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Document No. Revision No.

Issue Date

RV-MAN-0190 1 14-Feb-2012

Program Health, Safety and

Environment (HSE)
Management Plan
Jeddah Stormwater Drainage Program (JSDP) (HSE) Management Plan Page No. 2 of 50


1.  Introduction ........................................................................................................... 8 

1.1  Purpose ............................................................................................................. 8 
1.2  Abbreviations .................................................................................................... 8 
2.  Health, Safety and Environmental Policy Statement ......................................... 8 
2.1  Health, Safety and Environment Guiding Principles ......................................... 8 
2.2  Program Health, Safety and Environment Principles and Objectives ............... 9 
2.2.1  Health, Safety and Environment Principles ........................................... 9 
2.2.2  Objectives .............................................................................................. 11 
2.2.3  Program Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)........................................ 11 
2.2.4  Incident and Injury Free ......................................................................... 12 
2.2.5  Enforcement Authority ........................................................................... 12 
2.3  Health, Safety and Environment Procedures and Forms .................................. 12 
3.  Health, Safety and Environment Management ................................................... 13 
3.1  Organization Chart ............................................................................................ 13 
3.2  Program Director’s Project Operational and Physical Requirements ................ 14 
3.2.1  Operational Requirements .................................................................... 14 
3.2.2  Physical Control Requirements ............................................................. 14 
3.3  Statutory Requirements .................................................................................... 15 
3.3.1  General Duties of Employers and Employees ....................................... 15 
3.3.2  Duties of Employer for Working Conditions ........................................... 16 
3.3.3  Employee’s Responsibilities .................................................................. 16 
3.3.4  Notification of Accidents and Incidents .................................................. 17 
3.4  Program Team Structure and Responsibilities .................................................. 18 
3.5  Program Management Team ............................................................................ 18 
3.6  Program Stakeholders ...................................................................................... 18 
3.7  Monitoring and Inspections ............................................................................... 18 
4.  Contractor Health, Safety and Environment Management ................................ 18 
4.1  Contractor Start-Up ........................................................................................... 19 
4.2  Pre-Construction Requirements ........................................................................ 19 
4.2.1  Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Manager .................................. 19 

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4.2.2  Risk Control ........................................................................................... 20 

4.2.3  Contractor’s Proof of Competency ........................................................ 20 
4.2.4  Contractor’s Proof of Resource ............................................................. 20 
4.3  Health, Safety and Environment Monitoring Requirements .............................. 20 
4.4  Construction Health, Safety & Environment Plan Requirements ...................... 21 
4.5  General Health, Safety and Environment Information ....................................... 22 
5.  HSE Requirements for Contractors..................................................................... 22 
5.1  Contractor's HSE Program ................................................................................ 22 
5.1.1  Written Program .................................................................................... 23 
5.1.2  HSE Staff ............................................................................................... 23 
5.1.3  HSE Discussion ..................................................................................... 23 
5.2  Non-Compliance ............................................................................................... 23 
5.3  Assistance ......................................................................................................... 24 
6.  HSE Meetings, Communications, Training, Awareness .................................... 24 
6.1  Safety Induction and Training ........................................................................... 25 
6.1.1  Training ................................................................................................. 25 
6.1.2  Safety Training Topics ........................................................................... 25 
6.1.3  Tool Box Talk Topics ............................................................................. 27 
6.2  Promotions and Recognition Program .............................................................. 29 
6.3  Communications and Participation .................................................................... 29 
6.4  Safety Meetings ................................................................................................ 30 
6.5  Site Inspections and Audits ............................................................................... 30 
7.  Accident and Incidents ......................................................................................... 31 
7.1  Required Reports .............................................................................................. 31 
7.2  Accident Investigation ....................................................................................... 32 
7.3  Responsibilities for Investigation ....................................................................... 32 
7.3.1  Supervisor/Safety Representative ......................................................... 32 
7.3.2  Project Manager .................................................................................... 32 
7.4  Cases to be Investigated ................................................................................... 33 
7.5  Accident Investigation Guidelines ..................................................................... 33 
8.  First Aid.................................................................................................................. 33 
8.1  First Aiders ........................................................................................................ 34 

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8.2  Nurse ................................................................................................................. 34 

8.3  First Aid Kits ...................................................................................................... 34 
9.  Site Conditions and Provisions ........................................................................... 35 
9.1  Contractor Sites ................................................................................................ 35 
9.2  Site Requirements ............................................................................................. 35 
9.3  Welfare Arrangements ...................................................................................... 36 
9.4  Employees Accommodations ............................................................................ 36 
9.5  Site Safety Rules ............................................................................................... 36 
9.6  Related Facilities ............................................................................................... 37 
10.  Permits to Work..................................................................................................... 37 
11.  Hazard Identification and Assessment ............................................................... 37 
12.  Contractor Risk Analysis Requirements ............................................................ 38 
13.  Site Hazards........................................................................................................... 39 
14.  Protective Measures ............................................................................................. 39 
15.  Environment .......................................................................................................... 39 
16.  Control of Substances Hazardous to Health ...................................................... 40 
17.  Alcohol and Drugs ................................................................................................ 41 
18.  Emergency Preparedness and Response .......................................................... 41 
19.  Transportation ....................................................................................................... 42 
20.  Traffic and Pedestrian Control............................................................................. 43 
21.  Project Close-out .................................................................................................. 44 
22.  Health, Safety and Environment File ................................................................... 44 
Appendix A – Procedures ................................................................................................ 46 
Appendix B – Forms ......................................................................................................... 48 
Appendix C – Emergency Contact Numbers.................................................................. 50 

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Revision History Sheet

The (HSE) Management Plan was revised accordingly for the JSDP.

Rev. No. Description Recommended By Approved By Effective Date

0-A Internal Revisions Scott Buck

0-B Internal Revisions Scott Buck

0-C Internal Revisions Scott Buck

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The acronyms used throughout this Program Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Management Plan
are defined below.

ANSI American National Standards Institute

ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
AWS American Welders Society
BS British Standards
ESP Extra Special Precautions
FDA Food & Drug Administration
GOSI General Organization for Social Insurance
HAVS Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome
HFG Highly Flammable Gases
HFL Highly Flammable Liquids
HSE Health, Safety, and Environment
KACST King Abdul Aziz Center of Science and Technology
KPI’s Key Performance Indicators
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LUP Land Use Permit
MARPOL Marine Pollution
NEC National Electric Code
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NIOSH National Institute Occupational Safety & Health
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PEL Permissible Exposure Limit
PMIS Project Management Information System
PMC Program Management Consultant
PME Presidency of Meteorology & Environment
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
ROAD Risk and Opportunity at Design
ROPME Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment
WHO World Health Organization

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1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Health Safety and Environment (HSE) Plan is to identify HSE requirements and
describe Health Safety and Environment and Security aspects of the Jeddah Stormwater Drainage
Program (JSDP) and how they will be managed. It shall be designed to enable those involved in the
Program to have an incident and injury free environment/workplace and to prevent harm to the
The plan establishes the procedures by which the Program Manager will monitor Consultant and
Contractor compliance with their statutory and legislative obligations. It will also detail the basic
requirements with respect to any Contractor Construction Phase Health, Safety & Environment Plans
developed for the project. This Plan is not an alternative to legislative compliance which will always take
precedence. It is intended as a tool for the contractor to support those requirements.
The standards, policies and procedures in these sections form the basis of the Health Safety and
Environment Management system and shall be applied to the JSDP intended audience.
The document is intended to be used by the Project Team including the following Program Participants:
• Program Manager: JSDP
• Program Management Consultant: AECOM
• Construction Contractor
• Sub-Contractors.
The objective is to ensure that all Program Participants use common terminologies, procedures,
forms/formats, systems, project management tools and also have the same understanding of the
project requirements.

1.2 Abbreviations

List of acronyms used in this document is given in the preceding pages of the Quality Plan.

2. Health, Safety and Environmental Policy Statement

2.1 Health, Safety and Environment Guiding Principles


We are committed to Health Safety and Environment (HSE) equally with all other primary business
objectives. The protection of personnel, the environment and our business assets are paramount to our
business objectives. As such, we will continue to promote a culture that requires individual and
supervisor commitment and responsibility, and integrates state of the art HSE principles and practices
into our business.

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Sustainable Development We commit to conserve our resources, both human and natural, and will
minimize or eliminate adverse HSE effects and risks associated with our services and operators. Our
focus will be on incident prevention, pollution prevention, and environmental stewardship.
Compliance: We commit to meeting or exceeding KSA government laws, regulations, legislation, and
following international standards and industry best practices
Resources: We will ensure adequate resources to provide coordinated and effective HSE programs
and management systems through awareness training, recognition, technology advancements, project
management and continual improvement evaluations.
Customers: We work with our customers to help them address our mutual HSE needs.
Employees: We will ensure that employees have the awareness, skills, training, knowledge and
resources to carry out this policy. We will strive to provide workplaces free from recognized hazards
and promote healthy lifestyles.
Suppliers and Contractors: We will work with our suppliers and contractors to enhance their HSE
performance and require them to maintain high standards of HSE performance.
Community and Government: We will participate in community and government HSE initiatives
including maximum use and development of local workforce.
Business Integration We integrate HSE considerations into our business at all levels with emphasis
on excellence in operations and project management.
We will continue to recognize HSE performance excellence by personnel, contractors and suppliers.
Compliance with this policy is the responsibility of every employee .

