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Individualized Professional Development Plan for New Teachers

Name: Rose Simmons

Elementary or Secondary: Elementary
Major: Mathematics, Learning Disabilities, and Elementary Education

Semester Student Teaching Completed: Fall ‘18

School Building: 1. Cross Creek Charter Academy 2. Emmons Lake Elementary
District: 1. National Heritage Academy 2. Caledonia
Grade/Subject: 1. 4th Grade 2. Resource Room________________________________

List any memberships to professional organizations for teachers:

 Michigan Council for Mathematic Teachers

List any workshops or conferences that you have attended in the past 2 years:
 Math in Action Conference
 FireUp Conference
 Leaders of Tomorrow
 Regional PD with NHA (Summer and Fall)

List any articles published, presentations given, awards received, committee assignments,
or research conducted within the past 2 years:
 Math Student of the Year at the Poje Banquet
 Kappa Gamma Pi
 Pi Mu Epsilon
 Presented PD through Coteaching at Aquinas

What are your areas of strength?

 Mathematics Instruction
 Reading Instruction

What are your areas in need of growth?

 Writing Instruction
 Social Studies Instruction
 Science Instruction

What are your immediate plans for professional development (within the next 1-2 years)?
My immediate plans for professional development are to continue with the
Leaders of Tomorrow cohort through the Kent ISD Math program until April when our
time together ends. I have been going to the monthly meetings since August when it
started. I have learned a lot and had opportunities to meet other students in my same
I would like to attend conferences in the next couple of years. Last year I went to
Math in Action. I would like to attend next school year. I would also like to find an
English Language Arts conference to attend.

What are your future plans for professional development (3-5 years)?
My future plans for professional development are to attend district provided
opportunities, staff meetings, and conferences.
I would like to start classes toward a masters in reading or math. I think both are
important for my growth as a teacher. I have a passion to become a highly effective
teacher in both areas.

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