway by blood–membrane interac-
spective, a representative solute, which is tion (with resultant C3a generation) is enhanced
2 Biology of Dialysis 19

in the presence of the high serum concentrations

of Factor D found in uremic patients. In an ele- Solute Removal Mechanisms
gant study, Pascual et al. [10] characterized Factor in Extracorporeal Dialysis
D metabolism in patients with normal renal func-
tion and varying degrees of renal insufficiency. Diffusion
A significant direct correlation was observed
between serum Factor D concentration and serum Diffusion involves the mass transfer of a solute in
creatinine while the relationship between serum response to a concentration gradient. The inher-
Factor D concentration and creatinine clearance ent rate of diffusion of a solute is termed its dif-
was very similar to that between serum creatinine fusivity [15], whether this in solution (such as
and creatinine clearance. Serum Factor D concen- dialysate and blood) or within an extracorporeal
trations in patients with ESRD were 10–20-fold membrane. Diffusivity in solution is inversely
higher than those with normal kidney function. proportional to solute MW and directly propor-
Using radiolabeled Factor D, these investigators tional to solution temperature [16]. Solute diffu-
also characterized its metabolism in patients with sion within a membrane is influenced by both
normal renal function. The glomerular sieving membrane thickness (diffusion path length) and
coefficient of Factor D was estimated to be 0.36. membrane diffusivity [17], which is a function of
After glomerular filtration, essentially complete both pore size and number (density).
reabsorption was suggested by an absence of In hemodialysis (HD), the overall mass trans-
radioactivity in the final urine. On the other hand, fer coefficient-area product (KoA) is used to
in patients with proximal tubular disorders, such quantify the diffusion characteristics of a particu-
as that produced by long-term gentamicin admin- lar solute–membrane combination under a defined
istration, significant urinary radioactivity was set of operating conditions [18]. The overall mass
quantified. Similar findings have been reported transfer coefficient is the inverse of the overall
for b2M. resistance to diffusive mass transfer, the latter
Another uremic toxin for which renal removal being a more applicable quantitative parameter
is highly dependent on proximal tubule function is from an engineering perspective:
the advanced glycation end product (AGE) pento- K O = 1 / RO (2.1)
sidine [11–14] (MW, 379 daltons), which circu-
lates both in a protein-bound and free form. Miyata The overall mass transfer resistance can be
et al. [13] characterized free pentosidine metabo- viewed as the sum of resistances in series [19]
lism in rats with normal renal function. Following (Fig. 2.1):
exogenous administration of radiolabeled RO = RB + RM + RD (2.2)
pentosidine, radioactivity was measured in urine,
feces, and expired air over a 72 h period. Urinary where RB, RM, and RD are the mass transfer resis-
elimination accounted for over 80% of the total tances associated with the blood, membrane, and
pentosidine excretion during this period. However, dialysate, respectively. In turn, each resistance
chromatographic analysis of the 72 h urine collec- component is a function of both diffusion path
tion indicated the primary peaks were not intact length (x) and diffusivity (D):
pentosidine but rather lower-molecular-weight R O = (x / D )B + (x / D )M + (x / D )D (2.3)
compounds. This finding, coupled with the imme-
diate but transient appearance of radioactivity in The diffusive mass transfer resistance of both
proximal tubule cells after pentosidine adminis- the blood and dialysate compartments for a hemo-
tration, suggested initial metabolism of intact pen- dialyzer is primarily due to the unstirred (bound-
tosidine in the proximal tubule with subsequent ary) layer just adjacent to the membrane [20].
excretion of lower-molecular-weight metabolites Minimizing the thickness of these unstirred lay-
primarily also via a renal mechanism. ers is primarily dependent on achieving relatively
20 Z. Huang et al.

Fig. 2.1 Diffusive mass

transfer resistances in a
hemodialyzer (Source:
Reprinted with permission
from Ref. [18])

high shear rates, particularly in the blood com- (straight) cylindrical pores (per unit membrane
partment [21]. For similar blood flow rates, higher surface area) of radius r oriented perpendicular to
blood compartment shear rates are achieved with the flow of blood and dialysate, diffusive solute
a hollow fiber dialyzer than a flat plate dialyzer. flux (j: mass removal rate per unit membrane
Indeed, based on the blood and dialysate flow surface area) can be expressed as [23]:
rates (generally at least 250 and 500 mL/min,
ϕ = λDρΔC / t (2.6)
respectively) achieved in contemporary HD with
hollow fiber dialyzers, the controlling diffusive where l is the solute partition coefficient, D is
resistance is that due to the membrane itself. solute diffusivity, r is membrane porosity, DC is
Another approach to quantifying diffusive mass the transmembrane concentration gradient, and t
transfer specifically through an extracorporeal is membrane thickness. (While the partition coef-
membrane is by use of Fick’s law of diffusion [22]: ficient is essentially unity for solutes such as urea
and creatinine, larger solutes with incomplete
N = D (dC / dx ) (2.4)
access to the membrane pores have l values that
In this equation, N is mass flux (mass removal are less than one.) Membrane porosity is a function
rate normalized to membrane surface area). In of both pore size and number:
addition, D is membrane diffusivity, an intrinsic
ρ = Nπr 2 (2.7)
membrane property for the particular solute being
assessed, and dC/dx is the change in solute con- Equations 2.6 and 2.7 suggest diffusive trans-
centration with respect to distance. This equation port is relatively favorable for LMW solutes, due
also can be expressed in a more applicable, inte- not only to the inverse relationship between MW
grated form: and diffusivity but also to the greater access of
small solutes to the membrane pore structure.
N = D(ΔC / Δx) (2.5)
Equation 2.6 also indicates diffusive transport is
Thus, for a given concentration gradient across a enhanced at low values of membrane thickness.
membrane, the rate of diffusive solute removal is Diffusive mass transfer rates within a mem-
directly proportional to the membrane diffusivity brane decrease as solute MW increases not only
and indirectly proportional to the effective thick- due to effect of molecular size itself but also due
ness of the membrane. to the resistance provided by the membrane
Membrane diffusivity is determined both by pores. The difference in mean pore sizes between
the pore size distribution and by the number of low permeability dialysis membranes (e.g.,
pores per unit membrane area (pore density). regenerated cellulose) and high permeability
Based on a model in which a membrane has N membranes (e.g., polysulfone, polyacrylonitrile,
2 Biology of Dialysis 21

cellulose triacetate) has a relatively small impact viscosity of the ultrafiltrate, and Dx is the
on small solute (urea, creatinine) diffusivities. membrane wall thickness. Since the rate of ultra-
This is related to the fact that even low permea- filtrate flow is directly related to the fourth power
bility membranes have pore sizes that are signifi- of the pore radius, the membrane characteristic
cantly larger than the molecular sizes of these that most directly influences water permeability
solutes. However, as solute MW increases, the is mean pore size. Note that this fourth-power
tight pore structure of the low permeability mem- dependence differs from the second-power
branes plays an increasingly constraining role dependence of diffusive solute transport on pore
such that diffusive removal of solutes larger than size described in Equation 2.6. Thus, the mem-
1,000 daltons is minimal by these membranes. brane’s diffusive properties can be dissociated to
On the other hand, the larger pore sizes which some degree from its water permeability.
characterize high-flux membranes account for Both the water and solute permeability of a
their higher diffusive permeabilities. membrane used for therapies which involve rela-
tively high ultrafiltration rates are influenced by
the phenomena of secondary membrane forma-
Solute Removal by Convection tion [27] and concentration polarization [28]
(Fig. 2.2). The exposure of an artificial surface to
Convective solute removal is primarily deter- plasma results in the nonspecific, instantaneous
mined by the sieving properties of the membrane adsorption of a layer of proteins, the composition
used and the ultrafiltration rate [24]. The mecha- of which generally reflects that of the plasma
nism by which convection occurs is termed sol- itself. Therefore, plasma proteins such as albu-
vent drag. If the molecular dimensions of a solute min, fibrinogen, and immunoglobulins form the
are such that some degree of membrane perme- bulk of this secondary membrane. This layer of
ation can occur, the solute is swept (“dragged”) proteins, by serving as an additional resistance to
across the membrane in association with ultrafil- mass transfer, effectively reduces both the water
tered plasma water. Thus, the rate of convective and solute permeability of an extracorporeal
solute removal can be modified either by changes membrane. Evidence of this is found in compari-
in the rate of solvent (plasma water) flow or in the sons of solute sieving coefficients determined
mean effective pore size of the membrane. before and after exposure of a membrane to
Because the flux (water permeability) and siev- plasma or other protein-containing solution [29].
ing properties of a membrane are tied closely to In general, the extent of secondary membrane
one another, a clear understanding of the determi- development and its effect on membrane perme-
nants of flux is necessary. Several approaches have ability is directly proportional to the membrane’s
been used to characterize and quantify the flux adsorptive tendencies (i.e., hydrophobicity).
properties of extracorporeal membranes, includ- Therefore, this process tends to be most evident
ing that defined by Equation 2.6. The Hagen– for high-flux synthetic membranes, such as poly-
Poiseuille equation [25], which describes fluid sulfone and polymethylmethacrylate.
flow through a cylinder, can be used as the basis Although concentration polarization primarily
for developing the relationship between ultrafil- pertains to plasma proteins, it is distinct from sec-
trate flux and mean pore size (rp) in such a model. ondary membrane formation. Concentration
Using this equation as the foundation, Handley polarization specifically relates to ultrafiltration-
et al. recently [26] proposed the following expres- based processes and applies to the kinetic behav-
sion for membrane hydraulic permeability (Kf): ior of an individual protein. Accumulation of a
K f = nπr 4 /τμΔx plasma protein that is predominantly or com-
pletely rejected by a membrane used for ultrafil-
In this equation, n is the number of pores per unit tration of plasma occurs at the blood compartment
area (i.e., pore density), r is the pore radius, t is membrane surface. This surface accumulation
a factor accounting for pore tortuosity, m is the causes the protein concentration just adjacent to
22 Z. Huang et al.

Fig. 2.2 Secondary

membrane and concentra-
tion polarization phenom-
ena in convective therapies
(Source: Reprinted with
permission from Ref. [24])

the membrane surface (i.e., the submembranous The extent of the concentration polarization
concentration) to be higher than the bulk (plasma) process determines its effect on actual solute
concentration. In this manner, a submembranous (protein) removal. In general, the degree to which
(high) to bulk (low) concentration gradient is the removal of a protein is influenced correlates
established, resulting in “backdiffusion” from the directly with that protein’s extent of rejection by
membrane surface out into the plasma. At steady an individual membrane. In fact, concentration
state, the rate of convective transport to the mem- polarization actually enhances the removal of a
brane surface is equal to the rate of backdiffusion. MW class of proteins (30,000–70,000 daltons)
The polarized layer of protein is the distance that otherwise would have minimal convective
defined by the gradient between the submembra- removal. This is explained by the fact that the
nous and bulk concentrations. This distance (or pertinent blood compartment concentration sub-
thickness) of the polarized layer, which can be jected to the ultrafiltrate flux is the high submem-
estimated by mass balance techniques, reflects the branous concentration primarily rather than the
extent of the concentration polarization process. much lower bulk concentration. Therefore, the
Conditions which promote concentration potentially desirable removal of certain proteins
polarization are high ultrafiltration rate (high rate in this size range (e.g., b2M in ESRD patients,
of convective transport), low blood flow rate (low proinflammatory cytokines in AKI patients) has
shear rate), and the use of post-dilution (rather to be weighed against the undesirable increase in
than pre-dilution) replacement fluids (increased convective albumin losses.
local protein concentrations) [30]. By definition, On the other hand, the use of very high ultra-
concentration polarization is applicable in clinical filtration rates in conjunction with other condi-
situations in which relatively high ultrafiltration tions favorable to protein polarization may
rates are used. Therefore, in the chronic dialysis significantly impair overall membrane perfor-
setting, this phenomenon is potentially important mance. The relationship between ultrafiltration
in convective therapies (hemofiltration and hemo- rate and transmembrane pressure (TMP) is linear
diafiltration). Likewise, concentration polariza- for relatively low ultrafiltration rates and the pos-
tion may play a significant role in continuous itive slope of this line defines the ultrafiltration
venovenous hemofiltration (CVVH) and continu- coefficient of the membrane. However, as ultra-
ous venovenous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF), filtration rate further increases, this curve eventu-
and the specific operating conditions used in these ally plateaus [28]. At this point, maintenance of a
therapies influence the polarization process. certain ultrafiltration rate is only achieved by a
2 Biology of Dialysis 23

concomitant increase in TMP. At sufficiently high ultrafiltrate flux (Jv) despite attempted increases
TMP, fouling of the membrane with denatured in TMP. However, when the membrane becomes
proteins may occur and an irreversible decline in irreversibly fouled (i.e., gel formation occurs),
solute and water permeability of the membrane its ultrafiltration capacity markedly declines.
ensues. Therefore, the ultrafiltration rate (and Finally, polarization of solute at the membrane
associated TMP) used for a convective therapy surface due to the fouling causes an increase in
with a specific membrane needs to fall on the ini- the submembranous blood compartment concen-
tial (linear) portion of the UFR vs. TMP relation- tration but a decrease in the filtrate concentration.
ship with avoidance of the plateau region. The net effect on Cm, which essentially is a mean
Convective solute removal can be quantified of the submembranous and filtrate concentra-
in the following manner [31]: tions, is difficult to predict and depends on the
specific solute in question.
N = (1 − σ)J v Cm (2.9)
In this equation, N is the convective flux (mass
removal rate per unit membrane area), Jv is the Solute Removal by Internal Filtration
ultrafiltrate flux (ultrafiltration rate normalized
to membrane area), Cm is the mean intramem- Another convection-based mechanism by which
brane solute concentration, and s is the reflec- solute removal occurs during HD is internal fil-
tion coefficient, a measure of solute rejection. As tration. This phenomenon is understood best by
Werynski and Waniewski have explained [31], drawing the distinction between dialyzers of low
the parameter (1−s) can be viewed as the mem- and high water permeability, from the perspective
brane resistance to convective solute flow. If s of the directionality of transmembrane fluid flow.
equals 1, no convective transport occurs while a In clinical HD, an individual patient’s weight loss
value of 0 implies no resistance to convective requirement dictates the rate of plasma water
flow. Of note, the appropriate blood compart- ultrafiltration and a specified ultrafiltration pro-
ment concentration used to determine Cm is the file is achieved by providing prescriptive infor-
submembranous concentration rather than the mation (weight loss, treatment time, etc) to the
bulk phase concentration. Therefore, this param- HD machine. However, it is important to recog-
eter is significantly influenced by the effects of nize that this prescriptive ultrafiltration rate rep-
concentration polarization. resents a net value and may or may not be
It is useful to assess individually the parame- equivalent to the absolute ultrafiltration rate in
ters on the right-hand side of the above equation specific segments of the dialyzer [32].
and the manner in which changes in these param- Under typical HD conditions (i.e., net ultrafil-
eters may affect the rate of convective solute tration rate of 10–15 mL/min), the absolute ultra-
transport. During a convective therapy, changes filtration rate in the proximal (arterial) end of a
in the permeability properties of the hemofilter high-flux dialyzer is considerably higher than the
membrane or in the operating conditions may above net value. In the proximal (arterial) end of
alter these parameters. However, a complex the dialyzer, because the blood compartment pres-
interplay exists between these parameters and sure is higher than the dialysate compartment
the net effect of changes in hemofilter membrane pressure, ultrafiltrate leaves the blood compart-
permeability or treatment operating conditions ment rapidly. However, the hydraulic characteris-
may be difficult to predict. To illustrate this point, tics of a high-flux dialyzer result in a significant
the effect of a progressive decrease in membrane axial (end-to-end) pressure drop and, at some
permeability as a membrane becomes fouled point along the length of the hollow fibers, the
with proteins can be assessed. As fouling occurs, blood compartment pressure becomes less than
the resistance to convective solute flow (s) that in the dialysate compartment. This dialysate-
increases such that the parameter (1−s) decreases. to-blood pressure gradient results in a reversed
In addition, fouling may result in a decrease in ultrafiltrate flow (i.e., “backfiltration”) from this
24 Z. Huang et al.

Fig. 2.3 Phenomenon of backfiltration in a high-flux hemodialyzer

point to the distal (venous) end of the dialyzer Solute Removal by Adsorption
(Fig. 2.3). Under most HD scenarios in which a
low KUF dialyzer (<20 mL/h/mm Hg) is used, For certain HD membranes, adsorption (binding)
the high proximal ultrafiltration rate described may be the dominant or sole mechanism by which
above is not observed. Consequently, axial pres- some hydrophobic compounds (e.g., peptides and
sure drop is less pronounced and a reversed proteins) are removed [37–39]. The adsorptive
pressure gradient does not develop. As such, surface area of a membrane resides primarily in
backfiltration is not a significant issue for dialyz- the pore structure rather than the nominal surface
ers of relatively low water permeability. area. As such, the adsorption of a LMW protein is
Although concerning from the perspective highly dependent on access of the protein to a
that it may result in the transfer of bioactive membrane’s internal pore structure [40].
dialysate contaminants to the bloodstream [33], Consequently, adsorption of peptides and LMW
this internal filtration mechanism is actually ben- proteins, such as b2M, to low-flux membranes is
eficial with respect to the removal of relatively not expected to be clinically significant, at least in
large-sized uremic compounds by the following comparison to that which occurs to high-flux
mechanism [34–36]. In the arterial end of the dia- membranes. The adsorption affinity of certain
lyzer, convective solute removal occurs in asso- high-flux synthetic membranes for proteins and
ciation with the ultrafiltered plasma water. peptides is particularly high, attributable to the
Because the rate of flow of oncoming dialysate is relative hydrophobicity of these membranes [41].
much greater than the ultrafiltration rate, the con-
centrations of solutes convected from the blood
in this portion of the dialyzer are greatly reduced. Peritoneal Dialysis: Biologic
This dilution effect greatly attenuates solute and Mass Transfer Considerations
“reentry” in the distal (backfiltration) portion of
the dialyzer because convective transport back The peritoneal dialysis system has three major
into the blood compartment depends directly on components: (1) the peritoneal microcirculation,
the dialysate concentration at this point. In this (2) the peritoneal membrane, and (3) the dialysate
manner, the “silent clearance” provided by inter- compartment that includes the composition of the
nal filtration contributes significantly to the total solution and the modalities of delivery. All these
removal of compounds poorly removed by diffu- three components may have an important impact
sion during high-flux HD. on the final performance of the technique [42].
2 Biology of Dialysis 25

Fig. 2.4 Plot of urea clearance vs. dialysate flow rate in peritoneal dialysis (Source: Reprinted with permission from
Ref. [16])

Factors Affecting Solute Transport The second part of the curve is the typical
region of automated or intermittent peritoneal
The dialysate compartment: In Fig. 2.4, urea dialysis. The dialysate flows may vary signifi-
clearance is plotted against dialysate flow rate. cantly due to a variation of the dwell time (from
The curve identifies three specific regions. The 30 min to 0) and on the number of exchanges per
first region includes the dialysate flow rates typi- day. Assuming a 30 min dwell time and 20 min
cal for continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis for influx and outflow, 12 2–liter exchanges can
(CAPD) involving 3–5 exchanges/day. In this be performed overnight for an overall duration of
region, the correlation is very steep, and clear- 10 h. Finally, the third part of the curve of Fig. 2.4
ance displays significant changes even in response is the region where the plateau is reached, and
to minimal changes in the dialysate flow. This further increases in dialysate flow rates do not
region is therefore dialysate flow dependent or result in parallel increases in clearance. This
flow limited, since the volume of the dialysate region has been explored experimentally utiliz-
per day is the factor that chiefly limits the clear- ing continuous flow peritoneal dialysis (CFPD)
ance value. In this region, it would be simple performed with double lumen peritoneal cathe-
theoretically to increase the dialysate flow by a ters [43] and theoretical mathematical models
few mL/day to achieve much higher clearances based on mass transfer-area coefficient (MTC)
and, consequently, significant increases in Kt/V. calculations [44]. The value of the mass transfer
However, while theoretically possible this would coefficient is a function of the product of the
not be feasible in practice since it would mean overall permeability of the peritoneum and the
carrying out 6–10 exchanges/day. Therefore, a available surface area of the membrane. This
typical CAPD technique is basically dialysate parameter is based on the calculation made for
flow limited. The only possible way to increase each single subject of the maximal clearance the-
the dialysate flow without increasing the number oretically achievable at infinite blood and
of exchanges is to increase the volume of solu- dialysate flow rates (i.e., at a constantly maximal
tion per exchange. gradient for diffusion).
26 Z. Huang et al.

The above mentioned regions of the curve by more than one order of magnitude. Accordingly,
describe the relationship between dialysate flow not only the structure of the interstitium but also
and solute transport. Other factors such as the thickness of the glycosaminoglycan layer may
dialysate temperature, intraperitoneal volume, play an important role in restricting the diffusive
and dialysate osmolality represent further factors transport of solutes. There is a certain discrepancy
affecting solute transport either by increasing the between the two models and overall transport
diffusion process or by adding some convective process is probably governed by a more complex
transport due to increased ultrafiltration rates. and integrated series of events, each with a
remarkable but not absolute importance.
The peritoneal dialysis membrane: The perito-
neal dialysis membrane is a living structure that The peritoneal microcirculation: Despite several
can be considered more a functional barrier than lines of evidence suggesting that peritoneal blood
a precisely defined anatomical structure. Based flow should be high enough to avoid any limita-
on the flow/clearance curve described above, a tion in solute clearances and ultrafiltration, the
question may arise: Why is the value of the MTC real impact of effective blood flow on the effi-
so low in peritoneal dialysis compared with other ciency of the peritoneal dialysis system is still
dialysis treatments, and is the membrane involved controversial [47]. Experimental work has in fact
in such limitations? suggested that peritoneal ultrafiltration and solute
The three-pore model has been proposed clearances might be blood flow limited at least in
by Rippe et al. to explain the peculiar behavior some conditions [48].
of the peritoneal membrane in relation to Although mesenteric blood flow averages 10%
macromolecules, micromolecules, and water of cardiac output, peritoneal capillary blood flow
transport [45]. According to this model, human seems to vary between 50 and 100 mL/min.
peritoneum appears to behave as a membrane “Effective” flow involved in peritoneal exchanges
with a series of differently sized pores: large is, however, unknown and it could be much lower.
pores of 25 nm (macromolecule transport), small Gas clearance studies have suggested that perito-
pores of 5 nm (micromolecule transport), and neal blood flow may be as high as 68–82 mL/min
ultrasmall pores (water transport). The anatomi- [49], while other studies have suggested much
cal structure of these ultrasmall pores corresponds lower values of effective blood flow [50]. Gas
to the water channels created by a specific protein clearance studies were based on the assumption
(aquaporin) acting as a carrier for water that peritoneal gas clearance is equivalent to
molecules. effective blood flow, but this assumption may not
This model locates the main resistance to necessarily represent the actual condition. In
transport at the level of the capillary wall, consid- recent studies, we have obtained an indirect mea-
ering all other anatomical structures as a negligi- sure of effective blood flow of between 25 and
ble site of resistance. Only recently, the interstitium 45 mL/min [51].
has been included as an additional site of resis- When peritoneal dialysis is carried out with
tance. A controversial opinion is offered by the short exchanges and high dialysate flows, solute
“distributed model” of Flessner et al. [46]. In this clearances and ultrafiltration rate are still rather
model, the main resistance to transport is appar- low if compared with extracorporeal HD. Some
ently located in the interstitial tissue. This ana- authors have hypothesized these parameters to be
tomical entity consists of a double density limited mostly by the permeability of peritoneal
material, containing water and glycosaminogly- mesothelium or by the peritoneal membrane as a
cans in different proportions. The interstitial whole (vascular endothelium, interstitium, and
matrix seems to act as the main site of resistance mesothelium). As an alternative, we have
to solute and water transport from the blood proposed that peritoneal blood flow might be the
stream to the peritoneal cavity. The solute diffu- major limiting factor in rapid peritoneal dialysis
sivity in free water is greater than that in the tissue exchanges [50, 52, 53].
2 Biology of Dialysis 27

The results obtained by a study in which a

fragment of human peritoneum was perfused in
Relationship Between Clearance and
a closed vascular loop displayed a linear corre- Mass Removal Rate Among Various
lation between the inlet blood flow and the rate Renal Replacement Therapies
of ultrafiltration, with a stable value of the filtra-
tion fraction [48]. The linear correlation between Quantification of solute removal by RRT is com-
small solute clearance and blood flow, even at plicated by the confusion relating to the relation-
these high blood flows, seems to suggest that ship between clearance and mass removal for
small solute clearance in peritoneal dialysis is different therapies. Exploring this relationship
probably limited more by the low effective for the renal handling of urea at differing levels
blood flow than by the low permeability of the of native kidney function is an instructive first
peritoneal membrane [54]. For larger solutes step. By definition [56], solute clearance (K) is
such as inulin, the low diffusion coefficients of the ratio of mass removal rate (N) to blood solute
the molecule may represent the most important concentration (CB):
limitation to transport. All these observations K = N / CB (2.10)
led to the formulation of the “nearest capillary
hypothesis” [55]. From this relatively simple expression, it is
Considering the peritoneal microvasculature clear that a defined relationship between clear-
as a network of capillaries with a three-dimen- ance and mass removal rate is not necessarily
sional distribution and different distances from expected to exist. The assumption of a steady-
the mesothelium, the diffusion distances of sol- state condition in this situation implies that over-
utes as well as the glucose backdiffusion dis- all removal of a solute is exactly balanced by its
tances may be different in different populations generation to produce a constant blood concen-
of capillaries. In this condition, the capillary tration. Therefore, for two patients with widely
situated closest to the mesothelium would expe- different levels of native kidney function but the
rience a greater osmotic effect compared with same rate of urea generation (i.e., dietary protein
those located further away, presenting a filtra- intake), steady state is characterized by equiva-
tion fraction much higher compared with the lent mass removal rates but significantly different
others. The final effect would be represented by urea clearance and BUN values.
an average value of clearance and ultrafiltration The situation is more complicated in renal fail-
to which proximal and distant capillaries are ure patients treated with various forms of RRT. As
differently contributing. Clearance and ultrafil- discussed by Henderson et al. [57], the mass
tration could be limited by low blood flow at removal rate of small solutes like urea is very high
least in the capillaries closest to the peritoneal during the early stage of an intermittent HD treat-
mesothelium. While in distant capillaries blood ment due to a favorable transmembrane concen-
flow could be enough to avoid significant limi- tration gradient for diffusion at this time. However,
tations, the effective blood flow in the capillar- as this gradient dissipates, mass removal rate
ies closest to mesothelium might be too low. declines despite a constant dialyzer urea clearance
The vascular reserve, represented by the most (assuming dialyzer function is preserved during
distant capillaries, would only participate par- the treatment) (Fig. 2.5a). A different time-
tially in the peritoneal exchanges because of the dependent relationship between instantaneous
greater distance to the mesothelium and the clearance and mass removal rate is observed dur-
interference of the interstitial surrounding tis- ing a typical CAPD exchange. As also described
sue. In such a condition, the central role of the by Henderson et al. (Fig. 2.5b), instantaneous
interstitium becomes evident as well as its clearance progressively falls during the course
hydration state. of an exchange concomitant with a decreasing
28 Z. Huang et al.

Fig. 2.5 Relationship between clearance and mass removal rate for intermittent hemodialysis (a), peritoneal dialysis
(b), and continuous renal replacement therapy (c) (Source: Reprinted with permission from Ref. [58])

transmembrane concentration gradient. Therefore,

both mass removal rate and clearance, derived by
Clearance as a Dialyzer Performance
measuring solute mass in the effluent dialysate Parameter
collected over an entire exchange, are actually
time-averaged parameters. Finally, continuous Whole Blood Clearance
RRT (CRRT) used in AKI provides additional
proof that the relationship between clearance and For a hemodialyzer, mass removal rate is simply
mass removal rate is therapy specific. In Fig. 2.5c, the difference between the rate of solute mass
this relationship for CRRT operated at steady state (i.e., product of flow rate and concentration) pre-
with respect to BUN (in a patient with a constant sented to the dialyzer in the arterial bloodline
protein catabolic rate) is shown [58]. In this situa- and the rate of solute mass leaving the dialyzer
tion, as long as urea clearance by the hemofilter is in the venous blood line. This mass balance
constant, mass removal rate is also constant such applied to the dialyzer results in the classical
that the two parallel one another, and cumulative (i.e., arteriovenous) whole-blood dialyzer clear-
removal is related to time in a linear manner. ance equation [59]:

K B = ⎡⎣(Q Bi * C Bi ) − (Q Bo * C Bo )⎤⎦ / C Bi + Q F * (C Bo / C Bi ) (2.11)

2 Biology of Dialysis 29

In this equation, KB is whole-blood clearance, QB compartment concentrations and the convective

is blood flow rate, CB is whole-blood solute con- component of clearance closely approximates the
centration, and QF is net ultrafiltration rate. [The quantity S*QF. However, with increasing effi-
subscripts “i” and “o” refer to the inlet (arterial) ciency of diffusive removal (i.e., increasing KD/
and outlet (venous) blood lines.] QB), blood compartment concentrations are sig-
It is important to note that diffusive, nificantly influenced. The result is a decrease in
convective, and possibly adsorptive solute Tr and, consequently, in the convective contribu-
removal occur simultaneously in HD. For a non- tion to total clearance.
adsorbing solute like urea, diffusion and convec-
tion interact in such a manner that total solute
removal is significantly less than what is expected Blood Water and Plasma Clearance
if the individual components are simply added
together. This phenomenon is explained in the An implicit assumption in the determination of
following way. Diffusive removal results in a whole-blood clearance is that the volume from
decrease in solute concentration in the blood which the solute is cleared is the actual volume of
compartment along the axial length (i.e., from blood transiting through the dialyzer at a certain
blood inlet to blood outlet) of the hemodialyzer. time. This assumption is incorrect for two reasons.
As convective solute removal is directly propor- First, in both the erythron and plasma components
tional to the blood compartment concentration, of blood, a certain volume is comprised of solids
convective solute removal decreases as a func- (proteins or lipids) rather than water. Second, for
tion of this axial concentration gradient. On the solutes like creatinine and phosphate which are
other hand, hemoconcentration resulting from distributed in both the erythron and plasma water,
ultrafiltration of plasma water causes a progres- slow mass transfer from the intracellular space to
sive increase in plasma protein concentration the plasma space (relative to mass transfer across
and hematocrit along the axial length of the dia- the dialyzer) results in relative sequestration (com-
lyzer. This hemoconcentration and resultant partmentalization) in the former compartment [61–
hyperviscosity causes an increase in diffusive 63]. This reduces the effective volume of distribution
mass transfer resistance and a decrease in solute from which these solutes can be cleared in the dia-
transport by this mechanism. The effect of this lyzer. As such, whole-blood dialyzer clearances
interaction on overall solute removal has been derived by using plasma water concentrations in
analyzed rigorously by numerous investigators. conjunction with blood flow rates, a common prac-
The most useful quantification has been devel- tice in dialyzer evaluations, results in a significant
oped by Jaffrin [60]: overestimation of actual solute removal. The more
appropriate approach is to employ blood water
K T = K D + Q F * Tr (2.12)
clearances, which account for the above hematocrit-
In this equation, KT is total solute clearance, KD is dependent effects on effective intra-dialyzer solute
diffusive clearance under conditions of no net distribution volume [64]:
ultrafiltration, and the final term is the convective
component of clearance. The latter term is a func- Q BW = 0.93* Q B [1 − Hct + K(1 − e −αt )Hct] (2.14)
tion of the ultrafiltration rate (QF) and an experi-
mentally derived transmittance coefficient (Tr), where QBW is blood water flow rate. In this equa-
such that: tion, for a given solute, K is the RBC water/
Tr = S (1 − K D / Q B ) plasma water partition coefficient for a given sol-
ute, a is the transcellular rate constant (units:
where S is solute sieving coefficient. Thus, Tr for time−1), and t is the characteristic dialyzer resi-
a particular solute is dependent on the efficiency dence time. Estimates for these parameters have
of diffusive removal. At very low values of KD/ been provided by numerous prior studies and
QB, diffusion has a very small impact on blood have been summarized by Shinaberger et al. [65].
30 Z. Huang et al.

(The factor 0.93 in Equation 2.14 corrects for the technique. Relative to dialysate-side values,
volume of plasma occupied by plasma proteins whole-blood clearances substantially overesti-
and lipids.) Finally, KBW can be calculated by mate true dialyzer performance [64]. Blood water
substituting QBW for QB in Equation 2.11. clearances also moderately overestimate dialyzer
Although the distribution volume of many performance, although the agreement between
uremic solutes approximates total body water, it is these and simultaneous dialysate-side values (for
much more limited for other toxins, particularly non-adsorbing solutes) is usually within 5%
those of larger MW. For example, the distribution under rigorous test conditions. The major disad-
space of b2M and many other LMW proteins is vantage of dialysate-based clearance techniques
the extracellular volume. Consequently, when is the need to assay solute concentrations at very
using Equation 2.14 to determine b2M clearance, low concentrations. For some solutes (e.g., phos-
plasma flow rates (inlet and outlet) should replace phate), these dilute concentrations may be diffi-
blood flow rates in the first term of the right-hand cult to assay with standard automated chemistry
side of the equation. devices.
The distinction between whole blood, blood
water, and plasma clearances is very important
when interpreting clinical data. However, clear- Whole-Body Clearance
ances provided by dialyzer manufacturers are
typically in vitro data generated from experi- The discussion to this point has focused on clear-
ments in which the blood compartment fluid is ance of a solute by the dialyzer but has not focused
an aqueous solution. Although these data pro- on the effects of solute compartmentalization on
vide useful information to the clinician, they effective dialytic removal. As discussed above,
overestimate actual dialyzer performance that one compartment in which solute sequestration
can be achieved clinically (under the same con- occurs is the red blood cell water. Compartmen-
ditions). This overestimation is related to the talization may also occur during HD within other
inability of aqueous-based experiments to cap- organ systems or anatomical spaces. During HD,
ture the effects of red blood cells (see above) and direct removal of a particular solute can only occur
plasma proteins (see below) on solute mass from that portion of its volume of distribution
transfer. which actually perfuses the dialyzer, and seques-
tration of solute occurs in the remaining volume of
distribution. Solute compartmentalization involves
Dialysate-Side Clearance an interplay between dialyzer solute clearance and
patient/solute parameters, such as compartment
As indicated in Eq. 2.10, solute clearance is the volumes and intercompartment mass transfer
ratio of mass removal rate to blood concentra- resistances [66]. Even if solute removal by the
tion. Although blood-side measurements are typ- dialyzer is relatively efficient, overall (effective)
ically used to determine solute mass removal solute removal may be limited by slow intercom-
rate, clearance can also be estimated from partment mass transfer within the body.
dialysate-side measurements: To account for these effects of “intra-corporeal”
solute compartmentalization on overall solute
K D = Q Do * CDo / CBi (2.15)
removal, many clinicians prefer to use whole-
In this equation, dialysate-side solute clearance body rather than dialyzer clearance, as the former
(KD) is determined by measuring the rate of mass is felt to be a better measure of overall treatment
appearance in the effluent dialysate stream efficacy [67]. Whole-body clearance methodolo-
(QDo*CDo). Dialysate-side measurements provide gies employ blood samples obtained before and
more accurate mass transfer information than do after the HD treatment. An example of a widely
blood-side determinations and are generally con- used whole-body clearance approach is the sec-
sidered the “gold standard” dialyzer evaluation ond-generation Daugirdas equation [68]. In this
2 Biology of Dialysis 31

approach, a logarithmic relationship between time-averaged solute concentrations. Thus, the

delivered urea Kt/V and the extent of the intradia- appropriate comparison is the peak BUN in inter-
lytic reduction in the BUN is assumed. Two issues mittent HD and the steady-state BUN in CAPD.
complicate the use of these methodologies. One Based on this comparison, a urea Kt/V of 1.0
is the assumed distribution volume of the solute delivered per treatment in thrice-weekly HD (3.0
for which the clearance is being estimated and per week) is equivalent to a weekly urea Kt/V of
whether or not this volume is multi-compartmen- 1.7–1.8 in CAPD. At the time this hypothesis
tal. The second important consideration, incorpo- was formulated, these values were generally
ration of the effects of post-HD rebound, is considered to represent adequate therapy for
closely tied to multi-compartment kinetics [66]. both HD [70] and CAPD [71]. Of note, a funda-
mental assumption in the peak concentration
hypothesis is that delivery of an equivalent urea
Quantification of Solute Removal Kt/V in CAPD and HD results necessarily in
by Disparate Therapies equivalent steady-state and time-averaged BUN
values, respectively. However, subsequent kinetic
Peak Concentration Hypothesis analyses [66, 72] have challenged this assump-
tion (see below).
Keshaviah and Nolph reasoned that issues related
to small solute removal and azotemia control
could explain the similar clinical outcomes Solute Removal Index (SRI)
reported for patients treated with chronic HD
and CAPD. Consequently, they offered the peak Recognizing the difficulties inherent to clear-
concentration hypothesis [69], which suggests ance-based measurements of dialysis dose,
the success of CAPD is related to its steady, Keshaviah and Star proposed the SRI as an alter-
continuous nature as opposed to the “peak and native [73]. Specifically, this parameter was
trough” phenomenon associated with intermit- introduced to avoid the need to use scaling fac-
tent HD. Specifically, borrowing from clinical tors when comparing intermittent and continuous
knowledge gained in therapeutic drug monitor- therapies. Qualitatively, SRI is the ratio of net
ing, they proposed that uremic toxicity is more solute removal to pre-dialysis body content of
related to peak solute concentrations than to solute and is expressed quantitatively as:

SRI = [(BUN i ⋅ Vi − BUN f ⋅ Vf − G ⋅ t) / BUN i ⋅ Vi ] ⋅ 100% (2.16)

In this equation, the subscripts “i” and “f” and cardiopulmonary recirculation do not affect
denote pre-dialysis and post-dialysis, respectively. SRI determinations but may adversely impact the
Proponents of the SRI point to several attributes accuracy of other methods [74, 75].
that make it a simpler and more accurate measure-
ment of dialysis dose than other quantification
techniques. First, absolute urea removal is depen- Equivalent Renal Clearance (EKR)
dent on accurate measurement of V, which is not
provided by many of the two-BUN methodolo- In developing the equivalent renal clearance
gies, such as URR and the Daugirdas equation (EKR) concept, Casino and Lopez recognized the
[68]. Second, absolute urea removal is influenced difficulty of incorporating solute clearance pro-
by the pre-dialysis BUN while the SRI is not. vided continuously by residual renal function
Finally, double-pool effects, access recirculation, (RRF) into that provided by intermittent HD [76].
32 Z. Huang et al.

These investigators defined EKR as the ratio of net tration (for an intermittent therapy) or steady-state
solute generation to time-averaged solute concen- solute concentration (for a continuous therapy):

EKR (mL / min ) = G (mg / min ) / C (mg / mL ) (2.17)

In essence, this parameter is a time-averaged, In the standard Kt/V model, urea clearance
continuous-equivalent product of clearance and provided by an intermittent RRT is converted to
time (i.e., K*t) that accounts for the differing a continuous-equivalent clearance, which can
relationship between clearance and actual solute then be added to any clearance provided con-
removal among different therapies. For the pur- tinuously (i.e., from RRF or a continuous PD
pose of standardization, Casino and Lopez sug- modality). Specifically, the model determines a
gested that EKR be normalized to urea volume continuous-equivalent clearance for an intermit-
and then multiplied by a “standard” urea volume tent therapy that results in a steady-state BUN
of 40 L to obtain a corrected EKR (EKRc): equivalent to the pre-dialysis BUN for that inter-
mittent regimen (assuming a symmetric inter-
EKR c = (EKR / V )* 40 (2.18) mittent schedule). As such, the foundation of the
model is very similar to that of the peak concen-
Based on this approach, EKRc curves as a func- tration hypothesis. In the model development,
tion of number of HD treatments per week, pre-dialysis BUN for an intermittent therapy is
single-pool Kt/V per treatment, and residual urea expressed as a function of several parameters,
clearance were generated. For an anephric patient including single-pool and equilibrated Kt/V val-
dialyzed thrice weekly, EKRc values of 11 mL/ ues per treatment, urea volume, treatment dura-
min (corresponding to a single-pool Kt/V of 1.0 tion (t), and any continuous urea clearance
per treatment) and 9 mL/min (corresponding to a present. Equilibrated Kt/V is derived from the
single-pool Kt/V of approximately 0.72) were rate of dialysis, K/V, which in turn is derived by
considered adequate and inadequate therapy, dividing the single-pool Kt/V by t [74]. Standard
respectively. (i.e., continuous-equivalent) Kt/V is then deter-
mined from pre-HD BUN (as derived above),
normalized PCR, and urea volume. As discussed
Standard Urea Clearance in greater detail by Gotch [78, 79], this analysis
permits quantitative comparison of HD regi-
Gotch also proposed a model designed to mea- mens of varying duration and frequency to
sure and compare dialysis doses provided by any CAPD, with inclusion of the contribution made
combination of intermittent and continuous dial- by RRF.
ysis therapy. The model employs urea as a generic
LMW uremic toxin and a normal renal clearance
reference standard. Based on an average urine References
flow rate of 1.5 mL/min and a glomerular filtra-
tion rate of 100 mL/min, a “normal” urea clear- 1. Deen W, Bridges C, Brenner B, Myers B. Heteroporous
model of glomerular size selectivity: application to
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normal and nephrotic humans. Am J Physiol. 1985;
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dose quantification. Kidney Int. 1998;53(Suppl 66):
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2 Biology of Dialysis 33

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The Demographics of Dialysis
in Children 3
Jeffrey J. Fadrowski, Steven R. Alexander,
and Bradley A. Warady

Dialysis • Demographic • Children • Dialysis incidence • Prevalence

The pediatric dialysis population is remarkably

Introduction heterogeneous in many ways, as will be described
in this chapter. Pediatric dialysis centers must be
The use of chronic dialysis to sustain the lives of
prepared to provide renal replacement therapy to
children with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) has
patients whose size alone may differ by more than
been available in developed countries for more
2000%. Unlike adult dialysis populations in which
than 30 years [1, 2]. During the past few decades,
the primary kidney disease diagnoses tend to clus-
advances in technology have made long-term
ter within a narrow range of etiologies, pediatric
dialysis a viable treatment option for pediatric
dialysis populations display a variety of different
ESRD patients of all ages, from newborns to ado-
primary kidney disorders, many of which must
lescents [3]. While a successful kidney transplant
still be considered in overall patient management,
remains the treatment of choice for all pediatric
despite having reached end-stage levels of kidney
ESRD patients, almost three-fourths of these
function [6].
children require chronic dialysis while awaiting
In this chapter, we have attempted to broadly
transplantation for periods ranging from a few
describe the pediatric dialysis patient population
months to several years [4, 5].
by examining available data on such basic demo-
graphic characteristics as age at presentation,
primary kidney disease diagnosis, and dialysis
J.J. Fadrowski, MD, MHS ()
modality choice. Comprehensive data on the
Department of Pediatrics, Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA demographics of a region’s or a nation’s pediatric
e-mail: dialysis patient population are available from sev-
S.R. Alexander, MD eral large ESRD patient registries and a few
Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Stanford University recently published reviews [5, 7–24]. Our objec-
School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children’s tive is not to attempt a precise accounting of these
Hospital at Stanford, Stanford, CA, USA
data, nor is it to systematically compare findings
B.A. Warady, MD from one pediatric ESRD registry to another.
Department of Pediatrics, University of Missouri-Kansas
While the methodology required for such rigorous
City School of Medicine, Section of Pediatric
Nephrology, Children’s Mercy Hospital and Clinics, cross-registry analyses exists, it would require
Kansas City, MO, USA access to data elements beyond the summaries

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_3, 37

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
38 J.J. Fadrowski et al.

published in available registry reports. Rather, we the NAPRTCS have been published elsewhere
have attempted to use and interpret available infor- [26]. It is important to point out that the NAPRTCS
mation to provide a snapshot of pediatric chronic enrolls dialysis patients up to their 21st birthday
dialysis as it has been practiced around the world and thus describes a slightly older cohort than the
during the first decade of the twenty-first century. other registries. Information was obtained for the
present review from the NAPRTCS 2008 Annual
Data Report [5].
Sources of Demographic Data
on Pediatric Dialysis Patients The United States Renal Data System (USRDS):
The USRDS provides a different perspective on
The European Dialysis and Transplant pediatric dialysis in the United States from that
Association – European Renal Association seen in the NAPRTCS. The USRDS pediatric
(EDTA): The importance of differences that char- data are compiled from reports submitted to the
acterize pediatric dialysis patient demographics US government health-care funding agency on
when compared to adult patients were first under- all dialysis patients eligible for government sup-
stood as a result of the pioneering efforts of the port, which includes almost all pediatric patients.
EDTA, which published an annual report con- Thus, while the NAPRTCS contains pediatric
taining pediatric summary data from a group of data compiled only in specialized pediatric renal
European countries for more than 15 years. Many centers in four North American countries, the
of the survey techniques and conventions piloted USRDS includes data on children treated in both
and refined by the EDTA were later adopted by adult and pediatric centers in the United States.
pediatric registries in other regions. During the In addition, patients are included in USRDS pedi-
past few decades, the work of the EDTA with atric reports only if they initiated dialysis prior to
regard to pediatric dialysis was supplanted by the their 19th birthday. The 2009 USRDS Annual
development of national ESRD patient registries, Data Report is available on the Internet at http://
some of which have focused on pediatric issues. [10].
From its new coordinating center at The
University of Amsterdam, the EDTA resumed The Japanese National Registry (JNR): In 2002,
publication of an annual report in 1998. The Hattori and associates reported the results of a
ERA-EDTA 2007 Report, available on the nationwide survey of over 3,300 Japanese physi-
Internet at, cians who were members of national professional
contains summary data from 28 European coun- societies devoted to ESRD patient care or who
tries on patients of all ages in which information were from pediatric departments in medical schools
on children is largely reported in aggregate for or colleges where children received renal replace-
the age group 0–19 years. More complete and ment therapy [27]. The survey requested data on
age-specific pediatric data from a subset of 11 all children with ESRD who had not reached their
EDTA countries are also provided [25]. 20th birthday by January 1, 1998, and repre-
sented the initial report from what was intended
The North American Pediatric Renal Trials to become a national ESRD registry in Japan.
and Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS): The A follow-up report has not yet been published.
NAPRTCS is a voluntary collaborative data-
sharing and research effort supported by more Italian Registry of Pediatric Chronic Peritoneal
than 140 pediatric renal treatment centers in the Dialysis: This registry, which published its data
United States, Canada, Mexico, and Costa Rica. in early 2004, has collected information from all
Founded in 1987 to study renal transplantation, hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD)
the NAPRTCS expanded in 1992 to include patients less than 15 years of age who initiated
children receiving dialysis in participating renal replacement therapy between 1989 and
NAPRTCS transplant centers. Details of the orga- 2000 [16]. The patients originated from all 23
nizational structure and study methods used by active pediatric dialysis units in Italy and from
3 The Demographics of Dialysis in Children 39

eight adult centers treating pediatric patients. The

patients are followed until age 19 years.
Individual National Registries Accessible via
Internet: Data compiled by national ESRD patient
registries in several individual countries (including
the NAPRTCS and USRDS) are available online.
A convenient link to each of these individual
reports has been provided by the ERA-EDTA at Of the 22 differ-
ent countries covered by individual websites,
only 12 countries provide reports in English
(Australia/New Zealand, Brazil, Canada, Denmark,
Finland, Italy, Norway, Scotland, Turkey, the
United Kingdom, and the United States). Of these,
Australia/New Zealand, Turkey, the United
Kingdom, the USRDS, and the NAPRTCS contain
specific pediatric data reports and analyses.

International Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis

Network (IPPN): The IPPN is a global consor-
tium of pediatric nephrology centers dedicated to
the care of children on chronic PD. As of May
2010, 114 institutions from 42 countries partici- Fig. 3.1 Incident counts and adjusted rates, by age and
pated in the network, and greater than 1,250 year of analysis (Source: USRDS 2009 Annual Data
patients have been enrolled in the registry. Report) [10]
Participating centers have access to a wide array
of general, PD, clinical, laboratory, and medica- population per year in 2007, with a range of
tion statistics, and are able to compare their cen- 14.6–15.2 per million population since 1990
ter’s statistics to the international consortium. (Fig. 3.1).
Additional information about the IPPN can be Differences in age conventions, referral prac-
found at tice, and the economic conditions within each
country make direct comparisons of incidence
data in different countries difficult. Nevertheless,
Incidence the most recently reported incidence data for chil-
dren aged 0–19 years ranged from less than two
ESRD is not a common pediatric disorder. The per million population in French-speaking
incidence of treated ESRD in children is only a Belgium to almost 24 per million in Iceland. In
small fraction of that seen in adults, as shown in the majority of countries with reported data, the
Fig. 3.1 from the USRDS 2009 Annual Data incidence of ESRD ranged from 7 to 15 per mil-
Report. Note that the pediatric (age 0–19 years) lion population (Fig. 3.2). A recent study from
ESRD incidence rates per million population, Vietnam reported on the hospitalizations from
adjusted for age (i.e., adjusted to show incidence 2001 through 2005 for children less than 19 years
per million population of the same age) are much of age with chronic renal failure in Ho Chi Minh
lower than all adult incidence rates and have City, where all pediatric nephrologic care occurs
remained essentially unchanged for more than for Southern Vietnam. Among the 310 patients
two decades. Specifically, the incidence of ESRD examined, 85% already had ESRD, and 53 were
in patients 0–19 years of age (adjusted for gender from Ho Chi Minh City. Given that the mean pop-
and race) was determined to be 15.1 per million ulation of Ho Chi Minh City younger than 19 years
40 J.J. Fadrowski et al.

The ESRD incidence rates are lowest in the

White population of children, as is the case in
adults. Based on data generated between 2005
and 2007, adjusted for gender, the incidence was
13 per million population in White patients <20
years of age compared to rates of 25, 22, and 21
per million for Native Americans, African
Americans, and Asians, respectively. At the same
time, the rates in males and females were 16 and
13 per million population, respectively [10]. It is
noteworthy that the incidence of ESRD second-
ary to hypertension over the 4 year period from
1999 to 2002 in the United States was 2.3 per
million population in African American children
and only 0.3 per million population in White chil-
dren. Similarly, the incidence of ESRD over the
same time period secondary to glomerulonephri-
tis was 8.1 per million population in African
American children versus 5.4, 4.2, and 3.0 per
million population for Native Americans, Asians,
and Whites, respectively [29]. Finally, the 2009
Fig. 3.2 Incidence of ESRD in 2005 per million popula- USRDS Annual Data Reports highlights that
tion in children 0–19 years of age (Source: Reprinted with since 2000, the rate of new pediatric ESRD cases
permission from the USRDS 2007 Annual Data Report,
p. 348) [28] caused by glomerulonephritis, adjusted for age,
gender, and race, has fallen 12% (3.3 million per
population) and the rate secondary to cystic/
is 2,200,845, a rough estimate of the incidence of hereditary and congenital disease has risen by
ESRD in this population is 4.1 per million [20]. almost 16% (5.0 per million population) [10].
The USRDS registry has also provided inci-
dence data, including preemptive transplantation,
by age group within the pediatric population, as Prevalence
well as by race, gender, and primary diagnosis.
The adjusted (for gender and race) pediatric The prevalence of treated ESRD in children has
ESRD rates for age are greatest in patients 15–19 shown a steady increase in recent years, although
years of age (27.3 per million population), with the rates of increase have been lower than what has
rates of 14.6 per million, 5.9 per million, and 10.4 been experienced in adults. In the United States
per million population in the 10–14 year, 5–9 between 1990 and 2007, prevalent pediatric ESRD
year, and 0–4 year age groups, respectively. There patients increased only 36% compared to a 154%
has been little change in this data over the past 20 increase seen in patients 65–74 years of age [10].
years. The data generated from 2007 represent a In 2007, the adjusted prevalence rate, including
total of only 1,304 patients <20 years of age. This children on dialysis or with a functioning trans-
is a slight increase from the total number of inci- plant, was 84.5 per million population, compared
dent patients in 1990 (1,087 patients) and 1980 to rates of 75.9 per million population in 1990 and
(756 patients) when the incidence rates were 14.4 29.6 per million population in 1980. The 2007 data
per million population and 9.3 per million popu- is representative of a total of 7,596 patients aged
lation, respectively (Fig. 3.1). Of the 1,304 pedi- 0–19 years. Of these, 2,200 were on dialysis and
atric patients with incident ESRD in 2007, 1,096 5,396 had a functioning transplant. As expected,
were on dialysis and 208 received preemptive the prevalence rate from data generated from
transplantation [10]. 2005 to 2007 was greater in African Americans
3 The Demographics of Dialysis in Children 41

Fig. 3.3 Prevalent patients

less than 15 years of age
on renal replacement
therapy (HD, PD,
and transplant)
in the United Kingdom
(Source: Reprinted with
permission from the
Eleventh Annual Report
(2008) of the UK Renal
Registry, p. 258) [9]

(110 per million population) than Whites (80 per

million population). The rates by age were 25, 48,
86, and 175 per million population for the 0–4,
5–9, 10–14, and 15–19 age groups, respectively.
Recently reported pediatric ESRD prevalence
rates from other countries have been widely vari-
able, although differences in the reported age
range make direct comparisons between countries
difficult. For example, a prevalence of 55.0 per
million population, adjusted, was seen in the
United Kingdom in children aged 0–15 years,
whereas a prevalence of 110 per million was seen
in Finland in children aged 0–19 years [8, 9].
Similar to trends observed in the United States,
the most recent prevalence rate from the United
Kingdom of 55 per million is substantially greater
Fig. 3.4 Incidence and prevalence of renal replacement
than the rate of 39 per million reported in 1992 therapy in children less than 16 years of age in the United
(Fig. 3.3). In the United Kingdom, compared to Kingdom, by ethnicity (Source: Reprinted with permis-
White children, a higher prevalence rate among sion from the Eleventh Annual Report (2008) of the UK
non-White children was observed in 2008 Renal Registry, p. 25) [9]
(Fig. 3.4). A study of Dutch children less than 16
years of age revealed a prevalence of 38.7 per mil- the United Kingdom/Scotland, showed an overall
lion population in 2001 [23]. The 2006 prevalence of 55 per million age-related popula-
ERA-EDTA Registry presented prevalence data tion (0–19 year age group) [30]. In Jordan, as of
collected from throughout Europe. The annual 2005, the prevalence of ESRD was estimated to
report, compiling pediatric data from Austria, be 14.5 per million population (ages 0–13 years)
Denmark, Finland, Greece, Iceland, Norway, [19]. Finland, Italy, and the United States have the
Romania, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, and largest pediatric ESRD populations (Fig. 3.5).
42 J.J. Fadrowski et al.

dysplasia/hypoplasia and vesicoureteral reflux

appears particularly variable by registry.
The distribution of primary renal diagnoses is
also different depending on the age at time of
ESRD (or ERF) presentation, as shown in Fig. 3.6
from the United Kingdom’s Renal Registry [31].
The predominance of renal dysplastic syndromes
and obstructive uropathy seen in Table 3.1 clusters
in the younger age groups, whereas older patients
are more likely to present with glomerular dis-
eases. It is interesting to note that ESRD due to
reflux nephropathy presents at all ages (Fig. 3.6).

Age of Pediatric Dialysis Population

ESRD and the provision of dialysis occurs across

the pediatric age range, but all registries reveal a
direct correlation between age and percentage of
the total dialysis population. Table 3.2 shows the
Fig. 3.5 Prevalence of ESRD in 2005 among children ages of children who received dialysis treatment
aged 0–19 years (Source: Reprinted with permission from for ESRD in Japan (1998), the United Kingdom
the USRDS 2007 Annual Data Report, p. 348) [28] (2008), and the United States (2007) [9, 10, 27].
Figure 3.7 demonstrates the prevalence of renal
replacement therapy (including preemptive
kidney transplantation) in children by age group
Primary Renal Disease Diagnosis and time period, compiled from 12 European
registries [22].
Data from Chile, India, Italy, Japan, Kuwait,
Nigeria, and the NAPRTCS (United States,
Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica) on selected primary Choice of Dialysis Modality
renal diagnoses are summarized in Table 3.1 [5,
13–17, 27]. Data from Chile, India, and Nigeria Following the introduction of continuous PD tech-
represent children with advanced chronic kidney niques adapted to the needs of pediatric patients
disease and ESRD. The Kuwaiti, Italian, and more than 25 years ago, PD quickly gained popu-
NAPRTCS data describe the primary renal disor- larity among pediatric dialysis programs around
ders of prevalent dialysis patients, whereas the the world. However, HD is also commonly used.
data from Japan are from all ESRD patients. The USRDS data on percent distribution of incident
Indian, Kuwaiti, and Nigerian data were obtained patients (<20 years of age) by initial treatment
from a single center in each country, although in modality in 2007 reveals that 50.6% (656 patients)
Kuwait at least, the center provides virtually all of received HD, 33.4% (433 patients) PD, and 16.0%
the pediatric nephrologic care in the country. Data (208) transplant [10]. Of the PD patients, only
from the other countries represent multiple cen- 10.9% were receiving continuous ambulatory
ters. Only major diagnostic categories are included. peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). A compilation of 12
Note the similarities among the registries for many European pediatric ESRD registries shows almost
primary renal disorders. Whereas differences do identical statistics for the choice of renal replace-
exist, some are likely due to the lack of uniform ment therapy among incident patients between
coding among registries. The distinction between 1995 and 2000: 48% received HD, 34% PD,
3 The Demographics of Dialysis in Children 43

Table 3.1 Primary renal diagnoses as percent of total prevalent patients in seven different areas of the world
Diagnosis Chile India Italy Japan Kuwait Nigeria States
Aplasia/dysplasia/hypoplasia 20.7 4.9 23.8 28.9 18.7 – 14.0
Glomerulonephritis/FSGS 16.3 27.5 19.7 27.1 6.3 53.3 24.7
Obstructive uropathy/neurogenic bladder 22.0 36.3 13.8 1.7 16.6 28.9 12.9
Congenital nephrotic syndrome 0.004 – – 5.8 4.2 – 2.6
Polycystic kidney disease 7.5 – 2.2 2.5 8.3 – 2.9
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 7.5 1.6 5.2 2.2 2.1 4.4 3.0
Nephronophthisis 1.8 – 9.0 4.0 2.1 – 2.1
Reflux nephropathy 16.7 16.7 5.9 5.2 16.6 – 3.5

Fig. 3.6 Distribution of pediatric patients in the United Kingdom by diagnostic group and age at presentation of ESRD
(Source: Reprinted with permission from the 2002 Report of the United Kingdom Renal Registry, p. 265) [31]

Table 3.2 Percent of prevalent pediatric dialysis patients by age group

Age group Japan United Kingdom United States

(years) N % N % N %
0–4 24 7 90 11 284 13
5–9 46 13 148 17 192 9
10–14 109 32 298 35 452 20
15–19 166 48 315 37 1,272 58
Total 345 100 851 100 2,200 100
44 J.J. Fadrowski et al.

Fig. 3.7 Prevalence of renal replacement therapy (Source: Reprinted with permission from van der Heijden/
(including preemptive kidney transplantation) by age and Pediatric Nephrology) [22]
year in children, compiled from 12 European Registries

Fig. 3.8 First treatment modality among incident pediatric patients, by country, per million age-related population, for
period 1980–2000 (Source: Reprinted with permission from van der Heijden/Pediatric Nephrology) [22]

and 18% received preemptive transplantation. with kidney transplants in the United States and
Differences existed by registry, but HD tended to the United Kingdom, but not in Japan. However,
predominate, with the exception of some it should be noted that data from Japan is from
Scandinavian countries (Fig. 3.8) [22]. 1998, and data from the United States and United
Recent data on modality choice in prevalent Kingdom are from 2007 and 2008, respectively.
patients are summarized for three areas of the The modality choices of pediatric ESRD patients
world in Table 3.3 [9, 10, 27]. United States’ data in the United States and United Kingdom have
are from the USRDS. Note that the majority of remained stable over the past several years. The
pediatric ESRD patients are being maintained proportion of ESRD patients with a functioning
3 The Demographics of Dialysis in Children 45

kidney transplant in the United States is also the youngest dialysis patients across both registries,
highest in children when compared to all US age but the use of HD is more common in the United
groups. The USRDS data represent 5,396 trans- States versus Japan. Differences in renal replace-
plant recipients, 1,263 patients on HD, and 877 ment therapy by age were also observed in the
patients on PD (and 60 patients with unclear dial- United Kingdom in 2008 (Fig. 3.9).
ysis modality). Of the patients on HD, 1.4% were
receiving it at home.
Modality choice for two pediatric age groups
Mortality Risk
is shown in Table 3.4. PD predominates in the
Patient survival curves for a cohort of 2,867
Table 3.3 Modality choice as percent of total prevalent North American pediatric dialysis patients are
pediatric ESRD patients shown in Fig. 3.10. Data collection was initiated
United United in 1992 [5]. Patient survival varies significantly
Modality Kingdom Japan States by age, with the youngest patients having the
Hemodialysis 10.9 17.4 16.6 lowest survival estimates.
Peritoneal dialysis 14.5 41.6 11.5 The USRDS report has also revealed that the
APD 12.4 10.4
CAPD 2.1 1.1
5-year survival probability for children initiating
Transplant 74.3 40.7 71.0 dialysis therapy between 1998 and 2002 was low-
est in the youngest patients, at 0.73 and 0.76 in
HD and PD patients aged 0–9 years, respectively,
Table 3.4 Modality choice for two pediatric age groups compared to 0.82 and 0.85 in HD and PD patients
as percent of prevalent dialysis patients by age group aged 10 and older, respectively (Fig. 3.11) [10].
Modality Japan United States Little change in the probability of survival
Age 0–4 years between 1993–1997 and 1998–2002 is also evi-
Peritoneal dialysis 96 75 dent. The adjusted annual death rate for the US
Hemodialysis 4 25 pediatric dialysis population based on 2007 data
Age 10–20 years is reported to be 52.9 deaths per 1,000 patient
Peritoneal dialysis 51 33 years at risk. USRDS data also reveals that
Hemodialysis 49 67 remarkably, the expected remaining lifetime in

Fig. 3.9 Distribution

of renal replacement
modalities by age in the
United Kingdom
(Source: Reprinted with
permission from the
Eleventh Annual Report
(2008) of the UK Renal
Registry, p. 25) [9]
46 J.J. Fadrowski et al.

Figure 3.15 shows the survival of 59 chronic PD

patients in Uruguay during the years 1983–2004.
In Uruguay, one pediatric dialysis unit covers vir-
tually the entire population, and access to renal
replacement therapies is provided free of charge
[24]. Chronic PD was first prescribed to children
in Turkey in 1989. Twelve centers contributed
data to a survey regarding PD care from 1989
to 2002 to the Turkish Pediatric Peritoneal
Dialysis (TUPEPD) Study Group (Fig. 3.16)
[18]. A 5-year survival range of 69–91% for pedi-
atric patients receiving dialysis is observed in
these studies, but differences in study design and
data collection must be acknowledged.


We have briefly reviewed the most current demo-

Fig. 3.10 Patient survival by age group. Patients were
graphic data available to describe pediatric dialy-
censored at time of transplantation and at last known fol-
low-up (Source: Reprinted by permission from NAPRTCS sis patients treated around the world. Similarities
2008 Annual Report, Section 8-17) [5] and differences among patient populations have
been described. It must be stressed that compari-
years of the prevalent pediatric dialysis popula- sons between patient groups can at best be con-
tion is exceedingly poor, especially when com- sidered qualitative. Rigorous analysis of data
pared to the data of the general US population summaries reported by different registries is
and prevalent transplant recipients (Fig. 3.12). impossible due to fundamental differences in
The most common causes of death (mortality coding, patient grouping, referral patterns, data
rate per 1,000 patient years of risk) among preva- collection, and availability of complete datasets.
lent pediatric dialysis patients listed in the The trend toward national registries is likely to
USRDS include cardiac arrest (8.3), septicemia further interfere with comparison efforts, unless
(3.3), cerebrovascular disease (1.5), withdrawal the approach to pediatric ESRD patient data
from dialysis (1.4), other infection (1.2), and reporting and analysis is standardized.
acute myocardial infarction (1.1). Cardiac and There is no doubt, however, that regional and
infectious causes of death also predominated in national pediatric patient registries can continue
European children with ESRD (Fig. 3.13) [22]. to serve important functions. Demographic data
Fortunately, most children in the United States can provide information vital to national health-
terminate a course of dialysis due to transplanta- care planning and resource allocation. Registries
tion, not death (Table 3.5). Complications associ- are also adept at identifying trends in therapy and
ated with a dialysis modality, and patient/family perhaps most important, they can provide the
choice, lead to a switch in modality for almost context and stimulus for clinical research by
20% of pediatric dialysis patients. properly framing questions and hypotheses.
Survival data for children on dialysis exists Finally, with the pediatric ESRD and dialysis
from many areas of the world. Figure 3.14 exam- population small in the context of the global
ines the survival of children on HD and PD ESRD patient number, it is hoped that collabora-
treated in 23 dialysis centers participating in the tive efforts among national registries will be
Italian Registry of Pediatric Chronic Peritoneal encouraged and will in turn result in improved
Dialysis during the years 1989–2000 [16]. patient outcomes.
Fig. 3.11 Adjusted 5-year survival, by year, age, and dialy- were followed from day 91 (after initiation of dialysis) until
sis modality. Dialysis patients who died or received a trans- death, transplant, or the end of 2007. (Source: Reprinted with
plant in the first 90 days were excluded. Dialysis patients permission from the 2009 USRDS Annual Report) [10]

Fig. 3.12 Expected remaining lifetimes, in years, of the general US population (2004) and prevalent dialysis and trans-
plant patients (2007), by age group [10]
48 J.J. Fadrowski et al.

Fig. 3.13 Causes of death by treatment modality in children with ESRD from 12 European registries, 1980–2000
(Source: Reprinted with permission from van der Heijden/Pediatric Nephrology) [22]

Table 3.5 Reasons for termination of dialysis course and changing of dialysis modality in pediatric
US ESRD patients since 1992
All index courses All courses
N % N %
Terminated dialysis courses 4,407 100.0 5,612 100.0
Reason for termination
Patient transplanted 3,028 68.7 3,689 65.7
Change of modality 819 18.6 1,194 21.3
Death 112 2.5 149 2.7
Kidney function returned 131 3.0 142 2.5
Other/unknown 317 7.2 438 7.8
Courses changing modality 819 100.0 1,194 100.0
Reason for modality change
Excessive infection 251 30.6 336 28.1
Patient/family choice 167 20.4 275 23.0
Access failure 84 10.3 123 10.3
Inadequate ultrafiltration 45 5.5 62 5.2
Inadequate solute clearance 20 2.4 28 2.3
Excessive hospitalization (dialysis-related) 15 1.8 23 1.9
Other (medical) 108 13.1 171 14.4
Other (nonmedical) 32 3.9 39 3.3
Unknown 97 11.8 137 11.5
Source: Reprinted with permission from NAPRTCS 2008 Annual Report, Section 9-5
3 The Demographics of Dialysis in Children 49

Fig. 3.14 Patient survival curves for chronic peritoneal from 1989 to 2000 (Source: Reprinted with permission
dialysis patients, by age, participating in the Italian from Verrina/Pediatric Nephrology) [16]
Registry of Pediatric Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis (CPD)

Fig. 3.15 Patient survival curve of 59 chronic peritoneal dialysis patients in Uruguay, 1983–2004 (Source: Reprinted
with permission from Grünberg/Pediatric Nephrology) [24]
50 J.J. Fadrowski et al.

Fig. 3.16 Patient survival curve of 514 children on PD, by age, in Turkey, 1989–2002 (Source: Reprinted with permis-
sion from Bakkaloglu/Pediatric Nephrology) [18]

Notice: Some data reported here have been annual report of the North American Pediatric Renal
supplied by the United States Renal Data System Trials and Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS). Pediatr
Transplant. 2007;11:366–73.
(USRDS). The interpretation and reporting of 7. Registry of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation
these data are the responsibility of the author(s) in Turkey. Registry 2007. Online at: http://www.tsn.
and in no way should be seen as an official policy
or interpretation of the US government. Accessed 6 Jan 2010.
8. Finnish Registry for Kidney Diseases-Report 2007.
Online at:
teri/finnish_registry_for_kidney_diseases/. Accessed
5 Jan 2010.
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3. Warady BA, Alexander SR, Watkins S, Kohaut E, et al. of Health, National Institute of Diabetes and
Optimal care of the pediatric end-stage renal disease Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Bethesda. 2009.
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3 The Demographics of Dialysis in Children 51

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Organization and Management
of a Pediatric Dialysis Program 4
Linda Jones and Michael Aldridge

Dialysis program • Pediatric • Management and organization

concerns, patient care services, transition, and

Introduction quality improvement.
The organization and management of pediatric
dialysis facilities has undergone many changes
Facility Culture and Organization
over the past decade. We continue to be in a rap-
idly changing environment with continual tech-
The operations of a dialysis facility are diverse
nological and treatment advancements. At the
and complex. A caring organizational culture and
same time, we are experiencing new challenges
an innovative management philosophy related to
with staffing shortages and government/econom-
personnel, material management, and informa-
ical restraints. Despite our rapidly changing envi-
tion organization is necessary to foster the care
ronment, the goal of meeting patient and family
and services that we provide today [1, 2]. Every
needs and promoting the quality of care neces-
organization has its own unique culture. The cul-
sary to maintain optimal patient outcomes
ture is, in turn, derived from the group’s shared
remains unchallenged and universal. The devel-
philosophical beliefs and values. Values direct
opment of a dialysis facility program must be
our actions and convey what we feel is commit-
carefully planned and organized to meet this goal.
ment to the organization. Historically, the work-
Essential program elements discussed in this
place was viewed as an environment dedicated
chapter include facility culture and organization,
solely for work. Today we know that people are
physical design, materials management, and
happier and more productive if they can also
facility operations, which includes staffing
bring their souls to work, and the workplace is
seen as a place where they can grow spiritually
and emotionally as well as intellectually [3].
L. Jones, MHA, RN Therefore, it is important that we create a caring,
Section of Pediatric Nephrology, Childrens Mercy
open, and positive culture. Administration must
Hospital, Kansas City, MO, USA
not only support these values, but they must also
M. Aldridge, MSN, RN, CCRN, CNS ()
exhibit, encourage, and enforce them. The simple
Department of Nursing, Concordia University of Texas,
Concordia, TX, USA value of treating all persons with respect and
e-mail: dignity is the basis for caring behaviors. This

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_4, 53

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
54 L. Jones and M. Aldridge

Table 4.1 CMS facility requirements for ESRD coverage

Governing standards/conditions
Appropriate state and local licensure
Participation with ESRD networks
Governing body and appropriate affiliation agreements
Responsibilities of the medical director
Appropriate personnel policies, job descriptions, and emergency coverage
Compliance with other regulatory agencies
Personnel qualifications and competencies
Medical director: board certified in internal medicine or pediatrics, completed training program in nephrology, and
has 12 months experience providing care to dialysis patients
Nurse manager: full-time registered nurse with 12 months experience in patient care and 6 months experience in dialysis
Self-care and/or home dialysis training nurse: RN with 12 months experience in patient care and 3 months dialysis
Technician: complete a training program specific for patient care and/or water treatment and be certified by either a
state or national certification program
Dietician: be registered with the Commission on Dietetic registration and have 12 months experience in clinical nutrition
Social worker: Master’s degree with specialization in clinical practice. Twenty-four months experience with 12
months experience in dialysis or transplant or who has a consultative relationship with a social worker who qualifies
Patient care issues
Patient informed of services and medical condition
Patient involved in planning for his own care
Care provided by interdisciplinary team
Receives emergency preparedness training
Rights, responsibilities, and grievance procedure addressed
Medical records present an adequate picture of care
Adequate staffing provided to meet patient needs
Infection control
Standard/universal precautions practiced
Surveillance for infections and other adverse events
Appropriate monitoring for water treatment
Serological testing and vaccination for hepatitis B virus
Data collected to reflect performance regarding quality of care delivered and compliance with requirements
Home dialysis services are at least equivalent to those provided to in-center patients
Adequate space for safety of treatment
Appropriate toxic/hazardous material procedures and precautions
Procedures and staff preparedness for emergencies

approach not only fosters creativity and innovative Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
ideas, but also allows for failures. Caring cul- (CMS), facility specific structure standards, and
tures encourage flexibility and support new ideas facility specific policies and procedures. The CMS
and change. This type of organizational culture requirements for end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
is necessary to support and provide positive coverage are quite detailed. Specific categories
outcomes and satisfaction from patients and addressed are summarized in Table 4.1 [4].
staff [1, 3]. Structure standards are the specific guidelines
Standards provide the foundation for all activ- for each facility. Simply stated, they are the what,
ities within the facility. They describe the phi- where, when, why, and who questions about the
losophy and purpose of the facility, and define facility and the services that it provides. These
the services provided. In the United States, provide more specific direction to the staff. As
governing standards for each facility include the mentioned previously, standards should promote
“Conditions of Coverage” as mandated by the a positive approach to providing health care
4 Organization and Management of a Pediatric Dialysis Program 55

Table 4.2 Components of facility structure standards Treatment procedures outline step-by-step
Facility description and purpose instructions necessary to complete a task. Critical
Goals and objectives pathways or algorithms dictate the course of
Hours of operations action to take in response to specific clinical situ-
Patient care criteria ations. Both procedures and critical pathways
Admission, transfer, discharge criteria promote the caregiver’s ability to provide effec-
Care plans
tive, efficient, and safe care. There are available
Home treatments and training guidelines
Guidelines for medical follow-up
materials that will assist with this endeavor. The
Guidelines for habilitation/rehabilitation and transition National Kidney Foundations sponsors a collab-
Utilization of staff orative project known as the Kidney Dialysis
Responsibilities of staff Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI). After an
Orientation/competencies extensive literature review, this initiative has
Levels/skill mix resulted in the development of guidelines related
Staffing plans and call policies to the care of the chronic kidney disease (CKD)
Governing rules of the unit and ESRD populations that are based on scien-
Safety/disaster/emergency procedures
tific evidence and clinical expertise. The guide-
Infection control guidelines
Confidentiality/patient rights lines are quite comprehensive and address specific
Supplies/equipment/medication guidelines issues related to dialysis treatment adequacy,
Visitors policy access management, anemia, bone care, and
Methods of unit communication nutritional management. With these guidelines
Interfacility communication serving as background material, specific proce-
Staff/family communication dures or protocols can be developed.

services. For these to be useful, they must be Physical Design

concise and specific. In addition, they must also
promote patient and staff collaboration while The basic components of a dialysis unit are estab-
emphasizing mutual respect for all parties. lished through fairly standardized codes of con-
Common issues that are included in facility stan- struction and CMS recommendations. The facility
dards are summarized in Table 4.2. must meet appropriate codes and standards for
The American Nephrology Nurses Association safety and infection control. Equally as important,
(ANNA) has also developed Standards of Clinical the physical design of the facility must allow for
Practice which provide guidelines to promote space that will meet current and future needs of
excellence in patient care [5]. These standards out- the facility. Flexibility and efficiency are two key
line five basic care goals which should be incorpo- elements that will help accomplish this goal [6].
rated into our basic care practice. Incorporating An effective facility design must meet the
these care goals into policies and procedures needs of the staff, as well as the patient and fam-
would assure that the patient and family: ily. Therefore, it is important to design flow pat-
• Are knowledgeable about their disease and terns that work for everyone. Patients and families
treatment must have easy access to the unit and should be
• Receive safe and effective care able to easily navigate through the unit. Floor
• Are free of preventable complications plans must be designed to ensure that all patients
• Participate as much as possible in their own care can be visibly monitored with ease, and each
• Attain maximal habilitation/rehabilitation treatment area must be large enough to accom-
While the governing and facility structure modate staff and equipment if emergencies should
standards are important, specific procedures must occur. Equipment and supplies must be stored in
also be developed to direct clinical practice. This a fashion that facilitates easy access by the staff.
can be accomplished through several formats. The nursing station must be large enough to allow
56 L. Jones and M. Aldridge

for work space and use of computers so as not to have indicated that dialysis patients would like
violate privacy laws and confidentiality. A sepa- their treatment areas more “homey” and they want
rate training room that is large enough to store distractions or activities that help occupy their
equipment, supplies, and training aids is also time. Simple things such as televisions, DVDs,
essential. Special attention must be given to the music or computers can significantly decrease the
design of isolation rooms. There are many stig- boredom that arises during a treatment session,
mas associated with isolation rooms. Even the however these do require space. To promote a
young patient understands that this area is differ- safe environment and reduce clutter, it is helpful
ent from the other treatment stations. Therefore, it for patients to have their own lockers or at least a
is important that this room is as comfortable and space in which to keep their coats and personal
pleasing as possible. If the patient can control any belongings. To meet these needs in the best pos-
part of this environment, it is helpful. Installing sible manner, it is helpful to have input from staff,
lighting devices or interactive activities that can patients, and family. Units that have gone through
be changed and controlled by the patient is one this process can also provide helpful suggestions
way to make this accommodation. Providing a and ideas to newly developed programs.
different décor in that room can also be helpful.
In pediatrics, there are additional environmen-
tal factors and considerations which must be Materials Management
incorporated into the physical design. Play ther-
apy and music therapy have important roles. If Materials management is a critical component of
these services are available, adequate space a dialysis unit and the responsibilities associated
should be provided for these supplies and the with it should not be taken lightly. At least one
activities. Bright colors, pictures, and other deco- staff member should be trained in all concepts
rations are used to de-emphasize equipment and and procedures related to materials management.
create a comfortable, relaxed setting. While the This includes receiving, storage, inventory con-
intent is to create a child-friendly environment, trol, replenishment of supplies [7], purchasing,
the atmosphere should not become visually over- and documentation requirements for each of
whelming. It is also important to assure that the these functions. Because of the variety of ser-
décor is age appropriate for all patients. This is vices provided and the wide range of patient age
challenging if the pediatric unit sees a wide age and sizes, the pediatric dialysis unit must main-
range of patients. In addition to televisions and tain a large variety of equipment and supplies.
computers, units might have exercise equipment, Procuring these is often challenging since con-
library carts, or other equipment and appropriate tracts with multiple suppliers may be needed and
storage space, in an attempt to meet the needs of may prove costly. Delivery systems must be care-
all the patients. Younger patients enjoy arts and fully selected to assure that they can accommo-
crafts, and it is important that they be able to dis- date small peritoneal exchange volumes or small
play their projects. Portable craft tables and rotat- extracorporeal circuits. And due to low demand,
ing bulletin boards work well and can be adapted manufacturers frequently decrease production of
for different age groups. pediatric-specific supplies.
While the specific treatment areas need to be All measures should be taken to minimize unit
esthetically pleasing, they must also be functional costs while maintaining treatment excellence.
for the staff and meet the needs of the patients. Unit managers must frequently reevaluate and
Therefore, seating arrangements should be flexi- analyze vendor contracts to maintain quality
ble enough to accommodate interactions, activi- products and services in a cost-effective manner.
ties, and privacy as needed. Each treatment space Careful planning and tight control of inventory is
ideally needs comfortable seating for family or important to maintain cost-efficient care. This is
visitors. Windows allow for diversion and help to best accomplished with computerized inventory
foster a welcoming environment. Patient surveys control systems.
4 Organization and Management of a Pediatric Dialysis Program 57

that works together in a collaborative fashion.

Management of Facility Operations Maintaining a trained team is one of the biggest
challenges today. Accordingly, recruitment and
The operations of a dialysis facility are complex retention efforts are crucial.
and challenging. Status quo, if it ever existed, is Recruiting the appropriate staff is essential.
now a thing of the past. It is of interest that while Due to the diversity of technical, interpersonal,
dialysis care and services have become more and critical thinking skills required in a pediatric
complex, resources and reimbursement have dialysis program, a candidate with prior pediatric,
become more restricted. As mentioned earlier, critical care or dialysis experience is helpful. The
innovative leadership which builds peer relation- necessary skills and behaviors required to per-
ships and strengthens a caring culture is neces- form the job should be defined prior to or during
sary to provide excellent services and optimum the interview process. Besides experience, it is
patient outcomes. While physicians direct and important that the new hire demonstrate traits
participate in these activities, it is the unit manag- compatible with the facility culture. If not pres-
ers who are directly responsible for managing the ent, dissatisfaction quickly occurs resulting in a
day-to-day operations of the facility. The chal- downward spiral and employee discord.
lenges facing them are often monumental and to Behavioral questions should be used to help
be successful they must have the appropriate define attributes of the candidate. Some facilities
education and training for this position. also incorporate personality testing to determine
Frequently, this role is filled by a nurse with if the candidate’s attributes are complimentary to
excellent nursing skills but little management the existing personnel. Advocating for your facil-
training, who has been promoted into the posi- ity and describing why it is the best place to work
tion. Assuming this expanded role and responsi- is one of the most effective recruiting tools. Entice
bilities without adequate education, resources, or candidates with your performance records such as
support is a setup for failure. To be successful patient outcomes, research activities or other fac-
and to meet the goals of the facility, managers tors that favorably describe your workplace.
must have a good foundation in management Involving a variety of staff in the interviewing
practice and a supportive mentor so they can con- process fosters a team environment and will pro-
tinuously develop leadership skills. A study given vide a variety of input. And although money is not
to 300 American Organization of Nurse the key factor, you must be at least competitive
Executives identified the skills necessary to with salaries and benefits when offering a new
accomplish the duties of a manager. The most position if recruiting efforts are to be successful.
important skills identified were effective commu- Nursing shortages and staff turnover are major
nication and decision making. Additional skills issues in health care today. To maintain high stan-
that ranked high included: effective staffing strat- dards of patient care with increasing financial
egies, performance evaluation, counseling, team- limitations, staff retention is a critical issue. Many
building, delegating, conflict resolutions, change studies have been conducted to identify key fac-
process, and problem solving [7]. Results from a tors that influence retention. One important factor
Gallup Organization report indicated that the is orientation and career development. Staff mem-
single most important variable in employee pro- bers want to be successful in their jobs and want
ductivity and loyalty is the quality of the relation- growth opportunities to be available. This begins
ship between employees and their direct manager with a detailed orientation program. Management
[8]. This was more significant than pay, other must assure time and staffing is adequate for
perks, or the workplace environment. appropriate orientation and training of newly
The manager alone cannot meet the multifac- hired staff. A willing preceptor who is knowl-
eted goals of the unit. To maintain fiscal respon- edgeable in established skill competencies should
sibility and yet provide high-quality patient care, be assigned to each new employee. The goal of
it is necessary to have a multidisciplinary team the orientation program is a gradual progression
58 L. Jones and M. Aldridge

of the new employee’s independence with a feedback on protocols, dedicated time to discuss
designated preceptor guiding the progress toward issues, and mutual respect.
acquisition of knowledge and mastery of skills. Finally, enhancing the quality of work life is
Orientation to the specialty can take from 6 weeks the final important ingredient for staff retention.
to 3 months depending on the new employee’s Employees today expect that the work climate
prior experience and learning opportunities. In will be attractive and accommodate both profes-
pediatrics, the occurrence of some clinical situa- sional and personal needs [10–12, 14]. They want
tions may be episodic and an employee may not to be treated fairly and have input regarding job
complete the competency checklist by the end of duties and work schedules. Surveys indicate that
orientation. Thus, simulated clinical experiences nursing turnover is twice as high in facilities
may be created to supplement learning. When the where there are no scheduling options [15]. Staff
infrequently encountered clinical situation does wants to have pride in their job and organization.
occur, an experienced staff member should assist They want to deliver high-quality care and know
the novice to enhance skill development and that their provision of care results in optimal
confidence. patient outcomes. It is therefore important that
An ongoing staff development and education the manager procures appropriate resources and
program must be developed based on the learn- support to accomplish this goal.
ing needs of the staff with a continual reassess-
ment of high-risk procedures [2]. Quality
improvement and quality assurance data can Staffing the Dialysis Unit
identify areas which warrant further review or
education. Once a learning need is identified, In the United States, individual states have the
educational material and periodic skill competen- authority to regulate dialysis clinics, which leads
cies can be developed to advance clinical knowl- to significant variation in staffing regulations
edge and expertise. [16]. Some states regulate the ratio of licensed
Beyond clinical skills, nurses want custom- staff, such as nurses, to unlicensed staff, such as
ized professional development support. Managers technicians. Other states have required patient-
can accommodate this by periodically reviewing to-nurse ratios. Various states have nurse practice
educational opportunities and encouraging career acts that limit the practice of patient care techni-
advancement. Recognizing certifications, paying cians in the dialysis clinic. Each nurse must
professional dues, and offering continuing edu- determine what the regulations are in the state in
cation classes are additional ways to support which he or she practices.
career development. As a result of the variation among states – not
Evidence supports that staff recognition is to mention the added variation in practices out-
another key factor influencing staff retention. side the United States – there is no recognized
Employees want more than the established rou- standard for how to staff a pediatric dialysis
tine recognition programs that exist in hospitals clinic. However, some of the considerations about
today. They want a 360° recognition program how to staff a clinic have been studied recently.
with personalized acknowledgment of their con-
tribution to the success of the facility [9]. It is
important to remember that people work for peo- Nurse-to-Patient Ratios: Do More
ple – not organizations. As human beings, we Nurses Improve Patient Outcomes?
seek connection with others. People work hardest
for bosses who consistently recognize and reward Although there is a clear association between
commitment [10–13]. higher numbers of registered nurses and decreased
The role between the nurse and physician is rates of adverse events and mortality in the hospi-
crucial. Nurses want collaborative working rela- tal setting [17], that association has yet to be shown
tionships with physicians. They want physician in the pediatric setting. Dialysis units with higher
4 Organization and Management of a Pediatric Dialysis Program 59

numbers of registered nurses do experience Physicians in residency training and nurses in

decreased rates of skipped dialysis treatments [18], the perioperative setting face the same issue, and
as well as lower rates of hepatitis C seroconversion research and guidelines from those disciplines
rates [19]. A recent survey of chronic hemodialysis provide dialysis nurses with some recommenda-
nurses [20] found that high patient-to-nurse ratios tions. Physicians in residency training, who work
were associated with an increased likelihood of more than 24 h on-call, experience an increased
intradialytic hypotension, skipped dialysis treat- risk of sticking themselves with a sharp object
ments, and patient complaints. These studies pro- during a procedure, having a motor vehicle crash
vide the first empirical evidence that higher while driving home, and of making a serious or
numbers of registered nurses can decrease adverse even fatal medical error [23]. Resident physicians
events in the adult dialysis program. It is unknown in the United States are currently restricted to
whether these effects also hold true in the pediatric working no more than 30 consecutive hours in a
dialysis program, where nurse-to-patient ratios are shift and their work weeks must average 80–88 h
typically lower than in the adult program. per week [24]. Based on the safety data associ-
Another consideration in staffing is whether ated with shifts exceeding 24 h, the Institute of
the length of the shift has an impact on safety. Medicine (IOM) is advocating for resident physi-
When determining how to staff the dialysis pro- cian shifts to decrease to 16 h, which has been the
gram, one must consider whether to staff 8-h, practice in New Zealand since 1985. The
10-h, or 12-h shifts. Many nurses, according to European Union limits its physician-trainees to
the literature, desire 12-h shifts and report 13-h shifts [24].
increased job satisfaction, less emotional exhaus- The Association of Operating Room Nurses
tion, and more satisfaction with their work sched- has developed guidelines for safe on-call prac-
ule. In addition, the units with nurses working tices [25]. They recommend implementing recu-
12-h shifts have lower vacancy rates. One of the peration periods between regular shifts and
hazards of working a 12-h shift that does need to call-back shifts, as well as developing a perfor-
be considered is that the shift often stretches lon- mance improvement system to track whether
ger than 12 h. A landmark study [21] of hospital there is a relationship among errors, adverse
nurses found that the risk of making an error events, and number of hours worked during call.
increased significantly when the shift lasted lon- They do not provide definitive recommendations
ger than 12 h, when the nurse worked overtime, about shift length or call length, but rather rec-
or when the nurse had worked more than 40 h in ommend that each unit should consider patient
1 week. However, a recent review [22] of studies volume, acuity, and how often call-back occurs
examining the effect of shift length on the quality when determining on-call guidelines. Finally,
of patient care and on health care provider out- they recommend that a sleep room be provided at
comes (such as job satisfaction and stress), found the facility so that staff has the option to stay on
equivocal results and further research is needed. site during call or when called back in order to
The implications for dialysis programs could be alleviate sleep deprivation. This factor may be
significant, particularly smaller programs that especially important if the staff member is sched-
operate with fewer numbers of nurses. uled to work the next day and only has a few
Another consideration in staffing is managing hours left to sleep.
on-call issues. Most pediatric dialysis programs In summary, there are no published guidelines
must provide on-call coverage for home patients about how to most effectively staff a pediatric
and acute treatments. Providing coverage can be dialysis program. What little research we have to
challenging when the on-call nurse has already guide us in the dialysis population comes from
worked a full day in the dialysis unit or is sched- the adult population, where the nurse-to-patient
uled to work the next day. The question arises: ratio is typically much higher. This factor makes
when does it become unsafe for the nurse to con- it difficult to generalize those findings to the
tinue to provide patient care? pediatric setting. However, concerns about safety
60 L. Jones and M. Aldridge

from shifts that last longer than 12 h and on-call results that led to increased anxiety and depres-
shifts that last longer than 24 h may be valid in sion among these mothers.
the pediatric setting as well, and deserve consid- Many nephrologists and nephrology nurses
eration as we determine how to most effectively might predict that dialysis modalities that are
staff our programs. delivered in the home environment would play a
role in how families adjust, since the burden of
care giving is significantly higher for these fami-
Patient Care Services lies when compared with in-center modalities.
However, studies examining this issue have
Patient care services focuses on meeting the yielded conflicting results. One study [26] found
physical and psychosocial needs of the patient. that parents of children receiving in-center hemo-
These services include modality selection, devel- dialysis had increased anxiety and depression
opment and implementation of care plans, patient when compared to parents of children receiving
and family education, and delivery of patient home hemodialysis or continuous ambulatory
care. To adequately accomplish these tasks, we peritoneal dialysis. However, another study [34]
must first take into account factors that impact found that home hemodialysis was more stressful
the family when their child has a chronic illness. for parents than in-center hemodialysis. The rela-
tionship between where children receive dialysis
and how their families adjust is not fully under-
Family Adjustment stood due to the small number of studies in the
literature and highlights the need for further
When parents learn that their child has chronic investigation [35].
kidney failure, the coping mechanisms of the Children themselves also have difficulty
family are tested. Some families have had years adjusting to the burden of kidney disease and
of interactions with the nephrology team and may dialysis, and studies indicate that there may be
have had time to prepare for dialysis. Other fami- both developmental and psychological conse-
lies may have received the diagnosis more sud- quences to the disease process. A study [36] of 16
denly and had little time to prepare. Either way, children who received peritoneal dialysis during
families must adjust to a change in routine and the first year of life found that although the chil-
must learn how to care for their child’s new med- dren had normal IQ scores, half had behavioral
ical needs. and emotional difficulties. Similar psychological
As families adjust to having a child with kid- challenges have been identified in another study
ney failure, parents experience increased levels [37] of adolescent renal transplant recipients. In
of stress, anxiety, and depression [26–29]. the long term, young adults who received dialysis
Families with children receiving dialysis report as children have difficulty making the transition
an increased disruption in their family life and to adulthood. These dialysis survivors tend to
increased marital stress, but not increased marital live with their parents longer, have limited social
breakup [30]. The overall burden of dialysis is networks, and have difficulty forming relation-
stressful and is characterized by themes of uncer- ships with the opposite sex [38].
tainty [31], social isolation [32], and increased These studies confirm what we have always
vigilance, caretaking, and monitoring [32–34]. In known: having a child on dialysis is stressful for
one study [31], mothers of children on peritoneal both the child and the family. Perhaps the more
dialysis described that they were often worried important question is: does this affect outcomes?
about the possibility of illness or death of their One study [27] found that poor adjustment to
child, and they remained vigilant for complica- dialysis was associated with decreased adherence
tions by checking on their child at night. Fatigue, to therapy, which could affect the child’s outcome.
frustration, and loss of friends were common Another study [39] examined the likelihood of a
4 Organization and Management of a Pediatric Dialysis Program 61

patient being referred for transplant by a long-term basis, understanding that a modality
nephrologist by creating scenarios of children change may, in turn, be necessary.
and families with varying characteristics. In this
study, the families who were less compliant with
therapy were less likely to be referred for trans- Patient Care Plans
plant. Therefore, there may be relationships
among adjustment, adherence, and transplant Care plans are developed to promote the mainte-
referral. By paying attention to how families are nance of or improvement in the patient’s physical
adjusting to the burden of dialysis, we may in condition, growth, developmentally appropriate
turn be able to ultimately improve the outcomes activities, and appropriate coping skills for the
of these children. psychosocial adjustment to chronic illness [5].
Services provided are a continuum of care that
requires periodic review, evaluation, and adjust-
Modality Selection ment to meet the needs of the patient.
Considerable improvement in patient out-
All dialysis modalities should be reviewed with comes, in both adult and pediatric chronic disease
the patient and family before the patient needs to patients, occurs when patients are encouraged to
start dialysis. If this is not possible, modality participate in their own care [46]. This not only
choices should be reviewed as soon as the patient improves medical outcomes, but encourages
is medically stable. Specific criteria are necessary independence and builds self-esteem. A care
if the patient/family is interested in a home model or plan that will promote these goals
modality. The home care provider must be physi- should be utilized. Dorthea Orem introduced self-
cally able to perform dialysis-related tasks, pos- care as a model of nursing practice which is based
sess cognitive and psychomotor skills to manage on key success factors. Adaptations of this model
all aspects of the treatment, and be emotionally are valid for ESRD programs and should be
stable [40–44]. A partner for the home care pro- incorporated into the patient’s care or transition
vider is desirable but may not be necessary plan. These self-care goals promote [46, 47]:
depending on the family situation. If a home part- • Maintenance of the pre-ESRD level of involve-
ner is not available, an emergency backup plan ment in daily activities
needs to be established in the event of absence or • Progression in developmentally appropriate
illness of the primary caregiver. activities
An assessment of the home environment • Increasing involvement in self-care activities
should be performed prior to the initiation of While team input is necessary to develop mul-
training. A home visit is utilized to assess the tidisciplinary care plans, it is important to have
general cleanliness of the home, the availability someone responsible for the coordination of ser-
of appropriate electrical access, the water source, vices. This task has been and continues to be the
telephone accessibility, and the presence of space responsibility of the registered nurse. One nurse
for storage of supplies [45]. The dialysis team is usually assigned responsibility for a designated
should problem solve with the family to make the group of patients. While many facilities refer to
necessary environmental changes as needed the tasks associated with this as primary nursing,
before home training begins. Burn-out has often today the job description more closely aligns
been described as one of the biggest pitfalls in itself with a modified version of case manage-
home therapy. Therefore, the patient and family ment. This model maintains that one nurse is
must understand and feel assured that they can directly responsible for the ongoing coordination
stop home treatments at any time and the medical of care for a specific patient and family. Continuity
team will support their decision. This can be for a of care and services is accomplished and main-
short term if respite is needed, or on a continual tained through this approach. Common duties of
62 L. Jones and M. Aldridge

Table 4.3 Responsibilities/duties of the primary nurse or even college reading level [52]. Since a significant
care manager number of people – perhaps up to 40% [51] –
Utilize the nursing process to assess, plan, implement, read below the fifth-grade level, PEMs should be
and evaluate the patient’s care written at the fifth- to sixth-grade level [52]. It is
Collaborate with team, patient, and family to develop
a waste of valuable nursing time to create materi-
care plans
Provide support, and follow-up care through phone
als that are, in essence, unreadable. Therefore,
contacts and clinic visits simple tools exist to help determine the grade
Coordinate other health-related issues: i.e., dental visits, level that the PEMs are written on. These tools
immunizations, etc. are formulas that primarily take into account sen-
Promote age-appropriate activities and other habilitation tence length and word length, since longer words
and sentences are more difficult for people with
Provide appropriate patient education
poor reading skills to read and understand.
Promote school attendance and make school visits as
necessary Ideally, this process should occur during the
Support home therapy and make home visits as necessary development of the education materials but it can
Act as an advocate for patient and family be done retrospectively or during revisions.
Promotes self-care Table 4.4 explains the process for determining
the readability of PEMs in electronic and non-
electronic formats.
the primary nurse or case manager are included As much as possible, simplify the reading lev-
in Table 4.3. els. Even adults who read well prefer materials
that are easy to read and understand. When
designing or rewriting PEMs, you must start by
Patient/Family Education focusing on the actual words and sentence struc-
ture. Strive to make the words short (less than
There are many considerations involved in estab- three syllables when possible) and easy to under-
lishing a pediatric dialysis training and education stand. Sometimes, a long, dialysis-specific word
program. Teaching and educating families is a such as “effluent” may need two shorter words
basic responsibility of pediatric health care pro- such as “drain fluid” to adequately explain its
viders [48]. When dealing with a chronic illness, meaning [52]. Use a consistent word throughout
education becomes an ongoing process of the document, such as “pills,” to mean medica-
assessing, planning, teaching, and evaluation. tions or medicines. Define new words. Use the
The dialysis team is responsible for the initial and thesaurus feature in your word processor to sug-
ongoing education and training needs of the gest simpler words as well. Keep sentences less
patient and family. Establishing a thorough and than 10–15 words long, as longer sentences are
consistent education/training program is critical more difficult to read and understand. Commas
[48–50]. Considering health literacy, developing and semicolons serve as natural places to divide
the training materials, and creating a teaching plan up long sentences. Finally, write in the active
are all necessary components for patient education. voice rather than the passive voice. We tend to
speak in the active voice but write in the passive
voice; the active voice is easier to understand. An
Health Literacy and Patient example of writing in the active voice is to say,
Education Materials “Take your binders with food each time you eat”
rather than “your binders should be taken with
When developing or evaluating the home train- food each time you eat.”
ing and patient education materials (PEMs), the Once the words and sentence structure are
clinic staff must consider the readability of those written at the fifth- to sixth-grade level, it is time
materials. Unfortunately, the average adult in the to pay attention to the overall design of the PEMs.
United States reads at the eighth-grade level [51], The goal is to create something that is visually
and most PEMs are written at the high school or appealing, uncluttered, and easy to follow.
4 Organization and Management of a Pediatric Dialysis Program 63

Table 4.4 Determining readability of patient education materials

If patient education material
is in electronic format If patient education material is not in electronic format
Nearly all word processing programs Use the SMOG formula [53]
will display readability statistics
Readability statistics can often be found Pick ten sentences in a row at the beginning, middle, and end of the
at the end of the spelling and grammar document (a total of 30 sentences)
Readability statistics change Count every word in the sentences that has three or more syllables. Words
as you make changes in your document that repeat count each time they appear. Proper nouns and hyphenated
words of more than three syllables count also. Abbreviations are counted
as the whole word they represent
Instructions can be found by searching Determine the square root of the total number of words with three or
for “readability” in the Help menu more syllables
Add three to the square root. This is the grade level of the document.
Example: Your 30 sentences have 44 words with three or more syllables.
The square root of 44 is 6.6. Add 3 to 6.6 to get 9.6, which is the grade
level of the document

A well-designed PEM will help the reader follow this arena [54]. To date, a review of the research
along and pick out the most important points. [54] of four published studies reveals a mix of lit-
Highlight the most important things you want the eracy levels among the adult dialysis and trans-
reader to remember with bold face, underlining, plant population. Once we fully understand the
or italics [52]. Set them off in boxes, or have the literacy levels of our population, both in the adult
reader fill in the information with a “fill in the and pediatric world, the next step will be to deter-
blank” style, since people tend to remember facts mine whether there is a relationship between
better when they write the information. It is best health literacy and short- or long-term outcomes.
to use bulleted or numbered lists for procedures
and a limited number of fonts, as too many font
styles can be distracting or even difficult to read. Development of Training Materials
Make sure that the font size is at least 14-point in
order to ensure that it is large enough to be read- Patient and family training materials are an essen-
able by those with poor vision. Be sure to repeat tial component of any dialysis program. These
critical information more than once so it is clear materials range from brief “hot topics” to detailed
that the information is important. Leave a lot of training manuals for home families. Care must be
white space on the page and finally, use graphics taken to assure that materials are developed for
and pictures to explain difficult concepts and to the in-center patients as well as the home patient.
help illustrate procedures. To help assure consistency of education, specific
Health Literacy, which is defined as the ability information related to key issues regarding the
to obtain, process, and understand health informa- management of patient care must be addressed.
tion, has become an area of significant interest Examples of topics commonly addressed include:
since the IOM released their report on the health • Normal kidney function
literacy status in the United States in 2004. This • Complications of ESRD
report noted that 90 million Americans have dif- • Treatment modalities
ficulty understanding and acting on health infor- • Complications of treatment
mation, and a growing body of research has • Diet and nutrition
demonstrated that low levels of literacy are associ- • Fluid balance and control
ated with worse outcomes in patients with chronic • Medications
diseases. Unfortunately, there has been little • Laboratory tests and values
research in the adult CKD population and no pub- • Infection control
lished research in the pediatric CKD population in • Dialysis catheter and exit-site care
64 L. Jones and M. Aldridge

A method of evaluating what the patient has lecture, discussion, demonstration, and learning
learned is essential [55]. Quizzes can be devel- labs [41].
oped to test the learner’s knowledge. Compe-
tencies should be developed to evaluate the
learner’s ability to perform procedures. The quiz- Learning Needs Assessment
zes and skill competencies not only give the
teacher information about topics needing further In order to develop a teaching plan, a careful
emphasis, but also provide the family with imme- assessment of the individuals who are training
diate feedback and reinforcement of information. must first be performed. The family’s readiness
Regardless of the therapy or population being and ability to learn is examined. Language skills,
taught, the development of educational materials previous experience and knowledge, coping mech-
requires the participation of all the members of anisms, religions, and cultural beliefs all impact
the multidisciplinary team. The team should also each family member’s ability to learn. Barriers to
be utilized to review and update education mate- learning such as learning impairments (dyslexia,
rials as needed. Attention Deficit Disorder), illiteracy, physical
impairments (visual, auditory, speech), illness, and
stressors must be considered when developing an
Development of a Teaching Plan individualized teaching plan [41, 48, 49, 55].
These barriers will influence the methods used to
Whether teaching a home dialysis family or a teach. It is desirable to provide some education to
patient dialyzing in the facility, an individual- each member of the family. Even young siblings
ized teaching plan should be developed by the can benefit from brief education activities.
nurse responsible for dialysis training. A teach- Although there are many theories, it is not
ing plan consists of an outline of the content to known exactly how people learn. We do know,
be taught, measurable behavioral objectives, however, that people learn in various ways. Three
learning activities, and teaching methods. The basic styles of learning are visual, auditory, and
individual nurse chooses the specific learning kinesthetic. Once a learner’s style is determined,
activities and teaching methods to use. Learning appropriate teaching methods can be incorpo-
activities include reading, hands-on use of rated into an individualized teaching plan
equipment, demonstration and return demon- (Table 4.5) [48, 49].
stration of procedures, viewing different forms When teaching a group of people, it is desir-
of media, listening to audio tapes, and role play- able to use a variety of teaching tools which cater
ing exercise. Teaching strategies may include to all three learning styles.

Table 4.5 Styles of Supportive learning methods

learning Learning style Characteristics of the learner used by the teacher or learner
Visual Talks fast Writes key words
Talks in half sentences Underlines or highlights key points
Talks with hands Draws pictures of words
Needs descriptive words Draws diagrams
Looks at you with blank stare Learner takes notes
Auditory Speaks slower Speaks just loud enough to be heard
Has a full voice Discusses with others
Wants all the facts Makes “sounds like” associations
Makes rhymes
Kinesthetic Cannot be rushed Behavior modeling
Touchers/feelers Hands on involvement
4 Organization and Management of a Pediatric Dialysis Program 65

The Nurse as Teacher Avoid saying, “Any questions?”, as this approach

usually does not prompt the learner to ask ques-
Being able to teach others effectively is a skill, tions. Instead, tell the person or group that you
and many nurses lack formal training in how to expect them to have questions. And you can rein-
teach [56]. Thus, it is critical for nurses who teach force this message by making statements such as:
children and families about ESRD and dialysis “There were a lot of steps in that procedure. I’m
modalities to have a basic knowledge of teaching sure you have some questions about what I dem-
methods in order to be able to teach effectively onstrated.” Asking the learner to choose between
and to be able to evaluate whether the child and a few possibilities can also help the nurse assess
family understand the information that has been knowledge. For example, a question about one
taught. sign of peritonitis might be, “If your child has
Nurses can be most successful as teachers peritonitis, would the effluent be clear or cloudy?”
when clear objectives are used as a guideline for Although this sort of question does not invite dis-
the content being taught [56]. If not already pres- cussion, the family’s answer quickly lets the nurse
ent in the teaching materials, the nurse should ask know if they understand the concept and whether
what the patient should know or be able to do at additional teaching is needed. Questions can also
the conclusion of the teaching. This information be used to help families apply the information
is then used to write specific objectives. For that has been presented. For example, after dis-
example, if a nurse was teaching a family about cussing how to assess their child for signs of
the signs of peritonitis, an objective for that con- proper fluid balance, the nurse could ask, “What
tent might be: “List three ways you would know would a weight gain of 2 lb and a blood pressure
if your child has peritonitis.” Notice that objec- of 130/90 mmHg tell you about your child’s fluid
tives are limited to one concept and are written in balance?” This question mimics the data that the
a language that people without medical training parents would have at home and allows the nurse
can understand. The next objective might read: to see whether the family can determine that the
“Describe what you should do if you think your child is hypertensive and fluid overloaded.
child has peritonitis.” This approach accom- Additional methods have proven beneficial
plishes two things. First, it keeps the nurse who is when teaching children and families. Trivia
doing the teaching on track and ensures that the games have been used successfully when teach-
critical content (the “need to know” rather than ing peritoneal dialysis to adults [58]. Patients
the “nice to know”) is covered. Second, it allows believed that the games were a fun, active way to
the nurse to evaluate whether the family under- learn and the educator found that the game rein-
stands the information that is presented. forced content covered in the initial training ses-
Many nurses approach teaching on an indi- sions. Hands-on demonstration is an extremely
vidual or small-group basis. In this venue, teach- important method for any skill-based content.
ing by discussion rather than lecture is more The nurse should demonstrate the correct order
effective. By asking questions of the family, the of steps and avoid demonstrating incorrect tech-
nurse has a good idea of their comprehension of niques to the family. Many families also benefit
the material presented. In addition, this approach from visual aids that show them the correct order
makes the session active rather than passive, of steps and a picture of someone performing that
which allows for more effective learning. step of the procedure.
There are several methods to ask questions in After teaching a concept, the nurse should
a way that meets the needs of the learner as well evaluate whether the family understands the con-
as the teacher [57]. Only ask one question at a tent and can apply the information. Some units
time, and allow at least 10 s for the learner to prefer to have a written test to document a score.
respond to the question. Although 10 s seems like However, a high score on a test does not guaran-
a long time, many learners need that much time to tee that a family can use and apply the informa-
process the question and formulate an answer. tion they were taught. It is also very difficult to
66 L. Jones and M. Aldridge

Table 4.6 Learning principles of children

Child learning principle How to apply the principle
Need to know rules Children have to be told, sometimes shown how, and then told again, especially in new
and limits situations. The key is patience
Need for consistency Staff members must work together to provide consistency in what is taught. Inconsistency
can make the child feel confused and insecure or can encourage manipulative behaviors
Need for self-esteem Belittling or shaming a child is a poor way to discourage a behavior and should be
avoided. More effective is to show approval or encouragement of what the child is
demonstrating or verbalizing correctly. Refrain from labeling a child as a slow learner
Need to have choices The child needs to feel that he has some control over the learning situation. Give the child
a choice when you can, such as when or where the teaching should occur
Need for play Play is a child’s work. By using medical play, the child will develop needed skills for his care

write valid test questions unless the nurse has had Teaching Considerations in Children
specific training in measurement and evaluation
techniques. Thus, another evaluation method to When teaching children, the level of develop-
use is a checklist that is derived from the teaching ment must be evaluated. It is not uncommon for a
objectives. The evaluation of whether a family chronically ill child to regress. This regression
understands these objectives can either occur at may be exacerbated by an acute illness or hospi-
the end of each training session or at the end of talization. The teaching style and content should
the entire training and involves the nurse talking be based on the developmental level rather than
with the family to ensure that they met the objec- the chronologic age of the child. In each develop-
tives. As objectives are met, they are documented mental stage, there are conflicts which cause
and this checklist can then be placed in the additional stress to the child. In order for optimal
patient’s chart as evidence of successful training. learning to take place, these stressors need to be
When teaching content that involves skills, it minimized. Tables 4.6 and 4.7 provide methods
is important for the nurse to observe that the fam- to maximize the child’s learning potential [12,
ily can perform the skills correctly. These obser- 13, 48, 49, 59, 60].
vations can also be documented on the evaluation
checklist. Ideally, it is also helpful to try to simu-
late how the family will use the skill in the home Teaching Considerations in Adults
environment. For example, after all the training
objectives have been met by a family who is The adult learner may be under a significant
learning to perform peritoneal dialysis at home, amount of stress and feel overwhelmed with the
the nurse could ask the family to set up the perito- amount of information he/she must learn in order
neal dialysis machine and connect the child inde- to provide care for their child. All education and
pendently without the nurse in the room. Although training sessions should be done in a relaxed and
the nurse is still available for questions, the fam- open setting where they can freely express their
ily will perform the setup without assistance or feelings. While it is necessary to convey informa-
observation, which simulates what will take place tion, it is also important to devote time to develop
at home. If they are able to successfully complete a positive relationship between the nurse and
this task at the end of training, the family feels family. Table 4.8 outlines principles which
confident that they can accomplish the same task enhance adult learning [48, 49, 61].
at home without the nurse’s presence. At the same
time, the nurse feels confident that the family
understands and can apply the information that Ongoing Education
has been taught during the training. This form of
evaluation is very meaningful and provides more The education and training needs of the patient
information than a score on a written exam. and family continue even after the initial training
Table 4.7 Developmental characteristics seen in dealing with children
Infancy/Toddler (0–30 months)
Stressors to child
Separation from parent
Fear of certain strangers (doctors, nurses, etc.), large objects or machines (scans, x-rays), and change of environment
(hospital, clinic)
Loss of control of their environment
Fear of injury
Minimization of stressors
Minimize number of caregivers
Actively involve child in treatment, when possible
Minimize intrusive procedures; do not involve parents as participants in intrusive procedures; rather, enable their presence to
comfort the child
Teaching tips
Involve parent in noninvasive cares
Provide choices in age-appropriate activities
Prepare child for procedures, through therapeutic plan and familiarity with medical equipment
Provide age-appropriate activities while waiting
Preschool (30 months–5 years)
Stressors to child
Separation from parents or caregivers
Fear of injury and death
Minimization of stressors
Enable parent to remain with child to provide emotional support
Ask questions of the preschooler and model honest communication
Teach planned coping strategies
Teaching tips
Encourage parental involvement in noninvasive care
Provide accurate preparatory information
Offer psychological preparation prior to and following procedures
Provide age-appropriate activities and play
School age (6–12 years)
Stressors to child
Separation from parent
Fear of staying alone, injury, or death
Forced in a dependent role in having their needs met and the anxiety of body control (i.e., catheter instead of voiding)
Minimization of stressors
Ensure preparation for and involvement in procedures
Involve patient in care
Help children recognize aspects of their effective coping
Teaching tips
Encourage choices among options if possible (i.e., IV in right or left hand)
Teach coping strategies
Provide age-appropriate activities
Stressors to child
Fear of being different from their peers and not fitting in
Fear of death
General lack of trust of anyone other than peer group
Minimization of stressors
Communicate honestly
Involve patient in care and decisions
Address long-term issues in follow-up
Teaching tips
Discuss potential psychological changes and physical responses
Provide opportunity for follow-up discussion and guidance as needed
68 L. Jones and M. Aldridge

Table 4.8 Learning principles of adults

Learning is a self-activity
Learning requires active participation by the learner. Learners will learn faster and retain more when they are actively
involved in learning experiences
Learning is an interactive process
Hands-on learning experiences will maximize the amount of learning retained
Learning is unique to the learner
Learners are influenced by their past experiences, as well as by their physical environment. Provide for variable
interests, opinions, learning styles, and pace of instruction
Learning is influenced by the motivation of learners
Learning is more readily acquired and retained when learners have a strong and sustained desire to learn. Motivation
for learning is enhanced when learners can participate in identifying their own needs and planning to meet those needs
Learning is influenced by the readiness of the learner
Learners need to prepare for learning both physically and psychologically
Learning proceeds best when it is organized and clearly communicated
Select appropriate principles (easy to hard, known to unknown, first to last step). Have teaching aids ready when they
are needed
Learning is social
Learning is a shared responsibility of teachers and learners. Enhance the social climate for learning by getting to
know learners individually. This can be done by: engaging in informal discussions, communicating effectively, and
being available as a guide and support
Learning is influenced by the learning environment
The learning environment is both psychological and physical. Provide a comfortable, relaxed, nonjudgmental
atmosphere for learning
Learning is facilitated by immediate feedback
Timely rewarding of desired behavior tends to ensure that the behavior will recur. Be generous in dispensing positive
feedback. Any negative feedback must be given in a timely, constructive, and sensitive manner
Learning is integrated with knowledge
Learners vary in the speed and effectiveness with which they integrate new learning with old learning. Explaining
relationships between old and new concepts will assist learners in bridging these concepts

program has been successfully completed. Over

time, breaks in technique or bad habits may
Care Implementation
develop. In addition, some skills not performed
Expectations regarding the roles of staff and
frequently may be forgotten. A clinic or home
patients, in relationship to care management,
visit is a good opportunity to review or watch the
should be clearly outlined and discussed when the
home care provider demonstrate dialysis-related
patient starts dialysis. Patients receiving treat-
skills. Skills should be reviewed annually or
ments in the unit are seen frequently, and so it is
more often if a problem exists. As the patient
easy for staff to assess their needs and provide
matures, they should take a more active role in
care. This is more difficult in the home setting
their care. Special training sessions may be war-
where we must rely on patient or family assess-
ranted to teach the patient a skill, or convey
ments and information. Phone contacts are com-
detailed information that they were not ready to
monly used to share information and problem-solve
receive during the initial training period.
situations. However, other means of communicat-
Education and training of the patient and family
ing, such as e-mailing or phone texting, are effec-
is a continual process of assessment, planning,
tive. Contact with the family should occur at least
teaching, and evaluation.
every 2 weeks, and more often if problems occur.
4 Organization and Management of a Pediatric Dialysis Program 69

At routine intervals, the patient/family need to their treatments. All hemodialysis schedules
be seen in the clinic so the professional staff can should be as flexible as possible to minimize time
assess their current medical status. During this missed from school or school activities. The
visit, the patient and family meet individually school teachers, principal, and school nurse need
with members of the multidisciplinary team. In to be aware of any physical limitations and the
this setting, the patient is assessed, medications, need for excused absences for clinic visits. For
diet, laboratory tests and home records are some patients, it is beneficial for hospital staff to
reviewed, and any problems or concerns are make a school visit to speak to the class about
addressed. This is also a time when reeducation dialysis and kidney failure. Young school-aged
can occur and transition goals can be updated. children are especially receptive to this idea.
It is important for the multidisciplinary team to Absences from school can become a problem.
meet routinely to review patient data and assure The child can quickly learn that if he voices a
the delivery of consistent care [50, 62]. This care physical complaint, he may be allowed to stay
conference allows the team to candidly discuss the home from school. If absences become a repeated
patient’s health status and update the plan of care. problem, the medical team can help evaluate the
In addition to this, the multidisciplinary team must validity of the situation and work with the family
meet and conduct an in-depth review with the to develop a plan to increase school attendance.
patient and family at least annually. This family
conference allows everyone to review the patient’s
status for the past year and involves the patient Transition
and family in establishing care goals. Additional
family conferences may be scheduled anytime the Transition from adolescence to adulthood is a
family or medical team feels it is necessary. challenging yet important developmental pro-
Meeting with the patient and family outside of gression for all children. Patients with CKD must
the hospital setting can be advantageous. A home deal with not only the challenges of this transition
visit provides an opportunity for the patient and time, but are also forced to handle additional
family to speak in a more relaxed and familiar challenges as we prepare to move them from a
setting. Other activities such as camp, support health care setting that they are familiar with to a
groups, and holiday parties take place outside the very different adult health care system. As men-
clinic and provide a valuable opportunity for tioned earlier, chronic illness during childhood
patients and families to socialize and share com- and adolescence can adversely affect normal mat-
mon experience and concerns. These also provide uration. Missed school and extracurricular activi-
an opportunity for both the patients/families and ties, over-protection from parents, frequent visits
staff to interact with each other in a venue outside to dialysis units or hospitals, and dependency on
of the medical setting. dialysis equipment and health professionals all
compound to have a negative impact on our
patients. Recent quality-of-life studies indicate
Habilitation that children on dialysis have lower self-esteem,
and an increased incidence of depression, behav-
Promoting normalcy and age-appropriate activi- ior disturbances, dependency on caregivers, poor
ties should be incorporated in all health care school performance, lack of higher education or
activities in pediatrics. School attendance and par- vocational training, cognitive delays, separation
ticipation in activities is normal for children. In anxiety disorders, and poor social adjustments
order to support the philosophy of habilitation, the and peer relationships [63]. With this in mind, it
multidisciplinary team must work with the school is crucial that pediatric dialysis facilities have a
and family to assure that the patient can participate detailed plan for transitioning their patients to an
in as many school activities as possible. Teachers, adult facility. A variety of issues should be
teacher aides, or volunteers should be utilized to addressed in such a plan (Table 4.9). An extensive
help hemodialysis patients with homework during discussion of transition is in Chap. 35.
70 L. Jones and M. Aldridge

Table 4.9 Transition topics for patient education (NAPRTCS) offers pediatric benchmarking of
Patient-specific medical condition(s) outcome data for all stages of CKD, transplant,
Medications including significance, doses and dialysis. These two databases house a wealth
Laboratory tests – significance and interpretation of information that can assist a program in the
Dietary restrictions identification of areas in need of improvement or
Sexual health and high-risk behaviors areas of high achievement.
Educational/vocational plans
Medical complications – anemia, bone disease,
hypertension, etc.
Maintaining appropriate health coverage – insurance References
Ownership of health care – self-care
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health provider outcomes: systematic review. Qual children. Am J Transplant. 2003;3:34.
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health care provider work hours and sleep deprivation tors. End-stage renal disease in children. Philadelphia:
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Dialysis in Developing Countries
Hong Xu and Arvind Bagga

Dialysis • Pediatric • Developing countries • Peritoneal dialysis

dialysis is a satisfactory long-term alternative

Introduction form of therapy, most developing countries have
had problems in organizing satisfactory dialysis
It is difficult to estimate the number of children services. Techniques of peritoneal dialysis (PD)
requiring dialysis in the developing world. In and hemodialysis (HD) have been available in
addition to the regional differences and the crite- these regions for adult patients for more than four
ria for diagnosis, an important reason is the lack decades, but their application for children has
of adequate pediatric nephrology services across lagged behind. The reduced accessibility to dial-
most developing counties. Furthermore, there are ysis in children has been attributed to lack of
considerable differences in the number of patients expertise, experience and equipment, and rela-
with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) who receive tively high costs. Nevertheless, over the last two
any form of renal replacement therapy (RRT). decades, dedicated facilities for PD and more
For example, less than 5–10% of children diag- recently HD are becoming increasingly available
nosed with ESRD in India receive dialysis and/or for children.
transplantation [1].
Kidney transplantation is considered the goal
for children with ESRD. The need for donors and Developing Countries
long-term treatment with immunosuppressive
medications, and lack of state funding are major The World Bank [2] divides countries into three
impediments toward an active transplant pro- income groups on the basis of their gross national
gram. In contrast to developed countries where income (GNI) per capita: high (per capita GNI
equivalent to US$ 11,906 or more), middle
($976–$11,905), and low ($975 or less). The lat-
H. Xu, MD ter two, comprising almost 100 countries, are
Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Children’s Hospital
collectively called “developing”. Almost 80% of
of Fudan University, Shanghai, China
the world population of about 7 billion lives here.
A. Bagga, MD ()
More than 1.4 billion people subsist on less than
Department of Pediatrics, All India Institute
of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India $1/day and almost half the population lives on
e-mail: less than $2.50 a day.

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_5, 73

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
74 H. Xu and A. Bagga

The economic, human, and technical resources years, pediatric academic societies in a number
required for the treatment of ESRD make it a of countries have assumed the responsibilities for
major health challenge. While indigenous health- education, training, and certification in Pediatric
care delivery systems are popular in rural Africa Nephrology. Recognizing the shortage of trained
and Asia, hospitals providing quality care are professionals in developing countries, the
located in big cities. A major proportion of health- International Pediatric Nephrology Association
care budgets for children are focused toward com- has taken unique initiatives for developing and
mon causes of morbidity and mortality, including standardizing short-term training programs in
acute gastroenteritis, lower respiratory tract infec- these regions. International collaborations,
tions, and vaccine preventable diseases. through the IPNA, have resulted in specialty
Patients attending government or public sector training for pediatricians, at specialized centers
hospitals do not have to pay for consultation and within their countries, in South and South East
basic management, but they need to bear the costs Asia, Africa, and South America.
of sophisticated investigations (e.g., nuclear This chapter focuses on specific issues encoun-
imaging, ultrasound, CT scan), medications, and tered during development and operation of pediat-
disposables required for dialysis or surgery. These ric PD and HD services in developing countries.
hospitals often lack infrastructure in terms of
manpower and resources for taking care of the
referred patients. The limited availability of high- Peritoneal Dialysis
quality advanced care in government centers
results in patients seeking care through private The application and use of PD for children in
and corporate hospitals where the patients pay developing countries began in 1970–1980.
for all services, either through “out of pocket” Because of its convenience, efficacy and safety,
expenses or medical insurance. these facilities are now available in most coun-
Attempts have been made to recruit the com- tries, and play an important role in the treatment
munity for supporting ESRD management in of childhood acute kidney injury (AKI). During
some geographic areas. For example, a major the late 1980s, application of PD for ESRD in
dialysis and transplant center in Pakistan [3], the children in China was limited since a two-bag
Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation system was unavailable, resulting in high inci-
(, is funded by philanthropic dence of peritonitis and peritoneal membrane
individuals and corporate bodies, with the gov- failure. With better technologies and techniques,
ernment providing limited funding. Similar sus- and improved economic status, chronic ambula-
tainable models exist elsewhere. tory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) is increasingly
being implemented in major cities, including
Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Beijing. The esti-
Lack of Trained Manpower mated number of children currently treated by
chronic PD in China is 100. Similarly a database,
The burden of acute and chronic kidney disease maintained by a leading dialysate provider in
in children in the developing world is largely India, shows 145 children on maintenance CAPD
unrecognized. Where available, most programs in India. These data are an underestimate, since
focus on the problems of diabetes and hyperten- there are more than one dialysis provider, and
sion in adults with chronic kidney disease. many older children and adolescents are cared
Children have limited access to all forms of renal for by “adult” nephrologists. Compared to the
replacement therapies. These limitations are fur- number of children in chronic PD, facilities for
ther compounded by very few opportunities for HD are even more limited. For example, the city
advanced training of medical personnel in pedi- of New Delhi has two dedicated pediatric HD
atric nephrology and dialysis. Over the past units for a population of 8 million children.
5 Dialysis in Developing Countries 75

patients with severe acute tubular or cortical

Acute Kidney Injury necrosis or crescentic glomerulonephritis.
In developing countries, PD is widely used for
Systemic infections (complicated by multiple
renal replacement in patients with AKI. However,
organ dysfunction), nephrotoxic medications, and
it has been supplanted in recent years by HD and,
primary renal disorders (hemolytic uremic syn-
recently, by hemofiltration. A randomized trial
drome, acute glomerulonephritis) are the leading
compared acute PD with hemofiltration in
causes of AKI in Chinese children. AKI is a com-
Vietnamese adult patients with acute renal failure,
mon and serious complication following major
related to falciparum malaria or sepsis. The rate
surgeries, including those for complex congenital
of resolution of acidosis and decline of creatinine
heart defects. Reports from other countries suggest
was faster, and the mortality rates significantly
that the causes of AKI in children are, except for
lower in the group managed by hemofiltration [6].
some minor differences, similar across the world
While these results suggest that hemofiltration is
[4]. The application of adequate PD, which effec-
superior to PD in adults with infection-associated
tively corrects the fluid and electrolyte imbalance,
acute renal failure, similar differences were not
is life saving for children [5].
found in other studies.
Data on current practices, in developing coun-
tries, for renal replacement therapy in patients with
Techniques AKI is unavailable. A survey in 2009, on 26 centers
in India, on modes of renal replacement therapy for
The indications for acute PD include hyper- children with AKI found that a facility for acute
kalemia (K>6–6.5 mEq/L), azotemia, and fluid intermittent PD was available at all centers.
overload. For acute PD, stiff polyurethane cathe- Facilities for intermittent HD and continuous renal
ters continue to be used in many centers. These replacement therapy were available in 86% and
are convenient to insert and inexpensive, but 17% centers, respectively. PD was the predominant
associated with risk of visceral trauma and infec- modality (accounting for more than 80% of all dial-
tions. These catheters require removal after ysis) in 14 of the 22 centers, while four centers used
48–72 h; prolonged stay is associated with a high HD more than PD. Dedicated facilities for pediatric
risk of peritonitis. Currently, the soft Tenckhoff HD were available in two centers. Factors consid-
catheter with single cuff is most often used for ered important in choosing the mode of RRT were:
acute PD. Several models of Tenckhoff catheter patient size; presence or absence of hemodynamic
are available, with varying lengths of the intrap- instability; duration of AKI; severity of metabolic
eritoneal segment, which can be used even in imbalance or fluid balance; and socioeconomic sta-
neonates and young infants. Dialysates contain- tus of the care receiver (Vasudevan, unpublished).
ing 1.5% glucose acetate or lactate are manufac- The outcome of patients with AKI depends on
tured in many countries; production of solutions its underlying etiology. Whereas the outcome of
for CAPD is limited. Standard solutions (e.g., PD in neonates and patients with septicemia,
Baxter dialysis solutions) need to be imported multiple organ dysfunction and post-cardiac sur-
and are more expensive. gery patients is unsatisfactory, outcomes of AKI
The dialysate fill volume is 30–50 mL/kg, secondary to administration of nephrotoxic
dwell time 45–60 min, and with 8–10 exchanges/ agents, acute glomerulonephritis, and intravascu-
day. Generally, 1.5% and 2.5% dextrose dialysate lar hemolysis are better.
and, less commonly, 4.25% high-osmolarity peri-
toneal solution are used. The chief complications
of acute PD include peritonitis in 20–30%, and End-Stage Renal Disease
dialysate leak or catheter blockage that requires
reinsertion of catheter. The duration of dialysis PD has been available since the 1980s, and is cur-
depends on the severity of the illness, and gener- rently the therapy of choice for children with ESRD
ally lasts for 3–7 days, but might be longer in in the majority of developing countries [7, 8].
76 H. Xu and A. Bagga

Etiology long-term PD. The centers should have the infra-

structure to enable continued practical training
Data from Children’s Hospital of Fudan University for nursing staff and parents. Dialysis nurses
shows that the chief causes of chronic renal failure should carry out regular home visits, and exam-
include glomerulonephritis, IgA nephropathy, ine the environment and condition of dialysis
focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), renal at home.
dysplasia, reflux nephropathy, and polycystic
kidney disease. A similar etiological profile, com-
prising obstructive uropathy, reflux nephropathy, Risk of Infections
glomerulonephritis, FSGS, and renal hypoplasia/
dysplasia, is reported from other developing coun- Peritonitis is the most common complication of
tries [1]. Prospective data from a National Registry chronic PD. Infection rates in patients followed
on Chronic Kidney Diseases in India [http://www. up at the Hospital of Fudan University are higher] shows that the chief causes of CKD in (annualized rate of 0.96) than reported else-
children include obstructive uropathy (25%), where. Recurrent episodes of bacterial peritonitis
reflux nephropathy (20%), and chronic glomeru- often require catheter removal and replacement.
lonephritis (14%). The data from this Registry A major challenge in developing countries is to
represents the tip of the iceberg, as most patients provide adequate opportunities for education
report to nephrologists beyond stage 4 CKD. More and training for nursing professionals and parents
than 70% of patients with CKD stage 5 patients of young children, emphasizing the importance
are not on any form of renal replacement therapy. of sterile precautions and early recognition of

Initiating Dialysis
Nutrition, Growth, and Development
The indication for initiating renal replacement
therapy is GFR £10–15 mL/min/1.73 m2. In Nutrition has an important impact on promoting
Children’s Hospital of Fudan University, only 30% growth and development. In contrast to the indus-
of dialysis patients had been followed up from the trialized world where malnutrition is rare and
early stage of chronic kidney disease. Most patients replaced by obesity as the primary nutritional
presented for the first time with ESRD, often with problem in children on PD, the role of malnutri-
marked oliguria and symptoms of uremia. tion in the developing world cannot be overem-
phasized. Chronic systemic illnesses and
prolonged PD result in anorexia, loss of protein
Procedure in the dialysate and hormonal imbalance, leading
to malnutrition and delayed development. These
Straight Tenckhoff catheters with a double cuff biological mechanisms may combine with inad-
are commonly used. Although preferred, curled equate quantitative and qualitative food avail-
catheters are not easily available. In view of its ability depending on economical constraints and
simplicity and lower cost, CAPD is currently the cultural habits.
preferred dialysis mode for children with ESRD Children on PD require assessment of dietary
in developing countries. intakes, and monitoring growth and development
and nutritional counseling. The importance of
ensuring adequate dialysis and improving intakes
Training Professional Dialysis Nurses through nasogastric or gastrostomy feedings can-
and Parents not be overemphasized. The use of amino acid–
containing dialysis solutions and administration
Appropriate training of dialysis nurses and par- of recombinant human growth hormone is lim-
ents of patients is important to ensure quality of ited by their cost and availability.
5 Dialysis in Developing Countries 77

are used, resulting in wastage of dialysis fluid

Development of Peritoneal Dialysis and increased cost.
Services The average cost of CAPD for children in
China and India varies between 350 and 400 USD/
Constraints toward the development of an effec- month. Taking into consideration the cost of the
tive program for maintenance PD in developing cycler and other consumables, APD is likely to
countries include [9]: impose an additional cost of 300–550 USD/
1. Delayed referral. Most patients with CKD month in these countries, making this therapy
present late with oligoanuria and complica- unaffordable for most households. Initiatives by
tions of renal failure, and require emergency local governments and nongovernmental organi-
HD. Only a fraction of patients are diagnosed zations aim to support the therapy of children
early and provided with regular counseling with chronic kidney diseases. Whereas most
and follow-up. The lack of prior communica- dialysate fluid is imported, pharmaceutical com-
tion results in an unpreparedness in parents, panies in India, China, and other countries are
adversely affecting patients’ outcomes. A reg- increasingly involved in its indigenous manufac-
ular follow-up that begins in early stages of ture. However, these manufacturers need to invest
CKD is likely to improve satisfaction, and for stringent quality control of dialysate solu-
reduce fear and anxiety concerning long-term tions, manufacture compatible cyclers, and
dialysis, making families adhere to therapy. develop a network of distribution centers with
2. Lack of education. Physicians, pediatricians, trained technical and nursing staff.
and parents need to be provided with appro-
priate knowledge regarding the benefits, limi-
tations, and complications of maintenance Hemodialysis
ambulatory PD. There is clearly a need to
enhance, among medical professions, the Provision of pediatric HD requires a specialized
understanding regarding the role of CPD in and integrated health-care team to manage the
patients with end-stage kidney disease. medical, nursing, nutrition, development, and
3. Limited adherence to therapy. Adherence to psychosocial aspects of care for children with
therapy affects the quality of PD, including ESRD. It is recommended that children be hemo-
maintaining sterility during procedure, dialyzed in dedicated pediatric dialysis units, with
ensuring adequate numbers of cycles, and a multidisciplinary support team, which supports
compliance with advice on medications and individualized and integrated therapy. Since the
diet. While the lack of adherence is usually expense and commitment in terms of manpower
attributed to unsatisfactory living conditions and equipment required for such units is consid-
and reduced exchanges to cut costs, dialysis erable, with few exceptions, children in most
units must provide opportunities for education developing countries, especially in Asia, are dia-
and retraining, and follow-up care. lyzed in adult units. Most centers are located in
4. Costs of dialysis. Economic factors have an cities, are in the private sector, and have limited
important impact on the development of child- accessibility to all sections of the society. Children
hood PD. Lack of state insurance limits the bear the brunt of lack of dedicated HD services.
availability of CAPD for children in most
developing countries. The cost of managing a
patient on CAPD, in China and other develop- Vascular Access
ing countries, is far in excess of the family per
capita income. Since dialysate bags of 1 L An effective vascular access is necessary for
capacity are not available in many parts of the chronic HD, through internal arteriovenous
world, standard “adult” bags (2 L capacity) fistulae (AVF), shunt (AVS), graft (AVG), or
78 H. Xu and A. Bagga

central venous catheter [10]. While creation of a reprocessing is done manually. These practices
functional AVF, either at the wrist or elbow, is result in inadequate dialysis, pyrogen reactions,
the optimal vascular access for chronic HD, few and repeated episodes of sepsis.
surgeons have expertise for vascular microsur-
gery in small children. The benefits of AVF
include lower rates of infection, thrombosis and Dialysis Prescription
stenosis, and greater freedom with regards to
activity. Permanent vascular access of an AVF or In view of delayed diagnosis and limited avail-
AVG can function for many years and is pre- ability, the initiation of dialysis is usually delayed
ferred over indwelling catheters in children and until patients are in a state of advanced uremia
adults. The central venous catheter is a subopti- and have developed complications [12]. A major-
mal choice for vascular access and should be ity receive fewer than 12 h/week of dialysis [13].
considered as a bridge to a more permanent vas- While the prevalent practice in most adult HD
cular access. units is to give two 3–4-h sessions of dialysis
The type of access used often depends on local every week, children managed in pediatric units
expertise and experience, patient age and size, usually receive three sessions a week. However,
the time available before dialysis is planned to the duration of dialysis is often cut short to
begin, and the presumed waiting time before accommodate more patients.
transplantation [11]. In most centers, a central
venous, double lumen catheter is the initial choice,
particularly in AKI or chronic renal failure with Dialysis Cost
acute presentation, in small children, and in the
cases where an early transplantation or transition Compared to the developed world, maintenance
to CAPD is planned. Although access through HD is less expensive in developing countries.
internal jugular vein is preferred, the femoral The annual costs for maintenance HD in the latter
route is used in subjects requiring urgent dialysis. are less than US$8,000–12,000, chiefly due to
Increasing experience, adherence to standard pro- lower staff salaries and cheaper consumables
tocols, and the use of antibiotic lock therapy have [14]. Private hospitals charge a fixed amount
resulted in considerable decline in the risk of from the patient for each dialysis session, varying
infections, thrombosis, and other complications. between US$15 and $50. The cost of HD in
public-funded hospitals is a fraction of the above.
For patients with ESRD on maintenance HD,
HD Machines and Dialyzers approximately 30–50% of the total cost of treat-
ment is spent on medications and 40–60% on the
While most centers in large cities use up-to-date dialysis procedures. In many public-funded hos-
models of HD machines, economic constraints pitals in India, HD is offered only to those planned
force units to use outdated equipment, or have for renal transplantation. Except in a few coun-
refurbished machines received as donations. tries, government- or insurance-funded HD facil-
Erratic power supply, insufficient funds for pre- ities for children continue to be limited.
ventive maintenance, and lack of trained service
engineers result in repeated breakdowns. There is
limited availability of newer-generation dialyzers Comorbidities on Dialysis
made of biocompatible membranes such as poly-
sulfone and polymethylmethacrylate. The inci- There is limited data on the morbidity and out-
dence of anaphylactoid, complement-mediated comes of maintenance dialysis in children. Most
immediate membrane reactions is far lower with data in this regard is therefore based on informa-
the latter. Dialyzer reuse is routine, although tion from adults.
5 Dialysis in Developing Countries 79

Infections Hepatitis

Infections are an important cause of morbidity Viral hepatitis is among the commonest viral
and mortality in patients on maintenance dialy- infections encountered in adult dialysis patients.
sis. A combination of unsatisfactory living con- Lack of effective screening of patients and blood
ditions, inadequate dialysis, malnutrition, and products, unsatisfactory isolation practices, fre-
frequent blood transfusions is responsible for the quent transfusions, and failure to vaccinate
high frequency of infections. Based on data in patients against hepatitis B virus (HBV) are
adults, infections and cardiac diseases were the responsible for the high incidence of hepatitis.
chief causes of death in dialyzed patients [12, Because of their limited number, many units do
15]. Infection rates are higher in government- not have dedicated machines for HBV positive
funded hospitals that cater to patients from the individuals and even where machines are so des-
lower socioeconomic groups. Staphylococcus ignated, cross-contamination occurs through
aureus and gram-negative bacilli are the com- inadequately trained staff and sharing of dispos-
monest organisms. The incidence of catheter- ables. Widespread HBV vaccination as part of
related S. aureus infection has risen in recent their immunization schedules has resulted in a
years. Respiratory and urinary tracts are the marked decline of the risk of infection with this
other common sites of infection. Patients often agent.
present late with septicemia and/or multiple Currently, hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the most
organ failure. common cause of viral hepatitis among dialyzed
patients. Cross-contamination in the dialysis
units, rather than transfusion of infected blood
Tuberculosis products, is the most important source of infec-
tion. HCV infection has greater significance than
Tuberculosis is endemic in several developing HBV because of the nonavailability of a vaccine
countries. Impaired cell-mediated immunity fur- for the former. The prevalence of anti-HCV posi-
ther increases the susceptibility to tuberculosis tivity in adult dialyzed patients ranges from 10%
among the dialysis population. The incidence of to 80% [17, 18]. The genotypes reported include
tuberculosis in adult dialysis patients varies from 1a, 1b, 2a, 3a, and 4 [19, 20]. While the Centers
4% to 9% in developing countries in Asia [12, for Disease Control (US) does not recommend
16]. The usual sites of disease are pleuropulmo- isolation of anti-HCV positive patients in dialysis
nary and lymph node. Demonstration of acid-fast units, many “adult” units in developing countries
bacilli is difficult and the tuberculin test is not with high rates of HCV positivity have dedicated
helpful in making the diagnosis, because of its machines for exclusive use by HCV-positive
high positivity in the general population and cuta- patients. This strategy has significantly reduced
neous anergy in patients with azotemia. Therapy seroconversion rates in adult dialysis units in
of patients with tuberculosis consists of a combi- India from 36.2% to 2.8% [21].
nation of isoniazid (INH), rifampicin, pyrazin-
amide, and ethambutol for the first 2 months,
followed by INH and rifampicin for next 7–10 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
months. INH and ethambutol are excreted by the
kidneys and require dose modifications in dia- HIV infection is not a major problem in dialyzed
lyzed patients. The role of INH prophylaxis in children in developing countries. There is also
prevention of tuberculosis in patients on dialysis limited data on the proportion of dialyzed patients
is controversial. Children detected to be tubercu- who are infected with HIV, in African countries
lin positive or with recent history of exposure to a with high positivity rates. The reported preva-
patient with sputum-positive tuberculosis should lence of this infection in dialysis units varies
receive prophylaxis with INH for 6 months. from 0.5% to 2% [22]. HIV-positive patients
80 H. Xu and A. Bagga

either discontinue dialysis on their own or are application of CPD for children in developing
refused further care by the dialysis units. Given countries include limited local production of
the threat of an exponential increase in the num- dialysate fluid, nonavailability of smaller
bers of HIV-positive patients, including children, dialysate bags, and thus the high cost of therapy.
it is anticipated that many such patients would CPD also requires substantial commitment on the
develop ESRD and require dialysis. part of the family and caretakers, compared to a
rather passive role of bringing the child to a HD
Nutrition Automated PD and HD machines with precise
control of ultrafiltration and continuous volume
Malnutrition is an important cause for morbidity monitoring, physiologically compatible dialysate,
and mortality in patients on maintenance dialy- and biocompatible dialyzers have ushered in a
sis. Almost 75% of children with ESRD in India technological revolution in management of chil-
show features of moderate-to-severe malnutrition dren with ESRD. Integrated care with emphasis
at presentation [1]. In a study in adult patients on nutrition, growth and development, and min-
from New Delhi, 77% of patients were hypoalbu- eral bone disease, and the optimized use of eryth-
minemic [23] with the average serum albumin ropoietin and growth hormone have led to
2.4 g/dL at initiation of dialysis program. Delay improved somatic growth, better cardiac function
in initiation and delivery of inadequate dialysis and quality of life for children. However, the
play important roles, and patients often continue practice of these therapies for children in devel-
on a low-protein diet for want of proper dietary oping countries is determined by expertise and
advice. Protein energy malnutrition leads to experience of the physicians and prevailing
decrease in cell-mediated immunity, increases socioeconomic conditions. It is necessary that
the incidence of infections, worsens metabolic pediatricians in developing countries acquire the
bone disease, and prevents development of ade- requisite knowledge and skills to meet the spe-
quate antibody response to vaccines. cific needs of children on renal replacement

The choice of renal replacement therapy is chiefly
determined by its availability, local expertise, 1. Hari P, Singla IK, Mantan M, Kanitkar M, Batra B,
and affordability. CPD provides an opportunity Bagga A. Chronic renal failure in children. Indian
Pediatr. 2003;40:1035–1042.
to extend effective dialysis therapy to infants and
young children with ESRD. It also provides a 3. Rizvi A, Aziz R, Ahmed E, Naqvi R, Akhtar F, Naqvi
growth and nutrition advantage over HD, and A. Recruiting the community for supporting the end-
preserves residual renal function. The availabil- stage renal disease management in the developing
world. Artif Organs. 2002;26:782–784.
ity of HD is often limited to urban tertiary care
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chronic PD is being increasingly utilized as a safe
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Part II
Considerations Around the Initiation
of Dialysis
The Decision to Initiate Dialysis
in a Pediatric Patient 6
Larry A. Greenbaum and Franz Schaefer

Hemodiaylsis • Children • Pediatric • Renal Function • Hyperkalemia
• Hyperphosphatemia

of clinical and laboratory findings are relative

Overview indications for commencing chronic dialysis.
Some of these relative indications can be man-
The initiation of chronic dialysis in a child is a
aged with medications and dietary counseling,
dramatic event for the patient and family. Dialysis
but this approach is not always successful, neces-
begins a new and often frightening stage of the
sitating the initiation of dialysis.
child’s medical care. The urgent need to begin
In the absence of absolute indications, there is
dialysis is obvious in some instances, such as
no consensus on the appropriate timing of dialy-
after bilateral nephrectomy or in the child with
sis initiation. There is considerable debate regard-
uremic pericarditis. These are absolute indica-
ing the merits of “early” initiation of dialysis in
tions for initiating dialysis. In other patients the
adults. The data needed to address this issue in
timing of dialysis initiation is less clear. The
children is nonexistent and the debate is compli-
pediatric nephrologist integrates a great deal of
cated in children by issues such as growth, psy-
information – laboratory data, clinical impres-
chosocial factors, an impending kidney transplant,
sions, and psychosocial issues – in order to reach
and the need for a lifetime of renal replacement
a decision regarding the timing of dialysis initia-
tion. An assessment of renal function is usually a
Children need a systematic plan of monitoring
critical part of this process. In addition, a variety
prior to dialysis initiation. Along with optimizing
medical care, this allows the early identification
of indications for dialysis. Some relative indica-
L.A. Greenbaum, MD, PhD () tions for dialysis may be amenable to medical
Department of Pediatrics, Emory University
management. For the child who will soon need
and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA
e-mail: dialysis, access and training needs can be antici-
pated, potentially avoiding unnecessary morbid-
F. Schaefer, MD
Pediatric Nephrology Division, Heidelberg University ity and expense from emergency initiation of
Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany dialysis.

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_6, 85

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
86 L.A. Greenbaum and F. Schaefer

clearance and the GFR estimated by radioiso-

Methodology for Measuring topes, although some studies indicate that the
Renal Function accuracy decreases at low GFR [4]. Single-
sample methods, while more convenient, are
Assessment of a patient’s renal function is useful especially problematic at low GFR [5].
for determining when to initiate dialysis. In this Creatinine clearance (CrCl) is a widely used
context, renal function is usually defined as the approach for estimating GFR. Like inulin, creati-
patient’s glomerular filtration rate (GFR). This nine is freely filtered at the glomerulus, but, unlike
purposely ignores other aspects of kidney func- inulin, there is secretion of creatinine by the prox-
tion, such as erythropoietin production and syn- imal tubule. This causes CrCl to overestimate
thesis of calcitriol, because dialysis does not GFR. The effect of creatinine secretion is fairly
replace these functions. GFR provides an esti- small at a normal GFR, causing a 5–10% overes-
mate of functioning nephrons, but there are inher- timation of GFR. The relative impact of creatinine
ent limitations. First, there is an increase in single secretion increases as GFR decreases, leading to a
nephron GFR in chronic renal failure; this allows more significant overestimation of GFR. In one
GFR to be maintained at a higher level than the study of adults with a mean GFR of 22 mL/min,
reduction in functioning nephrons would dictate the CrCl was close to double the inulin clearance
[1]. GFR may therefore overestimate the func- [6]. Further, a variety of factors influence creati-
tional renal mass. However, for decisions about nine secretion. Creatinine secretion is lower in
dialysis initiation this is of limited importance patients with polycystic kidney disease and higher
since it is GFR that dictates the need for dialysis. in patients with glomerular disease [7]. Some
The second issue is that GFR may be transiently medications, such as cimetidine, trimethoprim,
affected by a variety of factors other than the and some fibrates, decrease creatinine secretion.
intrinsic renal disease. For example, intravascular Advanced liver disease may increase creatinine
volume depletion, nonsteroidal anti-inflamma- secretion. Finally, a valid calculation of CrCl
tory drugs, and antihypertensive therapy, espe- requires an accurately timed urine collection. All
cially with angiotensin-converting-enzyme of these factors limit the accuracy of CrCl, espe-
(ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers cially at the low levels of GFR when decisions
(ARBs), may decrease GFR. In such instances, a regarding dialysis initiation are necessary.
fall in GFR should be interpreted cautiously. A Despite its limitations, CrCl is an easy and
potentially reversible process warrants a repeat inexpensive surrogate for GFR. CrCl is calcu-
measurement of kidney function after the elimi- lated via the following equation:
nation of the underlying cause of the decrease in
the GFR. U vol × U Cr × 1.73
CrCl = (6.1)
The gold standard for measuring GFR is inu- Min × SCr × BSA
lin clearance, but this technique is usually only
available in a research setting and is impractical where CrCl = creatinine clearance (mL/min/1.73
clinically. Inulin is ideal for measuring GFR m2), Uvol = Urine volume (mL), UCr = urine creati-
because it is freely filtered at the glomerulus and nine concentration (mg/dL), Min = collection
there is no tubular reabsorption or secretion. period in minutes (1,440 for 24 h), SCr = serum cre-
Alternatives to inulin for measuring GFR atinine (mg/dL), BSA = body surface area in m2.
include radioisotope markers, such as chromium A CrCl requires a timed urine collection, usu-
51-EDTA, iothalamate sodium I125 and techne- ally 12 or 24 h, necessitating bladder catheteriza-
tium 99-DTPA [2], and the contrast agent iohexol tion in the absence of urinary continence. This is
[3]. These techniques are expensive and require a significant impediment to repeat measurements
multiple blood draws over 3–4 h, making them in children.
less than ideal for frequent monitoring. There is An alternative to a standard CrCl is to admin-
usually a good correlation between inulin ister cimetidine to the patient prior to the study.
6 The Decision to Initiate Dialysis in a Pediatric Patient 87

Cimetidine, by decreasing tubular secretion of constant was derived using the Jaffe method.
creatinine, improves the accuracy of the CrCl in Hence, it is critical to be aware of the laboratory
predicting GFR. One study of 53 children showed methodology that is being utilized when applying
that a 2 h cimetidine protocol resulted in a CrCl these formulas.
that closely approximated a simultaneous inulin The accuracy of these formulas has been ques-
clearance [8]. tioned by a number of studies [13–16]. The for-
Urea clearance underestimates GFR because mulas appear especially problematic in
of tubular reabsorption of urea. The calculation malnourished children and at the low levels of
of urea clearance requires a timed urine collec- renal function where decisions regarding dialysis
tion and a serum urea concentration: initiation need to be made. There are a variety of
factors that decrease the accuracy of using formu-
U vol × U urea × 1.73 las that depend on the serum creatinine concentra-
C Urea = (6.2)
Min × Surea × BSA tion to estimate GFR. The serum creatinine
concentration depends on the balance between
where Curea = Urea clearance (mL/min/1.73 m2), creatinine generation and excretion. Creatinine is
Uvol = Urine volume (mL), Uurea = urine urea con- largely derived from breakdown of muscle cre-
centration (mg/dL), Min = collection period in atine and thus creatinine generation is proportional
minutes (1,440 for 24 h), Surea = serum urea concen- to muscle mass, which varies greatly in children,
tration (mg/dL), BSA = body surface area in m2. mostly related to size, but also due to gender, age,
At low levels of GFR, the percentage of fil- and individual differences. In adults there are
tered urea that is reabsorbed is approximately racial differences in creatinine generation [17].
equal to the percentage of filtered creatinine that Children with uremia may lose muscle mass
is secreted. Therefore, the mean of CrCl and urea due to malnutrition, possibly reducing the rise in
clearance is another way of estimating GFR and serum creatinine concentration. Spinal cord
in adults is quite accurate at low levels of GFR injury or amputation are other potential causes of
[9, 10]. a misleadingly low serum creatinine. During
In children, an estimate of GFR may be calcu- cooking, creatine in meat is converted to creati-
lated from the serum creatinine using an equation nine. Therefore, serum creatinine is partially
[11]. This equation uses patient height and a con- influenced by the amount of dietary meat, which
stant, which may vary based on age and gender to often decreases in renal insufficiency due to
attempt to correct for differences in muscle mass: phosphorus restriction and anorexia. Extrarenal
Height (cm) × k creatinine excretion increases in patients with
GFR = (6.3) chronic renal failure [18]. Moreover, tubular cre-
atinine secretion increases as the GFR decreases
where GFR = glomerular filtration rate (mL/ [6]. Extrarenal excretion and tubular secretion
min/1.73 m2) and SCr = serum creatinine concen- blunt the increase in serum creatinine concentra-
tration (mg/dL). The traditional Schwartz equa- tion that should occur as GFR decreases. As
tion uses the following constants: k = 0.55 for stressed above, medications and the specific dis-
boys 2–12 and girls 2–18 years; k = 0.70 for boys ease causing chronic renal failure can affect crea-
13–18 years; k = 0.45 for children <2 years; tinine secretion [7].
k = 0.33 for infants <2.5 kg. The serum protein cystatin C, an endogenous
More recently, a study of children with CKD protein, is an alternative to creatinine for estimat-
recommends a constant of 0.413 irrespective of ing GFR [19]. It is unclear whether cystatin C is
age and gender [12]. The decrease in the constant superior to creatinine for estimating GFR in chil-
is predominantly secondary to changes in the dren, although the combination of cystatin C and
methodology for measuring creatinine, with the creatinine may be used to create more accurate,
most recent constant based on the enzymatic albeit more complex equations for estimating
method for measuring creatinine. The older GFR [12, 19, 20]. However, there is not a general
88 L.A. Greenbaum and F. Schaefer

agreement on the correct constants to utilize for opposed to actual weight [26]. This may be
cystatin C estimates of GFR [12, 20, 21], perhaps especially important in using Kt/Vurea as a guide
partially due to differences in methodologies for to the decision to initiate dialysis since it is
measuring cystatin C. Additionally, cystatin C is the patient with malnutrition who is postulated
not readily available and is more expensive than to receive the most benefit from dialysis
serum creatinine. initiation.
For adult patients, the Cockcroft–Gault for- In predialysis patients the relationship
mula is widely used to estimate GFR [22]. An between Kt/Vurea and CrCl is different than in
alternative formula, based on data from the patients receiving dialysis. This is because of
Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) tubular reabsorption of urea and the lower
study, provides a more accurate method for esti- clearance of creatinine than urea by dialysis.
mating GFR in adults, although it requires fairly Therefore, for the same CrCl, Kt/Vurea in
complex calculations [23]. These equations are predialysis patients is lower than in patients on
of limited utility in children [24]. dialysis [28]. In one study of adult predialysis
Dialysis adequacy is conventionally measured patients, Kt/Vurea correlated better than CrCl with
by calculating Kt/V for urea (Kt/Vurea) [25, 26]. protein intake, a surrogate marker of nutritional
Calculation of Kt/Vurea from residual kidney func- status [28]. Yet, in another study in adults there
tion is an alternative to estimates of GFR as a was a good correlation between CrCl and dietary
way of determining the need for dialysis. protein intake [29].
Calculation of Kt/Vurea requires a 24-h urine col- All of the different methodologies have draw-
lection and serum urea concentration: backs. There is no consensus on the method that
best identifies the patient who needs to initiate
U vol × U urea
Weekly Kt/Vurea = VTBW ×Surea
×7 (6.4) dialysis. Different decisions occur depending on
the method [30].
where Uvol = urine volume (liters/day), Uurea = urine
urea concentration (mg/dL), Surea = serum urea
concentration (mg/dL), VTBW is total body water Predialysis Patient Monitoring
(liters). Multiplication of the daily urea clearance
by 7 calculates the weekly urea clearance. The Systematic patient monitoring is necessary in
KDOQI guidelines recommend estimating TBW children with chronic renal failure to minimize
using tables derived from a study of children complications such as malnutrition, hyperten-
receiving peritoneal dialysis [26, 27]. sion, renal osteodystrophy, and poor growth. In
Kt/Vurea may be misleading in patients with addition, regular monitoring identifies children
malnutrition. Poor nutrition reduces patient who have relative or absolute indications for
weight and hence VTBW, leading to an increase in starting dialysis. Anticipation of the need for
Kt/Vurea and the impression that urea removal is dialysis permits nonemergent placement of a
better than it appears. For patients on peritoneal peritoneal dialysis catheter or creation of a vas-
dialysis, the KDOQI guidelines recommend cular access for hemodialysis or performance of
calculation of VTBW using ideal weight as a preemptive kidney transplant. Table 6.1 outlines

Table 6.1 Evaluation schedule for children with chronic renal failure
Timing Evaluation
At least every 3 months Length/height, weight gain, head circumference in infants, blood pressure, acid–base
status, electrolytes, creatinine, BUN, CBC, albumin, PTH, estimation of GFR
Every 6–12 months Echocardiography, ABPM, hand X-ray, neurodevelopmental assessment in infants
Abbreviations: BUN, blood urea nitrogen; CBC, complete blood count; PTH, parathyroid hormone; ABPM, ambulatory
blood pressure monitoring
6 The Decision to Initiate Dialysis in a Pediatric Patient 89

the necessary components for monitoring chil- Relative Indications for Initiating
dren with a GFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2. Dialysis

Uremic Symptoms
Indications for Initiating Dialysis While severe uremic symptoms are absolute indi-
cations for dialysis, less dramatic symptoms are
Absolute Indications for Initiating relative indications. These include fatigue and
Dialysis weakness, cognitive dysfunction, decreased
school performance, pruritus, depression, nausea,
A variety of signs and symptoms are absolute indi- emesis, anorexia, restless leg syndrome, and poor
cations for dialysis initiation. These are manifesta- sleep patterns. The persistence and severity of
tions of renal failure that cause significant morbidity these symptoms are important criteria. This is
and mortality. There is usually a dramatic or especially true when evaluating gastrointestinal
marked improvement with initiation of dialysis. symptoms. Intractable emesis is an absolute indi-
An alternative explanation for the clinical finding cation for dialysis while occasional emesis, espe-
should be considered, especially if the GFR is cially if there are no signs of malnutrition, may
unexpectedly high or if dialysis does not produce not require dialysis initiation.
improvement. Many of the symptoms that can be associated
Neurologic consequences of uremia that are with uremia have alternative explanations.
absolute indications for dialysis include enceph- Medications may cause fatigue, depression, or
alopathy, confusion, asterixis, seizures, myoclo- nausea. Anemia, a correctable problem, may con-
nus, and wrist or foot drop. Children should begin tribute to fatigue. Depression and poor school
dialysis if there is hypertension that does not performance may be related to psychosocial
respond to antihypertensive therapy or pulmo- issues. Comorbid conditions may also cause sig-
nary edema due to volume overload unresponsive nificant symptoms. Conversely, many patients
to diuretics. Other absolute indications for start- with uremic symptoms may minimize or deny
ing dialysis are pericarditis, bleeding diathesis, symptoms in an effort to avoid dialysis or because
and refractory nausea and emesis. they perceive these symptoms, which may have
Bilateral nephrectomy, as may be necessary in developed quite gradually, as normal.
some children with congenital nephrotic syn-
drome or autosomal recessive polycystic kidney Hyperkalemia
disease, is an absolute indication for dialysis. Hyperkalemia is a potentially life-threatening
Beyond anuria, there is debate regarding the complication of chronic renal failure [31]. As
precise level of renal function, along with the GFR decreases, the remaining nephrons compen-
methodology for measuring renal function, that sate by increasing potassium excretion, but there
is, an absolute indication for dialysis. In addition, is a linear relationship between GFR and the abil-
there are recommendations that the presence of ity to excrete a potassium load [32–36].
malnutrition lowers the threshold for dialysis ini- Hyperkalemia usually does not become problem-
tiation based on the level of renal function. Again, atic until the GFR is less than 10–20 mL/min,
there is no consensus regarding the measurement unless potassium intake is excessive or excretion
of malnutrition, the degree of malnutrition that is reduced [33, 37]. Hyperkalemia develops at a
must be present, or the role of alternative strate- higher GFR in adults and children with
gies to alleviate malnutrition. We summarize in hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism, which may
Sects. “Relative Indications for Initiating Dialysis” also cause a type IV renal tubular acidosis [35,
and “Timing of Elective Dialysis Initiation” the 38, 39]. Similarly, other patients have a decreased
data and opinions regarding the level of renal tubular responsiveness to aldosterone and this
function and the role of malnutrition as relative or pseudohypoaldosteronism may cause hyper-
absolute indications for dialysis initiation. kalemia at higher levels of GFR [40–43]. These
90 L.A. Greenbaum and F. Schaefer

patients may also have type IV renal tubular Typically given orally or via a G-tube, sodium
acidosis. Medications, especially ACE inhibitors, polystyrene sulfonate is very effective in treating
calcineurin inhibitors, and potassium sparing hyperkalemia in children with chronic renal fail-
diuretics, are another important cause of reduced ure. Pretreatment of formula with sodium poly-
urinary potassium excretion. styrene sulfonate is effective, but may cause
Treatment of hyperkalemia in association with constipation and problems with other electro-
chronic renal failure relies on decreasing dietary lytes, especially increased formula sodium con-
potassium intake and increasing potassium excre- tent [44, 49, 50].
tion. In older children avoidance of foods with high Because of the effectiveness of dietary and med-
potassium content can have a dramatic effect on ical intervention, initiation of chronic dialysis is
potassium intake. Whereas in older children who seldom necessary solely to manage hyperkalemia.
are receiving liquid formula supplementation it is Nevertheless, repeated episodes of severe hyper-
possible to select a formula with a low potassium kalemia may be considered an absolute indication
content, the potassium content of standard infant for dialysis. Poor adherence to dietary restriction or
formula does not vary greatly, limiting the effec- medication usually contributes to refractory hyper-
tiveness of formula selection. Low-potassium for- kalemia. Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are
mulas adapted to the needs of children with quite effective at removing body potassium,
advanced CKD are available in individual countries although dietary restriction, and occasionally med-
(e.g., Nefea, MetaX in Germany). It should be ical management, is usually still necessary.
noted, that soy-based and elemental formulas are
especially high in potassium. Human milk has Hyperphosphatemia
lower potassium content than most formulas, while A decrease in filtered phosphate parallels the
cow’s milk has about twice the potassium content decrease in GFR in chronic renal failure. With
of most infant formulas. A reduction in the potassium mild to moderate renal insufficiency, an increase
delivery from infant formula is possible by fortify- in the fractional excretion of phosphate by the
ing the formula with sugar (e.g., Polycose) and/or remaining nephrons initially compensates, per-
fat. With a higher caloric content, less formula, and mitting the serum phosphorus to remain normal
hence less potassium, is needed to provide adequate [51]. As the GFR falls, compensation is inade-
calories. Alternatively, preparing formula with deion- quate and hyperphosphatemia ensues, typically
ized water decreases the potassium content [44]. at CKD stages 2 or 3 [52–54]. Hyperphosphatemia
Increasing potassium excretion can help ame- causes secondary hyperparathyroidism by sup-
liorate the hyperkalemia of chronic renal failure. pressing 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D production
Loop diuretics increase urinary potassium excre- and calcium levels and through direct stimula-
tion; adequate sodium intake is necessary for tion of PTH secretion [55–57]. Correction of
maximum effectiveness. Discontinuation of hyperphosphatemia is essential for controlling
medications that decrease urinary potassium secondary hyperparathyroidism. In addition,
excretion, such as ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II hyperphosphatemia may elevate the serum cal-
blockers, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, cium-phosphorus product and contribute to vas-
or potassium sparing diuretics, can have a signifi- cular calcifications [57–59]. In adult patients with
cant effect on the serum potassium level [45, 46]. CKD, serum phosphate levels predict mortality
Although not usually a significant mechanism of and progression of CKD [58–60].
potassium excretion, stool potassium losses The management of hyperphosphatemia in
become more important as renal function declines chronic renal failure depends on a reduction in
[47]. Constipation should be treated since it may phosphate intake by a combination of dietary phos-
decrease stool potassium losses. Sodium polysty- phate restriction and the use of phosphate binders
rene sulfonate (Kayexalate®), an exchange resin, [61]. Early in renal failure, before hyperphos-
binds potassium in the gastrointestinal tract, sig- phatemia develops, reduction in phosphate intake
nificantly increasing stool potassium losses [48]. helps to control secondary hyperparathyroidism
6 The Decision to Initiate Dialysis in a Pediatric Patient 91

[51, 54, 62–64]. For infants, dietary phosphate 68–71]. In children, this may adversely affect
restriction is facilitated by the availability of for- growth [43]. Further, studies in adult patients
mula with a low phosphate concentration (e.g., show an association between malnutrition when
Similac PM 60/40). Liquid nutritional supplements starting dialysis and decreased patient survival
with a low phosphate content are also available [29, 72–81]. Nutritional parameters improve in
for older children. As renal function declines, adult patients after initiation of dialysis [69, 71,
dietary restriction, because of nutritional con- 82–87]. When looking at body fat as an index of
straints and limitations of food palatability, is often nutritional status, poor nutritional status at the
inadequate to control hyperphosphatemia, neces- start of dialysis was associated with a greater
sitating the use of phosphate binders. Calcium increase in body fat [84]. In other studies, there
carbonate is an effective phosphate binder in chil- was a positive correlation between the nutritional
dren with chronic renal failure, although excessive status at the start of dialysis and the follow-up
use may cause hypercalcemia and contribute to nutritional status, suggesting that dialysis may
systemic calcifications [65]. Sevelamer, a calcium- not completely compensate for poor nutrition at
free phosphate-binding agent, has been effec- dialysis initiation [83, 87].
tively utilized to control hyperphosphatemia in The improved survival with increased dialysis
children [66], and has been shown to slow the rate dose, the mortality risk associated with malnutri-
of vascular calcifications in adult patients [67]. tion, and the improvement in nutritional status
However, all available phosphate binders must with dialysis are the basis for recommendations
be administered in large doses (several grams per to initiate dialysis therapy when a patient has
day) to be effective; the need to swallow large advanced chronic renal failure and malnutrition
numbers of large-sized tablets or capsules limits [26, 88, 89]. Yet, there are no prospective studies
the acceptability of medical therapy in children. demonstrating that the early initiation of dialysis
Hence, poor adherence to dietary and medical improves outcome. An alternative solution to the
therapy is the most important obstacle to control combination of malnutrition and advanced renal
hyperphosphatemia. failure is the initiation of aggressive dietary inter-
While dialysis therapy removes phosphate, it vention, which has proven successful in some
is almost never adequate to control hyperphos- adult patients [90, 91]. This approach, using
phatemia by itself. There is a continued need for severe restriction of dietary protein, is not uti-
dietary restriction and phosphate binders. The ini- lized in children due to concerns about the effects
tiation of dialysis because of refractory hyper- of protein restriction on growth and development.
phosphatemia is seldom effective at controlling Alternatively, aggressive nutritional supplemen-
hyperphosphatemia since the underlying prob- tation, possibly using a gastrostomy tube, may
lem, nonadherence to therapy, is still present. reverse malnutrition in some children without the
Hence, isolated hyperphosphatemia is seldom the need for dialysis [92, 93].
only indication for dialysis, unless there is a belief There is no one ideal marker of malnutrition.
that the combination of dialytic phosphate removal Signs of poor nutrition in children with chronic
and improved adherence, perhaps due to the more renal failure may include inadequate weight gain,
regimented medical care required by dialysis, will poor linear growth, and a low serum albumin.
facilitate the control of hyperphosphatemia. The A low serum albumin is misleading in the child
presence of refractory hyperparathyroidism fur- with nephrotic syndrome and significant urinary
ther lowers the threshold for dialysis initiation. protein losses. Other indications of malnutrition
include a low serum prealbumin, transferrin or
Malnutrition cholesterol, inadequate dietary protein, decreased
Uremia causes symptoms such as emesis and creatinine excretion, and a loss of muscle mass. If
anorexia that may prevent adequate caloric indices of malnutrition cannot be improved by con-
intake. In adults and children, dietary protein and servative interventions, then the child with advanced
energy intake declines as the GFR decreases [29, chronic renal failure should begin dialysis.
92 L.A. Greenbaum and F. Schaefer

Growth Failure began dialysis close to 6 months later than the

Growth retardation is a common complication of early-start group, but there was no difference in
chronic renal failure in children [94]. The causes mortality or other adverse events between the two
of “uremic” growth failure include malnutrition groups. Hence, planned early initiation of dialysis
(most markedly in infants), electrolyte losses and was not associated with a clinical benefit [109].
fluid losses (in children with hypo/dysplastic kid- A European multicenter study reported the
ney disorders), metabolic acidosis, osteodystro- estimated GFR at initiation of renal replacement
phy, anemia, and, most importantly beyond therapy (RRT) in a large cohort of pediatric
infancy, impaired function of the somatotropic patients [110]. The median estimated GFR
hormone axis. Electrolyte and bicarbonate losses was10.4 mL/min/1.73 m2, with the small percent-
can usually be managed conservatively, with age of the patients who received a preemptive
favorable effects on growth rates. Forced feeding transplant having a significantly higher estimated
usually improves the nutritional status, but linear GFR at the time of transplant (13.5 mL/
growth may not respond to nutritional recovery min/1.73 m2). Variables associated with a lower
once growth failure is established [95]. In chil- estimated GFR at onset of RRT included younger
dren with stable predialytic chronic renal failure, age, female gender, and a short interval between
recombinant growth hormone therapy is indi- the first visit to a pediatric nephrologist and com-
cated. The efficacy of this therapy strongly mencement of RRT.
depends on residual renal function, mandating a
timely start of treatment [96, 97]. Unresponsiveness
to growth hormone may be considered as an Consensus Statements Regarding
argument to start dialysis, although improved Dialysis Initiation
growth rates are not consistently observed after
initiation of standard peritoneal or hemodialysis The National Kidney Foundation’s KDOQI
[98]. Recently, short daily hemodiafiltration was guidelines recommend considering the risks and
demonstrated to improve responsiveness to benefits of dialysis when a patient reaches stage 5
growth hormone leading to remarkable, complete CKD (estimated GFR <15 mL/min/1.73 m2),
catch-up growth [99]. Hence, the availability of although dialysis at a higher GFR is an option if
an intense hemodialysis program may be an argu- a specific indication is present (e.g., malnutrition
ment to start dialysis in a child with growth hor- or growth failure refractory to medical manage-
mone resistant growth failure. ment) [25, 26]. Caring for Australasians with
Renal Impairment (CARI) recommends starting
dialysis when the GFR is below 6 mL/
Timing of Elective Dialysis Initiation min/1.73 m2, although earlier initiation should be
considered if there is evidence of uremia or mal-
The level of renal function that is an absolute indi- nutrition when the GFR is below 10 mL/
cation for initiating dialysis in children is uncer- min/1.73 m2 or even at higher GFRs if a specific
tain. There is a paucity of pediatric data and the indication is present [89].
adult literature is fraught with conflicting conclu- The European guidelines recommend a thresh-
sions and opinions [100–108]. The debate is com- old level of 6 mL/min/1.73 m2, but that dialysis
plicated by uncertainty regarding the best should be considered if the GFR is 8–10 mL/
methodology for evaluating residual renal func- min/1.73 m2 to avoid starting at a level less than
tion (see Sect. “Methodology for Measuring Renal 6 mL/min/1.73 m2 [111]. The Canadian Society
Function”). The IDEAL study directly addressed of Nephrology clinical practice guidelines rec-
this question in adults [109]. Patients were ommend the initiation of dialysis when the GFR
randomized to dialysis initiation at an estimated is less than 12 mL/min/1.73 m2 and there is evi-
GFR of 10–15 mL/min/1.73 m2 or at an esti- dence of uremic symptoms or malnutrition [88].
mated GFR of 5–7 mL/min. The late-start group A GFR less than 6 mL/min/1.73 m2 is an absolute
6 The Decision to Initiate Dialysis in a Pediatric Patient 93

indication for dialysis. The principal rationale for Arguments for Delayed Initiation
6 mL/min/1.73 m2 is the high likelihood, given
the normal rate of loss of GFR in chronic renal While a number of studies have shown a worse
failure, that an unacceptably low GFR will be outcome in adults who have a lower GFR at dialy-
present within 6 months [88]. sis initiation, there are a variety of biases that
make interpretation difficult [101]. These include
lead-time bias, referral time bias, and patient
Arguments for Early (“Timely”) selection [88]. Lead-time bias refers to the fact
Initiation that patients who start dialysis at lower GFR are
further along in their disease than patients who
This is based on the observation that adults who start at a higher GFR. A fairer comparison is sur-
start dialysis with a lower GFR have increased vival from a time when patients had the same
morbidity and mortality [101, 112, 113]. This may GFR. After accounting for lead-time, two studies
be secondary to the effects of malnutrition since found no survival benefit for early dialysis initia-
decreased residual renal function is associated tion [107, 118]. Moreover, early initiation of dial-
with poor nutrition and poor nutrition when start- ysis may be associated with increased mortality
ing dialysis is associated with increased morbidity [100, 105]. In adult patients, late referral to a
and mortality (see Sect. “Malnutrition”). Moreover, nephrologist is a predictor of poor outcomes
in the 1990s many adult patients initiated dialysis [119–124]. Such patients are more likely to have a
at a lower GFR than was recommended [28, 114, lower GFR at dialysis initiation, again tending to
115]. This led to the argument that more timely bias the outcome against late initiation of dialysis.
initiation of dialysis has the potential to lessen the In addition, late referral patients are more likely to
high mortality in adult dialysis patients. have a history of noncompliance with follow-up
Since these observations, there has been a and more significant comorbid conditions [101].
trend toward earlier initiation of dialysis in Early initiation of dialysis exposes the patients
adults [106, 116]. In the United States, the per- to risks of complications from dialysis therapy,
centage of patients starting dialysis with a including peritonitis, irreversible loss of perito-
GFR > 10 mL/min/1.73 m2 increased from 25% neal function, access infections, and loss of large
to 54% between 1996 and 2005 [106]. This has blood vessels for vascular access [125]. In one
been associated with observations suggesting study of early initiation of peritoneal dialysis in
that early initiation of dialysis may be harmful, adult patients, there were a significant number of
with increasing mortality in patients who start complications [126]. These issues are especially
early [103, 117]. However, this detrimental important in children given the need for a life-
effect of early dialysis may be secondary to time of end-stage renal disease care. In addition,
increased age and comorbidity in the patients especially in the case of peritoneal dialysis, there
who start early [104]. Older patients have had is a risk of family and patient “burn-out” as the
the most dramatic increase in early initiation of time on dialysis increases. Hemodialysis may
dialysis over the last decade [106]. Additionally, prevent school attendance and certainly requires
a lower serum creatinine, which results in a an extended amount of time at the dialysis unit.
higher estimate of GFR, may also be explained Many children feel “washed out” after complet-
by decreased muscle mass and poor nutritional ing hemodialysis, limiting the ability to complete
status [117]. Hence, some patients with putative homework or play with friends. Morning hypoten-
early initiation of dialysis may have a falsely sion may prevent school attendance in children
elevated estimated GFR due to poor nutritional receiving peritoneal dialysis.
status, a well-defined risk factor for morbidity Residual renal function is associated with bet-
and mortality (see Sect. “Malnutrition”). This ter outcomes in adults receiving dialysis [127,
would create additional bias suggesting that 128], and dialysis accelerates the loss of residual
early initiation of dialysis is harmful. renal function [129]. This is more significant with
94 L.A. Greenbaum and F. Schaefer

hemodialysis than continuous ambulatory perito- made it difficult to perform comparative studies of
neal dialysis, both in adults and children [130– morbidity and mortality between peritoneal dialy-
133]. The use of automated PD may [134, 135] or sis and hemodialysis in pediatric patients [146].
may not provoke a more rapid decline than clas- Peritoneal dialysis may be especially advanta-
sical CAPD [131, 136]. Of particular relevance geous during the first 2 years of therapy [141,
to children, it appears that short, high-turnover 147]. This may be related to the improved preser-
NIPD may exert similarly detrimental effects on vation of residual renal function with peritoneal
residual renal function as intermittent extracor- dialysis [132, 133, 144]. In addition, the inability
poreal procedures. of peritoneal dialysis to match the weekly urea
While some children may bypass dialysis and clearance of hemodialysis may be less of a prob-
receive a preemptive transplant, this exposes the lem when the patient has residual renal function,
child to the risks of long-term immunosuppres- as is common during the first 2 years of therapy
sion (infection and malignancy) and the growth [143]. Finally, membrane failure may decrease
stunting effects of corticosteroids. Moreover, early the benefits of peritoneal dialysis after the first 2
transplantation should, statistically, lead to earlier years of dialysis [125]. Prolonged treatment with
graft failure. These factors argue against overly peritoneal dialysis may lead to membrane failure,
aggressive use of preemptive transplantation. which is associated with increased mortality
In some children, dialysis may be delayed [148, 149]. Moreover, a high transporter state in
because a living-related transplant is imminent. children on peritoneal dialysis is associated with
This avoids the morbidity of dialysis initiation. In poor growth [150]. The advantages of peritoneal
other cases, psychosocial issues may delay dialy- dialysis during the first 2 years are especially rel-
sis initiation. In both of these instances, the pos- evant for children since they receive transplants
sible benefits of early initiation are counterbalanced sooner than adult patients due to the availability
by other factors. of living-related donors and higher priority on
the cadaveric transplant list.
The adult literature supports the premise that
Choice of Mode of Dialysis the preferred mode of dialysis may depend on the
patient population [142, 151, 152]. In children,
Kidney transplantation is the optimal therapy for peritoneal dialysis has a number of advantages.
most adults and children with end-stage renal A home-based therapy is less disruptive with
disease [137]. In many instances transplantation school and social activities. In infants, the perfor-
is not an immediate option because of the lack of mance of hemodialysis is associated with a sig-
a suitable donor. For some patients, psychosocial nificant risk for morbidity and mortality,
issues may need to be addressed before proceed- especially if anuria is present [153]. Problems
ing with transplantation. include difficulties with vascular access, refrac-
The majority of adult patients receive treat- tory anemia, inadequate urea removal, and the
ment with hemodialysis. In pediatric patients, risk of hemodynamic instability [153]. In addi-
peritoneal dialysis is the more frequently used tion, nutrition in infants is dependent on a high
modality. There is debate in the adult literature fluid intake, making it very difficult for thrice
regarding the optimal form of therapy. There are weekly hemodialysis to provide adequate fluid
no randomized studies that properly address this removal.
issue. A number of nonrandomized studies show The choice of dialysis modality is based on a
no difference in outcome, although other studies number of considerations. There are relative and
suggest an advantage for either hemodialysis or absolute contraindications for both modalities
peritoneal dialysis [139–143]. Among adult (see Tables 6.2 and 6.3). Psychosocial consider-
patients, technique failure is more common with ations are quite important given the family com-
peritoneal dialysis [144, 145]. Selection bias has mitment needed to make peritoneal dialysis
6 The Decision to Initiate Dialysis in a Pediatric Patient 95

Table 6.2 Contraindications to hemodialysis in children 7. Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study Group.
Effects of diet and antihypertensive therapy on crea-
Absolute Relative
tinine clearance and serum creatinine concentration
Very small patients Poorly controlled in the modification of diet in renal disease study.
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instability pediatric hemodialysis center Nephrol. 2003;18(1):71–2.
9. Lubowitz H, Slatopolsky E, Shankel S, Rieselbach
RE, Bricker NS. Glomerular filtration rate.
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children JAMA. 1967;199(4):252–6.
10. van Olden RW, Krediet RT, Struijk DG, Arisz L.
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Omphalocele or Impending abdominal treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialy-
gastroschisis surgery sis. J Am Soc Nephrol. 1996;7(5):745–50.
Bladder exstrophy Impending living-related 11. Schwartz GJ, Haycock GB, Edelmann Jr CM, Spitzer
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failure caregiver tinine. Pediatrics. 1976;58(2):259–63.
12. Schwartz GJ, Work DF. Measurement and estima-
tion of GFR in children and adolescents. Clin J Am
Soc Nephrol. 2009;4(11):1832–43.
successful. Unless there are contraindications, 13. Davies JG, Taylor CM, White RH, Marshall T.
Clinical limitations of the estimation of glomerular
peritoneal dialysis is the preferred modality for
filtration rate from height/plasma creatinine ratio: a
the majority of children, although both the family comparison with simultaneous 51Cr edetic acid slope
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2006 (Nov); Suppl (103):S3–11. removal and higher mortality in CAPD patients.
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Initiation of Maintenance Renal
Replacement Therapy in Infants 7
Rene G. VanDeVoorde III
and Denis Geary

Renal replacement • Infants • Hemodialysis • Peritoneal dialysis • Dialysis

viders. Finally, although dialysis in infants often

Introduction poses significant clinical and technical challenges,
it is frequently psychosocial and economic issues
Decisions concerning the initiation of dialysis
that dominate the patient management decisions.
during infancy are complex and serve as a prime
The use of maintenance hemodialysis (HD)
example of why a pediatric dialysis healthcare
for children was first described by Fine and col-
team must be comprised of a multidisciplinary
leagues in 1968 [1] and was limited to a small
group of experts. Team members should include a
group of adolescents. More than a decade later,
social worker, nutritionist/dietician, nurses with
the use of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dial-
experience in management of end-stage renal dis-
ysis (CAPD) was reported [2], and seemed to
ease (ESRD) in infants, as well as the medical
provide an opportunity to extend dialysis to
staff. In addition, the views of the parents must be
younger children. Subsequent reports confirmed
seriously considered in the decision process. The
that long-term peritoneal dialysis (PD) was pos-
complexity of the medical and psychosocial issues
sible for infants [3, 4], although concerns about
mitigates against care being provided by a single
growth and development in this age group were
individual, if results are to be optimized.
emphasized. Whereas improvements in technol-
Additional input may be required from the dialy-
ogy have permitted the successful use of HD for
sis technologist or from home or community pro-
infants with acute renal failure [5], the use of this
renal replacement modality for long-term care of
this population may be problematic. Nonetheless,
R.G. VanDeVoorde III, MD maintenance treatment of infants with both peri-
Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, toneal and hemodialysis is possible, although
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, before starting, parents should be cautioned about
Cincinnati, OH, USA
the demands of therapy, that desired outcomes
D. Geary, MB, MRCP(UK), FRCPC () may not be achieved, and that the emotional cost
Department of Paediatrics, The Hospital
of treatment is considerable.
for Sick Children and University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada The ensuing discussion will review the
e-mail: options that exist with respect to the provision of

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_7, 101

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
102 R.G. VanDeVoorde III and D. Geary

maintenance renal replacement therapy (RRT) Peritoneal Dialysis

for infants, focusing on those factors unique to
this population. This chapter addresses issues PD has long been the dialysis modality of choice
related to the initiation of dialysis, potential for infants, since the introduction of CAPD in the
complications, and ethical considerations with late 1970s, in large part due to the lack of need for
this population. Lastly, the outcomes of infant vascular access and the excellent patient toler-
dialysis, as reported in the literature, will be ance of the procedure. Its technical requirements
summarized. include a flexible catheter small enough for inser-
tion into an infant and a supply of dialysate in
small bags to allow for the infusion of appropri-
Dialysis Options ately smaller volumes, compared to older children
and adults. The introduction of cycling machines
Hemodialysis allowed for frequent, small volume exchanges and
overnight dialysis with less caregiver burnout.
HD is rarely the modality of choice for the initia- Salusky et al. reported their successful clinical
tion of maintenance dialysis in infants [6]. experience with cycling PD in eight infants (aged
Estimates of its use in infants have ranged from 3% 2.5–8.5 months) in the mid-1980s [13]. However,
to 14% [7–9]; however, in most observational stud- these initial cycling machines had excessive dead
ies, HD was utilized only after PD failed [10, 11]. space in the tubing, such that the recirculated vol-
Mortality rates notwithstanding, the drawbacks of ume of dialysate in infants could be nearly 40% of
infant HD include its special equipment needs and the exchange volume. The development of
the labor intensity. For successful HD, each machines with smaller tubing dead space and less
component of the equipment (machine, filters, dialysate recirculation has further facilitated and
bloodlines, and vascular access) must be specifi- improved this dialysis modality in infants.
cally adapted for infants. More frequent dialysis PD is, however, fairly rigorous for parents, as
(> thrice weekly) is also often required in younger it is most often performed nightly in infants.
patients because of the difficulty that can occur Some have speculated that on occasion, the sud-
achieving consistent blood flow rates with this den death that may occur in an infant on PD may
equipment [12]. In addition, because the infant diet actually be secondary to hyperkalemia from dial-
is predominantly liquid-based, more frequent treat- ysis not being performed in the prescribed man-
ments are often required to achieve appropriate ner. However, the rigors on the family may be
ultrafiltration and to allow for optimal nutrition, less overall than with HD, which often requires a
especially in the oliguric infant. This increase in constant parental presence during treatments, in
dialysis frequency places great demands both on addition to regular travel to and from the dialysis
the family and the dialysis staff. center, allowing less time to be spent at home.
Another potential drawback to infant HD has For those situations in which care provision or
been the need for blood priming for treatments home scenarios are not acceptable for home dial-
and the associated risk for increased antigen ysis, PD may be provided in the hospital setting.
exposure, all of which can have a negative impact
on subsequent transplant availability. However,
larger infants (>5 kg) have been treated chroni- Timing of Dialysis Initiation
cally using albumin or saline priming with suc-
cess [11], potentially diminishing this drawback. There are no scientific data stating exactly when
On a positive note, published experience does dialysis should be initiated during infancy, espe-
provide evidence that it is possible to maintain cially if all infants with impaired kidney function
infants on chronic HD and achieve adequate are considered. For those who are oligo-anuric or
growth and development [10, 11]. with life-threatening metabolic disturbances, the
7 Initiation of Maintenance Renal Replacement Therapy in Infants 103

decision is straightforward as death will occur, doubling within the first 2 weeks of life and con-
often within a few days, if dialysis is withheld. tinuing to increase up to 2 years of age [19]. This
However, for infants who are capable of main- rise in total GFR is secondary to increases in sin-
taining neutral fluid and metabolic balance, the gle nephron GFR, paralleled by an increase in
optimal time to start dialysis is much less clear. renal plasma flow and individual glomerular
There is frequent reticence on the part of parents hypertrophy (increases in size, surface area, and
and staff to institute therapy, even in the absence capillary permeability). Similarly, these changes
of potential ethical dilemmas, which may lead to may also occur, although less pronounced, in
delays in dialysis initiation. infants with renal dysplasia or acquired postnatal
hypoxic insults to the kidney. Studies looking at
the progression of renal dysplasia in children not
Renal Function Considerations requiring RRT have shown that GFR may improve
in this population at an early age, but significant
The guidelines presented by both the Kidney improvement is less likely in those with a lower
Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) initial GFR [20, 21]. Nevertheless, single-center
[14] and the European ad hoc committee for elec- reports of infant dialysis populations have cited
tive PD in pediatric patients [15], which recom- their reason for terminating dialysis as recovery of
mend the level of renal dysfunction at which renal function in 10–15% of their subjects [10, 22]
dialysis should be initiated, have no proven valid- and a NAPRTCS review by Carey et al. reported
ity in infants in whom the glomerular filtration that up to one-eighth of all neonates on dialysis
rate (GFR) in the normal state is quite low. An were able to discontinue dialysis because of recov-
analysis of data from the North American ered renal function [23]. In contrast, Coulthard
Pediatric Renal Transplant Cooperative Study et al. reported a much lower percentage (4.6%) of
(NAPRTCS) derived from 300 infants who initi- patients experiencing recovery of function when
ated dialysis revealed that those less than 12 all infants with ESRD, including those not treated,
months of age at dialysis initiation had a median were considered [24]. Therefore, the prospect of
GFR of 6 mL/min/1.73 m2, compared to 8–11 mL/ dialysis being only a temporary measure in infants
min/1.73 m2 for those 12–24 months old [12]. with severely impaired kidney function is not
These data, in turn, show that the estimated GFR great and likely should not be overemphasized in
is not used as an absolute threshold for dialysis discussions with most families about the prospect
initiation in this population. of initiating long-term RRT.
Delays in the initiation of dialysis may be war-
ranted by the need for urologic surgical procedures, Nutritional Considerations
for long-term preparation of the genitourinary sys- Nutrition is a primary concern in all children with
tem and reduction of infection risk, and possibly chronic kidney disease (CKD), but its importance
by preservation of renal function following surgi- is greatest during infancy. At this stage, statural
cal correction of severe, persistent upper tract growth and increase in brain growth and head cir-
obstruction with severe hydronephrosis [16, 17]. cumference is primarily driven by nutrition and
Criteria for surgical intervention in pediatric early deficits may be difficult to overcome later.
patients with upper tract obstruction have been The recently published KDOQI guidelines for
published and include renal failure and worsening nutrition in children with CKD recommend eval-
hydronephrosis; however, these indications are uation of nutritional parameters in infants, as fre-
also not absolute and will vary by surgeon [18]. quently as every 2 weeks [25], as shown in
Some reticence about early dialysis initiation Table 7.1 [25]. Additionally, most of the primary
during infancy may also be secondary to the hopes, indications for dialysis initiation, as cited by the
of both staff and parents, that renal function will KDOQI guidelines, are conditions (acidosis,
improve as a result of postnatal maturation. hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, growth fail-
Whereas the GFR of a normal term newborn is ure, fluid overload, and neurologic sequelae of
less than 10% of that in adults, it increases rapidly, uremia) which may be amenable to intense dietary

Table 7.1 Recommended parameters and frequency of nutritional assessment for children with CKD Stages 2 to 5 and 5D
Minimum interval (mo)
Age 0 to <1 year Age 1–3 years Age >3 years
Measure 2–3 4–5 5D 2–3 4–5 5D 2 3 4–5 5D
Dietary intake 0.5–3 0.5–3 0.5–2 1–3 1–3 1–3 6–12 6 3–4 3–4
Height or length-for-age percentile or SDS 0.5–1.5 0.5–1.5 0.5–1 1–3 1–2 1 3–6 3–6 1–3 1–3
Height or length velocity-for-age percentile or SDS 0.5–2 0.5–2 0.5–1 1–6 1–3 1–2 6 6 6 6
Estimated dry weight and weight-for-age percentile or SDS 0.5–1.5 0.5–1.5 0.25–1 1–3 1–2 0.5–1 3–6 3–6 1–3 1–3
BMI-for-height-age percentile or SDS 0.5–1.5 0.5–1.5 0.5–1 1–3 1–2 1 3–6 3–6 1–3 1–3
Head circumference-for-age percentile or SDS 0.5–1.5 0.5–1.5 0.5–1 1–3 1–2 1–2 N/A N/A N/A N/A
nPCR N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1a
Abbreviation: N/A, not applicable
Only applies to adolescents receiving HD
R.G. VanDeVoorde III and D. Geary
7 Initiation of Maintenance Renal Replacement Therapy in Infants 105

and medication management [14]. Therefore, placement as a means of decreasing the risk for
early and frequent evaluation of both biochemical postoperative complications (e.g., infection, poor
and growth parameters are necessary to minimize wound healing).
sequelae of malnutrition, but also to anticipate
potential nutritional needs once starting dialysis. Growth and Development Considerations
Precise documentation of dietary intake in Although the precise cause of developmental
infants should be recorded, although this is some- and growth delay in uremic infants has not been
what more complex in breastfed infants. It is clarified, one must consider the uremic milieu as
mandatory to document intake accurately in ure- potentially harmful and as an important clinical
mic infants so that any reduction below recom- indicator for dialysis initiation. Improved devel-
mended calorie and protein intakes for age can opmental outcomes in uremic infants have been
be identified and corrected quickly. Similarly, noted over the past few decades, coinciding with
meticulous care is also required to ensure that the elimination of aluminum containing phos-
calcium and age specific phosphate values are phate binders, optimization of nutrition, use of
maintained in the normal range, the latter goal erythropoiesis-stimulating agents, and increas-
often requiring the initiation of dialysis. Lastly, ing awareness of the potential benefits of earlier
though difficult to confirm, renal salt wasting and “adequate” dialysis. However, it is impossi-
may occur in infants and a therapeutic trial of ble to separate the individual contributions of
sodium chloride supplementation in the infant each of these factors on the observed improve-
with advanced CKD may be advised to determine ment in development; therefore, each (including
any possible contribution to growth, especially earlier dialysis) should be factored into the deci-
given that additional sodium loss will typically sion to initiate dialysis.
occur with the initiation of PD [25]. The most objective measure of the need to
Whereas the amelioration of uremia by dialysis start dialysis in infants may be growth impair-
may improve appetite and reduce vomiting, this ment. Growth delay, like developmental delay, is
does not frequently occur. In fact, the installation most often multi-factorial and may require a
of large dialysate volumes into the peritoneal cav- period of months rather than weeks to manifest
ity may aggravate these symptoms. Therefore, the and, therefore, should not be the sole criterion
introduction of enteral tube feeding, if possible, upon which the decision to initiate dialysis is
prior to the initiation of dialysis is recommended based. However, an inability to correct several of
[26] and decisions to start dialysis should include the factors that contribute to growth delay (inad-
discussions about a long-term tube feeding strat- equate nutrition, persistent acidosis, and renal
egy. Adequate nutritional outcomes may be osteodystrophy) through dietary and pharmaco-
achieved by either a nasogastric or gastrostomy logic measures alone should have a strong influ-
tube; however, the timing of their introduction is ence on the decision to initiate dialysis.
often closely tied to the plan for dialysis initia-
tion. PD catheters and gastrostomy tubes may be Ethical Considerations
inserted as part of the same surgical procedure The ethical and legal issues that need to be con-
[15]. When performed in this manner, dialysis sidered when deciding whether or not to proceed
should be withheld for the first 48 h to ensure with dialysis during infancy, have been debated
there is no leakage from the gastrostomy tube for many years. In 1987, Cohen reviewed these
site. A gastrostomy tube may be added after PD issues and suggested that dialysis for infants
catheter insertion, but with increased risk of infec- could be considered more of an experimental or
tion, particularly if inserted percutaneously [27]. innovative intervention than an accepted therapy.
Prophylactic antibiotics and antifungals have She concluded that “when parents elect conserva-
been shown to reduce this risk [28]. Some would tive treatment for their very young infants who
also suggest the initial use of a nasogastric tube are born with End-Stage Renal disease (ESRD),
when the patient is significantly malnourished to rather than dialysis or transplantation, this is a
enhance nutrition prior to surgery for gastrostomy choice that is medically, ethically, and legally
106 R.G. VanDeVoorde III and D. Geary

Table 7.2 Ethical decisions: Guidelines for practice Nephrology Association also produced guide-
1. Always act in the child’s best interests lines on this issue [32]. These authors also men-
2. Never rush the decision; continue treatment until it tioned how difficult, but important it is to try to
can be properly made obtain informed consent for procedures in young
3. Assemble all the available evidence children. They stated that information should be
4. Respect the opinions of everyone in the team provided to families that includes a discussion of
5. Discuss the issues with the whole family
quality of life as a major consideration. Parents
6. Attempt a consensus whenever possible
should be counseled, advised, and supported
7. Make sure everyone appreciates the burden of care
before, during, and after decision-making.
8. Try to avoid adding to the guilt of anyone involved
9. Consider the child’s palliative and terminal care
Withholding or withdrawing dialysis was consid-
10. Offer support for all those affected, parents and ered a reasonable option in these guidelines if the
staff alike net benefit to the child would not justify the risks
11. Remember, we can only do the best we can and and burdens of the treatment. These guidelines
sometimes there is no ideal solution are outlined in Table 7.3 [32].
It is of interest that the first guideline listed in
Table 7.3 states that “a patient must have real
acceptable [29].” Nine years later, when consid- possibilities for kidney transplantation.” Whereas
ering the same issue, despite substantial improve- this has also historically been a consideration for
ments in technology that had been achieved in the patients starting dialysis at The Hospital for Sick
interim, Bunchman concluded that “the decision Children in Toronto, it is no longer so. Provided
by the family or the medical team not to institute the expected quality of life for the child is consid-
dialytic therapy must be honored and offered as a ered satisfactory and members of the healthcare
reasonable option [30].” Bunchman added that team in conjunction with the family elect dialy-
“early intervention with aggressive management sis, then it is considered reasonable to initiate this
of infants would be optimal, with the understand- treatment even for those in whom the likelihood
ing that discontinuation or withdrawal of care in of transplantation is considered small.
the future is an option.” He also drew attention to The second guideline in this table suggests that
the need for the healthcare team to objectively “patients with irreversible disease that makes sur-
outline the long-term care burden and outcomes vival extremely unlikely will not be considered as
associated with dialysis to the patients’ families candidates for dialysis.” Whereas we are in gen-
and emphasized the difficulty of truly obtaining eral agreement with this philosophy for children,
“informed consent” at such a stressful time. dialysis may be offered to some children with a
These issues were again discussed in 2000 by terminal illness if the child’s quality of life is sat-
Shooter and Watson [31] who stated that deci- isfactory and the patient or the family do not want
sion-making for pediatric patients should be in to terminate life early because of a complication
the hands of the patient, the hospital team, and resulting from non-treatment of renal failure.
the parents; since infants cannot speak for them- However, given the intensity of care necessary
selves, decisions must be made by proxy. They and the frequent medical interventions required of
pointed out that when there is disagreement infants on dialysis, it is difficult to envisage a situ-
between family members about the course of ation in which an infant should be dialyzed when
action to take, as well as potential conflicts the likelihood of survival is extremely poor.
between hospital staff members, these very diffi- The ethical and legal issues outlined above are
cult decisions become even more complex. They extremely useful to help guide decision-making
provided some guidelines, as outlined in Table 7.2 about initiating or withholding dialysis treatment
[31], on actions to consider when confronted with for infants with ESRD. However, it is also of
such complex patient issues. great value to understand what the attitudes are of
In an attempt to clarify the ethical dilemmas medical professionals with respect to this
that doctors face when deciding whether or not to decision-making process. In a survey published
treat patients with ESRD, the Spanish Pediatric in 1998, 93% of an international group of pediatric
7 Initiation of Maintenance Renal Replacement Therapy in Infants 107

Table 7.3 Guidelines for treatment of ESRD in children

1. All pediatric patients receiving dialysis must meet the following criteria
(a) The patient must be diagnosed with ESRD
(b) Signed informed consent must be given by the parents/legal guardian
(c) The patient must have real possibilities for kidney transplantation
(d) There must be reasonable expectation that the patient will have an acceptable quality of life during dialysis
therapy and after kidney transplantation
(e) The patient and parent/guardian must demonstrate a willingness to participate in and cooperate with the
dialysis procedures and medical advice
2. Patients with irreversible diseases that make survival extremely unlikely will not be considered as candidates for
3. Those patients meeting the criteria stated in guideline 1 will not be refused treatment for economic, social, or
psychological factors, nor in relation to age, sex, race, or a physical handicap
4. Dialysis treatment will not be withdrawn against the wishes of the patient and parents/guardian
5. The cessation of dialysis will be considered if therapeutic results are not satisfactory or will not be reasonably
achieved. A decision to stop treatment must always be made with the agreement of the responsible physician, the
patient, and the parents/guardian

nephrologists responded that they offered dialysis the great majority that withdrawal of life-sustain-
treatment for ESRD to some infants aged <1 ing treatment is more difficult because this act may
month and 41% reported that they offered RRT to provoke or accelerate death. It was also interesting
all infants in this age group; 53% offered RRT to that in contrast to the survey by Geary, most doc-
all such infants aged 1–12 months [33]. The pres- tors in this French survey (85%) did not wish to
ence of coexisting serious medical abnormalities involve parents in the decision-making process.
or anticipated morbidity for the child ranked as Coulthard and Crosier reviewed the treatment
the most important factors influencing their deci- of infants aged less than 2 years with ESRD in the
sion to withhold such treatment. The least influ- UK and Ireland [24]. Of 192 such children, 177
ential factor concerning the decision to initiate or (92%) were treated with dialysis or transplanta-
withhold such treatment was consideration of tion. Decisions not to treat were typically made by
hospital or governmental budgetary issues. Most mutual agreement between clinicians and fami-
importantly, more than 80% of pediatric neph- lies. Although a relatively large number of chil-
rologists believed that it was sometimes ethically dren aged <1 month (n = 31) were treated, 45% of
acceptable for parents to refuse RRT for their these patients died. In addition to physician advice,
children <1 month of age, and 61% held this other influences on parental decision-making may
belief concerning older (1–12 months) children. include religious authorities [11], depending on
Additional information about how nephrolo- the importance families place in their faith.
gists make decisions about life sustaining treat- To determine if attitudes toward withholding
ment in children was obtained from interviews care from infants with ESRD had changed over a
with 46 French speaking pediatric nephrologists 10 year period, the survey published by Geary in
[34]. This study was not restricted to infants in 1998 was repeated in 2008. In recognition of the
early life, but nonetheless 97.8% answered that in fact that many of these decisions now often
their opinion it is sometimes necessary to with- involve interdisciplinary members of the pediat-
draw or to withhold life sustaining treatment in ric nephrology team, nurses and social workers
children and the quoted reasons for this were “to were also surveyed. Ninety-eight percent (98%)
avoid poor quality of life or to avoid artificial pro- of respondents stated that they offer RRT to some
longation of life by medical means and to limit infants less than 1 month of age, compared with
suffering for children when there’s no hope for only 93% in 1998 (p < 0.05). In contrast, only
improvement.” Interestingly, when asked if there 30% of nephrologists surveyed in 2008 offered
was a difference between withdrawal of treatment RRT to all children <1 month of age compared to
or withholding of the same treatment, it was felt by the figure of 41% in the earlier study. This
108 R.G. VanDeVoorde III and D. Geary

suggests that technology and patient outcomes characteristically occur in infants due to the
have not advanced sufficiently to make the provi- greater number of average hospital days per
sion of RRT mandatory or the expectation for all annum [38] and the common need for more
young infants. As in 1998, 50% of nephrologists frequent dialysis sessions per week when com-
recommended treatment for all children aged pared to older children [12]. The common need
1–12 months. It is noteworthy that nurses rated for supplemental enteral feeding inherently
the presence of oligo-anuria as an important fac- increases direct costs in this population as well.
tor influencing the decision to withhold RRT Both studies reflected only a healthcare sys-
more so than nephrologists. Also, nurses rated tem perspective rather than a total societal per-
the families’ right to decide about the initiation of spective of costs. It is likely that the cost of
life sustaining therapy more highly than did dialysis for infants, from both a societal and fam-
respondent nephrologists. These disagreements ily perspective, is much greater than the sample
of opinion between different members of the values outlined above. The rigorous nature of
health care team emphasize the need for open dialysis in infants may preclude a family member
discussion among team members when con- from working full-time, unless other care arrange-
fronted with an infant with ESRD to aim for a ments can be made. The family’s socioeconomic
consistent approach to treatment prior to speak- status, although not ranked as a highly influential
ing to the family so that the parents are not fur- factor by healthcare providers, must be consid-
ther confused during this stressful period of ered. This is not to suggest that economically dis-
time. advantaged people should have less opportunities
for dialysis than others, but rather that the finan-
Economic Considerations cial burden to be carried by the families should
The survey of Spanish pediatric nephrologists be detailed in advance and discussed because of
suggested that the economic cost of dialysis is the the influence it may have on this decision. The
least important criterion in a long list of potential importance of the contribution from the social
factors determining the advisability of starting service team members on this issue cannot be
dialysis in infants [35]. Similarly, in the previously overemphasized.
mentioned international survey of pediatric neph-
rologists, hospital and governmental budget con-
straints ranked very low as considerations whether Unique Features of Infant Dialysis
or not to initiate RRT for ESRD in infants [33].
Nonetheless, it is appropriate to consider the costs As the infant with ESRD prepares to initiate dial-
to the healthcare system of dialysis in infants. ysis, a number of issues should be considered to
In 1982, Baum at al. estimated the overall enhance the efficacy of the procedure and mini-
annual costs of dialysis as US $19,600 and mize treatment related complications.
$54,300 for pediatric CAPD and HD, respec-
tively [36]. This study was based on a review of
Medicare costs throughout the United States, Infant Hemodialysis
provided no information about laboratory or
medication costs, and was restricted to children More infant-specific HD equipment has become
between the ages of 3 and 20 years. A more available over the past two decades which has
detailed study by Coyte et al. found that the cost facilitated the use of this modality. Smaller dialy-
of pediatric CAPD was US $36,000, continuous sis circuits and tubing are available which may
cycling PD $37,000, and HD $57,000 annually avoid the need for blood priming of lines and
[37]. This study was based on the detailed analy- which requires less than 10% of the infant’s intra-
sis of only a small number of patients older than vascular blood volume to be in an extracorporeal
age 2 and greater than 20 kg of body weight. location. If blood priming is needed, diluting the
Neither study addressed the added costs that blood to a hematocrit of 30–40% may decrease
7 Initiation of Maintenance Renal Replacement Therapy in Infants 109

its viscosity and the associated increased resis- volume, as it may in essence represent a transfu-
tance, while the use of leukopore blood may sion to the patient with a risk of hemodynamic
decrease the white blood cell load and potential compromise if performed rapidly.
antigen exposure. The infant’s vascular access
should also be characterized by low resistance to
help avoid thrombosis. Therefore, the access Infant Peritoneal Dialysis
should have a wide diameter and the shortest
length possible, while still permitting appropriate Specific technical details about performing PD in
surgical placement of the access tip in the atrial- infants are covered elsewhere in this book.
vena caval junction. The standard blood flow rate However, there are several issues which should
for an infant’s HD treatments is [39]: be considered at therapy initiation.
(body weight [kg ]+ 10) × 2.5
The frequency of peritonitis is higher in infants
under 1 year of age (once every 14.2 months)
= blood flow rate (mL/min ) than in all children (once every 18 months) [7]
which translates to a rate of £50 mL/min in and is a major cause of patient morbidity. One
infants under 10 kg. Adequate anticoagulation is related issue that is especially pertinent to the
especially important in the setting of these low infant initiating dialysis, but about which there is
blood flow rates to decrease the risk of thrombo- conflicting evidence, is the impact of a gastros-
sis. Heparinization is best accomplished with a tomy tube/button on the peritonitis rate.
heparin load of 10–20 units/kg and a maintenance Ledermann et al. reported that the incidence of
rate of 10–20 units/kg/h to achieve standard acti- peritonitis in their gastrostomy fed infants was
vated clotting times of 150–200 s [40]. comparable to that reported for all children on PD
The infant HD treatment requires great cir- by the NAPRTCS registry [27]. However, the
cumspection by the dialysis staff, as the infant is peritonitis incidence in this study was twice as
at risk for complications throughout the session. great when gastrostomy tube insertion was con-
In the hypervolemic infant, there may be an ducted after, compared to prior to dialysis initia-
increased susceptibility to pulmonary edema and tion. Ramage et al. similarly noted a markedly
the need for supplemental oxygen. At the same increased incidence of peritonitis in children with
time, ultrafiltration rates may be limited to gastrostomy tubes, and that the organisms caus-
0.2 mL/kg/min as higher rates may cause hemo- ing peritonitis were similar to those infecting gas-
dynamic instability. Additionally, the ultrafiltra- trostomy tube exit-sites [26]. Therefore, the PD
tion monitors on HD machines have an error rate catheter exit site should, if possible, be placed
of ±50 mL/h, so infants could theoretically have contralateral to the stomach and any current/
an inadvertent excessive or reduced ultrafiltrate potential gastrostomy site, as well as away from
of as much as 150–200 mL during a 3–4 h treat- any other ostomy openings, as shown in Fig. 7.1.
ment. This error rate may be minimized for a par- Additional recommendations regarding the gas-
ticular dialysis machine, once the variation rate is trostomy placement strategy as it relates to peri-
known and its range can be tightened by the bio- tonitis risk, with particular reference to the timing
medical support team [40]. Strict attention to of placement, are noted above refer to the
maintaining accurate infant scales are also needed Nutrition chapter. Downward pointing dialysis
to minimize the risk for volume related complica- catheter exit-sites have been associated with
tions. Maintenance of the infant’s body tempera- lower peritonitis rates in older children, but this
ture may be challenging with such large blood has not been confirmed in infants. Concerns also
volumes in an extracorporeal location. As such, exist that a downward pointing site may be a risk
increased dialysate temperatures may be needed factor for infection in children with frequently
to maintain normothermia. Lastly, the return of soiled diapers; therefore, the location of the exit-
blood to the infant must be performed slowly if it site should be outside of the diaper region, and
represents more than 10% of the patient’s blood occasionally on the chest wall.
110 R.G. VanDeVoorde III and D. Geary

catheter by omentum may occur more frequently

in infants as well and partial omentectomy should
be considered at the time of catheter placement.
Lastly, the development of hernias in young
infants on PD is much more common than in
older children [8, 13]. Prophylactic surgery to
prevent hernia development is not mandated, but
identification and correction of hernias at the time
of catheter placement is recommended [38].
When PD is prescribed for infants, the exchange
volume should be scaled to body surface area
(BSA) and not weight, as a result of the age inde-
pendent relationship between peritoneal surface
Fig. 7.1 Infant with PD catheter
area and BSA. In addition, the exchange volume at
dialysis initiation should be only 600–800 mL/m2
Another potential factor that may contribute to to optimize patient tolerance and minimize intra-
an increased frequency of peritonitis during peritoneal pressure (IPP). It has been suggested
infancy may be a selective IgG deficiency associ- that PD may also be particularly suitable for
ated with this therapy [41, 42]. While regular infants because of the potentially better preserva-
infusions of intravenous immunoglobulin have tion of residual renal function, or at least urine
not yet been shown to decrease the risk of perito- volumes [47]. Whereas, this has been documented
nitis in children, the subject has not been well in children on PD, in contrast to those on HD [48,
studied [43]. Relative immaturity of other parts 49], it has not been documented specifically in
of the infant’s immune system may also contrib- infants. Noteworthy is the fact that the presence of
ute to this risk [44]. Since membrane failure is preserved renal function has been associated with
associated with the number and severity of peri- improved growth in children on PD [50].
tonitis episodes in children, all possible steps to
minimize infections and, hence, preserve the
peritoneum should be undertaken [45]. Outcomes of Infant Dialysis
Whereas the use of double-cuffed catheters is
recommended for pediatric PD [15], the possibil- The pediatric nephrology team should be well
ity of erosion of the proximal cuff through the versed on the outcome of infants receiving dialy-
skin is probably greater in infants than in older sis so that they can provide this important data to
children, particularly if the infant is malnour- families who are being asked to help make deci-
ished. No specific recommendation is therefore sions regarding the long-term care of their infant
possible regarding the number of cuffs that an with ESRD.
infant PD catheter should have. Although the
institution of dialysis in older children is often
delayed for several weeks to allow healing of the Growth and Development
exit-site, this may lead to more catheter occlusion
in infants and may not be desired or even possi- Historically, growth and development have been
ble, based on the urgency of the clinical situation. significantly impaired in most infants requiring
If dialysis is started soon after catheter placement, dialysis, but advances in treating the sequelae of
the frequency of dialysate leakage may be ESRD have permitted normal or near normal
increased, especially in the youngest infants [8], development and reasonable growth. Nearly a
which may require a reduction in fill volumes, decade ago, Warady et al. showed improved
use of fibrin glue [46], or even temporary conver- developmental outcomes in patients who initiated
sion to HD to allow for healing. Occlusion of the dialysis during infancy (<3 months old) with the
7 Initiation of Maintenance Renal Replacement Therapy in Infants 111

avoidance of aluminum binders and the regular followed only during their time on dialysis
use of supplemental feedings [51]. Of 28 sur- (14 months), limiting the availability of outcome
viving infants followed long-term, nearly 80% data. Similarly, the NAPRTCS found the 1-year
had normal developmental scores and only 4% survival of infants <2 years of age at dialysis ini-
had significant developmental delay. Coulthard tiation in 2001–2006 to be 86.1%. A more recent
et al. reported that 87% of their cohort was able retrospective study by Wedekin et al. reported a
to attend school and be placed in regular class- 5-year survival of 82% for infants who received
rooms [24] while Shroff et al. reported that none PD [57]. Mortality rates of patients receiving HD
of her 68 subjects without significant comorbidi- have seemingly been higher, with retrospective
ties were found to have learning difficulties [9]. single-center studies giving overall rates of
Growth tends to be most severely impaired with 30–40% [10, 11] but data has been limited to a
an earlier age of ESRD onset and with the coex- very small numbers of patients.
istence of comorbid conditions [52]. However, Many feel that these studies and registry data
catch-up growth may occur in patients once on underestimate the improvement in the survival
dialysis, especially in the case of infants [9]. As rates of most infants who receive dialysis, as
an example, Laakkonen et al. reported catch-up younger infants and those with substantial comor-
growth in 64% of their infants on PD with early bidities are currently being treated [45]. While
dialysis initiation and aggressive nasogastric tube likely true, it should also be recognized that
feeding [38]. Much the same has been demon- nearly all of these studies and registries analyze a
strated by the NAPRTCS. Most of the studies selected population, those infants already deemed
that have addressed growth were conducted with- worthy candidates for dialysis, and do not include
out the use of recombinant growth hormone, those to whom dialysis was not offered.
which has now been shown to produce catch-up There are several risk factors associated with
growth in treated infants (<1 year old) with CKD mortality in infants on dialysis that must be con-
[53], increasing the likelihood of achieving near sidered as part of the decision process regarding
normal growth on dialysis. dialysis initiation. Oligo-anuria has been associ-
ated with the worst outcomes [10, 54] in several
case series. Recently, Hijazi et al. found oligo-
Mortality anuria to be the greatest risk factor for mortality
in their analysis of 52 infants, with an odds ratio
There is limited data available reporting long- of 41 [8]. Interestingly, the international survey of
term (>5 years) outcomes of patients who initi- pediatric nephrologists noted that the presence of
ated maintenance RRT during infancy. However, oligo-anuria was only a minor influence on their
there is a growing body of evidence from single- decision-making regarding offering infant dialy-
center observational experience and registry data sis [33], highlighting a potentially concerning
that does provide short-term outcomes and may discrepancy between the clinical data that exists
prove helpful when advising families. Early and practice recommendations.
reports on young children receiving dialysis gave Additional risk factors for infant mortality
mortality rates of nearly 16% per year [40] and consist of a number of comorbidities, [54] namely,
infant PD mortality rates >40% [54]. However, neurodevelopmental delay, congenital heart dis-
national registry data give a much less bleak ease, malignancy, heritable metabolic disorders,
picture. Children less than 1 year of age when and syndromes with multisystem involvement.
initiating dialysis have had 5-year survival rates Shroff et al. found the presence of other comor-
reported as high as 73% in Australia and New bidities to be associated with a relative mortality
Zealand [55] and 66% in the United Kingdom risk of 7.5 [9] while Hijazi et al. calculated an
[56]. Laakkonen et al. reported a mortality rate of associated odds ratio of nearly 4.5 [8].
only 9% in children <2 years old at the time of Unfortunately, the presence of other comorbidi-
PD initiation [38]; however, these subjects were ties is not always known at the time decisions are
112 R.G. VanDeVoorde III and D. Geary

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Urological Issues in Pediatric
Dialysis 8
Angus Alexander, Antoine E. Khoury,
and Armando J. Lorenzo

Pediatric dialysis • Urological issues • Chronic kidney disease • Posterior
urethral Valves • Vesicoureteric reflux

Abbreviations Introduction

CIC Clean intermittent catheterization The prevalence of stage 5 chronic kidney disease
CKD Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in the pediatric population is approximately
CRF Chronic renal failure 50 cases per million. It has been noted to be
ESRD End-stage renal disease increasing in all age groups, but especially among
FSGS Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis older children [1]. In contrast to adults where
LUT Lower urinary tract glomerulopathy and vasculopathy are the major
PBS Prune belly syndrome causes of disease, at least 40% of the CKD in chil-
PD Peritoneal dialysis dren is due to congenital urological abnormalities
PUV Posterior urethral valves [2–6]. As a result of this predominance of urologi-
PVRV Post void residual volumes cal issues in the pediatric population, the urologist
UVJ Ureterovesical junction obstruction is an essential member of any team tasked with the
VCUG Voiding cysto-urethrogram management of pediatric CKD. Similarly, health
VUR Vesicoureteric reflux care providers dealing with these patients benefit
from understanding the urological management
principles for this patient population.
A. Alexander () In this chapter, we outline the common uro-
Senior Fellow, Division of Urology, The Hospital logical conditions that cause renal failure; we
for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada discuss their diagnosis, pathophysiology, and
provide an overview of management from a uro-
A.E. Khoury logical perspective. Where relevant, we have
Department of Urology, Children’s Hospital of Orange
County and University of California Irvine Medical
highlighted any unique implications for the dial-
Center, Orange, CA, USA ysis patient and/or the transplant recipient.
A.J. Lorenzo
Understanding that dialysis represents a treat-
Division of Urology, The Hospital for Sick Children, ment phase between the development of stage 5
Toronto, Canada CKD and renal transplantation, it is important to

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_8, 115

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
116 A. Alexander et al.

discuss issues present prior to the initiation of associated with PUVs. In spite of these advances
dialysis and following renal transplantation. In and the introduction of antenatal interventions,
addition to this, we will look at the indications for there has been little improvement in the propor-
nephrectomy in the CKD patient and the urology tion of these patients ultimately developing CKD
specific pre-transplant workup. [20]. Twenty to sixty percent of these boys will
manifest with evidence of CKD in childhood and
11–51% will eventually progress to stage 5 dis-
ease during long-term follow-up [21–24].
Urological Causes of Chronic
Increasingly, the diagnosis is being suspected
Kidney Disease in the antenatal period with typical ultrasound
features that include oligohydramnios, bilateral
As with most pediatric pathology, the causes of
hydroureteronephrosis, a thick-walled bladder,
CKD can be divided into congenital and acquired
and a dilated posterior urethra (Fig. 8.1). Children
conditions [4, 7–16]. The causes have been listed
who escape prenatal diagnosis present at different
by anatomical location in Table 8.1. The most
ages in the postnatal period with a variety of fea-
important of these are highlighted and are the
tures that include respiratory insufficiency, renal
conditions that we have chosen to focus on in the
insufficiency, urosepsis, failure to thrive, poor uri-
chapter (Table 8.1).
nary stream, and urinary incontinence. This vari-
ety of presentations represents a spectrum of
Posterior Urethral Valves disease, where lesser forms of obstruction are
often detected later in life and may be associated
Posterior urethral valves (PUVs) are abnormal with less impact on overall renal function.
membranous folds unique to the male prostatic In an attempt to prevent or attenuate renal dam-
urethra. While one must be aware of other causes age that occurs in utero, prenatal interventions
of congenital lower urinary tract (LUT) obstruc- have sought to bypass the urethral obstruction
tion, such as urethral atresia and obstructive ure- with open or percutaneous diversion of the fetal
teroceles, PUVs are undoubtedly the most urinary system. The decision to attempt antenatal
common. They are encountered in 1 of 10,000– intervention is aided by the analysis of fetal uri-
25,000 births [17–19]. nary markers (sodium, chloride, osmolality, and
Advances in antenatal diagnosis, better perin- B2-microglobulin). Currently the favored and most
atal medicine and early PUV management have common approach to the fetal lower tract obstruc-
led to a decrease in the neonatal mortality rate tion is percutaneous placement of a vesicoamni-
otic shunt. This achieves the required supra-urethral
diversion while being minimally invasive, obviat-
Table 8.1 Urological causes of chronic kidney disease in ing the need for a maternal hysterotomy and fetal
children vesicostomy. Although technically feasible, ante-
Causes natal interventions have failed to reliably prevent
Congenital Renal dysplasia renal insufficiency and are associated with a fetal
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction mortality rate that ranges from 33% to 43%. Not
Ureterovesical junction obstruction all the reported deaths are directly related to the
intervention, however, as many of the series
Vesicoureteric reflux
Neuropathic bladder
include deaths that the intervention failed to pre-
Posterior urethral valves vent (pulmonary hypoplasia). These procedures
Prune belly syndrome are also associated with significant morbidity in
Acquired Obstructing renal tract calculi the form of urinary ascites, visceral herniation,
Obstructing neoplasms shunt malfunction, and migration [25–28].
Neuropathic bladder Regardless of the timing of the postnatal pre-
Urethral strictures sentation, an ultrasound of the kidneys, ureter,
8 Urological Issues in Pediatric Dialysis 117

Fig. 8.1 Sonographic features suggestive of PUVs detected during antenatal evaluation: (a) thick-walled bladder with
prominent posterior urethra, the “key-hole” sign; (b) high-grade hydronephrosis

and bladder is often the first imaging study

requested, and will often demonstrate many of
the above-mentioned ultrasonographic features.
Following this, a voiding cysto-urethrogram
(VCUG) is indicated to confirm the diagnosis.
Typical features on VCUG include a dilated pos-
terior urethra with a clear sharp transition to a
normal distal channel, an associated valve cusp,
thickened open bladder neck, and a trabeculated
bladder. Vesicoureteric reflux (VUR) is also often
present (Fig. 8.2). During the workup it is impor-
tant to look for features that may be associated
with a more favorable prognosis. Although not
always predictive of a good outcome, the pres-
ence of a “pop-off” has been reported to be pro-
tective in some children. These include unilateral
VUR into an ipsilateral dysplastic/nonfunction-
ing kidney, a perinephric urinoma, urinary ascites,
and a patent urachus [29–34].
Accepting that we cannot alter preexisting
renal dysplasia and understanding that many of
these children will eventually develop CKD, our
role in their management is to delay the onset of
renal failure by optimizing the function of the
ureters, bladder, and urethra. Management is ini- Fig. 8.2 Features of PUV on VCUG: prominent poste-
rior urethra (white arrow) with a change in caliber com-
tially directed at systemic stabilization and
pared with the anterior urethra at the site of the valves
decompression of the urinary tract. Initial uro- (blue arrow). Associated bilateral vesicoureteral reflux
logical instrumentation usually involves urethral (asterisk)
118 A. Alexander et al.

