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Designat¡on: A194/A194M - 13
ManúIadueG scndad zat on societ áH

Standard Specification for -e

Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure or
High Temperature Serv¡ce, or Bothl
Ii: {inda.d n iñue¡l u¡dúthe Jixed desigra.i¡nAL91/4194Íiüe numbe¡inmediarel} ñlLoritrB rhe d.signdion irdLcfus dre }.a¡
olonginal kLoprion di in Ihe c6¿ ófÉ!¡ion. rh. yer ol lxi ¡¿vision A nnmber r preirhres i¡di. $ the !¿r¡.rkr rcalF¡or¡1. gñ
A p.rc¡ipr epsiror (.) Ddic¡re§ m ¿ditorixl ch¡ne¿ sii.e rhe ro( re!isi.i of ¡eappro!¡1.
Thii :tunn¿ ha\ b¿¿n apptur¿d fat 6. b! ds?nd6 ql ¡h¿ D¿p¿ñn¿ú 4 D.J¿E¿.

1. Scope* 2. Ref€renc€d Documents f9

lI This slecilication': covers a váriery of carbon, álloy, and 2.1 ASTM S¡andads:1 d"á
márcnsitic stai¡less steel nuts jn the size range % ttuough 4 Al53/Al53M Spccificrrion tor Zinc Corting (Hot Dip) on
in. and metric M6 t¡rough M100 norninal- It rlso cover§ ko¡ and Steel Hardware
austenitic stninicss steel nuts in the size ranee /1 in. and M6 A276 Specincadon for Stairne* Sreel Ba* and Shetes
nominal ard above. These nuls lre intended fo. high pressure A320/A320M Specifi.¿tio¡ for AIlov Sreel and Srainlcss
or high tcmperature seNice. or both. Grade substirudons with- Steel Bol¡ing fbr Low T.rnperature Scnicc
out lhe purchascr's pcmission ¿re not allowed. 4370 Tcst Nlethods and Defi¡itio.s i¡r ltechanical Tcsting
1.2 Bars from which the nuts arc made shall be hot-wroughl. of Sleel Products I
The material má), bc fuñhcr processed by ceDterless grinding 4962/A962M Specificatxrn i¡r Common R.quncments i¡r
or by cold d¡awlng. Austenitic stainless sleel may be solutio¡ Bolrnrg Intended ior Use ar Any TemleratL¡rc from Cryo
annealed or annealcd a¡d strain hardo¡ed. Whe¡ anne¿led and genic to lhc Crccp Range
strain hidened aus¡enüic stainless steel ls ordered i¡ accor 8633 Specinc¡non tbr Elcctrodeposited CoÍings ofZinc on
dance rvith Suppiemenlar) Requireme¡t Sl. the purchaser Iron a d Srccl
8695 Specificalio¡ for Coxtings ol Zm. Ilechanicalll, De-
should take special care ¡o ersure that 8.2.2, Supplemenlary
Requiremcnt Sl. ¿nd Appendix Xl are thoroughly undcrstood. posrl.d on lron ¡nd Srccl I
8ó96 Spccifi.¡rio¡ ib¡ Co¡tings of Cadmium Mechanicalli
l.l Supplementary requireme¡ts of an optional nature ¿re
provided. These sh¿ll apply only $hen specified in the inquiry,
B766 Specifi.alion tbr Elccrrodeposncd Coarinss oI Cad-

1.4 This specilication rs exprcsscd in both inch pound units El12 lest l\,lethods for Dclcrminin-s Averasc Grai¡r Size
aÍd in SI ünits. However. unless the order specifies thc E566 Pracdce ior hlectronugneric (hddy Curre¡¡t Sofii¡g
applicable" M" spccific¡tio¡ designation (Sl units). the mnre- of Fenous l\,Ielals
rial shall be lumished to inch pound ü¡its. F606'l¡r i\,le¡hods fbr Delcrmi¡ing the l,lecha¡ical Propcr
1.5 The v¿lues stated in eilher inch-pou¡d units or Sl trnits ties of Exrcmally a¡d IntemalLy Threxded Fasteners_
are lo be reg¿rded separ¿tely as standard. The values ratcd i¡ \\ashers, Direct Tension lndicators. and Ri\.cts
each system may not bc cxact equivale¡1s: therefore, each F1940Tcr M.thod tbr Proccss Control Verllicarlon to
system shall be used independenlly of ¡he other Combi¡ing Prevenr Hydrogcn L¡¡briltlemenr in Plated or Coared
values from ihe lwo systems may rcsult i¡ ¡on confosnance
with the standard. Within the 1ex1. the SI units are shown in F1941 Specificarion for Elecrrodcposited Coatil]gs on
Thrcaded Fas¡eners (Unihed l¡ch Scrcw lhreads (UN/
rThis sprcihcarioD s trnd rhejurisdi.lion oIASlNl Commir* A0L on Srel. F2329 Spccificltion t¡r Zinc Coating. Ho.Dip. Rcquire-
SEinles Srcd úd R¿lared Alloysad s rhe diEsr rcsporsibilirr- ofSubcomDitue men¡s lbr Application to C¿rbon and ,{ilo! Stecl Bolts,
vaEri¡h ro¡ Piping rnd Sp¿.irl Pu.pre Ap¡li.adons.
cu¡onl edirion ¡pproled oú 1, 2013 Publi$ed ociober 20lt oacii.I)
xpproved m 1936 L¡sr periou! editioi rpp¡o,¿d in 2012 ¿s Al9I/AL91M 12r i Fó¡ ¡ef¿¡¿i.ed AsTl\J
sanddds. lisn rhe ASTM websne. r'*w anm org, or
DOI 10.15201a0r9,1 aor94M r3 conr¡cr ASTrV Curoñc¡S{!i.e ¡r fnirc@ism.o¡s Fat a"Duú¡ Book aJAsl.M
: Fo¡ As\rll Boiler atul PissuE ve$elCode xpphcarons se¿ rcl.Ed Strn.ld¡¿ ! oluñe infomzrion. reaer ro rhe $andad\ Do.urncnr S(,m¡¡, pase on
crtion SA 194 in S¿dLoi II orthar.. .

