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A User-friendly Reference
and Exercise Book • Vol. I

Gila Freedman Cohen • Carmia Shoval

A User-friendly Reference and Exercise Book

Gila Freedman Cohen and Carmia Shoval

A User-friendly Reference and Exercise Book

Gila Freedman Cohen and Carmia Shoval



The publication of this book was made possible in part by a grant from
Keren Karev of the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies.

Editorial advisor: Sharon Sokoler

Graphic design: Yossi Pinchuk

Illustrations: Gustavo Viselner - pp. 26, 254, 286-289, 309, 319, 320, 324, 536, 675
Ofer Shoval - pp. 346, 444, 502

Published by The Hebrew University Magnes Press

P.O. Box 39099, Jerusalem 91390
Fax 972-2-5660341

All rights reserved by
The Hebrew University Magnes Press
Jerusalem 2011

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in

any manner whatsoever without written permission.
No part of this book may be stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted in any form or by any means including
electronic, electrostatic, magnetic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise without the prior permission in
writing of the publisher

ISBN 978-965-493-601-9
eBook ISBN 978-965-493-602-6

Printed in Israel
Layout: Irit Nachum, Art Plus

Acknowledgements xi

Introduction xiii


I. Basic Concepts 3
1. Root 3 ‫ךש‬1‫ש‬
2. Pattern 9 ‫׳‬T ! ‫י‬

II. Nouns 17 ‫שמות עצם‬

1. The Gender of Nouns 18
2. How Are Nouns Made Plural? 34
3. Definite and Indefinite Nouns 52
4. Nouns with Possessive Endings (...60 (‫ דודיו‬,;‫בנן‬
5. How Are Hebrew Nouns Formed? 78
6 . Segolate Nouns (89 (‫ בוקר‬,‫ ספר‬,‫ילד‬
7. Verbal Nouns 108 ‫שמות פעולה‬

III. Adjectives 124 ‫ ת תואר‬1‫שמ‬

1. How Do Adjectives Behave?: Placement and Matching 124
2. How Are Adjectives Fornied? 138
3. Adjectives Resulting from an Action Taken and Completed:
‫ מופ^ל‬,‫ מפו^ל‬,‫פעול‬ 159

Smeechoot: Noun-Noun PhrasesIV. ‫סמיכות‬

V. Double Possessives )‫ של שמואל‬i n ( ‫סמיכות כפולה‬ 200

Words PointingandPronounsVI. )...‫ זח את זה‬,...‫ ההוא‬,...‫ זה‬,...‫ני‬

V II. Prepositions 215 ‫מילות יחס‬
1. Prepositions and Their Meanings 215
2. How Do Prepositions Behave When No Ending Is Attached?:
Writing and Pronunciation 222
3. Adding Endings to Prepositions (...229 (‫ ץליי‬,‫ אצלי‬,‫לי‬

V III. Numbers and Quantifiers 253

1. Numbers (...8:30 253 (‫ השעה‬,...‫ שנינו‬,...‫ א'= ו‬,...‫ ןאשון‬,...‫אחד‬
2. All, Part o f...: Quantifiers (...291 (‫ רובם‬,‫ בולם‬,‫ חלק מה־‬,-‫כל ה‬

IX . Adverbials 300
1. Where Expressions (...301 (‫ הביתה‬,‫ למשךד‬,‫פאן‬
2. When Expressions (...309 (‫ כבר‬,‫ למחרת‬,‫ בשבוע הבא‬,‫היום‬
3. How Long Expressions and How Often Expressions
(331 (‫ לשבוע‬,‫לןר‬1‫ כל ב‬,‫ כל הבולןר‬,‫שבוע‬
4. How Expressions (....339 (‫ במהירות‬,‫מהר‬

X. Making Comparisons: Comparatives, Superlatives and the Like

)‫תר‬1‫ בי‬...-‫ ה‬...-‫ ה‬,-‫תר מ‬1‫ י‬,‫תו ספר‬1‫(א‬ 350


I. Patterns o f Verbs: The Seven Beenyaneem 361 ‫הבניינים‬

II. Signs o f Tenses and Forms: Past, Present, Future and Infinitive 369

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem 379 ‫השלמים‬

1. BeenyanPee'el 380 ‫פיעל‬
2. Beenyan Pa'al 392 ‫פעל‬
3. Beenyan Heetpa'el 406‫התפעל‬
4. Beenyan Heefeel 416 ‫הפעיל‬
5. Beenyan Neefal 422 ‫נפעל‬
6 . Beenyan Poo'al 430 ‫פועל‬
7. Beenyan H o o f al 438 ‫הופעל‬
8 . Regular Verbs in All Beenyaneem‫׳‬. Summary 444

IV. Verbs w ith Guttural Consonants ( ‫ ע׳‬/‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬/ ‫) א‬ 448
1. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al 450
2. Guttural Consonants: Beenyaneem Heef'eel, Hoof'al and Heetpa'el 462
3. Guttural Consonants and ;‫ר‬: Beenyaneem Pee 'el, Poo'al and Neef'al 474

V. Special Root Groups ‫גזמת‬ 488

1. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is ;‫נ‬ ‫גזרת פ״נ‬ 490
2. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is '‫י‬ ‫;י‬,‫גזרת פ‬ 504
3. Verbs Whose Middle Root Letter Is '‫ י‬or '‫ו‬ ‫ע״י‬/‫גזרת ע״ו‬ 517
4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is ‫( י׳‬or ;n) ‫ל״ה‬/‫גזרת ל׳׳י‬ 532
5. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫א‬ ‫גזרת ל׳׳א‬ 557

VI. Command Forms (Imperatives) ‫ציווי‬ 567

V II. Meanings and the Beenyaneem 578

1. Active and Passive Verbs ‫פעיל וסביל‬
• T ! ‫ ־‬T
2. Special Categories of Active Verbs: Causative, Reflexive and Reciprocal 593
3. Verbs that Are Neither Active Nor Passive 606
4. Meanings and the Beenyaneem: Summary 613


I. Basie Concepts: Sounds and Syllables 621

II. The Pronunciation o f ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh 624

III. Reduction o f Vowels and the Shva 640

IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues 654



I. What Is a Sentence? 673

II. Verb Sentences 675

1. Subjects and Verbs 675
2. Sentences Without Subjects: Impersonal Sentences 694 ‫סתמי‬
3. The Direct Object and the Use of 697 ‫את‬

III. Non-Verb Sentences 705

1. Sentences with a Non-Verb Predicate (.705 (‫יונתן רופא‬
2. Sentences with a Connector (.714 ‫אוגד(יונתן הוא הבן של שרה‬

IV. Sentences w ith ‫ יש‬and 733 ‫אין‬

1. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬: There is (are), There isn't(aren't) 733
2. Sentences with ...‫ יש לי‬and ...‫אין לי‬: I have / 1 don't have... 742

V. Sentences w ith Infinitives (.754 (‫ללמוד‬,‫ל״‬1‫ יכ‬/ ‫ צריןז‬/ ‫ עלול‬/ ‫הוא התחיל‬

VI. Impersonal Sentences w ith ...‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫כדאי‬

and Their Personal Counterparts 768
1. Impersonal Sentences with ‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ כךאי‬and the Like 768
2. Making Impersonal Sentences Personal 778
3. ‫ טוב ש־‬,-‫ חשוב ש‬,‫ פז־אי ש־‬and the Like 791

VII. Negation and Negative Expressions 795

V III. Asking Questions 807

IX . Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like 834

1. Adding Information (...834 (‫ בנוסף לכף‬,‫ גם‬,-‫ו‬
2. Dealing with Alternatives: Or, Not... But Rat her . . . ( . . . 8 4 5 ( ‫ אלא‬...‫ ליא‬,‫א ו‬
3. Sentences (...854 (‫אבל‬. . . ‫ אמנם‬, ‫אבל‬

X. Adding Clauses 859
1. Clauses that Add Information to Nouns 859 ‫משפטי לוואי‬
2. Sentences with -877 (‫ (כל) מה ש‬,‫כל) מי ש־‬
3. Reporting Speech, Thoughts or Feelings (882 ‫ךיבור י^קיף (הוא אמר ש־‬
4. Expressing Desire (894 (‫ מבקש ש ״‬, -‫ר וצה ש‬


I. Defining Three Types ("Categories") o f Sentences
) Sentences w ith ...‫ אחר כך‬,...-‫ אחרי ש‬,...‫(אחרי‬ 903
II. When?: Time Sentences ‫משפטי זמן‬ 917
III. Why?: Reason and Result Sentences ‫ צאה‬1‫משפטי סיבה ות‬
J T T J T * * * I t *
IV. In Order To: Sentences that State an Intended Purpose ‫משפטי תכלית‬ 953
V. In Spite Of: Contrary to Expectation Sentences ‫משפטי ויתור‬ 963
VI. Sim ilarity and Difference: Sentences o f Comparison ‫משפטי השוואה‬ 970
1. Similarity ‫ן‬1‫משפט י ךמ י‬ 970
2. Difference ‫משפט י ניגוד‬ 980

V II. What If? : Conditional Sentences ‫משפטי תנאי‬ 991

1. Conditions that May Exist (‫)אם‬ 991
2. Hypothetical Conditions (‫״‬. ‫ א ילולא‬,‫)אילו‬ 995


APPENDIX I: Gender o f Nouns 1007
APPENDIX II: Plural Forms o f Nouns 1011
APPENDIX III: Declensions o f Prepositions 1017
APPENDIX IV: Verbs and their Prepositions 1019
APPENDIX V: "Connecting Words" in Sentences o f Three Types 1030

Sources Cited 1033

Hebrew Word Index 103 5
English Subject Index 1043

We would like to express our appreciation to the following people:

Our students at the Rothberg International School o f the Hebrew University. Over the course
of our many years o f teaching Modem Hebrew to non-native speakers, our students have often
expressed the need for an accessible, user-friendly reference book in English. It is primarily
with their needs in mind that we embarked on this project. It is our hope that Easing into
Modern Hebrew Grammar will provide them with the kind o f explanations they have sought.

Ms. Sharon Sokoler, who edited a large portion o f the book and provided important guidelines
for the presentation of the material. Sharon's experience and insight as a teacher of English as a
foreign language and her linguistic sensitivity and extraordinary common sense made her help
invaluable. We also thank Sharon for her patience over the years o f work on the manuscript.

Our colleagues, Ms. Sarah Israeli and Ms. Hanna Maschler, who read our manuscript with
attention to every detail, providing wise insights not only into the subject material, but also into
its presentation. Our acknowledgement o f their input "here and there" in the footnotes does not
do justice to their contribution to this book. We thank them both for their wonderful generosity
and constant encouragement.

Prof. Steven Fassberg o f the Hebrew University and Dr. Uri Melammed of the Hebrew Language
Academy, who graciously clarified various linguistic issues dealt with in the book, providing
insights not available in published sources. We appreciate their time and moral support.

Ms. Ruth Almagor-Ramon of the Israel Broadcasting Authority and the Hebrew Language
Academy and Ms. Ronit Gadish of the Hebrew Language Academy, both of whom willingly
answered our many questions on usage and normativity.

Our colleagues at the Rothberg International School - instructors o f Hebrew and English - with
whom we often discussed linguistic issues covered in the book. Instructors in the Division o f
Hebrew Language Instruction often served as linguistic "informants," filling in questionnaires
or answering questions related to usage.

Graphic designer, Mr. Yossi Pinchuk, whose comments and questions provided important food
for thought and whose ideas and design made the book more readable. Illustrators, Mr. Gustavo
Viselner and Ms. Ofer Shoval, who helped convey our ideas with light-hearted images. A special
thank you to our indefatiguable layout artist, Ms. Irit Nachum o f Art Plus, whose exactitude and
patience made working on the technical aspects o f the book bearable. Our thanks also to Mr.
Haim Gross o f Art Plus.

Dr. Aliza Yahav, Prof. Aharon Loewenschuss, Mr. Doug McGredy for their advice on various
aspects o f language and graphics.

Our colleague, Ms. Varda Yishai, director o f the Sfatarbut Program o f the Division o f Hebrew
Language Instruction (Rothberg International School, Hebrew University), who provided
steadfast support for this project from an early stage.

We would like to express our gratitude to the ,Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies,
whose generous contribution to the Division o f Hebrew Language o f the Rothberg International
School supported the editing and publication o f this book. We would also like to thank Mr. Hai
Tsabar and Mr. Ram Goldberg o f the Magnes Press of the Hebrew University for their support
of this project and for their help in seeing it through to completion.

Finally, a word of heartfelt thanks to our families for their willingness to support us in this
project in every way. To our children - Tamar and Daniel, Ofer and Yarden - and to Dan Shoval,
who served also as a trusted linguistic advisor and tireless informant, and Jeremy Cohen, who
provided both technical assistance and much-needed moral support and encouragement.
Learning the grammar of any language can be challenging. We have written this book to help
students o f Modem Hebrew meet this challenge. Our primary audience is English-speaking
students o f Modem Hebrew who are looking for explanations o f Hebrew grammar in non-
technical English. We have tried to "ease" them into Hebrew grammar in ways that are described
below. Our explanations are accompanied by examples in Hebrew (with English translations).
In order to understand these examples, readers must be able to read Hebrew and must know
some basic vocabulary and grammar.

What material is covered?

This book deals with a wide range o f topics covered in beginning and intermediate Hebrew
language courses . 1 We have not attempted to describe Modem Hebrew as a whole, but rather
have clearly limited the topics discussed (e.g., the verb groups, the prepositions, the time words,
the reason words, etc.) and the vocabulary used to the topics and vocabulary generally learned
at the beginning and intermediate levels.

In our presentation o f Hebrew grammar we focus on different kinds o f words (e.g., nouns, verbs,
adjectives), their functions, and the ways in which they are formed, written and pronounced. We
also look at common ways in which these words join together with other words to form phrases
and sentences, which ultimately create a written or oral "text. " 2

Aims and format

Easing into Modern Hebrew Grammar is designed to serve as a user-friendly reference and
exercise book. Our intention is to engage the student and, to this end, we often use a question-
answer (Q-A) format: We first present a Hebrew sentence or passage (with English translation)
and then ask the reader a question about it. The answer to this question appears immediately
below it. At frequent intervals we provide brief summaries o f the material covered (called
Let's review). A Chapter summary appears at the end of many chapters. The interim and chapter
summaries are often followed by exercises (labeled Want to see i f you've understood?), which
enable the reader to check if the topic has been understood. Answers are provided at the end o f
each exercise.

1 Our division into levels is based on the division used at the Hebrew University and, obviously, may vary from
institution to institution.
2 We also deal with various aspects of how sentences relate to one another in a larger text, but we do not discuss
the structure of this text as such.

Readers searching for a specific grammar topic can refer not only to the table of contents, but
also to the English subject index and the Hebrew word index at the end of the book. Both
the Preview at the beginning of each chapter and the various summaries provide additional

The following icons and headings appear throughout the book:

Preview - presents a list of the main topics discussed in the chapter.

Be careful! - emphasizes a point that is a frequent source of mistakes.

* Did you know? - adds material that is related but either is not of paramount
importance or is a clear digression from the topic under discussion.
Let's review - provides an interim summary of the material taught.

Chapter summary - summarizes the material examined in the chapter.

Want to see if yo u ’ve understood? - offers a short exercise of the material taught.

Near the end of the book, we have included five appendices. These include material that students
often find helpful. (See the table of contents for details.)

Use o f gram m atical terms, com parisons to English and ‫״‬simplification" o f material
In this book we have tried to use only basic grammatical terms and have avoided using more
technical terms often found in books on Hebrew grammar. We have included these technical
terms (in English or Hebrew) either in parentheses or in the footnotes at the bottom of the page.
In several cases we have used Hebrew terms (e.g., beenycm, smeechoot) instead of translating
them into English. These terms are written n Latin letters, but not as transcriptions (which
would be: been-YAN and smee-CHOOT). The usual translations of these terms are noted in
parentheses or in the footnotes.

In order to make our explanations clearer, we have often compared and contrasted Hebrew and
English. Since the differences between the languages are commonly a source of error, many of
the contrasts are included in explanations labeled Be careful! .

Teachers and advanced students may notice that we have sometimes "simplified" grammatical
material in order to make it easier for students to learn. We have noted blatant cases o f such
simplification in our footnotes. Here are three examples:

x iv

1. Syllable division
In this book we have based the division o f words into syllables on the (fairly slow and clear)
pronunciation o f Hebrew by most native speakers today. Thus, a word like ‫ ךבךים‬is regarded as
having two syllables: dva-REEM (as opposed to the traditional division de/va-REEM). The word
‫ ךיבר‬is regarded as having the following two syllables: dee-BER (as opposed to the traditional

2. Sounds and writing

In our description o f Hebrew, we have tried to differentiate between the sounds o f the language
(<consonants and vowels) and the recording o f these sounds in w riting {letters, vowel signs, etc.).
However, at times we felt it necessary to blur this distinction; for example, we use the term root
letters when we sometimes mean root consonants. We also say that letters are "pronounced"
when, properly stated, consonants and vowels are "pronounced," and letters and vowel signs
are "realized."

3. Describing sentences
When describing sentence structure, we often use the term base clause to refer to an independent
or subordinating clause. We use the term added clause to refer to a dependent or subordinate
clause. In addition, when speaking o f sentences w ith o u t a verb (e.g., 1 - ‫ יש לי ספר‬have a book,
‫ דויד ספורטאי‬- David is an athlete), we often say that these sentences are in the present tense, even
though - technically speaking - only a verb has tense. We do this because these sentences
are perceived as being in the present tense. Indeed, the English equivalents o f these sentences
contain a present tense verb.

Spelling and vowel signs

Hebrew has two systems of spelling. According to one system, the word for "he spoke" is
spelled ‫דבר‬. In this system we add to the letters both vowel signs and other signs - such as the
dagesh (a dot that is placed in a letter) or the dot on the letters ‫ ש‬and 3.‫ ש‬In grammar books this
system is often called defective spelling (‫) כתיב חסר‬. We have chosen to call this system standard
spelling. The second system, called fu ll spelling ( ‫) בתיב מלא‬, dictates that this same word be
spelled ‫דיבר‬. The letter ‫ י׳‬has been added and no vowel signs are used.

In this book we spell words according to the full spelling system. This is the spelling used in
most publications in Modem Hebrew today .4 In addition, we often add some or all vowel signs
to words in order to make their pronunciation clearer. We use the dagesh sparingly, adding it
primarily to the letters ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬/‫( ב‬when they are pronounced b, k and p). However, in chapters

3 In Hebrew these signs are called ‫ סימני ניקוד‬. 'When we use the term vowel signs we refer also to the diacritical
marks like the dagesh.
4 Today we find vowel signs used mainly in children's books and in poetry.


dealing with patterns o f words (<adjectives, nouns and verbs), we do sometimes add a dagesh to
letters other than ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬in eases where the dagesh is a significant part o f the form and where
its absence (in ‫ ר׳‬,'‫ ע‬,'‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬/‫ ) א‬may cause a change in pronunciation. Compare, for example, the
regular verb ‫ להיגמר‬le-hee-ga-MER and the verb ‫ להיאלם‬le-he-'a-LEM , whose first root letter is

In almost all cases we follow the spelling rules set forth by the Hebrew Language Academy .6
In some cases, however, we diverge from these rules in order to make pronunciation clearer. For
example, in words such as the following, we add a ‫ ו׳‬or ‫י׳‬: ‫( תוכנית‬program) instead o f ‫תכני ת‬,‫איתי‬
(with me) instead o f ‫ אתי‬and ‫( פירות‬fruit) instead o f ‫פרות‬.

In the exercises we usually do not add vowel signs, and we do not expect students to add vowel
signs to their answers. In the answers that we supply, however, we often add vowel signs in
order to make the pronunciation o f words clearer.

Describing language as form al and informal, correct and incorrect

Foreign language students are usually taught the fairly standard Hebrew spoken and written by
educated speakers, and this is the language we have presented in this book. When we deal with
more than one word or expression denoting the same thing, we try to point out differences in the
level o f formality or in ways or circumstances in which the words are used.

We use the following terms to note levels o f informality and formality:

colloquial - typical of popular spoken Hebrew, often does not adhere to the traditional rules
o f grammar.

informal - typical o f spoken Hebrew and o f informal written language (letters to friends and
family). Language in this register usually adheres to the rules o f grammar.

formal - a word or expression for which a less formal alternative exists in everyday usage.
This Hebrew is spoken in more formal contexts (for example, a conversation
with a professor, a lecture to a class) and is written in formal letters or academic
writing. Formal pronunciation is used today in news broadcasts and at formal
public ceremonies.

literary - used only in very formal language or in literature.

5 See the chapter "Guttural Consonants: Beenyaneem Pee'el, Poo'al and Neefal" pp. 480-482 for an
6 See the chapter "Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues," pp. 654-669.


The Hebrew that is taught to learners - and is the subject o f this book - usually adheres to the rules
of grammar. However, Hebrew is alive and changing. Sometimes what is "correct" according to
the rules o f grammar (i.e., "normative") sounds either out o f place or even incorrect. When - in
everyday usage by educated speakers - a certain non-normative usage or pronunciation is very
widespread, we note this fact either in the body of the text or in the footnotes. For example,
we teach the normative form ‫ אתכם‬and note that the form ‫ או־תכם‬is commonly used in everyday
speech. In some special cases, we have chosen to teach the non-normative form (e.g., ‫כתבתם‬
ka-TAV-tem), while noting the traditional form and pronunciation (‫ כתבתם‬ktav-TEM or ke-tav-TEM)
in small letters. The guiding principle in deciding what to teach our students is our desire that
they not sound like ulpan students when they speak and write. However, we do want them
to be aware o f what is normative and non-normative and to sound like educated speakers o f

In cases where we were unsure regarding normativity, we consulted the Hebrew Language
Academy and other experts in the field. We have made it a point to keep abreast o f the decisions
made by the Hebrew Language Academy, and these are reflected in our presentation of material
in this book. In questions of usage - regarding what sounds "right" or "acceptable" to a native
speaker in a certain situation - we have not only relied on our own judgment, but also have
consulted reliable native-speaker "informants." In addition, we have used the Internet as a
source o f information - though with the requisite caution.

Transcription o f words in Latin letters

In addition to English translations, we often provide transcriptions that indicate in Latin letters
how a Hebrew word is pronounced. Our transcriptions are based on the pronunciation of Hebrew
by a large segment o f the Israeli population. In this pronunciation there is no differentiation
between ‫ א׳‬and ‫ ;ע׳‬in addition, ‫( כ׳‬without a dagesh) and ‫ ח׳‬are pronounced the same. The
vowel signs □ and □ are both pronounced eh, but when □ is followed by ‫י׳‬, as in ‫ בית ספר‬, it is
pronounced by some speakers ei: beit SE-fer. In such a case, we have included the transcriptions
of two common pronunciations of the same word ( beit and bet).

As mentioned above, we have divided words into syllables according to how they are pronounced
in Israeli Hebrew. In words with more than one syllable, the stressed syllable is indicated by
capital letters (e.g., ‫ = ילד‬YE-led).

Despite our desire to make our transcriptions as exact as possible, we are keenly aware o f their
limitations. There are certain common phenomena that we have not attempted to transcribe; for
example, we transcribe the pronunciation of a word like ‫ הסביר‬as hees-BEER - according to its
written form - rather than heez-BEER, which reflects the more commonly heard pronunciation
of this word.

Here are some special features o f our transcriptions:

1. Consonants
We have chosen the following signs or letter combinations to transcribe the following sounds:

is used to indicate ‫ א׳‬and ‫ ע׳‬at the beginning o f a word or syllable. It indicates the slight
"catch in the throat" you can feel and hear before the first vowel in the English word eye,
for example: ‫' = אני‬a-NEE and ‫' = ׳^סוק‬a-SOOK. (This "catch in the throat" is not always
realized by Hebrew speakers; nevertheless, we have always transcribed ‫ א׳‬and ‫ ע׳‬as ' at the
beginning o f a syllable.) When ‫ א׳‬and ‫ ע׳‬are at the end o f a word like 7‫ = ןךא‬ka-RA , their
presence is not indicated in the transcription.

ch is used to indicate a sound like that in the name o f the German composer Bach. This is the
transcription we use for the sounds represented by the letters ‫ ח׳‬,‫( כ׳‬without a dagesh) and
‫ך׳‬, thus: ‫ = חדר‬CHE-der, ‫ = לכתוב‬leech-TOV.

ts is used to indicate the pronunciation ("realization") o f ‫( צ׳‬and ‫)ץ׳‬, as at the end o f the
English word cats, for example:‫ = צןיןז‬tsa-REECH.

sh is used to indicate the sound we hear at the beginning o f the English word shirt, as in
‫ = שיר‬SHEER.

2. Vowels
The vowels in Hebrew are not identical in sound to English vowels (and, o f course, the
pronunciation o f vowels in English varies from accent to accent) . 7 Our transcription is as

a represents the sound indicated by □, □ and Q 8 For example: ‫ בא‬is transcribed as ba. When
we refer to this vowel sound alone (not as part o f a word), we use the transcription ah.
The h in this transcription is intended to help English speakers know how to pronounce
the Hebrew a vowel correctly; it does not represent the sound h when it is used in the
transcription of the vowel ah. It also does not represent the sound h in the transcriptions eh
and oh discussed below.
Note: Even though the transcription of a word like ‫ בת‬would be clearer to English speakers
if it were transcribed as baht, we have decided - for reasons of simplicity - that when the ah

7 For guidance on how to pronounce Hebrew vowels and consonants, see:"Sabra Sound: Learning to Pronounce
Hebrew" on the Internet: This multimedia
courseware was developed by Esther Delshad and Carmia Shoval of the Division of Hebrew Language
Instruction (Rothberg International School, Hebrew Univ.) and Asher Laufer of the Phonetic Laboratory at the
Hebrew University.
8 This is the kamatsgadol. The kamats katan, which looks the same, is pronounced oh, as in ‫( תמית‬toch-NEET),
but it is quite rare.

sound appears in a word, our transcription will be bat. (Note: This a should not be pronounced
as it is in English words like bat and cat. This sound does not exist in Hebrew.)
e is used to transcribe the sound indicated by □, □ and □. For example: ‫ ספר‬is transcribed as
SE-fer. This e is transcribed as eh when it stands alone, i.e., not in the context o f a word.
ee represents the sound indicated by □ in words like ‫שיו־ה‬: shee-RA.
o is used to transcribe the sound indicated by i, □ (kamats katan ) and □ in words such as
‫( דוד‬DOD), ‫( ראש‬.ROSH), ‫ ( תכנית‬toch-NEET) and ‫( אנייה‬,o-nee-YA). When we refer to this
sound alone, we transcribe it as oh.
oo is used for the vowel sound indicated by ‫ ו‬or □ in words like ‫( סיפור‬see-POOR) and ‫( בשל‬in
full spelling: ‫ ( )בושל‬boo-SHAL).

When the vowels ah and eh are followed by a y sound, we use the following transcriptions:
ai - as in the English pronunciation o f Thailand, for example:‫ ( גגליי‬,a-LAl).
ei - as in the English word eight, for example: ‫ ( עלינו‬,a-LEI-noo).

3. Strong Dagesh ( ‫) דגש חזק‬

Since in today's pronunciation a strong dagesh does not cause a doubling or lengthening o f a
consonant, we do not transcribe a letter with a strong dagesh as a double letter. Thus, ‫ סיפור‬is
transcribed as see-POOR.

4. Mapeek (‫)מפיק‬
When words written with vowel signs require a mapeek (a dot in a final ‫ה׳‬, as in ‫ ה‬pi ‫)א‬, we
indicate it, but we do not transcribe it as h since speakers o f Modem Hebrew do not pronounce
it as such.

The following abbreviations and special signs are used in this book:

m. - masculine
f. - feminine
s. - singular
pi. - plural
lit. - literally
* at the beginning o f a word - indicates that the form is theoretical and does not exist in
Q - question
A - answer


I. Basic Concepts: Root and Pattern ‫שורש ומשל! ל‬

II. Nouns ‫שמות עצם‬

III. Adjectives ‫ ת תואר‬1‫שמ‬

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases ‫סמיכות‬

V. Double Possessives (‫ של שמואל‬m ) ‫סמיכות כפולה‬

VI. Pronouns and Pointing Words (... ‫ זה את זה‬,...‫ ההוא‬,...‫ זה‬,...‫)אני‬

VII. Prepositions ‫מילז־ת יחס‬

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers (...-‫ כל ה‬, 8:30 ‫ השעה‬,...‫ א׳=ו‬,...‫ ראשון‬, . . . ‫)אחד‬

IX. Adverbials: Expressing "Where," "When," "How Long," "How Often" and "How"

X. Making Comparisons: Comparatives, Superlatives and the Like

)‫״ ביותר‬.-‫״ ה‬.-‫ ה‬,-‫ יותר מ‬,‫ ספר‬1‫(אות‬
I. Basic Concepts
Let's begin easing into M odem Hebrew grammar by taking a look at the following two building
blocks of the Hebrew language:

1. R oot ‫שורש‬
2. P a tte rn ‫משקל‬
,t : •

IB Root ‫שיוש‬
• What is a root?
‫ ״‬Root and meaning

& • Do all words with roots have at least three root letters?
• Are all three root letters always present?

• What is a root?
Here are three Hebrew words:
T 5 ‘
* 5 ‫־‬ T
written letter I wrote

Q: Which three letters are common to them all?

A: The letters ‫ב‬-‫ת‬-‫כ‬.

These three letters are called the root (‫ )שורש‬of the word. The root letters are one of the basic
building blocks of words . 1 As we see above, one root (‫ב‬-‫ת‬-‫ כ‬in this case) may serve as a building

1 In grammar, we generally distinguish between letters, which are symbols used in writing, and consonants and
vowels, which are sounds. For the sake of simplicity, in this book we usually use the term root letters (and not
root consonants) when referring to the root.

I. Basic Concepts / 1. Root

block o f a number of words. Most words in Hebrew, as in all Semitic languages, contain a
three-letter root. Some roots contain four letters.
Here are some examples:

three-letter root ‫ר‬-‫ב‬-‫ד‬: ‫דברים‬

* T J
‫ךיבךנו‬ ‫דיבור‬
things, words we spoke speech

three-letter root ‫ג‬-‫ה‬-‫נ‬: ‫מנהיג‬ ‫נהגנו‬! ‫ ־‬T

‫נהג‬ T ‫־‬

leader we drove driver

four-letter root2 ‫ל‬-‫צ‬-‫ל‬-‫צ‬: ‫מצלצלים‬ ‫צלצול‬ ‫צלצלה‬

T ! ! 1

(we/you/they) are ringing ringing she rang

Do all words have roots?

Most Hebrew words have a root. O f those that do not, the most obvious are words o f foreign
(non-Semitic) origin. Here are some examples o f rootless words:

‫סנהדרין‬ ‫טלמקייי‬ ‫אוטובוס‬ ‫אוניברסיטה‬ ‫פסיכולוגיה‬

Sanhedrin television bus university psychology

Want to see if you've understood?

Circle the two words in each set that contain the same root.
W hat is the shared root?

The shared root:

‫ירידה‬T ‫!־‬
* T ■ :
,‫ נכנסתי‬.‫ו‬
‫לשלם‬ ,‫דיבור‬ ,‫ב תשלום‬
T ‫־‬ 5
7 T
,‫ שמירה‬. 3
‫׳‬ T ‫־‬ !

‫יציאה‬T ‫! ־‬
,‫יוצאים‬ ,‫ עוצךים‬.4
‫טלפנתי‬ ,‫לטלפן‬ ,‫ משעמם‬.5

‫ר‬-‫מ‬-‫ ש‬- ‫ שמור‬,‫ שמירה‬.3 ‫מ‬-‫ל‬-‫ ש‬- ‫ לשלם‬,‫ תשלום‬.2 ‫ כ־־נ־ס‬- ‫ כניסה‬,‫ נכנסתי‬.1
‫נ‬-‫ל~פ‬-‫ ט‬- ‫ טלפנתי‬,‫ לטלפן‬. 5 ‫א‬-‫צ‬-‫ יציאה ־ י‬,‫ יוצאים‬a

2 There are even some rare roots with five letters, for example: (‫נ‬-‫כ־ר‬-‫נ‬-‫( לסנכרן(ס‬to synchronize).
I. Basic Concepts / !.Root

• Root and meaning

Does the root convey a basic meaning?
Often the root conveys a basic meaning. For example, the three words ‫ כתבתי‬,‫ מכתב‬,‫ כתוב‬all have
something to do with writing. The root ‫ב‬-‫ת‬-‫ כ‬carries this basic meaning, while the vowels and
consonants that are added to the root (in black) modify this meaning in some way

Here are a few more o f the many words containing the root :‫ב‬-‫ת‬-‫כ‬

‫להתכתב‬ ‫כתובה‬ ‫כתובת‬

to correspond Jewish marriage contract address
with someone

These words, too, are in some way connected with writing.

Does the root always convey a basic meaning?

In order to answer this question, let's examine another set of words:

‫ספר‬ ‫סופר‬ ‫סיפור‬

book writer story

Q: Do these words share the same basic meaning?

A: Yes. The basic meaning o f this root involves stories: ‫ סיפור‬means a story, ‫ סופר‬means
a person who writes stories (a writer) and ‫ ספר‬means something that may contain stories
(a hook).

But what about the following words with the same root?
*‫־‬ T !
‫מספר‬ ‫< לספור‬

number to count

Q: Do these words share the same basic meaning as the first set?

A: Perhaps at one time they did, but today it seems that these two sets o f words do not share
the same basic meaning. In any case, knowing the meaning o f ‫( סיפור‬a story) does not help
us learn the meanings o f ‫( לספור‬to count) and ‫( מספר‬a number).

The lesson to be learned from this is: Looking for shared roots can often be very helpful in
guessing or remembering meanings o f words. However, you must beware! Sometimes the
meanings o f words from the same root evolve in such different ways that it is hard to see any
shared meaning.

I. Basic Concepts / 1. Root

Words that seem to have the same root - but don't

When looking for shared roots, here's another point you should be aware of: Sometimes words
may look as if they share a common root, but they really don't. Take, for example, the words
‫( אוזן‬ear) and ‫( מאזניים‬scales for weighing). We might guess that these words all come from the same
root: ‫נ‬-‫ז‬-‫ א‬and are "genetically" related. On the basis of linguistic evidence, however, we know
that they actually came from different sources. This is why they do not share the same basic

Let's review
♦ Most Hebrew words have three-letter roots (‫)מכתב‬, but some have roots of four
letters (‫ )צלצל‬or, rarely, even more.

♦ Often a root has a single basic meaning, and all of the words that contain this
root share this basic meaning (as in the case of ‫ב‬-‫ת‬-‫)כ‬.

♦ Sometimes a root may have more than one basic meaning (as in the case of

♦ In some cases, words that appear to have the same root, but different meanings,
actually come from roots that are not "genetically" related, but simply look the
same (as in the case of ‫נ‬-‫ז‬-‫)א‬.

• Do all words with roots have at least three root

It is believed that, originally, not all Hebrew words had three root letters.4 Some had only two,
for example:
‫יד‬ ‫בן‬ T
‫דג‬ -<
‫״ ׳‬ T

hand son fish

3 For a more in-depth but easy to understand explanation of this phenomenon, see Edward Horowitz, 1960,
pp. 102-112.
4 For more on roots, see Edward Horowitz, 1960. pp. 22-41 and 299-317. For a scholarly treatment of two-letter
roots, see Yehoshua Blau, 1971. vol. 16, p. 1581.

I. Basic Concepts / !.Root

To this day, these small two-letter words have only two root letters. However, over the centuries,
some o f the two-letter roots were probably expanded to three. Thus, from the word ‫ ג) ד־ג‬-‫ ) ד‬we
get words like:

‫( דיג‬fisherman) (a ‫ י׳‬has been added to make the root ,(‫ג‬-‫י‬-‫ד‬

‫( לדוג‬to fish) (a ‫ ו׳‬has been added to make the root ‫ג‬-‫ו‬-‫)ד‬
and ‫( דגיג‬a little fish) (with a doubled 5.(‫ג׳‬

Similarly, from the original two-letter root ‫צ‬-‫ ק‬we get expanded three-letter roots with related
meanings, such as:

‫צ‬-‫צ‬-‫ ק‬as in ‫( לקצוץ‬to chop) (with a doubled ,(‫צ׳‬

‫ב‬-‫צ‬-‫ ק‬as in ‫( קצב‬butcher), ‫( תקציב‬budget) (with an added ‫)ב׳‬,
and ‫ר‬-‫צ‬-‫ ק‬as in ‫( קציר‬harvest), ‫( קצר‬short) (with an added ‫)ר׳‬.

• Are all three root letters always present?

Look at the following words:
‫מפולת‬ ‫מפל‬ ‫להפיל‬ *=>
rockslide, waterfall to drop
avalanche (something...)

Q: Which letters are common to them all?

A: Two letters only: ‫ל‬-‫פ‬.

The third root letter in these words is missing. Since knowing the third letter can help us see
links between these words and others in which the full root may appear, it would be very helpful
to try to guess what the third root letter is.

One way to do this is to think o f other words that contain ‫ל‬-‫ פ‬and also share the same basic
meaning o f falling. If we do so, we find words such as ‫( נפל‬he fell) and ‫( נפילה‬a fall, falling). When
we drop something, obviously it falls. Hence, we can correctly guess that the root o f ‫( להפיל‬to
drop), and also o f ‫( מפל‬waterfall) and ‫( מפולת‬rockslide, avalanche), is the same as that o f ‫( נפל‬he fell)
and ‫( נפילה‬a fall, falling), namely ‫ל‬-‫פ‬-‫נ‬. You may have noticed that in the forms ‫להפיל‬, ‫ מפל‬and
‫מפולת‬, the disappearance of the ‫ נ׳‬of the root is marked by a dagesh (dot) in the next letter: 6.‫פ׳‬

5 The root is listed as ‫ג‬-‫ו‬-‫ ד‬in Yaacov Choueka, 1997, p. 304 and as ‫ה‬-‫ג‬-‫ ד‬in Avraham Even-Shoshan, 2003,
p. 2029.
6 For more details on the disappearing % see the chapter "Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is ' ‫נ‬,‫ ״‬pp. 490-503.

I. Basic Concepts / 1. Root

According to this same method of seeking out other words that are close in meaning and may
be related, we can also find the root of a word like ‫( ה קי ם‬established, set up). Here the two root
letters ‫ מ‬-‫ ק‬remind us of the verb ‫( לקום‬to get up, rise), whose root is ‫ מ‬- ‫ו‬- ‫ ק‬. Hence, the root of ‫ה קי ם‬
is also ‫ מ‬- ‫ו‬- ‫ ק‬.

An additional way of discovering the missing third letter of a root requires some knowledge of
the basic patterns of words in Hebrew.7 When a root letter is missing, certain changes may take
place in the pattern of a word. Your awareness of these changes will increase as you learn more

Traditionally, roots that share certain characteristics are grouped together in root groups (‫)גז רו ת‬
(sing: ‫) מ ר ה‬. For more on the root groups, see the introduction to "Special Root Groups,"
pp. 488-489.

Let's review
♦ Most Hebrew words have three-letter roots. Sometimes only two of these three
letters are visible, as in ‫( ייפול‬he will fall) from the root ‫ל‬-‫פ‬-‫נ‬.

7 Many of these patterns are discussed in the next chapter ("Pattern") and in the chapters "Patterns of Verbs,"
pp. 361-368, "How Are Hebrew Nouns Formed?" pp. 78-82 and "How Are Adjectives Formed?" pp. 138-147.

2 Pattern ‫משקל‬
,T : *

‫ ״‬What is a pattern?
• Representing word patterns
‫ ״‬The names o f patterns
‫ ״‬Patterns and meaning
‫ ״‬The impor tance o f learning patterns

• What is a pattern?
We have seen in the preceding chapter that the words ‫( ספר‬book), ‫( סופר‬writer, scribe), ‫( סיפור‬stoiy)
all share the same root. ‫ר‬-‫פ‬-‫ס‬.

You might ask: What is it that makes words o f the same root into different words with different

The answer is: their patterns 1A word pattern is made up of the following elements:

1. Added vowels and consonants

Let's look at two words with the same root: ‫( ספר‬see-PER ) and ‫( ספר‬soo-PAR).
he told it was told

Q: In what way do the form and sound o f these words differ?

A: When we write with vowel signs , as we have here, we can see that it is their vowels that make
these two words different from each other. When we write these same words in fu ll spelling2
- ‫ סיפר‬and ‫ סופר‬- we can see the difference between the words even more clearly.

1 For more 011 patterns, see the chapters "Patterns of Verbs," pp. 361-368, "How Are Hebrew Nouns Formed?"
pp. 78-82 and "How Arc Adjectives Formed?" pp. 138-147.
2 For an explanation of full spelling, see the chapter "Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues," pp. 654-667.

I. Basic Concepts / 2. Pattern

Now let's look at another word: ‫ ( מספר‬mees-PAR).

Q: What have we added to the root ‫ר‬-‫פ‬-‫?ס‬

A: Here we have added -‫( מ‬the "consonant + vowel" mee) to the beginning of the word, along
with □ (the vowel ah) in the second syllable.

Here's still another example of the root ‫ר‬-‫פ‬-‫ ס‬with different consonants and vowels added at the
beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word: ‫( תספורת‬haircut).

The consonants and vowels that we add to the root are the main components of the word's
pattern. However, as we will now see, they are not the only components o f the pattern.

2. Strong dagesh (‫)דגש חזק‬

Here are two more words with the same root letters: ‫ ( ספר‬sa-FAR he counted) and ‫( ספר‬sa-PAR
barber). These words not only have the same letters, but also their vowels are pronounced the
same in today's Hebrew.

Q: What, then, is the difference between these two words?

A: The '‫ פ‬in the word ‫ ספר‬is pronounced as a soft sound f (sa-FAR), while in ‫ ספר‬it is pronounced
as a hard sound p (sa-PAR), indicated in writing by a dot (dagesh). This is a strong dagesh
( ‫ ) דגש חזק‬and is part of some word patterns . 3

3. The place of the stress (‫)הטעמה‬

Now let's look at two words that share a different root: ‫ד‬-‫ח‬-‫( פ‬p-ch-d ). Read the following
.‫הילד לא נכנס לברכה כי הוא פחד מהמים‬
‫־‬ T

The boy didn’t go into the pool because he was afraid of the water.

.‫הילד לא נכנס לברכה בגלל הפחד שלו מהמים‬

The boy didn't go into the pool because of his fear of the water.

3 Traditionally, a letter with a strong dagesh is transcribed as a double letter, e.g., sappar. Here we have written
only one p because the consonant p is not doubled in today's pronunciation. For more on the strong dagesh,
see the chapter "The Pronunciation of ‫ פ׳‬,‫ כ׳׳‬,'‫ ב‬and the Dagesh,‫ ״‬pp. 624-625, 630-638.

L Basic Concepts / 2. Pattern

The vowel sounds added to the root ‫ד‬-‫וז‬-‫ פ‬are the same in today's pronunciation (even though
they are written with different vowel signs). Nevertheless, the patterns of these two words are

Q: In what way do these words sound different?

A: The stress in these words falls on different syllables: the stress in ‫( פחד‬pa-CHAD ) is on the
second syllable, whereas in ‫ ( פרוד‬PA-chad) it is on the first syllable.

Every word has a stressed syllable, and the place of the stress is part o f the word's pattern.

Let's review
♦ Many Hebrew words are built by inserting roots into certain patterns.

♦ Everything that is added to the root makes up the pattern: vowels (sometimes
indicated by letters and sometimes not), consonants (always indicated by
letters), the place of the stress and a strong dcigesh (if there is one).

• Representing word patterns

In this book, we have chosen to represent word patterns with blanks or empty boxes in place of
the root letters. The stressed syllable will be written in capital letters.

Here are some patterns and a few examples of each. Read the examples aloud so that you can
hear the pattern:

The pattern of ‫ספר‬ is □□□, as in: ‫עמק‬ ‫חלק‬ ‫ספל‬

SE-fer E -e 'E-mek CHE-lek SE-fel
book valley part cup

The pattern of ‫סו פ ר‬ is □ □ ‫□ ו‬, as in: ‫מוכר‬ ‫שומר‬ ‫שוטר‬

so-FER o -E mo-CHER sho-MER sho-TER
writer salesman guard policeman

I. Basic Concepts / 2. Pattern

The pattern of ‫ספר‬ T -

is □ □□,T ~ 7
as in: ‫ח יי ל‬
T ‫־‬
‫טבח‬ T
‫גנב‬T ‫־‬

sa-PAR _ a- _ A _ cha-YAL ta-BACH ga-NAV

barber soldier cook thief

The pattern of ‫מספרה‬

T T !
is ‫מ □□□ ה‬,
T T ! 7 ‫־‬
as in: ‫מרפאה‬
T T ! ‫י‬
T T !
T T !
mees-pa-RA mee_- _ a-_A meer-pa- A meech-ba-SA mees- ,a-DA
hair salon, clinic laundry, restaurant
barber shop laundromat

The pattern of ‫ס פו ר‬ T
is □‫ו‬ T 7
as in: ‫ש מו ר‬ T
‫כ תו ב‬ T
‫ש בו ר‬ T

sa-FOOR _ a-_ 0 0 _ sha-MOOR ka-TOOV sha-VOOR

counted guarded, written broken

The pattern of ‫ספר‬ T

is □ □□, T 7
as in: ‫למד‬ ‫־‬ T
‫כתב‬ T
‫שמר‬ T

sa-FAR _ a-_ A_ la-MAD ka-TAV sha-MAR

he counted he studied, he wrote he guarded

A pattern functions as a kind of mold into which different roots may be inserted. This is just one
method o f forming words in Hebrew. It is used for various parts o f speech : nouns (1-4 above),
adjectives (5) and verbs ( 6 ). Sometimes the same pattern may be used for different parts o f
speech. For example, pattern 2 above may be a noun ( ‫פר‬1‫ ס‬- a writer, ‫ שומר‬- a guard), a present
tense verb (‫פר‬1 ‫ ס‬- he counts, ‫ שזימר‬- he guards) or an adjective (‫ מושך‬- attractive).

• The names o f patterns

In traditional grammar books, the root ‫ל‬-‫ס‬-‫ ק‬is often used instead o f the root letters to refer to
noun and adjective patterns (‫)משל ןל ים‬. Thus, the pattern o f ‫ מספךה‬and ‫ מס^דה‬is often called
‫ ( מקטלה‬meek-ta-LA); the pattern o f ‫ן‬1 ‫ זיכר‬and 1‫ן‬1 ‫>ייפר‬is called ‫( קי ט אן‬kee-ta-LON), and an adjective
pattern like ‫ ל‬1 ‫ גד‬and ‫ ב‬1 ‫ לןר‬is called ‫( קטול‬ka-TOL ).

Verb groups are usually referred to in a similar way, except that in referring to verbs, the letters
‫ פ־ע־ל‬are used in place of the root letters. These letters are inserted into the pattern of the past
tense ‫ הוא‬form. Thus, the pattern of ‫ כתב‬and ‫ שמר‬is called ‫( פ?גל‬pa- ,AL), and the pattern of ‫הזמין‬
and ‫ המשיך‬is called ‫יל‬:‫( הפע‬heef- !EEL).

L Basic Concepts / 2. Pattern

Verb groups such as pa'al and heefeel are called ‫( בניינים‬pronounced been-ya-NEEM). There
are seven beenyaneem in Modem Hebrew. Each heenyan is actually a group of patterns, each
used for a different tense or verb form. For example, beenyan pa'al includes the following
patterns, among others:4

The pattern of the infinitive - □ ‫ ל □ □ ו‬: ‫ לשמור‬,‫ לזכור‬,‫לכתוב‬

The pattern of the present tense - □ p i□ : ‫ שומר‬,‫ זוכר‬,‫כותב‬
The pattern of the past tense - □ □ □ ‫ כתב‬,‫ זכר‬,‫שמר‬
‫־‬ T ‫ ־‬T ‫־‬ T

The pattern of the future tense - □ 1□ □ ‫ י‬: ‫ ישמור‬,‫ יזכור‬,‫יכתוב‬

The pattern of the command form - □ ‫ □ □ ו‬: ‫ שמור‬,‫ זכור‬,‫כתוב‬

Let's review
♦ We can represent word patterns in one o f two ways:

1. by using blanks or empty boxes to indicate the root

2. by using the letters ‫ל‬-‫ ט‬-‫ ק‬for roots o f nouns and adjectives and ‫ל‬-‫ע‬-‫ פ‬for
roots o f verbs. The patterns of some nouns and adjectives, particularly those
with a strong connection to verbs (such as the adjective ‫ כתוב‬- written) are
named using the letters ‫ל‬-‫ע‬-‫( פ‬called, in this case, ‫)פעול‬.

♦ To the root letters we add the additional elements of the pattern: vowels and
consonants, syllable stress and the strong dagesh. For example:

The pattern of ‫ מספרה‬would b e: mee - a- A ‫ מ □ □ □ ה‬or ‫מקטלה‬,

and the pattern of ‫ נכנס‬would be: nee - A □ □ □ ‫ נ‬or ‫נפעל‬.

♦ Noun and adjective patterns are called meeshkaleem (‫)משל ןל ים‬. The seven
groups of verb patterns are called beenyaneem (‫)בניינים‬.

4 For more on verb patterns (beenyaneem), see the chapter "Patterns of Verbs," pp. 361-368.

I. Basic Concepts / 2. Pattern

Want to see if you've understood?

Cross out the word that does not have the same pattern as the others. (The stressed
syllable is written in larger letters.)

‫ילד‬ ‫מל ו‬ ‫תלמ יד‬ ‫ןגל‬ .‫ו‬

YE-led ME-lech tal-MEED DE-gei

‫ש וטר‬ ‫לןר‬1 ‫ב‬ ‫שומר‬ ‫קר‬1 ‫ח‬ .2

sho-TER BO-ker $ho-MER cho-KER

‫ספרו‬ ‫ניגון‬ ‫סיפור‬ ‫דיבור‬ .3

$af-ROO nee-GOON see-POOR dee-BOOR

‫שמר‬ ‫הזמין‬ ‫חשב‬

‫־‬ T
‫עמד‬ A
sha-MAR heez-MEEN cha-SHAV 'a-MAD

‫מזלג‬ ‫מסלק‬ ‫מחשב‬ ‫משלןל‬ .5

maz-LEG ma$-REK mach-SHEV meesh-KAL

‫אדום‬ ‫לבז‬ ‫ירוק‬ ‫סגול‬ .6

'a-DOM la-VAN ya-ROK $a-GOL

‫ לבן‬. 6 ‫ משלןל‬.5 ‫ הזמין‬. 4 ‫ ספרו‬.3 ‫קץר‬1‫ ב‬.2 ‫ תלמיד‬.1

• Patterns and meaning

Many times, a certain pattern has a specific meaning. The following words all belong to the
same pattern:
□1□ □ ‫סגול‬
‫כחול‬ ‫צהוב‬
‫ירוק‬T T T

purple blue yellow green

The pattern □ 1□ □ is the pattern o f colors. But not all words for colors have this pattern
(e.g., ‫ חום‬- brown, ‫ לבן‬- white), and not all words in this pattern are colors. For example, the
following words are not:
‫מתוק‬ ‫ץמוק‬ ‫ארוך‬
long deep sweet

L Basic Concepts / 2. Pattern

But many colors do have this pattern, and if a word needs to be found for a new color, this is
the pattern that is most likely to be used. For example, to describe the color o f the peel of an
eggplant (‫ חציל‬chci-TSEEL), a good choice, theoretically speaking, might be ‫( חצול‬cha-TSOL ).

We will deal more with patterns and their possible meanings in the individual chapters on
nouns, adjectives and verbs.::

Let’s review
♦ In many cases, certain patterns have a specific meaning (e g., patterns indicating
colors). However, not all words in a certain pattern will necessarily have this

• The importance o f learning patterns

The most important reason for learning patterns is that they help us decipher words in a text
that has no vowel signs. This includes deciding what p a rt of speech a word is (noun, adjective,
verb, etc.) and how to pronounce it. It also helps us guess what the word may mean.

We can see how this works by asking: How would we pronounce and understand the word ‫צפר‬
in the following sentence?
.‫< דיברתי עם הצפר על הציפורים שראינו בטיול‬

First, on the basis of the context, we know that ‫ צפר‬is a noun, since it denotes a person;

.‫ע ל הציפורים שראינו בטיול‬ ‫דיברתי עם ה‬ -C

I spoke with the about the birds that we saw on the hike.

Now we can go through the noun patterns■ that we know. Three root letters with no added '‫ י‬/‫ ו‬or
‫ ה׳‬could fit into a limited number of patterns. We will examine the most common of them:

1. ‫ צפר‬could be ‫ ( *צפר‬TSE-fer) like the word ‫( ספר‬SE-fer ) . 6 Pattern: □ □ □ E- e_

2. It could be ‫ ( *צפר‬tsa-FAR) like the word ‫( דבר‬da-VAR). Pattern: □ □ □ _ a-_ A_

5 On nouns, see the chapter "How Are Hebrew Nouns Formed?" pp. 78-82; on adjectives, see the chapter "How
Are Adjectives Formed? " pp. 138-147; on verbs, see the chapter "Patterns of Verbs," pp. 361-368.
6 Or, with the same sound, but slightly different vowel signs in Hebrew: ‫ צפר‬like the word ‫מלך‬.

I. Basic Concepts / 2. Pattern

3. It could be ‫( צפר‬tsa-PAR) like the word ‫ ( ספר‬sa-PAR). Pattern: □ □ □ _ a-_ A _ (with a

strong dagesh in the middle root letter)

Since we are looking for a word denoting a person, we can make an educated guess. The third
pattern, □ □ □ is often used for people in certain professions: ‫( ספר‬barber),‫( חייל‬soldier), ‫( טבח‬cook,
chef).7 This pronunciation seems to make the most sense: ‫צפר‬.

Not always is the most logical guess the correct one. In this case, however, the dictionary can
tell us that it is. A ‫ צפר‬is a bird-watcher, a bird expert, an ornithologist. (The word for bird -
‫ר‬1 ‫ ציפ‬- comes from the same root.)

If, upon checking the three most common patterns, we do not find the correct one, we can also
make the following guesses:

4. It could be ‫ ( *צפר‬tsa-FER) like the word ‫ ( חבר‬cha-VER). Pattern: □ □ □ _ a-_E_

5. It could be ‫ ( *צפר‬TSFAR) like the word ‫( לבש‬DVASH). Pattern: □ □ □ A_

Our knowledge of patterns and the process by which we apply that knowledge can help us
become better not only at guessing the pronunciation and meaning of a word, but also at
remembering new words that we encounter.

7 On noun patterns that tend to have one or more specific meanings, see the chapter "How Are Hebrew Nouns
Formed?" pp. 78-82.

II. Nouns 2‫ ת עצם‬1‫>ומ‬ ••♦ ••• ♦♦

Words for tangible objects like ‫( ספר‬a book), ‫( ילד‬a child) and ‫( בית‬a house) are nouns. Words for
intangible things or abstract concepts and ideas, such as ‫( אהבה‬love), ‫( ךיבור‬speech) and ‫ילדות‬
(childhood), are also nouns.

Nouns in Hebrew can be singular (‫ )ספר‬or plural (‫)ספך ים‬. They can be indefinite (‫ ספר‬- a book)
or definite (‫ הספר‬- the book). Unlike English nouns, all Hebrew nouns have gender, they are
either masculine or feminine (there is no neuter - "it" - category ) . 1 For example, the word ‫ספר‬
is masculine and the word ‫( מחברת‬notebook) is feminine.

In this unit we will explain these matters more fully and will look at some exceptions as well.
In a separate unit, we will deal with how the form o f nouns change when they join with other
nouns to form smeechoot (construct) phrases - as in ‫( עוגת שוקולד‬chocolate cake) . 2

In this unit we will discuss the following topics:

1. The Gender of Nouns

2. How Are Nouns Made Plural?
3. Definite and Indefinite Nouns
4. Nouns with Possessive Endings
5. How Are Hebrew Nouns Formed?
6. Segolate Nouns (iflia ‫י‬1‫ םפ‬,‫)ילד‬
7. Verbal Nouns ‫שמות פעולה‬

1See the chapter "The Gender of Nouns," p. 27, note 20 for several exceptions.
2 See the chapter "Smeechoot," pp. 175-182.

Q The Gender of Nouns

The word ‫( שיעור‬lesson) is masculine, but ‫( הצגה‬performance, show) is fem inine - and so is ‫תל אביב‬
(Tel Aviv)! We are, of course, not talking about the things themselves, but only about the words.
As a rule, every noun in Hebrew is either masculine (‫ )זכר‬or feminine (1.(‫נ ק ב ה‬

We can see why it is important to know the gender o f a noun in Hebrew by looking at the
following sentences:

.8:00 -‫ ה שיעור מ ת חי ל ב‬.‫ו‬ .‫ה שיעור מעניין‬ .1
The lesson begins at 8 a.m. The lesson is interesting.

. 20:00-‫ ההצגה מ ת חי ל ה ב‬. 2 .‫ ההצגה מעניינ ת‬. 2

The show begins at 8 p.m. The show is interesting.

.8:00 ‫ ה שיעורי ם מ ת חי לי ם ב־‬. 3 .‫ ה שיעורי ם מענייני ם‬. 3

The lessons begin at 8 a.m. The lessons are interesting.

. 20:00-‫ ההצגו ת מ ת חי לו ת ב‬.4 .‫ההצגו ת מ עניינו ת‬ .4

The shows begin at 8 p.m. The shows are interesting.

Q: How many different forms do the adjective ‫( מעניין‬Column I) and the verb ‫( מתחיל‬Column
II) have?

A: Each has four different forms. In the sentences above, the forms o f the adjective and the
verb are determined by the noun that they refer to: by its gender (masculine or feminine)
together with its number (singular or plural). Thus, in line 1, the noun ‫ שיעור‬is m asculine
and singular and so are the adjective (‫ )מעניין‬and verb (‫)מתח יל‬. In line 2, the noun ‫הצגה‬

1 Several nouns, to be discussed below, are both masculine and feminine.

II. Nouns / 1. The Gender of Nouns

is also singular but feminine. Thus, the adjective and verb change to ‫ מעניינת‬and ‫מתחילה‬.
In line 3, the noun ‫ שיעורים‬is masculine but plural; thus, we get ‫ מעניינים‬and ‫מתחילים‬. In line
4, ‫ הצגות‬is also plural but feminine; thus, the forms ‫ מעניינות‬and ‫ מתחילות‬are used.

From these sentences we can see that without knowing the gender (and number) o f nouns, it is
virtually impossible to form a correct Hebrew sentence.

This being the case, the obvious question is: How can we tell whether a noun is masculine or

In general, it is fairly easy to recognize feminine singular nouns. In the following section, we
will learn the signs by which we can identify them. Once we know how to identify feminine
nouns (and learn a list o f exceptions), we can assume that all the rest are masculine. Masculine
nouns are dealt with in detail in the section "Masculine nouns" below.

For a concise list of the signs o f feminine and masculine nouns, see Appendix I, pp. 1007‫־‬

• Feminine nouns 9
In order to determine if a noun is feminine or masculine, we always check its singular - not its
plural - form. We do this because the endings on plural nouns ( ‫ים‬:, ‫)* ת‬- and ‫יים‬:) tell us only that
a noun is plural, and not whether it is feminine or masculine.

In this section, we will concentrate on the signs of singular nouns that are feminine. Most o f
these signs take the form of special endings. Others have to do with certain characteristics o f
the objects that these nouns represent (for example, the names o f cities and countries are always
feminine). Once we know how to identify feminine nouns, we can just assume that all the rest
are masculine . 2

Thefeminine endings
We can divide feminine endings into two basic types.

2 The lists of feminine nouns without a feminine ending presented in the second part of this section include
most of the words learned in the beginning and intermediate levels of study. Advanced level students will need
to add a number of additional words to make these lists complete.

II. Nouns / 1. The Gender of Nouns

1. Final ‫( ;ה‬-ah)
Look at the endings o f the following feminine nouns:

‫גינה‬T ‫־‬
‫רירה‬ T
‫שפה‬ T T
‫מורה‬ T
T : ‫־‬

garden apartment language teacher (f.) girl

‫ספרייה‬ T * ! ‫־‬
T‫ ־‬T ! ‫־‬
T ‫ ־‬T ! ‫־־‬
library tomato roll cookie

T : :
T !
T ! ! ‫־‬
sociology philosophy histoiy cafeteria

Q: What do they all have in common?

A: They all end in ‫( ;ה‬-ah), including those that end in ‫ייה‬: (-ee-YA) and ‫יה‬- (-yet). This, indeed,
is one sign of a feminine noun, since almost all words ending in ‫ ; ה‬are feminine. The word
‫( אל ה‬night), which is masculine, is a rare exception.

The feminine ending ‫( ;ה‬-ah) is usually stressed. However, various nouns that originated in other
languages and are now part of the Hebrew language have an unstressed ‫ ;ה‬ending. For example:

T ! ! ‫י‬
T ‫י‬
‫טחינה‬T 1 !
‫פיתה‬T 1
T ‫־‬

hees-TOR-ya BEE-ra TCHEE-na TOO-na PEE-ta CHA-sa

history beer techina tuna pita lettuce

Be careful! When we speak o f words ending in ‫; ה‬, we mean ‫( ; ה‬-ah), and not any o f
the following:
1. Words ending in ‫ה‬- or ‫ה‬: (-eh). These words are n o t feminine.

masculine: ‫תה‬ ‫מורה‬ ‫ה‬

male teacher camp field coffee tea

2. Words whose final root letter is ‫ א׳‬or ‫ע׳‬. These words may sound feminine, but most
of them are not.3

masculine: ‫צבא‬
‫מבטא‬T : ‫־‬
‫ממצא‬ T : •
army accent finding, artifact Bible

masculine: ‫צבע‬ ‫רגע‬ ‫מדע‬ ‫שבוע‬ ‫רובע‬ ‫כובע‬

color moment science week quarter hat

3 There are several words whose final ‫א‬- is an alternative spelling of the feminine ending -ah. The final ‫ה‬- is the
preferred spelling today, as in: ‫ קופסה‬/ ‫ קופסא‬,‫ דוגמה‬/ ‫ דוגמא‬.
box example

II. Nouns / 1. The Gender of Nouns

There are feminine nouns that end in 4.‫ ע׳‬We can recognize them as feminine not because
o f their ending, but for other reasons, which will be discussed below.

Want to see if you've understood?

Circle the correct form of the adjective (masculine or feminine). Remember:
an adjective always matches its noun in gender ( m./f ,) and number ( s . / pi ) 5

f. 1 m. f. / m.
‫חדשה‬ / ‫חדש‬ ‫ שיסה‬. 5 ‫יפה‬
/ ‫יפה‬ ‫ כובע‬. 1
/ ‫יפה‬ ‫מתנה‬
T T ‫־‬
.6 ‫ שחורה‬/ ‫שחור‬ ‫ב קופסה‬
‫ מודרנית‬/ ‫מודרני‬ ‫צבא‬.
7 ‫ גדולה‬/ ‫גדול‬ ‫ מחנה‬.3
‫ אמריקנית‬/ ‫אמריקני‬ ‫ מבטא‬. 8 ‫ עתיקה‬/ ‫עתיק‬ ‫ בע‬1‫ ר‬A

.8 ‫ מודרני‬.7 ‫ יפה‬.6 ‫ חדשה‬.5 ‫ עתיק‬.4 ‫ גדול‬.3 ‫ שחורה‬.2 ‫ יפה‬.1

2. Final ‫ ת‬- (-t)

Now look at the endings o f the following:
‫ ר ת‬1‫ס‬ ‫מ‬ ‫ת‬ ‫ב‬ 1‫פ ת‬ ‫ת‬ ‫מ ח ב ר‬ . ‫ו‬

tradition address notebook

‫צ ל ח ת‬ ‫ת‬ ‫ש פ ע‬ ‫ת‬ ‫ח‬ ‫ק ל‬ ‫מ‬ ‫ב‬

plate flu shower

6 ‫טלית‬ ‫אנגלית‬ ‫ע ב ר י ת‬ ‫ס ט ו ד נ ט י ת‬ ‫מ כ ן ׳ נ י ת‬ .3
tallit (tallis) English Hebrew student (/.') car

‫ס ב ל נ ו ת‬
T ! ‫־‬
‫ת‬ ‫א ו‬ ‫מ‬ ‫ב‬ ‫ח נ ו ת‬ .4
patience health store

‫ח מ ו ת‬
‫א ח ו ת‬
mother-in-law sister

4 For example: ‫ אצבע ־ורוע צלע צפרדע קרקע‬. All of these words are feminine.
frog rib arm finger ground
5 For an explanation of matching (agreement), see the chapter "How Do Adjectives Behave?" pp. 126-130.
6 In Modem Hebrew, the word ‫ טלית‬is feminine (we say: ‫ טלית גדולה‬,‫) טלית לבנה‬. The term ‫ טלית לןטן‬- a fringed
garment worn by orthodox males under their clothing - was coined in medieval times, when many nouns that
are feminine today were regarded as masculine. (Isaac Avinery, 1964, p. 215.)

II. Nouns / 1. The Gender of Nouns

Q: What is common to all these feminine (singular) nouns?

A: They all end in 7.‫ ת׳‬Some end in ‫ ת‬: )‫) מחברת‬, some in ‫ ת‬: )‫) מקלחת‬, some in ‫ י ת‬: )‫ נית‬1‫) מכ‬, some
in ‫ות‬- )‫ ) ב מ או ת‬and, very rarely, in ‫ות‬- )‫) אחות‬.

In all the examples above, the ‫ ת׳‬is not one o f the root letters, but rather is added onto the root
(as an ending).

Sometimes a final '‫ ת‬appears to be an original part o f a word and not an ending that has been
added on. Many words with a final ‫ת׳‬, as in the following examples, are feminine:

8‫דלת‬ ‫עת‬ ‫אות‬ ‫מעבת‬ ‫שבת‬ ‫פת‬ ‫דת‬ ‫אמת‬

truth door time letter frying Sabbath sect religion
of alphabet pan

Be careful! Some very common words end in ‫ ת׳‬but are not feminine. In these words
the final ‫ ת׳‬is always a root letter and not an added ending. The following words are
masculine and should be memorized:

masculine:9‫צוות‬ ‫צומת‬ ‫מוות‬ ‫זית‬ ‫בית‬ ‫אות‬

sign, staff, intersection death olive house
indication crew

Words that have the same pattern as ‫דיבור‬, and whose roots end in ‫ת׳‬, are also masculine,
even though they look feminine:
masculine: ‫^ עימות שירות‬
confrontation service

7 The final ‫ת‬-, and not the final ‫ה‬- (-ah), which we saw in the first section above, was actually the original
feminine ending at an earlier stage of the languages. The final n- (-ah) evolved from the original ri- (-at) in the
following way:
(3) (2) (1)
‫ ילדת => ילד => ילדה‬-»
yal-da <= yal-da <= yal-dat
(1) The original form at an earlier stage of the language: yal-dat
(2) The final ‫ ת‬- (-t) dropped off and the word became yal-da.
(3) Since the system of writing vowel signs under the letter had not yet been invented, a final ‫ה‬- was added to
make clear that the word was to be pronounced with a final -a (yal-da).
8 Although the final '‫ ת‬in the last two words - ‫ אמת‬and ‫ דלת‬- appears to be part of the root, it is actually an
added ending (sujfhc). (The root of ‫ אמת‬is ‫מ~נ‬-‫ ;א‬the root of ‫ דלת‬is uncertain, perhaps ‫י‬-‫ל‬-‫)ד‬. The final ‫ ת׳‬in all
the other words listed here is part of their root.
9 Note that ‫ ת‬1‫ א‬meaning sign or indication is masculine, while the more common ‫ אות‬meaning a letter o f the
alphabet, is feminine.

II. Nouns / 1. The G ender of Nouns

B e c a r e fu l! Words that end in the letter ‫ ט׳‬may sound feminine, but they are not, as

masculine : ‫שקט‬ ‫עט‬ ‫קזינצךט‬

pen concert ballet menu film salad silence

Let's review
♦ The two feminine endings are:

- A final ‫ה‬-, as i n: ‫ ס וצ י וא גמ ז‬,‫ ספרייה‬, ‫עב ודה‬.

T ‫׳׳‬ T: ! ' T * : * ' T ‫־‬:

An important exception is ‫( לילה‬LAI-la night), which is masculine.

- A final ‫ ת‬-, as in: ‫ אחז־ת‬,‫ חנות‬,‫ מכונית‬,‫ מקלחת‬,‫ מחברת‬.

♦ Many words whose root ends in ‫ ת׳‬are feminine, such as: ‫ שבת‬,‫ כת‬,‫ דת‬. Others
are masculine and must be memorized (see examples above).

W ant to see if you've understood?

Circle the correct form of the adjective (masculine or feminine).

1 / m. f. / m. f. / m.
‫ חזקה‬/ ‫חזק‬ ‫צבא‬ .9 ‫ פתוחה‬/ ‫פתוח‬ ‫• דלת‬5 ‫ חדשה‬/ ‫ שלט חדש‬.1
‫ עתיקה‬/ ‫עתיק‬ ‫ דת‬,10 ‫ירוק‬ / ‫ירוק‬ ‫ שדה‬.6 ‫ טובה‬/ ‫ שבוע טוב‬.2
‫ חדשה‬/ ‫חדש‬ ‫ נ תובת‬.11 ‫ לבנה‬/ ‫לבן‬ ‫ צבע‬.7 ‫ גדולה‬/ ‫ פפית גדול‬.3
‫ סובה‬/ ‫סוב‬ ‫ צוות‬.12 ‫ קטנה‬/ ‫קטן‬ ‫ חנות‬.8 ‫ קלה‬/ ‫קל‬ ‫ שפה‬.4
‫ חדשה‬/ ‫חדש‬ ‫ בית‬.13
‫ חדשה‬.‫וו‬ ‫ עתיקה‬.‫ ו‬0 ‫ חזק‬.9 ‫ קטנה‬.8 ‫ לבן‬.7 ‫ ירוק‬.6 ‫ פתוחה‬.5 ‫ קלה‬.4 ‫ גדולה‬.3 ‫ טוב‬.2 ‫ חדש‬.‫ו‬
‫ חדש‬.‫ ו‬3 ‫ טוב‬.‫ ו‬2

II. Nouns / 1. The Gender of Nouns

Groupingfeminine nouns according to meaning

There are quite a few nouns that are feminine, yet they do not have a feminine ending. There
is usually no special reason why these nouns are feminine - they just are. In order to help you
remember them, we'll group them according to meaning.10

1. Parts o f the body (pairs and singles)

a. Paired parts with the ending 0”: in the plural
The words for many parts of the body (human and animal) arefeminine, especially those that
come in pairs and take the ending ‫יים‬: (-A-yeem) in the plural:

> ‫קרן‬ ‫כנף‬ ‫שוק‬ ‫ירך‬ ‫לחי‬ ‫ציפורן‬ 1 2 ‫שן‬ ‫כתף‬ ‫ברך‬ ‫ךגל ״‬ ‫יד‬ ‫אוזן‬ ‫־* עין‬
‫קרמים‬ ‫כנפיים‬ ‫שוקיים‬ ‫ירכיים‬ ‫לחיים‬ ‫צפודניים‬ ‫שיניים‬ ‫כתפיים‬ ‫ברכיים‬ ‫רגליים‬ ‫ידיים‬ ‫עיניים אוזניים‬
horn wing calf, thigh cheek fingernail, tooth shoulder knee leg, hand ear eye
drumstick toenail foot

Note also that the word ‫( נעל‬shoe) (plural: ‫ )נעליים‬is feminine, too. ‫ נעל‬is one o f the only nouns
denoting a manufactured object that takes the ending ‫יים‬: and is feminine.13

Be careful! There are also some nouns for paired parts o f the body that are masculine.
The most striking of these is, ironically: ‫ שדיים‬/ ‫( שד‬a woman's breast).14

b. Other parts o f the body (without the ending ‫”ם‬: in the plural)
The words for three more parts o f the body that come in pail’s (or in two sets) are also
‫אצבע‬ ‫צלע‬ ‫זרוע‬
finger rib arm

10 Our division into groups of meaning is based on Mordechai Kashtan, 1982, pp. 39-42.
11 To be exact, ‫ רגל‬means leg and ‫ כף רגל‬means foot, but in everyday speech ‫ רגל‬is used for both. In another of
its meanings (with the plural ‫(רגלים‬, ‫ רגל‬refers to one of the three pilgrimage holidays: Sukkot, Pesach and
Shavuot. In this usage, ‫ רגל‬is either feminine ‫ שא ש הרגלים‬or masculine ‫ ש א ש ת הרגלים‬.
12 The plural of ‫ שן‬has a dual ending*. ‫שיניים‬, probably because we have two sets of teeth: the upper and the lower.
This is true also of ‫ציפורניים‬: we have a set on each hand.
13 For examples, see the next section on masculine nouns.
14 Here are more examples of masculine nouns that denote paired parts of the body:
masculine> ‫מותן‬ ‫קרסייל‬ ‫עפעף‬ ‫׳ נחיר‬.
‫נחיריים עפעפיים קרסוליים מותניים‬
waist ankle eyelid nostril
These nouns are less commonly encountered at the beginning and intermediate levels of language study than
some of the feminine nouns mentioned above.

II. Nouns / 1. The Gender of Nouns

The plural forms o f these nouns do not end in ‫־יים‬. All three singular forms happen to end
in ‫ע׳‬.

The words for the following parts of the body (which do not come in pairs) also happen to be
16 ‫נפש‬ 1 5 ‫^צם‬ ‫לשו־ן‬ )‫כרס(פרס‬ ‫בטן‬
soul bone tongue potbelly belly

Special case: The word ‫( פנים‬face), which is always plural in Hebrew, is both feminine and
masculine in Modem Hebrew (we say both ‫ פנים יפים‬/ ‫ ת‬1‫) פנים יפ‬.

Want to see if you've understood?

Circle the correct form of the adjective (masculine or feminine).

f. / m. f. / m. f. / m.
‫ מלאה‬/ ‫מלא‬ ‫בטן‬ .9 ‫ ארוכה‬/ ‫ארוך‬ ‫ ציפורן‬. 5 ‫ גדולה‬/ ‫גדול‬ ‫ אף‬.1
‫ גדולה‬/ ‫גדול‬ ‫ ראש‬. 10 ‫ כואבת‬/ ‫כואב‬ ‫ ברך‬. 6 ‫ גדולה‬/ ‫גדול‬ ‫ יד‬.2
‫ קטנה‬/ ‫קטן‬ ‫ אוזן‬. 7 ‫ ארוכה‬/ ‫ארוך‬ ‫ זרוע‬. 3
‫ אדומה‬/ ‫אדום‬ ‫ לשון‬. 8 ‫ קטנה‬/ ‫קטן‬ ‫ פה‬.4
‫ גדול‬.10 ‫ מלאה‬.9 ‫ אדומה‬.8 ‫ קטנה‬.7 ‫ כואבת‬.6 ‫ ארוכה‬.5 ‫ קטן‬.4 ‫ ארוכה‬.3 ‫ גדולה‬.2 ‫ גדול‬.1

15 Note: When the word ‫ עצם‬means thing, it is masculine.

16 For the sake of convenience, we are categorizing the word ‫ נפש‬as a part of the body, though obviously it is

II. Nouns / 1. The Gender of Nouns

2. Geographical areas and related words

The following words are feminine, and they, too, have no feminine ending.

‫תהום‬ ‫באר‬ ‫קן ק ע‬ ‫חצר‬ ‫גדר‬ ‫כיכר‬ ‫דרך‬ ‫עיר‬ ‫ארץ‬

city well ground, yard fence city square, way city land,
land traffic circle country

3. Cities and countries

We have seen that the words ‫( עיר‬city) and ‫( ארץ‬country, land) are feminine and singular. So, too,
are the names o f cities and countries, no matter what form the actual name takes. Here are some

cities‫׳‬. ‫דמשק‬ ‫לונדון‬ ‫ניו יוןק‬ ‫תל אביב‬ ‫ירושלים‬ ‫>י‬

Damascus London New York Tel Aviv Jerusalem

countries'. ‫יפן‬
‫ארצות הברית‬
*J ‫־ ״‬ ‫־‬
: ‫ ־‬J *

‫ ״״‬T J ‫״‬

Japan China the United States Egypt Israel

A rare exception is ‫( הוותילןן‬the Vatican), which is masculine. 18

17 ‫ כיכר‬also means a loaf (of bread).

18 See Rivka Bliboim, 1995, p. 22.

II. Nouns / 1. The Gender of Nouns

Want to see if you've understood?

Circle the correct form of the adjective (masculine or feminine).

f. / m. f. / m.
‫ המודרנית‬/ ‫המודרני‬ ‫מצרים‬ .7 ‫ רחוקה‬/ ‫רחוק‬ ‫ ארץ‬.1
‫ ארוכה‬/ ‫ארוך‬ ‫רחוב‬ .8 ‫ גדולה‬/ ‫גדול‬ ‫ עיר‬.2
‫ היפה‬/ ‫היפה‬ ‫תל אביב‬ .9 ‫ נעימה‬/ ‫נעים‬ ‫ מקום‬.3
‫ ארוכה‬/ ‫ארוך‬ ‫ דרך‬. 10 ‫ העתיקה‬/ ‫העתיק‬ ‫ ירושלים‬.4
‫ רחבה‬/ ‫רחב‬ ‫ כביש‬. 11 ‫ גבוהה‬/ ‫גבוה‬ ‫ גדר‬.5
‫ יקרה‬/ ‫יקר‬ ‫ קרקע‬. 12 ‫ חדשה‬/ ‫חדש‬ ‫ גבול‬.6
s ‫ המודרנית‬.7 ‫ חדש‬.6 ‫ גבוהה‬.5 ‫ העתיקה‬A ‫ נעים‬.3 ‫ גדולה‬.2 ‫ רחוקה‬.1
‫ יקרה‬.12 ‫ רחב‬.11

4. Objects and forces in nature

Nouns denoting objects and forces in nature are often feminine in Modem Hebrew . 19

‫קדו‬ ‫שמש‬ ‫רוח‬ ‫אש‬ ‫אבן‬ ->

ray, sun wind, fire stone
horn spirit

5. Utensils
Some words denoting utensils are feminine. Three o f these are sharp objects:

‫מחט‬ ‫חרב‬ 20 [ ‫ספי‬ *>

needle sword knife

Two more, like ‫סכין‬, are used in dining:

soup spoon, glass
large spoon, tablespoon

19 Because some of these words (e.g., ‫ שמש‬,‫ אש‬,‫ )רוח‬are both feminine and masculine in the Bible, they may
appear in modern literary texts as either, but in standard language they are feminine.
20 The word ‫ ספין‬is both feminine and masculine in Modem Hebrew. We often say ‫ סכין חדה‬, but also ‫סנין חד‬
(a sharp knife). Several other words are also both feminine and masculine in Modem Hebrew, for example:
‫ יפות‬/ ‫( פנים יפים‬a pretty face) and ‫ קטנה‬/ ‫( מטבע קטן‬a small coin).

II. Nouns / 1. The Gender of Nouns

Want to see if you've understood?

Circle the correct form of the adjective (masculine or feminine).

f. / m. f. / m. f. / m.
‫ חזקה‬/ ‫חזק‬ ‫אש‬ .9 ‫ מיוחדת‬/ ‫מיוחד‬ ‫ צלחת‬.5
‫ גדולה‬/ ‫גדול‬ ‫ כף‬. 10 ‫ קטנה‬/ ‫קטן‬ ‫ מזלג‬.6‫ מעניינת‬/ ‫מעניין‬
‫ אדומה‬/ ‫אדום‬ ‫ עט‬. 11 ‫ ח ד ה‬/ ‫ מחט ח ד‬.7 ‫ ג דו ל ה‬/‫ג דו ל‬
‫ חזקה‬/ ‫חזק‬ ‫ רוח‬. 12 ‫ חמה‬/ ‫ שמש חם‬.8 ‫ גבוהה‬/ ‫גבוה‬

‫ מחט חדה‬.7 ‫ מזלג קטן‬.6 ‫ צלחת מיוחדת‬.5 ‫ הר גבוה‬.4 ‫ סלע גדול‬.3 ‫ אבן מעניינת‬.2 ‫ כוס גדולה‬.1
‫ רוח חזקה‬.12 ‫ עט אדום‬.11 ‫ כף גדולה‬.10 ‫ אש חזקה‬.9 ‫ שמש חמה‬.8

6. Animals and humans

Up until now we have been looking at nouns that denote objects with no biological gender
(for example: eye, city, spoon). In the case of animals, the biological gender (male / female) is
almost always indicated by the form of theanimal's name, thus:
male animals (their names usuallyhave no ending): ‫כלב‬ ‫סוס‬ ‫חתול‬
horse cat dog
z z t
female animals (their names usually have a feminine ending): ‫סוסה‬ ‫כלבה חתולה‬

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. For example, the names of the following female
animals are totally different from those of their male counterparts:
male animals: ‫חמו׳ר‬ ‫תיש‬
donkey (m.) billy goat
t a
female animals: ‫אתיז‬ ‫עז‬
donkey (f.) nanny goat

The words ‫ עז‬and ‫ אתון‬are feminine (we say ‫ אתון קטנה‬,‫)עז גדולה‬, but they have no feminine

In the human realm, the word ‫( אם‬mother) is feminine but has no feminine ending, thus:
Dalia is a devoted mother. .‫דליה היא אם מסורה‬

II. Nouns / 1. The G ender of Nouns

Here is an additional problem pertaining to words for animals: some animals have only one
name, which is shared by both the male and the female of the species. In the following cases,
the shared name happens to be feminine:

The bird sang all day. .‫ הציפור שרה כל היום‬- >

A green frog jumped into the pool. .‫צפךךע ירוקה קפצה לבריכה‬

In these cases, if we want to make clear that we are referring to a male, we say:

A bird of the male sex sat on the tree. .‫ ציפור ממין זכר ישבה על העץ‬-C
A frog of the male sex jumped into the pool. .‫צפרדע ממין זכו קפצה לבריכה‬

7. The letters o f the alphabet

The names of all the letters of the alphabet are feminine (as is the word ‫ אות‬- letter). Thus, we
say, for example:
.‫הנו״ן נופלת‬ ‫מ״ם סופית‬ ‫ אל״ף גדולה‬- >
The noon drops out. final mem a big 'alef

8. The word ‫פעם‬

"Once" and for all: the word ‫( פעם‬a time, once) is feminine.
.‫זאת הפעם האחרונה‬ ‫פעם אחת‬
This is the last time. one time

Let's review
In order to determine if a noun is feminine or masculine, we always check its
singular form.
♦ Most singular feminine nouns have one o f the following fem inine endings:
- Final ‫ ה‬- (-ah)
- Final ‫ ת‬- (-/)

♦ Singular feminine nouns that do not have these endings can be memorized
according to the following categories:
- Many parts of the body (paired and not paired)
- Some geographical areas and related words
- Names of cities and countries
- Some objects and forces in nature
- Some utensils
- Some animals
- Letters of the alphabet
- The word ‫פעם‬

II. Nouns / 1. The Gender of Nouns

Want to see if you've understood?

Choose the correct form (masculine or feminine) of the missing word.
Note: The nouns in this exercise are plural. In order to determine whether they are
feminine or masculine, first make them singular (see the answers for help).

‫אנתרופולוגים חוקרים תרבויות‬ .7 .‫מאוד‬ .‫ האבנים בכותל‬. 1

)‫ עתיקות‬/ ‫(עתיקים‬ )‫ גדולות‬/ ‫(גדולים‬
_____________ ‫המקומות האלה‬ .8 ‫ הסלטים האלה‬.2
)‫ שמורות‬/ ‫(שמורים‬ )‫ טעימות‬/ ‫(טעימים‬
_ ‫ תנסה דרכים‬,‫אם אתה לא מצליח‬ .9 _____________ ‫ האוזניים שלי‬.3
)‫ אחרות‬/ ‫(אחרים‬ )‫ כואבות‬/‫(כואבים‬
____________ ‫ אלה היו שבועות‬. 10 ___________ ‫ הכוסות האלה לא‬.4
)‫ קשות‬/ ‫(קשים‬ )‫ נקיות‬/ ‫(נקיים‬
!‫פה‬ ______ ‫ שים את השולחנות ה‬,‫ דן‬. 11 _____________ ‫ ליונתן יש כתפיים‬.5
)‫ קטנות‬/ ‫(קטנים‬ )‫ רחבות‬/ ‫(רחבים‬
‫ ביקרנו בערים‬. 12 __________ ‫ בבניין שלנו יש דירות‬.6
)‫ מעניינות‬/ ‫(מעניינים‬ )‫ יפות‬/ ‫(יפים‬
)‫ נקיות (כוס נקייה‬.4)‫ כואבות (אמן כואבת‬.3)‫ טעימים (סלט טעים‬.2
)‫ שמורים (מקום שמור‬.8)‫עתיקות (תרבות עתיקה‬.7 )‫ יפות (דירה יפה‬.6
)‫ מעניינות (עיר מעניינת‬.12)‫ קטנים (שולחן קטן‬.11)‫ קשים (שבוע קשה‬.10

• Masculine nouns ($
Almost all the nouns that don't have a feminine ending and are not listed under one o f the
categories in the previous section are masculine . 2 1

The following endings may help you identify masculine nouns:

1. Nouns ending in ‫ה‬: and ‫ה‬:

Nouns ending in ‫ ה‬- may be feminine or masculine. When their vowel is ‫( ;ה‬-ah), they are
feminine.22 When a final ‫ ה׳‬is preceded by eh, it is masculine.
masculine: ‫תה‬ ‫לןפה‬ ‫שדה‬ ‫מענה‬ ‫ ךה‬1 ‫מ‬ ^
tea coffee field camp male teacher

21 We are speaking here of the nouns learned by most intermediate level students. A number of additional nouns
usually learned at the advanced level can be added to the lists in the preceding section on feminine nouns.
22 Except for ‫לילה‬, which is masculine.

II. Nouns / 1. The Gender o f Nouns

2. Nouns ending in ‫~ון‬

Nouns that end in ‫ון‬- are almost always masculine.

masculine. ‫מהאון‬ ‫פתרון‬ ‫עיתון‬ ‫מי אן‬ ‫מ אן‬ ‫סלון‬ ‫< *־‬
museum solution newspaper dictionary hotel window

Be careflll! The following nouns ending in ‫ון‬- are feminine:

feminine : ‫אתון‬ ‫לשון‬
she-donkey language, tongue

Did you know?

Nouns with a final root letter ‫ת׳‬
Although nouns that end in '‫ ת‬are usually feminine, there are some w hose root
happens to end in ‫ ת׳‬and are masculine. For exam ple:

‫שירות‬ ‫צומת‬ ‫צוות‬ ‫מוות‬ ‫זית‬ ‫בית‬ -*<

service intersection staff death olive house

For more exam ples and details, see "Be ca re fu l!" above (p. 22).

3. Nouns that end in ‫יים‬- and do not denote body parts

Contrary to what is often thought, the ending ‫ יי מ‬: is found not only on feminine nouns. In
fact, when a noun ends in ‫יים‬: and does not denote a part of the body, it is alm ost always
masculine .23

The following masculine nouns denote objects containing two p arts and are usually used only
in the plural:

masculine. ‫יים מספרייםמשלןפיים מכנסיים‬

bicycle scissors eyeglasses pants

23 See footnote 14 above for paired parts of the body whose nouns end in ‫יים‬: and are masculine.

II. Nouns / 1. The Gender of Nouns

Thus, when adjectives are added, the forms are:

2 4 ‫גדולים‬ ‫אופניים‬ ‫מספריים קטנים‬ ‫משקפיים חדשים‬ ‫>* מכנסיים קצךים‬

a large bicycle small scissors new glasses shorts

Here are some more masculine nouns whose plural is ‫יים‬::

masculine: ‫מגף‬ ‫גרב‬

‫מגפיים‬ ‫גרביים‬
boots socks

Be careful! As we mentioned above in the section on feminine nouns, ‫ נעליים‬/ ‫נעל‬

is one of the only m anufactured items denoted by a noun whose plural form ends in
‫יים‬- and is feminine.

In addition to the nouns for manufactured items mentioned thus far, here are two additional
nouns that are masculine and always plural:

masculine. ‫־־‬ ‫שמים‬

sky, heaven water

Thus, we say: ‫( מים קרים‬cold water) and ‫( שמים כחולים‬blue sky / skies). Notice that these two
words are written with only one ‫ י׳‬even though their ending is pronounced A-yeem: MA-yeem,

Did you know?

The w o r d ‫ ( סיים‬cha-YEEM life) is also a lw a y s masculine and plural in Hebrew.
For exam ple, w e say:

masculine: ‫טוביםחיים‬ ‫חיים ארוכים‬

a long life a g o o d life

Unlike in the case o f ‫ מים‬and ‫שמים‬, here the regular plural ending ‫ים‬- (-EEM) is
a d d e d to the base ‫ חי‬to create a w o r d w ith a double '‫י‬: ‫ חיים‬.

24 Many Hebrew speakers mistakenly - and understandably - treat these nouns as if they were feminine.

II. Nouns / 1. The G ender of Nouns

Let's review
♦ Almost all words that do not have a feminine ending and were not mentioned
in the section on feminine nouns are masculine .25

♦ The following endings can help you identify a noun as masculine (see above
for examples):

- Final ‫ ה‬: and final ‫ה‬-, as in: ‫מורה‬, ‫שדה‬, ‫א ת ה‬

- Final ‫ון‬-, as i n: ‫ע ית ו ן‬, ‫פתר ו ן‬.
- Most words that end in 7 ‫ יים‬and denote a manufactured item, such as:
‫מכנסיים‬, ‫ מספריים‬.

W ant to see if you've understood the chapter?

C irc le the noun w h o se g e n d e r is d iffe re n t from the other tw o.

‫ רחוב‬,‫ גבול‬,‫ארץ‬ .‫ ו‬0 ‫ גדר‬,‫ חצר‬,‫ מקום‬. 1

‫ ארון‬,‫ בית‬,‫כום‬ .‫וו‬ ‫ מ שפחה‬,‫ שבוע‬,‫ מפה‬.2
‫ קיבוץ‬,‫ פריז‬,‫ישראל‬ .‫ ו‬2 ‫ נערה‬,‫ תיק‬,‫ לילה‬.3
‫ גיטרה‬,‫ מבנה‬,‫שז־ה‬ .‫ ו‬3 ‫ צבע‬,‫ צבא‬,‫ שנה‬.4
‫ בטן‬,‫ אף‬,‫אצבע‬ .‫ ו‬4 ‫ ברך‬,‫ ספר‬,‫ יד‬.5
‫ מכונית‬,‫ חנות‬,‫שולחן‬ , 15 ‫ ציפורניים‬,‫ אופניים‬,‫ ידיים‬.6
‫ שירות‬,‫ סבלנות‬,‫מחברת‬ .16 ‫ מספריים‬,‫ שיניים‬,‫ מכנסיים‬.7
‫ זיכרון‬,‫ רעיון‬,‫משטרה‬ .‫ ו‬7 ‫ אופניים‬,‫ מכנסיים‬,‫ נעליים‬.8
‫ חלון‬,‫ ארון‬,‫לשון‬ .‫ ו‬8 ‫ עיר‬,‫ כיסא‬,‫ דרך‬.9
:A n s w e rs
f( .( ‫ שיניים‬.m ( 7.( ‫ אופניים‬.m ( 6.( ‫ ספר‬.5 )£( ‫ שנה‬.f ( 4.( ‫ נערה‬.m ( 3.( ‫ שבוע‬.m (
) m .( ‫ אף‬.f(14.( ‫ גיטרה‬. m( 13.( ‫ קיבוץ‬. 12 )£( ‫ כוס‬.f( 11.( ‫ ארץ‬.m ( 10.( ‫ כיסא‬.f(
) f. ( ‫ לשון‬.18 )£( ‫ משטרה‬.m( 7.( ‫ שירות‬.m( 16. ( ‫ שולחן‬.15

25 We are referring here to words usually learned by students at the intermediate level of Hebrew language

2 How Are Nouns Made Plural?

‫ ״‬The plural endings ‫ים‬: and ‫ו ת‬-
• Adding ‫י ם‬:/‫ו ת‬-: What happens to the end o f the singular form?
‫ ״‬The ending ‫יים‬: (the "dual" ending)
‫ ״‬Changes in the base form o f the noun
‫ ״‬Special cases: nouns that have only one form (singular or plural)

• The plural endings ‫מז‬: or ni-

Most Hebrew nouns have both a singular and a plural form. The plural form usually ends in
either ‫ים‬- or in ni-. Many students of Hebrew tend to regard the ending ‫ים‬- as masculine and
‫ות‬- as feminine. This is indeed the case with both adjectives and present tense verbs. When
an adjective or a present tense verb refers to a masculine noun like ‫תלמידים‬, they always end
in ‫ים‬::
verb adj. noun
.‫ הם לומדים שמונה שעות ביום‬.‫התלמידים עייפים‬
The students (‫;מ‬. ) are tired. They study eight hours a day.

Likewise, when an adjective or a present tense verb refers to a feminine noun like ‫תלמידות‬, they
always end in ‫ות‬-:
verb adj. noun
,‫ הן לומדות שמונה שעות ביום‬.‫ התלמידות עייפות‬-‫>־‬
The students (f. ) are tired. They study eight hours a day.

Q: What is the plural ending on the masculine noun ‫ תלמידים‬in the first sentence?

A: The ending is ‫ים‬:. It is the same ending found on the adjective and verb that match it.
However, unlike adjectives and present tense verbs, there are masculine plural nouns that
take an ‫ות‬- rather than an ‫ים‬: ending. The following, for example, are masculine nouns with
their matching masculine adjectives:

‫שמות יפים‬ ‫רחובות ארוכים‬ ‫שולחנות גדולים‬ ■C

pretty names long streets big tables

II. Nouns / 2. How Are Nouns M ade Plural?

Q: What is the plural ending on the feminine noun ‫ תלמידות‬in the second sentence above?

A: The ending is ‫ות‬-. the same ending that appears on the adjective and verb that match it.
However, feminine plural nouns do not always end in ‫~ו ת‬. Here, for example, are some
with the ending ‫ים‬: coupled with their matching adjectives:

‫שנים קשות‬ ‫דרכים חדשות‬ ‫אבנים גדולות‬

difficult years new ways big stones

In short, when the endings ‫ים‬: and ‫ות‬- are added to nouns, they simply indicate that the noun is
plural. It is the noun itself that is masculine or feminine, not its ending.

What are the implications of this fact for learning the plural forms o f Hebrew nouns? While
‫ים‬- and ‫ות‬- may both be found on masculine and feminine plural nouns, m ost feminine plural
nouns end in ‫ות‬-, and those that end in ‫ים‬- must be memorized. In the case of masculine plural
nouns, the use of ‫ו ת‬- is actually quite common. You will find lists of these plurals in Appendix
II "Plural Forms of Nouns" (pp. 1012-1013, 1015) at the end of this book.

Let's review
♦ When added to nouns, the endings ‫ים‬- and ‫ות‬- indicate that the noun is plural
but do not tell us whether it is masculine or feminine.

♦ Many m asculine plural nouns end in ‫ים‬:, but many others end in ‫ו ת‬-, for

> ‫ילד => ילדים‬ ‫ספר => ספרים‬ ‫מילון => מילונים‬ -‫־‬
‫מקום => מקומות‬ ‫כיסא => כיסאות‬ ‫אב => אבות‬

♦ Most fem inine plural nouns end in ‫ו ת‬-, but some end in ‫ים‬:, for example:

> - ‫ארץ =» ארצות‬ ‫מכונית => מכוניות‬ ‫ילדה => ילדות‬

‫דרך => דרכים‬ ‫שנה => שנים‬ ‫אישה => נש׳־ם‬

♦ See lists in the appendix for masculine plurals that end in ‫ו ת‬- and feminine
plurals that end in ‫ים‬:.

II. Nouns / 2. How Are Nouns Made Plural?

• Adding ‫ים‬:/‫־ות‬: What happens to the end o f the

singular form?
We will now examine what happens to the form o f singular nouns when plural endings are
added . 1 Some nouns, particularly feminine nouns, already have an ending on their singular
form, and this ending is often affected by the addition o f plural endings.

Feminine singular nouns with endings

1. Nouns ending in ‫ ;ה‬and ‫ ת‬-
Compare the singular and plural forms o f the following nouns:

‫ ת‬-/‫ ת‬-V
‫ה‬- T

singular. ‫מקלחת‬ 2 ‫ בת‬1 ‫פת‬ ‫שנה‬

‫חולצה‬T !

plural: ‫מקלחות‬T ‫!״‬ ‫־‬
‫ בות‬1 ‫כת‬ ‫שנים‬
' T
shower address year shirt

Q: What happens to the singular endings ‫ ; ה‬and ‫ ת‬- when the plural endings are added?

A: The singular endings (including their vowels) drop off. The process looks like this:

feminine ending t\~: ^ ‫ חולצה‬4=‫ק‬1 ‫חולצ‬

‫שנים‬ ‫ ־‬T
>= ‫ שנוק‬4= ‫שנה‬

feminine endings ‫ ת‬: / ‫ ת‬:: n iiim <==$ ‫ ב ת => כתוב‬1‫פת‬

2. Nouns ending in ‫”ה‬: and ‫ית‬:

Now let's see what happens when the singular endings are ‫ייה‬: and ‫ית‬::

‫ית‬- ‫ייה‬-T ‘

singular. ‫פפית‬ ‫ נית‬1 ‫מכ‬ ‫ספרייה‬

T * ! ‫־‬
T‫ ־‬T ! ‫־‬

plural : ‫ פיות‬3 ‫מכוניות‬ ‫ספןיו ת‬ ‫עגבניות‬

teaspoon car library tomato

1 For changes in the base form to which the plural endings are added (for example: ‫ )דבר => ךבךים‬see below,
pp. 46-47.
2 On words like ‫ מחברת‬see below, p. 48.

II. Nouns / 2. How Are Nouns Made Plural?

Q: Does the entire singular ending drop off before the plural ending is added?
A: No. A ‫( י׳‬preceded by an ee vowel) remains when the plural ending is added:

‫עגבניות‬ ^/‫עגבני‬ ‫עגבנייה‬

T‫ ־‬T ! “

‫מכוניות‬ ‫מכוניה‬ ‫מכונית‬

Note that nouns ending in either ‫ייה‬: or ‫ית‬: have the same plural ending: ‫יו ת‬- (always written
with only one ‫)י׳‬. Thus, when a plural noun ends in ‫יות‬- (-ee-YOT), you cannot know whether
its singular ending is ‫ייה‬- or ‫י ת‬: without looking in the dictionary or asking a reliable speaker
of Hebrew . 3

Be careful! Several nouns ending in ‫ י ת‬: retain their singular feminine ending when
the plural ending is added. The most common o f these are:

‫בךית => בךיתות‬ ‫טלית => טליתות‬

alliance: circumcision prayer shawl

3. Nouns ending in ‫ות‬-

Here is the way nouns ending in ‫ו ת‬- form their plurals:

singular. ‫תן בו ת‬ ‫ש טו ת‬ ‫חנו ת‬

plural. ‫תךבויו ת‬ ‫ש טויו ת‬ ‫חנויו ת‬

culture nonsense store

Q: Does the entire singular ending ‫ות‬- drop off before the plural ending is added?
A: No. Only the ‫ ת׳‬drops off. The 'T remains. Before the ‫ו ת‬- ending is added, a ‫ י׳‬is inserted,
so that the end of the plural is pronounced oo-YOT:

‫חנויות‬ ‫ות‬ + ‫ י‬+ ‫חנו‬ ‫חנוו?נ‬ ‫חנות‬

3 a. An additional source of plural nouns ending in ‫ יות‬- is verbal nouns such as:
‫עלייה => עליות‬ ‫קנייה => קניות‬ ‫< פנייה => פניות‬
raise (e.g., in prices) shopping turn
b. In texts without vowel signs, you may encounter plurals ending in ‫יות‬- that are pronounced a-YOT and are
the plural forms of words like ‫( בעיה‬problem) (plural: ‫ )בעיות‬or of irregular nouns like ‫( אחות‬sister; nurse)
(plural: ‫ )אחיות‬or ‫( אריה‬lions) (plural: ‫) א חו ת‬.

II. Nouns / 2. How Are Nouns Made Plural?

4. Singular nouns ending in ‫ות‬-

The most common singular noun with the ending ni- is ‫( אחות‬sister; nurse ) 4 Its plural is ‫אחיות‬
‫' )׳‬a-cha-YOT ). This form includes a ‫ י׳‬preceded by an a h vowel before the plural ‫ו ת‬- ending:

‫ות => אחיות‬

T ‫!־‬
+ ‫ י‬+ ‫אח‬
>= ‫ ן‬1/‫א ח‬ >= ‫אחות‬ T

5. Nouns originally ending in ‫( ;א‬now written ‫ה‬-)

A number of foreign nouns entered Hebrew with the ending 5.;‫ א‬This ending was regarded as
equivalent to the Hebrew feminine ending ‫;ה‬, but continued for some time to be written ‫;א‬.
When the plural ending was added to these nouns, many o f them retained the ‫ ;א‬both in their
pronunciation and in writing, as in:
‫דוגמא => דוגמאות‬ *>
T ! T !

doog-ma- '0 T doog-MA


Today most of these singular nouns have been "converted" into Hebrew and are written with ‫;ה‬
(this is the spelling recommended by the Hebrew Language Academy). Although the preferred
plural form is without an ‫א׳‬, many speakers still use the plural forms with ‫א׳‬. Thus:

*‫י‬ ‫פוו־סה‬ ‫קופסה‬ ‫טבלה‬ ‫פסקה‬ ‫< דוגמה‬

u u U 4 II
‫פוךסות‬/)‫קופסות (פוךסאות‬/)‫(קופסאות‬ ‫טבלות‬/)‫ות‬
easy chair box chart paragraph example

The plural form o f ‫ אוניבךסיטה‬usually has an ‫ א׳‬:

6‫ אוניברסיטאות‬4= ‫ אוניבןסיטה‬- <

Nouns whose final root letter is ‫( ת׳‬feminine or masculine)

The ‫ ת׳‬at the end of the following singular nouns is part o f the root ' and is not a feminine
ending. The majority of nouns ending in ‫ ת׳‬happen to be feminine. (You can assume they are
feminine and commit only the exceptions - i.e., the masculine nouns ending in ‫ ת׳‬- t o memory).
Here are some examples of feminine nouns:

4 The word ‫( חמות‬mother-in-law) is similar. Its plural form is ‫חמיות‬.

5 See the internet site of the Academy of the Hebrew Language for more details:
Note: What is written above does not refer to the following words whose endings are not feminine: ‫( אימא‬f),
‫( אבא‬m.\ ‫( סבא‬m.) and ‫( סבתא‬/.')
6 The form ‫ אוניבךסיטות‬is also used. For other words that have an ‫ א׳‬in the plural, but not in the singular, see
Appendix II "Plural Forms of Nouns,‫ ״‬pp. 1011, 1013-1014.
7 See the chapter ‫״‬Root," pp. 3-4. We have included the word ‫ דת‬here even though it comes from Persian and,
therefore, doesn't actually have a root.

II. Nouns / 2. How Are Nouns Made Plural?

‫אות‬ ‫קשת‬ ‫רשת‬ 8‫דלת‬ ‫מחבת‬ ‫שבת‬ ‫כת‬ ‫דת‬ <

T ‫־‬ T

U 1‫א‬ Jj‫׳‬ Jj‫׳‬
‫קשתות‬ ‫ו שתות‬ ‫דלתות‬
T !
‫מחבתות‬ ! ‫־‬
‫שבתות‬ T ‫־‬
‫כתות‬ ‫דתות‬ T

letter rainbow; net; door pan sabbath sect religion

of the alphabet arch network

: following are masculine and should be memorized:

‫אות‬ ‫שירות‬ ‫צומת‬ ‫צוות‬ ‫זית‬ ‫בית‬ <

‫אותות‬ ‫שירותים‬ ‫צמתים‬ ‫־‬ T !

T !
‫זיתים‬ ‫בתים‬ T

signal, service; intersection crew olive house

sign bathroom (pi. only)

Q: What happens to the ‫ ת׳‬when it is part of the root?

A: In all eases - both feminine and masculine - the ‫ ת׳‬remains in the plural form.

Let’s review
♦ The main changes that take place when plural endings are added to feminine
nouns with feminine endings are:

‫ ־‬The feminine ending drops off before the plural ending is added:

‫ק => חולצות‬1 ‫חולצה => חולצ‬

‫ מקלח^ן => מקלחות‬4= ‫מקלחת‬
‫כתובת => כתובו? => כתובות‬

‫ ־‬Paii: o f the ending drops off before the plural ending is added:
,> - ‫ וזנות => חנו^ן => חנויות‬,‫כפית => כפיו? => כפיות‬
‫ק => ספךיות‬1/‫ספרייה => ספךי‬

♦ Cases o f words with ‫ א׳‬in the plural are discussed above, for example:

‫ אוניבךסיטה => אוניברסיטאות‬- <

8 Whether the '‫ ת‬on ‫ דלת‬is part of the root or is a feminine ending that remains in the plural is not certain.
9 Note that the feminine word ‫( אות‬a letter of the alphabet), whose plural has an added ' ‫) אותיות) י‬, has a different
plural form from the masculine ‫( אות‬sign, signal) (plural: ‫)אותות‬.

‫‪II. Nouns /‬‬ ‫?‪2. How Are Nouns M ade Plural‬‬

‫‪ is part of the root (i.e., it is not an ending), it rem ains in the plural,‬ת׳ ‪♦ When‬‬
‫‪as in:‬‬
‫> ‪ -‬שבת => שבתות‪ ,‬שירות => שירותים‬ ‫׳‬ ‫־ ‪T‬‬ ‫־ ‪T‬‬

‫?‪W ant to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪A. Write the plural form of the missing nouns.‬‬

‫‪ . 1‬אנחנו אוהבים ללמוד על _____________ עתיקות‪.‬‬


‫‪ .2‬באילו _____________ ב עיר מוכרים _____________ לתינוקות?‬

‫(חולצה)‬ ‫(חנות)‬

‫‪ .3‬לפני הארוחה אל תשכחו לשים ____________ ‪ ____________ ,‬ו____________ ע ל השולחן!‬

‫(צלחת)‬ ‫(כפית)‬ ‫(מפית)‬

‫‪ .4‬ה ____________ ה ק טנו ת של רן אוכלות רק ____________ ‪ ____________ ,‬ו ____________‬

‫(עוגייה)‬ ‫(עגבנייה)‬ ‫(בננה)‬ ‫(אחות)‬

‫‪ .4‬אחיות‪ ,‬בננות‪ ,‬עגבניות‪ ,‬עוגיות‬ ‫‪ .3‬מפיות‪ ,‬כפיות‪ ,‬צלחות‬ ‫‪ .2‬חנויות‪ ,‬חולצות‬ ‫‪ .1‬תרבויית‬

‫‪ ,is part of the root‬ת' ‪B, Write the plural form of the missing nouns. Remember: if‬‬
‫‪it remains in the plural form. If not, it drops off before the plural ending is added ,‬‬

‫‪ . 1‬ירושלים קדושה לשלוש ה ____________ המונותאיסטיות‪.‬‬


‫‪ .2‬התלמידים החדשים כבר למדו את כל ה ________‬


‫‪ .‬הולכים לבית הכנסת‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .3‬ב ____________ בירושלים אפשר לראות גברים עם‬
‫(טלית)‬ ‫(שבת)‬

‫‪ .4‬לפני החתונה קנו בני הזוג _____________ ז ה לזה‪.‬‬


‫‪ .4‬טבעות‬ ‫‪ .3‬שבתות‪ ,‬טליתות‬ ‫‪ .2‬אותיות‬ ‫‪ .1‬דתות‬

II. Nouns / 2. How Are Nouns M ade Plural?

Masculine singular nouns

1. Nouns ending in ‫ה‬:
Let's look at what happens to nouns whose singular form ends in the masculine
ending 10: : ‫ה‬

sin g u la r: ‫שדה‬
‫מ מנ ה‬ ‫מקרה‬ ‫מבנה‬ ‫מורה‬ •>

plural: ‫שדות‬ T
‫מ חנו ת‬ ‫מקרים‬ ‫מבנים‬ ‫מוךים‬
field camp case structure teacher (‫;מ‬. )

As was the case with the feminine ending n- the masculine ‫ה‬: also drops off before the plural
ending is added:
teacher (m. ) -‫=> מורה־‬$‫=> מור‬
camp ‫=> מ חנ ה‬$ ‫מ חנו ת => מ חנ‬

Did you know?

O n iy w hen a final ‫ ה׳‬is p a rt of the root (i.e., it represents a consonant), as in a

w o r d like ‫( גובה‬height), does it remain in the plural form: ‫גבהים‬.

2. Nouns ending in '‫י‬

Almost all nouns that end in '‫ י‬are masculine.11 In nouns such as the following (whose pattern
is like ‫)ךיבור‬, the ‫ י׳‬is part of the root of the noun. When the plural ending (in this case ‫ים‬-) is
added, the plural form has two :("‫יי") י׳‬

‫ני סוי‬ ‫בילוי‬ ‫שינוי‬

U 4 4
‫ני סויי ם‬ ‫בילויי ם‬ ‫שינויים‬
experiment recreation change

10 The plural of ‫( משקה‬drink) has an added '‫א‬: ‫ משקאות‬.

11 The feminine noun ‫( לחי‬cheek) is an exception.

II. Nouns / 2. How Are Nouns Made Plural?

Now look at more nouns ending in ‫( י׳‬some end in ‫אי‬:):

‫סיני‬ ‫ישראלי‬ 1 2 ‫חקלאי‬ ‫בנקאי‬

‫סינים‬ ‫ישראלים‬ ‫חקלאים‬

‫ ־‬T ■ “
Chinese an Israeli farmer banker

Q: How many ‫ י׳‬are in these plural forms?

A: Only one. It is hard to know whether this is the ‫ י׳‬of the singular form or of the plural
ending. In any event, when we form these plurals, we actually need to add only ‫ם‬-. Notice
that these nouns, as opposed to the ones above, denote people. When nouns that denote
people end in ‫י׳‬, there is only one ‫ י׳‬in their plural forms.

Be careful! The above forms with one ‫ י׳‬in the plural are nouns. In contrast, adjective
forms related to some o f these words have two ‫)"יי") י׳‬. For example: ‫כלים חקלאיים‬
(agricultural tools) (compare nouns in Column I above) and ‫( סרטים ישראליים‬Israeli films)
(compare ethnic nouns in Column II ) . 13

Some other nouns that end in ‫ י׳‬have only one ‫ י׳‬in their plural form, for example:

‫תנאי‬ ‫כלי‬

‫תנאים‬ ‫כלים‬ ■ T :

tool, instrument condition

Note: the plural o f ‫ פו־־י‬is special and has no ‫ י׳‬at all: ‫פרות‬.

Let's review
♦ The masculine ending 7 ‫ ה‬drops off before the plural ending is added:
‫< מורים‬s= ‫מורה => מור)ק‬
‫ מחנות‬4= ‫מחנה => מחנוק‬

12 Note that these are the proper forms of these nouns. Many Israelis mistakenly say ‫ בנלןאי‬and ‫ חקלאי‬which are
actually adjectives as i n: ‫( צ ׳ק בבקןאי‬bank check), ‫( כלי חקלאי‬agricultural tool).
13 For more details, see the chapter "How Are Adjectives Formed?" pp. 155-156.

II. Nouns / 2. How Are Nouns M ade Plural?

♦ Nouns ending in ‫ י׳‬may have either two ‫ )"יי") י׳‬in the plural or one (:(‫י׳‬

- most inanimate nouns have two ‫)"יי") י׳‬: ‫ניסויים‬ ‫ ניסוי‬,‫שינוי => שינויים‬
but not all, for example: ‫כלי => כל ים‬
- most animate nouns have one ('‫)י‬: ‫ עיתונאי => ע ית ונא ים‬, ‫ישראל => ישראלים‬

W ant to see if you've understood?

W rite the p lu ra l form o f the m issing nouns.

. ‫ שמע נ ו על ה____________ בת וכ נ ית‬.1


. ‫_______________________________ ש מ ח ו על הניצחון שלהם במשחק‬


. ‫ בס וף האר וחה המלצר הוריד את ה ___________ מ ן הש ולחן‬.3


. ‫_______________________________ ר ב ים אין קשר בין כ ותרת המאמר לבין התוכן שלו‬


. ‫ בס וף הח ורף כדאי לטייל ב ___________ בצפ ו ן הארץ‬.5


A nsw ers:
‫ שדות‬.5 ‫ מקרים‬.4 ‫ כלים‬,3 ‫ ספ וךטאים‬.2 ‫ שינויים‬.‫ו‬

• The ending ‫ ” ם‬: (the ,1dual ‫ ״‬ending)

Read the following passage:

‫ רכבתי בשדות על‬.‫ בחופשת הקיץ ביליתי יומיים נפלאים אך מעייפים אצל בן הדוד שלי בקיבוץ בצפון‬-*>
.‫האופניים החדשים שלו וטיילתי ברגל בהרים שליד הקיבוץ עד שכאבו לי הרגליים‬

Over summer vacation I spent two wonderful but tiring days at my cousin's on a kibbutz up north. I rode
his new bicycle through the fields and Meed in the mountains next to the kibbutz until my legs hurt.

II. Nouns / 2. How Are Nouns Made Plural?

In the passage above, we have highlighted still another plural ending: ‫יים‬: )‫־‬A-yeem ). This
ending appears on the words ‫( יומיים‬two days), ‫( אופניים‬bicycle) and ‫( רגליים‬legs). This is the same
ending that appears on the words ‫ שתיים‬/ ‫( שניים‬two f./m.), and is called the dual ending.

When ‫יים‬: appears on numbers or units of time, it means two :

‫פ?גם‬ ‫שנה‬
‫ךש‬1 ‫ח‬ ‫שבוע‬ ‫יום‬ ‫אלף‬ ‫מאה‬

‫פעמיים‬ ‫שנתיי ם‬
• ‫ ־‬T !
D” \!hin ‫שבועיי ם‬ ‫יומיים‬ ‫אלפיים‬ ‫מאתיים‬
‫־ ־‬ T

two times, two two two two two two

twice years months weeks days thousand hundred

There is no need to add the number ‫שתי‬/‫ שני‬before the above words. When we talk about more
than two, we use the regular plural form o f these words:
‫ ־‬T !
‫ י‬T
‫־‬ T
‫שבועות‬ T
‫ י‬T
* T ‫!־‬
times years months weeks days thousands hundreds

The ending ‫ יי ם‬: is also used for parts of the body and other things that usually come in pairs
or in two sets. Here, unlike above, the ending is not used instead o f the number two, but rather
functions as a plural ending. Here are a few of the many examples:

‫ציפורן‬ ‫שן‬ ‫נעל‬ ‫יד‬


‫ ךניי ם‬19‫צי‬ ‫(!וינלים‬ ‫נעליים‬ ‫ידיים‬‫ ־ ־‬T

fingernails, toenails teeth shoes hands legs

Now look again at the words in the passage that end in ‫ י י ם‬: )‫ יומיים‬,‫ רגליים‬,‫) אופניים‬.

Q: Do they all refer to more than one item?

A: No. The words ‫( יומיים‬two days) and ‫( רגליים‬legs) do, but the word ‫ אופניים‬refers to one bicycle.
As is the case with other such words (e.g., ‫ משקפיים‬eyeglasses, ‫ מכנסיים‬pants, ‫ מספריים‬scissors),
the dual ending is used here when referring to a single object that is made up of two identical
parts. All of these words are considered plural in Hebrew, as we can see from the adjective
or verb that match them:

‫מספריים חדים‬ ‫מכנסיים ארוכים‬ ‫משקפיים גדולים‬ ‫אופניים חדשים‬ ‫>י־‬

sharp scissors long pants big glasses a new bicycle

II. Nouns / 2. How Are Nouns Made Plural?

If this is the case, how do we say more than one bicycle / pair o f pants / glasses / scissors? We
use the word ‫( זוגות‬pairs). For example:

‫ארבעה זוגו ת מספריי ם‬ ,‫שלו שה זוגו ת מ ש קפיי ם‬ ,‫שני זוגו ת מ כנ סיי ם‬ 14,‫שני זוגו ת אופניים‬ *<
four pairs of scissors three pairs of glasses two pairs of pants two bicycles

The ending ‫יי ם‬: can be added to either masculine or feminine nouns. It is the noun itself
( . . . ‫ שנה‬, ‫ ) י ום‬- and not the ending - that determines the gender.15 Thus, we say:

m. <=> m.
1 spent two wonderful days at a kibbutz up north. ,‫בילי תי יו מיי ם נפלאים בקיבוץ בצפון‬ **C

f f
1 have been there three times in the last two years. .‫הייתי שם שלו ש פ ע מי ם ב שנתיים ה א ח רונו ת‬

Be careful! The words ‫( צהריים‬noon), ‫( מים‬water) and ‫( שמי ם‬sky, heaven) all take the
-A-yeem ending and they, too, are always plural:
cold water ‫מי ם קרים‬
blue sky ‫שמים כחולי ם‬

Notice that when written without vowel signs, the endings on the nouns ‫ מים‬and ‫שמים‬
are spelled with only one ‫ י׳‬even though they are pronounced as if they have two.

Let's review
♦ The dual ending ‫ יי ם‬: (-A-yeem) is added onto words denoting:

‫ ־‬Numbers or units of time (here the ending means two):

>- ‫יומיים‬ ‫חוך שיים‬

‫ ־‬Parts of the body and other things that usually come in pairs or two sets
(here the ending does not mean two, but rather is simply plural):
>- ‫שיניים‬ ‫רגליים‬ ‫ידיים‬
‫ ־‬Single objects that consist o f two identical parts:
‫משלןפיים‬ ‫אופניים‬

14 Since the noun ‫( זוג‬plural: ‫ )זוגות‬is masculine, the number that precedes (and matches it) is masculine.
15 See the chapter "The Gender of Nouns," pp. 18-33.

II. Nouns / 2. How Are Nouns M ade Plural?

♦ All nouns ending in -A-yeem 16 are considered plural, including the words ,‫מים‬
‫ שמים‬and :‫צהריי ם‬
‫מים קרים‬ ‫אופניים חדשים‬ ‫ רגליים ארוכות‬- <

• Changes in the base form o f the noun

Until now we have examined the possible changes at the end of the singular form when the
plural endings are added. Now we will examine other changes that may take place.

When the plural ending is added, sometimes the base form to which it is added is exactly the
same as the singular form, for example;

singular: ‫וילון‬ ‫עולם‬

‫סיפור‬ ‫בנ״ו‬ ‫שיר‬ ->
11 I
plural. ‫וילונות‬ ‫עולמות‬ T
‫סיפוךים‬ ‫בניינים‬
• T: •
curtain world story building song, poem

Many times, however, there are changes - especially in the vowels o f the base form - and
sometimes in the consonants as well (as in 17 (‫איש => אנשים‬

1. Change of one vowel to shva18

Look at the singular and plural forms of the following nouns:

1 1st 1- ‫!!יו‬ ‫צבא‬ (ma-KOAi) ‫מקום‬ (na-VEE) ‫נביא‬ (da-VAR) ‫דבר‬

(,tsva-'OT) ‫צבאות‬ {me-ko-MOT) ‫מקומות‬ {m^m-'EEKt) ‫נביאים‬ (dva-REEhi) ‫ךבךים‬
army place prophet tiling

Q: What has changed in the base to which the plural ending is added?

A: The ah vowel of the first syllable (written □) has changed: In the plural forms it is either
pronounced eh - as in ‫ נביאים‬- or not pronounced at all - as in ‫)דברים‬. This vowel sign is
called shva.

16 This is true except for names of cities and countries like ‫ ( ירושלים‬Jemsal em) , ‫( מצך ים‬Egypt ). ‫( גבעתיים‬Givatayim,
a city near Tel Aviv), which are feminine singular.
17 See Appendix II "Plural Forms of Nouns," pp. 1011-1016 for more examples. The changes in the base form
are highlighted in red.
18 Often called shewa in grammar books.

II. Nouns / 2. How Are Nouns Made Plural?

This phenomenon is called vowel reduction or shortening (‫ )חיטוף‬and is a result o f the shift o f
the stress to the ending . 19

This shortening can occur in other syllables and with other vowels, too, as in:

0zee-ka-RON) ‫זיכרון‬ (tee-PESH) ‫טיפש‬ (sho-TER) ‫שוטר‬ -<

u u u
(zeech-ro-NOT) ‫זיכרונות‬ (teep-SHEEM) ‫טיפשים‬ (shot-REEM) ‫שוטךים‬
memory stupid person policeman

It is not always easy for learners o f Hebrew to predict when a reduction will take place, but
being aware that such a reduction does sometimes take place and noting some o f the word
patterns in which this change takes place (for example, nouns with patterns like ‫דבר‬, ‫נביא‬, ‫שוטר‬
and so on) can help you learn to pronounce Hebrew words correctly 20

2. Segolate nouns
Singular nouns, such as ‫ילד‬, whose first syllable is stressed (called segolate nouns), form their
plural in the following w ay :2 1

(NE-fesK) ‫נפש‬ (BO-ker) ‫בולןר‬ (SE-fer) ‫ספר‬ (YE-led) ‫ילד‬ -<

u u u 4
(m-fa-SHOT) ‫נפשות‬ (bka-REEM)‫בלןרים‬ {sfa-REEM) ‫ספו״ים‬ (ye-la-DEEM) ‫ילךים‬
soul morning book child

In all cases, the plural form is ‫ □ □ □י ם‬- just like ‫ ךבךים‬- or 22.□ □ □ ‫ ות‬When segolate nouns take
the ending ‫יים‬:, the plural base form never begins with shva, for example:

( ‫׳‬O-zen) ‫אוזן‬ (BE-rech) ‫ברך‬ (RE-geT) ‫רגל‬ <*£

f * *
(‫׳‬oz-NA-yeem) ‫אוזניים‬ (beer-KA-yeem) ‫בךכיים‬ (rag-LA-yeem) ‫רגליים‬
ear knee leg

3. Feminine nouns like ‫ שמלה‬/ ‫ילדה‬

T ♦ * T J ‫־‬

The following feminine nouns, all o f which have a vowel (not a shva) after the first consonant

19 See more on vowel reduction in the chapter "Reduction of Vowels and the Shva," pp. 640-645.
20 On patterns, see the chapter "Pattern," pp. 9-16.
21 See the chapter "Segolate Nouns," pp. 93-95 for a more in-depth discussion of segolates and their plural
22 Segolates that begin with gutturals are slightly different: ‫( אבן => אבנים‬stones), ‫( עצם => עצמות‬bone). See more
in the chapter "Segolate Nouns," p. 94.

II. Nouns / 2. How Are Nouns M ade Plural?

and no vowel (marked by a shva ) after the second, have the same plural base form as the (compare: 23 :(‫ילז־ים‬
(seem-I.. 1) ‫( שמלה‬vai-DA) 6‫ילדה‬ ■‫^־‬

(sma-LOT) ‫( שמלות‬ye-ia-DOT) ‫ילדות‬

dress girl

Quite a few other plural feminine nouns also end in -a- 07,' for example:

(ma-GE-vet) ‫( מגבת‬mach-BE-ret) 51*■ ‫מחברת‬C

(ma-ga-voT) ‫( מגבות‬mach-ba-ROT) ‫מחברות‬

towel notebook

As you can see, the singular form of these nouns ends in ‫_ת‬- (-E-et). Other examples include
‫( מסגרת => מסגרות‬frame), ‫( מךפסת => מדפסות‬printer).

Let's review
Sometimes the vowels of the base form o f nouns change when the plural ending
is added.

♦ Often one vowel changes to shva as in:

‫שוטר => שוטרים‬
,‫דבר => דברים‬
! T

♦ Most segolate nouns have a similar plural form (:(□□□ ‫ □ □ □י ם‬, ‫ות‬
‫נפש => נפשות‬ ,‫נלןךים‬, >= ‫בוקר‬ ,‫ ילד => ילדים‬- <

♦ The plural form of words like ‫ שמלה‬and ‫ ילדה‬has the same pattern as the
‫ שמלה => שמלות‬,‫ ילדה => ילדות‬-<
T : T : * T : T I ‫־‬

♦ The base form of segolate nouns that take the ‫יים‬: ending begins with a vowel
(not with a shva), as in:
‫ אוזן => אוזניים‬,‫ ברך => בךכיים‬,‫> ־ רגל => רגליים‬

23 In fact, these singular forms are feminine forms of segolate nouns. Their first vowel is the same as the vowel
inform s like ‫( ?לדי‬my child), ‫( ס פ ת‬my book) and ‫( נכדי‬my grandchild).

II. Nouns / 2. How Are Nouns Made Plural?

• Nouns that have only one form (singular or piurai)

Some nouns have only a singular form, for example:
‫חו שך‬ ‫ ם‬1‫ח‬ ‫אוויר‬
darkness heat air

The word ‫ נשק‬also doesn't have a plural form, for example:

sing. <=>sing. <=>sing.
Nuclear weapons threaten the world. .‫הנשק הגרעיני מ איי ם על העול ם‬

Here ‫ נשק‬is considered singular even though it actually denotes a collection o f objects. The
English equivalent of nouns like this (here: weapons) is not always singular. 24

Another example is the word ‫נוער‬, as in:

sing. <=>sing.
Young people spend many hours at the computer. .‫הנוער מבלה ש עו ת רבות מו ל ה מח שב‬

Here the verb (‫ )מבלה‬is singular because the noun (‫ )נו ע ר‬is considered singular in Hebrew . 25

In contrast, as mentioned above, some Hebrew words have only a plural (or dual) form, and
are considered plural nouns regardless o f whether what they denote is plural, for example:

27‫אופניים גדולים‬ ‫שמי ם כחולים‬

a big bicycle a blue sky an interesting face a good life

A number of words that have only a plural form often appear with the Aramaic plural ending ‫ין‬:
and are almost always considered plural. In many cases, the Hebrew ‫י ם‬- ending is also used - as
an alternative form with the same meaning:

/‫פיטו רין צ פויי ם‬ /‫גירושין מ כו ע רי ם‬ /‫ני שואין טו בי ם‬

‫פיטורי ם צפויים‬ ‫גירושים מכוערים‬ ‫ני שואי ם טו בי ם‬
an expected dismissal (firing) an ugly divorce a good marriage

24 We also use the word ‫ נשק‬to mean a weapon (short for ‫)פלי נשק‬. In this case, its plural is ‫פלי נשק‬, as in ‫השוטרים‬
‫ מצאו מאות פלי נשק במרתף הבית‬. (The policemen found hundreds of weapons in the cellar of the house). The form
‫( נשקים‬not approved by the Hebrew Language Academy) is also used by many Hebrew speakers.
25 When we refer to the individuals in the group called ‫נוער‬, we use the form ‫ בני נוער‬or ‫ נערות‬/ ‫( נעךים‬youths).
26 a. ‫ פנים‬is both masculine and feminine.
b. The singular ‫ פן‬has a different meaning: aspect
27 The singular ‫( אופן‬wheel) does exist in literary Hebrew, but it is not the singular of ‫אופניים‬.

II. Nouns / 2. How Are Nouns M ade Plural?

Be careful! The word ‫( מודיעין‬intelligence - e.g., in the army - or information service

- e.g., on the telephone) only takes the ending ‫ין‬- and is regarded as s in g u la r , for
sing. <^>sing.
.‫הצבא קיבל מודיעין טו ב על מה שקורה באזור‬ ->
The army received good intelligence on what is going on in the area.

Let’s review
♦ There are words in Hebrew that have only a singular form (e.g., ‫ אוויר‬air). Some
nouns with only a singular form (such as ‫ נשק‬in ‫ נשק גרעיני‬nuclear weapons) may
even denote a collection of objects.

♦ Other nouns have only a plural form (e.g., ‫ פנים‬face). Some of these nouns take
the plural ending ‫ין‬:, as in ‫( נישואין‬marriage).

W ant to see if you've understood this chapter?

T his e x e rc is e c o n ta in s no u n s th a t a p p e a r in th e c h a p te r a b o v e a n d in A p p e n d ix II a t

the e n d o f this b o o k .

W r it e the p lu ra l fo rm o f the m is s in g no un s.

,‫ היסטוריים מעניינים‬. ‫ מיוחדים ג‬. . ‫בטיול שלנו בצרפת ראינו‬ .1

)‫(מבנה‬ )‫(בית‬

.‫ביניהם ____________ ו ___________ ע תי קי ם‬

)‫(ארמון‬ )‫(כנסייה‬

.‫יש לנו ____________ נ עי מי ם מן ה ____________ ה ר א שונו ת שלנו באוניברסיטה‬ .2


.‫חד שות לפתור את ה____________ ה ר בו ת של הילדים‬ ‫הפסיכולוגית חיפ שה‬ .3

)‫(בעיה‬ )‫(דרך‬

.‫___________________________________________________ מו צ ל חי ם‬

_____ ‫הצעירים הישראלים נו סעים ל ___________ א קזו טיי ם כמו הודו ותאילנד ופוגשים שם‬ .4
)‫(איש‬ )‫(מקום‬
.‫מכל העולם‬

‫?‪II. Nouns / 2. How Are Nouns Made Plural‬‬

‫מתי פו ת חי ם את ה ___________ ב מ ר כז העירי‬ ‫‪.5‬‬


‫היום יש הרבה ____________ ב____________ ‪ ,‬במיוחד ב____________ הג דו לו ת‪,‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫(עיר)‬ ‫(כביש)‬ ‫(מכונית)‬

‫ולכן יש הרבה ____________ ד ר כי ם‪.‬‬


‫אפשר ל שאול ספרים מה ___________ ש ל ה____________ הג דו לו ת בארץ גם דרך האינטרנט‪.‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫(אוניברסיטה)‬ ‫(ספרייה)‬

‫ה ___________ עוז רו ת לתלמידים לענות על ה ________‬ ‫‪.8‬‬

‫(שאלה)‬ ‫(דוגמה)‬

‫ה ___________ ה ח ד שו ת הודיעו ל ס טו דנ טי ם על ____________ ר בי ם בתוכנית ה ________‬ ‫‪.9‬‬

‫(לימוד)‬ ‫(שינוי)‬ ‫(מורה)‬

‫‪ . 10‬אני מכיר שתי ____________ ש ל מ דו באוניברסיטה יחד עם ה____________ ש ל הן‪.‬‬

‫(בת)‬ ‫(אישה)‬

‫בקיץ ה ___________ א רו כי ם וה____________ ק צ רי ם‪.‬‬ ‫‪. 11‬‬

‫(לילה)‬ ‫(יום)‬

‫‪ .1‬בתים‪ ,‬מבנים‪ ,‬פנסיות‪ ,‬אךמונות ‪ .2‬זיכרונות‪ ,‬שנים ‪ .3‬דרכים‪ ,‬בעיות‪ ,‬פתרונות ‪ .4‬מקומות‪ ,‬אנשים‬
‫חנויות ‪ .6‬מכוניות‪ ,‬פבישים‪ ,‬עךים‪ ,‬תאונות ‪ .7‬ספךיות‪ ,‬אוניברסיטאות (‪ :or‬אוניבמזיטות)‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫דוגמות ‪ /‬דוגמאות‪ ,‬שאלות ‪ .9‬מורות‪ ,‬שינויים‪ ,‬לימוךים ‪ .10‬נשים‪ ,‬בנות ‪ .11‬ימים‪ ,‬לילות‬ ‫‪.8‬‬

3 Definite and Indefinite Nouns

‫ ״‬The definite article -‫) ה‬the( ‫ ה׳ היז־יעה‬,‫ה' היידוע‬
‫ ״‬When do we use - ‫ ה‬before a noun?
• Definite nouns without -‫ה‬
5 1 k
‫ ״‬Why is it important to identify nouns?

• The definite article ‫( ה־‬the) ‫ ה' ה יד יעה‬, ‫ה' היידוע‬

Read the following passage:

.‫ ו של יעל‬6-‫ ה תי ק הוא מתנה ליום ההולדת ה‬.‫אימא של יעל קנתה לה תי ק אדום ויפה‬

Yael's mother bought her a pretty red purse. The purse is a gift for Yael's sixteenth birthday.

Notice the following words from the passage:

a purse ‫ תי ק‬A
the purse 2. ‫ה תי ק‬

Q: What difference do you see between these Hebrew words?

A: The first word has no ‫ ה״‬added to the front of it (‫)ת יק‬. The word without the -‫ ה‬is called an
indefinite noun and corresponds to the English a purse Notice that, in this case, English
uses the little word a to show that ‫ ת יק‬is indefinite. Hebrew does not, since Hebrew has no
indefinite article (the equivalent of a and an).
The second word (‫ ) הת י ק‬appears with the definite article -‫( ה‬the) and is called a definite
noun. The definite article -‫ ה‬is usually pronounced h a 1When the letters '‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬or ‫ פ׳‬follow
the - ‫ ה‬, they are pronounced with a hard pronunciation - b, k and p (written ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬in
standard spelling with vowel signs),2 for example:
‫הפגישה‬ ‫הכוס‬ ‫הבית‬

1 In informal Hebrew it is always pronounced ha. In formal Hebrew, the -‫ ה‬is pronounced according to the
rules of classical Hebrew grammar, according to which the usual pronunciation of -‫ ה‬is ha (as in: ,‫ האיש‬,‫הבית‬
‫)הרוח‬, but before certain letters (,‫ ע‬,'‫ ח‬,‫ )ה׳‬under certain conditions, it is pronounced heh (‫)ה‬, for exampl e: ,‫העבר‬
‫ החדשים (=הח ודש ים‬,‫ החבר‬,‫)סהו־ים‬. For more details, see J. Weingreen, 1959, pp. 23-25.
2 This is a strong dagesh (‫)דגש חזק‬, also called dagesh forte. -‫ ה‬is always followed by a dagesh except when the
following letter is ' ‫א‬, % ‫ח׳‬, '‫ ע‬or ‫ר׳‬. See the chapter "The Pronunciation of ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬and the Dagesh," p. 634.

II. Nouns / 3. Definite and Indefinite Nouns

Because single-letter Hebrew words never stand alone in writing, -‫ ה‬is always attached to the
front of the noun that follows it

Be careful! Not always is the definite article -‫ ה‬visible in Hebrew. When the
prepositions ‫ב׳‬,‫ כ׳‬or '‫ ל‬come before -‫ה‬, they combine with it:

{ba-da-VAR) ‫בדבר‬ T T ‫־‬

<= ‫ הדבר‬+ ‫ב‬
T T ‫־‬ 5

{la- da-VAR) ‫לדבר‬ T T ‫־‬

<= ‫ הדבר‬+ ‫ל‬
T T ‫־‬ 5

(ka- da-VAR) ‫כדבר‬ T T ‫־‬

‫ הדבר‬+ ‫כ‬
T T ‫־‬ 5

When a text is written w ithout vowel signs, we c a n 't tell just by looking whether words
like ‫בדבר‬,‫ לדבר‬and ‫ כדבר‬are indefinite (be-da-VAR, le-da-VAR, ke-da-JAR) or definite (ba-da-VAR,
la-da-YAR, ka-da-l 'AR). Only our understanding of the context tells us how to pronounce
and understand these words.

In addition, when a noun takes the form o f smeechoot,3 -‫ ה‬is attached only to the last noun in
the smeechoot phrase, but it makes the entire phrase definite.

Do you know the school in your neighborhood? ?‫אתם מכירים את בי ת הספר בשכונה שלכם‬ ^

D id you know?
‫ סבתא‬,‫ סבא‬,‫ אבא‬,‫אימא‬
The w o rd s ‫( אימא‬M o m ), ‫( אבא‬D a d ), ‫( סבא‬G ra n d p a ) and ‫( סבתא‬G ra n d m a ) all end
in ‫;א‬, w h ic h is the A ra m a ic d efinite a rticle (the e q u iva le n t o f the H e b re w -‫)ה‬.
For this reason, they are de fin ite and there is no need to a d d -‫ ה‬to them, for
exam ple:
.‫של אורי‬ ‫אנחנו לא מכירים את אימא‬ •‫>=־‬
We don' t know Uri' s m other (lit.: the mother of Uri).

.‫עדי אוהבת את סבתא שלה‬

Adi loves her gra nd m othe r (lit.: the grand m othe r of her).

N onetheless, m any H e b re w speakers to d a y d o a d d -‫ ה‬and say "...,"‫של‬ ‫האימא‬

‫של‬ ‫האבא‬..."" and so on.

3 On smeechoot, see the chapter "Smeechoot," pp. 183-184, 186.

II. Nouns / 3. Definite and Indefinite Nouns

• When do we use ‫ ה־‬before a noun?

The use o f -‫ ה‬in Hebrew is quite similar to the use o f the in English. For example, in the passage
above, the first occurrence o f the word ‫( תיק‬a purse) is indefinite in both languages and the next
occurrence, in which that ‫ תיק‬is referred to, is definite (‫ התיק‬- the purse).

There are, however, quite a few cases in which the use o f -‫ ה‬in Hebrew and the use of the in
English are not parallel. You need to be aware o f these differences since these are cases in
which you cannot translate literally from one language to the other. Here are some examples:

1. Possessives using ‫של‬

‫היומן שלי‬ ,‫המשקפיים שלנו‬ ,‫הארנק של יעל‬
my calendar (diary) our glasses Yael's wallet
literally: the calendar of m ine the glasses of ours the wallet of Yael

The English expressions "my calendar, our glasses..." do not contain the word the, while in
the equivalent Hebrew expressions, -‫ ה‬almost always precedes the noun before ‫( של‬e.g., ‫היומן‬
‫)שלי‬. This -‫ ה‬is omitted if we wish to say the Hebrew equivalent of "an article o f mine," for

An article of mine appeared in the newspaper. .‫מ א מ ו של* ה תפ ר ס ם ב עי תון‬ **C

Today, many Hebrew speakers tend to omit the -‫ ה‬when they refer to friends or family
members :4
(colloquial) my friend ‫< חברה שלי‬SC
or: a friend of mine
(colloquial) my brother ‫א ח שלי‬
or: a brother of mine

2. Shortened possessives
In examples like the follow ing,‫ שלי‬and ‫ שלו‬are omitted. Nevertheless, -‫ ה‬still comes before the
noun in Hebrew. In contrast, the English equivalents do not contain the word the :

My head hurts. .‫<־ כואב לי הראש‬C

lit.: The head (short for "my head") hurts me.
Kobi is (at) home now. .‫קובי בבית עכ שיו‬
lit.: ... at the home (short for "his home")

4 In spoken Hebrew, when addressing someone close, expressions such as the following are often used: ‫ תק שלי‬1‫מ‬
(my sweetheart), ‫( ילדה שלי‬my child), ‫( נשמה שלי‬lit.: my "soul"), ‫( אהוב שלי‬lit.: my "loved one"). We thank
Sarah Israeli for pointing this out.

II. Nouns / 3. Definite and Indefinite Nouns

3. Pointing to something ( ‫ ההוא י הזה‬and the like)5

In Hebrew, we place - ‫ ה‬before the noun when a pointing expression (e.g., ‫ )הז ה‬is added. The
English equivalent does not contain the word the:

This house is a mess. !‫<• הבית הזה מבולגן‬C

This apartment is clean. .‫הדירה הז א ת נקייה‬
1 don't know that man. . ‫ההוא אני לא מכירה א ת האי ש‬

4. Concepts, religions...
­‫ ה‬is frequently, though n o t always, used before nouns that denote concepts, religions and the
like in Hebrew sentences like the following. We do not use the in the English equivalents :

Happiness is hard to achieve. .‫*״״ האושר קש ה להש גה‬C

lit.: The happiness...
Judaism is an ancient religion. .‫היהדות היא ד ת ע תי ק ה‬
lit.: The Judaism...
Life in Israel is interesting. .‫החיים בי שראל מענייני ם‬
lit.: The life...

5. Miscellaneous
‫ ה־‬is used in Hebrew expressions such as the following, while the word the does not usually
appear in the English : 6

We went into town (or: to the city). .‫נסענו לעיר‬

We came back from town (or: from the city). .‫חזרנו מהעיר‬

My sister is in college. .‫א חו תי לו מ ד ת באוניברסיטה‬

lit.: ... studies at the university.
1 walked (went on foot) to my uncle's house. .‫הלכת י לב ית ש ל הד וד של י ברגל‬
lit.: walked on the foot
classes at the university start at 8:30 a.m.. 8: 30- ‫הש יע ור ים ב אוניב ר סי ט ה מ ת חי לי ם ב‬
lit.: The classes...

5 See the chapters "How Do Adjectives Behave?" pp. 132-134 and "Pronouns and Pointing Words," pp. 208-209
on the use of - ‫ ה‬before adjectives (‫ הבית הגדול‬the big house) and words like ‫ הבית הזה) זה‬this house). In formal
Hebrew, the latter phrases also can appear without - ‫ה‬, as in: ‫( בית זה הוא בית עתיק‬This house is an ancient
house). This is also discussed in the chapter "Pronouns and Pointing Words," pp. 208-209.
6 See the chapter "When Expressions," p. 310 for time expressions using -‫ ה‬before a noun, as in ‫( היום‬today).

II. Nouns / 3. Definite and Indefinite Nouns

B e c a r e fu l! In all of the examples above, Hebrew uses -‫ה‬, while English does not. In
the following, the reverse is the case:

1. Playing musical instruments

.‫מרים מנגנת בכינור‬ .‫יצחק מנגן בגיטרה‬

(be-chee-NOR) (be-gee-TA-ra)
Miriam plays the violin, Yitzchak plays the guitar.
lit.: a violin lit.: a guitar

2 . Set expressions

7 . ‫בבית‬ ‫ מצד אחר אתה לא עוזר להכין ארוחות‬.‫מצד אחד אתה לא אוהב לצאת למסעדות‬
On the one hand, you don't like to go to restaurants. On the other hand, you don't help prepare
meals at home.
lit.: From one side... From another side...

Want to see if you've understood?

A. Translate.

1. Our neighbor (m.) went to China. (Use ‫של‬.)

2. Tami went into town by bus.

3. Yonatan's office is in this building.

4. Class was interesting today._____

.‫ תמי נסעה לעיר(העירה) באוטובוס‬.2 .‫ השכן שלנו נסע לסין‬.1
.‫ השיעור היה מעניין היום‬.4 .‫ נמצא) בבניין הזה‬:‫ המשרד של יונתן הוא (או‬.3

The expression 7 ‫״‬...‫ מצד אחר‬...‫ ״מצד אחד‬is considered preferable to the more commonly used expression
‫״‬...‫ מצד שני‬...‫״מצד אחד‬.

II. Nouns / 3. Defi nite and Indefinite Nouns

B. Translate.

_______________________________________________ ‫ התלמ יד ים למד ו היום על הא יסלאם‬. 1

. ‫ הילדים של אורי ושל ומ ית ה ולכים לב ית הספר גם ביום שישי‬.2

__________________________ ?‫ האם הפסיכולוגיה היא מדע‬.3

______________________________________ . ‫ הח י ים קש ים‬.4

1. The students learned today about Islam. 2. Uri and Shlomit's children go to school on Friday, too.
3. is psychology a science? 4. Life is difficult (hard).

Definite nouns without - ‫ה‬

Thus far we have looked at nouns that are made definite by adding ‫ה־‬. There are, however,
several other situations in which a noun is considered definite even though it does not have a
definite article, for example:

1. A noun with an added possessive ending

his book ‫ספר ו = הספר של ו‬ -‫>י‬
our students . ‫ת למ י ד י נ ו = ה ת ל מ י ד י ם ש ל נ ו‬

2. Proper nouns - names o f people, cities and countries

Jerusalem ‫י ר וש ל ים‬
Daniel ‫ד נ יא ל‬
The following are like proper nouns:

days o f the week, Friday ‫י ום ש י ש י‬

names o f months: September / Tishrei ‫ תשר י‬/ ‫(ח ו דש ) ס פ ט מ ב ר‬
names o f holidays: Purim ‫( ח ג ) פ ור ים‬

3. Nouns with numbers

Room 5 5 ‫חדר‬
Floor 6 6 ‫ק ומה‬
Bus 7 7 ‫קו‬
Channel 8 8 ‫ער וץ‬

8 On possessive endings, see the chapter "Nouns with Possessive Endings," pp. 60-77.

II. Nouns / 3. Definite and Indefinite Nouns

• Why is it important to identify definite nouns?

The fact that a noun is definite (in any o f the ways mentioned above) has implications for the
way we build a correct Hebrew sentence. Definiteness influences the structure o f a sentence in
two situations:

1. When we join an adjective to the noun

This is the old city. . ‫העת יקה‬ ‫העיר‬ ‫זאת‬
We like Old Jaffa. . ‫א נ ח נ ו א ו ה ב י ם א ת יפו ה ע ת י ק ה‬
We visited his new house. ) ‫ ( ב י ת ו ־ הב ית ש ל ו‬. ‫ב יקר נ ו בב ית ו ה ח דש‬
We were at Yonatan's last Friday. . ‫היינו א צ ל י ו נת ן ב י ום ש י ש י האחר ו ן‬

When a noun is definite, its adjective is definite, too, i.e., it is preceded by the definite article
-‫ה‬. You can read more about this in the chapter "How Do Adjectives Behave?" (pp. 132-134).

2. When we add a direct object

Definiteness affects whether or not we use ‫ את‬in a sentence with a direct object:

with ‫את‬ without ‫את‬

. ‫י ע ל ח י פ ש ה א ת הת יק ש ל ה‬ . ‫ח דש‬ ‫תיק‬ ‫יעל ח יפשה‬ -‫>־‬

Yael looked for her purse. Yael looked for a new purse.

) ‫ ( ־ ה א ח ו ת ש ל ר‬. ‫פ גש נ ו א ת א ח ות ר‬ . ‫מע נ י י נ ים‬ ‫אנשים‬ ‫ב ט י ו ל פ גש נ ו‬

We met your sister. We met interesting people on the trip.

. ‫א נח נ ו ר ו א י ם א ת מ צ ר י ם במפה‬ . ‫עת יק ים‬ ‫בניינים‬ ‫א נח נ ו ר וא י ם‬

We see Egypt on the map. We see ancient buildings.

. 8 ‫ה וא א וה ב א ת ע ר ו ץ‬ . ‫קלס ית‬ ‫מוזיקה‬ ‫ה וא א וה ב‬

He likes Channel 8. He likes classical music.

In Column B, the direct object in each sentence ( 8 ‫ ערוץ‬,‫ מצרים‬,‫ אחותך‬,‫ ) התיק‬is definite; therefore,
the word ‫ את‬appears in front of them. In Column A, the direct object is not definite, thus there
is no ‫ א ת‬. You can read about the direct object and when ‫ א ת‬is used in the chapter "The Direct
Object and the Use of ‫( " א ת‬pp. 697-704).

II. Nouns / 3. Definite and Indefinite Nouns

Chapter summary
♦ The definite article in Hebrew is -‫ ה‬. It is attached to the front of a word: ,‫הבית‬

♦ In smeechoot it is added to the front o f the last word o f the phrase and makes
the entire phrase definite: ‫ ספרי הלימוד‬,‫ בית הספר‬.

♦ The following nouns are considered definite even though they have no definite

- a noun with a possessive ending : ‫ דעתכם‬,‫ אחיך‬,‫ אחותו‬,‫ספרי‬

- a proper noun (a name of a person, a city, a country and the like):,‫י ר ו ש ל י ם‬ ,‫דויד‬
‫צ ר פת‬
- nouns with numbers: 8 ‫ערוץ‬

To see if you've understood, do exercises on pp. 134-135 (on adjectives) and pp. 699, 703, 704
(on ‫)את‬.
Q Nouns with Possessive Endings

• Singular nouns with possessive endings (;(‫ בנן‬,‫אחותי‬
‫ ״‬Plural nouns with possessive endings ( ‫ דודותיה‬,‫) דודיו‬

Read the following two passages. The first is in inform al Hebrew; the second is in form al

‫ שתינו קפה ומיכל סיפרה סיפורים‬.‫ דליה ותמר‬,‫ מיכל‬- ‫> ״ אתמול הלכתי לבית קפה עם החברות שלי‬
‫ ותמר סיפרה על הלימוךי ם‬,‫ דליה רצתה לשמוע את הד ע ה שלנו על חדירה שלה‬.‫מצחיקים על הבן שלה‬
.‫שלה‬ T V

‫ שתינו קפה ומיכל סיפרה סיפורים‬.‫ דליה ותמר‬,‫ מיכל‬- 1‫אתמול הלכתי לבית קפה עם חברותיי‬
.‫ ותמר סיפרה על לימוךיה‬,‫ דליה רצתה לשמוע את ד ע תנו על דירתה‬.‫מצחיקים על בנה‬

Yesterday I went to a cafe with my friends - Michal, Dalia and Tamar. We had coffee and Michal told
funny stories about her son. Dalia wanted to hear our opinion about her apartment, and Tamar told about
her studies.

Q: What is the most striking difference between the highlighted words in the two Hebrew

A: While in the first Hebrew passage possession is expressed by adding a separate w ord to
the noun (‫ הבן שלה‬,‫) ה ח ב רו ת שלי‬, in the second passage it is expressed by adding an ending
to the noun. Thus, what appears in the first passage - and in English as well - as two words,
appears as one word in the second Hebrew passage.

The usual way of expressing possession in spoken (informal) Hebrew is to add a separate word
(...‫ שלך‬, ‫ )של י‬t o a definite noun (...‫ הדירה שלך‬,‫)ה ילד ים שלי‬, as in the first passage. In form al Hebrew,
however, possession is often expressed by adding a possessive ending to a noun, for example:

formal informal
my (girl) friends ‫החברות שלי = חברותיי‬ <C
her son ‫בנה= שלההבן‬

1 The pronunciation ‫( חבתתיי‬cha-ve-ro-TAl) is found in grammar books. The pronunciation chav-ro-TAI (‫)חברותיי‬
is more commonly used in today's Hebrew.

