Cell Count Issue 84

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The boy and his sand castle

Photo by Michael Baird on Unsplash

By Zakaria Amara After any major Terrorist attack, intensified my feelings of worthless- in my teen-age years, these are the of its atrocities began streaming
My beloved 12-year-old daughter there usually is a fierce debate about ness and inadequacy. only people I ever felt I belonged to, in. Prior to ISIS, whenever innocent
asked me to share my story with you. what makes individuals susceptible Even in Jordan, my own country and as they radicalized I radicalized people were killed, I would simply tell
I am having a difficult time deciding to Radical ideologies (Unfortunately, of birth, I never considered myself with them. Bush’s 2003 invasion of myself that it was “collateral damage”
what to write and from which point this rarely occurs when the perpe- Jordanian since I belonged to a family Iraq and its resulting massacre of if those killed were non-Muslims, or
to start. Perhaps I should begin from trators are non-Muslims, e.g. Right that originally came to Jordan as hundreds of thousands of innocent a “mistake” if they were Muslims.
the present and work my way back to wing extremists in the U.S). If I had refugees after losing their land to the Iraqis represented the crossing of Every atrocity committed by ISIS was
the past. a noose around my neck and the Israeli Occupation. the Radical Rubicon for me. You can like a Tsunami that would violently
I’ve been in prison for 12 years only thing that could save my life Many of you have probably won- pretty much draw a straight line from demolish my Sand Castle and leave
now. I received a Life sentence after was the answer to this apparently dered why the Muslim world has pro- there to my arrest in 2006. no trace of it behind. Yet I kept franti-
pleading guilty to being one of the dumbfounding question then I would duced so many Radicalized individu- How does it feel to be radical? You cally rushing back to rebuild it.
ringleaders in the “Toronto 18” have to say it is the emotional state of als in the modern era. Blaming Islam feel worthy, righteous, and heroic. Eventually the hideousness of this
terror plot. Thankfully, no one was feeling utterly worthless. for it is incredibly simplistic if not You see yourself as a saviour of your group led me to periods of depres-
physically hurt. I was 20 then, I am I have always felt worthless. I still absolutely wrong. When I look at people. Your mind is obsessed with sion that followed every massacre. At
almost 33 now. In pre-trial custody, struggle with this feeling to this day. what the people of that region have the injustices that they are suffering the time, I did not see my radical ide-
I was deemed a radical threat to Perhaps I feel this way because I been going through for over 100 from and that’s all you wish to talk ology as separate from my religion
the inmate population and so I was carry within me a strong Inner Critic years, I am actually surprised that about. You see the world in strictly and this caused me to fear that aban-
involuntarily placed in solitary con- that has been ripping me apart since there aren’t more Radicals not less. I black and white terms. Deep inside doning it would lead to abandoning
finement for 3 years. After receiv- childhood. Perhaps it is because I can’t imagine how utterly worthless you suspect that there may be other my faith. I also feared confronting
ing my sentence, I was once again have always felt like an outsider. You many of them are made to feel. The colours, which subconsciously drives the reality that I may have thrown my
considered a radical threat and sent see, even though I am a citizen of this culprits are foreign and local govern- you to engage in constant re-enforce- whole life away and brought so much
to Canada’s only Super Max prison country, I have never felt Canadian. ments who systematically strip the ment of your beliefs. It is said that suffering upon my family for no good
(Usually, you have to kill or stab That is because ever since I arrived people of their dignity. those who are most dogmatic are cause.
someone inside to be sent there). I here as a 12-year-old boy, in my What happens to a street vendor usually the least certain. A vivid de- Holding on became harder and hard-
spent 6 difficult years there before fi- mind, to be a real Canadian you had who can’t sell his fruits without piction of this internal struggle is that er until it finally became impossible
nally getting transferred to Millhaven to be white. having to pay a bribe to a policeman? of a boy who is perpetually fortifying and I simply had to let go out of
Max where I currently reside. Prior to immigrating here, I lived in What happens to a young man or the walls of a Sand Castle he built too sheer disillusionment. What followed
Based on what you just read, it is my mother’s country of birth, Cyprus. woman who just graduated from closely to the waves. was not a free fall into a dark abyss
easy to imagine me as a tough, There too I felt like an outsider since university but can’t find suitable When I arrived at the Special Han- of disbelief but rather a surprising
violent, angry man with a threatening I was keenly aware that my Arab employment because all the jobs dling Unit (Canada’s Super Max) I was spiritual ascent that is best captured
demeanor. The truth is that I am the features automatically disqualified have been given to those with special willing to give change a chance for in a poem I wrote called “Servant of
exact opposite of that image. me from claiming to be Cypriot. connections? What happens to a peo- the sake of my family, but unfor- the Ever-Merciful”
Guilty, I am. Radicalized I was. Yet I Prior to that, I lived in Saudi Arabia ple who have no say whatsoever in tunately the administrators were If you are not as beautiful as the Sun
still find my entire situation incred- where native citizens are infamous how their governments are run and unresponsive. Feeling rejected once When it spreads its light upon the
ibly surreal. I often go back in time for looking down upon all non-Sau- are treated like cattle if not worse? again intensified my radical state and face of lands and seas
to retrace my steps and figure out dis. I still remember the words of a What happens to a people who have I in fact became more extreme in the If you do not glow as the full Moon
how I ended up here. Every time I Saudi boy who referred to us Pales- to live under the deadly shadows of SHU than I ever was outside. I adopt- does
engage in this exercise, I find a young tinians as “Phalas-Teezi” (A hybrid Drones? What happens to a person ed a standoffish attitude towards the In the midst of darkness
man who was caught up in a perfect word that combines “Palestinian” who witnesses their entire family administrators and refused meeting Illuminating the way for life’s travel-
storm of internal and external influ- with the Arabic word for “Ass”). The get wiped out by a “precise” missile my parole officer for many years. ers
ences. The inevitability of it all is what sad fact that I was sexually molested strike? This state of affairs continued until If you are not as graceful as the lofty
I find most remarkable. while living there could have only Desperate for belonging to a people ISIS declared its Caliphate and news Cont'd on page 4