Fig. 8.3 Appearance on physical examination of different forms of cutaneous urinary diversion: (a) vesicostomy,
(b) distal ureterostomy, and (c) bilateral pyelostomies (patient prone)

catheterization in the early neonatal period, even who had been circumcised [35]. A more
before the diagnosis has been confirmed. This conservative approach would be to perform a cir-
simple intervention temporarily bypasses the cumcision only in the event of demonstrated pre-
obstruction, allows accurate monitoring of urine disposition to recurrent UTIs. This intervention is
output, and helps avoid emergent surgical inter- often heavily influenced by cultural and religious
vention while associated abnormalities are iden- expectations.
tified and their management optimized. Following Following valve ablation the obstructive pro-
this, a VCUG can be obtained by instilling con- cess is usually relieved, yet the functional conse-
trast through the catheter. Subsequent definitive quences are less predictably improved. Urodynamic
urethroscopic valve ablation can be attempted in findings in these boys remain highly variable and
all but the smallest infants. Premature or small prone to change over time as renal function,
infants whose urethras will not accommodate a growth, and the acquisition of continence further
scope are candidates for alternative forms of challenge the stability of the bladder [36, 37]. The
decompression. Similarly, in the occasional sce- primary goal of the urological management in
nario where valve ablation does not achieve PUVs is preservation of upper tract function. This
decompression of the upper tracts surgical diver- is achieved by ensuring an infection-free urinary
sion above the bladder outlet warrants consider- tract with a bladder that stores urine at low pres-
ation. This may be in part due to a functional sure and empties efficiently. The secondary goals
ureterovesical junction (UVJ) obstruction as the would include continence and attaining an ade-
ureter passes through a markedly thickened detru- quate lower tract for the effective drainage of a
sor muscle. In such situations, segments of the renal allograft in those that require it.
urinary tract can be temporarily brought to the Lower tract dysfunction that is poorly con-
skin, in the form of a vesicostomy, ureterostomy, trolled can adversely affect existing renal function.
or pyelostomy (Fig. 8.3). DeFoor and Ansari have demonstrated that resid-
Many institutions will perform a circumcision ual bladder dysfunction is an independent risk fac-
at the time of the valve ablation or vesicostomy tor for CKD [10, 22]. In 1980, Mitchell coined the
in order to decrease the risk of urinary tract infec- term “valve bladder syndrome” identifying delete-
tions (UTIs). A recent study by Mukherjee rious features of lower tract dysfunction that could
showed that there was an 83% reduction in the reliably predict renal deterioration. The phrase
incidence of UTI in those children with valves describes the development or persistence of
8 Urological Issues in Pediatric Dialysis 119

Fig. 8.4 Issues to consider

in the monitoring of
patients with PUV.
Adequately addressing
these problems helps
prevent or slow renal
deterioration, and provides
a conceptual framework
upon which to consider
interventions and tailor

hydroureteronephrosis in the presence of a poorly back into the bladder immediately post void. An
compliant, thick-walled bladder, incontinence, additional source of pseudoresidual volume is
and polyuria [38]. Koff further clarified the role of found in the patients with a hypertrophied detru-
the bladder in the deterioration of the upper tracts, sor muscle. This hypertrophy creates a functional
suggesting that polyuria, insensitivity to overdis- UVJ obstruction during bladder filling, an
tension, and high post void residual volumes were obstruction that is relieved in the post void period
the three key factors contributing to renal deterio- allowing for the retained urine to drain from the
ration in valve patients [39]. Looking at these three dilated ureters (Fig. 8.4) [41].
factors in more detail gives us a very plausible As a result of a better understanding of the
explanation for how an overwhelmed bladder, condition, clinicians no longer accept hydroureter-
with borderline function, can facilitate rather than onephrosis as unavoidable in the upper tracts of
cause, upper tract damage: Polyuria, caused by valve patients. Management has become proac-
nephrogenic diabetes insipidis, has the potential to tive and more aggressive, focused on achieving
overload the bladder of the most diligent voider. complete urinary tract emptying (double voiding,
Insensitivity to overdistension contributes to the timed voiding, and clean intermittent catheteriza-
potential for bladder overload and injury. High tion [CIC]), optimizing detrusor function (with
post void residual volumes decrease the func- judicious use of anticholinergics) and the selec-
tional capacity of the bladder and are not neces- tive use of alpha-blockers to assist voiding. Where
sarily the result of myogenic failure [40]. polyuria and decreased functional capacity are an
Pseudoresidual volumes can be generated by issue, routine daytime interventions may be
VUR when urine is refluxed into dilated ureters unable to prevent hydronephrosis. Nocturnal CIC
during filling and voiding, only to be dumped or overnight indwelling catheterization have been
120 A. Alexander et al.

shown to reduce diuresis, decrease the incidence to identify and appropriately treat potential threats
of UTIs, improve continence, and decrease upper to the remaining renal function.
tract dilation [39, 42, 43].
VUR in PUV children is found in 50–70% of
patients and is usually secondary to the obstructed Vesicoureteric Reflux in the Pediatric
bladder outlet [44, 45]. Because of its association Dialysis Patient
with worse renal dysplasia, high-grade reflux can
predict higher morbidity and mortality [46, 47]. Renal damage or abnormal development related to
Adequate treatment of the valvular obstruction VUR (reflux nephropathy) is often congenital,
will lead to spontaneous resolution of VUR in representing renal dysplasia that is likely to coex-
most cases (62%), and, therefore, VUR should be ist with reflux rather than be directly caused by it
treated as conservatively as possible [45, 48]. (Fig. 8.5). Subsequently, postnatal renal function
Rarely, surgical intervention is indicated for may be further threatened by pyelonephritis,
recurrent pyelonephritis in cases where LUT dys- which is facilitated by reflux of infected urine into
function has been ruled out or controlled. the abnormal renal unit [50–53]. As discussed in
The presence of persistent unilateral reflux the previous section, secondary reflux can be asso-
into a dysplastic nonfunctioning kidney in males ciated with transmission of high bladder pressures
with PUVs has been associated with a better renal to the upper tracts, which can further compromise
functional prognosis than standard valve patients the renal parenchyma. Differentiation between
[46, 49]. The reason for this is thought to be due primary and secondary reflux has important thera-
to the dysplastic kidney’s protective effect as the peutic implications. In this section, we concentrate
renal pelvis and ureter absorb most of the abnor- on primary VUR, while secondary reflux is dis-
mal pressures generated by the bladder during cussed under the specific primary conditions.
voiding. However, Narasimhan and colleagues Primary VUR accounts for 7–25% of pediat-
showed that while the syndrome did seem to favor ric CKD cases [4, 54, 55]. Ardissino looked at
a better outcome, half of their patients had some 343 patients who had VUR and CKD and found
form of renal scarring, voiding dysfunction, UTIs, that almost 60% of his series required renal
diurnal incontinence, and hydroureteronephrosis replacement therapy prior to the age of 20. Given
[49]. This data would support the contention that this high incidence of end-stage renal disease, he
every boy with PUV, regardless of the presence of suggests that children with reflux-associated
“favorable prognostic features,” should have CKD have a relatively poor renal prognosis and
close multidisciplinary team follow-up in order deserve particular attention [56]. Neither medical

Fig. 8.5 Findings suggestive of renal dysplasia: (a) bilateral high-grade reflux detected in infant without a history of
urinary tract infections; (b) DMSA scan demonstrates poor function of the left renal moiety and photopenic defects
8 Urological Issues in Pediatric Dialysis 121

nor surgical management can alter the function of recurrent scarring UTIs. An argument can be
a dysplastic kidney and should therefore concen- made for a more aggressive approach in these
trate on preventing further damage by early patients, consisting of early prophylactic circum-
diagnosis and treatment of febrile UTIs (pyelone- cision and surgical reimplantation of the ureter.
phritis) and the correction of bladder and bowel In regard to the reflux patient with CKD who
dysfunction (increased fluid intake, prophylactic requires dialysis, the indications for medical
antibiotics, treatment of constipation, biofeed- management or surgical intervention are usually
back, and bladder training). By increasing fluid no different from those patients with normal renal
intake, more urine is produced. This in turn function. One must be aware that once trans-
increases the volume and frequency of voiding, planted these children will be immunosuppressed
effectively flushing the LUT and mechanically and have an additional renal unit. Following renal
clearing it of bacteria. Prophylactic antibiotics transplantation, UTIs occur commonly in chil-
have long been held as the cornerstone of conser- dren with VUR; approximately 60% of these
vative management of VUR [57]. Recent large patients experience at least one episode [64, 65].
series have begun to question this conventional The risk is highest in the first year posttransplan-
wisdom [58–60]. In the absence of more defini- tation and then decreases over time [66]. Although
tive data on the topic it would seem prudent to VUR has not been documented as an indepen-
continue with the selective use of antibiotics dent risk factor for UTI in this population [67,
based on a holistic assessment of individual 68], it has been associated with acute pyelone-
patients and their parents. phritis in two pediatric studies [66, 68] and yet,
Bladder training is aimed at those children has not been convincingly linked to graft loss
with an element of dysfunctional voiding. The [66, 68–70]. Thus, considering the potential for
process involves the education and retraining of increased morbidity in the setting of immunosup-
the voiding process to achieve a volitional, regu- pression, due consideration should be giving to
lar, and complete void. Emphasis is placed on addressing pre-transplant vesicoureteral reflux,
awareness of the pelvic musculature and coordi- particularly in patients with a history of multiple
nation of the detrusor muscle contraction with episodes of pyelonephritis. In cases with high-
sphincter relaxation. This training can be enhanced grade reflux and an associated poorly functioning
by biofeedback technology that registers and kidney, performing a nephroureterectomy rather
rewards the correct identification and control of than reimplantation should be considered.
pelvic musculature. The effective elimination of Following renal transplantation, VUR into the
urine is very closely tied to the effective elimina- allograft is common and varies according to the
tion of feces (bladder and bowel dysfunction). ureteral implantation procedure used [66, 67, 71,
Active management of constipation has been 72]. As a result, it is not common practice to
shown to improve voiding dysfunction, inconti- routinely “screen” for reflux posttransplant.
nence, enuresis, urgency, and UTIs [61–63]. Nevertheless, in the setting of recurrent UTIs
The surgical approach to the child with VUR posttransplant, a VCUG is warranted to exclude
and recurrent pyelonephritis who fails to respond reflux into the native or transplanted kidneys.
to medical management is usually a graded esca- Treatment for posttransplant reflux–associated
lation in intervention that includes circumcision UTIs is initially conservative. Patients who fail to
in males, endoscopic sub-ureteric injection of a improve are candidates for surgical intervention.
bulking agent (such as dextronomer/hyaluronic This may involve efforts to stop the reflux or
acid), and ureteric reimplantation. Although sur- remove a poorly functioning, refluxing native
gical reimplantation is more invasive than endo- renal unit. Recently, the sub-ureteric injection of
scopic therapy, it carries a higher overall success dextronomer/hyaluronic acid has gained wide
rate in terms of reflux correction. This is an impor- acceptance as a minimally invasive method of
tant distinction when considering the child with correcting VUR. However, when compared to
borderline renal function and a predisposition to open reimplantation of the ureters, the success
122 A. Alexander et al.

rate of ureteric injection is lower and there is a detrusor muscle, striated urethral sphincter, and
lack of long-term follow-up. Cloix and Williams the smooth muscle of the bladder neck. This
reported reflux resolution following ureteric highly variable situation makes classification dif-
injection in only 29% and 44% of their patients, ficult; as a result, popular classifications tend to
respectively [73, 74]. Similarly, surgical reim- focus on the dysfunction rather than on the under-
plantation is not without problems in transplanted lying cause [76]. Wein simplified the problem by
patients. Neuhaus reported transient obstruction describing the voiding dysfunction in two broad
and a persistent increase in serum creatinine in categories: a failure of storage and a failure of
60% of his reimplanted children [72]. Given the emptying [77]. Adequate storage requires blad-
above issues combined with the efficacy of con- der compliance, capacity, and an outlet resistance
servative management and the concept that adult at the bladder neck. Efficient emptying requires a
donor kidneys are less susceptible to the effects of coordinated interaction of detrusor contraction
refluxed bacteriuria, we believe surgical interven- and a lowering of the outlet resistance. Four
tion is rarely indicated in this patient population. broad, simplified, scenarios exist: (1) a bladder
with adequate storage and an outlet with low
resistance; (2) a bladder with adequate storage
Neurogenic Voiding Dysfunction and an outlet with increased resistance; (3) a
bladder with inadequate storage and an outlet
Under normal circumstances the detrusor muscle with low resistance; and (4) a bladder with inad-
and the sphincter complex function in a coordi- equate storage and an outlet with increased resis-
nated fashion that optimizes both storage and tance (Fig. 8.6). Based on this understanding one
emptying. During the filling phase, the detrusor can see how the neurogenic bladder may be
muscle is relaxed and said to be compliant as it incontinent, continent, or hypercontinent.
fills without an increase in pressure. As capacity Regardless of the detrusor compliance, poor
is reached, the compliance decreases. A full tone in the sphincter mechanism usually leads to
bladder is detected by stretch receptors and per- incontinence. Provided it is associated with low
ceived centrally. If voiding is appropriate, the leak point pressures, there should be no threat to
sphincteric mechanism relaxes in anticipation of the functioning of the upper tracts. The “hostile
a coordinated detrusor contraction, expelling bladder” is found in situations where hyperre-
urine from the bladder. If voiding needs to be flexic, poorly compliant, small capacity bladders
delayed, afferent nerves stimulate sympathetic are combined with high outlet resistance. This
and pudendal outflow activity, initiating the resistance is caused by sphincter hypertonia and
guarding reflex which inhibits detrusor contrac- detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia (DSD). In these
tion and stimulates the rhabdosphincter to situations, high filling and voiding pressures are
increase outflow resistance [75]. Disrupted inner- transmitted to the kidney, leading to dysfunction
vation can lead to an alteration of this normal, and, if not corrected, permanent damage [78].
coordinated interaction. Following the diagnosis of neurogenic voiding
Neurogenic voiding dysfunction is an all- dysfunction, initial management is directed at
inclusive term that describes those vesicourethral maintaining acceptable bladder storage pressures,
units with abnormal neural anatomy or function. ensuring efficient emptying and preventing UTIs
Neurological lesions vary considerably in their [79]. Early medical management and close moni-
influence on the key bladder functions of storage toring are the cornerstones of a successful out-
and emptying. Upper motor neuron lesions tend come for these children. Patients vary in their
to produce hyperreflexic bladders with sphincter need for specific medical interventions but should
dyssynergia. Lower motor neuron lesions tend to be managed according to their unique urodynamic
produce an areflexic bladder with variable sphinc- dysfunction. The basic concepts of this manage-
ter function. Unfortunately, there is a huge range ment are outlined in Table 8.2. The majority of
of neurological lesions that variably affect the children with “hostile bladders” are managed
8 Urological Issues in Pediatric Dialysis 123

Fig. 8.6 The four broad scenarios created by bladder and poor sphincter tone, (c) good bladder compliance with
sphincter neurology: (a) good bladder compliance with increased sphincter tone, (d) poor bladder compliance
poor sphincter tone, (b) poor bladder compliance with with increased sphincter tone

Table 8.2 Basic concepts of management for neurogenic voiding dysfunction based on Wein classification
Bladder Outlet Bypass
Facilitate storage Decrease tone Increase resistance CIC
• Bladder muscle relaxants • a-Agonists Diversion
• Mechanical compression
Increase capacity
• Bladder augment
Facilitate emptying Increase bladder pressure Decrease resistance CIC
• Crede maneuver • a-Blockade Diversion
• Trigger zones • Sphincterotomy
• Bladder training • Bladder neck disruption
• Urethral dilation
124 A. Alexander et al.

with a combination of CIC (to ensure regular and

complete emptying) [80–82], anticholinergics (to
attenuate uninhibited detrusor contractions,
increase capacity and decrease tone) [83, 84],
a-Blockers (introduced to decrease the sphincter
muscle tone) [85, 86], and prophylactic antibiot-
ics (to prevent recurrent UTI).
Surveillance is a crucial component of the
management of the neurologically impaired child.
In myelodysplasia in particular, the neurological
consequences are often dynamic, with changes
taking place throughout childhood but particularly
at puberty when linear growth is accelerated. The
entire urinary system should be screened regularly
for evidence of deterioration. Ultrasound of the
Fig. 8.7 Patient with an appendico-vesicostomy (Mitro-
kidneys, ureter, and bladder is useful in detecting
fanoff channel), performing self-catheterization through
renal growth failure, scarring, loss of cortico- stoma located at the umbilicus
medullary differentiation, hydronephrosis, blad-
der wall thickening, and significant residual
volumes. In the patients who are able to void, uri- catheterization may be anatomically difficult or
nary flow rates demonstrate abnormal flow curves impossible (as seen in children with urethral
and combined with electromyography may dem- strictures), poorly tolerated (in patients with a
onstrate DSD. Urodynamic studies are useful in sensate urethra) or difficult to perform (related to
monitoring bladder dynamics during the filling body habitus and poor manual dexterity) [7].
and emptying phases. MRI is indicated for the ini- These patients may benefit from a surgically con-
tial workup of many of these patients and may be structed continent catheterizable channel, usually
indicated during the surveillance period when fashioned with the appendix (Mitrofanoff chan-
changing clinical features suggest the develop- nel) or reconfigured small bowel (Monti channel)
ment of a potentially correctable cause, as would [91]. These conduits should be as short and
be the case in a patient with a tethered cord. straight as possible to avoid intubation issues,
In the event that the above medical manage- and run into the bladder from an easily accessi-
ment is ineffective or not tolerated, treatment will ble, cosmetically sensitive site. Accessibility is
need to be escalated. Surgical strategies are the principal goal and is ideally determined pre-
mainly aimed at addressing three different issues: operatively by the surgeon, patient, and a stoma
decreasing bladder outlet resistance, providing nurse. Cosmesis is a secondary concern to func-
alternative access for catheterization, and enhanc- tion, often best achieved with the stoma placed at
ing bladder capacity and compliance. For patients the umbilicus (Fig. 8.7).
in whom continence is not necessary, strategies When it comes to specific surgical interven-
aimed at reducing outlet resistance include ure- tions for improving compliance, increasing
thral dilation [87, 88] and sphincterotomy (in capacity and decreasing uninhibited detrusor con-
older male patients) [89]. Vesicostomy produces tractions there are a number of surgical options
an incontinent diversion, a safe and reliable that disrupt the detrusor muscle and augment the
method of decompressing the upper tracts in bladder. Enterocystoplasty is the most commonly
young children with neurogenic bladders [90]. used technique and it involves the use of a portion
When continence is a goal of treatment, blad- of the intestine that has been detubularized, recon-
der emptying aided by CIC through the urethra is figured into a patch, and then sutured into the
favored. In some children this is not feasible as defect of a widely incised bladder. The intestinal
8 Urological Issues in Pediatric Dialysis 125

patch can be ileum, colon, or stomach but the Table 8.3 A summary of the advantages and disadvan-
most commonly used segment appears to be the tages of common augmentation procedures
ileum [92, 93]. Because of the absorptive and Auto-augmentation
secretory functions of the gastrointestinal epithe- • Lined by urothelium
No metabolic sequelae
lium, metabolic abnormalities may develop over No bowel harvesting
time and become clinically relevant in children Extraperitoneal approach
with marginal renal function. In order to offset Not reliable at increasing volume
the metabolic impact of the intestinal segments Ureterocystoplasty
the bladder can also be augmented using tissue • Native ureter
• Lined by urothelium
naturally lined by urothelium. With the exception No metabolic sequelae
of ureterocystoplasty, the urodynamic results of No bowel harvesting
these procedures are less reliable and associated Mucosa backed by muscle
with only a modest improvement in many cases. Not always available
Not always sufficient
Ureterocystoplasty is, on the other hand, very Additional exposure required
effective and describes the use of the dilated tor- (laparoscopic/open)
tuous ureter of a poorly functioning renal unit to Colocystoplasty
augment the bladder [94, 95]. Auto-augmentation • Sigmoid/ileo-colic
Large diameter
effectively creates a diverticulum of bladder
Reliable blood supply
mucosa that is allowed to protrude from a wide Mobile segments
surgical incision in the detrusor muscle, thereby Ileocaecal valve can be used to prevent
increasing compliance capacity. urinary reflux
Can be tunneled
A summary of the advantages and disadvan-
Not always available
tages of common bladder augmentation proce- Can impact gut function
dures is provided in Table 8.3 Bowel surgery required
Absorption of urinary waste
Lifelong alkanization required if renal function
Bladder Augmentation Mucus production +++
and End-Stage Renal Disease Bladder stone and UTI risks +++
? Higher perforation rate
? Tumor formation
It is reasonable to expect that if a severely dys-
functional bladder has caused or facilitated the • Greater curvature of stomach
failure of the native kidneys then a kidney trans- No absorption of urinary waste
planted into the same environment will be Secretes acid ameliorating metabolic acidosis
exposed to the same hostile forces and is there- Less mucus, stones, and infections
May facilitate emptying
fore at risk. Initially severe bladder dysfunction Hematuria dysuria syndrome notable in sensate,
was a contraindication to transplantation, but incontinent patients
over time, effective reconstruction of the lower Caution in defunctioned bladders: bleeding,
tract allowed for the creation of a safe reservoir ulcers, and perforation
Less compliant
for urine storage. This has allowed for successful ? turno formatio Less capacious
renal transplantation in children with stage 5 Ileocystoplasty
CKD and severe LUT dysfunction. • Preterminal ileum
The safety and timing of bladder augmenta- Reliable blood supply and length
tion in the child with stage 5 CKD (ESRD) has Most compliant bowel segment
Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis
been the subject of a number of studies [96–103]. Mucus production ++
The cumulative graft survival rates for the chil- Stones and infection
dren who underwent major LUT reconstruction Vitamin B12 deficiency
seem favorable but are difficult to accurately ? Tumor formation
126 A. Alexander et al.

compare for a lack of standardized follow-up

period [98, 100, 101, 104]. Having established
the safety of transplantation in these patients, tim-
ing of the reconstruction in relation to the trans-
plantation became the next important question.
Basiri conducted a retrospective study looking at
three groups of patients: those who underwent
bladder augmentation prior to transplant, those
who had augmentation post transplant, and those
transplanted patients who did not require LUT
reconstruction. Graft survival and incidence of
symptomatic UTI were no different in the two
augmented groups but the group that did not
require augment did significantly better in both
outcomes. Basiri suggested that the increased
incidence of UTI could be the cause of lower
graft survival rates in the augmented groups [99].
Fig. 8.8 Characteristic abdominal wall appearance in a
In additional studies, DeFoor acknowledged the newborn boy with prune belly syndrome
high rate of posttransplant sepsis in the series by
Koo [104] and Hatch [101] and contrasted this to
his own report on a series of 20 patients who cause of PBS remains unknown [105, 106]. The
underwent enterocystoplasty pre-transplant. full-blown syndrome is unique to the male
DeFoor suggested that prophylactic antibiotics patient; a “pseudoprune” disorder can occur in
and the predominance of gastrocystoplasty (85%) both males and females and describes the identi-
were likely contributors to the unusually low rate cal pathology to the PBS but lacking the com-
of UTI seen in his patients [98]. plete triad of features [107–109]. Associated
In summary major LUT reconstruction appears pulmonary, cardiac, orthopedic, and gastrointes-
safe prior to renal transplantation. It should be tinal abnormalities are relatively common and
remembered that these bladders are inherently contribute to overall morbidity and mortality
dysfunctional and the augmentation cannot be [110]. The underlying pathology and possible
expected to completely negate the consequences clinical presentation is summarized in detail in
of that dysfunction. In conjunction with this, the Table 8.4 [111, 112].
reconstructive procedures carry with them inher- From a urological perspective, initial workup
ent metabolic, functional, and surgical risks that aims to exclude obstruction, VUR, and renal dys-
often persist throughout life. It is unlikely, there- plasia. The passage of urine in these diffusely
fore, that graft survival can be expected to be as dilated urinary tracts is usually not obstructed but
good or better than it is in children with normal is often inefficient, a consequence of gross dila-
bladders, but it is encouraging that results are sel- tion. If obstruction is present, initial ultrasound
dom shown to be significantly worse. may reveal an unusually thickened bladder wall
or serial ultrasounds may reveal progressive dila-
tion of the upper tracts. Furosemide washout
Prune Belly Syndrome studies are imperfect at diagnosing obstruction
and should be interpreted with caution in the set-
Three abnormalities define prune belly syndrome ting of gross distension. Thickening of the blad-
(PBS): an absence or deficiency of abdominal der wall should raise the suspicion of a urethral
wall musculature, bilateral cryptorchidism, and obstruction. A VCUG will define urethral and
dilated uropathy involving the urethra, bladder, bladder anatomy, confirm VUR and as a result,
and ureters (Fig. 8.8). PBS has an incidence of 1 should be done early in the workup of PBS
in 29,000 to 1 in 40,000 live births. The precise patients. Where renal dysplasia is suspected or
8 Urological Issues in Pediatric Dialysis 127

Table 8.4 Clinical features of prune belly syndrome with pertinent urological issues highlighted
Anterior urethra • Ranges from urethral atresia to fusiform megalourethra
• Complete obstruction is lethal unless urachus is patent
• Variably deficient corpora cavernosa and spongiosum
Testicles • Bilaterally cryptorchid
• Usually intra-abdominal location
• Intrinsically abnormal testis with marked Leydig cell hyperplasia
• Increased risk of malignancy
• Decreased spermatagonia or azoospermia
• Paternity may be possible with assisted reproductive techniques
Genital conduits • Epididymal-testicular dissociation
• Ectopic, thickened vas
• Seminal vesicles are usually absent or atretic but may be ectatic in some cases
• All contribute to infertility
• Retrograde ejaculation
Prostate and prostatic urethra • Prostatic hypoplasia
• Epithelial glandular development consistently lacking – contributes to infertility
• Prostatic urethra is dilated, in continuity with an open bladder neck and
tapering to the membranous urethra
• Utricular diverticulae common
• Hypoplastic or absent verumontanum
• Reflux into the vas can be seen
• Obstructive prostatic urethral lesions are seen in 20% – poorer prognosis
Bladder • Grossly enlarged
• Trabeculation unusual
• Pseudo-diverticulum or urachal remnant
• Urachus may be patent
• Widely separated ureteric orifices due to splayed trigone and predisposing to
• Open bladder neck
• Efficient storage with good compliance
• Poor emptying due to hypo-contractility and VUR (CIC may be required)
• Delayed sensation to void
• Instability and uninhibited contractions unusual
• Requires regular assessment for altered voiding efficiency
Ureters • Elongated, dilated, and tortuous
• Lower third more severely affected
• Peristalsis present but ineffective
• True obstruction rare
• VUR present in 85%
Kidneys • Variable renal dysplasia
• Hydronephrosis
• May have hydronephrosis without renal dysplasia
• Uretero pelvic junction obstruction has been reported
Abdominal wall • Variable deficiency of underlying anterior abdominal wall muscle
• Transversus abdominus most affected followed by infraumbilical rectus,
internal oblique, external oblique, and the supraumbilical rectus abdominus
• Can cause developmental delay due to axial instability (sitting and walking)
• Can predispose to constipation and pneumonia as a result of poor valsalva
128 A. Alexander et al.

Fig. 8.9 Imaging studies in a patient with prune belly demonstrating bilateral high-grade reflux into dilated dis-
syndrome: (a and b) hydroureteronephrosis with dilated tal ureters (arrows); (d) posterior view of a DMSA scan
and tortuous ureter; (c) VCUG after vesicostomy creation demonstrating poor right renal differential function

Table 8.5 Outcomes of prune belly syndrome based on salient features and Woodard category
Category Salient features Outcome
1 Severe renal dysplasia Few survive beyond neonatal period
Pulmonary hypoplasia
2 Mild to severe renal dysplasia Survival with variably impaired renal function
No pulmonary hypoplasia
3 No renal dysplasia Excellent prognosis provided upper tracts are
No pulmonary hypoplasia protected

there have been recurrent febrile UTIs, a nuclear possible associated cardiac defects. Urological
medicine scan is indicated (Fig. 8.9). management should aim to identify obstructing
As with many syndromes, PBS represents a uropathy and, if present, may involve diverting
spectrum of disease with a wide range of impair- the upper tracts if appropriate for the individual
ment due to the underlying congenital abnormali- patient. Category 2 patients tend to have no
ties. As a consequence, management has to be immediate threat to life but renal dysfunction is
individualized. It is useful to consider the child significant. Baseline renal function has to be
with PBS as fitting into three broad categories as monitored and optimized. Management should
outlined by Woodard [113] (Table 8.5). Category 1 involve a multidisciplinary team with active par-
children have severe pulmonary and renal dys- ticipation of pediatric nephrologists and urolo-
plasia and have a very poor prognosis. Outcome gists. The structural integrity of the renal tracts
is largely determined by pulmonary function and has to be regularly assessed and conditions that
8 Urological Issues in Pediatric Dialysis 129

threaten the kidneys need to be identified and attenuated abdominal wall [120], it is successful
treated early. Category 3 patients demonstrate at temporarily replacing renal function. Renal
good renal function despite their grossly dilated transplantation in children with PBS has not
urinary tracts. They have a good prognosis, shown a statistically significant difference in
because they lack renal dysplasia, but they still graft or patient survival [121, 122].
require close monitoring for signs of deteriorat-
ing renal or urinary tract function.
Management of these complex patients is Urological Issues
aimed at delaying the onset of renal failure. It in the Pre-transplant Workup
should include prophylactic antibiotics because of
the potential for VUR and urinary stasis. Timed Unlike adult patients, pediatric transplant recipi-
voiding, double voiding, and CIC, when neces- ents often have urological issues that have caused
sary, are recomended to facilitate complete blad- or contributed to their renal failure. It is therefore
der emptying. Pyleostomies, ureterostomies, or imperative that the pediatric urologist is integrally
vesicostomies are unusual interventions that may involved in the pre-transplant workup and optimi-
be required to divert the urinary stream above an zation of these patients. The pre-transplant assess-
obstruction or poorly draining segment. Early ment is aimed at identifying those factors that
orchidopexies are indicated to optimize spermato- may complicate transplant surgery, as well as
genic potential and facilitate testicular examina- those factors that pose a potential threat to graft or
tion. Abdominoplasty, where necessary, improves patient survival following transplantation. These
psychosocial well-being and has recently been factors include previous surgeries and existing
shown to improve pulmonary function, defeca- stomas, a history of a hypercoagulable state or
tion, and voiding efficiency [114, 115]. The tim- inguinal vascular access (Fig. 8.10) and, in the
ing of and indication for the above interventions case of a living donor, the renal and vascular anat-
vary with each patient and institutional protocols. omy of the donor allograft. All this information is
There is debate on the best management of necessary for planning the surgical approach,
children with PBS. Where the debate lingers is the including the side and site of the transplant vascu-
question of how aggressive to be when consider- lar anastomosis. With particular relevance to
ing surgery. Aggressive reconstruction involves nephrectomy, the need for simultaneous or pre-
simultaneous and early (3 months to 1 year of transplant procedures should be established and
age) resection, tapering and reimplantation of the well coordinated prior to the procedure.
ureters, bilateral transabdominal orchidopexy, The anatomy and functioning of the bladder
abdominoplasty, and may include reduction cys- and its outflow tract must be assessed for factors
toplasty or resection of the urachal diverticulum that could compromise postoperative graft sur-
[116]. With the lack of a clear benefit in bladder vival. If there is voiding dysfunction or features
capacity or voiding efficiency[117], reduction of a hostile bladder, these need to be addressed
cystoplasty is not recommended by all proponents prior to transplantation. In the case of a defunc-
of the more aggressive approach [118]. Conversely, tionalized bladder or a bladder of an oliguric
the conservative approach argues that surgery patient, it is important to ascertain the relative
cannot improve baseline renal function and should likelihood of underlying bladder dysfunction.
not be prophylactic but rather reserved for those Generally, a normal bladder that has been defunc-
patients in whom obstruction, stasis, or reflux is tionalized by diversion or anuria will reestablish
causing a problem [115, 119]. normal function over time. This is in contrast to
Regardless of how well we manage these chil- the dysfunctional bladder that could threaten the
dren, some will progress to stage 5 CKD. In this survival of the allograft if not addressed prior to
event, PBS is not a contraindication to either surgery. In this regard, pre-transplant undiversion
peritoneal dialysis (PD) or renal transplantation. or sham bladder cycling via urethral or suprapu-
While PD does pose some unique challenges bic catheter has been suggested as an important
with respect to anchoring the PD catheter to the diagnostic step in the workup of these patients.
130 A. Alexander et al.

Fig. 8.10 Imaging studies used to further evaluate abdom- into lumbar veins and the azygos system (arrows). (b) CT
ino-pelvic vascular anatomy following abnormal Doppler scan reconstruction of arterial phase demonstrating
ultrasound screening: (a) Venogram demonstrating acceptable targets for transplantation at the level of com-
occluded inferior vena cava (*) with prominent collaterals mon (c) and external (e) iliac arteries

Conditions predisposing the immunosup- VUR was suspected. Additionally, the VCUG is
pressed patient to infection could compromise able to assess bladder capacity, anatomy, and emp-
patient survival. VUR into the native kidneys or tying efficiency. Where voiding dysfunction is
the allograft has been associated with an increased suspected a urinary flow rate with or without elec-
incidence of UTI in graft recipients [66, 69]. This tromyography can be done. Urodynamic studies
is especially true of patients with underlying are indicated if abnormal bladder function is sus-
voiding dysfunction and those with high-grade pected based on underlying pathology, preceding
reflux (grade IV–V) [55, 69]. Basiri found that surgical interventions, or present clinical evidence.
preemptive ureteral reimplantation failed to Computerized tomography would be indicated if
reduce the risk of infection in patients with VUR native renal tumors or stones were suspected.
who underwent transplantation. However, subset Doppler ultrasound of the pelvic and abdominal
analysis of patients with high-grade reflux did vasculature is performed to confirm normal vascu-
show a reduction in the incidence of UTI. Based lar anatomy where doubt of its patency exists.
on this observation, Basiri suggested that patients
with high-grade reflux into native kidneys should
be considered for pre-transplant, anti-reflux Nephrectomy
surgery or nephrectomy.
Among the many possible investigations of the As a general rule the kidneys of a stage 5 CKD
potential transplant recipient’s urinary tract, not patient should not be removed prior to transplan-
all need be routinely performed. Urologic workup tation. Even poorly functioning kidneys can pro-
should be individualized with studies chosen vide a valuable homeostatic adjunct to dialysis.
according to their ability to define relevant ana- However, there are a number of situations in
tomical or functional abnormalities. An ultrasound which nephrectomy is indicated (Table 8.6).
of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder is a very com- Renin-dependent hypertension is common to
monly performed, noninvasive investigation that focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS),
will detect abnormalities in structure or position hemolytic uremic syndrome, reflux nephropathy,
of the kidneys. A VCUG is indicated in patients and cystinosis. Pre-transplant nephrectomy may be
with underlying urological abnormalities or where indicated in these patients as steroid medication
8 Urological Issues in Pediatric Dialysis 131

Table 8.6 Indications for pre-transplant nephrectomy vaso-active effects of hyperreninemia may
Pathology Systemic impact decrease perfusion of the grafted kidney in the
Hypertension • Lifelong antihypertensive immediate postoperative period. Persistent pro-
medication teinuria can lead to malnutrition, hypercoagula-
• Potential for end-organ dysfunction ble states, and immune suppression. It can also
Proteinuria • Immunosuppression confound the significance of proteinuria in the
• Hypercoagulable state
posttransplant urine. If the proteinuria is clini-
• Malnutrition
cally significant, bilateral nephrectomy is indi-
Infection • Urinary infections
• Renal parenchymal infections cated. Intractable polyuria can cause dehydration,
(fungal infection) electrolyte abnormalities, and renal tract dys-
Polyuria • Dehydration function and, if present, is an indication for neph-
• Electrolyte abnormalities rectomy [123]. Massive native VUR not only
• Inefficient voiding predisposes to UTI, but can also cause bladder
Renal calculi • Pain dysfunction as refluxed urine drains into the blad-
• Infections der post void, causing high residual volumes and
Neoplastic • Recurrence after previous partial
decreasing functional bladder capacity. If this is
• Genetic predisposition to renal the case nephrectomy with ureterectomy is cura-
malignancies (Beckwith tive. Prior to excising the ureters, one should
Wiedemann) exclude the need for a future bladder augmenta-
Mass effect • Lack of space for the allograft tion, as suitable ureters are an ideal material for
• Lack of peritoneal domain for PD augmentation cystoplasty. Tuberculosis, xan-
thogranulomatous pyelonephritis, and fungal
infections are just some of the chronic or recur-
rent infections that are best treated with excision
of the entire renal unit ahead of immunosuppres-
sive therapy. The kidney that is predisposed to
symptomatic stone formation should be removed.
The risk of malignancy is an unusual indication
for unilateral or bilateral nephrectomy. It is
encountered in situations where genetic disorders
predispose to malignancy (e.g., Denys-Drash and
Beckwith Wiedemann Syndromes). Where a par-
tial nephrectomy has been performed for malig-
nancy, the remnant parenchyma should be
removed before transplantation. Nephrectomy is
further indicated in the case of multicystic dys-
plastic kidneys with significant parenchyma or
demonstrable growth of the remnant [124].
Rarely one sees large, pathological kidneys that
Fig. 8.11 A small atrophic kidney removed laparoscopi- produce a significant mass effect. These kidneys
cally in a patient with stage 5 CKD and renin-mediated
hypertension. Procedure performed in preparation for may need to be removed to make space for the
renal transplantation, with improvement in blood pressure donor kidney or to facilitate PD (Fig. 8.12).
control When nephrectomy is being considered in the
child with stage 5 CKD (ESRD) one has to take
and fluid overload could precipitate malignant many factors into account. In practice, the bal-
hypertension in the postoperative period. In these ance between the severity of native kidney dys-
particular children, nephrectomy is often curative function and the relative contribution of these
and can obviate the need for long-term antihyper- failing kidneys to the management of the patient
tensive therapy (Fig. 8.11). Additionally, the often dictates timing and staging of nephrectomy.
132 A. Alexander et al.

Fig. 8.12 Large kidney removed from patient with donor renal transplantation. Notice large size of the
autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease due to native kidney on ultrasound (a) and at the time of open
inability to effectively carry out peritoneal dialysis. nephrectomy (b, compare size to surgeon’s hand in the
Patient subsequently has been considered for deceased background)

The likely time to transplantation and the possible

need for PD should be included in any decision
Inguinal Hernias and Peritoneal
making. Dialysis
Once the decision to perform nephrectomy
has been made, the operational approach and The incidence of inguinal hernias developing in
technique are considered next. The nephrectomy children while on PD ranges from 8% to 30%.
can either be done laparoscopically or as an open The incidence is highest in patients under 2 years
procedure. The surgical approach can be trans- of age. Most of the hernias will develop within
peritoneal or retroperitoneal. The technique and 3 months of the initiation of PD [129].
approach should be tailored to the individual The persistence of a patent processus vaginalis
patient and the relative skills of the surgical is found in 90% of neonates and predisposes them
team. The goal is to have the safest, most effi- to the development of an indirect inguinal hernia
cient, least invasive operation that aims to pre- [130]. The processus vaginalis tends to close
serve as much of the peritoneal domain as spontaneously during childhood and with this, the
possible [123, 125, 126]. incidence of inguinal hernia drops. PD, however,
Any surgery is subject to complications, and creates an abnormal peritoneal fluid volume and
nephrectomy is no different. CKD and dialysis consequently an increase in hydrostatic pressure
can both predispose to perioperative bleeding. within the peritoneal cavity. This pressure is
Immunosuppressive therapy can predispose to amplified in sitting or ambulatory patients and is
infections in the immediate postoperative period. capable of exposing any weakness or potential
Bowel injuries have been reported following space that exists in previous incisions, the umbili-
nephrectomy, as have infections of incision sites. cal remnant or the inguinal canals and is the most
Some kidneys are notoriously difficult to remove likely factor accounting for the higher incidence
(polycystic kidneys, chronic parenchymal infec- of inguinal, umbilical, and incisional hernias in
tion/inflammation) and are often approached with PD patients [131]. Management of the inguinal
an open technique to avoid the higher than usual hernia in the patient on PD depends on the surgi-
complication rates that can be seen when mini- cal approach of the managing physicians.
mally invasive techniques are used [127, 128]. Preemptive diagnosis and prophylactic ligation of
8 Urological Issues in Pediatric Dialysis 133

the patent processus vaginalis is easily performed

at laparoscopic catheter insertion and safely elim-
inates the problem before PD begins. However,
many surgeons use an open technique for catheter
insertion that does not allow for visualization of
the internal ring. In this case one simply waits for
the development of a hernia before repairing it via
a standard inguinal approach. When suspicion of
a hernia exists in a patient who is receiving PD,
ultrasound and peritoneography can be effective
at confirming the diagnosis prior to any surgical
intervention [132]. Inguinal hernias are usually
hydroceles (fluid hernia), but because there is
Fig. 8.13 The scarred lower abdomen of a patient with
always a risk of bowel herniation and incarcera- CKD following multiple surgical interventions
tion, herniotomy is advocated. While timing of
hernia repair is determined by the relative risk of
bowel incarceration and the health of the patient, or umbilicus (Fig. 8.13). Some children may have
it should not be unduly delayed. While waiting gastrostomy tubes in the epigastrium. The issue
for surgery, the patients and their families should that arises from the multitude of possible surger-
be educated on the features of an incarcerated ies that these patients undergo is the need for
hernia so they can identify the problem and careful preoperative planning and careful consid-
respond appropriately, should it occur. Because of eration of the follow-up management that may be
the high incidence of recurrent inguinal hernias in required. The potential for stomas to be too close
young children on PD, the internal ring should be to PD catheters or to be placed in the path of ideal
actively reinforced in addition to the standard surgical incision lines is high if they are not well
high ligation of the hernia sac. Bilateral hernioto- planned. There is the potential to devascularize
mies should be performed in all cases because of segments of the abdominal wall if care is not
the relatively high risk of developing a contralat- taken to avoid intersecting and parallel, horizon-
eral hernia [133, 134]. tal incisions. Phlebotomy, temporary intravenous
access, and hemodialysis catheters should avoid
the groin vessels if possible as a small but signifi-
Stomas, Catheters, Vascular Access, cant number of patients will have obliterated iliac
and Incisions vasculature secondary to these interventions.
This can make the vascular anastomosis at the
Children with CKD frequently require multiple time of transplant difficult or impossible, neces-
surgeries. Operations common to this group sitating an alternate site for the implantation of
include ureteric reimplantation (pfannenstiel the donor kidney.
incision), nephrectomy (bilateral flank incisions),
bladder augmentation (midline lower abdominal
incision), PD catheter placement (horizontal Summary
paramedian incision), hernia repair (inguinal/
umbilical incisions), ventriculo-peritoneal shunt Pediatric patients with CKD and underlying uro-
placement (horizontal upper quadrant), and renal logical issues are uniquely challenging and are
transplantation (Gibson/curved iliac fossa inci- ideally suited to management by a multidisci-
sion). In conjunction with this, they often require plinary team. It is unusual in modern practice to
stomas (colostomy or vesicostomy). Catheter- find urological issues destroying normal kidneys.
izable channels for bladder drainage or bowel It is far more common that renal dysfunction
irrigation are commonly placed in the iliac fossae preexists as part of, or secondary to, early fetal
134 A. Alexander et al.

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Conservation of Residual Renal
Function in Children Reaching 9
End-Stage Renal Disease
Il-Soo Ha and Franz Schaefer

Residual renal function • End-stage renal disease • Children

dialyzed patients, especially when an extended

Introduction duration of dialysis dependence is expected [4].
Experimental and clinical investigations over
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) progresses at vari- the past two decades have not only advanced our
able rate toward end-stage renal disease (ESRD) understanding of the mechanisms underlying
(Fig. 9.1) [1], and residual renal function (RRF) CKD progression before and after dialysis initia-
continues to decrease gradually after initiation of tion, but also revealed the risk factors predispos-
dialysis which is usually initiated when RRF has ing to it. Based on these insights, interventional
underpassed 5–10 mL/min/1.73 m² of glomerular strategies aimed at slowing the progression of
filtration rate. CKD and preserving RRF have been developed.
Once dialysis is commenced, most physicians They promise to decelerate, halt, or even reverse
focus on optimal delivery of dialysis rather than the disease progression at least in a subset of
the native kidneys’ function, which seems to be patients. In this chapter, the factors associated
negligible and beyond control. However, evidence with deterioration of RRF and interventions to
is accumulating that preservation of RRF may be slow the rate of RRF loss are reviewed.
more important than dialysis prescription to pre-
vent cardiac dysfunction and volume overload,
maintain nutritional status, growth, and quality of Measurement of RRF
life, and minimize mortality on dialysis [2, 3].
Hence, careful attention to RRF preservation RRF is measured as a part of the dialysis adequacy
should be a key component to the management of assessment (see chapter 11 and chapter 18). The
amount of urine volume, normalized to body sur-
face area, is a useful indicator of RRF. The most
I.-S. Ha, MD, PhD () practical and sufficiently accurate assessment of
Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University
residual GFR is the arithmetic mean of the uri-
Children’s Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea
e-mail: nary creatinine and the urea clearances. The K/
DOQI guidelines recommend measurement of
F. Schaefer, MD
Pediatric Nephrology Division, Heidelberg University RRF 1 month after start of dialysis and at least
Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany every 3 months as long as RRF is maintained.

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_9, 139

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
140 I.-S. Ha and F. Schaefer

Fig. 9.1 Natural course of renal function in children with renal hypodysplasia. Early postnatal GFR increase followed
by progressive deterioration after a stable interim period of variable duration (Source: Reproduced from Ref. [1])

of serum phosphate levels in PD [20]. As a conse-

Clinical Benefits of RRF quence, anuric PD patients show a high calcium–
phosphorus product [21] and may be more prone
Most studies exploring the clinical value of
to vascular calcifications. Also, the clearance of
RRF in dialysis patients have focused on adults
middle molecules critically depends on RRF. In
receiving chronic peritoneal dialysis (PD). The
pediatric hemodialysis patients, those with RRF
CANUSA study observed a correlation of dialysis
had significantly lower serum levels of beta2-
adequacy as defined by small molecule clearance
microglobulin [22]. In children on PD, beta2-
delivery with patient death while on PD [5].
microglobulin, cystatin C, and inulin were shown
However, later studies separating the effects of
to be removed mainly by renal clearance [23].
renal and peritoneal clearance components
Removal of uremic toxins insufficiently
revealed that patient survival is correlated with
cleared by dialysis may also help to preserve
RRF or urine volume, and not with the dose of PD
growth and nutrition in dialyzed children. Statural
[6–12]. Reanalysis of the CANUSA study also
growth, expressed as change in height SDS over
confirmed that patient mortality was associated
time, was found to be related with RRF but not
with renal clearance and urine volume, and not
with peritoneal solute removal [24]. In a large
with dialytic clearance [13]. The mortality of adult
cohort of PD patients, serum albumin levels cor-
patients on hemodialysis has also been found to
related positively with RRF [11]. In a recent study
depend on the presence of RRF [14].
of children and adolescents on chronic hemodi-
Considerable evidence suggests that volume
alysis, RRF positively affected nutritional status
control constitutes the primary link between loss
independently of dialysis efficacy and rhGH
of RRF and mortality. The higher overall mortal-
treatment [25]. Also, erythropoietin serum levels
ity rate in anuric adults on PD is almost com-
tend to be higher in children with RRF [26].
pletely attributable to cardiovascular reasons of
death [15]. Low urine output has been linked to
hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, and
valvular calcification in chronic PD [16, 17]. In General Risk Factors for Loss
children on PD, RRF is the most important single of Renal Function
factor protecting from hypervolemia [18], and its
loss predicts diastolic dysfunction [19]. Numerous factors have been associated with the
Hyperphosphatemia and hypercalcemia are rate of progression of CKD. The strongest evi-
important mediators of the cardiovascular “toxic- dence exists for the pathophysiological roles of
ity” of ESRD. RRF is an important determinant blood pressure and proteinuria.
9 Conservation of Residual Renal Function in Children Reaching End-Stage Renal Disease 141

Fig. 9.2 Renal survival in children is associated with proteinuria and hypertension, but not dietary protein intake
(Source: Reproduced from Ref. [34])

Observational data unequivocally show an providing a rationale for continued antiproteinuric

association between the prevailing blood pres- treatment after initiation of dialysis.
sure and the rate of CKD progression in adults The underlying kidney disorder is an impor-
with CKD [27]. Observations in adults and chil- tant predictor of CKD progression. Acquired kid-
dren suggest that hypertension remains associ- ney diseases, usually affecting primarily the
ated with loss of RRF when ESRD is reached glomerulus, generally tend to progress more rap-
[28–30]. Data from the NAPRTCS registry sug- idly than congenitally malformed kidneys [31,
gested that systolic hypertension predicts CKD 39]. In adult ESRD patients on PD, the diagnosis
progression also in pediatric nephropathies [31]. of a glomerulopathy is a predictor of rapid RRF
In a study evaluating 24-h blood pressure in chil- loss [40, 41], although this difference may not be
dren with congenital uropathies, casual systolic relevant when HD patients are included [29].
and mean arterial pressure at night affected the Moreover, progression of pre-end-stage CKD
risk of progression [32]. is not linear but depends on the prevailing degree
Proteinuria is an accepted surrogate marker of of renal impairment: the lower the current GFR,
CKD progression in adult nephropathies, and cor- the higher the loss of GFR that can be expected
relates with a faster GFR decline also in children within a given time window. In different pediat-
with CKD due to hypodysplasia [32, 33]. The pre- ric studies, cutoff GFR levels predicting a faster
dictive role of proteinuria was also confirmed in decline of renal function were 30, 40, or 50 mL/
studies that included glomerular disorders [1] and min/1.73 m², respectively [1, 31, 42]. In children
in a pediatric prospective multicenter cohort study commencing dialysis, a daily urine volume of
(Fig. 9.2) [34, 35]. The ESCAPE trial showed an less than 1,000 mL/m² was a risk factor for devel-
association of proteinuria at baseline, as well as of oping anuria [43], and in adult patients, an earlier
residual proteinuria during ACE inhibition, with start of PD was associated with better subsequent
progression [36, 37]. Observational studies in preservation of RRF [44]. Conversely, however,
adult patients suggest that the relationship between other studies that have prospectively monitored
proteinuria and the rate of loss of RRF persists the evolution of RRF after start of dialysis sug-
even after attainment of ESRD [29, 30, 38], gested faster RRF loss with higher baseline urine
142 I.-S. Ha and F. Schaefer

volume or GFR [30, 45]. The exponential decline The role of genetic factors in determining the
pattern of RRF observed in adult patients on PD rate of renal failure progression still awaits full
is consistent with these findings [46, 47]. exploration. Whereas no gender difference has
Some of the secondary complications of CKD been noted in cohorts encompassing the pediatric
may contribute independently to its progression. age range [31, 42], GFR appears to decline more
Metabolic acidosis has been identified as a risk rapidly in adult and adolescent males [26, 50],
factor for progression in adult CKD [48]. In a compatible with an adverse impact of androgens
recent randomized clinical trial, correction of (or a protective effect of female sex steroids) on
metabolic acidosis slowed CKD progression in the conservation of RRF in CKD. In adult patients
adults [49]. on dialysis, the impact of gender is controversial:
Furthermore, GFR declined more rapidly in Faster loss of RRF was found associated with
adolescent CKD patients with significant anemia male [38], female [55], and independent of
[50]. In a randomized controlled study in adults, gender [40, 57].
early administration of erythropoietin targeting at Furthermore, African American ethnicity is a
a higher hemoglobin level significantly slowed significant risk factor of progression in pediatric
the progression of CKD [51]. Anemia and result- CKD patients [31]. Nonwhite race also predicts
ing tissue hypoxia may increase endothelial injury rapid loss of RRF in adults on dialysis [55].
and stimulate the release of pro-fibrotic cytok- The DD genotype, a common variant of the
ines. While anemia is an apparent risk factor for ACE gene, was found overrepresented in pediatric
loss of renal function, the loss of RRF in turn ESRD as compared to the general population [58].
increases the likelihood of severe anemia and This was confirmed in children with hypodyspla-
high EPO requirements once ESRD is reached sia, obstructive uropathy, and reflux nephropathy,
[52]. The latter phenomenon is probably explained but not in those with other congenital or hereditary
by lower endogenous erythropoietin synthesis in diseases or acquired glomerular disorders [59].
patients without RRF, as evidenced by the corre- Other studies suggested an association of the DD
lation of erythropoietin serum levels with RRF genotype with declining renal function also in
observed in pediatric HD patients [26]. pediatric glomerular diseases with normal renal
In adults, dyslipidemia (hypertriglyceridemia function [60, 61]. Furthermore, polymorphisms in
and low HDL cholesterol) appears to have a small the KLK1 and the TGF-beta1 genes were reported
but significant effect on the relative risk of pro- as risk factors for renal deterioration in reflux
gression [53]. In children with renal malforma- nephropathy [62]. Ongoing large-scale whole
tions, the occurrence of more than two episodes genome association studies in large CKD cohorts
of febrile UTI was associated with a faster decline are hoped to establish the most relevant common
of renal function [1]. GFR declined faster in genetic variants related to CKD progression in
hypoalbuminemic patients, but this may reflect both adult and pediatric populations.
the effect of proteinuria [42, 50]. Rapid somatic growth and gain in body weight
The role of mineral metabolism in the pro- is associated with accelerated deterioration of
gression of renal failure is not entirely clear. renal function [32]. Patient age, reflecting body
Hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia were growth, is a general risk factor for progression in
associated with a rapid decline of renal function children [31, 32, 63]; specifically, adolescents
in children [54]. High serum calcium was also seem to progress more rapidly than prepubertal
independently associated with a decreased risk of patients. Accelerated disease progression during
RRF loss in adult dialysis patients [55]. In another puberty has been observed in patients with CKD
study, PD patients with no RRF showed a higher due to diabetes mellitus, posterior urethral valve,
calcium–phosphorus product (Ca × P) [17]. reflux nephropathy, and renal hypoplasia [64].
However, it was also reported that after adjust- The physiological pubertal rise in blood pressure,
ment for baseline renal GFR, there was no sig- an increased metabolic load due to statural growth
nificant association between calcium and which cannot be compensated by proportionate
phosphorus levels and the risk of anuria [56]. renal growth, and vascular or tissue-specific
9 Conservation of Residual Renal Function in Children Reaching End-Stage Renal Disease 143

effects of sex steroids are possible mechanisms study revealed that daily urine volume less than
underlying these associations. On the other hand, 500 mL/m2 in 50% of patients was reached sig-
administration of recombinant human growth nificantly earlier (within 175 days) after start of
hormone (rhGH), which induces body growth, HD than after commencement of PD (within 916
was not associated with accelerated loss of renal days) (Fig. 9.3) [43]. This difference is believed
function in children [65]. to be mainly due to the rapid removal of large
Interestingly, in adult patients on long-term amounts of fluid by intermittent extracorporeal
dialysis obesity is associated with an accelerated procedures, leading to acute hypotensive episodes,
decline of RRF [38, 66, 67]. generalized vasoconstriction, tissue hypoperfu-
sion, and lower preglomerular arterial pressure.
In addition, the contact of blood with artificial
Specific Risk Factors for Loss of RRF bioincompatible membranes triggers activation
in Patients on Dialysis of complement system and circulating leukocytes
with subsequent release of nephrotoxic inflam-
RRF decreases with time on dialysis [55]. The matory mediators, which may cause a chronic
loss over time is exponential rather than linear state of inflammation and acceleration of fibro-
[46]. In a study in adult patients on hemodialysis genesis at the tissue level [68].
and PD, the decline of RRF was most prominent Several studies have suggested that the pres-
during the first 3 months after the start of dialysis ervation of RRF may be affected by the PD
[29]. Repetitive intravascular volume depletion modality. A more rapid decline was observed in
and hypotensive events are considered important some studies with the more intermittent fluid
causes of a rapid loss of RRF [66]. Congestive removal obtained by automated PD than with
heart failure was also correlated with faster CAPD [71–73]; however this finding is not
decline of RRF in adults [38, 55, 66]. unequivocal [40, 74, 75]. Automated PD was still
The choice of dialysis modality has a crucial associated with better preservation of RRF than
impact on RRF. There is ample evidence both in observed even with hemodiafiltration, the hemo-
adults and children that RRF is preserved better dynamically least challenging extracorporeal pro-
in PD than with hemodialysis [43, 55, 68–70]. cedure [76]. However, usage of biocompatible
A more than two times faster decline of RRF was high-flux membranes, bicarbonate buffer, and
observed in adult patients on HD compared to those ultrapure water in hemodialysis have improved
on CAPD [55, 68]. In children, a retrospective the preservation of RRF in recent years [4, 77, 78].

Fig. 9.3 Time to

oliguria (daily diuresis
<500 mL/m2) in children
with ESRD treated by
peritoneal vs. hemodialysis
(Source: Reproduced from
Ref. [43])
144 I.-S. Ha and F. Schaefer

The tidal variant of APD was reported to preserve renoprotective intervention and minimization of
RRF better than nontidal modalities [79]. remediable risk factors.
Peritonitis frequency was associated with In patients in need of dialysis, continuous PD
RRF decline in adult patients on PD [38, 46]. modalities should be preferred to hemodialysis or
This observation may be explained by hypoten- NIPD under the aspect of preserving RRF. If for
sive episodes related to systemic infection, but some reason an intermittent modality is chosen,
also to the common use of nephrotoxic antibiot- careful monitoring of the volume status and
ics such as vancomycin and aminoglycosides. avoidance of dehydration and hypotensive events,
Whereas empirical use of aminoglycosides (usu- as well as hypertension and congestive heart fail-
ally terminated within 2–3 days) in peritonitis ure, are crucial to minimize the rate of RRF loss.
has not been found to affect RRF in adult patients Finally, the administration of nephrotoxic
[80], administration of aminoglycoside for at drugs such as aminoglycosides should be mini-
least 3 days was correlated with more rapid mized, and any measures to reduce the rate of
decline of RRF [81]. peritonitis will impact beneficially on the conser-
vation of RRF.

Clinical Management Options

to Slow CKD Progression Blood Pressure Control
and Preserve RRF on Dialysis
Interventional studies aiming at lowering blood
Two management principles show promise to pressure in patients with CKD have provided evi-
slow down the rate of renal functional loss both in dence for a causative role of high blood pressure
the pre-dialysis stage and when dialysis-dependent in CKD progression. The randomized controlled
renal failure has already occurred: to avoid known ESCAPE trial showed in a large number of chil-
and suspected risk factors for progression as much dren that intensified blood pressure control, with
as possible and to apply renoprotective therapies. a target 24-h mean arterial pressure below the
50th percentile, confers a substantial long-term
benefit on renal function in childhood CKD
Avoidance of Risk Factors (Fig. 9.4) [36]. The risk of losing 50% GFR or
progressing to ESRD was reduced by 35% after
Half of the risk factors listed above are principally 5 years in the children managed by strict blood
modifiable. Most of them are detrimental per se to pressure control. The nephroprotective effect was
patient health irrespective of their impact on CKD significant both in children with glomerulopa-
progression, and should be avoided in their own thies and in those with renal hypodysplasia.
right even though direct causality has not been
universally demonstrated by prospective studies.
For example, strict control of hypertension, reduc- RAS Inhibition
tion of proteinuria (especially residual proteinuria
during RAS blockade), correction of anemia, ACE inhibitors and angiotensin type-2 receptor
hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia, hypocalce- blockers (ARB) have the potential to slow CKD
mia, and hyperphosphatemia, prevention and progression and reduce proteinuria in patients
adequate treatment of UTI, and avoidance of with CKD [27]. In pediatric nephropathies, RAS
nephrotoxic agents are generally recommended antagonists reliably lower blood pressure and
in patients with CKD. In addition, some knowl- proteinuria [82], but uncontrolled studies in chil-
edge of the individual profile of non-remediable dren with congenital abnormalities of the kidney
risk factors is also important, since patients at and the urinary tract have yielded conflicting
high risk may benefit particularly from early results as to a specific renoprotective effect of
9 Conservation of Residual Renal Function in Children Reaching End-Stage Renal Disease 145

Fig. 9.4 Effect of intensified blood pressure control on pressure target (<50th 24 h MAP percentile), blue lines
renal survival in children with hypo/dysplastic and glom- those with conventional target (50–95th 24 h MAP per-
erular disorders receiving fixed-dose ACE inhibition. Red centile) (Source: Reproduced from Ref. [36])
lines denote patients randomized to intensified blood

these agents [37, 83]. As in pre-end-stage CKD, In a single report the use of calcium channel
there are reports that ACE inhibitors may protect blockers was associated with a decreased loss of
RRF in adults on dialysis [55, 84]. In a random- RRF [55].
ized controlled trial in patients on PD, a time-
dependent effect of ACE inhibition was observed;
RRF declined faster and the risk of anuria was Diuretics
higher during the first 9 months, whereas RRF
declined at a slower pace and anuria occurred less There are controversies on the effect of loop
frequently beyond 12 months of treatment [85]. diuretics on RRF. It was reported that diuretics
This biphasic effect of ACE inhibition may be can help maintain fluid balance but not RRF [89].
explained by hemodynamic mechanisms reduc- In another study in adults on hemodialysis,
ing GFR effective early during treatment followed patients on diuretics retained RRF after 1 year
by nephroprotective antifibrogenic effects pre- [90]. In contrast, a study in adults on PD reported
vailing with long-term administration. that the use of diuretics was associated with more
An additional renoprotective effect of add-on rapid decline of RRF [66].
ARB was reported in children with CKD who
were already treated with ACE inhibitors [86]. In
this study, a significant but tolerable elevation of Biocompatible Dialysis
serum potassium was noted, and the benefit was
noted in hemolytic uremic syndrome and reflux The use of more biocompatible PD fluids with
nephropathy but not in congenital nephrotic syn- markedly reduced content of glucose degradation
drome. However, in view of observations in adult products (GDP) contributes to preserving the
patients indicating increased loss of renal func- structural and functional integrity of the perito-
tion, hypotension, and hyperkalemia with dual neal membrane [91–93]. As GDP are readily
blockade [87], close monitoring of these side absorbed they may promote not only local but
effects is necessary. In adults, an intensive ther- also systemic formation of advanced glycosyla-
apy combining ACE inhibitor, ARB, spironolac- tion end products (AGE). It has been speculated
tone, and statin was reported to slow the that the reduced systemic AGE load may be asso-
progression more effectively [88]. ciated with improved preservation of RRF.
146 I.-S. Ha and F. Schaefer

Preliminary results from controlled clinical trials severe proteinuria and hypoalbuminemia. The
suggest that RRF is indeed better preserved when information described above could help caring
PD is performed with low-GDP fluids employing for these patients in an opposite way, for example,
either glucose sterilized in multichamber bags or by administration of NSAIDs.
the alternative osmotic agent icodextrin [91–96]. In patients returning to dialysis after failed
Not all, but most studies in adult patients on transplant, continued immunosuppression pre-
hemodialysis showed that RRF was preserved serves the residual allograft function for some
better with the use of dialyzer membranes made of time [68]. Of course, side effects of the immuno-
biocompatible polysulfone material than with cel- suppressive medications have to be weighed
lulose or cuprophane membranes [55, 68, 97, 98]. against the benefit of RRF in these patients.
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Part III
Peritoneal Dialysis
Peritoneal Access in Children
Receiving Dialysis 10
Bradley A. Warady and Walter S. Andrews

Peritoneal access • Children dialysis • Pediatric dialysis • PD

Ideally, the catheter provides reliable, rapid

Peritoneal Dialysis Access dialysate flow rates without leaks or infections.
The first description of placement of a chronic
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is the initial dialytic modal-
indwelling catheter for peritoneal dialysis was in
ity for many children with end-stage renal disease
1968 by Tenckhoff, and the Tenckhoff catheter
(ESRD). This is especially true for children who
continues to be the most commonly used PD
have acquired ESRD during their first decade of life
access [3, 4]. Despite significant improvements
[1]. Data from the North American Pediatric Renal
in catheter design, however, the catheter has con-
Trials and Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS)
tinued to be the Achilles’ heel of PD because of
reveals that of the 6,491 dialysis initiations entered
catheter-related complications. This chapter will
into the dialysis registry between 1992 and 2008,
explore the key characteristics of the catheters, the
more than 60% were for PD [2]. Reasons for the
primary surgical techniques for their placement,
preferential selection of PD in children have
as well as the most common catheter-related com-
included its ability to greatly reduce the need for
plications in children. It is hoped that this infor-
dietary restrictions, its simplicity of operation, the
mation will result in an increased likelihood of a
lack of a need for routine blood access, and the abil-
problem free PD access for the pediatric patient.
ity of the child to attend school on a regular basis.
In order for there to be successful PD, there
must be a well functioning peritoneal catheter. Access Types

The catheters that are commonly used for chronic

B.A. Warady, MD ()
Department of Pediatrics, University of PD are constructed of soft material, such as sili-
Missouri - Kansas City School of Medicine, cone rubber or polyurethane. The key elements
Section of Pediatric Nephrology, Children’s Mercy of the catheters are the unique intraperitoneal
Hospitals and Clinics, Kansas City, MO, USA
configurations (curled or straight), number of
Dacron cuffs (one or two) and the subcutaneous
W.S. Andrews, MD
tunnel configuration (straight or “swan-neck”)
Department of General Surgery, University of
Missouri - Kansas City School of Medicine, Children’s [5, 6]. If one includes the orientation of the
Mercy Hospitals and Clinicsl, Kansas City, MO, USA catheter exit-site on the abdomen as yet another

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_10, 153

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
154 B.A. Warady and W.S. Andrews

Table 10.1 Peritoneal dialysis access characteristics

Catheter Cuffs Tunnel Exit-site N (4112)a % (100.0)
Curled One Straight Lateral 593 14.4
Curled Two Swan necked/curved Down 385 9.4
Curled Two Straight Lateral 313 7.6
Straight One Straight Lateral 301 7.3
Curled Two Straight Down 270 6.6
Curled One Straight Down 256 6.2
Curled One Straight Up 194 4.7
Straight One Straight Up 135 3.3
Presternal Two Swan necked/curved Down 128 3.1
Straight One Straight Unknown 122 3.0
Curled Two Swan necked/curved Lateral 117 2.8
Curled Two Swan necked/curved Unknown 107 2.6
Straight One Swan necked/curved Lateral 104 2.5
Straight Two Straight Lateral 101 2.5
Straight One Straight Down 99 2.4
Curled One Straight Unknown 74 1.8
Curled One Swan necked/curved Down 73 1.8
Curled One Swan necked/curved Lateral 63 1.5
Curled Two Straight Unknown 56 1.4
Straight Two Straight Up 50 1.2
Straight Two Swan necked/curved Lateral 43 1.0
Curled Two Straight Up 42 1.0
All other combination (<1% each) 486 11.8
Cases with missing elements are excluded

variable, more than 25 different combinations of Table 10.2 Peritoneal dialysis access
catheter characteristics are possible, as docu- N %
mented in the 2008 annual report of the NAPRTCS Peritoneal dialysis courses 4352 100.0
(Table 10.1) [2]. As noted above, the most com- Catheter
mon catheter with these characteristics used by Tenckhoff straight 1170 26.9
pediatric patients is the Tenckhoff catheter. Tenckhoff curled 2677 61.5
Toronto western 26 0.6
A review of the 2008 NAPRTCS dialysis regis- 272 6.3
try catheter data reveals that most of the catheters 88 2.0
that were placed were of the Tenckhoff curled 119 2.7
(61.5%) or Tenckhoff straight (26.9%) variety [2] Cuffs
(Table 10.2). The curled Tenckhoff catheter was One 2263 52.0
previously noted as being the most commonly Two 1951 44.8
used pediatric catheter (88% usage) in the 1995 Unknown/missing 138 3.2
survey of the Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis Study Tunnel
1397 32.1
Consortium (PPDSC) [7]. The presumed advan- Swan neck/curved
2801 64.4
tages of the curled catheter over the original 154 3.5
straight catheter include: (1) better separation
Exit-site orientation
between the abdominal wall and the bowel, (2) Up 535 12.3
more catheter side holes available for inflow and Down 1425 32.7
outflow, (3) less inflow pain, (4) less of a tendency Lateral 1735 39.9
657 15.1
for migration out of the pelvis, (5) less prone to Unknown/missing
10 Peritoneal Access in Children Receiving Dialysis 155

omental wrapping, and (6) potentially less trauma

to bowel [5]. In contrast to the NAPRTCS data,
the Italian PD registry reflects a predominance of
straight catheters [4]. Currently, there is no defini-
tive data that supports using a curled catheter over
a straight catheter and there is some published
data to the contrary [4, 8, 9]. Noteworthy is the
fact that neither the NAPRTCS data nor a formal
review of the few available prospective studies
provides evidence for any association between the
intraperitoneal configuration and the development
of peritonitis or exit-site/tunnel infection [2, 10].
The next catheter characteristic to consider is
the number of Dacron cuffs on the catheter. If a
single cuff catheter is used, it is generally recom-
mended that the cuff be positioned between the
rectus sheaths in the rectus muscle, and not in a
superficial position. In one series, the incidence of
Fig. 10.1 Comparison between one cuff and two cuff
peritonitis was decreased by nearly 37% when the catheters and the time to the first episode of peritonitis
cuff was placed in the rectus sheath compared to a (Source: Adapted from Ref. [2])
subcutaneous placement of the cuff. When a sec-
ond cuff was added as a means of securing the catheters and found a significantly lower inci-
catheter’s position and potentially helping prevent dence of infections in the double-cuff group [17].
bacterial migration, there were initial reports of The National CAPD Registry also documented
problems with cutaneous extrusion of the second that double-cuff catheters were less likely to
cuff [11, 12]. This was most likely secondary to require removal secondary to an exit-site/tunnel
excess torque being placed on the catheter at the infection [18]. A similar conclusion can be drawn
time of placement as a result of the angle between from the NAPRTCS registry data that reports a
the exit-site and the abdominal wall portion of the significantly lower incidence of peritonitis in
catheter. It also proved most likely to occur if the association with double-cuff catheters (1/21.0
outer cuff was less than 2.0 cm from the exit-site, patient months) compared to single-cuff catheters
an exceedingly important factor to recognize (1/15.7 patient months) [2]. In addition, the
when placing double-cuff catheters [5]. Cuff NAPRTCS data shows a longer time to first peri-
extrusion may lead to the development of an exit- tonitis episode in the double-cuff catheter group
site/tunnel infection and the subsequent need for [2, 19] (Fig. 10.1). This information seems to have
shaving of the cuff off the catheter [13–15]. While made an impact worldwide, as recent (2005–2008)
there are very few reports describing the incidence data from the International Pediatric Peritonitis
of distal cuff extrusion with double-cuff catheters Registry (IPPR) revealed that 86% of catheters
in children, two series from 1986 to 2004 reported reported by participating centers were of the double-
outer cuff extrusion rates of 8% and 4.8%, respec- cuffed variety. Unfortunately, there has only been a
tively [4, 16]. It may be, in part, for this reason single prospective randomized trial addressing the
that 52% of the catheters in the NAPRTCS data- issue of single versus double-cuff catheters, and this
base are single cuff [2]. There is, however, some study showed no significant difference in the risk of
data to suggest that single-cuff catheters are asso- peritonitis or exit-site/tunnel infection [19].
ciated with a higher incidence of exit-site/tunnel The shape of the extraperitoneal portion of the
infections and peritonitis. Lewis et al. compared catheter is variable and can be straight, or can
the incidence of catheter-related infections in have a preformed angle (e.g. “swan neck” con-
children with single and double-cuff peritoneal figuration), in which there is an inverted U-shape
156 B.A. Warady and W.S. Andrews

Recently, Crabtree et al. reported their experience

with remote exit-sites in adults [27]. They noted a
significantly longer time to first exit-site/tunnel
infection in the remote exit-site group compared to
a standard exit-site group. However, they also noted
a higher incidence of catheter loss from peritonitis
in the remote exit-site group. They attributed this to
an increased incidence of both an elevated BMI and
diabetes in the remote exit-site group.
As mentioned above, a presumed advantage
of the swan neck catheter is that it allows a down-
ward pointing exit-site which may be associated
with a decreased likelihood for the accumulation
Fig. 10.2 Picture of a Tenckhoff, double-cuff curled of dirt and debris within the catheter tunnel
catheter with Swan neck bend
prompting the development of a tunnel infection/
peritonitis. An upward facing exit-site emerged
arc (170–180°) between the deep and the superfi- as an independent risk factor for peritonitis in an
cial cuffs (Fig. 10.2). The latter configuration was analysis by Furth et al. of the 1992–1997
originally described by Twardowski, et. al and NAPRTCS data [28]. More recently, the 2008
has been recommended by many pediatric pro- NAPRTCS data revealed that a straight catheter
grams as a significant improvement in catheter tunnel was associated with a peritonitis rate of
design [20, 21]. While the cumulative NAPRTCS 1/15.8 patient-months, while the rate associated
data reports a swan neck/curved tunnel in only with a swan neck/curved tunnel was only 1/23.1
32.1% of catheters (identical to the results of the patient-months [2]. Likewise, the peritonitis rates
North American survey by Washburn et al.), data associated with an upward and downward ori-
collected by the IPPR and the International ented exit-site were 1/14.2 patient-months and
Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis Network (IPPN) 1/21.6 patient-months, respectively [2]. A study
revealed that 53.5% and 74% of the catheters, from Network 9 in the U.S. has also highlighted
respectively, were of the “swan neck” variety [22, a significantly lower peritonitis rate with perma-
23]. The purpose of the catheter arc is to: (1) nent bent catheters. With a downward pointing
allow the catheter to exit the skin in a downward exit-site, Golper et al. noted a 38% decrease in
pointing direction, and to (2) allow the distal end the incidence of peritonitis associated with an
of the catheter to enter the peritoneal cavity in an exit-site and/or tunnel infection [29]. Finally,
unstressed condition (i.e. without too much torque while some studies have found the use of the
because of the synthetic material’s memory), swan neck catheter to be associated with less fre-
thereby decreasing the chance for its migration quent cuff extrusion, exit-site irritation, and exit-
out of the pelvis and the development of early site/tunnel infections, other studies have been
drainage failure. Most studies have found this unable to confirm the results [30–32].
positive outcome to be true [24–26]. A modifica- A recently reported alternative to the swan
tion of this catheter type is the swan neck neck catheter has been reported by several authors
presternal catheter. The major difference between from China [33–35]. They compared the efficacy
the swan neck presternal catheter and the standard of using a preformed swan neck catheter to a
swan neck catheter is that the presternal catheter straight Tenckhoff catheter that was bent into a
has a very long subcutaneous portion and the swan neck configuration (using three surgical
catheter typically exits over the anterior chest incisions) so they would have a downward facing
wall. This catheter has been utilized when it is exit-site. In all three studies, the performance of
necessary to make the exit-site remote from the the operatively bent Tenckhoff catheter was com-
abdomen, such as in patients with stomas. parable to the swan neck catheter. The benefit of
10 Peritoneal Access in Children Receiving Dialysis 157

Preoperative Evaluation
and Preparation

All patients who are going to undergo PD cathe-

ter placement require careful preoperative evalu-
ation. One factor that has been repeatedly cited in
the literature as being associated with an increased
risk for post placement PD catheter migration is
constipation [36]. Constipation is common in
patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and
must be addressed preoperatively with the use of
either laxatives or an enema. If an enema is used,
attention to its phosphorus content is imperative.
A careful physical examination is required to
determine if the patient has any evidence of a her-
nia. In children who receive PD, the incidence of
hernias is inversely proportional to age, with an
overall frequency of 11.8–53.0% [37–39]. The
Fig. 10.3 Comparison between catheter with downward highest frequency of inguinal hernias occur within
facing exit-site, Swan Neck and two cuffs versus all other the first year of life; they are often bilateral and
strategies and the time to first episode of peritonitis
(Source: Adapted from Ref. [2]) most require surgical correction. Umbilical hernias
can worsen in the PD patient as a result of the
increase in intra-abdominal pressure generated by
the latter catheter is related to its significantly the dialysis fluid. As a result, some have advocated
lower cost than the swan neck catheter in China. peritoneography or laparoscopic inspection for
In summary, the lack of prospective studies hernias at the time of catheter placement [40, 41].
designed to evaluate PD catheter characteristics If detected, the hernias can then be fixed at the
makes it impossible to conclude that one catheter same time the PD catheter is inserted [42–44].
characteristic is superior to another based upon Forehand knowledge of the need for a hernia repair
definitive evidence. However, quite convincing is will allow the surgeon to allot the appropriate oper-
the NAPRTCS registry data which points out that ative time to perform this additional procedure.
the time to first peritonitis episode is longer with A critical portion of the catheter placement
catheters characterized by two cuffs compared to procedure is deciding upon the most appropriate
one, swan neck tunnels compared to straight tun- location of the exit-site. In babies, the exit-site of
nels, and downward exit-sites compared to lateral the catheter needs to be outside of the diaper area
and upward exit-sites. The benefit of this combi- to help prevent contamination. In older children, it
nation of characteristics on decreasing the inci- should be either above or below the beltline. The
dence of peritonitis is significant (Fig. 10.3) [2]. location of the exit-site should be discussed with
This information has prompted an increase in the the patient and parents in the preoperative setting.
percentage of patients using the double-cuff/swan The presence of a vesicostomy, ureterostomy,
neck /downward pointed exit-site configuration colostomy or gastrostomy will also influence the
from 5% in 1992–1995 (NAPRTCS) to 23.2% in exit-site location. The exit-site must be planned so
2005–2009 [2]. The continued collection of cath- that it is either on the opposite side of the abdo-
eter information in registries such as the NAPRTCS men from the stoma site or, if this is not possible,
and the IPPN, along with the performance of pro- the catheter may need to exit on the chest in order
spective trials, is mandatory if the optimal catheter to increase the distance between the stoma and the
characteristics are to be determined. exit-site. Placement of the exit-site on the chest
158 B.A. Warady and W.S. Andrews

wall with a downward orientation has successfully they noted a 20% decrease in the incidence of
limited the number of infections in such high-risk catheter blockage with omentectomy, they calcu-
situations in children and adults [45–48]. lated that 11 omentectomies would be required to
Preoperative antibiotic usage has been shown, prevent two omental PD catheter blockages.
in several studies, to decrease the incidence of Therefore, they felt that nine patients would
peritonitis after the placement of a PD catheter in undergo an unnecessary omentectomy. In their
both children and adults. Interestingly, these stud- hands, a secondary omentectomy was not diffi-
ies have shown that any class of antibiotic will be cult, resulting in their conclusion that omentecto-
beneficial [10, 49–53]. Currently, we utilize a first mies should only be carried out after a blockage
or second-generation cephalosporin unless the occurs. In practical terms, the omentectomy does
patient is known to be colonized with methicillin- not have to be complete. Enough of the omentum
resistant Staphylococcus aureus. This recommenda- is removed so that its remnant will not reach to
tion comes from the pediatric and adult guidelines the catheter which is positioned in the pelvis.
of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis An omentopexy can be considered as an alter-
(ISPD), as well as from the European guidelines native to omentectomy. Whereas the objection to
[51, 54–56]. Routine prophylaxis with Vancomycin omentectomy is the potential for bleeding and the
is not recommended in order to try to avoid the obvious need to extract the omentum from the
development of Vancomycin resistant organisms, abdomen, an omentopexy decreases the chances
despite the finding in an adult experience of supe- of either of these complications and accomplishes
rior results with prophylactic Vancomycin versus a the same desired outcome. In our center, we
cephalosporin [57]. If the child has a lower gastro- believe that either an omentectomy or, more
intestinal stoma, we often add a single dose of an recently, an omentopexy is a fairly simple proce-
aminoglycoside antibiotic. dure that can be carried out at the initial operation
Some programs, including our own, will also with little morbidity and should be strongly con-
screen the patient for S. aureus nasal carriage sidered in all cases.
prior to catheter placement. If positive, a course
of intranasal mupirocin (twice daily for 5 days) is
recommended [56]. Fibrin Sealant

Fibrin glue has been used in a variety of surgical

Omentectomy specialties for its ability to be an effective seal-
ant. The use of fibrin glue in PD has been reported
The data recommending the performance of an to be both effective in treating established leaks
omentectomy/omentopexy at the time of catheter and, when used at the time of catheter implanta-
placement to prevent PD catheter occlusion is tion, may help prevent the development of perito-
compelling [58, 59]. If an omentectomy is per- neal leaks around catheters that are used soon
formed, the incidence of catheter occlusion is after being placed [61–63]. Our experience with
about 5% compared to an occlusion rate of fibrin glue would support both of these asser-
10–22.7% in patients without an omentectomy tions. Typically, the fibrin glue is applied around
[43, 60]. A survey conducted by the PPDSC found the internal cuff and down the tunnel between the
that an omentectomy was routinely performed in inner and outer cuffs.
53% of pediatric centers at the time of catheter
placement, similar to the 59% figure derived from
a survey of North American surgeons [7, 22]. An Surgical Technique
omentectomy was performed with the insertion
of 82.4% of catheters in the Italian PD registry Since Moncrief and Popovich first reported on
[4]. One group of investigators, however, inter- the use of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dial-
preted their own data related to the issue of omen- ysis (CAPD), there have been a number of modi-
tectomy somewhat differently [60]. Even though fications of the technique for the implantation of
10 Peritoneal Access in Children Receiving Dialysis 159

the PD catheter [22, 64, 65]. The complications potentially interfere with catheter performance
of dialysate leakage, dislocation of the catheter, ero- (adhesions, inguinal hernias), the problem can be
sion/extrusion of the cuffs, exit-site/tunnel infections, corrected at the time of catheter placement. We
tunnel infections, and peritonitis have in one way or currently use a modification of the technique first
another influenced the surgical technique. The two described by Daschner et al. [71] and recently by
most common PD catheter insertion techniques Crabtree et al. [66].
are the open and laparoscopic techniques. Other The catheter insertion site is chosen with con-
approaches include blind placement using the sideration of the patient’s size and the need for
Tenckhoff trocar, blind placement using a guide the catheter to exit in a downward direction.
wire (Seldinger technique), and the mini-trocar Consideration must also to be given to the fact
peritoneoscopy placement technique [36]. that small children may need a gastrostomy in the
Over the last few years, several authors have future. If there are no plans for a gastrostomy at
reviewed their experience with peritoneal catheter the time of PD catheter placement or later, we
insertion and they have concluded that a laparo- prefer to place the catheter on the left side of the
scopic approach is superior to the open approach abdomen so that it is away from the future trans-
[66–68]. Crabtree et al. have reported a 96% plant incision. The exit-site of the catheter in our
5 year primary catheter survival without revision hands is typically positioned above the belt line
and a 99% assisted 5 year catheter survival using or diaper area. However, in very large children, it
a laparoscopic approach. In a recent review of the may be necessary to locate the catheter below the
literature, there was evidence presented on the beltline so that the catheter will reach into the
incidence of PD catheter flow dysfunction and its pelvis. The catheter entrance- and exit-sites are
relationship to the insertion technique: percutane- marked on the patient’s skin.
ous needle/guide wire – 10.5–11.2%; open Under general anesthesia, a vertical incision is
surgical placement – 10.4–17.1%; and laparo- made in the umbilicus and the umbilical fascia is
scopic – 6–6.9% [66]. The low incidence of cath- sharply incised. Using blunt dissection, the peri-
eter flow problems in the laparoscopic group was toneum is entered and depending on the size of
attributed to a combination of rectus sheath tun- the child, either a 3 mm or a 5 mm port is placed.
neling of the catheter (allowing the positioning of A corresponding 3 mm or 5 mm laparoscope is
the catheter in the pelvis) along with managing then inserted and the abdomen is insufflated. The
the omentum with either omentopexy or oment- peritoneal entrance site is positioned so that the
ectomy. Crabtree et al. have also found that the inner catheter cuff will be located between both
laparoscopic approach was not necessarily con- sheaths of the rectus muscle and the tip of the
traindicated when there has been previous surgery catheter will lie in the pelvis. At this point, a 3 mm
or peritonitis [69]. At our institution, we currently instrument is inserted through a stab wound at the
use the laparoscopic technique as our preferred marked catheter exit-site. A second 3–5 mm port
method for catheter insertion. is inserted at the marked entrance site of the cath-
eter. This port is then tunneled under the anterior
rectus sheath and along the posterior rectus sheath
Laparoscopic Technique for a distance of between 4 and 7 cm (depending
on the size of the patient) and then popped into
With the use of laparoscopy, placement of a PD the abdomen. The omentum can then either be
catheter can be performed under direct vision partially removed with the use of electrocautery
[70]. Additional advantages of the laparoscopic or it can be plicated using a technique reported by
technique are that it allows the use of much Crabtree et al. [66]. We feel that a complete omen-
smaller peritoneal incisions, thereby decreasing tectomy is not necessary as long as the omentum
the chance for dialysate leakage, and it makes it is prevented from entering the pelvis.
possible to conduct a thorough examination of the After the omentum has been addressed, a
abdomen. If any pathology is identified that would guide wire is inserted into the abdomen via the
160 B.A. Warady and W.S. Andrews

Fig. 10.4 A laparoscopic view of the 20 French peel-

away sheath being inserted into the peritoneum over a
Fig. 10.5 A laparoscopic view of the PD catheter which
guide wire (From Chapter #45, Surgical Issues in Pediatric
lies positioned in the pelvis. The catheter is sitting between
Peritoneal Dialysis, by Walter S. Andrews. In: Clinical
the bowel and the anterior abdominal wall (From Chapter
Dialysis, 4th Edition, Nissenson AR, Fine RN, eds.
#45, Surgical Issues in Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis, by
McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2005)
Walter S. Andrews. In: Clinical Dialysis, 4th Edition,
Nissenson AR, Fine RN, eds. McGraw-Hill Companies,
entrance site port. The port is then removed and Inc., 2005)
the skin incision is enlarged to approximately
1 cm. Using a peel-away sheath technique, a 20
French sheath is then inserted into the abdomen
over the guide wire (Fig. 10.4). The PD catheter
is then placed on a stiffener and inserted into the
pelvis under direct vision. The pneumoperito-
neum is maintained by pushing the proximal cuff
of the PD catheter into the sheath, thereby pre-
venting gas loss. Once the catheter has been posi-
tioned into the pelvis, the sheath is removed
(Fig. 10.5). As the sheath is being removed, the
inner cuff is positioned to lie between the anterior
and posterior portions of the rectus sheath. The
inner cuff is then fixed to the anterior rectus
sheath with a purse string suture of 3-0 PDS. Care
is taken to make sure that the innermost portion Fig. 10.6 A laparoscopic view of the PD catheter (left)
showing it leaving the peritoneal cavity. Note that the
of the cuff does not project into the peritoneum
inner cuff is not visible within the peritoneal cavity (From
(Fig. 10.6). The peritoneum is also carefully Chapter #45, Surgical Issues in Pediatric Peritoneal
inspected for evidence of any inguinal hernias. If Dialysis, by Walter S. Andrews. In: Clinical Dialysis, 4th
a hernia is discovered, it is fixed after completion Edition, Nissenson AR, Fine RN, eds. McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc., 2005)
of the PD catheter insertion. The camera and all
ports are then removed and the umbilical fascia is
repaired. through the tunnel, positioning the outer cuff so
At the previously marked catheter exit-site, a that it is approximately 2.0 cm from the exit-site.
deep subcutaneous tunnel is created between the Shorter distances between the exit-site and outer
catheter exit-site and the catheter entrance site cuff predispose to cuff extrusion, while greater
using either the previous 20 French sheath dilator distances lead to formation of a deep sinus tract,
or a tendon passer. The catheter is then pulled granulation tissue formation, and an increased
10 Peritoneal Access in Children Receiving Dialysis 161

risk of a tunnel infection [36, 44]. At this point, those patients who have previously undergone
fibrin sealant may be injected in the subcutane- pelvic surgery. In addition, the open technique
ous tissue around the entrance site of the catheter allows for an omentectomy to be easily per-
through the anterior rectus sheath and also down formed at the same time the PD catheter is placed.
the tunnel between the outer and inner cuffs. We The major problem with this technique is the
feel that this helps insure a leak free closure. The necessity for a significant incision in the perito-
entrance site of the catheter is then closed in two neum. In turn, for optimal dialysis performance
layers. The exit-site of the catheter is dressed and and a decreased likelihood of postoperative leak-
the catheter is secured to prevent local trauma, age of dialysis fluid, this technique ideally
but no fixation suture is used at the exit-site. The requires a 2-week rest period between the time of
use of a fixation suture is contraindicated because catheter insertion and the initiation of dialysis
it can contribute to both an exit-site/tunnel infec- [56, 72]. This delay allows for healing of the peri-
tion and poor exit-site healing [51]. toneal incision and for incorporation of the cuff
into the peritoneum and posterior sheath.

Open Technique
Postimplantation Care
Catheter location is determined using the same
methods as noted with the laparoscopic approach. The exit-site of the catheter, since it is not occlu-
The most frequent open technique utilizes an sive, is a potential site of infection after PD cath-
incision over the mid portion of the rectus mus- eter placement. In an attempt to address this
cle. The rectus muscle is split in the direction of issue, Moncrief has suggested that the external
its fibers and the posterior sheath is then opened portion of the catheter should initially remain
longitudinally. The catheter is threaded over a buried beneath the skin in a subcutaneous pocket
stiffening wire to allow its placement deep in the for 4–6 weeks in order for both cuffs to become
pelvis, a few degrees to the right of midline to incorporated into the tissues [73]. After this time
help prevent obstruction to flow in the setting of period, an exit-site is created over the subcutane-
a full rectum. The posterior sheath is closed and ous pocket and the catheter is exteriorized. While
the inner cuff is fixed to the posterior sheath as successful in its application, prospective trials
part of this closure. The inner cuff is positioned comparing initial exteriorization of the catheter
within the rectus muscle and the anterior sheath versus implantation and subcutaneous burying of
is then closed tightly around the catheter with a the catheter for 6 weeks have not demonstrated a
second purse string suture around the cuff of the significant difference in the rate of either perito-
catheter at the level of the anterior rectus sheath. nitis or exit-site/tunnel infections or on long-term
The catheter is then tunneled out to the skin and catheter survival [53, 74, 75]. Twardowski, et al.,
the outer cuff is situated 2.0 cm from the catheter on the other hand, has merely recommended that
exit-site. An insertion through the rectus sheath is initially, the exit-site should only be covered with
generally deemed preferable to the midline several layers of sterile gauze and should be kept
because of the thinness of the abdominal wall in dry [76, 77]. Some oozing from the exit-site is
children and a decreased propensity for postop- common and the gauze can wick this away from
erative leakage [44]. However, the few prospec- the skin. An occlusive dressing should not be
tive trials on incision location that have been used. Occlusive dressings tend to trap fluid at the
conducted in adults have not demonstrated a exit-site predisposing to bacterial growth and
superiority of the rectus sheath versus the mid- subsequent infection. Trauma to the exit-site,
line approach [10]. usually from repeated catheter motion, needs to
One advantage of the open technique is the be minimized. Therefore, the catheter must be
ability to directly visualize the placement of the securely fixed with a dressing, and dressing
catheter into the pelvis. This can be beneficial in changes should not routinely occur more often
162 B.A. Warady and W.S. Andrews

than once per week until the exit-site is healed. small exchange volumes, possibly in the supine
Ideally, specially trained staff should conduct the position with a cycling device.
dressing changes, which allows a consistent
aseptic technique to be followed which decreases
the risk for bacterial colonization [78, 79]. Chronic Exit-Site Care
Submersion of the exit-site should be avoided to
prevent colonization with waterborne organisms. The goal of chronic exit-site care is to prevent the
This is the approach used in our program, one development of exit-site/tunnel infections. As sug-
that has helped prevent the development of early gested by Twardowski and Prowant, exit-site care
exit-site/tunnel infections as a complication of consists of assessment of the exit-site, cleansing
catheter implantation in virtually all cases [78]. the exit-site, immobilizing the catheter, and pro-
tecting the exit-site and tunnel from trauma [76,
77, 81]. In addition to the direct exit-site care, data
Timing of Catheter Use in children and adults support the use of prophy-
lactic antibiotic agents to decrease the incidence
Some controversy exists as to whether the cathe- of S. aureus carriage in patients and care givers.
ter should be used immediately after placement or Centers that have initiated a program to prophyla-
whether a timed period (e.g. rest period) should tically treat carriers have noted a decreased inci-
elapse prior to its use to facilitate healing and help dence of catheter associated infections [52, 82–85].
prevent the development of complications such as It is, however, generally agreed upon that the use
leakage and infection. The 1998 ISPD catheter of a non-cytotoxic cleansing agent (e.g. 20%
guidelines recommended a dialysis free period of poloxamer 188, soap, sodium hypochlorite) and a
10–15 days after catheter insertion, while the dressing is associated with fewer infections in the
European guidelines recommend at least 2 weeks, pediatric patient [56, 86]. In addition, the applica-
whenever possible [5, 56]. This is supported by a tion of either mupirocin or gentamicin creams to
study conducted by Patel et al. in which immedi- the catheter exit-sites has also been efficacious in
ate versus delayed (an average of 20 days) cathe- decreasing exit-site/tunnel infections [86–91].
ter use was compared [80]. The authors noted an Finally, a survey of exit-site care practices in
increased incidence of dialysate leakage in the 22 pediatric sites and 125 adults sites found that
immediate use group, but a disconcerting increase significantly fewer pediatric programs conducted
in exit-site/tunnel infections, tunnel infections, daily care and used tap water or antibacterial soap,
and peritonitis in the delayed catheter use group. while a greater percentage “air dried” the cleaned
In a retrospective review of NAPRTCS data, exit-site and used a semi-permeable dressing over
Rahim et al. found that early (<14 days) versus an absorbent layer, compared to adult programs
late onset of usage was associated with an (B. Warady, Personal Communication).
increased risk of leakage, but that there was no
difference in the risk of infection [72]. Finally, the
Italian PD registry did not reveal any difference in Mechanical Complications
the incidence of leakage or catheter survival when
comparing catheters used early (<7 days) versus Mechanical complications are generally felt to be
late [4]. Accordingly, while the available data the second most common reason (after infection)
might suggest a preference for delayed catheter for catheter failure. The mechanical complica-
usage if possible, there is no definitive evidence tions include obstruction of the catheter by omen-
for any particular rest period and a prospective, tum, migration of the catheter out of the pelvis,
randomized trial is clearly needed to address this and blockage of the catheter by fibrin or clots.
issue [8]. Of course, when early usage is neces- The issue of obstruction by omentum has been
sary, efforts should be made to minimize any previously reviewed and as mentioned above,
increase in the intraperitoneal pressure by using usually can be prevented by conducting a partial
10 Peritoneal Access in Children Receiving Dialysis 163

omentectomy or omentopexy at the time of

catheter insertion. When omental blockage does
Exit-Site Infection, Tunnel Infection,
occur, laparoscopic removal of the involved and Peritonitis
omentum can be easily accomplished. Migration
of the catheter out of the pelvis can lead to poor Catheter exit-site/tunnel infections, and peritoni-
dialysate inflow or outflow, as well as increased tis are a significant cause of catheter failure. In a
pain with dialysis. One approach to repositioning review of the NAPRTCS data from 1992 to 1997,
the catheter is through the use of interventional the incidence of exit-site/tunnel infections
radiology techniques, in which a guide wire is increased from 11% at 30 days post catheter
used to move the catheter back to a workable posi- insertion to 30% by 1 year after catheter insertion
tion in the abdomen. Using this technique, Savader [28]. The Italian PD registry documented catheter
et al. reported that they were able to obtain a dura- infections as the most common catheter-related
ble patency rate of 50% in those patients who had complication with a prevalence of 73.2% and an
an early catheter malposition (less than 30 days) incidence of 1 episode/27.4 patient months [4].
and a durable patency rate of 82% with late mal- The goal in all cases should be the prevention of
positions (greater than 30 days) [92]. Migration of infection by following published recommenda-
the catheter can be lessened by the addition of rec- tions regarding catheter insertion and care, and by
tus tunneling at the time of catheter insertion. regular exit-site monitoring with a scoring system
Also, if there are recurrent problems with catheter [55]. If, however, an infection does occur, medi-
migration, the catheter can be secured laparoscop- cal management is typically successful [55, 96].
ically with a suture in the pelvis [67]. One approach to the treatment of exit-site/tunnel
Our center has used a laparoscopic approach infections in children is described in Table 10.3
to reposition catheters. In patients who have had [97]. In situations in which antibiotic therapy of
no previous abdominal procedures besides the an exit-site/tunnel infection was unsuccessful,
peritoneal catheter placement, we create a pneu- surgical salvage by unroofing/cuff shaving has
moperitoneum by insufflating through the malpo- been conducted [13–15]. Cuff shaving involves
sitioned PD catheter. Once a pneumoperitoneum removing (or shaving off) the infected subcutane-
is achieved, a 3 mm port is placed in the left ous cuff and then rerouting the catheter to a dif-
upper quadrant and a 3 mm laparoscope is ferent exit-site remote from the infected site [98].
inserted. A stab wound is then made in the right In another report, Wu et al. described a technique
upper quadrant and a 3 mm grasper is inserted. in which the authors were able to preserve the
The catheter is then manipulated under direct intraperitoneal portion of the dialysis catheter and
vision and is repositioned back into the pelvis. simply excise the external infected portion of the
Any adhesions that are encountered during the catheter [99]. This was accomplished by cutting
repositioning of the catheter are lysed at the same down on the entrance site of the catheter into the
time. In addition, we have used this technique to peritoneum. At this point, the catheter is divided
free catheters that have become encased in adhe- just above the internal cuff, and a new external
sions or obstructed by omentum. This technique portion with a new external cuff is then glued in
avoids a large incision in the peritoneum, thus place and passed out to the skin via a separate
allowing a rapid return to dialysis. tunnel. The infected external portion of the cath-
For catheters that are occluded by fibrin or eter is then removed. They reported 26 catheter
blood clot, tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) has revisions in 23 patients with 100% resolution of
been shown to be very effective in unblocking the infection without interruption of peritoneal
these catheters. Two milligrams of TPA is recon- dialysis. To date, we have not had to utilize this
stituted in 40 cm3 of normal saline and is instilled technique, but it is intriguing to consider it for
in the catheter for 1 h. This has resulted in the res- those patients in whom interruption of PD would
toration of patency in 57% of catheters [93–95]. be extraordinarily difficult.
164 B.A. Warady and W.S. Andrews

Table 10.3 Management of exit-site/tunnel infections [97]

0 hour
Obtain Culture and Gram Stain of Exudate and/or Drainage
If clinical appearance mandates immediate therapy
prior to culture result, initiate empiric therapy with either
1st generation cephalosporin or ciprofloxacin PO
Gram positive organism Gram negative organism
Penicillinase resistant penicillin PO Ciprofloxacin 20 mg/kg/day in divided
or 1st generation cephalosporin PO doses (>12 years; maximum 1.0 gm/day)
Ceftazidime load: 500 mg/L IP
Maintenance: 125 mg/L IP in each bag
48–72 hours
Adjust antibiotics to culture and sensitivity Adjust antibiotics to culture and sensitivity
If no improvement, add rifampin If Pseudomonas and receiving
10–20 mg/kg/day PO in divided doses ciprofloxacin without improvement, consider
(maximum 600 mg/day) adding ceftazidime load: 500 mg/LIP;
Maintenance: 125 mg/L IP in each bag
2 weeks
Infection resolved: Infection improved: Continue therapy After adequate and prolonged
stop therapy for 2 weeks and re-evaluate antibiotic treatment, if no
improvement: consider catheter
revision (cuff shaving) or removal
Glycopeptides (e.g., vancomycin or teicoplanin) should be avoided for the routine treatment of exit-site infections
secondary to staphylococcus species due to concerns of emerging bacterial resistance

The more standard surgical intervention for successful renal transplantation. It is not neces-
infection would be complete removal of the cath- sary to obtain routine PD cultures. While two
eter when there is refractory peritonitis, fungal studies noted an absence of catheter infections
peritonitis, or a refractory catheter exit-site/tun- after kidney transplantation if the PD catheters
nel infection [4, 55]. Preservation of the perito- were left in place but not used, one of the studies
neum should always take precedence over did find an increased incidence of catheter infec-
preservation of the catheter. In those patients in tions after the first post transplant month [103,
whom the infection is caused by a Gram positive 104]. They also noted that the majority of compli-
organism and the dialysate white blood cell count cations that would require the use of the catheter
is <100/mm3, catheter removal and replacement occurred within the first month. For this reason,
can occur as a single procedure under antibiotic they advocate and we agree that the peritoneal
coverage [4, 100–102]. In contrast, fungal perito- catheter can be safely left in place for 1 month,
nitis and Gram negative infections mandate that after which time it should be removed if it is no
there is at least a 2–3 week interval between longer needed.
removal and reinsertion.

Complications with PD Catheter

PD Catheter Care Post Kidney Removal
An interesting short report by Korzets et al.
It has been recommended that dressing care occur makes the case that the removal of a PD catheter
weekly during the post transplant period. In most can be associated with significant complications
cases, catheters are removed 4–8 weeks following [105]. In their series of 40 catheter removals, ten
10 Peritoneal Access in Children Receiving Dialysis 165

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Technical Aspects and Prescription
of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 11
Enrico Verrina and Katia Perri

Peritoneal dialysis • Children • Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

continuous for 24 h of each day, in automated

Introduction peritoneal dialysis (APD), treatment is usually
limited to only a portion of the 24 h, usually over
Since 1978, when continuous ambulatory perito- night. Both CAPD and APD are currently widely
neal dialysis (CAPD) was first introduced for the used in children around the world.
treatment of pediatric patients with end-stage In this chapter, we describe the most recently
renal disease (ESRD), a series of technological developed and currently available equipment for
improvements have been incorporated into the the various forms of PD and provide information
peritoneal dialysis (PD) procedure. Important on how this equipment can be used to deliver the
improvements have been achieved in the safety desired PD therapy for pediatric patients of all
and ease of use of the mechanical devices ages and sizes. Particular attention is paid to the
employed in the dialysis procedure, as well as in technical developments that have proven to be
the dialytic efficacy and biocompatibility of the most useful in fulfilling the specific clinical needs
PD solutions. More recently, a revolution in the of the pediatric patient population.
fields of electronics and computer science has
generated a series of automated delivery systems
called “cyclers” that allow great prescription flex- Update on CAPD Connection
ibility, as well as the monitoring of therapy results Technology
and of patient adherence to the dialysis prescrip-
tion. Unlike CAPD, in which treatment is truly In CAPD, the PD solution container is connected
to the patient’s PD catheter by a length of plastic
tubing called a transfer set. Over the years, a
number of transfer sets and associated devices
E. Verrina, MD () • K. Perri, MD have been developed in an attempt to reduce the
Department of Nephrology,
possibility of bacterial contamination while mak-
Dialysis and Transplantation, Giannina Gaslini Institute,
Genoa, Italy ing either the catheter-to-transfer set or the trans-
e-mail: fer set-to-container connections.

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_11, 169

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
170 E. Verrina and K. Perri

Catheter-to-Transfer Set Connectors reduced the incidence of peritonitis in CAPD

patients. However, the major drawbacks of this
A special Luer-lock catheter adapter made of system were that the PD fluid was infused into
titanium was developed to prevent cracking of the abdominal cavity immediately after the con-
the plastic connector or accidental disconnection, nection (and potential bacterial contamination),
problems that had frequently occurred with and the patient had to carry the bag and transfer
the old plastic plug-in connectors. Titanium set until the following exchange.
was chosen for its light weight and resistance
to electrolyte-containing PD solutions. More The Y-Set
recently, catheter-to-transfer set connectors The Y-set [2] was developed to free the patient
made of more durable plastics have also been from the need to remain attached to the empty
developed. bag between exchanges, and to allow a flush-
before-fill phase after the connection. The prim-
ing of the tubing with a small amount of fresh
Transfer Set-to-Container Connection dialysis solution, followed by the discharge of
the spent dialysate into the drainage bag, together
The original transfer set-to-container connecting with the injection of a disinfectant solution into
system had a spike-and-port design, which was the Y-set lumen after the exchange to sterilize it,
later improved by the addition of external sleeves was able to dramatically lower peritonitis rates
to reduce the risk of contamination. However, [3]. However, care must be taken to flush the
spiking the dialysis solution container may be antiseptic solution completely before instilling
difficult for many patients, and failure to mate fresh dialysis solution.
the spike with the port correctly can result in A further evolution of the Y-set was repre-
contamination and subsequent peritonitis. This sented by the double bag system [4], where the
has led to the development of a screw-type, or Y-set is already attached to the dialysis solution
Luer-lock connecting system, resulting in easier bag and to an empty bag, eliminating the spiking
insertion and a lower chance of accidental procedure. The Y-set is connected to an adapter
dislodgement. tubing during the exchange, and is discarded after
each use. The patient flushes the system after
breaking color-coded frangible seals, drains the
CAPD Transfer Sets dialysate effluent, and then fills the peritoneal
cavity with the dialysis solution. With this sys-
The ideal transfer set should be characterized by tem, the patient has to wear only a small adapter
– Ease of connecting maneuvers tubing, without any antiseptic solution inside,
– The least number of connections at risk for between the exchanges.
touch contamination In the absence of a disinfectant inside the trans-
– Small dimension (patient acceptability) fer set after the exchange, touch contamination
– No breaking components or glue at disconnection may lead to significant growth of
– No on-line disinfectant solution; or if present, bacteria before the following exchange; in this
no risk of its infusion into the peritoneal case, the flush-before fill procedure could fail to
cavity completely wash out the contaminating micro-
Several types of transfer set have been devel- organisms, especially those with high adhesiveness
oped over the years. to the plastic of the devices (e.g., Staphylococcus
aureus, Pseudomonas sp.). For this reason, at the
Straight Transfer Set (The Standard end of the exchange the transfer set is closed with a
Oreopoulos System) disinfectant containing cap (MiniCapR, Baxter
When introduced by Oreopoulos [1], this transfer Healthcare Corporation, McGraw Park, Illinois,
set made the connection considerably easier and USA). The povidone-iodine contained in the
11 Technical Aspects and Prescription of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 171

disconnect caps of these sets has the potential to be effects of chronic PD on the patient’s metabolism
a contributing factor to thyroid function changes and on the anatomical and functional integrity of
such as hypothyroidism. Patients potentially the PM should be taken into account. Finally, the
affected are primarily limited to infants and chil- burden of PD treatment should be compatible
dren with small peritoneal dialysate fill volumes, with a satisfactory level of psychological and
where high dialysate concentrations of iodine may social rehabilitation of the patient and of his/her
result [5]. In such patients, thyroid function should family. During the last 10–15 years several tech-
be monitored. In order to minimize iodine expo- nical improvements in PD materials and devices,
sure, the contents of the peritoneal cavity should be the development of more biocompatible PD solu-
drained prior to the initiation of the subsequent fill tions, and the increased use of computer technol-
cycle whenever possible. ogy have provided dialysis staff with valuable
In another connecting device, disconnection tools to improve the efficacy and tolerability of
takes place without opening the system (A.N.D.Y. chronic PD treatment.
PlusR, Fresenius Medical Care, Bad Homburg, The selection of chronic PD modality, as well
Germany), since the line is clamped very close to as the prescription of the optimal treatment
the catheter, and then broken; the plastic clamp schedule, should be based on knowledge of PM
perfectly fits the line causing complete occlusion. physiology and on an accurate assessment of
Another device developed to increase the individual patient PM transport characteristics.
safety and ease of the line connection is repre- Therefore, a basic description of the PD system
sented by a connector that has a rotating gear and of the driving forces of solute and water
with a fixed position for any phase of the exchange exchange will be briefly presented, and the issue
(DianectanR, Laboratoire Aguettant, Lyon, of PM function tests will be addressed.
France); in this system, when the cap is posi-
tioned, the catheter has already been automati-
cally closed. The Peritoneal Dialysis System
In a further development, a polyolefine-made (See Also Chap. 2)
plasticizer-free system (stay-safeR, Fresenius)
may reduce potentially harmful exposure to The PD system has three major components: the
phthalate esters [6]. peritoneal microcirculation; the PM; and the dial-
The development of safe and simple to use ysis fluid [12].
connecting devices has contributed to simplifying
and shortening patient and partner training, and Peritoneal Microcirculation
has been associated with a reduction of the rate of Peritoneal capillary blood flow has been sug-
peritonitis episodes due to touch contamination gested to vary between 50 and 100 mL/min.
both in adult [7, 8] and in pediatric patients [9]. However, the effective amount of this flow that is
involved in peritoneal exchanges is unknown,
and is the subject of controversy. In addition to
Peritoneal Dialysis Prescription blood flow, the peritoneum has an active lym-
phatic system, which includes specialized struc-
The aim of the process of PD prescription for tures (lacunae) located on the undersurface of the
pediatric patients with ESRD is tailoring the treat- diaphragm.
ment schedule to the needs of each individual
subject, according to a series of parameters includ- Peritoneal Membrane
ing patient’s age, body size, associated non-renal The PM lines the inner surface of the abdominal
diseases, residual renal function (RRF), clinical and pelvic walls (parietal peritoneum), covers the
conditions, blood pressure, nutritional status, and intraperitoneal organs, forms both the visceral
peritoneal membrane (PM) transport characteris- mesentery and the omentum, and connects loops
tics [10, 11]. At the same time, potential negative of bowel (visceral peritoneum) [13].
172 E. Verrina and K. Perri

The PM is the barrier that solutes and water the capillary blood and surrounding tissues are
must cross during dialysis. It is a complex struc- represented by diffusive transport, UF, and con-
ture composed of: vective mass transfer [18].
– The capillary wall. Peritoneal capillaries are
mainly of the continuous type, with less than Diffusive Transport
2% of fenestrated capillaries [14]. Peritoneal Diffusion consists of solute exchange between
capillary endothelial cells are linked to each two solutions (blood and dialysis fluid) separated
other by tight junctions and surrounded by a by a semipermeable membrane. Main factors
basement membrane. Healthy endothelium affecting the rate of solute diffusion are repre-
thus plays a central role in the control of PM sented by:
vascular permeability [15]. – The solute concentration gradient between
– The interstitium. The PM interstitium is com- blood and dialysate. Because blood flow
posed of extracellular matrix, containing a through the PM is relatively stable and appar-
limited number of cells (fibroblasts, mononu- ently well preserved even in unstable patients
clear cells) and lymphatic vessels. Hyaluronan, who are moderately hypotensive, the concen-
a major component of the extracellular matrix, tration gradient is best maintained by chang-
has been reported to be an important determi- ing the dialysis fluid in the abdomen as often
nant of the resistance to fluid and solute trans- as is feasible.
port [16]. – The molecular weight (MW) of the solute.
– The layer of mesothelial cells. These cells Since diffusion is a size-selective process,
have a system of tight and gap junctions, small molecules (urea, creatinine) diffuse more
microvillous projections at the free surface, rapidly than larger molecules (vitamin B12,
and several organelles in their cytoplasm. “middle molecules,” low MW proteins).
Mesothelial cells have been reported to par- Therefore, low MW compounds such as urea
ticipate in glucose transport and regulation of are preferentially removed by diffusion, and
water and solute fluxes through tight junction each compound is characterized by a specific
modulation, but their actual role as a rate-lim- PM permeability coefficient.
iting barrier to PM transport is still debated – The effective surface area and permeability of
[17, 18]. the PM. The PM is a dynamic dialysis mem-
brane [11], and it is the functional and not the
Dialysis Fluid Compartment anatomic peritoneal surface area that is impor-
Both the composition of the PD solution and the tant in peritoneal exchange. The peritoneal
modalities of its delivery influence the peritoneal vascular exchange surface area is determined
exchange. PD solutions contain an osmotic agent by the peritoneal vascular mesenteric perfu-
to produce the osmotic gradient required to obtain sion and the density of the functional pores of
ultrafiltration (UF), a buffer to correct the patient’s the perfused capillaries available for dialytic
metabolic acidosis, along with balanced concen- exchange [19, 20]. This area can be estimated
trations of calcium, magnesium, and electrolytes. by means of the so-called three-pore permea-
Dialysis fluid is infused into the peritoneal cavity bility model [21]. According to this model, the
in an amount that is scaled to the patient’s body peritoneum is characterized as a heteroporous
size and clinical conditions. three-pore membrane with few (~1–2%)
water-exclusive ultra-small pores (aquaporins)
(radius 2–4 Å), a small percentage (~5%) of
Driving Forces of Solute and Water large pores (radius 200–300 Å), and a majority
Exchange (~90–95%) of small pores (radius 40–60 Å).
Hydrophilic small solute transport occurs pri-
The driving forces of solute and water exchange marily by diffusion across the small pores,
across the PM, between the dialysis solution, and while the movement of proteins and other
11 Technical Aspects and Prescription of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 173

macromolecules occurs across the large pores gradient resulting from the difference between
and is driven by hydrostatic forces. Fluid intravascular pressure and intraperitoneal pres-
transport can occur across all three pathways sure (IPP) are usually of minor importance in PD
and is determined by crystalloid and colloid unless exceedingly high levels of IPP are reached
osmotic pressures. Total membrane pore area [28]. Other factors that can affect UF are mem-
that is engaged in exchanges is dynamically brane surface area and hydraulic permeability.
affected by different factors, for example, fill The flux of water (JF) across the membrane can be
volume (with a progressive increase in func- expressed by the following equation [29]:
tional PM area recruitment taking place until
J F = K f ([Pc + sf ] − [p c + Pf ])
the fill volume approximates 1,400 mL/m2
body surface area in children 2 years of age where Kf is the peritoneal membrane permeability
and older), patient posture (with positive coefficient; Pc is the hydraulic pressure in the cap-
recruitment occurring in the supine position), illary; sf is the osmotic pressure of the peritoneal
and PD fluid composition [22–25]. The impact fluid; pc is the oncotic pressure in the capillary; Pf
of dialysate volume is felt to rest on the prin- is the hydraulic pressure of the fluid under flux.
ciple of geometry of diffusion [26], which In the course of the PD dwell, fluid is lost from
simply states that the larger the dialysate the peritoneal cavity both directly into the sur-
exchange volume, the longer the transperito- rounding tissues and via lymphatic vessels. Net
neal concentration gradient will persist to UF results from the balance between osmotic UF
drive diffusion. The permeability of the tissue and peritoneal fluid absorption. High peritoneal
between the capillary lumen and the perito- fluid absorption can be clinically important in
neal space can be altered by disease, increas- some patients in whom net UF can be substan-
ing during acute peritonitis, while it can be tially reduced and the absorption of macromole-
progressively impaired by peritoneal fibrosis. cules into the lymphatics increased. Lymphatic
The concentration gradient and hence diffu- absorption has been estimated to account for 20%
sive transport are also impacted by the pres- of net fluid absorption from a PD exchange [30].
ence of a residual peritoneal volume from Fluid is believed to move primarily into inter-
previous exchanges. Small solutes in the stices in the peritoneal cavity and to be driven by
residual fluid will likely have equilibrated intraperitoneal hydraulic pressure [31]. The lim-
with serum; this will lead to a time “zero” sol- ited data on lymphatic absorption in children are
ute concentration that is much greater than conflicting [30, 32].
zero, despite the fact that the instilled dialysate The peritoneal fluid absorption rate can be
concentration of a solute was zero. This will determined when a PD exchange is modeled
impact fluid flux and solute transport. Residual using the three-pore model. In one pediatric
peritoneal volume can be substantial and of study, the absorption rate increased with body
clinical relevance in children [27]. size in absolute terms but decreased when nor-
malized to body size. The decrease was slight
Ultrafiltration when scaled to body surface area (BSA), but
UF is the bulk movement of water along with per- marked when scaled to body weight (BW) [33].
meable solutes across the PM. In the PD system, Glucose is the most frequently used osmotic
the driving force for UF is primarily represented agent in standard PD solutions. It exerts its crys-
by the osmotic pressure, which can be the result of talloid osmotic effect through aquaporins, and its
either crystalloid (i.e., generated by diffusible sol- absorption from the dialysate to the plasma leads
utes such as glucose in the dialysis fluid) or col- to a time-dependent dissipation of the osmotic
loid (i.e., generated by nondiffusible solutes such gradient. In some patients, the rate of glucose
as icodextrin in the dialysis fluid and albumin in absorption makes glucose unsuitable for mainte-
plasma). The effects of the hydrostatic pressure nance of UF during a long dwell [34]. Conversely,
174 E. Verrina and K. Perri

PD solutions containing a polymer of glucose standardization of dialysis mechanics during the

with an average MW of 16,200 Dalton (IcodextrinR test. Appropriate scaling for body size plays a
Baxter, Deerfield, IL), which exerts a sustained central role in this standardization and for the cal-
colloid osmotic effect through the small pores, culation of PM function parameters. While in
have been shown to sustain UF over a prolonged infants the peritoneal surface area per unit BW is
exchange dwell time [35–38]. twice that of adults, the relationship between
BSA and PM surface area is constant and age
Convective Mass Transfer independent. In early pediatric transport studies,
Convective mass transfer occurs when water standardization of exchange volumes by BW
moves from capillaries to peritoneal cavity down contributed to the false perception of differences
a pressure gradient, “dragging” dissolved mole- in peritoneal permeability between children and
cules along with it (“solvent drag”). The convec- adults, with an enhanced transport function in the
tive transport of a solute depends on the amount youngest patients. Further analysis revealed that
of fluid removed by UF and on membrane perme- the apparent enhanced solute transfer in children
ability. Permeability of a membrane to a given was due to faster solute concentration equilibra-
solute can be expressed by the sieving coefficient tion with blood associated with the use of rela-
and calculated by dividing the concentration of tively small dwell volumes scaled on BW [42].
solute in the ultrafiltrate by its concentration in On the contrary, scaling the exchange volume by
plasma water (in the absence of a concentration BSA maintains the relationship between dialysate
gradient). During PD exchanges, the contribution volume and PM surface area across populations,
of convection to solute removal is limited for and makes comparison of peritoneal transport
small molecules, but significant for high MW properties between patients of different body
compounds such as the “middle molecular sizes possible [43, 44]. BSA can be calculated by
weight” uremic toxins [39, 40]. means of mathematical formulas from the
patient’s weight and height. An exchange volume
of 1,100 mL/m2 BSA approximates the standard
Peritoneal Membrane Function Tests 2,000 mL exchange volume applied to adult
Peritoneal solute and fluid transport may vary
considerably from patient to patient and in the Mass Transfer Area Coefficient
same patient during different phases of PD treat- Diffusive permeability of the PM can be expressed
ment, as a consequence of the recurrence and/or by means of the mass transfer area coefficient
severity of peritonitis episodes, or of the expo- (MTAC), which describes the maximal clearance
sure of PM to PD solutions and materials. theoretically achievable at a constantly maximal
Therefore, PM transport characteristics should be gradient for diffusion, that is, when dialysate sol-
assessed at the beginning of chronic PD (usually, ute concentration is zero. MTAC is independent
1 month after the start of dialysis treatment), and of dialysate glucose concentration. Determination
then monitored two to four times per year, and in of MTAC helps to model both long and short PD
case of recurrent or particularly severe peritonitis dwells and to individualize dialysis prescription,
episodes, or of any other clinical event that may and can be performed with the help of computer
cause changes in PM transport capacity [39, 41]. technology that gives reliable results also in pedi-
In this way, intraindividual changes in the func- atric patients. Comparison of MTAC values
tional status of PM can be detected and adjust- obtained in patients of different age and body
ments in PD prescription can be made. size is possible when exchange volume has been
PM function tests represent the first step in the standardized to BSA [27, 45]. A small but signifi-
process of tailoring the PD prescription to indi- cantly greater solute transport capacity has been
vidual patient needs and characteristics. The reported in infants, as a consequence of higher
application of these tests to the pediatric patient peritoneal permeability, or larger effective sur-
population has long been hampered by a lack of face area of the PM [27].
11 Technical Aspects and Prescription of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 175

Peritoneal Equilibration Test using a 2.5% dextrose PD solution. In pediatric

The peritoneal equilibration test (PET) remains patients, comparable results have been obtained
the most widely employed means of characteriz- by using 2.5% dextrose [27] and 2.27% anhy-
ing PM transport capacity in adult as well as in drous glucose PD solutions. Dialysate to plasma
pediatric patients [27, 41, 46, 47]. The PET mea- (D/P) ratio of Cr and urea, and dialysate glucose
sures the rate at which solutes, usually creatinine concentration to initial dialysate glucose concen-
(Cr), urea, and glucose, come to equilibration tration at time 0 (D/D0) are calculated at 2 and 4 h
between the blood and the dialysate. To reach a of the test; a blood sample is obtained at time 2 h.
satisfactory level of reproducibility of PET Dialysate Cr concentration must be corrected for
results, a standard PET in children can be per- the interference of the high glucose levels in the
formed with a dwell volume of 1,100 mL/m2 BSA dialysate by the formula:

Corrected Cr (mg/dL) = measured Cr (mg/dL) − correction factor × dialysate glucose (mg/dL)

The correction factor should be determined in significantly. Higher D/P creatinine ratio was
the laboratory of each dialysis center, by dividing reported after a long dwell with icodextrin com-
measured Cr of a fresh PD solution by glucose pared with a dwell with 2.27% glucose, even
concentration. when a rinsing procedure with glucose was per-
PET can be also performed by using a 4.25% formed before the PET [11, 49]. Therefore, the
dextrose or 3.86% anhydrous glucose PD solu- same PD solution should be used for the PET and
tion to obtain more accurate information on UF for the dwell of the preceding night.
capacity and assess sodium sieving, or the maxi- Recently, Warady and Jennings reported that
mum dip in dialysate over plasma sodium con- the PET results obtained at 2 and 4 h, based on
centration, which typically occurs during the either creatinine or glucose transport in 20 chil-
initial 30–90 min of the dwell [48, 49]. In this dren who had been on PD for a period of 7 months
way, free water transport capacity through the or less, provided identical characterization of PM
aquaporins can be evaluated and UF failure can transport capacity for the same solute [52].
be more easily detected [11]. Therefore, these authors proposed the use in
Cr and urea D/P ratios and dialysate glucose pediatric patients of a simplified, 2-h PET proce-
D/D0 calculated at 2 and 4 h of the PET can be dure, the so-called short PET, as already described
compared to the results from a large pediatric in adult patients by Twardowski in the original
study in which the same PET procedure was PET publication [46]. Since the short PET is
adopted (Figs. 11.1 and 11.2) [27]. Thus, patients more convenient for patients, families, and nurs-
will be characterized as having a high, high aver- ing staff and is associated with cost savings, the
age, low average, or low solute transport capacity adoption of this procedure may help in perform-
(Table 11.1). Similarly to what is reported in ing the evaluation of PM transport characteristics
adult patients, the high transporter status may be on a more routine basis among pediatric PD cen-
associated with poor treatment outcome, and has ters. However, further study with a larger patient
been identified as a significant risk factor for cohort is required to confirm the accuracy of the
inadequate weight control, poor statural growth short PET in the characterization of membrane
[50], and low-turnover bone disease [51]. Studies transport capacity in this setting [53].
comparing PET parameters obtained with PD
solutions of different osmolality did not show Standard Permeability Analysis
any effect of the dialysate glucose concentration Standard permeability analysis (SPA) and the PD
on the D/P creatinine, or the categorization into capacity test (see below) are two other PM func-
a transport group [48, 49]. On the other hand, tion tests that have given reliable results in adult
the preceding dwell composition and duration as well as in pediatric patients, but are less fre-
can influence small solute transport and net UF quently employed than the PET in the clinical
176 E. Verrina and K. Perri

Fig. 11.1 Peritoneal equilibration test results for creatinine. Colored areas represent high, high-average, low-average,
and low peritoneal transport rate categories for the reference pediatric population (From Ref. [27], with permission)

Fig. 11.2 Peritoneal equilibration test results for glucose. Colored areas represent high, high-average, low-average,
and low peritoneal transport rate categories for the reference pediatric population (From Ref. [27], with permission)
11 Technical Aspects and Prescription of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 177

Table 11.1 Classification of peritoneal transport capacity according to the results of urea and creatinine dialysate to
plasma ratio (D/P), and of dialysate glucose to initial dialysate glucose concentration ratio (D/D0) at 4 h dwell of a perito-
neal equilibration test performed with 1,100 mL/m2 body surface area of a 2.5% dextrose dialysis solution [27]
Category of peritoneal transport D/P urea D/P creatinine D/D0 glucose
High 0.91–0.94 0.77–0.88 0.12–0.21
High average 0.82–0.90 0.64–0.76 0.22–0.32
Low average 0.74–0.81 0.51–0.63 0.33–0.42
Low 0.54–0.73 0.37–0.50 0.43–0.55
The four categories of peritoneal transport are bordered by the maximal, mean +1 standard deviation (SD), mean, mean −1
SD, and minimal values for the study population of pediatric patients (Data adapted from Ref. [27], used with

setting. SPA can be considered an adaptation of the total vascular surface area is a sign of an
PET, where polydisperse dextran-70 is added to inflamed PM [56].
the PD solution in order to obtain the simultaneous The PDC test has been successfully employed
measurement of transcapillary UF, the marker’s in children to model individual PM function [33].
clearance rate, and intraperitoneal volume (IPV). In one pediatric study, D/P or D/D0 ratios derived
SPA conducted with a test IPV of 1,200 mL/m2 from PET analysis were used to estimate A0/DX
and a 1.36% or 3.86% glucose PD solution gave by using a specific computer program [22].
comparable results in adult and pediatric patients
[54, 55].
Prescription of Peritoneal Fill Volume
Personal Dialysis Capacity Test
The personal dialysis capacity (PDC) test [21] is As previously described, scaling IPV by patient
based on the three-pore model of solute and fluid BSA has become a standard in pediatric PD pre-
transport across the peritoneum. The PDC test scription and allows an accurate assessment of
describes the PM transport characteristics by membrane transport capacity [20, 39, 41]. IPV
functional parameters, which are calculated from and patient posture dynamically affect the recruit-
data obtained from several exchanges of different ment of effective PM area available for PD
duration and performed with PD solutions of dif- exchange, which corresponds to the unrestricted
ferent glucose concentration over a day. The PDC pore area over diffusion distance as determined
protocol includes five exchanges to be performed using the three-pore model [21, 22]. Raising IPV
in 24 h using different dwell times and two glucose from 800 to 1,400 mL/m2 BSA leads to maximi-
solutions for patients on CAPD; a simplified pro- zation of peritoneal vascular surface area [22]. On
tocol for patients on APD is also available [33]. the other hand, a too large IPV may cause patient
The following three parameters are calculated: discomfort, pain, dyspnoea, hydrothorax, hernia,
1. The effective peritoneal surface area, or unre- gastroesophageal reflux, and loss of UF due to
stricted pore area over diffusion distance increased lymphatic drainage. These complica-
(A0/DX), corresponding to the diffusion capac- tions may lead to reduced patient compliance to
ity for solutes and comparable to the D/P value the PD regimen prescription, and are primarily
of the PET. related to an elevated IPP [11]. Hydrostatic IPP is
2. Absorption, that is, the final rate of fluid reab- a reproducible patient-characteristic parameter,
sorption from the abdominal cavity, primarily and its measurement helps to evaluate fill volume
representing the lymphatic flow. tolerance in the individual patient [28]. Fill vol-
3. The large pore flow, which represents the rate ume leading to an IPP of 18 cm H2O in the supine
of protein-rich fluid passing through the large position is considered the maximum tolerable
pores from blood to dialysate. A large pore IPV, above which abdominal pain and a decrease
flow that is higher than expected according to in respiratory vital capacity may occur [20];
178 E. Verrina and K. Perri

increasing IPV above this peak volume can result A potentially useful way to individualize dwell
in reduced PD efficiency. An IPV of 1,400 mL/m2 duration in pediatric patients on APD according
BSA seems to be suitable to ensure optimal to peritoneal transport capacity is the calculation
recruitment of vascular pore area in children; of the so-called APEX time. While performing a
however, this should be considered as a maximal PET, APEX time corresponds to the point at
limit, the safety of which has not been validated which D/P urea and D/D0 glucose equilibration
in children. In infants, fill volume prescription curves cross, and should represent the optimal
should be based more on individual patient’s tol- length of APD cycles [57].
erance than on a theoretically optimal exchange The above mentioned prescription principles
volume [11]. should be applied to the delivery of different PD
In clinical practice, peritoneal fill volume can regimens, which will be described in the follow-
be increased in steps toward the limit of 1,400 mL/ ing section.
m2 BSA for a night exchange, while the patient is
lying down, according to clinical tolerance and
IPP measurement, in order to ensure as high Peritoneal Dialysis Methods
recruitment of vascular pore area as possible and and Regimens
achieve adequate solute removal and UF [20].
Bedside measurement of IPP can be performed Following the resurgence of interest in PD as a
following the procedure described by Fischbach maintenance dialysis modality that occurred in
et al. [28]; measured IPP levels can be compared the 1970s, chronic PD was primarily performed
with reference values obtained in a group of pedi- as CAPD in adult as well as in pediatric patients.
atric patients [22]. During the last 20 years, thanks to the develop-
ment of new automatic machines (cyclers), APD
has rapidly expanded as an answer to the demands
Prescription of Dwell Time for higher dialysis doses and better quality of life
[59]. Children with ESRD were the population of
Dwell duration is an important determinant of PD patients where APD had the widest application.
efficacy and should always be determined accord- The PD regimen can be either continuous, with
ing to the individual patient’s transport status [20, dialysis solution present in the peritoneal cavity
39, 41]. Short exchanges lead to satisfactory clear- evenly throughout 24 h, or intermittent, with
ance of small solutes (like urea), and UF, which empty abdomen for part of the day, usually during
can be further enhanced by increasing dialysate daytime (Fig. 11.3). Continuous regimens allow
glucose concentration. High transporter patients complete equilibration of small solutes as well as
would benefit from short exchanges, due to the removal of middle-sized molecules. However, the
dissipation of the osmotic gradient by fast glucose presence of a large volume of dialysate in the
absorption. Long exchanges favor the removal of abdomen during the day can be associated with
solute of relatively higher MW, such as Cr and patient discomfort, the occurrence of abdominal
phosphate. Phosphate clearance is clinically hernias (especially in infants and young children),
important owing to the contribution of hyperphos- and problems of body image (especially in ado-
phatemia to metabolic bone disease and cardio- lescents). Moreover, continuous absorption of
vascular morbidity. It should be considered that glucose from the dialysate compromises appetite
while performing a PET, the time needed to obtain and aggravates uremic dyslipidemia.
a D/P for phosphate of 0.50–0.60 is three to four
times longer than it is for urea [11, 28, 57]. On the Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal
other hand, a long dwell time exchange can be Dialysis (CAPD)
associated with the risk of impaired UF, or even CAPD represents a continuous regimen of man-
with dialysate re-absorption while using glucose- ual PD in which dialysis solution is present in the
based solutions. Icodextrin-based solution is more peritoneal cavity continuously, 7 days per week
appropriate for such long dwells [35, 58]. (Fig. 11.3). The short interruptions at the time of
11 Technical Aspects and Prescription of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 179

Fig. 11.3 Schematic

representation of various
peritoneal dialysis (PD)
regimens based on a
standard fill volume of
2,000 mL of dialysis fluid.
IPD nightly intermittent
PD; CAPD continuous
ambulatory PD; CCPD
continuous cyclic PD

the 3–5 daily exchanges do not disqualify the rather than BW. According to the guidelines of the
regimen as continuous if they do not exceed 10% European Committee on adequacy of the pediat-
of total dialysis time [60]. ric PD prescription [39], the initial fill volume
In the CAPD exchange, a double bag PD solu- can be 600–800 mL/m2 during the day, and
tion container with a Y set disconnectable system 800–1,000 mL/m2 overnight. If an increase in the
is currently employed. CAPD solution, as well as dialysis dose is indicated, the fill volume can be
the solutions for any other form of PD, is usually gradually increased according to patient tolerance
warmed to body temperature prior to inflow, to and to IPP measurements [28]. When there is inad-
avoid uncomfortable lowering of the body tem- equate UF overnight due to rapid glucose absorp-
perature and shivering. Drainage of spent tion, an icodextrin-based PD solution can be
dialysate and inflow of fresh dialysis solution are employed for the prolonged night-time exchange.
performed manually, relying on gravity to move CAPD is usually effective in patients who still
fluid into and out of the abdomen. CAPD prod- have RRF, but this should be closely monitored,
ucts fulfill the requirements of ease of use and a together with the UF capacity and the patient’s
simple interface that should be characteristic of a dry BW [39]. Patients with a low-average or
home-based, self-care treatment. Moreover, high-average peritoneal transport status as per
CAPD has the undoubted advantage of a limited the PET [27] can be maintained on CAPD, with
cost of the equipment. close monitoring of the dialysis adequacy indi-
As already said, the prescription of the fill ces. A limitation of CAPD is that in order to fur-
volume per exchange should be scaled for BSA ther enhance the delivered dialysis dose there is
180 E. Verrina and K. Perri

no other means than increasing the number of with the range of treatment options which are
exchanges. However, if increasing the number of available through this modality, the dialytic pre-
exchanges to obtain adequate UF and solute scription can be tailored to the individual patient’s
removal represents an excessive burden upon the age, body size, clinical condition, growth-related
patient and the family, a shift of patient to an metabolic needs, and PM transport status. APD
APD modality should be considered. offers a wide selection of treatment schedules that
have in common the use of automated machines
Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD) for fluid exchanges and the high efficiency
APD represents the PD modality of choice for obtained through short dwell times, high dialysate
children and has largely replaced CAPD in the flows, and large IPV [59].
treatment of this category of patients, at least in Mathematical modeling software programs
those countries where its use is not limited by have been developed to calculate kinetic parame-
cost constraints [61–64]. Financial and technical ters, to mathematically simulate the results of the
problems still represent a limitation to the use of APD regimens and to rapidly find the best person-
APD for many units in developing countries. The alized dialysis schedule, thus avoiding long trials
preference for APD as the dialytic modality of for the patient [69]. Such programs are based on
choice for children with ESRD has largely been a specific kinetic models and the individual patient’s
lifestyle choice; indeed, night time APD treat- peritoneal function test. Two of these software
ment enables children to attend school full-time, programs have been validated and applied to pedi-
and reduces the impact of dialysis treatment on atric patients [33, 45, 70]. Both of these software
the way of life of the patients and of their families programs have an user friendly interface, a mathe-
[65]. Therefore, APD can ensure a higher level of matical model describing the PD system, and a
psychological and social rehabilitation of chil- specific individual peritoneal function test as data
dren with ESRD when compared to other forms entry. The accuracy of these mathematical models
of chronic dialysis. The option of an empty abdo- in predicting the results of different APD sched-
men during the day, or a half-volume daytime ules is greater for solute removal than for UF,
dwell, has the potential to reduce the interference owing to inability of kinetic modeling to account
with nutritional intake, and minimize the inci- for changes in residual dialysate volume, the
dence of abdominal hernias. At the same time, marked variability of UF in different exchanges
performing the night-time exchanges in the lying and on different days, even in the same patient, the
position allows the use of larger fill volumes. large variability of daily fluid intake, and the con-
Sequential measurements of IPP in children founding effects of residual diuresis in non-anuric
showed that in the supine position, an IPV up to patients [71, 72]. A certain amount of error is
1,400 mL/m2 BSA was not associated with an almost always a component of modeling biologic
unsafe increase of IPP. Such a high fill volume is systems as well; moreover, since mathematical
infrequently prescribed, due to problems of modeling refers to perfect and virtually unevent-
patient tolerance [66, 67]. Increasing the noctur- ful APD sessions (no alarms, no delay in the drain
nal fill volume allows more effective contact and fill phases), the simulations may at times be
between dialysate and the PM, with the recruit- “optimistic.” However, computer-assisted kinetic
ment of a larger functional peritoneal surface area models can be regarded as useful tools for the cal-
(i.e., the area available for the diffusive transport culation and normalization of kinetic indices, and
of solutes), and a higher permeability × surface for mathematical simulation of the various APD
area product, frequently referred to as solute dif- regimens. They can help determine the optimal
fusive transport coefficient (KoA) [22, 68]. In dose of dialysis for each patient, but application
addition, the small solute KoA has been reported control by direct measurement of solute clear-
to be higher in the supine position than during the ances and UF remains necessary.
ambulatory upright position. Another important Finally, the choice of the proper APD regimen
reason for using APD in pediatric patients is that through which the individual dialytic prescription
11 Technical Aspects and Prescription of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 181

Table 11.2 Advantages and limitations of nightly intermittent peritoneal dialysis

Advantages Limitations
No glucose absorption during the daytime Not recommended in patients with poor residual renal function
Daytime normal intraperitoneal pressure Not adequate small solute clearance in patients with low- and
low-average transport
Preservation of body image Not adequate middle-sized molecule clearance
(for adolescents mainly)
Reduced loss of proteins and AA No flush of the catheter and lines at the start
Better preservation of the peritoneal membrane of the night session

could best be accomplished is currently based not The evaluation of peritoneal transport status is
only on patient clinical and metabolic conditions mandatory while selecting patients for NIPD.
and peritoneal transport, but also on lifestyle NIPD is primarily indicated in patients character-
considerations. ized by a high-transport PM, who show rapid
A description of the main characteristics of the equilibration of solute concentrations and ade-
various APD regimens will follow. quate UF only with rapid exchanges, and/or
patients with significant RRF. Therefore, NIPD
Nightly Intermittent Peritoneal frequently represents the initial mode of PD
Dialysis (NIPD) employed in children with RRF [39]. A typical
NIPD is an intermittent PD modality consisting initial prescription can be formulated as follows:
of a number of short nocturnal cycles performed – Nine to twelve hours of total treatment time.
every night by an automated cycling machine in – A fill volume of 800–1,000 mL/m2 exchanged
the patient’s home, without a daytime dialysate five to ten times (young infants frequently
dwell (Fig. 11.3). The presence of a dry perito- require more cycles); an exchange dwell time
neal cavity during the day is the crucial feature of approximately 1 h represents a typical
distinguishing NIPD from other models of APD. choice for the initial APD prescription in pedi-
The reasons why children with ESRD represent a atric patients [11].
patient group that may likely benefit most from a – Dialysis solution should contain 1.36% glu-
“dry” day have been already discussed, and are cose or higher concentrations depending upon
summarized in Table 11.2. The reduced exposure UF requirements. Solutions with different
of the PM to glucose and glucose degradation concentrations can be mixed by the cycler to
products, together with the reduced deposition of titrate tonicity of the infused solution accord-
advanced glycosylation end products (AGE), ing to the patient’s individual needs.
have been reported to be beneficial for long term In the course of treatment, the NIPD regimen
PM preservation [73]. However, the prescription can evolve according to clearance and UF require-
of a small fill volume during the daytime is fre- ments, which are mainly dictated by the decline
quently adopted in an attempt to lessen the risk of of urine volume. In particular, the importance of
peritoneal infection due to touch contamination the control of fluid balance on patient outcome
through the preventive effect of a “drain before should be emphasized [72, 75, 76]. An increase
fill” phase with the flush of the peritoneal cathe- of the efficiency of NIPD can be obtained by:
ter and of the lines at the start of the night APD – Maximizing the dwell volume, according to
session [74]. patient tolerance and IPP limits [20, 22, 28].
The major limitation of NIPD may be that the – Increasing the number of exchanges in patients
absence of a daytime dwell reduces small solute with high and high-average PM transport
clearance compared to continuous PD modali- capacity. This should be done up to a point,
ties; the negative impact on the clearance of beyond which clearance and UF decrease
middle molecules is even more pronounced. since the non-dialytic time, corresponding to
182 E. Verrina and K. Perri

the fill and drain phases, becomes more impor- on the net UF (convective transport), that in turn
tant than the benefit of further increasing can be influenced by the choice of the osmotic
dialysate volume. agent, the fill volume (which results in various
– Increasing the total treatment time, as the IPP), and the membrane transport status.
patient’s compliance and social life allow. The Phosphate PD clearance is usually insufficient to
number of exchanges can be kept constant in obtain a satisfactory control of hyperphos-
patients with low and low-average PM trans- phatemia, and there is a continued need for
port capacity. dietary restriction and phosphate binder adminis-
– Increasing dialysate tonicity in order to tration. However, phosphate removal by PD can
enhance UF rate; since solutions from dialysate be improved by increasing dwell volume [78],
bags are proportionally mixed by the cycler and by optimizing exchange duration through the
(provided they are positioned at the same calculation of the so-called phosphate purifica-
level), the tonicity of the dialysate can be tion dwell time (PPT) from a PET [57].
titrated by choosing different tonicity for the A continuous PD regimen is recommended
various bags; the most common glucose con- when RRF has become negligible, and/or desired
centrations used are 1.5%, 2% (obtained from targets of solute and fluid removal cannot be
equal mixing of the other two concentrations) achieved any longer by a NIPD regimen.
and 2.5% [75]. Consideration of PM transport characteristics is
When with these adjustments of the NIPD also important for the choice of the optimal
schedule, a sufficient increase of solute and water schedule of CCPD [79, 80]. Patients with high-
removal is not achieved, the patient may be at average transport rates often do best on CCPD
risk for inadequate treatment, and would be bet- (Table 11.1).
ter off using a different APD regimen. During a long daytime dwell, glucose is largely
absorbed, while a sustained net UF can be
Continuous Cyclic Peritoneal achieved with the use of the icodextrin-based PD
Dialysis (CCPD) solution (ICO). Available data on the use of this
CCPD, just like CAPD, represents a continuous alternative osmotic agent in pediatric patients
regimen of PD (Fig. 11.3). In the morning, at the show that over a 12–14 h dwell, net UF obtained
end of the overnight PD session, the patient dis- with ICO is similar to that obtained with a 3.86%
connects from the cycler, leaving in the abdomen glucose solution, and significantly greater than
a fresh exchange of dialysis solution, ranging in that reached with a 1.36% glucose solution both
volume from 50% to 100% of the night fill vol- in adult and pediatric patients [35, 81, 82]. The
ume. In the classic form of CCPD, this daytime evaluation of the intraperitoneal volume-to-time
exchange is drained at bedtime when the cycler is curve during a 14-h dwell with icodextrin solution
reconnected, so that patient involvement is in children showed a gradual increase in net UF
reduced, as with NIPD, to one session for prepa- [36]. From the results of the mathematical model-
ration of the equipment and solutions and a very ing of the UF profile obtained with icodextrin
short period for disconnection if external occlu- solution, and based on the kinetic parameters of
sion is used. The daytime dwell makes a very 396 adult patients, no separation between the PET
significant contribution to solute removal and to transport categories was found [83]. By compar-
UF; moreover, clearance of middle-sized uremic ing the results of two 4-h PETs, performed in nine
toxins that is poorly influenced by short cycles of pediatric patients using 3.86% glucose and 7.5%
APD with high-flow regimens, is much more icodextrin as a test solution, Rusthoven et al. [38]
dependent on total dialysis time and favorably found that the two solutions had different effects
influenced by prolonged exchanges [77]. Since on the change in IPP. During the PET performed
complete saturation of the dialysate with small with a 3.86% glucose solution the increase in
solutes over a long dwell exchange is often IPP was positively correlated with transcapillary
achieved, daytime clearances are also dependent UF and inversely correlated with patients’ BSA,
11 Technical Aspects and Prescription of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 183

while by using an icodextrin solution IPP – Avoiding repeated cycler alarms of low flow
hardly increased during the 4-h dwell and no rate due to peritoneal catheter malfunction
correlation was found with fluid kinetics or Moreover, TPD may be indicated in patients
patient BSA. experiencing pain during the drainage phase.
If a further increase in solute clearances is The major determinants of TPD efficiency are
required, and/or net UF is still insufficient for a the total volume of delivered PD fluid and the
patient’s clinical needs, as is often seen in patients individual peritoneal transport rate. Only high
with a low-average transport status treated with transport patients can reach adequate solute clear-
CCPD, more than one diurnal exchange can be ances with nightly performed TPD (NTPD),
used. With this optimized APD schedule (contin- while high average transport patients would ben-
uous optimal peritoneal dialysis, COPD) an efit from one or more daytime dwells, thus under-
exchange of the dialysate is performed at mid-day going continuous TPD (CTPD).
or after school, using the cycler in a disconnect- The results of studies on pediatric patients
able manner (Fig. 11.3), and the length of each showed that TPD efficiency was equal to or
dwell is optimized according to the patient’s peri- higher than standard APD, but used larger total
toneal transport rate and the type of osmotic agent session dialysate volumes [84, 85].
employed [39, 77]. This modality requires more Optimization of TPD may be obtained by
patient participation, but allows one to achieve adapting the tidal volume to the individual drain-
small solute dialysate-to-plasma equilibration age profile, thus reducing the fill and drain dead
during both of the two daytime exchanges. times to the minimum [86]. The peritoneal cath-
eter drainage profile can be accurately evaluated
Tidal Peritoneal Dialysis (TPD) by looking at the information on peritoneal fluid
TPD is an automated PD technique in which an drainage during each cycle of an APD session
initial infusion of solution into the peritoneal recorded by the software of the new cyclers.
cavity is followed, after an usually short dwell Catheter drainage does not demonstrate a linear
time, by drainage of only a portion of the behavior, since a high flow rate is only maintained
dialysate, leaving an intra-abdominal reserve until a critical IPV is reached. After the critical
volume (Fig. 11.3). The tidal drain volume is point (also called breakpoint), the flow rate drops,
replaced with fresh dialysis fluid to restore the and the final part of the drainage can take more
initial IPV with each cycle. At the end of the dial- than twice the time of the previous segment.
ysis session (sometimes also once in the middle During this slow-flow portion of the drainage the
of the session), the whole dialysate volume is peritoneal cavity is almost empty, and solute
drained. The amount of ultrafiltrate expected to clearance is significantly reduced [67, 87]. Since
be generated during each cycle must be estimated the critical IPV is an individual characteristic, tai-
and added to the drain volume. Otherwise, the loring the tidal volume to the drainage profile of
intra abdominal volume will become progres- each patient reduces idle time, thus improving the
sively larger, thus affecting the efficiency of dial- overall efficiency of the system. This optimiza-
ysis and the patient’s comfort. tion would be particularly indicated in patients
TPD can be performed for the following without an optimally functioning catheter.
– Increasing clearances as a result of the con- Continuous Flow Peritoneal
tinuous contact between dialysate and PM, Dialysis (CFPD)
with a sustained diffusion of solutes The limitation of significant fill and drain times
– Improving the efficiency of the dialysis tech- while performing high-flux APD regimens could
nique by reducing inflow and outflow dead be circumvented by maintaining a continuous
times (during which the peritoneal cavity is flow of dialytic solution obtained with two perito-
almost empty), particularly at high dialysate neal catheters or a double-lumen catheter. In such
flow rates a system, a continuous dwell at a predetermined
184 E. Verrina and K. Perri

dwell volume is attained, and the dialysate flow Another technical challenge is represented by
rate is only dependent on the function of the the need for UF control, with a means to accu-
catheter(s). These are the mechanical principles rately balance transperitoneal fluid flow with
of CFPD [79, 88], one of the first PD tech- external UF [90]. Indeed, one of the main con-
niques performed, but that was soon abandoned cerns about the utilization of CFPD is the vari-
owing to a series of technical problems, as well as able and unpredictable UF rate. The observed
high costs. disparate UF results may be due to streaming and
When applied to adult patients, CFPD relies on recirculation, which require new catheters with
a 2–3 L dwell volume and a continuous dialysate better separation of the fluid streams [91].
flow at 100–300 mL/min. This high flow rate CFPD holds promise to become an attractive
requires a highly efficient double-lumen perito- modality for daily home dialysis in the future,
neal catheter, or two catheters with their intraperi- provided the remaining technical problems can
toneal tips separated as distantly as possible. be solved and the technology offered at an afford-
Moreover, CFPD requires the facility to generate able price. Further technological advances and
or regenerate large volumes of PD fluid. The theo- long-term clinical experience are still needed
retical advantages of CFPD would be an enhanced before recommending this technique for the
small solute clearance and UF permitting a shorter routine treatment of children with ESRD.
dialysis session and intermittent treatment, the
use of reduced dialysate glucose concentration
and bicarbonate solutions, and a reduction in pro- Conclusive Remarks
tein loss, since proteins which have diffused into
the dialysate are returned to the patient. Online For each regimen of chronic PD delivered to
preparation of PD fluids allows customization of pediatric patients with ESRD, the prescription of
their composition with respect to glucose, buffer, the dialysis dose should be adjusted and moni-
sodium, and calcium content [89]. tored following the guidelines of the European
More recently, a renewed interest in CFPD has Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis Working Group [39]
arisen, since new technologies have made possi- and the 2006 update of the NKF-KDOQI clinical
ble the development of appropriate equipment practice recommendations for pediatric PD ade-
for accurate fluid handling, reliable monitoring of quacy [41]. In the absence of definitive results
pressures and flows in the circuit, and the possi- from large randomized controlled studies on the
bility of generating PD fluid online or regenerat- correlation between solute removal and clinical
ing a batch for recirculation, either with a outcome in pediatric patients treated with PD,
hemodialysis filter or by absorption. Moreover, a current clinical opinion supports the recommen-
double-lumen catheter with adequate flow char- dation that the target delivered solute clearance
acteristics has been developed [90]. should meet or exceed adult standards. In patients
Potential problems and disadvantages that will with RRF, the contribution of renal and perito-
require consideration in the further development neal clearance can be added for practical reasons.
of CFPD include: In general, regular assessment of the results of
– The unknown, long-term effects of high the prescribed PD schedule should be performed
dialysate flow rate on peritoneal cells and host taking into account not only targets of small sol-
defense mechanisms ute depuration, but all the parameters involved in
– The unknown effects of exposure of PD fluid the definition of adequacy of dialysis treatment in
to hemodialysis synthetic membranes or childhood, such as adequate growth, blood pres-
sorbents sure control, and nutritional status; avoidance of
– The risks of peritoneal infection associated hypovolemia and sodium depletion; and adequate
with the procedure (multiple connections) psychomotor development [39, 41, 50]. These
– The potential for abdominal over-distension issues will be specifically addressed later in this
– The cost of equipment and disposables chapter and elsewhere in this text.
11 Technical Aspects and Prescription of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 185

Peritonitis in APD Patients antibiotic therapy is started. In general, during

peritonitis the daytime dwell that contains antibi-
Some peculiar aspects of the diagnosis and man- otics should be a full exchange (approximately
agement of peritonitis in APD patients deserve a 1,100 mL/m2 BSA) as long as antibiotic treat-
brief discussion owing to the clinical relevance ment is continued.
of this complication, which significantly affects
PD treatment outcome among pediatric patients.
(For an in-depth discussion of this topic, please Evaluation of the Adequacy
see Chap. 14.) A number of factors can make the of Peritoneal Dialysis Treatment
diagnosis of peritonitis more difficult in APD
than in CAPD: (1) peritoneal effluent is not read- Historically, the first studies on the correlation
ily available to inspection, owing to the use of a between the delivered dialysis dose and the ade-
non-transparent effluent bag, or effluent drained quacy of dialysis treatment were performed in
directly to a household outlet; (2) the shorter hemodialysis patients, and were mainly based on
dwell times and the high volume and continuous urea kinetic modeling. Therefore, the concept of
flow of the dialysis fluid would result in lower “adequate” dialysis was initially adopted to
white blood cell (WBC) number and less effluent define a minimum hemodialysis dose, below
cloudiness; (3) the abdomen is frequently which a clinically unacceptable rate of negative
(although not necessarily) dry during the day. For outcome might occur. The most frequently used
these reasons, the presence of a cloudy effluent, outcome measures were represented by patient
that is an early sign of peritonitis, may be missed hospitalization, morbidity, and mortality. As a
initially. Similarly, the dialysate WBC count may consequence, the influence of small solute clear-
be lower than the value currently considered ance on the outcome of PD patients was a major
indicative of peritoneal infection. Moreover, focus of interest during the 1990s. The results of
short dwell times and a large dilution factor of observational studies in adult patients treated
the dialysate may increase the possibility of a with CAPD suggested that better patient survival
false-negative culture [92]. In view of these and lower morbidity and mortality was associ-
issues, the use of a reactive strip-test, which is ated with higher clearances of low MW mole-
sensitive to granulocyte peroxidase, can be help- cules, such as urea and creatinine [93, 94]. Small
ful for the early diagnosis of peritonitis. In our solute clearance was considered the key criterion
center, when a positive Strip-Test of the drained of PD adequacy in the clinical practice guidelines
fluid from the daytime dwell or from the first developed in the year 2000 by the Kidney Disease
APD cycle is observed, and no other signs and/or Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI), which
symptoms of peritonitis are present, the patient is defined dialysis adequacy by certain minimum
instructed to obtain a fluid sample for culture, urea and creatinine clearance values [95]. In the
and to program the cycler so as to leave an following years, a reanalysis of the data from the
amount of dialysate equal to at least 50% of the original CANUSA study, as well as the results of
night fill volume at the end of the night APD ses- prospective randomized interventional trials did
sion, and for at least a 4 h dwell. Then, a new not demonstrate any clear advantage for patient
sample for WBC count and culture is obtained survival by increasing peritoneal small solute
from the effluent of this dwell, and laboratory clearances, but showed that RRF is a much stron-
diagnosis in the usual manner is conducted. ger predictor of survival than peritoneal clear-
When the positivity of the Strip-Test performed ance [96–98]. Failure of increased PD dose to
at the beginning of night APD session is associ- significantly improve patient outcomes could be
ated with at least one other sign or symptom of due to higher IPP associated with larger exchange
peritonitis (such as abdominal pain or fever), an volume, failure to increase clearance of middle
effluent sample is immediately obtained for cul- molecules, and increased exposure of the PM to
ture, and an empiric regimen of intraperitoneal glucose-based dialysis fluids [99]. Moreover,
186 E. Verrina and K. Perri

Table 11.3 Clinical, metabolic, and psychosocial aspects Vurea of less than 0.1 per week). Even if peritoneal
that should be taken into consideration in the assessment clearance and renal clearance have a different
of the adequacy of chronic peritoneal dialysis treatment in
pediatric patients impact on patient’s outcome (96–99), they can be
added to determine total clearance in clinical
• Hydration status
practice. The term delivered refers to the actual
• Nutritional status
• Dietary intake of energy, proteins, salts, and trace
dose the patient is receiving based on direct mea-
elements surement, not to an estimated value obtained by
• Electrolyte and acid–base balance using a kinetic modeling program. Solute clear-
• Calcium phosphate homeostasis ance should be measured within the first month
• Control of anemia after the start of chronic PD treatment, and at least
• Blood pressure control once in every 6 months thereafter in a clinically
• Growth and mental development stable patient. More frequent measurements
• Level of psychosocial rehabilitation should be conducted when:
– Dialysis clearance may have been compro-
mised (e.g., 1 month after the resolution of a
some recommendations proved difficult to be
peritonitis episode).
fully applicable in clinical practice, especially
– There is a progressive loss of RRF.
among pediatric patients.
– There is clinical evidence of inadequate dialysis.
In children, even more than in adults, ade-
In any case, if a patient is not doing well
quacy of PD treatment cannot be exclusively
and no other cause of the worsening of his
defined by targets of solute and fluid removal.
clinical conditions than kidney failure can be
Clinical assessment of adequacy of PD treatment
identified, a trial of increased dialysis dose is
should comprehensively take into consideration
indicated [41].
also a series of clinical, metabolic, and psychoso-
The 2006 KDOQI guidelines [41] recom-
cial aspects, the most important of which are
mended the use of Kt/Vurea as a surrogate for ade-
listed in Table 11.3.
quate dialysis, at least in CAPD patients.
Historically, both Kt/Vurea and creatinine clearance
(CrCl) have been employed to evaluate PD clear-
Clearance of Small Solutes ance, and it was proposed that the ratio of these
two parameters should be 1:30 [11, 39]. A dis-
In the literature, there are no definitive outcome crepancy between urea and creatinine-based
data indicating that any measure of dialysis ade- PD adequacy parameters was often reported
quacy is predictive of well-being, morbidity, or [101–104], also in children [39]. In APD patients,
mortality in pediatric patients on chronic PD. for whom targets of CrCl have recently been pub-
Therefore, the 2006 KDOQI guidelines [41] sim- lished, the relationship between CrCl and Kt/Vurea
ply stated that by clinical judgment the target is much more variable than in patients on CAPD
delivered small solute clearance in children [11, 105]. Indeed, urea clearance is mostly related
should meet or exceed adult standards. to dialysate volume and number of exchanges,
A minimal delivered dose of small solute while CrCl is predominantly affected by the dura-
clearance should correspond to a Kt/Vurea of not tion of the dwell time (i.e., the duration of contact
less than 1.8 per week. Data from pediatric and of the peritoneum with dialysate, which is cur-
adult studies found serum albumin level to be a rently called “contact time”), and by the presence
predictor of patient survival, and a Kt/Vurea of 1.8 of RRF. The finding of adequate values of Kt/Vurea
or greater in adult PD patients has been associated associated with inadequate values of CrCl can be
with better serum albumin values [41, 100]. This related to a hyper-permeable PM state, or a too
target should be intended as total clearance low IPV, since both of these conditions are associ-
(i.e., the arithmetical sum of peritoneal clearance ated with a greater removal of urea than creatinine
and renal clearance), or peritoneal clearance alone [11, 50, 105]. Finally, scaling of Kt/Vurea to BW
in patients without RRF (defined as a renal Kt/ and CrCl to body surface area may differently
11 Technical Aspects and Prescription of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 187

influence values obtained in the calculation of phosphate kinetics and daily dialytic and renal
these parameters in infants and small children phosphate elimination in 35 pediatric patients
as a result of a higher ratio of BSA/weight [39]. receiving chronic APD, these authors found that
The 2006 KDOQI recommendations stated that the peritoneal transport state defined by the crea-
the determination of dialysis and urine Kt/Vurea tinine equilibration pattern is poorly predictive of
alone for follow-up was preferred mainly due to daily phosphate clearances; this finding suggests
the simplicity of its calculation, and the observa- that a specific evaluation of the D/P phosphate
tion that studies on adult PD patients have not ratio should be done to define an individual’s
provided evidence of a benefit in terms of patient phosphate transport category. Phosphate elimina-
outcome when expressing clearance in any man- tion by an APD regimen can be modified by the
ner other than Kt/Vurea [41, 101, 104]. However, in number of cycles, dwell time, and total dialysate
children on APD we continue to target a 1:30 urea volume used [111].
over creatinine purification ratio in our program In summary, numerical targets of small solute
[11, 39, 102, 106]. clearance, as defined by currently available
Since Kt/Vurea is scaled for urea distribution guidelines, should be interpreted cautiously and
volume (V), which is assumed to equal total body in the context of patient clinical assessment.
water (TBW), accurate estimation of TBW is a Neither Kt/Vurea nor CrCl is the perfect index to
critical component of dialysis dose measurement. predict outcome in PD patients; however, they
The gold-standard isotope dilution technique to can be considered two potentially complemen-
determine TBW is laborious, costly, and not tary measurements of dialysis dose. Indeed, these
widely available; therefore, anthropometric pre- targets should be included as a part of global
diction equations based on height and weight are patient care. Failure to achieve them should not
commonly used to estimate TBW. Equations be considered an indication to abandon PD if all
derived from healthy children [107] systemati- other aspects of patient care are successfully
cally overestimate TBW in pediatric patients addressed by PD treatment.
receiving PD. Recently, a new set of anthropo-
metric TBW prediction equations have been
developed in this patient population and validated Clearance of Middle-Sized Molecules
by comparison with the determination of TBW
by means of a heavy water (H2O18 or D2O) dilu- Failure to achieve adequate clearance of the so-
tion technique [108]. These formulae are based called middle-sized molecules (from 300 to 5,000
on a new anthropometric parameter called height Daltons MW) is one of the possible explanations
times weight, which correlates linearly with TBW for the failure of increased dialysis dose to
when both values are log-transformed, and are as improve patient survival [99, 112]. Small solute
follows: and middle-sized molecule clearances respond
differently to changes in the PD prescription,
Boys: TBW = 0.10 × (HtWt)0.68 − 0.37 × weight since the former is mainly determined by the fre-
quency and volume of dialysate dwell, while the
Girls: TBW = 0.14 × (HtWt)0.65 − 0.35 × weight latter depends more on the dialysate/PM contact
time [113, 114]. The transport rate of middle-
Hyperphosphatemia and elevated calcium sized molecules is much slower than that of
times phosphorus product are associated with small solutes, and more dependent on the con-
calcifying large-vessel arteriopathy, which devel- vective component of transmembrane solute
ops even in young patients with childhood onset movement [115]. In practice, the removal of
ESRD [109, 110]. Recently, Schmitt and cowork- middle-sized molecules and low-MW proteins,
ers [111] raised the issue whether dialytic phos- such as b(beta)2-microglobulin and leptin, mainly
phate removal might provide a more reliable depends on RRF [116, 117]. Moreover, an
direct measure of dialysis efficacy than urea and increase in the restriction coefficient for macro-
creatinine clearance. By studying peritoneal molecules was reported in relation to time on
188 E. Verrina and K. Perri

chronic PD, which is associated with increased Routine monitoring of volume status and daily
size selectivity and reduced peritoneal permea- UF volume, along with periodic assessment of
bility for higher MW solutes [55]. Hence, partic- residual urine output are therefore essential in the
ular attention should be paid to middle molecule process of attaining adequate PD [39, 41]. In the
clearance, especially in children on NIPD, and as absence of validated, readily applicable indica-
RRF is declining. In these cases, a continuous PD tors of volume status, the assessment of patient
regimen (CCPD or CAPD) should be adopted target weight mainly relies on clinical judgment.
even if small solute clearance is above target In clinical practice, the desirable target weight of
without the longer dwell [41]. Increased b(beta)2- a patient on chronic PD can be reasonably approx-
microglobulin and leptin clearance have been imated as that weight at which the patient is
reported in patients receiving a long dwell with edema free and has a blood pressure within the
icodextrin solution [118]. limits of the normal range for age and gender,
with minimal need for antihypertensive medica-
tions. Since fluctuations in patient weight second-
Fluid Balance ary to growth and to changes in nutritional status
may occur, repeated evaluations of target weight
Systematic adjustment of the PD prescription at regular intervals is mandatory in all patients.
should be planned in order to achieve and main- In order to increase the efficacy of the PD pre-
tain fluid balance and normal blood pressure. PD scription to attain an adequate UF rate, a series of
has been considered an optimal approach to reach factors that can affect the maintenance of patient
this therapeutic result thanks to its continuous fluid balance should be considered, together with
nature, which avoids fluctuations of total body the related recommended interventions:
volume and offers better homeostatic stability
than intermittent therapies. Nevertheless, PD PM transport characteristics. PM transport char-
population surveys show a high prevalence of acteristics affect net fluid removal at a given
hypertension and cardiovascular mortality with dwell time by determining the osmotic gradient
adequacy of UF a significant predictor of mortal- time curve of each individual patient. As already
ity in anuric adult PD patients [76, 119]. Data mentioned, a modification of the standard PET
from the North American Pediatric Renal Trials utilizing 4.25% dextrose solution can be employed
and Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS) [120] to better evaluate the UF kinetics and the maxi-
showed that 57% of nearly 4,000 pediatric mum dip in D/P sodium, which reflects the
patients on dialysis had blood pressure values sodium-free water transport [71, 72]. For instance,
higher than their age-, sex-, and height-specific if the patient has a fast transport, as a result of
95th percentile; moreover, 20% of patients had either a large peritoneal surface area, or a too low
blood pressure values at or above the 95th per- prescribed fill volume, improved UF will be
centile while receiving antihypertensive medica- obtained by increasing the fill volume as tolerated
tion. Left ventricular hypertrophy was documented and/or by shortening the dwell time. In patients
by echocardiography in 68% of 38 long-term with decreased sodium-free water transport and
pediatric patients on PD therapy [121]. no dip in D/P sodium after 1–2 h of the dwell,
Hypertension and cardiac impairment were most there will be no benefit from the use of a high
frequently found in the younger and nephrecto- dialysate glucose concentration; in these cases, a
mized PD patients [122]. Even if the cause of long exchange with an icodextrin PD fluid (day-
hypertension is multifactorial, volume overload time dwell on APD; night-time dwell on CAPD)
is likely to play an important etiologic role in a may enhance their UF capacity [11]. La Milia and
relevant percentage of patients on PD therapy coworkers [123] suggested calculation of the
[41]. Overhydration represents an important clin- exact volume of free water transport by measur-
ical problem in pediatric PD patients, especially ing the amount of sodium transported through the
when RRF is decreasing. small pores over an 1-h dwell; since the total
11 Technical Aspects and Prescription of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 189

ultrafiltered volume is known, subtracting the Mechanical complications. Low drained dialysate
small pore transport from the total transport will volumes can be the consequence of peritoneal
give the amount of water transported through the catheter malfunction, leading to incomplete
water channels [49]. Smit and coworkers [124] dialysate drainage, especially after prolonged
added to this method the use of a volume marker, dwells on CAPD and CCPD, or dialysate leakage
so that free water transport could be calculated through the catheter tunnel or from the peritoneal
at each time point. From both studies, the contri- cavity to the pleural space.
bution of free water transport appeared to be
about 40–50% in the first hour of an exchange Fluid and sodium intake. Dietary counseling on
performed with an hypertonic PD solution [49]. sodium and fluid restriction should take into
account renal and/or dialysis-related sodium losses,
Peritoneal surface area available for the since sodium depletion may result in hypotension
exchanges. An extremely limited vascular surface and impaired growth. Compliance with dietary
area might be the consequence of postinfectious recommendations should be regularly assessed.
or postsurgical adhesions, peritoneal fibrosis, or
peritoneal sclerosis. Residual diuresis. The use of loop diuretics can
be considered in children with RRF (see the fol-
Dwell time and PD solution tonicity. These two lowing paragraph).
parameters are interrelated and should be consid- In summary, practical strategies to alter PD
ered jointly; for instance, low dialysate dextrose prescriptions with the aim of improving the UF
concentration and prolonged dwell time will rate can include:
inevitably lead to inadequate fluid removal in – During short dwells of APD: Increase number
high transport patients [72]; an increase of dex- of cycles and/or overall treatment time and/or
trose tonicity is associated with enhanced UF, but glucose concentration; however, every effort
the osmotic gradient dissipates over time; there- should be made to employ the lowest possible
fore, dextrose solutions are indicated for short dextrose concentration required to achieve the
dwells, while for the night-time dwell in CAPD desired UF rate.
and the daytime dwell in APD, icodextrin solu- – During prolonged dwells: Utilize icodextrin
tion may be more appropriate; as already said, solution; replace single long exchange with
icodextrin is also effective in maintaining ade- two or more exchanges.
quate UF rate during peritonitis episodes [125];
the observation that icodextrin may behave dif-
ferently in young children, in whom UF may not The Role of Residual Renal Function
be as successful as in older patients, requires fur- in Treatment Adequacy (see also Chap. 9)
ther confirmation [37]. A potentially useful rule of
thumb to define the optimal dwell duration in Prospective randomized trials of dialysis ade-
children on APD according to peritoneal transport quacy and observational studies in adult patients
characteristics is the so-called APEX time during confirmed that RRF is a much stronger predic-
a PET. As already mentioned, this is the time tor of patient survival than peritoneal clearance
point at which the D/P urea and the D/D0 glucose [96–98, 127, 128]. RRF plays an even more
equilibration curves cross [57]. APD cycle length important role for patients in whom targets of
should be equivalent to the APEX time. solute and fluid removal cannot be achieved by
means of the PD regimen alone [96]. In pediat-
Lymphatic absorption. A high effective lym- rics, no data from large-scale trials on the cor-
phatic absorption rate may be the consequence of relation between RRF and patient outcome are
a marked elevation in IPP [126]. A reduction of currently available. However, a single-center
the fill volume may help to reverse the propensity observational study on PD pediatric patients by
for fluid reabsorption by decreasing IPP. Chada et al. [129] reported that growth velocity
190 E. Verrina and K. Perri

was higher in a group of children with RRF than in slowing the decline of RRF [139]. Minimal
in another group of children without RRF even experience on the effect of these agents on RRF
if the same mean total solute clearance was in children on chronic dialysis is available; while
achieved in the two groups. In a nationwide this issue is worth investigating further, close
analysis on the incidence of arterial hyperten- monitoring for the occurrence of hyperkalemia is
sion among children undergoing chronic dialy- recommended, especially in anuric patients in
sis in Poland reported by Tkaczyk and coworkers whom peritoneal potassium excretion may be
[130], residual urine output was higher in nor- adversely affected [140]. Adult PD patients with
motensive patients. In a study of the assessment RRF and on ACE-I therapy were found to have
of cardiovascular risk in a group of 59 pediatric significantly lower 24-h urine and peritoneal
PD patients, residual diuresis was an indepen- dialysate potassium excretion than those not on
dent predictor of diastolic dysfunction [131]. ACE-I; patients on ACE-I therapy with no RRF
The rate of RRF decline in pediatric patients displayed not only a significantly lower dialysate
on PD was reported to be slower than in patients potassium loss, but also a significant increase in
on HD [132, 133]. It is still not clear if there is any the mean serum potassium concentration [141].
difference in the rate of preservation of RRF In summary, interventions that may contribute
between patients on CAPD and patients on APD to the preservation of RRF in the course of
[134, 135]. A single-center, retrospective study of chronic PD treatment should be adopted when-
30 children treated with CAPD or APD showed a ever possible [41]. At the same time, RRF should
better preservation of RRF in CAPD patients be routinely measured by means of an accurate
whose primary renal disease was a glomerulopa- 24-h urine collection, and PD prescription should
thy or a familial or hereditary renal disease [136]. be adjusted accordingly and in a timely fashion,
The PD prescription should be aimed to pre- in order to prevent the occurrence of signs and/or
serve RRF as long as possible, by gradually symptoms of inadequate treatment.
increasing the dialysis dose in steps, accurately
targeting UF rate to maintain the patient’s dry
BW, and using the lowest possible dialysate glu- Clinical Evaluation of PD Treatment
cose concentration required to achieve the desired Adequacy
UF volume [41, 133]. Loop diuretics can be used
to increase urinary water and salt excretion. Large-scale, prospective outcome studies in chil-
Efforts to preserve RRF also involve the dren treated with chronic PD are lacking owing
prevention of such nephrotoxic insults as [41]: to the small number of patients per center, the
– Exposure to nephrotoxic medications; in par- relatively short period of time on dialysis prior to
ticular, aminoglycoside antibiotics should be renal transplantation, and the, fortunately, low
employed in the treatment of PD related peri- patient mortality rate. Nevertheless, some pediat-
tonitis only when taking into account their ric studies have effectively addressed the issue of
nephrotoxicity, as well as ototoxicity and ves- the correlation between PD dose and selected
tibular toxicity clinical aspects.
– Exposure to radiocontrast agents Growth is a potentially valuable outcome
– Extracellular fluid volume depletion measure specific to pediatrics and can be used to
– Urinary tract obstruction and infection evaluate the efficacy of PD depuration.
The use of angiotensin-converting enzyme Multivariate analysis of the data of a multicenter
inhibitors (ACE-i) and angiotensin receptor study [50] showed a weak positive correlation of
blockers (ARB) to preserve RRF has been stud- height standard deviation score (SDS) with dia-
ied in adult patients on chronic PD [137, 138]. lytic creatinine clearance, and a negative correla-
A recently published systematic review and tion with peritoneal transport status, since
meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials children with high transport on PET had a lower
on this issue showed that there are only limited change in height SDS. Accelerated height veloc-
data supporting the efficacy of these medications ity was reported in 62% of the patients who met
11 Technical Aspects and Prescription of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 191

or exceeded DOQI target clearances [142]. As with left ventricular mass [150]. In an already
already mentioned, Chada et al. [129] presented mentioned study on the assessment of cardiovas-
data showing that growth correlates with renal cular risk conducted in 59 pediatric PD patients,
solute clearance, but not with peritoneal clear- Kt/Vurea was a significant predictor of carotid
ance. Similar to adult studies, these data may intima-media thickness [131].
confirm that peritoneal and residual renal small
solute clearances are not equivalent.
Nutrition is an issue of particular interest in Monitoring PD Adequacy in the Clinical
pediatric PD, since it can significantly affect Setting
growth and development of children. Children on
CPD commonly suffer from protein and calorie Regular assessment of the delivered dialysis dose
malnutrition with loss of muscle mass and pro- can be performed following the NKF-DOQI clini-
tein stores, and this condition is associated cal practice guidelines [41], with some adaptations
with increased morbidity and mortality [143]. to specific problems of childhood, and the European
Compared with normal healthy children, pediatric guidelines on adequacy of the pediatric PD pre-
patients receiving chronic PD have significantly scription [39]. This assessment is fundamentally
lower energy intake, as well as diminished height, based on the direct measurement of dialytic and
weight, triceps skinfold thickness, and mid-arm renal clearance, through a 24-h collection of
muscle circumference [143, 144]. In these dialysate and urine. For practical reasons, perito-
patients, dietary protein intake is inconsistently neal and renal clearance can be added to determine
correlated with delivered Kt/Vurea [145–147]. total clearance, even if they have a different impact
However, the relationship between Kt/Vurea and on patient’s outcome. All dialysate discharged dur-
the normalized protein equivalent of nitrogen ing 24 h should be accurately collected, including
appearance (nPNA) has often been criticized as the daytime exchange(s) if present, total volume
merely being the result of mathematical coupling precisely measured, and a sample obtained after
[148]. Finally, a higher Kt/Vurea was associated mixing effluent thoroughly. The same attention
with a lower serum albumin level in children, sug- should be paid to performance of a complete
gesting that enhancing PD dose may reach a point 24-h urine collection. Urine collection requires a
of no further benefit (i.e., a Kt/Vurea value of more preservative, such as thymol, to be added to the
than 2.75), owing to an increased loss of albumin collection or refrigeration to inhibit the growth of
in the peritoneal effluents [149]. bacteria that can degrade urea; dialysate does
A study of 18 children on PD showed that not require refrigeration or preservative.
increasing weekly Kt/Vurea and CrCl was positively Weekly peritoneal Kt/Vurea can be calculated
correlated with cardiac function and inversely with the following formula [151]:

(24 - hour D/P urea × 24 - hour dialysate volume × 7) / V

where D/P represents the dialysate to plasma urea In patients with RRF, renal Kt/Vurea corre-
concentration ratio. sponds to:

(mL/min urea clearance × 1, 440 min/day × 7) / (1,000 mL × V).

CrCl calculation is normalized to BSA, height by use of the Gehan and George
which can be calculated from weight and formula [152]:

BSA(m 2 ) = 0.0235 × (height,cm)0.42246 × (weight,kg)0.51456

192 E. Verrina and K. Perri

The following formula can be employed to

calculate dialytic CrCl per week [151]:

(24 - hour D/P Cr × 24 - hour dialysate volume × 7 × 1.73 m 2 ) / BSA(m 2 )

Residual renal clearance is better expressed as which can be calculated by the standard
the average of CrCl and urea clearance, each of formula:

(24 - h urine volume in mL × urine solute concentration)

Solute clearance (mL/min) =
(1, 440 min/day × serum solute concentration)

This calculation is then normalized to patient’s protein equivalent of nitrogen appearance

BSA. (nPNA), taking dialysate protein losses into
PD dose assessment should be coupled account.
with an evaluation of nutritional status, includ- Body composition of children on PD can be
ing anthropometric measurements (skin fold evaluated by means of bioelectrical impedance
thickness, mid-arm circumference), a 3-day analysis (BIA). Specific equations to predict fat
dietary record (to be evaluated by a renal free mass (FFM) and TBW from BIA data have
dietitian), and the determination of normalized been provided and are as follows [153]:

FFM [kg] = 0.65 × (height 2 /impedance) [ohms/cm 2 ] + 0.68 × age (years) + 0.15
TBW [L] = 0.144 × (impedance/height 2 ) [ohms/cm 2 ] + 40 × weight [kg] + 1.99.

The first measurement of PD dose can be be organized according to the following

obtained as early as 1 week after the patient is timetable.
stabilized on a defined PD prescription.
Subsequently, PD dose measurements can be
completed every 4 months, and in the event of Every Month
any significant change in clinical status and/or in
the amount of residual diuresis. A PET can be • Clinical and physical examination
performed 1 month after chronic PD initiation • Height
and then repeated every 12 months, or earlier in • Weight
case of unexpected changes in delivered PD • Head circumference (in infants)
dose or if any clinical condition that could • Blood pressure
permanently affect the peritoneal transport prop- • Blood urea nitrogen and creatinine
erties occurs, such as recurrent or persistent • Serum electrolytes
peritonitis. • Acid–base status
In the clinical setting, routine clinical • Hemoglobin/hematocrit
and biochemical outcome evaluations in • Serum albumin
pediatric patients on stable chronic PD can • Daily urine volume and UF
11 Technical Aspects and Prescription of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 193

Every 3 Months increasing dialysis should be performed in a

timely manner in order to anticipate and prevent
• Serum ferritin the occurrence of the above mentioned signs and/
• Serum iron or symptoms of inadequate treatment.
• Total iron binding capacity
• Alkaline phosphatase
• Intact parathyroid hormone Machines for Automated Peritoneal
• Kt/Vurea and CrCl from 24-h dialysate and
urine collection
The rapid evolution that APD has experienced
over the last decade has been closely linked to the
Every 12 Months
development of new automatic machines, which
are currently referred to as cyclers.
• Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
• Echocardiography
• Hand and wrist x-ray for bone age
• Neurodevelopment assessment Characteristics of Cyclers for
In the course of PD treatment, attention should Automated Peritoneal Dialysis
be paid by the patient’s parents, dialysis nurses,
and physicians to potential manifestations of Advances in the fields of electronics and com-
inadequate dialysis. In practice, the signs and/or puter technology generated substantial modifica-
symptoms that should be regularly recorded and tions of the old cyclers employed for high flow
evaluated are the following: intermittent PD (IPD), to smaller, lighter, more
• Clinical manifestations of overt uremia (ure- user friendly, less expensive, and more reliable
mic pericarditis, pleuritis) machines [59]. Since APD is performed by the
• Clinical and/or biochemical signs of patient or his or her caregiver at home, the most
malnutrition important requirements that cyclers should fulfill
• Arterial hypertension are the following.
• Hyperkalemic episodes – Small size, light weight, and easy portability,
• Hyperphosphatemia and/or excessive calcium which have been obtained by means of com-
times phosphorus product ponent miniaturization
• Kt/Vurea and/or CrCl values below the minimal – Simple interface with unequivocal messages
recommended targets and/or symbols (touch screen)
• Clues of patient and family noncompliance. – Safe, accurate and reliable functioning in the
In conclusion, it should be stressed once again patient’s home setting
that numerical targets of small solute removal Patient satisfaction should therefore be one of
should be interpreted cautiously and in the con- the leading design criteria for an APD machine
text of patient clinical assessment; failure to [154]. At the same time, the technology incorpo-
reach these targets should be regarded as a warn- rated in the cycler should be so advanced as to
ing sign, leading to careful reevaluation of each allow one to:
constituent of the therapeutic program. The con- – Individualize the dialytic prescription.
tribution of RRF to the adequacy of PD treatment – Measure the delivered dialysis dose and
is extremely important and tends to deteriorate net UF.
with time on chronic dialysis, albeit at a slower – Monitor patient adherence to the prescribed
rate in PD than in HD patients. Therefore, RRF treatment schedule.
should be regularly measured, although this may – Detect excessive IPP.
be difficult to do accurately in children, requiring – Detect peritoneal catheter malfunction.
good cooperation by caregivers. While RRF is – Fulfill the basic requirements of safety accord-
declining, adaptation of the PD prescription by ing to local and global standards.
194 E. Verrina and K. Perri

Moreover, the overall cost of treatment must be – Allow programming of individualized mini-
contained, although proportionate to the expected mum drain volume and minimum drain time
level of patient well-being and rehabilitation. for each patient, according to the desired PD
Some of the most recent options incorporated schedule and peritoneal catheter function. The
in modern cyclers for APD are: factory default setting of the patient fill vol-
– Online warming of dialysate. ume can be adopted initially; then, an indi-
– Pressure monitors to assess IPP. vidualized, optimal drain percentage should
– Gravity-assisted roller or diaphragm pumps to be determined. Attention should be paid that if
infuse and/or drain the dialysate; the pumps the minimum drain volume percentage is set
do not operate directly on the peritoneal cav- too low, an incomplete drain could result, and
ity, but on the heater and drain bag. this could lead to an overfill of solution, that in
– Cassette receptacles for the tubing set, to sim- some circumstances may cause injury to the
plify the procedure and minimize operator patient. On the contrary, if the minimum drain
errors and risk of contamination, thus ensur- volume percentage is set too high, an increased
ing a quick and safe connection. number of alarms and a loss of dwell time
– Bar code readers to match the prescription could result. Usually, a nontidal drain phase
with the PD solution selected by the patient. ends and the system moves on to the next fill
– Automated connecting devices to facilitate the when a minimum volume has been drained, a
connection between the bags and the tubing minimum drain time has elapsed, and the sys-
manifold. tem has determined the patient to be empty.
– Ad hoc connectors to perform one exchange The ideal cycler for APD should be able not
of dialysate during the day. only to perform all treatment schedules in an
The machine interface is typically character- accurate and safe way, but also to optimize the
ized by an easy and clear display with unequivo- performance of the selected PD regimen [155].
cal messages, through which trained personnel The cycler could use the recorded information of
and patients can easily set up the prescribed dial- the patient response to a given treatment sched-
ysis schedule. Usually, there are various levels of ule to suggest, or even automatically attempt, an
access to code protected programs; thus only improved regimen. Examples of such self-pro-
scheduled changes can be programmed by the gramming of the cycler are the following:
operator. The access to the prescription and con- – Dialysate inflow and outflow time could be
trol level of the cycler is usually protected by a adjusted on the basis of the flow rate that has
password that is known only by authorized per- been registered during the previous exchange.
sonnel, while data of the ongoing treatment can – Online detection of net UF, related to fluid
be easily visualized on the display of the cycler. osmolarity, dwell time and fill volume, could
The miniaturization of most components serve as the basis for an automatic feed-back
allows full portability by means of both reduced on the PD fluid composition in the following
dimension and light weight. cycle (profiling of glucose concentration
In particular, cyclers to be used for the treat- throughout the dialysis session). Bedside pro-
ment of children should have a specific pediatric duction of dialysis solution could individualize
mode designed to: PD treatment with respect to osmotic agent,
– Accurately deliver even a small volume of buffer, sodium and calcium contents [89, 155].
dialysate, with the possibility of very small
– Have a low recirculation volume set (20 mL, Registration of Treatment Data
or less) for low fill volume PD regimens.
– Allow peritoneal effluent drainage at low flow The introduction of microchips and computer
rates, which can be physiological for infants technology has led to greater programming flex-
and small children, without alarming (low fill ibility of the cyclers, as well as to the possibility
volume mode). of recording on an electronic device the patient’s
11 Technical Aspects and Prescription of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 195

prescription, medical history, and treatment Transmission of Treatment Data

events. This system provides information on the
home dialysis treatment, as well as a means of The possibility of a modem connection between
monitoring patient compliance, and creates a the home cycler and the dialysis unit makes so-
database of therapy information. The cycler sys- called teledialysis possible. APD treatment data
tem includes a data card (memory card) which can be visualized and monitored by the staff in
can store up to 60–90 days of actual treatment the dialysis unit online (while the treatment is
data. This database of therapy information can be being administered at a patient’s home), or offline
downloaded from the memory card of the cycler in the morning after the end of the night APD ses-
when the patient goes to the dialysis unit for a sion. Alternatively, data can be transferred
visit, or it can be retrieved via modem as often as through the modem connection from the cycler’s
needed. memory card to the personal computer of the
One example of the potential utilization of this dialysis unit on a regular basis (e.g., every
recording system is the evaluation of the func- 7–10 days), and in case of any problem observed
tioning of the peritoneal catheter. The pattern of by the patient or the caregiver, or of any doubt
the peritoneal catheter’s flow during each treat- they may have on cycler or peritoneal catheter
ment cycle can be analyzed with the help of function. Information stored in the file of each
graphs and charts, and any catheter malfunction patient is examined and evaluated by the physi-
detected even if it has not yet caused cycler cian and dialysis nurse according to a scheduled
alarms, or of clinical symptoms. The PD pre- program. Data can be organized in charts and
scription can be adapted to the drainage profile of graphs, and statistically elaborated. Modem con-
each individual patient’s catheter, thus minimiz- nection allows an early detection of a series of
ing the fill and drain dead times and the occur- therapy problems and may reduce the feeling of
rence of minimum drain volume alarms. An isolation and detachment that the patient and
application of this adaptation process is repre- family may experience in the course of long-term
sented by optimization of tidal volume to the home PD, especially if they live a distance from
individual drainage profile, which eliminates the the dialysis center.
flow rate drop occurring beyond the so-called The results reported on the use of telemedi-
breakpoint of the drainage curve [86, 87]. cine in a pediatric PD program [156] showed that
The recording of a PD session may also reveal the so-called telePD allowed timely identification
an excessive incidence of cycler alarms during the of clinical and psychosocial problems, and
nightly treatment, resulting in sleep deprivation increased patient and family satisfaction with
and an impairment of the quality of life to both home PD treatment. Such problems might be rep-
patients and parents [156]. Tube kinking or catheter resented by an imperceptible, but progressive
malfunction are the most frequent causes of drain decrease of UF rate, or by a prolongation of the
alarms. In some cases, unsuitable setting of alarm drainage phase due to catheter malfunction that is
limits (such as leaving the default setting of the still too small to release cycler alarms. Moreover,
cycler) may generate the occurrence of an exces- the awareness of routine data recording and trans-
sive number of useless and disturbing alarms. mission can help the patient to be more confident
The memory card of the cycler can be repro- of treatment control, and the dialysis doctors and
grammed by the physician or the dialysis nurse to nurses to more rapidly update the PD prescrip-
address patient prescription changes; when the tion. The tele dialysis system can also be inte-
patient inserts the card back into the cycler all the grated by videoconferencing equipment (digital
settings are updated. Therefore, the use of these camera; ISDN line) to give private videoconfer-
electronic devices eliminates the need for patients encing and video capture of images; thus, the
to program and manually record APD treatment dialysis and the exit site care procedure can be
data, thus shortening the training time, and sim- followed by the dialysis center server or by
plifying data collection and management by the the physician’s personal computer [157, 158].
dialysis team. However, in a recent report on the use of telecare
196 E. Verrina and K. Perri

in a pediatric program, the employed videophone recording makes the patient feel more confident
equipment still showed technical limitations and of treatment control, and the doctor-patient com-
was considered not cost-effective [159]; there- munication more explicit. It also helps the dialy-
fore, this technology deserves further evaluation sis staff to understand the reasons for inadequate
in pediatric home PD. In general, whether telePD depuration, and accordingly change the PD
is able to significantly reduce the need for patient prescription.
hospitalization or the incidence of technique fail-
ure in a population of home APD children should
be evaluated in large-scale studies. Strategies to Enhance Patient
Adherence to PD Prescriptions
Monitoring of Patient Adherence
An approach to increasing the compliance of
to the Prescribed APD Treatment
patients and caregivers to the prescribed PD
schedule should be considered an essential com-
Non-adherence is an important obstacle to achiev-
ponent of the prescription process, and a key fac-
ing adequate PD therapy, as well as a significant
tor in achieving the expected therapeutic results.
cause of morbidity, patient hospitalization and
Strategies should be targeted both on patient and
dialysis technique failure. Several methods to
family, and on the dialysis staff, and accomplished
assess patient adherence to the PD prescription
through a structured comprehensive program.
have been proposed, based on comparison of
Patient and family targeted interventions are
measured versus predicted creatinine excretion
mainly based on their active involvement in the
[160]; home visits to check dialysis solution sup-
choice of dialysis modality and on their educa-
ply inventories [161]; patient self-report confi-
tion to perform home dialysis treatment.
dential questionnaires [162]; or the comparison
Patient selection should include the following
of self-reports of compliance with the rate of pre-
action points:
dicted versus measured Kt/Vurea and CrCl [163].
– Early patient/family referral to dialysis staff
However, because no single method is able to
– Evaluation of patient’s clinical needs and
provide a complete assessment of non-adherence
patient and family life-style
in patients on home PD, they should be used in an
– Structured, unbiased information on the avail-
integrated way.
able dialysis modalities
The electronic data registration system of the
cyclers for APD provides an objective means to – Evaluation of physical and psychological abil-
monitor patient adherence to the prescribed treat- ity of the caregiver(s) to perform dialysis tasks
ment. Comparison of the prescribed versus the – Assessment of patient home environment
actually delivered therapy shows any change Patient and family preparation for home PD [164]
the patient and/or caregiver may have made in should:
the prescribed dialysis schedule on his or her – Start well before dialysis initiation.
initiative. More frequent changes made by the – Involve a multidisciplinary team: nephrolo-
patients or caregivers include: gist, renal nurse, renal dietitian, psychologist,
– Skipping treatment cycles social worker, school teacher, play staff.
– Shortening overall treatment time – Make use of appropriate written information
– Manually changing treatment parameters and other teaching aids.
– Bypassing therapy phases or cycles – Encourage contacts with similar-aged children
– Reducing fill volume by performing manual on home dialysis.
drains – Include a home visit and a liaison with the
In summary, recording and transmitting PD nursery/school/college, and the family doctor.
session data through an electronic device on a Training for home PD procedures should
regular basis can enhance patient adherence to involve two family members and can be com-
PD prescriptions, since the awareness of the pleted in the home environment.
11 Technical Aspects and Prescription of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 197

Ultimate goals of patient and family education are: connecting maneuvers, thus shortening patient
• To achieve an adequate level of knowledge, and partner training. Individualizing the PD pre-
understanding, and participation in the choice scription is now routinely performed by the char-
of PD modality and in the process of PD acterization of PM transport capacity, assessed by
prescription means of well standardized functional tests that
• To reduce patient and family anxiety and stress have been validated in pediatric patients. Early
by increasing awareness of the disease process controversy over the approach to prescribing fill
and treatment options volume has given way to generally accepted
• To convince the patient and family of the guidelines for scaling to BSA according to clinical
appropriateness and beneficial effects of the tolerance and IPP measurement, in order to ensure
prescribed treatment, and that adherence to maximal recruitment of peritoneal exchange area.
the prescription will improve outcome Children represent a patient category that
Once PD treatment has started, regular tele- would greatly benefit from the use of new more
phone contact and support for the family should physiological and biocompatible PD solutions,
be planned; moreover, acquired knowledge and especially if one considers their long-term depen-
skills of performing home PD should be assessed dence on a functioning PM in case of a kidney
at regular intervals. transplant failure and the fact that in APD fre-
Dialysis staff–targeted interventions to address quent short cycles continuously expose the PM to
the issue of patient adherence should increase a non physiological and bio-incompatible milieu.
staff ability to: Combined use of glucose, amino acids, and ico-
• Individualize PD prescription and evaluate its dextrin as part of a glucose-sparing APD regi-
results. men, together with the adoption of pH-neutral
• Explain the reasons for prescription changes. solutions, may represent a strategy to adequately
• Manage treatment complications as much as manage solute removal and UF, while preserving
possible on an outpatient basis. PM integrity over time.
• Test and recognize signs of patient Fluid balance is increasingly recognized as a
noncompliance. crucial aspect of PD patient management, as the
Dialysis staff education about compliance efficiency of water and salt removal has been
should be monitored and regularly updated. clearly associated with patient outcome, especially
in anuric patients, and UF failure is an important
cause of abandonment of the technique.
Conclusions Prospective randomized trials of dialysis ade-
quacy and observational studies in adult patients
Over the last 15 years, PD has experienced a have confirmed that RRF is a much stronger pre-
rapid evolution, which has been mostly linked to dictor of patient survival than peritoneal clearance.
the development of safe and simple to use con- Therefore, PD prescription should be aimed to
necting devices, more biocompatible materials preserve RRF as long as possible, by gradually
and solutions, and new automatic machines for increasing the dialysis dose in steps, accurately
PD delivery, with the employment of computer targeting UF rate to maintain the patient’s dry BW,
technology. All these achievements have pro- and using the lowest possible dialysate glucose
vided dialysis staff valuable tools to improve the concentration required to achieve the desired UF
overall efficacy and tolerability of PD treatment volume. Prevention of RRF loss also involves
in children. avoidance of nephrotoxic insults and the use of
The use of an integrated Y set, double-bag sys- loop diuretics, while the potential role of angio-
tem, with a disinfectant containing cap, and a tensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and ARB
“flush before fill” mode, has been associated with needs to be further investigated in children on PD.
a reduction of the incidence of peritonitis episodes As RRF declines over time, PD prescription should
due to touch contamination, and has simplified PD be adjusted to its decline in a timely fashion.
198 E. Verrina and K. Perri

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Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions
Claus Peter Schmitt

Peritoneal dialysis solution • Fluid composition • Biocompatible PD

develop these complications if early transplantation

Introduction is available, they still represent a major clinical
problem on a global scale as reflected by the limited
PD has traditionally been performed with acidic
long-term technique and patient survival [3]. In
solutions containing glucose as osmotic and lactate
recent years, PD solutions with a markedly improved
as buffer agent. These solutions confer marked local
biocompatibility profile have been developed to
and systemic toxicity (Fig. 12.1). Within few years,
remedy this problem. They which are gradually
the peritoneal membrane undergoes profound mor-
becoming available for routine patient care around
phological transformations including progressive
the globe. These “biocompatible” solutions allow for
mesothelial denudation, submesothelial fibrosis,
a refined and individualized therapy with a signifi-
hyaline vasculopathy, and neoangiogenesis [1].
cantly reduced toxin load. Knowledge of the spe-
Hypervascularization of the peritoneal membrane
cific features of each solution is necessary to provide
results in increased solute clearance, but also in
a most efficient and biocompatible PD regimen.
rapid glucose uptake and thus ultrafiltration loss
and eventually PD failure [2]. Peritonitis episodes,
chronic inflammation, and a persistently elevated
PD Fluid Composition
calcium* phosphate product further accelerate
membrane transformation, which in severe cases
Peritoneal dialysis fluids are composed of an
results in life-threatening, encapsulating peritoneal
osmotic agent, a buffer substance, and electro-
sclerosis. Even though most patients will not
lytes, which determine their purification and ultra-
filtration capacity as well as clinical tolerability.
*The askerik denotes the calcium -phosphate product, i.e.
the multiplication of both serum concentrations. This
product is highly relevant and often used in nephrology Osmotic Agents
C.P. Schmitt, MD () The standard osmotic agent is glucose at supra-
Department of General Pediatrics, Center for Pediatric
physiological concentrations (1,500–4,250 mg/
and Adolescent Medicine, Pediatric Nephrology
Division, Heidelberg, Germany dL). The high dialysate glucose concentration cre-
e-mail: ates an osmotic gradient via the peritoneal mem-

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_12, 205

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
206 C.P. Schmitt

Fig. 12.1 PD fluid toxicity and associated morphological and functional alterations. AGE advanced glycated
endproducts; ROS reactive oxygen species; AQP-1 Aquaporin 1; EPS encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis; GDP glucose
degardation product

brane to achieve ultrafiltration. On the other hand, Based on these deleterious effects of glucose,
the hyperosmolar and hyperglycemic milieu, is three alternative technological measures have been
also a major driving force for the peritoneal mem- realized to improve PD fluid biocompatibility: the
brane transformation and progressive increase in separation of glucose at a very low pH from the
peritoneal solute transport rates [4]. Depending on buffer in double- and triple-chamber bag systems;
the transporter status, from low to high, 45–88% the replacement of glucose by icodextrin, a glucose
of the intraperitoneal glucose is absorbed within polymer derived from stark; and the replacement
4 h. While providing some usually welcome addi- of glucose by amino acids. All these solutions con-
tional calorie supply, glucose resorption is the tain significantly less GDP than conventional dex-
rate-limiting factor for ultrafiltration capacity. trose-based fluids (Tables 12.1 and 12.2) [10, 11].
Moreover, sterilization of the glucose at high
temperature and a relatively high pH (5.5) as well as
prolonged storage promotes the generation of Buffer Substances
numerous glucose degradation products (GDP),
such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, 3-deoxyglu- Lactate has been the only buffer available for PD
cosone (3-DG), 3,4-dideoxyglucosone (3,4-DGE), fluids until recently. It is added to PD solutions at
and 5-hydroxymethyl furaldehyde (5-HMF). GDP concentrations far above the physiological range
impair peritoneal mesothelial cell function [5], (Table 12.1), is rapidly absorbed via the perito-
induce pro-angiogenetic factors such as VEGF [6] neal membrane and is metabolized to bicarbonate
and impair local host defense mechanisms [7]. They in the liver. The net buffer gain is counterbal-
are rapidly absorbed via the peritoneal membrane anced by the simultaneous loss of blood bicar-
[8] and contribute to inflammation, fibrosis, and bonate into the dialysate [12]. In vitro and animal
vasculopathy. GDP are potent precursors for studies have provided ample evidence that the
advanced glycation endproduct (AGE) formation. high amounts of lactate, present in conventional
AGE accumulate in the PD membrane but also in PD solutions at a low pH, have detrimental effects
the entire body [9], and further accelerate the pro- on peritoneal mesothelial cells. Lactate alters
cess of vascular and tissue aging (Fig. 12.2). specific cytokine release [13], reduces the avail-
12 Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions 207

Fig. 12.2 Deleterious effects of glucose degradation products (GDP) and advanced glycation endproducts (AGE) in
PD patients. PD fluids accelerate the aging process by delivery of glucose degradation products, which act directly and
indirectly via enhanced generation of AGE on the peritoneum membrane but also systemically

Table 12.1 Composition of conventional, single-chamber PD solutions

CAPD 2/3/4 17/18/19 Dianeal PD 1, PD2a, PD4 Gambrosol 10/40
Sodium (mmol/L) 134 132 132
Chloride (mmol/L) 102.5 102/96/95 96/95
Calcium (mmol/L) 1.25/1.75 1.75/1.75/1.25 1.75/1.35
Magnesium (mmol/L) 0.5 0.75/0.75/0.25 0.25
Glucose (%) 1.5/2.3/4.25 1.36/2.27/3.86 1.5/2.5/4.0
Osmolarity (mosmol/L) 356–509 344–486 353–492
Lactate (mmol/L) 35 35/40/40 40
pH 5.5 5.5 5.5
Formaldehyde (mmol/L)b 5.4 ± 0.4 6.8 ± 0.2 6.4 ± 0.5
3,4 DGE (mmol/L)b 16.2 ± 0.8 11.3 ± 0.5 13.1 ± 1.1
Bag size (L) 1.5/2/2.5 1.5/2/2.5/3/5 (APD) 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5/3 (G40)/4.5/5
GDP concentrations taken from Ref. [10], for Gambrosol 10/40 from Ref. [11]
Not available in all countries
At medium glucose concentration

ability of antioxidants such as gluthatione [14] demonstrated to improve the outcome of patients
and induces neoangiogenesis [15]. Adjustment to who require acute dialysis [18, 19]. Bicarbonate-
a physiological pH markedly improves but does based PD solutions used to require local manu-
not normalize the ex vivo viability and function facturing and rapid consumption due to the ready
of mesothelial cells [16, 17]. In patients with dissociation of HCO 3 to gaseous CO 2 [ 20 ] .
acute renal failure, especially when in poor tissue In recent years, advances in foil technology have
perfusion states such as shock, lactate acidosis made it possible to produce industrially
and multiorgan dysfunction, lactate inadequately manufactured, stable PD fluid bags containing
buffers metabolic acidosis. This is especially true either pure bicarbonate or a mixture of bicarbon-
in patients with impaired hepatic metabolism. ate and lactate buffer (Table 12.2). Superior con-
Dialysis fluids containing bicarbonate, the trol of metabolic acidosis has been demonstrated
physiological buffer of the blood, have been for the pure 34 mmolar bicarbonate solution and

Table 12.2 Composition of biocompatible PD solutions

Gambrosol Extraneal Nutrineal
BicaVera Balance trio 10/40 Physioneal 35/40 (7.5% Icodextrin) (1.1%AS)
Sodium (mmol/L) 132 134 132b 132 132 132
Chloride (mmol/L) 104.5 100.5 96b 101/95 96 105
Calcium (mmol/L) 1.75 1.25/1.75 1.75/1.35b 1.75/1.25 1.75 1.25
Magnesium (mmol/L) 0.5 0.5 0.25b 0.25 0.25 0.25
Glucose (%) 1.5/2.3/4.25 1.5/2.3/4.25 1.5/2.5/3.9 1.36/2.27/3.86 0 0
Osmolarity (mosmol/L)a 358–511 358–511 356–483 344–484 284 365
Lactate (mmol/L) 0 35 40b 10/15 40 40
Bicarbonate (mmol/L) 34 0 0 25/25 0 0
pH 7.4 7.0 5.5–6.5a 7.4 5.5 6.7
Formaldehyde (mmol/L)b <3.3 <3.3 <3.3 3.4 ± 0 3.6 ± 0.7 n.d.
3,4 DGEb (mmol/L) <2.4 <2.4 <2.4 14.3 ± 2.5 <2.4 n.d.
Bag size (L) 2/2.5/3 (APD) 2/2.5/3 and 5 (APD) 2/2.5/5 (APD) 1.5/2/2.5/5 (APD) 2.0 and 2.5 2.0
GDP concentrations taken from Ref. [10]
n.d. not done
Low to high glucose concentration
Medium glucose concentration
C.P. Schmitt
12 Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions 209

the 25/10 mmolar bicarbonate/lactate solution as vascular health. Dialysate calcium concentrations
compared to single-chamber, 35 mmolar lactate range from the physiological 1.25 mmol/L, which
PD fluid [21, 22]. Overcorrection to metabolic usually allows for a calcium neutral dialysis, unless
acidosis may occur with very frequent cycles and ultrafiltration occurs, to 1.75 mmol/L, which results
with higher dialysate buffer content [23]. in a positive calcium balance. The net dialytic cal-
Pyruvate, a natural radical scavenger with buffer cium balance can be estimated from the dialysate
capacity, might be an attractive alternative buffer turnover and the difference between PD fluid and
agent but thus far has only been investigated in effluent calcium concentrations and the calcium
experimental settings [24]. losses via the ultrafiltrate. It adds to the total body
calcium balance determined by urine losses and
intestinal absorption from nutrients and phosphate
Electrolytes binders and modified by vitamin D treatment.
While calcium balance should be mildly positive to
Sodium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium are meet the mineral requirements of a growing child,
added to the PD solutions to maintain mineral routine administration of 1.75 millimolar PD fluid
homeostasis. Sodium chloride balance is closely will result in calcium overload in most children.
related to the ultrafiltration rate. Depending on The use of solutions containing 1.0 mmol/L cal-
dwell time and the relative contribution of free cium leads to aggravated secondary hyperparathy-
water transport via aquaporin-1 in the early phase roidism and have become dispensible with the
of a dwell, more than 100 mmol of sodium per advent of calcium-free phosphate binders [27].
liter ultrafiltrate can be lost. In infants, the rela- Since magnesium accumulates in advanced CKD,
tively higher ultrafiltration rates may therefore dialysate magnesium concentrations are low to low
result in reduced total body sodium chloride normal relative to serum concentrations (Tables 12.1
content, hypovolemia, and hypotension. Since the and 12.2). Harmful effects of increased serum
losses are isotonic, sodium depletion is commonly magnesium levels include altered nerve conduction
not associated with hyponatremia; rather, noctur- velocity, pruritus, and altered bone and parathyroid
nal hypotension and tachycardia may be the first gland function. On the other hand, hypermag-
symptoms of sodium chloride deficiency. Sodium nesemia may also slow vascular calcification rate.
chloride supplementation is mandatory in these An inverse relationship between serum Mg, hyper-
patients. Only if dwell time is very short and parathyroidism, and vascular calcification has been
dialysate glucose concentration is high, as for demonstrated in adult dialysis patients [28, 29].
example required in severely volume overloaded
patients, aquaporin-1 mediated free water transport
predominates. Since the drained dialysate sodium PD Fluid Types
mass is low in these cases (“sodium sieving”), rela-
tive body sodium concentrations increase and results Conventional PD Solutions
in third. The third scenario usually affects older
children and adults who are typically salt and thus Single-chamber PD solutions allow for efficient
water overloaded due to poor dietary adherence, ultrafiltration, transperitoneal solute transport,
especially if anuric. In these patients, the comple- and, thus, blood purification. They, however,
mentary use of icodextrin solution has proven contain high amounts of toxic GDP and expose
beneficial (see below). Sodium balance, hydration the patient to supraphysiological lactate concen-
status, and blood pressure might also be improved trations at an unphysiologically low pH
by low sodium dialysate solutions, which have (Table 12.1). They impair peritoneal mesothelial
shown promising results in clinical studies [25, 26] cell function, local host defense [13, 14, 30, 31],
but have not yet been admitted to the market. and lead to largely irreversible alterations of PD
Optimal calcium control, i.e., serum levels in membrane morphology and function within a few
the lower normal range, is crucial for bone and years of usage [1, 2, 15].
210 C.P. Schmitt

Fig. 12.3 CA125 effluent concentration in children effluent concentrations, a marker of peritoneal mesothe-
treated with conventional (CPDF) and low GDP solution lial cell mass, increase with low GDP solution (left),
(BicaVera®). Twenty-eight children were randomly remain low in patients who continue to receive CPDF, and
assigned to undergo 12 week treatment periods with low decrease in children switched from low GDP fluid to
GDP solution followed by CPDF or vice versa. CA125 CPDF (right) (With permission from Ref. [21])

Multi-Chamber PD Fluids In humans, effluent CA125 concentration, a

surrogate parameter of peritoneal mesothelial
By separating the glucose at a very low pH in cell mass increases (Fig. 12.3), whereas the
double- and triple-chamber bags, formation of inflammation markers IL-6 and hyaluronic acid
GDP is markedly reduced. Most, albeit not all, of decrease [21, 40–43]. The effluent concentration
the solutions are buffered at neutral or even phys- of VEGF, a putative marker of peritoneal neoan-
iological pH with lactate, bicarbonate, or a mix- giogenesis, decreased in some but not all studies
ture of both. Numerous experimental and clinical [34, 42, 43]. Several prospective randomized tri-
studies have demonstrated an improved biocom- als demonstrate similar solute transport and ultra-
patibility profile of multi-chamber PD solutions. filtration capacity in children and adults treated
In vitro, multi-chamber PD fluids improve with multi-chamber as compared to conventional
mesothelial cell viability and function, preserve PD solutions [8, 21, 23, 44]. In case of reduced
innate peritoneal immune defense mechanisms, ultrafiltration rate, this was compensated by
and reduce the synthesis and secretion of cytok- improved residual renal urine output [40, 45].
ines related to inflammation, fibrosis, and angio- Indeed, residual renal function appears to be
genesis [31–34]. better preserved with multi-chamber PD fluids
Animal studies confirmed improved in vivo [46, 47], most likely due to reduced GDP resorp-
peritoneal host defense [35, 36], reduced perito- tion. GDP are toxic to podocytes and tubular cells
neal TGF-ß and VEGF expression, reduced depo- [48]. Switch from conventional to low GDP solu-
sition of AGE, preservation of the mesothelial tions results in a peritoneal washout of AGE
cell layer, and markedly reduced fibrosis, vascul- [49, 50] and a 15% decline in systemic AGE
opathy and neoangiogenesis [37]. The acute peri- levels in children [8] and adults [41].
toneal hyperperfusion observed with conventional A relevant clinical benefit of multi-chamber
solutions is largely prevented when perfusion is PD fluids is likely but difficult to ascertain. An
performed with multi-chamber PD fluid [38]. immediate advantage is the reduction of abdomi-
Finally, multi-chamber fluids have been associ- nal discomfort due to reduced inflow pain and
ated with preserved ultrafiltration capacity in an intraperitoneal pressure [51, 52]. Some but not
experimental long-term dialysis model [39]. all groups observed a reduced overall peritonitis
12 Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions 211

Fig. 12.4 Observational

data on all-cause mortality
in adult PD patients on low
GDP solution (n = 1,621)
and patients on conven-
tional PD solution (CPDF,
n = 542) suggesting
improved patient survival
with the low GDP solution
(p < 0.01, With permission
from Ref. [55]). This
association is currently
validated in prospective
clinical trials

incidence in patients treated with PD solutions even in the absence of GDP. Therefore, a com-
with reduced GDP content, new cyclers, and plementary research strategy besides minimiza-
improved connection devices [53, 54]. Two tion of GDP formation has been the search for
large-scale registries demonstrate significant alternative, less toxic osmotic agents. Icodextrin
improvement of patient morbidity and mortality is derived from starch and consists of a mixture
in adults using multi-chamber as compared to of glucose polymers with an 85% molecular
conventional fluids [55, 56] (Fig. 12.4). These weight range of 1.7–45 kD. The GDP content of
promising findings have stimulated large-scale the icodextrin solution is low, lactate concentra-
randomized comparative trials which are cur- tion is 40 mmol/L at a pH of 5.5 (Table 12.2).
rently underway. Although the transperitoneal absorption rate is
An interesting side note related to triple- much lower than that of glucose, 40% of the ico-
chamber systems is the option to mix a hypoos- dextrin molecules are absorbed within 12 h [57].
molar solution with 0.75% dextrose, which may Icodextrin is metabolized to maltose and its
be used for rehydration of dehydrated children. derivatives, which accumulate in the human
Taken together, a plethora of beneficial effects body and increase serum osmolality by
has been demonstrated experimentally for low- 5 mosmol/L [58]. A clinical impact of chronic
GDP multi-chamber PD solutions, and evidence maltose accumulation has not yet been discerned.
for relevant clinical benefits is beginning to After icodextrin discontinuation, the plasma
emerge. It should be noted though that the differ- levels of its metabolites return to baseline within
ent currently available solutions still differ con- 3–7 days [57].
siderably with respect to their GDP contents and Unlike the hyperosmolar, crystalloid osmotic
final pH, obviously due to differences in the man- gradient of glucose solutions, icodextrin solution
ufacturing process. Some manufactures reduced is characterized by iso-osmotic, colloid osmotic
total GDP content by 50%, others by more than ultrafiltration. This type of ultrafiltration is aqua-
90% compared to single-chamber PD fluid porin-1 independent, i.e., sodium sieving does
(Table 12.2) [10, 11]. The clinical impact of these not occur. The ultrafiltration pattern is delayed as
differences has not yet been delineated. compared to glucose-containing PD fluids, with
sustained net fluid withdrawal for more than 12 h
(Fig. 12.5). Icodextrin should therefore be admin-
Icodextrin Solution istered once daily during the long dwell.
Once daily administration of icodextrin
Exposure to glucose at high concentrations con- increases sodium removal and improves the daily
fers some degree of toxicity to the peritoneum ultrafiltration rate and hydration status [58, 59],
212 C.P. Schmitt

Fig. 12.5 Scheme of icodextrin and glucose-dependent ultrafiltration kinetics. Icodextrin induces relative slow, AQP-1
independent, but sustained ultrafiltration and should be used for a single long dwell

independent of the prevailing peritoneal trans- compound inducing local inflammation, which
porter status [60]; blood pressure and left ven- had escaped endotoxin testing [67]. The last pub-
tricular mass are improved within 3–6 months lished outbreak occurred in 2006 [68]. The reduced
[61, 62]. GDP content improves peritoneal host defense
The local and systemic glucose load is signifi- mechanisms in an ex vivo model, but not to a simi-
cantly reduced and the plasma lipid profile lar extent as double-chamber PD fluids [36].
improves with icodextrin usage [63, 64]. In anuric Glucose-specific assays are required to mea-
APD patients, icodextrin administration during sure serum glucose levels in patients treated
the daytime dwell preserves peritoneal membrane with icodextrin since falsely increased plasma
function as compared to patients receiving con- glucose determinations are obtained when glucose
ventional, high GDP solution only [65]. dehydrogenase-based (GDH PQQ) or glucose-dye-
In many centers, icodextrin is combined with oxidoreductase-based methods are used. Total
conventional single-chamber PD solution. alpha-amylase activity is 75% lower in the serum
Whether long-term results are comparable to pre- of patients treated with icodextrin than in patients
scription of pH neutral, low GDP solutions only only treated with glucose solutions and 66%
is yet unknown. Twice daily administration of lower as compared to healthy subjects, for
icodextrin has been proposed in seriously hyper- unknown reasons [69]. This needs to be consid-
volemic patients [66]. Caution, however, is man- ered if a pancreatic disease is suspected. Mild
datory, since the metabolic impact of the increases in serum GOT, GPT, and AP have been
additional icodextrin and oligosaccharide load is observed in 1–10% of the patients.
yet unknown. In summary, icodextrin solution has important
Disadvantages of icodextrin solution concern advantages over conventional PD solutions with
the high lactate concentration and the low pH respect to sodium removal and ultrafiltration,
(Table 12.2). Allergic skin reactions to icodextrin which are particularly relevant in anuric subjects
and exfoliative dermatitis have been reported in up and those with a high peritoneal transporter sta-
to 10% of the patients. Discontinuation of icodex- tus. In the future, the emergence of a high trans-
trin usually is curative. In the past, aseptic peritoni- porter status, and consequently the need for
tis outbreaks were repeatedly noted with icodextrin icodextrin treatment, is hoped to decline with the
fluid; these were mainly due to transient contami- administration of biocompatible PD solutions
nation with peptidoglycan, a bacterial membrane from the very beginning.
12 Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions 213

Amino Acid Solutions comprise ten patients or less and suggest good
clinical tolerance and similar transport kinetics as
Amino acids are another alternative to glucose as compared to other solutions [74, 79–81].
osmotic agent. Amino acid–based PD solutions
contain very low amounts of GDP [70] and allow
for a phosphate-free amino acid supply. The solu- Combination Therapies
tion is only slightly hyperosmolar, similar to
1.5% glucose solution, and contains 40 mmol/L Different combinations of biocompatible PD
of lactate at a slightly acidic pH of 6.7. solutions are feasible, and the concept appears
Experimental studies, however, do not unequivo- intriguing. Icodextrin can be administered
cally support the notion of improved biocompat- together with multi-chamber PD fluids.
ibility [37, 71]. Amino acids induce mesothelial Combination of icodextrin with multi-chamber
NO production, a factor involved in neoangio- PD and amino acid-based fluid has been advo-
genesis [72], increase effluent IL-6 concentra- cated to substantially reduce glucose and GDP
tions, a potential surrogate marker of inflammation exposure, e.g., by 40–50% in patients on CAPD.
[73], and suppress leukocyte recruitment in rats While results from prospective, randomized con-
[36]. Long-term dialysis in rats, however, revealed trolled trials are not yet available, observational
only minor peritoneal changes and preserved clinical reports suggest that the triple combina-
ultrafiltration capacity, similar to double-chamber tion is safe and effective [82, 83] and may
PD fluid [37]. In children and adults, solute and improve metabolic acidosis control [84]. The
water transport is similar as compared to conven- anecdotally reported overcorrection of metabolic
tional, high GDP fluids [74, 75]. acidosis [85] may be related to intensive PD pro-
With respect to the nutritional effect of amino tocols with frequent cycles and could probably
acid solutions, early studies yielded disappoint- be mitigated by choosing PD solutions with lower
ing results with no improvement in anthropomet- buffer content.
ric indices, increased serum nitrogen levels, and
metabolic acidosis [76]. More recent stable iso-
tope studies in adult CAPD patients using amino Perspectives
acid and glucose PD fluid exposure at a ratio of
1:4 yielded increased protein anabolism [77] Biocompatible PD fluids and the new cycler sys-
and a 4% higher protein synthesis rate as com- tems are increasingly used in children with end-
pared to patients treated with a double-chamber stage renal disease. According to the International
PD solution only. Increases in serum nitrogen Pediatric PD Network Registry, 60% of the PD
levels and metabolic acidosis were not observed, children in Europe were treated with multi-
protein breakdown was not affected [78]. The chamber PD solutions with reduced GDP content
anabolic effect was most pronounced in malnour- in 2010, 15% with icodextrin solution (www.
ished patients. This is in line with clinical obser- Lower numbers have been reported for
vations in four malnourished patients followed Asia (25% and 15%) and North America (10% and
over 3 years [75]. Outcome data from appropri- 17%). In face of the increasing scientific and clini-
ately sized randomized controlled trials, however, cal evidence of local and systemic benefits of these
are not yet available. solutions, the associated increase in costs should
The limited anabolic effects of the relatively be offset by reduced infectious complications
expensive solutions, concerns regarding their bio- [53, 54], improved long-term preservation of the
compatibility, and the usual achievement of ade- PD membrane [37, 39, 65], improved cardiovascu-
quate nutrition with enteral feeding thus far have lar health [61, 65, 66], and ultimately improved
prevented wider administration of amino acid– long-term patient survival (Fig. 12.6). Registry
based PD fluids in children, although the concept data support this assumption [55, 56] which is cur-
is intriguing. The few pediatric reports available rently being tested in randomized clinical trials.
214 C.P. Schmitt

Fig. 12.6 Local and

systemic benefits of
biocompatible PD
solutions. Asterisks
indicate that only limited
scientific evidence is

Future prospects should include the complete 5. Witowski J, Korybalska K, Wisniewska J, Breborowicz
replacement of glucose by a nontoxic (and thus A, Gahl GM, Frei U, Passlick-Deetjen J, Jörres A.
Effect of glucose degradation products on human
GDP free), nonabsorbable osmotic agent. Several peritoneal mesothelial cell function. J Am Soc
such agents are currently under investigation. To Nephrol. 2000;11(4):729–39.
optimize mineral and acid base balance and thus 6. Inagi R, Miyata T, Yamamoto T, Suzuki D, Urakami
to reduce CKD-MBD and cardiovascular seque- K, Saito A, Van de Ypersele Strihou C, Kurokawa K.
Glucose degradation product methylglyoxal enhances
lae, novel PD systems should furthermore allow the production of vascular endothelial growth factor
for a more refined, continuous adaptation of elec- in peritoneal cells: role in the functional and morpho-
trolyte and buffer supply according to individual logical alterations of peritoneal membranes in perito-
needs. neal dialysis. FEBS Lett. 1999;463(3):260–4.
7. Jonasson P, Braide M. Kinetics and dose response of
the effects of heated glucose peritoneal dialysis fluids
on the respiratory burst of rat peritoneal leukocytes.
ASAIO J. 2000;46(4):469–73.
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Peritoneal Dialysis During Infancy
Tuula Hölttä, Christer Holmberg,
and Kai Rönnholm

Peritoneal dialysis • Infants • Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
(CAPD) • Automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) • Tidal peritoneal
dialysis (TPD) • Dialysis solutions

Peritoneal dialysis in an infant is demanding

Introduction to the child, the family, and the medical person-
nel. Thus, the decision to initiate therapy should
In the early years of renal replacement therapy,
be made after thorough discussion with the fam-
there has been doubt if it would be ethically justi-
ily and the treatment team with respect of the
fied to treat end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in
long-term prognosis of the child. The decision is
newborns and infants with maintenance perito-
a particular issue for infants in which coexisting
neal dialysis due to their higher technical compli-
congenital abnormalities are additional risk fac-
cation rates, morbidity, and mortality in
tors for survival and quality of life [5, 9–12].
comparison to older children [1, 2]. At the end of
However, as more and more infants are success-
the 1990s, only 50% of pediatric nephrologists
fully treated with peritoneal dialysis and early
offered dialysis to patients under 1 year of age,
renal transplantation, it is considered increasingly
and only 40% offered this treatment to neonates
difficult ethically to withhold active treatment
[3]. However, during recent years, an increasing
even from children with significant comorbidity.
number of publications have reported satisfactory
outcomes with respect to morbidity, mortality,
growth, and development [4–11]. Thus, in expe-
rienced centers, results comparable to those
achieved in older children can be achieved and
The true incidence of ESRD in infants is not
most countries with available resources offer
known since some infants with serious comorbid-
treatment to the majority of infants.
ity are not referred for renal replacement therapy
(RRT). In Europe, the annual incidence of chil-
dren aged 0–4 years accepted for RRT is 7–8 per
T. Hölttä, MD • C. Holmberg, MD • K. Rönnholm, MD () million age-related population [13]. In North
Department of Pediatric Nephrology and Transplantation,
America, the incidence for RRT in neonates
University of Helsinki and Hospital for Children
and Adolescents, Helsinki, Finland according to the NAPRTCS registry was 0.045
e-mail: cases per million population per year [14].

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_13, 219

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
220 T. Hölttä et al.

The most common diagnoses leading to

terminal renal failure in infancy are renal hyp-
Peritoneal Access
oplasia/dysplasia with or without obstructive
Both in acute situations, when the need for dialy-
uropathy, autosomal recessive polycystic kidney
sis is more than a few days, and in cases of ESRD,
disease (ARPKD), cortical necrosis usually due
it is important that a permanent peritoneal access
to perinatal asphyxia, and oxalosis [10, 15]. The
is implanted surgically by an experienced sur-
spread of diagnoses is affected by race and
geon [17]. Laparoscopic techniques for catheter
sometimes by country. For example, in Finland,
implantation can also be used in infants in centers
congenital nephrotic syndrome of the Finnish
experienced with this technique [18].
type represents 56% of infants starting peritoneal
The catheters most commonly used in infants
dialysis [8].
are coiled Flex-Neck® and coiled or straight infant
At our center, we have treated 98 children less
Tenckhoff® catheters. Since straight catheters may
than 2 years of age with peritoneal dialysis dur-
be associated with infusion pain and with a higher
ing the last 23 years. The recommendations in
rate of mechanical failure, coiled catheters have
this chapter are based on the literature, and our
become the standard choice in the majority of
own experience with this age group.
centers. At our center, we use coiled single-cuff
infant Flex-Neck® catheters for infants weighing
less than 6 kg and pediatric Flex-Neck® in older
Initiation of Peritoneal Dialysis children. The catheter should be positioned in the
lower pelvis, in an unobstructed location, with the
Even in advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD), deep cuff buried in the rectus muscle in a parame-
conservative treatment can usually be continued dian position. The exit site should be directed
in infants as long as the child grows and develops upward laterally in infants, outside the diaper area
normally, quality of life is acceptable, and no and away from sites for a gastrostomy tube or an
absolute indications for dialysis are present. In ureterocutaneostomy. If a catheter with two cuffs
severe cases of congenital nephrosis not respond- is used, the superficial cuff should be placed at
ing to ACE inhibition and indomethacin and least 2 cm from the exit site. Some studies report
requiring daily albumin infusions for sufficient a significantly higher incidence of exit-site infec-
protein balance and growth, we recommend bilat- tions and peritonitis episodes with single cuff as
eral nephrectomy and peritoneal dialysis when compared with double-cuff catheters [14]. On the
the child is about 6–7 months old (weight > 7 kg) other hand, the incidence of distal cuff extrusion
[16]. To avoid dialysate leakage, we recommend with double-cuff catheters in children is about 8%
to insert the catheter and leave it for 2–3 weeks [19]. In coiled Tenckhoff® catheters for infants,
before starting dialysis. We start dialysis with the intraperitoneal part is often too long for very
increasing volumes and perform bilateral nephre- small infants and there may be a tendency for
ctomy to severely nephrotic children after check- migration of the catheter. It is also thick for small
ing the function of dialysis. In severely nephrotic newborn babies with sparse subcutaneous tissue
children, warfarin therapy should be stopped 2–3 and its pressure can lead to necrosis of the skin.
days prior to nephrectomy and AT III given intra- The Flex-Neck® catheter is made of a special sili-
venously (50 IU/kg) immediately prior to the cone blend allowing variable tunnel and exit-site
operation. In children with ARPKD, it is advis- configurations. This catheter has also a shorter
able to take out both kidneys at the time of cathe- intraperitoneal part. We have experienced clearly
ter insertion to give more space for dialysis volume less migration of the PD catheter while using
and pulmonary function. In children with oxalo- Flex-Neck® catheters.
sis, we do not remove the kidneys when combined We routinely perform partial omentectomy in
liver–kidney transplantation is performed, as they infants, though its usefulness has been debated in
may partly recover after liver transplantation. children [20, 21]. Unless colonization with a
13 Peritoneal Dialysis During Infancy 221

methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus has from insertion of the catheter, the fill volume can
been documented, first-generation cephalosporins be increased to target within a week.
are recommended as prophylactic antibiotics at CAPD with very low fill volumes can also be
catheter insertion [22]. If the infant has severe performed with commercially available acute PD
hypoproteinemia, antithrombin III should be sets for children. With the two chambers of the set,
given before catheter insertion to minimize the inflow and outflow volumes can be measured to
risk for thrombosis [23]. 1 mL. The inflow solution should be warmed on
Our starting regimen involves exchanges with the heating plate before filling the inflow chamber
10 mL/kg dialysate with heparin 500 IU/L, and the peritoneal cavity. When the inflow volume
flushed in and out until the effluent is clear, for a of the PD solution exceeds 100 mL, we use twin
maximum of 2 h. Catheter immobilization is bags. The inflow and outflow volumes can be
imperative to prevent trauma to the healing exit estimated from the bags with a precision of 10 mL
site [17]. We keep the exit site covered with non- using a digital scale (e.g., a digital fish scale).
occlusive dressing in our patients. Whenever pos- The estimated normovolemic weight is the
sible, we try to keep a dialysis-free period of 2–3 target weight of the infant. If the child is oliguric
weeks after catheter insertion to prevent leakage. or anuric, weight should be checked every 6 h
In infants with congenital nephrotic syndrome, and the glucose concentration of the dialysis flu-
we insert the catheter at least 2 weeks before ids for the next 6 h period is defined by individual
bilateral nephrectomy [16]. In neonates, infants weight limits (e.g., if the target weight is 3 kg and
with poor nutritional status and in nephrotics, the the actual weight is < 3 kg: use low glucose con-
tissue texture is loose and wound healing is centration; actual weight 3.0–3.2 kg: use medium
delayed. These infants are at high risk for leaks if glucose concentration; actual weight > 3.2 kg: use
dialysis is started early after catheter insertion. high glucose concentration). To avoid major
imbalances of hydration, these weight limits
should be frequently reevaluated and adapted for
Prescriptions growth, temporary weight loss, etc. (see para-
graph “Estimation of Ideal Weight”).
Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal
Dialysis (CAPD)
Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD)
If dialysis has to be started immediately after
catheter insertion (hyperkalemia, overhydration), With the new generation of cycler devices, APD
we use CAPD with low fill volume (200 mL/m2 can be successfully performed when the fill vol-
or 10 mL/kg) and a dwell time of 30–50 min for, ume is greater than 100–150 mL. With lower fill
at least, 5–7 days to prevent leakage [21]. When volume, outflow is slow, resulting in frequent
the wounds have healed, the fill volume can be alarms. Pediatric tubing sets with minimized
gradually increased to 800–1000 mL/m2 [24] and recirculation volumes are available and APD pro-
the exchanges to 8–12 per 24 h. We recommend duces sufficient purification even for infants.
to use as maximal fill volume of 800 mL/m2 for For APD, we use continuous cycling perito-
infants under 1 year of age, and thereafter 800– neal dialysis (CCPD) with a cycler treatment
1000 mL/m2 [24]. The choice of the fill volume is time of 10–12 h, 10–14 exchanges and a fill vol-
not only guided by general adequacy recommen- ume of 800–1000 mL/m2 during the night
dations, but also by blood chemistry and intrap- (800 mL/m2 during the first year of life and
eritoneal pressure (method described by 800–1000 mL/m2 during the second year of life),
Fischbach [25]). We try to keep the intraperito- and a last fill for the day of 400–500 mL/m2 [16].
neal pressure below 10 cm H2O during infancy We use lower fill volumes in the daytime, because
[25]. If the blood purification is not optimal, we of the risk for hernias, leakage, and/or vomiting.
increase the fill volume if IPP is under 10 cm The fill volume is determined according to the
H2O. If dialysis can be delayed for 10–14 days principles described in the paragraph CAPD.
222 T. Hölttä et al.

In nephrectomized and anuric infants, two for infants because of the high need of
manual exchanges are performed in the late after- calcium-based phosphate binders caused by milk/
noon with 1 h interval, with a fill volume of 400– protein-rich diet. Amino acid containing dialysis
500 mL/m2, usually with medium or high glucose fluid may be used in protein malnourished infants
solutions to achieve ultrafiltration during the [27], although we prefer aggressive enteral nutri-
afternoon in order to avoid hypervolemia and tion. We have tried polyglucose solutions also in
high blood pressure in the evening, and to opti- infants with variable results in respect of ultrafil-
mize purification [6]. To get appropriate ultrafil- tration. The use of them must be closely moni-
tration from an anuric or oliguric child, we specify tored because long-term experiences in children
more precise weight limits for the night for addi- and infants are lacking [28, 29]. PH-neutral,
tional use of different combinations of glucose bicarbonate-buffered PD fluid has been shown to
solutions. In these children, it is also important to provide more effective correction of metabolic
restrict water intake to avoid the use of high-glu- acidosis and better preservation of peritoneal cell
cose solutions. In cyclers, available nowadays, mass than conventional low-pH, lactate-based
there are possibilities to mix solutions with dif- fluid in infants as well as in older children [30].
ferent glucose concentrations (Home Choice®, Infants should be treated with pure bicarbonate
Baxter and Serena®, Fresenius) or perform each solutions whenever possible, as they do not
cycle with solution of certain glucose concentra- metabolize lactate well [31].
tion or even with different fill volume (Sleep
Safe®, Fresenius). With different combinations of
solutions, we can fine-tune the ultrafiltration vol- Estimation of Ideal Weight
ume achieved during treatment, depending on the
properties of the peritoneum of the child. The An estimate of the ideal, normovolemic weight in
child is weighed 2–3 times during the day and an oliguric or anuric infant is extremely difficult.
solutions and program are chosen according to Signs of overhydration are edema of the eyelids
weight limits. As the child grows, weight limits and legs, a full fontanel, high blood pressure, and
should be reevaluated every 1–2 weeks. high serum N-terminal atrial natriuretic peptide
concentration (>3.0 nmol/L) [32]. In addition,
any elevation of blood pressure in a nephrecto-
Tidal Peritoneal Dialysis (TPD) mized child indicates overhydration [32, 33].
Signs of hypovolemia are reduced skin turgor, a
Tidal peritoneal dialysis can also be successfully low/sunken fontanel, dizziness, vomiting in the
used in infants. However, as sufficient adequacy morning and a low serum N-terminal atrial natri-
mostly can be achieved with CCPD also in infants uretic peptide concentration [32, 33]. If hyperv-
and TPD is more expensive [26], we recommend olemia has been present for a longer time, cardiac
it only for patients with high peritoneal mem- ultrasound shows left ventricular hypertrophy
brane permeability and reduced outflow, and for [32, 33].
those with mechanical outflow problems or out- Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and
flow pain. inferior vena cava diameter assessments can be
helpful in estimating volemia in experienced
hands [34, 35]. However, in infants these mea-
Choice of Dialysis Solution surements are technically difficult to perform,
and the results may not always be reliable. In
Glucose is the standard osmotic agent for PD addition, the available equipment for BIA mea-
for infants. It is possible to choose dialysis surement is not validated for estimation of hydra-
fluid also according to calcium content: low tion status in infants. Thus, according to our
calcium (1.25 mmol/L) and standard calcium experience, BIA has not been helpful for estima-
(1.75 mmol/L). Low-calcium PD fluid is beneficial tion of hydration status in infants [33].
13 Peritoneal Dialysis During Infancy 223

acceptable. Also in our later study [33], 57% of

Adequacy 21 infants with a mean creatinine clearance of
49 ± 20 L/week showed catch-up growth during
Adequacy control assessment and a peritoneal
PD. Several single-center pediatric studies
equilibration test (PET) should be performed in
demonstrate a lack of association between small-
infants every 3–6 months as part of the evalua-
solute clearance alone and patient growth.
tion of the individual prescription for adequate
Schaefer et al. [41] showed a weak positive asso-
purification [24, 36]. Infants have been shown to
ciation between small-solute clearance and
have similar peritoneal membrane transport as
growth by multivariate analysis. Thus, good
older children if the test volume is scaled to body
small-solute clearance, in addition to adequate
surface area [37]. However, the reference PET
nutrition and good metabolic balance, is an
studies have been conducted with test exchange
important goal for optimal growth [6, 8, 33].
volume of 1100 mL/m2, which is high and might
be risky to use in small infants. In addition, low-
pH dialysis solution was used to collect the refer- Nutrition
ence data. Small solute clearance has been shown
to be slightly lower with pH-neutral, bicarbonate- Many infants with chronic renal failure have
based than with low-pH, lactate-based dialysis abnormal gastric motility, delayed gastric empty-
fluid [30]. Thus, the suitability of these reference ing, and gastroesophageal reflux. Much food can
values for small infants dialyzed with bicarbon- be lost with vomiting [42]. It is essential to com-
ate-based, pH-neutral, dialysis fluid is not clear. pensate these losses. Regular assessments by a
A weekly Kt/Vurea over 2.1, which is recom- pediatric renal dietitian are crucial for the close
mended for adult APD patients [38] is easily and frequent supervision required (minimum
achieved also in children with CCPD [39, 40] and interval 0.5–2 months) to monitor and maintain
even in infants without residual renal function qualitative standards of care for each infant
[6, 8, 33]. However, the recommendation of a because of the changing needs for growth and
weekly creatinine clearance (CCR) greater than development [43].
63 L/week/1.73 m2 [38] is difficult to achieve in For optimal nutrition, most infants need either
anephric infants or in infants with minimal resid- a nasogastric tube or gastrostomy feeding. Some
ual renal function [33, 39]. Whether these target centers have made Nissen fundoplication for
clearances for adults should be striven for in chil- infants with severe gastroesophageal reflux [5].
dren is unclear since a correlation between small- We have not performed Nissen fundoplication in
solute clearance and growth and other outcomes our center for infants on PD. Nasogastric tube
has not been demonstrated. feeding has some disadvantages, including fre-
According to our experience with 21 children quent reinstitution of the tube, risk for aspira-
under 2 years of age, we suggest that Kt/Vurea > 2.1 tion, inhibition of development of oro-motor
(even > 2.5) is easily achieved in infants and a skills, and an altered appearance of the child
CCR of > 40 L/week/1.73 m2 is sufficient to guar- [44–46]. On the other hand, gastrostomy tube
antee normal growth [33]. In the study of Hölttä feeding may increase the rate of exit site infec-
et al. [6], catch-up growth was documented in tion and peritonitis (particularly fungal), and it
62% of the patients who met or exceeded DOQI may leak [47–49]. A percutaneous gastrostomy
target clearances. Thus, it is evident that if the should be placed prior to starting dialysis and
dialysis exchange volume is maximized and the with careful open surgical placement if PD is
exchange frequency individualized and adjusted already established [50].
according to peritoneal membrane transport char- To attain satisfactory protein and caloric
acteristics, it is possible to achieve the current intake, supplemental enteral feeds are often
DOQI clearance targets for Kt/Vurea in most required, especially during infancy. The energy
infants on PD and a lower creatinine clearance is intake should be 100% for the chronological age
224 T. Hölttä et al.