*ASümmúry otChunges sectio. appears ar üe end ofthis landard

a194/Af94M - 13
Scrcws, washen, Nürs, a¡rd Special Threadcd F¿stene6 4.2 C¿arlrgr Co¿tings are prohibj¡ed uniess spe.ilied by
2.2 ASME Srandards:a the purchascr (see Suplleme¡tary Reqnirements 57 and S8). g!r
B I.l Unified Sc¡e$ Thrcads When coated nuts .re ordered. the purchascr should takc q;
B 1.2 Gag¿s ¿nd Gaging lbr Unified lnch Scres Threads special carc to ensure that Appc¡dix X2 is ihoroughly under
B 1.13M lle¡ric Scre!
B 18.2.2 Squrrc .tnd Hex Nuts 4.3 É6-
See Supplcnent¿r], Requiremenl 53 for nuts to be used
B 18.2.4.óMNfedc Itcary Hex Nu¡s tu low temperature applic¿tio¡s (Specification A320/A320M). -€
4-4 Proof lnad rer¡i¿s See Supplementary Requiremcnt
3. Terminolog]
59 for proof load resting of ¡uts ¡nanut¡cturcd to dimensions :q
3-1 Deiítions ol Telns Specillc to This Stan¿a : and conngurations other tha¡ thosc covered in Tables 3 and.1.
3-1-l Ausre itíc Grudes All grades wi¡h a prefix of "8" or
5. Common Reqürcme¡ts ei,
3.1-2 t'erritíc Gtdtles ljrades l. 2, 2H, 2HM, 3, 4, 6, 6F, 7. 5.1 Matcrid and fas¡eners supplied to ihis specincation shalt
7M- a¡d 16. conform to the requirements of Specificatio¡ A962/A962M.
3.1.3 ¿o¡ Unless otherwise specilied Gee Discussion Thcsc .equirements i¡clude rest mclhods. linish. thrcad
below). a lot is üe qL¡antity ofnuts of single nominal size and
dimensions. marking, certific¿tjo¡, optional supptemenr¿ry
grade produced bl the §ame manüfacturing process. requiremenm, a¡d orhers. Failurc ro comply wirh the require-
rnents of Specif,cation A962/ A962M constitures ¡onconfor- Dir.rrsl¿r-When Supplcmc¡tary Requireme¡rt 55 mancc with this speciñc¡tio¡. ln case of conflici berwec¡ the
is inloked o¡ the purchase order. the lbllowing defi¡itions ofa .equi¡emenB of this specification and Specificatio¡ A962/
lot shall apply: 4962M, this specificatio¡ shall prevail.
3.1-3.2 Fot Grade 8 Nuts The quantiiy of all rhe nuts of á
single no¡ni¡al diameier and srade madc from the same heat of 6. Manufacture (Proc€ss) o
steel and m¡de by the same ma¡ufacturing process. ¿
6.1 Stninlcss
sleels for all types of crade 6 aDd 8 nuts shall
3.1.3-3 For All Other Grurle Narr-lsee 8.2 ¿nd be ¡¡ade by one of úc following processes: the nuts of ¡o¡¡i¡al
diameter and gade
a singlc 6.1.1 Electric-tulnace (ivith sepamre dcgassing ¿nd refining
made from thc sa¡¡e heat number and heat treated in the s¿me optional),
batch if
b¿tch-type heat realing cquipmenl is used or heat 6.1.2 Vacuum induction furnace or
teated in the s¿me co¡tinuous run of not more ü¿¡ 8 h u¡der 6.1.3 Either ofúe above folloúed by elecrroslág renelring,
thc same conditions ifcontinuous type heat aeating equipmcrt or co¡sumable-afc remelting.
6.2 The steel produccr shatl exercise adequate controt 1() I
3.1.4 \pe ellminate excessive unhomogeneity, no¡netallics. pipe, 3
3-1-1.1 For Gr.t¿e 3 Nlrs Variatio¡s within üe gradc poro§ity, and othef dcfecrs.
designatcd by a letter a¡d differentiaied by chemistry a¡d b]¡
6.3 Grades 1 and 2 nuts shall be hol or cotd forged, or shall
manutacturing process.
be machincd from hot-forged, hor-rolled, or cold dr¿wn bars.
7-1.1-2 Fot Gtude ó N¡¡r Variations within the gradc 6.3.1 All Gadc 1 ¿nd 2 nuls shall be sress-relief a¡¡ealed
designated by the letrer F as differe¡tiated by chenical addi, at a tempcratüre of at least 1000 "F [538 'C] after forning or
tions made for nachi¡eabiliry. machining from bar wjth üe following exceptions:
3.1.5 S¿¡;¿s The dime¡sionalrelaiionship and geometry of Nuts madc by ho! lbrging.
the nuis as described ln ASME B 18.2.2 or B I8.2.4.6M. Nuts machined from hor-forged or hot rotled bm. Nuts machi¡ed from hol forgednrot rolled a¡d cold-
4. Ordering lnformation fi¡ished (¡nax i0 7. rcduclion in arcá) bar.
6.3.1..1 Nuts machined ftom colddrawn and annealed tmin
4.1 The inquiry and order for material u¡dü this speci¡ca,
1000'F t538 'Cl) bar.
tion sh¿ll ilclude the following as reqnired to describe the
6.3.2 Grade I and 2 nuts made by hot forging or by
¡¡achini¡g ftom hot forged or hot rolledbars ¡eed notbegiven
4.1.1 Specilication desig¡alion. year daie. and gIade. issue
¿¡y stress relief m¡c¡ling ¡reatme¡t.
dale and .cvision letter
4.1.2 Quantity, nu¡nber of pieces, 6.4Grades 2H, 2HM. 3,4. 6,6R 7,7M, a¡d t6 nurs shau
4.1.3 Dimensions (sec Seclion 9). be hot or cold-forged or shall be machined from hot forged.
.1.1.4 Optio¡s in accordance wiü, S.1,9.2. 10.3, and hot rolled, or cold drawn bars ánd s¡all be hcát t¡ealed to meel
12, and the requi¡ed mechanical properries. These grades shall be
4.1.5 Supplcment¿ry RequireÍrenis. if any. unilbrmly reheated to the proper austenitizing remperature (a
group thus reheated bei¡g known as a qucnching charge) and
quenched undcr substantially ü¡iform condiriorr for each
¡Ar¡ihble ftom Am.icin So.ld) oI Mc.h¡ni.¡l Engine.E (ASME). ASIJE qtrenching charge a¡d tempered as shown below. Gades 2H.
Itrre.mror¡l Hc¡dqudeÉ.1X¡¿e Pa¡k Ar¿. Ner York, \Y 10016-j9q0, hhp // 2HM, 3,4. 7, a¡d 7M shall be liquid quenchcd. Grades 6 and
6F shall be quenched in liquid or ine¡r gas. Grade 16 shall be
,(p ar s+nrs+na - ro sá


