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Georges Albest Edouard Brutus Gilles de la Tourette (1857-1904), seorang fisikawan dan

neurologis Perancis adalah orang pertama yang menggambarkan kondisi dan simptomp
gangguan tourette. Dia mempublikasikan catatan atas 9 pasien di 1885. Jean Martin Charcot
(1825-1893), seorang neurologis dan Profesor Patologi Anatomi menganugerahkan nama
“Tourette” atas nama residennya.

Saat ini belum ada tes yang dapat mendiagnosa gangguan tourette. Klinisisi mengandalkan
tanda-tanda dan simptomp klien, sejarah kesehatan, dan sejarah keluarganya.

Ruling out any other condition - the doctor needs to rule out the following conditions which may
cause similar symptoms:
 Allergies - if the patient coughs or sniffs

 Dystonia - a neurological condition which includes involuntary movements and prolonged

muscle contraction; the patient experiences twisting body motions, abnormal posture and
 Restless leg syndrome - if the patient has leg movements
 Vision - if the patient blinks a lot
The doctor may also order the following tests in order to rule out other medical conditions or
 Blood test

 Eye test

 Imaging test - either MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or CT (computerized tomography)


 Skin prick test (for allergies)

The patient needs to meet criteria spelled out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM); a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association. The criteria to
diagnose Tourette's must include:
 Presence of both motor and vocal tics

 Tics occur several times a day, nearly every day or intermittently. These tics have been
occurring for over one year.

 There must be no remission that lasts over three months.

 Tics start before the patient is 18 years old.

 Other possible causes have been ruled out, such as medications, other substances, or
another medical condition.
If families and even health care professionals are unfamiliar with the signs and symptoms of
Tourette, diagnosis is sometimes delayed. Parents and doctors may put blinking or sniffing down
to vision or allergy problems.

What are the treatment options for Tourette syndrome?

A patient with Tourette's has the following treatment options - medication, non-pharmacological
treatments, or surgery (rare, only when other treatments have failed) - some of which may be
taken in combination:
Medication - this may include antihypertensives, muscle relaxants or neuroleptics.
Antihypertensives and/or muscle relaxants are usually prescribed for patients with mild to
moderate symptoms, while neuroleptics are more commonly given to those with moderate to
severe symptoms.
 Antihypertensives - this type of medication is used for controlling high blood
pressure(hypertension). However, they have been shown to help patients with mild to
moderate symptoms of Tourette's. Experts believe that this type of medication helps regulate
neurotransmitter levels. An example of such a medication is Clonidine.

Side effects may include:

 Constipation
 Diarrhea
 Dizziness
 Dry mouth
 Headaches
 Sleepiness (drowsiness)
 Tiredness
 Muscle relaxants - is used to overcome spasticity (when muscles become too stiff). They
have been shown to help control physical tics. Examples include baclofen andclonazepam.
Patients taking muscle relaxants should not consume alcohol.

Side effects may include:

 Drowsiness
 Dizziness
 Less alertness (if so, avoid driving or operating heavy machinery)
 Neuroleptics - this type of medication blocks the effects of dopamine on the brain. There are
two main types of neuroleptics:

 Typical neuroleptics - developed during the 1950s. The first generation of neuroleptics.
 Atypical neuroleptics - developed during the 1990s. A newer generation.
Atypical neuroleptics have less potential to cause side effects, hence they are usually
recommended. Some patients may not be suitable candidates for atypical neuroleptics
therapy. The medication is taken orally or as an injection. Some slow release neuroleptics
only need to be injected once every two to six weeks.
Typical neuroleptics side effects may include:

 Blurred vision
 Constipation
 Drowsiness
 Dry mouth
 Lack of libido (sex drive)
 Shaking
 Spasms
 Trembling
 Twitches (muscles)
 Weight gain

Atypical neuroleptics side effects may include:

 Blurred vision
 Constipation
 Dry mouth
 Lack of libido
 Weight gain

If side effects are becoming a problem the patients should tell their doctor. There may be
other neuroleptics they could take.
Non-pharmacological treatments
 Behavioral therapy - commonly used to help people with Tourette's. This type of therapy
aims to change the pattern of the patient's behavior.

Habit reversal is a type of behavior therapy that has been shown to be especially
effective. According to the National Health Service (NHS), UK, it is based on two main

 Tourette syndrome patients are unaware of their tics

 Tics are used to alleviate uncomfortable sensations before they occur
The therapist helps the patient monitor the pattern and frequency of their tics. Any
sensations that are triggering the tics are also identified.

An alternative and less noticeable way of relieving the premonitory sensations are sought.
This alternative response (rather than a tic) is called a competing response. For example, if
an unpleasant sensation in the throat is a prelude to grunts or throat clearing noises, the
patient learns to alleviate the sensation by taking a series of deep breaths.

Habit reversal therapy often includes relaxation therapy. Stress or anxiety may exacerbate
the severity and frequency of tics. Techniques, such as deep breathing or visualization may
help relieve anxiety, often resulting in fewer and less severe tics.
Acupuncture and hypnosis are other possible therapies for Tourette's.

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