2.2 Program Health, Safety and Environment Principles and Objectives

2.2.1 Health, Safety and Environment Principles

Significant hazards associated with the final design and scope of works must be addressed in the
project Risk Register. The following activities must be carefully planned and the hierarchy of risk control
applied to them:
• Demolition works;
• Work involving high pressure systems;
• Underground/over ground utilities;
• Temporary works;
• Work at height;
• Electrical;
• Traffic;
• Frame erection, façade work, roof work;
• Ground works - including contaminated ground, excavations and piling operations;
• Heavy mobile work equipment operations;
• Manual Handling;

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• Lifting operations - including crane management and slinging loads;

• Operations likely to endanger the public;
• Work involving asbestos and other highly toxic substances; and
• Work in extreme temperatures.
Within the items above there are 16 key hazards which are presented as a ‘high risk’ on a risk register,
thus requiring a risk mitigation strategy. The activities are not banned or prohibited, but every effort
must be made to mitigate or eliminate them. Their use will only be accepted when they are unavoidable
and when designers can demonstrate that they have considered every possible alternative. When any
hazard is still present, designers must still do everything they can to minimize the risks.
In establishing the risk mitigation strategy, designers must:
• Recognize that a hazard has been created and that they are responsible;
• Accept that there is a duty to eliminate, minimize or mitigate it by design; and
• Strive to change the design itself such that a less hazardous alternative is found.
Key hazards are as follows (to include but not limited to):
• Reversing vehicles (serious personal injury/property damage);
• Creation of confined spaces (restricted access/egress, oxygen deficiency/enrichment, toxic
• Presence of workers onsite (slips/trips/falls/abrasions/strains/skin cancer/burns/dehydration);
• Dewatering (vibration/collapse);
• Excavations and tunneling (disintegration/collapse, falls, striking underground services);
• Pressure testing pipelines (pressure release/crush injury/property damage);
• Building materials in excess of 20 kg that have to be repetitively man handled;
• Lifting operations (uncontrolled lifts/movement of equipment or loads causing damage to plant
and or serious injury);
• Work on, over or next to live vehicle carriageways (struck by vehicle/noise/pollution/falling
• Work at height (edge/fall protection);
• Hazardous Chemicals (harmful or toxic gases/fire/explosion, serious illness);
• Extreme temperature (Heat stress/Heat exhaustion);
• Concrete to be broken down by manual techniques (hand held vibrating plant and tools that may
cause hearing loss and or Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS));
• Drilled holes for fixings and fittings - using hand held percussion drills into concrete and/or
masonry; and
• Scrabbling (removal of a thin layer of concrete) using hand held vibrating tools (HAVS and
Our commitment is to achieve zero deviations from applicable health, safety and environmental
requirements. Program Management Staff are responsible and accountable for implementation of
effective systems and procedures to achieve this commitment.

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Our commitment also includes the responsibility to detect, correct, and prevent any deviation from
applicable requirements. Prompt reporting of deviations is essential to enable swift correction and
effective prevention. Communication, consistency, and collaboration are our essential tools for success.

2.2.2 Objectives

The Program Management Team has the following objectives with respect to HSE on the Project:
• Identify and eliminate potential for significant injuries, incidents and occurrences;
• Minimize occurrences of minor accidents;
• Conform to Local and International Legislation, Standards, Best Practice and Instructions;
• Meet Client expectations and contractual requirements;
• Encourage training, skills awareness and Best Practices;
• Maintain reporting and record keeping;
• Be committed to continuous improvement in the management of hazards;
• Recognize and reward good safety behavior.
• To instruct all levels of the Program in the overall working of Program HSE Management so that
individuals understand their own obligations towards meeting the objectives of the organization;
• To inform Construction Managers and Contractors of the measures that the Program takes to
ensure that all Program activities provide a high compliance with proper health, safety and
environment standards;
• To ensure that contractual obligations are delivered;
• To establish and direct health, safety and environmental compliance for the program, including,
but not limited to construction, consultant, and services contracts to execute or support the
execution of the works;
• To provide mentoring to Client personnel; and
• To provide appropriate HSE training to personnel.

2.2.3 Program Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)

The Program uses Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), to evaluate the success of the program and
contractors’ HSE performance. This is completed through reviewing documents submitted by the
contractors, such as:
• Daily Reports
• Weekly Statistics
• Monthly Reports
• Incident Investigation Reports
• Near Miss Reports
• Method Statements and Risk Assessments
• Improvement/Prohibition Notices
• Observation reports
Templates of these forms will be distributed.

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Monitoring and analyzing the information collected is used to assess HSE performance trends with
regards to achieving the HSE Management Plan Objectives and Targets.
In addition, the Program will use the following documentation to evaluate KPI’s:
• HSE Observation Reports, including close out
• HSE Site Inspection Reports
• Safety Breaches
• Improvement Notices
• Prohibition Notices
• Contractor Statistics Reports
These forms will be distributed via the Project Information Management System (PMIS).
Program Key Performance Indicators have been set and actual performance will be measured at
intervals throughout the Project.

2.2.4 Incident and Injury Free

The Program Team is committed to creating an incident and injury free environment wherever it has a
presence and therefore:
• Shall strive that all parties work together to ensure that the Program does not simply rely on
safety processes to prevent injury but, holds the prevention of all incidents and injuries as a core
• Shall empower all employees to lead in making this vision real;
• Shall proactively work with all parties to make this vision a reality;
• Shall own and act on this vision. This requires a mind-set intolerant of any injury or incident,
regardless of frequency or severity; and
• Shall not ignore or walk past any unsafe conditions or practices without stopping to ensure they
are corrected or acted upon.

2.2.5 Enforcement Authority

JSDP has the sole responsibility and authority to approve, and or stop work. AECOM Arabia is
authorized to stop the work of contractors.

2.3 Health, Safety and Environment Procedures and Forms

Procedures and Forms have been developed that supplement the information provided in this Plan. A
list of the Procedures that are included is provided as Appendix A. A list of the Forms are provided as
Appendix B.
The Contractor is responsible for following the Procedures that are listed in Appendix A or providing
procedures that include all the elements and are as restrictive as the procedures listed.

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The Forms should be used by the Contractor as they are referenced or applicable. Some of the forms
are provided as electronic copies and can be used electronically. Some are meant to be printed and
entered by hand. If the Contractor wishes to use their own forms they must present them to JSDP for
review and approval. The Contractor should do this in advance, as changes to many of the forms will
not be allowed.
Where forms are generically referenced, but the form is not provided, it will be the Contractor’s
responsibility to develop a form and submit to JSDP for approval.

3. Health, Safety and Environment Management

3.1 Organization Chart

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3.2 Program Director’s Project Operational and Physical Requirements

3.2.1 Operational Requirements

The PMC Program Director’s responsibility for control of HSE will be clearly defined, documented and
agreed with the Client in line with the JSDP Program Agreement, prior to commencement of physical
The PMC Program Director will record and demonstrate that appropriate processes are in place to
assess the HSE competence of Consultants and Contractors and to monitor that all Consultants and
Contractors working within JSDP are trained to an appropriate HSE standard.
The PMC Program HSE Manager will be responsible for reviewing and monitoring the HSE
performance of all Consultants and Contractors.
Under the supervision and direction from the PMC Program Director, Construction (WER) Manager(s),
and HSE Manager, the HSE Superintendent, the HSE Supervisors, and HSE Officers will visually
inspect the Project with the Contractor on a daily basis to monitor the Contractor’s HSE performance.
Any corrective actions required will be recorded and monitored to ensure such action is executed.
The PMC Program HSE Manager will visually inspect the Project on a weekly basis with the assigned
Construction (WER) Manager and the Contractor’s Project Manager to monitor the Contractor’s HSE
The PMC Program HSE Manager or PMC HSE Superintendent or PMC HSE Supervisor (on advice
from an PMC HSE Officer) has authority to ‘Stop Work’ if it is believed that serious harm or property
damage may occur from the contractor’s construction activities. ‘Stop Work’ notices and/or instructions
shall be issued through the PMC HSE Manager or PMC HSE Superintendent to the Contractor. All Stop
Work notices/instructions must be strictly obeyed until investigations and remedial measures have been
fully undertaken and it has been deemed safe to return to work.
The PMC Program HSE Manager shall recommend the removal from the project site any and all
personnel who are deemed to be placing others in harm or are in breach of the project site HSE rules
and procedures.
The Contractor’s HSE performance will be audited at least once every 6 months (semi-annually) by a
person appointed by the PMC Program Director or the AECOM Regional HSE Director and who is not
normally part of the Program Management Team in Kingdom.

3.2.2 Physical Control Requirements

All Consultants and Contractors shall comply with all applicable HSE local and national legislation. In
circumstances where there is a conflict between local or national legislation the higher (more protective)
requirement shall prevail.
The PMC Program HSE Manager is responsible for monitoring that:
The Contractors must, as a minimum, provide guardrails and toe boards at all working places and
locations where persons and materials could fall more than 1.8meter. Where this cannot be done,

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suitable and sufficient fall protection devices that do not rely on individuals must be provided by the
Contractor. Full-body harnesses must only be used as a last resort.
The Contractors shall clearly mark with signage or other means, all holes, shafts and edges from or
through which persons could fall a vertical distance of more than one meter. Contractors will be
required to provide covers or barriers with signs so as to prevent falls of persons and materials.
All Contractor personnel working at height shall wear and use appropriate fall prevention equipment so
as to protect them effectively at all times when they are at risk from any failure of any part of a
scaffold/cradle/gondola, including its suspension system.
All Contractor free-standing scaffold towers will comply with international standards
All Contractors’ temporary electrical circuits shall be 110V and include a Residual Current Device,
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter or similar at source. All electrical installations shall be in compliance
with relevant national and international standards.
All Contractor’s plant and equipment is certified as safe for use by a third party, or by a person or
persons holding a certification recognized by local or national legislation, and have a competent;
certified driver.
The Contractor shall provide adequate lighting to enable safe work in, access to, and egress from,
every place of work.
All contractors must provide labour to ensure there is a satisfactory level of housekeeping so that all
works can be carried out safely.
All lost time and major incidents/accidents must be reported and issued separately to the HSE
Manager, and local authority, when applicable. (See Section 3.3.4)
The Contractor must ensure that all safety documentation is accepted in writing by the HSE Manager or
his designated person prior to the commencement of any works.

3.3 Statutory Requirements

The Contractor will recognize and incorporate the requirements of the principal local and international
legislation applicable to the works into their HSE Plan.
The Contractor shall comply with all Health, Safety and Environmental laws applying to Construction
sites in Saudi Arabia.

