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Psuedo-code for ShiftRegisterWrite service

Parameters: CustomPin_t RCLKPin, CustomPin_t SCLKPin, CustomPin_t DataPin

Set DataPin low

Set SCLKPin low
Set RCLKPin high
End of SR_Write_Init

Return LocalRegisterImage
End of SR_GetCurrentRegister

Parameters: uint8_t NewValue, CustomPin_t RCLKPin, CustomPin_t SCLKPin, CustomPin_t DataPin
Set LocalRegisterImage to NewValue
Lower the register clock
For every bit in NewValue
Set bit to the MSB of NewValue
If bit is 0
Lower the DataPin
Raise the DataPin
Raise SCLKPin
Lower SCLKPin
Get next bit of NewValue into MSB
Raise the register clock to latch the new data
End of SR_Write
End of ShiftRegisterWrite

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