II. Nouns / 4 . Nouns with Possessive Endings

Although this division into informal and formal possessive forms is generally true, there are
some nouns that take a possessive ending even in informal Hebrew. This is especially true in
words that denote family relations, as in:
‫בע ל י‬ ‫אשת י‬ ‫אח ות י‬ ‫אח י‬
my husband my wife my sister my brother

For a list of additional expressions that contain nouns with possessive endings and are used in
informal as well as formal Hebrew, see below "When do we use possessive endings?" (p. 75 ) . 2

Note: Generally speaking, we do not add possessive endings onto foreign words. Instead, we
use ‫״‬.‫ שלך‬,‫ שלי‬, for example:
‫הגיטרה שלך‬ ‫האוניברסיטה שלכן‬ ‫הפסיכולוג שלי‬
your (m.) guitar your ( university my psychologist

• Singular nouns with possessive endings (‫ בנף‬, ‫)אח ות י‬

Read the following sentence:

Mickey told me that his uncle lives near my sister. .‫מיקי אמר לי שדודו גר קרוב ל א חו תי‬

The words highlighted in the sentence above are both singular nouns: ‫( דוד‬uncle) and ‫אחות‬

Let's see what the word ‫ דוד‬looks like when possessive endings are added:

my uncle do-DEE ‫דודי‬ = ‫הדוד שלי‬

your (m.s.) uncle dod-CHA ‫דוז־ה‬ = ‫שלך‬
your (fs.) uncle do-DECH ‫דיור‬ = ‫שלך‬
his uncle do-DO ‫דודו‬ = ‫שלו‬
her uncle do-DA3 ‫דודה‬
= ‫שלה‬

our (m./f.) uncle do-DE-noo ‫דודנו‬ = ‫שלנו‬


your ( uncle dod-CHEM ‫דוךכם‬ = ‫שלכם‬

your ( uncle dod-CHEN ‫דוז־כן‬ = ‫שלכן‬
their (m.) uncle do-DAM ‫דודם‬
= ‫שלהם‬

their (f.) uncle do-DAN ‫דידו‬ ‫־‬ ‫®להן‬

2 Nouns with possessive endings are also found - often in formal Hebrew and sometimes in informal Hebrew
- as part of a double-possessive structure (called ‫) סמיכות כפולה‬, as in: ‫ אשתו של דניאל‬. See the chapter "Double
Possessives," pp. 200-203.
3 The dot (‫ מפיק‬mapeek) in the final '‫ ה‬indicates that the '‫ ה‬is to be pronounced as h, but speakers of Modem
Hebrew do not pronounce it (i.e., the '‫ ה‬is silent).

II. Nouns / 4 . Nouns with Possessive Endings

Do these endings look familiar to you? The endings on *Til are exactly the same as those on the
preposition ‫בשביל‬. You can use your knowledge o f the forms o f ‫ בשביל‬in order to remember the
forms o f Tn:

,‫ דודה‬- ‫בשבילה‬,‫ דודו‬- ‫ בשבילו‬,‫ דוךןד‬- ‫ בשבילך‬,‫ דודה‬- ,‫בשבילך‬

‫ דודן‬- ‫ בשבילן‬,‫ דודם‬- ‫ בשבילם‬,‫ דוךכן‬- ‫ בשבילכן‬,‫ דוךכם‬- ‫בשבילכם‬ ,‫ דודנו‬- ‫בשבילנו‬

Be careful! While the possessive endings are the same as those on ‫בשביל‬, they are
somewhat different from the endings on ‫של‬. Among the differences are the pronunciation
o f ‫( דודך‬do-DECH) and ‫( דודנו‬do-DE-noo) - as opposed to ‫( שלך‬she-LACH) and ‫( שלנו‬she-LA-
noo\ and the short endings on ‫( דודם‬do-D,4M) and ‫( דודן‬do-DAN) - as opposed to ‫( שלהם‬she-
la-HEM) and ‫( שלהן‬she-la-HEN).

The endings seen above on ‫ ד‬1‫ ד‬can be attached to most singular nouns, masculine or feminine,
as long as the feminine noun does not end in ‫( ;ה‬-ah) (see the next section for the forms o f these
nouns), for example:

masculine singular. )my turn, your turn...) ... ;pi ‫ ת‬,‫תו׳ךי‬ ‫שלך‬/‫ שלי‬nirm
)friend, your friendmy. ..( ‫שלך‬/‫החבר שלי‬
feminine singular. )sister, your sistermy...( ‫שלך‬/‫ ת שלי‬1 ‫האח‬
)childhood, your childhoodmy. ..( ‫שלך‬/‫הילדות שלי‬

Feminine nouns ending in ‫;ה‬

Read the following sentence:
.‫שמואל אמר שדודתו כבר לא גרה בדירתה‬
Shmuel said that his aunt no longer lives in her apartment.

The highlighted words in this sentence are a combination o f the following:

‫ דה שלו‬1 ‫ = הד‬1 ‫ דת‬1 ‫ ד‬- >


‫דירתה = הדירה שלה‬

T ‫״‬ T T *

Q: What changes in the words ‫ דו׳דה‬and ‫ ךיךה‬when the possessive endings (‫ו‬- and ‫ ה‬-) are

A: Instead of the feminine ending ‫( ;ה‬-ah), we get ‫( ; ת‬-at). The possessive ending is then added
onto the ‫ת׳‬:
14 ‫ דת‬1 ‫ =ד‬i + ‫ דת־‬1 ‫ דה => ד‬1 ‫ד‬


II. Nouns / 4 . Nouns with Possessive Endings

Where else does this change from a final ‫( ;ה‬-ah) to ‫ ת‬: (-at) take place in Hebrew? We encounter
it also in smeechoot, when the feminine ending ‫ ;ה‬becomes ‫ ת‬: (-at), as in:

4‫ שוקולד => עוגת שוקולד‬+ ‫עוגה‬

In order to add either a noun (as in smeechoot) or a possessive ending onto a word that ends in
‫ה‬-, the ‫ ה׳‬must become ‫ת׳‬.

Here is an example o f the possessive endings added to a noun that ends in the feminine ‫; ה‬. Note
that sometimes the ‫( ת׳‬t) is pronounced together with the ending and sometimes it is part o f the
preceding syllable:

my (m./f.) aunt do-da-TEE ‫דודתי‬

‫ ־‬T
= ‫הדודה שלי‬
your (m.s.) aunt do-dat-CHA ‫דודתך‬ = ‫שלה‬
your (f.s.) aunt do-da-TECH ‫דודתך‬ = ‫שלך‬
his aunt do-da-TO ‫דודתו‬
= ‫שלו‬

J ‫ \־‬-
her aunt do-da-TA ‫דודתה‬

r r

our (m./f.) aunt do-da-TE-noo ‫דוד תנו‬

‫ '־‬T
= ‫שלנו‬ T V

your ( aunt do-dat-CHEM ‫דוךתכם‬ = ‫שלכם‬ 7 T 7

your ( aunt do-dat-CHEN ‫דודתכן‬ = ‫שלכו‬

their (m.) aunt do-da-TAAd ‫דודתם‬
= ‫שלהם‬ 7 T 7

their (f) aunt do-da-TAN ‫ דתו‬1 ‫ד‬ = !‫שלה‬

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the noun with an ending and pronounce the word.

____ ‫היד שלי‬ .7___ ‫הסוד שלה‬

_‫ הךיךה שלה ן‬.8 _____ ‫ההסכמה שלכ ן‬

_ ‫ הריאש שלך‬.9 ___ ‫הכיתה שלנו‬

so-DA( ( ‫ סודה‬.har-ga-$haf-CHA( 4( ‫ הרגשתך‬.a-chof-CHEM’( 3( ‫ אחותכם‬.ko-LO( 2( ‫ קולו‬.1
) dee-ra-TAN( ‫ ךיךרנן‬.ya-DEE( 8( ‫ יךי‬.kee-ta-TE-noo( 7( ‫ פיתתנו‬.has-ka-maf-CHEN ( 6( ‫ הסןמתכן‬.5
),ro-SHECH( ‫ ריאשןי‬.9

4 See the chapter ‫״‬Smeechoot;‫ ״‬p. 176 and also the chapter "The Gender of Nouns," p. 22, note 7. The ‫ה‬- ending
on feminine words like ‫ עוגה‬is actually a later development in the history of Hebrew. At an earlier stage of the
language, the feminine ending was ‫ ת‬- (-at). Thus, the change to ‫ ת‬- in smeechoot and with possessive endings
is actually a return to the original form.

II. Nouns / 4. Nouns wi t h Possessive Endi ngs

Changes in the base form o f the noun

Sometimes the form of the noun changes when possessive endings are added.‫ צ‬Being aware o f
these changes (without actually memorizing them all) will make it easier for you to learn how
to pronounce nouns with possessive endings. Here are some o f the major changes (explanations

1. Changes in one vowel only

example 2 example 1

changed regular changed regular

‫מק ומ י‬ < = ‫מק ום‬ ‫שכ נ י‬ 4= ‫שכ ן‬ .1

place neighbor
me-ko-MEE ma-KOM shche-NEE sha-CHEN

‫נ יס י ונ י‬ <= ‫נ יס י ו ן‬ 6‫ז יכר ו נ י‬ ‫ז יכר ו ן‬ .2

experience memory
nees-yo-NEE nee-sa-YON zeech-ro-NEE zee-ka-RON

‫חב ו־ת י‬ < = ‫ר ה‬T‫! ־ח ”ב‬ ‫אשת י‬ < = ‫ש ה‬T ‫א י‬ .3

friend (f.) wife
cha-ver-TEE cha-ve-RA 'eesh-TEE ,ee-SHA

‫ש^רי‬ ‫ש^ר‬ 7‫בני‬ <S= ‫בן‬ .4

hair son
se-'a-REE se-'AR BNEE BEN

‫לב י‬ ‫לב‬ 8‫אמ י‬ <= ‫אם‬ .5

heart mother
lee-BEE LEV 'ee-MEE EM

‫צד י‬ <= ‫צד‬ ‫בת י‬ 4= ‫בת‬ .6

side daughter

5 In some cases, such as ‫״‬.;‫ ילדן‬,‫־ ילדי‬4= ‫ילד‬, a totally different form is used (here: ‫ )ילד‬as the base onto which the
endings are added. See the chapter ‫״‬Segolate Nouns," pp. 97-101.
6 In this and other words with this pattern, there is a dagesh in the regular form (here: ‫ זיכרון‬zee-ka-RON). It is
lost in the form with the endings (here: ‫ זיכרוני‬zeech-ro-NEE).
7 Not every form of this word has a shva. Here are all the forms:
‫ בנן‬,‫ בנם‬,‫ בנכן‬,‫ בנכם‬,‫ בננו‬,‫ בנה‬,‫ בנו‬,‫ בנ!ז‬,;‫ בנן‬,‫> בני‬
According to the spelling guidelines of the Hebrew Language Academy, because there is no 8 '‫ י‬in the form
of these nouns when they have no endings, they are to be written without a ‫ י׳‬when they take endings even
though they have an ee vowel,

II. Nouns / 4 . Nouns with Possessive Endings

The words in lines 1 and 2 have an ah sound two syllables before the end o f the word : ,‫ מקום‬,‫שכן‬
‫ ני סיון‬,‫זיכרון‬.

Q: What happens to the ah vowel when endings are added to these words?

A: It changes (reduces) to a shva ‫׳‬9 ‫ ניסיו־ני‬,‫ זיכח־ני‬,‫ מי‬1‫ מק‬,‫ שכני‬. This is a very common change.
As you can see, in today's Hebrew sometimes the shva is pronounced eh , as in ‫( מק וימי‬me-ko-
MEE), and sometimes it has no sound, as in the other words.

In line 3 we see another case o f vowel reduction. As you may recall, we learned above that when
we add possessive endings to feminine singular nouns ending in ‫;ה‬, the ah sound is usually
preserved when ‫ ת׳‬and an ending are added: ‫( דודתי‬do-da-TEE), ‫( דיךתי‬dee-ra-TEE), ‫( ילדתי‬yal-da-
TEE). However, there are cases when the ah vowel reduces to shva , as in the words in line 3:
‫ אישה => אשתי‬and ‫ חבךה => סברתי‬.

In most cases in Hebrew, as in lines 1-3, it is an ah vowel that changes to shva.

In line 4, however, we see examples o f an eh vowel that changes.

Now look at lines 5 and 6 .

Q: What is the new vowel in the forms with possessive endings?

A: In all cases, the new vowel is ee\ ‫( אמי‬,ee-MEE),‫( לבי‬lee-BEE), ‫( בתי‬bee-TEE) and ‫( צךי‬tsee-DEE).

2. Changes in more than one vowel (segolate nouns)

In the following examples the base form to which possessive endings are added is very different
from the regular form o f the noun:

example 2 example 1

changed regular changed regular

‫או־צי‬ 4= ‫ךץ‬.‫א‬ ‫דן פי‬ >= ‫דרך‬
land way
'ar-TSEE E-rets dar-KEE DE-rech

‫ע ס קי‬ >= ‫עסק‬ ‫ספרי‬ >= ‫ספר‬

business book
'ees-KEE E-sek seef-REE SE-fer

9 See the chapter "Reduction of Vowels and the Shva, " pp. 640-644.

II. Nouns / 4 . Nouns with Possessive Endings

example 2 example 1

changed regular changed regular

‫עיני‬ >= ‫עין‬ ‫ביתי‬ >= ‫בית‬ .3
eye house
'ei-NEE A-yeen bei-TEE BA-yeet

These nouns belong to a special group o f nouns called As you can see, the regular
form of each of these words has three letters and two syllables, the first of which is always
stressed. The forms that these and other segolate nouns take when possessive endings are added
are presented and fully explained in the chapter "Segolate Nouns" (pp. 97-101).

Did you know?

The word ‫ דעה‬with endings
W h e n e nding s are a d d e d to the w o rd ‫( ך^ה‬opi ni on), the form ‫ ( דעת‬DA-'at) is used
as the base form. Thus, w e say:

Wh a t is your opi ni on? ‫מה דעתך? מה ךעתןזז‬

In my opi ni on.. . - ‫ לפי דעת י‬/ ...‫לדעתי‬

3. Singular nouns with '‫( י‬ee) before the ending

Here are the forms of the words ‫( אח‬brother) and ‫( אב‬father) when possessive endings are added;
‫אב‬ ‫אח‬

my (tn./f.) father 'a-VEE ‫אבי‬

* T
my (m./f.) brother 'a-CHEE ‫א חי‬
• T

your (m.s.) father 'a-VEE-cha ,‫אביך‬ your (111.s. ) brother ’a-CHEE-cha ‫אחיך‬
your (f.s.) father 'a-VEECH ‫אביך‬ your (f.s.) brother 'a-CHEECH ‫אחיך‬
his father 'a-VEEV ‫אביו‬
• T
his brother 'a-CHEEV ‫א חיו‬ ‫־‬ T

her father 'a-VEE-ha ‫אביה‬

T * T
her brother 'a-CHEE-ha ‫א חי ה‬ T * T

our (111. /. ) father 'a-VEE-noo ‫אבינו‬

• T
our (m./f) brother 'a-CHEE-noo ‫א חינו‬ • T

your ( father 'a-vee-CHEM ‫אביכם‬ your ( brother 'a-chee-CElEM10 ‫א חי כ ם‬

your (J'.pl.) father 'a- vee-CHEN ‫אביכן‬ your (J'.pl. ) brother 'a- chee-CHEN ‫א חיכן‬
their (m.) father 'a-vee-HEhl ‫אבי הם‬ their (111.) brother 'a-chee-HEKf ‫א חי ה ם‬
their (/.') father 'a-vee-HEN ‫אביהן‬ their (f. ) brother 'a-chee-HEN ‫א חי הן‬

10 In the chart above, we have indicated the pronunciation found in grammar books and used by many speakers.
Many other speakers pronounce these words 'a-CHEE-chem, 'a-CHEE-chen, 'a-CHEE-hem, 'a-CHEE-hen,
with the stress on the next to the last syllable.

II. Nouns / 4 . Nouns with Possessive Endings

Notice that a ‫( י׳‬ee) appears in all these forms . 11

Q: What ending is added to these words in the third person plural ("their") forms?

A: The two-letter ending ‫־הן‬/‫הבו‬-. This is different from the one-letter endings ‫ן‬- /‫ ם‬- normally
added to singular nouns ( ‫ דודתן‬/ ‫ דודתם‬,‫ דודן‬/ ‫) דודם‬.

The word ‫( פה‬mouth) also has a ‫ י׳‬in the form onto which possessive endings are added:

12‫״‬.‫ פיך‬,‫ פיך‬,‫פה => פי‬

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the noun with an ending and pronounce the word.

_____ = ‫ האח שלכם‬.4 _ =

_____ = ‫ הפה שלך‬. 5_ =

_ =
Answers :
)‫ ׳‬a-VEE-noo( ‫ אבינו‬.3 )‫ י‬ee-MA ( ‫ אמה‬.bee-TO,( 2( ‫ בתו‬.1
) PEE-cha( ‫יך‬a-chee-CHEM or colloquial '( 5. 2: ‫׳‬a-CHEE-chem( ‫ אחיכם‬.4

For exercises on segolate nouns with possessive endings, see the chapter "Segolate Nouns"
(p. 102).

• Plural nouns with possessive endings ( ‫ ד וד ותיה‬,‫)דודיו‬

In the section above, we saw how possessive endings are added to singular nouns. Now let's
see what happens when the noun to which the ending is added is plural.

11 This is actually the form used when these words are in smeechoot ‫( אבי יוסף‬the father of Yosef), ‫( אחי יוסף‬the
brother of Yosef). Note: Sometimes these words - particularly the word ‫ אב‬- appear in smeechoot without the
‫י׳‬: ‫הבית‬-‫( אב‬head custodian), ‫טיפוס‬-‫( אב‬archetype).
12 The form ‫ פי‬is used in smeechoot ‫( פי הבאר‬the mouth of the well). The words ‫ לפי‬and ‫( על פי‬both of which mean
‫״‬according to") contain this word. When endings are added to these words, the forms are the same as those
listed above, for example:‫( לפיו‬according to him), ‫( לפיהם‬according to them) and so on.

II. Nouns / 4 . Nouns with Possessive Endings

Plural nouns ending in ‫ים‬:

Read the following sentence:
.‫המורה ביקש מתלמידיו לקרוא את סיפוריהם בקול‬
The teacher asked his students to read their stories out loud.

These are the words that appear here with possessive endings:
^ ‫תלמידיו = התלמידים שלו‬
‫סיפוריהם = הסיפוןים שלהם‬

Q: What happens to the words ‫ תלמידים‬and ‫ סיפורים‬when the possessive ending is added?

A: The final ‫ם‬- (of the plural ending) drops off and the possessive endings are added.

tal-mee-DAV ‫תלמידיהן‬4= ‫תלמידיו‬ >=

see-poo-rei-HEM 13 ‫סיפוריהם‬ >= ‫ הם‬+ ‫סיפורי‬ >= ‫סיפוריה‬

As you can see, the plural ‫ י׳‬rem ains in all these forms. This is the sign that the noun is

Here are all the forms of the plural ‫ ך ם‬1‫ ד‬with possessive endings : 14

my (m./f.) uncles do-DAI ‫ י‬Hi ‫ד‬ = ‫ דים שלי‬1 ‫ הד‬- >

your (m.) uncles do-DE-cha ‫דוךיה‬ = ‫שלה‬
your (f) uncles do-DA-yeech ‫דו־ךייךד‬ = ‫שלד‬
his uncles do-DAV ‫דודיו‬ = ‫שלו‬
her uncles do-DE-ha ‫די ה‬1 ‫ד‬
= ‫?שלה‬

our (m./f.) uncles do-DEI-noo15 ‫ד ^ינו‬ = ‫שלנו‬


your (' uncles do-dei-CHEM 16 ‫דודיכם‬ = ‫שלכם‬


your ( uncles do-dei-CHEN ‫דודיכן‬ = ‫?ילכו‬

their (m.) uncles do-dei-HEM ‫דודיהם‬ = ‫שלהם‬
V T 7

their (f.) uncles do-dei-HEN ‫דודיהן‬ =


13 Some speakers pronounce the vowel ‫ םי‬as eh and not ei, thus: see-poo-re-HEM.
14 The spelling of the forms in the chart above is the recommended spelling of these forms when vowel signs are
not used. We have added vowel signs to make the pronunciation clear.
15 Some speakers pronounce the plural ‫ דודינו‬and the singular ‫ דודנו‬the same: do-DE-noo.
16 See note 13.

II. Nouns / 4 . Nouns with Possessive Endings

Do these endings sound familiar to you? They are exactly the same as the endings on the
preposition ‫) על‬and others like it(: 1‫'׳‬

,‫ דודיה‬- ‫ עליה‬,‫ דודיו‬- ‫עליו‬ ,‫ עלייך ־ די חי ך‬,‫ דודיך‬- ‫עליך‬

‫ דודיהן‬- ‫עליהן‬ ,‫ דודי ה ם‬- ‫עלי ה ם‬ ,‫ דודיכן‬- ‫עליכן‬ ,‫ דודיכם‬- ‫עליכם‬ ,‫ דודינו‬-

These endings are added to almost all nouns ending in ‫ים‬:, whether they are masculine or
feminine.18 Here are examples o f possessive endings on feminine nouns that end in ‫ים‬::
her / its stones T 7 T V y • T ‫־‬:

our ways

Now let's compare singular nouns with endings to plural nouns with endings :

plural singular
(uncles ‫)דוךים‬ (uncle ‫)דוד‬

do-DAl ‫דוליי‬ do-DEE ‫דודי‬ = ‫שלי‬

do-DE-cha. ‫דודיך‬ dod-CHA ‫דולך‬ = ‫שלה‬
do-DA-yeech ‫דולייך‬ do-DECH ‫ךןז‬1‫ד‬ = ‫שלד‬
do-DAV ‫דודיו‬ do-DO ‫דודו‬ = ‫שלו‬
do-DE-ha ‫דודיה‬
do-DA ‫דודה‬
= ‫שלה‬
T 7

do-DEI-noo ‫דודינו‬ do-DE-noo ‫דודנו‬ = ‫שלנו‬

T 7

do-dei-CHEM ‫דודיכם‬ dod-CHEM ‫דוךכם‬ = ‫שלכם‬

7 T 7

do-dei-CHEN ‫דודיכן‬ dod-CHEN ‫דילכן‬ = ‫®לכן‬

do-dei-HEM ‫דודי הם‬ do-DAM ‫דודם‬
= ‫שלהם‬
7 T 7

do-dei-HEN ‫דודיהן‬ do-DAN ‫דמ־ן‬ = !‫שלה‬

Q: What is the most striking difference between the two columns?

A: In the plural nouns, a '‫ י‬appears in every form before the ending, whereas the singular nouns
have no such ‫י׳‬. Most of the forms in the plural column have one more syllable than those
in the singular column. The extra syllable is the one that contains the

Take special note of the ‫ שלנו‬forms in both colum ns: ‫ דו דינו‬/‫ דו דנו‬. Both o f these forms have three
syllables and are even pronounced the same by some speakers. In writing, the only difference
between these two forms is that the plural has a ‫י׳‬. This is how we know that its equivalent is
‫ הדודים שלנו‬, rather than ‫ ה דו ד שלנו‬.

17 See the chapter "Adding Endings to Prepositions," pp. 244-245.

18 See exceptions such as ‫ עונים‬and ‫ מילים‬below, p. 73.

II. Nouns / 4 . Nouns with Possessive Endings

Q: Besides the '‫י‬, are there additional differences between how the singular and plural forms
are written?

A: There are two more differences:

1. The ‫( שלןז‬your f s.) form in the p lu ra l column (‫ דודייך‬do-DA-yeech - sounds like ‫ בית‬BA-yeet)
has an additional ‫ י׳‬so that we write "‫ "יי‬in this form. In this way we distinguish it from ‫דודיך‬
(do-DE-cha) = ‫( הדודים שלך‬your m.s. uncles).

plural singular

your (m.s.) uncles ‫דו!י ך‬ your (m.s‫׳‬.) uncle -<C

your (f.s.) uncles ‫דודייך‬ your (f.s.) uncle ‫ ךך‬1‫ד‬

2. The ‫ שלהן‬,‫( שלהם‬their) forms in the p lu ra l column have long endings ‫יוז ם‬: (-ei-HEM) ‫יהן‬-
(-ei-HEN), while the forms in the sin g u la r column end with the shorter e n d in g s^ : (-AM) and
)- (-AN):
plural singular

their ( uncles ‫דו די ה ם‬ their ( uncle 8■‫״‬ ‫ דו ד ם‬SC

their ( uncles ‫דו די הן‬ their ( uncle ‫דו דן‬

Be careful7 As we saw above, there are several singular words that have a ‫ י׳‬before
their ending. They should not be confused with plural noun forms. In the case of the
words ‫ א חי ם‬/‫ א ח‬: in written Hebrew, only the context tells us if the word is singular or
plural and, hence, how it is to be pronounced, for example:

(singular. ,a-CHEE-noo) .‫ ״אחינו הגדול לומד באוניברסיטה״‬:‫ אלעד ועידן אמרו‬.‫א‬

(plural: ,a-CHEl-noo)19 .‫ ״אחינו הגדולים נ ס עו לדרום אמריקה״‬:‫ איילת ועדי אמרו‬.‫ב‬

Plural nouns ending in ‫יים‬: (-A-yeem)

Nouns ending in ‫יים‬: look the same as nouns ending in ‫ים‬: when possessive endings are added,
for example:
(‫׳‬ei-NE-cha)‫ ך => עיניך‬+ ‫ => עיני‬$/‫עיני‬
your (m.s.) eyes eyes
( ,ei-NAV) ‫ ו => עיניו‬+ ‫עיני‬
his eyes

The forms of 19 ‫ אחים‬are : ‫ אחיהן‬,‫ אחיהם‬,‫ אחיכן‬,‫ אחיכם‬,‫ אחינו‬,‫ אחיה‬,‫ אחיו‬,‫ אחין; אחייןז‬,‫אחיי‬. Since the plural of ‫ אב‬is
‫ אבות‬and the plural of ‫ פה‬is ‫פיות‬, their singular and plural forms do not look the same,

II. Nouns / 4 . Nouns with Possessive Endings

Notice that the last two letters - ‫ים‬- - drop off o f ‫ביניים‬, leaving only one ‫י׳‬. Thus, the end o f
‫ עיניך‬looks and sounds like ‫דודיך‬, and ‫ עיניו‬looks and sounds like ‫ךיו‬1 ‫ ד‬.

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the noun with an ending and pronounce the word.

Example: ‫הא וזני ים שלך‬

= ‫ הידיים שלה‬.4 ‫ הספר ים שלך‬. 1

= ‫ הפ נ ים של נ ו‬.5 ‫ הה ור ים ש לכם‬. 2

= ‫ החבר ים של י‬.6 ‫ הבנ ים ש א‬. 3

)ya-DE-ha( ‫ ידיה‬. ba-NAV ( 4( ‫ בניו‬. ho-rei-CHEM ( 3( ‫ הוריכם‬. sfa-RA-yeech( 2( ‫ ספחין־‬.1
):cha-ve-RAI( ‫ חבךיי‬. pa-NEI-noo( 6( ‫ פנינו‬.5

Possessives on plural words ending in ‫ות‬-

Read the following sentence:
,‫>> המורה שאלה את תלמידותיה מהן תוכניותיהן לחופשה‬
The teacher asked her students what their plans are for vacation.

The words ‫ תלמידותיה‬and ‫ תוכניותיהן‬are plural nouns with possessive endings:

‫תלמידותיה = התלמידות שלה‬

‫תוכניותיהן = התוכניות שלהן‬

Q: How many plural signs do you see in ‫ תלמידותיה‬and ‫?תוכניותיהן‬

A: Two! One plural sign is the ending ni- that was in the original word: ‫ ת‬1‫ תלמיד‬,‫ כניות‬1‫ ת‬. The
second plural sign is the ‫ י׳‬that comes after the ‫ ת‬1 — ‫תלמידותיה‬,‫ תוכניותיהן‬- which we saw
above in ‫ךיכן‬1 ‫)־־הדודים שלכן) ד‬.

Note: Whenever a plural word ends in ‫ ת‬1‫ ־‬, a ‫ י׳‬is always added to it before the possessive
ending is added:
(...‫ תלמ ימת י י‬,‫ י (דודותיי‬+ ‫ י‬+ ni -> ‫י‬
‫ תלמ יד ות יה‬, ‫ ך (ד ותת יך‬+ ‫י‬...) + ni

II. Nouns / 4 . Nouns with Possessive Endings

Here are all the forms of the word Dili ‫( ד‬aunts):

my aunts do-do-TAI ‫ תיי‬1‫ ד‬1‫= ד‬ ‫הדודות שלי‬ ->

your (m.s.) aunts do-do-TE-cha ‫= דודו תיך‬ ‫שלה‬
your (f.s.) aunts do-do-TA-yeech ‫= דודו תייך‬ ‫שלד‬
his aunts do-do-TAV ‫ תיו‬1‫ ד‬1‫= ד‬
her aunts do-do-TE-ha ‫ תי ה‬1‫= דוד‬
‫שלוק‬ T V

our (m./f.) aunts do-do-TEl-noo ‫ תינו‬1‫ ד‬1‫שלנו = ד‬ T 7

your ( aunts do-do-tei-CHEM ‫שלכם = דודו תיכ ם‬ V T V

your ( aunts do-do-tei-CHEN ‫שלכז = דודו תיכן‬

their (m.) aunts do-do-tei-HEM ‫שלהם = דו דו תי ה ם‬ 7 T V

their (f.) aunts do-do-tei-HEN ‫ תי הן‬1‫שלה! = דוד‬

These are the forms o f all plural words ending in ‫־ות‬, whether they are feminine or masculine.
Here are examples o f some masculine nouns:

...‫ זיכרונותיך‬,‫זיכרונותיי‬ <= (m.)‫זיכרונות‬

...‫ אבותיך‬, ‫=< אבותיי‬ (m.) ‫אב ות‬
fathers, forefathers

?Want to see if you've understood

.W rite the noun with an ending and pronounce the w o rd

Example : ______ ‫ ^ ל*ן‬1!(3 ‫הדע ות שלך‬

_____________________ = ‫ הת וכ נ י ות ש ל הם‬. 4 _______________ ‫ הש יט ות של ו‬. 1

_____________________ = ‫ הזיכרונות של ו‬. 5 _______________ ‫ ה נ יס י ו נ ות של י‬. 2

_________________ = ‫ התשובות שלכן‬. 6 ____________ ‫ העב וד ות של נ ו‬. 3

a-vo-do-TEI-noo’( ( ‫ עבודותינו‬.nees-yo-no-TAY( 3( ‫ ניסיונותיי‬.shee-to-TAV( 2( ‫ שיטותיו‬.1
)zeech-ro-no-TAV( ‫ זיכרונותיו‬.toch-nee-yo-tei-HEM( 5( ‫ תוכניותיהם‬.4
) tshoo-vo-tei-CHEN( ‫ תשובותיכן‬.6

Changes in the base form ofplural nouns

As we saw above with singular nouns, sometimes the base form o f the noun changes when
possessive endings are added (for exampl e: ...‫ מק ומך‬,‫) מק ום => מקומי‬. Similarly, the base forms

II. Nouns / 4 . Nouns with Possessive Endings

of plural nouns sometimes undergo changes when the possessive endings are added. The most
common changes take place in the vowels o f the base forms, for example:

...‫בנותיה‬ ‫בנותיי‬ >= ‫בנות‬ T

bno-TE-cha bno-TAI ba-NOT

daughters, girls
. ‫״‬‫ילדותיה‬ ‫ילדותיי‬ 4= ‫ילדות‬ T :

yal-do-TE-cha yal-do-TAI ye-la-DOT


These changes are described in more detail in "Did you know?" below.

In a small number o f words, a major change in form takes place when possessive endings are
added. For example, in the words ‫ מילים‬and ‫שנים‬, the plural ending itself changes from ‫ים‬-
to 20:-‫ו ת‬
‫ מילותין‬,‫; מילים => מילותיי‬...
.‫ שנותיו;״‬,‫שנותיי‬ >= ‫שנים‬

Did you know?

The following are the most common changes in the vowels of the base form of
plural nouns. Simply being aware of these changes will make it easier for you
to learn how to pronounce nouns with possessive endings.

1. Change to shva at the beginning of the word

An initial kamats (□) ah or tsere (□) eh often change to shva21 as in:

...‫ב נו ת יי‬ ,‫בנו תיי‬ >= ‫בנו ת‬

bno-TE-cha bno-TAI ba-NOT
daughters, girls

.‫ש מו תי ה ״‬ ,‫ש מו תיי‬ >= ‫ש מו ת‬

$hmo-TE-cha $hmo-TAI she-MOT

20 These words have the ni- ending in smeechoot, too. In addition, the word ‫ נשים‬has two forms in smeechoot:
- ‫ נשי‬,-‫נשות‬. When endings are added, it can be either ‫ נשיהם‬or ‫נשו׳תיהם‬.
21 See the chapter "Reduction of Vowels and the Shva," pp. 640-645.

II. Nouns / 4 . Nouns with Possessive Endings

In nouns ending in rri‫ ־‬, this reduction takes place in all forms of the noun. When
the ending is ‫ים‬: or ‫יים‬:, the change to a shva takes place only in the ,‫שלכם‬,‫שלכן‬
‫שלהם‬, ‫ שלהן‬forms, as in:

‫י הן‬- ,‫י ה ם‬- ,‫י פן‬- )‫■ינ מ‬ ‫ינו‬-...‫י ך‬- plural form

‫יוזן‬: ,‫יהם‬: ,‫יכן‬: ,‫למיכם‬ ***‫ימיה‬ .‫;מיי‬ >= ‫;מים‬

ye-mei-HEN/-HEM/-CHE N /-C H E M ya-ME-cha ya-M AI ya-MEEM

‫יהן‬: ,‫יהם‬: ,‫יכן‬: ,‫;דיכם‬ “ *‫דיה‬: ‫ידיי׳‬ ‫י חי ם‬

ye-dei-HEN/-HEM /-CHEN/-CHEM ya-DE-cha ya-DAI ya-DA-yeem

2. Change to shva in places other than the beginning of the word

The change to shva can also occur in places other than the beginning of the
word, as in:
‫יתן‬- ,‫יהם‬: ,‫יכן‬: ,‫אצבעותיכם‬ ...‫אצבעותיך‬ ,‫אצבעותיי‬ >= ‫אצבעות‬
,ets-be-'o-fei-CHEM... 'ef$-be-'o-TE-cha 'efs-be-'o-TAI 'et$-ba-'OT

W ith an ‫ות‬- ending, this change takes place in all the forms, as in ‫אצבעות‬.
In nouns ending in ‫ים‬: and ‫יים‬:, only in the last four forms:

‫י ה ן‬- ,‫יוז ם‬- ,‫י כן‬- ,‫־י ב ם‬ ‫ינו‬...‫<ך‬- ,‫יי‬- plural form

‫יהן‬: ,‫יהם‬: ,‫יכן‬: ,‫מכתביכם‬ ...‫מכתביך‬ ,‫מכתביי‬ ‫מכתבים‬

■ T I ‫י‬

meech-fe-vei-CHEM... meech-ta-VE-cha meech-fa-VAl meech-ta-VEEM


‫יהן‬: ,‫יהם‬: ,‫יכן‬: ,‫מכנסיכם‬ ...‫מכנסיך‬ ,‫מכנסיי‬ ‫מכנסיים‬

meech-ne-sei-CHEM... meech-na-SE-cha meech-na-SAI meech-na-SA-yeem

3. Change of two vowels

Often there is a change in two vowels in the base form. This is especially
common in nouns of the ‫ □ □ □ים‬and ‫ □ □ □ות‬pattern, as in the words ‫ ךךכים‬,‫ךבךים‬
and ‫ ברכות‬,‫ילדות‬:

II. Nouns / 4. Nouns with Possessive Endings

base form + base form +

‫יהן‬- ,‫יהם‬- ,‫יכן‬- ,‫יבם‬- ‫מו‬-...‫יך‬- ,‫יי‬- p lu ra l form

W ith the ‫ות‬- ending - in all the forms:

‫יהן‬: ,‫יהם‬: ,‫יכן‬: ,‫ילדותיכם‬ •‫ ילדותיה‬,‫ילדותיי‬ ‫ילדות‬ ->


‫יוזן‬- ,‫יהם‬: ,‫יכן‬: ,‫ברכותיכם‬ ‫ברכות‬


W ith the ‫ים‬: ending - only in the last four forms :

‫יהן‬: ,‫יהם‬: ,‫יכן‬: ,‫ריכם‬.‫ךב‬ ‫דבןים‬ >


‫יהן‬: ,‫יהם‬: ,‫יכן‬: ,‫דרכיכם‬ ...‫ דרכיך‬,‫דרכיי‬ ‫דךכים‬

w ays

‫ירן‬: ,‫יהם‬: ,‫יכן‬: ,‫ספריכם‬ ...‫ ספךיך‬,‫ספריי‬ ‫ספו־ים‬


!‫יה‬: ,‫יהם‬: ,‫יכן‬: ,‫ערכיכם‬ -‫<גךכיי< עךכיך‬ ‫<גךכים‬


W hen the noun is a segolate (as in the case of ‫ךךכים‬, ‫ ספרים‬and ‫)ערכים‬, other
forms o f the noun can help you know w hat vowel w ili appear in the first sylla b le /
In the case of other nouns, you must either look in the d ictio na ry or hear these
words pronounced correctly.

When do we use possessive endings?

In addition to words denoting family members mentioned at the beginning of the chapter (,‫אחי‬
‫ אשתי‬, ‫ בעל‬,‫ אחותי‬...), possessive endings are used in inform al (spoken) as well as formal Hebrew
in expressions such as the following:

!‫עכשיו תור‬ !‫זה מוצא חן בעיניי‬ !‫זה לא עניינך‬ ?‫מה דעתך‬ ?‫מה שלומך‬
Now it's my turn! I like this! This is none of What is your (f.) How are you (»/,)?
(lit.: This finds grace / your (m.s.) business. opinion? (lit.: What is
favor in my eyes.) your well-being?)

22 On segolates, see the chapter "Segolate Nouns," pp. 105-107.

II. Nouns / 4. Nouns with Possessive Endings

Many expressions with possessive endings used in informal (as well as formal) Hebrew begin
with -‫ ל‬:

‫לטיפולך‬ ‫לידיעתו‬ ‫לשמחתי‬

‫־‬ T : * :
‫לצערי‬ ‫למזלי‬
T ‫־‬ :
This is For your (/. ) I'm happy I'm sorry to I'm lucky In my opinion...
for you (/;/. ) to take information... to say that... say that... that...
care of.

Others begin with other prepositions ).‫״‬-‫ מ‬,-‫ כ‬,‫(ב״‬:

‫מצדי‬ !‫ כרצונך‬/ !‫כךצתך‬ !‫ בחייך‬/ !‫בחייך‬ !‫בחיי‬

As far as I'm concerned... As you wish! It can't be! I swear!
(lit.: from my side) (lit.: according to your desire) (lit.: on your life) (lit.: on my life)

There is one additional construction in which nouns with possessive endings are used in informal
as well as formal Hebrew: .‫( שרה היא אשתו של דניאל‬Sarah is Daniel's wife). This construction is
discussed in detail in the chapter "Double Possessives" (pp. 200-203).

Chapter summary
♦ The following base forms and their endings are discussed in this chapter:

...‫הדודו ת של‬ ...‫הדודים של‬ ...‫הדודה של‬ ...‫הדוד של‬

nouns ending nouns ending nouns ending
in 1‫~ת‬ in ‫ים‬- in ‫;ה‬

‫דודו תיי‬ ‫דוךיי‬ ‫דוד תי‬

* T
‫דו ך‬ ‫שלי‬
‫דודו תיך‬ ‫דרריך‬ ‫דוד תך‬ ‫דוךך‬ ‫שלד‬
‫דודו תייך‬ ‫דוךייך‬ ‫ ד ת ך‬1‫ד‬ ‫דידד‬ = ‫שלד‬
‫דודו תיו‬
‫דודיו‬ T
‫דוד תו‬
‫דודו‬ ‫שלו‬
‫דודו תי ה‬
‫דוד ת ה‬
‫דוד ה‬

‫דודו תינו‬ ‫דודינו‬ ‫דוד תנו‬

” T
‫דודנו‬ ‫שלנו‬

‫דודו תיכ ם‬ ‫דודיכם‬ ‫דוך תכם‬ ‫דודכם‬ ‫שלכם‬


‫דורות־כן‬ ‫דודיכן‬ ‫דוד תכן‬ ‫דוךכן‬ ‫שלכן‬

‫דו דו תי ה ם‬ ‫דודי ה ם‬ ‫דו ד ת ם‬
‫דוד ם‬

‫דודו תי הן‬ ‫דודיהן‬ ‫דוד תן‬ ‫דודן‬ = ‫שלהן‬

♦ In addition, we have looked at the changes in various base forms when endings
are added.

‫‪II. Nouns / 4 . Nouns with Possessive Endings‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood this chapter‬‬

‫‪This e x e rc is e in c lu d e s b o th s in g u la r a n d p lu ra l n o u n s w ith po sse ssive e n d in g s .‬‬

‫‪ .‬ש לי‪ ,‬שלך‪ : ...‬ש ל ‪W r it e the e q u iv a le n t u s in g the a p p r o p r ia te fo rm o f‬‬

‫‪E x a m p le :‬‬ ‫שולחני‬

‫זיכרונותיה =‬ ‫‪.8‬‬ ‫שולחנותיו‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫התקדמותך =‬ ‫‪.9‬‬ ‫אביך‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫‪ . 10‬דבריו‬ ‫אבותינו‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫‪ . 11‬ידה‬ ‫עירך‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫‪ . 12‬ביתם‬ ‫דרככם‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫=‬ ‫הצעותיכן‬ ‫‪. 13‬‬ ‫עי תונ ם‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫‪ . 14‬ילדותו‬ ‫יומניו‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬

‫‪ .1‬השולחנות שלו ‪ .2‬האב שלך ‪ .3‬האבות שלנו ‪ .4‬העיר שלך ‪ .5‬הדרך שלכם‬
‫‪ .6‬העיתון שלהם ‪ .7‬היומנים שלו ‪ .8‬הזיכרונות שלה ‪ .9‬ההתקדמות שלך‬
‫‪ .10‬הדברים שלו ‪ .11‬היד שלה ‪ .12‬הבית שלהם ‪ .13‬ההצעות שלכן ‪ .14‬הילדות שלו‬

5 How Are Hebrew Nouns Formed?

• Combining a root and a pattern (‫מ כ ת ב‬ 4= □ □ □ ‫ מ‬+ ‫ ב‬- ‫ ת‬- ‫) כ‬

• Nouns form ed by adding an ending to a base (( ‫כ פ ית‬ > = ‫ י ת‬7 + ‫כף‬

‫ ״‬Joining two nouns to form a new word ( ‫כד ור גל‬ ■s= ‫ מ ל‬+ ‫) כ ד ו ר‬

• Combining a root and a pattern

Many Hebrew nouns are formed by combining a root (‫ )שורש‬and a pattern (1. ( ‫ מ ש ק ל‬For example,
when we combine the root ‫ ב‬- ‫ ת‬- ‫ כ‬and the pattern □ □ □ ‫ מ‬, we get the word ‫ מ כ ת ב‬. In the chapter
"Pattern" above, we discussed both how Hebrew words (nouns, adjectives, verbs) are formed
in this way and why knowing word patterns is important. In this chapter, we will look in more
detail at some of the more common noun patterns and their meanings.

Examples o f noun patterns

Try this:

Divide the following nouns into three groups according to their pattern.

2 ‫כה‬
‫ר‬T‫מ ד‬ ‫ו ן‬T‫יכר‬ ‫ז‬
T S *
‫ג ד ל‬T ‫*מ‬ ‫ב ס ה‬T‫כ‬: ‫*מ‬ ‫מס ג ד‬ ‫ד יכא ו ן‬ ‫מטבח‬ ‫מספ רה‬ ‫יטח ו ן‬ ‫ב‬
T T 5*T 5*‫ י‬T T 5*T T : *

security, sidewalk memory tower laundry mosque depression kitchen barber

safety shop

depression ‫די כ און‬ kitchen ‫מטבח‬ barber shop ‫מספ רה‬

1 On roots, see the chapter "Root," pp. 3-8. On patterns, see the chapter "Pattern," pp. 9-16.
2 In order to show that a strong dagesh is part of a pattern (as in ‫)ביטחון‬, we have written it here and elsewhere
in this chapter even when it is not heard.

II. Nouns / 5. How Are Hebrew Nouns Formed?

Here's the solution:

3 2 1

depression ‫ז־יכאון‬ ‫מטבח‬ barber shop

kitchen ‫מספרה‬
T T : •

memory ‫זיכרון‬ ‫מ סגד‬ laundry mosque ‫מכב סה‬

T T ! ‫י‬

security, safety ‫בי ט חון‬ ‫מגדל‬ tower

sidewalk ‫מדרכה‬

Q: Do the nouns in each column share a common meaning?

A: The words in Column 1 denote places: ‫ מספרה‬is a place where one gets a haircut; ‫מכבסה‬
is a place where one launders clothes; ‫ מךךכה‬is a place upon which one walks. Some more
examples are: ‫( מךפאה‬clinic), ‫( מס^דה‬restaurant), ‫( משתלה‬plant nurseiy).

The pattern of the words in Column 2 is also used to denote places: ‫ מטבח‬is a kitchen;
‫ מסגד‬is a mosque; ‫ מגדל‬is a tower. To these we can add many more examples, such as: ‫מךבר‬
(desert), ‫( משו־ד‬office) and ‫( מקלט‬shelter).

Note, however, that there are additional words in each of the above patterns that do not
denote places, for example: ‫( משפחה‬family) and ‫( מספר‬number).

In Column 3 we see nouns that do not share one meaning. Actually, quite a few nouns
with the pattern ‫ □ י ם ם ו ן‬- like ‫( דיכאון‬depression) above - indicate an ailment or negative
situation o f some kind (‫ שיגעון‬madness,‫ כישלון‬failure), whereas many others have an abstract
meaning like the other two nouns in Column 3: ‫( זיכרון‬memory) and ‫( ביטחון‬security, safety).
There are also non-abstract words in this pattern such as ‫( עיפרון‬pencil).

Some noun patterns - for example the segolate nouns (‫ ספר‬book, ‫ ילד‬child and so on ) 3 - have
no special meaning associated with them. When this is the case, identifying their pattern
helps know how to pronounce them in their various forms (plural, smeechoot, with possessive
endings), but does not help us guess their meaning or remember it.

Fortunately patterns do tend to contain many words with a common meaning, and this can
often help us guess the meaning o f a word (whose root we recognize) in a given context.

More noun patterns that have specific meanings

Here are some more patterns that tend to have specific meanings.

3 See the chapter "Segolate Nouns," pp. 89-107.

II. Nouns / 5 . How Are Hebrew Nouns Formed?

Try this:
Divide the following nouns into 3 groups according to their pattern:

‫ט בח‬ ‫כ לבת‬ ‫מס רק‬ ‫א דמת‬ ‫מ זרק‬ ‫נ זלת‬ ‫ח י יל‬ ‫זמר‬ ‫ספ ר‬ ‫צה בת‬ ‫מ חש ב‬
chef rabies comb rubella syringe runny soldier singer barber hepatitis, computer
nose jaundice

Here's the solution: (th e o r d e r o f y o u r c o lu m n s m a y b e d iffe re n t)

3 2 1
barber ‫ס פ ר‬-
hepatitis, jaundice ‫צהבת‬ computer ‫מח שב‬
singer ‫זמר‬
T ‫־‬
runny nose ‫נז ל ת‬ syringe ‫מזיק‬
soldier ‫חיי ל‬
T ‫־‬
rubella ‫אדמת‬ comb ‫מסרק‬
chef ‫טבח‬ rabies ‫כל ב ת‬

Q: What is the meaning o f each pattern?

A: Column 1 - □ □ □ ‫ מ‬- ‫ מחשב‬,‫ מזרק‬, ‫ מסרק‬- all denote tools.

Column 2 - ‫ □ □ □ ת‬- ‫ צהבת‬,‫ נזלת‬,‫ אדמת‬,‫ כלבת‬- all denote illnesses.4
Column 3 - □ ‫ □ ם‬- ‫ זמר‬,‫ חייל‬,‫ טבח‬,‫ ספר‬- all denote people with professions or occupations.

Sometimes, as in the case o f the pattern in Column 2, one pattern may have more than one
meaning. For example, in addition to illnesses, this pattern is used for nouns that denote groups
of objects or people: ‫( טייסת‬a squadron of aircraft), ‫( רכבת‬a train of railway cars), ‫( שייטת‬a flotilla of

The pattern in Column 3 - □ □ □ - is particularly common. Other nouns that belong to it are ‫צייר‬
(painter), ‫( נהג‬driver) and ‫( גנב‬thief). Since these nouns denote people, they also have a feminine
form. This form can have either the ending ‫ת‬- )‫ גנבת‬,‫ נהגת‬,‫ ציירת‬,‫ חיילת‬,‫ )זמרת‬or the ending :‫ית‬
‫ טבחית‬,‫)) ספךית‬. In order to know which form is used, you must check the dictionary or ask a
reliable Hebrew speaker.

4 Even though a dagesh is part of the pattern, there is no dagesh in ‫ צהבת‬because ‫ ה׳‬does not take a dagesh.

II. Nouns / 5. How Are Hebrew Nouns Formed?

More patterns denoting people with professions or occupations

In addition to the □ ‫ □ ם‬pattern, there are other patterns denoting a person with a profession or
occupation. One o f these patterns is ‫ □ □ □ ן‬. The feminine form o f these words ends in ‫ית‬-:

‫קריין‬ ‫צרכן‬ ‫שחקן‬ ‫כקלו‬ >

‫קריינית‬ ‫צרכנית‬
‫ י‬T !‫־‬
‫שךזלןנית‬ ‫רקדנית‬
(news) broadcaster consumer actor dancer

Another pattern for people with professions is □□i□. The feminine o f this form almost always
ends in ‫ ת‬-:
‫שופט‬ ‫שוטר‬ ‫סופר‬ ‫שומר‬
‫שופטת‬ ‫שוטרת‬ ‫סופרת‬ ‫שומרת‬
judge policeman, writer guard

As you can see, the □ □ ‫ □ ו‬pattern is also the pattern o f present tense verbs in beenyan pa'al
(‫)כ ותב‬. The present tense verb patterns o f other beenyaneem are also frequently used for people
with professions, for example:

beenyan heefeel (like ‫ו‬2<‫(מךגי‬ beenyan pee'el (like ‫)מדבר‬

‫מלחיןמזכיר‬ ‫מפקד‬ ‫מנהל‬ ‫מךךיןז‬

‫מלחינה מזכירה‬
T ‫־‬:‫־־‬ T ‫י‬ ! ‫־‬ T ‫־־ ! ־‬
‫מפקדת‬ ‫מנהלת‬ ‫מדריכה‬
secretary composer guide commander director, principal

Let's review
One way nouns are formed is by combining a root (‫ )שורש‬and a pattern (‫)משק ל‬.

♦ In some cases, many nouns in a given pattern share a specific meaning (for
example: □ □ □ for a person with a profession or occupation, such as ‫ ספר‬,‫)זמר‬.
However, not all nouns in a given pattern necessarily have the same general

♦ In some cases, a certain meaning may be conveyed by more than one pattern.
For example, not only □ □ □ , but also ‫ ) רקדן) □ □ □ן‬and □ □ ‫ ) שומר) □ו‬are used
to denote people with a profession or occupation.

♦ In addition, one pattern may have several meanings. For example, ‫ □ □ □ ת‬is
used both for illnesses (‫ )אדמת‬and groups o f objects or people (‫)ט י יסת‬.

II. Nouns / 5. How Are Hebrew Nouns Formed?

♦ Other patterns mentioned in the chapter above are:

Places: □ □ ‫(מטבח) מ ם‬, ‫) מסעדה) מ □ □ □ ה‬
Instruments and tools: □ □ □ ‫) מחשב ) מ‬
___ Ailments or negative si t uat i ons: ‫)דיכאון) □ י ם ם ו ן‬

♦ Some noun patterns - like segolate nouns □ □ □ )‫ ילד‬,‫ (בגד‬- have no special

Want to see if you've understood?

E ach o f the w o r d s b e lo w ha s a p a tte rn w ith a s p e c ific m e a n in g .

Column A w ith a w o rd o f the same pattern in Column B.

computer ‫מחשב‬ .‫א‬ temple ‫מקדש‬ .‫ו‬
singer ‫מ ר‬T ‫־ז‬ .‫ב‬ editor ‫עי רו‬ .2
dancer ‫ר ק לז‬ .‫ג‬ screwdriver ‫מ ב רג‬ .3
runny nose ‫נז ל ת‬ .‫ד‬ plant nursery ‫ל ה‬T ‫ת‬T ‫מ !ש‬ ,4
restaurant ‫ד ה‬T ‫ע‬T ‫ס‬: ‫*מ‬ .‫ה‬ measles ‫חצבת‬ .5
kitchen ‫ב ח‬T ‫ט‬5 ‫*מ‬ .‫ו‬ manufacturer !‫י צ ר‬ .6

policeman ‫שו ט ר‬ .‫ז‬ correspondent ‫ת ב‬T ‫־כ‬ .7

A n s w e rs :

‫מ סעז‬ - ‫משתלה‬ .4 ‫מחשב‬ - ‫מב ת‬ .3 ‫שו ט ר‬ - ‫עו ר ך‬ .2 ‫מטבח‬ - ‫מקדש‬ .1

‫זמר‬ - ‫כתב‬ ­‫ל‬ ‫ר ק דן‬ - ‫י צ רן‬ .6 ‫נזל ת‬ ‫־‬ ‫חצבת‬ .5

• Nouns form ed by adding an ending to a base

Another very common way nouns are formed in Hebrew is by adding an ending to a base.

The ending n>:

Read the following nouns, all of which end in ::‫ית‬

‫מ פי ת‬ ‫צ ך פ תי ת‬ ‫מ ש אי ת‬ ‫פ חי ת‬ ‫מו נ י ת‬ ‫ח ל לי ת‬ ‫אנ ג לי ת‬ ‫כ פי ת‬ ‫רו סי ת‬ ‫מ כוני ת‬ <

napkin French track can taxi spaceship English teaspoon Russian car

II. Nouns / 5. How Are Hebrew Nouns Formed?

Try this:
Divide the above words into three groups according to their meaning.

3 2 1
teaspoon ‫כפית‬ Russian ‫רוסית‬ car •‫®*מכ ונ ית ־‬sC

Here's the solution: (the o rd e r o f y o u r colum ns m a y be d iffe re n t)

3 2 1
teaspoon ‫כפית‬ Russian ‫רוסי ת‬ car ‫מ כ ^י ת‬
can ‫פ חי ת‬ English ‫אנגלית‬ spaceship ‫חללי ת‬
■ T ‫־‬:

napkin ‫מ פי ת‬ French ‫צ רפ תי ת‬
‫ ־‬T ! T
taxi ‫מוני ת‬
truck ‫מ ש אי ת‬

Column 1 - ‫ חללית‬,‫ משאית‬,‫ מונית‬,‫ מכונית‬are all words for vehicles.

‫ י‬T ‫!"״‬ ‫־‬ T “ 7‫־‬ * !

Column 2 - ‫ רוסית‬,‫ אנגלית‬,‫ צךפתית‬are the names o f languages.

And what is common to ‫ כפית‬,‫ פחית‬,‫ מפית‬in Column 3? In order to figure this out, you need to
know the meaning of the words ‫כף‬, ‫ פח‬and :‫מפה‬
‫ כף‬is a spoon; ‫ כפית‬is a teaspoon (i.e., a small spoon).
‫ פח‬is a big can; ‫ פחית‬is a small can (e.g., for a soft drink).
‫ מפה‬is a tablecloth; ‫ מפית‬is a napkin (i.e., a small cloth).

Thus, when added to these words, the ending ‫ית‬: conveys the notion o f being small. However,
as we see in the other two columns, this ending is used in other cases to convey other meanings
(i.e., vehicles, languages).

Sometimes when ‫ית‬: is added to a word, the sound of the base does not change, for example:

‫ית => צרפתית‬- + ‫צרפת‬

‫ ־‬T ! T ‫־‬ ‫־‬: T
‫ית => חללית‬- + ‫חלל‬
‫ ־‬T ‫ ־־‬: T T
‫ית => פחית‬- + ‫פח‬
, ‫־‬

French France spaceship space small can big can


In other cases, the base noun undergoes a significant change when the ending isadded, as in:

‫רוסית‬ ‫ מכונית‬4= ‫ ית‬: + ‫נ!ק‬1 ‫< מכ‬s=‫)ק‬/‫י תרוס‬: +<£

car machine Russian Russia

II. Nouns / 5 . How Are Hebrew Nouns Formed?

The ending ‫ון‬-

The ending 1‫ן‬-, when added to a noun, can have several different meanings. For example, in the
following words it shares one of the possible meanings of ‫ית‬: small.

6 ‫ נת‬1 ‫ילד‬ / ‫ ן‬1 ‫ילד‬ ‫שטיחו־ן‬ ‫ ן‬1 ‫בקביק‬ 5 ‫ ן‬1 ‫ספר‬ -<
small child, small carpet small bottle booklet
‫״‬little one"

Since it is impossible to predict which of the diminutive endings (‫ית‬- or ]1 ‫ )־‬will be added to a
given noun - or even if a noun can take a diminutive ending - it is important for learners simply
to be aware of their existence and to learn the words that take these endings.

Another meaning o f ]1- - to denote a kind o f newspaper or journal - can be seen in the following
‫ן‬1 ‫ מ‬1 ‫ן => י‬1 - + ‫יום‬ ‫ן => שבועון‬1 - + ‫שבוע‬ ‫ון => עיתון‬- + ‫עת‬
daily newspaper day weekly newspaper week newspaper time
or magazine

More endings that have specific meanings

Another commonly used ending is ‫;יה‬: (ee-YA). We find books at the ‫( ספךייה‬library), and we buy
fresh rolls at the ‫( מאפייה‬bakery). These words all denote places.

Looking for a profession? Add the ending ‫ן‬- (and possibly make some changes in the base form)
and you could be a ‫כלכלנית‬/‫( כלכלן‬economist), a ‫פסנתרנית‬/‫( פסנתרן‬pianist), a ‫תקליטנית‬/‫( תקליטן‬disc
jockey) or even a ‫נדוךסלנית‬/‫( כדוךסלן‬basketball player).

Add the ending ‫אי‬: and you could be an ‫עיתונאית‬/‫( עיתונאי‬journalist), a ‫ח שמלאית‬/‫( ח שמלאי‬electrician),
a ‫מוזיקאית‬/‫( מוזיקאי‬musician) or a ‫ מ ת מטיקאית‬/‫( מ ת מטיקאי‬mathematician).

To name some of the subjects you might like to study, just add the ending ‫ו ת‬- (with some
possible changes to the base):
‫ספרות‬ ‫חקלאות‬ ‫אדריכלות‬
T ‫־־‬ T . — T ‫־! ־‬

hairdressing agriculture architecture

5 When an ending is added, sometimes there is a change in the vowels of the base form.
6 Since the word ‫ ילחץ‬denotes a person, it has a feminine form ‫ילדונת‬.

II. Nouns / 5. How Are Hebrew Nouns Formed?

The ‫ו ת‬- ending is used not only for some subjects of study, but also for ab stract nouns in
general, for example: ‫( א לי מו ת‬violence), ‫( מנ היגו ת‬leadership), ‫( ידידו ת‬friendship).7

Did you know?

Abstract nouns ending with ‫ו ת‬- use not only nouns as their base, as in:

™‫* אדריכל‬ in - + ‫א ךןי כ ל‬ ^

architecture architect
but also adjectives:
‫=> חילוניו ת‬ ‫ ות‬- + ‫חילוני‬ ‫אכפ תיות‬ =m- + ‫־‬ ‫< *אכפתי‬
secularism secular concern concerned

and other parts of speech:

‫> זהות‬ ‫ ות‬- + ‫זה‬ ‫> כמות‬ ‫ ות‬- + ‫כמוס‬ ‫ ית => איכות‬- + ‫איך‬ ‫>*־‬
identity this quantity how much? quality how?

Endings o f foreign words

Throughout its history, Hebrew has absorbed many words from foreign languages. While some
words - such as ‫( רדיו‬radio) and ‫( טל פון‬telephone) - have retained their foreign form, others have
"assimilated" into Hebrew by fitting into Hebrew noun patterns. For exam ple,‫( ארגון‬organization)
is formed according to the pattern of ‫סיפור‬, and ‫( מהפנט‬hypnotist) is formed according to the
pattern of ‫מנהל‬.

Still another way in which foreign words "assimilate" into Hebrew is by adding a Hebrew
ending to a foreign word, as in:
‫סטקייה‬ ‫>־ ספוךטאי‬
restaurant with meat athlete
cooked on a grill
same ending as: ‫ספךייה‬ ‫עיתונאי‬

7 a. As you can see from the translations, many English abstract nouns also have typical endings, such as: -hood,
-ism, -ness, -ity and so on.
b. There are various patterns that also end in ‫ות‬- and denote abstract nouns, for example ‫ ה ת ם ם םו ת‬, as in:
‫התנגדות‬ ‫התרגשות‬ <
opposition nervousness

II. Nouns / 5 . How Are Hebrew Nouns Formed?

What happens when the foreign word itself has an ending?

Some foreign words keep their own foreign endings in Hebrew, for example:

‫פנ סיונ ר‬ ‫א גו אי ס ט‬ ‫ק ו מ ו ני ס ט‬ ‫פ מיניז ם‬ ‫ס ו צי א ל י ז ם‬ ‫>•־‬

pensioner egoist communist feminism socialism

In other cases, the ending in Hebrew is somewhat different from the English ending, as in:6

‫אי נ ט ו נ צי ה‬ ‫סי ט ו א צ י ה‬ ‫ביו רו ק ר טי ה‬ ‫ד מו ק ר טי ה‬ ‫הי ס טו ר י ה‬ ‫>־־‬

intonation situation bureaucracy democracy history

‫פנוז ה‬
‫הי‬ ‫גנוז ה‬
‫די א‬
: ‫־‬
‫ ה‬,‫ק‬T ‫ס *ט י‬: ‫ט *ט י‬T ‫ס‬5 ‫ק ה‬T ‫מ *טי‬T ‫מ ”ת‬T ‫ה‬T‫*ביו לו !גי‬ ‫ ה‬T‫לוגי‬
‫פ *סי כו‬5
hypnosis diagnosis statistics mathematics biology psychology

For English speakers it is important to note the correspondence between the endings o f these
Hebrew words and their English equivalents.

Did you know?

As we have seen, some foreign words denoting people o f various types end
in ‫יסט‬-, as in ‫ קומוניסט‬and ‫אגואיסט‬. But when the noun they come from ends in
‫לומה‬-, they may be formed in the follow ing w ay:

‫פסיכולוג‬ ‫מ‬/‫פסיכולוג‬

‫ביולוג‬ >= ‫ מ‬/‫ביולוג‬


‫סוציולוג‬ ‫ס וצ י ו ל ו ג י‬

Here the equivalent of "-ist" does not a ppear in the Hebrew.

8 The end of these Hebrew words may correspond to endings in Latin or Greek or another language.

II. Nouns / 5. How A re Hebrew Nouns Formed?

Let’s review
Many Hebrew nouns are formed by adding an ending to a base form.

♦ Some endings have no special meaning, while others may have one or more
specific meanings. Here are some examples discussed above:

‫ית‬: may denote being small (‫)מפ ית‬, or a language ( ‫ (צו״פתית‬0 1 ‫ ־‬a vehicle (.(‫מכ ו נ ית‬
‫ון‬- may denote being small (.(‫ספרון‬
‫ייה‬- may denote a place (.(‫ספו־ייה‬
‫ ;ן‬and ‫אי‬: may denote a person with a profession or occupation (,‫תקליטן‬
‫ו ת‬- denotes an abstract noun (‫ אפשרות‬,‫) חקלאות‬.

♦ When foreign words enter Hebrew, they sometimes take Hebrew endings
(‫)ספח־־טא י‬. In other cases they retain their foreign endings, which may correspond
to English either exactly (‫ )סוציאליזם‬or to some extent (‫)א י נפ וךמצ יה‬.

W ant to see if you've understood?

U sin g y o u r k n o w le d g e o f th e m e a n in g o f e n d in g s , gu ess the m e a n in g o f the fo llo w in g

w o rd s . (T he w o r d in p a re n th e s e s p ro v id e s a h in t as to the ending's m e a n in g ).

) ‫(סטק י יה‬ = ‫ ס נדלר י יה‬.‫ו‬

T•T : : ‫־‬

)‫(כפ יה‬ ‫ כ וס ית‬.2

)‫(ספר ו ן‬ = ‫ מחשב ו ן‬.3
)‫(שב וע ו ן‬ ‫ מק ומ ו ן‬.4
) ‫(מתמט יקא י‬ ‫ מך ינא י‬.5
)‫( ו זקלא ות‬ ‫ ת י יר ות‬.6
A n s w e rs :

1. shoemaker's shop (a place where shoes are fixed or made) 2. a shot glass (a little glass) 3. a calculator
4. a local newspaper 5. a diplomat, statesman 6, tourism

II. Nouns / 5. How Are Hebrew Nouns Formed?

• Joining two nouns to form a new word

Some Hebrew nouns were created by joining two words together. The word ‫( ק ול נ וע‬movie theater)
is a combination of two words: ‫( ק ול‬voice) and ‫( נוע‬moving). The words ‫( ח י‬living) and ‫( ך ק‬slender)
were joined together to form the word ‫( ח י ידק‬bacterium).

Sometimes when two words join together, one or more o f the original letters drop out, especially
when there are letters that appear in both words, for example:

‫ רגל => כד ורגל‬+ 7‫ רגל => כדח‬+ ‫כד ור‬ •‫>־‬

football foot ball

Here are some more examples of words formed in this way:9

‫מךךחוב‬ > = ‫ךחוב‬ + ‫מדרכה‬

T T : *

pedestrian mall street sidewalk

‫ךמזור‬ >= ‫אור‬ + ‫רמז‬

traffic light light hint; sign

‫רכבל‬ >= ‫כבל‬ + ‫_רכבינ‬

cable car cable train

Let's review
♦ A third way of forming nouns is by joining two nouns together:
‫ נוע => ק ול נ וע‬+ ‫ק ול‬ -C

In the new noun we sometimes find the original words in their entirety (as in
‫ ;)קולנוע‬at other times one or more letters may drop out when the words are
combined, as in: ‫ רגל => כד ורגל‬+ ‫כד ור‬.

9 These words are called compound nouns. In Hebrew, a word like ‫ קולנוע‬is called a ‫הרכב‬. and a word like ‫כדורגל‬
(in w h ic h part of one of the original words is missing) is called a ‫הלחם‬.

6 Segolate Nouns )‫ בוקר‬,‫ ספר‬,‫(ילד‬

• Singular and plural form s o f segolate nouns
• Segolate nouns with possessive endings and in smeechoot

• Singular and plural form s o f segolate nouns

What is a segolate noun?
Read the following words out loud:
‫חלק‬ ‫ארץ‬ ‫ילד‬ ‫ספר‬ ‫דוד‬
CHE-Iek E-retz YE-led SE-fer DE-rech
part country boy book way

Q: What do all these words have in common?

A: They all contain three letters and are divided into two syllables. Unlike nouns like ‫שולחן‬
(,shool-CHAN), ‫( כיסא‬kee-SE) and ‫( דבר‬da-1: IR), whose last syllable is stressed, here the first of
the two syllables is stressed:
1...SE-fer ‫ס ־ פ ר‬ , DE-rech 1 H‫* ־‬T

These nouns also share one more common trait: they all contain the vowel sign □ (three dots
called ‫ סגול‬se-GOL) - pronounced eh - in their second syllable. This is true of m ost nouns
that belong to this group, and for this reason they are called segolate nouns - or
(in Hebrew: ‫ שמות סגוליים‬or 2.(‫ שמות מלעיליים‬The exceptions (segolates without a segol in the
second syllable) will be discussed below.

As we will see, segolates behave in special, fairly consistent ways when they are made plural,
when they take possessive endings and when they appear in smeechoot. Thus, identifying a
noun as a segolate provides us with a key to the correct pronunciation o f the different forms of
that noun.

1 We are referring to the stressed syllable here as the first syllable. In grammar books, this syllable is usually
referred to as the next to last syllable.
2 ‫ מלעיל‬in Aramaic means that the stress is on the syllable before last.

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

Did you know?

The s e g o la te n o u n ‫'( א ר ץ‬E-refs land, country) b e h a v e s in a u n iq u e w a y : its p ro n u n c ia tio n

c h a n g e s to 'A-rets w h e n it is p re c e d e d b y the d e fin ite a rtic le ‫( ה ־‬the):

the land (also used to refer to Israel) ha-'A-rets ‫הארץ‬

Problems in identifying segolate nouns

Here are some more segolate nouns:

‫אוזן‬ ‫שבט‬ ‫חודש‬ ‫עבד‬ ‫בוקר‬ ‫שמן‬ ‫מלך‬ ‫כלב‬

'O-zen SHE-vet CHO-desh 'E-ved BO-ker SHE-men ME-lech KE-tev
ear tribe month slave morning oil king dog

Q: Do all these nouns have only three letters?

A: Yes, except for the words ‫בוקר‬, ‫ חודש‬and ‫אוזן‬, which are written here with four letters. This
is the way they are written in full spelling (i.e., in texts w ithout vowel signs and with an
added ‫ ו׳‬to indicate the sound oh). However, when written w ithout the added % these words
- like all other segolate nouns - have only three letters:
‫אזן‬ ‫חיז־ש‬ ‫בקר‬ ‫>־‬

All of the words in the list above also have the other tell-tale signs of segolates: a segol (□) in
the second syllable and - most importantly - the stress on their first syllable.

Thus, singular segolate nouns can be divided into two basic groups according to the vowel
sound in their first syllable:

with 011 (i□ / □) with eh (either □ or □)

in the first syllable in the first syllable

‫אזן‬ ‫חז״ש‬ ‫בקר‬ ‫ספר‬ ‫ילד‬ ‫ארץ‬ <

)‫(אתן‬ )‫(חודש‬ )‫(בוקר‬
'O-zen CHO-desh BO-ker SE-fer YE-led E-rets

Be careful! Two other groups o f nouns can easily be confused with segolates when
they appear in texts w ithout vowel signs. If you have never heard these nouns pronounced
or seen them written w ith vowel signs, you may easily confuse them with segolates.

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

However, they are all stressed on their last syllable 4 The first group is composed of
three-letter nouns, such as:

** S
T :
T ‫־‬
‫דבר‬ T T
za-KEN ke-'EV KE4R sa-EAR ma-RAK da-lAR
elderly man pain village barber soup tiling

The second group is composed of four-letter nouns whose second letter is '‫ ו‬and may be
confused with the ‫ חודש‬,‫ בוקר‬group, such as:

‫כוכב‬ T
‫שוטר‬ ‫שומר‬ ‫רופא‬ -‫<־‬
mo-SHAV ko-CHAV sho-TER sho-MER ro-FE
moshav star policeman guard doctor

L et’s review
♦ Segolate nouns have three letters and two syllables, the first of which is
always stressed. In the segolates we have seen up to this point, the vowel □
(.segol) appears in the second syllable

♦ There are two basic groups of segolates:

- Forms with eh in the first syllable (either □ or □): ‫( ספר‬SE-fer), ‫( ילד‬YE-led)
- Forms with oh (‫ )ו׳‬in the first syllable: ‫ בקר‬/ ‫( בוקר‬BO-ker)

W ant to see if you've understood?

The fo llo w in g list c o n ta in s m isce lla n e o u s nouns in c lu d in g se g o la te s. W e h a ve in c lu d e d

o n ly s e g o la te nouns th a t h a v e a segol in th e ir se co n d s y lla b le . W h e n y o u see a se g o l in

the seco nd s y lla b le , y o u sh o u ld stress the first syllable. O th e rw is e , stress the last syllable.

R ead the fo llo w in g no u n s o u t lo u d a n d c irc le th e s e g o la te s :

‫סופר‬ ‫שמש‬ ‫חלב‬

‫אוכל‬ ‫מדע‬ ‫זהב‬
‫סרט‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫נהר‬ ‫שלג‬ ‫בגד‬ ->
w riter milk food gold root snow article of
A n s w e rs :

‫שמש‬ ‫אוכל‬ ‫סרט‬ ‫שורש‬ ‫שלג‬ ‫בגד‬

SHE-mesh 'O-chel SE-ret SHO-resh SHE-leg BE-ged

3 In words like ‫כפר‬, the stress is on the only syllable.

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

Special changes in vowels o f segolate nouns

Although the special group we are examining here is called segolate nouns, under certain
conditions the segol in the second syllable disappears and only two characteristic signs remain:
three letters (divided into two syllables) and the stress on the first syllable.

Changes resulting from the presence o f ’y / ‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬/‫( א‬gutturals)

One instance in which the segol does not appear in the second syllable is when the third letter
of the root is ‫ ע׳‬or ‫( ח׳‬and sometimes ‫)ה׳‬, for example:

‫גובה‬ ‫נוסח‬ ‫רובע‬ ‫פרח‬ ‫רגע‬ <

GO-vah NO-sach RO-va PE-rach RE-ga
height version quarter flower moment
(of city)

In addition, the segol does not appear in the middle o f segolates whose middle letter is / ‫ ח‬/ ‫ ה‬/‫א‬
‫( ע׳‬the guttural consonants). In segolates with a middle guttural and oh (' 1 ) in the first syllable,
the vowels are:
‫דואר‬ 4 ‫נוהג‬ ‫בוחן‬ ‫פועל‬
DO-'ar NO-hag BO-chan PO-'al
mail custom quiz verb

In other segolates with a middle guttural, both vowels are ah:

‫סהר‬ ‫פ סד‬ ‫נעל‬ -<

SA-har PA-chad NA-'al
crescent fear shoe

Note that in all o f these forms, the first syllable is always stressed.

Changes resulting from the presence o f ‫יי‬

When the middle letter o f a segolate is ‫י׳‬, the following vowel change takes place

‫קיץ‬ ‫זית‬ ‫בית‬

KA-yeets ZA-yeet BA-yeet
summer olive house

4 Some exceptions where no vowel change takes place are: ‫׳) אוהל‬O-hel tent),‫( בחזן‬BO-hen thumb, big toe).

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

When the final letter is ‫י׳‬, we get forms such as:

‫אופי‬ ‫קושי‬ ‫יופי‬ ‫לחי‬ ‫בכי‬ -<

'O-fee KO-shee YO-fee LE-chee BE-chee
character difficulty beauty cheek crying

Words like ‫מוות‬V T

The word ‫ מוות‬and several other words with "‫ "וו‬in the middle have a special form:



Let’s review
♦ When the second or third root letter in segolates is a guttural ('‫ ע‬,'‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬/‫) א‬, the
vowel ah appears in the second syllable instead of eh and other vowel changes
may take place, for example:

‫רוחב‬ ‫נחל‬ ‫נער‬ ‫רובע‬ ‫מלח‬ ‫פצע‬ -*>

RO-chav X. I-dial NA-'ar RO-va ME-lach PE-tsa

♦ The presence of ‫ י׳‬or "‫ "וו‬in the m iddle or end of a segolate also affects the
vowels, for example:
‫מוות‬ ‫קושי‬ ‫בכי‬ ‫בית‬ >
AIA-vet KO-shee BE-chee BA-yeet

Plural forms o f segolate nouns

One of the most important benefits of identifying segolate nouns is that once we have done so,
it is fairly easy to know their plural form.

The plural form of most segolate nouns is ‫ □ □ □י ם‬. These forms are stressed on the end (‫ילז־ים‬
ye-la-DEEM). Here are examples of plural segolates:

‫קושי‬ ‫רובע‬ ‫בוחן‬ ‫פועל‬ ‫בוקר‬ ‫פחד‬ ‫שער‬ ‫פרח‬ ‫צבע‬ ‫ספר‬ ‫ ילד‬-*>
* T :
* T :
* T S
‫פעלים‬ * T :
• ‫־׳‬I‫ ־‬:
• T :
‫פרחים שערים‬
*T : * T5
‫ספרים צבעים‬ ‫ילדים‬ * T 5‫ י‬T !*T 5

difficulties quarters quizzes verbs mornings fears gates flowers colors books children

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

Notice that even when there is a ‫ ו׳‬in the singular form, the plural form has no ‫) ו׳‬,‫בוקר => בעןךים‬
‫) פועל => פגנלים‬.

Now look at the plural forms of nouns whose first letter is ‫א׳‬, ‫ע׳‬, ‫ ח׳‬or ‫ ה׳‬and can't take a
shva (□):
5 ‫חודש‬ ‫עונש‬ ‫אוהל‬ ‫חדר‬ ‫?ד ב‬ ‫אבן‬

standard spelling : )‫(חדשים‬ )‫(<{נשים‬ )‫(אהלים‬ ‫חדרים‬

• T ‫!־־‬
‫ערבים‬ ‫אבנים‬
‫ י‬T ‫!־‬

full spelling : ‫חודשים‬

• T
‫עונשים‬ ‫אוהלים‬
• T

months punishments tents rooms evenings stones

Q: What is the first vowel in these words?

A: It is usually ah (‫ ;)אב נ ים‬however, when the singular form has a ‫ ךש) ו׳‬1 ‫) ח‬, the plural keeps the
oh sound ( ‫ חודשים‬/ 6 ‫ חדשים‬cho-da-SHEEM).

Sometimes an ni- ending is used instead of ‫ים‬:. Since there are many fewer segolates whose
plural form ends in ni-, these forms should be memorized. Here are some examples (most, but
not all, are feminine).

feminine : ‫חרב‬ ‫עצם‬ ‫ארץ‬ ‫קשת‬ ‫רשת‬ ‫דלת‬ ‫נפש‬

‫ ת‬1‫חרב‬ 7‫מו ת‬
^ ‫עצ‬ ‫ ת‬1‫ארצ‬ ‫ק ש תו ת‬ ‫ר שתות‬ ‫ד ל תו ת‬ ‫ ת‬1‫נפש‬
T‫־‬: T‫ ־‬: T ! T ! T !

swords bones countries rainbows; nets; doors souls

archways networks

masculine : ‫יער‬ 8 ‫רגש‬ ->

‫יערות‬T !
‫רגשות‬T !

forests emotions

5 The plural forms of ‫( שורש‬root) and ‫( קודש‬holiness) keep the oh in their first syllable:
ko-da-SHEEM (‫ןדשים‬7( ‫קודשים‬ ,sho-ra-SHEEM ( ‫< שוךשים (שרשים‬
These words act as if they begin with a guttural (like ‫)חודש => חודשים‬.
6 The vowel sign □ (called hatafkamatz) is pronounced oh.
7 The word ‫ עצם‬also means thing (as in ‫ = שם עצם‬noun, lit.: name of a thing). When it has this meaning, it is
masculine and the plural form is ‫עצמים‬.
8 The plural of the masculine noun ‫( קבר‬grave) is ‫קברים‬. However, a form with ‫ות‬- appears in the word for
cemetery. ‫ בית קברות‬.

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

Nouns with ‫ י׳‬in the middle constitute a special group, and their plural forms usually have □
(ei / eh)9 in the first syllable:
r! ‫קיץ‬ ‫זית‬

‫יינות‬ 10‫קיצים‬ ‫זי תי ם‬

wines summers olives

The word ‫ בית‬has an irre g u la r form in the plural: ‫בית‬

‫ ־‬T


Some segolate nouns form their plural by adding the ‫יים‬: (A-yeem) ending. The base o f these
forms is not the same as the plurals above, which have a shva in the first syllable ( ‫ נפשות‬,‫)ילךים‬.
Rather, these forms have a vowel after the first letter and each has to be learned . 11 Most o f these
happen to be feminine:
‫איזן‬ ‫ברך‬ ‫נעל‬ ‫רגל‬

‫אוזניים‬ ‫בךכיים‬ ‫נעליים‬ ‫רגליים‬
ears knees shoes legs

masculine : ‫גרב‬

Let's review
The basic plural form of segolate nouns is ♦ ‫ בלןךים) □ □ □י ם‬,‫ ספו־ים‬,‫ (ילדים‬and
sometimes ‫ נפשות) □ □ □ו ת‬,‫(תשות‬.

♦ When ‫א׳‬, ‫ה׳‬, ‫ ח׳‬or ‫) ע׳‬the gutturals) appear at the beginning o f the plural form
and are expected to take a shva, they take an ah vowel )‫ חו־בות‬,‫ עבךים‬,‫(אבנים‬,
except when they have ‫ ו׳‬in the singular form )‫ חודש‬,‫(עונש‬, in which case they
keep the oh sound )‫ חוד שים)(ו׳‬,‫(עונשים‬

9 Some speakers pronounce ‫( □י‬as in ‫ )זיתים‬zei-TEEM; others say ze-TEEM.

10 The form ‫ קיצים‬also exists but is used less than ‫קיצים‬.
11 As you will see below, pp. 105-107, this vowel is the same vowel that appears in forms like ‫( ת לו‬his leg) and
‫( בךפו‬his knee), i.e., singular segolate nouns with possessive endings.

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

♦ The plural form of segolates with ‫ י׳‬in the middle is different: ‫ זיתים‬and ‫יינות‬.
The word ‫ בית‬has an irregular plural: ‫בתים‬.

♦ Some segolate plurals take the ending ‫יים‬:. Their base is unlike regular segolate
plurals in that it does not begin with shva, for example: ‫תליים‬, ‫ בו־־כיים‬and

W ant to see if you've understood?

A . C h a n g e fro m s in g u la r to p lu ra l o r fro m p lu ra l to s in g u la r a n d s a y the w o r d o u t

lo u d .

p lu ra l s in g u la r


‫ עךןל‬.3
‫בוקר‬ .4

‫ספל‬ .5


‫פחד‬ .7

‫נערים‬ __ .8
‫ פיקגל‬.9

A n s w e rs :
) bka-REEM( ‫ בל!ךים‬,4 )‫י‬a-ra-CHEEM( ‫ ערכים‬,3 )‫ ׳‬E-ven( ‫ אבן‬,me-la-CHEEM( 2( ‫ מלכים‬.1
) N A -'ar ( ‫ נער‬.pcha-DEEM ( 8( ‫ פחז־ים‬.PE-rach( 7( ‫ פרח‬,sfa-LEEM( 6( ‫ ספלים‬.5
)pe-'a-LEEM( ‫ פעלים‬,9

i. C h a n g e fro m s in g u la r to p lu ra l o r fro m p lu ra l to s in g u la r.

p lu ra l s in g u la r

‫ אוזן‬.‫ו‬
‫זיתים‬ ___ .2
‫רגליים‬ _____ .3

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

_______ >=<
_ o

:A n s w e rs
gar-BA-yeem((‫גו־ביים‬. ba-TEEM( 5( ‫ ( בתים‬RE-gel A( ‫ מל‬.ZA-yeei (3( ‫זית‬.oz-NA-yeem '(2(

• Segolate nouns with possessive endings and in

Adding possessive endings to singular segolate nouns
The highlighted words in the following passage are segolate nouns with possessive endings
added to them : 12

,‫ הוא שם א ת העיפרון מאחורי אתנו‬,‫פרום׳ לוין סיים לחבר א ת התרגיל האחרון בספרו החד ש לאלגברה‬
.‫ סגר א ת הדלת והלך לדרכו‬,‫ לקח א ת ספלו‬,‫ קם ויצא מרח־רג הוא חזר לרגע‬,‫ה ת מ ת ח מלוא אוךכו‬

Prof. Levine finished making up the last exercise in his new algebra book. He put his pencil behind his
ear, stretched out to his full height (lit.: length), got up and left his room. He went back for a moment,
took his mug, closed the door and went on his way.

Try this:
Divide the segolate nouns in the passage above into three groups according to the vowel in their
first syllable.
oh ee ah

Here's the solution:

There are three types of segolates with possessive endings.

the oh group the ee group the ah group

‫ספרו אוזנו‬
‫ספלו אורכו‬

12 See the chapter ‫״‬Nouns with Possessive Endings," pp. 60-67 for a full explanation of possessive endings. The
present chapter will deal only with changes in the base of the noun to which the endings are added.

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

There are three striking differences between the regular singular form of segolate nouns
(‫ אוזן‬,‫ ספר‬,‫ ) חדר‬and the forms with endings:
‫ ־‬The vowel of the first syllable
‫ ־‬The place o f the stress
‫ ־‬The pronunciation o f ‫ב׳‬,‫ כ׳‬or ‫ פ׳‬when they appear at the end o f the regular form, as in ‫ דרד‬and

The vowel o f the first syllable and the stress

Let's take a closer look at the forms with the endings as compared to their regular forms. (We
have added some more examples to each group):

th e ah group
with ending regularform

his room chad-RO ‫סדרו‬ CHE-der ‫ס ןר‬

his way dar-KO ‫ךן כו‬ <= DE-rech ‫רד‬.‫ך‬
his dog kal-BO ‫כלבו‬ KE-lev ‫כלב‬
his money kas-PO ‫כספו‬ KE-sef ‫כסף‬
his child yal-DO ‫ילדו‬ YE-led ‫ילד‬

As you can see, in all the nouns we have listed, there is an eh vowel in each syllable o f the
regular form (‫ חדר‬CHE-der, ‫ דרך‬DE-rech), whereas the form with the possessive ending has an ah
vowel at the begin n in g and n o vo w el sound after the second letter (‫ סדרו‬chad-RO ,‫ ךךפו‬dar-KO,
‫ כלבו‬kal-BO). In addition, the stress has moved to the final syllable.

th e ee group
with ending regularform

his book seef-RO ‫ספרו‬ <= SE-fer ‫ספר‬

his mug seef-LO ‫ספלו‬ <= SE-fel ‫ספל‬
his flag deeg-LO ‫ת לו‬ DE-gel ‫דגל‬
his garment beeg-DO ‫בגדו‬ <= BE-ged ‫בגד‬

In this group, too, there is an eh vowel in each syllable of the regular form (‫ ספר‬SE-fer, ‫ ספל‬SE-
fel), but this time the form with the possessive ending has an ee vowel in the first syllable. Here,
too, there is no vowel sound after the second letter (‫ ספרו‬seef-RO, ‫ ספלו‬seef-LO), and the stress has
moved to the final syllable.
th e oh group
with ending regularform

his ear 'oz-NO ‫אוץנו‬ 'O-zen ‫אוזן‬

his (its) length 'or-KO ‫און כו‬ <= 'O-rech ‫אורך‬
his punishment ,on-SHO ‫עונ שו‬ <= 'O-nesh ‫עונ ש‬

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

In this group, as opposed to the others, the same vowel (oh) appears in the first syllable o f both
the regular form and the form with the possessive ending. As was the case in the other groups,
here, too, the possessive form has no vowel sound after the second letter (‫׳ אוזנו‬oz-NO) and the
stress is on the final syllable.

The pronunciation o f final '‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ב‬

Now look at the nouns whose final letter is ‫ב׳‬,‫ ך׳‬or ‫( ף׳‬e.g., ‫דרך‬, ‫כסף‬, ‫ כלב‬and ‫)אורך‬.

Q: What happens to them when an ending is added?

A: They are pronounced with a hard pronunciation (with a dagesh kal): ‫( ךךפו‬dar-KO), ‫כספו‬
(,kas-PO), ‫( כלבו‬kal-BO) and ‫׳) אזךפו‬or-KO), whereas without a possessive ending they are
pronounced with the soft pronunciation {c h ,f v).

Did you know?

Why do the changes in the pronunciation of final '‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬take place?
The change in the pronunciation of ' ‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬takes place because of the change
in the syllable structure. In the regular form, ' ‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬come after a vowel and
have a soft pronunciation (‫ כלב‬KE-lev, ‫ דרך‬DE-rech, ‫ כסף‬KE-sef). However, when
possessive endings are added, '‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and '‫ פ‬come after a consonant: ‫בו‬-‫כל‬
kal-BO, ‫כו‬-‫ דר‬dar-KO, ‫פו‬-‫ כס‬kas-PO.' ' When ‫ כ׳‬/‫ ב‬and '‫ פ‬follow a consonant,
they are pronounced as hard sounds: h, k, p.

How can we know what the initial vowel will be in forms with endings?
When the regular form of a segolate has a ‫ו׳‬, as in ‫אוזן‬, ‫ אורך‬and ‫עונש‬, it almost always retains
the oh sound when endings are added:
14 ,!‫עונש‬ ,‫ אוךפו‬,‫אוזנו‬

All other segolate forms - i.e., those without a ‫ ו׳‬- will have either an ah ( ‫ ארצי‬,‫ )ךרכי‬or an ee
( ‫ בגדי‬,‫ ) ספרי‬in their first syllable (see below for several exceptions). In order to know which of
these vowels will appear, you have to either look in the dictionary or hear the word pronounced
by a reliable Hebrew speaker.

13 For more on the pronunciation of '‫ב‬,‫ כ׳‬and ‫ פ׳‬after a consonant (= after a closed syllable), see the chapter "The
Pronunciation of ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬and the D a g e s h p. 627.
14 These words are written here in full spelling. When written in standard spelling, we wr i t e: ‫ע נש ו‬. ‫ארכ ו‬. ‫א ז נ ו‬.

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

A helpful hint: All segolate nouns like ‫ פרז ד‬,‫ שער‬,‫ בעל‬, whose vowels ar eA -a, always keep their
first Ah vowel when endings are added:

‫!מסן‬ ‫טעמי‬ ‫פחדם‬ ‫שערנו‬ ‫בעלה‬ *>

their (f.) relation liis taste their (m.) fear our gate her husband

Did you know?

Where do the initial vowels of segolates come from?
One widely-accepted explanation is that segolate nouns started out as words
with only one syllable and one vowel: ‫ ( ילד‬YALD) and ‫( ספר‬SEEFR). It is this
original vowel that we find in the form with possessive endings: ‫( ילדו‬yal-DO)
and ‫( ספרו‬seef-RO). Nouns in the oh group (‫ )איזן‬apparently came from ‫אזנ‬
( ’OOZN), which became 'OZN. This oh remains in the forms with possessive
endings: 1) ‫אוזנו‬oz-NO). When these one-syllable nouns appeared without
endings, a new form appeared. The evolution of this form may have been:

(3) (2) 0)
‫?לד‬ *= ‫י״לד‬ >= ‫?לד‬ >
YE-led YA-led YALD

(1) The original form at an earlier stage of the language was ‫( ?לד‬YALD).
(2) The sound eh entered between the two final consonants: ‫לד‬-? ( YA-led)
(3) The first vowel matched the second vowel: ‫( י־לד‬YE-lecf)

Through this whole process the stress remained on the first syllable, thus
explaining why segolate nouns without endings are always stressed on the first
syllable 1;

Several exceptions: words with other vowels in the first syllable

There are two small groups of segolate nouns that have an eh or ei sound in their first syllable
when possessive endings are added.

15 Also in the evolution of ‫( ספר‬SEEFR) to ‫( ספר‬SE-fer) and of ‫’( אזנ‬OOZN) to ‫’( אזן‬O-zen) an eh entered between
the two final consonants. See more 011 the evolution of these forms in J. Weingreen, 1959, pp. 82-84.

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

1. A small number of miscellaneous nouns, among them : 10

his part chel-KO ‫חלקו‬ <= ‫החלק שלו‬ ->

his grandson nech-DO ‫נכדו‬ <= ‫הנכד שלו‬
his (its) value 'er-KO ‫ערכו‬ ns= ‫הערך שלו‬

2. Nouns with ‫ י׳‬in the middle, for example:

his house bei-TO17 ‫ביתו‬ ‫הבית שלו‬

his eye 'ei-NO ‫עינו‬ «= ‫העין שלו‬
his wine yei-NO ‫יינו‬ <= ‫ה!ין שלו‬

3. Nouns with the same pattern as ‫מוות‬

When possessive endings are added to the noun ‫( מוות‬death) and several others like it, 1 '1 the
resulting form has "i" (oh) in the middle:

his death mo-TO ‫< מותו=> שלו המוות‬C


Let’s review
♦ When possessive endings are added to singular segolate nouns, the stress moves
to the end of the word and the first syllable usually takes one of the following
oh ee ah
‫חודשו = החודש שלו‬ ‫בגדו = הבגד שלו‬ ‫ךךכו = הדרך שלו‬
‫עונשו = העונש שלו‬ ‫ספרו = הספר שלו‬ ‫נלבו = הכלב שלו‬
‫שוךשו = השורש שלו‬ ‫ךגלו = הדגל שלו‬ ‫כספו = הכסף שלו‬
‫אוךכו = האורך שלו‬ ‫שטחו = השטח שלו‬ ‫נעלו = הנעל שלו‬

All segolate nouns with a ' ‫ שורש) ו‬,‫ ) חודש‬belong to the oh group when endings
are added. In the case of segolates without ‫ בגד) ו׳‬,‫)דרך‬, we can't know whether
they belong to the ah group or to the ee group without looking in the dictionary
or hearing their forms with endings.

♦ Other special groups are dealt with in the chapter.

16 The prepositions ..‫ אצלך״‬,‫ אצלי‬and ..,;‫ נגדן‬,‫ נגך‬take this same form.
17 Some speakers pronounce ‫?< □־‬/', as in bei-TO: others say be-TO.
18 For example, ‫( תווך‬interior) becomes ,b in, as in tojna (in it).

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

Want to see if you've understood?

Read the fo llo w in g sentences. S a y the s e g o late noun out lo u d .
A . S egolates from the ah g ro u p :
.‫ התיירים מספרד ראו את מלכם ב טלוויזי ה‬. 1
.‫ הילדה שיחקה עם בלבה‬. 2
.‫ האי ש איבד את כל כספו בקזינו‬. 3

B. S egolates from the ee g ro u p :

.‫ ס טי בן ספילברג דיבר ברדיו על סרטו החדש‬. 1
.‫ מיכל שכחה את ספרה בבית‬.2
.‫ בחרתי ב חולצו ת האלה בגלל צבען היפה‬. 3

C . S egolates from the oh g ro u p a n d w ith o th e r vo w e ls (ei, eh):

.‫ קראתי את השיר פעמיים ולא הבנתי את תובנו‬. 1

.‫ התלמידה חזרה אל ביתה אחרי הצהריים‬.2
.‫ סבא וסבתא ל ק חו את נכדם לחוף הים‬.3

:A n s w e rs
kas-PO,(( ‫ כספו‬. kal-BA( 3( ‫כלבה‬ . mal-KAM ( 2( ‫מלכם‬
f$eev-'AN .(( ‫ צבען‬. eef-RA $( 3( ‫ספרה‬ . eer-TO$(2( 1‫סךט‬
nech-DAM ,(( ‫ נכדם‬. bei-TA / be-TA( 3( ‫ביתה‬ . toch-NO ( 2( ‫תוכנו‬

On the forms o f plural segolate nouns such as ‫ילדים‬, ‫ ספךים‬and ‫ בלןךים‬with possessive endings,
see below after the next section.

Segolate nouns in smeechoot

As mentioned in the chapter on smeechoot, when a noun stands in any but the final position in
a smeechoot phrase, there is a possibility that its form will change . 19

Singular nouns
When singular segolate nouns appear in smeechoot, their form usually does not change, for
‫קובץ סיפורים‬ ‫ספר תורה‬ ‫ארץ ישראל‬ ‫מלך ספרד‬
a collection of stories a Torah scroll the Land of Israel the King of Spain

19 See the chapter "Smeechoot;" pp. 175-182.

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

Exception: the word ‫ חדר‬has two possible forms in smeechoot: ‫ חדר אוכל‬or ‫( חדר אוכל‬dining

Segolates with a ‫ י׳‬in the middle have a different form in smeechoot:

‫ בית הכנסת‬4= ‫בית‬


‫עין גדי‬ >= ‫עין‬

E IN o rE N
Ein Gedi

Does this form remind you o f something? It is just like the base of ‫( ביתו‬bei-TO or be-TO) - the
singular form with possessive endings.

Plural nouns
When plural segolate nouns appear in smeechoot, their form sounds very different from the
regular plural form. Here are some examples:

plural smeechoot form plural singular

1 1
.‫יש בתנ״ך סיפורים רבים על מלכי ישדאל‬ ‫מלכים‬ ‫ מלך‬.‫ו‬
There are a lot of stories in the Bible about the kings of Israel.

.‫יוסי קנה שלו שה ספדי בישול חד שי ם ב שנה שעברה‬ ‫ספךי ם‬ ‫ ספר‬. 2

Yossi bought three new cookbooks last year.

.‫בחוךשי הקיץ בי שראל יש מזג אוויר ח ם‬ ‫חוד שי ם‬ ‫ חוך ש‬. 3

In the summer months there is hot weather in Israel.

What do the smeechoot forms ‫( מלכי־‬mal-CHEI‫(־‬,2° ‫( ספרי־‬.seef-REI-) and - ‫( חוד שי‬chod-SHEI-) remind
you of? They contain the same vowel as do ‫( מלכי‬mal-KEE) , ‫( ספךי‬seef-REE) and ‫( חוד שי‬chod-SHEE)
- singular segolates with possessive endings. Here are some more examples:

plural sing. sing.

smeechoot + ending
1 1
‫דךכי טי פו ל‬ ‫ז־ךכי‬ ‫ו* דרך‬ ‫>־‬
methods (lit: ways) of treatment my way

20 Some speakers pronounce plural sineechoot forms like these without an i at the end, and say: mal-CHE-, dar-CHE-
and so on.

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

1— 1
‫בגדי ים‬ ‫בגךי‬ ‫ בגד‬. 2
bathing suits my garment

1 1
‫צוךכי הציבור‬ ‫צוו־כי‬ ‫ צידד‬. 3
the public's needs my need

1 1
‫חלקי הארץ‬ ‫סל קי‬ ‫ חלק‬.4
parts of the country my part

The smeechoot form of plural segolates is actually closer in sound to the singular form with
endings (‫ )מלכי‬than it is to the regular plural form (‫)מלכ ים‬. However, if you read the forms in
lines 1 and 3 carefully, you will see that this is not entirely true.

Q: Is the '‫ כ‬pronounced the same in all the forms in lines 1 and 3?

A: No. In nouns that end in ‫ך׳‬, ‫ ף׳‬and ‫דרך) ב׳‬, ‫ כסף‬and ‫)כלב‬, the singular form with an ending
has a h a rd sound (‫ כספי‬,‫ כלבי‬,‫)דרכי‬, while the plural smeechoot retains the soft sound of the
plural form ; 21
‫כלבי שמירה‬ 2 2 ‫אלפי אנשים‬ ‫ד!־כי שלום‬ ‫> מלכי ישראל‬
kal-VEl 'al-FEI dar-CHEI mal-CHEI
guard dogs thousands of people paths of peace kings of Israel

Let's review
♦ Singular segolate nouns usually remain the same in smeechoot, as in:

‫ דגל ישראל‬/ ‫< דגל‬

When there is a ‫ י׳‬in the middle, the vowels change, as in:
‫ בית => בית ספר‬- <

♦ Plural segolate nouns in smeechoot (‫ מלכי ישראל‬,‫ ) ספרי קודש‬sound very different
from the regular plural form (‫ מלכים‬,‫)ספו־ים‬. Their first vowel is the same as that
of singular segolate nouns with possessive endings (‫ מלכו‬,‫) ספרו‬.

21 As explained above (p. 99), after a consonant (= a closed syllable),'‫ב‬, ' ‫כ‬, ,‫ פ‬are pronounced b, k, p. as in ‫ כ ל ב י‬.
In plural smeechoot forms (‫ כ ל ב י ״‬, - ‫ מ ל כ י‬etc.), the shva that comes before % '‫ כ‬, ‫ פ׳‬is actually a different kind of
shva from the one in ‫ כ ל ב י‬. After this kind of shva, '‫ב‬, ' ‫כ‬, ,‫ פ‬are pronounced v, c/7, f.
22 The form -‫ כספי‬kas-PEITas in ‫ כספי ציבור‬. is exceptional.

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite a n d p ro n o u n ce the p lu ra l smeechoot fo rm . (Use the s in g u la r form w ith the
possessive e n d in g as y o u r g u id e .)
plural smeechoot singular with singular
1 1 possessive ending
‫הכ יתה‬ ‫י‬3 ]‫י‬ ‫ילדו‬ ‫ילד‬

‫ישראל‬ ‫מלכו‬ ‫מלך‬ .1

‫ש י נה‬ ‫ח ח־ו‬ ­‫ הד ו‬.2

‫ספ ורט‬ ‫בגדו‬ ‫בגד‬ *3

‫אח יך‬ ‫נכדו‬ ‫נב ך‬ .4

‫ילד ים‬ ‫סרט ו‬ ‫סרט‬ .5

‫של ום‬ ‫ח־כו‬ ‫דו ר‬ *6

‫הק יץ‬ ‫חוך שו‬ ‫חוד ש‬ .7

A nsw ers:
‫ חודשי הקיץ‬.7 ‫ ךךכי שלום‬.6 ‫ סן טי ילדים‬.5 ‫ נכדי אחיך‬.4 ‫ בגדי ספורט‬.3 ‫ חדרי שינה‬.2 ‫ מלכי ישראל‬.1
chod-SHEI dar-CHEI seer-TEI nech-DEI beeg-DEI chad-REI mal-CHE!

Adding possessive endings to plural segolate nouns

The principles involved in adding possessive endings to plural nouns are discussed in detail
in the chapter "Plural Nouns with Possessive Endings" (pp. 67-75). In the present chapter, we
will examine only the changes that take place in the base o f plural segolates when endings are

Let's look at all the possessive forms of ‫( ילךים‬whose original vowel in the singular was
ah ‫)?לד־‬:
the ah group
‫ ילדיהן‬,‫ ילדיהם‬,‫ ילדיכן‬,‫ילדיכם‬ ‫ ילדינו‬,‫ ילדיה‬,‫ ילדיו‬,‫ ילדייןז‬,‫ ילדיך‬,‫ילדיי‬ :‫ילד ים‬
‫ ! י‬T
... yal-dei-CHEM ... ye-la-DE-cha, ye-la-DAI ye-la-DEEM
Look at the last four forms, whose endings ar e: ‫ה ן‬- , ‫הם‬- ,‫כן‬- , ‫כם‬-.

23 Some speakers pronounce the words like this without an ei vowel: yal-de-CHEM.

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

Q: To what base are these endings added?

A: To a base that begins with an ah vowel. This is exactly the same base as appears in ‫( ילדו‬his
child) - the singular noun with possessive endings - and in ‫( ילדי הגן‬kindergarten children)
- the plural smeechoot form.

In the following examples we see the exact same phenomenon: The base o f the last four forms
of plural segolate nouns is the same as that o f the singular noun with possessive endings and
of the plural smeechoot form:

the ee group (‫ ספר‬book)

‫ינו‬-,‫־יה‬,‫יו‬-,‫ייך‬-,‫יך‬- ,‫ספריי‬ )‫(ספרי תורה‬ 0 ‫(ספר‬ :‫ספךים‬ ‫הן‬-,‫הם‬-,‫כן‬- ,‫ספריכם‬
...seef-rei-CHEM ...sfa-RE-cha, sfa-RAI seef-REI- seef-RO sfa-REEM

the oh group )‫ צרך ך‬need(

‫הן‬-,‫הם‬-,‫־כן‬,‫ ןכיכם‬1 ‫צ‬ ‫ינו‬-,‫־יה‬,‫־יו‬,‫ייך‬-,‫יך‬- ,‫צרכיי‬ )‫ךכי הילד‬1 ‫(צ‬ )‫(צוךכו‬ :‫צרכים‬
• T !

... tsor-chei-CHEM ... tsra-CHE-cha, tsra-CHAI tsor-CHEI tsor-KO tsra-CHEEM

In plurals that end in ‫)* ת‬-, we find the same phenomenon. Note that here all the base forms with
possessive endings contain the changed vowel:

the ah group (‫ עצם‬bone)

,‫ינו‬-,‫יה‬-,‫יו‬-,‫ייך‬-,‫יך‬- ,‫עצמותיי‬ )‫(עצמות הגוף‬ )‫(עצמו‬ :‫עצמות‬ ‫־הן‬,‫הם‬-,‫כן‬-, ‫עצמותיכם‬
, 'ats-mo-TAI 'ats-MOT- ’ats-MO 'a-tsa-MOT

the ee group )‫ רגש‬emotion(

‫הן‬-,‫הם‬-,‫כן‬-,‫ךגשותיכם‬ ,‫ינו‬-,‫יה‬-,‫־יו‬,‫ייך‬-,‫יך‬- ,‫תשותיי‬ 24 )‫( ת שו ת אשמה‬ )‫(ת שו‬ :‫ת שות‬
...reeg-sho-TAI reeg-SHOT- reeg-SHO re-ga-SHOT

In segolate plural forms that end in ‫יים‬:, all the forms, including the regular plural, contain the
same vowel as the singular form with the ending 0 ‫בךכ‬,‫)גו־בו‬:

the ah group )‫ גרב‬sock(

‫הן‬-,‫הם‬-,‫כן‬-,‫גךביכם‬ ,‫ינו‬-,‫יה‬-,‫־יו‬,‫־ייך‬,‫יך‬- ,‫גרביי‬ )‫(גרבי צמר‬ )‫(גרבי‬ :‫גרביים‬
...gar-BAI gar-BEl- gar-BO gar-BA-yeem

24 The form -‫ מש י‬is also used in the plural smeechoot ‫ ת ש י אשמה‬.

II. Nouns / 6. Segolate Nouns

the ee group )‫ ברך‬knee(

‫הן‬-,‫הם‬-,‫כן‬-,‫בךכיכם‬ ,‫ינו‬-,‫יה‬-,‫יו‬-,‫־ייך‬,‫ ־יך‬,‫בו־כיי‬ )‫(בךכי הילד‬ )‫(ברכו‬ :‫בןכיים‬ beer-KEI-beer-KO beer-KA-yeem

In the oh group, all the forms - including the regular one (‫ )אוזן‬- have an oh vowel at the

the oh group (‫ אוזן‬ear)

,‫ינו‬-,‫יה‬-,‫יו‬-,‫ייך‬-,‫יך‬- ,‫אוזניי‬ )‫(אוזני המן‬ )‫(אוזנו‬ ‫אוזניים‬ ‫הן‬-,‫הם‬-,‫כן‬-,‫אוזניכם‬ ■C
...'0Z-NAI 'oz-NEI 'oz-NO 'oz-MA-yeem

As you can see from all of the examples above, if you know one of the forms that contains
the changed vowel - i.e., the singular noun with possessive endings (e.g., ‫)בךכו‬, the plural
smeechoot form (e. g. , ‫ )בךכ י‬or the changed base of the plural noun with endings (e. g. , ‫)בךכ י י‬
- you know them all!

Let's review
♦ When possessive endings are added to plural segolates that end in 7 ‫ים‬, the base
changes in the last four forms only (‫ יהן‬- ,‫יהם‬- ,‫יכן‬- ,‫ יכם‬-). The vowel in these
forms is the same vowel as in the singular noun with possessive endings and
as in the plural smeechoot form:

‫יהן‬- ,‫יהם‬- ,‫יכן‬- ,‫ילךיכם‬ ‫ילדיי‬ )‫השכנים‬-‫(ילדי‬ )‫(ילדו‬ :‫ילדים‬ ->

...val-dei-CHEM ve-la-DAI yal-DEI- yal-DO ye-la-DEEM

♦ When possessive endings are added to plural segolates ending in ‫ות‬- and ‫יים‬:,
the base in all forms is the same as that of the singular noun with possessive
endings, as in:

‫הן‬-,‫הם‬-,‫כן‬-,‫עצמותיכם‬ ‫עצמותיי‬ )‫הגוף‬

...'ats-mo-TAI 'ats-MOT- 'ats-MO 'a-tsa-MOT

‫הן‬-,‫הם‬-,‫כן‬-,‫בךכיכם‬ ‫בךכיי‬ )‫(ברכי הילד‬ )‫(בךכו‬ :‫בךכיים‬ beer-KEI- beer-KO beer-K4-yeem

Q Verbal Nouns ‫ ת פעולה‬1‫שמ‬

• What is verbal noun?
‫ ״‬Automatic verbal noun forms
• Non-au tomatic verbal noun forms

• What is a verbal noun?

Read the following sentences:
.‫שמעתי שפתח ו את הכביש החדש בטקס חגיגי‬ ‫>*־‬
I heard that they opened the new highway with a festive ceremony.
.‫שמעתי על הפתיחה החגיגית של הכביש החדש‬
T * :

I heard about the festive opening of the new highway.

In the first sentence, the verb ‫ פתח ו‬tells us what action was taken.

Q: What word in the second sentence expresses the same idea as the verb ‫?פתח ו‬

A: The noun ‫( פתיחה‬opening). We refer to this as a verbal noun (1,( ‫ שם פעולה‬i.e., a noun that
expresses the same idea as a verb .2

Let's look at some more examples of verbal nouns in Hebrew:

The guard fell asleep after three hours of guarding. .‫השומר נרדם אחרי שלוש שעות שמירה‬
T * :
(=after he guarded for three hours) )‫(=אחרי ששמ ר שלוש שעות‬

The students learn driving in school. .‫התלמידים לומדים נהיגה בבית הספר‬
T • :

(=110w to drive) )‫(=איך נוהג ים‬

1 In grammar books, verbal nouns are often called gerunds. However, the term gerund in English is limited to
verbal nouns that end in "-ing." Sometimes, the English equivalent of a Hebrew verbal noun does not end in
"-ing" and. thus, is not a gerund.
The Hebrew term ‫ =( שם פעולה‬the noun or name of the action) may be misleading since not all verbs and
verbal nouns denote actions, for example: ‫( לעמוד‬to stand), ‫( עמידה‬standing) denote a state, not an action.
2 See Haiim B. Rosen, 1977, p. 160.

II. Nouns / 7. Verbal Nouns

All the Hebrew verbal nouns we have presented so far have the same form: ‫□□ י □ ה‬. This is
because they are all related to verbs in the same beenyan : pa'al (‫ נהג‬,‫ פתח‬,‫)שמר‬. The verbal
nouns of other beenyaneem have different forms and will be discussed below . 3 But before we
look at other verbal noun forms in Hebrew, let's look at several questions that relate to all verbal
nouns. We will use the form ‫ □ □ י □ ה‬as our example.

The English equivalents o f Hebrew verbal nouns

Q: What are the English equivalents of the verbal nouns mentioned above: ‫ פ תי ח ה‬, ‫ שמירה‬and
‫?נ היג ה‬

A: All three are translated as nouns with an -ing ending: opening, guarding and driving. This
is often, but not always, the case. For example, the word ‫ מכירה‬can be translated as sale, as
.‫מכירת סמים אסורה ברוב המדינות‬
The sale (=selling) of drugs is forbidden in most countries.

Thus, when you translate from English to Hebrew, you have to be aware that a variety of forms
in English (here, both selling and sale) can be rendered in Hebrew using the form o f a Hebrew
verbal noun.

Uses o f the Hebrew verbal noun form

Now let's take a further look at the uses of the verbal noun form in Hebrew.

Read the following sentence containing the verb ‫( סתם‬to fill a cavity/hole):

The dentist filled the cavity in Gali's tooth. .‫השיניים סתם את החור בשן של גלי רופא‬ **C

Here is the verbal noun that expresses the same idea as the verb ‫ ס ת ם‬:

Filling the cavity took fifteen minutes. .‫ס תי מ ת החור נמשכה רבע שעה‬ ■<C
(not in smeechoot. ‫) ס תי מ ה‬

In a different context, this same verbal noun form can have a different meaning:

Gali has a new filling. .-‫לגלי יש ס תי מ ה חדשהי‬

In this last sentence, the verbal noun form is used to denote the new "thing" in Gali's mouth.
Often, as in this case, this "thing" is the result o f the action denoted by the verb. In this sentence,
the noun ‫( ס תי מ ה‬a filling) has the form o f a verbal noun, but not the meaning. In contrast, ‫ס תי מ ה‬
in the previous sentence is a verbal noun in both form and meaning.

3 For more on the seven beenyaneem, see the chapter "Patterns of Verbs,‫ ״‬pp. 361-368.

II. Nouns / 7. Verbal Nouns

Note: Words whose meaning is that of a verbal noun generally do not appear in the plural .4
When the meaning is that of a regular noun, the word may appear in its singular or plural form
(e.g., ‫ סת י מ ו ת‬fillings).

In some cases, a noun that has the form of a verbal noun has the meaning only o f a
regular noun, for example:

The students wrote (listed) their names on the list. .‫התלמ יד ים רשמ ו א ת ש מ ם ברש ימה‬

Here the noun ‫( רש ימה‬a list) denotes only what results from the action (‫ רשמ ו‬listed).

Please note: In textbooks, both uses of ‫ ס ת י מ ה‬, as well as nouns like ‫רש ימה‬, are often referred
to as verbal nouns ( ‫) ש מ ו ת פע ולה‬. When this is the case, it is actually the form o f the word that
is being referred to and not necessarily its meaning. The truth is that often it is difficult to
determine whether a word is a verbal noun in meaning - i.e., whether it expresses the same idea
as its verb or whether it expresses the result of the verb.

• Automatic verbal noun forms

Beenyan pa’al (‫)פעל‬
As we mentioned in the introduction above, the words ‫פת יחה‬, ‫שמ ירה‬, ‫ נה יגה‬and ‫ סת ימ ה‬all have
7 T ‘ : 7 T 7 : ‫־‬ T • : t ■:

the same form (‫ )□□ יכ וה‬because they correspond to verbs from the same beenyan. p a ’al.

Here are the infinitives and past tense ‫ הוא‬forms that correspond to these verbal nouns:

v e rb a l noun p a st tense in fin itiv e ■

‫שם פעולה‬ ‫עבר‬ ‫שם פועל‬
‫ס ה‬T‫!□ י□ י‬ >= □ □□ ‫־־‬ T
4= □‫לפסו‬
‫פת י ח ה‬
T * !
‫הוא פ ת ח‬
‫־‬ T
‫לפת וח‬
T ‫־‬ !
‫הוא שמר‬
‫־־‬ T
T ‫! י‬
‫הוא נהג‬
‫ ־־‬T
‫סתימה‬ ‫הוא ס ת ם‬ ‫לסתום‬

4 In today's use, sometimes even verbal nouns may have a plural form, as in:
.‫> במהלך הבדיקות חל שיפור במצבו של החולה‬
In the course of testing, an improvement took place in the patient's condition.
.‫המשטרה עצרה עשרות אנשים במהלך החיפושים אחרי ההשוד‬
The police arrested tens of people in the course of searching for the suspect.

II. Nouns / 7. Verbal Nouns

The ‫ □ □ י □ ה‬pattern is the most common verbal noun pattern for verbs in beenyan pa'al. For
this reason, it is often called the ” autom atic” verbal noun, i.e., a verbal noun whose pattern is
predictable. Other verbal noun patterns of pa'al will be discussed below, after we look at the
"automatic" verbal noun patterns o f the other beenyaneem.

Note: Since the passive beenyaneem - poo'al and hoofal - don't have their own verbal nouns,
they use the verbal nouns o f their active counterparts: pee'el and heefeel , respectively.

Beenyan pee’el (‫)פיעל‬

Here are examples of the "automatic" verbal noun o f beenyan pee'el.

verb: .‫אס ור לז־בר בטלפ ו ן סלולרי בזמן הש יעור‬

It is forbidden to speak on a cell phone during class.

verbal noun: ,‫הז־יבור בטלפ ו ן סלולרי בזמן השיעור אס ור‬

Speaking on a cell phone during class is forbidden.

verb: It is not healthy to smoke cigarettes. .‫לא בריא לעש ן סיגריות‬

verbal noun: Smoking is not health}.‫העישון אינו בריא‬ ‫׳‬-.

verbal noun past tense infinitive
‫שם פעולה‬ ‫עבר‬ ‫שם פועל‬
‫□♦□ו‬ >= □ ‫□י ם‬ >= □ ‫□ לס ש‬
‫ךיבור‬ ‫הוא דיבר‬ ‫לז־בר‬
‫עישון‬ ‫הוא עישן‬ ‫לעש ן‬

Notice that the first syllable of the verbal noun ( □ ‫ )□ י ש ו‬is the same as that o f the past tense
verb ( □ ‫)□ י ם‬.

As we saw above, here and in other beenyaneem, too, we have examples of nouns whose form
is that of a verbal noun, but whose meaning is not, as in:

1 read an interesting stoiv. .‫קראתי סיפור מעניין‬

The noun ‫ סיפור‬happens to denote the result of the actions ‫ סיפ ר‬/‫( לספ ר‬to tell).

I ll
II. Nouns / 7. Verbal Nouns

The verbal noun of pee'el serves also as the verbal noun o f its passive counterpart:
poo'al. Thus , ‫( תיקון‬fixing) expresses the same idea as the following verbs:
active: The technician fixed the di yer yesterday. .5*-‫י יבש הכב יסה אתמ ו ל‬
passive : The dryer was fixed yesterday. .‫מ י יבש הכב יסה ת וק ן אתמ ו ל‬
verbal noun o f both:
We pai d a lot for the fixing of the dryer. .‫שילמנו הרבה על תיקון המ ייבש‬

Beenyan heet pa’el (‫)התפעל‬

Here are examples of the "automatic" verbal noun form o f beenyan heetpa'el:

verb: The Knesset member opposed the new law. .‫חבר ה כ נסת הת נ גד לח וק ה ח דש‬ **C
verbal noun: .‫חבר ה כ נסת הב יע התנגדות לח וק ה ח דש‬
The Knesset member expressed opposition to the new law.

verb: The child is developing nicely. .‫ה ילד מ ת פ ת ח יפה‬ •<C

verbal noun: .‫הה ור ים ד יבר ו עם הר ופא על התפתחות ה ילד‬
The parents spoke with the doctor about the child's development.

v e rb a l noun p a st tense in fin itiv e ■
‫שם פעולה‬ ‫עבר‬ ‫שם פועל‬

‫ה ת ם ם םו ת‬ □‫התסם‬ □‫להתסם‬
‫התנגדות‬ ‫ה וא הת נ גד‬ ‫להת נ גד‬
‫התפתחות‬ ‫ה וא ה ת פ ת ח‬ ‫להתפתח‬

Notice that in heetpa'el the form of the verbal noun is very similar to its infinitive and past tense
forms. We take the past tense form and add ‫ ות‬- to the end. When this ending is added, the vowel
before it "reduces": it is usually not pronounced (‫ הת נ גד ות‬heet-nag-D O O T ) and is written as a
shva (□).

Beenyan heef eel (‫)הפעיל‬

Here are examples o f the "automatic" verbal noun o f beenyan heef eel:

verb: We didn't manage to record the program. .‫וכנית‬

verbal noun: .‫ההקלטה של הת וכנית לא הצל יחה‬
1‫ ד ד‬:-
The recording of the program didn't work out

II. Nouns / 7. Verbal Nouns

verb : .‫הבחורה שהדריכה את הקבוצה שלנו בירושלים הייתה מצוינת‬

The young woman who guided our group in Jerusalem was excellent.

verbal noun : .‫ההדרכה בטיול בירושלים הייתה מצוינת‬ T T !

The guiding on the tour in Jerusalem was excellent.

In the ease of beenyan heefeel , the "automatic" verbal noun begins with the sound ha found
in the infinitive form. All of its vowels are ah, as in ‫( ה ר גש ה‬har-ga-S H A - feeling) and ‫ה זמ נ ה‬
(haz-m a-N A - invitation). Its pattern is: ‫ ה □ □ □ ה‬.

verbal noun past tense infinitive **C.
‫שם פעולה‬ ‫עבר‬ ‫שם פועל‬
‫ה מ ס י ס => ה ס ס ס ה‬
‫הוא הקליט הקלטה‬
‫הוא הךךיןזהךךכה‬

The passive beenyan hoofal shares the verbal noun of its active partner, beenyan heefeel.

active: Moshe recorded his new song yesterday. .‫משה הקליט את השיר החדש שלו אתמול‬
passive: The new song was recorded yesterday. .‫השיר החדש הוקלט אתמול‬
verbal noun o f both:
The quality of the recording is excellent. .‫איכות ההקלטה מצוינת‬

Beenyan neef al (‫)נפעל‬

Here is an example of the verbal noun associated with beenyan neefal:

verb: .‫רבים נדבקו בשפעת בשנה שעברה‬

Many people got (were infected with) the flu last year.

verbal noun: .‫הרופאים מנסים למנוע את הידבקות האוכלוסייה בשפעת‬

The doctors are trying to prevent the population from getting (being infected with) the flu.

This verbal noun form is similar to the infinitive form o f neefal (‫)לה ידבק‬. Just remove the
‫ ל־‬and add ‫ות‬-: ‫ הידבקות‬. Notice that the vowel before the ending "reduces" and usually is not
pronounced: ‫( הידבקות‬hee-dav-KOOT).

II. Nouns / 7. Verbal Nouns

v e rb a l noun past tense in fin itiv e ‫**־‬C
‫שם פעולה‬ ‫עבר‬ ‫שם פועל‬

‫הי ם ם םו ת‬
: T
□□□‫נ‬ □ □ ‫להים‬
T ‘ !

‫הידבקות‬ ‫הוא נז־בק‬ ‫להידבק‬

While the ‫ ה י ם □ □ ות‬form exists for some neefaf verbs, many verbs in neefal tend to
use the verbal noun of other beenyaneem , especially of pa'al , for example:

verb: .‫א סו ר להיכנס ל מ עבד ה של הפיזיקאי‬

It is forbidden to enter the physicist's laboratory.
verbal noun (like pa'al): Entrance (=entering) is forbidden. .‫הכניסה א סו ר ה‬
verb: > - ‫? מ תי אפ שר להירשם ל קו ר ס החד ש‬
‫י‬ •• T :

When is it possible to register for the new course?

verbal noun (like heefeel): when does registration begin? ?‫מ תי ההך שמה מ ת חי ל ה‬

Did you know?

Variations caused by special roots
The following variations in the forms of verbal nouns are caused by special roots.
The changes are highlighted here and are discussed in the chapters on gutturals
and on verbs with special roots.

heef'eel ‫הפעיל‬ heetpa'el ‫התפעל‬ pee'el ‫פיעל‬ pa 'al ‫פעל‬

T T J ‫־‬
‫ה ת ם ם םו ת‬ □ ‫□י שו‬ ‫□ □י ס ה‬

model forms:
‫ הרגשה‬- ‫להרגיש‬ ‫ התקךמות‬- ‫להתקדם‬ ‫ דיבור‬- ‫לדבר‬ ‫ כתיבה‬- ‫לכתוב‬ •‫>־‬

initial‫(פ״נ) נ׳‬ initial ‫ ז׳‬,'‫ צ‬,'0 ,'‫ש‬,‫ש׳‬ middle ‫ א׳‬or ‫ו׳‬ initial guttural
‫ הכרה‬- ‫ להפיר‬:‫ר‬-‫כ‬-‫נ‬
TT ‫־‬ • ‫־‬ !
‫ השתתפות‬- ‫ להשתתף‬:‫פ‬-‫ת‬-‫ש‬ ‫ תיאור‬- ‫ לתאר‬:‫ר‬-‫א‬-‫ת‬
.. T :
‫ עמידה‬- ‫ לעמוד‬:‫ע מ ד‬
‫ הפלה‬- ‫ להפיל‬:‫ל‬-‫פ‬-‫נ‬ ‫ הסתכלות‬- ‫ להסתכל‬:‫ל‬-‫כ‬-‫ס‬ ‫ פירוש‬- ‫ לפרש‬:‫ש‬-‫ר‬-‫פ‬ ‫ אכילה‬- ‫ לאכול‬:‫ל‬-‫כ‬-‫א‬

initial ‫(פ״י) י׳‬ four-letter roots four-letter roots initial ‫(פ״י) י׳‬
‫ הורדה‬- ‫ להוריד‬:‫ד‬-‫ר‬-‫י‬ ‫ התארגנות‬- ‫ להתארגן‬:‫נ‬-‫ג‬-‫ר‬-‫א‬ ‫ ארגון‬- ‫ לארגן‬:‫נ‬-‫ג‬-‫ר‬-‫א‬ ‫ ישיבה‬- ‫ לשבת‬:‫ב‬-‫ש‬-‫י‬
T • I V V T

‫ הודעה‬- ‫ להודיע‬:‫י ד ע‬ ‫ שחרור‬- ‫ לשחרר‬:‫ש ח ר ר‬ ‫ ירידה‬- ‫ לרדת‬:‫ד‬-‫ר‬-‫י‬

II. Nouns / 7. Verbal Nouns

heef'eel ‫הפעיל‬ heetpa'el ‫התפעל‬ pee'el ‫פיעל‬ pa'al ‫פעל‬

‫הםםםה‬ T T ! ‫־‬
‫ה ת ם ם םו ת‬ □ ‫□י סו‬ ‫□□*□ ה‬
! * T

middle ‫׳‬or 1 '‫י‬ middle '‫י‬ middle '1 or '‫י‬

)‫ ע״י‬,‫(ע״ו‬ )<‫(ע״‬ )‫ ע״י‬,‫(ע״ו‬
‫ הכנה‬- ‫ להכין‬:‫נ‬-‫ו‬-‫כ‬
T T ‫־‬: * T !
‫ טיול‬- ‫לטייל‬ : ‫ל‬- ‫ י‬- ‫ט‬ ‫טיס ה‬
T *
- ‫ל טוס‬T :‫ס‬-‫ו‬-‫ט‬
‫ הבנה‬- ‫ להבין‬:‫ב־י־ג‬
T T ■! ‫ י‬T !
‫ ציור‬- ‫לצייר‬ : ‫ר‬- ‫ י‬- ‫צ‬ ‫ שירה‬- ‫ לשיר‬:‫ר‬-‫י‬-‫ש‬

final ‫ י׳‬or ‫ה׳‬ final '‫ י‬or ‫ה׳‬

)‫ל״י(ל״ה‬ )‫ל׳׳י(ל׳ה‬
‫ שינוי‬- ‫ לשנות‬:‫י‬-‫נ‬-‫ש‬ ‫ בנייה‬- ‫לבנות‬ : ‫ י‬-‫נ‬-‫ב‬

‫ בילוי‬- ‫לבלות‬ : ‫ י‬- ‫ל‬- ‫ב‬ ‫ קנייה‬- ‫לקנות‬ : ‫ י‬-‫נ‬-‫ק‬

Verbal nouns in smeechoot

Like other nouns, verbal nouns can be a part of a smeechoot phrase . 5 As is the case with other
nouns, when verbal nouns are in the final position in the phrase, they do not change, as in:
‫( שעות פ תי חה‬opening hours). However, when a verbal noun is in a non-final position in a smeechoot
- e.g., the first word in a two-word phrase ( ‫ פ תי ח ת הבנק‬the opening of the bank) or one o f the first
two words in a three-word phrase ( ‫ הו פ ע ת מלכת אנגליה‬the appearance of the Queen of England), the
form changes if it ends in ‫( ^ה‬ah).

Here are the "automatic" verbal nouns that end in ‫( ; ה‬ah) and change in the non-final position
of a smeechoot phrase:

1. Beenyan pa'al. ‫□ □ * □ ה‬
(the) writing of letters, letter writing ‫כתיבת (ה)מכתבים‬ >= ‫ מכתבים‬+ ‫** כתיבה‬C
(the) closing of windows ‫ חלונות => סגירת (ה)חלונות סגירה‬+

2. Beenyan h eef eel: ‫ה ם ם ם ה‬

(the) inviting of guests ‫הז מנ ת (ה)אורחים הזמנה‬ >= ‫ אורחים‬+
(the) lighting of candles ‫הךל קת (ה)נרותהךללןה‬ >= ‫ נרות‬+

The form o f the other verbal noun patterns (‫ )משלןלים‬mentioned above does not change since
they do not end in ‫ה‬- (ah): ‫( תיקון המכונית‬the fixing of the car), ‫( ה תקד מו ת הילדים‬the progress of the
children), ‫( הידבקות האוכלוסייה‬the infection of the population).

5 On smeechoot, see the chapter "Smeechoot," pp. 170-188.

II. Nouns / 7. Verbal Nouns

Let's review
♦ A verbal noun is a noun that expresses the same idea as a verb. The English
equivalent often has an -ing ending, as in ‫( שמירה‬guarding) and ‫( נהיגה‬driving), but
this is not always the case (e.g., ‫ מכירה‬sale).

♦ In Hebrew the pattern of the verbal noun is usually determined by the beenyan
to which the corresponding verb belongs. We call the most common verbal
noun pattern of each beenyan its "automatic" verbal noun.

- These are the four most common verbal noun forms:

heefeel ‫בניי ן הפע י ל‬ heetpa'ei ‫בניין הת פ ע ל‬ / w W ‫בניי ן פ יע ל‬ p a 'a i ‫<■ בניין פע ל‬C

T T J “
‫ה ת ס ס סו ת‬
: ‫־‬ : *
‫ ס‬-‫סי סו‬ *
‫ס סי ס ה‬
T * 5

‫ התשה‬- ‫לה ו ־ג יש‬ ‫ התקדמות‬- ‫ל הת ק ד ם‬ ‫ל דב י ־ דיבור‬ ‫ כתיבה‬- ‫לכת וב‬

‫ הקלטה‬- ‫להק ל יט‬ ‫ התפתחות‬- ‫ל ה ת פ ת ס‬ ‫ עישון‬- ‫לעש ן‬ ‫ בדילןה‬- ‫לבד וק‬

If a verb is in one of these beenyaneem, there's a good chance that its verbal
noun will be in the form indicated here.

- The following verbal noun pattern is associated with beenyan neefal.

n e e fa l ‫ ב נ י י ן נ פ ע ל‬- * <

‫הי ס ס סו ת‬
: T

‫ היד ב קו ת‬- ‫להידבק‬

Neefal verbs often tend to use the verbal noun of other beenyaneem rather
than this form.

The exclusively passive beenyaneem poo’al and h o o f at - use the verbal

noun of their active partners, pee'el and heefeel, respectively.

W ant to see if you've understood?

W r it e the " a u to m a tic " v e rb a l n o u n o f th e v e rb s in p a re n th e s e s .

.‫ יש ______________ ר ב ה בעבודתו של הס טודנט‬.‫ו‬


.‫ משפרת את ההבנה‬,______________ ‫ ה‬.‫ ח שוב לקרוא ספרים‬.2


.‫ בילינו שעות ב ______________ ה מ פ ת חו ת שלנו‬.3


II. Nouns / 7. Verbal Nouns

. ‫ לבח ור ה זה יש ______________של יל ית על החבר ים של ו‬.4

)‫(להשפ יע‬

. ‫ המ נהלת ב יקשה לדבר עם הה ור ים של אחד התלמ יד ים בגלל ה ______________הבע י ית ית של ו‬. 5

. ‫ שמ ואל מב זב ז שע ות על ______________ה נ י יר ות במשרד ו‬.6

. ‫______________________________________________ הש ופט‬
)‫(להחל יט‬

. ‫______________________________________________ העב ודה בספר ות‬

A n s w e rs :
‫ כת יבת‬.8 ‫ החלטת‬.7 ‫ סידור‬.6 ‫ הת נהג ות‬.5 ‫ השפעה‬.4 ‫ ח יפ וש‬.3 ‫ קר יאה‬.2 ‫ התקדמ ות‬.1

• Non-automatic verbal noun forms

In addition to the "automatic" forms discussed in the preceding section, there are other, less
common patterns of verbal nouns associated with some of the beenyaneem. Since each o f these
verbs and its verbal noun must be learned individually, we are labeling these as "non-automatic."
Here are some examples:

heefeel ‫בניין הפעיל‬ pee'el ‫בניין פיעל‬ pa'al ‫בניין פעל‬

‫□□□ם‬ ‫□□□ה‬ T T ‫־‬

‫□ □ □ה‬
T ,‫־‬ !

‫ המשך‬- ‫להמ שיך‬ ‫ בק שה‬- ‫לבקש‬ ‫ שרפה‬- ‫לשח־ף‬

continuing, - to continue requesting, - to request burning - to bum
continuation request
‫ הסבר‬- ‫להסביר‬ ‫ קבלה‬- ‫לקבל‬
T T ‫־׳‬ .
‫ גנבה‬- ‫לגנוב‬
T ‫! ״‬ 5 ‫י‬

explaining, - to explain receiving, - to receive stealing, - to steal

explanation receipt theft

‫□□□ה‬T T !




worrying, - to worry
6‫ צע קה‬- ‫לצעוק‬
yelling, - to yell

6 It can be argued that ‫( צעקה‬and perhaps also ‫ )דאגה‬are not verbal nouns in meaning. We have included them
here since they are presented as such in many grammar books (see, for example, Mazal Cohen-Weidenfeld,
2000, vol. I., p. 84).

II. Nouns / 7. Verbal Nouns

Notice that the variations listed under beenyan pa'al (‫ שרפה‬and ‫ )צעלןה‬are similar to the
"automatic" verbal noun (‫ )כתיבה‬in that they all begin with a shva and end in ‫; ה‬.
It is the vowel after the second consonant (letter) that differs in each variation:

‫בךילןה‬ ‫כתיבה‬ :‫^ □ מי ס ה‬

T ‫י יי‬
‫שרפה‬ :‫□ □ □ ה‬
T T !
:‫□ □ □ ה‬
T T :

"Borrowing‫״‬forms from other beenyaneem

Sometimes a verb in one beenyan uses the "automatic" verbal noun pattern of another beenyan.
Here's an example:

verb : I want to learn Italian. ,‫אני רוצה ללמוד איטלקית‬

verbal noun : I bought a book for learning Italian.,‫קניתי ספר ללימוד איטלקית‬

The verb ‫( ללמוד‬to study) belongs to beenyan pa'al, yet when we want to talk about the act of
studying, we say ‫לימוד‬. This is the "automatic" verbal noun form of beenyan pee'el, like ‫דיבור‬
and 7.‫ עישון‬Here are some more such "borrowings" from pee'el:

verbal noun verb

dancing, a dance - to dance ‫ ריקוד‬- ‫לרקוד‬
conquering, conquest - to conquer ‫ כיבוש‬- ‫לכבוש‬
cutting, a cut - to cut ‫ חיתוך‬- ‫לחתייר‬

Beenyan heetpa'el also "likes" to borrow the pee'el verbal noun form, for example:
using, use - to use ‫ שימוש‬- ‫להשתמש‬
arguing, argum ent-to argue ‫ ויכוח‬- ‫להתווכח‬

On the other hand, we find that beenyan pee'el itself may do some borrowing:

playing (a musical instrument) - to play 8‫ נגינה‬- ‫לנגן‬

laundering, laundry - to launder ‫ כביסה‬- ‫לכבס‬

In these examples, pee'el has borrowed from beenyan pa'al.

7 Actually, in the case of this verb, the "automatic" verbal noun ‫ למידה‬does exist, but is used mainly in technical
terms connected with psychology and education, such as: ‫( בעיות למידה‬learning disabilities) and ‫תהליך הלמידה‬
(the learning process).
8 The word ‫ ניגון‬also exists, but not as a verbal noun. ‫ ניגון‬means "a melody" (especially Chassidic).

II. Nouns / 7. Verbal Nouns

As mentioned in the previous section, neefal also "likes" to borrow from pa'al , but not
exclusively, for example:

entering, entrance - to enter 5*‫* ־ כניסה להיכנס‬

registering, registration - to register ‫ להיר שם‬- ‫הרשמה‬

Here ‫ כניסה‬is borrowed from pa'al , while ‫ הרשמה‬is from heefeel.

Since it is impossible to predict if or when a verb will borrow its verbal noun form from another
beenyan, we have to learn these forms, too, as "non-automatic" verbal nouns.

Other forms o f verbal nouns

The verbal noun of some verbs has a form that is different from any of the verbal noun patterns
listed above. These are also often referred to as "non-automatic" verbal nouns. Many o f these
nouns serve also as regular nouns.

Here are some examples:

Pa'al ‫פעל‬
The writer worked for five years on his new book. .5‫הסופר עבד ח מ ש שנים על ספרו ה חד ש‬ ‫״״‬C
.‫הסופר ה ש קיע ח מ ש שנים בעבודה על הספר‬
The writer invested five years in work on the book.

‫ה מ ש ט רה חו ש ד ת שה אי ש רצח א ת ש מ ג‬
The police suspects that the man murdered his neighbor.
The man is suspected of murdering his neighbor. 9.‫האי ש ח שוד ברצח שכנו‬

Our parents will move in the summer. *?‫ההורים שלנו יעברו דירה בקי‬
Moving is not an easy undertaking. .‫מעבר דירה הוא פרוי קט לא קל‬

.‫ה ס טו דנ טי ם פתרו א ת כל הבעיו ת ה מ ת מ טיו ת בספר‬

The students solved all the math problems in the book.
10.‫פתרון ב עיו ת מ ת מ טיו ת עוזר ל פי תו ח הח שיבה‬
Solving math problems helps develop one's thinking.

9 The word ‫ רציחה‬also exists, but is less common. It is most frequently used with a possessive ending
(e. g. , ‫ )רצ יחת ו‬or in its plural form (‫)רצ יח ות‬.
10 The word ‫ פתירה‬also exists but is less common. Both ‫ פתרון‬and ‫ פתירה‬are used to denote the act of "solving,"
but only ‫ פתרון‬is used also to denote the result of this act: the solution.

II. Nouns / 7. Verbal Nouns

Pee'el ‫פיעל‬
.‫המורה חילקה את המבחנים לכל התלמידים‬
The teacher gave out the exams to all the students.
1 1 . ‫לכתוב‬ ‫לאחר ס לו ק ת המבחנים כל התלמידים התחילו‬
After the giving out of the exams all the students started writing.

Five actors acted in the performance. .‫חמישה שחקנים שיחקו בהצגה‬

‫ ה מ ש ח ק של השחקן הראשי בהצגה היה מצוין‬.
The acting of the main actor in the play was excellent.

Heetpa'el ‫התפעל‬
When we exert ourselves, our pulse rate goes up. .‫ הדופק עולה‬,‫כשמתאמצים‬
When exerting ourselves, our pulse rate goes up. 1 2 . ‫בשעת מא מץ הדופק עולה‬

Note: Not every verb has a verbal noun. Sometimes verbs that don't have their own verbal noun
use the verbal noun o f a different verb altogether, for example:

waiting - to wait ‫ ה מ תנ ה‬- ‫לחכות‬

verb: .‫החולים לא תמיד מחכים בסבלנות לתור שלהם אצל הרופא‬
The patients don't always wait patiently for their appointment with the doctor.

verbal noun : .‫אחרים בזמן ה ה מ תנ ה לרופא החולים קוראים מגזינים ומדברים עם חולים‬
While waiting for the doctor, the patients read magazines and speak with other patients.

Note: As we have seen above, and as we have noted in the footnotes, some verbs have more
than one verbal noun. Sometimes, both verbal nouns have the same meaning or overlapping
meanings ( ‫ מאמץ‬,‫) התאמצות‬, but one is used more frequently than the other. In some cases, a verb
has more than one meaning and has separate verbal nouns for each meaning (13 .( ‫ חלוקה‬,‫חילוק‬

11 The word ‫ חילוק‬also exists, but has a different meaning: "division," as in "‫( ״כפל וחילוק‬multiplication and
division in arithmetic).
12 The word ‫ התאמצות‬also exists, but is less common.
13 See note 11.

II. Nouns / 7. Verbal Nouns

Did you know?

Verbal nouns and prepositions

Verbal nouns usually take the same preposition as their verbs. Just as we use
‫ על‬in ‫( לשמור על הבניין‬to guard the building), so, too, we use ‫ על‬in ‫השמירה על הבניין‬
(guarding the building); just as the preposition of ‫ לנסוע‬is - ‫ לנסוע לאילת) ל‬to travel
to Eilat), it is also the preposition of the verbal noun ‫נסיעה‬: ‫( הנסיעה לאילת‬traveling
/ the trip to Eilat).

What happens after a verbal noun whose verb is followed by ‫( את‬e.g., ‫?)לאכול את‬
The verbal noun often joins the following word to form a smeechoot phrase ‫־‬

.‫>*־ האורתים אכלו את המרק בתיאבון רב‬

The guests ate the soup w ith a hearty appetite.

.‫המרק אכלו האורחים את המנה העיקרית‬ ‫א כי ל ת‬ ‫לאחר‬

A fte r eating the soup, the guests ate the main course.

Some verbal nouns take a preposition different from that of their verbs, as in:

Ron loves M ic h a l. .‫רון אוהב את מיכל‬

Ron's love for M ic h a l is ve ry strong. .‫מאוד‬ ‫רון למיכל חזקה‬ ‫האהבה של‬

14 Here are some cases in which the verbal noun does not form a smeechoot phrase with the noun that follows it.
Rather, prepositions such as ‫ את‬or ‫ של‬may be used.
L In literary Hebrew, ‫ את‬is sometimes used after a verbal noun, especially if the verbal noun has a possessive
ending, as in:
...‫הודות לאהבתם את אחיהם‬ ...‫> בגלל שנאתם את האויב‬
Thanks to their love for their brothers... Because of their hatred of the enemy...
2. Sometimes ‫ של‬is used after the verbal noun. This is especially common when the verbal noun is the second
noun in a smeechoot phrase, as in:
What is the closing time of this/the store? (‫<■ מהי שעת הסגירה של החנות? (לסגור את‬
Also, when there is an adjective after the verbal noun, we often use the word ‫של‬, as in:
(‫ (לספור את‬.‫ < אחרי הספירה האחרונה של הקולות ידעו מי זכה בבחירות‬.
After the last count of the votes, it will be known/clear who won the elections.

II. Nouns / 7. Verbal Nouns

Let's review
In addition to the "automatic" verbal nouns that we have seen in the previous
section, some verbs have a "non-automatic" verbal noun.

♦ The following are "non-automatic" verbal nouns that are associated with
specific beenyaneem:

h e e fe e l ‫ה פ עי ל‬ p e e 'e l ‫פי ע ל‬ p a 'a l •*‫״‬ ‫פעל‬C

□□□‫ה‬ ‫□□□ה‬ T T ‫־‬

‫□□□ ה‬ T *• 5

‫ המשןז‬- ‫להמשיך‬ ‫ בקשה‬- ‫לבקש‬ ‫ שרפה‬- ‫לשרוף‬

‫ הסבר‬- ‫להסביר‬ ‫ קבלה‬- ‫לקבל‬
t T '‫־‬ ‫־' ״‬ !
‫ גנבה‬- ‫לגנוב‬

‫□□□ה‬ T T !

‫ דאגה‬- ‫לדאוג‬
T T : S *

‫ צעקה‬- ‫לצעוק‬

♦ The verbal nouns of some verbs are "borrowed" from other beenyaneem - and,
thus, the connection between the verb and its verbal noun is "non-automatic,"
for example:

heetpa'el ‫ה ת פ ע ל‬ pee'el ‫פי ע ל‬ n e e fa l ‫נ פ ע ל‬ p a 'a l ‫פ ע ל‬

‫ שימוש‬- ‫להשתמש‬ ‫ נגינה‬- ‫לנגן‬ ‫ כניסה‬- ‫להיכנס‬ ‫ ריקוד‬- ‫לרקוד‬
‫ ויכוח‬- ‫להתווכח‬ ‫ כביסה‬- ‫לכבס‬ ‫ הרשמה‬- ‫להירשם‬ ‫ כיבוש‬- ‫לכבוש‬

♦ Some verbal nouns have none of the patterns listed above. Their form is that
of a regular noun, but at least one of their meanings (and functions) is that of
a verbal noun, for example:

‫ חלוקה‬- ‫לחלק‬
T —J
‫ מעבר‬- ‫לעבור‬ ‫בודה‬: - ‫ לעבוד‬- <
T ‫ ־‬: ‫ ־‬T‫ ־‬:

W ant to see if you've understood?

W r it e the c o rre c t fo rm o f the "n o n -a u to m a tic " v e rb a l n o u n o f th e v e rb in p a re n th e s e s .

.‫שלה‬ .‫ המורה אמרה ל תל מידי ם שהיא ת ש מ ח ל עזור להם ב שעת ה‬. 1


.‫ התלמיד הבין איך לפ תור את התרגיל עוד לפני שהמורה סיים את ה‬. 2

‫‪II. Nouns / 7. Verbal Nouns‬‬

‫‪ _________________ 3‬ה י א מע שה בלתי חוקי‪.‬‬


‫‪ .4‬ל א חר _________________ צ ר פ ת על ידי גרמניה ב מל ח מ ת ה עול ם השנייה‪ ,‬הוקמה בצרפת‬

‫מ מ של ת בובות‪.‬‬

‫‪ .5‬ה ________________ ב ש קיו ת ניילון פוגע בסביבה‪.‬‬


‫‪ .6‬ל א חר ה ________________ ל ק ו ר ס באוני בר סי ט ה צריך ל ש ל ם את ה ת שלו ם הרא שון בבנק‪.‬‬


‫‪ .7‬מי אחראי על _________________ ה עי תוני ם בצפון ירושלים?‬

‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬
‫‪ .7‬חלוקת‬ ‫‪ .6‬הןשמה‬ ‫‪ . 5‬שימוש‬ ‫‪ . 4‬כיבוש‬ ‫‪ .3‬גנבה‬ ‫‪ .2‬הסבר‬ ‫ו‪ .‬קבלה‬

III. Adjectives ‫שמות תואר‬
:In this unit we will discuss the following aspects of adjectives

How Do Adjectives Behave?: Placement and M atching .1

?How Are Adjectives F o rm ed .2
Adjectives Resulting from an Action Taken and Completed .3 )‫ מופעל‬,‫ מפועל‬,‫(פעול‬

:?Q How Do Adjectives Behave

Placement and Matching

Adjectives in noun-adjective phrases • )‫ הילדה הקטנה‬,‫(ילדה קטנה‬
‫ ״‬Adjectives as the predicate o f a sentence ).‫(הילדה קטנה‬

Here's a short passage describing the story "Little Red Riding Hood " .

‫ והיא‬,‫ השיער של הילדה ארוך ומתולתל‬.‫הסיפור מספר על ילדה קטנה שהולכת ביער עם סל גדול‬ -C
‫ והילדה מביאה לה דברים טובים בסל‬,‫ סבתא של הילדה זקנה וחולה‬.‫חובשת כובע אדום מקטיפה‬

This story is about a little girl who is walking in the forest carrying a big basket. The girl's hair is long
and curly, and she is wearing a red hat of velvet. The girl's grandmother is old and , and the girl is
bringing her good tilings in her basket.

The highlighted words in the above passage are all adjectives (‫) שמות תואר‬. They all refer to
a noun and describe it. Adjectives and their nouns can be found in two different kinds of

III. Adjectives / 1. How Do Adjectives Behave? Placement and Matching

a. Noun-adjective phrases
Here are examples from the passage above:
adjective + noun ‫*״*״‬C

a little girl ‫ק טנ ה‬ ‫ילדה‬

a big basket ‫גדול‬ ‫סל‬
a red hat ‫אדו ם‬ ‫כובע‬
good things ‫דברים טובי ם‬

These phrases are not sentences; rather, they appear in the passage as parts o f sentences,

b. Adjectives that are the predicate o f a sentence

The nouns ‫ השיער‬and ‫ סבתא‬are the subjects of the following sentences, while their adjectives
are the predicates. 1

The girl's hair is long and curly. .‫השיער של הילדה ארוך ו מ תו ל תל‬
The girl's grandmother is old and ill. .‫סבתא של הילדה זקנה ו חו ל ה‬

In this chapter, we will deal first with adjectives and their behavior in noun-adjective phrases
(as in section a above). ,After this, we will examine the behavior of adjectives when they are the
predicate of the sentence in which they appear (as in section b above).

• Adjectives in noun-adjective phrases

The adjective comes after its noun
You may recall how surprised Little Red Riding Hood was when she got to her grandmother's
house. In her fearful exclamations, she repeated the same adjective over and over:

Oh, Grandmother, what big ears you have! !‫־‬-*‫אהנ^ם גדולות יש לך״‬
Oh, Grandmother, what big eyes you have! !‫אילו עיניים גדולו ת יש לך‬
Oh, Grandmother, what a large (big!) mouth you have! !‫איזה פה גדול יש לך‬

In both the English and Hebrew versions of these sentences, the adjective ‫( גדול‬big) describes
a noun (ears, eyes, mouth) and - with it - forms a phrase. Now let's look at the differences
between the English and Hebrew.

1 For more on subjects and predicates, see the chapter "Non-Verb Sentences," pp. 705-708.

III. Adjectives / 1. How Do Adjectives Behave? Placement and Matching

Q: What major difference do you see in the placement of the adjective next to the noun it

A: The answer is, of course, that in English the adjective big comes before the noun: "a big
mouth," whereas in Hebrew the adjective ‫ גדול‬comes after the noun:

‫פה גדול‬
In Hebrew, the wolf has "ears big, eyes big and a mouth big."

We can summarize this simply: In Hebrew, the adjective comes after its noun.

A Hebrew adjective has four forms

Little Red Riding Hood brought all kinds o f things to her grandmother's house. Among them
a big basket ‫<■ ס ל גדול‬C
In the basket she carried:
a big cake, ,‫עוגה גדולה‬
four big apples ‫ארבעה ת פו חי ם גדולים‬
and six big cookies .‫ו ש ש עוגיו ת‬ ‫גדולות‬

Q: What difference do you see between the form of the English adjective big and the form of
the Hebrew adjectives?

A: In English, the form of the adjective always stays the same, whereas in Hebrew, the form

Every adjective in Hebrew has not one form, but four! The adjective big in English may appear
in Hebrew, as in the above examples, in one o f the following forms:

‫ ת‬1 ‫ ל‬1 ‫גד‬

T !

An adjective matches its noun

What determines which of the four forms a Hebrew adjective will take?