3.3.1 General Duties of Employers and Employees

Each employer shall provide suitable means to protect employees from the dangers of accidents and
occupational diseases that may occur during the working hours, as well as the dangers of fire and all
dangers occurring from use of machinery and other equipment. They should also follow all other means
of protection prescribed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

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The employee shall use protective devices and clothing provided for this purpose, and shall carry out all
instructions of the employer for safety from hazards and shall refrain from creating any hazards and
from performing any act that may hinder the execution of these instructions.

3.3.2 Duties of Employer for Working Conditions

Every employer shall take necessary measures to ensure safe conditions of work and provide for the
Safety and Health of employees working there in. Particularly note the following:
The space to be occupied by each person shall not be less than 400 cubic feet, on condition that any
height exceeding 14 feet shall not be counted.
Provision of adequate fresh air, ventilation and avoidance of bad or harmful exhaust fumes, changes in
temperature or excessive humidity.
Provision of sufficient and suitable light, naturally or artificially by use of light inlets and openings,
sources of natural and artificial light shall be maintained in a homogeneous manner, direct lighting as
well as dazzling shall be avoided and differentiation in light distribution in adjoining places.
Prevention or reduction of noise and vibration harmful to health of employees according to
internationally accepted standards (such as OSHA) not greater than 90dBA on 8 hours or 110dBA / 5
min impact
Provision of eating places for employees, where by nature of their work conditions, the eating of food is
prohibited in the following cases:
• Work where poisonous or harmful material which propagates dust, smoke, fumes, etc. are used.
• Works where employees are subject to harmful radiation.
• Works where employees are subject to pollution on parts of the body or the contamination of
work clothes.
Toilets and Washing
Provision of sufficient and suitable wash basins for employees normally present in the place of work,
plus cleaning materials for the cleaning thereof, sufficient toilets and cloakrooms cleaned and
maintained continuously and separated by sexes.

3.3.3 Employee’s Responsibilities

Employees shall follow orders and instructions related to work safety and shall use the protective
devices provided and undertake to take care of them. Employees are not allowed to commit any act

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conducive to not carrying out the instructions mentioned, misuse or damage devices meant to protect
health and safety of employees.
Employers may include penalties in their disciplinary regulations for any employee who fails to follow
the prescribed orders and instructions, or use the protective safety measures provided.

3.3.4 Notification of Accidents and Incidents

Notification to Authorities
The employer shall notify the appropriate department of the Ministry of Labor, and GOSI of accidents
occurring in any establishment during the working hours or as a result of the work and causing:
• Death of employee immediately the accident occurs and through the fastest means of
• Fire or explosion immediately the accident occurs and through the fastest means of
communication; or
• Disability of employee for three days or more within twenty four hours from the third day of
In all cases every employer shall furnish the labor office and also the Project HSE Manager statistics of
employment injuries and occupational diseases every three months according to a model to be
prepared for this purpose, on condition that the date of its dispatch should not exceed fifteen days after
the expiry of the three month period.
The employer shall retain a copy in the establishment, so that the inspector of labor concerned may go
through it on his visit to the establishment.
Notification to JSDP
All contractors shall notify JSDP via AECOM the following timetable:
Category Time
Fatalities Immediately
Major Injuries Immediately
Lost Time Injury (LTI) (3 days or more) Immediately
Lost Time Injury (LTI) (3 days or less) Immediately
Property Damage Immediately
Environmental Incident Immediately
Fire Incident Immediately
Dangerous Occurrence Immediately
Ill Health Cases Immediately
Near Misses Weekly
First Aid cases Weekly
Medical Treatment cases Immediately
Motor Vehicle Accidents Immediately

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Emergency Contact Numbers

Emergency contact numbers for local agencies are listed in Appendix C.

3.4 Program Team Structure and Responsibilities

The Program Management Team does not take any statutory and contractual responsibility for HSE,
but will, however, monitor the works to ensure all parties complete the works in accordance with their
obligations under the contract.

3.5 Program Management Team

Individual members of the Program Management Team may be subject to change during the course of
the Program.

3.6 Program Stakeholders

The Program Management Team has developed and will maintain a relationship with the Program
Organizations/Stakeholders. Contact persons and details will be added as required.

3.7 Monitoring and Inspections

The Program Management Team will conduct the following meetings and inspections during the course
of the Program to monitor HSE performance. The frequency indicated is the minimum requirement.
Meetings and inspections may occur more regularly if deemed necessary by the Program Manager
and/or the HSE Manager.
All inspections will take place with the Program Manager (or Program Manager’s Representative) and
Contractor representatives. All inspections will be recorded and corrective action requests issued by the
Program Manager as required.
Type Frequency
Daily Weekly Monthly As required
Program HSE Leadership Team X
WER Manager Site Inspection X
Construction Manager Site Inspection X
Site HSE Officer Site Inspection X X X X
HSE Observations X
Client HSE Staff inspection / audits X

4. Contractor Health, Safety and Environment Management

To assist all parties in the delivery of the Program vision of Incident Injury Free for this program, the
following management tools, general information and standards are provided. The Project Manager’s

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review of Contractor’s Construction HSE plans and safe work method statements will be assessed
against these standards. Contractors will be pre-qualified to ensure they can satisfy these

4.1 Contractor Start-Up

The Project / Contract Manager shall ensure that all the requirements of this procedure are undertaken
at the start of contract.
• Assignment of an HSE Manager
• Development of a Contractor Health, Safety & Environment Plan
• Health, Safety & Environment Induction
• Development of site HSE Procedures Manual
• Statutory Notifications
See Procedure for Contract Start up.

4.2 Pre-Construction Requirements

Prior to commencement of works on site, the Project Manager and Contractor must provide to the
Program Management Team with the following documents and information:
• Construction HSE Plan;
• Policy Statement;
• HSE Organization Chart (Corporate and Project);
• Name of site supervisor responsible for safety;
• Name of company HSE Manager and visiting frequency; and
• CV’s of Project Manager, HSE Manager and any other key personnel for HSE are to be
submitted before commencement of works.

4.2.1 Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Manager

The Contractor must have a full-time Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Manager on site whenever
the site is working (24 hours if necessary).The number of HSE Managers required will be assessed in
accordance with the project requirements and Best Practice guidelines relating to the number of
operatives on site.
Minimum qualification requirements of the full-time HSE Manager will be:
• Engineering/science degree or diploma (preferably in Safety & Health)
• Full member of an internationally recognized safety organization;
• Minimum 7 years full-time safety related experience in the infrastructure/construction industry;
• In possession of valid safety certificate (or equivalent) indicating course attended and subject
matter; and
• OSHA Construction Safety 30 hours certificate.

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4.2.2 Risk Control

• Contractors written risk assessments/method statements including the safe system of work to
control the hazards identified;
• Resources schedules, including plant and equipment;
• Noise assessments for plant and operations; and
• Speed limit on site shall be 20 km/hr.

4.2.3 Contractor’s Proof of Competency

• Copies of Contractor’s Manager’s HSE training certificates; minimum 30 hour OSHA

Construction Safety course.
• Copies of Contractor’s Supervisor’s skills certification, including HSE training; and minimum 8 hr
OSHA Construction safety course.
• Copies of workforce skills certification, including HSE training.

4.2.4 Contractor’s Proof of Resource

The Contractor must provide Subcontractor details including the names of the Subcontractor’s senior
management, supervision and workforce numbers, the competency of which must equal that of the

4.3 Health, Safety and Environment Monitoring Requirements

The following monitoring arrangements must be implemented and adhered to by the Contractor:

Monitoring Arrangement Frequency Objective

Project Manager’s site inspections Weekly Physical review of site HSE conditions and
(Jointly with the Program Manager) application of approved method statements.
HSE Risk Review Meeting(Jointly with Monthly To review recent past performance for success or
the Program Manager/Contractor) failure and where necessary to adapt procedures.
To plan for future activities and prepare for known
risk elements.
HSE Manager’s inspection and report Daily To review compliance with:
(Jointly with the Program Statutory requirements;
Manager/Consultant) HSE plan;
Method statements; and
Training requirements
Environmental Noise & Dust Monitoring While works are Compliance with Saudi Arabia legislation or
ongoing as International standards (OSHA)
Health, Safety Environment and Monthly To validate compliance by Contractor with
Security Procedures Audit (Jointly with Program Manager’s KPI’s.
Program Manager/Contractor)

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Monitoring Arrangement Frequency Objective

Contractor Risk Assessment and Safe Before each trade Ensure Contractor is proposing to use safe
Systems of Work review commences on working procedures prior to implementation.
Subcontractor Pre-start meeting Before each trade To ensure Subcontractors understand their
commences on contractual and statutory HSE obligations.
site. To clarify site HSE organization and
Accident Analysis Monthly To ensure Contractor identifies trends in
performance or system failures in order to take
corrective action.
Fire and Emergency Audit Quarterly To validate the Fire and Emergency plan.
Labor Office Injury and Disease report Quarterly Statutory requirement.

4.4 Construction Health, Safety & Environment Plan Requirements

As a minimum, the following information must be incorporated in all Contractor’s Construction Health,
Safety and Environment Plans:
• Nature of the Program;
• General statement of health, safety environmental and security principles and objectives for the
• Site and project information;
• Health Safety and Environmental policy statement;
• Contractor Emergency contact list;
• Summer working heat management plan;
• Reference to relevant codes and legislation;
• Procedures for subcontractors;
• Communication and coordination method statements;
• Risk assessments and method statements for critical tasks;
• Fire and Emergency and rescue plan/procedures
• First Aid & Medical plan / procedures
• Security plan / procedures.
• Maintenance and Testing schedules for Fire Fighting Equipment;
• Procedures for the reporting of Accidents, Fires and Spills.
• Site Visitors register;
• Details of welfare/rest/shade facilities;
• Record of all HSE and task specific training for employees;
• List of Site rules;
• Arrangements for monitoring HSE compliance;
• Environmental/Waste Management Plan;
• Fall Prevention and Protection Plan;
• Traffic and Pedestrian Management Plan;
• Electrical Safety Plan;
• Procedures for Storage, handling, use and disposal of hazardous materials;

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• Material Safety Data Sheets for Hazardous Substances (MSDS);

• Permit to work procedures;
• Crane lifting and Coordination Plan;
• Plant and Equipment Testing Register;
• Inductions Register; and
• Toolbox meetings Register.
The Construction Health, Safety & Environment Plans are to be submitted by the Contractor for the
Consultant and Program Manager’s review prior to commencement of works on site.