INSIDE 2 3-4 5-8 11 12

2 // bulletin board
Brown at: P.O. Box 53222 Marlborough last submissions being accepted at July 25th.
CRO, Calgary AB. T2A 7L9 or www. I know this is extremely short notice and I do
InmateInk.ca" apologize for that, but I'm hoping we will be back
If you have had success using a pen on track by PJD.
pal service (other than ours) and would
like to share it with other Cell Count I am looking for art work that is PJD-related, as
subscribers, please write to us or call. well as poetry and articles. Thank you so much
We can list it in a future issue. for your understanding and please call if you have
Obituary Section
We were getting about 75 Cell Counts
sent back to us each mail-out labelled, After facilitating a grief and loss group at Bea-
‘Not Here’. Please help us reduce our vercreek Institution in May 2018, and hearing
mailing expenses by letting us know of from people about how grief can often be a
any address change, ASAP! Thank you lonely, isolating experience for people inside,
for the consideration. we've decided to dedicate space in Cell Count
for obituaries, as a way to express the impor-
Workload tance someone you may have lost had to you
PASAN has been around for over 25 and others. With this section, we hope to give
years now and over the years our you an outlet to express your grief so you don't
client population has increased dra- have to experience it alone. You can send in
matically. As a result of this increase in an obituary about someone you may have lost
workload, clients may not be able to in prison or on the outside. We will start with
spend as much time on the telephone a limit of 125 words per obituary and expand
with staff as we would like. The staff based on your feedback. You can also send in
and volunteers are dedicated and a photo or art to accompany it.
committed and will continue to pro-
vide the best care possible. Thanks for Bring PASAN to your group
your patience and understanding! Are you a PEC/APEC worker or part of a Prisoner
Calling all artists, writers (fic- run group? PASAN regularly visits and holds work-
tion, non-fiction, short stories, shops at prisons, if you would like to request us to
etc), illustrators, cartoonists, come and be a part of your work give us a call at
poets, journalists (aspiring or 1-866-224-9978. It is a free call from any phone
otherwise), and other creative and we would love to hear from you!
types: Contact Numbers
We want your submissions! We get If you are in any Federal/Provincial Institution
lots of letters from our readers telling or Detention Centre call us only with this #:
Land Acknowledgment parody, satire, criticism, review, and news re- us how much they love seeing all your work Toll-free 1-866-224-9978
PASAN's office, where we publish Cell porting does not infringe copyright.” and they’re hungry for more. Send us your
stuff and get published in Cell Count. When ID Clinic
Count, is on the historical territory of the
A Note about Pen Pals: you send us stuff, please make sure you write a
Huron-Wendat, Petun, Seneca and, most The Partners for Access and Identification
recently, the Mississaugas of the New Credit We've received a lot of calls and letters asking line in that gives us permission to publish your (PAID) project opens doors and breaks down
Indigenous peoples. This territory is covered about Pen Pals, and it's been difficult delivering work. Also, let us know if you would like your barriers for individuals who do not have a fixed
by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt the sad news that we no longer have the ca- work returned to you or sent on to someone or permanent address.
Covenant, an agreement between the Haude- pacity or funds to run it anymore. We know it's else! Please also type your work or write clearly The ID Clinics are held at PASAN on the 1st & 3rd
nosaunee and the Ojibwe and allied nations been a really important piece of Cell Count, and if you can! Thursday of each month, 1:00-2:00pm
to peaceably share and care for the lands that it has led to some amazing connections Writers: We get a lot of great work sent in that The project operates at various sites across the
and resources around the Great Lakes. for our readers in the past. We really wish we we are unable to use because of very limited city of Toronto. The PAID project also connects
could continue it, but due to a lack of resources space. Apologies. Please consider the column individuals and families to other services, such
HIV+ Client Services width & keep articles/poems tight & to the
it is no longer possible for us. We will continue as: primary health care facilities, sources for
In order to be a client & access these services to keep a running list of alternative places you point. Honestly, the first items to go in are the housing, sources for food & Legal Aid.
you need to have confirmed HIV+ status and can send your ads and photos, although some ones that fit nicely and leave space for others We also provide guidance and awareness
be a prisoner or ex-prisoner (all times Eastern come with a cost. We cannot personally vouch – quality and quantity! Also, let us know in regarding other programs that are available,
Standard time) for these options, so please use them at your writing if it’s ok to edit your work for grammar, including community-based support services.
• Phone Hours: Mon – Fri from 9-5, except own discretion: spelling and so we can fit it in. For more information, please call: Neighbour-
Tuesday mornings Canadian Inmates Connect: Currently, there is Please note: If you do send something to hood Link Support Services at 416-691-7407.
a $35/year subscription. Your ad will be placed us, please give us a call if you can so we can Also at the Toronto South D.C. Put in a request
• Workshops and Programming - Scheduled look out for it in the mail. Also, call us again
usually on Mondays or Thursdays, give us a on a website, and people with internet access to see them.
browse through to decide who to connect with. at least a week after you send it to make sure
call or check out our website for a complete we got it. If not, if you're sending in a piece of Prison Radio
list of events we have scheduled. A point of caution: you are asked to say what
you have been convicted for, and your full writing, we can transcribe it over the phone for
• ID Clinic – 1st & 3rd Thursday 1:00-2:00 every KINGSTON AREA - CFRC Prison Radio airs
name will be published online. Melissa is the you, so keep a copy of everything you send us!
month - for everyone. every Wednesday evening from 7-8pm on 101.9
person to contact for more information. Write We're especially looking for submissions
FM. CFRC is the Queen's University communi-
• Release Funds - $50 (twice a year max) or call her at: Canadian Inmates Connect Inc. from women-identified folks! Women are the
ty radio station and every last Wednesday of
• TTC Tokens – 2 each for clients who attend 3085 Kingston Rd, Suite 267, Toronto, Ontario, fastest-growing prisoner population in Canada,
the month. CFRC can be heard from Millhaven
workshops M1M 1P1 - (647) 344-3404 but often their experiences are marginalized
Institution, Collins Bay Institution, Joyceville In-
Black and Pink: Specifically for queer and trans in conversations about the prison system. We
• Harm Reduction Materials – Mon – Fri from stitution, Bath Institution, Frontenac Institution,
prisoners. They are based in the United States, want to hear your take on prison, life, family,
9-5, except Tuesday AM (Safer-Crack-Use- Pittsburgh Institution, and Quinte Detention
it does not cost anything to be part of the list, or anything else you're interested in writing
Kits, Safer-Needle-Use-Kits, Piercing Needles, Centre.
and you don't have to tell them your convic- about. We can guarantee confidentiality, and
Condoms, etc.) - for everyone. can publish your pieces under a pseudonym if MONTREAL AREA – CKUT Prison Radio airs
Sometimes we and the phones are very busy so tion. Here is how to reach them: Black and Pink on 90.3 FM on the second Thursday of every
National Office, 614 Columbia Rd, Dorchester, you want! Please submit your articles, poetry,
please keep trying! art, or letters to the Cell Count editor at 526 month between 5-6 pm as part of the Off the
MA 02125 Hour show and on the fourth Friday of every
About Cell Count 617.519.4387 Richmond St E, Toronto, ON M5A 1R3 - in the
meantime, check out Concrete Blossoms on month between 11am and 12pm. It can be
Prison Fellowship Canada: This is a faith- heard from Bordeaux, Rivière-des-Prairies,
PASAN publishes ‘Cell Count’, a minimum of based, Christian organization that connects page 5.
4 issues per year. We are based in Toronto on Centre de formation fédéral, Leclerc, Montée
prisoners with volunteers of either the same A note when subscribing to Cell Count St-Francois, Centre de détention pour les immi-
the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of gender, or where there is a 15-20 year age
New Credit First Nation, the Haudenosaunee, We have been notified by a few different grants, Archambault, Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines,
difference. The point is for you to have an and Cowansville institutions.
the Huron-Wendat and home to many diverse outlet to express yourself to someone who will institutions that if you'd like your subscription
Indigenous peoples. It is sent out for FREE to listen. If you are of the Christian faith, this may of Cell Count to make it into your hands, you VANCOUVER AREA – Stark Raven Collective
Clients & Prisoners in Canada. If you are on be a great option for you. You can reach them have to register at the library to receive it first. runs the CFRO Prison Radio show on 100.5 FM
the outside or part of an organization, please for more info at: Prison Fellowship Canada - Please do this before requesting a subscription as part of Vancouver Co-operative Radio. It
consider a donation @ $20 per year. We are National Office, 5945 Airport Road, Suite 144, from us just to make sure! Also, if you are inter- broadcasts on the first Monday of each month
proud to release our 84th issue to you. We are Mississauga, ON L4V 1R9 ested in subscribing please contact: Cell Count, from 7-8 pm Pacific Time
also grateful for all the wonderful feedback we 905.673.5867 526 Richmond St E, Toronto, ON, M5A 1R3 or
have been receiving from our readers, and en- call Sena at: 1-866-224-9978 ext 228 HALIFAX AREA - Dalhousie University's CKDU
Prisoner Correspondence Project: "..a sol- at 88.1 FM. Listen or call in for poetry and rap
courage you to keep putting your two cents in. idarity project for gay, lesbian, transsexual,
Our goal is to have most of our content written Prisoners Justice Day Issue Due Date! on the Black Power Hour, which airs Wednes-
transgender, gendervariant, two-spirit, intersex, days from 1:30-2:30pm , and is co-hosted by
and produced by prisoners and ex-prisoners, so bisexual and queer prisoners in Canada and the As you have probably noticed, we have been be-
we highly encourage you to get in touch with former Halifax poet laureate El Jones. The show
United States, linking them with people who are hind schedule in sending out Cell Count. We have
us if you're interested in being part of the Cell focuses on social and cultural issues relevant to
part of these same communities outside of pris- been trying to adjust to the volume of submis-
Count team. Black communities, but is open all listeners.
on." - From their website. Write to them here: sions we have been receiving by expanding the
Publisher: PASAN QPIRG Concordia c/o Concordia University number of pages in Cell Count. As well, Sena the
526 Richmond St E, Toronto, ON M5A 1R3 New Indigenous Program Coordinator
1455 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Montreal, QC H3G editor has taken on more projects, such as visiting
Circulation: 700+ - Recirculation: ??? 1M8 federal institutions in Ontario to co-facilitate We are happy to announce that Bear Charles
All original artwork, poems and writings are the Inmate Ink: "Help us bring Hope to a prisoner workshops inside. So the "spring" issue is coming has accepted the position of Indigenous
sole/soul property of the artist and author. one letter at a time. Offers memberships from out closer to early summer. Program Coordinator here at PASAN! Please
Fair Dealing in the Canadian Copyright Act: $20 - $40. Your completed ad will be pub- We would however, ideally like to get the give him a call if there are ways you think he
lished on our website for anyone in the general Prisoners Justice Day issue out to you all before can support you while you are inside. To get in
Sections 29, 29.1, 29.2: “Fair dealing for the public to view and contact you directly. For an August 10th, so we will need your submissions touch with him, please give him a call at: 416-
purpose of research, private study, education, application or more info, please contact Tasha for that issue to come in by July 15th with the 920-9567 ext 235
3 // from inside
“We Rise” heads in humble surrender the ladder Anyone to believe in me Truly Free
Caught in his web, where we did not So no matter how hard I try
By Bless Had every inch of earth been filled matter People still ask me why By Patrick J.M. Dowdell
Black people rise, no matter how far with every kind of crime And one Fake video moments were crafted, Sometimes time stands still You can lock a person up in an Insti-
we may fall such soul remained behind I would but truth never captured Most times, time flies by tution physically
Our pride keeps our heads high, it allow them time For it did not show, Mother and I No time to kill But mentally and spiritually it is
keeps us standing tall being battered No matter what ourselves
You, me, us, we are champions Can you not see that nothing could I remember crying and being ground- My eyes always seem blurry That hold this key
With a powerful drive, strength and be without its other pair Without a ed for days Like a voice To this fine line of sanity or insanity!
ambition North there is no South and such are Weeping away, my life into plays Where nobody hears me To let them control this would be a
They say things “used to be hard” Good and Evil I gave you all the will to I felt like a lamb, to a wolf I am prey Not unless I scream loss, but when you are in control, it is
because of the colour of our skin choose and thus you chose to be As Mother and I both walked, And with eyes a victory
But it doesn’t seem like much has And now you turn around and point through two shades of grey It’s never what it seems Because within us is a vault contain-
changed since then your finger blaming me Walking on eggshells and everyday To be… ing our greatest memories
Racial profiling, because of how we A chance to be was the same Unless it’s truly a sight And it is these memories that can get
look, or what we’re driving At night mother screamed; in the To see… us through even our darkest of days
Or because we live in low-income By Zakaria Amara morning she’d yell And then we’re in trouble Whistling in Prison
housing If you are sitting all alone Wondering Taking her pain out on me, because And then it’s time to pretend
Leaving us at a disadvantage to those how life took this tum Asking yourself she survived hell We couldn’t see it all By Philipe Poisson
with privilege what went wrong? Sometimes it took weeks for her to Too blind to see to stand Whistling? Why write about whis-
So we learn to make due with what Wondering where all the colours break the spell From pedestals we’ll fall tling? Who cares about whistling?
we have have gone Thinking now all is lost She’d carry the facade she was doing AHHHHH… You’d be surprised. Most federal
Through our trials, we come together Sensing the end is nearing fast Then fine and just well Oh, don’t worry as no matter inmates (about 85%, say) know the
Through the struggles, we help one I ask you to ponder over What you “Make sure you stay quiet and please We would never ever perish answer to these questions. And for
another have not what you lack What you don’t ever tell” We wouldn’t die no way those of you who don’t know, here’s
With each other we conquer and gained not what you lost But I understood very well, why she No need for early graves the answer, that could just save your
overcome tribulations What could be not what could’ve would need On time, the manner, place life...
Elevating each other to receive God’s been To be alone in the house where she …On times from years as days Back in the old days when inmates
blessings Can’t you see my dear friend would dream were sentenced to death in prison,
Even though you may be struggling That the wheels of life always spin “Get Out - Go Away” is what she Oh they were put on the infamous
now That every trial is but a chance would scream “Death Row.”
By Larry Cardinal Death row was a hard life. From
Know that there is light at the end of A chance to be who you should have My presence was suffocating and she An eerie shape
each and every one of your tunnels been what I’ve read and from what I’ve
just needed to breathe Forms from a cloud’s shadow been told, death row inmates were
So continue to rise, rise high like a EMPTY “A ride or more money” - Gimme Upon a wall of myth locked down 23 hours a day, 7 days
tower of power Gimme to me - Who is it with?
By Kyle King a week. Every day they were offered
Because it’s not just a hashtag, it’s Just for today, won’t you just let me And who has not
This void one hour outside, and every other
true that Black Lives Matter. be Only a stars lines
This poem is re-printed because we did not Swallows the noise and, day, a 15-minute shower.
And why the fuck do I never hear the We’ll decide what time If you went into death row at a
present it in it's entirety in the last issue due to The tears that roll down my face word PLEASE?”
an editing error. We deeply apologize to A.V. for Victories, mistakes A prophet will be right very old age, then you had it all right
So I would leave - and alone again I And even more at night cuz you were knocking at death’s
this mistake and thank you for your patience Triumphs, disgrace It hurts to know
with us. would be As Eve devoured the fruit door anyways. But if you went into
That I’m in need of this place That’s My poppa always sang of the birds Now we use it to compute
012610 where all the feelings I chase Go to and the bees If 13 is bad luck
death row in your 20s or 30s, well
fester good luck buddy; you had a lot of
By Forgotten Warrior to my Mom, to my cousins, he would Then what is our Lord years ahead of you.
Its there I see my Mother and, Re- sing it to we
Buddha girl, I was ready to ride with member in her time of need I left her A fruit we can’t afford You are allowed a television in
you “Tell me a story, tell me a story, As fruition incites pride your cell, as well as a pen, paper,
After I stressed her Right to her limit Tell me a story, before I go to bed”
Rob with you, get high with you and To the void That eerie shape commissary (what is canteen now-
die for you Now Grama’n’Grampa and aunt, are A weary sight adays), books, jigsaw puzzles... And
Is where those feelings are living It all fuckin’ dead
I believed in a life with you, lived my takes and takes And so I lied cigarettes. You could smoke back
life for you Just like my soul that I sold, or maybe To sheep as flock then.
I’m giving and giving Willing so willing the devil stole
Held my head high, cause of you Thinking its helping As wolves at night And, although you were living in
Gave up the game for you But gone is gone and that much I As loaves multiply an age where hangings were not
This game is called death and, I’ve know
Lived a life I learned to love with you been dealt in And wine happening anymore, lethal injection
And marrying you gave me pride to I say bad things ya know, everything’s From rain wasn’t happening yet. You are sat
High stakes but, Death is welcome wrong
be with you How can I appreciate life When I And blood in a straight-back chair, imagine
Now you may have the thunder Sometimes I wish, that it was me To life… this if you will, your arms and legs
have never had 1? There is no way to gone
But I be the lightning that destroys And on are strapped to the chair and a wet
escape The void is my destiny Like I am being missed - I never get
I’m all that’s left sponge is placed on your head,
The Cancer of Resentment TRIAL&ERROR kissed followed by a metal bowl with leather
By Zakaria Amara I was the second, retarded born kid By Jeremy Hall straps and it’s strapped under your
By Kyle King
How could you be when all I see is Yesterday I was a child, today I am Here I am balancing on the edge of chin.
I know what’s required I swear I’m
suffering? old, ugly and grown all that’s left. You look straight ahead into a
just tired of, Waking everyday to
When all I see is orphaned children And I have so much pain, inside of You’ve never seen me vulnerable like windowed observation room with
Rekindle this fire but, It’s the heat of
cry in pain wondering my brain and deep this, wooden chairs lined up like bleachers
its flame That keeps me inspired To
How could you let their innocence be in my bones & even though it hurts - at a football game. And it’s not just
be great
robbed away in darkness Wooden spoons, the belt, and fists I clench my teeth down on my fist anyone sitting there. You’re looking
In the face of, Being promised a day
How could you let their blood flow were even thrown My heart beats wildly in my chest into the faces of those who love you:
That’s determined by fate It’s the
like endless streams it’s madness Hey mom, your black eye matches My eyes Burn Bright mother, father, brother, sister, wife
time and the place and... God forbid, your children.
How could you be when ones who my bloody nose I’m all that’s left.
That, from my mind has escaped It’s And the whole time all of this is
claim belief in you are faithless They This is our story of two Sad and Sorry The horizon burns in front of me
late and, happening: your last meal (whatev-
walk around self-righteously with Souls The wind beats on my back
My body needs sleep You see what er you wanted, within reason), last
vanity it’s nonsense And it does not matter who got it My heart is on the loose and I know
you need and, smoke, walking out your cell down
They play with blood as casually as more There’s no getting it back
Deny what’s beneath Ignore what’s the hall and into the electric chair
they would with water The only thing Because in my house, abuse was a
real and, Rely on beliefs
chore False Hope where they strap you in and, looking
that’s on their mind as they awake is I hope you find what you seek What’s
And I was the only kid that Abuse into your loved ones faces, the whole
slaughter lost must be found By Jeremy Hall
didn’t ignore time, that one guard who always
I rest my case, I end my speech and Whether you’re searching in a cave There is no forever baby
So now my dreams consist, of one loved you for this or that reason, is
now I sit in silence Waiting on you to or, 6ft in the ground Every night dies with the morning
wish, to have never whistling away as if he’s on a Sunday
answer me if you exist your highness Falling from the sky or, Getting lost in sun
been born stroll through the park.
I heard your words I always do and a crowd being Drawn to the sound, There is no forever babe Back then it was like getting
now here is the answer You’re not I drown in the liquor I make outta
The cries and wails Pain leaves a trail No matter what punched in the face again, and again,
the first nor are the last to have this sugar and corn
Trying to survive but, I try and, Every dream comes undone. and again. And being unable to do
common Cancer All I am is a shadow, so there’s no
I fail... Forget about forever baby anything about it.
That kills the hearts and blinds the need to mourn
Thru Poetry I cry… For where is my Princess, to love and Press your red hot lips to the barrel The the whistling stops. In walks
eyes from seeing all the wisdom In all a priest to give you your last rites of
adorn of my smoking gun
my works, in all my deeds through- By Tylor Beggs (Lucky) passage and to hear your last confes-
Now all I am is a convict, that once Fuck the dream about forever babe
out my endless kingdom Thru Poetry I cry… Both Mother and I sion. Then he leaves.
When I first made your father Adam Inside my beating heart, then trav- was a child who could never do Fuck it all & fuck everyone!
wrong No excuses are sung, as I cry There is no forever, baby. And then you’re no more, as the
all the Angels questioned Will you eled to my mind; I just want to leave guard throws the switch and 20,000
bring forth those who kill and spread Born from my eyes, tears came alive; through my song There is no forever for anyone.
A broken life lived too long, you can volts of electricity course through
evil corruption They failed to over- then lived and died on my cheek It’s
look the many evil ones and see sorrow I reap and it’s love I seek; see it in my True Beauty your body.
Sad blue eyes Every time someone whistles,
A few humble hearts whose very Again, I weep myself to sleep. My life By Zakaria Amara whether it be a guard or fellow
being is mercy as a child, consisted of no laughter Thru Poetry I cry… both Mother and I
How often have you seen a man inmate, remember all your friends
They feed the poor, they help the For I was the victim of two parent’s Tock whose beauty brings delight or family who have passed away that
weak, and heal the sick and wounded rapture yet whose ugly character you have cared about. And imagine it
By Larry Cardinal –
They wipe the tears, they mend the But sometimes my mother tried to, makes you run with fright was one of them sitting in that elec-
Sometimes my eyes deceive me
hearts and act as I commanded They Love this little bastard how often have you seen a girl tric chair. While imagining this, I dare
My eyes play make-believe with me
offer thanks and speak with words However, she did not prevent, our you to whistle and not feel anger or
Sometimes I go blind whose looks are not so fine
that are always tender life with the master disgust with yourself.
Looking at the sunshine yet each word that leaves her lips
And when they pray they bow their Instead we slowly stepped, high on That, is why we don’t whistle in jail.
Then I can’t find makes the whole world shine
4 // from inside