The noun described by the adjective determines the adjective's form. The adjective in a noun-
adjective phrase matches its noun in gender (m./f), in number (s. Ipi.) and in definiteness.

III. Adjectives / 1. How Do Adjectives Behave? Placement and Matching

1. Matching in gender: Is the noun masculine (1‫ )זכ‬or feminine (‫?)נקבה‬

In Hebrew, a masculine noun is always described by a masculine adjective, as in ‫ילד גדול‬.
A feminine noun is always described by a feminine adjective, as in 2.‫ילדה גדולה‬

Let's look at a few more examples:

‫נקבה‬ ‫זכר‬
feminine masculine
f O f m. <=> m.

‫אישה נ ח מ ד ה‬
T T : V
‫איש נ ח מד‬
T : Y

a nice woman a nice man

‫תלמידה טובה‬
‫ ב‬1 ‫תלמיד ט‬
a good student (f.) a good student (m.)

‫חולצה אדו מה‬

‫ ם‬1‫מעיל אד‬
a red shirt a red coat

Q: What do all the masculine adjectives in these examples have in common?

A: They have no ending. The masculine singular form is always the most basic form o f the
adjective and, thus, is the form listed in the dictionaiy.

Q: ,And what do the feminine adjectives listed above have in common?

A: In all the above examples, the feminine adjective ends in ‫( ;ה‬ah):


This is very often the case. There are, however, other adjectives whose feminine singular ending
is ‫ ת‬-, as in:

‫נקבה‬ ‫זכר‬
feminine masculine
f f m. m.

‫תוכנית מעניינת‬ ‫ספר מעניין‬

an interesting program an interesting book

‫ארוחה נהדרת‬ ‫סרט נהדר‬

T ! V

a wonderful meal a wonderful movie

2 On gender, see the chapter "The Gender of Nouns," pp. 18-33.

III. Adjectives / 1. How Do Adjectives Behave? Placement and Matching

We will deal in the next chapter ("How Are Adjectives Formed?") with the question of which
ending a given feminine singular adjective will take. The important point to remember is: The
feminine singular adjective (unlike the noun) always ends in either ‫ה‬- or 3.-‫ת‬

2. Matching in number: Is the noun singular (‫ )יחיד‬or plural (‫?)רבים‬

Let's look at the following examples of adjectives added to singular and plural nouns:

‫רבים‬ ‫יחיד‬
plural singular
p i <=> pi sing. <=> sing.

masculine : big children ‫ילדים גדולים‬ ‫ילד גדול‬ T

interesting books ‫ספרים מעניינים‬ ‫ספר מעניין‬

red apples ‫תפוחים אדומים‬ ‫תפוח אדום‬T

feminine : big girls ‫ילדות גדולות‬ ‫ילדה גדולה‬

T :

blue shirts ‫חולצות כחולות‬ ‫חולצה כחולה‬

T !

long dresses ‫שמלות ארוכות‬ ‫שמלה ארוכה‬

T ‫!־‬

Q: In the plural column, how many different endings do the adjectives take?
A: Two: ‫ים‬: and ni-.

These are the same plural endings that most nouns take, but remember: When these endings
are added to nouns, they simply indicate that the noun is plural and not whether the noun is
masculine or feminine .4 This is not so in the case of adjectives: A plural masculine adjective
always ends in ‫ים‬:, and a plural feminine adjective always ends in ni‫־‬.

If you examine the following examples you will understand why we are emphasizing this
‫רבים‬ ‫יחיד‬
plural singular
pi. <=> pi sing. <=> sing.

masculine: big tables ‫שולחנות גדולים‬ ‫שולחן גדול‬

new windows ‫חלונות חדשים‬ ‫חלון חדש‬
old chairs ‫כיסאות ישנים‬ ‫כיסא ישן‬

3 For variations of these endings ‫ייה‬-, ‫אישה דתייה) ~ית‬, ‫)בחורה ישראלית‬, see the chapter "How Are Adjectives
Formed?‫ ״‬pp. 153-155.
4 For more on plural forms of nouns, see the chapter "How Are Nouns Made Plural?" pp. 34-35.

III. Adjectives / 1. How Do Adjectives Behave? Placement and Matching

This may look strange, but it is correct:The plural forms o f ,‫שולחן‬ ‫ כיסא‬,‫חלון‬happen to be
,‫ כיסאות שולחנות‬,‫ ; חלונות‬however, since ,‫ חלון‬,‫ כיסאשולחן‬are all masculine, the plural adjective
that describes them ends in ::‫ים‬
‫ ישנים‬,‫ חדשים‬,‫גדולים‬
• T ! 7 ‫־‬ T ‫!־־‬ f ‫־‬ !

Let's examine another set o f nouns with "irregular" plurals : 5

feminine : big stones ‫אבנים גדולות‬ ‫אבן גדולה‬ ->

good years ‫טובות שנים‬ ‫שנה טובה‬
new words ‫חדשות מילים‬ ‫מילה חדשה‬

Q: Why does the ending o f the plural adjectives 1‫ת‬- not match the ending of these plural
nouns, which is ‫ים‬:?
A: Because the nouns themselves are feminine. Their plural form happens to end in ‫ים‬:, but it
is the gender of the nouns and not their endings that determines the form of the adjectives
that describe them. Since the above nouns are feminine, their adjectives take the feminine
ending 1 ‫ת‬-.

A handy way to check matching

Here is a handy way to check if you are using the proper form o f the adjective with a plural
noun . 6 First, add an adjective to the singular form of the noun. To do this, you must know
(or check in the dictionary) whether the noun is masculine or feminine. For example, let's take
the words ‫ ילד‬and ‫ ילדה‬and add adjectives to them:

feminine masculine

‫ילדה נחמדה‬ ‫ילד נחמד‬

Now that we have determined the singular form of the adjective, we automatically know its
plural form, even without knowing the plural form of the noun, since all masculine adjectives
end in ‫ים‬: and all feminine adjectives end in ‫ ת‬1‫ ־‬. Thus:

feminine masculine

singular: ‫נחמדה‬
T T ! T
plural: ‫____ נחמדות‬

5 The plural endings of all nouns are unpredictable. For the sake of convenience, we will call masculine nouns
that end in ni- and feminine nouns that end in ‫ים‬: irregular.
6 A variation of this method of isolating adjectives was originally suggested by Dr. Rivka (Rikki) Bliboim.

III. Adjectives / 1. How Do Adjectives Behave? Placement and Matching

Within the box, we can automatically change from singular to plural. Now we must add the
plural noun form, whose ending is not predictable - it can be either ‫ים‬: or ni- (in the case o f the
words ‫ ילד‬and ‫ילדה‬, the form is "regular").

feminine masculine

singular: ‫נחמדה‬
T T ! ?
‫ילדה‬ ‫נחמד‬
T ! V

plural: ‫ילדות נחמדות‬

T ! 7
‫ילדים נחמדים‬
* t :‫ז ר‬

Now let's take a word with an "irregular" plural. Add the singular adjective, and then add the
ending to the plural adjective:

Next, add the noun, and voila!:




Let's review
♦ An adjective in a noun-adjective phrase comes after the noun it describes:

a big boy -‫־‬ ‫<ילד גדול‬

♦ Hebrew adjectives have fou r forms. The form used is determined by the noun
they describe (we call this "matching"):

masculine singular ‫גדול‬ T

‫ ילד‬- >
feminine singular, ‫גדולה‬
T !
masculine plural, ‫גדולים‬ ‫ילדים‬
feminine plural. ‫גדולות‬ ‫ילדות‬

- Feminine singular adjectives may end in ‫ ;ה‬or :-‫ת‬

-‫י‬ T T T T S
‫סובה‬ ,‫יפה‬
‫אחרת‬ ,‫נהדרת‬ ,‫ךצינית‬

III. Adjectives / 1. How Do Adjectives Behave? Placement and Matching

- Masculine plural adjectives always end in ‫;ים‬, even when the noun ends
in ni-:

‫ספרים מעניינים‬ -‫>־‬

and also:

‫שולחנות גדולים‬

- Feminine plural adjectives (the adjective of a feminine plural noun) always

end in ni-, even when the noun ends in ::‫ים‬

‫מתות גדולות‬ ■<.

and also:

‫אבנים גדולות‬

♦ In order to use the correct plural form of the adjective, make sure the ending
of the plural adjective corresponds to the gender (and not necessarily to the
ending) of the noun.

?W ant to see if you've understood

.W r it e the c o rre c t fo rm of the m is s in g a d je c tiv e

E x a m p le s : ‫ => קניתי שתי מחברות‬.‫הניתי מחברת חדשה‬

.‫קניתישתי מחברותחדשות‬

____________ ‫ => אלה מקומות‬.‫ זה מקום חשוב‬.‫ו‬

.‫_______________________________________<==אלה חנויות מזרות‬

.‫ <= אלה בתים עתיסים‬. ___________ ‫ זה בית‬.3

____________ ‫=> קראתי סיפורים‬ .‫ קראתי סיפור מעניין‬.4

.‫________________________________________ < =אכלנו פירותטעימים‬

____________ ‫ => קנינו ארונות‬.‫ קנינו ארון חדש‬.6

.‫________________________________________ < =שתיתי יינותטובים‬

.____________‫ => אלה היו שנים‬.‫ זאת הייתה שנה טובה‬.8

____________ ‫ => טיילנו ברחובות‬.‫ טיילנו ברחוב שסט‬.9

A n s w e rs :

‫ שקטים‬.9 ‫ טובות‬.8 ‫ טוב‬.7 ‫ חדשים‬.6 ‫ טעים‬.5 ‫ מעניינים‬.4 ‫ עתיק‬.3 ‫ יקרה‬.2 ‫ חשובים‬.1

III. Adjectives / 1. H ow Do Adjectives Behave? Placement and M atching

3. Matching in definiteness: Is the noun indefinite or definite?

An adjective in a noun-adjective phrase matches its noun not only in gender and number, as
we saw above, but also in definiteness. Let's look at some examples of this in the end of the
story of Little Red Riding Hood, when the hunter arrives:

‫ הוא הרג‬.‫ הוא לבש מעיל ארון! ועל הכתף שלו היה רובה גדול‬.‫הצייד האמיץ נכנס לבית של סבתא‬
.‫ סבתא יצאה משם בריאה ושלמה‬,‫ והנה‬.‫את הזאב השמן ופתח את הבטן הגדולה שלו בסכין חדה‬

The brave hunter went into Grandmother's house. He wore a long coat, and on his shoulder was a
big rifle. He killed the fat wolf and opened up its big belly with a sharp knife, and 10 and behold:
Grandmother came out unscathed!

The above passage contains many noun-adjective phrases. Some of the adjectives have a definite
article -‫ ה‬attached and others do not:

‫חדה‬ ,‫הגדולה‬ ,‫השמן‬ ,‫גדול‬ ,‫ארוך‬ ,‫האמיץ‬ -<

Q: What determines whether or not the adjective has a -‫?ה‬

A: When the noun in the noun-adjective phrase is definite (specific), so too is the adjective:

‫הבטן הגדולה שלו‬ ,‫הזאב השמן‬ ,‫הצייד האמיץ‬

his big belly the fat wolf the brave hunter

Notice that in the English versions of these phrases, the word the occurs only once, before the
whole phrase (for example: the brave hunter), whereas in Hebrew we say -‫ ה‬twice: before the
noun and before the adjective.

When the noun is not definite, the adjective isn't definite either:

‫סכין סלה‬ ,‫מעיל ארוך‬ -‫>־‬

a sharp knife a long coat
Let's examine a few more examples:

I visited the new city. .‫ ביקרתי בעיר החד שה‬.‫א‬

We went into the famous museum. .‫נכנסנו למוזאון ה מפו ר ס ם‬

in the picture we see the old school. .‫ בתמונה רואים את בית הספר הי שן‬.‫ב‬ ■<C
Yesterday we went to the new clothing store. .‫אתמול הלכנו לחנות הבגדים החד שה‬

Q: Why is the adjective definite in these sentences?

A: Because, in each case, the preceding noun is definite. Let's look more closely at each

III. Adjectives / 1. How Do Adjectives Behave? Placement and Matching

In group ‫א׳‬, the nouns are preceded by a preposition: ‫ למוזאון‬,‫בעיר‬. Because these sentences
are written without vowel signs, you cannot see that in this case these prepositions contain the
definite article -7:‫ה‬
‫ ה => בעיר‬+ ‫ ב‬-‫<י‬
T T !

‫ ה => למוזאון‬+ ‫ל‬

We actually know that these prepositions contain -‫ ה‬because the adjective that follows the noun
has a -‫ ! ה‬The adjective is definite because the preceding noun is definite.

In group ‫ ב׳‬the adjective is also preceded by a definite noun (in this case, a definite smeechoot
phrase that is regarded as one word for these purposes). Since a smeechoot phrase never has a
­‫ ה‬on its first noun, but rather only on its last noun, we see that the entire phrase is definite by
looking at the words ‫ הספר‬and 8.‫ הבגדים‬The adjective matches the smeechoot in definiteness :

‫בי ת הספר הישן‬

‫חנו ת הבגדים החדשה‬

Here are two more sentences containing noun-adjective phrases:

We studied about ancient Greece. .‫למדנו על יוון העתיקה‬ <C
1 bought your new book. .‫קניתי א ת ספךך החדש‬

Q: Why do the adjectives here take the definite article -‫? ה‬

A: Even though the nouns ‫ יוון‬and ‫ספרך‬, which precede the adjectives, do not have a definite
article, they are considered definite. In the first sentence, the noun ‫ יוון‬is the name of a country.
Names of countries, cities and people are always definite, and therefore the adjective that is
attached to them is definite, too:

ancient Greece ‫יוון‬ ‫העתיקה‬

East Jerusalem ‫ירושלים המזרחית‬

The noun in the second sentence - ;‫ ס פ ח‬- is made up of two words:

your book ‫הספר שלך => ספרך‬

Notice that when the possessive endings are attached to this noun, the definite article -‫ ה‬is no
longer needed, since the ending itself makes the noun definite. Since ‫ ספרך‬is definite, so too is
the adjective that follows it.

7 See the chapter ‫״‬How Do Prepositions Behave When No Ending Is Attached?‫ ״‬p. 226.
8 See the chapter "Smeechoot,‫ ״‬pp. 183-186.

III. Adjectives / 1. How Do Adjectives Behave? Placement and M atching

your new book 5*‫■ ספרך החדש־‬C

his cute brother ‫החמוד א חיו‬

Let's review
♦ An adjective that is attached to a noun in a phrase matches its noun in three
1. In gender - masculine or feminine:

a big boy (hi. ) ' 1‫ ילד גדול־‬C

a big girl (f.) ‫גדולה ילדה‬
2.In n um ber - singular or plural:

a big boy (s.) ‫ילד גדול‬

big boys (children) (pi.) ‫ילדים גדולים‬
important places (pi.) ‫מ קו מו ת חשובים‬
3.In definiteness - indefinite or definite:

a big boy (indef.) ‫ילד גדול‬

the big boy (d ef) ‫הילד הגדול‬
ancient Greece (def.) ‫יוון ה ע תי ק ה‬
my new book (def) ‫ספרי החדש‬

W ant to see if you've understood?

T ra n s la te .

1. a green cupboard ,

2. pretiy dresses

3. the difficult problem

4. his new house ("his house" - one word: ‫)ביתו‬

5. ancient Egypt

6. the new kindergarten

III. A d je ctive s / 1. How Do Adjectives Behave? Placement and M atching

7. y o u r (rn .p l.) i nteresting o p i n i o n ( " y o u r o p i n i o n " - o n e w o r d : ‫)דעתכם‬

8. an important decision _____________________________________________

9. the white flow ers___________________________________________________

A n s w e rs :

‫ גן הילדים החדש‬.6 ‫ מצרים העתיקה‬.5 ‫ ביתו החדש‬.4 ‫ הבעיה הקשה‬.3 ‫ שמלות יפות‬.2 ‫ ארון ירוק‬. 1
‫ הפרחים הלבנים‬.9 ‫ החלטה חשובה‬.8 ‫ דעתכם המעניינת‬.7

Did you know?

Adjectives that become nouns
Sometimes instead of a noun-adjective phrase, just the adjective is used instead
of the phrase. This happens mainly with adjectives that refer to people. Here
are some examples:

The young people said... ...‫הצעירים אמרו‬ .‫ו‬

)‫(= האנשים הצעירים‬
Two old women live in this building. .‫שתי זקנות גרות בבניין הזה‬ .2
)‫(= שתי נשים זקנות‬
Israelis like (love) to travel. .‫ישראלים אוהבים לטייל‬ .3
)‫(= ״אנשים ישראלים״‬

• Adjectives as the predicate o f a sentence

In the sections above, we examined how adjectives behave when they are part of a noun-
adjective phrase Now let's look at the behavior of adjectives when their noun is the subject of
a sentence and they appear as the predicate.

The student is new. .‫ה תלמיד חדש‬ .‫ו‬

The beginning is always difficult. .‫ה ה ת ח ל ה תמיד ק שה‬ .2
The lessons were interesting. .‫ה שיעורים היו מעניינים‬ .3
The breaks between lessons will be short today. .‫ה ה פ ס קו ת בין ה שיעורים יהיו קצרות היום‬ .4

9 The phrase "‫ "אנשים ישראלים‬is usually not used. We say either "‫ "ישראלים‬or "‫״אנשים מישראל‬.

III. Adjectives / 1. How Do Adjectives Behave? Placement and Matching

Q: Does the adjective in each of these sentences match its noun (the subject) in gender (m./f),
number (s./pi.) and definiteness?

A: Yes and no. Each adjective does match its noun in gender and in number:

m.s. <=> m.s.

.‫ התלמיד חדש‬.‫ו‬
f.s. .<=> f.s.
.‫ ההתהלה ת מיד לןשה‬. 2
.‫ השיעורים היו מעניינים‬. 3
fp l <=>
.‫ ההפסקות בין ה שיעורים יהיו קצרות‬. 4

However, unlike adjectives in phrases, these adjectives do not match their nouns in definiteness.
Thus, while ‫ ה תל מיד החד ש‬is a phrase meaning "the new student," ‫ ה תל מיד חד ש‬- with - ‫ ה‬on the
noun only - is a sentence meaning "The student is new.‫ ״‬In most cases, when an adjective is the
predicate of a sentence, it usually is not definite, while its subject usually is . 10 Here are some

The students are nice. .‫התלמידים נחמדים‬

Dina and Rina are talented. .‫דינה ורינה מוכשרות‬
Our son was tired and hungry. .‫בננו היה עייף ורעב‬
His school is beautiful and modern .‫בית הספר שלו יפה ומודרני‬

Let’s review
♦ Adjectives in both phrases and sentences match their noun in gender and

♦ ,An adjective in a phrase (Column I below) matches its noun in definiteness,

too: If the noun is indefinite, so is its adjective; if the noun is definite, so is its

10 There are some exceptions to this statement, in which the subjects and predicates are either both indefinite or
both definite, such as:
Earthquakes are dangerous. .‫<• רעידות אדמה הן מסוכנות‬
The tall dancer is the best in the troupe. .‫הרקדן הגבוה הוא הטוב ביותר בלהקה‬

III. Adjectives / 1 . How Do Adjectives Behave? Placement and Matching

However, when a noun is definite and its adjective is indefinite, i.e., there is no
matching in definiteness, the result is a sentence, not a phrase (Column II).

sentence (the adjective is the predicate) phrase (noun 4‫ ־‬adjective)

The lesson is interesting. .‫ה שיעור מ עניין‬ an interesting lesson ‫שיעור מ עניין‬

the interesting lesson ‫ה שיעור ה מ עניין‬

Jerusalem is ancient. .‫ירושלים ע תי ק ה‬ ancient Jemsalem ‫ירושלים ה ע תי ק ה‬

Our president is new. .‫נ שיאנו חד ש‬ our new president ‫נ שיאנו ה חד ש‬

Want to see if you've understood?

A. C hoose the co rre c t tra n sla tio n .

: ‫ הסרט משעמם‬.‫ו‬
(The movie is boring. / the boring movie)

‫ חברינו נחמדים‬.2
(O ur friends are nice. / our nice friends)

_ = ‫ יונתן הקטן‬.3
(Jonathan is little. / little Jonathan)

_ = ‫ העט הכחול‬.4
(The pen is blue. / the blue pen)

‫ סלט הפסטה טעים‬.5

(The pasta salad tastes good. / the tasty pasta salad)

A n sw ers:
1. The movie is boring. 2. O ur friends are nice. 3. little Jonathan 4. the blue pen 5. The pasta saiad tastes good.

B. Translate.

1. I put the black briefcase (‫ )תיק‬on the small table.

2 . The sky is blue and the sand is white.

3. Your ( school is new and beautiful

A n sw ers:
.‫ השמים כחולים והחול לבן‬.2 .‫ שמתי את התיק השחור על השולחן הקטן‬.1
.‫ בית ספרכם חדש ויפה‬or .‫ בית הספר שלכם חדש ויפה‬.3

2 How Are Adjectives Formed?

• Combining a root and a pattern (‫גדול‬ >= □‫ □ □ ו‬+ ‫ל‬-‫ד‬-‫) ג‬
• Adding an ending (suffix) to a base (‫ י => טבעי‬7 + ‫) טבע‬

As we saw in the previous chapter, all adjectives have four forms and match the nouns they
describe in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural):
f. pi. m. p i f.s. m.s.

.‫ מוזאונים מעניינים וגם שכונות מיוחדות‬,‫בירושלים יש קניון מוד תי וגם חומה עתיקה‬

In Jerusalem there are a modem mall and an ancient wall, interesting museums and distinctive
(lit.: special) neighborhoods.

In the next two sections we will concentrate on how these and other adjectives are formed.
Being familiar with common forms of adjectives can help you identify a word as an adjective.
This, in turn, helps you form noun-adjective phrases correctly and also provides the key to
knowing how to make them definite and p lu ral . 1

• Combining a root and a pattern

Some common patterns o f adjectives
Here is part of the story of Snow White. The highlighted words are all adjectives (they appear
both in noun-adjective phrases and as predicates of sentences):

‫ ביער‬.‫ היא הלכה ברגל במשך יום שלם והגיעה ליער רחוק‬,‫אחרי ששלגייה ברחה מהצייד של המלכה‬ ->
‫ באחד‬.‫ הבית היה שקט מאוד‬.‫ ושלגייה נכנסה‬,‫ הבית לא היה נעול‬.‫היא ראתה בית קטן עם גג אדום‬
‫ המראה שלהם‬.‫ מאוחר יותר הגיעו בני הבית‬.‫החדרים היא ראתה שולחן רחב ונמוך ושבעה כיסאות‬
‫ בני הבית הסכימו‬.)‫ כולם היו גמדים (האיש הכי גבוה מביניהם היה נמוך יותר ממנה‬:‫לא היה רגיל‬

1 For more on the importance of identifying adjectives, see the chapter "Smeechoot," pp. 193-199.

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

‫ חיכה להם בבית אוכל טעים‬,‫ כשהם חזרו מיום עבודה ארוך‬,‫ מאותו יום‬.‫ששלגייה תישאר לגור איתם‬
‫ששלגייה בישלה בשבילם‬,

After Snow White fled from the hunter employed by the queen‫ ־‬she walked for a whole day and came
to a distant forest. In the forest she saw a small house with a red roof. The house was not locked, so
Snow White went in. The house was very quiet. In one of the rooms Snow White saw a wide, low table
and seven chairs. Later on, the occupants of the house arrived. Their appearance was quite unusual:
They were all short in stature (the tallest of them was shorter than she). The seven men agreed that
Snow White could stay and live with them. From that day on, when they returned from a long day at
work, tasty food - prepared for them by Snow White - was waiting for them at home.

All the adjectives in this story can be grouped according to their patterns2

Try this:
List the adjectives from the story in the correct place in the chart below. The empty squares in
each pattern show the place of the root letters.

□ ‫ □ □ו‬.5 T
‫ □ □ י ם‬.4
□ ‫ □ □ו‬. 3
□ □ □ .2
" T
□ □ □ .‫ו‬

Here's the solution:

□ ‫ □ □ ו‬.5T
□ ‫ □ □י‬, 4
□ ‫ □ □ ו‬.3 □ □ □ ,2 □ □ □ .‫ו‬ ‫יי‬ T

‫ ךחוק‬.A ‫תיל‬ ‫נעול‬ ‫שלם‬ ‫קטן‬

‫גבוה‬ ‫טעים‬ ‫נמוך‬ ‫שקט‬ ‫ו־חב‬
‫ אדום‬.B


Let's look more closely at the last group. Here are the four forms of the adjectives of this
group :
‫ ךחוקות‬,‫ ךחוקים‬,‫ ךחולןה‬,‫ רחוק‬.A *‫>־‬
‫גבוהות‬: ,‫גבוהים‬
. ‫ י‬,‫ גבוהה‬,‫גבוה‬ / T ! 7 ‫־‬ T

‫ אדומות‬,‫ אדומים‬,‫ אדומה‬,‫ אדום‬.B

T !“ . / ‫־־־‬: ‫׳‬ T

‫ ארוכות‬,‫ ארוכים‬,‫ ארוכה‬,‫ארוך‬

On patterns, see the chapter 2 ‫״‬Pattern ,‫ ״‬pp . 9-16 .

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

Look at the ‫ ו׳‬in the all the forms of both groups.

Q: In what way does the pronunciation of the ‫ ו׳‬in Group A differ from its pronunciation in
Group B?

A: In Group A the vowel oh is present in all the forms (nipirn ,‫ קים‬1‫ ךח‬,‫ ךחולןה‬,pirn), whereas
in Group B only the masculine singular form has oh (‫ ;)אד ום‬in the rest of the forms the oh
changes to oo ‫ אדומות‬,‫ אדומים‬,‫ אדומה‬. In addition, the feminine and plural forms of ‫ אדום‬and
‫ ארוך‬have a dagesh in the letter before their endings. Thus, instead of the ch sound o f ‫ארוך‬
‫)׳‬a-ROCH), we say k\ ‫ ארוכות‬,‫ ארוכים‬,‫׳) ארוכה‬a-roo-KA, 'a-roo-KEEM, 'a-roo-KOT) . 3 Hence, Group
5 is actually not one group, but two.

Here are some more adjectives that belong to each o f the six patterns presented above:

‫חל ק‬
' T T
‫ ׳‬T T
‫חד ש‬
T T ‫רחב)־‬ ,‫(לועו‬ □ ‫□ ם‬
, ‫ו‬

smooth white old new wide small

‫ועב‬ ‫כבד‬
‫ ■י‬T
‫ש מ ח‬T
- ‫ייף‬¥ ‫זקן‬ ‫שמן‬ :)‫«יקס‬ ,‫(?ילם‬ □ ‫□ ם‬
‫״‬ T
. 2

hungry heavy happy tired old fat quiet whole

‫אסור‬ T
‫שמור‬ ‫שבור‬
‫פ תו ח‬ T
:)‫נמיר‬ ‫(נעיל־‬ □ ‫ □ □ו‬.3T

forbidden reserved broken open closed short locked

‫ ־‬T
• T
• T ‫ץדיז‬ ‫^שיר‬ ‫נעים‬ ‫צעיר‬ :)‫טעים‬ ,‫(יגיל‬ □ ‫ □ □י‬.4T

edible breakable fast delicate rich pleasant young tasty regular

‫לןדוש‬ ‫גדול‬T
:)‫גביה‬ ,‫ □ □ ו ם (רחוק‬,5 T

holy big tall distant

‫סגול‬ T
‫כתום‬ T
‫כחול‬ T
‫ירוק‬ :)‫ □ ס ו ס ה ( אדו ם‬/ □ ‫ □ □ ו‬. 6
purple orange blue yellow green red

As you see, the names of many colors are formed according to this last pattern. Thus, it is often
referred to as "the pattern of colors . " 4 There are, however, other very common adjectives, like
‫ארוך‬, that are formed according to this pattern but do not denote colors:

‫^מוק‬ ‫^גול‬ ‫מתוק‬ :)‫(איור‬

deep round sweet long

3 The dagesh in the f.s. and both plural forms of ‫ אדום‬does not affect their pronunciation.
4 ‫ שחור‬and ‫ אפויר‬also belong to this pattern, but for phonetic reasons they retain the oh sound in all forms. Their
forms are similar to those of ‫גדול‬. See the chapter ‫״‬The Pronunciation of ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬and the Dagesh,‫ ״‬pp. 637-638.

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

Not all o f the six patterns mentioned here are used exclusively for adjectives. You may encounter
other words with these patterns that are not adjectives, such as ‫( דבר‬thing) or ‫( גדל‬he is growing), for
example. In addition, these six patterns are only some o f the adjective patterns that exist. More
will be dealt with below.

Feminine singular forms o f these adjectives: adding ‫ה‬- (-ah)

Now let's look at the feminine singular forms o f all of the above patterns:

‫רחבה‬ T T !
5‫ק טנ ה‬ :)-‫י• (?!?יו‬ ■>
‫שקטה‬ ‫שלמה‬T ‫י־‬ !
:)...‫ (שלם‬. 2
T :
‫נעולה‬ :)...‫ (נעול‬. 3
‫ט עי מ ה‬ ‫רגילה‬ T ‫י‬ !
:)...‫ (רגיל‬.4
T !
‫לןה‬1‫ךח‬ :(...pirn) .5
T ‫!־‬
‫אדו מה‬
T ‫!־‬
:)‫״‬.‫ ( אדו ם‬,6

Q: What ending do all the forms take?

A: All feminine singular forms in these patterns end in :;‫ה‬

-‫־‬ ‫ךחולןה אדומה‬ ‫ןגילה‬ ‫נעולה‬ ‫שלמה‬ ‫< קטנה‬

Changes in the first syllable (f.s., m .pl.,fpl.)

So far we have looked at the feminine singular forms of the above adjectives. Now let's look at
all four forms. We have chosen an example from each of the above groups:

f.p l. r n .p l f.s . M .S.

‫קטנות‬ ?‫קטנים‬ ,‫קטנה‬ m

‫שקטות‬ ?‫שקטים‬ ,‫שקטה‬ ,‫שקט‬
‫סגורות‬ ,‫סגורים‬ ,‫סגורה‬:
‫׳‬ T
/ T

‫גדולות‬ ,‫גדולים‬ ,‫גדולה‬

7 T !
‫׳‬ T

‫צעירות‬ ,‫צעירים‬ ,‫צעירה‬ ,‫צעיר‬

'‫צהובות‬ ,‫צהובים‬ ‫׳‬
,‫צהובה‬ T !
7 T

5 ‫ קטנה‬is slightly different from ‫ הזבה‬and other adjectives in this group. Since it sounds the same as the others,
we are including it here.
6 The second vowel in all of the adjectives remains the same, except for in the pattern of colors in line 6
(‫ צהובות‬,‫ צהובים‬,‫ צהובה‬,‫)צהוב‬. Thus, for example, adjectives like ‫ שקט‬in line 2 retain the eh sound in the middle
of the word:
‫שקטות‬ *‫קוקטים‬ ,‫?וקטה‬ ,‫שקט‬ >
shke-TOT shke-TEEM shke-TA sha-KET

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

Q: Aside from their endings, in what way do the feminine singular and both plural forms
differ from the masculine singular form?

A: The masculine adjective in the above forms has an ah sound in the first syllable - ka-TAN,
sha-KET, sa-GOOR... - whereas all other forms do not have this ah sound (the vowel
"reduces"). ‫ '׳‬When we write the vowel signs, we indicate this reduction with a shva (as in
‫)קטנה‬. In today's pronunciation of the feminine singular and both plural forms, sometimes
there is no vowel sound after the first consonant - kta-NA, shke-TA, sgoo-RA, gdo-LA ,
kchoo-LA - and in some words, such as ‫צעירה‬, ‫ מילה‬and ‫ןה‬7‫ירו‬, there is an eh sound: tse-'ee-
RA, re-gee-LA and ye-roo-KA.

Exceptions to first syllable changes

Read aloud the four forms of the following words:

f.p l fs . m.s

‫חדשות‬T ‫!־‬
/ ■ r ‫־‬:
T T 7 ‫!־‬
' T T

cha-da-SHOT cha-da-SHEEM cha-da-SHA cha-DASH

‫אדומות‬ ,‫אדומים‬ ,‫אדומה‬T “!
7 T

'a-doo-MOT 'a-doo-MEEM 'a-doo-MA ,a-DOM

Whenever a word begins with ‫ ע׳‬/‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬,'‫( א‬the guttural consonants), the ah vowel remains in the
first syllable (e.g., cha-da-SHA, ‫׳‬a-doo-MA) . 8

Let's review
♦ Thus far we have seen various common adjective patterns , such as:

‫לבן‬ ‫ ׳‬T T ‫?!טז‬ :□□□ T T

‫שמן‬ ‫שלןט‬ ‫•־‬ T

‫שבור‬ T
‫סגור‬ T
:□‫□□ו‬ T

‫רגיל‬ • T
‫צ<גיי‬ :‫□ □י ם‬ T

‫ ק‬1 ‫ךח‬ ‫גדול‬ T

:□ ‫□סו‬ T

1 □ / □□ : ‫ו ש ה‬
T 1 !‫־‬ T
‫ ארוכה‬/ ‫ארוך‬
T ! T
‫ צהובה‬/
T •
‫□□צהוב‬ T

7 Notice that all of the forms except for the masculine singular have an added ending, which is stressed when
it is pronounced. The movement of the stress to these endings triggers the dropping of the ah vowel in the first
syllable. This is called vowel reduction. For more on vowel reduction, see the chapter ‫״‬Reduction of Vowels
and the Shva" pp. 640-653.
8 See more on the gutturals in the chapter "Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al" pp. 450-453.

‫‪III. Adjectives /‬‬ ‫?‪2. How Are Adjectives Formed‬‬

‫ה‪♦ The adjectives in the above patterns take the feminine singular ending :-‬‬

‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪:‬‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫!‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪* :‬‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫!‬
‫־ ‪T‬‬

‫‪♦ The first syllable loses its ah sound when endings are added:‬‬

‫גדולות‬ ‫‪:‬‬
‫גדולים‬ ‫‪:‬‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪:‬‬
‫גדול‬ ‫‪T‬‬

‫‪, the first syllable keeps its ah‬א'‪ ,‬ה‪ /‬ח'‪ ,‬ע׳ ‪When these adjectives begin with‬‬
‫‪sound, for example:‬‬
‫חדשות‬ ‫חדשים‬ ‫חדשה‬ ‫חדש‬ ‫>‬

‫?‪W ant to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪W r it e the c o rre c t fo rm o f the a d je c tiv e s .‬‬

‫‪ .‬מהנכרים ה_______________ ש ל ה‪.‬‬ ‫‪ . 1‬ס ב ת א קיבלה פרחים ‪.‬‬

‫(מת וק)‬ ‫(אדום)‬

‫‪ .2‬הצלחת ה _______________ כבר ‪I ,______________ .‬‬

‫(שב ור)‬ ‫(כחול)‬

‫‪ .3‬א ת ם גרים בשכונה _______________ ו _______________‬

‫(נעים)‬ ‫(שקט )‬

‫החנו ת ה_______________ ב ר חו ב יפו _______________ היו ם‪,‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫(סגור)‬ ‫(חדש)‬

‫‪ .5‬את _______________ מ א ו ד מפה‪ ,‬והדרך אלייך _______________ מ או ד‪.‬‬

‫(ארוך)‬ ‫(רחוק)‬

‫‪ .6‬הבת ה ______________ ש ל ך _______________ מ או ד‪.‬‬

‫(גבוה)‬ ‫(צעיר)‬

‫הדירה ה ______________ ש ל דני ודבורה הייתה _______________ י ו ת ר מהדירות ה_______________‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫(חדש)‬ ‫(קטן)‬ ‫(ישן)‬
‫שהבנים שלהם קנו‪.‬‬
‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬

‫‪ .5‬ךח וקה ‪ ,‬אר וכה‬ ‫‪ .4‬חדשה ‪ ,‬סג ורה‬ ‫‪ .1‬אדומים ‪ ,‬מת וק ים ‪ .2‬כחולה ‪ ,‬שב ורה ‪ .3‬שקטה ‪ ,‬נעימה‬
‫‪ ,6‬צעירה ‪ ,‬גבוהה ‪ .7‬ישנה ‪ ,‬קטנה ‪ ,‬חדש ות‬

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

Patterns shared by adjectives and present tense verbs

Adjectives formed according to other common patterns are highlighted here, in the continuation
of the Snow White story:

‫ הם אמרו לה‬.‫ אבל הם היו מ ק סי מי ם והיו מאוד נךזמךים ל שלגייה‬,‫בני הבית לא היו כל כך מסודו־ים‬
‫ אבל עכ שיו ה חיי ם שלהם יותר‬,‫ הם היו בו־ךךים והיה להם כבר ק צ ת מ ש ע מ ם‬,‫שלפני שהיא הגיעה‬
‫ כי זה יכול להיו ת‬,‫ הם אמרו לה לא ל פ תו ח את הדלת‬.‫ החברים החד שי ם של שלגייה דאגו לה‬.‫מענייני ם‬
‫ היא נתנה‬.‫ עד שיום א חד הגיעה אי שה זקנה ולא בדיוק מו שכת‬,‫ כ מ ע ט מו של ם‬,‫ הכול היה נהדר‬.‫מסוכן‬
...‫ ואז קרה דבר מפחיד‬,‫לשלגייה ת פו ח מוך^ל‬

The occupants of the house were not very orderly, but they were wonderful and were very kind to
Snow White. They told her that before she had arrived, they had been lonely and their lives had been
rather boring. Now, however, their lives were interesting! Snow White's new friends looked out for her
well-being. They told her not to open the door, since this could be dangerous. Everything was splendid,
almost perfect, until one day an old - and not veiy attractive - woman came to call. She gave Snow
White a poisoned apple, and then something scary happened...

Let's look more closely at the patterns o f these adjectives.

Try this:
List each adjective in the table below according to its pattern. (Change the form o f the adjectives
that are not masculine singular to masculine singular).

□ □ □ ‫ מו‬. 6 □ ‫ מ ם םי‬.5 □ □ ‫ מ ס ו‬.4 / □ □ □ ‫ מ‬.3 □ □ □ ‫ נ‬.2 □ ‫ ם‬1‫ ם‬. 1


Here's the solution:

□ □ □ ‫ מו‬. 6 □ ‫ מ ס מ י‬.5 □ ‫ מ ס ו ם‬.4
/ □ □ □ ‫ מ‬.3 □ □ □ ‫ נ‬.2
T ! ‫י‬
□pi□ ‫ג‬

‫מו של ם‬
T !
‫מ ק סי ם‬ ‫מ סודר‬
T !
‫מגגניין‬ ‫נ ח מד‬
T ! V
‫מורעל‬ ‫מפחיד‬ ‫מ סוכן‬ 9‫מ ש ע מ ם‬ ‫נהדר‬ ‫שך‬1‫מ‬

9 ‫ מעניין‬and ‫ משעמם‬are examples of adjectives with four-letter roots. Four-letter roots are quite common in this
pattern, which is the present tense form of beenyan pee'el. When three-letter roots appear in this pattern, there
is a strong dagesh in the middle root letter, as in: ‫( ממנר‬addictive).

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

All of the adjective patterns listed in the table above are also patterns of present tense verbs.
In the table below, we have added one more adjective pattern ( □□□‫ )מת‬and have presented
examples o f present tense verbs, too. At the top o f each column, the name of the beenyan to
which the verbs and adjectives belong is listed. 10

Beenyan: ‫הופעל‬ ‫הפעיל‬ ‫התפעל‬ ‫פועל‬ ‫פיעל‬ ‫נפ?גל‬ 1 1 ‫פעל‬

hoofal heefeel heetpa'el poo'al pee'el neefal pa'al

Present tense verb: ‫מוזמן‬ ‫מ תי ש‬ ‫מתלבש‬ ‫מצולם‬
T !
‫מדבר‬ ‫נכנס‬
T ! ‫־‬
Adjective pattern: □□□‫מו‬
‫מ ם םי ם‬ □□□‫מת‬ /□ □ ‫מ סו‬T
/ □□□‫מ‬ □□□‫נ‬
T : ‫־‬
□ □ ‫□ו‬
□ □ □ ‫מ סו‬
T ! !
Adjectives: ‫מושלם‬
T !
‫מקסים‬ ‫מתקדם‬ ‫מסודר‬
T !
‫מעניין‬ ‫נפלא‬
T ! ‫־‬
‫מומגל‬ ‫מפחיד‬ ‫מתחשב‬ ‫מסוכן‬ ‫משעמם‬ ‫נחמד‬
T ! V
T 5
‫מצחיק‬ ‫מצוין‬ ‫ממכר‬ ‫נהדר‬
T ! 7

‫מוכן‬ ‫מפונק‬
1 2 ‫מבולבל‬
T ! !

perfect fantastic advanced orderly interesting wonderful lonely

poisoned scary considerate dangerous boring nice attractive
talented funny excellent addictive fantastic
ready special

Some beenyaneem supply us with many more of these adjectives than others (for example,
poo'al and hoofal). For an in-depth treatment of adjectives from these beenyaneem , see the
chapter "Adjectives Resulting from an Action Taken and Completed" (pp. 159-169).

Feminine singular forms

Let's look at the feminine singular form of the present tense verbs listed above:

‫הופעל‬ ‫פיעל פועל התפעל הפעיל‬ ‫פעל‬

hoofal heefeel heetpa'el poo'al pee'el neefal pa'al
‫מוזמנת‬ ‫מדברת מצולמת מתלבשת מזמינה‬ ‫כותבת‬

10 The patterns are named according to the past tense ‫ הוא‬form of the verb. For example, the present tense verb
‫ פויתב‬belongs to the pattern called ‫( פעל‬pa'al) - corresponding to the form ‫נ ת ב‬.
11 Adjectives such as ‫ ךעב‬,‫ זקן‬,‫ שמח‬, which we saw earlier, also belong to beenyan pa'al. Their pattern is the same
as the present tense verbs ‫( ישן‬sleeps) and ‫( גדל‬grows). See the chapter "Beenyan Pa'al" pp. 393-395.
12 ‫ מבולבל‬is another example of an adjective with a four-letter root, this time in beenyan poo'al. Four-letter roots
are quite common both in pee'el (‫ מעניין‬and ‫ )משעמם‬and in poo'al. Here are more examples: ‫( משועמם‬bored),
‫( מפורסם‬advertised - the result of the action ‫ ;פרסם‬also means famous), ‫( מקולקל‬spoiled, as in spoiled milk).

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

Q: Which of the above feminine verb forms ends in ‫?ת׳‬

A: All but .‫מזמינה‬

‫מוזמנת‬ ‫מזמינה‬ ‫מתלבשת‬ ‫מצולמת‬ ‫מדברת‬ ‫נכנסת‬ ‫כותבת‬

Now let's compare the corresponding adjective forms:

‫מוכשרת‬ ‫מצךזילןה‬ ‫מתקדמת‬ ‫מצוינת‬ ‫מעניינת‬ ‫נהדרת‬ ‫מושכת‬ -‫>י‬

talented funny advanced excellent interesting fantastic attractive

In almost all cases, feminine adjectives that take the form o f present tense verbs have the same
feminine endings as verbs.

The following are some common exceptions. Their feminine singular ending is not the same as
the corresponding verb or as other adjectives in the same group. These exceptions simply must
be learned.
beenyan: ‫הופעל‬ ‫נפעל‬ ‫פעל‬
hoofal neefal
exceptions'. ‫ מוכנה‬/ ‫מוכן‬
‫ נחמדה‬/ ‫נחמד‬
T T ! 7 T ! V
‫ בודדה‬/ ‫בודד‬
T ‫״‬

ready nice lonely

‫ מוזרה‬/ ‫מוזר‬
‫ נפלאה‬/ ‫נפלא‬
T T 5 ‫־‬ T ! ‫־‬

strange wonderful

Compare these to the regular adjective forms:

‫ מוכשרת‬/ ‫מוכשר‬ ‫ נהדרת‬/ ‫נהדר‬ ‫ מושכת‬/ ‫מושך‬ ‫>״‬

talented fantastic attractive
‫ מובנת‬/ ‫מובן‬

Let's review
♦ In the second part o f this section we have looked at adjective patterns whose
form is the same as that of present tense verbs:

□ □ □ ‫ מ ס ו ם □ מ ת ם □ □ מ ם ם י □ מו‬/ □ □ □ ‫נ □ □□ מ‬
‫נהדר מעניין משוגע מתקדם מצחיק מוכשר‬

13 When the adjective ‫ בודד‬means lonely, its feminine singular form is ‫בודדה‬. When it means single or individual,
the feminine singular form is ‫בודדת‬, as in ‫( ״תמונה בודדת״‬an individual picture).

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

♦ As opposed to the adjectives that we examined in the first part of the chapter
(‫ה‬/‫גדול‬, ‫ ה‬/‫) ח ד ש‬, adjectives that take the form of present tense verbs usually
take the ending ‫ ת‬- in their feminine singular form.

beenyan : ‫פועל הופעל התפעל‬ ‫פיעל‬ ‫נפעל‬ ‫פעל‬ ->

m.s.‫׳‬. ‫מסודר מתקדם מוכשר‬ ‫נהדר‬
T : V
J&.: ‫מסודרת מתקדמת מוכשרת‬ ‫נהדרת‬ ‫מושכת‬

♦ Only one beenyan - heefeel - acts differently. Almost all adjectives from this
beenyan take the ending ‫ ה‬- in their feminine singular form, like most other
adjectives: ‫ מצחיקה‬/ ‫ מצחיק‬.

For some exceptions, see above. 14

W ant to see if you've understood?

A. W r it e th e c o rre c t fo rm o f the a d je c tiv e . (A ll a re a d je c tiv e s th a t ta k e the fo rm o f a

p re s e n t tense v e rb .)

‫אבל לדעתי היא הייתה‬ . ‫ קראנו בעיתון על הצגה‬.‫ו‬

)‫(מצחיק‬ )‫(מצוין‬

) ‫(משעמם‬

. ‫היא‬ . ‫ רונית היא בחורה‬.2

)‫(מ וכשר‬ )‫(מס ודר‬ )‫(נהדר‬
.‫מאוד‬ _‫ו‬

‫ והיא נראית‬,‫ בזמן האחרון‬. . ‫ ההתנהגות של שלומית קצת‬.3

)‫(מבולבל‬ )‫(מוזר‬

A n s w e rs :
‫ מב ולבלת‬, ‫ מוזרה‬.3 ‫ מעניינת‬, ‫ מס ודרת( מ וכשרת‬, ‫ נהדרת‬.2 ‫ משעממת‬, ‫ מצח יקה‬, ‫ מצוינת‬. 1

14 There are some adjectives in beenyan heefeel whose feminine singular form takes '‫ת‬, for example:
"‫( " זכוכית מגדלת‬a magnifying glass).

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

B. W r it e th e c o rre c t fo rm o f the a d je c tiv e . (T his e x e rc is e in c lu d e s m a te ria l fro m the

e n tire s e c tio n " C o m b in in g a ro o t a n d a p a tte r n ." )

________________ ‫ רוני גר בב ית _______________ ע ם דלת‬. 1

)‫(אד ום‬ )‫(גדול‬

___ ‫ב כל יום ה וא ל ובש ח ולצה _______________ ו ז ׳קט‬

)‫(שח ור‬ )‫(לבן‬

___________ ‫ ליד הד ירה ה_______________ש ל י יש גינה _______________ ו‬.3

)‫(מיוחד‬ )‫(קטן‬ ) ‫(חדש‬

________________ ‫ השח י יה בא ז ור ה זה‬.4


________________ ‫ החת ולה ה זאת _______________ א ב ל‬.5


___________ ‫ בק ופסה ה ______________ יש צ לחת‬.6


_________ ‫ הדעה ש לכם _______________ א ב ל קצת‬.7

)‫(מוזר‬ )‫(מעניין‬
A n s w e rs :
‫ מפ ו נקת‬, ‫ מתולןה‬.5 ‫ מס וכ נת‬.4 ‫ מ י וחדת‬, ‫ קטנה‬, ‫ חדשה‬.3 ‫ שח ור‬, ‫ לבנה‬.2 ‫ אד ומה‬,‫ גדול‬.1
‫ מהרה‬, ‫ מעניינת‬.7 ‫ שב ירה‬, ‫ סגורה‬.6

• Adding an ending (suffix) to a base

In the preceding section we saw that many common adjectives are formed by combining a
root and a pattern. In this section we will examine yet another way in which many common
adjectives are formed: by adding an ending to a base. Here is an example:

adjective = ending + base 5‫*־־‬C

‫דתי‬■ T
= ‫י‬- +‫־‬
‫דת‬ T

religious religion

Masculine singularforms ending in

The ending ‫י‬-
Read the following:

‫ זהו סיפור רומנטי מן‬.‫ אבל זה לא ממש בעייתי‬,‫הסיפור על שלגייה אינו סיפור אמיתי או היסטוךי‬
!‫ כדאי לראות אותו‬.‫ אולפני וולט דיסני עשו ממנו סרט משפחתי מאוד יפה ואסתטי‬.‫הפולקלור הגןמני‬

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

The tale of Snow White is neither a true nor a historical story, but this is not really problematic. It is a
romantic tale from German folklore. Disney Studios made it into a lovely, aesthetic movie for the whole
family (literally: familial movie). It's worth seeing!

Q: What do all the adjectives highlighted above have in common?

A: They all end in ‫י‬-. Usually the final ‫י‬- is stressed, as in ‫׳) א מי תי‬a-mee-TEE) and ‫בעיי תי‬
(be-'a-ya-TEE). Sometimes adjectives o f foreign origin have an unstressed ‫י‬- , as in ‫ ךי‬1‫הי ס ט‬
(hees-TO-ree) , ‫( רו׳מנסי‬ro-MAN-tee) and ‫ ( א ס ת טי‬,es-TE-tee).

Many adjectives that end in ‫י‬- are formed from nouns. Sometimes ‫י‬- is simply added to the end
of a noun to create an adjective, as in:
‫ילדותי‬ ‫ציבורי‬ ‫דתי‬ ■ T

yal-doo-TEE tsee-boo-REE da-TEE

childish public religious

This is also so in the case of some adjectives denoting nationality, such as:

‫סיני‬ ‫ספרדי‬
‫ ־‬T !
> ‫צרפתי‬
‫ ־‬T ! T
ya-PA-nee SEE-nee sfa-ra-DEE tsar-fa-TEE
Japanese Chinese Spanish French

Now let's look at the adjective ‫( א מי תי‬true) from the passage above.

Q: What happened when ‫י‬: was added to the noun ‫( אמת‬truth) to form this adjective?

A: The vowels of ‫ אמת‬changed. The same is true of many other words, for example: ‫צבאי‬
(military) from ‫( צבא‬army),‫( טבעי‬natural) from ‫( טבע‬nature) and ‫( יווני‬Greek) from ‫( יוון‬Greece).

Other adjectives ending in ‫י‬- , such as ‫ ךי‬1‫( הי ס ט‬historical) and ‫( גן מני‬German) from the passage
above, are formed in a slightly different way. In order to turn the nouns from which they come
into adjectives, the final ‫י ה‬- is removed and ‫י‬- is added : 15

T :Y
‫גרמניה‬ ,‫היסטורי‬ ‫היסטוריה‬
ger-ma-NEE hees-TO-ree
German historical

Here are some more examples o f academic subjects and nouns denoting nationality formed in
this way:

15 We present here one possible explanation of how various adjectives are formed. There may be others.

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

‫סוציולוגי‬ ‫סוציולוגיה‬ ,‫ביולוגי‬ ‫ביואגיה‬

sots-yo-LO-gee bee-yo-LO-gee
sociological biological

• T
‫רומניה‬ ,‫אנגלי‬ ‫אנגליה‬ ,‫רוסי‬ ‫רוסיה‬
ro-ma-NEE 'an-GLEE roo-SEE
Romanian English Russian

An exception is the word for Italian : ‫( איטלקי‬from ‫)איטליה‬. In this adjective, the letter ‫ ק׳‬is added
before the ending ‫י‬-.

Other adjectives ending in ‫י‬- are formed from nouns with an ‫ ; ה‬ending. Here, too, the ending
drops off and ‫י‬- is added:

‫מדיני‬ >= ‫מדינה‬

T ‫ ״‬S
,‫=> רפואי‬
' ‫־‬ !
T !
* T ! “
>= ‫כלכלה‬ T T ! ‫־־‬
* !
>= ‫יהודה‬ T !

diplomatic state medical medicine economic economy Jew/Jewish Judah

Sometimes the ‫ ; ה‬ending of a noun does not simply drop off when its adjective is formed.
Rather, as in the cases o f ‫ בעייתי‬and ‫ משפחתי‬in the passage a b ov e,‫ ת׳‬replaces the final ‫ה‬- and
then the ending ‫י‬- is added (sometimes accompanied by vowel changes):

‫ ׳‬: ‫ ־ ־‬: ■
>= ‫משפחה‬T T !
‫־‬7‫ י‬T T !
>= ‫בעיה‬

familial family problematic problem

Here are some more adjectives ending in ‫תי‬-

• T :
‫ ־ ד ־‬:
r : v

fashionable, annual systematic social


B e c a r e fu l! Since it is impossible to predict how a specific adjective will be formed,

when you try creating adjectives from nouns, be sure to check the dictionaiy to see if
the form exists.

Adding ‫( ;ני‬-a-NEE) and ‫וני‬- (-o-NEE)

Here are examples o f two more endings on adjectives:

.‫הבחור הגיע לפגישה לבוש בבגד צבעתי ובידו פרח ריחני‬

The young man came to the meeting dressed in a colorful outfit with a fragrant flower in his hand.

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

In the case of ‫ריחני‬, the ending ‫( ;ני‬-a-NEE) is added to the end of a noun:

‫ריחני‬ 4= ‫ריס‬
fragrant smell,
Here are some more adjectives with the ending :-‫ני‬

■ T
1 T
1 T
‫ ־‬T
1‫ ׳‬T

aggressive, spiritual physical loud terminal


In ‫צבעוני‬, the ending ‫וני‬- (-o-NEE) is added (and some vowel changes also take place).

‫צבעוני‬ >= ‫צבע‬

colorful color
Here are some more adjectives that end in ‫וני‬-:
16‫י‬ ‫פרחוני‬ ‫וני‬
flowered, floral vegetarian municipal

Adjectives ending in ‫( ;אי‬-a-fEE)

Look at the following sentences:

.‫ הוא בחור עצמאי אבל מאוד לא אחראי‬.‫>״־ דוד מבלה עם חבריו במקום לעבוד‬

David spends time with his friends instead of working. He is an independent young man, but very

The adjectives ‫ עצמאי‬and ‫ אחראי‬in the second sentence end in ‫( ;אי‬-a-EE):

‫אחראי‬ ‫עצמאי‬

Often the ‫ א׳‬in these words exists also in the noun to which they are related, as in ‫עצמאות‬
(independence), but this is not always the case, as we see in ‫( אךזךיות‬responsibility). Here are some
more adjectives that end in ‫;אי‬:

1 7 (‫אוניברסיטאי‬ ‫אוניבךסיטאי(תואר‬ )‫חקלאי(אזור חקלאי‬ )‫בנקאי(צ׳ק בנלןאי‬

university degree agricultural area bank check

16 For more examples and exercises, see Meira Rom and Rina Rafaeli, 2008, pp. 127-128,137-138, 146.
17 The Hebrew phrases listed in parentheses are all noun + adjective phrases in which the form of each adjective is
clearly adjectival. In the English translations, however, only in the phrase agricultural area does the adjective
(agricultural) have a form different from the related noun (agriculture).

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

B e c a r e fu l! When no vowel signs are used, adjectives and nouns that end in ‫אי‬- look,
but - according to rules of grammar - do not sound the same, for example:

This is an agricultural tool. (adjective) (chak-la-'EE) •‫זה כלי ח קל אי‬

He works as a fanner. {noun) (chak-LAI) .‫הוא עובד כחקלאי‬

I received a bank check. (adjective) (ban-ka-'EE) •‫קיבלתי צ׳ק בנקאי‬

(noun) (ban-KAi) .‫מר כהן הוא בנקאי בכיר בבנק ל או מי‬
Mr. Cohen is a senior banker at Bank Leuini.

Many speakers do not distinguish between the two, and pronounce both ‫( ;אי‬a-'EE).

Did you know?

The adjective American can be either ‫ אמרילןאי‬or ‫( אמרילןני‬the latter form is
probably influenced by the English ending -an). Similarly, we may say ‫אפןילןאי‬
or ‫( אפןילןני‬African), ‫ מרולןאי‬or ‫( מרוקני‬Moroccan), ‫ מקסילןאי‬or ‫( מקסילןני‬Mexican)
(‫ מקסילןני‬is the form favored in today's Hebrew). For Brazilian we usually use
only the form ‫• ברזילאי‬

Let's review
Thus far we have seen that many adjectives are built from a base form to which
an ending is added.

♦ Many masculine adjectives end in ‫י‬:: ‫ בעייתי‬,‫ מדיני‬,‫ציבורי‬. This ending is very
common in adjectives denoting national origin ( ‫ גךמני‬,‫ צךפתי‬,‫ ) ישראלי‬and in
adjectives of foreign origin (‫ רומנטי‬,‫ אופטימי‬,‫)ביולוגי‬.

Usually the ‫י‬: ending is stressed (‫ דתי‬da-TEE), but - especially in foreign words
- sometimes it isn't (‫ רומנטי‬m-.\U\-tee). Sometimes the base remains the same
(‫ )דתי‬and sometimes it changes when the ending is added (‫ בעייתי‬,‫)מדיני‬.

♦ Some adjectives are formed by adding the ending ‫( ;ני‬-a-NEE) or ‫וני‬- (-o-NEE) to
the bas e: .‫ עירוני‬,‫רוחני‬
‫׳‬ . . T

♦ Some adjectives end in ‫( ;אי‬-a-EE): ‫ עצמאי׳ אחראי‬.

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

Thefeminine singular form o f adjectives ending in ‫ך י‬

The following passage contains feminine singular forms o f adjectives whose masculine
singular form ends in ‫י‬:.

‫ המקום היה נעים והאווירה הייתה מאוד‬.‫במסעדה ישבו סביב שולחן גדול צעירות מארצות שונות‬
‫ הבחורה הצרפתייה‬.‫ הבחורה האיטלקייה לבשה שמלה אופנתית והזמינה עוגה דיאטטית‬.‫משפחתית‬
T ‫ י‬T!T ....................... ‫ ־‬TV J •T ‫־‬ * ! ‫־‬ ! ‫־‬

‫ הבחורה האמךילןאית אמרה שהיא צמחונית‬.‫ גבינה צךפתית‬,‫ כמובן‬,‫לבשה חולצה צבעונית ואכלה‬
.‫ והבחורה הישךאלית הייתה עסוקה בשיחת טלפון פרטית‬,‫והזמינה נקניקייה צמחונית‬

Young women from different countries sat around a table in a restaurant. The place was pleasant, and
there was a "family" atmosphere (lit.: the atmosphere was familial). The young Italian woman wore a
stylish dress and ordered a dietetic cake. The young French woman wore a colorful blouse and (obviously)
ate French cheese. The young American woman said that she was vegetarian and ordered a vegetarian
hotdog. The young Israeli woman was occupied with a private phone call.

Q: What is the ending of the feminine singular forms included in this paragraph?

A: Most end in ‫ית‬- and some end in ‫ייה‬-, i.e., the endings ‫ ת‬- and ‫ ;יה‬are added on to the
masculine singular ending ‫־י‬.

The feminine adjectives in the passage above that describe an inanimate noun all end in ‫־ית‬,
whether the adjective is non-ethnic (‫ צבעונית‬,‫ ) משפחתית‬or ethnic ( ‫ צךפתית‬,‫) ישךאלית‬. (W7e are
using the term "ethnic" for adjectives that denote nationality, religion or ethnic group.)

‫אווירה משפחתית‬
‫שמלה אופנתית‬
‫ ־‬T :

‫עוגה דיאטטית‬
‫חולצה צבעונית‬
‫גבינה צרפתית‬
T : T

‫נקניקייה צמחונית‬
‫שיחת טלפון פרטית‬
What happens when we describe a person?
Non-ethnic adjectives used to describe a person almost always take the ending ‫~ית‬, as in the
following examples from the passage above:

a vegetarian young woman ‫בחורה צמחונית‬

a practical woman ‫אישה פרקטית‬
a hyperactive girl ‫ילדה היפראקטיבית‬
a passive student (f) ‫תלמידה פסיבית‬

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

It is when ethnic adjectives are used to describe people that confusion sets in. In the above
passage, some ethnic adjectives take ‫ייה‬- when referring to a woman, and others take ‫ית‬-:

ending in ‫ייה‬:: ‫ בחורה צרפתייה‬,‫בחורה איטלקייה‬

T ‫־‬ T
ending in ‫ית‬:: ‫ בחורה ישראלית‬,‫בחורה אמריקאית‬

‫*ת‬- or ‫? ־ ”ה‬
T 4

There is no fool-proof way for knowing whether a specific ethnic adjective that refers to a
woman will take ‫ייה‬- or ‫ית‬-. However, the following rule-of-thumb helps us know in the majority
of cases : 18
When the stress in the masculine adjective is on the last syllable, the feminine ending is
usually 7 ‫( יי ה‬-ee-YA) (the stress moves to the end), as in:

T !
‫יהוךי‬ ,‫רוסייה‬
' T *
ye-hoo-dee-YA ye-hoo-DEE roo-see-YA roo-SEE
Jewish Russian

Here are some more examples:

‫ערבייה‬ ‫נוצרייה‬
T *
T ♦
T ‫־‬
T ‫־‬
T *

Arab Christian Ashkenazic Sephardic, German English French Italian


When the stress in the masculine adjective is on the syllable before the last, the feminine
ending is usually ‫ית‬- (and the placement o f the stress remains the same), as in:

‫הולנדית‬ ‫הולנדי‬ ,‫ירדנית‬ = ‫יךדני‬ *>

ho-LAN-deet ho-LAN-dee yar-DE-neet yar-DE-nee
Dutch Jordanian

Here are some more examples:

‫בודהיסטית‬ ‫ךרוזית‬ ‫שווייצרית‬
T ! " 5
bood-HEES-teet DROO-zeet shve-TSA-reet
Buddhist Druze Swiss

Here are some noteworthy exceptions (their feminine form takes ‫י ת‬: even though the last
syllable of the masculine singular adjective is stressed):

‫מוסלמית‬ ‫מוסלמי‬ ,‫ישראלית‬ ‫ישראלי‬ *»>

moos-le-MEET moos-le-MEE yees-re-'e-LEET yees-re-'e-LEE
Muslim Israeli

18 According to Rivka Bliboim, 1995, p. 28, who acknowledges Esther Goldenberg as her source.

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

The feminine singular form of the adjective ‫( דתי‬religious) when referring to a woman is either
‫ דתייה‬or ‫דתית‬.
T ‫ ־‬T ‫־‬ T

The plural forms of adjectives ending in ‫י‬:

Masculine plural
The following passage contains masculine plural forms of adjectives whose masculine singular
form ends in ‫י‬:. Read the passage:

‫ בחורים‬,‫ היו שם בחורים צו־פתים ששתו יינות צו־פתיים‬.‫בשולחן אחר במסעדה ישבו כמה בחורים‬
‫איטלקים בבגדים צבעוניים שדיברו על עניינים פוליטיים וכמה בחורים מקסילןנים ךציניים עם כובעים‬
‫מקסילןניים רחבים שדיברו על נושאים חבךתיים‬.

At a different table in the restaurant sat several young men. There were young French men drinking
French wines, young Italian men in colorful clothes, who were speaking about political matters and
several young Mexican men in wide Mexican hats, who were speaking about social issues.

Q: What are the endings of the masculine plural adjectives highlighted above?

A: Some end in ‫ י י ם‬: )‫ פוליטיים‬,‫ים‬:‫ ) צךפת‬and some end in ‫ י ם‬: )‫ מקסילןנים‬,‫) צךפתים‬.

What determines whether the masculine plural adjective ending has two ‫ י׳‬or one?
If an adjective describes an inanimate noun, it (the adjective) always ends in two ‫ יים) י׳‬-),
whether it is a regular adjective ( ‫ צבעוניים‬,‫ ) פוליטןים‬or an ethnic adjective (:(‫צךפתיים‬, ‫מקסילןנןים‬

‫כובעים מקסילןניים‬ ,‫יינות צךפתיים‬ ,‫נושאים חברתיים‬ ,‫עניינים פוליטיים‬ ,‫בגדים צבעוניים‬

This is so because the ending ‫ים‬: is added on to the singular base form, which ends in ‫י‬::

‫ים‬ ‫ישראלי‬
And what if the adjective describes a person?

If the adjective is regular (non-ethnic), it usually ends in two :(-‫יים) י׳‬

‫סטודנטים דתמם‬ ‫אנשים פךקטןים‬ ‫בחורים ךציניים‬

religious students practical people serious young men

If the adjective is ethnic, it usually ends in one '‫ ים) י‬-), as in:

‫בח ור ים מקס יק נ ים‬ ‫בח ור ים א יטלק ים‬ ‫ בח ור ים צךפת ים‬-‫<־‬

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

The above guidelines state the norm. In reality, however, Hebrew speakers do not always abide
by them. For example, we might find people described as either : 19

not according to the norm‫׳‬, the norm‫׳‬,

a regular adj.: vegetarians (lit.: vegetarian people) ‫ אנ שים צ מ חוני ם‬or ‫אנ שים צ מ חוניי ם‬ *<C

an ethnic adj.: Israeli soldiers 20‫ חיילי ם י שן א ל;י ם‬or ‫חיילי ם י שךאלים‬

Feminine plural
Read the continuation of our story:

‫ הן ה ת חילו לדבר‬.‫אחרי כמה ז מן הגיעו ל מ ס ע ד ה עוד ב חו רו ת צךפ תיו ת לבו שות ב חול צו ת צבעוניות‬
‫ הגיעו גם עוד ב חו רו ת אי ט ל קיו ת לבו שו ת ב ש מ לו ת או פנ תיו ת והן דיברו עם‬.‫עם הבחורים הצרפתים‬
‫ כמה ב חו רו ת י שך אליות ואמךילןאיות ש ה תיי שבו ב שולחן דיברו ע ם הבחורים‬.‫הבחורים ה אי טל קי ם‬
.‫ה מ ק סי קני ם בעברית ובאנגלית‬

After a while more French women wearing colorful blouses arrived at the restaurant. They began
speaking with the French men. More Italian women wearing stylish dresses arrived, too, and they spoke
with the Italian men. Several Israeli and American women who sat down at the table spoke with the
Mexican men in Hebrew and English.

The highlighted words are feminine plural forms of adjectives whose masculine singular form
ends in ‫י‬:.

Q: What ending do they all have?

A: The ending is ‫יות‬- in all instances (for describing both inanimate nouns and people, with
regular and ethnic adjectives):

‫ב חו רו ת י שראליות‬ ,‫ב חו רו ת אי טל קיו ת‬ ,‫ב חו רו ת צרפ תיו ת‬ ,‫ש מלו ת אופנ תיו ת‬ ,‫חול צו ת צבעוניו ת‬

19 The norms mentioned above regarding the forms of ethnic adjectives also apply to certain animals. For
example, there is a tendency to say ‫( פילים הו־ךים‬Indian elephants), but we also hear ‫ פילים הודיים‬.
20 Forms denoting nationality, religion and ethnic group are also used as nouns, as in ‫( הצרפתים‬the French),
‫( הישראלים‬the Israelis). When this is the case, only one '‫ י‬is used.

III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed?

Let’s review

These are the endings of feminine singular adjectives and of plural adjectives whose singular
forms end in 7 ‫ י‬:

inanimate animate (people)

ethnic and non-ethnic adjs. non-ethnic adjs. ethnic adjs.

*fem . sing.: always ‫ית‬-: usually ‫ית‬-: sometimes :-‫ית‬

‫שמלה מוד תי ת‬ ‫בחורה צמחונית‬ ‫בחורה אמריקאית‬
‫גבינה צךפתית‬ exception:
‫ דתית‬/ ‫בחורה ןת׳יה‬ sometimes :-‫ייה‬
‫בחורה איטלקייה‬
T : ‫־‬

(detailed list in chapter)

♦ muse. p i. : always two yodeem ‫יים‬- :usually yodeem

usually yo d ::-‫ים‬
‫בגדים צבעוניים‬ ‫בחורים ךציניים‬ ‫בחורים צרפתים‬• T 5T

‫ספרים צרפתיים‬
‫ ־‬T :T

but also ::‫יים‬

‫בחורים צרפתיים‬
• • T :T

♦ fern, pi . : always ‫יות‬-: always ‫יות‬-: always :-‫יות‬

‫חולצות צבעוניות‬ ‫בחורות צמחוניות‬ ‫בחורות איטלקיות‬

‫?‪III. Adjectives / 2. How Are Adjectives Formed‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪W r it e the c o rre c t fo rm o f th e a d je c tiv e .‬‬

‫וגם צ יל ומ ים‬ ‫‪ . 1‬במ וזא ון יש צ י ורים‬

‫(מודרני)‬ ‫(קלסי)‬

‫אר וכה ‪.‬‬ ‫יצא ו לח ופשה‬ ‫‪ .2‬הע ובד ים ה‬

‫(שנתי)‬ ‫(אמריקאי)‬

‫‪ .3‬הס יט ואצ י ות בסרט ה זה לא‬


‫‪ .4‬ה זמרת ה ______________ שרה ש יר ים‬

‫(רומנטי)‬ ‫(איטלקי)‬

‫במת נה ‪.‬‬ ‫_ ש לכם יינות‬ ‫‪ .5‬כדא י לכם להב יא לחבר ים ה_‬

‫(צרפתי)‬ ‫(ישראלי)‬

‫_ וגם ק ומד י ות ‪.‬‬ ‫יש גם ת וכ נ י ות‬ ‫‪ .6‬בטל ו ויזיה ה ____________‬

‫(רציני)‬ ‫(ישראלי)‬

‫__________ א והב ים לבקר בא ילת ‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .7‬הת י יר ים ה_‬


‫‪ .8‬כדא י לשת ות מ יצ ים ___‬

‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬
‫‪ .1‬קלטיים ‪ ,‬מ ודת י ים ‪ .2‬אמךילןאים ‪ .‬ש נת ית ‪ .3‬אמ ית י ות ‪ .4‬איטלקייה ‪ ,‬רומנטיים ‪ .5‬ישראלים ‪ ,‬צךפת י ים‬
‫‪ .6‬ישךאליונ< וציניות ‪ .7‬ש ו ודים ‪ .8‬טבע י ים‬

3. Adjectives Resulting from an Action
Taken and Com pleted : ‫ מופעל‬,‫ מפועל‬,‫פעול‬
P re vie w
• Identifying "adjectives o f completed action"
• The forms o f "<adjectives o f completed action"
• The function o f "adjectives o f completed action" in a sentence
• The adjective-verb connection

Yossi and Sarah are throwing a party. Here's part of their conversation:
Yossi: Who (lit.: Whom) shall we invite to the party? ?‫את מי נזמין למסיבהי־‬
Sarah: David, because he is nice, >‫ את דוד כי הוא נ ח מד‬:‫שרה‬
Dafna, because she is funny, ,‫את דפנה כי היא‬ ‫מ צ חי ק ה‬
Ruti, because she is sociable, ,‫את רותי כי היא‬ ‫חב רו תי ת‬
Mickey, because he is sweet, ,‫את מיקי כי הוא‬ ‫מ תו ק‬
And Orna. because she is interesting. .‫ואת אורנה כי היא מ עניינ ת‬

In the list of guests above, we also see a list of their characteristics, which are expressed as
adjectives (...‫ מ צ חי ק ה‬,‫) נ ח מ ד‬. As you can see, these adjectives take a variety of different forms.

A few minutes before the guests arrive, Sarah breathes a sigh of relief. She and Yossi have
worked hard for hours, and now she can say to Yossi:
‫ הרצפה‬,‫ הפונץ׳ מ חו מ ם‬,‫ האוכל מבו של‬,‫ וסוף סוף הבית מ או תן‬,‫ האורחים עוד מעט מגיעים‬,‫יוסי‬ -*>
?‫ העוגות מוכנו ת והשולחן ערוך! אז למה אתה מודאג‬,‫שטופה‬

Yossi, the guests will be arriving any minute, and finally the house is in order (lit.: organized), the food
is cooked, the punch is heated, the floor is washed, the cakes are ready (lit.: prepared), and the table is
set! So why are you worried?

Do you feel a difference in meaning between the first group of adjectives and the second?

The adjectives in the second group are all the result of an action: The house is ‫מ או ת ן‬
(in order / organized) because someone put it in order or "organized" it (‫ ;) ארגן אותו‬the food is
‫( מבו של‬cooked) because someone cooked it (‫ ;) בי של אותו‬the punch is ‫( מ חו מ ם‬heated) because
someone heated it (‫ ;) חי מ ם אותו‬the floor is ‫( ש טו פ ה‬washed) because someone washed it

III. Adjectives / 3. Adjectives Resulting from an Action Taken and Completed

( ‫) ש ט ף אותה‬, the cakes are ‫( מוכנו׳ת‬ready, prepared) because someone prepared them (‫) הכין אותן‬,
the table is ‫( ץרוןד‬set) because someone set it ( ‫ ) ערך אותו‬and Yossi is ‫( מוז־אג‬worried) because
something is worrying him ( 1.( ‫מך איג אותו‬

As opposed to the adjectives in this second set of adjectives, those in the first set (,‫ מצחיק‬,‫נחמד‬
‫ מעניין‬,‫ מתוק‬,‫ ) חברותי‬are not necessarily the result o f an action taken.

• Identifying "adjectives o f completed action ‫״‬

Here are the "adjectives of completed action" from the story above in their masculine singular
form. Try saying them out loud:
‫מוךאג‬ ‫ץרוןז‬ ‫מוכן‬ ‫שטוף‬ ‫מחומם‬ ‫מבושל‬ ‫מ או תן‬ ‫<״‬

These adjectives can be divided into three groups according to their form: ‫( פעול‬pa-'OOL) , ‫מפו^ל‬
(me-foo-'AL) and ‫( מופ על‬moof-'AL).

Try this:
List these adjectives in the correct place in the chart below. The empty squares in each pattern
show the place of the root letters . 2

□ □ ‫מ ט ו ם □ מו ם‬

Here's the solution:

‫מופץל‬ ‫מפו^ל‬ ‫פעול‬
4 ‫מוכן‬ 3 ‫מ או תן‬ ‫שטוף‬
‫מודאג‬ ‫מבושל‬
T !

With verbs like ‫להדאיג‬, which denote a state more than an actual action, we can see the adjective ‫ מודאג‬as the
result of a verb in the present:‫ משהו מדאיג אותו‬.
On roots, see the chapter ‫״‬Root,‫ ״‬pp. 3-8.
‫ מ או תן‬is an example of an adjective with a four-letter root (‫נ‬-‫ר~ג‬-‫)א‬. As we pointed out in the chapter "How
Are Adjectives Formed?" p. 145, note 12, four-letter roots are quite common in this form. Here are more
examples: ‫( מפ ורסם‬advertised - the result of the action ‫ ;פרסם‬also means famous), ‫( מקוללןל‬spoiled, as in
spoiled milk).
‫ מוכן‬looks somewhat different because the ‫ ר‬in the middle of its root (‫ג‬-‫ו‬-‫ )כ‬has dropped out. Since ‫ מוכן‬begins
with -‫מ ו‬, we know that it belongs to the ‫ מ ופעל‬pattern.‫( מובן‬understood) is similar in structure. (Here the root
is ‫ג‬-‫י‬-‫ב‬, and the ;‫ י‬has dropped out.)

III. Adjectives / 3. Adjectives Resulting from an Action Taken and Completed

These three forms denote the result of a completed action . 5 The two adjective forms that begin
with ‫ מ־‬- ‫ מפו^ל‬and ‫ מופ^ל‬- may look familiar to you, since they are the same forms as the
present tense verbs o f the passive beenyaneem ‫( פועל‬jpoo'al) and ‫( הופעל‬hoofat). Below we will
deal with the connection between the patterns o f these adjectives and the beenyaneem.

Q: What sound do all of these adjectives have in common?

A: They all contain the sounds oo and ah, but it is the oo sound that makes them different from
other adjectives. In each of the forms, the ‫( ו׳‬the oo vowel) is in a different place:

‫מופעל‬ ‫מפועל‬ ‫פעול‬

moo-CHAN ‫מוכן‬ me-‫׳‬oor-GAN ‫מאוךגן‬ sha-TOOF ‫שטוף‬
mood-'AG ‫מודאג‬
T !
me-voo-SHAL T !
‫׳‬ ‫ מבושל‬a-ROOCH ‫ערוך‬
‫״‬ T

me-choo-MAM ‫מחומם‬T :

Here are some more examples:

1. Examples of ‫( פעול‬pa-'OOL) (here the "‫ "ו‬is in the last syllable):

This is a stolen car. .‫זה אוטו גנוב‬


1 sat next to the open window. 6.‫ישבתי ליד החלון הפתוח‬

His heart is broken. .‫הלב שלו שבור‬

The bank is closed now. .‫הבנק סגור עכשיו‬

2. Examples of ‫( מפו^ל‬me-foo-'AL) (here the "‫ "ו‬is in the middle):

Rina likes cooked carrots. .‫רינה אוהבת גזר מבושל‬

T !
Your computer is already fixed / repaired. .!‫המחשב שלכם כבר מת^לו‬
The telephone line is disconnected. .‫קו הטלפון מנותק‬

3. Examples of ‫( מופץל‬moof-'AL) (here the "‫ "ו‬is at the beginning):

1 found a typed letter. .‫מצאתי מכתב מוךפס‬

I'm sending you an enlarged photo. .‫אני שולחת לך צילום מוגדל‬
Why are you worried? ?‫למה אתה מוךאג‬
You look surprised. .‫אתה נראה מופתע‬

5 These forms may also be used for adjectives that do not denote a completed action, as you can read below.
6 In words that end in ‫ ח‬or ‫ע‬, such as ‫( פתוח‬open) and ‫( ידוע‬known), an extra ah vowel is added before the final
'‫ ח‬or '‫ע‬, creating an extra syllable: pa-TOO-ach, ya-DOO-a' (compare: ‫ סגור‬sa-GOOR, which has only two

III. Adjectives / 3. Adjectives Resulting from an Action Taken and Completed

Let’s review
Three forms are used for "adjectives of completed action":7

♦ ‫פעול‬T (pa-'OOL)'. ‫סגור‬ T

‫שבור‬ T
‫־‬ T

closed broken open

♦ ‫מפועל‬
T :
(me-foo-'AL): ‫מנותק‬ ‫מתוקן‬ ‫מבושל‬T 5

disconnected fixed cooked

♦ ‫מופעל‬
T :
(moof-’AL)'. ‫מופתע‬
T :
T :
T :

surprised worried enlarged

W ant to see if you've understood?

Choose the adjectives that belong to the categories ‫ מופ^ל‬,‫ מפו^ל‬,‫פעול‬. Write them in
the appropriate column in the chart underneath them:

,‫ מחובר‬.‫ מצחיק‬,‫ מוךחב‬,‫יין‬.‫ מענ‬,‫ גדול‬,‫ יפה‬,‫ משופר‬,‫ אדום‬,‫אכול‬

‫ מושכר‬,‫ ®ן‬,‫ מקושט‬,‫ קשה‬,‫ שלם‬,‫ נעול‬,‫ קטן‬,‫ רחוק‬,‫מוסבר‬

‫מופעל‬ ‫מפועל‬ ‫פעול‬

‫מופעל‬ ‫מפועל‬ ‫פעול‬
widened ‫מוו־חב‬ improved ‫משופר‬ eaten ‫אכול‬
explained ‫מוסבר‬ attached ‫מחובר‬ open ‫פתוח‬
rented ‫מושכר‬ decorated ‫מקושט‬ locked ‫נעול‬

7 At more advanced levels of Hebrew, you will sometimes encounter adjectives denoting the result of an action
whose form follows the pattern of ‫ נחמד‬and ‫נהדר‬. This is the case even though this form does not contain an
oo sound. Examples include ‫( נבחר‬chosen) and ‫( נרדף‬persecuted). At the beginning and intermediate levels,
however, almost all adjectives that take this form (like ‫ נחמד‬and ‫ )נהדר‬are "regular" in meaning.

III. Adjectives / 3. Adjectives Resulting from an A ction Taken and Completed

• The form s o f "adjectives o f completed action "

Like all adjectives, those that fall into the three categories ‫ מופ על‬,‫ מפועל‬,‫ פעול‬all have fo u r
T :
‫פ עול‬T

m.s.: ‫פ ס‬T ‫מוד‬

‫של‬T ‫מבו‬5 ‫סגור‬T
f.s.: ‫מוז־פסוז‬ ‫מבו שלת‬ ‫סגור ה‬
T 5 ‫פ •סי ם‬T ‫מוד‬

• T
‫מבו‬5 ‫סגוו־ים‬
fpl: ‫פ סו ת‬T ‫מו ד‬ ‫שלות‬T ‫מבו‬5 ‫סגו רו ת‬

See the chapter "How Are Adjectives Formed?" pp. 141-142,144-146 for more details concerning
these forms.

D id y o u k n o w ?
A special group of ‫ פעול‬adjectives ends in '‫( י‬in the m.s. form). Here are two

f.pi. f.s. m.s.

built ‫בנויות‬ ‫בנויים‬ ‫בנויה‬ ‫בנוי‬ *■>
bought ‫קנויות‬ ‫קנויים‬ ‫קנויה‬ ‫קנוי‬

Most ‫ פעול‬adjectives with a final ‫ י׳‬are related to verbs that end in ‫ה׳‬: ‫( בנה‬he
built), ‫( לןנה‬he bought). In fa c t,‫ י׳‬and not '‫ ה‬is actually the third root letter of these
verbs. (Their roots are ‫י‬-‫נ‬-‫ ב‬and ‫י‬-‫נ‬-‫)ק‬. In the verb forms, the ‫ י׳‬in the original ‫בני‬
and ‫ קני‬dropped off, and the letter ‫ ה׳‬was added. The original ‫ י׳‬is seen in the
adjectives ‫ בנוי‬and ‫קנוי‬. Notice that ‫ בנויים‬has a double ‫י׳‬: ‫ים => בנויים‬: + ‫בנוי‬.

An interesting case is the root ‫א‬-‫ש‬-‫נ‬, often used to speak about marriage. These
are the ‫ פעול‬forms of this root:

married ‫נשואותנשואיםנשואהנשוי‬- <

Notice that all but the masculine singular form are regular (they contain the root
‫א‬-‫ש‬-‫)נ‬. Only in the masculine singular form ‫ נשר‬does a ‫ י׳‬take the place of the
original ‫א׳‬.

Adjectives / 3. Adjectives Resulting from an Action Taken and Completed

• The function o f "adjectives o f completed action "

in a sentence
Adjectives that denote the result of a completed action function in a sentence like any other
adjective, for example:

1. They form noun-adjective phrases:

Tom ate cooked carrots. .‫תום אכל מר מבו של‬

He is sitting next to the open window. .‫הוא יושב ליד החלון הפתוח‬

2. They can be the predicate of a non-verb sentence:

Our house is locked. .‫הבית שלנו נ עול‬ ■<C

This paper is typed (printed) nicely. .‫העבודה הזאת מו ך פ ס ת יפה‬

When such sentences are in the past or future tenses, the appropriate form of the verb ‫להיות‬
(to be) is added, in the same way that it is added to sentences with "regular" adjectives:

future tense past tense present tense

regular adjective:
.‫הוא יהיה ג^שיר‬ .‫הוא היה ג^שיר‬ .‫השכן שלי עשיר‬
He will be rich. He was rich. My neighbor is rich.

adjectives o f completed action :

.‫היא תהיה לבושה יפה‬
T :
.‫היא הייתה לבושה יפה‬
T !
.‫האישה לבושה יפה‬
T !

She will be dressed nicely. She was dressed nicely. The woman is dressed nicely.

.‫השיעור יהיה מאו תן‬ .‫השיעור היה מ או תן‬ .‫השיעור מ או תן‬

The lesson will be organized. The lesson was organized The lesson is organized.

.‫האוכל יהיה מוכן עוד מעט‬ >= .‫=> האוכל היה מוכן לפני שעה‬ .‫האוכל מוכן‬
The food will be ready The food was ready The food is ready,
in a little while. an hour ago. (prepared)

III. Adjectives / 3. Adjectives Resulting from an Action Taken and Completed

‫ ״‬The adjective-verb connection

We have seen above that many adjectives whose patterns are ‫ מופעל‬,‫ מפועל‬,‫ פעול‬denote the
result of an action. Now we will look at the connections between each o f these three adjective
patterns and certain beenyaneem (verb patterns).

‫ פעול‬p a -fOOL
action result

.‫מישהו כתב אותו‬

‫־‬ T
- .‫המכתב כתוב‬

Someone wrote it. The letter is written.

.‫מישהו בךק אותו‬ - .‫המבחן בדוק‬

Someone checked it. The exam is checked.

.‫מישהו שבר את הבקבוק‬ - .‫אני רואה את הבקבוק השבור‬

Someone broke the bottle. I see the broken bottle.

Q: What do the verbs ‫כתב‬, ‫ בדק‬and ‫ שבר‬have in common?

A: They all belong to beenyan (pa'al).8 When the adjective looks and sounds like ‫כתוב‬
(ka-TOOV), ‫( בדוק‬ha-DOOfC) and ‫( שבור‬sha-VOOR) (i.e., ‫ פעול‬pa-'OOL), its past tense verb usually
takes the same form as ‫( כתב‬ka-TAV), ‫( בדק‬ba-DAIC) and ‫( שבר‬sha-VAR).

The reverse is also true. If we begin with a verb in beenyan ‫( פ?גל‬pa'al), we can usually (but not
always) predict that the adjective describing the result of the action will be in the ‫ פעול‬form:

action result

.‫עכשיו המלפפון שטוף‬ >= .‫יוני שטף את המלפפון‬

Now the cucumber is rinsed. Yoni rinsed the cucumber.

.‫עכשיו המלפפון חתוך‬ >= .‫הוא חתןז את המלפפון‬

Now the cucumber is cut up. He cut up the cucumber.

.‫עכשיו המעיל תלוי בארון‬ >= .‫הוא תלה את המעיל בארון‬

Now the coat is hanging in the closet. He hung up the coat in the closet.

8 See the chapter "Patterns of Verbs," pp. 361-364.

III. Adjectives / 3. Adjectives Resulting from an Action Taken and Completed

Did you know?

In addition to ‫( פעול‬pa'ool) forms, beenyan ‫( נפעל‬neef'a!) forms, too, can denote
the result of an action that is expressed with a verb in beenyan pa'al. Thus:

n e e f'a l p a 'a l ( a c tio n )

.‫החלון נפתח עכשיו‬ .‫ פותחים את החלון עכשיו‬. ‫ו‬
The w in d o w is openi ng (or: is bei ng opened) now. Someone is openi ng the w in d o w .

p a 'o o l p a 'a l ( a c tio n )

.‫עכשיו החלון פתוח‬ .‫פתחו את החלון‬ .2
The w in d o w s op en . Someone opened the w in d o w .

N eef'al forms (e.g., sent. 1) are used mainly as verbs (less as adjectives). They
usually denote an action in progress, whereas p a 'o o l forms (e.g., sent. 2) are
adjectives that denote a completed action.

‫ מפועל‬me-foo-'AL
Now let's look at the second group:
action result

.‫מישהו בישל אותו‬ .‫האוכל מבושל‬

T :

Someone cooked it. The food is cooked.

.‫מישהו תיקן אותו‬ .‫האוטו מ תו קן‬

Someone fixed it. The car is fixed.

.‫מישהו פינק אותו‬ .‫זה ילד מפונק‬

Someone spoiled him. This is a spoiled child.

Q: What do the verbs ‫בי של‬,‫ תיקן‬and ‫ פינק‬have in common?

A: They all belong to beenyan ‫( פיעל‬pee'el). If an adjective sounds and looks like ‫מבושל‬
(,me-voo-SHAL), ‫( מתוקן‬mc-um-K. !A) and ‫( מפונק‬me-foo-NAK) (i.e., ‫ מפועל‬me-foo-AL), then the
active verb in the past tense will usually be like ‫( בישל‬bee-SHEL), ‫( תיקן‬tee-KEN) and ‫פינק‬
(pee-NEK) - and vice versa:

III. Adjectives / 3. Adjectives Resulting from an Action Taken and Completed

result action

.‫עכשיו החדר מסודר‬ >== .‫יוסף סידר את החדר‬ -‫>־‬

Now the room is tidy (in order). Yosef tidied up the room.

‫ מופעל‬moof- rAL
Here's the third group. Notice that these adjectives begin with the sound moo:

action result

.‫מישהו הדפיס אותו‬

• ! ’
- .‫המכתב כבר מודפס‬
T !

Someone typed it. The letter is already typed

.‫מישהו הכין אותו‬ - .‫המרק מוכן‬

Someone prepared it. The soup is ready (prepared).

.‫מישהו המליץ על הסרט‬ - .‫ראינו את הסרט המומלץ‬

Someone recommended the movie. We saw the recommended movie.

Q: What do the verbs ‫הז־פיס‬,‫ הכין‬and ‫ המליץ‬have in common?

A: They all belong to beenyan ‫ ( הפעיל‬h e e f e e l ) . Adjectives that sound and look like ‫( מוךפס‬mood-
PAS) and ‫( מומלץ‬moom-LATS) (i.e., ‫ מופ^ל‬moof-'AL) are usually the result o f actions denoted by
verbs whose form is like ‫( הךפיס‬heed-PEES) and ‫( המליץ‬heem-LEETS).‫( מוכן‬moo-CHAN') and its
active verb ‫( הכין‬he-CHEEN) also belong to this group, but are slightly different because they
contain only two of their three root letters (the ‫ ו׳‬in their root ‫נ‬-‫ו‬-‫ כ‬has dropped out).

As with the other two groups, here, too, we can usually predict the adjective form on the basis
of the verb, for example:

result action

.‫המשפט מובן‬ >= .‫ מבין) את המשפט‬:‫התלמיד הבין ( או‬

The sentence is understood. The student understood (or: understands) the sentence.

Did you know?

‫ פעול‬,‫ מפועל‬and ‫ מופעל‬are also used as "regular" adjectives

11‫ ־‬is important• to note that each of the forms ‫פעול‬, ‫ מפועל‬and ‫ מופעל‬may also be
used as regular adjectives that are not the direct result of an action.

Here are examples of both regular adjectives and adjectives of completed

action that have the same form:

III. Adjectives / 3. Adjectives Resulting from an Action Taken and Completed

regular adjectives o f
adjectives completed action

(simple) ‫פשוט‬ ‫שטוף‬ (cleaned, rinsed)

(sure) ‫בטוח‬ ‫ערוך‬ (set, arranged)

(dangerous) ‫מסוכן‬ ‫מחומם‬ (heated)

(early) ‫מוקדם‬ ‫מוסכם‬ (agreed upon)

The connections between these three adjective patterns and the beenyaneem are not always
automatic, and there are exceptions to be learned, but it is important and very useful to learn
these connections.

Let's review
♦ Each of the three forms used for "adjectives of completed action" is usually
connected to a specific active beenyan :

- ‫ פעול‬forms such as ‫ בדוק‬and ‫שבור‬are connected to the verbs ‫ בדק‬and ‫ שבר‬of

T 'T T T — T

beenyan ‫( פעל‬pa'al).
- ‫ מפועל‬forms such as ‫ מסודר‬and ‫ מפונק‬are connected to the verbs ‫ סידר‬and ‫פינק‬
of beenyan ‫( פיעל‬pee'el).

- ‫ מופעל‬forms such as ‫ מובן‬and ‫ מומלץ‬are connected to the verbs ‫ הבין‬and ‫המליץ‬

of beenyan ‫( הפעיל‬heefeel).

♦ These same forms are used also as "regular" adjectives, for example: ‫פשוט‬
(simple), ‫( מצוין‬excellent) and ‫( מוכשר‬talented).
‫‪III. Adjectives / 3. Adjectives Resulting from an Action Taken and Completed‬‬

‫‪?Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪.A . Fill in the c o rre ct form o f the v e rb that co rre sp o nd s to the u n d e rlin e d a d je c tiv e‬‬

‫___________________________________________________________________ א ו ת ת‪E x a m p le :‬‬

‫________________________________________________________________________ א ת החלון?‬

‫____________________________________________________________ א ו ת ה‬

‫______________________________________________________________________ א ו ת ת‬

‫__________________________________________________________________________ או תו ?‬

‫‪ .5‬ני סינו ל פ תוח את החדרים ה נ עו לי ם ( ‪ .) locked‬מי _______________ א ת החדרים?‬

‫___________________________________________________________________ או ת ה ?‬

‫‪ .7‬הקפה מו כ! ( ‪ .) prepared‬מי _______________ או תו ?‬

‫‪ .8‬העובד ה מ פו ט ר ( ‪ ) fired‬מחפ ש עבודה‪ .‬מי _______________ או תו ?‬

‫‪ .9‬א ת ם מו פ ת עי ם ( ‪ ?)surprised‬מה _______________ א ת כ ם ?‬

‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬
‫‪ .9‬הפתיע ‪ /‬מפתיע‬ ‫‪ . 8‬פיטר‬ ‫‪ .7‬הכין‬ ‫‪ . 6‬ביטל‬ ‫‪ . 5‬נעל‬ ‫‪ .4‬הדפיס‬ ‫‪ . 3‬ניתק‬ ‫‪ . 2‬פתח‬ ‫ו‪ .‬שבר‬

‫‪.B. Fill in the c o rre c t form o f the a d je c tiv e that co rre sp o nd s to the u n d e rlin e d v e rb‬‬

‫‪o to‬‬ ‫‪E xa‬‬

‫‪ . 1‬יוסי ש בג ( ‪ ) broke‬את הכוס‪ ,‬ואני זרקתי את הכוס ה ______________ ל פ ח‪.‬‬

‫‪ . 2‬ההורים שלך פינקו ( ‪ ) spoiled‬אותך יותר מדיי‪ ,‬ולכן אתה ילד _______________ !‬

‫‪ . 3‬מי שהו סגב (‪ ) closed‬את הדלת‪ ,‬ועכ שיו היא ________________‬

‫‪ .4‬דני הדביק (‪ ) glued, stuck‬את הבול על המעטפה‪ .‬הבול _______________ ב מ ק ו ם הלא נכון‪.‬‬

‫‪ .5‬אנ חנו לא מבינים ( ‪ ) understand‬את ה שאלה הרא שונה‪ .‬גם השאלה השנייה לא _______________ ‪.‬‬

‫‪ .6‬דנה ערכה (‪ ) set‬את ה שולחן‪ .‬ה שול חן _______________ ב צ ו ר ה אלגנ טי ת‪.‬‬

‫‪ .7‬אימא בישלה ( ‪ ) cooked‬ירקות‪ ,‬אבל מיכל לא אוהבת ירקו ת ________________‬

‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬
‫‪ .7‬מבושלים‬ ‫‪ .6‬ערון־‬ ‫‪ .5‬מובנת‬ ‫‪ .4‬מודבק‬ ‫‪ .3‬סגורה‬ ‫‪ .2‬מפונק‬ ‫‪ . 1‬שבורה‬

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases
‫סמיכות‬ • •

• What, is smeechoot?
‫ ״‬The semantic connection between nouns in smeechoot
‫ ״‬Changes in the first noun(s) in a smeechoot phrase
* Making smeechoot phrases definite (specific)
‫ ״‬Smeechoot phrases with more than two nouns
*Making smeechoot phrases plural
• Adding an adjective to a smeechoot phrase
‫ ״‬Smeechoot phrases vs. noun-adjective phrases

In the previous unit we examined phrases in which a noun was followed by an adjective that
described it ( ‫ ספר מעניין‬an interesting book). In this chapter we will examine a different kind of
phrase in which information is added to a noun (called a smeechoot phrase)1

• What is smeechoot?
Here's a short account of Mrs. Levy's visit to the mall before her daughter's wedding:

‫ אחר כך היא הלכה ל חנו ת נעליים כדי לחפש נעליים‬.‫גברת לוי הלכה ל חנו ת בגדים כדי לקנות שמלה‬ *>
.‫ שבדיוק התאים לשמלה שלה‬,‫ שם היא מצאה כובע יפה‬.‫ בסוף היא הלכה ל חנו ת כובעים‬.‫מתאימות‬

Mrs. Levy went to a clothing store to buy a dress. Afterwards she went to a shoe store to look for
matching shoes. In the end she went to a hat store. There she found a pretty hat that matched her dress

Mrs. Levy entered three different stores. In each case a word is added to the noun ‫( חנו ת‬store)
in order to tell us what kind of store she went to.

1 In grammar books these are often called construct phrases.

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

a clothing store ‫בגך ים ח נ ות‬

a shoe store ‫נמל י יםחנו ת‬
a hat store ‫כ(־בעים ח נ ות‬

Q: What kind o f word is the added word? Is it a noun, an adjective or a verb?

A: Both in English and in Hebrew a noun is added to the word ‫חנות‬. This added noun describes
(or modifies) the noun ‫חנות‬.

These "noun-noun" phrases are called ‫( ס מי כו ת‬smee-CHOOT) in Hebrew.2

Let's concentrate now on one of the smeechoot phrases mentioned above: ‫ חנות בגך ים‬.

Q: In this noun-noun phrase, which is the base noun - the one being described?

A: The first noun - ‫ חנות‬- is the base noun. The second noun describes (or modifies) it in some
way. All o f the following nouns tell us something about the ‫ ח נ ות‬:
2 ‫ו‬
‫בגד ים‬
‫נעל י ים‬ ‫ס נ ות‬
‫כ ובע ים‬

Note that in English the base noun store comes last rather than first:

1 2
5 s*‫ ־‬a clothing
a shoe store
a hat

Let's look at some more examples:

I----------1 I----------1 I----------1
‫סלט ירקות‬
T* “ T
‫סלט פירות‬ ‫־‬ T
‫סלט ח ס ה‬
T ‫ ־־‬T
‫סלט טונה‬
T ‫־‬ T

vegetable salad fruit salad lettuce salad tuna salad

2 There are also other types of smeechoot phrases, such as "number + noun" phrases ( ‫ = שלושת הבנים‬the three
sons) and "adjective + noun" phrases (‫ = ארון* רגליים‬long legged). In this chapter we will deal only with the
most common type of sm eechoot noun-noun phrases.

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

As you may have noticed, sometimes the second noun (the describing noun) in these smeechoot
phrases is singular (as in ‫ חסה‬,‫ ) טונה‬and sometimes it is plural ( ‫ ירקות‬,‫) פירות‬. This is not
necessarily the case in the English equivalent. Thus, you cannot necessarily translate noun-
noun phrases directly from English to Hebrew. You have to learn that fruit salad is ‫סלט פירווו‬
and vegetable salad is ‫ סל ט ירקות‬. Likewise, we saw above that a shoe store is ‫ חנות נעליים‬and a
hat store is ‫חנות בובעים‬
• T ‫־‬:

Up until now, we have only mentioned smeechoot phrases that contain two nouns. Not
infrequently, however, a smeechoot phrase may contain m ore than two nouns, as in:

a root vegetable salad ‫ס ל ט ירקות שורש‬

We will deal with such smeechoot phrases below. In the meantime, we will discuss only two-
word smeechoot phrases.

Be careful! English and Hebrew may use different kinds of constructions to express
the same thing. For example, in Hebrew we usually use a noun-noun phrase - ‫דגל ישראל‬
- when we refer to the Israeli flag. English uses the adjective Israeli, and not the noun
Israel, to describe the noun flag. Similarly, while in English we say either a wooden
table or a wood table, in Hebrew we use only a noun-noun phrase ‫ שולחן עץ‬.

Did you know?

Are words like lemon nouns o r adjectives?
In English, many words are labeled in the dictionary as being both a noun
and an adjective, depending on their usage. For example, lemon is labeled
as a noun and an adjective (in the sentence "I bought a lemon" it is a noun,
whereas in "The lemon tree is pretty," it is an adjective), in contrast, in
Hebrew, the word ‫ לימון‬is labeled only as a noun because it has only two forms
(‫ לימונים‬/ ‫)לימון‬, rather than the four forms that every Hebrew adjective has
(e.g., ‫ גדולות‬,‫ גדולים‬,‫ גדולה‬,‫)גדול‬. Even when ‫ לימון‬describes a noun, as in ‫עץ לימון‬
(a lemon tree), it is still regarded as a noun. See below, pp. 193-195, for more
on this subject.

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

• The semantic connection between nouns in

The second noun in a smeechoot phrase may relate to the first (base) noun in a variety o f ways.
Let's look at some o f the more common ones.

Q: How does the second noun in the following phrases relate to the base noun?

---- 1 i
---- 1 I
-----1 I
---- 1 i
---- 1
‫חדר שינה‬ ‫חדר אוכל‬ ‫חדר עבודה‬ ‫שולחן פתיבה‬ ‫שולחן אוכל‬ ‫>י־‬
bedroom dining room work room, study desk dining table
(lit.: sleeping room) (lit.: food room) (lit.: writing table) (lit.: food table)

A: In all of these phrases, the second noun tells what the base noun is used for.

Now look at the following phrases:

---- 1
i I
---- 1 I
---- 1 i
---- 1 i
---- 1
‫שמלת משי‬ ‫שמלת צמר‬ ‫שמלת כותנה‬ ‫שולחן פלסטיק‬ ‫שולחן עץ‬
silk dress wool dress cotton dress plastic table wooden table

Q: How does the second noun in them relate to the base noun?

A: Here the second noun tells what the base noun is made of.

Sometimes smeechoot phrases are used to indicate possession. Here are some examples:

I------ 1 1------ 1
‫בית השכנים‬ ‫ארמון המלך‬ -‫>י‬
the neighbors' house the king's palace

In Modem Hebrew, however, we usually prefer to use the word ‫ של‬- and not smeechoot - to
indicate possession. Thus, while certain fixed possessive phrases like the above are used in
everyday speech, in today's Hebrew we do not freely create and use possessive smeechoot
phrases. For example, we say ‫( הספר של השכן‬the neighbor's book) or ‫( המדוברת של הילדה‬the girl's
notebook) rather than making these into smeechoot phrases.3 There are no fixed rules for when
we do or do not use smeechoot for expressing possession. The more you are exposed to Hebrew,
the more of a feel you will get for correct usage.

3 In more formal Hebrew we may say or write ‫ ספרו של השכן‬or ‫ מחברתה של הילדה‬.

IV. S m eechoot : Noun-Noun Phrases

Many smeechoot phrases correspond to the English o f but do not indicate actual possession:

‫ךבךי המנהל‬ ‫ראש ממשלה‬ ‫חבר כנסת‬ ■>£

the words of the principal. Prime Minister Knesset member
the principal's words (lit.: head of government) member of the Knesset
(Israel's parliament)

Other common uses of smeechoot in Modern Hebrew include naming families and stating years,
as in:
1------ 1 1------ 1
1948 ‫שנת‬ ‫משפחת סימפסו־ן‬ ‫>*־‬
the year 1948 the Simpson family

Creating new concepts with smeechoot

Sometimes the object or concept indicated by smeechoot phrases really is the combination of
the two elements combined in the phrase. This is the case in such phrases as ‫( סלט פרות‬fruit salad)
and ‫( בת השכנים‬the neighbors' daughter). In other cases, however, the words o f a smeechoot combine
to form a totally new concept that transcends the meaning of the two words in the phrase. This
is the case with a phrase such as ‫ בית ספר‬. Literally, this means a house o f a book, but we use it to
mean a school. In fact, ‫ בית ספר‬is used for any kind of school, even those with neither a building
(a "house") nor books. The fact that ‫ בית ספר‬is translated by one w ord in other languages such
as English emphasizes the fact that it represents a concept different from the sum total of its
elements. Here are some other examples:
1 i
synagogue (lit.: house of gathering) ‫בית כנסת‬
potato (lit.: apple of the earth, ‫תפוח אדמה‬
like the Frenchpomme de terre)
praying mantis (lit.: camel of Shlomo) ‫גמל שלמה‬

Did you know?

Two adjacent nouns do not always form a smeechoot phrase
Usually, when two or more nouns stand next to each other, they form a smeechoot
phrase. However, this is not always the case. For exam ple, when a noun-noun
phrase contains a title and a name, such as ‫ המלך דויד‬/ ‫( דויד המלך‬King David) or
‫( המורה רינה‬the teacher Rina), it is not smeechoot.4

4 The second noun in these phrases is called a ‫( תמורה‬appositive).

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

Let's review
♦ "Noun-noun" phrases such as ‫( חנות כובעים‬a hat store) and ‫( חבר קיבוץ‬a kibbutz
member) are called ‫ סמיכות‬in Hebrew.

♦ The first noun is the base noun of the smeechoot phrase. The second noun
describes (or modifies) the base noun in some way. For example, the second
noun may tell what the base noun is used for (‫ ) שולחן אוכל‬or what it is made
of (‫) שולחן עץ‬. Alternatively, it may indicate possession (‫)או״מון המלך‬, or it may
correspond to other meanings of the English o f (‫) חבר כנסת‬.

♦ Sometimes the words of a smeechoot combine to form a totally new concept,

as in: ‫( בית ספר‬school).

Why is it important to identify smeechoot?

You may have noticed that Hebrew teachers and grammar books place a lot of emphasis on
smeechoot. Why do phrases like ‫בית ספר‬, ‫ תחנת אוטובוס‬and ‫ עוגת גבינה‬get so much attention?

The answer to this question does not lie in the meaning of these phrases. Rather, it has to do
with their grammatical behavior - with the behavior of the nouns that form the phrase and with
the behavior of the phrase as a whole.

Let's now have a look at some of the special features o f smeechoot.

• Changes in the first noun(s) in a smeechoot phrase

If you look back at some of the examples above, you will see that the first noun (or nouns) in a
smeechoot phrase sometimes looks or sounds different from the form o f the same word when
it is not in smeechoot (for example: ‫) בית =^> בית ספר‬. However, not all nouns change when they
are in the first position(s) in a smeechoot phrase (for example, the word ‫ גן‬does not change in the
phrase ‫) גן ילדים‬. Nouns that are in the last position in a smeechoot phrase d o n 't change

Changes that always occur in the first noun(s)

It is not always easy to know if a noun form will change when it loses its independence and
becomes part of a smeechoot phrase. There are, however, certain changes that always take

IV. Sm eechoot Noun-Noun Phrases

1. The feminine ending ‫( ;ה‬-ah) becomes ‫ ת‬: (-at)

Here is a list of nouns and their smeechoot forms.
in smeechoot regularform

chocolate cake ‫עוגת שוקולד‬ ‫עוגה‬

gas station ‫תחנת דלק‬ ‫תחנה‬
vanilla ice cream ‫גלידת וניל‬
‫ •־‬T ‫י י ־ ־‬.! : T ‫■ י‬

earthquake ‫רעידת אדמה‬

T T ‫!־־‬ ‫־‬ ‫־‬ !
T ‫י‬ !

Q: What is the difference between the form o f the above nouns when they stand alone and
when they are the first word in a smeechoot?

A: When these nouns stand alone, they all end in ‫;ה‬, whereas when they are the first word in a
smeechoot, they end in ‫ ת‬::

‫רעידת אדמה‬
T T ‫־‬: ‫־‬ ‫־‬ !
‫גלידת וניל‬
‫־‬T ‫־‬ ‫! ־‬
‫תחנת דלק‬
‫׳‬ V t ! ‫־‬
‫עוגת שוקולד‬

B e c a r e fu l! We are not speaking here o f words that end in ‫ה‬: (-eh) such as ‫ מורה‬and
‫ ! שדה‬These words retain their ‫ ה׳‬in smeechoot

the teacher (m.) of the class ‫<■ הניתה מורה מורה‬sC

airport ‫תעופהשז־ה שדה‬

Note, too, that the ‫ ה‬: (-ah) ending that changes to ‫ ת‬: (-at) is stressed (as in ‫נה‬-‫ ח‬-‫ ת‬ta-cha-NA),
thus the word ‫( לילה‬LAI-la) (which, in any event, is masculine) is not included in this group?

2. The endings ‫ים‬- (-eem) and ‫יי ם‬: (-A-yeem) become ‫י‬:
Here is another list o f nouns and their smeechoot forms:
in smeechoot regularform

yeshiva students ‫תלמידי ישיבה‬ ‫תלמידים‬

math lessons ‫שיעורי מתמטילןה‬
sneakers, running shoes ‫נעלי ספורט‬

5 The '‫ ה‬in ‫ לילה‬is not a feminine ending like the ending on ‫עוגה‬. The word ‫ לילה‬becomes -‫ ליל‬in smeechoot, as
in ‫( ליל מנוחה‬Sleep well!, lit.: a night of rest) or ‫( ליל שבת‬Sabbath eve).

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

Q: What is the difference between the form o f the above nouns when they stand alone and
when they are the first word in a smeechoot?

A: When these nouns stand alone, they end in either ‫ים‬- and ‫יים‬:. When they stand as the first
word(s) in a smeechoot phrase, they lose their ‫ם‬- )‫ נעליים‬loses its ‫ים‬-). As a result, a ‫ י׳‬is left
dangling on the end:

‫תלמידי ישיבה‬ ‫שיעורי מתמטילןה‬ ‫נעלי ספוךט‬

Some Hebrew speakers pronounce the ‫ י׳‬and say tal-mee-DEI-, while others do not pronounce
the ‫ י׳‬at all, and say tal-mee-DE-.6 Both pronunciations are acceptable.

B e c a r e fu l! The final ‫ם‬- drops off in the smeechoot form o f all words ending in
‫ים‬-/ ‫ יים‬:, be they masculine (‫ ) תלמידי ישיבה‬or feminine (‫ נעלי ספו־ךט‬,‫) אבני הפו׳תל‬. It is the
form that counts, not the gender.

Remember: When we look up a plural noun in the dictionary, we look up the regular form of the
singular. Thus, when looking up ‫ בתי ספר‬, we would look under ‫בית‬.

Additional changes that frequ en tly occur in the first noun(s)

The two changes mentioned above (the change o f ‫ ;ה‬to ‫ ת‬: and the change o f ‫ים‬-/‫יים‬- to ‫י‬:) are
predictable changes in the ending of the first noun(s) in a smeechoot phrase. Other endings,
notably the plural ‫ ת‬1‫ ־‬, do n ot change in smeechoot.
‫ו‬ 1
bus stops ‫ ת‬1‫ טובו ס תחנ‬1‫ ת א‬1‫תחנ‬
chocolate cakes ‫ ת שוקולד עוגות‬1‫עוג‬

However, other predictable changes in the smeechoot form may also take place, either in
addition to the changes in the word's ending mentioned above or when there is no change in
the ending.7

6 According to traditional rules of grammar, the main stress in a smeechoot phrase is on the last word in the
phrase. Today, however, we tend also to stress one of the syllables in the first word. This is the pronunciation
we have indicated in our transcription.
7 We are dealing here only with vowel changes that can be heard. There are additional changes in vowel signs
that do not affect the way the word sounds.

IV. Sm eechoot Noun-Noun Phrases

1. Changes o f the vowel (of the regular form) to shva

Look at the following words, whose first syllable ends with a vowel:8

in smeechoot regularform
11 11

place of birth ‫ ם לידה‬1‫מק‬ ‫ ם‬1‫מק‬ .1

me-KOM- ma-KOM

passenger plane ‫ ס נוסדים‬1‫מ ט‬ ‫מטויס‬ T

me-TOS- ma-TOS

domestic harmony ‫ש א ם בית‬ ‫שאם‬ T

shlom- sha-LOM

a talk on a text from the Torah ‫דבר תורה‬

T ‫־‬ !
dvar- da-VAR

Q: In what way does the regular form o f these words differ from their smeechoot form?

A: When we pronounce these words, we hear that the ah at the beginning o f the regular forms
either becomes eh (as ini and 2 above) or disappears entirely (as in 3 and 4). When we write
the vowel signs, we can see that the kamats (□) in the first syllable o f the regular forms
changes to a shva (□).

We see this same change in the following words, whose ending also changes:

year of birth ‫שנת לידה‬

T ‫יי‬ ~
‫שנה‬ T T

shnat- sha-NA

rest hour ‫ש ^ת מנוחה‬ ‫שעה‬ T T

sh'at- sha-A

It also occurs when the first vowel is tsere (□ eh)7 as in:

1------ 1
hibernation (lit.: winter sleep) ‫שנת חורף‬ ‫שינה‬ T

shnat- shei-NA/she-NA

8 This is an open syllable (see the chapter "Basic Concepts: Sounds and Syllables," pp. 621-623 for more details).
We are not speaking here of nouns like ‫תלמיד‬, whose first syllable - tal - is closed (it ends in a consonant).

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

The change of the first vowel to shva (called vowel reduction) may take place in plural words,

the children of Israel ‫בני ישראל‬ ‫בנים‬■T

bnei- ba-NEEM

the daughters of Jacob ‫בנות יעקב‬ ‫בנות‬ T

bnot- ba-NOT

surnames, last names ‫שמות משפחה‬ ‫שמות‬

shmot- she-MOT

The reduction to shva can take place not only at the beginning o f the word, but also in the
middle, as in:
(eh o r no sound) □ <= (ah) □
! 1
letters of recommendation ‫מכתבי המלצה‬ ‫מכתבים‬

meech-te-VEI- meech-ta- VEEM

time sentences (in grammar) ‫משפטי זמן‬ ‫משפטים‬


meesh-pe-TEI- meesh-pa-TEEM

holy ground ‫אךמת קודש‬ ‫אדמה‬

T T ‫־‬:

,ad-MAT- 'ada-MA

(eh o r no sound) □ <= (eh) P

kibbutz members ‫חברי קיבוץ‬ ‫חברים‬
chav-REI- cha-ve-REEM

Although the reduction of the ah vowel is very widespread, there are also many words in which
ah at the beginning of the smeechoot form does n o t change, for example:

yeshiva student ‫<ישיבה בחור בחור‬SC

the cities of Israel ‫ערי ישראל‬
.. T : ‫י‬ « T
‫ערים‬‘ T

schools V ■‫י‬ ■‫ ־‬T

‫ספר בתי בתים‬
‫־‬ T

kindergartens ‫ילךיםגניגנים‬

Since it is difficult to predict when the reduction will n o t take place, you should simply be
aware when learning the smeechoot form o f nouns that there are some irregularities.

IV. Sm eechoot Noun-Noun Phrases

Note: When we write without vowel signs, we do not see the changes in vowels that do take

2. Changes in plurals like ‫ילךים‬

Look at the following plural nouns and their smeechoot forms:

in smeechoot regular form

1 1
kindergarten children yal-DEI- ‫!לדי גן‬ ‫ ילדים‬.‫א‬
‫ ־‬T :

the kings of Israel mal-CHEI- ‫מלכי ישראל‬ ‫מלכים‬

• T !

paths of peace, peaceful ways dar-CHEI- ‫ ם‬1‫דרכי של‬

T ‫־־‬ 5 ‫־־‬
• T !

watch dogs kal-VEI- ‫כלבי שמיךה‬ ‫כלבים‬

• T !

discourses on the Bible deev-REI- ‫רה‬1‫דברי ת‬

T *‫! ־‬ ‫״‬
‫ דברים‬.‫ב‬• T !

holy books seef-REI- ‫ספרי קודש‬ ‫ספרים‬

• T !

wild flowers peer-CHEI- ‫פרחי בר‬

T ‫־־‬ ! ‫־‬
• T !

oil colors tseev-EI- ‫צבעי שמן‬ ‫צ מ גי ם‬

Q: What do all the regular forms have in common?

A: They all have the same vowel pattern: ‫□□□ ים‬.

As is to be expected, the ending o f the smeechoot form has changed from ‫ים‬: to ‫י‬: (ei or e h \
however the vowels at the beginning of the form are unexpectedly different from those in the
regular form.

Now let's look more closely at the smeechoot forms in the two groups: The smeechoot forms all
have a vowel in their first syllable. The words in group ‫ א׳‬above have the vowel ah, while the
words in group ‫ ב׳‬have the vowel ee.9 It is hard to predict which o f these vowels a word with
the pattern ‫ □ □ □ ים‬will take in smeechoot. We note them here so that you will be aware of this
kind o f change when you learn these words.10

Many of these words are segolate nouns. See the chapter ‫״‬Segolate Nouns," pp. 89-107 for a more in-depth
discussion of them.
10 Another possible, but less common, smeechoot form of words with this plural pattern is found in the
in smeechoot regular plural
adverbs to-'o-rei- ‫תוארי פועל‬ ‫ת א רי ם‬
•T :
(sing.: ‫)תואר‬
verbs of motion po-'o-lei- ‫פועלי תנועה‬ ‫פ ע לי ם‬
• T S
(sing.: ‫)פועל‬
work procedures no-ho-lei- ‫נוהלי עבודה‬ ‫נ ה לי ם‬
• T :
(sing. : ‫)נוהל‬
the walls of the house kot-lei- ‫כותלי הבית‬ ‫פ ת לי ם‬ (sing. : ‫)כותל‬

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

Special changes you should rem em ber

The following common words or word groups change when they are the first noun(s) in
smeechoot. They are worth committing to memory:

1. Miscellaneous words11
in smeechoot regular form

school beit-12 ‫בית ספר‬ ‫בית‬ <

Air Force cheil- ‫חיל אוויר‬ ‫סיל‬
dining room cha-DAR- 13‫חז־ר אוכל‬ ‫סדי‬

2. Words with the pattern ‫מ □ □ □ ה‬

In the smeechoot forms o f words with the pattern ‫ מ □ □ □ ה‬, the vowels and ending change from
ah-ah to eh-et and the stress is on the second syllable rather than on the third:
1 1
fish restaurant mees-'E-det- ‫מסעךת דגים״־‬
world war T ? ‫ד‬ :
meel-CHE-met- ‫עו׳לם מלחמת מלחמה‬
■ T T : ■

traffic police meesh-TE-ret- ‫תנו^ה משטרת משטךה‬

The vowels in the smeechoot form of the following word remain ah-ah because of the ‫ח׳‬. Here,
too, the stress is on the second syllable o f the smeechoot form.
! 1
the Simpson family meesh-PA-chat - ‫משפחת סימפסו׳ן‬ ‫משפחה‬

3. Changing from ‫ים‬- to ‫ות‬-

In the following words the ending of the plural smeechoot form changes completely:
! 1
the Fifties shnot- ‫החמישים שנות שנים‬
prepositions mee-LOT- ‫מילוי מילים‬ ‫ת יחס‬

Be careful! When we look up a noun in the dictionary, we look up its regular, singular,
non -smeechoot form. For example, we look up the word ‫שמלת‬, which is the first word in
the smeechoot phrase ‫ שמלת כלה‬, under ‫שמלה‬. Many dictionaries give the smeechoot form
in parentheses (-‫ )שמ לת‬under the entry of the non -smeechoot form, especially when the
smeechoot form is different from the regular form.

11 See the chapter "Segolate Nouns," pp. 92, 103.

12 Some speakers pronounce these words bet-, chel-, with an e rather than ei.
13 The alternative form ‫ חדר אוכל‬is considered correct and is commonly used.

IV. S m eechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

Let's review
♦ The first noun (or nouns) in a smeechoot phrase sometimes looks or sounds
different from the form of the same word when it is not in smeechoot. Some
changes cannot be predicted and must simply be learned. Others are quite

Here are some examples:

- The ending ‫( ;ה‬-ah) becomes ‫ ת‬: (-at):

1 1
‫תחנת דלק‬ >= ‫תחנה‬ >

- The endings 7 ‫( ים‬-eem) and ‫יים‬: (-A-yeem) become ‫י‬: (-ei or-eh):
1 1
‫=> שיעורי מתמטיקה‬ ‫שיעורים‬ -‫>־‬
‫=> נעל ספורט‬ ‫נע אי ם‬

- The vowels at the beginning o f words like ‫ מקום‬and ‫ שמות‬reduce to shva:

1 1 1 1
‫שמות משפחה‬ >= ‫שמות‬ ,‫מקום לידה‬ >= ‫> ־ מקום‬

This also occurs in the middle of words:

1 1 1 1
‫חברי כנסת‬ >= ‫חברים‬ ,‫מכתבי אהבה‬ >= ‫ מכתבים‬-C

- Plural nouns whose pattern is ‫ □ □ □ י ם‬often take one of the following

smeechoot forms:
1 1
‫ילדי רחוב‬ >= ‫ילז־ים‬

*S. See the chapter for additional forms.

‫ספרי קודש‬ >= ‫ספו־ים‬

W ant to see if you've understood?

Join the tw o no u n s to g e th e r to fo rm a s m e e ch o o t p h ra s e ,

E x a m p le : ?fipi ‫ שוקולד‬+ ‫עוגה‬

‫ חולים‬+ ‫ בית‬.1
‫ פיתה‬+ ‫ מסיבה‬.2

‫ לימוד‬+ ‫ שיטות‬.3

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

‫ ירושלים‬+ ‫ משטרה‬.4

T ■‫י‬
+ ‫חדרים‬
‫י‬T ‫־‬1

‫ קיץ‬+ ‫ פירות‬.6

‫ אור‬+ ‫ שנים‬.7

‫רה‬T1‫ ת‬+ ‫ספרים‬

1T I

‫ ישראל‬+ ‫ מלכים‬.9

A nsw ers:
‫ פירות קיץ‬.6 ‫ הד ח שינה‬.5 ‫ משטרת ירושלים‬. 4 ‫ שיטות לימוד‬.3 ‫ מסיבת כיתה‬.2 ‫ בית הולים‬.1
‫ מלכי ישראל‬.9 ‫ ספרי תורה‬.8 ‫ שנות אור‬.7

• Making smeechoot phrases definite (specific)

Read the following passage about Tali Levy, who is about to be married:

‫ היא הלכה לקונדיטוריה וראתה שם שלוש‬.‫שבוע לפני החתונה של טלי היא הזמינה חברות למסיבה‬ ‫>־‬£
‫ אבל היא הייתה יקרה‬,‫ עוגת התפוחים נראתה טעימה‬.‫ עוגת גזר ועוגת שוקולד‬,‫ עוגת תפוחים‬:‫עוגות‬
‫ עוגת השוקולד נראתה טעימה וגם‬.‫ ולכן טלי לא קנתה אותה‬,‫ עוגת הגזר לא נראתה טעימה‬.‫מאוד‬
,‫ בערב המסיבה אכלו החברות שלה את העוגה כולה‬.‫ טלי קנתה אותה והלכה הביתה‬.‫לא הייתה יקרה‬
.‫ולא השאירו אפילו פירור‬
A week before Tali's wedding, she invited friends to a party. She went to a bakery and saw three cakes
there: an apple cake, a carrot cake and a chocolate cake. The apple cake looked good, but it was very
expensive. The carrot cake didn't look good, so Tali didn't buy it. The chocolate cake looked good and
wasn't expensive. Tali bought it and went home. The night of the party her friends ate the whole cake
and didn't leave even a crumb.

The following indefinite smeechoot phrases appear in the passage above:

!------- 1 !-----1 !------- 1
‫עוגת שוקולד‬ ‫עוגת גזר‬ ‫עוגת תפוחים‬
a chocolate cake a carrot cake an apple cake

Q: How are these phrases made definite (specific) in the passage above (i.e., th e apple

A: Rather than adding -‫ ה‬to the beginning o f the whole phrase, as we do in English, we add
­‫ ה‬to the last (here, the second) word o f the phrase:
I 1 I 1 I ‫ו‬
‫עוגת השוקולד‬ ‫עוגת הגזר‬ ‫עוגת התפוחים‬

IV. Sm eechoot Noun-Noun Phrases

This -‫ ה‬makes the entire smeechoot phrase definite.

Remember: A definite smeechoot never begins with the definite article -‫( ה‬the). If you want to
know if a smeechoot phrase is definite, always look at the last word o f the smeechoot. If it is
definite, the whole phrase - which is considered one unit - is definite.

Smeechoot phrases without '‫ ה‬that are definite

A smeechoot phrase may be definite even if there is no ‫ ה׳‬on the last word. The following
phrases are definite in Hebrew:

‫קבר דויד‬ ‫מגדל אייפל‬ ‫אוניברסיטת חיפה‬ .‫ו‬

David’s tomb the Eiffel Tower Haifa University

‫יום הולדתה‬ ‫כף ידו‬ ‫בת אחותי‬ .2

her birthday his palm my niece
(lit.: the palm of his hand) (lit.: the daughter of my sister)

We do not add a definite article to the second word in these phrases since the second word is
already definite.

In the first set of phrases, the second word is a name - either o f a place or a person. Names
(proper nouns) are considered definite, so we don’t have to add -‫ ה‬to make them definite. The
same is true o f the second group o f phrases, which have a possessive ending (see the chapter
"Nouns With Possessive Endings," pp. 60-77). The ending on ‫ הולדתה‬,‫ ידו‬,‫ אחותי‬makes these
nouns definite, thus a -‫( ה‬the) is never added onto the front o f them. Since the last noun in all
of the above phrases is definite, all o f the phrases are definite.

Be careful! Since definite smeechoot phrases never have -‫ ה‬attached to the front, when
the prepositions - ‫ כ‬,-‫ ל‬,-‫ ב‬precede definite smeechoot phrases, they (the prepositions)
will never contain -‫ ה‬:

He went to the hospital. le-veit ha-ka-FE .‫הוא הלך לבית החולים‬

She is sitting in the cafe. be-veit ha-ka-FE .‫היא יושבת בבית הקפה‬

Similarly, when the preposition ‫ את‬appears before a definite smeechoot phrase, there is
no -‫ ה‬after this ‫ א ת‬:
1 1
They see the roof of the building. .‫הם רואים את גג הבניין‬
She knows (is familiar with) the port of Haifa. .‫היא מכירה את נמל חיפה‬
We like (love) your niece (the daughter of your sister). .‫אנחנו אוהבים את בת אחותך‬

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

• Smeechoot phrases with more than two nouns

Until now we have examined phrases with only two nouns. However, as mentioned above, a
smeechoot phrase can be comprised of more than two nouns. Here is an example:
the school principal's daughter ‫בית מנהל ב ת‬ ‫הספר‬

This phrase is actually composed of a number o f smeechoot phrases: The word ‫ מנהל‬is added
to the beginning of the phrase ‫ בית הספר‬to form ‫ מנ הל בית הספר‬, and the word ‫ בת‬is added to the
beginning of this phrase to form ‫ ב ת מנהל בית הספר‬.

1------------ 1 ‫בת‬
!------- 1 ‫מנהל‬
‫בית הספר‬

Each of the words added to the beginning of a smeechoot phrase will take its smeechoot form. It
so happens that in the phrase ‫ ב ת מנהל בית הספר‬only the word ‫ בית‬has a smeechoot form different
from its normal form (‫)ב ית‬. Here is an example o f a smeechoot in which you can clearly see the
smeechoot forms o f all but the final word:
the university presidents'words ‫האוניברסיטאות נשיאי ךבךי‬
(lit.: the words of the presidents of the universities)

Here the word ‫ נשיאים‬changed to ‫ נשיאי‬and the word ‫ ךבךים‬changed to ‫ךבךי‬:

1------- 1 ‫ךבו־י‬
‫נשיאי האוניברסיטאות‬

Remember: It is only the very first word in a long smeechoot that is the base noun. That is,
when we say ‫ דברי נשיאי האוניברסיטאות‬, we are speaking about ‫( דברים‬words). The job o f the nouns
that follow the base noun is to describe (or modify) it. This means that if this long smeechoot is
the subject of a sentence, for example, the verb will match the first word, as in:

The school principal's daughter plays the guitar. .‫הספר מנגנת בגיטרה ב ת מנהל בית‬ ■<C.

The verb ‫ מנגנת‬matches the first word o f the smeechoot. ‫ ב ת‬.

In a non-verb sentence, the connector or adjective in the predicate will also match the first word
of the smeechoot
The school principal's daughter is my best friend. .‫הספר היא החברה הכי טובה שלי ב ת מנהל בית‬
The school principal's daughter is nice. .‫הספר נחמדה בת מנהל בית‬

Here the connector ‫ היא‬and the adjective ‫ נחמדה‬match the first word of the smeechoot ‫בת‬.

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

M aking a long smeechoot definite

Now let's take a closer look at the two phrases mentioned above:
‫בת מנהל בית הספר‬
‫דברי נשיאי האוניברסיטאות‬
These phrases are both definite.

Q: Where is the definite article -‫ ה‬added in each?

A: -‫ ה‬is added only to the last noun in the phrase, and it makes the entire phrase definite:

‫בת מנהל בית הספר‬

‫דברי נשיאי האוניברסיטאות‬
Thus, with a verb that takes ‫את‬, we would say:
1 1
I 1
We heard the words of the university presidents. .‫שמענו את דברי נשיאי האוניברסיטאות‬ ‫^י־‬

Let's review
♦ A smeechoot phrase is made definite by adding -‫ ה‬to the last word of the phrase
no matter how many words there are in the smeechoot.

‫ בת מנהל בית הספר‬,‫עוגת התפוחים‬ ->

♦ In the following cases, a smeechoot phrase is considered definite w ithout

having a -‫ ה‬at all:

- When the last word in the smeechoot phrase is a nam e - either of a place or
a person:
‫ קבר דויד‬,‫> ״ אוניברסיטת חיפה‬

- When the last word in the smeechoot phrase has a possessive ending:

‫ יום הולדתו‬,‫בת אחותי‬ -C

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

Want to see if you've understood?

a . C ir c le the sm e e ch o o t p h ra s e s th a t a re d e fin ite .

b . A d d - ‫ ה‬to m a k e th e r e m a in in g in d e fin ite sm e e ch o o t p h ra s e s d e fin ite .

E x a m p le : <3 )1‫מ‬ ‫חולצת כותנה‬

‫רחובות ירושלים‬ .5 ‫ כיתת לימוד‬.‫ו‬

‫חנות בגדי ילדים‬ .6 ____‫ כוס תה‬.2

_____ ‫בית הוריך‬ .7 ‫ משפחת כהן‬.3

_____ ‫יום הולדת‬ .8 ‫ תיקי תלמידי כיתתו‬.4

A n s w e rs :

a. The fo llo w in g are a lre a d y definite an d should be circled: 3 ,4, 5, 7.

b. The fo llo w in g are m ade definite b y a d d in g -:‫ה‬
1. ‫ יום ההולדת‬.8 ‫ חנות בגדי הילדים‬.6 ‫ כוס התה‬.2 ‫כיתת הלימוד‬

• Making smeechoot phrases plural

Smeechoot phrases are special not only in the way they are made definite, but also in the
way a singular smeechoot phrase is made plural. (A reminder: When we speak o f a singular
smeechoot phrase, we are referring to the fact that the first w ord o f the phrase is singular, as
in ‫ עוגת תפוחים‬an apple cake.)

Read the following passage about Tali and Yair:

‫ טלי‬.‫ שניהם אוהבים מאוד לשבת בבתי קפה‬.‫יומיים לפני החתונה שלהם הלכו טלי ויאיר לבית קפה‬
‫ טלי הזמינה‬,‫ כשהמלצר בא לשולחן‬.‫ ויאיר החליט להזמין אותו הדבר‬,‫רצתה עוגת תפוחים וכוס קפה‬
,‫ המלצר הביא להם את העוגות‬.‫ היא ביקשה גם עיתון בוקר‬.‫שתי עוגות תפוחים ושתי כוסות קפה‬
.‫את הקפה וגם שני עיתוני בוקר‬

Two days before their wedding, Tali and Yair went to a cafe. They both like sitting in cafes. Tali wanted
apple cake and a cup of coffee, and Yair decided to order the same thing. When the waiter came to their
table, Tali ordered two pieces of apple cake (lit.: apple cakes) and two cups of coffee. She also asked
for the (lit.: a) morning paper. The waiter brought them the cake, the coffee and two morning papers.

IV. Sm eechoot Noun-Noun Phrases

In the passage above there are four smeechoot phrases, in singular and in plural:

‫רבים‬ ‫יחיד‬
plural singular
coffee shop(s), cafe(s) ‫<■ קפה בתי קפה בית‬sC
morning newspaper(s) ‫בוקר עיתוניבוקר עיתון‬
apple cake(s) ‫תפוחים עוגות תפוחים עוגת‬
cup(s) of coffee ‫קפה כוסות קפהכוס‬

Q: Do both of the nouns in each o f these smeechoot phrases change?

A: N o! Only the first (base) noun changes to plural; the second noun stays as it was.

The same is true when there are more than two words in a smeechoot phrase: Only the first word

plural singular
the proposal(s) of the school principal ‫הצעות מנהל בית הספר‬ ‫הצעת מנהל בית הספר‬

Want to see if you've understood?

A . M a k e the fo llo w in g smeechoot phrases p lu ra l.

plural singular
E xam ple: ‫ מ((ן ל‬,j U ’t) <= ‫עיתון בוקר‬

‫תחנת אוטובוס‬ .1

‫בית חולים‬ .2

‫שולחן עץ‬ .3

‫חולצת כותנה‬ .4

‫חבר כנסת‬ .5
<= ‫כוס פלסטיק‬ .6
<= ‫תוכנית טלוויזיה‬ .7

<= ‫ספר לימוד‬ .8

<= ‫עוגת תות שדה‬ .9

A nsw ers:
‫ כוסות פלסטיק‬.6 ‫ חברי כנסת‬.5 ‫ חולצות כותנה‬.4 ‫ שולחנות עץ‬.3 ‫ בתי חולים‬.2 ‫נות אוטובוס‬
‫ עוגות תות שדה‬.9 ‫ ספרי לימוד‬.8

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

B. M a k e the fo llo w in g sm e e ch o o t p h ra s e s s in g u la r.

p lu ra l s in g u la r

E x a m p le : < = ‫בו ק ר עי תוני‬

<= ‫תי קי עו ר‬ .1
<= ‫נ עלי ס פו ר ט‬ .2

<= ‫א רונו ת קי ר‬ .3
<= ‫ס ל טי פי רו ת‬ .4

<= ‫עו גו ת שו קו ל ד‬ .5
<= ‫ש מ לו ת ע ר ב‬ .6
<= ‫כו סו ת יין‬ .7

<= ‫ספרי תו ר ה‬ .8
<= ‫ב תי ע ץ‬ .9
‫גני י ל די ם‬ => .10

A n s w e rs :
‫ כוס יין‬.7 ‫ שמלת ערב‬.6 ‫ עוגת שוקולד‬.5 ‫ סלט פירות‬.4 ‫ ארון קיר‬.3 ‫ נעל ספורט‬.2 ‫ תיק עור‬.‫ו‬
‫ גן ילדים‬.10 ‫ בית עץ‬.9 ‫ספר תורה‬ .8

• Adding an adjective to a smeechoot phrase

Here is an example of a smeechoot phrase with an adjective:
‫ו‬ 1
There is a big shoe store in the mall. .‫יש בקניון חנות נעליים גדולה‬ •‫״*״‬C

Q: What is "bi g"(‫ )גדולה‬here? The ‫ חנות‬or the ‫?נעליים‬

A: Since the adjective ‫ גדולה‬is feminine and singular, we know that it refers to ‫חנות‬, which is
also feminine and singular.

‫ו‬------ 1
‫חנות נעליים גדולה‬

Let's look now at another smeechoot with an adjective:

‫ו‬ !
1bought a book for learning spoken Arabic. .‫קניתי ספר ללימוד ערבית מדובדת‬

IV. Sm eechoot Noun-Noun Phrases

This example is different from the previous one: Here the adjective ‫( מדוברת‬spoken), which is
feminine and singular, refers to the word preceding it: ‫( ערבית‬Arabic), which is the second word
of the smeechoot.

We could look at it as a combination o f these two components:

‫[ערבית מדוביה‬ | ‫לימוד‬

These two examples show that the adjective can match either the first or the second noun in the
smeechoot phrase.

Adding an adjective to a definite smeechoot phrase

Until now, we have looked at indefinite smeechoot phrases. Now let's look at some definite
1 1
1 like to buy shoes in the big shoe store. ,‫ אני אוהבת לקנות נעליים בחנות הנעליים הגדולה‬.‫ו‬
I 1
who is taking care of inviting the important guests? ?2. ‫מי מספל בהזמנת האורחים החשובים‬

Q: What happens to the adjective when we add it to a definite smeechoot?

A : When the smeechoot phrase is definite (indicated by the fact that the last word o f the phrase
is definite), the adjective must also be made definite (with a -‫)ה‬. This is true both when the
adjective matches the base noun, as in sentence 1, and when it matches the second noun,
as in sentence 2.

‫ הזמנת האורחים החשובים‬. 2

Now look at the following phrases:

The famous King of England got married eight times. .‫מלך אנגליה המפורסם התחתן שמונה פעמים‬ **C

My big sister's son lives in Tel Aviv. .‫בן אחותי הגדולה גר בתל אביב‬

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

Q: Why is -‫ ה‬added to the adjectives ‫ המפורסם‬and ‫?הגדולה‬

A: As we saw earlier, a smeechoot phrase is definite in two more cases: when the last word o f
the smeechoot is a nam e o f a place or a person (as in the first sentence above) and when the
last word o f the smeechoot has a possessive ending (as in the second sentence). Since these
smeechoot phrases are definite, so, too, is the adjective added to them (no matter which
word the adjective describes):

‫מלך אנגליה המפורסם‬

‫בן אחותי הגדולה‬

Adding an adjective can be problematic

As we saw above, an adjective can relate to either the first or the second noun in a smeechoot.
For this reason, if we wish to translate a phrase like ‫ בית המלך החדש‬, we encounter a problem,
since this phrase could mean one of two things: the king's new house or the new king's house.
In this specific expression it is hard to know whether the adjective ‫ חדש‬refers to ‫ בית‬or to ‫מלך‬,
since both words are m asculine and singular and since both can be "new."

You can see the two options graphically here:

‫בית המלך החדש‬ or ‫בית המלך החדש‬

In order to avoid ambiguity here, it is advisable to break up this phrase and say either
‫ הבית החדש של המלך‬or ‫ הבית של המלך החדש‬.

Let's review
♦ An adjective that is added to a smeechoot phrase may refer either to the first
noun of the smeechoot, as in:

a new clothing-store (=a new store that sells clothing) 5*‫״‬ ‫ חנות בגדים חדשה‬C
or to the second noun:

learning a new method ■‫ימוד שיטה חדשה״‬

‫‪IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases‬‬

‫‪♦ When the smeechoot is definite, so is its adj ective (no matter which word of the‬‬
‫‪smeechoot it describes):‬‬

‫חנות הבגדים החדשה‬

‫ן ‪r------‬‬
‫לימוד השיטה החדשה‬
‫**‬ ‫‪\---‬‬
‫מלכת הולנד הנחמדה‬
‫‪— 1‬‬
‫בן אחותי הגדולה‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪C h o o s e the c o rre c t fo rm .‬‬

‫ו‪ .‬אחרי שאכלתי עוגיית שוקולד __________________________ ‪ ,‬הרגשתי לא טוב‪.‬‬

‫(גדול ‪ /‬הגד ול ‪ /‬גד ולה ‪ /‬הגד ולה)‬

‫ראש הממשלה __________________________ ביקר בעשר מדינות בחודשיים האחרונים‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫(צע יר ‪ /‬הצע יר ‪ /‬צע ירה ‪ /‬הצע ירה)‬

‫הבן שלי עוזר לי בשטיפת הכלים_____________________________________‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫(מל וכלכת ‪ /‬המל וכלכת ‪ /‬מל וכלכ ים ‪ /‬המל וכלכ ים)‬

‫שכחתי בבית את מתנת אחי __________________________‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫(צע יר ‪ /‬הצע יר ‪ /‬צע ירה ‪ /‬הצע ירה)‬

‫קראתי ספרים רבים על מלחמת העולם ‪.‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫(שנ י ‪ /‬הש נ י ‪ /‬שנ י יה ‪ /‬השנ י יה)‬

‫נסענו במכונית הספורט ___________________________‪.‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫(אד ום ‪ /‬האד ום ‪ /‬אד ומה ‪ /‬האד ומה )‬

‫‪ .7‬מי מטפל בהזמנת האורחים _________________________________‬

‫(מפ ורסמת ‪ /‬המפ ורסמת ‪ /‬מפ ורסמ ים ‪ /‬המפ ורסמ ים )‬

‫מכ נס י ים ( ‪( m .‬‬ ‫למסיבה אתמול לבשת את מכנסי הג׳ינס‬ ‫‪.8‬‬

‫))אר וכ ות ‪ /‬האר וכ ות ‪ /‬אר וכ ים ‪ /‬האר וכ ים‬

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

‫ המורה דואג למציאת חדר‬.‫החדר הזה ק טן מדיי לכיתה שלנו‬

)‫ האחרת‬/ ‫ אחרת‬/ ‫ האחר‬/ ‫(אחר‬

‫אימא עוזרת לי בבחירת בגדים‬

)‫ החדשים‬/‫ חדשים‬/‫ החדשה‬/‫(חדשה‬

.‫ נשיא צרפת ___________________________ י ב ק ר בישראל בעוד חודש‬. 11

)‫ החדשה‬/ ‫ חדשה‬/ ‫ החדש‬/ ‫(חדש‬

‫ הארוכים‬.8 ‫ המפורסמים‬.7 ‫ האדומה‬.6 ‫השנייה‬.5‫הצעיר‬.4‫ המלוכלכים‬.3 ‫הצעיר‬
‫ החדש‬.11 ‫חדשים‬

• Smeechoot phrases vs. noun-adjective phrases

Here are some examples of Hebrew phrases. Some are smeechoot (noun-noun) phrases and
others are noun-adjective phrases:

In the chapters on adjectives ("How Do Adjectives Behave?" pp. 124-137) and in the section on
smeechoot phrases above, we saw that each of these two kinds o f phrases behaves in a unique
way - especially when it is made definite or plural. In order for us to know how to make a
phrase definite or plural, we must first identify it as either a smeechoot (noun-noun) phrase or
as a noun-adjective phrase.

IV. Sm eechoot Noun-Noun Phrases

Try this:
Put each o f the above phrases in its proper place in the chart below.

noun + adjective phrase smeechoot (noun + noun) phrase

‫ שם תואר‬+ ‫שם עצם‬ ‫ שם עצם‬+ ‫שם עצם‬

‫שיר ישראלי‬ ‫שיר אהבה‬

Here's the solution:

‫שיר ישראלי‬ ‫שיר אהבה‬

‫סלט טעים‬ ‫סלט ירקות‬
‫עיר מיוחדת‬ ‫עיר בירה‬
‫כוס קטנה‬ ‫כוס יין‬
‫קורס מעניין‬ ‫קורס מחשבים‬

Q: What is the key to deciding if a phrase is a smeechoot or a noun-adjective phrase?

A: In all of the above phrases, the second (last) word of the phrase is the key. If it is a noun,
as in the following, the phrase is smeechoot.

‫קורס מחשבים‬ ‫כוס יין‬ ‫עיר בירה‬ ‫סלט ירקות‬ ‫שיר אהבה‬

If the second (last) word is an adjective, the phrase is a noun-adjective phrase:

‫קורס מעניין‬ ‫כוס קטנה‬ ‫עיר מיוחדת‬ ‫סלט טעים‬ ‫שיר ישראלי‬ ■<C

How do we know i f the last word is a noun or an adjective?

It is not always easy to know if the last word in a phrase is a noun or an adjective. If you are
writing or speaking, and thus using words with which you are familiar, you can ask yourself the
following questions:

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

1. Does the word have four form s, as does ‫גדול‬: ‫ ת‬1‫ ל‬1‫ גד‬/ ‫ גח׳לים‬/ ‫ לה‬1‫ גד‬/ ‫ ? גדול‬If so, it is an
7 ! ‫י‬ ! T ! T

adjective (unless it is an animate noun like ‫ ת‬1‫ פא‬1‫ ר‬/ ‫ רופאים‬/ ‫ רופאה‬/ ‫) רופא‬.

2. Can you make the word possessive, as in ‫( האהבה שלי‬my love) or ‫( הירקות שלי‬my vegetables)?
If so, the word is usually a noun.

If you encounter a word with which you are not familiar, it is not always possible to know
whether it is a noun or an adjective.

In the chapters on the forms o f nouns ("How Are Hebrew Nouns Formed?" pp. 78-87) and o f
adjectives ("How are Adjectives Formed?" pp. 138-158), we saw that certain patterns and forms
are typical o f nouns or o f adjectives (for example, if a word ends in ‫י׳‬, it is usually an adjective).
However, we can't depend on form as the means o f identifying a word as a noun or an adjective,
since some forms are used for both. For example: ‫( שומר‬a guard) is a noun, while ‫ןז‬$1‫( מ‬attractive)
is an adjective.

Why is it helpful to differentiate between a sm eechoot and a noun-adjective phrase?

Knowing whether a noun phrase is a smeechoot or a noun-adjective phrase is helpful to you
both as a speaker of Hebrew and as a reader. Here are some areas in which it is important:

1. Pronunciation and forming words

Let's say, for example, that you encounter the word ‫ בית‬in a text or wish to use it in speech.
Oddly, in order to read the word out loud or to pronounce it properly when you speak, you must
first check what comes a fte r it! If you see that an adjective follows it, as in ‫ בית מודרני‬, then you
will know to pronounce it ‫בית‬. If you see that a noun follows it, as in ‫ בית ספר‬, you will know to
say ‫( בית‬i.e., the smeechoot from).

This kind of differentiation also affects how you form words. For example, it helps you to know
whether to say ‫ עוגה‬or -‫ עוגת‬and, when forming the plural o f a word like ‫בית‬, whether to say
‫ בתים‬or ‫בתי־‬.
•T ** T

2. Adding the definite article ‫ ה־‬and changing a phrase from singular to plural (and vice
When you form phrases, you must, o f course, assess whether you are using a smeechoot or
a noun-adjective phrase in order to know where to place the definite article - ‫ הבית הגדול) ה‬or
‫ ) בית הספר‬and how to make a singular phrase plural ( ‫ בתים גדולים‬or ‫ ) בתי ספר‬and vice versa.

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

3. Using the dictionary

When reading a text, differentiating between a smeechoot and a noun-adjective phrase also
helps you know how to look up a word in the dictionary. For example, if you meet the phrase
‫ ילדות מאושרת‬and recognize that the second word is an adjective (and is feminine singular),
you should realize that the word ‫ ילדות‬is not the plural of ‫( ילדה‬girl), but rather is the feminine
singular form ‫ילדות‬. If you don't know that this means childhood, hopefully you would know to
look up the singular form ‫ ילדות‬and not ‫ילדה‬.

noun + adjective smeechoot (noun + noun)

♦ Last word: Last word i s an adj ective: Last word is a noun:

a d j. noun noun + noun

a new song ‫שיר חדש‬ a love song ‫שיר אהבה‬

a fresh salad ‫ס ל ט טרי‬ a vegetable salad ‫ס ל ט ירקות‬

With more than two nouns:

‫ס ל ט ירקות שורש‬
a root vegetable salad

♦ First word: No changes in first word: Changes in first word(s):

Main changes:
1. Final ‫{ ;ת‬-ah) becomes ‫ ת‬: {-at):
1 1
a big cake an apple cake ‫עוגהתפוח ים‬
‫גדולה‬ ‫עוגת‬
a new class a cotton shirt ‫כותנהשה‬ ‫חולצת‬
‫חולצה חד‬

2. Plural ‫ים‬: and ‫יים‬: become ‫י‬::

1 !
good friends ‫חבךים טוב ים‬ Knesset members ‫חברי כנסת‬
comfortable shoes ‫נעליים נוחות‬ bedroom slippers ‫נעלי בית‬
Hn 1
school principals ‫מנהלי בתי ספר‬

IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases

noun + adjective smeechoot ( 1noun + noun)

♦ Matching: Matching in gender and No matching:

m.s. <=>m.s. f.s. m.s.
‫שיר חדש‬ ‫שיר אהבה‬
f.s. <=>f.s.
‫עוגה גדולה‬ f.s. <=> 1------- 1
‫חברים טובים‬ ‫עוגת תפוחים‬
f.p l <&fpl.
‫נעליים נוחות‬

♦ Definiteness: ­‫ ה‬on both words: ­‫ ה‬on the last word only:

____ ‫ ה‬. ____ ‫ ה‬.

the fresh salad ‫הסלט הטרי‬ the vegetable salad ‫סלט הירקות‬

the school principal ‫מנהל בית הספר‬

When the first word When the last word

is already definite: is already definite:

ancient Jerusalem ‫ירושלים העתיקה‬ the Queen of England ‫מלכת אנגליה‬

his big son ‫ הגדולבנו‬our school ‫בית ספרנו‬

‫ ־‬-------- 1
‫ראש ממשלת קנדה‬
the Prime Minister of Canada

♦ Making plural: Both words are made plural: Only the first word changes:
plural singular plural singular
I---- 1 I---- 1
‫=> סלטים טריים‬ ‫סלט טרי‬ ‫ סלטי ירקות‬4= ‫סלט ירקות‬
fresh salads vegetable salads
‫שמלה חדשה => ש מ א ת חדשות‬ ‫שמלת כלה => שמלות כלה‬
new dresses wedding dresses
‫=> ךךכים נוחות‬ ‫דרך נוחה‬ ‫=> ךךכי לימוד‬ ‫ךךןז לימוד‬
convenient ways / roads study methods
‫שולחן שחור => שולחנות שחורים‬ ‫=> שולחנות עץ‬ ‫שולחן עץ‬
black tables wooden tables

‫‪IV. Sm eechoot Noun-Noun Phrases‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪A . C h a n g e fro m s in g u la r to p lu ra l.‬‬

‫‪plural‬‬ ‫‪singular‬‬

‫‪E x a m p le s :‬‬ ‫מכתב חשוב‬

‫מכתב אהבה‬

‫בית חולים‬

‫בית חדש‬

‫ספר מעניין‬

‫ספר לימוד‬

‫עוגה חמה‬

‫עוגת יום הולדת‬

‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬

‫‪ .2‬בתים חדשים ‪ .3‬ספרים מעניינים ‪ .4‬ספרי לימוד ‪ .5‬עוגות חמות ‪ .6‬עוגות יום הולדת‬ ‫‪ .1‬בתי חולים‬

‫‪C h a n g e fro m p lu ra l to s in g u la r.‬‬

‫‪plural‬‬ ‫‪singular‬‬

‫‪E x a m p le s :‬‬ ‫> = חשובים מכתבים‬ ‫‪o J& n‬‬ ‫‪0/0N‬‬

‫‪I‬‬ ‫‪i‬‬ ‫‪I‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬

‫מכתבי אהבה‬ ‫>=‬ ‫‪oadw‬‬

‫=<‬ ‫כוסות יין‬

‫=<‬ ‫כוסות גבוהות‬

‫=<‬ ‫שולחנות כתיבה‬

‫=<‬ ‫שולחנות שחורים‬

‫=<‬ ‫תלמידים אינטליגנטיים‬

‫=<‬ ‫תלמידי בית ספר‬

‫=<‬ ‫חברות טובות‬

‫חברות כנסת‬ ‫>=‬

‫‪IV. Smeechoot: Noun-Noun Phrases‬‬

‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬

‫‪ .4‬שולחן שחור ‪ .5‬תלמיד אינטליגנטי‬ ‫כוס יין ‪ .2‬כוס גבוהה ‪ .3‬שולחן כתיבה‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫תלמיד בית ספר ‪ .7‬חברה טובה ‪ .8‬חברת כנסת‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫‪C.‬‬ ‫‪C irc le the p h ra s e s th a t a re a lr e a d y d e fin ite . M a k e a ll th e rest o f th e p h ra s e s d e fin ite‬‬

‫‪ .‬ה ־ ‪b y a d d in g a‬‬
‫‪definite‬‬ ‫‪indefinite‬‬

‫‪E x a m p le s :‬‬ ‫חנות חדשה‬

‫‪I-------- 1‬‬
‫חנות בגדים‬

‫ב ח ו ר ג בו ה‬

‫בחור ישיבה‬

‫ארון בגדים‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫ארון כחול‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫חברת כנסת‬

‫חברה ותיקה‬

‫נשיא פקיסטאן‬

‫נשיא צעיר‬ ‫‪.8‬‬

‫בית הורינו‬ ‫‪.9‬‬

‫‪ . 10‬בית כנסת‬

‫‪ . 11‬בית מיוחד‬

‫‪ . 12‬ירושלים העתיקה‬

‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬

‫‪C ircled (a lre a d y definite):‬‬ ‫‪ .12‬ירושלים העתיקה‬ ‫‪ .7‬נשיא פקיסטן ‪ .9‬בית הורינו‬

‫‪The rest m ade definite:‬‬ ‫‪ .3‬ארון הבגדים ‪ .4‬הארון הכחול‬ ‫‪ .1‬הבחור הגבוה ‪ .2‬בחור הישיבה‬

‫‪ .11‬הבית המיוחד‬ ‫‪ .5‬חברת הכנסת ‪ .6‬החברה הוותיקה ‪ .8‬הנשיא הצעיר ‪ .10‬בית הכנסת‬

V. Double Possessives (‫)בנו של שמ ואל‬ v. •• •• •• • • /•

‫סמ יכ ות כפ ולה‬
T *• * •

• What is a double possessive?
‫ ״‬When do we use double possessives?
• Creating double possessive phrases

• What is a double possessive?