4.5 General Health, Safety and Environment Information

The content of this section represents good practices and is applicable for all works to be carried out by
the Contractors. It has been provided to assist Contractors to understand the minimum requirements for
the Program.
Contractors will be expected to develop their own Construction Health, Safety Environment and
Security plan before work commences and to adhere to all Saudi Arabia/HSE legislation, approved
codes of practice, guidance and relevant Saudi Arabia specific requirements that are applicable to their
All Contractors and suppliers are to ensure that they are familiar with relevant standards contained
within the following:
• All relevant Health, Safety, Environmental Legislation;
• Any Code of Construction Safety Practices; and
• Program HSE Management.

5. HSE Requirements for Contractors

The contractor’s safe practices shall be followed by all contractor’s employees during the performance
of all work under each contract associated with JSDP. The contractor shall also take any additional
measures which the JSDP representative may determine to be reasonable and necessary to protect
against the injury (or death) of any person, or damage (or loss) of any property during the contractor's
performance of the work under the contract.

5.1 Contractor's HSE Program

The contractor shall develop and implement a HSE program that will conform to JSDP HSE

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5.1.1 Written Program

Prior to the commencement of contractual activity, the contractor shall submit a written job-specific HSE
program to the Program Manager or Program Safety Representative. The Contractor's written HSE
program shall address the following:
Title page Project title and brief scope of work
Organization chart Vicinity map and key plan
Hazard identification plan Traffic plan
HSE policy and assignment of responsibilities Safety inspections
Safety reports and records Contractor camp/office sanitation and safety
Work permit system Welding and cutting equipment
Personal protective equipment Tools and portable power tools
Ladders Cartridge operated tools
Electrical installation and equipment Scaffolding
Cranes and rigging equipment Mechanical equipment
Transportation Lock out and tag system (if required)
Injury and damage reporting Excavation
Fire prevention Form work
First-aid facilities Dust control
Job site inspections General safety rules
Emergency evacuation procedures Hazardous material and waste management
Security procedures Ionizing radiation
Demobilization plan Work over or adjacent to water
Explosives Abrasive blasting & painting/coating

5.1.2 HSE Staff

The contractor shall designate one or more full-time HSE Manager(s), Supervisor(s), and Officer(s) to
coordinate and monitor the HSE program. The names and addresses of the contractor’s approved HSE
supervisors shall be included with the written program. Any change in the Contractor’s HSE staff
(including change of phone number) shall be reported in writing to JSDP within 48 hours of making
such change.

5.1.3 HSE Discussion

The contractor shall ensure that every craft and crew supervisor holds a weekly ten-minute HSE
meeting with workers to discuss hazards on the job, and review and update procedures to prevent
accidents. These weekly meetings shall be documented and such documentation shall be maintained
and made available for review by JSDP at the Contractor's on-site office.

5.2 Non-Compliance

The JSDP representative will notify the contractor, in writing, of any Health, Safety & Environment
violations and provide corrective action to rectify the situation. After receipt of such notice, the

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contractor shall immediately take corrective action. Such notices when delivered to the contractor's
representative at the site of the work shall be deemed sufficient notice to the contractor. If the
contractor fails to take corrective action promptly, the JSDP representative may issue an order stopping
all or part of the work until satisfactory corrective action has been taken. The contractor will not be
eligible to use any part of the lost time incurred as a result of such stop orders as the subject of a claim
for extension of time, additional costs or damages. Compliance with this by subcontractors shall be the
responsibility of the contractor.

5.3 Assistance

The contractor may request advice on establishing feasible and effective safety practices for the job.
The JSDP representative will assist the contractor's representative by providing guidance on good
safety practices, pointing out unsafe conditions, and applying his experience and judgment in helping to
improve the contractor's overall job safety.

6. HSE Meetings, Communications, Training, Awareness

Good safety training is important to employees who are learning a new trade but it is also necessary to
keep supervisors and skilled operators up-to-date with current safety technology and practices. Safe
working practices are learned when employees understand how an accident was caused. Measures
can then be taken to prevent a recurrence. People who are trained to do their jobs correctly can also
be expected to do them safely All Contractor(s) must ensure that Safety instructions and information
(including any emergency procedures such as fire drills) are properly communicated to Non-
Arabic/English speaking operatives on site (in Urdu, Hindi, Tagalong etc). All Contractor(s) on site must
include an adequate number of supervisors speaking in the language of the foreign national operatives
they will be supervising, through whom instructions and information can be passed to the workforce.
These nominated supervisors must be permanently employed on site and be identified at pre-contract
stage. Activities to apply include:
• Site Induction;
• Tool Box Talks;
• Method Statements;
• Risk assessments
• Permit to Work systems;
• Day-to-day control and co-ordination of activities;
• Communication of any instructions;
• Control of operatives during an emergency;

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6.1 Safety Induction and Training

Safety induction will be given to all workers, subcontractors and the visitors, to familiarize the site
situations and the working nature for the site and precaution to be taken while in the site. See
Procedures for Safety Induction and Training.
Duties of the Company Employee's Duties
ƒ Brief outline of the responsibilities of the Company ƒ Brief outline of responsibilities of employee under
by law law
ƒ Details of Company's accident prevention policy ƒ Explanation of how new employees fit into the
ƒ Company HSE Policy and plan Company's plan for accident prevention
Personal Protective Equipment Hazard Identification and precaution to the
What is available hazards-Hazards on site
How to obtain it Machinery, Transport
Correct use and care Flammables on site
Health & Welfare Fire
Site welfare facilities Falls
Potential health hazards Electricity
First Aid Site housekeeping
Handling materials
Emergencey Procedure
Assembly Points, Fire Fighters , First Aiders , Mock Drill

6.1.1 Training

Additional training from time to time will be provided by a approved third party who’s certification is
recognized under the Local regulations for the trades scaffold, fire fighting, crane operations and First
Aid. Contractor safety staff will conduct in house training throughout the duration of the project.

6.1.2 Safety Training Topics

Additional training topics will be included depends on the ongoing site activities.

1. The Law and Safety 2. Policy and Administration

Statutory requirement Effect of incentive on accident prevention
Appropriate regulations Duty of care, Human relations, Consultation
Duties of employer and employee Safety Officer: duties, aims, objectives
3. Safety and the Supervisor 4. Principles of Accident Prevention
Safety and efficient production go together Attitudes of management, supervision and
Accidents affect morale and public relations Methods of achieving safe operations
Accident and injury causes
5. Site Inspection 6. Human Behavior
The role of management Motivating agencies
Hazard Identification Procedure Individual behavior
Records results Environmental effects
Follow-up procedures Techniques of persuasion

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7. Site Tidiness 8. Health

Site organization Medical examination
Relationship of site housekeeping to accident Hazard to health on site, Sanitation and welfare.
occurrence Protective clothing, First Aid/CPR
Site access, Equipment storage, Material stacking

Materials handling
9. Personal Protective Equipment 10. Electricity
Eye, face, hands, feet and legs Appreciation of electrical hazards
Respiratory protective equipment Power tools
Protection against ionizing radiation Arc welding
11. Oxygen and Acetylene Equipment 12. Equipment
Cylinder storage and maintenance Accidents related to moving parts of machinery
Condition and maintenance of valves, regulators, and Appreciation of principles of guarding
Condition and maintenance of hoses and fittings Importance of regular maintenance
13. Transportation 14. Excavations
Transportaion from accomadation to project Method of shoring
Hazard connected with site transport Precautions while shoring
Competent drivers Precautions at edge of excavations
Dumpers Removal of shoring
Tipping trucks Sheet steel piling
Movement near excavations
15. Working Places, Ladders, and Scaffolding 16. Cranes and other Lifting Machines
Hazards connected with the use of ladders Licensing, certification and training required for
operation of cranes
Maintenance and inspection Slinging methods
Type of scaffold Signaling
Overloading Access to crane(s)
Work on roofs Maintenance and examination
Fragile material Ground conditions
Openings in walls and floors Hazards and accident prevention methods
connected with the use of different types of
cranes/heavy equipment
Use of safety harness and nets Crane Lift Plan for all lifts
17. Lifting Tackle 18. Fire Prevention and Control
Slings - single and multi-legged Principle causes determining fire
Safe working loads (SWLs) Understanding fire chemistry
Safety hooks and eyebolts Fire fighting equipment
Cause of failure Fire fighting training
Maintenance and examination
19. Communications
Effective methods of communication (particular interest to non-English speaking workers)
Method and preparation of reports
Safety committees
Safety meeting

Manager shall ensure that Toolbox Talks (TBT) are planned for the upcoming activities. He also may
assign a qualified member of the management team such as the Safety Officer and/or the site Engineer

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to conduct relevant toolbox talks for particular job(s) (list of suggested TBT topics is listed below). Sub
Contractors are also to give toolbox talks at least once a week or whenever necessary. A member of
the PMC safety team on site may attend these meetings.