[51]. In children below the age of 1 year, oral

nutrition should include energy 80–90 kcal/kg/d.
Up to 10 kcal/kg may be obtained daily from glu-
It has been shown that adequate nutrition is a pre-
cose in the dialysate, and that intake should be
requisite for normal growth, and can be success-
considered when calculating energy requirements
fully achieved in infants on PD with nasogastric
[51]. Recent guidelines suggest the dietary pro-
or gastrostomy feeding and frequent consulta-
tein intake to be kept at 100% of DRI for ideal
tions with a dietitian [4, 8, 33]. As a matter of
body weight, with an added compensation of dia-
fact, there is great potential even for catch-up
lytic protein and amino acid losses. The recom-
growth [4, 8, 33, 54].
mended protein intakes for infants on PD at age
Many growth studies are hampered by the fact
0–6, 7–12 months and 1–3 years are 1.8, 1.5, and
that children of different ages and those with or
1.3 g/kg/d, respectively (0.15–0.3 g/kg/d is added
without growth hormone therapy are mixed
to DRI to compensate for peritoneal losses) [43].
together [9]. Recent experience shows that nor-
We have traditionally given 2.0–3.0 g/kg/d pro-
mal or even catch-up growth can be achieved in
tein to our infants during PD [16, 38]. Phosphate
infants without growth hormone, when an ade-
intake parallels protein intake. The more phos-
quate small-solute clearance, adequate nutrition,
phate the infant receives, the more phosphate
and fluid and electrolyte balance is maintained
binders are required to maintain a normal plasma
[5, 6, 8, 33] (Fig. 13.1). In the long term, our
phosphate level and to avoid hyperparathyroid-
group has demonstrated that children transplanted
ism. With high calcium-based phosphate binder
under the age of five, previously dialyzed for a
intake, there is risk of high calcium–phosphate
mean time of 9 months, have a mean height
ratio, which can lead to tissue calcification [52].
standard deviation score of −0.8 7 years after
However, the infants with congenital nephrotic
transplantation (27% with recombinant growth
syndrome are in protein malnutrition at the initia-
hormone therapy) [55]. Thus, the long-term
tion of PD because of protein losses before neph-
outcome for height is good in infants with
rectomy. Whereas these patients need high protein
ESRD. Noteworthy is the fact that head circum-
substitution in the beginning of PD to correct
ference usually develops in parallel to relative
their protein status, it might be beneficial to
height [5, 56].
reduce the protein intake according to the new
recommendations as soon as the nutritional status
has normalized to avoid excess intake of
phosphate. Complications
Dietary and supplemental vitamin intake is
also routinely used in infants [43]. In infants aged Young age is a risk factor for peritonitis, thus
0–6, 7–12 months and 1–3 years, the upper limit infants have more peritonitis compared to older
for calcium (dietary + phosphate binders) are 420, children [6, 14]. According to the NAPRTCS
540, and 1000 mg, and for phosphorus intakes report, there was an increased risk of peritonitis
100, 270, and 460 mg, respectively [43]. Infants with single-cuff PD catheter, straight tunnel, and
on PD require sodium supplementation to com- upward pointing exit site [14], i.e., the typical
pensate for their losses into the ultrafiltrate [53]. catheter configuration in infants. Moreover, the
The amount of sodium supplementation reflects duration and intensity of PD training of the par-
the amount of UF (about 13 mmol for every ents is a factor that apparently influences the rate
100 mL of UF). We use oral sodium supplemen- of peritonitis [57].
tation. We start with half of the estimated need After initiation of PD, leakage and hernias are
and increase the dose gradually until plasma common, especially in hypoproteinemic infants
sodium is in lower normal range (>135 mmol/L). [8]. These events can be minimized by delaying
High sodium intake should be avoided because the start of dialysis for 2–3 weeks after implanta-
of the risk of overhydration and hypertension. tion of the catheter [58, 59] and through the use
13 Peritoneal Dialysis During Infancy 225

Fig. 13.1 Height SDS

in 21 PD patients under
2 years of age before, at
onset, and at end of PD
(or at 18 months).
(Reprinted with permission
from Ref. [33])

Fig. 13.2 Hernias,

peritonitis, tunnel- and
exit-site infections,
catheter exchanges, and
repositions in 23 patients
under age of 2 years at PD
initiation (Reprinted with
permission from Ref. [8])

of low dwell volumes during the first weeks to before the initiation of PD, 42% had undergone a
avoid high intraperitoneal pressure [60]. Infants hernia operation (89% were boys having CNF as
develop hernias frequently despite delayed dialy- renal diagnosis and 78% of hernias were ingui-
sis start and repeated IPP measurements. Of 23 nal) [33]. Although many male infants have an
infants, treated with PD between the years 1995 inguinal hernia already before PD catheter inser-
and 2000 in our clinic, hernias were diagnosed in tion, it would be beneficial to make a laparoscopy
13 (57%) [8] (Fig. 13.2). In our recent patient at the time of PD catheter insertion to be able to
material of 21 infants, 47% underwent hernia make a prophylactic surgical/laparoscopical clo-
operation during PD (40% were boys and 70% of sure of the open processus vaginalis to avoid
the hernias were inguinal). However, already inguinal hernia in some male infants during PD.
226 T. Hölttä et al.

Infant Tenckhoff® PD catheters have an intra- (mean 0.31 years) [10]. The main causes of death
peritoneal part that is too long in relation to the were severe cardiovascular and cerebral comor-
size of a small infant, which may cause migration bidities. In a single center study of 50 infants on
of the catheter. Vertical positioning of the subcu- PD treated between 1983 and 2008 (mean age at
taneous tunnel may decrease the likelihood of initiation of dialysis was 4.4 ± 5.3 months, and
migration. The migrated catheter can often be average time on PD 15 ± 15 months), 38% mor-
successfully replaced with stiff-wire manipula- tality was seen during the first year of life [9].
tion [61]. We recommend the use of Flex-Neck® Infants who had oliguria, ARPKD, or other
PD catheters for infants, since these smaller spe- comorbidities were at highest mortality risk.
cial silicone blend catheters seem to cause less Eighteen percent were switched to HD. In a study
migration and outflow problems. of infants requiring chronic dialysis prior to the
High blood pressure is seen more frequently age of 28 days, the 1- and 5-year patient survival
in infants and is mainly the result of volume rates were 52% and 48%, respectively [11].
overload [6, 8, 32, 33, 62]. To avoid cardiac and Eleven patients died prior to receiving a kidney
other complications associated with hyperten- transplant at a median age of 149 days (range
sion, it is important to maintain a normal blood 8–362 days). Causes of death included respira-
volume [32]. tory failure on day 8 of life in one patient with
We have observed less vomiting in our infants ARPKD, with the remaining ten patients suc-
while using pH-neutral bicarbonate-based dialysis cumbing to sepsis and multisystem organ failure.
solution. Although vomiting is still a problem in Five children (22%) required a change in dialysis
some patients, we do not routinely perform Nissen modality to hemodialysis at a medium age of 396
fundoplication, because of the risk for intestinal days due to recurrent peritonitis (n = 3), ultrafil-
complications. In addition, vomiting usually sub- tration failure (n = 1), and persistent coagulopa-
sides after renal transplantation. thy (n = 1).
Encouraging long-term results have been pub-
lished on neurological development of infants
Outcome and toddlers treated with dialysis and transplan-
tation. Sixty to eighty percent of the children
There are only a few studies on the long-term attend full time school in appropriate classes
outcome and quality of life in infants and young [5, 7, 9, 56, 63–65]. Neuropsychological impair-
children with ESRD, treated with early dialysis ment has been diagnosed in 20–40% of these
and transplantation. According to NAPRTCS patients. Qvist et al. has reported our experience
2008 report, the 12 months patient survival for with 33 school-aged children dialyzed and trans-
pediatric dialysis patients (including acute and planted before 5 years of age between 1986 and
chronic renal failure) was 81.9% for the age 1999 [64]. All were attending full time school,
group <1 year, 92.2% for 2–5 years, and 97.6% 79% in a normal class. Psychosocial adjustment
for >12 years [14]. The main causes for death was normal in quality of life assessment [66].
were infections (32%) and cardiopulmonary dis- Patients with neurodevelopmental handicaps, all
eases (21.3%). Also renal comorbidity, i.e., anu- had comorbidity, and included the first patients
ria, and nonrenal comorbidity, including with congenital nephrotic syndrome of the
pulmonary hypoplasia and developmental delay Finnish type treated at our center without antico-
are significant risk factors increasing mortality in agulation, some of whom developed cerebral
infants and young children. The relative risk of thrombosis.
death was almost three times higher in children Thus, the presently available data allows to
£5 years of age when starting dialysis treatment conclude that with early diagnosis and aggressive
compared to older children [54]. In the study of early treatment of uremia from the beginning,
Wedekin et al., the mortality rate on PD was 18% including PD with adequacy control and optimal
in infants who started PD before the age of 1 year nutrition prior to renal transplantation, normal
13 Peritoneal Dialysis During Infancy 227

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15. Orr NIT, McDonald SP, McTaggart S, Henning P,
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Peritonitis and Exit-Site Infections
Vimal Chadha, Franz Schaefer,
and Bradley A. Warady

Peritoneal Dialysis • Peritonitis • Exit-Site Infection

peritonitis, remain the most frequent cause for

Introduction hospitalization in children receiving PD [6].
The infection can also have a significant impact
Worldwide, peritoneal dialysis (PD) remains
on the long-term availability of effective dialy-
the most common dialysis modality utilized for
sis in children who may be dependent upon a
the management of children with end-stage
functional peritoneum for a prolonged period of
renal disease (ESRD), and its usage is expand-
time. Peritonitis can lead to irreversible tech-
ing in many developing countries [1–3]. Despite
nique failure and according to data from the
the decreasing incidence of PD-related infec-
North American Pediatric Renal Trials and
tious complications in both children and adults
Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS), peritonitis
over the past two decades, peritonitis remains
is the primary reason for modality change in
the most significant complication of PD in
children receiving CPD [2]. These facts man-
children receiving either continuous ambulatory
date an effective approach to the prevention and
peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) or automated perito-
treatment of peritonitis in children who face a
neal dialysis (APD) [4, 5]. Records from the
lifetime of ESRD care.
United States Renal Data System (USRDS)
When initially published in 2004, most of the
reveal that infectious complications, primarily
information in this chapter was derived from the
largely opinion-based pediatric clinical practice
V. Chadha, MD guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis, and
Department of Pediatrics, Section of Pediatric Nephrology,
Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics, treatment of peritonitis developed by an interna-
Kansas City, MO, USA tional committee of the International Society for
F. Schaefer, MD Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) in 2000 [7], and the
Pediatric Nephrology Division, Heidelberg University much larger adult experience [8–10]. Subse-
Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany quently, the International Pediatric Peritonitis
B.A.Warady MD () Registry (IPPR) was established in order to
Department of Pediatrics, University of Missouri - assess the efficacy and validity of the pediatric
Kansas City School of Medicine, Section of guidelines and to enhance existing knowledge
Pediatric Nephrology, Children’s Mercy Hospitals
and Clinics, Kansas City, MO, USA regarding the global bacteriology and antibiotic
e-mail: susceptibility associated with peritonitis in

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_14, 231

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
232 V. Chadha et al.

children [11]. The data that has been collected/ The frequency of peritonitis is also affected by
published by a consortium of 47 pediatric dialysis the type of PD modality with somewhat better
centers in Europe, Turkey, Asia, and America has rates experienced by patients who receive APD
yielded a wealth of information on the topic of versus CAPD. According to the latest NAPRTCS
peritonitis that has been added to this chapter, annual data report, 50% of patients receiving
including the impact of the findings on empiric CAPD had their first peritonitis episode by 16.6
antibiotic recommendations [12–16]. months post-dialysis initiation compared to 19.2
Finally, as prevention of peritonitis is of para- months for APD patients [2].
mount importance in improving the outcome of Population-based peritonitis rates can, how-
patients receiving PD, the section of this chapter ever, be misleading because peritonitis risk is not
which addresses risk factors and preventative evenly spread across the PD population as some
measures has been made more comprehensive. patients never develop peritonitis, while others
experience frequent episodes [27]. Review of the
recent NAPRTCS data revealed that the majority
Incidence of Peritonitis of infections occur in a minority of patients; of the
3,999 peritonitis episodes, the frequency varied
Over the past several decades, there has been a from only one infection in 825 patients to more
steady decline in the rate of peritonitis in both than eight infections in each of 49 patients [2].
children and adults that is largely due to improve- This type of data emphasizes the potential value
ments in connection technology and a decreased of the determination of subject-specific peritonitis
incidence of touch contamination [17–20]. While incidence data [27] that can help focus efforts and
the rate of infection in adults has fallen to 0.5 epi- resources on patients who need them the most.
sodes per patient year (one infection every 24 Another important rate to be tracked by PD
months) in many centers, and rates as low as programs is the organism-specific peritonitis rate
0.23–0.29 episodes per patient year have been as it can provide a clue to the etiology of the
reported [21, 22], the frequency of peritonitis in infections that can be addressed in patient/care-
children regularly exceeds that of adults. In the giver training and retraining. Skin organisms
most recent annual report of the NAPRTCS such as coagulase-negative Staphylococcus are
which includes data collected through January generally felt to lead to peritonitis through touch
2008, there were 3,999 episodes of peritonitis in contamination, Staphylococcus aureus and
6,008 years of follow-up for an annualized rate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa generally cause perito-
0.67 (one episode every 18 months) [2]. This rate nitis through involvement of the exit-site and
has significantly improved in comparison to the tunnel, and enteric organism–related peritonitis
annualized rate of 0.91 that was reported in 1997 may arise from a bowel source. The rate with
NAPRTCS data [23]. Similar to previous reports, which these infections occur is invaluable in the
the current NAPRTCS report reveals an inverse evaluation and development of unit-specific pre-
relationship between the age of the patient and vention protocols [28].
peritonitis rate with the youngest patients (<1
year) having an annualized rate of 0.85 (one
infection every 14.1 months), while the adoles- Microbiology of Peritonitis
cents (>12 years) have an annualized rate of 0.6
(one infection every 20 months). These rates are Similar to adults, the majority of peritonitis epi-
derived from the American experience and sodes in children on PD are caused by bacteria,
although comparable to what has been docu- and fungi are responsible for less than 5% of the
mented in European centers, they are inferior to episodes [29]. Historically, 50–60% of the perito-
the exceptional rates (0.17 episodes per year at nitis episodes have been caused by gram-positive
risk or one infection every 70.6 months) found in bacteria and 20–30% by gram-negative organ-
Japanese children [24–26]. isms, with cultures remaining negative in a
14 Peritonitis and Exit-Site Infections 233

Fig. 14.1 Distribution of causative organisms among 350 episodes of peritonitis reported by the IPPR (With permission
from Warady et al. [13])

substantial percentage (<20%) of peritonitis patients from the United States and Canada [32].
episodes. Due to a steady decline in the peritoni- In contrast to the results of the adult survey in
tis rate over the last few decades, likely as a result which coagulase-negative Staphylococci were
of improvements in connection technology and three times more common than S. aureus as a
exit-site care, and prophylaxis for S. aureus nasal cause of peritonitis, staphylococcal organisms
carriage, the distributive pattern of microorgan- were nearly evenly divided among the above two
isms has changed and is reflected by a selective groups in the data gathered by the IPPR (Fig. 14.1).
decrease in the incidence of gram-positive perito- Furthermore, there was significant variation in the
nitis, leaving gram-negative peritonitis as an distribution of organisms between different global
increasingly important infectious complication regions (Fig. 14.2). Gram-positive infections were
[22, 30, 31]. This pattern, apart from minor dis- predominant in Europe with coagulase-negative
parities, had been believed to be fairly consistent Staphylococci most common in Eastern Europe,
across different dialysis centers caring for chil- S. aureus predominating in Western Europe, and
dren and adults, until the recent analysis of IPPR Enterococci in Turkey [12].
data revealed a significant worldwide variation of Worldwide variation was also seen among
dialysis-associated peritonitis characteristics in gram-negative organisms. Whereas gram-negative
children [12]. organisms accounted for 70% of culture-positive
Between October 2001 and December 2004, infections in Argentina, they accounted for 46%
the IPPR gathered data on 501 episodes of perito- of infections in the United States and for only
nitis that occurred in 392 children. Ten (2%) of 25% of infections in the European countries.
these episodes were caused by fungi. Of the While Pseudomonas was the predominant gram-
remaining 491 episodes, 44% were caused by negative organism in the United States, other
gram-positive organisms, 25% by gram-negative gram-negative organisms were more common in
organisms, and the culture remained negative in a Argentina [12]. The reason for this marked geo-
remarkable 31% of episodes. While the results graphical variation of the bacterial spectrum is
confirmed the earlier impression of a decrease in most likely multifactorial and may include envi-
the rate of gram-positive infections, the bacterio- ronmental influences (climate and humidity) and
logical profile of the gram-positive organisms was various aspects of PD practices, such as exit-site
somewhat different from that recently reported in care and the routine use of topical antibiotic pro-
a survey of >4,000 episodes of peritonitis in adult phylaxis (vide infra) [3].
234 V. Chadha et al.

Fig. 14.2 Distribution of

causative organisms
according to regions
among 501 episodes
peritonitis reported by the
IPPR (With permission
from Schaefer et al. [12])

Not only did the bacteriological profile differ As mentioned before, fungi account for a
from region to region in the IPPR data, but there minority of peritonitis episodes and represent just
was also a striking regional variation with regard 2% of episodes in the latest IPPR report [13] and
to the rate of culture-negative peritonitis epi- 3% in the 2008 annual report of the NAPRTCS
sodes. In Turkey and Mexico, effluent cultures [2]. Yeasts belonging to the Candida species are
remained sterile in 42% and 67% of cases, respec- the most common fungal organisms implicated.
tively in contrast to a figure of 11–23% in In the largest pediatric report addressing this
the other regions [12]. Survey of the laboratory infection, Candida species accounted for 79% of
procedures practiced in the individual centers did all fungal infections, with nearly 24% due to C.
not reveal any systematic differences in culture albicans and more than 26% secondary to C.
technique that would explain these marked dif- parapsilopsis [38–40].
ferences. It is possible that other issues such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a very rare
incubation of insufficient effluent volumes, long cause of peritonitis and mandates a peritoneal
transport times in rural areas, and extreme ambi- biopsy for diagnosis [41]. Diphtheroid infections
ent temperatures might have adversely affected are most commonly the result of skin organisms
the ability to obtain positive culture results. contaminating the peritoneum by the intraluminal
At the turn of the century, a number of culture- or periluminal route. Viruses have not been con-
negative peritonitis episodes were reported that firmed to be the primary cause of any episodes of
were associated with the usage of icodextrin solu- peritonitis in pediatric CPD patients to date.
tion for PD [33–35]. Further investigations
revealed that these cases of sterile peritonitis
were caused by a peptidoglycan (released from Pathogenesis
Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius, a gram-positive
organism) contaminating the cornstarch used for Peritonitis can result from bacteria reaching the
icodextrin production [36]. The problem has peritoneum by one of several routes: transluminal
since resolved after implementation of routine (mainly touch contamination), periluminal
serial monitoring of icodextrin solutions for (through an exit-site or tunnel infection), enteric,
peptidoglycan during the manufacturing process. hematogenous, and rarely ascending (through
A recently concluded multicenter, longitudinal, vagina).
prospective cohort study that included 722 PD Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus character-
patients did not find any difference in the rates of istically infects the peritoneum by the translumi-
either infectious or culture-negative peritonitis nal route following touch contamination [29, 42].
associated with the usage of icodextrin [37]. The incubation period is typically 24–48 h, but
14 Peritonitis and Exit-Site Infections 235

may be as short as 6–12 h. This organism is also bacteria is indicative of fecal contamination, and
commonly associated with recurrent peritonitis intra-abdominal sources of infection should be
due to biofilm formation. The decrease in the suspected when multiple gram-negative organ-
overall incidence of peritonitis experienced dur- isms are cultured. In this setting, anaerobic organ-
ing the past decade is largely accounted for by a isms should be looked for as well. Pseudomonas/
selective decrease in the frequency of infection Stenotrophomonas species are the most common
caused by this organism. gram-negative species causing catheter exit-site
Staphylococcus aureus infections are com- and/or tunnel infections resulting in peritonitis
monly associated with a catheter exit-site/tunnel and can be extremely resistant to treatment [7,
infection with/without S. aureus nasal carriage 14]. The organism may also form a biofilm on the
[29, 42]. In the IPPR data, 16% of S. aureus peri- catheter precluding successful antibiotic manage-
tonitis episodes were associated with S. aureus ment without removal of the catheter. Gram-
nasal carriage [13]. It is also commonly associ- negative peritonitis is particularly troublesome as
ated with recurrent peritonitis secondary to a cath- it commonly results in severe abdominal pain, is
eter tunnel infection. Symptoms of S. aureus associated with dramatic alterations of peritoneal
peritonitis are often more severe at presentation membrane transport capacity, and may result in
than those associated with coagulase-negative technique failure [14, 45–47]. Finally, infections
Staphylococcus, as demonstrated by Disease secondary to Acinetobacter may be an indication
Severity Score (DSS) (vide infra) data collected of contamination from a water source [48].
by the IPPR, and clinical improvement is typically
slower with the S. aureus–related infection [13].
Streptococci and Enterococci generally Risk Factors Associated
account for less than 5% of peritonitis episodes with Peritonitis and Preventive
each [29]. Streptococci usually belong to the Measures
alpha-hemolytic group of bacteria and often
cause peritonitis by hematogenous spread, either If further episodes of peritonitis are to be pre-
following a dental procedure or possibly origi- vented, each episode of peritonitis should be rig-
nating from the respiratory tract, the skin, or the orously analyzed to elucidate its root cause.
bowel. Enterococci are fecal in origin, which Unfortunately, the cause of peritonitis in most
often suggests a transmural route of infection. cases is not obvious. Of the 491 episodes of non-
Reports of the emergence of vancomycin-resistant fungal peritonitis recently analyzed by the IPPR,
Enterococci associated with increased patient there were no identifiable factors associated with
mortality have been a cause of concern [43, 44], 72% of the episodes. In the remainder, the most
and remains one of the most convincing argu- common causes were touch contamination (12%
ments made against the widespread usage of gly- of all episodes), exit-site/tunnel infection (7% of
copeptides (vide infra). Enterococcal peritonitis episodes), and catheter perforation/leakage (2.1%
has usually been reported to be associated with of episodes). The presence of a nasogastric tube,
severe symptoms; however, according to the gastrostomy, or ureterostomy was associated with
recent and largest pediatric series of enterococcal 9.5, 7, and 5.5% of the 491 episodes, respectively
peritonitis reported by the IPPR, the disease [13]. It is noteworthy that patients on nocturnal
severity (score of 2.1) of these patients at presen- intermittent PD (cycler at night with a dry day)
tation as assessed by the Disease Severity Score may have a decreased risk of infection compared
was no different than that found in other patients to those with a wet day because the empty abdo-
in the Registry [15]. men can enhance local immune function [49].
Gram-negative infections are caused by a wide Apart from these identified factors, several other
variety of organisms, and are usually acquired by risk factors can potentially heighten the incidence
touch contamination, intra-abdominal pathology of peritonitis in children and an understanding of
(e.g., ischemic colitis, ruptured appendicitis), or a them is important if one hopes to optimize pre-
catheter-related infection. The detection of enteric vention and patient outcome.
236 V. Chadha et al.

Patient Age catheter with a swan neck and a downward

oriented exit-site. These recommendations have
While it is well known that the rate of peritonitis likely influenced catheter preferences as more
in children is inversely related to age [2], recent than 30% of new catheters have these character-
IPPR data has confirmed for the first time a statis- istics in NAPRTCS data from 2005 to 2009, a
tical association between young patient age and substantial increase when compared to previous
gram-negative peritonitis [13, 14]. The reasons reports [2]. Nevertheless, data to the contrary do
for the increased incidence of infection in infants exist and a systematic review of adult patients
are not known, but they may in part be related to [59], in addition to a retrospective pediatric study,
the proximity of the catheter exit-site to the dia- found no relationship between catheter configu-
per region or to the gastrostomy/vesicostomy/ ration and the prevention of peritonitis [26].
nephrostomy sites [13, 50]. In some centers, this In young infants, the right side is preferred for
issue has been successfully addressed by placing catheter placement to allow for gastrostomy
the PD catheter exit-site in a chest wall location placement at a later date if needed. Ideally how-
[51, 52]. The role of low serum IgG levels as a ever, a gastrostomy should be placed before or at
predisposing factor for peritonitis in the infant the time of PD catheter placement as gastrostomy
PD population remains unproven [53]. placement following catheter placement is associ-
ated with an increased risk for the development of
peritonitis [60–62]. In patients who already have
Catheter Design, Insertion, an ostomy, the catheter exit-site should be placed
and Immediate Postoperative Care as far away as possible from the ostomy site.
Preoperative stenciling can be helpful in planning
Careful selection of PD catheter characteristics, the best exit-site location [63] and the exit-site
exit-site location, implantation technique, and should be made with a puncture hole rather than a
postoperative care of the exit-site are vital activi- scalpel to produce a tight fit of the skin around the
ties for the prevention of peritonitis. Studies in catheter and minimize the risk for local trauma
children and adults have repeatedly demonstrated and infection [64]. Whereas catheter anchoring at
that the time to first peritonitis episode is signifi- the exit-site is mandatory, sutures should never be
cantly shorter and the peritonitis rate is signifi- used at the exit-site as suture material can act as a
cantly higher when a catheter with one cuff is nidus for bacterial growth and increase the risk of
used as opposed to a two-cuffed catheter [4, 54, 55]. catheter-related infections.
A one cuff catheter has most recently been deter- A sterile dressing should be applied postopera-
mined to be a risk factor for relapsing peritonitis tively and should not be changed more often than
in children as well [16]. The role of the superfi- once a week until the exit-site has completely
cial cuff in preventing infection is primarily to healed, unless the dressing is soaked or contami-
anchor the catheter and prevent trauma at the nated. During this time, dressing changes should
catheter exit-site [56]. The preferred catheter in be conducted by trained dialysis personnel using
children, from the standpoint of peritonitis risk, aseptic technique [65–67] to decrease the risk of
appears to be the double-cuffed swan neck cath- early peritonitis. The catheter should be anchored
eter with its inherent downward directed exit-site. with no torque to promote healing of the exit-site
In fact, the NAPRTCS has demonstrated that the without any pressure points. The exit-site should
time to first peritonitis episode is significantly also be prevented from getting wet by avoiding
longer with the latter PD access when compared showers until it is well healed. Preoperative or
to all other combinations of catheter characteris- perioperative intranasal mupirocin application in
tics [2]. Accordingly, both the European Pediatric S. aureus carriers may reduce the risk of infection
Peritoneal Dialysis Working Group [57] and the by this organism during the healing process [68].
Canadian Association of Pediatric Nephrologists Finally, dialysis initiation should be delayed for
(CAPN) Peritoneal Dialysis Working Group [58] at least a couple of weeks after catheter placement
recommend the Tenckhoff curled, two-cuff whenever possible to allow optimal surgical wound
14 Peritonitis and Exit-Site Infections 237

healing as failure to do so predisposes to dialysate Table 14.1 Exit-site scoring system [78]
leakage with an increased risk of infection. 0 point 1 point 2 points
Swelling No Exit only; >0.5 cm and/
<0.5 cm or tunnel
Prophylactic Antibiotics Crust No <0.5 cm >0.5 cm
Redness No <0.5 cm >0.5 cm
Pain No Slight Severe
A single dose of an intravenous antibiotic given
Drainage No Serous Purulent
at the time of catheter placement decreases the
risk of a subsequent early peritonitis episode Infection should be assumed with exit-site score of 4 or
greater. Purulent drainage, even if alone, is sufficient to
[69–71]. While a first-generation cephalosporin indicate infection. A score of less than 4 may or may not
has been used most frequently in this context, a represent infection
single randomized trial found that vancomycin
was superior to a first-generation cephalosporin octenidine. Antiseptics in cytotoxic concentra-
in preventing early peritonitis [69]. However, tions should be discouraged as they can impair
routine usage of vancomycin for prophylaxis local immune defense mechanisms. The exit-site
(unless patient is known to be colonized with a should be carefully examined for erythema and
methicillin-resistant organism) is not favored drainage and its appearance can be characterized
because of the risk for emergence of vancomy- quantitatively with a standardized scoring system
cin-resistant Enterococci [64]. Prophylactic that can aid in the diagnosis of local infection
antibiotics are also indicated following intralu- (Table 14.1) [78].
minal contamination (vide infra), and prior to Over the years, recommendations have been
dental procedures and procedures involving the made regarding the local application of antibiot-
gastrointestinal or urinary tract to decrease the ics, designed to decrease the risk for S. aureus
risk of peritonitis [7, 69, 72, 73]. The combina- exit-site and peritonitis infections, especially in
tion of prophylactic antibiotics and antifungal those patients who are S. aureus nasal carriers
therapy is also recommended during gastros- [79–81]. In children receiving PD, colonization
tomy placement in patients already receiving PD of the catheter exit-site with S. aureus and the
[61, 74–76]. subsequent development of infection, however,
may not only originate from S. aureus nasal car-
riage of the patient [13, 82–85], but it may also
Chronic Exit-Site Care come from family members and caregivers since
as many as 45% of families with children on PD
Chronic exit-site care begins once the site has have been found to have one or more members
completely healed and is performed by the with evidence of S. aureus nasal carriage [86].
patient and/or the parents or caregivers. The Early preventative protocols focused on eradica-
purpose of routine exit-site care is to prevent tion of the nasal carrier state of the patient and
and monitor an exit-site infection that can pre- possibly the caregiver by application of intrana-
dispose to the development of peritonitis. The sal mupirocin [87]. While this approach did
exit-site care procedure should include the use reduce the incidence of S. aureus exit-site infec-
of surgical masks by the patient and caregiver, tion, it did not reduce the incidence of S. aureus
thorough hand washing with antibacterial soap peritonitis [87] and recolonization required peri-
and an alcohol-based cleaning agent, and com- odic treatments [88]. Subsequently, daily appli-
plete drying of the hands prior to touching the cation of mupirocin to the exit-site was found to
exit-site. Artificial nails should be avoided as be very effective in reducing rates of both exit-
they increase the bacterial counts on the hand [77]. site infection and peritonitis due to S. aureus [89].
The exit-site itself should be cleansed daily or More recently, emerging resistance to mupirocin
every other day with antibacterial soap and water and preferential colonization of mupirocin-
or other mild and non-irritating cleansing agent treated exit-sites with Pseudomonas has raised
such as chlorhexidine, sodium hypochlorite, or new concerns about this practice [12, 31, 90–92].
238 V. Chadha et al.

In fact, the IPPR data suggests that the global the exit-site with a standardized scoring system
variation in gram-negative peritonitis may well (vide supra) can aid in the diagnosis of local infec-
be influenced by exit-site care and mupirocin tion and ideally, in the prevention of peritonitis. If
usage. The incidence of peritonitis secondary to an accompanying tunnel infection is suspected, but
Pseudomonas was eightfold higher in the United clinical signs are ambiguous, ultrasound can be
States than in Western Europe and was associated helpful in making the diagnosis [97, 98]. It is
with exit-site care practices characterized by important to emphasize that isolation of a patho-
daily washing, the use of non-sterile cleansing gen is not necessary to diagnose an exit-site infec-
agents, and the application of mupirocin [12]. In tion, and antibiotic therapy should be instituted
turn, in a double-blinded randomized trial of promptly when clinical signs and symptoms are
adult PD patients, gentamicin cream applied daily suggestive of an infection.
to the exit-site was shown to be as effective as In culture-positive cases, the antibiotic choice
mupirocin in reducing S. aureus exit-site infec- is determined by culture results; for gram-positive
tions, and highly effective in reducing P. aerugi- organisms, a penicillinase-resistant penicillin or a
nosa exit-site infections as well [93]. Exit-site first-generation cephalosporin (with/without
infections secondary to Candida sp. are more fre- rifampin) is chosen most often, and for gram-
quent with the use of the broader spectrum gen- negative organisms either oral ciprofloxacin or
tamicin cream compared to mupirocin, but are intraperitoneal ceftazidime is usually selected. In
easily managed with a short course of fluconazole patients in whom the exit-site culture is negative,
and so far have not been associated with the or prior to obtaining the results in a patient with a
development of fungal peritonitis. In a recently severe infection, empiric therapy with either a
published study, Chua and colleagues demon- first-generation cephalosporin or oral ciprofloxa-
strated that a daily exit-site care regimen consist- cin should be initiated. Antibiotic therapy should
ing of soap and water, followed by the application be prescribed for 2–4 weeks, and for at least 7
of sodium hypochlorite spray and mupirocin was days following complete resolution of the infec-
associated with a significant reduction in perito- tion. When the same organism is cultured from
nitis and exit-site infection rates and prolonged the exit-site and the dialysate effluent, an occult
catheter survival in pediatric patients [94]. tunnel infection should be suspected, as is often
It should, however, be noted that there is global the case with S. aureus and P. aeruginosa infec-
variation in the bacteriology of exit-site infections tions [99, 100]. In the latest IPPR report on gram-
and exit-site care protocols. In the absence of a negative peritonitis in children, 12% of children
standard protocol and proven benefit of one proto- with gram-negative peritonitis had the same
col over other, it is suggested that each center microorganism (most commonly Pseudomonas
should evaluate the type, frequency, and resistance species) retrieved from the peritoneal fluid and
patterns of organisms causing exit-site infections exit-site; interestingly, less than half of these
and institute a center-specific protocol. In some patients showed symptoms of a concurrent exit-
centers, a very low incidence rate of exit-site site infection [14]. If an exit-site/tunnel infection
infections and peritonitis may actually preclude does not resolve despite treatment and threatens
the need for any topical prophylaxis whatsoever. to result in peritonitis, further interventions such
as cuff resection, tunnel revision, exit-site reloca-
tion or most commonly, catheter replacement
Exit-Site and Tunnel Infections may become necessary.

Prompt diagnosis and aggressive therapy of exit-

site/tunnel infections is crucial because of the asso- Connection Methodology
ciated substantial risk of developing peritonitis as a
result of these infections [95, 96]. As mentioned Spiking of dialysis bags is a “high-risk” proce-
previously, regular assessment of the tunnel and dure because of the potential for contamination
exit-site and characterization of the appearance of of the system. The introduction of double-bag,
14 Peritonitis and Exit-Site Infections 239

disconnect systems in CAPD, which eliminate the cycler tubing and are known to chew on it
the need for spiking and permit the flushing of with several cases of Pasteurella peritonitis
the connection site and tubing with spent reported in the literature [104, 105]. Therefore,
dialysate prior to the inflow of fresh dialysate, the practice of having pets in the bedroom at
has contributed to a marked reduction of the night when APD is being conducted should be
incidence of peritonitis due to touch contamina- discouraged.
tion. The “flush before fill” procedure has also
proven to be beneficial in children and adults
receiving APD [101, 102]. For dialysis equip- Antifungal Prophylaxis
ment that still requires spiking, assist devices
such as a Compact Assist Device (Baxter The serious nature of fungal peritonitis with
Healthcare Corp., Deerfield, IL) should always respect to clinical manifestations and its potential
be used [103]. In the IPPR analysis, spiking con- negative impact on technique survival makes it
nection systems were associated with an imperative to prevent this infection if at all pos-
increased risk of acquiring gram-negative perito- sible [106, 107]. Since a majority of fungal peri-
nitis. Fortunately, the procedure is likely to soon tonitis episodes are preceded by a course(s) of
become a thing of the past as Baxter Healthcare antibiotics, a variety of studies have examined
Corp., is replacing the need for spiking with the use of antifungal prophylaxis with either nys-
Luer-lock technology, as has been instituted by tatin or fluconazole given during and immedi-
other manufacturers for some time. ately after antibiotic therapy to prevent fungal
peritonitis, with mixed results. In general, those
programs with high baseline rates of fungal peri-
Contamination Care tonitis found such an approach to be beneficial,
while those with low baseline rates did not detect
Accidental contamination at the time of an a benefit [39, 75, 108–113]. However, a recent
exchange procedure can lead to peritonitis. Touch large prospective randomized control trial from
contamination before the infusion of dialysate Colombia revealed significant efficacy of pro-
(before the clamp on the transfer set has been phylactic fluconazole in preventing secondary
opened) can be treated with a sterile transfer set fungal peritonitis [114]. For fungal prophylaxis
change without the need for antibiotic therapy. in children, fluconazole 3–6 mg/kg (max dose
However, touch contamination after the transfer 200 mg) can be given either orally, intravenously,
set clamp has been opened, as well as a disconnec- or intraperitoneally every other day.
tion anywhere in the system or discovery of a hole
after the system has been set up, must be treated
with both a sterile transfer set change and prophy- Presence of Gastrostomy
lactic intraperitoneal antibiotic therapy (usually
first-generation cephalosporin) for 1–3 days, to While an earlier series of peritonitis episodes did
reduce the risk of peritonitis [68]. A glycopeptide not reveal any significant relationship between
should be used only in the setting of a patient pre- the presence of a gastrostomy and the develop-
viously known to be colonized with a methicillin- ment of fungal peritonitis in children [40], the
resistant organism. Antibiotics should also be recent IPPR data did reveal a nearly (p = 0.06) sig-
prescribed in cases in which there is doubt about nificant association between gram-negative peri-
whether the patient/caregiver infused dialysate tonitis and presence of a gastrostomy [13]. This
after the contaminating event took place. finding emphasizes the need for close monitoring
A unique source of contamination can occur of the gastrostomy site for signs of infection and
if pets, particularly cats, are allowed in the room lends support to the suggestion that the catheter
where the dialysis is being performed. Pet dan- exit-site should be placed on the contralateral side
der and fur create a risk of air contamination dur- of the abdomen in infants for whom subsequent
ing sterile connections. Cats are also enticed by placement of a gastrostomy is possible.
240 V. Chadha et al.

Gastrointestinal Sources of Peritonitis Training issues may be particularly pertinent with

respect to the more than 10% of patients who
Transmural migration of bacteria due to severe develop peritonitis during the initial month of
constipation appears to be a cause of peritonitis in home therapy [2]. Review of PD procedures by
some patients [115]. Therefore, every effort the patient and caregivers with a trainer should be
should be made to avoid constipation in patients strongly considered following an episode of peri-
receiving PD. Recently, data has also emerged tonitis, especially for patients with a history of
that suggests hypokalemia may be a risk factor for recurrent peritonitis [119].
Enterobacter peritonitis [116]. One hypothesis is In summary, recognition of risk factors for
that hypokalemia leads to decreased bowel motil- peritonitis and implementation of prophylactic
ity, which in turn may increase transmural migra- measures is imperative if the frequency of perito-
tion of bacteria and increase the risk for peritonitis nitis is to be decreased in children receiving PD
[117]. Correction of hypokalemia may, in turn, [67]. The impact of this approach to treatment
prove to be an important prophylactic measure. was recently highlighted by data published from
the Children’s Mercy Hospital, which revealed a
marked decrease in the peritonitis rate from 0.56
Training episodes/year during 1997–2000 to 0.19 epi-
sodes/year during 2001–2004 [66].
Strategies designed to prevent peritonitis
undoubtedly begin with effective patient/
caregiver training techniques. Current ISPD rec- Presentation and Diagnosis
ommendations suggest a 6–8 week orientation
for the PD nurse and assignment to a mentor who Peritoneal dialysis patients presenting with
will observe the nurse perform at least one patient abdominal pain and/or cloudy effluent should be
training course prior to the time that he/she presumed to have peritonitis and should be evalu-
becomes an independent trainer. The learning ated for the infection. While a small percentage of
skills of the patient/caregiver should also be pediatric and adult patients with peritonitis may
assessed so that the education that is provided is present with clear effluent and abdominal pain
most effective. The nurse to patient/caregiver [13, 108], the presence of cloudy peritoneal efflu-
ratio for training should be 1:1 and should high- ent almost always represents infectious peritoni-
light the basics of performing the dialysis proce- tis. However, there are a number of non-infectious
dure correctly so as to prevent infection, along causes of cloudy peritoneal effluent that should be
with the ability to recognize and initiate prophy- recognized and include chemical peritonitis,
lactic measures when contamination occurs. eosinophilic peritonitis, hemoperitoneum, chylous
The ideal length and content of training as it ascites, and rarely, malignancy. As noted previ-
relates to peritonitis prevention remains unproven. ously, the severity of presentation in terms of
Patients receiving PD in Japan routinely experi- abdominal pain and fever in patients with perito-
ence very low peritonitis rates which are likely nitis also varies and is somewhat organism-spe-
related, at least in part, to the practice of prolonged cific; for example, pain is generally of
(6–7 weeks) training sessions characterized by mild–moderate severity with culture-negative
repetition and the understanding of PD principles. peritonitis and peritonitis secondary to coagulase-
While some studies have not validated the corre- negative Staphylococcus, whereas it is of greater
lation between length of training and peritonitis severity with peritonitis resulting from Strep-
rates [118], an international survey of centers car- tococcus, gram-negative organisms, S. aureus
ing for children found that longer training time and fungi. Objective assessment of the severity of
and the percentage of training time dedicated to a patient’s clinical status at presentation can be
the general principles of good PD practice were made by evaluating the Disease Severity Score
related to lower peritonitis rates (p < 0.01) [119]. (DSS, 0–5) which is defined by the sum of points
14 Peritonitis and Exit-Site Infections 241

for pain (0, no pain; 1 moderate pain or nausea effluent, and inoculation of 5–10 mL effluent in
not requiring specific therapy; 2, severe pain, two blood-culture bottles. The specimens should
usually requiring analgesic therapy, or vomiting; arrive to the laboratory within 6 h. Should there
3, peritoneal pain with a tense abdomen and/or be any delay in either the transport or processing
paralytic bowel) and fever (0, <37.5°C; 1, 37.5– for culture, the peritoneal effluent samples must
38.9°C; 2, >38.9°C) [78]. Data from the IPPR has be refrigerated at 4°C until processing, whereas
revealed that nearly half of the 121 gram-negative blood-culture bottles should be incubated at
peritonitis episodes occurred in children aged less 37°C. Centrifugation of 50 mL of the peritoneal
than 5 years and initial clinical manifestations effluent at 3,000 g for 15 min, followed by re-
were severe for the majority of patients [14]. suspension of the sediment in 3–5 mL of sterile
The diagnosis of peritonitis is confirmed when saline, and inoculation of this material both on
the effluent white blood cell (WBC) count is greater solid culture media and into a standard blood-
than 100/mm3, and at least 50% of the WBCs are culture medium is a sensitive method to identify
polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The recent analy- the causative organisms. The solid culture media
sis by the IPPR did, however, reveal that the WBC should be incubated in aerobic, anaerobic, and
count was <100 cells/mL in 2.8% of clinical perito- microaerophilic conditions. With this method,
nitis episodes, and the percentage of polymorpho- the culture-negative rate is expected to be <5%
nuclear cells was <50% in 8.5% of cases [13]. [120, 121]. If equipment for centrifuging large
These findings may be related to the fact that the amounts of fluid is not available, blood-culture
number of cells in the effluent is dependent in part bottles can be directly injected with 5–10 mL of
on the length of the exchange dwell which is typi- the effluent, as noted above. This method gener-
cally shorter in patients receiving APD. In this ally results in a culture-negative rate of 20%
case, the WBC differential in the effluent may be [108]. Rapid blood-culture techniques, such as
more informative than the total count [108]. The BACTEC, Septi-Chek, BacT/Alert, are useful in
diagnosis of peritonitis can also be missed if the reducing the time to isolation and identification
effluent from the cycler is not collected in a drain- of the microorganism. With these culture tech-
bag and is being directly drained into toilet, pre- niques, the majority of cultures will become posi-
cluding its availability for inspection. tive after the first 24 h and in over 75% of cases,
It is imperative that the culture technique used a diagnosis can be established in less than 3 days.
as part of the diagnostic work-up of peritonitis be If the cultures remain negative after 3–5 days in
performed according to a standardized protocol an automated culture system, but the clinical pic-
[7, 108]. The correct technique is of the utmost ture is highly suggestive of peritonitis, further
importance to establish the responsible microor- subculturing of blood-culture bottles on media
ganism. Identification of the organism and subse- with aerobic, anaerobic, and microaerophilic
quent antibiotic susceptibilities not only help incubation conditions for an additional 3–4 days
guide antibiotic selection, but can also help iden- may be necessary to identify slow-growing bac-
tify the possible source of infection. Routine teria and yeasts. Centers with culture-negative
peripheral blood cultures are unnecessary since rates >20% should review and ideally improve
they are usually negative, but they should be their culture methodology [108].
obtained if the patient appears septic.
Patients who reside in distant areas away from
medical facilities should be taught the technique Management of Peritonitis
to collect the peritoneal effluent, either in blood-
culture bottles, or to refrigerate (not freeze) the General Guidelines
effluent bag until the sample can be brought to the
dialysis center for dispatch to the laboratory. To prevent a delay in treatment, antibiotic therapy
The optimum culture technique is the combination should be initiated as soon as the diagnosis of
of sediment culturing of 50 mL of centrifuged peritonitis is suspected and after samples of the
242 V. Chadha et al.

Table 14.2 Antibiotic Continuous therapy

dosing recommendations:
Loading dose Maintenance dose Intermittent therapy
administration should be
via intraperitoneal route Aminoglycosidesa
unless specified otherwise Gentamicin 8 mg/L 4 mg/L Anuric: 0.6 mg/kg,
and intermittent doses Netilmycin 8 mg/L 4 mg/L Non-anuric: 0.75 mg/kg
should be applied once Tobramycin 8 mg/L 4 mg/L
daily unless specified Cephalosporins
otherwise Cefazolin 500 mg/L 125 mg/L 20 mg/kg
Cefepime 500 mg/L 125 mg/L 15 mg/kg
Cefotaxime 500 mg/L 250 mg/L 30 mg/kg
Ceftazidime 500 mg/L 125 mg/L 20 mg/kg
Vancomycin 1,000 mg/L 25 mg/L 30 mg/kg; repeat dosing
15 mg/kg every 3–5 days
Teicoplaninc 400 mg/L 20 mg/L 15 mg/kg q 5–7 days
Ampicillin – 125 mg/L –
Ciprofloxacin 50 mg/L 25 mg/L –
Aztreonam 1,000 mg/L 250 mg/L –
Clindamycin 300 mg/L 150 mg/L –
Imipenem/cilastin 250 mg/L 50 mg/L –
Linezolid <5 years: 30 mg/kg/day divided TID; 5–11 years: 20 mg/kg/day
divided BID; ³12 years 600 mg/dose BID
Metronidazole 30 mg/kg/day divided TID
Rifampin 10–20 mg/kg/day divided BID
Fluconazole 6–12 mg/kg IP, IV, or PO every 24–48 h (max dose 400 mg)[122]
Caspofungin IV only: Initial dose 70 mg/m2 on Day 1 (max dose 70 mg);
Subsequent dosing 50 mg/m2 daily (max dose 50 mg)
q every, IV intravenously, IP intraperitoneally, PO orally
Aminoglycosides and penicillins should not be mixed in dialysis fluid because of the
potential for inactivation
Accelerated glycopeptide elimination may occur in patients with residual renal func-
tion. If intermittent therapy is used in this setting, the second dose of antibiotic should
be time-based on a blood level obtained 3–5 days after the initial dose. Re-dosing should
occur when the blood level is <15 mg/L for vancomycin, or 8 mg/L for teicoplanin.
Intermittent therapy is not recommended for patients with residual renal function unless
serum drug levels can be monitored in a timely manner
Teicoplanin is not currently available in the United States

dialysis effluent are obtained for cell count and gram-positive and gram-negative organisms.
culture, often without waiting for confirmation of Antibiotics selected for the treatment of peritoni-
the cell count from the laboratory. This is espe- tis should be administered intraperitoneally to
cially true if signs of severe infection such as pain ensure immediate bioavailability and effective
and fever are present. Several rapid flushes with treatment. Recommendations for continuous
dialysis solution may be performed before initiat- (provided in each exchange) and intermittent
ing antibiotic therapy to help reduce the severity (once daily) dosing are available (Table 14.2).
of abdominal pain. As therapy is initiated prior to While both intermittent and continuous dosing
knowledge of the causative organism, initial of antibiotics such as aminoglycosides, glyco-
empirically chosen antibiotics must cover both peptides, and the third-generation cephalosporin
14 Peritonitis and Exit-Site Infections 243

ceftazidime have been reported to be equally [78]. Importantly, the recent IPPR analysis of 121
efficacious in adult patients receiving CAPD, episodes of gram-negative peritonitis revealed a
data in children, especially those receiving APD 14-fold increased risk of empiric treatment fail-
is limited [123–125]. When intermittent dosing ure associated with intermittent versus continu-
is used, the antibiotic-containing dialysis solu- ous ceftazidime therapy [14], thus questioning
tion must be allowed to dwell for at least 6 h to the advisability of intermittent dosing of ceftazi-
allow adequate absorption of the antibiotic into dime in children. A possible reason for failure
the systemic circulation. Most antibiotics have of intermittent ceftazidime therapy could be
significantly enhanced absorption during perito- the observed lack of post-antibiotic effect of
nitis (e.g., IP vancomycin is about 50% absorbed beta-lactam antibiotics against gram-negative
in the absence of peritonitis but closer to 90% in organisms [128].
the presence of peritonitis), which permits subse- On the other hand, intermittent dosing of amin-
quent reentry into the peritoneal cavity during oglycosides such as gentamicin is currently
ensuing fresh dialysis solution exchanges. A ran- encouraged over continuous dosing in the adult
domized trial in children that included both guidelines, as a means of potentially decreasing
CAPD and APD patients found that intermittent the risk of nephro- and ototoxicity [108, 129–131].
dosing of vancomycin/teicoplanin was as effica- In addition, intermittent (once daily) administra-
cious as continuous dosing in patients with gram- tion of aminoglycosides is considered efficacious
positive peritonitis [78]. However, a pediatric due to the “post-antibiotic” bacteriostatic effect of
study that evaluated the disposition of intraperi- this drug class [128, 131]. A similar effect has not
toneal vancomycin in children suggested that an been demonstrated for cephalosporins.
enhanced total body vancomycin elimination Even when continuous intraperitoneal antibi-
(relative to adults) coupled with a slow peritoneal otic dosing is used for children on APD, the
transfer might be associated with inadequate time approach taken with most pediatric patients, the
to achieve therapeutic intraperitoneal levels by dwell times should likely be prolonged to 3–6 h
the reentry mechanism in children [126]. This is for the initial 24–48 h of the therapy until there
particularly true in patients receiving short-dwell is clearing of the peritoneal effluent. The prolon-
PD regimens and should prompt reevaluation of gation of the dwell time helps prevent depletion
the recommendations for intermittent vancomy- of the cellular components of the local host
cin therapy with consideration of longer dwell defense mechanism that may occur with fre-
times or higher concentrations of vancomycin quent exchanges [132, 133]. However, prolonga-
[126]. As subsequent intraperitoneal levels of tion of the dwell time may not be necessary/
vancomycin are always lower than serum levels advisable for asymptomatic patients or for those
of vancomycin, the serum levels need to be kept with compromised ultrafiltration capacity and
higher than would be otherwise indicated [127]. the need for more frequent exchanges to main-
Re-dosing is recommended once serum vanco- tain euvolemia. Finally, a full dwell volume
mycin levels are less than 15 mcg/mL. Whereas should be provided 24 h/day (other than possibly
a dosing interval of 4–5 days will generally keep the first day when the volume is decreased sec-
serum levels above 15 mcg/mL, in view of the ondary to pain) throughout the course of treat-
variability of drug losses due to residual renal ment to enhance the efficacy of antibiotic
function and peritoneal permeability, it is best to treatment.
check levels.
In contrast to the experience with vancomycin/
teicoplanin, intermittent dosing in children Adjuvant Therapy
with gram-negative peritonitis with the third-
generation cephalosporin ceftazidime has been Patients with extremely cloudy effluent may ben-
found to be less successful than continuous treat- efit from the addition of low-dose heparin (500–
ment according to clinical judgment, although 1,000 U/L) into the dialysate as it can help prevent
not by the objective disease severity score criteria occlusion of the catheter due to fibrin that is often
244 V. Chadha et al.

Fig. 14.3 Empiric

therapy: 1. If the center’s
MRSA rate exceeds 10%
or patient has history of
MRSA colonization,
glycopeptide (vancomycin/
teicoplanin) should be
added to cefepime or
should replace the
first-generation cepha-
losporin for gram-positive
coverage. Glycopeptide
usage can also be
considered if patient has a
history of severe allergy to
penicillins and

present as a result of the inflammatory process peptide treatment based on risk stratification, as
[134]. As infants receiving CPD with peritonitis no significant correlation was seen between the
can lose substantial amounts of gamma globulin presence of the previously described risk factors
across an inflamed peritoneum, they may benefit such as young age, history of S. aureus infection,
from intravenous immunoglobulin therapy, or a history of recent catheter-related infection,
especially if they have low measured serum IgG the empiric antibiotic therapy chosen, and either
levels and/or they appear septic [53, 135]. the early treatment response or the final functional
outcome. The earlier recommendation of a glyco-
peptide and ceftazidime combination in “high-
Antibiotic Therapy risk patients” or those thought to be at high risk
for severe disease was based on the increasing
Initial (Empiric) Therapy prevalence of methicillin resistance and the
Empiric antibiotic therapy (Fig. 14.3) must cover expected severe clinical course in these patients.
both gram-positive and gram-negative organisms This decision was also influenced by the superior-
to ensure that treatment addresses all serious ity of this combination in a meta-analysis of stud-
pathogens that have the potential to be present. ies performed in adults, and its safety and efficacy
The recent analysis of 491 episodes of non-fungal profile in children [30, 78, 136–138]. The registry
peritonitis by the IPPR was particularly notewor- data, however, revealed that there was significant
thy in that it revealed significant variation in the in vitro resistance to ceftazidime in patients with
distribution of organisms and their susceptibility gram-negative peritonitis, and that this group
patterns between different global regions [12], of patients actually responded better clinically to
emphasizing that the selection of empiric antibi- a combination of a first-generation and a third-
otics must be made in light of both the patient’s generation cephalosporin than to a combination
and the center’s culture isolates and susceptibility of ceftazidime and a glycopeptide, likely a mani-
patterns. festation of synergy between the former pair of
Of interest, the IPPR analysis did not support antibiotics. Overall, only 80% of gram-negative
the earlier opinion-based recommendations of organisms showed in vitro susceptibility to cef-
assigning young infants and children to glyco- tazidime, whereas the proportion of susceptible
14 Peritonitis and Exit-Site Infections 245

organisms increased to 91% for the combination alternative, if available, the fourth-generation
of a first-generation and a third-generation cepha- cephalosporin cefepime can be used as empiric
losporin and to 94% for the combination of a monotherapy. Cefepime is not broken down by
third-generation cephalosporin and an aminogly- the extended spectrum beta-lactamases produced
coside. The susceptibility of gram-negative by many gram-negative bacilli and thus, theoreti-
organisms to aminoglycosides varied globally, cally, it has better gram-negative coverage than
ranging from 82% in Eastern Europe to 96% in ceftazidime. In addition, it provides effective
Western Europe [12]. coverage against gram-positive bacteria, exclud-
On the other hand, the susceptibility of gram- ing MRSA, making it an ideal option for empiric
positive organisms to glycopeptide antibiotics monotherapy when there is not significant con-
was consistently high (96–100%), but their sus- cern for the presence of MRSA. Cefepime usage
ceptibility to a first-generation cephalosporin is currently limited by its cost and availability,
varied by country, ranging from 50% in the although in one study it was found to be cost-
United States to 94% in Eastern Europe. Overall, effective when compared to the combination of
only 69% of gram-positive organisms were sus- intraperitoneal vancomycin and netilmycin
ceptible to either cefazolin or cephalothin and the [139]. If the center’s MRSA isolate rate
combined susceptibility increased to 94% when exceeds 10%, or if the patient has a history of
an aminoglycoside was combined with the for- MRSA colonization/infection, a glycopeptide
mer antibiotic. Furthermore, in vitro evaluation (vancomycin/teicoplanin) should be used in place
revealed that 50% of the coagulase-negative of the first-generation cephalosporin or added to
Staphylococcus and 14% of the S. aureus strains cefepime if the latter is being used for gram-
were resistant to methicillin. negative coverage. Vancomycin/teicoplanin can
The heretofore unrecognized global variabil- also be considered for those patients who have
ity in antibiotic susceptibilities is likely the result history of severe allergy to penicillins and cepha-
of antibiotic preferences in different regions, losporins. Glycopeptide usage should, however,
which are in turn influenced by local experience be restricted because of the fear of promoting the
and treatment guidelines, cost considerations and, proliferation of vancomycin-resistant Enterococci
at least for some drugs, availability issues and and the potential emergence of glycopeptide-
marketing activities. resistant Staphylococci [43, 44, 140–142].
The limited success with ceftazidime treatment When combined with cephalosporins, amino-
of gram-negative infections, the substantial mor- glycosides increase coverage for both gram-
bidity associated with these infections, the vari- positive as well as gram-negative bacteria (vide
able and usually low susceptibility of gram-positive supra). As mentioned previously, intermittent
organisms to first-generation cephalosporins, and aminoglycoside therapy has been shown to be as
the greater susceptibility of gram-negative as well effective as continuous therapy in adult patients
as gram-positive organisms to aminoglycosides and may be associated with less toxicity than
emphasizes the importance of being cognizant of continuous therapy [128–130, 143]. The usage of
the patient and center-specific history of microor- aminoglycosides has been restricted in children
ganisms and their susceptibility patterns, with because of concerns for accelerating the loss of
subsequent modification of treatment protocols, residual renal function, as children with hyp-
as deemed necessary [108]. oplastic kidney disorders usually have significant
Characteristically, a combination of a first-gen- residual renal function that can have a positive
eration cephalosporin or vancomycin/teicoplanin impact on their outcome [144–146]. While
to cover gram-positive organisms and a third- repeated or prolonged courses of aminoglycoside
generation cephalosporin or an aminoglycoside to therapy are probably not advisable, their short-
cover gram-negative organisms is used by major- term use appears to be safe and without detrimen-
ity of centers as empiric therapy. As an interesting tal effect on residual renal function [147].
246 V. Chadha et al.

Fig. 14.4 Gram-positive organism on culture. MRSA methicillin resistant S. aureus; MSSA methicillin sensitive
S. aureus; VRE vancomycin resistant Enterococci

Maintenance Therapy The duration of rifampicin usage should be lim-

Once culture results and susceptibilities are ited to 1 week, as resistance often develops with
known, antibiotic therapy should be adjusted in longer courses of therapy. Ampicillin is consid-
accordance with this information. The current ered a suitable monotherapy for peritonitis caused
pediatric peritonitis treatment guidelines for ther- by Enterococci and Streptococci and can be
apy modification according to dialysate culture replaced with clindamycin or a glycopeptide if
results are as follows: the organisms are resistant to ampicillin.
Emerging resistance to glycopeptides is of
Gram-positive peritonitis (Fig. 14.4): The empiric concern as a recent IPPR report on enterococcal
use of ceftazidime or an aminoglycoside should peritonitis revealed that 21% of isolates demon-
be discontinued. For methicillin-sensitive strated glycopeptide resistance [15]. In contrast,
Staphylococci, the first-generation cephalosporin 100% of Enterococci were susceptible to
or cefepime should be continued or should imipenem. Daptomycin or linezolid can also be
replace the empiric glycopeptide. Note that the considered for vancomycin-resistant Enterococci.
use of a first-generation cephalosporin as mono- Surprisingly, despite the high level of in vitro
therapy has been shown to be associated with an resistance to cephalosporins and the not insignifi-
increased risk of relapsing peritonitis (vide infra) cant resistance to glycopeptides among
[16]. For patients with methicillin-resistant Enterococci observed in the IPPR report, the
Staphylococci, a glycopeptide (vancomycin or clinical response to empiric therapy was excel-
teicoplanin) should be continued or should lent regardless of the empiric antibiotic combina-
replace the first-generation cephalosporin or tion employed. Treatment duration should be
cefepime. Clindamycin is a satisfactory alterna- 2 weeks for all organisms except S. aureus, for
tive for those who do not tolerate glycopeptide which therapy should be 3 weeks.
antibiotics. The addition of oral rifampicin (pro-
vided as a single or split dose) as adjunctive ther- Gram-negative peritonitis (Fig. 14.5): Upon
apy has been shown to significantly lower the risk culture of a single gram-negative organism
of relapse or repeat S. aureus peritonitis [148]. (Escherichia coli, Proteus, or Klebsiella species),
14 Peritonitis and Exit-Site Infections 247

Fig. 14.5 Gram-negative organism on culture

the glycopeptide (if it was part of empiric therapy) The use of other antibacterial agents such as
should be discontinued and cefazolin, ceftazidime, aztreonam, carbapenems, and quinolones can be
or cefepime continued if the organism is suscepti- considered under special circumstances. As per
ble to the antibiotic and the patient is responding the IPPR data, 90% of the gram-positive organ-
well clinically. If an aminoglycoside was part of isms tested and 96% of the gram-negative
the empiric therapy, but another less toxic antibi- organisms tested were susceptible to ciprofloxa-
otic displays evidence of equivalent in vitro effi- cin [13]. Although this data suggests that cipro-
cacy, the aminoglycoside should be replaced with floxacin may be an ideal single agent providing
the less toxic alternative. In the case of E. coli or broad spectrum coverage against both gram-
Klebsiella species which are resistant to third- positive and gram-negative organisms, the poten-
generation cephalosporins, carbapenem or fluoro- tial for rapid development of bacterial resistance
quinolones can be used instead. However, if and the possible risk of interference with carti-
the organism belongs to the Pseudomonas/ lage development in young children make this a
Stenotrophomonas family, a second antibiotic with less desirable choice for therapy [149, 150].
synergistic activity (e.g., an aminoglycoside) Carbapenems such as meropenem belong to
should be added to cefepime or ceftazidime. If the family of beta-lactam antibiotics with a broad
multiple gram-negative organisms or anaerobic spectrum of antibacterial activity. This class of
bacteria are grown, metronidazole should be added drugs should be reserved for the treatment of
and the patient should be investigated for intra- selected cases which are resistant to other drugs
abdominal pathology. The recommended duration because of an increasing prevalence of carbap-
of treatment is 3 weeks for Pseudomonas/ enem resistance in gram-negative bacteria
Stenotrophomonas species, multiple organisms, belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae, Acineto-
and/or anaerobic organisms, and 2 weeks for other bacter, and Pseudomonas species, a development
single gram-negative organisms. which poses a serious clinical and therapeutic
concern [151].
Culture-negative peritonitis: In cases where the
peritoneal fluid culture remains sterile at 72 h and
the patient’s clinical condition is improving, com- Assessment of Initial Response
bined empiric therapy should be continued for 2
weeks. As culture-negative peritonitis is unlikely The patient’s clinical condition should be assessed
to be due to gram-negative organisms, the amino- daily subsequent to the initiation of therapy. An
glycoside (if part of empiric therapy) should be assessment of the dialysis effluent after 3 days
replaced with a third or fourth-generation cepha- of therapy will typically reveal the dialysate
losporin. Aztreonam can be used for the individ- leukocyte count to have decreased by more
ual allergic to cephalosporins. than 50%, with a shift from a predominance of
248 V. Chadha et al.

polymorphonuclear to mononuclear cells. It is venous or oral fluconazole) and flucytosine

noteworthy that on occasion, microorganisms (if available). Whereas amphotericin B has his-
may still grow in the peritoneal cavity after 72 h torically been recommended as primary treat-
of treatment, particularly in patients receiving ment for fungal peritonitis in patients receiving
intermittent antibiotic administration. These pos- PD, data collected in children and adults provide
itive cultures, however, do not predict a poor out- evidence that the peritoneal penetration of
come [78]. amphotericin B following systemic administra-
Failure to respond within 72 h of therapy ini- tion is poor and the intraperitoneal use of the drug
tiation should prompt further investigation, is extremely painful [154]. On the other hand,
including a repeat assessment of the dialysate fluconazole is characterized by excellent bio-
cell count, Gram stain and culture, an assessment availability and peritoneal penetration and is
of the catheter tunnel and exit-site by clinical and almost always active against the Candida species
possibly ultrasound evaluation, and an exit-site [155]. Lately, however, there have been reports of
culture [98, 152]. resistance to fluconazole, emphasizing the impor-
tance of susceptibility data. Successful manage-
ment of these cases may require caspofungin or
Management of Refractory micafungin [114, 156]. Unfortunately, fungi usu-
and Fungal Peritonitis ally colonize the surface of the silastic material of
the PD catheter making medical therapy alone
By definition, peritonitis is deemed refractory to rather futile. Accordingly, in virtually all circum-
treatment if there is failure of the effluent to clear stances, the prognosis for successful management
after 5 days of appropriate antibiotic therapy. In of the infection and for the ongoing use of PD
turn, the most common cause of refractory perito- will be improved by early catheter removal.
nitis is a catheter tunnel–related infection, usually Antimycotic treatment should be continued dur-
due to a S. aureus or P. aeruginosa infection of ing temporary hemodialysis for at least 2–3
the subcutaneous tissue around the catheter cuffs weeks after the complete resolution of clinical
[7, 153]. The confirmation of a tunnel infection in symptoms and before considering placement of a
therapy-resistant peritonitis mandates immediate new PD catheter [7].
removal of the catheter, followed by 2–3 weeks
of temporary hemodialysis and intravenous anti-
biotic therapy before a new catheter can be Relapsing Peritonitis
inserted, preferably on the contralateral side [7].
In patients whose peritoneal fluid culture is Relapsing peritonitis is defined as the recurrence
positive for anaerobic bacteria or multiple gram- of peritonitis with the same organism as in the
negative organisms, the possibility of intra- immediately preceding episode according to cul-
abdominal pathology (e.g., ruptured appendix) ture results and antibiotic susceptibilities, within
should be considered. 4 weeks of completion of antibiotic treatment.
Another possible explanation of refractory Relapsing peritonitis has been reported to occur in
peritonitis is fungal infection, which usually 8–21% of initially antibiotic responsive episodes
develops following antibiotic treatment of bacte- of peritonitis. Slime-forming coagulase-negative
rial peritonitis, but can occur without any risk Staphylococci, which can survive antibiotic treat-
factors in a substantial number of patients [38–40]. ment in fibrinous adhesions and in the biofilm
If fungi are identified by Gram stain or culture, matrix on the catheter surface, have been reported
all antibiotics should be discontinued, suscepti- as the most common responsible microorganism
bility data should be obtained, and empiric anti- [157]. S. aureus and P. aeruginosa, which may
mycotic treatment should be initiated with a cause subclinical microabscesses in the tunnel
combination of an imidazole/triazole (e.g., intra- region or in intra-abdominal adhesions, may also
14 Peritonitis and Exit-Site Infections 249

be the source of this complication. The IPPR protection of the peritoneum, and not saving the
recently published the results of the largest series catheter. Whereas there are no data to permit an
of relapsing peritonitis in children [16]. Of 491 evidence-based recommendation with respect to
episodes of non-fungal peritonitis, 52 (11%) were the length of antibiotic treatment following cath-
followed by a relapse; of note, there was no sig- eter removal and the appropriate time for catheter
nificant difference in the spectrum of causative replacement, an interval of 2–3 weeks between
organisms between the initial and the relapsing catheter removal and catheter replacement with
episodes. In fact, relapsing peritonitis with at least 2 weeks of systemic antibiotic therapy
S. aureus occurred more frequently (21%) than during the intervening period is considered
episodes with coagulase-negative Staphylococcus acceptable [7].
(11.5%). As mentioned before, the presence of a Simultaneous catheter removal and reinsertion
single-cuff Tenckhoff catheter was associated with can on occasion obviate the need for interval
an increased risk of relapse but surprisingly, there hemodialysis and has been successfully reported
was no correlation with concomitant colonization in cases with recurrent peritonitis, relapsing peri-
of the exit-site with the organism that caused the tonitis (unless caused by Pseudomonas/Stentro-
peritonitis, nor with the appearance of the exit-site phomonas species) and refractory exit-site or
as assessed by the exit-site score (vide supra). tunnel infections, including those caused by
The choice of initial empiric therapy did not affect Pseudomonas [158–161]. In patients with refrac-
the likelihood of a relapse; however, and as noted tory exit-site infection, timely replacement of the
previously, a significantly higher relapse rate catheter can prevent the occurrence of peritonitis.
(23%) occurred when patients were switched to Catheter exchange should be performed once the
monotherapy with a first-generation cephalosporin infection has responded to antibiotics and the
on the basis of the culture and in vitro sensitivity effluent cell count is <100 leukocytes/mL [162]
results when compared with other maintenance and should be followed by 3 weeks of appropri-
monotherapy or combination therapies [16]. ate antibiotic therapy. Simultaneous catheter
Since the causative organism of relapsing removal and reinsertion is not advocated for
peritonitis is not known when clinical symptoms refractory and fungal peritonitis.
occur, empiric treatment should be reinitiated ini-
tially. After confirmation of relapse by culture
and antibiotic susceptibilities, organism-specific Final Outcome
treatment should be continued for 3 weeks. Early
catheter removal is recommended in cases where Peritonitis is the primary reason for technique
the origin of the re-infection can be localized to failure in children receiving chronic peritoneal
the catheter tunnel and in any case of a relapsing dialysis. According to the 2011 NAPRTCS
infection with Pseudomonas or Stentrophomonas annual report, 748 patients entered in the dialysis
species. Catheter removal is also indicated when registry discontinued PD for reasons other than
there are repeated relapses of peritonitis. transplantation, and excessive infection was the
primary reason in 43.8% of these cases [163].
In the IPPR experience, 89% of peritonitis
Catheter Removal and Reinsertion episodes were followed by full functional recov-
ery (Fig. 14.6). PD was permanently discontin-
Peritoneal dialysis catheter removal should be ued (technique failure) in 8.1% of cases because
seen as part of the recommended peritonitis man- of persistent ultrafiltration problems, abdominal
agement in situations in which failure to do so is adhesions, persistent infection, secondary devel-
unlikely to result in successful outcome. The pri- opment of fungal peritonitis, or general therapy
mary goal in managing peritonitis should always failure. The outcome of infections caused by
be the optimal treatment of the patient and pseudomonas species tended to be the least
250 V. Chadha et al.

Fig. 14.6 Peritonitis outcome by organisms as reported by the IPPR (With permission from Warady et al. [13])

favorable with only 74% of the cases achieving

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Non-infectious Complications
of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 15
Sevcan A. Bakkaloglu

Peritoneal dialysis • Noninfectious complications • Hernia • Hydrothorax
• Hydropericardium • Leakage • Catheter malposition • Hemoperitoneum
• Hypokalemia • Membrane failure • Ultrafiltration failure • Encapsulated
peritoneal sclerosis • Intraperitoneal pressure

Non-infectious complications of PD (NICPD) recognition, and appropriate management of

are increasing in relative importance due to the these complications are of particular importance.
success in decreasing the rate of PD-related peri-
tonitis over the last decade. These complications
can be categorized into mechanical (catheter Mechanical Complications of PD
related and related to the increase in intra-
abdominal pressure due to dialysate), technique- The most common complications associated with
related (ultrafiltration problems and metabolic PD catheters in children are inflow/outflow prob-
effects of the absorption of glucose and its degra- lems, catheter malposition, pericatheter leak, and
dation products), and other complications, which hernia. Pain is another important complication, par-
are listed in Table 15.1 [1, 2]. There is increasing ticularly for children, on PD. Commonly, children
appreciation that mechanical complications, complain about pain on infusion possibly related to
mainly peritoneal catheter problems, are major the jet of fluid or at the end of draining. This dis-
causes of PD technique failure and patient mor- comfort is frequently transient, resolving shortly
bidity. Membrane failure characterized by ultra- after PD is initiated. The coiled catheter design is
filtration failure and inadequate solute removal suggested to decrease infusion pain due to dispersal
was responsible for 13.6–27.3% of CPD termina- of fluid jet. Acidic pH and cold temperature of the
tion in different pediatric series [3, 4]. The fluid may cause infusion pain. Usage of warm, bio-
adverse metabolic effects of the PD fluids may compatible fluids, slowing the rate of infusion, and
augment cardiovascular risk in adults and proba- tidal dialysis may alleviate infusion pain.
bly in children. Therefore, prevention, early

Obstruction of PD Fluid Flow

S.A. Bakkaloglu, MD ()
Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Gazi University
Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey Inflow obstruction suggests intraluminal blockage
e-mail: with fibrin or blood and may be due to kinking of

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_15, 257

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
258 S.A. Bakkaloglu

Table 15.1 Non-infectious complications of peritoneal Kinking of the catheter, which may cause
dialysis [1, 2] inflow and outflow problems, usually becomes
Mechanical complications obvious soon after catheter placement. The degree
Catheter related of dysfunction may vary with patient position.
Perioperative (perforation of viscus or hemorrhage) Migration of the catheter out of the pelvic cavity
Obstruction to flow
usually causes poor drainage of the dialysate solu-
Inflow problems
Catheter kinking tion, and pain during infusion and poor inflow
Outflow failure may also occur, which is usually obvious within
Constipation days of placement. Omental occlusion is com-
Catheter malposition, kinking monly observed within several weeks of catheter
Catheter occlusion (internal by fibrin or external by implantation. Episodes of outflow obstruction
secondary to plugging of the catheter by the fim-
Leakage (exit site or concealed)
briae of the fallopian tube are also reported. Large
Pain (on infusion or drainage)
Catheter cuff extrusion pediatric series from different countries showed
Related to increased intra-abdominal pressure the rate of malfunction or obstruction between 5%
Hernia and 21% [5–7]. The Italian Pediatric PD Registry,
Pleural leak (hydrothorax) analyzing a large cohort of children over a period
Back pain of 15 years, demonstrated that malfunction and
Gastroesophageal reflux and delayed gastric emptying malposition of the catheters accounted for 11.3%
Technique-related complications of the cases [5]. Catheter-related mechanical
Adequacy and ultrafiltration problems
problems were observed in 22% (26 catheters in
Inadequate solute clearance
Poor compliance
total, 12 dislocations, 7 drainage problems, and 7
Hypercatabolism kinks) of the percutaneously implanted 108 PD
Decreased peritoneal permeability catheters by pediatric nephrologists in a recent
Inadequate ultrafiltration Turkish single-center retrospective study [6].
Fast transport status
Encapsulated peritoneal sclerosis Prevention Strategies
Metabolic complications Strategies to prevent early catheter malfunction
include appropriate catheter selection, optimal
surgical technique, and good postoperative care.
Hyperleptinemia Expertise in insertion of PD catheters is an
Hypokalemia acquired skill, and insertion of catheters by expe-
Magnesium alterations rienced and dedicated physicians is advised. The
Other complications Italian registry showed a trend toward better cath-
Hemoperitoneum eter survival even in young patients, which was
Pneumoperitoneum suggested to be related to increasing experience
by dialysis centers (standardized surgical tech-
Ischemic colitis and necrotizing enterocolitis
Subcapsular steatosis
nique, cumulative experience by staff, better post-
implantation care, education of patients and
caregivers) [1]. In addition, the more widespread
the catheter. Outflow failure, which is defined as use of double-cuffed catheters, paramedian exit-
incomplete drain of instilled dialysate, most com- site location, and prophylactic omentectomy could
monly occurs because of constipation, catheter have positively influenced catheter survival [5].
malposition, intraluminal catheter occlusion (often A number of modifications of PD catheter
by thrombus and fibrin), extraluminal catheter design have been proposed, but overall the “swan
occlusion (by omentum, adhesions, epiploid fat neck” catheter has the lowest rate of drainage fail-
appendices, fallopian tubes), and catheter kinking ure via migration, whereas the intraperitoneal con-
[1, 2]. figuration, straight vs. coiled, does not seem to
15 Non-infectious Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 259

modify this risk [1, 2]. However, in the experience usually reserved for catheters with radiographic
of the International Pediatric Peritonitis Registry evidence of migration to the hypocondriac region,
(IPPR), the use of Tenckhoff catheters with a although malfunctioning catheters that are prop-
straight ending was associated with an increased erly positioned in the true pelvis may be entrapped
rate of post-peritonitis technique failure [8]. The in an adhesion and benefit from guidewire manip-
catheter tip should sit deep in the pelvis. Selection ulation. Using a stiff rod and a stiff wire under
of a catheter that is too short will result in poor fluoroscopy guidance, catheters can be drawn
drainage because the catheter will sit higher in the back into the rectovesical pouch with a promising
abdomen where it is vulnerable to interference with long-term patency [11]. If fluoroscopically guided
omentum. Compared with other methods of PD manipulations fail, open or laparoscopic surgery
catheter placement, positioning of the catheter can is necessary to reposition the catheter.
be done more accurately with laparoscopy. Intraluminal instillation of thrombolytics is
Omentectomy can be readily and more completely helpful if intraluminal obstruction persists after
done with laparoscopy to prevent blockage of the vigorous flushing and results in a high rate of res-
catheter [9]. Crabtree et al. have described advanced toration of flow [12]. Five to ten milligrams of
laparoscopic management with rectus sheath tun- tissue plasminogen activator (1 mg/mL) in
neling, prophylactic adhesiolysis, and prophylactic 10–20 mL saline was shown to be effective. The
omentopexy (fixing the redundant omentum to the reusability of TPA due to its nonallergenic prop-
upper abdomen by means of a suture). This group erties makes it an attractive option, preventing
reported a reduction in the rate of catheter flow unnecessary replacement of PD catheters.
complications to <1% compared with 12% with
standard laparoscopic technique [10]. Particularly Outcome
for patients at higher risk for catheter malfunction Although catheter patency can be sustained by
as a result of previous complicated abdominal sur- conservative or interventional manipulations,
gery, advanced laparoscopic technique provides the obstruction to flow is still an important cause of
best results in experienced hands. Although lap- catheter removal. A recent Turkish single-center
aroscopy allows extensive lysis of adhesions from retrospective study indicated that 12% (n = 13) out
previous operations and its primary use is recom- of 108 percutaneously implanted PD catheters
mended whenever available, the reported frequen- were removed due to catheter-related causes: drain-
cies of flow problems in children are similar with age problems (six patients), catheter dislocation
the three implantation techniques, varying between (three patients), omental capture (two patients),
8.7% and 12% [5, 6, 9]. and kink (two patients) (Table 15.2). There were no
Another strategy against malfunctioning significant differences between early and delayed
migrated catheters is avoiding constipation. In catheter use groups in terms of mechanical catheter
addition to spontaneous repositioning, saline problems [6]. Similarly, obstruction, which was
flushing into the peritoneal cavity, enema admin- reported as the second most common cause of
istration, and modification of the patient’s posi- catheter removal following catheter-related infec-
tion are conservative methods used by clinicians tions in Italian Registry data, showed a significant
to reposition a migrated catheter. Liberal use of decrease, probably related to a higher frequency of
laxatives or enemas is an underappreciated strat- omentectomy [5]. Indeed, omentectomy, partial
egy to promote good catheter function via induc- omentectomy, or omentopexy are suggested as rea-
ing bowel peristalsis, since fecal impaction can sonable interventions for preventing omental cap-
cause catheter migration and external compres- ture and subsequent drainage problems.
sion of the lumen by bowel [1].

Treatment Options Dialysate Leakage

Guide-wire manipulation should be considered
when poor drainage persists despite an adequate An exit-site leak refers to the appearance of any
trial of conservative methods. This treatment is moisture around the PD catheter identified as
Table 15.2 Non-infectious complications of Peritoneal dialysis: summary of pediatric studies from different countries
Hooman [14] Stringel [9] Laakkonen [15] Aksu [6] Jander [16] Macchini [17] Donmez [18] Rahim [7] Rinaldi [5] Lessin [19] Holtta [20]
Publication year 2009, Iran 2008, USA 2008, Finland 2007, Turkey 2006, Poland 2006, Italy 2005, Turkey 2004, USA 2004, Italy 1999, USA 1997, Finland
Study period 1993–2006 1995–2000 1995–2005 1993–2004 1986–2002 1997–2004 1990–2000 1986–2000 18-month 1986–1994
Number 122 21 23 93 (108 29 78 53 (72 catheters) 90 (127 363 (503 catheters) 12 34
of patients catheters) (89 catheters) catheters)
Age <14 years 3 months– <2 years 3 months– 2 days– 3 days– 0–21 years <15 years 3–26 years <5 years
16 years 16 years 11 months 19 years
Insertion Surgical Laparascopic Open surgical Percutaneous Open surgical + Percutaneous Surgical, Laparoscopic
technique (+ omentectomy) omentectomy surgical omentectomy
in 70% laparascopic in 82.4%
Catheter type Double cuff Single cuff Single cuff Double cuff Mainly double Mainly double Mainly double Single cuff
straight or curled curled swan neck cuff straight cuff swan neck cuff straight curled
swan neck curled curled and
curled straight
Timing of Early vs. late After 1 week After 2 weeks, Early vs. late Early vs. late Early vs. Early
catheter use if possible late
Hernia 20% 57% No 31% 1.5% 15.1% 8% 29%
Leak 15% Several minor Yes No 2.5% 41.5% 14.2% 5.8% 16%
Kink 7%
Dislocation Yes 12% 3.5% 5.8% 16%
Malfunction 8 7% 5% 20.8% 21.3% 5.3%
Cuff extrusion 5.7% 4.8%
Catheter Catheter 7 catheters 5 catheters 13 catheters from 9 catheter 7 catheters (6 21 catheters Catheter 38 catheters 3 catheters 9 catheters, leak
exchange obstruction in from 5 patients (leakage in 3, 11 patients exchange dislocation, 1 from 20 patients, malfunction (17 obstruction, required in 5, obstruction
8.7% of the malposition (malfunction including obstruction) malfunction in 11.8% of the 14 dislocation, laparoscopic in 3, migration
patients in 1and in 6, dislocation in infectious in 11 patients and patients, leak 4 cuff extrusion, revision for in 1
obstruction in 1) 3, omental capture causes leak in 9 patients with infection 3 leakage) entrapment and
in 2, kink in 2) in 1.6% 2 for leakage
15 Non-infectious Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 261

dialysate; however, the spectrum of dialysate Factors suggested as potentially related to

leaks also includes any dialysate loss from the dialysate leak include the immediate initiation of
peritoneal cavity other than via the lumen of the PD, median PD catheter insertion, and weakness
catheter. Most authors agree that dialysate leaks of the abdominal wall [13]. Rahim et al. recently
should also be classified according to how long evaluated risk factors for catheter related non-
after catheter placement they occur. Early leaks infectious problems. Young age, failure to thrive,
occur within 30 days of PD catheter insertion, and previous dialysis were not risk factors for
and late leaks occur after this period. Early leak- dialysate leak or malfunction [7]. Indeed, young
age most often manifests as a pericatheter leak. age was confirmed not to be a negative risk factor
Late leaks may present more subtly with subcuta- for catheter-related complications or catheter sur-
neous swelling and edema, weight gain, periph- vival in large pediatric series from Italy and
eral or genital edema, and apparent ultrafiltration Turkey [5, 6]. In a retrospective, nonrandomized,
failure. This reduced dialysate drainage may eas- single-center, pediatric study, delayed use of peri-
ily be mistaken for ultrafiltration failure at the toneal catheter after its implantation (>14 days)
peritoneal membrane level. was associated with a lower incidence of dialysate
leak [7]. However, this was not confirmed by sub-
Risk Factors and Prevention sequent studies [6, 18]. A decreasing overall inci-
Leakage of dialysate at the pericatheter site tends dence of leakage was reported by the Italian
to occur early after catheter placement, in associa- registry, possibly related to improved surgical
tion with high dialysate volumes, and in those experience. Also, catheters with paramedian entry
with a weak abdominal wall (such as those with a site were less likely to leak than catheters implanted
history of multiple surgeries). Dialysate leakage in the midline [5, 17]. Abdominal weakness
can be considered as a mechanical, intra-abdomi- appears to predispose mostly to late leaks [7].
nal pressure-related complication of PD, since
intra-abdominal pressure increases linearly with Diagnosis
the volume of dialysate infused [13]. In addition, The presence of fluid around a peritoneal catheter
leaks frequently occur only after a patient becomes may be due to leakage of dialysate or to serosan-
physically active and are less common in those guineous fluid extruding from the subcutaneous
who undergo dialysate exchanges when supine. tissue. If the etiology of the fluid is unclear, a
Adult reports indicate that the incidence of dialysate leak can be confirmed by checking the
dialysate leakage is seen in slightly more than 5% glucose concentration of the leaking fluid.
of CAPD patients [13]. The reported incidence of Fluid infiltration of the abdominal wall is eas-
pericatheter leak is widely variable (2.5–41.5%) ily overlooked, particularly in obese patients.
in different pediatric series ([5–7, 14–20], Reduced drain volumes may occur because a
Table 15.2). Initiating PD with low dialysate vol- substantial portion of the dialysate leaks into the
ume (300 mL/m² body surface area) has been rec- abdominal wall, and once a steady state is
ommended as a good practice measure [13]. achieved, is absorbed at a rate equal to the leak-
Although higher incidence of leakage may in part age rate. Normal solute equilibration in the PET
be attributed to surgical catheter placement in with apparently lacking ultrafiltration suggests
adult studies, the implantation method, either open the diagnosis of “internal” leakage (Fig. 15.1).
surgical or percutaneous or laparoscopic, did not The most widely used approach to confirm the
appear to be an important factor in pediatric series diagnosis and to determine the exact site of fluid
[5, 6, 9]. However, leakage was less common in leaking into the abdominal subcutaneous tissue
catheters with paramedian entry site compared and or intermuscular layers is T2-weighted MRI
with catheters implanted on the midline [17]. with an empty and filled abdominal cavity or CT
Additionally, in a prospective, open-label random- with contrast agent-added PD fluid [13].
ized study performed in a single pediatric center, Groin or genital swelling caused by leaks are
the application of fibrin glue to the peritoneal cuff usually related to underlying hernias (which are
suture prevented early dialysate leakage [21]. often palpable), with a patent processus vaginalis,
262 S.A. Bakkaloglu

Fig. 15.1 Eleven-year-old boy with lack of ultrafiltration, ing to scrotum. Leakage was located to insertion site of
rapid weight gain, and scrotal edema following start of PD. instrumentation trocar used for laparoscopic Tenckhoff
T2-weighted MRI shows massive generalized fluid accu- catheter placement. Surgical revision revealed 3 × 3 mm
mulation in intermuscular and subcutaneous tissues extend- peritoneal defect (Courtesy of Franz Schaefer, MD)

or a peritoneal membrane defect along the cathe- inguinal canals with or without patent processus
ter tract. Scrotal swelling is much more common vaginalis, the umbilicus, the linea alba, the exit site,
than labial swelling; it is generally bilateral. and any sites of prior surgical incision (Fig. 15.2).
Leakage into the pleural space will be discussed
separately below. Risk Factors
The risk of PD-associated hernia in children is
Management affected by the intraperitoneal pressure (IPP),
Successful management of pericatheter leaks can patient age [15, 22, 23], and the presence of ana-
usually be accomplished by decreasing the tomically weak sites in the abdominal wall [22].
dialysate volume. Occasionally, converting the The risk of hernia seems to be confined to neo-
patient to continuous peritoneal modalities in nates and infants, due to their high incidence of
which exchanges occur when supine or application patent processus vaginalis and, possibly, higher
of temporary hemodialysis may resolve dialysate intra-abdominal pressure. A patent processus
leakage. Leaks that do not respond to conservative vaginalis has been found in 90% of infants at
management may require minor surgical repair of birth and, at autopsy, in up to 37% of adults with-
the deep cuff or rarely catheter replacement. out hernias. Leakage of peritoneal fluid into a
Surgical repair has been strongly suggested for patent processus vaginalis, in conjunction with
leakage causing genital swelling [13]. high IPP, can result in the formation of an indirect
inguinal hernia. In a Finnish study, 57% of 23
children starting CPD during the first 2 years of
Hernia life required hernia surgery [15]. In a study from
Poland, 31% of infants on PD had hernia repair
Hernia is a common complication in children on during follow-up [16]. Holtta et al. documented
PD, with a reported incidence between 8% and hernias in 29% of 34 children receiving PD under
57% in different pediatric series (Table 15.2). the age of 5 [20]. In contrast to the high incidence
Several different types of hernias have been in neonates and young infants, the risk of hernia
described in PD patients. Some studies found that appears to be negligible in older children and
incisional hernia is the most common form, while adolescents [6, 17]. These findings support the
other studies report inguinal or umbilical hernias as concept of prophylactic closure of the processus
the most frequent. The sites of anatomic weakness vaginalis at the time of catheter insertion in neo-
that predispose to hernia formation include the nates and young infants. Abdominal wall hernias
15 Non-infectious Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 263

Fig. 15.2 Multiple abdominal incision scars and incisional hernias in a child on nightly intermittent peritoneal dialysis:
(a) lateral view, (b) anterior view (With permission of Sevcan A. Bakkaloglu, MD)

are not uncommon in patients on CAPD, and usually used in patients who are allergic to con-
some risk factors have been identified in adult trast dye and in centers where MR peritoneogra-
patients. These include female gender, increasing phy is not available [2].
age, longer time on peritoneal dialysis, increas-
ing number of laparotomies, and multiparity [24]. Prevention
However, there is no clear data in children. There are several implantation best practice rec-
ommendations for preventing leakage and her-
Clinical Features nias. Two-cuff designs and placement of the deep
The most common presentation of the hernia is a cuff at an intramuscular location are preferred.
painless swelling. Other symptoms associated with Intramuscular cuff placement results in fewer
abdominal hernia in PD patients include discom- pericatheter leaks and hernias. In infants and
fort or disfigurement, and problems related to a children a paramedian fascial incision is usually
complication from the hernia. Complicated hernias preferred in order to avoid herniation or dialysate
present as a tender lump, recurrent Gram negative leakage [5]. Laparoscopic catheter placement is
peritonitis, bowel obstruction, and perforation if an attractive alternative to open surgical inser-
there is strangulation or incarceration of the bowel. tion, since it allows complete visualization of the
An umbilical hernia has a special predilection for peritoneal cavity, including inspection of the
strangulation. Catheter and other incisional site inner inguinal ring and prophylactic closure of
hernias and least commonly inguinal hernias may patent processus vaginalis in infants [9]. A recent
lead to incarceration and strangulation of the paper from the USA reported that three umbilical
bowel. These complications are also more likely hernias, three bilateral inguinal hernias, and two
when the hernia is small, preventing the free move- ventral hernias were successfully repaired in 8
ment of bowel into and out of the hernia sac. The of 21 patients during laparoscopic PD catheter
presence of genital swelling may suggest occult placement. In addition, some authors have
indirect inguinal hernias. Obturator hernias may reported a lower incidence of postoperative leak-
present with paresthesia and hyperesthesia of the age with laparoscopy.
anteromedial aspect of the thigh. Hernias through IPP can be easily measured using a central
the foramen of Morgagni may present with right- venous pressure scale attached to the PD tubing
sided chest pain or right hypochondrial pain [2]. system as the mean of in- and expiratory pressure
in the mid axillary line in the supine position. IPP
Diagnosis in the empty abdominal cavity is 0.5–2.2 cm H2O,
Patients can easily be diagnosed clinically. MRI increasing with rising amounts of fluid volume and
or CT peritoneography is a useful confirmatory change in posture. The supine position generates
diagnostic procedure. Peritoneal scintigraphy is the lowest IPP for a given volume of IP fluid [2].
264 S.A. Bakkaloglu

Additional determinants of IPP include obesity, Pathogenesis

sex, age, and abdominal girth. IPP monitoring may The physiopathology of hydrothorax is not
be used as an objective measure to guide fill vol- entirely clear. It is most commonly secondary to
ume prescription [22, 23]. IPP can help in deter- a pleuro-peritoneal communication. Possible
mining how much intraperitoneal volume is mechanisms include a disorder of lymphatic
tolerated and potentially lower the risk of mechani- drainage, pleuro-peritoneal pressure gradient,
cal complications such as hernia and leakage, and congenital diaphragmatic defects. A disorder
although the concept has not been verified in con- of lymphatic drainage was suggested by the find-
trolled clinical studies. The maximal IPP tolerated ing of diaphragmatic lymphatic swelling after
without pain is around 18 cmH2O. Since the normal peritoneal fluid instillation during surgical explo-
IPP range in children on chronic PD is 7–14 cmH2O ration. In autopsy studies, discontinuities in the
[23], the volume prescribed for routing dwells tendinous portions of the hemidiaphragms have
should not cause IPP greater than 12–14 cmH2O. been observed, thereby supporting the presence
of diaphragmatic defects. In addition, the nega-
Treatment tive intrathoracic pressure combined with an
Most hernias need surgical repair. Postoperatively, increased intra-abdominal pressure caused by
patients should be maintained on low volume dialysate instillation may open small defects in
nocturnal cyclic PD, with an empty or small- the diaphragm and promote the flow of dialysate
volume dwell during daytime. into the pleural space [2, 13].

Clinical Features
Hydrothorax The most common clinical symptom is shortness
of breath, which can be mistaken for congestive
Hydrothorax is an uncommon but well-recognized heart failure. Patients may use more hypertonic
complication of peritoneal dialysis. The reported dialysis solution to increase ultrafiltration; how-
incidence of hydrothorax varies from 1.6% to ever, that will lead to a further increase in the intra-
10%. It can present as an asymptomatic effusion abdominal pressure and subsequently worsening
found on a chest radiograph ([25], Fig. 15.3a) or it of symptoms. Physical examination will reveal
can be massive, causing major respiratory symp- decreased or absent breath sounds and stony dull-
toms. Hydrothorax can follow the first few ness on percussion.
dialysate exchanges or occur after years of
uneventful PD [13]. Increased intra-abdominal Diagnosis
pressure after instillation of fluid into the perito- Chest X-ray may show right-sided pleural effu-
neal cavity can result in leakage of the PD solu- sion (Fig. 15.3a). Thoracocentesis with bio-
tion from the peritoneal cavity into the pleural chemical analysis of pleural fluid is the first-line
space across the diaphragm. The pleural to perito- investigation. High glucose content (>300–
neal connection is almost always on the right side. 400 mg/dL or pleural fluid to serum glucose
The presence of the heart and pericardium may concentration gradient >50 mg/dL) proves the
prevent the leak of fluid across the left hemidia- peritoneal origin of the pleural fluid. In uncer-
phragm. The condition should be differentiated tain cases, or when there is a clinical need to
from other causes of transudative pleural effusion demonstrate the anatomy of the communication,
such as congestive cardiac failure, hypoalbumin- an imaging approach such as MRI or CT perito-
emia, or fluid overload for any reason [2, 13]. neography can also be used [2, 27].
Spontaneous leakage of dialysate fluid from the
peritoneal cavity into the pericardium via a peri- Treatment
cardioperitoneal fistula, “hydropericardium,” is Once hydrothorax secondary to pleuro-peritoneal
an extremely rare, potentially life-threatening communication is confirmed, temporary cessa-
complication of PD [26]. tion of PD remains the first-line treatment.
15 Non-infectious Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 265

Fig. 15.3 (a) Right-sided massive pleural effusion. (b) Complete resolution of pleural effusion after pleurodesis with
tetracycline (With permission of Sevcan A. Bakkaloglu, MD)

Frequent small-volume exchanges can be a fea- have lactate buffer and contain high concentra-
sible alternative in children. In case of acute tions of glucose and glucose degradation prod-
shortness of breath, discontinuation of PD and ucts (GDPs) (see Chap. 12).
immediate thoracocentesis are indicated. PD can
often be resumed after temporary cessation, pre- Pathogenesis: Continuous exposure to bio-
sumably because of spontaneous resolution of incompatible PD solutions and bacterial infection
the leakage. causes inflammation of the peritoneal membrane,
Current evidence in adults shows that video- resulting in progressive fibrosis, neoangiogenesis
assisted thoracoscopic pleurodesis or diaphrag- and, ultimately, UFF. A peritoneal biopsy study
matic repair should be the treatment of choice in clearly showed that PD treatment per se had a
patients who failed conservative management strong impact on peritoneal fibrosis and vascul-
[27]. Chemical pleurodesis has been performed opathy. The thickness of the submesothelial zone
with talc, autologous blood, and tetracycline and the extent of vasculopathy were positively
([25], Fig. 15.3b), with uneventful recovery both correlated with duration of PD, and inversely
in children and adults [2, 25, 27]. There is no with UF capacity [28].
evidence to suggest that one agent is superior to There is emerging evidence that epithelial–
another. The main side effect of these sclerosing mesenchymal transition (EMT) of peritoneal
agents is pain. Open surgical treatment is the last mesothelial cells is an important mechanism
option for recurrent hydrothorax [2, 27]. involved in the process of peritoneal membrane
failure. EMT is induced by multiple stimuli, which
include GDPs and advanced glycation end prod-
Technique-Related Complications ucts and inflammatory cytokines such as TGF-
beta. Mesothelial cells that undergo EMT promote
Peritoneal Membrane Failure neoangiogenesis through VEGF expression.
Dysfunctional AQP1 in peritoneal endothelial
Membrane failure is an important complication cells is another putative mechanism of UFF.
of PD characterized by ultrafiltration failure Peritoneal neoangiogenesis is probably the main
(UFF) and/or inadequate solute removal. It ensues effector of increased solute transport and UFF in
due mainly to structural and functional changes long-term PD. In addition, mast cells and various
in the peritoneal membrane attributable to severe, genetic factors controlling angiogenesis and fibro-
persistent, and/or relapsing intraperitoneal infec- sis and effects of medications may modulate the
tion, and the use of conventional bio-incompati- rate at which UFF develops. However, the relative
ble PD solutions, which are hyperosmolar, acidic, roles of fluid components, bacterial inflammation,
266 S.A. Bakkaloglu

genetic disposition, drugs and other factors, and giogenesis, thereby further aggravating UFF.
the precise sequence of the pathophysiologic Therefore, the protection of the peritoneal mem-
events initiating and propagating peritoneal fibro- brane from the long-term toxic and metabolic
sis and angiogenesis remain elusive [28]. effects of conventional high GDP-containing,
glucose-based solutions is of particular impor-
Differential Diagnosis tance [29, 32]. More biocompatible PD solutions
The ability to evaluate for UFF is of major clini- may preserve peritoneal membrane function and
cal importance. In the case of low drain volumes, promote ultrafiltration (see Chap. 12 for details).
a distinction must be made between catheter dys- In children with established UFF, PD fluids con-
function, leakage of fluid either externally taining icodextrin as osmotic agent may be of
through the catheter tunnel or internally from the some value, both by their greater efficacy in
peritoneal cavity to the pleural space, and impair- inducing ultrafiltration [32, 33] and by minimiz-
ment of the peritoneal membrane. In fact, multi- ing peritoneal glucose exposure (see Chap. 12 for
ple membrane-related causes should be details).
considered, which include the following:
1. Large peritoneal surface area in comparison Prognosis
with the size of the fill volume, the result of Membrane failure is responsible for up to 27%
either too low a prescribed fill volume or too of CPD termination in different pediatric series
large a vascular surface area secondary to hyper- [3, 4, 34]. Altered peritoneal membrane function
perfusion (e.g., GDP-induced neoangiogenesis) over time has a significant impact on both tech-
2. Impaired free-water transport as a result of nique and patient survival. As the prevalence of
aquaporin dysfunction UF failure increases, it becomes the predominant
3. High lymphatic absorption associated with a reason for drop out in long-term PD, particularly
marked elevation of IPP in anephric and oliguric patients. According to
4. Limited peritoneal surface area available for the Japanese long-term experience the frequency
exchange, as might occur with postinfectious of PD termination due to UFF steadily increases
or postsurgical adhesions, peritoneal fibrosis, with time on PD, from 14% in the first 5 years of
or peritoneal sclerosis [23] treatment to 33% thereafter [34]. In contrast,
The causes of membrane failure can be insufficient solute removal was a constant cause
distinguished in part by the Peritoneal Equili- of technique failure in 13% of cases before and
bration Test (PET, see Chap. 11). Peritoneal after 5 years on PD.
membranes can be classified according to PET The prognosis of membrane failure is not
results into high, high-average, low-average, and unvariably poor and likely depends on the underly-
low transporter categories. The high transporter ing mechanism of the high transporter phenotype.
status is associated with a poor technique and Recent classification attempts to differentiate “type
even patient survival in adults, probably due to 1,” an early inherent type of membrane failure
increased glucose resorption leading to UFF, fluid associated with increased mortality related to
overload, hypertension and left ventricular hyper- marked underlying comorbidity and inflammation,
trophy, increased atherogenesis, and malnutri- “type 2,” an early inherent type with a large perito-
tion related to increased peritoneal protein losses neal surface area, and “type 3,” a late acquired type
[29, 30]. Children with high transporter status are with peritoneal membrane changes which develop
at risk for poor longitudinal growth [31]. with time on PD. The latter two types have a good
prognosis provided that fluid balance is controlled
Management using APD and icodextrin-based PD solution [30].
The traditional method to treat membrane failure Ultrafiltration failure due to an elevated peri-
is to use short exchanges with hypertonic dialysate. toneal solute transport may be transient or sus-
However, exposure to the high glucose concentra- tained. Transient increases are seen during
tion in hypertonic dialysate can accelerate the episodes of peritonitis. In some cases, repeated
process of peritoneal inflammation and neoan- episodes of peritonitis lead to a sustained increase
15 Non-infectious Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 267

in solute transport and a persistent loss of ultrafil- exceeds 30%. The major causes of death are
tration. Other factors like prolonged PD vintage, almost invariably related to problems concerning
dialysate buffer, glucose and buffer byproducts bowel obstruction or complications of surgery,
used in the dialysate, and the use of beta-blockers such as malnutrition or septicemia. Therefore, a
may contribute to impaired ultrafiltration [29]. high index of suspicion and elective discontinua-
tion of PD in high risk patients is of particular
importance for the early diagnosis and prevention
Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis of potentially fatal outcome. The development of
UFF, a high dialysate/plasma creatinine ratio,
Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis (EPS) is a seri- peritoneal calcification, a persistently elevated
ous complication of long-term PD characterized C-reactive protein level, and severe peritonitis in
by encasement of bowel loops accompanied by patients on PD for longer than 8 years are signals
extensive sclerotic thickening of the peritoneal that should prompt the clinician to consider termi-
membrane. Clinical features of EPS result from nating PD as a possible means of preventing the
underlying pathogenic processes, particularly ileus, development of EPS [34].
inflammation, and/or peritoneal adhesions. Signs
and symptoms frequently include abdominal pain, Diagnosis
nausea, vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite, consti- The diagnosis is suspected in the patient with a
pation, diarrhea, abdominal mass, ascites, weight long history of PD, signs and symptoms consis-
loss, low-grade fever, and hemorrhagic effluent. It tent with SEP and/or progression to a high peri-
is also typically associated with a progressive loss toneal permeability state, and is confirmed with
of ultrafiltration, resulting in fluid retention and characteristic ultrasonographic, CT, or even
edema. Unlike other causes associated with these plain X-ray imaging findings of the peritoneal
clinical findings, EPS is an insidious, gradual, non- cavity. The presence of localized ascites, adher-
acute clinical syndrome [34]. ent bowel loops, bowel luminal narrowing, cal-
The cause of EPS is believed to be multifacto- cification, and peritoneal membrane thickening
rial. The development of EPS was associated (Fig. 15.4) can be visualized with either tech-
with extended duration of PD, previous frequent nique [36, 37].
severe peritonitis episodes, a reaction to other
foreign agents such as plasticizers from catheters, Treatment
exit-site cleansing agents such as povidone-iodine Although frequently unsuccessful, the treatment
or chlorhexidine, the administration of drugs such of sclerosing peritonitis most commonly entails
as beta-blockers, and extended exposure to bio- cessation of PD with transfer to hemodialysis,
incompatible dialysis solutions [34]. There is also bowel rest with total parenteral nutrition
the possibility that some patients are genetically (TPN), and (possibly) immunosuppressive ther-
predisposed to develop EPS when exposed to one apy including steroids, azathioprin, etc., and/or
or more of the aforementioned etiologic agents, surgery [34, 36].
but this has not yet been confirmed.
A Pediatric EPS Registry was initiated in Japan
in 1996. Of the 843 patients under 16 years of age Metabolic Complications
who received PD between 1981 and the end of
1999, 17 were diagnosed with EPS. All patients Dyslipidemia and Insulin Resistance
who developed EPS had received PD for longer
than 5 years, with a mean PD duration of Disturbances of glucose and lipid metabolism are
10.3 years. The incidence of EPS was 6.6% among common complications of chronic renal failure
all patients on PD for longer than 5 years and 22% and persist or deteriorate during renal replace-
among those who had received PD for longer than ment therapy. The few reports available in pedi-
10 years [35]. EPS is the most serious complica- atric PD patients are consistent with findings of
tion of long-term PD with a mortality rate that adult studies, indicating insulin resistance, hyper-
268 S.A. Bakkaloglu

neal glucose load with subsequent insulin release,

and bowel losses may also play a role in the
hypokalemia observed in PD patients. Further-
more, cultural dietary preferences are likely to
affect the disposition to hypokalemia on PD.
Kt/V urea, the etiology of renal failure, age, the
peritoneal membrane transport type, and oral
protein and caloric intake appear not to be related
to hypokalemia [42].
Hypokalemic patients complain of weakness
more often than those with normal potassium
levels. For stable chronic outpatients, liberaliza-
tion of dietary potassium restriction and, when
needed, oral potassium replacement (usually
Fig. 15.4 Axial computed tomography of the abdomen
20 meq/day, based upon individual patient serum
showing localized fluid collection (*), and intestinal loops
encapsulated by a thick visceral (black arrows) and pari- potassium determinations) are usually successful
etal peritoneum (white arrows) (Reprinted with permis- treatments for hypokalemia.
sion from Ref. [37])
Hypermagnesemia, a common finding in PD
leptinemia, hyperlipidemia, and an atherogenic patients, is due to positive magnesium balance
lipid profile [38–40]. The pathophysiology of resulting from renal failure and the relatively high
these metabolic complications in PD patients is dialysate magnesium concentration. The typical
multifactorial, including the continuous adminis- serum magnesium level in patients with end-stage
tration of glucose in the dialysate, albumin and renal disease is 2.4–3.6 mg/dL (1.0–1.5 mmol/L),
HDL losses into the peritoneal cavity, and reduced a value usually not associated with clinical symp-
lipolytic enzyme activity. Serum total choles- toms. Serum magnesium levels are usually ele-
terol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein vated in those dialyzed against solutions containing
cholesterol, apolipoprotein A, and lipoprotein (a) magnesium concentrations of 0.75 mmol/L
levels are elevated and HDL lipoprotein levels (1.8 mg/dL) [43]. Since there is an inverse rela-
are decreased in children on PD. Although tionship between concentrations of magnesium
chronic PD has been accused of conferring a and intact parathyroid hormone (PTH), raising
higher technique-related risk of atherogenesis possibility that hypermagnesemia may contribute
compared to hemodialysis, long-term studies to adynamic bone disease [44], the 0.50 mmol/L
have shown that, following a temporary deterio- (1.2 mg/dL) concentration dialysate may generally
ration, lipid profiles tend to stabilize or even be preferable. Hypomagnesemia may develop in
improve during extended treatment. Hence, long- patients utilizing 0.25 mmol/L (0.6 mg/dL) mag-
term PD appears equally safe as hemodialysis nesium concentration [43].
with respect to lipid status in children [39].

Hypokalemia Other Complications

Ten to thirty-five percent of patients on continu-
ous PD require potassium supplements. As com- Hemoperitoneum
pared with pediatric patients on hemodialysis,
patients on PD are at increased risk of hypokalemia The presence of blood in PD effluent is called
because of the greater cumulative clearance of hemoperitoneum. This is a benign complication
potassium by PD [41]. Also, enhanced cellular of chronic PD. Only a very small amount of
uptake of potassium, prompted by the intraperito- bleeding is required to make dialysate appear
15 Non-infectious Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 269

bloody. As little as 1 mL of whole blood injected benign intraperitoneal bleeding and should be
into 2 L of an effluent bag can make the fluid treated as a surgical emergency. In this setting,
readily blood tinged, and injection of 7 mL of peritoneal fluid cell count, culture and sensitivity,
blood can make the entire volume as red as fruit peritoneal amylase level (>50 mU/L suggests an
juice. intra-abdominal process) should be obtained.
Peritoneal dialysate hematocrit >2% suggests an
Pathogenesis intraperitoneal pathology. All of the possible dis-
Hemoperitoneum has a wide differential diagno- orders in this setting are cause for great concern,
sis. Blood tinging of dialysate is commonly seen and merit surgical consultation and consideration
after PD catheter placement as a result of direct of early laparoscopy or laparotomy [2].
vascular and visceral damage. It rapidly clears Abdominal imaging by CT, ultrasound, or
with a few in-and-out exchanges. The most com- MRI may also be indicated. A CT scan of the
mon and benign cause of hemoperitoneum in abdomen and pelvis should be performed if ultra-
adolescent girls is menstruation. Two theories are sound is negative or inconclusive. In patients
proposed to explain its mechanism. First, endo- with persistent bleeding, isotope-labeled RBC
metrial tissue, if present in the peritoneum, will scan can be done to localize the site of bleeding
shed simultaneously with uterine endometrium. which can then be selectively embolized. Contrast
Secondly, shed endometrial tissue and blood agents should be avoided in patients with pre-
moves out of the cervix through the fallopian served residual function. Angiography is the last
tubes in a retrograde fashion. Peritoneal bleeding option that may be required for more definitive
starts a few days before vaginal menstrual flow. diagnosis [2].
Other causes of hemoperitoneum in adolescent
girls are ovulation (with a typical mid-cycle tim- Management
ing of occurrence) and ruptured ovarian cysts. Treatment of the underlying cause is essential,
Trauma (including strenuous exercising), pro- and curative management may require emergent
cedures to the abdominal area, bleeding disor- evaluation and care. Menstruating adolescent
ders, or anticoagulation therapy can also girls should be reassured that asymptomatic
predispose to hemoperitoneum. Bleeding into a hemoperitoneum is benign and that it will likely
hepatic or renal cyst with rupture into the perito- resolve spontaneously. Rapid flushes and instilla-
neal cavity, acute and chronic pancreatitis, scle- tion of heparin in the dialysate to prevent catheter
rosing peritonitis, and peritoneal calcification in clotting are usually done. Infusing cool dialysate
patients with severe CKD-associated mineral- (i.e., room temperature) may also be helpful. Most
bone disorder are further, less frequent causes of commonly, the hemoperitoneum will clear after
hemoperitoneum [2]. one to three rapid flushes. In severe conditions,
extensive diagnostic studies and required surgical
Diagnosis interventions should be done as indicated [2, 45].
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Int. 1997;17:573–80. 38. Bakkaloglu SA, Saygili A, Sever L, et al. Assessment
21. Sojo ET, Grosman MD, Monteverde ML, et al. Fibrin of cardiovascular risk in paediatric peritoneal dialysis
glue is useful in preventing early dialysate leakage in patients: a Turkish pediatric peritoneal dialysis study
15 Non-infectious Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis in Children 271

group (TUPEPD) report. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 42. Khan AN, Bernardini J, Johnston JR, et al.
2009;24:3525–32. Hypokalemia in peritoneal dialysis patients. Perit Dial
39. Bakkaloglu SA, Ekim M, Tümer N, et al. The effect Int. 1996;16:652.
of CAPD on the lipid profile of pediatric patients. 43. Hutchinson AJ. Serum magnesium and end-stage
Perit Dial Int. 2000;20:568–71. renal disease. Perit Dial Int. 1997;17:327–9.
40. Buyan N, Bideci A, Ozkaya O, et al. Leptin and 44. Wei M, Esbaei K, Bargman JM, Oreopoulos DG.
resistin levels and their relationships with glucose Inverse correlation between serum magnesium and
metabolism in children with chronic renal insuffi- parathyroid hormone in peritoneal dialysis patients: a
ciency and undergoing dialysis. Nephrology (Carlton). contributing factor to adynamic bone disease? Int
2006;11: 192–6. Urol Nephrol. 2006;38:317–22.
41. Factor KF. Potassium management in pediatric perito- 45. Greenberg A, Bernardini J, Piraino BM, et al.
neal dialysis patients: can a diet with increased potas- Hemoperitoneum complicating chronic peritoneal
sium maintain a normal serum potassium without a dialysis: single-center experience and literature
potassium supplement? Adv Perit Dial. 2007;23: 167–9. review. Am J Kidney Dis. 1992;19:252–6.
Part IV
Hemodialysis Vascular Access
in Children 16
Deepa H. Chand and Mary L. Brandt

Hemodialysis • Children • Vascular access • Chronic kidney disease
• Arteriovenous Fistula • Arteriovenous Graft

vascular access creation and maintenance including

Introduction surgical and medical nuances.
Renal dysfunction necessitating RRT can be
Vascular access has been heralded as the back- either chronic or acute. With AKI, establishment
bone to the provision of dialysis, and in children of adequate vascular access to accommodate a
poses unique challenges to the pediatric dialysis high-flow circuit is essential. Long-term conse-
care provider due to smaller vessel diameters and quences must also be considered in case renal
vascular hyperreactivity. Whether in the face of function does not recover. Typically, a central
acute kidney injury (AKI) requiring renal replace- venous catheter (CVC) is used emergently, and
ment therapy (RRT) or as a result of chronic for a relatively short duration. Acute catheters for
kidney disease (CKD), children should not be short-term dialysis are best placed in the femoral
considered “little adults.” Further, a critical issue veins to protect future access sites in the arms
for these patients is to provide adequate vascular and neck. With CKD, the patient has a few treat-
access for current RRT requirements without ment options once ESRD is reached: renal trans-
compromising future potential access sites. plantation, peritoneal dialysis, or hemodialysis.
Because this requires a different surgical philoso- Given that many children triangulate between
phy, it is important to develop a team composed these modalities over the course of a lifetime,
of surgeons, pediatric nephrologists, and dialysis vein preservation is critical and should be initi-
nurses interested in these unique challenges. This ated at the time of diagnosis.
chapter will provide a basic overview of pediatric

Chronic Kidney Disease

D.H. Chand, MD, MHSA ()
Department of Nephrology and Hypertension,
The prevalence of chronic kidney disease in chil-
Akron Children’s Hospital, Akron, OH, USA
e-mail: dren continues to increase worldwide due at least
in part to increased survival and better treatment
M.L. Brandt, MD
Division of Pediatric Surgery, Department of Surgery, for chronic conditions, including those of renal
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA etiology as well as other, nonrenal conditions.

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_16, 275

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
276 D.H. Chand and M.L. Brandt

For example, the use of calcineurin inhibitors in week, 6/13 patients after 2–6 weeks, and in
renal and nonrenal organ transplantation has almost 50% of patients studied following catheter
caused permanent, chronic impairment in many removal [3–6] (Fig. 16.2).
cases, leading to renal replacement therapy. At stage 4 CKD, the patient should be referred
Although preemptive renal transplantation is the to an experienced vascular access surgeon, locally
preferred renal replacement modality, it is not or regionally, to be evaluated for permanent
always possible due to a variety of factors includ- access. Based on the center, pediatric vascular
ing lack of suitable donors, high panel-reactive access may be placed by a vascular surgeon, pedi-
antibodies, or poor access to transplantation. For atric surgeon, or transplant surgeon. The key,
example, in developing countries, the patient regardless of the surgeon’s background, is to iden-
may not have easy access to transplantation. tify a surgeon trained in, and willing to accept, the
Among the RRT modalities available, HD is the challenge of pediatric vascular access. To quote
most commonly used initial therapy and is the Davidson et al., “…The issue is not who places
most commonly used dialytic modality long term the access, but who does it right, every time, to
[1]. Hence, vascular access must be a consider- everyone, and everywhere…” [2]. This mantra is
ation early to allow for the best possible treat- particularly important when approaching vascular
ment in these children. access in the pediatric HD patient. Lack of surgical
expertise is often identified as a barrier to access
placement; therefore, the nephrology practitioner
Preparation for Vascular Access must identify an experienced vascular access sur-
geon willing to care appropriately for this unique
In a child with known CKD, vein preservation patient population. Keeping in mind that arterio-
should occur as soon as the diagnosis is made, venous fistulae (AVF) often take longer to mature
even at CKD stage 1. In many instances, referral in children than adults, sometimes up to several
to a nephrologist is not made until CKD has months after creation, early placement should be
progressed to stages 3 or 4. For that reason, edu- planned. Patient and family education regarding
cation regarding vein preservation is important protection of the nondominant arm should be ini-
for primary care physicians, emergency room tiated early in the course of CKD (potentially at
personnel, surgeons, anesthesiologists, and other stages 1–2): avoiding venipuncture and even
providers. Early referral and physician education blood pressure measurements whenever possible.
can improve access options and avoid morbidity Education regarding AVF cannulation, with the
associated with CVC use and venous access in use of a child life specialist, recreational thera-
the patient’s arms, both of which can limit options pist, or peer-to-peer observation/interaction, can
for dialysis access [2] (Fig. 16.1). A single veni- be valuable in cannulation preparedness once the
puncture or placement of an intravenous catheter access is in place. The false perception that a
into the cephalic vein at age 2 can render the vein child does not want to be “stuck” needs to be
useless at age 10, making permanent access cre- overcome. Prior studies have demonstrated can-
ation impossible. Ideally, a venous catheter, if nulation of an AVF is not a deterrent to its use and
necessary, should be placed in the dorsum of the that quality of life for children is equivalent, if not
hand in order to protect the cephalic vein, partic- better, for children with AVF/AVG as compared
ularly at the wrist and in the forearm. If a central to children with catheter-based hemodialysis
venous catheter is indicated for total paren- [7, 8]. In essence, a catheter-avoidance approach
teral nutrition or medication administration, the should be undertaken whenever possible.
subclavian vein should be avoided. The incidence The preoperative evaluation of children is
of subclavian stenosis following insertion of a important in preventing primary failure of the
single lumen, small caliber percutaneous line can access. The leading cause of primary failure is
be significant and can permanently affect outflow venous outflow obstruction, usually caused by
for future access. Subclavian stenosis in adults stenosis or thrombosis. It is important to recognize
has been shown to occur in 5/15 patients at 1 possible outflow obstruction before creation of a
16 Hemodialysis Vascular Access in Children 277

Fig. 16.1 Post signs if you have to…

primary fistula. Specific attention should be paid

to prior central line history and prior hospitaliza-
tions, including intensive care unit stays.
Examination should include observation for
extremity deformation and/or venous distention
indicative of obstruction and evidence of prior
central line placement. Once the decision has
been made to evaluate the patient for fistula for-
mation, Doppler vein mapping is obtained to
establish vein diameter and patency (Fig. 16.3).
Vein mapping is now considered standard of care
in planning vascular access although, in rare situ-
ations, contrast venography may be necessary
(Fig. 16.4). Examples of Doppler vein mapping
are shown in Fig. 16.3. In general, minimal vessel
Fig. 16.2 Subclavian vein stenosis following central
diameter is 1.5 mm for the artery and 2.5 mm for
venous catheter placement in the subclavian vein pre- the vein to allow for successful anastomosis and
cludes forever the use of that extremity for HD access subsequent use [9]. A contrast venogram is
278 D.H. Chand and M.L. Brandt

Fig. 16.3 Preoperative Doppler vein mapping. Courtesy of Maria Alonso, MD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical

113 days, but up to 50% required revision with

one-third requiring multiple revisions [10–12].
Approximately 40% necessitated removal due to
complications. Since then, multiple options for
HD access have emerged. Chronic hemodialysis
access can be obtained in children by creation of
a primary arteriovenous fistula, placement of an
arteriovenous synthetic graft (AV graft), or use of
a cuffed central venous catheter. Deciding which
access is best for an individual patient is based on
Fig. 16.4 Preoperative venography. Courtesy of Maria the patient’s diagnosis, size, likelihood of trans-
Alonso, MD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical
Center plant, procedural risk, and probability of long-
term patency [13]. Current data supports the
concept of “fistula first”; whenever feasible, a pri-
recommended in any child who has collaterals mary fistula should be the access of choice [14].
present on physical exam or a history of prior cen-
tral venous catheters, since Doppler ultrasound
cannot identify subclavian stenosis. Arteriovenous Fistula

Arteriovenous fistulae provide the best vascular

Vascular Access Options access option in long-term hemodialysis because
of increased longevity and low complication rates
The first form of hemodialysis access was the [14]. The 2006 National Kidney Foundation
Scribner shunt, first described in 1960. The Dialysis Outcomes Quality Initiative (NKF-K/
Scribner shunt consisted of two external cannu- DOQI) guidelines recommend the creation of a
lae – one inserted into the radial artery and one permanent access in children weighing more than
inserted into the cephalic vein. Reports of the 20 kg in whom transplant is not eminent [15]. The
first shunts described an average shunt life of advantages of a primary fistula are the low rate of
16 Hemodialysis Vascular Access in Children 279

secondary failure, low rate of infection, and Table 16.1 Arteriovenous sites
decreased incidence of pseudoaneurysm [16, 17]. Artery Vein Fistula
Additionally, dialysis adequacy has been shown Radial Cephalic Wrist
to be superior in children who have an AVF as Brachial Cephalic Antecubital
primary vascular access for HD [18]. However, Brachial Basilic Forearm
primary fistulae have the disadvantages of Brachial Basilic Upper arm/transposed
increased rate of primary failure, either by throm- Femoral Saphenous Thigh
bosis or failure to mature, when compared to AV
grafts [19–21]. The Brescia-Cimino (radiocepha- primary patency rate for an AVG is typically
lic) AVF has been the preferred vascular access higher than that for an AVF, secondary patency
for decades in adults due to its low complications rates have been shown to be significantly longer
and longevity. The pediatric population poses a with lower complication rates than polytetrafluo-
challenge due to small vessel caliber, causing a roethylene (PTFE) bridge grafts or external cath-
high incidence of primary failure. Further, because eters [9, 15, 18, 25–27]. Review of 5 year access
of small vessel size and lower systemic pressures, survival rates also demonstrated longer survival
maturation of these fistulae may take several for AVF (59%) versus AVG (40%) [20].
months. For that reason, primary brachial fistulae Primary fistulae are most commonly created
may be a better choice in some children. between the radial artery and cephalic vein at the
The key to successful AVF placement is proper wrist (Brescia-Cimino), but can also be created
planning. Despite data supporting the use of pri- between the brachial artery and cephalic vein in
mary AVF in children, a majority of pediatric the antecubital fossa, between the brachial artery
patients initiating HD are doing so with a CVC and brachial vein (with transposition of the vein
according to The United States Renal Data to the subcutaneous tissue) and, rarely, between
Systems (USRDS) 2008 annual report [1]. The arteries and veins in the lower extremity [28, 29].
North American Pediatric Renal Trials and Table 16.1 depicts AVF options. Although AVF
Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS) 2007 Annual creation in children >20 kg in size can be achieved
report also reports 77.3% of pediatric patients without too much technical difficulty, AVF cre-
receiving hemodialysis use CVC as primary ation in smaller children may be difficult. Surgical
access compared to AVF (12.5%) and AVG (7.6%) adjuncts such as magnification loupes and the
[22]. Based on a recent study of 37 incident pedi- operating microscope have allowed for the suc-
atric hemodialysis patients conducted in the cessful creation of AVF in children as small as 5 kg
Midwest, although a majority of patients were [8, 9, 30]. Although primary patency rates in AVF
followed by a nephrologist for at least 6 months, created using the operating microscope have been
CVC was the predominant vascular access as low as 33%, long-term assisted patency rates
(83.7%) at dialysis initiation [23]. Although CVCs approximate more than 90%. Worldwide experi-
are more expeditious, and may often be the only ence regarding AVF in children, including use of
choice for acute dialysis, they should never be the the operating microscope, has been promising,
default access for long-term dialysis in patients of showing fewer complication rates and better long-
sufficient size in whom fistulae are possible. term patency rates (5 year patency rates upward
In older children and adults, a primary arterio- of 70%) [24, 31]. Again, it should be stressed that
venous fistula is the established access of choice expertise using the operating microscope is
for long-term hemodialysis. The surgical principle required for successful AVF creation in these very
in placing all fistulae, whether primary fistulae or small children. A summary of the surgical approach
AV grafts, is to use the most distal vessels possible to AVF creation is depicted in Fig. 16.5.
in the nondominant extremity, preserving the It should be noted that primary fistulae in chil-
more proximal vessels for future access [24]. dren take significantly longer to mature than in
Whenever technically possible, a primary fistula adults, up to 4 months in some patients compared
should be the access of choice. Although the to the usual 6 weeks recommended for maturation
280 D.H. Chand and M.L. Brandt

Fig. 16.5 Surgical approach to AVF

of AVF in adolescents and adults [30]. Although access failure rates of 3.7% in AVG in children as
published guidelines regarding optimization of compared to 33% in AVF [20]. However, after
maturation do not exist, a few general principles excluding primary access failures; 1, 3, and 5 year
hold true. Venipunctures and blood pressure mea- patency rates were not statistically different. In
surements should be avoided in the ipsilateral contrast, in a study conducted in the United
extremity of a patient with a primary fistula or AV Kingdom, Ramage et al. described a primary
graft to avoid compression. Although there are no access failure rate of 60% for AVG as compared
data, exercising the extremity with the AVF is to 23% for AVF. Long-term complications of AV
anecdotally believed to improve maturation. If a grafts are significant and substantially greater
child is noted to have hyperreactive vessels at the than those of AVFs [32]. The rate of infectious
time of surgical creation, the use of a low-dose complications is much higher, and graft infection
peripherally vasodilating calcium channel blocker often requires removal of the synthetic material.
such as amlodipine or nifedipine may allow for Access stenosis and infection occur more fre-
decreased risk of premature thrombosis [9]. quently in AVG than AVF. One study found the
overall complication rate for AVF was 1.3 per 12
access-months as compared to 2.9 per 12 access-
Arteriovenous Graft months for AVG [20]. Others have reported infec-
tion rates to be over tenfold higher with an AVG
An arteriovenous graft (AVG) utilizes a vascular as compared to AVF [32]. Stenosis, usually near
adjunct to create an arteriovenous anastomosis. the venous anastomosis, is common and, with
When primary fistulae have failed, or are not enough time, is essentially universal. Children
technically possible, the alternative is an AVG. with high-flow AV accesses, particularly PTFE
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) is the conduit of femoral grafts, are at risk for unequal limb growth
choice for AV access grafts in children, as in and “steal” phenomena [33, 34]. Overall, although
adults, due to better biocompatibility as compared PTFE grafts have a higher primary success rate,
to previously used bovine grafts. When compared the higher rates of secondary failure and other
to AVF, AVG can be used sooner, typically within complications make them a less desirable access.
2–4 weeks of placement, and have higher primary The surgical technique for creating AVG
patency rates. Sheth et al. described primary in children has been well described [35, 36].
16 Hemodialysis Vascular Access in Children 281

The most common site for placement of an AV Table 16.2 Estimate of catheter size based on patient
graft is the forearm, with straight grafts (radial weight
artery to brachial vein) more common in smaller Dual lumen catheters
children, and loop grafts (brachial artery to brachial 8 French up to 20 kg
vein) used in larger children. Alternate sites for 10 French from 20 to 30 kg
11.5 French above 30 kg
AV grafts include the upper arm (brachial artery to
Tesio catheters
distal brachial or axillary vein), and groin (femoral
7 French from 20 to 40 kg
artery to femoral vein). In general, smaller, tapered 10 French from 40 to 60 kg
grafts are used (4–6 mm taper) in children. 12 French above 60 kg
After failure of AVG, the child’s vascular
anatomy should be reassessed to determine if an decreased used of CVCs in children with ESRD,
AVF can be created. In many circumstances, a but they remain the most common form of vascu-
more proximal AVF can be created due to vascular lar access. In the most recent NAPRTCS report,
enlargement from the prior AVG, which has cre- 77% of children receiving chronic hemodialysis
ated high-flow dynamics. used a percutaneous catheter for access, with only
11.4% using a primary AV fistula, and 12.3% using
a graft [22]. The most important factor when using
Permanent Access Surveillance a CVC for HD is location. Specifically, the subcla-
vian vein should be avoided; subclavian stenosis
In order to optimize access longevity, careful sur- is common after placement of central venous cath-
veillance and early intervention is required. eters, which can profoundly affect subsequent per-
Although the best monitoring technique remains manent access placement. Schillinger et al.
controversial, in our view and that of others, ultra- described a subclavian stenosis rate of approxi-
sound dilution flow provides a superior method mately 42% as compared to 10% stenosis in the
compared to venous pressure monitoring, which is internal jugular vein with an average catheter life
not accurate or reliable in children [37]. Although of 31 days [40]. Chronic hemodialysis catheters in
interval angiography can identify an area stenosis children are silastic, cuffed, dual-lumen catheters.
prior to graft thrombosis, this technique is more Catheter sizes available range in size from seven
invasive and is better utilized once a problem has French upward. As in acute catheter placement, the
been identified using surveillance [38, 39]. If smallest effective catheter should be used and the
venous stenosis or thrombosis is present, angiog- subclavian vein avoided. Three types of CVC are
raphy allows the interventionalist to perform bal- most commonly used in children: Ash split™
loon angioplasty which can successfully extend (Medcomp®, Harlesville, PA, USA) which is a
the life of the graft, and avoid surgical revisions. bioflux polyurethane D-shaped catheter with a
In the setting of acute thrombosis due to stenosis, single cuff; Bio-Flex™Tesio® (Medcomp®,
a thrombectomy is performed. If flow can be Harlesville, PA, USA), made of bioflux polyure-
restored, the patient undergoes angiography with thane with two single lumens; and the Opti-flow®
balloon dilatation. If flow cannot be restored, sur- (C.R. Bard, Inc., Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA)
gical revision of the graft should be undertaken. made of body soft polyurethrane with two cuffs
containing antimicrobial silver ions [41]. Prior
studies have shown conflicting data: some have
Central Venous Catheters demonstrated comparable blood flow and sur-
vival rates, while others have reported the Tesio™
An external hemodialysis catheter is often the CVC to be superior in children [41, 42]. Placing
first access placed in a child with ESRD and for hemodialysis catheters in children can be a surgi-
many patients, may be the only access used. cal challenge, as patient size may vary and an
It must be stressed that catheters should be avoided ideal catheter may not exist. A guide for place-
whenever possible by advance planning for AVF ment of an appropriately sized catheter for a
in children with ESRD. There is a trend toward patient of a particular size is given in Table 16.2.
282 D.H. Chand and M.L. Brandt

Fig. 16.6 AVF are the

goal, but central venous
catheters are still needed in
small children, children in
whom anatomy for fistulae
is poor and in children for
whom transplantation is

However, this is just a guide; because of anatomic recurs, requiring CVC line removal/exchange.
differences, a smaller or larger catheter may be In most cases, a small cut down can be performed
required. Regardless of the catheter used, the and the catheter divided near the point of veni-
final position of the most distal portion of the puncture. The divided catheter can then be used
catheter should be the proximal right atrium to thread a wire to guide placement of the
(Fig. 16.6) Many catheters will function well new catheter, avoiding a new venipuncture.
with the tip in the SVC as well, although this can Mechanical problems with the catheter (break-
be problematic in small children. At the skin end age, displacement, and inadequacy due to growth
of the catheter, the cuff should be positioned of the child) require replacement of the catheter.
1.5–2 cm from the exit site to allow for optimal Although data are not available, many physicians
epithelial ingrowth. Consequently, the choice of feel acute venous thrombosis should be treated
the exit site is critical to the final catheter posi- even in the absence of symptoms in order to avoid
tion. In other words, the exit site should be cho- future chronic venous insufficiency and to pro-
sen to optimize the position of the cuff. This may tect future sites for hemodialysis.
mean placing the exit site in positions which are Infectious complications of CVC are quite
more inferior or superior on the chest wall than is common and are a leading cause of increased
usual for most catheters. morbidity and mortality in pediatric HD patients
Complications of CVC can occur at the time [1, 22]. Infections can occur within the catheter
of placement as well as after usage. Risks asso- itself, or at the exit site, or both. If the dialysis
ciated with catheter insertion include vessel patient presents with fever and/or exit-site ery-
perforation and hemorrhage, pneumothorax, thema or drainage, a blood culture should be
hemothorax, emboli formation, and arrhythmias obtained. Initially, broad spectrum antibiotics
associated with catheter tip location [43]. Long- such as vancomycin, and a third-generation
term complications of hemodialysis catheters are cephalosporin or aminoglycoside should be given
common and include kinking or displacement, for empiric coverage. Ultimately, the choice of
infection, and thrombosis [44]. In a multicenter antibiotics used for treatment should be based
pediatric study, Valentini et al. demonstrated a upon culture results and sensitivities. Exit-site
CVC dysfunction rate of 46% over a 1 month infections should be confirmed by culture of the
period [45]. Although urokinase, tissue plasmi- exudates, and antibiotics given empirically pend-
nogen activator, or another thrombolytic agent ing culture results [43]. Indications for immediate
can be used for treatment, the thrombosis often removal of the catheter include serious systemic
16 Hemodialysis Vascular Access in Children 283

symptoms such as septic shock or thrombocy- complications, are preferable for long-term hemo-
topenia, persistently positive blood cultures, or dialysis access in children. The decision of which
the presence of specific organisms that do not patients are “too small” for this surgical approach
respond to this conservative approach (such as varies from institution to institution, based on the
Candida or other fungi). When possible, the cen- experience of the surgeon and availability of
tral venous system should be kept free of any microsurgical techniques. Ultimately, the decision
catheter for at least 2–3 days before a new hemo- is a balance between the risk of primary failure
dialysis catheter is placed (see also Chap. 21). (and subsequent loss of that site for a future fis-
tula) and the complications of central venous
access, which may also prevent creation of effec-
Acute Vascular Access tive future access. Placement of an AV graft should
be considered only when all options for an ade-
Acute hemodialysis access is obtained by placing quate primary arteriovenous fistula have been
a non-cuffed, dual-lumen catheter into the supe- exhausted. The use of a central venous catheter
rior or inferior vena cava, using the Seldinger should be reserved as a “bridge” to a more perma-
technique. In small infants, two single-lumen nent access, or reserved for children so small that
catheters may occasionally be used. The size of the risk of primary failure of an arteriovenous fis-
catheter used must be individualized to each tula is unacceptably high. In all cases, access must
patient, but the goal should be to place the small- be planned before the procedure, with the long-
est catheter allowing for optimal blood flows pos- term need for dialysis in mind. Whether the sur-
sible. The larger the catheter, the more effective geon creating the access is a vascular surgeon,
the dialysis, but the higher the risk of thrombosis pediatric surgeon, or transplant surgeon, it imper-
and other complications. The femoral route is ative that the surgeon who is providing the access
preferred in settings where dialysis will be needed be an active participant in the decision-making
for less than a few weeks, in order to preserve all process, be educated about the special needs of
future routes of access to the superior vena cava. children in renal failure, and be aware of the issues
Under no circumstances should the subclavian surrounding the choice of access for each patient.
vein be the initial vein used for dialysis access.
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Technical Aspects of Hemodialysis
in Children 17
Marcus R. Benz and Franz Schaefer

Hemodialysis • Children • Technical aspects • Bleeding • Thrombosis and

A hemodialysis system consists of a blood the dialysate are continuously monitored. Most
circuit, a dialysate circuit, and a dialyzer separat- devices designed for routine maintenance hemo-
ing both circuits by a semipermeable filter mem- dialysis provide water purification, degassing,
brane. The blood circuit includes a vascular and preparation of the dialysate from purified
access device, blood tubes (arterial and venous water and electrolyte/buffer concentrates. The
lines), one or two blood pumps, pressure and air- dialyzer as the central component of the hemodi-
leak monitors, and security clamps. A separate alysis system consists of a semipermeable filter
pump delivers anticoagulants to prevent clotting membrane to remove metabolic waste products,
in the arterial site of the extracorporeal blood cir- electrolytes, and excess of water.
cuit. The dialysate circuit requires at least one or
two dialysis fluid pumps, and systems for ultrafil-
tration control and heating of the dialysis fluid. The Extracorporeal Blood Circuit
The composition of the dialysis fluid, the flow
rates and pressures, and the presence of blood in Blood is pumped from the vascular access to the
dialyzer (often called “arterial segment”). The
dialyzed blood is recirculated to the patient, pass-
ing an air trap. The segment between dialyzer and
patient is usually called “venous segment.”
Pressures in the blood line are usually monitored
M.R. Benz, MD () between the arterial blood pump and the dialyzer
Division of Pediatric Nephrology, and at the venous air trap. Security clamps are
Children’s University Hospital, Ludwigs-Maximilian
located at the beginning of the arterial segment
University Munich, Munich, Germany
e-mail: and at the outlet of the venous air trap (Fig. 17.1).
Whenever any alarm is activated, the blood pump
F. Schaefer, MD
Pediatric Nephrology Division, Heidelberg University is stopped immediately and both blood lines are
Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany clamped to protect the patient.

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_17, 287

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
288 M.R. Benz and F. Schaefer

heparin pump dialyser

dialysis fluid


pressure monitor
-arterial venous-

bubble trap
arterial access
air detector


venous access

Fig. 17.1 Blood circuit

Blood Tubing Blood Pump

Blood tubing systems adapted to the dimensions A compressible segment of the arterial line is
of the dialysis machine are usually supplied by inserted into a peristaltic roller blood pump.
the manufacturer. The tubing is mainly made of During operation at least one of the rollers com-
polyvinylchloride and polycarbonate. Steam ster- pletely occludes the tube all times, preventing
ilization is favored over ethylene oxide, which uncontrolled flow from the patient into the extra-
may induce antibody formation and anaphylac- corporeal circuit as well as backflow of blood
toid reactions. To permit hemodialysis in small when the pump is stopped. Thus, when blood
children and infants, tubing systems with reduced flow is stopped, the rotor in the arterial line seg-
diameters and fill volumes (approx. 50–80 mL ment acts as an arterial clamp. The occlusion
versus 150 mL in adult size systems) are provided between rollers and roller track must be adjusted
by several manufacturers. As a rule of thumb, the carefully: Inadequate occlusion results in back
total extracorporeal blood volume (needles, flow, foaming, and hemolysis, while overocclu-
tubes, and dialyzer) should not exceed 10% of sion may lead to damage of the tubing resulting
total patient blood volume. in spallation of silicone particles, tube rupture, or
17 Technical Aspects of Hemodialysis in Children 289

increased hemolysis. In case of high outflow blood pump is always positive. The arterial,
pressures, the rollers will be lifted and backflow venous, and dialysis fluid pressures are used to
may occur, because the rollers no longer com- calculate the transmembranous pressure (TMP),
pletely occlude the pump segment. A characteris- which is the main determinant of fluid removal
tic smacking noise arises when the pump is by ultrafiltration. The maximum tolerance of
operating against a low inflow and a high outflow pressure alarm limits should be set by the
pressure. machine, and operator adjustments should be
possible only within these limits. The lower limit
of the venous pressure should be above atmo-
Blood Flow spheric pressure and close to the displayed value
to enable early detection of disconnections of the
The blood flow rate (Qb) and the duration of dial- venous blood line. The minimal arterial pressure
ysis are important factors in determining treat- accepted by current dialysis machines is about
ment efficiency. Blood flow rates are calculated −300 mmHg, but should be kept between −150
from the rotation velocity and the assumed stroke and 200 mmHg to limit endothelial trauma. The
volume of the roller pump. The stroke volume venous return pressure should not exceed
depends on the internal diameter of the pump seg- +200 mmHg. However, the entire pressure gradi-
ment, inlet suction pressure, and the elastic recoil ent driving blood from the access into the arterial
of the flexible tube segment following occlusion line depends on the negative arterial line pressure
of the moving rollers. Since these variables may as well as on the pressure within the access. Since
cause errors in the displayed flow rate, regular the intraaccess pressure may vary from a few
calibrations of the blood pump are advisable. mmHg in central-venous accesses to about
A corrected blood flow rate can be calculated 25 mmHg in arteriovenous fistulas and about
from the actual arterial line pressure and the num- 50 mmHg in arteriovenous grafts [1, 2], the same
ber of revolutions of the pump rotor. Some dialy- arterial line pressure produces different pressure
sis machines display a so-called effective blood gradients depending on the access. On the other
flow rate, which takes the effect of a reduced arte- hand, using a 16-gauge needle at the same arte-
rial line pressure into account. rial pressure, blood flow would increase from
250 to 320 mL/min when switching from a cen-
tral venous access to an arteriovenous graft [3].

Line pressures are primarily measured for safety Air Traps

reasons. Sudden changes exceeding the allow-
able limits will trigger an alarm, stop the blood An air trap is located in the arterial and the venous
pump, and close the venous clamp. Pressure segments. The air detector, located at the venous
monitoring in the blood circuit allows detection blood line, is necessary to prevent air embolism.
of disconnections and obstructions caused by Many different physical principles have been
tube kinking or blood clotting. Pressures in employed; probably the most reliable are ultra-
the extracorporeal circulation are measured in sonic devices measuring changes of ultrasound
the arterial line preceding the blood pump, in the transmittance caused by air bubbles or foam. If
venous line before blood is returned to the patient, foam or air is detected, the blood pump will be
and – in some systems – in the line connecting stopped and the tubes will be clamped immedi-
the pump to the dialyzer. The pressure between ately downstream of the air trap. The change in
the vascular access and the blood pump is nega- pressures and the action of the blood pump may
tive due to the resistances of the access device lead to the formation of microbubbles. These
and tubing, causing the risk of air entry at the may cause platelet activation and formation of
connection site. The pressure downstream the microemboli.
290 M.R. Benz and F. Schaefer

Single-Needle Dialysis catheters for hemodialysis access are at risk of

recurrent thrombosis. All patients on hemodialy-
In case of a single vascular access due to techni- sis should be tested for underlying thrombophilic
cal circumstances (for example, single lumen conditions. The subclavian hemodialysis access
catheter or difficulties during puncture of an arte- is more prone to thrombotic and stenotic compli-
riovenous fistula), single-needle dialysis can be cations than the internal jugular access [5, 6].
performed. The principle is based on alternating Factors potentiating the risk for thrombosis
the direction of blood flow through a single vas- include a high hematocrit (often related to dehy-
cular access joined to a Y junction that connects dration, high doses of erythropoietin, vigorous
the arterial and venous ends of the blood circuit. ultrafiltration, slowed or interrupted blood flow,
The alternation of blood flow can be achieved in blood transfusion upstream the dialyzer and a
different ways. One system uses two clamps at low dialysate pH. It is important to monitor the
both arterial and venous lines. When the arterial anticoagulant status using appropriate tests before
clamp is open, blood is pumped into the circuit and during anticoagulation. Notably, the first
against the closed venous clamp, raising the pres- signs of clotting occur much more frequently in
sure in the blood compartment. When the pres- the air trap than in the dialyzer itself [7].
sure in the venous line reaches an upper limit, the Contact of blood with tubing material and dia-
arterial clamp is closed, the blood pump stopped lyzer membranes activates two principal mecha-
and the venous clamp opened, allowing the blood nisms of thrombus formation: The intrinsic
to flow back to the patient. When the pressure coagulation pathway starts with contact activa-
reaches a lower limit, the venous clamp is closed, tion factors and leads to the production of throm-
the arterial clamp opened and the blood pump bin and the formation of cross-linked fibrin clots
started again. The efficacy of single-needle cir- via an amplifying series of enzymatic reactions.
cuits can be optimized by using two separate The second mechanism is platelet adhesion and
pumps for arterial blood withdrawal and venous activation which on dialyzer membranes appears
return. During single-needle dialysis, the compli- not to require von Willebrand factor (vWF) [8].
ance of the blood circuit must be enhanced by an Anticoagulation is required to prevent clotting
arterial bubble trap between pump and dialyzer for the majority of procedures with extracorpo-
serving as expansion chamber. Recirculation of real circulation. The type and configuration of the
blood in the Y connection can reach 20% of total extracorporeal blood circuit has implications for
blood flow, diminishing solute clearance. the choice and the use of anticoagulants: A patient
on intermittent hemodialysis needs only antico-
agulants to prevent filter clotting for around 4 h.
Bleeding, Thrombosis, In continuous venovenous procedures the need
and Anticoagulation for and potential risks of anticoagulants are con-
tinuously present. Furthermore, slower blood
Patients on hemodialysis are at increased risk for flow rates and inferior geometry of the blood flow
both bleeding and thrombosis. The main factors path require more efficient anticoagulation dur-
predisposing to bleeding are uremia-associated ing continuous therapies.
defective platelet dysfunction, tissue inflammation
(gastrointestinal tract, pericardium), and the use of
anticoagulants for hemodialysis. While in children Heparin
on chronic hemodialysis bleeding is a minor prob-
lem, bleeding is a frequent and life-threatening Heparin, a heterogeneous mixture of acidic gly-
complication in acute kidney injury. Hemorrhagic cosaminoglycans ranging in molecular weight
complications seem to be a predictive rather than a from 3,000 to 60,000 Da, accelerates the forma-
causative factor for mortality [4]. tion of molecular complexes between antithrom-
Endogenous arteriovenous fistulas, synthetic bin III and coagulation factors such as factor Xa
arteriovenous grafts, and permanent venous and thrombin, enhancing their inactivation. Due to
17 Technical Aspects of Hemodialysis in Children 291

its convenience and low cost, heparin is the most is unsuitable at this level of heparinization as it is
widely used anticoagulant. Dose requirements frequently prolonged beyond the measurable
show marked interpatient and intrapatient vari- range (120–160 s).
ability, though the clearance and average dosage
of unfractionated heparin are not much altered by
renal failure [9]. Besides the rare but severe com- Low Molecular Weight (LMW) Heparin
plication of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
(HIT), patients receiving heparin for anticoagula- Low molecular weight heparins (3,000–7,000 Da)
tion on dialysis are at increased risk of hyperlipi- are heparin derivatives produced by fractionation
demia, osteoporosis, and aldosterone suppression. or depolymerization which primarily inhibit fac-
tor Xa. The LMW heparins have half-lives about
Heparin coating: Before use, the dialysis system twice that of unfractionated heparin (2–4 h),
should be flushed with at least 1 L of physiologic which is even more prolonged in renal failure
saline solution at a flow rate of approximately [11]. Most dialysis protocols apply LMW hepa-
100 mL/min to remove any toxic contaminants. rin by a single injection at the start of dialysis,
To reduce the thrombogenicity of the dialysis sys- few report on giving half the dose initially, and
tem, heparin (5,000 IU/L) or low molecular weight the rest by continuous infusion. Different LMW
heparin is added to the flushing solution. After heparins have been used for HD in adults:
heparin coating, the system is rinsed with an equal • Enoxaparin (Lovonox, Clexane) 0.68 mg/kg
volume of anticoagulant-free saline solution. [12]
• Dalteparin (Fragmin) 70 IU/kg [13]
Standard heparin anticoagulation: In children, • Nadroparin (Fraxiparine) 70 IU/kg [14];
heparin is typically administered as an initial bolus 150–200 IU/kg [15]
of 300–1000 IU/m² body surface area (resp. 20–50 • Reviparin (Clivarin) 85 IU/kg [19]
IE/kg/h) before connection to the extracorporeal The overall safety of LMW heparin is compa-
circuit, followed by continuous infusion of 300– rable to low-dose heparin [16–18]. Standard bed-
800 IU/m²/h (resp. 10–20(–30) IE/kg/h) during side tests for anticoagulation monitoring are not
hemodialysis. The heparin infusion is discontin- sensitive enough to control LMW heparin action
ued 30–60 min before the end of dialysis in order [19, 20]. Therapeutic monitoring is achieved
to avoid excessive delay in obtaining hemostasis by checking anti-factor Xa activity, which should
after the needles are withdrawn. When an indwell- be between 0.4 and 0.8 IU/mL 2 h after initial
ing vascular catheter is used, heparin infusion loading [21].
should be continued until the end of dialysis. Common side effects of standard heparin anti-
coagulation, such as hair loss or pruritus, may be
Monitoring of heparin anticoagulation: The whole reduced by LMW heparin treatment [11]. Lower
blood activated clotting time (ACT) is widely used activation of endothelial lipoprotein lipase may
for bedside monitoring of anticoagulation during improve lipid metabolism in dialysis patients
hemodialysis. To determine the ACT, an activator treated with LMW heparin [22]. The major disad-
of surface contact factors such as kaolin (diatoma- vantage of LMW compared to standard heparin is
ceous earth) or glass particles is added to acceler- its higher price.
ate the initial stages of the coagulation cascade
tenfold (normal ranges vary for different meth- Direct thrombin inhibitors inhibit thrombin for-
ods). The target ACT during hemodialysis is about mation, the final step of the coagulation cascade.
1.5–2 times the baseline value, typically corre- Thrombin inhibitors are alternative anticoagu-
sponding to 120–140(–160) s [10]. Alternatively, lants if native or LMW heparin provides ineffi-
the whole blood activated partial thromboplastin cient anticoagulation or cause major side effects
time (aPTT) could be measured which is based on (most notably heparin induced thrombocytope-
the same principle with a platelet lipid surrogate nia). Thrombin inhibitors are capable of inhibit-
added as additional activator. However, the aPTT ing clot formation even in patients with mutations
292 M.R. Benz and F. Schaefer

of the prothrombin gene, which lead to heparin- In patients with intercurrent hemorrhage
resistant hypercoagulability. or after surgery, the bleeding risk associated
with hemodialysis can be reduced by several
Lepirudin (recombinant hirudin): Hirudin, an therapeutic principles:
anticoagulant originally isolated from the saliva
of the medical leech (Hirudo medicinalis), is Low-dose heparinization: Minimal hepariniza-
available as a recombinant peptide (lepirudin). tion means the administration of about 50% of
Due to its primarily renal route of elimination, the usual heparin dose [25, 26]. In patient at high
dose adjustment to renal function is required. For risk of bleeding it is advisable to perform a pre-
anticoagulation in hemodialysis, lepirudin is given dialysis ACT. If it is more than 1.2 times the
at a dose of approximately 0.1 (0.08–0.17) mg/kg upper limit of normal, no heparin should be given
body weight at the beginning of the dialysis ses- (see below). Otherwise the ACT should be kept at
sion. Continuous application is not necessary. Due only 1.5 times normal.
to its long half-life in end-stage renal disease, lep-
irudin administration with hemodialysis sessions Anticoagulant-free dialysis: This method requires
provides effective anticoagulation in the interdia- high blood flow rates and intermittent flushing of
lytic interval. The authors have made excellent the hemodialyzer with 100–200 mL of isotonic
pilot experience with lepirudin anticoagulation in saline every 15–30 min. If pre-dialysis ACT is
patients with recurrent fistula clotting, The dose is already high, even the standard circuit priming
adjusted to aim at hirudin levels of 0.2–0.5 mg/mL with heparinized saline should be avoided. When
pre-dialysis and 0.8–1.6 mg/mL post-dialysis. clotting is detected, the whole extracorporeal sys-
Hirudin levels are calculated from the ecarin clot- tem should be exchanged prophylactically [27].
ting time. ACT provides only a crude monitoring Ultrafiltration rate needs to be adjusted for the
of hirudin anticoagulation. In case of overdosing, large volume load administered.
lepirudin can only be eliminated by hemodialysis
using a high-flux membrane.
Regional Citrate Anticoagulation
Argatroban is a synthetic direct thrombin inhibi-
tor that binds reversibly to the thrombin enzy- Citrate chelates calcium, which is a necessary
matic site. Half-life is 46 min in normal subjects cofactor for many steps of the coagulation
and elimination occurs primarily by hepatic cascade. Sodium citrate solution (e.g., ACD-A,
metabolism. Recommended dosing protocols for Baxter: Trisodium citrate, 22 g/L; citric acid,
hemodialysis include a loading dose of 0.1 mg/kg 8 g/L; glucose, 24.5 g/L) is infused into the arte-
BW followed by continuous infusion of 0.1– rial blood line (initial infusion rate (mL/h) = 2*
0.2 mg/kg BW × h [23], or continuous infusion of blood flow rate (mL/min)) to bind ionized calcium
0.12 mg/kg/h without a priming dose. Combined in order to inhibit the coagulation cascade. The
hepatic and renal failure necessitates dose reduc- infusion site should be close to the arterial access
tion to 0.03 mg/kg/h [24]. The degree of antico- using a powerful pump to prevent backflow
agulation can be monitored readily using the (Fig. 17.2). Ionized calcium concentration in the
aPTT, with a target between 1.5 and 3.0 times the extracorporeal circuit (measured post-filter)
normal reference values. should be lowered to 0.2–0.3 mmol/L. The
dialysate fluid should be calcium-free; CVVH
Danaparoid (Orgaran), a heparinoid, consists of substitution fluid may contain calcium if used
a mixture of three non-heparin glycosaminogly- in post-dilution mode. To restore and main-
cans of low molecular weight. Its use has been tain normal systemic ionized calcium levels
discontinued in the USA but it is still available in (1.0–1.3 mmol/L), calcium gluconate 10%
European countries. Since danaparoid does not (0.23 mmol/L) should be administered at an infu-
cause platelet activation, it is used for dialysis in sion rate in mL/h equaling 25% of the blood flow
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. rate in mL/min). If possible, calcium should be
17 Technical Aspects of Hemodialysis in Children 293

Fig. 17.2 Regional citrate


infused via a separate central line rather than into calcium is released into the circulation. The
the venous line of the dialysis circuit in order to metabolism of excess trisodium citrate to sodium
avoid clotting in the distal venous segment of the bicarbonate can lead to hypernatremia and alkalo-
system. Monitoring of patient and circuit calcium sis with consequent systemic ionized hypocalce-
levels should be performed every 20 min after mia. In patients with compromised liver function,
starting or changing an infusion rate. Intervals can inadequate citrate metabolization may lead to
be extended to 1–2 h as soon as stable levels are metabolic acidosis and high total serum calcium
achieved. Circuit calcium is regulated by chang- despite low ionized calcium (“calcium lock”). If
ing the citrate, patient calcium by changing the these potential risks are taken into account regional
calcium infusion rate in 20% steps if measured citrate anticoagulation is a safe and effective pro-
levels fall outside the therapeutic range. cedure, which has replaced heparin as the antico-
Ultrafiltration rates must be continuously adjusted agulation method of first choice in many adult and
for the amount of fluid administered with the cit- pediatric units during the past decade.
rate and calcium infusions. The latest generations
of acute dialysis devices comprise an integrated
citrate pump which synchronizes ultrafiltration to Luminal Anticoagulation
changes in citrate infusion rate. Regional antico-
agulation requires frequent monitoring of ionized In patients with hypercoagulability, instillation of
and total serum calcium, sodium, and acid–base heparin into the catheter after each usage may be
status [28–30]. Citrate is metabolized to bicarbon- not be sufficient to maintain patency. Regular
ate in the liver. During citrate degradation, bound instillation of urokinase or tissue plasminogen
294 M.R. Benz and F. Schaefer

activator (t-PA) every fortnight, is helpful to

prevent catheter clotting. Clotted catheters can be Dialysate Circuit
opened by Urokinase (5,000 IE/mL) or by t-PA
(1 mg/mL) [31]. Citrate has become a popular For optimal blood purification, the ratio between
alternative as a catheter locking agent potentially dialysis fluid and blood flow rates should be at
preventing both catheter clotting and infection. least 1.5–2. Higher dialysate flow rates achieve
A comparative prospective study of low-dose cit- only little additional benefit, while lower flow
rate versus heparin lock in permanent dialysis rates result in reduced total clearance rates.
catheters showed significantly more common clot A schematic drawing of the dialysis fluid circuit
formation in the citrate group but no differences in is shown in Fig. 17.3. Most dialysis machines
the need for urokinase, complete catheter obstruc- work with a fixed dialysate flow rate of 500 mL/
tion, or local infection [32]. A 5% citrate lock is min, requiring 120 L of dialysate during a stan-
equally efficient in preventing catheter dysfunc- dard 4 h dialysis session. This huge amount of
tion as a 10% citrate lock [33]. A novel antimicro- dialysis fluid is prepared by dilution of concen-
bial/antithrombotic catheter lock solution has trated electrolyte and buffer solutions with puri-
recently been developed (citrate/methylene blue/ fied tap water. The dialysate temperature is
parabens) [34], but clinical experience especially continuously monitored and kept constant to pre-
in the pediatric population is still limited. vent hypo- or hyperthermic episodes. Degassing

Fig. 17.3 Dialysis fluid

17 Technical Aspects of Hemodialysis in Children 295

of the dialysis fluid is necessary to prevent ‘online’ hemodiafiltration. Dialysis machines

formation of gas bubbles at the surface of the dia- of the latest generation can filter the dialysate
lyzer membrane, which would result in a reduced through a high-flux membrane, thereby further
dialysis efficiency. Furthermore, an ultrafiltration increasing microbiological purity and generating
control system permits the removal of the desired fluid which can be infused as substitution fluid.
amount of water from the patient’s blood. Quality control of the water for dialysis should
be performed at least once per year with respect
to its chemical composition. Weekly checks must
Water Purification be applied for bacterial and endotoxin contami-
nation when high-flux membranes are used.
Patients on hemodialysis are exposed to 300–
500 L of dialysis fluid per week. Contamination
of dialysate and infusate with chemical or bio- Dialysate Composition
logical impurities may seriously harm the patient.
Thus the quality of dialysis water is strictly Dialysis fluid is typically prepared by diluting a
defined by regulatory agencies and regulations fluid concentrate with warm degassed, ultrapure
are more stringent than those for drinking water. water. The dialysate is an isoosmolar solution
Furthermore, additional purification is essential. containing electrolytes, buffers, and often glu-
A standard water treatment device consists of a cose (Table 17.1) [36]. Some dialysis machines
water softener, an activated carbon filter, a sedi- which are specifically designed for extracorpo-
ment filter, and a reverse osmosis system [35]. real blood purification in infants use dialysis fluid
Water softeners contain a resin that exchanges in ready-made plastic bags. They do not require
sodium cations for calcium, magnesium, and water purification or degassing.
other polyvalent cations. The effectiveness of The most widely used buffer in dialysis fluids
softening is monitored by measuring the hard- is sodium bicarbonate. The simultaneous delivery
ness of the effluent water. Water softening not of bicarbonate and together with calcium causes
only prevents the hard water syndrome, but also technical difficulties, as both components cannot
protects the reverse osmosis membrane which is be maintained in a stable solution. While acetate
used in the final step of water treatment from the dialysis requires only single fluid concentrate or
buildup of scale and subsequent failure. The resin solid-phase salt mixture, bicarbonate requires two
is regenerated periodically with concentrated types of concentrates or solid-phase salt mixtures.
sodium chloride solution, which also reduces The A component (color-coded red) is also termed
bacterial growth in the resin bed. Activated car- the acid (a) component, as it usually contains
bon filters remove chloramines and organic sol- small amounts of acetic acid (pH around 3.4). The
vents but tend to release carbon particles and B component (color-coded blue) is also termed
therefore require a sediment filter placed down- the base (b) component, as it contains the bicar-
stream. The final purification step is performed bonate (pH around 7.8) and is added separately
by reverse osmosis where the water is forced by a second proportioning pump. Dry salt mix-
through a semipermeable polyamide or polysul- tures were first developed for the B component
fone membrane at 14–28 bar. This step removes used for bicarbonate dialysis in the form of car-
90–99% of inorganic and organic substances, tridges or bags, as liquid bicarbonate concentrate
pyrogens, bacteria, and particular matter. The is an excellent bacterial growth medium [37].
purified water is pumped from the reverse osmo- A saturated bicarbonate solution is produced dur-
sis module to the individual treatment stations in ing the dialysis session by passing warm degassed
a recirculating ring loop which delivers the water water through the cartridge [38]. Because of its
produced in excess back to the reverse osmosis liquid (acetic acid) and hygroscopic (KCl, MgCl2)
module, avoiding wastage of high-quality water. components, the A component has been split into
The production of an ultrapure dialysate which a solid component (containing crystalline NaCl)
is sterile and endotoxin-free allows to perform and a fluid component (containing acetic acid,
296 M.R. Benz and F. Schaefer

Table 17.1 Composition Bicarbonate-based Acetate-based Plasma Ultrafiltrate

of extracellular fluid and Component (mmol/L) (mmol/L) (mmol/L) (mmol/L)
standard dialysis fluid
Na+ 137–144 132–145 142 145
K+ 0–4 0–4 4.3 4.4
Ca++ 1.25–2.0 1.5–2.0 1.3 1.25
Mg++ 0.25–1 0.5–1.0 0.7 0.7
Cl– 98–112 99–110 104 118
HCO3– 27–38 – 24 27.5
CH3COO– 2.5–10 31–45 <0.1 <0.1
Glucose 0–11 0–11 4.5 4.8
Source: Adapted from Schneditz D

KCl, and the divalent electrolytes ± glucose). outside the desired range due to technical prob-
This separation opens the possibility to adjust the lems or running out of concentrate, an alarm and
concentration of sodium and the other electrolytes a bypass valve will be activated to prevent contact
separately. of this dialysis fluid with the patient’s blood.
The dialysis fluid is prepared during the dialy- Electrical conductivity has become a surrogate
sis session to minimize bacterial growth. for the concentration of Na+, especially for the
Dialysate can be provided by two systems: the measurement of online clearance or sodium mod-
batch system and the single-pass system. In the eling. However, the use of solute conductivity as
batch system, a given dialysate volume of up to a surrogate of Na+ concentration is valid only
100 L is circulated through the dialyzer and within well-defined systems and prone to con-
returned to the reservoir. It has advantages with founding effects; e.g., the decrease of K+ concen-
respect to the control of volume balance and tration during dialysis will cause parallel drop in
ultrafiltration. Because of the reduced efficiency effluent dialysate conductivity.
of the treatment with the progress of treatment A dialysate sodium concentration of 138–
time and risk of bacterial contamination, the 140 mmol/L is appropriate for most patients [39]
batch systems have been largely replaced by sin- since most of the sodium load ingested in the
gle-pass systems. However, the closed batch sys- interdialytic interval is removed by ultrafiltration
tem has found a revival in the Genius system (ultrafiltrate sodium concentrations are usually
(Fresenius Medical Care, Bad Homburg, 5–10 mmol/L below the respective plasma con-
Germany), which operates with much reduced centrations [40]). Sodium concentrations above
technology. In this mobile system fresh dialysis 145 mmol/L lead to increased thirst and fluid
fluid is taken from the top, and spent dialysate intake between dialysis sessions. Sodium con-
delivered to the bottom part of a 90 L glass tank. centrations below 138 mmol/L may increase the
The configuration of the system, utilizing the incidence of hypotensive episodes and muscle
density differences of fresh and used dialysate, cramps during the dialysis session.
largely avoids any mixing of the fluids. The dialysate potassium concentration is usu-
In the single-pass systems, the continuous pro- ally 2 mmol/L and can be adjusted to 1 mmol/L in
duction of dialysate is achieved by proportioning patients with severe hyperkalemia and to
systems that exactly measure the required amounts 3–4 mmol/L in those with normal predialysis
of concentrates to be mixed with water. This sys- potassium concentrations.
tem has certain advantages when it comes to the The standard dialysate calcium concentration
delivery of high-efficiency dialysis. After thor- should be 1.25–1.5 mmol/L unless there is sub-
ough mixing, measurement of the electrical con- stantial hypo- or hypercalcemia. Administration
ductivity of the final dialysate plays an important of calcitriol and/or calcium containing phosphate
role in detecting any aberrations from the desired binders can induce hypercalcemia [41]. In these
concentrate composition. If the conductivity is patients, dialysate calcium should be reduced to
17 Technical Aspects of Hemodialysis in Children 297

0.75–1.25 mmol/L [42–44]. In hypocalcemic Prophylaxis of Microbial Contamination

patients the dialysate calcium concentration may and Disinfection
be increased to 1.75 mmol/L.
Dialysate magnesium concentrations range Bacterial contamination inevitably occurs at vari-
between 0.5 and 1 mmol/L to maintain normal ous sites of the dialysis system. The degree of
serum magnesium concentrations [45, 46]. contamination with pathogenic organisms, bacte-
Glucose should be near the physiological con- rial proliferation, and subsequent endotoxin
centration. Higher concentrations tend to cause release must be limited by technical measures
insulin release and drive potassium into the cells, and regular disinfection. Bacterial adhesion and
making it inaccessible for extraction. subsequent growth predominantly occurs at
The dialysis machine is able to provide vari- rough surfaces or in stagnant water. Ring loop
able dialysate bicarbonate concentrations because systems are designed to prevent microbial prolif-
of individual variations of buffer requirements in eration in stagnant water. Purified water is pro-
order to achieve postdialysis serum bicarbonate duced in excess by the water treatment module
concentrations of 26–28 mmol/L [47–49]. Slightly and pumped to the individual hemodialysis treat-
higher concentrations may be used in patients with ment stations. The excess water is recirculated to
persistent metabolic acidosis but caution is indi- the water treatment device, where refiltration
cated at concentrations exceeding 35 mmol/L in the reverse osmosis module permits reduction
since decreasing serum ionized calcium levels of the microbial load. Although reverse osmosis
may lead to impaired vascular tone and cardiac is effective in removing bacteria, viruses, and
contractility [50]. A rapid pH increase may be pyrogens, small defects in the membrane may
associated with the development of hypokalemia, allow bacteria and pyrogens to penetrate and
probably with associated cardiac arrhythmia [51]. contaminate the water produced. Reverse osmo-
Due to the inevitable deposition of calcium sis modules and ring loop systems must therefore
and magnesium salts in the dialysis machine over be disinfected regularly with formaldehyde, per-
time, the dialysate system must be decalcified acetic acid, or other disinfectants. Stainless steel
daily, e.g., by rinsing with 20% citric or hydroxy- tubing should be preferred for the ring loop over
acetic acid. plastic since plastic surfaces are progressively
Water degassing is necessary to prevent the roughened by aging and disinfectants.
formation of gas bubbles at the surface of the Bacterial growth in the resin bed of the water
dialysis membrane. Degassing is achieved either softener is restricted by regular regeneration with
by applying negative pressure or heating in the concentrated sodium chloride solution. In case of
degassing module of the dialysis machine. excessive bacterial colonization, disinfection
After mixing and degassing, the dialysis fluid is with formaldehyde solution, peracetic acid, or
heated. The temperature of dialysate entering the others can be performed. Water treatment devices
dialyzer is usually kept between 36°C and 38°C are operated intermittently by automatic control
and can be adjusted individually. The cardiovascu- systems during nights and at weekends to flush
lar effects of dialysate temperature have been away adherent bacteria. The limit for microbial
extensively studied in adults. Lower dialysate contamination has been set to a maximum of 200
temperatures decrease the incidence of dialysis- colony forming units (CFU) for purified water
induced hypoxia and hypotension [52]. Lower used to prepare the dialysis fluid and to 2,000
dialysate temperatures are also associated with a CFU for effluent dialysate after the dialysis pro-
lower incidence of hypotensive episodes [53, 54]. cedure. Substantial bacterial proliferation occurs
Blood leakage into the dialysate after rupture in the dialysis machine itself. Bacterial adhesion
of the filter membrane is detected by a blood-leak and subsequent proliferation is facilitated by
detector located downstream of the dialyzer numerous angles, valves, pumps, regions of low
which measures the change in optical transmis- fluid flow rates, and temperatures around 37°C.
sion by hemoglobin. Contamination of the dialysis fluid can only be
298 M.R. Benz and F. Schaefer

limited by regular cleaning and disinfection of relatively inexpensive. Cuprophan® has many
the dialysis machine. The cleaning process hydroxyl residues which are involved in comple-
includes the removal of protein layers or biofilms ment activation. In modified cellulosic mem-
generated by slimeforming bacteria and decalci- branes (for example, tertiary amine as substitution
fication. Disinfection can be performed by ther- group, Hemophan®), some or all of the hydroxyl
mic, chemical, or combined procedures. residues are esterified to reduce interaction with
Thermochemical disinfection with hot citric acid complement factors. The latter materials, how-
permits simultaneous decalcification. ever, lead to a higher activation of the coagulation
cascade, making pre-rinsing with heparin advis-
able. Synthetic membranes are manufactured
Dialyzer/Filter polymers classified as thermoplasts and made
from polysulfone, polyamide, polyethersulfone,
The dialyzer is the key component of the hemodi- polyarylethersulfone/polyamid, or polymethyl-
alysis system where blood purification occurs, methacrylate (PMMA), which show significantly
but the manner in which the membrane interacts lower complement activation due to protein
with other components of the dialyzer is impor- adsorption. The large pore size and thick wall
tant for its efficacy. Blood and dialysis fluid pass structure of these membranes allows the high
the dialyzer in countercurrent direction, separated ultrafiltration rates necessary in hemofiltration
by a semipermeable membrane. Dialysis filter and high-flux hemodialysis to be achieved at rela-
membranes are characterized by material and tively low transmembrane pressures. Synthetic
physical characteristics (clearance, sieving coef- membranes have a wall thickness of at least
ficient, ultrafiltration coefficient) as well as by 20 mm (cellulose membranes 6–15 mm) and may
surface and fill volume which are especially be structurally symmetric (e.g., PMMA) or asym-
important in pediatric hemodialysis (Table 17.2). metrical (e.g., polysulfone, polyamide, polyether-
For optimal efficacy, the filters are designed to sulfone, polyarylethersulfone/polyamid). In the
minimize diffusion distances by maximizing the asymmetrical type, a very thin “skin” (about
ratio of membrane surface to blood volume; the 1 mm) contacting the blood compartment lumen
membrane surface area should approximately acts as the membrane’s separative element with
match the body surface area of the patient. regard to solute removal. Many of synthetic poly-
Dialyzers containing hollow-fiber membranes mers used in manufacturing the above membranes
are now used almost exclusively for hemodialy- are hydrophobic and require the addition of a
sis in children. The high blood-compartment hydrophilic agent (PVP) to avoid excessive pro-
resistance of hollow-fiber membranes enhances tein adsorption upon blood exposure.
the efficiency of therapy because high blood flow
rates can be achieved at acceptable axial (arterial-
to-venous) pressure drops. Hollow fiber dialyzers Physical Characteristics of Hollow-Fiber
consist of a bundle of capillaries potted at both Membranes
ends into a plastic tubular housing with sealing
material. Sealing materials may release solvents An individual hollow fiber can be viewed as a
or ethylene oxide after gas sterilization, which solid cylinder from which the central region has
may cause anaphylactic reactions. been removed (cored out) to form the blood com-
partment. Most hollow fibers have a relatively
standard inner diameter (180–240 mm) and length
Materials (20–24 cm). A small inner diameter is desirable
as it provides a short diffusive distance for solute
Currently, two groups of membrane materials are mass transfer. On the other hand according to
used: Cellulose-based (unmodified and modified) the Hagen–Poiseuille equation a small decrease
and synthetic ones. Cellulose-based membra- in the inner diameter induces a large increase in
nes are made of reconstituted cellulose and are flow resistance and high axial pressure drop
17 Technical Aspects of Hemodialysis in Children 299

Table 17.2 Selection of dialyzers suitable for use in pediatric patients

Fill coefficient
Surface volume (mL/h ×
Company Product (m2) (mL) mmHg) Membrane material Sterilization
High-flux dialyzers and hemofilters
Fresenius FX paed 0.2 18 7 Helixone® polysulfone Steam
Baxter Aquamax HF03 0.3 32 16 Polyethersulfone ETO
Fresenius FX 40 0.6 32 20 Helixone® polysulfone Steam
Gambro Polyflux 6H 0.6 52 33 Polyamix® (PAES/PVP/PA) Steam
Fresenius F40S 0.7 42 20 Polysulfone Steam
Baxter Aquamax HF07 0.7 54 33 Polyethersulfone ETO
Fresenius FX 50 1.0 53 33 Helixone® polysulfone Steam
Baxter Tricea 110G 1.1 65 25.2 Cellulose triacetate Gamma
Fresenius F50S 1.1 63 30 Polysulfone Steam
Baxter Xenium XPH110 1.1 69 59 Polynephron®polyethersulfone Gamma
Baxter AquamaxHF12 1.2 73 51 Polyethersulfone ETO
Fresenius F60S 1.3 82 40 Polysulfone Steam
Baxter Xenium XPH 130 1.3 83 64 Polynephron® polyethersulfone Gamma
Fresenius FX 60 1.4 74 46 Helixone® polysulfone Steam
Gambro Polyflux Revaclear 1.4 84 50 PAES/PVP Steam
Gambro Polyflux 140H 1.4 94 60 Polyamix® (PAES/PVP/PA) Steam
Baxter Tricea 150G 1.5 90 28.9 Cellulose triacetate Gamma
Baxter Xenium XPH150 1.5 93 67 Polynephron® polyethersulfone Gamma
Fresenius F70S 1.6 98 50 Polysulfone Steam
Gambro Polyflux 170H 1.7 115 70 Polyamix® (PAES/PVP/PA) Steam
Baxter Xenium XPH170 1.7 106 74 Polynephron® polyethersulfone Gamma
Fresenius F80S 1.8 110 55 Polysulfone Steam
Fresenius FX 80 1.8 95 59 Helixone® polysulfone Steam
Gambro Polyflux Revaclear MAX 1.8 100 60 PAES/PVP Steam
Baxter Tricea 190G 1.9 115 37 Cellulose triacetate Gamma
Baxter Xenium XPH190 1.9 115 76 Polynephron® polyethersulfone Gamma
Baxter Aquamax HF19 1.9 109 80 Polyethersulfone ETO
Baxter Tricea 210G 2.1 125 39 Cellulose triacetate Gamma
Baxter Xenium XPH210 2.1 128 82 Polynephron® polyethersulfone Gamma
Gambro Polyflux 210H 2.1 125 85 Polyamix® (PAES/PVP/PA) Steam
Fresenius FX 100 2.2 116 73 Helixone® polysulfone Steam
Fresenius HdF100S 2.4 138 60 Polysulfone Steam
Low-flux dialyzers
Fresenius F3 0.4 28 1.7 Polysulfone ETO
Fresenius F4 0.7 42 2.8 Polysulfone ETO
Fresenius F4HPS 0.8 51 8 Polysulfone Steam
Fresenius FX 5 1.0 54 8 Helixone® polysulfone Steam
Fresenius F5HPS 1.0 63 10 Polysulfone Steam
Fresenius F5 1.0 63 4.0 Polysulfone ETO
Baxter XENIUM LF110 1.1 71 3.8 PUREMA polyethersulfone Gamma
Fresenius F6HPS 1.3 78 13 Polysulfone Steam
Fresenius F6 1.3 82 5.5 Polysulfone ETO
Baxter XENIUM LF130 1.3 79 5.4 PUREMA polyethersulfone Gamma
Fresenius FX 8 1.4 74 12 Helixone® polysulfone Steam
Gambro Polyflux 14L 1.4 81 10.0 Polyamix® (PAES/PVP/PA) Steam
Baxter XENIUM LF150 1.5 94 7.4 PUREMA polyethersulfone Gamma
300 M.R. Benz and F. Schaefer

Table 17.2 (continued)

Fill coefficient
Surface volume (mL/h ×
Company Product (m2) (mL) mmHg) Membrane material Sterilization
Fresenius F7 1.6 98 6.4 Polysulfone ETO
Fresenius F7HPS 1.6 96 16 Polysulfone Steam
Baxter XENIUM LF170LF 1.7 102 8.8 PUREMA polyethersulfone Gamma
Gambro Polyflux 17L 1.7 104 12.5 Polyamix® (PAES/PVP/PA) Steam
Fresenius FX 10 1.8 95 14 Helixone® polysulfone Steam
Fresenius F8HPS 1.8 113 18 Polysulfone Steam
Fresenius F8 1.8 110 7.5 Polysulfone ETO
Baxter XENIUM LF190 1.9 116 9.8 PUREMA polyethersulfone Gamma
Baxter XENIUM LF210 2.1 126 12.0 PUREMA polyethersulfone Gamma
Gambro Polyflux 21L 2.1 123 15.0 Polyamix® (PAES/PVP/PA) Steam
Fresenius F10HPS 2.2 132 21 Polysulfone Steam
PAES, polyarylethersulfone; PVP, polyvinylpyrrolidone; PA, polyamide

which requires a higher blood-flow rate. The total coefficient. Although not precisely defined HD
nominal membrane surface area, which should treatment efficiency is very closely related to a
match approximately the body surface area of the dialyzer’s small solute-removal capabilities.
patient, depends on the inner diameter, fiber Solute permeability is high if the membrane is
length, and overall number of fibers (7,000– thin, with numerous pores of large diameter.
14,000). The latter two ones are adaptable to cre- A convenient measure of water permeability
ate dialyzers for children. (water flux) is the ultrafiltration coefficient (KUF:
Several properties of HD membranes influence mL/h × mmHg) of the dialyzer, which is defined as
dialyzer performance: the number of pores per the volume of ultrafiltrate produced per hour per
unit surface area, pore size, and TMP are the major mmHg TMP, determined at a blood flow rate
determinants of plasma ultrafiltrate flow rate. For of 200 mL/min. The KUF depends not only on
diffusive transport, membrane wall thickness and membrane characteristics but also on membrane
pore density (porosity) are additional important surface area. According to their solute permeabil-
determinants. The sieving coefficient of a mem- ity, dialyzers are characterized as low-flux or high-
brane is influenced by the membrane pore-size flux dialyzers. High-flux dialyzers, mostly made
distribution [55]. A large number of relatively of synthetic membranes, achieve ultrafiltration
small pores (approximately 10 kDa) are typical coefficients up to 60 mL/min × mmHg. They also
for a high-efficiency membrane, while a mem- have a higher molecular weight cutoff and greater
brane with a large number of relatively large pores convective permeability to molecules of 5–25 kDa,
(approximately 60 kDa) is typical for a high-flux permitting higher middle molecule clearance.
membrane. On the other hand, a membrane with
small number of pores and broad distribution of
pore size is unfavorable from the perspective of Backfiltration
both diffusive transport and sieving.
The hydrostatic pressure of both blood and dialy-
sis fluid decreases during passage of the dialysis
Dialyzer Performance Characteristics filter. Since blood and dialysis fluid pass the filter
in countercurrent directions, the resulting TMP
The performance of dialyzers is characterized by may become negative at the venous side espe-
clearance, sieving coefficient, and ultrafiltration cially when the venous blood pressure is low.
17 Technical Aspects of Hemodialysis in Children 301

This phenomenon leads to influx of dialysis fluid The biofilm generation due to protein adsorption
into the blood compartment of the dialyzer, the of proteins at membranes results in a progressive
so-called backfiltration. This phenomenon is a loss of the diffusive and convective capacity of
routine occurrence during high-flux HD [56], but the membrane. On the other hand, membrane-
not in low-flux HD. Therefore, a high internal induced reactions such as complement activation
ultrafiltration rate may increase the convective are reduced by biofilm formation.
transport of middle molecules [57, 58]. The overall effects of the membrane type on
treatment outcomes are controversial and may
have been overestimated in the past. This may be
Biocompatibility due to the complex biological effect profiles of
individual membranes: A membrane which leads
Dialyzer membranes and blood tubing materials to exorbitant activation of one molecular cascade
interact with plasma proteins and blood cells. Due may exert a much lower activation of other
to its high surface area, the largest amount of biomolecules compared to another membrane.
these interactions occurs at the filter membrane. The contact system of plasma can be activated
Biocompatibility is the ability of a material to per- by negatively charged surfaces of biomaterials.
form with an appropriate host response in a spe- Activation leads to cleavage of kininogen by kal-
cific application. This response involves, among likrein and the release of bradykinin into the circu-
others, complement activation, monocyte and lation, where it is normally inactivated immediately
granulocyte activation, and endotoxin transfer. by kininase I and angiotensin-converting enzyme.
The biological response during dialysis is The negatively charged AN69 polyacrylonitrile
believed to impact on long-term patient morbidity membrane generates small amounts of bradykinin
and survival and should be minimized. Dialyzers in vitro [64]. This has led to severe clinical reac-
with synthetic membranes induce a much lower tions in patients dialyzed with AN69 membranes
activation of complement factors than regener- who are treated with ACE inhibitors [65] and
ated cellulose membranes [59]. The alternative angiotensin II receptor antagonists [66].
complement pathway is activated by blood con-
tact with a dialyzer. Plasma concentrations of
activated complement factors C3a and C5a Sterilization
increase during the first 15 min of hemodialysis.
This may lead to many of the clinical reactions To prevent allergic reactions against ethylene
observed during hemodialysis including anaphy- oxide, steam sterilized or gamma-irradiated dial-
lactoid reactions, neutrophil trapping in the lung, ysis tubing systems and filters should be used. All
and dialysis-related hypoxemia [60, 61]. dialyzer filters are declared for single use by the
Activation of circulating mononuclear cells manufacturer. However, the filter can be rinsed
by complement and bacterial endotoxins can and disinfected after use, and reused in the same
induce the production of cytokines [62]. Cytokine patient [67]. Based on the available experimental
induction during hemodialysis may cause fever and clinical evidence, filter reuse cannot be rec-
and chills, which are observed during hemodialy- ommended for pediatric hemodialysis patients.
sis with bacterially contaminated dialysate.
Synthetic high-flux membranes have greater
adsorptive capacity for small molecular pyrogens Ultrafiltration Control
than cellulosic membranes and may therefore
lead to a lower incidence of chronic inflamma- The control of ultrafiltration can be achieved by
tory responses in hemodialyzed patients. It has systems based on flow sensors, closed loops, or
been speculated that suppressing inflammation volumetric balancing. The flow sensor system
may be useful in treating an inflammatory- measures and compares dialysis inflow and out-
malnutrition syndrome in dialysis patients [63]. flow rates; the difference between these rates is the
302 M.R. Benz and F. Schaefer

ultrafiltration rate which is automatically adjusted

to the desired rate by the dialysis machine. In the
closed loop system the dialysis fluid circulates in a
closed circuit from which an ultrafiltration pump
removes the desired fluid volume. The circulating
dialysate is intermittently replaced by fresh
dialysate. The volumetric balancing system is
based on matched pumps and balancing chambers
separated by diaphragms that keep the dialysate
inflow exactly equal to the dialysate outflow, cre-
ating a semiclosed loop. Ultrafiltration is con-
trolled by an additional pump removing fluid from
this loop. Mobile machines measure the ultrafiltra-
tion rate gravimetrically by comparing the weights
of bags filled with fresh and used dialysate.
In order to minimize the risk of dialysis-related
hypovolemia, the net ultrafiltration rate should not
exceed 1.5–2% of the respective dry weight per
hour. In case of marked hypervolemia requiring a
large amount of ultrafiltration, the sequential
ultrafiltration technique according to Bergström
(iso-ultrafiltration) is useful. In this technique, the
treatment session is initiated by short period of
isolated rapid ultrafiltration (e.g., 1% of dry weight
per 15 min or 1.5% of dry weight per 30 min)
without concomitant dialysis flow, followed by
HD with the usual 1–2% ultrafiltration per hour.

Fig. 17.4 Principles of hemodialysis, hemofiltration, and
The combination of diffusion process and con- hemodiafiltration
vective mass transport leads to uremic toxin
extraction in dialysis. Whereas in HD blood puri- hemofiltration at filter fraction of 25%: 30 mL/
fication depends mostly on a diffusion process min). The ultrafiltrate containing urea, creatinine,
secondary to a concentration gradient and clear- and other waste products is substituted with an
ance correlates directly with blood flow rate, in equal volume (less the desired fluid withdrawal)
hemofiltration clearance is achieved by convec- of bicarbonate buffered ringer solution or dialysis
tive mass transport secondary to a pressure gradi- fluid introduced into either the arterial (predilu-
ent only [68]. The dialyzer is replaced by a tion) or the venous line (postdilution) (Fig. 17.4).
hemofilter containing a high-flux membrane with The filtration rate is measured gravimetrically,
an ultrafiltration coefficient of more than and fluid substitution is adjusted automatically to
15–60 mL/min/mmHg depending on membrane the filtration rate. The postdilution substitution
surface area. Up to 25–30% of the blood volume mode is a compromise between substance with-
passing the hemofilter can be ultrafiltered; the drawal and amount of needed substitution result-
ultrafiltration rate is limited by hematocrit and ing in a reduced clearance in the low molecular
TMP (e.g., blood flow 200 mL/min and hemat- range. Predilution is helpful if blood flow is lim-
ocrit of 35% → plasma water flow is 120 mL/ ited (rate of substation: in predilution: 30mL/
min → maximum clearance to be attained by KG/h, postdilution: 20mL/KG/h). The reduced
17 Technical Aspects of Hemodialysis in Children 303

clearance due to dilution of the blood before filter mode) and facilitates a dialysis dose increase
can be compensated by using high amounts of fil- without an increase in cost [72].
trate and substitute. In postdilution mode the
maximum filtrate flow rate is one third of blood
flow to limit the risk of excessive hemoconcentra- Optimization of Therapy
tion (i.e., blood flow rate should be minimum by Feedback Control
three times of filtrate flow rate). In the predilution
mode, maximum filtrate flow rate should be two In recent years, several technological advances
thirds of or equal to the blood flow rate. have made it possible to gain instantaneous infor-
Adequate hemofiltration requires an exchange mation about the fluid and purification status dur-
volume of around 80–120% of total body water ing hemodialysis, providing the opportunity to
per treatment. Clinical advantages of hemofiltra- adapt dialysis settings to ensure efficacy and
tion over hemodialysis include better hemody- patient well-being during the procedure.
namic stability with less hypotensive episodes, Historically, feedback control used to be limited
and no exposure to dialysis fluid which may con- to the measurement of body weight and blood
tain pyrogens [69]. Hemofiltration achieves a pressure. The next step of development was pro-
better middle-molecular clearance, whereas the filed hemodialysis, which allows modeling of
diffusive clearance of small molecules is higher dialysate sodium concentration and ultrafiltration
in hemodialysis. rate yet without any feedback regarding the
The major drawback for chronic hemofiltra- patient fluid status. These continuous slopes or
tion is this relatively low clearance which depends stepwise gradients of dialysate sodium concen-
on the turnover rate of ultrafiltration and fluid tration and ultrafiltration rate can be used sepa-
substitution and is critically limited by hemat- rately or in combination. A priori sodium profiling
ocrit levels. In contrast to its rare use as chronic is of limited efficacy in preventing hypotensive
renal replacement therapy, hemofiltration is pre- episodes as it works on the assumption of a uni-
ferred over hemodialysis in patients with cardio- form, predetermined vascular response to fluid
vascular instability in the critical care setting. withdrawal [73, 74]. Modern technology over-
comes this concept by online monitoring of
chemical and physical signals leading to biofeed-
Hemodiafiltration back circuits, which allow to individualize treat-
ment sessions according to the patient’s actual
The advantages of high diffusive clearance rates physical status and ongoing treatment response.
in hemodialysis and the improved cardiovascular
stability on hemofiltration have been combined in
a hybrid system including both convective and Blood Volume Monitoring
diffusive clearance (Figs. 17.5 and 17.6) [70]. and Modeling
Indications for hemodiafiltration include frequent
hypotensive episodes and excessive serum phos- In HD, fluid is removed by ultrafiltration from the
phate levels. Online production of substitution intravascular space. However, most of the fluid
fluid by sterile ultrafiltration of dialysis solution accumulated in the interdialytic period distributes
has made HDF safer and helped to reduce treat- in the extravascular space. The fluid shift between
ment costs. HDF with high-flux membrane is as extra- and intravascular compartments (= vascu-
efficient as HD for low molecular weight com- lar refilling) is limited by physiologic factors such
pounds, but is more efficient than HF for low as the hydraulic conductivity of the microvascu-
molecular weight compounds [71]. Online HDF, lar wall [75]. If the vascular refilling rate does not
in which filtered dialysate free of toxins and pyro- match the ultrafiltration rate, blood volume will
gens is used as replacement fluid, allows a high drop and a cascade of compensatory mechanisms
convection fluid rate (especially in predilution will arise. When a critically low blood volume is
304 M.R. Benz and F. Schaefer

Membrane area Concentration Hydraulic Molecular

gradient permeability permeability

Membrane area Transmembrane

Mass-transport pressure

Blood flow
Ultrafiltrate flow
Blood flow
coefficient Sieving

Diffusion process Convective mass transport

KHF = (QB x QUF / QB – QUF ) x S

KHD = Qb x ci – c0 / ci (predilution)
KHF = QUF x S (postdilution)

KHDF = KHD (1 – QUF x S / Qb ) + KHF

KHDF = KHD + KHF – (KHD x KHF / Kmax )

KHD = hemodialysis clearance

KHF = hemofiltration clearance
K max = maximum achieved clearance
Q b = blood flow
Q UF = ultrafiltrate flow
S = sieving coefficient = 2 cUF / (ci +c0)
c 0 = inlet solute concentration
c i = outlet solute concentration
c i – c0 / ci = extraction coefficient
c UF = ultrafiltrate solute concentration

Fig. 17.5 Determinants of mass transport in hemodiafiltration (Adapted from Fischbach et al. [72])

reached symptomatic hypotension will occur (Crit Line III, Hemametrics, Kaysville, Utah;
[76]. To circumvent the need to measure absolute Hemoscan, Hospal-Dasco, Medolla, Italy).
blood volume, the concept of relative blood vol- In the ideal system with a constant ultrafiltra-
ume (RBV) or hematocrit has been adopted. The tion rate, the transition from over- to euhydration
physical principles of RBV measurement utilized is associated with a blood-volume curve that is
in commercially available devices today are expected to be concave. Typically, the slope is
sound velocity (BVM, Fresenius Medical Care, steeply negative in the initial phase of the session
Bad Homburg, Germany), and optical density and gradually flattens toward the end of dialysis.
17 Technical Aspects of Hemodialysis in Children 305

Fig. 17.6 Clearance

profiles in different

Fig. 17.7 Schematic curve RBV [%]

shapes of relative blood

Curve 2
volume (RBV) measured
Overload risk
by blood volume
monitoring (BVM). Three

major curve shapes can

be distinguished

Curve 1


Curve 3

risk state

0 30 60 90 120 150 180

time [min]

A sudden steepening of the slope despite constant according to the patient’s blood volume response.
ultrafiltration indicates reduced vascular filling Pediatric experience to date is limited to manual
and an increased risk of intradialytic hypotension, observational studies and manual feedback cor-
whereas a lacking decrease of the RBV curve indi- rection algorithms. The overall impression is that
cates persistent fluid overload (Fig. 17.7) [77]. hypotensive events are strongly associated with
A variety of feedback control algorithms with the steepness of the RBV curve during the first
complex fuzzy logic controllers have been pro- treatment hour. Using the BVM system in a large
posed. Whereas the Crit Line device is designed number of hemodialysis sessions in children,
as a stand-alone monitor without automated Hothi et al. defined critical RBV thresholds asso-
feedback control options, Hemoscan (Hospal) ciated with hypotensive complications. These
and BVM (Fresenius Medical Care) are inte- were 88% at the end of the first hour, 84% at the
grated into HD machines and can be used to end of the second hour, and 82% at the end of the
modulate dialysate sodium and ultrafiltration rate third hour. In contrast, RBV values at the end of
306 M.R. Benz and F. Schaefer

Fig. 17.8 Individual relative blood volume (RBV) curves intervention). Treatments with complications were asso-
with group trends for treatments with and without compli- ciated with steeper decline of the RBV curve at the end of
cations. The arrow indicates the dialysis time intercept of the first hour, but not with final RBV measurement. ROC
1 h. Seventy four blood volume protocols were analyzed curves presented RBV cutoff thresholds of 88% at end of
retrospectively with respect to complications (defined as the first hour of dialysis (From Hothi et al. [78]: original
hypotension and/or intradialytic events requiring nurse picture (permission is needed))

the fourth treatment hour were not correlated responds by adapting ultrafiltration rates. The
with intradialytic hypotension (Fig. 17.8) [78]. feedback loop system continuously adapts ultra-
For the Crit Line, pediatric validation studies filtration according to the following rules: (1)
targeted the first 50% of the total ultrafiltration total volume must be removed within predefined
goal to be removed during the first hour of dialy- treatment time, (2) initial UF rate is set at twice
sis with a maximum blood volume change of the constant UF rate, and (3) whenever RBV
8–12% in the first hour, and the second half to be drops by more than 50% of the distance between
removed during the remaining treatment time the current (= 100%) and the critical RBV thresh-
with a maximum blood volume change of 5% old, the UF rate is linearly decreased. The BVM
per hour subsequently [79]. After 6 months of module can be operated in combination with the
treatment with this algorithm, ultrafiltration- Fresenius BTM system to optimize intradialytic
associated symptoms and the burden of antihyper- cardiovascular stability (see below).
tensive medication had decreased substantially.
Regarding automated feedback control cir-
cuits, the Hospal system controls the trajectory Ionic Dialysance Monitoring
of RBV changes by adjusting dialysate composi-
tion and ultrafiltration rate. Controlled fluid Ionic dialysance and patient’s plasma conductiv-
removal is achieved by target definitions for ity can be calculated easily from online inlet and
weight reduction, blood volume change, and outlet dialysate conductivity measurements
dialysate conductivity based on the effects of at two different steps of dialysate conductivity
sodium concentration on extracellular volume. [80, 81]. Based on the observation that dialysance
The Fresenius BVM system allows to define a of ionized sodium is almost identical to urea
critical relative blood volume (RBVcrit) and clearance and that dialysate conductivity over the
17 Technical Aspects of Hemodialysis in Children 307

range of clinical conductivities (12–18 S/cm) is a enhanced for 2 min and changes in conductivity
fairly linear function of dialysate sodium, online are measured at the dialysate outlet. The monitor
conductivity measurements have been included shows K over treatment time, so Kt is equivalent
in several latest-generation dialysis machines to to the amount of blood which is purified since
determine a surrogate for urea clearance without starting of the session. To complete the Kt/V urea
need for additional equipment or blood sam- index obtained from urea kinetic modeling, the
pling (Diascan Quality Control Monitor, Gambro volume of urea distribution (V, = total body
Renal Products, Lakewood, Colorado; On-line water) must be given. V can be measured by bio-
clearance monitoring (OCM) for 4,008 S and impedance analysis or formal urea kinetic model-
5,008, Fresenius Medical Care, Bad Homburg, ing, or predicted from height and weight. The
Germany). To determine the current clearance following anthropometric TBW prediction equa-
the sodium concentration at the dialysate inlet is tions have been validated for children [82]:

Boys: TBW = 0.1 × (Height * Weight)0.68 − 0.37 × weight

Girls: TBW = 0.14 × (Height * Weight)0.68 − 0.35 × weight

Online urea kinetics removes the need for Thermal Energy Flow and Blood
blood sampling and complex mathematical cal- Temperature Monitoring
culations in determining dialysis efficacy and
provides immediate clearance information while The temperatures of the dialysis fluid and the
dialysis is ongoing. However, experience with extracorporeal circuit determine thermal balance
online Kt/V is still limited and validation studies during hemodialysis. The dialyzer acts as a heat
are still lacking both in adults and children [83]. exchanger. Blood leaving the dialyzer has the
The implementation of the conductivity kinetic temperature of the dialysate, but venous line
model also permits to achieve a neutral sodium cooling is inevitable even with insulated lines.
balance at each HD session [84], representing Therefore the actual dialysate temperature would
major progress compared to previous approaches require to be increased above body temperature
to sodium kinetic modeling which were unsuitable to maintain body temperature. On the other hand,
for routine application as they required blood sam- ultrafiltration tends to raise body temperature in
pling. The conductivity kinetic model has been part by the compensatory vasoconstriction it
demonstrated to improve intra-HD cardiovascular induces, leading to retention of body heat. Cooler
stability in adult hypotension-prone patients [85]. dialysate has been clearly demonstrated to reduce
Ionic dialysance can also be used to monitor the the incidence of hypotension. Online measure-
blood flow through the vascular access [86]. ment of extracorporeal blood temperatures with-
out inserting a thermistor probe into the blood
stream has become possible by the Blood
Urea Monitoring Temperature Monitor (BTM, Fresenius Medical
Care, Bad Homburg, Germany). By using a BTM
An alternative approach for online urea kinetic module isothermic dialysis can be performed
modeling is to measure urea directly in the spent and it seems to be a good approach for reducing
dialysate or the ultrafiltrate. However, dialysate- the core temperature without discomfort to the
based urea monitoring devices are not in wide- patient [87]. A second useful application of the
spread use due to their high cost and maintenance BTM is the assessment of access recirculation
effort. (see below).
308 M.R. Benz and F. Schaefer

Access Recirculation where QR is the recirculating blood flow, QB is the

total blood flow, [Urea]S is the urea concentration
Recirculation of blood from the venous to the in the systemic circulation, [Urea]A is the urea
arterial blood line leads to reduced hemodialysis concentration in the arterial blood line, and
efficacy. The recirculation rate is increased by a [Urea]V is the urea concentration in the venous
small distance between the sites of blood with- blood line.
drawal and return, a low blood flow in the arterio- Alternatively, the blood sample from the arte-
venous fistula and by wrong positioning of the rial line may be withdrawn after reduction of the
needles (blood return upstream of blood with- blood flow rate to 20–30 mL/min for 30 s, assum-
drawal site). Recirculation should not account for ing that the urea concentration of this sample is
more than 10% of the total blood flow rate [88]. representative for the systemic circulation.
Recirculation is classically measured by the In recent years, several automated systems
indicator dilution technique. The indicator is have been developed that allow online recircu-
diluted by extracorporeal blood flow, enters the larion monitoring. The hemodialysis monitor
access, and – in case of access recirculation – (HDM01, Transonic Systems, Inc., Ithaca, New
reappears in the arterial blood line with a delay of York) utilizes changes in ultrasound velocity
a few seconds. A common way to measure the caused by the dilution of blood with isotonic
recirculation rate is by using urea concentrations saline. The Crit-Line Monitor (Crit-Line III,
in blood samples taken from the arterial and HemaMetrics, Kaysville, Utah) is using the
venous blood line and a third sample from a decrease in optical density caused by dilution of
peripheral vein according to the formula: blood with isotonic saline. The change in blood

Recirculation (%) = Q R / Q B = ([Urea]S − [Urea]A )/([Urea]S − [Urea]V ),

conductivity (L) caused by dilution with hyper- related to the cardiopulmonary recirculation due
tonic saline can be measured noninvasively by to the duration of the test.
utilizing electromagnetic sensors (Hemodynamic
Monitor (HDM), Gambro Healthcare, Lakewood,
Colorado) or conductivity cells (Multimat, Bellco References
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volume monitoring in paediatric haemodialysis. 2003;16(6):477–82.
Pediatr Nephrol. 2008;23:813–20. 88. Ogden DA, Cohen IM. Blood recirculation during
79. Patel HP, Goldstein SL, Mahan JD, Smith B, Fried hemodialysis with a coaxial counterflow single needle
CB, Currier H, Flynn JT. A standard, noninvasive blood access catheter. Trans Am Soc Artif Intern
monitoring of hematocrit algorithm improves blood Organs. 1979;25:324–7.
pressure control in pediatric hemodialysis patients. 89. Schneditz D, Wang E, Levin NW. Validation of hae-
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2007;2:252–7. modialysis recirculation and access blood flow mea-
80. Petitclerc T, Goux N, Reynier AL, Béné B. A sured by thermodilution. Nephrol Dial Transplant.
model for non-invasive estimation of in vivo dialyzer 1999;14:376–83.
Prescribing and Monitoring
Hemodialysis for Pediatric Patients 18
Stuart L. Goldstein

Hemodialysis monitoring • Pediatric dialysis • Children • Hemdoailysis

of national initiatives which define minimum

Introduction standards for the dose of delivered hemodialysis.
The hemodialysis adequacy concept was born over
30 years ago when nephrologists began to view
the hemodialysis treatment in terms of a quantifi-
able dose of toxin clearance delivered, which
Adequate Hemodialysis
could be prescribed by manipulating dialyzer size,
blood pump flow rates, and treatment time. Since
The term hemodialysis adequacy is derived from
that time, numerous studies have attempted to
the National Cooperative Dialysis Study (NCDS),
delineate the most accurate method of dose quan-
which aimed to control for dialysis treatment
tification and to correlate dialysis dose with patient
dose in adult patients and correlate a particular
outcome. While sometimes beset by complex
dose with patient outcome [1]. The NCDS con-
mathematical formulas that can obscure the basic
trolled for the hemodialysis dose based on either
concepts of dialysis dose and resultant outcome,
the treatment time or the time averaged blood
these research endeavors have lead to improve-
urea nitrogen (BUN) concentration between
ments in patient outcome by focusing nephrolo-
hemodialysis treatments. The mechanistic analy-
gists’ attention on the variables governing their
sis of the NCDS, performed by Gotch and Sargent,
patients’ hemodialysis treatments and by creation
revealed that the relationship between dialysis
dose and outcome was not linear, but rather a
S.L. Goldstein, MD () nearly fourfold increase in hospitalization/death
Department of Pediatrics, rates occurred in patients receiving less than 50%
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Division urea clearance compared to patients receiving
of Nephrology and Hypertension & The Heart Institute,
Cincinnati, OH 45229, USA
greater than 50% urea clearance during each dial-
ysis treatment. Thus, the resultant concept of
Center for Acute Care Nephrology, Pheresis Service,
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, 3333
“adequate” dialysis was created to define a mini-
Burnet Avenue, MLC 7022, Cincinnati, OH 45229, USA mum hemodialysis dose below which occurs a
e-mail: clinically unacceptable rate of negative outcome.

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_18, 313

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
314 S.L. Goldstein

Optimal Hemodialysis urea clearances can be increased by three possible

interventions: increasing the dialyzer clearance
“Optimal” dialysis refers to a hemodialysis dose coefficient (accomplished by increasing dialyzer
above which no significant reduction in negative surface area or the blood pump flow rate), increas-
outcomes or improvement in positive outcomes ing the individual hemodialysis treatment time or
occurs. No data exist to define the optimal dialy- decreasing the patient’s TBW.
sis dose for either children or adults. Determination Repeated iteration of this formula leads to
of optimal dialysis dose remains a difficult task, accurate assessment of the patient TBW volume
since economic and psychosocial factors may and optimization of the dialysis prescription. For
tend to decrease patient time on dialysis. In fact, example, suppose a patient new to dialysis pres-
while more prolonged dialysis times have recently ents with a weight of 50 kg and a baseline BUN
been shown to improve pediatric patient growth of 130 mg/dL. To prevent urea disequilibrium
[2, 3], they could conceivably increase patient syndrome, we desire to affect a 30% urea reduc-
isolation from activity with peers. A conceptual tion with the first hemodialysis treatment. Thus,
framework for determining optimal hemodialysis the resulting Ct/C0 = 0.7. To keep the extracorpo-
is provided at the end of the chapter. real hemodialysis blood circuit volume less than
10% of the patient’s blood volume, we opt for a
dialyzer with a K of 200 mL/min at a blood pump
Initiation of Hemodialysis flow rate of 250 mL/min. Using these data, one
can solve for the approximate hemodialysis treat-
Patients initiating hemodialysis either for the first ment time needed to affect a 30% urea reduction:
time or after the loss of a kidney transplant may
− ln (0.7) = 200 mL/min * t/(600 mL/kg * 50 kg) OR
suffer from malnutrition, fluid overload, and
hypertension. Therefore, prior to addressing t = − ln(0.7) * 30, 000 mL/200 mL/min SO
chronic hemodialysis adequacy measurement,
t = 54 min
patient transition from chronic kidney disease to
maintenance dialysis requires special attention. The next step requires measurement of the
The principles for a safe hemodialysis initiation pre- and post-dialysis BUN associated with actual
prescription form the basis for chronic dialysis delivery of the treatment prescribed above. To
adequacy measurement. The goals for the first continue the example, let’s assume the patient
month of hemodialysis therapy should include received 54 min of hemodialysis and the pre-
establishment of a target post-hemodialysis treat- dialysis BUN was 130 mg/dL and the post dialy-
ment weight, blood pressure normalization, and sis BUN was 99 mg/dL. If all of the initial
hemodialysis prescription refinement to allow for assumptions had been correct, a 30% urea clear-
predictable and sufficient urea clearance. ance should have yielded a post-BUN of 91 mg/
During the first few hemodialysis treatments, dL. The lower than expected urea clearance likely
the amount of urea reduction can be prescribe reflects a higher patient TBW than assumed (i.e.,
using the following mass transfer equation: >60% of weight), which is not unusual given that
patients initiating dialysis therapy are often fluid
Kt/V ≈ −ln (Ct/C0)
overloaded. Using the initiation formula,
where Ct is the concentration of BUN after t min-
−ln (99/130) = 200 mL min* 54 min/V OR
utes of dialysis, C0 is the initial concentration, K
is the urea clearance (mL/min), t is the duration V = 200 mL/min * 54 min/0.27 SO
of dialysis (minutes), and V is the urea volume of
distribution (mL). The urea volume of distribu- V = 39,259 mL
tion is equivalent to the total body water (TBW), reveals that patient’s TBW (V) was underesti-
which is approximately 60% of the patient’s mated by 9,259 mL. Other factors including access
weight. Examination of this equation reveals that recirculation and dialyzer clearance variation can
18 Prescribing and Monitoring Hemodialysis for Pediatric Patients 315

also contribute to the lower than expected urea urea concentration difference persists throughout
clearance. Nonetheless, use of the “new” V assists the hemodialysis treatment and can last for up to
in optimizing the next dialysis treatment prescrip- 1 h after treatment termination. Failing to account
tion. For example, if one wanted to prescribe for for this urea disequilibrium can lead to an overes-
50% urea clearance using the same dialyzer, the timation of the true urea mass removed during
initiation formula yields: dialysis, and therefore an inflated assessment of
hemodialysis dose. These concepts will be
− ln (0.5) = 200 mL/min * t/39,329 mL or t = 136 min
addressed later in the chapter under the discus-
The second treatment is provided with pre- sion of double-pool urea kinetics.
and post-dialysis BUN samples drawn to further The two fundamental clinical variables
refine the assessment of the patient’s TBW. Once assessed by hemodialysis adequacy measurement
the patient demonstrates a stable post-dialysis are dialysis treatment urea clearance and patient
target weight, has good blood pressure control, protein nutrition status. While most hemodialysis
and 65–70% urea clearance can be accurately adequacy research has focused solely on urea clear-
predicted and reliably delivered, the focus of the ance, the mechanistic analysis of the NCDS strongly
dialysis prescription changes to assessment of suggested that patients with poor nutrition status
maintenance hemodialysis adequacy. demonstrated higher hospitalization/death rates,
irrespective of the delivered hemodialysis dose [1].
Provision of adequate hemodialysis thus requires
Urea Clearance and Metabolism attention to urea clearance during dialysis and urea
generation between dialysis treatments.
All methods of hemodialysis adequacy measure-
ment base the assessment of dialysis dose on a
variation of the fractional urea reduction affected Formal Urea Kinetic Modeling
by the hemodialysis treatment. Understanding
urea generation, distribution, and movement dur- The urea kinetic model was validated by the
ing and between dialysis treatments is essential mechanistic analysis of the NCDS in which both
to any discussion of hemodialysis adequacy. urea clearance and nutrition status as assessed by
the model were shown to be associated with
patient outcome. The strength of urea kinetic
Clearance and Nutrition modeling (UKM) resides in the ability to assess
both urea clearance and patient nutrition status.
Prior to the initiation of a hemodialysis treatment, Although UKM has been considered the gold
urea is evenly distributed across a patient’s TBW, standard for hemodialysis adequacy measure-
i.e. within both the intracellular and extracellular ment, the advanced mathematical calculations
fluid (ECF) compartments. During the hemodi- required for computation made UKM unavail-
alysis treatment, urea is removed immediately able to many practitioners in the late 1980s and
and efficiently from the intravascular space since early 1990s. The advent of online calculators and
the hemodialysis circuit is connected only to the personal computers should have led to wider
patient’s vascular access. As urea diffuses easily UKM use; however, many nephrologists still do
across the vascular wall, equilibration between not employ UKM in their routine practice.
the extravascular and intravascular components Formal UKM solves two unique, but interre-
of the extracellular space occurs nearly instanta- lated differential equations for two variables:
neously. In contrast, urea movement from the patient TBW (V, in milliliters) and urea genera-
intracellular fluid (ICF) to the ECF space is lim- tion rate (G, in milligrams per minute). Values for
ited by cellular transport characteristics of urea, V and G are then used to calculate normalized
which results in a urea concentration disequilib- urea clearance during a dialysis treatment and
rium, with the ICF urea concentration greater patient protein catabolic rate (PCR). The PCR is
than the ECF urea concentration. The ICF to ECF then divided by post-dialysis patient weight in
316 S.L. Goldstein

kilograms to yield a normalized protein catabolic Normalized Protein Catabolic Rate

rate (nPCR).
The amount of protein catabolized to yield G
between dialysis treatments can be calculated
Single-Pool Kt/V using the modified Borah equation. For a patient
without significant unmeasured protein losses
The fractional urea mass removed during hemo- (e.g., burns) or without significant protein catab-
dialysis is affected by the following factors: dia- olism from other causes (e.g., infection), the PCR
lyzer urea clearance coefficient (K, in milliliters calculated from G reflects patient protein intake.
per minute), pre- and posttreatment BUN (mg/ Thus, nPCR can reflect a component of the nutri-
dL), treatment duration (t, in minutes), patient tion status of a patient receiving hemodialysis
TBW (V, in milliliters), the amount of plasma [4–7]. Work demonstrating the utility of nPCR
water removed during dialysis (ultrafiltrate), and assessment and interpretation will be presented
the intradialytic urea generation rate (G). As with later in the chapter.
the hemodialysis initiation equation, fractional
urea clearance can be described in terms of Kt/V.
Pre- and post-dialysis measured BUNs, the dia- Algebraic Approximation Equations
lyzer K for urea at the delivered blood pump flow
rate, time of treatment, and pre-and post-dialysis Second-Generation Natural Logarithm
patient weight are provided to the UKM algo- Method spKt/V
rithm. The difference between the pre- and post-
dialysis weights yields the ultrafiltration volume The sophisticated mathematic formulas required
obtained during the treatment. The UKM model is for UKM calculation often preclude routine UKM
solved for V and G based on the above variables. in many centers. As a result, substantial investiga-
To determine single-pool Kt/V, which does tion has been performed to develop and validate
not account for the urea ICF to ECF disequilib- simpler Kt/V measurement methods [8]. Of these,
rium caused by hemodialysis, the post-BUN only the natural logarithm formula of Daugirdas
sample is drawn 30 s after the termination of dial- garnered acceptance for spKt/V approximation in
ysis. Methods accounting for double-pool urea adults and children [9]. The Daugirdas natural
distribution will be discussed later in the chapter. logarithm formula (Daugirdas II) is

spKt/V = − ln(C1/C0 − 0.008* t) + (4 − 3.5* C1/C0 )* UF/W

where C0 is the pre-dialysis BUN (mg/dL), C1 is percentage difference did not vary with patient
the post-dialysis BUN (mg/dL), t is the session size [10]. NKF-K/DOQI guidelines recommend
length (h), UF is the ultrafiltrate (kg), and W is a Kt/V prescription of 1.3 to ensure Kt/V delivery
the post-dialysis weight (kg). The accuracy of of 1.2, which is an 8% difference [11]. Thus, the
Daugirdas II resides in accounting for dialysis 6% maximal difference seen between UKM and
treatment duration and urea removed by ultrafil- Daugirdas II Kt/V observed in children is clini-
tration, neither of which is incorporated into the cally acceptable.
hemodialysis initiation equation discussed previ-
ously in the chapter.
Daugirdas II is a reliable and practical alterna- Normalized Protein Catabolic Rate
tive to formal UKM for Kt/V estimation in chil- Approximation
dren. A 368 dual Kt/V analysis comparing UKM
Kt/V to Daugirdas II Kt/V demonstrated less In this same study of 368 dual analyses [10], UKM
than 6% difference in every treatment and the derived nPCR was also reliably and accurately
18 Prescribing and Monitoring Hemodialysis for Pediatric Patients 317

estimated using a urea generation rate derived can be accomplished by increasing K (by increas-
from the difference between the post- and pre- ing the blood pump flow rate or dialyzer size) or
treatment BUN concentrations: by increasing the dialysis treatment duration.
estG(mg/min) = [(C2 * V2) − (C1* V1)]/t Example 2: Fluid weight gain
where C1 is the post-dialysis BUN (mg/dL), C2 Month Weight (kg) spKt/V nPCR
1 34.3 1.40 1.20
is the pre-dialysis BUN (mg/dL), V1 is the post-
2 35.2 1.32 0.96
dialysis TBW (dL; V1 = 5.8 dL/kg* post-dialysis
3 36.1 1.20 0.65
weight in kg), V2 is the pre-dialysis TBW (dL,
V2 = 5.8 dL/kg* pre-dialysis weight in kg), and t In this example, the patient demonstrates the
is the time (min) from the end of the dialysis same progressive weight gain and Kt/V decrease
treatment to the beginning of the following treat- as the patient in Example 1. However, the current
ment. Then estnPCR was calculated using the patient’s nPCR has dropped precipitously, indi-
following modified Borah [12] equation: cating poor protein intake. Thus, the patient’s
weight gain does not result from true visceral
estnPCR = 5.43* estG/V1 + 0.17 body mass accretion, but rather from progressive
where V1 is the total body water (L) post-dialysis fluid accumulation. UKM modeling yielding
(0.58* post-dialysis weight in kg). Results from these values would provide a calculation show-
these analyses revealed UKM nPCR and est- ing that V accounted for an abnormally high per-
nPCR differed by more than 0.1 g/kg/day in only centage of body weight (e.g., >70%), a calculation
12/368 treatments, which is a clinically accept- not provided by Daugirdas II. Nonetheless, this
able degree of error. example shows that combination of both alge-
braic KtV and nPCR measurement can lead to the
same clinical conclusions. The appropriate man-
Practical Examples Using Algebraic agement of the case in Example 2 is to provide
Approximation aggressive nutritional intervention and decrease
the patient’s target weight via ultrafiltration.
The following three examples illustrate the utility
of Kt/V and nPCR assessment in evaluation of a Example 3: Weight loss
patient’s maintenance hemodialysis prescription. Month Weight (kg) spKt/V nPCR
Each example details the single-pool Kt/V 1 34.3 1.40 0.98
(spKt/V) and nPCR values for three consecutive 2 32.5 1.32 0.98
3 31.3 1.45 0.88
months for a 10-year-old patient.
In this example, the patient has progressive
Example 1: Real weight gain
weight loss and decreasing nPCR, indicating
Month Weight (kg) spKt/V nPCR poor nutritional status and a visceral protein cata-
1 34.3 1.40 1.20 bolic state. Notice that the patient had adequate
2 35.2 1.32 1.15
urea clearance in spite of the progressive weight
3 36.1 1.20 1.18
loss, once again illustrating that complete hemo-
In this example, the patient has steadily increas- dialysis adequacy assessment should account for
ing weight, an acceptable nPCR, and a decreasing both clearance and nutrition status.
Kt/V. Since the patient’s nPCR reflects adequate
protein intake, this patient’s weight gain likely
represents true body mass accretion. As a result, Urea Reduction Ratio
the patient’s TBW (V) has increased proportion-
ally, leading to a decrease in Kt/V since neither the The urea reduction ratio (URR) uses only the pre-
dialyzer K nor the treatment time was altered. and post-dialysis BUN samples to calculate the
Thus, the patient in this example is outgrowing the fractional excretion of urea caused by dialysis:
current dialysis prescription, and the appropriate
action will be to increase the dialysis dose, which URR = (pre - BUN − post - BUN)/pre - BUN *100
318 S.L. Goldstein

Since URR does not account for intradialytic and post-BUN30s. Of these, the rate equation by
urea generation or urea removed by ultrafiltra- Daugirdas [20] is the most accurate.
tion, corresponding Kt/V values may vary by as
estKt/V(Daugirdas) = spKt/V * (1 − 0.6/t) + 0.03
much as 20% for treatments with the same URR
value. In addition, URR does not yield any infor- where t is the treatment time in hours.
mation regarding nutrition status. While URR is Since urea rebound is primarily characterized
easy to calculate, it is recognized as the least by a first-order logarithmic, concentration depen-
favorable method for hemodialysis adequacy dent ICF to ECF urea movement, a more recent
measurement and should not be used to control method for estimating eqBUN by extrapolating
for dialysis dose in clinical outcome studies. the rise in BUN from 30 s to 15 min post-dialysis
(DBUN) has been validated [13, 14]. Since urea
rebound is 69% complete at 15 min post-dialysis,
Urea Rebound eqBUN can be estimated using the following
and Double-Pool Kt/V formula:

Concepts estBUN = ( ΔBUN/0.69) + BUN30s

To estimate double-pool eqKt/V, estBUN is

Kt/V calculation is based upon the pre- and post-
used for the C1 in the Daugirdas II estimation
treatment BUN concentrations. In children, the
formula. Use of Daugirdas II in this manner is
posttreatment BUN concentration rises in a first-
logical, since estBUN reflects BUN that has
order logarithmic fashion until re-equilibration
equilibrated across the single pool of the TBW.
between ICF and ECF BUN concentrations
Logarithmic extrapolation yields an extremely
occurs 30–60 min after the treatment ends [13,
accurate estimation of eqBUN, since two BUN
14]. This rise in BUN concentration has been
values are assessed post-dialysis. The maximum
termed urea rebound. As the BUN rebounds after
difference between eqBUN and estBUN is
hemodialysis treatment termination, the resultant
1.55 mg/dL, which is less than the standard error
calculation of Kt/V will yield lower values.
of the BUN lab measurement itself. As a result,
Calculation of Kt/V by spKt/V using the
the difference between eqKt/V using a measured
immediate, 30s post-dialysis BUN (BUN30s)
eqBUN and estimated eqKt/V using the estBUN
sample does not take urea rebound into account
by logarithmic extrapolation was less than that of
and leads to overestimation of the true urea mass
other published eqKt/V estimation methods.
removed by dialysis. Calculation of Kt/V by dou-
ble-pool or equilibrated Kt/V (eqKt/V) is based
on a post-dialysis BUN concentration actually
drawn, or estimated, after the completion of urea Hemodialysis Adequacy
rebound. Numerous studies in both children and and Clinical Outcome Study
adults show that urea rebound ranges from 7.6%
to 24% and accounts for a 12.3–16.8% difference Recent pediatric data demonstrate the value
between spKt/V and eqKt/V values [13–19]. of assessing and controlling for hemodialysis
adequacy in pediatric patients receiving hemodi-
alysis. Tom and colleagues correlated increased
Double-Pool Kt/V Estimation Formulas protein administration and increased urea clear-
ance (spKt/V > 2) with improved growth in
It is impractical to wait for 1 h after a treatment to well-nourished children receiving hemodialysis,
obtain an equilibrated BUN (eqBUN) for eqKt/V even in the absence of growth hormone [3].
calculation. Many formulas have been devised to Fischbach and colleagues have also demon-
estimated eqKt/V (estKt/V) by applying a cofac- strated improved growth over and above what
tor to spKt/V and relying solely on a pre-BUN can be achieved with growth hormone when an
18 Prescribing and Monitoring Hemodialysis for Pediatric Patients 319

intensified hemodialysis treatment regimen comparable delivered hemodialysis doses, irre-

(spKt/V > 1.5 for 5 times per week) is provided spective of the regimen prescribed. The recent
[2]. We have repeatedly demonstrated nPCR to revision of the National Kidney Foundation Kidney
be a superior marker of nutrition status in mal- Disease Outcome Quality Initiative (K-DOQI)
nourished patients who received intradialytic par- Hemodialysis Adequacy Guidelines addressed the
enteral nutrition (IDPN) [7, 21]. After IDPN issue of how to monitor delivered dialysis dose in
initiation, patient weight and body mass accretion patients receiving hemodialysis more than thrice
were associated with significant increase in nPCR weekly [11]. The Work Group advocated for the
but not in serum albumin. In another study, nPCR use of standard Kt/V (stdKt/V), which normalizes
< 1 g/kg/day was predictive of persistent weight the dose to attain the same pre-dialysis treatment
loss over the next 3 months in adolescent patients BUN level, irrespective of the number of pre-
[22]. Other pediatric work showed no correlation scribed weekly treatments. An adult patient feasi-
between spKt/V and other ESRD lab indicators, bility and efficacy trial assessing the NxStage™
such as anemia status or serum albumin [23]. System employed formulas to calculate an equili-
Even more recent work shows eqKt/V to be brated Kt/V (eKt/V) for one treatment session and
more closely associated with improvements in then used that value in a stdKt/V calculation [27].
inflammation status [24, 25], suggesting that The eKt/V formula has been validated separately
eqKt/V should be used in future outcomes studies [28]. The formulas are listed below:
to control for the true mass of urea removed.
1. eKt/V = 0.924*spKt/V – 0.395*spKt/V/t + 0.056
Hemodialysis outcome study validity requires a
control for HD dose, so the application of simpler, where spKt/V is the single-pool Kt/V calculated
more accessible HD adequacy measurement meth- by Daugirdas II [8, 9] and t is the treatment time
ods should lead to an increase in pediatric HD out- in hours
come study research. Initial single-center and
multicenter pediatric studies are starting to assess 2. stdKt/V = 168*(1 – exp[-eKt/V])/t/[(1 – exp[-eKt/V]/
the impact of dialysis dose on outcome [3, 23]. (eKt/V) + 168/(N*t)-1]
However, a recent pediatric study from the Center where N is the number of weekly treatments.
for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Clinical As varied hemodialysis prescription options
Performance Measures Project demonstrated that become more prevalent, it will be important to be
little difference in hemodialysis prescription man- able to compare delivered dose across pediatric
agement would result when comparing single-pool centers. Preliminary data demonstrate excellent
Kt/V versus equilibrated Kt/V values from the outcomes in children who receive 6 times per
same treatment [26]. As a result, K/DOQI states week dialysis with the NxStage™ [29]. We
that spKt/V assessment is appropriate for patient recently performed an analysis of spKt/V by log-
management, while equilibrated Kt/V values arithmic extrapolation with stdKt/V derived as
should be used for outcome study [11]. described above and found that one should deliver
a stdKt/V ³ 2.0 for thrice-weekly pediatric HD in
order to achieve a spKt/V ³ 1.2 and a stdKt/V ³
Frequent Hemodialysis Adequacy 2.2 if one wishes to ensure a spKt/V ³ 1.4 [30]

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Dis. 1999;34:49–54. Medicare & Medicaid services clinical performance
14. Goldstein SL, Brewer ED. Logarithmic extrapolation measures project. Pediatr Nephrol. 2006;21:1161–6.
of a 15 min postdialysis BUN to predict equilibrated 27. Jaber BL, et al. Daily hemofiltration for end-stage
BUN and calculate double-pool Kt/V in the pediatric renal disease: a feasibility and efficacy trial. Blood
hemodialysis population. Am J Kidney Dis. 2000;36: Purif. 2004;22:481–9.
98–104. 28. Leypoldt JK, Jaber BL, Zimmerman DL. Predicting
15. Maduell F, et al. Validation of different methods to treatment dose for novel therapies using urea standard
calculate Kt/V considering postdialysis rebound. Kt/V. Semin Dial. 2004;17:142–5.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1997;12:1928–33. 29. Goldstein SL, et al. Frequent hemodialysis with
16. Pedrini LA, Zereik S, Rasmy S. Causes, kinetics and NxStage system in pediatric patients receiving mainte-
clinical implications of post-hemodialysis urea nance hemodialysis. Pediatr Nephrol. 2008;23:129–35.
rebound. Kidney Int. 1988;34:817–24. 30. Mammen C, Goldstein SL, Milner R, White CT.
17. Marsenic O, Pavlicic D, Bigovic G, Peco-Antic A, Standard Kt/V thresholds to accurately predict single-
Jovanovic O. Effects of postdialysis urea rebound on pool Kt/V targets for children receiving thrice-weekly
the quantification of pediatric hemodialysis. Nephron. maintenance haemodialysis. Nephrol Dial Transplant.
2000;84:124–9. 2010;25(9):3044–50.
Maintenance Hemodialysis
During Infancy 19
Tim Ulinski and Pierre Cochat

Hemodialysis • Maintenance hemodialysis • Infancy

Recent reports have indicated an increased inci- Maintenance HD in infants raises major prob-
dence of very young patients diagnosed with and lems both in the short term – such as the choice of
treated for end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The permanent vascular access, hemodynamic tolera-
main diagnostic categories contributing to this bility, infections – and in the long term, e.g., with
increase are hereditary and congenital disorders respect to nutrition, neurocognitive development,
and hemolytic uremic syndrome [1]. and statural growth. Moreover, ethical problems
In most infants (i.e., children under 24 months need to be taken into account, particularly if
of age) with ESRD, the treatment of choice is severe comorbidities are present.
peritoneal dialysis (PD). However, maintenance
hemodialysis (HD) may be required in certain
patients dependent on the underlying renal dis- Population
ease, the presence of extrarenal involvement, and/
or individual conditions. Chronic extracorporeal In the North American Pediatric Renal Transplant
therapies in young infants should be performed Cooperative Study (NAPRTCS), 11–12.5% of
only in specialized centers. Since the body of dialysis patients were less than 2 years of age at the
literature on maintenance HD in infants is small, time of initiation of index dialysis [5, 9]. However,
we provide our personal opinion in addition to PD was the preferred treatment modality in this
published reports [2–8]. age group; only about 10% of patients received HD
[10, 11]. The use of HD in this age group used to
be more common in Europe as about 30% of
infants were treated by HD in the European Dialysis
T. Ulinski, MD, PhD ()
Service de Néphrologie Pédiatrique, Hopital Armand and Transplant Association Registry [12].
Trousseau AP-HP and University Pierre and The following conditions may lead to selec-
Marie Curie, Paris, France tion of the HD treatment modality in infants:
Patients with loss of peritoneal function (repeated
P. Cochat, MD, PhD peritonitis episodes, progressive sclerosing perito-
Service de néphrologie et rhumatologie pédiatriques,
nitis), leakage or nonfunction of the Tenckhoff
Centre de référence des maladies rénales rares,
Hospices Civils de Lyon & Université catheter, and peritoneal damage (digestive or uri-
Claude-Bernard, Lyon, France nary diversion, laparoschisis, multiple frustraneous

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_19, 321

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
322 T. Ulinski and P. Cochat

attempts to implant PD catheters, any other major

abdominal surgery) [2, 6].
Patients with lung disease (e.g., pulmonary
hypo/dysplasia) when compression of the dia-
phragm may be deleterious.
Patients with thoracic malformation such as in
Jeune syndrome.
Children with massive liver enlargement due
to either autosomal recessive polycystic kidney
disease or nephronophthisis-related disease (e.g.,
chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis with glomeru-
lar cysts and congenital liver fibrosis).
Infants who underwent bilateral nephrectomy
Fig. 19.1 Single-lumen catheter in a 10-month-old boy
while awaiting subcutaneous access maturation
for PD [6].
Children with compromised mesenteric
blood flow.
Patients with Prune-Belly syndrome, present-
ing with complete abdominal muscle hypoplasia.
Patients with infantile form of primary hyper-
oxaluria type I, in order to achieve sufficient
amount of oxalate and thereby limit oxalate bur-
den prior to combined liver–kidney transplanta-
tion [13]. In such patients, HD may be associated
with concomitant PD in order to improve oxalate
removal but PD by itself is not efficient enough.

