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In the midst of the trees, a young woman was pensive, this woman is
known as a poor woman. Every day tirelessly this woman looking for a job,
but none of workplace receive it because his appearance inappropriate, he
had to go from the city to other cities and no one can take it as the workers.
Another place there is a merchant rich. He has a lot of effort, but he
has illness of cholesterol hard to make it to work, merchant was doing contest
for who can heal the disease, he will make the person as employees,
however contest didn’t work. In another city the woman heard the contest and
went straight to the city of the merchant, when he got there he wanted to get
in to the house merchant that but could not because of his appearance
inappropriate, the woman went home the city with disappointed, when a
woman know drug of the disease merchant.
Day after day passes women busy with its although the disease has
not been cured, the day woman came to the place job, it turns out place on
the go his a place owned businesses merchants who have the illness of
cholesterol. The woman was in the suit with the merchant, the woman was
surprised and happy and he immediately offered to the merchant that he
knew the medicine from the merchant disease. Hoping that if the merchant
recovered he could be accepted to work in the merchant’s business. Woman,
invite merchant’s to his home stay over a few days. Arriving at home woman,
merchants are asked to rest, the woman rushes off to search for some bay
leaves are used to cure the merchant illness. After he could directly home
and redeem the bay leaves to treat the merchant. He suggested that the
merchant drink stew water twice a day. After a few day overnight and take
medicine, disease the merchant gradually lost, the merchant back home and
invite a women to work to be employees.
Year after year passed the woman working for two years in place
merchant and as long as it is also a merchant came to home woman, to apply
and married her. Now the woman has be come the wife of merchants and he
has been a woman who rich.
1.Di mana ada kemauan di situ ada jalan

Where there is a will, there is a way

2.Jangan menilai orang dari luarnya

Do not judge people from outside

3.jangan pernah menyerah

Never give up


Pada daun salam terdapat senyawa flavonoid yang merupakan
senyawa penting yang bertindak sebagai anti oksidan. Selain flavonoid dalam
daun salam juga terdapat senyawa tannin dan saponin. Saponin berfungsi
untuk mengikat kolesterol dengan asam empedu yang sangat berperan
dalam menurunkan koleterol.

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