Sand Castle Time Share I can see the wear and my lap as we roasted marshmallows foolish men, generations and even stealing our land
tear melt away. over the flaming hibachi. For Heidi kings of the past. In a nutshell what My name is Stands with the Wolves and
Once we unpack and put the and I, the true spirit of Christmas is they’ve taught us is that we all need I’m taking a stand
con't from cover story the giving of ourselves to each other.
groceries away Heidi and I kick back somebody: the shoulder to cry, ear to I come from the Kopahawakenum Band
Clouds All too soon, our time together is
and relax without a single concern. In listen or the security a hug provides Fuck Parliament they eliminate hope
Spreading shade over life’s scorched over. With our happiness comes the
between the cuddling and passionate when we feel lonely. Word to the rope around Louis Riel’s
inhabitants distinct sense of pain and depression
love making we eat whatever strikes It is fear that inhibits us and sets throat!
Raining water upon their parched lips that follows each of our separations.
our fancy. internal limitations hindering us from They weakened us with diseases,
Bringing life to their dead lands We shed our tears. and bury the ache
We both enjoy cooking and each seeing people for what they are. alcohol, diabetes, false treaties...
Then I am afraid deep inside as we remind ourselves
day the heavenly smells of seasonal Their true intentions whether they then conquered us because they
You have misunderstood that our cup is half full, not half
delights permeate every room. Apple have your best interest at heart or couldn’t win in a fair fight, forced us to
What it means to be empty. The wonderful memories of
pie, oven roasted turkey, Scottish their ulterior motives. Differentiat- believe in Jesus!
A servant of God this time will sustain us until we’re
short bread and chocolate chip cook- ing between someone having good They disrespected the Mother that’s
I felt liberated to finally be able to together again this summer.
ies are all on the menu. Every day intention and bad is important and beneath us
see the world in its true colours. This Conjugal visits are often seen by the
life doesn’t afford us the opportunity should never be confused. and slaughtered buffalo, to control the
feeling only intensified as I slowly public as an indulgence to prisoners,
for these luxuries so we tend to go all Know your friends and recognize way they would feed us, Mistreat us!
took the shackles off one by one. This but I can emphatically state that our
out when we get the chance. your enemies. Understand and ac- They made it look like we needed them
process began a few years ago and week-long visits have changed my
Under the circumstances, we natural- cept the people in your life that may but they need us...
continues to this day. life. They put an end to 19 years of
ly treasure our private time togeth- be different from you they’re still To feel superior, important, we were
How do I view my experience? De- enforced celibacy, and have allowed
er, particularly during the holiday your friends and there for you and peaceful, they were morbid
spite its hardships and painful losses, me to re-enter the realm of human
season. Simple acts, routine with your perception of them shouldn’t We only took what we needed they
I see it as a blessing. Sometimes I tell beings. Those 19 years without
couples who live together full time, change because you choose to wanted more of it...
myself that I am acquiring a PHD in companionship, or the simple act of
like snuggling on the couch or playing ignore the writing on the wall. to make profit, they were greedy, they
Life Studies from the University of human affection expressed through
Scrabble at the kitchen table, take on Never make an enemy of a friend “gifted” us with sugar, then they sugar
the Incarcerated. I live a very mean- a caress, had a devastating affect on
a whole new meaning for us. In fact, because there is no limit to which coated those treaties
ingful life despite living behind bars me. Before my first trailer with Heidi,
during our Christmas vacation, Heidi they’ll go to show you the mistake We offered them tobacco and squash
and I am incredibly optimistic about my self-respect had been based on
and I spend more time together than you made. Cherish what you have and taught them how to trap beaver
my future. To God I am ever grateful being a solid, stand-up con. That’s all
most couples would in two months. because to lose it could mean losing They gave us guns so we can kill each
for all of this. I could aspire to be in this concrete
We’re together every minute of the everything. other...not to make hunting easier
I ask the Canadian public to forgive and steel fortress. It helped me
day, 24 hours a day, for the entire Only the strong survive they say The trees we used to make tipis were
me for betraying their trust and survive, but that’s all it did. It’s not ex-
week. Some might consider that a but sometimes you need 2 play the chopped down so they could make
welcoming arms. actly something that will impress the
nightmare, but for us, it’s Utopia. We sucker to create a sucker and falling books
I ask the Muslim community to Parole Board. But now I’m proud to
become so caught up in ourselves into the trap could be your demise. That way they can say to the future
forgive me for causing them so much say, I’m just a man, a man who feels,
and our special time together that we Don’t fall victim to pride and the generations that we were the crooks
apprehension by helping to cast shares, gives and loves. Heidi and I
continuously forget where we are. thought of how you’re perceived by We gave to them, they took from us,
them under a dark cloud of suspi- had to wait seven years for our first
At set intervals the kitchen phone others. now tell me who’s truly crooked!?
cion. opportunity to be alone. Now we only
rings three times per day, this being A portion of the Black Hills was trans-
I ask my dear parents to forgive me
for breaking their hearts.
the only intrusion on our solitude. wait six months. It’s still a long time, WARRIOR formed into four ugly ass faces of the
We exchange a knowing look as I pick but not the eternity it used to be. white race after they took it.
I ask my brother and sister to forgive I’ll be applying for Parole in 2002, 24 By Nolan R. Turcotte
up the receiver. The conversation Was that racist? I don’t care.
me for causing them so much stress years after I first walked through the I am from...
never varies. They created racism in the first place.
and sadness. front doors of a maximum-security the bloodline of Revolutionaries
“Hello?” I practice Truth because Turtle Island’s
I ask my ex-wife whose loss I never penitentiary. There is nothing in life the ones who got their plots hon-
“McMaster, you and your visitor my birthplace!
recovered from, to forgive me for that could have prepared me, or oured in the cemeteries
step out for count.”
abandoning her and devastating her anyone else, for this inconceivable they’re alive in my veins but forever
“Yeah, sure.”
in such a way. journey known as a Life Sentence. buried
And I hang up. The communica-
I ask her entire family to forgive me Ironically, it was within prison that can’t call bullshit on this one...
tions are always short, if not sweet.
for turning their lives upside down. Louis Riel the greatest Metis known
We put on our bathrobes, push open I found the skills, humanity and ets O
I ask all the young men who became to mankind nTwe
involved because of me to forgive me
the screen door and step out onto compassion necessary for my suc-
Who’s great-great-great-great grand- Priso
the small cement porch. Standing cessful re-integration into society.
for everything. Over the years I made many of the father was Sioux war chief Standing
under the watchful eye of the gun
I ask their families for forgiveness necessary changes on my own, but Moose from Minnesota?
tower’s surveillance cameras, we wait
as well. I never would have evolved into a MINE!!!
for the guard to make his rounds. It’s
Last but not least, I ask my beloved
An idea developed by Jeff Craig

count time at Collins Bay Peniten- fully rounded human being without Rising up for Our People’s in my family
daughter to forgive me for leaving the benefit of a loving partner and tree
her without a father. Princess, when accessibility to the Private Visiting So I smudge and thank Creator just for Cell Count contributor Jeff Craig
As a Lifer with 22 years of incarcer-
I see you in my dreams I hold you in Family Program. planting the seed... came up with "Prison Tweets." A
ation under my belt I’m accustomed
my arms and weep, and weep, and For those that would criticize con- As I sit and ask myself, “Why follow "tweet" is a super short quote,
to it all, but I often wonder how Heidi
weep ‘till I wake. Beloved, knowing jugal visitation, l would suggest they when I can lead? shoutout, piece of wisdom, thought,
internalizes the sights before us. The
what I know now, if I could go back in re-think their conclusions. A man can Why run when I can bleed? Why eat update, or anything you can come
gun tower resembles the turret of a
time to be with you, I would be there walk out the front door of a peniten- when I can feed? Why take what I up with! Mail us or call with a tweet,
castle and is so close it could be hit
in a heartbeat. But grieve no more, tiary with a belief system based on don’t need?” and you might see it in an upcoming
with an apple. The massive perim-
for I once heard that “the Truth shall being a solid con, or he can return to And the answer is, “I come from a issue. Let's see what you got!
eter wall, with its razor wire, looms
set you free”... loyal breed.”
Now I know that what I heard is true.
directly in front of us. Our small that special place called home, where Kyle King Tweet
yard, caged in, with a padlocked gate, he’ll find stability, support and a com- My name is Stands with the Wolves
TIME SHARE rounds off the picture. We exchange mitted partner. It shouldn’t be too and I’m an Indigenous man with an + Appreciate what you have before it
niceties with the prisoner and his hard to figure out who you’d rather ingenious plan. I’m willing to vision becomes what you had.
By Gregory J. McMaster quest and protest against what’s
For the second consecutive year, my family next door through the open have walking the streets and living in Nick Paccione Tweets
links of the fence that separates us. your neighborhood. against Our teachings from Our land!
wife and I spent Christmas together I ride for what is right
in what Heidi affectionately calls They’ve received the same abrupt + Keep in mind that whenever you
our Time Share in Eastern Ontario. phone call. And, though we can’t see Untitled If I fall when I fight I will get up and undermine another person's hu-
them, there are four other prison- fight harder manity by, say, calling or referring to
Actually, it’s a small three-bedroom By Kyle King I could use a tomahawk but I think
duplex with a living room, kitchen ers stepping out onto small cement that person as a cunt, a pig, a fag, or
porches with their loved ones, wait- We refuse to acknowledge the right my mind’s a little sharper... a n----r, you lose a part of your own
and full bath. The duplex is in a shel- in a way that promotes recognition I’ve been called heartless
tered spot, off the beaten path, far ing to be counted. humanity in the process."
There is a total of six Private Family and insist on accepting the wrong but my heart goes out to every Mur- + Whatever you give your attention
away from the frenzy of vacationers giving the illusion that it’s the norm. dered and Missing Indigenous son
and holiday party enthusiasts. It’s not Visiting trailers at Collins Bay. We call to, you give power to. So be very
them trailers, but in reality, they’re Ask yourself when the people that and daughter... careful what you give your attention
entirely isolated, there are several appear to be the strong pick on the I find it ironic how I’m a leader, but
duplexes just like it nearby so we small duplexes, all huddled together to, and be very smart by giving it to
in one comer of the prison. They are weak who should be wearing what I’m following in the footsteps of my kindness and positive change."
do have neighbors. Although the shoe? The strong are supposed to ancestors.
surprisingly nice considering their
neighbors are different each time, we
location. Heidi and I affectionately protect the weak not victimize them Those are big moccasins to fill Forgotten Warrior Tweets
all have one thing in common due to which begs the question if it’s done I got a big buffalo to kill But still...
our similar situations. refer to Trailer #6 as our Time Share. + We learn what we live & we live
During this trip Heidi and I hung as a show of strength the person I will.
Heidi and I utilize our Time Share what we learn
homemade decorations, watched the with the bad intention is most likely
twice a year for a much-needed week + You first have to do you and the
first big snowfall of the season, and trying to bring someone down to Whether the results are minor or
of intimacy. For the rest of the year, right things will fall into place
set out treats for the family of mice their level. The bottomless pit of major I’m still playing my part
we live apart, separated by several + When I left all I took with me was
that live under the sidewalk. We scum sucking hatred for oneself and One thing I can promise, I won’t stop
thousand miles. Essentially, we have my scars
cuddled in the living room, watched everything around you that you feel once I start...
the classic long-distance relationship, + You cannot kill what you did not
rented videos, listened to some of that the only way to make yourself My voice will be heard like a drum
though we stay in constant contact create
our favourite music and, worked to- feel better is to be as ignorant and But actions speak louder than words
through phone calls and letters. + This is where dreams & nightmares
gether in the kitchen on devilish food insufferable as you can be. So my acts will be seen like the artifacts
Heidi is a lawyer, an Appellant begin
fantasies. On clear nights, I would It’s not only what you say it’s how Discovered under Mother Earth…
Specialist in the hectic arena of + I know you’re mind altering, but are
carry the living-room reclining chair and just as important where and I am from…
Criminal Law. Her daily life is filled you life changing
outside to watch the moon and stars. to whom you say it to. Words my The bloodline of Warriors.
with snarling Judges, conniving + The love that I lost wasn’t worth
friends are as painful as any physical
Prosecutors and prisoners desperate For two decades, I had never seen
blow. ORIGINAL SAVAGES, Part 1 what it cost
to have their Appeals heard. Heidi’s the twinkling of a star or watched + I’m not here to love my twisted soul
the moon as it traversed the night- If we construct the wall strong By Nolan R. Turcotte
work often leaves her feeling as if the into your life
time sky, so I find myself naturally and high enough you’ll isolate They’re calling us savages... they’re
weight of the world is resting upon + Days turn into nights, nights into
mesmerized by these celestial gifts. yourself. Isolation is dangerous it’s calling us savages...but they are the
her 5’10” willowy frame. When we years
To celebrate the last full moon of the written so much in history yet we savages... They’re the ones killing our
walk through the front door of our + My horizon is limited to the next
millennium, Heidi sat bundled up in repeat the same practices of the women and raping our children and day’s struggles
5 // news on the block
Chiefs, three levels of court heard

What's New in Prison News?