Extracorporeal Blood Circulation Fig. 19.2 Dual-lumen catheter in an 8-month-old girl

For obvious reasons, infants on HD must be treated Table 19.1 Advantages and drawbacks of single- and
in hospital-based experienced pediatric centers, dual-lumen catheters in infants
whereas those on PD can be managed at home. Single lumen Double lumen
However, the technical approach to infants on Usual catheter size 4–6 Fr 6.5–8 Fr (10–18 cm)
HD is often inadequate because of technical limi- Recirculation High Low
tations. Due to low return on investment for com- Blood flow rate High Low
panies, the availability of suitable catheters, blood Vessel:catheter High Low
lines, dialyzers, and machines remains poor. diameter ratio
Resistance Low High
See Fig. 19.1 See Fig. 19.2
Vascular Access

Percutaneous dialysis catheters are used by most According to Poiseuille’s law (“fluid flow
centers offering infant HD [6]. In order to avoid through a tube varies with the fourth power of its
endothelial damage and later venous stenosis, radius, r4”), best access is short and of wide
catheters should be inserted at the lower part of diameter, so that a single-lumen catheter with
the right internal jugular vein toward the superior a Y-connector close to the cannula allows
vena cava and right atrial junction. Ligation of greater blood flow and should therefore be
jugular veins should be avoided. Subclavian and preferred to dual-lumen device despite recircula-
femoral veins may also be used. tion (Figs. 19.1 and 19.2) (Table 19.1) [14]
19 Maintenance Hemodialysis During Infancy 323

Table 19.2 Characteristics of dialyzers adapted to infants

Effective Priming volume
Dialyzer Membrane material membrane area (m²) (TMP = 200 mmHg) (mL)
100 HG Cobe Hemophane 0.2 18
Polyflux 2H Polyamix 0.2 17
FX paed Polysulfone 0.2 18
Sureflux 30L Triacetate 0.3 35
LunDia Pro 200 Polycarbonate 0.5 45
Sureflux 50L Triacetate 0.5 45
FX40 Fresenius Polysulfone 0.6 32
200 HG Cobe Hemophane 0.6 34
Polyflux 6H Polyamix 0.6 52

The average catheter durability is 3–4 months. unit over the past 10 years, a much higher extracor-
Major complications include infection, clotting, poreal blood flow rate was achieved on average:
and kinking [2, 6, 15]. The risk of infection is lower 16 ± 5 mL/kg/min. The optimal blood flow rate
with cuffed catheters [16]. Partial catheter throm- should be established gradually, both over the
bosis may require local urokinase (or rtPA) and/or course of multiple sessions (within several weeks)
catheter exchange via a guide wire. Complete and during each HD session. It should be deter-
thrombosis leads to catheter failure and necessi- mined individually, taking all technical, surgical,
tates removal. The creation of an arteriovenous and medical aspects into consideration.
fistula is a challenging procedure in infants, due to
the delicate vessel size and structure. However,
highly specialized programs have provided encour- Extracorporeal Circuit
aging reports regarding the placement and use of
arteriovenous fistulae in young infants [17]. The total extracorporeal blood volume should not
In selected patients, mostly in those weighing exceed 7–10% of the child’s blood volume, which
more than 10 kg, arteriovenous fistula can be per- approximates 80 mL/kg BW. In addition, at least
formed using microsurgery. However, only few during the first HD sessions, it is recommended
surgeons worldwide have got adequate training to use priming with either normal saline or 4–5%
and experience in creating dialysis fistulas in albumin and connect arterial and venous lines
infants [17–19]. A maturation period of 6–12 simultaneously.
weeks is usually required before the fistula can be
used, starting with single-needle access (diameter Dialyzers
£17 G). Dual-needle punctures should only be
started 8–12 weeks after initial surgery and after The choice of dialyzers adapted for use in infants
careful reevaluation by the specialized surgeon. is limited due to technical and financial con-
Surgical revision of fistulae, such as superficial- straints (Table 19.2). The membrane surface area
ization (and lipectomy) is very often required should be approximately 75–100% of the patient’s
[11, 20]. body surface area.

Extracorporeal Blood Flow Rate Anticoagulation

A widely used formula determines extracorporeal Anticoagulation is achieved by standard heparin

flow rate (QD) by body weight (BW, in kg): QD (continuous infusion, 10–30 IU/kg BW per hour;
(mL/min) = (BW + 10) × 2.5. In our experience, this bolus, 10–20 IU/kg BW) or low-molecular-
equation gives inadequately low blood flow rate weight heparin (0.5–1 mg/kg, single injection at
targets. In 23 infants undergoing chronic HD in our the beginning of the session).
324 T. Ulinski and P. Cochat

In order to avoid obstruction of the catheter the absence of outcome studies on the minimally
lumen, heparin (1,000–2,000 IU/mL) should be acceptable Kt/V in infants and the above-men-
instilled at the end of each HD session. tioned difficulties, in several countries (e.g., US
and Germany), Kt/V measure is mandatory in
children of any age as a performance quality.
Blood Lines

The use of special pediatric tubing systems with Prescription and Monitoring
fill volumes starting at 20 mL is required to limit During the Session
the volume of the extracorporeal circuit. The
dialysis membrane is best protected by an arterial Short daily dialysis (1.5–3 h sessions, 4–6 times
expansion chamber, which is not incorporated in per week) seems to be the most appropriate HD
the line of small children to reduce extracorpo- modality in infants, particularly in those with mal-
real volume [21]. nutrition, chronic overhydration, intractable
hypertension, left ventricular hypertrophy, growth
retardation [10], and primary hyperoxaluria
Adjustment of Post Dialysis requiring efficient oxalate clearance [11, 24].
Dry Weight However, this is only possible for patients living in
an acceptable distance from the dialysis center.
The estimation of dry weight is challenging. During the session, attention should be paid to
Serum protein levels and their change during the possible excessive ultrafiltration, the risk of
dialysis session are poor indices as serum protein which should be minimized by close monitoring.
is strongly influenced by residual renal function The ultrafiltration error rate of most HD machines
and nutritional status. Bioelectrical impedance is ±50 mL/h, accumulating to an error margin of
analysis and online measurement of changes in ±150–250 mL by the end of a session. While
hematocrit are not widely available. The adjust- entirely acceptable in adults and older children,
ment of dry weight could therefore combine (1) these error rates can lead to severe fluid imbal-
the blood pressure profile during ultrafiltration, ance in young infants. The use of infant scales
(2) echocardiographic parameters, (3) inferior during HD does not solve this problem com-
vena cava diameter measurement by ultrasound pletely as scale measurements may again be
(normal: 8–11.5 mm/m², collapse index (reduc- influenced by a variety of factors.
tion vena cava diameter during inspiration) = The best option is therefore to have a good
40–75%), and (4) intradialytic heart rate change. knowledge of ultrafiltration accuracy for individ-
ual machines used in infants and to monitor
closely the changes in hemodynamic parameters.
Dialysis Adequacy Intradialytic hypotension should be managed
with saline or 4% albumin as volume replacement.
Urea kinetic modeling has not found wide accep- States of osmotic disequilibrium are frequent in
tance in infants for practical reasons: variations of infants and may be prevented by a low blood flow
the duration of dialysis session due to poor dialy- rate during the first few dialysis sessions (3–5 mL/
sis tolerance or vascular access problems, frequent kg BW), by a short duration of the first sessions
changes in blood urea nitrogen concentration, e.g., and, if needed, by the administration of 10% or
due to nutritional status, characteristics of distri- 20% mannitol (1 g/kg infusion over 1–2 h).
bution volume in this age group, frequent changes Temperature control may be difficult due to
in extracorporeal blood flow rate during HD ses- significant extracorporeal blood volume and rela-
sion, etc. However, the natural logarithm formula tively slow blood flow rate, so that normothermia
for Kt/V proposed by Daugirdas has been applied is recommended by adjusting dialysate bath tem-
to infants with an acceptable error [22, 23]. Despite perature [25].
19 Maintenance Hemodialysis During Infancy 325

Table 19.3 Normal values for hemoglobin and hemat- control. As calcium requirements have to be
ocrit in infants adjusted to the rapidly growing bones in infants,
Age Hemoglobin (g/dL) Hematocrit (%) calcium concentration in the dialysate bath should
Term birth 16.5 ± 3.0 51 ± 9 not be lower than 1.5 mmol/L. In case of intensi-
2–6 months 11.5 ± 2.5 35 ± 7 fied dialysis regimen, addition of phosphate to
6 months–2 years 12.0 ± 1.5 36 ± 3 the dialysate might be necessary.
Metabolic acidosis exerts a detrimental effect
on the growth and nutritional status of hemodia-
Anemia Management lyzed infants [29–32]. Therefore, serum bicar-
bonate levels should be closely monitored and
The fraction of hemodialyzed infants requiring maintained above 22 mmol/L. Oral administra-
recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) is tion of sodium bicarbonate and the use of higher
comparable to other age groups, i.e., 88% of sodium bicarbonate dialysate concentration are
infants in the NAPRTCS report including both equally applicable measures.
HD and PD patients [5]. The average weight-
related maintenance dose of rhEPO is higher in
young patients, up to 200–650 IU/kg per week Practical Approach to the Course
from our experience and has to be frequently of a Dialysis Session
adapted to the rapidly changing hemoglobin nor-
mal values (Table 19.3). Pain and Psychological Care
Just as in older children, intravenous adminis-
tration is preferred in infants on HD to avoid sub- The psychological assessment and preparation of
cutaneous injection pain. In case of unstable infants is difficult as it is often impossible to
hemoglobin levels or excessive rhEPO require- explain the care which is scheduled or in process.
ments, darbepoetin alpha [26] can help to nor- Instead of such information, the environment
malize and stabilize hemoglobin levels. may be adapted using music, movies, games, and
Due to poor enteric absorption, it is recom- affection.
mended to give iron by the intravenous route. The preference for catheters in infant HD
Ferrogluconate, administered at a once-weekly largely eliminates pain and anxiety related to the
dose of 1 mg/kg, reliably maintains sufficient initiation of the HD procedure. In patients with
iron stores in infants on chronic HD. arteriovenous fistulas, pain minimization by use
of a topical anesthetic cream (Emla) is an essen-
tial prerequisite.
Renal Osteodystrophy Even with the short daily HD strategy, each
session is conceived long-lasting by the child.
Hyperparathyroidism is an early and frequent Moreover, the child is largely unable to stand,
complication in infants with chronic renal failure turn over, or toddle while on HD. Hence, the tim-
and its careful management is vital while on HD ing of the sessions should either be synchronized
to avoid rhEPO resistance, skeletal pain, bone with the child’s sleeping time or trained staff
deformities, pathological fractures, and even members such as a play specialist, psychologist,
long-term vascular complications. The parathy- speech therapist, or a specially trained kindergar-
roid hormone (PTH) level should be checked at ten mistress should be available to spend quality
least once per month. time with the child.
In infants on short daily HD, there is a risk of In most centers, parents are present and often
phosphate depletion leading to bone disease and involved at any stage of the session. However, it
fracture. It is therefore recommended to add can become important to set limits to parent
phosphorus either by diet or by medication in involvement in order to preserve stress-free inter-
order to avoid hypophosphatemia (<1.5 mmol/L), action between the child, the parents, and the
while at the same time maintaining adequate PTH medical team.
326 T. Ulinski and P. Cochat

Intradialytic Hypotension

Intradialytic hypotension is more frequent and

occurs more commonly unexpected in infants
than in older children. Clinical features include
pallor (sometimes with cyanosis), vomiting, irri-
tability, drowsiness, sudden awakening during
sleep, sudden crying while resting, sweating,
headache, and sometimes seizures. Oxygen
masks are poorly accepted because of restless-
ness; it seems preferable to provide oxygen from
a pipe.
Fig. 19.3 Child’s retention using cloth prior to catheter

Due to the very frequent use of central venous

catheters, the number of infections in infants on
HD is higher than in older children. Rapid antibi-
otic treatment is often required even before the
identification of the causative agent. A reliable
early marker of bacterial infection is not avail-
able. Procalcitonin is about twofold increased in
HD children due to deficient renal clearance [27]
and fails to distinguish viral from bacterial infec-
tions in this patient group.

Fig. 19.4 Gentle manual retention of the child at the time Outcomes
of catheter connection
Patient survival is generally decreased in the
youngest age group of dialysis patients. One-year
Infant HD requires the continuous presence of
survival rates of 83–89% have been reported both
a caregiver throughout the dialysis session.
with PD and HD in children starting dialysis with
Therefore, a 1:1 or 2:1 nurse-to-patient ratio is
less than 1 year of age [5, 8]. In most series, the
usually needed.
major cause of death is infection [7, 8, 12].
Intellectual development is a major issue in
infants undergoing chronic HD. Apart from gen-
Beginning of the Session eral factors related to infantile ESRD such as
energy and protein malnutrition, the frequency
When connecting the child’s permanent vascular and duration of hospitalizations and parental
access to the dialysis circuit, nurses meet several overprotection, brain damage may result from the
difficulties (i.e., patient’s retention, catheter dys- HD procedure due to repeated hypotensive epi-
function due to obstruction or mobilization, etc.) sodes and hypoxemia during HD sessions [2, 28].
with an associated risk of infection, technical mis- This possibility has neither been verified nor
use, catheter removal, etc. (Figs. 19.3 and 19.4). refuted in clinical trials.
19 Maintenance Hemodialysis During Infancy 327

renal failure before 2 years of age. Nephrol Dial

Conclusion Transplant. 1992;7:1171–7.
13. Cochat P, Koch Nogueira PC, Mahmoud MA,
Although the ultimate goal is renal transplantation, Jamieson NV, Scheinman JI, Rolland MO. Primary
hyperoxaluria in infants: medical, ethical, and eco-
maintenance HD can provide an excellent pri- nomic issues. J Pediatr. 1999;135:746–50.
mary or alternative treatment in infants when PD 14. Coulthard MG, Sharp J. Haemodialysing infants: the-
has failed or is not an option. The use of HD in oretical limitations, and single versus double lumen
infants should be limited to experienced pediatric lines. Pediatr Nephrol. 2001;16:332–4.
15. Beanes SR, Kling KM, Fonkalsrud EW, Torres M,
nephrology centers and requires very frequent Salusky IB, Quinones-Baldrich WJ, Atkinson JB.
adaptation of all dialysis parameters. Surgical aspects of dialysis in newborns and infants
weighing less than ten kilograms. J Pediatr Surg.
16. Goldstein SL, Macierowski CT, Jabs K. Hemodialysis
References catheter survival and complications in children and
adolescents. Pediatr Nephrol. 1997;11:74–7.
1. van der Heijden BJ, van Dijk PC, Verrier-Jones K, 17. Bourquelot P. Vascular access in children: the impor-
Jager KJ, Briggs JD. Renal replacement therapy in tance of microsurgery for creation of autologous arte-
children: data from 12 registries in Europe. Pediatr riovenous fistulae. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2006;
Nephrol. 2004;19:213–21. 32:696–700.
2. Al-Hermi BE, Al-Saran K, Secker D, Geary DF. 18. Bagolan P, Spagnoli A, Ciprandi G, Picca S, Leozappa
Hemodialysis for end-stage renal disease in children G, Nahom A, Trucchi A, Rizzoni G, Fabbrini G. A 10
weighing less than 10 kg. Pediatr Nephrol. 1999;13: year experience of brescia-cimino arteriovenous fis-
401–3. tula in children: technical evolution and refinements.
3. Bunchman TE. Infant dialysis: the future is now. J Vasc Surg. 1998;27:640–4.
J Pediatr. 2000;136:1–2. 19. Bourquelot P, Gagnadoux MF. Vascular access for
4. Feinstein S, Rinat C, Becker-Cohen R, Ben-Shalom hemodialysis in children. Pediatr Nephrol.
E, Schwartz SB, Frishberg Y. The outcome of chronic 1997;11:659–60.
dialysis in infants and toddlers–advantages and draw- 20. Bourquelot P, Tawakol JB, Gaudric J, Natario A,
backs of haemodialysis. Nephrol Dial Transplant. Franco G, Turmel-Rodrigues L, Van Laere O, Raynaud
2008;23:1336–45. A. Lipectomy as a new approach to secondary proce-
5. Neu AM, Ho PL, McDonald RA, Warady BA. Chronic dure superficialization of direct autogenous forearm
dialysis in children and adolescents. The 2001 radial-cephalic arteriovenous accesses for hemodialy-
NAPRTCS annual report. Pediatr Nephrol. 2002;17: sis. J Vasc Surg. 2009;50:369–74, e361.
656–63. 21. Fischbach M, Terzic J, Menouer S, Provot E, Bergere
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L. Chronic hemodialysis in infants and children under Semin Nephrol. 2001;21:470–9.
2 years of age. Pediatr Nephrol. 2003;18:378–83. 22. Goldstein SL, Sorof JM, Brewer ED. Evaluation and
7. Sousa CN, Gama M, Andrade M, Faria MS, Pereira E. prediction of urea rebound and equilibrated Kt/V in
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J Ren Care. 2008;34:9–13. Dis. 1999;34:49–54.
8. Wood EG, Hand M, Briscoe DM, Donaldson LA, Yiu 23. Goldstein SL, Sorof JM, Brewer ED. Natural logarith-
V, Harley FL, Warady BA, Ellis EN. Risk factors for mic estimates of Kt/V in the pediatric hemodialysis
mortality in infants and young children on dialysis. population. Am J Kidney Dis. 1999;33: 518–22.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2001;37:573–9. 24. Katz A, Bock GH, Mauer M. Improved growth veloc-
9. Lerner GR, Warady BA, Sullivan EK, Alexander SR. ity with intensive dialysis. Consequence or coinci-
Chronic dialysis in children and adolescents. The dence? Pediatr Nephrol. 2000;14:710–2.
1996 annual report of the North American pediatric 25. Bunchman TE, Maxvold NJ, Kershaw DB, Sedman
renal transplant cooperative study. Pediatr Nephrol. AB, Custer JR. Continuous venovenous hemodiafil-
1999;13:404–17. tration in infants and children. Am J Kidney Dis.
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11. Bunchman TE. Pediatric hemodialysis: lessons from Manucci A, Macher MA, Roussel B, Tsimaratos M,
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328 T. Ulinski and P. Cochat

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2007;22:430–5. The use of recombinant human growth hormone in
28. Brem AS, Lambert C, Hill C, Kitsen J, Shemin DG. short children with chronic renal failure. J Pediatr
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29. Fischbach M, Dheu C, Seuge L, Orfanos N. 32. Srivaths PR, Wong C, Goldstein SL. Nutrition aspects
Hemodialysis and nutritional status in children: mal- in children receiving maintenance hemodialysis:
nutrition and cachexia. J Ren Nutr. 2009;19:91–4. impact on outcome. Pediatr Nephrol. 2009;24:951–7.
Intensified Hemodialysis in Children
Dominik Müller and Denis Geary

Intensified hemodialysis • Children • Pediatric dialysis • End-stage renal

Currently, conventional or maintenance dialy-

Intensified Programs: Rationale sis programs performed three times for 4–5 h per
week guarantee short-term survival for most
Renal transplantation is considered as the therapy
patients. Despite delivering a minimum Kt/V urea
of choice in childhood and adolescent end-stage
of 1.2, they are not able to ameliorate sufficiently
renal disease (ESRD). Survival after renal trans-
the consequences of ESRD, neither in adults nor
plantation is significantly superior to hemodialy-
in children. Electrolyte disturbances, fluid over-
sis and the younger the children, the more
load, and hypertension persist in these patients.
pronounced this discrepancy becomes. However,
Medium- and long-term problems like secondary
the availability of organs limits transplantation
hyperparathyroidism, phosphate control, and car-
and the time on the waiting list may take several
diovascular disorders also contribute significantly
years because of national or international trans-
to morbidity and mortality. Several studies have
plantation policies and laws and individual fac-
confirmed that ESRD in young adults is associ-
tors like age, body weight, and alloimmunization.
ated with a tremendously high morbidity and
Therefore, dialysis programs should not only aim
mortality when compared to the normal popula-
to bridge the time to transplantation simply to
tion. Furthermore, they show that the age of the
guarantee survival. Instead, they must be opti-
patients is relevant, and there is a linear negative
mized in order to maximally correct the disad-
correlation between age at ESRD and morbidity
vantages of ESRD including improvement of
and mortality. Additionally, and especially in
psychosocial well-being [1].
children, malnutrition and poor growth are major
complications in ESRD.
D. Müller, MD Two major studies have been conducted in the
Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Hospital Charite, adult population to determine whether increasing
Berlin, Germany
the delivered dialysis dosage per session or per
D. Geary, MB, MRCP(UK), FRCPC () week is sufficient to ameliorate the negative con-
Department of Paediatrics, The Hospital
sequences of ESRD in terms of improving mor-
for Sick Children and University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada bidity and/or mortality. The HEMO study group
e-mail: demonstrated that increasing the delivered dosage

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_20, 329

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
330 D. Müller and D. Geary

of thrice-weekly dialysis (from an eKt/V of 1.36 home [5]. They described increased appetite and
in the standard group to 1.53 in the intensified improved blood pressure control. Unreliable
group) did not improve morbidity or mortality equipment and excessive cost resulted in discon-
[2]. Neither did the use of high-flux filters improve tinuation of this program. These innovations
outcome. Interestingly, similar results have been occurred around the time when the use of HD for
obtained in patients on peritoneal dialysis. Here, maintenance therapy was first reported in chil-
the ADEMEX (Adequacy of Peritoneal Dialysis dren [5]. Since these reports in the 1960s, hemo-
in Mexico) study demonstrated that also in this dialysis in North America has been predominantly
population, increasing Kt/V did not improve out- prescribed for 3–4 h on a thrice weekly basis.
come in terms of morbidity and mortality [3]. Since 1968 in Tassin in France, more than 800
These trials challenged current concepts of patients have been treated in-center for 8 h thrice
dialysis adequacy, and specifically the value of weekly [6]. This treatment has demonstrated a
Kt/V as the major marker of morbidity and mor- two- to threefold lower mortality for patients on
tality but opened on the other hand new avenues HD compared with those on conventional HD in
for alternative concepts. Considering the pediat- the Unites States, but has nonetheless not widely
ric aspects, such concepts that vary basically the been adopted, presumably because of the associ-
duration and timing of dialysis may provide sev- ated increased staffing costs and inconvenience
eral advantages, like improved growth and nutri- to patients and staff. In Italy, in the early 1980s, a
tion but also social rehabilitation. Education is number of programs were developed for provi-
only possible during a certain time of life. If this sion of home HD five to seven times weekly, each
narrow frame is missed, e.g., by spending three session lasting 3–4 h. Once again, compared with
daytime dialysis sessions per week in an in-center conventional thrice-weekly HD, these patients
dialysis unit, accompanied by intra- and interdia- reported greatly improved overall well-being,
lytic problems, this time is lost for education and reduced intradialytic symptoms, and improved
social contacts. Such patients face the fact that blood pressure control [7].
they will probably be recipients of social welfare In North America, the reintroduction of inten-
rather than givers for their entire life. Whereas sified HD for adults was pioneered by Uldall, in
increased frequency of HD, particularly if per- Toronto, who introduced the concept of home
formed in hospital, increases social isolation, this slow NHD [8]. The impetus for this initiative was
is at least partially negated by the improved well- to reduce the impact of the increasing population
being experienced by these patients. of adult in-center dialysis patients. Five patients
were initially described who underwent 8 h of
dialysis on five to seven nights weekly with a
History dialysate flow of 100 mL/min. Vascular access
was provided by the recently designed internal
In 1966, prompted by a need to reduce the costs jugular central venous line. This treatment over-
associated with the large numbers of staff required came the social inconvenience of frequent hospi-
for in-center HD and to reduce time at the hospi- tal visits. Remote monitoring of the treatments
tal for patients who at that time received 8–12 h was provided to overcome the fears of staff and
dialysis, two or three times weekly, Eschbach patients that major intradialytic complications
et al. initiated home HD [4]. They described eight might occur and be undetected. This program has
adult patients who underwent 20–30 h of noctur- been sustained for more than 15 years, and its suc-
nal HD (NHD) weekly. This treatment regimen cess has led to the introduction of frequent or pro-
minimized restrictions on the patients’ daily lives, longed HD for adults in multiple centers globally.
and allowed liberalization of dietary salt and pro- Individual clinicians have for many years pro-
tein intake. In 1969, De Palma and colleagues in vided intensive HD for children in special circum-
Los Angeles described seven home HD patients stances, specifically for infants requiring intensive
who were switched from conventional in-center nutrition, and for specific diseases such as pri-
HD to a 5 day per week regimen of 4–5 h each at mary hyperoxaluria. However, these treatments
20 Intensified Hemodialysis in Children 331

have usually been for relatively short periods of Intensified programs basically differ from con-
time, as a bridge to transplantation, and have not ventional programs by increased duration and/or
been studied comprehensively as a maintenance frequency of the dialysis so that an increase dos-
treatment. The feasibility and practicality of fre- age is delivered. Thus, they can be grouped accord-
quent or prolonged dialysis as maintenance treat- ing to their duration (hours per session), frequency
ments for older children were more slowly (three times per week to six or even seven times
realized. Concerns existed, and are still expressed, per week), their location (in-center or at home),
that school attendance and social development and daytime (day or nocturnal). Furthermore,
would be adversely affected by a requirement for intensified programs can be classified according to
increased hours attached to a dialysis machine – the blood and the dialysate flow (slow) when com-
though there is good evidence that barely half of pared to conventional HD programs. The latter is
children on conventional thrice-weekly HD in currently only applicable to daily nocturnal pro-
North America do attend school regularly [9]. grams as have been reported in adult patients from
Also, the fears of severe complications, and the Canada. All three major concepts of intensified
requirement for a responsible care provider were programs have been demonstrated to be feasible in
greatly magnified for children compared with children and adolescents (Table 20.1).
adults. Despite these concerns, in 1999, Tom et al.
showed that HD prescribed for 5 h thrice weekly,
provided solute removal that greatly exceeded Patient Selection Criteria
recommendations at that time, and was associated
with better growth than previously reported with Theoretically, all children will benefit from inten-
shorter dialysis treatments [10]. This clearly sug- sified HD and the primary basis for acceptance is
gested that increased dialysis delivery might the expressed wish of the patients and/or the care
improve well-being for children, and provided an givers. Whereas it is possible to dialyze a patient
impetus to explore “intensified” HD for children. too rapidly, it is difficult to imagine a circum-
This challenge was accepted by a number of stance where a patient is overdialyzed. A urea
nephrologists in Europe and North America who clearance of 10 mL/min equates to approximately
initiated a variety of programs to provide more 14 L/day, which in turn approximates 100 L/
frequent and or prolonged hemodialysis for chil- week. For a patient who is dialyzed three times/
dren both in-center and in their homes [10–17]. week therefore, a clearance of »30 L/session is
required; if divided by the distribution volume of
urea (total body water, v) for a 70 kg adult there-
Definition fore, the Kt/V urea equivalent of a urea clearance
of 10 mL/min is 0.75. Therefore, if a Kt/V of 1.5
Intensified programs broaden the spectrum of is obtained thrice weekly, which represents excel-
hemodialys is prescriptions. Today, they do not lent dialysis according to current recommenda-
substitute for conventional programs. Thus, tions from both European and American experts,
intensified programs can be considered as an this still only equates to a urea clearance of 20 mL/
alternative and superior option to conventional min for the week – which is still low enough to
programs for appropriately selected patients. permit many of the complications of ESRD to

Table 20.1 Dialysis programs: modalities of different intensified programs when compared to conventional
HD program Sessions per week Duration (h) Modality References
Conventional 3 3–5 In-center
Short daily 5–6 2–3 In-center Fischbach et al. [13]
6 2–3 Home Goldstein et al. [12]
Nocturnal daily 5–6 8 Home Geary et al. [16]
Nocturnal intermittent 3 8 In-center Müller et al. [17]
332 D. Müller and D. Geary

Table 20.2 Criteria for patient selection in intensified Patient Size

hemodialysis regimens
Selection criteria For home HD, minimum patient weight will usu-
• Patient size ally be 20 kg. This somewhat arbitrarily selected
• Facility and staff experience weight criterion is chosen for children under con-
• Vascular access sideration for home HD because it corresponds
• Underlying disease and comorbidities
roughly to a patient size and age at which the
• Psychosocial support/availability of a treatment
child will be expected to cooperate during the
• Geographic location procedure. Also, smaller children require closer
• Persistent noncompliance monitoring than is reasonable for a home care-
• Anticipated duration of dialysis giver to provide. Finally, this weight child has a
blood volume which is sufficient to allow a
manifest. Certainly, it is difficult to argue against required extracorporeal volume without the need
doubling that total weekly clearance to approxi- for frequent blood priming of the blood lines and
mate 40 mL/min, which at best continues the dialyzer. Infants on the other hand are often
patient in the equivalent state to chronic kidney selected for intensified in-center HD, so that fluid
disease (CKD) stage 3. This roughly estimates the restriction will not be necessary and nutrition will
status of children who receive twice the standard not be compromised.
amount of weekly HD. However, achievement of
a Kt/V of approximately nine on a thrice-weekly
schedule is impractical, will invariably expose the Facility and Staff Expertise
child to the risk of disequilibrium during each
procedure, and because the treatment is so dis- Children undergoing intensive HD, whether at
continuous, will not provide the physiological home or in-center must be under the supervision
equivalence of a natural renal urea clearance of of staff with appropriate expertise. Ordinarily, the
40 mL/min. Therefore, the selection of children staff involved should include physicians, nurses,
for intensified HD does not need to consider an social workers, and dietitians with expertise in
argument that excessive HD might be provided. the management of children with ESRD.
We have not included an economic argument However, for a patient being considered for home
for or against the introduction of intensive HD HD, this does not exclude an adult nephrologist
for the following reasons: as the physician with primary responsibility for
(a) Costs will vary according to the type of the procedure provided nurses with expertise in
intensive HD introduced, e.g., home versus pediatric dialysis are closely involved in the day-
in-center. to-day treatment decisions, and provided a pedi-
(b) The overwhelming evidence of vastly atric nephrologist supervises the overall care of
increased mortality for children treated for the patient.
ESRD according to current recommendations, For small children undergoing in-center fre-
when compared with the normal population, quent or prolonged HD, the primary responsible
must outweigh cost considerations. team should be trained in provision of dialysis for
(c) Evidence that neither pediatric nephrologists children.
or dialysis nurses rank either governmental
or hospital costs highly when considering the
introduction of dialysis for infants with renal Vascular Access
The selection criteria of children for intensi- Provision of intensified hemodialysis, whether at
fied HD should include the factors outlined in home or in-center, should not be limited by a
Table 20.2 and are discussed in detail in the need for a specific type of vascular access. Either
following. central venous catheters or arteriovenous fistulae
20 Intensified Hemodialysis in Children 333

may be used. The former has the advantage that Psychosocial Support/Care Provider
frequent needle pokes are not required, and at
least theoretically the risk of needle displacement For children on home HD, a consistent, reliable
may be reduced. However, this advantage is off- person must be available to assist the patient. The
set by the relative permanence of a fistula access requirements for these assistants will vary, but all
for a patient who may have been specifically must be capable of recognizing and responding
selected for intensified dialysis because of the to potential complications related to the dialysis
likelihood they would require dialysis for a pro- procedure, and terminate the procedure safely if
longed time. Also, as discussed below (Technical required. The assistant is usually, but not invari-
Considerations), with current safeguards, the risk ably a parent. For most patients, except a few older
of needle dislodgement, even for home patients, teenagers, the assistant must know how to set up
is very small and acceptable. Whereas aneurys- the dialysis machine and administer the treatment.
mal dilatation of a fistula may occur, and perhaps The psychosocial burden that is imposed on the
this risk is increased with frequent needle punc- assistant is enormous, and burnout can be antici-
tures, the use of only two to three needle puncture pated. Selection of patients for intensified home
sites on a repetitive basis allows a track to form, HD must include a thorough evaluation of poten-
which should facilitate needle insertion without tial assistants, and input from a social worker who
damaging the vessel wall. Single needle is also is familiar with the process is mandatory. Nursing
feasible in patients, if the fistula allows high input is also essential, to assist with the psycho-
blood flow. Adolescents, if willing, can puncture social evaluation of the patient and assistant, and
themselves, and it has been demonstrated that even more important to determine if the patient
this can prolong shunt survival. Thus, as in con- and assistant are both capable of learning and per-
ventional programs, a fistula is the preferred forming the dialysis procedure safely at home.
access. For in-center intensified HD, the need for psy-
chosocial support is clearly less than for home-
based treatment. On the other hand, the expense
Underlying Disease and Comorbidity for families associated with frequent prolonged
visits to the hospital should not be underestimated
Children with primary hyperoxaluria require (missed work, travel and parking, childcare for
intensive hemodialysis (perhaps supplemented other children, etc.). When nocturnal dialysis is
with PD) to maximize oxalate removal and pre- considered, coordination with psychologists,
vent crystal deposition in extra-renal organs, social workers, and dietitians should ensure one
while awaiting renal or combined renal–liver comprehensive appointment per month during
transplantation. daytime in the outpatient clinic.
Intensified HD may also be required, at least
on a temporary basis, for children with ESRD
undergoing chemotherapy for a primary renal or Geographic Location
other neoplasm.
Finally, the increasing population of children For in-center intensified HD, frequent and pro-
with nonrenal, solid organ transplants, who have longed hospital visits mandate that the family
developed ESRD, may have impaired cardiac or lives close to the hospital. Thus, such programs
hepatic function, which may necessitate intensi- are especially feasible in metropolitan areas. We
fied dialysis. It should be emphasized that inten- believe that traveling more than 1 h to or from the
sified HD is especially suited to very ill patients dialysis center is not acceptable since it counter-
because of the superior detoxification and the acts the benefits of intensified programs on the
relatively slow removal of water. quality of life.
334 D. Müller and D. Geary

On the other hand, for patients located a long inconvenience, or if the patient meets some of the
distance from the hospital, particularly if they other criteria discussed above, increased dialysis
cannot tolerate PD, some form of home HD is should be prescribed.
recommended. The effort that is expended by
hospital staff and also families to accommodate
home HD, and the teaching that is required to Technical and Staff Requirements
learn the procedure, will be most beneficial if for Intensified Hemodialysis
practiced in a way that optimizes dialysis care for
the child, i.e., either frequent daily sessions, or The technical and staffing requirement for inten-
prolonged overnight dialysis. sified HD will vary depending on whether the
dialysis is provided in-center or at home, and also
on the selected dialysis modality (standard HD,
Persistent Noncompliance slow HD as provided by Nx Stage method or
Patients who do not adhere to fluid and other If hemodialysis or hemodiafiltration is pro-
dietary restrictions, as well as medications are vided in-center, the equipment needs are similar
particularly suited to, and will benefit the most to those used for standard thrice-weekly HD/
from intensive HD. For children undergoing HDF, although the dialysis machine must be
intensive HD in the hospital, there is an assur- capable of dialysis flows as low as 100 mL/min
ance of increased observation by medical staff, for some patients on long overnight HD.
the ability to ensure that medications are given if For intensive hemodiafiltration, clearly a
provided post each procedure, opportunities for machine must be selected, which is capable of
ongoing education of the patient and family about providing predilution and replacement fluid infu-
the complications that occur with poorly treated sions, in addition to the regular dialysis compo-
renal failure, and the opportunity to reduce the nent. The patients treated by Fischbach using this
need for the restrictions with which the patient methodology have used a Fresenius 4,008
cannot adhere. machine with high-flux polysulfone dialyzers.
For children undergoing home HD, non- Dialysate, blood, and predilution/replacement
adherence to dialysis can be a problem if remote fluid volumes have been chosen to provide a Kt/V
monitoring of dialysis is not possible. However, of at least 1.5 per session. Each treatment session
if dialyzed frequently for either short or noctur- lasts 3 h and is undertaken five to six times
nal sessions, children require much less medica- weekly. The machine provides online clearance
tions and no fluid or dietary restrictions, so that monitoring which displays Kt/V values. The dis-
the need for compliance is greatly reduced. advantage of hemodiafiltration as compared with
hemodialysis is the need for ultrapure dialysis
water, which (although optimal for all dialysis
Anticipated Duration of Dialysis patients) is not available in many dialysis units.
The Nx Stage machine uses sterile dialysate
For children undergoing dialysis at home, there is provided in bags. This system is particularly
an expectation that the patient will remain on HD suited for home dialysis because it requires little
for at least 1 year. Training, which takes about 6 modification of home plumbing, and provides
weeks, purchase of equipment for home use, and pyrogen-free dialysis fluid in a compact machine.
renovations to the patient’s home make it eco- The cartridge including dialyzer and lines has an
nomically and socially unrealistic to start home extracorporeal volume of 210 mL, which has pre-
HD for a shorter period. For children requiring cluded its use in children weighing less than
intensive HD in a hospital dialysis unit, there is 35 kg. In the reported pediatric experience with
no limitation on the anticipated duration of dialy- this home dialysis system, the authors used the
sis. If the perceived benefits outweigh the patient 4.5 or 5 L bags of dialysate, which clearly limits
20 Intensified Hemodialysis in Children 335

the amount of dialysate that is deliverable and Table 20.3 Technical requirements of the ideal home
either reduces the efficiency or duration of dialy- hemodialysis machine
sis that is achievable. A more recent innovation • Dialyzer and blood tubing sets are parts of the
with this system uses a concentrate bag which machine and replaced monthly or twice a year
can deliver 60 L of mixed dialysate in a 7 h • Incorporates “push-pull” hemodiafiltration
• Makes all fluids needed for dialysis
period. Again this limits the dialysate flow rate to
• Is capable of intravenous infusion
a maximum of less than 150 mL/min for a dialy-
• Can be used with single needle technique
sis lasting 7 h so that the actual delivered dose of
• Has an interactive graphic screen
dialysis is less than is possible with prolonged
• Heat sanitizes itself
HD using conventional dialysis machines.
Finally, the Nx Stage system uses lactate-based
fluid, which may be a concern for some patients.
Provision of conventional HD in the home diafiltration to facilitate removal of large-molecu-
requires sufficient space to store a machine, and lar-weight toxins. Patient convenience and adher-
supplies similar to children on peritoneal dialy- ence will be enhanced if some such hybrid form
sis. If NHD is prescribed, the bedroom must be of of dialysis is possible. This machine will elimi-
sufficient size to accommodate a dialysis machine. nate the current approximately 30–45 min that
Also required are an activated carbon water puri- are spent on set up and tear down of the dialysis
fication unit and a reverse osmosis machine; equipment and dialysis will be provided via a car-
finally, if the local water is particularly hard, a tridge including lines and dialyzer, which is heat
water softening unit may be needed. sterilized and reusable on multiple occasions.
Conventional HD machines are used at home, Dialysate from concentrate will be prepared to a
though a dialysate flow as low as 100 mL/min standard that surpasses the current standards for
should be possible for some children on NHD. ultrapure dialysate, thereby avoiding endotoxins,
Real-time monitoring of dialysis-related data is plasticizers, bacterial fragments which can con-
usually recommended for children on NHD, and taminate current fluids. The machine will also be
the machine should have a port to connect with a capable of rapidly infusing a bolus of this same
central monitoring site via a personal computer. sterile dialysate to the patient in the event of a
Home HD requires that the water supply con- hypotensive event. The machine will permit sin-
tinue uninterrupted when other family members gle needle dialysis, thereby reducing by half the
are bathing, and drainage must be sufficient to number of needle pokes and reducing the poten-
accept the flow of effluent, which might be as tial for damage to a fistula. Finally, the dialyzer
great as 30 L/h. The home electrical supply must and lines will be coated with an anticoagulant or
be sufficient to ensure sufficient power supply for citrate will be added to the dialysate to reduce
the dialysis machine and water treatment unit. clotting, which will eliminate the need for sys-
Flooring may be damaged by dialysate or water temic anticoagulation in many patients. Although
leakage from the dialysis or water treatment a theoretical machine like that described would
machines, so that waterproof flooring is pre- certainly improve HD for children, both in-center
ferred; alternatively, pans should be placed and at home, for the moment patients must rely
beneath the machines to collect leaked fluid. on machines which are overly complicated or too
A theoretical “ideal” home hemodialysis simplistic to perform all the desirable functions.
machine has been described by Drs. Kjellstrand The obvious benefit of in-center intensive HD
[18], and the technical components are outlined is that supervision is by trained staff, and the
in Table 20.3. This ideal machine contains some responsibility for care does not fall upon a family
components of the different machines described member. This removes a major obstacle to the
above, and includes other attainable and valuable use of intensified HD in children. However, there
innovations. This machine will permit both short is a substantial cost involved in provision of
and long dialysis sessions, and also incorporate intensive HD in-center, because of the increased
336 D. Müller and D. Geary

requirement for highly trained dialysis nurses. By Each of these issues is discussed in detail
contrast, savings from reduced medication needs, elsewhere in this book.
including EPO, offsets these costs. Finally, since Of the variety of risk factors for development
these patients are less often hospitalized for of cardiovascular disease in dialysis patients,
ESRD or dialysis-related complications, these some have been evaluated in patients receiving
programs are cost effective when compared to intensified HD. Jean and colleagues reviewed
conventional programs. During thrice-weekly vascular calcification in adults receiving long
nocturnal dialysis, machines, tubing, and dialyzer (8 h) HD thrice weekly and reported that a plain
do not differ from the ones used in the conven- radiological score confirmed the presence of vas-
tional form. Also blood and dialysate flow are cular calcification in 83% of patients in spite of a
comparable and dialysate bags with increased long and intensive dialysis strategy [21].
bicarbonate concentration are available from In adults receiving NHD, Yuen et al. found
industry. Routine checks of ACT, Electrolytes, similarly that cardiac calcification, evaluated by
and blood pressure can be reduced to a minimum CT scans of the coronary arteries, was present in
(3 × per night). a large proportion of their adult patients [22].
Although there was only mild progression of this
calcification over 16 months in these 38 patients,
Advantages of Intensified Dialysis there was nonetheless no overall improvement.
Programs The persistence of vascular calcification in
adults on intensified HD [23, 24] suggests that
Impact of Intensive HD cardiovascular mortality should not to be
on Cardiovascular Disease improved in this population when compared with
conventional HD patients. However, somewhat
Parekh et al. analyzed the United States Renal surprisingly, this may not be true. When 32
Data System, and reported 1,380 deaths among patients were studied for 1 year pre, and for 2
patients aged less than 30 years who had started years post starting NHD (×5–6/night), and also
ESRD therapy in childhood [19]. The cardiac compared with 42 other patients on conventional
mortality rate was 1,000 times higher than the HD, conversion to NHD was associated with a
general population. This study focused attention decrease in dialysis and cardiovascular-related
on the need to define the factors contributing to hospital admissions [25].
cardiovascular disease in the pediatric dialysis Although there are no long-term data docu-
population. Groothoff et al. reviewed deaths in menting the effects of intensified HD on the car-
children treated for ESRD in The Netherlands, diovascular system in children, there are
and found that cardiovascular disease was a major nonetheless some encouraging preliminary data.
contributor to mortality, and that the time since Four patients treated with the Nx Stage system
starting dialysis and long-standing hypertension for a period of 16 weeks exhibited reduction of
greatly increased the risk of death [20]. blood pressure based both on casual readings and
A number of studies have been conducted in also on 24 h ambulatory monitoring, and none
young adults who had initiated therapy for ESRD required antihypertensive medications [12].
in childhood, and a number of features of cardio- Somewhat variable effects on blood pressure
vascular disease were consistently documented. were observed in patients treated with NHD with
Although the pathogenesis of cardiovascular some patients who had reached their estimated
disease in children on maintenance hemodialysis dry weight still requiring some antihypertensive
is often multifactorial, three common associated medications; interestingly a phenomenon of per-
features are most often implicated: sistent hypotension was observed in two anephric
(a) Hypertension and fluid overload children, such that they required midodrine to
(b) Vascular calcification maintain BP during dialysis [14]. Persisting
(c) Chronic inflammation hypotension in anephric patients on NHD has
20 Intensified Hemodialysis in Children 337

previously been described in adults. Perhaps the of phosphate or use of phosphate-binding agents,
most impressive reports of blood pressure control Furthermore, children undergoing NHD × 5–6/
are the larger experiences with daily hemodiafil- week have no restrictions whatever, and actually
tration reported by Fischbach et al., and the expe- require phosphate supplementation. This is pro-
rience with in-center NHD from Muller et al. vided in the dialysate by addition of approxi-
Fischbach reported that mean arterial BP fell mately 1 mmol/L (3 mg/dL) to the acid bath.
from 99 ± 18 to 88 ± 12 mmHg in 15 children Control of plasma calcium values is similarly
followed over a period ranging from 11 to easier to achieve with all forms of intensified HD,
39 months; by the end of their study, only two in association with normalization of the phos-
patients required treatment with one antihyper- phate values. However, for children receiving
tensive drug [15]. Similarly, Hoppe et al. reported NHD × 5–6/week, if significant ultrafiltration is
that in children treated with thrice-weekly in- required, calcium supplementation may be nec-
center NHD Mean arterial pressure (MAP) essary to prevent chronic negative calcium bal-
decreased during NHD from a median of ance. This supplementation can be administered
102 mmHg (range: 71–123) to 93 mmHg (range: by increasing the dialysate calcium from a stan-
60–142). Three patients, lacking a diurnal–noc- dard value of 1.25 mmol/L (2.5 mEq/L) to as
turnal rhythm in the ambulant blood pressure high as 1.75 mmol/L (3.5 mEq/L), or alterna-
monitoring (24 h) before NHD, showed lowering tively by oral supplementation, though the latter
of nocturnal MAP by >20% under NHD [17]. method negates one of the benefits of NHD –
Although direct effects of intensified HD on reduction of supplementary medications.
vessel calcification have not been reported, the Not surprisingly, since calcium and phosphate
ability to control phosphate levels and thereby Ca levels can be maintained in the normal range
× PO4 product, both of which are recognized risk without medications, as shown by Hothi et al.,
factors for vascular calcification, suggests that PTH values are easily maintained in the normal
intensified HD should reduce this risk. (or sometimes lower) range in children on NHD
Because the exact causes of the chronic inflam- [26]. This raises a concern that these patients may
matory state in children on HD are unknown, it is be at risk to develop low turnover or adynamic
difficult to predict whether intensified HD will bone disease, particularly if they are also pre-
impact this factor. There is also very little, and scribed Vitamin D analogues. However, it is
inconclusive information on this subject from equally unclear if these children, who have
studies of the children who have undergone inten- plasma urea values which are persistently in the
sified HD. No consistent effect on inflammation normal range, should be considered at risk of
has been described in the children treated with adynamic bone disease, since they are very dif-
short daily HD or either home or in-center NHD. ferent to the usual population of children on dial-
In the children treated with daily hemodiafiltra- ysis who are uremic. Because our normal
tion, a mean CRP <4 mg/dL has been reported in surrogate markers of renal bone disease such as
the absence of nonrenal causes for inflammation. phosphate, calcium, and PTH may be maintained
Whether this reflects intensification of the dialy- in the normal range by manipulation of the dialy-
sis process, or is a direct result of the additional sis prescription, it is important to measure 25OH
hemofiltration component to this method of renal Vit D3 levels to ensure they are normal, and pre-
replacement is unknown. serve the effects of Vitamin D, which are unre-
lated to calcium and phosphate metabolism.

Impact on Phosphate, Calcium,

Parathyroid Hormone Levels Fluid and Diet Control

Compared with children on conventional thrice- For children, particularly adolescents, adherence
weekly HD, patients prescribed all forms of inten- to fluid and dietary restrictions is particularly
sified HD have reduced need for dietary restriction difficult. Similarly, dietary restrictions whether
338 D. Müller and D. Geary

prescribed by the medical staff or self-induced by is a major component of the improved quality of
persistent anorexia associated with uremia, are life reported by these patients.
major impediments to achievement of normal
weight gain and growth for all children with renal
failure. Conventional hemodialysis is frequently Growth
accompanied by some or all of these problems.
Not surprisingly, all forms of intensified HD have Optimization of growth is a fundamental require-
been associated with a reduced requirement for ment for all children with ESRD. For children on
restriction of both fluid and dietary intake. conventional thrice-weekly HD, attainment of
Reporting children receiving short daily HD with normal growth is a major challenge, and often
the Nx Stage system, Goldstein et al. have docu- only attainable with daily Growth Hormone
mented improvement in normalized protein cata- injections. Tom et al. first demonstrated that with
bolic rate (nPCR) without significant weight provision of intensive nutrition, and increased
change over a 16 week period. Their patients duration of HD to 5 h/session as compared with
continued to require phosphate binders to main- the more common 3–4 h/session, were able to
tain normal plasma phosphate levels. maintain normal or achieve sustained catch-up
Patients treated with NHD or HDF five to six growth. Their results pointed out the possibilities
times weekly also have improved and unrestricted that might be attainable if dialysis were even fur-
dietary intake and no restrictions of fluid. They ther intensified.
do not require any phosphate binders or potas- Most reports of intensified HD in children
sium binding resins, to maintain normal plasma have been for a duration that is insufficient to
values of these electrolytes. Rather, patients on measure growth accurately. Our own experience
NHD × 6/week almost always require supple- with a small number of children on NHD for a
mental phosphate in their dialysate to prevent longer period included only adolescents with lit-
phosphate deficiency. Interestingly, we have tle growth potential, so that meaningful evalua-
observed that switching to a form of hybrid dialy- tion of growth was not valid.
sis, with NHD provided four times weekly and Reporting on 15 children with a mean age of 8
one in-center 3 h dialysis (for parental respite) is years, who despite receiving GH the preceding
no longer sufficient for these children to avoid year had remained growth retarded, Fischbach
the need for phosphate binders. et al. have clearly documented catch-up growth
For children treated with daily hemodiafiltra- [15] (Fig. 20.1). These children were treated with
tion, a mean dietary protein intake, estimated online HDF for 3 h, 6 days weekly. Growth veloc-
from 3 day food records, of 2.5 gm/kg day was ity increased from 3.8 ± 1.1 to 14.3 ± 3.8 cm/year
documented. This high protein intake (which was over a 1 year period, changing their height stan-
greater than the calculated values for nPCR) did dard deviation scores (HSDS) from −1.5 to +0.2
not produce hyperphosphatemia and provided SDS. Whether this growth was a nonspecific result
pre-dialysis urea values approximately twice nor- of the increased frequency and intensity of dialy-
mal. This high protein intake was associated with sis, or whether the convectional component of the
improvement of the body mass index (BMI) from HDF procedure, with improved removal of mid-
the 48th to the 65th percentile. dle molecules was a critical factor to achieve these
It is clear that irrespective of the precise results is not known. Similarly, it is not known if
method chosen to intensify HD, as compared the use of ultrapure water, which is required for
with conventional thrice-weekly HD, dietary and HDF might have reduced the chronic inflamma-
fluid restrictions are markedly reduced or elimi- tory response, thereby resulting in improved
nated, thereby permitting a much more palatable growth. However, it is very gratifying to observe
diet which can only lead to less adherence prob- that intensified renal replacement therapy can
lems than is usually seen in this population, and have such a profound effect to improve growth.
20 Intensified Hemodialysis in Children 339





period A period B period C period D

n=7 n=7 n=7 n=5

Fig. 20.1 Growth in children on daily hemodialfiltration – intensified-daily dialysis, Period D transplanted up to last
Median (± range) of normalized height standard score follow-up, *p < 0.01, Period C versus Period A and Period
changes (D height SDS/year) in the prepubertal group of C versus Period B, **p < 0.05 Period D versus Period C,
children (n = 7) between the considered periods of treat- Period D versus Period A and Period D versus Period B. NS
ment: Period A conventional dialysis without rhGH, Period not statistically different, Period B versus Period A, n num-
B conventional dialysis under rhGH therapy, Period C ber of patients (Reprinted with permission from Ref. [13])

Medications agents (ESAs). Likewise, reduction of iron

supplementation has not been demonstrated con-
Antihypertensive Drugs vincingly; however, considering the clear nutri-
One of the main advantages of all intensified pro- tional benefit, it can be anticipated that there is also
grams is the relatively little interdialytic weight a positive effect on iron status and iron availability.
gain. As a consequence, the demand for antihy-
pertensive medication is dramatically reduced,
and in 50% of all cases it can be withdrawn com- Special Aspects
pletely. Most of the remaining patients can be put
on a single therapy, preferentially an ACE Sleep Disturbances
Inhibitor or a Calcium Channel Blocker. In adults, sleep apnea is overrepresented in dialy-
sis patients. It is associated with morbidity and
Phosphate Binders mortality, and significant improvement after
Normally, patients on intensified programs do switching patients to intensified programs has
not require or have greatly reduced need for been demonstrated [28]. It has been demonstrated
phosphate-binding agents; nor have they to that sleep disorders are frequent in patients on
follow special diets. On three times weekly daytime dialysis and that nocturnal programs do
regimens, like in-center nocturnal dialysis, they not adversely impact this condition, nor do they
are able to choose either withdrawal of medica- increase daytime sleepiness [29].
tion or dietary restrictions. On daily nocturnal
programs, even supplementation of phosphate Recovery from Dialysis
may be necessary. Recovery from Dialysis plays an important role
in conventional dialysis when large volumes have
Erythropoietin to be removed within a limited time frame.
It appears that Epo dosage can be reduced on aver- Hypotension and disequilibrium symptoms are
age, but only discontinued in some cases [27]. The frequently encountered. For intensified programs,
reason remains unclear. This effect has been it has been demonstrated that such symptoms can
reported for different erythropoietic stimulating be avoided [30].
340 D. Müller and D. Geary

100 100
Emotional Social
QOL Scoring (%)

QOL Scoring (%)

90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
0 (n=6) 3-6 6-12 12-24 24-36 0 (n=6) 3-6 6-12 12-24 24-36
(n=6) (n=4) (n=2) (n=1) (n=6) (n=4) (n=2) (n=1)
Time in Months Time in Months

School 95 Physical
QOL Scoring (%)

QOL Scoring (%)

65 85
45 55
25 25
0 (n=6) 3-6 6-12 12-24 24-36 0 (n=6) 3-6 6-12 12-24 24-36
(n=6) (n=4) (n=2) (n=1) (n=6) (n=4) (n=2) (n=1)
Time in Months Time in Months

Fig. 20.2 Home nocturnal hemodialysis in children. Mean quality-of-life scores

Stem Cell Precursors well-being that almost all these children express,
A study conducted by Chan et al. has demon- and the free diet and fluid intake that is permitted,
strated that intensified dialysis programs, and spe- increase their potential to socialize. Similarly, for
cifically daily nocturnal home hemodialysis has children treated at home, who experience
led to an increased presence of stem cells, when improved well-being and improved energy, their
compared to conventional hemodialysis Although ability to contribute meaningfully at school is
interesting, functional meaning of this finding greatly increased.
remains to be addressed by future studies. The impact of NHD on quality of life for a
small number of children is illustrated in Fig. 20.2.
These evaluations were performed using the Peds
Quality of Life QL instrument developed by Varni et al. [23].
This test provides a numeric score for four
The effect of intensified HD will be impacted in a domains tested including, physical, emotional,
number of ways. An adverse impact may result social, and school. As illustrated, the mean score
from the increased time that the dialysis takes, for physical, emotional, school all improved
particularly if this involves frequent hospital vis- impressively, while the social score showed
its. Similarly, frequent in-center dialysis sessions initial improvement, which was not sustained in
may have a substantial financial cost for the fam- the two children treated beyond 1 year.
ily because of transport and parking costs, poten-
tial loss of time at work, and potentially increased
costs for child care for siblings of the patient. For Cost and Reimbursement
children on NHD at home, social life will simi-
larly be negatively impacted by the need to be The cost of increased dialysis time and/or fre-
connected to a machine six nights each week. On quency is influenced by two conflicting factors.
the other hand, the general feeling of improved For patients who are dialyzed more frequently,
20 Intensified Hemodialysis in Children 341

there are significant additional expenses related

to increased use of disposables, e.g., dialyzers
Relative Efficacy of Different
and lines. Also, for children dialyzed in-center Intensified Hemodialysis Modalities
either for longer periods or more frequently,
there are increased costs related to a need for The different techniques for intensified HD in
more nurses and the permanent presence of a children have not been directly compared, and
trained pediatric nephrologist to supervise the comparisons with patients receiving conventional
session. These costs are not covered, despite HD ×3–4 weekly have also not been controlled.
advocacy from several sides, by any national As a result, it is difficult to document alterations
health insurance system. Therefore, programs in well-being between the different modalities.
are mainly covered by staff motivation and the Clearly, there is a strong selection bias, which
use of surplus or saved funds from other facili- might affect which children are chosen for inten-
ties to support the intensified programs. This is sified HD, although this may for some patients be
a paradox, since the savings of medication and a negative bias since there is at least strong anec-
the reduced hospitalization of these patients dotal evidence that some of the children chosen
clearly makes such programs highly cost for intensified HD are preferentially those who
effective. are faring poorly on conventional treatment. On
For patients dialyzed at home, there is a rela- the other hand, those children on home HD may
tively small cost (usually less than $1,500) for have a social advantage, since by definition they
home renovations to ensure appropriate storage, have home support available to assist with the
plumbing, and electrical supply. Also, for home treatment, and a home with sufficient space to
dialysis, a dedicated machine must be purchased accommodate the equipment.
or leased, which is the major reason to insist that The relative merits and disadvantages of the
children must anticipate remaining on dialysis different modalities of intensive dialysis are out-
for at least 1 year before being trained for home lined in Table 20.4.
HD. For estimating costs of home HD, we amor- Among adults, in uncontrolled observational
tized the cost of an individual machine over 5 studies, mortality appears greatly reduced with
years, assuming that if the patient stopped home intensified HD modalities; results from the NIH
HD sooner, the machine would be returned to the sponsored controlled clinical trials are not
dialysis unit for use by other children. Another available.
cost related to home HD is the training time
(about 6 weeks), which requires a dedicated
nurse for approximately 3 days weekly. On the Outcomes
other hand, substantial savings result for chil-
dren treated at home because of the reduced need The long-term outcomes for children receiving
for nursing care to supervise the procedure sev- intensified HD as compared with conventional
eral days each week. These savings are much thrice-weekly HD are unknown. Nonetheless, it
greater for children than adults on home HD is extremely likely that the multiple short-term
because of the much higher nurse/patient ratio in benefits of intensive HD, which are outlined
pediatric dialysis units. Overall, despite the above, and illustrated in Table 20.4, will translate
increased use of disposables, the nursing time also into long-term benefit.
required for training the patient and home super-
visor, and the need for a dedicated machine at
home, because of the substantial savings on Summary
nursing time, the overall cost annually has been
estimated to be reduced by 25% [24]. These sav- Intensified programs are superior to conventional
ings are increased if the patient remains on home HD programs. Irrespective of their modality, they
HD beyond 1 year. deliver increased Kt/V and dramatically reduce

Table 20.4 Comparative features of the different intensified HD modalities

Phosphate binders/
HD program Weekly Kt/Vurea BP control Quality of life Growth School attendance diet restriction Cost
Short dailya,b 9.1–10.5a Improveda No dataa Improveda In-center schoola None 11/12a Increased nursinga
1.9–3.0b Improvedb No changeb No datab No datab Little changeb No datab
Nocturnal dailyc >10 Nephric variable, Improved 3/4 No data Improved 3/4 None Reduced (25%)
anephric hypotensive
Nocturnal 3.6–9.7 Improved Improved No data Improved None No data
Refs. [13, 15]
Ref. [12]
Ref. [14]
Ref. [17]
D. Müller and D. Geary
20 Intensified Hemodialysis in Children 343

many negative consequences of ESRD including 13. Fischbach M, Dheu C, Seuge L, Menouer S, Terzic J.
social deprivation. If the funding issue can be In-center daily on-line hemodiafiltration: a 4-year expe-
rience in children. Clin Nephrol. 2008;69(4):279–84.
solved, such programs will certainly provide a 14. Geary DF, Piva E, Tyrrell J, Gajaria MJ, Picone G,
long-sought option for children and adolescents Keating LE, et al. Home nocturnal hemodialysis in
on or off the transplantation list. children. J Pediatr. 2005;147(3):383–7.
15. Fischbach M, Terzic J, Menouer S, Dheu C, Seuge L,
Zalosczic A. Daily on line haemodiafiltration pro-
motes catch-up growth in children on chronic dialysis.
References Nephrol Dial Transplant 2010;28(3):867–73.
16. Geary DF, Piva E, Gajaria M, Tyrrel J, Picone G,
1. Pauly RP, Gill JS, Rose CL, Asad RA, Chery A, Harvey E. Development of a nocturnal home hemodi-
Pierratos A, et al. Survival among nocturnal home alysis (NHHD) program for children. Semin Dial.
haemodialysis patients compared to kidney trans- 2004;17(2):115–7.
plant recipients. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2009;24: 17. Hoppe A, Von Puttkamer C, Linke U, Kahler C, Booß
2915–9. M, Braunauer-Kohlberg R, Hofmann K, Joachimasky
2. Eknoyan G, Beck GJ, Cheung AK, Daugirdas JT, P, Hirte I, Schley S, Utsch B, Thumfart J, Briese S,
Greene T, Kusek JW, et al. Effect of dialysis dose and Gellermann J, Zimmering, Querfeld U, Müller D. A
membrane Flux in maintenance Hemodialysis. N Engl hopital-based intermittent nocturnal hemodialysis
J Med. 2002;347(25):2010–9. program for children and adolescents. J Pediatr,
3. Paniagua R, Amato D, Vonesh E, Correa-Rotter R, 2011;158(1):95–9.
Ramos A, Moran J, et al. Effects of increased perito- 18. Kjellstrand C, Kjellstrand P. The ideal home hemodi-
neal clearances on mortality rates in peritoneal dialy- alysis machine. Hemodial Int. 2008;12(s1):S33–9.
sis: ADEMEX, a prospective, randomized, controlled 19. Parekh RS, Carroll CE, Wolfe RA, Port FK. Cardiovascular
trial. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2002;13(5):1307–20. mortality in children and young adults with end-stage
4. Eschbach JW, Wilson WE, Wakefield AW, Babb AL, kidney disease. J Pediatr. 2002;141(2): 191–7.
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7. Buoncristiani U, Quintaliani G, Cozzari M, Giombini natural history of coronary calcification progression
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Daytime sleepiness in patients with CRF: impact of J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2005;289(4):F679–84.
Common Complications
of Haemodialysis 21
Daljit K. Hothi and Elizabeth Harvey

Hemodialysis • Complications • Children • Air Embolism and Microbubbles
• Blood and Dialyser • Membrane Reactions • Dialysis Disequilibrium
Syndrome (DDS)

Introduction Acute Adverse Problems

Haemodialysis (HD) is a life sustaining treatment Dialysis Disequilibrium

that is considered a standard of care for children
with end stage renal disease (ESRD). Like most Dialysis Disequilibrium Syndrome (DDS) was
medical treatments it is potentially associated initially defined in 1962 [1] and refers to
with adverse effects. Acute and/or technical prob- HD-induced acute interstitial cerebral oedema.
lems can arise during individual HD sessions, Three causal mechanisms have been postulated:
and for those on maintenance HD, chronic com-
plications can develop over time. This chapter, Reverse urea effect: During HD the efficient
while not all inclusive, will review some of the clearance of urea from plasma creates a signifi-
more common acute and chronic complications cant blood–brain urea and osmotic gradient. This
associated with HD. was first described in rats that underwent rapid
HD, with a 53% reduction in the plasma urea
content but only a 13% reduction in brain urea
content [2]. Aquaporins (AQP4 and AQP9) and
D.K. Hothi, MBBS, MRCPCH, MD () urea transporters UT-B1 are mainly expressed in
Department of Nephro-Urology, Great Ormond Street the brain and most likely facilitate equilibration
Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom
of water and urea throughout the brain paren-
chyma. Uremic rats have a marked reduction in
E. Harvey, MD, FRCPC
UT-B1 in brain parenchyma and an increase in
Division of Nephrology, The Hospital for Sick Children,
University of Toronto, Toronto, AQP4 and AQP9. In combination these findings
Ontario, Canada provide the basis for the reverse urea hypothesis

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_21, 345

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
346 D.K. Hothi and E. Harvey

[3, 4]. Low UT-B1 expression delays the extrapontine myelinosis [8]. Symptoms normally
movement of urea out of the brain. Rapid clear- occur at the end of dialysis or just after dialysis.
ance of plasma urea by HD thus creates an In milder cases DDS is self-limiting, but recovery
osmotic driving force favouring movement of can take several days. Rarely DDS can be fatal.
water into the brain through the abundant aqua-
porin channels with resultant brain oedema. Management
The treatment strategies for managing DDS are
Organic osmolytes (idiogenic osmoles): Animal primarily preventative. In children starting
studies have shown that HD results in an acute chronic dialysis or patients with acute kidney
urea gradient of 12 mmol/kg of H2O between the injury it is important to begin with slow, gentle
cerebral cortex and plasma [5]. However it has HD to allow for the gradual reduction in plasma
been estimated that at least 35–45 mOsm/kg of uremic toxin levels over a series of dialysis treat-
H2O gradient is required for the significant change ments. This can be achieved by using smaller,
in brain water content during HD. These results less efficient dialysers; reducing the dialysis time
raise the possibility of an additional component (2 h) and decreasing the blood flow (2–3 mL/kg/
in the pathophysiology of DDS, namely, the gen- min) and dialysate flow rate (maintaining the 2:1
eration of other osmotically active substances dialysate:blood flow rate ratio). If the patient is
(organic osmolytes) in the brain which are yet to grossly fluid overloaded, a period of sequential
be defined. HD with an initial period of UF alone followed
by conventional dialysis provides an opportunity
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pH and brain intracel- to remove excess water with near iso-osmolar
lular pH: During dialysis, the rapid correction of clearance. Once a steady state is achieved the
metabolic acidosis causes secondary hypoventi- dialysis prescription can be modified to improve
lation with a rise in plasma carbon dioxide (CO2). the dialysis dose and dialysis adequacy. For those
Plasma CO2 rapidly diffuses into the CSF but patients with extremely high starting plasma
plasma bicarbonate is slower to cross the blood– urea levels additional measures may be required
brain barrier [1, 6] and thus a paradoxical CSF to lessen the risk of DDS further as described
academia occurs. The increased source of brain below.
H+ ion concentration is postulated to arise from There are a number of children on mainte-
brain organic acid production resulting in a 12% nance HD who suffer from recurrent episodes of
increase in brain water content. dialysis disequilibrium. Strategies need to be ini-
The true incidence of DDS is unknown as it is tiated to reduce the severity or frequency of DDS
essentially a diagnosis of exclusion. Nonetheless without compromising dialysis adequacy. The
diffusion-weighted MRI is a tool which may be most evidence-based manoeuvre is higher
helpful in facilitating the diagnosis. The risk of dialysate sodium concentrations or reverse
DDS is highest in patients with very high plasma sodium profiling. The dialysate sodium is
urea concentrations and aggressive urea removal. increased in a linear or stepwise manner from
It is more common in children, in patients with a 135–137 mmol/L to 142–148 mmol/L over the
history of neurological disease, with malignant course of the dialysis session. The rationale for
hypertension, and in patients with conditions sodium profiling in this context is the transfer of
such as hyponatremia and severe metabolic sodium as dialysis progresses to counterbalance
acidosis that predispose to cerebral oedema [7]. the rapid decline in plasma osmolarity from urea
Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, headache, purification. The concern with using this option
blurred vision, muscular twitching, disorientation, repeatedly is that the chronic sodium load may
hypertension, tremors, seizures, and coma, and stimulate thirst causing increased interdialytic
less commonly reports of muscular cramps, weight gain and hypertension. An alternative
anorexia, restlessness, dizziness, papilledema, and osmotic agent that can be delivered to patients
leukoencephalopathy with central pontine and during dialysis is intravenous mannitol. In a
21 Common Complications of Haemodialysis 347

Table 21.1 Dialysis disequilibrium

Risk factors Signs and symptoms Preventative measures
High pre-dialysis urea Nausea, vomiting Gradual reduction of urea during
Aggressive urea removal Headache initiation of dialysis
Neurological disease Blurred vision Reduced dialysis time (2 h)
Malignant hypertension Muscle twitching, cramps Slow blood flow (2–3 mL/kg/min)
Decreased dialysate flow
Use of smaller surface area, less
efficient dialyzers
Hyponatremia Altered sensorium including Sequential dialysis for large UF
disorientation requirements
Severe metabolic acidosis Tremors, restlessness Sodium ramping
Reverse sodium profiling
Diabetics with poor glycaemic Seizures Intradialytic mannitol
control Coma Prophylactic phenytoin
Hypertension Change in dialysis regimen to
Papilledema Short-daily dialysis
Nocturnal HD
Peritoneal dialysis

cohort of children prone to intradialytic symp- Blood and Dialyser Membrane

toms and or hypotension, 1 g/kg of mannitol Reactions
administered weekly during the first hour of dial-
ysis for the first dialysis session of the week or Exposure of the blood to foreign materials in the
0.5 g/kg twice weekly halved the odds of intra- extracorporeal circuit can be associated with a
dialytic symptoms [9]. Mannitol is an osmoti- number of adverse reactions. In 1988, Daugirdas
cally active solute which unlike sodium does not and Ing suggested that first-use dialyser reactions
leak into the interstitium and thus produces a be classified into Type A, a hypersensitivity reac-
more sustained oncotic effect. In addition it rap- tion characterized by anaphylactic signs and
idly lowers intracranial hypertension within min- symptoms, and Type B, a non-specific type of
utes of administration, with a maximal effect at reaction typified by chest and back pain [11].
20–40 min. The ability to clear mannitol is Ascertaining the true incidence of these reactions
reduced in renal failure. Therefore no more than is hampered by the lack of a uniform definition.
twice weekly dosing is recommended as manni- A survey published in 1985 estimated an inci-
tol accumulation can cause a rebound rise in dence of 3–7 reactions per 1,000 patients per year
intracranial pressure, especially in the face of aci- for Type A and 3–5 reactions per 1,000 patients
dosis. Other adverse effects include nausea, vom- per year for type B reactions [12]. Reactions
iting, lower limb oedema, thrombophlebitis, occur more commonly with hollow fibre dialysers
headaches, and chest pain. In patients prone to than with the older flat plate dialysers. The causes
seizures, prophylactic phenytoin is effective at of many of these adverse reactions have been elu-
reducing neurological excitability and the risk of cidated over time through careful clinical obser-
seizures, but it has no effect on the underlying vation and epidemiological investigation [13].
cerebral oedema. Finally in extremely resistant
cases, switching dialysis modality to short-daily Allergic reactions: Anaphylactic reactions are
HD, peritoneal dialysis or haemodiafiltration severe and potentially fatal reactions to a compo-
(HDF) [10] may reduce or eliminate the risk of nent of the dialysis circuit, and are usually medi-
dialysis disequilibrium (Table 21.1). ated by antigen-antibody complex formation.
348 D.K. Hothi and E. Harvey

These severe reactions occur early in the dialysis but still relatively rare, is heparin-induced
treatment and typically manifest within minutes thrombocytopenia (HIT), an immune mediated
of dialyzed blood returning to the patient. As disease, which manifests as thrombocytopenia
with any severe allergy, symptoms can include and increased risk of thrombotic events [21]. HIT
wheezing, shortness of breath, flushing, head- is associated with the development of antibodies
ache, urticaria, and hypotension and in very to a platelet factor 4/heparin antigen complex. It
severe allergies, can manifest as hypoxia, cardio- is estimated that 8% of patients treated with hep-
vascular collapse, and death. arin develop antibodies, but that only 1–5% will
Patients may react to multiple components of develop HIT. A diagnosis of exclusion, HIT
the dialysis circuit. These include the membrane should be suspected when other causes of throm-
itself; sterilizing agents, particularly ethylene bocytopenia are eliminated, and confirmed with
oxide (ETO); the anticoagulant, heparin; the pot- antibody and functional testing. Patients with a
ting compounds; and reuse agents if applicable. As true heparin allergy or HIT should not be
well, certain medications may be associated with exposed to either unfractionated heparin or low-
adverse reactions to specific membranes [14, 15]. molecular-weight heparin, due to cross-reactivity
[21]. Alternate anticoagulants such as danap-
Ethylene oxide: ETO is a bactericidal gas used as aroid, hirudin, or argatroban can be used.
a sterilizing agent in dialysers. Sensitivity to ETO
has been recognised since the 1970s [16]. AN69 membranes: In the early 1990s a flurry of
Symptoms range from full blown anaphylactic reports documented anaphylactic reactions in
reactions shortly after initiation of dialysis, medi- patients undergoing HD with an AN69 mem-
ated by anti-ETO antibodies, to non-specific brane while receiving ACE inhibitors [22].
symptoms including fever, malaise, and myalgias Affected patients were subsequently found to
[17]. In a population of 70 adults on dialysis, IgE have very high bradykinin (BK) levels suggesting
specific anti-ETO antibodies were detected in BK as the mediator of the allergic symptoms
21% overall [18]. The group with a history of [23]. Compared to other membranes, AN69
hypersensitivity reactions on dialysis had a 55% membranes were associated with higher BK gen-
incidence of antibodies and a high rate of positiv- eration rates; concomitant use of ACE inhibitors
ity on allergen skin testing, compared to only 6% blocked degradation of the BK, producing severe
with antibodies in the control group without aller- symptoms. More recent investigations suggest
gic symptoms. Measures to reduce the incidence that the propensity to anaphylactic reactions
of ETO reactions include careful flushing of the when exposed to AN69 membranes may be
circuit, reuse of dialysers (though this is rare in genetically determined and related to plasma lev-
paediatrics), and avoidance of ETO altogether. els of aminopeptidase activity [24]. In vitro stud-
Alternate methods of dialyser sterilization not ies with AN69 membranes show that the
associated with allergic reactions include steam generation of BK is pH dependent and can be
sterilization, gamma irradiation, and e-beam. ameliorated by rinsing the blood and dialysate
compartment with an alkaline solution [25].
Heparin: Anticoagulation to prevent clotting of However, with the availability of alternate bio-
the extracorporeal circuit is required in most compatible membranes, avoidance of AN69
patients on HD. Unfractionated heparin is the membranes for patients on ACE inhibitors seems
most commonly used anticoagulant world-wide prudent.
as it is effective, inexpensive, readily available,
has a relatively short half-life even in HD patients, First-use reactions: So-called first-use reactions
and if necessary can be reversed with protamine. are adverse events which occur during dialysis
Anaphylactic reactions to heparin are rare but with a new dialyser. They may be caused by
have been described [19], including recurrent ETO, as well as concomitant use of ACE inhibi-
anaphylaxis in a HD patient [20]. More common, tors and AN69 membranes as outlined above.
21 Common Complications of Haemodialysis 349

The biocompatibility of a dialyser is defined by Other causes: Microcontamination from back

the extent to which it activates a number of bio- leak across the dialyser is a potential cause of
logical systems including the complement, fever, chills, and malaise. This is more common
coagulation, and Kallikrein systems. Older cel- with the use of high-flux dialysers, despite using
lulose based dialyzers were shown to activate dialysis water which meets industry standards.
complement leading to profound transient neu- Recurrent severe allergic reactions in an adult
tropenia in the first hour of dialysis, thought to presumed to be caused by microcontamination
be due to complement induced pulmonary were alleviated by using a highly absorptive
sequestration associated with respiratory symp- AN69 membrane and a saline infusion pre-dialy-
toms, back pain, hypoxia, or general malaise ser to maintain fluid movement from the blood
[26]. Thrombocytopenia was also described into the dialysate compartment, thus preventing
[27]. Synthetic membranes such as polyacrylo- backflow [30].
nitrile and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) Treatment of a suspected or proven anaphy-
were more biocompatible. Research to improve lactic reaction includes immediate cessation of
the biocompatibility of dialysers without impair- dialysis without the return of the blood prime to
ing their performance is ongoing and includes prevent further antigen exposure. Supportive
such manoeuvres as surface coating with anti- measures include intravenous antihistamines and
oxidants. Many outbreaks of adverse events, steroids and epinephrine for life-threatening reac-
including scleritis and iritis, acute loss of vision tions. Patients with bronchospasm may require
and hearing, and death have been linked to con- supplemental oxygen and inhaled bronchodilator.
taminants left in the dialyser during the Every attempt must be made to identify the aller-
manufacturing process, or to degradation of gen, with stepwise removal of potential offend-
dialyser components with aging [28]. ing agents [30].
Perfluorohydrocarbon contamination caused Physicians caring for dialysis patients must
death in a number of patients. In late 2007 and maintain a heightened awareness of the potential
early 2008, heparin contaminated with oversul- for adverse reactions during dialysis, and must be
phated chondroitin sulphate was epidemiologi- vigilant for clustering of unusual reactions which
cally linked to an outbreak of allergic reactions might herald a contaminant or problem with the
in multiple HD units in the USA [29]. It was first dialyser manufacturing process (Table 21.2).
described in a paediatric facility. Patients typi-
cally presented within minutes of starting dialy-
sis, with symptoms of hypotension, nausea, Air Embolism and Microbubbles
shortness of breath, and facial oedema, with
some having lesser symptoms including vomit- Air embolism is an infrequent, but potentially
ing, tingling and flushing, sweating, and urti- fatal complication of HD treatments. Estimates of
caria. The identified contaminant was clinical air embolism of one event per 2,000 dial-
subsequently found capable of activating the ysis treatments are quoted in the older dialysis
complement system, the presumed mechanism literature albeit in the era before modern air detec-
of the symptoms. tors [31]. With the standard safety features on the
current dialysis machines, the incidence is likely
Reuse agents: Few, if any, paediatric centres prac- lower than this, though nonclinically significant
tice dialyser reuse. Reuse is associated with a air leaks may occur with a greater frequency. No
reduction in the incidence of ‘first-use’ reactions, paediatric specific data appears to exist.
but may be associated with allergic reactions to In dialysis patients, air embolism is a recogn-
residual sterilizing agents, such as formaldehyde. ised complication of central venous line (CVL)
Inadequate sterilization of dialysers may cause insertion [32]. It can also occur during accidental
pyrogen reactions or frank infection, manifest by disconnection of the CVL and during connection
fever, chills, and rigors [28]. and disconnection of the dialysis circuit. With
350 D.K. Hothi and E. Harvey

Table 21.2 Important dialyser reactions

Potential allergens Timing/manifestations/comments
Sterilizing agent – ethylene oxide Shortly after initiation of dialysis
Non-specific malaise, fever
Anticoagulant – heparin Allergic reaction – rare
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
Dialyser membrane especially AN69 membrane Minutes after blood-membrane contact
Hypotension, anaphylaxis
Risk factors
Blood prime, metabolic acidosis, patients on ACE inhibitors
Cellulose dialysers First hour of dialysis
Microcontamination from back leak Fevers, chills, malaise
Risk factors
High-flux membranes, water quality

arteriovenous fistulae (AVF) or grafts, air can and pulmonary oedema. Treatment is aimed at
enter the circuit if the arterial needle becomes restoring flow within the circulation and correct-
dislodged. Air may also be introduced into the ing hypoxia. There is some controversy about
dialysis circuit though loose connectors, defects how best to position the patient, but common
in the tubing or central line, during infusions into practice suggests positioning them left side down
the dialysis circuit and if the fluid level in the in the Trendelenburg position in an attempt to
venous drip chamber becomes too low or on force air into the right ventricular apex, thus
some machines, if it becomes tilted. allowing flow into the pulmonary circulation.
If the patient is dialysed through a central line,
Venous embolism: The clinical manifestation of attempts should then be made to aspirate the air.
venous embolism can vary from clinically insig-
nificant to complete cardiovascular collapse and Arterial embolism: As a consequence of right to
death, and the severity of symptoms relates to left shunting, a venous air embolism may subse-
the volume of air introduced, the rate of air quently result in a ‘paradoxical’ arterial embo-
delivery, and the position of the patient during lism [33]. This most commonly occurs through a
the event. Children are reported to have greater patent foramen ovale, which occurs in 15–40% of
haemodynamic instability from air embolism the population [34] or within the pulmonary cir-
than adults, likely relating to their smaller car- culation. Even small amounts of air in the arterial
diac volumes. system can have potentially devastating conse-
Patients may present with hypotension, cyano- quences, especially in the brain.
sis, and tachypnoea, and may also exhibit nausea, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is an
vomiting, altered level of consciousness, seizures, established therapy for arterial gas emboli of
or neurological deficit. A large air embolism pro- multiple aetiologies. It has also been successful in
duces a mechanical right ventricular outflow tract treating paradoxical arterial emboli in a HD
obstruction, resulting in elevated right ventricular patient [35]. An important potential sequelae of
and pulmonary pressures. This may be associated the air-tissue interface is thromboembolism [36]
with a loud churning murmur best heard along and thus the routine use of heparin as an antico-
the left sternal border. The blood air interface pro- agulant during HD may reduce the severity of
motes activation of the clotting cascade and symptoms that arise both from the arterial air
release of vasoactive substances which can result emboli and thromboemboli. Experimental animal
in pulmonary vasoconstriction, bronchospasm, work in a cardiopulmonary bypass circuit has
21 Common Complications of Haemodialysis 351

shown an infusion of perfluorocarbon to be pro- for the high incidence of pulmonary hypertension
tective of neurological consequences following in adults on chronic HD through AVF [44, 45].
air embolism [37]; however, a greater understand- Whether the incidence of pulmonary hyperten-
ing of the risks and benefits of such treatment is sion is also high in patients dialysed with CVL is
necessary before application to humans [38]. unknown. In the presence of right to left shunts,
Other therapies which change the air-tissue inter- microbubbles may be carried to the systemic cir-
face such as surfactant are also being explored. culation and brain, potentially contributing to the
neurological consequences of chronic uremia.
Microbubbles: Microbubbles are invisible to the Although the sequelae of microbubbles remain
naked eye and are too small to be detected by the to be fully elucidated, there is sufficient evidence
standard air detectors on current HD machines. to support the use of treatment strategies to reduce
In vivo and in vitro studies show that microbubble formation and/or enhance their
Microbubbles occur throughout most dialysis removal from the extracorporeal circuit.
sessions in adults [39–41]. While not documented Microbubble formation can be reduced by main-
in paediatric patients, it is reasonable to presume taining higher fluid levels in the venous air trap
they occur in children as well. Microbubbles [46], by appropriate priming of dialysers to
originate within the extracorporeal circuit, and remove air, or by the use of pre-filled dialysers
are thought to be due in part to residual air in the [42], and wherever possible, by employing lower
tubing and dialyser following priming. This is flow rates within the circuit [43]. Conventional
supported by a lower incidence of microbubble bubble filters which are based on mechanical
detection with pre-filled versus dry dialysers [41, obstructing filtering devices are associated with
42]. Microbubbles are also formed de novo as a high resistance to flow and activation of the coag-
result of turbulent flow in the circuit lines or ulation and complement cascades and are not
access, especially at the venous drip chamber. suitable for HD circuits. Newer methods of
Higher blood flow rates are associated with more removing microbubbles, such as acoustical bub-
microbubble formation [40, 43], and a lower like- ble traps, are under development [47].
lihood the bubbles will rise to the surface of the Modern dialysis machines are equipped with
fluid stream for subsequent removal in the venous many safety features including air detectors,
drip chamber. Other potential sources of which stop the blood pump when significant air
microbubbles include air entry during connection is detected, to prevent infusion of air into the
and disconnection, air leaks in the circuit or patient should a system breach occur. However,
degassing of blood. Microbubble elimination all the modern technology available is no substi-
from the circulation is dependent on size and tute for vigilance to prevent potentially cata-
bubble configuration, and varies from seconds to strophic complications of HD. Although many
weeks, with longer dissolution times for bubbles patients prefer to sleep while on dialysis and may
of larger size and non-spherical configuration. hibernate under blankets, all components of the
Microbubbles are thought to result in tissue extracorporeal circuit, particularly the access and
injury through a variety of mechanisms. They connections, should be completely visible to the
lodge in the microcirculation obstructing blood dialysis nurse, and regular checks of the circuit
flow, inducing tissue ischaemia and damaging integrity should be an absolute standard of nurs-
vascular endothelium, with resultant activation ing care.
of the inflammatory cascade and coagulation
pathway. As blood returns to the patient’s venous
circulation during HD, microbubbles are deliv- Miscellaneous Problems
ered to the pulmonary circulation and may be
associated with acute and chronic respiratory Blood leaks: Separation of the blood and dialysate
symptoms. It is speculated that recurrent compartments is essential for both the safety and
microbubble emboli may be responsible in part efficacy of HD. Blood leaks occur when there is
352 D.K. Hothi and E. Harvey

a disruption in dialyser hollow fibre integrity Blood volume monitoring may provide a clue
allowing passage of blood from the blood com- to haemolysis. During several of the reported epi-
partment into the dialysate compartment. During sodes of haemolysis it was noted in retrospect
the manufacturing process, tests for fibre integ- that affected patients had a rising blood volume,
rity are standard. However, fibre disruption may due to release of water from lysed cells, and a
occur during manufacturing, from dialyser ‘mis- falling haematocrit [53]. However, in vitro stud-
adventure’ during shipping, storing, and han- ies using the CritLine™ suggest that the change
dling, or if the fibres rupture if they are subjected in haematocrit during haemolysis is small and
to an excessive transmembrane pressure. Blood this device is not sufficiently sensitive to pick up
leaks are suspected by the presence of red stained haemolysis in vivo [55].
dialysate in the absence of haemolysis. Modern If haemolysis is identified during a HD ses-
dialysis equipment is equipped with optical sion, treatment should be terminated immedi-
sensors to detect the presence of blood in the ately. Supportive measures including packed red
dialysate compartment. If a blood leak is detected, cell transfusion if needed should be initiated. The
the dialysis procedure must be terminated imme- dialysis circuit should be saved if possible to
diately and dialysis restarted, if indicated, with a determine the aetiology of the haemolysis if not
freshly primed circuit. readily apparent.

Haemolysis: Haemolysis is a rare but potentially

life-threatening complication of HD. It may man- Acute Haemodynamic Changes
ifest as non-specific malaise, weakness, nausea,
and abdominal pain, or may cause arrhythmias Acute haemodynamic changes during dialysis are
and cardiac arrest. The presentation may relate the most common complication of treatment. They
both to the aetiology of the haemolysis and the contribute to acute and chronic patient morbidity,
haemolysis itself. Haemolysis is diagnosed by may affect the duration and efficacy of individual
the finding of a fall in plasma haemoglobin, pink treatment sessions, and increase the need for
plasma with elevated free plasma haemoglobin, patient monitoring, and intervention by nursing
elevated LDH and low haptoglobin, elevated and medical staff. The following section reviews
plasma bilirubin, and in dialysis patients a rise in the pathophysiology and treatment of intradialytic
potassium. hypotension and paradoxical hypertension.
A variety of causes of haemolysis during HD
have been described. Haemolysis and death were
described in the 1970s following inadvertent Intradialytic Hypotension
heating of the dialysate to above 47°C [48, 49].
Dialysate temperatures of 40°C have been toler- During conventional 4 h HD treatments the preva-
ated without haemolysis [50]. Several episodes lence of intradialytic hypotension in children
of haemolysis were observed in adults during ranges between 20% and 30% [56]. The
continuous haemodialysis therapy in the critical pathophysiology is complex, multifactorial and
care unit when they were inadvertently dialysed still not entirely understood. The uremic milieu
against distilled water following improper recon- impairs compensatory responses to haemody-
stitution of Normocarb™ dialysate [51]. Other namic stress with ineffective pressor response and
reported causes of haemolysis, to name a few, venoconstriction; excessive nitric oxide genera-
include kinking of the tubing during dialysis tion; reduced plasma refilling; suboptimal meta-
[52], manufacturing defects in dialysis tubing bolic stress response with a deficiency in
[53], contamination of the dialysate or tubing endogenous arginine vasopressin, L-carnitine and
with substances such as copper or chlorites, red steroids; inadequate ventricular refilling and myo-
cell trauma from the blood pump, and mechani- cardial contractile reserve and impaired resting
cal red cell trauma due to a mismatch between baroreflex sensitivity [57–61]. In addition inap-
blood flows and access size [53] [54]. propriate activation of the simpatico-inhibitory,
21 Common Complications of Haemodialysis 353

Bezold–Jarisch reflex can result in sudden Such measures although necessary have an
hypotension combined with bradycardia. There adverse impact on dialysis outcomes by reducing
are also a number of HD-specific factors that UF goals and adequacy of solute removal. Of
influence the central blood pressure. In younger greater concern, however, is the evidence linking
patients the volume of blood that is required to fill repeated episodes of intradialytic hypotension
the extracorporeal circuit can be a significant pro- with a more devastating effect on morbidity and
portion of the effective circulating volume with mortality. Several observational studies in adult
resultant hypovolemia. Blood and dialyser mem- patients with essential hypertension have
brane inflammatory reactions can result in early described a ‘J’ shaped curve between BP and
decompensation, with evidence suggesting cellu- mortality [65]. The same trend has been described
losic membranes to be greater offenders in acti- in adult dialysis patients, with a suggestion that
vating complement and a number of cytokine hypertension is associated with morbidity but
systems than synthetic membranes. Finally the mortality is associated with hypotension [66].
choice of anticoagulant can be important. Regional Zager et al. reported a fourfold increase in the
citrate is most likely to cause hypotension due to relative risk of cardiac-related death in adult
its plasma calcium chelating effect. patients with pre-dialysis systolic BP less than
The introduction of noninvasive blood volume 110 mmHg compared with a systolic BP between
monitors has made it possible to measure the 140 and 149 mmHg, and a 2.8-fold increase in
relative changes in the blood volume (RBV) real relative risk for a cardiac-related death with post-
time during individual dialysis treatments. dialysis systolic BP less than 110 mmHg com-
Initially there was a hope that this would allow pared with systolic BP 140–149 mmHg [67].
prediction of adverse intradialytic events. In Frequent intradialytic hypotensive episodes
adults Kim showed that if RBV fell below a given have been implicated in accelerating the decline
threshold, arterial hypotension appeared [62]. in residual renal function and precipitating seri-
Larger observational studies failed to corroborate ous vascular complications. There is growing
this idea of a critical level of RBV reduction but evidence from isotopic, electrocardiographic,
found that irregularity of the RBV course, gradi- biochemical, and echocardiographic studies
ent of the RBV curve and switching from an implicating HD as a source of recurrent ischae-
exponential to a linear RBV reduction were the mic injury. Silent intradialytic ST depression [68,
most powerful predictors of intradialytic hypoten- 69] associated with acute changes in serum car-
sion [57, 63, 64]. Results in children were not too diac troponin levels both in adults [70, 71] and
dissimilar. The RBV at the point of decompensa- children [72] have been demonstrated. Using
tion showed large intra-patient and inter-patient single photon emission computed tomography
variability and differed in polyuric patients, such (PET) McIntyre et al. demonstrated an acute
that treatment failure occurred at higher RBV reduction in global and segmental myocardial
thresholds compared with oliguric patients. blood flow in adults during dialysis with matched
Changes in heart rate and a steeper gradient of reductions in segmental contractile function,
the RBV curve in the first hour were predictive of even in patients without angiographically proven
haemodynamic decompensation [56], not the epicardial coronary artery disease [73]. A direct
final RBV measurement. correlation was seen between the degree of myo-
cardial dysfunction and intradialytic BP changes
Consequences and UF volume [74]. Such transient myocardial
Acutely, intradialytic hypotension requires ischaemia with resultant reversible regional left
immediate action to stop or reduce the severity ventricular dysfunction is known as myocardial
of symptoms that may precede or follow the drop stunning [75]. In the model of coronary heart dis-
in blood pressure (BP). These include a tempo- ease repeated stunning is progressive and leads to
rary suspension of ultrafiltration (UF), a 5 mL/kg myocardial hibernation, defined as ischaemic,
isotonic fluid bolus and in resistant cases, prema- non-infarcted myocardium that exists in a state of
ture discontinuation of the dialysis treatment. contractile dysfunction [76]. In dialysis patients
354 D.K. Hothi and E. Harvey

myocardial stunning also appears to be progres- Compared with a constant dialysate sodium bath,
sive. In a 12 month follow-up of adult HD patients profiling has been shown to increase stability of
the presence of acute HD-induced regional myo- intradialytic blood volume, and reduce both int-
cardial dysfunction negatively influenced sur- radialytic cramps and interdialytic fatigue in
vival, increased the likelihood of cardiac adults and children [81]. In a direct comparison
arrhythmias [77], and resulted in regional fixed of a linear and step sodium ramp from 148 to
systolic dysfunction and a reduction in global 138 mmol/L a step ramp decreased the odds of
systolic function [74, 78] with resultant conges- intradialytic hypotension or premature discon-
tive heart failure. Records from the US Renal tinuation of treatment by 27% [82] in children.
Data System have shown that HD-associated Despite the benefits, the risk of chronic sodium
de novo and recurrent congestive heart failure is loading with sodium profiling is real and as of yet
highly relevant as it is associated with a 2 -year not clearly defined in children.
mortality as high as 51% [79]. Of greater con- The plasma refilling capacity increases pro-
cern, perhaps, has been the demonstration of portionately with interstitial volume expansion.
dialysis induced acute regional myocardial dys- Decreasing stepwise or linear profiles starting
function in 12 children aged 2–17 years. This was with high UF rates at the time of maximal tissue
associated with varying degrees of compensatory hydration, and progressively reducing the rate in
hyperkinesis in unaffected segments and thus the line with decreasing interstitial hydration pro-
global LV function was maintained throughout vides the rationale for UF profiles. However in
HD. In children intradialytic systolic BP reduc- patients with a high UF requirement, high UF
tion was significantly associated with mean seg- rates can be counterproductive. Saran et al. found
mental shortening fraction but no correlation was that a UF rate greater than 10 mL/kg/h increased
seen with actual intradialytic systolic BP or dial- the odds of intradialytic hypotension and height-
ysis vintage [80]. ened the risk of mortality [83]. UF profiles
(decreasing step, decreasing linear and alternat-
Management ing high/low UF rate) have been shown to be no
It is generally accepted that haemodynamic stabil- better than a constant UF rate in preventing intra-
ity during dialysis is improved by withholding dialytic symptoms or hypotensive episodes in
antihypertensive medications on dialysis days, children [82]. Programming large UF goals into
avoiding food during dialysis, using bicarbonate profiles can result in UF rates which are both
buffers, and treating intradialytic hypocalcaemia. greater than an equivalent constant UF rate for
However, these measures alone may be insufficient part of the treatment, and also exceed the body’s
in preventing intradialytic hypotension and thus capacity to compensate, offering very limited
other strategies are necessary. reserve for variations in refilling capacity and
During HD, dialysate sodium generates a thus at best only achieving minor gains in dialy-
crystalloid osmotic pressure and thus influences sis quality. Techniques focusing on UF rates
fluid shifts between the different body compart- alone without consideration of refilling rates are
ments. Manipulation of the dialysate sodium, in reality destined to fail. In comparison auto-
through sodium profiling, utilizes a sodium con- mated relative blood volume (RBV) biofeedback
centration that falls in a step, linear or exponen- techniques or more simply, RBV driven algo-
tial fashion. The higher dialysate sodium at the rithms that adjust UF rates according to RBV
start allows a diffusive sodium influx to counter- changes are proving to be superior in achieving
balance the rapid decline in plasma osmolarity equivalent or higher UF volumes with reduced
due to clearance of urea and other small molecu- cardiovascular instability [56, 84]. In a cohort of
lar weight solutes thus promoting plasma refill- children on conventional 4 h dialysis against
ing. The low dialysate sodium at the end aids decreasing sodium profiles safe UF rates against
diffusive clearance of the sodium load thus mini- RBV thresholds were identified as: greater than
mizing the adverse effects of hypertonicity. 88% at the end of the first hour, greater than 84%
21 Common Complications of Haemodialysis 355

Table 21.3 Intradialytic hypotension

Consequences Moderators
Intradialytic symptoms Withhold antihypertensive medications on dialysis days
Suspension of UF with resultant chronic hypervolemia Avoid food intake during dialysis
Premature discontinuation of treatment and inadequate Dialysate
dialysis Bicarbonate buffer
Higher dialysate calcium
Sodium profiling
Accelerated decline in residual renal function UF profiling
Mesenteric ischaemia
Cerebrovascular Periods of isolated UF
Transient ischaemic attacks Cooled dialysate
Cardiovascular Pre-dialysis or Intradialytic midodrine
Regional LV dysfunction Biofeedback dialysis
Ischaemic cardiomyopathy progressing to heart failure RBV driven UF algorithms
Increased risk of arrhythmias Alternative dialysis regimens
Short-daily dialysis
Prolonged/nocturnal HD

at the end of the second hour, and greater than declining BP, with a further 2.5 mg dose if the BP
82% at the end of the third hour, measuring RBV fails to improve within 30 min. A cutoff of 7.5 mg
with the FreseniusTM blood volume monitor. total dose is applied for a 3 h treatment and no
Alternative strategies for stabilising intradia- midodrine is given in the final 30 min irrespective
lytic BP include sequential dialysis, a method tra- of BP. Prescribed in this manner Hothi et al.
ditionally used in patients with large UF goals. In observed a 10–15 mmHg increase in the systolic
an analysis of children prone to intradialytic BP within 30 min of administering midodrine in
hypotension, isolated UF halved the odds of int- the absence of adverse effects in the intradialytic
radialytic symptoms and improved the UF poten- or interdialytic period [9].
tial, but produced no benefit in decreasing the Finally, the supportive measures for managing
number of intradialytic episodes of hypotension haemodynamic instability in high risk patients
[9]. Finally midodrine is a specific a-1 adrenergic have a ceiling effect and in resistant cases treat-
agonist that mediates constriction of both arterial ment has to be escalated by switching patients to
and venous capacitance vessels and thus prevents alternative dialysis programmes. Extrapolating
venous pooling while supporting central BP. Oral from predominantly adult data cooled dialysate,
administration achieves peak levels at 1 h with a HDF, short-daily HD and home nocturnal HD
half-life of 3 h extending to 9–10 h in dialysis can all potentially be of benefit (Table 21.3).
patients. It is renally cleared and due to low
protein binding capacity it is effectively
removed by HD. Minor adverse reactions such as Intradialytic or Paradoxical
scalp paraesthesia, heartburn, flushing, headache, Hypertension
weakness and neck soreness have been described.
Adult nephrologists have the greatest experience Hypertension is the most common complication
with midodrine and report variable success [85]. of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in children, and
In contrast paediatric data is very limited. One in HD patients is most often due to salt and vol-
regimen that reports successful management of ume overload, which responds to UF during HD.
declining BP in children utilizes administration Intradialytic or paradoxical hypertension is a less
of 2.5 mg of oral midodrine in the event of a well characterized but nonetheless important
356 D.K. Hothi and E. Harvey

complication of HD. Estimates of its frequency caused by renal injury, impairment of brain nitric
are hampered by the lack of a standardized defi- oxide synthesis, and increased production of cat-
nition in the literature. Suggested definitions echolamines [89, 91–94]. Recent studies have
include: hypertension in the second or third hour shown enhanced production of the vasoconstric-
of dialysis despite significant UF; an increase in tor endothelin I during dialysis in hypertensive
mean arterial pressure (MAP) of more than patients and in particular those exhibiting para-
15 mmHg during or immediately after dialysis; doxical hypertension [95, 96]. It is likely that an
and an increase in blood pressure that is resistant imbalance caused by reduced nitric oxide pro-
to fluid removal. Estimates of the incidence in duction and enhanced endothelin I production
adults range from 5% to 15% with no paediatric- contributes to the increased peripheral vascular
specific numbers currently being available [86]. resistance seen in patients prone to paradoxical
The pathogenesis of intradialytic hypertension hypertension [98].
is complex, with multiple proposed contributory Pearl et al. suggested a role for a new pressor
mechanisms. It may occur early in dialysis, sec- protein (NPP) in the production of severe hyper-
ondary to intravascular volume expansion due to tension in three anephric children, despite opti-
mobilization of extracellular fluid accumulated in mal dry weight in two [99]. NPP is a 30-kiloDalton
the interdialytic period in response to osmotic extrarenal enzyme related to the coagulation fac-
agents such as sodium and mannitol, or an tor b-FXIIa that exhibits cardiotonic and pressor
increase in oncotic pressure when concentrated activity in rats. Serum of these three patients pro-
albumin solutions are used for hypoalbuminemic duced characteristic pressor responses, suggest-
patients. In these instances, hypertension is fre- ing in vivo activation of this protein as a
quently transient and improves with UF. contributory factor in their hypertension. The
Sustained hypertension is often due to failure patients’ hypertension responded to a and
to achieve an appropriate dry weight [87]. b-blockade with labetalol. Further studies are
However, many patients manifest intradialytic required to ascertain the significance of these
hypertension that is refractory to appropriate fluid findings in HD patients.
removal. One theory is that excessive UF leads to Iatrogenic changes in electrolytes may also
activation of the renin-angiotensin system, result- contribute to hypertension. Sodium ramping may
ing in angiotensin II mediated vasoconstriction result in chronic sodium gain and subsequent
and hypertension. In support of this theory is the hypervolemia and hypertension [100].
lower incidence of hypertension in anephric HD Hypokalemia is a known risk factor for hyperten-
patients and studies showing amelioration of sion. Dolson et al. studied the effect of potassium
hypertension in non-anephric patients treated removal during dialysis on BP in adults. They
with angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) demonstrated significant rebound hypertension at
inhibitors [88, 89]. Likewise, severe paradoxical 1 h post dialysis in patients dialyzed against lower
hypertension has also been described in two potassium baths [101] presumed to be due to
adults on HD treated with the ACE inhibitor increased peripheral vascular resistance.
ramipril for bilateral renal artery stenosis [94], Finally, a number of antihypertensive drugs
presumably secondary to activation of the renin- are removed by dialysis and their removal over
angiotensin system as a result of drug induced the course of a dialysis session may contribute to
hypotension in the setting of fixed afferent intradialytic hypertension. Within each class of
obstruction. drugs, some are removed by dialysis while others
Sympathetic nervous system over activity is are not. The beta-blockers atenolol, nadolol, and
well documented in patients with CKD and metoprolol are removed by dialysis. The ACE
occurs through a variety of mechanisms includ- inhibitors captopril, enalapril, lisinopril, and
ing enhancement of sympathetic activity by ramipril are also removed, as are the vasodilators
angiotensin II, afferent renal nerve stimulation minoxidil, nitroprusside, and diazoxide.
21 Common Complications of Haemodialysis 357

Methyldopa is removed, while calcium channel calcium baths have not been shown clinically to
blockers are generally not removed by dialysis. be associated with significant hypertension, a
lower calcium bath should be considered in
Management patients with rebound hypertension.
Treatment of paradoxical hypertension should Finally, the incidence of hypertension in
start first with ensuring a correct dry weight has dialysis patients has increased in the post-
been ascertained and achieved. BP control mea- erythropoietin (EPO) era. This may relate to
sures must include salt and fluid restriction, and increased viscosity, increased peripheral vascular
where feasible, augmentation of urine output resistance, or a direct effect of EPO on endothelin
with loop diuretics. Noninvasive monitoring of one production. While there are no published
haematocrit and relative blood volume should be studies showing a direct relationship between
employed to optimize fluid removal [82, 56, 84, haemoglobin and hypertension, effort should be
102]. Increased frequency of dialysis and/or made to avoid excessive haemoglobin values in
intensive UF may be required to ascertain the true patients with intradialytic hypertension.
dry weight [87, 103, 104]. Nocturnal dialysis is
associated with better BP control with fewer anti-
hypertensives in children. Chronic Complications
If hypertension persists despite an appropri-
ate dry weight and avoidance of excessive Cardiovascular Disease
interdialytic weight gain, blockade of the renin-
angiotensin system with ACE inhibitors or angio- Overall mortality in children with ESRD is 30
tensin receptor blockers has been shown to times higher than in the general population and
improve BP control and reduce sympathetic tone the risk of cardiac death is more than 700-fold
in HD patients. A frequent first choice for phar- greater [105]. The incidence of cardiovascular
macological therapy of hypertension in children events ranges from 24.3% in the 0–4 year age
is a calcium channel blocker due to convenient group to 36.9% in 15–19 year olds [106].
dosing forms and a low side effect profile. Manifestations of cardiovascular disease (CVD)
However, calcium channel blockers do not mod- range from arrhythmias (19.6%), and valvular
ify sympathetic nervous system activity and heart disease (11.7%), to cardiomyopathy (9.6%),
available data suggests that if ACE inhibition or and acute cardiac death (2.8%).
ARB therapy produces insufficient BP control, Classical risk factors for CVD are common in
addition of an adrenergic receptor blocker, either children. Hypertension occurs in 50–75% of dial-
a beta-blocker or alpha-blocker (or possibly a ysis dependent children; dyslipidemia occurs in
centrally acting antihypertensive such as methyl- 70–90% and the incidence of obesity and glucose
dopa) is physiologically logical. Attention should intolerance is rising. There is an exhaustive and
be paid to the timing of BP medications to ensure expanding list of additional uremia-specific risk
they do not contribute to intradialytic hypoten- factors that are prevalent in children on HD.
sion. Similarly, if drug removal by HD is contrib- Examples include anaemia (50–70%), hyper-
uting to suboptimal BP control, consideration phosphatemia and hyperparathyroidism (60%),
should be given to switching to an agent that is raised CRP (75%) indicative of chronic inflam-
not significantly removed by dialysis. mation, oxidative stress with raised asymmetric
The dialysis prescription should be examined dimethylarginine (ADMA) levels, hyperhomo-
to ensure there is no iatrogenic contribution to cysteinemia (90%) [33], hypervolemia, activated
paradoxical hypertension. Specifically, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone pathway, abnor-
dialysate potassium content should be modified mal adipokines leptin and adiponectin with resul-
to avoid acute hypokalemia and net dialysate tant insulin resistance, and aberrant sympathetic
sodium load lowered when possible. While higher activity [107].
358 D.K. Hothi and E. Harvey

Manifestations of Cardiovascular Disease to be the initiating step in atherosclerosis

and arteriosclerosis. HD is thought to be pro-
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy inflammatory as a consequence of an immune
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) develops mediated response to bioincompatible mem-
early in CKD and progresses as renal function branes, blood contact with non-sterile dialysate
deteriorates such that at the initiation of dialysis solution and/or ‘back-leaking’ of dialysate across
69–82% of children show evidence of LVH [108] the membrane. In addition large fluid shifts dur-
and during maintenance dialysis 40–75% of chil- ing UF change blood viscosity and laminar shear
dren have LVH [109]. The factors that contribute stress and alter endothelial cell dynamics [113].
to the risk of cardiac hypertrophy include chronic Intradialytic hypotension and resultant ischaemia
hypervolemia, hyperdynamic circulation second- has the potential to cause hypoxic apoptosis of
ary to arteriovenous fistulae or anaemia, increas- the vascular endothelium. Finally, reduced clear-
ing arterial stiffness and elevated parathyroid ance of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase
hormone (PTH) levels [110]. Somewhat surpris- inhibitor ADMA with resultant decreased bio-
ingly, both adult data and now paediatric data availability of endothelial nitric oxide, activation
from the ESCAPE trial have failed to demon- of angiotensin II, hyperhomocysteinemia, and
strate any relationship between office BP or hyperlipidemia are all postulated mechanisms for
ambulatory BP monitoring and left ventricular endothelial dysfunction. Not only is uremia an
mass [111]. Cardiac hypertrophy in combination independent factor associated with endothelial
with continued mechanical stress triggers path- dysfunction but it is also associated with reduced
ways that result in myocardial remodelling char- haematopoiesis and capacity for repair. In adults,
acterized by decreased capillary density and endothelial progenitor cells are reduced with pro-
reduced coronary flow reserve. At times of hae- nounced functional impairment [114, 115] and
modynamic stress or increased demand the HD depletes this source further. However, the
reduced ischaemic threshold predisposes to sub- pool of smooth muscle cell progenitor cells is
endocardial perfusion defects with a resultant preserved and with it the potential for adverse
tendency to arrhythmias, ischaemic myocardial remodelling [116]. Little is known about circulat-
fibrosis with eventual myocyte death, and myo- ing endothelial progenitor cells in children. In
cardial dysfunction. In children with kidney dis- contrast there is clear clinical evidence of
ease there is evidence of LV diastolic dysfunction endothelial dysfunction. Loss of flow-mediated
[112] that is progressively worse in dialysis dilatation (FMD) and increased aortic pulse wave
patients compared with CKD or post transplant velocity has been demonstrated in children on
patients. In addition conventional HD induces dialysis [117, 118]. In adults impaired FMD has
regional LV systolic dysfunction that is signifi- been shown to be predictive of CVD morbidity
cantly associated with intradialytic blood pres- and mortality. Encouragingly the risk of endothe-
sure reduction [80]. It is unclear whether the poor lial injury in dialysis patients may be amenable to
myocardial contractile reserve is responsible for treatment. In adults both HDF and home noctur-
the drop in BP or vice versa, regardless the two nal HD have been shown to lower dialysis related
are most likely self-perpetuating. Of greater sig- endothelial dysfunction compared with conven-
nificance, this evidence presents a direct link tional HD [119, 120].
between HD and uremic myocardial dysfunction.
In contrast, generally global LV systolic function Atherosclerosis, Arteriosclerosis,
in paediatric dialysis patients is on the whole and Calcification
preserved. Calcification of the cardiovascular system is
accelerated in dialysis patients. It is highly preva-
Endothelial Dysfunction lent in children as well as adults and thus war-
Endothelial dysfunction starts early in renal fail- rants equitable attention both from adult and
ure and progresses during dialysis and is thought paediatric nephrologists. Studies of young adults
21 Common Complications of Haemodialysis 359

who developed ESRD during childhood found a to the extent that patients on home nocturnal HD
high prevalence of abnormal carotid intima- develop abnormally low phosphate levels and
media thickness (cIMT), diminished arterial wall require oral supplementation or dialysis against a
compliance, and coronary artery calcification phosphate containing bath [103, 126]. The ques-
[121, 122]. These results were mirrored in a study tion that arises thereafter is what level of vitamin
of children on dialysis [123]. All vascular mea- D supplementation is required in patients with
sures positively correlated with serum phospho- normal or even low PTH levels. Vitamin D has
rus levels, while cIMT and cardiac calcification several important systemic musculoskeletal, car-
scores also correlated with intact PTH levels and diovascular, and immunological effects. However
dosage of vitamin D. Patients with mean intact inappropriate use in renal failure can induce ady-
PTH levels less than twice the upper limit of nor- namic bone disease and hypercalcemia. Pending
mal had vascular measures that were comparable the evidence to guide us it would be prudent to
to age-matched controls, but levels in excess of treat documented vitamin D deficiency, with
this resulted in stiffer vessels and increased cIMT careful monitoring for any adverse effects.
and cardiac calcification scores. The relationship
with 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D levels showed a Sudden Cardiac Death
U-shaped distribution, patients with both low and Sudden cardiac death is a common phenomenon
high 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D had significantly in dialysis patients; the most vulnerable patients
greater cIMT and calcification scores than those are infants aged 0–4 years, with a 5–10-fold
with normal levels. Calcification was most fre- increase risk of cardiac arrest compared to other
quently observed in patients with the lowest 1,25 age groups [127]. It is also temporally related to
dihydroxy vitamin D and the highest high-sensi- the HD procedure. Cardiac arrests are 50% higher
tivity C-reactive protein [124]. Litwin et al. for HD patients 3 months after dialysis initiation.
reported vascular abnormalities in children with The risk remains higher in HD compared with
CKD but again found the most marked changes peritoneal dialysis for up to 2 years on mainte-
in the dialysis patients. The degree of arteriopa- nance dialysis, but then the trend reverses and at
thy correlated with conventional CVD risk fac- 3 years of maintenance dialysis the risk is higher
tors such as hypertension and dyslipidemia in among peritoneal dialysis patients. The risk of
pre-dialysis CKD and with hyperphosphatemia, sudden death in adults is also 1.7 times higher in
hyperparathyroidism, and treatment with cal- the 12 h period starting with the dialysis proce-
cium-containing phosphate binders in dialysis dure and 3 times higher in the 12 h before HD at
patients [125]. the end of the weekend interval [128].
The consequences of myocardial and vascular The precise aetiology of sudden cardiac death
calcification are widespread, and the risk factors remains elusive but there is a distinct possibility
are iatrogenic or akin to the most challenging that specific dialysis and uremic factors are
aspects of renal care, hyperphosphatemia, and responsible for this heightened vulnerability.
hyperparathyroidism. Managing these risks Myocardial interstitial fibrosis, left ventricular
requires a multidisciplinary approach with hypertrophy, endothelial dysfunction, cardiac
patient education, dieticians, pharmacists, and and vascular calcification, microvascular disease
occasionally psychologists to address adherence with decreased perfusion reserve, and diminished
issues, but even then the outcomes remain inade- ischaemia tolerance are all prevalent in dialysis
quate. Looking specifically at the dialysis pre- patients. This, in combination with dialysis
scription, phosphate clearance can be improved related acute fluid shifts, acid ⁄base disturbances
by increasing the dialysis time or employing con- and rapid electrolyte shifts and autonomic imbal-
vective clearance. Switching patients to short- ance with abnormal sympathetic activity, place
daily HD, HDF, and especially home nocturnal patients at risk of sudden death. Clinically the
HD can result in dramatic improvements in phos- only modifiable risk factor that has been identi-
phate clearance with normalisation of PTH levels fied and found to be of benefit is manipulation of
360 D.K. Hothi and E. Harvey

the dialysate potassium. Patients who suffered a severe SA in the HD patients compared to
cardiac arrest at the time of dialysis were twice as matched controls [134]. Using home PSG,
likely to be dialysed against a 0 or 1.0 mEq ⁄ l patients on conventional HD demonstrated sig-
potassium dialysate compared to controls, despite nificantly less sleep time, more frequent arousals,
no difference in pre-dialysis potassium levels and greater apnoea frequency than the general
[129]. Kovesdy et al. found that a serum potas- population. Obstructive SA is reported to be most
sium between 4.6 and 5.3 mEq ⁄ l was associated common in patients on conventional HD [135],
with the best survival but levels below 4.0 mEq ⁄ l but central or mixed sleep apnoeas may coexist,
or higher than 5.6 mEq ⁄ l were associated with and relative frequencies vary over studies.
increased mortality [130]. Unanimously, the literature reports poor overall
sleep quality in ESRD [136, 137].
There are multiple postulated explanations for
Sleep Disorders the SA of dialysis. Compensation for chronic
metabolic acidosis may contribute to hypocapnia
Disorders of sleep are common in both peritoneal and reduced respiratory drive. Upper airway
dialysis and HD patients and are associated with oedema, elevated leptin levels, and elevated lev-
morbidity. Sleep disturbance is thought to con- els of pro-inflammatory cytokines especially
tribute to the lack of well-being, cardiovascular interleukin 1a have all been implicated. Other
disease, hypertension, and increased mortality potentially contributory factors include anaemia,
seen in patients on conventional HD [131]. accumulation of endorphins, and dialysis mem-
Manifestations include disorders of the initiation brane induced complement activation. Increased
and maintenance of sleep, sleep apnoea, and rest- ventilatory sensitivity to hypercapnia has been
less leg syndrome/periodic limb movement described in patients on dialysis [138]. This is
disorder. hypothesized to destabilize the chemoreflex con-
Sleep apnoea (SA) is defined as cessation of trol of respiration during sleep, potentially con-
air flow accompanied by a fall in oxygen satura- tributing to both central and obstructive SA. HD
tion. In the general population symptoms of SA patients with severe hyperparathyroidism unre-
include snoring, witnessed apnoeas, daytime sponsive to conventional therapy have poor sleep
somnolence, general malaise and fatigue, diffi- quality with a high rate of insomnia, compared to
culty initiating sleep, frequent nocturnal awak- matched controls, though the mechanism is
enings, and morning headaches. In contrast, in unknown [139]. Finally sleep disordered breath-
patients with ESRD, snoring, witnessed apnoeas, ing in dialysis patients has been associated with
unrefreshing sleep, and morning headaches are insulin resistance, elevation in levels of the vaso-
described less frequently [132]. This suggests a constrictor endothelin-1, and suppression of
different clinical phenotype of SA in ESRD, and vasodilatory nitric oxide production, all of which
the need for a high index of suspicion for diag- likely contribute to the hypertension commonly
nosis. The gold standard for the diagnosis of SA seen with obstructive SA.
is polysomnography (PSG). This test is time Options to reduce the morbidity of SA include
consuming, inconvenient for patients and expen- use of continuous positive airway pressure
sive to perform, and suffers from significant (CPAP), change in dialysis modality, and trans-
variability. Ambulatory PSG has gained popular- plantation. While the use of CPAP is well
ity but lacks the ability to diagnose periodic leg described in the general population, there is little
movements and rapid eye movement sleep published on its use in patients on HD. CPAP is
behaviour disorder, which are important in the reported to improve the frequency of apnoeas
CKD population [133]. and sleep quality in a small group of patients with
SA is reported to occur in more than 50% of ESRD [140]. Nocturnal oxygen therapy has suc-
patients on HD. In a community-based sample of cessfully lowered the episodes of hypopnoea and
HD patients there was a fourfold increase in central apnoeas in patients on peritoneal dialysis,
21 Common Complications of Haemodialysis 361

but the effect on patients on conventional HD is frequent nocturnal awakening, non-refreshing

unknown [141]. In HD patients excess intradia- sleep, and daytime hypersomnia. In 48 adults on
lytic weight gain is a reported modifiable risk dialysis, studied with a 2 day PSG recording, the
factor for SA [142]. NHD has been shown to frequency of RLS was 58.3% and of PLMD
markedly reduce the frequency of apnoeas and was 70.8% [150]. The coexistence of both RLS
hypopnoeas [143], and reduce pharyngeal and PLMD was associated with both subjective
oedema, with resultant improvement in SA in and objective evidence of poor sleep quality, and
some but not all patients [144]. This is thought to lower quality of life. There was no correlation
be secondary to superior volume and uremia con- between iron studies and the presence of RLS;
trol, improved cardiac function, and normalisa- however, correction of anaemia with erythropoi-
tion of increased sympathetic tone. In spite of etin lowered the frequency of RLS [151].
this, overall sleep quality remains suboptimal There is relatively little published on sleep dis-
[145]. Transplantation offers the greatest gain orders in children on dialysis, but there is no doubt
and improvement in sleep quality [146, 147]. clinically that it exists. Available studies show
Restless leg syndrome (RLS) occurs in that sleep disorders are common and start early
60–80% of patients with CKD, compared to 10% during CKD. In a questionnaire study of 49 chil-
in the general population. The criteria for diag- dren with CKD stages 2–4, including those with a
nosing RLS include an almost irresistible urge to renal transplant, 37% had a sleep disorder [152]
move the legs that is accompanied by a noxious with 29% reporting RLS. An interview of 21 chil-
sensation. It is aggravated by inactivity; relieved dren on HD and PD highlighted sleep disorders in
by movement; and is worse during the evening 86% [153]. Sleep disordered breathing, primarily
and night [148]. The sensations are variably snoring, occurred in 46% of children, RLS or
described as crawling, prickling, creeping, and periodic leg movements occurred in 29%, and
itching. On dialysis, RLS may cause premature excessive daytime sleepiness was documented in
discontinuation of the dialysis treatment. 60%. Finally Applebee assessed 26 children age
Reported risk factors include female gender, 6–18 with varying degrees of CKD using a ques-
length of time on dialysis, obesity, under-dialysis, tionnaire based on consensus criteria for diagnos-
hyperphosphatemia, and iron deficiency. While ing RLS [148]. Thirty-five per cent of participants
the aetiology remains to be elucidated, investiga- met the criteria for RLS compared to only 2% of
tions suggest the involvement of endogenous the general paediatric population [154]. Of inter-
opioid and dopaminergic pathways. Iron defi- est, in children without CKD, RLS was associated
ciency in the substantia nigra has recently been with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. This
reported in RLS, suggesting iron supplementa- raises the possibility that sleep disorders in ure-
tion as a potential treatment for RLS [149]. mic children may potentially contribute to associ-
Treatment of RLS includes dopamine agonists ated behavioural and cognitive disturbances.
given at bedtime, and gabapentin or opioids for All available studies show an incidence of
more severe symptoms. sleep disorders greater than that seen in healthy
Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) children. Unfortunately these studies are all based
frequently coexists with RLS [150] and is a dis- on questionnaire, and not on objective studies.
order that can only be diagnosed with PSG. It is Furthermore paediatric specific data on treatment
characterized by rhythmic, repetitive, highly ste- does not currently exist.
reotyped movements that occur both during sleep
and while awake. The movement consists of tri-
ple flexion, with flexion of the leg, dorsiflexion of Dialysis Related Amyloidosis
the ankle, and extension of the great toe.
Movements last for approximately 2 s and occur Dialysis related amyloidosis (DRA) or b-2 micro-
every 20–40 s with variable duration. It is globulin amyloidosis is a disabling acquired form
associated with significant sleep disruption, with of amyloidosis associated with high serum levels
362 D.K. Hothi and E. Harvey

of b-2 microglobulin, seen primarily in patients The definitive diagnosis of amyloidosis is his-
on long-term dialysis and characterized clinically tological, with characteristic findings of positive
by osteoarticular lesions and to a lesser extent, staining with Congo red dye and birefringence
systemic manifestations. under polarized light in affected tissues, combined
b-2 microglobulin is an 11,815 Da molecular with immunostaining to confirm the presence of
weight protein which is the light chain compo- b-2 microglobulin. DRA is divided into two
nent of the major histocompatibility complex forms, osteoarticular and visceral or systemic.
(MHC) and is present on all cells that express
MHC. When released into the circulation it is in Osteoarticular DRA: Carpal tunnel syndrome
its monomeric form, and is filtered by the glom- due to entrapment of the median nerve at the
erulus, then reabsorbed and catabolised in the wrist is the most common manifestation of
proximal tubule. Plasma b-2 microglobulin lev- osteoarticular DRA. It is frequently bilateral and
els rise if the glomerular filtration rate falls. If the tends to progress in severity over time. Patients
plasma levels remain persistently high, b-2 present with pain which is usually worse on dial-
microglobulin will eventually deposit in tissue, ysis and at night, and numbness and paraesthe-
most commonly periarticular tissue and bone. In sias in the distribution of the median nerve. Over
ESRD b-2 microglobulin is removed by HD. time, atrophy of the thenar muscles occurs, reduc-
Clearance is determined by the dialyzer pore ing hand strength. Amyloid deposition can also
size, time on dialysis, and UF volume. Thus with occur in the rotator cuff causing shoulder pain
the older, low-flux cellulosic dialyzers, clearance and limitation of movement, and in the hips,
was poor. In recent times with the wide spread knees, and long bones. Spondyloarthropathy
use of high-flux dialysers, and a move to longer most commonly affects the cervical spine.
or more frequent dialysis regimens and HDF, the Destruction of paraspinal ligaments or interverte-
incidence of DRA is thought to be declining but bral discs may result in spinal cord impingement
it has not been completely eliminated [155]. and spinal stenosis. Subchondral bone cysts can
Tissue deposition precedes manifestation of clin- develop in the carpal bones, femoral head,
ical symptoms. The prevalence of amyloid humerus, acetabulum, and spine causing pain and
deposits relative to time on HD is reported to be soft tissue swelling as they grow and are often the
33% at 2–4 years, 50% at 4–7 years, 90% at site of pathological fractures. Tenosynovitis may
7–13 years, and 100% at more than 13 years result in ‘trigger finger’ with pain and snapping
[156]. Similar findings have been documented in of the tendon on digit re-extension. Clinically,
patients on PD [157], although clinical DRA is osteoarticular DRA is diagnosed by a combina-
more common in HD patients compared to PD tion of the symptom complex and radiological
patients [158]. findings. Serum matrix metalloproteinase three
Reported risk factors for the development of (MMP-3) levels, a marker for joint destruction in
DRA are prolonged time on HD, elevated age at rheumatoid arthritis, are elevated in HD patients
start of HD, use of bioincompatible membranes, and correlate with plasma b-2 microglobulin lev-
dialysis with low-flux membranes, and lower els and dialysis vintage [161]. MMP-3 levels may
purity of dialysate. Additionally, genetic risk therefore be a useful diagnostic marker for DRA
factors have also been identified [159]. Elevated joint destruction.
serum b-2 microglobulin levels alone are not
sufficient to explain amyloid deposition, and it Visceral DRA: The incidence of visceral amyloid
is most likely that multiple factors specific to increases with increasing time on dialysis.
the uremic milieu predispose to the develop- Visceral amyloid affects the gastrointestinal (GI)
ment of DRA [160]. The toxicity of amyloid system, heart, genitourinary (GU) system, and
deposits is thought to occur both from disrup- lungs. GI manifestations include macroglossia,
tion of normal tissues, and also from a direct malabsorption, pseudo-obstruction, and poten-
cellular toxicity. tially life-threatening intestinal bleeding. Cardiac
21 Common Complications of Haemodialysis 363

involvement may manifest as myocardial and long-term dialysis are at risk. Very high levels of
pericardial inflammation, valvular disease, or b-2 microglobulin have been documented in pae-
arrhythmias. GU symptoms include renal and diatric patients dialysed with cellulosic mem-
bladder calculi and bladder deposits, which may branes [163] and in those receiving on-line
cause obstruction. Pulmonary hypertension and haemodiafiltration with a polysulphone membrane
pulmonary haemorrhage can occur. Skin involve- [179]. Following the conversion of 5 children
ment is less common, but may manifest as hyper- from 3 to 6 days per week of on-line haemodiafil-
pigmentation and lichenoid lesions, as well as tration, Fischbach demonstrated a small but statis-
pedunculated masses [162]. b-2 microglobulin tically significant drop in b-2 microglobulin levels
deposition in extra-articular sites affects primar- at 6 months of treatment with no further improve-
ily vessel walls and is now thought to be an ment at 12 months [169], and levels remained
important risk factor for uremic cardiovascular approximately 10 times normal. Preliminary expe-
disease [155]. rience with nocturnal HD in four children failed to
show a reduction in b-2 microglobulin levels
Management [103]. While this preliminary data is discourag-
In the absence of a cure, prevention remains the ing, results in larger numbers of patients are
best approach to DRA. Patients on HD with resid- required to draw a meaningful conclusion. Therapy
ual renal function have lower b-2 microglobulin should thus be directed at early transplantation,
levels [163]. All high performance, biocompatible which is known to halt the progression of DRA,
membranes provide far greater b-2 microglobulin and dialysis modalities associated with optimal
clearance than the older cellulosic membranes, b-2 microglobulin removal, to try and lessen at
with no one membrane showing superiority. least one of the long-term morbidities of HD.
Compared with conventional thrice weekly or
short-daily dialysis, b-2 microglobulin clearance
is higher with long daily or nocturnal dialysis, or Residual Renal Function
HDF [155, 157, 159, 164–166]. What remains
unclear is the plasma b-2 microglobulin satura- In patients who commence dialysis the assump-
tion threshold or the concentration that predis- tion that dialysis and renal clearances are equiva-
poses to tissue deposition. In addition there is lent and therefore additive is incorrect. Residual
uncertainty as to whether more intensive dialysis renal function (RRF) has a survival advantage.
regimens such as nocturnal HD will prevent DRA. A large incident HD population Netherlands
There is, however, certainty in the fact that more Cooperative Study on the Adequacy of Dialysis
aggressive b-2 microglobulin removal arrests (NECOSAD) study showed that for each 1-unit
symptoms in many patients with DRA. A newer, increase in renal Kt/Vurea a 66% decrease in rela-
adjunct therapy, not yet in widespread use, tive risk of death was observed [170]. Shemin
includes addition of a b-2 microglobulin adsorp- et al. reported that the presence of RRF, even at a
tion column (Lixelle) in series with a high-flux low level, was protective against mortality when
dialyser. In a 2-year study of 22 adults, treatment compared with those without RRF [171]. RRF
with the Lixelle column significantly increased also plays an important role in achieving dialysis
b-2 microglobulin removal and provided improve- adequacy, in maintaining fluid balance, in small
ment in clinical symptoms as well as cessation of and middle molecule clearance, in supporting
new bone cyst formation [167]. Newer treatments nutrition and growth, and in anaemia control.
on the horizon may use nanobiotechnology such Patients with RRF greater or equal to 1 mL/min
as magnetically assisted HD for targeted removal had a significantly lower mean creatinine, UF
of b-2 microglobulin, though these treatments are requirement, serum potassium, and uric acid lev-
not yet in clinical use [168]. els, significantly lower erythropoietin require-
DRA has not been described in paediatric ments and erythropoietin resistance indices [172],
patients; however based on adult data, children on better plasma phosphate control, improved b-2
364 D.K. Hothi and E. Harvey

microglobulin and p-cresol clearance, and higher Table 21.4 Strategies to preserve RRF
quality of life [163, 173]. RRF also appears to be Switch to peritoneal dialysis
anti-inflammatory with an inverse relationship Avoid nephrotoxic agents
between renal function and pro-inflammatory NSAIDs, radiological contrast agents, aminoglycosides
mediators [174]. In a study of adolescents and Maintenance diuretic therapy
young adults on chronic HD treatment, nPCR Manipulate the HD prescription
High-flux, biocompatible membranes
was higher in patients with RRF and renal clear-
Strategies to avoid hypotension (cooling, sequential
ance positively influenced nutrition indepen- dialysis, UF and sodium profiling)
dently of HD efficiency and recombinant growth Employ alternate dialysis regimens
hormone treatment [175]. (Short-daily HD, home nocturnal HD)
The counterargument for prioritising efforts to
preserve RRF is the concern that in proteinuric
patients, maintaining a high urine output has the
potential to worsen hypoalbuminemia, malnutri- and PD patients diuretics are used to drive urine
tion, and clotting derangements. Secondly, prior- output. On this basis, diuretic use was investi-
itising the preservation of RRF at the expense of gated in 16,420 HD patients from the Dialysis
volume control has the potential to cause chronic Outcomes and Practice Patterns (DOPPS) Study.
hypervolemia with worsening hypertension. Diuretics lowered interdialytic weight gain and
Although true, this last statement is only partially the odds of hyperkalemia, and significantly
correct, as both volume and salt are symbiotic, reduced the risk of cardiac-specific mortality by
and equally important in managing volume status 14% with a nonsignificant reduction in all cause
in children on dialysis. Controlling salt intake is mortality. Patients with RRF who received diuret-
often a neglected component of management. ics had almost twice the odds of retaining RRF
following 1 year of maintenance dialysis com-
Strategies to Preserve RRF pared with those not on diuretics [177].
Peritoneal dialysis appears to be superior to con- In HD patients the dialysis prescription and
ventional HD in preserving RRF. This effect is intradialytic events also have the potential to
less pronounced in children owing to the high influence the RRF. McKane et al. demonstrated a
prevalence of renal hypo/dysplasia accompanied comparable decline in RRF to continuous ambu-
by preserved and often excessive water and salt latory peritoneal dialysis using high-flux, bio-
excretion and such RRF may last years after ini- compatible membranes such as polysulphone,
tiating HD. Nonetheless every endeavour should and ultrapure water for HD [178]. Overzealous
be made to protect RRF in all dialysis patients. UF resulting in intradialytic hypotension is a rec-
Important general measures include avoidance of ognised factor for precipitating a decline in the
nephrotoxic agents such as nonsteroidal anti- RRF, therefore strategies that improve cardiovas-
inflammatory drugs or aminoglycosides and cular stability such as bicarbonate buffered flu-
where possible contrast for radiological investi- ids, cooling, sequential dialysis, and volumetric
gations. In the event of unavoidable need to UF control may be of benefit. Finally the most
administer contrast agents, nephrotoxicity can be effective and perhaps extreme measure for pre-
minimized by ensuring patients are adequately serving RRF is switching dialysis modality to
hydrated prior to the investigation or by prescrib- PD, short-daily HD, or home nocturnal HD.
ing prophylactic acetylcysteine and ensuring that Preservation of RRF is important in children
the subsequent dialysis session is timed immedi- on HD but it needs to be taken within the context
ately after the investigation. In PD patients, cal- of the global health needs of each individual
cium channel blockers and angiotensin converting child. It is in truth a strategy for optimising renal
enzyme inhibitors appear to lower the rate of replacement therapy and not an absolute require-
RRF loss but not in HD patients [174]. In CKD ment (Table 21.4).
21 Common Complications of Haemodialysis 365

Quality of Life transplant recipients and healthy controls [182,

183]. They were less likely to have a special
Children on dialysis are on dietary and fluid restric- friend, had a lower self-esteem and higher depres-
tions, face disruptions to home and school life, and sion scores than transplant recipients [184]. Height
some require multiple surgeries and hospitaliza- gain was an important confounder in both groups,
tion. This almost definitely has the potential to such that shorter patients reported lower self-
have an adverse effect on physical and emotional esteem and lower satisfaction with health [183].
well-being. Eijsermans et al. assessed ten chronic A comparison between patients’ and care giv-
HD patients, aged 7–16 years and found abnormal ers’ perceptions of the physical, emotional, social,
gross motor functioning in 5/8 children, 1 child and school impact of childhood kidney disease is
showed fine motor problems, and 7/10 reduced discrepant. Caregivers scored their children lower
exercise tolerance, of which six children were in almost all categories than their child’s self-
physically inactive. There was no significant dif- reports [185, 186]. Both children receiving HD
ference between the self-assessed physical and and their parents reported a greater fatigue and
mental health of children on dialysis and the gen- physical impact of their kidney disease (About
eral population. Social contacts with parents and My Kidney Disease Scale) than children with a
peers was however good and the occurrence of transplant and their parents. There was a signifi-
positive and negative moods was normal compared cant negative correlation between number of
with healthy controls [179]. In contrast children medications a patient was on and their physical
with renal failure reported more psychiatric distur- subscale score [185]. Parents scored transplants
bance than normal controls and children below recipients higher than those on dialysis on all
17 years were found to be more vulnerable than domains except the ‘Perceived Physical
young adults. Psychological problems were Appearance Scale’. In contrast Goldstein et al.
reported in almost 60% of children starting dialy- found paediatric renal transplant recipients self-
sis but this fell to 21% 1 year later [180]. Lower reported HRQOL scores were comparable to
self-esteem was linked to early-onset renal disease dialysis patients across the ESRD Module Scales,
and to educational and social dysfunction. with the exception of the Family and Peer
Renal failure in childhood arising from con- Interaction Scale, in which transplant patients
genital urological disease is commonly associ- self-reported significantly higher HRQOL than
ated with urinary incontinence, a factor thought dialysis patients [185]. McKenna et al. found
to be negatively associated with self-esteem and transplant recipients scored the lowest compared
emotional well-being. However Dodson et al. to dialysis and CKD patients. Despite their
found no difference in Health Related Quality Of increased hospitalization time and number of
Life (HRQOL) scores between adolescents with medications, the dialysis patients had higher
urological versus medical renal disease. The con- scores in emotional and school subscales than the
genital urological disease group scored better in transplanted children [186]. It has been postulated
the sub-domain ‘Limitations of Activity’, and that transplant patient’s fears about kidney rejec-
both renal groups were less likely than the gen- tion are responsible for their HRQOL scores. In
eral population to be involved in risk taking comparison dialysis patients have relative stabil-
behaviours (individual risks, threats to achieve- ity and they experience a ‘response shift’, namely,
ment, peer influences) [181]. that their internal standards change as they adapt
Receiving a kidney transplant is perceived to to their diagnosis and medical surroundings, and
be a positive influence on quality of life by health this yields higher self-reported HRQOL as living
professionals; however, the data from children with their illness becomes routine.
and their parents is less clear cut. Children and There are no consistent HRQOL differences
adolescents on dialysis demonstrated lower activ- between peritoneal dialysis and HD. Goldstein
ity levels, home safety, and an increase in physical reported similar HRQOL scores for HD and peri-
discomfort compared with children with CKD, toneal dialysis patients [187]. Tsai et al. found
366 D.K. Hothi and E. Harvey

parents of children on peritoneal dialysis exhib- outcomes were similar between dialysis and
ited significantly more symptoms of depression transplanted patients [191].
and lower quality of life than parents of healthy As we begin to recognise the full impact of
children [188]. Similarly Geary et al. reported a renal disease on physical, social, and psychologi-
substantial workload and emotional burden of cal well-being, as paediatric nephrologists we
home therapies; nonetheless home HD improved must place an equal priority on all aspects of our
the quality of life, in particular school attendance patients’ health combined with a renewed empha-
in three of four children [103]. In reality the abso- sis on transition and preparing children for
lute burden of home-based therapies on care giv- adulthood.
ers still remains to be determined.
Following patients with childhood ESRD to
adulthood highlights a physical, vocational, and Dialysis Dose and Prognosis
psychosocial disadvantage compared with the
general population. A Europe-wide study by the USRDS Registry between 1978 and 1999 report-
EDTA reported an increased unemployment rate ing on the outcomes of patients who developed
ranging from 25% to 65%, depending on whether ESRD during adolescence showed that the over-
the patients suffered from additional handicaps, all 10 -year survival rate was 79.9% during the
like hearing, sight, or motor deficits [189, 190]. study period [192] and the 2.2% annual mortality
Rosenkranz et al. followed 283 patients treated rate was 30-times greater than the general popula-
for early childhood CKD that were transferred to tion. Of the patients on renal replacement therapy
an adult unit at 16–20 years. The average period HD patients fared worse than transplant patients.
for renal disease was 19 years and the cumulative Currently the expected lifespan of a child on dial-
dialysis time was 5 years (range 0–22 years). ysis is 40–60 years lower than that expected in the
Fifty-eight per cent achieved a high school cer- general population, while that of a paediatric
tificate, 87% vocational graduation, and 67% of transplant recipient is 20–30 years lower [193].
all patients were in paid employment with 72% The outcome of HD patients is not only a con-
fully or partly earning their own living. While sequence of their method of renal replacement
49% lived alone or together with a partner, 46% therapy but reflects the combined effects from a
still lived in their parents’ homes and 5% had number of factors related to the dialysis prescrip-
other accommodation. Four patients (all fathers) tion and dose. In the HEMO study comparing
had one or two children [191]. In renal patients high-dose HD (urea-reduction ratio of 75.2%, sin-
the mean body height SDS score was – 1.56 and gle-pool Kt/V of 1.71 and equilibrated Kt/V of
36% of the patients expressed dissatisfaction 1.53) against standard dose HD (urea-reduction
with their own body height. Once again a signifi- ratio of 66%, single-pool Kt/V of 1.32, and equili-
cant positive correlation was seen between self- brated Kt/V of 1.16) the relative risk of death was
reported quality of life and satisfaction with not significantly different between the two groups.
height. In 4/8 categories (mobility, vision and Likewise the relative risk of death in the high-flux
hearing, being free of fear, independence of group compared with the low-flux group was no
assistance) patients achieved similar scores to different [194]. On a secondary analysis stratifying
healthy controls but consistently reported con- patients according to their dialysis vintage, in the
cerns with health issues, being free of fear, being subgroup that had been on dialysis for >3.7 years,
free of pain, physical health, and ability to relax/ high-flux dialysis was associated with 37% reduc-
inner balance. Compared to the general popula- tion in mortality and 20% reduction in cardiac
tion, the satisfaction with their job/income was deaths compared with low-flux dialysis [195].
much lower, and their desire for a family life and Furthermore high-dose dialysis was found to be
children was high and yet to be fulfilled. Neither beneficial in women compared with the low dose
the length of renal disease or dialysis time cor- group. Wolfe et al. corroborated these findings,
related with patients’ general satisfaction and reporting an association with body mass index
21 Common Complications of Haemodialysis 367

(BMI), dialysis dose, and mortality. The lowest HDF and low-flux, high-efficiency HD, HDF
BMI group had a 42% higher mortality risk than patients had a significant 35% lower mortality risk
the highest BMI. The RR of mortality was 17%, than those receiving low-flux HD [10]. Even
17%, and 19% lower per 5% higher URR category though the dialysis dose as measured by Kt/V was
among groups with small, medium, and large BMI, higher in HD patients the survival advantage
respectively [196]. These results suggest a survival appeared to be related to the improved b-2 micro-
advantage in increasing HD dose in women and globulin clearance, improved nutrition, and a
low BMI patients. reduction in the frequency of intradialytic acute
Dialysis dose can be altered by increasing the hypotension episodes [200]. These results mirror
dialysis time and/or frequency. The DOPPS findings in children on in-centre daily HDF [126].
review of 22,000 HD patients from seven coun- Finally home nocturnal HD has been receiv-
tries found that for every 30 min longer on HD the ing a lot of interest as preliminary data demon-
relative risk of mortality was reduced by 7%. A strates its superiority over all other quotidian
higher Kt/V was a significant and independent dialysis regimens. Nocturnal HD is associated
predictor of lower mortality on HD and a syner- with a significant reduction in the risk for mortal-
gistic survival advantage existed between Kt/V ity or major morbid events when compared to
and treatment time. A more pronounced mortality conventional HD [201]. In fact during a matched
risk reduction was seen combining a higher Kt/V cohort study comparing survival between noctur-
with a longer treatment time [83]. An ANZDATA nal HD and deceased and living donor kidney
analysis of 4,193 patients found that the optimal transplantation, the proportion of deaths amongst
dialysis dose for survival was a Kt/V greater or the three was 14.7%, 14.3%, and 8.5%, respec-
equal to 1.3 and a dialysis session greater than or tively, and there was no difference in the adjusted
equal to 4.5 h. A duration less than 3.5 h was asso- survival between nocturnal HD and deceased
ciated with a higher mortality risk [197]. Mortality donor renal transplantation [202]. This is both
in HD patients also appears to be temporally relevant and important because for the first time,
related to the dialysis day. In a comparison of we may be able to bridge the gap between dialy-
dialysis days, sudden cardiac death was more sis and transplantation.
prevalent on ‘Bloody Mondays’, 12 h before HD Despite these remarkable results scepticism
at the end of the weekend interval and in the 12 h surrounds the quotidian dialysis literature, with
period starting with the dialysis procedure [128]. many arguing a selection bias and recruitment of
Translating this to the clinical environment, ‘healthier’, independent adults. Data in children
converting patients from conventional dialysis is limited, however, Geary et al. reported the out-
regimens to quotidian dialysis regimens has been comes of children on home nocturnal HD, includ-
met with positive results. Patients switching to ing two patients that had exhausted all other
short-daily HD report a cumulative survival of treatment options. Both of these patients survived
33% at 6 years and reduced hospitalization [198]. and the group outcomes showed improved BP
A systematic review of short-daily HD concluded control and reduced antihypertensive medication
that it was more effective than conventional dialy- burden, improved growth and nutrition, greater
sis. Patients on daily HD seem to exhibit fewer control of renal bone disease with normalisation
vascular access problems, better control of hyper- of plasma phosphate and parathyroid hormone
tension and reduced antihypertensive medication levels, liberalisation of diet and fluid restrictions,
burden, better quality of life, lower incidence of and discontinuation of all phosphate binders
ventricular hypertrophy, lower consumption of [103]. Quotidian dialysis or convection based
recombinant erythropoietin due to the better con- therapies are producing results we never antici-
trol of anaemia, and a reduction in the use of phos- pated in dialysis patients and even though data is
phate binders as a consequence of the improved scarce in children, the projected and demonstra-
phosphorous clearance [199]. In a comparison of ble benefits are hard to ignore.
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Part V
Management of Secondary Complications
of Chronic Dialysis
Meeting Nutritional Goals
for Children Receiving Maintenance 22
KDOQI Clinical Practice Guideline for
Nutrition in Children with CKD Work Group

Nutritional goals • Children • Weight • Energy • Protein

quality of life. While several factors contribute to

Introduction impaired linear growth and development, early
and aggressive correction of nutritional imbal-
Nutrient imbalances, particularly protein-energy
ances leads to improvements.
malnutrition, are common in children on mainte-
Nutritional therapy is therefore a vital element
nance dialysis (MD). Infants and young children
of the care required by children receiving MD.
are particularly vulnerable to malnutrition because
The primary goal is to achieve optimal growth
of their low nutritional stores and high nutritional
and development through preservation of a good
demands for rapid physical and brain growth.
nutritional status and prevention of malnutrition,
Adolescents are also at particular risk because of
uremic toxicity, and metabolic abnormalities.
the high demands of growth during puberty.
A registered dietitian with renal experience should
Nutrition status is an important determinant of
be a central and integral part of the dietary man-
outcome in patients with end-stage renal disease.
agement. Collaborative efforts of the dietitian,
Markers of nutritional status, particularly serum
nurse, social worker, nephrologist, therapists,
albumin, correlate with morbidity and mortality
parents, and caretakers are essential to meet the
in adults. In children, the adverse effects of mal-
nutritional needs of infants and children on MD.
nutrition also include growth failure and neu-
In 2009, the KDOQI Clinical Practice
rodevelopmental delay. Growth delay and
Guideline for Nutrition in Children with CKD:
extremes in body mass index (BMI) are associ-
2008 Update was published, based upon an
ated with an increased risk for morbidity and
exhaustive review of the literature and the input
mortality in children on MD. Children who are
of experts in the field. The guideline was devel-
chronically malnourished exhibit behavioral
oped to assist practitioners in the assessment of
changes, including irritability, apathy, decreased
nutritional status and the provision of optimal
social responsiveness, and attention deficits.
nutrition to children with CKD, including patients
Stunted children often experience social disad-
on dialysis therapy or those who have a kidney
vantages that negatively affect development and
transplant. In view of the fact that this document

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_22, 377

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
378 KDOQI Work Group

includes the most up to date information on the blood-dialysate barrier. Factors which increase
topic of nutritional management of children on nutrient needs include those associated with
dialysis, we have chosen to duplicate much of the increased protein catabolism and negative nitro-
guideline here, letting it serve as this chapter. We gen balance (metabolic acidosis, physical activ-
appreciate the approval of the National Kidney ity), recurrent peritonitis, drug–nutrient
Foundation for allowing us to do so. As in the interactions, catch-up growth, or intercurrent
guideline, it should be emphasized here that the illness or comorbidities (fever, liver disease).
recommendation statements (all of which are
graded based on the strength of the recommenda-
tion) and the accompanying rationales are Recommendation 1: Evaluation
intended to serve as starting points for clinical
of Growth and Nutritional Status
decision making, and that the clinical judgment
of the health-care provider must always be 1.1: The nutritional status and growth of all
included in the decision-making process and in children with CKD stages 2–5 and 5D should
the application of these recommendations. be evaluated on a periodic basis. (A)
Whereas the recommendation statements and
accompanying tables have been renumbered in 1.2: The following parameters of nutritional
this chapter for ease of reading, all reference status and growth should be considered in
numbers remain as originally published to facili- combination for evaluation in children with
tate identification of the reference in the complete CKD stages 2–5 and 5D. (B)
guideline located in the American Journal of 1. Dietary intake (3-day diet record or three 24-h
Kidney Diseases (53: S1–S124, 2009 (suppl 2)), dietary recalls)
or online at 2. Length- or height-for-age percentile or stan-
guidelines_updates/pdf/CPGPedNutr2008.pdf. dard deviation score(SDS)
3. Length or height velocity-for-age percentile
or SDS
Pathogenesis of Malnutrition 4. Estimated dry weight and weight-for-age per-
centile or SDS
Malnutrition in patients on MD is caused by a
5. BMI-for-height-age percentile or SDS
variety of factors which results in a combination
6. Head circumference-for-age percentile or SDS
of decreased nutrient intake, increased nutrient
(£3 years old only)
losses, and altered nutrient metabolism.
7. Normalized protein catabolic rate (nPCR) in
Inadequate intake results primarily from anorexia,
hemodialyzed adolescents with CKD stage 5D
although other factors may play a role, including
gastrointestinal disorders such as nausea, vomit- Because of the high prevalence of growth retar-
ing, and constipation, multiple diet restrictions dation in children with CKD, nutrition has always
imposed upon personal or cultural food prefer- been a primary focus of pediatric CKD care. Early
ences, financial constraints, behavioral or dys- studies emphasized the importance of adequate
phagia-related feeding problems, and insufficient energy intake in maintaining normal growth in
dialysis. Multiple factors contribute to anorexia, pediatric CKD. However, no study demonstrated a
including uremia, dysgeusia, uncorrected anemia, growth advantage to a caloric intake greater than
multiple diet restrictions and medications, and about 75% of the RDA [2–4], which corresponds
feelings of anger, stress, and depression. Comorbid approximately to 100% of the EER in children
conditions (symptomatic hypertension, other older than 3 months. In children with CKD, the
chronic diseases) and sensations of fullness and prevalence of undernutrition has been demon-
satiety from dialysate in the peritoneal cavity also strated to vary widely – from 2% to 65% – depending
contribute to anorexia. Increased losses may on the definition used [5]. In the general popula-
result from vomiting, proteinuria, or protein, tion, the World Health Organization (WHO)
amino acid, and micronutrient losses across the has defined undernutrition as weight-for-age,
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 379

height-for-age, and weight-for-height 2 SDs or mass deficits were also more likely in younger
greater less than the Centers for Disease Control than older children [7, 8, 10]. Routine calorie
and Prevention (CDC) reference median [6], in and/or protein supplementation have been shown
recognition of the fact that long-term undernutri- to improve growth in infants with CKD [17–19].
tion may lead to wasting (low weight-for-height) However, there is no clear evidence that routine
and/or stunting (low height-for-age). However, nutritional supplements have a similar effect in
this definition may be inappropriate in children older children. Because of these differences
with CKD. Whereas stunting can be reasonably between infants and older children, the present
attributed solely to long-term undernutrition in recommendations emphasize the importance of
otherwise healthy children, the multifactorial considering the age of the child when planning
cause of stunting in children with CKD makes it a nutritional monitoring and interventions.
poor choice as a definition of undernutrition in this Historically, the main focus of malnutrition in
group. In the CKD population, anthropometric children with CKD has been undernutrition; there
definitions of undernutrition are complicated; con- is emerging evidence that obesity is beginning to
sideration must be given to the appropriateness of be a problem in the CKD population [20–22].
measures for both age and height of the child.
Body composition has yet to be well charac-
terized in pediatric CKD. Few high-quality stud- Dietary Intake
ies are available in which measures of body
composition were adequately adjusted for height It is suggested that dietary intake be assessed
and appropriately compared with a healthy refer- regularly by a skilled registered dietitian by
ence population [7–12]. Of these, lean mass defi- means of a 3-day diet diary. Three 24-h recalls
cits were observed in some studies [11], but not may be preferable in adolescents. Dietary intake
others [7]. Fat mass appears to be increased rela- data provide useful information about the quan-
tive to the height in children with CKD [11]. tity and quality of nutrients ingested. The two
Preliminary evidence in small numbers of chil- most practical and clinically feasible ways to
dren suggests that the use of growth hormone determine usual daily intake are the prospective
may result in lower fat mass and higher lean mass 3-day dietary diary and the retrospective 24-h
for height [11]. dietary recall. From either of these, daily intake
Interpretation of many prior studies of nutri- of calories, macronutrients (carbohydrate, pro-
tion and growth in pediatric CKD is difficult tein, and fat), vitamins, and minerals can be esti-
because most studies considered infants and older mated. Each of the methods has its own
children together as a uniform group. There are limitations. Dietary diaries have been shown to
reasons to believe that infants younger than 2–3 give unbiased estimates of energy intake in nor-
years behave very differently from older children. mal-weight children younger than 10 years; how-
First, a much larger proportion of the daily energy ever, underreporting is common in adolescents
requirement is devoted to growth in infants com- [23, 24]. Twenty-four-hour recalls may be better
pared with older children. Second, growth is suited to adolescents. The most important limita-
driven primarily by nutrition during infancy, tion of the 24-h recall method is its poor ability to
whereas growth hormone and sex hormones have capture the day-to-day variability in dietary
a dominant influence during childhood and intake. Children may be even more susceptible to
adolescence, respectively [13–16]. Inadequate this limitation than adults because they tend to
spontaneous calorie intake has been clearly dem- have more day-to-day variability [25]. It may be
onstrated in infants with CKD [17–19]; energy useful to obtain three 24-h recalls to more com-
intakes for older children usually are normal rela- pletely evaluate the food-intake pattern. One
tive to body size [9]. In studies separating chil- weekend day should be included in a 3-day diet
dren by age, weight-for-height indices, and diary and as one of three 24-hour recalls. Despite
BMI-for-age, z scores were low in younger chil- their limitations, dietary recall interviews con-
dren, but normal in older children [10, 12]. Lean ducted by a skilled pediatric registered dietitian
380 KDOQI Work Group

or dietary diaries completed by the patient and/or children with CKD stages 4 or 5 [3, 30]. Numerous
parent as instructed by a registered dietitian factors may influence growth in CKD, including
provide useful general information about the pat- acidosis [31], disturbances in the growth hor-
tern of food intake. Information about dietary mone axis [32], and poor nutritional intake [2].
intake allows the treating team to evaluate the Nutritional intake has its greatest influence dur-
adequacy of a patient’s intake before significant ing the infancy phase of growth [16].
adverse changes in body composition result. Length (infants) should be measured by using
Poor intake is expected in infants with CKD a length board, and height (older children), by
and should prompt immediate initiation of nutri- using a wall-mounted stadiometer, preferably by
tional supplements if there is any evidence of inad- the same well-trained person at each assessment.
equate weight gain or growth. When spontaneous Calculating the SDS or plotting the child’s height
intake is low in a poorly growing older child, on the normal growth chart to determine the per-
consideration also must be given to the possibility centile allows comparison with healthy children.
that the poor intake is a result of the poor growth, In 2000, the CDC published revised North
rather than the cause. Spontaneous calorie intake American growth reference charts for infants and
increased by almost 12% in a study of 33 children children up to 20 years of age [33]. In 2006, the
with CKD during treatment with rhGH [26]. WHO released new growth standards for children
from birth to 5 years of age [34]. These growth
standards are distinguished from the CDC refer-
Length- or Height-for-Age Percentile ence charts in two important ways. First, the chil-
or SDS dren contributing to the WHO Growth Standards
were specifically selected to represent children
Length (infants <2 years) or height (children >2 growing under ideal conditions: They had non-
years) should be measured regularly, plotted on smoking mothers, were from areas of high socio-
the length- or height-for-age curves, and the per- economic status, and received regular pediatric
centile and/or SDS should be calculated. Growth health care, including immunizations. A subset
retardation is common in CKD [2, 3, 12, 27, 28]. of 882 infants, all breastfed for at least 4 months,
The impact of CKD on growth depends on both provided longitudinal data for 24 months. Second,
the degree of kidney impairment and age of the the study population was of broad ethnic diver-
child. Normal growth can be divided into three sity; participants were recruited from Brazil,
phases: infancy (dominated by nutrition), child- Ghana, India, Norway, Oman, and the United
hood (dominated by growth hormone), and States. Importantly, ethnicity had very little
puberty (dominated by sex hormones) [13]. The impact on growth, indicating that the growth
infancy phase normally is replaced by the child- standards reflect a reasonable expectation for
hood pattern between 6 and 12 months of age. In growth regardless of ethnicity; only 3% of the
CKD, onset of the childhood phase frequently is variability in growth within the population could
delayed until 2–3 years of age or interrupted by a be attributed to the country of origin [34].
transient resumption of the infancy pattern [13]. Because the WHO Growth Standards represent
CKD also results in a delay in the onset of puber- ideal growth and ideal growth should be the goal
tal growth, as well as a shorter pubertal growth for children with CKD, the WHO Growth Standards
spurt [29]. Together, these alterations to the nor- should be used as the reference for children from
mal pattern of growth may lead to severe short birth to 2 years. Differences between the CDC ref-
stature. The typical CKD growth pattern is char- erence curves and the WHO Growth Standards are
acterized by decreased growth velocity during minimal after 2 years. For this reason and because
infancy, followed by normal growth velocity dur- the switch is made from length to height measure-
ing childhood and impaired growth velocity again ment at 2 years, 2 years appears to be a reasonable
during adolescence [16]. However, growth veloc- age to make the transition from the WHO Growth
ity also may be low during the childhood phase in Standards to the CDC reference curves.
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 381

It may be useful to consider the genetic height velocity cannot be accurately assessed for inter-
potential of the child when assessing adequacy of vals shorter than 6 months in those older than 2
growth. Although the exact contribution of hered- years. However, more frequent height measure-
ity cannot be calculated, an estimate of a child’s ments allow a running look at growth and give a
adult height potential can be made by calculating general impression of its adequacy.
midparental height adjusted for the sex of the
child. Midparental height is calculated as follows:
• Girls: 13 cm is subtracted from the father’s Estimated Dry Weight
height and averaged with the mother’s height and Weight-for-Age Percentile or SDS
• Boys: 13 cm is added to the mother’s height
and averaged with the father’s height Euvolemic weight should be determined regu-
The midparental height is plotted on the larly. The weight should be plotted on the weight-
growth chart (of the same gender as the child) at for-age curves, and the percentile and/or SDS
20 years of age. For both girls and boys, 3.5 in. should be calculated. Weight is an important part
(8.5 cm) on either side of this calculated value of any nutritional assessment. In CKD, it is
(target height) represents the 3rd to 97th percen- important to ensure that weight is measured in a
tiles for anticipated adult height [35]. The 5 in. euvolemic state. This generally is referred to as
(13 cm) represents the average difference in “dry weight” because fluid overload is common
height of men and women; thus, the child grows, in those with CKD stage 5. Children with chronic
on average, to the midparental height percentile. nephrotic syndrome also may have fluid over-
Adequate growth is a good indication of ade- load, even at milder stages of CKD. Fluid over-
quate nutrition over the long term. However, load will influence not just weight, but also may
acute weight loss may be severe and alterations in affect other anthropometric measures, such as
body composition may be substantial before lin- arm circumference and skin fold thicknesses [38,
ear growth is impaired. Growth usually continues 39]. Volume depletion also may be present in
at a normal rate in malnourished children until some conditions resulting in pediatric CKD (dys-
significant wasting occurs [36]. For this reason, plasia, obstructive nephropathy, and cystinosis).
additional measures of nutritional status are It is equally important that the euvolemic weight
advised. be considered in these cases. The estimated dry
weight can be challenging to ascertain because
weight gain is expected in growing children. Five
Length or Height Velocity-for-Age parameters are helpful in the estimation process:
Percentile or SDS weight, presence of edema, blood pressure, cer-
tain laboratory values, and dietary interview. The
The growth velocity (change in height per unit of midweek postdialysis weight and the combina-
time) can be determined by recording serial tion of noninvasive blood volume monitoring
height measurements. In children younger than 2 and the postdialytic vascular compartment refill-
years, the change in length percentile and/or SDS ing rate are used for evaluation purposes in a HD
will give an idea of growth velocity (a negative patient [40]. The weight at a monthly visit (minus
change indicates poor growth; a positive change dialysis fluid in the peritoneal cavity) is used for
may represent catch-up growth). Calculation of the child on PD therapy. The estimated dry
growth velocity percentile and/or SDS for chil- weight is challenging to evaluate in patients
dren younger than 2 years can be done by using prone to edema and must be done in conjunction
data from the 2006 WHO Growth Standards. with a physical examination. Excess fluid may be
Height velocity percentile and/or SDS can be cal- visible in the periorbital, pedal, and other regions
culated for children older than 2 years by using of the body. Hypertension that resolves with dial-
reference data from the Fels Longitudinal Study ysis can be indicative of excess fluid weight.
[37]. It is important to recognize that height Other responses to dialytic fluid removal, such as
382 KDOQI Work Group

cramping or hypotension, may also give clues BMI-for-age z scores or percentiles, allowing
about the fluid status of the patient. Decreased meaningful and consistent interpretation of BMI
serum sodium and albumin levels may be mark- in normal children regardless of age. In children
ers of overhydration. Rapid weight gain in the with kidney disease, in whom growth retardation
absence of a significant increase in energy intake and delayed maturation are common, this
or decrease in physical activity must be evalu- approach has limitations. Expressing BMI rela-
ated critically before it is assumed to be dry tive to chronological age in a child with growth
weight gain. and/or maturational delay will result in inappro-
After the dry weight has been determined, it priate underestimation of his or her BMI com-
should be used to calculate the BMI and deter- pared with peers of similar height and
mine the weight-for-age percentile and/or SDS developmental age. To avoid this problem, it may
(or be plotted on the weight-for-age curves). As preferable to express BMI relative to height-age
noted in the section on height, the 2006 WHO in children with CKD – i.e., the age at which the
Growth Standards should be used as the refer- child’s height would be on the 50th percentile
ence for children up to 2 years; the 2000 CDC [38, 523]. This approach ensures that children
growth charts should be used for children older with CKD are compared with the most appropri-
than 2 years. It is important to recognize that the ate reference group: those of similar height and
weight-for-age SDS is not particularly useful in maturation.
isolation – weight-for-age will be low in growth- Height-age is believed to provide a reasonable
retarded children. Rather, it should be interpreted surrogate for maturation in most children (i.e., the
in the context of the height-for-age SDS. age at which a child would be at the 50th percen-
tile for height likely is close to the age at which
most healthy children would have a similar level
BMI-for-Height-Age Percentile or SDS of sexual/physical development). Similarly, in
children with short stature, expressing BMI rela-
It is suggested that BMI be determined each time tive to height-age will minimize errors that may
height and weight are measured. BMI should be occur as a result of the correlation between BMI-
plotted on the sex-specific BMI-for-age curves, for-age and height-for-age. However, caution
and the percentile and/or SDS should be calcu- must be used in applying this approach to chil-
lated. BMI is an accepted and easily calculated dren outside the pubertal or peripubertal period,
method of evaluating weight relative to height. for whom the correlation between height-age and
However, BMI, calculated as weight (kg) divided maturation is less clear. BMI relative to chrono-
by height (m) squared, is not completely inde- logical age may be more logical in some cases,
pendent of either age or height. This is explained particularly when sexual maturation is complete.
in part by age-related changes in body propor- Although the weight-for-height index is a
tions and in part by mathematics: a one- meaningful measure during early and midchild-
dimensional measure (height) will predict a hood, BMI has the advantage of being applicable
three-dimensional measure (increasing weight throughout the lifespan, from infancy to adult-
represents body growth in three dimensions) to hood, and is becoming the standard method of
the third power, not the second power [41]. The assessing weight relative to height [43]. While
solution has been to express BMI relative to age BMI-for-age charts are now available from birth
in developing children [42]. In this relation, age onward, clinical experience in using and inter-
functions as a surrogate for both height and matu- preting BMI before 24 months of age is limited,
ration. Because height, age, and maturation are as are data on its association with current or
highly correlated in healthy children, this future morbidity, and for this reason BMI is sug-
approach works reasonably well. Sex-specific gested rather than weight-for-height index after
BMI-for-age reference data permit calculation of the age of 2 years.
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 383

The CDC defines underweight as a BMI-for- High-quality reference values for BMI relative
age less than the 5th percentile [44]. A BMI-for- to age are now available throughout childhood.
age greater than or equal to the 85th percentile is The 2000 CDC revised growth charts include
considered overweight, and greater than the 95th sex-specific BMI-for-age curves for children and
percentile, obese [45]. The WHO definitions of adolescents between 2 and 20 years of age [33].
underweight differ somewhat from those used by These curves, developed using a North American
the CDC. A BMI-for-age SDS of −2.0 (BMI-for- population, provide a contemporary BMI refer-
age ~ <3rd percentile) recently has been proposed ence that recognizes the dependence of BMI
as a cutoff to define underweight or “thinness” in on age and allow calculation of BMI-for-age
children. This definition is attractive because it SDS and percentiles. The 2006 WHO Growth
corresponds to the cutoff for grade 2 thinness in Standards also include BMI standards for chil-
adults (BMI, 17 kg/m2) [43]. However, no high- dren from birth to 5 years of age [34]. Together,
quality studies are available linking BMI less than the WHO Growth Standards and the CDC growth
a certain cutoff to poor outcomes in the general charts provide reference values for BMI from
population. Therefore, no evidence-based defini- birth to adulthood. As for length and height mea-
tions of undernutrition or “thinness” exist. sures, BMI should be compared with the WHO
Furthermore, the applicability of such definitions Growth Standards up to 2 years of age and with
to the CKD population is unknown. Two large the CDC growth charts thereafter.
studies of adult HD patients demonstrated an
inverse relationship between BMI and mortality Head Circumference-for-Age
risk, with no clear BMI threshold above which the Percentile or SDS
risk stabilized or began to increase; mortality risk Head circumference should be measured regu-
continued to decrease even as BMI increased to larly in children 3 years and younger. Head cir-
greater than 30 kg/m2 [46, 47]. A smaller study of cumference should be plotted on the head
adult HD patients suggested increased mortality circumference-for-age curves. Poor head growth
risk with BMI less than 17 and BMI greater than is well documented in children with CKD [50,
23 kg/m2 compared with those with BMI between 51], with infants at highest risk. Although no
17.0 and 18.9 kg/m2 [48]. In children with stage 5 studies have specifically related head circumfer-
CKD, a U-shaped association was demonstrated ence to nutritional status in CKD, regular mea-
between BMI-for-age SDS and mortality risk. surements of head circumference in conjunction
Children with a BMI SDS either greater or less with intermittent developmental assessments are
than 0.50 had a greater risk of mortality than those an important part of routine pediatric CKD care.
with a BMI SDS of 0.5; each 1.0-SD unit differ- The 2007 WHO Growth Standards should be
ence in BMI SDS was associated with a 6% used as a reference [52].
greater risk of mortality [49]. It is important to
recognize that this study only demonstrated an
association between BMI and mortality, but could Normalized Protein Catabolic Rate
not establish a causal relationship. Furthermore,
the additional mortality risk associated with BMI PEM may have profound effects on growth and
SDS greater or less than 0.5 was small. development and may be associated with
Interpretability of BMI may be limited in the increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Protein
CKD population due to fluid overload. Clearly, catabolic rate (PCR) has been studied as an objec-
any excess fluid will artificially increase BMI. tive measure of DPI in stable patients receiving
Fluid overload representing 10% of the body maintenance HD. PCR can be normalized to a
weight will result in a BMI SDS approximately patient’s weight (nPCR); nPCR initially was
0.5–1.0 SD units greater than what it would be at studied in the 1980s as a marker of DPI in pediat-
dry weight. Therefore, efforts should be made to ric HD patients assumed to be in stable nitrogen
use only a true dry weight when calculating BMI. balance [53]. Calculation of nPCR is based upon
384 KDOQI Work Group

the increase in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level nPCR nor serum albumin level was effective in
from the end of one HD treatment to the begin- predicting weight loss. This potentially could be
ning of the next treatment to calculate the urea explained by: (1) better nutritional status in infants
generation rate (G; mg/min). nPCR originally and toddlers who are more likely to be tube fed,
was calculated by using formal urea kinetic mod- (2) a greater contribution of unmeasured urine
eling in association with Kt/V calculations [54]. urea clearance, (3) differences in protein catabo-
Recent pediatric data demonstrate that algebraic lism, and/or (4) different growth rates in younger
formulas yield nearly identical nPCR results children compared with older children. It is also
compared with formal urea kinetic modeling possible that because nPCR was derived in adult
[55]. The algebraic nPCR calculation is as patients receiving HD, nPCR may be a valid mea-
follows: sure only for patients of adult age or size.
Although no data exist to guide recommended
G (mg / min ) = ⎡⎣(C2 × V2 ) − (C1 × V1 )⎤⎦ / t optimal nPCR measurement frequency in HD
patients, the same data needed for Kt/V calcula-
where C1 is postdialysis BUN (mg/dL), C2 is tion allow for nPCR calculation without addi-
predialysis BUN (mg/dL), V1 is postdialysis tional blood sampling. Thus, nPCR can be
total-body water (dL; V1 = 5.8 dL/kg × postdialy- monitored monthly along with Kt/V to follow up
sis weight in kg), V2 is predialysis total-body trends for a particular patient and provide an
water (dL; V2 = 5.8 dL/kg × predialysis weight in objective measure of protein intake [61]. The
kg), and t is time (minutes) from the end of the KDOQI Adult Nutrition Guidelines recommend
dialysis treatment to the beginning of the follow- monthly assessment of nPCR for maintenance
ing treatment. HD patients [62]. It is suggested that the nPCR
Then, nPCR is calculated by using the modi- level be targeted to the age-specific protein intake
fied Borah equation [56]: guidelines noted in Recommendation 3.
nPCR = 5.43 × estG / V1 + 0.17 In a manner similar to the evaluation of nPCR
in patients receiving HD, it is recommended that
where V1 is total-body water (L) postdialysis the DPI of adults receiving PD be estimated sev-
(0.58 × weight in kg). eral times per year by determination of the protein
Data from adult studies demonstrate that the equivalent of nitrogen appearance (PNA) [63].
pre- and postdialysis BUN levels from the same This is calculated by measuring the urea nitrogen
treatment can be used to calculate nPCR; addi- content of urine and dialysate, which represents
tional blood sampling from the next treatment is the total nitrogen appearance (TNA), and multi-
not necessary [57]. Recent pediatric data demon- plying that value by 6.25 (there are ~6.25 g of
strated increases in nPCR in malnourished chil- protein per 1 g of nitrogen) [64]. Although lim-
dren on HD therapy who received IDPN. In these ited data for this subject are available in pediatrics
studies, higher nPCR was associated with subse- and the assessment is not regularly carried out in
quent weight gain, whereas lower nPCR pre- pediatric dialysis centers, Mendley and Majkowski
dicted future weight loss in adolescents [58, 59]. [65] defined the relationship between urea nitro-
Comparison of nPCR versus serum albumin gen and TNA in children undergoing PD as
level in an entire single-center population, irre- follows:
spective of nutrition status, showed that nPCR less
than 1 g/kg/d of protein predicted a sustained TNA (g / d) = 1.03 (urea nitrogen appearance) +
weight loss of at least 2% per month for 3 consecu-
0.02 ( weight in kg) +
tive months in adolescent and young adult–aged
patients [60], whereas serum albumin levels could 0.56 (for subjects age 0 to 5 years) or
not. In younger pediatric HD patients, neither 0.98 (for subjects age 6 to 15 years)
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 385

Patient age was taken into consideration thus may not reflect usual protein intake, and it
because of its relationship to dialysate protein should be normalized for patient size, although
loss. the best parameter to use has not been deter-
Edefonti et al. [66] later reported that incorpo- mined. In adults, normalization to ideal weight is
rating dialysate protein nitrogen and body surface recommended.
area (BSA) in the formula could improve the pre-
diction of TNA. Their recommended formula is
as follows: TNA (g / d) = 0.03 + 1.138 urea − N urine +
Limitations of PNA are that it is valid only 0.99 urea − N dialysate + 1.18 BSA +
when the patient is not anabolic or catabolic, the
value changes rapidly when DPI is altered and 0.965 protein − N dialysate

Frequency of Assessment failure in this critical period is extremely difficult

to catch up later [16, 30]. Any evidence of
1.3: It is suggested that the frequency of moni- retarded growth in an infant should prompt
toring nutritional and growth parameters in detailed dietary assessment and intervention.
all children with CKD stages 2–5 and 5D be In older children, the impact of CKD on
based on the child’s age and stage of CKD. (C) growth and body fat and lean stores appears to
In general, it is suggested that assessments be depend to a large degree on the severity of CKD.
performed at least twice as frequently as they A “dose–response” relationship between glom-
would be performed in a healthy child of the erular filtration rate (GFR) and BMI-for-age z
same age. (C) Infants and children with polyu- score was noted in one study, with lower GFR
ria, evidence of growth delay, decreasing or associated with lower mean BMI-for-age z score
low BMI, comorbidities influencing growth or [28]. Again, given the risks of growth retardation
nutrient intake, or recent acute changes in in children with CKD, assessment of growth
medical status or dietary intake may warrant parameters is suggested to be performed at a min-
more frequent evaluation. (C) imum of every 6 months in children with CKD
The frequency with which a nutritional evalua- stages 2–3, i.e., at least twice as often as recom-
tion should be conducted depends on both the age mended for healthy children. For children with
of the child and the severity of CKD (Table 22.1). more advanced CKD (stages 4–5 and 5D), more
Current recommendations for measurement of frequent evaluation may be warranted due to the
growth parameters in healthy infants and children greater risk of abnormalities. Every effort should
vary slightly by country. In general, two assess- be made to conduct nutritional status assessments
ments are recommended in the first month, then when the child is euvolemic.
monthly until 2 months of age, every 2 months These recommendations represent the mini-
until 6 months of age, every 3 months until 18 mum intervals for assessment. More frequent
months of age, every 6 months until 2 years of evaluation may be warranted in children with evi-
age, and then yearly thereafter [108, 109]. dence of growth delay, decreasing or low BMI,
Given that nutritional intake and growth may any comorbidities potentially influencing growth
be impaired even with mild CKD in infants – and or nutrient intake, or recent acute changes in
that these improve with nutritional supplementa- medical status or dietary intake. Three-day food
tion [17, 18, 110, 111] – it is suggested that records at intervals more frequent than every 3–6
growth parameters be monitored at least twice as months are not required for infants or children
frequently in infants with moderate CKD as is with good appetites, grossly adequate dietary
recommended for healthy infants. More frequent intakes, and adequate weight gain. More frequent
evaluations are required in infants with severe records are indicated when there is concern about
CKD (stages 4–5 and 5D). Early recognition of the adequacy of a child’s intake or overconsump-
growth delay in infancy is crucial because growth tion of one or more nutrients.

Table 22.1 Recommended parameters and frequency of nutritional assessment for children with CKD stages 2–5 and 5D
Minimum interval (mo)
Age 0–<1 years Age 1–3 years Age >3 years
Measure CKD 2–3 CKD 4–5 CKD 5D CKD 2–3 CKD 4–5 CKD 5D CKD 2 CKD 3 CKD 4–5 CKD 5D
Dietary intake 0.5–3 0.5–3 0.5–2 1–3 1–3 1–3 6–12 6 3–4 3–4
Height or length-for-age percentile or SDS 0.5–1.5 0.5–1.5 0.5–1 1–3 1–2 1 3–6 3–6 1–3 1–3
Height or length velocity-for-age percentile or SDS 0.5–2 0.5–2 0.5–1 1–6 1–3 1–2 6 6 6 6
Estimated dry weight-for-age percentile or SDS 0.5–1.5 0.5–1.5 0.25–1 1–3 1–2 0.5–1 3–6 3–6 1–3 1–3
BMI-for-height-age percentile or SDS 0.5–1.5 0.5–1.5 0.5–1 1–3 1–2 1 3–6 3–6 1–3 1–3
Head circumference-for-age percentile or SDS 0.5–1.5 0.5–1.5 0.5–1 1–3 1–2 1–2 N/A N/A N/A N/A
nPCR N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1a
N/A not applicable
Only applies to adolescents receiving HD
KDOQI Work Group
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 387

Table 22.2 Equations to estimate energy requirements

Recommendation 2: Energy for children at healthy weights
Requirements and Therapy Estimate energy requirement (EER)
(kcal/d) = total energy expenditures +
2.1: Energy requirements for children with Age energy deposition
CKD stages 2–5 and 5D should be considered 0–3 months EER = [89 × weight (kg) – 100] + 175
to be 100% of the EER for chronological age, 4–6 months EER = [89 × weight (kg) – 100] + 56
individually adjusted for PAL and body size 7–12 months EER = [89 × weight (kg) – 100] + 22
13–35 months EER = [89 × weight (kg) – 100] + 20
(i.e., BMI). Further adjustment to energy
3–8 years Boys: EER = 88.5 – 61.9 × age (y) + PA
intake is suggested based upon the response in × [26.7 × weight (kg) + 903 × height
rate of weight gain or loss. (B) (m)] + 20
In children with CKD (excluding CKD stage 5), Girls: EER = 135.3 – 30.8 × age (y) + PA
spontaneous energy intake decreases with deterio- × [10 × weight (kg) + 934 × height
(m)] + 20
rating kidney function [28], but there is no evi-
9–18 years Boys: EER = 88.5 – 61.9 × age (y) + PA
dence that children with CKD have different × [26.7 × weight (kg) + 903 × height
energy requirements than those for healthy chil- (m)] + 25
dren. In a recent study of 25 children and adoles- Girls: EER = 135.3 – 30.8 × age (y) + PA
cents with CKD stage 5 on HD therapy, resting × [10 × weight (kg) + 934 × height
(m)] + 25
energy expenditure measured by using indirect
Source: Ref. [175]
calorimetry was the same as for healthy age-
matched controls when adjusted for lean body
mass [174]. In 65 children aged 2–16 years with with growth hormone, with a positive correlation
conservatively managed CKD (GFR < 75 mL/ between energy intake and growth velocity [26].
min/1.73 m2), regular dietetic advice with particu- All children with CKD stages 2–5 and 5D
lar attention to optimizing energy intake with or should have regular dietary assessments, with the
without the use of supplements maintained or sig- frequency dependent on the degree of renal
nificantly increased the height SDS with an energy impairment to ensure EER for age, sex, and PAL
intake maintained within the normal range [156]. (Tables 22.2 and 22.3). If children younger than 3
In 35 children younger than 5 years with CKD years with a length- or height-for-age less than
stages 4–5, significant weight gain and acceler- −1.88 SDS fail to achieve expected weight gain
ated linear growth was clearly demonstrated in and growth when receiving EER (Table 22.2)
those starting enteral feeding at age younger than based on chronological age, estimated require-
2 years; improved weight gain and maintenance ments may be modified by using height-age.
of growth was observed in those starting enteral As in the general public, the incidence of
feeds at age 2–5 years without exceeding normal childhood obesity in those with CKD is increas-
energy requirements [18]. The findings are similar ing. National registry data for pediatric dialysis
to an earlier study of 22 children age 0.2–10 years or transplant patients showed a significantly
on long-term dialysis therapy in which there was higher mortality rate at the upper and lower
significant improvement in both height and weight extremes of BMI-for-age [49]. Pretransplantation
SDS with an energy intake within the normal obesity is associated with decreased long-term
range [154]. Improved linear growth also has been renal allograft survival [176]. Prevention and
demonstrated in 12 prepubertal or early pubertal treatment of obesity in patients with CKD is also
children on HD therapy with increased time on important to reduce the risk of hyperlipidemia.
dialysis and close monitoring of nutritional intake. Fat mass is less metabolically active than lean
This was achieved with an intake of 90.6% of the mass; therefore, energy requirements for over-
recommended energy intake [150]. The impor- weight or obese children are lower and can be
tance of caloric intake has also been shown in 31 estimated by using equations specific for children
prepubertal children on dialysis therapy treated heavier than a healthy weight [175].
388 KDOQI Work Group

Table 22.3 Physical activity coefficients for determination of energy requirements in children ages 3–18 years
Level of physical activity
Gender Sedentary Low active Active Very active
Typical activities of daily ADL + 30–60 min of ADL + ³ 60 min of ADL + ³ 60 min of daily
living (ADL) only daily moderate activity daily moderate activity moderate activity + an
(e.g., walking at additional 60 min of
5–7 km/h) vigorous activity or 120 min
of moderate activity
Boys 1.0 1.13 1.26 1.42
Girls 1.0 1.16 1.31 1.56
Sources: Health Canada: Reproduced
with the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada 2008

In infancy, feeds should be of breast milk or a In children with CKD stage 5D on PD therapy,
whey-based infant formula with a low renal sol- variable glucose absorption takes place from the
ute load if needed. Weaning solids should be dialysis fluid depending on the mode of dialysis,
introduced at the same time as recommended for dialysate glucose concentration, and peritoneal
healthy children. In children, high-energy foods membrane capacity. There are two adult studies
and drinks are recommended as part of a con- documenting the caloric impact from dialysis
trolled intake, with nutritional supplements or fluid glucose [177, 178]. One formula using both
nutritionally complete feeds introduced if neces- PD modality and peritoneal equilibration test
sary. Calculated energy requirements are esti- (PET) transport characteristics was shown to
mates, and some children will require more or closely approximate measured glucose absorp-
less for normal growth; therefore, all dietary pre- tion, but has not been evaluated in children [177].
scriptions should be individualized. In a pediatric study of 31 children older than 3
Early intervention to try to prevent the devel- years on ambulatory PD therapy, the mean energy
opment of oral hypersensitivity and food-aversive intake derived from peritoneal glucose absorption
behavior often is incorporated into the feeding was 9 kcal/kg/d [152]. Kaiser et al. [136] demon-
plan and includes the correct timing for introduc- strated better growth rates in children receiving
tion of solids with gradual inclusion of new tastes CAPD versus CCPD versus HD that may have
and lumpier textures, messy play and food explo- been partially explained by increased glucose
ration, prohibition of force feeding with self- absorption associated with CAPD. Because many
feeding behavior promoted, and sitting with the children on PD therapy are underweight, the pre-
family at meal times. scribed energy intake in those with CKD stage
Other members of the multidisciplinary team 5D should exclude the estimated calorie absorp-
with expertise in infant feeding issues – e.g., tion from the dialysate because this may compro-
infant psychologists and speech, language, and mise the nutritional quality of the diet. However,
occupational therapists – may be important in some children – and particularly infants on PD
improving the outcome for normal feeding. therapy – gain weight at a faster rate than normal
However, overemphasis on maintaining the oral despite oral and/or enteral energy intakes that are
route to achieve an adequate nutritional intake lower than the average requirements. Reduced
may be counterproductive because symptoms physical activity and increased exposure to
may be exacerbated by inappropriate expecta- dialysate glucose for fluid removal may be expla-
tions and the critical period of intervention to nations, and in these cases, the calorie contribu-
ensure normal nutrition-dependent growth may tion from PD fluid should be taken into account
be missed. when estimating energy requirements.
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 389

2.2: Supplemental nutritional support should was demonstrated in 73% of infants with chronic
be considered when the usual intake of a child kidney failure, with poor feed intake and vomit-
with CKD stages 2–5 or 5D fails to meet his or ing [183] and disordered gastric motility, delayed
her energy requirements and the child is not gastric emptying, and gastroesophageal reflux in
achieving expected rates of weight gain and/or 12 symptomatic children in association with
growth for age. (B) increased polypeptide hormone levels [184].
Symptoms of vomiting, irritability, and dis-
2.3: Oral intake of an energy-dense diet and comfort suggestive of gastroesophageal reflux
commercial nutritional supplements should be initially should be managed conservatively by
considered the preferred route for supplemen- concentrating feeds to reduce feed volume and
tal nutritional support for children with CKD minimizing seated and supine positions after
stages 2–5 and 5D. (B) When energy require- feeds because there is some evidence of benefit in
ments cannot be met with oral supplementa- infants without CKD [185, 186]. Although there
tion, tube feeding should be considered. (B) are no published data about the use of prokinetic
Energy requirements in infants and children agents (e.g., metoclopramide, a dopamine recep-
include the energy needed for tissue deposition, tor antagonist; domperidone, a peripheral D2
with satisfactory growth a sensitive indicator of dopamine receptor antagonist) or gastric acid
whether energy requirements are being met, par- suppressants (H2 receptor blockers or proton
ticularly in infancy [179]. Poor energy intake and pump inhibitors) in children with CKD, their use
vomiting in children with CKD therefore will may be helpful. If symptoms persist, anatomic
have an adverse effect on growth. Because short abnormalities should be excluded radiologically,
stature at dialysis therapy initiation is a marker for but the role of routine pH studies and tests of gas-
poor outcome in children initiating dialysis ther- tric emptying in those with CKD is not estab-
apy, early intervention with intensive nutritional lished. A fundoplication may be indicated for
support may be critical to outcome [180]. Because intractable vomiting and can be performed after a
calculated energy requirements are estimates, all gastrostomy is placed.
dietary prescriptions should be individualized When poor appetite and vomiting preclude a
because some children will require more or less nutritionally adequate intake, tube feeding com-
for normal growth. Formulas and enteral feedings monly is implemented. Although registry data
may be concentrated and/or supplemented with a from the North American Pediatric Renal Trials
commercial glucose polymer powder and/or a liq- and Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS) for the
uid fat. Energy-dense feeds may be needed in use of supplemental tube feeds in children
children with CKD stage 5 with oligoanuria. younger than 6 years at the start of dialysis ther-
However, both poor appetite and vomiting are apy showed no improvement in linear growth,
common in infants and children with CKD and follow-up was for only a year and no informa-
have a negative impact on the aim of achieving tion was available for calorie intake [187].
the dietary prescription. Poor appetite is multifac- However, in single-center studies, tube feeding
torial in origin and includes a thirst for water has been shown to facilitate weight gain and
rather than feed in those with polyuric CKD, the growth. Significant weight gain and catch-up
administration of multiple unpleasant medica- growth were achieved in 35 children with CKD
tions, and a preference for salty rather than stages 4–5 and age younger than 5 years if tube
energy-dense sweetened foods. The accumulation feeding was started before the age of 2 years.
of appetite-regulating cytokines and hormones Loss of nutrition from vomiting is variable and
has been implicated in the cause of both this lack hard to assess; however, the improved weight
of spontaneous appetite and early satiety and pro- gain observed in this study over 2 years with
vides a physiological explanation for the difficul- enteral feeding and without an increase in energy
ties faced by caregivers in delivering the dietary intake for age suggests that vomiting can be
prescription [181, 182]. Gastroesophageal reflux reduced by slow delivery of feeds [18]. In a large
390 KDOQI Work Group

study of 101 infants presenting with CKD who The method of tube-feed delivery and feed
were younger than 6 months and had a GFR less composition will depend on age, the presence or
than 20 mL/min/1.73 m2 or CKD stage 5 within absence of vomiting, nutrient requirements, min-
2 years, 81% of the 81 survivors were tube fed eral and electrolyte imbalances, and the assessed
and achieved a mean height SDS within the nor- intake that can be achieved orally. Infants may
mal range by 1 year, with continued improve- require only boluses of the balance of their feed-
ment thereafter [17]. In 12 infants starting PD ing after oral feeds (i.e., top-up boluses), but
therapy at younger than 1 year and on PD ther- some may need the full prescription to be given
apy for at least a year in association with enteral by tube, which can then be delivered by pump as
feeding, height, weight, and occipital head cir- an overnight feed, with the rate adjusted as toler-
cumference SDS all improved significantly by 1 ated with additional daytime boluses (Table 22.4).
year, with continuing improvement in weight Older children may benefit from having the
and occipital head circumference into the second majority of their feed overnight to encourage
year [188]. Coleman et al. [154] included older hunger and oral intake during the day and so they
children in their study of tube feeding using gas- can be free to undertake normal daytime activi-
trostomy buttons in 22 children (0.2–10.3 years ties without the pressure to meet all their require-
old) on long-term dialysis therapy. Although ments while at school or socializing.
growth data did not distinguish between those Dello Strogolo et al. [168] reported persistent
starting gastrostomy feeding before (n = 16) or feeding dysfunction in 8 of 12 infants with a GFR
after the age of 5 years (n = 6), mean height and less than 35 mL/min/1.73 m2 who were managed
weight SDS increased significantly by 18 with nasogastric tube feeds for at least 9 months.
months. However Ramage et al. [189], in a study Therefore, it is important that tube-fed infants and
of 15 children on PD therapy and gastrostomy children be encouraged to continue some oral
fed, subdivided growth outcome into those age intake or have continued oral stimulation, e.g.,
younger than 2.5 years (n = 8) and those older sucking on a pacifier and/or positive nonthreaten-
than 2.5 years (n = 7) at the start of tube feeding. ing contact with food. Other studies are more
There was no further decrease in height SDS in encouraging. In five infants on PD therapy and
either group, with significant weight gain in both nasogastric feeding with persistent food refusal,
age groups by 12 months [189]. Therefore, tube intensive behavior therapy by a multidisciplinary
feeding should be considered for infants and team enabled the infants to convert to full oral
children younger than 3 years who do not meet feeding [190]. Although there are concerns that
their EER orally despite dietary intervention and tube feeding will further reduce oral intake,
who are underweight or growth retarded (weight Ledermann et al. [18] showed in children aged
or length/height < −1.88 SDS) or failing to 0–2 years that the percentage of energy derived
achieve normal rates of weight gain or growth. from the tube feed did not change over 2 years
Although there are limited data about the use of despite an increase in the absolute energy intake
tube feeding in children older than 3 years, this with age, confirming improved oral intake. The
approach should be considered in the individual long-term outlook for normal feeding after trans-
child with intake inadequate to maintain expected plantation is excellent, with reports of successful
weight gain to prevent malnutrition, which transitioning of almost all tube-fed children to oral
increases the risk of infection, reduces stamina diet and fluids within 10 months if children with
and cognition, and compromises long-term sur- significant comorbidities are excluded [169, 191].
vival [70]. However, treatment with growth hor- Although the preferred method of tube feeding
mone may be indicated if growth failure persists is by means of gastrostomy, nasogastric tubes
despite meeting nutritional requirements, partic- may be used long term or as a temporary mea-
ularly after early childhood, because there is cur- sure, particularly for infants weighing less than
rently minimal evidence that improved nutrition 4 kg or infants/children presenting with CKD
alone can facilitate catch-up growth. stage 5 needing immediate PD therapy. Repeated
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 391

Table 22.4 Suggested Rates for Initiating and Advancing Tube Feedings
Age Initial Hourly Infusion Daily Increases Goal*
Continuous Feedings
0-1 y 10-20 mL/h or 1-2 mL/kg/h 5-10mL/8h or 1 mL/kg/h 21-54 mL/h or 6 mL/kg/h
1-6 yrs 20-30 mL/h or 2-3 mL/kg/h 10-15 mL/8h 71-92 mL/h or 4-5 mL/kg/h
or 1 mL/kg/h
6-14 yrs 30-40 mL/h or 1 mL/kg/h 15-20 mL/8h or 0.5 108-130 mL/h or 3-4 mL/kg/h
>14yrs 50 mL/h or 0.5-1 mL/kg/h 25 mL/8h or 0.4-0.5 125 mL/h
Bolus Feedings
0-1 y 60-80 mL q 4h or 10-15 20-40 mL q 4h 80-240 mL q 4h or 20-30
mL/kg/feed mL/kg/feed
1-6 yrs 80-120 mL q 4h or 5-10 40-60 mL q 4h 280-375 mL q 4h or 15-20
mL/kg/feed mL/kg/feed
6-14 yrs 120-160 mL q 4h or 3-5 60-80 mL q 4h 430-520 mL q 4h or 10-20
mL/kg/feed mL/kg/feed
> 14 yrs 200 mL q 4h or 3 100 mL q 4h 500 mL q 4h or 10 mL/kg/feed
Note: Calculating rates based on age and per kilogram body weight is useful for srnall-for-age patients
Adapted with permission
*Goal is expected maximum that child will tolerate: individual children may tolerate higher rates or volumes. Proceed
cautiously for jejunal feedings. Goals for individual children should be based on energy requirements and energy den-
sity of feeding and therefore may be lower than expected maximum tolerance

replacement due to vomiting with subsequent open Stamm gastrostomy, initially with a catheter
aversive behavior and the psychosocial problems and subsequently replaced by a button device,
associated with the visibility of the tube are can be performed safely in children on PD ther-
averted by the use of gastrostomies. Gastrostomies apy with suitable precautions (e.g., antibiotic and
may be placed either percutaneously (radiologi- antifungal coverage and time off PD therapy after
cally or endoscopically) or by using an open pro- placement). There is no evidence of an increased
cedure. Minor complications are well documented incidence of bacterial or fungal peritonitis with
for both approaches, particularly exit-site ery- an established gastrostomy [155, 194, 195].
thema and infections. Migration of the retention A fundoplication may be performed with the
disk and enterocolic fistulae can present as sig- gastrostomy or after initial gastrostomy place-
nificant late complications of percutaneous place- ment if severe vomiting persists despite medical
ment, although the latter may be avoided by and nutritional management, but temporary HD
radiological placement because the bowel is out- therapy may be required [155, 196]. A Stamm
lined with contrast. Gastrocutaneous fistulae may gastrostomy can be created at the same time as
need surgical closure after gastrostomy button PD catheter placement without additional com-
removal. A percutaneously placed gastrostomy plications [154].
should be replaced every 18–24 months by either The use of gastrojejunal tubes has been
the same size gastrostomy tube or, if the track is described by Geary and Chait [110], but the
adequate, a button gastrostomy according to the expected reduction in vomiting was not observed
child’s and family’s preference [192, 193]. Ideally, and the need for continuous feed delivery reduces
placement of a gastrostomy tube should occur the practical application.
before PD catheter placement. The placement of Other approaches may improve the nutritional
a percutaneous gastrostomy while on PD therapy status. In adult maintenance HD patients, increas-
should be discouraged because the risk of severe ing dialysis frequency to six times per week
peritonitis and PD failure is high; conversely, an improved both biochemical markers and weight
392 KDOQI Work Group

gain [197]. A recent report of increased growth ished children (BMI-for-height-age < fifth per-
velocity in five children with intensified daily HD centile) receiving maintenance HD who are
allowed a “free” diet raising the possibility that unable to meet their nutritional requirements
nutritional status improves with a higher dialysis through oral and tube feeding. (C)
dose [149]. Although the appetite stimulant Malnutrition, short stature, and low BMI are
megestrol acetate has been used in adults on HD independent risk factors for mortality in adult
therapy [198, 199], there are significant side and pediatric patients [49, 70, 209]. Data from
effects and few published studies or case reports adult patients receiving maintenance HD show
of the use of appetite stimulants or anabolic that anorexia is an independent risk factor for
agents in children with CKD. death 12 months later [210]. Children receiving
The 3½–4-h HD session, which characteristi- MD report high rates of depression [211], poor
cally occurs thrice weekly, may offer an opportune adjustment to diagnosis and lower socioeconomic
time to provide oral nutritional supplementation, status [212], and lower health-related quality of
provided the patient is tolerant of the nutrient life [213–215] than healthy controls and there-
intake during the session. Although this is a com- fore are at risk of anorexia-induced malnutrition.
mon practice in Europe, the experience in many One pediatric center reports that psychosocial/
other centers has been less positive, prompting a malnutrition-related causes account for the most
philosophy against the allowance of oral intake frequent reason for HD patient hospitalization
during HD in adult and even pediatric centers alike [58]. Advanced CKD stages are often associated
[200–203]. The most frequent adverse outcome with anorexia and gastrointestinal disorders,
noted when meals have been provided is hypoten- which may inhibit the ability to maintain ade-
sion, presumably the result of either decreased quate nutritional status through the oral and/or
cardiac output secondary to splanchnic sequestra- enteral route. IDPN can be provided to augment
tion of blood or through a decrease in splanchnic inadequate nutritional intake in a small select
resistance leading to a reduction in systemic vas- group of children who are malnourished and
cular resistance [204, 205]. A decrease in relative unable to meet their requirements through oral
blood volume also has been documented [206]. and tube feeding.
However, more recently, a prospective study of 85 Pilot pediatric data from small cohorts suggest
adults receiving maintenance HD revealed the that IDPN can be efficacious to augment inade-
nutritional benefit and patient tolerance of an oral quate oral and/or enteral nutrition in malnour-
supplement provided during the HD session [207]. ished children, leading to improvements in BMI
In a subsequent retrospective study of 126 stable in children with organic [58, 59, 216], but not
adult HD patients, there also was no evidence of psychosocial [59], causes of malnutrition.
an association between oral intake during HD and Optimal IDPN solution composition is unknown;
intradialytic hypotension, although the prescribed however, a typical IDPN prescription contains
dry weight was not achieved in a substantial per- amino acids in amounts to meet estimated daily
centage of patients with high oral intake [208]. It protein requirements, as well as dextrose and
is distinctly possible that the fewer comorbidities 20% or 30% lipid components to increase the
that characterize pediatric versus adult patients caloric impact of the IDPN. Substrate infusion
receiving HD are associated with decreased risk of rates are adjusted upward as tolerated to enhance
postprandial complications. However, evidence caloric intake while preventing or managing
supporting this hypothesis is not yet available and hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia (Table 22.5).
mandates close monitoring of vital signs in any Although data assessing IDPN efficacy in
patient who receives nutritional supplementation adult HD patients have not shown a clear benefit
during an HD session. of IDPN to reduce mortality [217, 218], such data
may not be applicable to children, for whom ade-
2.4: A trial of IDPN to augment inadequate quate nutrition is requisite for normal growth and
nutritional intake is suggested for malnour- development.
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 393

Table 22.5 Nutrient content or infusion rates of IDPN reported from small pediatric cohorts
Goldstein 2002 Orellana 2005 Krause 2002
Parameter/nutrient (n = 3) (n = 9) (n = 4)
Age (years) 17–25 17–26 4–18
Protein, g/kg/treatment 1.3 1.3 0.5–1.5
Dextrose, mg/kg/min 5–9 5–9 18–46
Fat, g/kg/h Not reported £ 0.2–0.3 £0.2
kcal/kg/treatment Not reported 11 kcal/kg from protein + dextrose; not reported for lipids 27–53

Table 22.6 Potential adverse occurrences with IDPN

Response to adverse
Component Adverse occurrence(s) Monitoring schedule event
Protein None
Carbohydrate Hyperglycemia (>350 mg/dL) Serum glucose before HD, 1 h Decrease dextrose
into HD and at the end of HD rate by 2 mg/kg/min
– First week of IDPN Add insulin to
– Week after change in dextrose rate IDPN
– Symptomatic patient
Fat Hyperlipidemia – Serum TG levels before first Discontinue lipids
(50% rise in pre-HD TG level and second treatment using lipids
between two treatments) – During the first administration of Discontinue lipids
Hypersensitivity (egg allergy) intravenous lipids, a test dose of
0.5 mL/min for the first 30 min of infusion

IDPN is administered continuously during the IDPN provision can require substantial
entire course of the HD treatment and should be resources and should be used only when adequate
infused in the venous limb of the HD circuit to pre- financial and personnel resources are available.
vent clearance of amino acids and trace elements. IDPN should not be promoted as a sole nutrition
More than two-thirds of the infused amino acids source; it should be used to augment other
are retained, and the fluid used to deliver IDPN is sources. If the combination of oral and/or enteral
removed through ultrafiltration. Trace element intake and IDPN is unable to meet energy and
solutions can be added to provide zinc, copper, protein requirements, daily total or partial paren-
selenium, manganese, and chromium. Table 22.6 teral nutrition is indicated.
lists the potential adverse events associated with
IDPN and a recommended monitoring schedule. 2.5: A balance of calories from carbohydrate
Postinfusion hypoglycemia or symptoms sugges- and unsaturated fats within the physiological
tive of refeeding syndrome (e.g., hypokalemia, ranges recommended as the AMDR of the DRI
hypophosphatemia, and hypomagnesemia) have is suggested when prescribing oral, enteral, or
been seen rarely in children on IDPN therapy. parenteral energy supplementation to children
In the absence of pediatric criteria, discontinu- with CKD stages 2–5 and 5D. (C)
ation criteria for adults may provide guidance Fats, carbohydrates, and proteins can substi-
[217, 219]. Suggested criteria include clinical tute for one another to some extent to meet the
evidence of improving nutrition as evidenced by body’s energy needs. Uneven distribution of cal-
increased dry weight and an increase in oral ories from each of the macronutrients may be
intake to meet energy and protein requirements. associated with inadequacy of certain nutrients
Additional criteria for discontinuation include no and increased risk of such chronic diseases as
improvement in nutritional status after 4–6 coronary heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.
months of IDPN or complications or intolerance Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading
of IDPN therapy [219]. cause of morbidity and death in the pediatric
394 KDOQI Work Group

CKD population [220, 221]. Upper extremes of cholesterol levels, and high intakes have been
BMI-for-age are associated with higher mortality associated with reduced rates of CVD.
rates in children on dialysis therapy and decreased As noted previously, CVD is the leading cause
long-term allograft survival and higher mortality of morbidity and mortality in children with CKD,
rates in pediatric transplant patients. Although accounting for approximately 25% of total deaths
large-scale studies of risk-factor outcomes for [220, 221]. These rates are 1,000 times higher
those with CVD have not been performed in than the national pediatric cardiovascular death
adults or children with CKD, the high mortality rate [220]. CVD in children with CKD is associ-
rate supports the need for risk-factor reduction ated with traditional (dyslipidemia, hypertension,
early in the course of CKD to reduce long-term obesity, physical inactivity, and genetics) and
exposure to cardiovascular insult and improve nontraditional factors (uremia, uremia-related
outcomes. To achieve the best risk reduction, it anemia, prothrombogenic factors, inflammation,
appears that dietary strategies should aim to pre- fluid overload, left ventricular hypertrophy,
vent or minimize increased triglyceride (TG) and increased homocysteine levels, and vascular cal-
cholesterol levels and avoid conditions – such as cification) [220]. Children with CKD have been
obesity – that contribute to dyslipidemia. identified as being in the highest risk category for
It often is necessary to supplement an infant’s pediatric CVD [173].
formula or a child’s diet with fat and carbohy- Dyslipidemia occurs relatively early in the pro-
drate to provide optimal calories, especially when gression of CKD (i.e., GFR, 30–59 mL/min/1.73 m2)
the child is fluid restricted. In the general popula- and increases in prevalence as kidney function
tion, low or high proportions of calories from car- deteriorates [222]. In children and adolescents on
bohydrate or fat are associated with nutrient PD therapy, reported rates of dyslipidemia range
inadequacies (e.g., fat-soluble vitamins) and/or from 29% to 87% [223]. Hypertriglyceridemia and
chronic diseases, including heart disease, obesity, hypercholesterolemia have been reported in 90%
and diabetes [175]. and 69% of children with CKD stage 5, respec-
Macronutrients are related to heart disease and tively [224]. Dyslipidemia in pediatric CKD mani-
obesity in many ways. Excess energy intake fests primarily as increased levels of serum TG,
results directly in obesity, which increases the contained predominantly in very LDLs (VLDLs)
risk of heart disease. High intake of dietary cho- of hepatic origin [225]. This occurs in combination
lesterol, saturated fat, or trans-fatty acids can with high levels of VLDL and intermediate-density
increase total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) lipoproteins (IDLs), low levels of HDL particles,
cholesterol levels in the blood whereas monoun- and normal or modestly increased levels of total
saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids can and LDL cholesterol [226, 227]. Sometimes
decrease total and LDL blood cholesterol levels. referred to as atherogenic dyslipidemia, the meta-
High intakes of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids bolic abnormalities underlying it are complex
(omega-3 fatty acids [175], docosahexaenoic acid [227]. Hypertriglyceridemia is an independent con-
[175], and eicosapentaenoic acid [175]) are asso- tributor to the development of CVD [228–232] and
ciated with decreasing TG levels and a decreased may also accelerate progression of CKD to CKD
risk of heart disease. High carbohydrate (i.e., stage 5, dialysis, and transplantation [233–235].
simple sugars) and low fat intakes tend to increase Recommended ranges for a healthy distribu-
plasma TG levels and decrease high-density lipo- tion of calories from protein, fat, and carbohy-
protein (HDL) cholesterol levels, with a carbohy- drate for the general pediatric population have
drate source of monosaccharides (especially been established by the DRI [175]. These AMDR
fructose) causing a more extreme effect. (Table 22.7) are based on evidence that consump-
Hypertriglyceridemia also has been associated tion greater or less than these ranges may be asso-
with enhanced glucose uptake in children on PD ciated with nutrient inadequacy and increased risk
therapy. Dietary fiber, particularly naturally of developing such chronic diseases as coronary
occurring viscous fiber, reduces total and LDL heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and/or cancer.
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 395

Table 22.7 Acceptable Macronutrient Children 1–3 years (%) Children 4–18 years (%)
macronutrient distribution
Carbohydrate 45–65 45–65
Fat 30–40 25–35
Protein 5–20 10–30
Source: Health Canada:

Table 22.8 Dietary treatment recommendations for children with dyslipidemia and CKD stages 5 and 5D, and kidney
Macronutrient Serum LDL-C >100 mg/dL Serum TG > 150 mg/dL
Energy If associated with excess weight, energy balance + activity
recommendations for weight loss
Dietary fat <30% of calories Low
Dietary cholesterol <200 mg/d
Trans-fatty acids Avoid
Saturated fatty acids <7% of calories
Carbohydrate Low simple carbohydrate
Source: Kavey et al. [173]

There is no information to suggest that dietary formula concentrate and less water) or increased
advice regarding macronutrient distribution in by the addition of modular components of carbo-
children with CKD should be different from that hydrates (e.g., powder or liquid forms of tasteless
in the general population; therefore, it seems pru- glucose polymers) and/or fat (e.g., ordinary oil
dent to maintain a distribution of calories similar used at home, emulsified oil, or medium-chain
to that recommended by the AMDR for children TG). When uremia, hyperkalemia, hyperphos-
with CKD stages 2–5 and 5D. phatemia, or formula osmolarity prevent concen-
The DRI provide further recommendations for trating formulas, additions of carbohydrate and/
specific types of carbohydrate and fat to avoid or or fat are indicated. Fat additions to formula
limit for the purpose of chronic disease risk should be in the form of heart-healthy unsaturated
reduction. Given the high risk of CVD in children fats, such as canola, olive, or corn oil. Providing
with CKD, it is recommended that children and enteral feedings containing glucose polymers and
their caregivers be counseled to use sources of oil emulsions in a balanced profile of fat and car-
unsaturated fat rather than saturated or trans fats bohydrate to children with CKD managed con-
and, as much as possible, to choose complex car- servatively (n = 5) or by using PD (n = 5) did not
bohydrates instead of simple sugars. enhance hyperlipidemia compared with 37 chil-
Calorically dense formulas frequently are pre- dren who were not tube fed [237].
scribed for infants; however, there are no AMDR Children with CKD stages 2–5 and 5D and
for those younger than 1 year. Therefore, when dyslipidemia have been identified as a high-risk
advancing the caloric density of formula, the dis- population for CVD [173]. Table 22.8 lists more
tribution of protein, fat, and carbohydrate should precise recommendations for stricter lowering of
be kept consistent with the base formula [236], total dietary fat, cholesterol, and trans and satu-
which must adhere to strict standards (7–12% rated fats directed to toddlers, children, and ado-
protein, 40–54% fat, and 36–56% carbohydrate). lescents with dyslipidemia and CKD stage 5, 5D,
Infants and young children need a somewhat or a kidney transplant.
greater proportion of fat in their diets to meet The KDOQI Dyslipidemia Guidelines’ recom-
energy needs. Protein and electrolyte issues typi- mendations, endorsed by the KDOQI
cally predict whether the energy density of an Cardiovascular Guidelines, recommend that the
infant’s formula can be concentrated (i.e., more dietary and lifestyle recommendations made for
396 KDOQI Work Group

adults are also appropriate for postpubertal chil- cantly higher at the upper and lower extremes of
dren and adolescents with CKD, but that prepu- BMI-for-age [49]. Pretransplantation obesity and
bertal children should follow recommendations increased BMI-for-age after transplantation are
from the National Cholesterol Expert Panel in associated with decreased long-term renal allograft
Children and Adolescents (NCEP-C) [238]. Since survival [176]. Prevention and treatment of obesity
then, a consensus statement on dietary recom- in patients with CKD is also important to reduce
mendations for children and adolescents from the the risk of hyperlipidemia [242].
-American Heart Association (AHA) [239], A multiorganization scientific statement on
endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, cardiovascular risk reduction in high-risk pediatric
provides more current guidance than the NCEP-C patients made the following recommendations for
recommendations for working with children and high-risk children, including those with CKD stages
adolescents with CKD, recognizing that dietary 5 and 5D and kidney transplant recipients with a
modifications to increase calories or restrict potas- BMI greater than the 95th percentile. Step 1 treat-
sium and/or phosphorus intake make macronutri- ment: (a) age-appropriate reduced-calorie training
ent modifications more challenging to achieve. for child and family; (b) specific diet/weight follow-
The extent to which the macronutrient content up every 4–6 months, repeated BMI calculation at 6
of the diet should be manipulated must consider months; and (c) activity counseling with a goal of 1
the child’s nutritional status and other dietary h or more of active play per day and screen time
mineral and/or electrolyte restrictions. The first limited to 1 h or less per day. Step 2 treatment if
priority for nutritional care is meeting energy, follow-up BMI remains greater than the 95th per-
protein, and micronutrient requirements to achieve centile: weight-loss program referral plus consider
optimal growth for individual children. If a child referral for exercise testing and recommendations
is well nourished, adding dietary modifications from exercise specialist appropriate for cardiac sta-
for dyslipidemia prevention or management can tus [173]. Interventional strategies for treatment of
be safely undertaken. Studies of the general pedi- child and adolescent overweight and obesity in the
atric population have shown that dietary fat non-CKD population [45] may be helpful.
restriction to 30% of total caloric intake is safe
and, in particular, free of adverse effects on
growth, development, or nutrition [240, 241]. Fiber
Renal diet restrictions to control uremia (pro-
tein) and mineral and electrolyte abnormalities The AI for total fiber is based on daily caloric
limit the variety and palatability of the diet, and intake, and for all children 1 year and older is 14
additional (dyslipidemia) restrictions can be g/1,000 kcal/d. To normalize cholesterol levels
overwhelming and may reduce caloric intake fur- and reduce the risk of cardiovascular heart disease,
ther. In light of this, dietary intervention for treat- an increase in soluble fiber intake is recommended
ment of dyslipidemia is not recommended for as an addition to reductions in saturated fatty acid
undernourished children with CKD [220, 223]; and cholesterol intake [239, 241]. Fiber also can
however, such simple changes as a switch to aid laxation and promote satiety, which can reduce
heart-healthy fats can be implemented easily. energy intake and the risk of overweight.
Dietary fiber is found in most fruits, vegetables,
2.6: Dietary and lifestyle changes are suggested legumes, and whole grains, which are foods
to achieve weight control in overweight or obese restricted in low-potassium and low-phosphorus
children with CKD stages 2–5 and 5D. (C) diets; therefore, meeting daily fiber recommenda-
Childhood obesity is an international public tions for healthy children is more challenging for
health problem reaching epidemic proportions. A children with CKD who have limited intake of
review of data from the US Renal Data System for these foods due to low-potassium and/or low-
more than 1,900 pediatric dialysis or transplant phosphorus diet restrictions. Tasteless mineral- and
patients showed that mortality rates were signifi- electrolyte-free powdered forms of fiber (e.g.,
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 397

Unifiber®, Benefiber®) are available to add to meals orange roughy, king mackerel, escolar [254], tile-
or drinks if children are unable to meet their fiber fish, and albacore or “white” tuna) has led vari-
intake by diet. High-fiber diets require additional ous regulatory bodies to issue recommendations
fluid intake, which may not be possible for oliguric about the maximum intake of these fish for young
or anuric patients with strict fluid restriction. children, who are considered to be more suscep-
tible than adults to the adverse health effects of
methyl mercury.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (n-3 FA) Several safety concerns around the use of n-3
FA have been raised, including prolonged bleeding
Approximately 75% of children with CKD have times, worsening glycemic control in patients with
hypertriglyceridemia, for which there is no effec- diabetes, small increases in LDL cholesterol levels,
tive therapy. Both primary and secondary preven- and environmental contaminants in fish-oil prod-
tion studies provide strong evidence that ucts. Despite these concerns, n-3 FAs have been
consumption of fish and fish oils rich in the n-3 found to be extremely safe by both Health Canada
FAs EPA and DHA reduce all-cause mortality and and the US Food and Drug Administration.
various CVD outcomes in adults [243, 244]. By At this time, there is insufficient evidence to
far, the strongest most consistent evidence of the recommend routine use of n-3 FAs to treat hyper-
cardioprotective benefits of n-3 FA is for the low- triglyceridemia in children with CKD.
ering of serum TG levels that is dose dependent
and similar in various (adult) populations [244,
245]. Adults with CKD who were treated with n-3 Recommendation 3: Protein
FA for 8 weeks had significant decreases in TG Requirements and Therapy
levels ranging from 20% to 50% compared with
controls [246–248]. Pediatric data for the 3.1: It is suggested to maintain dietary protein
TG-lowering effect of n-3 FA are limited to sev- intake at 100–140% of the DRI for ideal body
eral pre/post-studies [249, 250]. Eighteen children weight in children with CKD stage 3 and at
(7–18 years old) on dialysis therapy experienced a 100–120% of the DRI in children with CKD
27% decrease in TG levels from 236 ± 31 to stages 4–5. (C)
171 ± 21 mg/dL after 8 weeks of EPA plus DHA Progressive CKD is generally associated with
supplementation [251]. In a trial of n-3 FA and a reduction in spontaneous dietary intake of both
alternate-day prednisone on progression of disease protein and energy. In a study comparing 50 chil-
in children and young adults (age, 7.4–39.7 years) dren with CKD stages 3–4 with healthy controls,
with immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy, a 17% protein intake was found to be 33% lower and
decrease in TG level was observed after 2 years of energy intake was 10% lower in patients with
therapy with 3.36 g/d of EPA plus DHA [252]. CKD [255]. However, whereas spontaneous
EPA and DHA can be synthesized in vivo energy intake tends to be critically low, e.g., less
through the elongation and desaturation of a-lino- than 80–85% of the RDA, DPI in those with CKD
lenic acid; however, this process occurs slowly is far in excess of the average requirements, typi-
and is inefficient. Therefore, EPA and DHA, cally 150–200% of the RDA [9, 255, 256].
found almost exclusively in fish and marine The efficacy of low-protein diets in reducing
sources, must be provided in the diet; the highest the rate of CKD progression has been assessed
sources are fatty fish (e.g., tuna, mackerel, trout, in randomized prospective trials in both adult
salmon, herring, sardines, and anchovies) [253]. and pediatric patients. In the MDRD trial, no
Adults on dialysis therapy consume fish in significant beneficial effect of decreasing DPI
amounts far less than recommendations and have from 1.3 to either 0.58 or 0.3 g/kg/d, supple-
lower tissue EPA plus DHA stores compared with mented with essential keto acids, could be dem-
healthy people [254]. The higher mercury con- onstrated; subtle signs of a suboptimal nutritional
tent of certain fatty fish (shark, swordfish, marlin, status were noted with these diets [257]. In a
398 KDOQI Work Group

Table 22.9 Recommended dietary protein intake in children with CKD stages 3–5 and 5D
Recommended for Recommended for
CKD stage 3 (g/kg/d) CKD stages 4–5 (g/kg/d) Recommended Recommended
Age DRI (g/kg/d) (100–140% DRI) (100–120% DRI) for HD (g/kg/d)a for PD (g/kg/d)b
0–6 months 1.5 1.5–2.1 1.5–1.8 1.6 1.8
7–12 months 1.2 1.2–1.7 1.2–1.5 1.3 1.5
1–3 years 1.05 1.05–1.5 1.05–1.25 1.15 1.3
4–13 years 0.95 0.95–1.35 0.95–1.15 1.05 1.1
14–18 years 0.85 0.85–1.2 0.85–1.05 0.95 1.0
DRI + 0.1 g/kg/d to compensate for dialytic losses
DRI + 0.15–0.3 g/kg/d depending on patient age to compensate for peritoneal losses

pediatric trial involving 191 children with CKD These protein recommendations refer to a stable
stages 3–4, a reduction in protein intake aiming child and assume that energy intake is adequate
at 100% (0.8–1.1 g/kg ideal body weight [257]) (i.e., it meets 100% of estimated requirements).
and achieving 120% of the dietary intake recom- Inadequate caloric intake results in the inefficient
mended by WHO did not alter the rate of use of dietary protein as a calorie source, with
CKD progression compared with a cohort with increased generation of urea. Ensuring caloric
ad libitum protein intake (mean, 181% of RDA) needs are met is an important step in assessing pro-
[256, 258]. The reduction in protein intake, with tein requirements and modifying protein intake.
maintenance of energy intake at greater than Protein requirements may be increased in
80% of the RDA in both groups, did not affect patients with proteinuria and during recovery
statural growth, weight gain, body composition, from intercurrent illness. Modification of protein
or serum albumin levels within the observation recommendations also may be necessary in obese
period of 2–3 years. or stunted children. Obese individuals have a
Hence, although there is no evidence for a greater percentage of body fat, which is much less
nephroprotective effect of dietary protein metabolically active than lean mass. Therefore, it
restriction, protein intake can be restricted is believed that basing protein (and energy)
safely to 0.8–1.1 g/kg/d in children with CKD. requirements of obese individuals on their actual
Because dietary protein restriction reduces the weight may overestimate requirements.
accumulation of nitrogenous waste products Conversely, using ideal body weight for an obese
and facilitates lowering dietary phosphorus person does not take into account the increase in
intake, it appears appropriate to gradually body protein needed for structural support of extra
lower DPI toward 100% of the DRI in children fat tissue. Therefore, a common practice is to esti-
advancing from CKD stage 3 to stage 5. This mate protein requirements of obese individuals
should delay the onset of signs and symptoms based on an “adjusted” weight (i.e., adjusted
of uremia, although it should be noted that in weight = ideal weight-for-height + 25% × [256, 258],
the pediatric trial cited, the time of initiation of where 25% represents the percentage of body fat
kidney replacement therapy was not delayed tissue that is metabolically active) rather than their
significantly in the low-protein cohort. Moreover, actual body weight [259]. This formula is based
implementation and maintenance of a strict on physiological theory rather than scientific evi-
low-protein diet requires a major lifestyle dence. In young children (i.e., age <3 years) or
change that may not be acceptable to many stunted children (i.e., length- or height-for-age
families. Hence, moderate protein restriction <−1.88 SDS), protein requirements initially
aiming at 100–140% of the DRI in CKD stage should be estimated by using chronological age,
3 and 100–120% of the DRI in CKD stages 4–5 but may be reestimated by using height-age if
may be a reasonable compromise in most cases there are indications of inadequate protein intake
(Table 22.9). (see Recommendation 3.3).
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 399

3.2 In children with CKD stage 5D, it is sug- RDA. However, nitrogen balance also positively
gested to maintain dietary protein intake at correlated with total energy intake, and no multi-
100% of the DRI for ideal body weight plus an variate analysis was performed to address whether
allowance for dialytic protein and amino acid energy intake, protein intake, or both were inde-
losses. (C) pendent effectors of nitrogen balance.
Our recommendations for DPI in dialyzed A single randomized prospective study in
children differ from previous adult and pediatric adults [271] and several trials in children have
guidelines based on several lines of reasoning. addressed the effect of selectively increasing
First, the Food and Nutrition Board of the amino acid supply in patients on PD therapy.
Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Despite increases in amino acid and dietary pro-
Sciences in 2002 replaced the RDA of 1989 with tein intake, no significant beneficial effects on
DRI values for the intake of nutrients by Americans nutritional status and longitudinal growth in chil-
and Canadians. For protein, the DRI values are dren were achieved by this intervention, whereas
lower than the RDA across all age groups [175]. urea concentrations frequently increased [272–
Second, previous recommendations for dia- 276]. These results are compatible with the inter-
lyzed patients were based on the concept that in pretation that it is not possible to induce tissue
addition to replacements for dialytic amino acid anabolism by selectively increasing protein and
and protein losses, at least 0.3–0.4 g/kg of dietary amino acid ingestion except in subjects with sub-
protein should be added to the intake recom- normal baseline protein intake. If more protein is
mended for healthy subjects [62]. The evidence ingested than needed for metabolic purposes, all
base for this notion is weak and primarily based the excess is oxidized and results in accumulation
on adult literature. of nitrogenous-containing end products.
The widespread notion that dialysis induces Third, although evidence for beneficial effects
generalized protein catabolism through general- of a high DPI is lacking, there is growing concern
ized protein degradation resulting from cytokine that it may even be harmful to dialyzed children.
release induced by exposure to bioincompatible In a DXA study of body composition in 20 chil-
membranes (in HD) or dialysis fluids (in PD) has dren on long-term PD therapy and a mean DPI of
not been universally confirmed by metabolic stud- 144% of the RDA, protein intake inversely cor-
ies. Net protein “catabolism” seems to be limited related with bone mineral density, bone mineral
to the dialytic removal of amino acids and/or pro- content, and fat-free mass, and also with plasma
tein and a slightly reduced protein synthesis dur- bicarbonate level, suggesting that a high-protein
ing HD sessions. Whole-body protein breakdown intake may cause tissue catabolism and bone loss
is not increased [260]. through aggravating metabolic acidosis [277].
Observational studies showing a correlation Finally, the most convincing argument for
between high-protein intake and better outcomes limiting DPI in dialyzed children is derived from
in adult dialysis patients [261, 262] do not prove the solid evidence for a key etiologic role of
that a high-protein intake by itself stimulates tissue dietary phosphorus load in the pathogenesis of
anabolism. Reviews of nitrogen-balance studies dialysis-associated calcifying arteriopathy in
performed in adult dialysis patients with different pediatric and adult patients. Several studies of
protein intakes [56, 263–270] conclude that HD children and adults with childhood-onset CKD
patients are in neutral nitrogen balance with a pro- stage 5 have demonstrated correlations between
tein intake as low as 0.75–0.87 g/kg/d, and PD serum phosphorus levels and cumulative phos-
patients with 0.9–1.0 g/kg/d. A single nitrogen- phate-binder requirements and arteriopathy
balance study has been performed in dialyzed chil- [278–282], which, in turn, is linked to the exces-
dren [152]. In 31 pediatric patients receiving sive cardiovascular mortality of patients with
automated PD, the investigators observed a posi- CKD [283, 284].
tive correlation between nitrogen balance and DPI There is a nearly linear relationship between
and concluded that DPI should be at least 144% of protein and phosphorus intake [285], which deter-
400 KDOQI Work Group

Table 22.10 Average Ratio of mg Ratio adjusted

ratio of phosphorus to Food category phosphorus to g protein for digestion/absorption
protein content in various
Egg white 1.4 1
protein-rich foods
Meat 9 6
Tofu 12 7
Egg 14 10
Legumes 17 10
Lentils 20 12
Nuts 25 15
Milk 29 21
Seeds 50 29
Note: Mathematical estimations based on protein digestibility-corrected amino
acid scores (PDCAA) and data on estimated phosphorus bioavailability
©1998, Vegetarian diets in renal disease article in nutrition update, vegetar-
ian nutrition DPG newsletter; DPG, a dietic practice group of American
Dietic Association. Used with permission

mines a frequent association of high protein in the animal products is greater than 70%, whereas
diet with hyperphosphatemia [286]. Whereas availability from plant products (50%) and mixed
hyperphosphatemia is a powerful independent pre- meals (50–70%) is lower. Hence, despite their
dictor of mortality on dialysis therapy [287], evi- higher specific phosphorus content, some plant
dence for any benefit from high-protein diets is sources of protein may actually result in a lower
lacking [288]. Hence, it appears mandatory to limit rate of phosphorus uptake per mass of protein than
protein intake to the safe levels known to ensure meat-based foods [289]. If healthy humans are
adequate growth and nutrition in healthy children. administered an equivalent amount of either ani-
The adverse impact of hyperphosphatemia on mal or plant protein, urinary phosphorus excretion
cardiovascular, bone, and endocrine function in is higher with the meat-based diet [290]. Moreover,
children with CKD mandates the preferential meat products are frequently “enhanced” by the
selection of protein sources that are relatively low addition of phosphate salts; these additions may
in phosphorus. The lowest amount of phosphorus markedly increase the total phosphorus load.
in proportion to the quantity and quality of protein Hence, a mixed composition of dietary protein
comes from animal-flesh proteins (average, 11 mg with a strong contribution of vegetable protein
of phosphorus per 1 g of protein), whereas eggs, rich in phytic acid should be encouraged.
dairy products, legumes, and lentils have higher Although dialyzed children require larger
phosphorus-protein ratios (average, 20 mg of amounts of protein per unit of body weight than
phosphorus per 1 g of protein; Table 22.10). adults to grow in size and lean body mass, this
Complexity is added by the variable digestibility demand is fully accounted for by the age-adjusted
of dietary protein and bioavailability of dietary pediatric DRI. Hence, the only additional dietary
phosphorus. Protein digestibility from animal protein requirement justified by evidence is the
proteins is 95%, whereas protein digestibility replacement of dialytic nitrogen losses. In those
from plant proteins (85%) and mixed meals (85– on long-term PD therapy, daily peritoneal protein
95%) is lower. Whereas phosphorus in animal losses decrease with age across childhood from
meat is stored as organic phosphates in intracel- an average of 0.28 g/kg in the first year of life to
lular compartments that are easily hydrolyzed and less than 0.1 g/kg in adolescents [292]. Peritoneal
readily absorbed, 75% of phosphorus in plants is amino acid losses add approximately one-third to
in the form of phytic acid. Because humans do not the nitrogen lost with protein, resulting in a total
express the degrading enzyme phytase, the bio- additional dietary protein requirement ranging
availability of phosphorus from plant-derived from 0.15 to 0.35 mg/kg, depending on patient
food is very low. Phosphorus availability from age (see Table 22.8).
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 401

Peritoneal permeability for protein shows and spontaneous dietary energy and protein
large interindividual variation, but appears to be intake reportedly increase in these patients. The
relatively constant within subjects. Transperitoneal excellent nitrogen and phosphorus clearances
protein transport correlated with small-molecule achieved with intensified treatment schedules and
transport rates; the peritoneal transporter status the concomitantly increased amino acid losses
as assessed by using the PET provides some permit and require liberalization of DPI.
indication of the level of peritoneal protein losses. These recommendations for DPI refer to dia-
High peritoneal transporters tend to have low lyzed children in stable clinical condition. Protein
serum albumin levels; these patients may be at requirements may be increased in patients with
need for increased dietary protein supply. Because proteinuria, during and after peritonitis episodes,
dialytic protein concentrations can be measured and during recovery from intercurrent illness.
easily, consideration should be given to regular
monitoring of peritoneal protein excretion and 3.3: The use of protein supplements to aug-
individual adaptation of the dietary protein pre- ment inadequate oral and/or enteral protein
scription according to actual peritoneal losses. intake should be considered when children
Amino acid and protein losses during HD vary with CKD stages 2–5 and 5D are unable to
according to dialyzer membrane characteristics meet their protein requirements through food
and reuse. Losses have not been quantified in and fluids alone. (B)
children. In adults, an average of 8–10 g of amino Occasionally, protein intake may be inade-
acids and less than 1–3 g of protein are lost per quate in children with CKD because of anorexia,
HD session [288, 293, 293a, 293b]. On the basis chewing problems, or the need for very stringent
of three HD sessions per week for a 70-kg adult, phosphorus restriction. Suggested signs of inad-
this equates to 0.08 g/kg/day.1 Assuming that dia- equate protein intake include abnormally low
lytic amino acid losses are in linear relationship serum urea levels, an undesirable downward
to urea kinetics, children can be expected to have trend in nPCR for adolescents on HD therapy
similar or slightly higher amino acid losses than (see Recommendation 1, nPCR), and/or docu-
adults. An added DPI of 0.1 g/kg/d should be mentation of low-protein intake by using food
appropriate to compensate for pediatric hemodia- records, food questionnaires, or diet recall.
lytic losses (see Table 22.9). Under all conditions, Powdered protein modules can be added to
at least 50% of dietary protein intake should be of expressed breast milk, infant formula, beverages,
high biological value2 to protect body protein and pureed foods, or other moist foods to boost their
minimize urea generation. protein content, and minced or chopped meat,
In patients undergoing intensified HD modali- chicken, fish, egg, tofu, or skim milk powder can
ties, in particular, extended nocturnal HD, the be added to soups, pasta, or casseroles. Liquid
removal of nitrogenous waste products and phos- protein-rich renal supplements can also be used
phorus is almost doubled, frequently resulting in orally or enterally to boost protein intake.
a need for phosphorus substitution [294]. Appetite

Recommendation 4: Vitamin
and Trace Element Requirements
(13 g AA and protein × 3 sessions) ÷ 7 days per week ÷
70 kg = 0.08 g/kg/d.
and Therapy
Protein containing the nine essential amino acids in a
proportion similar to that required by humans has high 4.1: The provision of a dietary intake consist-
biological value. When one or more essential amino acids ing of at least 100% of the DRI for thiamin
are scarce, the protein is said to have low biological value. (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic
Animal sources of protein (e.g., meat, poultry, fish, eggs,
acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B8), cobala-
milk, cheese, and yogurt) provide high biological value
protein. Protein found in plants, legumes, grains, nuts, min (B12), ascorbic acid (C), retinol (A),
seeds, and vegetables are of low biological value. a-tocopherol (E), vitamin K, folic acid, copper,
402 KDOQI Work Group

Table 22.11 Dietary reference intake: recommended daily allowance and adequate intake
Infants Infants Children Children Males Males Females Females
0–6 months 7–12 months 1–3 years 4–8 years 9–13 years 14–18 years 9–13 years 14–18 years
Vitamin A (mg/d) 400 500 300 400 600 900 600 700
Vitamin C (mg/d) 40 50 15 25 45 75 45 65
Vitamin E (mg/d) 4 5 6 7 11 15 11 15
Vitamin K (mg/d) 2.0 2.5 30 55 60 75 60 75
Thiamin (mg/d) 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.9 1.2 0.9 1.0
Riboflavin (mg/d) 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.9 1.3 0.9 1.0
Niacin (mg/d; NE) 2a 4 6 8 12 16 12 14
Vitamin B6 (mg/d) 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.6 1.0 1.3 1.0 1.2
Folate (mg/d) 65 80 150 200 300 400 300 400
Vitamin B12 (mg/d) 0.4 0.5 0.9 1.2 1.8 2.4 1.8 2.4
Pantothenic 1.7 1.8 2 3 4 5 4 5
acid (mg/d)
Biotin (mg/d) 5 6 8 12 20 25 20 25
Copper (mg/d) 200 220 340 440 700 890 700 890
Selenium (mg/d) 15 20 20 30 40 55 40 55
Zinc (mg/d) 2 3 3 5 8 11 8 9
Note: RDAs are in bold type; also are in ordinary type
Source: Health Canada:
As preformed niacin, not niacin equivalents (NE) for this age group

and zinc should be considered for children such compounds as fatty acids, cholesterol, and
with CKD stages 2–5 and 5D. (B) steroid hormones and for energy extraction dur-
Little information exists about the vitamin and ing oxidation of amino acids. Pyridoxine is a
trace element needs specific to children with coenzyme for nearly 100 enzymatic reactions
CKD and those on dialysis therapy. However, in and is essential for gluconeogenesis and niacin
view of the important role of these nutrients as formation. Biotin has an important role in the
cofactors in a number of metabolic reactions, and metabolism of carbohydrates, fatty acids, and
recognizing that achieving the DRI should reduce some amino acids. Finally, cobalamin has a key
the risk of developing a condition that is associ- role in the metabolism of folic acid.
ated with the nutrient in question that has a nega- Ascorbic acid is involved in collagen synthe-
tive functional outcome [298, 299], the practice sis through its role as a reversible reducing agent,
has been to target 100% of the DRI as the goal for whereas retinol is necessary for normal night
children with CKD stages 2–5 and on dialysis vision. a-tocopherol is the main antioxidant in
therapy (Table 22.11). biological membranes and vitamin K is a coen-
The B vitamins are essential for carbohydrate, zyme for the posttranslational carboxylation of
protein, and fat metabolism; oxidation–reduction glutamate residues that ultimately influence the
reactions; transamination and decarboxylation; coagulation cascade. Folic acid is required for
glycolysis; and blood formation. Most thiamin in DNA synthesis, and copper functions as a cofac-
the body is present as thiamin pyrophosphate, tor in several physiologically important enzymes,
which is a coenzyme for the oxidative decarbox- such as lysyl oxidase, elastase, ceruloplasmin,
ylation of a-keto acids. The metabolism of and superoxide dismutase, as does zinc.
riboflavin resulting in functional flavoproteins is The DRIs were established by the Standing
important because the flavoenzymes are impor- Committee on the Scientific Evaluation of Dietary
tant factors involved in oxidation–reduction Reference Intakes of the Food and Nutrition
reactions that are necessary for a variety of meta- Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy
bolic pathways, including energy production. of Sciences, as an expansion of the periodic RDA
Pantothenic acid is necessary for the synthesis of reports. Most studies examining vitamin status in
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 403

children and adults with CKD occurred before plementation is feasible without providing exces-
the release of the DRI and hence report intake sive vitamin intake. For smaller dosing in infants
relative to the earlier RDA. The DRIs apply to the and toddlers, less frequent dosing (e.g., every 2–3
apparently healthy general population and are days) or partial dosing (e.g., half tablet) may be
based on nutrient balance studies, biochemical required if a liquid product or easily divisible tab-
measurement of tissue saturation or molecular let is not available. Children with healthy appetites
function, and extrapolation from animal studies. for a variety of nutritious foods and children
Unfortunately, only limited data exist about the receiving the majority or all of their energy require-
vitamin needs for infants and children, and there ments from adult renal formulas generally meet
is no assurance that meeting the DRI will meet 100% of the DRI for vitamins and trace elements
the needs of patients with kidney disease. and may not require vitamin supplementation.

