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TEST - Project 4, Unit 1


1. Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in the box.


Two days ago I ___________________ some friends in a cafe in the centre of town. We
______________ a drink and then we _________________ to the cinema. We
________________ the film „Gladiator“. Russell Crowe is in it and it's about ancient Rome. I
thought it _________________ very good.

2. Complete the text. Use the correct form of the past simple or the past continuous.

Last night I __________________ (go) to the cinema to see „Ghost Story“. When I
________________ (come out), it _______________________________ (rain). While I
_____________________________ (wait) for the bus, my dad __________________ (drive)
past. He ______________________ (not see) me. When I ______________________ (get)
home, my dad _______________________(watch) TV. I ___________________ (be) very wet
and very angry.

3. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of USED TO and the verb in the brackets.

1. We __________________________ baggy trousers, but now it's the fashion. ( not wear)

2. My grandmother __________________________ a teacher before she retired. (be)

3. My parents _________________________ flying, but now they do. ( not like)

4. He ______________________ a sports car, but now he does. (not drive)

5. We __________________________ a lot of coffee, but now we drink tea. (drink)

4. Complete the sentences with USED TO or DIDN'T USE TO and the verbs in the box.

1. I don't wear glasses now, but I ________________________________ them when I was

2. My dad __________________________________ board games with me, but now he
hasn't got the time.
3. My grandparents _____________________________ TV when they were children
because they didn't have one.
4. Before we moved to our house, we ________________________ in a flat.
5. My brother _________________________ a shop assistant, but now he's a fire fighter.

5. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the past simple or past continuous.

1. We __________________________ when we ______________________ a noise outside.

(sleep / hear)

2. He _________________________ breakfast and then he _________________________

to work. ( have / go)

3. What ____________________________ when they _____________________? ( you do /


4. She ___________________ a copper axe when she _____________________ in the

forest. ( find / walk)

5. I ________________________anything when my friend __________________ me. ( not

do / phone)

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