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Sylvia Sierra

Professor Bob Gibney


11 October 2018

¡Para la Cultura!

Role: Latin Activist in the United States

Audience: Latin youth of America

Purpose: Inform the youth about the importance of their culture

It is currently Hispanic Heritage month, the time of year when people recognize the

cultures, history, and contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans. It is a 30-day period that

the rest of the America grasps an idea of the constructive presence of the Hispanic and Latin

culture that lives here on American soil. You, the youth of America with a Latin descent, are the

future for your ancestors, for your parents, for your future children, and most importantly for

yourself. You have been brought here for a better life with countless opportunities offered to you

so there is no struggle. Although you were born as an American citizen, do not forget about your

cultural heritage that rests deep in your heart, that pumps through your blood, and never be

ashamed of it. Inductive reasoning

Give notice to the amazing food, the music that has you grooving, swinging those hips,

the art that comes with your culture such as clothing, paintings, dances, and even landmarks.

Think about the variety of famous dishes that your grandparents and parents made when growing

up. Think about the famous artists that have made history with their art like Frida Kahlo and
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Diego Rivera. Think about iconic political activists like Cesar Chavez who fought for civil

rights. The traditional dance called “El Jarabe” is big in Mexico where women dress in colorful

flowy dresses dancing to the sound of drums, guitars, and trumpets. There are famous landmarks

in Mexico such as Chichen Itza that reflect the life of Mayan people in early times and in Peru

with Machu Picchu built by the Inca civilization. There is beauty in Latin culture that makes it

unique. I am a Mexican-American with a mother from California and a father from Mexico. I

grew up in a Mexican household with cumbias and canciones de amor, playing every Saturday

morning waking us up for a day of cleaning following Sunday waking up early for church. My

parents would be very strict with us saying “te calmas o te calmo” and “ve preguntale a tu

mama”. There was incredible food that was made at family gatherings and for the holidays such

as Tamales, Arroz con Leche, and Pozole just to name a few. Deductive reasoning

When you arrive to the United States, conflicts start to arise. In the school setting, you are

forced to speak in English causing you to either forget or not know your own native language

because of the English language being pushed upon you. When you speak in your native

language, you are looked down upon and told to speak English only because it is not a language

other children your age can understand. You shouldn’t be told to not speak a language other than

English because it is dehumanizing. “Let us simply speak to one another, listen and prize the

inflections, differences, never assuming how any person will sound until her mouth opens, until

his mouth opens…” said Allison Joseph in her famous poem, On Being Told I Don’t Speak Like

a Black Person. I am a fluent Spanish speaker and I am proud because it is amazing being able to

speak two languages. To listen is to give full attention to what you hear meaning that you are

fully explicating what is being transmitted to you. You do not just hear the words, you are

processing the sound. To prize something is to give it value, thinking it of it as more than an
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object, concept, or idea. Perceive it as something exciting as a toy prize from the claw machine.

Inflections are the change in the way something is verbally said. Languages of all sorts have their

changes in pitch and even loudness that differentiates it from the rest besides the form of writing.

To assume it to take it upon yourself to conclude something based on your personal perception of

the world. Overall, one should listen and appreciate the beauty in the diversity that comes with

language and one’s culture without making any assumptions. Don’t they know that “En la

variedad esta el gusto”. Inductive reasoning

Your culture is your heritage; it has been with you since you were born. It is passed down

for thousands of generations and many more to come. It is what defines who you are regarding

your background; it gives you a sense of knowing where you come from. Some of you do not

show the pride in your culture and that is acceptable, as long as you do not forget your roots and

hold that pride in your heart. We should be valuing our Latin culture because it is what guides us

in our growth and development as a person. We have an idea of how the world works, “A falta

de pan, buenas son tortas” meaning that to settle for the next best thing when the previous does

not work out. Our culture influences our core values, the foundation of our beliefs that tell us

what is right and wrong. Value, along with attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are all a part of our

self-concept, influenced by our culture. There is a lot more than just our culture being the

different components from music to art, it is a lifestyle that affects us more than you think; it is

technically us. Inductive reasoning

Embrace your beautiful Latin roots; the delectable food, the history, your ancestors, your

parents, the music, the dances that make people come together at grand celebrations, and most

importantly you being a part of it. It is a part of you that you can never get rid of because it is
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what gives you your characteristics. If you do not know much about it, then learn more about it,

live it, and love it because it is like loving yourself. “A donde fueres, haz lo que vieres”.

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