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Grade: 3 Subject/Unit: Art/ELA/Ivan

Teacher: Miss Seppala Lesson: 8

Desired Results (what will students learn?)

How do our value towards ourselves, others, and animals affect our quality of life?

Essential Art PURPOSE 3: Students will decorate items personally created.

Question(s) Concept B: Details, patterns or textures can be added to the surface of three-dimensional works.

Topic E: Animal Life Cycles

Learning SLO 6: Demonstrate awareness that animals require different habitats in order to meet their basic needs of food,
Outcome(s) water, shelter and space.

Social Studies 3.1.2: What determines quality of life?

Students will be able to:
1. Construct an ideal habitat for Ivan.
Objective(s) 2. Apply their research about gorilla habitats.

Assessment Evidence (how will you determine student learning?)

Summative Formative  Observations during group work
 N/A for this lesson.
Assessment Assessment  Planning sheet

Learning Experiences/Opportunities (what will students do to learn it?)

 Art Supplies for habitat
Ed Resources
 N/A for this lesson.  Visual journals with research
Tech to Prepare  Planning sheet
Time Allotment Content/Description Notes
Introduction/Attention Grabber:
 Thinking about Iva and where he currently lives at the circus, do you think he
has a very good quality of life? How do you think we can improve his quality
of life? What can we include in his habitat?
 We are going to use our research and our knowledge about quality of life to
Students are already in groups.
create an “ideal habitat” for Ivan the gorilla.
 Today you will be working with your groups to start building your habitat for
5 minutes Students may have brought
Ivan. You may use the supplies provided, but please share!
supplies from home.
 You will be using your imagination and your creativity to build this habitat,
your supplies will include fabric, paper, markers, yarn, etc.
 You must use detail, pattern, and textures to make a 3D habitat for Ivan.
 Distributer and class helper will hand out visual journals with research in it.
Activity #1: Gather Materials
Teacher Prompts/Cues/Explanations
Students must conference with myself or Mrs.Molsberry in order to get the
okay to move on to creating their habitat. This will ensure that all students’
plans will be successful and there is nothing unattainable.
Students will gather their planning sheet, a cardboard base, and any other
materials they need for their habitat.
5 minutes
Student Actions
Resources needed: planning
 Gather materials such as planning sheet, base, materials, glue, etc.
sheets, art supplies, other
Guiding/Prompting Questions
materials, cardboard base, etc.
 Do you have all the materials you need for today?
 Remember, this is a long-term project, so you will not be finishing this today.
Transition Cues

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ED3501 – Section AB (Fall, 2018)
Grade: 3 Subject/Unit: Art/ELA/Ivan
Teacher: Miss Seppala Lesson: 8

 Once all materials are collected, you may begin following your plan and
starting your Ivan Habitat.
Activity #2: Begin Creating Ivan’s Ideal Habitat
Teacher Prompts/Cues/Explanations
Make sure students are sharing the art supplies.
Make sure student plans are complete before they begin this step.
Art PURPOSE 3: Students will
Supervise students in using supplies appropriately, but let them have
decorate items personally created.
independence and use their imagination, creativity, research, and knowledge
Concept B: Details, patterns or
about Ivan’s quality of life.
textures can be added to the
Student Actions
1:10pm surface of three-dimensional
 Use plan to guide you in creating Ivan’s Ideal Habitat.
25 minutes works.
 Use art supplies appropriately, sharing with others.
 Use research and your knowledge about Ivan to create the Ideal Habitat.
Resources needed: planning
Performance Indicators
sheets, art supplies, other
 Students are using art supplies appropriately and are sharing with others.
materials, cardboard base, etc
 Students are using their plan to create the habitat.
 Students are using their research and knowledge about quality of life.
Transition Cues
 Finish up for today and begin to clean up.
Activity #3: Clean Up and Wrap Up
Teacher Prompts/Cues/Explanations
 Have students begin to clean up their materials.
 Have students put their names on their habitat and put it somewhere safe,
maybe in shelves, etc.
Student Actions
 Clean up materials.
If floors and desks are dirty, have
1:35pm  Put away supplies.
both helpers grab appropriate
5 minutes  Put name on habitat.
cleaning materials.
 Performance Indicators
 Students are working together to put away materials.
 Room is being tidied up.
 Lesson Closure/Cliffhanger:
 We will continue with Ivan’s Ideal Habitat tomorrow, and I want you to think
about what you can add to your habitat to make Ivan happy. What can we
add to his ideal habitat to positively impact his quality of life?

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ED3501 – Section AB (Fall, 2018)

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