t.,,,"" l:il':" I
|,* I *9
0.37{.49 iiil o!

, :3




alhe dsLmr ¿ddtúó B Se Te.andPb rnorpérmlÉdexceprforG/ados6F,BFandsFA ]n whtctr Se sspecifedandréqúie!.

'Máx ñum unl6ss mlnñuñ ór ranse is indicat€d.

¡Wháre errpses ( ) appear n ths
ÉBé.¿ú.e o the de§rée ro rh.h surluf 5eq¡egares, produci ¿nay6ts rór
suru¡overo.060 % max s ñór reohno oq calty áppropdale


d$p msants+t,t - ts €3
sampe Nur after riéahénl as in 3.1.s



3,3C, €CLN,3M 3T, 3F,3P

3A ACA, 8CLNA, 8MA, 3TA,

¡WhereelLpsés(..)appear nthsrabeth€reisnóroquiremenr
fABLE 3 Proot Load uslnq Thteaded Ma¡drél lnch Series
NlrE I Prool lo¿d§ tue nur de§ e^ Io¡,1\
Prool Load, lbr¡
2H s,4,7 o
ffi G.ades 16


31 350
a'132 23 660 2130A
29 330 27 124 33 900 30 510 3§ 550 33 900 ,4

la 1A 0$4 43 42A 40 030 50100 4s 090 53 4s0 s0100 ñ

1A 9 0.462 60 060 55 ¡40 63 300 62 370 30350 69 300
73 730 106 000 90 900
72 720 90 900
11,r S O79o 1o27oo 9'.1300 113500 106700 113500
130 000 120 OOO 150 OOO 135 oOO 150 000
r% 3 166500
1% 3 1.233 160200 143OOO 135000
iil á i ¿ói rsr ooo ,zo ooo :zr soo :or ooo lss
A LTvoes orGÉde 3. Gr¿dés 9C and 9cA

nsee mrforpfool Gdt€stin32.2.1.ThepÓÓfioadlorjañnulsshallbe46%ofrheiábuátedload

E r30 000 Psi
Baséd on p@ór slrcss ol
cBased on prool stess of 120 000 Psi
Based oñ prcol slré$ of i50 0oo psi
Based on proof sréss ot 135 000 Ps.
t Based on pmoi sltess ol r75 000 psi
'B¿,-o o- P oo >1"<6or':0000P'.
Á Bas€d on próot stress or 30 000
Bs€d ón poof stess of 75 000 p6L

-{$P ar s+rar s+ru - re eá

TABLE 4 Proot Load Using Threaded Ma¡dret- Metric
N.r0 I Prool loads de nor desi$ lo¿ds