contraband." people with families waiting for them that Correctional Service of Canada
Egan said he's been waiting for on the outside, and some people knew the tests may not be valid at
real-time monitoring in Ontario's who had not a single soul waiting for predicting Indigenous offender risk
jails since a 2011 inquest into the them or who cared about them.” as early as 2000.
Needle exchanges coming to 2 "This program represents a death of Kenneth Randall Drysdale The jail did nothing to help her Canada’s top court Wednesday, in a
Canadian prisons dangerous turning point. Correc- who was killed at the Elgin-Middlesex overcome her life of living from crisis 7-2 decision, found that use of these
By Rafferty Baker tional Service Canada has decided Detention Centre (EMDC). to crisis, she said. tools for Indigenous inmates may be
CBC News, May 14, 2018 to close its eyes to drug trafficking That was the first time Egan saw discriminatory, because Correctional
Inmates at two federal prisons who in our institutions. It has chosen to real-time monitoring as a recommen- “Help is not what you get in OCDC. Services Canada had, in Ewert’s case,
use injection drugs will have access encourage criminal activity inside the dation. We couldn’t access mental health failed to fulfil its obligation to ensure
to clean syringes beginning in June, walls instead of investing in the care During the 2015 inquest into the sui- supports, housing supports, (or) it used the most accurate infor-
with the Correctional Service of Cana- and treatment of inmates who are cide Keith Patterson, another inmate supports for addiction. mation possible to make decisions
da planning to roll out the service at drug addicts or carriers of infectious at EMDC whose death was caught about inmates.
other institutions next year. disease," union president Jason on camera, real-time monitoring was “I didn’t meet a single person there The majority of the Supreme Court
The correctional service has pre- Godin said. again recommended. who didn’t have a strong desire to found that obligation extended to
viously made needles available for "We are also wondering what's "The [ministry] basically ignores change their life but there was simply ensuring the reliability of the assess-
inmates with diabetes who require happening with CSC's zero-tolerance inquests or feels no compulsion to no help … And you can’t solve it in ment tools themselves. In the same
insulin and for people needing policy on drugs?" respond," said Egan. "There's no jail. When you’re released, you are decision, the court found Ewert did
EpiPens, but this is the first time drug Godin expressed confusion about guarantee of any kind of meaningful worse than when you went in.” not prove that his Charter rights had
users in Canadian prisons will have the role of correctional officers who response." been violated due to the use of the
access to clean needles. witness inmates using the needles to Ministry has already made changes Smith said she began to feel that tests.
"Correctional Service Canada's inject contraband drugs, and wheth- Morrison said the ministry already there was a steel wall separating her A spokesperson from Correctional
prison needle exchange program er they're expected to intervene, or made several changes to the way from “decent society,” a feeling she Services Canada said the department
is an initiative that will strengthen permit drug use. things are done at the Hamil- overcame only when Rideauwood “is reviewing the decision and will
ongoing efforts to address infectious He also claimed the new program ton-Wentworth Detention Centre counsellors spent a year helping her determine next steps.”
diseases in federal penitentiaries and will be a threat to officers and put during the inquest process, including fight addiction, find stable housing Jason Gratl, Ewert’s lawyer in the
in our communities," said interim inmates' lives at risk with the risk of making overdose-antidote naloxone and eventually get back into school. case, said the department will have
commissioner Anne Kelly in a written overdose, and that the correctional available in all correctional facilities both immediate and medium-term
statement on Monday. service's role should be to continue for suspected overdoses and setting “We’ve organized this event today obligations as a result of the deci-
Phase 1 of the needle exchange to reduce the supply of drugs. up a dedicated team to search cells so that different community groups sion.
program will begin with one men's According to the correctional ser- and collect information about contra- can come forward and talk about dif- “The immediate concrete obligation
institution, the Atlantic Institution in vice, "The safety and security of staff, band at the Hamilton jail. ferent alternatives to incarceration,” is to conduct statistical research to
Renous, N.B., as well as one women's the public and inmates are of utmost "Coroner's inquests contribute to said Lydia Dobson from the Criminal- assess the validity of these tools as
facility, the Grand Valley Institution in importance when making decisions that ongoing work and the ministry ization and Punishment Education applied to Indigenous inmates,” he
Kitchener, Ont. about CSC programs and policy." carefully reviews jury inquest recom- Project. said in an interview with StarMetro.
mendations directed at the ministry Then Correctional Services will have
A correctional service spokesper- Will Hamilton's jail death and strive to implement changes to “There are going to be a lot more to determine to what extent, if at all,
son said the prisons were selected inquest bring change? Law- improve its policies," he added. beds in the new jail, and what we it will use the assessment tools for
because they have the highest rates yer fears another 'toothless' Here's a look at some of the other would like them to focus on is in- determining Indigenous inmate risk
of injection drug use and needle response recommendations the ministry will stead of putting more people in jail, in the future.
sharing, based on routinely gathered
health information. By Dan Taekema, CBC News, May consider: looking at different ways to prevent The Supreme Court decision’s
According to the service, HIV rates 22, 2018 •Increased canine searches. people from ending up in jail. implications extend beyond the
•Upgrades to surveillance cameras assessment tools, Gratl said. It also
in prison are 200 times higher than in A lawyer who has appeared at
and real-time monitoring of inmates.
Supreme Court rules prison confirms that Correctional Services
the general population, and hepatitis several inquests into the deaths of
•Creating inmate check lists and logs
risk assessment tools may dis- Canada has “a broad obligation to
C rates are 260 times higher. For Ontario inmates says the massive
to track relevant information about
criminate against Indigenous remedy historic injustices against In-
both diseases, the rate within prisons examination of eight overdose
health and history when it comes to
people digenous people and work to remedi-
has decreased considerably in the deaths at Hamilton's jail may not
past 10 years. produce the change family members contraband. By Alex McKeen, StarMetro Vancou- ate overrepresentation of Indigenous
Long overdue, advocate says hope for. •Reopening the jail's gym to inmates ver, June 13, 2018 inmates.”
The announcement was welcomed After a six-week inquest, the jury pro- with four dedicated recreational A Métis man who has been incar- That obligation comes from the
by harm reduction advocates on vided a list of 62 recommendations officers. cerated in Canada for over 30 years Corrections and Conditional Releases
Monday. for the Ministry of Community Safety •Providing CPR training to interested feels he may finally have a fair shot at Act, which directs Correctional Ser-
Sandra Ka Hon Chu is director of and Correctional Services on Friday, inmates. parole, and escorted temporary ab- vices Canada to “advance substantive
and family members said they were sences from prison after a Supreme equality in correctional outcomes for
research and advocacy with the
hopeful the inquest would mean
Protesters want better commu- Court of Canada decision Wednes- Indigenous offenders,” the decision
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network. nity support, not bigger jail
She said the plan to make clean nee- their loved ones didn't die in vain. day threw a wrench in Correctional found.
dles available in two institutions is a But Kevin Egan, who represented By Tom Spears, Ottawa Citizen, April Services Canada’s use of statistical The decision was welcomed by the
positive step, but that it should have the family of one of the victims at risk assessment tools, concluding the Union of British Columbia Indian
27, 2018
come two decades ago. the Hamilton inquest, said he has his practice may discriminate against Chiefs, which released a statement
A year ago, Ontario announced
The organization is one of five doubts the government will listen. Indigenous inmates. saying it had intervened in the case
that Ottawa and Thunder Bay would
groups and individuals that launched "There was a certain level of eupho- Jeffrey Ewert, who was raised in in order to ask the court to ensure
get bigger jails after years of over-
a lawsuit against the correctional ser- ria after such extensive recommen- Surrey, B.C., is serving two concur- the Gladue principles — which
crowding in the current jails.
vice in 2012. Chu claims the lack of dations from the jury Friday," said rent life sentences for second-degree require courts to consider the unique
The Ministry of Community Safety
clean injection equipment is a denial the lawyer. "I really hate to burst murder, attempted murder and circumstances of Indigenous people
and Correctional Services arranged
of prisoners' rights to health. anyone's bubble, but it may not escape from custody. — extend to prisons too.
to meet some community groups in
"It's been over five years [since the mean anything. The high court accepts Jeffrey “Today’s decision is a step forward
Ottawa Friday, but postponed that
lawsuit was launched] and I think this Egan speaks from experience. Ewert’s challenge of assessment in the fight to reduce the over-incar-
meeting a few days ago.
is sort of the tragedy — in that five- He said one of the recommendations techniques to gauge the risk of reof- ceration of our people,” said Chief
Instead, several dozen protesters
plus years, numerous people have — the need for real-time monitor- fending and potential for violence. Bob Chamberlin, UBCIC vice-presi-
stood near the downtown Marriott
been infected with HIV and hepatitis ing of surveillance cameras — was The high court accepts Jeffrey Ewert’s dent in the statement.
Hotel at Kent and Sparks streets,
C," she said. something he's seen suggested at challenge of assessment techniques With files from The Canadian Press.
where the meeting was scheduled to
Prison report urges needle ex- two other inquests, first in 2011 and take place, to voice opposition to a to gauge the risk of reoffending and
change programs again in 2015. bigger jail. potential for violence. Summary of Report on Health
Lawsuit seeks needle exchange pro- The Ministry of Community Safety They say the problem lies in putting As is procedure for Canadian care in provincial correction-
grams for prisons and Correctional Services didn't end too many people in jail in the first inmates, he participated in a number al facilities
According to Chu, prisoners who up adopting it in either case. place. Most of the prisoners at of “risk assessment” tests adminis-
use injection drugs go to great "They basically ignore [inquests] or OCDC are awaiting trial, not serving tered by Correctional Services Cana- By Brendan Arnott, May 3, 2018
lengths to create and share make- feel no compulsion to respond," said sentences. da when his incarceration began. This is a summary of a submission by the Canadian
shift syringes, sometimes made out Egan. "There's no guarantee of any “Building community requires Those tests included the Hare HIV/AIDS Legal Network, HALCO and PASAN
of things like pens.. kind of meaningful response." doing more to address inequalities Psychopathy Checklist (PCLR) and the This report says that we need to
"It's quite terrible," she said. "I've In a statement to CBC News, ministry contributing to social harm,” said Static-99 test for sex offenders, which • Implement needle and syringe
heard stories from prisoners using spokesperson Andrew Morrison Justin Piché, a criminology professor are designed to predict an inmate’s programs;
one needle that's been used by 30 rejected the lawyer's claim, writing, from the University of Ottawa. “Jail risk to public safety based on person- • Offer opioid substitution therapy
or 40, up to 50 people, just shared "Recommendations from inquests expansion takes resources away al characteristics and crime history. for anyone who needs it
because there's so little access." over the years have led to numerous from this work.” The tests are used to help Cor- • Give direct access to naloxone for
Chu said she's concerned about the positive steps in developing new The money should be spent on rectional Services determine things all
needle exchange model the cor- policies and procedures." treating drug addiction and giving like whether the inmate should go
• Offer training that gives the facts
rectional service is planning to use, Inmates openly used drugs support to people who have none in to minimum, medium, or maximum
security prison, and when they are about HIV
which requires inmates to return a During the inquest, the jury heard this city, he said.
how inmates, including Marty Tykoliz eligible for parole. • Never segregate prisoners for any
needle to get a new one. She said In her early 20s Charlotte Smith reason
there should be a diversity of needle (Egan represented his family), openly was in and out of OCDC. She was But the validity of using those tools
snorted drugs off a table in a day to predict risk for Indigenous offend- • Develop a program for safe tattoo-
distribution models, and making homeless and was taking drugs.
prisoners hand in a syringe to obtain room of the Barton Street jail. Video ers has been in question for decades, ing in prisons
Now 29, she is finishing degree at
a clean one reduces overall access. evidence also showed inmates using Carleton University and says that largely because of a lack of research • Offer people with severe chronic
Prison guards object string as a "fishing line" to pass help through Rideauwood Addiction testing their applicability among pain the equal treatment they'd get
The Union of Canadian Correctional something between two cells over and Family Services did what the jail Indigenous inmates, whose repre- in the community
Officers said in a written statement the course of several hours. could never do for her. sentation in adult federal prisons was Health care in provincial prisons:
that it is concerned about the launch On Friday the jury called for better “There’s a perception in society nine times that of their representa- This report looks at 3 major strate-
of the needle exchange programs in video equipment, including mon- that criminals are bad people who tion in the public in 2014-2015. gies to improve the health of people
two prisons, which it claims are being itors and cameras that would be do bad things and they get what they in prisons. Legally, prisoners deserve
implemented without new training monitored by staff in "real-time" in deserve,” she said. In a case brought by Ewert and sup- the same level of health care that's
or safety measures for correctional order to detect "high-risk situations “I didn’t see bad, evil people (in ported by the BC Civil Liberties Asso- available in the community, but the
officers. that involve the presence or use of jail). I saw wives, mothers, daughters, ciation and the Union of B.C. Indian
Continued on page 9
6 // news on the block

Part II: “Why” Restorative Justice? to do. This is an extremely important where the victim is relieved to know thing I can mention at this point is ers” together so they can come to
distinction to be made when going the perpetrator has been caught and that there is not too much available some form of reconciliation. Perhaps
Photo by Katy Belcher on Unsplash