6.1.3 Tool Box Talk Topics

General Site Health and Safety Electricity on Site

Drugs First Aid
Accident Prevention and Control Abrasive Wheels
Accident / Near Miss Reporting Cartridge Operated Tools
Scaffolding Hand Tools
Mobile Scaffold Towers Portable Power Tools
Site Tidiness and House keeping Chainsaws
Trestle Scaffolds and Stepladders Dumpers, Trucks and Cranes
Roof Work-Falls protection Lifting Gears & Lifting Operation
Safe Stacking of Materials Rigging
Manual Handling Demolition
Noise Excavations
Eye Protection Buried Services
Protection of Skin Traffic Management
Fire Prevention Asbestos
Compressed Gases and LPG COSHH
Welding, Cutting and bracing Confined Spaces
Working near Water

The Contractors (Sub-contractors) shall conduct daily tool box safety meetings for personnel on a
different HSE topic. The meetings shall be conducted in English and the language understandable to all
workers. They shall conduct weekly and monthly HSE meetings with all personnel to include statistics,
root cause analysis discussion of incurred loss time injuries case, near misses, spills, incidents, and
progress. The discussed items shall be recorded and highlighted in weekly and monthly progress
The following communication channels must be utilized by the Contractor to coordinate HSE issues.

Communication Health and Safety When and Who Comments

or Co-operation Objective(s) Frequency
Pre-start Safety All Contractor’s Post tender Program Manager The personnel fully
Kick off Meeting personnel should be award, pre-start and Contractor’s understand the standards
aware of the on site team to be achieved on site
minimum standards
Induction/site All project personnel Before each Contractor Security pass application
Orientation must be aware of employee form must be completed by
the project issues commences each person in full.
and general work on site Contractors will provide a
corporate principles site induction to all
personnel to familiarise
them with the Contractor
specific information

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Communication Health and Safety When and Who Comments

or Co-operation Objective(s) Frequency
Risk Assessment To consider all In advance of Contractors All risk assessments and
and Method hazards and risks each activity method statements must
Statements associated with each commencing in be reviewed by the PMC
work activity and sufficient time prior to works commencing
how these are on site. Personnel
integrated into the undertaking the task must
overall project be familiarized with the
activities agreed safe working
Progress To review progress Maximum Program Managers HSE is an agenda item at
Meetings and identify HSE fortnightly /Contractors which the following must
issues representatives be reviewed:
Risk Assessments
Method Statements
Project Safety To review HSE Monthly Program Review current site HSE
Meeting Performance Management issues
Team /
Inspections To identify good Daily HSE Program or Inspection reports issued
practice, issues for Project Manager at site level only. Any non-
improvement/correct /Contractor Safety compliance shall be
ion, advise on future Manager reported and rectified in a
issues and monitor week.
Project Manager To demonstrate Weekly Program Manager Program Manager is
Inspections HSE commitment /Contractor Project responsible for ensuring
Manager that any written report is
closed out
Tool Box Talks To briefly explain to Daily Contractors Site Register of attendees
or inform personnel Weekly/ Supervisors and required
on safe systems of Monthly Safety Managers
Posters/notices Raise and maintain Throughout the Contractor Safety Posters should be rotated
awareness of key project Manager/Supervis on a regular basis to
HSE issues ors maximize impact and
awareness. Notices should
be placed on designated
notice boards accessible to
all personnel. Language
must be English AND
language understood by all
Verbal Proactively promote Daily All personnel Use as an opportunity to
communication injury and incident find out what can be done
free workplace. better.

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Communication Health and Safety When and Who Comments

or Co-operation Objective(s) Frequency
Award scheme To promote a Monthly for all Project Manager Simple and effective.
proactive approach personnel. and Contractors Promote awareness of
to achieving good Quarterly for award scheme on site at
standards of HSE on Contractors. induction, by posters and
the project. marketing of awards

6.2 Promotions and Recognition Program

• HSE must be enhanced by implementing various programs for HSE promotion, motivation,
recognition etc.
• HSE Notices, Posters, slogans, important telephone numbers shall be duly displayed to make
everyone aware of the prevailing hazards in the construction area. Several training Program,
drills & demonstration shall be organized during the construction period to enhance the
awareness & motivation level.
• HSE week shall be organized once a year during where several HSE programs will be
organized including lectures, demonstration, competitions etc., and the winners shall be
awarded accordingly.

6.3 Communications and Participation

Communications and Participation requirements are dictated in the Communications and Participation
HSE Committee
The contractor will develop an HSE Committee and will meet at a predetermined time on a weekly
The committee should carry out the following functions:
• Discuss and review the JSDP HSE Plan and Procedures.
• Recommend remedial action to management
• Ensure safety becomes an integral part of operation procedures.
• Ensure management approved recommendations are put into practice.
• Provide an opportunity for discussion regarding hazardous work methods and working
• Review the circumstances surrounding recent accident injuries work related illnesses and
• Maintain records of meetings, including any recommendations made and keep those records
available for perusal or copying (or both) to the JSDP Representative.
• Assist in the resolution of issues in respect of HSE as required.
• Communicate with the general workforce by issuing meeting minutes and posting on site notice

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The Committee should consist of the following members:

• Project Manager / Senior Representative of the contractor
• HSE Manager
• HSE Representatives from Sub contractors

6.4 Safety Meetings

Safety Meetings requirements are dictated in the Safety Meetings Procedure.

It is important that the meeting be conducted to conform to set procedures, limiting discussion to
agenda items.
Recommended Agenda
• Introductions.
• Attendance.
• Apologies.
• Minutes of previous meeting.
• New Business.
• General Business/Discussion.
• Review of accidents, illnesses and dangerous occurrences.
• Date of next meeting.
• Closure.
Minutes of the meeting must be, typed and distributed within 72 hours to JSDP, JSDP representative all
Committee Members Trade/Subcontractor/s and Forepersons. Minutes will be posted on notice boards
and other prominent areas for the entire workforce to see and act on.
The Contractor Project Manager and HSE Manager will ensure that all items, which were agreed to, are
actioned forthwith.

6.5 Site Inspections and Audits

Site Inspections and Audits requirements are dictated in the Site Inspections and Audits Procedure.
Inspections will be conducted daily either by the Contractor HSE Manager or the Site HSE Team. All
observed unsafe conditions and unsafe acts are to be corrected immediately. HSE observation reports
will be issued to the Contractor and close out reports completed.
Weekly Inspections
A weekly HSE inspection of the site will be conducted of all areas of the project this will include storage
The persons involved in this inspection should include but not limited to:

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• The PMC HSE Representative

• Construction Manager or representative engineer level
• Subcontractors
• Contractor HSE Manager
A written report of the finding of this inspection will be supplied to the HSE Manager. A meeting will be
held after the inspection where all aspects of HSE on site will be discussed, persons who will attend
this meeting are:
• PMC HSE Manager or Superintendent
• WER Manager/Construction Manager for the contract
• Contractor’s Project Manager or Construction Manager
• Contractor’s HSE Manager / Representative
• Sub – Contractor’s HSE Manager (if applicable)
Minutes of the meeting will be taken and distributed to all.

7. Accident and Incidents

Accident and Incidents requirements are dictated in the Accident and Incidents Procedure.
Much is learned through experience. A thorough investigation and analysis of an accident can help to
prevent future accidents. To learn by experience, however, means that a system for the retrieval of
information must be set up and statistical records must be kept of injury, death and property damage.
With such a system operational, information can be collated and analyzed to show accident patterns.
The contractor can then emphasize those areas in which safety education and training is needed most.
The contractor is responsible for reporting accidents to JSDP and in some cases to the Saudi Arabia
Government as required. This section covers these reporting requirements and the principles behind
accident investigation and analysis.

7.1 Required Reports

Contractor shall ensure that an immediate report is made to JSDP in the case of all:
• Fatal injuries
• Injuries requiring medical attention which result in lost time
• Damage over SR 10,000 to contractor's plant or equipment
• Damage, in any amount, to JSDP equipment or property
• Fires
• Damage and near misses to cranes and heavy equipment
For accidents involving Contractor employee fatalities, serious injury to two or more Contractor
employees, or damage to JSDP equipment or property, a preliminary written report shall be submitted
within 24 hours followed by a detailed written report submitted within three days to the Company
Representative. In addition, JSDP may convene an engineering review or investigation committee.

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Contractor shall maintain, in a format approved by the JSDP Safety Representative, a current record
showing all:
• Work injuries
• Fires
• Incidents of property damage over SR 10,000
• Motor vehicle accident
• Incidents involving damage to JSDP equipment and property
• Damage and near misses to cranes and heavy equipment
The record shall be available for inspection at all times and shall be submitted to JSDP on request.
A final written report shall be prepared and submitted to JSDP HSE Manager. In the case of serious
accidents, however, a detailed account of the circumstances, witnesses' statements and descriptive
photographs are required.
In addition to the reports required above, the contractor must keep a record of all injuries and damages.
A copy of this record shall be sent to the proponent department and to the contractor's project
management. Monthly summary reports are required in addition to the individual reports.

7.2 Accident Investigation

The point of an accident investigation is to prevent recurrence of similar accidents; to determine facts
rather than to find faults. The main reasons for conducting an accident investigation are:
• To find the causes so that similar accidents may be prevented;
• To determine the point at which "unplanned" events took over from the "planned" sequence of
events; and
• To recommend what corrective action should be taken.

7.3 Responsibilities for Investigation

7.3.1 Supervisor/Safety Representative

The supervisor and/or safety representative shall carry out an immediate investigation of any accident
which occurs within his area of responsibility. The preliminary accident report must be completed and
submitted within 24 hours to the JSDP HSE Manager. A final report on the incident shall be submitted
within three days detailing any additional information and corrective action needed.

7.3.2 Project Manager

The Construction/ WER Manager shall review all accident reports to ensure that all the necessary
corrective action has been taken and that he has addressed any items that may require action on his

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7.4 Cases to be Investigated

Incidents that result in property damage or serious injuries to personnel and hospitalization of two or
more employees must be fully investigated and reported. Unless the real cause is known, the hazard
cannot be controlled in the future. The near-miss incident is equally important from the point of view of
prevention and should also be thoroughly investigated.