Read the following two sentences:

.‫ המטרה של הפגישה ע ם המ ורה ה י יתה לדבר ע ל הבעיות של הילד‬.‫ו‬

The aim of the meeting with the teacher was to speak about the child's problems.

.‫ מטרתה של הפגישה ע ם המ ורה ה י יתה לדבר ע ל בעיותיו של הילד‬.2

The aim of the meeting with the teacher was to speak about the child's problems.

Note that the highlighted phrases in both o f these sentences have the sam e translation in English
even though their structure in Hebrew is different.

Q: What does each of the highlighted phrases in sentence 1 have in common with the
corresponding phrase in sentence 2?

A: They both contain a smaller phrase that begins with ‫ של‬:

‫של ה ילד‬ , ‫של הפ ג ישה‬ ‫>■־‬

Q: In what way are the highlighted phrases different from each other?

A: The difference is found in what comes before ‫של‬.

In sentence 1, the noun before ‫ של‬is preceded by -:‫ה‬

‫הבע י ות של ה ילד‬ , ‫המט ר ה של הפ ג ישה‬ -‫<־‬

In contrast, in sentence 2 the noun has a possessive ending:

‫בע י ות י ו של ה ילד‬ , ‫מ ט ר ת ה של הפ ג ישה‬

V. Double Possessives

In sentence 2, possession is actually expressed twice (a double possessive ): once with an ending
added onto the noun and again with the ‫ של‬phrase:1

_ ‫של הילד‬ ‫_ בעיותיו‬ ‫של הפגישה‬ ‫מטרתה‬

‫ של הילד‬+ ‫הבעיות שלו‬ ‫ של הפגישה‬+ ‫המטרה שלה‬

In grammar books, this construction is often called ‫"( סמיכות כפולה‬double smeechoot‫ )"־‬even
though there is no real smeechoot, as we know it, here.2

To what does the possessive ending refer?

Usually, in other uses of a "noun + possessive ending," the possessive ending refers back to
someone or something that was already mentioned before, for example:

I *
David met his son in the center of town. .‫דויד פגש א ת בנו במרכז העיר‬

In this sentence, the ending on ‫( בנו‬his son) refers back to ‫דויד‬. In contrast, in the double possessive
(‫ ) ״סמיכות כפולה״‬construction the ending on the noun refers forward to the noun that follows ‫של‬
and matches it:

f I f I
‫בעיותיהם של התושבים‬ ,‫מטרתה של הישיבה‬

When we first encounter the noun with the possessive ending in these phrases, we do not know
to whom or to what the ending refers until we read the ‫ של‬phrase.

• When do we use double possessives?

The use of double possessive phrases is simply a matter of style. Some phrases like these are
used in informal speech - especially phrases that refer to family members: ‫( אשתו של דויד‬David's
wife), ‫( בעלה של מירי‬Miri's husband), ‫( אחותו של משה‬Moshe's sister). However, usually the use o f
double possessives makes the style o f a passage more formal.

1 We are referring to the relationship between the two nouns joined by ‫ של‬as possession even though this
relationship is sometimes not exactly one of possession (as in ‫) המטרה של הישיבה‬.
2 On smeechoot phrases, see the chapter ‫״‬Smeechoot,‫ ״‬pp. 170-174.

V. Double Possessives

Creating double possessive phrases

When you create double possessive phrases on your own, you first have to convert the ‫ של‬phrase
into a possessive ending and add this ending onto the first noun. Then, after this, you repeat the
‫ של‬phrase as it originally appeared. This is how it is done:
‫) ו ) המטרה של הישיבה‬
\ 1/
2) ‫) המטרה שלה‬
v \ /
‫מטרתה של הישיבה‬ ) 3(

The possessor in these phrases is always in the third person (‫ שלו‬his/its, ‫ שלה‬hers/its, ‫ שלהם‬their m.,
‫ שלהן‬their / ) . Therefore, the endings on the first noun are always one o f the following:

plural noun ending plural noun ending singular noun ending singular noun possessor
in ‫ות‬- )‫(הצעות‬ in ‫(דברים) לים‬ in (‫תגובה) ~וז‬ that doesn't
end in (‫רצון);ה‬

‫דעותיו של האיש‬ ‫דבריו של האיש‬ ‫תגובתו של האיש‬ ‫רצונו של האיש‬ ‫שלו‬

the man's opinions the man's words the man's reaction the man's wish

‫דעותיה של האישה‬ ‫דבריה של האישה‬ ‫תגובתה של האישה‬ ‫רצונה של האישה‬

the woman's opinions the woman's words the woman's reaction the woman's wish

‫דעותיהם של השרים‬ ‫דבריהם של השרים‬ ‫תגובתם של השרים‬ ‫רצונם של השרים‬

the ministers' opinions the ministers' words the ministers' reaction the m inisters'(m.) wish

‫דעותיהן של המורות‬ ‫דבריהן של המורות‬ ‫תגובתן של המורות‬ ‫רצונן של המורות‬

the teachers' opinions the teachers’ words the teachers' reaction the teachers' (f.) wish

B e c a r e fu l! Not all nouns that are joined together by ‫ של‬can automatically be expressed
with a double possessive. Usually, when their relationship is one o f possession, we can
use this structure, as in ‫( בעיותיו של הילד‬the boy's problems). When two nouns joined by
‫ של‬do not have a relationship of possession, there is no clear-cut rule as to whether the
double possessive structure ean be used (e.g., ‫ מטרתה של הישיבה‬the aim of the meeting)
or cannot be used.

V. Double Possessives

Chapter summary
♦ Double possessive phrases begin with a "noun + possessive ending" followed
by a phrase that begins with ‫ש ל‬:

V i 1 i 1 1
‫ילדיהם של השכנים‬ ,‫בנו של משה‬ ,‫מטרתה של הישיבה‬

The possessive ending on the first noun matches the noun that comes after ‫ש ל‬.

‫־‬#• Double possessives have the same m eaning (and translation) as possessive
phrases like the following, but are usually more form al :

‫הילדים של השכנים‬ ,‫הבן של משה‬ ,‫המטרה של הישיבה‬ -C

?W ant to see if you've understood

W r it e the fo llo w in g p h ra se s as d o u b le po ssessives. (F o r h e lp w ith th e fo rm s , see the

c h a rt a b o v e o r th e c h a p te r " N o u n s w ith Possessive E n d in g s ," p p . 6 0 - 7 7 (.

E x a m p le : fro f& ‫&ילרי‬ »= ‫השיר של רחל‬

_______ >=‫המכונית של השכנים‬

_______ >=‫הספרים של הסופרת‬
_______ >=‫הדעה של המנהלת‬
_______ >=‫הדעה של המנהלים‬
_______ >=‫העוזרים של החוקרים‬
_______ >=‫העוזרים של החוקרת‬
_______ >=‫המכנסיים של הילדה‬
_______ >=‫החולצה של הילד‬
_______ >s= ‫הציפורניים של החתול‬
_______ >s= ‫התיק של הנערה‬
_______ >s= ‫הבקשות של העובדים‬
_______ >=‫הבקשה של הבנות‬
A n s w e rs :

‫ דעתם של המ נהל ים‬.4 ‫ דעתה של המ נהלת‬.3 ‫ ספר יה של הס ופרת‬.2 ‫ מכ ו נ יתם של השכ נ ים‬.1
‫ ח ולצת ו של ה ילד‬.8 ‫ מכ נס יה של ה ילדה‬.7 ‫ עוזר יה של הח וקרת‬.6 ‫ ע ו זר יהם של הח וקר ים‬.5
‫ בקשת ן של הב נ ות‬.12 ‫ בקש ות יהם של הע ובד ים‬.‫ ו‬1 ‫ ת יקה של ה נערה‬.‫ ו‬0 ‫ ציפורניו של החת ול‬.9

VI. Pronouns and Pointing Words
Personal pronouns • )...‫ אתה‬,‫(אני‬
®Pointing words (demonstratives( )...‫ ההוא‬,...‫(זה‬
• Each other )...‫ אחד את השני‬,‫(זה את זה‬

• Personal pronouns (...‫ אתה‬,‫)אני‬

Read the following passage:

‫ היא הראתה להם את הספר החדש שלה ושאלה אותם‬.‫הסופרת דיברה עם סטודנטים באוניברסיטה‬ ->
.‫אם הם קראו אותו‬
The author spoke with students at the university. She showed them her new book and asked them if
they had read it.

The words highlighted in this passage are ail pronouns.

Q: Which of the Hebrew pronouns above appear as sep arate w ords (not as an ending)?

A: Only ‫ היא‬and ‫הם‬. The other pronouns appear as endings and are discussed elsewhere in
this book.1 ‫ היא‬and ‫ הם‬are examples o f personal pronouns that can serve as the subject of a
sentence. Here are others:“

p lu r a l s in g u la r p erso n

‫אנחנו‬ ‫אני‬ I
we (m ■If■) I (m./f.)

‫אתן‬ ‫אתם‬ m ‫אתה‬

T ‫־‬
you ( you ( you (f.s.) you (m.s.)

‫הן‬ ‫הם‬ ‫היא‬ ‫הוא‬ III

they CO they (in.) she / it (f.) he / it (m.)

1 See the chapter "Adding Endings to Prepositions," pp. 229-252. On numbers with pronoun endings, see the
chapter "Numbers," pp. 283-285. On nouns with pronoun endings, see the chapter "Nouns with Possessive
Endings." pp. 60-77.
2 For other pronouns that can serve as the subject (and in other capacities), see the following: On ‫ זה‬and the like,
see the continuation of this chapter. 011 ‫מי‬. ‫ מה‬and other question words, see the chapter "Asking Questions."
pp. 808-819. On -‫מי ש‬,-‫ מה ש‬, see the chapter "Sentences with -‫ (כל) מה ש‬,-‫)כל) מי ש‬," pp. 877-881.

VI. Pronouns and Pointing Words

The Hebrew equivalents of I and we (the first person pronouns) both begin with ‫אג־‬: ‫( אני‬I) and
‫( אנחנו‬we). Each is used for both masculine and feminine.

The English you (the second person pronoun for m.s., f.s.,, f p l ) is expressed by four
different Hebrew pronouns, all of which begin with ‫את־‬. Notice that in the singular, the
masculine form (‫ )אתה‬is longer than the feminine form (‫)את‬. In the plural, the masculine form
ends in ‫ם‬- )‫ ) אתם‬and the feminine in ‫ן‬- )‫) אתן‬.

The Hebrew equivalents of he, she, it and they (the third person pronouns) all begin with :‫ה׳‬
‫ הן‬,‫ הם‬,‫ היא‬,‫ הוא‬. Since Hebrew has no neuter (it), it has only two singular forms: masculine
(‫ )הוא‬and feminine (‫)ה יא‬, both o f which end in a silent ‫א׳‬. The masculine ‫ הוא‬corresponds to the
English he and it (when what it refers to is masculine in Hebrew), for example:

.‫ שמעתי שהוא מצוין‬.‫עוד לא ראיתי את ה סר ט "החיים יפים״‬ -»>

I haven't yet seen the film "Life is Beautiful." I've heard that it (=the film) is excellent.

The feminine ‫ היא‬corresponds to the English she and it (when what it refers to is feminine), for
Have you tasted the pizza? it is very good. .‫* טעמ ת את הפיצה? היא טעימה מאוד ״״‬C
(= the pizza) (‫)=הפ יצה‬

The endings o f the plural forms ( ‫ הם‬they m. and ‫ הן‬they f.) are the same as ‫ א ת ם‬and ‫ א ת ן‬.

• Pointing words (demonstratives)

‫ אלה‬,‫ זאת‬,‫ זה‬and the like
Read the following sentences:

The author said: This is my new book. .1. ‫ זה הספר הח ד ש שלי‬:‫הסופרת אמרה‬
This book came out a month ago. .2. ‫הספר הזה יצא לאור לפני חודש‬

Q: In which of these sentences does the word ‫ זה‬come after a noun, as part of a noun phrase?
A: In sentence 2. In this sentence, ‫ זה‬is part o f the noun phrase ‫( הספר הזה‬this book). In sentence
1, on the other hand, ‫ זה‬is not part o f a noun phrase, but rather stands alone.

We will first discuss the use o f ‫ זה‬and other pointing words when they stand alone, and then we
will look at these words when they are part o f a noun phrase.

VI. Pronouns and Pointing Words

‫ אלה‬,‫ זאת‬,‫ זה‬when they stand alone

In the following sentences, the speaker points at an object close by and says something about
plural singular

masculine: These are books. .‫אלה ספרים‬ This is a book. .*‫״‬ ‫*זוז ס פר‬SC
feminine : These are notebooks. .‫אלה מחברות‬ This is a notebook. .‫זיאת מחב רת‬

The words highlighted in these sentences are the most common words used to point at something
(or someone): ‫ זה‬is used for masculine singular (‫(ספר‬, ‫ זאת‬for feminine singular (‫ ) מ ח ב ר ת‬and ‫אלה‬
both for masculine and feminine plural ( ‫ספרים‬, ‫) מח ב רות‬.

In more formal Hebrew, two more pointing words are sometimes used: ‫זו‬, which means the
same as ‫זאת‬, and ‫אלו‬, which means the same as 3.‫ אלה‬The following sentences have the same
meaning as those above:
.‫ מחברות‬/ ‫אלו ספרים‬ .‫>־* זו מחברת‬

Pointing words are very versatile: They can function not only as the subject o f a sentence
(as in the sentences above), but also in other capacities. For example, we could point to something
like a pen or a notebook and ask:
Are you using this now? ?‫ א ת מ ש ת מ ש ת בזה עכשיו‬.‫ו‬
Where did you buy this? ?2. ‫איפה קנית א ת זה‬

In these sentences, ‫ זה‬functions not as the subject, but rather as the object.4 Note that when it is
a direct object (as in sentence 2), we use the word ‫ את‬before it because it is considered definite
(specific) even though it has no - ‫ ה‬on the front.5 Notice, too, that in these sentences the name
of the object that is pointed at is not mentioned. ‫ זה‬here refers in a general way to the "thing"
to which we are pointing, without regard for whether the word for this object is masculine
or feminine. This is the case also when we point to something and ask "?‫( " מ ה זה‬not knowing
whether it is masculine or feminine).

3 ‫ זאת‬and ‫ אלה‬are characteristic of Biblical Hebrew, while ‫ זו‬and ‫ אלו‬are characteristic of Mishnaic Hebrew.
Modem Hebrew has inherited all of these forms.
4 In the first Hebrew sentence, it is an indirect object and in the second it is a direct object. (On direct objects
see the chapter "The Direct Object and the Use of ‫את‬," pp. 697-704.)
5 For more on this, see the chapter "The Direct Object and the Use of ‫את‬,‫ ״‬pp. 698-702.

VI. Pronouns and Pointing Words

Did you know?

1. The word ‫ זה‬is also used to refer to a whole sentence or a whole idea, as in:

Life is difficu lt. Onl y n o w do I under st and this. .‫רק עכש י ו הב נת י א ת זה‬ .‫ החיים קשים‬.1 ‫< *־‬

This / That is i nt erest i ng. .2. ‫זה מע נ י י ן‬

= The t hi ngs that w e have seen, f or exampl e.

. ‫הלכ נ ו לב ית קפה‬ ‫זה‬ ‫ואחר י‬ ‫ראינו סרט‬ .3

W e saw a movie, and after that (= after we saw the movie), we went to a cafe.

In literary Hebrew, the word ‫ זאת‬is used in the same w ay as ‫ זה‬in sentence I ,
but usually without ‫ א ת‬:

Life is difficu lt. On l y n o w do I underst and this. .‫זאת‬ ‫רק ע כש י ו הב נת י‬ .‫החיים קשים‬

2. ‫זה‬, ‫ זאת‬and ‫ אלה‬can also be used to refer back to a specific noun in a sentence
like the following:
. ‫ה ס פ ר ה ט וב ב י ותר ש ל ו‬ ‫זה‬ , ‫ לדעת י‬. ‫ה א ח ר ו ן ש ל הפ ר ופס ו ר של י‬ ‫הספר‬ ‫קראתי את‬ ■>£
I r ead my professor' s latest book. In my opi ni on, it (lit.: this) is his best book.

Note that, unlike in English, we usually use ‫( זה‬and not ‫ ) ה ו א‬in Hebrew when the
predicate 6 of the second sentence is a noun

. ‫ה ס פ ר ה ט וב ב י ותר ש ל ו‬ ‫זה‬ , ‫ לדעת י‬. ‫ה א ח ר ו ן ש ל הפ ר ופס ו ר של י‬ ‫הספר‬ ‫קראתי את‬ ■>£. (lit.: this) is his best book.

When the p re d ica te is not a noun, we say ‫( הוא‬it) (as in English):

Do you k now this book? It is excellent. . ‫מצוין‬ ‫הוא‬ ?‫א ת מכ ירה א ת ה ס פ ר הזה‬ •*<

" Wh e r e is the book?" "It fell." .‫נפל‬ ‫הוא‬ - ?‫ א יפה הספר‬-

6 For a clarification of the term predicate, see p. 705.

7 We always use ‫זה‬, ‫זאת‬, ‫( אלה‬rather than ‫הוא‬, ‫היא‬, ‫ ה ם‬,‫ ) הן‬when the noun that follows is definite, and also many
times when the noun is indefinite.

VI. Pronouns and Pointing Words

‫ אלה‬,‫ זאת‬,‫ זה‬as part o f a noun phrase

The pointing words ‫ אלה‬,‫ זאת‬,‫ זה‬and the like can also come after a noun in a phrase, in the same
way that a regular adjective does, for example:

Have you read this book? (m .s.)?‫ ק ראת את הספר הזה‬.‫ו‬ *<£

This student does not speak Hebrew. (f.s.).2. ‫ה ס ט ו דנ טי ת הזאת לא מדברת עברית‬

Maya bought these flowers. (m .pl).3. ‫מאיה קנתה א ת הפרחים האלה‬

who put wine in these small glasses? ( ) ?4. ‫מי שם יין בכוסות הקטנ ות האלה‬

In the above sentences, the pointing words match their nouns in gender (masc. <=> masc.,
fem. <=>fern.) and in number {sing. <=> sing., pi. <=>pi.). In addition, all o f the above nouns are
definite , and the pointing words are all preceded by - ‫) ה ספ ר הזה) ה‬. In this way, the pointing word
behaves like a regular adjective, as in : ‫ ה ס פ ר המעניין‬.

In more formal, written Hebrew, we sometimes find phrases such as the following:

This book was published a year ago. .‫ ספר זה פורסם לפני שנה‬.‫ו‬

This young woman has many talents. .2. ‫לבחורה זו יש כישרונות רבים‬

We heard these things in the lecture last week. .3. ‫שמענו דברים אלו בהרצאה בשבוע שעבר‬

In these phrases, there is no - ‫ ה‬on eith er the noun o r the pointing word, but they m ean exactly
the same as those with - ‫ = הספר הזה = ספר זה) ה‬this book). Nevertheless, unlike phrases with -‫ ה‬,
there is no ‫ את‬before them when they are the direct object (as in sentence 3).

Did you know?

The use of -‫ ה‬before pointing words and the noun before them (e.g., ‫האיש‬
‫ )הזה‬is typical of Biblical Hebrew, where the pronoun forms ‫זה‬, ‫ זיאת‬and ‫אלה‬
are used. The absence of - ‫ ה‬in such phrases (e.g., ‫ ) איש זה‬is typical of later
(Mishnaic) Hebrew, where the forms ‫זה‬, ‫ זו‬and ‫ אלו‬are used. Therefore, when
we use -‫ ה‬, the forms in Column I (below) are preferred, and when we omit -‫ ה‬,
the forms in Column II are preferred:

VI. Pronouns and Pointing Words

II 1
‫ספר זה‬ or ‫ הספר הזה‬-65C
‫בחורה זו‬ or ‫הבחורה הזאת‬
‫דברים אלו‬ or ‫הדברים האלה‬
‫כוסות אלו‬ or ‫הכוסות האלה‬

Today, we often find a mixing of these forms (for example: ‫הבחורה הזו‬, which
uses the Biblical structure ...‫ה‬...‫ ה‬with the Mishnaic form n).

‫ ההן‬,‫ ההם‬,‫ ההיא‬,‫( ההוא‬that, those)

Sometimes ‫זה‬, ‫ זאת‬and the like are the equivalent of the English that and those, as you can see
in some of the translations above. This is especially the case when these pointing words stand
alone (not as part of a noun phrase). For example, if we point to a house in the distance, we
might say:
That is the house we want to buy. .‫זה הבית שאנחנו רוצים לקנות‬

However, when pointing words are part o f a noun phrase, we have two options when pointing
to a house (or something / someone else) in the distance (i.e., "over there"):

Do you see that house? ?-‫־‬ ‫ א ת ם רואים א ת הבית הזה‬.‫< ו‬

(lit.: this)

Do you see that house? ?2. ‫א ת ם רואים א ת הבית ההוא‬

Note that the expressions ‫( ההוא‬m.s.), ‫{ ההיא‬f.s.), ‫( ההם‬ and ‫( ההן‬ may be added only to
a definite noun with -‫ ה‬on the front.8 They always match the noun that they follow in gender,
number and definiteness, for example:

Can you see that house? (m.s. ) ?‫א ת רואה א ת הבית ההוא‬

That method is better than this method.(f.s. ) .‫הש יטה ההיא טובה יותר מה שי טה הזאת‬

Those houses are old. ( ) .‫הבתים ההם ישנים‬

( ) ?‫א ת ם מעדיפים א ת העוגות האלה או א ת העוגות ההן‬

Do you prefer these cakes or those cakes?

8 In spoken language, we sometimes hear these expressions used without a noun in front of them, as in:
That guy (over there) said that it's impossible to fix this. .‫ הה וא אמר שאי אפשר לתקן את זה‬-«

VI. Pronouns and Pointing Words

These expressions can also refer to something distant in time, as in:

in those days ‫ההם בימים‬

Let's review
♦ ‫אלה‬/‫ אלו‬,‫זאת‬/‫ זו‬,‫ זה‬are used for pointing at something ,

- They can stand alone (i.e., not as part of a noun phrase): f.s. m.s.

.‫ אלו מחברות‬/ ‫אלה‬ .‫ אלו ספרים‬/ ‫אלה‬ .‫ זו מחברת‬/ ‫זאת‬ .‫זה ספר‬ -*>
These are notebooks. These are books. This is a notebook. This is a book.

In these examples, they are the subject of the sentence and match the word
denoting the object being pointed at. They can also have other functions in
the sentence. For example, here they are an object:

?‫א ת צריכה א ת זה‬ ?‫ א ת מ ש ת מ ש ת בזה‬- >

Do you need this? Are you using his?

- They can appear after a noun as part of a noun phrase:

. ‫ה מ ח ב רת הזאת קט נה‬ .‫הספר הזה מעניין‬

. ‫המחב ר ות האלה קט נ ות‬ . ‫הספר ים האלה מעניינ ים‬

In these examples, they match their noun in the same way that a regular
adjective does. However, unlike a regular noun-adjective phrase (e.g., ‫הספר‬
‫)המע נ י י ן‬, if - ‫ ה‬is dropped from the phrase (e.g., ‫) ה ס פ ר הזה => ספ ר זה‬, the
m eaning does not change, but the style is more formal.

♦ The pointing words ‫ ההן‬,‫ ההם‬,‫ ההיא‬,‫) ההוא‬that / those) are used after a definite
noun that has -‫ ה‬on the front :

. ‫ה מ ח ב רת ההיא קט נה‬ .‫הספר ההוא מעניין‬

. ‫המחב ר ות ההן קט נ ות‬ .‫כבר קראת י א ת הספר ים ההם‬

VI. Pronouns and Pointing Words

Want to see if you've understood?

A. W r it e o n e o f th e fo llo w in g fo rm s - ‫ הז ה‬/‫ז ה‬, ‫ הז א ת‬/‫ ז א ת‬o r ‫ ה אל ה‬/‫ אל ה‬- in the b la n k .

.‫חדשים‬ ‫ ה שולחנות‬.4 .‫בית גדול‬ .1

.‫שאלה טובה‬ _________ 5 .‫ילדות נחמדות‬ .2

.‫________ ש ל מיכל‬ ‫ ה מפ ת חו ת‬.6 . ‫_____ ט ע י ם‬ ‫ המרק‬.3

A n s w e rs :

‫ האלה‬.6 ‫ זאת‬.5 ‫ האלה‬.4 ‫ הזה‬.3 ‫ אלה‬.2 ‫ זה‬.1

T ra n sla te .

1. This is an interesting question.

2. This question is interesting.__

3. These are old newspapers.__

4. These books are o ld ._______

5. This table is new .___________

6. Those are my books. _

7. Those shoes are pretty.

8. We ( know that man.

A n s w e rs :
.‫ שאלה זו מעניינת‬or .‫ השאלה הזאת מעניינת‬.2 .‫ זו שאלה מעניינת‬or .‫זאת שאלה מעניינת‬ .1
.‫ ספרים אלו ישנים‬or .‫ הספרים האלה ישנים‬.4 .‫ אלו עיתונים ישנים‬or .‫אלה עיתונים ישנים‬ .3
.‫ אלו הספרים שלי‬or .‫ אלה הספרים שלי‬.6 .‫ שולחן זה חדש‬or .‫השולחן הזה חדש‬ .5
.‫ נעליים אלו יפות‬/ .‫ הנעליים האלה יפות‬or .‫הנעליים ההן יפות‬ .7
.‫ אנחנו מכירים את האיש הזה‬or .‫אנחנו מכירים את האיש ההוא‬ .8

• Each other (...‫ אחד את הש נ י‬, ‫) זה את זה‬

Read the following sentences:
.‫ דויד ויונתן לא ראו זה את זה הרבה זמן‬.‫ו‬
.David and Yonatan hadn't seen each other in a long time
Yossi's brothers are angry at each other.
.‫ הם לא מדברים זה עם זה כבר חודשי ים‬.‫ אמיר ויובל רבו‬. 3
Amir and Yuval had a fight. They haven't spoken with each other for two months.
David and Ruthie sat next to each ot her on the bus. .4. ‫ד ו יד ור ות י ישב ו זה ל יד זה בא וט וב וס‬

VI. Pronouns and Pointing Words

Q: What expressions are used in the above Hebrew sentences to say each other?

A: ‫זה את זה‬, ‫זה על זה‬, ‫ זה עם זה‬and ‫ זה ליד זה‬.

Q: What do all these expressions have in common?

A: In each of them, the word ‫ זה‬appears twice with a preposition in between. The preposition
used depends on the verb that precedes the expression (,‫לראות את‬, ‫לכעוס על‬, ‫לדבר עם‬
9.( ‫לשבת ליד‬

Let's take a closer look at how these work. Read the following two sentences:

Amir and Yuval are angry at their sister. .‫אמיר ויובל כועסים על אחותם‬ •<St
Amir and Yuval are angry at each other. .‫אמיר ויובל כועסים זה על זה‬

In the first sentence, the preposition ‫ על‬comes rig h t after the verb ‫כועסים‬. The same is true o f
its English equivalent angry at.

Q: In the second sentence, does the preposition ‫ על‬also come rig h t after the verb ‫?כועסים‬

A: No. When we use the expression ‫זה‬...‫ יזה‬the preposition comes in the m iddle, unlike the
English equivalent at each other.

Here is another example:

David and Amir don't know Avi. .‫דויד ואמיר לא מכירים את אבי‬ ■<C
David and Amir don't know each other .‫דויד ואמיר לא מכירים זה את זה‬

In the first sentence, ‫ את‬comes right after the verb ‫מכירים‬, whereas in the second sentence, the
first ‫ זה‬comes right after ‫ מכירים‬and the preposition ‫ את‬comes in the m iddle o f In this
case, the English has no word parallel to the Hebrew ‫ א ת‬.

When do we use ‫זה‬...‫ זה‬to say each other?

If you look at the original four sentences, you will see examples of the kinds o f words to which
‫זה‬...‫ זה‬can refer: two masculine nouns (‫ דויד‬and ‫ יונתן‬- sentence 1), a masculine plural noun
(‫ האחים‬- sentence 2), a masculine plural pronoun (‫ הם‬- sentence 3) and a masculine noun and
a feminine noun (‫ דויד‬and ‫ רותי‬- sentence 4). According to the rules o f grammar, when we refer
to two nouns, even if only one is masculine, we use ‫זה‬...‫זה‬.

9 See Appendix IV: "Verbs and their Prepositions," pp. 1019-1029.

VI. Pronouns and Pointing Words

Here are some more examples of this structure, this time with the feminine it:

Ruthie and Tamar saw each other from afar. .‫ מרחוק‬it ‫ את‬i? ‫י>־‬ ‫רותי ותמר ראו‬£
They called out to each other. 10.‫ לזו‬it ‫הן קראו‬

We use 1‫ז‬...1‫ ז‬when we refer to two feminine nouns or their equivalent (e. g. , ‫ החבר ות‬or ‫הן‬, as in the
second sentence). Note that only the pronoun it (and never ‫ )זאת‬can be used in this structure.

The above expressions are used mainly in formal Hebrew. In daily speech, the following
equivalents are usually used:

- Instead of ‫זה‬...‫זה‬, the masculine forms ‫השני‬...‫אחד‬: ‫״‬

-‫־‬ ‫את השני הרבה זמן‬

David and Yonatan hadn't seen each other / one another in a long time.
They don't argue with each other. .‫הם לא מתווכחים אחד עם השני‬

‫ ־‬Instead of ‫זו‬...‫זו‬, the feminine forms ‫השנייה‬...‫אחת‬:

Ruthie and Tamar saw each other. .‫רותי ותמר ראו אחת את השנייה‬
They called out to each other. .‫הן קראו אחת לשנייה‬

Sometimes the expression ‫אלה‬,..‫( אלה‬or ‫אלו‬...‫ )אלו‬- with a preposition in the middle - is used
when referring to the relations between two groups, as in either of the following:

The players spoke with each other after the game. .‫השחקנים דיברו אלה עם אלה לאחר המשחק‬
‫אלו עם אלו‬

Let's review
♦ Expressions like ‫ זה את זה‬and ‫ זו את זו‬denote mutuality ("each other"). In
informal Hebrew, we often use ‫השני‬...‫ אחד‬and ‫השנייה‬...‫ אחת‬instead. The verb
that precedes these expressions determines what preposition is used in the
middle, for example:

.‫הם ראו זה את זה ודיברו זה עם זה‬

10 When the one-letter prepositions -‫ ל‬and -‫ ב‬appear before ‫ זה‬and ‫זו‬, they have an ah vowel: ‫זה לזה‬, ‫ זו בזו‬.
Nonetheless, many speakers who use this construction often pronounce it with an eh vowel: ‫זה לזה‬.
11 These are widely used even though they are not considered correct by the Hebrew Language Academy. This
is primarily because, when understood literally, the expression ‫ אחד את השני‬sounds as if the two sides do not
relate to each other equally; rather, only one side relates to the other.

‫‪VI. Pronouns and Pointing Words‬‬

‫‪♦ The following variations are discussed above :‬‬

‫‪ for two masculine nouns or a masculine noun and a‬אחה״ה שני ‪ and‬זה‪...‬זה ‪-‬‬
‫‪(:‬הילדים‪ ,‬הם‪.‬״) ‪feminine noun or their equivalent‬‬

‫‪ -C‬הילדים אוהבים זה את זה‪ .‬הם משחקים זה עם זה‪.‬‬

‫דני ושרית אוהבים אחד את השני‪ .‬הם מדברים אחד עם השני כל יום‪.‬‬

‫הילדות‪ for two feminine nouns or their equivalent ),‬אחת‪...‬השנייה ‪ and‬זג״זו ‪-‬‬

‫‪ are sometimes used when referring to relations between‬אלג״אלו ‪ or‬אלה‪...‬אלה ‪-‬‬

‫‪two groups ,‬‬

‫‪W ant to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪A.‬‬ ‫‪C o m p le te th e sen tence s u s in g o n e o f the fo llo w in g e x p re s s io n s w ith the a p p r o p r ia te‬‬

‫‪p re p o s itio n in the m id d le :‬‬ ‫זה‪...‬זה ‪ /‬אחה״השני ‪ / /‬זג״זו ‪ /‬אחת‪...‬השנייה‬

‫‪ .1‬דויד ועידו רבים עם כולם‪ .‬הם גם רבים __________________________________________‬

‫‪ .2‬אתה עוזר לי ואני עוזרת לך‪ .‬אנחנו עוזרים _______________________________________‬

‫‪ .3‬הוא מבין אותה והיא מבינה אותו‪ .‬הם מבינים _____________________________________‬

‫‪ .4‬מיכל מדברת על רונית‪ ,‬ורונית מדברת על מיכל‪ .‬הן מדברות __________________________‪*,‬‬

‫‪ .5‬כשהייתי ילד‪ ,‬הרבה פעמים השכנים שלנו עזרו לנו ואנחנו עזרנו להם‪ .‬עזרנו ______________‬
‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬
‫ו‪ .‬זה עם זה ‪ /‬אחד עם השני ‪ .2‬זה לזה ‪ /‬אחד לשני ‪ .3‬זה את זה ‪ /‬אחד את השני‬
‫‪ .4‬זו על זו ‪ /‬אחת על השנייה ‪ ,5‬זה לזה ‪ /‬אחד לשני‬

‫‪B.‬‬ ‫‪T ra n s la te .‬‬

‫‪1. G adi and Shira spoke with each other yesterday.‬‬

‫‪2. The girls sat next to each other at the party.‬‬

‫?‪3. Ron and David, why are you ( yelling at each other‬‬

‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬
‫‪ .1‬גדי ושירה דיברו זה עם זה ‪ /‬אחד עם השני אתמול‪ .2 .‬הילדות ישבו זו ליד זו ‪ /‬אחת ליד השנייה במסיבה‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬רון ודויד‪ ,‬למה אתם צועקים זה על זה ‪ /‬אחד על השני?‬

VII. Prepositions ‫מילות יחם‬
Read the following passage:

‫ שנינו רצינו לנסוע מירושלים‬.‫ גם הוא חיכה לאוטובוס‬.‫עמדתי בתחנת האוטובוס ודיברתי עם דויד‬ ‫>־‬
.‫לקיבוץ ליד תל אביב‬
I stood at the bus stop and spoke with David. He too was waiting for the bus. Both of us wanted to go
from Jerusalem to a kibbutz next to Tel Aviv.

The highlighted words ‫ ליד‬,‫ עם‬,-‫ מ‬,‫ ב־< ל־‬are prepositions.

In the following chapters we will look at:

1. Prepositions and Their Meanings

2. How Do Prepositions Behave W hen No Ending Is A ttached?: W riting and Pronunciation
3. Adding Endings to Prepositions

Q Prepositions and Their Meanings

‫ ״‬Do prepositions have meaning?
• Uses o f prepositions in Hebrew and English: Are they the same?
• A helpful way to learn verbs and their prepositions

• Do prepositions have meaning?

Some prepositions have fixed meanings, and some don't.

Prepositions with fixed meanings

Consider the preposition ‫בגלל‬. No matter where it appears, it will always mean because of.

VII- Propositions / 1. Prepositions and Their Meanings

Here are some more prepositions with fixed meanings:

behind ‫רי‬1‫מאח‬ *<£
next to ‫על יד‬
because ‫בגלל‬

Some prepositions may have a limited number o f different meanings. For example, the
preposition ‫ לפני‬has two:
a. before: We ate lunch before class. .‫אכלנו ארוחת צהריים לפני השיעור‬
b. in front of: I am standing in front of Dan. .‫אני עומד לפני דן‬

The preposition ‫אצל‬

The preposition ‫ אצל‬deserves special attention. It has a fairly fixed meaning, but has no exact
equivalent in English. It is similar to the French preposition chez in an expression like chez vous
(at your place) or to the Yiddishism How's by you?, which means: How are things with you?, at
your place?, in your life?.

Here are some examples o f how we use ‫אצל‬:

Dalit lives at her parents' (house). , ‫דלית גרה אצל ההורים‬ ■<C
I was atMichal's yesterday. ,‫הייתי אצל מיכל אתמול‬
(or: I visited Michal at home yesterday.)

In these first two examples, when we speak o f physically being with someone - living with
someone, visiting someone - the assumption is that all o f this takes place at their home.

When we speak about being with someone at a place other than his or her home, we must state
this explicitly (for example, by adding ‫ בעבודה‬at work):
I visited Michal at work. .‫ביקרתי אצל מיכל בעבודה‬

The use of ‫ אצל‬is very common in advertisements, as in the following ad for a restaurant:
Our food is the best! (lit.: At our place it is tastiest) !‫אצלנו הכי טעים‬

Here the "speaker" is the owner o f the restaurant; hence, when he says ‫אצלנו‬, he is referring to
his restaurant.

The following example is different:

How is Yossi? ?‫ מה נשמע אצל יוסי‬-

Everything's fine with Yossi ("by" Yossi). .‫ אצל יוסי הכול בסדר‬-

Here ‫ אצל‬refers to a person's life and surroundings: his or her work, family, etc.

VII. Propositions / 1. Prepositions and Their Meanings

Note that ‫ אצל‬never comes after verbs of motion. These always require -‫ ל‬or ‫אל‬, even when the
English does not use the preposition to:

We went to our parents‫( ׳‬house). (.‫ אל ההורים‬or) .‫נסענו להורים‬

We arrived at our parents' (house). (.‫ אל ההורים‬or) .‫הגענו להורים‬

depositions without a fixed meaning

Now let's look at the preposition -‫ב‬:

a. -‫ ב‬is often used to express the English words in (a place) or at (a place or a time) or sometimes
on (a day):
He lives in Nigeria. .‫גר בניגריההוא‬
He works at home. .‫עובד בביתהוא‬
She arrived at 10:00. . 10‫הגיעה ב־ה יא‬
They called on Sunday. .‫צלצלו ביום ראשוןהם‬

b. ‫ ב־‬can also mean with in the sense o f with the helpo f or by means of:

She is writing in pencil (= with a pencil). .-**‫י‬ ‫(היא כותבת בעיפרון‬

They are playing with the ball. .‫הם משחקים בכדור‬

c. -‫ ב‬also has other uses in Hebrew. Here's an example:

He is using a dictionary. .‫משתמש במילוןהוא‬

Q: What does -‫ ב‬mean in this sentence?

A: -‫ ב‬has a function here - it is a connecting word - but it has no meaning o f its own. The
-‫ ב‬in this sentence is part of the verb -1.‫להשתמש ב‬

In English, too, we have prepositions that are part o f the verb. Take the sentence: "I depend on
my friends." The verb in this sentence is (to) depend on and not to depend.

Students of English obviously must learn verbs like to depend on with their prepositions.
Similarly, students o f Hebrew must learn each verb together with its required preposition, if it
has one, for example:
-‫לצפות ב‬ -‫לטפל ב‬ ‫לכעוס על‬ -‫לדאוג ל‬ ->
to watch to take care of to be angry with, to worry about
to be mad at

1 In Hebrew such a preposition is called ‫ מילת ?חס מוצךכת‬.

VII- Propositions / 1. Prepositions and Their Meanings

Do such verbs always use their prepositions?

Some verbs, like ‫ להשתמש ב־‬and - ‫ לטפל ב‬, always use their prepositions. Others may appear
w ithout a preposition, as in:
We are angry. .‫אנחנו כועסים‬

However, when we note w ith whom or at w h at we are angry, we m u st use the preposition:

We are angry withMoshe. .‫אנחנו כועסים על משה‬

• Uses o f prepositions in Hebrew and English: Are

they the same?
In quite a few cases, the uses o f prepositions in Hebrew and English are the same. In such
cases, learning the preposition that goes with a given verb requires no special effort. Here are
examples o f such "freebies":

1. Verbs that require the "sam e” preposition in both languages:

to believe in - ‫להאמין ב‬
to turn to - ‫לפנות ל‬
to listen to - ‫להקשיב ל‬
to dream about ‫לחלום על‬

When you learn these and other verbs like them, you need only make a mental note that their
prepositions are the "same" as in English.

2. Verbs that require no preposition before their object,2 as in:

I see a train. .‫אני רואה רכבת‬

For English speakers, a verb like ‫ לראות‬is a "freebie." However, this is so only when the object
(here, ‫ רכבת‬a tram) is indefinite (= n o t specific). Wlien the object is definite (specific), we add
‫ את‬, as in:
1 see the train. 3.‫אני רואה א ת הרכבת‬

For this reason, it is worth learning the verb ‫ לראות‬and other verbs like it as : ( ‫ לרא ות (את‬.

2 For an explanation of what an object is, see the chapter ‫״‬The Direct Object and the Use of ‫את‬,‫ ״‬pp. 687-698.
3 For more on ‫את‬, see the chapter "The Direct Object and the Use of ‫את‬,‫ ״‬pp. 698-702.

VII. Propositions / 1. Prepositions and Their Meanings

There are, o f course, many Hebrew verbs that are not "freebies." The following verbs, for
example, require special attention because their corresponding English verb takes either no
preposition (1 and 2) or takes a different one (3-6):

The boy is watching a movie. .1. ‫הילד צופה ב סרט‬

He is usmg a v c r . .2. ‫בווידאו הוא מ ש ת מ ש‬
We worry about our children. .3. ‫לילדים שלנו אנחנו דואגים‬
The child is dependent on his mother. .‫ הילד תלוי באימא שלו‬A
Dalit is looking for a new apartment. .5. ‫דירה ח דשה דלית מ ח פ ש ת‬
Miri is looking for her keys. .6. ‫מירי מ ח פ ש ת‬ ‫א ת ה מ פ ת ח ו ת שלה‬

B e c a r e fu l! A certain verb in Hebrew may have several translations:

to fear, ‫לפחד מ־‬
**to be afraid of

to enjoy, ‫ליהנות מ־‬

**to derive enjoyment from

**to request (something), ‫לבקש את‬

to ask for (something)

It is often easier to remember the translation that is closer to the Hebrew (noted above
with **), if there is one. For example, if you learn that ‫ לבקש את‬is to request, you may be
less likely to use -‫( ל‬by mistake) after ‫לבקש‬. In a case like this, you would need to make
a mental note that to ask f o r is the same as to request: ‫ לבקש א ת‬.

• A helpful way to learn verbs and their prepositions

Aside from noting when the English and Hebrew prepositions are different and concentrating
on learning the differences, we can make learning verbs and their required prepositions easier
by grouping together all o f the verbs requiring the same preposition.

In addition, if we list together all o f the verbs that require the same preposition (for example,
- ‫) מ‬, we may even be able to find some common meaning that will help us remember that these
verbs belong to the same group.

Here's an example: the following words indicate fear and take - ‫ מ‬. In each case, whatever
triggered the fear will come after -‫ מ‬:

VII- Propositions / 1. Prepositions and Their Meanings

to fear, be afraid of ‫לפחד‬ ‫ לפחוד מ־‬/ ‫מ־‬

to fear, be anxious about ‫לח שו ש מ־‬
to be frightened of (suddenly) ‫להיבהל מ־‬

Other verbs of emotion can be added to this group. Here, too, whatever triggered the emotion
will come after -‫ מ‬:
to be excited by ‫<* להתרגש מ־‬£
to enjoy (derive enjoyment from) ‫ליהנות מ־‬
to be disappointed by/with ‫להתאכזב מ־‬
to be satisfied with ‫להיות מרוצה‬ ‫מ־‬

At the back of this book, we have included a chart grouping verbs together in a way that is
intended to help you remember their prepositions. (See Appendix IV, pp. 1019-1029.)

Remember: You need make a special effort only to learn those verbs whose prepositions are
different from the ones used in English.

Want to see if you've understood?

S o m e o f th e se n te n ce s b e lo w d o n o t n e e d a p re p o s itio n a d d e d in H e b re w , w h ile

o th e rs d o .

a . A d d th e a p p r o p r ia te p re p o s itio n w h e re n e c e s s a ry . (Y ou m a y re fe r to A p p e n d ix IV
fo r h e lp .)

b . Put a n a s te ris k ( * ) n e x t to e a c h se n te n c e in w h ic h the H e b r e w p re p o s itio n is d iffe re n t

fro m th e E n g lish .

.‫בכל שבוע אנ חנו מבקרים __________ מ ו ז י או ן י שראל‬ .1

.Every week we visit the Israel Museum

W e see interesting pictures there .

W e don't touch the pictures . .‫אנ חנו לא נוגעים __________ ת מ ו נו ת‬ .3

.‫א חר כך אנ חנו תמיד הולכים __________ מ ס ע ד ה‬ .4

.Afterwards, we always go to a restaurant

W e go into (enter) the restaurant.

.‫אנ חנו מ ס תכלי ם __________ ת פ ר י ט ומדברים __________ ה מ ל צ ר‬ .6

W e look at the menu and speak with the waiter.

VII. Propositions / 1. Prepositions and Their Meanings

W e o rd er coffee a n d cake . .‫א נ ח נו מז מיני ם __________ ק פ ה ו עוג ה‬ .7

. ‫א נ ח נו שו תי ם __________ ה ק פ ה ו או כ לי ם___________ ה ע ו ג ה‬ .8

.W e d rink the coffee an d eat the cake

W e p a y the b ill . .‫א נ ח נו מ ש ל מי ם___________ ה ח ש ב ו ן‬ .9

W e go out o f (leave) the restaurant .

different from English to visit( ( . ‫ כל שב וע א נח נ ו מבקרים במוזיאון ישראל‬.1*
.‫א נח נו רוא ים שם ציורים מעניינים‬ .2
) different from English to touch( . ‫ א נח נו לא נוגעים בתמונות‬.3*
. ‫אחר כך א נח נו הולכים למסעדה‬ .4
) same as to go into, different from to enter( . ‫ אל המסעדה‬or ‫ א נח נו נ מ ס י ם למסעדה‬. 5)*(
) diffe re nt from to look at( .‫ אנ חנו מסתכלים בתפריט ומדברים ע ם המלצר‬.6 *
.‫אנ חנו מזמינים קפה ועוגה‬ .7
) The yerbs require ‫ את‬before the . ( .‫ אנ חנו שותים את הקפה ואוכלים את העוגה‬. 8)*(
) The ve rb requires ‫ את‬before the. ( .‫ אנ חנו מ שלמים את הח ש בון‬.9)*(
) different from to go out of, different from to leave ( .‫ אנ חנו יוצאים מהמסעדה‬.10

2 How Do Prepositions Behave When
No Ending Is Attached?: W riting and

P re vie w
‫ ״‬Which prepositions are written as separate words and which are not?
‫ ״‬The pronunciation o f -‫ מ‬,-‫ כ‬,-‫ ל‬,-‫ב‬
‫ ״‬The effect o f -‫ כ‬,-‫ ל‬,-‫ ב‬and -‫ מ‬on the pronunciation o f the following word
‫ ״‬What happens to prepositions before the definite article -‫( ה‬the)?
‫ ״‬Some prepositions are (sometimes) interchangeable )-‫ל‬/‫ אל‬,~‫מ‬/‫(מן‬

• Which prepositions are written as separate words

and which are not?
-‫ מ‬,-‫ כ‬,-‫ ל‬,‫ב־‬
The prepositions -‫ מ‬,-‫ כ‬,‫ ב־< ל־‬are one-letter words. As is the case with all one-letter words in
Hebrew, these prepositions never stand alone: they are always connected to the beginning of
the next word, for example : 1
on Sunday‫ביום ראשון‬
from Tel Aviv

‫ בגלל‬,‫ אחרי‬,‫ לפני‬,‫ ליד‬,‫ מן‬,‫ עד‬,‫ עם‬,‫ אל‬,‫ על‬and similar words
:In contrast, prepositions of two letters o r m ore stand as independent w ords

spoke with David 1..‫דיברתי עם דויד‬

We stood next to the house.

1 Other examples of one-letter words that are always attached to the word that follows them are ‫( ה״‬the)
and -‫( ש‬that, which, who...).

VII. Prepositions / 2. How Do Prepositions Behave When No Ending Is Attached?

• The pronunciation o f -‫ כ‬, -‫ ל‬, -‫ ב‬and - ‫מ‬

-‫ ב‬,-‫ ל‬,‫ב־‬
The prepositions -‫ כ‬,-‫ ל‬,‫ ב־‬are pronounced: beh, leh and keh, as in :

‫כאנגליה‬ ‫לאנגליה‬ ‫באנגליה‬ -‫>־‬

ke-'AN-glee-ya le-'AN-glee-ya be-'AN-glee-ya

According to traditional rules of grammar, the pronunciation o f these prepositions changes in

certain cases (see "Did you know?" below). Most speakers today, especially when speaking
informally, do not follow these rules, but rather simply maintain the beh, leh, keh pronunciation.

Did you know?

In formal Hebrew the pronunciation of ‫ כ־‬,-‫ ל‬,‫ ב־‬changes in the following cases:

la . Before a shva (□)

W hen - ‫ כ‬,-‫ ב־< ל‬come before a consonant with a shva, the pronunciation
changes from eh to ee:2
‫כטבריה‬ ‫לטבריה‬ ‫בטבריה‬ ‫ב ו’ה‬¥ ^
kee-TVER-ya iee-TVER-ya bee-TVER-ya TVER-ya

1b. Before a ‫ י׳‬with a shva (‫)י‬

If the word begins with ‫״י״‬, the pronunciation of - ‫ כ‬,-‫ ל‬,‫ ב־‬changes to ee and,
in addition, the ‫ י׳‬loses its shva:

‫כירושלים‬ ‫לירושלים‬ ‫בירושלים‬ ‫ירושלים‬

kee-roo-sh a-LA-yeem lee-roo-sha-LA-yeem bee-roo-sha-LA-yeem ye-roo-sha-LA-yeem

Before a half-vowel (□ □ □)
The half-vowels take the place of shva after guttural consonants (‫ עי‬/‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬/‫) א‬.
When the prepositions - ‫ כ‬,-‫ ל‬,‫ ב־‬are attached to the beginning of the word,
their vowel matches the sound of the half-vowel. (Note: The following words
are not definite.)

‫כחלום‬ ‫לחלום‬ ‫בחלום‬ ‫חלום‬ :A -<

ka-cha-LOM la-cha-LOM ba-cha-LOM cha-LOM

3‫כאמת‬ ‫לאמת‬ ‫באמת‬ ‫אמת‬ :E

ke-'e-MET le-'e-MET be-'e-MET 'e-MET

2 For more on this change, see J. Weingreen, 1959, pp. 10, 27.
3 Here the pronunciation sounds like the pronunciation of -3 -‫ ל‬,-‫ ב‬beh, leh, keh.

VII. Prepositions / 2. How Do Prepositions Behave When No Ending Is Attached?

‫• אנייה‬
t: t
t: t
t: t
ko-'o-nee-YA lo-'o-nee-YA bo-'o-nee-YA 'o-nee-YA

3. Sometimes before a one-syllable word or before a word whose first syllable

is stressed, the pronunciation changes to ah, as in:

?‫איפה מוצאים ספרים כאלה‬ .‫אנחנו לא נהיה לנצח‬ .‫הם הסתכלו זה בזה‬ -*>
ka-'E-le la-NE-tsach ba-ZE
Where can one find We won't live forever. They looked at each other.
books like these?

The preposition - ‫ מ‬is pronounced mee, as in:
‫מניו יורק‬ ‫מברזיל‬ -‫>־‬
mee-nyoo-YORK mee-bra-ZEEL

The pronunciation - ‫( מ‬mee) changes to - ‫( מ‬meh) before ‫ ר׳‬,'‫ ע‬/ ‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬/ ‫( א‬including before the
definite article - ‫ ה‬the), for example:4
me- ar-gen-TEE-na ,‫מארגנטינה‬
me-HO-land ,‫מהולנד‬
me-chei-FA ,‫מחיפה‬
me-'ee-RAK ,‫מעיראק‬
me-ROOS-ya ,‫מרוסיה‬
me-ha-BA-veet .‫מהבית‬
me-ha-mees-RAD .‫מהמשרד‬

One of the few cases in which this change does not occur is before the word ‫( חוץ‬outside), for
.‫ סטודנטים רבים באים לישראל מחוץ לארץ כדי ללמוד עברית‬-C
Many students come to Israel from abroad in order 10 study Hebrew.

In texts that are written with vowel signs, a strong dagesh is - as a rule - written after the preposition -‫ מ‬when
it is pronounced mee (-‫)מ‬. This dagesh traditionally denotes a "doubling" of the consonant - a phenomenon that
occurred at one time, but does not occur in today's pronunciation. In the letters '‫ ר‬,'‫ ע‬,'‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬,'‫א‬, a dagesh almost
never appears because, apparently, the consonants denoted by these letters were rarely doubled. Traditional
grammar books often explain that, as a result - and to "compensate" for the fact that no doubling of '‫ ר‬,'‫ ע‬,'‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬,'‫א‬
took place and no dagesh was written in them - the vowel of -‫( מ‬mee) changed to what was then called a "longer"
vowel -‫( מ‬meh). In traditional grammar books, this is often called compensators.’ lengthening (‫) תשלום דגש‬. See
more on this subject on p. 637 ("Did you know?").

VII. Prepositions / 2. How Do Prepositions Behave When No Ending Is Attached?

• The effect o f ‫ ב־‬,‫ ל־‬,‫ ב־‬and ‫ מ־‬on the pronunciation

o f the following word
- ‫ פ‬, -‫ ל‬, ‫ב־‬
There may be a change in a word to which - ‫ כ‬,-‫ ל‬,‫ ב־‬are attached only when the word begins
with ‫ פ׳‬or ‫ ב׳‬or ‫כ׳‬, as in: ‫( פתח תקוה‬Petach Tikva), ‫( בית לסם‬Bethlehem), ‫( כךמיאל‬Carmiel).

Most speakers o f Hebrew continue to pronounce words like these with a hard pronunciation -
p, b, k - even after they add the prepositions to the front o f them, for example:
informal: ‫ככרמיאל לבית תקווה בפתח‬
ke-kar-mee-'EL le-bet-LE-chem be-pe-tach-TEEK-va

According to formal rules o f pronunciation, we would have a soft s o u n d / (‫)פ‬, v (‫)ב‬, ch (‫ )כ‬after
the prepositions - ‫ כ‬-‫ ל‬,-‫ ב‬.

formal: ‫לבית תקווה בפתח‬ ‫רמיאל‬

ke-char-mee-EL le-vet-LE-chem be-fe-tach-teek-VA5

Note: This ruledoes not apply toforeign place names. Therefore, a name such as ‫( פריז‬Pans)
keeps its hard p even when ,‫ ־ב־י ל־‬3 areadded to the front : ‫בפריז‬ (be-pa-REEZ).

When the preposition -‫ מ‬comes before ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ב‬, they keep their hard pronunciation - p, b, k -
(both in formal and informal Hebrew), as in:6

mee-pe-tach-TEEK-va .‫הוא בא מפתח תקווה‬

mee-bet-LE-chem ‫מבית לחם‬
mee-kar-mee-EL ‫מכרמיאל‬

5 This is the proper pronunciation of this name. Most Israelis say TEEK-va.
6 As m entioned in footnote 4 above, this is a strong dagesh. For an explanation, see the chapter ‫ ׳׳‬The Pronunciation
of '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh," pp. 634-636.

VII. Prepositions / 2. How Do Prepositions Behave When No Ending Is Attached?

• What happens to prepositions before the definite

article - ‫( ה‬the)?
- ‫ פ‬,-‫ ל‬,-‫ג‬
When the one-letter prepositions - ‫ כ‬,‫ל־‬, -‫ ב‬come before - ‫( ה‬the), they not only attach themselves
to the next word, but also fuse with the - ‫ ה‬. Thus:

be+ ha => ba + ‫בבית ב‬ >= ‫הבית‬

le + ha => la + ‫לבית ל‬ >= ‫הבית‬
ke + ha => ka + ‫כבית פ‬ >= ‫הבית‬

For example: She went to the kibbutz. .‫היא נסעה לקיבוץ‬

Unlike the other one-letter prepositions, ‫ מ־‬does not fuse with -‫ה‬. However, as noted above, the
vowel after -‫ מ‬always changes from ee (‫ )מ‬to eh (‫ )מ‬before -‫ ה‬:

mee + ha => meh + ha - ‫מה‬ >= ‫ ה־‬+ ‫מ‬

For example: He went out of (lit: from) the house. .‫הוא יצא מהב^ת‬

‫ מן‬,‫ על‬,‫ אל‬, ‫ עם‬and others

All other prepositions remain unchanged when they precede -‫ה‬, for example:

He sat on the chair. .‫הוא ישב על הכיסא‬

*Some prepositions are (sometimes) interchangeable

‫ מ־‬/ ‫מן‬
‫ מן‬and -‫ מ‬are actually two forms o f the same preposition (-‫ מ‬is a shortened form of ‫(מן‬. ‫ מן‬is
used much less than -‫ מ‬in Modem Hebrew. One reason for this is that the long form can only be
used under particular circumstances: i.e., when the word that follows it begins with the definite
article -‫( ה‬the), as in:
He went out of (lit: from) the house. .‫הוא יצא מן הבית‬

The use of the short form is not limited in this way.

VII. Prepositions / 2. How Do Prepositions Behave When No Ending Is Attached?

Generally speaking, the long form - ‫ הוא בא מן הבית‬- sounds more formal than the short form -
‫ הוא בא מהבית‬.

There are certain fixed expressions in Hebrew that require one form and cannot take the other.
For example, only the long form is used in the following:

exceptional ‫יוצא מן הכלל‬

Two are better than one. .‫ט וב ים השניים מן ה א ח ד‬

‫ ל־‬/ ‫אל‬
The prepositions -‫ ל‬and ‫ אל‬without an ending are only sometimes interchangeable. ‫ אל‬without
an ending is more formal than -‫ל‬, and its meaning is much more limited: ‫ אל‬almost always
means to and indicates direction, whereas -‫ ל‬means not only to (in more than the directional
sense), but also for. Thus, when ‫ אל‬appears without an ending, it may always be replaced by the
less formal -‫ל‬, as in:
He returned to the city. .‫הוא חזר לעיר‬ / .‫הוא חזר אל העיר‬
(less format) (more formal)

However, if we wish to make our style more formal by replacing -‫ ל‬with ‫אל‬, we may do so
only after certain verbs (and some other parts of speech) and almost only when -‫ ל‬means to in
a directional sense. Words after which ‫ אל‬and -‫ ל‬are interchangeable are listed in Appendix IV
under ‫ אל‬/‫ ל־‬.

Is there any way o f predicting which verbs will be in the ‫ אל‬/‫ ל־‬list?
There are some guidelines that can help you remember which verbs appear in the ‫ אל‬/‫ ל־‬list. For
example, many of them are verbs of motion and direction, as in:

to go to *‫ללכת־‬ ‫ אל‬/ - ‫< ל‬

to get to, to arrive at ‫ אל להגיע‬/ ‫ל־‬
to return to ‫ אל לח ז ור‬/ - ‫ל‬
to turn to (someone) ‫ ת‬1‫ אל לפנ‬/ ‫ל־‬
(with a question / request)

Others are verbs that involve turning to someone via telephone:

to call, to phone , ‫אל‬/ - ‫ א ל ל הת קש ר ל‬/ -‫ לטלפ ן ל‬, ‫ אל‬/ - ‫לצלצל ל‬

When you look at the rest o f the ‫ אל‬/‫ ל־‬list in the appendix, you can try to come up with several
other categories that will help you remember them all.

VII. Prepositions / 2. How Do Prepositions Behave When No Ending Is Attached?

Adding endings:...‫ אליך‬,” ‫ אל‬/ ...‫לי< לך‬

Learning the verbs in the ‫אל‬/‫ ל־‬list is particularly important for the following reason: When
these verbs take a preposition with an ending (e.g., .‫ אליה״‬,‫ אליי‬to me, to you...), we almost
always use ‫( אל‬and not -‫ )ל‬as the base onto which the endings are added.7

Thus, when there is no ending on the preposition, we can say either o f the following (the
version with -‫ ל‬is less formal and more commonly used):

Rami turned to the principal. .-‫י‬ ‫ רמ י פ נה למ נהל‬/ . ‫<רמ י פ נה אל המ נהל‬

However, when an ending is added, we can say only:

Rami turned to him. .‫רמ י פ נה אליו‬ ■<C

The forms o f prepositions with endings are discussed in the next chapter.

7 In the case of several verbs, both ‫ לו‬and ‫ אליו‬are used, for example:
I sent him a letter. .‫ שלחתי אליו מכתב‬or .‫שלחתי לו מכתב‬ <

3 Adding Endings to Prepositions

• Adding endings without an additional ‫י׳‬
• Adding endings with an additional ‫י׳‬

Whatfollows a preposition?
Let's return to the short passage we read in the Introduction to Prepositions:

‫ שנ ינ ו רצינו ל נס וע מ יר ושל ים‬. ‫ גם ה וא ח יכה לא וט וב וס‬.‫עמ דת י בת ח נת הא וט וב וס וד יברת י ע ם דויד‬ ‫>־‬

. ‫לק יב וץ ליד ח יפה‬

I stood at the bus stop and spoke with David. He too was waiting for the bus. Both of us wanted to go
from Jerusalem to a kibbutz next to Haifa.

Q: What kind of word comes after each preposition (...‫ ע ם‬,-‫) ב‬.

A: In all of the sentences a noun follows the preposition (e.g., ‫ ת ח נת הא וט וב וס‬bus stop,‫ ד ו יד‬Davi d,
‫ א וט וב וס‬bus, etc.). The noun may sometimes be preceded by the words a or the in English.

Often, however, instead of a noun, a pronoun (e.g., him, her, it, me) comes after a preposition,
for example:
I wai t ed for Rina. I wai t ed for her all morni ng. .'"•‫ח יכ ית י לה כל הב וקר־‬

Notice that in English, the preposition for and the pronoun her are separate words, whereas
in Hebrew this is not the case. In Hebrew the pronoun her is written as an ending on the
preposition: ‫ ל ה‬.

This means that learners of Hebrew need to learn the forms of each preposition with the endings
added (called the declension). Luckily, this is easier than it sounds at first because there are
groups of prepositions that take the same endings.

The two main declension groups

There are two basic kinds of endings added to prepositions. Let's have a look at them:
VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions


‫עלייר‬ ‫ר‬

Q: Can you see the most basic difference between the two kinds of endings?

A: In Group I ("The ‫ ל־‬Group"), there is no '‫ י‬between the preposition and the ending. The
ending is added straight onto the preposition.

In contrast, in Group II ("The ‫ על‬Group"), there is always at least one ‫ י׳‬before the ending.

For a concise list of the forms of the prepositions presented in this chapter, see Appendix III,
pp. 1017-1018.

• Adding endings without an additional ’‫י‬

In the introduction above, we have called Group I "The -‫ ל‬Group." This group contains all the
prepositions whose endings do not contain an additional ‫י׳‬. Not all of the prepositions in Group
I, however, behave exactly like -‫ל‬. We have divided Group I into the following subcategories:
Group la, Group lb and special cases.

Group la (‫)ל־‬
In addition to -‫ל‬, the prepositions -‫ ב‬and ‫ של‬also belong to this group (Group la).1
Here are the forms o f these prepositions:

‫של‬ ­‫ב‬ ­‫ל‬

my / me"' ‫שלי‬ ‫בי‬ -EE ‫לי‬

your / you (m.s.) ‫שלה‬ -CHA ‫לה‬
your / you (f.s.) ‫שלו‬ ‫? ד‬
-ACH ‫לד‬
his / him ‫שא‬ to -0 ‫לו‬
her / her ‫שלה‬ T 7
-A ‫לה‬T

1 ‫ של‬takes the same endings as -‫ ל‬since it is actually a combination of ‫ ל״‬+ ‫ש‬

2 My is the translation of ‫של י‬, and me is added onto the translation of each of the other prepositions, for example
to me,for me, at me.

VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions

‫של‬ ­‫ב‬ ‫ל־‬

our / us ‫שלנו‬T V
‫בנו‬ T
-A-noo ‫לנו‬ T

your / you ( ‫שלכם‬

r ‫ז־‬ 7
7 T
-a-CHEM ‫לכם‬ 7 T

your / you ( !‫שלב‬ ‫?בז‬ -a-CHEN ‫לכן‬

their / them ( ‫שלהם‬
V T 7
7 T
-a-HEM ‫להם‬ 7 T

their / them ( ‫שלהם‬

7 T
-a-HEN ‫להן‬

Notice that this group likes the ah sound a lot. All but two of the forms contain an ah :

‫לחן‬ ,‫להם‬ ,‫לכן‬ ,‫לכם‬ ,‫לנו‬ ,‫לה‬ ,‫לך‬ C

Want to see if you've understood?

W r it e the m is s in g p re p o s itio n w ith its e n d in g a n d re a d the se n te n ce s a lo u d .

. ‫ הספר של י בב ית‬- ?_____________________ ‫ א יפה הספ ר‬, ‫ רינה‬- . 1

you r (f.s .( )‫( ש ל‬

. ‫ הב ית______________________ ב ר ח ו ב ב ן ־ יה ודה‬- ?‫ א יפה הב ית ש לכם‬, ‫ ר י נה ואלעד‬- . 2

our )‫( של‬

! ‫ יש לי זמ ן עכש י ו‬,‫ כן‬- ?‫ יש ______________________ ז מ ן ל צאת למסעדה‬, ‫ מ ישה‬- . 3

you (m.s .( )-‫( ל‬

. ‫ מ יכל ר וצה לתת ______________________ מת נ ות‬, ‫ ב וא ו‬, ‫ ב נ ות‬- .4

you (f.p l .( )-‫( ל‬

. ‫ גם המחב ר ות ______________________ בת יק‬. ‫ הספר ים ש ל ד ן וש ל יעל בת יק‬.5

their )‫( של‬

. ‫ ה יא ט יפלה ______________________ כש ה י ית ם בני ש נת י ים‬. ‫ אתה ז וכר את ש וש נה? ה יא ט יפלה בך ובמ יכאל‬,‫ ניר‬.6
you ( ( )‫(ב־‬

A n s w e rs :

‫ בכם‬.6 ‫ שלהם‬.5 ‫ לכן‬.4 3‫ ל‬.3 ‫ שלנו‬.2 ‫ שלןז‬.1

VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions

Group lb (‫)בשביל‬
In the following chart you can see the forms of ‫( בשביל‬Group lb) alongside the forms of -‫ ל‬:

lb la
‫בשביל‬ -‫ל‬

me -EE ‫בשבילי‬ -EE ‫לי‬

you (m.s.) -CHA ‫בשבילה‬ -CHA
you (f.s.) -ECH ‫בשבילך‬ -ACH ‫לד‬
him -0 ‫בשבילו‬ -0 ‫לו‬
her -A ‫בשבילה‬
-A ‫לה‬T

us -E-noo ‫בשבילנו‬ -A-noo ‫לנו‬


you (' -CHEM ‫בשבילכם‬ -a-CHEM ‫לכם‬


you ( -CHEN ‫בשבילכן‬ -a-CHEN ‫לנו‬

them (m.) -AM ‫בשבילם‬
-a-HEM ‫להם‬ V T

them (f.) -AN ‫בשבילן‬ -a-HEN ‫להן‬

Q: How are the forms of ‫ בשביל‬different from those o f ‫( ל־‬the representative of Group la)?

A: There are two basic differences.

1. ‫ בשביל‬doesn't like the ah sound as much as -‫ל‬. Look at the differences between the
following forms:
lb la
‫בשבילד‬ ‫לד‬
‫בשבילנו‬ ‫®לנו‬

and also: ‫בשבילכם‬ ‫שלכם‬



2. In the last two plural forms, ‫ בשביל‬makes do with a short, one-letter ending: ‫ם‬-, ‫ ן‬-,
whereas -‫ ל‬has a full two-letter ending: ‫ ה ם‬-,‫־ הן‬. This probably happens because -‫ ל‬is so
short. Thus:
‫בשבילם‬ T 1 ! ’ V T


:Examples of other prepositions that belong to Group lb are

atthe hom e/place of(( ‫ אצלם‬...‫ אצלכם‬,‫ אצלנו‬...‫ אצלך‬,‫ אצלך‬,‫אצלי‬

)next to( ‫ לידם‬.‫״‬3‫ ליז־כם‬,‫ לידנו‬...‫ לידך‬,‫ ליךך‬,‫ליך‬

3 Most speakers pronounce this form ‫( ליךכם‬le-yad-CHEM). The form found in grammar books is ‫לידכם‬.

‫‪VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions‬‬

‫‪ -‬בגללי‪ ,‬בגללה‪ ,‬בגללך‪ ...‬בגללנו‪ ,‬בגללכם*♦*(‪)because of‬‬

‫‪ -‬בזכותי‪ ,‬בזכותך‪ ,‬בזכותך״‪ .‬בזכותנו‪ ,‬בזכותכם‪ ...‬בזכותם(‪)thanks to‬‬
‫‪ -‬במקומי‪ ,‬במקומך‪ ,‬במקומך‪ ...‬במקומנו‪ ,‬במקומכם‪ ...‬במקומם(‪)instead of‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪W rite the m issing p re p o s itio n w ith its e n d in g a n d re a d the sentences a lo u d .‬‬

‫א‪ .‬י ש לנו כ ר טי סי ם ל קונ צ ר ט‪ ,‬ו א נ ח נו ל א י כו לי ם ל ל כ ת‪ .‬א ת ם רו צי ם ל ל כ ת‬

‫‪ ( . 1‬ב מ קו ם) ‪instead o f us‬‬

‫ג ם ת מ ר ו מי כ ל י היו ש ם‪ .‬א ת ם ת ש בו מ מ ש _____________________________‬

‫(ליד) (‪next to them (f.pi .‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫ב‪ .‬א ס תי‪ ,‬אני _______________________________ ל א היי תי מ ס כי מ ה ל ש ל ם כל כך הרבה‪.‬‬

‫‪ ( . 3‬ב מ קו ם) (‪lit.: in your place (f.s .‬‬
‫( ‪)= if I w ere you‬‬

‫ג‪ .‬רוני ת‪ :‬דבורה‪ ,‬א ת עוז ב ת מו ק ד ם _________________________ א ו בגל ל רון ו דוי דז‬
‫‪( . 4‬בגלל) ‪because o f me‬‬

‫ד בו ר ה‪ :‬ה א מ ת היא ש אני עוז ב ת ג ם _______________________ ו ג ם ________________________‬

‫‪( . 6‬בגלל)‬ ‫‪( . 5‬בגלל)‬
‫)‪).because of them (‬‬ ‫‪because of you (f.s‬‬

‫‪ (:‬ב ש בי ל) ‪ ( a n d lb‬ל ‪Be ca re fu l] In the fo llo w in g w e m ix G ro u p s la ) -‬‬

‫ד‪ .‬שרי ת‪ ,‬קני תי א ת ה מ תנ ה הז א ת ________________________ ‪ .‬א תן _______________________ א ו ת ה מ ח ר‪.‬‬

‫‪ ( . for you (f.s‬ל‪to you (f.s .( )-‬‬

‫ה‪ .‬ה דו די ם ש לנו גרי ם ב צ פון‪ .‬כ ש בי ק רנו _______________________ ‪ ,‬ר אינו א ת הבית ה ח ד ש ______________________‬
‫‪ ( .a t their place‬של) ‪their‬‬ ‫‪ ( .9‬אצל) ‪10‬‬

‫ו‪ .‬ש מ עון גר ________________________ ה ו א בא ל בי ת _______________________ כ ל יו ם ונו תן‬

‫‪ ( . our‬ל‪us )-‬‬ ‫‪ ( . next to us‬של) ‪13‬‬ ‫‪( . 11‬ליד) ‪12‬‬

‫פ ר חי ם מ הגינ ה _______________________ ‪ .‬הוא יו ש ב _______________________ ח צ י שעה‪ ,‬שו ת ה קפה ו חוז ר ה בי ת ה‪.‬‬

‫‪ ( .his‬א צ ל) ‪at our place‬‬

‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬
‫‪ . 10‬שלהם‬ ‫‪ .9‬אצלם‬ ‫‪ . 8‬לןז‬ ‫‪ .7‬בשבילןו‬ ‫‪ .6‬בגללם‬ ‫‪ . 5‬בגללןז‬ ‫‪ . 4‬בגללי‬ ‫‪ . 3‬ב מ ק‪1‬מןז‬ ‫‪ .2‬לידן‬ ‫‪ . I‬במקומנו‬
‫‪ .15‬אצלנו‬ ‫‪ . 14‬שלו‬ ‫‪ . 13‬לנו‬ ‫‪ . 12‬שלנו‬ ‫‪ .I I‬לידנו‬

VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions

Special cases in Group I

Usually, the prepositions in G roup I do not change when they take an ending. In five cases,
however, the base to which we add the endings changes significantly.

1. ‫את‬
Let's look at ‫ את‬in the following sentence:

I see the waiter. .‫אני רואה את המלצר‬

(Notice that ‫ את‬is not translated into English when it has no ending.)

What happens when we want to say: "I see him"?

We expect an ending to be added to ‫ א ת‬. But, surprisingly, when the ending is added, the form
of ‫ את‬changes to -:‫או ת‬
‫ => אני רואה אותו‬.‫אני רואה את המלצר‬.
I see him. I see the waiter.

Here are all the forms of ‫ את‬with endings. For the sake of comparison, we have listed the forms
of ‫ ל־‬next to them.

‫את‬ -‫ל‬

me ‫אותי‬ ‫לי‬
you (m.s.) ‫אותה‬ ‫לה‬
you (f.s.) ‫תןז‬1‫א‬ ‫לד‬
him ‫אותו‬ ‫א‬
her ‫אותה‬
‫לה‬ T

us ‫אותנו‬

you Qn.pL) -CHEM ‫אתכם‬ -a-CHEM ‫לכם‬


you ( -CHEN ‫אתכן‬ -a-CHEN ‫לכו‬

them Qn.) -AM ‫אותם‬
-a-HEM ‫להם‬
7 T

them (f.) -AN ‫אותן‬ -a-HEN ‫להן‬

Q: In which forms does the base not change to -‫?אות‬

A: Only in the you plural forms: ‫ אתכן‬,‫ אתכם‬. However, many Hebrew speakers use the ‫ ת־‬1‫א‬
base ( ‫ אותכן‬,‫ )אוונכם‬for these forms as well, especially in informal Hebrew.4

4 The forms ‫ אותכם‬and ‫ אותכן‬are not recognized as ‫״‬correct" by the Hebrew Language Academy.

‫‪VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions‬‬

‫?ל‪ differ from those of -‬את ‪Q: Where do the endings of‬‬
‫‪ ). Here the short endings -AM and -AN‬אותם‪ ,‬אותן( ‪A: The major difference is in the them forms‬‬
‫‪ ). There is also a slight difference in the you plural‬בשבילם‪ ,‬בשבילן ‪ (as in‬אות‪are added to -‬‬
‫‪ and the endings. (This is similar to‬את ‪ ), where there is no ah between‬אתכם‪ ,‬אתכן( ‪forms‬‬
‫)‪ la-CHEM/ la-CHEN.‬לכם ‪ /‬לכן ‪ and different from‬בשבילכם ‪ /‬בשבילכן‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪W rite the m issing p re p o s itio n w ith its e n d in g a n d re a d the sentences a lo u d .‬‬

‫דוי ד ורינ ה ה ם ח ב רי ם טו בי ם‪ :‬היא או ה ב ת _______________________ ו ה ו א או ה ב ________________________‬ ‫א‪.‬‬

‫‪( . him‬את) ‪her‬‬ ‫‪( . 1‬את) ‪2‬‬

‫‪ -‬חבו־׳ה‪ ,‬לא ר אינו _______________________ ה ר ב ה ז מן‪ .‬איפ ה הייתם?‬ ‫ב‪.‬‬

‫‪( .3‬את) (‪you (m .pl .‬‬

‫‪ -‬נ ס ענו ל צ ר פ ת ל טיו ל‪ ,‬לכן ל א ר אי ת ם _______________________ ‪.‬‬

‫‪( .4‬את) ‪us‬‬

‫‪:‬את ‪( a n d‬ב שביל) ‪ (, lb‬ל‪Be c a re fu l! In th e fo llo w in g w e m ix G ro u p s la )-‬‬

‫‪ -‬כן‪ ,‬אנ חנו מ כי רי ם _______________________ ו ג ם א ת ה הו רי ם ________________________‬ ‫‪ -‬א ת ם מ כי רי ם או תנו?‬ ‫ג‪.‬‬

‫‪( .you (m .pl‬של) (‪your (m .pl .‬‬ ‫‪( . 5‬את) (‪6.‬‬

‫‪ -‬כן‪ ,‬אנ חנו מ כי רי ם _______________ ו ג ם א ת ה הו רי ם ________________‬ ‫‪ -‬ו א ת ם מ כי רי ם ג ם א ת ה ח ב רי ם שלנו?‬

‫‪( . them‬של) ‪their‬‬ ‫‪( .7‬את) ‪8‬‬

‫מ ש ה ו אני קי ב לנו ש תי ח בי לו ת ב דו א ר‪ .‬ל ק ח נו _______________________ א ת מ ו ל מ בי ת הדו אר‪.‬‬ ‫ד‪.‬‬

‫‪( .9‬את) (‪them (f.p l .‬‬

‫היו _____________________ ס פ ר י ם ‪ .‬ה פ קיד א מ ר _____________________ ‪ :‬י ש פה ש תי ח בי לו ת ______________________‬

‫‪( .in them‬ל‪( .to us12 )-‬בשביל) ‪for you‬‬

‫כ ש ה דוור הביא _______________________ ל ב י ת _______________________ ‪ ,‬ל א היי ת ם ש ם‪.‬‬

‫‪( .them (f.p l‬של) (‪your (m .pl .‬‬

‫או רי ת‪ ,‬ה ח בר ה שלי‪ ,‬רו תי‪ ,‬או מ ר ת ש הי א מ כיר ה ___________________ ו א ת ה שו ת פו ת ה קו ד מו ת ____________________‬ ‫ה‪.‬‬
‫‪( . you (f.s‬של) ‪your‬‬ ‫‪( . 15‬את) (‪16.‬‬

‫היא או מ ר ת ש ________________________________ ה ש ו ת פ ו ת עז בו א ת הדירה‪.‬‬

‫‪( .17‬בגלל) (‪because of you (f.s .‬‬
‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬
‫‪ .10‬בהן‬ ‫‪ .9‬אותן‬ ‫‪ .I‬אותו ‪ .2‬אותה ‪ . 3‬אתכם ‪ .4‬אותנו ‪ .5‬אתכם ‪ .6‬שלכם ‪ .7‬אותם ‪ .8‬שלהם‬
‫‪ .I I‬לנו ‪ .12‬בשבילכם ‪ .13‬אותן ‪ .14‬שלכם ‪ . 15‬אותר ‪ . 16‬שלןז ‪ .17‬בגללן־‬

VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions

2. ‫( עם‬with)5
Look at the following:
6.‫דיברתי איתר‬ >= ,‫דיברתי עם יונתן‬ ^
I spoke with him. I spoke with Yonatan.
.‫הוא רקד איתה‬ 4= .‫יונתן רקד עם שרה‬
He danced with her. Yonatan danced with Sarah.

Q: What change takes place in the preposition when we want to say: with me, with you, with
him, etc.?
A: When endings are added, the base is not ‫עם‬, but rather - ‫) את‬-‫) אית‬. This change takes place
in everyday speech and in most writing.; The endings are exactly the same as those added
to .‫אות־‬
with me ‫איתי‬
with you (m.s.) ‫איתה‬
with you (f.s.) ‫איתןז‬
with him ‫איתו‬
with her ‫איתה‬

with us ‫איתנו‬

with you ( -CHEM ‫איתכם‬

with you ( -CHEN ‫איתכן‬
with them (m.) -AM ‫איתם‬

with them (f.) -AN ‫איתן‬

In literary style only, endings may be added to the preposition ‫ ע ם‬:

8.(‫ד יברת י ע ימ ו (עמ ו‬ >= . ‫ד יברת י עם משה‬ ‫<«־‬

I spoke with him. I spoke with Moshe.

5 We offer just one or two of the possible translations of each preposition.

6 Although these forms should be written without a '‫ י‬according to the Hebrew Language Academy, the '‫ י‬is
often written for the sake of clarity.
7 In Biblical Hebrew, there are two words that look and sound the same: ‫ את‬used before the definite direct object
(‫" ״בראש ית ברא אלהים את השמים״‬In the beginning God created the heavens‫ ״‬Gen. 1:1) and ‫ את‬that means with
(‫" "את האלהים התהלך נח״‬Noah walked with God." Gen. 6:9). The only remnant of this usage in Modern Hebrew
- i.e., in which ‫=( את‬with) has no endings - is in names of businesses or firms: ‫" ״גרינפלד את לוי״‬Greenfeld and
(=with) Levy." Oddly, it is this ‫ את‬that is the base to which endings are added in informal Modem Hebrew. Its
vowel changes to ee: ...;‫ אתן‬,‫) אתי‬...‫ איתך‬,‫)איתי‬.
8 The declension of ‫ עם‬is as follows. (The vowels of the you plural forms are slightly different from those of
‫ עמ ן (עמה ן‬,)‫ עמ ם (עמהבו‬,‫ עמכן‬,‫ עמכם‬, ‫ עמנו‬, ‫ עמה‬, ‫ עמו‬, ‫< )עמ י עמן; עמר‬

VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing p re p o s itio n w ith its e n d in g a n d re a d the sentences a lo u d .

‫ כבר שי ח ק תי‬,‫ ״די‬:‫הי ל די ם בי ק שו מ מני ל ש ח ק _______________________________ א מ ר ת י ל ה ם‬ .‫א‬

w ith them ( m. pi .( )‫ ( ע ם‬. 1

_______________ ‫ א בל נו ע ה כל כך ר צ ת ה ש א מ שי ך ל ש ח ק‬/‫________________________ ש ל ו ש ש עו ת׳‬

w ith her )‫ ( ע ם‬. w ith you ( m. pl 3.( )‫ ( ע ם‬. 2

.‫שנ ש א ר תי ש ם עו ד ק צ ת‬

Be ca re fu l! In the fo llo w in g w e m ix G ro u p s la )- ‫ ( ל‬a n d lb )‫(בשביל‬, ‫ את‬a n d ‫עם‬:

‫ א ת ל א רו צ ה‬.‫הז מנ תי _______________________ ל ב ו א ע ם י רון ו ______________________ ל ר א ו ת א ת ה ס ר ט‬ .‫ב‬

w ith me )‫ ( ע ם‬.you (f.s

‫ל בו א _______________________ ז‬
w ith us )‫ ( ע ם‬. 6

‫ אני מ צ ט ע ר שר ב תי _________________________ כ ש ה י י ת י‬,‫שרה‬ .‫ג‬

at you r (f.s.) place )‫ ( אצ ל‬.w ith you (f.s 8.( )‫( ע ם‬ .7

‫ תו כ לו ל ש ב ת‬.‫כדאי ל כ ם ל בו א _______________________ ל מ ש ח ק הכדורגל‬ .‫ד‬

next to us )‫ (ליד‬. w ith us 10 )‫ ( ע ם‬.9

.‫ויהיה _______________________ כ י ף בי ח ד‬
lit.: to us )-‫ ( ל‬.11
)= )w e w ill haye

A n s w e rs :
‫ ל נ ו‬. 11 ‫ לי ד נו‬. 10 ‫ אי ת נו‬. 9 ‫ א צ ל ך‬.8 ‫ אי ת ך‬. 7 ‫ אי ת נו‬. 6 ‫ אי תי‬. 5 ‫ או ת ך‬. 4

3 . ‫( פמו‬like, as)
,Another preposition whose forms change when endings are added is ‫כמו‬. Here are its forms:

ka-MO-neemelike T
‫כ מוני‬
ka-MO-cha(m.s.)you like ;‫כמון‬
ka-MOCH(f.s.)you like ‫כמוך‬
like him ka-MO-hoo (kmo-TO 9‫( כ מו תו‬ ‫כ מו הו‬
like her ka-MO-ha (kmo-TA ‫( כ מו ת ה‬ ‫כ מו ה‬

9 Forms based on - ‫) כמות‬...‫ כמותך‬,‫ )כמותי‬also exist in Modern Hebrew. We have listed the most commonly used
ones in parentheses. Often these forms sound more formal. The forms whose base is -‫ כמו‬are found in Biblical
Hebrew: those whose base is -‫ כמות‬come from Mishnaic Hebrew.

VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions


like us ka-MO-noo ‫כמו־נר‬


like you (' kmo-CHEM ‫כם‬1‫כמ‬

like you ( kmo-CHEN ‫ כן‬1‫כמ‬
like them (m.) kmo-HEM (kmo-TAM ‫ תם‬to ‫)כ‬ ‫פמו־הם‬
like them (f.) kmo-HEN (kmo-TAN ‫)כמותן‬ ‫ הן‬1‫כמ‬

Note that the pronunciation of ‫ כמו‬in the upper part of the table is 1‫( פ־מ‬ka-MO). The stress is on
MO in these forms. In contrast, in the lower part o f the table ( ‫ הם‬1‫ כמ‬,‫כן‬1‫ פמ‬,‫כם‬1‫ הן כמ‬1‫) פמ‬, the
ending is stressed, and the beginning of the word sounds just like the word 1‫ כמ‬when it has
no endings (kmo-CHEM, kmo-CHEN, etc.). This is true especially in formal Hebrew. In informal,
spoken Hebrew, however, many speakers do not stress the endings ‫הן‬- ,‫הם‬- ,‫כן‬- ,‫ כם‬-, but rather
continue saying ka-MO in all o f the forms:

informal:10 ka-MO-chem ‫פמז׳כם‬

ka-MO-chen ‫כן‬1‫כמ‬
ka-MO-hem ‫ הם‬1‫כמ‬
7 T

ka-MO-hen ‫ הן‬1‫כמ‬

Q: How do the endings o f ‫ כמו‬compare with the prepositions we have seen so far?

A: Two of the endings are unlike any we have seen thus far. They are noted above in bold: the
‫ני‬- (-nee) ending on like me and the ‫הו‬- (-hoo) ending on like him. All the rest o f the endings
are the same.

Want to see if you've understood?

Write the missing form of ‫ כמו‬with its ending and read the sentences aloud.

! _______________________ ‫ אתה נהדר! אין‬.‫ תודה רבה‬,‫ יוסי‬.‫א‬

like you (m.s .( )‫ (כמו‬. 1

___________________‫ש מ ע ת ם איך יור ם מדבר? הבן שלו מדבר בדיוק‬ .‫ב‬

like him )‫ (כמו‬. 2

11______________________ ‫ היא גם רזה‬.‫תמר בגובה של מאי ה‬ .‫ג‬

like her )‫ (כמו‬.3

10 This pronunciation is not recognized as "correct" by the Hebrew Language Academy.

11 Note the English: She is also as thin as she (is). - Literally: She is also thin like her.

VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions

12______________________ ‫ ח בל ש אנ חנו לא חז קי ם‬.‫הבנים האלה חז קי ם מאוד‬ .‫ד‬

like them )‫(כמו‬ .4

________________________ ‫ הילדות האלה מ תל ב שו ת בדיוק ______________________ ו מ ס ת ד קו ת בדיוק‬.‫ה‬

like you ( ( )‫ (כמו‬.like us 6 )‫ (כמו‬. 5

‫ ומגדלת בבית הרבה‬, ______________________ ‫ היא שותה ח מ ש כוסות קפה ביום‬.‫הא חו ת שלנו דומה לנו‬ .‫ו‬
like me )‫ (כמו‬.7
_______________________‫בעלי חיי ם‬
like you (f.$ .( )‫ (כמו‬,8
‫ כמון‬.8 ‫ פמוני‬.7 ‫ כמוכן‬. 6 ‫ פמונו‬. 5 )‫ כמותם‬:‫ כמוהם (או‬.4 ‫ פמוה‬. 3 ‫ כמוהו‬.2 ;‫כמוץ‬ .1

4. The erratic ‫( מ־‬from, than)

The preposition -‫ מ‬is like no other preposition and acts in an erratic manner when endings are
added to it. Let's have a look:

13.‫קיבלנו ממנו מכתב‬ >= .‫קיבלנו מכתב מדויד‬

(mee-ME-noo) (mee)
We got a letter from him. We got a letter from David.

.‫קיבלנו מהם מכתב‬ >= .‫קיבלנו מכתב מדניאל ונדב‬

(me-HEM) (mee)
We got a letter from them. We got a letter from Daniel and Nadav.

Q: To what base are the endings added?

A: Sometimes the base is ‫ ׳ ממ־‬and sometimes it is ‫מ־‬. Let's have a closer look at all the different

12 Note the English: It is a shame that we are not as strong as they (are). - Literally: not strong like them.
13 Often, as in this sentence, when the preposition takes an ending, it comes immediately after the verb.

VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions

single ‫מ־‬ single -‫מ‬ double ‫ממ־‬
from me me-ME-nee ‫ממני‬
from you (m.s.) meem-CHA ‫ממה‬
from you (f.s.) me-MECH ‫ממך‬
from him me-ME-noo ‫ממנו‬
from her me-ME-na ‫ממנה‬
from us me-'ee-TA-noo ‫מאיתנו‬
T ‫י‬ ‫״‬

from you mee-KEM ‫מכם‬
from you ( mee-KEN ‫מכן‬
from them Qn.) me-HEM ‫מהם‬
from them (/.') me-HEN ‫מהן‬

Column A
Q: What is the base in Column A?

A: A double ‫) מ׳‬-‫) ממ‬.

Let's take a closer look.

Q: Which of the endings on the -‫ ממ‬begin with a ‫?נ׳‬

A: Three endings:
from me mee-ME-nee ‫ממני‬
from him mee-ME-noo ‫ממנו‬
from her mee-ME-na ‫ממנה‬
T V ‫־‬

Note that the stress in these forms is on M E (pronounced meh).

The other two forms in this column have no ‫ נ׳‬and their endings are just like the endings
on ‫ בשבילך) בשביל‬,‫)בשבילך‬:
from you (m.s.) meem-CHA ‫ממך‬
from you (f.s.) mee-MECH ‫ממך‬

14 The form ‫ ממנו‬also exists. See explanation of "Column B" below.

VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions

Want to see if you've understood?

W r it e the m is s in g fo rm o f - ‫ מ‬w ith its e n d in g a n d re a d the se n te n ce s a lo u d .

.‫ מרים כל כך נחמדה! קיבלתי _______________ מכתב בשבוע שעבר‬.‫א‬

from her )- ‫ ( מ‬. 1

‫אולי בשבוע הבא אקבל מכתב גם‬

from you (f.s.( )-‫ ( מ‬. 2

.________________ ‫ אבל הוא נמוך יותר‬, ________________ ‫ נדב גבוה יותר‬.‫ב‬

than me )‫ (מ־‬. than you (m.s

‫ בבקשהז‬,‫איפה הכלב שלך? הבת שלי פוחדת ________________ א ת ה יכול להוציא אותו החוצה‬ .‫ג‬
of him )-‫ ( מ‬.5
A n s w e rs :
‫ ממנו‬. 5 ‫ ממני‬. 4 ‫ ממךז‬. 3 ‫ ממך‬.2 ‫ממנה‬ .1

Column C
Now let's skip over to Column C.

Q: What is the base of ‫ מהן‬,‫ מהם‬,‫ מכן‬,‫?מכם‬

A: Here the endings are added to the single letter -‫ מ‬.

Q: Where is the stress placed in these words?

A: It is always on the end.

Note that the endings ‫כ ם‬- and ‫כן‬- begin with the hard sound k (-KEM, -KENT).15

Before the endings ‫־הן‬, ‫ ־הם‬, the pronunciation of the -‫ מ‬is me (pronounced meh).16

Column B
Here's a little riddle: If from me is ‫( ממני‬mee-ME-nee), what would you expect from us to be?

Perhaps you guessed ‫( ממנו‬mee-ME-noo)? This form indeed exists. However, since it also means
from him , we use a different form in Modem Hebrew to say from u s: ‫( מ אי תנו‬me-'ee-TA-noo).

15 This happens because the ‫ ן‬- of the preposition ‫ מן‬has "dropped out" (assimilated). On the presence of a strong
dagesh in the letter after a ;‫" נ‬drops out," see the chapter "The Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬and the Dagesh,"
pp. 635-636.
16 This is always the case when -‫ מ‬is followed by a guttural consonant (here: ‫)הי‬. For more details, see the
preceding chapter "How Do Prepositions Behave When No Ending Is Attached?", p. 224, note 4.

VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions

Q: Can you see the two words from which this form is built?

A: It is built from -‫ מ‬added to the word meaning with us : ‫ אירננו‬. Before ‫ א׳‬,‫ מ־‬is pronounced -‫מ‬
(meh), t hus : ‫מא ית נ ו‬.

Want to see if you've understood?

W r it e the m is s in g fo rm o f - ‫ מ‬w ith its e n d in g a n d re a d th e se n te n ce s a lo u d .

. ‫__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ מ י ד‬

from them )-‫ ( מ‬.1

. 1 6 :0 0 - ‫ל‬ 1 4 :0 0 ‫בין‬ ‫רעש‬ ‫ל ע שו ת‬ ‫לא‬ ‫פ ע מי ם‬ ‫כמה‬ ‫ב י ק ש נ ו _____________________________________________________ כ ב ר‬ ,‫י ל די ם‬ .‫ב‬

you ( )-‫ ( מ‬. 2

.‫ו שי ר ה‬ ‫מ רינ ה‬ ‫ש ק לי ם‬ 4 0 ‫ש ק ל י ם_________________________________________________________ ו ־‬ 20 ‫קי ב ל תי‬ ,‫או רי‬ .‫ג‬

from you (m.s .( )-‫ ( מ‬.3

.‫ב דו א ר‬ ‫א ת מו ל‬ ‫ה כ ס ף____________________________________________________________ ה ג י ע‬

from them ( )‫(מ־־‬ .4

.‫ה ת עו פ ה‬ ‫נ פ ר ד ו_____________________________________________________ ב ש ד ה‬ ‫ה הו רי ם‬ ,‫ל א ר ץ‬ ‫ל חו ץ‬ ‫כ שנ ס ענו‬ .‫ד‬

from us )-‫ ( מ‬.5

A n s w e rs :
‫ מאיתנו‬.5 ‫ מהם‬.4 3‫ ממ‬.3 ‫ מנם‬.2 ‫ מהם‬.1

5. ‫( ל־‬to)
As we mentioned at the end of the previous chapter, after certain verbs the preposition -‫ ל‬changes
to ‫ אל‬when endings are added. For example, when -‫ ל‬is followed by a noun, we say:

1 called Dalia yesterday. .‫התקשרת י לדליה אתמ ול‬

However, when we say I called her, substituting a pronoun (her) for the noun (Dalia), we must
use ‫ אל‬as the base form to which the ending is added:

I called her yesterday. .‫התקשרת י אליה אתמ ול‬

The verbs after which this switch from -‫ ל‬to ‫ אל‬occurs when endings are added are listed in
Appendix IV under 1.‫ א ל‬/-‫ ; ל‬For the forms of ‫ אל‬with endings, see below, p. 1025.

17 See the previous chapter "How Do Prepositions Behave When No Ending Is Attached?", pp. 227-228 for more
on the switching of -‫ ל‬and ‫ אל‬when no endings are added.

‫‪VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions‬‬

‫‪Let's review‬‬
‫‪♦ This chart summarizes the prepositions in Group I.‬‬

‫‪special cases‬‬ ‫‪lb‬‬ ‫‪Ia‬‬

‫מן‬ ‫כמו‬ ‫בשב יל ‪ ,‬אצל ‪. . .‬‬ ‫את‬ ‫עם‬ ‫ל‪ , -‬ב‪ , -‬ש ל‬

‫ממני‬ ‫כמוני‬ ‫‪T‬‬

‫בשבילי‬ ‫א ות י‬ ‫א ית י‬ ‫לי‬
‫ממה‬ ‫כמיד‬ ‫בשבילה‬ ‫א ותך‬ ‫א יתך‬ ‫לד‬
‫ממ ד‬ ‫כמוך‬ ‫בשבילך‬ ‫א ותך‬ ‫א יתך‬ ‫לד‬
‫ממנו•‬ ‫כמוהו•‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫בשבילו‬ ‫אותיו‬ ‫אית ו‬ ‫לו‬
‫ממ נה‬
‫‪T V‬‬ ‫*‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫*‬ ‫‪:‬‬ ‫*‬
‫א יתה‬
‫לה‬ ‫‪T‬‬

‫מא יתנ ו‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫•‬ ‫״‬
‫כמונו‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫בשבילנו‬ ‫אותנ ו‬

‫מכם‬ ‫כמ וכם‬ ‫בשב ילכם‬ ‫אתכם‬ ‫א ית כם‬ ‫לכם‬‫‪V T‬‬

‫מכן‬ ‫כמוכן‬ ‫בשבילכן‬ ‫אתכ ן‬ ‫א יתכ ן‬ ‫לכז‬

‫מהם‬ ‫כמ והם‬ ‫בשבילם‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫*‬ ‫‪:‬‬ ‫*‬
‫‪T‬ל ‪V‬ה ם‬
‫מה ן‬ ‫כמוהן‬ ‫בשבילן‬ ‫א ות ן‬ ‫א ית ן‬ ‫להן‬

‫?‪W ant to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪In the f o llo w in g e x e rc is e , y o u c a n p ra c tic e a ll o f th e p re p o s itio n s le a rn e d in this s e c tio n .‬‬

‫‪W r it e the m is s in g p re p o s itio n w ith its e n d in g a n d re a d the se n te n ce s a lo u d .‬‬

‫א‪ .‬ענת‪ ,‬סיפרנו _________________שאתמול פגשנו את דורית ומיכל? פגשנו _________________ברחוב‪,‬‬

‫‪( .you (f.s‬את) (‪them (f.p l .‬‬ ‫ו‪( .‬ל‪2.( )-‬‬

‫והלכנו ___________________ למסעדה‪ .‬הן אמרו שהן לא ראו ___________ ______המו ן זמן וביקשו‬
‫‪( .with them (f.p l‬את) (‪you (f.s .‬‬

‫_________________ את מספר הטלפון _________________ ‪ ,‬אז נתנו _________________‬

‫‪( .us‬של) (‪( .your (f.s 7.‬ל־) (‪them (f.p l .‬‬

‫)את( )‪it (m.s.‬‬

‫ב‪ .‬יוסי ורמי‪ ,‬איפה המטריות שביקשנו _________________ להביא ‪.‬‬

‫‪( .you (m .pl‬ל‪us )-‬‬ ‫‪ ( .9‬מ‪10.( )-‬‬

‫ג‪ .‬יש ____________________מכונית‪ ,‬או שגם אתם באתם ברגל ‪.‬‬

‫‪( . lit.: to you (m .pl‬כמו) ‪like us‬‬ ‫‪( . 11‬ל‪12. ( )-‬‬
‫( ‪)= you have‬‬

‫‪VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions‬‬

‫ד‪ .‬מירי‪ ,‬שלום!‬

‫בונים __________________ בניי ן חדש‪ ,‬והרעש מאוד מפריע ___________________ א ו ל י אנחנו יכולים‬
‫‪( .next to us‬ל‪us )-‬‬
‫להיות _______________________ כ מ ה ימים? אני מחכה לתשובה _____________________‬
‫‪( .at your (f.s.) place‬מן) (‪from you (f.s.‬‬ ‫‪( .15‬אצל) ‪16‬‬

‫ה‪ .‬דויד פוחד מכלבים‪ .‬אמרתי __________________ ‪ :‬״אל תפחד __________________‪ ,‬תשחק‬
‫‪( .to him‬מ־) ‪of them‬‬ ‫‪( .17‬ל‪18 )-‬‬

‫_____________________________________ ה ם לא יעשו __________________ ש ו ם דבר״‪.‬‬

‫‪( .with them‬כמו) ‪( .like me21‬ל‪to you (m.s .( )-‬‬

‫ו‪ - .‬יונתן‪ ,‬מה אתה מוכן לעשות בשביל הילדים‬

‫(‪( .willing‬של) (‪your (m.s .‬‬

‫‪ -‬אני מוכן לעשות ____________________ הכ ול ‪ .‬אני אתן __________________ א ת כל מה שהם רוצים‪.‬‬

‫‪( .for them (m‬ל‪them )-‬‬ ‫ביל) (‪24.‬‬

‫גם אם הם יבקשו __________________ א ת הירח‪ ,‬אני אנסה להוריד להם ___________________‬

‫)‪( .moon‬את) ( ‪it (m.s .‬‬ ‫(‪me‬‬ ‫‪( .25‬מ‪26 )-‬‬

‫א‪ .1 .‬לך ‪ 2‬אותן ‪ 3‬איתן ‪ .4‬אותןז ‪ .5‬מאיתנו ‪ .6‬שלןז ‪ .7‬להן ‪ .8‬אותו‬
‫ב‪ .9 .‬מפם ‪ .10‬לנו ג‪ .11 .‬לכם ‪ .12‬כמונו ד‪ .13 .‬לידנו ‪ .14‬לנו ‪ .15‬אצלןז ‪ .16‬ממר‬
‫‪ .25‬ממני‬ ‫ח‪ .1 7 .‬לו ‪ .18‬מהם ‪. 19‬איתם ‪ .20‬כמוני ‪ .21‬לן; ו‪ .22 .‬שלן; ‪ .23‬בשבילם ‪ .24‬להם‬
‫‪ .26‬אותו‬

‫י׳ ‪• Adding endings with an additional‬‬

‫‪.‬י׳ ‪ Group"), which has endings without a‬ל־ ‪In the section above, we looked at Group I ("The‬‬
‫‪ before the‬י׳ ‪ Group") - the group that requires a‬על ‪Now we will concentrate on Group II ("The‬‬

‫‪Group II‬‬
‫‪Here are examples of three prepositions in this group with their endings:‬‬

‫לפני‬ ‫אל‬ ‫?גל‬

‫‪me‬‬ ‫לפניי‬
‫! ‪ T‬־‬ ‫אליי‬ ‫‪-AI‬‬ ‫‪¥‬ליי‬
‫)‪you (m.s.‬‬ ‫לפניה‬ ‫אליה‬ ‫‪-E-cha‬‬ ‫‪¥‬ליג‬
‫)‪you (f.s.‬‬ ‫לפנ?יה‬ ‫אלייד‬ ‫‪-A-yeech‬‬ ‫?גלייה‬
‫‪him‬‬ ‫לפניו‬
‫‪T T :‬‬
‫אליו‬ ‫״ ‪T‬‬
‫‪-AV‬‬ ‫עליו‬‫‪T T‬‬

‫‪her‬‬ ‫לפניה‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪V T :‬‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫״ ‪V‬‬
‫‪-E-ha‬‬ ‫עליה‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪7 T‬‬

VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions

‫לפני‬ ‫אל‬ ‫על‬

us ‫לפנינו‬
‫ •י‬T :
‫אלינר‬ -EI-noo ‫בילינו‬
you ( ‫לפניכם‬ 18‫אליכם‬ -ei-CHEM ‫עליכם‬
you ( ‫לפניכן‬ ‫אליכן‬ -ei-CHEN ‫עליכן‬
them (m.) ‫לפניהם‬ ‫אליהם‬ -ei-HEM ‫עליהם‬
them (f.) ‫לפניהן‬ ‫אליהן‬ -ei-HEN ‫ע לי הן‬

Notice that in the first form in each column - ‫ לפניי‬,‫ אליי‬,‫>גליי‬- the syllable containing -AI is
stressed, as in: ‫ל י י‬-)? (■a-LAI). This is the second syllable o f the word.

Q: In which of the other forms o f ‫ על‬is the stress not on the second syllable of the word?

A: In the four forms at the bottom of the chart. In these forms - and in all of the parallel forms
in the other columns - the stress is on ‫הן‬- ,‫הם‬- ,‫כן‬- ,‫ ־כם‬. For this reason, the vowels at the
beginning of these words sometimes change. We do not hear this vowel change in the
forms of ‫על‬, but we do hear it in ‫ לפניהן‬,‫ לפניהם‬,‫ לפניכן‬,‫( לפניכם‬leef-nei-CHEM...)}9 We also
hear the change in the forms o f ‫ אל‬listed in the chart: ‫״‬.‫׳) אליכם‬a-lei-CHEM...). These are the
grammatically correct forms. However, many speakers of Hebrew do not say ‫אליכם‬, but
rather keep the same first vowel as in the rest of the forms and say ...‫ אליכן‬,‫ ׳) אליכם‬e-lei-CHEM),
so as to differentiate between ‫( אליכם‬to you) and ‫( עליכם‬on you, about you).

The following prepositions also belong to this group:

after ...‫ אחריה‬,‫אחריי‬ ‫אחרי‬

without ...‫ בלחייה‬,‫בלדריי‬ ‫ בלעדי‬/ ‫בלי‬
behind .‫ ךיה״‬1‫ מאח‬,‫מאחוריי‬ ‫רי‬1‫מאח‬
above .‫ מ?ליה״‬,‫מ^ליי‬ ‫מ?גל‬
under .‫ מתחתיה״‬,‫מתחתיי‬ ‫מתחת‬

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the missing preposition with its ending and read the sentences aloud.

.‫ התקשרנו __________________ כ ל הבוקר ולא ענית ם לנו‬,‫ אבישי ואבנר‬.‫א‬

you ( )‫ (אל‬.1

18 The formal pronunciation is with an ah after the '‫א‬, but most Hebrew speakers pronounce an eh sound instead,
just as in the top part of the char t : ‫ אל יה ן‬, ‫ אל יהם‬,‫ אליכן‬, ‫אל יכם‬.
19 Actually, the preposition ‫ לפני‬originates from the form ‫( לפנים‬le-fa-NEEM). When the stress moves to the end
(as in the lower part of the chart), the base changes to ‫ לפני‬Qeef-).

VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions

‫ אנ חנו הלכנו ________________________ ו א ת ם‬.‫ הילדים הלכו באמצע‬,‫כ ש טיילנו בהר מירון‬ .‫ב‬
in front of them )‫(לפני‬ .2
. _________________________‫הלכתם‬
behind them )‫ (מאחורי‬.3

.‫ כ שבאנו______________________ ל א היית בבית‬,‫נועה‬ .‫ג‬

to you (f.s .( )‫ (אל‬A

.‫ עדיין לא סיפרתי ______________________ ל א ף אחד‬.‫ יש לי חבר חדש‬.‫ד‬

about him )‫ (על‬.5

________________ ‫ אחי הגדול עלה לארץ ______________________ א נ י והוריי הגענו זמן קצר‬.‫ה‬
after him )‫ (אחרי‬.before me 7 )‫ (לפני‬.6

.‫ לכן אני לא אוהבת ל שבת ________________________ ב כי ת ה‬,‫מירי גבוהה יו תר ממני‬ .‫ו‬

behind her )‫ (מאחורי‬. 8

!‫ בסדר? אני כבר חוזר‬,‫ אני _________________________ ב תו ר‬,‫ אדוני‬,‫סליחה‬ .‫ז‬

after you (m.s .( )‫ (אחדי‬.9

.‫ ש מ ענו __________________________ ה ר ב ה דברים טובי ם‬,‫ בנות‬.‫ח‬

about you (f.p i .( )‫ (על‬. 10
A n s w e rs :

‫ אמריה‬.9 ‫ מאחוריה‬.8 ‫ אחריו‬.7 ‫ לפניי‬.6 ‫ עליו‬.5 ‫ אלייך‬.4 ‫ מאחוריהם‬. 3 ‫ לפניהם‬.2 ‫אליכם‬ .1

‫• עליכן‬10

Special cases in Group II (the ‫ על‬Group)

1. ‫( אל‬to - usually expressing direction)
In Chapter 2 on prepositions, we mentioned that in formal Hebrew ‫ אל‬may be used instead of
-‫ ל‬after certain verbs.20 For example:
.‫ הוא בא אל המקום‬/ .‫הוא בא למקום‬

The use of ‫ אל‬with endings is much more common than the use of ‫ אל‬without endings. The
reason for this is that all of the verbs listed as taking ‫ אל‬/-‫ ל‬will almost always use the forms
...‫ אליך‬,‫( אליי‬and not ...‫ לך‬,‫ )לי‬when endings are added. This is true in both formal and informal
.‫התקשרתי אליה‬ >= .‫התקשרתי לשרה‬
I called her. I called Sarah.

20 See above ‫״‬How Do Prepositions Behave When No Ending Is Attached?" p. 227. Verbs that can take ‫ אל‬are
listed in Appendix IV, p. 1025.

‫‪VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions‬‬

‫היא קשורה אליה‪.‬‬ ‫=>‬ ‫הילדה קשורה לאמא שלה‪.‬‬

‫‪She is attached to her.‬‬ ‫‪The girl is attached to her mother.‬‬

‫‪ ),‬נסענו לירושלים ‪ (for example:‬ל‪B e c a r e fu l! When the name of a place comes after -‬‬
‫‪.‬לשם ‪, but rather‬אל ‪we don't use a form o f‬‬
‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪T‬‬ ‫!‬

‫נסענו לשם‪.‬‬ ‫=>‬ ‫נסענו לירושלים‪.‬‬

‫‪We went there.‬‬ ‫‪We went to Jerusalem.‬‬

‫‪?Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪ .‬א ל ‪A . W r it e the c o rre c t fo rm o f‬‬

‫(לנסוע ל‪ /-‬א ל)‬ ‫א ת מול נ ס ענו לסב תא‪ .‬נסענו ב ש עו ת הבוקר‪.‬‬

‫אנ חנו בדרך כלל מ ת ק שרי ם ל הורי ם שלנו ל פ חו ת פעם בשבוע‪ ,‬אבל החוד ש עדיין לא‬

‫התק שרנו _________________ ( ל ה ת ק ש ר ל־‪ /‬א ל)‬

‫בנות‪ ,‬א ת! יו ד עו ת למה ההורים שלכן התק שרו כל יו ם כ שהם היו ב חו״לז כי הם התגעגעו‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫מ א ו ד ורצו לדבר איתכן‪( .‬להתגעגע ל־‪ /‬א ל)‬

‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬
‫‪ . 3‬אליכן‬ ‫‪ . 2‬אליהם‬ ‫‪ .1‬אליה‬

‫‪ a s re q u ire d b y th e v e rb ( o r a d je c tiv e (.‬אל ‪ o r‬ל‪B. W r it e the m is s in g fo rm o f -‬‬

‫‪ . 1‬לא א מר ת ם ל שכני ם שתהיה אצלכ ם מסיבה היום? מדו ע לא א מר ת ם ________________ ז ( ל ו מ ר ל‪)-‬‬

‫פנינו ל מנ הל ת כדי לבקש לעבור לכיתה אחרת‪ .‬היא אמרה שפנינו ________________ מ א ו ח ר מדיי‪ ,‬ושכבר‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫לע בור לכיתה א חר ת‪(.‬לפנות ל־‪ /‬א ל)‬

‫קרוב ‪ ,‬ראינו שלא‬ ‫התקרבנו אל ה שלט כדי לראו ת מה כתוב בו‪ .‬רק כ שע מדנו מ אוד‬

‫היה כתוב בו כלו ם‪( .‬קרוב ל‪ /-‬א ל)‬

‫מ חר ב חולצו ת לבנות‪ ,‬אבל שכחו להודיע _____________________________________________________________ ש מ ת חי לי ם‬

‫מאוחר‪( .‬להודיע ל‪)-‬‬

VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions

‫ האמת היא שכל רעש קט ן מפר יע‬. ‫ הרעש של הטרקט ור מפר יע ל יצחק ללמ וד למבח ן‬.5

)-‫(להפר יע ל‬

_______________ ‫ כי שכחת י שאמרת‬, ‫ את כ ועסת עליי? לא באת י________________אתמ ול‬,‫ רותי‬.6

)-‫ לומר ל‬,‫אל‬/‫ אני מצטערת ! (לבוא ל־‬. ‫לבוא‬

A n s w e rs :
‫ לי‬,‫אלייך‬.6 ‫ לו‬.5 ‫ להם‬.4 ‫ אליו‬.3 ‫ אליה‬.2 ‫ להם‬.1

2 . ‫בלי‬, (without)
The preposition ‫ בלי‬cannot take endings. How, then, do we say without him, w ithout her, etc.?
Since the word ‫ בלעדי‬is sometimes used in formal language instead o f ‫בלי‬, it serves in both
formal and informal Hebrew as the base onto which endings are added. Note that there is
always a ‫ י׳‬before the endings.

T *‫ ״‬T • ‫י‬
.‫אנחנו לא הולכים בלעדיה אנחנו לא הולכים לסרט בלי רינה‬
* !

We are not going without her. We are not going to the movie without Rina.

Want to see if you've understood?

W r it e the m is s in g fo rm .

‫ ובסוף יצאנו לט י ול‬, ‫ בט י ול הכ יתת י לגליל חיכינו שעה לשני תלמידים‬.1

without them (m.) ((‫בלי‬
‫ל״‬ ‫ ״למה יצאתם לט י ול‬: ‫אחר כך הם צלצל ו אלינו בפלאפ ון וצעקו‬
without us (‫)בלי‬

») ‫ ״אל תעזבי אותי! אני לא יכול לח י ות‬:‫ שלמה אמר לגלי‬.2

without you (f.s.) (‫)בלי‬

. ‫לא היינו מצל יח ים להגיע למק ום הראש ון‬ , ‫ יוני ואלעד‬.3

without you ( (‫)בלי‬
A n s w e rs :
‫ בלעדיכם‬.3 ‫ בלעדייך‬.2 ‫ בלעדינו‬,‫ בלעדיהם‬.1

VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions

3 . ‫ידי‬ (by)
Read the following:
21.‫המכתב נשלח על ידיו‬ >= .‫המכתב נשלח על ידי משה‬
The letter was sent by him. The letter was sent by Moshe.

When the doer of the action is known (‫ משה‬in this sentence), Hebrew usually prefers using an
active verb, as in ‫ משה שלח את המכתב‬, rather than a passive verb followed by ‫ על ידי‬. However,
since passive sentences with ‫( על ידי‬followed by the doer of the action) do exist in current
Hebrew, we have presented the above sentences here. The forms of ‫ על ידי‬belong to Group II.

A split personality: the declension o f ‫( בין‬between‫ י‬among)

In the following two sentences, the preposition ‫ בין‬is used:

.-‫־‬ ‫ט אין הבדל ב ינ יהם‬

The twins are very similar. There is almost no difference between them.
.‫ הקשר בינינו חשוב לי מאוד‬.‫אני מדברת עם אחותי כל יום‬
I speak with my sister every day. My relationship with her (lit.: the connection between us)
is very important to me.

Here are the forms o f :‫בין‬

-EE ‫ביני‬
-CHA ‫בינה‬
-ECH ‫בעול‬
-0 ‫בינו‬
-A ‫בינה‬
T ‫״‬

-El-noo ‫בינינר‬
-ei-CHEM ‫ביניכם‬
-ei-CHEN ‫ביניכן‬
-ei-HEM 22‫ביניהם‬
-ei-HEN ‫ביניהן‬

21 According to the Hebrew Language Academy, when a passive verb is used, it is preferable not to mention by
whom the action was performed. In cases where the doer is mentioned, it is preferable to use ‫ בידי‬rather than
‫ על ידי‬when the action was performed by a person.
In today's Hebrew, when ‫ על ידי‬is used and is declined, speakers often use ‫ על יד‬as the base of the declined
forms (e. g. ‫ על ידו‬instead of ‫) על ידיו‬. In such cases, the context tells us whether to translate ‫ על ידו‬as next to him
or by him (as in: "It was sent by him").
22 The forms ‫ בינם‬and ‫ בינן‬also exist and are sometimes used. See ‫״‬Did you know?" below for an explanation.

VII. Prepositions / 3. A dding Endings to Prepositions

Q: Does it belong to Group I (without an additional '‫ )י‬or to Group II (with a ‫?)י׳‬

A: The first half of the declension of ‫ בין‬is exactly like that of ‫( בשביל‬Group lb). There is no ‫י׳‬
before the ending. The second half o f this declension is like that o f ‫על‬: in all these forms
there is a ‫ י׳‬between the preposition and the ending.

,..-‫ ל‬...‫ בין‬/ ...‫ ובין‬...‫ בין‬/ . . . ‫ לבין‬...‫בין‬

Unlike the English between, the preposition ‫ בין‬often appears twice in the same sentence, as in
the following:
I am sitting between Yoram and Naomi. .‫אני יושב בין יורם לבין נעמי‬
or: .‫אני יושב בין יורם ובין נעמי‬

Here are examples with pronouns after ‫בין‬:

I am sitting between him and her. •‫אני יושב בינו לביני׳‬

or: .‫אני יושב בינו ובינה‬
T **

The first two sentences (with a noun at the end) can also be expressed using the shorter ".‫״ל״‬. ‫"ב ין‬.
as in:
23.‫ אני יושב בין יורם לנעמי‬-*>
This sounds less formal than the first two alternatives.

Di d y o u k n o w?
When do we use ‫ ב י נם‬and ‫ בינן‬instead of ‫ ב י נ יהם‬and ‫?ביניה ן‬
Wh e n ‫ בין‬appear s onl y once and we wi sh to say between them, t he f or ms ‫ביניהם‬
and ‫ ביניהן‬ar e used, as in t he second sent ence here:

.‫היא יושבת ביניהם‬ >= .‫נועה יושבת בין דני לבין יוסי‬
She is sitting between them. N o a is sitting between D anny and Yossi.

However , when the t wo-part structure ‫״‬..‫ לבין‬... ‫ "בין‬or "...‫ ובין‬...‫ "בין‬is used, we t end
t o use ‫ בינם‬or ‫ בינן‬i nst ead of ‫ ביניהם‬or ‫ביניהן‬, as in t he f ol l owi ng sent ence:

.‫יוסי ודינה הם חבר ים טובים שלנו למר ות ש יש הרבה הבדלים בינינו לבינם‬
Yossi and Dina are g o o d friends of ours even though there are m any differences between

us and them.

23 The combination ‫״‬.‫״‬-‫ ו‬...‫ "בין‬is used by many speakers when a noun - and not a pronoun - follow s -1, as in:
‫( אני יושבת בין יונתן ודניאל‬I am sitting between Yonatan and Daniel). The other combinations mentioned above
are often viewed as preferable, especially in writing.

‫‪VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪ w ith its e n d in g s .‬בין ‪W r it e the c o rre c t fo rm o f‬‬

‫‪ .1‬אני אשב פה‪ ,‬יוסי ישב שם‪ ,‬ואתה תשב ‪.‬‬

‫‪between us‬‬ ‫)בין(‬

‫‪ .2‬יש הרבה הבדלים‬

‫)‪you (m.s.‬‬ ‫)בין(‬ ‫‪between me‬‬ ‫בין((‬

‫דיברתם על כל הבעיות שלכם‪.‬‬ ‫ל‬ ‫‪ .3‬ב שיחה שהייתה ‪.‬‬

‫‪her‬‬ ‫(בין)‬ ‫(בין) ( ‪between you (m .p l .‬‬

‫ו‪ ,‬בינינו ‪ .2‬ביני‪ ,‬בינך‪ ,3 ,‬ביניכם‪ ,‬בינה‬

‫‪Let’s review‬‬
‫‪♦ This chart summarizes the prepositions in Group U.‬‬

‫‪special case‬‬
‫ביז‬ ‫לפני‬ ‫אל‬ ‫על‪ ,‬אחרי‪ ,‬בלעדי‪...‬‬

‫‪-EE‬‬ ‫ביני‬ ‫לפניי‬ ‫אליי‬ ‫‪-A1‬‬ ‫עליי‬

‫‪-CHA‬‬ ‫בינה‬ ‫לפניה‬ ‫אליך‬ ‫‪-E-cha‬‬ ‫על יך‬
‫‪-ECH‬‬ ‫בינך‬ ‫לפנייך‬ ‫אלייך‬ ‫‪-A-yeech‬‬ ‫עלייך‬
‫‪-O‬‬ ‫בינו‬ ‫לפניו‬ ‫אליו‬ ‫‪-AV‬‬ ‫עליו‬
‫‪-A‬‬ ‫בינה‬ ‫לפניה‬ ‫אל יה‬ ‫‪-E-ha‬‬ ‫על יה‬
‫בינינו‬ ‫לפמנו‬ ‫אלינו‬ ‫‪-El-noo‬‬ ‫עלינו‬
‫ביניכם‬ ‫לפניכם‬ ‫אליכם‬ ‫‪-ei-CHEAI‬‬ ‫על יכם‬
‫ביניכן‬ ‫לפניכן‬ ‫אליכן‬ ‫‪-ei-CHEN‬‬ ‫עליכן‬
‫ביני־הם‬ ‫לפניהם‬ ‫אל יהם‬ ‫‪-ei-HEAI‬‬ ‫על יהם‬
‫ביניהן‬ ‫לפניהן‬ ‫אליהן‬ ‫‪-ei-HEN‬‬ ‫עליהן‬

‫‪VII. Prepositions / 3. Adding Endings to Prepositions‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood this chapter‬‬

‫‪In the fo llo w in g e x e rc is e , y o u c a n p ra c tic e a ll the p re p o s itio n s le a rn e d in th is c h a p te r.‬‬

‫‪W r it e the m is s in g p re p o s itio n w ith its e n d in g .‬‬

‫א‪ .‬נוח ואבנר‪ ,‬לא ראינו _____________ הרב ה זמן‪ ,‬התגעגענו______________ ! אנחנו‬
‫‪( . you (‬אל) (‪you (‬‬ ‫‪( . 1‬את) (‪2.‬‬

‫רוצים שתבואו __________________ כ די לצאת _____________ ל מ ס עד ה טובה‪.‬‬

‫‪( .to us, to our place‬עם) ‪with us‬‬ ‫‪( . 3‬אל) ‪4‬‬

‫ב‪ .‬אילנה‪ ,‬דיברנו________________ ובדיוק הגעת‪ .‬רצינו לצלצל ___________ א ו להיפגש‬

‫‪( .about you (f.s‬אל) ( ‪you (f.s .‬‬ ‫‪6.‬‬

‫_______________ ול ס פר ______________ ע ל דינה ועל החבר _______________‬

‫‪ ( . with you (f.s‬ל‪( .you (f.s 9. ( )-‬של) ‪her‬‬

‫‪ .)They are‬ידעת?‬ ‫‪not on good terms.‬‬ ‫אומרים שעבר ________________ ח ת ו ל שחור (=‬
‫‪( . 10‬בין) ‪between them‬‬

‫ג‪ .‬כשביקרנו______________________ בשנה שעברה‪ ,‬ביקשתם ___________ ש ב פ ע ם‬

‫‪ ( .at your ( place‬מ־) ‪us‬‬

‫הבאה נביא _____________ ג ם את הילדים ______________ א ז הנה‪ ,‬הפעם הבאנו‬

‫‪( . with us‬של) ‪our‬‬ ‫‪( .13‬עם) ‪14‬‬

‫גם ________________ ‪.‬‬

‫‪( .15‬את) (‪them (m .‬‬

‫ד‪ .‬חבר׳ה‪ ,‬אנחנו רוצים לצלם ________________ י ע ל‪ ,‬תעמדי פה‪ .‬רחל‪ ,‬את תעמדי‬
‫‪( . 16‬את) (‪you (m .p l .‬‬

‫_________________ ‪ ,‬משה אתה תעמוד ________________ ‪ ,‬ויונתן אתה תעמוד‬

‫‪( .behind her‬על יד) ‪next to her‬‬

‫‪( .19‬לפני) ‪in front of them‬‬

‫ה‪ .‬אני רוצה שנשמור את הסוד _______________ ל א נספר _____________ ל א ף אחד‪.‬‬

‫‪( . between us‬את) ‪it‬‬ ‫‪( .20‬בין) ‪21‬‬

‫ו‪ .‬גם אם אתה לא חושב _____________ ‪ ,‬אתה לא צריך לכעוס __________________‬

‫‪( . like me‬על) ‪at me, with me‬‬ ‫‪( .22‬כמו) ‪23‬‬

‫אם תבקש ________________ ‪ ,‬אני אסביר ________________ א ת דעתי‪.‬‬

‫‪( . me‬ל‪to you )-‬‬

‫ז‪ .‬חבל ששמעון לא בא למסיבה‪ .‬לא היה כיף‬

‫‪( .26‬בלי) ‪without him‬‬
‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬
‫‪ . I‬אתכם ‪ .2‬אליכם ‪ . 3‬אלינו ‪ .4‬איתנו ‪ .5‬עלייך ‪ . 6‬אלייך ‪ .7‬איתך ‪ .8‬לך ‪ .9‬שלה ‪ . 10‬ביניהם‬
‫‪ .I I‬אצלכם ‪ . 12‬מ אי תנו ‪ . 13‬אי תנו ‪ .14‬שלנו ‪ . 15‬אותם ‪ . 16‬אתכם ‪ . 17‬מאחוריה ‪ .18‬על ידה‬
‫‪ . 26‬בלעדיו‬ ‫‪ .25‬לך‬ ‫‪ . 24‬ממני‬ ‫‪ . 23‬עליי‬ ‫‪ .22‬כמוני‬ ‫‪ .21‬אותו‬ ‫‪ .20‬בינינו‬ ‫‪ . 19‬לפניהם‬

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers
Numbers and quantifiers - like ‫) כל‬all) and ‫) חלק‬part) - will be discussed in the following

N um bers .1 )...8:30 ‫ השעה‬,...‫ שנינו‬,...‫ א׳=ו‬,...‫ ראשון‬,...‫(אחד‬

All, P a rt of...: Quantifiers .2 )...‫ רובם‬,...‫ פולם‬,...‫ חלק מה־‬,‫(פל ה־‬

Q N um bers

• Numbers2fi'om 1 to 10
• Numbers 11 and up
‫ ״‬Ordinal numbers )...‫ שני‬,‫(ךאשון‬
‫ ״‬Hebrew letters as numbers
‫ ״‬Numbers with endings: ...‫ של ושת נ ו‬,‫( שנינו‬both o f us, the three o f us)
• Telling the time

• Numbers from 1 to 10
Counting from 1 to 10 (masculine and feminine)
Imagine a line of between one to ten girls waiting to buy tickets. If we ask how many girls are
standing in the line, the answer may be any one of the following:

1 Technically, the words that refer to numbers are called numerals. We have chosen to use the less technical
term number to refer to both the number and the word that refers to the number.
2 In English grammar books, the numbers presented in the first two sections of this chapter are called cardinal
numerals or cardinal numbers ( ‫) מספרים מוינים‬.

10 9 8 7 6 5 3 2 1
‫ץשר‬ ‫תשע‬ ‫שבע‬ ‫ארבעשמונהחמש‬ ‫שלוש‬ ‫שתיים‬ ‫אחת‬ ‫שש‬
E-ser TE-sha shmo-NE SHE-va SHESH cha-AlESH 'ar-BA sha-LOSH SHTA-veem 'a-CHAT
SHMO-ne 'AR-ba

Now imagine a similar line of boys and the possible answers to the same question:

10 9
T T “5
T 5 •
T S *
T * ‫!־‬
T T 5“
T 5
*‫־‬ !
‫<* אחד‬

'a-sa-RA teesh-A shmo-NA sheev-A shee-SHA cha-mee-SHA 'ar-ba-A shloSHA SHNA-yeem ’ e-CHAD

Q: Are the two sets of numbers exactly the same?

A: No! There is a difference between the numbers used for girls and other feminine nouns
and those used for boys and other masculine nouns. We will call the first set "the feminine
numbers," and the second set - "the masculine numbers."

There are several basic differences between the two sets:

Numbers 1 and 2
‫זכר‬ ‫נקבה‬
masculine feminine

‫אחד‬ T V
‫ אחת‬-
‫שניים‬ ‫ שתיים‬-

The feminine numbers for one and two have a ' ‫ת‬: ‫ שתיים‬,‫אחת‬. '‫ ת‬is often a sign of the feminine,
as in the ending o f words such as ‫כותבת‬, ‫עברית‬, ‫ מחברת‬.

The masculine number for one (‫ אחד‬,e-crnD) ends in ‫ד׳‬, and its vowels are slightly different from
the feminine form (‫’ אחת‬a-cmr).

3 The officially "correct" pronunciation is 'ar-BA and shmo-NE, but most speakers say AR-bci and SHMO-ne.
VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b e rs

Both words for tw o have a d ual ending (-A-yeem): ‫( שתיים‬f) and ‫( שניים‬m.)4 These are the forms
used when no noun follows the number. (See below for the forms that come before nouns.)

Numbers 3-10
In other parts o f speech with feminine and masculine forms, the feminine is almost always
longerthanthe masculine: in nouns ( ‫ ילדה‬/ ‫) ילד‬, in adjectives ( ‫ גדולה‬/ ‫ ) גדול‬and in verbs ( ‫ קמה‬/ ‫) קם‬.
Now let's see if this is the case with numbers, too.

Look again at the feminine and masculine numbers:

‫זכר‬ ‫נקבה‬
masculine feminine

T !
‫שלוש‬ T
‫־‬ 3
‫א ךבע ה‬ ‫או־בע‬ ‫־‬ 4
‫חמישה‬ ‫חמש‬
‫ ■י‬T
‫־‬ 5
‫שישה‬ T
‫שש‬ ‫־‬ 6
‫שבעה‬ ‫שבע‬ ‫ ־־‬7
‫ נה‬1‫שמ‬
T !
‫שמונה‬ ‫־‬ 8
‫תשעה‬ ‫תשע‬ ‫־‬ 9
‫עשרה‬ ‫עשר‬ - ‫ו‬0

Q: Which forms are longer?

A: Surprisingly, the masculine numbers are the longer ones: they all end in ‫( ;ה‬which is usually
a feminine ending!). Note also that the vowels of the masculine forms are often different
from those of the shorter feminine form (e.g., ‫ שבגנה‬sheev-'A / ‫ שבע‬SHE-va).

When we refer to a feminine noun - ‫מחברות‬, for example - we use the shorter, feminine forms
of the number, and when we refer to a masculine noun - ‫ספרים‬, for example - we use the longer,
masculine forms, as in:
How many notebooks are there here? ?‫־ כמה מתבדות יש פה‬
Seven. (f.) .‫־ שבע‬

How many books do you have? ?‫ כמה ספרים יש לך‬-

Seven. (m.) ‫ שבעה‬-

In the answers to the above questions, the nouns ( ‫ מחברות‬,‫ ) ספרים‬are not stated, but they are
assumed, and we match the number to them.

4 See the chapter "How Are Nouns Made Plural?" pp. 43-45 for more on the dual ending (e.g., on ‫ יומיים‬two
days, ‫ שבועיים‬two weeks).

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b ers

Note: Although we have called the feminine numbers shorter and the masculine numbers
longer - and this is generally true, especially in the numbers 3-10 - the words for 1, 2 and 8 are
really the same length:
How many candies are here? ?‫*ות יש פה‬1 ‫ כמה סוכ‬-
One. / Two. / Eight. (f.),‫ שמ ו נה‬- / ,‫ שתי ים‬- / , ‫ אחת‬-

How many apples are here? ?‫ כמה תפ וח ים יש פה‬-

One. / Two. / Eight. (m .),‫ שמ ו נה‬- / ,‫ שניים‬- / ,‫ אחד‬-

Additional uses o f feminine (short) numbers

It is the shorter, feminine numbers that are used when we do simple counting or reading of
numbers without a noun attached, as in math problems or telephone numbers, for example:
> 6 = 5+ 1 ►
‫ ־‬We say:
,‫א ח ת ועוד ח מ ש הם שש‬
or: ,‫א ח ת ועוד ח מ ש שווה ש ש‬

02-671345 (a phone number) We say:

‫א פ ס שת י ים שש ש ב ע א ח ת של וש ארבע ח מ ש‬ -C

Feminine numbers are also used when speaking of a year, as in the last number of 1942:

‫אלף ארבע מ א ו ת תש ע ים ושת י ים‬

When we speak o f buses, addresses or room numbers, we use these short forms:

1 take bus 9 every day. ,‫ (תשע ) כל יום‬9 ‫אני נ ו ס עת בק ו‬ ■<C

He lives at 7 King David Street. .(‫הוא גר ברח וב‬ ‫ (שבע‬7 ‫המלך דויד‬
We are studying in room 207. .(‫אנחנו ל ומד ים‬ ‫ (מאת י ים ושבע‬207 ‫בחדר‬

Likewise, when we state someone's age, we use feminine numbers (but unlike in English, we
do not add the word ‫ שנים‬years):5

Am it is seven years old and his friends are six. ,‫והחבר ים של ו בני ש ש עמ ית בן ש ב ע‬

5 However, for a one year-old we say ‫בת שנה‬/‫ בן‬and for a two year-old we say: ‫בת שנתיים‬/‫ בן‬.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 1. Numbers

Did you know?

Stating hours and years: ‫ בשעה‬and ‫בשנת‬
Read the fol l owi ng sentences:

The lesson begins at 8 :0 0 . .)‫ (שמונה‬8:00 ‫>■־• השיעור מתחיל בשעה‬

H erzl d ie d in 1 9 0 4 . .)‫ ו(אלף תשע מאות וארבע‬904 ‫הרצל נפטר בשנת‬

Not e that both words ‫ !שעה‬and ‫ בשנת‬appear before a number; however, onl y in
the case of ‫ שנה‬do we use the smeechoot form ‫שנת‬.

Additional uses o f masculine (long) numbers

The longer, masculine forms are used without a noun attached in the following cases:

- Dates (days of the month):6

the ninth of Av (a Hebrew month) ‫תשעה באב‬ ■>£
the fourth of July ‫ארבעה ביולי‬

- "Two / three... times as. ..:(...‫ פי שלושה) ״‬,‫פ י שניים‬

‫־‬ ‫המחיר שלהם בש וק‬
The price of apples in the supermarket is three times their price in the slink (open air market).

Let's review
Thus far we have examined how numbers behave when they are not followed by
a noun. The feminine and masculine numbers have different forms.

♦ The feminine numbers for 1 and 2 have a ‫ ת׳‬:

feminine :.‫ שתיים‬- / .‫ אחת‬-

masculine:.‫ שניים‬- /.‫ אחד‬-

6 For dates, many speakers do not follow the guidelines for proper usage and use ordinal numbers. For example,
for the fourth of July (written 4.7 - with the day before the month), they s ay: ‫( הרב יע י לשביעי‬lit., the fourth of
the seventh). See below for ordinal numbers.
7 Many speakers use the shorter feminine number after ‫( פי‬here: ‫ )שלוש‬even though according to the rules of
grammar a masculine number should be used, as in the example above.
VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 1, Numbers

♦ The feminine numbers between 3 and 10 are generally shorter than the
masculine numbers. It is the masculine numbers that end in ‫ה‬-: T

feminine : .‫ ארבע‬- / .‫ שלוש‬- ?‫ כמה סוכריות יש פה‬-

masculine: .‫ ארבעה‬- / .‫ שלושה‬-
?‫ כמה תפוחים יש פה‬-

Various uses of these forms are discussed above.

Want to see if you've understood?

W r it e the p r o p e r fo rm o f th e n u m b e r ( w ith o u t a d d in g the n o u n ), as in the fo llo w in g

e x a m p le :

E x a m p le : p ‫ ״‬j& ?‫כמה אחים יש לרינה‬

________________ ?‫כמה פרחים קניתם‬ .‫ו‬
) 3(

_________________ ?‫ כמה ילדות יש בחדר‬.2

)2 (

s■‫כמה חברים נמצאיםבבית של יונתן עכשיו‬


) 1(

,________________ ?‫ כמה שקלים יש לך‬.4

)1 0 (

) 6 + 3 = 9( ________________ ‫ שוו ה‬/‫_______________ ו עו ד ________________ ה ם‬ .5

) 9(0 (

.‫ קו ________________ מגי ע לתחנה המרכזית בתל אביב‬.6


.‫ יונתן היה בן ________________ כשמשפחתו נסעה ללונדון‬.7

A n s w e rs :

‫ שמונה‬.7‫ חמש‬.6‫ תשע‬,‫ שלוש‬,‫ שש‬.5 ‫ עשרה‬.4 ‫ אחד‬.3

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b e rs

Adding a number to a noun

Read the following passage:

,‫ שלוש אשכוליות‬,‫ נועה קנתה ארבע קלמנטינות‬.‫ביום שישי בבוקר נועה ואיילת הלכו לסופרמרקט‬
‫ בערב‬.‫ שני אגסים ומלון אחד‬,‫ של ושה תפוזים‬,‫ איילת קנתה ארבעה תפוחים‬.‫שתי בננות ופומלה אחת‬
.‫הן הכינו ביחד סלט פירות‬
On Friday morning Noa and Aye let went to the supermarket. Noa bought four tangerines, three
grapefruits, two bananas and one pomelo. Ayelet bought four apples, three oranges, two pears and one
melon. In the evening they made a fruit salad together.

Q: Are any of the forms of the numbers in this passage different from those we saw above
without an added noun?

A: Yes. The forms of the words for tw o are different. As we saw above, its forms are ‫( שניים‬m.)
and ‫( שתיים‬f.) when no noun follows them. But when a noun is added, the ‫ים‬- drops off, as
in the sm eech o o t form o f words like 8,(‫) נעליים‬-‫ נעלי‬and the resulting forms are:

feminine-. ‫־־‬ ‫שתי בננות‬

m a scu lin e : ‫אגסיםשני‬
In all other numbers the form remains the same.

Q: Is the order of the noun and the number the same inall the examples above?

A: No!The words ‫ אחת‬and 1) ‫) אח ד‬appear after the noun.

fe m in in e : one pomelo ‫פומלה אחת‬

m a scu lin e : one melon ‫מלון א ח ד‬

In all other cases, the number appears before the noun (as in English), as in:

‫ ארבע קלמנטינות‬,‫ שלוש אשכוליות‬,‫שתי בננות‬

‫ ארבעה תפוחים‬,‫ של ושה תפוזים‬,‫שני אגסים‬

Here is a list of numbers 1-10 with a noun added to them:

‫זכר‬ ‫נקבה‬
masculine feminine

‫תלמיד אחד‬ ‫ תלמידה ארות‬-

‫שני תלמידים‬ ‫ שתי תלמידות‬-
‫ ש ה תלמידים‬1‫של‬ ‫ ש א ש תלמידות‬-

8 See the chapter ",Smeechoot,‫יי‬

‫ י‬pp. 176-177.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 1, Numbers

‫זכר‬ ‫נקבה‬
masculine feminine

‫ארבעה תלמידים‬ T T S‫־‬

‫אךב ע תלמידות‬ - 4
‫חמישה תלמידים‬ T • ‫־‬:
‫ח מ ש תלמידות‬ *• T
- 5
‫שישה תלמידים‬ ‫שש תלמידות‬ ‫־‬ 6
‫שבעה תלמידים‬ T 5 ‫־‬
‫שבע תלמידות‬ - 7
‫שמונה תלמידים‬ T 5
‫שמ ונה תלמידות‬ - 8
‫תשעה תלמידים‬ T :
‫ת ש ע תלמידות‬ - 9
‫עשרה תלמידים‬ T T ‫!־‬
‫עשר תלמידות‬ ‫־‬ 10

Let's review
In this section we have seen how numbers behave when they appear with nouns.

♦ The number 1 comes after the noun:

‫ילד אחד‬ , ‫ילדה א ח ת‬ -‫>־‬

♦ All other numbers come before the counted noun:

‫של ושה ספרים‬ ,‫של וש בנות‬ ->

♦ Forms of the number 2 lose their ‫ם‬- ending before the noun. Their final vowel
changes, too:
‫שני בנים‬ ,‫שת י בנות‬

W ant to see if you've understood?

A n s w e r the fo llo w in g q u e s tio n s in tw o w a y s : a . w ith o u t a n o u n b. w ith a n o u n

E x a m p le : . p ‫ &׳‬jlc ?‫כ מ ה א נ ש י ם ג ר י ם פ ה‬

/ . ?‫ כמה סטודנטיות לומדות בקורס‬.1
( 2)

/ _ ?‫כמה חדרים יש בדירה שלכם‬ 2

/ ______ ?‫ כמה עמודים כבר קראת‬.3
( 1)

/ ______ ?‫ כמה הצגות ראית השנה‬.4

( 2)
A n s w e rs :

‫ שתי הצגות‬/ ‫ שתיים‬.4 ‫ עמוד אחד‬/ ‫ אחד‬,3 ‫ ארבעה חדרים‬/ ‫ ארבעה‬.2 ‫ שתי סטודנטיות‬/ ‫ שתיים‬.1

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b e rs

Adding a number to a definite noun

Read the following passage:

‫ הם הזמינו של ושה סלטים וארבעה‬,‫בשבוע שעבר דני יצא לאכול במסעדה יחד עם שלושה חברים‬
‫ את ארבעת הסטיקים וגם‬,‫ אחרי עשרים דקות המלצר הביא לשולחן את ש ל ושת הסלטים‬.‫סטיקים‬
.‫חמוצים ופיתות‬
Last week Danny went out to eat at a restaurant with three friends. They ordered three salads and four
steaks. Twenty minutes later the waiter brought to the table the three salads, the four steaks and also
olives, pickles and pitot.

The words ‫ סלטים‬and ‫ סטיקים‬appear twice in this passage. Let's look more closely at the phrases
in which they appear each time they are mentioned:

2nd mention 1st mention

the three salads ‫ש א ש ת הסלטים‬ three salads ‫ש א ש ה סלטים‬

the four steaks ‫ארבעת הסטיקים‬ four steaks ‫אךב^ה סטיקים‬

As you can see, these phrases are made definite the second time they are mentioned.

Q: To which word is -‫ ה‬added to make them definite?

A: Unlike the English equivalents in which the is added before the number to make the whole
phrase definite (the three salads, the four steaks), Hebrew adds -‫ ה‬before the noun (,‫הסלטים‬
‫)הסטיקים‬, which here is the last word in the phrase. When there is more than one noun, the
-‫ ה‬is on the last one, as in:
the four chocolate cakes -‫* ארבע עוגות הש וק ולד ״‬sC
This is typical o f smeechoot phrases.9

Now look again at the two mentions of the phrases with numbers.

Q: Does the form of the numbers change when they are attached to definite nouns?
A: Yes. The number ‫( ש א ש ה‬shlo-SHA) changes to ‫( ש א ש ת‬SHLO-shet); the number ‫אךב^ה‬
‫ )׳‬ar-ba-'A) changes to ‫ ( או־־בעת‬,ar-BA-'at).

When masculine numbers from 3 to 10 are added to a definite noun, the ‫ ה‬- at the end of the
7 T

number changes to ‫ת ׳‬. This is similar to smeechoot forms (e.g., ‫ קבוצה‬becomes ‫) קבוצת הכדורגל‬,
but there are some differences: In masculine numbers, the vowel before the ‫ ת׳‬is sometimes eh

9 See the chapter "Smeechoot,” pp. 183-184, 186.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b ers

(‫ )שלושת‬and sometimes ah (‫)ארבעת‬, and sometimes the stress in these words moves back one
syllable, as in SHLO-shet and 'ar-BA-'at. There are some additional changes in the vowels as
well, as you can see in the following list:

definite indefinite

the three pages ‫ש א ש ת ה עמ ו ד ים‬ ‫של ושה עמ וד ים‬ - 3

SHLO-shet shlo-SHA
the four books ‫א ן ב ע ת הספ ר ים‬ ‫ארבעה ספר ים‬
T T ! “
- 4
'ar-BA-'at 'ar-ba-A
the five children ‫ח מ ש ת הילד ים‬ < = ‫חמ ישה ילדים‬
T ‫!־ ־‬
‫־‬ 5
cha-ME-shet cha-mee-SHA
the six days ‫ש ש ת ה ימ ים‬ <== ‫ש ישה ימים‬T
‫־‬ 6
SHE-shet shee-SHA
the seven weeks ‫שבעת הש ב ו ע ות‬ <£= ‫שבג^ה שב וע ות‬ ‫־‬ 7
sheev-'AT sheev-A
the eight chairs ‫שמ ו נת ה כ י ס א ות‬ <= ‫שמ ונה כ יסא ות‬T !
‫־‬ 8
shmo-NAT shmo-NA
the nine months ‫ת ש ע ת ה ח ו דש י ם‬ ‫ת ש ^ ה ח ודש ים‬ ‫־‬ 9
teesh-AT teesh-'A
the ten tribes ‫עש רת ה ש ב ט י ם‬ <= ‫עשרה ש ב ט ים‬ T T ‫!־־‬
- 10
'a-SE-ret ,a-sa-R.4

So far we've seen numbers with definite masculine nouns. The change is less noticeable in the
feminine numbers 3-10. Only in number 3 can you hear a difference:10
‫שלוש הבנות‬ !
>= ‫שלוש בנות‬

shlosh sha-LOSH

In the feminine numbers 4-10, there is no change in pronunciation, for example:

the five daughters / girls ‫חמש הבנות‬ >= ‫חמש בנות‬ ■<C
the nine countries ‫תשע הארצות תשע ארצות‬ >=

The numbers 1 and 2 with definite nouns

As we saw above, the words for the number two take a smeechoot form before any noun - both
feminine and masculine - even when it is indefinite. Thus, the form remains the same before a
definite noun:
the two daughters / girls ‫שתי הבנות‬ >= ‫שתי בנות‬
the two sons / boys ‫הבניםשני=>בניםשני‬

10 The change is similar to the change in ‫ מקום לידה‬4= ‫ מקום‬. See "Smeechoot,” pp. 178-179 for details.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 1. Numbers

Did you know?

When we place ‫ אחת‬/ ‫אחד‬ in front of a definite noun, it means one o f (the)...,
as in:

.‫אחת התלמידות בכיתה קיבלה חבילה מ א חד החברים שלה‬

O ne o f the students if.) in the class go t a package from one o f her friends (m.).

In this construction, the pronunciation of the masculine ‫׳) אחד‬e-CHAD) changes

to ‫’( אחד‬ct-CHAD). The feminine ‫ אחת‬stays the same.