through the Principles of Restorative even somewhat relieved to get some for the perpetrator inside the system the person who broke into the house
Justice. So hold that thought we will of his/her things returned but what is to give them a better chance to will need to repair any damage that
come back to this in a few minutes. to follow? succeed upon release (compared to was done, maybe some added yard
The question today is “WHY” Restor- The person who committed the a couple of decades ago) but that will work to help make up for some of
ative Justice? crime is now “in the system.” The be a discussion for a different article. the pain of suffering (Yes I said that
Restorative Justice should be the victim is able to observe some of the There is no way to know if the victim right: of not and). As well an opportu-
go to, because it was how we, as a process but inevitably, the perpetra- will ever get closure when it comes nity to apologise for all the victim was
species, meted out Justice before we tor of the crime is going to be dealt to being the victim of a break and put through and within the apology
became too big as a society to handle with by people who are being paid enter and in that, no way to know if the victim might get to hear why or
our own difficulties and frailties. to mete out “Justice”. They have no the fear will ever completely go away how the perpetrator ended up in a
Again, this is not a panacea and may real connection to the crime, other with time. We also can’t know if the situation that could allow them to do
not necessarily be the first step in a than to decide, “What law has been debilitation created through fear is something so hurtful to another
crime as horrendous as murder but broken, Who did it and What do they going to have a lasting effect on how person. This in turn affords the per-
I can assure you, even in that case, it deserve?” At the end of this process they interact with family, friends and petrator an opportunity to gain some
could be invaluable one day. But let’s how is the victim reassured? How is people they come into contact with insight into how much pain they have
start this discussion with an example the victim able to move on without in passing. I can tell you from the nu- caused in just one shameful act.
Hello fellow sentient beings, of a break and enter. fearing retribution? Why would the merous conversations and an abun- Will this be the end of crime for this
Welcome to part two of my Restorative A man breaks into a house and victim fear retribution, you ask? Well, dance of literature that there are particular person? I don’t know but I
Justice article... steals some of the homeowners’ it really is a matter of how Retributive considerable effects to all of these do know that we have been able to
By Michael Hector valuables. Let us first focus on the Justice is meted out. The victim and interactions that I have mentioned, give some emotional and physical
I think I should once again mention victim of this crime, as we should. the perpetrator of the crime have not due to fear. Please keep in mind that relief to the victim and in the process
that I am in no way advocating an Only a few days later, the perpetrator really had any contact to this point this is only one of the many variables and we have also saved the taxpay-
end to Retributive Justice, I genuinely of the crime is arrested and placed in and this lends itself to the fact that that can be perpetuated through ers a considerable sum of money. So
believe that the two (Restorative custody for the Break and Enter. Only the victim has no way of knowing if being a victim of a crime. regardless of your motivation Restor-
and Retributive Justice) should move some of the items stolen have been the perpetrator feels any animosity Now let us consider for a short ative Justice can bring considerably
together through our Justice system. recovered and the victim has to place toward the victim for having been time the difference if we infuse more to the table of Justice.
The reason I say together, is quite a claim with his/her insurance com- arrested. Is that a rational thought? Restorative Justice into this equation I would be remiss not to mention
simple. I believe that we cannot have pany. Keep in mind this is a second- I can’t tell you because I have only by using the Three Pillars; “Who that there will be times when one or
or find Justice without balance and ary thought for the victim up until been on the perpetrator’s side of this has been harmed, What are their both parties have no interest in Re-
we will never find balance with the the point of the perpetrator being equation but I know from numerous needs, and Who’s obligation is it?” storative Justice and when that is the
implementation of only one or the caught because until he is caught conversations that it is something We know who has been harmed case Retributive justice will have to
other. Now having said that I think it the victim fears that the person that the victim goes through and fear and what their needs are as well we do. However, I hope I have been able
only fair, at this point, that I qualify may come back. Think of how that no matter the motivation is in many know who’s obligation it is. It really to help you to see how Restorative
the word simple. might feel because that is one of the ways debilitating. But let us move is simple in this case to figure all Justice is able to bring so much more
Just this past week I started a new mitigating factors when it comes to through this scenario to the point three of those things out, isn’t it? But to the Justice table and its value to all
Restorative Justice Principles group deciding Restorative Justice is some- where the perpetrator has been remember earlier when I mentioned of us as a Community.
with the Chaplain from the minimum thing that should be utilised in this found guilty given a chance to apolo- simple versus easy? Well here we As I sign off for a second time, I
side of our institution (BCI). In that situation. gise to the victim (through the court), are, it is just that simple to figure out would like to tell you that I owe my
session as we began discussions on Here is where we start to apply the and he does. If for no other reason the answer to all three Pillars but it new found sense of community
just what Restorative Justice is by principles of simple vs easy. Some of than to be able to move on and it is not that easy. We know who has to my involvement in Restorative
breaking down the words Restorative what comes next may be simple in was something that was expected of been harmed and how it happened. Justice. As well, the principals I have
and Justice, in doing so, some of the principle but I can assure you from him, according to his lawyer. Now he We think we have an idea of what the learned from my involvement in
discussion brought to light, that the both sides of this equation it is not receives his sentence, and is sent to victim needs, now that we know that various Restorative Justice Groups
principals, as they are, seem “simple”. easy. And, I will leave it up to you as a facility to do his time. The victim is the victim is fearful of the perpe- are principles I use in my everyday
This is where we need to make the an individual to decide the value. still left to wonder if the perpetrator trator possibly coming back. And life. There is something powerful and
distinction between “simple” and Let us get back to the problem at will come back after he gets out? The we know without a doubt that the prized to living Restoratively. Which
“easy”, because as we have learned, hand, the victim has experienced fear victim may also be wondering if the person who broke into the house is is something I endeavour to share
simple and easy may seem the same and now that the criminal has been person who broke into their house obligated to do something to make at every opportunity and if you have
but there are many times when caught, does that end the victim's is going to get the punishment/help amends for their transgression. The read my first article on Restorative
something may be “simple” to under- fear? Unfortunately, it is only the they deserve. This depends on the not so easy part of this equation is to Justice you can see (I hope) just how
stand but not necessarily be “easy” beginning. Sure there is a moment victims personal perceptions. Some- somehow try to bring the “stakehold- much that means to me and “why”.

Taking care of yourself when you're LGBTQ2S and in prison

Good day “Cell Count” readers, last friends and PASAN got me through
issue I received the honour to see my and to the level of Pride I now am at,
article “sticking up for my LGBTQ2S so if you can ever give back to PASAN
community” in print and now I am or help in any way…Do so!
proud to say that my article was very Last item on today’s (this issue’s)
well received. I was approached by rant. Homo-/transphobia is not a dis-
many friends, peers and strangers ease. I don’t feel sorry or respect any
and congratulated, high fived and of them. It is a learned or followed
had my ego stroked. behaviour. At best, in my eyes, some-
To the ones who I thought were one can be confused or just not quite
friends and ignore me – “grow up”. understand homosexuality, but are
And to the (only) one to walk past willing to try to. But, you wanna talk
me outside the gym and pointed his shit about me/us, jump and hurt me/
finger at me in a mock gun position us or belittle or assault us, then that
and pulled the trigger – LOL… “trix are is not confused nor is it a disease.
for kids” and you do not scare me. Photo by not brittany shh pls on Unsplash It is the behaviour of a coward or a
Now! On to important matters. As follower who doesn’t have a mind
I sit here in my cell with my beautiful warden stating that you don’t wish religion or belief, it’s not OK to hurt or testing, etc…yada yada, it proves to of their own. Like I’ve said a million
trans cell partner, I am listening to any special treatment, you’d just like belittle us. Our suffering falls in line be a good preventative medication. times before: “I am kind and gener-
Slipknot’s first album with a million to start an LGBTQ2S support group with all others who have suffered. Like condoms and everything in this ous, I’m not a rat or sexual predator
things swirling in my head, and so that the community in your prison Our pain does not play second fiddle world, there is never a guarantee. and I don’t have a debt in any joint in
most importantly I’d like all to know has somewhere to vent, to ask for to anything and just how racism But! Truvada has proved itself able Canada or anywhere else.” Beyond
that my new drug is activism and help, to feel safe or to find others like spews bullshit and cowardly non- to prevent the transmission of HIV-1. that, my word is fucking gold. Those
non-profits and I love the fact that yourself so others know that they are sense, so does homophobic hatred Great strides have come in fighting are the points I should be judged
my voice can be used to help or save not alone. It’s no different than any and violence. If someone doesn’t un- this disease, and now a preventative upon. As a gay man, and as much as
someone. I’m here for my community other group, no matter if it’s BIFA or derstand our hearts and minds work, medicine even. I got picked on and beat up because
1000% and I’ve got a ton of riends Euro-Canadian, etc. You are entitled that’s OK. Just ask, just don’t listen to Speaking from experience, the side I am gay…I’m still alive for a reason.
who know how important my word to this privilege just like all the other the uneducated, cowardly haters. effects are minimal to none (on me I am not afraid of anyone and am
is to me. groups. Before I move on with my raging at least). I am negative, I am also on proud to be the man that I am. We all
So, since PASAN published my last Then write a proposal covering why and raving, I’d like to give a shout- Truvada and intend to continue it. should be.
article, my LGBTQ2S group grew by 7. you think cons would benefit from out and a silent hug to a couple of Now! Does CSC cover it? YES! They do Something that just popped into
To some, 7 may not seem like much, such a group. Anything you hold close cons that have passed away as of and don’t let them tell you differently. my head – sorry, last thing I prom-
but in this joke of a prison, with the to your heart is feasible, don’t be late. Stephen Hill, Mike “Fallsy” Fall Only 2 more things I’d like to ise – there is no such thing as gay
homophobic population running the afraid to open up and try to get a list and “The Henke” brothers. You will touch on, the first being “PASAN/ for pay or gay for the stay. Male or
show, 7 is awesome and I am super of signatures from friends, confidants be missed, you are loved and thank Cell Count”. Listen! These people female, if you have any kind of sexual
proud of those 7. Next step, a Pride and others who would support this you for being a part of my life. Now, have helped me and held my hand contact with a member of the same
event this summer and a paid advo- idea, this would be very helpful in moving on to all my sexually active through a ton of shit over the last 14 sex; if you, or they cum and it is truly
cate and support position. your struggle. cons in federal custody. On the mar- years. Every call returned, every letter consensual, you are bicurious at
If other joints don’t have an The rest boys and girls will fall into ket right now is a medication called as well, and every question answered. best… True story my phobic friends.
LGBTQ2S group and you are like me place, it’s a human rights issue, trust “Truvada” (PrEP). At first it was used If you think being outed in Collins Just cuz it rhymes doesn’t mean it’s
and want to start one, it’s easier than me, CSC wants to refuse you. I en- as a treatment for HIV. I think it was Bay by some mail thief that read my true LMFAO.
you think. Put a request in to “Social courage you if you care considering simply a part of the cocktail given to mail was easy, I’m here to tell you Stand Tall Stand Proud, You’re not
Development” and a second into the this – like any other race, community, patients. But now, through science, differently…But some super sick alone.
7 // news on the block
Black History Dead Memoriez #2
ued to drink and smoke weed. I’d
also hang out at an arcade called Las
Vegas and a bar called Club Morocco.

in America I met people quickly when I hung

out at these places and it wasn’t
long before I got involved with gang
By Christ Kennedy members and their house parties. I
The civil war that devastated the ran in these circles for some years
fledgling American republic and until I got pregnant for the first time
ravaged its countryside resulted in at age 15. I got my own place and
southern reconstruction, the KKK, Jim lived on my own until I was 17. I was
Crow laws and black emancipation. independent, and eventually I had 5