7.5 Accident Investigation Guidelines

The scene of an accident must be left undisturbed until the Construction (WER) Manager and HSE
Supervisor have conducted the investigation. In some cases the accident site must be rendered safe so
as not to contribute to further accidents. However precautions shall be taken to keep the accident
scene intact as much as is possible, to assist local police in their investigation.
The investigation should include, but not be limited to the following:
• Questioning the man in charge and finding out what was planned.
• Finding out the injured man's job or the normal configuration and function of the damaged
equipment or plant.
• Questioning the injured man as soon as possible.
• Questioning the witnesses separately as to what they actually saw, not what they think
• Studying the equipment or plant layout and noting any signs of misuse.
• Finding the explanation of any irregularities.
• From the information obtained, establishing the reason why the "unplanned" event took over
from those that were "planned".
• Recommending items of corrective action and methods of implementing them to prevent the
recurrence of the incident.
• Making a scaled drawing of the accident scene and supplement that with supporting

8. First Aid
Contractor(s) will provide an adequate number of suitably trained First Aide Staff and first aid facilities
appropriate to their work activities, potential risks and project location.
Adequate and appropriate first aid provisions will be based on:
• The number of employees;
• The nature of the construction;
• The size of the construction project and the scope of the works;
• The working hours;
• The distance from outside medical services;
• Rapid access to first aid for all employees; and
• Adequate first aid coverage for all areas of work regardless of expanse of area.

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8.1 First Aiders

First Aiders should have completed an approved course of training such as those organized by the Red
Crescent or other internationally approved societies. A refresher course should be undertaken every
year and will require re-certification after three years. One first aider must be provided for every 50
employees. Adequate First Aid coverage must be maintained in relation to the number of personnel
employed in the shift and weekend working. The name of the responsible first aider(s) and emergency
numbers must be prominently displayed where applicable on a first aid notice. When more than one
First Aider is assigned to the Project, a board will be provided in a conspicuous place, posting the name
of the First Aider on duty and the schedule of other First Aiders. First Aid personnel shall wear GREEN
helmets which incorporate a first aid sticker.
A First Aider, shall always be wearing PPE with appropriate insignia which can easily identify his

8.2 Nurse

A full-time nurse is required on site when the workforce exceeds 250 persons. All nurses employed
should be registered with the Saudi Council of Health Specialties and have appropriate industrial
training and experience. Consideration should be given to an emergency response first aid vehicle
provided with a first aid box and with a trained nurse in attendance which can be sent to the scene of
an injury instead of the injured being handled and transferred to the fixed site first aid room.

8.3 First Aid Kits

First aid boxes clearly marked with a red crescent on a white background provided in the First Aid
Room. The contents of first aid boxes and first aid kits should be regularly checked for replenishment of
For 250 persons a quantity of First Aid materials is to be held in bulk within the First Aid room.
Sufficient numbers of portable kits must be retained to cover all on site First Aid requirements.
This list will be supplemented by other emergency equipment as deemed necessary by the Safety
Team on Site.
First Aid Kits should include the following:
Stretcher – either basket or NR Bunsen burner
Drinking water Elastic bandages
Clean garments for use by First Aiders Scissors
A bed or cot with pillow and blankets Scalpel
Kidney dish Forceps
Oxygen cylinder and spare Tweezers
Stethoscope Needles
A sink with cold and hot running water Aspirin
Paper Towels, soap and nail brushers Sterile cloth, cotton and guaze

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Clinical Thermometer Adhesive tape

Dressing trolley Disinfectants
Splints of different size Alcohol
Sphygmomanometer Iodine
Other necessary surgical items

The First Aid notice should be translated into the languages of the majority of the labor on site.
Travelling first aid kits should be provided where employees work in small groups or where work is
performed in areas remote from a first aid box.

9. Site Conditions and Provisions

9.1 Contractor Sites

The site layout must be planned before any work is started. This will assist in making the job easier and
more efficient, thus increasing productivity and profit. Items to be considered under site layout include
the following: Prior to the commencement of any contractual activity at any site. The contractor shall
obtain through JSDP representative the required Land use permit (LUP). The LUP application shall
include drawings of the proposed facilities. The contractor shall ensure that any camp facility provided
meets the provision of Saudi Arabia Labor and Workmen Law and the Program HSE requirements. The
HSE Manager reserves the right to inspect contractor facilities.
• Site Accommodation - This includes shacks, storage huts, compounds, racking areas, lock-up
boxes, office buildings, etc.
• Adequate Access Roads - To be kept clear and unobstructed at all times.
• Project Sign - Erect project sign at the main entrance to the construction site and other sites,
i.e., office, laydown yard, fabrication yard, etc., as designated by the Company representative.

9.2 Site Requirements

The following general conditions apply to Contractor sites:

• Safe Means of Access and Egress - To be provided on site wherever employees are likely to
go; these must be kept clear and unobstructed at all times.
• Parking Facilities - To be provided in clearly defined areas on site.
• Drainage - The site should have good drainage and be graded in such a way that water does
not pool up during construction or at any other time.
• Vehicle / Heavy Equipment Paths on Site Vs Pedestrian Paths - Pathways for workmen must be
clearly marked and distinct from vehicular travel routes on site.
• Sand - In sand dune areas that might lie adjacent to or around a construction site, consideration
should be given to the movement or build up of sand.
• Fire Prevention - Suitable fire extinguishers must be readily available on site. The area around
fire extinguishers or hydrants must be kept clear so that they are readily accessible in case of
emergency. They must be regularly inspected and maintained. Site personnel must be trained in
the use of firefighting equipment.

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• Site Illumination - Adequate lighting must be provided in all areas of the job site. The National
Electric Code and National Fire Protection Association standards should be consulted for
specific areas.

9.3 Welfare Arrangements

The objective is to provide and maintain a consistently high standard of welfare facilities on the Project
site which meet or exceed local regulations, welfare facilities must be provided at all stages of
construction. This may require temporary facilities to be provided particularly at commencement and
completion of adequate standard and suitable for the numbers of personnel on site.
Basic arrangements to be considered are as follows:
• Adequate sanitary conveniences as per Saudi Arabia Laws & WHO;
• Adequate washing facilities; as per Saudi Arabia Laws & WHO;
• Prayer facilities;
• Shower facilities, where required by law, or due to the nature of the works;
• Provision of adequate (cool) drinking water;
• Accommodation for clothing and changing;
• Secure storage of personal belongings (lockers);
• Sufficient arrangements for drying (heated and ventilated);
• Storage for PPE;
• Provision for making cold/hot drinks and cooling/heating food;
• Tables and chairs;
• Shelter from wind, heat, sunshine and rain;
• Cooling and ventilation; and
• Protection of non-smokers.

9.4 Employees Accommodations

Employee Accommodations should include the following:

• The facilities provided should be designed to limit the hazards present, and be appropriate for
the numbers of users and their different needs;
• Facilities should meet or exceed local laws or other stated requirements;
• Facilities should be safe, hygienically clean, tidy, private, secure, comfortable and in good
working order;
Refer to Contractor’s Employee Accommodations Procedures.

9.5 Site Safety Rules

The site safety rules are provided below and are for the protection of everyone, they apply to all
persons on the site, including visitors and non compliance will mean exclusion from the site. They must
be communicated in the Contractor’s site induction. Visitors should be handed a copy of these rules

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prior to accessing the site and translations of all the Site Rules in the most common language and
writing should be provided for the benefit of the operatives and be displayed on the site HSE notice
board (if available).
Refer to Contractor’s Site Requirements Procedure.

9.6 Related Facilities

The safe processing and movement of testing samples and material from Testing Laboratories or Batch
Plants is the primary JSDP objective. Any construction operation which could affect the safety of
processing and movement must be planned and performed in accordance with the operating
procedures of the area in which the job is located.
Every plant or facility has operations to a specific set of operating instructions and the operating
supervisor for that area has full responsibility for safety precautions. With this responsibility, the
operator-in-charge also has authority to issue work permits and stop any work if it is not in accordance
with proper procedures.
It is therefore necessary for anyone expecting to work in an area where testing samples or materials
are handled to know the rules and regulations and obey them.

10. Permits to Work

Permits to Work requirements are dictated in the Work Permit System Procedure.
A permit to work system must be implemented by the Contractor and identified in risk assessments and
method statements. The permit to work system will be one permit one shift / one day unless authorized
by the Project Management team. The following activities require a permit system to commence work:
Excavation Piling
Confined space Electrical equipment and Isolation
Hot works Tunnelling
Use of hazardous substances Crane lifting
Cutting, brazing, welding Working at Heights
Utility Shut-down/diversions Demolition
Blasting Work near or under water

11. Hazard Identification and Assessment

Hazard Identification and Assessment is one of the foundations for a HSE Program. There are several
steps or a basic methodology involved in identifying hazards and assessing the risks associated with
those hazards. The following steps are typically fundamental to the hazard identification process:
• Define your objectives - what are the pertinent needs of the HSE program based on operating

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• Job Task Analysis - look at all hazards associated with job tasks such as people, process,
procedures, tools, facilities, equipment use and environmental concerns ;
• Perform a risk analysis exhibiting both qualitative (likelihood, frequency, severity) and
quantitative determinations (1, 2, 3, 4 with 1 being minor and 4 being serious);
• Prioritize hazards to ensure the most serious hazards are addressed first ;
• Development of action plans to address all hazards through procedures and control measures ;
• Assignment of control measures through Engineering, Administrative and Personal Protective
Equipment controls; and
• Evaluate and assess hazards often to ensure control measures are working.
Hazard Identification requires continuous assessment and improvement to ensure all hazards are
identified and controlled when new work starts or work processes change. In addition, if current
mitigation tactics are not working and the action plan does not produce the intended effect, the process
may need to be modified. The drive for continuous improvement is critical in making the HSE program
better over time and in ensuring hazards are reduced or eliminated.
Each craft or crew shall have a supervisor dedicated to HSE. Every site supervisor shall be familiar with
contents of the HSE Plan and hold a documented ten-minute safety discussion at least one day in each
working week. These meetings shall be monitored by designated Program Management staff and key
project personnel, as detailed in the Contractor’s HSE Plan.