AllTypes oi Gráde 3 and
Grades 9c and sca
rhrea.r Pirch Htaly Hryr



¡ See
imlt ror próór load 1e§ n 3 2 2 1 The proor oad ror
Based on próor sress ot ags tvpa.
lao nuts sha be 46% ór therábualed oad :
. Baséd ón proor sress of 825 Mpa
'Based on prcor stress ór 1035 MPa
t Based on proo, slress o1930 MPa ñ
I Based on prcór srréss o, r205 t¡Pá.
6 Based on proot sl.ess oJ to3s Mpá
'Based on proór slress or 55O lVPa.
'Based on proot slr,"ss oi sts Mpá

heated to a tempera.ure rangc from 1700 to 1750 "F (925 to 6.6 Güdcs 8A, SCA, SCLNA. 8I,LA. 8TA. sFA, SPA, SNA,
955 "C) and oil quenched. 8MNA, 8RA. 8SA. 8LNA, sMLNA, SMLCuNA, and 9CA
Mñmum Tempedng Tomperaluré, 'F nuls sh¿Il be hot- or cold forged or shalt be machined from
fcl horforged, hot-rolled, or cold drawn bars á¡d the nuts shau
2HM r50 subsequendy be c¡rbide-solution treared by hcating them for a
r 050 [565] sufficicnt time at a ¡empe.arure to di§§olve chrorium carbides
followed by cooli¡g át a rate sufficien¡ to prevc¡t reprecipjia-
1100 t5951

7. Chemical Composition
Nuts machincd frorn bar heat rrcalcd i¡ ¿ccordance wirh this
spccifica¡ion need nor be reheaftealed. Fo¡ Grade 2HM and 7.1 Each alloy shall co¡form ¡o rhc chemical composirio¡
7M nL¡1s. a final sress rclicf shall be doneabove the ¡t or requirements prescribed i¡ Tablc l.
minimum tenpering tempera¡L¡re ¿f1er all forming, nmchining.
7.2 Grade 7 may be subsriruted for Grade 4. Whe¡ such
ard lapping operations. This fina] srrcss rclief may be the
substilution is madc. the nuts shall be marked as Grade 7.
iempeiing operation.
6.¿ I Gadeüa,dol-n.t..rd.lbeimpereo t'orJn:n'q 1
8. Mechanical Requirem€nts
of t h at the temperaturc.
6.5 &¿dcs 8. 8C, 8CLN,8M,8T, 8F,88 8N.8MN, 8R,85, 8.1 Harnness Test:
8LN, 8MLN, SNILCuN. and 9C nuts shall be hor or cold 8.1.1 Requírenen :
forged, or shall be machincd fro¡¡ hot-forged, hor rolled or All ¡uts shall meet the hardncss requirements spcci
dfr rtsarars+u - rs Sample nuts of Grades 1, 2, 2H, 2HNt, 3 4.7.7M, ád
and I 6 which hávc been given the lreatme¡t dcscribed i¡l 8. L 5 /Nuls inrénded to bé cóaled with z nóorcadmiúh (m¿rkod n áocordane wth rhe
shall meel the minimum ha¡dness specilled in Table 2. .eo,no,ó-. o s-ood-ó (3 ó-
menrs ol3 append
5 {Sée \2r
8.t.2 N nbü oJ Tests (c¡ades 1,2.2H,3,.1,7, ¿¡d 16
a¡d all types of G.ade 6): Sp¿.1¿l Requircne r, Gra.tes 2HM and 7M_
;3 Tefs on the number of sample nuls in accorda¡ce
kepa¡ation of crades 2HM and 7M nüts for hardness tes¡ a¡d
with the follownrg table shall be performed by rhe mannfac the ha¡dness lest itself shall be pcdor¡ned wilh co¡sjderarion ro .*
turer following all production heat treáh¡en¡si (1) p.otecl legibility olnarkings: (2) njnlmizc cxterio¡ dimc¡
sio¡¡l changesi ánd (J) flainrain rlfe¿d ñt.
8.2. Praaf Load Te\r:
8-2-l Require¡flen¡s-Thc nuts listcd in Tables 3 and 4 shal
bc calable of withsta¡ding rhe proof loads specifled therein. FE ln addition, ahirdnessrest shall be pclfomedbythc
manufacturer in ¿ccordance wilh 8.1.5 on one snmplc nur Proof load te§ting of Dut§ manL¡factured to dimenslons ¡nd
conligurations other than those covercd in Tabte 3 or Tabte:1 is
selecled frorn each ¡ominal diameter and scnes from each
g.ade and he¿r Dumber follo\rilg complerion ofa production
. , ) eqrred rrer \v : . 'ecrled ij rhe o-dcr . ,nqrú).
8-2.2 Nunber ofTes¡s:
8.1.3 Nunbet of T¿s¡s Gra¿es 2HM a .l 7M: The manufacturcr shal test n\e nümber ol nuts :il Each nul shdl be resred i¡ accordance with eirher specified in followi¡g all prcduction hear rreatments.
Specilicatio¡ A962IA962M o¡ with Test Mcthods Fó06 to Nnls that would require a proof load in cxcess of 160 000 lbf
ersurc product confon¡ance. The usc of 100 7¿ electromag- o¡ 705 kN shal]. unless Suppleme¡1ary Requiremenrs St or 54
netic testing for hardness as an ahernative to 100 7ó indenrarion a.e nrvoked i¡ rhc purchase order or contracr. be proof load
h¿rdness is permissible whcn qualiñed by sampting tested pü Section 8 or cross sectjonat hardness Ésred per
using i¡dentation hard¡css tesring. Each lot tested for hnrd¡ess Annex A3 of Test Merhods and Dcfi¡itlons A370. proof Lo¡d -=