Note: A noun may be definite not only when it has the definite article - ‫ ה‬. Words like ‫( ילדיו‬Ms
children) and ‫( בנותינו‬our daughters) - with a possessive ending - are definite, too. Therefore, when
we add numbers to them, the same changes take place in the form of the number:

liis three children ‫ילדיו ש ל ושת‬

her three daughters ‫בנותינו של וש‬

Let's review
♦ When the noun after the number is definite (either with - ‫ ה‬or with a possessive
ending), the following changes take place:

- The ending on masculine numbers from 3-10 changes from ‫ ;ה‬to ‫ת‬-, as in:

.‫ ש ל ושת הילד ים ש לה עדיין ל ומד ים בבית הספר‬,‫יש לרינה של ושה ילדים‬ ‫<־‬

- In feminine numbers, there is a change in pronunciation only in the word

for 3:
.‫ של וש הבנות כבר נשואות‬.‫לדויד יש של וש בנות‬
: T

♦ There is no change in the words for 2 before a definite noun:

‫שני הבנים‬ ,‫שת י הבנות‬ ‫>־‬

‫‪VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers /‬‬ ‫‪!.N u m b ers‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪W r it e the c o rre c t fo rm o f th e n u m b e r.‬‬

‫ה תי ק י ם החד שי ם שלך יפים בעיניי‪.‬‬ ‫ו‪.‬‬

‫(‪) 2‬‬

‫____ י ל ד י ה עדיין לו מ די ם בבית ספר‪ .‬הבן‬ ‫למיכל יש __________________ י ל די ם‪ .‬כל __________‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫(‪) 4‬‬ ‫(‪) 4‬‬
‫הילדים ה ק טני ם לו מ די ם בבית ספר יסודי‪.‬‬ ‫הגדול שלה לו מ ד בבית ספר תיכון ו ______________‬
‫(‪) 3‬‬

‫__ ס פ ר י ם חד שי ם וקיבלתי __________________ ס פ ר י ם במתנה‪.‬‬ ‫קניתי‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫( ‪)2‬‬ ‫(‪) 3‬‬
‫__________ ה ס פ רי ם תוך חוד ש‪.‬‬ ‫קראתי את כל ___‬
‫(‪) 5‬‬

‫ה ה ר צ או ת ש ש מע תי היום היו מ צוינו ת‪ .‬אחרי הצוהריים א ש מ ע עוד‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫(‪) 2‬‬
‫_________________ הרצאו ת‪.‬‬
‫(‪) 3‬‬

‫מל ח מ ת __________________ הי מ י ם הייתה ב ‪. 1967-‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬


‫מירי הרגישה מצוין בכל__________________ חו ד ש י ההיריון שלה‪.‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬


‫נ סענו לצרפת ל‪ _________________ .‬י מ י ם‪ .‬ב _________________ ה י מ י ם הר א שוני ם ירד ג ש ם כל הזמן‪,‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫(ז)‬ ‫(‪) 10‬‬

‫ורק ב _________________ ה י מ י ם ה א חרוני ם יצאה השמש‪.‬‬

‫(‪) 3‬‬

‫רונית הגיעה לפגישה ע ם גלי ב אי חור של __________________ ד קו ת‪.‬‬ ‫‪.8‬‬

‫) ‪(1 0‬‬
‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬

‫‪ .6‬תשעת‬ ‫‪ *5‬ששת‬ ‫‪ .4‬שתי ‪ /‬שלוש‬ ‫‪ .3‬שלושה ‪ /‬שני ‪ /‬חמשת‬ ‫‪ .2‬ארבעה ‪ /‬ארבעת ‪ /‬שלושת‬ ‫‪ .1‬שני‬
‫‪ .8‬עשר‬ ‫עשרה ‪ 1‬שבעת ‪ /‬שלושת‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b e rs

• Numbers 11 and up
Numbers 11-19 (masculine andfeminine)
These are the Hebrew numbers from 11 to 19:

masculine ‫זכר‬ feminine ‫נקבה‬

‫י‬a-CHAD ‫י‬a-sar ‫ש ר‬T ‫ע‬T ‫ח ד‬- ‫א‬- - 11 ,a-CHAT ,es-re12 ‫־ א רו ת ע ש ר ה‬ 11

SHNEM ,a-sar ‫ש ר‬T ‫ע‬T ‫ש "נ י ם‬
- 12 SHTEM ,es-re ‫ ש תי ם ע ש ר ה‬- 12

shlo-SHA ,a-sar ‫ש ר‬T ‫ע‬T ‫ש ה‬T ‫ !ש א‬- 13 SHLOSH ‫׳‬es-re ‫ ש א ש ע שרה‬- 13

'ar-ba-'A 'a-sar ‫ש ר‬T ‫ע‬T ‫ע ה‬T ‫ב‬T ‫ “א!ר‬- 14 ,ar-BA ,es-re ‫ אךבע ע שר ה‬- 14
cha-mee-SHA 'a-sar ‫ש ר‬T ‫ע‬T ‫ש ה‬T ‫־ח־מ י‬: - 15 cha-MESH ,es-re ‫ ח מ ש ע שרה‬- 15
shee-SHA 'a-sar ‫ש ר‬T ‫ע‬T ‫ש ה‬T ‫ ש י‬- 16 SHESH ,es-re ‫ ש ש ע שרה‬- 16

sheev-'A 'a-sar ‫ש ר‬T ‫ע‬T ‫ע ה‬T ‫ יש !ב‬- 17 SHVA ‫׳‬es-re ‫ שבע ע שרה‬- 17
shmo-NA 'a-sar ‫ש ר‬T ‫ע‬T ‫נ ה‬T 1‫ !ש מ‬- 18 SHMO-ne ,es-re ‫ נ ה ע ש ר ה‬1‫ ש מ‬- 18
teesh-'A 'a-sar ‫ש ר‬T ‫ע‬T ‫ע ה‬T ‫ 'ת !ש‬- 19 TSHA ,es-re ‫ ת שע ע שרה‬- 19

First let's look at numbers 1 3 1 9 ‫־‬.

Numbers 13-19
Read the following sentence:
.‫בקבוצה שלנו יש חמש עשרה בנות וחמישה עשר בנים‬
In our group there are fifteen girls and fifteen boys.

Q: What is the difference between the two numbers above?

A: In the feminine number ( ‫) חמש עשרה‬, the first part o f the number (‫ )חמש‬is short - as in
the feminine number 5 (‫ )חמש‬- but the second part is long (‫ )עשרה‬- compensating, as it
were, for the short part. In the masculine number, the reverse is true: the first word is long
(‫)חמ ישה‬, while the second is short (‫)עשר‬.

This happens in all numbers from 11-19. Here are some more examples:

19 17 13
feminine numbers : (‫(בנות‬ ‫ תשע עשרה‬/ ‫ שבע עשרה‬/ ‫<*־ ש א ש עשרה‬
masculine numbers:( ‫ תשעה עשר‬/ ‫ שבעה עשר‬/ ‫ש א ש ה עשר‬
V ‫׳׳‬ T
T T ! 1 T TT!1T T T !

Now look more closely at the feminine numbers 13, 17 and 19.

12 We have transcribed the m ost comm on pronunciation. According to the rules of gramm ar, the pronunciation is:
'a-chat 'es-RE, shtem 'es-RE, etc. When 18 is used before feminine nouns, the form ‫ שמונה עשרה‬- combining
the masculine form ‫( שמונה‬shmo-NA) with the feminine ‫( עשרה‬,esre) - is very often used.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b ers

Q: Is the first part of these numbers exactly the same as 3 (‫(שאש‬, 7 )‫ ) שבע‬and 9 (‫?) תש ע‬

A: No. In each o f these forms, the first vowel is shortened to shva. 13 O f the feminine numbers
from 13 to 19, this change is heard only in these three:

SHLOSH-'es-re 3 ‫שא ש עשרהו ־‬ <== sha-LOSH 3‫־ ש א ש‬

SHVA-‫׳‬es-re 17- ‫שבע עשרה‬ <= SHE-va 7- ‫שבע‬
TSHA-'es-re14 19 - ‫תשע עשרה‬ <= TE-sha 9- ‫תשע‬

B e c a r e fu l! In the preceding section, we saw that before a definite feminine noun,

‫ ש א ש‬changes to ‫) ש א ש הבנות) ש א ש‬, as it does in ‫ ש א ש עשרה‬. However, the forms ‫שבע‬
and ‫ תשע‬undergo this change only in ‫ שבע עשרה‬and ‫ תשע עשרה‬and not before a definite
noun (‫שבע הבנות‬, ‫) תשע הבנות‬.

Number 12
Read the following sentence:
.‫ וביום יש שתים עשרה שעות‬,‫בשנה יש שנים עשר חודשים‬
In a year there are twelve months, and in a day there are twelve hours.

Q: In what way is the first word in ‫ שתים עשרה‬and ‫ שנים עשר‬different from the words for two
(- ‫ שתי‬/ ‫ שתיים‬and - ‫ שני‬/ ‫?) שניים‬

A: The vowels are the same as in ‫ שתי ילדות‬and ‫שני ילדים‬, but there is a ‫ ם‬- on the end.

feminine■. (2 - ‫ שתים עשרה (שעות‬- 12 >= -‫ שתי‬/ ‫שתיים‬

masculine:(2 - ‫ שנים גןשר‬- 12 >= -‫ שני‬/ ‫(ימיםשניים‬

Notice that there is only one ‫ י׳‬in ‫ שתים עשרה‬and ‫ שנים עשר‬.

Number 11
Now let's see how the words for eleven are formed:

.‫ארות עשרה דקות לפני ההרצאה היו באולם רק אחד עשר סטודנטים‬
Eleven minutes before the lecture there were only eleven students in the lecture hall.

13 Originally the stress was on the second word: ‫׳‬es-RE. The change from ‫( שלוש‬sha-LOSH) to ‫( שלוש‬SHLOSH)
in ‫ שלוש עשרה‬is therefore similar to the change from ‫ מקום‬to ‫ מקום‬in the smeechoot phrase ‫ מקום לירה‬. See the
chapter "Reduction of Vowels and the Shva," p. 645. The forms ‫ שבע‬and ‫ תשע‬seem to imitate the reduction in
‫ש אש‬.
14 Tsha sounds like the first word in the nam e of the dance "the Cha-cha. ‫״‬

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b e rs

In the feminine number (‫)ארזת עשרה‬, the first word is the same as the word for one:

feminine: ‫ו‬ ‫ו ו ־ ארזת עשרה‬

Only in the masculine number ( ‫ישר‬£ ‫ ) אחד‬is there a change in the pronunciation of the first word
(its vowels are like those of ‫)ארזת‬.
masculine: ‫וו‬ ‫אחד ד עשר‬
t t ‫ד‬
- <s= ‫ אחד‬- ‫ו‬
- ‫־‬
,a-CHAD ,a-sar ,e-CHAD

Numbers 11 and up before a definite noun

Unlike many numbers from 1 to 10 (e.g., ‫ ש א ש הבנות‬,‫) ש א ש ת הבנים‬, numbers from 11 and up
do not change before a definite noun:

definite noun indefinite noun

feminine: ‫החברות חברות עשרהשבע‬

masculine: T T T ! T T
‫עצים עשר ש א ש ה‬
T !

Nouns like ‫ א יש‬and ‫ ש נה‬with numbers 11 and up

Read the following sentence:

Thirteen people came to (lit.: arrived at) the party. .5*‫למסיבה הגיעו ש א ש ה עשר איש‬ ‫־‬C

It looks like there is a mistake in this sentence: thirteen people came to the party, but the noun
‫ איש‬is singular! The truth is that with certain nouns, when the numbers 11 and up are added, it
is possible to use either a singular noun ( ‫ ) שלושה עשר א יש‬or a plural noun ( ‫) ש א ש ה עשר א נש ים‬.
Here are some of the nouns that can be used in this wa y: ‫ אח ו ז‬,‫ מסר‬,‫ קילו‬,‫ שקל‬,‫ שנה‬,‫ יום‬, ‫א יש‬. Many
of these nouns are measures o f amounts, weights and distance.15

Let's review
♦ In feminine numbers 13-19, the first part of the number is short and the second
is long, e.g.: ‫) בנות) ש א ש עשרה‬. In masculine numbers 13-19, the first part of the
number is long and the second is short, e. g. : ( ‫ ש אש ה עשר (בנ ים‬.

♦ The feminine number 11 is ‫ אחת עשרה‬with a ‫ת׳‬. The masculine number 11 is

‫ אחד עשר‬with a ‫ד׳‬.
T T ‫־‬ ‫־‬

15 We have listed just some of the currencies, weights, etc. that may appear in the singular after 10.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 1, Numbers

♦ The feminine number 12 is ‫ שתים עשרה‬with a '‫ ת‬. The masculine number 12
is ‫ שנים עשר‬with a ‫נ׳‬. Note that in both cases, the vowel in the first word is eh
T T ” : ‫׳־‬


♦ In numbers 11-19, the same form of the number is used before an indefinite
and a definite noun, for example:

d e fin ite n o u n in d e fin ite n o u n

‫שבע עשרה החברות‬

‫שלושה עשר העצים‬
T T T ! T T T !

♦ Some nouns following numbers 11 and up can appear in the plural or the
singular, for example:
‫ שנה‬/ ‫ חמש עשרה שנים‬-‫>־‬
‫ איש‬/ ‫חמישה עשר אנשים‬

W ant to see if you've understood?

W rite the c o rre c t form o f the num ber.

)‫;מ‬.( ‫ ____ י מ י ם‬3)/ :( ‫_____________________________________________________________________ מ חב רו ת‬

)‫ ו‬6( ) 12(

)/.‫ ___ ש ו ר ו ת(׳‬4)«;.( ‫______________________________________________________________________ מ ח ש ב י ם‬

(13) (18)

A nsw ers:
‫ שלוש עשרה שורות‬.4 ‫ שישה עשר ימים‬.3 ‫ שמונה עשר מחשבים‬.2 ‫ שתים עשרה מחברות‬.1

Multiples o f ten
Read the following :

‫ עשרים עגבניות ועשרים‬,‫ חמישים מלפפונים חמוצים‬,‫למסיבת סוף השנה קנינו חמישים פיתות‬ -C

For the end-of-the-year party we bought fifty pilot, fifty pickles, twenty tomatoes and twenty

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b e rs

Two numbers appear in the passage above:

masculine feminine

‫חמ יש ים מלפפונים‬
‫עשר ים מלפפונים‬

Q: Is there a difference between the forms of the numbers added to feminine and masculine
nouns here?

A: No. For multiples o f ten there is only one form. Here are the words for these numbers:

90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20
‫תשעים‬ ‫שמונים‬ ‫שבעים‬ ‫שישלם‬ ‫חמישים‬ ‫ארבעים‬ ‫שא שי ם‬ ‫עשרים‬

All of these forms end in ‫ים‬- (the plural ending). This ending never drops off, even before a
definite noun, as in ‫( עשרים הסטודנטים‬the twenty students). The beginning of most o f these forms
is pronounced (and spelled) just like the masculine numbers from 3 to 9. Compare:

T • ‫י‬
T !
T S ‫י‬
T ‫י‬
T ‫־‬ ‫!י‬
T T ! ‫־‬
‫שאשה‬T S

‫תשעים‬ ‫שמונים‬ ‫שבעים‬ ‫שישים‬ ‫רומישים‬ ‫ארבעים‬ ‫שא שים‬

These forms are used in referring to decades, as in:

.‫הסרטים הישראליים של שנ ות התש ע ים היו מעניינים מאוד‬

Israeli films of the nineties were very interesting.

.‫השכנים שלנו הגיעו לארץ בש נ ות הש יש ים של המאה העשרים‬

Our neighbors came to Israel in the sixties (lit.: in the sixties of the twentieth century).

Numbers between multiples o f ten (21, 22...99)

Now let's look at the numbers between the multiples of ten (21, 22...).

‫ לטיול השנתי של כיתה‬.‫> ״ לטיול השנתי של כיתה ד׳ יצאו של וש ים וחמ ישה בנים וארבעים וחמש בנות‬
.‫ג׳ יצאו ארבע ים ושניים בנים ושלושים ושתיים בנות‬

Thirty-five boys and forty-five girls went on the class trip of the fourth grade. Forty-two boys and thirty-
two girls went on the class trip of the third grade.

Numbers between multiples o f ten are comprised of three parts:

1. a multiple of ten ( ‫ ארבעים‬,‫ ) שלושים‬- this form never changes.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b ers

2. a -‫( ו‬and) - this is pronounced either -‫( ו‬veh), - ‫ ו‬/-‫( ו‬yd) or - 0 0 ) ‫ )ו‬- depending on what number
follows it.16

3. a number between 1 and 9 - if a noun follows this form, the form o f the number will match
it (either masculine or feminine). Thus, in the sentences above:

masculine feminine

45 - ‫ שלושים וחמ ישה בנים‬- 35 ‫ארבעים וחמש בנות‬

32 - ‫ ארבעים ושניים בנים‬- 42 ‫שלושים ושתיים בנות‬

Notice that whenever these numbers end in 2 (as in 32, 42...), the full form ‫ שתיים‬/ ‫ שניים‬is

And what happens when the noun that follows these numbers is definite? Here's an example:

.‫לבן‬-‫ כל עשר ים ושמונה הציורים הם בשחור‬.‫בספר יש עשר ים ושמונה ציורים‬

There are twenty-eight drawings in the book. All twenty-eight drawings are black and white.

The form does not change (i.e., ‫ שמונה‬does not change to -‫ שמונת‬as it does in ‫) שמונת הציורים‬.

Here are the Hebrew numbers from 21 to 29. For numbers up to 99, we simply substitute other
multiples of ten for ‫עשרים‬.

masculine ‫זכר‬ feminine ‫נקבה‬

)‫ הבנים‬/ ‫(בנים‬ ‫ואחר‬ ‫עשרים‬ )‫ הבנות‬/ ‫(בנות‬ ‫ ת‬1‫ואר‬ ‫עשרים‬ - 21

‫ושניים‬ ‫עשרים‬ ‫ושתיים‬ ‫עשרים‬ - 22
‫ושלושה‬ ‫עשרים‬ ‫ושלוש‬ ‫עשרים‬ - 23
‫יה‬0‫ואךב‬ ‫עשרים‬ ‫ואךבע‬ ‫עשרים‬ - 24
‫וחמישה‬ ‫עשרים‬ ‫וחמש‬ ‫עשרים‬ - 25
‫ושישה‬ ‫עשרים‬ 17‫ושש‬ ‫עשרים‬ - 26
‫ושב^ה‬ ‫עשרים‬ ‫ושבע‬ ‫עשרים‬ - 27
‫ושמונה‬ ‫עשרים‬ ‫ושמונה‬ ‫עשרים‬ - 28
‫ותש^ה‬ ‫עשרים‬ ‫ותשע‬ ‫עשרים‬ - 29

16 On the pronunciation of ‫ו־‬, see the chapter ‫״‬Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like," pp. 836-837. Most
Hebrew speakers today do not follow all the rules for the proper pronunciation of -‫ ו‬and tend to pronounce it
-‫( ו‬yeh) in all cases.
17 Before the numbers ‫שש‬, ‫ שבע‬and ‫ תשע‬the -‫ ו‬can be pronounced vah, as indicated above, or veh (-‫)ו‬. Vah is the
officially "correct‫ ״‬pronunciation and is used in formal Hebrew. In informal spoken Hebrew, veh is much more

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b e rs

Telling the time requires the use o f all the numbers mentioned above. See below, pp. 286-290
for details on how to say what time it is.

Want to see if you've understood?

W r it e the c o rre c t fo rm o f th e n u m b e r.

(m.) ‫י מ י ם‬ 3 (f) ‫חו ל צו ת‬ 1

(51) (28)

(f.) ‫כ ו ס ו ת‬ 4 (m.) ‫י ל די ם‬ 2
(36) (86)

A n s w e rs :

‫ שלושים ושש כוסות‬.4 ‫ חמישים ואחד ימים‬.3 ‫ שמונים ושישה ילדים‬.2 ‫ עשרים ושמונה חולצות‬.1

Multiples o f one hundred (100-900)

Here are the hundreds:
)‫ הבנות‬/ ‫ בנות‬/ ‫ הבנים‬/ ‫(בנים‬ ‫ ־־מ א ה‬- ‫ ו‬00

‫ מאת י ים‬- 200

‫־־ י‬ T

‫ ת‬1‫ ש א ש מ א‬- 300

‫ ת‬1‫ ארבע מא‬- 400
‫ ת‬1‫ ח מ ש מ א‬- 500
‫ ת‬1‫ שש מ א‬- 600
‫ שבע מ א ות‬- 700
‫ ת‬1‫ ש מ ת ה מ א‬- 800
‫ ת ש ע מאוית‬- 900

These forms never change. They are used whether a noun follows them or not. They are used
before masculine and feminine nouns, both indefinite and definite.

200 (‫ מאתיים‬ma-TA-yeem) is actually a dual form o f ‫מאה‬. It is never preceded by a form of ‫שתיים‬:
its dual ending makes this superfluous.

Now look at the words for 300-900.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b ers

Q: Is the number before the word ‫ מאות‬feminine or masculine?

A: It is feminine (...‫ שש‬,‫ חמש‬, ‫)ארבע‬. This number matches the word ‫( מאות‬which is feminine) -
thus, this first word is always feminine, even when a masculine noun follows ‫מאות‬:

masculine feminine

‫ש א ש מאות בנים‬ ‫שלוש מאות בנות‬

Notice that the words ‫שלוש‬, ‫ שבע‬and ‫ תשע‬in 300 (‫(שלוש מאות‬, 700 )‫ ) שבע מאות‬and 900 (‫תשע‬
‫ )מאות‬have a shva (‫ ) ם‬in the first syllable, just as do the forms 17) ‫ ) שלוש עשרה‬13(, ‫)שבע עשרה‬
and 19) ‫) תשע עשרה‬.

For numbers above 100 that are not multiples of 100 (i.e., 120, 568), see below.

Multiples o f one thousand (1,000-900,000)

These are the thousands in Hebrew:

)‫ הבנות‬/ ‫ בנות‬/ ‫ הבנים‬/ ‫(בנים‬ ‫אלף‬ - 1,000 -<

‫אלפיים‬ - 2,000
‫ש א ש ת אלפ ים‬ ‫־‬ 3,000
‫אךב עת אלפ ים‬ ‫־‬ 4,000
‫ח מ ש ת אלפ ים‬ ‫־‬ 5,000
‫ש ש ת אלפ ים‬ ‫־‬ 6,000
‫ש ב ע ת אלפ ים‬ ‫־‬ 7,000
‫שמ ו נת אלפ ים‬ ‫־‬ 8,000
‫ת ש ע ת אלפ ים‬ ‫־‬ 9,000
‫עשרת אלפ ים‬ - 10,000

As is the case with the hundreds, there is only one form o f each number. This form is used
before all nouns, be they masculine or feminine, indefinite or definite. The form 2000) ‫)אלפיים‬
has a dual ending (as does ‫ )מאתיים‬and, therefore, we do not place a form o f ‫ שניים‬before it.

Now look at the words for 3,000 and up.

Q: Is the number before the word ‫ אלפים‬masculine or feminine?

‫ ־‬t ‫־־‬:

A: It is masculine. ‫ אלף‬is masculine, thus the number telling how many thousands is masculine.
Notice that this number takes the smeechoot form (as we saw in ‫) שלושת הבנים‬, even though
there is no -‫ ה‬before the word ‫אלפים‬.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b e rs

Now let's see how we say thousands above 10,000:

‫(בנים‬ ‫אחד ^שר אלף‬ - 11,000

‫שנים ^שר אלף‬ - 12,000
‫״‬.‫ש א ש ה ^שר אלף‬ - 13,000
.‫עשךים אלף״‬ - 20,000
...‫מאה אלף‬ - 100,000
...‫תשע מאות אלף‬ ‫־‬ 900,000

As you can see, when we count from 11,000 and up, we use the singular form ‫ אלף‬and before it
a masculine number. Remember: in numbers ending in 0 like 20 ( ‫(עשרים‬, 100 )‫(מאה‬, 900 )‫תשע‬
‫)מאות‬, there is only one form, and it serves as both masculine and feminine.

For numbers like 5,621 (that are not rounded off), see below.

One million and up

When the numbers one million and up appear without a noun after them, they are usually stated
as follows:
one million
two million
‫שני מיליון‬
1 0 00,000
2, 000,000
six million ‫ש ישה מיליון‬ 6, 000,000
ten million ‫עשרה מיליון‬ 10,000,000
one hundred million ‫מאה מיליון‬ 100,000,000
one billion18 ‫מיליארד‬ 1, 000 , 000,000

It is also possible to use the form ‫ מיליונים‬instead of ‫( מיליון‬e.g., ‫) שני מיליונים‬.

Note that - unlike ‫ מאת י ים‬and ‫ אלפיים‬- the word for two million does not have a dual ending. We
say: ‫ שני מיליונים‬or ‫ שנ י מיליון‬. The same is true for ‫ שני מיליארדים‬or ‫( שני מיליארד‬two billion).

‫ מיליון‬is masculine, thus the number before the word ‫ מיליון‬is masculine.

‫י‬ ‫של ושה מיליון‬ - 3,000,000<

Notice that the regular form ‫( של ושה‬and not ‫ ) ש ל ו ש ת‬is used here with the singular ‫מיליון‬.
The form for three billion is similar: ‫ ש ל ו ש ה מיליארד‬.

18 In today's Hebrew you may hear the word ‫ ביליון‬used, but its meaning is, as in British and German usage, a
million million (and not a thousand million as in American usage).

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 1. Numbers

When we add a noun, the following options are possible:

definite indefinite

‫שלושה מיליון הספרים‬

‫שלושת מיליוני הספרים‬

Did you know?

Tens of..., hundreds of..., thousands of..., millions of..., billions of...

The fol l owi ng piural forms of round numbers are sometimes used wi thout nouns:

5** ‫מיליארדים‬
meel-YAR-deem meel-YO-neem 'a-la-FEEM me-'OT 'a-sa-ROT
billions m illions thousands hundreds tens

F or e x a m p le :
.‫מ או ת‬ ‫ אלא רק כמה‬,‫בהפגנה לא היו אלף אנשים‬
There w e re n 't a thousand people at the dem onstration, but rather on ly several hundred.

Usually, however, these numbers appear before nouns and are in the smeechoot
form (before both indefinite and definite nouns):

.‫אנשים חיכו בתור כדי לקבל ויזה‬ ‫ע ש רו ת‬

Tens o f people w a ite d in line in o rd e r to get a visa. 'es-ROT-

" 1,.‫האנשים שחיכו בתור היו עצבניים‬ ‫ע ש רו ת‬

The tens of people w h o w a ite d in line w e re irrita ble .

.‫אזרחים קיבלו מכתב ממשרד הפנים‬ ‫מ או ת‬

H undreds o f citizens received a letter from the M in is try of the Interior. me-'OT-

.‫האזרחים שקיבלו את המכתב באו למשרד הפנים ביום ראשון‬ ‫מ או ת‬

The hundreds of citizens w ho received the letter came to the M inistry of the Interior on Sunday.

Thousands of people cam e to the O lym pics. ‫אל פי‬ ‫שים באו לאולימפיאדה‬
'al-FE-/ ‫י‬al-FEl-

. ‫כן‬ ‫האנשים שבאו לאולימפיאדה קנו כרטיסים חודשים לפני‬ ‫אל פי‬
The thousands of people w h o cam e to the O lym pics bought tickets months ahead of time.

19 According to the Hebrew Language Academy, ‫ שלושה מיליונים ספרים‬is also acceptable.
20 According to the Hebrew Language Academy, there are tw o pronunciations of this smeechoot form: -‫עשרות‬
and -‫ ע ש מ ת‬.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b e rs

More on large numbers

1100: Eleven hundred or a thousand one hundred?
Read the following:
.‫ אלף מאה ) אורחים‬or *‫־‬ ‫ (אלף ומ א ה‬1,100 ‫ה של דויד ומיכל הגיעו‬
Eleven hundred guests came to David and Michal's wedding,
or: A thousand one hundred guests...
. 14 ‫גוריון היה בן‬-‫ (אלף תש ע מ א ו ת ) דויד בן‬1900 ‫בש נת‬
In nineteen hundred (lit.: a thousand nine hundred) David Ben-Gurion was fourteen years old.

Notice the difference between the Hebrew and the English in these sentences. In Hebrew, we
always begin reading numbers between 1,000 (‫ )אלף‬and 9,999 ( ‫ ) תשעת אלפים תשעים ותשע‬with a
form of ‫ אלף‬and not with multiples of one hundred like eleven hundred or ninety-nine hundred.

Using ') in large numbers

When large numbers end in 0, we can say them with or without ‫ו׳‬. For example, we can read the
numbers in 120 + 130 = 250 in two ways:

. ‫ הם מאת י ים וחמ יש ים‬/ ‫מ א ה ועשר ים ועוד מ א ה ושל וש ים שווה‬

or: .‫ הם מאת י ים חמ יש ים‬/ ‫מ א ה עשר ים ועוד מ א ה של וש ים שווה‬

Here is an example containing larger numbers: 1,100 + 3,700 = 4,900. Here, too, we can read
this in two ways in Hebrew:

.‫ ה ם ארב עת אלפ ים ו ת ש ע מ א ו ת‬/ ‫אלף ומאה ועוד ש ל ושת אלפ ים ושבע מ א ו ת ש ו ו ה‬

or: .‫ ה ם ארב עת אלפ ים ת ש ע מ א ו ת‬/ ‫אלף מ א ה ועוד ש ל ושת אלפ ים ש ב ע מ א ו ת ש ו ו ה‬

Now let's see what happens when a large number does not end in 0, as in:
345 + 729 = 1074. We can read these numbers in only one way:

.‫ הם אלף שבע ים וארבע‬/ ‫של וש מ א ו ת ארבע ים ו ח מ ש ועוד שבע מ א ו ת עשר ים ותש ע ש ו וה‬ •‫<״‬

Q: Where is the -‫ ו‬placed?

A: Before the last digit.

Here is another example:

.)‫ (אלף שמ ו נה מ א ו ת שמונ ים ושש‬1886 ‫דויד בן גוריון נולד בש נת‬
David Ben-Gurion was bom in eighteen eighty-six (lit.: a thousand eight hundred eighty and six).

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 1, Numbers

When there is a noun after the number, the last part of the number matches the noun in gender,
as in:
feminine : ‫אלף מאתיים ארבעים ושש תמונות‬
1.246 pictures
masculine : ‫ארבעים מאתיים אלף‬
1.246 pages

Let’s review
♦ The following numbers ending in 0 have one form, which is used both when
the numbers are followed by a masculine or a feminine noun and when they
stand alone:

20, 30... (up to 90) (‫ הבנות‬,‫ בנות‬,‫ הבנים‬,‫ שלושים (בנים‬/ ‫ עשרים‬-‫י‬€
100, 200, 300... (up to 900) ‫ שלוש מאות‬/ ‫ מאתיים‬/ ‫מאה‬
1.000, 2,000, 3,000... (up to 10,000) ‫ שלושת אלפים‬/ ‫ אלפיים‬/ ‫אלף‬
‫ שלושה עשר אלף‬/ ‫ שנים עשר אלף‬/ ‫ אחד עשר אלף‬...
11.000, 12,000, 13,000 (up to 99,000)
‫ שלושה מיליון‬/ ‫ שני מיליון‬/ ‫מיליון‬
one million, two million, three million...
‫ שלושה מיליארד‬/ ‫ שני מיליארד‬/ ‫מיליאךד‬
one billion, two billion, three billion...

Variations of the millions are mentioned in the chapter (e.g.: ‫שישה מיליון‬

♦ When the numbers 1-19 appear on the end of a larger number, they match the
noun that follows them (masculine or feminine), but always remain in the
regular (non-smeechoot) form:

>■ ‫(ה)בנות‬ ‫מאתיים שבעים וחמש‬ / ‫עשרים ושלוש (ה)בנות‬

‫ מאתיים שבעים וחמישה (ה)בנים‬/ ‫עשרים ושלושה (ה)בנים‬

♦ In these and larger numbers, usually -‫ ו‬appears before the last number.

) 1,242( ‫אלף מאתיים ארבעים ושתיים‬ ->

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b e rs

Want to see if you've understood?

Write the following numbers in words.

_ -

_ - ‫ם‬

_ -

_ -

_ -

‫ אלף שמונה מאות ארבעים ושבע‬.3 ‫ חמש מאות ארבעים ותשעה‬.2 ‫שבע מאות שלושים ושש‬ .1
‫ אלפיים ועשר‬.5 ‫אלף שבע מאות שמונים ותשע‬ .4

• Ordinal numbers (...21(‫ שני‬, ‫ךאשון‬

Read the following passage:

‫ ישבנו בשורה השלישית‬.‫ הלכנו להצגה בתאטרון‬,‫ ביום השלישי שלנו שם‬.‫בקיץ שעבר נסענו ללונדון‬ ‫>״‬
!‫ היה נפלא‬.‫ויכולנו לראות את הכול‬

Last summer we went to London. On our third day there, we went to a show (lit.: in the theater). We
sat in the third row, and we could see everything. It was wonderful!

Q: What is the English translation o f Hebrew words ‫ שלישי‬and 22?‫שלישית‬

A: Both o f these words are translated as third. While English has only one set o f ordinal
numbers (first, second, third...), Hebrew has two sets, one masculine and one feminine.
These forms are added to nouns in the same way that adjectives are: each comes after its
noun and matches it (masc. <=> masc.,fem. <=>fem., definite <=> definite), for example:

feminine masculine

‫השורה השלישית‬ ‫היום השלישי‬ -‫>י‬

21 In Hebrew: ‫מספרים סוךךים‬. The proper grammatical term is ordinal numerals.

22 Until this section, blue has been used for masculine numbers and red for feminine. From this point on, we have
used colors for other purposes.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b ers

Let's look at the forms of the ordinal numbers from 1 to 10:

feminine masculine

first ‫ראשונה‬
second ‫שנייה‬
T‫! ־‬
third ‫שלישית‬ ‫שלישי‬
fourth ‫ךביעית‬ ‫רביעי‬
fifth ‫חמישית‬ ‫חמישי‬
sixth ‫שישית‬ ‫שישי‬
seventh ‫שביעית‬ ‫שביעי‬
eighth ‫שמינית‬ ‫שמיני‬
ninth ‫תשיעית‬ ‫תשיעי‬
tenth ‫עשירית‬ ‫עשירי‬

Q: Do all the masculine forms end in ‫?י׳‬

A: All but the first do. The word ‫ ראשון‬is different, both in its form and in the fact that it is not
related to the cardinal number ‫אחד‬.

Q: In which of the masculine forms are the last two vowel sounds "ee... 66' (‫?)□ י ם י‬

A: In all but the first two ( ‫ שני‬,‫)ראשון‬. The forms from ‫ שלישי‬to ‫ עשירי‬are similar to each other
in this respect. In addition, their feminine forms are all created simply by adding ‫ ת‬- to the
end: ‫שלישית‬, ‫ רביעית‬and so on.

The numbers ‫ ראשון‬and ‫ שני‬are different. Their feminine forms end in ‫;ה‬, as do many feminine
adjectives (e.g., ‫)גדולה‬. Note that when we write without vowels, the word ‫( שנייה‬shnee-YA) is
spelled with "23."‫יי‬

Ordinal numbers above tenth take the same form as cardinal (counting) numbers and match
their noun, for example:

23 The form ‫ שנית‬exists, but is used in today's Hebrew to mean either again, as in:
The teacher went over the exercise again. .‫«• המורה חזר על התרגיל שנית‬
or second(ly) in enumeration, as in:
,‫ ושלישית‬,‫ רצינו ללכת להצגה באנגלית‬,‫ שנית‬.‫ רצינו לבקר חברים שגרים שם‬,‫ ראשית‬.‫> בחרנו לנסוע ללונדון משלוש סיבות‬
.‫אף פעם לא היינו שם ורצינו לראות את העיר‬
We chose to go to London for three reasons. Firstfly), we wanted to visit friends who live there. Second(ly),
we wanted to see a show in English, and third(ly), we've never been there and we wanted to see the city.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b e rs

‫המאה האחת עשרה‬ ‫השבוע האחד ^שר‬

the eleventh century the eleventh week

‫השורה העשןים ושש‬ ‫החודש העשרים ושישה‬

the twenty-sixth row the twenty-sixth month

Note that, unlike the English twenty-sixth, Hebrew ordinals above tenth do not end with an
ordinal form.

Ordinals with and without ‫ה־‬

The addition o f ordinals to definite nouns, as in the examples above and in the following
sentences, is very common:24

.‫זאת הפעם הראשונה שהחברים שלנו באו לביתנו החדש‬.‫ו‬

This is the first time that our friends came to our new house.

.‫ הנרי השמיני היה מלך אנגליה במאה השש עשרה‬,2

Henry the Eighth was the King of England in the sixteenth century.

.‫ יובל הוא בעלה השני של סלי‬.3

Yuval is Tali's second husband (lit.: the second husband of Tali).

As we see above, ordinals that follow definite nouns are made definite with a -‫ ה‬on the front,
just like regular adjectives. Ordinals may also follow indefinite nouns - and match them
(indef <=> indef ), as in the following:

,‫ כל ילדה שנייה חולמת להיות שחקנית‬,‫לפי המחקר‬ -‫>י‬

According to the study, eveiy second girl dreams about being an actress.

.‫למרצה יש תואר ראשון בביולוגיה ותואר שני בכימיה‬

The lecturer has a B.A. (lit.: a first degree) in biology and an M.A. (lit.: a second degree) in chemistry.

24 For more on definiteness, see the chapter "Definite and Indefinite Nouns," pp. 52-59.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 1. Numbers

Did you know?

The names of the days of the week - except for ‫( שבת‬Saturday) - end in ordinal

‫יום שישי‬ ‫יום חמישי‬ ‫יום רביעי‬ ‫יום שלישי‬ ‫יום שני‬ ‫יום ראשון‬ -<C
F riday Thursday W edn esd ay Tuesday M onday Sunday

These words are regarded as names (proper nouns), iike Sarah and Tel Aviv,
and are definite even though they have no -‫ה‬. Thus, we say:

I likeFriday. .‫ אני אוהבת את יום שישי‬.‫ ו‬-*<

Last Wednesday w e w e nt to Eilat. .2. ‫ביום רביעי האחרון נסענו לאילת‬

The plural forms of these expressions are not as we might expect:

.‫בימי שישי אנחנו אוהבים לאכול ארוחת בוקר בבית קפה‬ •*>
On Fridays w e like to eat breakfast at a cafe.

The form ‫( ימי‬instead of ‫ )ימים‬shows that the ordinal number (‫ )שישי‬behaves here
as if it were a noun (and not an adjective), as in: ‫( ימי הולדת‬birthdays).

Plural forms o f ordinal numbers

The ordinal number ‫ ראשון‬often appears in the plural, as in:

During the first days of the strike... ...‫ב ימ ים הראשונים ש ל השב יתה‬
in the first years of the twentieth century... ...‫בש נ ים הראשונות של המאה העשרים‬

The use o f the other numbers in the plural is rare:

.‫אלו הנישואים השניים של משה והנישואים השלישיים של שושנה‬

This is Moshe's second marriage and Shoshana's third marriage.

Ordinal numbers larger than tenth do not have a plural form.

‫‪VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers /‬‬ ‫‪!.N u m b e rs‬‬

‫‪Ordinal numbers without a noun‬‬

‫‪Read the following:‬‬

‫אתמול במסיבה שמעתי שלוש בדיחות חדשות‪ ,‬הראשונה הייתה מצחיקה מאוד‪ ,‬השנייה הייתה‬
‫טיפשית‪ ,‬ואת השלישית לא הבנתי‪.‬‬
‫‪Yesterday at the party I heard three new jokes. The first (one) was really funny, the second (one) was‬‬
‫‪stupid and the third (one) I didn't understand.‬‬

‫‪ appear w ithout a noun and, in effect, turn into nouns, just as‬השלישית ‪ and‬השנייה ‪,‬הראשונה ‪Here‬‬
‫‪regular adjectives can, as in:‬‬

‫יש לנו שני בנים‪ .‬הגדול הוא בן ‪ , 14‬והצעיר בן ‪.8‬‬ ‫>*‬

‫‪We have two sons. The older one is 14 years old, and the younger one is 8.‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪W rite the correct form of the ordinal number.‬‬

‫‪ . 1‬מיכל לו מד ת ל תו אר __________________ ב ס פ רו ת אנגלית‪.‬‬

‫( ‪)2‬‬
‫‪ .2‬רונית נמצאת בחוד ש ה _________________ ל הי ריון‪.‬‬
‫‪ . 3‬ב חנו ת הספרים בקניון יש השבוע הנחה על כל ספר __________________ ש ק ו ני ם‪.‬‬
‫(‪) 3‬‬

‫‪ .4‬מירי ידעה שהיא ת ת ח תן ע ם גדי כבר אחרי הפגישה ה __________________‬

‫(‪) 3‬‬

‫‪ .5‬הסופר הרוסי לב טולסטז־י חי במאה ה _________________ ‪.‬‬

‫(‪) 19‬‬

‫‪ .6‬בפעם ה _________________ ש ר אי תי את ה סרט הבנתי או תו טוב יותר‪.‬‬

‫( ‪)2‬‬
‫‪ .7‬דני הוא האמריקאי ה _________________ ש ז כ ה במרתון‪.‬‬

‫‪ .7‬עשרים וחמישה‬ ‫‪ .6‬שנייה‬ ‫‪ .5‬תשע עשרה‬ ‫‪ . 4‬שלישית‬ ‫‪ .3‬שלישי‬ ‫‪ .2‬תשיעי‬ ‫‪ .1‬שני‬

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b ers

• Hebrew letters as numbers

Each Hebrew letter has a numerical value, and combinations o f letters are also used:25

... 125 = 5 + 20 + 100 = ‫קכ״ה‬ 21 = 1 + 20 = ‫כ ״ א‬ 11 == 1 + 10 = ‫י״א‬

200 = ‫ר׳‬ 22 = ‫כ״ב‬ 12 = ‫י״ב‬ 2 = ‫ב׳‬
300 = ‫ש׳‬ 30 = ‫ל׳‬ 13 = ‫י״ג‬ 3 = ‫ג׳‬
400 = ‫ת׳‬ 40 = ‫מ׳‬ 14 = ‫י״ד‬ 4 = ‫ד׳‬
9 + 60 + 300 + 400 = ‫ת ש ס״ ט‬ 50 = ‫נ׳‬ 15 = 6 + 9 = ‫ט״ו‬ 5 = ‫ה׳‬
60 = ‫ס׳‬ 16 = 7 + 9 = ‫ט״ז‬ 6 = ‫ו׳‬
70 = ‫ע׳‬ 17 = 7 + 10 = ‫י״ז‬ 7 = ‫ז׳‬
80 = ‫פ׳‬ 18 = ‫י״ח‬ 8 = ‫ח׳‬
90 = ‫צ׳‬ 19 = ‫י״ט‬ 9 = ‫ט׳‬
100 = ‫ק׳‬ 20 = ‫כ׳‬ 10 = ‫י׳‬

The numbers ‫ ט״ו‬and ‫ ט״ז‬highlighted above are special in that they do not begin with ‫ י׳‬like the
other teens. This is done in order to avoid writing forms o f the divine name in the Bible (both
yod-heh and yod-vav are forms of the divine name in the Bible).26

Letters are used instead of numbers in expressions such as the following:

21 ,‫בר א שית ז׳‬ 27‫ט״ו ב שבט‬ ‫תרגיל ג׳‬ ‫שנה א׳‬ ‫רמה ב׳‬ ‫כיתה ו׳‬ ‫י ו מ א׳‬
Genesis 7:21 TuBishvat exercise 3 first year level two sixth grade Sunday
(15th of Shv at) (of univ ersity

Years are often written using letters, for example: ‫תרפ״ט‬. The numerical value of these numbers
is 400 + 200 + 80 + 9 = 689. To arrive at the Hebrew year, add 5000: 5689. To convert 689 to
the Gregorian year, add 1240 (= 1929).28

25 This system of assigning a numerical value to each letter is called gematria (‫)ג ימטר יה‬.
26 See, for example, Psalms 115:18 and the first syllable of names like ‫ יואל‬and ‫יונתן‬.
27 Usually the names of the letters are pronounced, as in ‫ כיתה י״ב‬kee-TA yood-BET, but in rare cases the letters
are pronounced as if they were a word, as in ‫( ט״ו בשבט‬TOO beesh-VAT) the 15111 day of the Hebrew month
Shv at.
28 Subtract 1 from the result (1929) to arrive at the Gregorian year in which the Hebrew year began. Thus, ‫תרפ״ט‬
is 1928-1929.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b e rs

• Numbers with endings: ... ‫ של ושת נ ו‬, ‫שנינו‬

(both o f us, the three o f us...)
‫שנינו‬,‫ שתינו‬and the like
Read the following passage written by a young girl:

,‫ שתינו רזות ונמוכות‬.‫ אחותי ואני דומות זו לזו‬.‫ שתי בנות ושני בנים‬:‫אנחנו ארבעה ילדים במשפחה‬ -‫>־‬
‫ שניהם‬,‫ גם שני האחים שלנו דומים זה לזה‬.‫לשתינו יש שער שחור ארוך ושתינו אוהבות לצחוק‬
,‫בלונדינים ושניהם שקטים ורציניים‬
We are four children in our family: two girls and two boys. My sister and I resemble each other. Both
of us are thin and short, we both have long, black hair and we both like to laugh. Our brothers also
resemble each other. Both of them are blond and both of them are quiet and serious.

Q: To whom do the highlighted words ‫ שתינו‬and ‫ שניהם‬in the above passage refer?
A: ‫ שתינו‬refers to ‫( אחותי ואני‬my sister and I), which could also be expressed with the pronoun
‫אנחנו‬. We can regard ‫ שתינו‬as a combination o f ‫ שתי‬and .‫אנחנו‬

‫ שניהם‬refers to ‫ שני האחים שלי‬, which could also be expressed with the pronoun ‫הם‬. Here, too, we
can regard ‫ שניהם‬as a combination of ‫ שני‬and ‫הם‬.

Let's look again at the first form: ‫שתינו‬, whose base form is ‫שתי‬.

Q: Why do we use the feminine number ‫?שתי‬

A: Because both ‫ אחותי‬and ‫ אני‬refer to females. If the reference had been to two males or to a
female and a male, the form ‫ שנינו‬would have been used. The ending ‫נו‬- (like ‫ )אנחנו‬is both
masculine and feminine.

Now let's look at the other form in the passage above: ‫שניהם‬, whose base form is ‫שני‬.

Q: Is only‫ ׳‬this part of the word masculine?

A: No, both the base form ‫ שני‬and the ending ‫הם‬- are masculine. We use the masculine forms
to refer to two males (as is the case here) or to a male and a female. In the form used to refer
to two females, both elements are feminine:
‫ הן => שתיהן‬+ ‫>*■ שתי‬

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / !.N u m b ers

The same principles that apply to the forms ‫ שתיהן‬/ ‫( שניהם‬both of them), apply also when we turn
to two people (‫ אתם‬or ‫ )אתן‬and address them. Here are examples o f their use:

masculine: ?‫ שניכם מברזיל‬,1‫ מךסל וךיקךד‬- *‫<י‬

Marcel and Ricardo, are both of you from Brazil?
feminine■. ?‫ שתיכן מדברות צרפתית‬,‫ מרים ובךיז׳יט‬-
Miriam and Brigitte, do both of you speak French?

The forms ‫ שניכם‬and ‫ שתיכן‬have two parts, both of which are either masculine or feminine.
Notice that the ending here is not like that o f ‫ אתם‬and ‫אתן‬, but rather is the same ending as that
on ‫ עליכן‬/ ‫ עליכם‬and ‫ דודיכן‬/ ‫ דודיכם‬.

Here are all the possible forms o f ‫ שתי‬/ ‫ שני‬with endings:

feminine masculine

)‫(שתי־‬ )‫(שני־‬
both of us ‫שתינו‬ ‫שנינו‬ I
both of you (pi.) ‫שתיכן‬ ‫שניכם‬ II
both of them ‫שתיהן‬ ‫שניהם‬ III

‫שלושתנו‬,‫ ארבעתנו‬and the like

The numbers 3 and 4 and sometimes even 5 and 6 can also appear with endings. However, the
forms of all of these numbers are simpler than those of 2, since the base form of 3, 4, 5 and 6
(and so on) never changes. Thus:
feminine masculine

the three of us ‫שלושתנו‬ I

the three of you (pi.) ‫שלושתכן‬ II
the three of them ‫שלושתן‬ III

Q: What is the base form of all these forms?

A: The masculine smeechoot form -‫שלושת‬, used in phrases such as ‫( שלושת הדובים‬the three
bears).29 Strangely enough, this masculine form is used with both masculine and feminine
endings (e.g., ‫ של ושת ן‬/ ‫) ש ל ושתם‬.

29 See above, pp. 261-262.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 1. Numbers

Q: Are the endings the same as those on ‫ שנינו‬and ‫?ש נ יהם‬

A: They are similar, but not the same. Because the base forms ‫ שת י‬/ ‫ שני‬are actually plural
smeechoot forms (they end in '‫ י‬and are based 0 11 ‫ שת י ים‬/ ‫)שניים‬, their endings are the same
as those on ‫ על יהם‬and 30..‫ דודיהם‬In the case o f -‫של ושת‬, the endings are the same as those on
‫ בשבילם‬and 31.‫ ד ודתם‬/ ‫ד ודם‬

The same is true of other numbers. Here, for example, is the number 4, whose base is the
masculine smeechoot form -32:‫אךבעת‬
feminine masculine

the four of us ‫אךבעתנו‬ I

the four of you {pi.) ‫או־בעתכן ארבעתכם‬II
the four of them ‫או־בעתן אךבעתם‬III

Let's review
The words for two, three, four and sometimes five and six commonly appear with
endings and mean both o f u s / you them , the three o f us /yo u / them and so on.

♦ The number two has two base for ms: ‫;מ) שני‬.) and ‫( שתי‬f.). To these, the appropriate
endings are added:
f m. f. m. f. m.
‫ שתיהן‬/ ‫ שניהם‬,‫ שתיכן‬/ ‫ שניכם‬,‫ שתינו‬/ ‫ שנינו‬-C
both of them both of you (pi.) both of us

To refer to two males or to a male and a female, we use masculine forms. For
two females, we use feminine forms.

♦ The numbers three and above have only one base form (the masculine
smeechoot form - ‫שלושת‬, -‫ ארבעת‬...). To this all the endings are added, for

...‫ן‬- ,‫ם‬- ,‫כן‬- ,‫כם‬- ,‫ שלושתן; או־בעתנו‬/ ‫ שלושתם‬,‫ שלושתכן‬/ ‫ שלושתכם‬,‫שלושתנו‬

the four of us... the three of themthethree of you the three of us

30 See the chapter "Nouns with Possessive Endings," pp. 67-71.

31 See the chapter "Nouns with Possessive Endings," pp. 61 -63.
32 The numbers 5 and 6 also have endings, for example: The fh ‫׳‬e o f us... is‫( חמשתנו‬note that the vowels are
different from -‫ ;)חמשת‬the six o f us is ‫ששת נ ו‬, based on -‫ששת‬. (Most speakers today say ‫)ששת נ ו‬.

‫‪VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers /‬‬ ‫‪1. Numbers‬‬

‫?‪W ant to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪W rite the c o rre c t form o f the num ber.‬‬

‫יוסי ואורי‪ ,‬למה אתם מת ו וכח ים? לדעת י ‪_____________ ,‬צ ודק ים ‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫(‪) 2‬‬

‫רונית אמרה ‪ :‬״תמר ואני ניסינו לענ ות על השאל ות בה יסט ור יה ‪ ,‬אבל _‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫(‪) 2‬‬
‫לא הבנו את השאלה האחר ונה״ ‪.‬‬

‫דויד‪ ,‬מ יכל ורון נסע ו ב יחד להודו _____________ר וצ ים לה ישאר שם עד ס וף השנה ‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫(‪) 3‬‬

‫_____________________________________________מ נג נ ות בג יטרה ‪.‬‬

‫(‪) 2‬‬

‫‪ .5‬שני האח ים שלי ‪ ,‬אח ות י ואני גרים ליד הורינו _____________קש ור ים אל יהם מאוד ‪.‬‬
‫(‪) 4‬‬

‫מי היו דויד ושלמה? _____________ה י ו מלכ י ישראל ‪.‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫‪A nsw ers:‬‬
‫‪ .6‬שנ יהם‬ ‫‪ .5‬ארבעתנ ו‬ ‫‪ .4‬שת יה ן‬ ‫‪ .2‬שתינו ‪ .3‬של ושתם‬ ‫ו‪ .‬שניכם‬

‫‪• Telling the time‬‬

‫‪Full hours and fifteen minute intervals‬‬
‫?‪What ti me is it‬‬ ‫מה השעה?‬

‫‪Six o' clock‬‬ ‫השעה ) שש( ‪33.6: 00 -‬‬

‫שש וחמש עשרה דק ות‪Six fifteen (lit.: six and a quarter). .‬‬ ‫‪or‬‬ ‫ו ‪( - 6 :‬השעה) שש ורבע ‪.5‬‬

‫שש ושלושים‪Six thirty (lit.: six and a half). .‬‬ ‫‪or‬‬ ‫השעה ) שש וחצי( ‪.6: 30 -‬‬

‫‪ are non-verb sentences, we can also use the‬השעה ‪ " and sentences like it that begin with‬השעה שש" ‪33 Since‬‬
‫‪ ".‬השעה ה יא שש" ‪ and say:‬היא ‪connector‬‬

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 1. Numbers

A quarter to/of seven. // Six forty-five. .‫ שש ארבע ים וחמש‬or .6: 45 - (‫השעה ) רבע לשבע‬

One o'clock. . ‫ (השעה) אחת‬- ‫ ו‬3:00

(= 1:00 p.m.)

In Hebrew, hours are stated with femi ni ne (short) numbers: ‫שש‬, ‫ שבע‬and so on. For hours
after 12:00 noon, we often wri t e numbers above twelve (e.g., 13:00), but when we say these
numbers, we subtract 12 and say: ‫ הש עה אחת‬.

For intervals of 15 minutes, the words ‫( רבע‬quarter) and ‫( חצי‬half) are usually used. Sometimes the
number of minutes is given instead (see alternatives above).

Five and ten minutes after and before the hour

There are two basic options34 for expressing these times:
?‫ מה השעה‬-‫>־‬

more common

. ‫שש וחמישה‬ or .‫ (השעה) שש ו ח מ ש דקות‬- 6:05

.‫שש ועשרה‬ or .‫ (השעה) שש ועשר דקות‬- 6:10

.‫עשרה לשבע‬ or .‫ (השעה) עשר דק ות לשבע‬- 6:50

.‫ח מי שה לשבע‬ or ‫ (השעה) ח מ ש דק ות לשבע‬- 6:55

34 A third option (e.g., ‫ שש וחמישים‬for 6:50) will be discussed below.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 1. Numbers

As you can see, when the word ‫( ד קו ת‬minutes) is used, we use femi ni ne numbers (‫ עשר‬, ‫) חמש‬.
Very often, however, the word ‫ ד קו ת‬is not mentioned. When this happens, a mascul i ne (longer)
number is used (33.(‫ עשרה‬,‫ חמישה‬Note: This happens only with these numbers and in one other
case (which is discussed in the next section).

25 minutes before the hour

Also for 25 minutes before the hour (here 6:35), the same two options exist:

.‫לש ב ע‬ ‫ו ח מי ש ה‬ ‫עש ר י ם‬ or .6: 35 - ( ‫לש ב ע‬ ‫ו ח מ ש ד קו ת‬ ‫הש ע ה ) עש ר י ם‬

In addition, there is a third way to state this time: ‫ו ח מש‬ ‫ש ש ש ל וש י ם‬ . See the next section for an

25 minutes after the hour and other times ending in 0 and 5

The way we say 25 minutes after the hour (here 6:25) is exceptional in that there is only one
option - the short one:

.6: 25 - ( ‫הש ע ה ) ש ש עש ר י ם ו ח מש‬

Here only the feminine ‫ חמש‬is used. This is the way we can state all of the times ending with
0 or 5, beginning with 20 minutes after the hour:

lit.: six and twenty .6: 20 - ( ‫הש ע ה ) ש ש ו עש ר ים‬

lit.: six twenty and five .6: 25 - ( ‫ה ש ע ה ) ש ש עש ר י ם וחמש‬

35 Perhaps this is because at one time the masculine ‫( רגעים‬moments) was used instead of ‫דקות‬.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 1. Numbers

lit.: six and thirty 1.‫ (השעה) שש ושלושים‬- 6:30

lit.: six thirty and five .6: 35 - (‫השעה) שש שלושים וחמש‬

lit.: six (and) forty .‫ (ה ש עה) ש ש(ו) א ר ב עי ם‬- 6:40

lit.: six forty and five .6: 45 - (‫השעה) שש ארבעים יחמש‬

lit.: six (and) fifty .‫ (השעה) שש (ו)חמישים‬- 6:50

lit.: six fifty and five .6:55 - (‫השעה) שש חמישים ו ח מ ש‬

Times that are not 5-minute intervals

For all other times up to 20 minutes we use feminine numbers only and add the word ‫דקות‬:

.‫ (השעה) שש ו שבע דקו ת‬- C - 6:07

.‫ (השעה) שש ו שמונה ע שרה ד קו ת‬- 6:18

For times above 20 minutes after the hour, most people say:

.‫ (השעה) שש עשרים ושש‬- 6:26 ■>£

.‫ (השעה) שש שלושים ושבע‬- 6:37

36 As mentioned above, we have noted the pronunciation of the '‫ ו‬according to rules of grammar. Speakers of
Hebrew today tend to pronounce it ‫( ו‬ve/7).

‫‪VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers /‬‬ ‫‪!.N u m b ers‬‬

‫‪ and the like.‬שש ועשרים ושש דקות ‪ and say:‬דקות ‪Some speakers add the word‬‬

‫דקות‪ (to, of) with these times, we always use the word :‬ל‪When we use -‬‬

‫‪ .‬השעה) שמונה עשרה דקות לשבע( ‪6:42 -‬‬

‫‪ .‬השעה) שבע דקות לשבע( ‪6:53 -‬‬

‫? ‪W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d‬‬
‫‪Write the time in words. Choose one of the possible options noted above.‬‬

‫‪ 5:47‬־ _____________________________________________________________________________‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫‪ 8:30‬־ _____________________________________________________________________________‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫__________________________________________________________________________‬ ‫‪ 10:05‬־‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫__________________________________________________________________________‬ ‫‪ 10:55‬־‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫__________________________________________________________________________‬ ‫‪ 12:25‬־‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫‪ 8:15‬־ _____________________________________________________________________________‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫‪ 9:10‬־ _____________________________________________________________________________‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫__________________________________________________________________________‬ ‫‪- 11:50‬‬ ‫‪.8‬‬

‫__________________________________________________________________________‬ ‫‪- 11:28‬‬ ‫‪.9‬‬

‫__________________________________________________________________________‬ ‫‪ 13:45‬־‬ ‫‪. 10‬‬

‫‪( .1‬השעה) חמש ארבעים ושבע‪ / .‬שלוש עשרה דקות לשש‪.‬‬
‫‪( .2‬השעה) שמונה וחצי‪ / .‬שמונה ושלושים‪.‬‬
‫‪( .3‬השעה) עשר וחמש דקות‪ / .‬עשר וחמישה‪.‬‬
‫‪( .4‬השעה) עשר חמישים וחמש‪ /.‬חמישה לאחת עשרה‪ /.‬חמש דקות לאחת עשרה‪.‬‬
‫‪( .5‬השעה) שתים עשרה עשרים וחמש‪( / .‬השעה שתים עשרה ועשרים וחמש דקות)‪.‬‬
‫‪( .6‬השעה) שמונה ורבע‪ .‬השעה שמונה וחמש עשרה דקות‪.‬‬
‫‪( .7‬השעה) תשע ועשרה‪ / .‬תשע ועשר דקות‪.‬‬
‫‪( .8‬השעה) אחת עשרה (ו)חמישים‪ / .‬עשר דקות לשתים עשרה‪ / .‬עשרה לשתים עשרה‪.‬‬
‫‪( .9‬השעה) אחת עשרה עשרים ושמונה‪( /.‬השעה אחת עשרה ועשרים ושמונה דקות)‪.‬‬
‫‪( .10‬השעה) אחת ארבעים וחמש‪ .‬השעה רבע לשתיים‪.‬‬


* ‫ סלק מיי־‬,‫ כל ס־‬and the like
Adding endings to quantifiers • ),‫ רובם״‬,‫(כולם‬

• ‫ חלק מה־‬,‫ כל ה־‬and the like

Read the following passage:

,‫ חלק מהחברים שהגיעו למדו איתם עוד בתיכון‬.‫רינה ויוסי הזמינו את כל החברים שלהם למסיבה‬ ->
‫ ושאר‬,‫ חצי מהזמן הם שרו ורקדו‬.‫ כולם נהנו מאוד במסיבה‬.‫אבל רוב החברים שבאו היו איתם בצבא‬
.‫הזמן הם אכלו ודיברו‬

Rina and Yossi invited all (of) their friends to a party. Some of the friends who came had studied with
them in high school, but most of the friends who came had been with them in the army. Everybody
enjoyed the party very much. Half of the time they sang and danced, and the rest of the time they ate
and talked.

All of the highlighted words in the passage above denote quantities inrelation to a whole:
‫( כל‬all), ‫( חלק‬some, part), ‫( רוב‬most), ‫( חצי‬half), ‫( שאר‬the rest).

Q: What follows these quantifiers in Hebrew?

A: Some are followed by a definite noun (here made definite with - 1.‫(ה כל‬: -‫ שאר ה‬,-‫ רוב ה‬,-‫ה‬
These quantifiers actually form smeechoot phrases with the noun that follows them.“ Other
quantifiers require - ‫ מ‬before the definite noun: ‫ חצי מה זמ ן‬,‫ ח לק מהחברים‬.

Here is a list of common Hebrew quantifiers that are not followed by -‫( מ‬or ‫ )מן‬and ones that
are. (We are including here only one of the possible translations of these words. Others will be
presented below.)

1 On definiteness, see "Definite and Indefinite Nouns," pp. 52-59.

2 For more on smeechoot, see the chapter "Sm eechoot," pp. 170-172. 183-184.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 2. A ll, Part o f...: Quantifiers

with ‫ מן‬/-‫ מ‬in Hebrew" no ‫ מן‬/-‫ מ‬in Hebrew

part of the... ‫חלק מה־‬ all (of) the... ­ ‫כל ה‬ >

half / a quarter / a third of the... - ‫ שליש‬/ ‫ רבע‬/ ‫מה חצי‬ most of the... ­ ‫רוב ה‬
50% / 20%... of the... ‫מה־‬
50% / 20%... the rest of the... ­‫שאר ה‬
‫ אחוז(ים) מה‬...‫ עשרים‬/ ‫­ חמישים‬
two /three... of the... ‫ מה־‬...‫ שלושה‬/ ‫שניים‬

Be careful! ‫כל‬, ‫ רוב‬and ‫ שאר‬are never followed by ‫ מן‬/‫ מ־‬in Hebrew, whereas their
English equivalents do often contain the word o f

The following are some examples of how these quantifiers are used. Note the variety o f ways
they can be rendered in English. The English translations are often influenced by whether a
singular or plural noun follows the quantifier.

The boy opened all (of) the presents that he received .‫הילד פתח את כל המתנות שהוא קיבל‬
Not all people like avocado. .‫לא כל האנשים אוהבים אבוקדו‬
The whole class came to the exam. .‫כל הכיתה הגיעה למבחן‬
Most of the secretaries in our office do not smoke. .‫רוב המזכירות במשרד שלנו לא מעשנות‬
Most people like chocolate. .‫רוב האנשים אוהבים שוקולד‬
The guests ate only part of the cake. .‫האורחים אכלו רק חלק מהעוגה‬
Some of the students didn't come to class. 4.‫חלק מהסטודנטים לא הגיעו לשיעור‬
.‫שליש מהילדים בכיתה משחקים במחשב כל יום‬
A third of the children in the class play on the computer every day.

Be careful! The word or phrase that follows the Hebrew quantifiers in both groups
is always definite.‫ י‬This is not always the case in English (e.g., all people = ‫ כל האנשים‬,
most people = ‫)רוב האנשים‬.

3 Other expressions with ‫ מ־‬used in formal Hebrew include - ‫( רבים מה‬many of the ) and - ‫( אחדים מה‬a few of
the../ some of the...). In spoken Hebrew we also hear - ‫( הרבה מה‬many of the...) and - ‫( כמה מה‬several / a few
/ some of the...).
4 It is also possible to say: ‫ חלק מן הסטודנטים לא הגיע לשיעור‬. For more on this topic, see below.
5 We have indicated definiteness in the list above by writing -‫ ;ה‬however, the noun may have a possessive
ending instead (which makes it definite): ‫( כל חבריו של משה באו למסיבה‬All of Moshe's friends came to the

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 2. A ll, Part o f...: Quantifiers

Did you know?

1. The word ‫ כל‬is also used to express other meanings, such as each, every or
any. When this is the case, the word following ‫ כל‬is not definite. Here are

a. Using ‫ כל‬to mean each / every:

,‫<*• כל סטודנט בכיתה קנה מילון‬
Each / every student in the class bought a dictionary.

.‫לכל ספר בספרייה יש מספר משלו‬

Each / every book in the library has its own number.

When used in this sense, ‫ כל‬refers to each individual object denoted by

the word that follows it (as opposed to ‫כל הסטודנטים‬, which refers to all the
students together, or ‫כל הכיתה‬, which also refers to the whole group).

b. Using ‫ כל‬to mean any:

.‫אתם יכולים לבוא לבקר אותנו בכל שעה שתרצו‬ ‫>*־‬
You can come visit us any time you wish.

2. Words like ‫ חצי‬/ ‫ שליש‬/ ‫רבע‬... are often used as measurements. When this is
the case, they are usually followed by an indefinite noun, for example:

.‫בעוגה הזאת יש חצי כוס שמן ורבע כוס חלב‬

In this cake there are ha a cup of oil and a quarter cup of milk.

Which word does the predicate match: the quantifier or its noun?6
­ ‫כל ה‬
Read the following sentences : o
All the students laughed. .‫כל התלמידים צחקו‬ -C
f.s. o f . s .
The whole class laughed. .‫כל הכיתה צחקה‬

When the quantifier ‫ כל‬is used in the subject of a sentence, the predicate (here, the verb) always
matches the noun that follows ‫כל‬.

6 For an explanation of predicate, see the introduction to "Non-Verb Sentences," p. 705.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 2. A ll, Part o f...: Quantifiers

‫ ירוב ה־‬-‫ שאר ה‬I! ‫ ה ל ק מה־‬,‫ הצי מ ה־‬and the like

When one of the quantifiers other than ‫( כל‬e.g., ‫ חלק‬,‫ חצי‬,‫ שאר‬,‫ )רוב‬is used in the subject of the
sentence, the predicate usually matches the noun (especially in informal Hebrew), but can
sometimes match the quantifier itself. <^>
.‫חלק מהמשתתפים בדיון הציעו לקיים דיון נוסף‬ ->
Some of the participants in the discussion suggested holding an additional discussion.
m.s. <=> m.s.
.‫חלק מהמשתתפים בדיון הציע לקיים דיון נוסף‬
Some of the participants in the discussion suggested holding an additional discussion.

It is hard to come up with any hard and fast rules regarding what form of the predicate should
be used in a given sentence. Sometimes there are two options, but sometimes only one sounds
acceptable. Suffice it to say that, more often than not, the predicate matches the noun .!

• Adding endings to quantifiers (...‫ ו וגם‬, ‫)פ ולם‬

Read the following passage:

‫ חלק מהם נשארו עוד קצת כדי לעזור‬. 1:00 ‫ רובם עזבו אחרי‬.‫ כל האורחים נהנו‬.‫המסיבה הייתה נהדרת‬
.‫ כולנו הסכמנו שצריך להיפגש לעתים קרובות יותר‬.‫לנקות ולסדר‬

The party was wonderful. All the guests enjoyed themselves. Most of them left after 1 a.m. Some of them
stayed a little longer in order to help clean up and put things in order. We all agreed that we should get
together more often.

‫ כל‬and ‫ רוב‬with endings

As you can see in the passage above, when we wish to use a pronoun (us, them ...) after the
words ‫( כל‬as in: all of us, all of th em ...) and ‫( רוב‬as in: most of us, most o f them ...), we do this
by adding endings to these words. Here are the most commonly used forms o f each of these
words with some additional possible translations:

7 In the Hebrew Language Academy's website (, February, 2010), it is noted

that at times there may even be three acceptable forms of the predicate, for example:
Part of the population won't be able to vote. .
‫ל ה צ בי ע‬ ‫ יו כ לו‬/ ‫תו כ ל‬ / ‫יוכל‬ ‫לא‬ ‫ה או כ לו סיי ה‬ ‫מן‬ ‫חלק‬ •<

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 2. All, Part o f...: Quantifiers

‫רוב‬ ‫כל‬

all of me //I'm all... ‫כולי‬

all of you (m.s.) // you are all... ;‫כולן‬
all of you (f.s.) // you are all... ‫כילד‬
most of him/it ‫רובו‬ all of him/it // he/it is all... ‫כוא‬
most of her/it ‫רובה‬
all of her/it // she/it is all... ‫כולה‬

most of us ‫רובנו‬ all of us // we all // we are all... ‫כולנו‬


most of you ( ‫רובכם‬ all of you ii you all // you are all... ‫כולכם‬
most of you ( ‫רובכן‬ all of you ( II you all // you are all... ‫כולכן‬
most of them (m.) ‫רובם‬
all of them Qn.) // they all // they are all... ‫כולם‬

most of them (f.) ‫רובן‬ all of them (/.') // they all // they are all... ‫כולן‬

Q: What are the base forms to which the endings are added?

A: In the case of both ‫ כל‬and ‫ רו ב‬, the oh vowel in - ‫( כל ה‬kolha-) and in - ‫[( רוב ה‬rovha-) turns into
an oo vowel in the base form: ‫( פול־‬kool-) and -‫( רוב‬roob-) (note the b in the latter form).

The endings on almost all of these forms are the same as those added to ‫( בשביל‬and 8.(‫אצל‬

Q: Which ending above (on ‫ כל‬and ‫ )רוב‬is n o t the same as the endings added to ‫?בשביל‬

A: The ending on ‫כולנו‬. Here there is an ah vowel in the middle, in contrast to ‫( בשבילנו‬and also

Here are some more examples of how the forms o f ‫ כל‬and ‫ רוב‬are used:

Tell me what happened. I'm "all ears." .‫ כולי אוזן‬.‫תספרי לי מה קרה‬ *‫>־‬
(lit.: all of me is an ear)
Here, take a towel! You're shaking all over. .‫ קחי מגבת! את כולך רועדת‬,‫הנה‬
(lit.: all of you is shaking)
We ate the whole cake. (lit.: the cake all of it) .‫אכלנו את העוגה כולה‬

All of us know that... ...‫כולנו יודעים ש‬

Most of us think that... ...‫רובנו חושבים ש‬

Notice that when a form o f ‫ כל‬or ‫ רוב‬is the subject of the sentence, the predicate usually matches
the ending:
f .S . f .S .
You are shaking all over. (lit.: All of you is shaking.) .‫י־‬ ‫^ כולך רועדת‬

8 See the chapter "Adding Endings to Prepositions," pp. 232-233.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 2. A ll, Part o f...: Quantifiers <£>

Most of us think that... ...‫רובנו חושבים ש‬ <=> <=>

All of us are wise and, therefore, we all know that... ...‫ ולכן כולנו יודעים ש‬,‫כולנו חכמים‬
./•>/• «s> f p l
.‫ ״כולכן שחקניות מצוינות״‬:‫המורה אמרה לתלמידות‬
The teacher said to the students (f.)\ "All of you are excellent actresses."
or: "You are all..."

, ‫ כלבו יודעים את התורה‬,‫ כלנו זקנים‬,‫ כלנו נבונים‬, ‫״ואפילו כלבה חכמ ים‬
•IT ~ V * % T ♦ ‫•״־‬ T ‫״‬ T *T J

)‫ (ההגדה של פסח‬. ‫מצרה ^לינו לספר ב יצ יאת מצרים״‬

"So, even if all of us were wise, all of us full of understanding, all of us elders, all of us knowledgeable
in the Torah - we would still be obligated to tell the story of the exodus from Egypt."
(The Passover Haggadah)

Did you know?

The words ‫ כולם‬and ‫ כולן‬mean all of them, as in:

. ‫מת ל אב יב‬ ‫כולם‬ . ‫בכ יתה‬ ‫עש ר ה בנים‬ ‫יש‬ -‫<׳‬

Ther e ar e t en boys in t he class. Al l of t hem ar e f r om Tel Avi v.

.‫כולן‬ ‫ א נח נ ו מכ יר ים א ת‬. ‫בכ יתה‬ ‫ת ש ע בנות‬ ‫יש‬

There ar e ni ne gi rl s in t he class. W e k no w all ol t hem.

Most speakers also use these words, especially in informal Hebrew, to mean
everyone or everybody, as in:

. ‫י ושב ים ב ש ק ט וע ובד ים‬ ‫שכולם‬ ‫נכ נסת י ל כ יתה ורא ית י‬

I went i nto t he cl assr oom and s a w t hat ever yone wa s sitting qui et l y and wor ki ng.

(colloquial ) 9‫בסדר? א ול י את ן רעב ותל״‬ ‫״כולן‬ : ‫א ימ א נכ נסה לח ד ר ש ל הב נ ות ושא לה‬

M o m went into the girls' room and asked: "Is e ve rybo dy okay? Are you hungry?"

9 According to formal rules of grammar, the expression ‫( כל התלמידים‬all the students) would be used in the first
sentence, and ‫( כולכן‬all of you) would be used in the second sentence.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 2. All, Part o f...: Quantifiers

...‫ חצי מ־‬,‫חלק מ־‬

Now look again at the following passage:

‫ חלק מ ה ם נשארו עוד קצת כרי לעזור‬. 1:00 ‫ רובם עזבו אחרי‬.‫ כל האורחים נהנו‬.‫המסיבה הייתה נהדרת‬
.‫ כולנו הסכמנו שצריך להיפגש לעתים קרובות יותר‬.‫לנקות ולסדר‬

While in this passage the quantifiers ‫ רובם‬and ‫ כולנו‬have endings, the word ‫ חלק‬,does not. In fact
when we add pronouns (us, them ...) to quantifiers that are followed by -‫מ‬, we add the ending
to -‫ מ‬and say :
...‫ שניים מהם‬,‫ מהם‬50% ,‫ רבע מהם‬,‫ חצי מהם‬,‫>י־ חלק מהם‬

In more formal Hebrew, we can add endings to the word ‫ חלק‬and say : 10

Some of them stayed to help..‫חללןם נשארו לעזור‬

The most commonly used forms of ‫ חלק‬with an ending are :

‫חלקן‬ ,‫וזללןם‬ ,‫חלקכן‬ ,‫חלקכם‬ ,‫חלקנו‬ ,‫חללןה‬ ,1‫חלק‬

Here's another example :

.‫ מכיר) את דעותיי״‬:or ( ‫ ״חלקכם בוודאי מכירים‬:‫ראש הממשלה אמר לאנשים בקהל‬

)‫(=חלק מכם‬
The Prime Minister said to the people in the audience: "Some of you are certainly familiar with my views."

Chapter summary
♦ All Hebrew quantifiers that denote all or part o f a whole are followed by a
definite noun. Some never take ‫ מן‬/‫ מ־‬before the definite noun and some
require that ‫ מן‬/-‫ מ‬be used:

with ‫ מן‬/ -‫ מ‬in Hebrew no ‫ מן‬/-‫ מ‬in Hebrew

­ ‫חלק מה‬
­ ‫ שלישמה‬/ ‫ רבע‬/ ‫חצי‬
­ ‫ מה‬...20% / 50%
­ ‫ מה‬...‫ שלושה‬/ ‫שניים‬

10 In formal Hebrew, additional words may also take endings, for example :
.‫ חציים גרים בירושלים וחציים גרים מחוץ לירושלים‬.‫> לא כל התלמידים בכיתה גרים בירושלים‬
Not all the students in the class live in Jerusalem. Half of them live in Jerusalem and half of them live
outside of Jerusalem.

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 2. A ll, Part o f...: Quantifiers

♦ When a predicate matches a subject containing a quantifier, it usually matches

the noun that comes after the quantifier (sent. 1). In some cases, it matches the
quantifier itself (sent. 2):
Some of the people tiiink that ‫ חלק מהאנשים חושבים ש‬.‫ו‬ -<
m.s <=> m.s.
Some of the people think that... ...2. ‫חלק מהאנשים חושב ש‬

♦ Some quantifiers can take an ending, for example:

...‫ חלקנו יודעים ש‬/ ‫ רובנו‬/ ‫כולנו‬

: V •• T

When these serve as the subject, a matching predicate usually matches the

W ant to see if you've understood?

A . W rite ‫ מ־‬w h e re it is n eeded a n d X w h e re it is not needed. W h e n the b la n k is long,
w rite the q u a n tifie r w ith the a p p ro p ria te e n d in g .

. ‫איפה כל ____התלמידים? איפה‬ .‫ו‬


_‫ ו‬,18 ‫חלק ____האנשים שלא אוהבים את השם שלהם מחליטים להחליף אותו בגיל‬ .2
.‫ממשיכים לחיות עם שם שהם לא אוהבים‬

.‫________________________הספרים שרחל קונה הם של סופרים ישראלים‬

.‫ את שאר ___התמונות נתלה מחר‬.‫ כבר תלינו חלק ____התמונות שהיו לנו בדירה הקודמת‬.4

.‫ ו __________בכינו‬,‫ סוף הסרט היה עצוב מאוד‬.‫הלכתי לקולנוע עם שתי חברות‬ .5


.‫הסטודנטים נכשלו בבחינה ___________ רוצים להיבחן שוב‬. 30%

A nsw ers:
‫ רובם‬,‫ מ‬.6 ‫ כולנו‬.X 5 ,‫ מ‬.X 4 .3 ‫ חלקם‬,‫ מ‬.2 ‫ כולם‬,X .‫ו‬

VIII. Numbers and Quantifiers / 2. All, Part o f...: Quantifiers

B. Translate.

1. M ost Israelis like to tra v e l.

2. Some (‫ )חלק‬o f the students in our class d id n 't do the homework, but most of

them finished everything.

3. All children like to p la y .

4. The tourists told the waiter: "Most of us know Hebrew, but some (‫ )חלק‬of us
know only French."

.‫ רוב הישראלים אוהבים לטייל‬.‫ו‬
.‫ ג מ רו( א ת) הכול‬/‫ אבל רובם סיי מו‬,‫ חלק מהתלמידים בכיתה שלנו לא ע שו את שיעורי הבית‬.2
.‫ כל הילדים אוהבים לשחק‬.3
‫ אבל חלק מ אי תנו יודעים (יודע) רק צרפתית״‬,‫ ״רובנו יודעים עברית‬:‫ התיירים א מרו למלצר‬.4

IX. Adverbials
Compare the Hebrew sentences in Columns A and B:

Yossi stood at the bus stop. .‫יוסי עמד בתחנת האוטובוס‬ .‫ו‬ Yossi stood. .‫ יוסי עמד‬.‫ו‬
He waited there. .‫הוא חיכה שם‬ He waited. .‫הוא חיכה‬

.‫האוטובוס הגיע מיד‬ .2 .‫ האוטובוס הגיע‬. 2

The bus arrived immediately. The bus arrived.
.‫האוטובוס נסע אחרי דקה‬ .‫האוטובוס נסע‬
The bus departed a minute later. The bus departed.

Yossi sat alone. .‫יוסי ישב לבד‬ .Yossi sat .‫ יוסי ישב‬. 3
He read quietly. .‫הוא קרא בשקט‬ .‫הוא קרא‬

Q: What is the difference between the two columns?

A: In Column A, we have sentences with only a subject and a verb, whereas in Column B,
information is added to the verb.

Q: What kind of information is added in Column B in each o f the groups of sentences (1 ,2

and 3)?

A: In Group 1, we are told where Yossi stood and waited.

In Group 2, we are told when the bus arrived and departed.
In Group 3, we are told how Yossi sat and read.

Notice that the additions in Column B include single wordscalled adverbs1 (‫ לבד‬,‫ מיד‬,‫ ) שם‬and
prepositional phrases ( ‫ בשקט‬,‫ אחרי דקה‬,‫) בתחנת האוטובוס‬.

We have only given you a taste here o f these additions, which are called adverbials (‫)ת יאוו־ ים‬.
In this unit, we will deal with the following adverbials:

1 In Hebrew these are called ‫על‬1‫תוארי פ‬.

IX. Adverbials / 1. W h e re Expressions

1. Where Expressions
2. When Expressions
3. How Long Expressions and How Often Expressions ( ‫ פל בוקר‬,‫ פל הבוקר‬,‫ שבוע‬,‫) לשבוע‬
4. How Expressions (.‫ במהירות״‬,‫)מהר‬

Further treatment of adverbials can be found in Part Five "Telling When, Why and the Like in
Sentences of Three Types" (chapters on Time Sentences, Reason Sentences, etc.), pp. 903-1003.

Q Where Expressions (...‫ הביתה‬,‫ למשרד‬,‫) פאן‬

• Adverbials o f place and direction
• The directional ending ‫ה' המגמה‬

• Adverbials o f place and direction

Read the following passage :

‫ כל יום ראשון הוא יוצא מירושלים‬.‫ אבל יובל עובד חלק מ ה ש בו ע בחיפה‬,‫ יובל ורחל גרים פה בירושלים‬-C
‫ הוא נכנס לבית קפה וקורא ש ם‬,7:30 ‫ א ם הוא מגיע ל שם לפני‬.‫ בבוקר כדי להגיע בזמן למשרד‬5:00 -‫ב‬
‫ הוא חוזר לביתו ביום‬.‫ יובל עובד ב חיפה שלו שה ימים וישן ש ם אצל א חו תו‬.8:00 ‫א ת עיתון הבוקר עד‬
.‫שלישי בערב‬

Yuval and Rachel live here in Jerusalem, but Yuval works part of the week in Haifa. Every Sunday he
leaves Jerusalem at 5:00 a.m. in order to get to Ms office 011 time. If he gets there before 7:30, he goes
into a cafe and reads the morning paperthere until 8:00. Yuval works three days in Haifa and sleeps there
at his sister's house He returns home (lit.: to his home) on Tuesday evening.

The words and phrases highlighted in the passage above are adverbials o f place and direction2
Adverbials o f place answer the question ?‫( איפה‬Where?), while adverbials o f direction answer
the questions ?‫ מ אי פ ה‬/ ?‫( מאין‬From where?) and ?‫( לאן‬Where? = (to) where).'

2 Many grammar books include adverbials o f direction under the rubric of ach’erbials ofplace. We have chosen
to differentiate between them in our discussion: We use ach’erbials o f place for those with a static quality,
while adverbials o f direction indicate the direction of movement.
3 On question words referring to place, see the chapter "Asking Questions," pp. 821-824.

IX. Adverbials / 1. W here Expressions

Try this:

List the adverbials highlighted in the passage above in the appropriate column:

adverbials o f direction (?‫)מאין? לאן‬ adverbials o f place (?‫)א יפה‬

H ere's the solution :

adverbials o f direction (?‫)מאין? לאן‬ adverbials o f place (?‫)א יפה‬

‫מירושלים‬ ‫פה‬
‫למשרד‬ ‫בירושלים‬
‫לשם‬ ‫בחיפה‬
‫לבית קפה‬ ‫שם‬
‫לביתו‬ ‫בחיפה‬
‫אצל א חו תו‬

Q: In which of the two columns above is there a preposition in each expression?

A: The adverbials of direction (in the left-hand column) all have a preposition in Hebrew
- either -‫ מ‬or -‫ל‬. In contrast, adverbials of place (in the right-hand column) can appear
either with a preposition (such as - ‫ב‬, ‫ אצל‬and the like) added to a noun (...‫ אח ות ו‬, ‫ ) יר ושל ים‬or
without a preposition (in the case o f one-word adverbs): ‫ שם‬and ‫ פ ה‬.

Adverbials of place are used with "static" (non-motion) verbs, such as ‫( גר‬live), ‫( עובד‬work), ‫קורא‬
(read) and‫( ישן‬sleep), as we see in the passage above. They can also appear in non-verb sentences
such as: .‫ יוסי בבית‬.‫( אני פה‬I am here. Yossi is at home,).

Let's concentrate now on the adverbials of direction in the above passage (...‫ למשרד‬, ‫)מ יר ושל ים‬.

IX. Adverbials / 1. W here Expressions

Q: Which verbs come before these adverbials?

A: Verbs of motion, all o f which require - ‫( מ‬or ‫ ) מן‬and/or -‫( ל‬or ‫ ) א ל‬when the direction of the
motion is indicated:4
(he) leaves Jerusalem ‫מירושלים‬ ‫יוצא‬
to get to the office ‫למשרד‬ ‫להגיע‬
(he) gets there ‫לשם‬ ‫מגיע‬
(he) goes into a cafe ‫לבית קפה‬ ‫נכנס‬
(he) returns home ‫לביתו‬ ‫חוזר‬

B e c a r e fu l! As you can see in the sentences above, the corresponding English verbs
of motion do not always require the use of the preposition to (e.g., he gets / arrives there,
he returns home).

The verbal nouns o f verbs that require ‫ מן‬/ - ‫ מ‬and ‫ אל‬/ - ‫ ל‬take the same prepositions as their verbs
when adverbials of direction follow them:
.‫בחג הפסח אנחנו קוראים בהגדה על היציאה ממצרים‬
On Passover we read in the haggadah about the Exodus from Egypt.

The trip to Eilat was tiring. .‫הנסיעה לאילת הייתה מעייפת‬

• The directional ending ‫ה׳ המ גמה‬

Read the following passage:

‫ ושם פנינו ימינה במקום‬,‫ בדרך הביתה עברנו ליד כרמיאל‬.‫לפני חודשיים טיילנו ארבעה ימים בצפון‬
.‫ רק כעבור עשר דקות הבנו שטעינו‬.‫שמאלה‬

Two months ago we traveled around the north for four days. On the way home, we took the road next
to Carmiel, where we turned right instead of left. Only after ten minutes did we realize that we had
made a mistake.

Unlike the sentences in the previous section, here the two verbs o f motion (‫ חזרנו‬and ‫ )פנינו‬are
not followed in the Hebrew by the preposition -‫ ל‬, but rather by the words ‫הביתה‬, ‫ ימינה‬and
‫ ש מ א ל ה‬, which are adverbials of direction.

4 For another option, see the discussion on the directional ending ‫ה‬- below. It should also be noted that the
preposition -‫ מ‬can be used also in non-verb sentences, as in: ‫( בוריס מרוסיה‬Boris is from Russia).

IX. Adverbials / 1. W here Expressions

Q: What do these adverbials have in common?

A: They all end in an unstressed ‫;ה‬: ‫ הביתה‬Qia-BAI-ta), ‫( ימינה‬ya-MEE-na‫(׳‬, ‫( שמאלה‬SMO-la). This is
often called the directional heh5 ( ‫ ) ה׳ המגמה‬and usually has the same meaning as ‫ אל‬/ - ‫( ל‬to)
or ‫( לכיוון‬in the direction of):
(to) home 6(...‫ שלו‬,‫ שלך‬,‫הב יתה = אל הבית (שלי‬
(to the) right ‫ימינה = לכיוון ימין‬
(to the) left ‫שמאלה = לכיוון שמאל‬

The directional ending ‫ ;ה‬may be added only to a limited number of words. Here are some
more examples:

Move to the side, please, so that we, too, can see. .‫ כדי שגם אנחנו‬,‫ בבקשה‬,‫ זוז הצדה‬.‫נוכל לראות ו‬ ■<C

The immigrants arrived in (= got to) Israel in 2000. .2000 2. ‫שנת א ן צ ה הגיעו העולים‬

.6 3. ‫כדי להגיע מירושלים לטבריה נוסעים מערבה עד שמגיעים לכביש‬

‫ אפשר גם לנ סוע מזרחה לים ה מ ל ח ושם לפנות צפונה‬.‫ מ ש ם נו ס עי ם צפונה‬.
T T T T! ‫י‬ T T

In order to get from Jerusalem to Tiberias, you go west until you reach the Route 6 exit.
From there, you go north. You can also go east to the Dead Sea and turn north there.

Uri, come here! 1 want to talk to you! !4. ‫ בוא רזנה! ' אני רוצה לדבר איתך‬,‫אורי‬

5. ‫ מצוין‬,‫ זהו‬.‫ ועכשיו ק צ ת אחורה‬,‫ זהו‬,‫! ס ע ק צ ת עןךימה‬

Go a little forward. That's it! Now - back a little. That's it - great!

Some words with a directional ending are used also with verbs that are not strictly verbs of
motion, such as ‫ לטלפן‬/ ‫ לצלצל‬/ ‫( ל ה ת ק ש ר‬the phone) - or ‫( ל ה ס ת כ ל‬to look - in a certain direction), as

Yuval called home. .> ‫יובל התק ש ר הביתה‬ *‫־‬

‫ הילדים הסתכלו שמאלה וימינה לפני שהם חצו את הכביש‬.
The children looked left and right (= to the left and to the right) before they crossed the street.

5 Alternative terms include the directive heh and the locative ending.
6 ‫ הביתה‬means home, as in ‫״‬We went home." It is different from most of the other expressions with a directional
ending in that it is not equivalent to ‫"( לבית‬to the house"). When we say "We went home," we mean: "We went
to our house / home." ‫ הביתה‬always refers to the home of the doer of the action.
7 The word ‫הנה‬, as in "‫( " בוא הנה‬Come here!), means ‫לכאן‬. There is no word ‫ הן‬that means here. In addition, the
word ‫קדימה‬, as in ‫( " ס ע קדימה! ״‬Go forward!) in sentence 5, is based on the word ‫קדים‬, which is not used today
to mean front.

IX. Adverbials / 1. W here Expressions

Did you know?

In informal (spoken) Hebrew, we often hear a sentence like the following:

.‫ הן ישבו שמה שעתיים‬.‫החברות נפגשו בבית קפה‬ ‫>*־‬

The friends met at a cafe. They sat there for two hours.

The final ‫ ה׳‬on ‫( שמה‬there) is actually the directional ending (the equivalent of
‫)לשם‬, but here ‫ שמה‬is used as an adverb o f place, as an alternative to 8.‫שם‬
Interestingly, speakers today do not use ‫ שמה‬at all to mean ‫לשם‬.

Here is a list of the words with a directional ‫ ;ה‬that are most commonly used today:

T * :
T ‫־‬
// ‫הצדה‬
T * ‫־‬
‫קדימה‬ // ‫שמאלה‬T J
T * T

in, out to the side backward(s) forward (to the) left (to the) right
T : ‫־־‬
it ‫מערבה‬
T T‫־‬: ‫־‬
T T: *

to Israel (to the) west, (to the) east. (to the) south. (to the) north.
westward eastward southward northward

T •*
// ‫העירה‬ T * T
here to the city, home
into town

Q: In what way do the words ‫הביתה‬, ‫הצדה‬, ‫ החוצה‬and ‫ העירה‬differ from the rest of the words
with a directional ending?

A: The words ‫הביתה‬, ‫הצדה‬, ‫ החוצה‬and ‫ העירה‬always have the definite article -‫ ה‬in front of them
in addition to the directional ‫־ ה‬. The other words do not.

B e CCireflll! The Hebrew and English use of the definite article -‫ ה‬with these directional
words is not always parallel, for example:

If you go outside you'll see the sunset. .‫ תראו את שקיעת השמש‬,‫אם תצאו החוצה‬ ->
Look to the left to see if cars are coming. .‫תסתכלי שמאלה כדי לראות אם מכוניות באות‬

8 Already inBiblical Hebrew ‫ שמה‬is used to mean not only ‫לשם‬, but also 33) ‫ שם‬times!). Fortwo other examples
in which the directional ending has lost its directional meaning, see the discussion of ‫ למעלה‬and ‫ למסה‬below.

IX. Adverbials / 1. W here Expressions

‫ למסה‬/ ‫( למץלה‬up / down)

Read the following two sentences:
We went up / upstairs. .‫״*״־‬ ‫עלינו למעלה‬C
We went down / downstairs. .‫ירדנו למסה‬
T ‫־‬ !

Q: In what way are the words ‫ למעלה‬and ‫ למסה‬different from the other words with a directional
ending that we have seen so far?

A: These words have both a -‫ ל‬o f direction in front of them and a directional ending:

‫למטה‬ ‫למעלה‬

This is not the only way in which these words are peculiar. Look at the following sentences:

We sat upstairs. .‫־‬ ‫<**ישבנו למעלה‬£

We played downstairs. .‫שיחקנו למסה‬

Q: Do the words ‫ למעלה‬and ‫ למטה‬in these sentences mean to or in the direction op.

A: No. Here they follow the verbs ‫ ישבנו‬and ‫שיחקנו‬, which do not require adverbials of
direction. Even though ‫ למעלה‬and ‫ למטה‬have two signs of direction (-‫ ל‬and ‫);ה‬, in these
sentences they are adverbials of place, like ‫ שם‬or ‫בבית‬.

The verb that accompanies ‫ למעלה‬and ‫ למטה‬determines their meaning. If it is a verb of motion,
they indicate direction (to, towards, u p / upstairs or dow n/ downstairs). If the verb is n o t a verb
of motion, they indicate a place ( upstairs or downstairs).

D id y o u k n o w ?
In Biblical Hebrew the directional ending was much more common than if is
today. For exam ple, the follow ing expressions appear in the Bible but are not
used in M odern Hebrew:

T I "**

to the east to the south to the west

(lit.: to the Negev) (lit.: to the sea)

In the Bible, the directional ending is often used a t the end o f place names, as in:

‫לבנונה‬ ‫בבלה‬ ‫מצרימה‬

to Lebanon to Babylon to Egypt

IX. Adverbials / 1. W here Expressions

We still encounter remnants of this usage in literary or pseudo-literary Hebrew

today, as in:

.‫ ובערב חזרנו תל אביבה‬,‫בבוקר נסענו ירושלימה‬

In the morning w e w ent to Jerusalem, and in the evening w e returned to Tel Aviv.

Note: Today, we add ‫ה‬- only to certain place names.

(14,‫״ ופרצת ימה וקדמה ועפינה ונגבה״(ביאשיתב״ח‬

X : VX x x : X : ‫■■ י‬X X X X : - X

" shall spread out to the west and to the east,

to the north and to the south" (Genesis 28:14, JPS translation)

Let's review
♦ The directional ending (an unstressed ‫ ה‬-) is added onto a limited number of
words in Modern Hebrew. This ending is equivalent in meaning to
‫ לכיוון‬/ ‫ א ל‬/ -‫( ל‬to, toward, in a direction).

The driver turned right (= to the right). .‫ הנהג פנה ימינה״*־‬C

We went out / outside. .‫יצאנו ה חו צ ה‬

♦ Some of the words with a directional ending have -‫ ה‬on the front as well, such
as ‫ החוצה‬, ‫ הביתה‬and ‫ ה צ ד ה‬.

♦ The directional ending is used on words after verbs of motion such as ,‫ הגיע‬,‫הלך‬
‫ נסע‬or after verbs which involve direction, such as ‫ צלצל‬and ‫הסתכל‬.

‫‪IX. Adverbials /‬‬ ‫‪1. W here Expressions‬‬

‫? ‪W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d‬‬
‫‪A. Choose the correct form.‬‬

‫‪ .1‬הילדים סיפרו‪ :‬עמדנו ליד _____________ והסתכלנו ______________ ראינו מכונית פונה‬
‫ב‪( .‬ימין ‪ /‬ימינה)‬ ‫א‪( .‬הבית ‪ /‬הביתה)‬

‫____________ ואחר כך עוצרת _____________הכביש‪ .‬הנהג יצא _____________‬

‫ה‪( .‬בחוץ ‪ /‬החוצה)‬ ‫ד‪( .‬בצד‪ /‬הצדה)‬ ‫ג‪( .‬שמאל ‪ /‬שמאלה)‬

‫וצעק לנו להיכנס ______________ ה ו א אמר שאנחנו עומדים במקום מסוכן‪.‬‬

‫ו‪( .‬בפגים ‪ /‬פנימה)‬

‫‪ .2‬בשבוע הבא ניסע _____________ ונטייל בגליל‪ .‬לא היינו _____________ כבר חצי שנה‪.‬‬
‫(בצפון ‪ /‬צפונה)‬ ‫(צפון ‪ /‬צפונה)‬

‫‪ .3‬לא היינו _____________ הרבה זמן ולא התקשרנו _____________ כבר שבוע‪.‬‬
‫(בבית ‪ /‬הביתה)‬ ‫(בבית ‪ /‬הביתה)‬

‫‪ .1‬א‪ .‬הבית ב‪ .‬ימינה ג‪ .‬שמאלה ד‪ .‬בצד ה‪ .‬החוצה ו‪ .‬פנימה ‪ .2‬צפונה‪ ,‬בצפון ‪ .3‬בבית‪ ,‬הביתה‬

‫‪-.‬ה ‪B. Translate into Hebrew using a form with the directional‬‬

‫‪W hen you (m.s.) go backwards (i.e., in reverse), you need to check that no .1‬‬
‫‪one is behind the car .‬‬

‫‪2. The guard asked the people who were standing next to the gate to move‬‬
‫‪to the side.‬‬

‫‪ .1‬כשאתה נוסע אחורה‪ ,‬אתה צריך לבדוק שאין אף אחד מאחורי המכונית‪.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬השומר ביקש מהאנשים שעמדו ליד השער לזה הצדה‪.‬‬

2 . When Expressions
P review
• Expressing when from the present moment
)...‫ בשבוע הבא‬,‫ בעוד שבוע‬,‫ ביום שלישי‬,‫(היום‬
• Expressing when: Telling a story that begins at a different point in time
)...‫ ם ק ^ ם לכן‬1‫ י‬,‫(למחרת‬
• The expressions ‫ כבר‬,‫ עדיין‬and the like

‫ ״‬Expressing when from the present moment

).‫ בשבוע הבא״‬,‫ בעוד שבוע‬,‫ ביום שלישי‬,‫(היום‬
Let’s look at a few lines that Miri wrote in her diary when she was a child:

Tuesday, February 26, 2002

Today is Purim1 and there's no school! It's quite cool outside and it's raining. Both yesterday and the day
before yesterday it rained from morning till evening, wo years ago it also rained on Purim. Maybe tonight
the rain will stop. It always rains on Purim, and our costumes get ruined. What a shame! Tomorrow and the
day after tomorrow it'll be warm. That's strange, since last week it even snowed here a little. In a few weeks
it'll be Passover vacation, and we'll be going to Eilat. I can't wait! So long, dear diaiy, I'll write to you again
next Tuesday (lit.: on Tuesday next week).

1 Purim is a Jewish holiday.

IX. Adverbials / 2. When Expressions

All o f the when expressions highlighted in the passage above relate to time from the perspective
of the present moment. They are examples o f the expressions that will be discussed in this

When expressions with ‫ה־‬: ...‫ הבוקר‬,‫( היום‬today, this morning..,)

Miri uses many time expressions in her diary, including ‫ הי(ים‬and ‫הערב‬.

Q: What do these expressions have in common?

A: They both begin with -‫ ה‬. Here are some similar expressions:

this morning ‫לן ר‬1‫הב‬

this evening ‫הערב‬
this week ‫השבוע‬
this year ‫השנה‬

In these expressions, -‫ ה‬is equivalent to the English this. The expressions ‫ היום‬and ‫ הלילה‬happen
to have a different translation:
today ‫היום‬
tonight ‫הלילה‬

We use this same -‫ =( ה‬this) with other units of time as well, for example:

1 barely used the computer this semester..‫כמעט לא השתמשתי במחשב ה ס מ ס ט ר‬

Our team didn't succeed this season. .‫הקבוצה שלנו לא הצליחה העונה‬
This time the players weren't prepared. . ‫הפעם השחקנים לא היו מוכנים‬

O f all the expressions above, only ‫ היום‬has a variant form: ‫ ם‬1‫כי‬. This form is sometimes used in
formal Hebrew, especially in the newspaper, and means nowadays, these days.

Special single-word when expressions: ‫ שלשום‬and ‫מחרתיים‬

In her diary Miri wrote:

Both yesterday and the day before yesterday it rained. .‫״־‬ ‫ ל וגם שלשום ירד גשם‬1‫*גם אתמ‬SC

2 For more time expressions, see the next chapter and also the chapter "When‘?: Time Sentences," pp. 917-943.

IX. Adverbials / 2 . When Expressions

When we count days backwards, starting from today, we go back one day to ‫ א ת מו ל‬, and if we
go back another day, we reach :‫ש ל שו ם‬

‫היום‬ =< ‫א ת מו ל‬ =< ‫של שום‬

today yesterday the day
before yesterday

The word ‫ של שום‬is a bit confusing in that it is based on the number ‫( שלוש‬three), i.e., three
days before today including today. It may be easier to disregard this connection. The meaning
of ‫ של שום‬is similar to ‫( לפני יומיים‬two days ago). There is no one-word equivalent of ‫ של שום‬in

Miri also wrote:

.‫מ ח ר וגם מ ח ר תיי ם יהיה ח ם יותר‬ ->
Tomorrow and also he day after tomorrow it will be warmer.

The word ‫( מ ח ר תיי ם‬m o-cho-ra-TA -yeem ),3too, doesn't have a one-word equivalent in English.

When we count the days that come after today, the next day is ‫ מ ח ר‬and the one following it is
:‫מ ח ר תיי ם‬
‫מ ח ר תיי ם‬
‫־‬ • tt : t
>^= ‫מחר‬ >= ‫היום‬
the day after tomorrow today

The meaning of ‫ מ ח ר תיי ם‬is similar to ‫( בעוד יומיים‬in two days). The form ‫ מ ח ר תיי ם‬has a dual ending
‫יען‬- (-A-yeem), often used to indicate the number two. 111 this case: in two days.4

Let's review
♦ So far we have seen the following time expressions relating to the present
m nm pflt‫׳‬

‫מ ח ר תיים‬
‫• ־־‬ tt: t
‫מחר‬ ‫היום‬ ‫א ת מו ל‬ ‫שלשום‬
the day after tomorrow today yesterday the day
tomorrow before yesterday

3 The first two syllables oTthe pronunciation/wo-67?r;-rfl-7.l-1e£‫׳‬w/arc usually combined, and the word is pronounced
moch-ro-TA-veem by most native speakers today. The incorrect pronunciation mach-ra-TA-yeem is also
commonly heard.
4 See "Did you know?" below' on time words with the dual ending ‫יים‬:.

IX. Adverbials / 2. When Expressions

When expressions with ‫ב־‬

When we ask ‫( מתיז‬When?), our answer often begins with ‫ב־‬, as in Miri's final lines:

i'll write to you again on Tuesday. .‫שלישי אכתוב לך שוב ביום‬

Notice that the English equivalent of -‫ ב‬when we speak of days of the week is on. In other time
expressions, the English equivalent may be at or in, for example:

We'll meet at 6:00 / at 8:00 / at 10 o'clock. .10:00 ‫ ב שעה‬/ 8:00 -‫ ב‬/ 6:00-‫ניפגש ב‬
We'll speak at noon (lit.: at the noon). .‫נדבר בצהריים‬
We won't get up early in the morning. .‫לא נקום מוקדם בבוקר‬
We'll go out to eat in the evening. ♦‫נצא לאכול בערב‬

Be careful! Despite the frequent use o f -‫ ב‬in time expressions, the Hebrew equivalent
o f in the afternoon has no -‫ב‬. Rather, it begins with ‫ אסר‬or :‫אתרי‬

‫ אחרי הצהריים‬/ ‫ עשינו את שיעורי הבית שלנו אחר הצהריים‬. <C

We did our homework in the afternoon.

W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d ?
Translate the following sentences.

1. The day before yesterday we wrote a composition.

2. On Tuesday the doctor arrived at the hospital.

3. In the morning Dalit runs one kilometer. In the afternoon she goes to the pool

4. Avi buys the newspaper in the morning, but he reads it at night.

5. The day after tomorrow we'll be in Italy.

6. There's an important meeting tonight.

IX. Adverbials / 2. When Expressions

.‫ ביום שלישי הגיע הרופא לבית החולים‬. 2 .‫ שלשום כתבנו חיבור‬.1
.‫ אחרי הצהריים היא הולכת לברכה‬.‫ בבוקר דלית רצה קילומטר‬.3
.‫ מחרתיים נהיה באיטליה‬.5 .‫ אבי קונה עיתון בבוקר אבל קורא אותו בלילה‬.4
.‫ ישיבה חשובה הערב‬/ ‫ יש פגישה‬.6

More expressions with ‫ב־‬: ...‫ בשנה שעברה‬/ ‫( בשבוע שעבר‬last week / last year...)
...‫ בש נה הבאה‬/ ‫( בשב ו^ הבא‬next week / next year...)
In her diary, Miri used other time expressions that begin with -‫ב‬:

Last week it even snowed here a little. .‫ בר אפילו ירד כאן קצת שלג‬3‫ בשבוע שג‬.‫ו‬
i'll write to you again next week. .2. ‫אכתוב לך שוב ב שבו ע הבא‬

Until now, we have seen that - ‫ ב‬in Hebrew time expressions can be translated on, at and in.
Here, on the other hand, - ‫ ב‬has no equivalent preposition in English.

‫שעבר‬. . . ‫ב־‬
Let's take a closer look at expressions similar to ‫ ב ש בו ע ש?(בר‬.

Last year Miri found her old diary. .*‫־‬ ‫ת היומן הישן שלה‬
Last month she read it agam. .2. ‫ ךש שעבר היא קראה אותו שוב‬1‫בח‬

Notice that the past tense verb ‫ עבר‬changes according to the time word used. In the first sentence,
the word ‫ שנה‬is feminine, therefore the verb ‫ עברה‬is feminine. In the next sentence, ‫ חודש‬is
masculine, thus the verb ‫ עבר‬is masculine. ‫ ש ע ב ר ה‬/‫שעבר‬...-‫ ב‬may be used with other words, too,
such as:
‫בשיעור שעברי‬ ‫בפעם שעברה‬ ‫בסמסטר שעבר‬ ‫בעונה שעברה‬
at the last lesson / class last time last semester last season

Be careful! In the following two sentences, two different Hebrew expressions have
the same English equivalent - last week:

Last week was a difficult week. .‫ השבוע שעבר היה שבוע קשה‬.‫ו‬
Last week we flew to Greece. .2. ‫בשבוע שעבר טסנו ליוון‬

5 This usage is limited to certain words, such as those mentioned here. With words such as ‫ פגישה‬we tend to
say: ‫( בפגישה הקודמת‬at the previous / last meeting). We also say, as an alternative to the above: ,‫בשיעור הקודם‬
‫ בסמסטר הקודם‬,‫ בפעם הקודמת‬.

IX. Adverbials / 2. When Expressions

In the first sent ence, ‫ השב וע שעבר‬doesn't describe when (it is not an adverbial), but rather
it is the subject of the sentence. In the second sentence, the opening phrase - ‫בשבוע שעבר‬
- answers the question When? and thus has a -.‫ב‬

When we talk about the future from the perspective o f the present moment, we can use phrases
that correspond to next week, next month, next year (lit.: in the week that comes or in the coming
Next week Miri will be in Haifa. ,.‫בשבוע הבא מירי תהיה בחיפהו‬
T ‫־־‬ ‫־־‬ T ‫־־‬

Next month she'll fly to England. .2. ‫בחה־ש הבא היא ת ט ו ס לאנגליה‬
Next year she'll visit the United States. .3. ‫בשנה הבאה היא תבקר בארה״ב‬

Here the present tense verb ‫ בא‬changes according to the time word used. In sentences 1 and 2,
the words ‫ שבוע‬and ‫ חודש‬are masculine, thus the verb ‫ בא‬is masculine. In sentence 3, we use the
feminine form ‫ באה‬because the word ‫ שנה‬is feminine. Notice that in these expressions we use
­‫ ה‬instead o f 6.‫ש־‬

Here are more examples :

‫ביום שלישי הבא‬ ‫בפעם הבאה‬ ‫ב ס מ ס ט ר הבא‬
next Tuesday next time next semester

W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d ?
Translate the fo llo w in g sentences.

1. Last month we saw an interesting movie.

2. Next month we'll go to the theater.

3. You ( were in Eilat last year.

4. Next Tuesday we'll go to the supermarket.

5. Last Shabbat we went to the synagogue.

6 On the use of - ‫ ה‬instead of ‫ש־‬, see the chapter "Clauses the Add Information to Nouns," pp. 873-875.

IX. Adverbials / 2. When Expressions

6. Last semester I took a course on the history o f Spain.

7. I want to go up north next week.

A nsw ers:

.‫ הייתם באילת בעונה שעברה‬.3 .‫ בחורש הבא נלך לתאטרון‬.2 .‫ בחודש שעבר ראינו סרט מעניין‬.1
.‫ בשבת שעברה (בשבת שעברה) הלכנו לבית הכנסת‬.5 .‫ ביום שלישי הבא נלך לסופרמרקט‬.4
.‫ אני רוצה לנסוע לצפון בשבוע הבא‬.7 .‫ בסמסטר שעבר ל מד תי(לק ח תי) קורס על ההיסטוריה של ספרד‬.6

‫ לפני‬and ‫ בעוד‬before units o f time

Two more expressions that we use to talk about the past and future from the perspective of the
present moment begin with the prepositions ‫ לפני‬and ‫בעוד‬.

...‫ חודש‬,‫)) לפני שבוע‬... a week ago, a month ago

If we wish to speak about Miri's past, including her immediate past, we can use the preposition
‫ לפני‬and add a unit of time (for example : ‫ שנה‬,‫ חודש‬,‫ שבוע‬,‫ יומיים‬,‫(דקה‬, as in 7:

.‫לפני חמש שנים מירי עברה מחיפה לירושלים‬ *‫>־‬

Five years ago Miri moved from Haifa to Jerusalem.

In Hebrew, five years ago is, literally, before five years.

Here are some more examples:

A year ago she began to work at the university. .‫לפני שנה היא התחילה לעבוד באוניברסיטה‬
A minute ago the president of the university called her. .‫לפני דקה נשיא האוניברסיטה התקשר אליה‬

‫בעוד שבוע♦ תודש‬... (in a week, in a month...)

If we wish to speak about the future, we can use the word ‫ ד‬1‫( בע‬lit.: in another) followed by a unit
of time:
in a second Yaron will call Miri. .'‫* בעוד שנייה ירון יצלצל אל מ יר י ״‬SC
she will finish her research in a month. .‫ה יא תסיים את המחקר בעוד חודש‬

Notice that the compound form ‫ בעוד‬- and not just the preposition -‫ ב‬- corresponds to the
English in in these expressions.

7 As in English, we do not add the word ‫ יום‬to ‫לפני‬, but rather we use the single word ‫( אתמול‬yesterday).

IX. Adverbials / 2. When Expressions

Did you know?

Time words with the dual ending ‫יים‬:
The ending ‫יים‬: (-A-yeem), found on the words ‫ שתיים‬/ ‫( שניים‬two), is added to
the following time words to mean two:

‫פעמיים‬ ‫שנתיים‬ ‫חודשיים‬ ‫שבועיים‬ ‫יומיים‬ ‫שבתיים‬

two times, two years two months two weeks two days two hours

In the above forms, the dual ending is added to the singular form:

‫פעם => פעמיים‬ ‫ חוךשיים‬4= ‫חודש‬ ‫יום => יומיים‬ ‫>»־‬

When the singular form begins with □ (ah), the vowel changes to shva *

she-'a-TA-yeem ‫שץה => שץתיים‬ shvoo-'A-yeem -‫שבוע־‬4= ‫<*שבועיים‬

shna-TA-yeem ‫שנתיים=>שנה‬

In the forms of ‫ שעה‬and ‫שנה‬, a ‫ ת׳‬takes the place of the final '‫ה‬: ‫ שנתיים‬,‫ שץתיים‬.
We also get a ‫ ת׳‬in other time words that have a dual ending: ‫( מחרתיים‬the day
after tomorrow, i.e., two days from today) and ‫( בינתיים‬in the meantime), which
seems to mean: between two times,
The word ‫( צהריים‬noon) (tso-ho-RA-yeem) appears to have a dual ending, which
may reflect the fact that it comes in between two time periods: morning and

W ant to see if you've understood?

T ra n sla te the f o l l o w i n g sentences.

1. W e're going home in ten days.

8 See the chapter "Reduction of Vowels and the Shva" pp. 640-644.
9 This is the same phenomenon as when the ‫( ;ה‬-ah) ending changes to ‫ת‬: (-at) in phrases like ‫פלהשמלה=־>שמלת‬
and when possessive endings are added: ‫שמלתי‬. See the chapter "Nouns with Possessive Endings," pp. 62-63.
10 See the chapter, "When?: Time Sentences," p. 940, for the way ‫ בינתיים‬is used.
11 There is also a possibility that this is not really a dual ending. See Paul Jouon and T. Muraoka, 1996, vol. I,
p. 275.

IX. Adverbials / 2. When Expressions

2. W e were there a month ago.

3. Tamar flew to Europe a week ago.

4. She'll come back in another two weeks.

5. I was in Italy two years ago.

.‫ר אינו א ת ע ו פ ר לפני ש ל ו ש ה י מי ם‬ .6

.‫נר אה א ת ט לי ב עו ד שבוע‬ .7

Answ ers:

.‫ היינו שם לפני חודש‬.2 .‫ ניסע) הביתה בעוד עשרה ימים‬:‫אנחנו נוסעים (או‬ .1
.‫ הייתי באיטליה לפני שנתיים‬.5 .‫ היא תחזור בעוד שבועיים‬.4 .‫תמר טסה לאירופה לפני שבוע‬ .3
6. W e saw O fe r three days ago. 7. W e'll see Tali in a week / i n another week.

Let's review
♦ In Hebrew, the definite article -‫ ה‬is used to express this in time words, as in:

-‫י‬ ‫השנה‬ ‫בוע‬

this year this week this evening this morning

The following two words have a different translation:

‫הלילה‬ ‫היום‬
tonight today

♦ Hebrew has special single-word time indicators that English doesn't have:

‫־־ ־‬ T T! T
‫שלשום‬ ! '

the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday

IX. Adverbials / 2. When Expressions

♦ Often the preposition -‫ ב‬is used to indicate a point in time;

‫בשנה הב אה‬ ‫בשבוע שעבר‬ ‫בצהריים‬ ‫בבוקר‬ ‫ביום שלישי‬ ->

next year last week at noon in the morning on Tuesday

♦ The last word in the following expressions matches the noun that precedes it:

masculine, ‫ב שבוע הבא‬ ‫ב שבוע שעבר‬ ->

feminine : ‫בשנה הבאה‬ ‫בשנה שעברה‬

♦ We use ‫ לפני‬and ‫ בעוד‬in the following expressions:

a week ago ‫לפני שבוע‬ -*>

in a week ‫בעוד שבוע‬

W ant to see if you've understood?

Tra n sla te the f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e s . 1‫'־‬

1. The day before yesterday I spoke to Yonatan about our philosophy course.

2. The day after tomorrow we have an exam on Plato (‫)אפלט ו ן‬.

3. We met twice to speak about Hegel's philosophy.

4. On M onday we'll meet at noon.

5. Today, at 4 :0 0 o'clock in the afternoon, we'll speak on the phone.

6. Tonight I'll take (lit.: make) a break from studying and go to a movie.

12 Afternoon and evening hours in Hebrew are usually written as 13:00 (=1:00 p.m.), 20:00 (=8:00 p.m.).
We have written hours like this (by adding 12 to afternoon and evening hours) in the answers.

IX. Adverbials / 2. W hen Expressions

7. This week I'm going to go to the pool every morning at 6:30.

Answ ers:
.‫ מחרתיים יש לנו מבחן על אפלטון‬.2 .‫ו שלשום דיברתי עם יונתן על הקורס שלנו בפילוסופיה‬
.‫ בעם שני ניפגש בצהריים‬.4 .‫ נפגשנו פעמיים כדי לדבר על הפילוסופיה של הגל‬.3
.‫ הלילה אעשה הפסקה בלימודים ואלך לסרט‬.6 .‫ אחרי הצהריים נדבר בטלפון‬16:00 ‫ העם בשעה‬.5
.6:30-‫ השבוע אלך לברכה כל בוקר ב‬.7

• Expressing when: Telling a story that begins

at a different point in time (...‫ יום ק ודם לכן‬, ‫) למחרת‬
Starting from a point in the past
Let's look again at a few lines from Miri's diary when she was a child:

Tuesday, Februrary 26, 2002

It's Purim and there's no school today! Also tomorrow there's no school. It's quite cool outside and it's raining.
Yesterday it also rained. It always rains on Purim and our costumes get ruined. In three days we go back to
school - but it's not so bad since in a few weeks it'll be Passover vacation, and we'll go to Eilat. I can't wait!

IX. Adverbials / 2. When Expressions

Some years have passed since Miri wrote in her diary on February 26, 2002. Today Miri finds
her diary, reads the entry and recalls what happened. She begins with the events that took place
on February 26, 2002 and continues on from there:

‫היום‬ ‫יום חמישי‬ ‫יום רביעי‬ ‫יום שלישי‬ ‫יום שני‬

today Thurs. Wed. 4-— Tues. —‫►־־‬ Mon.
Min reads March 28 Feb. 27 Feb. 26 Feb. 25
her old diary 2002 2002 2002 2002
Passover no school Purim rainy day
(no school)
date of diary

Now let's see what when expressions she will use when she recalls what happened.

...‫ ב י ום הה וא‬,‫( גא ות ו יום‬on that day...)

When Miri begins recalling what happened, she thinks:

.‫ היה פורים ולא היו לימודים באותו יום‬2002 ,‫ בפברואר‬26 ,‫יום שלישי‬ ->
Tuesday, February 26, 2002 was Purim, and there was no school (on) that day.

Notice that when Miri thinks about what happened beginning from a point in time other than
now, she can't use the same time expressions she had used at the time the events took place.
Instead of ‫( היום‬today) she uses ‫( בא ות ו יום‬on that day).1 In more formal style, she could say
‫ ב עם הה וא‬.

When we have a situation like this, we use expressions like ‫ ביום הה וא‬/ ‫בא ות ו יום‬. For describing
longer periods of time, we use:
‫בא ות ן שנים‬
* T T
‫בא ותה שנה‬
‫ שבוע‬,‫בא ות ו‬
T T T : — T

or: T ‫ ־‬T
‫ן בשניםהה יאבשנההה וא בשבוע‬
‫־־ ־‬ T T ‫־‬ ‫־‬ ‫־‬ T —

These expressions may be translated in various ways depending on the context: in that year
(month, week. ..), that same year {month, week...) and the like.

13 For a more in-depth discussion of expressions using ...‫ א ותה‬, ‫א ותו‬, see the chapter "Making Comparisons,"
pp. 350-351.

IX. Adverbials / 2. When Expressions

‫( למתות‬the next day)

When Miri continues to recall what happened, she thinks:

Also the next day

there was no school..‫גם למחרת לא היו לימודים‬rr: t :

Now Miri is thinking about the day after Purim in 2002. She cannot use ‫( מחר‬tomorrow) any
more. Here she uses the formal word ‫( למחרת‬le-mo-cho-RAT)14 to refer to the next day.

...‫ כעב ור יומיים‬,...‫( אתר י יומיים‬two days / a week... later)

When we speak o f two or more days later, there are a variety of expressions that may be used.
Here are some of them:

Two days / a week / a year later... (informal) ‫ שנה‬/ ‫ שבוע‬/ ‫ איורי יומיים‬.
Two days/a week/a year later... (formal) ‫ שנה‬/ ‫ שבוע‬/ ‫ל א ח ר יומיים‬
Two days / a week / a year later... (formal) ‫ שנה‬/ ‫ שבוע‬/ ‫ כעבור יומיים‬.

These expressions are always preceded by a sentence (i.e., they never appear at the beginning
of a story). Here are some examples, all of which have the same meaning:

(informal) .‫ אחרי כמה שבועות היא נסעה לאילתמירי‬.‫מן בפורים‬

(formal) .‫ לאחר כמה שבועות היא נסעה לאילתמירי‬.‫מן בפורים‬
(formal) .‫ כעבור כמה שבועות היא נסעה לאילתמירי‬.‫ן בפורים‬
Miri wrote in her diary on Purim. Several weeks later she went to Eilat.

Please note: The word ‫ כעבור‬when referring to time may only be followed by a unit of time
...‫ כעבור חודש‬,‫ כעב ור שבוע‬or by a phrase with the word ‫זמן‬, as in: ‫( כעבור זמן קצר‬a short time later).15
The words ‫ אחרי‬and ‫ לאחר‬are similar to ‫ כעבור‬in that - as you can see above - they, too, may be
followed by a unit of time when they mean "later," as in: a week later, a month later. The words
‫ אחרי‬and ‫ לאחר‬are, however, more versatile than ‫ כעבור‬since they can be followed by nouns that
are not units of time (...‫ לאחר הש יע ור‬, ‫)אחר י ההצגה‬.

14 This expression may also be pronounced ‫( למחרת‬la-mo-cho-RAT), which is a more formal pronunciation.
15 There are also uses where ‫ כעבור‬is followed by a measure of distance, for example:
.‫ כעבור מאה קילומטרים ע צ תו להפסקה‬.‫<• נסענו מירושלים לאילת‬
We traveled from Jerusalem to Eilat. After (going) a hundred kilometers, we stopped and took a break.

IX. Adverbials / 2. When Expressions

...‫ יום לאתי מפן‬,‫( מם אחד בך‬a day later, the day after that...)
Instead of ‫ למחרת‬and ‫שבוע‬/‫כעבור יומיים‬/‫ אחרי‬, we can also use expressions that begin with the
time unit (...‫ שבוע‬,‫ יומיים‬,‫) יום‬, for example:

a day later, a day after that ‫** יום אחר כך־־‬C

(formal) ‫יום לארור מכן‬
(formal)16 ‫יום אחרי כן‬

two days later ‫ יומיים אחר כך‬-<C

a week later ‫שבוע אחר כך‬

Like the other expressions which are used for telling a story from a different point o f time,
these, too, never begin a story, but rather appear at some point after the opening sentence. For
example, Miri might recall:

‫ ב א מ ת‬.‫ כמה שבועות לארור מכן הייתה חו פ ש ת ה פ ס ח ונסענו לאילת‬.‫ביום שני בערב חגגנו א ת פורים‬
!‫היה כיף‬
On Monday evening we celebrated Purim. A few weeks later was Passover vacation, and we went down
to Eilat. It was really a lot of fun!

...‫ יום לפני כן‬,‫( יום קודם לכן‬on the day before, a day before that...)
Once Miri referred back to the date on which she wrote her diary entiy, she could either refer to
what happened after that date, as we saw above (‫ כמה שבו עו ת אחר כך‬,‫ כעבור שבוע‬/ ‫ אחרי‬,‫) ל מ ח ר ת‬,
or she could recall what happened before that date, as in the following:

.‫ ץ ם לכן ירד גשם‬1‫ גם יום ק‬.‫בפורים היה די קריר בחוץ וירד גשם‬ -‫>־‬
On Purim it was quite cool outside and it rained. Also the day before that it rained.

When Miri refers to something that happened on the day before, she can use one of the following
expressions (in this case she used the first one):

the day before (that) (formal) ‫ ך ם לכן יום‬1‫ק‬

(formal) 17‫יום לפני כן‬
(lessformal) ‫יום קודם‬
(informal) ‫יום לפני זה‬

16 In formal Hebrew, we also use expressions l i ke: ‫ ב י ום שלאוזר מפן‬- on the day after that.
17 We can also use expressions similar t o: ‫ ב י ום שלפני כן‬- on the day before (that).

IX. Adverbials / 2 . When Expressions

Let's review
Comparing Miri's diary and her recollection o f what happened
Here is a comparison of Miri's diary entry and her recollection of what happened.
Note the changes in the time expressions. See the next "Let's review" for a list of
these time expressions.

❖ Miri's present day recollection ♦ The diary (written on Tuesday,

o f what happened‫״‬. Feb. 26, 2002):

‫ ולא היו‬,‫ היה פורים‬26.2.02 ‫ יום שלישי‬. 1 !‫ ואין לימודים היום‬- ‫היום פורים‬ .‫ו‬
.‫לימודים באותו יום‬
Tuesday, February 26, was Purim, and It's Purim and there's no school today!
there was no school (on) that day.

.‫ גם למחרת לא היו לימודים‬.2 .‫גם מחר אין לימודים‬ .2

Also he next day there was no school. Also tomorrow there's no school.

‫ גם יום קודם‬.‫ היה די קריר בחוץ וירד גשם‬.3 .‫ גם אתמול ירד גשם‬.‫ די קריר בחוץ ויורד גשם‬.3
.‫לכן ירד גשם‬
It was quite cool outside and it rained. It's quite cool outside and it is raining.
The day before that it also rained. Yesterday it also rained.

...‫ אבל‬,‫ כעבור שלושה ימים חזרנו לבית הספר‬.4 - ‫בעוד שלושה ימים נחזור לבית הספר‬ .4
...‫ כי‬,‫אבל לא נורא‬
Three weeks later we went back to school, In three days we go back to school -
but... but it's not so bad since...

‫ כמה שבועות לאחר מכן הייתה חופשת הפסח‬.5 ,‫בעוד כמה שבועות תהיה חופשת הפסח‬ .5
!‫ באמת היה כיף‬.‫ונסענו לאילת‬ !‫ איזה כיף‬.‫ואנחנו ניסע לאילת‬
A few weeks later was Passover vacation, In a few weeks it will be Passover
and we went down to Eilat. It was really vacation, and we’ll go to Eilat. I can't
a lot of fun! wait!

IX. Adverbials / 2. When Expressions

Starting a story from a point in the future

Let's say today is Friday, February 22, 2002 - the Friday before Miri wrote the diary entry on

‫יום חמישי‬ ‫יום רביעי‬ ‫יום שלישי‬ ‫יום שני‬ ‫יום שישי‬
Thurs. 4~— Wed. «‫—־‬ Tues. 4‫—־‬ Mon. Fri.
March 28 Feb. 27 Feb. 26 Feb. 25 Feb. 22
2002 2002 2002 2002 2002
Passover no school Purim rainy day today
(no school)
date of diaiy

If Miri had predicted on that day - Friday, February 22, 2002 - what would happen the next
week on Purim, she could have written the following:

Friday, February 22, 2002

On Tuesday there won't be school because we'll celebrate Purim (on) that day. Also the next day there won't
be school. On Purim it'll be quite cool outside and it'll rain. Also the day before that it'll rain. It always rains
on Purim and ruins our costumes, iree days later we'll go back to school, but a few weeks later it'll be
Passover vacation, and we'll go down to Eilat. It's really going to be fun!

Compare the expressions used here to those used above, when Miri recalled what had happened
ten years before )‫ כמה שבועות לאחר מכן‬,‫ כעבור שלושה ימים‬,‫ יום קודם לכן‬,‫ למחרת‬,‫(באותו יום‬.

IX. Adverbials / 2 . When Expressions

Q: Are the time expressions here different from those she used above when recalling the
events after they had occurred?

A: No These are the same time expressions.

W henever we start a story from a moment other than the present, we first note the beginning
point of the story (here: ‫ ) ביום שלישי‬and then use the expressions we saw above: ,‫באותו יום‬
‫ שבוע אחר כך‬,‫ אחרי שבוע‬,‫ למחרת‬and the like. This is true when we begin a story in the past, as
Miri did above, or when we begin in the future.

Let's review
The choice of time expressions in a story depends on the starting point:

♦ Starting the story from a point other than ♦ Starting the story from the
the present - looking to the future present - looking to the future
‫ ביום ההוא‬/ ‫באותו יום‬ today ‫היום‬
)on) that day, the same day
the next day, a day later ,‫ יום אחר כך‬/ ‫למחרת‬ tomorrow ‫מחר‬
)‫ יום לאחר מכן‬,‫(יום אחרי כן‬
two days (a week...) later ‫ שבוע אחר כך‬/ ‫יומיים‬ ...‫ שבוע‬/ ‫בעוד יומיים‬
in two days (in a week...)
two days (a week...) later ...‫ שבוע‬/ ‫אחרי יומיים‬
...‫ שבוע‬/ ‫לאחר יומיים‬
...‫ שבוע‬/ ‫כעבור יומיים‬

♦ Starting from a point other than the ♦ Starting from the present -
present - looking to the past looking to the past
the day before (that) ‫קודם לכן‬ ‫יום‬ yesterday ‫אתמול‬
‫לפני כן‬ ‫יום‬
‫קודם‬ ‫יום‬
informal: ‫לפני זה‬ ‫יום‬

two days (a week...) ‫ קודם לכן‬...‫ שבוע‬/ ‫יומיים‬ ...‫ שבוע‬/ ‫לפני יומיים‬
before that ‫לפני כן‬ two days (a week...) ago
informal. ‫לפני זה‬

IX. Adverbials / 2. When Expressions

W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d ?
You are responsible for the Italian Prime Minister's upcoming visit to Israel. Here is his
tentative schedule:

Sunday, Nov. 13 13.11 , ‫יום ראשון‬

8:30 a.m. Arrival in Israel 8:30 ‫הגעה לישראל‬
10 a.m. Yad Vashem 1 0:00 ‫יד ושם‬
2 p.m. Rabin's grave, Mt. Herzl 14:00‫־‬ ‫קבר רבין בהר הרצל‬

Monday, Nov. 14 14.11 , ‫יום שני‬

8 :0 0 ‫ארוחת בוקר עם ראש הממשלה‬
8 a.m. Breakfast with the PrimeMinister
4 p.m. Speech at the Knesset 16: 00 ‫נאום בכנסת‬
2 0 :0 0 ‫מופע של להקת המחול ״בת שבע״‬
8 p.m. Performance byBat Sheva dance troupe

Tuesday, Nov. 15 15. 11 , ‫יום שלישי‬

8 a.m. Breakfast with the President 8 :0 0 ‫אר!חת בוקר עם הנשיא‬
12 noon Return flight to Italy 12:00 ‫ ה חזרה לאיטליה‬0 ‫טי‬

It is now a month before the visit and the Israeli president's secretary calls to ask about
the Prime Minister's schedule. Start by telling when the Prime Minister will meet with
the Israeli president. Use the following expressions to fill in the blanks.

)2x ( ‫ למחרת‬/ ‫ שעתיים אחר כן‬/ ‫ יומיים לפני כן‬/ ‫ באותו בוקר‬/ ‫כמה שעות לאחר מכן‬

‫ הוא יגיע לי שר אל‬.‫ בבוקר ראש הממ שלה יאכל ארו ח ת בוקר ע ם הנשיא‬8:00 ‫ ) ב־‬15.11( ‫ביום שלי שי‬

‫ הוא‬, 10:00 ‫ ב שעה‬, _____________________ .‫ בבוקר‬8:30 -‫ ) ב‬13.11‫_____________________ ( ב־‬

) 2( )1 (
_______________ /‫ _________________________ ה ו א יבקר בקבר רבי ן ב״הר הר צל׳‬/ ‫יבקר ב״יד ו ש ם‬
) 4( ) 3(
.‫ הוא ינא ם בכנסת‬16:00 ‫ ב שעה‬.‫ הוא יאכל ע ם ראש הממ שלה הי שראלי‬,‫ בבוקר‬8:00 ‫ ב־‬,) 14.11 (

‫ הוא יראה מופע של‬,20:00 ‫ ב שעה‬, ______________________ . 18:00 ‫הוא יעזוב את הכנסת ב שעה‬
) 5(
.‫ הוא י טו ס חזרה לאיטליה‬,‫ בצהריים‬12:00 ‫ בשעה‬,) 15.11( _______________ /‫ בת ש ב ע׳‬/‫להקת המחול ׳‬
‫ למחרת‬.6 ‫ שעתיים אחר כך‬.5 ‫ למחרת‬.4 ‫ כמה שעות לאחר מכן‬. 3 ‫ באותו בוקר‬. 2 ‫ יומיים לפני כן‬.1

IX. Adverbials / 2. When Expressions

• The expressions ‫ פבר‬, ‫ עדיין‬and the like

‫ פבר לא‬# ‫ )) עדיין‬still # not,.,anymore/ no longer
Hanna meets Rebecca, a friend she hasn't seen in twenty years. Here's the dialogue between the
:tw o

H: Do you still live in Tel Aviv? ?‫גרה ב ת ל אביב‬

R: Yes, 1 still live in Tel Aviv. ,)‫אביב‬

And you? Do you still live in Eilat?

H: No, unfortunately I don't live there anymore. .‫ אני כבר לא גרה באילת‬,‫ לצערי‬,‫לא‬ :‫חנה‬
found a job in Beer sheva 1 .‫ ועברתי לשם לפני שנה‬,‫מ צ א תי עבודה בבאר שבע‬
.and moved there a year ago

R: Are you still with Moshe?

H: No, we're not together anymore. .‫בר לא ביחד‬

Are you still with Tsvika? ?‫ע ם צביקה‬

.‫ והבן שלנו כבר בצבא‬,‫ אנחנו עדיין ביחד‬,‫ כן‬:‫רבקה‬

R: Yes, we're still together, and our son is already in the army.

H: Wow, that's hard to believe! And do you still draw? ?‫ק שה להאמין! וא ת עדיין מציירת‬ :‫חגה‬

‫ אבל בשנים הא ח רונות ה ת ח ל תי לכתוב שירה‬,‫ אני כבר לא מציירת‬,‫ לא‬:‫רבקה‬...

R: No, I don't draw anymore (I no longer draw), but in the last few years I started writing poetry...

Q: When the question in the dialogue above includes ‫( עדיין‬still), as in:

‫ באילת?״‬/ ‫" א ת עדיין גרה ב תל אביב‬, what expression is used in the answer?

A: When the answer is positive (‫)כן‬, the word ‫( עדיין‬still) is repeated:

.‫ אני עדיין גרה ב תל אביב‬,‫כן‬

But when the answer is negative (‫)לא‬, the expression ‫( כבר לא‬not...anymore, no longer) is
.‫ אני כבר לא גרה ב איל ת‬,‫לא‬

Note: Instead of the word ‫ עדיין‬in the dialogue above, we can use the word ‫ עו ד‬:

1 still live with my parents. .‫אני עוד גרה עם ההורים שלי‬

IX. Adverbials / 2. When Expressions

‫ עדיין לא‬# ‫( פבר‬already # not yet)

Two friends, Yael and Tamar, are planning a trip to Greece together. Here is part of their

Y: Have you bought a map yet? (or: Have you already bought a map?) ?‫כבר קנית מפה‬ :‫יעל‬

T: Yes, don't worry, I've already bought a map. .‫ כבר קניתי מפה‬,‫ אל תדאגי‬,‫ כן‬:‫תמר‬

‫סי מנ ת על המפה א ת ה מ קו מו ת שנרצה לבקר ב הם‬ ‫כבר‬ :‫יעל‬.

Y: Have you circled the places we want to visit yet? (or: Have you already circled... ?)

T: No, I haven't circled them yet. There's still time for that! !‫ יש זמן‬,‫ עדיין לא סימנתי‬,‫ לא‬:‫תמר‬

‫כבר ל ק ח ת א ת הכרטיסי ם מ סו כנ ת הנ סי עו ת‬ :‫?יעל‬

Y: Have you picked up the tickets from the travel agent yet?

...‫ לא? את ב ט ח כבר א ת ת‬,‫ א ת ק צ ת לחוצה‬.‫ א ס ע אליה מחר‬.‫ עדיין לא ל ק ח תי‬,‫ לא‬:‫תמר‬
T: No, I haven't picked them up yet. I'll go there tomorrow. You seem a little uptight. I'll bet you've
already packed!
?‫ א ת עדיין לא‬.‫ ודאי שכבר ארזתי‬,‫ כן‬:‫יעל‬
?)Y: Yes, of course I've already packed. Haven't you (packed yet

!‫ יש עוד שבוע שלם‬.‫ אני עדיין לא ארזתי‬,‫ לא‬:‫תמר‬

T: No, I haven't packed yet. We do have another whole week!

Q: When the question in the above dialogue includes the word ‫כבר‬ (yet or already) (e.g.,
?‫) כ בר קנית מפה‬, what expression is used in the answer?

A: When the answer is positive (‫(כן‬, ‫כבר‬ (already) is used.

.-‫־‬ ‫קניתי מפה‬ ‫כבר‬ ,‫<כן‬
When the answer is negative (‫)לא‬, the expression ‫( עדיין לא‬not yet) is used.

...‫ עדיין לא ס ימ נת י א ת המק ומ ות‬, ‫לא‬

Instead o f ‫ עדיין לא‬we can use :‫עוד לא‬

‫ עוד לא ס ימ נת י את המק ומ ות‬, ‫לא‬...

Both expressions - ‫ עדיין לא‬and ‫ עוד לא‬- indicate that the change that has not yet taken place is
still expected. They are translated in the above sentences as not yet. An alternative translation
is still not.

IX. Adverbials / 2 . When Expressions

1 haven't circled the places yet. .-‫׳‬ ‫< עדיין לא סי מנ תי א ת ה מ קו מו ת‬

or: I still haven't circled the places.

‫ עוד לא‬/ ‫ עדיין לא‬are usually followed by past tense verbs, as in the dialogue above However,
they can be found with all tenses:

I still don't know the city. Or: I don't know the city yet. .‫אני עדיין לא מכירה א ת העיר‬
Perhaps in a year from now i still won't have work. .‫אולי גם בעוד שנה עדיין לא תהיה לי עבודה‬

Let's review
‫־‬#• The words ‫ עדיין‬and ‫ עוד‬both mean still Their opposite is ‫( כבר לא‬anymore, no
?‫ עוד גרה שם‬/ ‫א ת עדיין‬
Do you still live there?

.‫ אני כבר לא גרה שם‬,‫ לא‬-
.‫ עוד גרה שם‬/ ‫ אני עדיין‬,‫ כן‬-
No, I don't live there anymore. Yes, I still live there.
or: No, I no longer live there.

♦ The expressions ‫ כבר‬and ‫ עוד לא‬/ ‫ עדיין לא‬are opposites, too:

?‫כבר קני ת מפה‬

Have you bought a map vet? (or: already...?)

.‫ עוד לא קניתי מפה‬/ ‫ עדיין לא‬,‫ לא‬-
.‫ כבר קניתי מפה‬,‫כן‬
No, I haven't bought a map yet. Yes, I've already bought a map.
or: I still haven't bought a map.

In short, it is handy to keep the following pairs of opposites in mind:

‫ כבר לא‬# ‫עדיין‬


‫ עדיין לא‬# ‫כבר‬

)‫(עוד לא‬

‫‪IX. Adverbials / 2. When Expressions‬‬

‫? ‪W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d‬‬
‫‪Write one of the following in the appropriate blanks.‬‬

‫עדיין ‪ /‬כבר לא ‪ /‬כבר ‪ /‬עדיין לא‬

‫השכן שלנו כבר בן שמונים‪ ,‬אבל הוא ________ מרגי ש צעיר‪ .‬הוא עדיין עושה ספורט‪ ,‬הוא‬
‫_______ יו צ א לטיולים במדבר יהודה‪ ,‬והוא ________ מ טיי ל בעולם‪ .‬יש לו חמישה ילדים‪,‬‬
‫(‪) 3‬‬ ‫(‪) 2‬‬

‫ו _______ י ש לו ‪ 20‬נכדים‪ .‬הוא יוצא הרבה לתאטרון ולקולנוע‪ ,‬אבל הוא ________ הול ך‬
‫(‪) 5‬‬ ‫(‪) 4‬‬
‫למסיבות ריקודים‪ .‬הוא ________ מבלה עד שלוש לפנות בוקר‪ ,‬כי הוא אוהב ללכת לישון לפגי‬
‫אחת עשרה‪ .‬לשכן שלנו יש עוד הרבה תוכניות‪ :‬יש ארצות שהוא __________ בי ק ר בהן‪,‬‬
‫והוא רוצה לראות אותן‪ ,‬ויש עוד הרבה דברים שהוא __________ ע שה‪.‬‬
‫‪ .7‬עדיין לא ‪ .8‬עדיין לא‬ ‫ו‪ .‬עדיין ‪ .2‬עדיין ‪ . 3‬עדיין ‪ .4‬כבר ‪ .5‬כבר לא ‪ .6‬כבר לא‬

3 How Long Expressions and
How Often Expressions

‫ ״‬How long expressions ).‫ כל הבוקר״‬,‫ במשך שבוע‬,‫(לשבוע‬
• How often expressions )‫״‬.‫ פעם בחודש‬,.‫ יום יום״‬,.‫ מדי יום״‬,‫״‬.‫(כל בוקר‬

• How long expressions

‫ לשבוע‬versus ‫שבוע‬: when do we use -‫?ל‬
Read the following sentences about Yaron:

Yaron went to Tel Aviv for three days. .‫ ירון נסע לתל אביב לשלושה ימים‬.‫ו‬ -*>
He stayed there a week, .‫ הוא נשאר שם שבוע‬.2
or: He stayed there for a week.

In the first Hebrew sentence above, we m ust use -‫ ל‬before the time expression :‫שלושה ימים‬
‫ לשלושה ימים‬. This is also the case in the English: He went to Tel Aviv for three days. In contrast,
in the second Hebrew sentence, we do not use -‫ ל‬.

Q: Does the English translation of sentence 2 correspond exactly to the Hebrew?

A: The first translation corresponds exactly, whereas the alternative translation (He stayed
there for a week) does not, since it contains the word for.

Now let's look more closely at the two H ebrew sentences above in order to see more clearly
when we m ust or m ust not use -‫ ל‬in Hebrew.

Q: Which of the above sentences tells us about Yaron's plans?

A: Only sentence 1. The time phrase ‫ לשלושה ימים‬tells us not how long it took Yaron to get to
Tel Aviv, but rather how long Yaron intended to stay in Tel Aviv once he got there.
IX. Adverbials / 3. How Long Expressions and How Often Expressions

We can sketch this sentence like this:

Yaron went to Tel Aviv for three days. .‫לשלושה ימים‬ ‫ירון נסע לתל אביב‬

Q: Which word tells us that this was his intention?

A: The same word in both Hebrew and English: -‫( ל‬for). This word is required, in both

Now let's look closely at sentence 2, which does not contain -‫ ל‬:

He stayed there a week, .‫ הוא נשאר שם שבוע‬. 2

or: He stayed there for a week.

We can sketch this sentence like this:

He stayed there a week, ‫הוא נשאר שם‬ .2

or: He stayed there for a week. ‫שבוע‬

Q: Is there any indication o f Yaron's intentions in this sentence?

A: No. Sentence 2 tells us only w hat happened (‫ ) הוא נשאר בתל אביב‬and how long he stayed
(‫)שב וע‬.

Be careful! In sentences like sentence 2, in which no intention is expressed and the

word fo r is optional in English, we do not use -‫ ל‬in Hebrew.

Here's another example:

.‫ אך בסופו של דבר היא הייתה שם עשרה ימים‬,‫שלחו את אביגיל לסבא ולסבתא שלה לשבוע‬ -C
Avigail was sent to her grandparents for a week, but in the end she was there (for) ten days.

Here the intention was that Avigail go to her grandparents for a week (‫)לשב וע‬. But this is not
what really happened. The real duration of the stay was ten days.

She was sent to her grandparents for a week. .‫לשבוע‬ ‫שלחו אותה לסבא ולסבתא‬

She was there ten days, ‫היא הייתה שם‬

or: She was there for ten days. ‫עשרה ימים‬

IX. A dverbials / 3. How Long Expressions and How Often Expressions

Note that the verb in a time sentence that does not contain -‫ ל‬typically does not involve motion,
but rather has a static quality. Verbs such as ‫( להיות‬to be), ‫( להישאר‬to stay), ‫( לבקר‬to visit), ‫( ללמוד‬to
study), ‫( לגור‬to live) typically appear in such sentences

3‫( משך‬for)
In time sentences that do not use -‫( ל‬i.e., where we speak of actual du ratio n and not of
intention), we sometimes use the preposition (for, over the course of) in Hebrew, but this is
‫ב מ ש ך‬

They studied (for) ten hours. .‫הם למדו עשר ש עו ת‬
or: .‫עשר ש עו ת‬ ‫הם למדו‬ ‫ב מ ש ך‬

Let's review
♦ In Hebrew we use -‫ ל‬with units of time only when we speak of an intended
.)‫נסענו ללונדון ל שבוע (אבל נשארנו שם רק יומיים‬
We went to London for a week (but we stayed there only two days).

♦ We do not use the preposition ‫( ל־‬in Hebrew) to express the du ratio n of an

action or astate of being. For this we use either nothing or ‫ך‬ ‫מ ש‬ ‫ב‬ .

We worked (for) three hours. .‫עבדנו שלוש ש עו ת‬ ■<C

or: .‫שלוש ש עו ת‬ ‫עבדנו‬
‫ב מ ש ך‬

?W ant to see if you've understood

W rite the p re p o s itio n - ‫ ל‬o n ly w h e re it is re q u ire d in H ebrew . (The English tra n sla tio n
.)is p ro v id e d fo r y o u r c o n v e n ie n c e

They went to Eilat for a month . . ‫ה ם נ ס ע ו ל א י ל ת ________ ח ו ד ש‬ .‫ו‬

W e'll come to y o u r house for tw o d a y s . . ‫ א נ ח נ ו נבוא ל בי ת ש לך ________ י ו מ י י ם‬. 2

Uri was in Haifa for three d a y s ..‫ או רי היה בחיפה ________ ש ל ו ש ה י מי ם‬. 3

W e traveled fo r six hours to get to London .

W e were at the museum for three hours . . ‫ היינו ב מ ח א ו ן ________ ש ל ו ש ש עו ת‬. 5

. ‫ א ב ל הי א נ ש א ר ה ש ם ________ א ר ב ע ש עו ת‬, ‫ רוני ת ב א ה ל מ ו ז א ו ן ________ ש ע ת י י ם‬. 6

Ronit came to the museum for tw o hours, but she stayed there for four hours.

A nsw ers:
In sentences 1, 2, 6a w e must use - ‫ ל‬. I n sentences 3, 4, 5 a n d 6 b we do not use - ‫ ל‬.

IX. A d v e rb ia ls / 3. H o w Long Expressions an d H o w Often Expressions

(...‫ יום‬,‫(בוקר‬-‫( פל ה‬allmorning, the whole morning,..)

Read the following passage about Noa, an art history student. Here's what she did on the day
before a big exam:

‫ ו הי א ה ל כ ה‬3 :0 0 -‫ ו ב‬,‫ ו הי א נ ס ע ה ה בי ת ה ל א כ ו ל‬2 :0 0 ‫ב־‬ .‫נ ו ע ה נ ס ע ה ל מ ו ז א ו ן ו ה י י ת ה ש ם כל הבוקר‬

.‫כל הערב‬ ‫ ו הי א חז ר ה ה בי ת ה וי ש ב ה ו ל מ ד ה‬7 :0 0 - ‫ב‬ .‫ ה י א ה י י ת ה ב ס פ ר י י ה כל אחר הצהריים‬. ‫ל ס פ ר י י ה‬

Noa went to the museum and was there the whole morning. At 12:00 she went home to eat, and at 1:00
she went to the library. She was at the library all afternoon. At 5:00 she returned hom e and sat and studied
all evening.

Q: What comes after ‫ כל‬in all the highlighted expressions in the above passage?

A: -‫ ה‬followed by aunit of time: ‫ כל הערב‬,‫ כל הבוקר‬. These expressions are actually in smeechoot.1
For this reason, the -‫ ה‬appears only before the last w ord of the expression, but makes the
entire phrase definite. (The English equivalent - the whole morning - shows this clearly.)
Note that when - ‫ כל ה‬is added to ‫( אחר הצהריים‬afternoon), which is itself a smeechoot phrase ,
the -‫ ה‬comes only before the last word:
1 1
‫>י* כל אחר הצהריים‬

In addition to translating these as the whole morning, afternoon... - which is closer to the
Hebrew - we can also translate these expressions as all morning, afternoon.... They tell us how
long something was done.2

W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d ?
Translate the fo llo w in g sentences.

1. Yael slept all morning.

2. Ron worked all night.

3. I haven't gone to the pool all year.

1 See the chapter "Smeechoot;‫ ״‬pp. 183-184.

2On ‫ כל‬with definite nouns other than time units (‫ כל התלמידים‬,‫)כל הכיתה‬, see the chapter "All, Part of...:
Quantifiers,‫ ״‬pp. 291-292.

IX. A dverbials / 3. H ow Long Expressions and H o w Often Expressions

4. Your phone was busy the whole afternoon (=all afternoon)!

Answ ers:

.‫ לא הלכתי לברכה כל השנה‬.3 .‫ רון עבד כל הלילה‬.2 .‫ יעל ישנה כל הבוקר‬.1

.‫ הטלפון שלך היה תפוס כל אחר הצהריים‬.4

• How often expressions

(...‫(בולןר‬ ‫פל‬ (every morning.,.)
Here is another passage about Noa, the art history student. This time we hear about her daily

> ‫ אחרי הלימודים היא נוסעת‬. 16:00 ‫ היא נמצאת שם כל יום עד‬.‫ כל בוקר נועה נוסעת לאוניברסיטה‬-‫־‬
‫ היא נוסעת הביתה ונפגשת עם חברים עד‬20:15‫ ב־‬. 20:00 ‫ היא עובדת במסעדה כל ערב עד‬.‫לעבודה‬
23:00. ‫ היא לומדת כל לילה עד השעות הקטנות של‬.‫ בבוקר היא יושבת ולומדת‬2:00 ‫ עד‬23:00-‫מ‬

Every‫ ׳‬morning Noa goes to the university. She is there every' day until 4:00 p.m. After her classes she
goes to work. She works in a restaurant every evening until 8:00. At 8:15 she goes home and meets with
friends until 11:00. From 11:00 to 2:00 in the morning she sits and studies. She studies every night until
the wee hours of the morning.

The expressions ‫ כל לילה‬,‫ כל ערב‬,‫ כל יום‬,‫ כל בוקר‬tell us that something happens consistently:
every morning, every day and so on. Notice that there is no ‫ ה־‬after the word ‫ כל‬when it means

Sometimes -‫ ב‬is used before these expressions:

Every morning she leaves the house at 7:00. .7:004■ ‫** בכל בוקר היא יוצאת מהבית ב־‬C
Every week new members join the group. .‫בכל שבוע חברים חדשים מצטרפים לקבוצה‬

This is the same -‫ ב‬that appears in time expressions like ‫( ביום שני‬onMonday).

3 On ‫ כל‬used with indefinite nouns that are not units of time (...‫)כל תלמידה‬, see the chapter "All, Part of...:
Quantifiers,‫ ״‬p. 293.

IX. Adverbials / 3. How Long Expressions and How Often Expressions

...‫( מדי יום‬every day,..)