4.2: It is suggested that supplementation of

vitamins and trace elements be provided to Water-Soluble Vitamins
children with CKD stages 2–5 if dietary intake
alone does not meet 100% of the DRI or if Thiamin (Vitamin B1)
clinical evidence of a deficiency, possibly con- Adult patients with CKD ingesting a low-protein
firmed by low blood levels of the vitamin or diet have demonstrated borderline low thiamin
trace element, is present. (C) levels [307]. In one study of children receiving
dialysis, the spontaneous dietary intake was
4.3: It is suggested that children with CKD below the RDA in 28 of 30 patients [301].
stage 5D receive a water-soluble vitamin sup- Whereas a substantial quantity of thiamin is
plement. (C) removed by HD, little appears to be lost by the
Children with CKD and those on dialysis ther- peritoneal route in patients receiving chronic PD
apy are at risk of alterations in vitamin and trace (CPD) [308, 309]. In most cases, the combina-
element levels or function as a result of decreased tion of dietary intake and daily supplement to
intake secondary to anorexia or dietary restric- equal the DRI will prevent deficiency. Thiamin
tions, increased degradation or clearance from stores can be assessed indirectly by means of
blood, loss per dialysis, or interference with erythrocyte transketolase activity or directly by
absorption, excretion, or metabolism (Tables 22.12 means of high-performance liquid chromatogra-
and 22.13). phy (HPLC) [310–312].
Although limited, most data about the subject
are derived from studies of adult populations. Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
Whereas studies conducted in children receiving A low-protein diet may contain inadequate quanti-
dialysis have documented dietary intake of most ties of riboflavin [312], and both Pereira et al.
water-soluble vitamins, zinc, and copper that has [301] and Kriley and Warady [300] have docu-
been less than the RDA, the combination of dietary mented spontaneous intake of riboflavin less than
intake and supplemental intake has routinely met the RDA in children receiving dialysis. However,
or exceeded the RDA [300–303]. In large part, this riboflavin deficiency is uncommon in patients
is due to the rarity of a vitamin and mineral sup- being treated with HD or CPD and who receive a
plement specifically formulated for infants and combined diet/supplement intake that meets or
children on dialysis therapy and the resultant need exceeds the DRI. Erythrocyte glutathione reductase
to use one of the proprietary renal supplements activity is used to evaluate riboflavin status [312].
available [304–306]. Caution should be exercised
when using these supplements to not exceed the Niacin (Vitamin B3)
UL for the contents of the preparation when the There are limited data about the niacin status of
intake of diet and supplement is combined. In patients with CKD, with or without the use of
older children and adolescents, daily vitamin sup- dialysis. The metabolic clearance of niacin is
404 KDOQI Work Group

Table 22.12 Physiological effects and sources of vitamins

Name Effects of deficiency Effects of excess Food sources
Biotin Seborrheic dermatitis, Unknown Liver, egg yolk, soybeans,
anorexia, nausea, pallor, milk, meat
alopecia, myalgias,
Cyanocobalamin Pernicious anemia, Unknown Animal foods only: meat,
(vitamin B12) neurologic deterioration, fish, poultry, cheese, milk,
methyl-malonic acidemia eggs, vitamin B12 fortified
soy milk
Folacin group Megaloblastic anemia, Masking of B12 deficiency Yeast, liver leafy green
of compounds impaired cellular symptoms in patients with vegetables, oranges,
immunity, irritability, pernicious anemia not receiving cantaloupe, seeds, fortified
paranoid behavior, neural cyanocobalamin breads and cereal (grains)
tube defects in fetus of
pregnant women
Niacin Pellagra, dementia, Flushing pruritis, liver Milk, eggs, poultry, meat,
(vitamin B3) diarrhea, dermatitis abnormalities, hyperuricemia, fish, whole grains, enriched
decreased LDL and increased cereal and grains
HDL cholesterol
Pantothenic acid Observed only with use Unknown Organ meats, yeast, egg
of antagonists; depression, yolk, fresh vegetables,
fatigue, muscle weakness, whole grains, legumes
hypotension, abdominal pain
Pyridoxine Irritability, depression, Neuropathy, photosensitivity Liver, meat, whole grains,
(vitamin B6) dermatitis, glossitis, legumes, potatoes
cheilosis, peripheral
neuritis; in infants,
irritability, convulsions,
microcytic anemia
Riboflavin Photophobia, cheilosis, Unknown Meat, dairy products, green
(vitamin B2) glossitis, corneal vegetables, whole grains,
vascularization, poor enriched breads and cereals
Thiamin Beriberi: neuritis, edema Unknown Enriched cereals and breads,
(vitamin B1) cardiac failure, hoarseness, lean pork, whole grains,
anorexia, restlessness, legumes, in small amounts
aphonia in most nutritious foods
Ascorbic acid Osmotic diarrhea, bleeding Massive doses predispose to Papaya, citrus fruits,
(vitamin C) gums, perifollicular kidney stones, nausea, abdominal tomatoes, cabbage,
hemorrhage, frank scurvy pain, rebound scurvy when potatoes, cantaloupe,
massive doses stopped strawberries
Retinol Night blindness, xerophthal- Hyperostosis, hepatomegaly, Fortified milk, liver, egg,
(vitamin A) mia, keratomalacia, poor bone hepatic fibrosis, alopecia, cheese, yellow fruits and
growth, impaired resistance to increased cerebrospinal fluid vegetables (carotenoid
infection, follicular pressure, hypercalcemia precursors)
Vitamin E Hemolytic anemia in Bleeding, impaired leukocyte Sardines, green and leafy
premature infants; fat function vegetables, vegetable oils,
malabsorption causes wheat germ, whole grains,
deficiency; hyporeflexia, and butter, liver, egg yolk
spinocerebellar and retinal
Vitamin K Primary deficiency rare; Water-soluble analogs only: Cow milk, green leafy
hemorrhagic manifestations, hyperbilirubinemia, hemolysis vegetables, pork, liver
possible effect on bone
mineral density
Used with permission of the American Academy of Pediatrics [298]
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 405

Table 22.13 Physiological effects and sources of trace elements

Name Effects of deficiency Effects of excess Food sources
Zinc Anorexia, hypogeusia, Few toxic effects; may Oysters, liver, meat, cheese, legumes,
retarded growth, delayed aggravate marginal copper whole grains
sexual maturation, impaired deficiency
wound healing, skin lesions
Selenium Cardiomyopathy, anemia, Irritation of mucous membranes, Seafood, meat, whole grains
myositis pallor, irritability, indigestion
Copper Sideroblastic anemia, Few toxic effects; Wilson disease, Shellfish, meat, legumes, nuts, cheese
retarded growth, liver dysfunction
osteoporosis, neutropenia,
decreased pigmentation
Used with permission of the American Academy of Pediatrics [298]

rapid, and thus it is believed that losses into [303] documented dietary pyridoxine intake of
dialysate are likely to be low. Prior studies have only 60% RDA. There are also a host of medicines
demonstrated the intake of niacin to be less than that can interfere with pyridoxine (and folic acid)
or equivalent to the RDA in patients prescribed a metabolism [308].
low-protein diet [314]. Whereas Pereira et al. Low blood levels (measured as plasma pyri-
[301] found the spontaneous intake of niacin to doxal-5-phosphate by means of HPLC) have
be less than the RDA in 27 of 30 children receiv- been documented in HD and CPD patients, and
ing dialysis, the combined dietary and supple- dialysis removal of the nutrient likely contributes
ment intake exceeded the RDA in all cases. Thus, to the deficiency. A daily pyridoxine-HCl supple-
it is recommended that the DRI for niacin be pro- ment of 10 mg has been recommended for adult
vided per diet and/or supplement. HD and CPD patients because this is the lowest
dose that has been proved to correct pyridoxine
Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) deficiency. Lower supplemental doses, in addi-
There are few data available about the status of tion to that provided by diet, likely would be suf-
pantothenic acid in adult patients with CKD or ficient in infants and young children based on the
those receiving dialysis, and no data are available marked increase in blood level that has occurred
for children. However, the vitamin is removed by with a 10-mg supplement in this population
HD, and normal, low, and high levels have been [300]. Supplements that equate to the RDA have
found in adult dialysis patients [315–317]. previously been recommended [302, 319].
Accordingly, patients on HD and CPD therapy Functional tests (e.g., erythrocyte oxaloacetate
likely should receive 100% of the DRI for this transaminase) have been used to assess vitamin
vitamin. Pantothenic acid levels are measured by B6 deficiency. As noted, direct measurement of
means of radioimmunoassay. total pyridoxine by means of HPLC also can be
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
Low pyridoxine intake has been documented in a Biotin (Vitamin B8)
number of adult surveys of dialysis patients. In The intake of biotin has been estimated to be less
children, low intake of pyridoxine in children with than the RDA in adult patients with CKD pre-
CKD was reported by Foreman et al. [9]. scribed with a low-protein diet [316]. In addition,
Stockberger et al. [318] found intake to be lower intestinal absorption of biotin may be compro-
than 59% of the RDA in 67% of children receiving mised in patients with CKD. The impact of HD
CPD, and Pereira et al. [301] noted intake less on biotin status is poorly understood because
than the RDA in 26 of 30 pediatric dialysis patients. both high and low blood levels have been reported
In a study of infants receiving CPD, Warady et al. [320, 321]. Although there is no information
406 KDOQI Work Group

regarding the influence of CPD on biotin losses Dietary intake also appears to meet or exceed the
and there is no information at all from children DRI in most, but not all, dialysis patients [300,
with kidney disorders, intake equal to the DRI 301, 303, 335]. Serum vitamin B12 levels can be
should be provided per diet and/or supplement. determined by using radioassay methods.
Plasma biotin is measured by using microbiolog-
ical assays. Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
Decreased vitamin C levels have been reported in
Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) patients with CKD, as well as those receiving HD
Litwin et al. [321a] documented normal folic acid and CPD [335–337]. The low levels seen in dial-
levels in 18 children with CKD and Pereira et al. ysis patients are the result of low intake (e.g.,
[301] found the dietary intake of folic acid to be restricted intake of fruits) and dialysis losses
greater than the RDA in 21 of 30 pediatric dialy- [301, 322, 335–337]. In children, Pereira et al.
sis patients. Low folic acid levels have been [301] found that 24 of 30 children received less
reported in adult patients receiving CPD, with an than the RDA by diet alone. Warady et al. [303]
average dialysis loss of 107 μg/d in one study reported a negative mass transfer of 32 mg/d in
[322, 323]. Folic acid status (red blood cell and children receiving APD, an amount compensated
plasma) may be compromised by inhibitors of for by oral supplementation. However, in a study
folic acid absorption. Folic acid (along with vita- of infants receiving APD, Warady et al. [303]
mins B6 and B12) also has a key role in the han- reported dietary intake to be 140% of RDA,
dling of plasma homocysteine. Whereas some increasing to 180% of RDA with the addition of
data have suggested that increased plasma homo- a 15-mg/d supplement. Excessive vitamin C
cysteine levels are a risk factor for CVD, other intake (e.g., 0.5–1 g/d in adults) can result in
more recent studies have suggested otherwise increased oxalate concentrations in plasma and
[324, 325]. Studies conducted in children have all soft tissues [338, 339]. Thus, recommended com-
demonstrated lowering of the plasma homo- bined dietary and supplement intake should not
cysteine level (the normal plasma concentration greatly exceed the DRI, with caution exercised
of homocysteine is ~5–10 μmol/L) following the when providing supplementation. Plasma ascor-
provision of folic acid [326–329]. Thus, most bic acid levels reflect dietary intake, and leuko-
children with CKD and those on dialysis therapy cytes levels estimate the body pool.
should receive the DRI, whereas adults are pre-
scribed 1.0 mg/d [330, 331]. If lowering plasma
homocysteine level is the clinical goal, children Fat-Soluble Vitamins
with increased plasma homocysteine levels prob-
ably should receive 2.5–5.0 mg/d of folic acid Retinol (Vitamin A)
[305, 310–313, 315, 317]. However, in dialysis Vitamin A is not removed by dialysis, and elevated
patients, administration of folate and vitamins B6 serum levels are present in patients with CKD and
and B12 has been reported to lower, but not nor- on dialysis therapy without supplementation [300,
malize, plasma homocysteine levels [332, 333]. 302, 303, 309]. Whereas retinol-binding protein
Red blood cell folate levels are most indicative of (the transport protein for vitamin A) is catabolized
body stores [334]. The reduced form of folic acid, in the renal tubules in individuals with normal
tetrahydrofolate, may be measured by using a kidney function, both vitamin A and retinol-bind-
radioimmunologic technique. ing protein accumulate when the GFR is reduced
and there is impaired renal tubular activity [340,
Cobalamin (Vitamin B12) 341]. Kriley and Warady [300] documented serum
Most adult and pediatric patients with CKD and vitamin A levels in pediatric dialysis patients
dialysis patients have been reported to have nor- without supplements that were threefold greater
mal cobalamin levels, regardless of whether they than control patients. Because the risk of develop-
receive a supplement [300, 303, 309, 322, 323]. ing vitamin A toxicity is high when supplements
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 407

with vitamin A are provided, total intake of vita- ing maintenance HD [337, 354]. The selenium
min A should be limited to the DRI, with supple- content of food is dependent on the selenium
mentation rarely recommended and limited to content of soil on which crops have grown or ani-
those with very low dietary intake. Plasma vita- mals have grazed [309]. Selenium-dependent
min A levels are measured by means of HPLC. glutathione peroxidase activity in the blood, an
integral component of the antioxidant defense,
Vitamin K has also been found to be lower in patients with
There is no need for an intake of vitamin K CKD than in healthy subjects, and the reduction
greater than the DRI unless the patient is eating worsens with increasing severity of disease.
poorly and receiving long-term antibiotic therapy Supplementation of selenium in patients with
[309, 342, 343]. Plasma vitamin K levels are CKD has resulted in a minimal increase in sele-
measured by means of liquid chromatography. nium-dependent glutathione peroxidase activity
in patients with CKD, but not dialysis patients.
a-Tocopherol (Vitamin E) Whereas routine supplementation is not recom-
Plasma vitamin E levels in patients receiving HD mended, patients should receive a daily dietary
have been reported as low, normal, and high intake that meets the DRI.
[344–346]. No differences in levels were found
comparing predialysis and postdialysis samples, Zinc
and no α-tocopherol was found in dialysis efflu- Low serum zinc levels result from removal by
ent [347, 348]. Studies of CPD patients have also dialysis and poor intake. Intake less than the RDA
reported both low and high levels of α-tocopherol has been documented in children receiving CPD
[335, 349, 350]. Nevertheless, because of its abil- [353]. Children and adults should receive the
ity to alleviate oxidative stress in patients at risk DRI for zinc, with supplementation reserved for
of CVD, patients with CKD and dialysis patients treatment of clinical manifestations of zinc defi-
(aged <9 years) should receive the DRI of vita- ciency after laboratory confirmation.
min E [351, 352]. Serum vitamin E levels are
measured by means of HPLC.
Recommendation 5: Bone Mineral
and Vitamin D Requirements
Trace Elements and Therapy

Copper 5.1: Calcium

Dietary intake less than the DRI has been noted
for copper in children receiving CPD [353]. 5.1.1 In children with CKD stages 2–5 and 5D,
Although copper excess is associated most com- it is suggested that the total oral and/or enteral
monly with CKD, low serum copper and cerulo- calcium intake from nutritional sources and
plasmin levels also have been reported in children phosphate binders be in the range of 100–200%
receiving HD [303]. Intake should be monitored of the DRI for calcium for age. (C)
every 4–6 months because supplementation to Adequate dietary calcium intake during child-
the DRI may be required in patients with particu- hood is necessary for skeletal development,
larly low dietary intake. Assessment of serum including acquisition of an optimal peak bone
copper levels may be beneficial when clinical mass during puberty [355]. Both insufficient
signs of overload or deficiency are present. and excessive oral and/or enteral calcium supply
may occur in children with CKD. Intestinal
Selenium calcium absorption is increasingly impaired in
Although selenium is normally excreted by the those with CKD as endogenous production of
kidney and not removed by dialysis, low serum calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D; 1,25[OH]2D)
levels occur in patients with CKD or those receiv- decreases, but is readily stimulated by vitamin D
408 KDOQI Work Group

Table 22.14 Recommended calcium intake for children with CKD stages 2–5 and 5D
Upper limit Upper limit for CKD stages 2–5, 5D
Age DRI (for healthy children) (dietary + phosphate bindersa)
0–6 months 210 ND £420
7–12 months 270 ND £540
1–3 years 500 2,500 £1,000
4–8 years 800 2,500 £1,600
9–18 years 1,300 2,500 £2,500
Abbreviation: ND, not determined
Determined as 200% of the DRI, to a maximum of 2,500 mg elemental calcium

therapy. Spontaneous calcium intake frequently is supplementation with calcium-containing phar-

insufficient in adolescent patients in whom accep- macological agents between meals or bolus tube
tance of high-calcium foods is limited and in chil- feedings, use of calcium-containing phosphorus
dren on phosphorus-restricted diets. The binders for managing hyperphosphatemia, and
homeostatic mechanisms for regulating calcium supplementation with vitamin D.
balance are impaired most severely in children If spontaneous intestinal calcium absorption is
with CKD stage 5 and on dialysis therapy. Calcium low, as typically observed in early stages of CKD,
absorption cannot be adjusted because of the kid- vitamin D should be supplemented to augment
ney’s inability to produce 1,25(OH)2D. Also, vita- plasma 1,25(OH)2D synthesis and maximize cal-
min D receptor expression may be reduced. cium absorption.
However, therapy with high doses of active If plasma calcium levels and urinary calcium
vitamin D sterols (e.g., calcitriol, alfacalcidol) excretion remain low and dietary assessment sug-
may boost intestinal calcium absorption. Oral gests inadequate calcium intake, consumption of
and/or enteral treatment with calcium-containing foods with high endogenous calcium content
phosphate binders and absorption from dialysis (e.g., milk, yogurt, cheese, Chinese cabbage, kale,
fluids with supraphysiological calcium content and broccoli) and calcium-fortified food products
markedly enhance the calcium load. Increasing should be encouraged. The bioavailability of
evidence suggests that the resulting strongly pos- calcium from milk and dairy products generally
itive calcium balance is a major contributor to is high; however, the high phosphorus content of
soft-tissue calcifications. Although it is impossi- these products must be considered in children
ble to accurately assess the actual absorption of who require dietary phosphorus restriction. Some
calcium derived from diet and binders in this set- foods high in phytates, such as bran cereal, may
ting, it appears reasonable to limit total oral and/ have poor bioavailability of calcium [356–358].
or enteral calcium ingestion. Fortified products seem to provide calcium bio-
Intake of 100% of the DRI for calcium is a rea- availability comparable to milk [359–361].
sonable starting point for children with CKD If dietary intake alone does not meet the DRI,
(Table 22.14). Although the safe limit of dietary use of oral and/or enteral calcium supplements
calcium intake in children of different ages has not should be considered (Table 22.15). Salts of
been defined by study evidence, it appears logical calcium – gluconate (9% elemental calcium), lac-
to scale maximal calcium intake relative to the tate (13% elemental calcium), acetate (25% ele-
age-specific DRI. The safe UL of dietary calcium mental calcium), or carbonate (40% elemental
intake in healthy individuals older than 1 year is calcium) – are usually well tolerated by children
2,500 mg/d. For adults and children 9 years and of all ages. Calcium-containing phosphate bind-
older, this is approximately two times the DRI. ers can be applied easily and effectively in infants.
A number of measures are effective to improve Conversely, calcium chloride should be avoided as
low oral and/or enteral calcium intake and absorp- a supplement in patients with CKD due to the pos-
tion: increased consumption of calcium-rich and/ sible development of metabolic acidosis. Calcium
or calcium-fortified foods or tube feedings, citrate should not be given because citrate augments
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 409

Table 22.15 Calcium content of common calcium-based binders or supplements

No. of pills to equal
Compound Elemental ~1,500 mg elemental
Compound Brand name content (mg) % calcium calcium (mg) calcium
Calcium acetate PhosLo™ 667 25% 167 9
Calcium carbonate Children’s Mylanta 400 40% 160 9
Chooz™ (Gum) 500 40% 200 7.5
TUMS EX™ 750 40% 300 5
(extra strength)
TUMS Ultra™ 1,000 40% 400 3.75
LiquiCal 1,200 40% 480 3
CalciChew™ 1,250 40% 500 3
Oscal 500™
TUMS 500™
Caltrate 600™ 1,500 40% 600 2.5
Calcium citrate Citracal™ Not recommended
Calcium acetate + MagneBind™ 200 200 magnesium (Magnesium = 57 mg) 13
magnesium carbonate
450 calcium 113 mg
MagneBind™ 300 magnesium (Magnesium = 85 mg) 20

300 calcium 76 mg
Adapted with permission [121]

aluminum absorption [362]. Maximal absorption fewer hypercalcemic episodes than calcium
of calcium supplements is achieved when calcium carbonate at a given phosphate-binder dose
salts are taken between meals and separate from [372–374]. Hence, calcium carbonate should be
iron supplements [363, 364]. preferred in children with insufficient dietary cal-
As CKD progresses, increasing phosphate cium intake and no need for active vitamin D
retention creates the need for oral and/or enteral therapy, whereas calcium acetate is the preferable
phosphate-binder therapy. Calcium carbonate phosphate binder in children considered at mod-
and calcium acetate are effective phosphate bind- erate risk of calcium overload. In contrast to the
ers in children and should be used as first-choice use of calcium salts as supplements, calcium-
therapy in patients with low dietary calcium containing phosphate binders should be taken
intake [365–370]. Calcium carbonate and cal- with meals to obtain maximal phosphorus-bind-
cium acetate easily can be crushed, dissolved in ing efficacy and minimal intestinal absorption of
formula milk, and administered through enteral free calcium. For calcium acetate, fecal excretion
tubes. However, hypercalcemic episodes occur in of phosphate has been shown to be higher when
approximately 25% of patients, depending on the the phosphate binder is given with meals [375].
type and dose of the calcium-containing binder The use of any calcium-containing phosphate
and the coadministration of active vitamin D binder should be limited by the maximally accept-
sterols (e.g., calcitriol and alfacalcidol). Calcium able total oral and enteral calcium intake. For
acetate has a higher specific phosphorus-binding example, in a dialyzed 8-year-old with a typical
efficacy than calcium carbonate [371] and causes spontaneous dietary calcium intake of 700 mg/d,
410 KDOQI Work Group

a maximum of 900 mg of elemental calcium phate binders should be considered, although evi-
ingested as phosphate binders should be adminis- dence to support this further restriction is not yet
tered to stay within the recommended maximal available. Modification to decrease the calcium
total calcium intake of 1,600 mg (200% of the concentration in the dialysate is an additional ther-
DRI). This would correspond to a prescription of apeutic option to be considered in both HD and
four to five tablets containing 500 mg of calcium PD patients. Calcium balance during PD usually
carbonate (200 mg of elemental calcium) or five is negative with the use of 2.5 mEq/L calcium
tablets containing 667 mg of calcium acetate dialysate and positive with 3.0–3.5 mEq/L cal-
(167 mg of elemental calcium) per day. If dietary cium dialysate [380–384]. Calcium balance dur-
calcium intake is higher, calcium-containing ing HD may be neutral or negative with the use of
phosphate-binder intake and/or dialysate calcium a 2.5 mEq/L calcium dialysate [385, 386]. Dietary
concentration need to be reduced, and the use of and pharmacological interventions should aim at
calcium-free phosphate binders should be con- avoiding both hypo- and hypercalcemic episodes.
sidered. In a 1-year-old anuric child with an upper
limit of 750 mg/d of calcium intake, a maximum 5.2: Vitamin D
of 875 mg of calcium carbonate (i.e., 350 mg of
elemental calcium) per day would be acceptable 5.2.1 In children with CKD stages 2–5 and 5D,
if dietary calcium intake is 400 mg. it is suggested that serum 25-hydroxyvitamin
These model calculations should be viewed as D levels be measured once per year. (C)
a general principle of dietary calcium prescrip-
tion and may not always be applicable in clinical 5.2.2 If the serum level of 25-hydroxyvitamin
practice. Also, they do not consider confounding D is less than 30 ng/mL (75 nmol/L), supple-
factors, such as treatment with active vitamin D mentation with vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) or
sterols, which has been found to increase calcium vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is suggested. (C)
absorption (reported to be 35–40% in those with
CKD [377]) by 30% [378]. The dosage of cal- 5.2.3 In the repletion phase, it is suggested that
cium-based phosphate binders should be reduced serum levels of corrected total calcium and
in dialysis patients with low PTH levels because phosphorus be measured at 1 month following
these patients commonly have low-turnover bone initiation or change in dose of vitamin D and
disease with a reduced capacity of the bone to at least every 3 months thereafter. (C)
incorporate a calcium load [379].
To avoid the critical accumulation of calcium, 5.2.4 When patients are replete with vitamin
oligoanuric children on dialysis therapy may D, it is suggested to supplement vitamin D
require a further reduction in total oral and enteral continuously and to monitor serum levels of
calcium intake from nutritional sources and phos- 25-hydroxyvitamin D yearly. (C)
phate binders. In those with CKD stage 5, urinary A decrease in serum calcidol (25-hydroxyvi-
calcium excretion – the major physiological elimi- tamin D; 25[OH]D), the substrate for renal syn-
nation pathway – is severely impaired or absent. thesis of 1,25(OH)2D, induces secondary
An anuric child receiving HD or PD with a neutral hyperparathyroidism in individuals with normal
dialysate calcium concentration is incapable of kidney function [387, 388] and may aggravate
disposing of any calcium exceeding the amounts secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with
required for bone formation by any mechanism CKD [389, 390]. The critical lower limit of the
other than soft-tissue precipitation. Hence, the serum vitamin D concentration is not well
upper limit of dietary calcium intake considered defined. Serum concentrations show considerable
safe in healthy subjects may not be applicable to seasonal and regional variation. Although severe
oligoanuric patients. In these children, further manifestations of vitamin D deficiency, such as
limitation of oral and enteral calcium intake from osteomalacia and hypocalcemia, are seen only
both dietary sources and calcium-containing phos- with 25(OH)D concentrations less than 5 ng/mL
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 411

(<12 nmol/L), levels less than 30 ng/mL reduced or absent. However, 25(OH)D has been
(75 nmol/L) are suggestive of vitamin D “insuf- claimed to exert specific effects on cell metabo-
ficiency” as manifested by hyperparathyroidism lism. 25(OH)D, but not 1,25(OH)2D, improved
and increased risk of bone demineralization and muscular function and phosphate content [405].
hip fractures [391, 392]. Supplementation with In patients with CKD, nutritional vitamin D
vitamin D, 800 IU/d, along with a modest dietary deficiency and insufficiency can be prevented or
calcium supplement, reduced the hip fracture rate corrected by supplementation with vitamin D3
by 43% in a double-blinded placebo-controlled (cholecalciferol) or vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol).
trial in elderly women [393]. Cholecalciferol appears to have higher bioeffi-
Vitamin D insufficiency is observed in a large cacy than ergocalciferol, although long-term
proportion (typically 80–90%) of patients with comparative trials are lacking in humans [406,
CKD [394, 395]. In a population-based study of 407]. The DRI for prevention of vitamin D defi-
patients hospitalized in New England, CKD was a ciency in children and adolescents is 200 IU
major risk factor for low serum 25(OH)D levels [376]. This value, published more than a decade
[396]. Vitamin D insufficiency may be more rele- ago, is 50% lower than the RDA that it replaced
vant in those with CKD than in healthy individuals and, given increasing reports of vitamin D insuf-
because, in contrast to healthy subjects in whom ficiency in the general public, is controversial.
25(OH)D is not rate limiting for calcitriol synthe- The required daily vitamin D intake for patients
sis [397], 1,25(OH)2D levels correlated with of any age with CKD is unknown. In individuals
25(OH)D levels in patients with CKD [394, 395]. with normal kidney function, the recommended
This probably is explained by impaired compen- upper limit of vitamin D is 1,000 IU/d in neo-
satory upregulation of renal 1-α-hydroxylase and nates and infants younger than 12 months and
an increased contribution of strictly substrate- 2,000 IU/d for all other ages [376]. The equiva-
dependent extrarenal calcitriol synthesis in patients lent of this dose can be achieved by administering
with impaired kidney function [398, 399]. one capsule (50,000 IU) once a month [408].
Reasons for the high prevalence of low vita- Daily doses of 10,000 IU of ergocalciferol have
min D levels in patients with CKD include their been administered in adult patients with advanced
sedentary lifestyle with reduced exposure to sun- CKD for periods longer than 1 year with no evi-
light, limited ingestion of foods rich in vitamin D dence of vitamin D overload or renal toxicity
(cod liver oil, fish, liver, egg yolk, fortified milk, [409, 410]. Whereas signs of vitamin D intoxica-
and fortified margarine), reduced endogenous tion would be the exception at doses recom-
synthesis of vitamin D3 in the skin in patients mended in this guideline, the development of
with uremia [287], and urinary losses of 25(OH) hypercalcemia would be the evidence of exces-
D and vitamin D–binding protein in nephrotic sive dosing.
patients [400]. We recommend treating vitamin D deficiency
Even in patients with CKD stage 5D with little and insufficiency, with the specific dosing regi-
or no residual renal 1-α-hydroxylase activity, vita- men dependent on the severity of the disorder
min D deficiency is associated with more marked (Table 22.16). Smaller doses of vitamin D prob-
secondary hyperparathyroidism [401]. In anephric ably are sufficient in children younger than 1
individuals, high doses of ergocalciferol (D2) or year. When repletion (i.e., serum 25[OH]D
alfacalcidol (25[401]D) can increase serum calcit- ³30 ng/mL) has been accomplished, vitamin D
riol levels, pointing to a significant role of extrare- homeostasis should be maintained by once-
nal 1-α-hydroxylase activity [402–404]. However, daily administration of 200–1,000 IU.
the role of 25(OH)D deficiency and its correction Calcitriol, alfacalcidol, or other synthetic
in patients on maintenance dialysis (MD) ther- active vitamin D analogs (e.g., doxercalciferol
apy is controversial because the ability to gener- and paracalcitol) should not be used to treat
ate adequate levels of 1,25(OH)2D is markedly 25(OH)D deficiency.
412 KDOQI Work Group

Table 22.16 Recommended supplementation for vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency in children with CKD
Serum 25 Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) or cholecalciferol Duration
(OH)D (ng/mL) Definition (vitamin D3) dosing (months)
<5 Severe vitamin D deficiency 8,000 IU/d orally or enterally × 4 wk 3
or (50,000 IU/wk × 4 wk); then 4,000 IU/d
or (50,000 IU twice per mo for 2 mo) × 2 mo
5–15 Mild vitamin D deficiency 4,000 IU/d orally or enterally × 12 wk 3
or (50,000 IU every other wk, for 12 wk)
16–30 Vitamin D insufficiency 2,000 IU daily or (50,000 IU every 4 wk) 3
Note: Conversion factor for serum 25(OH)D: ng/mL × 2.496 = nmol/L
Adapted with permission [121]

5.3: Phosphorus tive interventional studies, it is generally accepted

and biologically plausible that increased serum
5.3.1 In children with CKD stages 3–5 and 5D, phosphorus levels be avoided in patients with CKD
reducing dietary phosphorus intake to 100% stages 3–5 and 5D in an effort to control CKD-
of the DRI for age is suggested when the serum associated bone disease and CVD. Associations
PTH concentration is above the target range between hyperphosphatemia and CKD-associated
for CKD stage and the serum phosphorus con- vasculopathy have also been observed in children
centration is within the normal reference with CKD stage 5 [282, 411].
range for age. (C) Although serum phosphorus levels usually are
not increased in the early stages of progressive
5.3.2 In children with CKD stages 3–5 and 5D, CKD [363, 412–414], the dietary phosphorus
reducing dietary phosphorus intake to 80% of load is an important determinant of the severity
the DRI for age is suggested when the serum of hyperparathyroidism, even in those with mild
PTH concentration is above the target range renal insufficiency. In children and adults with
for CKD stage and the serum phosphorus con- CKD stage 3, dietary phosphorus restriction
centration exceeds the normal reference range decreases increased PTH levels and increases
for age. (C) 1,25(OH)2D production, whereas dietary phos-
phorus intakes approximately twice the DRI for
5.3.3 After initiation of dietary phosphorus age aggravate hyperparathyroidism despite little
restriction, it is suggested that serum phos- or no change in serum phosphorus levels [413,
phorus concentration be monitored at least 415, 416]. Also, bone biopsy studies showed
every 3 months in children with CKD stages marked improvement in bone resorption and
3–4 and monthly in children with CKD stages defects in bone mineralization by using dietary
5 and 5D. (C) In all CKD stages, it is suggested phosphate restriction [415]. In four studies in
to avoid serum phosphorus concentrations children, dietary phosphate restriction did not
both above and below the normal reference lead to impaired statural growth [256, 417–419].
range for age. (C) Studies in adult and pediatric patients provided
Epidemiological studies of adult patients with no evidence for any adverse effect of dietary
CKD have demonstrated a positive association, phosphate restriction on nutritional status [256,
albeit not a causal link, between hyperphos- 257, 420–423]. However, severe restriction of
phatemia and morbidity and mortality independent dietary phosphorus in children with moderate
of CKD stage. Although the benefits of lowering and severe CKD leading to subnormal serum
serum phosphorus level on patient-level clinical phosphorus levels was associated with histologi-
outcomes have not been demonstrated in prospec- cal findings of worsening osteomalacia [415].
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 413

Table 22.17 Recommended maximum oral and/or enteral phosphorus intake for children with CKD
Recommended phosphorus intake (mg/d)
High PTH and High PTH and
Age DRI (mg/d) normal phosphorusa high phosphorusb
0–6 months 100 £100 £80
7–12 months 275 £275 £220
1–3 years 460 £460 £370
4–8 years 500 £500 £400
9–18 years 1,250 £1,250 £1,000
Source: Health Canada:
eng.pdg. Reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services
Canada, 2008
£100% of the DRI
£80% of the DRI

Table 22.18 Age-specific normal ranges of blood ionized calcium, total calcium and phosphorus
Age Ionized calcium (mmol/L) Calcium (mg/dL) Phosphorus (mg/dL)
0–5 months 1.22–1.40 8.7–11.3 5.2–8.4
6–12 months 1.20–1.40 8.7–11.0 5.0–7.8
1–5 years 1.22–1.32 9.4–10.8 4.5–6.5
6–12 years 1.15–1.32 9.4–10.3 3.6–5.8
13–20 years 1.12–1.30 8.8–10.2 2.3–4.5
Conversion factor for calcium and ionized calcium: mg/dL × 0.25 = mmol/L
Conversion factor for phosphorus: mg/dL × 0.323 = mmol/L

Hence, a solid body of evidence suggests that by the rapidly growing skeleton. Rickets due to
moderate dietary phosphate restriction is benefi- phosphorus deficiency occurs in preterm infants
cial with respect to the prevention and treatment fed insufficient amounts of phosphorus and in
of hyperparathyroidism and safe with respect to infants and children with hypophosphatemia due
growth, nutrition, and bone mineralization. We to inherited disorders of renal phosphate trans-
recommend limiting dietary phosphorus intake to port [426]. Hence, when dietary phosphorus is
100% of the DRI (Table 22.17) in normophos- restricted to control hyperphosphatemia and sec-
phatemic patients (using/not using phosphorus- ondary hyperparathyroidism in children with
lowering medications) if serum PTH concentration CKD, subnormal serum phosphorus values
exceeds the target range. Although similar PTH should be avoided (Table 22.18).
target ranges have been recommended by two The dietary prescription should aim at mini-
expert work groups [121, 424], the optimal range mizing phosphate intake while ensuring an
is controversial and may be lower than previously adequate protein intake. To achieve this aim,
believed [425]. In CKD stages 4 and 5, when protein sources with low specific phosphorus
serum phosphorus levels increase to greater than content should be prescribed (see Table 22.10,
the target normal range for age (Table 22.18) and Recommendation 3). Most food sources exhibit
hyperparathyroidism is already established, phos- good phosphate bioavailability with the excep-
phorus restriction to approximately 80% of the tion of plant seeds (beans, peas, cereals, and nuts)
DRI is recommended. that contain phosphate in phytic acid.
Higher physiological serum concentrations of Milk and dairy products are a major source
calcium and phosphorus are observed in healthy of dietary phosphorus. In young infants with
infants and young children, presumably reflect- CKD, phosphorus control can be achieved easily
ing the increased requirements of these minerals by using formulas with a low-phosphorus content.
414 KDOQI Work Group

It usually is feasible, and common clinical prac- 430–432] and the associations between serum
tice, to continue oral and/or enteral use of a low- phosphorus level and surrogate markers of vascu-
phosphorus formula and delay the introduction of lar morbidity in adult and pediatric patients with
phosphorus-rich cow’s milk until the age of CKD [282, 433, 434] provide a rationale to lower
18–36 months. serum phosphorus levels pharmacologically if
Dietary phosphate restriction can be hindered dietary phosphorus restriction is insufficient to
by the inadvertent consumption of food contain- maintain normophosphatemia. The current goal
ing phosphate additives, which can increase to target normal phosphorus levels is different
phosphorus intake up to twofold compared with from the allowance for slightly higher phospho-
unprocessed foods. This is a particular problem rus values within the KDOQI Pediatric Bone
in patients with CKD who rely heavily on pro- Guidelines [121]. Oral and enteral phosphate
cessed foods [427, 428] binders are effective in lowering serum phos-
Unfortunately, most available nutrient data- phorus concentrations in children with CKD
bases do not consider the impact of additives on [365–371]. It should be noted that the association
total phosphorus content of foods. An exception between bone and mineral metabolism disorders
is the USDA National Nutrient Database for and cardiovascular risk and mortality are largely
Standard Reference, which lists more than 60 reported from either in vitro or retrospective
phosphate-containing food additives. cohort studies, which can prove association, but
The aspects mentioned illustrate that dietary not cause and effect.
modification of phosphorus intake is a complex If total intestinal calcium load becomes exces-
and challenging task. Multiple pitfalls, including sive or hypercalcemia exists with the use of cal-
nonadherence in older children and adolescents, cium-containing phosphate binders, these should
may result in inefficient lowering of phosphorus be reduced in dose or replaced by calcium- and
intake; conversely, overrestriction may lead to aluminum-free phosphate binders. The only cal-
signs of phosphate deficiency, particularly in cium- and aluminum-free phosphate binder with
young infants. Hence, involvement of an experi- proven efficacy and safety in children is seve-
enced pediatric dietitian is key to phosphorus lamer, which has been assessed in two random-
management in children with CKD. ized controlled clinical trials studying a total of
A recent randomized clinical trial assessed the 47 children. In one study, 29 hemodialyzed chil-
efficacy of a low-phosphorus diet compared with dren were assigned to either sevelamer or calcium
additional treatment with different phosphate bind- carbonate, and either calcitriol or doxercalciferol,
ers in adults with CKD stages 3–5. Coronary calci- as well. Although serum phosphorus levels were
fication increased in patients on the low-phosphorus equally well controlled in the sevelamer and cal-
diet alone, to a lesser extent in calcium carbonate- cium-carbonate arms at the end of the 8-month
treated patients, and not at all in sevelamer-treated study period, serum calcium and calcium-phos-
patients [429]. Notably, urinary phosphorus excre- phorus ion product levels were significantly
tion did not decrease by the institution of the low- higher and hypercalcemia episodes were more
phosphorus diet alone and increased by 50% during frequent in the calcium-carbonate group, with no
the 2-year follow-up. These results highlight the significant difference in serum PTH levels [435].
difficulty of implementing and maintaining a phos- The second trial used a crossover design to com-
phorus-restricted diet in clinical practice. Hence, pare sevelamer with calcium acetate in 18 chil-
dietary phosphate restriction should be considered dren with CKD stages 3–4 or 5D during 8-week
an important, but not solitary, component in the observation periods. Phosphorus and PTH control
management of uremic bone and vascular disease were similar with both treatments, whereas hyper-
in association with vitamin D and phosphate-binder calcemia occurred more frequently with calcium
therapy and dialytic removal. acetate. A decrease in LDL cholesterol levels by
The link between hyperphosphatemia and 34% and a greater incidence of metabolic acido-
patient mortality observed in adult studies [287, sis were observed with sevelamer [436].
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 415

Sevelamer is a resin that, in aqueous solution, levels into the normal range may not be possible
attains a gel-like consistency and cannot be or may lead to an unacceptable decrease in
applied through feeding tubes without a high risk quality of life. In these cases, other options, such
of tube blockage. However, it is possible to pre- as intensified dialysis protocols, should be
treat breast milk [437], infant formula, and cow’s evaluated.
milk [438] by dissolving sevelamer, waiting for
precipitation, decanting, and feeding the superna-
tant of the processed fluid. This maneuver reduces Recommendation 6: Fluid
phosphorus content by 80–90%. and Electrolyte Requirements
Larger comparative trials in adults consistently and Therapy
observed lower serum calcium and higher PTH
levels with sevelamer than with calcium-contain- 6.1: Supplemental free water and sodium sup-
ing phosphate binders [256, 422, 426–429, 435– plements should be considered for children
437, 439–441]. In adult patients with CKD stages with CKD stages 2–5 and 5D and polyuria to
3–5 and 5D, randomized controlled trials have avoid chronic intravascular depletion and to
provided evidence that the use of sevelamer promote optimal growth. (B)
attenuates the progression of arterial calcifica- The primary cause of CKD needs to be con-
tions compared with patients receiving calcium- sidered when initiating dietary modification of
based phosphate binders [429, 439–441]. fluids and sodium. Although restriction of
Whereas neither cardiovascular nor all-cause sodium and/or fluids is appropriate in children
mortality was reduced significantly by using with CKD associated with sodium and water
sevelamer therapy in 1,068 patients completing retention, the most common causes of CKD in
the Dialysis Clinical Outcomes Revisited Study, children are associated with excessive loss of
the Renagel in New Dialysis Patients trial sug- sodium and chloride. Infants and children with
gested a significant mortality reduction in inci- obstructive uropathy or renal dysplasia have
dent dialysis patients receiving sevelamer for a polyuria, polydypsia, and difficulty conserving
median of 44 months [439, 440]. sodium chloride. These children develop a salt-
Lanthanum carbonate recently has become wasting state and require salt supplementation
available as an alternative calcium- and alumi- [119]. In addition to its effect on extracellular
num-free binder with high affinity for phosphate volume, sodium depletion also adversely affects
and minimal intestinal absorption. In a random- growth and nitrogen retention [445]. Sodium
ized study in adult patients, lanthanum carbonate intake supports normal expansion of the ECF
controlled plasma phosphate levels well and volume needed for muscle development and
induced less adynamic bone disease than calcium mineralization of bone [446]. Therefore, infants
carbonate [442]. However, no long-term data and children with polyuric salt-wasting forms of
about the effect of lanthanum on the functions of CKD who do not have their sodium and water
liver and kidney and bone, in which lanthanum losses corrected may experience vomiting, con-
accumulates [443], and its safety profile in chil- stipation, and significant growth retardation
dren are available. associated with chronic intravascular volume
It should be emphasized that any phosphate- depletion and a negative sodium balance [111].
binder therapy introduces a major pill burden. It is important to note that normal serum sodium
The need to swallow several large tablets or cap- levels do not rule out sodium depletion and the
sules with each meal is a major physical and psy- need for supplementation.
chological challenge to many patients that can Individualized therapy can be accomplished
seriously compromise long-term adherence to by first prescribing at least the age-related DRI of
this and other medications. Hence, phosphate- sodium and chloride (Table 22.19) [119]. In two
binder therapy should be individualized realizing small cohort studies, infants with polyuric
that in some patients lowering of serum phosphate salt-wasting CKD stages 3–5 who were given
416 KDOQI Work Group

Table 22.19 DRI for healthy children for water, sodium, chloride, and potassium
Total watera (L/d) Sodiumb (mg/d) Chloride (mg/d) Potassium (mg/d)
Age Al Upper limit Al Upper limit Al Upper limit Al Upper limit
0–6 months 0.7 ND 120 ND 180 ND 400 ND
7–12 months 0.8 ND 370 ND 570 ND 700 ND
1–3 years 1.3 ND 1,000 1,500 1,500 2,300 3,000 ND
4–8 years 1.7 ND 1,200 1,900 1,900 2,900 3,800 ND
9–13 years 2.4 ND 1,500 2,200 2,300 3,400 4,500 ND
14–18 years 3.3 ND 1,500 2,300 2,300 3,600 4,700 ND
Abbreviation: ND, not determined
Sources: Health Canada: Reproduced
with the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2008
Total water includes drinking water, water in beverages, and water that is part of food
Grams of sodium × 2.53 = grams of salt; 1 teaspoon of salt = 2,300 mg sodium

nutritional support with generous fluids and 7–8 mmol/L) [449]. Consequences of hypona-
sodium supplements achieved better growth com- tremia include cerebral edema and blindness;
pared with published data for nonsupplemented therefore, neutral sodium balance must be main-
infants with CKD. The dosage of sodium supple- tained. Therapy should be individualized based
ments used by the two studies varied between 2 on clinical symptoms, including hypotension,
and 4 mmol of sodium (Na)/100 mL formula hyponatremia, and/or abnormal serum chloride
added to 180–240 mL/kg/d of formula [111] and levels. Sodium balance measurements, deter-
1–5 mmol Na/kg body weight/d [120] and was mined from dietary and medication intake and
adjusted according to blood biochemistry test dialysate effluent losses, should be considered
results. The average dose used in the first study every 6 months concurrent with the measurement
was Na, 3.2 ± 1.04 mmol/kg [111]. Nasogastric or of dialysis adequacy. More frequent measure-
gastrostomy tube feedings were used [111] or ment is indicated after significant changes to the
suggested for critical periods [120]. dialysis prescription or clinical status.
Sodium given as alkali therapy should be
considered as part of the daily sodium allowance 6.3: Restriction of sodium intake should be
[119]. considered for children with CKD stages 2–5
Home preparation of sodium chloride supple- and 5D who have hypertension (systolic and/
ments using table salt generally is not recom- or diastolic blood pressure ≥95th percentile)
mended due to potential errors in formulation that or prehypertension (systolic and/or diastolic
could result in hypo- or hypernatremia [447]. blood pressure ≥90th percentile and <95th
percentile). (B)
6.2: Sodium supplements should be considered When kidney function is impaired, ECF vol-
for all infants with CKD stage 5D on PD ume increases, edema occurs, and blood pressure
therapy. (B) increases. Hypertension is already common in
Infants on PD therapy are predisposed to sub- the early stages of CKD, with 48–63% of chil-
stantial sodium losses, even when anuric. High dren affected [444, 450]. More than 50% of chil-
ultrafiltration requirements per kilogram of body dren on dialysis therapy have uncontrolled
weight result in removal of significant amounts hypertension [450, 451], and an additional 20%
of sodium chloride. These losses cannot be have controlled hypertension [63, 451–454].
replaced through the low sodium content of breast Children with severe hypertension are at
milk (160 mg/L or 7 mmol/L) or standard com- increased risk of hypertensive encephalopathy,
mercial infant formulas (160–185 mg/L or seizures, cerebrovascular events, and congestive
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 417

heart failure [455]. Less severe hypertension can old, daily intake averaged 2,700 mg and 93% had
contribute to progression of CKD. Therefore, consumed more than the recommended upper
dietary modification is encouraged for children limit. For most of these children, adding salt at
and adolescents who have blood pressures in the the table did not contribute to their high-sodium
prehypertensive range, as well as those with intakes because 69% of those aged 1–3 years and
hypertension [455]. 52% of those aged 4–8 years “never” added salt
A systematic review of pediatric clinical trials to their food. Salt intakes of adolescents exceeded
demonstrated that modest dietary sodium restric- recommended upper limits by 27–79%; the intake
tion reduces blood pressure in hypertensive chil- of males was significantly higher than that of
dren without CKD [456]. In dialysis patients, many females.
observational and interventional studies of patients Sodium occurring naturally in food accounts
with CKD have shown that restricting sodium for only about 10% of total intake, whereas salt
intake is an essential tool for volume and blood added at the table or while cooking provides
pressure control [457–459]. Aside from prevent- another 5–10% of total intake [462]. The major-
ing acute complications of hypertension, optimal ity (75%) of sodium in the diet comes from salt
control of blood pressure reduces further kidney added by manufacturers during processing [462]
damage and modifies progression of disease. to enhance flavor, control the growth of bacteria,
The KDOQI Clinical Guidelines for provide certain functional characteristics, or act
Hypertension [444], CVD [220], and Dialysis as a preservative. By weight, salt is composed of
Adequacy [63] are all in agreement that dietary 40% sodium and 60% chloride. One teaspoon of
sodium restriction is an important component of salt contains about 2,300 mg of sodium.
a comprehensive strategy for volume and blood Reduction of sodium intake can be achieved by
pressure control in adults and children with replacing processed and canned foods with fresh
CKD. The earliest recommendation from the foods; reading food labels to identify less salty
Hypertension Guidelines was to limit daily foods; reducing salt added to foods at the table; in
sodium intake to less than 2,400 mg (<104 mmol) cooking, substituting fresh herbs and spices to fla-
[444]. The more recent Cardiovascular and vor foods; and eating fast foods less often. The
Adequacy Guidelines have lowered the recom- nutrition facts panel on food labels lists sodium
mendation to less than 2,000 mg (<87 mmol) of content as actual amount (mg) and percent of the
sodium per day [450, 459]. The most recent 2005 recommended daily value (% DV). Foods con-
Dietary Guidelines for Americans older than 2 taining less than 140 mg or 5% DV are considered
years [460] recommend that individuals with low in sodium [460], and foods that have no more
hypertension, blacks, and middle-aged and older than 170–280 mg of sodium or 6–10% of the DV
adults aim to consume no more than 1,500 mg for sodium should be chosen. Salt substitutes, also
(65 mmol) of sodium per day. To provide more referred to as light salts, typically replace all or
size-appropriate guidelines for infants and young some of the sodium with another mineral. Salt
children, based on a standard 60–70-kg adult, substitutes replacing Na chloride (NaCl) with
1,500–2,400 mg/d of sodium would be the potassium chloride (KCl) are contraindicated in
equivalent of sodium, 1–2 mmol/kg/d. This children with hyperkalemia.
degree of restriction is reasonably consistent with Certain medications (e.g., antacids, laxatives,
the age-appropriate DRI for healthy children and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) can be
(Table 22.19). a significant source of sodium. Kayexalate®
The average daily intake of sodium in healthy (sodium polystyrene sulfonate) contains 100 mg
children is far above recommended levels. In a (4.3 mmol) of sodium per 100 g of powder. Where
national community health survey, 77% of chil- available, non-sodium-containing potassium
dren aged 1–3 years exceeded the recommended binders (e.g., calcium polystyrene sulfonate)
upper limit for sodium (1,500 mg/d), with a mean should be used for children with severe hyperten-
intake of 1,918 mg/d [461]. In children 4–8 years sion and hyperkalemia.
418 KDOQI Work Group

Restriction of salt and fluid intake requires Table 22.20 Insensible fluid losses
considerable patient motivation, which is often a Age group Fluid loss
problem in the adolescent population. The KDOQI Preterm infants 40 mL/kg/d
Hypertension Guidelines recommend dietary Neonates 20–30 mL/kg/d
education by a dietitian every 3 months [444]. Children and adolescents 20 mL/kg/d or 400 mL/m²
Patients used to a high-sodium intake may lose
their appetite and become malnourished if sodium
restriction is instituted too abruptly and too strictly are not restricted routinely. The free water con-
[63]. In these patients, sodium restriction should tent of infant formulas (~90% by volume) and
be introduced gradually to provide time for taste enteral feedings (70–85%) should be considered
adjustment. By cutting back gradually, most when formulating feeding regimens for fluid-
patients find that they do not miss the salt. restricted children.
Attempts at fluid restriction may be futile if
6.4: Fluid intake should be restricted in chil- sodium is not restricted at the same time [63].
dren with CKD stages 3–5 and 5D who are oli- Reducing fluid intake alone is not practical most
goanuric to prevent the complications of fluid of the time because the increased ECF osmolality
overload. (A) brought about by the excessive sodium ingestion
Children with oliguria or anuria need to limit will stimulate thirst, followed by further fluid
their fluid intake to avoid associated complica- ingestion and isotonic fluid gain [63, 463, 464].
tions of altered fluid status, including hyperten-
sion. Fluid restriction for oligoanuric children on 6.5: Potassium intake should be limited for
HD therapy is also indicated, and an interdialytic children with CKD stages 2–5 and 5D who
increase above their “dry” weight (£5% of their have or are at risk of hyperkalemia. (A)
dry weight) is expected and desirable. Severe Ninety-eight percent of the body’s potassium
restriction of food (and fluid) intake by children is contained in cells, whereas only 2% is in the
for the purpose of avoiding extra HD sessions extracellular compartment. Potassium moves
fosters malnutrition and should be discouraged. rapidly between the intra- and extracellular com-
Daily fluid restriction = insensible fluid losses partments to maintain normal serum levels.
(Table 22.20) + urine output + amount to replace Because of the uneven distribution between com-
additional losses (e.g., vomiting, diarrhea, partments, small shifts can result in major changes
enterostomy output) − amount to be deficited. in serum potassium concentrations. Maintaining
To restrict fluid intake, children should be a normal serum potassium concentration depends
advised to reduce their intake of beverages, as on these shifts, as well as excretion of potassium
well as foods that are liquid or semiliquid at room from the body. Intestinal excretion accounts for
temperature (e.g., ice, soup, Jell-O, ice cream, approximately 10% of potassium excretion,
yogurt, pudding, and gravy). This can be achieved whereas the remainder is excreted in urine.
by drinking only when thirsty, taking small Renal potassium excretion typically is maintained
amounts throughout the day using small cups or until GFR decreases to less than 10–15 mL/
glasses, quenching thirst by sucking on crushed min/1.73 m2. The risk of hyperkalemia is also
ice, eating cold fruit, chewing gum, gargling or increased by urinary obstruction, rhabdomyoly-
using breath sprays/sheets, and avoiding high- sis, hemolysis (e.g., blood transfusions and tumor
sodium or very sweet foods. About 80% of an lysis), acidosis, or treatment with potassium-
individual’s total water intake comes from drink- sparing diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme
ing water and beverages and the other 20% is inhibitors, or angiotensin-receptor blockers.
derived from food [448]. Many fruits and vegeta- Extracellular potassium influences muscle
bles contain lots of water and can inconspicu- activity, especially the heart. Both hypokalemia
ously add to a child’s fluid intake. These foods and hyperkalemia cause alterations in all muscle
22 Meeting Nutritional Goals for Children Receiving Maintenance Dialysis 419

function (skeletal, myocardial, and smooth mus- cause hyperkalemia with life-threatening conse-
cle contractility) and cardiac arrhythmias. quences in individuals with hyperkalemia or a
Hyperkalemia is common in patients with CKD tendency toward it [470]. Potassium-containing
stage 5 and when severe, can rapidly lead to death salt substitutes are inappropriate for people who
from cardiac arrest or paralysis of muscles that need to limit both salt and potassium.
control ventilation. Therefore, control of serum When hyperkalemia persists, despite strict
potassium is a critically important part of dietary adherence to dietary potassium restriction, non-
management in patients with CKD. dietary causes of hyperkalemia – such as spuri-
When the kidney loses its ability to filter ous values, hemolysis, metabolic acidosis, other
potassium (K), counseling children and caretak- exogenous potassium sources, constipation,
ers to limit dietary potassium is critical to prevent inadequate dialysis, medications (angiotensin-
and manage hyperkalemia. There are no data for converting enzyme, inhibitors, angiotensin-
the degree of dietary potassium restriction receptor blockers, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
required for children with hyperkalemia. agents, and potassium-sparing diuretics), and tis-
Suggested dietary management of hyperkalemia sue destruction due to catabolism, infection, sur-
in adults limits intake to less than 2,000–3,000 gery, or chemotherapy – should be investigated
mg (<50–75 mmol/d) of K daily [444, 465, 466]. further [471, 472].
Based on a 70-kg standard adult, this is the equiv- Moderate to severe hyperkalemia may require
alent of less than 30–40 mg/kg/d (<0.8–1 mmol/ treatment with a potassium binder. When oral,
kg/d). For infants and young children, 40–120 enteral, or rectal administration of potassium-
mg (1–3 mmol/kg/d) of K may be a reasonable binding resins is ineffective, undesirable, or not
place to start. Breast milk (mature) has the low- feasible, infant formula, enteral feedings, or other
est potassium content (546 mg/L; 14 mmol/L) fluids can be pretreated to safely and effectively
compared with standard commercial cow’s reduce their potassium content. Depending on the
milk–based infant formulas (700–740 mg/L; dosage of potassium binder used, this process
18–19 mmol/L). Volumes of infant formula of lowers the potassium content of the feeding by
165 mL/kg or greater will exceed 120 mg (3 12–78% [473–477]. This process also may be
mmol) K/kg and may aggravate hyperkalemia. indicated when there are concerns about obstruc-
Children can lower potassium intake by restrict- tion of an enteral feeding tube. In addition to
ing intake of such high-potassium foods as reducing potassium content, other reported
bananas, oranges, potatoes and potato chips, changes associated with binder use include an
tomato products, legumes and lentils, yogurt, and increase or reduction in other nutrients, such as
chocolate [460]. The nutrition facts panel on food sodium and calcium.
labels is not required to list potassium, but may Children on PD or frequent HD therapy (i.e.,
provide potassium content as actual amount (mg) >5 sessions/week) rarely need dietary potassium
and % DV. Foods containing less than 100 mg or restriction and may actually develop hypokalemia.
less than 3% DV are considered low in potas- Normokalemia may be achieved through coun-
sium. Foods containing 200–250 mg or greater seling and frequent reinforcement of a high-
than 6% DV are considered high in potassium. If potassium diet [478], KCl supplements, or
potassium is not listed, it does not mean that the addition of potassium to the dialysate.
food does not contain potassium. Presoaking root
vegetables, including potatoes, effectively lowers Acknowledgment The editors would like to acknowl-
potassium content by 50–75% [468, 469]. edge the hard work and efforts of the original authors of
these guidelines. We offer a special thanks to: Bradley A.
Salt substitutes, also referred to as light salts, Warady, M.D., Donna Secker, PhD, RD, Bethany Foster,
typically replace all or some of the sodium with MD, Stuart L. Goldstein, MD, Frederick Kaskel, MD,
another mineral, such as potassium or magne- PhD, Sarah E. Ledermann, MB, Franz S. Schaefer, MD,
sium. Salt substitutes that contain potassium may Nancy S. Spinozzi, RD, LDN.
420 KDOQI Work Group

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Technical Aspects of Controlled
Enteral Nutrition in Pediatric 23
Bethany J. Foster and Dagmara Borzych

Controlled enteral nutrition • Pediatric dialysis • Children

tomy tube feeding, the practical details of tube

Introduction feeding prescriptions, and the potential compli-
cations. The transition from tube to oral feedings
Concerns regarding the adequacy of nutritional
will also be discussed.
intake among children with chronic renal failure
are common, primarily due to the impact nutri-
tional intake may have on growth and neurode- Rationale for Nutritional
velopment. In some children, oral intake is
Supplementation in Pediatric
insufficient to support normal growth and devel-
opment, and must be supplemented with naso-
Renal Insufficiency
gastric (NG) or gastrostomy tube feedings,
Growth retardation is a common feature of pediat-
wherein nutrition is provided via a tube that
ric chronic renal failure. One of the mechanisms
delivers nutrients distal to the oral cavity. This
underlying renal failure–related growth retarda-
chapter will review the rationale underlying the
tion is inadequate caloric intake. Calorie intake
use of tube feeding, the existing evidence sup-
may be limited by anorexia, due to a combination
porting the use of tube feeding in children with
of factors including altered taste, gastroesophageal
renal insufficiency, and the indications for tube
reflux, delayed gastric emptying, and elevated lev-
feeding. In addition, we will consider the advan-
els of numerous cytokines, including leptin, IL-1,
tages and disadvantages of NG versus gastros-
IL-6, and TNF-a [1, 2]. Children with polyuric
chronic kidney disease (CKD) may have dimin-
B.J. Foster, MD ()
Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics
ished appetite due to consumption of large vol-
and Occupational Health and Department of Pediatrics, umes of water. Frequent vomiting may also impair
Division of Nephrology, McGill University Health calorie intake in CKD. Abdominal fullness due to
Centre and Montreal Childrens Hospital, Montreal, the presence of dialysate may also compromise
Quebec, Canada
appetite among children on peritoneal dialysis.
Poor spontaneous calorie intake is particularly
D. Borzych, MD, PhD
Department of Pediatric and Adolesecent Nephrology
problematic among infants with CKD and rou-
and Hypertension, Medical University of Gdansk, tine calorie supplementation has been shown to
Gdansk, Poland improve growth [3–6]. In contrast, energy intakes

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_23, 439

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
440 B.J. Foster and D. Borzych

for older children are usually normal relative to increased calorie or protein intake [25]. Unless
body size [7], and the role for nutritional supple- calorie intake is clearly below estimated needs,
ments in improving growth is controversial; clear there is little evidence that increased calorie
evidence that nutritional supplements improve intake will normalize body composition.
growth in older children is lacking. The potential benefits of nutritional supplemen-
There is a sound theoretical basis for this age- tation on neurodevelopment have never been
dependent response to calorie supplementation in rigorously studied in the setting of renal insuffi-
renal insufficiency. Normal postnatal growth can ciency. However, studies of otherwise healthy
be divided into three phases, each primarily influ- malnourished children have established an impor-
enced by a different factor. The infancy phase of tant role for nutrition in normal brain development.
growth is driven primarily by nutrition, whereas Malnourished infants have been repeatedly dem-
the childhood and pubertal phases are dominated onstrated to have intellectual deficits compared
by growth hormone and sex hormones respec- to their well-nourished counterparts [26, 27].
tively [8]. Therefore, nutritional intake has the Observational data in children with renal insuffi-
greatest influence during the infancy phase of ciency suggest that developmental outcomes are
growth [9, 10]. In healthy infants, the infancy improved when adequate nutrition is provided
phase of growth is replaced by the childhood during infancy [28]. Because brain growth is most
phase between 6 and 12 months of age. However, rapid during the first 3 years of life, nutritional
in renal insufficiency, onset of the childhood intervention has the most potential to have an
phase is frequently delayed until 2–3 years of impact during this interval [28, 29].
age, or interrupted by a transient resumption of
the infancy pattern [8, 9, 11, 12]. Therefore, this
chapter will focus primarily on infants and chil- Evidence for Benefits of Tube
dren under 3 years of age – in whom nutritional Feeding: Infants
interventions are most likely to provide an impor-
tant benefit. However, the evidence for nutritional The majority of infants under 2 years of age with
intervention in older children will also be briefly moderate to severe renal insufficiency will require
considered. tube feeding [30]. Spontaneous intake is poor,
Weight loss, or wasting, is another reason that and gastroesophageal reflux and vomiting are
nutritional supplements may be considered in common in this age group [30, 31]. Even infants
children with renal insufficiency. Both children with glomerular filtration rates as high as 70 mL/
and adults with renal insufficiency have long min/1.73 m2 may show poor oral intake and asso-
been considered at high risk for “malnutrition” or ciated poor growth [31].
wasting, defined as low weight for height [13]. Numerous studies have considered the impact
However, outside infancy, the role of nutrient of NG or gastrostomy tube feeding on growth in
intake in maintaining normal body composition infants with renal insufficiency. Although not all
in renal insufficiency has been questioned studies have shown evidence of catch-up growth
recently [14–18]. Abnormalities in body compo- [31, 32], significant increases in growth velocity
sition may be better attributed to cachexia – a were observed after provision of adequate calo-
loss of lean mass resulting from multiple causes ries via NG or gastrostomy tube in numerous
including systemic inflammation [19], acidosis- studies [3–5, 33, 34]. Interpretation of the litera-
related disturbances in the ubiquitin–proteosome ture in this area can be challenging. No random-
pathway [17, 20–22], and disturbed neuropeptide ized controlled trials have been done. Given that
signaling [23]. Alterations to the growth hor- the degree of severity of renal insufficiency [10]
mone–insulin-like growth factor axis may also and the intensity of dialysis [35] may each have
play a role in renal insufficiency–related cachexia an independent impact on growth, comparison of
[24]. Cachexia is often not remediable with studies including individuals with different levels
23 Technical Aspects of Controlled Enteral Nutrition in Pediatric Dialysis 441

of renal function and treated with different thera-

peutic modalities (from conservative therapy to Indications for Tube Feeding: Infants
intensive dialysis) is difficult. In addition, some
studies included older children as well as infants; When considering dietary prescriptions for
a poor growth response among older children may infants with chronic renal insufficiency, empha-
have masked a good response among infants. In sis should be placed on prevention of growth
most cases, when the outcomes of older children retardation by early intervention. Even brief
are separated from those of infants, growth bene- intervals of poor growth during infancy may
fits are evident among infants [5, 32, 36]. The bal- result in substantial loss of height potential; for-
ance of evidence supports the routine use of tube tunately, catch-up growth is also most likely dur-
feedings in infants with renal insufficiency. ing infancy [10]. However, height potential lost
Existing evidence for the growth benefits of tube during infancy is extremely difficult to catch up
feeding is summarized in Table 23.1. later in childhood. One should not wait for evi-
A number of studies also emphasize the dence of stunting before intervening. Height out-
importance of providing sodium supplements to comes are superior for children in whom tube
infants with polyuric renal insufficiency, in whom feedings are started before important height defi-
urinary sodium losses may be large [3, 4, 34]. cits are noted [34]. Dietary intake should be regu-
Infants on peritoneal dialysis may also experi- larly monitored in infants with chronic renal
ence large sodium losses through the dialysate, insufficiency, and supplemental tube feedings
necessitating the use of sodium supplements considered for any infant failing to meet energy
[10]. Chronic sodium losses impair linear growth or fluid requirements for normal growth [38].
[37]; severe volume depletion resulting from
sodium and water losses may also result in neu-
rologic injury [38]. The relatively large doses of Evidence for Benefits of Tube
sodium and large volumes of fluid required in Feeding: Older Children
infants with polyuric renal insufficiency can
rarely be taken orally; tube feeding facilitates Controversy remains regarding the contribution of
delivery of adequate sodium, fluid, and calories undernutrition to growth retardation in older chil-
to these infants [34]. dren with renal insufficiency. As noted previously,
The International Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis growth is driven primarily by growth hormone and
Network (IPPN) registry has begun to pro- sex hormones during childhood and adolescence
vide information on enteral feeding among respectively [8, 9, 11, 12]. Although nutrition
infants treated with peritoneal dialysis, including undoubtedly plays a role in growth during child-
the growth response to enteral feeds. Among 153 hood, convincing evidence for the success of sup-
infants under 2 years of age entering the database plemental tube feeding in promoting growth in this
between 2007 and 2009, 55% received enteral older age group is lacking. Growth benefits of tube
feeds (33% via NG tube and 22% via gastros- feeding were limited to infants and very young
tomy). Oral calorie supplements were provided children in the majority of studies [5, 32, 36].
to 22%, and 23% received no supplemental feed- In fact, there is little evidence that older chil-
ing at all. Both height and body mass index (BMI) dren with renal insufficiency are undernourished.
standard deviation scores (SDS) were signifi- In 2006, the mean BMI SDS at the time of trans-
cantly higher in children receiving gastrostomy plant among children over 2 years of age recorded
feeding compared with those receiving NG feed- in the North American Pediatric Renal Trials and
ing or no enteral feeding. While BMI SDS Collaborative Studies Registry was +0.45, indi-
increased during prospective follow-up in the cating a prevalence of obesity greater than
children receiving enteral feeding, catch-up expected in a healthy pediatric population.
growth was restricted to gastrostomy fed infants Although older children with renal insufficiency
(Rees et al., in press). do consume fewer calories than their healthy,
Table 23.1 Evidence for benefits of tube feeding
Population studied Study design Intervention Duration Outcome
Abitbol et al. [31] • n = 12 Case series • ³100% recommended dietary 24 months • No catch-up growth
• Age <1 month at allowances (RDA) for • Weight velocity SDS positive after 12 months
diagnosis calories • Height velocity SDS remained negative, but did
• Estimated glomerular • Progressive intervention: First increase
filtration rate (GFR): concentrated formula for oral
<70 mL/min/1.73 m2 feeds, then tube feeding
• 6/12 got enteral feeds starting
at 4–16 months
Claris-Appiani • n=5 Case series • ³100% RDA for calories 12 months • Weight for age SDS increased by a mean of 1.76 SD
et al. [3] • Age: 0.2–3.8 years relative to height-age • Height for age SDS increased by a mean of 1.52 SD
• Estimated GFR: 15.2 ± • Supplemental NaCl • Height velocity SDS increased by a mean of 5.38 SD
6.8 mL/min/1.73 m2 of 2–3 mEq/kg/day
• All tube fed
Coleman et al. [36] • n = 22 Case series • ³100% estimated average 14.5 months • Weight for age SDS increased by a mean of 0.16 SD
• Median age 2.4 years requirement for calories (mean) • Height for age SDS increased by a mean of 1.06 SD
(range 0.2–10.3) • All tube fed
• Peritoneal dialysis: n = 20
• Hemodialysis: n = 2
Ledermann • n = 35 Case series • ³100% estimated average 30.8 months £2 years old
et al. [5] • Mean age: 1.6 years requirement for calories (mean) • Weight for age SDS increased by a mean of 1.4 SD
(range 0–4.9) • All tube fed at 1 year
• CKD stage 5: n = 29 • Supplemental NaCl • Height for age SDS increased by a mean of 0.7 SD at
• Peritoneal dialysis: n = 6 • Supplemental NaHCO3 1 year
>2 years old
• Weight for age SDS increased by a mean of 0.9 SD at
1 year, Height for age SDS did not change by 1 year
Ramage et al. [32] • n = 15 Case series • ³100% RDA for calories 12 months • Of the three infants who achieved ³100% RDA, height
• Age: n = 8 £ 2.5 years • Tube feeds started an for age SDS increased by a mean of 1.63 SD, and
n = 7 >2.5 years average of 0.6 and 1.0 years weight for height increased by 14% at 1 year
• Peritoneal dialysis after initiation of PD in • Infants achieving <100% RDA, height for age SDS
those £2.5 years and > decreased by a mean of 0.3 SD
2.5 years, respectively • Those >2.5 years old had no increase in height for
age SDS
Population studied Study design Intervention Duration Outcome
Kari et al. [4] • n = 81 • Cohort • ³100% estimated average 1.9 years Conservative therapy
• Median age 0.7 years • 66/81 enteral feeds requirement for calories (median) • Height for age SDS increased by a mean of 0.41 SD at
(range: 0–4.5) • 15/81 oral 2 years and by 0.97 SD at 5 years of age
• Estimated GFR < 20 Preemptive transplant (before transplant)
n = 20 conservative • Height for age SDS decreased by a mean of 0.26 SD at
therapy 2 years and increased by 0.14 SD at 5 years of age
n = 25 preemptive Dialysis
transplant • Height for age SDS increased by a mean of 0.95 SD at
n = 36 dialysis 2 years and by 1.92 SD at 5 years of age
Parekh et al. [34] • n = 24 • Cohort with two different • ³100% RDA for calories 24 months • Intervention group had a 1.37 SD greater increase in
• Age not specified historical control groups • 180–240 mL/kg/day height for age SDS than USRDS controls at 1 year
• Estimated GFR 1. Abitbol, 1993 (n = 12) • Supplemental NaCl of • Intervention group had a 1.83 SD greater increase in
<65 mL/min/1.73 m2 2. USRDS Pediatric Growth 2–4 mEq/kg/day height for age SDS than Abitbol controls at 2 years
Special Study (n = 42) • Fed orally or by tube
Waller et al. [73] • n = 99 Case series • Orally (n = 58) or tube Until 10 years • Height for age SDS increased by 0.3 SD over the study
• Age 2.8 (0.25–8.9) fed (n = 41) of age, start of period (0.09 per year)
• GFR < 41 (median 22) • PTH within normal range growth hormone • Increase in height for age SDS was independently
mL/min/1.73 m2, • Phosphate below 50th or dialysis negatively associated with age, GFR, and iPTH, and
conservative therapy percentile for age positively with the use of enteral feeds
Cansick et al. [74] • n = 35 Case series • ³100% RDA for calories Until 10 years • Infants showed catch-up growth in the first year on
• Mean age 2.8 (0.25–8.9) • Use of NG or gastrostomy of age, start of dialysis – median change in height for age SDS was
• 17 infants less than tube in 32 pts growth hormone +0.31 (−0.78–3.13) SD
2 years of age • PTH within normal range or transplant • No catch-up growth in older children
• 14 PD, 4 HD, 17 PD • Phosphate below 50th
and HD percentile for age
444 B.J. Foster and D. Borzych

normally growing peers, they are smaller; intakes with CKD [42, 43]. More recently, gastrostomy
are usually normal relative to body size [39]. The feeding has been favored by many because of the
possibility that poor intake is a consequence of cosmetic advantages (hidden under clothing) and
the poor growth, rather than the cause, must be because this approach avoids the negative oropha-
considered. Spontaneous calorie intake increased ryngeal stimulation associated with chronic pres-
by almost 12% in a study of 33 children with ence of and frequent replacement of a NG tube
renal insufficiency during treatment with recom- [44]. However, NG tube feeding remains a rea-
binant human growth hormone [40]. sonable option, particularly for children expected
We do not wish to suggest that older children to require tube feedings only for a short interval,
will never benefit from supplemental tube feed- and for families wishing to avoid a surgical pro-
ing. Selected children, who are observed to have cedure. A NG tube is also the method of choice in
inadequate intake and are unable to tolerate oral infants weighing less than 4 kg [44]. Each method
supplements, may benefit. However, this repre- will be considered separately.
sents the minority of older children with renal
insufficiency. Prolonged trials of supplemental Nasogastric tube feeding: A variety of soft, flex-
calories in an effort to improve growth should not ible NG tubes of varying external diameters, with
delay the initiation of therapies of proven benefit or without a weighted tip, are commercially avail-
[41], such as growth hormone. able. Most tubes are designed for a single use –
so if the tube becomes dislodged, a new one must
be inserted. The life-span of a NG tube depends
Indications for Tube Feeding: on the type of NG tube used; polyvinyl chloride
Older Children tubes need to be changed every 5–7 days, whereas
silk tubes are designed to remain in place up to
Dietary intake should be monitored at regular 4–6 weeks.
intervals in older children with chronic renal NG tubes are inserted through the nostril, and
insufficiency [38]. When intake is discovered to passed through the oropharynx and into the stom-
be inadequate, efforts should be made to identify ach. Correct placement in the stomach must be
an underlying cause. Nausea, vomiting, or severe verified prior to commencing feeding. This may
anorexia may signify progressive uremia requir- be done either by auscultation during infusion of
ing intensification of therapy: children being man- a small volume of air, or by withdrawing a small
aged conservatively may require initiation of amount of fluid, and testing a sample of it on blue
dialysis; children on dialysis may require a higher (alkaline) litmus paper – which will turn red
dose of dialysis [35]. Gastrointestinal and eating when acidic stomach secretions are present [45].
disorders must also be considered. Oral nutritional Once in place, a NG tube requires regular care to
supplements should be the first-line intervention; prevent tube blockage. NG tubes must be flushed
these are usually adequate, particularly for chil- before and after all tube use for feedings or medi-
dren needing a brief interval of supplementation cation administration, or at least every 8 h if not
following an acute illness or surgery. Tube feed- in use [45].
ings should be reserved for children with progres-
sive weight loss or growth failure who are unable NG tube complications: The potential complica-
to take adequate calories by the oral route. tions associated with NG tube feeding include
pulmonary aspiration, sinusitis, otitis, and
nasoseptal erosion. In some children, frequent
Nasogastric Versus Gastrostomy vomiting results in a need for frequent replace-
Tube Feeding ment of the tube – which may be unpleasant.
Repeated unpleasant stimulation of the oropharyx
There are two methods of delivering enteral feed- during NG tube placement, and irritation due to
ings: NG or gastrostomy tube. The NG tube was chronic presence of the tube may lead to oral
the first means of nutritional support in children feeding aversion and poor development of
23 Technical Aspects of Controlled Enteral Nutrition in Pediatric Dialysis 445

oral-motor skills [44]. The presence of a NG tube of techniques used for gastrostomy placement:
may also exacerbate gastroesophageal reflux percutaneous or open. Percutaneous gastrostomy
[44]. Finally, the psychological impact of an NG placement methods include percutaneous place-
tube on caregivers should not be underestimated; ment under endoscopy guidance (PEG), laparo-
the presence of NG tube may cause parental anxi- scopic guidance, or radiologic guidance.
ety by identifying the child as “sick” to the rest of Percutaneous methods have the advantage of
the world [46–48]. shorter recovery time than an open surgical
approach. The most popular open gastrostomy
Gastrostomy tube feeding: Two main forms of technique is the Stamm open gastrostomy.
gastrostomy tubes are available: larger gastros- Technical details regarding percutaneous and
tomy tubes and low-profile gastrostomy button open methods are available elsewhere [44].
devices. In some centers, a larger gastrostomy The major difference between percutaneous
tube is placed initially and subsequently replaced and open techniques is that with the open tech-
with a button device 4–12 weeks later. nique, the stomach is brought anteriorly and
Alternatively, a button device may be placed sutured to the abdominal wall. These sutures
immediately. The primary advantage of gastros- prevent the leakage of small amounts of gastric
tomy button devices is that they are small and contents into the peritoneal cavity, which occurs
discrete, and can be easily changed without sur- during and after a percutaneous procedure.
gical intervention. Although the leakage is considered to be sterile,
Two kinds of button devices are commercially patients on acid-reducing therapy are at
available. The first (manufactured by Bard or increased risk of bacterial and fungal coloniza-
Ross laboratories) has a one-way valve that pre- tion of the stomach, and may be at higher risk of
vents gastric reflux and a silicone dome- or infection. Therefore, some recommend discon-
mushroom-shaped internal anchoring device. tinuation of H2-blockers and proton pump
The second device has an external skin disk and inhibitors a week before percutaneous gastros-
an internal balloon that is inflated with water tomy placement [44].
after it is placed in the stomach (e.g., the silicone Regardless of the surgical approach used, anti-
MIC-KEY button manufactured by Medical biotic prophylaxis is suggested in the periopera-
Innovations Corp/Ballard). The Bard device has tive period. A meta-analysis of randomized
the advantage of lasting longer than the MIC controlled trials showed that antibiotic prophy-
device, whereas MIC buttons are easier to laxis with either amoxicillin–clavulanic acid or
remove and insert, and can be changed without a cephalosporin prior to gastrostomy insertion is
medical assistance. The use of button gastrosto- effective in reducing gastrostomy site wound
mies is not advised for children with cystinosis, infection [50]. In some cases, especially in chil-
because potassium supplements may cause bal- dren who have been on antibiotics prior to surgery,
loon rupture [49]. antifungal prophylaxis is also advisable [51].
Both gastrostomy tubes and button devices The necessity for Nissen fundoplication at the
may be left in place for months to years. time of gastrostomy placement is controversial
Gastrostomy tubes or button devices with a bal- [52]. Some advocate preoperative esophageal
loon need to be replaced every 3–6 months, pH-monitoring studies, and recommend fun-
whereas rigid button devices may remain in place doplication if gastroesophageal reflux is present
up to 1–2 years [44]. The mean reported life-span [53]. Others routinely perform fundoplication
of a gastrostomy button is 7.7 (range 2.6–16) with open gastrostomy to prevent reflux and
months [36]; the most common reason for chang- vomiting – two highly prevalent problems in
ing a button is leakage at the exit site [36]. pediatric CKD [54].
It is recommended that gastrostomies be left
Placement techniques: General anesthesia is typ- to drain freely for 24–48 h postoperatively, prior
ically required for the placement of any type to use for feeding; oral feedings may be intro-
of gastrostomy. There are two main categories duced 16–24 h after placement [45, 52].
446 B.J. Foster and D. Borzych

Gastrostomies in peritoneal dialysis patients: site should be dried thoroughly. The exit site
Patients being treated with peritoneal dialysis, or should be monitored regularly for signs of infec-
those for whom peritoneal dialysis is planned, tion, which include redness and irritation of the
require special consideration with respect to skin around exit site and discharge.
choice of gastrostomy device and placement
technique due to the risk of peritonitis. We Gastrostomy feeding complications: The most
strongly recommend open gastrostomy place- common complications associated with gastros-
ment for all patients already on peritoneal dialy- tomy feeding include tube blockage, balloon rup-
sis [45, 49, 55, 56]. Percutaneous placement is ture, tube displacement, leakage around exit site,
not advised in children established on peritoneal skin irritation and itching, exit site infection, and
dialysis due to the leak of stomach contents into granulation at the exit site. All of those are usu-
peritoneal cavity described above; the high dex- ally mild in nature and may occur with either the
trose content of dialysate may promote growth of percutaneous or open approach. Bacterial exit site
any bacteria present in the leaked fluid causing infection can be treated with topical antibiotics
peritonitis. In one multicenter retrospective study such as neomycin or chloramphenicol, whereas a
of children undergoing peritoneal dialysis, percu- nystatin hydrocortisone cream can be used for
taneous gastrostomy placement was associated candida infection [44, 45]. Granulation tissue
with peritonitis within 7 days of the procedure in may be treated with application of silver nitrate
37%, including fungal peritonitis in 26% [56]. twice a week [1]. Complications specific to per-
Other small case series were also highly sugges- cutaneous gastrostomy placement include gastro-
tive of a substantial risk of peritonitis following enteric fistula and intra-abdominal leakage [44].
percutaneous gastrostomy placement among Major complications, defined as those requiring
children on peritoneal dialysis [49, 55]. surgical or endoscopic intervention, non-
For patients in whom peritoneal dialysis is prophylactic systemic antibiotics, blood transfu-
planned, some advocate a single surgical proce- sion, or leading to death occurred in 12–17% of
dure, during which partial omentectomy, gastros- children observed in four large series of children
tomy, and dialysis catheter placement are who underwent percutaneous gastrostomy place-
performed during the same intervention either ment [59–62]. Rare complications such as bowel
via a single middle incision or by laparoscopy obstruction, gastrocutaneous fistula, paraesopha-
[36, 57]. This procedure is carried out under anti- geal hernia of the peritoneal sac, and pneumoperi-
biotic prophylaxis, and requires delays in starting toneum have also been described [45, 48, 55, 63].
enteral feeding by 48 h, and peritoneal dialysis Risk factors for gastrostomy-related complications
by at least 2 weeks, if possible [36, 58]. Others include age <1 year, mental retardation, scoliosis,
suggest that gastrostomy placement should pre- constipation, hepatomegaly, upper abdominal sur-
cede peritoneal dialysis catheter placement [49, gery, ventriculoperitoneal shunt, esophageal steno-
52, 55]. To date, there is no evidence that the risk sis, and coagulopathy [61, 62, 64–68].
of peritonitis is increased in children commenc-
ing peritoneal dialysis with an established gas-
trostomy in place. Practical Aspects of Enteral Feeding

Exit site and gastrostomy care: As with NG tubes, Enteral feeding can be used to provide all of a
gastrostomies must be flushed regularly to avoid child’s nutritional requirements, or to supplement
obstruction. In addition, the exit site must be insufficient oral intake. Infants, because of their
cared for to minimize infection risk. In the first reduced spontaneous intake, frequently need all
2 days following placement, the exit site should calories to be given by tube, usually as an over-
be cleaned with sterile saline. Thereafter, the site night continuous infusion with additional day-
should be cleaned daily with mild soap and water, time boluses. A combination of daytime oral
starting with the tube itself, and moving outward feedings with or without NG tube bolus “top-
using circular motions. After cleaning the exit offs” and overnight continuous infusion is also an
23 Technical Aspects of Controlled Enteral Nutrition in Pediatric Dialysis 447

Table 23.2 Suggested rates for initiating and advancing tube feedings Appendix 4 KDOQI 2008 nutrition guidelines
Age Initial hourly infusion Daily increases Goala
Continuous feedings
0–1 year 10–20 mL/h or 1–2 mL/kg/h 5–10 mL/8 h or 1 mL/kg/h 21–54 mL/h or 6 mL/kg/h
1–6 years 20–30 mL/h or 2–3 mL/kg/h 10–15 mL/8 h or 1 mL/kg/h 71–92 mL/h or 4–5 mL/kg/h
6–14 years 30–40 mL/h or 1 mL/kg/h 15–20 mL/8 h or 0.5 mL/kg/h 108–130 mL/h or 3–4 mL/kg/h
>14 years 50 mL/h or 0.5–1 mL/kg/h 25 mL/8 h or 0.4–0.5 mL/kg/h 125 mL/h
Bolus feedings
0–1 year 60–80 mL q 4 h or 10–15 mL/kg/feed 20–40 mL q 4 h 80–240 mL q 4 h or 20–30 mL/kg/feed
1–6 years 80–120 mL q 4 h or 5–10 mL/kg/feed 40–60 mL q 4 h 280–375 mL q 4 h or 15–20 mL/kg/feed
6–14 years 120–160 mL q 4 h or 3–5 mL/kg/feed 60–80 mL q 4 h 430–520 mL q 4 h or 10–20 mL/kg/feed
>14 years 200 mL q 4 h or 3 mL/kg/feed 100 mL q 4 h 500 mL q 4 h or 10 mL/kg/feed
Calculating rates based on age and per kilogram bodyweight is useful for small-for-age patients
Goal is expected maximum that child will tolerate; individual children may tolerate higher rates or volumes. Proceed cau-
tiously for jejunal feedings. Goals for individual children should be based on energy requirements and density of feeding and
therefore may be lower than expected maximum tolerance

option for infants. Older children who require common, and may contribute. In the case of
tube feeding can usually be managed with sup- patients treated with peritoneal dialysis, the pres-
plemental overnight infusion only, and continue ence of dialysate in peritoneal cavity may also
normal oral feeding during daytime. predispose to reflux or vomiting [69]. Vomiting
To ensure feed tolerance, attention must be may result from a too rapid rate of formula infu-
given to both hourly infusion rate and caloric sion via the feeding tube or may be associated
density of delivered nutrients. Tolerance is evalu- with excessive caloric density [45].
ated based on the gastric residual volume and In children who have undergone Nissen fun-
absence of gastrointestinal complications such as doplication, or in those who receive hyperosmo-
emesis and diarrhea. For infants, the initial hourly lar feeds, a dumping syndrome may occur in
infusion speed may be as low as 1–2 mL/kg/h and which accelerated gastric emptying causes rapid
the maximum tolerated amount will not exceed delivery of undigested hyperosmolar feeds into
6 mL/kg/h. It is also recommended that the maxi- the jejunum. This results in increased bowel
mum calorie concentration not exceed 1–2 kcal/ blood flow, resulting in decreasing systemic cir-
mL, as higher caloric density may be associated culating blood volume and activation of the
with osmotic diarrhea. renin-angiotensin-aldosterone axis. The clinical
Suggested rates for initiating and advancing symptoms include abdominal pain, vasomotor
tube feeding are given in Table 23.2. Although symptoms, and tachycardia. Undigested chyme
there are specific renal high energy, low potas- reaching the distal gut causes the release of vari-
sium and phosphate formulas accessible, their ous hormones resulting in diarrhea. Late dump-
usage may be limited because of hyperosmolarity ing syndrome symptoms include diaphoresis,
and high fat content. weakness, and lethargy associated with reactive
hypoglycemia 1–4 h after feeding [70]. Possible
causes of vomiting and diarrhea are summarized
Gastrointestinal Disturbances in Table 23.3 [45].
in Children with CKD

One of the most common problems among infants Impaired Oromotor Development
and young children with CKD is recurrent vomit-
ing. Impaired foregut motility and decreased gas- Long-term tube feeding in infancy is inevitably
tric emptying may result from autonomic associated with impaired development of normal
neuropathy and increased levels of polypeptides oromotor skills and coordination during feeding.
such as gastrin. Gastroesophageal reflux is also Although this problem may occur with both NG
448 B.J. Foster and D. Borzych

Table 23.3 Possible causes of vomiting and diarrhea

Feeding related Non-feeding related
• Feed too concentrated, osmolarity too high • Gastrointestinal reflux
• Disturbances of gastric motility and decreased
gastric emptying
• Volume of feed for pump assisted continuous • Infections, e.g, gastroenteritis, peritonitis
feeding delivered via tube is set too high
• Rate for feeding pump to deliver feed is set too high • Abdominal fullness from the presence of dialysate
• Bolus delivered via tube is too large • PD volumes – when increased
• Intolerance to feed, e.g., whole protein intolerance • Inadequate fluid intake in CPD may accompany
too great an ultrafiltration volume
• Medications added to feed • Coughing
• Feed contaminated • Psychogenic/behavioral
Antibiotics and medications, for example, oral iron, sodium, and potassium supplements

and gastrostomy feeding, the discomfort associ- successful renal transplantation [45]. Dello
ated with NG tube use may result in greater Strogolo reported persistent feeding dysfunction
difficulties. Children in whom NG tubes are used following transplantation in 8 out of 12 infants
frequently develop oral hypersensitivity, charac- who were managed with NG tubes for more than
terized by a hyperactive gag reflex and immature 9 months pre-transplant [46]. In another series of
bite-chew-swallow coordination. The unpleasant 16 infants with normal cognitive development
sensation associated with NG tube insertion who were tube fed, 9 made the transition to oral
enhances the child’s perception that anything that feeding by 1 month post-transplant, 4 by 5
comes toward the mouth is potentially painful or months, and 3 by 10 months. Among five infants
stressful, promoting hypersensitivity; chronic with cognitive deficits, two made the transition at
presence of the NG tube may impair normal swal- 3 and 8 months respectively, while three contin-
lowing [71]. These problems may be severe ued to rely on enteral feeds to provide most of
enough that the child refuses all oral feeding. their nutritional requirements [72]. Some authors
Alternatively, the problem may be restricted to advise assessment of dietary intake 4–6 weeks
solid food. To prevent food-aversive behavior, following transplant, with gradual withdrawal of
forced feeding should be avoided, and the child tube feeding, as oral intake increases. The gas-
should be allowed to play with food. It may also trostomy should be removed when nutrition, fluid
be helpful if the child participates in family intake, and growth rate are appropriate [44].
meals, and is encouraged to continue to try enjoy
food, even if it is not swallowed [44, 71].

Transition to Oral Feeding
Enteral tube feeding is a key component of global
Tube feeding is generally intended as a tempo- care for infants with CKD. Ensuring adequate
rary support, until normal oral feeding can be nutrition and fluid intake is the most important
established. For most infants, tube feeding will means of achieving normal growth and develop-
be required at least until successful renal trans- ment in this population; frequently this can only
plantation. A significant proportion of children be achieved with use of a tube. For children
who were tube fed before transplant will continue requiring long-term enteral feeding, a gastros-
to require tube feeding for some interval after tomy is likely the optimal choice.
23 Technical Aspects of Controlled Enteral Nutrition in Pediatric Dialysis 449

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to prevent peristomal infection following percutaneous 427–31.
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related to percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy functions required for normal oral feeding as a conse-
(PEG) tubes. A comprehensive clinical review. J Gastr quence of tube feeding during infancy. Adv Perit Dial.
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nal surgery. Ann Surg. 1984;200(1):46–50. Dial. 2006;22:153–7.
69. Fallone CA, Mayrand S. Gastroesophageal reflux and 73. Waller S, Ledermann S, Trompeter R, van’t Hoff W,
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Growth and Pubertal Development
in Dialyzed Children and 24
Dieter Haffner and Dagmar-Christiane Fischer

Dialyzed children • Pediatric dialysis • Adolescents • Pubertal development

Body growth is an exceedingly complex and of legs and arms is most affected, whereas trunk
temporally regulated biological process which length is somewhat better preserved.
depends on adequate nutrition as well as meta- The introduction of dialysis therapies in the
bolic and endocrine homeostasis. Infancy, mid- 1970s and 1980s raised initial hopes that this
childhood, and puberty are characterized by would improve growth. However, most reports
distinct growth patterns (Fig. 24.1), with nutri- on growth after initiation of dialysis are disap-
tion being critical during infancy, the somatotro- pointing. The younger the patient at onset of
pic hormone axis during mid-childhood, and the CKD the higher is the risk of severe growth
gonadotropic hormones during puberty [1]. retardation and stunting, putting additional
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) interferes with strain on patients and families and making psy-
this complex network at various levels and pedi- chosocial integration even more difficult.
atric patients are at high risk of growth failure Beyond this, the degree of growth retardation
and disproportionate growth patterns [2, 3]. In and mortality are closely associated, suggesting
this chapter, we will discuss the current knowl- that the growth rate is a sensitive marker of
edge on the phenotype and underlying pathophys- overall patient well-being [4, 5]. Thus, beyond
iology of growth failure in children suffering careful monitoring of growth, adequate mea-
from end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and line out sures to prevent and treat growth failure are of
the currently available therapeutic options. crucial importance for pediatric CKD patients at
Growth impairment and disproportionality is all ages and any degree of renal failure. In fact,
most obvious in early childhood when the growth while this chapter focuses on growth in children
on maintenance dialysis, it should be empha-
sized that early intervention is critical since
measures such as the correction of malnutrition
D. Haffner, MD () • D.-C. Fischer, PhD and renal osteodystrophy, and treatment with
Department of Pediatric Kidney,
Liver and Metabolic Diseases, Hannover Medical School,
recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH)
Hannover, Germany are considerably more effective when started
e-mail: before initiation of dialysis.

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_24, 453

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
454 D. Haffner and D.-C. Fischer

Fig. 24.1 Typical growth

pattern in congenital
chronic renal failure.
Relative loss in the
infantile and gonadal
puberty phases, and
percentile-parallel growth
in the mainly
GH-dependent growth
period in mid-childhood
are shown. The shaded
area represents the normal
range, 3rd to 97th
percentiles (Reproduced
with permission of
Schaefer and Mehls [22])

The applicability of adult height prediction

Final Height and Height Prediction methods in children suffering from CKD is ques-
tionable. Final height was overpredicted by
Reduced adult height has been reported in about
3–10 cm in several validation studies testing final
30% to 50% of pediatric CKD patients, although
height prediction in children with CKD [12, 14,
a trend toward improved final height was noted
16]. Most likely, this reflects the complexity and
during the past decade [6–15]. Mean final height
thus unpredictability of growth and development
in CKD patients stage 3–5 ranged between −0.6
under the condition of chronic uremia with highly
and −3.5 SDS. In general, patients receiving renal
variable and dynamic impact of disease progres-
transplants or additional treatment with rhGH
sion, medications, renal replacement treatment
showed improved mean levels of final height
modalities, skeletal maturation, and pubertal
compared to patients on long-term dialysis and
those without concomitant rhGH therapy [16].
Young age at onset of ESRD, long duration of
renal failure, male gender, and the presence of
congenital nephropathies are the most relevant Clinical Presentation
risk factors of attaining a poor final height.
Among the different renal disease entities, Children with congenital CKD are prone to
patients suffering from nephropathic cystinosis marked growth retardation already during the
or primary hyperoxaluria show most markedly first 2 years of life. Growth during mid-childhood
compromised final heights [17, 18]. tends to be percentile parallel but height velocity
24 Growth and Pubertal Development in Dialyzed Children and Adolescents 455

decreases disproportionately during the last 2–3 Growth During Mid-childhood

prepubertal years. Eventually, growth potential is
irreversibly lost in the peripubertal period due to Patients with congenital CKD usually show per-
a delayed pubertal growth spurt of insufficient centile-parallel growth during the mid-childhood
magnitude (Fig. 24.1). years. In this period growth is closely correlated
with the degree of renal dysfunction. Although
there is no critical threshold of GFR growth pat-
Growth During Infancy terns are typically stable if GFR remains above
25 mL/min/1.73 m² and tends to diverge from the
Approximately one third of total postnatal growth percentiles below this level [24, 25]. A mean
occurs during the first 2 years of life. Therefore, cumulative loss of 6 cm from predicted final
any growth-suppressing conditions during this height was observed in children with mean GFR
early period of life result in severe growth below 25 mL/min/1.73 m² between early child-
retardation and probably irreversible loss of hood and the age of 10 years [24]. Sequelae of
growth potential [19, 20]. A recent retrospective CKD such as anemia, metabolic acidosis, and
study in infants with severe CKD clearly demon- malnutrition seem to be less-important determi-
strated that the most critical period for loss of nants of statural growth in mid-childhood.
height potential is the first 6 months of life, a time
that is particularly dependent on nutrition, which
may be very hard to maintain because of prema- Pubertal Development
turity, poor feeding, vomiting, and episodes of
fasting as a result of surgery or sepsis [21]. In Clinical signs of puberty as well as the start of the
addition, infants with comorbidities presented pubertal growth spurt in children with CKD stage
with much more severe growth failure than V appear with a delay of approximately 2 years.
infants without comorbidities (Fig. 24.2). In At least 50% of adolescents with ESRD achieve
infants with ESRD, i.e., those with severe con- the pubertal milestones later than 95% of their
genital CKD, the decrease in mean standardized healthy peers [26]. The “Cooperative Study for
height can be as much as 0.6 SD per month [22]. Pubertal Development in Chronic Renal Failure”
At 3 years of age these children may have lost showed that start of genital growth (Tanner stage
already 3 SD scores (SDS). According to the G2) was delayed by 1.8 years in boys on dialysis
Infancy-Childhood-Puberty model approximately and by 2.5 years in transplanted boys. Full genital
1 SDS each is lost during fetal life, during the maturation was achieved with a delay of 2.2 and
first postnatal months and between 9 and 18 3.2 years, respectively. Likewise, the maturation
months of age, the latter being due to either of reproductive function is altered by the uremic
delayed onset of the “childhood” growth phase or state. Germ cell depletion in the testicular tubules
regression to the infancy phase pattern. It has of uremic boys was found in postmortem studies
been suggested that the growth failure during [27]. In patients exposed to chronic uremia before
fetal life and the first postnatal months reflects or during adolescence, i.e., during the period cru-
metabolic and/or nutritional influences, and the cial for spermatogenesis, semen quality is
impaired growth around the first birthday may be severely and irreversibly affected [28, 29]. Several
related to a partial insensitivity to GH. The studies revealed reduced sperm cell count, erec-
increasing incidence of renal replacement therapy tile dysfunction, decreased libido, and decreased
offered even to multimorbid infants makes the fertility in uremic patients on dialysis [30].
achievement of normal growth during infancy Menarche occurs in almost beyond the upper
particularly challenging [21, 23]. limit of the normal age range (i.e., 15 years) in
456 D. Haffner and D.-C. Fischer

Fig. 24.2 Course of mean

standardized height and
body mass index (BMI) of
children presenting within
the first 6 months of life
with a glomerular filtration
rate less than 20 mL/
min/1.73 m2 receiving tube
feeding in order to provide
at least 100% of the
recommended daily
allowance (RDA) of
healthy children.
(a) Height SDS and BMI
values for all patients.
(b) Height SDS and BMI
values for patients without
comorbidites. (c) Height
SDS and BMI values for
patients with comorbidi-
ties. (Reproduced with
permission of Mekahli
et al. [21])
24 Growth and Pubertal Development in Dialyzed Children and Adolescents 457

50% of girls with ESRD [31], and conception Table 24.1 Etiology of growth failure in children suffer-
rates in adolescent girls and women with ESRD ing from CKD
are diminished. In those who manage to get preg- Genetic factors
nant, intrauterine growth retardation and low Parent height
birth weight are frequently noted [32]. Gender
Syndromal disorders (with kidney involvement as
a part)
Age at onset of CKD
Pubertal Growth Residual renal function
Treatment modalities for CKD
Energy malnutrition
Total pubertal height gain is subnormal in ESRD
Water and electrolyte disturbances
patients [6, 12, 19, 33, 34], with an average 1 SD
Metabolic acidosis
loss of standardized height. In the seminal study
Renal anemia
of Schaefer et al. pubertal growth in 29 CKD
Hormonal disturbances affecting the
patients attaining ESRD before the age of 15 years Somatotropic hormone axis
was assessed [34]. In these patients the pubertal Gonadotropic hormone axis
growth spurt started with a mean delay of PTH-, FGF-23-, and vitamin D metabolism/action
2.5 years and this delay was related to the (renal osteodystrophy)
duration of uremia. While an acceleration of Other hormones
height velocity comparable to that seen in healthy
adolescents was observed, the mean height veloc-
ity at start of the pubertal growth spurt was
reduced and its duration was shortened by
approximately 1.5 years.
Underlying Renal Disease

Congenital anomalies of the kidneys and urinary

tract (CAKUT), characterized by renal hypopla-
Etiology of Growth Failure sia or dysplasia with and without refluxive or
in Chronic Kidney Disease obstructive uropathy, are the most common cause
of ESRD during infancy and childhood. Renal
There is no single cause of growth failure in CKD dysplasia is often associated with electrolyte and/
(Table 24.1). Children may suffer from various or water losses, and both are likely to contribute
acquired or congenital renal abnormalities, mani- to growth failure. Thus, it is important to
festing in early or late childhood and differing compensate for these losses and to provide
widely with respect to severity and rate of pro- appropriate treatment of concomitant urinary
gression. Likewise, a broad spectrum of concom- tract infections.
itant complications (e.g., metabolic acidosis, In children suffering from glomerulopathies
electrolyte disturbances, and malnutrition) has to growth rates might decline even with rather mild
be considered. Furthermore, children with CKD renal insufficiency [35]. The nephrotic state per
may undergo various therapeutic interventions se and glucocorticoid treatment are known risk
and different modes of renal replacement therapy factors for growth delay [36, 37]. The congenital
of variable timing and duration during their nephrotic syndrome is usually associated with
growth period. Hence, growth in children with severe early infantile growth failure, which may
CKD is not only influenced by renal dysfunction occur even with preserved global renal function
but also by specific disease-related comorbidities and seems to be secondary to persistent edema,
and treatment modalities. recurrent infections, losses of peptide and
458 D. Haffner and D.-C. Fischer

protein-bound hormones, and/or protein-calorie to allow high growth rates in this age group.
malnutrition [38]. In Finnish-type nephrotic syn- Malnutrition is a crucial clinical issue since it is
drome, aggressive nutritional support is vital and significantly associated with increased mortality
bilateral nephrectomy and initiation of peritoneal in children suffering from CKD [4, 5]. Recently,
dialysis may be necessary to stabilize growth. In the term “malnutrition-inflammation complex
other types of congenital nephrotic syndrome syndrome” (MICS) has been coined to describe
unilateral nephrectomy and treatment with pros- the association between chronic inflammation
taglandin synthesis inhibitors and renin- and malnutrition in dialyzed children and
angiotensin system (RAS) antagonists can reduce adults [46]. Possible causes of MICS include
proteinuria and thereby stabilize growth and comorbid illnesses, oxidative and carbonyl stress,
overall clinical condition [39, 40]. nutrient loss through dialysis, anorexia and low
nutrient intake, uremic toxins, cytokine induction
Nephropathic cystinosis results in complex tubu- by exposure to bio-incompatible dialysis materi-
lar dysfunction and consecutive severe growth als, decreased clearance of inflammatory cytok-
failure already during infancy when glomerular ines, volume overload, and other dialysis-related
function is not yet compromised [41, 42]. factors. MICS is considered the main cause of
Progressive growth failure is further sustained by erythropoietin hyporesponsiveness, early cardio-
generalized deposition of cystine crystals altering vascular atherosclerotic disease, decreased qual-
the function of growth plates, bone marrow, ity of life, and increased mortality and
hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and thyroid gland. hospitalization in dialysis patients, and may also
Early initiation of treatment with the cystine be causative of growth hormone resistance and
depleting agent cysteamine improves growth growth failure in children on dialysis [47–49].
rates and has the potential to delay the develop- Indeed, a recent in vitro study could demonstrate
ment of chronic renal failure [43]. In patients that uremia attenuates GH-stimulated IGF-I
with primary hyperoxaluria supplementary treat- expression in the liver, which was further aggra-
ment with citrate and pyridoxine can protract vated by inflammation [50].
progression of renal failure, and possibly improve There is no consensus about how to determine
longitudinal growth [42]. In patients with sys- the degree of severity of MICS or how to man-
temic oxalosis combined liver and kidney trans- age it. Anorexia manifests early in the course of
plantation is a curative option; however, real renal failure, and usually progresses with declin-
catch-up growth after combined transplantation ing renal function [25]. In addition, protein syn-
is rarely observed even in prepubertal oxalosis thesis is decreased in uremia and catabolism
patients [44]. increased [51]. In CKD patients, spontaneous
In summary, every measure directed to pre- energy intake is correlated with growth rates if it
serve kidney function except glucocorticoid ther- is less than 80% of recommended dietary allow-
apy has a beneficial impact on growth. ance [52]. However, a further augmentation of
energy above this level translates in increasing
obesity rather than additional length gain
Consequences of Renal Disease [52–54]. Other approaches to prevent MICS
include the preferential use of biocompatible
Protein-Calorie Malnutrition dialysis materials to minimize inflammatory
Nutritional imbalances, particularly protein- responses and intensified dialysis protocols to
energy malnutrition, are frequently seen in chil- increase cytokine clearance and improve the vol-
dren suffering from CKD [45]. Particularly ume status. Preliminary results support the effi-
infants and young children are vulnerable to mal- cacy of these measures in improving growth
nutrition because of low nutritional stores and hormone sensitivity and inducing catch-up
high energy demands which are in turn necessary growth (see below).
24 Growth and Pubertal Development in Dialyzed Children and Adolescents 459

Fig. 24.3 Time-averaged

mean plasma intact
parathyroid hormone
(iPTH) concentrations and
change in standardized
height in 214 pre- and
early pubertal children on
peritoneal dialysis
followed prospectively for
at least 12 months. Full
circles indicate patients
receiving recombinant
growth hormone
(Reproduced with
permission of Borzych
et al. [71])

Metabolic Acidosis and thus preserve growth potential, clinical data

Metabolic acidosis usually occurs when GFR is are conflicting [62–64]. The situation gets even
below 50% of normal, although nutritional intake more complicated as skeletal growth is the net
(protein and acid load), catabolism, and alterations result of proliferation and differentiation of
in electrolyte balance contribute markedly. growth plate chondrocytes with subsequent min-
Subsequent metabolic and endocrine aberrations eralization of the extracellular matrix. According
are triggered by metabolic acidosis and aggravate to current knowledge, this biological process is
uremic growth failure. In fact, metabolic acidosis under the control of three hormones, namely,
is significantly associated with decreased length PTH, 1,25(OH)2D3, and fibroblast growth fac-
gain and increased protein breakdown in children tor-23, as well as numerous paracrine and auto-
with CKD [55–57]. Recent studies on metabolic crine signals [65–67].
acidosis in uremic animals revealed a complex pat- The contribution of sHPT to uremic growth
tern of interrelated pathophysiological reactions. failure has not been fully elucidated. Under phys-
An increased glucocorticoid production and pro- iological conditions growth plate chondrocytes
tein degradation together with suppressed sponta- proliferate and differentiate under the influence
neous pituitary GH secretion, decreased expression of PTH, mainly mediated by induction of local
of the GH-receptor, and insulin-like growth factor IGF-I synthesis [68]. However, bones and growth
I (IGF-I) receptor, and decreased IGF-I serum con- plates are relatively resistant to PTH in chronic
centrations highlight the necessity for adequate uremia [64]. Hence, low or normal PTH levels,
control of metabolic acidosis [58–60]. which are indicative of low bone turnover in
experimental uremia as well as in children with
Renal Osteodystrophy CKD, have been suspected to impair longitudinal
Skeletal deformities due to renal osteodystrophy growth [69]. However, direct histomorphometric
contribute to uremic growth failure [61]. assessment in children on dialysis showed no
Pronounced secondary hyperparathyroidism association of low bone turnover with statural
(sHPT) can interfere with longitudinal growth by growth [70]. Likewise, a recent study on longitu-
destruction of the growth plate architecture, epi- dinal growth of a large cohort of children on peri-
physeal displacement, and metaphyseal fractures. toneal dialysis failed to show a relationship
Severe destruction of the metaphyseal bone between growth and PTH levels between
architecture may result in complete growth arrest. 50–400 pg/mL (Fig. 24.3). However, growth
Although treatment with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin in patients with levels above approximately
D3 (1,25(OH)2D3) in principle should revert sHPT 400 pg/mL tended to be impaired [71].
460 D. Haffner and D.-C. Fischer

Anemia to be due to decreased synthesis and/or increased

Longstanding anemia in CKD patients has pro- metabolic clearance [76–80]. The reduced con-
found systemic consequences including anorexia version of T to DHT secondary to diminished
and catabolism due to altered energy turnover 5a-reductase activity might explain at least par-
and multiple system dysfunctions. In fact, retar- tially the delayed pubertal development in boys
dation of growth and development is a hallmark with advanced renal failure [81]. In addition, the
in patients with longstanding chronic anemia of probably uremia-related decreased clearance of
non-renal origin, e.g., thalassemia major. From a the sex hormone–binding protein lowers the
theoretical point of view, anemia may suppress serum concentration of unbound T [76, 78].
growth secondary to reduction of appetite, inter- Beyond this, the plasma concentration of inhibin,
current infections, cardiac complications, and a gonadotropin feedback inhibitor produced by
severely reduced oxygen supply to cartilage. The Sertoli cells, is increased in pubertal boys with
advent of recombinant human erythropoietin CKD [82]. In adult women, plasma estradiol lev-
(EPO) and thus the possibility to correct anemia els tend to decrease parallel to GFR reduction
in CKD patients allowed to investigate the impact and adolescent girls show low-normal or
of anemia on longitudinal growth. Whereas par- decreased estradiol levels in relation to pubertal
tial correction of anemia improved exercise age [83, 84].
capacity, and decreased heart rate and resting
oxygen consumption, no persistent catch-up Gonadotropins
growth of EPO could be demonstrated in several Increased plasma concentrations of LH and FSH
multicenter clinical trials in dialyzed children in combination with decreased or low-normal
[72, 73] despite anecdotal reports of short-term gonadal hormones suggest a state of compensated
growth promoting effects [73, 74]. However, a hypergonadotropic hypogonadism in uremia [77,
recent retrospective study suggests an association 78, 83, 85]. However, in CKD patients the
between early initiation of erythropoietin treat- usually inadequate degree of hypergonadotro-
ment and growth in children with pre-dialytic pism relative to the degree of hypogonadism is
CKD [75]. compatible with an additional defect of pituitary
gonadotropin release, and the analysis of sponta-
neous pulsatile LH secretion has provided new
Endocrine Changes insights into the underlying pathophysiology
[86]. In CKD, mean LH plasma levels are ele-
Uremia interferes with the metabolism and regu- vated despite significantly reduced pituitary LH
lation of various peptide hormones, leading to secretion, due to the markedly impaired renal
inappropriate circulating hormone concentrations metabolic clearance of LH [87–89]. When renal
and/or altered hormone action. Distinct altera- function is restored by kidney transplantation,
tions of the gonadotropic and somatotropic hor- pulsatile LH secretion normalizes [88].
mone axes have been identified which are Since the onset of puberty is heralded by the
considered crucial pathomechanisms of uremic appearance of nocturnal LH secretion episodes,
growth failure. the uremia-related impairment of pulsatile LH
release suggests that the delayed pubertal onset
in CKD is due to a primary hypothalamic defect.
Gonadotropic Hormone Axis Indeed, experimental evidence suggests reduced
release of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing
Gonadal Hormones hormone (GnRH) due to uremia-related inhibi-
Adolescents and adults suffering from ESRD tory factors and/or to an increased tone of the
usually show low or low normal total and free inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric
testosterone (T) as well as dihydrotestosterone acid [89–92]. Beyond the quantitative alterations
(DHT) plasma concentrations, which are thought of gonadotropin release, uremia affects also the
24 Growth and Pubertal Development in Dialyzed Children and Adolescents 461

biological quality of circulating gonadotropins. sion of the GH-receptor (GH-R) and/or a post-
In pubertal and adult CKD patients the propor- receptor signaling defect [100, 101]. Whereas
tion of bioactive LH in relation to the total reduced expression of the GH-R encoding mRNA
immunochemically measurable amount of LH is in liver and growth plate chondrocytes was con-
reduced. This might be due to altered glycosyla- sistently seen, hepatic but not growth plate carti-
tion and/or accumulation of less active isoforms lage GH-R protein levels were comparable in
[79, 88, 90, 93]. uremic and non-uremic animals when corrected
In summary, insufficient activation of the for uremia-associated anorexia by pair feeding
hypothalamic GnRH pulse generator, likely [100–105]. Thus, while decreased GH-R abun-
mediated via circulating inhibitors, appears to be dance in growth plate cartilage is likely to con-
the key abnormality underlying delayed puberty tribute to uremic growth failure, a postreceptor
and altered sexual functions in CKD. The neu- GH signaling defect was identified as cause of
roendocrine pathology resembles the regression the diminished hepatic IGF-I secretion upon GH
of the gonadotropic hormone axis to the prepu- stimulation. In fact, aberrant GH-dependent JAK/
bertal state in patients with anorexia nervosa. STAT signaling has been noted (Fig. 24.4).
Activation of the JAK-STAT cascade by tyrosine
phosphorylation upon binding of GH to its recep-
Somatotropic Hormone Axis tor leads to transcriptional activation of IGF-I
synthesis but also of proteins of the suppressor of
Growth Hormone Secretion cytokine signaling (SOCS) family. The latter are
and Metabolism responsible for dephosphorylation of the
In pediatric and adult CKD patients fasting GH GH-activated cascade and as such provide a
concentrations are normal or even increased, GH-regulated negative feedback loop. However,
depending on the degree of renal failure. GH, a under the conditions of chronic uremia the
22-kilodalton protein, is almost freely filtered by equilibrium between GH-induced transcriptional
the glomerulus (sieving coefficient ~0.82) and activation of IGF-I and SOCS is shifted toward
thereby ultimately cleared from the circulation SOCS overstimulation. Preliminary evidence
[94]. Indeed, a linear relationship between GFR suggests that the micro-inflammatory state asso-
and the metabolic clearance rate of GH has been ciated with uremia might contribute to GH resis-
shown; GH clearance is reduced by approxi- tance, as SOCS are also induced by inflammatory
mately 50% in patients with ESRD [95, 96]. The cytokines [100, 106].
prolonged plasma half-life of GH, rather than In humans, levels of circulating GH binding
increased endogeneous secretion, explains the protein (GHBP), which in turn results from pro-
increased circulating GH concentrations in teolytic cleavage of the extracellular receptor
uremia. Pituitary GH secretion is unaltered in domain, are taken as a measure of GH-receptor
prepubertal patients but decreased in adolescents expression. In line with the above described path-
with CKD, suggesting insufficient stimulation by omechanism, GHBP plasma levels in CKD
gonadal steroids during puberty [97–99]. In addi- patients are decreased and related to the residual
tion, malnutrition and metabolic acidosis nega- renal function [107, 108].
tively impact GH secretion rates in children with
CKD [58].
Insulin-like Growth Factor Plasma
Growth Hormone Receptor Binding and Tissue Action
and GH Signaling
Studies in experimental uremia have consider- Apart from GH resistance, insensitivity to IGF-I
ably advanced our understanding of uremic GH is also found in the state of uremia [109–113].
resistance. GH-induced hepatic IGF-I synthesis While serum concentrations of IGF-I and IGF-II
is diminished, due to either a decreased expres- are usually within the normal range in children
462 D. Haffner and D.-C. Fischer

Fig. 24.4 Growth hormone (GH)-mediated JAK2/STAT cytokine signaling (SOCS). Deletion of STAT5 expression
signal transduction. GH activates several signaling path- leads to retarded body growth and STAT5b is required for
ways via Janus kinase2 (JAK2) including the JAK/STAT GH-mediated IGF-1 gene expression. In renal failure
(signal transducer and activator of transcription) pathway. phosphorylation of JAK2 and the downstream signaling
Binding of GH to its receptor (GHR) activates JAK2, molecules STAT5, STAT3, and STAT1 are impaired, as are
which then self-phosphorylates followed by phosphoryla- the nuclear levels of phosphorylated STAT proteins. This
tion of the GHR and subsequently STAT 1a, 3, 5a, and 5b, important cause of uremic GH resistance may result in
members of a larger family of cytoplasmic transcription part from upregulation of SOCS2 and SOCS3 expression
factors. These phosphorylated STATs form dimers that with suppressed GH signaling and also from increased
enter the nucleus where they bind to specific DNA protein tyrosine phosphatase activity, with enhanced
sequences and activate their target genes including insulin- dephosphorylation and deactivation of the signaling pro-
like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and some suppressors of teins (Reproduced with permission of Rabkin et al. [106])

with CKD, IGF-I levels are slightly reduced and considered the main cause of diminished somato-
those of IGF-II mildly increased in dialyzed medin bioactivity in uremia (Fig. 24.5). In par-
patients [114]. In contrast to the unchanged total ticular, the concentrations of IGFBP-1, -2, -3, -4
amount of circulating immunoreactive IGF, and -6 increase as renal function declines and
somatomedin bioavailability is reduced in uremia IGFBP-1, -2 and -6 have been shown to inhibit
pointing to the existence of circulating inhibitors IGF-I bioactivity in vitro [114, 117–121]. By
[115, 116]. A low-molecular weight somatome- contrast, the serum concentrations of IGFBP-5
din inhibitor (~1 kDa) was reported to circulate are normal and IGFBP-5 proteins undergo intense
in uremic serum in an early study, but this has not proteolytic cleavage in chronic uremia [120].
been characterized further. Later studies focused Likewise, the elevated level of IGFBP-3 is mostly
on the accumulation of the specific high-affinity due to the accumulation of proteolytic fragments
IGF-binding proteins (IGFBP1-6), which are whereas intact IGFBP-3 is markedly diminished
normally cleared by the kidneys and are [122, 123]. The molar excess of IGFBPs over
24 Growth and Pubertal Development in Dialyzed Children and Adolescents 463

Fig. 24.5 Comparison of the molar serum concentrations matched children is given in open bars for comparison.
of IGFs and IGFBPs in children with preterminal CRF Data are means + SEM. *Significant (P < 0.05 by ANOVA)
(hatched bars) and children with ESRD (filled bars). The vs. control (Reproduced with permission of Ulinski
respective mean molar concentration in normal age- et al. [120])

IGFs is approximately 150% in children with

CKD and 200% in children on dialysis as com-
Treatment of Growth Failure
pared to 25% in children with CKD. An inverse in Chronic Kidney Disease
correlation between growth retardation and
IGFBP-1, -2, and -4 serum concentrations has General Measures
been described [109, 114, 120, 124]. Reduced
IGF bioactivity can be returned to normal by In infants and young children with CKD the most
removing unsaturated IGFBP [116]. These data important measure to avoid uremic growth fail-
are in favor of the concept that serum IGFBPs ure is the assurance of adequate caloric intake.
increase with declining renal function in CKD This often necessitates supplementary feeding
patients, and that the greater excess of IGFBPs in via a nasogastric tube or gastrostomy. In a recent
ESRD compared to pre-end-stage CKD patients retrospective analysis of growth in 101 infants
contributes to the more severe growth failure and and young children with severe CKD, it could be
reduced response to rhGH therapy in these chil- demonstrated that persistent catch-up growth can
dren. In addition cellular IGF signaling is be achieved in the majority of patients when mea-
impaired in the uremic state; it remains to be elu- sures like tube feeding are commenced instantly
cidated whether a postreceptor mechanism simi- if expected growth is not achieved (Fig. 24.2)
lar to the one observed for GH signaling is [21]. In later childhood, adequate nutrition is per-
responsible for this phenomenon [110, 125]. missive although catch-up growth is rarely
In summary, the markedly deficient IGF-I achieved by dietary manipulations alone [45,
synthesis and the modest elevation of GH levels, 126]. In general, the targeted caloric intake should
which is due to decreased metabolic clearance, in be between 80% and 100% of the recommended
the presence of increased IGF plasma–binding daily allowance (RDA) of healthy children [52,
capacity strongly supports the concept of a multi- 127, 128]. Caloric intake should account for
level homeostatic failure of the GH-IGF-I system growth failure and be related to “height age”
in uremia. rather than to chronological age. Caloric intake in
464 D. Haffner and D.-C. Fischer

excess of 100% of RDA does not induce catch-up micro-inflammation, which has been accused to
growth but rather results in obesity and may suppress statural growth by interference with GH
thereby negatively contribute to long-term car- signaling (see above).
diovascular morbidity in CKD patients [52–54]. It has been suggested that intensified dialysis,
Protein intake should be 100% of RDA. In achieved by either extended thrice weekly noc-
patients on peritoneal dialysis, a slightly higher turnal or short daily sessions, might be able to
intake (+0.2 g/kg/day) is recommended to com- induce catch-up growth [137–139]. According to
pensate for dialytic protein losses. Higher protein a recent study, catch-up growth can be maximized
intake should be avoided since, despite many when intensified hemodiafiltration (3 h, 6 times a
attempts, anabolizing or growth promoting effects week) and rhGH therapy are combined [140].
of high-protein diets have neither been demon- Using this approach in 15 mainly prepubertal
strated in animal models nor in children with children for an average observation time of 21
CKD. On the contrary, high-protein diets may be months, Fischbach et al. observed an average
detrimental by aggravating metabolic acidosis increase in growth velocity from 3.8 cm/year at
and augmenting the dietary phosphorus load. baseline to 8.9 cm/year during the intervention
(Fig. 24.6). This resulted in a mean 1.7 SDS gain
Metabolic acidosis should be vigorously treated by
of standardized height, representing complete
alkaline supplementation. In addition, supplemen-
catch-up growth according to the attainment of
tation of water and electrolytes is essential in
the target height SDS. From a pathophysiological
patients presenting with polyuria and/or salt losing
point of view, intensified hemodiafiltration is a
nephropathies [127, 129]. Supplementation of
better substitute for physiological kidney func-
sodium chloride is also important in young chil-
tion and may allow substantially better clearance
dren on peritoneal dialysis, since significant
of uremic toxins. As a result, micro-inflammation
amounts of sodium chloride (i.e., 2–5 mmol/kg
and metabolic acidosis may be abolished, leading
body weight) may be eliminated via ultrafiltration.
to improved appetite and tissue anabolism. The
improved removal of inflammatory cytokines
might reverse growth hormone resistance and
Dialysis and Intensified Dialysis
allow to exploit the full therapeutic potential of
rhGH. However, the positive effects of this
Although dialysis treatment attenuates the ure-
approach should be counterbalanced with the
mic state, longitudinal growth usually is not
potential impact of intensified dialysis on psycho-
improved and long-term peritoneal or hemodial-
social integration and augmented treatment costs.
ysis are associated with a gradual loss of stan-
Prospective randomized trials appear required to
dardized height in children and adolescents [15,
provide definite proof to this promising concept.
130–133]. In dialyzed infants, losses of up to 1
SD per year have been reported and even the uti-
lization of high-flux hemodialysis and hemofil-
tration techniques does not improve the situation Transplantation
[22]. In fact, residual renal function appeared to
be a better predictor of longitudinal growth than Although many of the metabolic and endocrine
dialytic clearance [134, 135]. The same holds disorders contributing to uremic growth failure
true for continuous peritoneal dialysis [134, 135]. are resolved by renal transplantation (RTx), post-
Notably, a high peritoneal transporter status, a transplant catch-up growth is usually restricted to
condition associated with increased morbidity young children and occurs far from regularly
and mortality in adults [136], is associated with [9, 11–13, 141]. Beyond transplant function, age,
poor longitudinal growth in children on chronic and degree of stunting at time of transplantation,
PD [134]. This might be due to the putative glucocorticoid dosage is inversely associated
association of high peritoneal transport with with longitudinal growth as well. While complete
24 Growth and Pubertal Development in Dialyzed Children and Adolescents 465

Fig. 24.6 Examples of growth charts (height and weight rhGH treatment. TC on height chart is the familial target
chart; growth velocity chart in centimeters per year; body height in centimeters (Reproduced with permission of
mass under chart) of two patients on daily online Fischbach et al. [140])
hemodiafiltration (start indicated by bars) in addition to
466 D. Haffner and D.-C. Fischer

steroid withdrawal was associated with unaccept- Calcimimetics

ably high rejection rates in children with azathio- Pilot studies have provided preliminary evidence
prine and/or cyclosporine A medication [142, that calcimimetics are an effective therapy of
143], withdrawal appears much safer with the sHPT in pediatric dialysis patients [150, 151].
currently preferred immunosuppressants. In a Calcimimetics suppress PTH secretion by activat-
recent randomized trial on late steroid withdrawal ing the calcium-sensing receptor (CaR). The CaR
in patients on treatment with cyclosporine A, is expressed by epiphyseal chondrocytes; its stim-
mycophenolate mofetil steroid-free patients ulation stimulates chondrocytic proliferation and
showed improved growth compared to controls differentiation. Thus, calcimimetics may affect
(i.e., change in height SDS; 0.6 ± 0.1 vs. −0.2 ± 0.1) longitudinal growth in uremia as well. In fact, cal-
within 27 months [144]. However, catch-up cimimetics (cinacalcet) was shown to improve
growth in pubertal patients was rather limited food efficiency and body weight gain in uremic
compared to that in prepubertal patients. Thus, rats, but no effects on growth plate morphology
efforts to avoid a height deficit before RTx, such and/or longitudinal growth were seen [152]. It is
as rhGH treatment, early (preemptive) RTx, and hoped that efficacy and safety will soon be further
the use of efficacious immunosuppressive strate- addressed in a carefully designed clinical trial.
gies for optimized graft function and early with-
drawal or even complete avoidance of steroids Growth Hormone
are required to improve final height in children The unraveling of the pathomechanisms by which
after RTx. chronic uremia impairs the action of endogenous
GH paved the way for pharmacological treatment
with recombinant human (rh)GH [153–155].
Endocrine Therapies Administration of rhGH markedly stimulates
IGF-I synthesis with only a modest effect on
Calcitriol IGFBPs, thereby normalizing somatomedin bio-
Calcitriol deficiency is a major cause of sHPT activity and promoting longitudinal growth
and renal osteodystrophy. Although calcitriol (Fig. 24.7) [156, 157]. The efficacy and safety of
supplementation reverses the biochemical, radio- long-term treatment with rhGH in children with
graphic, and histological signs of high-turnover CKD before and after renal transplantation have
bone disease, neither experimental nor clinical been established extensively.
studies provide consistent improvement of longi-
tudinal height [145–147]. These conflicting
results might be due to differences in the mode of Efficacy of rhGH in Prepubertal Children
administration and to the pleiotropic calcitriol-
specific effects on growth plate chondrocytes. In prepubertal children with pre-dialysis CKD,
There is general concern that a low-turnover bone rhGH therapy typically doubles height velocity
state induced by intense calcitriol therapy may during the first treatment year [158–165].
compromise longitudinal growth. Therefore, Catch-up growth continues asymptotically dur-
plasma PTH levels should be kept at two–three ing extended treatment. After 5–6 treatment years
times the upper normal range in patients with mean standardized height had increased from
CKD stage 4–5, and within the upper limit of the −2.6 to −0.7 SDS in North American, from −3.4
normal range in CKD stages 1–3 [61]. Although to −1.9 in German, and from −3.0 to −0.5 in
not formally proven in prospective clinical trials, Dutch patients [163–165]. In dialyzed children,
these target ranges are thought to allow sufficient the treatment response is significantly attenuated
control of sHPT and avoid adynamic bone dis- compared to children with pre-end-stage CKD
ease, minimizing any interference of uremic bone (0.8 SD vs. 1.3 SD; [163]). RhGH responsiveness
and mineral disorder and its treatment with longi- is similarly poor in children on peritoneal dialysis
tudinal growth [61, 148, 149]. and standard hemodialysis, but can be markedly
24 Growth and Pubertal Development in Dialyzed Children and Adolescents 467

Fig. 24.7 Balance between IGFBPs and IGFs in serum and IGFs at 150 kDa (fractions 23–27) and at 35 kDa
of CRF children before and after rhGH treatment. Levels (fractions 28–30) in sera from CRF children before and
(nanomoles per L) of IGF-I, IGF-II, IGFBP-1, IGFBP-2, after 12 months of rhGH treatment were calculated; these
IGFBP-3, and IGFBP-6 in the 150- and 35-kDa fractions percentages were then applied to the mean whole serum
of CRF serum are presented. Protein levels were measured levels to calculate the amounts of each protein at 150 and
in whole serum of 30 CRF children before (0 months) and 35 kDa. Both intact IGFBP-3 and IGFBP-329 were abun-
during (12 months) rhGH treatment. Mean IGFBP-1, dant in the 150-kDa fractions; IGFBP-329 was much
IGFBP-2, and IGFBP-6 levels were assigned entirely to more abundant than intact IGFBP-3 in the 35-kDa frac-
the 35 kDa serum fractions. The percentages of IGFBP-3 tions (Reproduced with permission of Powell et al. [156])

improved when dialytic clearance is augmented SD of the prediction model was 1.6 cm and non-
by daily hemodialfiltration (vide supra) [163, responders in the validation group were correctly
166–168]. identified. This model may help in predicting
Based on the current experience with rhGH in non-responders and in tailoring treatment strate-
pediatric CKD patients, a model to predict growth gies for growth retarded children with CKD.
response was developed very recently [169]. The
prediction model was developed using a cohort
of 208 prepubertal children on conservative or Effects of rhGH on Pubertal Growth
dialysis treatment followed in a pharmaco-epide- and Final Height
miological survey (KIGS), and validated in an
independent group of 67 CKD patients registered The evaluation of pubertal growth in CKD
at the Dutch Growth Research Foundation. The patients is complicated by (i) the delayed and
height velocity during the first rhGH treatment shortened pubertal growth spurt compared to
year (PHV) was predicted by the following equa- healthy children and (ii) changes in treatment
tion: PHV (centimeters per year) = 13.3 – [age modalities, i.e., start of dialysis, renal transplan-
(years) × 0.38 + (weight SDS × 0.39)] – [heredi- tation, and initiation and cessation of rhGH ther-
tary renal disorder (0 when absent or 1 when apy [34]. In a study following patients with CKD
present) × 1.16] + [Ln rhGH dose (milligrams per and ESRD from late prepubertal age to final
kilogram per week) × 1.04] + [GFR (milliliters height, the average height increment in rhGH-
per minute × 1.73 m2) × 0.023]. This equation treated patients was twice that seen in a matched
explains 37% of the overall variability of the control group. The main benefit for total growth
growth response. The SE of the estimate or error and final height was achieved before the onset of
468 D. Haffner and D.-C. Fischer

the pubertal growth spurt whereas no overall and in renal allograft recipients (both +1.1 SDS).
effect on the pubertal height gain was observed Adult height was independently positively pre-
[16] (Figs. 24.8 and 24.9). The final height results dicted by the height attained at start of rhGH and
from several clinical trials are given in Table 24.2 the duration of rhGH treatment, and inversely by
[165, 170–179]. the time spent on dialysis, the age at onset puberty,
Recently the determinants of final height were and the age at start of rhGH. Altogether these
analyzed in 240 rhGH-treated children on con- parameters explained 61% of the overall variabil-
servative treatment, dialysis, or after RTx reported ity of adult height. Hence, rhGH improves final
to the KIGS registry (Fig. 24.10). In children height in prepubertal and pubertal patients, but
with normal pubertal timing, the mean increase the growth response is diminished in patients
in standardized height from prepubertal age to with delayed onset of puberty and those on long-
final height was 1.3 SDS. Patients with delayed term dialysis [177].
onset of puberty achieved a significantly lesser
increase in standardized height (+0.9 SDS).
However, the mean age at initiation of rhGH Efficacy of rhGH in Infants
treatment in these patients was 14.5 years and the
mean duration of rhGH therapy was only 2.0 According to standard concepts of the pathophys-
years. The average cumulative increase in height iology of uremic growth failure, malnutrition and
SDS was significantly greater in CKD patients fluid and electrolyte imbalances have a much
who remained on conservative treatment through- greater impact on infant growth than alterations of
out puberty (+1.5 SDS) than in those on dialysis somatotropic hormones. Consequently, correction

Fig. 24.8 Synchronized mean height velocity curves of cate the time of the first observation, which corresponds to
32 boys (left panel) and 6 girls (right panel) with CRF the start of rhGH treatment in the growth hormone–treated
during rhGH treatment (closed circles), as compared with children, minimal pre-spurt height velocity, and the time
50 children with CRF not treated with rhGH (open cir- of the end of the pubertal growth spurt (Reproduced with
cles) and 232 normal children (thin lines). The dots indi- permission of Haffner et al. [16])
24 Growth and Pubertal Development in Dialyzed Children and Adolescents 469

Fig. 24.9 Synchronized mean height curves of 32 boys percentiles. The dots indicate the time of the first observa-
(left panel) and 6 girls (right panel) with CRF during tion, which corresponds to the start of rhGH treatment in
rhGH treatment (closed circles), as compared with 50 the growth hormone–treated children, and the time of the
children with CRF not treated with rhGH (open circles). end of the pubertal growth spurt (Reproduced with per-
Normal values are indicated by the 3rd, 50th, and 97th mission of Haffner et al. [16])

of the nutritional status has been considered the treatment [182]. Children treated with rhGH, but
primary and sufficient measure to restore normal not patients undergoing close nutritional manage-
growth in growth retarded infants, postponing the ment only showed significant increases in both
option of endocrine therapeutic intervention to weight and height SDS (Fig. 24.11). Notably, two
beyond the second year of life. Recently, this con- thirds of the patients receiving rhGH were on
cept has been challenged by several reports initi- dialysis treatment. Hence, the results of these
ating rhGH in growth retarded infants with CKD studies lend further support to the previous obser-
[180–182]. A randomized controlled study involv- vation that the relative efficacy and cost-efficiency
ing 30 growth retarded infants (mean age 16 of rhGH is actually best when initiated at young
months) with moderate CKD (mean GFR 25 mL/ age, i.e., during infancy and early childhood
min/1.73 m²) observed excellent catch-up growth [163]. While the provision of adequate nutrition is
from −3.0 to −1.1 SDS within 24 months, in con- certainly vital to growth and development of
trast to no significant change in controls. infants with CKD, some children show growth
Unfortunately, the caloric intake of the children failure despite adequate calorie supply. In these
was not reported [180]. Likewise, Maxwell patients, any further increases of energy intake
and Rees reported an increase in height SDS −3.3 typically lead to fat deposition but not catch-up
to 2.2 within 12 months in 8 infants with a mean growth. Early growth hormone therapy appears as
age of 22 months and CKD stage III–IV [181]. an attractive option to accelerate length and
Very recently, Mencarelli et al. reported on a weight gain in such infants since it helps accom-
cohort of 27 infants with early onset CKD receiv- plishing the body size required for renal trans-
ing either standard therapy or additional rhGH plantation without delay. This concept, which
470 D. Haffner and D.-C. Fischer

Fig. 24.10 (a) Mean

height SDS of GH-treated
boys (●; n = 193; aged
4.7–19.7 years) and girls
(○; n = 47; aged 8.1–18.0
years) with CKD in the
year before start of therapy
until attainment of near-FH
(data are given as
mean ± SEM; #, P < 0.01
boys vs. girls; *, P < 0.01
vs. previous time point).
(b) Mean height SDS of
prepubertal CKD patients
with normal (○, n = 68;
aged 4.7–13.0 years) or
delayed (, n = 25; aged
10.1–17.1 years) onset of
puberty and patients in
early (▲, n = 112; aged
10.1–19.7 years) and late
(, n = 35; aged 13.8–19.5
years) puberty in the year
before start of GH therapy
until attainment of near-FH
(data are given as
mean ± SEM; *, P < 0.003
vs. previous time point)
(Reproduced with
permission of Nissel
et al. [177])

needs further elaboration in clinical trials, may start of treatment [163]. Daily dosing is more
include preemptive usage of rhGH in patients effective than three administrations per week and
with still normal height but poor height velocity the optimal dose is 4 IU/m²/day (0.33 mg/kg/
and downward crossing of percentiles. week) [183, 184]. Whereas discontinuation of
rhGH results in catch-down growth in approxi-
mately 75% of CKD patients, this phenomenon is
General rhGH Treatment Strategies rarely observed when rhGH treatment is discon-
tinued after transplantation, highlighting the
The growth response to rhGH treatment is posi- close relationship between renal function and
tively associated with residual renal function, tar- growth [174, 185]. Furthermore, although the
get height, initial target height deficit and duration absolute height gain achieved by rhGH is inde-
of rhGH treatment, and inversely with the age at pendent of age, the reference range increases
Table 24.2 Synopsis of studies reporting adult height data after rhGH treatment of growth failure in CKD patients
No. of pts. CRF treatment Age at start of Pubertal status at Duration of Duration of Initial Final Change in
Study studied modalities rhGH (years) start of rhGH follow-up (years) rhGH (years) height SDS height SDS height SDS
Dutch [175] 65 Cons Rx/ n.i. Prepubertal n.i. 5.8 −2.8. −1.4 +1.4
KIGS [177] 108 Cons Rx 12.8 n.i. 4.9 >2.0 −3.2 −1.7 +1.5
67 Dialysis 14.2 n.i. 4.0 >2.0 −4.0 −2.9 +1.1
65 Transplant 13.7 n.i. 4.1 >2.0 −3.6 −2.5 +1.1
NAPRTCS 9 Cons Rx n.i. n.i. 3.2 <3.2 −3.0 −2.2 +0.7
[173] 22 Dialysis n.i. n.i. 4.1 <4.1 −3.6 −3.2 +0.4
72 Transplant n.i. n.i. 3.7 <3.7 −3.0 −2.5 +0.5
German [16] 38 47% cons Rx 10.4 Prepubertal 7.6 5.3 −3.1 −1.6 +1.4
24% dialysis
French [179] 35 Cons Rx n.i. n.i. n.i. n.i. −3.0 −1.8 +1.2
19 Dialysis n.i. n.i. n.i. n.i. −4.1 −2.5 +1.6
48 Transplant n.i. n.i. n.i. n.i. −3.2 −2.2 +1.0
Belgian [171] 17 Transplant n.i. n.i. n.i. 3.4 −3.0 −1.8 +1.2
24 Growth and Pubertal Development in Dialyzed Children and Adolescents

Dutch [175] 18 Transplant 15.5 Pubertal n.i. n.i. n.i. n.i. Total
19 cm
NAPRTCS 71 Transplant n.i. n.i. n.i. n.i. −2.7 −1.8 +0.9
n.i. No information given
Percentage distribution of patient years spent in each treatment category
472 D. Haffner and D.-C. Fischer

Fig. 24.11 Height and weight data. Recombinant human (b) growth velocity expressed as relative values to the −2
growth hormone (rhGH)-treated patients are shown in SDS channel for the normal population, (c) weight SDS,
black lines and controls in gray lines. Vertical bars indicate (d) weight for height SDS. Numbers indicate number of
the age at the beginning of rhGH therapy in individual infants/children for which there were data at that time point
patients. (a) Height standard deviation score (SDS), (Reproduced with permission of Mencarelli et al. [182])

with age. Thus, rhGH treatment should be started Since rhGH is also effective in infants and
as early as growth retardation becomes evident young children with CKD, this treatment modal-
(i.e., height below 3rd percentile) (Fig. 24.12) ity should not be withheld in this age group if
[163]. It is still a matter of discussion whether a malnutrition, metabolic acidosis, renal osteo-
low growth rate (i.e., height velocity below the dystrophy, and electrolyte losses have been
5th percentile) is an indication to start rhGH even treated sufficiently [180–182]. The KDOQI
before height drops below the 3rd percentile. guidelines for nutritional management in chil-
Such early, preventive therapy is probably more dren with CKD suggest that rhGH should be ini-
cost-effective than starting at a more advanced tiated promptly if nutritional management has
age when growth retardation has become evident not induced catch-up growth within 3 months
and higher absolute rhGH doses are required. [128].
24 Growth and Pubertal Development in Dialyzed Children and Adolescents 473

withdrawal or with a permanent need for mainte-

nance glucocorticoid medication.

Potential Adverse Events Associated

with rhGH Therapy

The safety of long-term rhGH treatment in CKD

has been evaluated in several clinical studies and
registries. A comprehensive comparison on the
incidence of adverse events in large cohorts of
CKD patients on conservative treatment, on dial-
ysis, and after renal transplantation with and
without rhGH treatment revealed no significant
association between utilization of rhGH and the
incidence of malignancy, slipped capital femoral
epiphysis, avascular necrosis, glucose intoler-
ance, pancreatitis, progressive deterioration of
renal function, acute allograft rejection, or fluid
retention [186]. Intracranial hypertension (ICH)
in 3 out of 1,376 CKD patients was the only
Fig. 24.12 Age-dependent efficacy of rhGH treatment adverse event significantly associated with rhGH
exemplified by individual growth curves predicted for two therapy. However, in all 3 instances ICH occurred
patients of ages 2 and 8 years, started on rhGH at a basal after discontinuation of rhGH. In another survey
height of −3.5 SD and a height velocity of −2.0 SD. The
ICH was noted in 15 out of 1,670 CKD patients
dotted line indicates the 50th percentile of a normal popula-
tion, the solid lines bounding the dotted line denote the 3rd on rhGH treatment (0.9%) [187]. Although the
and 97th percentiles. Growth is accelerated over baseline clinical symptoms weaned off after cessation of
height velocity in both patients by 4.5 cm in the first, 1.9 cm rhGH treatment, two patients had persistent
in the second, and 1.0 cm in the third years (empirical
blindness. In four patients symptoms of ICH
means of all patients on conservative treatment followed
for 3 years). The young child reaches the third percentile recurred after reinstitution of rhGH treatment.
within the third year, whereas the older child does not Due to the potentially slightly increased risk of
(Reproduced with permission of Haffner et al. [163]) ICH in CKD a baseline fundoscopy is recom-
mended and the rhGH starting dose should be
50% of the expected maintenance rhGH dosage
The primary treatment target should be to for the first few weeks of treatment. Furthermore,
return height into the patient’s individual genetic hydration should be carefully monitored in CKD
percentile channel. Treatment may be suspended patients receiving rhGH since overhydration
once this target is reached, but growth should be seems to be a predisposing factor for ICH. In the
monitored closely as outlined above. In patients presence of symptoms like headache or vomiting
receiving rhGH while on conservative treatment, an immediate workup for ICH including fundos-
rhGH should be continued after initiation of dial- copy should be performed.
ysis; after renal transplantation rhGH should be Although insulin secretion increases during
stopped and spontaneous growth should be moni- the first year of rhGH treatment and hyperinsu-
tored for 12 months. If growth remains subnor- linemia persists during long-term therapy, normal
mal, weaning off glucocorticoids should be the glucose tolerance is preserved during up to 5
first therapeutic consideration, and reinstitution years of rhGH administration in CKD patients on
of rhGH restricted to those patients with lacking conservative treatment, dialysis, and after renal
or insufficient catch-up growth after steroid transplantation [188]. Hyperinsulinemia is most
474 D. Haffner and D.-C. Fischer

pronounced in transplanted patients on concomi- principal therapeutic option. GnRH analogues

tant glucocorticoid therapy. Hyperinsulinemia arrest pubertal progress, but the potential growth
may, at least in theory, contribute to the develop- benefit would come at the psychological disad-
ment of atherosclerosis or induce diabetes melli- vantage of delayed sexual maturation. In boys,
tus by exhaustion of ß-cells. However, up to now aromatase inhibitors, which suppress the local
this has not been observed in CKD patients conversion of testosterone to estradiol, might
receiving rhGH [186]. extend the growth phase without affecting puber-
An aggravation of secondary hyperparathy- tal development and thereby increase the time
roidism has rarely been reported in CKD patients window for rhGH therapy. An initial proof of this
on rhGH treatment, but the underlying path- concept has recently been provided in short male
omechanisms remain to be elucidated [189, 190]. adolescents treated with rhGH combined with the
GH might have a direct stimulatory effect on the aromatase inhibitor anastrozole [192]. It will be
parathyroid gland and/or might have subtle fascinating to study its efficacy in adolescents on
effects on calcium homeostasis which in turn long-term dialysis.
stimulate PTH secretion. Finally, increased lon-
gitudinal bone growth by rhGH treatment may
unmask preexisting renal osteodystrophy. References
Therefore, bone metabolism should be evaluated
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carefully and severe hyperparathyroidism and
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tiation of rhGH therapy in CKD patients. Mosby Elsevier; 2008. p. 709–32.
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with rhGH [191]. Pediatr Nephrol. 2003;18(7):685–91.
9. Englund MS, Tyden G, Wikstad I, Berg UB. Growth
A particular challenge is given by the severely
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closure may allow an extended duration of the 10. Fine RN, Ho M, Tejani A. The contribution of renal
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Diagnosis and Management
of Renal Osteodystrophy 25
in Children
Katherine Wesseling-Perry
and Isidro B. Salusky

Renal osteodystrophy • Metabolic bone disease children • Slipped epiphyses
• Skeletal deformities • Bone turnover • Bone mineralization • Bone volume
• Growth • Bone strength and structure

cause of mortality in both adults and children

Introduction with kidney disease, and that therapies designed
to treat the skeletal consequences of CKD affect
The kidney plays a major role in bone and mineral
the progression of vascular pathology, has led to
homeostasis by regulating calcium, phosphorus,
a reclassification of the mineral, skeletal, and
parathyroid hormone (PTH), fibroblast growth
vascular complications associated with progres-
factor-23 (FGF-23), and calcitriol (1,25 dihy-
sive kidney disease. Together, these alterations
droxyvitamin D3, 1,25(OH)2 D3) metabolism.
are termed “CKD Mineral and Bone Disorder”
Disordered regulation of mineral metabolism
(“CKD-MBD”) [1], and the management of bone
occurs early in the course of chronic kidney dis-
disease must consider effects on the cardiovascu-
ease (CKD) and results in alterations in bone
lar system as well as on overall mortality in the
modeling, remodeling, and growth. These altera-
pediatric CKD population. “Renal osteodystro-
tions have been a focus of CKD management in
phy” is the specific term used to describe the bone
children for decades. However, a growing aware-
pathology that occurs as a complication of CKD
ness that cardiovascular calcifications accompany
and is therefore one aspect of the CKD-MBD.
CKD, that cardiovascular disease is the leading
Traditionally, such lesions have been defined
according to alterations in bone turnover, ranging
from high bone turnover (secondary hyperpara-
thyroidism, osteitis fibrosa) to lesions of low
K. Wesseling-Perry, MD () bone turnover (adynamic bone disease and
Department of Pediatrics, University of California-Los osteomalacia). However, alterations in skeletal
Angeles, David Geffen School of Medicine,
Los Angeles, CA, USA
mineralization and volume are also common in
e-mail: patients with CKD [1] and may contribute to out-
I.B. Salusky, MD
comes such as fractures, skeletal deformities, and
Department of Pediatric Nephrology, University poor growth which persist despite normalization
of California-Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA of bone turnover [2].

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_25, 483

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
484 K. Wesseling-Perry and I.B. Salusky

in vitro experiments indicate that increased

Pathogenesis of Disordered Mineral FGF-23 levels also directly suppress PTH release,
Metabolism in CKD-MBD independent of the action of FGF-23 on vitamin
D metabolism [9, 10].
Through signals between the kidney, parathyroid In CKD, reduced circulating 1,25(OH)2D3
gland, and bone, alterations in kidney function contributes to secondary hyperparathyroidism
lead to changes in serum biochemical values that and parathyroid gland hyperplasia in a number of
accompany progressive skeletal disease. Due to ways: through decreased intestinal calcium
alterations in calcium, phosphorus, FGF-23, and absorption, decreased binding to the vitamin D
1,25(OH)2 D3 metabolism, PTH levels increase receptor (VDR), reduced calcium sensing recep-
as CKD progresses, thus contributing to the tor (CaSR) expression, and decreased VDR
development of secondary hyperparathyroidism expression. Indeed, 1,25(OH)2D3 has been
(2oHPT). In early stages of CKD, levels of FGF- shown to suppress PTH gene transcription, both
23 rise in order to enhance urinary phosphate in vitro (bovine parathyroid cell culture) and
excretion. These rising levels suppress in vivo (intact rats). In conjunction with the VDR,
1,25(OH)2vitamin D values and as a result, 1,25(OH)2D3 binds negative vitamin D response
increase PTH levels. In advanced CKD, rising elements in the parathyroid glands which inhibit
PTH levels cause a release of calcium and phos- pre-proPTH gene transcription [11, 12]. In a pos-
phorus from bone and, when compensatory itive feedback loop, 1,25(OH)2D3 itself increases
mechanisms fail, severely impaired glomerular VDR gene expression in the parathyroid glands,
filtration rate (GFR) results in phosphate reten- further suppressing PTH gene transcription.
tion which itself directly suppresses 1a-hydroxy- 1,25(OH)2D3 also increases the expression of the
lase activity [3]. At this stage, hypocalcemia CaSR, the expression of which is reduced in
(from decreased intestinal calcium absorption hyperplastic parathyroid tissues obtained from
mediated by declining calcitriol levels), hyper- patients with 2oHPT [13]. Vitamin D deficiency
phosphatemia, and low circulating 1,25 dihy- in animals is associated with decreased expres-
droxyvitamin D3 values all combine to stimulate sion of CaSR mRNA in parathyroid tissue, while
PTH secretion, thus contributing to the develop- 1,25(OH)2D3 therapy increases CaSR mRNA lev-
ment of secondary hyperparathyroidism [4]. els in a dose-dependent manner [14].
As early as stage 2 CKD, circulating levels of 25(OH)vitamin D (25(OH)D) deficiency is
FGF-23 begin to rise [5]. FGF-23 levels are prevalent in patients with CKD and low levels of
upregulated by chronic increases in phosphorus this form of the hormone also contribute to the
intake [3, 6] and levels rise as CKD progresses, development of 2oHPT – both directly and through
likely due to a combination of decreased renal limiting substrate for the formation of 1,25(OH)2D.
excretion of FGF-23 and increased phosphate Vitamin D is either made in the skin or ingested
load from declining GFR. The effects of increas- from the diet [15, 16]. UVB (290–315 nm) photons
ing FGF-23 on mineral metabolism are multiple, penetrate the skin and are absorbed by 7-dehydro-
and include the induction of renal phosphate cholesterol to form previtamin D3 which then spon-
excretion through inhibition of renal phos- taneously converts to vitamin D3. Vitamin D (both
phate cotransporters, NaPi2a and NaPi2c, and the D2 and D3) undergoes hydroxylation by the liver,
suppression of renal 1a-hydroxylase activity [7]. forming 25(OH)D [17], and is subsequently taken
As CKD progresses, serum values of FGF-23 up by the renal tubular cells, and undergoes a sec-
increase, becoming markedly elevated in indi- ond hydroxylation, facilitated by renal 1a-hydrox-
viduals with end-stage kidney disease [8]. ylase, to 1,25(OH)2 D3, a more potent stimulator of
Simultaneously, 1,25(OH)2 D3 levels decline; intestinal calcium absorption [18, 19]. Although
indeed, values are inversely related to levels of conversion of 25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)2 D3 is, in the
circulating FGF-23 [5]. Recent evidence suggests general population, a substrate-independent pro-
that FGF-23 may also regulate PTH secretion; cess, it becomes a substrate-dependent process in
25 Diagnosis and Management of Renal Osteodystrophy in Children 485

patients with CKD [20]. Apart from its conversion calcium ions complex with excess inorganic
to 1,25(OH)2 D3, 25(OH)D may have its own effect phosphate; the ensuing hypocalcemia stimulates
on tissues. Indeed, supplementation with ergocal- PTH release. Phosphorus also enhance the secre-
ciferol has been shown to decrease serum PTH lev- tion of FGF-23 [5], thereby impairing renal
els in patients with CKD [21, 22]. Recent evidence 1a-hydroxylase activity, which diminishes the
demonstrates that 1a-hydroxylase is present in the conversion of 25(OH)D to 1,25(OH)2D3 [3].
parathyroid glands; thus, 25(OH)D is converted Finally, phosphorus can directly enhance PTH
inside the gland to 1,25(OH)2 D3, suppressing PTH synthesis by the parathyroid cell by interrupting
[23]. Furthermore, 25(OH)D administration sup- the normal CaSR signal cascade. High serum
presses PTH synthesis even when parathyroid phosphorous levels decrease cytosolic phospholi-
gland 1a-hydroxylase is inhibited, indicating that pase A2 (normally increased by CaSR activation),
25(OH)D may contribute to PTH suppression, leading to a decrease in arachidonic acid produc-
independent of its conversion to 1,25(OH)2 D3 [23]. tion with a subsequent increase in PTH secretion
Thus, low levels of the precursor 25(OH)D may [36]. Hypophosphatemia also decreases PTH
exacerbate 1,25(OH)2 D3 deficiency in the context mRNA transcript stability in vitro [37], suggesting
of CKD. Several studies have documented a high that phosphorous itself affects serum PTH levels,
prevalence of 25(OH)D deficiency in the general probably by increasing the stability of the PTH
population [24] and this prevalence increases as mRNA transcript.
renal function declines [25, 26]. Indeed, the vast Finally, alterations in parathyroid gland CaSR
majority of patients treated with maintenance dial- expression also occur in secondary hyperparathy-
ysis display insufficient vitamin D storage [27, 28]. roidism and may, in turn, contribute to parathyroid
Patients with advanced CKD are at increased risk gland hyperplasia. The CaSR is a seven transmem-
of vitamin D deficiency for several reasons: many brane G protein-coupled receptor with a large
are chronically ill with little outdoor (sunlight) extracellular N-terminus, which binds acidic
exposure; CKD dietary restrictions, particularly of amino acids and divalent cations [38]. Low extra-
dairy products, curtail the intake of vitamin D rich cellular calcium levels result in decreased calcium
food and lead to decreased dietary calcium intake binding to the receptor, a conformational relax-
[29], and patients with CKD (particularly those ation of the receptor and a resultant increase in
with darker skin pigment) display decreased skin PTH secretion [39], while activation of the recep-
synthesis of vitamin D3 in response to sunlight tor by high levels of serum calcium decrease PTH
compared with individuals with normal kidney secretion [40, 41]. The expression of the CaSR is
function [30, 31]. Proteinuric diseases further exac- reduced by 30–70% as judged by immunohis-
erbate D deficiency in the CKD population, as tochemical methods in hyperplastic parathyroid
25(OH)D in combination with vitamin D binding tissue obtained from human subjects with renal
protein, is lost in the urine [32, 33]. failure [13, 42]. CaSR gene transcription is regu-
Phosphorus retention and hyperphosphatemia lated by vitamin D through two distinct vitamin D
are also important factors in the pathogenesis of response elements in the gene’s promoter region
secondary hyperparathyroidism in the late stages [43]; thus, alterations in vitamin D metabolism in
of CKD. The development of secondary hyper- renal failure could account for changes in calcium
parathyroidism is prevented in experimental ani- sensing by the parathyroid glands and vitamin D
mals with CKD when dietary phosphorus intake is may act upstream of the CaSR in preventing para-
lowered in proportion to the GFR [34]. Dietary thyroid cell hyperplasia [44]. Decreased expres-
phosphate restriction can also reduce previously sion and activity of CaSR has been linked to
elevated serum PTH levels in patients with moder- decreased responsiveness in PTH secretion due to
ate renal failure [3, 35]. Phosphorus retention and altered calcium levels [45]. This decreased expres-
hyperphosphatemia indirectly promote the secre- sion of the CaSR results in an insensitivity to
tion of PTH in several ways. Hyperphosphatemia serum calcium levels with subsequent uncontrolled
lowers blood ionized calcium levels as free secretion of PTH. Increased stimulation of the
486 K. Wesseling-Perry and I.B. Salusky

CaSR by calcimimetics has been shown to decrease hyperparathyroidism, is also associated with
PTH cell proliferation, implicating the CaSR as a peritrabecular fibrosis [53].
regulator of cell proliferation as well as PTH A state of low-turnover bone disease (ady-
secretion [46]. namic renal osteodystrophy) also occurs in chil-
dren treated with maintenance dialysis, although
it has not been demonstrated in children with ear-
Spectrum of Renal Osteodystrophy lier stages of CKD [51]. Adynamic renal osteo-
dystrophy is associated with disorders such as
Abnormalities in Bone Turnover, age-related or postmenopausal osteoporosis (in
Mineralization, Volume, Linear Growth, adults), steroid-induced osteoporosis, hypopara-
or Strength thyroidism (idiopathic or surgically induced),
and diabetes mellitus. Reversible causes of ady-
Since calcium and phosphorus, in the form of namic renal osteodystrophy include aluminum
hydroxyapatite, are the building blocks of bone, toxicity, subtotal parathyroidectomy, prolonged
it is not surprising that disordered mineral treatment with calcium-containing phosphate-
metabolism is tightly linked to bone disease in binding medications, use of high dialysate cal-
the context of CKD. Aside from basic calcium cium concentrations, and aggressive vitamin D
and phosphorus homeostasis, other hormones sterol therapy [54]. The prevalence of adynamic
play critical roles in the structure and function lesions of bone is less than 20% in children and
of bone; alterations in these hormones, as occur adolescents with end-stage renal disease who are
in CKD, thus contribute to abnormal bone turn- treated with daily doses of calcitriol, although
over, mineralization, volume, linear growth, adynamic bone is present in as many as 33% of
and strength which, together, define Renal pediatric patients treated with high dose intermit-
Osteodystrophy. tent calcitriol therapy and calcium-based binders
for the control of secondary hyperparathyroidism
Bone Turnover [55]. Due to a direct suppressive effect of these
Traditionally, renal osteodystrophy has been clas- agents on bone turnover, adynamic bone often
sified primarily by alterations in bone turnover. develops in these patients despite markedly ele-
The primary lesion of renal osteodystrophy in vated serum PTH levels [55].
children is one of high bone turnover, also termed On bone histomorphometric analysis, ady-
“secondary hyperparathyroidism.” Since PTH namic bone is characterized by normal osteoid
activates the PTH/PTHrP receptor on osteocytes volume, an absence of fibrosis, and a reduced
and osteoblasts, increasing cellular activity of bone formation rate, as indicated by a reduced or
both osteoblasts and osteoclasts [47, 48], exces- absent double tetracycline label [55, 56]. A pau-
sive levels of circulating PTH result in increased city of osteoblasts and osteoclasts are present
bone turnover [49]. Serum PTH levels are [49]. Adynamic bone is associated with low PTH
inversely correlated with GFR, and the majority levels, low alkaline phosphatase levels, high
of patients with a GFR less than 50 mL/min have serum calcium levels, hypercalcemic episodes,
increased serum PTH levels and high-turnover and a propensity for increased vascular calcifica-
bone disease [50–52]. These findings are nearly tion [57, 58]. In addition to the increased risk for
universal in untreated children at the initiation of fractures that is observed in adults with adynamic
dialysis [2]. Hyperparathyroid bone disease is bone, dialyzed children with low bone turnover
marked by an increased numbers of osteoblasts display an increased severity of growth retarda-
and osteoclasts. Excess osteoclastic activity leads tion [59, 60].
to increased resorption of mineral and matrix
along both the trabecular surface and within Bone Mineralization
the haversian canals of cortical bone. Osteitis fib- Although renal osteodystrophy has traditionally
rosa cystica, the advanced lesion of secondary been defined by lesions in bone turnover, alterations
25 Diagnosis and Management of Renal Osteodystrophy in Children 487

in skeletal mineralization are also prevalent in increased FGF-23 may cause rickets and
children with CKD [61]. While the ramifications osteomalacia through an insufficiency of mineral
of defective mineralization remain to be estab- substrate. The mechanisms leading to impaired
lished, increased fracture rates, bone deformities, mineralization in FGF-23-null animals, which
and growth retardation are prevalent in patients have severe hyperphosphatemia and normal or
with CKD despite adequate control of bone turn- elevated serum calcium levels, remain uncertain;
over and may be due, at least in part to alterations however, osteomalacia in these animals suggests
in skeletal mineralization. that FGF-23 may play a direct role in skeletal
Increases in unmineralized bone (osteoid) in mineral deposition. Moreover, defects in DMP1,
conjunction with delayed rates of mineral deposi- a protein which regulates FGF-23 expression,
tion are common [53, 61]. Defective mineraliza- result in a similar phenotype in the context of
tion that is associated with high-turnover bone normal kidney function [70]. Interestingly, skel-
disease is termed “mixed lesion”; when associ- etal expression of both FGF-23 and DMP1 are
ated with low to normal bone turnover, it is altered as early as stage 2 CKD in pediatric
referred to as “osteomalacia” [1]. In children with patients with CKD [64] and skeletal expression
CKD, osteomalacia may result from inadequate of both proteins are related to skeletal indices of
dietary intake of calcium, phosphorus, or vitamin mineralization [64].
D, particularly during periods of rapid growth,
when the skeletal demand for these nutrients is Bone Volume
high. During previous decades, aluminum toxic- Since PTH is an anabolic steroid at the level of
ity from the use of aluminum based phosphate trabecular bone, high levels of serum PTH are
binders resulted in low bone turnover and poor typically associated with increases in bone vol-
skeletal mineralization in many patients. ume, trabecular volume, and trabecular width
The skeletal histology of the “mixed lesion of [61, 71–73]. Thus, children with CKD typically
renal osteodystrophy” has features of both osteitis have normal or high bone volume as assessed by
fibrosa and osteomalacia [62]. Patients with this bone histomorphometry. Those treated with cor-
lesion often display high serum PTH and alkaline ticosteroids, however, may display loss of bone
phosphatase levels. Mixed lesions are seen with volume, termed “osteoporosis.” The impact of
high-turnover bone disease in patients who are osteoporosis in childhood may not always be
developing aluminum toxicity or in patients with immediately apparent; however, suboptimal peak
low-turnover aluminum-related bone disease bone mass accretion in adolescence is associated
during DFO therapy [63]. In these cases, mixed with an increased risk of osteoporosis, hip frac-
lesion represents a transitional stage between tures, and mortality in adulthood [74].
high-turnover and low-turnover bone disease.
Although the mechanisms of skeletal mineral- Growth
ization are incompletely understood, other fac- Growth retardation is the hallmark of CKD in
tors, including 25(OH)D deficiency and alterations children. Indeed, the average height of children
in skeletal dentrin matrix protein 1 (DMP1) and with even mild CKD (GFR 50–70 mL/
FGF-23 metabolism [64], have been implicated min/1.73 m2) is 1 standard deviation (SDS) below
in the pathogenesis of osteoid accumulation in the average for healthy children. Moderate CKD
the CKD population. In the general population, (GFR 25–49 mL/min/1.73 m2) is associated with
nutritional 25(OH)D deficiency results in a height SDS of −1.5, and, at the time of initiation
osteomalacia and a similar phenotype may occur of dialysis, the mean height SDS is −1.8. Boys,
in children with CKD. FGF-23 may also play a younger patients, and those with prior renal trans-
role; both overexpression [65–67] and ablation of plants are at greatest risk for growth failure [75].
FGF-23 [68, 69] in mice are associated with While protein and calorie malnutrition and
abnormal mineralization of osteoid, although by metabolic acidosis contribute to growth retarda-
different mechanisms. The phosphaturic effect of tion, growth hormone resistance at the level of
488 K. Wesseling-Perry and I.B. Salusky

bone, calcitriol deficiency, and renal bone disease

also contribute [76]. For an in-depth discussion
of growth retardation in CKD, see Chap. 24.

Bone Strength and Structure

Symptoms: Bone Pain and Muscle Weakness
Early in the course of renal osteodystrophy, bone
pain is nonspecific and difficult to distinguish
from common aches and pains, and a great vari-
ability in clinical presentation occurs among
patients. Pain often localizes to the lower back and
to weight-bearing joints, including hips, knees,
and ankles. Symptoms worsen with pressure and
changes in posture. Limping requires prompt and
thorough evaluation in a previously ambulatory
child with secondary hyperparathyroidism due to
the increased prevalence of fracture and slipped
epiphysis in this population [41].
Myopathy in children with CKD may be progres-
sive and the diagnosis is clinical; no specific tests
are available. Initially, patients may complain of Fig. 25.1 Plane film demonstrating the skeletal deformity
nonspecific aches and pains; subsequently they of genu varum in a young child
report limited ability to perform activities of daily
living. These symptoms may go undiagnosed by
the clinician, as patients may self-restrict physi- limited range of motion, and inability to ambu-
cal activity, limiting their quality of life and social late. Severe osteitis fibrosa with marked endosteal
development. Similar to the proximal muscle fibrosis is present on bone biopsy. A dense fibrous
weakness seen in patients with nutritional vita- tissue develops between the growth plate carti-
min D deficiency, children with CKD may lage and the adjacent metaphysis, where the plane
develop a characteristic waddling gait [77, 78]. of slippage may occur [81]. The diagnosis is usu-
The mechanism behind this proximal myopathy ally established by roentgenograms. Total joint
is not well understood, although secondary hyper- replacement is often required when the proximal
parathyroidism, phosphate depletion, aluminum femur is involved.
bone disease, and disorders of vitamin D metabo-
lism may contribute [79]. No specific treatment is Skeletal Deformities
available, although an improvement in muscle Bone deformities are also common in uremic
strength in both proximal and distal muscles has children due to altered skeletal remodeling and,
been shown after treatment with vitamin D [80]. due to their increased growth velocity, are most
evident in children younger than 10 years. The
Slipped Epiphyses pattern of bone deformities varies with the child’s
Slipped epiphyses are one of the most severe and age. Patients younger than 4 years have skeletal
physically incapacitating manifestations of bone abnormalities similar to those due to vitamin
disease in children with CKD. In preschool chil- D-deficient rickets, including rachitic rosary,
dren, the upper and lower femoral epiphyses are metaphyseal widening (leading to wrist and ankle
often affected, while the upper femur and the enlargement), craniotabes, and frontal bossing.
radial/ulnar epiphyses are involved in older chil- Slipped epiphyses, genu valgum, and femoral and
dren. The distal radius and metacarpal and meta- wrist deformities are most common in preadoles-
tarsal heads may also be affected [41]. The clinical cent children with long-standing CKD (Fig. 25.1)
presentation may include limping, waddling gait, [2, 81]. Avascular necrosis of the femoral head
25 Diagnosis and Management of Renal Osteodystrophy in Children 489

and pathologic fractures of the extremities and halting the progression of vascular calcification
chest wall due to osteoporosis and bone deformi- [82, 83, 87, 88]. Paradoxically, although vitamin
ties may occur with minimal trauma. In addition, D sterols increase circulating FGF-23 levels,
vertebral crush fractures contribute to significant which have been associated with increased mor-
morbidity in this population. Patients may also tality in the adult dialysis population [89], the
present with ulnar deviation, pes varus, pseudo- use of vitamin D therapy (in both 25(OH)vita-
clubbing, and dental abnormalities. The initial min D and 1,25(OH)2vitamin D forms) has also
management of skeletal deformities requires the been associated with decreased mortality rates,
normalization of serum calcium, phosphorus, and likely through ameliorating cardiovascular dis-
PTH levels. Surgical correction is often also nec- ease, in the adult dialysis population [94–96].
essary but should be performed only after correc-
tion of biochemical abnormalities [82].
Diagnosis of Renal Osteodystrophy
Relationship Between Mineral, Calcium and Phosphorus Levels
Bone, and Vascular Disease
Serum calcium levels are typically maintained
Visceral, tumoral or periarticular, and vascular within the normal range until late (stages 4 and 5)
calcifications may develop in patients with CKD. CKD, when serum calcium levels drop.
Indeed, the mortality rate in adults and children Hypocalcemia often resolves during treatment
with CKD is markedly higher than that of the gen- with calcium-containing phosphate binders, vita-
eral population, and cardiovascular disease is the min D sterols, and with initiation of dialysis.
leading cause of death in both children and adults Typical dialysis solutions containing 2.5 mEq/l
treated with maintenance dialysis [83, 84]. In con- calcium concentrations are generally adequate to
trast to the calcifications of atherosclerotic plaques maintain serum calcium within acceptable limits.
that develop with age in the vascular intima of Recurrent or persistent hypercalcemia in patients
individuals with normal kidney function, vascular with CKD is uncommon yet may occur with severe
calcification in the uremic milieu develops pri- secondary hyperparathyroidism, aluminum-related
marily in the tunica media. The etiology of car- bone disease, adynamic bone, prolonged use of
diovascular disease in CKD is multifactorial and high dose vitamin D sterols, large amounts of cal-
is addressed in more detail in Chap. 26. However, cium-containing phosphate-binding agents, and
cardiovascular changes are associated with prolonged immobilization [56, 97, 98]. Malignancy
increased mortality rates have their origins in and extrarenal production of calcitriol in disorders
childhood [83, 85, 86] and are associated with such as sarcoidosis or tuberculosis result in hyper-
mineral and bone metabolism in the CKD popula- calcemia, but these conditions are uncommon in
tion. Hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, exces- the pediatric age group. Patients with adynamic
sive calcium intake, increased circulating FGF-23 bone lesion without evidence of aluminum toxic-
levels, and adynamic bone disease have all been ity are prone to develop hypercalcemic episodes,
associated with the development of cardiovascu- which are related to the skeleton’s inability to
lar calcification in patients treated with mainte- incorporate an acute calcium load [99].
nance dialysis [82, 83, 87–90]. Serum phosphorus levels are often maintained
Although traditional therapies such as lipid within normal limits in early CKD. However,
lowering agents are useful in decreasing mortal- when the GFR falls below 30 mL/min/1.73 m2
ity in adults with pre-dialysis CKD [91] and in (stage 4 CKD), increases in FGF-23 and PTH fail
those with stable renal allografts [92], these to compensate for decreasing renal mass and
agents have not been shown to benefit patients hyperphosphatemia ensues [100]. Current rec-
treated with dialysis [93]. By contrast, moderat- ommendations suggest that serum phospho-
ing calcium intake and avoiding the develop- rus levels be maintained as close to normal as
ment of adynamic bone disease are efficacious in possible [101].
490 K. Wesseling-Perry and I.B. Salusky

Alkaline Phosphatase

Serum total alkaline phosphatase is a biochemi-

cal marker of osteoblastic activity. Values gener-
ally correspond to the histologic severity of
osteitis fibrosa, and serial measurements may be
helpful in the follow-up of children with renal
osteodystrophy; however, precise therapeutic
guidelines have not been established. During
intermittent calcitriol therapy, suppressed serum
alkaline phosphatase levels have been found to
be good predictors of adynamic renal osteo-
dystrophy [60]. Bone-specific alkaline phos-
Fig. 25.2 Plane film demonstrating skeletal erosions
phatase activity may be useful in predicting the
(“rickets-like” lesions) in the hand
histologic lesion of renal osteodystrophy, but
whether these values are superior to total alkaline
phosphatase levels remains to be demonstrated. 105]. Second-generation PTH-IMAs (2nd PTH-
IMAs), which use detection antibodies raised
against the first four amino-terminal amino acids of
Parathyroid Hormone Levels human PTH, recognize only PTH(1–84) and not
amino-terminally truncated fragments, such as
Accurate measurements of the concentration of PTH(7–84) [39, 110]. Although second PTH-IMAs
PTH in serum or plasma are essential for the are more specific for the concentrations of the full-
proper assessment of renal osteodystrophy [61, length, active molecule, current data demonstrate
102–105]. Indeed, PTH levels are used as surro- that measurements of PTH using either first or sec-
gates for bone turnover, although bone histology ond PTH-IMAs are highly correlated and provide
remains the most reliable method by which to similar accuracy for predicting bone turnover in
establish the diagnosis of renal osteodystrophy pediatric patients undergoing maintenance perito-
[62, 71, 106]. Serum PTH levels are usually nor- neal dialysis [72, 111]. Therefore, current recom-
mal in early CKD and rise in patients with mod- mendations for therapy with active vitamin D
erate and severe CKD [3, 35]. Increasing skeletal sterols are based on the relationship between indi-
resistance to the actions of PTH necessitate that ces of bone formation and PTH levels determined
serum PTH levels be maintained at higher ranges by first-generation immunometric assays.
in more severe renal failure.
Because PTH and its fragments are cleared by
the kidneys, active and inactive fragments of the Radiography
molecule accumulate as renal failure progresses.
Different PTH assays measure these fragments to Radiographic features of secondary hyperparathy-
different degrees. The first-generation PTH-IMA roidism resemble those of nutritional rickets.
(1st PTH-IMA) measures both the intact PTH(1– Subperiosteal resorption may occur at the distal
84) molecule and amino-terminally truncated frag- ends of the clavicles, ischial and pubic surfaces,
ments up to and including PTH(7–84) [107–109]. sacroiliac joints, junction of the metaphysis and
Although first PTH-IMAs overestimate the true diaphysis of long bone, and in the phalanges [112,
concentration of PTH(1–84) in circulation, these 113]. A diffuse ground-glass appearance, general-
assay have, over the past decades, proven to be rea- ized mottling, focal radiolucencies, and sclerotic
sonable predictors of the different subtypes of renal areas may be evident in the skull. Metaphyseal
osteodystrophy and have also performed well in changes, called growth zone lesions or rickets-like
assessing the therapeutic response to active vitamin lesions, are best demonstrated in hand radiographs
D sterols in patients with renal failure [61, 102, (Fig. 25.2). Although subperiosteal erosions are a
25 Diagnosis and Management of Renal Osteodystrophy in Children 491

Fig. 25.3 Bone biopsy specimen demonstrating the accumulation, erosion, and fibrosis are visible. (b) An
skeletal lesion of osteitis fibrosa. (a) Under light increase in double tetracycline labeling signifies an
microscopy, an increase in cellular activity, osteoid increase in bone turnover rate

hallmark of secondary hyperparathyroidism, these usually diffuse and symmetric in patients with
lesions can also be seen in patients with alumi- severe secondary hyperparathyroidism, whereas
num-related bone disease, which may represent patients with osteomalacia exhibit a less intense
unhealed lesions from a previous state of second- uptake [115]. Calcifications may also be demon-
ary hyperparathyroidism [114]. To enhance the strated in various organs, including the lungs and
sensitivity of hand radiographs, the use of fine- heart, using the bone scan.
grain films and magnification by hand lens has
been recommended [113].
The radiographic features of osteomalacia are Bone Biopsy
less evident, particularly in older children and
adolescents. In young children, widening of the Iliac crest bone biopsy provides the most valu-
epiphyseal growth plate and other deformities of able diagnostic information of the skeletal lesions
the growth plate cartilage are evident, whereas of renal osteodystrophy (Fig. 25.3a, b). The pro-
pseudofractures and Looser zones, which appear cedure is safe and well tolerated in children and
as straight, wide radiolucent bands within the is done in an outpatient setting [71]. Bone biopsy
cortex, may be the only findings in older children provides information about the histologic appear-
and adults. The radiographic density of bone on ance and dynamics of bone formation and miner-
conventional skeletal radiographs is reduced in alization. Although not routinely performed in
many patients with renal osteodystrophy, but the clinical setting, a bone biopsy should be con-
osteosclerotic changes or localized increases in sidered in all patients with CKD who have frac-
bone density are a prominent finding in children tures with minimal trauma (pathological
with chronic renal failure. fractures), suspected aluminum bone disease, or
persistent hypercalcemia despite serum PTH lev-
els between 400 and 600 pg/mL [82]. In order to
Bone Scintigraphy assess bone formation rate, the bone is labeled
prior to biopsy. A 2-day course of tetracycline is
Bone scans using the technetium-99-labeled administered at 15 mg/kg/day (divided in twice
diphosphonate are helpful in estimating the sever- or thrice daily doses). Fourteen days later, the
ity of bone disease and differentiating between 2-day course is repeated. During each 2-day
high-turnover lesions of osteitis fibrosa and low- course, tetracycline is deposited at the front of
turnover lesions of osteomalacia [115]. Uptake is mineralization; thus, a measurement of the
492 K. Wesseling-Perry and I.B. Salusky

distance between the two labels gives an estimate [116] (approximately 1500–2000 mg/day) [82].
of the amount of bone formed in a 2 week period. In dialysis patients, phosphorus removal by peri-
For children younger than 8 years, the tetracy- toneal dialysis (240–440 mg/day) or hemodialy-
cline dosage is usually kept below 10 mg/kg/day sis (600 mg during a 4 h session) is inadequate to
to avoid toxicity. Histochemical staining proce- maintain target phosphorus levels [117]; there-
dures may also be performed in the bone biopsy fore, dietary phosphorus restriction is usually
specimen in order to demonstrate the deposition required. More frequent hemodialysis, however,
of abnormal components within bone such as such as nocturnal hemodialysis, which is per-
iron, aluminum, and oxalate [71, 79]. formed six to seven nights per week for 8–10 h at
home, has been shown to remove twice as much
phosphate per week compared to conventional
Treatment of Renal hemodialysis [118, 119]. As a result, patients
Osteodystrophy undergoing nocturnal hemodialysis do not require
phosphate binders and are able to ingest higher
In order to minimize complications on the grow- dietary phosphate and protein intake, and may
ing skeleton and to prevent extraskeletal calcifi- even require the addition of phosphorus to the
cations, particular attention must be made to the dialysate [118–121].
alterations of bone and mineral metabolism in Serum phosphorus levels should be measured
children with CKD. routinely after starting the phosphorus-restricted
diet in order to prevent hypophosphatemia, par-
ticularly in those who are also given large doses
Dietary Manipulation of phosphate-binding agents. Infants are particu-
larly at risk for hypophosphatemia due to the use
Evaluation of dietary intake and growth must be of low phosphorus-containing formulas, aggres-
performed at regular intervals to maximize the sive use of phosphate binders, and increased peri-
growth potential of children with CKD. toneal dialysis phosphate removal (due to a higher
Nutritional requirements are based on the recom- peritoneal surface area to body area ratio than in
mended dietary allowances for energy and pro- older children) [122]. Patients with severe and
tein. Nutritional supplements, which may be persistent hypophosphatemia have been reported
given orally or through a nasogastric or gastros- to develop bone disease such as osteomalacia and
tomy tube, are necessary when recommended rickets, proximal myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, and
dietary allowances for energy and protein are not congestive heart failure [122, 123].
achieved by food intake alone or when there is Dietary phosphorus restriction is recom-
impaired linear growth and/or weight gain, par- mended in the majority of patients with advanced
ticularly during the first few years of life. CKD; however, protein requirements for growth
Normal values for phosphorus are higher in and the unpalatable taste of low phosphorous
infants and decline to adult values by late adoles- diets make long-term compliance with such
cence. During the first 3 months of life, values restrictions difficult. Accordingly, the use of
range from 4.8 to 7.4 mg/dL (mean: 6.2 mg/dL), phosphate-binding agents is integral to the treat-
levels decrease to 4.5–5.8 mg/dL (mean: 5.0 mg/ ment of these children. Since calcitriol enhances
dL) at age 1–2 years, and 3.5–5.5 mg/dL (mean: intestinal phosphorus absorption, vitamin D ste-
4.4 mg/dL) during childhood [83]. Phosphorus is rol therapy may complicate the management of
present in nearly all foods and with the highest hyperphosphatemia and higher dosages of phos-
concentration in meat and dairy products and phate-binding agents are often required [124].
approximately 60–70% is absorbed. The average In order to attain peak bone mass and reduce
phosphorus intake of children in the United States risks of osteoporosis and fractures later in life,
is higher than the dietary reference intake (DRI) the DRI of calcium intake and regular exercise
established by the Food and Nutrition Board are strongly recommended throughout childhood
25 Diagnosis and Management of Renal Osteodystrophy in Children 493

and adolescence, even in patients with CKD. The Hypercalcemia usually resolves with lowering
main source of calcium is milk and dairy prod- doses of vitamin D and calcium-based binders.
ucts, although various foods such orange juice Furthermore, bedtime administration of vitamin
and cereals are fortified with calcium. Calcium D may decrease intestinal calcium absorption
supplementation is recommended when the DRI and limit hypercalcemia.
is not met by dietary intake. To limit the develop- The use of calcium-containing binders has
ment of cardiovascular calcifications, however, been linked to the development of vascular calci-
calcium intake from both diet and calcium-con- fications in adult and pediatric patients treated
taining phosphate binders should be limited to no with maintenance dialysis [83] as well as in adults
more than 2,500 mg/day in children treated with with stage 4 CKD [132]. Furthermore, there is
maintenance dialysis [82]. substantial evidence that hypercalcemia, hyper-
phosphatemia, and elevated calcium-phosphorus
ion product are associated with the development
Phosphate-Binding Agents of soft tissue and vascular calcifications [83, 85,
86]. Although it is difficult to differentiate
Phosphate-binding agents are recommended in between the effects of calcium intake and vitamin
patients with persistent hyperphosphatemia D sterols on the development of hypercalcemia,
despite dietary phosphorus restriction. These intake of calcium-containing phosphate binders
agents form poorly soluble complexes with may play a role in the development of accelerated
phosphorus in the intestinal tract, thereby cardiovascular disease that occurs in patients
decreasing phosphorus absorption. Calcium- treated with dialysis [83, 85].
containing phosphate binders are widely used as Alternative phosphate binders have therefore
the initial agent for the management of hyper- been developed to limit the risks of hypercalce-
phosphatemia. They also provide an additional mia and vascular calcification associated with the
source of calcium. Several calcium-containing use of calcium salts. When used with active
salts, including calcium carbonate, calcium ace- vitamin D sterols, sevelamer hydrochloride
tate, and calcium citrate, are commercially avail- (RenagelR), a calcium- and aluminum-free
able. Since citrate increases intestinal absorption hydrogel of cross-linked poly(allylamine-
of aluminum, calcium citrate should not be hydrochloride), effectively lowers serum
administered to patients with CKD who are also phosphorus, PTH, and bone formation rate with-
receiving aluminum-containing phosphate bind- out inducing hypercalcemia in pediatric patients
ers [125]. with ESRD [73, 133–137]. Furthermore, treat-
Calcium carbonate is the most widely pre- ment with sevelamer hydrochloride, when com-
scribed calcium salt, and its effectiveness in pared to calcium-containing binders, halts the
reducing serum phosphorus levels has been progression of vascular calcification and reduces
reported in adult and pediatric patients [56, 126]. mortality in adult patients with CKD stages 4 and
Calcium carbonate therapy has also been shown 5 [87, 88]. Serum total cholesterol and low-den-
to decrease serum intact PTH levels in adult sity lipoprotein cholesterol levels also decrease,
patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism high-density lipoprotein values increase, and
[127–129]. The dose of calcium-based phosphate FGF-23 values decline during sevelamer treat-
binders varies widely among children and should ment [136, 138]. These effects may offer addi-
be adjusted to maintain normal calcium levels tional benefits in reducing cardiovascular
and age-appropriate serum phosphorus levels. complications in patients with ESRD. Sevelamer
Hypercalcemia is a major complication associ- carbonate (RenvelaR) has recently been introduced
ated with the long-term use of high doses and is also an effective phosphate binder. The car-
of calcium-based phosphate-binding agents, par- bonate in its composition may decrease the inci-
ticularly in patients treated with vitamin D or dence of mild acidosis that sometimes accompanies
those with adynamic bone lesions [130, 131]. the use of sevelamer hydrochloride [139].
494 K. Wesseling-Perry and I.B. Salusky

Additional phosphate binders include growth and PTH levels in the same patient popu-
magnesium, iron, and lanthanum compounds. lation – those with the highest PTH values main-
Magnesium carbonate reduces serum phosphorus taining the highest rates of growth [145]. In
levels, but predisposes dialysis patients to devel- children treated with maintenance dialysis, ady-
oping hypermagnesemia and diarrhea. Iron com- namic bone disease and growth failure have been
pounds, such as stabilized polynuclear iron associated with PTH levels around 100 pg/mL
hydroxide and ferric polymaltose complex, are (first-generation assay), causing many experts to
also effective in short-term studies in adults with recommend target PTH levels three to five times
CKD [140]. Lanthanum carbonate is also an effec- the normal range in advanced CKD [60]. Data
tive phosphate binder that does not induce changes from the European community, however, have
in serum calcium levels [141]; its role in the pro- demonstrated that optimal growth velocity in this
cess of vascular calcification has not been defined. population may be associated with PTH levels of
Lanthanum is a heavy metal that accumulates in two to three times the normal range [146]. As a
liver and bone in rats with renal failure [142]. In result, optimal PTH targets remain controversial
dialysis patients, lanthanum has been shown to and recommendations vary between experts.
persist in bone as long as 2 years after discontinu- Despite controversy as to optimal PTH target
ation of the drug [143]. Due to the accumulation ranges, data clearly indicate that the presence of
of lanthanum in tissues, this medication is not rec- CKD markedly attenuates the effect of PTH on
ommended for routine use in children. bone [147, 148]. The precise mechanisms are
Aluminum-containing gels are also effective poorly understood; however, uremic animals and
phosphate-binding agents and may be used to humans display decreased PTH/PTH-related pro-
acutely treat severe hyperphosphatemia. Due to tein receptor mRNA expression in bone and
their toxicities (encephalopathy and bone dis- growth plate [149, 150] and circulating amino-
ease), the lowest possible dose should be used terminally truncated PTH fragments may play a
for a limited period (4–6 weeks), and plasma alu- role in the skeletal resistance to the full-length
minum levels should be followed closely. Since PTH molecule. Indeed, PTH(7–84) blunts the
citrate enhances aluminum absorption by alter- calcemic response to PTH(1–84) and PTH(1–34)
ing tight junctions in the intestinal epithelium, in parathyroidectomized rats with normal kidney
simultaneous use of citrate (found in such medi- function [110, 151, 152] while increased circulat-
cations as calcium citrate, Alka-Seltzer, Shohl’s ing levels of PTH(7–84) in dialysis patients is
solution, and sodium citrate (Bicitra/Polycitra), associated with a decreased response to the cal-
as well as in citrus fruits) with aluminum should cemic actions of PTH(1–34) in humans [153].
be avoided [125]. Moreover, PTH(7–84) has biological activity at
the level of bone in vitro, inhibiting bone resorp-
tion and thus antagonizing the effects of PTH(1–
Vitamin D Therapy 84) and PTH(1–34) [154]. Hyperphosphatemia
and alterations in vitamin D metabolism have
Despite control of serum phosphorus levels, sec- also been implicated in these changes and calcit-
ondary hyperparathyroidism is present in the riol administration has been shown to partially
majority of pediatric patients treated with main- restore the calcemic response to PTH in both
tenance dialysis; vitamin D sterols are therefore experimental animals and in patients with moder-
used to control serum PTH levels. Optimal target ate CKD [155].
values for PTH in children in all stages of CKD Vitamin D therapy inhibits PTH release by
remain controversial. In children with moderate two mechanisms: directly, by inhibiting pre-pro-
CKD, some data indicate that normal growth PTH gene transcription, and indirectly, by
velocity is achieved when PTH levels are main- increasing intestinal calcium absorption and
tained within the normal range [144] while others increasing serum calcium levels. Active
have demonstrated a linear correlation between vitamin D sterol therapy is indicated when PTH
25 Diagnosis and Management of Renal Osteodystrophy in Children 495

levels are above the target range despite repletion with calcium-based phosphate binders and have
of 25(OH)vitamin D stores [82]. It is important been associated with the progression of vascular
to ensure that serum phosphorus levels are calcification in the CKD population [87, 88],
within the normal range for age before starting calling into question the safety of this form of
vitamin D sterol therapy. Calcitriol or alfacalci- therapy. Thus, newer active vitamin D sterols,
dol are started at a daily dose of 0.25–0.5 mg, and with lower calcemic activity, have been devel-
the dose is gradually titrated in 0.25–0.5 mg oped. In the United States, 19-nor-1,25-(OH)2D2
increments to achieve 1st PTH-IMA levels within (paricalcitol) and 1a(OH)D2 (doxercalciferol)
the normal range for stage of CKD. In patients have been introduced, while 22-oxa-1,25(OH)2D3
with CKD stage 5 or those requiring regular dial- (maxacalcitol) is used in Japan. These sterols
ysis, vitamin D therapy is recommended when 1st offer the potential for reduced episodes of hyper-
PTH-IMA levels exceed 300 pg/mL and serum calcemia [158, 159], though their superiority
phosphorus concentrations are at age-appropriate over calcitriol has not been consistently demon-
levels [82]. Similar to patients with moderate strated in controlled trials in humans [73]. When
CKD, daily calcitriol or alfacalcidol therapy may active vitamin D sterols are used with sevelamer,
be initiated in patients treated with maintenance the skeletal and biochemical features of second-
dialysis at a dose of 0.25–0.5 mg, with gradual ary hyperparathyroidism are markedly improved
dosage increases of 0.25–0.5 mg in order to without inducing changes in serum calcium lev-
achieve 1st PTH-IMA levels between 200 and els. Thus, the use of calcium-free phosphate bind-
300 pg/mL. Paricalcitol and doxercalciferol ther- ers may enhance the margin of safety during
apy is typically initiated at 2.5–5 mg and titrated therapy with active vitamin D sterols. This is of
upward in 2.5 mg increments. Serum levels of particular importance since hypercalcemia has
calcium, phosphorus, and 1st PTH-IMA should been linked to adynamic bone disease and pro-
be monitored at regular intervals after start of gressive vascular calcification in adults treated
therapy [82]. with maintenance dialysis [58], while vitamin D
Intermittent (thrice weekly) doses of vitamin therapy has been associated with improved sur-
D sterols (administered either orally or intrave- vival rates in adult dialysis patients [94, 95, 160].
nously) may be considered when serum PTH lev- Thus, treatment with vitamin D sterols while pre-
els are greater than 500 or 600 pg/mL in dialysis venting hypercalcemia may maintain both car-
patients. Intravenous vitamin D sterols given in a diac and bone function in dialyzed patients.
thrice weekly dosing regimen are also effective at However, vitamin D sterol therapy increases cir-
reducing serum PTH levels in children treated culating FGF-23 levels, which themselves have
with maintenance dialysis; starting doses depend been linked to increased rates of mortality in the
on serum PTH levels and, for calcitriol, are typi- dialysis population [89]; thus further prospective
cally between 0.5 and 1.5 mcg/kg. Paricalcitol is studies are warranted to evaluate the long-term
also effective at starting doses of 0.04–0.08 mg/ benefits of these different therapies.
kg [156, 157]. Vitamin D should be titrated to Current observations suggest a role for 25(OH)
maintain serum calcium levels less than 10.2 mg/ vitamin D therapy (given as either ergocalciferol,
dL, serum phosphorus levels within the age- the plant-based form, or cholecalciferol, the ani-
appropriate range, and PTH levels between 300 mal-based form) in improving bone disease, and
and 400 pg/mL, since PTH levels in this range potentially also survival, in patients treated with
have been associated with normal rates of bone maintenance dialysis [96]. Supplementation with
formation during intermittent vitamin D sterol ergocalciferol in patients with all stages of CKD
therapy [73]. increases both 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D levels
Hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia are while suppressing PTH values [21, 27, 161].
undesired consequences of active vitamin D ther- Furthermore, dialysis patients require lower doses
apy. Hypercalcemia is a particular problem when of epogen and active vitamin D sterols during
active D sterols are administered in conjunction ergocalciferol supplementation [27]. However,
496 K. Wesseling-Perry and I.B. Salusky

the long-term effect of this form of therapy in associated with intractable pruritus not respond-
patients with CKD remains to be carefully evalu- ing to intensive dialysis), progressive extraskeletal
ated and the effects of combined therapy with calcifications, bone pain, multiple and recurrent
active vitamin D sterol administration on target fractures, and the appearance of calciphylaxis
organs remain to be more completely defined. [85]. However, prior to parathyroidectomy, care
must be taken to ensure that these symptoms are
attributable to secondary hyperparathyroidism
Calcimimetic Agents and high-turnover renal osteodystrophy, since all
may also be associated with adynamic bone
Cinacalcet, an allosteric activator of the calcium disease [169].
sensing receptor, is now available for the treat- Hypocalcemia may develop after parathyroi-
ment of hyperparathyroidism. This small organic dectomy in patients with severe secondary hyper-
molecule reduces serum PTH levels and has parathyroidism. This condition, called “hungry
also been shown to decrease the calcium– bone syndrome,” is caused by a high rate of skel-
phosphorous ion product in adult patients treated etal calcium uptake, which may continue for some
with maintenance dialysis [46, 162]. Experiments time after serum PTH levels are lowered by para-
in uremic rats have demonstrated that calcimi- thyroidectomy. Treatment of “hungry bone syn-
metics are able to halt the progression of parathy- drome” consists of large daily doses of active
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effect of this agent shows promise for use of the tered as a calcium gluconate drip and later as large
molecule as a “medical parathyroidectomy.” daily doses of calcium carbonate). Hypophos-
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The Cardiovascular Status
of Pediatric Dialysis Patients 26
Rukshana Shroff, Elke Wuhl, and Mark Mitsnefes

Pediatric dialysis • Cardiovascular status • Children • CVD CKD

CVD. Identifying potentially modifiable damage-

Introduction inducing agents in the uremic milieu and under-
standing their role in the pathophysiology of
Since the inception of pediatric dialysis programs
CVD may allow us to inhibit progression or even
nearly 50 years ago, there have been vast improve-
induce regression of existing cardiac and vascu-
ments in both the technology and expertise in the
lar injury in CKD patients.
care of children with chronic kidney disease
In this chapter we discuss the epidemiology,
(CKD). Nevertheless, children on dialysis con-
risk factors, clinical and cell biology studies
tinue to have an unacceptably high mortality, and
investigating the pathophysiology of CVD and
cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most com-
ectopic vascular calcification in CKD, and
mon cause of death in this group. CKD poses the
explore the investigation modalities and treat-
“perfect storm” of risk factors for the develop-
ment options available.
ment of CVD. Among these, hypertension
and dysregulated mineral metabolism leading to
ectopic vascular calcification have been consis- Epidemiology of CVD in CKD
tently implicated in clinical, epidemiological,
and cell biology studies as key, but importantly
modifiable, risk factors in the development of
A seminal paper by Foley et al. drew the attention
of the medical community to the very high rate of
cardiovascular deaths in patients on dialysis [1].
R. Shroff, MD, FRCPCH, PhD () This epidemiological study compared the mortal-
Department of Nephrology, Great Ormond Street ity of maintenance dialysis patients with that of
Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom
age, gender, and race matched healthy controls,
and showed that the mortality of young adults
E. Wuhl, MD
Department of Pediatric Nephrology,
(25–34 years old) on dialysis was approximately
University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany 700-fold higher than age-related mortality and
M. Mitsnefes, MD
comparable to that of an 80 year old. CVD is not
Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, only the leading cause of death in young adults
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, OH, USA with childhood-onset end-stage renal disease

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_26, 505

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
506 R. Shroff et al.

(ESRD) [2, 3], but also occurs in children with GFR dropped below 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 [8]. This
CKD. The mortality from CVD is 1,000 times independent and graded association between
more common in children on dialysis than in the renal function and CVD and death highlights the
general pediatric population [4]. importance of recognizing and controlling modi-
Subsequently, several large national registries fiable risk factors from the earliest stages of
have published similar findings for pediatric dial- CKD.
ysis recipients. The United States Renal Data In children, our current knowledge and under-
Systems (USRDS) analyzed 1,380 deaths over a standing of the early development of CVD comes
5 year period among patients who had started largely from the Pathological Determinants of
renal replacement therapy as children and died Atherosclerosis in Youth (PDAY) study [9] and
before 30 years of age [4]. Twenty-three percent the Bogalusa Heart Study [10]. These studies
of all deaths were from cardiovascular causes, have demonstrated pathological evidence of early
and deaths on hemodialysis (HD) were approxi- atherosclerosis in relatively unbiased “healthy”
mately twice as common as on peritoneal dialysis individuals. The PDAY study showed that fatty
(PD) [49% vs. 22% respectively] and 78% higher streaks and raised lesions increase rapidly in
than that in transplant recipients [4]. The Australia prevalence and extent during the 15–34-year age
and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant span. In this study, early atherosclerotic lesions
(ANZDATA) Registry has shown similar results: were reported in association with hypertension,
45% of all deaths were due to CVD, with 57% of dyslipidemia, cigarette smoking, and increased
deaths on HD and 43% on PD from cardiovascu- body mass index [9, 11]. The PDAY study also
lar causes [5]. showed that association of lipoprotein risk fac-
Chavers et al. have used the large USRDS tors with intermediate type atherosclerotic lesions
database to examine the incidence and extent of becomes evident in subjects in their late teens,
CVD in incident pediatric (0–19 years) dialysis whereas associations with raised lesions become
patients from 1991 to 1996 [6]. Of the 1,454 chil- evident in subjects greater than 25 years of age,
dren studied, 31% developed a cardiac-related consistent with a transitional role of intermediate
event. Arrhythmia was the most common (20%), lesions in the formation of advanced plaques
followed by valvular heart disease (12%), cardio- [12]. As in the PDAY study, the Bogalusa autopsy
myopathy (9%), and cardiac arrest (3%). Thirty- study [10] showed that CVD is present in chil-
eight per cent of the deaths during the study dren and young adults and is associated with tra-
period were cardiac deaths. The incidence of val- ditional risk factors such as systolic and diastolic
vular heart disease and arrhythmias was highest hypertension, hyperlipidemia and smoking. The
among the teenagers [6]. study also demonstrated that an increased num-
ber of risk factors was associated with the extent
of fatty streaks in the aorta and coronary arteries
Cardiovascular Disease Begins Early in young people. These risk factors are highly
in the Course of CKD prevalent even in children with early stages of
CKD and might potentiate the development and
Recent studies have shown disturbing evidence progression of atherosclerosis. They are dis-
of the development of CVD even in the very early cussed at length later in the chapter.
stages of CKD. The National Kidney Foundation Children with CKD amplify their CVD risk
task force on CVD in CKD has concluded that in due to uremia-related risk factors such as abnor-
terms of risk stratification, individuals with CKD mal mineral metabolism, anemia, chronic inflam-
should be considered to be at very high risk from mation, hyperhomocysteinemia, malnutrition,
CVD [7]. In a recent population-based study of oxidative stress, and fluid overload. More impor-
over one million adults who were followed up for tantly, these “CKD-related” risk factors are cen-
over 4 years, both the risk of death and the risk of tral in the development of arteriosclerosis, arterial
cardiovascular events increased as the estimated stiffening, and vascular calcification, findings
26 The Cardiovascular Status of Pediatric Dialysis Patients 507

that present early in the course of childhood Multiple factors contribute to the high preva-
CKD. It is not surprising that the American Heart lence of hypertension in this population.
Association guidelines for cardiovascular risk Sympathetic overactivity is one of the key players
reduction in high-risk pediatric patients [13] of CKD, which appears to occur very early in the
declared that pediatric CKD patients should be course of the disease. Activation of the renin–
stratified in the “high risk” category for the devel- angiotensin system, sodium and fluid overload,
opment of CVD, with associated “pathological and functional nitric oxide (NO) deficiency due
and/or clinical evidence for manifest coronary to accumulation of the circulating nitric oxide
disease before 30 years of age.” synthetase (NOS) inhibitor asymmetric dimethyl-
arginine (L-ADMA) also contribute to hyper-
tension in patients with ESRD.
Risk Factors for the Development
of CVD in CKD Fluid overload (see also Chap. 21) among patients
on maintenance dialysis is a frequent problem and
CKD patients have a higher prevalence of both is a primary mechanism for the development and
the “traditional” Framingham risk factors as well persistence of hypertension, particularly in patients
as nontraditional risk factors that increase their treated with intermittent HD rather than PD.
cardiovascular risk (Table 26.1). Vandevoorde et al. demonstrated that in pediatric
HD patients, hypertensive subjects had signifi-
“Traditional” Risk Factors cantly higher excess weight post dialysis, and
increased normalized intradialytic weight gain
Over half of all children even in early CKD have than did non-hypertensive subjects, with volume
hypertension, increasing to 50–75% in CKD stage overload identified as the main cause of hyperten-
5, and 50–87% in transplant recipients [14–18]. In sion [22]. Furthermore, chronic volume overload
children, hypertension is the single most prevalent in children is associated with higher rates of early
and significant “traditional” risk factor for left cardiac structural and functional abnormalities that
ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) [19, 20] as well as will be discussed later in this chapter [23–26].
for vascular damage and remodeling [21].
Dyslipidemia is an independent risk factor for
CVD in CKD patients. Renal disease is often asso-
Table 26.1 Cardiovascular risk factors in chronic kidney
ciated with dyslipidemia, and some evidence exists
that dyslipidemia is an independent risk factor not
Traditional risk factors CKD-specific risk factors
only for progression of CVD, but also for progres-
Old age Abnormal Ca and PO4 levels
sive CKD [27]. The degree of dyslipidemia paral-
Male gender Abnormal PTH levels
Hypertension Vitamin D deficiency
lels the degree of renal impairment. Underlying
Diabetes Anemia mechanisms of uremic dyslipidemia include insu-
Higher total cholesterol Extracellular fluid overload lin resistance [28], hyperparathyroidism [29], mal-
Higher LDL cholesterol Inflammation nutrition, acidosis [30], and impaired catabolism
Lower HDL cholesterol Oxidative stress of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins by decreased
Family history of Perturbation in the circulating activity of lipoprotein lipase and hepatic triglycer-
cardiovascular disease calcification inhibitors ide lipase [31, 32], whereas lipoprotein synthesis
Lipoprotein (a) Albuminuria appears to be unaltered. Lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)),
Smoking Hyperhomocysteinemia
exerting a pro-atherosclerotic and pro-thrombotic
Physical inactivity Abnormal fibroblast growth
factor 23 (FGF-23)
effect, is increased in ESRD. In line with findings
Malnutrition and in adults, in children with CKD serum triglycer-
hypoalbuminemia ides are elevated whereas total cholesterol is close
Altered nitric oxide/ to normal. Hemodialysis does not seem to alter the
endothelin balance pattern of dyslipidemia associated with CKD,
508 R. Shroff et al.

whereas PD may contribute to an elevation of total probably the best described spectrum of toxicity
cholesterol with a further increase in hypertriglyc- of all molecules that circulate in excess in CKD.
eridemia [33]. This is probably due to further Decreased renal P excretion plays a major role in
aggravation of insulin resistance secondary to con- the onset of hyperparathyroidism. Furthermore,
tinuous glucose absorption from the dialysis fluid. plasma P levels are positively and independently
correlated with an increasing risk of death from
Obesity, another traditional risk factor, plays a CVD [37]. Phosphate is filtered at the glomerulus
subordinate role in pediatric dialysis patients. and reabsorbed in the proximal tubules, with
However it might be present in children with syn- approximately 85% of the filtered phosphate
drome-associated CKD, like Bardet–Biedl syn- reabsorbed via the sodium-phosphate co-trans-
drome, or occasionally in children on PD. An porter IIa located in the proximal tubular brush
increased susceptibility to obesity in some PD border membranes. It would be expected, there-
patients may be due to increased calorie supply fore, that CKD would result in hyperphos-
by dialysate glucose administration in combina- phatemia. However, we now know that
tion with a polymorphism in the UCP2 gene, compensatory mechanisms in the form of
regulating adipose tissue accumulation [34]. increased fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23)
The “traditional” risk factors may have a qual- levels act to preserve a normal plasma P in early
itatively and quantitatively different risk relation- CKD [38]. Fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23)
ship in CKD compared to the general population; is a hormone produced by the osteocyte, and
a phenomenon of reverse epidemiology or risk together with its obligate co-receptor, Klotho
factor reversal has been reported between body results in negative phosphate balance, by decreas-
mass index, blood pressure, cholesterol levels ing renal tubular phosphate reabsorption and sup-
[35], and the hazard ratio for morbidity or mor- pressing renal 1-a hydroxylase, thereby reducing
tality. One of the major causes for this risk factor the synthesis of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D
reversal may be the confounding effects of pro- (1,25(OH)2D) [38]. However, as CKD progresses
tein energy malnutrition and inflammatory disor- there is increasing FGF-23 resistance and P reten-
ders that are prevalent in maintenance dialysis tion occurs, stimulating PTH secretion.
patients [36]. Studies in adult patients have conclusively
identified that plasma phosphate is an indepen-
dent predictor of mortality in CKD. This link was
Uremia-Related Risk Factors first demonstrated in adult HD patients: as serum
phosphate levels increased above 5.6 mg/dL
Nontraditional risk factors, such as anemia, (= 1.8 mmol/L), the hazards ratio for mortality
chronic inflammation, oxidative stress, malnutri- increased by 6% for every 1 mg/dL (= 0.3 mmol/L)
tion, hyperhomocysteinemia, or dysregulation of increase in serum phosphate [37]. Hyperphos-
the Ca-phosphate-PTH axis, are risk factors pri- phatemia has also been shown to be an indepen-
marily present in CKD patients. Furthermore, dent risk factor for death in the pre-dialysis
there are a number of potential iatrogenic or population [39, 40]. Pediatric studies have simi-
treatment-related risk factors such as exposure to larly shown that plasma phosphate adversely
a high Ca load from dialysate, calcium-based affects cIMT, coronary calcification, and left ven-
phosphate binders, and vitamin D therapy, tricular mass, and these studies are discussed in
advanced glycation end-products, metabolic aci- detail below. Several in vitro studies using vascu-
dosis, and warfarin therapy that can all contribute lar smooth muscle cell (VSMC) cultures and
to the pro-calcific uremic milieu. The key factors intact human vessels have shown the direct causal
are described in detail below. role of P in inducing and promoting vascular
calcification [41, 42], and are discussed below.
Dysregulations in the Ca–P–PTH axis (see also CKD patients are thought to be in a net positive
Chap. 25) are central to the vascular damage and Ca balance as a result of iatrogenic Ca loading
calcification in CKD patients. Phosphate has from Ca-based phosphate binders, vitamin D
26 The Cardiovascular Status of Pediatric Dialysis Patients 509

therapy and dialysate Ca, and reduced or absent linked with a high risk of atherosclerosis [51],
Ca removal via the kidneys. Current K/DOQI often known as the malnutrition-inflammation-
guidelines recommend a maximum elemental cal- atherosclerosis (MIA) complex. The presence of
cium load of 2,000 mg/day, including calcium- MIA in a CKD patient is associated with a signifi-
containing medication (maximum 1,500 mg/day) cantly higher mortality [52]. The physiological
and a maximum dialysate calcium concentration calcification inhibitor, fetuin-A, is a negative acute
of 1.25 mmol/L (to avoid intradialytic Ca loading) phase reactant and its production is downregu-
[43]. Ca balance studies during HD have shown lated in an inflammatory milieu [53]; fetuin-A
that the majority of HD patients are continually may be the missing link between inflammation
experiencing Ca overload. Also, the amount of Ca and atherosclerosis [54]. Recent studies have
removed during dialysis was independent of exog- shown that vitamin D has a cardioprotective
enous Ca load from diet or binders [44]. These effect, and one of its several beneficial effects on
transient increases in Ca that inevitably occur in the heart and vasculature may be mediated by its
clinical practice may go unrecorded, but can anti-inflammatory effects [55, 56].
impact on ectopic calcification, particularly in the
setting of high P conditions. Clinical studies have Hyperhomocysteinemia is a significant risk factor
reported that the extent of arterial calcification for atherosclerosis [57, 58] and has been associ-
was directly related to the number of episodes of ated with increased carotid artery intima-medial
hypercalcemia during the preceding 6 months [45] thickness (cIMT) and LVH in children [50, 59]. It
and in the “Treat-to-Goal” study the Ca-treated is presumed that homocysteine exerts a direct
group had significantly more hypercalcemic epi- toxic effect on the vessel wall, and one small
sodes than the sevelamer group [46]. study in children has shown that folic acid sup-
plementation may improve endothelial function
Oxidative stress is a major contributor to increased with an increased resistance of LDL to oxidation
atherosclerosis and cardiovascular morbidity and [60]. However, several randomized controlled
mortality in CKD. Malnutrition and studies in adults have failed to show a beneficial
hypoalbuminemi\a reduce the antioxidant defense effect of folic acid supplementation, and very
and increase vulnerability to oxidant injury. high doses of folic acid have recently been linked
Retained uremic solutes, like advanced glycation with an increased risk of malignancies [61].
end-products (AGE) that are substrates of oxi-
dized dialysate components, homocysteine, Anemia (see also Chap. 27) is a major uremia-
cysteine, and ß2-microglobulin, further contrib- related cardiovascular risk factor that is highly
ute to the pro-atherogenic milieu in uremia. prevalent in children and adolescents with
Although dialysis treatment reduces the concen- advanced CKD; unlike the other major uremia-
tration of oxidized substrates, ameliorating the related risk factors, it appears relatively early in
oxidant–antioxidant balance, dialysis-associated the course of CKD. Despite the introduction and
procedures, such as vascular catheters, dialysis wide use of recombinant erythropoeisis stimulat-
membranes, and exposure to dialysate or oxidants ing agents (ESAs), it remains common. Recent
in HD water, can also induce further pro-athero- data from the CKD cohort demonstrated that
genic insults [47]. below a measured GFR of 43 mL/min/1.73 m2,
ESRD can be considered a low-grade inflam- hemoglobin decreased by 0.3 g/dL for every
matory state. Oxidative and carbonyl stress may 5 mL/min/1.73 m decrement in GFR2 [62]. Data
stimulate cells and the endothelium to release IL-6 from the NAPRTCS registry supports that ane-
and other pro-inflammatory cytokines that are mia is common in pediatric CKD patients
directly linked with the initiation and progression (increasing from 18.5% in stage 2 CKD to 68%
of atherosclerosis in HD and PD patients [48–50]. in stage 5 predialysis patients); furthermore,
The inflammatory state is often associated with patients with anemia were 55% more likely to be
malnutrition, and the combination is directly hospitalized than those with normal hemoglobin
510 R. Shroff et al.

[63]. Anemia remains a significant risk for both structural changes in the vessels include the
morbidity and mortality [63, 64]. Until recently, cIMT (measured by high-resolution ultrasound
posttransplant anemia has been under-appreci- scan of the common carotid arteries) and direct
ated. However, with introduction of more potent evidence of coronary artery calcification (CAC)
immunosuppression therapy, recently reported on multi-slice CT scan. Functional changes in
anemia prevalence rates have ranged from 61% the vasculature can be determined by the pulse
to 86% [65, 66]. wave velocity (PWV) that determines stiffness or
loss of compliance in the vessel and distensabil-
ity of the common carotid artery measured by
Surrogate Measures ultrasound (Fig. 26.1). Although cIMT, PWV,
of Cardiovascular Risk and CAC have been extensively used in many
in CKD Patients studies of vascular outcome, there is recent evi-
dence to show that they are not sensitive markers
Unlike studies in adult CKD patients where of early vascular damage and must be interpreted
“hard” end points like death or cardiovascular with caution [67]. In addition, numerous bio-
events are used, pediatric studies must rely on markers of vascular damage and future cardio-
surrogate measures of cardiovascular damage. vascular events have been described and some
These include cardiac and vascular measures of validated against “hard end-points.” In our cur-
structure and function, and biomarkers from rent state of knowledge, these can best serve as
blood and urine. Echocardiography is a gold corroborative evidence of vascular injury or pre-
standard to assess for the presence of LVH or dictors of future cardiovascular events, but can-
systolic and diastolic dysfunction. Measures of not replace the established vascular measures

Fig. 26.1 Surrogate measures of cardiovascular risk in pulse wave velocity. Inset shows carotid and femoral
CKD patients. (a) High-resolution ultrasound of the com- waveforms. (c) Multislice CT scan showing coronary
mon carotid artery to measure the carotid artery intima- artery calcification (inset)
media thickness (cIMT). (b) Tonometry to measure the
26 The Cardiovascular Status of Pediatric Dialysis Patients 511

described above. Some of the better defined bio- have documented the presence of diastolic
markers are vitamin D levels (25-hydroxyvita- dysfunction by TDI [80–82], thus confirming the
min D and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) [68–70] findings of earlier studies. Overall, children on
and FGF-23 [71], the physiological calcification maintenance dialysis (irrespective of modality)
inhibitors (fetuin-A, matrix Gla-protein, and have worse diastolic function than those with
osteoprotegerin) [72], endothelial microparticles, either CKD stages 2–4 or functioning renal trans-
and cardiac troponin levels [73]. plants. In terms of functional consequences, dia-
stolic dysfunction was recently demonstrated to
be independently associated with reduced maxi-
Left Ventricular Structure mal aerobic capacity (VO2max) in patients with
and Function stages 2–4 CKD, ESRD, and renal transplants
[83]. There are no longitudinal studies of whether
As in adults, a number of studies have shown that abnormal diastolic function predicts the develop-
LVH develops relatively early in the course of ment of frank systolic dysfunction and congestive
CKD in children, and becomes more common as heart failure in this patient group, although that
renal function declines. Although some small ret- has been clearly documented in adult survivors of
rospective studies demonstrate regression of myocardial infarction.
LVH with better blood pressure and volume con- Normal systolic function has classically been
trol while on dialysis, others have demonstrated thought to be relatively well preserved in children
worsening of LVH. Left ventricular hypertrophy with CKD. While that still appears to be true of
is also commonly seen after renal transplantation overt systolic function abnormalities as assessed
in children. Considering all of the available data, by LV contractility or endocardial shortening
approximately one third of children with CKD fraction (eSF), recent studies have demonstrated
stages 2–4 [20, 74, 75] and up to 80% of pediatric that subclinical systolic dysfunction is common
dialysis patients have LVH [3, 19, 76, 77]. in children with CKD, affecting up to 40% of
Beyond childhood, in follow-up of 140 adults pediatric HD patients. Using measurements of
who developed ESRD before the age of 14 years, midwall shortening fraction (mwSF), similar sys-
the Dutch Late Effects of Renal Insufficiency in tolic function abnormalities also have been iden-
Children (LERIC) study has also demonstrated tified in early CKD, albeit at lower frequency
that LVH is common (47% of male and 39% of [84]. The mwSF is thought to be a more accurate
female patients), as is diastolic dysfunction marker of systolic function than eSF, particularly
(13%) [3]. in those patients with LVH, as eSF tends to over-
Diastolic dysfunction is thought to be the ini- estimate systolic function in this group.
tial functional LV abnormality evident in children
with CKD. Historically, the most widely used
method of assessment of impaired LV relaxation Key Pediatric Studies
has been the use of Doppler measurement of the
mitral inflow velocity (with E/A ratio <1.0 defined A number of cross-sectional observational stud-
as abnormal relaxation). By this method, a num- ies in pediatric dialysis patients or young adult
ber of studies have demonstrated reduced and/or survivors of pediatric dialysis programs have
frankly abnormal E/A ratios in patients with CKD, described surrogate measures of cardiovascular
and after renal transplantation [74, 78, 79]. Given damage and sought to identify associated risk
that many patients with advanced CKD are chron- factors. Children provide a good opportunity to
ically hypervolemic, E/A ratio may not be an study uremic influences on the vasculature as
ideal means of assessing diastolic function in this they have fewer confounding pro-atherosclerotic
group. More recently, tissue Doppler imaging risk factors such as diabetes and dyslipidemia
(TDI) was introduced as a less load-dependent that are major confounders in similar adult stud-
and therefore more accurate means of evaluating ies. Key studies in pediatric dialysis patients are
diastolic function in CKD. A number of studies presented in Table 26.2 and discussed below.
Table 26.2 Vascular measures and their correlations in pediatric and young adult dialysis patients (in chronological order of publication date)

Author, journal, No. of Duration of Clinical and biochemical

No. year patients Mean age (years) dialysis (years) Vascular measures correlations Key message
1. Goodman et al., 39 19 ± 7 7 ± 6 (range CAC Presence of CAC correlated with No CAC in any patients <20 years
NEJM, 2000 (range 7–30) 0.3–21) Age age, but 14/16 patients >20 years had
Dialysis duration CAC
Mean serum PO4 and Ca × PO4 CAC doubled on follow-up scan at 20
Ca intake from binders months
2. Eifinger et al., 16 26.5 RRT for 2.5–21 CAC None found CAC in 6/16 (37%) patients
NDT, 2000 (range 14–39) years All children asymptomatic despite
high CAC burden
3. Oh et al., 39 27.3 (range 19–39) 5.0 (range 0–22) CAC + cIMT CAC and cIMT correlated with 50% of deaths are due to cardiovascu-
Circulation, (Young adults with ESRD duration lar or cerebrovascular causes
2002 childhood onset Dialysis duration High prevalence of arteriopathy in
ESRD) Mean serum Ca × PO4 young adult survivors of CKD
CAC correlated with Vascular damage correlates with
PTH levels Ca–PO4 load, hyperparathyroidism
Hs-CRP and microinflammation, but not
Homocysteine levels “traditional” risk factors
4. Groothoff et al., 130 29 (range 20.7–40.6) RRT – 18 years cIMT, stiffness Hypertension main determinant No increase in cIMT compared with
JASN, 2002 29 dialysis (Young adults with Dialysis – 4.5 years measures of abnormal arterial wall controls, but reduced distensibility
childhood onset Tx (n = 101) – 13.5 properties and increased vascular stiffness
ESRD) years No biochemical data available parameter in all CKD groups
No difference in cIMT or arterial wall
stiffness between dialysis and
transplant groups
5. Litwin et al., 55– Range 10–20 Pre-dialysis CKD Carotid and femoral cIMT correlated with Increased cIMT in all CKD groups –
JASN, 2005 CKD 2–4 years – 7.1 ± 5.1 years IMT, Wall and Dialysis duration significantly greater in dialysis
37–dialysis Dialysis – 2.2 ± 2.9 lumen cross-sectional Mean serum Ca × PO4 compared with transplant patients.
34– Transplant years areas Ca intake from binders Suggest partial reversibility post-Tx
Transplant-2.8 ± 3.2 Mean calcitriol dose Carotid lumen increased post-Tx –
years possibly as a result of higher BP post-Tx
6. Mitsnefes et al., 44– Pre-dialysis CKD – ? IMT, distensibility cIMT correlated with Increased cIMT in dialysis compared
JASN, 2005 CKD 2–4 Dialysis – 1.2 ± 1.3 and stiffness of Dialysis duration with pre-dialysis patients
16–dialysis years (range carotid artery and Mean serum Ca × PO4 No change in vessel stiffness
0.3–3.7years) ECHO Ca intake from binders pre-dialysis, but increased carotid
Mean calcitriol dose artery stiffness noted in the dialysis
Stiffness correlated with group, suggesting that structural
Mean serum Ca × PO4 changes precede functional
Mean PTH levels abnormalities
R. Shroff et al.
7. Covic et al., 14 14.1 ± 2.6 1 month to 6 years cIMT, PWV and PWV correlated with PWV and aortic augmentation index
NDT, 2006 years (all HD) aortic augmentation Mean PO4 levels significantly higher in patients than
index Mean serum Ca × PO4 controls, and comparable with adult
Age was the only significant values
predictor of aortic augmentation No reversibility after a dialysis
index session, suggesting that structural
changes underlie the loss of function
8. Briese et al., 40 23.6 years 9-dialysis – 2.9 ± 3.5 cIMT, ECHO, Patients with calcification were No difference in cIMT between
NDT, 2006 (young adults who years and CAC Older dialysis patients, transplant recipients
developed ESRD 31 – transplant Longer dialysis duration and controls
at ~11 years age) 9.2 ± 4.3 years Increased cIMT 10% had moderate to severe CAC,
Higher mean serum Ca × PO4 and 9% had mild CAC
Increased Ca intake from cIMT was higher in patients with
binders calcification
Increased mean calcitriol dose
9. Civilibal et al., 53 15.7 years (range 39-dialysis – 4.9 ± 2.7 CAC Presence of CAC correlated with CAC was present in 8 of 53 (15%) – 6
Ped Nephrol, 6.9–22.7 years) years Longer dialysis duration currently on dialysis and 2
2006 14 – transplant Higher mean serum PO4 transplanted
3.4 ± 2.7 years and Ca × PO4
Higher mean PTH levels
Higher Ca intake from binders
26 The Cardiovascular Status of Pediatric Dialysis Patients

Higher mean calcitriol dose

10. Shroff et al., 85 5–18 years Minimum 6 cIMT cIMT and CAC correlated with When mean PTH levels > twofold
JASN, 2007 months; mean PWV Higher mean PTH levels upper limit of normal increased risk of
2.2 ± 1.8 years CAC Higher mean calcitriol dose vascular damage and calcification as
Mean time-averaged Ca x P compared to those with PTH
levels < twofold upper limit of normal
11. Civilibal et al., 39 14.8 ± 3.8 4.8 ± 2.6 years cIMT, endothelium cIMT correlated with Increased cIMT, hs-CRP and
Ped Nephrol, years dependent dilatation Diastolic BP homocysteine levels in patients
2007 and ECHO Higher mean serum Ca × PO4 compared with controls, but no
Higher total and LDL difference in endothelium dependent
cholesterol dilatation between the groups
Higher homocysteine levels Endothelium dependent dilatation
Higher mean calcitriol dose correlated with cIMT
12. Poyrazoglu et al., 34 18.0 ± 4.3 4.6 ± 2.9 years cIMT and ECHO cIMT correlated with Increased cIMT, left ventricular
Ped Nephrol, years Mean BP hypertrophy and higher left ventricu-
2007 Left ventricular mass index lar mass index in the dialysis as
Inversely with PTH (negative compared to control groups
correlation) Significant negative correlation
(No data available for phosphate between cIMT and PTH

binder or calcitriol dosage)

514 R. Shroff et al.

Although all of the available pediatric studies mass index have been shown [89, 90]. In some
are small, often single-center and cross-sectional, studies, functional changes in the large arteries
they show remarkably similar risk factors associ- have shown a greater correlation with the systolic
ated with cardiovascular damage. A key risk fac- and diastolic blood pressure than with biochemi-
tor highlighted by virtually all of the studies is cal measures [21, 87].
the strong linear association between deteriorat- Direct evidence of calcification in the coro-
ing vascular measures and time spent on dialysis nary vessels has been shown in 15–20% of pedi-
[2, 21, 85–87]. Prolonged exposure to the uremic atric chronic dialysis patients [85, 90] and
milieu with high, and often worsening Ca–P– correlates with many of the above listed risk fac-
PTH control, exposure to pro-inflammatory tors. However, despite the presence of these risk
agents such as advanced glycation end-products factors and of CAC, none of the patients in these
and oxidative stress, and reduced levels of the studies had overt CVD.
circulating calcification inhibitors all contribute None of the studies in children with CKD
toward deleterious structural and functional have reported the presence of intimal plaques in
changes in the vasculature. To support this, the cardiac or carotid arteries, and although ultra-
vascular measures have consistently and signifi- sound is not an accurate means of assessing inti-
cantly correlated with Ca, P [2, 21, 59, 85–90], mal vs. medial changes in the vessel wall, it
and PTH levels [2, 85, 90, 91], as well as medica- appears that uremic vasculopathy, at least in chil-
tion dosages of calcium-based P binders and dren, is a predominantly medial process.
vitamin D compounds, suggesting that dysregu-
lated mineral metabolism is central to the vascul-
opathy of CKD, and that these modifiable risk Progression of Vascular Calcification
factors require careful monitoring and strict Through Different Stages of CKD
control from the earliest stages of CKD.
An increase in cIMT and PWV are shown to Despite a plethora of observational cross-
begin even in the first decade of life in children sectional studies, there are very few longitudinal
on dialysis [90] and in pre-dialysis CKD stages studies that have followed children through pre-
2–4 as well [21, 87]. Importantly, although struc- dialysis–dialysis–transplantation phases and
tural vascular changes are found in pre-dialysis described changes in vascular markers at differ-
patients, the vessel retains its normal compliance ent stages of uremia. Calcification progresses
and distensibility properties as compared to con- rapidly in patients on dialysis as first shown by
trols [87]. However, with progressive duration Goodman et al. [86, 90]. When a repeat CT scan
and severity of uremic damage as found in dialy- was performed after a mean interval of 20 months,
sis patients, a further deterioration in cIMT the calcification score almost doubled in the 10
coupled with increased vascular stiffness occurs. patients who had evidence of initial calcification
Interestingly, an increase in the vessel wall thick- [86, 90]. Calcification progression on CT scan
ness or cIMT is coupled with a remodeling of the has also been shown by Civilibal et al., with the
vessel so that an increase in the carotid artery time-averaged serum Ca × P product and serum
lumen occurs, possibly to counter the stiffness or albumin levels predicting the final CAC score
loss of compliance of the vessel [21]. It may be and change in CAC score, respectively [59]. This
this compensatory remodeling in the early stages suggests that in the pro-calcific and pro-inflam-
of CKD and the more plastic vessels of children matory uremic milieu “calcium begets calcium,”
that protect them against the deleterious conse- so our efforts must be directed at the prevention
quences of vascular damage. of calcification starting in the earliest stages
Although pediatric studies have no outcome CKD. Fascinatingly, in all studies patients who
data to support the poor prognostic effects did not have baseline calcification continued to
of increased vascular stiffness, an association remain free of calcification despite exposure to
with increased cIMT and greater left ventricular similar uremic conditions.
26 The Cardiovascular Status of Pediatric Dialysis Patients 515

By ameliorating the uremic milieu, renal trans- increasing dialysis vintage, in the pro-calcific and
plantation could intuitively be thought to reverse pro-inflammatory uremic milieu fetuin-A levels
some of the cardiovascular damage from dialysis, decreased [72]. At the VSMC level, fetuin-A can
but there is increasing evidence from adult studies inhibit apoptosis, enhance phagocytosis, and pro-
to show that CVD remains a significant problem tect the smooth muscle cell from calcifying [72,
posttransplantation and may be driven by hyper- 95]. Another group has reported lower fetuin-A
tension, obesity, and related risk factors and pos- levels in pediatric transplant recipients, but did not
sibly by immunosuppressive agents. Krmar et al. find an association with vascular measures [96].
have shown that there is no increase in cIMT fol- An important local inhibitor of calcification,
lowing renal transplantation when there is strict matrix Gla [g-carboxyglutamic acid] protein
blood pressure control [92]. As cIMT progres- (MGP) is expressed in the media of arteries where
sively increases with age, this can be interpreted as it acts as an inhibitor of Ca–P precipitation [97].
a regression in cIMT when hypertension is amelio- The g-carboxylation of MGP is vitamin K depen-
rated after transplantation [93]. Litwin et al. have dent, and drugs such as warfarin may inhibit this
shown that cIMT thickening and remodeling of the process, resulting in the accumulation of inactive
vessel wall begin early in CKD and progress rap- under-carboxylated MGP and ectopic calcifica-
idly on dialysis, correlating with the blood pres- tion [72, 97]. Osteoprotegerin and pyrophosphate
sure and mean serum phosphate levels. Successful are other potent calcification inhibitors that are
transplantation can improve the cIMT toward pre- shown to be perturbed in children with CKD [72].
dialysis values, but cannot normalize it [94]. While further longitudinal studies are required to
fully characterize these circulating biomarkers,
they may prove to be a useful and convenient
Physiological Inhibitors measure of an individual patient’s susceptibility
of Calcification to vascular calcification.