electromagrctically shall be 100 6/. examined in accordance lests prev¿il over ha¡dness ,:rsts in the cveni a coüflicl exisE I
v il- P-ac,..e Lsbh. l¡ . c.Iondfnelic e{ ,g lor relaive to minimum stre¡gth.
hardness. a random sample of a minimum of 100 pieces in each 8-2-3 Tesr Me nd-The rcst shalt be run usins a rhreaded
pürchase lot (as defined in 3 1.3) shall bc lested by i¡dcntalion rna¡drel or a 1ef bolt in accorda¡ce wirh Speciñcation A962/
hardness methods. All samples nrust meet h¿.dness requirc
me¡B to pe¡mil acccplance of thc lor. If a¡y o¡e sample is
ouiside of the specified maximum or minimum hardness. the 8.3 Cone Pnaf Load lest:
lot shall be rqected and eithcr reprocessed and resanpled or 8.3.¡ R¿4ai¡¿,2er¡r-This tesr shatl be pcrfor¡ned only
tested I00 7o by indc¡latjon hardncss methods. \te1..ll.le.Lrd.col..o1,irll]e.oc..'ne" l In addition.8.l.2.2 shal he ñ.r between üc ¡¡anufacturer and rhe purch¿scr. Nus i¡ lhe size
8-t.1 Nunbet o¡ Tests, All 7i?¿s rJ Grale 8 Tesrs on rhc r¡nge '¿ to 1,/, in. inclusi\e andM6 ¡o MS6 hclusive shalt be
numbü of sample nurs in accordancc with shall be proof load ¡ested. Nuts not in this size ünge and al1 r$es of
pefformed by the manufactürcr. Grade 8 ¡uls arc ¡ot subjcct ro this rc§t. Atso. ¡uts manufac
8.1-5 7¿r¡ 2-In addition to the lesring required by lurcd to dimensions and conllgü.ations oLhcr than rhose cov-
the ma¡ufactu¡er shall álso perform hffd¡e§§ rests on sámple ered by Spccification A962/A962M, ASME B l I, ASME B
¡u¡s after thc follo\ling iest he¿t trearment. Aftcr compleúon of l.l3M, ASME B 18.2.2, ¡¡d ASME B are not
alt produc¡ior hcal reatments heal the specinrn ¡uts to the subjcct to ihe conc proofload test The cone proofload ¿pptied
¡emperalures indicaicd below for 2,1 h, rhen slow cool. Test at shall be dcrelmined in ¡cco¡dance with thc Cone proof Load
rcquirements in Specificatio¡ A962/A962M (rables or fomu
lae or both) based upon the proofstresses shown in Tabte 5 and
Tablc 6 of Spccificaúo¡ A19,r/A194N,r.
8.3.2 Nunber olZ¿sts-'lhc manufacturer shall sampre and
test the nümber of ¡urs §pecified in The lot shall tre
conside¡ed acccpt¿ble if the samptc nu1(s) withsland(s) appli
cation of ihe co¡c proof toad withour r¡jlure.

rABLE 5 Prool Shess Using 120§ Hardened Steet Co¡é t¡ch


r2o ooo ffi

dfip ats+nrs+na - ro da
fABLE 6 Prool Srress Ustng t20 Hardeñed Stet Coñe Melric

9. Dimensions 10.3 ff a scale-i¡ee bright fi¡ish is required. rhis shalt be

9.1 Nuts shall bc hexagonal in shape, and in accordance spccified on the purchase order. qa
'ih r\e drmen.or, ñr Jle re\ or he1,) ne\.c.i".. a. 69
requlred, by ASME B 18 2.2 and ASME B U¡lcss ll. R€tests
olhcúise specified, the American Nalional Srandard Heavy
Hex Series shali be used aDd nuts shall be cithe¡ doubtc
l1.l Provisio¡s lbr Éfsls by rhc purchaser a¡d his reprc
seniative arc specifie¡l in Supplcmentary Rcquiremem 52.
chamfcrcd or have a m¿chined or forgcd washe¡ face. at the
oplion of the máDui¡cturer, ¡nd, confo¡m ¡o rhe angutaritt
requirements ofASME B 18 2.2 and ASME 12. Certification
B 18.2.:t.6M
9.2 U¡less olherwiic specified, thrcads shatt be in accor- 12.1 In addrtion to the requireme¡ts of Speciñcation A962/
dance with ASME B 1.1 oTASME B 1.131r'1, a'd sha be gascd 4962M, thc certificalio¡ shall inctude rhe resutrs of ihe
in accordance with ASME B 1.2 a¡d ASME B t.l3M as chemical analysis m¿croetch exami¡ario¡ (Carbon and Allov
described ir 9.2.1 and 9.2.2. §leel. Ollr ,. , , ,, nr., u , p.nng
9.2.1 Nuts up to ard including 1 nr. nomin¿l size shall be 'o2HM.
lempe.¡ture lbr nuts of Gradcs 2H, " 3,', 4, 6. 6R 7, and
LINC Series Class 28 fit. Nfctric ¡u¡s up to and i¡cluding M24 7M,
noninal size sh¿lt be coarse thrc¿d series tote¡a¡cc 6H.
9.2.2 Nuts over 1 in. Domin¿l size sh¿ll be either UNC 13. Product M¡rking
Series Class 28 1it or 8 UN Series Class 28 1ii. Untess
othcrwise specilied. the I UN series shall be iünished. Metric 13.1 In addilio¡ ro lhe requirements of Specification A9ó2/
nuls over M24 nominal size shall be coarse thread s.ri.§ 4962M. nuts shall be legibly markcd on onc face with thc
grade symbol ¡eprcse¡1ing lhc grade, rype and rpplicabte :
ma¡utac¡nri¡g process shown in Tablc 7 Ma.king of wrcnch
10. $brkmanship, Finish, and Appearance ffa¡s or bearing süfaces is not permitted u¡less agreed upo¡
10.1 Nuts shall be iicc of defects and shati be good bets een manut¡cturcr and pur.h¿ser