12. Contractor Risk Analysis Requirements

The Contractor will develop these plans and remain responsible for ensuring compliance with these
plans. The Program will monitor the application of these plans. The core document must include as a
• Acknowledgement of the risks, constraints and interface issues identified and applicable to the
work to be carried out;
• Identification of any other significant risks identified by the Contractor; and
• Any potential interface issues with other works Contractors, client personnel or activities and the
Risk Assessments and Method Statements
The objective of a risk assessment is to identify project-related hazards and develop methods to deal
with those hazards.
All risk assessments shall be reviewed and revised by the Contractor as necessary to accommodate
any changes in methods of working, plant, equipment, materials and/or site development. Before any
work commences on site, the Contractor shall nominate a competent person to be responsible for co-
coordinating risk assessments of all operations where risk is foreseeable and ensuring that the
appropriate control measures are established and incorporated into safe systems of work.
The method statements for operatives should be made simple for ease of understanding. Method
Statements should follow the Method Statement Checklist (Form). It is the Contractor’s responsibility to
ensure that all personnel have been briefed in the safe method of works for the activity; the method

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statement must be explained to the relevant personnel prior to commencing the work activity. Records
of such briefings must be maintained by the Contractor and made available to JDSP for audit purposes.

13. Site Hazards

The Contractor is required to identify and mitigate site hazards where possible. Site Hazards, include
but are not limited to, the following:
Mechanical and Heavy Equipment Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment
Working at Heights Fragile Surfaces
Edge Protection Ladders and Stepladders
Mobile Scaffolds Scaffolds
Hand Tools and Power Tools Machine Guarding
Welding, Cutting and Hot works Diving Operations
Pressure Testing Excavations
Formwork and Shoring Piling Operations and Cofferdams
Tunnelling Blasting
Demolition Abrasive Blast Cleaning
Painting and Coating Electrical Equipment
Temporary Walking-Working Surfaces Confined Spaces
Working with Compressed Gases Ionizing Radiation
Extreme Climatic Conditions Hot Weather
High Winds Noise and Vibrations

Specific HSE Procedures for many of these operations have been developed and are included for the
Contractor’s use.

14. Protective Measures

The Contractor is required to take protective and preventative measures where possible when
hazardous conditions cannot be avoided. Some examples of include:
• Personal Protective Equipment
• Lockout Tagout Procedures
• Fire Prevention
• Respiratory Protection
Specific HSE Procedures for many of these operations have been developed and are included for the
Contractor’s use.

15. Environment
The Contractor must comply with PME regulations on environmental protection and be aware of any
risks which may occur within or outside the agreed site area as a result of their activities. The
Contractor should have procedures in place to enable the monitoring of all discharges into the
environment, be they liquid, solid or gaseous and also should:

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• avoid, whenever possible, the generation of wastes;

• re-use, recycle, treat and dispose;
• meet statutory waste minimization legislation and environmental standards;
• prevent pollution and damage to the environment;
• be aware that potential sources of pollution could include, the following;
o Noise and dust;
o Disposal of solid wastes arising from the site; and
o Discharge of waste waters, sewage or ground waters to land, sewer, surface water drain,
the marine environment or any other location.
The Contractor must comply with following on site environment requirements:
• The site rules must be enforced by the Contractor’s supervisors;
• The Contractor shall appoint an Environmental coordinator. His name must be submitted to the
client representative.
• The provisions of any statutory noise restriction notice must be strictly observed;
• Cement slurry and other waste must not be washed into drains or watercourses;
• All fuel oil tanks and drums must be provided with a bund capable of containing the entire
contents of the tank + 10%, and be kept free of debris;
• No hazardous waste or containers may be dispersed of in general waste skips. Contractors will
be required to remove all such waste themselves in an approved manner to a licensed disposal
• Tropical hardwoods including plywood are not to be used unless specified in the design. All
timber and plywood must be obtained from sustainable sources wherever possible;
• All plant and equipment must be well maintained to minimize environmental noise, maximize
fuel economy and minimize emissions to the atmosphere;
• All plant and equipment must be switched off when not in use to reduce resource consumption
and fugitive emissions to the atmosphere;
• Drip trays are to be provided for all stationary plant/vehicles to minimize ground contamination;
• Drums must not be stored directly onto the ground; and
• Fires on site are not allowed.
Waste Management practices must include the following considerations:
• Emergency Control Guidelines
• Incident Reporting
• Control of Waste Products
• Waste Disposal
• Soil, Water-courses and Groundwater Pollution Protection
• Air Pollution Protection

16. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

Every effort must be made to eliminate by design the use of hazardous substances or processes, which
give rise to a risk to health, where this is not practical they must be adequately managed and

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controlled. The Contractor shall ensure that a competent person undertakes risk assessments for all
substances and processes that are potentially hazardous to health. The assessment shall cover the
safe use, handling, storage and disposal of substances or by-products resulting from work activities.
The Contractor must provide suitable and sufficient personal protective equipment to all affected

17. Alcohol and Drugs

No alcohol or non-prescription drugs (except over-the-counter supplements or symptomatic relief of
cold/flu symptoms or pain) can be consumed or used by any personnel on the project/premises at any
time. Those persons reporting for duty and believed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs shall
be refused entry and will be permanently removed from the Project. It is the Contractor's responsibility
to ensure all his employees are made aware of this requirement and to enforce compliance.

18. Emergency Preparedness and Response

A Fire, Emergency and Rescue Plan must be developed by the Contractor with the collaboration of all
parties and distributed accordingly. The plan will be subjected to regular review at least once every 3
months and at every major change in construction activity. Any alterations to this plan must be
communicated to all parties. The Fire Emergency and Rescue plan should include the following:
• Evacuation Process
o Designated Fire and Emergency Assembly point(s);
o Means of Raising an Alarm;
o Signalling an Evacuation;
o Designated Emergency Exit Routes;
o Signage;
o Arrangements for ‘Head Counting’ all Site Personnel;
o Return to Work Authorization; and
o Requirement for evacuation drills or practices shall be displayed at workstations for
• Emergency Services
o Means of Contact During site hours/Outside normal site hours;
o Access/Access to site/Access on site/access into/up temporary buildings;
o Continuous Liaison/Emergency service(s) familiarization with site layout and structural
o Fire Service Specific Provision(s);
o Location(s) of fire hydrants, dry riser inlets, wet riser inlets and emergency water supplies;
o Ambulance Service Specific Provision;
o Stretcher handling access/Casualty evacuation equipment and assistance.
• Fire Fighting Provision
o Fire Extinguisher distribution – General, Offices, Welfare areas, Canteens and Kitchens and
Storage areas.

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• Fire Detection Provision

o Offices/Canteen and Kitchens/Welfare and Changing Area/Storage Areas/Waste Holding
• Fire Prevention
o Arrangements for controlling Hot Works, Fire Warden Appointment/Designation, Flammable
Waste Control(s), LPG and HFL Storage, allowable quantities of Flammable Gases and
Liquids within the structure(s), requirement for Flashback Arrestors, Restrictions on the use
of Halogen Lamps, Fire Prevention Audit Frequency.
• Training
o Fire Coordinators/Fire Wardens/Site Personnel, Toolbox Talks.
• Spillages
o Spills of hazardous materials/fluids.
• First Aid Provision
o Peak Labor Figure, First Aiders, Equipment, First Aid Room, Nurse, Specialist Equipment,
Remote locations, Site transport, Ambulance Access and Routing, and Contractor Input
• Communication Provision
o Communication protocols must be established to ensure the availability of personnel (JSDP
and Contractor) to respond to emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

19. Transportation
This section outlines the procedures and responsibilities for preventing motor vehicle accidents in
JSDP’s jurisdiction. In addition, it sets the standards for driver performance, responsibility, and vehicle
maintenance expected of all contractor, service organizations and JSDP drivers. All drivers are
expected to drive in a defensive manner and maintain control of their vehicles at all times.
All contractors must employ only qualified personnel as drivers of motor vehicles. It is the responsibility
of the driver's supervisor, foreman, or superintendent to verify the driver's credentials prior to his
employment. It is Saudi Arabia Government law and a Company rule that each person driving a motor
vehicle must possess and have on his person a valid Saudi Arabia Government driver's license.
• It is the responsibility of the driver to ensure that his vehicle is safe to operate.
• It is the responsibility of each driver to take his vehicle to the proper facility for servicing and
repairs when they are required or scheduled.
• The driver of the vehicle is fully responsible and accountable for the mechanical and physical
condition of the vehicle. He must report any damage, beyond normal wear and tear,
• The driver is responsible for transporting materials properly and ensuring that a load does not
exceed the manufacturer's design load capacity. All loads must be properly secured and tied
down. Materials should not extend over the sides of the truck. Loads extending beyond the front

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or rear shall be marked with a red flag. Also such loads must be equipped with visible brake and
tail lights at their rear end points.
• Tires which have breaks in the casing, or with exposed fabric, shall not be used.
• Sand tires present a hazard if used on vehicles which are operated at excessive speed
especially when they are not properly inflated. It is the driver's responsibility to ensure that tire
inflation standards are maintained.
• Drivers shall not transport unauthorized persons in Company or Project vehicles. The driver's
supervisor shall authorize all passengers in the vehicle.
• The driver and all passengers of a vehicle shall wear seat belts at all times while the vehicle is
in motion.
• Drivers have full authority to refuse to transport any passenger who refuses to use seat belts.
Conversely, passengers may refuse to ride with a driver who refuses to wear his seat belt.
• Passengers shall not be transported in the rear of pickups or on truck beds.
• Drivers should not transport more passengers than the number of seat belts provided in the
• All drivers shall be familiar with unsafe driving practices and avoid them at all times.
• The driver must not exceed the posted speed limit. (20 km/hr on site). This is the maximum
speed allowed in a certain area. Every driver is expected to reduce his vehicle's speed under
hazardous weather or road conditions.