concrete blossoms
Yet a century later African Americans kids. I have two grandchildren now.
had only traded their iron shackles The father of my first kids took off
for the shackles of poverty. America’s to Saskatchewan when I was 18. He
black leaders rose up and spoke out. took the kids with him without telling
Men like Elijah Mohammad, John A column for self-identi- me. I waited for them at home and
Lewis and Martin Luther King, Jr. took
center stage in a fight for a better life,
fied women, genderqueer when I realized they weren’t coming
better housing, jobs, health care and and non-binary folks. back, I cried and cried. He never even
education in what history calls the By Mary Ellen Young I went out to a bar and ended up
Civil Rights movement, a movement This photo is of me. I’m 37. I’ve meeting a guy named Shortman. I
that united the black community in a lived in Winnipeg, Crosslake, and told him I wanted weed but he said
fight for equal rights. Bloodvein, Manitoba and can speak he only had some back at his place,
The police brutality that erupted both the Soto and Cree languages. so I went there with him. I ended up
into L.A.’s Watt’s Riot incited Huey Because my parents went off to with a crack pipe in my mouth. We
Newton and his Black Panther Party the day with her gettin into deep university while I was at a young age, also ended up in a relationship for
to take advantage of California’s By Forgotten Warrior topicz while we were high. After we I lived with my auntie. There was a the next several months. Once all of
open-carry laws to arm themselves I just stepped outta the cab, here spent the day 2gether, she spoke lot of abuse in my auntie’s home, his dope and money dried up, to the
and intimidate the police to ensure I was Main & Hastingz, one summer of forwarding to the crib on the and to escape it I’d go to my granny’s point where he couldn’t pay the rent,
that black men were not brutalized day heading 2 count 4 a soft case. I next trip 2 court, so I gave my girl a place to tell her, or I’d just run away he told me I had to find somewhere
during routine arrests. Rather than ran into one of the girlz I knew from big hug, a kiss and told her that no completely. My cousins would be else to stay.
destroying their own neighborhoods the dope housez of east hastingz matter what, that she was loved and sent to look for me but they could At this point I went off to the
in riot, they demanded better hous- street. I was clean & sober, had a nice always had a place 2 chill any time never find me. street, where I saw how girls made
ing, education and freedom from house. My friend, she had been up 2 she wanted it. Just page me and it all When my mom finally came back money as sex workers. I wanted
police brutality while remaining with- many dayz. I ran across her heading be good. I was so relieved and happy. During crack, so when I guy called me over I
in the law. The Black Panther Party’s 2 court, she was up 2 long, looking 2 So then the day forwarded 4 me 2 this time, my mom enrolled me in a agreed to stay at his place with him
community mindedness, which had nest up. I asked her if she wanted 2 hit court once again and after hit the school where I met the daughter of for the night. The next day I was on
been previously adopted by black forward 2 Nanaimo 2 the house I was bar lookin for my friend, well nobody one of the teachers. The daughter my own again, so I built up the ener-
gangsters as fierce as Chicago’s Vice renting out, and have a rest from the seen her around, here I am wander- was a fancy dancer and she taught gy to become a sex worker. I told my-
Lords in the 1950s, brought badly game, get a grip on her health, and ing the block paging peepz. Then I me how to do it too! It became my self that it’s so simple and that I could
needed lunch programs and health get some much-needed rest. saw it, taped 2 a telephone pole – her dream to get an outfit, regalia and do this. I would stand on the corner
clinics to their neighbourhoods. Now this was a rider! A money picture, her information, her pres- dance at a Pow Wow. I finally went to and get picked up, do my thing, and
While the sons of WWII veterans maker, a solid Katty who had a heart ence! All down 2 wordz on a paper one in Sioux Valley! I had a beautiful get paid. I didn’t mind it for awhile. It
were needed to fight in the jungles of gold. Her and I used 2 sit in the bar taped 2 a pole in a city of sorrow and fancy dance outfit that my Granny felt like easy money and I met lots of
of Vietnam, black celebrities began and have deep conversationz 4 hourz pain. Another dead memory in my made for me and I won first place! cool people in the drug scene. There
to rise for their due of acclaim. And for the life we led. She was one of the head the pain and loss of true friendz This was the happiest I’d ever been were a few close encounters where I
when Corporate America compared many who you couldn’t judge by the – the friendz we lost, true friendz, growing up. almost died though. One guy sexually
the threat of teenagers being influ- lookz, her sad story was the same peepz who were old school, depend- Things started to get worse after assaulted me and threatened to kill
enced by black artists like Fats Dom- one thatz occurring every day across able and good 2 their word- gone my mother decided to leave my me when he was done. He told me
ino, James Brown or Chuck Berry, to Klanada. Every day dirtbagz are de- unjustly. Gone before their time, father. When I was 11 or 12 and living he had killed before. He tried to kill
seeing leaders such as an articulate stroying beautiful innocent livez and many friendz and family left behind in Crosslake, I saw my mom at our me but I defended myself and luckily
black militant like Malcolm X or an feeding the shreetz lost soulz. 2 bare the pain of their loss, the loss home rushing around packing stuff survived.
educated leader as charismatic I alwayz reminded her of her of friends that are never 4gotten, up. She told us to get in the car. I I have an appeal coming up and
as Martin Luther King, Jr. and his brainz, how connected she was 2 the hurt of wordz left unsaid, doubt hid in a bush instead because I didn’t am going for manslaughter. I would
powerful ‘I had a Dream’ speeches, social issuez. We’d do a smash of of wondering if enough was done 2 want to leave my dad alone like that. get out after time served, maybe in a
‘My Ding-a-Ling’ won the contest and down, hit a hotel room and nod out prevent their fate. She called out my name and looked year or less. I don’t want to go back
‘Johnny B. Goode, who never ever 2gether, talkin and talkin and more Another friend gone, another for me but I didn’t come out. So, she to the same lifestyle. I’ve never had
learned to read or write so well’ be- talkin, alwayz talkin, about every- dead memory within my head, drove off. I went inside to tell my dad a job or even a driver’s license. I hav-
came the cultural images approved thing, about the streetz, the trickz dead memoriez that will never be that mom had left him with the other en’t finished school either. All I know
by the white corporate promoters, who were dangerous, the dope, who forgotten or eased by time, always kids and our things, but that I had is straight street life. I only know
just as Malcolm X had recognised had good, who to stay away from, in my thoughtz every year round the stayed. My father is an alcoholic to how to make fast money. I want to
when he said that black people were then about our own livez, what was time whe went gone, so much pain 2 this day, and during the year I stayed learn to live a different way though
“scientifically manoeuvred by the goin on. It was as beautiful 2 know much 2 express! Just no way in put- with him, while he was out drinking, I because I don’t want to come back
white man into a life of poverty”. someone so deep and trust with no ting it into wordz, always tell those would drink and smoke weed. here. Thanks for reading my story,
As James H. Cone reports, it was questionz. I was her sounding board, in your life what you feel, what they Eventually, my mother came back I hope you learned a little bit about
the fear of a Black Muslim uprising someone who wasn’t alwayz trying mean 2 you. Don’t hold back you and took me to Winnipeg. I contin- me from it.
that kept Malcolm X from destruction some way 2 get something from her. never know what fate might hold,
at the hands of white Americans who Her friendship, companionship was love when you can love and never let
loathed the thought of an organised enough. go of love cuz there may come a time
and educated black tide in America. She was always someone who no when 2morrow may never come.
The northern black perspective of matter what, could always have a Then itz 2 late, and lastly 2 all of our
Malcolm X’s militant and violent call good conversation, a breath of fresh Native women, you will never be
to arms is what made Martin Luther air in the streetz so when I asked her forgotten, you touched 2 many livez
King, Jr.’s southern pacifist mes- if she’d forward 2 my crib, she was with your power. Respect always my
sage palatable but when Malcolm 2 deep in the dope. Had me spend Red sisterz – Forgotten Warrior xxx
X criticized capitalism, his bombed
out home and other gentle warnings
became lethal. In the age of McCa- Love & Generosity
By Grizzly Bear
I’m conceited but it’s the truth. Why? Cuz
I treated them all with love and respect.
In some cases I was the knight in rusted
rthyism, Roosevelt’s New Deal had
Corporate America, feeling neutered All my life I have loved with all my armour that saved them from trouble or
by the sudden appearance of the heart, mind, body and soul. Every woman a bad boyfriend or abusive father or took
EPA & SEC, co-opt Christian America I have been with you see, loving people them away from their troubled life for a
comes naturally to me, like breathing. time and treated them like royalty and
into painting socialist programs that showed them a great time. My generosity
When I fall for a girl I fall hard and truthful-
help the poor, as a sin against God’s ly. I have had many relationships - most has no bounds, even though most of my
8th Commandment, ‘thou shalt not have ended or been put on hold due to money came from crime or drug dealing,
steal’ and that a poor man decry- me going to jail or prison, some I have I still spent it with or on all the “friends’
ing his poverty committed the sin started when on the run from the law on around me. I share everything, even today,
of coveting his neighbour’s house. my way to jail. A few could be considered 11 years into a 24 year sentence in a Max
While Republican President Dwight like Bonnie & Clyde type relationships, Prison, I am kind, respectful and generous
Eisenhower, and his pillar of strength where it ends up with me in the back seat with what I do & have. I wear my heart with a smile and a “good morning” or hard, when I’m in love I love my life and
Jerry Falwell, gave the Koch brothers’ of a cop car, and in court, taking all the on my sleeve, my right arm is covered in “good day”. In fact, I have learned to say all around me, love is one of the most
message of greed a Christian bent, charges for the lucky girl I was with. tattoos of family members, some lost to “good morning” and “good night” in 10 powerful feelings one can feel.
Malcolm X could speak against Chris- In all my years of crime, love and pain, I the sky, some still struggling in the streets, languages. The love of a mother to a child is one of
tianity calling it a tool used to enslave have broken a few hearts. Mine for years others have been blessed with kids and a When it comes to love & generosity, I’m the most cherished and unconditional, like
was shattered and I built a brick wall out of family of their own. loyal to both. I love to a fault and will liter- a diamond. The love of a father to a son is
black people and not suffer too dire You see the way the Roussau family
the pieces and put it around what was left ally give the shirt off my back to someone one that can and will stay true, like a rock.
a reprimand from the white man. But of my heart. There are still a lot of those was raised is to be polite, respectful, and in need. I have put others first my whole The love of siblings is love of respect, trust,
when Malcolm spoke of ‘capitalist girls grown into women & ladies who to never raise a hand to a woman or be life. I have taken charges and done most faith, built stronger with time, troubles
blood-suckers’ in November 1964, have families of their own, that still hold a disrespectful to elders, or anyone. In truth, of my life in prison for crimes that were in and tribulations. The love of a husband &
the Nation of Islam’s estranged and soft spot for me in their heart, others are even in my life, I was still the guy to help some ways to “help” my friends. This last wife is only one step away from the love
still in love with me, but all of them still with carrying someone’s heavy bag or to sentence almost cost me my life, in more of your life. The love of God should be the
continued on p. 8 miss me. You might read this and think open the door for an old lady. I’m quick ways than I can write. When I love, I love love of your life.
8 // news on the block

Harm, State Intervention & a New Social Order-Let’s Talk

By Nick Paccione her until she changes her behaviour, quires that we look beyond the old violent and non-oppressive actions
The other day I received from a and to spread the word that she reform-abolition dichotomy or resist can initiate the revitalization of the that, along with restorative justice
friend a letter containing a question can’t be trusted. She’s already been seeing reforms uniquely in terms of community. processes, might include partial
for me to ponder. I offered a re- banned from a few places, but I think their amenability to corruption by We also need to do more work house arrest, monitoring, counsel-
sponse with which I was, and remain this might make things worse. I hate oppressive elites, and that we instead on breaking old patterns of domi- ling, and sex rehab/treatment in the
dissatisfied. In further thinking about this. We all do. Ella is fundamentally advance reformist methods strategi- nation and creating new patterns of community. Convince the judge that
the matter, I realized how relevant it a good person who’s done tremen- cally towards the long-term revolu- mutual exchange and democratic the community is fully prepared to
was to complex issues dealing with dous work in the community and has tionary goals of abolition and social decision-making; on transmuting old help in Ella’s rehabilitation in whatev-
both personal and social trans- helped many, but she obviously has a transformation. Each little reform, energies based on hate, indifference, er way possible.
formation and how much I could very serious problem that has caused each little victory, makes us stronger, and prejudice into new energies Talk about the intersectional expe-
potentially learn from you, and we her to hurt many as well. This must bolder, more demanding and less based on a real sense of community; rience of oppression and the trauma
from one another. You will therefore stop. What can we do? willing to compromise on matters on cultivating human resources like it could cause and has caused Ella.
find below both the question and my My response essential to freedom, equality, and love, trust, compassion, acceptance, Use the court as a platform to voice
response, in relation to which you Re: Ella - oof, that’s a tough one. justice for all -until, before we know forgiveness, confidence, imagination, grievances and to highlight condi-
are invited to share your thoughts Mutual support and protection are it, the walls of power are pushed far leadership, responsibility, under- tions of oppression. The media will
and ideas, whether through a printed obviously essential. back enough to allow for a new social standing, self-control, self-reliance eat it up, with the masses getting an
article or a letter sent directly to me Also, you might consider lovingly order to spread and to eventually and kindness. edifying glimpse of the deep human-
at the address provided. approaching Ella with a series of op- supplant the old. All this work and so much more ity of the community and of what a
Question tions for help (she might be an out- The development of this new besides is required if we hope to more humanitarian form of justice
This question is about Ella [not real of-control sex addict, in which case social order requires our challenging create a more just, humane, and could look like.
name], who is a poor, brown trans- the option of Sex Addicts Anonymous and finding remedies to structures genuinely democratic social order. Of course, there’s always a chance
woman who’s been around for over could be included) and then offered of oppression (patriarchy, capitalism, But it is a process, and it requires that Ella gets locked up. If that
10 years in the queer & activist com- the choice of opting for help or facing racism, ableism, militarism, hetero- prudence. happens, you hunker down on your
munities. Ella has sexually assaulted police intervention and therefore sexism...) that foster social harm and And it is in this spirit of prudence love and support. You write to her
and harassed numerous women possibly prison. At the very least, she violence. that, in the case of Ella, I suggest regularly, visit her, send her money
during these years. She targets must be made to understand that Crucially, more work needs to be police intervention as a last re- as well as useful & helpful literature
queer, feminist women because of while you all want to help her, her done to address sexual domination sort. If Ella’s like most people, she (if she can’t receive books, photocopy
their unwillingness to report violence harmful behaviour will no longer be and the glorification of violence, with probably wants help but is too them dozens of pages at a time),
at the hands of a poor transwoman tolerated. the interplay of mass media and op- proud, ashamed, afraid, addicted, contact relevant persons on the in-
of colour. The survivors have dis- “But Nick,” you might be thinking, pressive structures clearly implicat- traumatized, or whatever to seek or side (warden, chaplain, psychologist,
closed their experiences anonymous- “I told you police intervention isn’t ed, and with the patriarchal nuclear accept it. A “firm nudge” in the right parole officer) to voice your support
ly to a few organizations who tried an option.” Yeah, I know, but I’m not family loudly called out for what direction could help. and to initiate restorative justice pro-
to enact restorative justice methods sure I agree. it is - the central site of sexualized But if police intervention is re- cesses, find treatment for her on the
instead of resorting to the injustice Look, I agree that police and violence and of learned heterosex- sorted to, then it is crucial that you outside - in short, you do everything
system, but Ella’s always played coy. prisons are at their root, all about ist and domineering attitudes and smother Ella with love and support you can to support and encourage
When privately confronted about her oppression and control and that we behaviours. because she’ll need it! Ella and to help her to come out and
actions, she minimizes everything must speak boldly about abolishing Relatedly we need a wider diver- And in court, double down on that to stay out.
and shifts the topic to her own expe- these systems as they currently exist. sity of familial arrangements, chosen love and support. Include the survi- Well, that was it - my response,
rience with oppression. But we must act prudently. We to suit individual needs and freed of vors. You mentioned their willingness about which I continue to sec-
No accountability methods have must erode the power of the state the imposition of standardized roles to enact restorative justice process- ond-guess myself. I’m especially
worked. The police are not an option to violently intervene in our lives in and routinized relationships. es. Now’s the time to really press for bothered by my having suggested
because it would mean discrimina- proportion to the degree that we de- Not unrelatedly, we need more this. Have the survivors themselves police intervention as a last resort,
tion and violence, which has been my velop the community power to make building of community ties, of com- speak against punishment and pris- but I’m not sure it was entirely
own experience with the police as a us independent of the state and its munity trust, of community support on and instead plead for restoration wrong in this case. What do you all
white, middle-class transwoman and false solutions to social problems, systems. We need to multiply centres and healing, welcoming the state in think about this - about any of it?
activist - so imagine someone like otherwise we end up with chaos and of community life and press for a the role of facilitator, if need be. Let I’ve already learned so much from
Ella! Plus, I’m an abolitionist. possibly even worse evils. reshaping of the social order along them themselves suggest alterna- you all and look forward to learning
The only idea we’ve had is to shun This restructuring process re- decentralized lines so that more non- tives to incarceration - alternatives so much more and evolving in the
process. Peace and love.