Vascular calcification occurs in the majority of

patients with CKD, but a subset of patients do not The Role of Vitamin D
develop calcification despite exposure to a simi- in Cardiovascular Health in CKD
lar uremic environment [53]. There is now a
growing body of evidence showing that calcifica- Virtually all studies in dialysis patients have
tion is a highly regulated cell-mediated process, reported the prevalence of 25-hydroxyvitamin D
involving a complex interplay of promoters and [25(OH)D] and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D
inhibitors of calcification. Animal knockout mod- [1,25(OH)2D] deficiency to be on the order of
els and human single gene defects have confirmed 50–90% [98], and have shown that deficiency
the role of physiological inhibitors in regulating begins early in the course of renal decline [99].
vascular calcification [67]. CKD patients can have low 25(OH)D levels for
Fetuin-A (a2-Heremans-Schmid protein) is a several reasons: they may have less sunlight
key circulating calcification inhibitor that contrib- exposure, the endogenous synthesis of vitamin D
utes to ~50% of the calcification inhibitory capac- in the skin is reduced in CKD, ingestion of foods
ity of human plasma and by “shielding” that are natural sources of vitamin D may be
mechanisms prevents further crystal growth. diminished, and proteinuria may be accompanied
Fetuin-A is a negative acute phase reactant, and in by high urinary losses of vitamin D-binding pro-
the pro-inflammatory dialysis milieu its produc- tein [99]. In addition, when the GFR falls to
tion may be reduced [53]. Several studies have <50 mL/min/1.73 m2, the kidney cannot convert
reported that adults on dialysis have significantly “nutritional” 25(OH)D to the biologically active
lower fetuin-A levels than controls. Interestingly, 1,25(OH)2D [100]. The synthesis, metabolism,
a protective upregulation of fetuin-A has been and interactions of vitamin D in the Ca–P–PTH
reported in pediatric dialysis patients, but with axis are shown in Fig. 26.2.
516 R. Shroff et al.

Fig. 26.2 The synthesis,

metabolism, and interac-
tions of vitamin D in the
Ca–P–PTH axis

Most tissues and cells in the body have a vita- children on maintenance dialysis, Shroff et al.
min D receptor and also have the enzymatic have shown that there is a bimodal association of
machinery to convert 25(OH)D to the active form vitamin D levels with vascular measures such
1,25(OH)2D [98]. In the cardiovascular system, that both low and high levels of vitamin D are
vitamin D acts as a negative endocrine regulator associated with abnormal cIMT and CAC [56].
of the renin–angiotensin system [101], inhibits These effects may be determined by the effects of
atrial natriuretic peptide [102], increases myocar- vitamin D on Ca–P homeostasis as well as its
dial contractility, and reduces cardiomyocyte pro-inflammatory effect [56].
hypertrophy [103]. Several large epidemiological
studies have consistently shown that hemodia-
lyzed patients receiving any activated vitamin D The Vascular Biology of Calcification
treatment have a significant survival advantage
on the order of 20–25% as compared to untreated In recent years, converging evidence from in vitro
patients [68–70]. studies, molecular genetics techniques, and
Clinical studies in children have examined the human single-gene defects has shown that vascu-
effects of vitamin D therapy on vascular mea- lar calcification is an active, highly regulated pro-
sures and calcification (Table 26.2) and shown cess and not merely a passive deposition of Ca
that both CAC and cIMT correlated with a higher and P in dead or dying cells [42]. In response to
calcitriol dosage [21, 56, 87, 90]. However, the raised extracellular Ca and P levels, VSMCs
association of vitamin D levels with vascular undergo specific phenotypic changes including
measures is more interesting. In a recent study of apoptosis, osteo/chondrocytic differentiation,
26 The Cardiovascular Status of Pediatric Dialysis Patients 517

Fig. 26.3 A schematic

diagram showing
disease-related and
treatment-related risk
factors that lead to vascular
smooth muscle cell
(VSMC) damage and the
mechanisms that drive
accelerated calcification

and the release of small membrane-bound bodies with significantly fewer VSMCs as compared to
called vesicles that form a nidus for the deposi- pre-dialysis or healthy control vessels, and this
tion of basic Ca–P in the form of hydroxyapatite may be a key event that triggers accelerated calci-
[42]. Transformation of VSMC to an osteo/chon- fication in dialysis patients. Importantly, the ves-
drocytic phenotype is characterized by the upreg- sel Ca load did not result in an increase in cIMT
ulation of bone-specific transcription factors and and only the most severely affected patients had
matrix proteins, including Runx2/Cbfa1, osterix, coronary calcification on CT scan, implying that
and alkaline phosphatase, that in turn lead to the currently available vascular measures are not
accelerated calcification. Raised serum P has sensitive enough to detect early calcification.
been shown to be a key factor that triggers osteo- Shroff et al. cultured vessel rings from healthy
blastic differentiation of the VSMC [41, 42, 104]. subjects and pre-dialysis and dialysis patients in
A schematic diagram showing key events in the graded concentrations of Ca and P and showed
calcification process is shown in Fig. 26.3. that normal and pre-dialysis vessels were resistant
Using intact arteries from children, Shroff et al. to calcification, while dialysis vessels showed
have shown that calcification in the vessel wall accelerated calcification in high Ca and P media
begins in pre-dialysis CKD stages 4 and 5, but is [105]. This suggests that dialysis vessels have lost
significantly greater in dialysis patients [67]. The protective mechanisms; exposure to the uraemic
calcium load in the vessel wall increases linearly milieu has “primed” them to calcify. In the pres-
with time on dialysis and is strongly correlated ence of a high P, even a small increase in Ca in the
with the mean time-averaged serum Ca x P prod- culture medium significantly increased calcifica-
uct. Dialysis vessels showed VSMC apoptosis tion, implying that Ca may be a key mediator of
518 R. Shroff et al.

VSMC damage and calcification [105], and care- associated with avoiding dialysis [5]. Although
ful attention must be paid to even transient far from perfect with regard to cardiovascular
increases in calcium levels such as are seen after risk, successful transplantation can eliminate or
HD, or with the use of calcium-containing phos- significantly improve uremia-related risk factors
phate binders and vitamin D analogues. and increase predicted life expectancy by 20–30
years when compared to long-term dialysis.
Otherwise, management strategies should be spe-
The Bone-Vascular Link cific to the stage of CKD (predialysis, dialysis, or
transplant) as each has a unique subset of com-
There is a growing awareness that mineral dys- mon risk factors. For those patients who must
regulation in CKD is closely linked to abnormal have long-term dialysis, the strategy is directly
bone pathology, and that this in turn leads to extra- linked to achievement of adequate dialysis out-
skeletal calcification. Hormones such as PTH and comes which include aggressive monitoring and
vitamin D that closely regulate calcium–phosphate management of hypertension, dyslipidemia, cal-
metabolism affect skeletal mineralization and can cium–phosphorus metabolism, anemia, nutrition,
lead to ectopic soft-tissue calcification. Key fac- systemic inflammation, and other dialysis com-
tors produced by osteocytes (e.g., FGF-23), osteo- plications. Current recommendations for the
blasts (e.g., alkaline phosphatase), and osteoclasts management of most common individual risk
(e.g., osteoprotegerin) also influence vascular cal- factors are summarized below.
cification [42]. The K/DIGO (Kidney Disease
Improving Global Outcomes) working group has
proposed a broader and more encompassing term The Need for More Frequent Dialysis
to describe this clinical disorder: CKD-mineral
and bone disorder (CKD-MBD) [106]. They pro- Although mostly anecdotal in nature, an increas-
pose three primary components of CKD-MBD: ing body of pediatric literature supports using
(1) biochemical abnormalities in calcium, phos- more aggressive HD to improve patient outcome
phorus, PTH, or vitamin D metabolism; (2) [24, 107–109]. The adult literature also supports
changes in bone histology (bone turnover or min- the potential for improved outcomes with more
eralization), linear growth, and fractures; and (3) frequent and more aggressive HD [110, 111] These
vascular or other soft tissue calcification. The outcomes include improvements in the following
broader definition of CKD-MBD is an improve- metrics: patient quality of life, phosphate balance,
ment on historical practice in which renal ost- blood pressure, anemia, nutrition and growth, and
edystrophy and its management was thought only cardiac indices as measured by echocardiography.
to affect skeletal health and growth. Recognition More frequent dialysis has the potential to result
of the importance of the full spectrum of CKD- in decreased hospital admissions, increased patient
MBD also highlights the need for more cautious adherence, and a decrease in vascular access com-
use of calcium-containing P binders and vitamin plications. Patients receiving more frequent home
D analogues to minimize the risk of vascular dis- dialysis also have lower health care costs [112,
ease, as will be discussed in detail below. 113], but not all patients are willing or able to per-
form home-based therapy [114].

Evaluation and Management

of CV Risks in CKD Management of Key Modifiable
Risk Factors That Contribute
Primary among all management strategies in to the Development and Progression
childhood CKD/ESRD is the avoidance of long- of CVD in CKD
term dialysis, with preference given to preemp-
tive transplantation when feasible, as the strongest Fluid overload with associated hypertension
evidence for cardiovascular risk reduction is that and chronic mineral dysregulation are likely
26 The Cardiovascular Status of Pediatric Dialysis Patients 519

the key drivers of CVD in childhood CKD. The and circadian rhythms were independent of each
management of these and other important modifi- other in these children; ultradian blood pressure
able risk factors is discussed below. amplitudes, but not the circadian amplitudes or
conventional dipping parameters, were correlated
with indices of renal function. This raises the pos-
Prevention and Treatment sibility that ultradian rhythms play an independent
of Hypertension and LVH role in CKD and that maintaining normal circa-
dian blood pressure variation is a positive predic-
In adults cardiovascular risk is a function of blood tor of cardiovascular outcome. Recent data from
pressure, even below the arbitrary level that the CKD cohort utilizing ABPM confirmed a high
defines hypertension. This has led to a steady prevalence of hypertension in children with CKD
lowering of the recommended blood pressure tar- stages 2–4 [126]. Based on a combination of
get ranges in adults over the last few decades ambulatory and casual blood pressure assessment,
[115]. Pediatric studies linking blood pressure to 38% of children had masked (normal casual but
cardiovascular outcomes are lacking so far. elevated ambulatory blood pressure) and 18% had
Therefore, the pediatric definition of hyperten- confirmed (elevated casual and ambulatory blood
sion is based on the blood pressure distribution in pressure) hypertension. More importantly, the
the general pediatric population from birth to age likelihood of having LVH was four times higher
18 years and is dependent on gender, age, and in those children identified as having masked
height. While earlier reports regarded children at hypertension compared to children with normal
the 95th blood pressure percentile as “high- clinic and ambulatory BP.
normal,” the most recent guidelines [116], recog- In the child on dialysis, the presence of hyper-
nizing the trend in adults, label blood pressure tension, as discussed above, is mostly related to
values between the 90th and 95th percentile or fluid overload. Attainment of dry weight will
any value above 120/80 mmHg (whatever blood result in lowering of blood pressure in the major-
pressure threshold is lower, irrespective of age) ity of patients. Dry weight and dialysis prescrip-
as “pre-hypertensive.” Systolic or diastolic blood tion need to be frequently adapted to avoid fluid
pressure values exceeding the 95th percentile are overload induced hypertension. Bioelectrical
labeled as hypertensive. impedance analysis [127] or assessment of the
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring inferior vena cava diameter [128] may be helpful
(ABPM) is the method of choice for the diagnosis tools for the assessment of dry weight in combi-
and therapeutic monitoring of arterial hyperten- nation with standard clinical measures. However,
sion in pediatric as well as in adult patients [117– normotension does not exclude hypervolemia.
121]. ABPM correlates best with hypertensive Supportive measures aiming for a low extracel-
end-organ damage in adults, and by providing a lular volume, such as dietary salt restriction, low
more representative observation of blood pressure dialysate sodium content, restriction of fluid
throughout day and night in a nonmedical envi- intake, and prolonged dialysis time have been
ronment, ABPM allows recognition of intra- and shown to maintain normotension in 98% of adult
interdialytic blood pressure changes over 24 or patients [129]. More frequent [24] or nocturnal
even 48 h (entire interdialytic interval). Moreover, dialysis [130] might also be helpful to maintain
ABPM allows quantification of circadian and even dry weight. Long-term data on the effects of strict
ultradian blood pressure and heart rate variability blood pressure control on CVD in the pediatric
[122–124]. Ultradian rhythms are physiologic dialysis population is lacking. An appropriate tar-
cycles that are completed in less than 24 h. In a get for clinical use may be an interdialytic blood
large multicenter study of children with CKD, the pressure below the 95th percentile.
ESCAPE Trial Group described marked blunting Only when hypertension cannot be controlled
and delay of rhythmicity of both blood pressure by adequate volume control should pharmaco-
and heart rate [125]. Observed changes in ultradian logical antihypertensive treatment be considered.
520 R. Shroff et al.

Drug classes acceptable for use in children include take into account the patient’s height, especially
ACE inhibitors, angiotensin-receptor blockers, in those with height <110 cm.
ß-receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers,
and diuretics [116]. Angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors (ACEi), Ca-channel blockers, Ca–P–PTH Management
and ß-blocker, alone or in combination with other
drugs, are the most widely used antihypertensive While most physicians now accept that high P
agents in children on dialysis. Pharmacological levels have deleterious cardiovascular effects,
treatment is usually tolerated well; however dose there is much controversy over what “optimal”
modifications for reduced renal function might be PTH levels should be. “Optimal” PTH levels may
required. Drug resistance is most often a problem be defined as levels that maintain normal bone
of persistent hypervolemia; a paradoxical blood turnover without increasing the risk of ectopic
pressure increase during dialysis might be due to calcification. Guidelines on the optimal levels of
an inadequate response of the renin–angiotensin Ca, PO4, and PTH levels and all aspects of their
system to ultrafiltration (see also Chap. 21). control have been proposed by the K/DOQI and
Meticulous attention to volume control is the the European Paediatric Dialysis Working Group
treatment strategy most likely to result in [43, 135]. The European recommendations are
improvement of LVH in the maintenance dialysis more conservative and advise keeping PTH lev-
patient, although there is a role for antihyperten- els in the normal range until CKD stage 5, when
sive therapy (specifically ACE inhibition) as two to three times the upper limit of normal is
well. There is no consensus on how frequent recommended. The K/DOQI have set higher lev-
echocardiographic monitoring for LVH should els of up to twice the upper limit of normal in
be performed in pediatric CKD patients. K/DOQI CKD stage 3 and three to five times the upper
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Cardiovascular limit of normal in patients on dialysis. The
Disease in Dialysis Patients [131] recommend recently published KDIGO (Kidney Disease
screening echocardiography within 3 months of Improving Global Outcome) guidelines that are
beginning maintenance dialysis, with follow-up more rigorously evidence-based suggest main-
examinations every 6 months for those with taining PTH levels at two to nine times the upper
abnormal studies or annually for those with nor- limit of normal, reflecting the lack of good clini-
mal structure and function. There is also no con- cal studies to inform an evidence base [106].
sensus on the definition of LVH in children. Some Although dietary management may be ade-
define LVH based on the left ventricular mass quate to control plasma phosphate in its early
(LVM) index, defined as left ventricular mass in stages, most patients develop hyperphosphatae-
grams/(height in meters)2.7. An LVM index ³ 38 g/ mia by CKD stages 3–4 and require the addition
m2.7, the 95th percentile value in healthy children, of a phosphate binder. One interesting study has
has been used as a single cut point to define LVH demonstrated that the use of any type of phos-
[132]. However, the use of this single cut point phate binder, even with phosphate levels in the
overestimates the prevalence of LVH, especially normal range and therefore below levels cur-
in young children. Recently published pediatric rently recommended for phosphate binder use, is
reference values for LVM index might be more associated with decreased mortality in patients
appropriate for use in children since they are age on HD [136].
and gender-specific [133]. On other hand, Foster A normal diet contains around 800–1,500 mg of
et al. demonstrated that LVM index varies not phosphate, of which 50–70% is absorbed, depend-
only according to age but also according to abso- ing on serum phosphate and vitamin D levels. In
lute height, with higher values in children with the first instance in early CKD, dietary restriction
shorter height [134]. Given that children with may be sufficient to control plasma phosphate
CKD have significantly reduced height relative levels. Dietary phosphate is principally in protein-
to age, normative values according to age should containing foods, dairy products in particular.
26 The Cardiovascular Status of Pediatric Dialysis Patients 521

However, foods high in phosphate are also usually Calcium acetate, however, has better solubility
high in calcium and vitamin D, so that nutritional over a wider range of pH and has a greater binding
25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] and calcium capacity for the same elemental calcium content
deficiency are common in patients with CKD. so that less calcium is absorbed. Calcium absorp-
Phosphate is a particular problem for patients tion will also vary with plasma 1,25(OH)2D levels,
on conventional thrice weekly HD because it is being as low as 3% in deficiency to presumably
poorly removed by the dialysis process: most is higher than the expected normal range in patients
removed in the first hour, and as the rate of move- who are prescribed activated vitamin D, when
ment out of cells is slow, little is removed when hypercalcemia may occur [137].
the normal range for phosphate is reached. By Several new non-calcium-containing phos-
12 h post HD, levels are 80% of predialysis val- phate binders: magnesium carbonate, sevelamer
ues. PD is equally inadequate at phosphate hydrochloride, and lanthanum carbonate are now
removal: ~800 mg of phosphate is removed in a available [137, 138]. Sevelamer, the most widely
standard adult HD session (i.e., 2,400 mg per used in children, is a nonabsorbable polymer of
week) and 300 mg per day in adults on PD (i.e., allyamine hydrochloride, that acts like an
2,100 mg/week). In a diet containing ~1,000 mg exchange resin [139]. As well as phosphate, seve-
of phosphate each day, ~600 mg would be lamer also binds bile salts, thereby exerting a
absorbed (and 400 mg would be excreted in the beneficial effect on plasma total and low-density
stool), requiring this amount to be bound or cholesterol, but it also binds fat-soluble vitamins.
cleared by dialysis. Therefore the absorption of The first report of the use of sevelamer in chil-
around 300 mg of phosphate per day needs to be dren appeared in 2003 [139]. In a randomized,
managed [137]. Patients on dialysis are the group crossover trial of 8 weeks of treatment with seve-
in whom calcium-containing phosphate binders lamer alternating with calcium acetate in 18 chil-
can cause the most problems with hypercalcemia, dren with CKD, phosphate control was similar
because of the reduced ability to excrete calcium but with fewer episodes of hypercalcemia in the
in the urine. Use of calcium neutral dialysate sevelamer group, although acidosis was more
(1.25 mmol/L) allows for prescription of larger common [140]. In two studies from the same
doses of calcium. Short daily or slow nocturnal center, children on PD with bone biopsy proven
HD is the most effective for removing phosphate, secondary hyperparathyroidism who were also
to the point that some patients need phosphate taking vitamin D were randomly assigned to cal-
supplementation [114]. cium carbonate or sevelamer for 8 months.
Phosphate binders are usually divided into cal- Biochemical and histological abnormalities
cium containing and non-calcium containing [137, improved in both groups, but serum calcium lev-
138]. Calcium-containing preparations have been els were at the lower limit of the normal range in
used the longest but have fallen out of favor the sevelamer group. Sevelamer may increase the
because of their theoretical link with soft tissue safety of treatment with activated vitamin D in
calcification; the fear of ectopic calcification with patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism
excess calcium intake has led to a switch to newer [141, 142]. On the other hand, 20% of the seve-
non-calcium-containing drugs. Currently there is lamer treated group needed calcium supplements
no calcium-free phosphate binder that is licensed [141], and the development of hypocalcaemia is
for use in children. Phosphate binders must be as high as 24% in adult studies [143].
given with food and must not be given at the same There is evidence that sevelamer can attenuate
time as iron preparations as they form insoluble the progress of coronary and aortic calcification
compounds in the gut. Dissociation of calcium when compared to calcium-based phosphate bind-
carbonate is maximal below a pH of 5, whereas ers, either by increasing bone turnover, and/or
maximal binding of calcium to phosphate is at a through its effects on lipid metabolism [46].
higher pH. It is not, therefore, as effective when However, a study of progression of CAC in 48
given with H2-blockers or proton pump inhibitors. children over 2 years with CKD stage 5 was not
522 R. Shroff et al.

able to demonstrate such a link [144]. Despite the may contribute to dyslipidemia [29, 151, 152]. In
benefits of sevelamer seen in relatively short-term addition, referring to evidence from the general
studies, these benefits have not been shown to be population, therapeutic life style modification
translatable into an improvement in mortality. The (diet, exercise, weight reduction) is recommended
Dialysis Clinical Outcomes Revisited trial found for adults and children with CKD-related dyslipi-
no difference in the mortality rate at 2 years in just demia [153]. However, the lipid-lowering effect
over 2,000 adult HD patients randomized to either of lifestyle modifications in CKD patients is not
sevelamer or calcium-based binders, being 26% very impressive. Nonetheless, diet and physical
and 27%, respectively, despite the additional exercise may exert beneficial effects on cardio-
lipid-lowering benefits of sevelamer [145]. vascular health independent of those on dyslipi-
Sevelamer is of potential benefit in patients demia. Dietary supplementation of fish oil
who have a high dietary calcium intake. However, effectively improved lipid profiles in a small
children on a low phosphate diet who are not cohort of children receiving renal replacement
receiving a calcium-containing phosphate binder therapy [154].
probably do not have a positive calcium balance Statins effectively lower cholesterol and trig-
when they are on maintenance dialysis. Indeed, lyceride levels in CKD patients by up to 30%
KDOQI recommends that in children exclusively [43]. This is suggestive of a beneficial effect on
on sevelamer, a higher dialysate calcium concen- CVD, and most studies demonstrated significant
tration and/or calcium supplementation with a CVD risk reduction [155–157]. However, a
calcium-containing phosphate binder is used recent large randomized prospective trial in
[43]. An interesting new approach is the use of hemodialyzed adults with diabetic nephropathy
chewing gum to remove salivary phosphate [155] showed no effect of statin therapy on over-
between meals: Chitosan is a natural polymer all patient mortality despite significant reduction
that binds phosphate [146]. Salivary phosphate of lipid levels. A pooled analysis of 30 completed
levels may be as much as five times higher than clinical trials [156] analyzing the efficacy and
plasma levels, and, in adults, there is between safety of fluvastatin in adult patients with mild to
350 and 400 mg of phosphate in saliva available severe chronic renal failure suggested a reduction
to be bound [146]. of cardiac death and nonfatal myocardial infarc-
The use of calcimimetics presents a paradigm tion. However, treatment did not reduce the rate
shift in our management of mineral dysregula- of coronary intervention procedures. No conclu-
tion in CKD [147–149]. They allow for higher sive data are available on the overall mortality
vitamin D usage and are overall thought to be risk reduction associated with statin therapy in
safe in children [149], but there are few studies CKD patients.
on long-term effects, particularly on the growing In younger children, statins are used reluc-
skeleton. Parathyroidectomy may be required as tantly as the impact of HMG-CoA reductase
a “last ditch” attempt in controlling the hypercal- inhibitors on nutrition, growth, and pubertal mat-
cemia of tertiary hyperparathyroidism when uration has not been fully elucidated. For chil-
dietary and pharmacological interventions have dren on dialysis, K/DOQI recommends restricting
failed [150]. statin treatment to children >10 years with LDL
levels >160 mg/dL (> 4.16 mmol/L) and non-
HDL cholesterol > 190 mg/dL (>4.94 mmol/L)
Prevention and Treatment of Lipid [43]. Long-term data on efficacy in pediatric
Abnormalities patients is not available and safety information
on use of statins in children is not conclusive.
General measures to prevent dyslipidemia in Although bile acid resins are safe to use in CKD
CKD patients include prevention or treatment of children of all ages without dose adjustment,
malnutrition, correction of metabolic acidosis, adherence to therapy is often poor due to a high
hyperparathyroidism and anemia, all of which incidence of adverse gastrointestinal side effects.
26 The Cardiovascular Status of Pediatric Dialysis Patients 523

Supportive Treatment Wenger NK, Wilson PW, Wright Jr JT. Controlling

the epidemic of cardiovascular disease in chronic
renal disease: what do we know? What do we need
Several supportive measures for the optimal care to learn? Where do we go from here? National
of dialysis patients will also contribute to an Kidney Foundation Task Force on Cardiovascular
improved cardiovascular outcome. This includes Disease. Am J Kidney Dis. 1998;32: 853–906.
optimal nutrition (with tube feeding as neces- 8. Go AS, Chertow GM, Fan D, McCulloch CE, Hsu
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mia, anemia, and metabolic acidosis. A healthy Med. 2004;351:1296–305.
lifestyle with adequate physical activity and 9. McGill Jr HC, McMahan CA, Zieske AW, Sloop
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RE, Oalmann MC, Strong JP. Associations of coro-
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Conclusion 10. Berenson GS, Srinivasan SR, Bao W, Newman III
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Management of Renal Anemia
in Children with Chronic Kidney 27
Peter D. Yorgin and Joshua Zaritsky

Renal anemia • Chronic kidney disease • Children pediatric diaylsis

understanding of why dialysis patients do not

Introduction absorb oral iron well. There is also great interest
in exploring how new ESAs, and particularly the
Renal anemia management is on the cusp of prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors, impact hepcidin
dramatic changes due to development of novel levels.
erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs) and Interestingly, the early testing ground for
new understandings of iron metabolism. As a many of the novel ESAs has been the world of
result of a greater understanding of hypoxia- road bicycle racing, where higher hemoglobins
inducible factor (HIF) regulation and erythropoi- can yield faster racing times and victories. Some
etin receptor binding site kinetics, the next athletes have even been trying some of the new
generation of ESAs are being developed. The red blood cell replacement therapies. This chap-
adverse effects of erythropoietin, which has been ter will review the new basic science findings,
the treatment standard for renal anemia, have while providing a practical approach to the day-
become more apparent and concerning. The to-day management of anemia in children who
increased risk of cardiac death associated with require renal replacement therapy. So let us strap
normalizing hemoglobins in adult dialysis on our helmets and get ready for an adventure in
patients and the lack of a survival benefit for can- anemia!
cer patients have pharmaceutical corporations
“smelling blood in the water.” The mechanism of
action of hepcidin, a new iron-regulating mole- Normal Erythropoiesis
cule produced by the liver, provides a better
The formation of adequate numbers of mature
erythrocytes is dependent on intricate regulation
P.D. Yorgin, MD () of many factors including HIF, erythropoietin
Division of Nephrology, University of California-San
(EPO), iron, vitamins, minerals, the transcription
Diego School of Medicine, San Diego, CA, USA
e-mail: and translation of key proteins including hemo-
globin (Hgb), transferrin, tissue ferritin, red blood
J. Zaritsky, MD
Department of Pediatrics, Mattel Children’s Hospital cell membrane transport proteins, the formation
at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA of a phospholipid bilayer, and maintenance of a

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_27, 531

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
532 P.D. Yorgin and J. Zaritsky

Fig. 27.1 Normal

erythropoiesis. In the bone
marrow, stem cells
(CFU-S) give rise in
sequence to colony
forming unit- granulocyte,
erythrocyte, macrophage,
megakaryocyte (CFU-
GEMM) cells, burst-
forming unit-erythroid
(BFU-E) cells, colony
forming unit-erythroid
(CFU-E) cells,
reticulocytes, and mature
erythrocytes. The sites of
action for various
cytokines, growth factors,
and EPO are shown

normal bone marrow environment. Other, less EPO. Differentiation from pluripotent hematopoi-
critical factors which impact erythropoiesis will etic stem cells to more mature erythroid cells
be discussed in the section related to rHuEPO is influenced by stem cell factor (SCF) [2, 3],
(recombinant Human Erythropoietin) resistance. interleukin-3 (IL-3) [4–7], granulocyte colony-
stimulating factor (G-CSF) [8–11], granulocyte
macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)
Normal Erythropoiesis Begins with the [12], and thrombopoietin. Androgens [13, 14],
Pluripotential Hematopoietic Stem Cell thyroid hormone [15, 16], insulin [17], insulin-
like growth factor I [18], and catecholamines
Erythrocytes arise from pluripotential hematopoi- [19, 20] appear to play stimulatory roles in eryth-
etic stem (CFU-S) cells in the bone marrow ropoiesis, while tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF
which, in sequence, give rise to the colony form- a) [21–24], interferon a [25], and transforming
ing unit- granulocyte, erythrocyte, macrophage, growth factor beta (TGF b) [26–28] appear to
megakaryocyte (CFU-GEMM) cells, primitive inhibit erythropoiesis.
burst-forming unit-erythroid (BFU-E) cells, and Absence of EPO causes Fas-mediated apopto-
colony forming unit-erythroid (CFU-E) cells sis of BFU-E [2, 29–31]. Late-stage erythroid pro-
(Fig. 27.1) [1]. With further maturation, CFU-E genitor cells have been shown to be dependent on
cells are transformed into erythroblasts which can the continuing presence of EPO [32]. Thus, EPO
synthesize Hgb. A small number of reticulocytes, does not induce erythrocyte proliferation, but
young red blood cells which still have remnants of instead, suppresses erythroid apoptosis [33, 34],
cytoplasmic RNA, are released in normal individ- which is employed by the bone marrow to regu-
uals. The number of reticulocytes released by the late the production of specific cell lines. Maturing
bone marrow increases in response to anemia and erythroid cells are primed for apoptosis. Apoptosis
rHuEPO therapy. Once the remnants of cytoplas- begins when erythroid cells are EPO deprived for
mic RNA are extruded, the cell is characterized as as little as 2 h [35]. The process of apoptosis can
a mature erythrocyte. Under normal circum- be inhibited by either SCF or EPO and can be
stances, the vast majority of erythrocytes released totally prevented by the presence of both factors.
from the bone marrow are mature erythrocytes. Stem cell factor has been shown to downregulate
The normal differentiation and development the expression of Fas ligand, through the PI3 path-
of erythrocytes is dependent on the sequential way [36]. Erythropoietin appears to inhibit apop-
cascade of various cytokines, growth factors, and tosis via the extracellular signal-regulated kinase
27 Management of Renal Anemia in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 533

(ERK) pathway [36]. Erythropoietin induction of However in order to maintain steady state, the
c-Jun [37] and maintenance of GATA-2 and the 1–2 mg of iron lost in the stool is replaced by
Bcl-2 expression through activation of protein iron absorbed from food in the duodenum and
kinase C (PKC) [35, 38] appear to play minor upper jejunum [48]. Iron can be found in the diet
roles in the inhibition of apoptosis. as either heme iron, in which the iron is within
Mature erythrocytes are biconcave cells with myoglobin or hemoglobin, or non-heme iron found
the unique and specific task of oxygen and car- in vegetables and cereals. Heme iron has a rela-
bon dioxide transport [39, 40]. Erythrocytes are tively higher bioavailability compared to non-
unique due to the absence of any nucleus, ribo- heme iron and in the future iron supplementation
somes, mitochondria, DNA, or RNA. After the may take advantage of this greater bioavailability
reticulocyte degrades and expels all remaining (see below) [49]. Non-heme iron, in the form of
RNA, the cell is incapable of synthesizing pro- Fe3+ is first reduced by an iron reductatase (likely
teins. Erythrocyte energy is derived from aerobic duodenal cytochrome B, although other reductases
glycolysis; the Krebs cycle is inactive. The may be involved) located on the brush border of
deformable erythrocyte membrane is composed enterocytes [50]. Fe2+ is then transported into
of a phospholipid bilayer that acts like a viscous enterocytes via the divalent metal ion transporter 1
solution with mobile proteins “floating” within it. (DMT1) [51]. Once inside the enterocyte, Fe2+’s
In response to hemodialysis, the phospholipid fate depends on the body’s iron demand. If iron
bilayer changes, making the erythrocyte more is not required, it is stored within the polymeric
osmotically fragile [41]. Interestingly, erythro- protein ferritin and eventually returns to the intes-
poietin therapy appears to improve erythrocyte tinal lumen when the enterocyte is shed [52].
deformability [42]. However if the iron is required it is transported
The erythrocyte life span is reduced in children across the basolateral membrane by ferroportin,
with chronic renal failure (CRF) [43] and in healthy the only plasma membrane iron export protein
neonates [44]. In a study of 19 hemodialysis- to be identified. Iron is then oxidized to Fe3+
dependent children performed by Muller-Wiefel and bound to transferrin, a plasma glycopro-
et al. [45], erythrocyte life span decreased to tein with a molecular weight of 80 kD that is
approximately 60 days (healthy adult = 120 days) responsible for transporting the iron to storage and
when the mean blood urea nitrogen was 80 mg/dL. utilization sites [53].
After the erythrocytes have circulated, they are Transferrin delivers its iron payload to cells
degraded by mononuclear phagocytes in the principally via high affinity binding to the plasma
spleen. membrane protein transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1)
[54]. Transferrin along with TfR1 enters the cell’s
interior via receptor-mediated endocytosis. The
Iron is Needed to Form the Erythrocyte resultant endosomes are acidified, and iron is
Hemoglobin Molecule released from transferrin. Iron then moves out of
the endosomes through DMT1 and if needed it is
More than 95% of the erythrocyte’s protein is used for incorporation into literally hundreds of
hemoglobin (Hgb). Iron is an integral component proteins, including the most abundant iron-con-
of the Hb molecule and is essential for a multi- taining proteins, hemoglobin and myoglobin. Iron
tude of cellular processes. Although quantita- that is not immediately needed is stored within
tively Hgb and myoglobin contain by far the most ferritin, the main storage molecule for intracellu-
iron, a vast number of other proteins and enzymes lar iron. Ferritin is a hollow sphere with an exter-
utilize iron for energy metabolism and DNA syn- nal diameter of 12–13 nm made up of 2 subunits
thesis [46, 47]. (H and L) [55] which can store up to 4,000 iron
The majority of iron available for use or storage atoms. Iron can also be stored in hemosiderin
results from the catabolism of Hgb from senescent which results from the aggregation and break-
red blood cells by the reticuloendothelial system. down of ferritin by lysosomal enzymes
534 P.D. Yorgin and J. Zaritsky

Fig. 27.2 Hepcidin regulation

Due to chronic blood loss, often thought to be long-term decrease of enteral iron absorption
from the gastrointestinal tract, and frequent labo- eventually lead to anemia by decreasing iron
ratory testing, adults on peritoneal dialysis require availability for erythropoiesis. Conversely, the
roughly 0.7–1 g of parenteral iron annually. absence of hepcidin leads to unregulated duode-
Hemodialysis patients, presumably due to addi- nal iron absorption and subsequent iron overload.
tional blood loss in the dialyzer and tubing have In fact it is now apparent that most forms of
a higher requirement of approximately 2–2.5 g of hereditary hemochromatosis result from a defi-
iron per year [56, 57]. Due to the paucity of data, ciency of hepcidin, either through mutation of the
the annual iron requirements for pediatric dialy- hepcidin gene or mutations of genes that are sus-
sis patients are based on adult data with an esti- pected to regulate hepcidin expression [62].
mated annual iron need of 0.9 gm/1.73 m [2] and Hepcidin levels are regulated by at least three
1.6 g/1.73 m [2] for pediatric peritoneal and independent mechanisms. While both inflamma-
hemodialysis patients respectively. tion and iron loading induce hepcidin production,
erythropoietic activity suppresses its production.
Studies in humans with chronic infections and
Hepcidin Regulates the Ferroportin- severe inflammatory disease have shown mark-
Based Movement of Iron edly increased levels of hepcidin, strongly sug-
gesting that elevated hepcidin levels play a key
Recently there have been tremendous advances role in the anemia of inflammation and reticu-
in our understanding of iron homeostasis. loendothelial blockade [63]. The regulation of
Specifically a small peptide produced by the liver, hepcidin via iron loading appears to be mediated
hepcidin, has been identified as the key regulator by the bone morphogenetic protein receptor
of iron homeostasis (Fig. 27.2) [58–60]. (BMP) complex at the surface of hepatocytes
Hepcidin’s biological actions are mediated by its [64–66]. This complex includes two proteins
binding to ferroportin. Once hepcidin is bound, it known to be mutated in various forms of heredi-
causes the rapid internalization and degradation tary hemochromatosis, HFE and hemojuvelin.
of ferroportin [61]. In the case of duodenal Although the exact molecular mechanism is not
enterocytes, high hepcidin prevents the move- yet completely understood, this BMP receptor
ment of dietary iron through ferroportin into the complex interacts with transferrin receptors 1
circulation. In macrophages and hepatocytes, and 2, likely linking the sensing of serum iron
high hepcidin levels similarly prevent the move- with hepcidin production [67, 68]. Finally, the
ment of stored iron into the circulation. The rapid regulation of hepcidin production by erythropoi-
sequestration of iron in macrophages and the esis remains poorly understood. One or more
27 Management of Renal Anemia in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 535

Fig. 27.3 Hepcidin levels

unidentified bone marrow derived signals gener-

ated during increased erythropoiesis causes
decreased hepcidin production [69, 70]. Thus, the
increased demand for iron incorporation into
hemoglobin is met by increased enteral iron
absorption and release of stored iron from the
reticuloendothelial system.
Preliminary studies have demonstrated that
hepcidin levels are elevated across the spectrum
of CKD [71, 72]. In particular, both pediatric
peritoneal and hemodialysis patients have been
shown to have hepcidin levels several times that
of healthy controls (Fig. 27.3). Although the eti-
ology of this increase has yet to be determined,
Fig. 27.4 Molecular structure of erythropoietin
elevated levels of hepcidin may help to explain (Published with permission from Cheetham et al. [119])
the relative resistance to enteral iron seen in dial-
ysis patients and the frequent need for intrave-
nous iron therapy. (Fig. 27.5) [74, 78], and is released into peritubu-
lar capillaries. Interestingly, hypoxia increases
kidney interstitial fibroblast cell numbers [79].
Transcriptional Control of the A small amount of EPO is produced by hepato-
Erythropoietin Gene is Controlled cytes (~10%) [80, 81] and macrophages [82], and
by Hypoxia-Inducible Factor (HIF) is detectable in human breast milk [83]. In the
fetus, EPO mRNA is found in the liver, renal
Erythropoiesis is primarily regulated by erythro- interstitial and proximal tubule cells, neural ret-
poietin [32, 73] (Fig. 27.4). EPO is primarily ina of the eye, and in the adrenal cortex [77]. The
produced by kidney fibroblast-like interstitial human EPO gene [81], characterized by four
cells [74–77], adjacent to the proximal tubule introns and five exons, is located on chromosome
536 P.D. Yorgin and J. Zaritsky

Fig. 27.5 Erythropoietin RNA expression in kidney

interstitial cells. Erythropoietin-synthesizing cells in the
rat renal cortex. The dark areas indicate the location of
EPO mRNA. G= glomerulus (Published with permission
from Bachmann [74])

Fig. 27.7 Hypoxia-inducible factor. Normoxia causes

prolyl hydroxylase to hydroxylate the proline molecules
in the HIF. Van Hippel–Lindau protein binds to HIF caus-
ing transport via the ubiquitin system to the proteosome,
where it is degraded. In conditions of hypoxia, prolyl
hydroxylase function is inhibited. HIF binds to HIFb,
translocated to the nucleus where is regulates the tran-
scription of erythropoietin

Hypoxia-inducible factor is 120 kDa oxygen-

sensitive basic-helix-loop-helix protein in the
Per-ARNT-Sim (PAS) family [90]. There are
three HIFs, a HIF-1a, HIF-2a, and HIF-3a.
While HIF-1a is expressed in all tissues, HIF-2 a
appears to be the dominant isoform regulating
erythropoietin production in kidney interstitial
cells [91–94]. Hypoxia-inducible factor-2a het-
Fig. 27.6 Correlation between serum EPO levels and Hct
values for patients with various renal diseases, rheuma- erodimerizes with HIF −1 and -3b, which is also
toid arthritis, and sickle-cell disease. Patients represented known as the aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear
by a “+” are normal blood donors bled one to three units translocator (ARNT) [95] (Fig. 27.7). Together
(Published with permission from Erslev [178])
they translocate into the nucleus where they
induce the transcription the erythropoietin gene
7 [84–86]. Transcriptional upregulation is pri- [96–98]. Intracellular HIF levels increase expo-
marily regulated by hypoxia-inducible factor nentially in response to worsening hypoxia [99].
(HIF-1) which binds in a downstream OCT-4 Prolyl hydroxylases play a major role regulat-
regulatory region of the EPO gene [87, 88]. ing HIF function. There are three prolyl hydroxy-
Serum EPO levels increase logarithmically in lases, PHD1, PHD2, and PHD3, which are
response to decreasing Hct (Fig. 27.6) [89]. inhibited by hypoxia, iron, and cobalt. Ascorbate,
27 Management of Renal Anemia in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 537

which maintains iron in its reduced form, [127], phosphorylation of RAS [128–130], Rho
is required for the normal function of prolyl family GTPases [131], MAP kinase [3, 132] and
hydroxylases. PHD2 primarily interacts with PI3 [132–134] pathways.
HIF-2a. With normoxia, HIF is degraded by
binding to the ubiquitin ligase Von Hippel–
Lindau Disease (VHLD) protein complex and is The Clinical Management of Anemia
targeted for proteosomal degradation [100].
Prolyl hydroxylase gene defects have been Definitions of Anemia in Children
identified as causes of some polycythemias
[94, 101–104]. Di-oxogluatarate carries oxygen Anemia can be defined by assessing a patient’s
to prolyl hydroxylase [105, 106] which uses it in Hb or Hct relative to normative values for an
the hydroxylation reaction involving the HIF pro- appropriate population or by using physiologic
line molecules. Recent studies with prolyl criteria. Population-based studies, like the
hydroxylase inhibitors confirm that EPO produc- National Health and Nutrition Examination
tion in the liver can be upregulated in adult dialy- Survey III [135, 136], have yielded important
sis patients to levels sufficient to maintain normal pediatric data relevant to the issue of anemia
levels of hemoglobin [107]. (Table 27.1). Normal Hb and Hct values were
chosen based on ±2 standard deviations. The
prevalence of anemia in otherwise healthy chil-
The Erythropoietin Receptor dren between the ages of 1 and 18 years ranged
from 1.5% to 5.9% [137] and was highest in
Erythropoietin binds to a specific erythropoietin infants (5.7%) and teenage girls (5.9%). There
receptor EPO-R [108], a 55 kD transmembrane were differences in normative Hb levels relative
protein. EPO-R is expressed on CFU-E and to ethnicity. At all ages, African American chil-
BFU-E [109, 110], endothelial cells [111, 112], dren have lower Hb values than Caucasians [136]
myocardiocytes [113], renal podocytes [114], (Table 27.1). The lower Hb value in African
and neuronal cells [115, 116]. Erythropoietin and Americans may have been attributable to mild
the EPO-R are widely distributed in the develop- thalassemias, which are frequently associated
ing fetus [117, 118]. The EPO-R amino acid with lower Hct values. Evaluation of the Native
regions which are critical for EPO binding have American population demonstrates that Hb levels
been described [119–124]. Studies investigating were similar to those seen in Caucasians [138].
the binding sites have determined that weak bind- As valuable as population-based definitions of
ing to the EPOR in the region are most effective anemia are, a specific Hct or Hb below normal
in activating the receptor [125, 126]. When stim- may not correlate with clinical symptoms or
ulated, the EPO receptor triggers signal transduc- demonstrable physiologic changes. No compre-
ers and activators of transcription (Stat) proteins hensive study has been performed which correlates

Table 27.1 Comparison of normative hemoglobin values between White and African American Children
White non-Hispanic African American
Age (years) Mean −2 STD Sample size Mean −2 STD Sample size P Value
2–5 12.21 10.80 730 11.95 10.37 846 P = 0.0006
6–10 12.87 11.31 718 12.40 10.74 898 P < 0.0001
11–15 male 13.76 11.76 266 13.06 10.88 356 P < 0.0001
11–15 female 13.32 11.50 263 12.61 10.85 388 P < 0.0001
16–18 male 15.00 13.24 124 14.18 12.42 184 P < 0.0001
16–18 female 13.39 11.61 163 12.37 10.37 206 P < 0.0001
Sample size is 5,142 (White, 2,264; African American, 2,878)
Source: With permission from Robins and Blum [136]
538 P.D. Yorgin and J. Zaritsky

specific Hct or Hb values with physiologic changes associated with profound anemia. In an era when
in cardiac function, cognitive function, and exer- rHuEPO was not available, a study of 93 pediat-
cise tolerance. ric peritoneal dialysis patients reported transfu-
sions were required once per 1.5 treatment
months in anephric patients and once per 3.3
Dialysis Outcome Quality Initiative treatment months in patients with kidneys [145].
(DOQI) Hemoglobin Targets In the absence of rHuEPO therapy, nearly all
for Children with End-Stage dialysis patients will require transfusions. There
Renal Disease are significant risks associated with repeated
blood transfusions including iron overload [146–
The management of the anemia of renal disease 150] and hemochromatosis, and the transmission
has been a major focus of the Dialysis Outcomes of infectious agents such as hepatitis B, hepatitis
Quality Initiative (DOQI) and the Kidney Disease C, cytomegalovirus, Epstein–Barr virus, and
Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI). An evalu- human immunodeficiency virus. In addition, the
ation for anemia should be triggered when the formation of anti-HLA-antibodies due to recipi-
estimated glomerular filtration rate is less than ent exposure to donor leukocyte HLA antigens
60 mL/min/1.73 m2 [139]. A hemoglobin target of contained in blood transfusions prolongs the
11–12 g/dL has been established for adults. waiting time for deceased donor transplantation
Although there were no specific recommenda- and can preclude living donor transplantation.
tions regarding the treatment of children, pediat- Multiple (>5) pre-transplant blood transfusions
ric nephrologists have adopted the DOQI treatment have been shown to be a significant risk factor for
guidelines for the treatment of their patients. graft failure in pediatric recipients [151].
Hb, rather than Hct, was selected as the more
accurate indicator of anemia [140] because Hb is
not affected by storage of the blood sample at The Clinical Presentation of Anemia
room temperature [141], is more accurate in
patients with hyperglycemia [142], is not affected The clinical presentation of anemia depends on
by changes in plasma water and is more repro- the rate of blood loss, the volume of blood lost,
ducible when different automated counters are and the adaptability of the body (particularly
used [143]. The NKF-K/DOQI definition of ane- the heart and lungs) to decreases in Hb concen-
mia is similar to the World Health Organization tration. If development of anemia occurs slowly,
(WHO) definition of <120 g/L (<12 g/dL). symptoms may include slight fatigue, pallor,
increased somnolence, tachypnea, tachycardia,
impaired cognition [152–159], depression [160],
Incidence and Prevalence of Anemia decreased skeletal muscle function [161], insom-
in Children on Dialysis nia, and loss of appetite [162, 163]. Anemic adult
dialysis patients are more likely to experience
Since EPO is produced by renal interstitial cells, increased numbers of hospitalizations and
one would anticipate worsening anemia as inter- increased mortality [164].
stitial scarring and fibrosis worsens concurrent If the anemia is more rapid in onset or more
with decreasing renal excretory function. Indeed, severe, the symptoms may include dyspnea,
Hct values decline in relationship to the glomeru- tachycardia, dizziness, muscle weakness, fatigue,
lar filtration rate (GFR) [140]. Significant anemia drowsiness, headache, and impaired mental con-
is detected in nearly all CKD patients when their centration. If the anemia is severe and prolonged,
GFR is below 20 mL/min/1.73 m2 [144]. salt and water retention occurs and edema devel-
Without intravenous or subcutaneous rHuEPO ops. The clinical signs of anemia-induced volume
therapy, dialysis patients require red blood overload may include a bounding pulse, a cardiac
cell transfusions to avoid the adverse effects murmur, and gallop rhythms.
27 Management of Renal Anemia in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 539

Patients with iron deficiency may have fatigue Other studies have documented improvement
and lethargy out of proportion to the degree of the in the child’s sense of well-being [168, 169],
anemia. The tongue may become smooth and the appetite [162, 163, 169, 170], activity levels [163,
patient may have pica, a condition in which the 169], school attendance [168], and overall qual-
patient eats dirt, clay, or other non-digestible sub- ity of life. An increase in growth velocity has
stances in response to cravings. Spooning of the been seen in some children receiving rHuEPO
fingernails or an esophageal web are rare presen- [170, 171]; however, this effect has not been con-
tations of severe iron deficiency. firmed by other investigators.
There have been three studies of PD patients
which reported increased ultrafiltration (UF) in
The Benefits of Treating Anemia response to increasing the Hct [172–174]. In a
study of anemic adults, Lubrich-Birkner et al.
Anemia has been shown to decrease exercise [174] reported a 47% improvement in UF with
capacity in healthy children [165, 166]. Kapoor normalization of the Hct. The observed increase
et al. [166] reported that anemic children had a in UF was thought to be due to improved mesen-
lower gain in heart rate at peak exercise and lower teric perfusion.
total exercise duration at peak exercise when
compared to normal controls. The partial correc-
tion of anemia in children with CKD improved The Diagnostic Evaluation of Anemia
exercise capacity [167] and decreased heart rate
and resting oxygen consumption [168]. In a study A potentially large number of laboratory studies
performed by Martin et al. [167], half of the chil- can be performed to determine the etiology of
dren studied were characterized as having anemia. Traditionally, the evaluation of anemia
decreased exercise capacity prior to rHuEPO starts with an analysis of mean corpuscular vol-
therapy. One month after achieving partial cor- ume (MCV), which quantifies red blood cell vol-
rection of the Hct the group mean exercise capac- ume, and facilitates the classification of the
ity improved. Similar effects on exercise capacity anemia as microcytic, normocytic, or macrocytic.
were also reported by Morris et al. [168] who The combination of red blood cell distribution
conducted a single-blind, placebo-controlled width (RDW), which is the coefficient of varia-
crossover study in 11 children with end-stage tion in red blood cell size, and MCV can further
renal disease (ESRD). Warady et al. [162] com- delineate the type of anemia (Table 27.2). Patients
pared the exercise capacity of nine PD-dependent with renal failure typically have microcytic or
children with five healthy controls. After partial normocytic anemia due to inappropriately low
correction of the Hct from 21.9 ± 3.5% to 33.2 ± EPO levels. The other forms of anemia, along
3.0%, graded exercise testing demonstrated an with appropriate diagnostic testing for each cate-
increase in peak oxygen consumption and an gory, are shown in Table 27.2.
increase in oxygen consumption at anaerobic By using both RDW and MCV, there is greater
threshold. Treadmill time increased from 5.3 ± distinction of iron deficiency anemia from
1.2 to 7.5 ± 1.3 min for the PD patients treated heterozygous thalassemia or the anemia of chronic
with rHuEPO. disease [175]. An elevated RDW is more sensitive
Cardiac function is improved by the correc- than MCV and mean corpuscular hemoglobin
tion of anemia. In the study by Martin and his (MCH) for identifying patients with folate, iron,
coworkers, partial correction of the Hct was asso- or vitamin B12 deficiency [176]. The RDW also
ciated with a decrease in heart rate and resting is useful in the identification of anemias caused
oxygen consumption [167]. There was no change, by red cell fragmentation or agglutination.
however, in ventricular thickness, even after 6 The corrected reticulocyte count, which is an
months of rHuEPO therapy. indicator of erythropoietic activity, can provide
540 P.D. Yorgin and J. Zaritsky

Table 27.2 Differentiation of types of anemia based on MCV and RDW

Low MCV (Microcytic) Normal MCV (Normocytic) High MCV (Macrocytic)
High RDW Iron deficiency Early iron deficiency Folate deficiency
Hb S-b thalassemia Hemoglobinopathy (SS, SC) Vitamin B12 deficiency
Hemoglobin H Myelofibrosis Hemolytic anemia
Red cell fragmentation Sideroblastic Immune hemolytic anemia
• Serum iron • Serum iron Cold agglutinin
• Ferritin • Ferritin • Blood smear
• Transferrin • Transferrin • RBC folate
• Transferrin saturation • Transferrin saturation • Serum Vitamin B12
• Hemoglobin electrophoresis • Hemoglobin electrophoresis • Direct and Indirect Coombs
• Blood smear • Sideroblastic anemia gene • Cytoskeletal protein analysis
• Lactic dehydrogenase defect: 5-aminolevulinate • Thermal fragmentation
• Carboxyhemoglobin • Clinical trial of vitamin B6 • Osmotic fragility
• Haptoglobin • Sucrose lysis
• Pyruvate kinase assay
• G-6-PD
• Copper, ceruloplasmin
• Bone marrow aspiration
Normal RDW Heterozygous thalassemia Normal Aplastic anemia
Chronic disease Chronic disease Pre-leukemia
• Hemoglobin electrophoresis Chronic renal failure • Ham’s test
Chronic liver disease • Bone marrow aspiration
Hemoglobinopathy (AS, AC)
Chronic myelocytic leukemia
Hereditary spherocytosis
• Erythropoietin level
• C-reactive protein
• Blood smear
• Hemoglobin electrophoresis
• Bone marrow aspiration
• Reticulocyte count
• Osmotic fragility test
Laboratory testing which may be useful in evaluating the cause of anemia is shown in the gray areas
Source: Modified with permission from Bessman et al. [175]

insight into erythrocyte kinetics. A corrected significant inter-patient differences in the amount
reticulocyte count >1.5% of all red blood cells of kidney interstitial cell loss relative to GFR.
suggests increased red blood cell production due A serum EPO level plotted relative to the Hct can
to hemolysis or blood loss. Failure to increase be helpful to identify patients who have low levels
reticulocyte percentages in the context of severe of EPO despite having good renal function [177].
anemia indicates diminished erythropoiesis due The EPO level must be plotted relative to Hct since
to marrow hypoplasia, cancer, medications, or low EPO levels are perfectly normal in the context
inadequate erythrocyte substrates, including EPO of a patient with a normal Hct [89]. In patients with
and iron. ESRD, the normal inverse relationship between
Hct and EPO levels is lost (Fig. 27.8) [178].
The EPO level may be decreased due to dimin-
Erythropoietin Levels ished renal production or loss. Patients who have
nephrotic-range proteinuria may have inappro-
Endogenous EPO production decreases as kidney priately low EPO levels and are suspected to lose
excretory function decreases. However, there are significant amounts of EPO in their urine [179].
27 Management of Renal Anemia in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 541

anatomical one (e.g., bone marrow stained for

iron) most adult studies using a cutoff of 100 ng/
mL have shown a sensitivity between 35% and
48% [185–187]. In contrast, serum ferritin’s speci-
ficity using the same cutoff is quite high (75–100%)
indicating that most CKD patients with ferritin
levels below 100 ng/mL are truly iron deficient.
Unfortunately, diurnal and inter-laboratory
serum iron measurement variations severely limit
its value in determining iron deficiency [188].
Instead, the circulating iron available for erythro-
poiesis is measured by the TSAT. It is calculated
by dividing the total serum iron (the vast majority
of which is bound to transferrin) by the total iron-
binding capacity (TIBC), which reflects the total
amount of transferrin in serum. Thus, the TSAT
provides some insight into the amount of circu-
Fig. 27.8 Serum EPO levels in kidney failure and lating iron available for erythropoiesis. Unfor-
anephric patients. Open circles represent anephric patients, tunately TSAT, like ferritin, has some acute-phase
closed triangles are patients with chronic renal disease reactivity, meaning that if the level of circulating
(Published with permission Erslev [178])
iron is constant, increased production of transfer-
rin due to inflammation can cause the TSAT
The Laboratory Analysis of Iron to drop. Additionally, TSAT levels can be high
Deficiency independent of circulating iron in the setting of
malnutrition due to decreased transferrin produc-
Although there are multiple laboratory tests aimed tion. Using a cutoff of 20%, TSAT’s sensitivity
at determining iron status of a patient, the K/DOQI ranges from 59% to 88%, while its specificity is
anemia workgroups have recommended that ferri- slightly lower at 63–78% [185–187].
tin and the transferrin saturation (TSAT) be the Currently, the K/DOQI 2006 practice guide-
primary indices used (see recommendations lines for pediatric CKD recommend iron admin-
below) [180]. Ferritin enters the circulation likely istration during ESA therapy to maintain a serum
from leakage of tissue ferritin [181, 182]. Therefore, ferritin greater than 100 ng/mL and a TSAT
its level is thought to reflect a balance between tis- greater than 20% [180]. Given the lack of pediat-
sue production and clearance by the reticuloen- ric data, these recommendations are largely based
dothelial system. Hence, increases in serum ferritin on adult guidelines. One exception is the contin-
can reflect increased tissue ferritin. Under normal ued use of the lower 100 ng/mL ferritin cutoff for
circumstances, the primary driving force for pediatric hemodialysis patients, while for adult
increased tissue ferritin is iron loading. Plasma hemodialysis patients that cutoff has risen to
levels generally reflect overall iron storage, with 200 ng/mL. Given the poor sensitivity of serum
each ng/mL of ferritin corresponding to 10 mg of ferritin (especially at levels >200 ng/mL) and the
total iron stores. However, with inflammation, safety concerns of superphysiological ferritin
cytokines including TNF-alpha increase tissue fer- levels, the current guidelines state that “there is
ritin production independent of iron status [52, insufficient evidence to recommend routine
183, 184]. Similarly, liver dysfunction can lead to administration of IV iron if serum ferritin is
increased serum ferritin via reduced serum clear- greater than 500 ng/mL” and thus the upper limit
ance. This at times limits the sensitivity of ferritin of ferritin remains undefined (see below).
as a marker of iron deficiency. When compared to It is important to recognize that the limited
a functional gold standard of iron deficiency or an sensitivity and specificity of ferritin and TSAT
542 P.D. Yorgin and J. Zaritsky

have significant consequences when deciding extended to pediatric CKD because the cutoff
whether a pediatric patient should receive iron values remain unclear [180, 193].
therapy. A common example of this problem is Two other measures of iron status which bear
whether an anemic CKD patient with a TSAT mentioning include percentage of hypochromic
<20% and a ferritin >500 ng/mL needs iron sup- red cells and soluble transferrin receptor.
plementation. These patients are frequently Percentage of hypochromic red cells is a measure
assumed to have a functional iron deficiency of the Hb concentration in RBCs by taking into
where the supra-physiologic rate of RBC produc- account the absolute amount of Hb as well as the
tion driven by ESA therapy has outstripped the size of the RBC. Although its utility is likely
ability of transferrin to deliver sufficient iron for comparable to CHr Hb [187, 194] its use in the
hemoglobin synthesis. In this case, iron supple- United States has been hampered by the need for
mentation may be beneficial. However, an rapid analysis, as red cells tend to expand while
extreme case of functional iron deficiency they are stored. Soluble transferrin receptor
can occur when increased inflammation results (sTFR) levels reflect the expression of membrane
in reticuloendothelial blockade, a state in which transferrin receptors on premature erythroblasts
iron release from stores is inhibited. Under such and thus reflect the need for iron. In a situation
circumstances, iron supplementation would be where erythropoiesis has been stimulated by an
ineffective and could lead to iron overload. ESA and the patient does not have sufficient iron,
Because current iron parameters are unable to the sTFR levels rise [195]. However, sTFR also
distinguish reticuloendothelial blockade from provides an estimate of the erythroblast mass in
functional iron deficiency, the treatment of func- the bone marrow. Thus, an ESA-treated patient
tional iron deficiency often involves empiric iron may have a high sTFR due to iron deficiency or
supplementation. In the Dialysis Patients’ increased erythroblastic activity or a combination
Response to IV Iron with Elevated Ferritin of both [196]. Studies of sTFR in adult CKD have
(DRIVE) study, hemodialysis patients with a been mixed, and no clear cutoff has been estab-
TSAT <20% and a ferritin >500 ng/mL were ran- lished [187, 197].
domly assigned to either parenteral iron therapy With further validation, hepcidin may become
or no iron therapy [189]. Those who received an important biomarker of iron status in CKD
iron therapy had a 25% reduction in their ESA [198]. For example, hepcidin may hypothetically
requirement, though a wide variability of patient distinguish patients with simple functional iron
response was noted. In a follow-up analysis, nei- deficiency from those with reticuloendothelial
ther TSAT nor ferritin levels were predictors of a blockade. In the former, hepcidin would be
response to parenteral iron in this setting [190]. expected to be low due to the decreased avail-
In an attempt to address the limitations of ability of iron for erythropoiesis. Conversely, in
serum ferritin and TSAT, several other markers of reticuloendothelial blockade, hepcidin, as the
iron status have been proposed and examined. To pathogenic mediator of inflammation, would be
date, reticulocyte hemoglobin content (Chr Hb) expected to be high. Furthermore, as hepcidin
appears to be the most promising of these addi- levels increase with iron loading, following its
tional markers, showing improved sensitivity and rise may help delineate when sufficient iron
specificity over ferritin and TSAT in adult studies stores have been achieved and alert physicians to
[191, 192]. CHr Hb is a measure of the amount of those at risk for possible harmful effects of iron
Hb in reticulocytes. Given the very short life span overload. Finally, low hepcidin levels may iden-
of reticulocytes (1–2 days), it should reflect how tify those patients most likely to respond to oral
much iron is available for incorporation into new iron. Whether hepcidin measurements can guide
red blood cells. Additionally CHr Hb is available iron supplementation requires future study.
on many of the current multichannel hematology Patients on peritoneal dialysis exhibited no
analyzers that do complete blood counts. The hematological indices with good sensitivity or
current K/DOQI guidelines include CHr Hb mea- specificity for detecting iron depletion [199].
sures (cutoff 29 pg/cell) but have not been Even the absence of stainable iron in bone
27 Management of Renal Anemia in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 543

marrow aspirates was not a sensitive marker for Table 27.3 Suggested initial rHuEPO dosing based on age
iron-deficient anemia. Hemodialysis Peritoneal dialysis
Age group dependent dependent
Children <5 250–300 units/kg/ 100–150 units/kg/
years of age week week
Recombinant Human Erythropoietin
Children >5 150–200 units/kg/ 50–100 units/kg/
Therapy years of age week week
Suggested rHuEPO dosing extrapolated for reports of
Recombinant Human Erythropoietin rHuEPO dosing from various sources [162, 208, 209,
is Available in Many Forms 218, 235]

Cloning of the human EPO gene into Chinese may reflect DOQI/KDOQI recommendations, a
hamster ovary (CHO) cells facilitated commer- Hb range of 11–12 g/dL, or may be individualized
cial production of rHuEPO [200]. The protein to meet a child’s specific medical needs. The
encoded by the EPO gene is a heavily glycosy- rHuEPO-mediated erythropoietic response is
lated 165 amino acid protein [201, 202] (molecu- dose dependent and correlates with the units
lar weight = 30.4 kDa) characterized by a classic administered relative to body weight.
four helix bundle cytokine motif which is typical The initial dose of rHuEPO can be difficult to
of hematopoietic growth factors [119] (Fig. 27.4). determine due to inter-patient differences in
Erythropoietin’s heavy glycosylation, 40% of the erythrocyte survival time and the remaining
30 kD protein, prevented analysis of the molecu- amount of endogenous EPO production. The
lar structure until a recent study of a mutated choice of a higher rHuEPO weekly dose means
EPO protein, by Cheetham and coworkers [119], that there is a possibility of overshooting the Hb
provided some insight. There are at least five target, while a dose that is too low will lead to a
recombinant forms of erythropoietin a, b, d, W, z slow or partial correction of the anemia and more
that have been developed and commercially mar- costs attributable to additional laboratory testing.
keted. rHuEPO a and b are both made in CHO Some of the earliest rHuEPO studies contrasted
cells, and have only slight differences in isoforms the use of high-dose (150 units/kg/week) versus
and glycosylation. rHuEPO b has a higher molec- low-dose (50 units/kg/week) rHuEPO initial
ular weight and a lower number of sialylated gly- treatment [169, 206].
can residues [203]. rHuEPO d, produced in Initial investigations suggested that the dose
human cell lines, was thought to have potential of rHuEPO required to achieve a target Hb value
advantages in half-life due to the human glycosy- is affected by the age [207–209] of the child and
lation pattern. Pharmacokinetic studies, however, the mode of dialysis. Some investigators have
have not demonstrated any difference in half-life concluded that a dose of 100–150 units/kg/week
when compared to rHuEPO a and b. rHuEPO W, is a reasonable starting dose for hemodialysis-
which is produced in baby hamster kidney (BHK) dependent children >5 years of age (Table 27.3).
cells and has smaller amounts of O-bound sugars For children <5 years of age receiving hemodi-
and is less acidic, has been shown to be effective alysis the rHuEPO dose should be 250–300 units/
and safe in adult dialysis patients [204]. Smaller kg/week and 100–150 units/kg/week for those
doses of rHuEPO W, relative to rHuEPO a may receiving peritoneal dialysis. Peritoneal dialysis
be needed to maintain the Hgb [205]. patients require rHuEPO doses one-third lower
than of those in children on hemodialysis.
Children, less than 5 years of age require higher
Recombinant Human Erythropoietin doses of rHuEPO [209] than older children due,
Dosing for Children in part, to more rapid rHuEPO clearance [207,
210]. The manufacturers of rHuEPO generally
Prior to initiating rHuEPO therapy, it is important suggest starting with a dose of 150 units/kg/week
to select a target Hb range. The range selected divided three times weekly.
544 P.D. Yorgin and J. Zaritsky

Table 27.4 Different forms of erythropoietin

Erythropoietin Erythropoietin Erythropoietin Erythropoietin
alpha beta delta omega Darbepoetin
Brand names Epogen, Procrit NeoRecormon DynEPO EpoMax Aranesp
Half-life IV: 4–13 h IV: 4–12 h IV: 4.7–13.2 h IV: 12–39 h
SQ: 13–37 h SQ: 8–22 h SQ: 23.4 ± 9.6 h SQ: 21–144 h
Source Chinese hamster Chinese hamster Human cell line Hamster kidney Chinese
ovary cells ovary cells cells hamster ovary
FDA approval Approved Not approved, Not approved in USA, Approved Approved
approved in Europe approved in Europe

In neonates, where rHuEPO is used to decrease Intravenous rHuEPO is cleared much more
the requirement for red blood transfusions, the rapidly than subcutaneously injected rHuEPO.
dose of rHuEPO studied has been quite high, up The differences in the available forms of rHuEPO
to 300 units/kg/day [211] or 1,500 units/kg/week and their different half-lives are shown in
[212]. The higher rHuEPO dose is thought to be Table 27.4.
due to a larger volume of distribution and more Hemoglobin levels should be monitored at
rapid clearance [213]. least weekly (the manufacturers recommend
More recently, studies by Bamgbola et al. twice weekly monitoring) for 2–6 weeks after
[214] and Port and Mehls have shown a lack of starting rHuEPO and weekly following any dose
correlation between age and weight and the adjustment. Monthly Hb monitoring is recom-
rHuEPO dose needed to achieve a normal hemo- mended once the Hb has stabilized.
globin level. Other factors may correlate better Adjustments in the rHuEPO dose are indicated
with the erythropoietin response including in the following situations: (1) the Hb is rapidly
(Kt/V), intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), blood approaching or above the target Hb, (2) if at any
loss, normalized protein catabolic rates (nPCRs), time Hb increases by more than 1.3 g/dL in a
and indices of malnutrition and inflammation. 2-week period, or (3) if a Hb increase of 1.6–2 g/
Port and Mehls developed a new formula, inde- dL (Hct > 5–6%) is not achieved over an 8-week
pendent of age and weight [215]. period. Based on the erythropoietic response to
rHuEPO, it is important to make small (10–25%)
incremental changes in the rHuEPO dose, as fre-
⎛ 9.6 ⎞ quent adjustments in rHuEPO can hinder the
~ 2, 400 IU ⎜ ⎟ −1
ss − hgb 0
⎝ hgb ⎠ maintenance of a steady-state Hb level. If the Hb
is rising rapidly, >1.3 g/dL (Hct > 4%) in 2 weeks,
Erythropoietin can be given by subcutaneous, then the rHuEPO dose should be decreased by
intravenous, and intraperitoneal (IP) routes. The 25%. An effort should be made to avoid discon-
initial reports described the use of subcutaneous tinuation of rHuEPO, as a dramatic decline in Hb
rHuEPO three times per week in pediatric patients occurs in 1–2 months due to the lack of newly
with ESRD [206, 216]. Three times per week released erythrocytes (Fig. 27.9). A temporary
dosing was chosen based on pharmacokinetic discontinuation of rHuEPO therapy should only
information that smaller doses given more fre- occur when the Hb is high, e.g., >13 g/dL.
quently were more effective than larger doses Cost-effectiveness favors the subcutaneous
given less frequently. A recent Cochrane Review route. Doses of subcutaneous rHuEPO are about
concluded, however, that there was no statistical one-third smaller than intravenous doses to main-
advantage to more frequent, as compared to once tain the same Hct [207, 218]. The cost of rHuEPO
weekly, dosing [217]. is significant (approximately $5,000–10,000 per
27 Management of Renal Anemia in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 545

Fig. 27.9 Effect of

discontinuing rHuEPO on

patient year). Because pharmacokinetic data and ecule and its serum half-life [222]. However, as
cost-effectiveness favor the subcutaneous route, the carbohydrate content is increased, the receptor
DOQI committee has expressed the opinion that binding affinity of rHuEPO decreases.
even hemodialysis patients should be treated with Darbepoetin alpha, with a molecular weight of
subcutaneous rHuEPO [140]. However, in many 37.1 kDa, has 5N-linked oligosaccharide chains
hemodialysis centers intravenous rHuEPO remains while rHuEPO only has three chains. When com-
the preferred route due to the ease of the infusion, pared with rHuEPO, intravenous darbepoetin alfa
the lack of pain associated with the injection, and has an approximate threefold longer serum half-
the ability to insure compliance with therapy. life (25.3 h) [223]. Thus, use of darbepoetin alpha
Although there have been reports of success- allows less frequent administration, perhaps as
ful responses to intraperitoneal (IP) rHuEPO infrequently as once weekly or every other week
[218–220], especially when the peritoneum is dry by either intravenous or subcutaneous injection
or when a small dialysate volume is used, the bio- [222]. There is conflicting data regarding the
availability of IP rHuEPO is poor. About 80% of potential cost of darbepoetin alfa relative to
the rHuEPO can be recovered after a 4 h dwell. rHuEPO [224–226]. Greater pain at the injection
The use of IP rHuEPO requires that the patient site, particularly in younger children, treated with
forego any indwelling dialysate (last bag fill) or subcutaneous darbepoetin [227] has been a con-
any exchanges during the treatment time. A more cern. Recommended dosing and dose adjustment
recent study by Rijk et al. showed success with guidelines have been published [228]. Dosing
intraperitoneal darbepoetin at a mean dose of pharmacokinetics have also been performed in
0.79 mcg/kg/week [221]. children with chronic kidney disease [229].

Darbepoetin Alpha The High Cost of rHuEPO Affects

One of the major limitations of rHuEPO is the
requirement for frequent dosing due to the rela- After atorvastatin, erythropoietin is the best-sell-
tively short half-life. Previous studies demon- ing drug in the United States. Recombinant human
strated a relationship between the sialic erythropoietin therapy is relatively expensive,
acid-containing carbohydrate content of the mol- costing approximately $5,000–$10,000 per year
546 P.D. Yorgin and J. Zaritsky

for a typical adult hemodialysis patient. The production [247, 248], enhanced response to
expense of rHuEPO can be reduced by screening norepinephrine [249], and arterial remodeling
patients for iron depletion, undertreated bone dis- [238, 250]. A review of the pediatric rHuEPO lit-
ease, aluminum toxicity, and vitamin depletion erature by Jabs and Harmon reported that exacer-
prior to initiating rHuEPO therapy [230]. bation or the development of hypertension was
Prescribing rHuEPO via subcutaneous instead of the most significant adverse effect seen with
an intravenous route also decreases costs [231]. rHuEPO treatment of anemia [251]. When defined
by an increase in the dose of antihypertensive
medications, an increase in blood pressure
Erythropoietin Therapy Causes occurred in 30% of rHuEPO-treated children.
an Increase in Blood Pressure There was no difference in the incidence of
rHuEPO-associated hypertension between chil-
Hypertension is the most common adverse dren on hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
effect attributed to rHuEPO treatment in adults If hypertension is a problem during the correc-
[217, 232, 233] and children [168, 234–236]. tion phase of renal anemia, close monitoring of
Twenty to seventy percent of patients treated with blood pressure, administration of antihyperten-
rHuEPO experience worsening of hypertension sive drugs, and, if needed, downward adjustment
or develop new-onset hypertension [232, 233]. of the rHuEPO dosage are required. There is a
There is evidence that the increase in Hgb alone suggestion that calcium channel blockers may be
does not cause the hypertension. Patients who particularly effective at blocking rHuEPO-medi-
had an increase in Hgb in response to iron ther- ated hypertension [242]. The route of rHuEPO
apy alone did not become hypertensive [237]. may influence blood pressures, as blood pres-
Recombinant human erythropoietin-induced sures are less likely to increase after subcutane-
hypertension occurs even in iron-depleted ous administration [252].
patients who do not experience an increase
in Hgb [237]. Similarly, multiple small blood
transfusions that simulate the effect of rHuEPO rHuEPO Increases the Risk
do not cause hypertension [237]. of Thrombosis
While correction of Hgb alone does not appear
to cause an increase in blood pressure, contro- An increased risk of thrombosis is one of the
versy exists as to whether a rapid rate of Hgb rise major concerns related to the use of rHuEPO. In
influences the development of hypertension [232, a placebo-controlled trial with a small number of
238]. In some of the early rHuEPO trials in adults, hemodialysis-dependent adults with AV fistulas,
where there was a rapid rise in Hct, there was a rHuEPO did not induce any prothrombotic
disturbing incidence of hypertensive encephal- change in hemostatic parameters, nor did throm-
opathy and seizures. bosis occur more frequently [253]. In the largest
Recombinant human erythropoietin-mediated study of the relationship between graft patency
hypertension is not caused by renin–angiotensin and rHuEPO, Martino et al. studied PTFE graft
system [239], endothelin [239, 240] or atrial natri- function in 173 ESRD patients who were receiv-
uretic peptide-mediated mechanisms [239]; ing rHuEPO. Martino compared the results of the
instead, there is evidence that rHuEPO causes PTFE patients with 308 patients who were not
hypertension due to an increase in blood volume, receiving rHuEPO. For patients receiving rhEPO,
increased blood viscosity especially after hemo- primary patency was 8.9 months, compared to
dialysis [241], modified nitric oxide synthesis and 7.8 months in the group not receiving rHuEPO.
resistance [242, 243], increased cytosolic calcium Conversely, other investigators have con-
[242, 244], a direct rHuEPO vasopressor effect cluded that rHuEPO plays a significant role in the
possibly due to vascular alpha-adrenergic respon- thrombosis of vascular access [254, 255]. Platelet
siveness [245, 246], increased catecholamine counts increase [254, 255] and bleeding times
27 Management of Renal Anemia in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 547

decrease [254, 256] in rHuEPO-treated patients. reduced by the use of rHuEPO in the multiuse
Studies have concluded that increased platelet vial, which uses a different buffer, less volume
aggregation [234, 254], increased blood viscosity with higher rHuEPO concentrations [266], dilu-
[257], decreased Protein C and S [254], and free tion of the rHuEPO with bacteriostatic saline
protein S [254, 258], are the major reasons for [266], and by warming the syringe filled with
rHuEPO-induced thrombosis. The risk of throm- rHuEPO prior to injection.
bosis is also influenced by platelet numbers and
function. A small increase in platelet number is
observed during the correction period due to an rHuEPO Therapy Can Cause
increase in new platelet number [254, 255] and Influenza-Like Symptoms
function [234, 259, 260] in response to rHuEPO.
Bleeding times decrease with EPO therapy [260]. A small number of patients (4%) report “flu-like”
During the maintenance phase of rHuEPO the symptoms after receiving rHuEPO. The flu-like
platelet count usually returns to normal. symptoms have been attributed to increased
While some investigators reported that hepa- peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)
rin infusions during hemodialysis should be production of IL-1 and TNFa [267].
higher in children receiving rHuEPO to avoid
thrombosis and loss of the hemofilter [169, 210],
Campos et al. reported that no increase in heparin rHuEPO Does not Cause a Reduction
was required [163]. Low-dose aspirin therapy in Renal Function
does not appear to be of any benefit in decreasing
the risk of thrombosis [256]. Shortly after the introduction of rHuEPO, there
was concern that rHuEPO caused a reduction in
renal function [255, 261]. However, several stud-
Patients Receiving rHuEPO Therapy May ies have shown that renal excretory function
Develop Problems with Hyperkalemia deteriorates no more rapidly in individuals treated
with rHuEPO than in controls [169, 268–270].
Serum potassium levels rise slightly in response
to rHuEPO therapy [255, 261–263]; however, the
rise in potassium rarely requires significant dialy- Novel Erythropoiesis-Stimulating
sis prescription changes. Hyperkalemia is thought Agents
to be due to an improvement in appetite and a
slight decrease in potassium clearance during An entirely new group of medications capable of
dialysis in patients with higher Hb levels. increasing erythropoiesis, erythropoiesis-stimu-
Recombinant human erythropoietin-induced lating agents (ESAs), are currently being devel-
hyperkalemia can be corrected by more stringent oped. The new medications can be divided into
restriction of dietary potassium or increased dial- four groups: (1) medications which positively
ysis time and decreased dialysate potassium impact bone-marrow production of hematopoi-
concentration. etic stem cells and progenitors, (2) medications,
which like rHuEPO, which are capable of bind-
ing to the erythropoietin receptor, (3) new eryth-
Subcutaneous Injections of rHuEPO ropoietin receptor agonists that have no sequence
Can Be Painful homology with rHuEPO, and (4) medications
which inhibit molecules which downregulate
Many patients complain of pain at the injection erythropoietin gene transcription. Incidentally,
site due to rHuEPO therapy [264–266]. The pain the competitive cycling world has obtained access
has been attributed to the use of a citrate buffer in to quite a few of these new medications, making
some formulations of rHuEPO [265]. The pain it much harder for officials to determine whether
associated with injection of rHuEPO may be doping is occurring [271].
548 P.D. Yorgin and J. Zaritsky

New Medications Which Increase epoetin beta has not been studied in children.
Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor There are some concerns related to the pegylation
Cells of rHuEPO. Rare patients experience anaphylac-
tic reactions due to polyethylene glycol (PEG)
Leridistim and have complement activation [290]. With high
Patients who have received chemotherapy or doses, nephrotoxicity can occur [291].
radiation often have problems with prolonged and
severe leukopenia. In an effort to achieve faster Fusion of Proteins with Recombinant
neutrophil recovery, leridistim, a dual G-CSF and Human Erythropoietin
IL-3 receptor agonist, was created for use prior to Investigators have created rHuEPO fusion pro-
chemotherapy/radiation. Plasmon resonance teins, using proteins including the truncated
analysis demonstrated that leridistim binds to amino acid sequences from thrombopoietin and
both IL-3R and G-CSFR simultaneously and acti- human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) [292]. By
vates both receptors at the same time [272].While adding a truncated 28 amino acids portion of the
G-CSF appears to be better in preventing neutro- carboxy terminal of the hCG beta subunit to form
penia [273], leridistim also has potential as a a fusion protein (Epo-CGC), the half-life was
hematopoietic stem cell stimulator [274–276]. slightly longer than darbepoetin [292]. It is also
possible to create a fusion protein which main-
Small-Molecule c-MPL Agonists tains the function of both fused proteins. A fusion
The thrombopoietin receptor, c-MPL, has been protein combining the N-terminal 153 peptides
presumed to primarily stimulate the production of thrombopoietin and rHuEPO has been shown
of megakaryocytes, with minimal stimulation of to increase erythrocytes and megakaryocytes
the hematopoietic cell line. Experiments using a in vitro and in animal models [293].
small-molecule c-MPL agonist, NR101, unex- Other investigators have created fusion pro-
pectedly increased hematopoietic stem numbers teins with rHuEPO and the FC portion of IgG
in cord blood greater than twofold when com- [293–298]. Monomeric and dimeric rHuEPO+FC
pared to thrombopoietin [277]. molecules have been tested as an inhalational
treatment. Phase 1 studies have reported thera-
peutic blood rhEPO levels with inhaled
New Recombinant Human rHuEPO+FC molecules [299, 300].
Erythropoietin-Based Proteins

Pegylating Recombinant Human Synthetic Erythropoiesis-Stimulating

Erythropoietin Prolongs Its Half-Life Proteins
The most obvious way to enhance erythropoiesis
would be to modify rHuEPO so that the molecule CNTO 528 and 530: A New Fc Domain
is more effective or longer lasting. Methoxy poly- Fusion Protein with a Peptide Segment
ethylene glycol-epoetin beta (MirceraTM) is an Capable of Erythropoietin Receptor
erythropoietin beta to which polyethylene glycol Binding
(PEG) has been attached. When given by intrave- Studies of the erythropoietin receptor binding
nous or subcutaneous route every 2–4 weeks sites yielded information that has been used by
[278], methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta pharmaceutical companies to develop novel mol-
achieves hemoglobin levels similar to darbepoe- ecules with EPO-R binding activity without any
tin and erythropoietin in adult dialysis patients sequence homology to EPO [292, 301]. CNTO
[279–288]. Methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin 528 and CNTO 530 have no sequence homology
beta has a safety profile comparable to rHuEPO with rHuEPO [302]. There is a signal peptidase
[289] and has been Food and Drug Administration consensus site, an EMP1 sequence, a flexible
(FDA) approved. Methoxy polyethylene glycol- linker, a human J chain, and a human IgG4 Fc
27 Management of Renal Anemia in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 549

domain. Phase 1 trials have shown reticulocyte subjects showed a hemoglobin dose–response
responses and normalization of the hemoglobin curve [311]. Interestingly, the hemoglobin
values when CNTO has been intravenously response of prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors was not
injected [303]. The initial effects of CNTO 528 inhibited by inflammation, and oral iron absorp-
were seen 9–10 days after injection and maximal tion increased due to an effect on hepcidin [311,
effects were seen 19–26 days later. 312]. Hemoglobin responses were similar with
F4592 [312]. It is concerning that during a phase
Hematide Is a Pegylated Synthetic II study one adult subject died of acute liver fail-
Peptide Capable of Erythropoietin ure. The FDA has recently approved phase III tri-
Receptor Binding als using both prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors.
The use of a small EPO-R binding peptide
attached to polyethylene glycol is an attractive Asparaginase Hydroxylase Inhibition
option due to the lack of sequence homology with Asparaginase hydroxylase is the factor inhibiting
rHuEPO and the prolonged half-life conferred by hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF), which provides
the polyethylene glycol. HematideTM, consisting fine regulation of erythropoietin transcription by
of a dimeric peptide and polyethylene glycol, has hydroxylating asparaginine in HIF [313, 314].
been tested in phase I–III trials and has a safety While prolyl hydroxylases have a profound effect
profile similar to placebo [304]. A recent study on erythropoietin transcription, asparaginase
performed by MacDougall et al., demonstrated hydroxylase appear to have a minor regulatory
the efficacy of HematideTM in 14 adult dialysis effect. Inhibition of asparaginase hydroxylase
patients who had red cell aplasia due to anti- would be expected to have a positive effect on
erythropoietin antibodies [305]. All patients had erythropoietin production.
a treatment response with improved hemoglobin
values; however one subject developed anti- GATA Inhibitors
HematideTM antibodies. Animal model studies GATA-2 and GATA-3 negatively control the
have failed to show anti-HematideTM antibody or transcriptional activity for the erythropoietin
significant adverse effects outside of the effects gene [315] in kidney interstitial cells. Interleukin-
of polycythemia [306, 307]. 1b and tumor necrosis factor a, increases GATA
binding to the erythropoietin promoter, thus
blocking erythropoietin transcription. A GATA
Therapies Which Downregulate inhibitor, K-7174, when injected intraperitone-
Erythropoietin Gene Transcription ally in an animal model reversed the decreases in
erythropoietin due to IL-1b and TNF a [316].
Prolyl Hydroxylase Inhibitors Increase
Hypoxia Heterodimer Upregulation of the
Erythropoietin Receptor Erythropoietic Failure Despite
Analysis of a subgroup of patients with poly- Recombinant Human Erythropoietin
cythemia identified a gene defect in prolyl Therapy
hydroxylase 2 as a cause [94, 103, 104, 308, 309].
When dimethyloxalylglycine was identified as a Erythropoietin resistance, the inability to main-
prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor, investigators began tain a Hb within an appropriate target range
thinking of prolyl hydroxylase regulation as a despite generous doses of rHuEPO (>500 units/
means of treating renal anemia. To date, two pro- kg/week), can be caused by iron depletion, immu-
lyl hydroxylase inhibitors, F2216 and F4592, nologic activation, secondary hyperparathyroid-
have been extensively studied. Early studies ism, chronic blood loss, vitamin depletion,
of nephrectomized rats treated with F2216 medications, inadequate dialysis, aluminum
revealed an increase in erythropoietin levels from toxicity, fluid shifts, malnutrition, and rarely,
hepatocyte production [310]. Treatment of study hemoglobinopathies.
550 P.D. Yorgin and J. Zaritsky

Infection and Inflammation studies have shown an improvement in Hct or Hb

Can Inhibit Erythropoiesis with parathyroidectomy [339–345] and treatment
of secondary hyperparathyroidism using vitamin
Observations that hospitalized patients [317], and D analogs [346–349].
those with infections and rheumatologic diseases The mechanism of parathyroid hormone
[318, 319] experience rHuEPO resistance, led to (PTH)-induced anemia appears to be direct inhibi-
the theory that immune activation is a major cause tion of erythroid cells [345], inhibition of platelet
of rHuEPO resistance [320]. Early studies hypoth- function which can increase blood loss through
esized that T-cell circulating factors were sup- bleeding [350], and the replacement of the cellular
pressing CFU-E [321]. More recent studies have components of the bone marrow by fibrous tissue
demonstrated that inhibition of EPO production [351]. Parathyroid hormone does not appear to
[322, 323] and cytokine-mediated inhibition of influence red blood cell osmotic fragility [352].
erythropoiesis cause immune-mediated rHuEPO The diagnosis and treatment of secondary
resistance. Interleukin 1 (IL-1) [323–325], inter- hyperparathyroidism is reviewed in Chap. 25.
feron a and b [323], TNFa [323, 325], and TGFb
[325] have been shown to decrease EPO forma-
tion in perfused rat kidneys. Others have reported Chronic Blood Loss
similar findings when using hepatoma cell cul-
tures [324, 326–328] and in serum-free cultures Gastrointestinal blood loss and blood loss associ-
of human erythroid progenitors [329]. ated with dialysis including blood draws, removal
Inflammatory disease is a major cause of ane- of clots in hemodialysis catheters, and blood not
mia in otherwise healthy children and in those returned to the patient during a rinse back are sig-
requiring dialysis [330, 331]. Clinically, C-reactive nificant contributory factors to the development
protein (CRP) levels correlate with rHuEPO of anemia. In a study by Muller-Wiefel et al. [45],
hyporesponsiveness [331–333]. In a study of 30 children with CRF experienced a daily intestinal
hemodialysis patients, Barany and his coworkers blood loss of 6 mL/m2. Hemodialysis patients
reported that patients with CRP levels >20 mg/L lost even more, 11 mL/m2/day. Patients lost a
had rHuEPO doses 80% higher than patients with mean of 8 mL/m2 per dialysis, almost half being
CRP values <20 mg/L. Hemodialysis patients lost in the blood circuit tubing. Blood loss also
with high CRP levels also absorb less iron [334]. occurs with removal of heparin from the catheter
Inflammatory and infectious agents can cause and during assessment of hemodialysis catheter
significant bone marrow suppression. Anemia patency.
attributed to viral disease processes has been Fastidious rinse back of blood in the dialysis
reported. Parvovirus B19 causes a pancytopenia lines, stool guaiac testing, and avoidance of med-
in immunosuppressed renal transplant patients ications that inhibit platelet function or coagula-
[335–337]. tion should decrease hemodialysis blood loss.
An evaluation of possible sources of infection,
blood cultures drawn from hemodialysis catheter
lines, viral studies and rheumatologic studies Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency
may be of value in determining the cause of the
anemia associated with inflammation. Vitamins and minerals play critical roles in eryth-
ropoiesis. The B vitamins are water soluble and
thus are removed during dialysis. Deficiency of
Bone Disease due to Secondary vitamin B12 causes megaloblastic anemia
Hyperparathyroidism Contributes because vitamin B12 is required for DNA synthe-
to Anemia sis. Individuals who are deficient have large
erythrocytes due to the abnormal maturation pro-
Poorly controlled bone disease can contribute to cess. Vitamin B12 is found only in products
rHuEPO hyporesponsiveness [210, 338]. Several derived from animal sources; thus, vegetarians
27 Management of Renal Anemia in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 551

are at greater risk of becoming vitamin B12 defi- Table 27.5 Common medications known to cause anemia
cient. Patients with gastrectomy, surgical removal Aplastic anemia
of ileum, or chronic malabsorption disorder are Chloramphenicol
more likely to have vitamin B12 deficiency. Bone marrow toxicity/aplasia/hypoplasia
Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs rarely in patients
receiving hemodialysis [353]. Azathioprine
Folic acid deficiency also causes a macrocytic Chlorpromazine
anemia indistinguishable from vitamin B12 defi- Cisplatin
ciency. Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) deficiency
Gold salts
causes a microcytic anemia that can be easily Methotrexate
confused with iron deficiency. Penicillamine
Vitamins developed for dialysis-dependent Sulfonamides
Thiazide diuretics
patients are excellent sources of the water-soluble
B vitamins. The addition of 0.25 mg/month of Hemolytic anemia
vitamin B12 may be necessary in selected patients Cephalosporins
[354]. A weekly dose of 2–3 mg of folic acid and Hepatitis A and B vaccine
100–150 mg of vitamin B6 is recommended for Methyldopa
adult hemodialysis patients receiving rHuEPO Procainamide
therapy. Quinidine
Vitamin C (1–1.5 g/week) was shown to over- Quinine
come functional iron deficiency in patients with Tetracycline
high ferritin levels [354]. The potential increase Oxidant-induced hemolysis (G-6-PD-deficient patients)
of oxidative stress induced by intravenous iron Dapsone
therapy may be blunted by concomitant adminis- Methylene blue
tration of vitamin E (1,200 IU) [355]. Nitrofurantoin
Copper is an essential component of several Quinidine
enzymes that are required for blood formation.
Increased serum levels of AcSDKP
Factors that are associated with copper deficiency Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
include prolonged diarrhea, premature birth, Sideroblastic anemia
excessive zinc intake, and Menkes Kinky Hair Isoniazid
Syndrome which is due to a genetic defect in Source: Modified from Shinton [404]
copper absorption. Copper deficiency causes an
anemia that is very similar to iron deficiency. anemia appears to be unique. Angiotensin-
Cobalt, a critical component in the vitamin B12 converting enzyme inhibitors cause anemia
molecule, is required in trace amounts for eryth- [356, 357] by increasing the serum levels of
ropoiesis. Cobalt deficiency is very rare. an inhibitor of erythropoiesis, N-acetyl-seryl-
aspartyl-lysyl-proline (AcSDKP). N-acetyl-
seryl-aspartyl-lysyl-proline levels decrease in
Medications response to dialysis and can increase fourfold
when an ACEi is used [358]
Medications can cause anemia by bone marrow
toxicity, aplastic anemia, immune-mediated
hemolytic anemia, or hemolysis in patients with The Dialysis Membrane and Duration
G-6-PD deficiency. A partial list of medications of Dialysis Affect rHuEPO Dosing
reported to cause anemia is shown in Table 27.5.
While a complete discussion of the mecha- The selection of the dialysis membrane may have
nism of drug-induced anemia is beyond the a significant effect on the rHuEPO dose. Eiselt
scope of this chapter, the cause of angiotensin- et al. [359] conducted a study where 20 patients
converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEi)-induced were randomized for treatment with either
552 P.D. Yorgin and J. Zaritsky

acetate-free biofiltration or low-flux hemodialy- which dealt with the effects of a higher target Hct
sis membranes. Although Kt/V did not differ in 618 patients with clinical evidence of conges-
between groups, the rHuEPO doses in the ace- tive heart failure or ischemic heart disease, was
tate-free biofiltration group were significantly that post-hemodialysis Hct values may have been
lower. much higher than the target, thus causing the
There is also a correlation between Hb and increase in deaths.
hours of dialysis per week, and number of years Interestingly, there can be a significant decline
on renal replacement therapy [360]. There is also (4–10%) in Hct in response to assuming a recum-
a relationship between lower KT/Vurea and bent position. The orthostatic change in Hct is
erythropoietin resistance [332]. thought to be due to the mobilization of fluid
from the extravascular space into the circulation.

Aluminum Toxicity
Malnutrition Influences Erythropoiesis
Although aluminum-based compounds are used
far less frequently in the management of hyper- Malnutrition can be a factor that contributes to
phosphatemia than in the past, a few patients still the development of anemia. In adult hemodialy-
have problems with aluminum toxicity. Chronic sis patients, laboratory surrogates of malnutri-
use of aluminum-based antacids and phosphate tion, serum creatinine, and albumin were found
binders remains the most common cause of alu- to significantly correlate with Hb [367].
minum toxicity in patients with end-stage renal Aggressive management of malnutrition should
disease. In animal studies [361, 362] aluminum be employed using higher caloric value foods or
has been shown to induce partial resistance to dietary supplements.
erythropoietin and to increase heme oxygenase
activity [362], which subsequently increases the
destruction of the heme protein. Aluminum also Anti-rHuEPO Antibodies
causes an osteomalacia which can negatively
impact erythropoiesis. Although likely to be extremely uncommon, anti-
rHuEPO antibodies have been described in 13
patients with chronic renal failure [368].
Changes in Fluid Status Affect the Discontinuation of the rHuEPO led to a slow
Hematocrit decrease in anti-rHuEPO antibody titers.

Hemodialysis patients experience significant

shifts in Hct related to their fluid status. As a Iron Therapy
patient becomes more fluid overloaded, the Hct
falls due to hemodilution. Conversely, during Oral Iron Supplementation
dialysis the Hct rises in relationship to the amount
of fluid removed [263, 363]. A 5% weight loss Iron supplements are necessary to meet the
over 3 h will increase the Hct by 15% [263]. demand for increased erythropoiesis during
Monitoring the rise in Hct during hemodialysis rHuEPO therapy in children with CKD. The cur-
has been recognized as a means by which intra- rent K/DOQI guidelines again closely follow
dialytic hypotension can be predicted and avoided adult recommendations and state that oral ther-
[364, 365]. apy is likely adequate for non-dialysis and peri-
It is important to note that all research studies toneal dialysis patients while hemodialysis
related to anemia in hemodialysis patients report patients likely require intravenous iron therapy
pre-dialysis Hct. One of the criticisms of the (see below). However, some investigators have
seminal study by Besarab and coworkers [366], advocated for oral iron therapy in pediatric
27 Management of Renal Anemia in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 553

hemodialysis patients. One small randomized Feosol, Chromagen, and Niferex groups, these
trial of 35 pediatric hemodialysis patients dem- differences were not statistically significant.
onstrated that while IV iron did result in increased Importantly, despite intensive compliance moni-
ferritin levels, it did not show a significant advan- toring during the study the mean hemocrit
tage over oral iron in terms of maintaining ade- remained below 30% and the mean TSAT
quate iron stores for erythropoiesis [369]. It is remained below 20% in three of the four groups,
important to note that at the beginning of this reinforcing the poor efficacy of oral iron supple-
trial, all patients were iron replete by current K/ mentation in hemodialysis patients.
DOQI standards. Additionally most adult studies Recently, there has been growing interest in
of hemodialysis patients have shown that IV iron oral supplementation using iron in its heme form.
is superior to oral iron [370, 371]. Heme iron polypeptide is absorbed via a different
Oral iron is usually dosed at 3–6 mg/kg/day of mechanism than non-heme iron and appears to
elemental iron divided BID with a maximum have greater bioavailability (see above). One
dose of 300 mg/day. Generally, the dose should open label trial in adult hemodialysis patients
be taken at least 2 h before or 1 h after phosphate demonstrated that heme iron was able to replace
binders and food to maximize absorption. intravenous iron therapy in a majority of patients;
Coadministration of iron with other medications [375] there is a multicenter trial now enroll-
such as phosphate binders and antacids limits its ing peritoneal dialysis patients in order to com-
absorption due to changes in gastric pH [57]. As pare heme iron against traditional non-heme iron
an aside, oral iron preparations can be used as supplements [376].
phosphorus binders but have not been widely
marketed as such. High-dose vitamin C has been
found to enhance the iron absorption in the gut Intravenous Iron Supplementation
but has the potential side effect of oxalate deposi-
tion in the presence of decreased kidney function The current K/DOQI guidelines recommend
[372]. Compliance with oral iron therapy in chil- intravenous iron as the preferred route of admin-
dren can be limited by gastrointestinal intolerance istration in hemodialysis patients. These recom-
which is dose related and occurs in up to 20% of mendations are based on both adult and pediatric
patients. Additionally, the use of the oral suspen- data. Evidence in adult patients is from several
sion can cause teeth discoloration and staining. randomized controlled trials comparing IV to
There are a multitude of oral iron preparations oral iron that demonstrated that IV iron adminis-
available with varying amounts of elemental iron, tration is superior to oral iron in hemodialysis
including ferrous sulfate, ferrous fumarate, fer- patients [377–379]. In pediatric patients, there
rous gluconate, ferrous succinate, iron polymalt- are several prospective randomized trials show-
ose, and polysaccharide-iron complex. Ferrous ing that IV iron is effective at repleting and main-
sulfate is the most commonly prescribed iron taining iron stores in children on HD [369, 380,
compound containing 65 mg of elemental iron 381]. In the case of pediatric peritoneal dialysis
per 325 mg tablet [373]. There is very limited patients, intravenous iron is often only adminis-
data comparing the efficacy of one preparation tered after the patient has not shown a response to
versus another in CKD patients. One small study a course of oral iron. This is likely a function of
of 46 adult hemodialysis patients randomized the overall decreased need for iron in peritoneal
patients to receive 200 mg of elemental iron daily dialysis patients due to their much smaller obli-
in one of four preparations (1) Chromagen (fer- gate blood loss and the lack of easy IV access and
rous fumarate), (2) Feosol (ferrous sulfate), (3) inconvenience of the small but frequent dosing
Niferex (polysaccharide-iron complex), or (4) strategies used in hemodialysis patients.
Tabron (ferrous fumarate) [374]. Although the In general, treatment with IV iron is delivered
Tabron group tended to have the highest percent- in two phases: a loading phase, where consecu-
age of patients with a TSAT >20% followed by tive doses are given in order to replete the
554 P.D. Yorgin and J. Zaritsky

patient’s iron stores, and then a maintenance increases in mean hemoglobin, hematocrit,
phase, where a smaller dose is given weekly. transferrin saturation, serum ferritin, and reticulo-
Currently four iron preparations are available for cyte hemoglobin content with no unexpected
parenteral use within the United States with a adverse reactions reported. Another multicenter
fifth, ferric carboxymaltose, undergoing testing study of 23 pediatric hemodialysis patients showed
in Europe. These different preparations avoid the that a weekly ferric gluconate dose of 1 mg/kg
toxicity of an iron salt by complexing it with a was effective as a maintenance regimen [388].
carbohydrate (i.e., dextran, sucrose, or glucon- Iron sucrose, a complex of iron hydroxide and
ate). Before the iron within these parental com- sucrose was FDA approved in 2000. Several
pounds can be used directly for erythropoiesis, it studies have demonstrated its effectiveness and
must first be processed by the reticuloendothelial like ferric gluconate is it well tolerated with mini-
system. mal adverse effects [389, 390]. Dosing in chil-
Iron dextran, a complex of ferric oxyhydrox- dren is 1–4 mg/kg weekly for 12 weeks [391,
ide complexed with polymerized dextran, was the 392]. In a study by Morgan et al., iron sucrose
first parental formulation to become available for was successfully used in pediatric hemodialysis
the treatment of iron deficiency. Until recently, it patients at a dose of 2 mg/kg/week [392]. No
was the only parental compound that had the adverse events were reported even when patients
advantage of a single infusion up to one gram with suspected iron deficiency received a single
which is both convenient and cost-effective. loading dose of 7 mg/kg (maximum of 200 mg),
However, its popularity has decreased due to the followed by 2 mg/kg/week. Another study of 14
FDA black box warning of potential fatal anaphy- pediatric hemodialysis patients concluded that a
laxis which has been estimated at 0.6–0.7% [382, dosage of 1 mg/kg/dialysis and 0.3 mg/kg/dialy-
383]. Hence, a test dose of between 10 and 25 mg sis were sufficient for loading and maintenance
is required before the full infusion to check for the therapy respectively [391].
possibility of an allergic response. Other adverse Finally ferumoxytol, was recently approved
reactions which have also been reported with the by the United States Food and Drug
preparation are not thought to be immune medi- Administration. It is a novel iron oxide nanopar-
ated and include delayed reactions of hypoten- ticle with a polyglucose sorbitol carboxymethyl-
sion, arthralgias, myalgias, malaise, abdominal ether coating that can be administered as a single
pain, nausea, and vomiting [384]. Of the two rapid dose of up to 510 mg. It has been shown to
forms currently marketed within the United be safe and effective in adult CKD patients [393–
States, INFeD and DexFerrum, InFed appears to 396]; however, data describing its dosing and use
have a lower incidence of adverse effects [385]. in pediatric patients is lacking.
Sodium ferric gluconate, a complex of sodium
ferric gluconate in sucrose, was FDA approved in
1999 and has a lower rate of adverse reactions Iron Safety
with no fatal hypersensitivity reactions reported
to date [386]. Ferric gluconate has had an allergy- While the use of ESAs, often at high doses has
event reporting rate of 3.3 episodes per million been embraced by nephrologists, iron therapy has
doses compared to 8.7 with iron dextran, and been approached rather conservatively. Ironically,
although when it was first marketed a test dose there are now important safety concerns with the
was recommended, that recommendation has use of ESAs while the data linking iron adminis-
since been dropped [387]. An international pro- tration to poorer outcomes remains lacking. Much
spective multicenter trial of 66 pediatric patients of the discomfort with iron administration can be
investigated the safety and efficacy of ferric glu- attributed to problems of iron overload as a result
conate at both a 1.5 mg/kg dose and a 3 mg/kg of multiple transfusions during the pre-ESA era.
dose over eight consecutive doses in pediatric In addition, several observational studies have
hemodialysis patients on ESA therapy [381]. described an association between high serum fer-
Both dosing regimens resulted in significant ritin levels and infection or mortality [397–399].
27 Management of Renal Anemia in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 555

However, the acute-phase reactant behavior of

ferritin remains a large confounding factor as Future Directions
increased ferritin levels do not necessarily reflect
iron status and instead may simply be due to Despite the dramatic improvements in the diag-
increased levels of inflammation present in CKD nosis and management of anemia in patients with
patients. Thus the link between high ferritin lev- renal failure over the last decade, physicians still
els and infection and mortality may be an epiphe- underrecognize and undertreat anemia. Carmel
nomenon. Indeed, while no randomized controlled et al. reported that despite familiarity with norma-
study of whether intravenous iron therapy leads tive Hb levels, physicians have a tendency to ini-
to an increased risk of infection or death has been tiate an investigation of anemia only when patients
performed, a retrospective epidemiological study have very low Hb levels [402]. Physicians appear
of 50,000+ hemodialysis patients found that iron to do no better when prescribing iron therapy
administration was associated with improved [403]. A review of the North American Pediatric
survival [398]. Finally many of the concerns Renal Trials and Cooperative Studies (NAPRTCS)
regarding the adverse effects of iron, including chronic renal insufficiency database reported that
oxidative stress are based on in vitro studies. for patients who received rHuEPO by 30 days
Regardless, when one considers the benefits of after dialysis initiation, the mean Hct value after 6
improved response to ESA agents, the overall months of rHuEPO therapy was 31.9% for
risk benefit ratio favors the use of IV iron in patients who received rHuEPO by 30 days after
hemodialysis patients [400]. dialysis initiation. Fifty-four percent of patients
As far as the upper limit of ferritin, most inves- who received rHuEPO had Hct values less than
tigators agree that extremely high levels the 1997 DOQI target of 33–36% [208]. Closer
(>2,000 ng/mL) are reflective of simple iron over- monitoring and assurance that Hb targets are met
load or hemosiderosis [188, 401]. Levels of and maintained with rHuEPO therapy is needed.
greater than 1,200 ng/mL are still associated with There is a need for clinical studies in dialysis-
increased mortality risk even after adjustment for dependent children to (1) determine the optimal
markers of malnutrition and inflammation [398]. age- and gender-appropriate Hb targets; (2) dem-
Thus, most clinicians would feel uncomfortable onstrate the safety, pharmacokinetics, and efficacy
with the use of IV iron at these high ferritin lev- of new ESAs; and (3) compare the efficacy and
els. In contrast, it remains unclear if therapy with safety of the newer intravenous iron preparations.
IV iron is warranted at ferritin levels between 500 The findings reported in these studies will
and 1,200 ng/mL even when the TSAT is less than undoubtedly lead to even better outcomes in ane-
20%. The results of the DRIVE study did demon- mic children who require renal replacement
strate that IV iron therapy in patients with a serum therapy.
ferritin between 500 and 1,200 ng/mL resulted in
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Immune Function and Immunizations
in Dialyzed Children 28
Annabelle N. Chua and Alicia M. Neu

Chronic kidney disease • End-stage renal disease • Immune function
• Dialyzed children • Immunization

infection is reported to be the most common

Introduction reason for dialysis modality termination in children
[2]. The treatment and the prevention of infec-
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage tions are therefore important elements in the care
renal disease (ESRD) are associated with signifi- of pediatric dialysis patients, both for reduction
cant alterations in immune function. On the one of mortality and morbidity, and in the setting of
hand, CKD is associated with a state of chronic PD, for preservation of the peritoneal membrane
inflammation, which in turn has been associated function. This chapter will provide a brief review
with increased muscle catabolism, vascular calci- of currently available information regarding the
fication, insulin resistance, and malnutrition [1]. immune dysfunction associated with CKD and
However, patients with CKD and ESRD also ESRD. In addition, because delivery of routine
have immunodeficiency, as manifested by an childhood and supplemental vaccinations remains
increased risk for infection and sepsis and a cornerstone of infection prevention, data regard-
impaired response to vaccinations [1]. Infection ing response to immunizations in children with
is a leading reported cause of death in children CKD and alterations to the routine immunization
with ESRD [2, 3]. Peritoneal dialysis (PD) con- schedule for healthy children required for chil-
tinues to be plagued with the infectious compli- dren with CKD will be presented.
cation of peritonitis, and hemodialysis (HD) is
complicated by the development of catheter-
related bacteremia. Excluding transplantation, Immune Dysfunction

A.N. Chua, MD () Information regarding immune function in chil-

Department of Pediatrics, Renal Section, dren with CKD or ESRD is sparse. The incidence
Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s
Hospital, Houston, TX, USA
of peritonitis and catheter-related infections in
e-mail: children are higher than that found in adults, and
A.M. Neu
infants and children up to 6 years of age develop
Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Johns Hopkins peritonitis more frequently than older children.
Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD, USA Immaturity of the immune system also contributes

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_28, 569

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
570 A.N. Chua and A.M. Neu

to the immune system dysfunction in children cytokine production, particularly IFN-g (gamma),
with CKD and ESRD. Therefore, the results have been reported in children with CKD, with
obtained from adults cannot be directly extrapo- one study demonstrating normalization of these
lated to children. A complete review of innate and abnormalities with HD [17, 40, 41].
acquired immunity in CKD is beyond the scope of
this chapter; however, the following provides a
brief overview of this complex topic. Phagocytic Cells and Receptors

Reduced chemotaxis, adhesion, migration, and

White Blood Cell Differentiation phagocytosis characterize the dysfunction of
and Function neutrophils and monocytes demonstrated in
patients on dialysis [27, 42–45]. Data on the
Lymphopenia has been noted in adult dialysis characteristics and function of phagocytes in
patients; however, the percentages of B cells, T children with CKD are limited [46, 47].
cells, and T-cell subsets are usually normal [4–11]. Interestingly, one study demonstrated that treat-
Several studies evaluating lymphocyte number ment with recombinant human growth hormone
and the percentages of B Cells, T cells, T-cell enhanced the oxidative burst activity of neutro-
subsets, and NK cells in the peripheral blood of phils in uremic children [46]. Wasik and col-
children with CKD or ESRD have produced con- leagues concluded that PD improves phagocytosis
flicting results [12–18]. Lower numbers of mem- and intracellular killing of bacteria by peritoneal
ory B cells have been reported in children on macrophages but not by peripheral blood neutro-
dialysis, and children with pre-dialytic CKD have phils in ESRD patients [47]. In another study of
been reported to have alterations in memory T-cell pediatric patients with ESRD, marked dysregula-
subsets [19, 20]. Possible explanations for the tion in inflammatory cell chemokine receptor
reduced numbers of memory B cells are a general expression and responsiveness was noted, and
suppression, suboptimal T helper activity, or dis- was more pronounced in the subgroup of patients
turbances in the B-cell migration process caused who had multiple serious bacterial infections in
by uremia or the dialysis treatment. Irrespective the preceding year [48].
of the mechanism of memory B-cell reduction, Limited information is available on the impact
the consequence might be a lower capacity to of CKD on IgG receptor (Fcg(gamma)R) and
mount a secondary immune response, resulting in complement receptor (CR) expression or func-
a decreased response to vaccination and predispo- tion [49–53]. These receptors are important com-
sition to increased infection rates [20, 21]. ponents in the interaction between humoral and
In addition to alterations in the number or per- cellular immunity and facilitate the phagocytic
centage of T cells, abnormalities of T-cell medi- process. Some authors described an increased
ated immune responses have been demonstrated CD16 (Fcg(gamma)RIII) positive monocyte pop-
in CKD [7, 22–25]. T cells from dialysis treated ulation in adult PD and HD patients when com-
patients show a combination of reduced prolifera- pared to healthy controls, a phenotype that has
tion and signs of activation [26–28]. The abnormal been linked to tissue macrophages in the context
T-cell proliferation of uremic patients might be of the state of maturation [49, 50]. In children
due to a defect within the T-cell population itself, with pre-dialytic CKD and ESRD, studies have
to circulating inhibiting factors in uremic serum, demonstrated a lower expression of Fcg(gamma)
or to the function of accessory cells such as mono- RII (CD32) on peripheral blood monocytes and
cytes [25, 29–39]. In children, data on this subject neutrophils compared to healthy children [40,
are scarce and conflicting. Two studies could not 54–57]. Furthermore, reduced CR type 1 (CR1)
establish a difference in lymphocyte proliferation expression, which is important for inducing
between children with CKD, dialyzed or not, and phagocytosis of complement coated bacteria,
healthy children [12, 13]. Various alterations in on lymphocytes and increased expression of
28 Immune Function and Immunizations in Dialyzed Children 571

Fcg(gamma)R and CR on peritoneal macrophages metabolic imbalance and anemia, remain elusive.
and neutrophils have been shown in pediatric It bears mentioning that despite data demonstrat-
CKD patients [40, 54–57]. ing low IgG levels in children receiving PD, there
are no data at this time to support the routine use
of intravenous immune globulin infusions for
Immunoglobulins peritonitis treatment or prevention. One treatment
strategy that is available specifically to minimize
Low levels of IgG and/or subclasses have been risk for infection in pediatric dialysis patients is
described in patients on PD, attributed to perito- the timely delivery of routine and supplemental
neal loss in most of the studies [58–69]. However, immunizations, and the remainder of the chapter
two studies in children reported that the immuno- focuses on this topic.
globulin deficiency was already present before
dialysis started, which suggests inhibition of syn-
thesis by the uremic state [62, 63]. In one study, a Immunizations
deficiency of one or more IgG subclasses was
present in 40% of children with CKD, with IgG2 Children with CKD may have reduced response
being the major subclass affected [63]. Children to and/or reduced duration of antibody after
receiving PD had the lowest serum Ig levels [63]. immunization. In addition, pediatric dialysis
The role of serum IgG or subclass deficiency patients may be at increased risk for infection
in the pathogenesis of PD-associated peritonitis from vaccine-preventable disease and therefore
is unclear. Studies in adults could not establish a require immunizations not routinely provided to
relationship between the peritonitis incidence healthy children. Unfortunately, because the care
and IgG or subclass deficiency [64, 69]. In chil- of these children is so complex, delivery of rou-
dren, a study by Kuizon et al. found a significant tine well-child care, including immunizations,
relationship between IgG and the incidence of can be delayed or overlooked. In fact, data from
peritonitis [70]. In another study, although not all the United States Renal Data System (USRDS)
children with IgG deficiency had a high incidence reveal that among prevalent pediatric ESRD
of peritonitis, all of the children with a high num- patients, only one-third received seasonal influ-
ber of peritonitis episodes were in the IgG defi- enza vaccine between 2004 and 2007, and fewer
cient group [63]. than 10% received vaccination against Strep-
In summary, numerous abnormalities in tococcus pneumoniae or hepatitis B [71]. In order
immune function have been described in CKD; to minimize the risk for vaccine-preventable dis-
however, these deficiencies are not consistently ease in pediatric dialysis patients, it is imperative
seen in pediatric patients. In addition, although that all who care for these patients remain abreast
the uremic state is likely a major contributor to of the recommended childhood immunization
this immune dysfunction, it seems plausible that a schedule, as well as alterations to this schedule
variety of uremic toxins may impact the individ- required for children with CKD.
ual components of the immune reaction in dispa- The recommended immunization schedule for
rate ways. For the dialysis patient, it follows that a healthy children in the United States is updated each
dialysis prescription measured only in terms of year by the Center for Disease Control (CDC)
small solute clearance cannot be expected to opti- Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
mize all of the factors that influence immune func- (ACIP), the Committee on Infectious Diseases of
tion. In addition, the impact of the dialysis the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and
procedure itself on immune function and activa- the American Academy of Family Physicians
tion must be considered. Thus specific CKD- (AAFP) [72, 73]. Because the schedule is updated
related treatment strategies to improve immune annually, it is not published here, but can be found
function, beyond the obvious goals of maximizing on the CDC and AAP websites (
nutrition, and correcting mineral bone disorder, healthtopics/immunizations.cfm; http://www.cdc.
572 A.N. Chua and A.M. Neu

gov/vaccines/). Immunization against diphtheria, dialysis, efforts should be made to ensure that
tetanus, pertussis, Hemophilus influenzae type b, booster immunizations against tetanus and diph-
polio, measles, mumps, rubella, Streptococcus theria are provided.
pneumoniae, varicella zoster, and Hepatitis B con-
tinue to be recommended by the AAP, ACIP, and
AAFP for all healthy children [72, 73]. Recent mod- Hemophilus Influenzae Type b (Hib)
ifications to this schedule include the recommenda- Conjugate Vaccine
tion that all infants receive the rotavirus vaccine, an
attenuated live-virus vaccine, beginning at 6 weeks In a multicenter study performed by the Pediatric
of age, with completion of the three-dose series by Peritoneal Dialysis Study Consortium, antibody
age 8 months [74]. Other recent changes to the stan- levels were measured in ten infants vaccinated
dard schedule is the addition of the tetravalent-con- with Hib conjugate vaccine while on dialysis
jugated meningococcal vaccine, which is now [83]. This study found that 9/10 (90%) patients
recommended for all children between the age of 11 had protective antibody levels after vaccination
and 18 years and the hepatitis A vaccine which is and that antibody levels remained protective for
recommended for all children at age 1 year with a as long as 22 months postvaccination [83]. In
second dose 6 months later [75, 76]. The final new another study, antibody levels measured 2 months
addition to the schedule is immunization against after the third dose of Hib conjugate vaccine were
human papillomavirus (HPV), which now includes protective in all 42 pediatric dialysis patients
recommendations that males receive the quadriva- studied [84]. Thus, this vaccine appears to be
lent vaccine (HPV4) beginning at age 9 years [77]. highly immunogenic in pediatric dialysis patients,
Females may receive either HPV4 or the bivalent and these children should receive this vaccine
vaccine (HPV2) beginning at age 11 years [77]. according to the standard schedule.
In addition to the recommendations for healthy
children, the CDC has developed a guideline for
vaccinating patients with CKD, including those Hepatitis B Vaccine
on dialysis, which is available on the CDC web-
site [78]. In the following sections, available data Suboptimal response to hepatitis B vaccine is
concerning vaccine response in pediatric dialysis well documented among adult dialysis patients,
patients will be provided and any modification of and as such the ACIP recommends that adult
the standard schedule that may be required for patients on dialysis receive an augmented dose of
children on dialysis will be discussed. 40 mg of either Recombivax HB or Engerix-B
[85]. Current recommendations specify that dial-
ysis patients less than 20 years of age receive
Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis hepatitis B immunization according to the stan-
Vaccine (DTP) dard schedule, with the caveat that “higher doses
might be more immunogenic” in pediatric HD
Although studies in older children and young patients [78, 81, 86]. The recommendations of
adults on dialysis suggest that seroconversion the ACIP reflect the fact that, although response
rates after DTP immunization are 69–88% com- to hepatitis B vaccine has been extensively stud-
pared to 93–100% in healthy children, a multi- ied in the adult dialysis population, few studies
center study performed in infants vaccinated have been performed in pediatric CKD patients.
while on dialysis revealed protective antibody In one study, 62 children on dialysis or status post
titers to both diphtheria and tetanus toxoids in renal transplant received three doses of 5 mg
7/8 patients (88%) [79–82]. Thus infants on (age < 10 years) or 10 mg (age > 10 years) of hepa-
dialysis should receive DTP immunizations titis B vaccine [84]. Antibody levels obtained 2
according to according to the standard childhood months after the final immunization were protec-
schedule, but given the data in older children on tive in 60/62 (97%) patients [84]. In a multicenter
28 Immune Function and Immunizations in Dialyzed Children 573

study performed by the Southwest Pediatric Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine

Nephrology Study Group, 78 pediatric patients
with CKD not yet on dialysis, on dialysis, or sta- Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine is
tus post kidney transplant were given three immu- one of the live, attenuated viral vaccines currently
nizations of 20 mg HbsAg after which 91% of on the childhood immunization schedule. As
patients had a protective titer of ³10 mIU/mL such, MMR should be avoided in children on
[87]. A lower percentage of patients immunized dialysis if they are receiving immunosuppressive
post-transplant had protective antibody levels therapy, including corticosteroids at a dose greater
than those with pre-dialysis CKD and on dialysis than 2 mg/kg body weight or 20 mg total daily or
(66.7% vs. 96.4%) [87]. In addition, geometric on alternate days for more than 14 days [90].
mean antibody titers after three immunizations Once corticosteroids are discontinued, it is gener-
tended to be higher in patients with pre-dialysis ally recommended that MMR vaccination be
CKD than in patients on dialysis or post-transplant, delayed for at least 1 month [90]. In addition, this
leading the authors to suggest that at least two live-viral vaccine is contraindicated in the immu-
immunizations be given prior to the point at nosuppressed kidney transplant recipient [90].
which dialysis or transplant are necessary, when- There have been several studies evaluating
ever possible [87]. response to MMR in pediatric dialysis patients. In
Regardless of the dose of vaccine given, the a study performed by Schulman et al., ten dialysis
ACIP recommends that postvaccination testing patients 15–33 months of age were vaccinated
be performed 1–2 months after the primary series with MMR after which only 70% developed pro-
is completed and that up to three additional doses tective titers to measles, 50% to mumps, and 80%
be given to patients who do not develop protec- to rubella [91]. Furthermore, only 3/10 (30%) had
tive antibody levels (>10 mIU/mL) [81]. Antibody protective titers to all three viruses [91]. A subse-
levels should then be measured annually and quent study performed by Flynn et al. vaccinated
booster doses provided to patients whose anti- nine infants, six of whom were on dialysis, at a
body levels fall below protective [81]. mean age of 11.6 months [92]. Eight of these
patients were subsequently transplanted at a mean
age of 16 months, and at the time of transplanta-
Inactivated Polio Virus Vaccine tion, 89% had protective titers to measles, 88% to
mumps, 100% to rubella, and 88% to all three
Since 1999, the AAP and ACIP recommendations viruses [92]. Finally, a study performed in
have specified that only IPV vaccine, rather than Germany measured antibody levels in 62 pediat-
the live-attenuated oral vaccine, be used for rou- ric dialysis patients 2 months after immunization
tine immunization in all children [88]. Although with MMR and found that all patients had posi-
IPV vaccine should routinely be delivered to tive antibody titers [84]. Although these data sug-
infants on dialysis, there are no studies docu- gest that many pediatric patients on dialysis may
menting response to this vaccine in this patient respond well to MMR vaccine, because immuni-
population. A study performed in older children zation post-transplant is contraindicated, antibody
on dialysis measured antibody levels after vacci- titers should be measured prior to proceeding to
nation with IPV found that 42/49 (86%) patients transplant, and repeat vaccination given to
either had protective antibody levels to all three patients with negative titers [90].
serotypes prior to vaccination, or had at least a
fourfold increase in antibody levels following
immunization [89]. Because this vaccine con- Varicella Zoster Vaccine
tains only inactivated virus, it may be safely
given to dialysis patients who are also on immu- Varicella zoster virus (VZV) vaccine is also a
nosuppressive medications. live, attenuated viral vaccine and is therefore
574 A.N. Chua and A.M. Neu

contraindicated in dialysis patients on immuno- expand serotype coverage [98]. The timing of the
suppressive medication and status post kidney supplemental immunization with 23PS vaccine
transplantation [93]. Because of the significant varies depending on the age of the patient and the
risk for morbidity and mortality from varicella number of previous immunizations with PCV7
zoster infection post-transplant, there have been [98]. Specific recommendations for immunizing
several studies to evaluate the immunogenicity of high-risk children with PCV7 and 23PS vaccine
this vaccine in children with kidney failure and can be found at the AAP and CDC websites.
on dialysis. Early studies using the previously Revaccination with 23 PS should occur after 3
recommended single immunization with VZV years in children less than 10 years of age at the
vaccine in children with chronic kidney failure time of first vaccination, and 5 years after the ini-
and on dialysis demonstrated seroconversion tial immunization in older children [98, 99].
rates of 85–88%, compared to a rate of 99% in Revaccination is important as several studies
healthy children [94, 95]. Subsequently, two mul- have suggested that although 23PS vaccine pro-
ticenter, prospective studies evaluated antibody duces a reasonable antibody response in children
levels after a two dose regimen of VZV vaccine on dialysis, there may be a rapid decline in anti-
in children with pre-dialysis CKD and on dialysis body levels [84, 102, 103].
[96, 97]. Both studies revealed that nearly all
patients seroconverted after the second dose of
vaccine, with a 98% seroconversion rate in one Hepatitis A, Meningococcal, Human
study and 100% in the other [96, 97]. Papillomavirus, and Rotavirus Vaccines
Unfortunately, very few infants were included in
these studies, and thus seroconversion rates in There are currently no data available on response
infants and toddlers on dialysis after either a one to hepatitis A, meningococcal, HPV, or rotavirus
or two dose regimen are not known. Given these vaccines in children on dialysis, although pro-
data, it is reasonable to consider measuring anti- spective studies of the response to HPV and the
body levels prior to kidney transplantation and to tetravalent-conjugated meningococcal vaccine in
provide supplemental vaccination if positive children with CKD, including dialysis patients,
antibody titers are not demonstrated. are currently underway (A Neu, personal com-
munication). Children on dialysis may receive
these vaccines as recommended for healthy chil-
Pneumococcal Vaccine dren with the caveat that the live-attenuated
Rotavirus vaccine be avoided in children on
It has long been recommended that children on immunosuppressive therapy.
dialysis receive vaccination against Streptococcus
pneumoniae, as these patients are considered
high risk for the development of invasive pneu- Influenza Vaccine
mococcal infection [98, 99]. All children on dial-
ysis should therefore be vaccinated with the Previously recommended only for high-risk popu-
heptavalent-conjugated pneumococcal vaccine lations, annual vaccination against influenza is
(PCV7) as is recommended for healthy children. now recommended for all children over the age of
Recent studies have suggested that this vaccine 6 months [104]. High-risk populations continue to
produces adequate antibody response in children be a priority for immunization, and this group
with CKD, including those on dialysis, and in includes children on dialysis as well as their
solid organ transplant recipients [100, 101]. household contacts [105]. The composition of the
Because children on dialysis are considered high influenza vaccine changes each year based on the
risk for pneumococcal disease, they should also strains of viruses likely to circulate in the upcom-
receive supplemental immunization with the ing year, and, therefore, this vaccine must be given
23-valent polysaccharide vaccine (23PS) to annually, typically in the Fall [105]. Children
28 Immune Function and Immunizations in Dialyzed Children 575

under the age of 9 years who are receiving the children according to the standard schedule,
influenza vaccine for the first time should receive with the exception of the avoidance of the live-
two doses, given at least 1 month apart [105]. The attenuated influenza vaccine in all dialysis
influenza vaccine is available either as an inacti- patients, and avoidance of the other live-attenu-
vated vaccine or a live, attenuated vaccine (LAIV). ated vaccines (Rotavirus vaccine, MMR, VZV)
However, the CDC currently recommends that in dialysis patients treated with immunosuppres-
persons with kidney dysfunction, including those sive medications. Because MMR and VZV vac-
on dialysis, not receive LAIV. Therefore, only the cines are contraindicated post-transplant, every
inactivated vaccine should be given to patients on effort to provide immunization prior to the intro-
dialysis [106]. duction of immunosuppressive medication post-
Because of the significant risk for morbidity transplantation should be made. Additional
and mortality associated with influenza infection vaccination against Streptococcus pneumoniae
in pediatric patients with CKD, there have been and monitoring of protection against hepatitis B
several studies evaluating vaccine response in should be performed. Supplemental and/or aug-
this population. The majority of these studies mented doses of hepatitis B vaccine should be
have focused on pediatric kidney transplant given as indicated.
patients and although one study revealed a lower
seroconversion rate than in healthy siblings, two
other studies have demonstrated seroconversion References
rates that are similar between transplant patients
and controls [107–109]. One of these studies also 1. Hauser AB, Stinghen AEM, Kato S, et al.
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Neurological Effects and Cognitive
Development 29
Debbie S. Gipson and Stephen R. Hooper

Pediatric dialysis • Neurological effects • Cognitive development • Brain
development • End stage renal disease

and neurologic findings, and consider possible

Introduction management strategies for cognitive dysfunction
in children affected by ESKD.
Children and adult survivors of childhood-onset
end stage kidney disease (ESKD) have a greater
frequency of neurodevelopmental and cognitive Acute Neurologic Complications
challenges compared with the general population
of Dialysis
[1, 2]. The impact of this neurodevelopmental vul-
nerability persists into adulthood and contributes
Dialysis is associated with neurologic compli-
to manifestations such as a lower intelligence quo-
cations that range from mild to severe. In the
tient (IQ) and lower frequency of post-secondary
severely uremic patient undergoing initial hemo-
education compared with the general population
dialysis therapy, investigations using magnetic
[2]. The mechanisms responsible for the brain
resonance imaging (MRI) have documented that
dysfunction observed with ESKD have not been
pre-dialysis cerebral edema may worsen after
established. The goals of this chapter are to review
dialysis without evidence of cell toxicity. This
the acute neurologic complications of dialysis and
finding was accompanied by variable nonspe-
to explore potential mechanisms leading to brain
cific clinical manifestations of dizziness, head-
dysfunction, summarize known neurocognitive
ache, nausea, and vomiting after dialysis and
stable serum sodium but significant diminution
in blood urea nitrogen [3]. Dialysis disequilib-
D.S. Gipson, MD () rium syndrome is an uncommon complication at
Department of Pediatrics, University of Michigan, the end of hemodialysis or immediately follow-
Ann Arbor, MI, USA
ing. The syndrome manifests as headache, nau-
sea, muscle cramps and twitching, delirium, and
S.R. Hooper, PhD
seizures and typically spontaneously remits.
Carolina Institute for Developmental Diabilities,
University of North Carolina School of Medicine, The cause of disequilibrium syndrome is not
Chapel Hill, NC, USA clear. Postulated mechanisms include cerebral

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_29, 581

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
582 D.S. Gipson and S.R. Hooper

cellular osmolar imbalance caused by rapid urea

clearance or intracellular acidemia with subse-
Brain Development and Associated
quent expansion of intracellular water and cere- Neurocognitive and Neurological
bral edema. Dialysis disequilibrium syndrome Function in ESKD
is now uncommon as efforts to prevent this con-
dition are routinely employed, namely, limiting Brain Development
the urea clearance in initial dialysis sessions by
reducing blood flow rate, dialysis time, dialyzer In general, brain development is quite rapid dur-
surface area and using sodium modeling or rela- ing early childhood and more subtle in late child-
tively high dialysate sodium to prevent signifi- hood and adolescence. Consequently, expectations
cant fluid shifts during the initial sessions of for developmental attainment and general cogni-
hemodialysis in a uremic patient. Osmotic tive performance change as the child ages. This
demyelination syndrome is a more severe mani- rapid neurodevelopmental growth trajectory
festation of the fluid and osmolar shifts that places the developing brain at particular risk from
accompany kidney failure. Patients with osmotic injury or disease during infancy and childhood.
demyelination syndrome tend to have hypona- Dennis [5] has suggested that the degree and
tremia and uremia at the onset of dialysis. severity of insult is likely related to when the
Dialysis may precipitously correct these abnor- insult occurs in the neurodevelopmental sequence
malities and result in acute demyelination in the and the available cognitive reserve of the individ-
pontine and extra-pontine regions [4]. The man- ual. Studies of other childhood chronic health
ifestations of this condition my include seizure conditions present from birth or shortly after have
activity and acute onset of neurologic changes found delays in language, motor skills, and overall
such as dysarthria, dysphagia, and paraplegia developmental level [6–8]. In addition, children
reminiscent of a stroke. In patients with uremia, with early brain injury have shown deficits in aca-
the osmotic demyelination syndrome may demic achievement, cognitive, and motor func-
resolve partially or completely over the course tioning at the time of injury [9, 10], which persist
of 1–2 weeks. As with dialysis disequilibrium long past the initial insult [11]. These deficits may
syndrome, prevention of this condition with be worse than brain insults obtained in later years
gradual correction of the osmolar, electrolyte, [12]. Although studies of the longitudinal impact
and fluid imbalances that accompany uremia is of ESKD in infancy and early childhood are
the optimal strategy. Hypoxic/ischemic stress sparse, one study found that developmental delays
occurs with dialysis-associated hypotension. were greatest for infants who had kidney disease
This is likely complicated by chronic cerebral from birth [13]. Further research is needed to
oxidative stress associated with uremia and understand how ESKD affects the developing
dialysis therapy. The resulting CNS hypoperfu- brain and whether or not factors, such as age of
sion may lead to acute or chronic neurologic onset, prematurity, and disease severity, moderate
manifestations of encephalopathy. On MRI, future neurocognitive outcomes.
microinfarcts and ischemic and hemorrhagic
cerebral vascular injury may be acute manifes-
tations of this injury. In the chronic environ- Neurocognitive Function and CKD
ment, cerebral atrophy may be the manifestation
of dialysis-associated cerebral hypoperfusion. Over the past five decades, the cognitive function
The impact of these acute neurologic challenges of small cohorts of children with ESKD has been
on the developing brain is incompletely under- evaluated. Although informative, results from
stood but may play a causal role in the cognitive investigations conducted prior to 1990 were likely
dysfunction observed in dialysis-dependent significantly influenced by uncontrolled anemia,
children. aluminum exposure, and potentially less stringent
29 Neurological Effects and Cognitive Development 583

nutritional, dialytic, and transplantation services particular difficulties in initiating and sustaining
compared with present day management. Even in complex tasks within the executive function
the current era of ESKD management, however, domain. The groups did not differ on the ability
cognitive function has continued to be shown to to stop or shift tasks, inhibition and set shifting,
be at risk. A review of the contemporary studies within executive function tasks [18].
over the past 15 years is provided in Table 29.1. We have a true paucity to absence of informa-
In infants and very young children, general tion regarding the impact of ESKD on language,
assessments of neurodevelopment are based upon fine motor, and gross motor skills. Similarly, we
developmental levels (e.g., the developmental have relatively little data on adaptation or on the
quotient or DQ), and in older children and adults differential effect of cognitive function versus
the IQ is considered the general measure of cog- performance. This latter area of performance is
nition. In children with ESKD, mean DQ/IQ is an important concept which is often considered a
approximately 15 points lower compared with potential strength of children who develop dis-
normative populations. The nadir for IQ appears abilities. How one compensates for a specific
to correspond with dialysis-dependent ESKD and deficit is likely to have a significant impact on
may partially improve with transplantation [25]. their overall daily activities and general adaptive
In ESKD, specific domains of cognition have functions.
also been affected including memory, academic
achievement, attention, and executive function.
Memory has been assessed in studies comparing Neuroanatomy and Electrical
children with CKD to a healthy population and Conductance
between children with varying stages of CKD.
Overall, the memory of children with CKD is In addition to neurocognitive function, the impact
impaired relative to the healthy control popula- of ESKD has been demonstrated by various neu-
tions, and this impairment is greatest with dialysis- roimaging and electroencephalographic (EEG)
dependent ESKD. These abilities also have been procedures. From the neuroimaging literature,
noted to improve after kidney transplant [20]. structural analyses via MRI and computerized
Academic achievement skills, including read- tomography (CT) have documented chronic
ing and arithmetic, are also impaired in children infarct lesions, ischemic watershed zone white
with kidney failure. Three study cohorts examin- matter lesions, and cerebral atrophy in children
ing the impact of CKD on academic achievement with ESKD [26, 27]. Electrical conduction dys-
have been published. One study showed no dif- function also has been reported, with EEG abnor-
ference between CKD and healthy controls, and malities being reported in 42% of a pediatric
two studies showed diminished academic cohort with CKD from infancy; similar finding
achievement scores in children with ESKD rela- have been associated with lower kidney function
tive to healthy sibling controls and to healthy and severe anemia in adults [28, 29]. Hurkx et al.
population controls [16, 17]. [30] found no differences in auditory pathway
Attention and executive functions have been nerve conduction between children with CKD and
identified as a more frequent problem in children children undergoing peritoneal dialysis; however,
with CKD compared with the general population. high inter-peak latencies were found in the soma-
Attention appears to be most severely affected tosensory cortex and were attributed to decreased
with dialysis-dependent ESKD and partially cortical conduction via the thalamus. In addition
improves after transplantation [14, 20, 24]. to specific conduction abnormalities, children
Executive functions are considered higher-order with CKD may be at risk for generalized conduc-
brain functions which are highly multidimen- tion abnormalities which manifests as a seizure
sional. In a single study of children with CKD disorder reported in 0% [31] to 20% [32] of chil-
compared with age-matched controls exploring dren with CKD. In a cohort of 51 children observed
this multidimensionality, children with CKD had before and after transplant, 52% experienced one

Table 29.1 Cognitive functioning in children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease
Study population Attention/ Academic
Author Control Dialysis Transplant CKD II–IV IQ/DQ executive functions Memory achievement
Bawden et al. [14] 22 22a ESRD < control ESRD = control ESRD = control
Crocker et al. [15] 15 9 Congenital = acquired Congenital < acquired Congenital = acquired
Brouhard et al. [16] 62 26 36 ESRD < controls ESRD < controls
Duquette et al. [17] 41 15 30 CKD < controls CKD < controls
Gipson et al. [18] 18 12 20 CKD < controls CKD < controls
Hulstijn-Dirkmaat et al. [19] 16 15 CKD < norms
Mendley and Zelko [20] 9 Pre < post transplant Pre < post transplant Pre < post transplant
Qvist et al. [21] 33 Mean IQ 87
< norm mean 100
Warady et al. [22] 24 1(4%) below average
Duquette et al. [23] 15 15 CKD < control
Slickers et al. [24] ESRD = 14 Mild = 7 Severe = 8 ESRD < severe < mild ESRD < severe < mild ESRD < severe < mild
22 subjects include dialysis and non-dialysis patients awaiting transplant
D.S. Gipson and S.R. Hooper
29 Neurological Effects and Cognitive Development 585

or more seizures during dialysis-dependent care and possible mechanisms have emerged that may
and 24% experienced one or more seizures after have implications for pediatric kidney disease. For
transplant [21]. Although this was considered a adult patients who sustain acute kidney injury
high-risk cohort, the greater frequency of seizures (AKI), there is a greater susceptibility to encephal-
during dialysis dependency relative to transplant opathy, given the rapid encroachment of uremia,
dependency may be generalizable. compared to those with CKD. Presenting symp-
toms in rapidly progressive AKI may include poor
attention and concentration, motor clumsiness,
Renal–Brain Connections in Children cognitive fatigue, and seizures. These progressive
clinical features may be related to changes in
Given the above findings from the available pedi- sodium and water imbalance [34], the acute accu-
atric neurocognitive and neurological literature, mulation of uremic toxins, subsequent neurotrans-
there appears to be a connection between the kid- mitter disruptions and inflammatory effects in the
ney and brain. These observations generate key brain [35]. Nguyen et al. [36] further suggested
questions. How does kidney dysfunction contrib- that the amount of cerebral damage may be related
ute to brain dysfunction or damage? What do we to direct cerebral endothelial damage, systemic
know about possible mechanisms and how can inflammation, and subsequent encephalopathy.
they affect brain structure, brain function, and/or Interestingly, animal studies by Liu et al. [37] and
brain development? others [38] have found hippocampal inflammation
At its simplest level, chronic kidney disease and cell death following AKI. If these findings
(CKD) impacts the nervous system by not effec- transfer to humans, then the appearance of atten-
tively filtering neurotoxic chemicals and metabo- tion, memory, and learning impairments in indi-
lites from the bloodstream. In severe kidney failure, viduals with kidney disease would be expected.
EEG analysis has demonstrated a progressive slow- Additionally, it is important to note that this brain
ing of EEG patterns with escalating serum creati- region is also sensitive to the effects of cerebral
nine [29]. Over time, the circulation of harmful hypoxic-ischemic injury which may be present in
biochemicals through the brain and its periphery has individuals with AKI.
the potential to significantly impact the structure In contrast, the pathophysiology in CKD is
and organization of the nervous system in children. different than what is seen in AKI. Here, the
Even early treatments for ESKD (e.g., aluminum effects of uremia typically can be seen in the
phosphate binders) were found to have an adverse more severe forms of kidney disease, particularly
effect on the developing brain, and subsequently in the presence of rapidly progressing kidney
were eliminated from contemporary treatment pro- failure or severe hypertension. In conditions such
tocols. Similarly, improved management of anemia as polycystic kidney disease, brain injury from
in children with ESKD is thought to buffer the intracranial brain hemorrhages may compound
impact of kidney disease on the nervous system ESKD-induced central nervous system injury
based, in part, on findings in adults with ESKD [33]. [39]. Brain dysfunction also can occur due to the
These findings, however, have not provided a clear various medications used, with brain dysfunction
mechanism for why kidney disease is associated being associated with changes in drug clearance
with brain impairment in children. secondary to kidney failure. Although no specific
metabolite has been identified as the major con-
tributor to disruption of the neurotransmitter sys-
Acquired Kidney Injury Versus Chronic tem, hormonal imbalances, demyelination, and
Kidney Disease associated brain impairment [39], the constella-
tion of neurocognitive dysregulation in patients
Possible linkages between the kidney and brain with kidney failure is known to nephrologists as
have begun to be illuminated in the adult literature, uremic encephalopathy [40].
586 D.S. Gipson and S.R. Hooper

Vascular Integrity defined by Cystatin C levels, there is a 30–60%

risk of stroke [47]. For adults with dialysis depen-
Another potentially strong linkage from kidney dence, repeated hypotension during hemodialysis
disease to brain impairment relates to the vascu- may contribute to a reduction in cerebral blood
lar integrity in both of these organs. Indeed, there flow, possible cerebral swelling, irreversible brain
are a number of similarities in the vascular sup- ischemia, and subsequent infarcts in watershed
ply to both the brain and kidney, with both being regions of the brain [48, 49].
low resistance end organs that manage high vol- Kidney impairment also has been shown to be
umes of blood flow. Approximately, 14–18% of negatively related to the expected drop in noctur-
adult patients with CKD across the United States nal blood pressure, or dipping, and brain small
and Europe, respectively, have a medical history vessel disease has been linked to diurnal varia-
significant for transient ischemic attacks, carotid tions in blood pressure. These types of associa-
endarterectomy, and stroke [41]. The presence of tions point to a direct causal role of kidney disease
hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia, fea- brain dysfunction. Seliger and Longstreth [50]
tures seen in many adults with CKD, also are suggested two potential mechanisms. One related
noted risk factors for cerebrovascular disease. to the decrease in nitric oxide metabolites which
Adults with some combination of these condi- regulate blood circulation in the small vessels in
tions manifest small vessel hypertensive disease the brain. Decreased levels of nitric oxide have
and associated small lacunar brain infarctions been linked to endothelial dysfunction of the con-
detected during postmortem examination [42, necting arteries, white matter lesions, and other
43]. Ikram et al. [44] found a high rate of moder- small vessel disease in the brain [51]. A second
ate kidney impairment in a large geriatric sample, mechanism suggested the presence of homo-
with lower kidney function being significantly cysteine and inflammation, which increase with
related to less white matter in deep regions of the kidney dysfunction, and these factors also have
brain and more frequent white matter lesions. been linked to small vessel disease.
Murray [45] and others have argued for a link-
age between the kidney and the brain that is based
on a model of accelerated vascular impairment. Summary
For example, Kobayashi et al. [46] studied the
association between silent brain infarction (SBI) Vascular disease of both the kidney and brain is
and CKD. Using a cross-sectional sample of 335 evident [44], but the exact mechanism or mecha-
adults with CKD and 40 with essential hyperten- nisms remain to be identified. The adult nephrol-
sion, MRI revealed a 56.5% rate of SBI in the ogy literature has begun to provide some theories
sample. Hypertensive nephrosclerosis had a that may inform a neurodevelopmental model of
strong association with SBI, with the odds of brain dysfunction in children and adolescents with
having an infarction increasing with severity of kidney disease; nonetheless, we are cognizant that
kidney disease as defined by eGFR. This study the adult literature is just beginning to explore
advocated for more intensive preventive manage- these relationships as well. The available litera-
ment in adults with CKD, especially in the pres- ture indicates that many individuals with kidney
ence of hypertension. disease are susceptible to cerebrovascular involve-
Further, adults with ESKD have approximately ment, but what are the markers that might suggest
a 3–9 times greater risk for stroke compared with that a child or adolescent has the same susceptibil-
the general population. Even adults with ESKD ity? Connecting what is known about kidney–
who do not have a significant history for stroke or brain connections in the adult literature, with what
transient ischemic attacks, approximately one- is known about brain impairment in the child
half of these individuals have an MRI-defined literature, could provide the field with a clearer
brain infarction and white matter lesions. For view of how best to approach the brain function-
adults with mild to moderate renal insufficiency ing in children and adults with kidney disease.
29 Neurological Effects and Cognitive Development 587

Understanding these neurodevelopmental link- important as any other 5 year span in an individ-
ages in the kidney–brain connection will be criti- ual’s life.
cal with respect to determining specific risk factors With the appearance of kidney disease during
in childhood, and perhaps examining long-term this time period, another risk factor now compli-
management and prevention strategies. cates this developmental period. In addition to
the potential effects of kidney disease on brain
development, there also may be concerns with
Management of Cognitive respect to that child’s involvement in the pre-
Dysfunction in Children with CKD school setting. The importance of early interven-
tion services for infants and preschoolers with
Given the chronic nature of CKD and the associ- CKD is supported by investigations showing that
ated neurodevelopmental challenges, it is likely early impairment in this population persists into
that children and adolescents with ESKD are in childhood. Previous work by Geary and Haka-
need of a variety of management strategies. Not Ikse [13] and, more recently, Coulthard and
only do the various medical complications that Crosier [53] has found that the developmental
many of these children experience interfere with scores of infants and toddlers with CKD were
day-to-day functioning (e.g., frequent school relatively stable into early childhood with
absences, medication compliance issues, etc.), increased impairment being associated with ear-
but they likely will experience frequent chal- lier onset of disease.
lenges in the school and preschool settings sec- The quality of neurodevelopmental outcomes
ondary to their cognitive dysfunction. Although may be dependent on the type and quality of the
there are not evidence-based educational man- early intervention services that they receive. The
agement strategies or interventions explicitly accumulating evidence indicates that results of
linked to ESKD, there are a number of empiri- early efforts to remediate or attenuate children’s
cally based interventions that have a demon- deficits can be successful. To date, investigations
strated track record in working with children with of early intervention have focused on two major
learning and developmental difficulties. These groups of children: those who exhibit develop-
interventions likely will have good applicability mental deficits as a result of environmental
to a pediatric CKD population. factors and those who are disabled as a result
of biological factors. These two groups of chil-
dren comprise the majority of the special educa-
Early Intervention tion population in public school programs.
A question that must be asked is: If these children
The infant, toddler, and preschool periods of had been identified and served earlier, could
development are critical to the growth of the something have been done to reduce the need for
child. This time period, encompassing birth to special education placement or, at least, to reduce
approximately 5 years of age, is a remarkable the severity of the children’s problems?
time of development. It is the time when gross Although more evidence exists to support the
motor skills evolve into crawling, walking, run- benefits of early intervention for children at envi-
ning, jumping, and skipping, and when fine- ronmental risk [54–56], research that supports
motor skills evolve into grasping a snack with the services for young children with biological
rake of a hand to scribbling with a crayon. impairments also is growing. For example, Black
Eventually adaptive skills and other important et al. [57] examined the influence of home visit-
functions such as writing develop. This time ing on infants with failure to thrive syndrome
period also is critical for the ongoing develop- using a standardized home intervention curricu-
ment of cognitive abilities, pre-academic skills, lum that focused on maternal sensitivity, parent–
and increasingly complex social interactions infant relationships, and child development. This
[52]. As such, these 5 years of life are at least as group was compared with a group of typical
588 D.S. Gipson and S.R. Hooper

infants and with a group of other infants with related to visual or hearing impairments [21, 22].
failure to thrive who did not receive home inter- Proportions of children with CKD receiving addi-
vention, but were seen in a medical clinic for rou- tional educational support are approximately
tine care. At 8-year follow-up, children in the equal to national rates of enrollment in special
typical growth group were taller, heavier, and had education services among all disabilities (13% for
better arithmetic scores than the clinic-only the 2001–2002 school year [58]). More recently,
group. The home intervention group had interme- preliminary findings from the NIH-funded CKiD
diate results. There were no group differences in project revealed that parents reported that school-
IQ, reading, or mother-reported behavior prob- age students with CKD were receiving special
lems; however, children in the home intervention education or Section 504 services at a rate of
group had fewer teacher-reported problems and about 37%; however, only about 40–70% of the
better work habits than the clinic-only group. children with CKD with various types of neurode-
How such a program would impact the develop- velopmental dysfunction were receiving the nec-
mental trajectory of young children with early essary services [59]. Additional research is needed
onset kidney disease remains to be determined. to better understand the special education needs
Additionally, it is important to note that there of children with CKD; however, there are a vari-
are a number of early intervention programs ety of evidence-based instructional strategies that
designed to improve specific developmental likely are applicable to children with CKD.
areas, such as motor functions, language abilities, Specifically, the interventions that have been
and social-emotional skills in the early years [52]. developed for various aspects of reading have a
There are specific evidence-based preschool cur- clear scientific foundation with numerous studies
ricula designed to promote skills across a broad demonstrating their effectiveness for children
range of developmental areas [58]. It is suspected with reading disorders. For example, there is a
that young children with CKD will respond posi- preponderance of evidence to indicate the impor-
tively to early intervention approaches and pro- tance of explicit instruction in the alphabetic
grams, but evidence-based findings are not yet principle as a critical component to reading inter-
available. In the meantime, it will be important vention for children with reading recognition
for pediatric nephrologists to be aware of such problems. Indeed, The National Reading Panel
programs in their communities so as to work with [60] over a decade ago showed the effects to be
their families and local developmental experts in large in magnitude. Similarly, repeated reading
gaining the early intervention services that might interventions have been shown to improve read-
be necessary for the child with CKD. ing fluency [61], while the development and use
of strategies have been employed successfully to
improve reading comprehension [62].
School Age Less empirical work has been conducted in
the areas of mathematics and written language;
Despite many medical advances in pediatric neph- however, what is available does suggest that tar-
rology, children with ESKD are at risk for school- geted interventions in these areas may be appli-
based challenges and failures. Further investigation cable to children with kidney disease who are
is needed to potentially improve academic out- struggling with learning issues. In the math area,
comes for this population through hospital-based Baker et al. [63] noted that peer tutoring and
intervention and special education planning. explicit teaching of arithmetic procedures and
Although high rates of neurocognitive impair- math concepts were successful in improving the
ment have been reported, observational studies of overall math skills of students.
school placements revealed that 79–94% of chil- Similarly, in the area of written language, sig-
dren with ESKD attended regular education set- nificant progress has been made for older school-
tings with or without remedial tutoring, while age children with writing problems using
13–15% received special education services not metacognitive [64] and other self-regulated
29 Neurological Effects and Cognitive Development 589

strategies [65]. Most recently, Hooper et al. [66] Summary

documented the importance of examining the
interaction between cognitive functioning and There are a variety of management strategies and
written language instruction for early elemen- interventions for the cognitive dysfunction that
tary school children at risk for writing disorders, can be evident in children and adolescents with
with a particular focus on language and execu- ESKD. Although there are no specific educational
tive functions. This latter study is important for or cognitive treatment strategies that have been
children with ESKD given the reported memory evaluated in the pediatric ESKD population, there
and executive deficits that can be manifest in this is a firm, evidence-based foundation for many
population, which makes them at risk for written interventions in children that could be used for
language disorders. These findings also raise the this population. The early intervention strategies
possibility that if such cognitive factors are not for infants, toddlers, and preschool children
taken into account, they could be disruptive to clearly provide an immediate avenue for services
even evidence-based interventions. for early onset kidney disease, while the areas of
reading, math, and written language have specific
strategies for addressing deficits in these academic
Adolescence and Adult Transition content areas for children with CKD who also are
struggling with core academic skills. Additionally,
Children with ESKD face many barriers during as children age, the issue of transition into the
their transition through adolescence and early various needs of young adulthood – including
adulthood. The transition to adulthood is an management of their kidney disease – becomes a
important period in human development that critical focus, although the evidence-based litera-
requires an individual to increase his/her level of ture addressing transition is largely in its infancy.
autonomy, find gainful employment, and build At a minimum, utilization of a multidisciplinary
social relationships. Childhood-onset CKD and or interdisciplinary team model would be impor-
the associated medical complications can prevent tant to assist in managing the shifting develop-
many adolescents from making this transition mental needs of the individual with CKD and his/
and facing these developmental challenges suc- her family from a life course perspective, with
cessfully [67]. However, the current survival ongoing neurodevelopmental surveillance being a
rates for adolescents with ESKD of 80% at 10 critical component of that approach.
years [68, 69] must be coupled with successful
transition expectations.
To date, intervention research geared toward Conclusions and Directions
the medical and psychosocial barriers that impede
transition to adulthood is almost nonexistent. This chapter outlined the neurodevelopmental
Similarly, intervention research geared toward challenges of children with ESKD which have
the cognitive barriers to transition are also absent. implications on educational performance and
In spite of minimal response-to-intervention achievement, acquisition of self-management
research with this population, several possibili- skills during the adolescent to adult transitional
ties exist that might prove instrumental in smooth- phase, and ultimately vocational opportunities.
ing the transition for adolescents with ESKD. In Potential mechanisms have been proposed but
addition to the special education issues noted require significant scientific inquiry to confirm
above, Icard et al. [25] examined specific transi- or dispel these hypotheses. Regardless of the
tion issues including vocational rehabilitation mechanism, children with neurodevelopmental
services and mental health needs, and stressed the challenges should have the opportunity for
need for the development of evidence-based tran- proven interventions to optimize their cognitive
sition programs that would facilitate the move- trajectory and opportunities for independence as
ment from late adolescence into adulthood. adults. Using a multidisciplinary and scientifically
590 D.S. Gipson and S.R. Hooper

rigorous approach, we anticipate the coming 13. Geary DF, Haka-Ikse K. Neurodevelopmental progress
decade to provide opportunity to progress from of young children with chronic renal disease. Pediatrics.
quantifying the developmental challenges to 14. Bawden HN, Acott P, Carter J, Lirenman D,
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Psychosocial Adjustment
and Adherence of Children 30
and Adolescents on Dialysis
Ahna L.H. Pai and Lisa M. Ingerski

Children • Dialysis • Adolescents • Pyschosocial adjustment • Child and
parental adjustment

In order to adequately understand child adjust-

Introduction to Psychosocial ment, one must also consider the family system
Adjustment in which the child resides. The time-consuming
and complex nature of managing a dialysis treat-
A large body of literature has emerged over the ment regimen requires involvement from and
past three decades examining the psychosocial directly impacts members of the child’s family.
functioning of children and adolescents undergo- As such, the family system (i.e., parents, siblings,
ing dialysis. Advances in diagnosis, treatment, overall family functioning) is central to under-
and disease outcomes have been associated with standing, assessing, and managing psychosocial
changes in psychosocial adjustment as children adjustment and medical treatments in the pediat-
live longer with renal disease. Dialysis can sig- ric dialysis population. Therefore, in addition to a
nificantly impact all domains of a child’s life, review of child psychosocial adjustment, litera-
including their emotional, behavioral, and social ture related to parental, sibling, and overall fam-
functioning. Studies examining adult outcomes ily adjustment in pediatric dialysis will also be
(i.e., studies of adults who received dialysis in summarized. A discussion of the clinical implica-
childhood and/or adolescence) suggest difficul- tions and future directions for research and clini-
ties originating in childhood are maintained or cal care is presented at the end of the chapter.
even escalate as this population enters adulthood
[1–4]. Therefore, understanding how to recog-
nize and address psychosocial issues as early as
Child Adjustment
possible is a necessary component of comprehen-
sive patient care.
While many children and adolescents are able to
successfully cope with dialysis treatment, for other
youth dialysis can be quite challenging. A number
A.L.H. Pai, PhD () • L.M. Ingerski, PhD of stressors and disease-related consequences
Center for the Promotion of Adherence
likely impact youth’s adjustment as they undergo
and Self-Management, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, USA dialysis treatment. For example, delayed growth
e-mail: and puberty and physical changes associated with

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_30, 593

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
594 A.L.H. Pai and L.M. Ingerski

Table 30.1 Emotional, behavioral, and social difficulties semi-structured interview [9]. Further, in a mixed
experienced by children on dialysis sample of adolescents and adults (15–63 years
Emotional • Depression/depressive symptoms old), researchers suggested that the score obtained
• Anxiety on a standardized measure of depressive symp-
Behavioral • Conduct problems toms was the most important predictor of survival,
• Hyperactivity
with increased depressive symptoms (score ³ 25)
Social • Difficulties with peers
leading to a decreased probability of survival from
• Less likely to have a special friend
• Young adults: More likely to live 85% to 25% at 2 years [10]. Some investigators
with parents, lack a close relation- have suggested that suicide may be one contribu-
ship with a significant other, and tor to decreased survival rates for youth on dialy-
lack employment sis noting that suicide was suspected in at least
two deaths in their sample [4]. Given its possible
dialysis are well documented in the larger litera- relationship to survival and risk for later suicide,
ture (e.g., [5]). In addition, sometimes painful and/ timely identification of depressive symptoms in
or intrusive medical procedures, medical appoint- youth undergoing dialysis is needed. Collectively,
ments, hospitalizations, isolation from peers, and these data suggest that, for pediatric patients,
school absences likely contribute to children’s assessment of depressive symptoms especially is
individual psychosocial adjustment (e.g., [6, 7]). warranted. However, depressive symptoms are
In fact, there is some evidence that children’s not the only internalizing symptoms that these
adjustment may be related to treatment type (e.g., patients may experience during the course of
peritoneal dialysis versus hemodialysis); however, treatment.
this research is mixed. Therefore, the following Other internalizing symptoms (i.e., anxiety)
will focus on the emotional, behavioral, and social have also been documented in the pediatric dialy-
domains of psychosocial adjustment across dialy- sis literature. For example, increased rates of
sis modalities. Table 30.1 also summarizes diffi- separation anxiety disorder, other anxiety disor-
culties commonly experienced by children and ders, and adjustment disorders with anxiety
adolescents receiving dialysis. symptoms have each been documented relative
to the healthy population. Compared to age- and
sex-matched controls, separation anxiety disor-
Emotional Adjustment der was significantly more common in children
with end stage renal disease (ESRD), occurring
A relatively large literature describes the increased in over 60% of the sample [11]. Similarly, parents
risk for depression and subclinical depressive have reported higher internalizing symptoms in
symptoms often experienced by youth receiving children receiving dialysis compared to children
dialysis; however, actual symptom rates often pre-dialysis or healthy children on parent reports
vary across studies. For example, Simoni and col- of child behaviors [12]. Although initial reactions
leagues described slightly elevated depressive to diagnosis vary, the dialysis treatment regimen
symptoms in a sample of 23 patients on dialysis; can be especially stressful [13] and overall, the
however, they also noted that, overall, these youth literature suggests that youth on dialysis are at
obtained depression scores similar to those of increased risk for having difficulties with emo-
healthy children [8]. In contrast, other researchers tional adjustment.
have described significantly higher rates of psy-
chiatric disorders in children and adolescents
receiving hemodialysis. Compared to 36.8% of Behavioral Adjustment
children pre-dialysis, Bakr and colleagues found
that 68.4% of youth receiving dialysis received a While much of the current literature examining
psychiatric diagnosis (e.g., depression, adjustment child and adolescent psychosocial adjustment has
disorders with depressive symptoms) utilizing a focused on internalizing symptoms, a small body
30 Psychosocial Adjustment and Adherence of Children and Adolescents on Dialysis 595

of literature also suggests that youth on dialysis adulthood. Young adults who have received
may be at risk for behavioral difficulties. dialysis as children and/or adolescents are more
Increased externalizing symptoms (i.e., aggres- likely to continue to live with their parents, lack
sive and delinquent behaviors), especially in later close relationships with a significant other, lack
childhood and adolescence, have been docu- employment, and attain lower educational
mented as children cope with dialysis treatment achievement compared to their peers [2, 3, 7].
and related stressors. For example, parents Physical changes (e.g., short stature, cushingoid
reported levels of externalizing behaviors exceed- appearance) related to the medication regimen
ing clinical cutoffs for over one quarter of chil- and school difficulties [3, 18] may influence
dren 9–15 years old on a well-validated parent self-esteem and self-concept and compound
report measure of child behaviors [12]. Even for social adjustment difficulties in this population.
those children starting dialysis as infants, parents Taken together, these findings clearly demon-
described higher rates of externalizing behaviors strate the adverse impact of pediatric dialysis on
(i.e., conduct problems, difficulties with peers, the social functioning of children and adoles-
and hyperactivity) compared to the normative cents and emphasize the need to monitor and
population [14]. Although not yet examined treat social problems in order to alleviate and/or
empirically, behavior problems may be due, in prevent such difficulties in adulthood.
part, to the continued and substantial reliance of
many youth on their parents for significant care
and support (e.g., assistance with dialysis regi- Parental Adjustment
men, transportation to medical appointments)
during a developmental period where youth are Overall, the literature suggests that many fami-
supposed to be seeking greater independence and lies do fairly well while coping with the child’s
engaging in their own self-exploration. diagnosis and initiation of dialysis treatment
(e.g., [15, 19]). However, current literature also
suggests that, for some families, coping with
Social Adjustment dialysis presents significant challenges for the
child’s, parents’, and family’s overall psycholog-
The demands of the dialysis treatment regimen ical adjustment. A number of researchers have
and increased dependence on parental support examined the emotional and practical impact of
also likely contribute to well-documented diffi- pediatric dialysis on parents. Similar to their chil-
culties related to social functioning in children dren, a number of factors likely influence parent’s
and adolescents. In a sample of 12 children (10– adjustment while their child receives dialysis
19 years) with ESRD receiving dialysis, not a treatment. Family finances, parental marital
single youth obtained a score equal to or exceed- adjustment, parental unemployment, parental
ing the average score for social adjustment on a isolation from social groups, difficulties related
standardized measure [15]. Interestingly, trans- to time management, and other practical concerns
plantation often leads to improvements in social related to caring for a chronically ill child may all
functioning, as youth are afforded greater free- affect parents’ psychosocial functioning [5].
dom and are not dependent on dialysis [16], sub- Given the multiple stressors facing parents, it is
stantially decreasing the burden of care and not surprising that pediatric dialysis often impacts
interference in other activities (e.g., school, hob- parents’ individual psychosocial functioning.
bies, sports). Compared to healthy and non- While parental psychological functioning is
dialysis age and sex-matched controls, children important in and of itself, the impact that parent
and adolescents receiving dialysis were the least functioning can have on the emotional health on
likely to have a special friend in a sample of their children [17], makes family-centered care
youth aged 2–18 years [17]. Unfortunately, dif- and increased attention to caregiver mental health
ficulties in social adjustment may persist into of paramount importance [20].
596 A.L.H. Pai and L.M. Ingerski

Psychosocial Adjustment
Family and Sibling Adjustment
Similar to the child adjustment literature, parents
Changes in family roles, greater responsibility
of children on dialysis are at risk for experiencing
for household chores, and/or patient care by sib-
depression and anxiety. Compared to controls,
lings, differential attention by parents toward the
both mothers and fathers have reported increased
patient, and lack of respite care are only a few of
anxiety, depression, and stress symptoms [21]
the factors likely to impact the overall adjustment
while caring for a child on dialysis. Similarly,
of family and siblings of youth receiving dialysis.
other researchers have described that approxi-
As the patient receiving dialysis treatment is part
mately 30% of parents report symptoms of
of a family unit, consideration of both the family
depression and anxiety exceeding the clinical
and their sibling’s adjustment must also be given
cutoff on standardized self-report measures of
in order to more fully understand psychosocial
mood [22]. Not surprisingly, significant relation-
adjustment in this unique population.
ships between parent and child adjustment have
also been documented; child psychological diffi-
culties during pediatric dialysis are often more
Family Adjustment
common when a family history of psychological
difficulties is also present [17].
Perhaps it is not surprising given what has been
described related to child and parental psycho-
social adjustment, pediatric dialysis can also
Practical Stressors have considerable repercussions for the general
functioning of the family. Moreover, families
A number of factors likely influence parental experience significant disruption caused either
adjustment, which may also contribute to the by significant training and changes in the home
overall functioning of the family and the child’s environment required by peritoneal dialysis
general adjustment. Parents of children awaiting [26, 27] or the frequent and lengthy trips to
renal transplantation must navigate a number of dialysis unit required by hemodialysis. Indeed,
stressors on a daily basis [23]. Not surprisingly, 77% of parents described disruption in their
financial-related stressors are frequently reported family’s life compared to 31% of parents of
by parents as their child undergoes dialysis. Tsai children not receiving dialysis [25]. In a sample
and colleagues found that families of children of 36 adolescents receiving dialysis or under-
receiving dialysis reported a lower family income going transplant, researchers described that
and higher rates of unemployment compared to family environment and conflict were signifi-
national normative information [24]. General cantly related to child externalizing behaviors
caregiving stress may also contribute to a parents’ [28]. Family functioning may even be related to
subsequent emotional difficulties or changes in children’s disease-related medical outcomes.
the marital relationship. For example, compared Research by the same group also suggests that
to parents of children not receiving dialysis, par- higher family conflict is related to a greater
ents of children receiving dialysis were more number of medications and that higher family
likely to describe that their marriage was affected cohesion is related to fewer hospitalizations
(65% versus 27%) by their child’s medical diag- [28]. Although this area of research is still in its
nosis [25]. Taken together, these findings suggest early stages, such findings support a family-cen-
that practical stressors impact both parental and tered approach to the care of youth on dialysis
child adjustment, as well as the general function- where family functioning, not just child func-
ing of the family as a whole. tioning, is routinely assessed and treated.
30 Psychosocial Adjustment and Adherence of Children and Adolescents on Dialysis 597

Sibling Adjustment poorer psychosocial functioning. When clinically

significant psychosocial problems are identified,
Overall, the majority of the literature related to sib- a trained mental health professional such as a
ling adjustment in pediatric dialysis suggests that psychologist should be incorporated into the
siblings do fairly well. However, changes in roles patient’s care in order to deliver the empirically
(e.g., caregiving burden often placed on siblings) supported treatment most suited to the patient’s
and the impact on the family related to caring for a and family’s needs.
child receiving dialysis treatment (e.g., financial
burden, practical difficulties related to time man-
agement) can adversely impact siblings’ psycho- Introduction to Adherence
social adjustment. Of note, in a small study of 15
siblings of children receiving dialysis or a trans- The estimated rate of nonadherence to treatment
plant, almost half of siblings reported they were regimens across pediatric chronic illness popula-
not able to share concerns with parents, almost tions is 50% [35]. The prevalence of nonadher-
90% described disruption to their family’s routine, ence is striking when one considers the serious
and 80% reported being jealous or feeling left out consequences that can result from poor adher-
[29]. Findings from this study are consistent with ence. Lack of exposure to a given medical treat-
the broader pediatric chronic illness literature doc- ment as a result of nonadherence can result in
umenting differential attention by parents toward increased morbidity and mortality (e.g., [36]),
healthy siblings [30]. Thus, equal consideration medication-related adverse events, and changes
also needs to be given to the psychosocial adjust- in quality of life [37, 38]. Changes in health care
ment of siblings during the dialysis process. utilization and increased costs to medical institu-
tions and the larger society have also been related
to nonadherence [39–41]. Finally, poor adher-
Management and Treatment ence can influence healthcare provider clinical
of Psychosocial Problems decision-making, potentially leading to increased
dosages and/or discontinuation of medication
While a full review is beyond the scope of the believed to be ineffective [42, 43]. For these rea-
current chapter, a number of psychological treat- sons, and others, estimating the prevalence of
ments have proven efficacious in the broader pedi- and understanding factors related to adherence in
atric chronic illness literature and can be expected the pediatric dialysis population is critical to pro-
to have applicability to the pediatric dialysis viding comprehensive patient care.
population in particular. For instance, cognitive However, adherence to dialysis regimens in
behavioral therapy (CBT) is a highly effective pediatric populations is vastly understudied.
psychological therapy for the treatment of depres- A number of factors hinder the advancement of
sive and anxiety symptoms (e.g., [31–33]), which adherence research in pediatric dialysis includ-
could be beneficial for older children and adoles- ing, different types of dialysis that vary in the
cents, as well as parents, presenting to pediatric degree of patient self-management, multiple regi-
dialysis providers with depressive and/or anxiety men components (e.g., diet, fluid intake, oral
symptoms (e.g., major depressive disorder, sepa- medication), and limited tools to assess adher-
ration anxiety disorder). Behavioral Family ence to the dialysis regimen. Therefore, the few
Systems Therapy (BFST), a brief family systems– studies that examine adherence to pediatric dialy-
oriented therapy aimed at improving problem- sis will be reviewed here as well as studies on
solving skills (e.g., [34]), could help families to adherence in other populations (i.e., adult dialy-
successfully maneuver around both practical dif- sis, pediatric kidney transplant, and other pediat-
ficulties (e.g., school absences, interruptions to ric populations) that can inform clinical and
the family schedule) and general difficulties with research endeavors until definitive research in the
family functioning that can often contribute to pediatric dialysis population is available.
598 A.L.H. Pai and L.M. Ingerski

specify which component of the treatment

Overview of Adherence regimen they were assessing for nonadherence
and serum phosphorus and calcium values are
In 2003 the World Health Organization [44]
influenced by multiple treatment factors.
defined adherence as, “the extent to which a per-
Nonetheless, this and other studies conducted
son’s behavior – taking medication, following a
with the pediatric dialysis population confirm the
diet, and/or executing lifestyle changes, corre-
prevalence of nonadherence and punctuate the
sponds with agreed recommendations from a
need to regularly assess factors related to adher-
healthcare provider.” Notably, a number of other
ence in the pediatric dialysis population.
related terms have been used in conjunction or
interchangeably with the term adherence includ-
ing compliance [45] and newer terms such as per- Factors Associated with Adherence
sistence (i.e., the act of continuing the treatment
for the prescribed duration; [46]) and concor- The prevalence and preventable nature of as well
dance (i.e., negotiation between equals [provider as the serious clinical consequences related to
and patient] with the aim of developing a thera- nonadherence make understanding factors related
peutic alliance; [47]). Here, the term adherence to nonadherence in this patient population of par-
will be used due to the term’s wide acceptance amount importance. Unfortunately, virtually
and emphasis on the patient’s active role in his/ nothing is known about the factors that influence
her treatment as well as the importance of a col- adherence and methods to promote adherence in
laborative physician–patient relationship. children and adolescents who are on dialysis.
Assessing rates of adherence to the pediatric Thus, the content of the following pages and
dialysis regimen is particularly difficult to esti- Table 30.2 summarize several sociodemographic,
mate due to the various treatment components medical, individual, and familial, and healthcare-
(i.e., fluid intake, oral medication adherence, specific factors that have been linked to adher-
diet) and underdeveloped methods used to assess ence in pediatric transplant and chronic illness
adherence. Unfortunately, the limited available populations. Understanding these factors is criti-
research suggests that nonadherence is prevalent. cal to the development of targeted interventions
Estimates of rates of nonadherence specific to the to promote adherence in children receiving
pediatric dialysis regimen range from 17% to chronic dialysis.
43% [8, 48, 49]. A study examining oral medica-
tion adherence in patients with CKD and in trans-
plant recipients found that 29.4% of patients were Sociodemographic Factors
nonadherent to their medication regimen (defined
by prednisone concentrations in the blood of less To our knowledge, only one study has examined
than 20 ng/mL; [48]). Nonadherence to pre- sociodemographic factors in relation to adherence
scribed weight maintenance prescriptions have in the pediatric dialysis population [13]. Findings
also been found to be prevalent, with 39% of the from this study are consistent with the larger
youth classified as nonadherent (i.e., gained pediatric adherence literature; older age, low fam-
above an investigator established 1.5 kg cutoff ily socioeconomic status (SES), and living in a
point) in one study [49]. In another sample of single parent home are associated with poorer
children on dialysis, serum phosphorus and cal- adherence in children on dialysis [13]. Declines
cium were within the recommended ranges, on in adherence during adolescence, a developmen-
average, only 39% and 43% of the time, respec- tal period that is marked by a drive for autonomy,
tively. Moreover, 17% of the children never had a are widely and consistently documented in the
normal serum phosphorus value and 26% never broader adherence literature [50–52]. For youth
had a normal calcium value [8]. Although these on dialysis in particular, low SES could hinder
findings are dramatic, the prior study did not adherence by potentially limiting access to
30 Psychosocial Adjustment and Adherence of Children and Adolescents on Dialysis 599

Table 30.2 General risk factors related to nonadherence

Sociodemographic • Adolescent age
• Living in a single parent home
• Low socioeconomic status
Medical • Longer duration of dialysis
• Adverse treatment side effects
Individual • Lack of disease-related knowledge
• History of psychological or psychiatric problems
Family • Ambiguous allocation of treatment responsibilities
• Low parental involvement
• High family conflict and/or poor communication
• Additional significant family stressors (e.g., other family
members with medical problems, employment problems,
housing difficulties)

medication and impair the parent’s ability to pro- from their treatments and other medications
vide optimal supervision over dialysis delivery which can affect physiology, cognition, emotion,
due to the demands that are often associated with and behavior, all of which could subsequently
low-wage jobs (i.e., working early morning or affect a patient’s willingness to consistently fol-
evening shifts when dialysis is often being initi- low their treatment regimen.
ated or completed). The identification of sociode-
mographic factors related to adherence in the
pediatric dialysis population could assist clini- Individual and Family Factors
cians and researchers in identifying who may be
at risk for poor adherence and ways to most effec- Cognitive Functioning
tively assist patients and families. To our knowledge, no studies have specifically
investigated the relationship between intellectual
functioning and dialysis adherence. However,
Medical Factors based on literature demonstrating deleterious
effects of poor kidney functioning on cognitive
To our knowledge, only one published study doc- functioning [55], it stands to reason that persistent
uments the influence of medical predictors on nonadherence would negatively impact cognitive
adherence in the pediatric dialysis population. development and functioning. It is also unclear
Brownbridge and colleagues [13] found that the what level of cognitive functioning is required to
duration of dialysis was associated with poorer maintain good disease management. There is a
adherence (p < 0.05). Replication of this finding critical need for research that determines how
as well as the examination of other medical fac- intelligence and executive functioning skills are
tors that could be related to adherence should be related to adherence to a dialysis regimen, espe-
investigated, including the type of illness under- cially in the pediatric ESRD population in which
lying the need for dialysis, disease and dialysis many children and adolescents suffer cognitive
duration, type of dialysis, and other treatment effects [55] (also see Chap. 29).
regimen characteristics. The influence of side
effects on adherence to the dialysis treatment Lack of Knowledge
regimen also needs to be considered as side The current consensus in the larger adherence lit-
effects have been associated with poorer adher- erature is that disease- and regimen-related
ence in other pediatric populations [53, 54]. Side knowledge are necessary, but not sufficient alone
effects of treatment could have a substantial to improve and maintain adherence to medical
impact on adherence in this population as youth regimens [56–59]. The influence of disease and
on dialysis experience numerous side effects regimen knowledge needs to be examined in the
600 A.L.H. Pai and L.M. Ingerski

pediatric dialysis population in order to prescribed treatment regimen task. One regimen
understand how to best train patients to effec- task, such as taking an oral medication, is
tively manage their regimens. comprised of multiple task components (i.e.,
obtaining the prescription, putting the pills in a
Psychological Functioning pill box, and swallowing the pill). Each of these
As reviewed in the first half of the chapter, chil- component tasks may be shared across multiple
dren and adolescents on dialysis are at greater family members. Two primary patterns of ATR
risk for experiencing problems with psychologi- have been determined to be related to nonadher-
cal adjustment. Findings regarding the relation- ence in the pediatric population. First, more
ship between psychological distress and responsibility allocated to the parent and sustained
adherence is unequivocal, as those with poorer parental involvement is related to increased adher-
psychological functioning are at greater risk for ence to pediatric treatment regimens [65–69].
poor adherence. Children and adolescents who In contrast, greater discrepancies between parent
report elevated levels of psychological distress and child reports of who is responsible for spe-
including posttraumatic stress symptoms [60], cific aspects of a treatment regimen is related to
depressive symptoms [13, 61, 62], and anxiety poorer adherence [64, 70]. Clearly, more research
symptoms [13, 61] are at significantly greater is needed in order to determine how to most effec-
risk for adherence problems. Among youth on tively allocate responsibilities for the treatment
dialysis, poor adjustment to diagnosis and dialy- regimen to children and adolescents who receive
sis is also significantly associated with nonadher- chronic dialysis in a way that prepares them for
ence (p < 0.01; [13]). These findings attest to the the transition to adult care while maintaining
importance of attending to the psychological as optimal adherence.
well as medical care of children and adolescents
on dialysis.
The Impact of Treatment Adherence
Family Predictors on Health and Psychosocial
Family process variables are critical and modifi- Outcomes
able factors that have been shown to influence
adherence in multiple pediatric populations, To our knowledge the impact of nonadherence
including those with diabetes [63] and asthma has not been documented in children and adoles-
[64]. Given the complexities of the treatments cents on dialysis. In other pediatric nephrology
and the high stakes associated with completing populations, nonadherence has been associated
treatments, families and caregivers play a critical with adverse health outcomes. In a small sample
role in dialysis treatments. For very young chil- of children with nephrotic syndrome, nonadher-
dren (below age 6), the primary responsibility of ence to oral steroid medications was related to
ensuring adherence to the child’s treatment regi- the development of recurrent steroid-sensitive
men typically falls on the primary caregiver (i.e., nephrotic syndrome [48]. This is consistent with
parent). However, the allocation of regimen studies in the pediatric kidney transplant popula-
responsibilities for school-age children and ado- tion which show that nonadherence to oral medi-
lescents and how the allocation of treatment cation regimens is related to poorer clinical
responsibilities is related to adherence is not well outcomes, such as lower long-term graft survival
understood. Allocation of treatment responsibil- rates [71–73]. Across studies, it is estimated that
ity (ATR) and overlapping constructs, including an average of 39% of late transplant losses are
parental involvement, child involvement, child attributable to nonadherence [71–79]. Moreover,
autonomy, and family responsibility sharing, those who are nonadherent die at rates fourfold
describe the degree to which each family member greater than more adherent recipients [80].
is involved in different aspects of a medical treat- However, very little is known about how nonad-
ment regimen in order successfully complete a herence impacts outcomes related to the dialysis
30 Psychosocial Adjustment and Adherence of Children and Adolescents on Dialysis 601

treatment regimen. Clearly the impact of severe adherence. Compared to historical rates, this
and persistent refusal to do dialysis itself is group reported compliance rates of 95% or greater
apparent. However, the impact of less blatant compared to the 43% prior to using the Procard
forms of nonadherence on health outcomes is not [84]. The extent to which these interventions will
well understood. be helpful in improving adherence in pediatric
dialysis populations will need to be evaluated.
Adherence interventions developed for other
Interventions to Promote Adherence pediatric chronic conditions range from funda-
mental education and simple self-management
The limited available information regarding strategies to more complex, multifaceted interven-
adherence in the pediatric dialysis population tions. Examples of adherence interventions are
makes it clear that interventions to improve summarized in Table 30.3. Educational strategies
adherence to multiple aspects of the dialysis treat- typically provide factual information regarding
ment regimen are critically needed. A recent the nature of the illness and its management, the
meta-analysis examining the effectiveness of mediations and treatments for the illness (includ-
adherence interventions in pediatric populations ing side effects), and the importance of following
found that behavioral and multicomponent inter- the treatment regimen. Periodic education as well
ventions are the most effective in changing adher- as education at key points of treatment (e.g., when
ence behaviors [81]. Although no intervention a new treatment is introduced or a treatment regi-
studies have been conducted with the pediatric men is changed) is also important. Knowledge
dialysis population, interventions utilizing the provided through education is necessary, but not
Baxter Procard (i.e., computer chip that records necessarily sufficient, to promote regimen adher-
dialysis machine usage) in the adult dialysis pop- ence [57–59, 85]. Therefore, when attempting
ulation have demonstrated substantial promise. to intervene on adherence problems, it is recom-
Two studies have reported the use of the Procard mended that educational interventions be pro-
as a tool to increase adherence [82, 83]. More vided in conjunction with other intervention
recently, 42 adult patients received education methods such as organizational and behavioral
about the Procard and used it to encouraged better interventions.

Table 30.3 Examples of adherence interventions

Intervention type Examples
Educational • Education about health condition(s)
• Education about treatment regimen
• Education about self-management skills
Organizational • Pill box
• Have a designated location for medications in the home
• Setting an alarm
• Track appointments on calendars
• Track medication schedules on calendars
Behavioral • Daily logs (i.e., logging adherence, barriers, and facilitators of adherence)
• Chaining (i.e., take medication when brushing teeth, eating breakfast, watching a certain
• Reinforce adherence (or behaviors to increase adherence)
• Reinforce the use of strategies to improve adherence (e.g., setting alarms, packing
medications to have when away from home)
• Reinforce open discussion of adherence-related issues
• Encourage patient to seek adherence-specific and general social support
• Identify and encourage appropriate parent involvement
• Teach and assist patient in using problem-solving skills to overcome barriers to adherence
Note: When possible a trained mental health professional should be consulted and assist in the management and treat-
ment of moderate to severe adherence problems
602 A.L.H. Pai and L.M. Ingerski

Organizational and self-management strate- much that is not adequately understood.

gies are also helpful in improving adherence. Longitudinal studies are needed to examine the
Strategies known to promote better adherence multiple aspects of psychological adjustment that
include use of a pillbox, setting alarms, using cal- likely fluctuate over time. Such investigations
endars to track appointments, and minimizing may help clinicians target the most appropriate
scheduling conflicts. Behavioral approaches have resources for patients and/or family members at
also been shown to be effective in improving the most appropriate times during treatment. For
adherence and typically involve visual reminders instance, youth on dialysis and their families may
(e.g., calendars, charts), self-monitoring (e.g., benefit from additional psychosocial support
tracking medication dosing through a daily log), when there are changes in the patient’s treatment
chaining of regimen tasks with previously estab- regimen, when there are additional stressors
lished routines or behaviors (i.e., brushing teeth, unrelated to dialysis in the home, or when the
eating breakfast), and contingency management youth and their family are managing the uncer-
strategies (rewards for the achievement of spe- tainty of waiting for a transplant. Additional stud-
cific goals; [34]). Given the lack of available stan- ies are also needed to compare psychosocial
dardized and empirically supported treatments in adjustment by treatment (i.e., dialysis) type.
the pediatric dialysis population, the involvement While a small number of investigators are cur-
of a psychologist to develop individualized evi- rently pursuing this research question, the con-
dence-based treatment plans is recommended to stantly evolving and improving dialysis regimens
address identified adherence problems [86]. require continued investigation in this area. Such
investigation is especially needed for those
patients for whom more than one dialysis treat-
Summary and Directions for Future ment type may be possible, not only to help guide
Research clinical decision making, but also to help patients
and families decide the most appropriate treat-
While many patients and families are able to suc- ment choice for their individual family. Given its
cessfully adapt to the pediatric dialysis treatment relationship to quality of life, adherence, and
regimen, a sizable proportion of children do not. medical outcomes, the importance of psychoso-
Children on dialysis are at greater risk for cial adjustment cannot be overstated, and contin-
experiencing difficulties with emotional (depres- ued research in this area is needed.
sion, anxiety, etc.), behavioral (conduct problems, Treatment adherence is vastly understudied in
oppositional behavior), and social difficulties. This the pediatric dialysis population, but there is little
is true, not just for the patients themselves, but question that poor adherence dramatically and
also for their parents and siblings. The psychoso- adversely impacts the health outcomes of youth
cial functioning of youth on dialysis is important on dialysis. Therefore, research on adherence in
not only for the implications that it has on the the pediatric dialysis population is critically
child’s overall quality of life, but also the signifi- needed to identify modifiable factors that
cant impact that it has on treatment adherence. adversely impact adherence, how to best measure
Difficulties with treatment adherence are prevalent adherence to each component of the dialysis
in the pediatric dialysis population and have con- treatment regimen, and effective interventions to
sistently been related to individual and family optimize adherence.
functioning of the youth. Therefore, it is critical
to provide patients with comprehensive family-
centered care that addresses not only the medical, Implications for Clinical Practice
but also the psychological needs to effect the best and Psychosocial Care
possible outcomes for youth on dialysis.
Although there is a reasonable mass of evi- Taken together, the available literature of chil-
dence documenting difficulties with psychologi- dren undergoing dialysis suggests that routine,
cal functioning in youth on dialysis, there is still repeated, assessment of child, parent, and family
30 Psychosocial Adjustment and Adherence of Children and Adolescents on Dialysis 603

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immunosuppressive regimen in adolescent transplant 84. Lee AJ, Kho K, Chia KS et al. Simulating inadequate
recipients. Pediatr Transplant. 2005;9(3):381–90. dialysis and its correction using an individualized patient-
72. Ettenger RB, Rosenthal JT, Marik JL, et al. Improved derived nomogram. Pediatr Nephrol. 2009;24:1–10.
cadaveric renal transplant outcome in children. Pediatr 85. La Greca AM, Follansbee D, Skyler JS. Developmental
Nephrol. 1991;5(1):137–42. and behavioral aspects of diabetes management in
73. Jarzembowski T, John E, Panaro F, et al. Impact of youngsters. Child Health Care. 1990;19(3):132.
non-compliance on outcome after pediatric kidney 86. Spirito A, Kazak AE. Effective and emerging treat-
transplantation: an analysis in racial subgroups. ments in pediatric psychology. New York: Oxford
Pediatr Transplant. 2004;8(4):367–71. University Press; 2006.
Part VI
Drugs and Dialysis
Drug Administration
and Pharmacogenomics in Children 31
Receiving Acute or Chronic Renal
Replacement Therapy
Douglas L. Blowey and J. Steven Leeder

Drug administration • Chronic renal replacement therapy • Acute renal
replacement therapy • Children • Pharmacogenomics

can culminate in drug toxicity or inadequate

Introduction treatment.

The prescription of a safe and effective dose of a

medication for a child receiving dialysis is an Basic Concepts of Drug Disposition
arduous task as both renal failure and dialysis can
modify the absorption, distribution, metabolism, The desired and undesired effects of a drug gen-
elimination, and action of a drug. A safe and erally correlate with the concentration of free
effective dosing regimen is one that delivers the (unbound) drug at the site of action. Factors that
appropriate drug in the optimal manner, produc- determine drug concentration at the site of action
ing the desired pharmacological response while are the rate and extent of absorption, distribution,
minimizing the undesirable effects. Achieving biotransformation (i.e., metabolism), and elimi-
the goal of successful drug therapy requires a nation. The characteristics of these processes are
clear understanding of the therapeutic goal unique for each drug and are influenced by
coupled with an appreciation of the factors gov- genetic, environmental, physiological, and devel-
erning drug disposition and action. Failure to opmental factors [1].
clearly identify the therapeutic goal or to account
for the changes in drug disposition associated
with renal failure and the performance of dialysis Absorption

Under most circumstances, a drug must reach the

D.L. Blowey, MD () systemic circulation in order to exert a biological
Department of Pediatrics, Children’s Mercy Hospital effect. Drug administered orally, intramuscularly,
and University of Missouri, Kansas City, MO, USA
rectally, subcutaneously, topically, or directly into
the peritoneum must cross membranes to gain
J.S. Leeder, PharmD, PhD
access to the systemic circulation. As a prerequi-
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pharmacology
and Medical Toxicology, Children’s Mercy Hospitals site to absorption, a drug must be released from the
and Clinics, Kansas City, MO, USA dosage form (e.g., tablet, capsule, transcutaneous

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_31, 609

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
610 D.L. Blowey and J.S. Leeder

patch) and be present at the site of absorption in fraction of the administered dose reaching the
an aqueous solution. Most drugs are either weak systemic circulation defines the volume of distri-
acids or weak bases and in an aqueous solution bution (Vd):
exist as an ionized (charged) or nonionized
Dose × Fraction absorbed
(uncharged) moiety. The most common mecha- Vd = (31.1)
nism of drug absorption is passive diffusion of Drug plasma concentration (C0 )
the nonionized drug moiety, a process influenced The volume of distribution, generally
by the extent to which a drug is nonionized as expressed as liters or liters/kg, is a hypothetical
determined by the drug’s pKa (i.e., dissociation value with no true anatomical correlate that
constant) and the pH at the site of absorption relates the plasma drug concentration to the total
(e.g., stomach, small bowel, skin, peritoneal amount of drug in the body and serves as a guide
cavity). For example, the oral absorption of keto- in determining whether a drug is distributed pri-
conazole is enhanced by the stomach’s acidic marily within the systemic circulation or extravas-
environment that promotes the formation of the cular sites (e.g., fat, muscle). A large volume of
more readily absorbed nonionized drug com- distribution implies that the majority of drug
pound [2]. Coadministration of drugs that reduce present in the body resides outside the vascular
gastric acid (e.g., proton pump inhibitors, antiac- space, whereas a small volume of distribution
ids) shifts the equilibrium in favor of the poorly suggests that the vascular compartment contains
absorbed ionized moiety resulting in decreased most of the drug in the body. For example,
ketoconazole absorption with the potential for digoxin binds more strongly to tissue sites out-
subtherapeutic serum concentrations [3]. Less side the vascular space (e.g., muscle) than plasma
common mechanisms of drug absorption include proteins and consequently has a large volume of
convective transport, active transport, facilitated distribution (16 L/kg). At the other extreme, phe-
transport, ion-pair transport, and endocytosis. nytoin has a small volume of distribution (0.7 L/
kg) because it is highly bound to albumin (90–
95% protein binding) and is contained within the
Distribution vascular and extracellular fluid compartments.
Disease-related changes in protein binding or the
Following the absorption or direct infusion of a volume of a compartment (e.g., extracellular fluid
drug into the systemic circulation, drug distrib- volume expansion with edema) can alter the dis-
utes or equilibrates with tissue reservoirs. The position and biological effect of a drug [4].
extent of drug partitioning among tissues depends In some clinical situations, immediate thera-
on the drug’s pKa, the degree of binding to plasma peutic drug concentrations are desired and a load-
proteins and tissue constituents, tissue blood ing dose is prescribed to saturate the sites of
flow, and the partitioning of drug to fat. The rela- distribution. A simple rearrangement of (Equation
tionship between the plasma drug concentration 31.1) shows that the Vd determines the size of the
that theoretically exists at time zero (Co) and the loading dose.

Loading dose (mg/kg) = Desired concentration (mg/L) × Vd (L/kg) (31.2)

of elimination such as lung, skin, gastrointestinal

Biotransformation/Elimination and dialysis-related losses. The rate of drug elim-
ination, or drug clearance, does not indicate how
The total amount of drug eliminated from the much drug is being removed from the body but,
body consists of the amount eliminated by the rather, the volume of blood or plasma that would
kidneys plus the amount eliminated by biotrans- need to be completely freed of drug per unit
formation (i.e., metabolism) and other pathways of time to account for the amount eliminated.
31 Drug Administration and Pharmacogenomics in Children… 611

Drug clearance is additive such that the total glomerular filtration rate (GFR). The active renal
(systemic) drug clearance is equal to the sum of tubular secretion of drug and drug metabolites in
the clearances by each individual pathway. the proximal tubule can contribute substantially
to renal drug elimination. Other drugs or endog-
Clsystemic = Cl renal + Cl hepatic + Cl dialysis + Clother (31.3)
enous substrates that employ the same nonspe-
Drug elimination and metabolism usually cific transport system may inhibit the renal
require the drug to be present within the systemic tubular secretion of drugs. The classic example is
circulation and drug partitioned outside the vas- the competitive inhibition of penicillin tubular
cular space must return to the vascular space secretion by probenecid [10]. Reabsorption is the
(redistribute) to be excreted or metabolized. passive diffusion of the nonionized drug from the
Therefore, while dialysis may effectively clear a filtrate into the renal tubular cell. Basic urine
drug from the plasma, the fraction of the total (e.g., urine pH > 7.5) favors the ionized form of
drug removed from the body by dialysis may be acidic drugs and limits reabsorption. This con-
small when the majority of the drug resides out- cept is used clinically to enhance the elimination
side the vascular space (e.g., large Vd). of salicylates in overdose situations [11]. Other
Biotransformation is the enzymatic conver- pathways of drug excretion include biliary, sali-
sion of a drug to a new chemical moiety. The new vary, mammary, sweat, lungs, and intestinal.
drug product (i.e., drug metabolite) is usually an
inactive compound that is easily eliminated from
the body; however, metabolites may be generated Alteration of Drug Disposition
that have significant pharmacological activity [5, in Renal Failure and Dialysis
6], toxic properties [7], and a disposition profile
different from the parent drug. For many drugs and drug metabolites, the kidney
Most tissues, including the kidney, possess the is the primary pathway of elimination and any
ability to biotransform drugs. Quantitatively, the reduction in renal function will decrease the abil-
liver and gastrointestinal tract are the most impor- ity to eliminate drug from the body. Although a
tant organs of drug metabolism. Biotransformation reduced capacity to eliminate drug stands out as
reactions are classified as phase I or phase II reac- the most important change in drug disposition
tions and usually the reactions occur sequentially. associated with renal failure, clinically significant
Phase I reactions introduce or expose a functional alterations may occur in drug absorption, distri-
group on the parent drug and Phase II reactions bution, and metabolism [4, 12, 13] (Table 31.1).
couple the drug molecule to an endogenous sub- The impact of renal failure on the disposition
stituent group (e.g., glucuronic acid, sulfate, glu- of a drug is largely determined by the relative
tathione). Although there are many different contribution of renal drug clearance to the sys-
types of enzymes capable of carrying out Phase I temic drug clearance (Equation 31.3). When renal
reactions, the cytochromes P450 (CYP) are the drug clearance accounts for more than 25% of the
most important class involved in the metabolism systemic drug clearance, it is likely that drug will
of therapeutic drugs. There is great interindivid- accumulate to higher and potentially toxic serum
ual variability in the biological activity of CYPs drug concentrations with renal failure unless the
as a consequence of genetic, environmental, dosing regimen is modified (Fig. 31.1). In con-
physiological, and developmental factors [8, 9]. trast, modification of the dosing regimen is gen-
The kidney is the most important organ for erally not required for drugs that are predominately
drug and drug metabolite elimination. Renal eliminated by extrarenal pathways unless there
excretion of drugs involves glomerular filtration, are clinically significant changes in drug absorp-
tubular secretion, and tubular reabsorption. tion, distribution, or metabolism (Table 31.1).
Unless limited by size or charge, drug and drug Even though the disposition of the parent drug
metabolites not bound to plasma proteins are fil- may be unchanged in renal failure, drugs under-
tered through the glomeruli at a rate equal to the going extensive biotransformation may have
612 D.L. Blowey and J.S. Leeder

Table 31.1 Possible changes in drug disposition in renal failure

PK parameter Effect Proposed mechanism
Absorption ↓ Edema of GI tract, uremic nausea/vomiting, delayed gastric emptying
Drug interaction – Phosphate binders, H2-blockers
Altered GI pH
Distribution ↑ Increased unbound drug fraction
Hypoalbuminemia (nephrosis, malnutrition)
Uremic changes in albumin structure; expansion of extracellular, intracellular,
and/or total body water spaces
Metabolism ↓ Inhibition of CYP 450 metabolism (liver, intestine, kidney)
Drug interaction
Direct inhibition by “uremic” milieu
↑ Induced CYP 450 metabolism
Excretion ↓ Decreased GFR
Decreased tubular secretion
Increased tubular reabsorption

Fig. 31.1 Serum

concentration – time
profile for a child receiving
intravenous gentamicin
(2.5 mg/kg IV every 8 h).
The solid line depicts
the profile in a child with
normal renal function.
The dashed line depicts the
gentamicin accumulation
that occurs when dosing
adjustments are not made
in a child with a GFR
measuring 15 mL/
min/1.73 m2

pharmacologically active metabolites that are systemic drug clearance encompasses renal,
eliminated by the kidney and accumulate in renal hepatic, and other intrinsic clearance pathways
failure [5–7]. An example is the enhanced central plus the additional clearance provided by dialysis
nervous system toxicity of the opioid analgesic (Equation 31.3). In general, drug removal is con-
meperidine in individuals with renal failure. sidered clinically significant when > 25% of the
While meperidine biotransformation proceeds administered dose is removed by dialysis. Failure
unaltered in renal failure, the active and central to recognize the extent of drug removal and pro-
nervous system toxic metabolite normeperidine vide supplemental dosing can result in under dos-
accumulates with repeated dosing and increases ing and therapeutic compromise [15].
the risk of seizures in patients with renal failure Drug elimination during dialysis occurs by
[7]. There is also accumulating evidence that the diffusion and convection. The contribution of
biotransformation of parent drugs may also be each process to the dialysis clearance of a drug
altered in the presence of renal failure [14]. varies among the different dialysis modalities.
The impact of dialysis on drug disposition is Diffusion is the movement of drug across a dia-
determined largely by the extent of drug removal lyzer membrane or peritoneal membrane from a
by the dialysis procedure. During dialysis, higher to lower drug concentration. While drug
31 Drug Administration and Pharmacogenomics in Children… 613

usually moves from the blood compartment to more porous membranes) the removal of vanco-
the dialysis fluid, drug can be absorbed from the mycin during dialysis is much greater than previ-
dialysis fluid when the dialysis fluid drug con- ously noted [16, 17].
centration exceeds the serum concentration such Dialysis drug clearance (Cld) can be calculated
as is observed with the intraperitoneal adminis- by measuring the prefilter (arterial) and postfilter
tration of antibiotics during the treatment of peri- (venous) serum drug concentration and the rate
tonitis. Convection is the movement of drug of blood flow through the filter (Qb).
across the dialyzer membrane or peritoneal mem-
brane that occurs with the flow of ultrafiltrate. ⎡ (Ca − Cv )⎤
Cl d = ⎢ ⎥ × Qb (31.4)
Dialysis removes only free drug from the body ⎣ Ca ⎦
as drug bound to plasma proteins and other cel-
lular constituents do not cross the dialyzer mem- Equation (31.4) can be corrected for protein bind-
brane or peritoneal membrane. The efficiency of ing and hematocrit when appropriate [18]. The
drug removal is greatest for hemodialysis, fol- equation can be further adapted to account for
lowed by continuous renal replacement therapies drug removal that occurs with ultrafiltration by
(CRRT), and least by peritoneal dialysis. Although measuring the ultrafiltration rate (Qf).
drug removal by CRRT and peritoneal dialysis is
less efficient than hemodialysis, the total drug ⎡ (Ca − Cv )⎤ ⎡⎛ Cv ⎞ ⎤
Cl d = ⎢ ⎥ × Qb + ⎢⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ × Qf ⎥ (31.5)
removal may be equivalent to hemodialysis as ⎣ Ca ⎦ ⎣ Ca ⎦
CRRT and peritoneal dialysis are performed for a
longer continuous period of time. The drug clearance by hemodialysis is consid-
ered to be significant when the dialysis procedure
accounts for more than 25% of systemic drug
Hemodialysis clearance.

In hemodialysis, blood flows through a series of

synthetic capillaries contained in a plastic shell Continuous Renal Replacement
(dialyzer) in a direction opposite dialysis fluid. Therapies
As blood flows along the length of the capillaries,
unbound solutes (e.g., drugs) diffuse across the The term “continuous renal replacement thera-
membrane into the dialysis fluid that is then pies” (CRRT) incorporates continuous veno-
removed. Depending on the need for fluid venous hemofiltration (CVVH), continuous
removal, ultrafiltration and convective drug venovenous hemodialysis (CVVHD), and contin-
removal takes place, but diffusion is the most uous venovenous hemodiafiltration (CCVHDF).
important factor influencing solute loss. The Drug removal during CRRT is governed by the
elimination of a drug during hemodialysis is ultrafiltration and dialysis flow rates as well as the
dependent upon the size of the drug, protein bind- same factors identified in hemodialysis, namely,
ing, and dialyzer properties. The blood flow rate, drug size, protein binding, access blood flow, and
dialyzer surface area, and membrane characteris- dialyzer characteristics. During hemofiltration
tics are dialyzer factors that impact drug elimina- (e.g., CVVH), countercurrent dialysis fluid is not
tion. During hemodialysis, the dialysis flow rate present and fluid and solute (e.g. drug) removal
is rapid (e.g., 600 ml/min) and does not limit drug occur consequent to hydrostatic pressure and con-
diffusion. A dialyzer with a larger surface area vection. In order to optimize solute removal, large
and a more porous membrane will increase drug volumes of ultrafiltration are prescribed and
clearance [14]. For example, vancomycin is a the patient is provided with a large amount of
relatively large drug and earlier reports suggested replacement fluids to offset the hemofiltration
that vancomycin removal by hemodialysis was losses. During hemodiafiltration (e.g., CVVHD)
minimal. With the use of high flux dialyzers (e.g., countercurrent dialysis fluid is present and the
614 D.L. Blowey and J.S. Leeder

majority of drug removal occurs by diffusion. During isolated hemofiltration the relationship
During hemodiafiltration, the dialysis flow rate is between drug concentration in the ultrafiltrate
the factor limiting solute (e.g., drug) removal and and the average drug concentration in the
increasing the dialysis flow rate can enhance drug plasma calculated from the arterial (Ca) and
clearance [19]. Typical replacement fluid and dialy- venous (Cv) concentrations is termed the sieving
sis flow rates during CRRT are 2,000 mL/h/1.73 m2. coefficient.

Ultrafiltrate drug concentration

Sieving coefficient = (31.6)
(Ca + Cv ) / 2

A sieving coefficient of 1 suggests that the sol- When countercurrent dialysis fluid is present
ute is filtered without hindrance through the dia- (i.e., CVVHD, CVVHDF) the relationship
lyzer whereas a sieving coefficient of 0 suggests between the drug concentration in the combined
there is no ultrafiltration of the drug. Most drugs dialysate and ultrafiltrate and the average drug
are small enough that if not bound to plasma pro- concentration in plasma is termed the saturation
tein or cellular constituents they are easily filtered. coefficient (Sa).

Ultrafiltrate + dialysate drug concentration

Saturation coefficient = (31.7)
(Ca + Cv ) / 2

Drug clearance during CRRT (ClCRRT) can be time drug moves across the peritoneal membrane
calculated by measuring the sieving (Si) or satu- in both directions by way of diffusion and con-
ration (Sa) coefficient and the dialysis (Qd) and vection. Factors influencing peritoneal drug
ultrafiltration (Qf) flow rates. clearance are characteristics of the peritoneal
membrane (transport capacity), dialysis exchange
Cl CRRT = Si (or Sa) × (Q d + Q uf ) (31.8) volume (e.g., amount of peritoneal surface area
exposed to dialysate), ultrafiltration rate, drug
The drug clearance by CRRT is considered to size, and protein binding.
be significant when the dialysis procedure accounts Drug clearance by peritoneal dialysis is more
for more than 25% of systemic drug clearance. difficult to measure because peritoneal blood
flow rates cannot be easily determined. Drug
clearance by peritoneal dialysis can be estimated
Peritoneal Dialysis by measuring the amount of drug present in the
dialysate along with an estimate of the average
In peritoneal dialysis the peritoneal membrane serum concentration during the dialysis proce-
serves as a highly vascularized semipermeable dure. A mid-dialysis plasma drug level is used to
membrane separating blood and dialysis fluid. estimate the average serum drug concentration,
Fresh dialysis fluid is placed into the peritoneal or alternatively, multiple blood samples can be
cavity for a predetermined length of time, rang- obtained and an area under the curve (measure of
ing anywhere from 30 min to 6 h, during which exposure) calculated.
31 Drug Administration and Pharmacogenomics in Children… 615

Volume of dialysate × Drug concentration

Cl pd = (31.9)
Mid - dialysis Ca × time

Volume of dialysate × Drug concentration

Cl pd = (31.10)
AUC0 − t

Fig. 31.2 Vancomycin dialysate-to-plasma (D/P) ratio in time-dependent transfer of vancomycin from the blood to
children who received an IV dose of vancomycin. The the dialysis fluid increased to 0.45 ± 0.2 at 8 h
D/P ratio at 90 min measured 0.22 ± 0.11 and due to the

Peritonitis, a common infectious complication dose of antibiotic in the dialysis fluid for a single
of children receiving peritoneal dialysis, is often exchange each day, or in the case of vancomycin
due to Gram-positive organisms but may also be and teicoplanin, a single exchange every 5–7 days.
a result of Gram-negative or fungal infections. In During the antibiotic-free exchanges, antibiotic
the presence of cloudy dialysis fluid, the empiric diffuses from the serum into the dialysis fluid and
administration of intraperitoneal antibiotics is accumulates to therapeutic intraperitoneal con-
recommended after the appropriate laboratory centrations. The movement of drug into the peri-
studies and cultures are obtained [20]. Treatment toneum is dependent on the ratio of the drug in
is initiated with an intraperitoneal loading dose the dialysate to the serum concentration and the
that dwells for a 3–6 h period and is followed by time allowed for drug diffusion (e.g., dwell time).
continuous or intermittent maintenance therapy The prolonged dwell time employed during con-
to complete the 14–21-day treatment course. tinuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) is
During continuous maintenance therapy, antibi- sufficient time to achieve therapeutic intraperito-
otic is present in the dialysis fluid of each exchange neal concentration if the serum drug concentra-
and ensures that the antibiotic concentration in tion is adequate. During continuous cycling
the dialysis fluid exceeds the minimal inhibitory peritoneal dialysis (CCPD), the dwell times may
concentration (MIC) for the infection organisms be too short to allow adequate movement of drug
throughout the treatment course. During intermit- into the peritoneum resulting in subtherapeutic
tent maintenance dosing, serum antibiotic con- peritoneal drug concentrations (Fig. 31.2).
centrations are maintained by placing a higher Whether therapeutic peritoneal antibiotic concen-
616 D.L. Blowey and J.S. Leeder

Table 31.2 Intraperitoneal Loading Continuous therapy Intermittent

dosing recommendations Drug dose (mg/L) dosage (mg/L) therapy dosage
for children with
Ampicillin 125
peritonitis [22]
Cefazolin 500 125 15 mg/kg QD
Cefepime 500 125 15 mg/kg QD
Ceftazidime 250 125 15 mg/kg QD
Clindamycin 300 150
Gentamicin 8 4
Teicoplanin 200 20 15 mg/kg Q 5–7 D
Tobramycin 8 4
Vancomycin 1000 25 30 mg/kg Q 5–7 D

trations are required for the treatment of peritonitis Table 31.3 Guidelines for drug dosing in children with
is not known and intermittent vancomycin and renal failure
teicoplanin therapy has been used successfully in 1. Estimate residual renal function
children receiving peritoneal dialysis [21]. 2. Determine percentage of drug eliminated by the
Guidelines for the intraperitoneal dosing of com- kidneys
3. Determine if there are any active/toxic metabolites
mon antibiotics are provided in Table 31.2. and route of elimination
The intraperitoneal administration of a drug is 4. Calculate the dosage adjustment factor (Q)
often a convenient and acceptable route of adminis- 5. Adjust dose size or dosing interval
tering medications for systemic effect, but may not 6. If patient is receiving dialysis, evaluate if supplemen-
be appropriate for all drugs or all clinical circum- tal dosing is required
stances. It is of great importance to recognize that 7. Monitor response
in the treatment of serious infections outside the 8. Therapeutic drug monitoring (when available)
peritoneal cavity, intraperitoneal administration is
not superior to intravenous therapy as the bioavail-
ability of the later form is always 100% whereas potential for adverse effects. The design of a
the bioavailability of intraperitoneal administration successful therapeutic regimen begins with an
may not be consistently predictable. In situations estimate of the child’s residual renal function
where intraperitoneal administration is required, and an estimate of the relative contribution of
therapeutic drug monitoring will help insure that renal elimination to the total drug elimination
there has been adequate drug absorption. obtained from the literature. While children
receiving dialysis by definition have very poor
renal function, it is inappropriate to assume that
Dosing Strategies in Children there is no renal elimination as many children
with Renal Failure maintain a significant amount of residual renal
function and failure to account for the continued
Given that there is little information on drug dis- renal elimination of drug may result in insuffi-
position in children with renal failure and chil- cient drug dosing and therapeutic failure.
dren receiving dialysis, an individualized If one assumes that drug protein binding, dis-
systematic approach (Table 31.3), using the tribution, and metabolism are not altered to a
available adult and pediatric data on drug dispo- clinically significant degree in renal failure, an
sition in renal failure is required to design a drug assumption that is likely true for most drugs, then
administration regimen that maximizes the a dosing adjustment factor (Q) can be estimated
effectiveness of therapy while minimizing the using the following equation:

⎡ ⎛ Child ′s Cl Cr (mL/min/1.73 m 2 ) ⎞ ⎤
Q = 1 − ⎢ Fraction renal elimination × ⎜ 1 − 2 ⎟⎥
⎢⎣ ⎝ Normal Cl Cr (mL/min/1.73 m ) ⎠ ⎥⎦
31 Drug Administration and Pharmacogenomics in Children… 617

Fig. 31.3 Serum

concentration – time
profile for a child with a
GFR = 15 mL/min/1.73 m2.
The dashed line depicts
the profile when the dosing
interval is adjusted to
2.5 mg/kg IV every 53 h.
The solid line depicts the
profile when the dosing
interval is unchanged
and the dosage amount is
reduced (0.375 mg/kg
IV every 8 h)

The appropriate dose amount or dosing inter- therapeutic goal and relationships between
val for a child with reduced kidney function is drug concentrations and clinical response and
generated by applying the dosing adjustment toxicity.
factor to either the normal dose amount or nor- As an example, the bactericidal aminoglyco-
mal dosing interval. The dosage adjustment side antibiotic gentamicin is primarily eliminated
factor estimates the changes in elimination unchanged by the kidney (95% renal elimination)
associated with renal failure but does not and gentamicin accumulates to toxic blood levels
account for any additional clearance by dialy- in renal failure if the dosing regimen is not modi-
sis. If appropriate, supplemental drug doses fied (Fig. 31.1). Using (Equation 31.11), the dos-
may be required to replace the dialysis-related ing adjustment factor (Q) for a 5-year-old child
drug losses. Whether a change is made in the with a measured creatinine clearance of 12-ml/
dose amount or dosing interval depends on the min/1.73 m2 is calculated to be 0.15.

⎡ ⎛ 15 mL/min/1.73m 2 ⎞⎤
Q = 1 − ⎢0.95 × ⎜ 1 − 2 ⎟ ⎥ = 0.15 (31.12)
⎣ ⎝ 120 mL/min/1.73m ⎠⎦

A gentamicin dosing regimen modified for the IV every 53 h (8 h ÷ 0.15). As displayed in

reduced renal elimination is calculated by apply- Fig. 31.3, both adjustments produce similar mean
ing the dosage adjustment factor (Q) to either the gentamicin serum levels but very different gen-
dose amount or dosing interval. When the dosage tamicin serum concentration-time profiles.
adjustment factor is applied to the dose amount, Prolongation of the dosing interval (e.g., 2.5 mg/
the modified dose is calculated to be 0.375 mg/kg kg IV every 53 h) results in gentamicin serum
administered IV every 8 h (0.15 × 2.5 mg/kg/ peak and trough concentrations that are similar to
dose). When the dosage adjustment factor is those observed with normal dosing. In contrast,
applied to the dosing interval, the modified regi- reduction of the dosage amount administered on
men is calculated to be 2.5 mg/kg administered a normal schedule (i.e., 0.375 mg/kg IV every
618 D.L. Blowey and J.S. Leeder

8 h) provides less variation between the serum achieved as a partial or full dose administered
peak and trough levels with lower peak and after hemodialysis, or an increase in the dosing
higher trough concentrations. For gentamicin and amount or frequency in children receiving perito-
other aminoglycoside antibiotics, therapeutic neal dialysis or CRRT. When possible, routine
peak levels that exceed the MIC90 of the organ- maintenance drugs should be provided after
ism are desired and a prolonged dosing interval hemodialysis. Table 31.4 lists some common
regimen is the most appropriate. For other drugs drugs and notes whether adjustments are needed
(e.g., antihypertensive agents) large swings in for renal failure and if supplemental doses are
drug concentrations are undesired and the method suggested during dialysis.
of reducing the dosage amount while maintaining The determinants of drug disposition and
the normal dosing interval will provide more action in children with renal failure and those
consistent serum concentrations. children receiving dialysis are frequently altered
Once the prescribed drug dosing schedule has such that changes in the dosing regimen are nec-
been adjusted for renal failure, a supplemental essary to avoid toxicity or inadequate treatment.
dose or dosing adjustment may be required for In view of the many factors that are capable of
children receiving dialysis when > 25% of drug is altering both the disposition and action of a given
removed during the dialysis procedure. drug, it is important to individualize drug therapy
Supplemental dosing is given to replace the for the known alterations associated with age,
amount of drug removed by dialysis and may be kidney failure, and dialysis.

Table 31.4 Antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal agents

Adjustment Supplement for dialysis

Drug for renal failure Hemodialysis CRRT Peritoneal dialysis Comments
Acyclovir [23–26] Yes Yes No No Neurotoxicity
Amantadine [27–29] Yes No No No
Amikacin [30–32] Yes Yes Yes Yes TDM
Amoxicillin [164, 33] Yes Yes Yes No
Amphotericin B [34, 35] No No No No
Ampicillin [36–38] Yes Yes Yes No
Azithromycin [29, 39] No No No No
Cefaclor [40, 41] Yes Yes ? No
Cefazolin [15, 42] Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cefepime [43–45] Yes Yes Yes No Neurotoxicity
Cefixime [46, 47] Yes No No No
Cefotaxime [36, 48, 49] Yes Yes Yes No
Cefpodoxime [50–52] Yes Yes ? No
Cefprozil [53] Yes Yes ? ?
Ceftazidime [36, 54–56] Yes Yes Yes No
Ceftriaxone [19, 36, 57] No No No No
Cefuroxime [36, 58, 59] Yes Yes Yes No
Cephalexin [29] Yes Yes ? No
Ciprofloxacin [29, 60] Yes No No No
Clindamycin [61] No No No No
Co-trimoxazole [62, 63] Yes Yes ? No
Erythromycin [29, 36, 64] Yes No No No
Famciclovir [65] Yes No ? ? Dose after hemodialysis
Fluconazole [66, 67] Yes Yes Yes No
Foscarnet [68] Yes Yes ? ? Nephrotoxicity
31 Drug Administration and Pharmacogenomics in Children… 619

Table 31.4 (continued)

Adjustment Supplement for dialysis

Drug for renal failure Hemodialysis CRRT Peritoneal dialysis Comments
Ganciclovir [69, 70] Yes Yes Yes ? Dose after hemodialysis
Gentamicin [38, 71, 72] Yes Yes Yes Yes TDM
Imipenem/ Yes Yes Yes No Seizures
Cilastin [36, 73, 74]
Isoniazid [75, 76] No No No No TDM dose after
Ketoconazole [77] No No No No
Loracarbef Yes Yes ? ?
Meropenem [78–80] Yes Yes Yes ?
Metronidazole [29, 36, 81] Yes No No No Dose after hemodialysis
Oxacillin [82] No No No No
Penicillin G [29] Yes Yes Yes No
Pentamidine [83, 84] No No No No
Piperacillin [85–87] Yes Yes Yes No
Piperacillin/Tazo Yes Yes ? No
Rifampin [29, 75] No No No No
Ticarcillin [88, 89] Yes Yes Yes Yes
Tobramycin [90, 91] Yes Yes Yes Yes TDM
Valacyclovir [92, 93] Yes No No No Dose after hemodialysis
Valganciclovir [94] Yes ? ? ? Not recommended in
Vancomycin [29, 165] Yes No No No TDM
Carbamazepine [95, 96] Yes No No No TDM
Gabapentin Yes No No No Dose after hemodialysis
Lamotrigine [97, 98] Yes No ? ?
Phenobarbital [29, 99] Yes Yes Yes Yes
Phenytoin [29, 100] No No No No ↓ Protein binding TDM
(Fosphenytoin) – free levels
Valproic acid [4, 101, 102] No No No No ↓ Protein binding
Cardiovascular agents
Aliskerin No ? ? ?
Amlodipine [103, 104] No No ? No
Atenolol [105–107] Yes Yes ? No
Captopril [108–111] Yes Yes Yes No
Clonidine [112, 113] No No ? No
Digoxin [12, 114–117] Yes No No No ↓ Vd (adjust loading
dose) Avoid K+
Enalapril [118, 119] Yes Yes Yes No
Esmolol [120, 121] No No No No
Fosinopril [122, 123] Yes No No No
Labetalol [124, 125] No No No No
Lisinopril Yes Yes Yes No
Minoxidil [29, 126] No No ? No
Nifedipine [127, 128] No No ? No
Nadolol [129] Yes Yes ? No
620 D.L. Blowey and J.S. Leeder

Table 31.4 (continued)

Adjustment Supplement for dialysis

Drug for renal failure Hemodialysis CRRT Peritoneal dialysis Comments
Metoprolol [29] No Yes ? ? Dose after hemodialysis
Prazosin [130] No No ? No
Propranolol [131–133] No No No No
Immunosuppressive agents
Daclizumab No ? ? ?
Azathioprine [29] Yes Yes ? ?
Cyclosporine [134, 135] No No No No TDM, nephrotoxicity
Mycophenolate [136–138] No No No No TDM
Prednisone [139] No No No No
Sirolimus No ? ? ? TDM
Tacrolimus [140] No No No No TDM, nephrotoxicity
Buspirone [141] Yes No ? ? Active metabolites
Cetirizine [142] Yes No ? ?
Codeine [29, 143] Yes ? ? ? Active metabolites
Diazepam [29] No No ? ? Active metabolites
Enoxaparin [144] Yes ? ? ? TDM
Famotidine [145–147] Yes No No No Active metabolites
Fentanyl [29, 148] Yes No ? ?
Fluoxetine [148, 149] No No No No
Hydromorphone No ? ? ?
Imipramine [29, 150] No No ? No
Lansoprazole [151, 152] No No ? ?
Lithium [153] Yes Yes ? No TDM
Loratadine [154] Yes No ? ?
Meperidine [7] Yes ? ? ? Seizures, metabolites
not recommended
Methadone [29] Yes No ? ?
Methylphenidate No ? ? ?
Midazolam [5] Yes ? ? ? Active metabolites
Montelukast No ? ? ?
Morphine [6, 29, 155] Yes No ? ?
Omeprazole [156, 157] No No ? ?
Ondansetron No ? ? ?
Oxycodone [29] Yes ? ? ? Active metabolites
Paroxetine [158] Yes ? ? ?
Ranitidine [159–161] Yes No ? No Dose after hemodialysis
Sufentanil No ? ? ?
Warfarin [29] No No ? No

variation in genes involved in drug disposition

Future Considerations: Pediatric and response are superimposed upon variability
Pharmacogenetics associated with the processes of growth and
development. Changes in end-organ function,
The application of pharmacogenetic principles to such as renal failure, represent additional factors
the optimal use of medications in children requires that must be considered in the pharmacothera-
an understanding that the consequences of genetic peutic decision-making process. Nevertheless,
31 Drug Administration and Pharmacogenomics in Children… 621

there are two factors that should be considered activity. Measured CYP2D6 activity based on
when determining if genetic variation (pharma- urinary metabolite ratios (phenotype) were con-
cogenetics) is likely to be clinically relevant for a cordant with genotype at 2 weeks of age and
particular medication in a given patient. First, throughout the following 12 months [163]. Thus,
pharmacogenetic variation is most relevant when in vivo phenotyping data indicate that genetic
the pathway subject to genetic variation is quan- variation in CYP2D6 is expected to be a more
titatively important to the overall clearance of the important determinant of variability in drug dis-
drug from the body. There are no specific guide- position than developmental considerations.
lines as to what constitutes “quantitatively impor- The relevance of pharmacogenetics to drug
tant,” but pharmacokinetic differences between administration in renal failure relate more to
“poor metabolizers” who have two non-functional ancillary drug therapy than the renally eliminated
copies of the gene and “extensive metabolizers,” medications whose clearance is prolonged by
who have two functional copies of the gene, begin renal failure or altered during dialysis. For exam-
to manifest when the polymorphic pathway ple, CYP2D6 is important for elimination of
accounts for at least 50% of the overall clearance. many drugs used to manage other conditions in
Secondly, genetic variation becomes increasingly children with renal failure. These medications
important as the therapeutic index – the differ- include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,
ence between concentrations associated with fluoxetine and paroxetine; the selective norepi-
effect and those associated with toxicity – nephrine reuptake inhibitors, atomoxetine and
decreases. Warfarin is one medication where venlafaxine; tricyclic antidepressants, amitrip-
genetic information is becoming a very useful tyline, nortriptyline, and desipramine; anti-
adjunct to initial dose selection. psychotics, haloperidol, aripiprazole, and
Efforts to assess the relative contributions of resperidone; analgesics, codeine, oxycodone,
ontogeny and genetic variation to overall interin- and tramadol; antihistamines, chlorpheniramine
dividual variability in drug disposition and and diphenhydramine; and drugs such as meto-
response have largely focused on genes involved clopramide, ondansetron, and promethazine.
in hepatic drug biotransformation. For example, Genetic variation is also important for other
CYP2D6 is one of the best-studied, clinically rel- CYPs as well, and two of the most important
evant pharmacogenetic polymorphisms [162]. clinically are CYP2C9 and CYP2C19. Examples
The CYP2D6 gene locus is highly polymorphic of CYP2C9 substrates include phenytoin, warfa-
with more than 75 allelic variants with corre- rin, glipizide, several NSAIDs, and ACE inhibi-
sponding activity phenotypes ranging from poor tors, such as losartan, valsartan, and irbesartan.
metabolizer phenotypes (no functional activity) Clinically important CYP2C19 substrates include
at one end of the activity spectrum, to intermedi- proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, esomepra-
ate, extensive, and ultrarapid metabolizer pheno- zole, pantoprazole, lansoprazole), clopidogrel,
types at the other end of the spectrum. On the and escitalopram. In most situations, individuals
other hand, CYP2D6 is not expressed to an appre- with two non-functional copies of the CYP2C9
ciable degree in fetal liver, but functional activity or CYP2C19 genes are at increased risk for con-
appears relatively soon after birth [8]. Thus, for centration-dependent side effects. Proton pump
pharmacogenetics to be integrated into pediatric inhibitors are an exception as “poor metabolism”
drug therapy, knowledge of ontogeny is essential is associated with higher systemic exposure of
as the functional consequences of genetic vari- the drugs and thus, improved clinical response.
ability will not become fully apparent until the Much less is known about the roles of ontogeny
genes are fully expressed. In the case of CYP2D6, and genetic variation in transporter genes involved
a longitudinal phenotyping study was conducted in drug elimination by the kidney, and how this
in children over the first year of life using a test function is altered in chronic kidney disease. As an
dose of the over-the-counter cough suppressant example, organic cation transporters (OCTs) in the
dextromethorphan as a measure of CYP2D6 SLC22A subfamily are primarily expressed on the
622 D.L. Blowey and J.S. Leeder

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Use of Contrast Agents in Children
with Chronic Kidney Disease 32
Carlos E. Araya and Vikas R. Dharnidharka

Contrast Media • Contrast induced nephropathy • Nephrotoxicity
• Gadolinium • Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis • Dialysis • Pediatric
• Growth

Abbreviations Introduction

CIN contrast-induced nephropathy Contrast media have been used in diagnostic

CT computed tomography imaging since the late 1800s and have evolved
ESRD end-stage renal disease over the decades. Contrast media facilitate the
GCCA gadolinium-containing contrast agents interpretation of medical imaging by increasing
Gd gadolinium the differences seen between body tissues dis-
GFR glomerular filtration rate played on the images. Through various mecha-
HD hemodialysis nisms, contrast media influence a tissue or organ’s
HOCM high-osmolar contrast media ability to absorb or reflect energy from electro-
IOCM iso-osmolar contrast media magnetic radiation or ultrasound. These agents
LOCM low-osmolar contrast media are commonly used with many imaging tech-
MRI magnetic resonance imaging niques including conventional radiography, com-
NSF nephrogenic systemic fibrosis puted tomography (CT), magnetic resonance
PD peritoneal dialysis imaging (MRI), and ultrasound.
There are many types of contrast media with
different properties available for use which will
be discussed later in this chapter. In order to
achieve a high concentration of contrast in the
desired tissue, these agents can be administered
intra-arterial, intravenous, or directly into a body
C.E. Araya, MD • V.R. Dharnidharka, MD, MPH ()
Department of Pediatrics, University of Florida College
cavity such as the gastrointestinal or urinary tract.
of Medicine, Gainesville, FL, USA However, like any other pharmaceutical agent,
e-mail: adverse events may occur.