10.2 If visible sufacc imperlectionl in size 7a throueh 17, 14. ¡(eyirords l

'r ard \4ó r\'ñucn \4ró ¿rd in -n) gr¿J. J t-er rhar C;JUe 8
become ¿ matter of issue betwccn r¡e rnanufactürer and rhc
l4.l bolúngi chemical analvsis; coatedi nr¿.kinc on faste¡

purchaset the cone proof load resr described in 8.3 shatl be

,!flf rrsararsnm - rs
TABLE 7 Grade Symbo¡ Márk¡ng of Nuls¡
Nuls Nuls Machñed
IúmBa¡ tacturéd i¡ t9
Slóók Accordanco
Punched wú 6 6

2HM 2Hi\¡B



3i\¡Lñ o
¡whére lipses )apDea¡ n rhs ¡ab s theré s no reouiemánt.
3-r,. ea.t rDvhoi ¿..róá.f" Fo..! éé(ó.r¡6¡
' See Suppéñéñrary Requnement 33


One or nore ofthe folowirg supplemenrary rcquiremems sháti be alpiied o¡ty whc¡ speci¡cd by
the purchaser i¡ ¡he inquir), conrracr, or order. Derails of these srpplc¡¡e¡rtary rcquirene;ts shalt be
agreed upo¡ in writing by the manutacrurer and pu.chaser Supptememary requiremcnls shalt i¡ no
\\,ay negate a¡) rcquirement of thc specilication irsclf.

51. Strain-Hardened Austenitic Ste€l \uts S2. Retests by Purchaser,s Represenrátive

S1.1 Strain hardened C¡ades 8, 8C,8T,8M.8F.8p 8N. or 52. I The purchaser's rcpresenrárive Inay select two nuts per
SMN ¡uts may bc specllied. Whcn Supptement¿ry Require- kee (200 Ib unir f90 kgl) for sizes 1i¡. and M16 and smaler.
me¡l 51 is invoked in t¡c order. nurs sh¿Il be machincd rion one nut pcr keg for sizes ovcr/s i¡. rnd M16 up to and
cold drawn ba¡s or shall be cold forged to shape. No subsc inchding ly, in. andM36. and onc nu¡ per cvery rwo kcgs fo¡
quent he¿t treanne¡t §h¿ll be performcd on ¡henL¡ls. Nuls made sizes lárger üar 1 % in. and M36, which sh¿lt be subjectcd to
i¡ accordancc wirh this rcquiremenr shalt be proof load tested ¡he tests specilied in Sectio¡ 8.
in accordance with 8.2 2.1 a¡d shall {,jthsrand the proof load
specificd i¡ Table S l.l and Tablc S1.2. Testlng nuts requiring 53. Low-Temperature R€quirements for Crade 4, crade 7
proof loads over ló0 000lbfor 705 kN is only requned when or Grade 7X{ :,[uts
Suppleme¡tary Requirement 54 is invoked. Thc ha.dness S3.1 When low-lcmperarurc requiremen¡s are spccified for
limiB of Tablc 2 do not apply ro strain hardened nuts. Nuts Crádc :l or Cüde 7 nurs, the Charpy test procedures ¿nd
madc in accordance with rhis require¡reni shal bc m¿rked wiü requiremc!1s as dcfined in Specitication A320/A320M for
the Gráde svmbol underlined úraoe L-'l-bl lo\\ pnre a,L.reqLIemcfl . are
.$p ars+arsana , rs
IABLE 51,1 proot Load Tes ng ot Skain Hardened Nuts Using Threaded Mandrét _ tnch Series d9
N.n I Proof loads are not design loads


Árhe prool lóad,orlañ nuls shat bé .16 % or rhe labu a1¿d vá ue.

TABLE St.2 Proot Load Tesli.g oi Straiñ Hardened Nuts Using fhreaded Mandre¡ _ irerric
NorL l-Prcoi lo¡ds de not design loads. 9
Prool Loád kNÁ
Nomina¡ fhr€ád Ar€á. A OtherTypes
s¿",-_ p¡ror, .,.
Sress Grad6 sM
,,,"^r,,¿-"¡, ,","nÁ"J"*a) ,",,::?:;1"":"",
Atorhe, Typés