A look at Black History in the United States of America

cont'd from page 7
wayward son was assassinated in state violence was unlikely to quell the easy life of fame, fortune & glory leaders fought for n the ‘60s, for the States.
February, before the end of the next the protests once they’d started. is to be gangsta, sling crack, pimp mirage of hip-hop fame. Gone are Today’s open-carry laws allow any-
financial quarter. Better tactics were needed to keep hoes and flash their rock bejewelled the Freedom-Songs, replaced by the one to arm themselves with the most
That left Martin to travel north lawful social activism from becom- pipes in their own poverty-stricken powerful voice of hip-hop, which has powerful weapon an oppressed com-
with his dream and finally witness ing an effective means of change neighbourhoods. While a dozen are fractured into glory seeking individu- munity can have, the mobile phone
the truth about desegregation and and when the riot police and their plucked from poverty, shown life ality the once united community that and its ability to record the police.
equality in the squalor of Malcolm’s attack dogs proved to be too bloody beyond the tracks and kept tethered formerly had its eye on equality. As police brutality in the ‘60s fuelled
nightmare of black Chicago, Detroit to remain effective an alternate to their promoters by promises of Once convicted for any felony the anger of the Civil Rights move-
and New York. His soft stance on dream was proffered to break-up the success if they stay in line while crime, such as simple drug posses- ment, so again today it has resulted
communism became a cry for Dem- Civil Rights movement. What better being reminded of the tragic endings sion, a felon is unemployable with no in the Black Lives Matter movement,
ocratic Socialism when he criticized dream could be offered to disband a of Tupac & Biggie, the glamorous right to collect food stamps or vote which has rallied black people across
America for spending $500,000 to united community than fame when images of the very few seen by the to try to change his economic plight America into demonstrations not
kill one foreign enemy in Vietnam fame is the only public resource, very many encourages millions of outside the realm of the criminal seen in decades. But consider this,
while refusing to spend more than that is wanted by all, but cannot be young kids from the ghettoes, to take world. Where the old Jim Crow the half dozen unforgiveable deaths
$50 to raise one American child out equitably shared. a fast track to life in prison, death was blatant and overt, as Michelle of black men at the hands of white
of poverty predicting that “the nation What America fears most is an ed- row and the morgue if only to prove Anderson reports, ‘Whites Only’ police each year, as tragic as they
would be destroyed by its own moral ucated, organised black community Malcolm X wrong when he said, “you segregation was transformed into are, are but a drop in the ocean of
contradictions”. armed with the truth to fire its anger. can’t get anywhere in life without an the semblance of equality of the New violence plaguing American streets
With Malcolm’s rhetoric silenced, Television, and its obvious power education.” Jim Crow. Crack, which is flooded today where black youths kill each
Martin’s recent warming to Dem- to influence the people became the MTV has seen black-on-black vio- into the ghettoes to manoeuvre other in gang warfare at a rate of
ocratic Socialism would soon see stage which divided the commu- lence escalate since its inception. black youths to shoot each other in several hundred gun-related deaths
him shot. The day after he was shot, nity like slaves who worked in the By promoting uneducated black art- gang wars for its lucrative street-level daily! It is then no wonder that the
the memory of the Watt’s Riot still master’s house vs in the fields. But ists who rise from the ghetto, unedu- control, is 100 times less expensive white dominated NRA is the single
fresh, James Brown’s Boston Garden instead of all the slaves in the field cated black kids wishing to attain the than cocaine, 100 times more harshly most powerful voice blocking gun
concert was televised nationwide picking cotton feeling resentment for status of their heroes, throw the dice convicted than cocaine, and results in legislation, because such legislation
by the Johnson administration to the ‘pampered’ house slaves, youths at life on the streets, shun school 100s of 100s times more blacks being could help prevent young urban kids
manoeuvre the black community into of today can look up to, admire and themselves and look for ‘respect’ labelled felons for consuming it than from feeling the crack-like instant
staying home to watch the concert wish to emulate the rich, glamorous from their peers as they are manoeu- whites for consuming cocaine. gratification of power the act of
on TV rather than protest in the pop-idols they see on TV that look vred to compete against each other The War on Drugs has resulted in holding a heavy piece of cold steel as
streets. Anyone who may have been like them and come from the same in their crack-infested, gun addicted a disproportionate number of black addictive as a gun can have, instead
inclined to take to the streets in pro- ghettoes as them. Art’s power to neighbourhoods. The common op- men incarcerated inside super-pris- of striving for the life-long empow-
test against the wrongful shooting control life was experienced with pressor of poverty remains faceless, ons located in white suburbs. Prison erment of the good education black
of a popular black leader was invited the power of the media to control economic slavery is fulfilled and populations being counted in the community leaders once dreamed
to watch his television set where the the images and back stories of the freedom is dreamed of in pop songs, white suburban communities where of before everybody’s heads were
injustice carried out against his own select few stars who are glamour- which encourage the disenfranchised they are located artificially inflate the turned by crack, guns, gangs and the
community was promptly dulled ized, idolized and, most importantly, to brutalize each other reaching for populations of those communities unattainable fruit of fame.
by the appearance of a black man imitated so that kids watching can the slender crust of pie. There just which are then reflected in the coun-
playing Rock n’ Roll on white televi- buy the pipe-dream of stardom sold isn’t enough for everyone and it try’s representational government Some book suggestions:
sion. And so ended the Civil Rights by the rich pop-stars who shunned wouldn’t be the same if there was. So and electoral colleges. Not only do New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in
Movement. education and slam honest labour. while black Africans see America as felons in the US not vote but the dis- the Age of Colorblindness, Michelle
Since the police brutality that TV, commercial radio and Hollywood, an oasis from their plight of poverty, proportionate number of black men Anderson Martin & Malcolm, James
opposed the activism of the freedom promote the ghetto-life in music African-Americans throw away their in the prison system gives the rural H. Cone
riders and peaceful protesters in videos and movies for kids to see birthright to the free basic education white vote more weight and allows a One Nation Under God: How
Montgomery brought sympathy to their favourite artists and believe and honest employment, the Black white demagogue like Donald Trump Corporate America Made Christian
the plight of the black community, that what they need to do to attain Panther Party and other Civil Rights get elected president of the United America Malcolm X
9 // art
Prisoner health report
Continued from page 9
reality is far different. Over half of
almost 4000 complaints received
from those incarcerated in Ontario’s
prisons in 2016–2017 were about
health care, including lacking access
to doctors, delays in treatment, or
problems receiving medication. It
suggests three solutions to these
unfortunately common complaints.
1) Harm reduction & substance use
The reality is that drugs can, and do
enter prisons, in Canada and around
the world, and so this report touches
on harm reduction measures that
can improve health of people in
prison. One way to do this is through
needle and syringe programs, which
reduces sharing of drug equipment.

"Peace of Heart" © Gerry Saulnier

This, in turn, reduces transmission of
HIV and HCV, reduces overdoses, and
doesn't increase drug consumption.
These programs also support people
who are failed the most by the sys-
tem, such as Indigenous prisoners.
Another harm reduction effort is
opioid substitution treatment - taking
substances like methadone or subox-
one that can help people transition
out of using drugs. The problem is
that there's no way to start treatment
in prison settings unless you're preg-
nant- a huge and unacceptable gap
between the treatment people get in
the community vs. in prison settings.
The use of naloxone is another im-
portant piece of harm reduction. The
opioid crisis has reached the level of
a public health disaster, with 4000
Canadians dying of overdose in 2017
alone. Naloxone can temporarily
reverse overdoses, and people in the
community are encouraged to carry
it, even if they're not drug users.
That's not the case in prison. Ensur-
ing all people in prison have access
to naloxone and training on how to
use it will save lives.
2) HIV, Stigma & Discrimination
Even though about 1–2% of men
and 1–9% of women in prisons are
living with HIV, fear & discrimination
causes misinformation that make
getting the facts about HIV transmis-
sion difficult.
This report suggests trainings that
dispel myths about HIV be available
to everyone, and that prisoners are
never segregated for any reason,
including on their HIV status. As well,
prison interrupts access to doctors or
specialists, causes delays in treat-
ment and problems with receiving
medication for people living with HIV.
3) Safer Tattooing & Chronic Pain
Sharing needles, tattooing and pierc-
ing equipment contributes to high
rates of infection for things like HIV
& HCV, but no action plan for safer
tattooing in prison has been put in
place, even though it's been proven
through studies to reduce harm
and enhance the health and safety
of everyone. The report urges the
government to start safer tattooing
programs that listen to people with
lived experience on the subject.
As well, chronic, disabling pain is a
reality for many people in prison, and
even though it's been recognized as
a fundamental human right in the
community, people in prison trying
© Louie Rebelo

to access pain meds get labelled

as 'drug seekers'. Inappropriate
withholding of pain medications is
an infringement of prisoners’ human
The gap between the healthcare
people have access to in prison vs
the community is still so devastat-
ingly huge. Completely missing are:
needle programs, opioid substitu-
tion therapy, naloxone for all, safe
tattooing programs, pain manage-
ment programs and non-stigmatizing
approaches to HIV education.
10 // art

© Jeremy Hall
11 // health and harm reduction

PASAN fundraiser 'Save Our Skins' a big success

By Sena Hussain initiative toward progressive efforts getting art on their body to get them through my tattoos. I'm Aboriginal
Tattooing inside is no small feat: for tattooing in prisons and ex-pris- through a hard time or remember so I have a lot of Aboriginal tattoos,"
the risks involved, getting the equip- oners to mark their skin in safe ways loved ones. I think regardless all Nolan T.
ment together, and going under the I was definitely on board. I am so humans deserve respect, especially "I got praying hands for my mom
radar in a place where it is banned. happy to say my participation in this those that some people in society and dad because I'm always praying
Because artists inside do not have shun," said another participant. for them. For their health. I'm in for
access to the proper equipment and Artists inside sent their works to life so I want them to be ok because
inks, the risks of transmitting blood- us so we could display the type of I'm not there with them to help," said
borne illnesses such as HIV and even talent that we see inside. Jeremy H., Froggy.
more so, HepC are much higher in- Brendan R., Kyle Inkman, Forgotton "It gives me a release. It gives me
side of prisons than in studios on the Warrior, Joey T., Brian K., Patricia C. a way to make money and putting
outside. Many tattoo artists on the and Louie R. all kindly contributed a nice piece of art out there," said
outside are unaware of the risks that art, which we featured on our social Epson.
artists inside have to take, as well as media pages, website and at a fund- PASAN would like to thank all the
those who get tattooed. raising party.
This is where Save Our Skins We talked to some folks inside
comes in, to bridge the knowledge about their reasons and/or meanings Tattoo on Hala by Tee
gap between tattoo artists on the One represents my son passing away
and the other is about losing my
hero, my dad," said Dan H.
"I got my all my kids' names, I've
got two tattoos for my mother who
died. I got a ram because I'm Aries.
Every one of mine means some-
Tattoo by soft point
thing," said Luke B.
"The skull represents the loss
of our brothers and sisters inside
fundraiser has raised awareness over the years. The guns represent
amongst my following and friends even though we're locked up, we're
as well as patrons who came to me still fighting for our rights. The bars
without knowledge of participating are broken because we still have a
and a percentage of the payment chance for freedom," said Fred.
going to the cause. I hope to contin- Tattoo on Kieran by Tee
"I got mine in Sask Pen and it's
ue to support these efforts!!" said Tattoo by crybabyqlub the 7 Grandfather teachings. I like to artists, inside and out, who helped
crybabyqlub, a participating artist. behind their tattoos, and this is what walk the red road in a good way. I fol- make Save Our Skins such a success.
On Instagram, scratch pepper they had to say: low the 7 teachings: honesty, respect, We are excited to continue having
wrote: "I raised a totall of $270 for "I got bored, there was nothing to trust, wisdom, humility, bravery and these discussions and pushing for a
Tattoo on Lauren Moses-Brettler by Lazer Wizard donation to SOS over the course of do so I started tattooing myself," said love," Pathways member and aspir- harm reduction approach towards
the fundraiser! Thank you so much Nathan M. ing youth councilor, Kevin H. tattooing inside, which would in turn
to everyone who participated, clients "My tattoos on my face all repre- Kevin H. added: "to the youth help reduce the disproportionately
outside and what the circumstances and fellow artists alike. This cause sent someone who died. People think inside: there's a different pathway higher rates of HIV and HCV inside
are for those in prison. Over the really hits close to home and I am that the teardrops on my face mean you can take to get out of this cycle. prisons. It also creates skill-building
month of May 2018, PASAN recruited so grateful for the opportunity to that I killed someone. They don't. It's better for yourself to do your own opportunities and artistic outlets that
several artists and studios to partici- support PASAN's efforts in some time and work on yourself inside benefit mental health, feelings of
pate in a fundraiser for our orga- small way." because it's better in the long-run. self-expression and self-worth inside.
nization, as well as an awareness "I'm a nursing student and imple- Believe me." We want to thank all the artists
campaign around prison tattooing. menting anti-oppressive practices "I got a cross but I didn't like it on inside, as well as those who par-
The campaign ended up raising just is something I'm truly passionate my hand, so I got a guy to use char- ticpated and volunteered: Soft Point,
under $5000. about!" said Kieran, someone who coal as the tattoo pigment to cover Rat666tat, Toby Sicks, Joey Ramona,
Through social media sites like got tattooed as part of Save Our up the cross. And now you can't find Sedated Reality, rat, Scratchpep-
Instagram and Facebook, as well as Skins. it anywhere. My dad has 175 tattoos per, Rowan Aurora, Sister Piff, Tee,
talking to artists and their clients "I got a tattoo by rat at Wild World on his body," said Albert G. Inkdigenous Tattoo, Outcast Club,
in person, we showed work that Ink for Save Our Skins. When I first "Everything I've gotten represents The Okey Doke and Crybaby Qlub,"
was sent in from artists inside and heard about it I knew I wanted to my family or my children. I came in said a PASAN statement about Save
started conversations to connect participate. It's a cause I truly believe with 3 and I have 17 now. It feels like Our Skins.
the outside tattoo communities in is important. Especially in prison they're with me, giving me strength," PASAN will continue to update the Save
Toronto with what is going on inside there is so little to do but a lot of said Bobby G. Our Skins Instagram page with art that you
prisons. prisoners find art, if it's music, poetry "All my tattoos represent things submit to us. Just make a note that you
"Safer tattooing means so much or tattooing is a big culture, and no I've done in life, culture, the things would like to have your art featured and how
to me. When I heard there was an one deserves to get infected while I've done. I can explain my life story you'd like to be credited."
Tattoo on Jack by rat