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_32, 629

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
630 C.E. Araya and V.R. Dharnidharka

Each year, millions of radiological examina-

tions are performed in patients with the assistance Iodinated Contrast Media
of contrast media. In many cases, these studies
are conducted in patients with advanced renal Non-water-soluble contrast agents are used for
insufficiency or renal failure undergoing dialysis bronchography and will not be discussed in this
therapy. In patients with renal failure, there are chapter. The most commonly used iodinated con-
several concerns and issues to consider with trast agents are water soluble. They are utilized
regard to the administration of contrast: (1) direct for angiography, intravenous urography, CT, and
nephrotoxicity to the remaining functional conventional radiography since they can also be
nephrons, (2) extra-renal toxicity due to delayed administered into the urinary tract.
contrast excretion, (3) the role of dialysis after The initial water-soluble contrast agents were
the administration of contrast media, and (4) the mono-iodinated- or di-iodinated-pyridine-based
recent emergence of nephrogenic systemic fibro- compounds with a high toxicity. Since the 1950s,
sis (NSF). contrast media are based from a tri-iodinated
benzene ring which has lower toxicity
The purpose of this chapter is to give an over-
(Table 32.1). The derivatives are either mono-
view of the classification and renal handling of
meric or dimeric depending on whether they con-
contrast agents, review their mechanisms for tox-
tain one or two benzene rings [1–3]. Furthermore,
icity and examine the role of dialysis as a means to
their water solubility is achieved in different
remove contrast in patients with advanced renal
ways. Ionic contrast media dissociates in water
failure or end-stage renal disease (ESRD). We will
into electrically charged positive and negative
also review recent data on the use of gadolinium
ions which are attracted to the negative poles and
(Gd) in patients with renal failure, and the emer-
positive poles of water molecules. Nonionic con-
gence of NSF. Since studies on these issues in chil-
trast media are electrically neutral but are water
dren are lacking, most inferences are extrapolated
soluble due to their polar hydrophilic hydroxyl
from adult data. Pharmacological prophylaxis for
groups which are attracted to the electrical poles
contrast-induced nephropathy is beyond the scope
in the water molecules [3, 4].
of this chapter and will not be discussed.
The osmolality of contrast media depends
upon the number of molecules per volume unit
solution and varies significantly depending on
Classification of Contrast Media the class of the agent. The ratio of a contrast agent
is indicative of its osmolality. Hence, the ionic
Contrast agents used in conventional radiology agents which dissociate into two water-soluble
and CT are categorized as positive or negative particles have a ratio of 1.5 (monomeric; 3 iodine
media depending on their capacity to attenuate atoms per 2 water-soluble particles) or 3 (dimeric;
the passage of radiation. Positive contrast media 6 iodine atoms per 2 water-soluble particles). The
are used more commonly and are radiopaque. nonionic contrast media that do not dissociate in
Barium and iodine can attenuate X-rays 50–1,000 water have a ratio of 3 (monomeric; 3 iodine
times more than soft tissues and are the main atoms per 1 water-soluble particle) and 6 (dimeric;
components in positive contrast media. 6 iodine atoms per 1 water-soluble particle).
Gadolinium-containing contrast agents (GCCA) Contrast agents with a ratio of 1.5 are termed
are also considered positive contrast agents. On high-osmolar contrast media (HOCM), those
the other hand, the introduction of air or carbon with a ratio of 3 are low-osmolar contrast media
dioxide (CO2) will attenuate radiation less than (LOCM), and those with a ratio of 6 are iso-
the body soft tissues, due to the lower number of osmolar contrast media (IOCM) [1, 5]. These dif-
radiation attenuating atoms, and are considered ferent characteristics are responsible for the
negative contrast agents. diverse levels of toxicity between the agents.
32 Use of Contrast Agents in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 631

Table 32.1 Characteristics of water-soluble iodine contrast media

Structure Contrast media ratio Osmolality (mOsm/kg) Name
Ionic monomer 3/2 = 1.5 1,500–2,000 Acetrizoate
Ionic dimer 6/2 = 3 600 Ioxaglate
Nonionic monomer 3/1 = 3 500–700 Iohexol
Nonionic dimer 6/1 = 6 300 Iodixanol

The half-life of these agents is dependent on

Renal Handling of Contrast Media the GFR, and in patients with normal renal func-
tion is approximately 1–2 h for each of the four
Overall, iodinated contrast media have a relatively groups of contrast media [17]. In patients with
small molecular weight, high water solubility, and renal insufficiency and renal failure, contrast
minimal protein binding [1, 2, 6, 7]. After intra- elimination is significantly delayed with approxi-
vascular injection they are distributed primarily mately 50% of the injected dose recovered in the
into the extracellular space and they rapidly reach urine between 16 and 84 h after administration
equilibrium across the capillary membrane. These [17]. In individuals with end-stage renal failure
molecules do not cross the blood–brain barrier or the plasma concentration of the agent remains
cellular membranes, so there is virtually no intra- elevated for a longer period of time.
cellular penetration [8, 9].
Contrast media are not metabolized, and are
freely filtered through the glomeruli so the con- Mechanisms for Toxicity of
centration of the agent in the initial filtrate is Iodinated Contrast Media
equal to the plasma concentration [10–12]. There
is minimal tubular reabsorption and secretion, so There are two main concerns with the administra-
under normal conditions, nearly the totality of the tion of iodinated contrast media in patients with
contrast media is eliminated through the kidneys renal failure: (1) the effects of the contrast on
with less than 1% being eliminated through the the remaining functional nephrons in pre-dialysis
biliary system [2]. In the tubules, contrast media and dialysis patients with residual renal function
exert an osmotic force reducing the reabsorption and (2) the extra-renal effects due to prolonged
of water and sodium [13, 14]. The result is an contrast elimination.
increase in the tubular hydrostatic pressure fol- The exact mechanisms leading to renal injury
lowed by a decrease in the glomerular filtration after iodinated contrast administration are still
rate (GFR). These changes are primarily seen incompletely understood. Three proposed and
with the use of HOCM and are minimized when distinct pathways that have gathered the most
LOCM and IOCM are employed [15]. However, clinical attention are: (1) reduction in renal perfu-
nonionic dimeric contrast media can cause a pro- sion leading to ischemia, (2) direct tubular
longed increase in tubular hydrostatic pressure cell toxicity, and (3) increase in oxygen-free radi-
and a more extended decrease in GFR as a result cals or decrease in antioxidant enzyme activity
of their increased viscosity [16]. [18, 19].
632 C.E. Araya and V.R. Dharnidharka

It is now recognized that the reduction in renal The incidence of these reactions in ESRD is not
blood flow after contrast media administration is known. There are several case reports and case
transient and unlikely to result in ischemia. series of contrast-related side effects in patients
However, a decrease in renal vascular resistance with renal failure which include skin disorders
in the cortex without a similar change in the (iododerma), vasculitis, and sialadenitis [26–29].
medulla may lead to hypoxic damage in this Younathan et al. studied 10 patients with ESRD on
region. The increased viscosity of IOCM which chronic hemodialysis (HD) who underwent 11
decreases renal medullary blood flow and partial procedures requiring intravascular administration
oxygen pressure is also an important factor. The of LOCM [30]. The investigators did not find sig-
higher tubular fluid viscosity increases the renal nificant changes in blood pressure, electrocardio-
interstitial pressure causing a decrease in medul- gram, serum osmolality, extracellular fluid volume,
lary blood flow and GFR [20, 21]. or body weight in these patients. None of the
Contrast media also have a direct cytotoxic patients required emergent dialysis after the
effect on renal tubular cells. Early investigations administration of contrast. A similar observation
revealed a marked impairment in cell transport. was reported by Hamani et al. in eight chronic HD
More recent studies have shown that contrast patients after the administration of LOCM [31].
media alters mitochondrial function and mito- The largest group of 22 dialysis patients who
chondrial membrane potential and may play a received LOCM was reported by Harasawa et al.
role in DNA fragmentation and apoptosis in tubu- The patients were followed for 5 days and only
lar cells [22, 23]. In vitro, dimeric contrast media one developed a localized urticarial reaction [32].
have a greater potential for cytotoxic effects These reports suggest that the risk for extra-renal
on proximal renal tubular cells than monomeric toxicity in ESRD patients after the administra-
contrast media [24]. tion of contrast is low and that immediate post-
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) also may play procedural dialysis is not necessary.
an important role in contrast-induced nephropa-
thy (CIN). ROS are known to scavenge nitric
oxide and cause cellular damage, but they may Dialysis in the Removal of Iodinated
also mediate the actions of vasoconstrictors Contrast Media
thought to be of importance in the development
of CIN [19]. Contrast media have a molecular weight ranging
All of the above-mentioned pathways may from 700 to 1,550 Da and their water solubility,
contribute to renal injury. Patients with chronic low protein binding, and minimal intracellular
kidney disease have a higher filtered load of the penetration allows for efficient removal from
contrast media per nephron in addition to pro- blood by HD. Treatment variables such as blood
longed tubular exposure of the agent, placing flow rate, membrane surface area, membrane
them at increased risk for toxicity. Overall, pre- material, additional ultrafiltration, and dialysis
existing renal disease with decreased renal func- time will influence contrast media clearance.
tion is one of the most important risk factors for Currently, there are multiple published studies
the development of CIN. evaluating the removal of all classes of iodinated
The extra-renal side effects of contrast media contrast media by HD (Table 32.2) [33–46].
can be minor (flushing, nausea, vomiting, pruritus, Comparison between these studies is difficult due
headache, urticaria), intermediate (hypotension, to variations in contrast media molecules, time
bronchospasm), or severe (seizure, pulmonary period between contrast administration and initi-
edema, cardiac arrest, cardiac arrhythmias). Minor ation of dialysis, blood flow rates, membrane
reactions are more common (incidence 5–15%), type/size, time on dialysis, ultrafiltration rate, and
intermediate reactions occur in 1–2% and severe presence of residual renal function. Nevertheless,
reactions in 0.2–0.06% when using HOCM several important observations can be made from
and are less frequent when using LOCM [25]. these investigations.
32 Use of Contrast Agents in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 633

Table 32.2 Hemodialysis removal of contrast media

Molecular Contrast
Study Contrast agent weight (D) Dialyzer clearance (mL/min) Contrast removal
Kierdorf et al. [33] Iopromide 791 80 41% in 3 h
Waaler et al. [34] Iohexol 821 Polycarbonate 81 ± 15 72 ± 11% in 4 h
Moon et al. [35] Iohexol 821 Cuprophan 70.4 ± 24.6 60–90% in 6 h
Bailie et al. [36] Iodixanol 1,550 Cellulose 22.8–57.8 36.1% at 4 h
Polysulfone 19.3–281.86 49.6% at 4 h
Ueda et al. [37] Ioversol 807 Cellulose 114–129 82.5 ±5.1% at 4 h
Ueda et al. [38] Iomeprol 777 Cellulose 131.4–133.3 81.4 ± 4.6% at 4 h
Johnsson et al. [39] Iohexol 821 Cellulose 71% at 3 h
79% at 6 h
Matzkies et al. [40] Iopromide 791 Haemophan 108 ± 1.9 62% at 3 h
Polyamide 110 ± 1.4 58% at 3 h
Horiuchi et al. [41] Iohexol 821 Cellulose 72.9% at 3 h
Matzkies et al. [42] Iopromide 791 Cuprophan 87–121 57–63% at 2 h
Polysulfone 147–162 60–68% at 2 h
Sterner et al. [43] Iodixanol 1,550 Low flux 58 ± 11
Iohexol 821 69 ± 16
Schindler et al. [44] Iopromide 791 Hemophan 82 ± 2.3 64% at 4 h
Iomeprol 777 Polyamide 100 ± 2.2 74% at 4 h
Shinoda et al. [45] Iomeprol 777 High flux 80.6 ± 6.3 at 4 h
Iopromide 791
Ioxaglate 1,268
Teraoka et al. [46] Iopromide 791 Cuprammonium 57.6

The mean reduction rate of iodine by HD iodine was observed when larger dialyzers were
increases with longer dialysis time reaching over used. The clearance was also higher for the poly-
70% at 3 h in most studies [37–39, 41, 45]. The sulfone as compared to the cuprophan dialyzers.
relationship between contrast media clearance Overall, most studies have reported that high-flux
and blood flow rate was addressed by only two membranes were more efficient than low-flux
investigators. Bailie et al. calculated the iodix- membranes in the elimination of contrast media
anol clearance for cellulose and polysulfone [36, 42, 44, 47]. In contrast, one report by
membranes at blood flow rates of 300, 400, and Matzkies et al. studied the elimination of iopro-
500 mL/min. These investigators found no cor- mide in chronic HD patients using low-flux (hae-
relation between iodixanol clearance and blood mophan) and high-flux (polyamide) dialyzers
flow rate for either membrane [36]. Using an and found a comparable difference in the clear-
in vitro HD system, Teraoka et al. reported differ- ance rates for both membranes [40].
ent results. These investigators observed that The post-dialysis rebound or redistribution of
when blood flow rates were set at 100, 150, and contrast media has been reported in only three
200 mL/min, the clearance of iopromide increased studies [39, 42, 43]. One study found no signifi-
to 45.35 ± 2.54, 53.88 ± 6.46, and 57.61 ± 4.72 mL/ cant rebound when measuring the iodine concen-
min, respectively [46]. tration 1 hour after treatment [42]. However, a
A study by Matzkies et al. evaluated the clear- study by Johnsson et al. reported an increase in
ance of iopromide using dialyzers with two the blood concentration of iohexol at 1 and 24 h
different membrane materials and sizes [42]. as compared to the immediate post-dialysis level
A significant increase in the plasma clearance of [39]. Sterner et al. found similar results [43].
634 C.E. Araya and V.R. Dharnidharka

These investigators measured iodine concentra- groups received pre-hydration with intravenous
tions 2 and 45 min after the conclusion of HD. 0.9% saline. In addition, the patients randomized
When using the 45 min post-dialysis plasma to Group 1 received HD for 3 h with a high-flux
level, they reported an 8–10% decrease in clear- polysulfone membrane after the administration
ance, representing what they termed “hemodialy- of iopentol. The rate of CIN was similar for both
sis clearance of extracellular space”. The clinical groups (53% for Group 1 and 40% for Group 2)
significance of the rebound effect is not known. despite data indicating that HD removed the
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is relatively ineffec- iopentol effectively.
tive in removing contrast media. A total of ten In a similar study, Sterner et al. reported 32
patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal patients who were randomized to receive either
dialysis (CAPD) were studied after the adminis- HD plus pre- and post-procedural hydration or
tration of iopamidol [48]. CAPD removed an hydration alone after an angiographic examina-
average of 53.6% of the administered dose dur- tion [51]. HD was started within 2 h after the end
ing the study period using 8 L of dialysate per of contrast administration. The treatment was
day. An average of 93% of the total dose was prescribed for 4 h using low-flux cellulose acetate
cleared when dialysis and renal clearances were or cellulose diacetate hemodialyzers. The GFR
combined. A study by Moon et al. reported three was determined by iohexol clearance 1 day prior
patients who received iohexol [35]. Using to and 1 week after the procedure. There was no
36–60 L of dialysate, 43–72% of the adminis- significant difference in the renal iohexol clear-
tered dose was removed over 16–18 h. In another ance between the groups. The investigators con-
group of 14 patients with and without residual cluded that HD was not effective in preventing
renal function, CAPD removed 75% of the CIN in patients with chronic renal failure.
administered iomeprol after a period of 4 days The largest prospective, randomized study of
[49]. When compared to HD, the clearance of 113 patients addressing this issue reported that
contrast media with PD is slower. However, no the rate of CIN did not differ between the HD and
adverse events as a result of contrast exposure standard hydration alone treatment groups [52].
were reported in any of these studies. The same conclusion held true even for the sub-
group of patients receiving a larger volume of
contrast media. In this study, HD was started at a
Dialysis as a Strategy to Minimize median of 120 min after the administration of
Contrast-Induced Nephropathy contrast and was prescribed for a mean of 3 h
using a high-flux polysulfone dialyzer.
Post-procedural dialysis to prevent extra-renal The lack of protection against CIN could be
complications in patients with ESRD does not the result of starting HD “late” after contrast
seem to be warranted and was addressed in an administration given the fact that renal injury may
above section. occur rapidly. A study by Frank et al. evaluated
Immediate dialysis after the administration of the influence of simultaneous HD at the time of
iodinated contrast media has been advocated for contrast media administration on renal function
patients considered at very high risk for toxicity: [53]. Creatinine clearance was measured prior to
ESRD patients on chronic dialysis and those with 1 and 8 weeks after the procedure. In each of the
advanced chronic renal failure as a way to protect study groups, the creatinine clearance was not dif-
residual renal function and avoid further decreases ferent. Two patients from each study arm devel-
in GFR. Several studies have shown that the oped ESRD requiring subsequent dialysis
administration of HD does not reduce the risk treatments. With a small sample size of 17 patients,
of CIN. the study failed to demonstrate a protective effect
In a prospective, randomized study, Lenhnert of “early” HD on development of CIN.
et al. evaluated the influence of HD on CIN in 30 More recently, hemofiltration has been
patients with chronic renal failure [50]. Both reported by Marenzi et al. as a successful strategy
32 Use of Contrast Agents in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 635

for the prevention of CIN [54]. A total of 114 dysfunction was documented after administration
patients were randomized to receive pre-contrast of small doses of intracoronary carbon dioxide in
hydration, or hemofiltration 4–6 h prior to and swines [60].
18–24 h after the angiography. CIN occurred in Overall, CO2 angiography is well tolerated
5% of patients in the hemofiltration group and in and can be successfully used in patients with
50% of patients in the control group. A follow-up renal failure in order to avoid CIN (for a review,
study compared patients receiving hemofiltration see Ref. [61]).
after contrast administration to those receiving
hemofiltration 6 h prior to and after the procedure
[55]. The rate of CIN was significantly less in Gadolinium
the pre/post-hemofiltration group as compared to
the post-hemofiltration group (26% vs. 3%). The Gadolinium is a rare earth metallic element in the
mechanisms involving the protective effects of lanthanide series of the periodic table, with an
hemofiltration remain unclear and further studies atomic number of 64 and molecular weight of
with this form of therapy are needed. 157.25 Da. This element has the unusual property
of possessing seven unpaired electrons in its
outer shell, thereby making Gd an ideal “para-
Negative Contrast Media magnetic” substance to disturb the relaxation of
surrounding water molecule protons and generate
The negative radiological contrast media are the contrast in MRI. The GCCA are classified into
gases: air, oxygen, nitric oxide (N2O), or carbon four main categories based on their biochemical
dioxide (CO2). CO2 has been used as an intravas- structure (macro-cylic or linear) and their charge
cular imaging agent for over 30 years and as an (ionic or nonionic). The different properties of
alternative to iodinated contrast agents or gado- each category are important in order to under-
linium in patients with advanced renal failure. stand their potential for toxicity as a result of lib-
CO2 has certain unique properties: it is not neph- eration of free Gd from its chelate. Overall,
rotoxic, lacks allergic potential, and is eliminated macro-cyclic chelates tend to be more stable and
by one pass through the lungs. have lower dissociation rates.
Several animal studies have reported the lack
of renal toxicity of CO2. Hawkins et al. evaluated
the effects of selective CO2 injection in the renal Renal Handling of Gadolinium
arteries of dogs [56]. The investigators found no
dose-dependent effect of CO2 on renal function The GCCA have a molecular weight ranging from
or renal histology. Palm et al. compared the 500 to 1,000 Da, are highly soluble in water, and
effects of CO2 with those of ioxaglate in the rat have low binding to plasma proteins. Hence, after
kidney [57]. The pronounced decrease in medul- intravenous administration, GCCA distribute into
lary blood flow and Po2 observed after injection the extracellular space and rapidly equilibrate
of ioxaglate was not present in the animals with the interstitial space. There is no intracellu-
injected with CO2. Furthermore, a review of the lar penetration. These properties account for
published literature did not reveal any cases of the small volume of distribution of GCCA
CIN secondary to CO2 administration. (0.26–0.28 L/kg body weight) [62].
CO2 is indicated for angiography in patients Chelated Gd is freely filtered by the glomeruli,
with renal failure. However, it is not recommended is neither secreted nor reabsorbed by the renal
to evaluate the cerebral or coronary circulations. tubules, and is eliminated unchanged in the urine.
Animal studies have suggested but failed to con- In the presence of normal renal function, GCCA
firm its neurotoxicity [58, 59]. However, wide- clearance approximates GFR. Their mean half-
spread ST-segment elevation, decrease in coronary life is typically under 2 h with 95% of the admin-
flow velocity, and profound global left ventricular istered dose eliminated in the first 24 h. In renal
636 C.E. Araya and V.R. Dharnidharka

failure, the half-life can be prolonged up to volume of distribution [74–76]. These properties
30–120 h. Extra-renal elimination of GCCA is allow for good clearance with HD. Okada et al.
negligible with less than 3% being excreted in the reported the removal rate of gadopentetate in 11
stool [62, 63]. patients after a 4 h HD treatment [74]. The aver-
age Gd removal was 78.2% of the administered
dose after the first, 95.6% after the second, 98.7%
Mechanisms for Toxicity after the third, and 99.5% after the fourth treat-
of Gadolinium ment. A similar observation was reported after
administering gadodiamide to 13 patients [75].
Though free Gd + can be toxic, the chelated form An average of 98.9% of the administered dose
of Gd was believed for many years to be nontoxic was removed after three HD treatments.
and generally safe. Only 64 adverse reactions, Ueda et al. evaluated the clearances of three
mostly mild, were reported after 158,439 doses different GCCA in an in vitro system using low-
in one study [64] and only 36 adverse reactions in flux cellulose diacetate and higher-flux cellulose
21,000 patients in another study [65]. Only one triacetate hemodializers [76]. The clearance of
mortality has been reported [65]. Two case reports all three GCCA was significantly higher when
described a spurious hypocalcemia after Gd using the cellulose triacetate dialyzer with larger
administration [66, 67]. pore size.
When compared to iodinated contrast media, The clearance of GCCA using PD is much
GCCA are considered to be less nephrotoxic. slower. Joffee et al. evaluated the removal of gad-
This is likely attributed to their lower viscosity odiamide in nine CAPD patients. After 22 days
and the need to administer significantly lower only 69% of the administered dose had been
volumes. Several studies in healthy patients as removed [77]. Hence, the clearance of GCCA by
well as individuals with mild and moderate renal PD is inefficient and generally considered
failure suggested that overall nephrotoxicity is inadequate.
quite low ranging from 0% to 5% [68, 69]. The
risk of nephrotoxicity has been reported to be
much higher in patients with more advanced renal Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis
disease and after intra-arterial injection of GCCA
[70–73]. The exact mechanism of nephrotoxicity In 2000, Cowper et al. described a new condition
of GCCA is not well known. However, GCCA characterized by unusual, debilitating, and fre-
and iodinated contrast media share the same quently fatal skin induration (Fig. 32.1) in
pharmacodynamics, their nephrotoxic effects are patients with acute or chronic renal failure [79].
often clinically similar and they may cause renal The induration presented as tender plaques or
damage through similar mechanisms. nodules on the limbs and trunk, differentiable
More recently, Gd has been associated with a from scleromyxedema by absence of facial
newly recognized condition called nephrogenic involvement and negative serological features.
systemic fibrosis (NSF), which is discussed in a Histological characteristics included a markedly
later section. thickened dermis yet unremarkable epidermis,
increased mucin deposition between widely sep-
arated collagen bundles, and absence of necrosis
Dialysis in the Removal or ulceration. The disease was initially labeled as
of Gadolinium nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy [80]. As more
patients were recognized, other systemic mani-
Though GCCA clearance is delayed in renal fail- festations of the disease became clear, leading to
ure, these compounds are of low molecular a change in the name to NSF. The exact cause of
weight, not protein bound, and have a small this disease was and still remains unknown.
32 Use of Contrast Agents in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 637

market share. The dose of GCCA administered

may also play a role. GCCA were approved for
use in MRI at a dose of 0.1 mmol/kg. However,
in order to avoid the nephrotoxicity of iodinated
HOCM, many radiologists started using high-
dose GCCAS (0.3–0.9 mmol/kg) for magnetic
resonance angiography [85]. Doses above
0.3 mmol/kg were never formally tested or
approved by any regulatory agency in USA or
Europe [86]. In the USA, the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) never approved any
GCCA for use in children less than 2 years of
age. In Europe, gadodiamide and gadopentate
dimeglumine have been approved for children
less than 2 years of age.
Of the several hundred NSF cases reported,
only a few were seen in children (Table 32.4). No
characteristics that were specific to children were
noted. The youngest affected children were 8
years of age.
Fig. 32.1 (a) Indurated yellow plaques and sloughing on Even though HD can remove gadolinium,
both palmar and dorsal surfaces of the hands with flexural
cases exist where prompt treatment was adminis-
contractures of the fingers. (b) Indurated plaques and non-
pitting edema of the feet (Reproduced with permission tered and yet did not prevent the development of
from Jain et al. [78]) subsequent NSF. Patients on PD have a 7.5-fold
higher attack rate of NSF presumably as a result
of slower clearance.
However, in 2005, multiple reports emerged of a Current recommendations for GCCA use vary
strong association with prior Gd administration between the USA and Europe (Table 32.5). Both
in patients who developed NSF disease 4–8 groups agree that GCCA risk of NSF is high
weeks later [81, 82]. Subsequently, Gd was when the GFR is known to be below 30 mL/
detected in the skin lesions of some patients with min/1.73 m2, but differ on the specifics of the rec-
NSF, increasing the likelihood that the associa- ommendations, as shown in Table 32.5. The
tion was causal [83, 84]. American College of Radiology recommends
In renal failure, free Gd can potentially be lib- that a recent GFR assessment be reviewed prior
erated into tissue. Several GCCA are marketed to GCCA administration in high-risk patients,
(Table 32.3). The potential for free Gd dissocia- such as those with known prior renal disease,
tion depends on several factors, including pres- hypertension, or following liver transplantation.
ence or absence of ionic charge (more ionic = less With the emergence of NSF, the pendulum
likely to dissociate), chemical structure (linear may have swung back in favor of iodinated con-
more likely to dissociate than cyclic ring of che- trast agents for imaging when renal failure is at
late around Gd), and kinetic stability (half-life at an advanced stage [95]. Iodinated contrast neph-
pH 0.1; shorter stability more likely to dissoci- rotoxicity is somewhat more predictable and
ate). Consistent with this paradigm, the nonionic, perhaps reversible, with less threat to life.
linear chelate with a short half-life (gadodiamide) Nevertheless, any contrast imaging in patients
has been associated with the highest incidence of with renal failure is currently not without
NSF, highly disproportionate to its estimated risk [96].
638 C.E. Araya and V.R. Dharnidharka

Table 32.3 Properties of gadolinium-containing contrast agents (GCCA) approved in Europe and perceived risk of NSF
Generic name Trade name Half-life (hours) Kinetic stability Structure Charge risk of NSF
Gadodiamidea Omniscan 1.3 35 s Linear Nonionic +++
Gadoversatamidea OptiMARK 1.73 Not available Linear Nonionic +
Gadopentate dimegluminea Magnevist 1.6 10 min Linear Ionic +
Gadobenate dimegluminea MultiHance 1.2–2.0 Not available Linear Ionic ?
Gadoxetic acid Primovist Not available Not available Linear Ionic ?
Gadofosveset trisodium Vasovist Not available Not available Linear Ionic ?
Gadoteridola ProHance 1.57 3h Cyclic Nonionic ?
Gadobutrol Gadovist Not available 24 h Cyclic Nonionic ?
Gadoterate meglumine Dotarem Not available >1 month Cyclic Ionic ?
Also approved in USA
+++ Highest risk, + Increased risk , ? unknown risk

Table 32.4 Pediatric cases of NSF

Number ESRD stage/ Gadolinium
Publication, year of cases Patient age/sex/race dialysis type type Outcome
Jain et al., 2003 [87] 2 8 Y/M/Caucasian PD Not mentioned Improvement
16 Y/F/Caucasian HD Not mentioned Improvement
Jain et al., 2004 2 8 Y/M/Caucasian PD Gadodiamide Died after 6 months
and Dharnidharka 19 Y/M/Caucasian HD Gadodiamide Died after 1.5 years
et al., 2006 [78, 88]
Auron et al., 2006 [89] 2 13 Y/M/Caucasiana PD Not mentioned Partial resolution
20 Y/M/Not mentioned CKD stage IV Not mentioned Still debilitated
DiCarlo et al., 2007 [90] 1 17 Y/M/Not mentioned PD Not mentioned Near complete
Krous et al., 2007 [91] 1 11 Y/M/Not available Stage V Not mentioned Died
Sanchez-Ross 1 14 Y/F/Not mentioned AKI Not mentioned Improved at 6 months
et al., 2007 [92]
Sharma et al., 2008 [93] 1 14 Y/M/Hispanic HD Not mentioned No responses to
treatments; died
2 years later
Foss et al., 2009 [94] 1 9 Y/M/Not mentioned CCPD, then HD Gadodiamide 4 months: skin lesions
same, mobility better
Same patient as reported by Jain et al., 2003, reported again at age 13 to describe evolution of disease

Table 32.5 Current recommendations on use of GCCA

United States food and drug administration European medicines agency
Considers all GCCA as increasing risk for NSF Separates out the GCCAs as below
(class effect)
No absolute contraindications for GCCA use; advises Specifies that three GCCAs (gadodiamide, gadoverstamide,
caution when GFR below 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 and gadopentate dimeglumine) are contraindicated in
patients with GFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2 and should be used
with caution when GFR between 30 and 60 mL/min/1.73 m2
All GCCAs considered risky with liver transplantation Gadodiamide contraindicated in patients about to undergo or
with a liver transplant
Prompt hemodialysis recommended after an at-risk Hemodialysis post-GCCA administration not specifically
patient has received a GCCA, but prompt is not defined discussed
32 Use of Contrast Agents in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease 639

volunteers and in patients with renal impairment or

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Part VII
Outcomes of Chronic Dialysis
Long-Term Outcome of Chronic
Dialysis in Children 33
Sarah Ledermann, Lesley Rees,
and Rukshana Shroff

Chronic dialysis • Children • Long term outcomes • Pediatric dialysis

outcome data for children on chronic dialysis

Introduction along with data from the larger adult dialysis
experience to inform our paediatric practise. The
As the prevalence of children on renal replace-
multiple factors that may influence outcome and
ment therapy (RRT) increases worldwide and
particularly those which can potentially be modi-
comprises at least 2% of any national dialysis or
fied are discussed.
transplant programme, it is essential that paediat-
ric nephrologists are able to advise families on
the possible outcome for their child with end-
Mortality in Children on Dialysis
stage renal disease (ESRD). Most children start
dialysis with the expectation that a successful
Survival data for paediatric patients on chronic
renal transplant is an achievable goal and will
dialysis from both national registries and single
provide the best survival and quality of life.
centre studies provide us with essential informa-
However, some will require long-term dialysis or
tion. In this chapter, data has been compiled from
may return intermittently to dialysis during the
large national registries including the United
course of their chronic kidney disease (CKD)
States Renal Data System (USRDS), a compul-
management. This chapter reviews the available
sory registration system which includes children
£19 years; the North American Pediatric Renal
S. Ledermann, MB, MRCPCH ()
Trials and Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS),
Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Great Ormond which allows voluntary data reporting and
Street Hospital for Children, London, includes children £21 years; the United Network
United Kingdom for Organ Sharing (UNOS), which collects data
on all patients registered for renal transplant in
L. Rees, MBChB, FRCP, FRCPCH, MD the USA; the European Renal Association –
Department of Pediatric Nephrology,
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London,
European Dialysis and Transplant Association
United Kingdom (ERA – EDTA), a voluntary organisation which
R. Shroff, MD, FRCPCH, PhD
coordinates a national European registry for all
Department of Nephrology, Great Ormond Street patients; the Australia and New Zealand Dialysis
Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom and Transplant Association (ANZDATA), that is

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_33, 645

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
646 S. Ledermann et al.

a comprehensive, compulsory database including (45%) with the second most common, infection
children up to 20 years of age; and other national (21%) [3]. Cardiovascular disease accounted for
registries including the United Kingdom Renal 57% of deaths in children on haemodialysis and
Registry, the National Dutch Registry and the 43% of those on peritoneal dialysis, compared to
Italian Registry. Key points from these Registry 30% in those with a functioning transplant, in
reports are summarised below. Long-term out- whom malignancy was responsible for 14% of
come data from single centres are also included. deaths [3].
The USRDS in 2009 [1] reported an adjusted
annual mortality rate for prevalent dialysis
patients (age 0–19 years) in 2007 of 52.9/1,000 Factors Influencing Outcome
patient years at risk, compared to 61.3 in 2000
and 60.8 in 1990. In the 2008 NAPRTCS review, Overall Mortality in Dialysis Patients
the survival of 2,867 patients aged 0–21 years on Compared to Normal and Transplanted
chronic dialysis without a history of previous Children
transplantation and whose index dialysis course
was the first for the patient was reported accord- Paediatric dialysis carries a significantly higher
ing to age at dialysis initiation [2]. At 36 months mortality than that for the age-adjusted popula-
follow-up, patient survival was 65.4% if initiat- tion. In the Dutch registry cohort study in 2002
ing dialysis at age <1 year and 69.1% at age 1–2 the mortality rate was 1.57/100 patient years on
years. Three-year survival improved to 82.5% if RRT. The standardised mortality rate1 for these
dialysis began at age 2–5 years and 90.5% and children was 31, that is, the mortality rate for
89% if at age 6–12 years and >12 years respec- these children was more than 30 times higher than
tively (censored for transplantation or if lost to that seen in age- and gender-matched children
follow-up). Offering the longest longitudinal fol- [4]. Similarly, in the larger ANZDATA report,
low-up over four decades, ANZDATA has mortality rates among dialysed children were 30
reported on the long-term survival of 1,634 chil- times higher than for children without CKD [3].
dren under 20 years of age when starting RRT Dialysis treatment was also associated with a
between 1963 and 2002 and can therefore mortality risk more than four times higher than
uniquely offer 20-year survival data. At 10 years for children who have been transplanted [3].
survival was 79% and at 20 years, 66% [3]. The UNOS report from 2002 listed a mortality
Cardiopulmonary events and infection were rate of 21/1,000 patient years for paediatric dialy-
cited as the most common causes of death by all sis patients and 2/1,000 patient years for trans-
registries, accounting for at 21% of deaths seen in planted paediatric patients [5]. A recent single
all age groups by NAPRTCS, although with sig- centre report describing 25 years experience in
nificantly more infections causing death in the the care of infants age <18 months when starting
youngest children [2]. The Dutch registry fol- PD showed a significant survival advantage for
lowed 381 children with (ESRD) including pre- the children who received a single functioning
emptively transplanted patients presenting renal allograft. Those who had a failed transplant,
between age 0–14 years between 1972 and 1992. whether they received a second transplant or
Forty-one per cent of deaths were due to cardio- remained on dialysis, had poorer survival com-
vascular disease and 21% to infection [4]. In the pared to those treated with a single transplant or
38 patients who died while on chronic dialysis, with dialysis alone [6].
death was caused by cardiovascular disease in The ERA-ERDTA registry has now reported
45% and by infection, cessation of treatment and 5-year survival data for 1,777 young adults who
complications of treatment each in 13%. Similarly, started RRT in childhood. The unadjusted 5-year
ANZDATA reported that the most common cause survival from age 18 years was 95.1% (95% CI
of death on dialysis was cardiovascular disease 93.9–96) with an average life expectancy of 63
33 Long-Term Outcome of Chronic Dialysis in Children 647

years for young adults with a functioning graft Age at Start of Dialysis
and 38 years for those remaining on dialysis [7].
Comparable findings were reported by the All registries report a significantly higher mortal-
USRDS in 2003 using prevalent ESRD mortality ity in infants starting dialysis. ANZDATA clearly
data. The prognosis for prevalent ESRD patients identified younger age at the start as a risk factor
in the USA, age 20–24 years and 25–29 years with 5-year survival if under 1 year at the start of
who started RRT in their 20s was a remaining RRT of 73% compared to 86% for the whole
lifetime of 18.6 years and 16.4 years, respec- population, and a fourfold increased risk of death
tively, if on dialysis and 40.3 and 35.6 years with compared to children age 15–19 years [3].
a functioning graft [8]. NAPRTCS report the poorest survival in children
age less than a year at the start of dialysis with
survival rates of 81.9%, 73.2% and 65.4% at 1, 2
Era of Dialysis and 3 years [2]. Further analysis of the NAPRTCS
database from 1992 to 2005 has shown that sur-
ANZDATA report a substantial improvement in vival among infants who initiated dialysis in the
the long-term survival of children and adolescents early neonatal period (age <1 month) was com-
with CKD 5 with a mortality of 11/100 patient parable to that of infants initiating dialysis in later
years between 1963 and 1972 and 1.8 per 100 infancy (age 1 month to 2 years): 24% of 193
patient years in those starting dialysis after 1993 infants <1 month and 20% of 505 infants >1
[3]. The Dutch cohort reports a similar improve- month–2 years died during the study period [9].
ment in survival with survival rates of 81% and A single centre follow-up study from Minnesota
79% at 5 and 10 years for children dialysed from of 23 infants dialysed in the neonatal period
1972 to 1981 compared to 89% and 85%, respec- emphasises the significant morbidity and mortal-
tively, in the 1982–1991 cohort which includes ity in the first year of life with an overall 1 and 5
those with a functioning graft [4]. The continued year survival of 52 and 48% [10]. A larger study
improvement in survival with time may be under- of 52 infants aged <18 months when starting dial-
estimated, as younger children and those with sig- ysis also reported the highest mortality within the
nificant non-renal comorbidity are taken onto first year of life (20/28 deaths: 71%) [6]. However,
dialysis programmes. This may explain the find- if the first year is discounted, the 5-year survival
ings of the 2009 USRDS report [1] which shows of the remaining 32 infants was 87%.
no change in the 5-year survival of incident dialy- It must be kept in mind that treatment thresh-
sis patients over the last decade reporting a 5-year olds vary amongst different centres, making uni-
survival of 68.7% in 1990 and 70.8% in 2002. For form comparisons of survival data difficult and
some cohorts, that is children age 10–14 years on reflecting the varying opinions amongst neph-
haemodialysis, the probability of survival rologists towards offering RRT to the very young
decreased between 1993–1997 and 1998–2002. or those with comorbidity [11]. In the NAPRTCS
The same lack of improvement in mortality has report those age <5 years made up 25.5% of the
been recently reported for infants starting dialysis overall cohort of paediatric dialysis patients; [2]
age <18 months from 1983–1995 to 1996–2008 only 9.3% of the paediatric cohort in the
in a single centre with an overall mortality of 54% ANZDATA Registry were <5 years [3]. In a sin-
during 25-years observation [6]. The authors also gle centre study of 98 children on chronic dialy-
suggest that the statistics may be skewed by sis since 1984, 21 were <1 year of age and 54 <5
including smaller infants and more with comor- years at initiation of dialysis. The overall patient
bidities in recent years. However, Carey et al. survival was 83% at 20 years but the mortality
reported that neonates who started dialysis rate was 2.7 times greater in children who
between 1999 and 2005 compared to 1992 and required RRT under the age of 5 years [12] (see
1998 had more favourable survival after 3 years Fig. 33.1). The age at starting RRT does not
and transitioned more rapidly to transplant [9]. seem to affect outcome if children survive to
648 S. Ledermann et al.

Fig. 33.1 Long-term

survival in children on
chronic dialysis according
to age at initiation of

young adulthood [7]. Paediatric dialysis carries of all ages on dialysis for >5 years, which is 20.6%
a significantly lower mortality compared to older more than the rate of 203.3/1,000 for patients on
age groups on dialysis. The 2009 USRDS data dialysis for <5 years. However, increased mortal-
report an adjusted annual mortality rate for prev- ity with time on dialysis has declined since 2000
alent paediatric dialysis patients age 0–19 of [1]. In contrast, the UK renal registry in 2008
52.9/1,000 patient years at risk compared to reported for patients age >18 years that the risk of
90/1,000 in young adults age 20–44. The mortal- death does not differ significantly with increasing
ity continues to increase with age to 156.2/1,000 length of time on dialysis for most age groups,
in the 45–64 year olds and 253.1/1,000 in those even with the follow-up period now increased to
aged 65–74 years [1]. 10 years. An exception is those age >65 years
after 7 years on dialysis [13]. This lack of a ‘vin-
tage’ effect is partly related to the effect of having
Duration of Dialysis a survivor cohort who is healthier than those
patients dying earlier after starting RRT. Dialysis
In adults, the effect of length of time on dialysis vintage is considerably shorter in children com-
(vintage) on mortality risk is complex and influ- pared to adults, with more children moving more
enced by comorbidities and treatment factors. quickly to transplantation. This makes detection
When adjusted for these factors, increasing vin- of a vintage effect on survival more difficult in
tage in all age groups is associated with increased children. However, cardiovascular morbidity in
mortality rate. The USRDS 2009 report shows children has been clearly associated with the
245.1 deaths/1,000 patient years at risk for patients length of time on dialysis [14].
33 Long-Term Outcome of Chronic Dialysis in Children 649

Modality of Dialysis syndromes with multisystem involvement,

congenital cardiac disease, malignancy and inher-
The Italian registry reported on the survival of ited metabolic disorders. Of the 17 deaths
458 children age less than 15 years who started reported, 76% were in those with associated
chronic dialysis (295 CPD/163HD) with no pre- comorbidities, a 7.5-fold greater risk of death in
ceding RRT between 1989 and 2000 [15]. this group [12]. In a long-term follow-up study
Children age less than 5 years were almost exclu- from Miami of 52 infants on dialysis, oligoanuria
sively managed on CPD and had a poorer 5-year gave an odds ratio for death 41 times greater than
survival than children age 5–15 on either CPD or that of infants with residual renal function. Major
HD, in whom survival was not significantly dif- comorbidities (e.g. pulmonary hypoplasia or cen-
ferent. This confirms the findings of Wong et al. tral nervous system disease) were also associated
in 2002 who, using USRDS data, found no sur- with an increased odds ratio for mortality of 4.4
vival difference between dialysis modalities in [6]. Low birth weight (LBW) was not a signifi-
paediatric patients [16]. The USRDS 5-year sur- cant risk factor in this group, although LBW has
vival data of dialysis patients aged 0–9 years also been identified by others as an independent risk
shows no survival benefit for either modality [1]. factor for death in infants age <6 months with
Survival data for modality must be carefully severe CKD (GFR < 20 mL/min/1.73 m2) or
interpreted as although some patients will elect requiring dialysis in first 2 years of life [21]. The
HD as their primary choice of dialysis, it is often effect of comorbidity on survival extends into
only offered when complications of PD occur adulthood as childhood survivors of dialysis with
and thus children on HD may be older, have comorbidity have a significantly higher risk of
greater comorbidity and a longer dialysis vintage death compared to those with only primary renal
than those on PD, making comparisons between disease [7].
the groups difficult.

Primary Renal Disease

The 2006 USRDS report cites primary diagnosis
In recent years, patients with non-renal comorbid- as an independent determinant of mortality for
ity such as multisystem involvement from inher- paediatric patients on dialysis with glomerulone-
ited disorders, prematurity or CKD following phritis and hereditary or congenital disease hav-
overwhelming infection with multi-organ damage ing a better 5-year survival than those with
are increasingly offered RRT. Both renal (i.e. oli- secondary glomerulonephritis or vasculitis.
goanuria) and non-renal comorbidities (e.g. pul- Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
monary hypoplasia, severe developmental delay) has an odds ratio of 20 for mortality compared
have been identified as significant risk factors for with other diagnoses in infants, but this may be
increased mortality in infants and young children due to the oliguria and pulmonary hypoplasia
[15, 17]. Smaller studies emphasise the increased associated with this diagnosis [6]. Proteinuria
mortality associated with comorbidity in children secondary to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
on both HD and PD [18–20]. The anuric infant requiring bilateral nephrectomies for effective
is particularly difficult to manage, and anuria management will increase mortality risk as chil-
has been discussed as an important risk factor dren are rendered anuric. The poor transplant
for survival [17]. Long-term dialysis outcome outcome associated with abnormal bladder func-
data from Great Ormond Street Hospital for tion may be improved by prior augmentation cys-
Children showed that 30 children of a cohort of toplasty, but there is as yet no data on the possible
98 on chronic dialysis had significant non-renal effects this may have on the potential for long-
comorbidity including neurodevelopmental delay, term PD in these children [22].
650 S. Ledermann et al.

Demographics dren showed that 70% were started on PD and the

remaining 30% on HD with 96% of those <2
Two studies have suggested but are not conclusive years starting on PD [23]. The NAPRTCS 2006
that African–American infants have a higher mor- report shows that although HD is being increas-
tality rate. In a 2003 NAPRTCS study, African– ingly used as the primary dialysis modality,
American infants age 2–12 months at initiation of approximately 64% of children continued to start
dialysis were three times more likely to die com- dialysis on PD [24]. In the NAPRTCS 2003 study,
pared to Caucasian and Hispanic infants, although although 68% terminated dialysis as they were
this significant difference was not observed if age transplanted, 20% changed dialysis modality
at dialysis initiation was >2 years [23]. In a single over the 6-year study period. The majority of
centre long-term follow-up infant dialysis study, changes from HD to PD occurred within the first
decreased survival of infants of African–American few months; in contrast the change from PD to
ethnicity compared to the predominantly Hispanic HD occurred more slowly and was mainly attrib-
patients was also reported but was not felt to be utable to recurrent infections [23]. There was a
due to the home or socioeconomic environment as high rate of PD catheter revision (45%) mainly
the deaths occurred mainly in hospital with all due to catheter malfunction. The access in use
patients receiving identical care [6]. after 6 months in children on HD was almost
As the age at initiation of dialysis and the exclusively tunnelled catheters in those age less
presence of both renal and non-renal comorbidity than 6 years, while 57% of those older than 6
are unavoidable risk factors, it is essential that years of age were dialysed using an AV fistula or
those caring for children on dialysis are aware of graft. HD access revision rates were very high
the potentially modifiable factors that might with 919 revisions among the 584 initial place-
improve long-term survival and the quality of life ments, 31% of which were for creation of more
for their patients. Although a successful trans- permanent access. Both the National Kidney
plant is the goal for all paediatric ESRF patients Foundation- Dialysis Outcomes Quality Initiative
with confirmed survival benefits, episodes of (NKF-DOQI) and the UK Renal Association now
dialysis or long-term dialysis may be necessary. have paediatric clinical practise guidelines and
It is therefore essential to preserve dialysis access, offer recommendations for optimal dialysis
maintain peritoneal membrane function, deliver access and its preservation [25, 26].
adequate dialysis, prevent metabolic complica-
tions, and ensure adequate nutrition and growth.
Cardiovascular risk factors and infectious com- Vascular Access
plications must be minimised, and every support
must be offered to ensure continuity of education Clinical practice guidelines clearly recommend
for the best long-term outcome. that permanent access as either a native AV fistula
or graft is preferred for most children on mainte-
nance HD. If central venous catheters are used
Treatment Factors and Interventions (i.e. in small or uncooperative children, where
That May Influence Both Survival HD is initiated before a planned live related trans-
and Other Outcome Measures plant or in patients in whom early transplantation
is anticipated), catheter size should be matched to
Dialysis Access (see Also patient size to minimize vessel trauma but allow
Chaps. 10 and 16) sufficient flow for adequate HD. External cuffed
access should be placed in the internal jugular
The initial placement and subsequent conserva- vein with the tip in the right atrium rather than
tion of either vascular or peritoneal access is the subclavian veins where the risk of stenosis is
critical for the young patient with CKD 5 in high. The right side is preferred as there is
whom RRT is a lifelong undertaking. A NAPRTCS decreased risk of thrombosis and is usually
study in 2003 of 1992 incident dialysis in chil- contralateral to the non-dominant arm which
33 Long-Term Outcome of Chronic Dialysis in Children 651

may eventually be needed for fistula formation. If who are anticipated to have a long wait on PD
possible all children with CKD stage 3–5 should may be advantageous. The use of icodextrin to
avoid the use of the non-dominant arm for increase fluid removal appears to be associated
venepuncture and lines [25, 27]. An adult study with less functional deterioration of the perito-
has shown that HD with any type of venous cath- neal membrane as the use of high glucose solu-
eter compared to a graft or fistula increases the tions is avoided [35] Encapsulating peritoneal
risk of both all-cause and infection-related mor- sclerosis is the most serious complication of long-
tality [28]. Even in small paediatric patients, the term PD, and there should be heightened aware-
use of fistulae or grafts is associated with equiva- ness of the possibility of developing this
lent access survival rates to adults and better sur- potentially fatal complication in any child on PD
vival than cuffed venous catheters [29]. In a for more than 5 years [36].
20-year retrospective review of 304 paediatric
vascular access procedures, the median survival
of arteriovenous fistulae is 3.1 years compared to Dialysis Adequacy
0.6 years for central venous access [30].
Haemodialysis (see Also Chap. 18)
Although the optimal haemodialysis dose has not
Peritoneal Dialysis Access been defined in children, the Renal Association
and Preservation of Membrane and NKF K/DOQI guidelines agree that children
Function should receive at least the delivered dialysis dose
as recommended for adults, that is either a urea
It has become clear that a meticulous approach to reduction ratio (URR) >65% or an equilibrated
PD catheter insertion by a dedicated team is per- Kt/V urea >1.2 delivered thrice weekly [25, 26].
haps more critical than the specific type of cath- The HEMO trial in adults showed no difference
eter or implantation technique used [25, 31]. in survival between patients with a mean eKt/V of
However, the 2006 NAPRTCS data showed that 1.16 and those achieving a Kt/V of 1.53 [37].
the time to the first episode of peritonitis is longer These findings are similar to a study in 613 ado-
in children with two cuff catheters, swan-neck lescent HD patients in which hospitalisation risk
tunnels and for downward pointing exit sites [24]. was increased with a single pool Kt/V <1.2 com-
Peritoneal membrane function is an independent pared to 1.2–1.4 but a spKt/V of >1.4 did not fur-
predictor of patient survival with those with high ther improve outcome [38]. However, in a smaller
transporter status and therefore decreased ultrafil- study of 12 children receiving a carefully con-
tration capacity, demonstrating worse outcomes trolled dietary intake with a mean Kt/V of 2 and
[32]. In a meta-analysis, Brimble showed an mean URR = 84.7%, catch up growth was dem-
increased mortality risk of 21.9%, 45.7% and onstrated [39]. Increasing the frequency of HD
77.3% in low-average, high-average and high sessions has been shown to significantly improve
transporters, respectively, compared to patients appetite and increase growth velocity in a small
with low transporter status [33]. As alterations in paediatric study, and may lead to a re-evaluation
peritoneal membrane transport appear to be of dialysis adequacy in children [40]. Certainly in
related to peritonitis episodes rather than the adults, short daily or nocturnal home or in-centre
duration of dialysis, every effort must be directed dialysis has been shown to improve well-being
to reducing peritonitis rates including intensive and cardiovascular outcome [41, 42]. By adding
training, flush before fill dialysis delivery sys- convective clearance to conventional haemodial-
tems, antibiotic prophylaxis for catheter insertion ysis, haemodiafiltration has been shown to be a
and prevention and early treatment of exit site superior dialysis modality in two large adult stud-
infections [34]. Although there is no long-term ies with significantly improved clearance of
data, the use of biocompatible PD solutions, that beta-2 microglobulin and 35% better survival [43,
is normal pH, bicarbonate–lactate buffer and low 44]. These findings may translate in the future to
glucose concentrations, particularly in children improved outcomes for children on dialysis.
652 S. Ledermann et al.

Peritoneal Dialysis (see Also Chap. 11) Kt/V urea = 1.7–2.0. Higher Kt/V urea values
(>2.0) also tended to be associated with increased
Current clinical opinion supports the recommen- mortality [51].
dation that total solute clearance in paediatric
patients receiving maintenance PD should meet
or exceed the adult guidelines of a combined uri- Residual Renal Function
nary and peritoneal Kt/V urea/week of 1.7–1.8 or
a creatinine clearance of 50 L/week/1.73 m2 BSA Although the above studies have attempted to
[25, 26]. In anuric adult patients, a minimum describe an optimal dialysis dose with reference
peritoneal Kt/V urea of 1.7 and an optimal target to dialysis adequacy, it is clear from adult studies
of 1.8 has been suggested by Lo et al. based on that residual renal function contributes signifi-
survival data [45]. A previous interventional cantly to patient survival [52]. The CANUSA
study by the same group clearly demonstrated trial [53] was important in defining adequacy of
increased clinical problems including severe small-solute clearance, but re-evaluation of the
anaemia in patients with a total Kt/V urea of <1.7. data revealed that residual renal clearance was a
No difference in survival was seen between more important factor for survival than peritoneal
patients with a Kt/V urea maintained above 2 and clearance and ultrafiltration [54]. This has been
those between 1.7 and 2.0 when the difference in confirmed in adult HD and PD patients in the
Kt/V urea was accounted for by increasing peri- NECOSAD studies [48], and it is recommended
toneal clearance only [46]. The ADEMEX trial that the dialysis prescription takes into account
measured both peritoneal creatinine clearance and residual renal clearances. A smaller study in chil-
urea clearance as determinants of small-solute dren suggests a correlation between renal solute
clearance and after adjusting for factors known to clearance and growth, rather than peritoneal Kt/V
influence survival found no difference in 2-year urea [55]. Adult studies have shown that episodes
survival between the control group and an inter- of volume depletion, either unintentional or ther-
vention group with significantly greater clear- apeutic, are associated with increased risk of loss
ances [47]. However, the Dutch NECOSAD of residual renal function [48, 56]. However,
study clearly identified an increase in the relative furosemide has been used successfully to achieve
risk of death in anuric PD patients if Kt/V urea diuresis and improved fluid balance, without
was <1.5/week and creatinine clearance <40 L/ influencing residual renal function [57]. The use
week/1.73 m2 BSA [48]. of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
While there are no comparable mortality data (ACEi) and angiotensin II receptor blockers
in children, the Network 1 Clinical Indicators (ARB’s) in adult PD patients suggests a positive
Project reporting on clinical morbidity in paedi- effect on preserving residual renal function [58,
atric dialysis patients found that in a small group 59]. In a 2008 study of over 300 prevalent adult
of well-dialysed patients on either HD or PD, PD patients, the use of ACEi or ARB’s was asso-
exceeding recommended adequacy guidelines ciated with a 62% reduced risk of death indepen-
did not influence morbidity [49]. Indeed, in chil- dent of blood pressure control or other clinical or
dren on PD a Kt/V urea of >2.75 was associated demographic variables [60]. Results of the
with increased peritoneal albumin losses which ESCAPE trial evaluating the renoprotective
may have an adverse effect on nutrition and effect of intensified blood pressure control using
growth [50]. A similar finding has been reported ramipril in children with CKD has shown that
from the ‘Australian and New Zealand Dialysis maintaining blood pressure at <50th percentile
and Transplant registry’ of adults on PD with slows progression of renal disease and improves
patient mortality significantly increased with a outcome. These findings may be relevant to pre-
peritoneal Kt/V urea <1.45/week or 1.45–1.69/ serving native renal function in paediatric dialy-
week, compared to the reference group with a sis patients [61]. A recent study in 134 adult
33 Long-Term Outcome of Chronic Dialysis in Children 653

patients with CKD stage 4 has demonstrated that 4–5 who were subsequently dialysed, required
bicarbonate supplementation slows the rate of enteral feeding. Their mean height SDS improved
progression of renal failure and improves nutri- from −2.18 (SD 1.44) at 6 months to −1.74 (1.55)
tional status, findings clearly applicable to chil- at 1 year and −1.51 (1.38) at 2 years and improved
dren on dialysis [62]. steadily to −0.87 (1.51) at 5 years [12, 18, 68].
None of these children were treated with recom-
binant human growth hormone (rhGH). In a fur-
Influence of Nutrition on Survival ther long-term analysis of the growth of survivors
and Linear Growth among 101 infants with severe CKD, those with-
out comorbidity achieved a mean adult height
The prevention of malnutrition and associated within the normal range [21] (see Fig. 33.2a and
hypoalbuminaemia is critical to improving long- b). The use of rhGH remains controversial and
term outcome and achieving optimal growth in while some studies have shown that a combina-
paediatric dialysis patients. In a recent teaching tion of dialysis under adequacy control [69],
article for Paediatric Nephrology, Rees and Shaw careful attention to nutrition [21] and maintain-
have discussed at length the importance of nutri- ing the PTH within the normal range [70] can
tion and growth in CKD patients [63]. Wong et al. promote normal growth, others support the use of
found a significant association between hypoal- rhGH in selected cases [71]. In the 2009, 25-year
buminaemia and mortality in 1,723 patients age infant dialysis follow-up study, Hijazi et al.
<18 years at initiation of dialysis with each −1 g/ showed better growth in infants age <18 months
dL difference in serum albumin associated with a starting dialysis between 1996 and 2008 com-
54% higher risk of death after adjustment for pared to those starting between 1983 and 1995
glomerular causes and other known risk factors (−1.4 ± 0.9 SDS vs. −3.0 ± 1.5). This is tenta-
[16]. In a 2008 study of 675 adolescents on hae- tively attributed to the increased use of growth
modialysis, those with an albumin >4.0 g/dL had hormone at an earlier age and better control of
fewer deaths per 100 patient years and fewer hos- renal bone disease, but all were tube fed with
pitalizations per time at risk with a 57% reduced more using gastrostomies in the latter era [6].
risk of death on multivariate analysis [64]. Poor
nutritional intake occurs early in CRF with dete-
rioration in anthropometric indices as renal func- Psychosocial and Neurodevelopmental
tion deteriorates [65]. A low height SDS score at Outcome (see Also Chap. 29)
the start of dialysis is associated with an increased
risk of death as shown by both Wong and Furth Young adult patients with childhood onset CKD
with a 14% increased risk of death with each 5, particularly those who have had a longer period
decrease of 1 SD score for height [66] and a of time on dialysis, are more likely to have cogni-
height SDS of <2.5 associated with a twofold tive and learning impairment than an age-matched
higher risk of death [67]. Thus, early nutritional population [72]. Bawden et al. have performed
intervention is important for both long-term sur- neuropsychological assessments in sibling pairs
vival and linear growth. and shown that although the children with CKD 5
Although the 2006 NAPRTCS registry data had mild deficits of IQ and fine motor coordina-
shows a decrease in height SDS on dialysis from tion, encouragingly there were no differences in
−1.64 (SE 0.03) to −1.71 (0.04) at 1 year and measures of academic achievement, memory,
−1.84 (0.05) at 2 years [24], we have demon- behaviour or self-esteem [73]. In the long-term
strated that an early and more intensive approach study of infants age <18 months at the start of
to feeding maintains or even improves height dialysis, 58% of the survivors (18/31) attended
SDS [12, 18, 68]. In our experience, 89% of chil- regular school, but 13 (42%) had significant neu-
dren presenting before age <2 years with CKD ropsychological impairment of which 9 (25% of
654 S. Ledermann et al.

Fig. 33.2 Height SD score

and body mass index in
children with severe
chronic kidney disease
without (a) and with
comorbidities (b)
presenting age <6 months
with GFR <20 mL/
min/1.73 m2 or requiring
renal replacement therapy
age <2 years

all survivors) required special education and 4 controls, but surprisingly, children on dialysis
(13%) were severely impaired requiring residen- have higher scores than would be expected com-
tial care. There was no significant change in these pared to transplant patients [74, 75]. In support of
outcomes in infants starting dialysis between this, Groothoff et al. have shown that although
1983 and 1995 compared to 1996 and 2008. survivors of prolonged dialysis during childhood
Hypotension on PD was a particularly severe are twice as likely to be unemployed than an age-
complication resulting in blindness or partial matched population, taking into account the
sightedness in four patients and hemiparesis and unavoidable physical problems, the overall sub-
facial palsy in one [6]. These complications due jective health perception of these young adults is
to ischaemic injury during CCPD have been pre- surprisingly good [76]. It is interesting that par-
viously reported and emphasise the continuous ents of children who have been transplanted
vigilance required to care for these infants [12, report a significantly better HRQOL compared to
18]. More recent studies using health-related parents of children on dialysis, but the HRQOL
quality of life (HRQOL) indices have shown that of the transplanted patients themselves was com-
children with CKD have lower scores than healthy parable to those on dialysis except for the family
33 Long-Term Outcome of Chronic Dialysis in Children 655

and peer interaction scale where the transplanted associated with secondary hyperparathyroidism
children scored higher [77]. It is clear that [83, 84], inflammatory mediators [85, 86], oxida-
addressing the emotional, educational and social tive stress [87, 88], hyperhomocysteinaemia
needs of children on dialysis and their carers by [89, 90], hypoalbuminaemia [91], dyslipidaemia
the provision of psychosocial and teaching sup- [92], anaemia [93] and chronic fluid overload
port plays a crucial role in improving well-being [94, 95]. These factors acting individually or in
and survival outcome, and must form an integral concert result in endothelial dysfunction [89, 90,
part of patient care. 96], arterial stiffness [97, 98] and calcification
[99] which contribute to cardiac remodelling
with left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy. Chronic
Cardiovascular Risk Factors and volume overload is the most important factor
Outcome (see Also Chaps. 21 and 26) contributing to uncontrolled hypertension in
the dialysis population, with significantly higher
With improvements in RRT, cardiovascular dis- BP in HD than PD patients reported in all series
ease is increasingly recognised as a life-limiting [79, 94, 100–102]. Hypertension remains the
problem in young patients with CKD, with a most important cardiovascular risk factor for
1,000-fold higher risk of cardiovascular death young dialysis patients as underlined in a 2009
than in the healthy age-adjusted population [78]. report of hypertension in 624 long-term HD
Analysing the USRDS database, Parekh et al. patients aged 0–18 years. Hypertension was pres-
reported that 311 of the 1,380 (22.5%) deaths in ent in 79% of the patients with 62% on antihyper-
patients aged 0–30 years dialysed between 1990 tensive medication; of those treated, 74% still had
and 1996 were from a cardiac cause [79]. uncontrolled hypertension [103]. In children and
Similarly, ANZDATA [3], the Dutch cohort [4] adults, the pulse pressure (= systolic – diastolic
and both German [14] and Polish [80] single cen- BP), which reflects the arterial wall compliance,
tre studies report cardiovascular disease as the has also been shown to be a significant risk factor
single most common cause of death in their CKD for cardiovascular mortality [84, 104, 105].
patients. Chavers et al. presented the largest pae- Anaemia is a frequent finding in patients with
diatric study on cardiovascular morbidity in chil- CKD and following transplantation. Data from
dren on dialysis from the Medicare database [81]. the UK renal registry (9th report) support this
In 1,454 incident paediatric dialysis patients aged observation in the paediatric dialysis population
0–19 years dialysed from 1991 to 1996, 452 with 47% of children on dialysis reported to have
(~31%) developed a cardiac-related event includ- a Hb < 11 g/dL [106]. An observational study of
ing arrhythmias (19.6%), valvular disease 677 adolescent HD patients using data from the
(11.7%), cardiomyopathy (9.6%) and death from ESRD Clinical Performances Measures project
cardiac arrest (3%). Unlike adults with CKD in clearly shows an association of a Hb of 11–12 g/
whom coronary artery disease is the leading dL vs. <10 g/dL decreasing mortality risk by
cause of death, cardiac arrest is the most com- 69% [107].
monly reported cause of death in children [79]. Long-standing exposure to the above risk fac-
Both ‘traditional’ Framingham risk factors for tors leading to abnormal LV remodelling and left
cardiovascular disease as well as factors specific ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) has been reported
to the uraemic milieu contribute to the increased in 30–80% of paediatric dialysis patients with a
cardiovascular risk seen in children with CKD. higher incidence in HD than PD patients [93]. Two
However, traditional risk factors such as diabetes distinct patterns of LV remodelling are seen in
and dyslipidaemia cannot account for the greatly CKD patients – concentric LVH resulting from
increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease in pressure overload as seen with hypertension and
children with CKD [82] which presents a host of eccentric LVH that is related to volume overload,
metabolic, mechanical and inflammatory dam- sodium retention and anaemia [95]. LVH leads to a
age-inducing agents such as mineral imbalance decreased coronary reserve and arrhythmias [108],
656 S. Ledermann et al.

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Health-Related Quality of Life
in Children on Dialysis 34
Arlene C. Gerson and Susan Furth

Health-related quality of life • Dialysis • Child • Adolescent

of quality of life [1–3]. In the 6 decades since

Introduction WHO distinctively defined health “as a state of
complete physical, mental and social well-being
Kidney dialysis remains a life-sustaining treatment
and not merely the absence of disease and infir-
for youth who have kidney failure. Optimum
mity” [4], data has been accumulated about the
renal replacement therapy (RRT) results require
importance of patient perception of illness and
strict adherence to dialysis prescription, to diet
health. Nevertheless, there still is not a unani-
requirements/restrictions, and close follow-up
mous acceptance in healthcare environments of
with medical providers. While clinical markers of
the utility of systematic assessment of patient and
dialysis patient’s health status (e.g., growth, infec-
family perception of quality of life. Unfortunately,
tion rates, hospitalization, and survival) are nec-
in the case of youth with chronic kidney disease
essary indicators of health outcomes, health care
(CKD), even when there is acceptance of the
providers have become increasingly interested in
multidimensional nature of health and illness and
patient and family perception of quality of life
the value of assessing quality of life, limited
(QOL) as an adjunctive measure of treatment
health care resources prohibit widespread routine
Many QOL experts point to the World Health
In this chapter, we will describe the constructs
Organization’s 1958 definition of health as being
of quality of life and health-related quality of life,
an early catalyst for the expansion of the focus on
review quality of life instruments that have been
mortality and morbidity to broader considerations
validated for use in pediatric dialysis populations,
and summarize published literature on the impact
A.C. Gerson, PhD of dialysis on the quality of life in children with
Department of Pediatrics and Epidemiology, kidney disease. Our aim is twofold. First, we
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, hope to provide a foundation for clinicians and
Baltimore, MD, USA
researchers to appreciate the utility and impor-
tance of health-related quality of life (HRQOL)
S. Furth, MD, PhD ()
Department of Nephrology, The Children’s Hospital
assessment. Secondly, we hope to provide an
of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA up-to-date resource for choosing evaluation tools
e-mail: for use in research.

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_34, 661

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
662 A.C. Gerson and S. Furth

assessment as are agreements of problem areas

Definition and Utility of Quality [6, 10, 11].
of Life and Health-Related Quality HRQOL is a multifaceted/multidimensional
of Life phenomenon and generally includes the following
domains and components: (1) physical status
In a general sense, quality of life refers to one’s and physical functioning, (2) psychological
sense of well-being and functional outcome within status and emotional functioning, (3) social inter-
various domains of life. Over the past decade, the actions and social functioning, and (4) educational/
recognition that chronic health problems impact vocational status and functioning. A growing
QOL and that both illness severity and treatment number of HRQOL researchers also endorse the
interventions may alter psychological, social, assessment of religious and/or spiritual status given
physical, and educational outcomes have lead to the growing body of research that links spirituality
development of the construct of health-related to self-perceptions of well-being [2, 12, 13].
quality of life (HRQOL) [5, 6]. Health-related Health-related quality of life data has many
quality of life refers to one’s sense of well-being potential uses. For example, it can be used to
and functional outcome within various domains of evaluate the impact of individual treatments or
life assuming that a disease and its treatment have programs on individual patients or groups of
impacted aspects of psychological, social, physi- patients. This type of application is sometimes
cal, educational, and/or vocational functioning. referred to as a cost/utility analysis [14–16]. In
Measurement of health-related quality of life has addition, HRQOL data can be used to inform
been described as an attempt to quantify, in scien- health policy [16–18]. Perhaps the most ambi-
tifically analyzable terms, the net consequence of tious use of HRQOL data occurs when it is used
a disease and its treatment on the patient’s percep- to predict the future functional outcomes of peo-
tion of his/her ability to live a useful and fulfilling ple with an illness or condition [19, 20].
life [7]. In a practical sense therefore, the mea- A conceptual definition of HRQOL is illus-
surement of QOL in children with medical prob- trated schematically in Fig. 34.1. The illustration
lems results in an assessment of their HRQOL. highlights the interdependent nature of the
The term HRQOL will be used throughout the domains, the importance of multidimensional
remainder of this chapter to refer to the assess- assessment in understanding the full range of
ment of QOL of children with kidney disease. manifestations of health and illness, and the influ-
By definition, HRQOL is something that must ences of variables that have been shown to medi-
include assessment through direct inquiry. ate HRQOL.
However, until recently, direct assessment of
children’s perceptions of their HRQOL has been
hindered by the belief that children could not Assessment of HRQOL in Patients
accurately report on their own well-being. This with End-Stage Renal Disease
belief in turn, stalled the development of reliable
pediatric assessment tools. Fortunately, in the The charge by Medicare to assess the cost–utility
past decade, several instruments that allow for of the various dialysis treatments provided for in
the direct evaluation of children’s HRQOL have the Medicare End-Stage Renal Disease program
been developed. These tools demonstrate that has led to the inclusion of an assessment of HRQOL
children do indeed have the ability to accurately in dialysis patients of age 18 years and older [21,
report on their psychological, social, physical, 22]. This mandate appears to have been strongly
and educational status [8, 9]. Discrepancies influenced by the National Kidney Foundation’s
between caregiver and child perceptions within Clinical Practice Guidelines and Clinical Practice
domains of HRQOL have lead to the recognition Recommendations for Hemodialysis (HD) and
that differences in parent–child perceptions of PERITONEAL DIALYSIS (PD) Adequacy origi-
well-being are as worthy of more in-depth nally published in 1997 and revised in 2006 [22].
34 Health-Related Quality of Life in Children on Dialysis 663

Fig. 34.1 Schematic definition of domains of health-related quality of life

Given improvements in dialysis treatment and Over the past 10 years, a number of HRQOL
decreased mortality, the 1997 NKF-DOQI guide- instruments have been validated for use in adults
lines recommended an expansion of the assess- and children with ESRD and evidence has
ment of clinical outcomes to include both generic mounted regarding the association between
and disease- /treatment-specific measures of HRQOL and both morbidity and mortality. The
HRQOL [23]. Unfortunately, in 1997, none of the 2006 KDOQI update acknowledged the accumu-
available survey instruments had been estab- lation of valuable information regarding HRQOL
lished as having the necessary reliability and outcomes and recommends that increased
validity in the ESRD population; so the DOQI resources be allocated to incorporate the assess-
work group advised that each dialysis facility ment of HRQOL into ongoing quality improve-
serially evaluate HRQOL in patients over the ment efforts [26]. Moreover, the 2006 KDOQI
age of 18 years using the tool of their choice. Clinical Practice Update added a pediatric clinical
The workgroup further recommended that out- practice guideline that echoed the adult recom-
comes research using promising instruments be mendation for monitoring HRQOL as an impor-
completed in order to establish a standardized tant health outcome and referenced two instruments
HRQOL assessment that could be integrated into that have been validated for use in children on
the routine care and evaluation of patients with dialysis. Notwithstanding the 2006 KDOQI rec-
ESRD [23]. ommendation regarding the importance of evalu-
The 1997 DOQI guidelines did not provide any ating HRQOL in pediatric ESRD patients, CMS
recommendations for the assessment of HRQOL did require its assessment in children in the 2008
in children who were receiving dialysis. Similar to Clinical Performance Measures Project, as it did
the situation for adults with ESRD, no instruments in dialysis patients over the age of 18 years [22].
with sufficient psychometric authority were avail-
able to assess the HRQOL of youth with ESRD in
1997. Fortunately, the recognition of the value of Quality of Life Studies in Children
assessing HRQOL in youth with chronic medical on Dialysis
conditions has been a catalyst over the past decade
for the development of reliable and valid tools to Much of the early research assessing HRQOL
monitor the impact of disease and its treatment in in children on dialysis did not include vali-
children with CKD [24, 25]. dated multidimensional measures, but rather
664 A.C. Gerson and S. Furth

used qualitative methods such as telephone Rosenkranz et al.’s large multicenter study
interviews, investigator-designed questionnaires, (n = 479) published in 1992 comprising five pedi-
and instruments that measure a single domain atric nephrology centers in Germany reported
of HRQOL [25]. similarly disappointing outcomes with regard to
For example, in 1991, Roscoe et al. used educational attainment and age-appropriate inde-
a structured telephone interview to evaluate pendence of adults with childhood onset kidney
HRQOL. This study reported on the functional disease [30]. In 2005, Rosenkranz et al. used a
outcomes (defined by educational level, ability to HRQOL questionnaire validated for use in
care for oneself, employment, marital status, Germany to determine if their center’s efforts
achievement of parenthood, and opinion of the over the previous two decades to improve
caregiver on general adjustment) in 118 adoles- HRQOL and functional outcomes of their patients
cents who were 11–19 years old when therapy for had been successful. The study authors concluded
ESRD was initiated between 1966 and 1986 [27]. that while some improvements could be attrib-
With a mean age of 22 years and a mean follow- uted to their center’s efforts, patients were still at
up of 8 years, the authors found that almost 70% a disadvantage compared to the general popula-
of patients were living with family members, and tion with regard to educational attainment and
only 28.9% were living on their own or with a vocational attainment [30].
spouse. Thirteen percent of patients were neither In 1994, Morton et al. reported on the func-
enrolled in an educational program nor were tional and psychological health of patients with
employed. Furthermore, in over 73% of trans- onset of renal disease in childhood (mean age of
plant recipients, functional outcome was defined renal disease onset was 8 years, range 0–16) and
subjectively by the caregiver as good or excel- who had received RRT for an average duration of
lent. However, caregivers described good or 10 years in the United Kingdom. Functional sta-
excellent functional outcomes in only 45% of tus and responses on several psychiatric invento-
patients on dialysis. When the type of dialysis ries were compared in this group of 45 young
was considered, 25% of hemodialysis patients adult survivors of ESRD (mean age at time of
had good or excellent functional outcomes, com- study was 24.8 years) to those of healthy age-
pared to 75% of peritoneal dialysis patients. matched controls of comparable socioeconomic
The European Dialysis and Transplant status [31]. More of the renal patients were unem-
Association registry reported similar results ployed (31%) than were the healthy subjects
regarding HRQOL and functional health status (12%). Living with parents, lack of experience of
assessment of individuals with a history of dialy- close relationships, lack of educational qualifica-
sis during childhood [28]. Of 617 patients who tions, and unemployment were more common in
started RRT as children and were 21–35 years of the renal groups [31]. Interestingly, although the
age in 1986, 56% had completed secondary renal group described more psychological prob-
school and 16% were in a school for the handi- lems when they were less than 17 years old, they
capped. Also, 56% were employed but most did not have evidence of significantly higher rates
(61%) lived with their parents. In comparison to of psychiatric disorders in adulthood; they also
the “healthy” population of the same age, employ- had lower rates of use of drugs and alcohol com-
ment was somewhat lower, and one third or more pared to the age-matched controls [31].
had some disability. Further information on the The first published study to evaluate the health
employment status of dialysis patients was pre- status of pediatric dialysis patients using a multi-
sented in the single-center experience of 150 dimensional, standardized, HRQOL questionnaire
children transplanted between 1970 and 1993, as was published in 1994 by Kurtin et al. In this pilot
reported by Offner et al. [29]. Notably, 29% of study, a modified version of the parent-completed
patients on dialysis after graft failure were unem- questionnaire, developed and validated in the
ployed compared to 9% with functioning grafts. Children’s Health and Quality of Life Project,
34 Health-Related Quality of Life in Children on Dialysis 665

was used with 20 English-reading adolescents disease, and youth with CKD had lower overall
maintained on chronic HEMODIALYSIS at the satisfaction with health and more restriction in
Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles between April activity. Moreover, study patients receiving dialy-
and June of 1992 [32]. The authors tested the dis- sis were less physically active and experienced
criminant validity of the items in the questionnaire more physical discomfort and limitations in activ-
and the association between health and family ities than did study patients who had received a
scale scores and compliance. Less-compliant ado- kidney transplant or study patients whose kidney
lescents consistently reported more pain and disease had not advanced to ESRD [34].
poorer general and mental health than more com- A 4-year longitudinal analysis of the Furth
pliant adolescents, as well as lower family involve- et al. data using serially completed parent CHQ
ment. Data presented in Kurtin’s report supported questionnaires of 78 youth with CKD found that
the use of a standardized questionnaire to evaluate height gain was associated with parent percep-
HRQOL in children on dialysis [32]. tions of improved physical and psychosocial
In 1999, the first US multicenter longitudinal functioning of their children and GFR decline
study of quality of life in children and adoles- was associated with parent perceptions of worse
cents with CKD was initiated by Furth et al. The physical functioning [35].
study sought to expand on Kurtin’s pilot research The first studies to simultaneously evaluate
and validate two multidimensional generic qual- both parent and youth perceptions of HRQOL
ity of life measures (Child Health Questionnaire- were published in 2006 by Goldstein et al. and
Parent Form, CHQ-PF50, Child Health and McKenna et al. using the Pediatric Quality of Life
Illness Profile-Adolescent Edition, CHIP-AE) for Inventory (PedsQL). Goldstein and his research
use in youth with various stages of kidney dis- team used a matched control design to evaluate
ease severity. 85 pediatric patients and 96 parents of children
One of the published reports from this study with ESRD receiving HD, PD, or TX to a matched
demonstrated an association between anemia, group of healthy children [36]. The HRQOL of
defined by level of hematocrit, and HRQOL in children with ESRD within the domains of physi-
pediatric patients with CKD [33]. The report was cal, emotional, social, and school functioning
a cross-sectional analysis and included CHQ-PF50 were significantly lower compared to the healthy
surveys completed by parents of 113 CKD patients controls. Furthermore, the data suggested that
(mean age 14.4 ± 1.9 years) requiring dialysis (D), dialysis patients had worse physical health than
with a functioning kidney transplant (TX) or with transplant patients [36]. McKenna et al.’s study
advanced stage 2 or stage 3–5 CRI (chronic renal population consisted of 64 pediatric patients with
insufficiency) as defined by the NKF KDOQI. CKD (20 CRI, 17 D, 27 TX) [37]. Self-report
Seventy-five patients were found to be anemic as HRQOL data of study participants and caregiver
defined by a hematocrit £36%. In the domains of proxy HRQOL data was compared to published
physical discomfort, limitations of activity, and norms. Youth receiving dialysis had lower physi-
overall satisfaction with health, patients with a cal and school functioning scores in comparison
lower hematocrit scored significantly lower than to their healthy peers but similar emotional and
CKD patients with a hematocrit >36% [33]. social functioning scores [37]. In contrast, parent
Further cross-sectional analysis of data from proxy HRQOL scores of youth receiving dialysis
Furth’s study, this time looking at adolescent self- were lower than the normative group in all
perceptions of HRQOL, revealed that the PedsQL domains [37].
CHIP-AE distinguished between adolescents with
kidney disease and healthy adolescents in a num-
ber of domains [34]. Using a case control design, Pediatric HRQOL Measures
analysis of study patients with kidney disease
(mean age = 14; 39 CRI, 21 D and 53 TX) com- As interest in assessing HRQOL has increased in
pared with two control groups of age: socioeco- the past decade, many research groups have
nomic and sex-matched peers without kidney become involved in efforts to develop tools to
666 A.C. Gerson and S. Furth

evaluate this construct objectively and system- socioeconomic influences [47, 48]. Use of the
atically. Two types of HRQOL measures have CHIP-AE was evaluated in a multicenter cross-
been developed: generic and condition-specific sectional study in adolescents with CRI, on dialy-
instruments. Generic instruments provide sum- sis and post-transplant [34].
mary ratings of functioning within multiple life
domains and allow for comparison of HRQOL
across different patient groups. Condition- The Children’s Health Questionnaire
specific measures of HRQOL assess challenges
associated with a particular illness and allow for The Children’s Health Questionnaire (CHQ) is a
a more specific assessment of the impact of a generic HRQOL instrument that has both parent
particular disease and its treatment on QOL. and child versions [49]. The child version is appro-
A number of excellent review articles are avail- priate for administration to children aged 10–18
able that discuss the relative merits of generic years and takes about 20 min to complete. The
and condition-specific HRQOL instruments proxy version is appropriate for children aged
[1, 38–42]. Table 34.1 lists a selection of generic 5–18 years. The CHQ measures 12 domains of
HRQOL instruments that have been validated for health status (physical functioning, limitations in
use with pediatric dialysis patients. Also included schoolwork and activities with friends, general
in Table 34.1 is a description of a condition- health, bodily pain and discomfort, limitations in
specific instrument that has specifically been family activities, emotional/time impact on the
developed for children who have ESRD. parent, impact of emotional or behavior problems
Below is a brief description of the purpose and on school work and other daily activities, self-
content of the HRQOL survey tools listed in the esteem, mental health, behavior, family cohesion,
aforementioned table. The reliability and validity and change in health). Internal consistency and
evidence that exists to support clinical and concurrent validity have been demonstrated [49].
research application of each tool is also presented. One advantage of this instrument is that the avail-
The development of clinically useful measure- ability of both parent and youth forms allows for
ment tools is an iterative process. Clinicians and direct and simultaneous comparison of health sta-
researchers must work together to determine how tus perceptions for parents and children. The child-
best to integrate the assessment of HRQOL into completed CHQ has previously been used in a
clinical practice and how best to use the informa- single-center study with children who have kidney
tion obtained to improve functional outcomes of disease and who were maintained on HD [32]. Use
children with ESRD. of the CHQ-PF50, a parent proxy of HRQOL, has
also been evaluated in a multicenter cross-sectional
study of health status in adolescents with CRI, on
Child Health and Illness Profile- dialysis and post-transplant [33] as well as in a
Adolescent Edition longitudinal study of adolescents with CKD [35].

The Child Health and Illness Profile-Adolescent

Edition (CHIP-AE) is a 153-item self-report The Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory
instrument that assesses 6 domains of health sta-
tus (discomfort, satisfaction, disorders, achieve- The Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL)
ments, resilience, and risks) and takes about is a 23-item generic HRQOL instrument that
20 min to complete [43, 44]. Reliability (test- assesses 5 domains of health (Physical Func-
retest and internal) and validity (criterion and con- tioning, Emotional Functioning, Psychosocial
struct) studies support its use as a generic health Functioning, Social Functioning, and School
status assessment for youth aged 11–17 years Functioning) in children and adolescents aged
[45]. In addition to the CHIP’s usefulness in dis- 2–25 years [50]. Internal reliability as well as con-
criminating between healthy and ill adolescents struct and clinical validity have been demonstrated
[46], it has also been sensitive to age, gender, and [51–53]. Parent and youth forms are available.

Table 34.1 Domains of multidimensional pediatric HRQOL measurement instruments

Number of domains 13 13 6 4 7
Title of domains Physical functioning, Physical functioning, Discomfort, disorders, Physical functioning, General fatigue, side effects
emotional/behavioral role emotional/behavioral role satisfaction with health, emotional functioning, of kidney disease, treatment
functioning, physical role functioning, physical role achievement, risks, social functioning, school problems, family and peer
functioning, bodily pain, functioning, bodily pain, resilience functioning interactions, worry, perceived
general behavior, mental general behavior, mental physical appearance,
health, self-esteem, general health, self-esteem, general communication
health perceptions, parental health perceptions, parental
impact (emotional), parental impact (emotional), parental
Health-Related Quality of Life in Children on Dialysis

impact (time), family impact (time), family

activities, family cohesion activities, family cohesion
Age range 5–18 10–18 11–17 2–25 5–25
Rating scale 4–6 point Likert scale 4–6 point Likert scale 3–5 point Likert scale 3–5 point Likert scale 3–5 point Likert scale
Number of items 50 87 107 23 34
Average completion time 20 20 30 10 10
Respondent Proxy Patient Patient Proxy or patient Patient
CHQ-PF50 Child Health Questionnaire Parent Version
CHQ-CF87 Child Health Questionnaire Youth Version
CHIP-AE Child Health and Illness Profile-Adolescent Edition
PEDS-QL Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory, Core Scales
PEDS-QL ESRD Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory, End-Stage Renal Disease Module
668 A.C. Gerson and S. Furth

The inventory takes approximately 5 min to com- to monitor HRQOL in adult patients with
plete. One of the most significant advantages of ESRD [22].
this instrument is its short length that allows for In spite of the fact that several HRQOL mea-
quick completion by patients and caregivers. Use sures have received initial validation for use with
of the PedsQL has been evaluated in a single-center pediatric patients with CKD, a number of ques-
study and multicenter study of QOL in children tions about their use in clinical practice remain
with CRI, on dialysis and post-transplant [36, 37]. unanswered. For example, little research has been
The PedsQL has also been evaluated in a large done to directly establish clinically meaningful
multicenter study of children with mild to moder- cutoff scores in children with pre end-stage and
ate CKD [54]. end-stage kidney disease and to demonstrate test-
retest reliability or responsiveness to change [20,
58, 59]. Given the status of current research in
PedsQL ESRD Module this field, there is little evidence base on which to
recommend at what intervals these instruments
The 34-item PedsQL 3.0 ESRD Module devel- should be administered in the outpatient setting,
oped by Goldstein et al. includes seven scales: or what interventions can be made to improve
(1) general fatigue, (2) side effects of kidney dis- HRQOL if scores are low. To this end, several
ease, (3) treatment problems, (4) family and peer multicenter research studies are currently under-
interactions, (5) worry, (6) perceived physical way which will begin to provide the necessary
appearance, and (7) communication. Parallel data for allowing the integration of HRQOL
forms are available for parents of children assessment into clinical practice [60].
between the ages of 2 and 18 years and for youth
between the ages of 5 and 18 years. The format,
instructions, Likert response scale and scor- Summary
ing method are similar to the PedsQL 4.0
Generic Core Scales with higher scores reflecting Recent emphasis on patient-centered assessment
better HRQOL (fewer symptoms or problems) of quality of life has been the result of an under-
[55, 56] standing that patients and their families can best
assess the global effects that chronic disease and
its medical management have on health. In this
Measuring HRQOL in Outpatient chapter, we have reviewed existing generic health
Nephrology Clinics status measures for children and adolescents, and
summarized current studies evaluating their use
A variety of influences have increased interest in in pediatric dialysis patients. Clinically, these
the potential utility of assessing health-related tools can be used to assess patient health status
quality of life in pediatric nephrology clinical over time in response to therapy. In research,
practices including: (1) pediatric research studies these instruments can be used to measure the
demonstrating the relationship between kidney effectiveness of different medical practices on
disease severity and quality of life [33–35, 37, the health outcomes of children and adolescents
55, 56], (2) the recent American Academy of with kidney disease. Future research encompass-
Pediatrics recommendation that psychosocial ing measures of quality of life in pediatric dialy-
assessments be performed at every well-child sis is needed to assist health professionals in
visit [57], (3) the belief that assessment of making more informed clinical decisions, using
HRQOL could facilitate communication, uncov- patient-centered assessments in conjunction with
ering patient problems and monitoring response traditional medical and clinical endpoints to
to treatment [3], and (4) the recent CMS mandate judge the “success” of therapy.
34 Health-Related Quality of Life in Children on Dialysis 669

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Transitioning the Adolescent
Dialysis Patient to Adult Care 35
Maria E. Ferris and Lorraine E. Bell

Dialysis transition • Pediatric dialysis • Adolescent dialysis • Adolescent
renal disease

potential through the provision of high quality,

Introduction developmentally appropriate uninterrupted health
services, as the patient moves from pediatric to
There have been dramatic improvements in adult-focused care. An effective transition pro-
survival rates for a range of childhood illnesses cess is key to optimizing quality of life and sur-
during the last quarter century, including end- vival for youth with serious ongoing medical
stage kidney disease (ESKD) [1–3]. In the United conditions.
States alone, over 500,000 adolescents with
chronic medical conditions transfer to adult-
focused care every year [4]. Health-care transi- The Transitioning of Youth
tion (HCT) refers to a purposeful, planned process with Kidney Disease
in which adolescent and young adult patients
assume progressively increasing responsibility Although specific information is not available on
for their health condition management. The goal, the number of transitioning dialysis and renal
highlighted in a number of consensus statements transplant patients, the magnitude of the popula-
[5–7], is to maximize lifelong functioning and tion at risk can be approximated by extrapolating
numbers from the Australia and New Zealand
Dialysis and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA).
This is the only major registry that groups dialy-
M.E. Ferris, MD, MPH, PhD sis and transplant patient information into the
Department of Medicine and Pediatrics, Division of transition age range of 15–24 years. Combining
Nephrology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill their data [8] with population statistics [9–11],
and University of North Carolina Children’s Hospital,
one can estimate that there are at least 7,000
Chapel Hill, NC, USA
prevalent adolescent/emerging-adult dialysis
L.E. Bell, MDCM, FRCPC ()
patients and 11,000 renal transplant recipients in
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Nephrology,
McGill University Health Centre, Montreal, Canada the combined regions of the European Union,
e-mail: North America, Australia, and New Zealand.

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_35, 673

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
674 M.E. Ferris and L.E. Bell

The Vulnerability of Adolescent Renal In the United States the median age of dialysis
Patients patients is 64 years, with adolescent and emerg-
The impact of CKD on adolescents and emerging ing adult patients comprising only 3% of the
adults can be enormous, and they are at particular entire US dialysis population [12].
risk for severe, irreversible complications of This chapter will begin with an overview of
unsuccessful transition. For those on dialysis, life medical and psychosocial factors that can influ-
expectancy is approximately 25% that of the age- ence the transition journey and will outline spe-
matched general population and 40% that of their cific recommendations for its assessment and
transplant recipient peers [12]. implementation.
Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of
their morbidity and mortality. Amongst ESKD
patients aged 15–19 years, cardiovascular event The Health-Care Transition Journey
rates are nearly 1,000-fold higher than those of
their age-matched peers, and the mortality rate There is widespread consensus that preparation
for those aged 25–34 years is similar to that of for health-care transition should begin early, to
75-year-olds in the general population [13, 14]. foster progressively autonomous care; recom-
For adolescents and young adults with pediatric mendations vary from shortly after diagnosis to
onset CKD, risk factors associated with the high between 10 and 14 years of age [5]. Suggestions
cardiovascular mortality rate begin early, with for the preferred age of transfer to adult care
calcium–phosphate imbalance, hypertension, range from 16 to 21 years [17, 18]; however, it is
fluid overload, and anemia all contributing. generally agreed that the timing should be flexi-
Health-care goals for youth with CKD/ESKD ble and personalized [19–21].
include maximizing their potential for both lon- Young adulthood (20–29 years) can be a chal-
gevity and quality of life, minimizing health lenging period for many youth, even in the
complications, enhancing their capacity to live as absence of chronic disease. It is associated with a
independently and self-sufficiently as possible, peak incidence of risk taking behaviors, and a
and optimizing their chances to experience the high rate of accidental death. In the developed
same educational opportunities, employment world, the mortality rate of 19–24 year olds is
possibilities, and social relationships as their four times higher than that of 10–14 year olds,
peers [15]. Minimizing complications frequently while that of 15–19 year olds is between the two
requires close adherence to complex, restrictive, [22]. Rates of substance use and abuse, mental
and burdensome medical regimens, particularly disorders including suicide, and sexual health
for those on dialysis. At a time in their lives when risks are all greater in young adults than in ado-
their peers are experiencing new freedoms and lescents [23]. The burden of a serious health
liberties, youth on dialysis are bound to a strict disorder is an additional stressor; youth with
routine of care with little margin for acting out or chronic health conditions may have higher rates
error. They rely on technology for their continued of risk behaviors compared to their healthy peers
health and survival [16]. Skipping medication, [24] and they are particularly vulnerable to seri-
poor adherence to fluid restriction, and missed ous medical complications [15, 21, 25, 26].
dialysis treatments can lead to irreversible injury Socioeconomic factors such as loss of health
and the risk of sudden death. coverage or lack of employment can add to
The complicated lives of adolescents on dialy- the challenge and result in unmet health-care
sis are often made more challenging by the need needs [27].
for transition. Little has been published on the Providing effective HCT services can be com-
transition of adolescent dialysis patients to adult- plex and fraught with challenges. These will be
focused care, yet they are in danger of being lost explored in relation to the patient, the family, and
in a system where they are vastly outnumbered. health-care teams.
35 Transitioning the Adolescent Dialysis Patient to Adult Care 675

Participants in the Journey is associated with increased emotional lability

and vulnerability [46]. This developmental phase
The Patient is not magically completed by the 18th birthday,
Not all pediatric-onset CKD patients are “created the age when many youth with chronic illness
equal.” ESKD beginning during infancy or early must transfer to adult care. Arnett has used the
childhood is commonly caused by congenital term “emerging adulthood” to describe the period
abnormalities of the kidneys and urinary tract; between 18 and 25 years, in recognition of the
when onset is during later childhood or adoles- ongoing maturation and social development [47].
cence, ESKD is more frequently due to glomeru- Cognitive abilities are normally well developed
lar conditions and/or inflammatory states [28]. by the mid-teenage years; however, emotional
Patients with congenital abnormalities are more regulation, reflective judgment, and social matu-
likely to endure repeated hospitalizations and/ rity lag behind [48]. Sensation-seeking activities
or medical interventions, often require surgical peak during emerging adulthood, along with an
procedures for urologic or nutritional problems exaggerated response to certain types of
(e.g., gastrostomy tube placement and/or fun- “rewards.” [46] Emotional and social factors may
doplication) and are more likely to suffer from override more rational cognitive functions, lead-
orthopedic abnormalities and impaired growth ing to potentially dangerous risk taking [48].
[29]. All of these factors may impair their ability These influences continue at least into the mid
to socialize, consistently attend school, and/or twenties [49]. The complex interrelated skills of
participate in extracurricular activities. Addition- logical reasoning, reflective judgment, and emo-
ally, the short stature that frequently accompanies tional regulation evolve well into adulthood [50].
CKD may lead to low self-esteem and lasting Transition to adult care coincides with this period
effects on their overall quality of life as adults of heightened emotional reactivity sensation
[30–32]. seeking and risk taking .Yet, more than ever, this
When CKD or ESKD begins later in childhood is a time when a stable infrastructure of support
or in adolescence, therapies for hypertension and and an understanding of the normal developmen-
inflammatory states are often required. Although tal phase of emerging adulthood are needed.
these patients often have some portion of a typical A young person who makes a poor decision in
childhood and better chances for normal growth a highly charged emotional context, may well
and psychosocial development, the impact of “know better” and have different decision mak-
medications (e.g., steroids and/or immunosup- ing in the absence of such influence [15].
pressants) that may change their appearance and Heightened responsiveness to rewards and rela-
affect their psyche cannot be understated, and tive immaturity of behavioral control, particularly
may subsequently influence HCT. in socially or emotionally roused settings, may
Neurocognitive dysfunction may occur in lead adolescents to invest more in activities
some CKD patients and can be associated with with immediate rather than long-term gains, and
factors such as early age of renal failure onset help explain their risky decision making and
[33–38] and the comorbidities of anemia, hyper- emotional reactivity [15, 49, 50].
tension, and malnutrition [39–44]. These neu- Advances in neuroimaging, particularly struc-
rocognitive deficits may affect IQ, academic tural and functional magnetic resonance imaging,
achievement, attention, language, visual-spatial have led to a greater understanding of the neuro-
abilities, memory, and executive functions [45] biological basis for these phenomena. Develop-
and can significantly influence their capacity to mental changes in brain structure continue into
pursue educational opportunities, obtain employ- the third decade of life [49]. Gray matter wanes in
ment, and achieve independence. a back-to-front wave as the brain matures and neu-
ral connections are pruned [51]. The subcortical
Adolescent and Emerging Adulthood Factors limbic regions, important for emotion and reward
Adolescence is characterized by changes in phys- seeking, mature relatively early, whereas the
ical, psychological, and social development and prefrontal cortex and associated areas, responsible
676 M.E. Ferris and L.E. Bell

for “executive brain functions” such as foresight, and (4) minimizing the use of controlling
planning, evaluation of risk and reward, and the techniques.
capacity to dissociate decision making and strong In accordance with SDT, engaging adolescents
emotion are among the last to reach adult level. in their health care can be enhanced by clear and
In addition, functional connectivity between consistent goals, a perception of fairness, and par-
these two regions is delayed [46, 52]. Thus, there ticipation and collaboration in decision making
is some biological basis for the emotional with the responsible adults in their lives (parents
extremes and lack of mature executive planning and health-care staff) [61]. In turn, it is important
that can be seen during adolescence and early to critically evaluate the prescribed treatment reg-
adulthood [15]. imen in terms of its complexity, tolerability, and
impact on the adolescent’s quality of life. Making
Adolescent Motivation, Engagement, unreasonable demands will set the patient up for
Adherence, and Disease Self-Management failure. This is particularly relevant for dialysis-
Motivation is a key element in adherence to a dependent adolescents; their medical regimen is
therapeutic regimen and disease self-manage- complex and non-adherence may seriously impair
ment. Many factors influence the motivation of their future health and quality of life.
adolescents, including their short and long-term Teaching disease self-management skills must
goals, their intrinsic sense of control, and the way also take into account the individual patient’s cog-
they view themselves in the present and future nitive ability and personality; it requires participa-
[53]. Most young people do not experience the tion and coordination of multiple team members
notion of “future” beyond the age of 30 [54], (patient, caregiver, and multidisciplinary health
which may in part explain their short-term deci- providers within both the institution and the com-
sion making, risk taking, and variable adherence munity). Adherence among adolescents can be
to therapy. compromised by both poor understanding and
Among the many concepts of motivation, the poor consequence recognition, leading to incon-
“self-determination theory” is particularly rele- sistent commitment to the treatment regimen. A
vant to adolescents with chronic illness who are collaborative relationship between the patient and
transitioning to adult-focused care. It encourages health-care team, with open and nonjudgmental
self-responsibility for their therapeutic regimen dialogue, is essential. An approach that incorpo-
and engagement with their health-care team. Its rates an understanding of adolescent development
application has been well studied in areas such as with self-determination theory motivational tech-
education, health behaviors of adults, and child niques [60] can help young people develop a
rearing. [55–59]. sense of personal choice and autonomy in their
The self-determination theory (SDT) empha- behavior, rather than feeling controlled, pressured,
sizes three basic psychological needs: autonomy, or coerced. Other means of enhancing adherence
competence, and relatedness [55, 60]. Autonomy include integrating more specific behavioral
involves experiencing a sense of choice and will- approaches (e.g., use of wrist watch alarms, cell
ingness, rather than being controlled or pressured. phone/text messaging), life coaching, and motiva-
Competence describes a feeling of self-confi- tional interviewing [62, 63]. A central tenet of
dence or self-efficacy, while relatedness is a sense SDT is the need for relatedness; consistent with
of belonging, of having connection with others, this, social support strategies (e.g., patient support
of shared values and interests, and friendships. groups) and acceptance from peers can very posi-
Aspects of self-determination theory that are tively influence disease self-management and
especially pertinent to both parenting and work- adherence to the therapeutic regimen [64].
ing with adolescents are (1) providing a ratio- Techniques that may help improve adherence
nale and explanation for behavioral requests, for adolescents and young adults and that are
(2) recognizing their feelings and perspectives, integral to successful transition are summarized
(3) offering choices and encouraging initiative, in Table 35.1.
35 Transitioning the Adolescent Dialysis Patient to Adult Care 677

Table 35.1 Strategies to improve adherence among than those of their age-matched peers [32, 66,
adolescents and young adults 67]. Contributing elements include both school
Communication absenteeism and neurocognitive factors. Children
A trusting, collaborative relationship that encourages and adolescents with advanced CKD may miss
dialogue between the youth and health professional
school frequently because of hospitalizations,
Stepwise learning regarding the treatment, including regular clinic visits, fatigue, general malaise, or
purpose, names, dose, schedule, and side effects of long hours of dialysis; in turn, they may lose out
prescribed medications on key learning opportunities and mastery of core
Enhance with booklets, pamphlets, videos, humor, and
skills, leading to difficulty in academic areas that
nonverbal materials ( e.g., medication labels and
cartoon diagrams) build on prerequisite knowledge [15]. This effect
Assess comprehension is present even after controlling for learning dif-
Behavioral strategies ficulties [68]. Equally critical, long periods of
Simplifying the medication regimen absence from school can lead young people to be
Tailoring the medication schedule to individual
patient’s lifestyle
less confident, for psychosocial reasons, about
Prescribing more “forgiving” medications with longer returning to school. It may be difficult for them to
half lives pick up on friendships that are perceived to, or
Recording of medication intake on calendars or pocket that actually have “moved on.” [15]
Use of dose container aids
To help address these issues, areas to explore
Use of wristwatch or mobile phone alarms include (1) educational intervention programs
Linking of medication to daily routine cues such as (e.g., tutoring, teaching of coping skills, peer-
meals, brushing teeth, shaving, etc. mediated support), (2) school-reintegration pro-
Structured clinical and social network support grams for those who have missed prolonged
System for open communication with clinic or dialysis
staff, such as internet, e-mail, and phone periods of school [68], and (3) greater coordina-
Health-care provider continuity tion between hospital and school settings, such as
Peer group support and mentoring sensitizing teachers of children with CKD or
A clinic or dialysis environment that is welcoming to those on dialysis to the potential effects of their
young adults and adolescents
illness and its treatment [15]. The patient’s need
Relevant educational and age appropriate reading
material and diversional activities (computer, for privacy and confidentiality must however be
internet, etc.) respected; he/she should be involved with deci-
Youth friendly decor sions regarding information to be shared. Most
Source: Adapted from Bell et al. [5] importantly, a well-timed intervention is key
because students who show low levels of engage-
Education ment with school at the beginning of adolescence
Successful transition of youth on dialysis to the are more likely to drop out [69].
adult world is far more than a coordinated change
of health-care providers. Maximizing opportuni- Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL)
ties for education, vocational training, and in Adolescence and Young Adulthood
employment are also key. Workforce integration Studies of adolescent dialysis patients’ HRQOL
is important not only for self-esteem but also for are limited by small sample sizes, in part reflect-
health and social benefits. ing a goal of transplantation for almost all children
Much success in adult life depends on educa- with ESKD. Furthermore, differing measurement
tional achievement [65]. Many patients with instruments hamper comparisons among studies.
pediatric-onset CKD do well both academically Two recent reports show a generally lower
and socially. However, a higher than average pro- HRQOL for adolescents on dialysis compared
portion of patients have problems with school with those transplanted; factors contributing were
achievement. Upon reaching adulthood, their fatigue and limitations of family peer interactions
unemployment rate is higher and the jobs at [66, 70]. An earlier study found no major HRQOL
which they work generally require fewer skills differences between dialysis and transplant
678 M.E. Ferris and L.E. Bell

patients [71]; however, HRQOL was worse for uncertainty about life expectancy [74]. Although
both dialysis patients and transplant recipients they generally wished to set long-term academic
than for the age-matched general population. Of and vocational goals, maintaining schoolwork
note, the adolescents’ self-rating of their HRQOL was often a challenge. Extensive school absen-
was generally better than their parents’ proxy teeism caused some to fall behind, and many felt
reports [70, 71], perhaps reflecting their adapta- stressed and overwhelmed as they struggled to
tion to chronic illness from an early age. achieve satisfactory grades [74]. Nonetheless,
A major goal of transition is to help facilitate they were thankful for a “second chance at life”
optimal functioning, independence, and HRQOL and new or restored vitality.
in adulthood. This is an area in need of consider- In preparing our patients for transition to
able effort. A study from the Netherlands [67] adult-focused care, we should make every effort
compared the social independence and employ- to help optimize their HRQOL, in both the pres-
ment achievement of adults who had experienced ent and future. We need to facilitate achievement
childhood-onset ESKD with those of the age- of their educational and vocational potential and
matched general population. Approximately, attainment of a sense of responsibility and con-
20% of the patients assessed were on dialysis. trol over their health; we also must work with
Findings were that adults with childhood-onset them to minimize comorbid sequelae, such as
CKD were more likely to be living with their par- growth impairment, metabolic bone disease, and
ents, less likely to have a partner, and more likely cardiovascular disease [75, 76]. It is also essen-
to be unemployed; dialysis duration of more than tial to further delineate, and where possible cor-
8 years and onset of renal replacement therapy rect, factors contributing to neurocognitive
between 1972 and 1982 were associated with dysfunction [38, 77].
greater parental dependency. The patients’ unem-
ployment rate was 19%, twice the age-related The Patient/Family Unit
norm, but only half that of young adult patients Guiding Parents to Promote Independence
with adult onset ESKD [67]. Nonetheless, many and Self-Efficacy
of the pediatric “graduates” were only employed The roles of the parents and family are critically
part-time and they tended to work in jobs with important in preparing their child with ESKD for
lower educational requirements. An earlier study the road ahead, and helping their adolescent suc-
found impaired self-esteem amongst adult survi- cessfully transition to adult-focused care. Parents
vors of pediatric ESKD and lower likelihoods of of children on dialysis may be reluctant to set lim-
independent living, close interpersonal relation- its or push their child to carry out age appropriate
ships, and employment [72]. Lower self-esteem tasks. The pediatric team needs to encourage them
was linked to earlier CKD onset and to educa- to promote their child’s independence and grow-
tional and social dysfunction [72]. ing capacity for personal, family, and social
The perspective of qualitative research is par- responsibility [78]. This might include dialogue
ticularly useful in helping to understand quality around participation in developmentally and med-
of life issues. One of its features is in depth explo- ically appropriate chores at home, after-school
ration of the meanings people attribute to their activities, and summer jobs. Parents may need
experiences [73]. In a recent systematic review guidance to progressively involve their child with
of qualitative studies on adolescent experiences ESKD in his/her own medical care. Examples
following organ transplantation, Tong and col- include graded responsibility for medication prep-
leagues synthesized HRQOL data from over 300 aration, adherence, appointment scheduling and
adolescent transplant recipients [74]. These calling for prescription refills, and empowering
young people experienced a sense of domination them to see clinicians by themselves for part of
by their medical regimens, lowered self-esteem, each consultation [15]. Parents can be viewed as
resentment about feeling different, negative reac- transitioning from total caregivers or “CEO’s of
tion from peers, a loss of a sense of belonging, care” to “managers,” “supervisors” and then “con-
anxiety about graft rejection/graft failure, and sultants,” as their children become progressively
35 Transitioning the Adolescent Dialysis Patient to Adult Care 679

more autonomous [5, 17]. These models of CKD patients. A trans-disciplinary approach and
parenting are consistent with those embodied in compassionate awareness of all these issues are
self-determination theory [56]. fundamental in helping the patient and family
It is equally important for parents to support their cope and move forward.
child/adolescent’s development in a social con-
text [79]. Group therapy and peer support may The Health-Care Teams
assist in improvement of self-esteem, interper- Effective transition requires committed health-
sonal skills, and social networks [78]. Encouraging care teams, coordinated interdisciplinary plan-
adolescents on dialysis to get involved in activi- ning, and multilevel system support. To a large
ties with peers is fundamental [79]; it may be extent, the tasks related to transition need to be
helpful for the nephrology team to provide spe- accomplished during the period of pediatric care.
cific guidance and reassurance to the parents and However, youth with chronic disease are particu-
patient about medically appropriate activities that larly vulnerable during “emerging adulthood,” a
will not pose unacceptable risks. Summer camps stage when most will have transferred to adult-
that focus on transition-related activities can pro- focused care. Consequently, the adult health-care
vide excellent opportunities to increase social team’s awareness and understanding of adoles-
networks and help children and adolescents cent and young adult development and transition
develop self-management skills [80]. issues are essential and appropriate resources are
required. In addition, health-care system support
The Burden of Care and facilitation of the process are crucial.
CKD and ESKD can place tremendous emotional, During the period of pediatric care, key transi-
physical, and financial stresses on the patient and tion elements include effective interdisciplinary
family. Parents of chronically ill children have communication, family/patient support and
higher marital distress and decreased marital har- coaching, a clinical transition coordinator, a tran-
mony, compared to parents of healthy children sition organizational and planning document, and
[81, 82]. Patients’ siblings may miss out on activ- preparation of a succinct but comprehensive med-
ities and emotional support because the parents ical/surgical patient summary for the new health-
are immersed in the care of the child with CKD care providers. A simplified personal health
[83]. Compared with their healthy peers, children synopsis should also be put together for the patient
with CKD are at greater risk for behavioral and (meaningful for his/her level of understanding)
psychological difficulties including attention def- [15]. An assessment of preparedness is also criti-
icit-hyperactivity disorders, conduct disturbances, cal; an example of such a tool undergoing valida-
internalization of problems, phobias, anxiety, tion is described in the section below on Health
depressive symptoms, social isolation, and with- Care Transition Programs and Tools. Table 35.2
drawal [84, 85]. Each of these factors may hinder outlines major Pediatric Team issues and tasks.
successful transition to adult-focused health care. On the adult health-care side, ideally there
High family cohesiveness, expressivity and should be a transfer liaison person and nurse
adjustment, and low family conflict correlate coordinator, as well as a social worker skilled in
with fewer child behavior problems and lower working with adolescents and young adults.
internalizing symptoms, suggesting that a well- Adult team members may need to learn about
adjusted supportive family can help the child renal diseases seen mainly in the pediatric age
with chronic illness cope more successfully [86, group, particularly conditions that were previ-
87]. Parental modeling of healthy lifestyle is cen- ously fatal in childhood. It is also important for
tral to health-promoting behaviors [88]. them to acquire information about the develop-
Health-care team members should be encour- mental phases of late adolescence and emerging
aged to provide culturally sensitive patient/par- adulthood. Optimally, consideration should be
ent support and education at a literacy level that given to creating a clinical and dialysis environ-
recognizes the multicultural context of many ment that is welcoming for youth and emerging
680 M.E. Ferris and L.E. Bell

Table 35.2 Issues and tasks in transition for the pediatric Table 35.4 Systems issues in transition
nephrology team
Primary and preventive health care
Designated transition coordinator Partnerships with primary care providers and referral of
Written health-care transition plan for each patient and patients to them well in advance of transfer
their family Mechanisms for joint meetings of adult and pediatric teams
Checklist of critical tasks and milestones to achieve Process and procedures for follow-up of outcomes of
throughout childhood and adolescence and prior to adolescent patients after transfer to adult care for both
transfer quality assurance and care improvement
Preparation of parents Educational tools
Guidance on age appropriate developmental tasks and Self-learning: web based, DVD, podcasts, printed
the progressive responsibility of their child and manuals
adolescent for his/her own health care and social Continuing education conferences
functioning Component of residency/fellowship training
Promotion of educational and vocational planning (both adult and pediatric)
throughout childhood and adolescence Timing of transfer
Guidance for patient and family regarding health and Complement or coincide with other age-related
drug insurance, well prior to transfer milestones (finishing high school, going to college
Standardized assessment of readiness for transfer or university, moving out of parental home, beginning
Communication of this assessment and areas in need of to work)
attention to adult providers at time of transfer Flexibility to take into consideration individual patient
readiness, medical, social, and emotional stability
Up-to-date health passport for each patient
Developmentally challenged adolescents Source: Adapted from Bell et al. [5]
Adapted tasks and transition schedule
Guardianship and consent issues addressed significantly
in advance of 18th birthday
Provision of their own meaningful medical summary essential to facilitate the process; key compo-
adapted to their level of functioning nents are outlined in Table 35.4.
Collaboration with adult nephrology team regarding their
expectations, dialysis or clinic setup, and protocols
Communication and education of primary care provider
regarding care beyond the norm for the young adult with Communication Factors
chronic kidney disease
Source: Adapted from Bell et al. [5] Effective communication and collaboration at
multiple levels are essential for the success of a
Table 35.3 Issues and tasks in transition for the adult transition program. Those involved include the
nephrology team patient, the family, the pediatric and adult multi-
Partnership with pediatric team for bidirectional disciplinary team members, educators, and com-
information exchange on practices, protocols, treatment munity resource persons.
Education on developmental stages of adolescents, the
impact of chronic disease on timing of these stages, and
on management of congenital and childhood-onset Communication Between Health-Care
chronic diseases in adulthood Providers and Adolescents
Adult nephrology site optimal resources
Transfer liaison person, nurse coordinator, dedicated
social worker
The quality of communication between clinicians
Young adult designated dialysis or clinic area and/or and youth can influence their satisfaction with
clinic day treatment, understanding of their medical condi-
Source: Adapted from Bell et al. [5] tion, collaboration, and subsequent appoint-
ment keeping [89–91]. Communication elements
adults, with age appropriate reading material important to adolescents and emerging adults
(including health-care information) and internet include the perception that their physician is
access. These concepts are summarized in trustworthy, frank, and open with them, patient-
Table 35.3. Health-care system factors are also centered rather than condition-focused, (e.g.,
35 Transitioning the Adolescent Dialysis Patient to Adult Care 681

interested in the broader impact of their condition Communication Issues Between

on their day to day life), and willing to discuss the Pediatric and Adult Health-Care
sensitive or personal issues (seeking permission Teams
first) [92, 93]. They also want someone who lis-
tens carefully and takes their concerns seriously, Effective and comprehensive communication
maintains confidentiality, provides understand- between the adult and pediatric teams, both prior to
able explanations, and involves them in decision and at the time of transfer, is essential for effective
making [92, 93]. Adolescents are less likely to be transition. Ideally, there should also be a mecha-
engaged if their clinic visit is brief or they feel nism to facilitate post transfer dialogue. Sharing of
rushed, if they are seeing a health professional therapeutic protocols, to minimize treatment varia-
whom they have not previously met or if there is tion between centers, enhances the young person’s
a lack of privacy (i.e., medical students in the confidence in the new treating team [5, 15]. A des-
room). It may take at least five visits before young ignated transition coordinator can help facilitate
people feel they can trust a physician [94]. the transfer process and orientation of the young
Health-care providers’ support of the adoles- person to the adult site. A detailed medical, surgi-
cent’s autonomy and competence is important; cal, and psychosocial summary should be sent to
adolescents react poorly to the use of coercion, the adult-focused team prior to the transfer event.
such as scare tactics, or techniques that make At a minimum, it should include all significant
them feel badly about themselves. For some ado- medical, surgical, and nursing history, all notewor-
lescents, parental presence at appointments is thy complications of therapy, relevant laboratory
supportive and confidence building; but at other results, pathology reports, imaging results, opera-
times it may hinder communication, particularly tive reports and consultation letters, and pertinent
around personal or sensitive topics [91, 92]. psychosocial information. Areas in need of specific
A recent study compared specialists’ percep- attention should be explicitly conveyed.
tions of the health-care preferences of chronically
ill adolescents with the viewpoints of the adoles-
cents themselves [93]. It showed that the physi- Health-Care Transition Programs
cians underestimated the importance of and Tools
communicating as a friend, being trusted by the
adolescent’s parent or guardian, demonstrating a In preparation for transition, adolescents need to
high level of proficiency in the medical or techni- learn to convey disease-related information to
cal aspects of care (knowledge, experience, and new health-care professionals, understand the
careful clinical assessment) and providing a wel- importance of taking their medications as pre-
coming office [93]. scribed, and know when and how to contact
The knowledge, attitudes, and skills that health-care professionals for both routine and
underpin effective communication with youth are emergency health issues. Acquisition of coping,
increasingly recognized and taught at both under- problem-solving, and disease self-management
graduate and postgraduate levels [15]. A stronger skills, along with improved knowledge of their
focus on developing the health-care team’s profi- condition, may promote self-efficacy and facili-
ciency in techniques that enhance communica- tate improved health outcomes [97, 98].
tion with young people and their families may be
one strategy to promote better transition to adult-
focused care. Skills-based training workshops Assessment of Patient Preparedness
using role-play and simulated patients have led to
more effective screening and counseling prac- A growing number of reports extol the benefits of
tices for adolescents by medical students [95] developmentally appropriate transition processes,
and primary care physicians [96]. but there is a paucity of high level evidence
682 M.E. Ferris and L.E. Bell

substantiating the effectiveness of transition The UNC “STARx” Transition Program

programs in documenting a patient’s progression and Instruments
along the continuum of transition preparation or Ferris and colleagues at the University of North
validating a programs’ accuracy in assessing a Carolina (UNC) Kidney Center have developed
young adults’ readiness for transfer to adult- the “STARx” transition program and instruments.
focused care [31]. Data is also limited on the effi- The acronym stands for “Successful Transition to
cacy of transition programs in the short or long Adulthood with Rx” (Rx = treatment). It comprises
term [99]. Betz et al. described the Transition tools to aid in the patient’s acquisition of disease
Health-Care Assessment tool to measure the ado- self-management skills and in the team’s assess-
lescent’s general and health self-management ment and promotion of the transition process.
competencies [100, 101]. It contains 73 items These tools, currently being validated, include the
addressing cognitive ability, medical stability, self- Medical Passport, the Patient Self-Administered
care skills, adherence, family functioning, social Transition Readiness Survey, and the health pro-
support system, self-advocacy, sexuality, educa- vider-administered TRxANSITION Score™.
tional/vocational training, health/lifestyle, and
financial concerns. The second tool, developed The Medical Passport
by Buran et al. [102] assesses the medical, social, This is a practical tool designed to encourage ado-
psychosocial, and economic needs of young lescents with CKD/ESKD to acquire basic disease
adults with neural tube defects. Kennedy and self-management skills and improve their commu-
colleagues have reported a tool that assesses the nication with health-care providers. The one cre-
medical and non-medical needs of young adults’ ated at UNC is a laminated, wallet-sized document
with spina bifida [103], and Capelli et al use 23 containing the following patient-specific health
items to assess transfer readiness of young adults information: name, their photograph (if they wish,
with cystic fibrosis [104]. The TRAQ transition or any other image of their choice), medical diag-
readiness survey assesses patients’ self-reported nosis, current medication list (type, dosage, fre-
abilities in the area of disease understanding and quency, and purpose), drug allergies, medical
self-management, independent interaction with provider contact information, and a unique patient
the health-care system, and understanding of and ID number (see Fig. 35.1). This UNC medical
access to adequate financing for health-care passport has been distributed to 142 adolescents
services [105]. and emerging adults (age 12–22 years) with chronic
Each of these assessment tools has drawbacks, diseases such as CKD and inflammatory bowel dis-
such as being difficult to implement in a busy ease. On preliminary analysis, 69% of these patients
clinical practice, requiring a dedicated nurse, or were able to present their passports 9 months after
addressing solely disease-specific or develop- receipt. Age was independently associated with
ment-centered issues. There are also transition sustained passport-carrying (adjusted odds ratio
checklists published on the World Wide Web; 1.50 [95% CI: 1.18, 1.90]) [106]. The application
they are fundamentally similar, varying in in other health settings (e.g., emergency depart-
length, scope of interest, and mode of implemen- ments or in other health institutions) or as a patient
tation, but none has been formally evaluated or education tool is being determined. An excellent
validated. interactive easily updated web-based transition
There is a need for validated, rapidly adminis- passport is also available from the Hospital for Sick
tered generic tools to assess the acquisition of the Children at the University of Toronto (http://www.
essential skills and knowledge required to func-
tion as a self-regulated participant in an adult
health-care setting. They should be standardized The Patient Self-administered “STARx”
and generate both formative and summative data Transition Readiness Survey
to monitor a patient’s progression toward readi- This instrument was developed by Ferris’ group
ness for transfer. at UNC based on published transition “check
35 Transitioning the Adolescent Dialysis Patient to Adult Care 683

Fig. 35.1 The transition

medical passport
(view of both sides)

lists” of transition skills and using the Stages of where the responses are probed extensively) to
Change Model. The triangulated methods and pre-test the draft instrument and improve
multiple phases of its development included: (1) responder comprehension; and (4) pilot-testing.
exploratory interviews to define transition con- Participants in the process were current adoles-
ceptually; (2) initial drafting of what would cent and young adult patients and adult graduates
become a self-administered, closed-ended of the UNC Kidney Center’s pediatric nephrol-
response instrument; (3) cognitive interviews ogy practice, who did not participate in the
(using the “concurrent think-aloud” technique Transition Program. The “STARx” Transition
684 M.E. Ferris and L.E. Bell

Readiness Survey includes self-reported knowl- Preliminary analysis of a baseline cross-

edge of (1) disease diagnosis, (2) medications/ sectional pilot study, to measure the association
treatment, (3) health insurance, (4) ability to between the score of the UNC TRxANSITION
make medical appointments, (5) ability to use Scale and the medical and socio-demographic
health resources, and (6) disease self-manage- characteristics in pediatric CKD patients, found
ment. Validation studies as a web-based tool are that the overall TRxANSITION score increased
underway. with age and was not influenced by diagnosis,
age at diagnosis, gender, race, having a single
The UNC TRxANSITION Scale™ parent, insurance, CKD stage, or presumed adher-
The UNC TRxANSITION Scale™ (trademark ence. Adolescents younger than 17 years had a
2006, University of North Carolina) was initially significantly lower score than older teens and
developed for adolescents and emerging adults, young adults, with those younger than 14 years
12–22 years of age, with CKD stages 1 through having the lowest scores. This may reflect life
5. It was designed with two purposes (1) to assess experience and development over time as the
and monitor the HCT process longitudinally, and adolescents grow, rather than duration of dis-
(2) to be brief, accessible (web based), and repro- ease (as no significant difference was noted with
ducible in clinical practice. age at diagnosis). Validation studies of this instru-
It comprises 10 domains of disease knowledge ment are in progress.
and or self-management which are desirable for Both, the UNC TRxANSITION Scale and the
the adolescent/young adult to achieve before “STARx” Transition Readiness Survey account
transferring from pediatric to adult-focused care for patients’ areas of expertise while guiding
(based on published transition check lists) [107]. patient education activities in areas where the
These 10 domains are: Type of illness, Rx (medi- patients lack knowledge.
cations), Adherence, Nutrition, Self-management,
Issues of reproduction, Trade/school, Insurance,
Ongoing support, and New health providers. This The Road Ahead
tool is a structured interview administered by a
health professional and it produces an overall Transition programs that involve patients, fami-
score (with ten sub-scores). While it collects lies, pediatric and adult health-care providers,
information by patient self-report, it also allows and interdisciplinary collaboration are believed
the health professional to confirm that the patient to be key to ensuring a successful transition
indeed has the knowledge claimed (i.e., the patient from pediatric to adult-focused health services.
has to name his/her medication(s) to get credit for Evidence-based planning, effective coordina-
the answer). This tool guides health provider edu- tion, and education of all transition participants
cation activities and coaching on HCT, allowing are central to this endeavor. Research is needed
the health provider to praise the adolescent on to guide strategies and includes such areas as
knowledge/skills they have already mastered, evidence-based tools to measure the health-care
assist them in improving on tasks they perform transition process, procedure implementation,
adequately and help them focus upon those areas validation of interventions, and identification of
where they have the lowest competencies. Many health-care transition outcomes. Suggested
areas of the UNC TRxANSITION Scale™ over- areas for study are listed in Table 35.5. There is
lap with the self-administered “STARx” Transition still much to learn, but the challenges described
Readiness Survey, but the Scale collects demon- on the preceding pages and the rewards of suc-
strated skills whereas the self-report does not get cessful transition, such as optimizing health-
confirmation by the health provider, it is simply a related quality of life and survival, remain
self-report scale. compelling.
35 Transitioning the Adolescent Dialysis Patient to Adult Care 685

Table 35.5 Areas for research in transition to adult care for adolescents with CKD
Patient factors
The impact of
Patient characteristics (normal skill attainment with maturation, age at diagnosis, cause of CKD, cognition,
literacy, and self-activation)
Acquisition of disease self-management skills in the context of transition
Home situation (single parent, number of healthy or ill siblings)
The environment (access to insurance and social services)
Educational intervention programs (e.g., tutoring, teaching of coping skills, peer-mediated supports, and school
reintegration programs)
Health team factors
The impact of
Well visits and preventative services on promoting the health, development, and acquisition of effective transition
skills in children and adolescents with CKD/ESKD
Effective comanagement and Interdisciplinary collaboration, especially when patients reside far away from where
they receive specialty care
Transition education programs for health-care team members, both pediatric and adult
Prospective multi-institutional studies
Track the process of transition for longitudinal information regarding
The effect of planned transition activities for patients at the pediatric site
Medium and long-term patient outcomes after transfer to adult care
Employment status
Morbidity ( e.g., Cardiovascular and bone disease, dialysis access, malignancies, graft loss)
Pregnancy outcomes
Systems issues
The value of transition clinics and adolescent/emerging adult joint clinics
Health-care system costs comparing proactive-planned transition interventions to ad hoc methods of dealing with
problems as they arise

7. Rosen DS, Blum RW, Britto M, Sawyer SM, Siegel

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The Ethics of Withholding
or Withdrawing Dialysis 36
in the Pediatric ESRD Patient
Pierre Cochat and Bruno Ranchin

Ethics • Treatment withholding • Treatment withdrawal • Quality of life
• Quality of death • Decision making process • Maintenance dialysis
• Renal replacement therapy

Medical ethics – based on autonomy, beneficence, judgment alone is no longer always sufficient.
non-maleficence, and justice – is present at many The ethical decision-making process can be made
steps in the use of maintenance dialysis in more difficult by family disagreement and even
the child with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) media intrusion. Indeed, the current practice of
(Table 36.1) [2]. medicine must take into account the growing
Is dialysis an ethical option in the manage- number of sources of information for patients,
ment of ESRD in children? parents, and family doctors [3, 4].
Is there room for ethics in the choice of dialy-
sis modalities?
On which bases can dialysis be withheld or Is Dialysis an Ethical Option
withdrawn? in the Management of ESRD?
The situation is complicated by the traditional
assumption that parents are entitled to make deci- Transplantation Versus Dialysis
sions on behalf of their child, as they have been
generally regarded as the best-possible surrogate Kidney transplantation has been shown to be the
decision makers [1]. However, relying on parental best therapeutic option for children with ESRD,
which suggests that dialysis should be reserved for
those children who are not candidates for preemp-
tive kidney transplantation. This reflects an ethical
P. Cochat, MD, PhD ()
Service de néphrologie et rhumatologie pédiatriques, approach that benefits the individual, assuming
Centre de référence des maladies rénales rares, better outcome and quality of life for the preemp-
Hospices Civils de Lyon & Université Claude-Bernard, tively transplanted patient. However, the situation
Lyon, France
becomes more complicated when society as a
whole is considered in the setting of a worldwide
B. Ranchin, MD
organ shortage, thus explaining the increasing
Service de néphrologie et rhumatologie pédiatriques,
Centre de référence des maladies rénales rares, number of patients who need to be treated by dial-
Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France ysis waiting for a transplant. Transplantation using

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_36, 689

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
690 P. Cochat and B. Ranchin

Table 36.1 Ethical decisions: guidelines for practice [1] Dialysis is a Demanding Treatment
• Always act in the child’s best interests
• Never rush the decision. Continue treatment until it Dialysis is a demanding treatment in children,
can be properly made especially in infants. Such a procedure must be
• Assemble all the available evidence acceptable for the patient, for the family (includ-
• Respect the opinion of everyone in the team
ing sibs), and for caregivers. In addition to “nor-
• Discuss the issues with the whole family
mal” parental roles, being a parent of a child with
• Attempt a consensus wherever possible
• Make sure everyone appreciates the burden of care
chronic kidney disease (CKD) demands that the
• Try to avoid adding to the guilt of anyone involved parent become a high-level health care provider,
• Consider the child’s palliative and terminal care who has problem solving, information seeking,
• Offer support for all those affected, parents, and staff and financial and practical skills at a time when
alike the capacity to cope is threatened by physical
• Remember, we can only do the best we can. tiredness, uncertainty, and disruption of peer sup-
Sometimes there is no ideal solution port within and outside the family structure.
Parents of children with CKD need multidisci-
living donors allows a higher rate of preemptive plinary support to obtain improved outcomes for
transplantation, but this, too, may raise ethical their child (Table 36.2) [5, 6].
problems if the choice of a living donation is only Today, for many infants with early onset
based on the option of a preemptive procedure. ESRD, the parents have received preliminary
In any case, dialysis may be regarded as a pro- information at the time of a prenatal diagnostic
cedure that “prepares” the child for transplanta- evaluation. However, it should not be assumed
tion, although optimal dialysis must be provided that the infant’s postnatal kidney failure has been
to any child, independent of the estimated wait- accepted by the parents because pregnancy ter-
ing time until the kidney transplant becomes mination was not performed or proposed follow-
available. Dialysis and transplantation require- ing prenatal counseling. In addition, parents may
ments may be challenging for specific diseases not realize that their decision to consent to renal
such as oxalosis which require a combination of replacement therapy (RRT) during the first
both (daily) hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal months/years of life for their child is a commit-
dialysis (PD) prior to combined liver-kidney ment to lifelong treatment, often leading to tran-
transplantation. Therefore, it appears that dialysis sition from dialysis to transplantation and back to
should always be a bridge to transplantation, and dialysis, possibly more than once during the
initiation of dialysis must be associated with a childhood years. Such a long-term project is
plan for transplantation, a condition which is not linked to emotional, developmental, social, and
always found in developing countries. economical issues for parents, who may find it
difficult to grasp the full magnitude and extent of
the care their child will require.
Dialysis Technology

Today there is almost no technical limitation to Is There Room for Ethics

dialysis in children, leaving ethical arguments as in the Choice of Dialysis Modalities?
the principal remaining reasons for withholding
dialysis therapy. Improvements in dialysis tech- Influence of Resources
nology have allowed for advances in the treatment
of ESRD in small children, infants, newborns, The choice of dialysis modality should theoreti-
and even premature babies. In addition, PD with cally depend on a patient’s requirements for indi-
intensive nutritional support using enteral feeding vidual optimal dialysis care. However, modality
has greatly improved infant dialysis outcomes choice is often based on governmental economy,
worldwide. health insurance access, and local facilities, not
36 The Ethics of Withholding or Withdrawing Dialysis in the Pediatric ESRD Patient 691

Table 36.2 Thematic schema representing parent perspectives on caring for a child with chronic kidney disease [5]
Absorbing the Medicalizing Disrupting Coping strategies
clinical environment parenting family norms and support structures
Confronting the A consuming routine Spousal tension Internal coping strategies
diagnosis and dependency (grieving, acceptance, asserting,
reframing, focusing on the ill child,
and comparing)
Invasive procedures Pressure and isolation Sibling neglect External coping strategies
(family, friends, community)
Conflict and trust Struggle with feeding Household and financial stress Information need
Varying quality of care Medical management Decision to donate
Losing ownership Psychological trauma Social restriction
relationship with staffs

only for developing countries but also for devel- Hospital Versus Home Environment
oped countries that are experiencing more and
more problems regarding healthcare organization. An argument for choosing HD or PD might be
Peritoneal dialysis is available in most countries, based on the possibility of having or avoiding
but in many developing countries is limited to the home treatment. Peritoneal dialysis is mostly a
management of acute renal failure. The lack of home treatment, which means the presence of the
access to transplantation as well as chronic PD cycler and associated devices in the child’s bed-
leads to dialysis withdrawal when renal function room, together with the child’s usual games and
does not return. In addition, many developing coun- books. Home care may enhance quality of life in
tries do not have adequately financed public or pri- some ways, but when dialysis is performed at
vate healthcare systems, and patients must pay all home, the patient and his family are exposed
of the cost of treatment. In contrast, most developed daily to RRT omnipresence.
countries can now offer chronic PD for infants with On the other hand, HD is performed in spe-
the latest automated PD cyclers and full reimburse- cialized hospital centers, which implies a specific
ment by national or private healthcare systems. time schedule, adaptation to dialysis unit require-
A comparable situation exists for HD, since ments, and mostly car transportation. However, a
HD strategy ranges from one weekly session of home free from RRT devices may be a major
conventional maintenance HD in developing advantage for some patients and their parents
countries to short daily high-flux online hemofil- who prefer HD in the hospital center. In addition,
tration in developed countries. hospital HD may also contribute to better treat-
Independent of these issues, in some countries ment adherence and understanding through
the choice among RRT options may differ for repeated individual education by HD staff. Home
uninsured, undocumented children compared to HD may be proposed for some patients in selected
the children of citizens [7]. However, in most experienced centers.
cases, hospitals with special pediatric expertise can
absorb the expenditure associated with providing
expensive life-saving care to such patients, with a Concomitant Treatments
risk of attracting an increasing number of these
children from other hospitals. Again this is ethi- Whatever the dialysis procedure, most children
cally advantageous at the individual level but ques- need to take several additional drugs (e.g., antihy-
tionable at the community level. Due to political pertensive drugs, medications for prevention/treat-
and economical instability, this phenomenon may ment of bone disease, etc.) and require tube feeding
be increasing worldwide, and a search for local and subcutaneous injections (e.g., erythropoiesis-
health policy alternatives should be encouraged. stimulating agents, recombinant human growth
692 P. Cochat and B. Ranchin

hormone) which may jeopardize overall therapeu- The primary disease causing ESRD may also
tic adherence. Because of the potential adverse be associated with specific life-threatening prob-
consequences of multiple home medications and lems, such as oliguria and pulmonary hypoplasia
treatments on both health and quality of life, con- in children with autosomal recessive polycystic
servative measures must be limited to the smallest kidney disease [9]. In children with an infantile
possible number of treatments, based on individ- form of primary hyperoxaluria type 1, therapeu-
ual risk-to-benefit ratios. tic withdrawal may be an acceptable option
in countries where combined liver and kidney
transplantation is not available, because of the
severity of life threatening systemic involvement
On What Bases Can Dialysis [13]. While renal tubular dysgenesis usually pres-
Be Withheld or Withdrawn? ents with neonatal anuria, the renal ultrasound is
usually normal, thus making understanding very
Ethical limitations for starting dialysis are based challenging for parents and family [12].
on its impact in terms of quality of life, morbid- The highest mortality risk associated with
ity, and mortality. This may be influenced by psy- ESRD mainly affects very young children. The
chosocial variables, cultural background, and number of infants who die before starting dialy-
religious beliefs, all of which also can be regarded sis is unknown since the decision to withhold
as coping mechanisms [8]. dialysis is usually taken by neonatalogists, inten-
The risk of death among infants with ESRD sivists, and urologists, and not always including
has been estimated to be 4 times greater than nephrologists. After starting dialysis in very
that seen in older children, and 10 times that of young children, death may be due to pulmonary
transplant recipients. In addition, neurodevelop- hypoplasia, major hemodynamic problems, or
mental delay may affect 10–50% of infants on severe sepsis [1].
PD [9, 10]. Other disabilities seen in these In most cases, parents expect their child to
infants may be linked to ESRD and RRT, such as receive all available treatment, and recent devel-
complications of PD (e.g., leakage of dialysate, opments are technically encouraging. However,
abdominal wall hernia, peritonitis, catheter dys- the decision to withdraw or withhold RRT may
function/revision/replacement, exit site infec- still be considered by parents and medical team
tion, fluid leaks, and bowel perforation) and members in individual cases. Those contemplat-
complications of HD (e.g., poor tolerance of HD ing such decisions should be aware that the law
sessions, catheter infections, technical and infec- regarding treatment withdrawal is different from
tions problems with arteriovenous fistula and one country to the other. At times, an ethically
rarely exacerbation of seizure disorders during defensible decision to withdraw or withhold
dialysis). Other uncommon but potentially seri- RRT from a severely damaged child with ESRD
ous complications of dialysis seen in infants who also has, for example, additional multiple
include blindness, motor deficit, cranial nerve irreparable malformations and profound brain
palsy, and communication problems [9]. injury may conflict with applicable law in one
The important negative impact of coexistent country but not in another. In such cases, the
non-renal comorbidity on the prognosis of the expertise of physicians, nurses, psychologists,
infant with ESRD (e.g., neurological injury, pul- developmental specialists, and other experi-
monary hypoplasia, cardiac malformations, enced members of the medical team should be
severe multiple malformation syndromes, and combined with that of ethicists and legal experts
extreme prematurity) must be explained to par- to aid the family in reaching the best decision
ents as soon as possible [11, 12]. This may help for their child that also does not place the medi-
parents understand and accept the gravity of their cal team and treating facility in jeopardy of legal
child’s disability. sanctions.
36 The Ethics of Withholding or Withdrawing Dialysis in the Pediatric ESRD Patient 693

Dialysis Withdrawal/Withholding acceleration of the process). They felt that their

duty was more to help families in the acceptance
Most papers on dialysis withdrawal/withhold- of medical team decisions than to encourage fam-
ing deal with elderly populations and end-of-life ily participation in the decision-making process.
discussions [14]. The acceptance of dialysis Indeed, since babies cannot speak for themselves,
withdrawal is largely based on cultural and fam- life and death decisions must be made for them by
ily background, for example, in elderly popula- proxy; it is unlikely that such decisions can be
tions, it is less accepted by Blacks as compared made completely free from personal feelings that
with Whites and other race/ethnicity groups [14]. can unavoidably influence opinions about the
Interestingly, most patients withdrawing from “best interests” of the infant [1].
RRT are those who anticipated (verbally or in The American Academy of Pediatrics
writing) making their own medical decisions; Committee on Bioethics reasonably recom-
such advance directives have been regarded as a mended that individual decisions on withdrawal/
“good death” [2, 15]. withholding treatment should be made jointly by
In infants with ESRD, the main factors which clinicians and parents in a partnership based on
have been reported to influence the decision-mak- communication of facts and feelings [19].
ing process regarding initiation of RRT are coex- During the last decade, experience in the man-
istent serious medical abnormalities, anticipated agement of RRT in very young children has dra-
morbidity for the child, and the family’s right to matically improved, not only in terms of device
decide [16]. In a survey performed in 1998, the and techniques, but also in terms of mortality,
parental right to refuse RRT was “usually accept- morbidity, and quality of life [8, ESPN-ERA
able” for 50% of primarily North American pedi- Registry 2010]. A very young age at initiation of
atric nephrologists in the case of ESRD in a RRT still has a negative prognostic value, but this
newborn and for only 25% of them when ESRD alone cannot remain a contraindication to any
occurred in an older infant [16]. In a similar sur- form of RRT. This may change the rationale for
vey of primarily European pediatric nephrologists dialysis withdrawal/withholding, which is cur-
performed in 2002 [17], the infant’s expected rently already very limited. Indeed, aggressive
resultant quality of life, based on long-term living early treatment can be offered to all infants, but it
conditions, was the main criterion used by physi- must be discussed in cases of severe associated
cians to make decisions regarding withdrawal or comorbidity (mainly neurological) and in coun-
withholding of RRT; relational aspects of life (i.e., tries with limited resources. Most children sur-
the child’s likely ability to communicate with vive the first 6–12 months of life on dialysis, and
family members) and the child’s long-term prog- can then be treated successfully with kidney
nosis were also considered. From the same study, transplantation.
the level of parent involvement in the decision- Depending on the country and its laws, the
making process differed among centers. The same issue of RRT withdrawal may be more challeng-
group carried out semi-directed interviews with ing with adolescents who are deemed to be com-
46 French speaking pediatric nephrologists [18]; petent to give informed consent, and who have
it was concluded that treatment decisions were not the moral right to choose to die rather than to
based on scientific criteria, but on the individual continue treatment [20]. Such decisions should
family’s capacity to accept the child’s handicap, be made cooperatively by the adolescents, physi-
the family’s past experiences, and the physician’s cians, and parents in a supportive environment.
own projections. Physicians also reported that Some teams include a child psychiatrist or clini-
their task was particularly difficult when their cal psychologist in order to offer staff support
decision could potentially contribute directly to and an outlet for parents to use without fear of
death of the child (e.g., treatment withdrawal or upsetting those on whose physical help their child
694 P. Cochat and B. Ranchin

depends [1]. Occasionally, the adolescent patient Table 36.3 Issues considered by clinical ethics commit-
may disagree with the parents, physicians or tees [23]
both; in such circumstances, ethical practice • Withholding or withdrawing treatment
should be based on the foundation of an accurate • Do not resuscitate orders
medical assessment of prognosis and treatment • Advance directives
options and the prospect of the clinical course • Consent
• Capacity
with and without treatment [21]. Sincere attempts
• Refusal of treatment
to provide this information must be made even if
• Confidentiality
it requires repeated clinical visits and personal • Genetic testing
interviews. The physician should therefore assess • Assisted reproduction
the adolescent’s ability to understand and reflect • Issues around intensive care
on the choice, to balance values, and to accept the • Issues in emerging medicine
implications of treatment decisions. Following
such an approach, most adolescents are capable
of making competent healthcare decisions, and
the physician should do his or her best to accept must be supported by a multidisciplinary approach
and respect this decision and allow the competent and expertise. These arguments reinforce the
adolescent to exercise autonomy [21]. However, need for full-scale ethical committees in every
such a strategy is exposed to a strong influence hospital (Table 36.3) [23].
by the physician’s culture, own experience, and
religious beliefs [22].
In most conditions, despite facing profound References
and persuasive challenges, parents strive to fulfill
their dual parental and health care provider 1. Shooter M, Watson A. The ethics of withholding and
responsibilities. However, they need better sup- withdrawing dialysis therapy in children. Pediatr
Nephrol. 2000;14:347–51.
port structures to help them cope with the diffi- 2. Swartz RD, Perry E. Advance directives are associ-
culties encountered during all stages of their ated with”good deaths” in chronic dialysis patients.
child’s illness, independent of age [5]. J Am Soc Nephrol. 1993;3:1623–30.
3. Cargill A, Watson AR. Sources of information on
renal conditions used by families. Pediatr Nephrol.
Conclusion 4. Tuffrey C, Finlay F. Use of the internet by parents of
paediatric outpatients. Arch Dis Child.
Ethics can play a major role in the management of 2002;87:534–6.
5. Tong A, Lowe A, Sainsbury P, Craig JC. Parental per-
the child requiring RRT. While there is no univer- spectives on caring for a child with chronic kidney
sally accepted “ethical” approach for dialysis indi- disease: an in-depth interview study. Child Care
cations and practices, recently there seems to be a Health Dev. 2010;36:549–57.
growing international consensus based on evidence- 6. Tong A, Lowe A, Sainsbury P, Craig JC. Experience
of parents who have children with chronic kidney dis-
based information, expert practice, technical avail- ease: a systematic review of qualitative studies.
ability, and ethical tools. However, the criteria used Pediatrics. 2008;121:349–60.
to decide whether to withhold or to withdraw life- 7. Young J, Flores G, Berman S. Providing life-saving
sustaining RRT are not yet standardized. Research health care to undocumented children: controversies
and ethical issues. Pediatrics. 2004;114:1316–20.
in this field is essential, leading hopefully to future
8. Patel SS, Shah VS, Peterson RA, Kimmel PL.
guidelines to assist with these difficult decisions. Psychosocial variables, quality of life, and religious
Medical indications for dialysis withdrawal/ beliefs in ESRD patients treated with hemodialysis.
withholding have dramatically decreased on the Am J Kidney Dis. 2002;40:1013–22.
9. Hijazi R, Abitbol CL, Chandar J, Seeherunvong W,
basis of both scientific advances and worldwide
Freundlich M, Zilleruelo G. Twenty-five years of
cultural changes regarding death. Such decisions infant dialysis: a single center experience. J Pediatr.
are therefore more and more challenging and 2009;155:111–7.
36 The Ethics of Withholding or Withdrawing Dialysis in the Pediatric ESRD Patient 695

10. Ledermann SE, Scanes ME, Fernando ON, Duffy PG, 17. Fauriel I, Moutel G, Moutard ML, Montuclard L,
Madden SJ, Trompeter RS. Long-term outcome of peri- Duchange N, Callies I, François I, Cochat P, Hervé C.
toneal dialysis in infants. J Pediatr. 2000;136:24–9. Decisions concerning potentially life-sustaining treat-
11. Bunchman TE. Infant dialysis: the future is now. ments in paediatric nephrology: a multicentre study in
J Pediatr. 2000;136:1–2. French-speaking countries. Nephrol Dial Transplant.
12. Waisman D, Kessel I, Ish-Shalom N, Maroun L, Riskin- 2004;19:1252–7.
Mashiah S, Falik-Zaccai T, Weintraub Z, Albersheim 18. Fauriel I, Moutel G, Duchange N, Montuuclard L,
S, Rotschild A. The anuric preterm newborn infant Moutard ML, Cochat P, Hervé C. Decision making
with a normal renal ultrasound: a diagnostic and ethical concerning life-sustaining treatment in paediatric
challenge. Prenat Diagn. 2006;26:350–3. nephrology: professional’s experiences and values.
13. Cochat P, Koch-Nogueira PC, Mahmoud MA, Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2005;20:2746–50.
Jamieson NV, Scheinman JI, Rolland MO. Primary 19. American Academics of Pediatrics Committee on
hyperoxaluria in infants: medical, ethical and eco- Bioethics. Ethics and the care of critically ill infants
nomic issues. J Pediatr. 1999;135:746–50. and children. Pediatrics. 1996;98:149–52.
14. Tamura MK, Goldstein MK, Pérez-Stable EJ. 20. Doyal L, Henning P. Stopping treatment for end-stage
Preferences for dialysis withdrawal and engagement renal failure: the rights of children and adolescents.
in advance care planning within a diverse sample of Pediatr Nephrol. 1994;8:768–71.
dialysis patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2010;25: 21. Doig C, Burguess E. Withholding life-sustaining
237–42. treatments: are adolescents competent to make these
15. Andresen EM, Nanda U, Toce S. Research on the decisions? Can Med Assoc J. 2000;162:1585–8.
quality of death in children. QoL Newsletter. 2002;28: 22. Jagsi R, Soleymani Lehmann L. The ethics of medical
17–8. education. Br Med J. 2004;329:332–4.
16. Geary DF. Attitudes of pediatric nephrologists to 23. Slowther A, Johnston C, Goodall J, Hope T.
management of end-stage renal disease in infants. Development of clinical ethics committees. Br Med J.
J Pediatr. 1998;133:154–6. 2004;328:950–2.
Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis
and Treatment with Peritoneal 37
Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT
Patrick D. Brophy, Hui Kim Yap,
and Steven R. Alexander

Acute kidney injury • Peritoneal dialysis • Hemodialysis • CRRT • AKI

In response to growing evidence that even small progressive nature of AKI in children and help
declines in kidney function can adversely affect define the role of early intervention. Advances in
outcome in severely ill patients, the term acute diagnosis, most notably the introduction of newer
kidney injury (AKI) was introduced in 2005 to biomarkers, and the widespread availability of an
better represent the dynamic clinical entity tradi- increasing number of effective renal replacement
tionally known as acute renal failure (ARF). Acute treatment modalities have raised hopes of
kidney injury affects an increasing proportion of improved outcomes. This chapter focuses on the
critically ill pediatric and adult patients who now diagnosis and medical and dialytic management
survive medical conditions and surgical compli- of pediatric AKI.
cations that once were often fatal. Identifying
the pathophysiologic principles underlying the
development, progression, and resolution of Definition of Acute Kidney
AKI is the focus of much ongoing investigation. Injury (AKI)
Improvements in classification systems along
with consistency of applied defining criteria will Acute kidney injury has been classically defined
enhance our understanding of the etiology and as an abrupt, prolonged yet often reversible loss
of the ability of the kidneys to maintain homeo-
stasis of the body fluids. Retention of nitrogenous
wastes is a consistent feature of AKI; significant
P.D. Brophy, MD ()
Department of Pediatrics, University reduction in urine output is not [1, 2]. Objective
of Iowa Children’s Hospital, Iowa City, IA, USA diagnostic criteria have ranged from a change in
e-mail: a biomarker (e.g., increase in serum creatinine),
H.K. Yap, MD to a clinical sign (reduction in urine output), to a
Department of Pediatrics, National University therapeutic maneuver (need for dialysis support)
of Singapore, Singapore
[3–5]. In fact, by the year 2002, more than 30 dif-
S.R. Alexander, MD ferent definitions of AKI had been published [6].
Division of Pediatric Nephrology, Stanford University
This lack of consensus on AKI diagnostic
School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children’s
Hospital at Stanford, Stanford, CA, USA criteria has confounded efforts to study the con-
e-mail: dition, establish incidence and prevalence rates,

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_37, 697

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
698 P.D. Brophy et al.

Table 37.1 The RIFLE AKI stage Serum creatinine criteria Urine output criteria
AKI classification systema
1 (Risk) Absolute increase ³ 0.3 mg/dL <0.5 mL/kg/h for >6 h
Value is 1.5× baseline value
GFR decrease by >25%
2 (Injury) Value is 2× baseline value <0.5 mL/kg/h for >12 h
GFR decrease by >50%
3 (Failure) Value is ³3× baseline value <0.3 mL/kg/h for 24 h
GFR decrease by >75%
or or
Value ³4 mg/dL with absolute Anuria for 12 h
increase ³0.5 mg/dL
Patient is receiving renal
Replacement therapy
Loss Persistent AKI = complete loss of renal function for >4 weeks
ESRD End-stage renal disease
With AKIN modifications; see text

define risk factors, and monitor outcomes. category definitions (in italics) with the AKIN
Following a series of consensus conferences modifications which replace RIFLE levels R, I,
beginning in 2000 known as the “Acute Dialysis and F with AKIN stages 1, 2, and 3.
Quality Initiative” (ADQI), a sensitive definition In a landmark study of 150 critically ill chil-
of AKI was developed based on five degrees of dren, Akcan-Arikan and Goldstein and their col-
increasing severity and worsening outcome (the leagues in Houston developed a pediatric-specific
“RIFLE” criteria): Risk for renal dysfunction, AKI classification system that is shown in
Injury to the kidney, Failure of kidney function, Table 37.2 [10].
Loss of kidney function, and End-stage renal dis- In all three AKI staging systems (RIFLE,
ease. (Table 37.1) The RIFLE criteria are based AKIN, and pRIFLE) patients are classified
on absolute values and changes in serum creati- according to either urine output or serum creati-
nine levels, estimated glomerular filtration rates nine/estimated creatinine clearance (cCcl) crite-
and/or urine output, reflecting the dynamic pro- ria, whichever is worse.
cess of AKI, which can progress from mild to The relative simplicity of the pRIFLE is attrac-
severe forms [6]. tive, but to be successful a clinical condition defi-
Initial application and validation of the RIFLE nition and severity classification system must
criteria in the adult critical care population dem- also prove to be a sensitive and valid predictor of
onstrated reasonable predictive correlation outcomes. Subsequent reports from Europe and
between the different degrees of AKI according North America have confirmed the pRIFLE’s
to the RIFLE criteria and mortality [7, 8]. ability to identify children at greater risk for AKI
Modifications of the original criteria were pro- and poorer outcomes in a variety of clinical set-
posed in 2005 by the Acute Kidney Injury Network tings, including burn injury and following cardiac
(AKIN) both to broaden consensus and reflect surgery [11–13]. The potential utility of the pRI-
new evidence that discrete changes in serum FLE is shown in another study of 103 consecu-
creatinine levels in adults as small as 0.3 mg/dL tive patients admitted to a pediatric intensive care
were associated with worsening outcomes [9]. unit in Amsterdam [14]. Plotz and colleagues
Table 37.1 incorporates both the original RIFLE identified 60 patients with AKI by pRIFLE at a
37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT 699

Table 37.2 Pediatric- AKI category Estimated creatinine clearance (eCcl) Urine output
modified (pRIFLE) criteria
Risk eCcl decrease by 25% <0.5 mL/kg/h for
Injury eCcl decrease by 50% <0.5 mL/kg/h for 16 h
Failure eCcl decrease by 75% <0.3 mL/kg/h for 24 h
or or
eCcl < 35 mL/min/1.73 m2 Anuric for 12 h
Loss Persistent loss >4 weeks
ESRD End-stage renal disease defined
As persistent failure >3 months
eCcl estimated creatinine clearance

mean of 1.9 ± 1.6 days after admission. These child) of 129 per 1,000 admissions [18]. The
patients had a five times greater risk of dying absence of a common definition for pediatric AKI
(25% vs. 5%) compared to patients without AKI. makes these and many other studies difficult to
A recent report has demonstrated successful interpret or compare.
extension of the use of the pRIFLE to non-
critically ill children at risk for AKI due to amin-
oglycoside exposure [15]. Pathophysiology of AKI
Based on these encouraging reports, wide-
spread use of the pRIFLE should promote early Several key pathophysiological processes thought
recognition of AKI in pediatric patients and may to be important in the development of AKI are
prove useful in preventing progression of renal briefly described in the next section of this chap-
failure by identifying those patients who could ter. For a more detailed discussion the reader is
benefit from earlier treatment. In addition, the encouraged to see the excellent reviews by
widespread acceptance of pRIFLE will facilitate Lamiere, van Biesen and van Holder [1],
progress in research on this complex clinical Boneventure and Weinberg [19] and Sutton et al.
condition. [20] upon which the following discussion is
largely based.

The Epidemiology of AKI in Children

Renal Blood Flow (RBF) Autoregulation
The incidence and prevalence of AKI varies
according to the pediatric population studied, the Autoregulatory mechanisms in the kidney act to
definition of AKI employed, and the country of preserve renal blood flow (RBF) and glomerular
origin of the report, making comparative analysis capillary perfusion pressure during periods of
difficult. For example, a retrospective study from hypotension or hypoperfusion by adjusting affer-
Italy reported an incidence of AKI (defined as ent and efferent glomerular arteriolar vascular
need for dialysis) of 2.7% in children undergoing resistances to produce a pressure gradient at the
cardiopulmonary bypass surgery [16], while level of the glomerular capillary bed. In states of
another similarly designed study from the United hypoperfusion, the afferent arteriole dilates and
Kingdom found an overall AKI incidence of 3.2 the efferent arteriole vasoconstricts to maintain
per 100,000 children [17]. A prospective study the transglomerular pressure gradient, thereby
validating the Pediatric Logistic Organ maintaining glomerular filtration.
Dysfunction (PELOD) score in pediatric inten- Mediators that serve as regulators of renal
sive care units (PICU), demonstrated an inci- blood flow by acting as vasoconstrictors include
dence of AKI (defined as serum creatinine levels angiotensin II, thromboxane A2, and endothelin.
above 55–140 mmol/L depending on age of the Catecholamines may also exert a vasoconstrictive
700 P.D. Brophy et al.

effect indirectly by altering production of both azotemia requires a symphony of physiologic

vasoconstrictors and vasodilators. Unopposed forces acting in harmony to sustain renal function
vasoconstriction of both afferent and efferent until normal perfusion and blood pressure can be
renal arterioles eliminates the transglomerular restored.
pressure gradient necessary for glomerular filtra- When hypoperfusion is not corrected in time,
tion which is consequently dependent on afferent RBF autoregulation fails, resulting in conversion
arteriolar vasodilatation. Prostaglandins appear to of reversible prerenal azotemia to acute tubular
play a substantial role as renal vasodilators, along necrosis. Persistent afferent and efferent arteriolar
with nitric oxide (NO) produced locally by vascu- vasoconstriction is relatively unopposed as vas-
lar endothelium. Diffuse endothelial damage, as cular relaxation mechanisms become less effec-
is seen in states of inflammation such as sepsis, tive, leading to congestion in the outer medulla
alter organ autoregulatory function through and causing tubular injury. Tubular cells swell,
diminished NO production. Additionally, the lose their brush border membranes and begin to
macula densa has a direct reflex vasodilation exfoliate, resulting in tubular obstruction.
effect on the afferent arteriole, the “myogenic Activation of endothelial cells by ischemic injury
reflex,” which causes relaxation in response to the upregulates adhesion molecules, trapping leuko-
same stimuli as renin release. Finally, atrial cytes and platelets while launching a cytokine-
naturetic peptide (ANP) released from myocytes driven inflammatory cascade that causes further
in response to atrial stretch in states of volume endothelial injury and worsening ischemia.
overload acts to dilate the afferent arterioles and
increase glomerular filtration.
Vascular Response to Ischemia and Cell
The Classical Theory of Ischemic AKI
In normal function, the kidneys receive approxi-
Ischemic acute renal injury ranges from mild pre- mately 20–30% of cardiac output, and consume
renal azotemia to acute tubular necrosis and is 7% of delivered oxygen. In times of physiologic
caused by an absolute or relative reduction in stress, oxygen consumption by the kidney may
renal perfusion resulting in reduction in glomeru- increase dramatically with little means of increas-
lar filtration rate (GFR) and increases in serum ing total renal blood flow, unlike myocardial
creatinine and blood urea nitrogen levels. Oliguria blood flow, which under similar conditions may
occurs frequently, but not always. At first, com- increase as much as tenfold to meet metabolic
pensatory mechanisms affecting RBF autoregu- demands. These factors place the metabolically
lation attempt to restore renal perfusion and GFR active nephron units at great risk for oxygen debt
to normal by vasodilation of the afferent arteriole in the presence of global hypoperfusion and/or
and maintenance of fluid delivery to the distal hypoxemia. Cortical nephrons are at the greatest
nephron. In the setting of generalized hypoten- risk for oxygen debt, perhaps because their blood
sion, multiple potent systemic compensatory supply is the most distal from the renal artery and
mechanisms are activated that establish a gener- they are the most metabolically active. During
alized milieu of vasoconstriction in an effort to these periods of hypoxic/ischemic stress, kidney
restore blood pressure to normal. If renal hypop- adenosine triphosphate (ATP) stores are con-
erfusion persists, vasoconstriction of the efferent sumed rapidly, and energy availability becomes
arteriole occurs in an effort to maintain a constant dependent on local mitochondrial regenera-
glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure. The tion of ATP from adenosine diphosphate, along
intricate balance of autoregulatory vasoconstric- with neosynthesis and/or regeneration of ATP
tion and vasodilation at the level of the glomeru- from purine precursors and adenosine monophos-
lus needed to sustain a reversible state of prerenal phate (AMP).
37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT 701

Cellular recovery from an ischemic event is Na+/K + ATPase-dependent transport channels.

dependent upon the length of the insult and the These channels are found predominantly on the
prior metabolic status of the patient. For example, basolateral surface of the cell, and are anchored
an unstressed patient with normal cardiac output in place by cytoskeletal elements. Injury to the
will recover renal function quickly following aor- cell, either through primary ischemia/hypoxia, or
tic or renal artery cross clamping with rapid local due to reactive oxygen species, causes the
regeneration of ATP, while a patient in a low car- Na+/K/+ ATPase to mislocate through the fluid
diac output state with a high metabolic demand, lipoprotein bilayer and come to reside on the api-
as is seen in sepsis, will not recover as rapidly cal surface. Additionally, energy needs for this
from an acute ischemic event, in part because the ATPase are not met, and function is reduced.
ability to regenerate ATP from local precursors is Particularly, damaging is the loss of active cal-
diminished. During these periods, AMP is shunted cium transport that normally sequesters calcium
away metabolically to form adenosine and inos- predominantly in the extracellular fluid. This cal-
ine, from which regeneration of ATP requires cium gradient is also maintained via metaboli-
extensive metabolic remodeling. Hence, ener- cally active transport channels, including a Ca++
getic recovery is hampered, extending the injury ATPase. Protein migration from the basolateral to
period beyond the period of acute ischemia. apical surface and reduced activity of Ca++ ion
channels disrupt the polarity of the electrochemi-
cal gradient established by the tubular epithelium
Free Radical Injury which is vital to normal function. This loss in
polarity may explain the increased solute deliv-
During periods of recovery from oxidative stress, ery to the distal nephron seen in AKI. Changes in
toxic by-products are created, such as oxygen cytoskeleton structure are also seen in arteries,
free radicals. Highly reactive species, such as arterioles, and in the vasa recta. These changes
hydroxyl radical (OH) and superoxide anion may play a role in the loss of autoregulation of
(O2–) cause direct injury to proteins by oxidizing renal blood flow.
amino acid residues and changing the structure or
function of important enzymes. Additionally, the
lipoprotein bilayer and ultrastructure of the cell is Renal Tubule Obstruction/Backflow
affected, causing cell rupture and an increase in
cell membrane permeability, thereby reducing Insults to the renal tubular epithelium cause cell
the cell’s ability to isolate the cytosol from the death and diminished or absent regeneration. The
surrounding milieu. Direct DNA damage can resultant cellular debris sloughs off and enters the
occur which limits the ability of a cell to perform tubular lumen. In some cases, this debris is felt to
important reparative functions. Hence, through a obstruct the tubular lumen, especially in the infe-
variety of mechanisms, further cell injury and rior segment of the Loop of Henle thereby raising
death is incurred during the reperfusion phase tubule intra-lumenal pressure and further reduc-
after an acute ischemic event. ing the gradient from the glomerular capillary to
Bowman’s space necessary for effective glomer-
ular filtration. Due to the loss of the integrity of
Tubular Cell Alterations tubular epithelium, tubular obstruction may also
cause back flow of ultrafiltrate into the surround-
Renal tubular epithelial cells are highly metaboli- ing interstitium. Extruded tubular fluid may alter
cally active in order to provide the energy required the interstitial milieu substantially, affecting cor-
to fuel active solute transport. The straight proxi- ticomedullary osmolarity and local electrochemi-
mal segment of the renal tubule (S3 segment) is cal gradients, as well as causing direct cell injury
highly susceptible to injury, as it contains many and further propagating renal dysfunction.
702 P.D. Brophy et al.

Fig. 37.1 Stages of ischemic acute kidney injury temporal impact on organ function as represented by
(Adapted with permission from Ref. [20]) depicting the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). See text for details.
the relationship between the clinical phases and the cel- BBM brush border membrane; CMJ corticomedullary
lular phases of ischemic acute renal failure (ARF), and the junction

Summary of the Classical Theory in repair, regeneration, and proliferation of

injured cells. The degree and extent of injury
Taken together, there are classically four phases likely determine whether or not the kidneys will
to the progression of parenchymal injury during recover fully, progress to end-stage renal disease,
ischemic AKI [20] (Fig. 37.1). The first phase or leave the patient with chronic kidney disease.
(“initiation”) follows the decrease in perfusion
and ATP depletion caused by the acute ischemic
insult. The second phase (“extension”) is marked The Clinical Syndrome of Acute
by ischemia reperfusion injuries that may cause Kidney Injury
further damage. During this phase, inflammation
leads to prolongation of ischemia and aggrava- The clinical syndrome of acute kidney injury may
tion of injury. Proximal tubules regenerate during be divided into prerenal, intrinsic renal, and postre-
the extension phase, but cells from the S3 seg- nal categories (see Table 37.3), and further subdi-
ment of the same proximal tubule and from the vided into oliguric and nonoliguric forms. AKI
medullary thick ascending limb can undergo may also be categorized as primary or secondary.
necrosis and apoptosis. The differential effects of AKI is primary when kidney dysfunction is due,
therapy if applied during the extension phase in for example, to acute glomerulonephritis or to
experimental models supports the notion that hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS). AKI is sec-
severity of injury during this phase is closely cor- ondary when it is caused by a systemic disorder
related with prognosis of renal recovery. During such as sepsis or shock. In developed nations,
the third phase (“maintenance”), necrosis and primary AKI [23, 24] was once the most com-
apoptosis persist via inflammation and cell injury. mon form seen in children. In recent years,
Finally, during the last phase (“recovery”), sev- with advances in the treatment of other child-
eral mechanisms occur concomitantly resulting hood pathologies, secondary AKI due to sepsis,
37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT 703

Table 37.3 Causes of acute kidney injury (Adapted from Demographics of AKI in Children
Refs. [21, 22])
Prerenal Geographical location and cultural traditions
Intravascular volume depletion influence the causes of AKI in children
Bleeding, trauma
GI losses: diarrhea, vomiting (Table 37.3). In developing countries, infectious
Renal losses: diabetes insipidus diseases are the main causes of AKI. Two studies
Skin/mucous membrane losses: burns, fever from Nigeria observed that 71% of cases of AKI
(prolonged) were secondary [27, 28] with malaria the most
Third space losses: pancreatitis, hypoalbuminemia,
crush injuries common cause. Other common causes were gas-
Decreased cardiac output troenteritis and human immunodeficiency virus
Congestive heart failure (HIV) nephropathy [28]. In India, HUS and
Cardiomyopathy glomerulonephritis still represent the predomi-
Drugs (overdose), anesthetics nant cases of AKI [23]. Some long standing local
Anaphylaxis customs [29] such as use of herbal medicines in
Renal vasoconstriction developing countries are associated with AKI. In
Liver disease, sepsis, hypercalcemia recent years, herbal medicine-induced AKI is
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors seen with increasing frequency in developed
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs countries [30, 31].
Renal (intrinsic)
Acute tubular necrosis (ATN)
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS)
Risk Factors and Associated
Glomerulonephritis/rapidly progressive
glomerulonephritis Causes of AKI
Post-infectious glomerulonephritis
Systemic lupus erythematosis Risk factors for AKI are varied and dependent on
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
the patient population studied. In most circum-
IgA nephropathy
Henoch-Schonlein purpura stances, more than one risk factor is present prior
Pulmonary-renal syndromes to the development of AKI [32, 33].
Wegner’s granulomatosis Primary risk factors for AKI seen in adults are
Goodpasture’s syndrome
septic shock (40–50%) [32, 34, 35], other types
Acute interstitial nephritis
Nephrotoxins of shock (e.g., cardiogenic, hypovolemic) [34],
Drugs: aminoglycosides, cyclosporine A, and nephrotoxic drugs [34]. An international
amphotericin B, cisplatinum multicenter prospective observational study of
Toxins: ethylene glycol, heavy metals, herbal
29,269 critically ill adults identified increased
Pigments: hemolysis, rhabdomyolysis risk for AKI in patients with septic shock (47.5%),
Postrenal (obstructive) cardiogenic shock (27%), hypovolemia (26%),
Ureter and nephrotoxic drugs such as aminoglyco-
Nephrolithiasis, sloughed renal papillae sides, antifungal agents, calcineurin inhibitors,
Post-operative ureteric surgery
Hemorrhage, tumor
and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in
Bladder cases of associated hypovolemia (19%) [4].
Calculi, blood clots, bladder catheter obstruction Information on risk factors for AKI in children
Neurogenic bladder is sparse and largely limited to single center
reports. Sepsis, hypovolemia, cardiac dysfunc-
Valves, phimosis, strictures tion, cardiac bypass surgery, and nephrotoxic
medications have been implicated [36, 37].
Sepsis, septic shock, and nephrotoxic drug-
nephrotoxic drugs, and renal ischemia in children induced AKI stand apart from other causes due to
undergoing hematopoetic stem cell transplantation, the increasing frequency with which these enti-
solid organ transplantation, or cardiac surgery ties are seen in the pediatric critical care setting.
represent the majority of cases of AKI [25, 26]. Drug-induced AKI accounts for up to 16% of
704 P.D. Brophy et al.

pediatric AKI [26], becoming more prevalent in the smallest volume possible in patients with pre-
sicker populations [38]. existing kidney disease who are at increased risk.
AKI induced by drugs occurs by two predomi- N-acetylcysteine and ascorbic acid have also been
nant mechanisms: direct toxicity to renal tubular suggested for use as free radical scavengers in the
epithelium, as is seen with aminoglycosides and higher risk populations [44].
amphotericin, and interference with autoregula-
tory mechanisms leading to unrestricted vaso-
constriction and reduced renal blood flow, as is Tumor Lysis Syndrome
seen with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
(NSAID) toxicity. Prevention of drug-induced Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) is seen in patients
AKI is more effective than any available therapy; undergoing the first cycle of chemotherapy where
recognition of high risk patients is therefore nec- rapid tumor destruction occurs. It is more fre-
essary. A detailed discussion of specific drugs quent in certain tumors such as lymphoma and
known to cause AKI is beyond the scope of this acute lymphoblastic leukemia, with an incidence
chapter and may be found in several excellent in these high risk patients approaching 10% [50].
reviews [38, 39]. Patients usually present with a metabolic disorder
linked to the rapid cell turnover, such as hyperu-
ricemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia, and
Contrast Nephropathy resulting hypocalcemia. Prevention and early
recognition of patients at risk for TLS is critical.
A syndrome of acute kidney injury associated Avoidance of nephrotoxic drugs and volume
with exposure to radiocontrast materials is known depletion is also important [51], as is prevention
as contrast nephropathy. Contrast nephropathy of hyperuricemia with drugs such as allopurinol
results in AKI requiring hospitalization in 12 % and more recently recombinant urate oxidase
of adult patients who have undergone imaging (Rasburicase®) [52, 53]. Early and aggressive use
with contrast agents [40], and is associated with of Rasburicase® has all but eliminated TLS in
an increased risk of mortality in the year follow- some pediatric oncology centers. Urinary alka-
ing the episode of AKI [41]. The incidence in linization to diminish uric acid precipitation in
children is unknown. Patients with chronic kid- the tubule has been recommended, but should be
ney disease or diabetes are at increased risk [41]. used with caution as it may increase precipitation
Volume and osmolality of contrast administered of calcium phosphate crystals. Targeting the uri-
is directly associated with risk of AKI [42, 43], nary pH to around 7 is usually sufficient to aid
and non ionic agents are thought to be safer, espe- uric acid elimination; alkalinization of the urine
cially in patients with chronic renal disease [44]. should be stopped once a normal serum uric acid
The pathophysiology of contrast nephropathy level is reached [54]. When severe AKI occurs
is still largely unknown. Severe vasoconstriction and RRT is required, intermittent hemodialysis
following contrast administration has been impli- will effectively reduce uric acid and phosphate
cated [45, 46], as has direct cytotoxicity via oxy- levels; however, rebound often occurs. As a
gen free radical generation [47]. The rise in serum result, continuous renal replacement therapy
creatinine occurs 1–2 days after the imaging pro- (CRRT) is often recommended in this situation
cedure and is usually unaccompanied by a [54]. The need for RRT of any type usually can be
decrease in urine output [48]. Dialysis is required avoided by prompt recognition of TLS risk and
in a minority of patients. No treatment exists other early Rasburicase® treatment.
than support if AKI occurs. However, in recent
years, attention has focused on prevention [38,
49]. A recent meta-analysis of prevention strate- AKI Due to Urinary Tract Obstruction
gies recommends pre- and post-contrast intrave-
nous hydration with bicarbonate-containing fluids Obstruction to flow of tubular ultrafiltrate can
and use of low or iso-osmolar contrast agents in cause significant renal dysfunction. Glomerular
37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT 705

filtration is a product of the balance between designed to increase renal perfusion. In general,
hydrostatic and oncotic pressure gradients at the child with pre-renal AKI is not likely to ben-
Bowman’s space. Intratubular pressure is nor- efit from the use of diuretics which may result in
mally very low compared to the driving hydro- further renal damage. When signs and indices
static pressure across the glomerular capillary point to intrinsic AKI, attention should be turned
bed. However, with obstruction to tubular ultra- to conservative management strategies (e.g.,
filtrate flow, the pressure in Bowman’s space dietary and fluid restriction, adjustment of drug
rises and becomes a significant inhibitor of glom- doses, etc.) in which judicious use of diuretics
erular filtration. Obstruction to ultrafiltrate flow can be helpful while plans are made for possible
may occur at the tubular level, as is seen with renal replacement therapy (RRT).
ATN or intratubular crystal precipitation, or may
occur in the renal collecting system, ureter, blad-
der, or urethra. Unilateral obstruction may not be Fractional Excretion of Sodium (FENa)
clinically evident due to compensatory altera-
tions in function of the unaffected kidney [55]. FENa is easily calculated from a random urine
However, in cases of bilateral obstruction or sample. In cases of pre-renal AKI due to hypov-
obstruction occurring in a solitary kidney, clini- olemia, most sodium should be reabsorbed in the
cally significant changes in renal function will proximal tubule and thus the FENa should be less
occur, leading to AKI. than 1%. If the tubules are damaged as seen in
acute tubular necrosis, the FENa is often in the
range of 2–3% [56, 57]. The FENa can be calcu-
Diagnosis of Pre-renal Versus lated as follows [58]:
Intrinsic Versus Postrenal AKI Quantity of Na + excreted
Fe Na (% ) = × 100
Quantity of Na + filtered
Prompt determination of pre-renal or postrenal
AKI should be the goal of initial evaluation in U Na × V
FE Na (%) = × 100
patients with acutely diminished renal function in ⎛ V ⎞
PNa × ⎜ Ucr ×
the critical care setting, as these conditions are ⎝ Pcr ⎟⎠
most amenable to therapy. The history and physi-
cal exam will be helpful in some cases, but in U Na × Pcr
many critically ill patients history and physical = × 100
PNa × Ucr
findings can be difficult to interpret.
The ready availability of bedside ultrasonog- where, the amount of Na excreted is equal to the
raphy has made determination of postrenal fail- product of urine concentration of Na (UNa) and
ure due to urinary tract obstruction the simplest urine volume (V); the amount of Na filtered is
of these diagnoses to make. All patients with AKI equal to the product of the plasma concentration
should have a renal sonogram performed within of Na (PNa) and the glomerular filtration rate( Ucr
12 h of onset of AKI, and in patients where the × V/Pcr).
index of suspicion for obstruction is high, the FENa can be less than 1% in conditions other
sonogram should be obtained immediately. Delay than hypovolemia such as congestive heart fail-
in relief of urinary tract obstruction risks perma- ure, nephrotic syndrome or cirrhosis [56]. It can
nent renal injury. Similarly, prompt determina- also be less than 1% in contrast nephropathy or
tion of renal tubular function indices such as the heme pigment nephropathy [56].
fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) or urea Urine sodium and FENa are unreliable if diuret-
(FEUN) can also be helpful in differentiating ics are given. If measured, urine should be col-
pre-renal from intrinsic AKI (see below). When lected based on the half-life of the diuretics
history, physical examination, renal sonography, administered. For example, in the case of furo-
and renal tubular function indices suggest pre- semide, the urine sample should be taken at least
renal AKI, attention can be turned to measures 6 h after the most recent dose. Caution should
706 P.D. Brophy et al.

also be exercised in the neonatal population when Biomarkers should ideally be noninvasive,
using this ratio. FENa is appropriately elevated in reproducible, accurate, reliable, and have a high
newborns making the transition from intra- to predictive ability (specific and sensitive). They
extra-uterine life. This ratio is even less reliable should also be easy to perform, relatively inex-
in those infants born preterm. pensive, and the results rapidly available. Several
AKI biomarkers currently being evaluated will
be discussed briefly.
Fractional Excretion of Urea (FEUN)

Due to the limited value of the FENa in circum- Cystatin C

stances where diuretics have been administered,
the concept of measuring fractional excretion of Cystatin C is a cysteine protease inhibitor that
urea (FEUN) has been proposed. In states of clini- unlike serum creatinine is freely filtered, com-
cal dehydration, the urinary excretion of urea pletely reabsorbed and catabolyzed by the tubu-
should also decrease [59]. The FEUN should be lar epithelial cells, and not secreted. It is stable
less than 35% in hypovolemic states of prerenal and not influenced by body mass, gender, or age.
AKI while in the case of ATN it should be above More interestingly, its measurement is simple,
50%. A hospital based prospective study con- automated, and easily available [62]. One pro-
ducted comparative analysis of FENa and FEUN in spective study in an adult population at risk for
their respective abilities to differentiate between AKI showed that an increase of 50% in serum
prerenal AKI and acute tubular necrosis in the cystatin C level predicted AKI 1–2 days prior to
presence of diuretics [60]. In this study, FEUN a rise in serum creatinine [63]. Another study
(<35%) had a better sensitivity and specificity demonstrated that cystatin C had a better corre-
(85% and 92%, respectively) in differentiating lation with GFR than serum creatinine in criti-
AKI due to pre-renal causes vs. ATN particularly cally ill adults [64]. Cystatin C levels were also
where diuretics were employed. More impor- able to predict the need for renal replacement
tantly, a high positive predictive value of 98% therapy but could not differentiate among vari-
was noted for the FEUN. Studies evaluating FEUN ous causes of AKI. Cystatin C measurement has
in children with AKI are limited. also been useful in kidney transplantation [65].
Cystatin C has also been demonstrated to corre-
late with AKI in children suffering from malaria
Newer Biomarkers of AKI [66]. So far, no prospective study of the value of
cystatin C in predicting AKI in children has been
Serum creatinine concentration, while an easily published.
measured biomarker of AKI, is relatively insensi-
tive, since a rise in creatinine signifies that dam-
age has already occurred. Recent identification of Kidney Injury Molecule (KIM-1)
a series of novel, increasingly specific and sensi-
tive biomarkers has sparked renewed interest in KIM-1 is a transmembrane receptor that under-
the early diagnosis and management of AKI. The goes cleavage and is found in urine following
principal utility of these markers is to detect early ischemic injury [67]. In a small study, KIM-1
signs of injury that could lead the clinician to was able to differentiate ischemic renal injury
alter management in order to prevent further from prerenal causes and chronic kidney disease
damage to the kidneys. Early markers may also [67]. To date, no large study has validated the
serve to predict severity of injury and help in predictive value of KIM-1 in AKI in adults.
monitoring the effect of an intervention. An KIM-1 is also undergoing analysis and evalua-
excellent review of biomarkers in AKI has been tion for its usefulness as a predictive tool for AKI
recently published [61]. in children.
37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT 707

Neutrophil Gelatinase–Associated Utility of Biomarkers of AKI

Lipocalin (NGAL)
The value of these biomarkers in predicting AKI
NGAL is a protein bound to gelatinase first is under intense study. While urinary IL-18 and
described in neutrophils [68]. Circulating NGAL NGAL are good predictors of AKI in many clini-
is normally reabsorbed at the level of the proxi- cal settings, in situations of complex pediatric
mal tubule. Following ischemia, NGAL is patients their value may be diminished. Serum
secreted in the thick ascending limb and is found cystatin C measurement is promising, but large
in the urine. A study in 71 children undergoing prospective studies in patient populations with
cardiopulmonary bypass surgery measured uri- complex diseases need to be performed before its
nary NGAL 2 h post surgery [69]. Twenty chil- utility can be fully established. Before these
dren had an increase in urinary NGAL that markers make a significant impact on clinical
preceded a rise in serum creatinine by 2–4 days. management in pediatric patients developing
The specificity and sensitivity were excellent at AKI, there is a need for simple, accurate, inex-
98 % and 100%, respectively. NGAL has been pensive, and rapid methods of measuring them.
shown to be useful as a predictor of AKI in Additionally, prospective studies in diverse
patients with HUS [70]. However, NGAL may be pediatric patient groups developing AKI are
increased in patients with infections, limiting its required.
value in diagnosing early AKI in septic patients.
Urinary NGAL measurement has recently become
commercially available. Imaging the Kidneys in AKI

Renal Ultrasonography
Interleukin-18 (IL-18)
Renal ultrasonography remains the renal imaging
IL-18 is a pro-inflammatory cytokine cleaved to modality of choice for pediatric patients with
the mature form by caspase-1 and found in the newly diagnosed or worsening AKI. Resolution
urine following ischemia [71]. Many studies have of anatomic detail by ultrasound (US) is gener-
observed an increase in urinary IL-18 that pre- ally excellent and avoids exposure to contrast
dicts an increase in serum creatinine in diverse agents or radiation. However, the US assessment
patient populations [72–74]. It has also been used of renal function is limited. In AKI, its primary
to differentiate among the diverse causes of AKI role is to initially identify postrenal causes of
[72]. When combined with NGAL, IL-18 pre- AKI by demonstrating hydronephrosis [76–78].
dicted the duration of AKI in children following Ultrasound abnormalities may not be appreciated
cardiac surgery [69]. A commercial assay is in cases of prerenal AKI, but intrinsic AKI can be
available. appreciated by a variety of anatomic changes.
Measurement of renal size may give an indica-
tion of the chronicity of renal failure. Enlarged
Other Biomarkers kidneys (standardized to patient’s age and size)
are suggestive of AKI due to medical renal dis-
Other markers such as sodium/hydrogen eases, such as acute interstitial nephritis, renal
exchanger isoform 3 (NHE3), N-acetyl-b- vein thrombosis, or infectious processes. Chronic
glucosaminidase (NAG), and matrix metallopro- kidney disease is suggested by the presence of
teinase 9 (MMP-9) may be useful in early small (for age/size) kidneys. An increase in echo-
detection of AKI, but to date assays are not easily genicity/echotexture may indicate chronic kidney
performed nor is there enough preliminary data disease in older children [79] but can be mislead-
to support their clinical use [67, 75]. ing in neonates [80].
708 P.D. Brophy et al.

Since blood flow to the kidneys is reduced but techniques are utilized in MRU evaluation [90],
not eliminated in most cases of AKI, Doppler flow the use of gadolinium is contraindicated in
scanning may allow detection of abnormal or low patients with diminished renal function
renal blood flow states that can be indicative of (eGFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m2) due to the risk of
renal artery stenosis or thrombosis [81, 82]. nephrogenic systemic fibrosis [91].

Nuclear Medicine Imaging in AKI Renal Biopsy in AKI

Radionuclide imaging can be employed to assess Renal biopsy is considered the “gold standard”
tubular function and blood flow [83] in AKI. for diagnosing the underlying cause of AKI. This
However, significant delays in nuclide excretion is especially true in pediatric patients where both
by tubules can occur in both prerenal and intrin- prerenal and post renal causes of AKI have been
sic renal AKI, limiting its usefulness, unless excluded. Practically speaking, the benefits and
blood flow is completely absent [84]. risks of renal biopsy need to be carefully consid-
ered [92]. Risks include: infection, bleeding/
transfusion, loss of kidney, inadequate sampling,
Computed Tomography (CT) in AKI and any anesthetic risks, depending on whether
conscious sedation or general anesthesia is used.
Computed tomography offers advantages when This is especially true in critical care situations
US is limited by technical issues. It is also valu- where patients are already at increased risk for
able in trauma assessment when kidneys are bleeding complications. Renal biopsy should be
involved [85, 86]. Non-contrast CT scans are considered in situations where the underlying
valuable in demonstrating the renal pelvis and pattern of disease, in terms of history, biochemi-
proximal ureter using sequential transverse sec- cal, and imaging studies, is unclear, and the
tions to identify sites of ureteral obstruction. CT biopsy may shed light on the potential therapeu-
can also help identify primary causes of obstruc- tic options available. This is especially critical
tion such as stones, tumors, or congenital abnor- in the case of pediatric patients with the clinical
malities. Residual renal function may be identified presentation of rapidly progressive glomeru-
using contrast-enhanced CT scans. In this setting, lonephritis. Early diagnosis and appropriate
the pattern of a delayed and prolonged nephro- intervention in this renal medical emergency may
gram may be demonstrated [87]. While techni- prevent progression from AKI to chronic kidney
cally useful, the risk of contrast nephropathy disease. Another important group to consider is
limits its usefulness as does the need for anesthe- pediatric renal transplant patients with AKI. Early
sia in children for adequate studies. biopsy diagnosis of acute rejection may direct
therapeutic intervention and therefore prevent
further decline in renal function [93–99].
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Despite increased efforts to recognize and pre-
(MRI) in AKI vent AKI, progression to acute renal failure and
loss (pRIFLE levels F and L) continues to occur
In recent years, magnetic resonance urography with alarming frequency. The treatment of criti-
(MRU) has provided a significant advance in cally ill and injured children requires ready avail-
assessment of pediatric renal disease and AKI ability of renal replacement therapy (RRT)
[87, 88]. MRU can identify collecting system adaptable for use in children of all ages and sizes.
morphology regardless of excretory function. It In the following segments of this chapter, we
has also been utilized to effectively identify review the three RRT modalities commonly used
causes of postrenal AKI in terms of obstruction in pediatric patients with AKI: acute peritoneal
with a high sensitivity and specificity [89]. While dialysis, acute hemodialysis, and continuous
both static and dynamic (gadolinium-enhanced) renal replacement therapy.
37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT 709

Acute Peritoneal Dialysis

Acute peritoneal dialysis is still the modality of

choice in many countries, especially in the devel-
oping world [100–102] as it is a relatively cheap
form of dialysis which does not require sophisti-
cated technical expertise or equipment. There is
no necessity for highly trained dialysis or inten-
sive care nurses to perform the procedure. Another
of its major advantages over the filter-dependent
procedures is that it avoids the need for vascular
access, which can be a problem in infants and
small children with multiple intravenous access
for fluids and inotropes. It also avoids the need
for blood priming in a child who is hemodynami-
cally unstable, and large volumes of fluid can be
removed slowly over a prolonged period, main-
taining hemodynamic stability. Together with
gradual correction of acid–base and electrolyte
abnormalities, it is not associated with dialysis
disequilibrium due to the relatively slower solute
clearance, including nitrogenous waste products.
Another advantage of acute peritoneal dialysis is
the provision of calories with the use of hyper-
tonic glucose solutions. This is important in the
critically ill child where intravenous access for
nutrition and maintenance of glycemia is also a Fig. 37.2 (a) Peritoneal dialysis catheter using Seldinger
problem. Moreover, in the coagulopathic child, technique for insertion. (b) Cook Mac-Loc Multipurpose
anticoagulation can be avoided. Drainage catheter (CMMDC)

The newer techniques are performed with soft

Acute Peritoneal Dialysis Catheters catheters where a Seldinger technique is utilized
to insert the catheter over a guide-wire
Traditionally, acute peritoneal dialysis has been (Fig. 37.2a). This is a very useful technique,
performed using semi-rigid stylet catheters especially in infancy as it carries a minimal risk
requiring a trochar and canula method of inser- of dialysate leakage since no incision is required
tion, the main advantage of which is the ease of for the catheter insertion. Consequently, the risk
insertion by the pediatric nephrologist without of peritonitis is less and these catheters can be
surgical intervention and general anesthesia kept for up to 5 days without any complications
[103]. However, this carries a high risk of perfo- [104]. Recently, another catheter, the Cook Mac-
ration of viscus, especially in neonates, both at Loc Multipurpose Drainage catheter (CMMDC)
the time of insertion and with increasing dialysis (Fig. 37.2b) has been shown to be useful in infants
duration. In order to minimize the risk of bowel and children, with a longer complication-free
perforation, infusing 10–20 mL/kg normal saline period, similar to surgically placed Tenckhoff
to create ascites prior to catheter insertion is use- catheter [105]. In low birth weight infants less
ful. The incidence of peritonitis is highest with than 1.5 kg where the length of these catheters
the semi-rigid catheter, particularly if it has been may be excessive, a 14-gauge intravenous plastic
kept in place for longer than 72 h [103]. cannula can be used as a dialysis catheter.
710 P.D. Brophy et al.

Fig. 37.3 Manual peritoneal dialysis setup for infants and young children

In high risk patients, especially those with possible due to the excessive “dead space” in the
bowel dilatation, direct surgical insertion using a cycler tubings, resulting in poor drainage. The
single cuffed catheter to avoid perforation is manual dialysis setup involves a Buretrol device,
safer. In fact, many cardiovascular surgeons pro- which is basically a sterile graduated cylinder, to
phylactically place a Tenckhoff catheter during which the dialysate bag is attached to one end,
cardiac surgery in infants. Some units use tun- while the other end is connected to the patient’s
neled double cuffed permanent Tenckhoff cathe- peritoneal catheter via a Y-set (Fig. 37.3). The
ters, since a good immediately functioning other limb of the Y-set is connected to the drain-
catheter with adequate drainage is almost assured. age line, which drains into a graduated drain such
The main disadvantage of tunneled cuffed per- as a urometer, so that the effluent volume can be
manent catheters is the limitation of dialysate fill accurately measured. This is very important in
volumes in the initial week post-catheter inser- young infants in order to monitor the ultrafiltra-
tion in order to avoid leakage [104]. These soft tion closely so as to prevent fluid overload. Pre-
catheters pose a minimal risk to perforation of assembled manual exchange systems for infants
bowel or other intraperitoneal structures, and are available worldwide, but may be expensive in
have a lower risk of peritonitis. In addition, if developing countries.
automated cyclers are used for the dialysis proce- The availability of automated cyclers
dure, these catheters are preferable as they are (Fig. 37.4) that can deliver small exchange vol-
associated with less technical malfunction result- umes of less than 100 mL has largely supplanted
ing in machine alarms. the manual acute procedures in young children
and infants, limiting nursing effort and repeated
opening of the catheter. These cyclers automati-
Technique of Acute Peritoneal Dialysis cally deliver the fill volume, which is the amount
of fluid delivered to the peritoneal cavity during
Peritoneal dialysis is usually carried out manu- each dialysis cycle. After an appropriate dwell
ally in premature babies and small infants. time that has been programmed into the cycler,
Because of the small dialysate volumes involved, the drain phase occurs, and the ultrafiltrate vol-
use of automated volumetric cyclers is often not ume is computed from the difference between the
37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT 711

Fig. 37.4 Automated

cyclers for peritoneal

drain and fill volumes at each cycle. The move- In manual dialysis, the inflow time, which is
ment of fluid in and out of the patient is mediated the time taken for the dialysate fill volume to
either by gravity or a pump-driven system, or a flow into the peritoneal cavity by gravity, is about
combination of the two, with accurate delivery of 10–15 min. This may be influenced by the height
the fill volume and measurement of drainage and of the dialysate bag above the abdomen, the
ultrafiltrate volume. Another advantage of auto- inflow volume and inflow resistance, such as
mated cyclers is the heater platform for warming kinking of the catheter. In automated peritoneal
the peritoneal dialysis solution before inflow into dialysis, dialysate is pumped into the abdomen
the abdomen, to prevent discomfort and promote with an inflow time of about 5 min. The dwell
solute transport. time is the time from the end of inflow to the
beginning of the drain and should be at least
30 min, where the gradient for solute and fluid
Acute Peritoneal Dialysis Prescription removal is optimal [106, 107]. This is followed
by the drain period, which usually takes about
The dialysis prescription for acute peritoneal dial- 20–30 min. In manual dialysis, the drain occurs
ysis comprises four major components, the entirely by gravity, and therefore the drain time
exchange volume, dialysate composition, individ- and volume is dependent on the vertical distance
ual cycle time consisting of fill, dwell, and drain, of the urometer below the abdomen. If the intra-
and total length of the dialysis session. For acute peritoneal fluid reservoir is too low, drainage
peritoneal dialysis, the target exchange fill volume may also be poor, hence increasing the fill vol-
for adequate dialysis in terms of fluid and solute ume may be indicated. It is important to ensure
clearance, without the risk of leakage, is 30 mL/ complete drainage, that is, the drain volume
kg. However, smaller initial volumes of 10 mL/kg should exceed the fill volume, so as not to aggra-
should be used for at least 24–48 h, if there is a vate the fluid overload state and respiratory com-
risk of leakage, for example if the incision is too promise, especially in infants with acute kidney
wide or a tunneled cuffed catheter is used. injury.
712 P.D. Brophy et al.

Table 37.4 Peritoneal dialysis fluid composition Following insertion of the acute peritoneal
Lactate-based Bicarbonate-based catheter, heparin should be added to the dialysate
Content (mmol/L) (mmol/L) solution to prevent catheter blockage by fibrin
Dextrose 1.5% 0.0% clot. The initial dose of heparin should be 250 U/L
2.5% 1.5% dialysate. If the drain outflow is heavily blood-
4.25% 2.5%
4.25% stained, this can be increased to a maximum of
Sodium 132 140 1,000 U/L dialysate. The heparin is not absorbed
Chloride 96 110 systemically, and will therefore not be a problem
Bicarbonate 0 35 in coagulopathic patients. If the patient is not on
Calcium 1.8 1.8 systemic antibiotics, intraperitoneal antibiotics
Lactate 40 0 such as cefazolin should be added prophylacti-
Potassium 0 0 cally to cover for gram positive skin commen-
Magnesium 0.75 0.75 sals. As patients on continuous peritoneal dialysis
are at risk of developing hypokalemia, potassium
should preferably be added to the intravenous
To stabilize the patient, hourly exchanges for fluid regimen if they are not feeding, rather than
48–72 h are usually required, to remove the accu- to the dialysate to avoid frequent bag changes
mulated solutes and excess fluids. Subsequently, due to changing orders. Potassium can be added
if the patient requires maintenance dialysis, the to the dialysate, if the hypokalemia is severe
dwell times can be extended, similar to chronic enough such that the maximum safe concentra-
peritoneal dialysis, with increasing volumes up tion of potassium infusion will be exceeded.
to 40–45 mL/kg if cuffed catheters have been
used. The peritoneal dialysis should be continued
until the urine output improves, indicating recov- Problems of Acute Peritoneal Dialysis
ering renal function.
Commercially available peritoneal dialysis Although acute peritoneal dialysis has certain
solutions are usually dextrose-based, in concen- advantages over filter-dependent procedures,
trations of 1.5%, 2.5%, and 4.25% (Table 37.4). there are several problems that make this tech-
The initial dialysate composition to ensure ade- nique difficult especially in the small infant.
quate ultrafiltration is with 2.5% dextrose. In Firstly, catheter problems are common such as
neonates where there may be a problem with catheter leakage into the subcutaneous tissue and
hyperglycemia, it may be more appropriate to use hernia sites especially inguinal. Often the pres-
an intermediate composition of 2.0% by mixing ence of a congenital diaphragmatic “hole” results
equal volumes of 1.5% with 2.5% dextrose in problematic pleural effusion. In fact, patients
infused through two Buretrols connected via the after cardiothoracic surgery may have a diaphrag-
Y-set. Higher dextrose concentrations can be sub- matic pleuroperitoneal communication which
stituted depending on the amount of ultrafiltra- results in a large pleural effusion once peritoneal
tion needed, and the patient’s hemodynamic dialysis is initiated. Drainage is often poor because
parameters. As the standard peritoneal dialysis of catheter malposition, kinking, omental wrap-
solutions are lactate-based, this may be a prob- ping, and fibrin clot. This is especially true for the
lem in patients with hepatic dysfunction and relatively small bore non-cuffed peritoneal cath-
hemodynamic instability with lactic acidosis. eters in infants. Inadequate drainage may also be
Hence bicarbonate-based solutions which are due to constipation. Patients may require bowel
available commercially can be used in place of cathartics to try to improve drainage, and some-
the lactate-based solutions (Table 37.4), with times, even manipulation of the catheter position
addition of the appropriate amount of dextrose, if may be required. If a fibrin clot is suspected,
necessary, to obtain the desired concentration. flushing with heparin and in recalcitrant cases,
37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT 713

fibrinolytic agents such as urokinase, may be hypercatabolic patient with severe hyperkalemia,
useful. Bowel perforation is a serious problem hyperphosphatemia, or inborn errors of metabo-
particularly with use of semi-rigid catheters, and lism such as hyperammonemia or organic aci-
is suspected when the peritoneal effluent is con- demias. Therefore acute peritoneal dialysis is
taminated with feces or is blood-stained. Severe currently best for “uncomplicated” or medical
abdominal pain and shock may occur, and the causes of acute renal failure such as glomerular
catheter has to be removed, with bowel repair and diseases, drug-induced acute tubular necrosis,
treatment of sepsis. ischemic acute tubular necrosis if hemodynami-
Poor ultrafiltration is another concern, espe- cally stable, hemolytic-uremic syndrome, infec-
cially in critically ill infants due to the low fill tions such as leptospirosis, and snake bites. On
volume with inadequate fluid reservoir intraperi- the other hand, absolute contraindications to peri-
toneally. Often it is not possible to increase the toneal dialysis include recent abdominal surgery
dwell to the desired volume, as many of these and necrotizing enterocolitis, common causes of
critically ill infants have acute respiratory dis- acute kidney injury in neonates and infants, as
tress syndrome, and the peritoneal fluid volume well as the presence of a ventriculo-peritoneal
results in splinting of the diaphragm. In fact, dur- shunt, because of the high risk of peritonitis.
ing the inflow phase, these infants often desatu-
rate, and require increase in the ventilatory
pressures. As a result, there is poor ultrafiltration, Optimal Dosing in Acute Peritoneal
which aggravates the fluid retention, worsening Dialysis
the respiratory distress. These ill patients are
often hypotensive requiring multiple inotropic The clearance of small solutes is lower with acute
support. The resultant decrease in bowel perfu- peritoneal dialysis over 24 h, than with a 4-hour
sion due to vasoconstriction of the mesenteric hemodialysis session [108]. Thus the question
vessels also contributes to the poor ultrafiltration. often arises as to whether dialysis adequacy can
Additionally, there is a decrease in the osmotic be improved in prescribing acute peritoneal dial-
gradient, because of increased absorption of glu- ysis. It is increasingly recognized that the deliv-
cose from the dialysate in this age group, result- ered dose of dialysis influences patient outcomes
ing in poor ultrafiltration. There is an increased in acute renal failure [109–111]. In uremia, the
risk of peritonitis with the use of non-cuffed cath- goal therefore is to aim for maximum possible
eters, especially if there is leakage around the clearance to compensate for catabolic stress, uti-
exit site. With the use of higher dialysate dextrose lizing continuous peritoneal exchange. As fluid
concentrations, hyperglycemia can be a problem, overload is often the critical problem in prema-
and may require insulin administration. In the ture infants and neonates, achieving adequate
severely ill child, lactic acidosis may be difficult ultrafiltration reliably is also important. The
to control due to the slower solute clearance, obstacles to achieving this target using the con-
and may be aggravated by the lactate in the ventional method of acute intermittent peritoneal
dialysate. dialysis include relatively poor solute clearance
The slow and not very efficient removal of all due to limitations in dwell volume and intermit-
types of molecules in acute peritoneal dialysis, as tent nature of the dwell, and the unpredictable
well as the unreliable ultrafiltration represents a ultrafiltration rate due to technical problems
considerable drawback compared to other modal- with drainage, associated hypotension requiring
ities of acute dialysis especially the continuous multiple inotropic support and increased intra-
venovenous hemodiafiltration. In fact, these abdominal pressure. Therefore methods to
problems are magnified in the young infants, increase dialysis adequacy include chronic equili-
especially neonates due to the small dialysate brated peritoneal dialysis, high-volume peritoneal
volumes involved. Hence acute peritoneal dialy- dialysis, tidal peritoneal dialysis, and continuous
sis may not provide adequate clearances in the flow peritoneal dialysis (Fig. 37.5) [112].
714 P.D. Brophy et al.

Fig. 37.5 Techniques of

acute peritoneal dialysis.
AIPD acute intermittent
peritoneal dialysis. CEPD
chronic equilibrated
peritoneal dialysis. TPD
tidal peritoneal dialysis.
HVPD high-volume
peritoneal dialysis. CFPD
continuous flow peritoneal

Continuous Equilibrated Peritoneal between 18 and 24 exchanges over a 24-hour

Dialysis period. It is carried out through a Tenckhoff cath-
eter, using an automated peritoneal dialysis
Continuous equilibrated peritoneal dialysis is cycler, with a prescribed Kt/Vurea of at least 0.65
similar to continuous ambulatory peritoneal dial- per session. Studies on high-volume continuous
ysis, in that it requires a larger fill volume than peritoneal dialysis have demonstrated a delivered
normally used for acute intermittent peritoneal Kt/Vurea per session of approximately 0.55, and
dialysis, approximately 40–45 mL/kg or a weekly Kt/Vurea of greater than 3.0 [113].
1,200 mL/m2, with long dwells of 2–6 h. The Additionally, there was an increase in the solute
clearance of small molecules will probably be reduction index over conventional acute perito-
similar to acute intermittent peritoneal dialysis, neal dialysis. Unfortunately, there is no satisfac-
however middle molecule clearance is possibly tory measure of dialysis adequacy in acute kidney
higher due to the long dwells. injury [114]. The role of Kt/Vurea as an index of
adequacy is controversial in the hypercatabolic
patient with acute kidney injury, as the urea vol-
High-Volume Continuous Peritoneal ume of distribution is variable, and exceeds total
Dialysis body water [115].

High-volume continuous peritoneal dialysis has

been shown to provide a dialysis dose approach- Tidal Peritoneal Dialysis
ing that of high dose continuous renal replace-
ment therapies or daily hemodialysis in adults. One method of increasing dialysis adequacy in
This modality of dialysis is designed to achieve mild-moderate hypercatabolic patients with acute
high small solute clearances, and in adults involve kidney injury is to perform tidal peritoneal dialy-
a fill volume of 2 L, with very frequent exchanges sis. Tidal peritoneal dialysis involves leaving a
37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT 715

Table 37.5 Comparison of peritoneal urea and creatinine clearances and ultrafiltration rates in continuous flow perito-
neal dialysis
Dialysate flow Peritoneal urea Peritoneal creatinine Ultrafiltration
rate (mL/min) clearance (mL/min) clearance (mL/min) rate (mL/min)
Raj et al. [20]: single lumen catheter 141 26.5 24.1 3
with single needle device
Mineshima et al. [23]: double lumen 100 14.1 No data 2.5
Cruz et al. [24]: 2 separate catheters 200 40 28 13.4
Freida et al. [25]: 2 separate catheters 100–150 21–36 13–33 2–8
Amerling et al. [26]: 2 separate 200–300 25–75 No data 12–17

large volume of dialysis solution, at least 30% of exchange through an external regenerating appa-
the fill volume (15 mL/kg), in the peritoneal cav- ratus. Two catheters are required, one in the pel-
ity throughout the dialysis session in order to vis and one directed toward the diaphragm to
optimize solute clearance. The tidal drain volume achieve maximal port separation. Alternatively,
is replaced with fresh dialysate, which is the tidal an efficient dual lumen catheter with minimal
fill volume. By increasing the number of tidal intraperitoneal recirculation could be used.
volumes, small solute clearance can be increased, Kinetic studies have shown that increasing the
and because of the longer duration of contact dialysate flow rate in continuous flow peritoneal
between dialysate and peritoneum, dialysis effi- dialysis will increase peritoneal solute clear-
ciency is improved further in terms of middle ances. Higher urea clearances 2–5 times more
molecule clearance. than standard peritoneal dialysis, with peritoneal
In a prospective cross-over study in adult urea clearances approaching 25–60 mL/min as
patients with acute kidney injury, tidal peritoneal compared to 17 mL/min, as well as higher ultra-
dialysis was able to produce higher solute clear- filtration rates of more than 10 mL/min have been
ances as shown by the clearance of creatinine, achieved (Table 37.5) [118–123]. Unfortunately,
urea, potassium, and phosphate, at the expense of it is also associated with massive protein losses.
greater protein loss, compared to continuous low- Continuous flow peritoneal dialysis has been
dose equilibrating peritoneal dialysis [116]. used to treat patients with hypercatabolic acute
Ultrafiltration was better in the patients receiving kidney injury, using the hemofiltration machines
tidal dialysis, probably related in part to the lower to deliver and even to regenerate the dialysate.
dextrose absorption. With the smaller volumes
required in children, tidal peritoneal dialysis is an
attractive dialysis option in acute kidney injury, Acute Intermittent Hemodialysis
especially in patients who are unstable with fill-
ing and draining [117]. In many countries, intermittent hemodialysis is
the mainstay of dialysis for acute kidney injury in
older children, where it is performed in adult cen-
Continuous Flow Peritoneal Dialysis ters. Its main advantage is the rapid ultrafiltration
and solute removal. It is therefore indicated in the
Another novel method to improve peritoneal emergency treatment of toxic poisonings such as
clearances is continuous flow peritoneal dialysis lithium intoxication, severe electrolyte imbalance
where the dialysate flow rate is increased tremen- such as hyperkalemia, metabolic abnormalities
dously, up to a range of 100–300 mL/min cor- such as hyperammonemia, tumor lysis syndrome,
rected for body surface area in a single pass, and acute fluid overload. In infants with severe
by synchronized inflow and outflow of sterile hyperammonemia or children with lithium intox-
dialysate, or by recirculating a single large ication, hemodialysis results in rapid reduction of
716 P.D. Brophy et al.

the solute below toxic levels [124, 125]. Table 37.6 Appropriate size of hemodialysis catheters
Unfortunately, once hemodialysis is terminated, based on body weight. F: French size
there is usually a rebound of the toxic solute in Body weight (kg) Single lumen Double lumen (F)
the serum, which can be detrimental. The patient Neonate 5F 5.0–7.0
is often continued on continuous venovenous 3–6 7.0
hemodiafiltration to prevent this rebound, once 6–15 8.0
the initial hemodialysis procedure is completed >15 9.0
15–30 10.0
[125, 126].
>30 11.5
Acute intermittent hemodialysis is suitable for
hemodynamically stable patients who can toler-
ate rapid fluid shifts. This is a versatile modality availability of insertion site in a “heavily catheter-
as it allows for ultrafiltration without solute ized” critically ill child, operator’s skills and
removal, as well as adjustment of the dialysate experience, and risk of complications may influ-
bath to treat electrolyte abnormalities such as ence the choice of catheter placement. For exam-
hypernatremia. Moreover, because of the inter- ple, a femoral vein placement is favorable for a
mittent nature of the dialysis, even patients in the patient on high-frequency oscillatory ventilation
intensive care unit can be mobilized for other as this will be technically easier and has no risk of
procedures. Systematic reviews in adult patients pneumothorax associated with internal jugular
have shown that in hemodynamically stable venous access. In patients with limited vascular
patients, the continuous forms of renal replace- access, a triple-lumen catheter is preferred if the
ment therapies do not appear to have a survival size is appropriate. The hemodialysis catheters
advantage over acute hemodialysis [127–129]. can be inserted at the bedside using the Seldinger
technique, or by the interventional radiologists
or surgeons in the case of tunneled permanent
Vascular Access catheters.

The delivery of an adequate dialysis dose is cru-

cial to the survival of patients with acute kidney Dialyzers
injury, thus a good functional vascular access is
an essential component for adequate renal replace- The membrane properties of the dialyzer such as
ment therapy. However in infants and children, membrane thickness, pore size, and density affect
vascular access may be a problem. For acute dial- dialysis efficiency, with varying clearances for
ysis, vascular access is generally obtained through small and middle molecular weight solutes. The
a double lumen hemodialysis catheter. This can total area of the dialyzer is important when choos-
be inserted either in the femoral, internal jugular, ing the appropriate size for the patient. Dialyzer
or subclavian veins. The former two access sites surface area should approximate the size of the
are preferred, as subclavian catheters have been patient [130].
associated with venous stenosis at the subclavian- Another important property of the dialysis
internal jugular junction. In infants, the minimum membrane is biocompatibility. Currently, two
catheter size for adequate blood flow is a 7-French types of membranes are in use, cellulose-based
double lumen, or 5-French single lumen where and synthetic. Cellulose membranes can be
two catheters will be necessary (Table 37.6). It is broadly classified into unsubstituted such as
preferable to use the jugular veins, as femoral cuprophan membranes and substituted such as
access is often complicated by high intra-abdom- cellulose acetate and cellulose diacetate.
inal pressure. Alternatively, umbilical veins can Cuprophan membranes have been reported to
be used for catheter access. Patient characteristics activate complement, accompanied by upregula-
(coagulopathy, previous surgeries, altered local tion of neutrophil adhesion molecules and neu-
anatomy, cardiopulmonary reserve capacity), trophilic infiltration, resulting in dialysis-induced
37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT 717

renal injury [131–134]. However there is some Another important consideration is the use of
controversy as to whether synthetic membranes the synthetic polyacrylonitrile (AN69) mem-
such as the polysulfone membranes, are better branes which can lead to the bradykinin release
than cellulose-based membranes. In earlier ran- syndrome [144]. Here the patient develops acute
domized controlled studies, adult patients with anaphylaxis associated with acute hypotension,
nonoliguric acute kidney injury who were using tachycardia, and a drop in the central venous pres-
dialyzers with biocompatible membranes sure. This is immediately reversible by removing
appeared to have better survival rates and renal the system, and can be avoided by avoiding prim-
recovery [135]. On the other hand, in three sepa- ing with blood banked blood. Alternatively, the
rate meta-analyses in adult patients with acute blood prime can be dialyzed against the bicarbon-
kidney injury, there is conflicting data as to ate dialysate for at least an hour prior to connec-
whether synthetic membranes confer a survival tion to the patient [145, 146].
benefit [136–139]. Current opinion is that the use
of biocompatible synthetic membranes does not
appear to confer any significant clinical advan- Hemodialysis Prescription
tage either in terms of mortality or recovery of
renal function, except for the subgroup compari- All children should be dialysed using volume
son with cuprophan membranes [138, 139]. controlled machines and bicarbonate dialysate.
Another consideration in the choice of dialyz- Factors affecting the individual hemodialysis pre-
ers is the use of low or high flux membranes. High scription include the extracorporeal circuit vol-
flux membranes have larger pores resulting in ume, the dialyzer size, blood flow rate, dialysate
greater clearances of higher molecular weight sol- flow rate, ultrafiltration required, dialysate com-
utes, and at the same time, carry the risk of back position, anticoagulation, and length of sessions.
transport from the dialysate, of water-borne solute The total volume of the extracorporeal circuit
contaminants. In a systematic review comparing includes the volume of the tubing, comprising
the use of high flux and low flux membranes in both the arterial and venous lines, and the volume
acute kidney injury in adults, there was no differ- of the dialyzer, and should be less than 8% of the
ence in the risk of mortality or dialysis depen- patient’s blood volume calculated as 70 mL/kg
dence in survivors [139]. However, in another for children, and 80 mL/kg for infants. If the
meta-analysis, there appeared to be a significant extracorporeal blood volume exceeds 10–15% of
advantage in terms of recovery of renal function, the patient’s total blood volume, a blood prime is
with the use of high flux membranes [138]. recommended [147]. Depending on the hemody-
High-cut-off-point membranes with a nominal namic status of the patient, the lines may still
cut-off point of 60 kD, have greater cytokine need to be primed with 0.9% saline or 5% albu-
clearance and enhanced adsorption properties min, even if this volume is not exceeded.
than conventional high flux dialyzers [140], and Blood flow rate depends on the size of the vas-
have been developed for use in septic patients cular access and is in the range of 5–7 mL/kg/
with acute kidney injury [141, 142]. These mem- min, up to a maximum of 300–400 mL/min [130].
branes are made from polyamide/polyarylether- Dialysate flow rate should be at least 1.5 times
sulfone, polysulfone, or cellulose triacetate. greater than the blood flow rate, in order to maxi-
Treatment using high-cut-off-point membranes mize diffusion gradients of solutes. Aim for urea
has been shown in animal models of sepsis to clearances of 2–3 mL/kg/min; however, in order
have beneficial effects on immune cell function to avoid dialysis disequilibrium, urea clearances
and survival [143]. Preliminary clinical studies should be gradually increased over three sessions,
show that use of these membranes in adult starting at 30% of target. Ultrafiltration targets
patients with acute kidney injury was associated should not exceed 0.2 mL/kg/min. Other factors
with decreased need for vasopressor therapy, with that must be considered are patient’s ability to
no reports of serious adverse effects [142]. tolerate rapid fluid shifts, the need for vasoactive
718 P.D. Brophy et al.

Table 37.7 Heparinization protocol

Type of heparinization Loading dose (U/kg) Maintenance dose (U/kg/h)
Regular 50 (Adults: 1,500 U) 30–50 (Adults: 750 U/h)
Low-dose >15 kg: 10–20, £15 kg: 5–10 (Adults: 1,000 U) 5–10 (Adults: 500 U/h)

substances to maintain blood pressure and total child, where inotropic support is usually required
fluid removal goals. to support the systemic blood pressure. Moreover,
Dialysate composition should be tailored these children often have acute respiratory distress
based on the patient’s current electrolyte status. syndrome and are hypoxemic, or they have other
Current hemodialysis machines use a sophisti- associated clinical problems such as congestive
cated proportioning system to mix dialysate heart failure and cerebral edema. Therefore main-
online from commercially available concentrates. tenance of an adequate blood pressure in these
The final concentrations of sodium, calcium, children is critical to alleviate tissue hypoxia.
potassium, and bicarbonate can be changed Technical advances in the delivery of hemodi-
according to the clinical situation. alysis have dramatically reduced the propensity to
Heparin is the most commonly used anticoagu- cause intradialytic hypotension. The use of
lant for intermittent hemodialysis. A loading dose volume-controlled dialysis machines, biocompat-
of heparin may be given at the start of dialysis fol- ible synthetic dialysis membranes, and bicarbon-
lowed by a maintenance dose (Table 37.7). To ate-based dialysate have helped decrease the
monitor therapy, the activated partial thromboplas- incidence of intradialytic hypotension. In adult
tin time (aPTT) or activated clotting time (ACT) is studies, it has been demonstrated that priming the
used. The aPTT should be kept at 1.2–1.5 times the circuit with isotonic saline, discontinuing vasodi-
baseline, and the ACT between 120 and 180 s. lator therapy, keeping the dialysate sodium greater
In coagulopathic patients, heparin-free dialy- than 145 mmol/L and setting the dialysate temper-
sis can be performed by intermittently flushing ature to below 37°C result in lesser hemodynamic
the circuit with 0.9% saline. The filter pressure instability and better outcomes [150]. Additionally,
should be monitored, and dialyzer inspected for use of in-line hematocrit monitoring to minimize
early clot formation. Unfortunately, this method abrupt changes in extracellular volume is useful in
not only adds to the ultrafiltration target, but also young children with hemodynamic instability
results in a decrease in the dialysis efficiency where large acute changes in extracellular volume
within the stipulated time period. are not well tolerated [151]. This method of
For patients with heparin-induced thrombocy- performing intradialytic noninvasive blood vol-
topenia, low-molecular-weight heparins have ume monitoring provides an estimate of the post-
been recommended [148]. Alternative anticoagu- dialysis refilling rate (Fig. 37.6), which in turn
lation protocols for patients with coagulopathies reflects the status of the intravascular volume.
include regional anticoagulation of the circuit Rapid hemodialysis using dialyzers with larger
with a heparin-protamine protocol, regional cit- surface areas, in patients with very high plasma
rate, thrombin antagonists such as hirudin and urea concentrations may also result in the dialysis
argatroban, and platelet inhibiting agents such as disequilibrium syndrome, characterized by neuro-
prostacyclin and nafamostat [149]. logical symptoms such as fatigue, headache, nau-
sea, vomiting, altered consciousness, convulsions,
and coma [152]. Measures to prevent the disequi-
Problems of Acute Intermittent librium syndrome include decreasing the initial
Hemodialysis dialysis dose, increasing dialysate sodium con-
centration (143–146 mmol/L), and administration
Hemodialysis in young children is notoriously dif- of osmotically active substances such as intrave-
ficult in view of the smaller blood volumes pres- nous mannitol (0.5–1 g/kg) to prevent rapid osmo-
ent. This problem is accentuated in the critically ill lar shifts that can cause cerebral edema.
37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT 719

Fig. 37.6 Intradialytic noninvasive blood volume monitoring: pattern of post-dialysis refilling rate. Profile 1: overhy-
dration. Profile 2: euvolemia

The smaller blood volumes in infants and significant reduction in mortality, fewer hypoten-
young children place them at risk for blood loss sive episodes during hemodialysis, and more
due to clotting of the dialyzer. However, when rapid resolution of acute renal failure [154].
compared to continuous renal replacement thera- However, the delivered dialysis dose was low
pies, anticoagulation in intermittent hemodialysis (Kt/Vurea of 0.94) in the patients who received
is needed only for a limited period, or may be dis- intermittent dialysis, and could account for the
pensed with altogether, whereas with continuous worse outcome in this group. In contrast, the VA/
renal replacement therapy, there is a continuous NIH Acute Renal Failure Trial Network (ATN)
struggle between filter coagulation and bleeding. Study did not demonstrate any difference in mor-
Infection of the catheter exit site is another tality when a more intensive dosing strategy was
potential complication in patients on hemodialy- employed [155]. Based on these results, intermit-
sis. In the event of signs of infection such as tent hemodialysis with a delivered Kt/Vurea of at
fever, the appropriate cultures should be taken, least 1.2 per treatment, on alternate days, is prob-
and empiric antibiotics started. ably sufficient for patients with acute kidney
injury, unless there are indications for more inten-
sive daily therapy, such as control of fluid volume
Optimal Dosing in Acute Intermittent or severe electrolyte abnormalities such as hyper-
Hemodialysis kalemia or acidosis, in the smaller children.

The prescription for acute intermittent hemodi-

alysis comprises the dose delivered per session Hybrid Therapies
and the frequency of the sessions. Studies in
adults have shown that in acute kidney injury, a A critically ill patient with severe hemodynamic
Kt/Vurea greater than 1.2 was associated with instability cannot tolerate intermittent treatments
improved survival in patients with intermediate carried out for 3–4 h a day and would require
severity of illness, but did not influence outcomes gentler dialysis for an extended period to improve
in the severely ill patients [153]. In an earlier efficiency. Since 1988, hybrid therapies which
study, daily hemodialysis was associated with a utilize the standard intermittent hemodialysis
720 P.D. Brophy et al.

machine technology, while providing the slower the calcium chelated citrate complexes, an
solute and fluid removal associated with continu- advantage in patients with liver failure [166].
ous renal replacement therapies, have been devel- With hybrid therapies, phosphate removal can
oped for use in less stable adult patients with be very extensive. Hypophosphatemia and meta-
acute kidney injury [156, 157]. The terms for bolic alkalosis is easily induced in a critically ill
these modalities include sustained low-efficiency patient, especially those on prolonged parenteral
daily dialysis (SLEDD) or extended daily dialy- nutrition. In these instances, it may be prudent to
sis (EDD) or slow continuous dialysis (SCD) incorporate phosphate in the dialysate solution at
[158]. SLED is a slower dialytic modality that 0.1–0.2 mmol/kg, and reduce the dialysate bicar-
runs for prolonged periods using conventional bonate concentration [167].
dialysis machines with low blood pump speeds Current recommendations for hybrid therapies
(200 mL/min or less) and dialysis flow rates in adult patients state that treatment be provided
(100–300 mL/min) for 6–12 h daily [159]. at least three times per week with monitoring of
Variants such as sustained low-efficiency daily the delivered dose to achieve a Kt/Vurea of at
diafiltration (SLEDD-f), aimed at improving least 1.2 per treatment [167]. There is no evi-
clearance of putative middle molecular inflamma- dence that more frequent treatment is associated
tory mediators of the systemic inflammatory with improved outcomes, unless necessitated by
response associated with sepsis have been devel- specific indications such as fluid overload, hyper-
oped for clinical use [160, 161]. Advantages of kalemia, and hypercatabolism. In a study on adult
SLEDD-f over continuous venovenous hemodia- patients comparing continuous venovenous
filtration include faster clearance of small solutes hemofiltration with EDD, the urea reduction ratio
and fluid removal, whilst maintaining hemody- was similar between the two groups [168]. This
namic stability [162]. It allows flexible treatment suggests that the effect of a 12-hour SLED is
schedules so that patients are accessible and can equivalent to 23 h of continuous renal replace-
be mobilized for other medical treatments. The ment therapy. Many adult centers now perform
ability to use online production of fluid for filtrate nocturnal SLED so that patients may be available
replacement similar to the commercial hemofiltra- during the day for other diagnostic procedures,
tion solutions and depyrogenated saline in terms avoiding interruptions of therapy.
of microbial counts, endotoxin concentration, and
cytokine-inducing activity, avoids the need for
pre-packaged hemofiltration solutions [163, 164]. Continuous Renal Replacement
Hybrid therapies also have lesser heparin Therapies
requirement and less frequent clotting. The
reported incidence of clotting is 17–26% with The most recent addition to available renal
heparin, while the reported incidence of circuit replacement therapies for the management of
clotting without anticoagulation is 24–26% AKI in children is a family of continuous extra-
using single pass machines, and lower using corporeal therapies now called CRRT (for con-
batch systems [165]. This may be due to the dif- tinuous renal replacement therapy). This advance
ference in blood pump technology between the in the treatment of AKI offers several advantages
systems, with much greater leukocyte and plate- over traditional dialysis methods when used in
let activation using the standard occlusive roller critically ill, unstable patients. Because CRRT is
pump. Regional citrate anticoagulation in con- continuous, removal of solutes and modification
tinuous venovenous hemodiafiltration is often of the volume and composition of the extracellu-
associated with electrolyte abnormalities such as lar fluid occur gradually and evenly over time.
hypernatremia and metabolic alkalosis. Hybrid Unstable patients who are often intolerant of the
therapies, with the high diffusive capacity for abrupt fluid volume and solute concentration
solutes, are able to correct any alkalosis or changes that accompany standard hemodialysis
hypernatremia, while at the same time remove treatments can usually be safely treated with
37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT 721

CRRT. The precision and stability with which Treatment with CRRT is now widely available
fluid and electrolyte balance can be maintained in pediatric centers throughout the world, and in
using CRRT is unmatched by any currently avail- some has become the preferred method of renal
able dialysis therapies, except perhaps one of the replacement therapy (RRT). In this segment of
newer hybrid therapies discussed in the previous Chap. 37, we review current approaches to CRRT
section. Even continuous peritoneal dialysis does in children, with attention to several unique
not allow the control of fluid removal as can be aspects of pediatric CRRT that must be consid-
done with CRRT, and only with CRRT can elec- ered when managing the pediatric patient.
trolytes or any formed elements of the circulation
such as plasma proteins, platelets, or red blood
cells be removed or added independently of Historical Notes
changes in the volume status of the patient.
The inherent logic of the basic CRRT system is The development of CRRT can be traced to the
striking: a small “hemofilter” that is highly per- early days of maintenance hemodialysis. In the
meable to water and small solutes but imperme- mid-1960s, Lee Henderson described a renal
able to plasma proteins and the formed elements replacement therapy that relied solely on ultrafil-
of the blood is placed in an extracorporeal circuit. tration, using membranes that were much more
As the blood perfuses the hemofilter an ultrafil- permeable to water and small solutes than the
trate of plasma is removed in a manner analogous typical hemodialysis membranes [169]. The tech-
to glomerular filtration. The ultrafiltrate is con- nique was first called “diafiltration,” and later,
currently replaced using a fluid with an electro- more appropriately, “hemofiltration.” Henderson
lyte composition that is either similar to that of showed that by pumping blood at high flow rates
normal plasma or specifically designed to correct through an extracorporeal circuit containing a
abnormal electrolyte concentrations in the indi- highly permeable filter, large volumes of an ultra-
vidual patient. A portion of the ultrafiltrate can be filtrate of plasma could be generated. This uremic
replaced with total parenteral nutrition and other fluid could be replaced concurrently with fluid
fluid therapies, and in patients with fluid overload, that had an electrolyte composition similar to nor-
a portion simply is not replaced, resulting in pre- mal plasma, without the urea and other accumu-
dictable and controllable negative fluid balance. lated waste products. Thus, hemofiltration had
The basic principles of CRRT are similar for many similarities with hemodialysis: both required
adults and children. However, the application of vascular access, an extracorporeal circuit, a semi-
these modalities in children requires attention to permeable membrane, and a blood pump. The dif-
several important details unique to therapy in ference lay in the manner in which solutes were
pediatric patients. For example, extracorporeal primarily removed from the blood [170].
blood volume considerations and the need for During any RRT in which a semipermeable
blood circuit priming, the critical importance of membrane is used, there are two mechanisms that
nutritional support, and the use of CRRT to man- can be involved in the transfer of solutes: diffu-
age conditions unique to pediatric patients such sion and convection. Diffusive transport is driven
as inborn errors of metabolism all demand a per- by solute concentration gradients that exist
spective different from that used to treat adult between blood and dialysate. Solute molecules
patients with CRRT. But by far the most demand- are transferred across the membrane in the direc-
ing and often vexing considerations arising in tion of lower solute concentration at a rate that is
pediatric CRRT are related to the need to adapt inversely proportional to molecular size and
and downsize equipment and prescriptions mildly influenced by molecular charge.
designed for adult-size patients in order to meet Convective transport occurs when a solute mole-
the special needs of pediatric patients ranging in cule is swept through the membrane by a moving
size and maturity from 2 kg premature neonates stream of ultrafiltrate, a process called “solvent
to 100+ kg adolescents. drag.” Convective transport is independent of
722 P.D. Brophy et al.

any solute concentration gradient that might be The simplicity of the CAVH system when
present; only the direction and force of trans- used in children was appealing, but there were
membrane fluid flux are important determinants difficulties. Yet, despite the often low mean arte-
of convective transport (see also Chap. 2 (Biology rial pressures seen in critically ill infants and
of Dialysis). children, CAVH quickly found a place in pediat-
During hemodialysis, solute movement across ric intensive care units in North America and
the dialysis membrane from blood to dialysate is Europe [173–177]. Early problems with control-
primarily the result of diffusion, although a small ling ultrafiltration rates (UFR) from the surpris-
amount of convective transport occurs as a result ingly efficient adult-size hemofilters then
of ultrafiltration. During hemofiltration, since no available were addressed by using volumetric IV
dialysate is used, diffusive transport cannot occur, pumps attached to the ultrafiltrate line to regulate
and solute transfer is entirely dependent on con- UFR. When it was recognized that the IV pumps
vective transport. The relative inefficiency with were unreliable, adding downstream, weight-
which small solutes are removed from the blood based urometers allowed individual titration of
by convective transport when compared to diffu- UFR to reflect pump performance. A better solu-
sive transport is one of the most distinctive fea- tion for infants was the development of small
tures of hemofiltration. For intermittent hemofilters (see Chap. 38).
hemofiltration to serve as an alternative to the In order to achieve predictable and more con-
much more efficient intermittent hemodialysis, a trollable ultrafiltration, and avoid the risks of
very large volume of ultrafiltrate had to be gener- long-term arterial cannulation, blood pump–
ated and continuously and accurately replaced driven CRRT systems were introduced in the
with a sterile, pyrogen-free and thus costly replace- early 1990s. Double-lumen central venous cath-
ment fluid. As a result, intermittent hemofiltration eters could now be used as CRRT vascular access,
never seriously challenged intermittent hemodial- thereby changing the name of the therapy to
ysis for preeminence as a chronic RRT [171]. CVVH (continuous venovenous hemofiltration).
The conceptualization of continuous hemofil- The ongoing evolution of these technologies has
tration as a treatment for acute renal failure was resulted in more sensitive pumping systems that
the contribution of a team of nephrologists in have increased the safety of CVVH in small
Gottingen, Germany led by Peter Kramer. In a patients. These and other developments have
brief German language report published in 1977, made CRRT a more attractive and viable option
Kramer, who was familiar with the use of inter- for critically ill children with AKI and metabolic
mittent pumped hemofiltration in patients with disorders, such that CRRT is becoming the pre-
acute or chronic renal failure, described a novel ferred method of acute therapy in many pediatric
RRT used to treat fluid overload which he termed intensive care units [178].
continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration (CAVH)
[172]. In CAVH, catheters were placed in an
artery and vein and were connected by relatively Indications and Modality Options
short, large-bore tubing to a hemofilter placed
between them. An ultrafiltrate line leading from In general, the indications for initiating CRRT in
the hemofilter to a collection vessel completed children and adults are similar and most often
the assembly. Relying solely on the cardiac func- involve the treatment of AKI and fluid overload
tion of the patient to pump blood though the in a critically ill patient [179, 180]. CRRT can
hemofilter, the CAVH system was able to pro- also be used to treat infants who have inborn
duce relatively large volumes of ultrafiltrate over errors of metabolism and can be readily combined
time. An in-depth description of the circum- with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation [181,
stances that led pioneering nephrologists in 182]. Advantages and disadvantages of CRRT
Vincenza, Italy to first apply CAVH to a pediatric when compared with acute hemodialysis and
patient can be found in Chap. 38. peritoneal dialysis are summarized in Table 37.8.
37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT 723

Table 37.8 Comparative advantages and disadvantages of acute RRT therapies

Therapy Advantages Disadvantages
CRRT Hemodynamic stability Requires blood prime in small pts
No disequilibrium syndrome Requires vascular access
Slow, gentle fluid and solute removal Requires anticoagulation
Increased solute removal Requires patient immobilization
ICU nurses can manage machines Risks nutrient depletion
Can worsen oligo-anuria
Requires expensive machinery
Unavailable in many emerging countries
Difficult to use in tiny infants
Relatively high cost
Acute HD Rapid clearance of small solutes and toxins Requires blood prime in small pts
Rapid removal of large fluid volumes Requires vascular access
Immobilization limited to few hrs/day Requires anticoagulation
Widely available in developed countries Requires specialized nursing
Requires expensive machinery
Relatively high cost
Difficult to use in tiny infants
Acute PD Readily available throughout world Inefficient removal solutes, fluid
No vascular access Acute peritoneal access prone to leaks, obstruction
No anticoagulation required Can cause respiratory compromise from abdominal distension
No disequilibrium syndrome
Managed by ICU nurses
Relatively low cost
No complex machinery
Can be used in tiny infants

Because CRRT is continuous and can be con- Hence the name for this CRRT modality: continu-
ducted over days to weeks, overall solute clear- ous venovenous hemodialysis (CVVHD,
ance and fluid removal is easily superior to other Fig. 37.7b). When both replacement fluid and
modalities. However, this feature also has nega- dialysate are used to combine both convective
tive aspects, primarily the need to remain rela- and diffusive clearances, the therapy is known as
tively immobilized while connected to the CRRT continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration
circuit for prolonged periods. As a result, small (CVVHDF, Fig. 37.7c). The relative advantages
children typically require long-term sedation and of one CRRT modality over another have been
occasionally even paralysis to prevent the small debated inconclusively for a more than a decade,
movements that can readily disrupt flow in the fueled in part in the US by the initial lack of an
hypersensitive CRRT circuit. FDA-approved replacement fluid , leading some
CRRT is composed of and refers to a variety of centers to avoid the convective therapies (CVVH
modalities that primarily take advantage of one or and CVVHDF) altogether. Now that FDA-
both solute clearance mechanisms. In continuous approved replacement fluids are readily available,
venovenous hemofiltration (CVVH), blood flows proper comparative modality studies can be
through the hemofilter generating large volumes designed in centers offering all three modalities.
of ultrafiltrate which are replaced by introduction
into the blood path of a physiologic “replacement
fluid” either before (pre-dilution) or after (post- CRRT Machines
dilution) the hemofilter (see Fig. 37.7a). Clearance
is thus exclusively convective. If instead of The choice of CRRT machinery for pediatric
replacement fluid infused into the blood path a patients is based entirely on local practice and is
dialysate is infused into the hemofilter, clearance often most influenced by cost and local experi-
becomes primarily diffusive as in hemodialysis. ence, as well as the preferences of the adult CRRT
724 P.D. Brophy et al.