Another way to say that something happens consistently is by using the expression ‫מדי‬
(imee-DEl) before a unit of time, as in:
.‫מ ך יום יוצאות מספר טיסות מישראל לטורקיה‬ -‫>־‬
A number of flights leave Israel for Turkey every day (daily).
Michal takes the dog for a walk every morning. .‫מיכל לוקחת את הכלב לטיול מדי בוקר‬

The expression ‫ מדי פעם‬is also commonly used, as in:

We all make mistakes (every) once in a while. .‫כולנו טועים מדי פעם־‬

Double words: ‫לילה לילה י יום יום‬

Here is still another way to say that something happens consistently:

Noa goes to the university every day (daily). .‫נועה נוסעת לאוניברסיטה יום יום‬ •‫<*=״‬£
She works at the restaurant every night (nightly). .‫לילה לילה היא עובדת במסעדה‬

Only certain time units can be doubled in this way. These expressions are used less frequently
than (...‫ יום‬,‫ כל(בוקר‬. Doubling is also used for non-time expressions.4

...-‫ פעמ י ים ב‬/...-‫( פעם ב‬once a week‫ י‬twice a month...)

Here's some more information about Noa:

‫ היא מתקשרת לסבא ולסבתא‬.‫>*־ נועה מטלפנת להורים שלה פעם בשבוע ונוסעת אליהם פעמיים בחודש‬
.‫שלה פעם בשלושה ימים‬

Noa calls her parents once a week and goes to see them twice a month. She calls her grandparents once
every three days.

‫ פעם ב־‬and its variations are another way to tell how often something happens.

4 See the chapter "How Expressions," p. 346.

IX. A dverbials / 3. H o w Long Expressions and H o w O ften Expressions

Let's review
♦ For expressing the entire length of time (all..., the whole...) we use - ‫כל ה‬
followed by a noun:

all morning, all day long (the whole day) ‫ כל היום‬,‫כל הבוקר‬ ■>C

♦ For expressing frequency (!every ..., once in a...):

- We can use ‫ כל‬followed by a noun that is not definite:

every morning, every day ‫ כל יום‬,‫כל בוקר‬

or : ‫ בכל יום‬,‫בכל בוקר‬

- We can use ‫ מדי‬followed by a noun:

every morning, every week ‫ מדי שבוע‬,‫מ די בוקר‬ *>

- We can double the time unit, as in:

every day / daily, every morning ‫ בוקר בוקר‬,‫יום יום‬ ->

- We can use variations o f - ‫ פ ע ם ב‬:

They eat meat once a week. .‫> הם אוכלים בשר פ ע ם בשבוע‬

They meet three times a month. .‫הם נפגשים שלו ש פ ע מי ם בחודש‬

W ant to see if you've understood?

C hoose the co rre c t H e b re w tra n s la tio n .

They meet weekly. ‫הם נפגשים‬ .‫ו‬

)‫ שבוע שבוע‬/ ‫(כל השבוע‬

W e travel to Turkey every year. _________ ‫אנחנו נוסעים לטורקיה‬ .2

)‫ כל שנה‬/ ‫(כל השנה‬

I cooked all morning. . ‫בישלתי‬ .3

)‫ כל בוקר‬/ ‫(כל הבוקר‬

They g o to Eilat once a year. ________ ‫הם נוסעים לאילת‬ .4

)‫ כל השנה‬/ ‫(פעם בשנה‬

I thought about you all summer. _______________ ‫חשבתי עלייך‬ .5

)‫ כל הקיץ‬/ ‫(קיץ קיץ‬

She watches the news on television ____ ‫היא צופה בחדשות בטלוויזיה‬ .6
every night. )‫ ערב ערב‬f ‫(כל הערב‬

‫‪IX. Adverbials / 3. How Long Expressions and How Often Expressions‬‬

‫‪The athlete trains twice a day.‬‬ ‫הספורטאי מ ת א מן ___________________‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫(פעמיים ביום ‪ /‬כל היום)‬

‫‪He looked at his watch every hour.‬‬ ‫הוא הסתכל בשעון שלו‬ ‫‪.8‬‬
‫(כל שעה ‪ /‬כל השעה)‬

‫‪I d id n 't sleep the whole night.‬‬ ‫לא ישנתי‬ ‫‪.9‬‬

‫(כל לילה ‪ /‬כל הלילה)‬

‫‪Yoni goes to w ork by bus‬‬ ‫‪ . 10‬יוני נוסע לעבודה באוטובוס ___‬

‫‪every morning.‬‬ ‫(מדי בוקר ‪ /‬כל הבוקר)‬

‫‪ .1‬שבוע שבוע ‪ .2‬כל שנה ‪ .3‬כל הבוקר ‪ .4‬פעם בשנה ‪ .5‬כל הקיץ ‪ .6‬ערב ערב ‪ .7‬פעמיים ביום‬
‫‪ .8‬כל שעה ‪ .9‬כל הלילה ‪ .10‬מדי בוקר‬

Q How Expressions

P re vie w
‫ ״‬Single-word how expressions )‫ ק שה‬,‫(מהר‬
• Phrases expressing how )‫ בלי לחכות‬,‫ בצורה ישירה‬,‫(במהירות‬
‫ ״‬Double words )...‫ ילד ילד‬,‫( אח ד אחד‬
‫ ״‬How ? In what state?

.Read the following passage about Ron, a sixteen-year-old who decided to drop out o f school
Ron had already made his decision, but he wasn't sure how he should break the news to his
parents .

‫ או אולי פ שו ט להודיע ל ה ם‬,‫ ה א ם לספר ל ה ם ל א ט לאט‬.‫רון לא ידע איך לספר להוריו על ה ח ל ט תו‬ -C
‫ לבסוף‬.‫ הוא לא ידע א ם הם יגיבו ב כ ע ס או בהבנה‬.‫ בלי ל חכו ת לתגובה‬- ‫מהר ולצאת מיד מ ה ח ד ר‬
.‫הוא ה ח לי ט לספר ל ה ם בצורה ישירה ב תקוו ה ש ה ם יגיבו בדרך הגיונית‬

Ron didn't know how to tell his parents about his decision. Should he tell them slowly and gradually -
or should he simply tell them quickly and then leave the room immediately, without waiting for their
reaction. He wasn't sure if they would react angrily or with understanding. In the end he decided to tell
them straight-out (in a direct, straightforward way), in the hope that they would react in a reasonable way.

All the highlighted words in this passage describe how the actions are done. They answer the
question ?‫( איך‬How?), or in more formal Hebrew: ?‫כיצד‬.

As you can see, many of these how expressions in English end in -ly, but this is not the only
form that they take in English. In Hebrew, too, how expressions are constructed in a variety of

IX. Adverbials / 4 . How Expressions

• Single-word how expressions

Some how expressions are single words (adverbs)‫}׳‬
‫היסב‬ ‫פתאום‬ ‫מהי‬
well suddenly quickly

Some of the Hebrew expressions are perceived by us as single words, but they are actually
made up of two parts:
‫לפתע‬ ‫לגמרי‬ ‫לבד‬ ‫לאט‬ ‫מיד‬ -‫>י‬
suddenly totally, alone slowly immediately

Here are some examples of how they are used:

They speak well. .‫הם מדברים היטב‬

He always sits alone. .‫הוא תמיד יושב לבד‬
Suddenly he started crying. .‫פתאום הוא התחיל לבכות‬

Adjectives used as how expressions

Here are some more how expressions that are single words:

He is working hard. .‫הוא עובד קשה‬

They draw nicely. .‫הם מציירים יפה‬
They are sleeping soundly. .‫הם ישנים עמוק‬
She is progressing wonderfully. .‫היא מתקדמת נפלא‬

Q: What is common to the words ‫קשה‬, ‫יפה‬, ‫ עמוק‬and ‫?נפלא‬

A: They are all adjectives, but here they describe not a noun, but a verb. Like the adverbs ‫מהר‬
(quickly) and ‫( פתאום‬suddenly), they tell how: how he works, how they draw, how they sleep,
how she is progressing.

Q: Do these adjective how expressions match the verb? (For example: if the verb is plural, are
they plural?)

A: No, when adjectives are used as how expressions they are always used in the masculine
singular (‫ )הוא‬form even with verbs that are not masculine singular.

1 These are called adverbs o f manner.

IX. Adverbials / 4 . How‫ ׳‬Expressions

Here are some more examples:

You ( sing well. .‫א ת ם שרים סוב‬
They write beautifully (excellently). .‫הן כותבות מצוין‬

W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d ?
Choose the correct form.

___________________ ‫ ו א ת ם שרים כל כך‬, __________________ ‫ה שירים האלה מ מ ש‬ .1

)‫ מקסימים‬/ ‫(מקסים‬ )‫ מקסימים‬/ ‫(מקסים‬

___________________ ‫ ואת נוהגת‬, __________________ ‫המכונית הזאת‬ .2

)‫ נהדרת‬/ ‫(נהדר‬

.‫התרגילים ___________________ ה ת ל מי די ם עובדים __________________ כ די לפתור או ת ם‬ .3

)‫ קשים‬/ ‫(קשה‬ )‫ קשים‬/ ‫(קשה‬

___________________ ‫תדברי ___________________ ח ש ו ב לדבר עברית‬ .4

)‫ נכונה‬/ ‫(נכון‬

‫ נכונה‬,‫ נכון‬.4 ‫ קשה‬,‫ קשים‬. 3 ‫ נהדר‬,‫ נהדרת‬.2 ‫ מקסים‬,‫ מקסימים‬.1

• Phrases expressing how

The preposition ‫ב־‬followed by a noun
In the passage above, we saw that Ron didn't know whether his parents would react ‫( בכעס‬angrily)
or ‫( בהבנה‬with understanding).

Q: What do the expressions ‫ בכעס‬and ‫ בהבנה‬have in common?

A: They are both made up of -‫ ב‬followed by a noun: 2.‫כעס‬+‫ ב‬,‫הבנה‬+‫ ב‬Usually they are
translated with the English -ly ending. Sometimes the English parallel contains with : with
understanding (‫)בהב נה‬, with pleasure (‫)ברצ ו ן‬.

2 The pronunciation of -‫ ב‬is often affected by the first vowel of the word that follows it. Thus, according to
the rules of grammar, the vowel of ‫ ב־‬changes in expressions like ‫ בהבנה‬and ‫( ברצינות‬seriously). In a word
like ‫בהבנה‬, today's Hebrew speakers often pronounce the initial -‫ ב‬as beh, without regard for the rules of

IX. Adverbials / 4 . How Expressions

Here are some more how expressions with the same structure:

He did it gladly. .‫< < הוא עשה זאת ב ש מ ח ה‬

why are you talking quietly? ?‫למה את מדברת בשלןט‬
1 didn't do it on purpose. ♦‫לא עשיתי את זה בכוונה‬

Many nouns that are added to -‫ ב‬to create how expressions have the abstract ending ‫ות‬-:

She spoke excitedly. .‫היא דיברה בהתרג שות‬

They are working very seriously. .‫הם עובדים ברצינות רבה‬

Though, in theory, a great many nouns can be added to - ‫ ב‬to make a how expression, in practice
only certain nouns are used. Knowing which ones are used is a matter of exposure: once you
encounter one of these expressions in use, you can begin to use it yourself.

‫בצורה‬, ‫בדרך‬, ‫ בא ופ ן‬followed by an adjective

There are still other ways to say how. In the passage at the beginning o f this chapter, we read
the following:
Ron decided to tell them straight-out .‫רון החליט לספר להם בצורה ישירה‬
(in a direct, straightforward way).

‫( בצורה‬lit.: in a ... form) is always followed by an adjective. Here it is followed by ‫( ישירה‬direct),

creating a how expression that means in a direct manner.

Q: Why is the feminine form ‫ ישירה‬used?

A: Because the word ‫צורה‬, which it describes, is feminine.

Here are some more examples:

f o f
He spoke in a clear manner (clearly). .‫הוא דיבר בצורה ברורה‬ ->
f o f
Think logically! !‫תחשוב בצורה הגיונית‬
f o f
You presented this in an interesting way. .‫הצגתם את זה בצורה מעניינת‬

Instead o f ‫ בצורה‬sometimes the words ‫( בךךןז‬lit.: in a ... way) and ‫ פן‬1‫( בא‬lit.: in a ... manner) are used,
also followed by an adjective, as in:

The interviewer asked difficult questions pleasantly. .‫ המראיינת שאלה ש א לו ת ק שו ת בדרך נעימה‬.‫ו‬
The newscaster spoke clearly (lit.: in a clear manner). .2. ‫הקריינית דיברה באופן ברור‬

IX. Adverbials / 4 . How‫ ׳‬Expressions

Notice that ‫דרך‬, like ‫צורה‬, is feminine, so the adjective after it is feminine, too (in sentence
1: ‫)בדרך נעימה‬. In contrast, ‫ אופן‬is masculine, therefore the adjective that follows it is in the
masculine form (in sentence 2: ‫) באופן ברור‬.

Be careful! You can't use just any adjective with any one of these (‫ באופן‬,‫ בדרך‬,‫)בצורה‬.
Again it is a matter of what sounds right to the native speaker - there are no rules here.

‫ בלי‬followed by an infinitive
In the passage at the beginning of this chapter, we read that Ron was thinking of leaving the
room ‫( בלי ל חכות לתגובה של ההורים‬without waiting for his parent's response). ‫ בלי‬means without.

Q: What comes after ‫ בלי‬in this example?

A: The infinitive ‫ ל ח כו ת‬. Note the English translation is without waiting, whereas the Hebrew
is, literally, without to wait.

It is very common to find an infinitive after ‫בלי‬. Here are some more examples:

We did this without thinking. .‫**■ עשינו את זה בלי לח שוב‬C

You succeeded on the exam without studying. .‫הצלחת במבחן בלי ללמוד‬

Let's review
♦ Hebrew has a limited number o f single-word how expressions that are adverbs,
as in:
He speaks well. .‫הוא מדבר היטב‬

♦ Sometimes the masculine singular form of an adjective is used as a how

expression, as in:
We worked hard. .‫עבדנו ק שה‬

♦ Often the preposition ‫ ב־‬is combined with a noun to form a how expression:

You did it willingly. .5*•‫ עשית זאת ברצון־‬C

♦ Many how expressions are formed with the words ‫ באופן‬,‫ בדרך‬,‫ בצורה‬followed
by an adjective, as in:

IX. Adverbials / 4. H o w Expressions

.‫הוא הגיע לפה באופן מיוחד‬ .‫הוא מדבר בדרך מיוחדת‬ .‫הוא מתלבש בצורה מיוחדת‬
He came here specially. He speaks in a special way. He dresses in a special way.

♦ Another kind of how expression is formed by using ‫ בלי‬followed by an

She answered without thinking. .‫היא ענתה בלי לחשוב‬

W ant to see if you've understood?

T ra n s la te the f o l l o w i n g sen tence s using h o w e x p r e s s io n s as in d ic a t e d .

A. Use o n e o f the f o l l o w i n g a d v e r b s : ‫ הי ט ב‬,‫ לב ד‬,‫ מיד‬, ‫ ל א ט‬, ‫ מ ה ר‬.

1. They write well.

2. We asked that they ( leave immediately.

B. Use o n e o f the f o l l o w i n g a d je c tiv e s : ‫ ט ו ב‬,‫ יפ ה‬, ‫ א י ט י‬, ‫ מ ה י ר‬.

3. She speaks nicely.

4. They write well.

C. Use ‫ ב־‬f o l l o w e d b y a n o u n , as in: ‫ בהבנה‬, ‫ ב כ ע ס‬.

5. She learns languages easily.

6. I will do it (lit.: this) willingly.

7. She went (traveled) there quickly.

8. Stop ( speaking cynically!

IX. Adverbials / 4 . How‫ ׳‬Expressions

D. Use ‫ בדרך‬f o l l o w e d b y a n a d je c t i v e , as in: ‫ ב ד ר ך מ י ו ח ד ת‬.

9. You ( solved the problem elegantly.

10. M iri celebrated her birthday in an original way.

E. Use ‫ ב או פן‬f o l l o w e d b y a n a d je c t i v e , as in: ‫ ב א ו פ ן מ י ו ח ד‬.

11. We asked that they ( leave immediately.

12. It is possible to solve the matter discreetly (adj. ‫) ד י ס ק ר ט י‬.

F. Use ‫ ב צ ו ר ה‬f o l l o w e d b y a n a d j e c t i v e , as in: ‫ ב צ ו ר ה ברורה‬.

13. The child doesn't know how to speak in a different way.

G. Use ‫ בלי‬f o l l o w e d b y a n in fin itiv e , as in: ‫ ב לי ל ח כ ו ת‬.

14. One can't (lit.: It is impossible to) succeed without trying.

15. It's hard to build the plane without reading the instructions ( ‫)ה ו רא ות‬.

A nsw ers:
.‫ הם כותבים טוב‬.4 .‫ היא מדברת יפה‬. 3 .‫ ביקשנו שהם יעזבו מיד‬. 2 .‫ הם כותבים היטב‬.1
.‫היא נסעה לשם במהירות‬.7 .‫ אני אעשה את זה ברצון‬. 6 .‫ היא לומדת שפות בקלות‬.5
.‫ פתרתם את הבעיה בדרך אלגנטית‬.9 .‫ תפסיק לדבר בציניות‬.8
.‫ ביקשנו שהם יעזבו באופן מיידי‬. 11 .‫ מירי חגגה את יום הולדתה בדרך מקורית‬.10
.‫ הילד אינו יודע לדבר בצורה אחרת‬. 13 .‫ אפשר לפתור את הבעיה באופן דיסקרטי‬. 12
.‫ קשה לבנות את המטוס בלי לקרוא את ההוראות‬. 15 .‫ אי אפשר להצליח בלי לנסות‬. 14

IX. Adverbials / 4. How Expressions

• Double words
Here is another way of forming how expressions:

The children entered one by one. .‫הילדים נכנסו אחד אחד‬

Read the story one passage at a time. .‫תקראו את הסיפור קטע קטע‬

Q: What is common to both these how expressions?

A: In both of them a word is repeated. This kind of construction is commonly used with
numbers, groups and time units:
...‫ זוגות זוגות‬/ ‫ שלושה שלושה‬/ ‫הם נכ נס ו שניים שניים‬ -C
They entered two‫־‬by‫־‬two (in twos) / three‫־‬by-three (in threes) / in pairs...
...‫ שבוע שבוע‬/ ‫ה יא באה אל י נ ו יום יום‬
She comes to our house every day (daily) / every week (weekly)...

When numbers are used, they match the noun in gender:

masculine: .‫ שניים שניים‬/ ‫הב נ ים נכ נס ו אחד אחד‬ -*<

The boys entered one‫־‬by‫־‬one / two‫־‬by‫־‬two.

feminine: .‫ שתיים שתיים‬/ ‫הב נ ות נכ נס ו אחת אחת‬

The girls entered one-by-one / two‫־‬by‫־‬two.

(9 ,‫ונקבה״(ברא׳טית ז׳‬ ‫״שנים שנ ים בא ו אלי־ נח אל ־התבה זכר‬

‫" ״‬.two of each, male and female, came to Noah into the ark” (Gen. 7:9, JPS translation)

We also find doubling in expressions such as:

The boy read t he story very slowly. .‫ה ילד ק רא את הס יפ ור לאט לאט‬ ■ < £.

We went very quietly into t he room of t he sleeping baby. .‫בשקט בשקט נכנסנ ו לחדר ש ל הת י נ וק ה יש ן‬

The doubling in these expressions adds intensity and can be translated as very.

IX. Adverbials / 4 . How‫ ׳‬Expressions

• How? In what state?

In the following sentences we hear about Daniel and Michal, a hard-working couple:

Daniel arrived home tired. .‫ד נ יאל הג יע הב יתה עייף‬ ‫**־־‬t

Mi chal arrived home tired. .‫מ יכל ה ג יעה הב יתה עייפה‬

We learn here in what state Daniel and Michal came home: they were tired.

Q: In addition to the verb, what else matches the words ‫ דניאל‬and ‫ מיכל‬in gender (m.ff.) and
number (sJpl.)?
A: The words ‫ עייף‬and ‫עייפה‬.
m.s. f I m.s.
.‫הב יתה עייף‬ ‫דניאל הג יע‬

u * 1u
.‫הב יתה עייפה‬ ‫מיכל ה ג יעה‬

Each of the above sentences is a shortened version o f two separate sentences:

.‫דניאל הג יע הב יתה עייף‬ >= .‫ה יה עייף‬‫ ה וא‬.‫ב‬ + . ‫ דניאל הג יע הב יתה‬. ‫א‬ ‫>״‬
Daniel arrived home tired. He was tired. Daniel arrived home.

.‫הב יתה עייפה‬ ‫מיכל הגיעה‬ >= .‫הי יתה עייפה‬ ‫ היא‬.‫ב‬ + .‫ מיכל הגיעה הביתה‬.‫א‬
Michal arrived home tired. She was tired. Michal arrived home.

Here are some more examples:

fs . f I f.s.
Anat sat on the side in a sad state (lit.: Anat sat on the side sad). .4‫ע נת ישבה בצד עצובה־‬

f.p l Y If.p l
We found the glasses broken. .‫מצאנו א ת הכוסות שבורות‬

Each of these examples contains an adjective (‫ שבורות‬,‫ עצובה‬,‫ עייפה‬,‫ )עייף‬that describes the
condition or state of the "noun" (i.e., o f the person or thing indicated by the noun). Such
sentences can, instead, use a verb to indicate the condition or state o f the noun. Here are some
f I
Yoni returned home crying. .2*,‫יוני חזר הב יתה בוכה״‬

The girl will stand there smiling. .2. ‫מחייכת‬ ‫ה ילדה תעמ ו ד ש ם‬

IX. A dverbials / 4. H o w Expressions

We sawthe childrenplaying. .‫ ראינו את הילדים משחקים‬.3

I hearthe girls speaking with their parents. .‫ אני שומע את הבנות מדברות עם הוריהן‬.4

Q: In the Hebrew sentences, what is the tense of the verb that indicates the state of the
person / people?

A: In all cases it is in the present tense, no matter what tense the first verb in the sentence is
in. It also matches its noun in both gender (m./f.) and num ber (sjpi.y.

f.p l. o f p i. m.pL <=> f.S .O f.S . m.s. <^> m.s.

.‫הבנות מדברות‬ .‫הילדים משחקים‬ .‫הילדה מחייכת‬ .‫יוני בוכה‬

Let's review
♦ We have seen that certain how expressions are formed by doubling the word,
as in:

They entered one by one / one at a time. .‫הם נכנסו אחד אחד‬ ->

♦ We have also seen that in order to express the condition or state of someone
or something, we can use an adjective or a present tense verb in the following

.‫מיכל עמדה בצד עצובה‬ .‫דני עמד בצד עצוב‬ -‫>־‬

Michal stood on the side in a sad state. Danny stood on the side in a sad state.
f i
.‫ראינו את מיכל מחייכת‬ .‫ראינו את דני מחייך‬
We sawMichal smiling. We sawDanny smiling.

IX. Adverbials / 4 . How Expressions

Want to see if you've understood?

Translate the fo llo w in g sentences.

1. I photographed you (m.s.) swimming in the Dead Sea.

2. Yael watched us ( playing on the computer.

3. The teacher (f.s.) entered the room in an angry state.

4. The children heard their mother talking about them.

5. Sarah found the books thrown on the floor, (thrown = ‫)זרוק‬

6. The patients went into the doctor one at a time (one-by‫־‬one).

A nsw ers:
.‫ יעל הסתכלה בנו מ שחקים במחשב‬. 2 .‫ צילמ תי אותך שוחה בים המלח‬. 1
.‫ הילדים ש מ עו את אמם ( אי מ א שלהם) מדברת עליהם‬. 4 .‫ל ח דר כועסת‬/‫ המורה נכנסה לכי ת ה‬. 3
.‫ החולים נכנסו לרופא אחד אחד‬. 6 .‫ שרה מצאה את הספרים זרוקים על הרצפה‬. 5

X. Making Comparisons:
Comparatives, Superlatives
and the Like
‫ ״‬...‫ אותן‬/ ...‫ אותם‬/ ...‫ אותה‬/ ...‫) אותו‬the sam e...jl
Comparatives •: -‫ פחות מ‬,-‫ יותר מ‬and the like

* ‫ ״‬Superlatives: ‫ביותר‬...-‫ה‬...-‫ ה‬,‫״‬.‫הכי‬...-‫ה‬

• ...‫ אותן‬/ . . . ‫ אותם‬/ . . . ‫ אותה‬/ ...‫) אותו‬thesam e ...( 2

Read the following passage about twin brothers, David and Jonathan:

I ^ I ^ I ^
‫ יש להם גם‬,‫ אותן עיניים ואו תו חיוך נעים‬,‫ יש להם או תו קול‬.‫דויד ויונתן דומים מאוד‬

I % I ^
.‫ אנשים כל הזמן מתבלבלים ביניהם‬3.‫ ולפעמים הם גם לובשים או ת ם בגדים‬,‫אותה תספורת‬

David and Jonathan are very similar. They have the same voice, the same eyes and the same pleasant
smile. They have !e same haircut and sometimes they also wear the same clothes. People confuse them
all the time.

Q: How do we say the same in Hebrew?

A: We use ‫ אותן‬,‫ אותם‬,‫ אותה‬,‫ או תו‬. The form matches the noun that comes after it

I * I *
When the noun is masculine singular , we use ‫אותו‬: ‫ או תו חיוך‬,‫; או תו קול‬

1 For more on expressions o f comparison, seethe chapter "Similarity and Difference: Sentences o f Comparison."
pp. 970-990.
2 Forms o f ‫ אותו‬followed by a noun may also mean that or those, for example:
.‫ אותם ימים היו ימ ים קש ים ל ישראל‬. ‫ בארץ‬50- ‫< קראת י על ש נ ות ה‬
I read about the fifties in Israel, lose days were difficult ones for Israel.
3 When forms o f ‫=( אותו‬the same) are used with the direct object, as in this sentence, it is possible to add ‫את‬
before them, as in: ‫הם לובשים את אותם בגדים‬

X. Making Comparisons: Comparatives, Superlatives and the Like

When the noun is feminine singular, we use ‫אותה‬: ‫; אותה צורה‬

When the noun is masculine plural, we use ‫אותם‬: ‫; אותם בגדים‬

When the noun is feminine plural, we use ‫אותן‬: ‫ אותן עיניים‬.

We can say the above phrases either with or without ‫ ה־‬before the noun w ithout changing the
‫ אותו החיוך‬or ‫אותו חיוך‬
‫ אותם הבגדים‬or ‫אותם בגדים‬

In Hebrew, as in English, this construction has two different meanings:

1. It can refer to tw o different items that are similar, as in:

Hey, we're wearing the same shirt today. !‫ אנחנו לובשים אותה חולצה היום‬,‫הי‬ <C
Sharon is reading the same book as Ruthie. .‫שרון קוראת אותו ספר כמו רותי‬

2. It can refer to only one item:

Yaron wears the same shirt eveiy Sunday. .‫ראשון ירון לובש אותה חולצה כל יום‬

In this case, Yaron wears the same one shirt over and over again.

A very common expression using ‫ אותו‬is ‫ אותו דבר‬or ‫ אותו הדבר‬, meaning the same thing, as in:

Waiter: What would you like to drink? ?5"*‫תשתו‬ ‫ מה‬:‫*מלצר‬C

Michael: I'd like Turkish coffee. .:‫מיכאל‬ ‫אני רוצה קפה שחור‬
Waiter: And you? ?:‫ואת מלצר‬
Shira: The same thing. .:‫אותו דברשירה‬

W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d ?
Wri te the correct answer: ‫ א ות ו‬, ‫ א ותה‬, ‫ א ותם‬or ‫א ות ן‬.

) ‫(ספר ים‬ . ‫ דן ורן א והב ים (את ) ____________ הספר ים‬. 1

) f.s . ‫(בעיה‬ . ‫יש לי ____________ בע יה כמ ו לשרה‬ .2

) ‫(דברים‬ . ‫ א נח נ ו פ וחד ים מ____________ דבר ים‬.3

) m.s . ‫(בח ור‬ . ‫התכתבת ן עם ____________ בח ור‬ .4

X. Making Comparisons: Comparatives, Superlatives and the Like

( ‫(בנות‬ . ‫הב נ ות‬ ‫ ה וא תמ יד ר וקד עם‬.5

‫ א ותן‬.5 ‫ א ות ו‬.4 ‫ א ותם‬.3 ‫ א ותה‬.2 ‫ א ותם‬.1

• Comparatives: - ‫ פח ות מ‬, ‫ יותר מ־‬and the like

‫ מאשר‬/‫( מתר מ־‬more than...)
Which country is larger: the U.S. or France? Which continent is sm aller: America or Europe?
Which cities in Israel are m ore fam ous than Haifa? The answers to these questions in Hebrew

The U.S. is larger than France. .‫ ארה״ב גדולה יותר מצרפת‬.‫ו‬

2. ‫יבשת אוסטרליה קטנה יותר מיבשת אסיה‬.
The continent of Australia is smaller than the continent of Asia.
.‫ ירושלים ותל אביב מפורסמות יותר מחיפה‬.3
Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are more famous than Haifa.

Notice that an adjective followed by - ‫ יותר מ‬corresponds to English words like larger and
smaller than and also to expressions like more famous than.4

‫ יותר‬is placed in the above sentences after the adjective, but in inform al Hebrew it often comes
before the adjective:
.‫ ארה״ב יותר גדולה מצרפת‬.‫ו‬
.‫ יבשת אוסטרליה יותר קטנה מיבשת אמריקה‬. 2
.‫ ירושלים ותל אביב יותר מפורסמות מחיפה‬.3

In many cases the word ‫ יותר‬is omitted in sentences like these. For example, we sometimes find :

.‫יבשת אוסטרליה קטנה מיבשת אמריקה‬

The continent of Australia is smaller than the continent of America.

4 ‫ מן‬can be used instead o f - ‫ מ‬before nouns with the definite article (-‫)ה‬, as in:
The new proposal is better than the previous one. .‫< ההצעה החדשה טובה יותר מן ההצעה הקודמת‬

X. Making Comparisons: Comparatives, Superlatives and the Like

‫ מאשר‬instead o f ‫מ־‬
Often, especially before a preposition, many speakers o f Hebrew use ‫ מאשר‬instead o f -5.‫מ‬

Days in the summer are longer than days in the winter. .‫הימים בקיץ ארוכים יותר מאשר בחורף‬
‫ המכנסיים האלה מתאימים לחולצה הירוקה יותר מאשר לחולצה הסגולה‬.
These pants match the green shirt better than they match the purple shirt.

In formal Hebrew, the use o f -‫ מ‬in such eases is considered preferable, as in:

.‫בתל אביב חם יותר מבירושלים‬

‫ מאשר‬/ ‫( פוזות מ־‬less than / fewer than...)

The opposite of ‫ יותר מ־‬is - ‫ פחות מ‬.

A motorcycle is less expensive than a car. .‫אופנוע יקר פחות ממכונית‬

or: .‫אופנוע פחות יקר ממכונית‬

As you can see, the placement of ‫ פחות‬is the same as that o f ‫יותר‬.

The word ‫ מאשר‬is also sometimes used after ‫ פחות‬instead o f -‫ מ‬, for example:

it is less comfortable to travel by bus than by train. .‫ברכבת‬ ‫פחות נווז לנסוע באוטובוס מאשר‬

Did you know?

‫ פחות מ־‬/ ‫( יותר מ־‬more than / fewer, less than) with nouns6

When the ‫ יותר‬and ‫ פחות‬are used wi th nouns (e.g., books, students), their
pl acement is the same as in Engli sh - before the noun, for exampl e:

Mi r i am bought mor e books than Dani el . .‫ספרים מדניאל‬ ‫י ותר‬ ‫•* מרים קנתה‬C
.‫מ א ש ר בשנה שעברה‬ ‫פח ו ת סטודנטים‬ ‫השנה נרשמו לאוניברסיטה‬
This year f ewer students regi stered f or the uni versity than last year.

5 Many Hebrew speakers today use ‫ מאשר‬not only before a preposition or a sentence, but also before a noun,
as in: ‫ארה״ב גדולה יותר מאשר צרפת‬. This usage is not found in ancient sources; thus, in sentences like this, the
wording ‫ ארה״ב גדולה יותר מצרפת‬is considered preferable.
6 Just as in Engl i sh, ‫( יותר‬more) and ‫( פחות‬less) are used not only with adjectives and nouns. Here is an example
with an adverb:
The train travels faster than the bus. .‫< הרכבת נוסעת מהר יותר מהאוטובוס‬
or: ‫מהריותר‬

X. Making Comparisons: Comparatives, Superlatives and the Like

W hen a num ber precedes the noun, the w ord order is different (as in

.‫>״־ בכיתה א׳ יש חמישה סטודנטים פחות מאשר בכיתה ב׳‬

In the Alef class there are five students f ewer than in the Bet class.

W ant to see if you've understood?

Tr ansl at e,

1. The green shirt suits (‫ )מתאימה‬you better than the red shirt.

2. There are fewer students in my class than in your (m.s.) class.

3. Dan is shorter than G ali.

4. Your recipe (‫ )מתכון‬is easier than mine.

5. The second book is less frightening than the first one.

6. Are clothes more expensive in England than in Israel?

7. We sold more computer games this week than last week.

Answer s:

. ‫ י ותר מתא ימה לך מ (הח ולצה ) האד ומה‬/ ‫ הח ולצה ה יר וקה מתא ימה לך יותר‬.‫ו‬
. ‫ מאשר בכ יתה שלך‬/ - ‫ יש פח ות סט וד נט ים בכ יתה של י מ‬.2
.‫יותר נמוך מגלי‬/ ‫ דן נמוך יותר‬. 3
. ‫ יותר קל מ (המתכ ו ן ) שלי‬/ ‫ המתכ ו ן שלך קל י ותר‬.4
. ‫ פח ות מפח יד מ (הספר ) הראש ו ן‬/ ‫ הספר השנ י מפח יד פח ות‬.5
?‫ מאשר ב ישראל‬/ - ‫ יותר יקר ים באנגל יה מ‬/ ‫ (האם ) הבגד ים יקר ים יותר‬.6
. ‫מאשר בשב וע שעבר‬/ ‫ מכרנו יותר משחק י מחשב השב וע מ‬.7

X. Making Comparisons: Comparatives, Superlatives and the Like

• Superlatives: ‫ביותר‬. . . -‫ה‬. . . -‫ ה‬,...‫הכי‬...-‫ה‬

When we compare three or more people or objects in informal Hebrew, we often say:

shai is the tallest st udent in the class. .‫ ש י ה וא התלמ י ד הכ י גב וה בכ יתה‬. 1 ‫**־־‬t

The Dead Sea is the l owest pl ace on earth. .2. ‫ים המ ל ח ה וא המק ום הכ י נמ וך בע ולם‬

Here is the construction we use:

‫ שם תואד‬+ ‫ שם עצם הכי‬+ -‫ה‬
adj ect i ve + ‫הכי‬ noun + -‫ה‬
m.s.: . ‫בכ יתה‬ ‫גבוה‬ ‫הכי‬ ‫התלמיד‬ ‫ש י ה וא‬
f.s.: . ‫בכ יתה‬ ‫גבוהה‬ ‫הכי‬ ‫התלמידה‬ ‫שר ית ה יא‬ . ‫בכ יתה‬ ‫גבוהים‬ ‫הכי‬ ‫התלמידים‬ ‫ש י ורון הם‬
f.p i: . ‫בכ יתה‬ ‫גבוהות‬ ‫הכי‬ ‫התלמידות‬ ‫שר ית ותמר ה ן‬

In more formal Hebrew, and sometimes also in informal Hebrew, we use an alternative
construction to express the same thing:7

shai is the tallest st udent in the class. .‫ ש י ה וא התלמ יד ה גב וה ביותר בכ יתה‬.‫ו‬

The Dead Sea is the lowest pl ace on earth. .2. ‫ים המ לח ה וא המק ום ה נמ וך ביותר בע ולם‬

In this construction, - ‫ ה‬is repeated twice, and then the word ‫ ביותר‬is added:

‫ שם תואר ביותר‬+ -‫ שם עצם ה‬+ -‫ה‬

‫ ביותר‬adjective + -‫ה‬ noun + -‫ה‬
m.s.: . ‫בכ יתה‬ ‫ביותר‬ ‫הגבוה‬ ‫התלמיד‬ ‫ש י הוא‬
f.s.: . ‫בכ יתה‬ ‫ביותר‬ ‫הגבוהה‬ ‫התלמידה‬ ‫שר ית ה יא‬ . ‫בכ יתה‬ ‫ביותר‬ ‫הגבוהים‬ ‫התלמידים‬ ‫שי ורון הם‬
f.p i: ‫בכ יתה‬ ‫ביותר‬ ‫הגבוהות‬ ‫התלמידות‬ ‫שר ית ותמר הן‬

Want to see if you've understood?

A . Tr ansl at e usi ng ‫ ה כ י‬:

1. W hat is the longest river (‫ )נהר‬in the world?

2. This is the most boring movie (that) I have ever (‫ )אי פעם‬seen.

7 Other, more literary ways of expressing superlatives exist, but they are beyond the scope of this book.

X. Making Comparisons: Comparatives, Superlatives and the Like

3. You are the nicest person I've met at the university.

4. This is the funniest joke ( ‫ ) ב ד י ח ה‬I (m. ) know.

5. W ho are the most successful actors in Israel?

B. Tr ansl at e t he s ent ences a b o v e usi ng ‫ב י ותר‬. . . - ‫ה‬. . . - ‫ה‬.





Answer s:

?‫ מה הוא) הנהר האר וך ביותר בע ולם‬/ ‫מה (מהו‬ ?‫ מה הוא) הנהר הכי ארוך בעולם‬/ ‫מה (מה ו‬ .1
. ‫זה (זהו) הסרט המשעמם ביותר שרא ית י אי פעם‬ . ‫זה (זהו) הסרט הכי משעמם שרא ית י אי פעם‬ .2
. ‫אתה האדם ה נחמד ביותר שפגשת י באוניברסיטה‬ . ‫אתה האדם הכי גהמר שפגשת י באוניברסיטה‬ .3
.‫ זו) הבד יחה המצח יקה ביותר שאני מכיר‬/ ‫זאת(ז והי‬ .‫ זו) הבד יחה הכי מצח יקה שאגי מכיר‬/ ‫זאת(ז והי‬ .4
?‫מ י (הם ) השחק נ ים המצל יח ים ביותר בישראל‬ ?‫מ י (הם ) השחק נ ים הכי מצליחים בישראל‬ .5

Did you know?

Here are two other common uses of the words ‫הכי‬ and :‫ב י ו ת ר‬

‫ו‬. <‫הכ‬ with a verb

In informal Hebrew, speakers use ‫הכי‬ also with verbs, as in:

W h a t d o you like the most? ?‫מ ה א ת ה הכי אוהב‬

‫ א ב לה זה ש ב ע ל ה ל ש ע ב ר כבר לא מ ת ק ש ר ל י ל ד ים‬1‫ מה שהכי ב‬.

W h a t hurts her the most is that her ex-husband doesn' t call the chi l dren anymor e.

W h a t Gi l want s the most is to be a j ournali st. . ‫מה ש ג י ל הכי רוצה זה לה י ו ת ע ית ו נא י‬

This usage is common especially with verbs that express emotions.

X. Making Comparisons: Comparatives, Superlatives and the Like

To express the opposite, we use ‫הכי פחות‬:

W h ic h fo o d do you like the least? ‫איזה מאכל אתה הכי פ חות אוהבל‬

2. ‫ ביותר‬without .‫״‬-‫ה‬...-‫ה‬
‫ ביותר‬is also used without ...-‫ה‬...-‫ ה‬to mean very, as in:

This is most (= very) tasty. .‫ זה טעים ביותר‬-*>

This has been a most (= very) exciting day. .‫זה היה יום מרגש ביותר‬

Chapter summary
♦ When comparing things that are the same, we use forms of the word ‫( אותו‬the
same) followed by a noun:
n o u n + ‫ אותן‬/ ‫ אותם‬/ ‫ אותה‬/ ‫ אותו‬-C
the same book (m.s.) ‫אותו ( ה ) ס פ ר‬
the same girl (f.s.) ‫אותה (ה )בח ורה‬
the same songs ( ‫אותם (ה )ש יר ים‬
the same glasses ( .) ‫אותן ( ה ) כ ו ס ות‬

♦ Hebrew uses ‫מאשר‬/ - ‫ יותר מ‬to say more than and ‫מאשר‬/ - ‫ פחות מ‬to say less than
or fewer than.

My book is more interesting than yours. .‫הספר שלי מעניין יותר מהספר שלך‬ ^
The U.S. is larger than France. .‫ארה״ב יותר גדולה מצרפת‬
.‫השיעור היום פחות מעניין מהשיעור אתמול‬
Today's lesson is less interesting than yesterday's.
.‫פחות נוח לנסוע באוטובוס מ אש ר ברכבת‬ -‫>־‬
It is less comfortable to travel by bus than by train.

♦ We have examined the two most common ways of expressing the most.

- The informal ...‫הכי‬...‫ה־‬:

Shlomi is 1e tallest boy in class. . ‫של ומ י ה וא הילד הכי גבוה בכיתה‬ ->

- The more formal ‫ ביותר‬...-‫ה‬...-‫ ה‬:

Shiomi is the tallest boy in class. .‫שלומי הוא הילד הגבוה ביותר בכיתה‬ ■<

X. Making Comparisons: Comparatives, Superlatives and the Like

Want to see if you've understood the chapter?


1. Shlomi is taller than O re n ._____________________

2. This exercise is less difficult than the first exercise.

3. Your family's history is more interesting than my family's.

4. We (f.) are wearing the same dress.

5. W hat is the size (‫ )גודל‬of the largest pizza in the world?

6. I keep on (‫ )כל הזמן‬getting the same announcement (‫)ה ודעה‬.

7. You are the smartest students (f.) in class.

.‫מ או רן‬ ) ‫ש ל ו מ י י ו ת ר ג בו ה ( ג בו ה י ו ת ר‬ .1

.‫ה ר א שון‬ ‫מ ה ת ר גי ל‬ )‫פ חו ת‬ ‫(קשה‬ ‫קשה‬ ‫פ חו ת‬ ‫ה ת ר גי ל הז ה‬ .2

.‫ש לי‬ ‫המשפחה‬ ‫של‬ ‫מ ה הי ס טו רי ה‬ )‫מ ע ניי נ ת‬ ‫יו ת ר(יו ת ר‬ ‫מ ע ניי נ ת‬ ‫שלך‬ ‫של המשפחה‬ ‫ה הי ס טו רי ה‬ .3

.‫ש מ ל ה‬ ‫או ת ה‬ ‫א נ ח נו לו ב שו ת‬ .4

?‫ מה הוא) הגודל של הפ יצה הגדולה ביותר בע ולם‬/ ‫ מה (מה ו‬/ ?‫ מה הוא) הגודל של הפ יצה הכי גדולה בע ולם‬/ ‫ מה (מהו‬.5
.‫או ת ה ( ה ) הו ד ע ה‬ )‫( א ת‬ ‫ ת‬/‫מ ק ב ל‬ ‫הז מן‬ ‫א ני כ ל‬ .6

.‫ב י ו ת ר ב כ י ת ה‬ ‫ה ח כ מו ת‬ ‫ה ת ל מי דו ת‬ ‫א תן‬ / .‫ב כ י ת ה‬ ‫ח כ מו ת‬ ‫ה כי‬ ‫ה ת ל מי דו ת‬ ‫א תן‬ .7


I. Patterns o f Verbs: The Seven Beenyaneem ‫הבניינים‬

II. Signs o f Tenses and Forms: Past, Present, Future and Infinitive
‫ על‬1‫ שם הפ‬,‫ עתיד‬,‫ התה‬,‫עבר‬

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem ‫השלמים‬

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants (‫ ע׳‬,'‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬,‫)א׳‬

V. Special Root Groups: Roots with ‫ ו׳‬,'‫ י‬,'‫ נ‬and Roots with Final ‫גזרז־ת א׳‬

VI. Command Forms (Imperatives) ‫ציווי‬

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem ‫׳‬. Active and Passive, Causative,
Reflexive and More
I. Patterns of Verbs:
The Seven Beenyaneem ‫הבניינים‬ . T: • -

• Five beenyaneem: pa'al,1 neefal, pee'el, heetpa'el, heef eel
‫ ״‬Two beenyaneem with oo-ah vowels: poo'al, hoof al

In this chapter we will present an overview of the seven beenyaneem . We'll use the following
passage as the basis of our discussion:

‫ ילד מארה״ב שדן‬,‫ התכתב ילד ישראלי בשם דן עם ג׳וש‬- ‫ ו‬5 ‫ עד גיל‬10 ‫ מגיל‬- ‫במשך חמש שנים‬ -*>
‫ על החברים ועל המשפחה שלג הוא סיפר‬,‫ דן כתב לג׳וש על הלימודים בבית הספר‬.‫מעולם לא פגש‬
‫ ג׳וש הזמין‬, 15 ‫ כשדן היה בן‬.‫לו סודות אישיים ולפעמים גם הסביר לו קצת על הפוליטיקה בישראל‬
,‫ אחרי שדן נפגש עם ג׳וש בביתו בארה״ב‬.‫ דן התרגש מאוד לקראת הביקור‬.‫אותו לבקר אצלו בארה״ב‬
‫ הוא הבטיח שהוא יבוא יום אחד לבקר‬,‫ כשג׳וש נפרד מדן‬.‫הוא ביקש מג׳וש לבוא לבקר אצלו בישראל‬
.‫ כשהוא כבר נשוי ואב לשלושה ילדים‬,‫ ו שנים אחר כך‬5 ‫ אבל רק‬- ‫ וג׳וש באמת הגיע‬.‫אותו בארץ‬

For five years - from age ten to age fifteen - an Israeli boy named Dan corresponded with Josh, a boy
from the U.S. whom Dan had never met. Dan wrote to Josh about his studies, about his friends and
about his family. He told him personal secrets and sometimes also explained to him a bit about politics
in Israel. When Dan was fifteen years old. Josh invited him to come visit him in the U.S. Dan was very
excited about the upcoming visit. After Dan met with Josh at his home in the U.S., he asked Josh to
come visit him in Israel. When Josh said goodbye to Dan, he promised that he would come one day to
visit him in Israel. And - fifteen years later - Josh did come for a visit to Israel, as a married man and
the father o f three children.

The subject of each of the ten verbs highlighted above is either Dan or Josh, both of whom are
males. For this reason, all ten verbs are m asculine and singular (...‫ הוא פ גש‬,‫)ה וא התכתב‬. They

1 Beenyan pa'al is often referred to as beenyan kal (‫)קל‬.

I. Patterns of Verbs: The Seven Beenyaneem

are also all in the past tense. We can group these ten verbs into five different groups - two in
each group - according to their pattern.2

Try this:
Each column in the chart below is devoted to a different verb pattern. In each column we have
listed a verb from the passage above.

Place the five remaining verbs from the passage in the appropriate columns below.

‫הפעיל‬ ‫התפעל‬ ‫פיעל‬ ‫ ל‬3?‫נפ‬ ‫פעל‬

‫ה ק םי ם‬ □□‫התם‬ ‫□י ש ם‬ □□□‫נ‬ □‫□ם‬‫־‬ T

‫הסביר‬ ‫התכתב‬ ‫סיפר‬ ‫נפגש‬ ‫פגש‬

Here's the solution:

‫הזמין‬ ‫התרגש‬ ‫ביקש‬ ‫נפרד‬ ‫כתב‬

Now let's substitute the letters ‫ל‬-‫ע‬-‫ פ‬for the root letters3 o f the past tense ‫ הוא‬forms listed in the
chart above.

‫הפעיל‬ ‫התפעל‬ ‫פיעל‬ ‫נפעל‬ ‫פעל‬

pronunciation‫׳‬. heef-'EEL heet-pa-EL pee-EL neef-'AL pa-'AL
name: heefeel heetpa'el pee'el neefal pa'al

The result is the nam e that we give to each verb group - called in Hebrew a beenyan ( been-
YAN, literally: a building). We have listed here the names o f five o f the seven beenyaneem in

The past tense ‫ הוא‬form (for example, ‫)כתב‬, which we call the past tense base fo rm , actually
represents the full conjugation of the verb (in all tenses and forms).

2 See the chapter "Pattern," pp. 9-16.

3 On roots, see the chapter "Root," pp. 3-8.

I. Patterns of Verbs: The Seven Beenyaneem

Did you know?

The beenyan as a collection of patterns
The past tense base form, for example ‫כתב‬, represents not only all the past tense
forms of this verb - ‫כתבת‬, ‫ כתבתי‬and so on, but also ‫ כותב‬and other present
tense forms, ‫ יכתוב‬and other future tense forms, ‫ לכתוב‬- the infinitive - and ‫כתוב‬
- the imperative (command form). When we say that a verb like ‫ סגר‬is also in
beenyan p a 'a l (‫)פעל‬, this means not only that ‫ סגר‬shares the same past tense
base form as ‫כתב‬, but also that the forms of ‫ סגר‬in all the tenses are similar to
“ T ‫ ־‬T

those of .‫כתב‬
‫־‬ T

Thus, when we speak of a beenyan, we are referring to a collection of all the

patterns (past, present, future and imperative - in all persons - and the infinitive)
that make up the full conjugation of a verb.

In this chapter we will examine the past tense base forms of all seven beenyaneem . We will
limit the examples that we bring here to regular verbs (‫ שלמים‬shle-MEEM), i.e., verbs whose
root letters are present in all forms of the verb .4 It should be noted that when we examine the
conjugations of special root groups in later chapters, the nam e of each beenyan remains fixed,
even if the base form of the verb does not exactly correspond to it (for example, ‫לן ם‬, whose root
is ‫ מ‬-‫ו‬-‫ק‬, belongs to beenyan pa'al ‫פעל‬, even though its past tense base form contains only two

Now let's look more closely at the past tense base form o f regular verbs in each beenyan.

• Five beenyaneem:pa'al, neefal , pee'el, heetpa'el,

Beenyan pa'al ‫פעל‬
The past tense base form o f beenyan pa'al (‫ כתב‬,‫ )פגש‬has only three letters. No other letters are
added to the root letters. The vowels of this form are => a-A (pronounced ah-AH).

4 Although we regard verbs with root letters that are gutturals - '‫ ע‬,'‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬,'‫ א‬- as a subcategory of regular verbs
(‫)שלמ ים‬, we w ill not deal with them in this chapter. On the forms o f verbs with gutturals, see the unit "Verbs
with Guttural Consonants," pp 448-487.

I. Patterns of Verbs: The Seven Beenyaneem

Here are some more verbs that belong to beenyan pa'al (:(‫פעל‬

‫סגר‬ ‫זכר‬ ‫שמר‬ ‫בדק‬ -<

(to) close remember guard / keep check5

Beenyan neef al ‫נפעל‬

The past tense base form o f beenyan neefal always has the prefix -‫ נ‬at the beginning: ‫ נפרד‬,‫נפגש‬.
The vowels of this form are ee-A (pronounced ee-AH).

Here are some more verbs that belong to beenyan neefal (:(‫נפעל‬

‫נשאר‬ ‫נכשל‬ ‫נזכר‬ ‫נפרד‬ ‫נפגש‬

(to) remain fail recall part (from) meet (with)

Beenyan pee’el ‫פיעל‬

The vowels o f the past tense base form o f beenyan pee'el are ee-E (pronounced ee-EH ). In
standard spelling , with vowel signs,6 we write ‫דבר‬, ‫ ; ספר‬in full spelling without vowel signs, we
write these forms with an added ‫ י׳‬after the first root letter: 7.‫דיבר‬, ‫סיפר‬

Pee'el forms written with vowel signs always have a dagesh (dot) in the m iddle root letter.8
This means that when the letters ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬appear in the middle of the root, they are pronounced
b (‫)ב‬, k (‫)כ‬, p (‫)פ‬. When this dagesh appears in other letters, it has no affect on their pronunciation
in today's Hebrew.

Here are some more verbs that belong to beenyan pee'el (:(‫פיעל‬

-‫י‬ ‫שיחק‬ ‫חיפש‬ ‫ביקש‬ ‫קיבל‬ ‫ביקר‬ ‫< לימד‬

(to) play look for ask for/request receive/get visit teach
(a gam e...)

Beenyan heetpa’el ‫התפעל‬

The past tense base form of beenyan heetpa'el begins with ‫ ( הת־‬heet-): ‫ התרגש‬,‫ התכתב‬. The
vowels after the initial heet- are a-E (pronounced ah-EH). As in beenyan pee'el, here, too, the

5 We have given the translation o f the infinitive form, since the past tense base forms given here represent all
forms o f the verb.
6 We are using the term vowel signs to denote all vowel signs and diacritical marks such as dagesh.
7 For rules of full spelling, see the chapter "Hebrew Spelling,‫ ״‬pp. 654-669.
8 Except when the middle letter is '‫ ר‬/‫ ע‬,'‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬/‫ א‬. For more on this, see the chapter ‫״‬Guttural Consonants and ‫ר׳‬:
Beenyaneem Pee'el, Poo'al and Neefal," pp. 474-487.

I. Patterns of Verbs: The Seven Beenyaneem

middle root letter has a dagesh (dot) in texts written with vowel signs, so that when the letters
‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬appear in the middle of the root, they are pronounced b (‫)ב‬, k (3), p (9.(‫פ‬

Here are some more verbs that belong to beenyan heetpa'el (:(‫התפעל‬

‫התקדם‬ ‫התנדב‬ ‫התפלל‬ ‫התרחץ‬ ‫התלבש‬ **<

(to) progress volunteer pray get washed get dressed

Beenyan heefeel ‫הפעיל‬

The past base form o f beenyan heefeel begins with ‫( ה־‬hee) that is attached to the first letter o f
the root. Here you can see the division o f this form into its two syllables:

‫מין‬-‫הז‬ ‫ביר‬-‫הס‬ -‫>י‬

heez-MEEN hees-BEER
(to) invite, order explain

Notice that even though no ‫ י׳‬is written in the first syllable, the vowel sound is ee. This same
vowel sound repeats in the second syllable, where a ‫ י׳‬does appear.10

Here are more verbs that belong to beenyan heefeel (:(‫הפעיל‬

‫הקשיב‬ ‫הסכים‬ ‫הפסיק‬ ‫המשיך‬ ‫הדליק‬ ‫הרגיש‬

(to) listen agree stop continue light feel

Two beenyaneem with 00-A vowels: poo’al, h o o fa l

There are two more beenyaneem, both of which have the vowels oo-A (pronounced oo-AH).

In the following collection, past tense base forms o f verbs from both o f these beenyaneem are
mixed together.

‫הוקךם‬ ‫הו ת ש‬

‫טופל‬ ‫הוזמן‬ ‫שודר‬

9 There are a few cases in which there is no dagesh, e. g. , ‫( להתחבר‬le-heet-cha-VER) =to become friends with, as
opposed to ‫( להתחבר‬le-heet-cha-BER) =to join. The first verb keeps the sound v as in the noun ‫=( חבר‬friend).
10 See the chapter ‫״‬Hebrew Spelling," pp. 657-660, 664 for an explanation of when a '‫ י‬is and is not added to
indicate the ee vowel sound.

I. Patterns of Verbs: The Seven Beenyaneem

Try this:
List each of the above verbs under the name o f its beenyan. Remember: the name o f the beenyan
looks and sounds like the past base form o f the verbs in that beenyan.

hoofal ‫הופעל‬ poo'al ‫פועל‬

Here's the solution:

The two groups are:

hoofal ‫הופעל‬ poo'al ‫פועל‬

was felt ‫הורגש‬ was told ‫סופר‬
was made earlier ‫הוקדם‬ was broadcast ‫שודר‬
was invited, ordered ‫הוזמן‬ was treated ‫טופל‬

These two beenyaneem - poo'al and hoofal are usually learned after the first five

Beenyan poo’al ‫פועל‬

The past tense base form o f beenyan poo'al begins with its !Burst ro o t letter: ‫ טופל‬,‫ שודר‬,‫ סופר‬. In
full spelling, as shown here, this first root letter is immediately followed by a ‫ו׳‬, which indicates
the first o f its vowels: oo-AH (in standard spelling with vowel signs there is no ‫ו׳‬: ,‫ שדר‬,‫ספר‬
‫)טפל‬. As in pee'el and heetpa'el, here, too, the middle root letter has a dagesh (dot) in standard
spelling with vowel signs, so that when the letters ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬appear in the middle of the root, they
are pronounced b (‫)ב‬, k (‫) נ‬, p (‫)פ‬.

Here are some more verbs that belong to beenyan poo'al (‫)פ ועל‬:

‫צויר‬ ‫פ וטר‬
(to be) drawn fired
(from work)

I. Patterns of Verbs: The Seven Beenyaneem

Beenyan h oof al ‫הופעל‬

The past tense base form of beenyan hoofal also contains the vowels oo-AH:

‫הוזמן‬ ‫הוקדם‬ ‫הו ת ש‬ -C

hooz-AMN hook-DAM hoor-GASH

Q: How does this form differ from the past tense base form of beenyan poo'al: ,‫ סופר‬, ‫ש ודר‬
‫?ט ופל‬

A: The hoofal forms begin - in full spelling - with ‫( הו‬in standard spel l i ng: ‫ ה זמ ן‬,‫ הקךם‬, ‫) התש‬.
The -‫ הו‬prefix comes before the first root letter. Note the two syllables in each of the
‫מן‬-‫הוז‬ ‫דם‬-‫הוק‬ ‫גש‬-‫הוו־‬
hooz-S IA S hook-DAM hoor-GASH

In contrast, there is no prefix added to the poo'al forms. They begin with their first root letter:

11‫פל‬-‫טו‬ ‫דר‬-‫שו‬ ‫פר‬-‫סו‬ ->

too-PAL shoo-DAR soo-PAR

Here are some more verbs that belong to beenyan hoofal (:(‫הופעל‬

‫הוסכם‬ ‫הולבש‬ ‫הופסק‬ -<

(to be) agreed dressed (by someone) stopped

Let's review
♦ There are seven beenyaneem (‫ )בניינים‬in Hebrew. Each beenyan is actually a
collection of the patterns (past, present, future and imperative - in all persons
- and infinitive) that make up the full conjugation of a verb. The name of each
beenyan is created by plugging the root ‫ל‬-‫ע‬-‫ פ‬into its past tense ‫ הוא‬pattern.

♦ Here are the names and a model verb from each beenyan.

‫הופעל‬ ‫הפעיל‬ ‫התפעל‬ ‫פועל‬ ‫פיעל‬ ‫נפעל‬ ‫פעל‬

‫־‬ T
hoofal h eef eel heetpa’el poo'al pee'el neefal pa'al
‫הוזמן‬ ‫התי ש‬ ‫התלבש‬ ‫צולם‬ ‫דיבר‬ ‫נכנס‬ ‫כתב‬
‫־‬ T

11 We have divided the syllables here according to the way in which they are pronounced. The division according
to traditional grammar rules is: ‫פל‬-‫ טופ־‬,‫ז־ר‬-‫ שוד‬, ‫פר‬-‫( ס ופ‬with a doubled middle root letter).

‫‪I. Patterns of Verbs: The Seven Beenyaneem‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪Next to each of the following verbs write the name of its beenyon.‬‬

‫הוכנס‬ ‫‪.9‬‬ ‫גדל‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫‪ .10‬חובר‬ ‫הסביר‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫‪ .11‬טיפל‬ ‫נכשל‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫‪ .12‬נזכר‬ ‫שיקר‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫‪ .13‬סגר‬ ‫התרגש‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫‪ .14‬התרגל‬ ‫נישק‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫‪ .15‬הדליק‬ ‫נפרד‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫‪ .16‬שולם‬ ‫הולבש‬ ‫‪.8‬‬

‫‪ .10‬פועל‬ ‫‪ .9‬הופעל‬ ‫‪ .8‬הופעל‬ ‫‪ .I‬פעל ‪ .2‬הפעיל ‪ .3‬נפעל ‪ .4‬פיעל ‪ .5‬התפעל ‪ . 6‬פיעל ‪ .7‬נפעל‬
‫‪ . I I‬פיעל ‪ .12‬נפעל ‪ . 13‬פעל ‪ .14‬התפעל ‪ .15‬הפעיל ‪ .16‬פועל‬

II. Signs of Tenses and Forms:
Past, Present, Future and
* Signs o f the present tense ‫הווה‬
* Signs o f the past tense ‫עבר‬
‫ ״‬Signs o f the infinitive ‫שם הפועל‬
* Signs o f the future tense ‫עתיד‬

In this chapter we will look at the characteristic signs o f the three tenses and of the infinitive in
all the beenyaneem.

• Signs o f the present tense ‫ה ו וה‬

Read the following sentences in the present tense:

1 (m.s.) get up at 6 a.m. .‫ בב וקר‬6:00 -‫אני ק ם ב‬

You (m.s.) get up at 7 a.m. .‫ בב וקר‬7: 00‫א ת ה ק ם ב־‬
He gets up at 8 a.m. .‫ בב וקר‬8: 00‫ה וא ק ם ב־‬

Each of these sentences begins with a different masculine singular pronoun ( ‫אני‬, ‫ א ת ה‬and ‫)ה וא‬

Q: Do you see a difference between the verb forms used with these pronouns?

A: No. As in the case of adjectives (‫א נ י‬ ‫ ה וא ע י יף‬/ ‫ א ת ה ע י יף‬/ ‫ע י יף‬, for example), there is on
one present tense verb form for the masculine singular. Similarly, there is only one form for
the feminine singular ( ‫ ה יא‬, ‫ את‬,‫)אני‬, one for the masculine plural (‫ הם‬, ‫ אתם‬, ‫ )אנחנ ו‬and one
for the feminine plural (‫ ה ן‬, ‫ את ן‬, ‫)א נח נ ו‬.

In the following chart, you can see all four present tense forms of the verb ‫( לקום‬to get up). Next
to them are the four forms of the verb ‫( לכתוב‬to write):

II. Signs of Tenses and Forms: Past, Present, Future and Infinitive

‫לכת וב‬ ‫לק ום‬

‫כ ותב‬ (m.s.) ‫ה וא‬ , ‫אתה‬ ,‫אני‬

ko-TEV KAM he you 1
‫כ ותב ו ז‬ ™i ? (f.s.) ‫ה יא‬ , ‫את‬ ,‫אני‬
ko-TE-vet KA-ma / ka-MA 1 she you 1
‫כ ותב ים‬ ‫לןמים‬ ( ‫הם‬ , ‫אתם‬ , ‫אנחנ ו‬
kot-VEEM ka-MEEM they you we
‫כ ותב ות‬ ‫קמ ות‬ ( ‫הן‬ , ‫אתן‬ ,‫אנחנו‬
kot-VOT ka-MOT they you we

Q: In what way do the masculine singular forms in the first row (‫ כותב‬,‫ ) קם‬differ from all the
other forms?

A: They have no endings added to them.

We shall call the masculine singular form the present tense base form . The other forms are
created by adding an ending (suffix) to the base form.

Q: What are the endings on the feminine singular forms?

A: We see the ending ‫( ;ה‬-AH) on ‫ קמה‬and ‫ ת‬- (-t) on ‫כותבת‬. These are the two possible endings
o f feminine singular verbs. As we look at each beenyan in the following chapters, we will
note which of these two endings is used in the feminine singular form in the present tense
o f each o f them.

The ending o f the masculine plural present tense form is always ‫ים‬- )‫קמים‬, ‫ ;) כותבים‬the ending
of the feminine plural is always ‫ות‬- )‫קמות‬, ‫) כותבות‬. These endings are always stressed.

Once we have established the present tense base form of any regular verb and have learned
whether its feminine ending is ‫ ;ה‬or ‫ ת‬-, it is relatively simple to learn its entire present tense
conjugation. Here are some examples:

The conjugation of the verb whose present tense base form is ‫ מז־בר‬is:

‫מז־בו־ות‬ ,‫מדברים‬ ,‫מדברת‬ ,‫מדבר‬

1 According to the rules of grammar, the n- (-a) ending in present tense verbs is stressed, as in ‫מךגישה‬
(mar-gee-SHA - she feels) and ‫( רוצה‬ro-TSA - she wants). Thus the pronunciation of ‫ לןמה‬should be ka-MA.
Most Israeli speakers of Hebrew pronounce this word and other verbs of this group with the stress on the first
syllable - KA-ma - just like the past tense ‫ היא‬form.

II. Signs of Tenses and Forms: Past, Present, Future and Infinitive

The conjugation of the verb whose present tense base form is ‫ מתלבש‬is :

‫ מתלבשות‬,‫ מתלבשים‬,‫מתלבשת‬

The conjugation of the verb whose present tense base form is ‫ מ תי ש‬is :

‫ מ תי שו ת‬,‫ מרגישים‬,‫מתי שה‬

Let's review
Each beenyan has its own present tense base form , the m asculine singular ♦
)‫ (הוא‬.form

Present tense verbs in all beenyaneem are formed by adding one of the following ♦
sets of endings to the base form :

‫ כותב‬/ ‫לןם‬:no endings (m.s.(

‫ כותבת‬/ ‫לןמה‬:‫ת‬- or ‫) ; ה‬f.s .(
‫ כותבים‬/ ‫לןמים‬:‫ים‬: )m .p l (
‫כותבו־ת‬/ ‫ ת‬1‫לןמ‬:‫ות‬- )f.p i .(

For exercises on verb forms in each of the tenses and beenyaneem, see the chapters on each

• Signs o f the past tense ‫עבר‬

As discussed in the previous chapter, each of the beenyaneem has a past tense base fo rm (the
‫ הוא‬form), upon which the name of the beenyan is based.

The following is the full conjugation of a past tense verb. We have chosen to use the verb ‫לקום‬
in this sample conjugation because its base form (‫ )לןם‬does not undergo major changes as we
move from form to form.2 (The changes that take place in the past tense base forms of other
verbs will be discussed in the following chapters on each beenyan.)

2 The minor change o f the vowel kamatz □ to patach □ in this conjugation does not cause a change in

II. Signs of Tenses and Forms: Past, Present, Future and Infinitive

plural singular

K A M -noo ‫קמנ ו‬ :‫אנחנו‬ K A M -tee ‫קמת י‬ :‫אני‬

K A M -tem 3 ‫קמתם‬ :‫אתם‬ K A M -ta WE :‫אתה‬
K A M -ten ‫קמת ן‬ :‫אתן‬ KAM T ‫קמת‬ :‫את‬

K A -m oo ‫קמ ו‬ ‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ KAM ‫לזם‬ ‫הוא‬ III

K A -m a ‫היא‬

As you can see, in the past tense almost every pronoun (‫״‬.‫ אתה‬,‫ ) אני‬has its own special form.

Q: In what way is the base form (‫ )לןם‬different from all the other forms?

A: The other forms all have endings (suffixes).

Let's look more closely now at the endings added above to the base form ‫לןם‬. They are fairly
easy to remember because most o f them rhyme with or sound like their pronoun's ending. We'll
start with the "upper part" (the first and second persons)4 of the conjugation:

plural ‫רבים‬ singular ‫יחיד‬

)-noo ( ‫נו‬- :‫אנחנו‬ )- tee( ‫־ת י‬ :‫אני‬
)- tem ( ‫תם‬- : ‫אתם‬ to -( ( ‫ת‬- : ‫אתה‬
)- ten ( ‫ת ן‬- : ‫את ן‬ t -( ( ‫ ת‬-

Q: Do these endings begin with a consonant or a vowel?

A: They all begin with a consonant. Most begin with the consonant t (‫) ת‬, while one (-noo ‫)־נו‬
begins with the consonant n.

In modem Israeli pronunciation, none o f these endings is stressed. In addition, it should be

noted that the ending on the ‫ א ת ה‬form o f the verb is written ‫ ־ ת‬, without a final ‫ה׳‬: ‫א ת ה ק מ ת‬
( ,a-TA KAM-ta).

Now let's look at the endings in the "bottom part" (the third person forms) o f the conjugation:

plural ‫רבים‬ singular ‫יחיד‬

)-00( ‫ו‬- :‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ — ‫ ־‬:‫ הוא‬III
a -( ( ‫ ;ה‬:‫היא‬

3 Traditionally, ‫ קמתם‬and ‫ קמתן‬are pronounced with the stress on the end: kam-TEM/kam-TEN. Most
Israelis, however, place the stress on the first syllable: KAM-tem /KAM-ten.
4 For an explanation o f the term persons, see the chapter "Pronouns and Pointing Words," pp. 204-205.

II. Signs of Tenses and Forms: Past, Present, Future and Infinitive

Q: Do these endings (‫ ;ה‬and ‫ו‬-) also begin with a consonant?

A: No, unlike the other endings, these begin with - and consist o f - only a vowel. The ‫ היא‬ending
is -a (indicated by ‫ה‬-), and the ending shared by ‫ הם‬and ‫ הן‬is -oo (indicated by ‫ו‬-).

Whether an ending begins with a consonant or vowel has no effect on the pronunciation of
forms of the verb ‫ ;לקום‬however, in many verbs, this distinction is very significant. Its effect
will be discussed in the chapters on the individual beenyaneem.

All the endings added to ‫ קם‬above are the same endings that we add to any past tense base
form, no matter what its beenyan. Here are some examples:

endings beg. with a vowel endings beginning with a consonant

‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ ‫הואהיא‬ ‫אתםאתן‬ ‫אתהאתאנחנו‬

model verb :‫ קמו‬,‫קמה‬,‫לןם‬ ,‫ קמתן‬,‫קמתם‬ ,‫ קמנו‬,‫ קמת‬,‫קמת‬

beenyan pee'el :‫דיברו‬ ,‫דיברה‬,‫ ךיבו‬,‫ךיבךתן‬,‫ ךיבךתם‬,‫ דיבתו‬,‫ךיבךת‬,‫ךיבךת‬
beenyan pa'al :‫כתבו‬ ,‫כתבה‬,‫ פתב‬,‫כתבתן‬5,‫ כתבתם‬,‫כתבנו‬,‫כתבת‬,‫כתבת‬

Did you know?

Habitual action in the past (he used to, he would...) (‫ הווה‬+ ‫) היה‬

Although past tense verb forms are those usually used to convey something that
happened or "was" in the past, we sometimes use a different form to emphasize
the habitual nature of a past action. This form consists of a past tense form of
‫ היה‬followed by a present tense verb form, as in:'5
‫ הווה‬+ ‫היה‬
‫לבית הספר ברגל‬ ‫היי תי הו ל כ ת‬ ,‫כשהייתי קטנה‬.
When I was little, I used to w alk to school.
."‫ ״לא עכשיו‬:‫או מר ת להם‬ ‫היי תה‬ ‫ היא‬,‫מאימא לקנות משהו‬ ‫היו מ ב ק שי ם‬ ‫בכל פעם שהילדים‬
Every time the children would ask Mother to buy something, she would (used to) say

to them: "Not now!"

5 In the ‫ אתם‬and ‫ אתן‬forms, we have presented the form that reflects the pronunciation of most speakers today.
According to the rules o f grammar, the stress in these forms should be on the final syllable. In regular verbs
in beenyan pa'al only, the stress on the final syllable causes a change in the vowel of the first syl l abl e:,‫כתבתם‬
6 This construction (‫ היה‬followed by a present tense verb form) is also used to convey other meanings, such
as "I would like..." (...‫)הייתי ר וצה‬. "You would go / would have gone..." (...‫)ה י ית הולך‬. On its use in certain
conditional sentences, see the chapter "What If?: Conditional Sentences," pp 996-1002.

II. Signs of Tenses and Forms: Past, Present, Future and Infinitive

Let’s review
♦ Except for the ‫ הוא‬form (=the base form), all verbs in the past tense have
plural singular

-noo ‫לןמכו‬ :‫אנחנו‬ -tee ‫ קמתי‬:‫אני‬ I

-tern ‫קמתם‬ :‫אתם‬ -ta ‫ קמת‬:‫אתה‬ II
-ten ‫קמתן‬ :‫אתן‬ -t ‫ קמת‬:‫את‬

-oo ‫קמו‬ ‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ — ‫הוא‬ III

-a ‫?)?ה‬ ‫היא‬

All the endings in the "upper part" of the conjugation (the first and second
persons) begin with a consonant (t or n), whereas in the "lower part" (the third
person) the endings consist of a vowel alone (a and oo).

• Signs o f the infinitive ‫שם הפ ועל‬

Here are some infinitives of different verbs:

‫להתלבש‬ ‫לז־בר‬ ‫לכתוב‬ ‫לקום‬ ->

to get dressed to speak to write to get up

Q: What do all these infinitive forms have in common?

A: They all begin with -‫ ל‬.

The vowel sound after the initial -‫ ל‬differs from beefiyan to beenyan and sometimes within the
same beenyan, as you will see in the following chapters.

As we will also see in the following chapters, Hebrew has two beenyaneem that are always
passive - beenyan poo'al and beenyan hoofal. These beenyaneem have no infinitive form.

• Signs o f the future tense ‫עת יד‬

Here are examples of the base form (‫ )הוא‬of the future tense:

‫יתלבש‬ ‫יךבר‬ ‫יכתוב‬ ‫יקום‬ -C

11. Signs of Tenses and Forms: Past, Present, Future and Infinitive

Q: What do all of these forms have in common?

A: They all begin with the letter ‫י׳‬.

Let's take the first verb - ‫ יקום‬- and compare it to the other forms o f this verb that we have
infinitive past present
‫לקום‬ ‫קם‬ ‫קם‬ ‫הוא‬ -‫>י‬

Q: Which of these forms does ‫ יקום‬most resemble?

A: ‫ יקום‬looks and sounds most like the infinitive ‫לקום‬.

Now let's compare ‫ יכתוב‬to the other forms we have learned:

infinitive past present

‫לכתוב‬ ‫כתב‬ ‫ תב‬1‫כ‬ ‫הוא‬

Here, too, the future base form ‫ יכתוב‬resembles the infinitive ‫לכתוב‬.

In all the beenyaneem that have infinitive forms (i.e., in all but poo'al and hoofal) there is a
striking resemblance between the infinitive and the future tense base form. We will examine
this resemblance in more detail in the following chapters on the individual beenyaneem.

Prefixes and endings in the future tense

Now let's look at the full conjugation o f the future tense.

plural ‫רבים‬ singular ‫יחיד‬

na-KOOM ‫נקום‬ :‫אנחנו‬ 'a-KOOM ‫אקום‬ :‫אני‬ I

ta-KOO-moo ‫תקומו‬ :‫ אתן‬,‫אתם‬ ta-KOOM ‫תקום‬ :‫אתה‬ II

ta-KOO-mee ‫תקומי‬ :‫את‬

ya-KOO-moo ‫יקומו‬ ‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ ya-KOOM ‫קום‬: ‫הוא‬ III

ta-KOOM ‫תקום‬ ‫היא‬

As you can see, all verbs in the future tense have prefixes added onto the front of their first root
letter, while some forms have both prefixes and endings (suffixes). The function of the prefixes and
endings in the future tense conjugation is to make every form different from every other form.'

7 Although this is true in principle, it does not work in the case of the ‫ היא‬form (‫)תק ום‬, which is the same as the
‫ אתה‬form (‫)תק ום‬, as we w ill see below.

II. Signs of Tenses and Forms: Past, Present, Future and Infinitive

First person forms (‫ אנחנו‬,‫)אני‬

In the ‫ אני‬form, we replace the prefix o f the future tense base form ‫ יקום‬with -‫ א‬to create ‫אקום‬.
The prefix of this form corresponds to the first letter o f ‫אני‬. The ‫ אנחנו‬form ‫ נקום‬uses the -‫ נ‬o f
‫ אנחנו‬as its prefix. There is no need for an ending to be added in order to differentiate between
these two forms.

Second person forms (‫ אתן‬,‫ אתם‬,‫ את‬,‫)אתה‬

All second person future tense forms have the prefix -‫ת‬, a letter that appears in all the second
person pr onouns : ‫ את ן‬,‫ אתם‬,‫ את‬, ‫אתה‬. In order to differentiate between the masculine and feminine
singular fo rm s,‫י‬: (-ee) is added to the end o f the feminine form.

ta-KOOM :‫אתה‬ ‫תקום‬

ta-K00-mee :‫את‬ ‫תקומי‬

The two plural forms, both masculine ‫ אתם‬and feminine ‫אתן‬, are differentiated from the other
forms by adding the ending 00-) -‫)ו‬:
ta-KOO-moo -‫־‬,‫אתם‬ ‫תקומו‬

Third person forms (‫ הן‬,‫ הם‬,‫ היא‬,‫)הוא‬

As we saw above, the ‫ הוא‬form begins with - ‫י‬: ‫ יקום‬.

And how is this made plural?

We add the ending 0 0 -) -‫)ו‬. The result is ‫יקומו‬. This serves as the form o f both the masculine ‫הם‬
and the feminine ‫ הן‬in Modem Hebrew.9

Now, what about the feminine singular ‫ היא‬form?

Look at the chart above.

8 Biblical Hebrew uses the ending ‫נה‬- on the end of the ‫ אתן‬form: ‫תקימנה‬. In Modem Hebrew, this form is used
mainly in very formal contexts and in literary Hebrew.
9 Biblical Hebrew has a different form for ‫הן‬: ‫תקימנה‬. This is the same form as that used for ‫אתן‬. It is used today
in very formal contexts and in literary Hebrew.

11. Signs of Tenses and Forms: Past, Present, Future and Infinitive

Q: Do we add the ending ‫י‬: to make the ‫ הוא‬form feminine?

A: No! Unexpectedly, to create this form we change only the prefix:

‫זיקום‬ ‫הוא‬ ^‫>י‬
‫תקום‬ ‫היא‬
Q: Where have we seen this form before?

A: It is the same as the ‫ אתה‬form!: 10. ‫ היא תקום‬/ ‫א ת ה תקום‬

Learning the future tense forms

The above division into persons affords us the best view o f the future prefixes and endings and
their connection to their respective pronouns (...‫ אתה‬,‫)אני‬. Now we would like to suggest an
alternative way to learn the forms. This time we will arrange them in two groups according to
the way they are formed: those with only a prefix and those with both a prefix and an ending.

prefix and ending only prefix

‫אקום‬ :‫אני‬
‫תקום‬ :‫אתה‬
‫תקומי‬ :‫את‬
‫יקום‬ :‫הוא‬
‫תקום‬ :‫היא‬
‫נקום‬ :‫אנחנו‬
‫תקומו‬ :‫ אתן‬,‫אתם‬
‫יקומו‬ :‫ הן‬,‫הם‬

Here is a comparison between the future tense of ‫ לקום‬and o f two verbs with different bases. If
you look down the column of each pronoun, you can see that the letter prefixed to each o f the
bases is the same, though the vowels o f the prefixes are different. The endings are always the
prefixes and endings only prefixes

‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ ‫ אתן‬,‫אתם‬ ‫את‬ ‫אנחנו‬ ‫היא‬ ‫הוא‬ ‫אתה‬ ‫אני‬

model verb: ‫יקומו‬ ,‫תקומו‬ ,‫תקומי‬ ‫נקום‬ ,‫תקום‬ ,‫ יקום‬,‫ תקום‬,‫ אקום‬:‫לקום‬ ‫׳‬ T

beenyan pee'el: ‫יןברו‬ ,‫תדברו‬ ,‫תדברי‬ ‫נדבר‬ ,‫תדבר‬ ,‫ ידבר‬,‫ תדבר‬,‫לדבר* אדבר‬
beenyan pa'al : ‫יכתבו‬ ^‫תכתב‬ ,‫תכתבי‬ ‫נכתוב‬ ,‫תכתוב‬ ,‫ יכתוב‬,‫ תכתוב‬,‫ אכתוב‬:‫לכתוב‬

10 Perhaps we can think of this ‫ ת ־‬on the beginning of the ‫ היא‬form as the same sign o f the feminine singular that
appears on the end o f nouns such as ‫( מחברת‬notebook) and on feminine verb forms like ‫( כותבת‬writes). If so,
the fact that the ‫ אתה‬and ‫ היא‬forms are the same is simply coincidental.

II. Signs of Tenses and Forms: Past, Present, Future and Infinitive

Let's review
♦ The infinitive and future tense base form are usually similar, for example:

‫הוא‬ ‫שם הפועל‬

‫יקום‬ >=< ‫לקום‬

‫י‬ T

‫יכתוב‬ ‫לכתוב‬
‫ידבר‬ >=< ‫לדבר‬

have only a prefix. Others have a prefix and an ending:

prefix and ending only prefix

‫א‬ :‫אני‬ >>

‫ן‬-* ‫־‬ ‫ח‬ :‫אתה‬
‫י‬ ‫ת‬ :‫את‬
‫י‬ :‫הוא‬
U► ‫ת‬ :‫היא‬
‫נ‬ :‫אנחנו‬
‫ו‬ ‫ת‬ :‫ אתן‬,‫אתם‬
‫ו‬ ‫י‬ :‫ הן‬,‫הם‬

Chapter summary
Here are the prefixes and suffixes of all three tenses and the infinitive:

‫שם הפועל‬ ‫עתיד‬ ‫עבר‬ ‫הווה‬

♦ infinitive ♦ future ♦ p a st ♦ present

‫לקום‬ ‫אקום‬ ‫קמתי‬ ‫ כותבת‬,‫כותב‬ / ‫ קמה‬,‫קם‬ :‫אני‬ •C

‫תקום‬ ™‫ק‬ ‫כותב‬ ‫קם‬ :‫אתה‬
‫תקומי‬ ‫קמת‬ ‫כותבת‬ ‫?!מה‬ :‫את‬
‫יקום‬ Qi? ‫כותב‬ :‫הוא‬
‫תקום‬ ‫קמה‬ ‫כותבת‬ :‫היא‬
‫נקום‬ ‫קמנו‬ ‫ כותבות‬,‫ כותב ם‬/ ‫ קמות‬,‫קמים‬ :‫אנחנו‬
‫תקומו‬ ‫קמתם‬ ‫כותבים‬ ‫קמים‬ :‫אתם‬
‫תקומו‬ !‫קמת‬ ‫כותבות‬ ‫קמות‬ :‫אתן‬
‫יקומו‬ ‫קמו‬ ‫כותב ם‬ ‫קמים‬ :‫הם‬
‫יקומו‬ ‫קמו‬ ‫כותבות‬ ‫קמות‬ :‫הן‬

You will find exercises on the various tenses in the following chapters.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven
Beenyaneem ‫השלמים‬
In the next chapters we will take a closer look at each one o f the seven beenyaneem. We will
examine the conjugations of regular verbs in each beenyan: in the present tense, the past tense
and the future tense. We will also look at the infinitive form .1

As part of our presentation o f regular verbs (‫ שלמים‬- those whose root letters remain present in
all forms), we will point out changes in the pronunciation of the consonants '‫( ב‬b/v), ‫( כ׳‬k/ch) and
‫( פ׳‬p/f ). The effect o f the guttural consonants - '‫ ע‬,‫ ח׳‬/‫ ה‬/‫ א‬- on pronunciation will be discussed
in a separate unit.2

Verbs with four-letter roots (‫)מר ובע ים‬, which can appear in three of the beenyaneem (pe'el,
poo'al and heetpa'el), are presented at the end of each o f the relevant chapters.

In the chapters in this section, we will present the seven beenyaneem in the following order:

1. Beenyan Pee'el ‫פיעל‬

2. Beenyan P a 'a l 3 ‫פעל‬
3. Beenyan Heetpa'el ‫התפעל‬
4. Beenyan H eefeel ‫הפעיל‬
5. Beenyan N eefal ‫נפעל‬
6. Beenyan Poo fal ‫פועל‬
7. Beenyan H oofal ‫הופעל‬
8. Regular Verbs in All Beenyaneem: Summary

1 The imperative (command form) will be dealt with separately.

2 See the unit ‫״‬Verbs with Guttural Consonants," pp. 448-487.
3 Beenyan pa'al is often referred to as beenyan kal (‫)קל‬.

Q Beenyan Pee 'el ‫פיעל‬

‫ ״‬Present tense
• Past tense
• Infinitive
• Future tense )‫(ידבי‬
The pronunciation o f ’Q ,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬when they are the first root letter )‫ לבקר‬,‫(ביקר‬
‫ ׳‬Verbs whose first or second root letter is ‫י׳‬ )‫ טייל‬,‫(ייבש‬
Roots with four letters )‫( ת ת ם‬ ‫מרובעים‬

The verb ‫ לדבר‬/ ‫ דיבר‬will serve as our model of a regular verb in beenyan pee'el.

• Present tense (‫)מךבר‬

Here are the present tense forms of the verb ‫דיבר‬:

me-da-BER1 ‫מךבר‬ :(m.s.) ‫ הוא‬,‫ אתה‬,‫אני‬

me-da-BE-ret ‫מךברת‬ :(f.s.) ‫ היא‬,‫ את‬,‫אני‬
me-dab-REEAV ‫מךבךים‬ :( ‫ הם‬,‫ אתם‬,‫אנחנו‬
me-dab-ROT ‫מדברות‬ ‫ הן‬,‫ אתן‬,‫אנחנו‬

Q: What prefix appears at the beginning of all present tense pee'el forms (before the root

A: All the forms begin with ‫( מ‬me) (pronounced meh ):

‫מךברות‬ ,‫מךבךים‬ «‫מךברת‬ ,‫מךבר‬

1 We have transcribed and divided the syllables according to the pronunciation o f speakers of Modern Hebrew.
The traditional syllable division is different: me/dab-BER.
2 We have chosen to present the syllable division as noted above. However, another possible syllable division
o f this specific verb is: me-da-BREEM, me-da-BROT. In the past and future tenses, as well, we w ill examine
fonns that have two possible ways o f dividing their syllables, for example: ‫ ( דיברה‬deeb-RA or dee-BRA ) , ‫ידברו‬
(ve-dab-ROO or ye-da-BROO).

,Another characteristic common to all the forms of ‫ מדבר‬is the hard pronunciation o f the ‫ב׳‬
(pronounced b) in the middle o f the word (‫ מדבר‬me-da-BER). As we mentioned in the chapter
"Patterns of Verbs" (p. 364), when we write with vowel signs there is always a da g esh 3 (dot)
in the m id d le root letter of verbs in this beenyan. This dagesh is part o f the pattern o f the
beenyan. Thus, when the letters ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬appear in the middle o f the root, they are pronounced
b (‫)ב‬, k (‫)פ‬, p (‫)פ‬, as in:
‫מספר‬ ‫מסכם‬ ‫מז־בר‬
me-sa-PER me-sa-KEM me-da-BER
he is telling he is summarizing he is speaking

Adding endings
The base fo r m ‫ מדבר‬has three syllables:‫בר‬- ‫ד‬- ‫( מ‬me-da-BER). In orderto form the feminine singular
form, we add the ending ‫ ת‬: : (E-et) to this base form. The result is: ‫ךת‬-‫ב‬-‫ד‬-‫( מ‬me-da-BE-ret).

In the plural forms, the stress moves to the last syllable (and the syllable division changes):

‫ ת ת‬-‫ ד ב‬-‫מ‬ ‫ךים‬-‫מ־ךב‬

me-dab-ROT me-dab-REEM

If we compare the plural forms to the base form ‫( מו־בר‬me-da-BER), we see that the vowel after
the ‫ □( ב׳‬eh) changes and is written as a shva (□). In today's Hebrew, this shva is usually not

Want to see if you've understood?

Write the correct present tense form of the missing verb.

?‫ אתה מחפש עבודה חדשה‬.‫ו‬

‫גם את __________ עבודהז‬
!‫ הגעתם למקום הנכון‬,‫אם אתם __________עבודה‬

3 This is a strong dagesh (‫( )דגש הזק‬see the chapter ‫״‬The Pronunciation o f '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/ ‫ ב‬and the D a g e sh " pp. 630-
633). This dagesh does not appear in the letters ‫ ר׳‬/‫ ע‬/‫ ה‬/‫ ה‬/‫ א‬. For more on this, see the chapter "Guttural
Consonants: Pee'el , Poo'al and N eefal," pp. 474-487. Note: In the answers to the exercises, we have written a
strong dagesh only where it affects the pronunciation (i.e., in ‫ פ ׳‬,'‫ כ‬/‫) ב‬.
4 This change to shva is called vowel reduction. See the chapter "Reduction of Vowels and the Shva" pp. 640-
653. In traditional pronunciation, a shva like the one in ‫ מדברים‬is pronounced eh, e.g., me-da-be-REEM. In
today's pronunciation this shva is pronounced eh only in rare cases, e.g., when the last two letters of the root
are identical, for example: 1) ‫מהממים‬me-cha-me-MEEM), ‫( מבררים‬me-va-re-REEM).

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 1. Beenyan Pee'el

.‫מירי מ סד ר ת את החדר כל יום‬ .2

.‫רון _____________ א ת החדר פעם בשבוע‬

.‫מירי ושרה _____________ א ת החדר פעמיים בשבוע‬

A n s w e r s :5
‫ מירי ושרה מסךרו־ת‬,‫ רון מסדר‬.2 ‫ אתם מוזפשים‬,‫את מחפשת‬ .1

• Past tense (‫)ד יג י‬

Here are the past tense forms o f the verb ‫דיבר‬:

plural singular

dee-BAR-noo ‫ךיבךנו‬ :‫אנחנו‬ dee-BAR-tee ‫דיב ך תי‬ :‫אני‬

dee-BAR-tem6 ‫ךי ב ך ת ם‬ :‫אתם‬ dee-BAR-ta ‫ת‬T ‫די ־ב!ר‬ :‫אתה‬
dee-BAR-ten ‫די ב ר תו‬ :‫אתן‬ dee-BART ‫דיבךת‬ :‫את‬

deeb-ROO ‫דיברו‬ ‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ dee-BER ‫דיבר‬ ‫הוא‬

deeb-RA ‫דיברה‬ ‫היא‬

Q: Do these forms have a prefix (an addition before the first root letter ‫?)ד׳‬

A: No. All past tense forms in beenyan pee'el begin with the first root letter (‫ ד׳‬in this case).

Q: Which vowel comes after the first root letter?7

A: In beenyan pee'el, the vowel after the first root letter is ee in all past tense forms.8 When
we write in full spelling without vowel signs, we write a ‫ י׳‬after the first root letter: ,‫דיבר‬
‫דיברתי״‬.. This is the sign that distinguishes pee'el past tense verbs from those o f other

5 It is not necessary for you to write vowel signs in your answers. We have added vowel signs to the answers in
the chapters on verbs in order to make clear how the forms are pronounced.
6 This is the pronunciation used by most Hebrew speakers today. In traditional pronunciation, the stress is on the
ending of the ‫ אתם‬and ‫ אתן‬forms: dee-bar-TEM, dee-bar-TEN.
7 For the sake o f simplicity, we are using the term letter instead of consonant, which is the correct way to refer
to a sound.
8 As noted in the introduction to this chapter, we are not dealing in this chapter with roots that contain guttural
consonants ('‫ ע‬/‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬/‫) א‬. On the changes m pronunciation that these consonants cause, see the chapter "Guttural
Consonants and ‫ר׳‬: Pee'el, Poo'al and Neefal," pp. 474-487.
9 Past tense verbs with four-letter roots (e.g., ‫ תרגם‬teer-GEM - he translated) are not written with a '‫ י‬after the
first letter. For an explanation, see below the section on "Roots with four letters," p. 389.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 1. Beenyan Pee'el

Third person form s ( ‫ הן‬,‫ הם‬,‫ היא‬,‫) הוא‬

Let's begin with the base form (‫)ה וא‬, focusing now on the vowel after the middle root letter:
‫( ךיבר‬dee-BER).

Q: What happens to this eh vowel in the other third person forms (‫ היא‬and ‫ הן‬/‫ ) ה ם‬when the
endings are added?
dee-BER ‫דיבר‬ :‫הוא‬

deeb-RA ‫דיברה‬T !
deeb-ROO ‫ךיברו‬ :‫הן‬/‫הם‬

A: The □ (eh) becomes a shva (□), which is usually not pronounced.

As we saw previously, in the chapter "Signs o f Tenses and Forms" (pp. 372-373), the endings
on the ‫ היא‬and the ‫ הן‬/‫ ה ם‬forms are vowels: -AH (in deeb-RA) and -OO (in deeb-ROO). In many
beenyaneem , including pee'el , when the ending is a vowel, the stress moves to the ending and
the vowel before it "reduces" (becomes shorter). In texts with vowel signs, a shva (□) is written
under the middle root letter. As mentioned above, this shva is usually not pronounced in spoken

This is the same vowel reduction that we saw above in the plural present tense forms:

form s with base

vowel reduction forms

present tense: ‫^ מדברות מךבךים=>מדבר‬

past tense: ‫דיברודיברה=»דיבר‬

First and second person form s (‫ אתן‬,‫ אתם‬,‫ אנחנו‬,‫ את‬,‫ אתה‬,‫) אני‬
In the first and second persons, we add endings that begin with a consonant (-tee, -ta, -t, -noo,
-tern, -ten):
dee-BER ‫דיבר‬ :‫הוא‬

dee-B,4R-tee ‫דיבןתי‬ :‫אני‬

dee-B,4R-ta ‫דיברת‬
T !‫־‬
dee-B,4RT ‫דיבךיג‬ :‫את‬
dee-B,4R-noo ‫דיבתו‬ :‫אנחנו‬
dee-Bu4R-teml() ‫דיבךתם‬ :‫אתם‬
dee-BAR-ten ‫דיבךיגן‬ :‫אתן‬

10 We have indicated the pronunciation used by most Hebrew speakers today. In traditional pronunciation, the
stress is on the last syllable of the ‫ אתם‬and ‫ אתן‬forms: dee-bar-TEM, dee-bar-TEN.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 1. Beenyan Pee'el

Q: What happens to the eh vowel o f the base form ‫ ךיבר‬in the syllable before these endings?

A: There is always an AH sound in the syllable before these endings.

Want to see if you've understood?

Write the correct form of the underlined verb.

__________ ‫ את __________ אני __________ אנחנו‬.‫ סיפרתם לחברים על הטיול‬.1

__________ ‫דני __________ מיכל‬

__________ ‫ אתם __________ המורות‬.‫ המורה לימדה שיר של יהודה עמיחי‬.2

__________ ‫אתה __________ א תן __________ ה ם‬
‫ לימדו‬,‫ לימז־תן‬,‫ לימדת‬,‫ לימדו‬,‫ לימדתם‬.2 ‫ סיפרה‬,‫ סיפר‬,‫ סיפרנו‬,‫ סיפרתי‬,‫• סיפרת‬1

• Infinitive (‫)לדבר‬
Here are some pee'el infinitives:
‫לנגן‬ ‫לספר‬ ‫לדבר‬ -‫>־‬
to play to tell to speak
(an instrument)

The ‫ ל־‬o f pee'el infinitives has an eh sound: le-da-BER, le-sa-PER, le-na-GEN.

Notice that in beenyan pee'el (but n o t in most of the other beenyaneem ), the whole vowel
pattern is the same as the present tense base form:
present. me-da-BER ‫<■ מךבר‬C
infinitive: le-da-BER ‫לזב ר‬

Want to see if you've understood?

Write the infinitive of the underlined verb.

.‫ הם אוהבים __________עברית‬.‫ המורים באולפן מלמדים עברית‬.1

?‫ את לא רוצה __________ לי מה קרה‬.‫ לא סיפרת לי מה קרה‬.2

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 1. Beenyan Pee'el

‫ לספר‬.2 ‫ ללמד‬.‫ו‬

• Future tense ( ‫) זד נ י‬
Here are the future tense forms o f the verb ‫ז־יבר‬:

prefixes and endings only prefixes

'a-da-BER ‫אז־בר‬ :‫אני‬ ‫>־‬

te-da-BER ‫תדבר‬ :‫אתה‬
te-dab-REE ‫תךברי‬ :‫את‬
ye-da-BER ‫ידבר‬ :‫הוא‬
te-da-BER ‫תדבר‬ :‫היא‬
ne-da-BER ‫נדבר‬ :‫אנחנו‬
te-dab-ROO ‫תדברו‬ :‫אתן‬/‫אתם‬
ye-dab-ROO ‫ידברו‬ :‫הן‬/‫הם‬

As we pointed out in the chapter "Signs o f Tenses and Forms" (p. 375), the future tense base
form o f many verbs, including those in b e e n y a n p e e 'e l , resembles their infinitive form:

in fin itiv e : le-da-BER ‫לדבר‬

fu tu r e b a se f o r m : ye-da-BER ‫ידבר‬ :‫הוא‬

To arrive at the future tense base form from the infinitive, we just drop the -‫ ל‬and add -‫י‬.

It so happens that in b e e n y a n p e e 'e l , but n o t in most b e e n y a n e e m , these forms are similar to the
present tense base form (‫ )מדבר‬as well.

Now let's look more closely at the right-hand column o f verbs in the chart above.

Q: Which prefix contains a vowel d if f e r e n t from that o f the others?

A: The -‫ א‬in the ‫ אני‬form (‫)אדבר‬. All future p e e 'e l prefixes have an eh vowel like their infinitive
and present tense forms (e.g., ‫ ידבר‬ye-da-BER , ‫ תדבר‬te-da-BER) except for the ‫ אני‬form, which
begins with an ah sound: ‫ אדבר‬Ca-da-BER).

Let's focus now on the vowel after the s e c o n d root letter (‫ )ב׳‬o f these forms. The base form (‫)הוא‬
and all other forms w it h o u t endings (in the right-hand column o f verbs in the chart) have an eh
ye-da-BER -‫ידבר ־‬ :‫< הוא‬
te-da-BER ‫תדבר‬ :‫אתה‬

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 1. Beenyan Pee'el

Q: What happens to this □ (eh) vowel when the vowel endings -EE (‫י‬:) and -OO (‫ו‬-) are added
and the stress moves to the end o f the word to create ‫( תךבןי‬te-dab-REE), ‫( תדברו‬te-dab-ROO)
and ‫( ידברו‬ye-dab-ROO) (in the left-hand column o f the chart)?

A: The □ (eh) becomes a shva (□) and is usually not pronounced.

te-da-BER ‫תדבי‬ :‫אתה‬

te-dab-REE ‫תדברי‬ :‫את‬
te-dab-ROO ‫תדברו‬ :‫א תן‬/‫א תם‬

ye-da-BER ‫ידבר‬ :‫הוא‬

ye-dab-ROO ‫ידברו‬ :‫ הן‬/‫הם‬

This is the same change that we saw above when -AH )‫ (;ה‬and -OO )‫ו‬-( were added in the
past tense : ‫ ךיברו‬,‫ ךיבךה‬and when -EEM )‫ים‬:( and -OT )‫ ת‬1‫ (־‬were added in the present : ,‫מךבךים‬
‫ ת‬1‫מןבר‬.

Q: Do all these endings (-EE, -OO, -AH, -EEM, -OT) begin with a consonant or a vowel?

A: They all begin with a vowel. When a vowel ending is added, the vowel that precedes the
ending often "reduces" and is written with a shva.

For variations caused by the presence of ‫ ע׳‬/‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬/‫( א‬the guttural consonants), see the chapter
"Reduction o f Vowels and the Shva" (pp. 651-652) and also the chapter "Guttural Consonants
and ‫ר׳‬: Pee'el, Poo'al and N eefa l" (pp. 474-487).

Want to see if you've understood?

Write the future form of the underlined verb.

,‫ את __________ לנו על הטיול שלך ליפן‬,‫ אחרי שדויד יספר לנו על הטיול שלו להודו‬,‫ מיכל‬.1
.‫ואנחנו __________ ע ל הטיול שלנו בגליל‬

‫ גם אתה‬.‫ אבל רון יסבל מתנה‬,‫ אני חושב שלא __________ מתנה לחג השנה‬.2
__________ ‫ וגם אתם‬,‫מתנה‬

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 1. Beenyan Pee'el

.‫ ושרה ______________ א ו ת נ ו ספרות‬,‫דויד יל מד או תנו הי ס טורי ה בשנה הבאה‬ .3

‫ תלמד‬.3 ‫ תקבלו‬,‫ תקבל‬,‫ אקבל‬.2 ‫ נספר‬,‫תספרי‬ .1

• The pronunciation o f ‫ פ׳‬/ ‫ כ‬/ ‫ ב‬when they are the

first root letter ( ‫ לבקר‬,‫)בילןר‬
We saw above that when we write with vowel signs, verbs in pee'el always have a dagesh 11 in
the middle root letter, which causes the letters ‫ פ׳‬,‫ כ׳‬,'‫ ב‬always to be pronounced b, k, p when
they are in the middle position. Now let's see what happens in beenyan pee'el when the letters
‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬are the first letter o f the root:

‫עתיד‬ ‫שם הפועל‬ ‫הווה‬ ‫עבר‬ ‫שורש‬

future infinitive present past root

to ask for, request ‫יבקש‬ ‫לבקש‬ ‫מבקש‬ ‫ביקש‬ ‫ש‬-‫ק‬-‫ב‬

ye-va-KESH le-va-KESH me-va-KESH bee-KESH
to launder ‫יכבס‬ ‫לכבס‬ ‫מכבס‬ ‫כיבס‬ ‫ס‬-‫כ־ב‬
ye-cha-BES le-cha-BES me-cha-BES kee-BES
to fire (someone) ‫יפטר‬ ‫לפטר‬ ‫מפטר‬ ‫פיטר‬ ‫ר‬-‫ט‬-‫פ‬
ye-fa-TER le-fa-TER me-fa-TER pee-TER

As you can see, when ' ‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬are the first root letter, their pronunciation is hard ( b, p, k ) only in
the past tense form. In all the other forms, their pronunciation is soft, v (‫)ב׳‬, ch (‫ )כ׳‬and f (12.( ‫פ׳‬

The dagesh that appears in ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬at the beginning of the past tense forms is a weak dagesh ;13 it
is a different kind of dagesh from the one that appears in the middle root letter in pee'el.14 This
weak dagesh appears in pee'el only in the past tense, since in this beenyan, it is only in the past
tense that the letters ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬are at the beginning of the word.

11 This is a strong dagesh (‫)דגש חזק‬. It appears in all letters except for ‫ ר‬,'‫ ע‬/‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬/‫ א‬. See the chapter "The
Pronunciation o f '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh ,‫ ״‬pp. 630-633.
12 This is because they follow a vowel (eh) in these forms. When this is the c a se , ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬always have a soft
pronunciation: v, ch, f.
13 In traditional grammar books this is often called dagesh lene.
14 The two kinds of dagesh - the weak dagesh and the strong dagesh - have different functions and different
reasons for appearing. (See the chapter "The Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬and the Dagesh," pp. 624-639). Today,
the presence o f both kinds o f dagesh affects the pronunciation only of '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬: They both indicate that / ‫ כ‬/‫ב‬
‫ פ׳‬are pronounced as hard sounds (b, k, p).

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 1. Beenyan Pee'el

Want to see if you've understood?

W r it e the m is s in g fo rm o f th e u n d e rlin e d v e rb , a n d s a y b o th fo rm s o u t lo u d .

.‫ אבל בסוף הן ביס שו סליחה‬,‫ מאיה ורינה לא רצו _____________ ס ל י ח ה מהחברים שלהן‬. 1

.‫ מתי תבואו לבס ר אותנו? לא _____________ א ו ת נ ו כבר המון זמן‬,‫ בן ומירי‬.2

.‫ אולי _____________ א ו ת ם מחר‬.‫ עדיין לא כיבסנו את הבגדים הלבנים‬. 3

A n s w e rs :

bee-KAR-tem ‫ ביקךתם‬/ le-va-KER ‫ לבקר‬.beek-SHOO 2 ‫ ביקשו‬le-va-KESH 1 ‫ לבקש‬.1

ne-cba-BES ‫ נכבס‬/ kee-BAS-noo ‫ ניבסנו‬.3

• Verbs whosefirst or second root letter is ‫ טייל) י׳‬, ‫) ייבש‬

Now let's compare verbs whose first root letter is ‫ ) י־ב־ש) י׳‬and those whose second root letter
is ‫ ) ט־י־ל) י׳‬to the model verb ‫) ד־ב־ר) דיבר‬. Pay special attention to the spelling:

‫עתיר‬ ‫הווה‬ ‫עבר‬ ‫שם הפועל‬ ‫שורש‬

future present past infinitive root
model verb : ...‫ תדבד‬,‫ידבר‬ ‫מדבי‬ ...‫ דיביתי‬,‫דיבד‬ ‫לדבר‬ ‫ד־ב־ר‬ ->
to dry ‫״‬.‫ תייבש‬,‫ייבש‬ ‫מייבש‬ .‫ ייבשתי״‬,‫ייבש‬ ‫לייבש‬ ‫י־ב־ש‬
to travel (or walk around) ‫״‬.‫ תטייל‬,‫יטייל‬ ‫מטייל‬ .‫ טיילתי״‬,‫טייל‬ ‫לטייל‬ ‫ל‬-‫י‬-‫ט‬

When ‫ י׳‬is the first or second root letter, it is always written as a doubleyod (5‫(יי‬.‫ ו‬However, we
never write more than two ‫ י׳‬in a row.

B e c a r e fu l! Students often find it difficult to identify verb forms like ‫ טייל‬and ‫צייר‬
as pee'el verbs (they are pronounced tee-YEL and tsee-YER, just like ‫ דיבר‬dee-BER). It
should be noted that there are also non-verb forms spelled with the same letters, but
pronounced differently. Some examples are: the noun ‫ צייר) צייר‬tsa-YAR painter) and words
like ‫ קיים) קיים‬exists), which is not a verb in Hebrew.

15 Note that the verbal noun of verbs whose middle root letter is '‫ לצייר) י‬,‫ )לטייל‬is written with only one '‫( י‬that of
the root):
‫ציור‬ ‫טיול‬ ■>
tsee-YOOR tee-YOOL
drawing trip
These forms are different from the model form ‫( דיבור‬speaking) in that here no additional '‫ י‬is written between
the first and second root letters.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 1. Beenyan Pee'el

• Roots with four letters ( ‫מר ובע ים (תרגם‬

Some pee'el verbs have four root letters. Here are the infinitives o f some o f them:

‫לבלבל‬ ‫ל א מן‬ ‫לצלצל‬ ‫לתןגם‬

to confuse to organize to ring, phone to translate

The pattern of these infinitives is very much like that of ‫לדבר‬, only with an extra root letter:

> ‫בר‬- ‫ד‬-‫ל‬

‫ ג ם‬- ‫ תך‬- ‫ל‬

The present and future forms o f verbs with fo u r root letters are also similar to those o f regular
pee'el verbs. Compare:
future present
‫ בר‬- ‫י ־ ך‬ ‫ בר‬- ‫ ך‬- ‫מ‬ ->
‫ גם‬- ‫ תך‬- ‫י‬ ‫ גם‬- ‫ תך‬- ‫מ‬

There is no strong dagesh in verbs with four root letters; however, when the third root letter is
‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫) מבלבל) ב‬, it has a hard pronunciation (b, k, p) and is written with a dagesh in texts with
vowel signs.16

In the past tense, when there are four letters in the root, we do n o t write a ‫ י׳‬after the first root
letter (according to official spelling rules) when we write without vowel signs.17 Thus, we
write: ‫( דיבר‬dee-BER) but ‫( תרגם‬teer-GEM ). Compare:

regular three-letter root: ‫דיבר ה‬ ,‫דיבר‬ ,‫דיב ר ת‬ ,‫דיב ר תי‬

deeb-RA dee-BER dee-BAR-ta dee-BAR-tee

four-letter root: ‫ת רג מ ה‬ ,‫ת רג ם‬ ,‫ת רג מ ת‬ ,‫ת רג מ תי‬

teer-ge-MA teer-GEM teer-GAM-ta teer-GAM-tee

16 This is a weak dagesh, which comes after a closed syllable. For an explanation, see the chapter "The
Pronunciation o f '‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬and the Dagesh, " pp. 624-629.
17 According to the Hebrew Language Academy, we do not add a ‫ י׳‬in the middle of a closed syllable whose end
is marked by a shva (‫)□□ ־‬. See the chapter "Hebrew Spelling," pp. 657-660.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 1 . Beenyan Pee'el

?Want to see if you've understood

.P ro n o u n ce th e fo llo w in g p a st tense v e rb s , a n d c h a n g e them to th e p re se n t a n d fu tu re

R e m e m b e r to p ro n o u n c e e e in the firs t s y lla b le o f the p a s t ten se, eve n th o u g h th e re is

n o '‫ י‬th e re .

__________ ‫ עכשיו רינה ___________ מ ח ר רינה‬.‫ אתמול רינה צלצלה לאימא שלה‬.‫ו‬
.‫לאימא שלה‬

)‫ מחר (את‬.__________ ‫ עכשיו את‬.‫ בשבוע שעבר (את) ארגנת מסיבה נהדרת‬.2
.‫__________ מסיבה‬

A n s w e rs :
‫ תארגני‬,‫ מאו־גנת‬, ’eer-G A N T , 2 ‫ תצלצל‬,‫ מצלצלת‬, tseel-tse-LA .‫ו‬

infinitive future present past

fu ll spelling without vowel signs: ‫לדבר‬ ‫ידבר‬ ‫מדבר‬ ‫דיבר‬
standard spelling with vowel signs: ‫לדבר‬ ‫ידבר‬ ‫מךבר‬ ‫דבר‬
le-da-BER ye-da-BER me-da-BER dee-BER

- When ' ‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬are the middle root letter, they are always pronounced b, k, p.

- Other changes in pronunciation and spelling involving the letters ' ‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬and also ‫ י׳‬are
discussed in detail in the chapter above.

♦ Some pee'el verbs have four root letters. Here is an example o f their base forms and
infinitive future present past
fu ll spelling without vowel signs: ‫לתרגם‬ ‫יתרגם‬ ‫מתרגם‬ ‫תרגם‬
standard spelling with vowel signs: ‫לתרגםיתךגםמתו־גםתו־גם‬
le-tar-GEM ye-tar-GEhl me-tar-GEM teer-GEM

‫‪III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem /‬‬ ‫‪1. Beenyan Pee'el‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood the chapter‬‬

‫‪Write the correct form of the underlined verb (past, present, future or infinitive).‬‬

‫עוד מ ע ט‬ ‫דינה‪ ,‬איפה ה מ שקפיים שליו אני מ ח פ ש ת או ת ם כבר חצי שעה!‬ ‫ו‪.‬‬
‫או ת ם גם במכונית‪.‬‬

‫או תו מיד‪ ,‬בבקשה‪ .‬את צריכה‬ ‫אימא לרו תי‪ :‬עוד לא סידרת את החדר שלך?‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫את החדר גם בלי שאבק ש‪.‬‬

‫אלייך א ת מול וביקשה ש תצלצלי אליה היום‪ .‬בזמן ה א חרון היא‬ ‫מיכל‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫אלייך כל יום‪ ,‬נכון?‬


‫בעיר העתיקה‪ ,‬וב שבוע הבא‬ ‫אנ חנו או הבי ם ל טיי ל בירו שלי ם‪ .‬ב שבוע שעבר __________‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫______________ ב ה ר הצופים‪.‬‬
‫‪ . 4‬טיילנו‪ ,‬נטייל‬ ‫‪ .3‬צלצלה‪ ,‬מצלצלת‬ ‫‪ .2‬תסדרי‪ ,‬לסדר‬ ‫ו‪ .‬אחפש‬

2 Beenyan Pa'al ‫פעל‬

tensePresent• )‫גר‬1‫(ס‬
• Past tense )‫(סגר‬
‫ ״‬Infinitive )‫(לסגור‬
• Future tense )‫ ילמד‬,‫(יסגור‬
‫ ״‬of The pronunciation ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ב‬

The verb ‫ לסגור‬/ ‫( סגר‬to close) will serve as our model of a regular verb in beenyan p a 'a l1

• Present tense (‫)ס וג י‬

Here are the present tense forms of the verb ‫סגר‬:

so-GER ‫סוגר‬ :(m.s.) ‫ הוא‬,‫ אתה‬,‫אני‬

so-GE-ret ‫סוגרת‬ ■■(f.s■) ‫ היא‬,‫ את‬,‫אני‬
sog-REEAI ‫סוגרים‬ :( ‫ הם‬,‫ אתם‬,‫אנחנו‬
sog-ROT ‫סוגרות‬ :{ ‫ הן‬,‫ אתן‬,‫אנחנו‬

Compare these forms to the present tense forms in beenyan pee'el ( ‫״‬.‫ מדברת‬,‫) מדבר‬.

Q: Do the verbs in beenyan p a ’a l have a prefix before the root letters?

A: No. There is no prefix in present tense pa'al verbs.

Q: What characteristic is common to all these forms?

A: They all have "i0/7) ‫ )״‬after the first root letter:

‫סוגרות‬ ,‫סוגךים‬ ,‫סוגרת‬ ,‫סוגר‬ -<

1 For the changes that occur in verbs with gutturals (‫ ע׳‬,'‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬,‫)א׳‬, such as ‫לעבוד‬, ‫ל שאול‬, ‫ ל ש מוע‬, see the chapter
"Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al," pp. 450-460.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 2. Beenyan Pa'al

As in pee'el, the feminine present tense forms o f pa'al end in ‫ ת‬:: (E-et). Compare:

me-da-BE-ret ‫מדברת‬
so-GE-ret ‫סוגרת‬

Note that - as is the case in pee'el ( ‫ ת‬1‫ מךבר‬,‫ ) מךבךים‬- when the plural endings are added to verbs
in pa'al , the eh vowel before them ( ‫ ים‬+ ‫ ) סוגר‬changes and is written as a shva (□). In today's
Hebrew, this shva is usually not pronounced.2
‫סוגרות‬ ,‫>■־ סוגרים‬
sog-ROT sog-REEM

?Want to see if you've understood

.Write the correct form of the underlined verb

_______ m ( . ( ‫_________________________________________________________________________________ א נ ח נ ו‬

_______________ ‫ הם‬. _______________ ‫ הוא‬. _______________ ‫ את‬.‫אנ חנו לו מ דו ת מהר‬ .2

_______________ ‫למ ה הם לא סוגרים את הדלת? הוא _______________ ה ן _______________ א ת‬ .3

‫ סוגרת‬,‫ סוגרות‬,‫ סוגר‬.3 ‫ אמךים‬,‫ אמד‬,‫ אמדת‬.2 ‫ כותבים‬,‫ כותבת‬.1

A special present tense pattern: pa’el (4(‫פעל‬

There are some verbs in pa'al that have a different pattern in the present tense. Here is the ‫הוא‬
form of the most common o f these verbs:
‫לןטן‬ ‫ישן‬ ‫גלל‬
(he/it) is getting smaller is sleeping is growing (up),
getting bigger

2 This change to shva is called vowel reduction. See the chapter "Reduction of Vowels and the Shva," pp. 640-641,
648-650. In traditional pronunciation this shva is pronounced eh (so-ge-REEM). In today’s pronunciation this is
so only in rare cases, e.g., when the last two letters of the root are identical, as in: ‫( הומים‬cho-ge-GEEM).
3 It is not necessary for you to write vowel signs in your answers. We have added vowel signs to the answers in
the chapters on verbs only in order to make clear how the forms are pronounced.
4 Biblical Hebrew grammars often refer to these as stative verbs, i.e., as verbs that denote a state or a change of
state. Note that not all verbs that denote a state (for example: ‫ יושב‬sitting and ‫ שוכב‬lying down) take this form.
For more on ‫ פעל‬see Jouon-Muraoka, 1996, p. 127, section 41b. For more on statives, see the chapter "Verbs
that Are Neither Active Nor Passive," pp. 606-608.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 2. Beenyan Pa'al

Q: What vowel do the verbs ‫ גדל‬and ‫ ישן‬have in their first syllable instead o f the "i" (oh) o f

A: They have the vowel □ (ah):

n?i? 1‫גדל‬ ‫ש‬: <c
ka-TEN ya-SHEN ga-DEL

The second syllable of these verbs has the same vowel as ‫( סןי־־גר‬so-GER):
‫ךל‬-‫( ג‬ga-DEL)
‫י־ שן‬ (ya-SHEN')

Now let's look at all four present tense forms of verbs with this pattern:

ga-DEL ‫גדל‬•‫ד‬
.(m.s.) ‫ ה וא‬, ‫ אתה‬,‫אני‬
gde-LA ‫גדלה‬
T ‫! ״‬
:(f.s.) ‫ ה יא‬, ‫ את‬,‫אני‬
gde-LEEM ‫גדלים‬ :( ‫ הם‬, ‫ אתם‬,‫אנחנו‬
gde-LOT ‫גדאת‬ :( ‫ הן‬,‫ אתן‬,‫אנחנו‬

Q: Which vowel remains constant in all four o f these forms?

A: The □ (eh) vowel in the middle of the word:

‫ ת‬1‫גדל‬ ,‫גדלים‬ ,‫גדלה‬ ,‫גדל‬

gde-LOT gde-LEEM gde-LA ga-DEL

These forms may seem familiar to you. They are the same as the forms of the following
fat ‫־‬, ‫שמ ן‬, ‫ שמ נה‬, ‫שמנ ים‬
happy 5‫ש מ ח ו ת‬ , ‫שמח ים‬ , ‫שמ חה‬ , ‫שמח‬

Notice that it is the ah vowel at the beginning o f these forms (‫ גדל‬ga-DEL) that "reduces" when
endings are added. The reduced vowel is written as shva and is often not pronounced (e. g. , ,‫גדלה‬
‫ גדלות‬,‫ גדלים‬gde-LA , gde-LEEM , gde-LOT). This is different from the regular present tense verb
forms - ‫ סוג־רות‬/ ‫רים‬-‫־ רו ת) => סוג‬/‫גר => ( * סו־ג־ רי ם‬-‫ סז׳‬- in which the reduction to shva takes
place in the syllable immediately before the ending.

5 The separation of these words into two different categories - verbs and adjectives - is often blurred. Thus,
‫( שמח‬happy) may be considered an adjective or a verb that describes a state of being.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 2. Beenyan Pa'al

Notice that the feminine singular form of the pa'el pattern (‫ )גדלה‬does n o t end in ‫ ת‬- as do the
regular pa'al verbs (for example: ‫)סוגרת‬. Rather, its ending is ‫( ; ה‬-AH').

T ‫״‬ !
T ‫! ״‬

ye-she-NA gde-L4

Want to see if you've understood?

W r it e the c o rre c t fo rm o f th e u n d e rlin e d v e rb .

___________ ‫ כמה זמן אתה!ש! כל לילהז את___________ א תן ___________ ה ם‬.1

__________ ‫ גם המשכורות שלכם‬.‫ המשכורת שלך גדלה כל שנה‬.2

A n s w e rs :
‫ גדלות‬.2 ‫ ישנים‬,‫ ישנות‬,‫ ישנה‬.‫ו‬

• Past tense ( ‫) ס ג י‬
Here are the past tense forms o f the verb ‫סגר‬:

plural singular

sa-GAR-noo ‫סגרנו‬ :‫ ־־‬T

:‫אנחנו‬ sa-GAR-tee ‫סגרתי‬
‫י‬ :‫ ־‬T
:‫אני‬ ->
sa-GAR-tem / sgar-TEM 6‫ סגךתם‬/ ‫סגן ת ם‬ :‫אתם‬ sa-GAR-ta ‫סגרת‬
T :‫ ־‬T
sa-GAR-ten / sgar-TEN ‫ סגךתן‬/ ‫סגךתן‬ :‫אתן‬ sa-GART ‫סגרת‬
! :‫ ־‬T

sag-ROO ‫סגרו‬
! T
‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ sa-GAR ‫סגר‬
‫ ־‬T
sag-RA ‫סגרה‬ TS T

Beenyan pa'al has no prefix in the past tense, nor does it have any added letters indicating its
first vowel, as does ‫ דיבר‬in beenyan pee'el.

6 The pronunciation used by most Hebrew speakers today is ‫ סגךתן‬,‫ ( סגךתם‬sa-GAR-tem, sa-GAR-ten). It should
be noted that according to the rules o f grammar, the stress is on the ending of the ‫ אתם‬and ‫ אתן‬forms, and this
causes the first vowel to "reduce" (it is written as a shva): ‫ סגךתן‬,‫( סגךתם‬pronounced sgar-TEM, sgar-TEN or,
traditionally, se-gar-TEM, se-gar-TEN). See the chapter "Reduction of Vowels and the Shva," pp. 640-647.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 2. Beenyan Pa'al

Q: What is the first vowel in all the pa'al past tense forms?

A: The first vowel is ah, as in the base form ‫( סגר‬sa-GAR), for example:

! !‫ ־‬T
T !‫ ־‬T
,‫סגרתי‬ -‫>י‬
sa-GART sa-GAR-ta sa-GAR-tee

The second vowel in the past tense base form (‫ )הוא‬is also ah: ‫( סגר‬sa-GLR). In forms that have a
vowel ending - ‫ היא‬and ‫ הן‬/‫( ה ם‬at the bottom part of the chart) - we see the same phenomenon
that we saw in pee'el: the stress moves to the ending and the vowel before it "reduces" (and is
usually not pronounced): ’
beenyan pee'el: ‫ךיברו‬ ,‫ךיבךה‬
deeb-ROO deeb-RA

beenyan pa'al: ‫סגרו‬ 5 T

' r : T

sag-ROO sag-RA

In forms whose endings begin with a consonant (‫ ת‬- or ‫נ‬-) (in the upper part of the chart), the
vowel □ (AH) always appears in the syllable before the ending - just as is the case in pee'el.

beenyan pee'el: ‫דיבות‬ ,‫דיברת‬

/ T :-
dee-BART dee-BAR-ta dee-BAR-tee

beenyan pa'al: ‫סגרת‬

! !‫ ־‬T
T !‫ ־־‬T
‫־‬ !” T

sa-GART sa-GAR-ta sa-GAR-tee

Want to see if you've understood?

W r it e the c o rre c t fo rm o f th e u n d e rlin e d v e rb .

‫ אנחנו‬. __________ ‫ את‬.‫ שכחתי את השם של המזכירה החדשה‬.1

___________ ‫אורי‬

_______ ‫ אני ___________ א ת ם‬.‫ כתבנו אי מייל לחברים שלנו‬.2

. __________ ‫אילנה‬

7 In rare cases, such as when the last two root letters are the same, the shva is always pronounced, for example:
‫( היא חגגה‬cha-ge-GA she celebrated).

I. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 2. Beenyan Pa'al

‫ רן‬- ‫ מיכל ורן‬.‫מיכל למדה סיני ת בשנה שעברה‬ .3

_______________ ‫אתה‬

‫ למז־ת‬,‫ למד‬,‫ למדו‬.3 ‫ כתבה‬,‫ פתבתם‬,‫ כתבתי‬.2 ‫ שכת‬,‫ שכחנו‬,‫ שכחת‬.‫ו‬

•Infinitive (‫)לסג ור‬

Here are some pa'al infinitives:
‫לרקייד‬ ‫לסגור‬
to dance to close

These infinitives have two syllables:

lees-GOR ‫גור‬-‫לס‬
leer-KOD ‫ ד‬1‫ק‬-‫לך‬

In these pa'al forms, the vowel o f the -‫ ל‬is ee: -‫( ל‬lee). When we add -‫ ל‬to the front o f these
verbs, their first root letter joins the first syllable to form: ‫( לס־‬lees-), -‫( לר‬leer-). Notice that even
though the vowel here is ee, we do not insert a '‫ י‬in the middle o f the syllable.8

Q: What vowel appears in the second syllable of these infinitives?

A: The vowel oh, written with a ‫ו׳‬.

There is one "official" exception: the infinitive o f the verb ‫ שכב‬is ‫( לשכב‬to lie down).9

Want to see if you've understood?

Write the infinitive of the underlined verb.

‫יוסף רעד במסיבה כי הוא אוהב‬ .1

.‫חצ אי ת‬ ‫ אבל היום אני רוצה‬,‫כל יו ם אני לו ב ש ת מכנסיי ם‬ ‫ב‬

This is because lees- and leer- are closed syllables (= they end in a consonant). For details on when we add a
'‫ י‬and when we don't, see the chapter ‫״‬Hebrew Spelling,‫ ״‬pp. 657-660.
The infinitive o f one other verb - ‫ רכב‬/ ‫( רוכב‬to ride) - is often pronounced like ‫לשכב‬, i.e., without a '‫ו‬: ‫לרכב‬
(leer-KAV) rather than ‫( לרכוב‬the grammatically correct form).

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 2. Beenyan Pa'al

.‫ נמא ס לי ___________________________________________________________ ב מי ט ה‬.‫במיטה כבר שלו ש ה י מי ם‬

.‫למה א ת ם סוגרים את הדלת? אין סיבה _______________ א ו ת ה עכ שיו‬ .4

A n s w e rs :

‫ לסגור‬.4 ‫ לשכב‬.3 ‫ ללבוש‬. 2 ‫ו• לרקוד‬

• Future tense ( ‫ ילמד‬, ‫) יסגיר‬

Most regular verbs in beenyan pa'al have the following future tense base form:

‫ירקוד‬ ‫יסגור‬ )‫(הוא‬

he will dance he will close

As we saw above in beenyan pee'el, it is easy to arrive at this form if you know the infinitive:

future infinitive
‫יסגור‬ <s= ‫לסגור‬
yees-GOR lees-GOR

We simply drop off the -‫ל‬, and add the future prefix -‫י‬. The vowel of both prefixes is the same:
□ (ee), however no extra ‫ י׳‬is added to either form.

Here are the future tense forms o f the verb ‫ יסגור‬/ ‫ לסגור‬:

prefixes and endings only prefixes

,es-GOR ‫אסגור‬ :‫אני‬

tees-GOR ‫תסגור‬ :‫אתה‬
tees-ge-REE ‫תסגןי‬ :‫את‬
yees-GOR 1‫<סגו‬ :‫הוא‬
tees-GOR ‫תסגור‬ :‫היא‬
nees-GOR ‫נסגור‬ :‫אנחנו‬
tees-ge-ROO ‫תסגרו‬ :‫אתן‬/‫אתם‬
yees-geROO ‫יסגרו‬ :‫הן‬/‫הם‬

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 2. Beenyan Pa'al

Q: Which prefix contains a vowel different from the others?

A: -‫ א‬in 10. ‫ר‬1‫ אסג‬Except for this ‫ אני‬form, all future tense forms in pa'al begin with the sound
‫״‬.‫נסגור‬ ,‫תסגור‬ ,‫>* יסגור‬
nees-GOR tees-GOR yees-GOR

The ‫ אני‬form begins with an eh sound: ‫׳) אסגור‬es-GOR).

The vowel after the second root letter: ’e f 01 (‫)אפעיל‬

Q: Which vowel appears between the second and third root letter in the forms w ithout an
ending: ‫״‬.‫ תסגור‬,‫?יסגור‬

A: The vowel oh which is written with a ‫ ו׳‬when we write without vowel signs:

‫״‬.‫נסגור‬ ,‫תסגור‬ ,‫אסגור‬

nees-GOR tees-GOR 'es-GOR

Q: What happens to this oh ("1") when endings are added: ‫ יסגרו‬,‫ תסגרו‬,‫? תסגרי‬

A: When the stress moves to the ending, the oh vowel "reduces" and is written asa shva (□).
This shva is pronounced eh:
‫יסגרו‬ ,‫תסגרו‬ ,‫תסגרי‬
yees-ge-ROO tees-ge-ROO tees-ge-REE

Be careful! When we write w ithout vowels, future tense verbs w ith endings look the
same in pa'al and pee'el, for example (note the difference in pronunciation):

beenyan pa'al: *‫יסגרו״‬

yees-ge-ROO tees-ge-ROO tees-ge-REE

beenyan pee'el: ,‫תדברי‬,‫ידברותדברו‬

ye-dab-ROO te-dab-ROO te-dab-REE

Only our familiarity with the specific verbs that appear in a given context helps us to know to
which beenyan they belong and, thus, how to pronounce them.

10 ‫ א׳‬often shows a preference for the sound eh. See the chapter ‫״‬Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al ” pp. 453-

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 2. Beenyan Pa'al

Want to see if you've understood?

Write the missing form of the underlined verb.

_____________ ‫ אתה______________ א נ ח נ ו ______________ א נ י‬.‫ה מטפלת ת שמור על הילדים‬ .1

. _____________ ‫ הרקדנית ______________ א ת ה‬.‫הרקדן ירקוד עוד ריקוד אחד‬ .2

. _____________ ‫את ______________ א ת ם ______________ ה ם‬

‫ ירקדו‬.‫ תרקיו‬,‫ תרקדי‬,‫ תרקוד‬,‫ תרקוד‬.2 ‫ א ש מור‬,‫ נשמור‬,‫ תשמור‬. 1

A special future tense pattern: ’e f al (‫)אפעל‬

Some pa'al verbs have a somewhat different future tense base form. Here, for example, is the
future tense conjugation o f the verb ‫ ללמוד‬/ ‫ למד‬:

prefixes and endings only prefixes

'el-MAD ‫אלמד‬ :‫אני‬

teel-MAD ‫תלמד‬ :‫אתה‬
teel-me-DEE ‫תלמלי‬ :‫את‬
yeel-MAD ‫ילמד‬ :‫הוא‬
teel-MAD ‫תלמד‬ :‫היא‬
neel-MAD ‫נלמד‬ :‫אנחנו‬
teel-me-DOO ‫תלמדו‬ :‫אתן‬/‫אתם‬
yeel-me-DOO ‫ילמדו‬ :‫הן‬/‫הם‬

Q: In what way are the future forms o f ‫ ללמוד‬/ ‫ למד‬different from those o f ‫ לסגור‬/ ‫? סגר‬

A: The future base form ‫ ילמד‬and all the other forms with prefixes only (in the right-hand
column above) have an AH sound in their second syllable instead of an OH sound. Thus,
they have no ‫ ״ו״‬and are quite different from their infinitive form ‫ללמוד‬.

The forms with endings (in the left-hand column above) look and sound exactly like the forms
of ‫לסגור‬:
‫יסגרו‬ ,‫תסגרו‬ ,‫תסגרי‬
yees-ge-ROO tees-ge-ROO tees-ge-REE

‫ילמדו‬ ,‫תלמדו‬ ,‫תלמדי‬

yeel-me-DOO teel-me-DOO teel-me-DEE

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 2. Beenyan Pa'al

Pa'al verbs with no ‫״‬i‫ ״‬in the future are often called ‫'( אפעל‬efal) verbs, according to the pattern
of their ‫ אני‬form - ‫ אלבש‬,‫ אלמד‬, while verbs whose future is like ‫ אסגור‬and ‫ ארקוד‬are referred to
as ‫׳) א פעול‬efol ) verbs.

Here are the base forms of some commonly used ‫׳) אפעל‬efa l ) verbs:

‫יקטן‬ ‫מדל‬ ‫יךכב‬ ‫ישכב‬ ‫ילבש‬ ‫ילמד‬

will get smaller will grow, will ride w ill lie down will wear will study,
get larger learn

Note that verbs whose present tense form is like ‫( גדל‬of the pa 'el pattern) are always like ‫ילמד‬
in the future tense, for example:

present tense: ‫גדל‬ ‫ישן‬ ‫לן סן‬

future tense: ‫יישן‬ ‫יקטן‬ ‫יגדל‬
he will sleep it/he will get smaller it/he will grow,
get larger

The ‫ אפעל‬form is actually very common in future tense forms o f beenyan pa'al because when
the middle or final root letter is ‫ ח׳‬,'‫ ה‬,'‫ א‬or ‫ע׳‬, it is always used (e. g. , ...‫ ישמע‬, ‫) ישאל‬. For more
information, see the chapter "Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al" (p. 458).

B e c a r e fu l! When we write without vowels, all future tense ‫'( אפעל‬efal) verbs are
written the same as verbs in beenyan pee'el. Here, too, it is only our familiarity with the
specific verbs in a given context that helps us know to which beenyan they belong and,
thus, how to pronounce them. Compare the following forms:

beenyan pee'el. ‫ילמד‬ ‫יספר‬ ‫ידבר‬

ye-la-MED ye-sa-PER ye-da-BER
he will teach he will tell he will speak

beenyan pa'al. ‫ילמד‬ ‫ישכב‬ ‫ילבש‬

yeel-MAD yeesh-KAV yeel-BASH
he will study, he will lie down he will wear

‫‪III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 2. Beenyan Pa'al‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪A. Write the missing form of the underlined verb.‬‬

‫תמר תל מד באוניברסיט ה בשנה הבאה‪ .‬אתה א נ י_‬

‫א ת ם _______________‬

‫מ חר אשכב לי שון מו ק ד ם יותר‪ .‬אתה_ ה ו א‬

‫את _______________ ה י ל ד י ם _______________‬

‫תלבשי את ה שמלה הכחולה למסיבה? היא א נ י __‬

‫‪Answers:‬‬ ‫_‬
‫‪ .3‬תלבש‪ ,‬אלבש‬ ‫‪ .2‬תשכב‪ ,‬ישכב‪ ,‬תשכבי‪ ,‬ישפבו‬ ‫‪ .1‬תלמד‪ ,‬אלמד‪ ,‬תלמדו‬

‫‪(.‬אפעל ‪ or‬אפעול ‪B. Write the future tense form of the underlined verb (it may be‬‬

‫אתה רוצה לל מוד פיזיקה בשנה הבאה? איפה ( א ת ה)_______________?‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫הוא הבטיח שהוא _____________________________________________________________ ב ח תונ ה של אחו תו‪.‬‬

‫אני צריכה לכתוב עבודה סמינריוני ת‪ .‬אולי ע ל מ שפ ט דרייפוס‪.‬‬


‫הילדה רוצה לשכב על הרצפה ולר או ת טלוויזי ה‪ .‬ההורים שלה לא רוצים שהיא‬

‫______________ ש ם כל הערב‪.‬‬

‫דול בלי הרבה אור‪ .‬הוא __________________________________________________________ ט ו ב יו תר מ חו ץ לבית‪.‬‬

‫‪ .5‬יגדל‬ ‫‪ .4‬תשכב‬ ‫‪ . 3‬אכתוב‬ ‫‪ .2‬ירקוד‬ ‫תלמד‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫‪ )the weak dages h‬ב‪ ,,‬כ'‪ ,‬פ׳ ‪• The pronunciation o f‬‬

‫(דגש קל‬
‫ב‪ /‬כ‪ /‬פ' ‪When the first root letter is‬‬
‫‪:‬ב‪ /‬כ'‪ ,‬פ׳ ‪Read the forms of the following verbs whose first root letter is‬‬
‫עתיד‬ ‫שם הפועל‬ ‫עבר‬ ‫הווה‬
‫‪future‬‬ ‫‪infinitive‬‬ ‫‪past‬‬ ‫‪present‬‬

‫!בדיק‬ ‫לבדוק‬ ‫בדק‬ ‫בודק‬

‫יכתוב‬ ‫לכתוב‬ ‫כתב‬ ‫כותב‬
‫יפגוש‬ ‫לפגוש‬ ‫פגש‬ ‫פוגש‬

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 2. Beenyan Pa'al

When the letters ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬are at the beginning of a word, they are pronounced as hard sounds - ‫ב׳‬
( b ) 7 ‫ ( כ׳‬k ) , ‫( פ׳‬p) - as in ‫( בודק‬bo-DEK ),‫( כותב‬ko-TEV),‫( פוגש‬po-GESH ). When -‫ ל‬is added immediately
before them to form the infinitive, they have a soft pronunciation - ‫( ב׳‬v ), ‫( כ׳‬c h \ ‫( פ׳‬f) - as in:
‫דוק‬-‫( לב‬ileev-DOK), ‫תוב‬-‫( לכ‬leech-TOV) and ‫גוש‬-‫( לפ‬leef-GOSH ). This is true also in the future tense:
‫דוק‬-‫( יב‬yeev-DOK ), ‫( יכ־תוב‬yeech-TOV) and ‫( יפ־גוש‬yeef-GOSH) .11

Want to see if you've understood?

Write the missing forms of the underlined verbs and read all the forms out loud.

.‫ לא היה לי נעים _____________ ע לי ה‬.‫כעסתי על החברה שלי‬ .1

‫ רק תלמיד אחד הצליח‬.‫המורה ל מ ת מ טי ק ה פ ת ב את התרגיל הקשה על הלוח‬ .2

.‫ מחר אנחנו _____________ ע ו ד תרגילים ביחד‬.‫____________ א ת התרגיל בבית‬

‫ כל יום אנחנו _____________ א ת שיעורי הבית בכיתה‬.‫ בדסנו את שיעורי הבית בכיתה‬.3

.‫ גם מחר א ת שיעורי הבית בכיתה‬.‫______________________________________________________ א ו ת ם ביחד‬


neef-TOR( ( ‫ נפתור‬,) leef-TOR( ‫ לפתור‬,)pa-TAR( ‫ פתר‬.leech( 2-‫׳‬o s ( ‫ לכעוס‬,) ka-'AS-tee( ‫ נ ע ס תי‬.1
) neev-DOtC( ‫ נבדוק‬,) leev-DOtC( ‫ לבדוק‬,)'bod-KEEM( ‫ ךקים‬1‫ ב‬,)ba-DAK-noo( ‫ בדקנו‬.3

When the second root letter is ,‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ב‬

In the following verbs, the second, root letter is ‫ב׳‬,‫ כ׳‬or ‫פ׳‬. Let's see when these are pronounced
as hard sounds ( b, k, p) and when they are pronounced as soft sounds (v, ch, f).

‫עתיד‬ ‫שם הפועל‬ ‫עבר‬ ‫הווה‬

future infinitive past present

‫ב ש‬-‫יל‬ ‫לל־בו ש‬ ‫ב ש‬-‫ל‬ ‫לו־ב ש‬

‫כור‬-‫י מ‬ ‫ל מ־כור‬ ‫מ־כר‬ ‫כר‬-‫מו‬
‫ פו ר‬-‫י ס‬ ‫ פו ר‬-‫ל ס‬ ‫ס־ פ ר‬ ‫ פ ר‬-‫סו‬

11 This is because in these forms '‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬follow a vowel. See the chapter "The Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the
D a g e s h pp. 626-629.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 2. Beenyan Pa'al

First let's look at the infinitive and the future columns.

Q: How are ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬pronounced in the infinitive and the future forms?

A: They have a hard pronunciation ( h, k, p ) as, for example, in ‫בוש‬-‫( לל‬leel-BOSH) and ‫בש‬-‫יל‬

Now look at the verbs in the first two columns: the present and past tenses. Here we see that
‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬are pronounced with a soft pronunciation (v, ch, f ) . This is so whenever ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬are the
second root letter in the past and in the present, as in ‫ ב ש‬-‫( א‬lo-WSK) and ‫בש‬-‫( ל‬la-VASH).13

Want to see if you've understood?

Pronounce the following verb forms.

?‫ שבר א ת הכו ס‬/ ‫ מ נ ס ה ל ש בו ר‬/ ‫ י ש בו ר‬/ ‫ ל מ ה ה ח תן שובר‬. 1

.‫ ש כ בנו ע ל חו ף הי ם בי מי ה קי ץ ה ח מי ם‬/ ‫ נ שכב‬/ ‫ רו צי ם ל ש כ ב‬/ ‫ אנ חנו שו כ בי ם‬. 2
.‫ ל א ה ת כוונ ה ל ש פו ך מי ץ ענ בי ם ע ל ה ס פ ה‬/ ‫ שו פ כ ת‬/ ‫ ת ש פו ך‬/ ‫ הי ל ד ה ש פ כ ה‬. 3

sba-VAK(( ‫ שבר‬x leesh-BOR( ‫ לשבור‬,)yeesh soR ( ‫ ישבור‬,) shoVER( ‫ שובר‬. 1
)sha-CHAV-noo( ‫ שכבנו‬,)/eesfi-jfCAV( ‫ לשכב‬,)shoch-VEEM ( ‫ שוכבים‬.2
)leesh-POCH ( ‫ לשפוך‬,) sho-FE-chef( ‫ שופכת‬f feesh-POCH ( ‫ תשפוך‬,) shaf-CHA( ‫ שפכה‬.3

Chapter summary
♦ These are the base forms (the past, present and future tense ‫ הוא‬forms) and the
infinitive of most regular verbs in beenyan pa'al :

infinitive future present past

‫לסגור‬ ‫יסגור‬ ‫סוגר‬ ‫סגר‬

12 This is because they follow a closed syllable. See the chapter "Basic Concepts: Sounds and Syllables," p. 622
and the chapter "The Pronunciation o f '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh," p. 627 for an explanation.
13 This is because they follow an open syllable, i.e., a vowel. See the chapter "Basic Concepts: Sounds and
Syllables," p. 622 and the chapter "The Pronunciation o f '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh ,‫ ״‬p. 628 for an explanation.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 2. Beenyan Pa'al

♦ Some verbs have a ‫( פעל‬pa’el) pattern in the present tense, for example:

‫ישן‬ ‫}טן‬7 ‫< גז־ל‬

♦ The most common future tense form o f regular p a ’a l verbs has an OH ("‫ )" ו‬in
the second syllable and is called ‫ל‬1‫׳) אפע‬efol ‫)׳‬. An alternative future tense form
without a ‫ ו׳‬- called ‫’ ( אפעל‬efal) - is used for some regular p a ’al verbs, such
‫יךפב‬ ‫ישכב‬ ‫ילבש‬ ‫ילמד‬

Verbs whose present tense form is pa'el (e.g., ‫ )גדל‬also take the 'efal form in
the future (e g., ‫)יגדל‬.

♦ When the letters ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬are the first or second root letters, various changes in
pronunciation take place. These are discussed in the chapter above.

W ant to see if you've understood this chapter?

Write the missing forms of the underlined verb.

‫ אני מאוד אוהבת ____________ מ תי____________שובל‬.‫ רסדנו עד מאוחר אתמול‬.1


.‫בדסת את מצב החשבון בבנקל כדאי ____________ א ת החשבון כל שבוע‬ .2

.‫ אני____________ ע ל המשפחה שלי‬.‫ אנחנו צריכות לכתוב חיבור בעברית‬.3

‫על מה את ____________ל‬

!‫ הם ____________ כל כך מהר‬.‫ הילדים כל כך גדלו‬.4


.‫ אתה לומד באוניברסיטה העבריתל גם אני____________ ש ם בשנה הבאה‬.5

.‫ מחר כדאי שתלבש את החולצה האדומה‬.‫ אתמול____________ א ת החולצה הלבנה‬,‫ אבי‬.6

‫ לבשת‬.6 ‫ אלמד‬.5 ‫ גדל ים‬.4 ‫ תכתב י‬, ‫ אכת וב‬.3 ‫ לבד וק‬.2 ‫ נךקוד‬, ‫לךקוד‬ .1

3 Beenyan Heetpa'el ‫התפעל‬

tensePresent• )‫(מתלבש‬
• Past tense )‫(התלבש‬
‫ ״‬Infinitive )‫(להתלבש‬
‫ ״‬Future tense )‫(יתלבש‬
‫ ״‬Roots that begin with '‫ ז‬,'‫ צ‬,'‫ ס‬,‫ש׳‬
• Four-letter roots)‫(התארגן‬ ‫עים‬

The verb ‫ להתלבש‬/ ‫( התלבש‬to get dressed) will ser ve as our model of a regular verb in beenyan

• Present tense (‫)מתלבש‬

Here are the present tense forms of the verb ‫התלבש‬:

meet-Ia-BESH ‫מתלבש‬ :(m.s.) ‫ הוא‬,‫ אתה‬,‫אני‬ >

meet-1a-BE-shet ‫מתלבשת‬ :(f.s.) ‫ היא‬,‫ את‬,‫אני‬
meet-lab-SHEEAI ‫מתלבשים‬ :( ‫ הם‬,‫ אתם‬,‫אנחנו‬
meet-lab-SHOT ‫מתלבשות‬ :( ‫ הן‬,‫ אתן‬,‫אנחנו‬

Q: What prefix appears at the beginning of all present tense heetpa’el forms?

A: All the forms begin with -‫( מת‬meet)'.

‫י‬ ‫מתלבשות‬ ,‫מתלבשים‬ ,‫מתלבשת‬ ,‫< מתלבש‬

Another characteristic common to all these forms is the hard pronunciation o f the middle root
letter ‫( ב׳‬pronounced b), as in ‫מתלבש‬. As we pointed out in the chapter "Patterns o f Verbs"
(pp. 364-365), in texts written with vowel signs, there is always a dagesh1 (dot) in the middle

1 The group o f consonants indicated by the letters ‫ ז׳‬,'‫ צ‬,'‫ ס‬/‫ ש‬,'‫ ש‬is called sibilants ( ‫) עיצורים שוו־קים‬.
2 This is a strong dagesh (see the chapter "The Pronunciation o f ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬and the D a g e s h pp. 630-633). This
dagesh does not appear in the letters ‫ ר׳‬,'‫ ע‬,'‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬,'‫א‬.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 3. Beenyan Heetpa'el

root letter o f verbs in this beenyan (just as there is in beenyan pee'el).Thus, when the letters / ‫ב‬
‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬appear in the middle o f the root, they are pronounced b (‫)ב‬, k (‫)כ‬, p (‫)פ‬, as in:

‫מתנפל‬ ‫מתרכז‬ ‫מתלבש‬

meet-na-PEL meet-ra-KEZ meet-la-BESH
is attacking is concentrating is getting dressed

As in pee'el and pa'al, the feminine present tense forms o f heetpa'el end in ‫ ת‬:: (.E-et).
me-da-BE-ret ‫מדברת‬
so-GE-ret ‫סו ג ר ת‬
meet-la-BE-shet ‫מתלבשת‬

The plural forms o f heetpa'el are very similar to those in pee'el, for example:

beenyan pee'el. ‫ מ‬,‫ךים‬-‫ךב‬- ‫ח׳ת מ‬-‫ז־ב‬- ^

beenyan heetpa'el. ‫מת־לב־שו׳ת‬ ,‫ שים‬-‫לב‬-‫מת‬

In both beenyaneem, the vowel after the ‫ ב׳‬in the base form (‫ מ־ך־־בר‬and ‫ב ש‬-‫ל‬-‫" )מת‬reduces" and
is written as a shva ( ‫ךים‬-‫ מ~ךב‬,‫)מת־־לב־שים‬. In today's Hebrew, the shva under the ‫ ב‬is usually
not pronounced.3

Want to see if you've understood?

Write the correct form of the underlined verb.

.‫ מיכל __________ ע ם חברה מאיטליה‬.‫ דוד מתכתב עם חבר מצרפת כבר חמש שנים‬.1
‫אתן לא __________ ע ם אף אחד מחו״לז‬

‫ גם אתה __________ז איפה אתם __________ז‬.‫את מתנדבת בבית חולים‬ .2

‫ מתנךבים‬,‫ מתנדב‬.2 ‫ מתפתבות‬,‫מתפתבת‬.1

3 See the chapter "Reduction o f Vowels and the Shva" pp. 648-650. The shva is sometimes pronounced eh,
as - for example - in verbs like ‫( מתפללים‬meet-pa-le-LEEM), whose second and third root letters are identical
(‫ל‬- ‫ל‬- ‫)פ‬. This is so also in past and future forms, for example: ‫( התפללו‬heet-pa-le-LOO ) , ‫( יתפללו‬yeet-pa-le-
4 It is not necessary for you to write vowel signs in your answers. We have added vowel signs to the answers in
the chapters on verbs only in order to make clear how the forms are pronounced.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 3. Beenyan Heetpa'el

*Pasttense (‫)הת לבש‬

Here are the past tense forms o f the verb ‫התלבש‬:

plural singular
heet-la-BASH-noo ‫התלבשנו‬ :‫אנחנו‬ heet-la-BASH-tee ‫התלבשתי‬ :‫אני‬
heet-la-BASH-tent’ ‫התלבשתם‬ :‫אתם‬ heet-la-BASH-ta ‫ה תלבש ת‬ :‫אתה‬
heet-la-BASH-ten ‫התלבשתן‬ :‫אתן‬ heet-la-BASHT ‫ה תלבש ת‬ :‫את‬

heet-lab-SHOO ‫התלבשו‬ ‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ heet-la-BESH ‫ה ת ל בש‬ ‫הוא‬

heet-lab-SHA ‫התלבשה‬ ‫היא‬

Q: What prefix appears in all the past tense forms in beenyan heetpa'el?

A: All the forms begin with - ‫( ה ת‬heet-)\ ‫התלבשתי‬, ‫ התלבש ת‬...

The base form ‫ התלבש‬has an EH sound after the second root letter (‫ )ב׳‬- just as ‫ ךיבר‬in beenyan
pee'el does. When the vowel endings (‫ ; ה‬and ‫ו‬-) - at the bottom o f the chart - are added, the
preceding eh vowel "reduces" and is written as shva (□). This shva is usually not pronounced
in Modem Hebrew. Compare:

‫ הן‬/ ‫הם‬ ‫היא‬

beenyan pee'el. deeb-ROO ^‫ל יב ־ר‬ deeb-RA ‫דיב־רה‬
T !

beenyan heetpa'el: heet-lab-SHOO ‫הת ־ לב ־ש ו‬ heet-lab-SHA ‫ ש ה‬-‫ ל ב‬-‫ה ת‬

All other past tense forms - i.e., those with an ending that begins with a consonant (in the upper
part o f chart) - have an AH sound in the syllable before the ending, just as in the beenyaneem
that we have seen thus far, for example:

beenyan pee'el. ‫די בן ת‬ ,‫דיברת‬

/ T :- ,‫דיברתי‬
dee-BART dee-BAR-ta dee-BAR-tee

beenayn heetpa'el. ‫התלבש ת‬ ,‫התלבשת‬ ,‫התלבשתי‬

heet-la-BASHT heet-la-BASH-ta heet-la-BASH-tee

5 In traditional pronunciation, the stress is on the ending of the ‫ אתם‬and ‫ אתן‬forms: heet-la-bash-TEM, heet-la-

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 3. Beenyan Heetpa'el

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing form o f the u n d e rlin e d ve rb .

