Leveraging Public Health Nursing To Build A 2014 American Journal of Prevent

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Leveraging Public Health Nursing to Build a

Culture of Health
Susan B. Hassmiller, RN, PhD, FAAN

research and experts outside the field on action steps to

ublic health nurses promote and protect the health
of communities and populations and seek to reduce enhance the ability of public health nurses to improve the
health disparities. They provide reliable informa- public’s health.1 RWJF had previously funded a study
tion to a variety of community groups of all ages to explain that analyzed the size, makeup, and preparation of the
proper nutrition, demonstrate effective safety practices, public health nursing workforce to give a clearer picture
and promote early detection of common diseases. of the challenges facing the workforce.3 These meetings
Despite the potential of public health nurses to con- and studies offer a roadmap for the public health nursing
tribute to better population-based health outcomes, the field to maximize its contribution to improving health.
field remains beset with challenges. State and federal budget
cuts have slashed public health departments, with public Education
health nursing sustaining the largest share of the cuts.1 Public health nurses address population health needs;
Public health nurses need more competitive salaries for thus, they must be well versed in clinical prevention,
hiring and retaining qualified staff. The workforce is aging healthcare policy, leadership, research, finance and
and has too few diverse and baccalaureate-prepared nurses, regulatory environments, and interprofessional colla-
and there is a concurrent shortage of faculty to teach the boration.5 They should be able to conduct community
next generation.2,3 Furthermore, schools of nursing should assessments and apply the principles of epidemiology.6
teach more public health nursing content in their classes, These competencies should be found in baccalaureate
and public health departments should offer additional and higher degree programs, yet health departments
training opportunities to nurses already in the field. report that nearly one third of their nursing workforce is
Leveraging the public health nursing field is crucial to educated at the associate’s-degree/diploma level.3
fully achieving the promise of health reform, with a health The IOM report “The Future of Nursing: Leading
system that prevents disease and promotes health instead of Change, Advancing Health”7 calls for 80% of the general
focusing on acuity and illness. Public health nurses must nursing workforce to receive a baccalaureate degree or
help to lead efforts to build a Culture of Health, which the higher by 2020 and to increase the diversity of the
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) defines as nursing workforce. Because of the special competencies
shifting the values—and the actions—of this country so that needed for their role, it is crucial for public health nursing
health and healthy decisions become a part of everything to achieve at least the 80% goal. Public health organiza-
Americans do. RWJF wants to enable all of U.S. society to tions should provide opportunities for their nurses to
lead healthy lives, now and for generations to come. have additional education and training opportunities.
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s
agreement with CDC for Academic Partnerships to
Preparing the Public Health Nursing
Improve Health offers a great example of an initiative
Workforce for the Future to transform education for future public health practice.
In 2012, RWJF convened a Forum on the Future of the The program offers improved integration of public
Public Health Nursing, where experts discussed chal- health concepts into nursing education programs,
lenges and opportunities to developing a shared vision increased hands-on experience for students working with
for the field’s future direction.4 In 2013, the Quad communities and public health partners, and an
Council of Public Health Nursing Organizations held expanded fellowship model that can lead to field place-
an Invitational Forum on the Role and Future of Nurses ments in health agencies and communities.8
in Public Health to develop consensus among public
health nursing leaders in education, practice, and Leadership
Public health nurses bring a unique focus from individuals
From the Senior Adviser for Nursing, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and families to populations and systems, so they are well
Princeton, New Jersey
0749-3797/$36.00 situated to integrate new health system models and meet
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amepre.2014.07.027 the demands of a health system undergoing transformation.

& 2014 American Journal of Preventive Medicine  Published by Elsevier Inc. Am J Prev Med 2014;47(5S3):S391–S392 S391
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).
S392 Hassmiller / Am J Prev Med 2014;47(5S3):S391–S392
As public health agencies increasingly focus on quality strengthen nursing education, promote leadership, and
and accountability through national accreditation and foster research to build a Culture of Health that will
attainment of public health standards, public health enable all in our diverse society to lead healthy lives, now
nurses need to lead efforts related to accreditation, and for generations to come.
community assessment, health improvement, planning,
quality improvement, performance management, and Publication of this article was supported by the U.S. Centers for
strategic planning.4 Leadership content is critical in Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an Agency of the
nursing programs, with continued opportunities for Department of Health and Human Services, under the
training and mentorship available for public health Cooperative Agreement with the Public Health Foundation
nurses in the workforce. and University of Michigan Center of Excellence in Public
Public health nurses should advocate for health Health Workforce Studies (CDC RFA-OT13-1302). The ideas
promotion and prevention activities and policies to expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not
reduce disparities at the local, state, and national levels, necessarily reflect the official position of CDC.
and they need training to better impact systems change. No other financial disclosures were reported by the author of
The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action (campaign- this paper.
foraction.org/), a national initiative led by RWJF and
AARP to implement the IOM recommendations on the
future of nursing, is seeking as many nurses as possible to
sit on committees and boards, including public health
1. Swider SM, Levin PF, Kulbok P. Quad Council of Public Health
Nursing Organizations Invitational Forum on the Role and Future of
Nurses in Public Health: Final Report. 2014. achne.org/files/Quad%
Research 20Council/PHNInvitationalConferenceReportFINAL03102014.pdf.
More research is needed to document the effects of public 2. Quad Council of Public Health Nursing Organizations. Strategic priority:
advancing public health nursing education [policy brief]. 2012. www.
health nursing interventions on population-focused
health outcomes,9 and more public health nurses should education.pdf.
be trained to conduct evidence-based research around 3. University of Michigan Center of Excellence in Public Health Work-
their practice. Researchers must test emerging care force Studies. Enumeration and characterization of the public health
nurse workforce. Ann Arbor MI: University of Michigan, 2013. www.
models that demonstrate impact on improved care and
cost-effectiveness. The Nurse–Family Partnership pro- 4. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Forum on the Future of Public
gram is among the most heralded public health nursing Health Nursing. Proceedings and feedback: summary report; 2012 Feb
programs precisely because of rigorous longitudinal 8. Princeton NJ. www.rwjf.org/content/dam/farm/reports/reports/
research demonstrating its success.10 Public health nur-
5. American Association of Colleges of Nursing. The essentials of
sing is more likely to be supported and funded with baccalaureate education for professional nursing practice. Washington
evidence demonstrating its role in promoting health and DC: American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2008. www.aacn.
protecting communities. nche.edu/education-resources/baccessentials08.pdf.
6. American Public Health Association, Public Health Nursing Section.
The definition and practice of public health nursing: a statement
Conclusions of the public health nursing section. Washington DC: American
Public health nurses should play a critical role in leading Public Health Association, 2013.
health transformation to a system focused on health 7. IOM. The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. nap.
promotion and prevention. The vision for the Future of 8. CDC. Academic partnerships to improve health. Atlanta GA: CDC,
Nursing: Campaign for Action is that “everyone in 2013. www.cdc.gov/ophss/csels/dsepd/documents/academic-partner
America can live a healthier life, supported by a system ships-factsheet.pdf.
in which nurses are essential partners in providing care 9. Quad Council of Public Health Nursing Organizations. Research in
nursing [policy brief]. 2011.www.achne.org/files/Quad%20Council/
and promoting health.” That vision is unachievable QCStrategicBriefResearchinPHN_Practice.pdf.
without the involvement of public health nursing and 10. Olds DL. The nurse–family partnership: an evidence-based preventive
other key public health stakeholders. The field must intervention. Infant Ment Health J 2006;27(1):5–25.


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