Fig. 37.7 (a) Diagram of a convective based (CVVH) than replacement fluid. Dialysate flow is countercurrent to
continuous renal replacement therapy (Note use of either blood flow). (c) Diagram of combined convective and dif-
pre- or post-filter replacement fluid rather than dialysate). fusive based (CVVHDF) continuous renal replacement
(b) Diagram of diffusion based (CVVHD) continuous therapies (Note use of both dialysate and replacement
renal replacement therapy (Note use of dialysate rather fluids)
37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT 725

program in settings where pediatric and adult and result in a stoppage of flow. Many nephrolo-
facilities and services are combined. To date, no gists prefer to avoid using the subclavian vein as
machine has been found superior for pediatric some patients may not regain renal function and
CRRT. In fact, no machines have been found to ultimately require an upper extremity arterio-
be particularly well suited for use in children. venous fistula which functions poorly when there
Fortunately, all have improved ultrafiltration con- is stenosis of the subclavian vein due to its prior
trols and pumps that have reduced error rates to use for RRT (see Chap. 3(Demographics of
only a fraction of those seen in the early days of Dialysis in Children) [Brandt chapter]).
CAVH when IV pumps were used [183]. All offer Blood flow rates for CRRT are determined by
blood path warming devices to minimize the risk the size of the child, the machine being used and
of hypothermia and most can be run at the lower the vascular access. Short, large bore catheters
blood flow rates suitable for use in infants and provide improved performance due to lower
small children. A detailed discussion of the vari- resistance to flow [184]. As with HD, longer,
ous components and features of the available smaller bore catheters (e.g,. Broviac catheters,
machines is beyond the scope of this chapter. umbilical vessel catheters) are unsuitable for use
Suffice it to say that there is no currently avail- in CRRT due to their high flow resistance.
able optimal pediatric CRRT machine (see also
Chap. 38).
Blood Flow Rates

Vascular Access With a well-functioning vascular access it is pos-

sible to adjust blood flow rate (Qb) to fit the size
As with all extracorporeal therapies, the success of the child and the clinical setting. As with pedi-
of CRRT treatment is dependent on the quality of atric HD, Qb can be prescribed initially based on
the vascular access. Adequate blood flow (Qb) is body weight, but recommendations vary widely
essential to providing optimal therapy with mini- from 10 to 12 mL/kg-min in neonates to 2–4 mL/
mal interruption, reducing the likelihood of circuit kg-min in adolescents. Higher Qb will support
loss due to clotting. In pediatric patients, the longer filter life by reducing the likelihood of fil-
choice of vascular access catheter size and inser- ter fiber clotting. Higher Qb also facilitates
tion site is critical. Table 37.6 contains a listing of increased patient fluid removal by providing
available catheters suitable for use in children who greater filter plasma flow rates and reduces the
are receiving either acute hemodialysis or CRRT. loss of clearance efficiency from predilution
In general, the right internal jugular insertion mode CVVH or CVVHDF. However, not all
site with the tip of the double lumen catheter patients will tolerate a higher Qb, especially at
residing within the right atrium provides the best initiation of CRRT. In general, it is best to begin
all around performance, especially in infants and with caution and advance Qb to the targeted rate
small children. When the catheter tip resides over the first 30 min as tolerated.
within a central vein (e.g., the subclavian or supe-
rior or inferior vena cava) the catheter diameter
can approach the diameter of the surrounding Solutions
vessel. The collapse of the vessel wall against the
catheter will occlude the side ports of the cathe- As was seen in HD, the tolerability of CRRT has
ter’s arterial limb causing rapid rise in access been greatly improved with the introduction of
negative pressure and stoppage of flow. Femoral bicarbonate-based CRRT solutions. When solu-
access can perform well and may be safer due to tions used lactate as the buffer, worsening lactic
its relative ease of insertion. However, prolonged acidosis was common leading to hypotension and
use often requires heavy sedation or even paraly- depression of cardiac function [185]. A series of
sis, as minimal flexing of the hip in an awake and comparative clinical trials of lactate- and bicar-
moving patient will too easily crimp the catheter bonate-based CRRT fluids in adults [186, 187]
726 P.D. Brophy et al.

and children [188] have so clearly demonstrated the use of one highly biocompatible membrane,
the superiority of bicarbonate as a buffer in this the AN-69 polyacrilonitrile membrane, has been
setting that bicarbonate-based replacement fluid associated in pediatric patients with the “bradyki-
and dialysate is now the standard of care for nen release phenomenon,” characterized by a
CRRT. precipitous decline in blood pressure 5–10 min
Along with bicarbonate (and small amounts of after initiating CRRT, especially when a blood
lactate for stability), CRRT solutions also contain prime has been used [144, 189]. Exposure of the
various amounts of sodium, potassium, chloride, blood to the highly negatively charged AN69
glucose, calcium, phosphate, and magne- membrane co-activates pre-kallikrein and
sium. Bicarbonate-based, FDA-approved CRRT Hageman factor resulting in the release of bra-
solutions are now available from several manu- dykinen, a potent vasodilator. The reaction is
facturers in a dizzying array of electrolyte formu- potentiated by exposure to blood with an acid pH,
lations. Most hospital pharmacies will stock only which is typical of banked blood used for blood
a single brand and in only a few formulations. priming the circuit in infants for whom the circuit
There are clinical settings, however that call for volume exceeds 10–15% of the estimated blood
different solutions. A key feature of CRRT, espe- volume. Thus in small infants the use of a blood
cially in small patients, is the tendency over time prime with an AN69 membrane can result in pro-
for the composition of the CRRT fluids to eventu- found hypotension. Buffering the blood to physi-
ally determine the electrolyte composition of the ologic pH prior to priming the circuit or infusing
patient. A fluid low in potassium, phosphorous, the blood post filter at the same rate as a saline
and magnesium may be appropriate at initiation prime have been shown to be effective in mini-
of CRRT when concentrations of these electro- mizing the bradykinen release syndrome, as has
lytes in AKI patients are often elevated. However, avoidance of the AN69 membrane [145, 190].
depending on the CRRT prescription, within a
surprisingly short time the patient will become
frankly deficient in these electrolytes which can Anticoagulation
complicate management. Thus while a “starter”
fluid with reduced potassium, phosphorous, and Activation of the clotting cascade occurs in CRRT
magnesium is needed, a more physiologic fluid circuits due to contact of the circulating blood
that adds back these electrolytes in physiologic with artificial surfaces. Low blood flow rates, tur-
concentrations should follow. Rather than stock- bulent flow, small catheters, and high hematocrits
ing multiple formulations, some pharmacies may hasten this effect. Anticoagulation regimens
prefer to add potassium, phosphorous, magne- using mixed molecular weight heparin or sodium
sium, and even additional bicarbonate to the citrate are the most commonly used in pediatric
“starter” solutions as needed, a practice that may CRRT, and either can be effective. Early com-
add risks associated with potential pharmacy parison of observed outcomes in pediatric centers
errors and increase costs. showed equal filter life span with heparin and cit-
Calcium is always left out of solutions when rate, but more hemorrhagic events in the heparin
phosphate is present ; in addition, calcium has group [191]. However, controlled studies are
usually but not always been left out of CRRT lacking, and centers tend to adopt one method or
solutions used with citrate anticoagulation, as the other based on local experience and practice.
will be discussed below. It is also possible in certain situations to use no
anticoagulation, relying on periodic saline flushes
of the circuit. This approach is typically consid-
Hemofilter Membranes ered in patients with evidence of a sustained
coagulopathy due to disseminated intravascular
A wide variety of hemofilter membranes have coagulopathy or hepatic failure. However, many
been developed for use with CRRT, none of of these patients are receiving periodic fresh fro-
which have been shown to be superior. However, zen plasma and platelet infusions to correct the
37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT 727

underlying coagulopathy that will clot a CRRT in pediatric CRRT using ACD-A was first
system when no anticoagulation is used. described by Bunchman and colleagues in 2002
Moreover, patients with hepatic failure may have [193]. A circuit ionized calcium concentration
a paradoxical hypercoagulable state. An uncon- goal of 0.25–0.4 mmols/L is achieved by titrating
trolled study has shown the no coagulation/saline the citrate infusion rate according to the mea-
flushes approach to be associated with an inferior sured post-filter ionized calcium concentration.
circuit life span compared to heparin and citrate Because available calcium in the circuit is a func-
anticoagulation [191]. tion of blood flow rate (Qb), the initial ACD-A
Heparin has been the mainstay of HD antico- rate is set to equal in mL/h 1.5–2 times the blood
agulation for decades. It is not surprising then that flow rate in mL/min. Thus for a Qb of 100 mL/
many pediatric CRRT programs began with and min, the initial ACD-A rate is set at 150–
continue to rely on heparin to maintain circuit pat- 200 mL/h. A 0.8% calcium chloride in normal
ency. Heparin is infused in the CRRT circuit pre- saline solution is then infused to maintain the
filter and titrated to achieve a targeted post-filter desired systemic ionized calcium concentration,
partial thromboplastin time (PTT) 1.5–2 times nor- usually 1.1–1.3 mmols/L. The initial CaCl2 infu-
mal, or an activated clotting time (ACT) between sion rate is usually 50–75% of the citrate infusion
180 and 220 s. This is usually accomplished by rate. Thus for a Qb of 100 mL/min and a citrate
giving an initial heparin bolus of 20–30 units/kg, rate of 200 mL/h, the initial CaCl2 rate is 100–
followed by a continuous infusion of 10–20 units/ 150 mL/h. Separate sliding scales are used to
kg h. Alternatively, the circuit may be rinsed adjust citrate infusion rates according to the peri-
and primed with 1–2 L of normal saline to which odically measured circuit ionized calcium level
has been added 2,500–5,000 units/L of heparin, and CaCl2 infusion rates according to systemic
followed by the pre-filter heparin infusion. ionized calcium levels. The system often stabi-
As first proposed by Mehta and colleagues in lizes rapidly allowing reduced frequency of mon-
San Diego in 1990, sodium citrate anticoagula- itoring after the first 4–6 h.
tion has gained wide acceptance in pediatric Adverse effects of citrate anticoagulation
CRRT programs due to its ease of administration include metabolic alkalosis, citrate toxicity, and
and low side effects profile compared to heparin hyperglycemia in infants when ACD-A is used.
[192]. By infusing citrate into the arterial limb of Because citrate is metabolized by the liver to
the CRRT tubing as it leaves the catheter, calcium bicarbonate in a ~3:1 manner (~3 mol of bicar-
ions are bound to the citrate, reducing available bonate for every mol of citrate), patients receiv-
calcium and thereby greatly inhibiting coagula- ing citrate anticoagulation are prone to develop
tion within the circuit, since normal coagulation metabolic alkalosis. Fortunately, citrate is readily
is calcium-dependent. Systemic hypocalcemia is cleared by dialysis [194]. Thus, metabolic alkalo-
prevented by infusing calcium chloride back into sis can be forestalled by increasing the dialysate
the patient at a central site away from the CRRT flow rate to increase citrate clearance in patients
circuit. Thus, citrate anticoagulation achieves receiving CVVHD or CVVHDF. Reducing the
truly regional anticoagulation by affecting only citrate infusion rate and temporarily using nor-
the circuit, thereby eliminating the increased risk mal saline (pH = 5.4) as a replacement solution
of bleeding seen with heparin. can also be effective.
The original citrate protocol proposed by Citrate toxicity may be diagnosed by monitor-
Mehta and colleagues used 4% trisodium citrate, ing the ratio of the total calcium to the ionized
which is high in sodium (440 mEq/L) and requires calcium levels [195]. Citrate toxicity occurs when
pharmacy-made solutions that are hyponatremic citrate clearance falls behind citrate delivery.
and risk pharmacy error. Alternatively, the com- Total calcium levels rise and the ratio of total cal-
mercially available ACD-A (Baxter Healthcare cium to systemic ionized calcium levels rises pre-
Deerfield, IL) is now widely used in conjunc- cipitously. As citrate accumulation progresses, it
tion with calcium-free dialysis and replacement becomes more difficult to maintain the declining
solutions [192]. A commonly employed approach systemic ionized calcium levels within normal
728 P.D. Brophy et al.

ranges. Since citrate is cleared metabolically by Unlike too aggressive small solute clearance with
the liver, patients with diminished liver function HD in the setting of AKI, there is no disequilib-
are at increased risk for citrate toxicity. A falling rium syndrome associated with rapid reductions
serum ionized calcium level in the face of a rising in serum ammonia levels. Highly efficient CRRT
total calcium in a patient with liver dysfunction is carries the increased risk of electrolyte depletion
a sure sign of citrate toxicity. Treatment often requiring the immediate use of phosphate-
requires reducing the citrate rate after a brief containing CRRT solutions.
period off citrate entirely. An initial citrate infu-
sion rate of 50–70% of the usual rate is also rec-
ommended in patients with hepatic insufficiency Extracorporeal Membrane
who are at increased risk for citrate toxicity. Oxygenation

The widespread use of extracorporeal membrane

Nutrition oxygenation (ECMO) in neonatal and pediatric
critical care units along with the common occur-
One of the most attractive features of CRRT is rence of AKI in these patients with multiple organ
the ability to provide complete nutrition without dysfunction has led to the need to incorporate
risk of fluid overload. Optimization of energy CRRT into the ECMO therapy circuit. Fortunately,
and protein intake in these highly catabolic this is readily accomplished. The ECMO circuit
patients is potentially important to ultimate sur- is fully heparinized obviating the need to antico-
vival. However, CRRT also contributes to nega- agulate the CRRT circuit. Blood flow in the
tive nitrogen balance through the loss of free ECMO circuit is often 20–30 times that required
amino acids and peptides . Studies by Maxvold for optimal CRRT. Placement of the CRRT cir-
and colleagues in pediatric CRRT patients have cuit is traditionally post- to pre-oxygenator.
shown that nutritional prescriptions delivering However, this may effectively shunt oxygenated
the RDI for protein result in negative nitrogen blood away from the patient. Newer ECMO cir-
balance [196]. Similar studies in adults have con- cuits with multiple access nipples allow the inser-
firmed these observations [197]. Current nutri- tion of the CRRT circuit in an entirely
tional recommendations for adults and children pre-oxygenator location. Close collaboration
receiving CRRT include a daily intake of amino between CRRT and ECMO teams is required to
acids of 2.5–3 g/kg. Under most circumstances, a find the best location for the CRRT circuit and to
BUN of 40–60 mg/dL is a reliable indicator of coordinate concomitant therapy goals [182].
adequate amino acid/protein intake.

Inborn Errors of Metabolism
CRRT can be readily combined concurrently with
The acute treatment of several inborn errors of plasma exchange procedures without interrupting
metabolism requires the rapid removal of toxic CRRT. As first described by Yorgin and associ-
substances, primarily ammonia, which is elevated ates in 2000, the placement of a three-way stop-
in urea cycle defects and some organic acidemias cock at both arterial and venous limbs of the
[198, 199]. While hemodialysis is usually recom- CRRT circuit at the connection to the double
mended to lower very high ammonia levels most lumen catheter allows diversion of blood through
effectively, rebound is rapid after cessation of the centrifugation plasmapheresis machine [200].
dialysis. Many centers now begin treatment with At initiation of plasmapheresis, Qb on the CRRT
HD and segue directly to CRRT to prevent machine must be reduced by the blood flow rate
rebound. High Qb and dialysate flow rates are rec- of the pheresis machine, which in turn may require
ommended to maximize clearance of ammonia. reduction in CRRT replacement fluid rate.
37 Acute Kidney Injury: Diagnosis and Treatment with Peritoneal Dialysis, Hemodialysis, and CRRT 729

[155]. These studies are confounded by the use of

Thermic Control different modalities involving different amounts
of convective and diffusive solute removal.
Infants and small children have large body sur- However, the thought that by attempting to push
face area to weight ratios. In addition, a relatively clearances ever higher outcomes would be
large fraction of total circulating blood volume is improved seems unlikely. This is a particularly
in the extracorporeal circuit at any given time, important observation in pediatric CRRT where
placing these children at substantial risk for the use of large filters in small patients allows
hypothermia during CRRT. In-line fluid warmers achievement of very high clearances that can be
can be used, but will increase priming volume. nutritionally harmful. Despite theoretical consid-
Line warmers that can be applied to the return erations that seemed to favor high clearance tar-
line offer the best results. Thermic control devices gets in cytokine-driven illnesses like sepsis [203]
may also mask a fever in a small child. and preliminary results in septic adults treated
with very high flow CRRT [204], available evi-
dence does not support the use of clearance tar-
Circuit-to-Circuit Exchange gets above 20–35 mL/kg h. For pediatric patients,
this translates to 2–3 L/1.73 m2 h, rates that are
Infants receiving prolonged CRRT may require reasonably easy to achieve.
repeated blood primes, with multiple exposures to A representative prescription for pediatric
blood-borne diseases, HLA antigen sensitization CRRT would include a blood flow rate of 4–6 mL/
and bradykinen syndrome. After the initial blood kg/min and a dialysate or replacement fluid rate
prime, subsequent routine circuit changes can be (or the sum of both in the case of CVVHDF) of at
accomplished by priming a new machine with the least 2,000–3,000 mL/1.73 m2 h.
blood that resides in the old machine. The circuit
is discontinued, the catheter flushed and locked
with heparinized saline or tPA, and a saline- Outcome
primed circuit on a new machine is connected to
the venous line of the old circuit. Blood from the Survival of pediatric patients treated with CRRT
old circuit is then used to fill the new circuit, the has been reported in single center studies to vary
new circuit then attached to the patient [201]. widely by disease and modality [205–207].
Recent evidence points to the degree of fluid
overload as an independent determinant of out-
Prescription come in pediatric patients treated with CRRT.
Goldstein and colleagues first showed this effect
The optimal “dose” of renal replacement therapy in a single center study [205] that has been con-
is not known. Studies by Ronco and colleagues firmed by a large multicenter study from the pro-
of adults with AKI treated with CVVH estab- spective pediatric CRRT (ppCRRT) registry
lished a total convective clearance (replacement [208]. Patient survival was inversely correlated
fluid plus patient fluid removal) target of 35 mL/ with percent fluid overload at initiation of CRRT;
kg h as a threshold below which survival was sig- survivors had a mean fluid overload of 14.2%
nificantly worse [202]. In a subset of these while in non-survivors mean fluid overload was
patients with sepsis there was a trend in favor of 25.4%, a difference that was highly significant
improved survival with total convective clear- and independent of diagnosis or severity of ill-
ances >/= 45 mL/kg h. Recent studies by the VA/ ness [205]. Further analysis of the ppCRRT
NIH Acute Renal Failure Network have shown Registry data has established 20% fluid overload
that there was no difference in survival associ- as the threshold above which mortality of pediat-
ated with more intensive RRT (35 mL/kg h) com- ric patients receiving CRRT is four times that
pared to less intensive (20 mL/kg h) therapy of patients with less than 10% fluid overload at
730 P.D. Brophy et al.

initiation of CRRT [208]. These data suggest that 9. Mehta RL, Kellum JA, Shah SV, Molitoris BA,
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11. Zappitelli M, Bernier PL, Saczkowski RS, Tchervenkov
CI, Gottesman R, Dancea A, Hyder A, Alkandari O.
AKI is frequently seen in the pediatric popula- A small post-operative rise in serum creatinine
tion, often associated with high risk of mortality predicts acute kidney injury in children undergoing
or long-term morbidity. Recent advances in the cardiac surgery. Kidney Int. 2009;76:885–92.
understanding of the pathophysiology of AKI 12. Palmieri T, Lavrentieva A, Greenhaigh D. An assess-
ment of acute kidney injury with modified RIFLE
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have made renal replacement therapies more A, Ozkaya O, Peru H, Alpay H, Soylemezoglu O,
Gur-Given A, Bak M, Bircan Z, Akil I, Ozcakar B,
accessible and more easily applied in the pediat- Uncu N, Karabay-Bayazit A, Sonmez F, Turkish
ric setting. Yet despite these advances mortality Society for Pediatric Nephrology Acute Kidney
rates among children who suffer AKI remain dis- Injury Study Group. Etiology and outcome of acute
turbingly high. Hopefully, future developments kidney injury in children. Pediatr Nephrol.
will bring about improved outcomes for the 14. Plotz FB, Bouma AB, van Wijk JA, Kneyber MC,
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Special Indications and Techniques
of Blood Purification
The Development of CRRT
for Infants and Children 38
Claudio Ronco and Zaccaria Ricci

Continuous hemofiltration • Acute renal failure • Pediatric dialysis
• Perinatal ARF • Pediatric CRRT • Acute kidney injury in infants

pathologic conditions are aggravated in children

Introduction by the small size of the patient and the limited
tolerance of homeostatic imbalances. For these
Acute kidney injury (AKI), or acute renal failure reasons, this disorder represents a severe illness
(ARF), in infancy may result from a variety of in children, and it may become even more severe
pathophysiologic events and is characterized by a when it occurs in neonates, especially premature
sudden impairment of renal function with conse- infants.
quent decrease in urine output (<1 mL/kg/h in the Prerenal failure accounts for more than one
newborn) and a parallel increase in blood levels third of the pediatric cases of AKI and requires
of urea nitrogen, creatinine, and other waste prod- prevention and adequate homeostatic corrections
ucts [1–3].The main cause of AKI/ARF in infancy with a careful fluid challenge [3]. Intrinsic renal
is renal hypoperfusion due to acute volume deple- failure is mostly linked to acute tubular necrosis
tion, perinatal asphyxia, severe hypotension and/ and often necessitates renal replacement therapy
or septic shock. Another frequent cause of AKI in due to the prolongation of renal insufficiency.
children is acute tubular necrosis (ATN) associ- Postrenal failure may require surgical removal of
ated with abdominal or cardiac surgery. Fluid and the obstruction. In all cases, the presenting signs
electrolyte imbalances are frequently present, and and symptoms may be dominated or modified by
metabolic acidosis is often associated with other the precipitating disease. Clinical findings related
alterations of intermediary metabolism. All these to AKI include pallor (anemia), diminished urine
output, edema, (salt and water overload), hyper-
tension, vomiting, and lethargy (uremic enceph-
alopathy), while laboratory abnormalities are
C. Ronco, MD () typical of a status of renal insufficiency, often
Nephrology Department, International Renal Research
requiring substitution of renal function by dialy-
Institute, St. Bortolo Hospital, Vicenza, Italy
e-mail: sis (see also Chap. 37).
The characteristics of the syndrome have
Z. Ricci, MD
Department of Cardio-Anesthesiology and Pediatric changed little in the last three decades. The only
Intensive Care, Ospedale Bambin Gesù, Rome, Italy exceptions are that AKI today is frequently part

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_38, 739

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
740 C. Ronco and Z. Ricci

of a multiple organ dysfunction syndrome Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration

(MODS ), and patients are sicker and more com- (CAVH) was a simple method for blood purifica-
plicated than in previous years. tion and body fluid control originally described
In this chapter, we will describe our experi- by Kramer et al. in 1977 [8]. A small hemofilter
ence and that of others in the management of AKI was connected to an artery and a vein, and the
in infants and children through the development simple arteriovenous hydrostatic gradient gener-
of new devices and new equipment, especially in ated by the heart moved the blood through the
the area of continuous renal replacement thera- circuit, producing slow continuous ultrafiltration.
pies (CRRT) [4]. Our own involvement in the Blood purification was mainly achieved by con-
development of CRRT for children was unex- vection. Replacement of ultrafiltrate by substitu-
pected. Our adult nephrology team had little tion solutions contributed to lower solute levels
experience and certainly no prior competence in in the blood. No pumps were used in the classic
pediatric dialysis. However, our center in Vicenza method, and the system operated with low blood
is a major cardiac surgery center for children as flows and low transmembrane pressures [9–14].
well as adults. We received frequent requests to Beginning in 1979, CAVH was widely used in
assist in the management of infants and children our center in Vicenza, Italy in adults as an alter-
who had AKI after cardiac surgery, and our accu- native treatment for critically ill patients in whom
mulated experience in the field of adult CRRT, HD or PD were contraindicated or precluded. We
together with a specific interest in bridging engi- in the Nephrology Division contributed to the
neering and nephrology, made it possible to start evolution of the technique and the deeper under-
the adventure of CRRT in infants and children in standing of CAVH, focusing our studies on devel-
the early 1980s [5, 6]. opment of new devices and specific hardware
[15–17]. Although we were not a pediatric neph-
rology division, we had recurrent requests from
The Birth of CRRT in Infants pediatric surgery for immediate delivery of renal
and Children replacement therapy (RRT) in neonates develop-
ing AKI after cardiac surgery . Our feeling was
During the 1980s, advances in dialysis technol- that the simplicity, rapid application, and good
ogy had made intermittent hemodialysis possible clinical tolerance demonstrated by CAVH in the
even in small patients. This technique however, adult patient could make it a reliable treatment
was difficult and not routinely applied to small also for infants and children [5, 18, 19]. In pedi-
children in the critical care setting, especially in atric patients, the technique could offer special
infants in whom AKI was frequently associated advantages in terms of the low priming volume
with severe cardiovascular instability, respiratory of the extracorporeal circuit, low rate of heparini-
problems, and other medical complications which zation [20], low blood flow, and slow continuous
precluded hemodialysis because of the induction removal of isotonic fluid.
of severe hemodynamic instability [7]. As a In the early 1980s, thanks to a fruitful collabo-
result, peritoneal dialysis (PD) was used more ration with Professor Juan Bosch at Mount Sinai
often for blood purification in infants and pro- Hospital in New York, and Eng. Luciano
duced satisfactory clinical results in most patients Fecondini, the head of Research and Development
[7]. However, PD was technically impossible or at Amicon Corporation in Ireland, the idea of
undesirable in cases of recent abdominal surgery pediatric CAVH became a reality [5, 18, 19].
and/or abdominal skin infection. In addition, One day in early 1981 in Vicenza, a neonate
severe fluid overload at times could not be effec- was brought to our attention who was olguric due
tively treated by PD because of its low ultrafiltra- to AKI after extensive abdominal surgery. HD
tion efficiency. In all these conditions, an could not be performed and PD was impossible
alternative treatment was needed. because of the large peritoneal breach. We had
38 The Development of CRRT for Infants and Children 741

access, adequate technical devices and supplies,

specific extracorporeal circuits, precise ultrafil-
tration control systems, compatible fluids for
replacement, adequate anticoagulation regimens,
and accurate monitoring systems to improve
quality of management, safety, and performance.

Vascular Access

An adequate vascular access in CAVH was

Fig. 38.1 First in the world pediatric patient treated with required to generate the arteriovenous hydrostatic
CAVH. Vicenza, Italy, 1981 (from the author’s collection) gradient moving the blood through the filter [21].
Short, large diameter cannulas were critical to
four small prototype filters containing only a few achieve good blood flow while avoiding unnec-
hollow fibers intended to be used to separate essary pressure loss. Flexibility without reduc-
plasma water from blood in the laboratory. After tion of the inner lumen of the cannula and good
obtaining the parents’ consent, we created a mod- clinical tolerance were other important features
ified CAVH circuit with shortened blood lines of the vascular access.
and the small filter, connecting the circuit to an Several vascular access routes were utilized in
artery and a vein. The circuit ran for 48 h, after infants in the early 1980s, including the umbilical
which it was replaced with another similar circuit vessels used in a neonate treated at Mount Sinai
that ran for more than 72 h. Heparin and substitu- Hospital in New York (Fig. 38.2). Special cathe-
tion fluids were administered according to fluid ters were used and specific nomograms were
balance requirements. Although we were operat- designed to assess the length of the cannulas in
ing in uncharted waters, all the skills learned in the umbilical vessels. However, this type of
the adult patient proved useful in the neonate, and access could not be used for long periods and
an average ultrafiltration rate of 0.9 mL/min was could not be used at all in patients older than 4–5
maintained throughout the 6 days of treatment days [22, 23]. Brachial artery or femoral artery
until renal recovery occurred and the patient sur- cannulation represented more reliable vascular
vived. In Fig. 38.1 is a photograph of this first in access (Fig. 38.3). Surgical isolation of the artery
the world pediatric CAVH treatment carried out was preferred in order to avoid hematomas or
at the San Bortolo Hospital in Vicenza in 1981. hemorrhagic complications. Flexible Teflon can-
From that moment, we realized that CAVH in nulas, 18–20 gauge and 20–25 mm long were
neonates could be done successfully. The pro- generally employed. The cannulas were fixed to
found knowledge of CAVH operations in adults the skin to avoid accidental disconnection or
and the possibility of technical developments for unwanted folding with reduction of blood flow.
new extracorporeal circuits and filters stimulated In bigger children, percutaneous cannulation of
the production of a new series of devices called the above mentioned vessels could be performed
“Minifilters”. with the standard Seldinger technique. Mean
arterial pressure in the newborn generally ranged
from 35 to 50 mmHg resulting in blood flows
The Evolution of CRRT in Infants ranging from 15 to 50 mL/min [24].
and Children Cannulation of the brachial or femoral artery in
infants led in some cases to distal hypoperfusion or
The success of the initial experience led to an even occlusion of the vessels. Although long-term
immediate evaluation of the requirements for complications were seldom observed, acute occlu-
adequate CAVH in infants: a reliable vascular sion occasionally resulted in proximal propagation
Fig. 38.2 Umbilical vessel access for CAVH in a neonate (Courtesy of J. Bosch, MD, 1987)

Fig. 38.3 Brachial or femoral artery cannulation for CAVH in a neonate ca 1980s (from the author’s collection)
38 The Development of CRRT for Infants and Children 743

Fig. 38.4 Early CVVH machines, ca 1990 (from the author’s collection)

of clot and limb-threatening ischemia. For this hemofiltration (CVVH) (Fig. 38.4). This innova-
reason, perfusion in the extremity and cannulation tion presented the advantage of reducing the risk
site was always rigorously monitored. of arterial bleeding while guaranteeing a stable
The jugular or subclavian veins were the most blood flow rate resulting in consistent perfor-
common route for venous return. However, can- mance of the treatment. In CVVH, however, the
nulas routinely used for fluid infusion (such as priming volume of the extracorporeal circuit was
those for parenteral nutrition and central venous necessarily increased, and it became advisable in
pressure measurement) were extremely thin and very small patients to start the procedure with a
too long for CAVH. Short lines with large inner blood primed circuit. Despite the fact that CVVH
diameter (18 gauge) were created from standard was a more efficient technique, the use of a blood
blood lines to reduce undesired resistance in the pump and the more complex layout of the extra-
extracorporeal circuit. corporeal circuit made CVVH somewhat less
In the early 1990s, two central veins, or a dou- suitable for infants which delayed the develop-
ble lumen catheter inserted in a single central ment of the veno-venous approach in infants
vein began to be used in conjunction with new compared to the treatment for larger children
blood pumps to perform continuous veno-venous and adults.
744 C. Ronco and Z. Ricci

Fig. 38.5 Two early

commercially available
tubing sets developed for
CAVH in infants, ca 1980s
(from the author’s

Extracorporeal Circuit circuit, wide-bore three-way stopcocks were

Standard pediatric hemodialysis lines (inner often placed in order to exclude the patient’s
diameter 0.3 cm) were initially modified in order circulation during lavage of the filter with hepa-
to obtain arterial and venous lines adequate for rinized saline solution. Kinking of the arterial
CAVH. Subsequently, blood tubing especially and venous lines was carefully avoided during
created for CAVH in infants was made commer- treatment (Fig. 38.6).
cially available (Fig. 38.5). The arterial line had The ultrafiltrate line was kept as long as pos-
to be as short as possible in order to avoid an sible in order to maximize the negative pressure
inacceptable pressure drop due to high resistance. exerted on the membrane by the ultrafiltrate col-
Since CAVH operated at low pressures, a loss of umn. This pressure definitely contributed to
5–10 mmHg could seriously affect the ultrafiltra- increasing ultrafiltration (Fig. 38.7). The low
tion rate and consequently treatment efficiency. priming volume (less than 20 mL) further
For the same reason, a hemofilter with a very low increased clinical tolerance of the treatment.
end-to-end pressure drop was required together When a blood pump was subsequently added to
with short, large-bore connections between the the circuit to perform CVVH, two veins or a sin-
venous line and the vascular cannula. A port for gle vein with a double lumen catheter were can-
continuous heparin infusion and another port for nulated, and all the methods employed to increase
arterial blood sampling were incorporated in the blood flow during CAVH became less important
arterial line. The sampling port could also be since a constant blood flow was provided by the
used for pressure measurements or for the use of pump during CVVH. At blood flows between
the filter in a pre-dilutional mode in which 20 and 80 mL/min, pressure sensors within the
replacement fluid was infused before the hemo- blood lines were required to minimize the risk of
filter [24–26]. damage to the vessels and any possible mechani-
The venous line contained a port for the infu- cal complication. New blood lines allowed
sion of replacement solutions and a venous blood continuous monitoring of the pre and post filter
sampling port, which could also be used for pres- pressures, thus making possible the continuous
sure measurements. At the inlet and outlet of the evaluation of filter and circuit patency [26].
Fig. 38.6 (a) The arterial limb of early CAVH circuit vascular catheters in both arterial and venous limbs (from
tubing developed for use in infants, ca 1980s (from the the author’s collection). (c) An early CAVH circuit in
author’s collection). (b) The venous limb. Note the pres- operation in an infant, ca 1980s (from the author’s
ence of short, large-bore stopcocks and connections to the collection)

Fig. 38.7 (a) and (b) Two early infant CAVH circuits in operation, ca 1980s. Note the long ultrafiltrate lines to maxi-
mize negative pressure on the membrane and the different ultrafiltrate collection devices (from the author’s collection)
746 C. Ronco and Z. Ricci

Fig. 38.8 (a) and

(c) Early polysulfone
hemofilters developed for
use in CAVH in infants
(from the author’s
collection). (b) An early
hemofilter prototype
developed for use in
CAVH in infants. Note the
large inner diameter of the
hemofilter fibers needed to
minimize resistance to
flow (from the author’s

The hemofilter also could be incorporated into Soon thereafter hemofilters especially made for
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) CAVH in infants and children became commer-
or extracorporeal CO2 removal (ECCO2R) cir- cially available. Our initial clinical experience in
cuits thus permitting maintenance of an adequate the early 1980s was with a polysulfone hollow
fluid balance during treatment [27]. The minifil- fiber hemofilter (0.005 m2 surface area) made by
ter circuit could also be used as a hemoconcentra- Amicon (Danvers, Mass, USA). A few years later,
tion device after open heart surgery. . this prototype was improved by increasing the sur-
face area to 0.015 m2 and incorporating optimized
The Search for Specific Filters flow dynamic design. The new filter was called the
The availability of adequate filters was the key to “Minifilter”. This filter however, was in some
performing CAVH in infants. Small filters instances still insufficient to guarantee an adequate
designed for standard hemodialysis that were in amount of ultrafiltrate per day. To meet all possible
use in the 1980s were inadequate. In CAVH fil- requirements of efficiency and performance, a
ters, low priming volumes had to be coupled with newer series of minifilters was then developed by
a very low resistance in the blood compartment. Minntech Corporation called the Minifilter Plus®.
These conflicting features could not be achieved These filters were designed to operate with mini-
with standard fibers and designs. A definite mal end-to-end pressure drop during CAVH in
improvement came from the development of a infants. While variable results had been achieved
new polysulfone hollow fiber with larger inner with other “small” filters available at that time,
diameter (500 and subsequently 1100 mm) optimal results were achieved with the Minifilter
(Fig. 38.8). series (Fig. 38.9) specifically designed for infants
38 The Development of CRRT for Infants and Children 747

Fig. 38.9 The Minifilter®

series. From the author’s

Table 38.1 Characteristics of the minifilters

First prototype Minifilter Minifilter plus
Overall length (cm) 13 13 17
Effective length (cm) 7 12.7 12.7
Diameter (cm) 1.5 1.7 2.5
Membrane type Assymm. PSF Assymm. PSF Assymm. PSF
Membrane area (cm2) 50 210 800
Fiber int. diameter (mm) 1100 1100 570
Priming volume (mL) 2.8 7.6 15
Pr drop (50 mL/min) (mmHg) 2.5 3.5 5
Number of fibers 25 60 450
Range of ultraf. (mL/min) 0.2–0.5 1–2.5 1–8

(see Table 38.1). Low resistance was the most In such filters, filtration pressure equilibrium
attractive feature of the filters, since high flows (Hydrostatic pressure = oncotic pressure) does
were obtained even at very low perfusion pres- not occur, and low filtration fractions are obtained.
sures. When the filters were utilized in clinical This permits an extended filter span life and lower
conditions, additional factors, such as the negative heparin requirement compared to that observed
pressure exerted by the ultrafiltrate column, helped in hemofilters for adults [28].
to increase the rate of ultrafiltration. The Minifilters The new Minifilters had two ports in the ultra-
achieved ultrafiltration rates between 0.5 and filtrate compartment, permitting the use of a
1.5 mL/min for TMP values between 20 and countercurrent flow of dialysate. In this case, the
70 mmHg and a blood flow of 20 mL/min with a treatment was named CAVHDF (Continuous
plateau value at 2.0–2.5 mL/min. At similar pres- Arterio-Venous Hemo-diafiltration) since both
sures, the Minifilter Plus displayed UF rates sig- diffusive and convective solute transport mecha-
nificantly higher (in the range of 3–4 mL/min) nisms were employed . Dialysate flows up 10 mL/
when the blood flow exceeded 50 mL/min. min could be routinely achieved [29–32].
748 C. Ronco and Z. Ricci

The Search for Performance these procedures, a continuous heparin infusion

Synthetic polysulfone, polyamide, or AN 69S of 5–10 IU/kg body weight/h was generally ade-
membranes have been commonly employed in quate to maintain effective extracorporeal antico-
CAVH-CVVH filters. In CAVH, this resulted in agulation with minimal systemic effects.
an ultrafiltrate with the same composition as Subsequently, with the improved understanding
plasma water [32]. of the rate of heparin metabolism in the newborn,
In our experience with CAVH, no reduction in the amount of anticoagulant was adjusted case by
membrane permeability had been noted after as case. At infusion rates between 5 and 8 IU /h/kg,
much as 86 h of treatment. Periodic lavages of maximal anticoagulation was achieved in the fil-
the filter with small quantities of heparinized ter with minimal effects in the systemic circula-
saline helped to prevent the negative effect of tion. This anticoagulation generally allowed
protein “concentration polarization” [28–32]. maintenance of a filter in use for days without
When dialysis fluid was circulated in the fil- clotting of the fibers and consequent need for
ters (CAVHDF-CVVHDF), the combination of replacement of the unit.
diffusive and convective clearance allowed a sig- Periodic lavages of the circuit with saline
nificant enhancement of small solute clearance helped to assess the condition of the filter and to
[33–39]. assure the complete absence of clots. To avoid
Since a remarkable quantity of thermal energy acute fluid overload during this procedure, the
was lost in the hemofilter, it became advisable to patient was excluded from the circuit using the
monitor the temperature of dialysis or replace- three-way taps.
ment solutions. In CAVHDF in fact, the hemofil-
ter was like a heat exchanger, and hypothermia Substitution Fluids and Fluid Balancing
was a possible complication. Systems
The removal of large amounts of ultrafiltrate
Anticoagulation from the patient (1–2 L/day) required the admin-
Preparation of the filter for CAVH treatment was istration of substitution fluid. Depending on the
extremely important for its function and duration patient’s requirements, ultrafiltrate was replaced
during therapy. At the beginning, liposoluble in part, in whole, or even in excess. The replace-
compounds were present in the structure of the ment solution was initially administered by
fibers to maintain porosity and permeability. manual methods and only subsequently semiau-
These compounds were removed prior to treat- tomatic, or completely automatic systems were
ment by rinsing the filter with 1,000 mL of hepa- employed. It was clear that particular care had
rinized saline solution (5,000 IU of heparin/l of to be placed in obtaining the scheduled fluid
saline). During the washing procedure, the venous balance because of the high sensitivity of the neo-
line and the ultrafiltration line had to be clamped nate even to small variations in body fluid balance
periodically in order to remove paraffin and air and composition. We utilized a simple gravimet-
bubbles from the system. ric control system (EQUALINE®, Medica –
Since the population treated with CAVH was Medolla, Italy) as a safe and reliable device for
often at risk of bleeding, the main goal of antico- precise fluid balance during CAVH, over a pro-
agulation was to achieve an adequate local effect longed period of time [33] (Fig. 38.10).
without any systemic consequence. Since hepa- The replacement solution was generally pre-
rinization was conducted empirically in the first pared by the pharmacy or simply taken from the
treatments, whole-blood activated clotting time bags used for adult hemofiltration. Its composition
and partial thromboplastin time were carefully had to be adapted to the metabolic requirements
monitored. After the determination of these and to the electrolyte imbalances recorded in the
parameters under baseline conditions, if they patient. In our experience, replacement solutions
were within normal ranges a bolus of heparin was containing lactate used for chronic hemofiltration
administered (100 IU/kg body weight). After were adequate in the majority of patients. Because
38 The Development of CRRT for Infants and Children 749

Fig. 38.10 A simple

gravimetric control system
(EQUALINE®, Medica –
Medolla, Italy) employed
as a safe and reliable
device for precise fluid
balance during CAVH,
over a prolonged period
of time, ca 1980s (from the
author’s collection)

of lactate intolerance in some infants, bicarbonate access (often complicated in infants) and is gener-
containing replacement solutions were sometimes ally well tolerated in hemodynamically unstable
necessary, and in that case calcium and magne- patients [44]. PD is currently the RRT treatment
sium were separately administered. of choice in neonates, unless specific contraindi-
cations are present (i.e. peritonitis, abdominal
masses, or bleeding). Nonetheless, one of the
The Modern Practice of CRRT main disadvantages of PD in these patients is a
in Infants relative lack of efficiency, especially in water
removal with direct consequences on fluid bal-
The indications for RRT in pediatric patients have ance and frequent limitation of parenteral nutri-
changed through the years and the present trend is tion in particular when the treatment of a highly
toward a wider spectrum of applications including catabolic patient is required. Given these limita-
prevention of fluid accumulation and management tions, the early application of PD in order to
of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) achieve the prevention and treatment of fluid
[40–42]. Up to 20% of all pediatric patients with overload is presently recommended [45]. In par-
MODS are represented by children undergoing ticular, infants and children with specific risk fac-
cardiac surgery, and these patients are most likely tors for AKI should be considered for the
to require RRT [43]. The two RRT modalities preventive use of PD. Sorof et al. described an
most frequently used in infants are peritoneal dial- extraordinary high survival rate (80%) in a group
ysis (PD) and CRRT. PD is relatively easy to per- of infants with post–heart surgery AKI in which
form, does not require heparinization nor vascular PD was started much earlier than in other studies
750 C. Ronco and Z. Ricci

(time to PD application after surgery: 5–40 h) circuits and lines demonstrating an attempt to
[46]. Although a very limited experience, this comply with the specific requirements of the very
study confirms that prevention of renal failure small patient, most machines, if not all, are used
and/or fluid accumulation directly affects survival off label when patients below 15 kg are treated.
in these patients. PD is known to offer a limited The small number of cases, together with the lim-
depurative performance if compared with extra- ited interest of industry in development of a fully
corporeal techniques [47]. Moreover, in post– integrated device specifically designed for the
heart surgery infants, the application of high pediatric population, have made AKI/ARF in
dialysate volumes to increase PD clearance is dif- infants and neonates an “orphan disease”
ficult. Adverse alterations of atrial, mean pulmo- Current CRRT machines present significant
nary artery and systemic pressures have been limitations for the pediatric population and in
observed in chronic PD and in children after car- some cases, severe complications have occurred.
diac surgery [48]. For this reason, a PD exchange In current practice, clinical application of dial-
volume of 10 mL/kg is commonly prescribed dur- ysis equipment to pediatric technology is now
ing neonatal renal replacement therapy after car- substantially ‘adapted’ to smaller patients with
diac surgery [49]. Prevention of volume overload great concerns about outcomes and side effects of
has prompted some centers to deliver postopera- such extracorporeal therapy. In these conditions,
tive prophylactic peritoneal dialysis in neonates whereas adult critically ill patients receive renal
and infants after complex congenital cardiac sur- support with modern devices and very strict safety
gery [50]. Both ultrafiltration and solute clearance features, smaller patients cannot rely on accurate
occur rather slowly in patients undergoing PD. delivery of therapy especially as far as fluid bal-
Extracorporeal dialysis can be managed with a ance is concerned. It is extremely difficult to treat
variety of modalities, including intermittent a small infant with a dialysis monitor providing
hemodialysis, and continuous hemofiltration or accurate blood flow rates in the range of 10–50 mL/
hemodiafiltration. The choice of dialysis modality min and hourly ultrafiltration error below 5 mL/h.
to be used is influenced by several factors, includ- Since manufacturers of dialysis and CRRT
ing the goals of dialysis, the unique advantages machines do not perform specific tests of treat-
and disadvantages of each modality, and institu- ments in patients smaller than 10–15 kg and safety
tional resources. Intermittent dialysis may not be features for these small patients have not been spe-
well tolerated in infants because of its rapid rate of cifically created, legal concerns may arise when
solute clearance and in particular in hemodynami- operators decide to prescribe these therapies.
cally unstable pediatric cardiac surgery patients
[51]. These children are generally treated by
CRRT that seems to better provide both fluid and The CA.R.PE.DI.E.M. Project
solute re-equilibration and proinflammatory medi-
ator removal. The Cardio-Renal, Pediatric Dialysis Emergency
Machine (CARPEDIEM) project recently devel-
oped in Vicenza, was designed in order to create
Current Challenges and Future a CRRT system specifically dedicated to new-
Developments borns and small infants with a weight range of
2.0–9.9 kg and with an approximate body surface
AKI in Neonates: An “Orphan Disease” area from 0.15 to 0.5 sq meters. In these patients,
the total blood volume ranges from 200 mL to
AKI/ARF in infants is a dramatic syndrome 1 L, meaning that total body water content varies
requiring careful clinical management. In recent from 1 to 5 L. In such conditions, a dedicated
years, in spite of significant advances in technol- machine should include exchange volumes
ogy, a truly pediatric CRRT system has yet to be ranging from 30 to 500 mL/h (Fig. 38.11). The
developed. While some currently available CRRT CARPEDIEM project has been conceived in
machines have been equipped with pediatric Vicenza, Italy, with the collaboration of two
38 The Development of CRRT for Infants and Children 751

Fig. 38.11 The cardio-renal, pediatric dialysis emer- (a and b prototypes from the author’s collection) (c) first
gency machine (CARPEDIEM) project: CRRT equipment drawing of the new machine. (d, e, and f), overall view
specifically dedicated to newborns and small infants. and details of the new CARPEDIEM machine

Italian pediatric cardiosurgical centers (Milan dedicated series of devices and machines and,
and Rome). The system operates with a hemofil- eventually, their integration into a single device:
tration circuit featuring a very low priming vol- ECMO, CRRT, hemoperfusion, adsorption, or
ume (15 mL for the whole circuit including the plasmafiltration and adsorption might be inte-
hemofilter). Low blood flows (20 to 80 mL/min) grated in the future into a single multifunctional
and very low ultrafiltration rates (UFR = 1–8 mL/ machine with a very user-friendly interface.
min) are performed with an accuracy of fluid bal- Advances in information technology should
ance of 0.1 mL/min. Dedicated technology has allow the fully integrated extracorporeal blood
been developed for this purpose. purification system to be connected to all elec-
tronic therapeutic devices (from simple syringe
pumps to CRRT machines), in order to ultimately
Conclusions lead to an “artificial organ” in a more complete
sense. These therapeutic approaches are today
Multiorgan dysfunction remains a deadly syn- carried out safely in children above 10–15 kg but
drome in the care of critically ill patients. Renal not in neonates. As machines have become more
replacement has evolved into a complex inter- accurate and therapies have improved signifi-
vention directed at support of the function of sev- cantly, the discrepancy between the level of accu-
eral organs. Today the care of the acute patient racy required in the neonate and that effectively
has reached a level of complexity that requires a delivered has become manifest. A new generation
752 C. Ronco and Z. Ricci

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Extracorporeal Liver Replacement
Therapy for Pediatric Patients 39
Claus Peter Schmitt and Franz Schaefer

Extracorporeal liver replacement • Pediatric patients • Acute liver failure

Acute liver failure (ALF) is a rare but life- ysis, plasmapheresis combined with hemodialysis
threatening disorder in children. The spectrum of (PP/HD), and single pass albumin dialysis (SPAD).
etiologies varies with age: Metabolic disorders MARS and Prometheus are approved medical
predominate in infants, followed by neonatal devices applied in many countries in Europe, Asia,
hemochromatosis. In older children ALF is Latin America, and Australia. In the USA, MARS
caused by viral hepatitis in 40% and by drug has recently been approved for drug overdosing.
intoxication in 10%, while the etiology remains All technologies have a limited elimination
obscure in almost 50% of cases [1]. While one capacity of water soluble and protein-bound tox-
third of children recover with supportive man- ins and can only be applied for a limited period of
agement [2], the other two third require emer- time. None of the systems has been evaluated in
gency liver transplantation. Likewise, the prospective randomized trials in children and
majority of children with acute-on-chronic liver adolescents. Randomized controlled trials in
failure and those with progressive chronic liver adults have mostly compared liver dialysis sys-
disease require liver transplantation. Since organ tems to “standard medical therapy” without
availability is limited and considerable bridging active toxin removal, while a few small-sized
time may be required, extracorporeal liver sup- studies performed head-on comparisons of
port therapies are increasingly applied. MARS and Prometheus.
Four different artificial liver support systems The four different liver support systems are
are currently applied: the Molecular Adosrbents based on different technical approaches to remove
Recirculating System (MARS), Prometheus dial- protein-bound toxins. These encompass hemodi-
alysis against a closed albumin circuit with addi-
tional toxin adsorbers (MARS), plasma separation
C.P. Schmitt, MD () followed by plasma purification and reinfusion
Department of General Pediatrics, Center for Pediatric (Prometheus), plasma separation in combination
and Adolescent Medicine, Pediatric Nephrology
with hemodialysis, and single pass albumin dial-
Division, Heidelberg, Germany
e-mail: ysis (SPAD). While no single system appears
generally superior to another, it is important to
F. Schaefer, MD
Pediatric Nephrology Division, Heidelberg University know the specific advantages and shortcomings
Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany of each technology in order to select the most

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_39, 755

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
756 C.P. Schmitt and F. Schaefer

appropriate liver support system available in a In face of the limited efficacy of extracorpo-
given critical care unit setting. real liver support, the high risk of life-threatening
complications of ALF, and the usually excellent
tolerability of the procedures, an early start of
treatment appears justified particularly in patients
Indications for Extracorporeal Liver
exhibiting rapid disease progression.
Support The scientific evidence for an improved out-
come of extracorporeal liver support is still lim-
The liver plays a key role in maintaining meta-
ited, mainly due to the relatively low incidence of
bolic balance, the endocrine milieu and acid base
ALF and the still limited availability of advanced
status; synthesizes binding proteins, complement
technologies. Studies comparing MARS and the
and coagulation factors; metabolizes water solu-
Liver Dialysis Device Biologic DTT (see below)
ble and albumin-bound endogenous and exoge-
to standard medical therapy in adults suggest
nous toxins; and neutralizes intestinal bacterial
superiority of liver dialysis [3–6].
fragments. In patients with liver failure, all these
The indication for liver dialysis, efficiency and
functions require careful consideration and
risk factors should be evaluated prior to and after
appropriate therapeutic measures. Extracorporeal
each treatment by thorough clinical examination,
liver dialysis should be started in patients with
including assessment of coma scale and hepatic
ALF and in those with acute-on-chronic liver
encephalopathy scores, and by regular measure-
failure only if a curative therapy, i.e., usually
ment of liver and dialysis-related biochemical
liver transplantation, or significant recovery of
parameters. These include bilirubin, ammonium,
liver function can be expected (Table 39.1).
blood count, INR, PTT, fibrinogen, activated
The policies at which degree of liver dysfunc-
clotting time, bile acids, albumin, liver enzymes,
tion extracorporeal liver support is initiated vary
CrP, creatinine, urea, electrolytes including phos-
markedly among treatment centers. The follow-
phate, and acid base status. Factor VII, the coagu-
ing criteria should be taken into account in the
lation factor with the shortest half-life (~4 h), is a
decision to start extracorporeal liver support ther-
sensitive parameter to assess liver synthesis.
apy: presence of hepatic encephalopathy stage 2
Anticoagulation therapy is needed in about
or higher, cerebral pressure and perfusion, hepatic
40% of patients and should be administered if
cardiopathy and cardiocirculatory stability, coag-
endogenous activated clotting time is below
ulopathy (INR > 1.5–2.8), presence of hepatore-
160 s. Besides the prevention of system clotting,
nal failure, plasma bilirubin concentrations
anticoagulation reduces biofilm formation in the
(>5–20 mg/dL), plasma ammonium levels and
filter and thus preserves dialysis efficacy. Regional
aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine
citrate anticoagulation is feasible in the majority
aminotransferase (ALT) levels (>1500 U/L). In
of patients, and indicated in case of coagulation
addition to absolute numbers, the dynamics of
failure. Hepatic citrate metabolism should be
liver dysfunction need to be considered.
monitored closely; accumulation of citrate leads
to metabolic acidosis and the “citrate lock” phe-
Table 39.1 Indications for liver replacement therapy
nomenon, i.e., dissociation of ionized and total
– Acute liver failure calcium levels. A second i.v. line is required for
– Bridging to liver transplantation
– Post LTX in case of primary dysfunction the calcium infusion; otherwise clotting of the
– Liver dysfunction after hepatobiliary surgery venous dialysis catheter line is likely to occur.
– Acute intoxication Liver support therapy should be withheld in
– Acute hepatitis patients with circulatory failure and in case of
– Secondary liver dysfunction (sepsis, systemic
critical progression of the underlying disease or
inflammatory response syndrome, multiorgan
dysfunction syndrome) fatal complications precluding a positive out-
– Acute-on-chronic liver failure (biliary atresia, come. Treatment should also be discontinued in
progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis …) case of allergic reactions to components of the
– Hepatic pruritus (biliary atresia, PFIC, ARPKD …) extracorporeal circuit.
39 Extracorporeal Liver Replacement Therapy for Pediatric Patients 757

approximately 20-fold higher than the respective

Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating dialysate ratio throughout the MARS sessions,
System (MARS) giving a rough estimate of the MARS filter clear-
ance capacity [7]. Due to its molecular cutoff
The MARS module (Gambro, Lund, Sweden) around 50 kD proteins such as albumin, coagula-
consists of a proprietary monitor system, which tion factors and immunoglobulins are not removed
can be combined with conventional hemodialysis with MARS.
machines. A high-flux polysulfone dialyzer with The blood flow rate should be around 3–5 mL/
a molecular cutoff around 50 kDa allows passage min/kg body weight, and the albumin dialysate
of both protein-bound and water soluble sub- flow rate should equal the blood flow rate. The
stances into a dialysate circuit, which contains sum of the secondary dialysate turnover and
20% albumin. Hydrophilic substances are ultrafiltration rate should not exceed 20% of the
removed from the albumin circuit via a conven- blood flow rate. The secondary dialysate flow rate
tional hemofilter, whereas the albumin-bound should be at least twofold the albumin flow rate.
substances are adsorbed to a charcoal filter and The efficacy of purification depends on the
an anion exchange resin filter placed in series degree of intoxication and on the amount of tox-
into the albumin circuit (Fig. 39.1). ins filtered and cleared via the albumin circuit.
Two different types of MARS filters are avail- MARS dialysis can be performed once daily for
able; the adult system with 2.1 m² and the about 8 h until adsorber systems are saturated,
MARSmini filter set with 0.6 m² filter surface area. or if required continuously with system
The extracorporeal volumes are 152 and 57 mL exchanges every 8 h. The 8 h limit is given by
plus blood lines; the MARSmini system is recom- the saturation of the adsorbent filters; continua-
mended for patients with less than 25 kg body tion of dialysis with the same system beyond 8 h
weight. The albumin circuits are primed with about for clearance of water soluble substances and
500 (450 mL for MARSmini) of 20% human albu- ultrafiltration is feasible. In addition to the gen-
min. Urea and vitamin B12 clearances are 195 (34) eral recommendations given above, MARS
and 149 (25) mL/min with MARS (MARSmini) at should not be applied or discontinued in chil-
200 and 100 mL/min blood flow rate and 500 and dren with active bleeding. The coagulation sta-
30 mL/min dialysate flow rate respectively. The tus often deteriorates during MARS therapy.
molar ratio of bilirubin to albumin in serum is The underlying mechanisms include progressive

Fig. 39.1 MARS is a

combination of a blood
circuit with a polysulfone
filter (1,2) which dialyses
against a primary circuit
containing 20% albumin
(3) and a secondary
conventional hemodialysis
circuit to remove water
soluble toxins (4). While
water soluble compounds
are removed from the
primary dialysate via the
second dialysis circuit, the
albumin-bound substances
adhere to a charcoal filter
(5) and an anion exchanger
(6) placed in series into the
albumin circuit
758 C.P. Schmitt and F. Schaefer

failure of hepatic protein synthesis, mechanical high-flux polysulfone dialyzer to eliminate water
platelet sequestration during blood passage soluble toxins. Extracorporeal filter and blood
through the filter, and membrane-induced line volumes amount to 340 mL. The volume can
immune-mediated coagulation factor consump- somewhat be reduced by exchanging the hemodi-
tion [8–10]. Hence, it should be emphasized that alysis filter by an appropriate pediatric size high-
MARS therapy does not preclude the need for flux filter. Extracorporeal plasma volume is
plasma protein supplementation. 440 mL. Prometheus is mainly suitable for ado-
lescents and adults. Its use in younger patients
requires priming of the blood and plasma circuit
Prometheus (Fractionated Plasma with packed red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma,
Separation and Adsorption) and albumin, respectively. Treatment time is
4–8 h, maximal time 10 h per session.
The Prometheus device (Fresenius Medical Care
Bad Homburg, Germany) consists of two extra-
corporeal circuits. In the first, plasma is separated Combined Plasma Exchange
from blood via an albumin permeable polysul- and Hemodialysis
fone filter. The filtrate is purified via two adsorb-
ers in series (Fig. 39.2). The neutral resin Sequential plasma exchange and conventional
exchanger retains albumin-bound substances high-flux hemodialysis is an alternative to MARS
such as bile acids, hydrophobic amino acids, and and Prometheus which can be performed with
phenolic substances. The anion exchanger retains conventional hemodialysis machines and filters.
negatively charged toxins such as bilirubin. The filter surface area should roughly equal
Albumin, hormones, and electrolytes are not patient body surface area. The standard plasma
bound. The purified plasma is reinfused into the exchange volume is 150% per session but can be
blood, which consequently passes a conventional adapted according to individual needs and must

Fig. 39.2 Prometheus

separates plasma via an
albumin permeable
polysulfone filter (1) which
is purified by a neutral
resin exchanger (2)
adsorbing albumin-bound
substances and by an anion
exchanger (3) retaining
negatively charged toxins.
In a subsequent circuit a
conventional high-flux
polysulfone dialyzer (4)
eliminates water soluble
toxins. (© by Fresenius
Medical Care Deutschland,
39 Extracorporeal Liver Replacement Therapy for Pediatric Patients 759

of combining hemodialysis and plasma exchange

with fresh frozen plasma is that both efficient
toxin elimination and volume- and nitrogen-
neutral substitution of plasma proteins can be

Single Pass Albumin Dialysis (SPAD)

Single Pass Albumin Dialysis is a continuous veno-

venous hemodialysis procedure against a standard
dialysate solution enriched with 20% human albu-
min to a final concentration of 2–20%. The albu-
min dialysate is discarded after passage through
the hemodialysis filter. With regard to the cost–
Fig. 39.3 Plasmapheresis and hemodialysis for liver sup- efficacy relation, 4–5% dialysate albumin concen-
port therapy can be performed simultaneously with a
plasma separator and a conventional high-flux filter con- tration is usually considered adequate. The blood
figured serially. The combination of two BM25 dialysis flow rate can be adjusted as recommended for stan-
machines (Edwards) is shown. Pressure measurements are dard CVVHD (blood flow rate 3–5 mL/min/kg
placed at indicated positions (crossed circles). Variations body weight). In adult patients the albumin
may be required when other systems are combined
dialysate flow rate is often adjusted to 12–25 mL/
min (10–20 ml/kg/h in a 75 kg patient); pediatric
be replaced by fresh frozen plasma. Iso-oncotic centers have used 20–60 mL/kg/h of albumin
albumin can be considered only in the rare sce- dialysate flow, which is feasible in small children
nario of ALF with a still intact plasmatic coagula- where the absolute amount of human albumin solu-
tion status. tion is not excessive. SPAD can be combined with
In emergency ALF situations with a need for conventional hemodialysis at high dialysate flow
rapid clearance of both albumin-bound and water rates (500–800 mL/min) [11] and with hemodiafil-
soluble toxins such as ammonium and associated tration (Fig. 39.4). Solid efficacy data are lacking.
coagulation failure, it is possible to perform Once daily sessions of 6–12 h duration have been
simultaneous plasmapheresis and hemodialysis, reported to attenuate hepatic intoxication.
which can be accomplished by a single blood cir- Continuous SPAD may be performed to achieve
cuit passing serially through two dialysis higher clearance rates in children with severe
machines encorporating a plasma and a high-flux hepatic failure, but at the expense of higher costs.
hemodialysis filter system. Joint system pressure
monitoring is feasible (Fig. 39.3). While dialysis
machines have not been approved for such com- The Liver Dialysis Device
binations, clinical experience is good. (“Biologic DTT”)
The plasma turnover rate should not exceed
20% of the blood flow rate. If a relatively high Liver Dialysis (HemoCleanse, Lafayette, Indiana,
blood flow rate is achieved, plasmapheresis can USA) removes blood from a single lumen multi-
be accomplished within 2 h. Hemodialysis should holed central venous catheter using a push–pull
be continued until water soluble toxins, in par- technique. Simultaneously, a 2 L suspension of
ticular ammonium levels, are in the normal range. powdered activated charcoal and cation exchange
While once daily plasmapheresis is sufficient in resin is pumped from a sorbent bag through the
the majority of patients, the frequency can be dialysate side of a flat-plate cellulose mem-
adapted according to clinical needs, especially in brane dialyzer with a 5 kD cutoff. Prospective
the presence of encephalopathy. The advantage randomized trials have indicated improved
760 C.P. Schmitt and F. Schaefer

Fig. 39.4 Scheme of a single pass albumin hemodiafil- loaded children. Of note, using the BM25 dialysis machine
tration. Albumin solution (usually 4–5%) passes through (Edwards) in this setting, removal is composed of the net
a high-flux filter, which allows for ultrafiltration replaced ultrafiltration and the albumin dialysate flow. The latter is
by substitution fluid and net ultrafiltration in volume over- determined by the speed of the two infusion pumps

neurological status and blood pressure in patients Pediatric data are lacking. At the present time
with ALF and acute-on-chronic liver failure, and bioartificial devices are certainly not yet ready
improved outcome [12, 13]. Risks associated for routine clinical use.
with the use of the device include bleeding, dis-
seminated intravascular coagulation due to plate-
let activation, and clotting of the device. The Comparison of Liver Support
system is currently being redesigned with immo- Systems
bilized charcoal in a block to improve purifica-
tion capacity and tolerability. The major advantage of MARS, Prometheus, and
SPAD is the removal of protein-bound substances
without administration of exogenous protein.
Bioartificial Devices Plasmapheresis replaces plasma by fresh frozen
plasma or albumin and is thus associated with
The promising aim of bioartificial devices is to allergic and infectious risks. On the other hand,
provide both liver detoxification and synthetic plasma exchange allows for removal of all plasma
functions by the use of physical and chemical protein–bound toxins and for volume and nitro-
procedures and cell hosting bioreactors. gen neutral correction of liver synthesis failure,
HepatAssist and the Extracorporeal Liver Assist in particular coagulation failure. Plasma exchange
Device (ELAD) are the first bioartificial systems in combination with hemodialysis is an intermit-
which have undergone testing in controlled trials tent detoxification treatment, which can be
in adult patients. HepatAssist contains porcine repeated two to three times per day as required.
hepatocytes within the extracapillary compart- MARS and Prometheus are usually performed
ment of a hollow fiber bioreactor, and ELAD uses for 6–8 h but can be extended and even be applied
human hepatoblastoma cells. So far the safety of continuously. System exchanges are required
the systems, but not improved outcomes, has two to three times a day to maintain good purifica-
been demonstrated [14, 15]. tion efficacy. Of note, setup times are shorter and
39 Extracorporeal Liver Replacement Therapy for Pediatric Patients 761

the material costs are usually lower (depending recirculating 20% albumin, the mean duration
on patient size) with combined plasma exchange was 10.9 ± 4.5 h, and the albumin flow rate
and hemodialysis than with MARS or Prometheus. 200 mL/min. SPAD was performed against
Of course, cost–efficacy considerations must also 4000 mL of 5% albumin dialysate, duration was
take center-specific reimbursement policies into 5.5 ± 07 h, and dialysate flow rate 12 mL/min.
account. Human serum albumin contains octanoate, a
Several randomized prospective studies com- medium chain fatty acid, for stabilization during
pared MARS and Prometheus with standard med- the manufacturing process. An involvement of
ical therapy. The removal of an array of toxins this compound in the pathogenesis of hepato-
with MARS has repeatedly been demonstrated. genic encephalopathy both by direct neuro-
Likewise, several studies reported improved mean toxicity and by competitive displacement of
arterial pressure, systemic vascular resistance, albumin-bound toxins has been suggested.
cardiac output, cerebral flow, renal function, Markedly increased plasma octanoate levels have
and hepatic encephalopathy during MARS ther- been described with MARS and even higher
apy [3, 16–21]. A small randomized prospective concentrations with SPAD [34]. No such accu-
controlled study suggested improved short-term mulation should be observed with plasmaphere-
survival in patients with acute-on-chronic liver sis. The relevance of octanoate accumulation on
failure treated with MARS as compared to stan- clinical outcomes is as yet unknown.
dard medical therapy [4]. Two large RCTs All extracorporeal devices cause mechanical
(FULMAR and MARS RELIEF) are currently platelet sequestration during blood passage
underway which will hopefully allow concluding through the filter and membrane-induced
whether MARS improves patient outcomes as immune-mediated coagulation factor consump-
compared to standard medical therapy. tion, which has been associated with increased
Efficient detoxification has also been demon- bleeding risk and major bleedings [8, 9, 35].
strated with the Prometheus system [22, 23]. An Consumptive coagulopathy induced by preexist-
ongoing prospective randomized trial (HELIOS) ing bleeding from predilection sites may further
is comparing patient outcomes with Prometheus aggravate coagulation deficiency. Fresh frozen
versus standard medical treatment. plasma and blood infusion often is insufficient
Several studies have compared MARS and and associated with volume and protein overload;
Prometheus in adult ALF patients. Taken together, plasma exchange should be initiated in these
purification capacity is somewhat higher with children. Table 39.2 gives a summary of specific
Prometheus, while superior cardiovascular sta- features of the different extracorporeal liver sup-
bility may be achieved with MARS [24, 25]. port systems.
SPAD is a technically simple liver support sys- Surprisingly, neither MARS nor Prometheus
tem, which is feasible in small children. Several have been compared with combined hemodialy-
case reports including three pediatric patients sug- sis and plasma exchange, the most readily avail-
gest dose- and time-dependent clearance efficacy able and least expensive extracorporeal liver
of SPAD with respect to bilirubin, thyroxine, and support therapy. Preliminary clinical observa-
copper and, at least in vitro, of inflammatory tions in seven children, including an intraindi-
cytokines such as TNF-alpha and IL-6 but uncer- vidual comparison in five children, suggest better
tain survival benefits as compared to standard bilirubin removal and, not surprisingly, much
medical treatment [26–30]. Experimental com- better control of coagulation status with the com-
parison of SPAD and MARS yielded conflict- bined technique as compared to intermittent
ing findings: both similar to slightly better [31] MARS therapy. The MARSmini system appeared
and inferior efficacy of SPAD was found [32]. A particularly limited in this comparison [36]. In
single center retrospective comparison of SPAD the light of our comparative experience we
and MARS in 57 liver failure patients suggested strongly suggest testing the efficacy and safety of
similar safety and detoxification capacity [33]. new devices against an active comparator such as
Of note, MARS was performed with 500 mL of combined hemodialysis and plasma exchange.
762 C.P. Schmitt and F. Schaefer

Table 39.2 Advantages and disadvantages of extracorporeal liver support systems (for detailed explanations and sci-
entific evidence please see text)
MARS Prometheus SPAD PP/HD
Advantages No exogenous protein No exogenous protein No exogenous protein
High detoxification
delivery, no infectious delivery, no infectious delivery, no infectious
and allergic risk and allergic risk and allergic risk Efficient compensation
Continuous Continuous Good clinical of liver synthesis
administration feasible administration tolerability failure,
Good clinical feasible Relatively easy to reduces bleeding risk
tolerability Good clinical perform Volume and nitrogen
tolerability neutral balance
Widely available
Disadvantages Bleeding risk, additional Bleeding risk, additional Bleeding risk, Intermittent therapy (PP)
plasma substitution is plasma substitution is additional Infectious and allergic
associated with volume associated with volume plasma substitution is risks related to
and nitrogen load and nitrogen load associated with volume exogenous protein load
High costs and High costs and work and nitrogen load
work load (system load (system High amounts of
exchange q. 8–12 h) exchange q. 8–12 h) albumin required
High extracorporeal for extended
volume treatment and large

8. Faybik P, Bacher A, Kozek-Langenecker SA, et al.

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Dialytic Therapy of Inborn Errors
of Metabolism 40
Philippe Jouvet and Franz Schaefer

Dialytic therapy • Inborn errors • Nutritional management • Pharmaco-
logical management

in order to prevent irreversible neuronal damage

Introduction since long-term outcome is correlated with the
duration of the metabolic crisis. Metabolic crises
Some inborn errors of metabolism involve enzyme
are challenging indications for dialysis in several
defects in the catabolic pathway of amino acids
ways: The initial treatment is the institution of
that induce a metabolic encephalopathy by accu-
protein anabolism to suppress further neurotoxic
mulation of neurotoxic metabolites (endogenous
metabolite production. It is important not to miss
intoxication). In these diseases, intermediate
the time point when dialysis becomes necessary
products of amino acid catabolism are not detoxi-
to prevent irreversible brain damage. Small infants
fied by the liver, accumulate, and contribute to
and neonates, who usually have the most rapid
neurologic symptoms (Fig. 40.1). Cerebral edema
and severe course of disease and the greatest need
is frequently associated with these disorders and
for efficient detoxification, are particularly chal-
is mainly due to cytotoxic mechanisms [1, 2].
lenging with respect to vascular access and meth-
Since the encephalopathy is related to the accu-
odological efficacy and accuracy. This chapter
mulation of toxic metabolites, specific therapeutic
reviews the principles of anabolic treatment and
strategies are required to decrease this accumula-
management by dialysis of neonatal and pediatric
tion and restore brain function, including dialysis.
metabolic emergencies.
Rapid elimination of these metabolites is crucial

Clinical Manifestations
and Laboratory Investigations
P. Jouvet, MD, PhD ()
Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Intensive Care In some circumstances, the patient’s diagnosis is
Unit, University of Montreal and Sainte-Justine Hospital,
clear at the time of admission and clinical manage-
Montreal, QC, Canada
e-mail: ment can focus on specific treatment. This is the
case in one third of the neonates and two-thirds of
F. Schaefer, MD
Pediatric Nephrology Division, Heidelberg University the children with IEMs who are admitted to the
Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany NICU and PICU, respectively [3]. In the other

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_40, 765

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
766 P. Jouvet and F. Schaefer

Fig. 40.1 Endogenous intoxication model: the toxic liver, resulting in toxic accumulation and brain damage
metabolite produced by the intestine and muscle amino (Courtesy of D. Rabier (Biochemical Laboratory, Necker
acid catabolism (NH3, propionic acid, etc., depending on Hospital, France))
the inborn error of metabolism) is not metabolized by the

cases, the first challenge is to quickly diagnose recurrent coma, (2) unexplained death in the
treatable disorders so as to ensure prompt treat- family or any neonatal death, even if it was attrib-
ment and recovery. The initial clinical manifesta- uted to another cause (e.g., sepsis, anoxia, etc.),
tions are characterized by nonspecific neurological and (3) consanguinity. Although most genetic
abnormalities such as irritability, poor feeding or disorders are hereditary and transmitted as reces-
somnolence, followed by rapid deterioration. The sive disorders, the majority of cases appear spo-
diagnosis is suspected based upon the combination radically in developed countries because of small
of clinical course and laboratory investigations. family sizes. Hepatomegaly, abnormal urine or
Metabolic crisis may occur at any age from body odor and myoglobinuria may help to refine
the neonatal period to adulthood. Each attack can the diagnosis [4].
follow a rapid course that ends in either sponta- General supportive measures and laboratory
neous improvement or unexplained death, despite investigations should be undertaken as soon as
supportive measures in the ICU. The following metabolic encephalopathy is suspected. The ini-
events may trigger acute decompensation by tial approach for investigations is outlined in
increasing neurotoxic metabolite production: Table 40.1. It is important to perform these inves-
prolonged fasting, anesthesia and surgery, infec- tigations as early as possible, and all laboratory
tions, prolonged exercise, drugs (valproic acid, tests should be obtained simultaneously, as most
steroids, and adrenocorticotropic hormone), and disorders may produce only intermittent abnor-
high protein intake. malities. The determination of plasma ammonia
An inborn error of metabolism should be sus- concentration is crucial when metabolic enceph-
pected when the following history is found: (1) alopathy is suspected.
40 Dialytic Therapy of Inborn Errors of Metabolism 767

Table 40.1 Laboratory investigations in inborn errors of metabolism

Routine tests Storage of samples and metabolic testsa
Urine Smell (special odor) Fresh sample in the refrigerator, frozen sample at −20°C,
Look (special color) for metabolic testing (AAC, OAC, orotic acid)
Ketones (Acetest)
Ketoacids (DNPH)b
Blood Glucose Plasma heparinized at −20°C (5 mL) for AAC, etc.
Osmolality Whole blood (10 mL) collected on EDTA at −20°C
Blood gases (for molecular biology studies)
Transaminases, bilirubin, gGT Plasma or blood on filter paper for acylcarnitine dosage
Ammonia Redox status if lactate >10 mmol/L
Lactic acid
Creatine kinase
Miscellaneous Skin biopsy for fibroblast culture
If death: liver and muscle biopsy
DNPH dinitrophenylhydrazine test, AAC amino acid chromatography, OAC organic acid chromatography
Tests should be discussed with specialists in metabolic diseases
This test screens for the presence of alpha-keto acids, as occur in maple syrup disease. It can be replaced by an amino
acid chromatography, if available, in an emergency situation

Nutritional and Pharmacological

Etiologies Management
Inborn errors of metabolism with endogenous
As soon as an endogenous intoxication is diag-
intoxication include urea cycle defects, maple
nosed, nutritional support should be discussed
syrup urine disease, and organic aciduria (propi-
with the specialist, and it can include the
onic or methylmalonic aciduria). They are diffi-
cult to diagnose and the biologic signs described
• Rehydration first: Many patients with meta-
in Table 40.2 should prompt consideration of such
bolic defects are dehydrated at presentation as
diseases. Metabolic acidosis with increased anion
a result of poor oral fluid intake. Restoration
gap is observed in intermediate acid accumula-
of normal hydration to protect normal renal
tion, such as organic acid disorders (propionic
function and promote protein anabolism is
and methylmalonic acid). Severe hyperammone-
crucial for effective treatment.
mia (>300 mmol/L) is observed in primary urea
• High caloric intake to promote protein anabo-
cycle defects, organic acid disorders, and fatty
lism. Glucose is the only nutrient infused ini-
acid oxidation defects [5].
tially. The rate of glucose infusion should be
high, so that enough energy is generated via
glycolysis. Intravenous administration of 10%
Treatment glucose with one quarter of normal saline
solution is preferable to physiological saline
The principles of therapy include (1) suppression solution in patients with hyperammonemia,
of the de novo synthesis of toxic metabolites by since ammonia scavenging drugs contain large
adapted nutritional support including high caloric amounts of sodium [6]. When a central line is
intake and no protein initially, (2) pharmacologi- inserted, concentrated solutions of glucose are
cal scavenging of ammonia by supplementation infused (>1,000 kcal/m2/d) which may require
of lacking physiological or alternative pathway the addition of insulin infusion so as to avoid
substrates, and (3) rapid removal of the small, hyperglycemia. When the diagnosis is con-
water-soluble neurotoxic metabolites by dialysis. firmed, nutritional support should be started,
768 P. Jouvet and F. Schaefer

Table 40.2 Etiologies of inborn errors of metabolism with neurotoxic accumulation, presenting with encephalopathy
and which may be treated by dialysis
Predominant Associated metabolic
Clinical presentation metabolic disturbances disturbances Most frequent diagnoses
Metabolic coma Metabolic acidosis With ketosis Organic aciduria (MMA, PA), MSUD
without focal Without ketosis FAOa
neurologic signs Hyperammonemia Normal glucose Urea cycle defects
Hypoglycemia FAOa
Hypoglycemia With acidosis MSUD
Hyperlactatemia Without acidosis FAOa
Normal glucose MCD
Hypoglycemia FAOa
Neurologic coma Biologic signs are Cerebral edema MSUD
with focal signs, variable, can be absent OTC
seizures, severe or moderate Hemiplegia or MSUD
intracranial hemianopsia OTC
hypertension, MMA
strokes or stroke-like PA
episodes Extrapyramidal signs MMA
Stroke-like Urea cycle defect
MMA methylmalonic academia, PA propionic academia, MSUD maple syrup urine disease, OTC ornithine transcar-
bamylase, FAO fatty acid oxidation, MCD multiple carboxylase deficiency
Usually not an indication to dialysis

consisting of glucose and lipids (in the absence Metabolite Removal by Dialysis
of a fatty acid oxidation defect) without pro-
tein, preferably by continuous enteral feeding Since the brain damage induced by neurotoxic
with a caloric intake of at least 1,500 kcal/ metabolites is correlated with the duration of
m2/d. Special amino acid mixtures are used to exposure to high levels of these metabolites, met-
supply nontoxic amino acids. For example, in abolic crises are considered emergency indica-
MSUD, the enzyme defect involves the tions for dialysis requiring use of the most readily
branched chain amino acids (leucine, valine, available and effective dialysis modality [4].
and isoleucine). The mixtures used are ini- After 3–4 h of the nutritional and pharmacologi-
tially free of these three branched chain amino cal treatment described above, medical manage-
acids but include the other essential amino ment is evaluated with respect to neurological
acids. recovery, evolution of biochemical markers
• Avoidance of any factor that promotes protein (serum ammonia, pH, etc.), and nutritional toler-
catabolism, including steroid therapy (see ance. However, this 4-h window should be used
above). to prepare for having dialysis ready for nonre-
• Specific medications in some inborn errors of sponders. The criteria for dialysis and the optimal
metabolism, such as ammonia removal drugs modality to use are not yet well established for
(see Table 40.3). Carbamylglutamate has been each disease and are currently based on individ-
used successfully in methylmalonic and pro- ual institutional experience. The decision is made
pionic acidurias as an allosteric activator. with a multidisciplinary approach that involves
Carbamylglutamate resulted in a dramatic intensivists, specialists in metabolic diseases, and
decrease in ammonia blood levels with a simi- nephrologists. For technical aspects of each dial-
lar effect to dialysis in some cases [7]. ysis methods see corresponding chapters.
40 Dialytic Therapy of Inborn Errors of Metabolism 769

Table 40.3 Specific treatments of inborn errors of metabolism

Drug Effect Indication(s) Dose route
Sodium benzoate Ammonia removal NH3 > 200 mmol/L 250–500 mg/kg/d IV
Phenylbutyrate Ammonia removal NH3 > 200 mmol/L 600 mg/kg/d IV or p.o.
Arginine Ammonia removal NH3 > 200 mmol/L 300 mg/kg/d IVC
Carglumic acid Ammonia removal NAGS defect, MMA, PA, 25–50 mg/kg/6 h p.o.
FAO, and NH3 > 200 mmol/L
Carnitine Primary or secondary Organic aciduria 100 mg/kg/d IVC or p.o.
deficiency compensation FAO
Vitamin B12 Enzyme cofactor MMA 1–2 mg/d IM
Metronidazole Decreased toxin production MMA, PA 20 mg/kg/d p.o.
by intestine bacteria
Biotin PC cofactor PA 10–20 mg/d IV or p.o.
Riboflavin Cofactor of acyl CoA FAO 20–40 mg/d IV or p.o.
In suspected cases of IEM, the above specific treatments may be indicated in metabolic encephalopathy, after specialist
consultation. Some therapies are specific for toxic accumulation (i.e., hyperammonemia) and some are specific for a
particular disease
IV intravenous, IVC continuous intravenous infusion, NAGS N-acetylglutamate synthase, MMA methylmalonic
acidemia, PA propionic acidemia, FAO fatty acid oxidation defect, PC pyruvate carboxylase

Hyperammonemic Disorders therapies (CERT) including continuous hemofil-

In hyperammonemic disorders, increasing serum tration and continuous hemodialysis, by which
ammonia level or values persistently above 300– blood ammonia was typically reduced 50%
500 mmol/L are usual indications for dialysis [8, within 4–8 h and by >90% within 10 h, and which
9]. Since rapid toxin removal is crucial for limit- usually could be discontinued within 24 h [16,
ing damage to susceptible tissues, particularly in 20–23]. The most efficient toxin removal is
hyperammonemic crises, the selection of dialysis achieved by the use of intermittent hemodialysis
modality must focus upon its efficacy of metabo- (iHD), which reliably decreased blood ammonia
lite clearance. Other factors to consider in criti- concentrations by 75% within 3–4 h [11, 14, 15,
cally ill children are hemodynamic stability and 24–26]. However, repeated hemodialysis ses-
intracranial hypertension. Dialysis is terminated sions or a switch to CERT are usually required
when ammonia blood levels are below due to rebound hyperammonemia [11, 14].
100 mmol/L. Hence, continuous venovenous hemodialysis
In hyperammonemic metabolic crises, experi- (CVVHD) until attainment of complete normal-
mental evidence suggests that ammonium is more ization of blood ammonium levels is considered
efficiently removed by extracorporeal techniques the treatment of choice in most centers. The rou-
than by PD [10, 11]. PD is of limited efficacy in tine use of this technique has become feasible
hyperammonemic patients, with normalization of with the advent of dialysis machines specifically
blood ammonia levels in no less than 24 h, con- adjusted for use in small children.
tinued dialysis requirements over 1–5 days on Whatever the method used (iHD or CERT),
average, and a failure to decrease ammonia levels the expected clearance should be greater than
in individual cases [11–19]. Better results are 40 mL/min/1.73 m2. Metabolite clearance is mea-
obtained using continuous venovenous extrarenal sured by the formula:

Clearance (mL / min ) = blood flow (mL / min )* (C pre − Cpost )/ Cpre ,
770 P. Jouvet and F. Schaefer

Fig. 40.2 Effect of blood

and dialysate flow rate on
ammonium and leucine
removal by hemodialysis
in a neonatal setting
(simulation study using
Baxter BM25 device and
Bellco Spiraflo HFT02
dialyzer) (Source:
Reprinted with permission
from [11])

where Cpre and Cpost are the pre- and post-dialyzer the acute treatment of MSUD is the difficulty
metabolite blood concentrations. in obtaining rapidly serial plasma leucine lev-
els during treatment. With CERT, leucine plasma
Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD) levels decreased according to a bicompartmen-
For some authors, dialysis is indicated if two of tal model similar to that of nonprotein-bound
the three following criteria persist 3–4 h after ini- small-molecular-weight solutes such as urea
tial treatment: coma, gastrointestinal intolerance, or creatinine [31]. This suggests that leucine
and plasma leucine levels ³1700 mmol/L [27]. clearance can be estimated from the creatinine
Dialysis is concluded when plasma leucine levels clearance.
are below 1000 mmol/L.
In patients with MSUD, the low endogenous
clearance of leucine and other branched chain- Organic Aciduria
keto and amino acids is insufficient to reverse the
accumulation of BCAA that occurs during cata- In methylmalonic or propionic aciduria, dialysis is
bolic states. Since several fold higher BCAA indicated if two of the four following criteria per-
clearance rates are achieved by PD, this tech- sist 3–4 h after initial treatment: coma, gastroin-
nique has been regarded as the method of choice testinal intolerance, and pH < 7 or persistent high
since its introduction in the 1980s [13, 17, 28]. blood ammonia levels after carbamylglutamate
More recently, 100–150% higher BCAA removal treatment [32]. CERT or iHD are preferred (in
rates have been demonstrated experimentally these authors’ experience).
with continuous extracorporeal blood purifica-
tion techniques compared to PD (Fig. 40.2) [11,
29]. In clinical practice, CERT resulted in better Others
leucine clearance than PD [21, 22, 30]. In chil-
dren, iHD provided higher leucine clearance and The other inherited metabolic diseases are not
required shorter sessions than CERT (5.4 ± 0.6 h usual indications for dialysis. Extracorporeal
vs. 17.1 ± 6.0 h) [27]. A leucine clearance removal therapy is sometimes initially instituted
³50 mL min−1.1.73 m−2 resulted in a similar because an endogenous intoxication is thought to
kinetic profile both with CERT and iHD [27, 31]. be the most likely diagnosis at the time of ICU
Currently, a major technical limit in monitoring admission.
40 Dialytic Therapy of Inborn Errors of Metabolism 771

an incorrect blood flow rate is displayed when

Dialysis Equipment small-volume neonatal tubes are used. Moreover,
due to the fixed high dialysate flow rate of at least
Catheter 500 mL/min with the 2008 device (300 mL/min
with the 4008), critical depletions of phosphate
The choice of catheter has to balance between the and other solutes not present in the dialysis fluid
aim of achieving an adequate blood flow and the may occur with prolonged use of this technique.
risks of catheter insertion in a newborn. Ideally, a Machines specifically designed for continuous
blood flow of 150 mL/min/m² should be attained, renal replacement treatment in children are avail-
that is, 30–35 mL/min in an average neonate. able, such as the BM25 (Baxter) or the
This goal can be reached by inserting a 6.5-French PRISMAFLEX device (Gambro). The main
double-lumen catheter (e.g., Gambro 6.5 Fr, advantages of these systems are the small volume
3.5 in.) into a femoral vein. This catheter pro- of the extracorporeal system, accurate and fine-
vides excellent blood flow rates, but insertion scaled setting of blood flow even in the low range
may be difficult in small neonates. Alternatively, typical for neonatal dialysis, precise control and
two femoral 5-French single-lumen catheters variable choice of dialysate flow, and the mobile,
(e.g., Medcomp 5 Fr, 3.0 in.) can be inserted. reverse osmosis-independent device setup.
Umbilical catheters are less suitable for dialysis
because of high flow resistance determined by
their length, but special extracorporeal setups Dialysis Management
involving two shortened umbilical catheters have
been used anecdotally in small neonates. In order to achieve maximal treatment efficacy,
blood flow should be set to the maximal value
Dialyzer operated by the machine without alarms, which
should be set as wide as possible. The dialysate
Polysulfone dialyzers should be preferred because flow rate required to achieve maximal clearance
of their superior biocompatibility and lower anti- is determined by the blood flow achieved. In a
coagulation requirements. The surface of the dia- neonatal dialysis simulation study, we found a
lyzer membrane should approximately match the linear relationship between blood flow and
body surface area of the patient. We have made ammonium and leucine clearance up to the maxi-
excellent experience with the Fresenius FX paed mal blood flow rate usually achievable in neo-
(FMC, Bad Homburg, Germany) and the Spiraflo nates (i.e., 30 mL/min) with a dialysate flow rate
HFT02 (Bellco, Mirandola, Italy), which have fill of 5 L/h (Fig. 40.2). As a rule of thumb, extrac-
volumes of 18 and 25 mL respectively. tion of these metabolites is maximal when
dialysate flow exceeds blood flow by at least
three times. This target can easily be achieved by
Dialysis Machines and Tubing passing bag dialysis fluid along the filter utilizing
the filtration/substitution pump system of a pedi-
In principle, emergency dialysis in neonates with atric continuous renal replacement machine such
inborn errors of metabolism can be performed as the BM25.
using adjusted tubing systems on standard hemo- The major complications to consider when
dialysis machines, such as the neonatal tubing for dialyzing neonates or small infants with metabolic
the Fresenius 2008 or 4008 devices. These tubing crises are clotting of the extracorporeal system
sets have a fill volume of 47 mL. Even when used and hemodynamic instability, each of which can
with the smallest neonatal dialyzers available, cause treatment interruptions and hence hazard-
the total volume of the extracorporeal system ous delays in the removal of toxic metabolites.
exceeds 10% of the estimated blood volume of In order to prevent clotting, heparin should be
an average neonate. Another disadvantage is that administered at a dose sufficient to increase the
772 P. Jouvet and F. Schaefer

activated clotting time to 120–150 s. We use an patients with neonatal onset who were dialyzed,
initial bolus of 1500 IU/m² followed by continu- good neurologic development is usually achieved
ous infusion of 300–600 IU/m²/h. Anticoagulation [30]. Neonatal onset of urea cycle defects (UCD)
should be monitored by hourly ACT measure- and propionic or methylmalonic aciduria (PA/
ments. Coagulation requirements are inversely MMA) is characterized by a less favorable out-
related to the blood flow rate. come than MSUD and late-onset UCD and PA/
Hypotensive episodes and osmotic dysequi- MMA. F. Deodato et al. observed a mortality rate
librium occur less frequently than in neonates of 27.5% at 2 years and 48% at long-term follow-
and infants dialyzed for renal failure, since dialy- up, whereas late-onset patients showed only a
sis is usually isovolemic and the accumulated 10% mortality rate [34]. Similarly, long-term cog-
metabolites are osmotically less active than the nitive development worsened in neonatal onset
urea accumulated in uremia. However, hemody- patients but did not deteriorate in late-onset ones.
namic instability, leading to reduced cerebral per- Novel therapies are in development for inher-
fusion pressure, is common in patients with a ited metabolic diseases including enzyme replace-
prolonged duration of hyperammonemia due to ment therapy, hepatocyte transplantation followed
urea cycle disorders. by liver transplantation, and gene therapy [35–
The challenge with both intermittent and con- 37]. If such therapies are successful, the main
tinuous techniques is to accomplish rapid removal challenge that will remain is to make a rapid
of ammonia without worsening cerebral edema diagnosis and initiate efficient treatment at the
by inducing hypotension and/or creating osmotic first onset.
shifts. This is achieved by the following mea- All these observations emphasize the impor-
sures: (1) NaCl 0.9% or albumin 5% infusion tance of expeditious diagnosis and prompt refer-
before the start of extracorporeal therapy, (2) ral of infants with suspected inborn errors of
priming the circuit with blood when extracorpo- metabolism to hospitals with a multidisciplinary
real circuit volume exceeds 10% of the child’s team that includes metabolic experts, a skilled
blood volume (80 mL/kg), (3) use of a dialysate pediatric dialysis team, intensivists, laboratory
fluid of osmolarity equal or greater than patient staff, and dieticians.
osmolarity, (4) no ultrafiltration, and (5) if neuro-
logic deterioration is observed during therapy,
the toxin clearance should be reduced and man- References
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Pediatric Therapeutic Apheresis
Stuart L. Goldstein, Gunter Klaus, David F. Friedman,
and Haewon C. Kim

Apheresis • Pediatric • Therapeutic apheresis

“erythrocytapheresis” to removal of red blood cells,

Introduction and “leukapheresis” to removal of white blood
cells. In the first part of this chapter we (SLG, DFF,
The term “apheresis” is derived from a Greek word
HCK) will give an overview of apheresis tech-
meaning “removal.” In its most general sense,
niques in general as currently practiced in the
apheresis refers to techniques for large-scale
United States, describe some of the issues that are
removal of selected components of the blood.
unique to the application of apheresis techniques in
“Plasmapheresis” refers to removal of plasma,
pediatrics, and will review indications for use of
apheresis in patients with kidney disease. The latter
S.L. Goldstein, MD () portion of the chapter (GK) is devoted to an in-
Department of Pediatrics, University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine, Division of Nephrology
depth description of low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
and Hypertension & The Heart Institute, Cincinnati, apheresis, a specialized application of apheresis
OH 45229, USA technology, as it is currently practiced in Europe.
Center for Acute Care Nephrology, Pheresis Service, Although the majority of this chapter will be
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, 3333 devoted to automated apheresis used for thera-
Burnet Avenue, MLC 7022, Cincinnati, OH 45229, USA peutic purposes, the technique of apheresis is
commonly used in other situations. The original
G. Klaus, MD automated cell separators were designed in the
Pediatric Kidney Center, KfH-Kuratorium fur Dialyse
1960s for donor apheresis, specifically for draw-
und Nierentransplantation, Marburg, Germany
ing transfusable single-donor platelet products
D.F. Friedman, MD
from normal volunteer donors. It remains true
Associate Medical Director, Transfusion Service
and Apheresis Service, today that the majority of automated apheresis
procedures performed in the United States are
Medical Director, Phlebotomy Service, Children’s
Hospital of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA donor procedures, to produce either platelets or
plasma. Furthermore, the term “apheresis” need
H.C. Kim, MD
Medical Director, Apheresis Service, The Children’s not be restricted to procedures that use automated
Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA cell separator instruments. Manual apheresis pro-
Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania cedures using syringes, tubing, stopcocks, and
School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA blood bags can be designed to perform whole blood

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_41, 775

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
776 S.L. Goldstein et al.

exchanges in neonates with hyperbilirubinemia, turers, but all have certain design requirements in
to perform therapeutic phlebotomies for adults common. All apheresis systems have single use
with idiopathic hemochromatosis, to harvest disposable plasticware that will maintain sterility
whole blood from donors to provide T-cell infu- during centrifugation and that incorporates safety
sions or even to prepare small volumes of plasma features such as air traps to prevent embolism,
or packed red blood cells for neonates. In most filters to prevent reinfusion of aggregates, pres-
cases, however, the automated cell separators sure monitors for access pressure, and a means to
offer significant advantages over manual proce- infuse an anticoagulant to prevent clot formation
dures in speed, sterility, and overall safety. in the extracorporeal circulation. All automated
separators have an obligate extracorporeal vol-
ume (ECV) and an obligate extracorporeal red
Automated Apheresis Technology cell mass (ECRCM), which must be in the instru-
ment’s tubing during the apheresis procedure.
Principle of Separation ECV and ECRCM vary depending on both the
type of apheresis device used and the type of pro-
Since apheresis technology is based on the use of cedure being performed. For example, using the
automated cell separators, it is helpful to under- COBE Spectra, the ECV and ECRCM for the
stand how these instruments work. The basic task leukapheresis set are 285 and 114 mL, respec-
of automated cell separators is to separate red tively, but they are 170 and 68 mL for the plasma/
blood cells, buffy coat, and plasma while main- RBC exchange procedure. The temporary loss of
taining sterility such that one or more of the com- these volumes, typically 200–400 mL as shown
ponents can be returned to the patient or donor. In in Table 41.1, is usually well tolerated by adults,
most instruments, this separation is accomplished but volume and red cell balance must be taken
by mechanical centrifugation. It is also possible into careful consideration when automated
to separate plasma from cells by filtration across apheresis is performed in small children, espe-
a membrane, but machines based on this princi- cially if the ECV represents >10–15% of the
ple are used predominantly for collecting plasma patient’s blood volume
from adult donors or in the intensive care unit
setting for treatment of sepsis-associated microan-
giopathies [1]. Centrifugal devices separate The Apheresis Process
whole blood into components on the basis of den-
sity differences, while membrane separators work Number of Vascular Access Points
on the basis of differences in particle size.
The configuration of the centrifugal separa- Cell separators are designed to perform “discon-
tion chamber differs among instrument manufac- tinuous” or “continuous” procedures, and some

Table 41.1 Extracorporeal volumes of centrifugal separators for plasmapheresis

During procedure run
Type of cell Volume Red cells
separator Name of separator Apheresis procedure (CV) (mL) (ECRCM) (mL)
Continuous flow COBE Spectra Plasma/RBC exchange 170 68
COBE Optia Plasmaa/RBC exchange 185 10
Baster/Fenwall Plasma Plasma/RBC exchange 393 68
CS-3000 + Fresenius AS 104 Plasma/RBC exchange 150 90
Discontinuous Hemonetics V50 and MCS Plasma/RBC exchange 284 (125 mL bowl)b 87.5
flow 515 (225 mL bowl)b 180
Plasma exchange only available in the United States at this time
ECV for a patient hematocrit of 40%; the lower the hematocrit, the larger is the ECV
41 Pediatric Therapeutic Apheresis 777

can be modified to do both. Discontinuous

apheresis procedures consist of cycles of three
separate phases: drawing blood, separating the
components, and returning. Since the drawing of
blood and returning of blood are done in distinct
phases, discontinuous procedures require only
one point of vascular access. For this reason, they
are often called “single arm” procedures. In con-
trast, “continuous” apheresis procedures carry
out the drawing, separation, and returning of
blood simultaneously and continuously. This
requires two points of vascular access, one for Fig. 41.1 The percentage of the patient’s initial plasma
drawing and one for returning, and thus these still remaining in circulation, on the vertical axis, as a
procedures are called “two arm procedures.” One function of the volume of plasma removed during plasma-
feature of continuous procedures is that there is pheresis, on the X-axis. The volume of plasma removed is
expressed as a multiple of the patient’s baseline plasma
no cyclic removal and administration of volume volume
to the patient, a decided advantage when the ECV
of the machine makes up a significant fraction of
the patient’s blood volume. For therapeutic is the patient’s plasma, whereas at the end of the
apheresis in pediatrics, especially for children plasmapheresis, much of what is removed is
younger than 10 years old, the safety advantages replacement fluid. The relationship of the amount
of a continuous circuit are the main consider- of plasma removed (expressed as multiples of the
ation, and one must accept the need for “two patient’s plasma volume) in a plasmapheresis to
arms.” In contrast, the “single arm” procedures the fraction of the original plasma remaining is
are well suited to donor procedures in healthy given in Fig. 41.1 [2]. A plasmapheresis proce-
adults who can tolerate a small fluctuation in their dure that removes a volume equal to the patient’s
blood volume, and who would prefer to have only plasma volume will achieve about 63% removal
one venipuncture. of the original plasma, with 37% remaining in the
patient, as shown in the figure. Removal of twice
the patient’s plasma volume will remove 86% of
Quantification of Removal the original plasma. From the figure, it is appar-
ent that the additional benefit of prolonging a
Plasmapheresis is the most commonly indicated plasmapheresis past two volumes is marginal.
apheresis treatment for kidney disease. The gen- Finally, the overall efficiency of a single plasma-
eral rationale for plasmapheresis is to remove, pheresis procedure, or of a series of treatments is
safely and efficiently, those soluble substances in also affected by the distribution between intra-
the plasma that might play a role in the patient’s and extravascular compartments of the targeted
disease process, for example, the pathogenic anti- substance and on other metabolic characteristics
glomerular basement membrane antibody in such as rate of resynthesis and degradation [2].
patients with Goodpasture syndrome.
Plasmapheresis is not as selective as dialysis (see
comparison below) since whole plasma is Control of Volume and Red Cell Mass
removed. As plasma is removed from the patient,
a replacement fluid must be given to maintain The rates at which blood is drawn, processed, and
intravascular volume and oncotic pressure. This returned during an apheresis procedure are deter-
replacement fluid becomes admixed with the mined by computerized algorithms that control
patient’s plasma, and some of it is subsequently the peristaltic pumps that move the blood through
removed as the plasmapheresis proceeds. At the the tubing. While it is beyond the scope of this
start of a plasmapheresis, most of what is removed chapter to discuss these algorithms in detail, a
778 S.L. Goldstein et al.

few general points are worthwhile. First, within children or sedated or unconscious patients who
certain limits, the patient’s net balance of volume cannot verbalize their discomfort, frequent vital
and the net balance of red cell mass can be manip- signs including blood pressure and EKG moni-
ulated independently during an apheresis proce- toring are necessary.
dure. This means, for example, that it is possible Prevention of hypocalcemia can also be
to administer a red cell transfusion during a plas- achieved using a regional anticoagulation proto-
mapheresis with no net increase in the patient’s col, adapted from continuous renal replacement
intravascular volume, a maneuver that can be therapy protocols [7], in which a calcium chlo-
very advantageous for a patient with anemia and ride (8 g/L of NS) is infused in the return line at
oliguric kidney failure. Second, it is possible to 1.5–2 times the blood pump rate in mL/h. For
perform a plasmapheresis procedure that results example, if the blood pump rate is 60 mL/min,
in a net removal of plasma volume from the the calcium chloride rate would be 90 mL/h. In
patient, or in a net fluid gain. general, mild symptoms can be relieved by reduc-
ing the rate of citrate infusion or by stopping the
procedure temporarily until symptoms subside.
Anticoagulation Oral calcium supplements are often used to treat
mild subjective symptoms although their efficacy
An anticoagulant must be added to the blood as it has not been proven. For severe reactions, such
enters the extracorporeal circuit in order to pre- as seizures, tetany, or EKG changes, it is advis-
vent clotting in the machine’s tubing. Sodium able to terminate the procedure altogether and
citrate is the most commonly used anticoagulant administer parenteral calcium supplements.
for apheresis; sodium citrate is the anticoagulant Heparin alone, or in combination with sodium
in blood products as well. It acts to chelate cal- citrate, can also be used as the anticoagulant for
cium to prevent in vitro activation of the clotting apheresis procedures. The patient will usually
cascade. When infused into the patient, the citrate receive the equivalent of a therapeutic dose of
may cause transient hypocalcemia. The severity heparin during the procedure and would be
of this side effect depends on the rate of infusion, expected to have an elevated activated clotting
the capacity for hepatic metabolism of citrate, time (ACT) and an anticoagulant effect afterward.
and the patient’s state of calcium homeostasis Some centers that use heparin as the anticoagu-
(i.e., baseline hypocalcemia or hypoparathyroid- lant monitor the degree of heparinization during
ism). In many apheresis protocols, the rate of cit- the procedure and adjust the infusion rate. The
rate infusion to the patient is the limiting safety reason to use a combination of citrate and heparin
factor in determining how rapidly blood can be is to reduce the net dose of citrate required to pre-
drawn and returned, and ultimately how long the vent clotting in the machine, reduce the dose of
procedure will last. citrate delivered to the patient, and permit the
The symptoms of reduced ionized calcium blood processing to speed up. The decision to use
related to citrate [3] are usually referred to as heparin must take into account the effect of the
“citrate toxicity.” The mildest and most common apheresis procedure on the coagulation system,
symptoms are perioral or hand and foot tingling and the patient’s underlying risk for hemorrhage.
and paresthesias. Some patients experience nau-
sea, an unusual taste in the mouth, or lighthead-
edness. More severe hypocalcemia may lead to Procedures
tremors, twitching, muscular spasm, tetany, sei-
zures, arrhythmias, and hypotension related to There are three basic therapeutic apheresis proce-
myocardial dysfunction [4–6]. Patients undergo- dures: plasmapheresis, erythrocytapheresis, and
ing apheresis should be monitored for early signs leukapheresis. These three procedures are modi-
of citrate toxicity either by clinical questioning or fied in various ways for the therapeutic goal at hand
measurement of ionized calcium levels. In small and for safety considerations in small children.
41 Pediatric Therapeutic Apheresis 779

Plasmapheresis specific pathogenic substance to be targeted. One

example is specific removal of immunoglobulin
Plasmapheresis involves separation of the plasma G (IgG) using immunoadsorption columns. The
from the cellular elements of blood, collecting the advantages of immunoadsorption columns over
patient’s plasma into a waste bag, and returning to simple plasmapheresis are as follows: (1) large
the patient his own cells mixed with a fluid to quantities of replacement fluids are not needed,
replace the discarded plasma. The replacement (2) removal is targeted to antibodies and does not
fluid must contain colloid to maintain the patient’s affect other plasma constituents, and (3) there is a
intravascular oncotic pressure. When 5% albumin potential for greater overall efficiency because a
is used as the only replacement fluid, the plasma- larger volume of plasma may be treated than by
pheresis procedure can be performed with mini- simple plasmapheresis.
mal concern for transfusion-transmitted infectious Two techniques have been developed to
disease or transfusion-associated lung injury remove IgG and IgG-containing circulating
(TRALI) [8]. Removal of plasma and replacement immune complexes from plasma after it has been
with 5% albumin will result in depletion of most separated from the cellular elements by plasma-
plasma proteins including immunoglobulins and pheresis. The staphylococcal protein A-silica col-
the components of the coagulation cascade. As umn (Prosorba® column, Fresenius HemoCare,
shown in Fig. 41.1, plasmapheresis of one plasma Inc., Redmond, WA) utilizes a solid phase of sil-
volume will reduce the levels of coagulation pro- ica gel beads to which staphylococcal protein A
teins by about 70%, which can be associated with has been bound. The staphylococcal protein A
a fibrinogen level below 100 mg/dL and prolonga- binds human IgG selectively, permitting other
tion of the PT and aPTT but not usually with clini- plasma proteins to pass through into the column
cal bleeding. If the rate of hepatic regeneration of eluate and to be returned to the patient. While this
these lost coagulation factors is normal, a schedule is theoretically attractive as a means of achieving
of plasmapheresis procedures every other day specific removal of IgG, the amount of IgG actu-
generally does not require exogenous replacement ally removed is limited by the binding capacity of
with fresh frozen plasma (FFP). However, if daily the column, which is about 2 g of human IgG.
plasmapheresis is necessary or if the patient has a The clinical value of immunoadsorption is lim-
concomitant coagulopathy, the replacement fluids ited, and is often attributed to “immunomodula-
must include FFP. If the pre-plasmapheresis fibrin- tion” rather than quantitative removal of IgG.
ogen level is less than 100 mg/dL, FFP should also The Prosorba column has been approved by the
be included as part of the replacement fluids. If FDA for the treatment of ITP [9, 10] and rheuma-
FFP is used as the replacement fluid, the patient’s toid arthritis [11, 12].
plasma proteins and coagulation parameters will A variation of this technique, staphylococcal
remain within normal limits. Plasmapheresis using protein A-agarose column (Immunosorba® col-
FFP as replacement fluid is more properly termed umn, Excorim AB, Lund, Sweden) which was
“automated plasma exchange.” recently acquired by Fresenius HemoCare,
employs the intermittent renewal of two staphy-
lococcal A columns to increase the quantity of
Plasmapheresis with Staphylococcal IgG removed. One column is stripped and regen-
Protein A Immunoadsorption erated while a second column is in use, and then
the flow of plasma is diverted to the newly
Since plasmapheresis removes all plasma proteins stripped column when the first column is satu-
and requires a large volume of replacement fluids, rated. This is the only column which has regula-
selective removal of specific plasma constituents tory approval in the United States for the treatment
is an attractive therapeutic approach. Selective of patients with hemophilia A and B with inhibi-
removal can be accomplished by immunologic, tors [13–15]. However, the use of both protein
chemical, or physical means depending on the A immunoadsorption column techniques has
780 S.L. Goldstein et al.

been reported in patients with kidney diseases, situations. Erythrocytapheresis may also be used
such as, hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), to deliver chronic transfusion therapy in sickle
Goodpasture syndrome, rapidly progressive cell disease for primary or secondary stroke pre-
glomerulonephritis (RPGN) including lupus vention, and for other indications which require
nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and kidney chronic transfusion therapy. The typical post-
allograft rejection [16–32]. procedure hemoglobin S concentration is 15% in
As will be discussed later in this chapter, col- this chronic situation, with a schedule of treat-
umn technology is also available for use in con- ments every 4–6 weeks to maintain hemoglobin S
junction with plasmapheresis for selective less than 30–40%. The principal advantage of
removal of plasma lipids, with return of the erythrocytapheresis in this setting is that iron
remaining plasma proteins. Two such techniques overload associated with regular RBC transfu-
are available in the United States for the treat- sions can he reduced or prevented [36, 37].
ment of hyperlipidemia, primarily in adults [33–
35]. In pediatric practice, this therapy is indicated
for rare congenital hyperlipidemia syndromes Leukapheresis
that are associated with extremely elevated
plasma lipid or cholesterol levels and premature Leukapheresis involves separation of the whole
atherosclerosis. While standard plasmapheresis blood into three fractions: plasma, red cells, and
can also be used to remove blood lipids, the spe- white cells from the buffy coat. The plasma and
cialized techniques and equipment currently in red cells are returned, and only the leukocyte
use in Europe to treat these children using low- fraction is retained as a leukocyte product. With
density lipoprotein (LDL) apheresis will be the standard leukapheresis procedure using the
described later in this chapter. automated cell separators, a replacement fluid is
not needed since both donor and therapeutic leu-
kapheresis are collection procedures, not
Erythrocytapheresis exchange procedures. For any leukapheresis pro-
cedure, a replacement fluid may be needed to
Erythrocytapheresis involves separation of the compensate for the volume of leukocytes and red
plasma from the cellular elements, collecting pri- cells removed in the waste or collected product,
marily the patient’s red cells into the waste bag especially in small children. This technique can
and returning the patient’s own plasma mixed be applied as therapeutic leukocyte depletion to
with donor-packed red blood cells. This technique patients with hyperleukocytosis from leukemia
can be of great value for hemoglobinopathies, and as a rapid means of reducing blood viscosity
occasionally for diseases caused by intra-erythro- associated with extremely high peripheral white
cytic parasites such as malaria. The principal blood cell counts [38–40]. In, general, two blood
applications of erythrocytapheresis are in sickle volumes are processed, and the procedure may he
cell disease. The pheresis machines can be pro- expected to remove approximately 50% of the
grammed to calculate the volume of packed red circulating platelets along with the leukocytes
blood cells needed to achieve a desired post-pro- [41]. Variations of this leukapheresis technique
cedure hemoglobin S level, as long as the patient’s can be used to harvest peripheral blood mononu-
pre-procedure hematocrit, hemoglobin S, and clear cells from an allogeneic or autologous
packed red cell hematocrit concentrations are donor, as sources of either hematopoietic stem
known. The patient’s total hemoglobin can also cells for stem cell transplantation [42–48], den-
be raised without a large volume of intravascular dritic cells, T-lymphocytes for donor lymphocyte
fluid. Common indicators for erythrocytapheresis infusions [49–53], and other cell-based therapies.
in sickle cell disease include emergent prepara- Another variation of the leukapheresis procedure
tion for surgery, severe acute chest syndrome, or is termed “photopheresis,” in which the mononu-
cerebrovascular event. Typically, a post-procedure clear cells harvested by leukapheresis are treated
hemoglobin S of 25% is desired in these acute with a photoactivatable chemical (a psoralen),
41 Pediatric Therapeutic Apheresis 781

subjected to irradiation under ultraviolet-A light are lost. The efficiency of plasmapheresis in
(UVA), and returned to the patient. This therapy removing these substances depends primarily on
is used for cutaneous T-cell lymphoma [54–59] the volume of plasma removed, but also on their
and may have broader applications as immuno- distribution between intra- and extravascular com-
logic therapy for other autoimmune diseases [60, partments, rate of equilibration between compart-
61], solid organ graft rejection [62, 63] including ments, and other metabolic characteristics [72].
kidney allograft rejection [62, 63], and graft-ver- On the other hand, dialysis employs a semiper-
sus-host disease [54, 64, 65]. meable membrane and a dialysis fluid to alter the
solute concentrations and free water content of
the patient’s plasma. Ions, salts, small molecules,
Plateletpheresis and free water may be removed, but the plasma
proteins are unaffected. Thus, dialysis is suitable
Plateletpheresis involves separation of the whole for treating the electrolyte disturbances, waste
blood from healthy donors into three fractions: product accumulation, water intoxication, and
platelet-poor plasma (PPP), platelet-rich plasma volume overload of kidney failure. Dialysis can
(PRP), and red cells. The PRP is retained as a also be used to remove toxins if the toxin mole-
single-donor platelet concentrate (more accu- cule is small enough and dialyzable, whereas
rately termed “apheresis platelets”) while the plasmapheresis is suited to removal of antibodies
PPP and red cells are returned to the donor. This and other pathogenic proteins and lipids, and to
is the single most frequent application of aphere- large-scale replacement with FFP. Plasmapheresis
sis technology. Plateletpheresis is indicated as a can be used to remove some toxins, especially if
therapeutic procedure to remove excess platelets they are predominantly bound to proteins in the
from the circulation in patients with symptomatic plasma. Plasmapheresis does not alter the electro-
thrombocytosis [66–70]. lyte content of plasma, and has only very transient
effects on the plasma levels of small molecules
such as urea or ammonia. Plasmapheresis can be
Comparison of Apheresis used to a limited extent to treat fluid overload, but
and Dialysis the fluid removed is plasma from the intravascu-
lar space not free water or extravascular fluid. The
Both plasmapheresis and hemodialysis are thera- differences between plasmapheresis and dialysis
peutic techniques involving extracorporeal cir- are summarized in Table 41.2.
cuits for selective removal of components of the
blood. For this reason, apheresis and dialysis are
sometimes confused, and are occasionally con- Pediatric Issues
sidered as alternative therapeutic options in a
patient with kidney disease. In fact, plasmaphere- Use of apheresis in children is feasible regardless
sis has been performed safely and efficiently of the size of the patient, as long as adequate vas-
using hemodialysis equipment after modification cular access can be established. However, aphere-
of the procedure [71, 72]. However, the funda- sis procedures in young children must be
mental mechanisms and clinical utility of plas- customized to the situation and to the size of the
mapheresis and dialysis are entirely different. patient because apheresis equipment and the soft-
Plasmapheresis employs centrifugation to sep- ware that controls it are, in general, designed for
arate whole plasma from the cellular components use in adults.
of blood. Whether the therapeutic goal is to reduce
levels of pathogenic immunoglobulins, lipids,
paraproteins, or other substances in the plasma, Vascular Access
whole plasma is removed during plasmaphere-
sis, and the proteins of the clotting cascade, nor- Most children smaller than 30 kg will not have
mal immunoglobulins, and other plasma proteins antecubital veins with large enough diameter to
782 S.L. Goldstein et al.

Table 41.2 Comparison of therapeutic apheresis with dialysis

Plasmapheresis Dialysis
Targets for removal Antibodies, plasma proteins, soluble elements Electrolytes, free water
of plasma
Principle of separation Centrifugation Semipermeable membrane
Extracorporeal volume 250–400 mL 80–350 mL
Indications Autoimmune disease Kidney failure, toxin removal
Coagulation defect
Metabolic disease
Treat fluid overload Limited Effective
Treat coagulopathy Yes No
Treat electrolyte imbalance No Yes

permit successful use of peripheral venous access Table 41.3 Formulae [73] for estimation of total blood
for apheresis procedures. The access for drawing volume (BV, in liters) and plasma volume (PV, in liters)
based on the patient’s height (H, in meters), weight (W, in
blood into the cell separator is the most critical, kilograms), and venous hematocrit (Hct, in percent)
requiring a vein large enough to admit a 16-gauge
steel needle and resilient enough to withstand a
BV = 0.3669 × H3 + 0.03219 × W + 0.6041
flow rate as high as 2 mL/kg/min. A 20-gauge Female
flexible IV catheter can be used for returning. BV = 0.3561 × H3 + 0.03308 × W + 0.1833
A double lumen catheter is usually used for PV = BV × (1 − Hct/100)
smaller patients or patients with unusable veins so
that both draw and return can use the same central
access. It is preferable to draw from the proximal Unless specific measures are taken to compensate
ports and reinfuse at the distal point to minimize for this volume, the patient’s blood volume will
recirculation, although in practice the better func- be depleted by this amount during the apheresis
tioning port is usually chosen for the drawing procedure. While an adult may easily tolerate the
access. The length, gauge, and positioning of the temporary loss of 200–400 mL of whole blood,
tip of the catheter will depend on the child’s size. this ECV may be too much for a small child. As
However, the wall of the catheter must be resilient a general guideline, modification of the proce-
enough to withstand the negative pressure gener- dure in the interest of patient safety is required if
ated during the apheresis procedure. In practice, the ECV exceeds 15% of the patient’s total blood
catheters designed for use in dialysis also work volume (TBV) and should he considered if the
well for apheresis procedures, but the softer single ECV exceeds 10% of the TBV.
and double lumen catheters, such as the Broviac The ECV for an apheresis procedure is a fixed
catheter, commonly used in oncology patients and specification of the instrument and tubing, and
in intensive care units, are not suitable as the draw can be determined precisely. The patient’s TBV,
line, although they can be used for returning. however, must be estimated in order to plan the
apheresis procedure. The TBV estimate is a basic
parameter for the algorithms that control the
Extracorporeal Volume pumps on an automated apheresis instrument. The
traditional formula used by most pediatricians to
Extracorporeal volume is the most important estimate TBV is 70–75 cm3/kg. More complex,
consideration in adapting apheresis instruments empirically derived formulae [73] for blood vol-
designed for adults to use in children. The ECV ume estimation that take into account gender,
for cell separators in clinical use varies from 200 weight, and height are shown in Table 41.3. These
to 400 mL depending on the machine and the pro- formulae are programmed into the software of
cedure to be performed as shown in Table 41.1. some automated apheresis instruments. While
41 Pediatric Therapeutic Apheresis 783

these formulae may be more accurate than a overload must be assessed as part of the planning
weight-based TBV estimate in adults, they may before the procedure is started. For children
yield overestimates of TBV in children, especially weighing <20 kg or for patients who are anemic
prepubertal males. or hemodynamically unstable, red cell priming is
usually indicated. From a practical standpoint,
this means that half to one unit of packed red
Blood Priming cells must be ordered and available before the
apheresis procedure can be started.
In addition to the ECV, there is an obligate
ECRCM, a volume of packed red blood cells
which must be held in the apheresis instrument in Anticoagulation (Dose)
order to achieve the separation of plasma from
red cells. Two decisions arise with respect to this The need for anticoagulation to prevent clotting
ECRCM. First, can the patient tolerate the tem- in the extracorporeal circuit was discussed above.
porary loss of this red cell mass during the proce- For apheresis procedures in pediatrics, one must
dure? The answer to this question depends not pay particular attention to the dose rate at which
only on the patient’s total blood volume, but also the anticoagulant is administered to the patient.
on the patient’s hematocrit and cardiovascular Since the anticoagulant is added to the blood
and pulmonary reserve. Second, can the patient drawn from the patient in a constant ratio of vol-
tolerate the bolus of fluid which is associated ume of anticoagulant per volume of blood, the
with returning the red cells, or “rinsing back” the rate of blood draw determines the dose of antico-
red cells from the machine to the patient at the agulant that the patient ultimately receives.
end of the apheresis procedure? The answer to Apheresis procedures in children are often per-
this question also depends on a clinical assess- formed at higher flow rates than adults, when the
ment of the patient’s blood volume, cardiopul- rate is expressed on a per kilogram basis. Using
monary reserve, and kidney function. typical values as an example, a 70-kg adult under-
The procedure modifications that compensate going plasmapheresis with flow rates of
for the ECV and ECRCM for young children 90–120 mL/min experiences blood draw rates in
undergoing apheresis are often referred to as the range of 1.3–1.7 mL/kg/min, but a 20-kg
“priming.” While it is possible to prime the child undergoing plasmapheresis using a central
apheresis instrument by filling all of the tubing line that permits a flow of 40 mL/min experiences
with red blood cells at a predetermined hemat- a draw rate of 2.0 mL/kg/min. Thus, the dose rate
ocrit before starting, priming is usually accom- of anticoagulant, citrate, heparin, or a combina-
plished by infusing additional red cells or fluids tion will be higher in the child than in the adult.
at the start of the procedure during the time that For many apheresis protocols, the dose rate of
the machine is filling with blood from the patient. citrate is the limiting parameter for how fast the
With proper planning, it is possible to perform an procedure can be run. Procedure modifications
apheresis procedure in a small child with no including calcium supplementation based on
change in the patient’s blood volume or red cell regional citrate anticoagulation protocols used in
mass during the procedure. The technical details CRRT [7] to prevent citrate toxicity are com-
of priming for pediatric apheresis procedures are monly used in pediatric plasmapheresis.
discussed in detail in one of the references [74].
In general, the method of priming for an
apheresis procedure affects the patient’s blood Hypothermia
volume during the procedure and also the final
amount of fluid administered at the end of the Children and adults experience some degree of
procedure. The patient’s ability to tolerate vol- hypothermia during apheresis procedures because
ume depletion, loss of red cell mass, and volume of cooling of blood in the extracorporeal circuit.
784 S.L. Goldstein et al.

This side effect may be more pronounced in

younger children since the flow rate per kilogram Application to Kidney Diseases
is higher than for adults, as discussed above.
A blood warmer is commonly incorporated into The evidence that demonstrates the clinical effi-
the return line in most pediatric apheresis proce- cacy of apheresis-based treatments is compelling
dures. Depending on the model used, the warmer in some disease states and marginal in others. For
increases the ECV by 20–50 mL. this reason, the Journal of Clinical Apheresis has
published, most recently in 2010 [75], a catego-
rized listing of the indications for therapeutic
Cooperation apheresis. The indications are placed into one of
four categories, as shown in Table 41.4, based on
The aspects of apheresis that children tolerate the strength of evidence that therapeutic aphere-
least well are the needles, the need to remain sis is effective for that disease process. Although
seated and still, the restriction of one or both this system of categories is imperfect, it is helpful
arms, the operation of the blood pressure cuff, in guiding clinical decisions about the use of
and boredom. The apheresis staff must be expert apheresis. When therapeutic apheresis is applied
in phlebotomy and IV placement to gain the trust to diseases of the kidney, either plasmapheresis
and cooperation of young patients. The staff must or plasma exchange is most commonly indicated.
also be able to provide age-appropriate explana- The kidney diseases for which therapeutic aphere-
tions of what is going on, and should encourage sis may be indicated are shown in Table 41.5,
parental involvement wherever possible. Space along with commonly used treatment schedules.
and resources to provide distracting entertain- Of course, these schedules must be individual-
ment for children undergoing apheresis are a ized based on the patient’s clinical condition. It is
necessity. With a sensitive and experienced important to establish at the start of a course of
apheresis staff, it is rare that children are so apheresis how the success or failure of the ther-
frightened, inconsolable, or uncooperative that apy will be monitored and judged. This is often
sedation must be used. difficult to determine with certainty, because

Table 41.4 Categories of the indication for therapeutic apheresis by evidence of effectiveness (American Society of
Apheresis, Ref. [75])
Category Description
I Disorders for which apheresis is accepted as first-line therapy, either as a primary standalone treatment
or in conjunction with other modes of treatment
Example: plasma exchange in Guillain–Barré syndrome as first-line standalone therapy; plasma
exchange in myasthenia gravis as first-line in conjunction with immunosuppression and cholinest-
erase inhibition
II Disorders for which apheresis is accepted as second-line therapy, either as a standalone treatment or in
conjunction with other modes of treatment
Example: plasma exchange as a standalone secondary treatment for acute disseminated encephalo-
myelitis after high-dose IV corticosteroid failure; extracorporeal photopheresis added to corticoster-
oids for unresponsive chronic graft-versus-host disease
III Optimum role of apheresis therapy is not established. Decision making should be individualized
Example: extracorporeal photopheresis for nephrogenic systemic fibrosis; plasma exchange in
patients with sepsis and multiorgan failure
IV Disorders in which published evidence demonstrates or suggests apheresis to be ineffective or harmful.
IRB approval is desirable if apheresis treatment is undertaken in these circumstances
Example: plasma exchange for active rheumatoid arthritis

Table 41.5 Application of plasmapheresis to kidney disease

Typical treatment plans
Diagnosis ASFA category Volume treated Frequency Duration/endpoint
TTP I 1–1.5 Daily Normalized LDH and platelet count
FFP or cryopoor plasma
HUS, atypical I (anti-factor H antibody) 1–1.5 Daily Normalized LDH and platelet count
Pediatric Therapeutic Apheresis

II (complement mutations) FFP or cryopoor plasma

IV (diarrhea associated)
Goodpasture syndrome I 1–1.5 Every other day for six treatments Reduction in anti-GBM antibody/cessation
5% albumin of pulmonary hemorrhage
Rapidly progressive I 1–1.5 Daily or every other day 6–9 procedures
glomerulonephritis with 5% albumin
antibodies (ANCA) FFP when pulmonary
hemorrhage is present
SLE II (CNS disease) 1–1.5 Daily or every other day 3–6 treatments
5% albumin
Lupus nephritis IV 1–1.5 Three times a week 3–6 treatments
5% albumin
Recurrent FSGS I 1–1.5% Daily × 3 then every other day Minimum nine treatments until resolution/
Albumin/FFP improvement or resolution of proteinuria,
taper treatments on individual basis
Kidney allograft rejection I 1–1.5 Daily or every other day Six treatments minimum, consider more if
(antibody-mediated) 5% albumin donor-specific antibodies still elevated
Thrombocytopenia-associated III 1–1.5 Daily or every other day 2–14, assess for resolution of MOF,
multiorgan 5% albumin/plasma improvement in platelet count
Failure (TAMOF), sepsis
786 S.L. Goldstein et al.

many diseases do not have a discrete identifiable infarction before the age of 30. Because lipid-
marker with which to follow clinical response to lowering drug therapy often is insufficient, LDL
treatment. apheresis has been a mainstay of FH treatment
for the past 20 years. LDL apheresis in combina-
tion with drug therapy lowers LDL cholesterol
Apheresis and ACE Inhibitors plasma levels by 40–70%, and earlier treatment
is more likely to prevent the complications of
One unusual interaction of medications with premature atherosclerosis. Pediatric reports are
apheresis therapy is relevant to the care of patients scarce and often refer to patients above the age of
with kidney disease. Antihypertensive agents of 10 years, despite the fact that treatment is recom-
the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhib- mended below this age. Different techniques for
itor class have been associated with an atypical LDL apheresis are available, including chemoad-
and potentially severe reaction occurring shortly sorption, precipitation, cascade filtration, and
after the start of apheresis procedures. The symp- direct adsorption. However, most commercial
toms include flushing and hypotension in most systems are not suitable for children below 10
patients, and abdominal cramping, diarrhea, nau- years due to large extracorporeal volume require-
sea, and diaphoresis in some. The reactions were ments. The following section will review the
first reported in patients taking ACE inhibitors experience and technique with LDL apheresis in
who underwent staphylococcal protein A column the pediatric population.
therapy, but have been associated with plasma- Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia
pheresis [76] and other therapies involving extra- (FH) affects one subject per million inhabitants. It
corporeal circuits. The postulated mechanism of is characterized by grossly elevated LDL choles-
these reactions is that during an apheresis proce- terol plasma levels (>15.5 mmol/L). Clinical signs
dure elevated levels of bradykinin are generated. and symptoms include tuberous xanthomas over
In most apheresis patients this is inconsequential the extensor surfaces, thickened Achilles tendons,
because of rapid degradation of bradykinin by and stenosis of the carotid artery and aortic valve
kininase II. However, if the patient is receiving developing during the first 10 years of life.
ACE inhibitors, the degradation mechanism may Untreated, this results in myocardial infarction
be blocked by the drug, and the vasodilatory and and/or sudden death due to cardiovascular com-
gastrointestinal effects of bradykinin give rise to plications during the first or second decade of life
the symptoms. Many ACE inhibitors have been [77, 78]. Brown and Goldstein discovered that FH
implicated, and it is recommended that ACE is caused by mutations within the LDL receptor
inhibitors be withheld at least 24 h before an gene [79]. The LDL receptor is essential for
apheresis procedure. uptake of LDL into the cells by receptor-mediated
endocytosis. This occurs mainly in hepatocytes
and accounts for the clearance of about 70% of all
Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) plasma circulating LDL [79]. The gene for the
Apheresis LDLR is located on chromosome 19, and more
than 800 different mutations have been described
Background ([80], Heterozygous
patients rarely develop clinical signs during child-
Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is an auto- hood other than elevated LDL cholesterol plasma
somal dominant hereditary metabolic disease due levels, but left untreated, their relative risk of
to inactivating mutations in the low-density lipo- death is increased three- to fourfold [81].
protein receptor (LDLR) gene. This results in Treatment options for FH are limited. Conven-
grossly elevated plasma LDL cholesterol. Clinical tional cholesterol-lowering therapy includes
manifestations are severe and include premature dietary interventions, intestinal bile-acid or choles-
atherosclerosis and a high risk of myocardial terol binding agents (cholestyramine), specific
41 Pediatric Therapeutic Apheresis 787

cholesterol absorption inhibitors (ezetimib), and

3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase
inhibitors (HMGCoA-reductase-inhibitors, sta-
tins). However, in FH patients cholesterol-lowering
drug therapy often is not sufficient to lower the
plasma LDL cholesterol level to recommended lev-
els below 100–140 mg/dL. In FH patients resistant
to dietetic and drug therapy, extracorporeal choles-
terol elimination by LDL apheresis is indicated.
LDL apheresis lowers cholesterol by approxi-
mately 50% long term [82] and has been proven
effective to prevent future cardiovascular events
[83, 84].

Indication for LDL Apheresis

The diagnosis of FH should be validated. The

American Heart Association has published a set
of diagnostic criteria and LDL apheresis indica-
tions focused on cardiovascular risk reduction in
high-risk pediatric patients [85]. Fig. 41.2 Scheme of LDL apheresis using direct absorp-
In patients with HF LDL apheresis is indicated tion technique without prior separation of plasma from the
cellular blood components
if the following take place:
• A LDLR deficiency is demonstrated function-
ally or genetically. These patients have LDL before the cleared plasma is given back to the
cholesterol plasma levels above 15 mmol/L patient without major volume change (Fig. 41.3).
and face a high risk of cardiovascular morbid- The disadvantage of membrane-plasma separa-
ity and mortality already in childhood. tion is the limited capacity of the plasma filter
Therefore LDL apheresis is indicated as pro- membrane. However, with modern plasma fil-
phylaxis for these devastating complications. ters, this is no longer a significant clinical prob-
• Plasma cholesterol cannot be lowered below lem in LDL apheresis. With centrifuge plasma
160 mg/dL despite dietetic and medical separation, the amount of plasma generated is
therapy. not limited.
• In heterozygous FH LDL apheresis is only For membrane-plasma separation, a plasma
indicated as a secondary treatment option; filter with a membrane surface of 0.2 m2 is rec-
most patients will respond to drug therapy. ommended for children of 10–20 kg body weight,
and 0.5 m2 for children >20 kg, assuming the
treatment is designed to process approximately
LDL Apheresis Technique 1.5 times the plasma volume (see Table 41.3 and
Ref. [73] for plasma volume determination).
For extracorporeal removal of cholesterol, direct
absorption from whole blood can be obtained
(Fig. 41.2). In most systems, plasma is separated Venous Access
from the cellular blood components by mem-
brane or centrifuge separation. The separated Venous access can be obtained by peripheral
plasma then passes through the absorber unit, in veins, central-venous catheter (dialysis catheter)
which LDL is removed by different methods, or arteriovenous fistula. The blood flow needed is
788 S.L. Goldstein et al.

Fig. 41.3 Scheme of LDL

apheresis using techniques
after separation of plasma
from the cellular blood

considerably lower than in hemodialysis, but plasma separation. However, in membrane-

should be more than 10 mL/min even in small plasma separation a higher level of anticoagula-
children. In older children, blood flow of tion is needed as in hemodialysis. The choice of
60–80 mL/min is sufficient. Peripheral veins are anticoagulation is influenced by the method of
the preferred access in adult patients. Several LDL apheresis: for dextran-sulfate absorption
studies have shown that peripheral access is suf- (Liposorber®, Fa Kaneka) no citrate anticoagula-
ficient in more than 50% of adolescent patients tion is needed, whereas for the cascade filtration
[82, 86]. However, because both antecubital veins (CascadeFlow®, Fa. ASHAI Kassei Kurray) and
often must be used, patients become totally direct adsorption (DALI®, Fa Fresenius, Germany)
dependent on the assistance of hospital or aphere- citrate anticoagulation is recommended. The anti-
sis personal or accompanying persons for sniff- coagulation is aimed at sufficient anticoagulation
ing, eating, and almost all activities during the in the external blood circuit with the best biocom-
procedure. This is reported to be discomforting, patibility, and without activation of the coagula-
especially with longer duration of treatment [82]. tion system, complement system, or cellular
The antecubital veins should not be used for blood components. Use of citrate-based antico-
blood sampling or infusions unrelated to LDL agulation has been shown to have the advantage
apheresis. For these reasons, an arteriovenous fis- of inhibition of calcium-dependent complement
tula or central line might be advantageous with activation [87], albeit this was not confirmed in
respect to both patient comfort and treatment other studies [88]. For control of anticoagulation,
adherence. In our experience, patients have dis- measurement of activated clotting time or ionized
continued treatment due to discomfort associated calcium in case of citrate anticoagulation should
with bilateral antecubital venipuncture and taping be immediately available.
for the LDL apheresis procedure. Due to the long
treatment period expected with FH, an arterio-
venous fistula is the preferred access. LDL Apheresis Systems

Different techniques for removal of LDL are

Anticoagulation available (Table 41.6). When choosing an LDL
apheresis system, the size of the child, i.e., his/her
For anticoagulation the same medications are circulating blood volume should be calculated, as
principally applicable as for hemodialysis or many commercially available systems require
41 Pediatric Therapeutic Apheresis 789

Table 41.6 Technical data of the LDL apheresis systems used in pediatric patients
System separation V blood (mL) V plasma (mL) Anticoagulation Pt. size
Dextran-sulfate (Liposorber®) Yes 170 230 Heparin >20 kg
Dextran-sulfate (Liposorber®) Yes 65 100 Heparin 10–20 kg
custom made [16]
Heparin-induced extracorporeal Yes Heparin >30 kg
LDL precipitation (H.E.L.P.®)
Double/cascade filtration Yes 165 180 Citrate >20 kg
Direct adsorption (DALI®) No Citrate

large priming volumes. The extracorporeal blood inactivation and should therefore not be used with
volume should not exceed 5–7% of circulating dextran-sulfate adsorption or stopped at least 24 h
blood volume. In children below the age of 6 before treatment.
years priming of the extracorporeal circuit is often Dextran-sulfate columns can be run with
performed using albumin [89]. However, this is a pediatric blood pump monitor and a volume-
not ideal due to increased costs, risk of adverse regulated plasma dialysis device (BM-25, Fa.
events, and increased risk of transmitted infec- Baxter) using a custom-made tubing system (Päd.
tions. Most published pediatric series report on Lipidapherese-Set I09.4, Fa Meise, Germany).
use of the Liposorber®-system, but cascade filtra- With such a system, the volume of the extracor-
tion and direct absorption have also been poreal circuit can be reduced to 60 mL in the
described, whereas precipitation techniques are blood compartment and 100 mL in the plasma
infrequently used in pediatric patients. compartment, making this system suitable for
children of 10–20 kg without the need of priming
with albumin [92] (Fig. 41.4).
Chemoadsorption (Liposorber®,
Fa. Kaneka)
Double/Cascade Filtration
The Liposorber®-System adsorbs LDL to dex-
tran-sulfate-cellulose from plasma separated The double/cascade filtration (CascadeFlow EX
from the cellular blood components. The mecha- 50 W Lipidfilter (Fa ASAHI Kasei Kuraray,
nism of adsorption is the result of electrostatic Tokyo, Fa DIAMED Cologne)) depletes plasma
forces between negatively charged sulfate-groups components nonspecifically according to their
on dextran-sulfate and positively charged Apo B size. After separation from the cellular blood
of LDL and Lp(a). Immunoglobulins, HDL, and components, plasma is run on a plasma fraction-
albumin are adsorbed by this system at a very low ator (ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer) that
level ( retains LDL by 98% and fibrinogen by 69%
scribe/prescribe.htm) [83, 86, 89–91]. The com- (data given by manufacturer [93]), which is dis-
mercially available system uses two carded. The reduction in fibrinogen might
dextran-sulfate columns, which are alternately exclude patients with low fibrinogen plasma
being loaded and regenerating. The ECV of the levels. For anticoagulation, citrate is used.
system is 400 mL; therefore this system cannot The system has a priming volume of 165 mL
be used safely in small children. Because brady- blood and 180 or 240 mL plasma according to
kinin can be generated in the plasma filter as well the size of the plasma fractionator used.
as in the dextran-sulfate columns, bradykinin- Therefore it is suitable for children above about
related symptoms can be observed when transi- 20 kg body weight. However, due to its lack of
tion time is too short for bradykinin inactivation. specificity, this technique is reported to be used
Furthermore, ACE inhibitors decrease bradykinin decreasingly [86].
790 S.L. Goldstein et al.

Fig. 41.4 LDL apheresis unit with dextran-sulfate col- custom-made tubing on a BM25 balanced blood pump
umn (Liposorber®) in small children. The photos shows with the Liposorber® system. Venous access by single
3.5-year-old children during the LDL apheresis using a needle to a Cimino fistula

Precipitation Techniques is not recommended for patients <30 kg body

weight. The H.E.L.P. system also removes com-
In heparin-induced extracorporeal LDL precipi- plement. Therefore the indication in patients with
tation (H.E.L.P.® Fa Braun, Melsungen, Germany, low C3 or C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency should LDL, Lp(a), and be thoroughly evaluated. For anticoagulation, no
fibrinogen are precipitated from plasma by hepa- citrate must be used. An initial heparin bolus of
rin in acidic buffer with a pH of 5.12 (sodium 2,000 IE/m2 body surface often is sufficient.
acetate). The cleared plasma then passes a hepa-
rin adsorber (DEA mod. polyamide, fill volume
150 mL, adsorption capacity ³ 300.000 IE hepa- Whole Blood Apheresis
rin). This is followed by a single pass dialysis
with a cellulose membrane (ultrafilter SMC 1.8, Direct adsorption of lipoproteins on whole blood
1.84 m² surface, fill volume 117 mL, max. TMP is obtained with the DALI®-system (Fa Fresenius
600 mmHg) for removing the sodium acetate and Medical Care, Germany [95]). This technique
normalizing the pH. The system is complex but lowers both LDL and Lp(a). The system does not
the procedure is well tolerated (<3% adverse need plasma separation. The blood is run over the
events) [94]. However, published pediatric expe- adsorber unit, which contains negatively charged
rience is not available. In contrast to the dextran- polyacrylate ligands immobilized on polyacryl-
sulfate adsorption, H.E.L.P. additionally reduces amide. The DALI adsorber is available in five
fibrinogen plasma levels. This system may not be different sizes (300, 500, 750, 1,000, and
usable in patients with low fibrinogen levels. 1,250 mL). Anticoagulation is performed by cit-
Co-medication with ACE inhibitors is possible. rate. The DALI system is reported to be increas-
Due to its large extracorporeal volume, the system ingly used in France [86].
41 Pediatric Therapeutic Apheresis 791

Infrastructure for Pediatric LDL Atherosclerotic Lesions

In general, a late start of LDL apheresis in FH
The application of LDL apheresis in children and patients is associated with more severe involve-
adolescents needs specific structural conditions ment of the aortic valve and less response to
and staff qualification. The physician should be treatment. Atherosclerotic involvement of the
trained in pediatric extracorporeal therapies as aortic valve often is detectable by 6 years of age
well as in intensive care medicine, because acute and shows no or little regression on therapy.
life-threatening complications can occur. The Therefore, initiation of LDL apheresis is recom-
unit should also have emergency equipment. The mended below the age of 8 years [85] or even 6
nursing staff must be experienced in maintaining years [84]. If the patient has established athero-
extracorporeal circuits in children. It is recom- sclerotic lesions, a mean plasma cholesterol
mended that at least one physician and one to two <140 mg/dL was found to be associated with
nurses are present during the entire procedure. regression of the lesions in adult patients [81].
The availability of social workers, teachers, or LDL cholesterol was the main determinant for
play therapists may increase pediatric patient tol- the effect of LDL apheresis. In pediatric FH
erance of apheresis, especially if the patient is patients on LDL apheresis followed with angiog-
immobilized due to blood lines in both antecu- raphy every 2 years, Stefanutti reported no devel-
bital veins. For control of anticoagulation, mea- opment of atherogenic lesions in those free of it
surement of activated clotting time or ionized at start of treatment. In about 50% of patients
calcium in case of citrate anticoagulation should lesions were already present before LDL aphere-
be immediately available. Pediatric dialysis units sis started. These lesions regressed or stabilized
offer qualified staff and appropriate equipment, and no increase was observed with biweekly or
but due to high costs, in most countries health weekly apheresis sessions aiming at a posttreat-
insurance systems must authorize LDL apheresis ment LDL cholesterol of 70–100 mg/dL [84].
in the individual patient prior to the start of After a mean observation period of 12.6 ± 6 years,
treatment. all FH patients of the pediatric series of Palcoux
[86] were alive with normal physical and puber-
tal development; these patients began LDL
LDL Apheresis Treatment Results apheresis treatment at a mean age of 8.5 years.
Cardiac disorders were observed in five children
Plasma Cholesterol during the treatment period, three of them experi-
encing angina pectoris. In the series of Hudgkins
Despite different characteristics of the currently with biweekly treatment, which resulted in a 48%
available techniques, efficacy in lowering plasma lowering of baseline plasma cholesterol levels,
cholesterol levels is similar. One single treatment 60% of patients showed atherosclerotic disease
session with the processing of 1.5× plasma vol- of the coronary artery or aorta or aortic valve on
ume lowers plasma LDL cholesterol by 50–80% angiography. The lesions progressed in one third
[82, 86, 90, 96, 97]. In the long term, patients of the patients [90].
have 18–52% lower average plasma LDL choles-
terol levels with a treatment frequency of once
every 1–2 weeks [82]. The average LDL choles- Xanthomas/Xanthelasmas
terol level is calculated as the mean of the LDL
cholesterol plasma concentrations before and Xanthomas or xanthelasmas may develop rapidly
after the LDL apheresis session. However, rec- and are of significance for the body image of
ommended targets are often not met. the adolescent patient. On adequate apheresis
792 S.L. Goldstein et al.

Table 41.7 Adverse events reported during LDL apheresis in pediatric patients
Hudgins [90] Stefanutti [84] Coker [82] Palcoux [86]
Dextran-sulfate Dextran-sulfate Dextran-sulfate cellulose Dextran-sulfate
System cellulose cellulose direct adsorption cellulose
Vascular access 4.7 2 4.5 6/21
Hypotension 2.9 2 0.2 2/21 pts
Nausea 1.0 0.2 0.2 n.r
Inconvenience n.r. 1/21 pts
Anaphylactic reactions n. r. n.r. n.r. 9/27 pts
n.r. not reported, pts patients

therapy, the xanthomas and xanthelasmas are

reported to resolve completely or decrease in size LDL Apheresis Recommendations
within 2 years [85]. Even after 12 years, these
lesions may resolve [86]. LDL apheresis is indicated in FH patients not
responsive to medical treatment. In summary, the
following recommendations are suggested (for
Adverse Events details, see text):
• Start LDL apheresis at age below 6–8 years.
LDL apheresis in general is well tolerated. In • Vascular access by peripheral antecubital
many series including our own, adverse events veins in adolescents, if tolerated; Cimino fis-
occurred more often during the development of tula in younger subjects.
an apheresis capability in the unit with limited • Adequately equipped unit and trained staff
prior experience. In our own series with two FH including psychosocial support is necessary.
twins starting weekly LDL apheresis at the age of • Selection of modality by adjusted extracorpo-
3.5 years, a high level of adverse events was real volume and local experience.
recorded (14%) during the first 75 treatment epi- • Initial treatment frequency: every 2 weeks.
sodes, mainly due to venous access problems and • Reduction in LDL cholesterol should be aimed
mild hypotension (6.7%): much lower rates were at the lowest level possible, at least 60%
seen with further follow-up. Adverse events can reduction per session.
be minimized by careful selection of apheresis • In patients with established atherosclerotic
modality according to extracorporeal volume lesions, mean LDL cholesterol should be
and adherence to exclusion criteria. The most <100 mg/dL.
commonly reported adverse events are related • If targets are not met, frequency should be
to hypotension and venous access problems increased to weekly sessions.
(Table 41.7). Furthermore, anaphylactic reactions
were observed in 9 of 27 patients in the series of
Palcoux [86]. Most of these patients used whole References
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Extracorporeal Therapy for Drug
Overdose and Poisoning 42
Vimal Chadha

Drug overdose • Poisoning • Extracorporeal therapy

taken or given, and inadvertent exposure to

Introduction someone else’s medication.
The management of poisoning is a significant
Poisoning continues to be a significant cause of
burden on health care. In 2008, approximately
morbidity and mortality. The 2008 Annual Report
one-fourth of all cases received treatment in a
of the American Association of Poison Control
health care facility. While half of them were
Centers (AAPCC) published information on
treated and released without admission, 93,096
2,491,049 human exposure cases of poisoning,
(15.6%) had to be admitted for critical care man-
half of them being children younger than 6 years
agement. Treatment in a health care facility was
[1]. Prescription drugs, over the counter medica-
provided in a higher percentage of exposures that
tions, illicit drugs, and common household sub-
involved pharmaceutical substances (26.4%)
stances can all be responsible for poisoning. As
compared with non-pharmaceutical substances
per the 2008 Annual Report, the top four most
(14.1%), and exposures to pharmaceuticals
frequently involved substances in all human
resulted in more severe outcomes. Although chil-
exposures were analgesics (13.3%), cosmetics/
dren younger than 6 years were involved in
personal care products (9.0%), household clean-
the majority of exposures, fortunately they
ing substances (8.6%), and sedatives/hypnotics/
comprised just 2.0% of the exposure-related
antipsychotics (6.6%). Most (82.8%) poison
exposures were unintentional, and suicidal intent
was suspected in 8.7% of cases. In 10.6% of
exposures (263,942 cases), poisoning resulted
Management of the Poisoned
due to therapeutic errors such as inadvertent dou-
ble-dosing, incorrect dosing, wrong medication

The general approach to the management of an

acute poisoning includes:
V. Chadha, MD () 1. Patient stabilization (maintenance of the air-
Department of Pediatrics, Section of Pediatric
Nephrology, Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics,
way, ventilation, and hemodynamic status)
Kansas City, MO, USA 2. Establishing accurate diagnosis by clinical
e-mail: evaluation which in many cases is aided by

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8_42, 797

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
798 V. Chadha

identification and determination of blood cause direct tissue damage despite provision of
concentration of the toxic substance intensive supportive care [3, 6–8]. In patients
3. Decontamination (removal of poison from site poisoned with this group of chemicals, use of
of absorption such as GI tract or skin) specific antidote (if available) and/or active
4. Administration of antidotes, if available removal of the poison by extracorporeal therapies
5. Supportive care (treatment of hypotension, is necessary to prevent irreversible tissue dam-
arrhythmias, respiratory failure, electrolyte age. The second group of poisons such as barbi-
imbalance, and seizures) turates and other common sedative/hypnotic
6. Elimination of poison by manipulation of uri- drugs do not have any direct tissue damaging
nary pH effect but cause harm indirectly due to respiratory
7. Removal of poison by extracorporeal therapies compromise or hypotension. These patients can
It is important to note that a large group of be treated with specific antidote (if available) and
patients can be managed by approaches 1–6 with supportive care, provided they will metabolize
excellent results. Nonetheless, some of these stan- and/or excrete the poison in a reasonable time.
dard therapies such as usage of ipecac syrup,
gastric lavage, and forced alkaline diuresis have
recently come under intense scrutiny and fallen out Extracorporeal Therapies for Active
of favor [2]. For detailed information regarding Poison Removal
use of oral sorbents, specific antidotal therapies,
supportive care, and forced alkaline diuresis, the To be worthwhile, the rate of poison removal by
reader is referred to standard emergency medicine an extracorporeal method must be significantly
and toxicology texts [3–5]. greater than the spontaneous rate of elimination
This chapter will mainly focus on a specific by hepatic and/or renal excretion, unless the
category of poisoned patients in whom active intrinsic clearance is impaired by the disease pro-
removal of the toxic substance through the use of cess, and extracorporeal method is the only means
extracorporeal therapies is deemed necessary. of providing useful clearance. According to the
Patients in this category can be divided into three 2008 annual report of the AAPCC, out of 93,096
subgroups: patients admitted for critical care management,
1. Patients intoxicated with poisons that cause only 2,177 (<2.5%) were treated with hemodialy-
direct tissue damage (vide infra) sis while hemoperfusion was carried out in
2. Patients intoxicated with poisons that do not merely 27 patients [1]. The reason for such
cause direct tissue damage, but patient’s abil- restricted usage of extracorporeal therapies
ity to metabolize or excrete the toxic substance despite the fact that techniques such as hemodi-
is compromised alysis are highly efficient in removal of small
3. Patients intoxicated with poisons in which molecular weight chemicals from circulation is
active poison removal is considered to avoid that in relatively few cases, such as poisoning
prolonged supportive care and its associated with methanol, ethylene glycol, valproic acid,
complications carbamazepine, acetylsalicylic acid, and lithium,
For practical purposes, the toxic substance does the extracorporeal removal have a signifi-
(poison or a drug) can be divided into two broad cant impact on patient outcome.
categories: those that cause tissue damage and Since poisons achieve their toxic effects on tar-
those that do not. Tissue damage is defined as get organs via the blood stream, it seems logical
irreversible or slowly reversible structural or that their elimination from the blood should
functional changes in one or more organ systems result in amelioration of the patient’s condition.
that occur as a direct result of the poison (or its Accordingly, changes in the serum drug levels are
toxic metabolite) in the body. Poisons such as the most frequently used parameters of response
aspirin, acetaminophen, and methyl alcohol can to extracorporeal therapy in intoxication; however,
42 Extracorporeal Therapy for Drug Overdose and Poisoning 799

this pretext can be misleading and provides false Volume of distribution is clinically important in
assurance of dialysis efficacy. To better understand two ways. First, knowing the Vd and plasma con-
these perplexities, the nephrologist ought to be centration of a particular drug allows calculation
well versed with the basic concepts of drug kinet- of the total amount of the drug in the body, as:
ics and principles of detoxification when dealing
X(mg) = Vd (L) × C p (mg/L) (42.2)
with the management of an acutely poisoned
patient. These concepts also help in determining where X is the total amount of the drug in milli-
the usefulness of extracorporeal therapy as well as grams (mg) and Cp is the plasma concentration in
selection of the optimum modality for drug mg/L. Second, Vd is one of the factors that deter-
removal. mines accessibility of a drug to removal by extra-
corporeal therapy; a large Vd implies that the
amount of drug present in blood represents only a
General Pharmacokinetic Concepts
small fraction of the total body load. Thus, even if
and Principles of Extracorporeal hemodialysis session extracts most of the drug
Therapy present in blood flowing through the circuit, the
amount of drug removed represents a small per-
Volume of Distribution centage of the total body drug burden. Volumes of
distribution of some of the common substances
Volume of distribution (Vd) is an imaginary space involved in poisoning are listed in Table 42.1. It is
that represents the volume of fluid in which a important to note that these values for Vd are
known amount of drug would have to be diluted derived from general population under normal
to yield the measured serum concentration. dosing conditions and may not apply in the situa-
Theoretically, if body is presumed to be a single tion of a substantial drug overdose. In addition, the
compartment and a substance is homogenously presence of renal and/or hepatic dysfunction in a
distributed in body water without binding to pro- poisoned patient can further alter the value of Vd.
tein or accumulating in tissues, it would have an
apparent Vd equal to the total body water.
Vd (Liters) = 0.6 L/ kg × body weight (kg) (42.1) Protein Binding

For some substances such as methanol, that Many substances bind with varying affinity to
distribute in body water without significant bind- plasma proteins, such as albumin or to intracellu-
ing to tissue or plasma protein and without sig- lar proteins in the tissues. Thus, in addition to dis-
nificant accumulation in adipose tissue, the solving in fat, substances can accumulate in
apparent Vd corresponds to a physiologic space; tissues according to their degree of protein bind-
in this case equivalent to total body water. ing. Protein binding limits the amount of free drug
However, most substances are not homoge- available for removal across dialysis membranes.
neously distributed but rather vary in their Highly protein-bound substances are therefore not
concentration throughout the body as a result of amenable to therapy with extracorporeal modali-
lipid solubility, protein binding, active cellular ties. However, at toxic levels the protein binding
transport, and pH gradients, and as a result Vd can sites are usually saturated, resulting in higher per-
vary over a wide range of values (0.2 L/kg for centage of unbound fraction that can be effectively
valproic acid to 20 L/kg for imipramine). A Vd removed by dialysis therapy. In addition, albumin
significantly larger than actual body water reflects can be added to the dialysate where it acts as a
a high degree of tissue concentration, while a “sink” to bind any free toxin that crosses the
small Vd suggests concentration within the intra- dialyzer membrane with a concentration gradi-
vascular space. ent from the blood to the dialysate side [9].
800 V. Chadha

Table 42.1 Properties of substances frequently involved in poisonings

Molecular Volume of Protein Preferred
Substance weight (Da) distribution (L/kg) binding (%) extracorporeal modality
Acetaminophen 151 0.95 25 MARS
Aminoglycoside * 0.2–0.3 <5 HD
Amphotericin B 924 4.0 90 –
Benzodiazepine * 0.3–6.6 85–98 –
Carbamazepine 228 0.8–1.6 75 HDFa, PP
Digoxin 765 5–8 20–30 –
Ethanol 46 0.7 0 –
Ethylene glycol 62 0.6 0 HD, HF
Indomethacin 327 0.12 99 –
Isopropyl alcohol 60 0.7 0 HD, HF
Lithium 7 0.5–0.9 0 HF, HD
Methanol 32 0.7 0 HD, HF
Methotrexate 456 0.76 45–50 HP
Narcotic * 3–16 * –
Phenobarbital 232 0.7–1.0 40–60 HD, HP
Phenytoin 252 0.55 90 –
Salicylate 138 0.1–0.2 80–90 HD, HF
Theophylline * 0.4–0.7 55 HD, HP
Tricyclic antidepressants * 6–50 90–97 ? PP
Valproate 144 0.19–0.23 90 HDFa, PP
MARS Molecular adsorbent recirculating system, HD hemodialysis, HF hemofiltration, HP hemoperfusion, HDF
hemodiafiltration, PP plasmapheresis
Addition of albumin to the dialysate has been shown to enhance the elimination of carbamazepine and valproate [10, 11]
Variable depending on specific drug
Questionable efficacy

This technique has been shown to be very effi- dissolved molecules are carried along with the
cient in enhancing the clearance of valproic acid fluid (solvent drag). The transport of the mole-
and carbamazepine [10, 11]. It is also important to cules across the membrane is limited by the
note that most drug-protein bonds are weak and membrane pore size. The ratio of the substance
easily reversible, and protein binding can be concentration in the filtrate to its plasma concen-
altered by a number of variables such as pH, and tration is known as sieving coefficient which
drug competition for the binding sites. along with ultrafiltration rate is the major deter-
minant of convective transport.

Membrane Transport
Lipid Solubility
Transport across dialyzer membrane can occur
by diffusion or by convection. Diffusive transport Lipid solubility affects the accumulation of drug
is the average of the random motion of the huge in lipid-rich tissues such as adipose tissue and
number of individual molecules with a net move- brain. The degree of lipid solubility of a substance
ment down their concentration gradient. As the is expressed by its partition coefficient, which is
random motion of smaller molecules is faster an in vitro measurement of the ratio of lipid (non-
than those of larger molecules, small molecules polar) phase to aqueous (polar) phase concentra-
diffuse and equilibrate faster than large mole- tion of its nonionized form. Lipid-soluble drugs
cules. Concentration gradient and membrane sur- can accumulate extensively in the adipose tissue
face area are the two other major determinants of and act as reservoir with poor accessibility due to
diffusive transport. During convective transport, decreased vascular perfusion.
42 Extracorporeal Therapy for Drug Overdose and Poisoning 801

Ionization where Qb is the blood flow rate, A is the arterial

or inlet concentration, and V is the venous or out-
Nonionized substances are more lipid soluble and, let blood concentration of the toxic substance.
therefore, more easily transported across cellular Note that (A – V)/A is termed as extraction ratio
membranes in the body than their ionized form. (Ex) that represents the solute removed as a frac-
The pK of the substance is the pH at which it is half tion of the maximum it is theoretically possible to
ionized and half nonionized. An acid is increas- remove. For continuous renal replacement ther-
ingly ionized as the pH rises above its pK, and a apy, clearance (C) is expressed as
base is increasingly ionized as pH falls below its
C = E/P × Q e (42.4)
pK. pH gradients across cell membranes can affect
the extent of diffusion by trapping the ionized form where E is the effluent concentration, P is the
on one side. In stomach and kidney, where large plasma concentration of the toxic substance, and
pH gradients exist (or can be induced) with respect Qe is the effluent flow rate which can be Quf
to plasma, this has therapeutic implications. (ultrafiltrate), or Qd (dialysate), or Quf + Qd. The
term E/P is also known as sieving coefficient that
is equivalent to extraction ratio (Ex). As is appar-
Intercompartmental Transfer ent, these clearance calculations are based on
plasma concentration of the substance and the
In a single compartment model, a change in results can be misleading in terms of effective-
plasma level would reflect similar change in lev- ness of dialysis therapy unless drug distribution
els throughout body. Unfortunately, most sub- and inter-compartmental kinetics are also taken
stances in the body are distributed in multiple into account. To understand this better, consider a
compartments and movement across these com- drug “x” with a large volume of distribution of
partments is variable and dependent on several 20 L/kg. One gram of this drug when given to a
factors. Knowledge of these parameters is crucial 30 kg child will yield a plasma concentration of
in understanding the relationship between blood 0.0016 mg/mL (42.2). With maximal extraction
level and drug removal during extracorporeal at a blood flow rate of 200 mL/min, clearance
therapies [12]. could theoretically be 200 mL/min, which is
equivalent to drug removal of 0.32 mg/min or
Drug Removal 76.8 mg in 4 h, which is less than 10% of the total
given dose. As illustrated by this example, the
The efficacy of any extracorporeal therapy is dialysis is highly efficient, but it is not very effec-
assessed by the accurate determination of the tive as the reduction in drug burden is minimal.
amount of drug removed from the body. Several For clinical efficacy, one can compare the drug
parameters such as dialysance or clearance, effi- half-lives, or their clearance rates from the body
ciency ratio, extraction ratio, and mass removal with and without treatment; this is also known as
are commonly utilized to scientifically assess efficacy ratio. Half-life is calculated as:
drug removal from the body in an attempt to Half-life (t 1 2 ) = 0.693/K e
determine the success or failure of the interven-
K e = [log(C peak ) − log(C trough )] / t int erval (42.5)
tion.Dialysance (D) is a measure of solute
removal by dialysate, and in most modern sys- where Ke is the elimination rate constant, Cpeak
tems is technically same as clearance (C), as con- and Ctrough are two plasma levels separated by time
centration of the toxic substance in the dialysate interval “t” (these levels need not be “true” peak
is minimal in single-pass dialysis with high and trough as long as they are separated in time
dialysate flow rates. Clearance (C) for hemodial- and realizing that the longer the interval the better
ysis is expressed as: the estimate). Drug clearance is calculated as:
C = Q b × (A − V)/A (42.3) C = 0.693 × Vd /t 1 2 (42.6)
802 V. Chadha

where Vd is the volume of distribution of drug in

question. Efficacy ratio can then be calculated as
Modalities of Extracorporeal
t¢½/t½ or C¢/C, where t¢½ and C¢ are half-life and Therapy
clearance with treatment, and t½ and C are half-
life and clearance without treatment, respectively. Hemodialysis

Hemodialysis is widely available and has been

Specific Toxicological Issues used for detoxification purposes for a long period
in Neonates and Young Infants of time. To be effectively removed by hemodialy-
sis, a substance must have favorable pharmacoki-
The implications and management of poisoning netic profile such as small molecular weight
in newborns and young infants requires under- (< 500 Da; currently available high-efficacy dia-
standing of their unique physiology. Primarily, lyzers can provide useful clearance for molecular
the organs that play an important role in suscepti- weights up to 2,000 Da), should be water soluble
bility to and moderation of toxic reactions such with a small Vd (< 1 L/kg), without significant
as the liver and kidney are immature in their protein binding, and rapid equilibration with the
function. Their gastric emptying is slower and plasma water compartment. In addition the sub-
gastric pH is higher which can enhance absorp- stance must be nonionized so that it can easily
tion of certain drugs thus increasing their suscep- diffuse across the dialysis membrane. For drugs
tibility to toxicity. Once absorbed, the drug such as methanol, ethylene glycol, aspirin, and
distribution varies considerably during the neo- lithium which have these pharmacokinetic char-
natal period and infancy largely due to age-related acteristics, hemodialysis is an effective treatment
variations in protein binding, body fat, and total for drug clearance.
body water [13]. Overall, protein binding of Hemodialysis has been commonly used for
drugs is reduced and body fat and total body alcohol (methanol, ethylene glycol, isopropyl
water are increased in the neonate. This may alcohol) and salicylate poisoning. Methanol has a
result in an increase in the apparent Vd and conse- low molecular weight, is water soluble, and has a
quent increase in the elimination half-life of the Vd of 0.6 L/kg. In addition, methanol is metabo-
drug. Furthermore, the reduction in protein bind- lized to more toxic substances such as formalde-
ing may result in an increased concentration of hyde and formate that are also dialyzable.
free (unbound) drug with a potentially augmented Historically, a plasma concentration of 50 mg/dL
pharmacological response for a given drug con- has been used as a threshold for the need for dial-
centration in the plasma. As mentioned before, ysis in both ethylene glycol and methanol poi-
due to the immaturity of their liver function, this sonings [6, 14, 15]. Adjunctive management has
group of patients has a decreased capacity to traditionally included correction of acidosis and
metabolize drugs in the liver due to significantly administration of ethanol which competitively
lower activity of cytochrome P-450–dependent inhibits the metabolism of methanol by alcohol
mixed-function oxidases. In addition, the renal dehydrogenase [16]. Similar use of hemodialysis
clearance of drugs is reduced and various tubular and ethanol could be considered for ethylene gly-
functions are suboptimal. col, while hemodialysis alone would be useful
Finally, successful usage of extracorporeal for isopropyl alcohol and severe ethanol intoxi-
techniques in infants and young children is tech- cation. However, the availability of fomepizole, a
nically complex and can be carried out only in safe and effective inhibitor of alcohol dehydroge-
few specialized centers. Obtaining a suitable vas- nase, has altered the indications for HD [17–20].
cular access can also become very challenging. While HD continues to be a useful and often
In these situations, exchange transfusion that can necessary adjunct in the treatment of toxic alco-
be easily performed in neonates may be used suc- hol poisonings, an elevated blood concentration
cessfully for eliminating certain toxins that have of the alcohol alone is no longer considered
a low Vd. sufficient to require HD.
42 Extracorporeal Therapy for Drug Overdose and Poisoning 803

Although highly protein bound, salicylates for its elimination [22–24]. In addition, patients
have very low Vd and are amenable to removal by with hemodynamic instability may benefit from a
hemodialysis. The decision to perform hemodi- slower form of dialysis.
alysis is usually made on clinical parameters
rather than plasma salicylate concentration.
Clinical indications for hemodialysis include the Hemoperfusion
presence of coma, seizures, cerebral or pulmo-
nary edema, renal failure, refractory acid–base In hemoperfusion, blood is percolated through a
disturbances, or clinical worsening despite treat- cartridge packed with activated charcoal or other
ment. While sole reliance on the plasma salicy- resin coated with a semipermeable membrane
late concentration is not advised, serious [25]. Typical cartridges have 150–300 g of acti-
consideration for hemodialysis, however, should vated charcoal or 650 g of resin. Substances are
be given to acutely poisoned patients with salicy- adsorbed onto the charcoal or polystyrene resin
late concentrations of at least 100 mg/dL or despite protein binding, making this modality a
chronic patients with salicylate concentrations of better choice for highly protein-bound poisons
at least 60 mg/dL [21]. [26]. These cartridges can also absorb lipid-solu-
While hemodialysis has a long track record ble substances and substances with molecular
for safety, it is associated with many potential weight up to 40,000 Da are effectively removed
complications that are outlined elsewhere in the by this technique. A standard hemodialysis
text. In particular, one must be aware that the machine can generally be used for hemoperfu-
dialysis process may remove other drugs, such as sion with a cartridge inserted in place of the dia-
antibiotics and cardiomimetics. Thus, these drugs lyzer. Most cartridges come sterilized, and must
must be delivered distal to the dialyzer and will be flushed with saline prior to use.
perhaps require higher doses to be effective. Complications with hemoperfusion have been
well documented and include platelet depletion
and clotting in the cartridge. Other substances
Continuous Renal Replacement such as calcium, glucose, and white cells can be
Therapy (CRRT) depleted during hemoperfusion. As with any
extracorporeal therapy, desirable drug levels of
Continuous renal replacement therapies provide other therapeutic agents may require increased
clearance through both convection and diffusion dosing. Cartridges can become saturated and
mechanisms, either alone or in combination. must be changed every 4–6 h. Finally hemoper-
For larger molecules, convection can provide fusion does not correct acid–base or electrolyte
better clearance than that achieved by diffusion. abnormalities, nor volume overload. Thus, it may
Due to its continuous nature, CRRT is beneficial be necessary to perform hemodialysis in addition
in the removal of drugs that distribute in multi- to hemoperfusion.
ple compartments with slow equilibration. Despite the theoretical appeal of hemoperfu-
Continuous removal of the drug from the vascu- sion for the treatment of intoxications, its use
lar compartment maintains a favorable gradient remains quite limited. The cartridges are not
and facilitates its release from the inaccessible freely available in all hospitals and modern dia-
compartments into the vascular compartment. As lyzers with highly porous membranes and large
a result, the typical rebound phenomenon result- surface area may give clearance rates approach-
ing in high serum levels due to redistribution seen ing those achieved with hemoperfusion.
after HD is not seen with CRRT modalities.
Lithium is a substance known to have a large
volume of distribution due to its intracellular dis- Peritoneal Dialysis
tribution. Although it is not highly protein bound,
its large Vd coupled with its slow transcellular In peritoneal dialysis, the clearance kinetics are
diffusion, makes CRRT the preferred modality dependent on intrinsic characteristics of the
804 V. Chadha

membrane and the mesenteric circulation, and (mostly case-reports) have reported its successful
not amenable to significant external adjustments. usage in the treatment of phalloid mushroom
In cases with intoxication, peritoneal dialysis is intoxication, tricyclic-antidepressant (amitrip-
only 10–25% as effective as hemodialysis and tyline), L-thyroxin, phenbromate, verapamil,
further more its efficacy is compromised if the diltiazem, carbamazepine poisoning, and some
patient is hypotensive. Thus the role of peritoneal heavy metals such as mercury intoxications
dialysis in detoxification is limited to situations [34–42]. It is important to note that plasmaphere-
where other modalities are contraindicated or not sis is most useful for drugs with a low Vd and a
possible due to lack of vascular access. high protein binding. Accordingly, it has been
suggested that plasmapheresis should be consid-
ered only when plasma protein binding of a sub-
Molecular Adsorbents Recirculating stance is greater than 80% and Vd is less than
System (MARS) 0.2 L/kg [43].

The Molecular Adsorbents Recirculating System

(MARS) is a relatively new method of extracorpo- Therapeutic Decisions
real decontamination, which employs dialysis
across a membrane impregnated with albumin and When confronted with a case of poisoning, the
a 20% albumin dialysate, thus attracting highly physician must consider many parameters in
protein-bound substances. In addition, charcoal choosing the appropriate therapeutic modality.
and anion exchange resin cartridges are employed A simplified decision-making approach is pro-
to filter the dialysate, regenerating it for continued vided in the algorithm (Fig. 42.1). The list of
use [27]. MARS may be of interest in the setting of toxic substances that have been subjected to
poisons that have a predilection for liver toxicity, as extracorporeal therapies is quite long and infor-
the system is capable not only of removing certain mation is available on more than 200 substances
hepatotoxins, but also reducing hyperbilirubine- [44]. However, the ability to remove a toxic sub-
mia, restoring hemodynamics, diminishing hepatic stance by extracorporeal therapy is not equivalent
encephalopathy, and improving renal function [27]. to an indication for these procedures. One must
MARS has been used to maintain patients in liver take into account the patient’s underlying health
failure during the peritransplant period [28–30]. (including any comorbidities), the toxicity of the
The existing data for MARS in general are absorbed substance, the presence of or likelihood
encouraging, but the evidence base is limited [31]. of advancing to severe illness, the availability of
extracorporeal therapies, and the availability of
acceptable alternatives (good supportive care,
Plasmapheresis antidotes). While the availability of antidotes
such as N-acytylcysteine, flumazenil, fomepi-
Plasmapheresis is the extracorporeal blood purifi- zole, and Fab have significantly changed the clin-
cation technique used for removal of large molec- ical management plans, on several occasions it is
ular weight substances from plasma such as not possible to identify the small group of patients
pathogenic autoantibodies, immune complexes, who will fail to respond to intensive supportive
and endotoxins. In general, a single exchange of care alone and the decision to institute extracor-
1 plasma volume (3 L for a 70-kg patient) removes poreal therapy is based on clinical judgment.
approximately 63% of all solutes in the plasma Some of the broad criteria as suggested by
and an exchange of 1.5 plasma volume removes Winchester et al. [45] and Rosenbaum et al. [46]
about 78% [32], which under normal conditions for initiating extracorporeal therapy are provided in
corresponds to removal of 40–60 mL of plasma/kg Table 42.2. Finally, although several studies have
over 2–3 h [33]. While evidence-based indications shown enhanced drug elimination using several
on the role of plasmapheresis in the management techniques, the data regarding how these methods
of intoxications is lacking, several publications affect morbidity and mortality are often lacking.
42 Extracorporeal Therapy for Drug Overdose and Poisoning 805

Fig. 42.1 Simplified

approach to a patient
with poisoning
(*specific antidote to be
used when available;
choice of particular
extracorporeal therapy is
based on the type of poison
and patient’s hemodynamic
status). CRRT continuous
renal replacement
therapies, MARS molecular
adsorbents recirculating

Table 42.2 Criteria for extracorporeal therapy (Modified

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A clinical syndrome
Acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges causes of, 703
(AMDR), 394–395 contrast nephropathy, 704
Activities of daily living (ADL), 388 demographics, 703
Acute haemodynamic changes risk factors, 703–704
intradialytic hypotension tumor lysis syndrome, 704
consequences, 353–354 urinary tract obstruction, 704–705
management, 354–355 computed tomography, 708
prevalence, 352 continuous equilibrated peritoneal dialysis, 714
relative blood volume, 353 continuous flow peritoneal dialysis, 715
intradialytic/paradoxical hypertension CRRT
antihypertensive drugs, 356–357 advantages and disadvantages, 723
definitions, 355–356 anticoagulation, 726–728
management of, 357 blood flow rates, 725
new pressor protein, 356 CAVH, 722
pathogenesis, 356 circuit-to-circuit exchange, 729
sodium ramping, 356 extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, 728
Acute intermittent hemodialysis hemofilter membranes, 726
dialyzers, 716–717 inborn errors of metabolism, 728
hybrid therapies, 719–720 indications and modality options, 722–723
optimal dosing, 719 machines, 723, 725
prescription, 717–718 nutrition, 728
problems of, 718–719 plasmapheresis, 728
vascular access, 716 ppCRRT registry data, 729
Acute kidney injury (AKI), 585 prescription, 729
acute intermittent hemodialysis principles of, 721
dialyzers, 716–717 solutions, 725–726
hybrid therapies, 719–720 thermic control, 729
optimal dosing, 719 vascular access, 725
prescription, 717–718 definition, 697–699
problems of, 718–719 in developing countries, 75
vascular access, 716 epidemiology, 699
acute peritoneal dialysis fractional excretion of sodium, 705–706
automated cyclers, 710, 711 fractional excretion of urea, 706
CMMDC, 709 high-volume continuous peritoneal dialysis, 714
dialysis prescription, 711–712 magnetic resonance imaging, 708
optimal dosing, 713 nuclear medicine imaging, 708
problems of, 712–713 orphan disease, 750
Seldinger technique, 709 pathophysiology
Y-set, 710 classical theory, 700
biomarkers free radical injury, 701
cystatin C, 706 RBF autoregulation, 699–700
IL-18, 707 renal tubule obstruction/backflow, 701
KIM-1, 706 tubular cell alterations, 701
NGAL, 707 vascular response and cell energetics, 700–701
utility of biomarkers, 707 pRIFLE criteria, 699

B.A. Warady et al. (eds.), Pediatric Dialysis, Second Edition, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0721-8, 809
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2004, 2012
810 Index

Acute kidney injury (AKI) (cont.) AKI. See Acute kidney injury (AKI)
renal biopsy, 708 Algebraic approximation equation
renal ultrasonography, 707–708 normalized protein catabolic rate approximation,
RIFLE criteria, 698 316–317
tidal peritoneal dialysis, 714–715 practical examples, 317
Acute liver failure (ALF), 756, 759 second-generation natural logarithm method
Acute peritoneal dialysis spKt/V, 316
automated cyclers, 710, 711 Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), 519
CMMDC, 709 American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on
dialysis prescription, 711–712 Bioethics, 693
optimal dosing, 713 Amino acid solutions, 213
problems of, 712–713 Anemia management, 325
Seldinger technique, 709 Angiotensin type-2 receptor blockers (ARB), 144–145
Y-set, 710 AN69 membranes, 348
Adequacy of peritoneal dialysis in Mexico Antibiotic therapy, for peritonitis, 244–245
(ADEMEX), 330 Anticoagulant-free dialysis, 292
Adequate hemodialysis, 313 Anticoagulation
Adherence, children and adolescents CAVH treatment, 748
behavioral approaches, 601, 602 CRRT, 726–728
definition, 598 extracorporeal blood circulation, 323–324
dialysis regimens, 597 heparin, 291
educational strategies, 601 LDL apheresis, 788
individual and family factors luminal, 293–294
cognitive functioning, 599 regional citrate, 292–293
family predictors, 600 Antifungal prophylaxis, 239
lack of knowledge, 599–600 Antihypertensive drugs, 339
psychological functioning, 600 APD. See Automated peritoneal dialysis (APD)
medical factors, 599 Argatroban, 292
organizational strategies, 601, 602 Arterial embolism, 350–351
sociodemographic factors, 598–599 Arteriosclerosis, 358–359
treatment, 600–601 Arteriovenous fistula, 278–280
Adjuvant therapy, for peritonitis, 243–244 Arteriovenous graft (AVG), 280–281
Adolescent dialysis Atherosclerosis, 358–359
communication factors Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant
health-care providers vs. adolescents, 680–681 Association (ANZDATA), 488, 627–629
pediatric vs. adult health-care teams, 681 Automated peritoneal dialysis (APD)
health-care transition in infants, 221–222
adherence, 676, 677 machines for
adulthood factors, 675–676 characteristics of cyclers, 193–194
adult nephrology team, 680 patient adherence, monitoring of, 196
burden of care, 679 treatment data registration, 194–195
disease self-management, 676 treatment data transmission, 195–196
education, 677 mathematical modeling software programs, 180
engagement, 676 peritonitis in, 185
HRQOL, 677–678 prescription, 180–181
independence and self-efficacy, 678–679 tidal peritoneal dialysis, 183
motivation, 676 AVG. See Arteriovenous graft (AVG)
patient preparedness, 681–682
pediatric nephrology team, 679, 680
systems issues, 680 B
UNC “STARx” transition program, 682–684 Backfiltration, 300–301
health team factors, 685 Beta-lactam antibiotics, 247
patient factors, 685 Biocompatible dialysis, 145–146
prospective multi-institutional studies, 685 Biocompatible PD solutions
systems issues, 685 fluid composition
vulnerability of, 674 buffer substances, 206–209
Air embolism electrolytes, 209
arterial embolism, 350–351 osmotic agents, 205–206
and microbubbles, 351 fluid types
venous embolism, 350 amino acid solutions, 213
Index 811

combination therapies, 213 left ventricular structure and function, 511

conventional PD solutions, 207, 209 lipid abnormalities, 522
icodextrin solution, 211–212 management, 518–519
multi-chamber PD fluids, 210–211 manifestations of
perspectives, 213–214 atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, and calcification,
Biology 358–359
clearance endothelial dysfunction, 358
blood water and plasma clearance, 29–30 left ventricular hypertrophy, 358
dialysate-side clearance, 30 sudden cardiac death, 359–360
and mass removal rate, in RRT, 28 optimal care, 523
whole blood clearance, 28–29 PDAY study, 506
whole-body clearance, 30–31 tonometry, 510
disparate therapies, solute removal quantification by traditional risk factors
equivalent renal clearance, 31–32 dyslipidemia, 507–508
peak concentration hypothesis, 31 fluid overload, 507
solute removal index, 31 hypertension, 507
standard urea clearance, 32 obesity, 508
extracorporeal dialysis, solute removal mechanisms uremia-related risk factors
adsorption, 24 anemia, 509–510
convection, 21–23 dysregulations, 508–509
diffusion, 19–21 hyperhomocysteinemia, 509
internal filtration, 23–24 oxidative stress, 509
peritoneal dialysis vascular calcification
components, 24 biology of, 516–518
factors affecting solute transport, 25–27 physiological inhibitors, 515
of uremic toxicity progression of, 514–515
classification, 17–18 vascular measures, 512–513
toxin removal, renal mechanisms for, 18–19 vitamin D, 515–516
Bladder augmentation and end-stage renal disease, Carotid artery intima-media thickness (cIMT), 510,
125–126 514, 515
Blood and dialyser membrane reactions Catheter-to-transfer set connectors, 170
allergic reactions, 347–348 CAVH. See Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration
AN69 membranes, 348 (CAVH)
classification, 347 CCPD. See Continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis
ethylene oxide, 348 (CCPD)
first-use reactions, 348–349 Central venous catheters, 281–283
heparin, 348 CFPD. See Continuous flow peritoneal dialysis (CFPD)
microcontamination, 349 Child Health and Illness Profile-Adolescent Edition
reuse agents, 349 (CHIP-AE), 666
types, 340 Children’s Health Questionnaire (CHQ), 666
Blood leaks, 351–352 Chinese hamster ovary (CHO), 543
Blood pressure control, 144, 145 Chronic dialysis
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), 384 age, 647–648
Bone scintigraphy, 491 ANZDATA report, 646
cardiovascular risk factors, 655–656
comorbidity, 649
C demographics, 650
Calcimimetics, 466 dialysis access, 650
Calcium sensing receptor (CaSR), 485, 486 duration of, 648
CAPD. See Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis era of, 647
(CAPD) haemodialysis, 651
Cardio-Renal, Pediatric Dialysis Emergency Machine membrane function, 651
(CARPEDIEM) project, 750–751 modality, 649
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality, 645–646
Ca-P-PTH management, 520–522 nutrition and growth, 653
classical risk factors, 357 peritoneal dialysis, 651, 652
epidemiology of, 505–506 primary renal disease, 649
frequent dialysis, 518 psychosocial and neurodevelopmental outcome,
high-resolution ultrasound, 510 653–655
hypertension and LVH, 519–520 residual renal function, 652–653
812 Index

Chronic dialysis (cont.) potassium intake, 418–419

UNOS report, 646 protein-calorie malnutrition, 458
vascular access, 650–651 protein intake, 398
Chronic exit-site care, 162 pyridoxine, 405
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) recombinant human growth hormone
vs. acquired kidney injury, 585 adverse events, 473–474
anemia, 460 infants, 468–470
biotin, 405–406 prepubertal children, 466, 467
calcimimetics, 466 pubertal growth and height, 467–471
calcitriol deficiency, 466 strategies, 470, 472–473
calcium intake, 408 renal osteodystrophy, 459
cardiovascular disease sodium intake, 416–418
anemia, 509–510 transplantation, 464, 466
Ca-P-PTH management, 520–522 urological causes, 116
dyslipidemia, 507–508 vascular access preparation, 276–278
dysregulations, 508–509 vascular integrity, 586
epidemiology of, 505–506 vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency, 412
fluid overload, 507 CKD mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD), 484–486
frequent dialysis, 518 Clearance
high-resolution ultrasound, 510 blood water and plasma, 29–30
hyperhomocysteinemia, 509 dialysate-side clearance, 30
hypertension, 507, 519–520 and mass removal rate, in RRT, 28
left ventricular structure and function, 511 whole blood clearance, 28–29
lipid abnormalities, 522 whole-body clearance, 30–31
LVH, 519–520 Cockcroft–Gault formula, 88
management, 518–519 Complications
obesity, 508 of hemodialysis
optimal care, 523 acute adverse problems, 345–352
oxidative stress, 509 acute haemodynamic changes, 352–357
PDAY study, 506 blood leaks, 351–352
tonometry, 510 chronic complications, 357–366
vascular calcification, 514–518 dialysis dose and prognosis, 366–367
vascular measures, 512–513 dialysis related amyloidosis, 361–363
vitamin D, 515–516 haemolysis, 352
cause of, 415 residual renal function, 363–364
cobalamin levels, 406 sleep disorders, 360–361
cognitive dysfunction nephrectomy, 132
adolescence and adult transition, 589 non-infectious, peritoneal dialysis
early intervention programs, 587–588 hemoperitoneum, 268–269
school age, 588–589 mechanical complications
CVD, 394 mechanical complications: dialysate
dialysis and intensified dialysis, 44, 464 leakage, 259, 261–262
dietary reference intake, 402 mechanical complications: fluid flow obstruction,
dyslipidemia, 394, 395 257–259
fluid intake, 418 mechanical complications: hernia, 262–264
folic acid, 406 mechanical complications: hydrothorax, 264–265
frequency of nutritional assessment, 386 metabolic complications
gastrointestinal disturbances, 447, 448 metabolic complications: dyslipidemia and insulin
growth hormone, 466, 467 resistance, 267–268
hemodialysis vascular access, 275–278 metabolic complications: hypermagnesemia, 268
impact of, 380 metabolic complications: hypokalemia, 268
measures, 463–464 technique-related complications
metabolic acidosis, 459 technique-related complications: encapsulating
and neurocognitive function, 582–584 peritoneal sclerosis, 267
n-3 FA, 397 technique-related complications: peritoneal
niacin, 403, 405 membrane failure, 265–267
obesity, 387, 396 peritoneal dialysis in Infants, 224–226
pantothenic acid, 405 Congenital anomalies of the kidneys and urinary tract
parent perspectives, 691 (CAKUT), 457
phosphorus intake, 413 Congenital nephrotic syndrome, 457–458
Index 813

Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis Continuous venovenous hemofiltration

(CAPD), 615, 634 (CVVH), 723, 724
connection technology Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN), 634–635
CAPD transfer sets, 170 Contrast media
catheter-to-transfer set connectors, 170 characteristics, 631
straight transfer set, 170 classification, 630
transfer set-to-container connection, 170 mechanisms for toxicity, 631–632
Y-set, 170–171 negative, 635
in infants, 221 removal of
prescription, 178–180 CAPD, 634
Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration (CAVH), 722 hemodialysis, 632, 633
anticoagulation, 748 post-dialysis, 633, 634
arterial limb, 745 renal handling, 631
brachial/femoral artery cannulation, 742 Convective mass transfer, 174
early machines, 743 Cook Mac-Loc multipurpose drainage catheter
gravimetric control system, 748, 749 (CMMDC), 709
Minifilter® series, 746, 747 C-reactive protein (CRP), 550
polysulfone hemofilters, 746 Creatinine clearance (CrCl), 86
tubing sets, 744 Crit Line, 306
ultrafiltration, 745 CRRT. See Continuous renal replacement therapies
umbilical vessel access, 742 (CRRT)
world pediatric treatment, 741 Culture-negative peritonitis, 247
Continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis (CCPD), 182–183 CVD. See Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
Continuous equilibrated peritoneal dialysis (CEPD), 714 Cystatin C, 706
Continuous flow peritoneal dialysis (CFPD), 183–184
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), 360
Continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRT) D
advantages and disadvantages, 723 Danaparoid (Orgaran), 292
anticoagulation, 726–728 DDS. See Dialysis disequilibrium syndrome (DDS)
blood flow rates, 725 Demographic data
CAVH, 722 age, 42–44
circuit-to-circuit exchange, 729 dialysis modality, 42, 44–45
drug clearance, 614 incidence, 39–40
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, 728 mortality risk, 45–50
hemofilter membranes, 726 prevalence, 40–42
inborn errors of metabolism, 728 primary renal disease diagnosis, 42, 43
indications and modality options, 722–723 sources of
infants and children European Dialysis and Transplant
anticoagulation, 748 Association, 38
birth of, 740–741 Individual National Registries Accessible via
CARPEDIEM project, 750–751 Internet, 39
extracorporeal circuit, 744–746 International Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis
fluid balancing systems, 748–749 Network, 39
modern practice of, 749–750 Italian Registry of Pediatric Chronic Peritoneal
specific filters, 746–747 Dialysis, 38–39
substitution fluids, 748–749 Japanese National Registry, 38
machines, 723, 725 North American Pediatric Renal Trials
nutrition, 728 and Collaborative Studies, 38
plasmapheresis, 728 United States Renal Data System, 38
ppCRRT registry data, 729 Developing countries
prescription, 729 acute kidney injury, 75
principles of, 721 comorbidities on dialysis, 78–80
saturation coefficient, 614 development of PD services, 77
sieving coefficient, 614 dialysis cost, 78
solutions, 725–726 end-stage renal disease, 75–76
supplement for dialysis, 618–620 HD machines and dialyzers, 78
thermic control, 729 hemodialysis, 77
vascular access, 725 lack of trained manpower, 74
Continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration peritoneal dialysis in, 74
(CVVHDF), 723, 724 vascular access, 77–78
814 Index

Dialysate circuit Dialysis related amyloidosis (DRA)

dialysate composition definitive diagnosis, 362
bicarbonate concentrations, 297 description, 361–362
blood leakage, 297 management, 363
calcium concentration, 296–297 osteoarticular, 362
fluid preparation, 296 risk factors, 362
glucose, 297 visceral, 362–363
magnesium concentrations, 297 Dialyzed children and adolescents
potassium concentration, 296 chronic kidney disease
sodium concentration, 296 adverse events, 473–474
microbial contamination and disinfection, 297–298 anemia, 460
schematic drawing, 294 calcimimetics, 466
water purification, 295 calcitriol, 466
Dialysate leakage dialysis and intensified dialysis, 44, 464
diagnosis, 261–262 growth hormone, 466, 467
management of, 262 infants, 468–470
risk factors and prevention, 261 measures, 463–464
Dialysate-side clearance, 30 metabolic acidosis, 459
Dialysate-to-plasma (D/P) ratio, 615 prepubertal children, 466, 467
Dialysis disequilibrium syndrome (DDS), 581, 582 protein-calorie malnutrition, 458
cerebrospinal fluid, 346 pubertal growth and height, 467–471
management of, 346–347 renal osteodystrophy, 459
organic osmolytes, 346 transplantation, 464, 466
reverse urea effect, 345–346 treatment strategies, 470, 472–473
Dialysis incidence, 39–40 clinical presentation
Dialysis initiation infancy, 455, 456
elective dialysis initiation mid-childhood, 455
arguments for delayed initiation, 93–94 pubertal development, 455, 457
arguments for early initiation, 93 pubertal growth, 457
consensus statements, 92–93 final height and height prediction, 454
IDEAL study, 92 gonadotropic hormone axis
indications for gonadal hormones, 460
absolute indications, 89 gonadotropins, 460–461
relative indications, 89–92 growth patterns, 453, 454
infant dialysis IGF plasma binding and tissue action, 461–463
outcomes of, 110–112 somatotropic hormone axis, 461
unique features of, 108–110 Dialyzers
maintenance renal replacement therapy backfiltration, 300–301
hemodialysis, 102 biocompatibility, 301
initiation timing, 102–108 characteristics, in infants, 323
peritoneal dialysis, 102 hollow-fiber membranes, 298, 300
mode of dialysis, 94–95 materials, 298
overview, 85 performance characteristics, 300
predialysis patient monitoring, 88–89 selection of, 298–300
renal function measurement methodology sterilization, 301
cimetidine administration, 86–87 Diffusion, 19–21
Cockcroft–Gault formula, 88 Diffusive transport, 172–173
creatinine clearance, 86 Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis
dialysis adequacy, 88 vaccine (DTP), 572
glomerular filtration rate, 86 Direct thrombin inhibitors, 291–292
serum protein cystatin C, 87–88 Disparate therapies, solute removal quantification by
urea clearance, 87 equivalent renal clearance, 31–32
timing of peak concentration hypothesis, 31
economic considerations, 108 solute removal index, 31
ethical considerations, 105–108 standard urea clearance, 32
growth and development considerations, 105 Diuretics, 145
nutritional considerations, 103–105 Divalent metal ion transporter 1 (DMT1), 533
renal function considerations, 103 Doppler vein mapping, 277, 278
Dialysis modality, 42, 44–45 Double-pool Kt/V estimation formula, 318
Dialysis Outcome Quality Initiative (DOQI), 538 DRA. See Dialysis related amyloidosis (DRA)
Index 815

Drug administration EPO-R. See Erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R)

absorption, 609–610 Equivalent renal clearance (EKR), 31–32
biotransformation/elimination, 610–611 Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA)
continuous renal replacement therapies, 613–614 asparaginase hydroxylase inhibition, 549
distribution, 610 CNTO 528 and 530, 548–549
dosing strategies, 616–620 fusion of proteins, 548
hemodialysis, 613 GATA inhibitors, 549
pediatric pharmacogenetics, 620–622 hematide, 549
peritoneal dialysis leridistim, 548
D/P ratio, 615 methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta, 548
drug clearance, 614 prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors, 549
intraperitoneal dosing, 616 small-molecule c-MPL agonists, 548
renal failure and dialysis, 611–613 Erythropoietin (EPO), 339
Dwell time, 178 EPO levels, 540–541
Dyslipidemia, 142, 267–268 EPO-R, 537
forms of, 544
gene transcription
E asparaginase hydroxylase inhibition, 549
Elective dialysis initiation GATA inhibitors, 549
consensus statements, 92–93 prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors, 549
delayed initiation, 93–94 hypoxia-inducible factor, 535–537
early initiation, 93 molecular structure, 535
IDEAL study, 92 RNA expression, 536
Electrolytes, 209 Erythropoietin receptor (EPO-R)
Empiric antibiotic therapy, 244–245 amino acid, 537
Encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis, 267 hematide, 549
Endothelial dysfunction, 358 ESA. See Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA)
End stage kidney disease (ESKD). See End-stage renal ESRD. See End-stage renal disease (ESRD)
disease (ESRD) Estimate energy requirement (EER), 387
End-stage renal disease (ESRD) Ethylene oxide (ETO), 348
adolescence and adult transition, 589 European Dialysis and Transplant Association
brain development, 582 (EDTA), 11–12, 38, 664
ethics of European Renal Association, 38
clinical ethics committees, 694 Exit-site and tunnel infections, 238
concomitant treatments, 691–692 Extracorporeal blood circuit
dialysis technology, 690 air traps, 289
dialysis withdrawal/withholding, 693–694 blood flow, 289
guidelines, 690 blood pump, 288–289
hospital vs. home environment, 691 blood tubing systems, 288
influence of resources, 690–691 illustration, 288
mortality risk, 692 pressure, 289
parent perspectives, 690, 691 single-needle dialysis, 290
risk of death, 692 Extracorporeal blood circulation
transplantation vs. dialysis, 689–690 anticoagulation, 323–324
hemoglobin targets, 538 blood lines, 324
HRQOL assessment, 662, 663 dialyzers, 323
neuroanatomy and electrical conductance, 583, 585 extracorporeal blood flow rate, 323
neurocognitive function, 582–583 extracorporeal circuit, 323
Enteral nutrition Extracorporeal dialysis, solute removal
gastrointestinal disturbances, 447, 448 mechanisms
infants adsorption, 24
benefits, 440–443 convection, 21–23
indications, 441 diffusion, 19–21
NG vs. gastrostomy tube feeding, 444–446 internal filtration, 23–24
older children Extracorporeal liver replacement therapy
benefits, 441, 444 advantages and disadvantages, 762
indications, 444 bioartificial devices, 760
oromotor development, 447, 448 indications, 756
pediatric renal insufficiency, 439–440 liver dialysis device, 759, 760
practical aspects, 446–447 liver support systems, 760–762
transition, 448 MARS, 757–758
816 Index

Extracorporeal liver replacement therapy (cont.) properties of, 638

plasma exchange and hemodialysis, 758, 759 use of, 638
Prometheus device, 758 Gastrostomy tube feeding
SPAD, 759 button devices, 445
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation complications, 446
(ECMO), 728 exit site and gastrostomy care, 446
Extracorporeal therapy peritoneal dialysis patients, 446
active poison removal, 798–799 placement techniques, 445
CRRT, 803 Glomerular filtration rate (GFR), 86
hemodialysis, 802–803 Glomerulopathies, 457
hemoperfusion, 803 Gram-negative infections, 235
management, 797–798MARS, 804 Gram-negative peritonitis, 246–247
peritoneal dialysis, 803–804 Gram-positive peritonitis, 246
pharmacokinetic concepts and principles Growth failure, 92
drug removal, 801–802 Growth hormone (GH)
intercompartmental transfer, 801 GH-receptor, 461
ionization, 801 GH signaling, 461
lipid solubility, 800 JAK/STAT signaling, 461, 462
membrane transport, 800 secretion and metabolism, 461
protein binding, 799, 800
volume of distribution, 799
plasmapheresis, 804 H
therapeutic decisions, 804–805 Habilitation, 69
toxicological issues, 802 Haemolysis, 352
Extracorporeal volume (ECV), 782–783 Health literacy and patient education materials
definition, 63
design of, 62–63
F development of, 63–64
Feedback control, optimization of therapy readability of, 62, 63
access recirculation, 308 Health-related quality of life (HRQOL), 365
blood volume monitoring adolescence and young adulthood, 677–678
and modeling, 303–306 CKD patients, 665
ionic dialysance monitoring, 306–307 definition, 662, 663
profiled hemodialysis, 303 end-stage renal disease, 662, 663
thermal energy flow and blood temperature functional outcomes, 664
monitoring, 307 outpatient nephrology clinics, 668
urea monitoring, 307 pediatric HRQOL measures
Fetuin-A, 515 CHIP-AE, 666
Fibrin sealant, 158 CHQ, 666
Fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23), 484, 487 measurement instruments, 667
Fluid flow obstruction PedsQL, 666, 668
definition, 258 PedsQL ESRD module, 668
outcome, 259, 260 Hemodiafiltration, 303
prevention strategies, 258–259 Hemodialysis
treatment options, 259 adequacy and clinical outcome study, 318–319
Fractional excretion of sodium (FENa), 705–706 algebraic approximation equation
Fractional excretion of urea (FEUN), 706 normalized protein catabolic rate approximation,
Fresenius BVM system, 306 316–317
practical examples, 317
second-generation natural logarithm method
G spKt/V, 316
Gadolinium (GD) clinical use, 8–9
mechanisms for toxicity, 636 common complications of
removal of, 636 acute adverse problems, 345–352
renal handling, 635–636 acute haemodynamic changes, 352–357
Gadolinium-containing contrast agents (GCCA) blood leaks, 351–352
categories, 635 chronic complications, 357–366
clearance of, 636 dialysis dose and prognosis, 366–367
molecular weight, 635 dialysis related amyloidosis, 361–363
nephrotoxic effects, 636 haemolysis, 352
Index 817

residual renal function, 363–364 Heparin

sleep disorders, 360–361 anticoagulation, 291
complications, 10–11 coating, 291
contraindications to, 95 LMW, 291–292
definitions monitoring anticoagulation of, 291
adequate hemodialysis, 313 Hepatitis B vaccine, 572–573
optimal hemodialysis, 314 Hernia
in developing countries, 77 clinical features, 263
European Dialysis and Transplant Association, 11–12 diagnosis, 263
frequent adequacy measurement, 319 multiple abdominal incision scars, 262, 263
infant, 108–109 prevention, 263–264
initiation of, 314–315 risk factors, 262–263
intensified (see Intensified hemodialysis) treatment, 264
machines and dialyzers, 78 High-volume continuous peritoneal dialysis, 714
maintenance, in infants History
adjustment of post dialysis dry founding fathers, 4–5
weight, 324 hemodialysis
anemia management, 325 clinical use, 8–9
dialysis adequacy, 324 complications, 10–11
extracorporeal blood circulation, 322–324 European Dialysis and Transplant Association,
infections, 326 11–12
intradialytic hypotension, 326 maintenance, 12
pain and psychological care, 325–326 morbidity, 11
patient outcomes, 326 Seattle pumpless method, 10
population, 321–322 significant advancements, 12–13
prescription and monitoring, 324 intensified hemodialysis, 330–331
renal osteodystrophy, 325 ISKDC, 3–4
morbidity, 11 pediatric nephrology, 3
Seattle pumpless method, 10 peritoneal dialysis
significant advancements, 12–13 automated cycling machinery, 7
technical aspects of continuous ambulatory, 7
bleeding, thrombosis, and anticoagulation, “continuous” cycler, 7–8
290–294 disposable nylon catheters, 6
dialysate circuit, 294–298 intermittent, 6–7
dialyzer/filter, 298–301 ultrafiltration, 6
extracorporeal blood circuit, 287–290 use of, 5
feedback control, optimization of therapy by, Hollow-fiber membranes, 298, 300
303–308 Hospal system, 306
hemodiafiltration, 303 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 79–80
hemofiltration, 302–303 Human papillomavirus (HPV), 574
ultrafiltration control, 301–302 Hydrothorax, 264–265
urea clearance and metabolism Hyperkalemia, 89–90
clearance and nutrition, 315 Hypermagnesemia, 268
formal urea kinetic modeling, 315–316 Hyperphosphatemia, 90–91
normalized protein catabolic rate, 316 Hypokalemia, 268
single-pool Kt/V, 316 Hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF), 535–537
urea rebound and double-pool Kt/V, 318
urea reduction ratio, 317–318
vascular access I
acute, 283 Icodextrin solution, 211–212
arteriovenous fistula, 278–280 Ideal home hemodialysis machine, 335
arteriovenous graft, 280–281 Idiogenic osmoles, 346
central venous catheters, 281–283 Immune dysfunction, dialyzed children
chronic kidney disease, 275–278 immunoglobulins, 571
Doppler vein mapping, 277, 278 phagocytic cells and receptors, 570–571
permanent access surveillance, 281 white blood cell differentiation and function, 570
subclavian vein stenosis, 276, 277 Immunizations, dialyzed children
Hemoperitoneum, 268–269 diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine, 572
Hemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) conjugate hepatitis A, 574
vaccine, 572 hepatitis B vaccine, 572–573
818 Index

Immunizations, dialyzed children (cont.) nutrition, 223–224

Hib conjugate vaccine, 572 outcome, 226–227
human papillomavirus, 574 peritoneal access, 220–221
inactivated polio virus vaccine, 573 TPD, 222
influenza vaccine, 574–575 Infant Tenckhoff® PD catheters, 226
measles, mumps, and rubella, 573 Influenza vaccine, 574–575
meningococcal, 574 Inguinal hernias, 132–133
pneumococcal vaccine, 574 Insulin resistance, 267–268
rotavirus vaccine, 574 Intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH), 459
varicella zoster virus, 573–574 Intensified hemodialysis
Inactivated polio virus (IPV) vaccine, 573 advantages of
Inborn errors of metabolism fluid and diet control, 337–338
clinical manifestations, 765–766 growth, 338–339
clinical outcomes, 772 impact on cardiovascular disease, 336–337
dialysis equipment impact on phosphate, calcium, parathyroid
catheter, 771 hormone levels, 337
dialysis machines and tubing, 771 medications, 339
dialyzer, 771 quality of life, 340
dialysis management, 771–772 special aspects, 339–340
endogenous intoxication model, 766 cost and reimbursement, 340–341
etiologies, 767, 768 definition, 331
laboratory investigations, 765–767 history, 330–331
metabolite removal intensified programs, 329–330
hyperammonemic disorders, 769 patient outcomes, 341, 342
maple syrup urine disease, 770 patient selection
nutritional and pharmacological management anticipated duration of dialysis, 334
high caloric intake, 75, 767 criteria for, 331–332
medications, 768 facility and staff expertise, 332
rehydration, 767 geographic location, 333–334
organic aciduria, 770 patient size, 332
Infants persistent noncompliance, 334
hemoglobin and hematocrit values in, 325 psychosocial support/care provider, 333
maintenance hemodialysis underlying disease and comorbidity, 333
adjustment of post dialysis dry weight, 324 vascular access, 332–333
anemia management, 325 relative efficacy of, 341
dialysis adequacy, 324 technical and staff requirements
extracorporeal blood circulation, 322–324 for, 334–336
infections, 326 Interleukin-18 (IL-18), 707
intradialytic hypotension, 326 Internal filtration, 23–24
pain and psychological care, 325–326 International Pediatric Peritoneal Dialysis Network
patient outcomes, 326 (IPPN), 39, 441
population, 321–322 Intradialytic hypotension, 326
prescription and monitoring, 324 consequences, 353–354
renal osteodystrophy, 325 management, 354–355
maintenance renal replacement therapy prevalence, 352
hemodialysis, 102 relative blood volume, 353
outcomes, 110–112 Intradialytic/paradoxical hypertension
peritoneal dialysis, 102 antihypertensive drugs, 356–357
timing of dialysis initiation, 102–108 definitions, 355–356
unique features, 108–110 management of, 357
peritoneal dialysis in new pressor protein, 356
adequacy control assessment, 223 pathogenesis, 356
APD, 221–222 sodium ramping, 356
CAPD, 221 Iodinated contrast media
choice of dialysis solution, 222 characteristics, 631
complications, 224–226 mechanisms for toxicity, 631–632
diagnosis, 219–220 removal of, 632–634
growth, 224 Ischemic acute renal injury, 700, 702
ideal weight estimation, 222 Italian Registry of Pediatric Chronic Peritoneal
initiation of PD, 220 Dialysis, 38–39
Index 819

Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (K/DIGO), Maintenance dialysis (MD), 377, 378, 392
518, 520 Maintenance hemodialysis. See Hemodialysis
Kidney injury molecule (KIM-1), 706 Maintenance therapy, for peritonitis, 246–247
Kolff artificial kidney, 8–9 Malnutrition, 80, 91
Malnutrition-inflammation-atherosclerosis (MIA), 509
Malnutrition-inflammation complex syndrome
L (MICS), 458
Lactate, 206 Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), 770
Laparoscopic technique, 159–161 Mass transfer area coefficient (MTAC), 174
Learning needs assessment, 64 Mean corpuscular volume (MCV), 539, 540
Learning principles Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine, 573
of adults, 66, 68 Metabolic acidosis, 142, 459, 464
of children, 66, 67 Microbubbles, 351
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), b-2 Microglobulin amyloidosis. See Dialysis related
358, 519–520 amyloidosis (DRA)
Left ventricular mass (LVM) index, 520 Mineral metabolism, 142
Lepirudin (recombinant hirudin), 292 Molecular adsorbents recirculating system (MARS),
Liposorber®, 789, 790 757–758, 804
Long-term outcomes, chronic dialysis Mortality risk, 45–50
age, 647–648 MTAC. See Mass transfer area coefficient (MTAC)
cardiovascular risk factors,655–656 Multi-chamber PD fluids, 210–211
comorbidity, 649 Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 234
demographics, 650
dialysis access, 650
duration of, 648 N
era of, 647 Nasogastric (NG) tube feeding
haemodialysis, 651 complications, 444–445
modality, 649 life-span of, 444
mortality, 646–647 National Cholesterol Expert Panel in Children and
nutrition and growth, 653, 654 Adolescents (NCEP-C), 396
peritoneal dialysis, 652 National Registries Accessible via Internet, 39
peritoneal dialysis access, 651 Nephrectomy
primary renal disease, 649 antihypertensive therapy, 131
psychosocial and neurodevelopmental outcome, complications, 132
653–655 indications for pre-transplant, 130–131
residual renal function, 652–653 in stage 5 CKD, 131–132
vascular access, 650–651 Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF)
Low birth weight (LBW), 649 fatal skin induration, 636, 637
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) pediatric cases, 638
apheresis risk, 637, 638
adverse events, 792 Nephropathic cystinosis, 458
anticoagulation, 788 Neurogenic voiding dysfunction
atherosclerotic lesions, 791 bladder augmentation and end-stage renal disease,
chemoadsorption, 789, 790 125–126
clinical signs and symptoms, 786 bladder compliance, 122–123
direct absorption technique, 787 definition, 122
double/cascade filtration, 788 medical management, 122–124
indication for, 787 self-catheterization, 124
infrastructure, 791 surgical interventions, 124–125
plasma cholesterol, 791 Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), 707
precipitation techniques, 790 New pressor protein (NPP), 356
technical data, 789 Nightly intermittent peritoneal dialysis (NIPD), 181–182
venous access, 787, 788 Non-infectious complications, peritoneal dialysis
whole blood apheresis, 790 hemoperitoneum, 268–269
xanthomas/xanthelasmas, 791, 792 mechanical complications
Low-dose heparinization, 292 dialysate leakage, 259, 261–262
Low molecular weight (LMW) heparin, 291–292 fluid flow obstruction, 257–259
Luminal anticoagulation, 293–294 hernia, 262–264
Lymphopenia, 570 hydrothorax, 264–265
820 Index

Non-infectious complications, peritoneal dialysis (cont.) protein requirements and therapy

metabolic complications amino acid, 401
dyslipidemia and insulin resistance, 267–268 DRI, 397, 399
hypermagnesemia, 268 efficacy of, 397–398
hypokalemia, 268 enteral protein intake, 401
technique-related complications hyperphosphatemia, 400
encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis, 267 MDRD trial, 397
peritoneal membrane failure, 265–267 peritoneal permeability, 401
Normalized protein catabolic rate (npCR), 316, 383–385 phosphorus-protein ratios, 400
North American Pediatric Renal Trials and vitamin and trace element requirements
Collaborative Studies (NAPRTCS), 38, 389, ascorbic acid, 406
646, 647, 650 biotin, 405–406
NSF. See Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) cobalamin, 406
Nutrition copper,407
in developing countries, 76, 80 DRI, 401–403
in infants, 223–224 folic acid,406
KDOQI guidelines, 103–105 niacin, 403, 405
malnutrition, 91 pantothenic acid, 405
Nutritional therapy physiological effects and sources, 404
calcium pyridoxine, 405
absorption, 407, 408 retinol, 406–407
binders/supplements, 408, 409 riboflavin, 403
bioavailability, 408 selenium, 407
energy requirements and therapy thiamin, 403
AMDR, 394–395 a-tocopherol, 407
CVD, 393, 394 vitamin K, 407
dietary treatment, 395 zinc, 407
DRI, 395 vitamin D, 410–412
dyslipidemia, 394, 395
EER, 387
fiber, 396–397 O
gastroesophageal reflux, 389 Omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 FA), 397
gastrostomy, 391 Omentectomy, 158
hypertriglyceridemia, 394 Omentopexy, 158
IDPN, 392–393 Optimal hemodialysis, 314
LDL, 394 Organic osmolytes, 346
omega-3 fatty acids,397 Osmosis, 4
physical activity, 388 Osmotic agents, 205–206
tube feeding, 389–391 Osmotic demyelination syndrome, 582
fluid and electrolyte requirements Osteoarticular dialysis related amyloidosis, 362
daily value, 418
DRI, 415–416
hyperkalemia, 418–419 P
hypertension, 416, 417 Parathyroidectomy, 496
insensible fluid losses, 418 Pathological Determinants of Atherosclerosis in Youth
malnutrition, 378 (PDAY), 506
nutritional status and growth Patient care services
BMI-for-height-age percentile, 382–383 family adjustment, 60–61
dietary intake, 379–380 modality selection, 61
dry weight and weight-for-age percentile, patient care plans, 61–62
381–382 Patient/family education, 62
frequency of assessment, 385–386 PBS. See Prune belly syndrome (PBS)
growth velocity, 381 PD. See Peritoneal dialysis (PD)
head circumference-for-age percentile, 383 Pediatric dialysis program, organization and management
length-or height-for-age percentile, 380–381 care implementation, 68–69
normalized protein catabolic rate, 383–385 facility culture and organization, 53–55
phosphorus facility operations management, 57–58
age-specific normal ranges, 413 habilitation, 69
DRI, 413 health literacy and patient education materials
sevelamer, 414, 415 definition, 63
Index 821

design of, 62–63 automated (see also Automated peritoneal dialysis)

development of, 63–64 machines for, 193–196
readability of, 62, 63 prescription of, 180–181
materials management, 56 automated cycling machinery, 7
nurse-to-patient ratios, 58–60 biologic and mass transfer considerations
patient care services components, 24
family adjustment, 60–61 factors affecting solute transport, 25–27
modality selection, 61 catheter placement
patient care plans, 61–62 access types, 153–157
patient/family education, 62 catheter care post kidney transplantation, 164
physical design, 55–56 chronic exit-site care, 162
quality improvement, 70 complications with catheter removal, 164–165
teaching plan exit-site infection, 163–164
learning needs assessment, 64 fibrin sealant, 158
nurse as teacher, 65–66 laparoscopic technique, 159–161
ongoing education, 66, 68 mechanical complications, 162–163
teaching considerations in adults, 66, 68 omentectomy, 158
teaching considerations in children, 66, 67 open technique, 161
transition, 69–70 peritonitis, 163–164
Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL), 666, 668 postimplantation care, 161–162
Pediatric therapeutic apheresis surgical technique, 158–159
ACE inhibitors, 786 timing of catheter use, 162
anticoagulation, 778, 783 tunnel infection, 163–164
blood priming, 783 continuous ambulatory, 7
control of volume, 777–778 continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
cooperation, 784 connection technology, 169–171
vs. dialysis, 781, 782 prescription of, 178–180
erythrocytapheresis, 780 continuous cyclic, 182–183
extracorporeal volume, 782–783 continuous flow, 183–184
hypothermia, 783–784 contraindications to, 95
kidney diseases, 784–786 in developing countries, 74
LDL apheresis development of, 77
adverse events, 792 disposable nylon catheters, 6
anticoagulation, 788 fluid composition
atherosclerotic lesions, 791 buffer substances, 206–209
chemoadsorption, 789, 790 electrolytes, 209
clinical signs and symptoms, 786 osmotic agents, 205–206
direct absorption technique, 787 fluid types
double/cascade filtration, 789 amino acid solutions, 213
indication for, 787 combination therapies, 213
infrastructure, 791 conventional PD solutions, 207, 209
plasma cholesterol, 791 icodextrin solution, 211–212
precipitation techniques, 790 multi-chamber PD fluids, 210–211
technical data, 789 in infants, 109–110
venous access, 787, 788 adequacy control assessment, 223
whole blood apheresis, 790 APD, 221–222
xanthomas/xanthelasmas, 791, 792 CAPD, 221
leukapheresis, 780–781 choice of dialysis solution, 222
plasmapheresis, 779 complications, 224–226
plateletpheresis, 781 diagnosis, 219–220
principle of separation, 776 growth, 224
quantification of removal, 777 ideal weight estimation, 222
red cell mass, 777–778 initiation of PD, 220
staphylococcal protein A immunoadsorption, nutrition, 223–224
779–780 outcome, 226–227
vascular access, 776, 777, 781, 782 peritoneal access, 220–221
Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD), 361 TPD, 222
Peritoneal dialysis (PD) intermittent, 6–7
access characteristics, 154 methods and regimens, 178
822 Index

Peritoneal dialysis (PD) (cont.) incidence of, 232

nightly intermittent, 181–182 management of
non-infectious complications adjuvant therapy, 243–244
hemoperitoneum, 268–269 antibiotic therapy, 244–245
mechanical complications, 257–265 catheter removal and reinsertion, 249
metabolic complications, 267–268 clinical condition assessment, 247–248
technique-related complications, 265–267 general guidelines, 241–243
peritonitis in APD patients, 185 maintenance therapy, 246–247
perspectives, 213–214 refractory and fungal peritonitis, 248
prescription relapsing peritonitis, 248–249
convective mass transfer, 174 microbiology of, 232–234
dialysis fluid compartment, 172 pathogenesis, 234–235
diffusive transport, 172–173 patient outcome, 249–250
of dwell time, 178 presentation and diagnosis, 240–241
mass transfer area coefficient, 174 risk factors and preventive measures
patient adherence to, 196–197 catheter design, insertion, and immediate
peritoneal equilibration test, 175, 176 postoperative care, 236–237
of peritoneal fill volume, 177–178 chronic exit-site care, 237–238
peritoneal membrane, 171–172 connection methodology, 238–239
peritoneal membrane function tests, 174 exit-site and tunnel infections, 238
peritoneal microcirculation, 171 patient age, 236
personal dialysis capacity test, 177 prophylactic antibiotics, 237
solute and water exchange, driving Personal dialysis capacity test, 177
forces of, 172 Phosphate binders, 339
standard permeability analysis, 175, 177 Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), 781
ultrafiltration, 173–174 Pneumococcal vaccine, 574
tidal, 183 Poiseuille’s law, 322
treatment adequacy, evaluation of Posterior urethral valves (PUVs)
clearance of middle-sized molecules, 187–188 antenatal diagnosis, 116
clearance of small solutes, 186–187 circumcision, 118
clinical evaluation of, 190–191 management, 119–120
clinical, metabolic, and psychosocial physical examination, 118
aspects in, 186 polyuria, 119
fluid balance, 188–189 sonographic features, 116, 117
monitoring, in clinical setting, 191–193 voiding cysto-urethrogram, 117–118
role of residual renal function, 189–190 Prevalence, 40–42
ultrafiltration, 6 Primary hyperoxaluria, 458
urological issues, 132–133 Profiled hemodialysis, 303
use of, 5 Prophylactic antibiotics, 237
Peritoneal dialysis membrane, 26–27 Proteinuria, 141
Peritoneal equilibration test (PET), 175, 176, Prune belly syndrome (PBS)
388, 401 characteristic abdominal
Peritoneal fill volume, 177–178 wall appearance, 126
Peritoneal membrane, 171–172 clinical features of, 127
Peritoneal membrane failure definition, 126
characteristics, 265 imaging studies, 126, 128
differential diagnosis, 266 management of, 128–129
management, 266 outcomes of, 128
pathogenesis, 265–266 Pulse wave velocity (PWV), 510, 514
prognosis, 266–267 PUVs. See Posterior urethral valves (PUVs)
Peritoneal membrane function tests, 174 Pyruvate, 209
Peritoneal microcirculation, 27, 171 Pyschosocial adjustment, children
Peritonitis, 163–164 and adolescents
Peritonitis and exit-site infections child adjustment
contamination care behavioral adjustment, 594–595
antifungal prophylaxis, 239 emotional adjustment, 594
gastrointestinal sources, 240 social adjustment, 595
gastrostomy, 239 clinical practice, 602–603
touch contamination, 239 family adjustment, 596
training, 240 management and treatment, 597
Index 823

parental adjustment hematide, 549

parents report symptoms, 596 leridistim, 548
practical stressors, 596 methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin
sibling adjustment, 597 beta, 548
prolyl hydroxylase inhibitors, 549
small-molecule c-MPL agonists, 548
Q erythropoietic failure
Quality of life, 340, 365–366 aluminum toxicity, 552
anti-rHuEPO antibodies, 552
bone disease, 550
R chronic blood loss, 550
Reactive oxygen species (ROS), 632 dialysis membrane and duration, 551–552
Recombinant human erythropoietin therapy (rHuEPO) fluid status, 552
age groups, 543 infection and inflammation, 550
blood pressure, 546 malnutrition, 552
cost of, 545–546 medications, 551
darbepoetin alpha, 545 vitamin and mineral deficiency, 550–551
dosing for children, 543–545 iron therapy
erythropoietic failure intravenous iron supplementation, 553–554
aluminum toxicity, 552 iron safety, 554–555
bone disease, 550 oral iron supplementation, 552–553
chronic blood loss, 550 normal erythropoiesis
dialysis membrane and duration, 551–552 erythrocyte hemoglobin molecule, 533, 534
fluid status, 552 erythropoietin receptor, 537
infection and inflammation, 550 hepcidin regulation, 534–535
malnutrition, 552 hypoxia-inducible factor, 535–537
medications, 551 pluripotential hematopoietic stem cell, 532–533
vitamin and mineral deficiency, 550–551 recombinant human erythropoietin therapy
fusion proteins, 548 age groups, 543
hyperkalemia, 547 blood pressure, 546
influenza-like symptoms, 547 cost of, 545–546
methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta, 548 darbepoetin alpha, 545
risk of thrombosis, 546–547 dosing for children, 543–545
subcutaneous injections, 547 hyperkalemia, 547
Recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) influenza-like symptoms, 547
adverse events, 473–474 risk of thrombosis, 546–547
infants, 468–470 subcutaneous injections, 547
prepubertal children, 466, 467 Renal blood flow (RBF), 699–700
pubertal growth and height, 467–471 Renal function measurement
strategies, 470, 472–473 cimetidine administration, 86–87
Red blood cell distribution width (RDW), 539, 540 Cockcroft–Gault formula, 88
Refractory and fungal peritonitis, 248 creatinine clearance, 86
Regional citrate anticoagulation, 292–293 dialysis adequacy, 88
Relapsing peritonitis, 248–249 glomerular filtration rate, 86
Renal anemia serum protein cystatin C, 87–88
clinical management urea clearance, 87
benefits, 539 Renal osteodystrophy, 325, 459
clinical presentation, 538–539 bone mineralization, 486–487
definitions, 537–538 bone strength and structure
diagnostic evaluation, 539–540 bone pain and muscle weakness, 488
DOQI, 538 skeletal deformities, 488–489
erythropoietin levels, 540–541 slipped epiphyses, 488
incidence and prevalence, 538 bone turnover, 486
iron deficiency, 541–543 bone volume, 487
White and African American children, 537 CKD-MBD
erythropoiesis-stimulating agents CaSR, 485
asparaginase hydroxylase inhibition, 549 FGF-23 levels, 484
CNTO 528 and 530, 548–549 hyperphosphatemia, 485
fusion of proteins, 548 phosphorus retention, 485
GATA inhibitors, 549 25(OH)vitamin D deficiency, 484–485
824 Index

Renal osteodystrophy (cont.) Reverse urea effect, 345–346

diagnosis rhGH. See Recombinant human growth
alkaline phosphatase, 490 hormone (rhGH)
bone biopsy, 491–492 rHuEPO. See Recombinant human erythropoietin
bone scintigraphy, 491 therapy (rHuEPO)
calcium and phosphorus levels, 489 RRF. See Residual renal function (RRF)
parathyroid hormone levels, 490
radiography, 490, 491
growth, 487–488 S
treatment SDS. See Standard deviation score (SDS)
calcimimetic agents, 496 Seattle pumpless method, 10
dietary manipulation, 492–493 Secondary hyperparathyroidism (sHPT), 459, 466
parathyroidectomy, 496 Second-generation natural logarithm method spKt/V, 316
phosphate-binding agents, 493–494 Self-determination theory (SDT), 676
vitamin D therapy, 494–496 Serum protein cystatin C, 87–88
vascular disease, 489 Silent brain infarction (SBI), 586
Renal replacement therapy, infants Single-needle dialysis, 290
dialysis options, 102 Single pass albumin dialysis (SPAD), 759, 760
outcomes Sleep apnoea (SA), 360–361
growth and development, 110–111 Sleep disorders, 360–361
mortality, 111–112 Sodium chloride balance, 209
timing of dialysis initiation Soluble transferrin receptor (sTFR), 542
economic considerations, 108 Solute removal index (SRI), 31
ethical considerations, 105–108 Solute removal mechanisms
growth and development extracorporeal dialysis
considerations, 105 adsorption, 24
nutritional considerations, 103–105 convection, 21–23
renal function considerations, 103 diffusion, 19–21
unique features internal filtration, 23–24
infant hemodialysis, 108–109 quantification by disparate therapies
infant peritoneal dialysis, 109–110 equivalent renal clearance, 31–32
Renal ultrasonography, 689–690 peak concentration hypothesis, 31
Residual renal function (RRF) solute removal index, 31
clinical benefits of, 140 standard urea clearance, 32
clinical management options Standard deviation score (SDS)
avoidance of risk factors, 144 BMI-for-height-age, 382–383
biocompatible dialysis, 145–146 dry weight and weight-for-age, 381–382
blood pressure control, 144, 145 growth velocity, 381
diuretics, 145 head circumference-for-age, 383
RAS inhibition, 144–145 length-or height-for-age, 380–381
emerging therapies, 146 Standard permeability analysis, 175, 177
general risk factors for loss of Staphylococcus aureus infections, 235
dyslipidemia, 142 Stem cell precursors, 340
genetic factors, 142 Subclavian vein stenosis, 276, 277
hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia, 142 Sudden cardiac death, 359–360
metabolic acidosis, 142 Suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS), 461, 462
mineral metabolism, 142 Sustained low-efficiency daily diafiltration
proteinuria, 141 (SLEDD-f), 720
somatic growth and body weight Systemic oxalosis, 458
gain, 142–143
underlying kidney disorder, 141–142
measurement of, 139 T
natural course of, 139, 140 Teaching plan
in PD treatment adequacy, 189–190 learning needs assessment, 64
specific risk factors for loss of nurse as teacher, 65–66
dialysis modality, 143–144 ongoing education, 66, 68
peritonitis frequency, 144 teaching considerations
time on dialysis, 143 in adults, 66, 68
strategies to preserve, 364 in children, 66, 67
Restless leg syndrome (RLS), 361 Tidal peritoneal dialysis, 714–715
Index 825

Tidal peritoneal dialysis (TPD), 183, 222 chronic kidney disease, 116
Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI), 511 inguinal hernias and peritoneal dialysis, 132–133
Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), 163 nephrectomy, 130–132
Touch contamination, 239 neurogenic voiding dysfunction, 122–125
Transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1), 533 posterior urethral valves, 116–120
Transferrin saturation (TSAT), 541, 542, 553 pre-transplant workup, 129–130
Transfer set-to-container connection, 170 prune belly syndrome, 126–129
Tube feeding stomas, catheters, vascular access,
benefits and incisions, 133
infants, 440–443 vesicoureteric reflux, 120–122
older children, 441, 444
infants, 441 V
older children, 444 Varicella zoster virus (VZV) vaccine, 573–574
NG vs. gastrostomy tube feeding, 444–446 Vascular access, 133
nutrition guidelines, 447 in developing countries, 77–78
oromotor development, 447–448 hemodialysis
Tuberculosis, 79 acute, 283
Tumor lysis syndrome (TLS), 704 arteriovenous fistula, 278–280
arteriovenous graft, 280–281
central venous catheters, 281–283
U chronic kidney disease, 275–278
Ultrafiltration, 173–174 Doppler vein mapping, 277, 278
Ultrafiltration control, 301–302 intensified, 332–333
UNC “STARx” transition program permanent access surveillance, 281
medical passport, 682, 683 subclavian vein stenosis, 276, 277
“STARx” transition readiness survey, 682–684 Vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC), 515, 517, 518
UNC TRxANSITION Scale™, 684 Venous embolism, 350
United States Renal Data Systems (USRDS), 38, 506 Vesicoureteric reflux
Urea clearance and metabolism bladder training, 121
clearance and nutrition, 315 renal dysplasia, 120
formal urea kinetic modeling, 315–316 renal transplantation, 121–122
normalized protein catabolic rate, 316 surgical approach, 121
single-pool Kt/V, 316 Visceral dialysis related amyloidosis, 362–363
Urea reduction ratio, 317–318 Volume of distribution (Vd), 799
Uremic symptoms, 89
Uremic toxicity
classification, 17–18 W
toxin removal, renal mechanisms for, 18–19 Water purification, 295
Urological issues Whole blood clearance, 28–29
bladder augmentation and end-stage renal disease, Whole-body clearance, 30–31
125–126 World Health Organization (WHO), 598

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