Harm Reduction
By Reginal Nixon
a lot of internal pain and shame.
What I have noticed with these
ple featuring recipes, stories, images, and more!
Ideas for Cookbook Contributions:
people is to try and find out what is
I have done a lot of time to think going on inside of them and become •Food stories and memories
and one thing that keeps coming •Poetry or creative writing about food, cooking, or
their friend and show them that you sharing meals
up is one common thing people care. One of the biggest causes of
say, “what causes a person to do •Commentary on food and access to food within
self-harm is bullying, which causes jails and prisons
self harm, and how can we change a lot of people to become abusers
the outcome.” I have spoke with a •Drawings or illustrations
of drugs or alcohol and some of •Collaborative works of writing/art
lot of people that had an addiction them even get so overwhelmed and •Other ideas are welcome!
to either drugs or alcohol, and I ask discouraged and ashamed that they How to Submit
them why they do it? I have also kill themselves and far to often the To contribute to the COOKBOOK, please give
asked them if they realize that Harm person is a youth. your contribution to your contact (whoever told
that they are doing to themselves I have spoke to some people in you about this opportunity), or, if you have access
and they asked me what I meant, and jail and on the street that live the to email or snail mail, please send the original
why I care? GAY life and they have told me document, or a photo/scan of your work to:
The one problem that I see with Chloe Taylor
about some of the members of the chloe3@ualberta.ca
especially with people that abuse LGBTQ community that do self harm
prescription drugs because they Department of Women’s and Gender Studies
to themselves because of a lack of University of Alberta
don’t realize the harm that they are help and no respect from family
doing, not only to themselves but 1-17 Assiniboia Hall
and friends because of their lifestyle Edmonton, AB T6G 2E7, Canada
to the person that’s medication that choices, and they have asked me In addition to your recipe, food story, food
they are taking. I find that a lot of what to do. memoir, commentary or artwork, please include
people that have an addiction to pre- What I decided to do for the your name, contact information, and a brief
scription drugs were introduced to people on the street was send them biography (a few sentences or paragraphs) telling
the medication at a young age. I also addresses of organizations in their us about yourself.
deal with people that do cutting of area and give them names of people We will try to find a publisher for this Cookbook! If
themselves and they are dealing with that work there, that will help. we find a publisher, we will ask for the individual
consent of all contributors to publish their work
Share Your Recipes & Food Stories!
By Chloe Taylor
and you will have the chance to approve of the
COOKBOOK in its final form before it is published.
pes, ideas, and skills around food within You will also receive an author’s or artist’s copy
While working with currently or the walls of the institution. Inspired of the book once it is finished. If you are being
formerly incarcerated people, we have by the imaginative ways in which food transferred or released, make sure to leave your
learned about the restricted access knowledge and memories are shared, address so that we can send you a copy. We will
people within prisons have to quality as well as tasty meals, we hope to also contribute copies of the Cookbook to the
food, as well as the creative ways in compile a COOKBOOK co-authored by institutions from which we are soliciting contribu-
which incarcerated people share reci- currently or formerly incarcerated peo- tions.
12 // resources & about pasan
EAST COAST 1 est, rue Sherbrooke, Montréal, H2X 107-33 Isabella St, Toronto, M4Y 955 Queen Street East, Toronto, M4M FED - 1-877-900-2437 (#’s approved
3V8 514-844-2477 2P7 416-963-4300 (Collect) 3P3 by institutions and are NOT Collect
Take collect calls du VIH du QUEBEC (CPAVIH) TION & Friday, 11am-5pm) Positive Living Society of BC
150 Bentinck St, Sydney, NS, B1P 1-800-927-2844 Accept collect calls Once out, please call 416-417-6135 Leita McInnis, Prison Outreach
1G6 902-567-1766 2075 rue Plessis bureau 310, Montreal, 20 Victoria St, 4th Flr, Toronto, M5C Worker
AIDS COALITION of NOVA SCOTIA H2L 2Y4 1-800-927-2844 2N8 416-977-9955 (Collect)  PRAIRIES  1101 Seymour St, 4th Floor, Vancou-
Accept collect calls CANADIAN HIV/AIDS LEGAL NET- HIV COMMUNITY LINK ver, BC V68 0R1 Fed: 1-877-900-2437
1675 Bedford Row, Halifax, NS, B3J ONTARIO WORK Prov: 604-525-8646
Accept collect calls
1T11-800-566-2437, 902-425-4882 2-SPIRITED PEOPLE of the 1ST NA- Accept collect calls 110-1603 10th Ave SW, Calgary, AB, T3C LINC
AIDS COMMITTEE of NEWFOUND- TIONS 1240 Bay St #600, Toronto, M5R 2A7 416- 0J7 403-508-2500 33270 14th Ave, Mission, BC, V2V 4Z7
LAND & LABRADOR Accept collect calls 595-1666 (Collect) AIDS SASKATOON 1-877-424-4242 (BC only)
Take collect calls 145 Front Street East Suite 105 Toron- FIFE HOUSE 1143 Ave F N, Saskatoon, SK, S7L 1X1306-
47 Janeway Place, St. John’s, NL, A1A Accepts collect calls NATIONAL
to, Ontario M5A 1E3 416-944-9300 242-5005 1-800-667-6876
65 Brunswick St, Fredericton, NB, E3B No collect calls, call PASAN 416-205-9888 No collect calls 701-151 Slater St.
1G51-800-561-4009, 506-459-7518 526 Richmond St E, Toronto, M5A HIV & AIDS LEGAL CLINIC OF ON. 4611 50th Ave, Red Deer, AB, T4N 3Z9 Ottawa, ON
AIDS PEI 1R3 416-924-5256 (HALCO) 403-346-8858 K1P 5H3
Take collect calls AIDS COMMITTEE of CAMBRIDGE, Accept collect calls HIV EDMONTON (613) 238-2422
2-375 University Ave, Charlottetown, KITCHENER,WATERLOO & AREA 65 Wellesley St E, Toronto, M4Y 9702 111 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB, BRAIN INJURY ASSOC OF CANADA
PE, C1A 4N4 902-566-2437 Accept collect calls 1G7 1-888-705-8889 T5G 0B1 1-877-388-5742 440 Laurier Ave. West, Suite 200
Don’t accept collect calls 2B-625 King St E, Kitchener, N2G Accept collect calls TION 977-2492
115 Hazen St, NB, E2L 3L3 506-652- 4V4 519-570-3687 (Collect), 1-877–770– 844-A Princess St, Kingston, K7L Accept collect calls CATIE
2437 3687 1G5 613-545-3698 (Collect) RR 1, Site 1, Box 133, Onoway, AB, T0E 1-800-263-1638
HEALING OUR NATIONS: AIDS COMMITTEE OF GUELPH ONTARIO ABORIGINAL HIV/AIDS 1V01-866-971-7233, 780-913-9036 555 Richmond St W #505, Toronto, ON
1-800 565 4255 Accept collect calls, prefer that people STRATEGY NINE CIRCLES COMMUNITY HEALTH M5V 3B1
3-15 Alderney Dr, Dartmouth, NS, B2Y use their Accept collect calls CENTRE
2N21-800-565-4255, 902-492-4255 89 Dawson Rd, Unit 113, Guelph, N1H 844-A Princess St, Kingston, K7L 705 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB, R3G 0X2 Prisoner Initiatives
MAINLINE NEEDLE EXCHANGE 3X2 1-800-282-4505; 519-763-2255 1G5 613-549-7540 (Collect) 1-888-305-8647
(Collect) PLWA NETWORK OF SASKATCHEWAN Created by and for prisoners in the
Don’t accept collect calls AIDS COMMITTEE of NORTH BAY Accept collect calls No collect calls
5511 Cornwallis St, Halifax, NS, B3K 160 Traders Blvd, Unit 1, Mississauga, Canadian federal correctional system.
and AREA Box 7123, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 4I1 306- Our purpose is to explore the ways
1B3 902-423-9991 Accept collect calls L4Z 3K7 373-7766
SHARP ADVICE NEEDLE EXCHANGE 1-866-896-8700, 905-361-0523 (Collect) in which both the experience and
201-269 Main St W, North Bay, P1B OUT SASKATOON the outcome of incarceration may be
Accept collect calls 2T8 705-497-3560 (Collect) PETERBOROUGH AIDS RESOURCE 320 21 St W, Saskatoon, SK S7M 4E6
150 Bentnick St, Sydney, NS, B1P NETWORK (PARN) enhanced. We welcome everyone to
AIDS COMMITTEE of OTTAWA 1-800-358-1833 visit our website at prisonersunited.
6H1 902-539-5556 (Collect) 700-251 Bank St, Ottawa, K2P 1X3 613- Accept collect calls PRINCE ALBERT METIS WOMEN’S
SIDA/AIDS MONCTON 302-159 King St, Peterborough, K9J org. We encourage you to share your
238-5014 (Collect) or Toll Free (ON & ASSOC. stories on our forum (prisonersunited.
Accept collect calls as long as they’re QC only) 1-800-461-2182 2R81-800-361-2895, 705-932-9110 (Col- No collect calls
HIV related lect) boards.net) and our facebook page
AIDS COMMITTEE of THUNDER BAY 54 10th St E, Prince Albert, SK, S6V (www.facebook.com/prisonersunited)
80 Weldon St, Moncton, NB, E1C 574 Memorial Ave, Thunder Bay, STREET HEALTH CENTRE 0Y5 306-763-5356
5V8 506-859-9616 Accept collect calls to shed light on the current practices
P7B 3Z2 1-800-488-5840, 807-345- RED RIBBON PLACE and problems within the Canadian
6061 University Ave, PO Box 15000 Wellington St, Kingston, K7K 0B5 613- correctional system.
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2 Accept collect calls from registered 549-1440 (Collect) 0L2 1-877-210-7622
QUEBEC clients STREET CONNECTIONS 2518 Eglinton Avenue West
(Recommend that you get a case man- Don’t accept collect calls No collect calls
101-140 King St E, Hamilton, L8N Toronto, Ontario M6M 1T1
CACTUS ager to get registered with them) 705 Broadway Ave, Winnipeg, MB, ph (416) 652-3131
Accept collect calls 111 Church St, St Catharines, L2R 1B2 905-528-0854 toll free 1-866-563- R3G 0X2 204-940-2504 WOMEN: 50
1300 rue Sanguinet, Montreal, H2X 3C9 905-984-8684 or toll free 1-800- Argyle, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 0H6 204- 6000 William Head Rd, Victoria, BC
3E7 514-847-0067 773-9843 THE WORKS 943-6379
Accept collect calls V9C 0B5
AL (Women) GRAM 277 Victoria St, Toronto, 416-392-0520 WEST COAST 
(Collect) ONS
Accept collect calls No collect calls AIDS VANCOUVER ISLAND c/o Justin Piché, PhD, Associate Profes-
1750 Rue Saint-Andre, 3rd Flr, Montre- 255 Queen St E, Toronto, M5A 1S4 416- TORONTO PWA FOUNDATION
Accept collect calls from clients Accepts collect calls. 713 Johnson St, sor, Dept of Criminology University of
al, H2L 3T81-877-847-3636, 514-495-0990 360-0486 3rd Flr, Victoria, V8W 1M8 250-384- Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
2E6 416-506-1400 2366 or 1-800-665-2437 K1N 6N5
CONTRE le SIDA (COCQSIDA) small bursaries to cover their calling Toronto Community Hep C Program
Accept collect calls 1107 Seymour St, Vancouver, V6B PO Box 39, Stn P
Accept collect calls fees 5S8 Toll Free: PROV - 604-525-8646 Toronto, ON, M5S 2S6


PASAN is a community-based HIV Service organization Outreach & Education
that strives to provide community development, educa- Chaman Agarwal Sena Hussain
tion and support to prisoners and ex-prisoners in Ontario Prison Education Programs:  Lead Editor
PASAN conducts HIV prevention education programs in
Office Coordinator
ON HIV, Hepatitis C (HCV) and other harm reduction Janet Rowe
issues. PASAN formed in 1991 as a grassroots response many adult and youth institutions in the southern Ontario Eveline Allen Cell Count Supervisor
Brendan Arnott
to HIV in the Canadian prison system. Today, PASAN
region.  This program includes a Peer Educators Group, Regional Prison In-Reach Coordinator Cell Count Volunteer
whereby ex-prisoners living with HIV are educators for
is the only community-based organization in Canada Nikki Browne Zakaria Amara
current prisoners.  
exclusively providing HIV and HCV prevention, education Writer
PASAN conducts free training for those working with Women's Program Coordinator Gregory J. McMaster
and support services to prisoners, ex-prisoners and their
prison-affected and drug using populations.  Training
families. Bear Charles Writer
topics include:
Indigenous Program Coordinator Nick Paccione
Support Services ▪ HIV & Prison Writer
▪ Harm Reduction Seth Clarke Philipe Poisson
Individual Support Services: ▪ The Impact of Segregation ​Federal Community Development Coordinator (on Writer
▪ Individual support & counselling ▪ Stigma & Discrimination leave) Michael Hector
▪ case management Writer
▪ pre-release and post-release planning
Systemic Advocacy Zachary Grant Mark Zammit
▪ referrals  Since our beginnings in 1991, PASAN has always Federal Hep C Program Coordinator Writer
Forgotten Warrior
▪ advocacy for medical services  maintained a focus on systemic issues of HIV/AIDS and
Trevor Gray Writer
▪ housing supports prisons.   Some has been involved in many systemic
Community Programs Coordinator Christ Kennedy
▪ phone support through collect calling  advocacy efforts including: Writer
▪ emergency financial assistance (limited budget for fees ▪ Prison Needle Syringe Project (2014/15) Sena Hussain Mary Ellen Young
related to identification and prison release.  Application ▪ Advocacy against the use of segregation Communications & Resource Dev Coordinator Writer
requirements exist) ▪ Presentation to the Canadian Human Rights Commis- Grizzly Bear
sion (2001) Lindsay Jennings Writer
▪ Advocacy for male-to-female transsexual/transgendered Provincial HepC Program Coordinator Reginal Nixon
Community Support Services: Writer
prisoners and HIV (1999) Claudia Medina
PASAN also provides support AIDS Service Organizations Mark Zammit
▪ Presentation to the Presidential Advisory Council on Program Manager Writer
and community groups across Ontario.  This includes: 
HIV/AIDS in Washington DC (1998)
▪ resources & educational materials Janet Rowe
▪ Presentation to the Parliamentary Subcommittee on Poetry: A.V., Forgotten Warrior, Zakaria
▪ training Executive Director
AIDS (1996) Amara, Kyle King, Ty;or Beggs, Larry Cardinal,
▪ assistance to set up prison outreach and support ▪ HIV/AIDS in Youth Custody Settings: A Comprehensive Jeremy Hall, Patrick J.M. Dowdell, Nolan R.
projects Strategy (1996)
Cherisa Shivcharran Turcotte
▪ strategies to develop referral “hubs” for HIV positive ▪ Organization of the first National Workshop on HIV/ Provincial Community Development Coordinator Art: Jeremy Hall, Gregory Saulnier, Louie
prisoners Rebelo
AIDS in Prison (1995).  Aanya Wood Let us know if we mistakenly forgot
▪ networking for the development of a continuum of care ▪ HIV/AIDS in Prison Systems: A Comprehensive Strate- Federal Community Development Coordinator someone!
for prisoners transferred between regions  gy (1992)

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