.‫ אני ב טו ח שהחתן והכלה ____________ ע ו ד יותר ממני‬.‫ התרגשתי מאוד ב ח תונה שלכם‬. 1

‫ראיתי שאימא של הכלה מאוד _____________ ג ם אתה ____________ז‬

!____________ ‫ גם א ת ם‬.‫ אורי התסדם יפה בלימודי האנגלית‬.2

A nsw ers:
‫ התלןךמתם‬.2 ‫ התת שת‬,‫ התתשה‬,‫התתשו‬ .1

•Infinitive (‫)להתלבש‬
Here is the infinitive form o f verbs in beenyan heetpa'el.

‫להתרגש‬ ‫להתכתב‬ ‫להתלבש‬

to get excited to correspond to get dressed

Q: How do all these infinitive,?: begin?

A: The -‫ ל‬of the heetpa'el infinitive has an eh sound (/*?), and is followed by -‫ הת‬to form -‫להת‬
‫להתכתב‬ ‫להתלבש‬
le-heet-ka-TEV le-heet-la-BESH

Notice that the pattern is similar to the past tense base form ‫התלבש‬.

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the in fin itiv e o f the u n d e rlin e d v e rb .

.‫ זה כיף‬,‫ כדאי גם לכם ____________ ש ם‬.‫ התנדבתי בגן החיות בשנה שעברה‬. 1

.‫ מתי מיכל ודויד מ ת ח תני ם? שמעתי שהם רוצים ____________ ע ל חוף הים‬.2
A nsw ers:
‫ להתחתן‬.2 ‫להתנדב‬ .1

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 3. Beenyan Heetpa'el

• Future tense (‫) יתלבש‬

Here are the future tense forms o f the verb ‫התלבש‬:

prefixes and endings only prefixes

‫׳‬et-la-BESH ‫אתלבש‬ :‫אני‬
teet-la-BESH ‫תתלבש‬ :‫אתה‬
teet-lab-SHEE ‫תתלבשי‬ :‫את‬
yeet-la-BESH ‫<רנלבש‬ :‫הוא‬
teet-la-BESH ‫תתלבש‬ :‫היא‬
neet-la-BESH ‫נתלבש‬ :‫אנחנו‬
teet-lab-SHOO ‫תתלבשו‬ :‫ אתן‬,‫אתם‬
yeet-lab-SHOO ‫יתלבשו‬ :‫ הן‬,‫הם‬

The base forms of all the tenses in beenyan heetpa'el are similar. Only the first letter changes:

present tense : ‫מתלבש‬ ‫< הוא‬s£

past tense : ‫התלבש הוא‬
future tense : ‫יתלבש הוא‬

As we noted in previous chapters, in most beenyaneem the usual path to the future tense form is
via the infinitive. In heetpa'el, as well, the future base form is similar to the infinitive; however,
as in all beenyaneem whose infinitive contains a ‫ה׳‬, the ‫ ה׳‬drops out when we form the future
base form:
‫להתלבש => ^קתלבש => י תלבש‬

Now look at all the future tense forms in the chart above.

Q: Which prefix contains a vowel different from the others?

A: -‫ את‬in the ‫ אני‬form: 6.‫ אתלבש‬All other future forms in heetpa'el begin with the sound ee:

..., ‫יתלבש‬ ‫נתלבש‬ ,‫תתלבש‬ -<

neet-la-BESH teet-la-BESH yeet-la-BESH

Now let's look at the left column of the chart above. Here, as in other beenyaneem, the vowel
endings ‫י‬: and ‫ו‬- are added. The changes that take place as a result are similar to the changes
that we saw in pee'el and pa'al , for example:

6 As we saw in beenyan pa'al (‫(אסגור‬, '‫ א‬often shows a preference for the sound eh.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 3. Beenyan Heetpa'el

beenyan pee'el. 1>= ‫בר‬-‫ד‬-‫י‬ ‫י־ז־ב־ח‬ ‫רו‬-‫ד־ב‬-‫ת‬ ‫ךי‬-‫ךב‬-‫ת‬

ye-dah-ROO te-dab-ROO te-dab-REE ye-da-BER

beenyan heetpa'el: ‫ שו‬-‫לב‬-‫ית‬ ,‫תת־לב־־שו‬ ,‫שי‬-‫תת־לב‬ >= ‫ב ש‬-‫ית־ל‬

yeet-lab-SHOO teet-lab-SHOO teet-lab-SHEE yeet-la-BESH

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing form o f the u n d e rlin e d ve rb .

_____________ ‫ אימא שלו‬.‫ אני חו שבת שרון יתרגש מאוד ב חתונה של אחותו‬. 1

_____________ ‫אנחנו _____________ א ת ם‬

_____________ ‫ וגם טל ו שמעון‬, ____________ ‫ גם מיכל‬.‫ אני ב טו ח ה שתתקבל לאוניברסיטה‬,‫ רן‬.2

A n sw ers:
‫ יתקבלו‬,‫ תתקבל‬.2 ‫ תתרגשו‬,‫ נתמש‬,‫ תתרגש‬.1

• Roots that begin with ‫ ז׳‬,'‫ צ‬/ ‫ ם‬,'‫ ש‬/ ‫ש‬

If you pronounce the consonants indicated by the letters ‫ ז׳‬,'‫ צ‬/‫ ס‬,'‫ ש‬/‫ ש‬- sh, s, ts, z 7 - you can
hear that they all are close to a hissing sound. As we will see below, when these consonants
follow the ‫ ת׳‬o f the heetpa'el prefixes - ‫מת‬, ‫הת־‬, -‫ ית‬and the like, certain changes in the verb
forms take place.

% '‫ ש‬and ,‫{ ס‬the sounds sh and s)

Read the following past tense ‫ הוא‬forms:
‫הסתכל‬ ‫השתכר‬ ‫השתמש‬
hees-ta-KEL hees-ta-KER heesh-ta-MESH
he looked he earned (a salary) he used

These, too, are base forms o f heetpa'el.

7 The consonants indicated by the letters ' ‫ ז‬/‫ צ‬/‫ ס‬/‫ ש‬/‫ ש‬are called sibilants ( ‫) עיצוןים שורקים‬.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 3. Beenyan Heetpa'el

Q: What happened to the ‫ ת׳‬of the prefix -‫ הת‬in these verbs?

A: It switched places with the first root letter:8

before the switch : ‫כש ת ה‬ ‫*ה תת סשכמלש י‬

‫*ה‬ ‫*ר‬

after the switch :


‫ה ש ת מ שה ס ת כ ל ה ש ת כ ר‬
X '

This switching takes place for phonetic reasons. It occurs in all tenses and forms o f heetpa'el
whenever the first root letter is ‫ש׳‬,‫ ש׳‬or ‫ס׳‬, as in:

infinitive future present past

‫להשתמש‬ ‫ישתמש‬ ‫משתמש‬ ‫השתמש‬

'‫ צ‬and '‫( ז‬the sounds ts and z)

Now read these past tense ‫ הוא‬forms:
‫הזדלןן‬ ‫הצטער‬
heez-da-KEN heets-ta-'ER
he grew old he was son‫׳{־‬

These, too, belong to beenyan heetpa'el. The root o f ‫ הצטער‬is ‫ר‬-‫ע‬-‫צ‬, and the root o f ‫ רז־זךקן‬is

Q: Do you see the ‫ ת׳‬of ‫ התפעל‬in these verbs?

A: No, it is nowhere to be seen. The process of its disappearance isas follows:

(1) before the switch: ‫ ן‬1? ‫* ה ת ז‬ ‫*הה ת צ ג!נ ר‬

‫*ה ת צ ע ר‬ ‫קן‬
v: \ /'
A 3
(2) after the initial switch: ‫ ןן‬I?
f7 ‫*יי ז ס‬ ‫*הה צ ת ?ן ר‬‫ז*הרעתצ‬ ‫*ת‬

(3) after one more change: 1‫ ן‬i?

1‫ ל‬1‫ ד‬T
‫יי ז‬ ‫הה ה צצ טט <?ג ג יר‬

As you can see, these verbs undergo not only a "switch" o f the ‫ ת׳‬and the first root letter
(stage 2), as did ‫השתמש‬, but in addition the ‫ ת׳‬undergoes a transformation when it passes from
stage 2 to stage 3.

8 This phenomenon whereby consonants switch places is called metathesis (‫שיכול‬ ‫)עיצוןים‬.
9 The symbol ‫ ״*׳׳‬indicates that the form doesn't exist.
10 This change takes place for phonetic reasons. (The t of ‫ התפעל‬partially assimilates to the first consonant of the
root.) This process is called partial assimilation (‫) הידמות חלקית‬. For a more detailed explanation, see Coffin
and Bolozky, 2005, pp. 99-100.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 3. Beenyan Heetpa'el

Q: After ‫ צ׳‬in verbs like ‫ הצטער‬- what does the ‫ ת׳‬o f heetpa'el (‫ )הת־‬turn into?

A: It always becomes a ‫ ט׳‬as in:

‫הצטער‬ ‫הצטיין‬ ‫הצטלם‬
he excelled he was photographed he was sony

Q: And after ‫ ז׳‬in verbs like ‫ ךזזך?ןן‬- what happens to the ‫ ת׳‬of heetpa'el (‫?)הת ־‬

A: It always turns into a ‫ד׳‬, as in:

‫הזדקן‬ ‫הזדרז‬
he hurried up he grew old

These changes take place in all tenses and forms o f heetpa'el whenever the first root letter is ‫צ׳‬
or ‫ז׳‬, as in:
infinitive future present past

‫מצטעריצטער להצטער‬
‫מזדקןיזדקן להזדקן‬

Want to see if you've understood?

Write the missing form of the underlined verb.

‫כבר? ל מ ה א ת ה ל א רו צ ה ל ה צ טל ם ? אני רו צ ה ש א ת ה ו רוני ת‬ ,‫דויד‬ .1

!‫בי ח ד‬
‫ א בל ב ח ל ק ה שני ל א תו כ לו‬,‫ב ח ל ק ה ר א שון ש ל ה ב חינ ה ה ש ת מ ש ת ם ב מי לון‬ .2
.‫ב מי לון‬
‫להשתמש‬ .2 ‫ת צ ט ל מו‬ ,‫ה צ ט ל מ ת‬ .‫ו‬

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 3. Beenyan Heetpa'el

• Four-letter roots ( ‫(התארג ן‬ ‫מר ובע ים‬

Like beenyan pee'el (e.g., ‫תו־גם‬, ‫)פו־סם‬, beenyan heetpa'el, too, contains many verbs with four-
letter roots,11 for example:
‫התקלקל‬ ‫התבלבל‬ ‫ היגאךגן‬-‫>־‬
it got spoiled (food); he got confused he got organized
it broke (machine)

The following are four-letter roots whose first root letter is :‫ ש׳‬,‫ ש׳‬,‫ס׳‬

‫הסתחךר‬ ‫השתחרר‬ ‫השתעמם‬

he got diz2y he was released he got bored

The forms of verbs with four-letter roots in heetpa'el are the same as regular heetpa'el verbs,
for example:
present tense: ‫היא מתבלבלת‬ ,‫הוא מתבלבל‬
past tense : ‫הוא‬,‫היאהתבלבל‬ ‫בלה‬
future tense: ‫הוא‬,‫היאיתבלבל‬ ‫לבל‬
infinitive: ‫להתבלבל‬

Chapter summary
♦ These are the base forms (the ‫ הוא‬forms) and the infinitive o f regular beenyan
heetpa'el verbs:
infinitive future present past
*‫־‬ ‫להתלבש‬ ‫יתלבש‬ ‫מתלבש‬ ‫< התלבש‬

♦ When the first root letter is ‫ ס׳‬,'‫ ש‬,‫ש׳‬, the ‫ ת׳‬o f the heetpa'el prefixes (- ‫ מת‬,-‫הת‬
and so on) switches places with them, as in:

‫הסתכל‬ ,‫השתכר‬ ,‫השתמש‬

♦ When the first root letter is ‫צ׳‬, besides switching places, the ‫ ת׳‬changes into :‫ט׳‬

‫הצטער‬ -<

11 The middle root letter of regular verbs in beenyaneem pee'el, poo'al and heetpa'el has a strong dagesh, and the
consonant is considered "doubled" (see the chapter "The Pronunciation of ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh," p. 631).
Because this "doubling" is built into the pattern of these three beenyaneem, they are all able to accommodate
roots with four consonants. When four-letter roots appear in these beenyaneem, there is no longer a strong
dagesh in these verb forms, since no consonant is considered to be "doubled."

‫‪I. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem /‬‬ ‫‪3. Beenyan Heetpa'el‬‬

‫ד ׳‪ changes into :‬ת׳ ‪, besides switching places, the‬ז׳ ‪♦ When the first root letter is‬‬

‫הזדקןך‬ ‫<‪-‬‬

‫‪♦ Some heetpa'el verbs have four root letters:‬‬

‫השתחרר‬ ‫הינאתן‪,‬‬ ‫התבלבל‪,‬‬ ‫‪■>.‬‬

‫?‪W ant to see if you've understood this chapter‬‬

‫‪W r i t e the c o r r e c t fo rm o f the u n d e r lin e d v e r b (p a s t, pre sen t, future o r in fin itiv e ).‬‬

‫‪ .‬להצעה‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .1‬אין סיבה להתנגד להצעה שלנו‪ .‬לפני חודשיים (אתם) ________‬

‫אנחנו מקווים שעכשיו אתם כבר לא ____________ לה‪.‬‬

‫‪ .2‬מירי‪ ,‬השתמשת בעט שלי? כשאת ____________בדברים שלי‪ ,‬את צריכה להגיד לי‪.‬‬

‫בפעם הבאה ש ____________ בע ט שלי‪ ,‬תבקשי‪ ,‬בסדר?‬

‫‪ .3‬מכונת הכביסה התהלסלה‪ .‬זאת הפעם השנייה השנה שהיא _____________‬


‫‪ .4‬ריקי‪ :‬הצטערתי שלא הצלחנו להיפגש‪.‬‬

‫נמצא הזדמנות אחרת‪.‬‬ ‫דליה‪ :‬אל ‪.‬‬


‫‪Answer s:‬‬
‫‪ .4‬תצטערי‬ ‫‪ .2‬משתמשת‪ ,‬תשתמשי ‪ .3‬מתקלקלת‬ ‫ו‪ .‬התנגךתם‪ ,‬מתנגךים‬

Q Beenyan H eef eel ‫הפעיל‬

The verb ‫ להתי ש‬/ ‫( ה תי ש‬to feel) will serve as our model o f a regular verb in beenyan h eef eel.

• Present tense (‫)מרג יש‬

Here are the present tense forms of the verb ‫ ה תי ש‬:

mar-GEESH ‫מ תי ש‬ .(m.s.) ‫ הוא‬,‫ א תה‬,‫אני‬ ‫>י‬

mar-gee-SHA ‫מרגי שה‬
T * : ‫־‬ :(A•) ‫ היא‬,‫ את‬,‫אני‬
mar-gee-SHEEhi ‫מ תי שי ם‬ ‫ הם‬,‫ א ת ם‬,‫אנחנו‬
mar-gee-SHOT ‫מ תי שו ת‬ :(/•>/•) ‫ הן‬,‫ אתן‬,‫אנחנו‬

Q: What is the prefix in present tense h eef eel forms?

A: All forms begin with a -‫ מ‬followed by an ah sound: -‫( מ‬ina-%

All present tense forms also have a ‫ י׳‬in the second syllable between the second and third root

Now let's look more closely at the feminine singular form: ‫ מ תי ש ה‬.

Unlike the feminine singular form in regular verbs in other beenyaneem, the feminine singular
form of h eef eel ends with a ‫ה‬-:
mar-gee-SHA ‫׳‬ ‫ '* מ ת יש ה‬C

Also, unlike the feminine singular forms in other beenyaneem (e.g., ‫ לומדת‬l<>-.\//■:-<lei. ‫מדברת‬
me-da-BE-ret), the stress here is on the last syllable (mar-gee-SHA) and not on the next-to-last

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 4. Beenyan Heef'eel

In the plural forms, the stress - as in other beenyaneem - is on the ending. But notice: in
beenyan heefeel the preceding vowel stays the same (it does not "reduce" as does the vowel in
‫ מךים‬1‫ ל‬and ‫)מךבךים‬, for example:
‫ ש הז‬-‫גי‬-‫מך‬ ,‫ שי ם‬-‫גי‬-‫מן‬
mar-gee-SHOT mar-gee-SHEEM

Want to see if you've understood?

Write the missing form of the underlined verb.

.‫אני אף פעם לא מבין‬ _____‫ כשרינה‬.‫ אני מבין‬,‫ כ שאתה מסביר לי‬. 1

?‫___ לל מוד‬ ‫ מתי אתן‬.‫היום אני מ ת חיל ללמוד ב שמונה‬ .2

?‫מתי יוסי ו שמעון ____________ לל מוד‬

‫מתחילים‬ ,‫ מתחילות‬.2 ‫ מסבירה‬.1

•Pasttense (‫)הרג יש‬

Here are the past tense forms o f the verb ‫ ה תי ש‬:

plural singular
heer-GASH-noo ‫הת שנו‬ :‫אנחנו‬ heer-GASH-tee ‫הרגשתי‬ :‫אני‬
heer-GASH-tem2 ‫הת שת ם‬ :‫אתם‬ heer-GASH-ta ‫הרגשת‬ :‫אתה‬
heer-GASH-ten ‫הרגשתן‬ :‫אתן‬ heer-GASHT ‫התשת‬ :‫את‬

heer-GEE-shoo ‫התי שו‬ ‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ heer-GEESH ‫הךג<ש‬ ‫הוא‬

heer-GEE-sha ‫הרגישה‬ ‫היא‬

Q: What is the prefix shared by all the past tense forms in beenyan heefeel ?

A: All forms begin with -‫( ה‬hee), which joins with the first root letter to form a syllable
(‫)הר־ג יש‬. Note that we do not write ‫ י׳‬after the - ‫ה‬: ‫ הרגיש‬.

1 It is not necessary for you to write vowel signs in your answers. We have added vowel signs to the answers in
the chapters on verbs in order to make clear how the forms are pronounced.
2 In traditional pronunciation, the stress is on the ending of the ‫ אתם‬and ‫ אתן‬forms. Thus, the traditional
pronunciation of these forms is: heer-gash-TEM, heer-gash-TEN.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 4. Beenyan H eefeel

Now look at the bottom o f the chart above.

Q: What is common to the base form (‫ )הוא‬and to the ‫היא‬,‫ הן‬/‫ ה ם‬forms?

A: They all have a ‫ י׳‬in the second syllable (‫ ה תי שו‬,‫ התי שה‬,‫) ה תי ש‬. The stress in these forms
remains on the syllable with the :‫י׳‬
‫ש ו‬- ‫הר ־ ג י‬ , ‫שה‬- ‫ ג י‬- ‫הך‬ ,‫גיש‬-‫<״ הך‬
heer-GEE-shoo heer-GEE-sha heer-GEESH

In this respect these are different from the ‫ היא‬and ‫ הן‬/ ‫ הם‬forms in all the other beenyaneem, where
the vowel endings (‫ ;ה‬and ‫ו‬-) draw the stress to them, and the preceding vowel "reduces":

‫הן‬/‫ה ם‬ ‫היא‬ ‫הוא‬

‫מד‬-‫ל‬ ! T
T ! T
‫דח‬-‫למ‬ - T

pee'el\ ‫בר‬-‫ךי‬ ‫רי‬-‫ךיב‬ ‫ךה‬-‫ךיב‬

heetpa'el: ‫שו‬-‫לב‬-‫הת‬ ‫שה‬-‫הת־לב‬ ‫בש‬-‫ל‬-‫הת‬

Now look at the top of the heefeel chart.

Q: What vowel is in the syllable before the endings?

A: As in all the beenyaneem, a stressed AH vowel comes before the endings that begin with a
consonant ( -tee7 -ta.
. . . ‫ת‬- ‫ה ך ־ גש‬ , ‫ת י‬- ‫ גש‬- ‫הך‬ *‫>־‬
heer-GASH-ta heer-GASH-tee

Thus, in all the past tense forms of beenyan heefeel (including the third person), the stress is
on the second syllable:

‫ש ו‬- ‫ ג י‬- ‫הר‬ , ‫שה‬- ‫ ג י‬- ‫הר‬ , ‫ ג יש‬- ‫הר‬ . . . ‫ת‬- ‫ גש‬- ‫ה ך‬ , ‫ת י‬- ‫ גש‬- ‫הך‬

Be careful! The place of the stress in the ‫ היא‬forms in the past and present tenses is
past tense: heer-GEE- sha ‫היא‬ ‫הך־גי־שה‬
present tense: mar-gee-SHA ‫היא‬ ‫מך־גי־שה‬

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 4. Beenyan Heef'eel

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing form o f the u n d e rlin e d ve rb .

. ‫ ואני ____________ ס ל ט‬,‫ מירי ודויד ____________ ט חי נ ה‬,‫ א ת מול במ סעד ה את הזמנת חומוס‬. 1

.‫ ואני ____________ א ו ת ו לתמר‬,‫ מיכל הסבירה לי את התרגיל‬.2

A nsw ers:
‫ הסברתי‬.2 ‫ הזמנתי‬,‫הזמינו‬ .1

•Infinitive (‫) להת יש‬

Here is the infinitive form o f some heefeel verbs:
‫לסדויןז‬ ‫להזמין‬ ‫לה תי ש‬
to guide to invite/order to feel

Q: What is common to all these infinitives?

A: They all begin with -‫ לה‬Qe-ha) before the first root letter. They join with the root as

‫מין‬-‫הז‬-‫ל‬ ‫גיש‬-‫הך‬-‫ ל‬-‫>י‬

le-haz-MEEN le-har-GEESH

These forms also have a ‫ י׳‬in their final syllable.

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the in fin itiv e o f the u n d e rlin e d ve rb .

‫לי‬ ______ ‫ מי שהו יכול‬.‫ תמר לא הסבירה לי איך מגיעים לתחנה המרכזית‬.‫ו‬

?‫איך מגיעים לשם‬

.‫ למה ה סכ מ ת ע ם לירון? לא צריך ____________ ל כ ל מה שהוא אומר‬. 2

A nsw ers:
‫ להספים‬.2 ‫ להסביר‬.‫ו‬

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 4. Beenyan H eefeel

• Future tense (‫)!רגיש‬

Here are the future tense forms o f the verb ‫ ה תי ש‬:

prefixes and endings only prefixes

‫׳‬ar-GEESH ‫א תי ש‬ :‫אני‬
tar-GEESH ‫ת תי ש‬ :‫אתה‬
tar-GEE-shee ‫ת תי שי‬ :‫את‬
yar-GEESH ‫!רגיש‬ :‫הוא‬
tar-GEESH ‫ת תי ש‬ :‫היא‬
nar-GEESH ‫נ תי ש‬ :‫אנחנו‬
tar-GEE-shoo ‫ת תי שו‬ :‫ אתן‬,‫אתם‬
yar-GEE-shoo ‫יתי שו‬ :‫ הן‬,‫הם‬

As in other beenyaneem , the infinitive of heefeel easily leads us to the future tense base form.
Here, too, as in beenyan heetpa'el (‫ )התפעל‬and in all beenyaneem that have ‫ ה׳‬in their infinitive,
we must remove both the ‫ ל׳‬and ‫ ה׳‬before adding the future prefix:

‫י תי ש‬ >= ‫^ ת י ש‬ >= ‫להתיש‬

The vowel pattern of the future tense base form in heefeel also resembles the present tense base
present : mar-GEESH ‫< מ תי ש־‬£
infinitive: le-har-GEESH ‫להתי ש‬
future : yar-GEESH ‫י תי ש‬

All these forms have an ah sound at or near the beginning. It is only the past tense - ‫ התי ש‬- that
has an ee in the first syllable and, thus, is different.

Now let's concentrate on the second syllable o f the future tense forms in the chart above. Notice
that the EE sound (‫י‬-) remains in the second syllable o f aU the forms, and the stress remains on
this same syllable, even when an ending is added (unlike in other beenyaneem ):

. . . ‫ש י‬- ‫ ג י‬- ‫ת ן‬ , ‫ ג יש‬- ‫תך‬ , ‫ג יש‬- ‫א ו ־‬

tar-GEE-shee tar-GEESH 'ar-GEESH

Also, the ‫ אני‬form has the same initial vowel (ah) as the other forms.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 4 . Beenyan Heef'eel

W ant to see if you've understood?

W rite the future form o f the u n d e rlin e d ve rb .

.‫ אנחנו נמשיד לשיר רק אם רותי ________ ___ לנגן בפסנתר‬.‫ו‬

. ‫ דני‬,‫ אם לא אבין את ההסברים שלך‬.‫ תסבירי לי בבקשה מה לעשות‬,‫ יעל‬.2

A nsw ers:
‫ !סביר‬.2 ‫תמשיןז‬ .1

Chapter summary
♦ These are the base forms (the past, present and future ‫ הוא‬forms) and the
infinitive of regular beenyan h eef eel verbs. Notice that the past tense form has
a different vowel in the first syllable:

infinitive future present past

‫להתי ש‬ ‫ית־ש‬ ‫מ תי ש‬ ‫ה תי ש‬
le-har-GEESH yar-GEESH mar-GEESH heer-GEESH

W ant to see if you've understood this chapter?

W rite the c o rre c t form o f the u n d e rlin e d v e rb (past, present, future or in fin itiv e ).

____________ ‫ כדאי‬.‫ הזמנתם את דנה למסיבה? כדאי ש ___________ אותה‬,‫ מאיה ורון‬.‫ו‬
(infinitive) (future)
.‫גם את מיכל ודן‬

.‫ תאכל מרק עוף ואז תרגיש הרבה יותר טוב‬,‫ אם אתה לא ___________ טוב‬.2

. )‫ למה (אתם‬.‫ אל תפסיסו לשיר‬.3

A nsw ers:
‫ הפסקתם‬.3 ‫ מתי ש‬.2 ‫ להזמין‬,‫ תזמינו‬.‫ו‬

5 Beenyan Neefal ‫נפעל‬

Present tense )‫(נמס‬
Past tense )‫(נמס‬
Infinitive )‫(להיכנס‬
Future tense )‫(יימס‬
‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬as the second root letter in neefal verb forms

The verb ‫ להיכנס‬/ ‫( נכנס‬to enter) will serve as our model o f a regular verb in beenyan neefal.

• Present tense (‫)נכנס‬

Here are the present tense forms of the verb ‫ נ מ ס‬:

neech-NAS ‫נכנס‬
T : *
:(m.s.) ‫ הוא‬,‫ אתה‬,‫אני‬
neech-NE-set ‫נכנסת‬ :(f.s.) ‫ היא‬,‫ את‬,‫אני‬
neech-na-SEEM ‫נכנסים‬
• T : *
:( ‫ הם‬,‫ אתם‬,‫אנחנו‬
neech-na-SOT ‫נכנסות‬
T : ‘
:( ‫ הן‬,‫ אתן‬,‫אנחנו‬

Q: What prefix is shared by all present tense neefal forms?

A: They all begin with - ‫ נ‬followed by an ee vowel: ‫( נ־‬nee). Note that we do not write '‫ י‬after
the -.‫נ‬
‫נכנסות‬ T : • ‫׳‬
,‫נכנסים‬ ‫ י‬T ! ‫י‬
‫י‬ V V : • ‫י‬
,‫נכנס‬ -‫<י‬
T ! ‫י‬

As in pa'al, pee'el and heetpa'el, here, too, the feminine singular form ends in E-et:

neech-NE-set ‫נכנסת‬

However, unlike the plural forms of pa'al pee'el and heetpa’el ( ‫ מתלבשים‬,‫ מךבךים‬,‫)סוגו־ים‬, where
the vowel before the plural ending "reduces" (in texts with vowel signs, it is written □), in
neefal the vowel before the plural endings remains ah:
‫סות‬-‫נ‬-‫נכ‬ T
,‫סים‬-‫נ‬-‫ נכ‬->
: • ' T : •

neech-na-SOT neech-na-SEEhl

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 5 . Beenyan N e e f'a l

As we will see, this is true also o f beenyan poo'al (‫ )מצולמים‬and beenyan hoofal (‫)מ ו זמ נ ים‬.

Want to see if you've understood?

W r i t e the c o r r e c t p re s e n t tense fo r m o f the u n d e r lin e d v e r b .

?‫ היום את נפגשת עם אח ותך בב ית קפה? אתה __________א יתה‬.1

‫אתם __________א יתה ז‬

,___________‫ דל ית אף פעם לא‬. ‫ דן לא מבין למה הוא נכשל כל הזמן במתמט יקה‬.2
. ___________‫וגם שרה ורונית לא‬

A n sw e rs:1

‫ נכשלות‬,‫ נכשלת‬.2 ‫ נפגשים‬,‫ נפגש‬.1

• Past tense (‫)נכנס‬

Here are the past tense forms o f the verb ‫נכנס‬:


neech-NAS-noo ‫נכנסנו‬ :‫אנחנו‬ neech-NAS-tee ‫נכנסתי‬ :‫אני‬

neech-NAS-tem ‫נכנסתם‬ :‫אתם‬ neech-NAS-ta ‫נכנסת‬ :‫אתה‬
neech-NAS-ten ‫נכנסתן‬ :‫אתן‬ neech-NAST ‫נכנסת‬ :‫את‬

neech-ne-SOO ‫נכנסו‬ ‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ neech-NAS ‫נכנס‬ ‫הוא‬

neech-ne-SA ‫נכנסה‬ ‫היא‬

Q: What prefix is shared by all past tense neefal forms?

A: The same prefix as in the present tense: ‫( נ־‬nee-).3 Here, too, there is no '‫ י‬after the -‫נ‬, even
when we write without vowels:
‫ נכנסת‬,‫ נכנסת‬,‫>* נכנסתי‬

1 It is not necessary for you to write vowel signs in your answers. We have added vowel signs to the answers in
the chapters on verbs only in order to make clear how the forms are pronounced.
2 In traditional pronunciation, the stress is on the ending of the ‫ אתם‬and ‫ אתן‬forms: neech-nas-TEM, neech-nas-
3 Except for roots beginning with a guttural ('‫ ע‬/‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬/‫) א‬, e.g., ‫נעלם‬. On gutturals see the chapter "Guttural
Consonants and '‫ר‬: Beenyaneem Pee'el, Poo'al and Neefal" pp. 480-482.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 5. Beenyan N e e fa l

Note that the base forms o f the present and past tenses sound and are written the same: ‫נכנס‬
(neech-NAS) 4

Now let's look at the bottom part of the chart above.

As in all the beenyaneem - except for heefeel - the vowel before the ‫ה‬- and ‫ו‬- endings o f the
‫ היא‬and the ‫הן‬/‫ ה ם‬forms "reduces." This vowel is pronounced eh. When these forms are written
with vowel signs, this reduced vowel is written as shva (□):
‫נ־סו‬-‫נכ‬ ,‫ס ה‬-‫נ‬-‫נכ‬
neech-ne-SOO neech-ne-SA

In the forms in the upper part o f the chart, the vowel before the ending is a stressed AH - as in
all other beenyaneem. This also happens to be the same vowel as that of the base form :‫נכנס‬
‫נ ס ת‬-‫נ כ‬ ,‫ת‬-‫נכ־נס‬ ,‫תי‬-‫נס‬-‫ נכ‬... -<
neech-NAST neech-NAS-ta neech-NAS-tee

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the c o rre c t past tense form o f the u n d e rlin e d ve rb .

‫_ז מתי האחים שלך‬ ‫ מתי אתה‬. 22:00 ‫ נרדמתי א תמול בשעה‬. 1

? ‫______ מ ה ם‬ ‫ גם את כבר‬.‫ מיכל כבר נפרדה מבני הדודים‬,‫ רוני‬.2

A n sw ers:
‫ נפךךת‬.2 ‫נךךמו‬ ,‫ נךךמת‬.‫ו‬

•Infinitive (‫)לה יפ נס‬

Here are some neefal infinitives:
.. T • :
‫׳‬ « t
‫־!יי‬T 1 !

le-hee-pa-GESH le-hee-ba-DEK le-hee-ka-NES

to meet with to be checked to enter

4 When vowel signs are added, the present tense form is ‫ נכנס‬with □ and the past tense form is ‫ נכנס‬with □. The
pronunciation of these two forms is the same.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 5. Beenyan Neef'al

Q: How do all these infinitives begin?

A: They all begin with -‫( להי‬le-hee).‫׳‬

‫ ״‬T 1 !
-* T
‫־! ״‬T ‫! ־‬

As you can see, the -‫ נ‬o f neefal (‫ )נפעל‬does not appear in the infinitive. Instead, in full spelling5
- used throughout this book - ‫ י׳‬is written where the ‫ נ׳‬would have been (6.(*‫להנכנס => להיכנס‬
In texts written with vowel signs, a strong dagesh appears in the letter after the 7.‫ י׳‬When this
letter happens to be ‫ב׳‬,‫ כ׳‬or ‫פ׳‬, as in the examples above, it is pronounced as a hard sound: b , k
or p.

Note that in today’s pronunciation there are four syllables in the infinitive: 8.‫נס‬-‫כ‬-‫הי‬-‫ל‬

'‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬as the first root letter in neefal verbs
Compare the present, past and infinitive forms o f the following verbs whose first root letter is
‫ב׳‬,‫ כ׳‬or :‫פ׳‬
‫שם הפועל‬ ‫עבר‬ ‫הווה‬
infinitive past present

le-hee-ka-NES ‫להיכנס‬
T 1 !
neech-NAS ‫נכנס‬ ‫־!־‬
neech-NAS ‫נכנס‬T ! '

le-hee-ba-DEK ‫להיבדק‬ neev-DAK ‫נברק‬ neev-DAK ‫נבדק‬

le-hee-pa-GESH ‫להיפגש‬ neef-GASH ‫נפגש‬ neef-GASH ‫נפגש‬

Q: What is the difference between the pronunciation of ' ‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/ ‫ ב‬in the present and past and their
pronunciation in the infinitive?

A: In the present and past, when ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬are the first root letter, they have a soft pronunciation
- v, c h ,f whereas in the infinitive they have a hard sound: b, k, p.

5 See the chapter "Hebrew Spelling," pp. 657-660.

6 The sym bol" *" indicates that the form is only theoretical and does not exist today. N ote: In standard (noifull)
spelling, the neefal infinitive is written without '‫י‬, as in ‫ ל ה מ ס‬.
7 Grammar books describe the n of neefal as assimilating to the following consonant. For an explanation of this
phenomenon, see the chapter "The Pronunciation o f ' ‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh," p. 636 ("Did you know?").
8 The division in classical grammar is different: ‫נס‬-‫כ‬-‫הכ‬/‫ל‬.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 5. Beenyan N e e fa l

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the in fin itiv e o f the u n d e rlin e d ve rb .

.‫בבתי קפה‬ ‫ אתם אוהבים‬.‫ נפגשתם לקפה לפני הסרט‬.1

‫ מתי אתה צריך‬.‫ אני מבינה שעדיין לא נבחנת‬,‫ רון‬.2

A n sw ers:
‫ לה יבח ן‬.2 ‫ לה יפ גש‬.1

• Future tense (‫)”??ס‬

Here are the future tense forms o f the verb ‫נכנס‬:

prefixes and endings only prefixes

‫׳‬e-ka-NES ‫אכנ ס‬
‫־־‬TV :‫אני‬
tee-ka-NES ‫תיכנ ס‬
••T : ‫אתה‬
tee-kan-SEE ‫תיכנסי‬
■! T : ‫את‬
yee-ka-NES ‫” פנ ס‬
.. T .
tee-ka-NES ‫תיכנ ס‬
■‫־‬T : ‫ה יא‬
nee-ka-NES ‫ניכנס‬
•‫־‬T ‫־‬ : ‫אנחנ ו‬
tee-kan-SOO ‫תיכנסו‬
!T : ‫ את ן‬, ‫אתם‬
yee-kan-SOO ‫ייכנסו‬
!T ‫־‬ :‫ הן‬, ‫הם‬

Here is how we arrive at the future tense form o f neefal from its infinitive:

‫ יי‬T ‫י‬
>= ‫^קיכנס‬
‫ ״‬T ‫־‬ !
>?= ‫להיכנס‬
‫ ״‬T ‫־‬ :

As in all beenyaneem whose infinitive contains a ‫להתלבש) ה׳‬, ‫)להרגיש‬, here, too, the ‫ ה׳‬drops off
with the -‫ ל‬when we add the future tense prefixes.

Now look closely at all the prefixes in the chart above.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 5. Beenyan Neef'al

Q: Which prefix contains a vowel different from the others?

A: -‫ א‬in 9.( ‫ אני) אכנס‬This prefix has an eh sound and, therefore, it is not followed by a '‫י‬. All
the other prefixes in neefal contain the vowel ee and, when written in full spelling, are
followed by a ‫י׳‬, as is the case in the infinitive (10:(‫להיכנס‬
,‫תיכנס‬ ‫ייכנס‬...
yee-ka-NES tee-ka-NES

As is the case in the infinitive form, the ‫ נ׳‬o f neefal is also not present in the future tense forms.
Instead, in all but the ‫ אני‬form, a ‫ י׳‬takes the place of the missing ‫ נ׳‬and, when the following letter
is ‫ב׳‬,‫ כ׳‬or ‫פ׳‬, it has a hard pronunciation:
‫ייכנס‬ ‫ייפגש‬ ‫ייבדק‬
yee-pa-GESH yee-ba-DEK yee-ka-NES

In the forms with the endings (on the left side o f the chart), we see that - as in all the beenyaneem
(except for heefeel) - the stress moves to the ending (e. g. , ‫ ת י־כנ־ס י‬tee-kan-SEE) and the vowel
before the ending "reduces." In texts written with vowel signs, the reduced vowel is written as
a shva (□). In Modem Hebrew, this shva is usually not pronounced.

Notice that the future tense base form - ‫נס‬-‫כ‬-‫( יי‬yee-ka-NES') - has three syllables. In contrast, the
present and past tense base forms have only two syllables and an initial - ‫נ‬: ‫נס‬-‫ נכ‬.

Want to see if you've understood?

W r i t e the c o r r e c t future tense form o f the u n d e r lin e d v e r b .

.‫ ו אתם _____________ א י ת ה מחרתיים‬,‫ אני אפגש ע ם מנהלת בית הספר מחר‬. 1

,‫ ״הילד שיושב לידך ייבדל! ראשון‬:‫ב לפני הבדיקה אצל הרופא רון אמר ל אח שלו‬

‫ ואני _____________ א ח רון ״‬,‫אתה _____________ שני‬

Answ ers:

‫ אבדק‬,‫ תיבדק‬.2 ‫ תיפגשו‬.1

9 As inpa'al (‫ )אסגור‬and heetpa'el (‫(אתלבש‬, -‫ א‬often shows a preference for the vowel sound eh.
10 In standard spelling, the future tense prefixes are not followed by a ;‫י‬: ...‫ תמס‬,‫ י מ ס‬.

Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 5. Beenyan Neef'al

• ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬/ ‫ ב‬as the second root letter in neef al verb

Above, in the section on the infinitive, we saw what happens when '‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬are the first root
letter in neefal verbs )‫ ל הי מ ס‬,‫ יי מ ס‬/ / ‫ נ מ ס‬,‫(נמס‬. Now let’s see what happens when ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬are
the second root letter :
‫עתיד‬ ‫שם הפועל‬ ‫עבר‬ ‫הווה‬
future infinitive past present

to break (The glass broke.) ‫יישבר‬

■■ T
.. T ■ :
‫נשבר‬ ‫נשבר‬
T 5 ‫־‬
yee-sha-l'ER le-hee-sha-VER neesh-BAR neesh-BAR

‫יישפך‬ ‫להישפך‬ ‫נשפך‬ ‫נשפך‬

yee-sha-FECH le-hee-sha-FECH neesh-PACH neesh-PACH

to recall ‫ייזכר‬
.. T ‫י‬
’• T ‫־‬ !
‫נזכר‬ ‫נזכר‬
T : ‫־‬

yee-za-CHER le-hee-za-CHER neez-KAR neez-KAR

Q: In which forms are ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬pronounced as hard sounds ( b, k, p ) and in which as soft sounds
(v, c h ,f)l

A: In the present and past, they are hard sounds since they appear after a closed syllable (e.g.,
‫ נש־בר‬neesh-BAR). In the infinitive and future, where they appear after an open syllable, they
are pronounced as soft sounds (e.g., ‫בר‬-‫הי־־ש‬-‫ ל‬le-hee-sha-VER]).‫״‬

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing form o f the u n d e rlin e d v e rb a n d re a d a ll the form s out loud.

.‫ בבקשה‬,‫ תגידו לי‬,_________ ‫ עדיין לא מכרתם בשם הסרט שראיתם בשבוע שעבר? כש‬.1

!‫ הוא חם‬,‫ תיזהרו שהקפה לא __________ ג ם עליכם‬.‫ נשפר קצת קפה על השולחן‬.2
A n sw ers:

yee-sha-FECH ‫ יישפןז‬,neesh-PACH ‫ נשפןז‬.tee-zach-ROO 2 ‫ תיזכרו‬,neez-KAR-fem ‫ מנרתם‬. ‫ו‬

11 See the chapter "The Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh," pp. 626-629.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 5. Beenyan N eef'al

Chapter summary
♦ These are the base forms (the past, present and future ‫ הוא‬forms) and the
infinitive of regular beenyan neefal verbs:

in fin itiv e fu tu r e presen t p a st

•• T * :
‫ ״‬T
T 5 *
5‫• ־‬
le-hee-ka-NES yee-ka-NES neech-NAS neech-NAS

Note how different the present and past tense forms are from the future and
infinitive: While the present and past forms begin with a ‫ נ׳‬and have two
syllables, the future and infinitive have three syllables and no ‫נ׳‬.

♦ When the letters ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬are the first or second root letters, various changes in
pronunciation take place. These are discussed in the chapter above.

Want to see if you've understood this chapter?

Wr i t e the cor r ect f orm of the under l i ned ver b (past, present, future or infi nitive).

.‫סוף סוף‬ . ‫ מחר‬._________ . ‫ מאיה ואני מזמן לא‬.‫ו‬

.‫נחמד להיפגש שוב אחרי כל כך הרבה זמן‬

‫ היא אמרה שעצוב לה‬,‫מאיתנו‬ ___ ‫ כשהיא‬.‫ מיכל נסעה לשנה לאוסטרליה‬.2
.‫להיפרד מחברים‬

_ ‫ סוף סוף נזכרת איפה הפגישה! לקח לך המון זמן‬.3

Answer s:
‫ להיזכר‬.3 ‫ נפרדה‬.2 ‫ ניפגש‬.‫ נפגשנו‬.1

6 Beenyan Poo ,al ‫פועל‬

P rev iew
‫ ״‬Present tense )‫(מצולם‬
• Past tense )‫(צולם‬
‫ ״‬Future tense )‫(יצולם‬
‫ פ' ״‬,'‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬as the first root letter in poo'al verbs )‫ מבוטל‬,‫(בוטל‬
‫ ״‬When ‫ י׳‬is the first, or second root letter )‫ צויר‬,‫(יוצא‬
‫ ״‬Four-letter roots )‫מרובעים ( תו מ ם‬

Introduc tion
Beenyan pot >'a! is the passive counterpart of beenyan pee'el , for example:1
passive (poo'al) active (pee'el)
.)‫הסיפור סופר ביידיש (על ידי השחקן‬ >^< .‫השחקן סיפר סיפור ביידיש‬ -C
The actor told a stoiy in Yiddish The story was t

.)‫הפרח צולם באביב (על ידי רון‬ >^« .‫רון צילם את הפרח באביב‬
The flower was photographed in the spring (by Ron). Ron photographed the flower in the spring.

In order to arrive at the past tense base form (‫)ה וא‬, we simply change the vowels of ‫צילם‬
(.tsee-LEAl) to oo-AH\ ‫( צוילם‬tsoo-LMl). In full spelling, we always write a '1 between the first and
second root letters: ‫צולם‬.“ This is true in all the tenses o f poo’a l, as we will see below.

Beenyan poo'al belongs to the same "family" of beenyaneem as pee'el and heetpa'el. The
characteristic shared by all three of these beenyaneem is that a dagesh is written in their middle
root letter in standard spelling with vowel signs/' Thus, when ' ‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬appear in the middle of
poo'al verbs, they are pronounced as hard sounds:

1 For an explanation of the meaning of active and passive verbs, see the chapter "Active and Passive Verbs,"
pp. 580-592.
2 These forms in standard (non-full) spelling with vowel signs are: ‫־> צלם‬-‫ צלם <־‬. In standard spelling, there is no
*‫ ו‬in poo 'a! in any of the tenses.
3 This is a strong dagesh (‫( )דגש חזק‬see the chapter "The Pronunciation of ' ‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬and the D a g e s h pp. 630-

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 6. Beenyan Poo'al

‫סופר‬ ‫סוכם‬ ‫דובר‬

soo-PAR soo-KAM doo-BAR

Here are some more special features that are worth noting:

- Beenyan poo'al , like the one other exclusively passive beenyan - hoofal , has no infinitive or
command forms.

- The past tense base form (‫ )צולם‬also appears as part o f the base forms o f the other tenses:

past. ‫צולם‬ **C

present. ‫מצולם‬
future: ‫יצולם‬

- As you can see, the prefixes of the present and future tenses are the same as those o f beenyan
pee'el: ‫ יצלם‬,‫ מצלם‬.

• Present tense (‫)מצ ולם‬

Here are the present tense forms of the verb 4:‫צולם‬

me-tsoo-LAM ‫מצולם‬
T ! :(m.s.) ‫ הוא‬,‫ אתה‬,‫אני‬
me-tsoo-LE-met ‫מצולמת‬ ‫<־‬fs . ) ‫ היא‬,‫ את‬,‫אני‬
me-tsoo-la-MEEM ‫מצולמים‬
‫־‬T : :( ‫ הם‬,‫ אתם‬,‫אנחנו‬
me-tsoo-la-MOT ‫ ת‬1‫מצולמ‬
T ! :( ‫ הן‬,‫ אתן‬,‫אנחנו‬

As in most beenyaneem that we have seen, the feminine singular o f poo'al ends in E-et:

me-tsoo-LE-met ‫מצולמת‬

In the plural forms, the stress moves to the ending:

‫ ת‬1‫מ‬-‫ל‬-‫מ־צו‬
t :
t ‫נ‬

me-tsoo-la-MOT me-tsoo-la-MEEM

The ah vowel of ‫ מצולם‬does not change when the plural endings are added. This is also the case
in beenyan neefal (‫ )נכנסים‬and in beenyan hoofal (‫)מ ו זמ נ ים‬.

4 Many poo'al present tense forms serve as adjectives. For more details, see the chapter ‫'׳‬Adjectives Resulting
from an Action Taken and Completed," pp. 159-169.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 6. Beenyan Poo'al

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the c o rre c t present tense form o f the u n d e rlin e d w o rd .

______________ ‫ בתחילת הסרט‬.‫ הסרט ״מישהו לרוץ איתו" מצולם ברחובות ירושלים‬.1

.‫נער וכלב רצים במרכז העיר‬

.‫ הסיפורים האחרים שקראנו ______________בגוף שלישי‬.‫ הסיפור שקראנו היום בכיתה מסופר בגוף ראשון‬.2

A n s w e rs :5
‫ מסופרים‬.2 ‫ מצולמים‬.1

•Pasttense (‫)צ ולם‬

Here are the past tense forms o f the verb ‫צולם‬:

plural singular

tsoo-LAM-noo ‫צולמנו‬ :‫אנחנו‬ tsoo-LAM-tee ‫צולמתי‬ :‫אני‬

tsoo-LAM-tem ‫צולמתם‬ :‫אתם‬ tsoo-LAM-ta ‫צולמת‬
T ! ‫־‬
tsoo-LAM-ten ‫צולמתן‬ :‫אתן‬ tsoo-LAMT ‫צולמת‬ :‫את‬

tsool-MOO ‫צולמו‬ ‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ tsoo-LAM ‫צולם‬ ‫הוא‬

tsool-MA ‫צולמה‬ ‫היא‬

Let's look at the bottom part of the chart.

When the endings ‫ ; ה‬and ‫ו‬- are added to the ‫ היא‬and ‫ הן‬/‫ ה ם‬forms respectively, they attract the
stress, and the vowel that comes before them "reduces," as in all the beenyaneem except for
heef eel:
‫צול־מו‬ ,‫מח‬-‫צול‬ ! T :

tsool-MOO tsool-MA

5 It is not necessary for you to write vowel signs in your answers. We have added vowel signs to the answers in
the chapters on verbs only in order to make clear how the forms are pronounced.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 6. Beenyan Poo'al

The reduced vowel is written with a shva (□) in texts written with vowel signs and is usually not
pronounced in Modem Hebrew.6

All other forms, i.e., those in the top part of the chart - whose endings begin with a consonant
(‫ ת׳‬or ‫ )נ׳‬- have a stressed AH sound in their second syllable:

. .. ‫למת‬- ‫צ ו‬ , ‫ת‬- ‫למ‬- ‫צ ו‬ , ‫ת י‬- ‫צ ו־למ‬

tsoo-LAMT tsoo-LAM-ta tsoo-LAM-tee

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the c o rre c t past tense form o f the u n d e rlin e d ve rb .

___ ‫ אנחנו ___________ א ת ם‬.‫ ה ילד ים ט ופל ו במרפאה של ד״ר לוין‬.1

‫ וגם מירי לא‬,__________ ‫ גם אתה לא‬. ‫ לא פ וטרת י מהעב ודה‬,‫ למזלי‬.2

A nsw ers:
‫ פ וטרה‬,‫ פוטו־ת‬.2 ‫ ט ופלתם‬,‫ טופלנו‬.1

• Future tense (‫)יצולם‬

As we noted at the beginning o f this chapter, the future tense base form o f poo'al is ‫יצולם‬, and
the prefixes of poo'al verbs are the same as those used in beenyan pee'el (‫״‬.‫ תדבר‬,‫)אדבר‬:

prefixes and endings only prefixes

,a-tsoo-LAM ‫אצולם‬ :‫אני‬
te-tsoo-LAM ‫תצולם‬ :‫אתה‬
te-tsool-MEE ‫תצולמי‬ :‫את‬
ye-tsoo-LAM ‫יצולם‬ :‫הוא‬
te-tsoo-LAM ‫תצולם‬ :‫היא‬
ne-tsoo-LAM ‫נצולם‬ :‫אנחנו‬
te-tsool-MOO ‫תצולמו‬ :‫ אתן‬,‫אתם‬
ye-tsool-MOO ‫יצולמו‬ :‫ הן‬,‫הם‬

6 See the chapter "Reduction of Vowels and the Shva," pp. 648-650. The shva is sometimes pronounced eh, as -
for example - in verbs like ‫( חוממו‬choo-me-MOO), whose second and third root letters are identical (‫מ‬- ‫מ‬- ‫)ח‬.
This is so also in future forms such as ‫( יחוממו‬ye-choo-me-MOO).

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 6. Beenyan Poo'al

Note that only the ‫ אני‬form begins with an ah sound: ‫׳) אצולם‬a-tsoo-LAM). All the others have eh
in the first syllable:
.‫יצולם״‬ ,‫תצולם‬
ye-tsoo-LAM te-tsoo-LAM

As in all beenyaneem except for heefeel , in the forms with an ending (in the left-hand column
above), the stress moves to the ending, and the preceding vowel "reduces":

‫מו‬-‫צול‬-‫י‬ ,‫מו‬-‫צול‬-‫ת‬ ,‫מי‬-‫צול‬-‫ת‬ »= ‫לם‬-‫י־צו‬

ye-tsool-MOO te-tsool-MOO te-tsool-MEE ye-tsoo-L4M

The reduced vowel is written as a shva (□) in texts with vowel signs. In Modem Hebrew it is
usually not pronounced.

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing form o f the u n d e rlin e d ve rb .

.‫ הטכנאי אמר שהטלוויזיה ____________ ב תו ך יומיים ו שהמח שב יתוקן בתוך שבוע‬. 1

.‫ ב שבוע הבא ____________ פ ר קי ם מעונו ת קודמות‬.‫ התוכנית שאנחנו אוהבים תשודר שוב מחר‬.2

A nsw ers:
‫ ישודרו‬.2 ‫ תתוקן‬.1

• ‫ פ׳‬/ ‫ כ‬/ ‫ ב‬as the first root letter in poo’al verbs

( ‫ מב וטל‬, ‫)ב וטל‬
Now let's see what happens when the first root letter is ‫ב׳‬,‫ כ׳‬or ‫פ׳‬:

‫עתיד‬ ‫הווה‬ ‫עבר‬

future present past

to be canceled ‫יבוטל‬ ‫מבוטל‬

T !
‫בוטל‬ <<
to be laundered ‫יכובס‬ ‫מכובס‬
T !
to be fired from work ‫יפוטר‬ ‫מפוטר‬ ‫פוטר‬

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 6. Beenyan Poo'al

In the past tense, where ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬appear at the beginning o f the word, they are pronounced with
a hard sound: b, k, p .1 In the other tenses, where they do not stand at the beginning o f the word,
their pronunciation is soft: v, c /7 ,/8

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing form o f the u n d e rlin e d ve rb . S a y a ll the poo'al ve rb s out lo u d .

.‫ בשבוע שעבר בוטלה הפגישה של תלמידי בית הספר ע ם סופר ישראלי חשוב‬.1

_____________ ‫אני מקווה שבשבוע הבא הפגישה לא‬

.‫ ובקרוב אולי ____________ עו ב די ם נוספים‬,‫ עובדים רבים פוטרו לאחרונה‬.2

:A n s w e rs
ye-foot-ROO ‫ יפוטרו‬tpoof-ROO ‫ פוטרו‬.te-voo-TAL 2 ‫ תבוטל‬,boot-LA ‫בוטלה‬ .1

• When '‫ י‬is the first or second root letter (‫ צויר‬, ‫) יוצא‬
Now let's compare verbs whose first root letter is ‫ ) י־צ־א) י׳‬and those whose second root letter
is ‫ ) צ־י־ר) י׳‬to the model verb ‫) צ־ל־ט) צולם‬. Pay special attention to the spelling:

‫עתיד‬ ‫הווה‬ ‫עבר‬ ‫שורש‬

future present past root

model verb: ‫יצולם‬ ‫מצולם‬

T J ‫צולם‬ ‫צ־ל־מ‬ <
to be exported ‫ייוצא‬
T ! ‫מיוצא‬
T ! ‫יוצא‬
T ‫א‬-‫צ‬-‫י‬
to be drawn, sketched ‫יצויר‬ ‫מצויר‬ ‫צויר‬ ‫ר‬-‫י‬-‫צ‬

When ‫ י׳‬is the first or second root letter in a poo'al verb, an additional ‫ י׳‬is never added to it.9 In
contrast, in pee'el verbs, we write an additional ‫ י׳‬in most forms (e.g.,10. ( ‫ לייצא‬,‫לצייר‬

7 The dagesh written in these letters in texts with vowel signs is a weak dagesh. See the chapter "The Pronunciation
of ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh," p. 626.
8 This is because they follow a prefix that ends with a vowel (eh). See the chapter "The Pronunciation of
' ‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh,‫ ״‬p. 628.
9 According to spelling rules of the Hebrew Language Academy, another '‫ י‬is never added to a '‫ י‬that stands next
to a ‫ר‬. For more details see the chapter "Hebrew Spelling," pp. 663-665.
10 See the chapter "Beenyan Pee’el" p. 388.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 6. Beenyan Poo'al

• Four-letter roots ( ‫(ת ומם‬ ‫מר ובע ים‬

Like verbs in pee'el and heetpa'el, some poo'al verbs have fo u r root letters. Here are some
‫שוחרר‬ ‫עוו־בב‬ ‫פוךסם‬ ‫או תן‬ ‫תותכו‬
he was freed it was mixed it was published it was organized it was translated

The forms o f verbs with fo u r root letters are similar to those o f regular poo'al verbs.
future present past

‫ל ם‬-‫צו‬ ‫ל ם‬-‫צו‬-‫י‬ ‫ל ם‬-‫ צי‬-‫מ‬

‫ךר‬-‫שוח‬ ‫י־שוח־ךר‬ ‫ךר‬-‫ שוח‬-‫מ‬

As you can see, the extra root letter joins the end of the syllable that contains "‫"ו‬, and there is
no strong dagesh as there is in regular verbs (‫)צ ולם‬. When the third root letter is ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬, as in
‫עורבב‬, it has a hard pronunciation: b, k, p . 11 From all other points of view, poo 'al verbs with four
root letters are like poo'al verbs with three root letters.

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing form o f the u n d e rlin e d ve rb .

.‫ והמודעה על הדירה שלכם ____________ מ ח ר‬,‫ המודעה על המכונית שלנו פורסמה א תמול בעיתון‬. 1

.‫ בקרוב הוא ____________ ג ם לעברית‬.‫ הספר תורגם להרבה שפות‬.2

A nsw ers:
‫ יתורגם‬.2 ‫ תפורסם‬.‫ו‬

11 This is a weak dagesh, which comes after a closed syllable. See the chapter "The Pronunciation o f '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/ ‫ ב‬and
the Dagesh," pp. 626-630 for more details.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 6. Beenyan Poo'al

Chapter summary
♦ These are the base forms (past, present and future ‫ הוא‬forms) of regular beenyan
poo’al verbs:
future present past
‫יצולם‬ ‫מצולם‬ ‫צמים‬ ■<C
ve-tsoo-LAM me-tsoo-LAM tsoo-LAM

♦ When ' ‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬are the m iddle root letter, they are pronounced b, A‫־‬, p (e.g.,
‫ סופר‬,‫ סונם‬,‫)דובר‬.

♦ Other changes in pronunciation and spelling involving ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬and also ‫ י׳‬are
discussed in detail in the chapter above.

♦ Some poo'al verbs have four root letters. Here is an example of their base
future present past
‫ישוחרר‬ ‫משוחרר‬ ‫שוחרר‬

W ant to see if you've understood this chapter?

W rite the c o rre c t form o f the u n d e rlin e d ve rb (past, present, future or in fin itiv e ).

.‫ וחשבון המי□ ____________ מחר‬,‫ חשבונות החשמל והטלפון שולמו אתמול‬.1


.‫החשבונות האלה תמיד____________בתחילת החודש‬


‫ הבוקר שמעתי שגם הטיול של היום‬.‫אתמול בגלל הגשם‬ ‫ הטיול לגליל‬.2


.‫___________ אני מקווה שהטיולים של השבוע הבא לא יבוטלו‬


.‫ לכן לא הכול מאורגן כמו שצריך‬,‫ המסיבה____________ברגע האחרון‬.3


A nsw ers:
‫ אי מנ ה‬.3 ‫ מבוטל‬,‫ בוטל‬.2 ‫ מ שולמים‬,‫ישולם‬ .1

wM Beenyan Hoofal ‫הופעל‬

Present tense (‫) מ ה מן‬
Past tense (‫)הוזמן‬
Future tense (‫)יוזמן‬

Beenyan hoofal is the passive counterpart of beenyan h eef eel, for example:1
passive (hoofal ) active {heefeel)

.)‫אבי הוזמן למסיבה (על ידי רון‬ .‫רון הזמין את אבי למסיבה‬
Avi was invited to the party (by Ron). Ron invited Avi to the party.

In order to arrive at the past tense base form (‫)ה וא‬, we simply change the vowels of ‫הזמין‬
(,heez-MEEN) to oo-AH: ‫( הוזמן‬hooz-MA.\). In fu ll spelling , we always write a '‫ ו‬before the first root

Q: What letter appears at the beginning of both the h e e f eel and the hoofal forms mentioned

A: Both begin with '‫ ה‬. This is the characteristic sign of the heefeel-hoofal "family" of

Here are some more special features that are worth noting:

- Beenyan hoofal , like the one other exclusively passive beenyan-poo’al, has no infinitive or
command forms.

- In each of the three base forms, a prefix containing the vowel "00 ) "‫ ) ו‬appears before the first
root letter (- ‫ יו‬,-‫ מו‬,-‫) הו‬. Each of the base forms contains the vowels oo-AH\

1 For an explanation of the meaning of active and passive verbs, see the chapter "Active and Passive Verbs,
pp. 580-592.
2 These forms in standard (non-full) spelling with vowel signs ar e: ‫הזמ י ן <=> הזמ ן‬.
Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 7. Beenyan Hoof'al

past: hooz-MAN ‫הוזמן‬ *<£

present: mooz-MAN ‫מוז מן‬
future: yooz-M,4N ‫יוזמן‬

Be careful! Both hoofal and poo'al contain the vowels oo-AH. As we see above, the
" 00) "‫ ) ו‬in hoofal is always part of the prefix and before the root. In contrast, in poo'al
the " 00) "‫ ) ו‬always comes between the first and second root letters and is not part o f the
prefix. Compare the following poo'al forms to the hoofal forms above:

past: tsoo-LAM ‫צולם‬

present: me-tsoo-L4M ‫מצולם‬
future: ye-tsoo-L4M ‫יצולם‬

• Present tense (‫)מוזמן‬

Here are the present tense forms of our model verb 3:‫הוזמן‬

mooz-MAN ‫מוז מן‬ :{m.s) ‫ הוא‬,‫ א תה‬,‫אני‬

mooz-ME-net ‫מוז מנ ת‬ :(f.s.) ‫ היא‬,‫ את‬,‫אני‬
mooz-ma-NEEM ‫מוז מני ם‬
• T !
:( ‫ הם‬,‫ א ת ם‬,‫אנחנו‬
mooz-ma-NOT ‫מוז מנו ת‬
T ! :( ‫ הן‬,‫ אתן‬,‫אנחנו‬

Q: What prefix is shared by all present tense hoofal verbs?

A: They all begin with -‫( מו‬moo), which joins the first root letter to form the first syllable:

‫מוז־מ־נן׳ת‬ ,‫ני ם‬-‫מ‬-‫מוז‬ ,‫נת‬-‫מ‬-‫מוז‬ ‫ ה‬9 ‫מ ה־‬

mooz-ma-NOT mooz-ma-NEEM mooz-ME-net mooz-MAN

The feminine singular form of hoofal ends in E-et, as in almost all other beenyaneem (heefeel
is the one exception):
mooz-ME-net ‫־‬-*‫״‬ ‫נ ת‬- ‫ מ‬- ‫מוז‬

In the plural forms, the stress moves to the ending:

‫נו ת‬-‫ מ‬-‫מוז‬
T !
‫ני ם‬-‫מוז־מ‬ T !

mooz-ma-NOT mooz-ma-NEEM

3 Many hoofal present tense forms serve as adjectives. For more details see the chapter ‫'׳‬Adjectives Resulting
from an Action Taken and Completed," pp. 159-169.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 7. Beenyan Hoof'al

The ah vowel of ‫ מוזמן‬does not change when the plural endings are added. This is also the case
in beenyan neefal (‫ )נכנסים‬and in beenyan poo'al (‫)מצ ולמ ים‬.

Want to see if you've understood?

W r i t e the c o r r e c t p re s e n t tense fo rm o f the u n d e r lin e d v e r b .

________ ‫ הח וברת‬. ‫ הע ית ו ן מ ודפס בל ילה‬. 1

‫ התמ ו נ ות‬. ‫ התמ ו נה מ ו גדלת כד י שת וכל ו לרא ות את כל הפרט ים הקט נ ים‬.2

A n sw e rs:4
‫ מ וגדל ות‬.2 ‫ מ ודפס ות‬, ‫ מ וךפסת‬.1

• Past tense (‫)הוזמן‬

Here are the past tense forms o f the verb ‫הוזמן‬:

plural singular

hooz-MA-noo/hool-BASH-noo ‫הולב שנו‬/ 5‫הוזמנו‬ :‫אנחנו‬ hooz-MAN-tee ‫הוזמנתי‬ :‫אני‬

hooz-MAN-tem6 ‫הוזמנתם‬ : ‫אתם‬ hooz-MAN-ta ‫הוזמנת‬
T ! ‫־‬ !
: ‫אתה‬
hooz-MAN-ten ‫הוזמנתן‬ : ‫את ן‬ hooz-MANT ‫הוץמנת‬ : ‫את‬

hooz-me-NOO ‫הוזמנו‬ ‫ הן‬, ‫הם‬ hooz-MAN ‫הוז מן‬ ‫ה וא‬

hooz-me-NA ‫הוזמנה‬ ‫ה יא‬

Q: What prefix is shared by all these verbs?

A: They all begin with -‫( הו‬hoo).

4 It is not necessary for you to write vowel signs in your answers. We have added vowel signs to the answers in
the chapters on verbs only in order to make clear how the forms are pronounced.
5 In this specific verb the '‫ נ‬of the root and the '‫ נ‬of ‫ אנחנו‬become one. Therefore, instead of ‫*הוזמננו‬, the form is
‫ הוזמנו‬with one ‫נ׳‬. (We see this same phenomenon in the heefeel ‫) אנחנו הזמנו‬. We have added the verb ‫הולבשנו‬
in order to show a regular hoof’al verb. Note: In full spelling, the forms for ‫ אנחנו‬and ‫ הם‬look the same (‫)הוזמנו‬,
but are pronounced differently.
6 Most speakers today stress the next to the last syllable, as indicated here. According to the rules of grammar,
the stress is on the last syllable: hooz-man-TEM, hooz-man-TEN.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 7. Beenyan Hoof'al

Now let's look at the bottom of the chart where the endings ‫ ;ה‬and ‫ו‬- are added.

Q: What happens to the ah vowel in ‫ הוזמן‬when these endings are added?

A: It "reduces" to eh (the reduced vowel is written □ in texts with vowel signs):

S !
T • S

hooz-me-NOO hooz-me-NA

In all other forms (i.e., those in the upper part of chart), the vowel in the syllable before the
endings is a stressed AH:
, ‫מ נת ״‬- ‫ה ו ז‬ , ‫ת‬- ‫מ נ‬- ‫ה ו ז‬ , ‫ת י‬- ‫מ נ‬- ‫ה ו ז‬
hooz-MANT hooz-MAN-ta hooz-MAN-tee

Want to see if you've understood?

W r i t e the c o r r e c t p a s t tense fo rm o f the u n d e r lin e d v e rb .

.‫ גם את ____________ בי שי ב ה‬.‫ השם של המנהל הקודם הוזכר בי שיבת המורים אתמול‬. 1

_____________ ‫גם א ת ם‬

_____________ ‫ גם התמונה בעמוד הראשון‬.‫ האותיות בספר לכיתה א׳ הוגדלו‬.2

A nsw ers:

‫ הוגדלה‬.2 ‫ החפו־תם‬,‫ החכרת‬.‫ו‬

• Future tense (‫)יוזמן‬

Here are the future tense forms o f the verb ‫הוזמן‬:

prefixes and endings only prefixes

'ooz-MAN ‫או־ןמן‬ :‫אני‬
tooz-MAN ‫תוזמן‬ :‫אתה‬
tooz-me-NEE ‫תוזמני‬ :‫את‬
yooz-MAN ‫יוזמן‬ :‫הוא‬
tooz-MAN ‫תוזמן‬ :‫היא‬
nooz-MAN ‫נחמן‬ :‫אנחנו‬
tooz-me-NOO ‫תוןמנו‬ :‫ אתן‬,‫אתם‬
yooz-me-NOO ‫יוזמנו‬ :‫ הן‬,‫הם‬

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 7. Beenyan Hoof'al

As in all other tenses in hoofal , here, too, the oo sound (written ‫ )ו׳‬comes before the first root
letter. In the forms in the right-hand column above, only the prefix changes:

.‫תוזמן״‬ ,‫אוזמן‬
tooz-MAN 'ooz-hlAN

As in all beenyaneem except for heefeel, in the forms with an ending (in the left-hand column
above), the stress moves to the ending, and the preceding vowel "reduces" to eh (and is written
as a □ in texts with vowel signs):

‫נו‬-‫מ‬-‫יוז‬ ,‫נו‬-‫מ‬-‫תוז‬ ,‫ני‬-‫מ‬-‫תוז‬ >= ‫יוזמן‬ ->

yooz-me-NOO tooz-me-NOO tooz-me-NEE yooz-KLAN

B e c a r e fu l! Note that no hoofal verb form contains an ee sound in the middle

Therefore, none of them is written with a ‫י׳‬. In contrast, many heefeel verbs, including
the infinitive form (‫ )להזמין‬and all the base forms (‫ יזמין‬,‫ מזמין‬,‫) הזמין‬, contain a ‫י׳‬.

W ant to see if you've understood?

W rite the c o rre c t future tense form o f the u n d e rlin e d ve rb .

. ‫ ה נר ות‬. ‫ ה נר י ודלה ב ס ו ף ה ס ק ס‬.‫ו‬

‫את‬ ‫ א נ י‬. ‫ א נח נ ו נ ו פתע א ם ה ה צ ג ה ת ת ח י ל ב זמ ן‬. 2

______________ ‫ה ם‬

A nsw ers:
‫ יופתעו‬,‫ תופתעי‬,‫ אופתע‬.2 ‫י״־לקו‬ .1

Chapter summary
♦ These are the base forms (the past, present and future ‫ הוא‬forms) o f regular
beenyan hoofal verbs:
future present past
‫יוזמן‬ ‫מוזמן‬ ‫הוזמן‬ ‫>י‬
yooz-A'MN mooz-M. l.V hooz-.\/.! A

‫‪III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem /‬‬ ‫‪7. Beenyan Hoof'al‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood this chapter‬‬

‫‪W rite the c o rre c t form o f the u n d e rlin e d v e rb (past, present, future o r in fin itiv e ).‬‬

‫_ז שמעתי שבקרוב (אנחנו)‬ ‫‪ . 1‬הוזמנתי לחתונ ה של נירית וגלעד‪ .‬גם את ________‬

‫____________ ל ח תונ ה של אורלי ורון‪.‬‬

‫‪ .2‬בישיבה א תמול הו חלטו כמה ה חל טו ת בקשר לפרויקט החדש‪ .‬אבל רק מחר‬

‫(‪m‬־‪) it=K‬‬
‫מתי הפרויקט יתחיל‪.‬‬

‫י שיבת המורים בשעה‪ .‬אולי גם בשבוע הבא תולזדם הישיבה‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .3‬ביום שלישי שעבר _‬

‫בסוף הספר‪ .‬התרגילים הקשים‬ ‫‪ .4‬המורה אמרה‪" :‬רוב הפתרונות לתרגילים‬

‫יותר יוסברו בשיעור״‪.‬‬

‫‪A nsw ers:‬‬

‫‪ .4‬מוסבןים‬ ‫‪ .3‬הוקךמה‬ ‫‪ .2‬יוחלט‬ ‫‪ .1‬הוזמנת‪ ,‬נחמן‬

8 Regular Verbs in All Beenyaneem

• Chart o f regular verbs in all seven beenyaneem
• The base form as a "hyperlink" to other forms

• Chart o f regular verbs in all seven beenyaneem

The chart on the following page contains the forms of regular verbs in all seven beenyaneem.
We have included here all three tenses and the infinitive. Forms o f the imperative can be found
in the chapter "Command Forms" (pp. 567-577).

The ‫ הוא‬form of each tense is highlighted.

The numbers on the right refer to phenomena that are discussed following the chart.

‫‪III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem /‬‬ ‫‪8. Summary‬‬

‫הופעל‬ ‫הפעיל‬ ‫התפעל‬ ‫פועל‬ ‫פיעל‬ ‫נפעל‬ ‫פעל‬

‫‪hoofal‬‬ ‫‪heefeel‬‬ ‫‪heetpa'el‬‬ ‫‪poo'al‬‬ ‫‪pee'el‬‬ ‫‪neefal‬‬ ‫‪pa'al‬‬
‫עבו ‪past‬‬
‫הוז מנ תי‬ ‫ה ת ש תי‬ ‫התלב שתי‬ ‫צול מ תי‬ ‫דיברתי‬ ‫נכנסתי‬ ‫כתבתי‪1‬‬ ‫אני‬
‫\ ‪ T‬־־ ! ■‬
‫הוז ־ !‬
‫!‬ ‫התשת‬ ‫התלב ש ת‬ ‫צול!מ‪T‬ת‬
‫־‬ ‫דיברת‬
‫־! ‪T‬‬ ‫נכנסת‬
‫־! ־! ‪T‬‬ ‫כתבת‬ ‫אתה‬
‫‪ T‬־ !‪T‬‬
‫הוז מנ ת‬ ‫התשת‬ ‫התלבשו!‬ ‫צול מ ת‬ ‫דיברת‬ ‫נכנסת‬ ‫כתבת‬ ‫את‬
‫ה ח מנו‪ /‬הו ל ב שנו‬ ‫ה ת שנו‬ ‫התלב שנו‬ ‫צולמנו‬ ‫די ב תו‬ ‫נכנסנו‬ ‫כתבנו‬ ‫‪>1‬‬ ‫א נח נ ו‬
‫‪ T‬־־ !‬
‫הוז מנ ת ם‬ ‫התשתם‬ ‫ה תלב ש ת ם‬ ‫צול מ ת ם‬ ‫דיברתם‬ ‫כ ת ב ת ם‪ /‬כ ת ב ת ם‪ 2‬נכנס ת ם‬ ‫אתם‬
‫ה ח מנ תן‬ ‫ה ת ש תן‬ ‫התלב שתן‬ ‫צול מ תן‬ ‫דיברתן‬ ‫נכנסתן‬ ‫) כ ת ב תן‪ /‬כ ת ב תן‬ ‫אתן‬

‫הוזמן‬ ‫הת יש‬ ‫התלבש‬ ‫צולם‬ ‫ד בי‬ ‫נכנס‬ ‫כתב‬ ‫הוא‬

‫הוזמנה‬ ‫הת ישה‬ ‫התלב שה‬ ‫צולמה‬ ‫דיברה‬ ‫נכנסה‬ ‫‪ o‬ן כתבה‬ ‫היא‬
‫הוזמנו‬ ‫ה תי שו‬ ‫התלב שו‬ ‫צולמו‬ ‫נכנסו‬ ‫כתבו‬ ‫‪\ 2‬‬ ‫הם‪/‬הן‬
‫דיברו‬ ‫‪!T,‬‬
‫הווה ‪present‬‬
‫מוזמן‬ ‫מת יש‬ ‫מתלבש‬ ‫מצולם‬
‫‪T J‬‬ ‫מלבי‬ ‫נכנס‬
‫‪TJ‬‬ ‫כותב‬ ‫אני‪ ,‬אתה‪ ,‬הוא‬
‫מון מנ ת‬ ‫תי ‪T‬ש ה‬
‫־מ! י‬ ‫מ תלב ש ת‬ ‫מ צול מ ת‬ ‫מדברת‬ ‫נכנסת‬ ‫‪ { 3‬כו תב ת‬ ‫אני‪ ,‬את‪ ,‬היא‬
‫מוז מני ם‬ ‫מ תי שי ם‬ ‫מ תלב שים‬ ‫מצול מי ם‬ ‫מדברים‬ ‫נכנסים‬ ‫ן כותבים‬ ‫אנחנו‪ ,‬אתם ‪ ,‬הם‬
‫מוז‪T‬מנו ת‬
‫!‬ ‫מ תי שו ת‬ ‫מ תל ב שו ת‬ ‫צול מו ת‬
‫!מ ‪T‬‬ ‫מךבר‪ 1‬ת‬ ‫נכנסות‬
‫־ !‪T‬‬ ‫‪ ,f 4‬כו תבו ת‬ ‫אנחנו‪ ,‬את ן ‪ ,‬ה ן‬

‫עתיד ‪future‬‬
‫אוזמן‬ ‫א תי ש‬ ‫אתלב ש‬ ‫אצולם‬ ‫אדבר‬ ‫אכנ ס‬
‫‪“TV‬‬ ‫אכתוב‬ ‫אני‬
‫ת ח מן‬ ‫תתי ש‬ ‫תתלב ש‬ ‫תצולם‬ ‫תדבר‬ ‫תיכנס‬
‫‪ T‬יי‬ ‫תכתוב‬ ‫אתה‬
‫יוזמן‬ ‫!ךגיש‬ ‫יתלבש‬ ‫יצולם‬ ‫יךבו‬ ‫ייכנס‬
‫ץ■ ‪. .‬‬ ‫יכתוב ‪ /‬ילמד‬ ‫ה וא‬
‫ת ח מן‬ ‫ת תי ש‬ ‫תתלב ש‬ ‫תצולם‬ ‫תדבר‬ ‫תיכנס‬
‫‪T‬־■‬ ‫תכתוב‬ ‫היא‬
‫נ ח מן‬ ‫נתי ש‬ ‫נתלבש‬ ‫נצולם‬ ‫נדבר‬ ‫ניכנס‬
‫‪T‬־■‬ ‫נכתוב‬ ‫א נח נ ו‬

‫ת ח מני‬ ‫תת ישי‬ ‫תתלב שי‬ ‫תצול מי‬ ‫תדברי‬ ‫תיכנסי‬

‫‪■! T‬‬ ‫י תכתבי‬ ‫את‬
‫תון מנו‬ ‫תרגישו‬ ‫ת תלב שו‬ ‫תצול מו‬ ‫תדברו‬ ‫תיכנסו‬
‫‪!T‬‬ ‫תכתבו‬ ‫אתם‪/‬אתן‬
‫יוזמנו‬ ‫י תי שו‬ ‫יתלב שו‬ ‫תצול מו‬ ‫ידברו‬ ‫ייכנסו‬
‫‪!T‬‬ ‫< יכתבו‬ ‫הם‪/‬הן‬

‫שם הפועל ‪infinitive‬‬

‫(לה זמ ין ‪-‬‬ ‫ל ה תי ש‬ ‫להתלב ש‬ ‫(לצלם ‪-‬‬ ‫לדבר‬ ‫ל היכנס‬ ‫‪ { 6‬לכתוב‬
‫סביל)‬ ‫סביל)‪3‬‬
‫‪to be‬‬ ‫‪to feel‬‬ ‫‪to get‬‬ ‫‪to be‬‬ ‫‪to‬‬ ‫‪to enter‬‬ ‫‪to write‬‬
‫‪invited‬‬ ‫‪dressed‬‬ ‫‪photo-‬‬ ‫‪speak‬‬

‫‪ as our model in order not to deal with the presence and absence‬סגר ‪1 In the chapter on beenyan pa'al, we used‬‬
‫‪, the usual model verb of pa'al.‬כתב ‪. Here we use‬כתב ‪of the weak dagesh in‬‬
‫‪ reflect the pronunciation used by most Hebrew speakers today: ka-TAV-tem/ten.‬כתבתם ‪ /‬כתבתן ‪2 The forms‬‬
‫‪ (when used today, these are usually‬כתבתם ‪ /‬כתבתן ‪According to the rules of grammar, the correct form is‬‬
‫‪pronounced ktav-TEM, ktav-TEN or ke-tav-TEM, ke-tav-TEN). Note: According to the rules of grammar, the‬‬
‫‪ - endings in the past tense of all the beenyaneem are stressed.‬תן ‪- and‬תם‬
‫‪3 Beenyan poo'al and beenyan hoofal have no infinitive of their own.‬‬

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 8. Summary

1 Past tense, first an d second persons

In the past tense of regular verbs in all beenyaneem , there is always a stressed AH sound
in the syllable before the endings that begin with a consonant (-tee, -ta, -t, -noo, -tern, -ten):
‫( כתבתי‬ka-TAV-tee), 0 ‫דיברתי‬dee-BAR-tee) ...

2 Past tense, third person

In the past tense o f regular verbs in all beenayaneem (except for h e e f eel), when endings
begin with a vowel (‫ ^ה‬-AH and ‫ו‬- -OO), the stress moves to the ending, and the vowel
before it "reduces." In texts with vowel signs, a shva (□) is written under the middle root
letter: ‫( כתבה‬kat-VA), ‫( ךיבךה‬deeb-RA).

3 Present tense, feminine singular

The feminine singular form in the present tense o f all but h e e f eel regular verbs ends in :‫ת׳‬
‫כ ותבת‬, ‫ מדברת‬... In h e e f eel, the feminine ending is ‫;ה‬: ‫ מ תי ש ה‬.

^ Present tense, plural forms

The same change that is described in 2 above ("vowel reduction") takes place in the
present tensebefore endings that begin with vowels (‫ים‬: -EEM, 1‫ת‬- -OT), but only when
there is an eh (□) vowel in the last syllable o f the ‫ הוא‬form ( ‫כותב‬, ‫מדבר‬, ‫) מתלבש‬. In these
forms, the eh "reduces": it is usually not pronounced by today's speakers and is written as
shva (□). This change takes place in pa'al ( ‫ כותבות‬/ ‫) כותבים‬, pee'el (‫ מדברות‬/ ‫ ) מךבןים‬and
heetpa'el (‫ מתלבשות‬/ ‫) מתלבשים‬.

5 Future tense forms with endings

Here, too, the same change as is described in 2 and 4 ("vowel reduction") takes place.
In the future tense this "reduction" takes place before the vowel endings ‫י‬: (-EE) and ‫ו‬-
(-00). This happens in all beenyaneem except for h e e f eel. In the future tense, the shva (□)
sometimes indicates an eh vowel (e. g. , ‫ תכתב י‬teech-te-VEE) and sometimes a "zero" vowel
(e. g. , ‫ תךבךי‬te-dab-REE).

6 Infinitive and future tense forms

There is a striking resemblance between the infinitive and the future tense base form. If
we know the infinitive, we arrive at the future tense base form in the following way:
‫ ־‬In beenyaneem that do n o t have a ‫ ה׳‬in the infinitive (pa'al and pee'el), we simply
change the prefix -‫ ל‬to -4,‫ י‬e.g., .‫יכתוב <= לכתוב‬
‫ ־‬When there is a ‫ ה׳‬in the infinitive (neefal, h e e f eel, heetpa'el ), we eliminate -‫ לה‬and add
‫( י׳‬of the ‫ הוא‬base form) with the vowel o f the ‫ה׳‬, e.g., ‫ ייכנס «= ^זקיכנס <= להיכנס‬.

4 In pa'al, this is true of verbs with "1" in the future: ‫יכתוב <= לכתוב‬.

III. Regular Verbs in the Seven Beenyaneem / 8. Summary

• The base form as a "hyperlink" to other forms

Once you have learned all the verb tenses and forms listed in the chart above, the base form
of a particular verb can serve as a kind o f "hyperlink" to all its other forms. Let's see how this

Let’s say you encounter the ‫ הוא‬past tense form o f a new verb: ‫שיתף‬. In order to know its other
forms, you would ask: Which form in the chart does this verb resemble? The answer is: ‫שיתף‬
resembles ‫ דיבר‬in the third column o f the chart (beenyan pee'el).

This determination leads you from ‫( שיתף‬which is like ‫ )ךיבר‬- as a "hyperlink" - to the other
base forms: ‫( משתף‬which is like ‫ )מד־בר‬and ‫( ישתף‬which is like ‫)יךבר‬. It also leads you to the
infinitive ‫( לשתף‬which is like ‫)לדבר‬.

The base forms ‫שיתף‬,‫משתף‬, ‫ ישתף‬also act as "hyperlinks" and lead you to all other forms in each
tense. Thus, from the future tense ‫ הוא‬form ‫( ישתף‬which is like ‫)ידבר‬, you can easily arrive at the
‫ אני‬form ‫( אשתף‬which is like ‫)אדבר‬, the ‫ אתה‬form ‫( תשתף‬which is like ‫ )תדבר‬and so on.

This method can be used with any form o f the verb that we encounter.

Here are the base forms and the infinitives o f regular verbs in the seven beenyaneem :

‫הופעל‬ ‫הפעיל‬ ‫התפעל‬ ‫פועל‬ ‫פיעל‬ ‫נפעל‬ ‫פעל‬

hoofal heefeel heetpa'el poo'al pee'el neefal pa'al
‫הוץמן‬ ‫התי ש‬ ‫התלבש‬ ‫צולם‬ ‫דיבר‬ ‫נכנס‬ ‫כתב‬
‫־‬T past ‫עבי‬
‫מהמן‬ ‫מ תי ש‬ ‫מתלבש‬ ‫מצולם‬
T ! ‫מז־בר‬ ‫נכנס‬
T! ‫־‬ ‫כותב‬ present ‫הווה‬
‫יוזמן‬ ‫יתי ש‬ ‫ן תלבש‬ ‫יצולם‬ ‫ידבר‬ ‫ייכנס‬
‫■י‬T ‫ ילמד‬/ ‫יכתוב‬ future ‫עתיד‬
‫להתי ש‬ ‫להתלבש‬ - ‫(לצלם‬ ‫להיכנס‬ ‫לכתוב‬

‫לדבר‬ ‫־־‬T ‫ ־‬: infinitive ‫שם הפועל‬


IV. Verbs with Guttural
Consonants ('‫ ע‬/ ‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬/‫)א‬
Read the following sentences out loud paying special attention to the verbs:

‫ראים טקסטים ושואלים זה את זה‬1‫ הם ק‬.‫ בשיעורי עברית לפעמים הסטודנטים עובךים בזוגות‬. 1 -‫>־‬
sho-'a-LEEM kor-EEM ,ov-DEEM .‫שאלות‬
In Hebrew lessons, the students sometimes work in pairs. They read texts and ask each other

‫ הוא יבדוק מחירים באינטרנט ואז ישלת מודעה לעיתון‬,‫ לפני שדני ימפור את המכונית שלו‬.2
yeesh-L4.CH yeev-DOK yeem-KOR .‫המקומי‬
Before Danny sells his car, he'll check prices on the internet and will then send an ad to the local

.‫ר לו‬1‫ והוא מחפש מישהו שיוכל ל?ח‬,‫ תומר רוצה ללמוד לכתוב ביפנית‬. 3
la-'a-ZOR leech-TOV leel-MOD
Tomer wants to learn to write in Japanese, so he is looking for someone who can help him.

4. ‫ הוא סיפר להם סיפורים ותיאר להם את החיים בעיר שלו כשהוא‬,‫כשסבא ביקר אצל הנכדים‬
te-ER see-PER bee-KER ,‫היה ילד‬
When Grandpa visited his grandchildren, he told them stories and described life in the city he
lived in (lit.: in his city) when he was a boy.

In each sentence, the vowels of the third verb are different from the vowels o f the first two.
Why is this?

In each case, the changes are due to the presence o f a guttural consonant - 1.‫ ע׳‬/‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬,'‫ א‬These
consonants can cause different types o f changes, both in verbs and in other parts of speech.2
Here are the basic changes we will discuss:3

1 ' ‫ ע‬/‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬/‫ א‬are actually letters (written symbols) that represent guttural consonants (sounds). For simplicity's
sake, we often refer to these letters as consonants.
2 For examples of changes in nouns, see the chapter "Segolate Nouns," pp. 92, 94.
3 In order to simplify our explanation, in the following discussion also we are deliberately not making a clear
distinction between phonetic phenomena and the indication of these phenomena in writing. Thus, we allow
ourselves to speak of a guttural consonant's not "liking" a shva - which is a graphic sign - rather than saying
that gutturals don't "like" being followed by eh or by no vowel sound at all.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / Introduction

1. Instead of a shva (□ ), gutturals "like" ah (or sometimes eh).

Thus, in sentence 1 above, instead of ‫ עובז־ים‬and tPbnip, we get ‫ אלים‬1‫ ש‬, with an ah vowel
after the ‫א׳‬.

2. oh v o w e l (o r so m e tim e s b y eh).
G u ttu ra ls lik e to b e p re c e d e d b y a n
Thus, in sentence 2 above, instead of ‫ ימפור‬and ‫יבדוק‬, we get an ah before the ‫ ח׳‬in ‫ישלוז‬.

3. M o s t g u ttu ra ls lik e "m a tc h in g v o w e ls ."

Thus, in sentence 3, ‫ר‬1‫ ל<נז‬begins not only with ah before the ‫ע׳‬, but also with a matching ah
after it.

4. strong dagesh 4 - a n d so m e tim e s this a ffe c ts the v o w e l b e fo re them .

G u ttu ra ls c a n 't ta k e a
Thus, in sentence 4 above, the ee vowel o f ‫( בילןר‬bee-) and ‫( סיפר‬see-), which comes before a
strong dagesh, changes to eh in ‫( תיאר‬te-) because the ‫ א׳‬after it can't take a strong dagesh.

In the following three chapters, we will look at each beenyan and will see how the presence o f
gutturals makes verb forms containing them different from regular verbs.

Note: Roots with a final '‫ א‬are included in these chapters when they behave like roots with a
final ‫ ח׳‬or ‫ע׳‬. A more in-depth discussion o f the differences between final ‫ א׳‬verbs and all other
verbs is presented in a separate chapter: "Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is ‫( "א׳‬pp. 557-566).

We have divided our discussion o f gutturals in the seven beenyaneem as follows:

1. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al

2. Guttural Consonants: Beenyaneem H eefeel, H oofal and Heetpa'el
3. Guttural Consonants and '‫ר‬: Beenyaneem Pee’el, Poo’al and N eefal

4 That is, they can't be "doubled.‫ ״‬See the chapter ‫״‬The Pronunciation of ' ‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬and the Dagesh," p. 631 for an
explanation of the strong dagesh as an indicator of a "doubled" consonant.

H Guttural Consonants )‫ ע׳‬,'‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬,‫(א׳‬
Beenyan Pa fal

P re vie w
Beenyan pa'al and middle gutturals • )‫ כעס‬,‫ צחק‬,‫ נהג‬,‫(שאל‬
• Beenyan pa'al and initial gutturals )‫ אסף‬,‫ הךס‬,‫ עמד‬,‫(חזר‬
• Beenyan pa'al andfinal gutturals )‫ קרא‬,‫ שלח‬,‫(שמע‬

In this and the following chapters, we will deal only with the tenses and forms in which guttural
consonants cause changes.

• Beenyan pafal and middle gutturals

) ‫ פעס‬, ‫ צחק‬,‫ נהג‬, ‫ (שאל‬1
P r e s e n t te n se f o r m s w ith m id d le g u ttu r a ls

Read the following out loud:

‫ הם קוראים טקסטי ם ושואלים זה את זה‬.‫בשיעורי עברית לפעמים הסטודנטים עובדים בזוגות‬ -<
sho-'a-LEEM kor-’E EM ‘ov-DEEM .‫שאלות‬
In Hebrew lessons, the students sometimes work in pairs. They read texts and ask each other

In these sentences we see that the second vowel in ‫ שואלים‬is different from that in ‫ עובדים‬and
‫קוראים‬. The reason for this change :is:2 I n s t e a d o f a s h v a - g u t t u r a l s " l i k e " a h ( a n d s o m e t i m e s eh).

1 In grammar books, this group is also called "‫" ע׳ גרמית‬. This means that the second root letter (called ‫ ע׳‬since
this is the second letter in ‫ל‬-‫ע‬-‫ )פ‬is a guttural (‫)גרונית‬. For an explanation of the Hebrew names for root groups,
see the introduction to the unit "Special Root Groups," pp. 488-489.
2 See the introduction to this unit (pp. 448-449) for a list of the changes caused by gutturals.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 1. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al

Look now at all the present tense forms of verbs with middle gutturals compared with the
regular verb ‫( סוגר‬to close): f.s. m.s. root (‫)ש ורש‬

regular verb : ‫סוגרות‬ ‫סוגרים‬ ‫סוגרת‬ ‫סוגר‬ ‫ס־ג־ר‬ *>

to ask ‫שואלות‬ ‫שואלים‬ ‫שואלת‬ ‫שואל‬ ‫ל‬-‫א‬-‫ש‬

to drive ‫נוהגות‬ ‫נוהגים‬ ‫נז־הגת‬ ‫נוהג‬ ‫ג‬-‫ה‬-‫נ‬
to laugh ‫צוחקות‬ ‫צוחקים‬ ‫צוחקת‬ ‫צוחק‬ ‫ק‬-‫ח‬-‫צ‬
to be angry ‫כועסות‬ ‫כועסים‬ ‫כועסת‬ ‫כועס‬ ‫ס‬-‫ע‬-‫כ‬

Q: In which forms are the vowels o f the verbs with a middle guttural different from the vowels
of the forms o f ‫?סוגר‬

A: In the plural forms, for example: ‫ שואלות‬,‫( שואלים‬sho-'a-LEEM, sho-'a-LOT). In these forms
there is an ah sound after the ‫( א׳‬written □), while the corresponding regular verb forms
‫ סוגרות‬,‫( סוגךים‬sog-REEM, sog-ROT), are pronounced today with no vowel after the middle
root consonant (here: g).

Past andfuture tense forms with middle gutturals

Now let's look at past tense forms:

‫ ה ן‬/ ‫הם‬ ‫ה יא‬ ‫ה וא‬ ...‫אני‬ root (‫)ש ורש‬

regular verb: ‫סגרו‬

JT ‫סגרה‬
T: T ‫סגר‬
‫־‬T ...‫סגרתי‬
♦ :‫ ־‬T ‫ס־ג־ר‬

‫־־‬: T ‫שאלה‬
T‫־־‬: T ‫שאל‬
‫ ־‬T ...‫שאלתי‬
‫ ־! ־‬T ‫ל‬-‫א‬-‫ש‬
‫־‬:T ‫נהגה‬
T‫־־‬:T ‫נהג‬
‫־‬T ...‫נהגתי‬
• !‫ ־‬T ‫ג‬-‫נ־ה‬
‫צהקו‬ ‫צחלןה‬ ‫צהק‬ ...‫צחקתי‬ ‫ק‬-‫צ־ח‬
‫כעסו‬ ‫כעסה‬ ‫מגס‬ ...‫כעסתי‬ ‫ס‬-‫ע‬-‫כ‬

Notice that in the ‫ היא‬and ‫ הן‬/‫ הם‬forms, the shva (□) that appears in regular verbs in the syllable
before the ending becomes □ (ah) when a guttural appears in the middle of the root.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 1. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al

The same change takes place in future tense forms with endings:

‫הן‬/‫הם‬ ‫אתן‬/‫אתם‬ ‫את‬ root (‫)שורש‬

regular verb: ‫יסגרו‬ ‫תסגרו‬ ‫תסגלי‬ ‫ס־ג־ר‬ ->

ft ft ft
‫ישאלו‬ ‫תשאלו‬ ‫תשאלי‬ ‫ל‬-‫א‬-‫ש‬
‫ינהגו‬ ‫תנהגו‬ ‫תנהגי‬ ‫ג‬-‫ה‬-‫נ‬
‫יצחקו‬ ‫תצתקו‬ ‫תציוקי‬ ‫ק‬-‫ת‬-‫צ‬
‫יכעסי‬ ‫תכעסו‬ ‫תכעסי‬ ‫ס‬-‫ע‬-‫כ‬

Here, too, in the regular verb, a shva appears in the syllable before the endings, whereas an ah
vowel (□) takes its place when a guttural appears in the middle of the root.

The rest o f the future tense conjugation o f middle guttural verbs - i.e., the forms without
endings (‫ ינהג‬,‫ יצרזק‬,‫ יבעס‬,‫ )ישאל‬- are also different from regular verbs (‫) יסג ור‬. We will explain
this difference below (p. 458).

• Beenyan pa'al and initial gutturals

) ‫ אסף‬,‫וס‬.‫ ה‬, ‫ עמד‬, ‫ (חזר‬3
Future tense and infinitive forms with initial gutturals
Initial gutturals '‫ ה‬/‫ ע‬/‫ח‬
Read these sentences containing future tense verbs out loud:

.‫ הוא יחזור לספרייה ויחזיר את הספר‬,‫אחרי שדני יגמור את הספר הכתוב עליו חיבור‬
yach-ZOR yeech-TOV yeeg-MOR
After Danny finishes the book and writes a composition about it, he'll go back to the library and
return the book.

.‫ השוטר יעצור אותו‬,‫אם האיש יפרוץ לדירה ויגנוב משם תכשיטים‬

ya-'a-TSOR yeeg-NOV yeef-ROTS
If the man breaks into an apartment and steals jewelry from it, the policeman will arrest him.

3 Also called ‫ ״פ' גרונית״‬in grammar books, since the first root letter ('‫ פ‬stands for the first root letter) is a ‫ גרונית‬-
a guttural.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 1. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al

In the third verb in each of these sentences, we again see the influence o f the gutturals on the
vowels o f the word. This time the guttural doesn't like the ee vowel that is supposed to precede
it (we see ee in the regular verbs ‫ יגמור‬yeeg-MOR and ‫ יכתוב‬yeech-TOV). The ‫ ח׳‬in ‫ יחזור‬causes
the vowel before it to become ah (yach-ZOR). The reason for this change is: G u ttu ra ls lik e to b e
p re c e d e d b y a n oh v o w e l (o r so m e tim e s b y e/7).

The change in ‫ יחזור‬also takes place before the ‫ ע׳‬in ‫( יעצור‬ya-'a-TSOR),

Q: What additional change takes place in ‫ר‬1‫( י<^צ‬that does not take place in ‫?)יחזור‬
A: A second ah vowel is added a fte r the ‫ ע׳‬as well, creating th ree syllables, with an ah vowel in
the first two: ‫ צ ו ר‬- ^ - ‫( י‬ya-'a-TSOR).4 The reason for this change is: G u ttu ra ls o fte n lik e "m a tc h in g
v o w e ls ."

The changes we saw in ‫ יחזור‬and ‫ יעצה־‬take place not only in the future tense forms of these
verbs, but also in the infinitive. Here are some examples:

‫שם הפועל‬ future (‫)עתיד‬ ‫שורש‬

infinitive ‫הם‬ ‫הוא‬ root
regular verb: ‫לסגור‬ ‫יסגדו‬ ‫יסגור‬ ‫ס־ג־ד‬

5 *
to return ‫להזז־ר‬ ‫יחזרו‬ ‫ ר‬1‫י הז‬ ‫ ר‬-‫ז‬-‫ח‬
to stand ‫ ד‬1‫ל ע מ‬ ‫יעמדו‬ ‫יעמוד‬ ‫ד‬-‫מ‬-‫ע‬
to destroy ‫ ס‬1‫להר‬ ‫יהרסו‬ ‫יהרוס‬ ‫ס‬-‫ר‬-‫ה‬

Now let's look at the ‫ אני‬form o f the future tense:

future )‫(עתיד‬ ‫שורש‬

‫הוא‬ ‫אני‬ root
regular verb: ‫יסגוד‬ ‫אסגוד‬ ‫ס־ג־ד‬ .‫ו‬
‫יחזור‬ ‫אחזור‬ ‫ר‬-‫ח־ז‬ .2

‫יעמוד‬ ‫אעמוד‬ ‫ד‬-‫מ‬-‫ע‬ .3

‫יהרוס‬ ‫אהרוס‬ ‫ס‬-‫ר‬-‫ה‬ .4

4 Forms with a shva also exist but are far less common, e.g., ‫יעמוד‬/‫יעמוד‬, ‫יהרו־ס‬/‫?הרוס‬. Note: Forms such as ‫מזזור‬,
whose first root letter is '‫ח‬, also have two possible pronunciations: ‫ר‬1‫ י_חז‬yach-ZOR and ‫ יחזור‬ya-cha-ZOR.
5 According to rules of grammar, this form may also be pronounced ‫ לחזור‬la-cha-ZOR. In addition, the future
tense ‫הן‬/‫ ה ם‬form ‫ יחזרו‬may also be pronounced ‫ יחזרו‬ya-chaz-ROO.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 1. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al

Q: In line 1, what is the difference between the ‫ אני‬form and the ‫ הוא‬form?

A: The -‫ א‬o f the ‫ אני‬form shows a preference for the vowel eh. Thus, we say ‫‘ ( אסגור‬es-GOR)
with eh instead o f the ee in ‫( יסגור‬yees-GOR). In line 2, ‫ אחזז־ר‬is just like ‫אסגור‬, while the
forms in lines 3 and 4 - ‫ אהרוס‬,‫ א^מוד‬- again demonstrate the te n d e n c y o f g u ttu ra ls to ta k e
" m a tc h in g v o w e ls ” : eh-eh.

Initial guttural '‫א‬

Now let's look at verbs whose first root letter is ‫א׳‬.

‫שם הפועל‬ future )‫(עתיד‬ ‫שורש‬

infinitive ‫הם‬ ‫הוא‬ ‫אני‬ root

regular verb: ‫לסגור‬ ‫יסגרו‬ ‫יסגור‬ ‫אסגור‬ ‫ס־ג־ר‬ ->

to collect ‫לאס^ף‬ 6‫^יאספו‬ ‫!אסיף‬ ‫א א סו ף‬ ‫א־ס־פ‬
to eat ‫לאכול‬ ‫ל‬-‫כ‬-‫א‬

Q: What happens to the vowels at the beginning o f the words when ‫ א׳‬is the first root letter?

A: Here, too, we see the te n d e n c y o f ‫ א׳‬to p re fe r the v o w e l eh: ‫( יאסוף‬ye-'e-SOF), ‫( לאסוף‬le-'e-SOF).

The future tense and infinitive forms o f verbs with an initial '‫ א‬like ‫ לאסוף‬begin with eh-eh,
as opposed to ah-ah in initial guttural verbs like ‫ לעמוד‬,‫יעמוד‬.

The verb ‫ לאכול‬in the last line of the chart has totally different future tense forms (e.g., ,‫יאכל‬
‫)ייאכלו‬. For details, see "Did you know?" below.

Did you know?

Verbs like ‫יאכל‬

A small number o f p a 'a l verbs whose root begins with ‫ א׳‬have a special future
form, as in:
M ic h ae l w ill eat at our place this evening. .‫ה ע ר בי*־‬ ‫אצלנו‬ ‫ייאכל‬ ‫מיכאל‬C

6 The Hebrew Language Academy has decided that when verbs like ‫ אסף‬take an ending in the future tense, the
recommended pronunciation is ‫תאספי‬,‫ תאספו‬and ‫!אספו‬, instead of ‫תאספי‬,‫ תאספו‬and ‫!אספו‬.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 1. Guttural Consonants: Been/an Pa'al

Verbs o f this type have an 'ef'al future form, like ‫ ילמד‬and ‫ילבש‬.‫ ׳‬In addition,
their first vowel is oh. Here are ail the future tense forms o f the verb ‫( לאכול‬note
that the infinitive form is riot similar to the future):

prefixes and endings only prefixes

‫או כ ל‬ :‫אני‬
‫תא<;־ל‬ :‫אתה‬
‫ת א כ לי‬ :‫את‬
‫ייאכל‬ :‫הוא‬
‫תאכל‬ :‫היא‬
‫נאכל‬ :‫אנחנו‬
‫ת א כ לו‬ :‫ אתן‬,‫א ת ם‬
‫י א כ לו‬ :‫ הן‬,‫הם‬

Notice the special spelling of these verbs. In all but the ‫ אני‬form, a '‫ ו‬is not
written, even when there are no vowel signs: ‫יאכל‬.

The silent ‫ א׳‬o f the root remains in all but the ‫ אני‬form, where it drops out and a
'‫ ו‬is written in its stead:
‫> או כ ל‬5= ‫* א ^ כ ל‬ :‫אני‬

The most common verbs whose future tense forms are like ‫ ייאכל‬are:

future root 5“‫•־‬C

to like, love ‫יאהב א־ ה־ ב‬
to say ‫ ר‬-‫ מ‬-‫יאמר א‬

In all pa'al verbs whose roots begin with '‫א‬, the infinitive is like ‫) לאסוף‬,‫לאהוב‬

The one exception is ‫( לומר‬root: ‫ ר‬-‫ מ‬-‫) א‬, w hich is similar to the ‫ אני‬future form
‫ מר‬1‫ א‬.

7 On 'efol (‫ )אפעול‬and 'efal (‫ )אפעל‬fonns in the future tense of beenyan pa'al, see the chapter "Beenyan Pa'al"
pp. 398-401.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 1. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al

• Beenyan pa' al and final gutturals ) ‫ קרא‬, ‫ שלח‬, ‫(שמע‬

Present tense and infinitive forms with final gutturals
Read the following sentences out loud :

.‫ הוא תמיד סוגד את הדלת ומיד אחר כך פותח את החלון‬,‫כשאורי יושב בחדר שלו‬ -‫>־‬
po-TE-ach so-GER yo-SHEV
When Uri sits in his room, he always closes the door and opens the window immediately afterwards.

.‫ היא נוהגת לסגוד את הדלת ולפתוח את החלון‬,‫כשחנה רוצה ללמוד בחדר שלה‬
leef-TO-ach lees-GOR leel-MOD
When Hannah wants to study in her room, she makes it a habit to closethe door andtoopen the

.‫ היא סוגרת את הדלת ומיד אחר כך פותחת את החלון‬,‫כשחנה יושבת בחדר שלה‬
po-TA-chat so-GE-ret yo-SHE-vet
When Hannah sits in her room, she closes the door and opens the window immediately afterwards.

In all of the sentences above, the third verb differs from the first two because o f the presence
of a guttural.

Q: What vowel comes before the guttural (‫ )ח׳‬in the third verb in each sentence?
A: In each case, an ah vowel precedes the guttural: ‫ תוז‬1‫( פ‬po-TE-ach),8 ‫( לפתוח‬leef-TO-ach) and
‫( פו ת ח ת‬po-TA-chaf).

These are more examples o f the fact that gutturals like to be preceded by ah, as we saw above
in initial guttural forms like ‫( יחזור‬instead o f the regular verb ‫)יסגור‬.

Now let's take a closer look at the present tense and infinitive forms thatchange when a
guttural appears at the end o f the root.

8 Even though the vowel sign □ is written under the '‫ ח‬in rmi$3, it is pronounced before the ch: po-TE-ach.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 1. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al

‫שם הפועל‬ present (‫)הווה‬ ‫שורש‬

infinitive f.s. m.s. root
regular verb: ‫לסגור‬ ‫סוגרות‬ ‫סוגךים‬ ‫סוגרת‬ ‫סוגר‬ ‫ס־ג־ר‬ *>
ft ft ft
to hear ‫לשמוע‬ ‫שומעות‬ ‫שומעים‬ ‫שומעת‬ ‫שומע‬ ‫ע‬-‫מ‬-‫ש‬
to open ‫לפתזייז‬ ‫פותחות‬ ‫פותחים‬ ‫פותחת‬ ‫פותח‬ ‫ח‬-‫ת‬-‫פ‬
to read, call ‫לקרוא‬ ‫קוךאות‬ ‫קוראים‬ ‫קוראת‬ ‫קורא‬ ‫א‬-‫ר‬-‫ק‬

Q: In which present tense forms do the gutturals cause changes?

A: Only in the singular forms. Notice that in the plural forms, the gutturals cause no change.9

Be careful! Even though we don't always hear ‫ ע׳‬and ‫א׳‬, they are always present and
must not be omitted in writing.

Masculine singular and infinitive forms

When the guttural is ‫ח׳‬, as in ‫( פותת‬po-TE-ach), there is an extra ah sound (often called a "helping
vowel") before the final consonant. (In texts with vowel signs, the patach - □ - is written
u n d e r the final ‫ח׳‬, even though it is pronounced before it.)10 When the guttural is ‫ע׳‬, as in ‫שומע‬,
speakers who pronounce the ‫ ע׳‬pronounce the extra ah sound before the ‫ע׳‬: sho-ME-a'. Speakers
who don't pronounce the '‫ ע‬end the word with the extra vowel ah.

This same ah "helping vowel" appears also in the infinitives of these verbs: ‫ לשמוע‬Qeesh-MO-a'I
leesh-MO-a) and ‫( לפתוח‬leef-TO-ach).

Notice that when the final guttural is ‫א׳‬, there is no added ah: ‫( לקרוא‬like ‫)לסגור‬. (We mention
final '‫ א‬verbs here, but will discuss these verbs in more depth in the chapter "Verbs Whose Third
Root Letter Is ‫א׳‬," pp. 557-566.)

9 The final root letter of verbs like ‫ בונה‬is actually '‫ ;י‬therefore, these verbs are discussed in the chapter
"Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫י‬," pp. 532-544. The few verbs whose final root letter is ‫( ה׳‬such as
‫ה‬-‫ב‬-‫ ג‬to get taller), are similar in behavior to :‫ ע‬-‫מ‬-‫ש‬
‫ לגבוה‬/ / ‫ הן גובהות‬,‫ הם גובהים‬,‫ היא גובהת‬,)‫ הוא גובה (גבה‬/ / ‫ היא גבהה‬,‫ הוא גבה‬,‫=^< אני גבהתי‬
10 In traditional grammar, this is called a ‫( פתח גנוב‬furtive patach).

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 1. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al

Feminine singular form s

While the regular feminine singular form - ‫ סוגרת‬- has matching eh vowels before the end (E-ef),
the forms with ‫ ע׳‬or ‫ ח׳‬prefer matching ah vowels: ‫( שומעת‬sho-MA-'at) and ‫( פותחת‬jpo-TA-chat).

Verbs with a final ‫ א׳‬have a different feminine singular form. To arrive at this form, we can begin
with the masculine form ‫( קוךא‬ko-RE) and simply add a final ‫ת׳‬: ‫( קוראת‬ko-RET).

Future tense forms with final gutturals

Read these sentences containing future tense verbs out loud:

‫ תגמור לקרוא מאמר לשיעור בהיסטוריה ותקרא עוד‬,‫אם רינה תפתור את כל תרגילי המתמטיקה‬ ‫>־״‬
teek-RA teeg-MOR teef-TOR
.‫ היא תוכל לצאת לטיול בסוף השבוע‬,‫פרק בגאוגרפיה‬
If Rina solves all the math problems, finishes reading an article for her history class and reads another
chapter in geography, she will be able to go away this weekend.

Now let's look at the future tense forms with final gutturals. As we noted above, these forms
all prefer an ah vowel before the final '12. ‫ א‬/‫ ח‬/ ‫ע‬
future )‫(עתיד‬ ‫שורש‬
‫הוא‬ root

regular verb: ‫יסגור‬ ‫ס־ג־ר‬

‫ישמע‬ ‫ע‬-‫מ‬-‫ש‬
‫יפתת‬ ‫ת‬-‫ת‬-‫פ‬
‫יקרא‬ ‫א‬-‫ק־ר‬

Also when the middle root letter is a guttural, we get similar forms:

future )‫(עתיד‬ ‫שורש‬

‫הוא‬ root

regular verb: ‫יסגור‬ ‫ס־ג־ר‬

‫ישאל‬ ‫ל‬-‫א‬-‫ש‬
‫ינהג‬ ‫ג‬-‫ה‬-‫נ‬
‫יצתק‬ ‫ק‬-‫ת‬-‫צ‬
‫יכעס‬ ‫ס‬-‫ע‬-‫כ‬

11 For reasons of clarity, in this chapter we have transcribed the final '‫ א‬even though it is not pronounced.
12 The few verbs with a final consonantal ‫( ה׳‬such as ‫ה‬-‫ב‬-‫ )ג‬also prefer an ah vowel: ‫( הוא יגבה‬he will get taller).

‫‪IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants /‬‬ ‫‪1. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al‬‬

‫‪Chapter summary‬‬

‫‪♦ In the following chart you can see all o f the changes in beenyan pa'al caused by gutturals.‬‬
‫‪final gutturals‬‬ ‫‪middle gutturals‬‬ ‫‪initial gutturals‬‬ ‫‪regular verbs‬‬
‫ל׳ גרונית‬ ‫ע׳ גרונית‬ ‫פ׳ גרונית‬ ‫שלמים‬
‫‪final‬‬ ‫‪final‬‬ ‫‪middle‬‬ ‫‪initial‬‬ ‫‪initial‬‬ ‫‪initial‬‬ ‫‪initial‬‬ ‫‪regular‬‬
‫א׳‬ ‫ח׳‬ ‫ע‪/‬‬ ‫‪V,‬‬ ‫ח '‪,‬‬ ‫ה'‪,‬‬ ‫א‪/‬‬ ‫א' ( א ה ב ‪,‬‬ ‫א׳‬ ‫ה'‬ ‫ע;‬ ‫ח‪,‬‬ ‫‪root‬‬
‫א מ ר)‬ ‫א כ ל‪,‬‬

‫עבר ‪past‬‬
‫קראתי‬ ‫שמעתי‬
‫‪ T‬־־ ‪• J‬‬
‫‪ T‬־־ ‪• :‬‬
‫‪ T‬־־ ‪• :‬‬
‫‪ T‬־־ ‪• :‬‬
‫•‬ ‫‪ T‬־־ ‪:‬‬
‫חזרתי‬ ‫‪ T‬־‪:‬‬
‫סגרתי‬ ‫‪ T‬־‪:‬‬
‫א ני‬

‫‪TO‬‬ ‫שמעת‬
‫‪T :‬‬ ‫‪ T‬־‬
‫־ ‪T :‬‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫‪ T‬־‪T S‬‬
‫‪ T‬־ ‪T :‬‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪ T‬־ ‪:‬‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪ T‬־!‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪ T‬־‪:‬‬

‫לןראת‬ ‫שמעת‬
‫‪:‬‬ ‫‪:‬‬ ‫‪ T‬־‬
‫‪:‬‬ ‫־ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫‪:‬‬ ‫‪ T‬־‪5‬‬
‫‪:‬‬ ‫‪ T‬־ ‪:‬‬
‫‪J‬‬ ‫‪ T‬־ ‪:‬‬
‫‪:‬‬ ‫‪ T‬־‪:‬‬
‫‪ T‬־‪5 :‬‬

‫ל!ךאנו‬ ‫שמענו‬ ‫‪:‬‬ ‫‪ T‬־־‬

‫שאלנו‬ ‫‪ T‬־־ ‪:‬‬
‫אכלנו‬ ‫‪ T‬־־ ‪J‬‬
‫‪ T‬־־ ‪J‬‬
‫‪ T‬־־ ‪:‬‬
‫חזרנו‬‫‪ T‬־‪:‬‬
‫סגרנו‬‫‪ T‬־‪:‬‬
‫א נ ח נו‬

‫לןךאתם‬ ‫שמעתם‬ ‫שאלתם‬ ‫אכלתם‬ ‫אספתם‬ ‫עמדתם‬ ‫חזרתם‬ ‫סגןתם‪13‬‬ ‫אתם‬

‫קראתו‬ ‫שמעתן‬ ‫שאלתן‬ ‫אכלתן‬ ‫אספתן‬ ‫עמךתן‬ ‫חזרתן‬ ‫סגןינן‬ ‫א תן‬

‫?יךא‬ ‫שמע‬ ‫‪ T‬־‬

‫שאל‬ ‫־‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫אכל‬ ‫‪ T‬־‬
‫אסף‬ ‫עמד‬ ‫‪ T‬־‬
‫חזר‬ ‫‪ T‬־‬
‫סגר‬ ‫‪ T‬־‬
‫הו א‬

‫ל!‪ 1‬אה‬ ‫שמעה‬ ‫‪T :‬‬ ‫‪T‬‬

‫שאלה‬ ‫‪: T‬־ ‪T‬‬
‫אכלה‬‫‪T 5T‬‬
‫אספה‬ ‫‪T 5 T‬‬
‫עמדה‬ ‫‪T 5 T‬‬
‫חזרה‬ ‫‪T: T‬‬
‫סגרה‬‫‪T 5T‬‬
‫הי א‬

‫ל!ךאו‬ ‫שמעו‬ ‫‪:‬‬ ‫‪T‬‬

‫שאלו‬ ‫‪: T‬־־‬
‫אכלו‬ ‫‪: T‬‬
‫אספו‬ ‫‪:‬‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫עמדו‬ ‫‪: T‬‬
‫חזרו‬ ‫‪: T‬‬
‫סגרו‬ ‫‪: T‬‬
‫ה ם ‪ /‬הן‬

‫הווה ‪present‬‬
‫קורא‬ ‫שומע‬ ‫שואל‬ ‫אוכל‬ ‫אוסף‬ ‫עומד‬ ‫חוזר‬ ‫סוגר‬ ‫הו א‬ ‫א ת ה‪,‬‬ ‫א ני‪,‬‬

‫קוראת‬ ‫שומעת‬ ‫שואלת‬ ‫אוכלת‬ ‫אוספת‬ ‫עומךת‬ ‫חוזרת‬ ‫סוגרת‬ ‫הי א‬ ‫א ת‪,‬‬ ‫א ני‪,‬‬

‫קוראים‬ ‫שומעים‬ ‫שואלים‬ ‫אוכלים‬ ‫אוספים‬ ‫עומדים‬ ‫חוזרים‬ ‫סוגרים‬ ‫הם‬ ‫א ת ם‪,‬‬ ‫א נ ח נ ו‪,‬‬

‫קוראות‬ ‫שומעות‬ ‫שואלות‬ ‫אוכלות‬ ‫אוספות‬ ‫עומדות‬ ‫חוזרות‬ ‫סוגרות‬ ‫הן‬ ‫א תן‪,‬‬ ‫א נ ח נ ו‪,‬‬

‫עתיד ‪fu tu re‬‬

‫אקד א‬ ‫אשמע‬ ‫אשאל‬ ‫אוכל‬ ‫אאסוף‬ ‫אעמוד‬ ‫אחזור‪14‬‬ ‫אסגור‬ ‫א ני‬

‫תקי־א‬ ‫תשמע‬ ‫תשאל‬ ‫תאכל‬ ‫תאסוף‬ ‫תעמוד‬ ‫תחזור‬ ‫תסגור‬ ‫אתה‬

‫יקי א‬ ‫ישמע‬ ‫ישאל‬ ‫יאכל‬ ‫יאסוף‬ ‫יעמוד‬ ‫!חזור‬ ‫יסגור‬ ‫הו א‬

‫תקרא‬ ‫תשמע‬ ‫תשאל‬ ‫תאכל‬ ‫תאסוף‬ ‫תעמוד‬ ‫תחזור‬ ‫תסגור‬ ‫הי א‬

‫נקיא‬ ‫נשמע‬ ‫נשאל‬ ‫נאכל‬ ‫נאסוף‬ ‫נעמוד‬ ‫נחזור‬ ‫נסגור‬ ‫א נ ח נו‬

‫‪ forms in all verbs. In beenyan‬אתן ‪ and‬אתם ‪13 According to the rules of grammar, the stress is on the ending of‬‬
‫‪ (pronounced sgar-TEM, sgar-‬סגןתם‪ ,‬סגרתן ‪pa 'aI this causes the first vowel to "reduce" (it is written as a shva) :‬‬
‫עמדתן ‪ ('a-mad-TEhl) and‬עמז־תם ‪TEN or se-gar-TEA’L se-gar-TEN). When there is an initial guttural, we get‬‬
‫‪14 According to rules of grammar, the following pronunciations are also acceptable:‬‬
‫לחזור‬ ‫תחזןי‬ ‫תחזור‬ ‫אחזור‬
‫‪la-cha-ZOR‬‬ ‫‪ta-chaz-REE‬‬ ‫‪ta-cha-ZOR‬‬ ‫‪'e-che-ZOR‬‬

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 1. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al

final gutturals middle gutturals initial gutturals regular verbs

‫ל׳ גרונית‬ ‫ע׳ גרונית‬ ‫פ׳ גרונית‬ ‫שלמים‬
final final middle initial initial initial initial regular
'‫א‬ '‫ ח‬,'‫ע‬ '‫ ע‬/‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬/‫א‬ ,‫א׳(אהב‬ '‫א‬ '‫ ה‬,'‫ע‬ '‫ח‬ root
)‫ אמר‬,‫אכל‬

future ‫עתיד‬
‫תקךאי‬ ‫תשמעי‬ ‫תשאלי‬ ‫תיאכלי‬ 15‫תאספי‬ ‫תעמדי‬ ‫תחזרי‬ ‫ת סג ר‬ ‫את‬
‫תקךאו‬ ‫תשמעו‬ ‫תשאלו‬ ‫תאכלו‬ ‫תאספו‬ ‫תעמדו‬ ‫תחזרו‬ ‫תסגרו‬ ‫אתן‬/‫את ם‬
‫יקראו‬ ‫ישמעו‬ ‫ישאלו‬ ‫יאכלו‬ ‫!אספו‬ ‫!עמדו‬ ‫!חזרו‬ ‫יסגרו‬ ‫ הן‬/‫הם‬

‫לקרוא‬ ‫לשמוע‬ ‫לשאול‬ ‫לאכול‬ ‫לאסוף‬ ‫לעמוד‬ ‫לחזור‬ ‫לסגור‬ ‫שם פועל‬
to read to hear to ask to eat to collect to stand to return to close infinitive

Here is a summary o f the changes highlighted in the chart above. All are caused by gutturals:

‫ ־‬Instead of a shva (Q), gutturals like ah (or sometimes eh). Thus:

‫יסגור‬ ‫לסגור‬ ‫יסגרו‬ ‫סגרה‬


‫יעמוד‬ ‫לעמוד‬ ‫ישאלו‬ ‫שאלה‬

T‫־־‬: T ‫שואלים‬
‫יאסוף‬ ‫לאסוף‬

- Gutturals like to be preceded by an ah vowel (or sometimes eh). Thus:

‫יסגור‬ ‫יסגור‬ ‫סוגרת‬ ‫סוגר‬ ‫לסגור‬

‫!חזור‬ ‫ישמע‬ ‫שומעת‬ ‫שומע‬ ‫לשמוע‬

‫!עמוד‬ ‫יפתה‬ ‫פותחת‬ ‫פותח‬ ‫לפתוח‬
‫יאסוף‬ ‫זקךא‬
- Most gutturals like "matching vowels." Thus:
‫סוגרת‬ ‫לסגור‬ ‫יסגור‬ *>

‫שומעת‬ ‫לעמוד‬ ‫יעמוד‬
‫פותחת‬ ‫לאסוף‬ ‫יאסוף‬

15 The Hebrew Language Academy has decided that when verbs beginning with '‫ א‬take endings in the future
tense, the recommended pronunciation is ‫תאספי‬,‫ תאספו‬and ‫!אספו‬, instead of the traditional ‫!אספו‬,‫ תאספו‬and

‫‪IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants /‬‬ ‫‪1. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪Read the underlined verbs out loud, paying attention to the changes caused by the‬‬
‫‪gutturals. For help you can refer to the chart above.‬‬

‫‪ .1‬דני כותב מכתב‪ / .‬דני שולח מכתב‪.‬‬

‫הרופאים בודסים את החולים‪ / .‬הרופאים שואלים שאלות‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫‪ . 3‬יובל ירסוד ע ם דינה במסיבה‪ / .‬יובל י שאל את דינה על העבודה שלה‪.‬‬
‫‪ .4‬יוסי צריך לשמור בשער היום‪ / .‬יוסי צריך לעבוד היום‪.‬‬
‫למה את פו ת ח ת את הדלת?‬ ‫‪ .5‬למה את סוגרת את הדלת? ‪/‬‬
‫‪ .6‬אתה רוצה ללמוד פיזיקה באוניברסיטה? ‪ /‬אתה רוצה לאכול ארוחת צוהריים בקפטריה?‬
‫התלמיד יזכור את מה שהמורה אמר‪ / .‬התלמיד יח שוב על מה שהמורה אמר‪.‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫‪ .8‬דני יכתוב את המכתב היום‪ / .‬הוא ישלח את המכתב מחר‪.‬‬
‫‪ .9‬אתה תמכור את המכונית שלך ב שבוע הבא‪ / .‬אתה תעבוד קשה בשבוע הבא‪.‬‬

‫ו‪ .‬נותב (‪ .)ko-TEV‬שילה (‪ .shoLE-ach( 2‬בוךקים (‪ ,) bod-KEEM‬שואלים ( (‪sho'a-LEEM‬‬
‫יךקוד (‪ ,)yeer-KOD‬ישאל (‪ .yeesh-'AL( 4‬לשמור (‪ ,)!eesh-MOR‬לעבוד (‪)]la-'a-VOD‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫סוגרת (‪ ,) so-GE-ret‬פותחת (‪ . po-TA-chat( 6‬ללמוד (‪ ,) leet-MOD‬לאכול (‪) le-'e-CHOC‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫‪ .7‬יזכור (‪ ,)yeez-KOR‬יחשוב (‪ / )yach-SHOV‬יחשוב (‪)ya-cha-SHOV‬‬
‫(‪ .yeesh-LACH‬תמפור (‪ ,) teem-KOR‬תעבוד ( ‪):ta-'a-voD‬‬‫‪ .8‬יכתוב ( ‪ ,)yeech-TOV‬ישלח (‪9‬‬

Guttural Consonants (‫ ע׳‬/‫ ת‬,'‫ ה‬/‫)א‬:
Beenyaneem H eef eel, Hoofal and
Heetpa ,el
eel heef Beenyan • )‫ השפיע‬,‫(העביר‬
• Beenyan hoofal )‫ הושפע‬,‫הועבר‬/‫ הועבר‬,‫(הופעל‬
•heetpa'elBeenyan )‫ התפתוז‬,‫(התנהג‬

In the three chapters on guttural consonants, we discuss only the tenses and forms in which
gutturals cause changes.

• Beenyan heef eel (‫ השפיע‬,‫)העביר‬

Beenyan h e e f eel and initial gutturals
Read the following sentence out loud:

.‫ כי היא העדיפה לנסוע לחוף הים‬,‫ אבל היא החליטה לא לבוא‬,‫רמי הזמין את מירה לטיול‬
he-'e-DEE-fa hech-LEE-ta heez-MEEN
Rami invited Mira to go on a day-trip, but she decided not to go (lit.: come) because she preferred to
go to the beach.

In the last two past ten se forms in this sentence, there is a guttural at the beginning of the

Q: To what vowel does the first ee of ‫ הזמין‬change?

A: The first vowel becomes eh: ‫ החליטה‬and ‫העךיפה‬. The reason for this change is that g u t t u r a ls
do not lik e to b e p r e c e d e d b y e e , b u t r a t h e r p r e f e r ah (as in ‫ יחזור‬in beenyan pa'al) or eh (as
in ‫ יאסוף‬in beenyan pa'al and here).

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 2. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Heef'eel, H o o fa l and Heetpa'el

Here are more examples o f past tense forms with initial gutturals:

past (‫)עבר‬ ‫שורש‬

‫הן‬/‫הם‬ ‫היא‬ ‫הוא‬ ... ‫אני‬ root

regular verb: ‫הרגישו‬ ‫הרגישה‬

T ♦ J‫״‬ ‫הךגיש‬ ...‫הךגשךני‬ ‫ר־ג־ש‬ .‫ו‬ >
to decide ‫החליטו‬ ‫החליטה‬
t • : ‫זו‬
‫החליט‬ . . . ‫החלטתי‬ ‫ט‬-‫ל‬-‫ח‬ .2
to prefer ‫העדיפי‬ ‫העדיפה‬ ‫העדיף‬ ...‫העדפתי‬ ‫פ‬-‫ד‬-‫ע‬ .3
to believe ‫האמינר‬ ‫האמינה‬ ‫האמין‬ ...‫האמנתי‬ ‫נ‬-‫א־מ‬

As you can see, the first vowel in lines 2-3 changes to eh no matter which guttural follows it
( ‫ האמין‬,‫ךיף‬#‫ ה‬,‫) החליט‬. With ‫ ע׳‬and '‫( א‬line 3), an additional change takes place: the vowel after
the guttural also changes to match the first vowel (‫ ה^דיף‬he-'e-DEEF, ‫ האמין‬he-'e-MEEN) 2 As we
mentioned in the preceding chapter, the reason for this change is the fact that most gutturals like
“ matching vowels" (compare ‫ לאכול‬in pa'al).

We see this penchant for "matching vowels" with initial ‫ ע׳‬and ‫ א׳‬in the other tenses and forms
as well:

‫שם הפועל‬ future )‫(עתיד‬ present (‫)הווה‬ ‫שורש‬

infinitive ‫הן‬/‫הם‬ f.s. m.s‫הוא‬ root‫אני‬

regular verb : ‫להרגיש‬ ‫ יתישו‬...‫ידגיש‬ .‫מךגישהמךגישים‬ ‫ ר־ג־ש‬...‫אדגיש‬

tt U 11‫׳‬
‫להעדיף‬ ‫מגדיפו‬...‫יעדיף‬ .‫מעדיפה מעךיפים‬ ‫פ‬-‫ד‬-‫ ע‬...‫אעדיף‬
‫יאמינו‬...‫יאמין‬ .‫מאמינה מאמינים‬ ‫נ‬-‫ א־מ‬...‫אאמין‬

In today's pronunciation, matching vowels do not usually occur with an initial ‫) ח׳‬,‫ יחליט‬,‫מחליט‬

Note: Roots with an initial ‫ ה׳‬are rare in heefeel and therefore, are not discussed here.

1 In certain verbs, the following forms with matching vowels also exist, but are less common in today's spoken
‫ להיוזיי‬/ ...‫ יחזיר‬/ ...‫ מחזיר‬/ ...‫ החזיר‬,‫<• החזךתי‬
2 Forms with a shva also exist (in all tenses), but they are less common, e.g., ‫העדיפה‬.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 2. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Heef'eei, H o o fa l and Heetpa'el

Beenyan heefeel andfinal gutturals

Read the following sentence out loud:

.‫ אבל הצליח לשחק עד סוף ההצגה‬,‫השחקן הרגיש לא סוב‬

heets-LEE-ach heer-GEESH
The actor was feeling ill, but he managed to act until the end of the performance.

In ‫הצליח‬, as opposed to ‫ ה תי ש‬, we hear an ah sound before the last root letter (heets-LEE-ach). This
is because gutturals "like" to be preceded by oh. Note: The ah is pronounced before the ‫( ח׳‬ch)
even though - in texts with vowel signs - it is written u n d e r it. Let’s look at more examples o f
h e e fe e l verbs - in all tenses - with a final guttural:

‫שם הפועל‬ future (‫)עתיד‬ present (‫)הווה‬ past (‫שורש‬ ‫(עבר‬

infinitive .‫הוא״‬ ‫הן‬/‫הם‬ f.s. m.s ‫היא‬ ‫הוא‬ ...‫אני‬root

‫להבטיח‬ ‫ יבטיחו‬...‫יבטיח‬ ‫מבטיחה מבטיחים‬ ‫מבטיח‬ ‫הבטיחה‬ ‫ הבטיח‬...‫הבטחתי‬ ‫ח‬-‫ט‬-‫ב‬

to promise
‫להפריע‬ ‫ יפריעו‬...‫יפךיע‬ ‫מפןיעים‬ ‫מפךיץה‬ ‫מפריע‬ ‫הפןיץה‬ ‫ הפךיע‬...‫הפרעתי‬ ‫ע‬-‫ר‬-‫פ‬
to disturb

Q: In which forms is this ah added?

A: Wherever ‫ ח׳‬and '‫ ע‬are the last letter in the form:3

1. In the masculine singular (‫ )הוא‬forms of the p ast and the present tenses:

present (‫)הווה‬ past (‫)עבר‬

‫מפריע‬ ‫מבטיח‬ ‫הפריע‬ ‫הבטיח‬ ^

maf-REE-a mav-TEE-ach heef-REE-a4 heev-TEE-ach

3 This ah also appears in the rare roots that end in a consonantal ‫ה׳‬, such as ‫ה‬-‫ב‬-‫ג‬:
to make taller, to raise ‫ להגביה‬/ / ‫ הוא יגביה‬/ / ‫ הוא מגביה‬/ / ‫ היא הגביהה‬,‫ הוא הגביה‬,‫< אני הגבהתי‬
The roots of much more common verbs that end in ;‫ה‬, such as ‫( הוא הפנה‬he referred), actually end in ‫י) י׳‬-‫נ‬-‫) פ‬
and are listed in the chart on p. 556.
4 We have not transcribed the '‫ ע‬in these forms. The transcription of these forms with the '‫ ע‬is: heef-REE-a' and

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 2. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Heef'eel, H o o fa l and Heetpa'el

2. In all forms o f the future that do not have an ending:

...‫יבטיח‬ ,‫תבטיח‬ ,‫אבטיח‬

yav-TEE-ach tav-TEE-ach 'av-TEE-ach

...‫יפריע‬ ,‫תפריע‬ ,‫אפריע‬

yaf-REE-a taf-REE-a 'af-REE-a
3. And in the infinitive, too:
‫להפריע‬ ‫להבטיח‬
le-haf-REE-a le-hav-TEE-ach

This is the same ah "helping vowel" that we saw in some forms o f beenyan pa'al
( ‫ לשמוע‬/ ‫ לפתי׳ס‬,‫ שומע‬/ ‫תרז‬1‫ )פ‬when ‫ ח׳‬or ‫ ע׳‬appear at the end o f a word.

B e c a r e fu l! In the past tense, the ‫ הוא‬and ‫ היא‬forms o f roots that end in ‫ ע׳‬are written
differently even though they are pronounced the same.5

He disturbed us when we were working. .‫הוא הפךיע לנו כשעבדנו‬ ■


she disturbed us when we were working. .‫היא הפךיעה לנו כשעבדנו‬


For a discussion of the special behavior of heef eel verbs with a final ‫( א׳‬e.g., ‫ לסמציא‬to invent),
see the chapter "Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is ‫א׳‬," pp. 557-566.

Middle gutturals (as in ‫ להכעיס‬to make someone angry) do not cause changes in beenyan heef eel;
therefore, we have not discussed them here.

5 They are pronounced the same by speakers who don't pronounce the '‫ע‬.
6 Throughout this book, in order to indicate the presence of ‫ ע׳‬and '‫ א‬as root letters, we have transcribed both of
them as when they are followed by a vowel. Thus, the ‫ היא‬form is usually transcribed heef-REE-'a in this
book, even though the '‫ ע‬is not pronounced by many speakers.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 2. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Heef'eei, H o o fa l and Heetpa'el

Want to see if you've understood?

Read the underlined verbs out loud, paying attention to the changes caused by the
highlighted gutturals. (For help you can refer to the tables at the end of this chapter.)

.‫ נו ע ה ה ע די פ ה ל ל כ ת ל מ ס ע ד ה‬/ .‫ נו ע ה ה ח לי ט ה ל ל כ ת ל מ ס ע ד ה‬/ .‫ גלי הז מינ ה א ת נו ע ה ל ס ר ט‬. 1

.‫ ה שכן ה פ רי ע לנו לי שון‬/ .‫ ה שכן הז מין א ו ת נו ל מ ס י ב ה‬. 2
.‫ אני מ א מינ ה ל כ ל מ ה ש א ת או מ ר ת‬/ .‫ א ת מ צ לי ח ה ב כ ל מ ה ש א ת עו ש ה‬. 3
.‫ א ת ה ת מי ד מ צ לי ח ל ה פ ת י ע או תי‬/ .‫ א ת ה ת מי ד מ צ לי ח ל ה צ ח י ק או תי‬.4
he-'e-DEE-fa( ( ‫ העדיפה‬,) hech-LEE-ta( ‫ ה חלי ט ה‬,) heez-MEE-na ( ‫ הזמינה‬. 1
) ma-'a-mee-NA( ‫ מאמינה‬,) mats-lee-CHA( ‫ מצליחה‬. beef-REE-a( 3( ‫ הפךיע‬,) heez-MEEN( ‫ הזמין‬. 2
) le-haf-TEE-a( ‫ ל הפ תיע‬,) ie-hats-CHEEK ( ‫ ל ה צ חיק‬. 4

• Beenyan hoof al )‫ הושפע‬, ‫הועבר‬/ ‫ הועבר‬,‫(הופעל‬

Beenyan hoofal and middle gutturals
Read the following sentence out loud :

.‫ המכונות החדשות הופעלו‬,‫לאחר שההכנות האחרונות הושלמו‬ -»>

hoof-'a-LOO hoosh-le-MOO
After the final preparations were completed, the new machines were turned on.

In the secon d , highlighted verb in this sentence, we again see the preference of gutturals for ah
instead of a shvo (which in ‫ הושלמו‬indicates the vowel sound eh). This change occurs in middle
guttural verbs in all the p a s t and f u t u r e t e n s e forms that have an ending that begins with a
v o w e l ( ‫ ־‬a, 9 )9 >‫ ־‬, -ee)\

future )‫(ע תיד‬ past )‫(עבר‬ ‫שורש‬

‫ הן‬/‫ה ם‬ ‫ א תן‬/‫א ת ם‬ ‫את‬ ‫ הן‬/‫ה ם‬ ‫היא‬ root

regular verb: ‫יוזמנו‬ ‫תוזמנו‬ ‫תוזמני‬ ‫הוזמנו‬ ‫הוזמנה‬

T : J
ft ft ft ft
to be operated, turned on ‫יופעלו‬ ‫תופעלו‬ ‫תופעלי‬ ‫הופעלו‬ ‫הופעלה‬ ‫ל‬-‫ע‬-‫פ‬
to be left ‫יושארו‬ ‫תושארו‬ ‫תו ש אר‬ ‫הושארו‬ ‫הושארה‬
T ‫־־‬: !
to be warned ‫יוזהרו‬ ‫תהה רו‬ ‫תוזחרי‬ ‫הוץהרו‬ ‫הוזהרה‬
T‫ ־‬: !
to be sent away ‫יוךחקו‬ ‫תורוזקו‬ ‫תוךוזקי‬ ‫הורחקו‬ ‫הוךחלןה‬ ‫ק‬-‫ח‬-‫ר‬

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 2. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Heef'eei, H o o fa l and Heetpa'el

Beenyan hoofal and initial gutturals

When the first root letter is ‫ ע׳‬or '‫א‬, a similar change ( shva to ah) occurs, as in:

.‫ הוא הועבר לכל חברי הוועדה לאישור‬,‫לאחר שהדו״ח הושלם‬

hoo-'a-VAR hoosh-LAM
After the report was completed, it was handed over to all the committee members for approval.

Here the ah in ‫ הועבר‬replaces a shva that represents no vowel sound, so that when the ah is
added, th ree syllables result (‫בר‬-‫ע‬-‫ הו‬hoo-'a-VAR). We have seen this change in many other verbs
(e.g., ‫סים‬-‫ע‬-‫רים => כו‬-‫ סוג‬in pa'al). The change to ah occurs in all forms of the verb when the
initial guttural is ‫ ע׳‬or ‫( א׳‬line 3 below), but - in today's pronunciation - not with ‫( ח׳‬line 2).
Roots with an initial ‫ ה׳‬are rare in hoofal and are not treated here.

future (‫)עתיד‬ present (‫)הווה‬ past (‫)עבר‬ root

‫הן‬/‫ה ם‬ ...‫הוא‬ f.s. m.s ‫היא‬ ‫הוא‬ ...‫אני‬ ‫שורש‬

regular verb: ‫ יוזמנו‬...‫יוזמן‬ ‫מוזמנים‬

♦TJ ‫מוזמנת‬ ‫מוזמן‬ ‫הוזמנה‬
TJ . ‫הוזמן‬ ...‫הוזמנתי‬ ‫ ז־מ־נ‬.1
1 1 1
‫״ יוחזרו‬.‫יוחזר‬ ‫מוחזרים‬
‫־‬TJ ‫מוחזרת‬ ‫מוחזר‬
TJ ‫הוחזרה‬
T! J ‫הוחזר‬ /‫הוחזךתי‬ ‫ר‬-‫ז‬-‫ ח‬.2
to be returned ...‫הוחזךתי‬
‫ יועברו‬...‫יועבר‬ ‫מועברים‬ ‫מועברת‬ ‫מועבר‬ ‫הועבךה‬ ‫הועבר‬ /‫הועבךתי‬ ‫ר‬-‫ב‬-‫ ע‬.3
to be moved ...‫הועבךתי‬
‫ י ואכלו‬...‫י ואכל‬ ‫מואכלים‬
‫ י‬T‫־‬: ‫מואכלת‬ ‫מואכל‬
T‫־‬: ‫הואכלה‬
T! ‫־‬ ‫הואכל‬ /‫הואכלתי‬ ‫ל‬-‫כ‬-‫ א‬.4
to be fed ...‫הואכלתי‬

As you can see, an alternative pronunciation - ‫ הועבר‬ho-'o-VAR, ‫ מועבר‬mo-'o-VAR and the like -
also exists, but it is heard less in today's spoken Hebrew The pronunciation with ho / mo / yo
instead of hoo / moo / yoo is possible with all initial gutturals in all tenses.

Beenyan hoofal and final gutturals7

Read the following sentences out loud:

Ronit is invited to our party. .‫רונית מוזמנת למסיבה שלנו‬


Israel is called ‫״‬the Promised Land.‫״‬ ."‫ישראל נקראת "הארץ המובטחת‬


1 On the changes caused by a final '‫א‬, see the chapter "Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫א‬," pp. 557-566.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 2. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Heef'eel, H oof'al and Heetpa'el

In these cases, we hear that instead o f the two eh vowels in the regular verb (‫ מוזמנת‬mooz-ME-
net), the guttural (‫ )ח׳‬in ‫ מובטחת‬causes a change to two ah vowels: moov-TA-chat. This happens
also with a final ‫ע׳‬: ‫( מושפעת‬moosh-PA-'at).8 This same change takes place in beenyan pa'al
( ‫תרות‬1‫ פ‬,‫ מ^ת‬1‫< ש‬s= ‫ )סוגרת‬and occurs because gutturals like to be preceded by oh and they also like
"matching vowels."

In all other forms in the present and in other tenses, verbs with a final '‫ ע‬or ‫ ח׳‬act like regular

Want to see if you've understood?

Read the underlined verbs out loud, paying attention to the changes caused by the
highlighted gutturals. For help you can refer to the tables at the end of this chapter.

.‫ ה הו ד ע ה הו ס ל ט ה א ת מו ל ו כ ב ר הו ע ב ר ה ל כו ל ם‬. 1
.‫ הי ל ד ה הו ל ב ש ה בבגדי ח ג ו ה ת ע ל ה בנ ע ליי ם ה ח ד שו ת‬. 2
.‫ ה מ ו ס י ק ה ש מ ו ס ל ס ת ע כ שיו מ ה ר דיו מו ש מ ע ת ב ק ו ל ר ם מ דיי‬. 3
.‫ ה ם יור חלזו מ מנו ג ם ב ש בו עו ת ה ק רו בי ם‬.‫ הנ ע רי ם ה מ פ רי עי ם ל א י ו כ נ ס ו ל מו ע דון‬.4

ho-'ov-RA( ‫ ) ( הו ע ב תז‬hoo'av-RA ( ‫ הועבךה‬,) book-le-TA( ‫ הו קל ט ה‬. 1
) hoon-'a-LA( ‫ הונעלה‬,) hool-be-SHA ( ‫ הולב שה‬. 2
)yo o r-ch a -K O O ( ‫ יור חקו‬,) yooch-ne-SO O ( ‫ יוכנסו‬. moosh-MA-'at( 4( ‫ מו ש מ ע ת‬,) mook-LE-tet( ‫ מו ק ל ט ת‬. 3

• Beenyan heetpa' el ( ‫ התנהג‬, ‫) התפתח‬

Beenyan heetpa’el and middle gutturals
Read this sentence out loud:

.‫השמרטפית (הבייביסיטר) אמרה שהילדה התלבשה לבד והתנהגה יפה כל היום‬

heet-na-ha-GA heet-lab-SHA
The babysitter said that the girl had gotten dressed by herself and had behaved nicely all day.

8 Also rare roots with '‫ ה‬at the end act this wa y: .‫( ה יא מוגבהת‬It/she is being raised or made higher).

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 2. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Heef'eel, H o o fa l and Heetpa'el

In the second highlighted verb in this sentence, we again see the preference of gutturals for oh
instead of a shvo (here, indicating no vowel sound). This change occurs in beenyan heetpa'el in
the following forms, all o f which have a vowel ending (‫־‬a, ‫ ־‬oo, -ee)\

future (‫)עת יד‬ present (‫)הווה‬ past (‫)עבר‬ ‫ש ורש‬

‫ה ן‬/ ‫הם‬ ‫את ן‬/ ‫אתם‬ ‫את‬ f.p l m. p i ‫ה ן‬/ ‫הם‬ ‫היא‬ root

regular verb : ‫יתלבשו‬ ‫תתלבשו‬ ‫תתלבשי‬ ‫מתלבשות‬ ‫מתלבשים‬ ‫התלבשו‬ ‫התלבשה‬

T : “ : *

to behave ‫יתנהגר‬ ‫תתנהגו‬ ‫תתנהגי‬ ‫מתנהגות‬ ‫מתנהגים‬ ‫התנהגו‬ ‫התנהגה‬ ‫ג‬-‫ה‬-‫נ‬
to wash oneself ‫יתרחצו‬ ‫ת ונרחצו‬ ‫תתרחצי‬ ‫מתרחצות‬ ‫מתרחצים‬ ‫התרחצו‬ ‫התרחצה‬ ‫צ‬-‫ר־ח‬
to be sorry ‫יצטערו‬ ‫תצטערו‬ ‫תצטערי‬ ‫מצטערות‬ ‫מצטעךים‬ ‫הצטערו‬ ‫הצטערה‬ ‫ר‬-‫ע‬-‫צ‬
to boast ‫יתפארו‬ ‫־־‬: T ! ‫־‬
‫־־‬: T ! ‫־‬
‫תתפאו־י‬ ‫מתפארות‬
‫־‬: T ! ‫־‬
■‫ר‬ t ! •
‫־־־‬: T : ■
‫ר ז‬ t : ■

Beenyan heetpa’el andfinal gutturals9

Read the following sentences containing verbs in the present tense:

.‫יפה מבחינה חברתית‬ ‫ומתפתה‬ ‫בלימודיו‬ ‫מתלןךס‬ ‫אבי‬

meet-pa-TE-ach meet-ka-DEM
Avi is progressing in his studies and - socially - is developing nicely.

.‫יפה מבחינה חברתית‬ ‫ומתפתחת‬ ‫בלימודיה‬ ‫מתקדמת‬ ‫יעל‬

meet-pa-TA-chat meet-ka-DE-met
Yael is progressing in her studies and - socially - is developing nicely.

The "helping vowel" ah that precedes the final ‫ ח׳‬in ‫ מתפתה‬and the vowel change in the feminine
singular form ( ‫ מתפתחת‬4= ‫ ) מתקדמת‬are the same changes that we saw in beenyan pa'al (e.g.,
‫ פותחת‬,‫ ) פותח‬and in some of the other beenyaneem. These changes also take place with a final
‫ משתגעת) ע׳‬,‫ ) משתגע‬and are explained in the chapter "Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al"
( p p . 4 5 6 - 4 5 8 ) . 10

In beenyan heetpa'el, the "helping vowel" ah (found in ‫ )מתפתח‬occurs in all the tenses and
forms when ‫ ח׳‬or ‫ ע׳‬appear at the end of a word.11 Here are all the places in which it occurs,
presented together with the feminine singular present tense form:

9 On verbs that end in '‫א‬, see the chapter "Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫א‬,‫ ׳׳‬pp. 557-566.
10 This change also takes place in rare roots that end in '‫ה‬, for example: ‫ מתמהמהת‬,‫( מתמהמה‬to tarry).
11 A different (and much less commonly used) pronunciation of the past and future tense ‫ הוא‬forms is also
regarded by the Hebrew Language Academy as acceptable: ‫( התפתח‬heet-pa-TACH ), ‫( יתפתח‬yeet-pa-TACH ).

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 2. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Heef'eei, H oof'al and Heetpa'el

infinitive future (‫)עתיד‬ present (‫)הווה‬ past (‫שורש (עבר‬

‫שם הפועל‬ ‫אנחנו‬ ‫היא‬ ‫הוא‬ ‫אתה‬ ‫אני‬ f.s m.s. ‫הוא‬ root

regular verb: ‫להתלבש‬ ‫נתלבש‬ ‫תתלבש‬ ‫יתלבש‬ ‫אתלבש תתלבש‬ ‫מתלבש מתלבשת‬ ‫ ש התלבש‬-‫ל ־ ב‬

ft ft ft 4 I ft ft 4 ft
to develop ‫להתפתח‬ ‫נתפתח‬ ‫ת תפ תח‬ ‫מ תפ ת ח מ תפ ת ח ת אתפתח ת תפ תח י תפ תח‬ ‫ ח התפתח‬- ‫ ת‬- ‫פ‬
to go crazy ‫להשתגע‬ ‫נשתגע‬ ‫ת שתגע‬ ‫משתגע מ שתגעת אשתגע תשתגע ישתגע‬ ‫ ע השתגע‬- ‫ ג‬- ‫ש‬

,41! initial guttural (as in ‫ ל ה ת ח תן‬to mam‫ )׳‬does not cause any changes in the forms o f verbs in

Want to see if you've understood?

Read the underlined verbs out loud, paying attention to the changes caused by the
gutturals. (For help you can refer to the tables at the end of this chapter.)