20. Traffic and Pedestrian Control

The requirements for Traffic and Pedestrian Control are dictated in the Traffic and Pedestrian Control
The Contractor engaged in roadwork is not only responsible for the safety of his own men, he also has
an obligation to protect the public from potential construction hazards, during the day, at night and in all
weather conditions. Consequently, the marking of construction sites and the safe and efficient diversion
and control of traffic must be properly planned and executed. Traffic Management /Road closure plans
must be submitted to the JSDP Traffic Management Engineer who will approve the Traffic Plan; the
Contractor will in turn submit the Traffic Plan to the Traffic Police of Jeddah. No road closures are to
take place until permission has been granted and the permit issued by the Traffic Police Department.
JSDP Traffic Management Engineer will provide guidance and formats to the Contractor for the Traffic
Plans if necessary. Contractor shall comply with the following general conditions:
• Contractors shall provide their own barriers, lights & signage. These items must be in
accordance with Traffic Management Plans, Police permits and relevant Saudi Arabia
Procedures relating to traffic management.
• To avoid creating a traffic hazard, warning devices must not be put in place until they are
needed. They must be promptly removed when work is complete.
• Activities which produce dust shall be kept to a minimum. Dust mitigation measures shall be
implemented as required.
• A flagman, equipped with a safety vest and a red flag, shall be posted at least 50 meters (165
feet) from the work site at the entrance barricade and another flagman at the exit barricade. It

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shall be the duty of the flagmen to control the flow of traffic in a safe manner. Both flagmen shall
be in sight of each other. If conditions do not permit this, then a third man shall be positioned
where he can see and be seen by the other two men in order to signal them to start or stop
traffic. At night, flagmen shall wear light-reflecting vests and gloves, and use reflective signs or
flags. Flagmen shall be stationed in an illuminated area. At night or in case flagmen cannot see
each other, radio or telephone communication may be required.
• During darkness, the work area will be marked by lights spaced 10 meters (30 feet) apart and
positioned 0.6 meter (2 feet) and 0.9 meter (3 feet) above grade.
• In addition to the foregoing, excavation work in residential areas shall be entirely enclosed,
covered over, or roped-off.
• Excavations on areas of expected pedestrian traffic must leave at least 1,5m unobstructed
width, with 1m as the minimum. Where a 1m minimum unobstructed width is not obtainable, an
alternative safe route for pedestrians must be provided. Temporary pedestrian ways should
never be less than 1m wide. Rigid barriers must be used to mark any temporary footpath and to
protect pedestrians from traffic and excavations, equipment and materials excavation crossings
shall be provided with close-planked walkways or bridges 0.9 meters (3 feet) wide and equipped
with standard guardrails. The provision of curb ramps may be necessary to help disabled
persons or for those with strollers or wheelchairs.
More details on Traffic Management requirements are provided in Traffic Procedures, in JSDP
Specifications (Traffic Regulation).

21. Project Close-out

Completing a project requires procedures to close out project contractual and administrative activities.
The closeout process ensures all documentation is finalized, closes the final snag list items and any
contractual obligations. A project is ready for closeout once it has been successfully transitioned from
the project organization and accepted by the end user organization. Project closeout begins at
beneficial occupancy or project termination, and is complete after all physical, regulatory, contractual,
and financial closeout activities are complete.

22. Health, Safety and Environment File

A HSE file shall be required at project close out, the HSE file provides information required for future
construction work, which includes cleaning, maintenance, alterations, refurbishment and demolition.
Information in the file alerts future contractors to risks and provides guidance on how to work safely.
This also provides information for future construction health and safety plans.
The HSE file should include information about the following topics, where this may be relevant to the
health and safety of any future construction work. Contractors shall collate the information for inclusion
within the HSE File and submit this to the employer’s representative at the end of the project.
The HSE File will normally include:
• Brief description of the work carried out;

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• Residual hazards which remain and how they have been dealt with (for example, surveys, or
information on asbestos, contaminated land, water bearing strata, buried services etc);
• Key structural principles incorporated in the design (e.g. bracing, post tensioned units) safe
working loads etc;
• Any hazards associated with the materials used;
• Information regarding the removal or dismantling of installed plant and equipment and
demolition of the works;
• HSE equipment for cleaning, planned maintenance or refurbishment;
• Nature, location and markings of significant services including underground cables, gas
supplies, firefighting, etc; and
• Information and ‘as built’ drawings including safe access to and from service voids etc.

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Appendix A – Procedures
Procedure Title of Procedure Plan Reference Applicable Forms
Number by Paragraph See Appendix B

RV-MAN-200 Contract Start-up 4.1

RV-MAN-201 Safety Induction and Training 6.1 010, 015, 020

RV-MAN-202 Communication and Participation 6.3 010, 015, 020

RV-MAN-203 Safety Meeting Procedure 6.3 6.5

RV-MAN-204 Site Inspections and Audits 6.5 014, 016

RV-MAN-205 Accidents and Incidents 7 007, 012, 013, 014, 018

RV-MAN-206 Heat Stress 13 016, 019

Housekeeping, Hygiene and
RV-MAN-207 9
RV-MAN-208 Material Handling 13 006, 011

RV-MAN-209 Work Permit System 10 005, 009, 011

RV-MAN-210 Mechanical and Heavy Equipment 13 014, 016

Lifting Operations and Lifting
RV-MAN-211 13 014, 016
RV-MAN-212 Working at Heights 10 and 13 005, 021

RV-MAN-213 Ladders and Step Ladders 10 and 13 021

RV-MAN-214 Scaffolds 10 and 13 005, 008, 014, 021

RV-MAN-215 Hand Tools and Power Tools 13 004, 014

RV-MAN-216 Machine Guarding 14

004, 005, 006, 011, 014,
RV-MAN-217 Welding, Cutting and Hot Work 10 and 13
RV-MAN-218 Diving Operations 10 022

RV-MAN-219 Pressure Testing 13 005, 016

003, 006, 008, 011, 016,
RV-MAN-220 Excavations 10 and 13
RV-MAN-221 Piling Operation and Cofferdams 10 and 13 008, 016

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Procedure Title of Procedure Plan Reference Applicable Forms

Number by Paragraph See Appendix B

RV-MAN-222 Blasting 10 and 13 004, 016

RV-MAN-223 Demolition 10 and 13

RV-MAN-224 Abrasive Blast Cleaning 10 and 13

RV-MAN-225 Painting and Coating 13

RV-MAN-226 Electrical Equipment 13 016

Temporary Walking-Working
RV-MAN-227 13
RV-MAN-228 Confined Space 10 and 13 002, 009

RV-MAN-229 Working with Compressed Gases 13 016

RV-MAN-230 Noise and Vibrations 13 016

RV-MAN-231 Personal Protective Equipment 14 016

RV-MAN-232 Lock-out/Tag-out Procedures 14 008

RV-MAN-233 Fire Prevention 14 004

RV-MAN-234 Respiratory Protection 14

RV-MAN-235 Waste Management 15

Control of Substances Hazardous
RV-MAN-236 16 001, 016
to Health
Emergency Preparedness and
RV-MAN-237 18 013, 015
RV-MAN-238 Traffic and Pedestrian Control 20

RV-MAN-239 Batch Plants 9.6

Contractor’s Employee
RV-MAN-240 9.4
RV-MAN-241 Contractor’s Site Conditions 9 004, 006, 011, 015

RV-MAN-242 Dewatering 15 004, 006, 011

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Appendix B – Forms
Form Number Title of Form Applicable Procedures
See Appendix A
RV-FRM-001 Asbestos & ACMs 236

RV-FRM-002 Confined Space Entry 228

RV-FRM-003 Excavations 220

RV-FRM-004 Fire Risk Assessment 203, 215, 217, 222, 233, 241

RV-FRM-005 General Permit to Work 209, 212, 214, 217, 219

RV-FRM-006 Hazardous Substance Assessment 208, 209, 217, 220, 241, 242

RV-FRM-007 Incident Investigation Report 205

RV-FRM-008 Mobile Scaffold 214, 220, 221, 232

RV-FRM-009 Permit to Enter Confined Spaces 209, 228

RV-FRM-010 Personal Protective Equipment 201, 202, 203

RV-FRM-011 HSE Hazard Checklist 208, 209, 217, 220, 241, 242

RV-FRM-012 HSE Improvement Notice 205

RV-FRM-013 HSE Incident Report 205, 237

RV-FRM-014 HSE Inspection Report 204, 210, 211, 214, 215, 217

RV-FRM-015 HSE Site Office Induction Training 201, 202, 203, 237, 241

204, 205, 206, 210, 211, 217, 220, 221, 222,

RV-FRM-016 HSE Stop Work Notice
226, 229, 230, 231, 236

RV-FRM-017 Tool Box Talks Attendance List 203

RV-FRM-018 Witness Statements 205

Work in Extreme Climatic 206


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Form Number Title of Form Applicable Procedures

See Appendix A
RV-FRM-020 Work Site Visitors HSE Induction 201, 202

RV-FRM-021 Working at Height 212, 213, 214

RV-FRM-022 Working Over Water 218, 220

202, 203, 205, 209, 211, 212, 214, 219, 220,

RV-FRM-023 Method Statement Checklist
230, 242

Document No. Revision No. Issue Date

RV-MAN-0190 1 14-Feb-2012
Jeddah Stormwater Drainage Program (JSDP) (HSE) Management Plan Page No. 50 of 50

Appendix C – Emergency Contact Numbers

Local and National Emergency Numbers
Roads security 996
National Water Company 939
Saudi Electricity Company 933
Traffic Police 993
Security of the Boundaries 994
Saudi Red Crescent 997
Police 999
Civil Defense 998
Public Security 989
Natural Disaster 966
Meteorology 966

Stakeholders Contact List

Organization Name of Contacts e-mail


MOT Atiyyah Al Zahrani 0505773393

AMANA Amro Kamil Al- Digs 0506603908

SRO Ali Al-Gharni 0506665299

KAIA Samir Mraer 0556069966

SEC Hassan Al- Sheikh 0564380000

NWC Ahmed Ashanqity 0567875758

MOH Abdullah Otaibi 0502226564

Document No. Revision No. Issue Date

RV-MAN-0190 1 14-Feb-2012

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