M3 125 366 27A 253 sr3 ¡
M10 49.S .g
M12 3,1.3 64.1 sBz 12.5
20 1150 a74 794 9S9 A74 3
M16 20 1570 1193 lO33 1350 i193
M20 25 2.ts.O 2109 ft62
M22 2.5 303 0 209 o I S7.9 240 I
M24 230.6 243 5
M27 3.0 4590 3006 263.5 3006
r\¡36 4A6.7 367 5
4.0 3t70 506.s 4491 5637
'rn" proor
ror ¡
doo'q."só 760V 690 Mo" V-. roM.¿i-:6..Vp"V..tóvjo or fi13ó
'B¿sed óñ prootsrress or690 Mp¿ up ro M20 mñ,620 Mp¿ M22 ro M24 mm, s8s Mpa M27lo M3oiánd ".oo_ovoá
550 Mpalor Ms6
"B¿sed on proofsrf-.s§ ór 360 MP¿ up ro tr¡20 ññ 795 Mp¿ [¡22 t0 M2¿ ñmi725 ¡,¡pa ]\¡271ó M3o mm and690MpatorM36

spe.ified for Grade 7M nuts, the Charpy test p.ocedures ard test is to apply. Impact tcsting is nor requied úhen lhe bar
requircments as defincd in Specificatio¡ A320/A320M for siock or nut ¡ smallcr than % i!. 116 m¡rl jn diamete,r
Grade L7M shall apply. DepcDding on the size ofnuts, sep¡rate
S3.2 A¡" L" shail bc ¿dded ro the marking. as shown in
test samples of rhc same heat may be required a¡d shali be
Tablc 7. lbr nl¡is so tesred
processed through heat trcatmenr wiü úe ¡uts for which ihe
.{fp rrs+nr sana - rs ól
S4. Proof Load T€sts of Large Nuts 57.1.1 Referercc to rhe appropriate coaling specilicatioD
54.l Proofload lesring ofnuts rcquirjng proofloads ofover a¡d t)!e, rhickness, localio¡, modilicátion to dimensions_ xnd
1 60 000 lbf o. 705 kN is rcquired Tesring shait bc pert¡med hydrosen emb tdeme¡t reliet
in accorda¡ce with 8.210 ihe loads requlred i¡ Iable S4.l and NorE Sl.l Modiñ.anon ol lhread diñensions ma) .esutr in Ioss ot
Table S4.2. Thc maximum load wil bc based emirctv on the
equipment ¿vailable.
57.1.2 Refc.ence to Specifcario¡s Al5l/Al53M, 8633. *?
S5. Control of Product by Heat Numb€r 8695, 8696, 8766, F19.11, F2329, or Tcst Method FI940. o.
S5.l When control of ¡urs by actuat hcar a¡atysis is
requircd and this supple¡nenlary rcquirement is speci6ed. üc :!
ma¡ shall idenrify the complercd nurs l¡ each ship- 58. Marking Coat€d Nuts 6P
ment by the actual heat number. When this srppleme¡ta¡,
requlremc¡i is specified. a certificate inctuding the rcsutus of
S8.1 Nuts coaied wirh zinc shalt h¿ve ZN mirked atier thc si,
g.ade symbol. Nuts coated \r,ith cadmiu¡n shal have CD
üc actual pmduction lefs ofcach tesr lor rogcther with rhe heat
m¿rked after the srade symbol
chemical an¿lysis shall be tumishcd by rhe ma¡ufacturer
N.rE SS.l-As ar exanlle, üe marking for Tjic coared 2H aastencs
56. Grain Size Reqürements for Non H Crade Ausrenftic witl ¡ov be 2EZN ¡arher rh3n ,H*
Steels Us€d Above 1000 .F
56.1 For design mclal temperarures above 1000 .F [5,10 59. Proof Load T€sting
'Cl, the mate.ial shall halc a grain size of No. 7 or coarse¡ as S9.1 Proof load rers of nuls made to dime¡sions. rhrcad ;2,
determincd in accordance with Tcst Methods El12. T¡e qrrin pi¡ch, and configuralions othe¡ üan those covered in Tabtc 3 or
r:,/e .u oerern;n..J ,lal. be r.p.-ed on rhc r
n.-.. ,fi..,. Table:1 sh¿ll be mádc using loads agreed upon between rhe
S7. Coating on Nuts m¿nufaÚurer a¡d rhe pu.chaser

S7.l ft is lhe purchaseñ rcspo¡sibiliry ro specit j¡ the

purchase o.der all inform¡iion requircd by the coati¡g facihy.
S10. 100 7. Hardness T€sting of crade 2HNt and 7M
Examlles of such information ¡¡ay inctude but a¡e no¡ timited 510.1 Each nur shali be tes¡ed for h¡rd¡ess bv indcnt¡tion
to the followingi ,erhod a,r .'rJll m!p|ne reqLrrem\r . .pe.irci rr T. bte 2
fABLE S4,1 Prooi Load for Larse Heavy Héx Nuts
- hch¡


or Tab e s1.1. Trre pbor road torlañ ñurs shaÍ bé 46 q. or rhe iabú áred toad
,(fl[ rts+nr s+tit - rs
TABLE S4,2 Proo, Loád lor
G,"o" , 2_M. o. D -V u!dc. 2 ,. 4 7 rD óq:

¡ AS\¡E
B ln the size ¡ánge óver Ms6 próvdés d mens ons ony lor heavy hex nuis Rét$to73l
6 Próól Lóads lor ñurs or arser dmenslons or olher lh¡ead s€Í€s may bé óacuraréd by ñúip y ns the thread slrcss areá rñ€s rhe proot slress in rhé ñór€s ro fab e,1
orTableSl.2 Th€prooi oadlorlamnurssharbé¿6%órtheraburatedroad
(Nomanilatory Informátior)


