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Julio Vargas

EDU 202
Professor Christensen

Spanish Lesson Plan

Lesson: Learning numbers 1-20 in Spanish.

Length: Approximately 30 minutes long.

Grade Level: 6th Grade Spanish

Academic Standards: INTASC – Principle #1: Content Knowledge – Language teachers are

proficient in the language they teach. They understand language as a system, how

students learn a language, and how language and culture are linked.

NCCS – Standard #2. Interpretive Communication: Learners understand,

interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or reviewed on a variety of topics.

Objectives: SWBAT: Pronounce numbers 1-20 correctly in Spanish, SWBAT: List numbers 1-

20 in order, SWBAT: Write the numbers in Spanish correctly, SWBAT: Identify the

numbers even when spelled wrong or jumbled out of order.


 Worksheet containing the numbers 1-20 in numerical form as well as Spanish written


 Spanish numbers 1-20 crossword worksheet.

 Numbers 1-20 written in Spanish written in large font for shuffle game.


 Teacher Procedures: Read numbers in Spanish to show correct pronunciation, correct

students when numbers are pronounced wrong, help students solve the crossword puzzle,

and monitor shuffle game for horseplay or bad behavior.

Julio Vargas
EDU 202
Professor Christensen
 Students: Read numbers out loud, write numbers down using the crossword puzzle, use

large font numbers to shuffle them into the correct order.

Closure: Shuffle Game – Students will each hold a written number and stand in a flat single-file

line, the numbers will not be in order. The students will use what they have learned to work

together to shuffle around and place the numbers in correct, numerical order.

Reflection: The evaluation of the lesson plan was the shuffle game. It is a fun way to help

understand how well my students absorbed the lesson. It allows them to work together and help

each other. I three different teach strategies to help my students learn the numbers 1-20. I

verbally said each number, which lends itself to auditory learners. I had the students write down

the numbers using the crossword puzzle. I also helped the kinesthetic learners with the shuffle

game. The strengths of this assignment were the different ways I taught my students the lesson. I

wasn’t just preaching to them the whole time, but I used different activities to help them

understand the lesson. The shuffle game is also a strength in this lesson. Not only does it

evaluate the students’ understanding of the numbers, it is also an activity that includes everyone

at once and allows the students to have fun together. The weakness may be the shuffle game

when it comes to how students can behave. It is an opportunity to get the students out of their

seat so they can act out or begin to not listen.

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