X1.1 St¿in hardening is the increase in slrenglh and hárd scctio¡ reduction, die anglc ¿ind bar size. In l¿rge dia¡neterbars, R!
ness that results from plaslic dcfomation below the recrys¡al, for example. plasti. delbrmatio¡ will occur principa y nr the ai
lization tcmpcráture (cold work). This etrect is produced in outcr rcgio¡s ol the b¿r, so ihat üe incrcased st.e¡gih and
austeniúc stainless steels by redücing olersizcd bars 1o the hardness due to strain hardening is achieved predomirantly
dcsircd linal size by cold &awing or oiher process. The dcgrcc nea. the sudace of lhe bar. That is. rhe smaller the bar, the ó
of strain hardening achievable in ¿ny al1oy is limi¡ed by its greater lhc pcDelration of strain hardening. Thus, rhe nechani
slr¿in hardening charactedstics. I¡ addition. ihe amounl of cal properiies ofa given st.ain hardened fástener are dependent
strain hdde¡ing ¡ha¡ can be produced is further limited by üc ¡oijust on the alloy. bur also on the size ofbar froñ which it
variables ol the p¡ocess, such as thc tot¡l ¿mount of cross- is machined.


X2. 1 Use of co¡ted fastc¡crs at temper¿lures above approxi [415 'Cl. Thcrefore. applicatio¡ ofzinc coaied fasre¡üs should
mately o¡e halfthe melring point (Fahrenheir or Cclsius) ofthe be linited lo tempcr¿tures less lhn¡ 390 'F [210 .C]. Thc
coating is nol rcco¡¡¡¡ended unless consideraiion is give¡ to melting point of cadmium is approximaiely 600 'F 1320 .Cl.
¡he potential for liquid and solid mctal cmbriltlement. or both. Therefore, application of cadmiun coaled t¡stenen should bc
The mclling point of eleme¡ial zinc is approximarely 780 'F lir¡itcd 1() temperatures less than 300 .F .Cl.


Comminee A01 has identilied üe ]ocation of sclected cha¡ges to ihis specificaiion since the lasr issue,
4194/A194lvl 12a, that may imprct the use ol this specificaiion. (Approvcd O.rober 1, 2013)

(1) Grade 7 has been identined as a suitablc substitute t¡r (2) Raised nitogcn ma\imum for 531254 io 0.25 from 0.22.
Grade 4 Nüls. The i¡te¡úon ¡o remove cr3de 4 as a rcdundanr
grade has been statcd.

Cornmi¡ree A01 has idcntificd the Iocation of selecled changes lo this specificatio¡ since ¡he last issüe,
Alg4/Al9,lM 12, that may lmpacl the use ol this spe.ilicatio¡. (Approved Novcnber 1, 2012)

(/) Revised to permit use of elecromagnctic hardness (2) Added Suppleñentry Requirement S 10.

Committee 401 has identilied the location ol selected changes 1() this specilication si¡cc the las¡ issle.
419.1/Ai94M ll, thit m¿y imprct the use of this specification. (Approved M¡y t, 2012)

{ff rrs+rarsau - rs qá
(l)Revised requirement covering testing of nüh when rhe (2) Added Type 347LN, ftadcs SCLN and SCLNA. io 6.5,6.6. ó9
proof load excceds 160 000lbs in Table 1, Table 2, and Table 7, as appropriare. g !)-

ASÍM hlena¡¡anal ¡akés ño pó.rtróh respec ng thé v¿|¡d y óf any patút t¡gh§ as§enéd ¡n cannect¡óñ w¡th any teñ ñeht¡oned
¡h thb standard u§erc a¡ thrs stahdad ate expresst adtÉd tha¡ detemina¡¡an at lhé vát¡dry af any súch patent f¡ghts, áhd the r¡s*
at ¡nt¡nsemen¡ ol such hqhts, á¡e enfielv thén awn rcspóhs¡bitity
fh¡s st¿ñ is subjeat ta rcv¡sian at any t¡ne bt the ,espans¡bte ¡achn¡cal cóññ¡iée and nus¡ be rcú.wed avery t¡ve yea6 an.!
¡t nol rev¡sed, .nhét Eappbved ót wi¡hdtaw. Yaut Nññéht6 arc thvtted e¡thet tat Gv¡sioñ ór kÉ standad at ¡ú
add¡nanat §tandads
and shóLld be addrcssed ta ASÍhl lntérnat¡óhat Héadquatles. yaú conñénts wú rc.eive carctut can§déta¡ion at a ñéét¡hs af ¡he
t*pons¡ble techn¡a| coññ¡néé, whrch yau nay anend. l¡ yaL ¡eel that yaút únnen¡s have nót Éce¡@d a hn húrns yau shau¡d
nake yóút v¡ées knawn ta ¡he AsÍM coññkeé óh sténdards, a¡ the a.ldress §hówh beLaw

fhÉ s¡andad is caw ghted by asfv htéñationat, 1aa Bar Hakü Dnve, Pa Bóx c7aa, w*t cóhshohocken, pa 19428 2959.
un¡ted statrs. hd¡vidbt Epthts lsthgte.t nun¡pb Npi$) a¡ th¡§ standad nay be obtainad by.út c¡¡nq asfu at lhe abavé 9:,
addfé* of at 61a-332-s585 lphane), 61A 332-ss55 (fa,), ú Ée1ice@astñots (e-ña|. ú rhfaush the asrM website
(wwtu.astñ.a@ Pem¡ssion ghts tó photoúpt the srandatd nay alsa bé séurcd ím the ASIM website (ww.aÉtñ.¡s/ sf





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