.‫ רונית ומירי הצטער ו על הדברים שהם אמרו‬/ . ‫ מיכל ורון התנגדו לדבר ים שאמר נ ו‬. 1
. ‫ דני יתקלח אחרון‬/ .‫ דודי יתרחץ ראשון‬. 2

. ‫ תמר מת ו וכחת הרבה בעבודה‬/ .‫ יעל מתפטרת היום מן העבודה‬. 3

yeet-ka-LE-ach(( ‫ יתקלח‬,)yeet-ra-CHETS( ‫ יתרחץ‬. heets-ta-'a-ROO( 2( ‫ הצטערו‬,) heef-nag-DOO( ‫ התנגדו‬. 1
) meef-va-KA<hai( ‫ מתווכחת‬,) meet-pa-TE-ret( ‫ מתפטרת‬. 3

‫‪IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants /‬‬ ‫‪2 . Guttural Consonants: Beenyan H e ef'e el, H o o f'a l and H e e tp a 'e l‬‬

‫‪Chapter summary‬‬

‫‪Here are the most common forms of verbs with gutturals in beenyaneem h eef eel, hoofal and‬‬
‫הפעיל ‪♦ Beenyan h eef eel‬‬

‫‪final gutturals‬‬ ‫‪middle gutturals‬‬ ‫‪initial gutturals‬‬ ‫‪regular verbs‬‬

‫ל׳ גרונית‬ ‫ע׳ גרונית‬ ‫פ' גרונית‬ ‫שלמים‬
‫ח‪ /‬ע' ‪final‬‬ ‫א'‪ ,‬ע' ‪initial‬‬ ‫ח' ‪initial‬‬ ‫‪regular root‬‬
‫ב‪-‬ט‪-‬ח‬ ‫ע‪-‬ד‪-‬פ‬ ‫ח‪-‬ל‪-‬ט‬ ‫ר ‪-‬ג ‪-‬ש‬
‫עבר ‪past‬‬
‫הבטחתי‬ ‫העךפתי‬ ‫החלטתי‬ ‫הרגשת י‬ ‫אני‬

‫הבטחת‬ ‫העךפת‬ ‫ו׳חלטת‬ ‫התשת‬ ‫א ת ה‬

‫הבטחת‬ ‫העדפת‬ ‫החלטת‬ ‫הר גשת‬ ‫א ת‬

‫הבטחנו‬ ‫העדפנו‬ ‫החלטנו‬ ‫הרגשנו■‬ ‫א נ ח נ ו‬

‫הבטחתם‬ ‫העדפתם‬ ‫החלטתם‬ ‫ה ן גשתם‬ ‫א ת ם‬

‫הבטחתן‬ ‫העדפתן‬ ‫החלטתן‬ ‫הרגשת ן‬ ‫א ת ן‬

‫הבטיח‬ ‫העדיף‬ ‫החליט‬ ‫הרג יש‬ ‫הו א‬

‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪* :‬‬ ‫*‬
‫העדיפה‬ ‫החליטה‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪* S V‬‬
‫הרג ישה‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫* ‪* :‬‬
‫הי א‬

‫הבטיחו‬ ‫העדיפו‬ ‫החליטו‬ ‫הת יש ו‬ ‫ה ם ‪ /‬ה ן‬

‫הווה ‪present‬‬
‫מבטיח‬ ‫מעדיף‬ ‫מחליט‬ ‫מרג יש‬ ‫ה ו א‬ ‫א ת ה‪,‬‬ ‫אני‪,‬‬

‫‪T‬‬ ‫*‬ ‫־ ‪5‬‬
‫מעדיפה‬ ‫מחליטה‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫־ ‪* 5‬‬
‫מרג ישה‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫־ ‪* :‬‬
‫הי א‬ ‫א ת‪,‬‬ ‫אני‪,‬‬

‫מבטיחים‬ ‫מעדיפים‬ ‫מחליטים‬ ‫מת יש ים‬ ‫ה ם‬ ‫א ת ם‪,‬‬ ‫א נ ח נ ו‪,‬‬

‫מבטיחות‬ ‫מעדיפות‬ ‫מחליטות‬ ‫מרג יש ות‬ ‫הן‬ ‫א ת ן‪,‬‬ ‫א נ ח נ ו‪,‬‬

‫עת יד ‪future‬‬
‫אבטיח‬ ‫אעדיף‬ ‫אחליט‬ ‫ארגיש‬ ‫אני‬

‫תבטיח‬ ‫תעדיף‬ ‫תחליט‬ ‫תתיש‬ ‫א ת ה‬

‫יבטיח‬ ‫?עדיף‬ ‫?חליט‬ ‫ירגיש‬ ‫הו א‬

‫תבטיח‬ ‫תעדיף‬ ‫תחליט‬ ‫תתיש‬ ‫הי א‬

‫נבטיח‬ ‫נעדיף‬ ‫נחליט‬ ‫נרגיש‬ ‫א נ ח נ ו‬

‫תבטיחי‬ ‫תעדיפי‬ ‫תחליטי‬ ‫תת יש י‬ ‫א ת‬

‫תבטיחו‬ ‫תעדיפו‬ ‫תחליטו‬ ‫תרג יש ו‬ ‫א ת ם ‪ /‬א ת ן‬

‫יבטיחו‬ ‫?עדיפו‬ ‫?חליטו‬ ‫ית יש ו‬ ‫ה ם ‪ /‬ה ן‬

‫להבט יח‬ ‫להעדיף‬ ‫לייחליט‬ ‫להת יש‬ ‫שם הפ ועל‬

‫‪to promise‬‬ ‫‪to prefer‬‬ ‫‪to decide‬‬ ‫‪to feel‬‬ ‫‪infinitive‬‬

‫‪IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 2. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Heef'eel, H o o fa l and Heetpa'el‬‬

‫הו פ ע ל ‪♦ Beenyan h o o fa l‬‬

‫‪final gutturals‬‬ ‫‪middle gutturals‬‬ ‫‪initial gutturals‬‬ ‫‪regular verbs‬‬

‫ל׳ גרונית‬ ‫ע׳ גרונית‬ ‫פ׳ גרונית‬ ‫שלמים‬
‫ח‪ /‬ע׳ ‪final‬‬ ‫א ‪ /‬ה ‪ /‬ח‪ /‬ע׳ ‪middle‬‬ ‫א‪ /‬ע' ‪initial‬‬ ‫ח' ‪initial‬‬ ‫‪regular root‬‬
‫ש‪ -‬פ‪ -‬ע‬ ‫ר‪ -‬ח‪ -‬ק‬ ‫ע‪-‬ב‪ -‬ר‬ ‫ח־ז־ ר‬ ‫ל־ב־ש‬
‫עבר ‪p a s t‬‬
‫הו שפע תי‬ ‫הו חז ק תי‬ ‫הועברתי‬ ‫הוחזרתי‪12‬‬ ‫הולבשתי‬ ‫אני‬
‫הו שפ ע ת‬ ‫הו חז ק ת‬ ‫הו עב!־ת‬ ‫הוחזרת‬
‫! ־! ‪T‬‬ ‫הולבשת‬
‫‪J‬־ ‪T:‬‬ ‫אתה‬
‫הו שפ ע ת‬ ‫הו חז ק ת‬ ‫הו ע ב ח!‬ ‫הורחחז‬ ‫הולבשת‬ ‫את‬
‫הו שפענו‬ ‫הו חז קנו‬ ‫הועברנו‬ ‫הוחזרנו‬ ‫הולבשנו‬ ‫אנחנ ו‬
‫הו שפ ע ת ם‬ ‫הו חז ק ת ם‬ ‫הו ע בן ת ם‬ ‫הו חזרת ם‬ ‫הולבשתם‬ ‫אתם‬
‫הו שפע תן‬ ‫הו חז ק תן‬ ‫הו ע בן תן‬ ‫הוחזרתן‬ ‫הולבשתן‬ ‫את ן‬

‫הו שפע‬ ‫הוךחק‬ ‫הועבר‬ ‫הוחזר‬ ‫הולבש‬ ‫ה וא‬

‫הו ! ! ‪T‬‬ ‫הו חז ק ה‬ ‫הועבו־ה‬ ‫הוחזרה‬
‫! *‪T‬‬ ‫הולבשה‬
‫‪T: J‬‬ ‫ה יא‬
‫הו שפעו‬ ‫הו חז קו‪1‬‬ ‫הועברו‬ ‫הוחזרו‬ ‫הולבשו‬ ‫הם ‪/‬ה ן‬

‫הווה ‪p r e s e n t‬‬
‫מו שפ ע‬ ‫מו חז ק‬ ‫מועבר‬ ‫מוחזר‬
‫!‪T‬‬ ‫מולבש‬
‫‪TJ‬‬ ‫אני‪ ,‬אתה ‪ ,‬ה וא‬
‫מו ש פ ע ת‬ ‫מו ר ח ק ת‬ ‫מועברת‬ ‫מו חז ר ת‬ ‫מולבשת‬ ‫אני‪ ,‬את ‪ ,‬ה יא‬
‫מו שפ עי ם‬ ‫מו חז קי ם‬ ‫מועברים‬ ‫‪•T‬רים‬‫מוחז‬ ‫מולבשים‬
‫‪* TJ‬‬ ‫א נח נ ו ‪,‬אתם ‪ ,‬הם‬
‫מו ש פ עו ת‬ ‫מו ך ח קו ת‬ ‫מועברות‬ ‫חז רו ת‬
‫מו ! ‪T‬‬ ‫מולבשות‬
‫‪TJ‬‬ ‫אנחנו‪ ,‬אתן ‪ ,‬הן‬

‫‪fu tu r e‬‬ ‫עתיד‬

‫או שפע‬ ‫או חז ק‬ ‫אועבר‬ ‫אוותר‬ ‫אולבש‬ ‫אני‬
‫תו שפ ע‬ ‫תו חז ק‬ ‫תועבר‬ ‫תוחזר‬ ‫הו לבש‬ ‫אתה‬
‫יו שפע‬ ‫יו חז ק‬ ‫יועבר‬ ‫יוחזר‬ ‫יולבש‬ ‫ה וא‬
‫תו שפע‬ ‫תו חז ק‬ ‫תועבר‬ ‫תוחזר‬ ‫תולבש‬ ‫ה יא‬
‫נו שפע‬ ‫נו חז ק‬ ‫נועבר‬ ‫נורהר‬ ‫נולבש‬ ‫אנחנ ו‬

‫תו שפעי‬ ‫תו רס קי‬ ‫תו ע ב ח‬ ‫תו חזוי‬ ‫תולבשי‬ ‫את‬

‫תו שפעו‬ ‫תו חז קו‬ ‫תועברו‬ ‫תוחזרו‬ ‫תולבשו‬ ‫אתם ‪/‬את ן‬
‫יו שפעו‬ ‫יון ח קו‬ ‫יועברו‬ ‫יוחזרו‬ ‫יולבשו‬ ‫הם ‪/‬ה ן‬

‫‪to be‬‬ ‫‪to be sent‬‬ ‫‪to be‬‬ ‫‪to be‬‬ ‫‪to be‬‬ ‫שם הפועל‬
‫‪influenced‬‬ ‫‪away‬‬ ‫‪moved‬‬ ‫‪returned‬‬ ‫‪dressed‬‬ ‫‪infinitive‬‬

‫‪12 Forms with an oh vowel in the first (and sometimes second) syllable also exist in verbs with an initial guttural,‬‬
‫‪ (ho-'o-VAR-tee). See the chapter above for an explanation.‬הועברתי ‪ (hoch-ZAR-tee) ,‬הוחזרתי ‪e. g. ,‬‬

‫‪IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 2. Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Heef'eel, H o o fa l and Heetpa'el‬‬

‫התפעל ‪el‬י ‪♦ Beenyan heetpa‬‬

‫‪final gutturals‬‬ ‫‪middle gutturals‬‬ ‫‪regular verbs‬‬
‫ל׳ גרונית‬ ‫ע׳ גרונית‬ ‫שלמים‬
‫‪ final‬ח‪ /‬ע'‬ ‫‪ middle‬א‪/‬ה‪/‬ח‪/‬ע׳‬ ‫‪regular root‬‬
‫פ‪ -‬ת‪ -‬ת‬ ‫נ־ה‪-‬ג‬ ‫ל‪-‬ב‪-‬ש‬
‫עב‪past 1‬‬
‫ה ת פ ת ח תי‬ ‫ה תנ הג תי‬ ‫התלבשתי‬ ‫אני‬
‫התפתחת‬ ‫ה תנ הג ת‬ ‫התלבשת‬ ‫אתה‬
‫התפתחת‬ ‫ה תנ הגי‪1‬‬ ‫ה ונלבשת‬ ‫את‬
‫ה ת פ ת חנו‬ ‫התנהגנו‬ ‫התלבשנו‬ ‫אנחנו‬
‫ה תפ תוו ת ם‬ ‫ה תנהג ת ם‬ ‫ה ונלבשת ם‬ ‫אתם‬
‫ה ת פ ת ח תן‬ ‫ה תנהג תן‬ ‫התלבשתן‬ ‫אתן‬

‫התפתח‬ ‫התנהג‬ ‫התלבש‬ ‫הוא‬

‫התפתחה‬ ‫התנהגה‬ ‫התלבשה‬ ‫היא‬
‫ה ת פ ת חו‬ ‫התנהגו‬ ‫התלבשו‬ ‫הם‪/‬הן‬

‫הווה ‪present‬‬
‫מ ת פ תוז‬ ‫מ תנ הג‬ ‫אני‪ ,‬אתה‪ ,‬הוא‬ ‫תלבש‬
‫מתפתרות‬ ‫מ תנ הג ת‬ ‫אני‪ ,‬את‪ ,‬היא‬ ‫תלבשת‬
‫מ ת פ ת חי ם‬ ‫מ תנ הגי ם‬ ‫אנחנו‪ ,‬אתם‪ ,‬הם‬ ‫תלבשים‬
‫מ ת פ ת חו ת‬ ‫מ תנ הגו ת‬ ‫אנחנו‪ ,‬אתן‪ ,‬הן‬ ‫תלבשות‬
‫עתיד ‪future‬‬
‫אתפתס‬ ‫א תנהג‬ ‫אני‬ ‫תלבש‬
‫תתפתס‬ ‫ת תנהג‬ ‫אתה‬ ‫תלבש‬
‫יתפתח‬ ‫יתנהג‬ ‫הוא‬ ‫לבש‬
‫ת ת פ תוז‬ ‫ת תנהג‬ ‫היא‬ ‫תלבש‬
‫נ תפ תיז‬ ‫נתנהג‬ ‫אנחנו‬ ‫לבש‬
‫ת ת פ ת חי‬ ‫תתנהגי‬ ‫את‬ ‫תלבשי‬
‫ת ת פ ת חו‬ ‫ת תנהגו‬ ‫אתם‪/‬אתן‬ ‫תלבשו‬
‫י ת פ ת חו‬ ‫יתנהגו‬ ‫הם‪/‬הן‬ ‫לבשו‬
‫להתפתרו‬ ‫להתנהג‬ ‫שם הפועל‬ ‫תלבש‬
‫‪to develop‬‬ ‫‪to behave‬‬ ‫‪to get dressed‬‬ ‫‪infinitive‬‬

3 Guttural Consonants )‫ ע׳‬,'‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬/‫ (א‬and ‫ר׳‬
Beenyaneem Pee ,el, Poo ,al and Neefal

‫ ״‬pee'elBeenyan )‫פי תח‬/‫ פי תח‬,‫(תיאר‬
• poo'alBeenyan )‫ פותח‬,‫(תואר‬
‫ ״‬neefal Beenyan )‫ נשלח‬,‫ נשאל‬,‫(נעצר‬

In the three chapters on guttural consonants, we deal only with the tenses and forms in which
gutturals cause changes.

Note: In this chapter, we often include ‫ ר׳‬in our discussion of the gutturals (‫ ע׳‬,'‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬,'‫) א‬. This
is because under certain conditions (to be described below) ‫ ר׳‬causes the same changes as

• Beenyan pee’el (‫פיתח‬/ ‫ פיתח‬,‫)תיאר‬

Beenyan pee' el and middle gutturals
In the introduction to the chapters on gutturals, the following sentence appeared:

.‫ר להם סיפורים ותיאר להם את החיים בעיר שלו כשהוא היה ילד‬9‫ הוא סי‬,‫כשסבא בילןר אצל הנכדים‬ -*>
te-'ER see-PER bee-KER
When Grandpa visited his grandchildren, he told them stories and described life in the city he lived in
(lit.: in his city) when he was a boy.

Q: In what way are the vowels of the third verb (‫ )תיאר‬different from those of the first two?

A: Instead of the initial ee vowel in ‫ ביקןר‬and ‫סיפר‬, the first vowel in ‫ תיאר‬is eh.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 3. Guttural Consonants and '‫ר‬: Beenyan Pee'el, Poo'al and N eef'al

Look at the representative past tense forms in the following chart.

past (‫שורש‬ ‫(עבר‬

...‫אנחנו‬ ...‫הוא‬ ...‫אני‬ root

regular verb: ...‫דיבתו‬ ...‫דיבד‬ ...‫דיברתי‬ ‫ד־ב־ד‬

to describe ...‫תי א מו‬ *‫ ״‬1‫תיאר‬ ...‫תיארתי‬ ‫ ר‬-‫ת־ א‬

to bless - ‫בי ר כני‬ ♦~‫בירןז‬ ...‫בירכתי‬ ‫ כ‬-‫ב־ד‬
to play ...‫שיחקנו‬ ...‫שיחק‬ ...‫שיחקתי‬ ‫ ק‬-‫ ח‬-‫ש‬
to manage ...‫ניהלנו‬ ...‫ניהל‬ ...‫ניהלתי‬ ‫ ל‬-‫ ה‬-‫נ‬
to imagine, ...‫שיערנו‬ ...‫שיער‬ ...‫שיעךתי‬ ‫ ר‬-‫ ע‬-‫ש‬

Q: In which past tense verbs is the first vowel eh (□) instead o f ee (□)?

A: In all the past tense forms o f ‫( תיאר‬line 2) and ‫( בירך‬line 3), i.e., in verbs with an '‫ א‬or a ‫ ר׳‬in
the middle.

Why does this happen?

The answer to this question has to do with the fact that, historically, the pattern o f beenyan
pee'el requires that the middle root consonant be "doubled" in all tenses and forms. Today we
do not pronounce this doubling, but when vowel signs are written, we see that the middle root
letter has a strong dagesh (the sign o f historical doubling).2 As you can see, in the chart above
only the regular verb ‫ דיבר‬has a dagesh in the middle root letter. All the rest, which all have
either a middle guttural (‫ ע׳‬/‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬/‫ ) א‬- in lines 2 and 4 - or a ‫ ר׳‬in the middle (line 3), cannot
"take" a dagesh. When this is the case, the preceding vowel is sometimes affected.3 In beenyan
pee'el, it is only before ‫ א׳‬and ‫( ר׳‬lines 2 and 3) that there is a change in the preceding vowel.
We hear this change only in the past tense.

Note that when we write without vowel signs, we write a ‫ י׳‬in all the past tense forms - whether
the vowel is ee or eh\ ‫ בירך‬,‫ תיאר‬,‫דיבר‬.

1 An alternative ‫ הוא‬form also exists and is often used in formal Hebrew speech (for example, on the news),
especially with middle gutturals and ‫ תיאר) ר׳‬te-'AR and ‫ בירןז‬be-RACH) and final gutturals (seebelow, p. 477,
note 6).
2 See the chapter "The Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh ,‫ ״‬p. 631 (‫״‬Did you know?‫)״‬.
3 This phenomenon is called compensatory lengthening (‫)תשלום דגש‬.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 3. Guttural Consonants and '‫ר‬: Beenyan Pee'el, Poo'al and N eef'al

The other noteworthy changes that take place in pee'el (in all its tenses and forms) are the same
changes we saw in the other beenyaneem. Here is an example o f one o f these changes:

.‫להם את הנופים היפים שראתה‬ ‫ותיארה‬

t‫** ;־‬ ‫לחברים שלה על הטיול שלה בסלובניה‬ ‫סיפרה‬
1‫־‬: ♦ ‫מיכל‬
te-'a-RA seep-RA
Michal told her friends about her trip to Slovenia and described to them the beautiful scenery she had

In the second verb - ‫( תיאו־ה‬te-'a-RA) - there is an a h sound instead of the shva that appears in a
regular verb like ‫{ סיפרה‬seep-RA). Since in today's speech this shva is not pronounced, when a h
(□) takes its place, an extra syllable is created.

This change takes place in the past and future tense forms that have a vowel ending (‫־‬a, 90>‫־‬,
-ee) and in the present tense plural forms:
future (‫)עתיד‬ present (‫)הווה‬ past (‫)עבר‬ ‫שורש‬
‫הן‬/‫הם‬ ‫אתן‬/‫אתם‬ ‫את‬ ‫הן‬/‫הם‬ ‫היא‬ root

regular verb : ‫יךברו‬ ‫תלביו‬ ‫תדברי‬ ‫מדברות‬ ‫מךבןים‬ 1‫ךיבר‬ ‫דיברה‬

T: ‫ד־ב־ר‬ ->
‫־א ח‬:‫ת‬T‫!י‬ ‫תתארו‬
‫־‬: T ! ‫תתארי‬
‫• ־־‬: T ! ‫מתארות‬
‫־־‬: T ! ‫מתארים‬ ‫תיארו‬ ‫תיארה‬
‫ד ז‬ ■■
‫ישחקו‬ ‫תשחקו‬ ‫תשוזקי‬ ‫משחקות‬ ‫משחקים‬ ‫שיחקו‬ 4‫שיחלןה‬ ‫ק‬-‫ש־ח‬
‫ינהלר‬ ‫תנהלו‬ ‫תנהלי‬ ‫מנ ה א ת‬ ‫מנהלים‬ ‫ניהלו‬ ‫ניהלה‬
T‫־‬: ‫י‬ ‫ל‬-‫ה‬-‫נ‬
‫ישערו‬ ‫תשערו‬ ‫ת שעוי‬ ‫משערות‬ ‫משערים‬ ‫שיערו‬ ‫שיעךה‬ ‫ר‬-‫ע‬-‫ש‬

Beenyan pee’el andfinal gutturals

Read the following sentences containing verbs in the present tense:

.‫אותו‬ ‫ומ שבח‬ ‫להורי הילד על התקדמותו בלימודים‬ ‫מספר‬ ‫כל יום המורה‬
me-sha-BE-ach me-sa-RER
Every day the teacher (m.) tells the boy's parents about his progress in his studies and praises him.

.‫אותו‬ ‫ומ שבחת‬ ‫להורי הילד על התקדמותו בלימודים‬ ‫מספרת‬ ‫כל יום המורה‬
me-sha-BA-chat me-sa-PE-ret
Every day the teacher (f.) tells the boy's parents about his progress in his studies and praises him.

4 In spoken Hebrew today, many speakers tend to pronounce these words - in all the tenses - with no vowel after
the '‫ ח‬: seech-KA , m e-sa ch -K E E M etc.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 3. Guttural Consonants and '‫ר‬: Beenyan Pee'el, Poo'al and N eef'al

The changes that take place in ‫ משבח‬and in ‫ משבחת‬are the same changes that we saw in ‫ ת ח‬1‫פ‬
and ‫ ת חת‬1‫ פ‬in beenyan pa'al and in some of the other beenyaneem. These changes also take place
with a final ‫ מבצעת ) ע׳‬, ‫ ) מבצע‬and are explained in the chapter "Guttural Consonants: Beenyan
Pa'al," pp. 456-458.5’

Here are all the forms in which these changes take place:

‫שם הפועל‬ future (‫)עתיד‬ present (‫)הווה‬ past (‫(עבר‬ ‫שורש‬

infinitive ‫אנחנו‬ ‫היא‬ ‫הוא‬ ‫אתה‬ ‫אני‬ f.s. m.s. ‫הוא‬ root

regular verb: ‫לדבר‬ ‫נלבר‬ ‫תךבר‬ ‫ידבר‬ ‫תדבר‬ ‫אדב י‬ ‫מדברת‬ ‫מלב י‬ ‫דיבר‬ ‫ד־ב־ר‬

to develop ‫לפתח‬ ‫נפתח‬ ‫תפתח‬ ‫יפתח‬ ‫תפתח‬ ‫אפתח‬ ‫מפתחת‬ ‫מפתח‬ ‫פ יתח‬ ‫ח‬- ‫ת‬- ‫פ‬
to carry out, ‫לבצע‬ ‫נבצע‬ ‫תבצע‬ ‫יבצע‬ ‫תבצע‬ ‫אבצע‬ ‫מבצעת‬ ‫מבצע‬ ‫ביצע‬ ‫ע‬- ‫צ‬- ‫ב‬

Initial gutturals (as in ‫ לחפש‬to look for) do not cause a change in beenyan pee'el and, therefore,
are not discussed here.

W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d ?
Read the underlined verbs out loud, paying attention to the changes caused by the
gutturals. For help you can refer to the tables at the end of this chapter.

. ‫ הם גם ש יחק ו במשך שע ות‬. ‫הילדים דיברו במשך שע ות‬ .‫ו‬

.‫ דורון ויונתן מגהצים אותן‬. ‫אנחנו מכבס ים את הח ולצ ות‬ .2
?‫מי ש יחק במשחק? מי ניצח במשחק‬ .3
. ‫ היא גם משבחת אותה‬. ‫המ ורה מלמדת את התלמ ידה החדשה‬ .4

me-ga-ha-TSEEM( ( ‫ מגהצים‬,) me-chab-SEEM( ‫ מ כב סי ם‬. see-cba-KOO( 2( ‫ שי חקו‬,) deeb-ROO( ‫ ךיברו‬.1
) nee-TSACH ‫ ניצח‬:or) ( nee-TSE-ach( ‫ ניצח‬,) see-CHEK( ‫ שיחק‬. 3
) me-sha-BA-chaf( ‫ מ שב ח ת‬,) me-la-ME-def( ‫ מל מד ת‬. 4

5 On verbs with a final ‫ א׳‬see the chapter "Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is ‫א׳‬,‫ ״‬pp. 557-566.
6 Alternative forms (used especially in formal pronunciation) are: the ‫ הוא‬form in the past tense (‫הוא פיתוז‬
pee-TACH and ‫ ביצע‬bee-TSA) and all the future tense forms that end in '‫ ח‬or '‫( ע‬e.g., ‫ יפתח‬ye-fa-TACH and
‫ יבצע‬ye-va-TSA ).

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 3. Guttural Consonants and '‫ר‬: Beenyan Pee'el, Poo'al and N eef'al

• Beenyan poo’al (‫ תואר‬,‫)פותח‬

Beenyan poo’al and middle gutturals
Read the following sentence out loud:

.‫המכשיר החד ש שפותח במכון ויצמן תואר בכתבה בעיתון סוף השבוע‬ -‫>־‬
to-'AR poo-TACH
The new instrument that was developed at the Weizman Institute was described in a feature story in
the weekend newspaper.

Q: In what way do the vowels o f the second verb ‫ תואר‬differ from those o f the first verb

A: The oo vowel of ‫פותח‬, which is one of the tell-tale signs o f beenyan poo'al, has been replaced
in ‫ תואר‬by the vowel oh. As you can see in line 2 in the chart below, this change takes place
in all forms in all three tenses:

future (‫)עת יד‬ present (‫)ה ו וה‬ past (‫)עבר‬ ‫ש ורש‬

...‫הוא‬ ‫אני‬ m.s ‫ה וא‬ ...‫אני‬ root

regular verb: ...‫יצולם‬ ‫אצולם‬ ...‫מצולמת‬ ‫מצולם‬

T J ‫צולם‬ ...‫צולמתי‬ ‫צלמ‬ .‫ו‬

4 4
to be described ...‫יתואר‬ ‫אתואר‬ ...‫מתוארת‬ ‫מתואר‬ ‫תואר‬ ...‫תואךתי‬ ‫תאר‬ ,2
to be managed ...‫ינוהל‬ ...‫מנוהלת‬ ‫מנוהל‬
T ! ‫נוהל‬ 7‫נ ה ל‬
to be documented ...‫יתועד‬ ...‫מתועדת‬ ‫מתו^ד‬ ‫תועד‬ ‫תעד‬
to be banished ...‫יגורש‬ ...‫מגורשת‬ ‫מגורש‬
T ! ‫גורש‬ ‫גרש‬ .3
to be unified ...‫יאוחד‬ ...‫מאוחדת‬ ‫מאוחד‬ ‫אוחד‬ ‫אחד‬ .4

The reason for this change is the fact that the middle root letter in beenyan poo'al is "expected" to
take a strong dagesh (the sign o f historical doubling, as in the regular verb ‫ צולם‬to be photographed).
But, as we saw above in beenyan pee'el, when the middle root letter is either a guttural or a ‫ר׳‬, it
cannot "take" a dagesh and sometimes the preceding vowel is affected. In beenyan poo'al, the
vowel change (from oo to oh) occurs not only before ‫ א׳‬and ‫( ר׳‬as in pee'el), but rather before
all gutturals (line 2) - except for ‫( ח׳‬line 4) - and before ‫( ר׳‬line 3).8

7 This and other passive verbs are used mainly in the third person ; therefore, we have not listed other forms.
8 Since verbs in beenyan heetpa'el belong to the same "family" asverbs m pee !el and poo'al, and they also "take"
a strong dagesh in the middle root letter, we would expect a change in the vowel before a middle guttural in
heetpa'el verbs as well. This change sometimes takes place, as in ‫ מת פאר‬vs. ‫( מת ל בש‬from □ to □), but it does
not affect the pronunciation of these verbs. For this reason, we did not point out this change in our discussion
of heetpa'el above.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 3. Guttural Consonants and '‫ר‬: Beenyan Pee'el, Poo'al and N eef'al

The other change in p o o 'a l verbs with a middle guttural is the appearance of an ah sound instead
of a shva, for example:
T‫!־‬ ‫תועדה‬
T‫־‬: ‫תוארה‬
T. >= T‫־‬:
‫־* צולמה‬ T‫<אוחדה‬
'oo-cha-DA no-ha-LA to-'a-DA to-'a-RA tsool-MA

Notice that this creates an extra syllable in these forms: they have th ree syllables instead o f
the two in ‫{ צולמה‬tsool-MA).

An ah (□) appears instead of a shva in the past and fu tu re tenses in all the forms that have a
vowel ending (-a, -ee, -oo):
future (‫)עתיד‬ past (‫)עבר‬ ‫שורש‬
‫הן‬/‫הם‬ ‫אתן‬/‫אתם‬ ‫את‬ ‫הן‬/‫הם‬ ‫היא‬ root

regular verb : ‫יצולמו‬ •‫תצולמו‬ ‫תצולמי‬ ‫צולמו‬ ‫צולמה‬

T: ‫צ־ל־מ‬ ->

‫יתוארו‬ ‫תתוארו‬ ‫תתואו־י‬ ‫תוארו‬ ‫תוארה‬

T‫־־‬: ‫ר‬-‫א‬-‫ת‬
‫ינוהלו‬ ‫תנוהלו‬ ‫ הלי‬1‫תנ‬ ‫נורןלו‬ ‫הלה‬
T‫־‬: 1‫נ‬ ‫ל‬-‫נ־ה‬
‫יתועדו‬ ‫תתועדו‬ ‫ עךי‬1‫תת‬ ‫ עדו‬1‫ת‬ ‫תועדה‬ ‫ד‬-‫ע‬-‫ת‬
‫יאוחדו‬ ‫תאוחדו‬ ‫תאוחדי‬ ‫אוחדו‬ ‫אוחדה‬ ‫ד‬-‫א־ח‬

Beenyan poo’al andfinal gutturals10

Read the following sentences out loud:

.‫בצורה מאוד מרגשת‬ ‫מבוצע‬ ‫ הוא‬.‫על ידי יצחק פרלמן‬ ‫מנוגן‬ ‫בדיסק שקניתי הקונצ׳רסו של מוצרט‬
On the disc that I bought, Mozart's concerto is played by Yitzhak Perlman. It is performed very

.‫בלי מנצח‬ ‫מבוצעת‬ ‫ היא תמיד‬.‫על ידי קבוצת נגנים קטנה‬ ‫מנוגנת‬ ‫מוסיקה קאמרית בדרך כלל‬
Chamber music is usually played by a small group of musicians. It is always performed without a

Look first at the second sentence above. In verbs with a final '‫ ע‬or '‫ח‬, the endings of the
feminine singular forms in the present tense are the same as in pa'al and most of the other
beenyaneem: ‫ מבוצעת‬and, similarly, ‫( מנותחת‬is being operated on) (compare: ‫ פותרות‬,‫) שומעת‬. For an
explanation, see the chapter "Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al," pp. 456-458.

9 Many Hebrew speakers today pronounce poo'al verbs with a middle '‫ ח‬with no vowel after the '‫ ח‬: 'ooch-DA.
This is true o f forms in the past and future tenses, for exampl e:‫ יאוחדו‬is pronouncedye-'ooch-DOO. These are
not considered correct forms according to the rules of grammar.
10 On the changes caused by a final '‫ א‬you can read in the chapter "Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫א‬,‫׳׳‬
pp. 557-566.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 3. Guttural Consonants and '‫ר‬: Beenyan Pee'el, Poo'al and N eef'al

All other forms of poo'al verbs with a final '‫ ע‬or ‫ ח׳‬- in all tenses - act like regular poo'al verbs.
Compare, for example, ‫ מבוצע‬and the regular verb ‫ מנוגן‬in the first sentence above.

W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d ?
Read the underl i ned verbs out loud, payi ng attention to the changes caused by the
highl i ghted gutturals and '‫ר‬. For hel p you can refer to the tables at the end of this

.‫החולה המטופלת בבית חולים בתל אביב מנותהת עכשיו‬ .1

.‫ היא צורפה לכיתה‬.‫לאחר שהבקשה של הילדה אושרה‬ .2
.‫ היא תוארה בכתבה כמצחיקה ומבריקה‬.‫השחקנית צולמה לעיתון סוף השבוע‬ .3

.‫מו ד ר ני‬ ‫ב ס ג נון‬ ‫מ רו ה טי ם‬ ‫ו ה ח ד רי ם‬ ,‫ב ציו רי ם‬ ‫מ ל ץו ש טי ם‬ ‫ה די ר ה‬ ‫קי רו ת‬ .4

tsor-FA( ( ‫ צוךפה‬,)‫ ׳‬oosh-RA( ‫ אושרה‬. me-noo-TA-cbai( 2‫ מנו ת ח ת (י‬,) me-fooPE-/ef( ‫מ טו פל ת‬ .1
) to-'a-RA( ‫ ת וארה‬,) tsooi-MA( ‫ צ ולמה‬.3
) me-ro-ba-TEEM( ‫הט ים‬1‫ מר‬,) me-koosba-TEEM( ‫ מק ושט ים‬. 4

• Beenyan neefal )‫ נשלח‬,‫ נשאל‬,‫(נעצר‬

Beenyan neefal and initial gutturals
Read the following sentences out loud :

,‫נעצר‬ ‫ גם מי שהסתיר אותו‬.‫על ידי המשטרה‬ ‫נתפס ונחקר‬ ‫ הוא‬,‫מהכלא‬ ‫נמלט‬ ‫ אחרי שהאסיר‬.‫ו‬
ne-'e-TSAR nech-KAR neet-PAS neem-LAT
After the convict escaped from prison, he was caught and questioned by the police. The person who
hid him was also arrested.

.‫לו ייץצר‬ ‫ ייתכן שגם מי שיעזור‬.‫עוד פעם‬ ‫ייתפס ויי ח קר‬ ‫ הוא‬,‫שוב‬ ‫יי מל ט‬ ‫אם האסיר‬ .2
ye-'a-TSER ye-cha-KER yee-ta-FES yee-ma-LET
If the convict escapes again, he w ill again be caught and questioned. Whoever helps him will
probably also be arrested.

The last two verbs in each o f these sentences contain initial gutturals. Look again at the first
sentence, which is in the past tense.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 3. Guttural Consonants and '‫ר‬: Beenyan Pee'el, Poo'al and N eef'al

Q: What happens to the ee vowel of ‫ נמלט‬and ‫ נתפס‬when there is an initial guttural?

A: It changes to eh: ‫( נחקר‬nech-KAR), ‫( נעצר‬ne-'e-TSAR).

As you can see, this change in the first vowel(s) o f the neefal past tense forms is similar to the
change that takes place in heefeel verbs with an initial guttural:‫( הזמין‬heez-MEEN ) => ‫ החליט‬Qiech-
LEET ), ‫( העביר‬he-'e-VEER). In neefal (and heefeel ), when the first root letter is ‫ח׳‬, in the speech
of many speakers today only one change takes place: the ee vowel (‫ נתפס‬,‫ ) נמלט‬changes to eh:
11.‫ נחקר‬When the root begins with one of the other gutturals, an additional change takes place:
the second vowel mat ches the first one (e.g.,12.(‫נעצר‬

These changes take place in all the past and present tense forms o f beenyan neefal:

present (‫)הווה‬ p ast )‫(עבר‬ ‫שורש‬ f.s. m.s. ‫היא‬ ‫הוא‬ ...‫אני‬ root

re g u la r verb: ‫נכנסים‬
* T: * ‫נכנסת‬ ‫נכנס‬
T: * ‫נכנסה‬
TJ: * ‫נכנם‬ ...‫נכנסתי‬ ‫כנ ס‬ .‫ו‬

to be interrogated ‫נחלןןים‬ ‫נחקרת‬ ‫נח?[י‬ ‫נחקךה‬ ‫נחקר‬ - ‫נ ח ק ך תי‬ ‫חקר‬ ‫ב‬

to disappear ‫נעל מי ם‬ ‫נעלמ ת‬ ‫נעלם‬ ‫נעלמה‬ ‫נעלם‬ ‫״‬.‫נעלמתי‬ ‫עלמ‬ .3
to be said ‫נאמרים‬ ‫נאמרת‬ ‫נאמר‬ ‫נאמרה‬ ‫נאמר‬ ‫אמר‬
to be destroyed ‫נהו־סים‬ ‫נהרס ת‬ ‫נהו־ס‬ ‫נהרסה‬ ‫נהרס‬ ‫הרס‬

Now look at sentence 2 at the beginning of this section, in which the verbs appear in the future

Q: What happens to the initial ee vowel found in regular verbs like ‫( יימלט‬yee-ma-LET) and ‫ייתפס‬
(yee-ta-FES) when there is an initial guttural?

A: It also changes to eh: ‫( ייחקר‬y e -c h a -K E R ),l^ l (ye-'a-TSER).

This change takes place not only in the future tense, but also in the infinitive ( ‫ להיעצר‬,‫) להיחקר‬.
The reason for this change is different from the reason for the change to eh in the past and
present tenses (‫ נעצר‬,‫ )נחקר‬and is connected to the fact that reg u lar neefal verbs have a strong
dagesh in the first root letter o f the future and infinitive: ‫ ייכנס‬and ‫להיכנס‬. As we saw in our
discussion of beenyan pee'el above: Gutturals - and '‫ ר‬- can't "take” a strong dagesh - and
sometimes this affects the vowel before them.

11 In certain verbs, forms with an eh after the 'n in the past and present tense also exist but are less common in
today's spoken Hebrew:
...‫ נחלש‬/ ...‫ נחלש‬,‫> נחלשתי‬
Forms with a shva (e.g 12., ‫ (נעצר‬also exist, but they are less common ,

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 3. Guttural Consonants and '‫ר‬: Beenyan Pee'el, Poo'al and N eef'al

Just as the ee in ‫( ךיבר‬dee-) became eh in ‫( תיאר‬te-) in pee'el, so, too, ee becomes eh in the future
and infinitive of neefal. Look in the middle and left-hand columns o f the following chart to see
before w hich gutturals this change takes place:

‫שם הפועל‬ future (‫)עתיד‬ ‫שורש‬

infinitive ‫הן‬/‫הם‬ ‫הוא‬ ‫אני‬ root

re g u la r verb: ‫להיפנס‬
" T ‘ J
‫” פנ סו‬ J T
‫” פנס‬. . ‫■ך‬ ‫אפנס‬
.. j v
‫כנ ס‬ .‫ו‬

‫להי חק ר‬
T ‫״‬ !
‫ייחקרו‬ ‫ייחקר‬. ‫איחלןר‬ ‫חקר‬ ‫ב‬
‫להיאלם‬ ‫ייץלמו‬ ‫ייעלם‬ ‫אי?גלם‬ ‫עלמ‬ .3
‫ יי‬T ‫! ־־‬
‫ייאמרו‬ ! T '‫־‬
‫״‬ T '‫־‬
‫ל היה רס‬
‫ ״‬T :
‫ייהרסו‬ ! T ‫״‬
‫ייהרס‬ « T
to fall asleep ‫להירדם‬
» T ■‫! י‬
‫יירדמו‬ ! T ‫״‬
‫יירדם‬ » ‫ •ך‬..
‫ ״‬T .. ‫ר־ד־ מ‬ .4

As you can see, the change from ee to eh occurs before all gutturals (lines 2-3) and also before
‫ יירדם) ר׳‬and ‫ להיךךם‬line 4). Since ‫ ר׳‬has no problem with shva, it is like a regular verb in the
past and present tenses: ‫נרדם‬.

Note that in the above chart we have included the ‫ אני‬form in the future tense: ‫ איחל! ר‬,‫ איעלם‬.
Though the regular ‫ אני‬future tense form has no ‫)א פנס) י׳‬, when the first root letter is a guttural,
in full spelling we do write a ‫ איחקר) י׳‬,‫)אי׳^לם‬.

Beenyan neefal and middle gutturals

Read the following sentence aloud:
,‫ הם נשאלו• על מעשיהם‬,‫לאחר שהחשודים נ ת פ סו‬
neesh-'a-LOO neet-pe-SOO
After the suspects were caught, they were asked about what they had done (lit: their deeds).

In ‫( נשאלו‬neesh-'a-LOO ) there is an ah sound instead of a sh v a (‫ נתפסו‬neet-pe-SOO). As in other

beenyaneem , this change takes place in the p ast and fu tu re tenses in all forms that have a
vowel ending.
future (‫)עתיד‬ p a st (‫)עבר‬ ‫שורש‬
‫הן‬/‫הם‬ ‫ אתן‬/‫אתם‬ ‫את‬ ‫הן‬/‫הם‬ ‫היא‬ root

re g u la r verb : ‫” פנסו‬
: T *
‫תיכנ סו‬J T
‫תי כנ סי‬
‫ י‬: T
‫נכנסו‬ ‫נכנסה‬ T : J *
‫כנ ס‬ ->

to be asked ‫יי שאלו‬

‫־‬: T
!‫תי שאל‬
‫־־‬: T
‫תי שאלי‬
‫־‬ •: T
‫נ שאלו‬ ‫נ שאלה‬ T ‫־־‬: ! ‫־‬
to be frightened ‫ייבהלו‬
“J T *
‫תיבהלו‬‫ד‬ t
■ j
‫נבוז א‬ ‫נבהלה‬ T ‫־־‬: ! ‫־‬
to be chosen ‫ייבחרו‬
‫־־‬: T ‫י‬
‫תיבחרו‬ ‫־־‬: T
■ j
‫נבחרו‬ ‫נבחרה‬
‫־־‬:! T ‫י‬
to be locked ‫יינטלו‬ ‫תיפעלו‬ ‫תינ^לי‬ ‫ננץלו‬ ‫ננעלה‬ ‫נעל‬

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 3. Guttural Consonants and '‫ר‬: Beenyan Pee'el, Poo'al and N eef'al

Note that in the future tense, the addition o f ah results in an extra syllable, for exampl e: ‫תיכנסי‬
(tee-kan-SEE) versus ‫( תישאלי‬tee-sha-'a-LEE).

Beenyan neefal andfinal gutturals

Read the following sentences out loud:
.‫ הוא בוודאי יישלח לכלא‬,‫לאחר שהגנב יישפט‬
‫־‬ ♦ T * / T
yee-sha-LACH yee-sha-FET
After the thief is tried, he will certainly be sent to jail.

.‫ מכיוון שאינו רוצה להישלח לכלא‬,‫הגנב פוחד להישפט‬

le-hee-sha-L4CH le-hee-sha-FET
The thief is afraid to be tried because he doesn't want to be sent to jail.

In the future tense and infinitive forms, the eh vowel in ‫ יישפט‬and ‫ להישפט‬is replaced by an ah
vowel: ‫ להישלח‬,‫ יישלח‬. This is because ‫ ח׳‬and also ‫( ע׳‬e.g., ‫ להישמע‬,‫ יישמע‬to be heard) p re fe r to b e
p re c e d e d b y an ah v o w e l. We saw this preference in the future tense o f pa'al verbs, for example:
‫ ישלח‬and ‫ ישמע‬versus the regular verb ‫יסגור‬.

Here are all the forms in which this change occurs:

‫שם הפועל‬ future (‫)עתיד‬ ‫שורש‬

infinitive ‫אנחנו‬ ‫היא‬ ‫הוא‬ ‫אתה‬ ‫אני‬ root

regular verb : ‫להיכנס‬

.. T . j
.. T . ‫תיכנס‬
.. T ‫ייכנס‬
..T ♦ ‫תיכנס‬
.. T ‫אכנס‬
..‫•ץ‬ v
to be sent ‫להישלח‬
‫־‬ T ! ‫י‬
‫־‬ T
‫־‬ T
~ T
‫־‬ T
‫אשלח‬ “ T V
to be heard; ‫להישמע‬ ‫נישמע‬ ‫תישמע‬ ‫יישמע‬ ‫תישמע‬ ‫אשמע‬ ‫ע‬-‫מ‬-‫ש‬
to obey

Read the following sentences in the present tense:

?‫למה את לא נכנסת למכונית? הדלת לא נפתחת‬ >>

neef-TA-chat neech-NE-set
'Why aren't you getting into the car? Doesn't the door open?

The feminine singular (‫ )נפתחת‬is the only present tense form of verbs with a final ‫ ח׳‬or '‫ ע‬that
differs from regular verbs: Instead of E -e (‫ נכנסת‬neech-NE-set), the vowels are A - a (‫נפתחת‬
neef-TA-chat) .13

13 On the changes caused by a final '‫א‬, see the chapter "Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫א‬,'‫ ׳‬pp. 557-566.

IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 3. Guttural Consonants and '‫ר‬: Beenyan Pee'el, Poo'al and N eef'al

Want to see if you've understood?

Read the u n d e rlin e d verbs out lo u d , p a y in g a ttention to the ch a n g e s caused b y the
h ig h lig h te d gutturals a n d '‫ ר‬. For h e lp y o u can refer to the tables a t the end o f this

.‫הקשר בין מספר שעות השינה לבין ההצלחה בלימודים נבדס ונחלזר פעמים רבות‬ .‫ו‬
.‫הגנבים נתפסו על ידי בעלי הבית ונעצרו זמן קצר אחר כך על ידי השוטרים‬ .2
.‫החברים נפגשו עם גילי לפני מסיבת ההפתעה לכבודה ו נזהרו לא לספר לה על המסיבה‬ .3
.‫כל הדברים ש ייאמרו בישיבה ייכתבו בפרוטוקול‬ .4
.‫ והחלון הקטן ייפתה‬,‫החלון הגדול ייסגר ברוח‬ .5
.‫ הדלת נפתהת‬,‫רק אחרי שהרכבת נכנסת לתחנה ועוצרת‬ .6
:A n s w e rs
ne-'ets-ROO( ( ‫ נעצרו‬,) neet-pe-SOO ( ‫ נתפסו‬. nech-KAR( 2( ‫ נ חקר‬t(neev-DAK( ‫ נבדק‬. 1
) yee-kat-VOO ( ‫ ייכתבו‬,) ye-'am-ROO ( ‫ ייאמרו‬.neez-ha-ROO ( 4( ‫ מ הרו‬,) neef-ge-SHOO ( ‫ נפגשו‬.3
) neef-TA-chat( ‫ נפתחת‬,) neech-NE-set( ‫ נכנסת‬. yee-pa-TACH( 6( ‫ ייפתח‬,)yee-sa-GER( ‫ייסגר‬ .5

‫‪IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants /‬‬ ‫‪: Beenyan Pee’el, Poo’al and N eef'al‬ר׳ ‪3. Guttural Consonants and‬‬

‫‪final gutturals‬‬ ‫‪middle gutturals‬‬ ‫‪regular verbs‬‬

‫ל׳ גרונית‬ ‫גרונית‬ ‫ע׳‬ ‫שלמים‬
‫‪final‬‬ ‫‪middle‬‬ ‫‪middle‬‬ ‫‪middle‬‬ ‫‪regular‬‬
‫ע׳‬‫ח'‪,‬‬ ‫ר'‬ ‫א׳‬ ‫ה׳‬ ‫ע׳‪.‬‬ ‫ח'‪,‬‬ ‫‪root‬‬
‫פ‪-‬ת‪-‬וז‬ ‫ב‪-‬ו‪-‬כ‬ ‫ת‪-‬א‪-‬ר‬ ‫ש‪-‬ח‪-‬ק‬ ‫ד‪-‬ב‪-‬ר‬
‫עבו ‪past‬‬
‫פיתחתי‬ ‫בירכתי‬ ‫תיארתי‬ ‫שיחקתי‬ ‫ךיבןוני‬ ‫א ני‬

‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪:‬‬ ‫־‬
‫; ‪T‬‬ ‫‪-‬‬ ‫‪..‬‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫־ ‪:‬‬
‫שיחקת‬ ‫דיברת‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫־‪:‬‬

‫פיתחת‬ ‫בירכת‬ ‫תיארת‬ ‫שיסקת‬ ‫דיבו־ת‬ ‫את‬

‫פיתחנו‬ ‫בירכנו‬ ‫תיארנו‬ ‫שיחקנו‬ ‫דיבו־נו•‬ ‫א נ ח נו‬

‫פיתחתם‬ ‫בירכתם‬ ‫תיאריזם‬ ‫שיחקתם‬ ‫ךיבןתם‬ ‫אתם‬

‫פיתחתן‬ ‫בירכתן‬ ‫תיאךתן‬ ‫שיסקתן‬ ‫ךיבךתן‬ ‫א תן‬

‫פיתח‪15‬‬ ‫בירד‬ ‫תיאר‪14‬‬ ‫שיחק‬ ‫דיבר‬ ‫הו א‬

‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪J‬‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪:‬‬ ‫**‬
‫תיארה‬ ‫שיחקה‬ ‫דיברה‬
‫‪T 5‬‬
‫הי א‬

‫פיתחו‬ ‫בירכו‬ ‫תיארו‬ ‫שיחקו‬ ‫דיברו•‬ ‫ה ם ‪ /‬הן‬

‫הווה ‪present‬‬
‫מפרנס‬ ‫מביד‬ ‫מתאר‬‫‪** T‬‬ ‫‪:‬‬
‫משתק‬ ‫מלבי‬ ‫הו א‬ ‫א ת ה‪,‬‬ ‫א ני‪,‬‬

‫מפתחת‬ ‫מברכת‬ ‫מתארת‬ ‫משחקת‬ ‫מדברת‬ ‫הי א‬ ‫א ת‪,‬‬ ‫א ני‪,‬‬

‫מפתחים‬ ‫מברכים‬
‫•‬ ‫‪:T 5‬‬
‫מתארים‬ ‫משחקים‬ ‫מז־גוים‬ ‫הם‬ ‫א ת ם‪,‬‬ ‫א נ ח נ ו‪,‬‬

‫מפתחות‬ ‫מברכות‬ ‫‪:T :‬‬

‫מתארות‬‫‪: T‬־‬ ‫‪:‬‬
‫משווקות‬ ‫מדברות‬ ‫הן‬ ‫א תן‪,‬‬ ‫א נ ח נ ו‪,‬‬

‫עתיד ‪fu tu re‬‬

‫אפתח‬ ‫אבוד‬ ‫אתאר‬
‫‪.. T‬‬ ‫אשחק‬ ‫אדבר‬ ‫א ני‬

‫תפתח‬ ‫תב‪.‬רד‬ ‫תתאר‬

‫”‬ ‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫תשחק‬ ‫תדבר‬ ‫אתה‬

‫יפתח‪16‬‬ ‫יברד‬ ‫יתאר‬ ‫‪*• T :‬‬

‫ישחק‬ ‫ידבר‬ ‫הו א‬

‫תפתח‬ ‫תב‪.‬רד‬ ‫תתאר‬

‫"‬ ‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫תשחק‬ ‫תדבר‬ ‫הי א‬

‫נפתח‬ ‫נבוד‬ ‫נתאר‬ ‫‪*• T 5‬‬

‫נשחק‬ ‫נדבר‬ ‫א נ ח נו‬

‫תפתחי‬ ‫תברכי‬
‫‪• : T :‬‬
‫תתארי‬ ‫תשחקי‬ ‫תדברי‬ ‫את‬

‫תפתחו‬ ‫תברכו‬ ‫‪: T :‬‬

‫‪: T‬־‬ ‫‪:‬‬
‫תשחקו‬ ‫תדברו‬ ‫א ת ם ‪ /‬א תן‬

‫יפתחו‬ ‫יברכו‬ ‫‪:T 5‬‬

‫יתארו‬ ‫‪: T 5‬־‬
‫ישחקו‬ ‫ידברו•‬ ‫ה ם ‪ /‬הן‬

‫לפתח‬ ‫לביד‬ ‫לתאר‬

‫‪** T 5‬‬
‫לשחק‬ ‫לדבר‬ ‫שם הפועל‬
‫‪) develop‬‬ ‫‪to bless‬‬ ‫‪to describe‬‬ ‫‪to play‬‬ ‫‪to speak‬‬ ‫‪infinitive‬‬

‫‪ form with an ah vowel in the second syllable also exists and is often used in formal Hebrew‬ה ו א ‪14 An alternative‬‬
‫‪.‬ביצע ‪ and‬תיאר ‪,‬בירך ‪,‬פיתח ‪speech in verbs with middle and final gutturals, for example:‬‬
‫‪15 See note 14.‬‬
‫‪ ye-va-TSA) also‬יבצע ‪ ve-fa-TACH and‬יפתח ‪16 An alternative form with an ah vowel in the second syllable (e.g.,‬‬
‫‪ (i.e., forms‬ע׳ ‪ or‬ו־ז' ‪exists and is often used in formal Hebrew speech in all the future tense forms that end in‬‬
‫‪that do not have an ending).‬‬

‫‪: Beenyan Pee'el, Poo'al and N eef'al‬ר' ‪IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 3. Guttural Consonants and‬‬

‫פ ועל ‪♦ Beenyan poo'al‬‬

‫‪final gutturals‬‬ ‫‪middle gutturals‬‬ ‫‪regular verbs‬‬
‫ל׳ גרונית‬ ‫ע׳ גרונית‬ ‫שלמים‬
‫‪final‬‬ ‫‪middle‬‬ ‫‪middle‬‬ ‫‪middle‬‬ ‫‪regular‬‬
‫ח‪ /‬ע'‬ ‫ר׳‬ ‫א'‪ ,‬ה‪ /‬ע'‬ ‫ח'‬ ‫‪root‬‬
‫נ‪-‬ת‪-‬ה‬ ‫ג‪-‬ר‪-‬ש‬ ‫ת‪-‬א‪-‬ר‬ ‫ש־ת‪-‬ד‬ ‫צ‪-‬ל‪-‬מ‬
‫עבד ‪past‬‬
‫נותחתי‬ ‫גורשתי‬ ‫תואו־תי‬ ‫שוחךתי‬ ‫צולמתי‬ ‫אני‬
‫־!‪T‬‬ ‫גורשת‬
‫־ !‪T‬‬ ‫תוארת‬
‫־! ‪T‬‬ ‫שוחדת‬
‫־־ ! ‪T‬‬ ‫מת‬
‫צול ‪T J‬‬
‫־‬ ‫אתה‬
‫נותחת‬ ‫גודשת‬ ‫תואךת‬ ‫שוחךת‬ ‫צול מת‬ ‫את‬
‫נותחנו‬ ‫גורשנו‬ ‫תוארנו‬ ‫שו ח תו‬ ‫צולמנו‬ ‫אנחנו‬
‫נותחתם‬ ‫גורשתם‬ ‫תואךתם‬ ‫שוחךתם‬ ‫צולמתם‬ ‫אתם‬
‫נותחתן‬ ‫ג גישתן‬ ‫תוארתן‬ ‫שוחךתן‬ ‫צול מתן‬ ‫אתן‬

‫נותח‬ ‫גורש‬ ‫תואר‬ ‫שוחד‬ ‫צולם‬ ‫הוא‬

‫!‪T‬‬ ‫גורשה‬
‫!‪T‬‬ ‫תוארה‬
‫‪:‬־־‪T‬‬ ‫שוחדה‬
‫!־־‪T‬‬ ‫צולמה‬
‫‪TJ‬‬ ‫היא‬
‫נותחו‬ ‫גוךשו‬ ‫תוארו‬ ‫שוחדו‬ ‫צולמו‬ ‫הם‪/‬הן‬

‫הווה ‪present‬‬
‫! ‪T‬‬ ‫מגורש‬
‫! ‪T‬‬ ‫מתואר‬
‫! ‪T‬‬ ‫משוחד‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫!‬ ‫מצולם‬
‫‪T J‬‬ ‫אני‪ ,‬אתה‪ ,‬הוא‬
‫מנותחת‬ ‫מגורשת‬ ‫מתוארת‬ ‫משוחדת‬ ‫מצולמת‬ ‫אני‪ ,‬את‪ ,‬היא‬
‫! ‪T‬־‬ ‫מגורשים‬
‫! ‪• T‬‬ ‫מתוארים‬
‫! ‪•T‬‬ ‫משוחדים‬
‫‪‘T‬‬ ‫!‬ ‫מצולמים‬
‫‪*T J‬‬ ‫אנחנו‪ ,‬אתם‪ ,‬הם‬
‫! ‪T‬‬ ‫מגורשות‬
‫! ‪T‬‬ ‫מתוארות‬
‫! ‪T‬‬ ‫משוחדות‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫!‬ ‫מצולמות‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪i‬‬
‫אנחנו‪ ,‬אתן‪ ,‬הן‬

‫עתיד ‪future‬‬
‫אנותח‬ ‫אגורש‬ ‫אתואר‬ ‫אשוחד‬ ‫אצולם‬ ‫אני‬
‫תנותח‬ ‫תגוךש‬ ‫תת‪ 1‬אר‬ ‫תשוחד‬ ‫תצולם‬ ‫אתה‬
‫ינותח‬ ‫תגורש‬ ‫יתואר‬ ‫ישוחד‬ ‫יצולם‬ ‫הוא‬
‫תנותח‬ ‫יגורש‬ ‫תתואר‬ ‫תשוחד‬ ‫תצולם‬ ‫היא‬
‫ננותח‬ ‫נגורש‬ ‫נתואר‬ ‫נשוחד‬ ‫נצולם‬ ‫אנחנו‬

‫תנותחי‬ ‫תגוךשי‬ ‫תתואךי‬ ‫תשוחלי‬ ‫תצולמי‬ ‫את‬

‫תנותחו‬ ‫תגוןשו‬ ‫תתוארו‬ ‫תשוחדו‬ ‫תצולמו‬ ‫אתם‪/‬אתן‬
‫ינותחו‬ ‫יג‪ 1‬ן שו‬ ‫יתוארו‬ ‫ישוסדו‬ ‫יצולמו‬ ‫הם‪/‬הן‬

‫‪to be‬‬ ‫‪to be‬‬ ‫‪to be‬‬ ‫‪to be‬‬ ‫‪to be‬‬
‫‪operated‬‬ ‫‪expelled,‬‬ ‫‪described‬‬ ‫‪bribed‬‬ ‫‪photo-‬‬
‫‪on‬‬ ‫‪deported‬‬ ‫‪graphed‬‬

‫‪: Beenyan Pee'el, Poo'al and N eef'al‬ר' ‪IV. Verbs with Guttural Consonants / 3. Guttural Consonants and‬‬

‫נפעל ‪♦ Beenyan n eefa l‬‬

‫‪final gutturals‬‬ ‫‪middle gutturals‬‬ ‫‪initial gutturals‬‬ ‫‪regular verbs‬‬

‫ל׳ גרונית‬ ‫ע׳ גרונית‬ ‫פ׳ גרונית‬ ‫שלמים‬
‫‪final‬‬ ‫‪middle‬‬ ‫‪initial‬‬ ‫‪initial‬‬ ‫‪initial‬‬ ‫‪regular‬‬
‫ח‪ /‬ע'‬ ‫א'‪ ,‬ה‪ /‬ח'‪ ,‬ע׳‬ ‫ר'‬ ‫א‪ /‬ה‪ /‬ע'‬ ‫ח'‬ ‫‪root‬‬
‫ש‪-‬ל‪-‬ח‬ ‫ש‪-‬א‪-‬ל‬ ‫‪- 1‬ד‪ -‬מ‬ ‫ע‪-‬צ‪-‬ר‬ ‫ח־ק‪-‬ר‬ ‫כ־נ־ס‬
‫עבר *‪/?as‬‬
‫נשלחתי‬ ‫נשאלתי‬ ‫נךךמתי‬ ‫נגנצךתי‬ ‫נחלןןתי‬ ‫נכנסתי‬ ‫אני‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫“ !‬ ‫!‬ ‫*‬
‫־־ ! ‪T‬‬ ‫!‬ ‫י‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫!‬ ‫־‬ ‫־!‬
‫נעצרת‬ ‫נחקרת‬ ‫נכנסת‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫♦ ‪ :‬־ ‪J‬‬
‫נשלחת‬ ‫נשאלת‬ ‫נןדמת‬ ‫נעצרת‬ ‫נחלןךת‬ ‫נכנ?ת‬ ‫את‬
‫נשלחנו‬ ‫נשאלנו‬ ‫נח־מנר‬ ‫נוצרנו‬ ‫נחקוני‬ ‫נכנסנו‬ ‫אנחנו‬
‫נשלחתם‬ ‫נשאלתם‬ ‫נךךמתם‬ ‫נעצו־תם‬ ‫נךוקןתם‬ ‫נכנסתם‬ ‫אתם‬
‫נשלרזתן‬ ‫נשאלת!‬ ‫נךךמתן‬ ‫נגנצךתן‬ ‫נחקךתן‬ ‫נכנסתן‬ ‫אתן‬

‫נשלח‬ ‫נשאל‬ ‫נרדם‬ ‫נעצר‬ ‫נחקר‬ ‫נכנס‬ ‫הוא‬

‫נשלחה‬‫! ‪T‬‬ ‫!‬ ‫י‬
‫נשאלה‬ ‫‪t‬‬ ‫ר‬ ‫‪:‬‬ ‫■‬
‫‪1‬נרדמה‬‫‪T‬‬ ‫!‬ ‫!‬
‫נעצרה‬ ‫נחקךה‬ ‫נכנסה‬
‫♦ ‪T : J‬‬
‫נשלחו‬ ‫נשאלו‬ ‫נרדמו‬ ‫נעצרו‬ ‫נחקרר‬ ‫נכנסו•‬ ‫הם‪/‬הן‬

‫הווה ‪present‬‬
‫נשלח‬ ‫‪T‬‬ ‫!‬ ‫־‬
‫נשאל‬ ‫‪T‬‬ ‫!‬ ‫־‬
‫נרדם‬ ‫‪T‬‬ ‫־!‬
‫נעצר‬ ‫נכנס‬ ‫* ‪T J‬‬
‫אני‪ ,‬אתה‪ ,‬הוא‬
‫נשלחת‬ ‫נשאלת‬ ‫נךדמת‬ ‫נעצרת‬ ‫נחקרת‬ ‫נכנסת‬ ‫אני‪ ,‬את‪ ,‬היא‬
‫נשלחים‬ ‫‪■ T‬‬ ‫!‬ ‫י‬
‫נשאלים‬ ‫‪ T‬י‬ ‫!‬ ‫י‬
‫‪1‬נרדמים‬‫‪■ T‬‬ ‫!‬
‫נעצרים‬ ‫נךולןךים‬ ‫נכנסים‬‫♦ ‪* T J‬‬
‫אנחנו‪ ,‬אתם‪ ,‬הם‬
‫נשלח‪ 1‬ת‬ ‫‪T‬‬ ‫!‬ ‫־‬
‫נשאלות‬ ‫‪T‬‬ ‫!‬ ‫־‬
‫נרדמות‬ ‫‪T‬‬ ‫־!‬
‫נעצר‪ 1‬ת‬ ‫נךזלןר‪ 1‬ת‬ ‫נכנסות‬ ‫♦ ‪T J‬‬
‫אנחנו‪ ,‬אתן‪ ,‬הן‬

‫עתיד ‪fu tu re‬‬

‫אשלח‬ ‫־‬ ‫‪T V‬‬
‫אשאל‬ ‫‪- T V‬‬
‫אירדם‬ ‫‪ T‬״‬ ‫■■‬
‫אי^צר‬ ‫איחקר‬ ‫אכנס‬ ‫‪♦♦ T V‬‬
‫תישלח‬‫“‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫תישאל‬ ‫י■‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫תירדם‬ ‫״‬ ‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪..‬‬
‫תי^צר‬ ‫תיחקר‬ ‫תיכנס‬
‫■ך ‪..‬‬ ‫אתה‬
‫יישלח‬ ‫־‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫יישאל‬ ‫‪■■ T‬‬ ‫■‬
‫יירדם‬ ‫‪« T ..‬‬ ‫יי^צי‬ ‫ייחקר‬ ‫ייכנס‬ ‫■ן ‪..‬‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫הוא‬
‫תישלח‬‫־־‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫תישאל‬ ‫־■‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫תירדם‬ ‫‪ T‬״‬ ‫■■‬
‫תי^צר‬ ‫תיחקר‬ ‫תיכנס‬
‫■ן ‪..‬‬ ‫היא‬
‫נישלח‬ ‫־‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫נישאל‬ ‫י■‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫נירדם‬ ‫״ ‪» T‬‬
‫ניגגצר‬ ‫ניחקר‬ ‫ניכנס‬ ‫■ן ‪..‬‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫אנחנו‬

‫•‬ ‫י‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫‪! T‬־ י‬
‫•‬ ‫‪! T‬‬ ‫־־‬
‫תיץצרי‬ ‫תיחקרי‬ ‫תיכנסי‬
‫‪ ! T‬י‬
‫תישלחו‬‫!‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫תישאלו‬ ‫‪: T‬־־‬
‫תירדמו‬ ‫‪! T‬‬ ‫״‬
‫תיעצרו‬ ‫תיחקרו‬ ‫תיכנסו‬
‫‪J T‬‬
‫יישלחו‬ ‫!‬ ‫‪T‬‬ ‫־‬
‫יישאלו‬ ‫‪! T‬־־‬
‫יירדמו‬ ‫־* ‪! T‬‬
‫ייבצרו‬ ‫ייחקרו‬ ‫ייכנסו‬ ‫‪J T‬‬ ‫*‬

‫־‬ ‫‪T‬‬ ‫י‬ ‫!‬
‫••‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫להירדם‬‫‪ T‬״‬ ‫‪ :‬י•‬
‫להיעצר‬ ‫להיחקר‬
‫‪• T‬־'‬ ‫״‬ ‫!‬
‫‪** T‬‬ ‫‪* J‬‬
‫שם הפועל‬
‫‪to be‬‬ ‫‪to be‬‬ ‫‪to fall‬‬ ‫‪to be arrested,‬‬ ‫‪to be interro-‬‬ ‫‪to enter‬‬ ‫‪infinitive‬‬
‫‪sent‬‬ ‫‪asked‬‬ ‫‪asleep‬‬ ‫‪to be stopped,‬‬ ‫‪gated,‬‬
‫‪to stop‬‬ ‫‪investigated‬‬

V. Special Root Groups ‫גזרות‬
Thus far, we have discussed verb forms in which all three (or four) root letters appear (‫שלמים‬
and ‫)מרובעים‬. The following chapters are devoted to the conjugation o f verbs from special
root groups (1.(‫ גזרות‬These include roots containing one o f the letters ‫ א׳‬/‫ י‬/‫ ו‬/‫ נ‬in the positions
indicated in the chart below. In certain forms, these letters may disappear or cause significant
changes. Roots that contain the same letter in the second and third positions (e. g. , ‫ג‬-‫ג‬-‫ח‬, ‫ר‬-‫ר‬-‫)פ‬
also cause certain changes.2

Roots with gutturals ('‫ ע‬,‫ ח׳‬/‫ ה‬/‫) א‬, are presented as a group in a separate unit called "Verbs with
Guttural Consonants," pp. 448-487. Because o f the special behavior of ‫א׳‬, we have devoted
a special chapter in the present unit to verbs with a final ‫( א׳‬lamed-'alef verbs). Even though
verbs with an initial ‫( א׳‬pe-'alef e.g., ‫ל‬-‫כ‬-‫ )א‬are also considered a special root group (‫)גזו־ה‬, we
have not included them here, but rather in the chapter "Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al"
pp. 454-455.

Naming the special root groups

In order to indicate where in the root the letters ‫ א׳‬/‫ י‬/‫ ו‬/‫ נ‬appear, we give a special name to each
root letter, based on the word ‫( פיעל‬verb), whose root is ‫ ל‬-‫ ע‬- ‫ פ‬. The first root letter is called ‫פ׳‬
‫( הפועל‬pe hapo'al), the second is called ‫׳) ע׳ הפועל‬ayeen hapo'al) and the th ird is called ‫ל׳ הפועל‬
(lamed hapo'al).

Take a look at the following chart:

‫ל‬ ‫ע‬

‫ ה פ ו ע ל‬,‫ל‬ ‫ה פו ע ל‬ '‫ע‬ ‫ה פו ע ל‬ ,‫פ‬

3rd root letter 2nd root letter 1st root letter
‫ה‬-‫ ב־נ‬/‫ב־נ־י‬ ' ‫ ה‬/ ‫ק־ו־מ‬
,‫י‬ ,‫ו‬ ‫ל‬-‫פ‬-‫נ‬ ,‫נ‬
‫א‬-‫צ‬-‫מ‬ ‫ר‬-‫י' א' ש־י‬ ‫ב‬-‫ש‬-‫י‬ ‫י׳‬
‫ נ‬-‫ נ‬-‫ג‬ double

1 The Hebrew term for special root groups is actually ‫גזרות עלואת‬.
2 These roots, called ‫גז_רת הכפולים‬, will not be examined in this book, since they are usually learned at the
advanced level of Hebrew study.

V. Special Root Groups / Introduction

How do we name each root group (‫?)גזו־ה‬

When the first letter of the roots in a root group is ‫נ׳‬, as in ‫ל‬-‫פ‬-‫ נ‬and ‫ע‬-‫ ס‬-‫נ‬, we call this group ‫גזרת‬
‫( פ ״נ‬geezrat pe-noon ) - which means that in the first (‫ )פ׳‬position there is a ‫נ׳‬. Similarly, when ‫י׳‬
is in the first position, as in ‫ב‬-‫ י־ש‬and ‫ד‬-‫ר‬-‫י‬, we say that these roots belong to ‫( גזרת פ״י‬geezrat
pe-yod). When ‫ י׳‬is in the second (‫ )ע׳‬position, as in ‫ר‬-‫י‬-‫ ש‬and ‫מ‬-‫י‬-‫ ש‬, we call the root group ‫גזרת‬
‫( ע״י‬geezrat'ayeen-yod ), and so on.

Want to see if you've understood?

Match the roots and the name of their root group.

name of root group sample roots

‫ ע״ו‬.a ‫ב‬-‫ י־ש‬,‫ד‬-‫ל‬-‫ י‬. 1
‫ פ״נ‬.b ‫ ל־ו־נ‬,‫צ‬-‫ו‬-‫ב ר‬
‫ פ״י‬.c ‫א‬-‫ש‬-‫ נ‬,‫ל‬-‫ט‬-‫נ‬ .3
‫ מרובעים‬.d ‫ק‬-‫ד‬-‫ ב‬,‫ד‬-‫מ‬-‫ ל‬.4
‫ ל׳׳י‬.e ‫י‬-‫פ‬-‫ צ‬,‫י‬-‫צ‬-‫ ר‬.5
‫שלמים‬ .f ‫ ט־ל־פ־נ‬,‫ פ־ר־ס־ט‬.6


)‫ ( מרוב עי ם‬d .6 )‫ (ל״י‬e . 5 )‫ ( של מי ם‬f . 4 )‫ (פ״נ‬b .3 )‫ ( ע״ו‬a . 2 )‫ (פ״י‬c . 1

In the chapters that follow, we will deal with the following root groups:

1. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is '1 (Pe-Noon ‫)גזרת פ;;נ‬

2. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is ‫יי‬ (.Pe-Yod ‫)גזרת פ״י‬
3. Verbs Whose Middle Root Letter Is '1 or ,‫י‬ ( ,Ayeen-Vav / Ayeen-Yod ‫ ע״י‬/ ‫)גזרת ע״ו‬
4. Verbs Whose Final Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ;‫)ה‬ (Lamed-Yod / Lamed-He ‫ ל;;ה‬/ ‫)גזרת ל״י‬
5. Verbs Whose Final Root Letter Is '‫א‬ (.Lam ed-Alef ‫)גזרת ל״א‬

H Verbs W hose F irst Root L etter Is '‫נ‬
‫גזרת פ״נ‬

‫ ״‬Beenyan pa'al )‫ נסע‬,‫(נפל‬
‫ ״‬Beenyan heef eel )‫(הפיל‬
‫ ״‬Beenyan hoofal )‫(הופל‬
‫ ״‬Beenyaneem pee'el, poo'al and heetpa'el )‫ התנגד‬,‫ נוגן‬,‫(ניגן‬1

The ‫ נ׳‬in verbs whose first root letter is ‫ נ׳‬- i.e., pe-noon verbs - "likes" to play hide-and-seek.
In this chapter, we will see in which forms we see (and hear) the ‫ נ׳‬at the beginning o f the root
and in which forms it "hides" from us. Our discussion will be limited mainly to verbs that are
usually taught at the beginning through intermediate levels of Hebrew study and will focus on
the beenyaneem in which pe-noon verbs are significantly different from regular verbs (‫)שלמ ים‬.

In each beenyan we will present the base forms (the ‫ הוא‬forms) of each tense The changes in
the rest of the forms in each tense follow the same general rules that we have seen in the regular
verbs.‫ ״‬At the end of the chapter we have included a chart with full conjugations of the pe-noon
verbs discussed.

• Beenyan pa'al (‫ נסע‬,‫)נפל‬

If we look at all the pe-noon verbs that exist in beenyan pa'al (not just those usually learned at
the beginning and intermediate levels of Hebrew study), we will find that m ost o f them behave
just like regular verbs, i.e., their ‫ נ׳‬appears in all forms. For example, the verb ‫( לנשום‬to breathe)
behaves just like ‫לכתוב‬:

1 Veibs in beenyan neefal (e. g. , ‫להינתן‬/ ‫)ניתן‬, some o f whose forms are different from regular verbs, are beyond
the scope o f this book.
2 See the chapter "Regular Verbs in All Beenyaneem‫׳‬. Summary," pp. 444-447.

V. Special Root Groups / 1. Verbs W hose First Root Letter Is '‫נ‬

‫שם הפועל‬ ‫עתיד‬ ‫הווה‬ ‫עבר‬

infinitive future present past

regular verb ( fefol):3 ‫לכתוב‬ ‫יכתוב‬ ‫כותב‬ ‫כתב‬

pe-noon ( ‫׳‬efol ): ‫לנשום‬ ‫ינשום‬ ‫נושם‬ ‫נשם‬

The verb ‫( לנעול‬to lock; to wear shoes), which has a guttural (‫ )ע׳‬as its second root letter and,
therefore, takes the ,efal form in the future tense, behaves just like the regular verb 4:‫ללמוד‬

regular verb ( ,efal): ‫ללמוד״־‬ ‫למד‬

pe-noon ( ,efal): ‫ינעלנועלנעל‬ ‫לנעול‬

Similarly, all other pe-noon verbs that have a middle guttural (e.g.,‫ נהג‬to drive, ‫ נאם‬to give a speech)
act like regular verbs in all their forms.

So why are we discussing pe-noon verbs in beenyan pa'al at all?

As mentioned above, there are a number of pe-noon verbs in which the ‫ נ׳‬tends to "go into
hiding" in certain forms. Many o f these verbs happen to be very common (e.g., ‫ נפל‬to fall, ‫ נסע‬to
travel, ‫ נתן‬to give), and - since there are no hard and fast rules for the behavior o f the ‫ נ׳‬- we must
learn each verb and its particular behavior.

Verbs in which the ,‫ נ‬does not appear in the future

Let's start with the verb ‫נפל‬. Here are its forms in the three tenses compared with those o f
‫עתיד‬ ‫הווה‬ ‫עבר‬
future present past

regular verb ( ,efol): ‫יכתוב‬ ‫כותב‬ ‫כתב‬ ->

pe-noon ( ,efol): ‫ייפול‬ ‫נופל‬ ‫נפל‬

Q: In which of the forms o f ‫ נפל‬are all th ree root letters present?

A: In the past and present tenses: ‫ נפל‬and ‫נופל‬. The past and present tenses of pe-noon verbs
in pa'al act exactly like regular verbs.5 This is because whenever the ‫ נ׳‬has a vowel sound
rig h t a fte r it - here ah (‫ נפל‬na-FAL) and oh (‫ נופל‬no-FEL) - the ‫ נ׳‬remains stable and no
change takes place.

3 For an explanation o f 'efol, see the chapter "Beenyan Pa'al," pp. 398-399.
4 For more on 'efal, see the chapter ‫״‬Beenyan Pa'al," pp. 400-401.
5 Except for the past tense forms o f ‫נתן‬. See below p. 496.

V. Special Root Groups / 1. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is ‫נ׳‬

In the future tense, on the other hand, the three root letters are n o t always present. Here, for
example, is the future tense form of ‫נפל‬:

The boy will fall if he isn't careful. ,‫הילד ייפול א ם הוא לא ייזהר‬

We would expect this form to be ‫*( *ינפול‬yeen-POL), like ‫( יכתוב‬yeech-TOV), but instead we get
‫ייפול‬. The ‫" נ׳‬goes into hiding" since it is not followed by a vowel.6

When the ‫ נ׳‬does not appear, several additional changes take place. In full spelling, for example,
we write a ‫ י׳‬instead of the hiding ‫ נ׳‬in all forms o f the future tense whose first vowel sound is
ee\...7. ‫ תיפול‬,‫ ייפול‬Only the ‫ אני‬form - ‫ אפול‬- has an eh vowel and, therefore, is not written with
‫י׳‬. In addition, when the second root letter is ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ב‬, it is pronounced as a hard sound (b, k, p \
e.g., ‫( ייפול‬yee-POL).8

O f all the pe-noon verbs whose ‫ נ׳‬does not appear in the future tense, the following are usually
learned at the beginning and intermediate levels:9

‫לקח‬T ‫נתן‬
‫ י־‬T
TT ‫נטע‬
‫־‬T ‫ ־נגע‬T ‫נסע‬ ‫ ־נפל‬T‫־‬T
to take give carry, plant touch travel fall
(a woman)

Note: Even though ‫ לקח‬begins with a ‫ל׳‬, its behavior is the same as that of the other verbs listed

Now let's look at the base forms o f these verbs in the future tense. First, let's divide them into
two main groups: 'efol (like ‫ )יכתוב‬and 'efal (like ‫)ילמד‬.

6 We can also express this in other terms: When '‫ נ‬appears at the end of a closed syllable ( ‫)"□נ״‬, it tends to ‫״‬go
into hiding." This same phenomenon occurs in the future tense of neefal. instead of ‫ * ע כנס‬the future form of
‫ נכנס‬is ‫ייכנס‬.
7 In standard spelling we write ‫ יפיל‬- with no added '‫י‬.
8 When we write with vowel signs, the second root letter has a strong dagesh in it as if to compensate for the
hiding '‫נ‬. Grammar books describe the consonant n as assimilating to (=becoming the same as) the consonant
that follows it (* yeen-POL =>* yeep-POL). This is called fu ll assimilation ( ‫) הידמות מלאה‬. The following
consonant is considered to be ‫״‬doubled" (*yeep-POL) and, in standard spelling, a strong dagesh (‫)דגש חזק‬
appears in the letter that represents the "doubled" consonant (‫)יפיל‬. In today's Hebrew, we pronounce this
simply as p, without special doubling or lengthening. See the chapter "The Pronunciation of ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the
Dagesh ," pp. 635-637 for examples.
9 There are some verbs usually learned at the advanced level that have two possible future tense forms - one
with the '‫ נ‬and one without the '‫( נ‬for example: ‫ינקו־ם‬/‫ ייקו־בו‬- to take revenge, ‫ינבו־ל‬/‫ ייבול‬- to wilt). There is a
tendency today to use the form with the '‫נ‬, making the forms of these verbs just like those of regular verbs.

V. Special Root Groups / 1. Verbs W hose First Root Letter Is '‫נ‬

future (‫)עתיד‬

‫אפעל‬ ‫אפעול‬
'efal 'efol

regular verbs : ‫ילמד‬ )‫(למד‬

pe-noon : ‫ייסע‬ )‫(נסע‬
‫ייגע‬ )‫(נגע‬
‫ייטע‬ )‫(נטע‬
special )‫נשא‬ ‫)יישא‬
‫(נתן) ייתן‬ ‫(לקח) ייקוז‬

Q: How many o f these pe-noon verbs belong to the 'efol group?

A: Only one: 10.( ‫ ל‬1‫ נפל) ייפ‬All the rest, except for one - ‫ )נתן) ייתן‬- belong to 'efal. Notice that
these verbs all end in ‫ ע׳‬,‫ ח׳‬or ‫( א׳‬gutturals), and this is the reason they belong to 'efal, just
like verbs without an initial ‫נ׳‬, such as ‫ישמע‬, ‫ ישלה‬and ‫יקרא‬.

The verb ‫ נתן‬has a unique future tense form - with an eh vowel in the second syllable: ‫ייתן‬

Note: In full spelling, all the forms o f the verbs in the chart above are written with a ‫ י׳‬in place
of the ‫ נ׳‬that disappears (.‫ ניסע״‬,‫ תיסע‬/ ...‫ ניפול‬,‫ ) תיפול‬except for the ‫ אני‬form ( ‫ אסע‬,‫) אפול‬, whose
first vowel is eh.

Imperatives (Command forms) (‫ סע‬,‫)קח‬

Read the following instructions, which are addressed to guests at a men's dormitory and are
written in formal Hebrew:

.‫ קח את המפתח ותן אותו לפקיד הקבלה‬,‫ אנא נעל את הדלת‬,‫אורח יקר! כשאתה יוצא מן החדר‬ -‫>י‬
Dear Guest! When you leave your room, please lock the door, take the key and give it to the receptionist.

The verbs highlighted in this sentence are all imperatives. The use o f imperatives is typical o f
formal Hebrew. Some short imperatives - like ‫ קח‬and ‫( תן‬and ‫ סע‬shown below) - are commonly
used in informal Hebrew as well, including in everyday speech.

10 Other examples exist (e.g., ‫ ייטול‬- he will wash his hands, he will take), but are usually taught at advanced

V. Special Root Groups / 1. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is ‫נ׳‬

As discussed in the chapter "Command Forms" (pp. 569-571), we derive the imperative forms
of verbs in beenyan pa'al from their future tense forms, for example:

imperative future
!‫נ?גל‬ <= ‫ו^נעל‬
! ‫קח‬ 4= ‫קח‬/‫וןן‬
!‫תן‬ <= ‫תן‬/‫וןן‬

Notice that when ‫ נ׳‬does not appear in the future tense o f a given verb, it usually does not appear
in the imperative (e. g. , ‫ תן‬, ‫)קח‬.

Here are examples o f all three forms (‫ א תן‬/‫א ת ם‬, ‫את‬, ‫ ) אתה‬o f pe-noon imperatives whose initial
‫ נ׳‬disappears:11
m.s.: !‫תן‬ !‫קח‬ !‫סע‬
f.s.: !‫תני‬ !‫קחי‬ !‫סעי‬ / f . p l : !‫תנו‬ !‫קחו‬ !‫סעו‬
Give! Take! Go!
(to a driver)

Infinitives (‫ לנסוע‬,‫)ליפול‬
As mentioned at the beginning of the section on pe-noon verbs in beenyan pa'al, the majority
of verbs keep their ‫ נ׳‬in all forms. Indeed, all the verbs that keep their ‫ נ׳‬in the future tense also
keep it in the infinitive (e.g., ‫לנש(*ם‬/‫ם‬1‫ ינש‬,‫לנעז־ל‬/‫)ינעל‬.

Now we will concentrate on the verbs that do lose their ‫ נ׳‬in the future tense, since there is a
ehance that the ‫ נ׳‬in these verbs will also "go into hiding" in their infinitive form.

Here are some examples showing the three types o f infinitive forms o f these verbs:

Where do you want to go? (root. ‫ע‬-‫ס‬-‫(נ‬ ‫לאן אתם רוצים ל נ ס ^ ז‬

Be careful not to fall!(root‫׳‬. ‫ל‬-‫פ‬-‫(נ‬ !‫ ל‬1‫ליפ‬ ‫תיזהר לא‬
It is forbidden to touch the paintings in the museum. (root. .‫אסור לגעת בציורים במתאון‬ ‫ע‬-‫ג‬-‫(נ‬

Q: Does the ‫ נ׳‬o f the root appear in any o f these infinitives?

A: Yes, it appears in ‫ ע‬1‫ לנס‬. This infinitive contains all o f its root letters, just like a regular

11 The imperative o f verbs whose future tense forms do not have a '‫ נ‬and belong to the 'efol group (e.g., ‫)תיפול‬
also may have no '‫נ‬, as in ‫ פלו‬,‫ פלי‬,‫פול‬.

V. Special Root Groups / 1. Verbs W hose First Root Letter Is '‫נ‬

However, in the other two infinitives - ‫ ליפו׳ל‬and ‫ לגעת‬- the ‫ נ׳‬is nowhere in sight. The first o f
these - ‫ ל‬1‫ ליפ‬- is quite similar to the form o f a regular verb, except that in place o f its "hiding
‫"נ׳‬, we write a ‫ י׳‬in full spelling : ‫ליפול‬. As in the future tense, when ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬are the second root
letter, they take a strong dagesh when written with vowel signs and are pronounced as hard
sounds (b, k, p): ‫ליפול‬.

In contrast, the form ‫ לגעת‬is totally different from the infinitive form of regular verbs. Here, too,
only the last two root letters (‫ע‬-‫ )ג‬are present. However, this pe-noon verb seems to have gotten
a bit "confused" about its identity and has adopted the infinitive pattern used by verbs in the pe-
yod root group, such as ‫( לדעת‬whose root is 12.(‫ע‬-‫ד‬-‫ י‬This infinitive form has the same ending
as the verb's feminine singular present tense form:

pe-noon ‫פ״נ‬ pe-yod ‫פ״י‬

‫ לגעת‬/ ‫נוגעת‬ ‫ לדעת‬/ ‫יודעת‬ )‫ היא‬/ ‫ את‬/ ‫)אני‬

In the following chart you can see which verbs take which o f these infinitive forms:

future (‫)עתיד‬

‫אפעל‬ ‫אפעול‬
e fa l ‫׳‬e fo l
and ‫נתן‬

regular verbs: ‫(למד) ללמוד‬ ‫(כתב) לכתוב‬

pe-noon : ‫(נסע) לנסוע‬ ‫(נפל) ליפול‬
‫ לגעת‬/ ‫(נגע) לנגוע‬
‫ לטעת‬/ ‫(נטע) לנטוע‬
‫ לשאת‬/­‫י‬ T

‫ לקחת‬/
“ T

‫ לתת‬/
‫ ■י‬T


Notice that ‫ ליפול‬- in the ‫׳‬efol column - is the only infinitive of its type here.13 In the 'efal
column, there are th ree infinitives that retain their ‫ נ׳‬- and all o f them happen to end in ,‫ע׳‬: ‫לנסוע‬
‫לנגוע‬, ‫( לנסוע‬this can help you remember them). The last two o f these (‫ לנגוע‬and ‫ )לנסוע‬have an
alternative form similar to pe-yod infinitives: ‫ לגעת‬and ‫לטעת‬. In today's Hebrew, the forms ‫לגעת‬
(rather than ‫ )לנגוע‬and ‫( לנטוע‬rather than ‫ )לטעת‬are more common.

12 For all the variations of this pattern (‫לשבת‬, ‫לדעת‬, ‫)לצאת‬, see the chapter "Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is ‫"יי‬,
pp. 504-507.
13 Among verbs that are usually studied at the advanced level, many infinitives of verbs in the 'efol group retain
their '‫נ‬, for exampl e: ‫בו‬1‫( לנש‬to breathe) and ‫( לנטויש‬to abandon).

V. Special Root Groups / 1. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is ‫נ׳‬

The rest o f the verbs in the chart have only one form. The infinitives ‫ לקחת‬and ‫ לשאת‬have the
same pattern as pe-yod infinitives. The infinitive ‫ לתת‬is somewhat different. In this form, o f its
three root letters (‫)נ־ת־נ‬, only the middle root letter - ‫ ת׳‬- remains.

The special verb ‫נתן‬

The present tense of ‫ נתן‬is just like a regular verb:
-‫־‬ ‫נותנות‬ ,‫נותנים‬ ,‫נותנת‬ ,‫<נותן‬

Here are the past tense forms:

plural singular

na-TA-noo ‫נתנו‬
‫־‬T :‫אנחנו‬ na-TA-tee ‫נתתי‬
•‫־‬T :‫אני‬
na-TA-tem / ne-ta- TEM 14‫ נתתם‬/ ‫נתתם‬ :‫אתם‬ na-TA-ta ‫נתת‬
T ‫ ־‬T :‫אתה‬
na-TA-ten/ ne-ta-TEN ‫ נתתן‬/ ‫נתתן‬ :‫אתן‬ na-TAT ‫נתת‬
!‫־‬T :‫את‬

nat-NOO ‫נתנו‬
!T ‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ na-TAN ‫נתז‬ ‫הוא‬
nat-NA ‫נתנה‬
T! T ‫היא‬

Notice that only the third person (‫ הן‬/‫ ה ם‬,‫ היא‬,‫ ) הוא‬forms are like regular verbs, with all three
root letters present. In the other forms, the second ‫ נ׳‬o f the root disappears.15

Now look at the ‫ אנחנו‬and ‫ הן‬/ ‫ הם‬forms. When written without vowel signs, these forms are both
spelled the same, but they are pronounced differently:

nat-NOO na-TA-noo

The future tense forms (e. g. , ‫)ייתן‬, the imperative (e.g.,‫ )תן‬and the infinitive (‫ )לתת‬have already
been discussed in the sections above.

14 According to the rules o f grammar, the correct pronunciation is ‫נתתם‬,‫( נתתן‬ne-ta-TEM, ne-ta-TEN).
15 When all the vowel signs are written, a strong dagesh appears in the letter after the place where the '‫ נ‬disappears,
e. g. , ‫ נתת י‬4= ‫* נתנת י‬.

‫‪V. Special Root Groups /‬‬ ‫נ' ‪1. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is‬‬

‫‪Let’s review‬‬
‫‪ and‬נ׳ ‪ keep their‬נ׳ ♦ ‪In today’s Hebrew, m ost pa'al verbs whose first root letter is‬‬
‫‪.‬נשם‪ ,‬נושם‪ ,‬ינשום‪ ,‬לנשום‪ ,‬נשום! ‪behave like regular verbs, e.g .:‬‬

‫‪ does n o t appear in the future tense and imperative‬נ׳ ‪♦ In the following verbs, the‬‬
‫‪forms. The infinitives of these verbs vary, as follows:‬‬

‫‪fu tu r e‬‬ ‫)עת יד(‬

‫אפעל‬ ‫אפע ול‬

‫‪'e fa l‬‬ ‫‪'e fo l‬‬
‫‪infinitive imper.‬‬ ‫‪future‬‬ ‫‪past‬‬ ‫‪infinitive‬‬ ‫‪imper.‬‬ ‫‪future‬‬ ‫‪past.‬‬

‫‪regular verbs:‬‬ ‫ללמוד‬ ‫למד‬ ‫ילמד‬ ‫למד‬ ‫?!כתוב‬ ‫פ תוג‬ ‫י מזו ג‬ ‫בתב‬
‫‪pe-noon:‬‬ ‫לנסוע‬ ‫סע‬ ‫י׳סע‬ ‫נסע‬ ‫‪ T‬־‬
‫ליפול‬ ‫פיל‬ ‫ייפול‬ ‫נפל‬
‫‪ T‬־‬

‫לנגוע ‪ /‬לגעת‬
‫‪----- T‬‬
‫גע‬ ‫ייגע‬ ‫נגע‬ ‫‪ T‬־‬

‫לנטוע ‪ /‬לטעת‬ ‫טע‬ ‫ייטע‬ ‫נטע‬ ‫‪ T‬־‬

‫לשאת‬ ‫—‬
‫שא‬ ‫יישא‬ ‫נשא‬
‫‪­ 7‬ו ­‬
‫קח‬ ‫ייקח‬ ‫לקח‬ ‫‪ T‬־י‬

‫‪special:‬‬ ‫לתת‬ ‫—‬

‫ייתן‬ ‫נתן‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪W rite the m issing form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs.‬‬

‫הוריי נסעו לטבריה בשבוע שעבר‪ ,‬ובשבוע הבא הם לחיפה ‪.‬‬


‫חבל שאני לא יכולה _____________ א יתם ‪.‬‬

‫מיכל אומרת שהמנהל נרע לה אישור לצאת מוקדםהיום‪ ,‬והיא מקווהשהוא ___ ל ה‬
‫אישור כזה גם מחר‪.‬‬

‫המוכר לדויד‪ :‬״כמה כסף נתת לי?״‬

‫דויד‪ :‬״ ____________ ל ך מאה שקלים״‪.‬‬

‫המוכר‪ :‬״בסדר‪ .‬אז אני צריך _____________ ל ך ‪ ₪ 35‬עודף!"‬

‫‪ .4‬הילד הלך בזהירות ולא נפל‪ .‬אם גם אתה תלך בזהירות‪ ,‬אני בטוחה שלא _____________ ‪,‬‬

‫‪A n sw ers:‬‬
‫ת יפול‬ ‫‪,4‬‬ ‫ייסעו‪ ,‬לנס וע ‪ .2‬ייתן ‪ .3‬נתתי‪ ,‬לתת‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

V. Special Root Groups / 1. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is ‫נ׳‬

• Beenyan heef eel (‫)הפיל‬

Read the following sentence:

,‫ הוא לא הפיל אף אחת מהצלחות שהיו בידו‬,‫ למזלו‬,‫המלצר כמעט נפל אבל‬ ‫>=־־‬
The waiter almost fell but, luckily, he didn't drop even one of the plates that were in his hand.

The two verbs highlighted in this sentence share the same root : ‫ל‬-‫פ‬-‫ נ‬. The first verb (‫ )נפל‬belongs
to beenyan pa'al and means to fall. The second (‫ )הפיל‬belongs to beenyan heef eel and means to
drop, to cause something to fall. In this verb we see only tw o o f the root letters: ‫ל‬-‫פ‬. The ‫ נ׳‬at
the beginning of the root has "gone into hiding." Compare:

regular verb: ‫הרגיש‬

pe-noon: ‫ה^פיל‬4= ‫*הפיל‬

Here, again, the ‫ נ׳‬is n ot followed by a vowel (i.e., it is at the end of a closed syllable "‫)"□נ‬, thus
it tends to disappear, just as it did in ‫י^פול => ייפול‬. When the second root letter is ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ב‬, it is
pronounced with a hard sound (b, k, p \ as in all the following w ords:16

18‫*ה^כיר‬ 17‫*ה^ביט‬ ‫*הןבי?ג‬ ‫ח^פיל‬

‫הכיר‬ ‫הביט‬ ‫הבי ע‬ ‫הפיל‬
to know, look (at) express drop

A special note about full spelling: According to rules o f full spelling, we would expect past
tense forms like ‫ הכיר‬and ‫ הכרתי‬to be spelled with a ‫ י׳‬after their initial ‫( ה׳‬as in ‫ ייפול‬and ‫ייכנס‬
- where a ‫ י׳‬is written in place of the ‫ נ׳‬that is "hiding"). However, this does n o t happen in the
past tense o f heef eel. Why not? Because by n o t adding a ‫ י׳‬after the ‫ה׳‬, we ensure that forms
like ‫ הכיר‬and ‫ הכו־תי‬resemble regular h eef eel forms, none o f which have a ‫ י׳‬after their initial ‫ה׳‬
(e.g., ‫)הרגיש‬.

16 As was the case in ‫ייפול‬, when vowel signs are written, the letter following the missing '‫ נ‬gets a strong dagesh :
‫הפיל‬. This is the same phonetic process (called fu ll assimilation) that was described in footnote 7 above.
17 The verb ‫ הנביט‬with a '‫ נ‬exists as well and means to make a seed germinate, sprout.
18 The dagesh in these theoretical forms is a weak dagesh, while the dagesh in the forms without the '‫ נ‬is a strong
dagesh. Both are written the same and, today, both indicate the same hard pronunciation of ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬. For the
difference between them, see the chapter "The Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh ," pp. 624-639.

V. Special Root Groups / 1. Verbs W hose First Root Letter Is '‫נ‬

The prefixes of pe-noon heefeel verbs in all tenses and forms are the same as regular verbs, for
infinitive future present past

regular verb: ‫להרגישירגישמרגישהרגיש‬

pe-noon: ‫להפיליפיל מפילהפיל‬
le-ha-PEEL ya-PEEL ma-PEEL hee-PEEL

As you can see, the ‫ נ׳‬is not present in any of the pe-noon heefeel forms.

Here are some more examples o f pe-noon heefeel verbs. Some have roots that are known to us
from beenyan pa'al or other beenyaneem where we can see all three root letters.

root )‫ל‬-‫צ‬-‫(נ‬ )‫ש‬-‫ג‬-‫(נ‬ )‫ע‬-‫ס‬-‫(נ‬ )‫ע‬-‫ג‬-‫(נ‬ )‫(נ־כ־־ר‬

past tense : ‫הציל‬ ‫הגיש‬ ‫הסיע‬ ‫הגיע‬ ‫הכיר‬
to save serve (tea...), drive arrive, know
hand in (someone) reach (a person or place)

Sometimes the ;‫ נ‬remains

In most pe-noon heefeel verbs learned at the beginning and intermediate levels, the ‫ נ׳‬tends to
"go into hiding," as we saw in the verbs above. There are, however, some verbs in heefeel that
retain their ‫ נ׳‬in all forms, for example:

‫הנמיןז‬ ‫הנשים‬ ‫הנהיג‬

heen-MEECH heen-SHEEM heen-HEEG
to make lower resuscitate, lead
put someone on a respirator

‫ הנהיג‬is an example o f a verb whose middle root letter (‫ )ה׳‬is a guttural ( ‫ ע׳‬,'‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬/‫) א‬. In such
verbs (most of which are learned at the advanced level), the ‫ נ׳‬always remains.

• Beenyan hoof al (‫)הופל‬

Read the following sentence:

The robber was knocked down by the bank guard. .‫השודד הופל על ידי שומר הבנק‬

The past tense base form ‫ הופל‬begins with -‫( הו‬hoo-) like regular hoofal verbs (e.g., ‫)הולבש‬, but
the -‫ הו‬in ‫ הופל‬is followed by only two root letters (‫)פ־ל‬. The ‫ נ׳‬o f the root (‫ )נ־פ־ל‬is not present
in any o f the forms of this verb, for example:

V. Special Root Groups / 1. Verbs W hose First Root Letter Is ‫נ׳‬

future present past

to be knocked down, dropped ‫יופל‬ ‫מופל‬ ‫הופל‬

voo-PAL moo-PAL hoo-PAL

As in heefeel , whenever ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬are the second letter of the root, they have a hard pronunciation
- b, k, p - as in: ‫ הופל‬and ‫( הופר‬was recognized).

Verbs that keep their ‫ נ׳‬in heefeel do so in hoofal, too, for example:

‫י־‬ ‫הונמך‬
hoon-AIACH hoon-SHAM hoon-HAG
to be made lower to be resuscitated, to be lead
put on a respirator

Did you know?

There are several in heef'eel and hoof'al that have the same pattern as
pe-noon verbs, yc r first root letter is not '‫נ‬, but rather '‫ י‬. Here are some

root: )‫ת‬-‫צ‬-‫(י‬ )‫ע‬-‫צ‬-‫(י‬ )‫ג‬-‫צ‬-‫(י‬

heefeel: ‫הצית‬ ‫הציע‬ ‫הציג‬ ->
hee-TSEET hee-TSEE-a hee-TSEEG
to light (a cigarette) , offer present

hoof'al: ‫הוצת‬ ‫הוצע‬ ‫הוצג‬

hoo-TSAT hoo-TSA hoo-TSAG
to be lit, to be offered to be presented

These are often called pe-yod-tsadee (‫ )פי״צ‬verbs since, as you might have
noticed, the second root letter o f all of them is '‫ צ‬. in all tenses and forms, they
are just like pe-noon verbs:19

infinitive future present past

to present ‫להציג‬ ‫י_ציג‬ ‫מציג‬ ‫הציג‬


to be presented ‫יוצג‬ ‫מוצג‬

yoo-TSAG moo-TSAG hoo-TSAG

19 In standard spelling with vowel signs, there is a strong dagesh in the ‫הציג) צ׳‬,‫) הצג‬, as in all pe-noon verbs.

V. Special Root Groups / 1. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is '‫נ‬

Let’s review
♦ In many h eef eel and hooj'al verbs whose first root letter is '‫( נ‬pe-noon), the '‫נ‬
is missing in all tenses and forms, as in:

infinitive future present past

h ee f eel. ‫להכיר‬ ‫יכיר‬ ‫מכיר‬ ‫הכיר‬

hoofed‫׳‬. ‫יוכר‬ ‫מוכר‬ ‫הופר‬

♦ In some verbs, the ‫ נ׳‬appears, as in:

h ee f eel. ‫להנשים‬ ‫ינשיכו‬ ‫מנשים‬ ‫ הנשים‬-C

h o o fa l ‫יונשם מונשם הונשם‬

W ant to see if you've understood?

A . W rite the m issing form s o f the u n d e rlin e d heef'eel verbs.

.‫אותו‬ ‫ אבל אתמול בבוקר הוא‬,‫ בדרך כלל אבא של יונתן לא מסיע אותו לבית הספר‬.1

.‫ אבל אני לא יודעת איך מגיעים לשם‬,‫למוזאון‬ . ‫ אני צריכה‬.2

?‫ אותה קודם‬. . ‫ למה לא‬.‫ ביקשתי שתנמיכו את המוזיקה‬.3

A nsw ers:
‫ ה נמכתם‬.3 ‫ להג יע‬.2 ‫ הס יע‬.1

B, W rite the m issing form s o f the u n d e rlin e d h o o f'a l verbs.

.‫ __________ ע ד שיוכל לנשום בכוחות עצמו‬. ‫ הוא‬.‫ החולה מונשם כרגע‬.‫ו‬


.‫לי‬ . ‫ אתה מוכר לי ואת לא‬.2


A nsw ers:
‫ מ וכרת‬.2 ‫ יתשם‬.1

V. S p e c ia l R o o t G ro u p s / 1. V e rb s W h o s e F irst Root Letter Is ‫ל‬

• Beenyaneem pee *el, poo’al and heetpa’el

(‫ התנגד‬,‫ נוגן‬,‫)נ«גן‬
In beenyaneem pee'el, poo'al and heetpa'el, the '‫ נ‬appears in all tenses and forms since it is
always followed by a vowel, for example:
infinitive future present past

pee ,el. to play (an instrument) ‫ניגן‬ ‫לנגן‬ ‫ינגן‬ ‫מנגן‬

poo'al. to be played ‫ינוגןמנוגןנוגן‬
heetpa'el: to be opposed to ‫התנגד‬ ‫להתנגד‬ ‫יתנגד‬ ‫מתנגד‬

‫‪V. Special Root Groups /‬‬ ‫נ' ‪1. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is‬‬

‫ה ופעל ‪H o o f at‬‬ ‫הפע יל ‪♦ H e e f eel‬‬ ‫פעל ‪♦ Pa 'al‬‬

‫עבר ‪past‬‬
‫הופלתי‬ ‫הכרתי‬ ‫נפלתי‬ ‫אני‬
‫הופלת‬ ‫הכךת‬ ‫נפלת‬ ‫אתה‬
‫הופלת‬ ‫הכרת‬ ‫נפלת‬ ‫את‬
‫הופלנו‬ ‫הכתו‬ ‫נפלנו‬ ‫א נח נ ו‬
‫הופלתם‬ ‫הכו־תם‬ ‫נפלתם ‪ /‬נפלתם‬ ‫אתם‬
‫הופלתן‬ ‫הכךתן‬ ‫נפלתן ‪ /‬נפלת ן‬ ‫את ן‬

‫הו שם‬ ‫ה ופל‬ ‫ה נש ים‬ ‫הפיר‬ ‫נפל‬ ‫ה וא‬

‫הופלה‬ ‫הכירה‬ ‫נפליי‬ ‫ה יא‬
‫הופלו‬ ‫הכירו‬ ‫נפלו‬
‫‪:T‬‬ ‫הם ‪/‬ה ן‬

‫הווה ‪present‬‬
‫מ ו נשם‬ ‫מ ופל‬ ‫מ נש ים‬ ‫מפ יר‬ ‫נופל‬ ‫אנ י ‪/‬אתה ‪ ,‬ה וא‬
‫מופלת‬ ‫מכירה‬ ‫נופלת‬ ‫אני‪ ,‬את ‪ ,‬ה יא‬
‫מופלים‬ ‫מכירים‬ ‫נופלים‬ ‫אנחנו ‪ ,‬אתם ‪ ,‬הם‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫מכירות‬ ‫נופלות‬ ‫אנחנו ‪ ,‬אתן ‪ ,‬הן‬

‫אפעל ‪'efo l‬‬ ‫אפע ול ‪'e fa l‬‬ ‫עת יד ‪fu tu re‬‬

‫אופל‬ ‫אכיר‬ ‫אגע‬ ‫אפול‬ ‫אני‬
‫תופל‬ ‫תכיר‬ ‫תיגע‬ ‫תיפול‬ ‫את ה‬
‫י ונשם‬ ‫יופל‬ ‫י ש ים‬ ‫יפיו‬ ‫ינהג‬ ‫י<גע‬ ‫י נש ום ייפול‬ ‫ה וא‬
‫תופל‬ ‫תכיר‬ ‫תיגע‬ ‫תיפול‬ ‫ה יא‬
‫נופל‬ ‫נכיר‬ ‫ניגע‬ ‫ניפול‬ ‫אנחנ ו‬

‫תופלי‬ ‫תכירי‬ ‫ת געי‬ ‫תיפלי‬ ‫את‬

‫תופלו‬ ‫תכירו‬ ‫תיגעו‬ ‫תיפלו‬ ‫אתם ‪/‬את ן‬
‫יופלו‬ ‫יכירו‬ ‫ייגעו‬ ‫י■ פלו‬ ‫הם ‪ /‬הן‬

‫‪to be dropped.‬‬ ‫להנשים‬ ‫להכיר‬ ‫לנגוע לנהוג‬ ‫לנשום ליפול‬ ‫שם הפ ועל‬
‫‪knocked down‬‬ ‫לגעת‬
‫‪-- T‬‬ ‫‪infinitive‬‬
‫‪to be‬‬ ‫‪to resuscitate know.‬‬ ‫‪to drive touch‬‬ ‫‪fall breathe‬‬
‫‪resuscitated‬‬ ‫‪recognize‬‬

‫‪The imperative forms of beenyan pa'al are discussed in the chapter.‬‬

‫‪20 On the right we have noted the pronunciation used by most Hebrew speakers today. According to the rales of‬‬
‫‪ {ne-fal-TEM, ne-fal-TEN).‬נפלתן‪,‬נפלתם ‪grammar, the correct pronunciation is‬‬

2 Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is ‫י׳‬
‫מרת פ״י‬

P re vie w
• Beenyan pa'al (‫)ישב‬
• Beenyan heefeel (‫)הוריד‬
‫ ״‬Beenyan hoof al (‫)הורד‬
‫ ״‬Beenyaneem pee'el, poo'al and heetpa'el )‫ התיישב‬,‫ יושב‬,‫(יישב‬
‫ ״‬The special verb ‫יכול‬

Now you see it (the ‫)י׳‬, now you don't! Sometimes it's written as a single letter (‫)י׳‬, sometimes
it's doubled ("‫ )"יי‬- and sometimes it wears a different guise (‫)ו׳‬. In this chapter we will examine
pe-yod verbs, i.e., verbs whose first root letter is ‫י׳‬. We will limit our discussion mainly to verbs
that are usually taught at the beginning through intermediate levels of Hebrew study and will
look only at the beenyaneem in which pe-yod verbs are significantly different from regular
verbs (1.(‫שלמים‬

In each beenyan we will present the base forms (the ‫ הוא‬forms) of each tense. The changes in
the rest of the forms in each tense follow the same general rules that we have seen in the regular
verbs.“ We have included a chart with all the forms at the end of the chapter.

• Beenyan pa'al (‫)ישב‬

The past and present pe-yod forms in beenyan pa'al are exactly the same as regular verbs:

‫הווה‬ ‫עבר‬
present past

regular verb: ‫<• פותב פתב‬C

pe-yod: ‫יושבשב‬

1 Verbs in beenyan neefal (e.g., ‫ להיוולד‬/ ‫ )נולד‬are beyond the scope o f this book.
2 See the chapter "Regular Verbs in All Beenvaneenv. Summary," pp. 444-447.

V. Special Root Groups / 2. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is ‫י׳‬

The following are the pe-yod verbs usually learned in the beginning and intermediate levels.
All of these verbs behave like ‫( ישב‬to sit):

‫ ־ ׳‬T )‫(היא‬ T ! T ^‫׳ ידע‬ ‫יצא‬
“T TT‫ירד‬ ‫הלך‬ “T
to go, walk to give birth to know to go out to go down,

The unique features of these pe-yod verbs - which make them different from regular verbs -
are found in the future tense, imperative (command) and infinitive forms.

Future tense (‫)ישב‬

As we saw in the chapter "BeenyanPa'al" (pp. 398-401), the future tense of re g u la r pa 'al verbs
is usually expressed in one of two forms:
'efal 'efol
‫ילמד‬ ‫יכתוב‬

The future tense forms o f the pe-yod verbs mentioned above are totally different:

.‫דניאל ילך לבנק‬ .‫רינה תלד בעוד חודש‬ .‫ את התשובה‬4‫אורי יךע‬ .‫רון יצא מהדירה וירד במדרגות‬ .‫דן ישב במטבח‬
ye-LECH te-LED ye-DA ye-EED ye-TSE ye-SHEV
Daniel will go Rina will give Uri will know Ron will leave the apartment Dan will sit
to the bank. birth in a month. the answer. and go down the stairs. in the kitchen.

Q: How many root letters do you see in these future tense verbs?

A: Two. The ‫ י׳‬in ‫ ישב‬is the future prefix for ‫הוא‬. The only root letters here are ‫ש־ב‬. Likewise,
in ‫יצא‬, ‫ צ־א‬are the only root letters present, in ‫ ירד‬we see only ‫ר־ד‬, and so on. The first
root letter ‫י׳‬, which was present in the past and present tense forms, is m issing in all these
forms.5 In addition, the vowel in both syllables (when no ending is added) is eh\6

with endings without endings

‫הן‬/‫הם‬ ‫אתן‬/‫אתם‬ ‫את‬ ‫אנחנו‬ ‫היא‬ ‫הוא‬ ‫אתה‬ ‫אני‬

standard spelling: ‫ישבו‬ ‫תשבו‬ ‫תשבי‬ ‫נשב‬ ‫תשב‬ ‫ישב‬ ‫תשב‬ ‫>־־ אשב‬
full spelling: 7 ‫ישבו‬ ‫תשבו‬ ‫תשבי‬ ‫נשב‬ ‫תשב‬ ‫ישב‬ ‫תשב‬ ‫אשב‬
yesh-VOO tesh-VOO tesh-VEE ne-SHEV te-SHEV ye-SHEV te-SHEV ,e-SHEV

3 The verb ‫ הלןז‬is also included among ‫ פ״י‬verbs even though it begins with '‫ ה‬and not '‫י‬, since, as we w ill see
below, in the future, imperative and infinitive forms, the verb ‫ הלןז‬behaves as if its root were ‫כ‬-‫י־ל‬.
4 The final ‫ ע׳‬causes a change in the second vowel of this verb :...‫ נדע‬, ‫ ידע‬, ‫ תדע‬, ‫אדע‬.
5 For this reason, these roots are grouped together and called "‫=( ״חסרי פ״י‬lacking an initial '‫)י‬.
6 On the forms of ‫( ידע‬ye-DA), see footnote 4 above.
7 See the chapter ‫״‬Hebrew Spelling," pp. 660-662 for the rules of full spelling (when the vowel signs are omitted).

V. Special Root Groups / 2. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is '‫י‬

Notice that in the full spelling o f these verbs, no '‫ י‬is added after the first letter (i.e., after the
future prefix).8

Imperative (Command( )‫(שב‬

The imperative forms o f verbs whose first root letter is ‫ י׳‬are frequently used both in speaking
and in writing.9 Here are the imperative forms of the verb ‫ישב‬:
!‫שבו‬ !‫שבי‬ !‫ שב‬- >

The imperative forms o f ‫) ידע‬to know) are slightly different because of the final ‫ע׳‬:

!‫ךעו‬ !‫ךעי‬ !‫דע‬


Infinitive )‫(לשבת‬
The six verbs mentioned above - ‫ הלך‬,‫ ילדה‬,‫ ידע‬,‫ יצא‬,‫ ירד‬,‫ ישב‬- share the same basic infinitive
:pattern as well. Here are four of them

root:)‫כ‬-‫(י־י־י)(י־ל־ד) (ה־ל‬
:‫לרדת ללדת ללכת‬ V V T V ‫ד‬ V V T 7 7 T

la-LE-chet la-LE-det la-RE-det la-SHE-vet

Q: What do these infinitives have in common?

A: The first root letter ‫ י׳‬is m issing in all o f them. They all begin with "‫ "ל‬and have an extra ‫ת׳‬
at the end. The last two syllables o f the infinitive (‫ ת‬:: E-et) are the same as those found on
the feminine singular forms in the present tense:

‫הולכת‬ ‫יולדת‬ ‫יורדת‬ ‫יושבת‬

You can think of the ending added to these infinitives as a kind of compensation for the
missing ‫י׳‬: the ‫ ת׳‬adds length to the word that would otherwise look very short.

8 Some people add a '‫ י‬to the ‫ הוא‬and ‫הן‬/‫ הם‬forms - ‫( יישב‬ye-SHEV) and ‫( יישבו‬yesh-VOO) - in order to make
them different from the past tense forms: ‫( ישב‬ya-SHAV) and ‫( ישבו‬yash-VOO ). According to the current
guidelines o f the Hebrew Language Academy, a ‫ י׳‬is not to be added.
9 For more on imperatives, see the chapter "Command Forms," pp. 567-577.
10 Some speakers pronounce these words de-EE , de-'OO.

V. Special Root Groups / 2. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is ‫י׳‬

When the root ends in ' ‫א) א‬-‫צ‬-‫ ) י‬or ‫ע) ע׳‬-‫ד‬-‫) י‬, the vowels are the same as those found in the
present tense feminine singular form. Compare:
infinitive present f.s.
‫לצא ת‬ ” T
>=< ‫יו צ א ת‬

‫לדעת‬‫־‬ ‫ ־‬T
>s < ‫יוך ע ת‬
la-DA-'at yo-DA-'at

Let’s review
Beenyan pa 'at verbs whose first root letter is ♦ '‫ י‬- ‫ ילדה‬,‫ ידע‬,‫ *׳צא‬,‫ ירד‬,‫*־סב‬- and the
verb ‫הלך‬, as well, have the same forms as regular verbs in the past and present
present past
‫יושב‬ ‫ישב‬ ->

♦ In the future tense, imperative and infinitive forms, they lose their first root
letter, as in:
infinitive imperative future
‫לשבת‬ !‫שב‬ ‫ישב‬

- In the future tense, the vowels are e-E in forms without an ending, as in:

... ‫תשב‬ ,‫אשב‬ ‫>״‬


- The infinitive forms have "‫ "ל‬at the beginning and have the same vowels and
ending as feminine singular verbs in the present tense. Compare: ‫ יושבת‬and

V. Special Root Groups / 2. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is '‫י‬

W ant to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing form s o f the u n d e rlin e d ve rb .

.‫ לאילת‬. . )‫ גם מחר(אתם‬.‫ ירדתם לאילת בשבוע שעבר‬.‫ו‬

.‫גם אנחנו רוצים ____________לאילת‬

‫מישהו אחר בכיתה‬ _________ ‫ אם היא לא‬.‫ מירי ידעה את התשובה לשאלה של המורה‬.2

.‫____________ כ ל התלמידים רוצים ____________ א ת התשובה הנכונה‬

?‫מוקדם‬ . ‫מחר? את צריכה‬ . )‫ מתי את יוצאת מהבית כל בוקר? מתי(את‬.3

A n s w e rs :11
‫ לצאת‬,‫ תצאי‬.3 ‫ לדעת‬,‫ ידע‬,‫ תדע‬.2 ‫ לרדת‬,‫ תח־ו‬.‫ו‬

Did you know?

The forms of other pe-yod verbs in beenyan pa'al, which are generally taught
at more advanced levels, are similar to regular pa'al verbs. In full spelling, the
'‫ י‬in these verbs does not drop out.12 Here are some examples:

infinitive future p re se n t p a st root

regular 'ef’ol verb: ‫ל כ תו ב‬ ‫י כ תו ב‬ ‫כו ת ב‬ ‫כתב‬ ‫ ב‬-‫ ת‬-‫כ‬ ‫>י‬

pe-yod ’ef'ol verb: to create ‫לי צו ר‬ ‫יי צו ר‬ ‫יו צ ר‬ ‫י ־צ ר‬T ‫ ר‬-‫ צ‬-‫י‬

regular 'ef'a1verb: ‫ל ל מו ד‬ ‫ילמד‬ ‫לו מ ד‬ ‫למד‬ ‫ד‬-‫ מ‬-‫ל‬

pe-yod ’ef'al verb: to spit ‫לי רו ק‬ ‫יי ר ק‬ ‫יי ר ק‬ ‫רק‬: ‫ ק‬-‫ ר‬-‫י‬

regular 'ef'al + pa'el13 verb: ‫לג דו ל‬ ‫יגדל‬ ‫גדל‬ ‫גדל‬ ‫ל‬-‫ד‬-‫ג‬

pe-yod 'ef'al + pa'el verb: to sleep ‫לי שון‬ ‫יי שן‬ ‫ שן‬: ‫ שן‬: ‫נ‬-‫ ש‬-‫י‬

11 It is not necessaiy for you to write vowel signs in your answers. We have added vowel signs to the answers in
the chapters on verbs in order to make clear how the forms are pronounced.
12 In standard spelling, the situation is more complex (sometimes the ‫ יי‬drops, as in ‫יצר‬, and sometimes it doesn't,
as in ‫)יישן‬. The root group of words like ‫ יצר‬is called ‫ ; חסרי פי"צ‬while the root group o f verbs like ‫ יישן‬is called
‫ נסי פ״י‬.
13 See the chapter "Beenyan Pa'al,” pp. 393-395, 401

V. Special Root Groups / 2. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is ‫י׳‬

• Beenyan heefeel (*rnin)14

Read the following:
.‫הנוסע במטוס הוךיד את התיק שלו מהתא העליון והוציא ממנו ספר‬
The passenger on the plane took his bag down from the upper compartment and took a book out of it.

The verbs highlighted in this sentence belong to beenyan heefeel. Let's compare them to the
regular verb ‫ ה תי ש‬:
regular verb: ‫ה ר ג י שהוא‬
‫ךיד‬i ‫ה‬
‫הו צי א‬

Q: What is the first root letter o f ‫ הז׳ךיד‬and ‫ ציא‬1‫? ה‬

A: It appears here as ‫ו׳‬. Notice that these verbs are related in meaning (and "genetically") to
pe-yod verbs that we saw in beenyan pa'al.
heefeel ‫הפעיל‬ pa'al ‫פעל‬

to take down ‫הוריד‬ <=> to go down ‫ירד‬

(=to cause something / someone to go down)
to take out ‫הוציא‬ <=$> to go out ‫יצא‬
(=to cause something / someone to go out)

Today we consider the first root letter o f verbs like ‫ הוו־־יד‬and ‫ הוציא‬to be ‫י׳‬: ‫ד‬-‫ר‬-‫ י‬and ‫א‬-‫צ‬-‫י‬.
However, the original root letter o f many pe-yod verbs was actually ‫( ו׳‬which was probably
pronounced w).15 At a certain stage in the development of Hebrew, this original w (‫ )ו׳‬turned
into y (‫ )י׳‬when it appeared at the beginning o f the word, as in the past tense form o f pa'al (‫)ירד‬.
However, in heefeel , where w (‫ )ו׳‬was not at the very beginning o f the word, it remained ‫ו׳‬
‫))הוו־יד‬. We see this in other words as well, for example: ‫ד) הוא נולד‬-‫ י־ל‬, beenyan neefal , he was
bom ), ‫ב) מושב‬-‫ י־ש‬a cooperative settlement or a seat), ‫ י־ש־ב) תושב‬a resident).16

The "1" (oh) o f the root appears in all tenses and forms of beenyan heefeel:

infinitive future present past

‫להוריד‬ ‫יוךיד‬ ‫מוךיד‬ ‫הוךיד‬
le-ho-REED yo-REED mo-REED ho-REED

14 A small number o f heefeel verbs whose first root letter is '‫ י‬behave like verbs whose first root letter is '‫ נ‬and,
therefore, are discussed in the chapter "Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is '‫נ‬," p. 500 ("Did you know?"). The
second root letter o f most o f these verbs is '‫צ‬, for example: ‫( להציע‬to suggest, offer), ‫( להציג‬to present).
15 For this reason some grammar books call this root group ‫( פו״י‬pe-vav-yod), i.e., verbs beginning with ‫ ר‬or
with '‫י‬.
16 For more on this historical development, see Joiion and Muraoka, 1996, vol. I, pp. 94 and 191.

V. Special Root Groups / 2. Verbs W hose First Root Letter Is '‫י‬

• Beenyan hoof al (‫)הורד‬

Read the following sentence:
The cat was taken down from the tree. .‫החתול הוךד מהעץ‬

The past tense base form ‫ הורד‬begins with -‫( הו‬hoo) like regular h o o f a! verbs (e.g., ‫)ה ולבש‬, but,
unlike in regular h o o f at verbs, the - ‫ הו‬in ‫ הורד‬is followed by only t wo root letters (17. ( ‫ד‬- ‫ר‬

Here are the base forms of the verb ‫הורד‬:

future present past
‫יורד‬ ‫מ ורד‬
‫הורד‬ -C

yoo-RAD moo-RAD hoo-RAD

As you can see, in all the tenses, the prefix is followed by t wo root letters only (‫ד‬-‫)ר‬.

Let's review
♦ These are the base forms of pe-yod verbs in beenyaneem h eef eel and h o o f a t

‫ה פ ו ע ל‬ ‫ש ם‬ ‫ע ת י ד‬ ‫הוו ה‬ ‫ע ב ר‬ ‫שו ר ש‬

infinitive future present past root

beenyan heef eel: ‫להוךיד‬ ‫יוריד‬ ‫מוו־יד‬ ‫הוךיד‬ ‫ד‬-‫ר‬-‫י‬

beenyan h o o f a t ‫יוךד‬ ‫מורד‬ ‫הוו״ד‬ ‫ד‬-‫ר‬-‫י‬

W ant to see if you've understood?

Write the missing forms of the underlined verb.

‫ גם מחר הוא‬.‫ כל יום הוא ____________ א ת הכלב‬.‫ יונתן הוציא את הכלב לטיול אתמול‬.1

.‫ הוא אוהב____________ א ת הכלב‬.‫___________ א ת הכלב‬

.‫ הודיעו לכם מתי יוצאים לטיול מחר? בדרך כלל ___________ לנו שבוע קודם‬.2
.‫ נתקשר למדריך‬,‫אם לא ___________ לנו עד שמונה בערב‬

17 For ease o f learning, we have described these fonns as having two root letters. The "1 " here is actually a
remnant o f the original root letter 11■and is also present in standard spelling, as in ‫הורד‬.

V. Special Root Groups / 2. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is ‫י׳‬

,‫ כשהילדים של יעל ויוסי יגיעו‬.‫ הילדים של שרה ושמואל הושבו ליד השולחן‬.3

. ‫הם _____________ ל ידם‬

‫ יושבו‬.3 ‫ יודיעו‬,‫ מוךיעים‬2 ‫ להוציא‬,‫ יוציא‬,‫ מוציא‬.1

• Beenyaneem pee’el, poo’al a/1</heetpa’el

)‫ התיישב‬,‫ יושב‬,‫(יישב‬
The forms of pe-yod verbs in pee'el, poo'al and heetpa'el are like regular verbs. We have included
them here because the spelling of these forms warrants attention.

Let's look at the base forms o f verbs with the root ‫ב‬-‫ש‬-‫ י‬in pee'el and heetpa'el.

infinitive future present past

pee'el: to settle a place or a dispute ‫יישב‬ ‫ליישב‬ ‫?ישב‬ ‫מיישב‬

heetpa'el: to settle/live in a place ‫התיישב‬ ‫להתיישב‬ ‫יתיישב‬ ‫מתיישב‬

As you can see, in these two beenyaneem , there is a double ‫ )" יי") י׳‬in all forms. Remember: We
only write a maximum of two ‫י׳‬, never three.18

The situation in poo'al is different. Here are the base forms:

poo'al: to be settled ‫יושב‬ ‫ייושב‬ ‫מיושב‬ -<

Because o f the spelling rule (mentioned in the chapter "Hebrew Spelling," p. 664) that says
that we do not add an extra ‫ י׳‬before or after "‫"ו‬, we never add an extra ‫ י׳‬in poo'al. Thus, in full
spelling we write ‫ יושב‬and ‫ מיושב‬with one ‫ י׳‬only. In the future tense, the two forms that have a
‫ י׳‬prefix (‫ הן ייושבו‬/‫ הם‬,‫ ) הוא ייושב‬naturally have two ‫ י׳‬at the beginning: One is the prefix and one
is part o f the root; neither o f them is an added ‫י׳‬. For this reason, the forms ‫ ייושב‬and ‫ ייושבו‬are
the same in standard spelling and full spelling.

18 There is one exception: the plural adjective ‫( ניסוייים‬experimental). See the chapter ‫״‬Hebrew Spelling,"
pp. 657-665 for an explanation of why and where we add an extra '‫י‬.

V. Special Root Groups / 2. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is '‫י‬

• The special verb ‫יכול‬

The verb ‫( יכול‬to be able), w hose ro o t is ‫י־ כ־ ל‬, belongs to beenyan pa'al. It has no infinitive form
and its conjugation is u n iq u e .19

Present tense (‫)יכול‬

R ead the follow ing sentence:

Daniel can help you paint the apartment. .‫דניאל יכול לעזור לכם לצבוע א ת הדירה‬

As you can see, the w ord ‫( יכול‬ya-CHOL) has an ah sound in the first syllable and an oh sound in
the second syllable. N ow let's take a look at the other p resen t ten se form s o f ‫י כו ל‬:

ya-CHOL ‫יכול‬T :(m.s.) ‫ הוא‬,‫ א תה‬,‫אני‬

ye-cho-LA ‫יכולה‬
T ! :C fr ) ‫ היא‬,‫ את‬,‫אני‬
ye-cho-LEEM ‫יכולים‬ :( ‫ הם‬,‫ א ת ם‬,‫אנחנו‬
ye-cho-LOT ‫יכולות‬ :( fpL ) ‫ הן‬,‫ אתן‬,‫אנחנו‬

The ah sound th a t w e hear in ‫ יכול‬changes to eh at the beginning o f the other fo rm s.20 The ‫״ו״‬
}oh) rem ains in the second syllable o f all the form s (as in the adjective ...‫ גדולה‬,‫(גדול‬.

Past tense )...‫(יכולתי‬

R ead the follow ing sentence in w h ich the past tense form o f ‫ יכול‬ap p ears :

.‫א ת מו ל דני אל לא יכול לעזור לכם לצבוע א ת הדירה‬

Yesterday Daniel couldn't help you paint the apartment.

As you've probably noticed, the p ast ten se (‫ ) הו א‬base form - ‫ יכול‬- sounds ju s t like the base
form o f the present tense and - in full spelling - it also looks the sam e.21 For this reason, w e
ten d to add ‫ היה‬either before o r after ‫ יכול‬w hen it indicates the p a st tense, fo r exam ple:22

Daniel couldn't come to the party. .>» ‫דניאל לא היה יכול לבוא ל מ סי ב ה‬ ‫־‬
‫ דניאל לא יכול היה לבוא ל מ סי ב ה‬.

19 In order to express "to be able to," we often use ‫״להיות מסוגל״‬.

20 For an explanation, see the chapter "Reduction of Vowels and the Shva," pp. 640-644.
21 In standard spelling, the past tense forms are: ...‫יכל‬...‫ יכלתי‬- with no ‫ ר‬- and in the present tense they contain
a ‫ר‬: ...‫ יכולה‬,‫ •יכול‬Thus in standard spelling there is a difference in spelling between past tense ‫ יכיל‬and present
tense ‫יכול‬.

22 When we add ‫היה‬, we are not actually adding ‫ היה‬to the past tense form (this is impossible in Hebrew), but
rather to the form used in the present tense.

V. Special Root Groups / 2. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is ‫י׳‬

Here are all the past tense forms:

plural singular

ya-CHOL-noo ‫יכולנו‬
! T :‫אנחנו‬ ya-CHOL-tee ‫יכולתי‬
•: T :‫אני‬
ya-CHOL-tem /ye-chol-TEM 23‫ יכולתם‬/ ‫יכולתם‬ :‫אתם‬ ya-CHOL-ta ‫יכולת‬
T ! T :‫אתה‬
ya-CHOL-ten /ye-chol-TEN ‫ יכולתן‬/ ‫יכולתן‬ :‫אתן‬ ya-CHOLT ‫יכולת‬
!! T :‫את‬

yach-LOO ‫ !יכלו‬T ‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ ya-CHOL )‫יכול (היה‬ ‫הוא‬

yach-LA ‫יכלה‬
T! T ‫היא‬

Q: Which forms in the chart contain the base form ‫ יכול‬complete with all its vowels?

A: All of the forms at the top of the chart:

7 V ! T ‫־‬ ! T ‫תן‬- / ‫תם‬- / ‫נו‬- /

The base form and these forms are all different from regular p a 'a l verbs (...‫ כתבתי‬, ‫כתב‬
ka-TAV, ka-TAV-tee...) in that they contain an oh ("i") in the second syllable.

The forms o f ‫ היא‬and ‫ הן‬/‫ ה ם‬have the same pattern as regular p a 'a l verbs:

° verb: !T ,‫כתבה‬
T S T‫כתבו‬
will be able :T ,‫יכלה‬
T! T‫יכלו‬

Future tense (‫)יוכל‬

Read the following sentence:
.‫מחר דניאל יוכל לעזור לכם לצבוע את הדירה‬
Tomorrow Daniel will be able to help you paint the apartment.

As you can see, the future tense form o f ‫ יכול‬is unlike any other p a 'a l verb. There is an oo
sound as part of the prefix -‫( יו‬yoo-). This oo sound is maintained throughout the future tense
conjugation, as you can see in the following table:

prefixes and suffixes only prefixes

tooch-LEE ‫תו כ לי‬ :‫את‬
yoo-CHAL ‫יוכל‬

23 The formal pronunciation is ‫ יכולתן‬/ ‫( יכולתם‬ye-chol-TEM / ye-chol-TEN), with the stress on the last syllable
and an eh sound after the '‫י‬.

V. Special Root Groups / 2. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is '‫י‬

only prefixes


The ‫ י׳‬o f the root ‫ל‬-‫כ‬-‫ י‬does not appear in any o f the future tense forms. The ‫ ו׳‬in these forms is
probably the original root letter w (which became ‫ י׳‬when it appeared at the beginning o f the
word (.24

?Want to see if you' ve understood

W rite the c o rre c t form s o f ‫יכול‬.

,‫ גם היום אנחנו לא _____________ להגיע‬.‫ לא יכולנו להגיע לפגישה אתמול‬.1

.‫_________________________________________ להגיע‬

!‫ חבל‬.‫ גם אתמול הם לא _____________ לצ ל צ ל אליי‬.‫ מירי ומתן לא יוכלו לצלצל אליי בערב‬.2

,‫ אבל היום אני יכולה להיפגש איתך‬,‫ אתמול (אני) לא _____________ לה יפגש איתך‬.3

.‫_________________________________________ לה יפגש איתך‬

A nsw ers:
‫ אובל‬,‫ יכולתי‬.3 ‫ יכלו‬.2 ‫ נוכל‬,‫ יכו־לים‬. 1

24 One widely-held theoiy sees the future tense forms of ‫ יכול‬as belonging to beenyan hoofal. Compare ‫יורד‬
‫ד‬-‫ ))י־ר‬in the section on hoofal above. See Joiion and Muraoka, vol. I, pp. 195-196.

‫י׳ ‪V. Special Root Groups / 2. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is‬‬

‫‪Chapter summary‬‬

‫‪Here are the forms of pe-yod verbs in beenaneem pa'al , heefeel and hoofal:‬‬

‫ה ופעל ‪♦ H oofal‬‬ ‫הפע יל ‪♦ H eefeel‬‬ ‫פעל !‪♦ Pa 'a‬‬

‫ישב‪ ,‬ירד‪ ,‬יצא‪,‬‬
‫ישן‪ ,‬ירק‪...‬‬ ‫יצר‪...‬‬ ‫ידע‪ ,‬הלך‪ ,‬ילד‬
‫עבר ‪past‬‬
‫הורדתי‬ ‫הח־ז‪-‬תי‬ ‫ישנתי‬
‫‪T‬־‪•:‬‬ ‫יצרתי‬
‫‪T‬־־ ‪:‬‬ ‫ישבתי‬
‫‪ T‬־־ ‪• :‬‬ ‫אני‬
‫־־ ‪T :‬‬ ‫הורדת‬ ‫ישנת‬
‫‪ T‬־ ‪T:‬‬ ‫יצרת‬
‫‪ T‬־‪T :‬‬ ‫ישבת‬
‫‪ T‬־ ‪T:‬‬ ‫אתה‬
‫הורדת‬ ‫הורךת‬ ‫ישנת‬ ‫?צרה‬ ‫‪:‬שבת‬ ‫את‬
‫הורדנו‬ ‫הירךנו‬ ‫ישנו‪26‬‬ ‫יצמו‬ ‫ישבנו‬ ‫א נחנו‬
‫הורדתם‬ ‫הורךתם‬ ‫‪:‬שנתם‬ ‫^רתס‬ ‫‪:‬שבתם‪25‬‬ ‫את ם‬
‫הורז־תן‬ ‫ה‪.:‬רךתן‬ ‫ישנתן‬ ‫יצךתז‬ ‫ישבתן‬ ‫את ן‬

‫ה ורד‬ ‫הוריד‬ ‫‪:‬שן‬ ‫יצר‬

‫‪T‬־‬ ‫ישב‬
‫‪T‬־‬ ‫ה וא‬
‫הורדה‬ ‫הורידה‬ ‫ישנה‬ ‫יצרה‬ ‫ישבה‬ ‫ה יא‬
‫הוךדו‬ ‫הורידו‬ ‫ישנו‬
‫‪:T‬‬ ‫יצרו‬
‫‪:T‬‬ ‫ישבו‬
‫‪:T‬‬ ‫הם ‪/‬ה ן‬

‫הווה ‪present‬‬
‫מ‪T‬‬ ‫מ ומד‬ ‫! יייק‬ ‫?שן‬ ‫יוצר‬ ‫י ושב‬ ‫אני‪ ,‬אתה ‪ ,‬ה וא‬
‫מ ורז־ ת‬ ‫מורידה‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫י ורקת‬ ‫ישנה ‪/‬‬ ‫יוצרת‬ ‫יושבת‬ ‫אני‪ ,‬את ‪ ,‬ה יא‬
‫‪•T‬‬ ‫מורידים‬ ‫י ו ןק ים‬ ‫ישנים ‪/‬‬ ‫יוצרים‬ ‫יושבים‬ ‫אנחנו‪ ,‬אתם ‪ ,‬הם‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫מורידות‬ ‫י ו ןק ות‬ ‫ישנות ‪/‬‬ ‫יוצרות‬ ‫יושבות‬ ‫אנחנו‪ ,‬את ן ‪ ,‬הן‬

‫אפע ול ‪ ,e fo l‬אפעל ‪,e fa l‬‬ ‫עת יד ‪future‬‬

‫אוךד‬ ‫אוריד‬ ‫א שן‬ ‫אצור‬ ‫אשב‬ ‫אני‬
‫תורד‬ ‫תוךיד‬ ‫תישן‬ ‫תצור‬ ‫תשב‬ ‫אתה‬
‫יורד‬ ‫יוריד‬ ‫י?ש ז‬ ‫ייצור‬ ‫ישב‬ ‫ה וא‬
‫תורד‬ ‫תוריד‬ ‫ת שן‬ ‫ת צור‬ ‫תשב‬ ‫ה יא‬
‫נוךד‬ ‫נוריד‬ ‫משן‬ ‫ניצור‬ ‫נשב‬ ‫א נחנו‬

‫תוח־י‬ ‫תירידי‬ ‫תישני‬ ‫ת צןי‬ ‫תשבי‬ ‫את‬

‫תוךדו‬ ‫תוךידו‬ ‫תישנו‬ ‫תצרו‬ ‫תשבו‬ ‫אתם ‪/‬את ן‬
‫יורדו‬ ‫יורידו‬ ‫י׳ שנו‬ ‫ייצרו‬ ‫ישבו‬ ‫הם ‪/‬ה ן‬

‫להוריד‬ ‫לישון ‪ /‬לירוק‬ ‫ל צור‬ ‫לשבת‬ ‫שם הפ ועל‬

‫‪taken down.‬‬ ‫‪to take down,‬‬ ‫‪to spit / to sleep‬‬ ‫‪to create‬‬ ‫‪to sit‬‬ ‫‪infinitive‬‬
‫‪lowered‬‬ ‫‪lower‬‬

‫‪25 We have presented the form used by most Hebrew speakers today. According to the rules o f grammar, the‬‬
‫‪ forms in the table above. In‬אתן ‪ and‬אתם ‪ forms. This is trae o f all the‬אתן ‪ and‬אתם ‪stress is on the ending of the‬‬
‫‪beenyan p a 'a l verbs, the stress on the final syllable causes the first vowel to "reduce" and be written as sfn a.‬‬
‫‪ (ye-tsar-TEM ), etc.‬יצרתם ‪ (ye-shav-TEili),‬ישבתם ‪e.g.:‬‬
‫‪.‬נ' ‪ - with one‬ישנו ‪*) to f onn:‬ישננו( ‪ o f the ending‬נ' ‪ o f the root combines with the‬נ' ‪ form, the‬אנחנו ‪26 In the‬‬

V. Special Root Groups / 2. Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is '‫י‬

♦ Pe-yod verbs in beenyaneem pee'el, poo'al and heetpa'el have the same forms as regular
verbs. Note how they are spelled (details are provided in the chapter above):

heetpa'el poo'al pee'el

‫התיישב‬ ‫יושב‬ ‫יישב‬

♦ For the forms of ‫יכול‬, see above - before the exercise.

3 Verbs Whose Middle Root Letter Is ‫ ו׳‬or ‫י׳‬
‫ע״י‬-‫גזרת ע״ו‬

‫״‬Beenyan pa'al )‫(קם‬
‫״‬Beenyan heefeel )‫(הבין‬
‫״‬Beenyan hoof al )‫(הובן‬
‫״‬ Beenyaneem pee'el, poo'al and heetpa'el )‫ התכוון‬,‫ כוון‬,‫תקיים; כיוון‬

Verbs whose middle root letter is either ‫ ו׳‬or ‫ י׳‬- 'ayeen-vav and 'ayeen-yod verbs - often put on
a good disappearing act. In forms like ‫( לקום‬to get up) and ‫( לשיר‬to sing), the middle root letters
appear, but in the past and present tenses —‫ קם‬and ‫ שר‬- they seem to have disappeared into thin
air. The ‫ ו׳‬and ‫ י׳‬appear and disappear in different tenses and beenyaneem , as we will see below.
In addition, when they appear, they often represent vowels (oo, ee or oh) - not consonants, as
root letters normally do.

There is no doubt that we are dealing here with unusual roots, perhaps roots that originally
consisted only of two letters 2 The forms of the verbs in this group are different from regular
verbs in all beenyaneem . In this chapter we will limit our discussion mainly to the beenyaneem
that are usually taught in the beginning through intermediate levels of Hebrew study.

In places where the conjugation rules o f 'ayeen-vav 'ayeen-yod verbs (which we will also
call 'ayeen vavfyod verbs) are different from those of regular verbs, we will present the full
conjugation of the verb. However, in places where the conjugation o f 'ayeen-vav/yod verbs
is formed according to the same rules as regular verbs, we will provide only the base fo rm s/
A chart with full conjugations of the verbs discussed here is included at the end of the chapter.

1 In order to avoid confusion, we have not written the strong dagesh in the middle root letters '‫ י‬and ‫ ו׳‬in these
2See Joiion and Muraoka, vol. I, pp. 212-224 and Yehoshua Blau, 1972. pp. 188-192.
3 See the chapter "Regular Verbs in All Beenyaneem‫׳‬. Summary," p. 447.

V. Special Root Groups / 3. Verbs Whose Middle Root Letter Is ‫ ו׳‬or '‫י‬

• Beenyan pa’al (‫)לןם‬

R esent tense (‫)קם‬
Read the following sentences:

‫ תוך כדי ריצה הוא מקשיב למוסיקה ושר את השירים שהוא‬.‫כל בוקר יובל לן ם מוקדם וךץ קילומטר‬
Every morning Yuval gets up early and runs a kilometer. While running he listens to music and sings
the songs that he hears.

The words highlighted in these sentences are the present tense base forms o f 'ayeen-vav and
'ayeen-yod verbs.

Q: How many root letters appear in these forms?

A: Only two. These two-letter forms are the base upon which all four present tense forms are
built. Unlike the base form of regular verbs in pa ,al, this two-letter form does not change
when endings are added. Compare: fs . m.s.

‫ הן‬,‫ אתן‬,‫אנחנו‬ ‫ הם‬,‫ אתם‬,‫אנחנו‬ ‫ היא‬,‫ את‬,‫אני‬ ‫ הוא‬,‫ אתה‬,‫אני‬

regular verb: ‫פו ת בו ת‬ ‫פו תבי ם‬ ‫פו ת ב ת‬ ‫ ת ב‬1‫פ‬

kot-VOT kot-VEEM ko-TE-vet ko-TEV

,ayeen-vav: ‫ ת‬1‫לןמ‬ ‫ק■מי ם‬T ‫?!מה‬ Di?

ka-MOT ka-MEEM KA-ma4 KAM

As discussed in the chapter "Signs o f Tenses and Forms" (pp. 369-371), the plural present tense
endings on 'ayeen-vav/yod verbs (‫ים‬: and ‫ ת‬1‫ ) ־‬are the same as those on regular verbs, but the
feminine singular ending (‫ ); ה‬is different. Thus, when the subject o f the above sentence is
changed to feminine singular, we say:

‫ תוך כדי ריצה היא מקשיבה למוסיקה ושרה את השירים שהיא‬.‫כל בוקר רותי לןמה מוקדם ה־צה קילומטר‬
SHA-ra RA-tsa KA-ma .‫שומעת‬
Every morning Ruthie gets up early and runs a kilometer. While running she listens to music and sings
the songs that she hears.

4 Most Hebrew speakers today place the stress on the first syllable of the feminine singular form (‫לן־מה‬
KA-ma), pronouncing it the same as the past tense form. However, according to rules of grammar, the stress in
the present tense is on the second syllable (just as in the plural forms ‫מים‬-‫ קן‬and ‫ ת‬1‫)לן־מ‬:
Every day Rina gets up early. .‫ מה מוקדם‬-‫ ן‬7 ‫< כל יום רינה‬

V. Special Roof Groups / 3. Verbs Whose Middle Root Letter Is '‫ ו‬or ‫י׳‬

Note: One verb - ‫) מת‬MET to die) - has a different vow el (eh) in the present tense :5

‫*ת‬1‫מת‬ ?‫מתים‬ ,‫מתה‬ ,‫מת‬ >>

me-TOT me-TEEM ME-ta6 MET

Past tense (‫)י!ם‬

Now read the same sentences in the past tense:

‫ תוך כדי ריצה הוא הקשיב למוסיקה ושר את‬.‫בקיץ שעבר יובל לןם מוקדם כל בוקר וךץ קילומטר‬
.‫השירים שהוא שמע‬

Last summer Yuval got up early every morning and ran a kilometer. While running he listened to music and
sang the songs that he heard.

‫ תוך כדי ריצה היא הקשיבה למוסיקה ושרה את השירים שהיא‬.‫גם רותי לןמה מוקדם ורצה קילומטר‬
SHA-ra RA-tsa KA-ma .‫שמעה‬
Ruthie, too, got up early every morning and ran a kilometer. While running she listened to music and
sang the songs that she heard.

Q: Are these past tense forms different from those in the present tense shown above?

A: No. Strangely, the ‫ הוא‬and ‫ היא‬forms in both tenses - as pronounced by most speakers today
- are exactly the same.

Now let's look at the whole past tense conjugation:

plural singular

KAM-noo ‫ קמנו‬:‫אנחנו‬ KAM-tee ‫קמתי‬ :‫אני‬

KAM-tem1 ‫ קמתם‬:‫אתם‬ KAM-ta ‫קמת‬ :‫אתה‬
KAM-ten :‫אתן‬ KAMT ‫קמת‬ :‫את‬

KA-moo ‫ הן לןמו‬,‫הם‬ KAM ‫?»ם‬ ‫הוא‬

KA-ma ‫?ן?זה‬ ‫היא‬

5 The root of this word is ‫ת‬-‫ו‬-‫מ‬. Its future tense and infinitive forms - ‫ ימות‬and ‫ למות‬- are like the verb ‫לקום‬. Its

past and present tense forms are not.

6 We have indicated the pronunciation used by most speakers today. As with ‫קמה‬, here too - according to rules
of grammar - the stress should be on the second syllable: me-TA.
7 This is the pronunciation of the ‫ אתם‬and ‫ אתן‬forms of most Hebrew speakers today. According to the rules of
grammar, the stress is on the last syllable: ‫תם‬-‫ קמ‬kam-TEM and ‫ קמ־תן‬kam-TEN.

V. Special Root Groups / 3. Verbs Whose Middle Roof Letter Is ‫ ו׳‬or '‫י‬

As you can see, the entire past tense conjugation o f 'ayeen-vav/yod verbs is based on a two-
letter base form (~‫ קמ‬k a m ) . In the ‫ היא‬and ‫ ה ן‬/ ‫ ה ם‬forms, there is no vowelreduction before the
ending, as there is in regular pa'al verbs (e .g ., ‫ב ו‬- ‫ כת‬, ‫בה‬- ‫) כת‬.

The verb ‫ מת‬has a different vowel (e/2) in the following forms:

‫ הן‬/ ‫הם‬ ‫היא‬ ‫הוא‬

8-‫־‬ ‫מת ו‬ T ‫״‬

‫מתה‬ ‫< מת‬
ME-too ME-ta MET

Infinitive (‫)לקום‬
Here are the infinitive forms o f the verbs in the sentences above:

.‫תוך כדי ריצה‬ ‫ ש נ יהם אוהבים לשיר‬. ‫יובל ורותי א והב ים לקום מ וקדם ולרוץ קילומטר‬ ‫>»־‬
Yuval and Ruthie like to get up early and run a kilometer. They both like to sing while running.

While the present and past tense forms o f all the highlighted verbs are the same ( ‫ שר‬,‫ רץ‬,‫)לן ם‬, the
infinitive forms of these verbs do not all have the same pattern. All have the same prefix -‫( ל‬/a),
but the vowel after the first root letter differs:

verbs with ee (‫י‬-) verbs with 00 ("(‫״ו‬

> -‫ ־‬T ‫לש יר‬ T ‫לרוץ‬ T ‫לק ום‬


In these infinitive forms, we see the full three-letter root o f each verb ( ‫ק ־ ו ־מ‬, ‫צ‬- ‫ ר ־ ו‬and ‫ ר‬- ‫ י‬- ‫)ש‬.
By looking at the present or past tense two-letter forms of a given verb, it is impossible to tell
whether its middle root letter is ‫ ו׳‬or ‫י׳‬. Since the great majority o f verbs in this group have
oo ( ‫)ו׳‬, not ee ( ‫)י׳‬, if you learn the ee ( ‫ )י׳‬verbs, you can assume the rest have oo ( ‫)ו׳‬. Here are the
ee (‫ )י׳‬verbs usually learned at the beginning and intermediate levels:

8 The other forms o f ‫ מת‬have an ah vowel like ‫לןמתי‬, ‫ קןמת‬... and, when their third root letter '‫ ת‬comes before an
ending that begins with '‫ת‬, the two '‫ )״תת״) ת‬combine into one '‫ת‬, as in:
‫אתן‬ ‫אתם‬ ‫אנחנו‬ ‫את‬ ‫אתה‬ ‫אני‬
‫מתן‬ ‫מתם‬ ‫מתנו‬ ‫מת‬ ‫מת‬ ‫מתי‬ <
MA-ten MA-tem MAT-noo MAT MA-ta MA-tee
(When written in standard spelling with vowel signs, the ‫ ת׳‬in these forms takes a strong dagesh, as in:
‫)* מתתי => מת י‬. Note: Most speakers today do not use these forms. They do not combine the ‫ ״תת״‬into one '‫ת‬,
as called for by the rules o f grammar, but rather write and pronounce these verbs like this:‫( מתתי‬MA-te-tee),
‫[( מתת‬MA-te-ta)...

V. Special Roof Groups / 3. Verbs Whose Middle Root Letter Is '‫ ו‬or ‫י׳‬

•T ‫לשים‬
‫־‬T ‫לשיר‬
‫־‬T ‫<״‬
to argue, fight to put to sing

One verb - ‫( הוא בא‬he came / is coming) - is different from the rest: only in this verb does the
infinitive have an oh vowel - rather than oo or ee - in the middle:
la-vo ‫לבוא‬

Future tense (‫)יקום‬

As is the ease with most Hebrew verbs, the future tense forms of 'ayeen-vav/yod verbs are
very similar to the infinitive form. Compare the infinitives and the future tense base forms
highlighted in the following sentences:

.‫ מחר הוא יקום מוקדם וירוץ כמו בכל בוקר‬.‫יובל אוהב לקום מוקדם כדי לרוץ‬ ‫>י־‬
Yuval likes to get up early in order to run. Tomorrow he will get up early and will run as he does every

.‫ישיר לפני כל המשפחה‬

‫ ־‬T ‫ במסיבת יום ההולדת של יאשתו הוא‬.‫לשיר שירי אופרה‬
‫ י‬T ‫ארז אוהב‬
Erez likes to sing arias. At his wife's birthday party he will sing in front of the whole family.

.‫ מי שלא יכול לבוא לטיול ביום ראשון הזה יבוא ביום ראשון הבא‬:‫מנהל בית הספר הודיע‬
The principal announced: Whoever can't come on the trip this Sunday will come next Sunday.

As you can see, once we know the infinitive form, we can easily arrive at the future tense base
form by substituting -‫ י‬for ‫ל־‬.

The future tense of 'ayeen-vav/yod verbs is different from regular verbs in beenyan pa'al in that
the three-letter root with its vowel rem ains the same throughout - and so does the place of the
stress - even when endings are added (this is not the case in verbs like ‫) תכתוב ==> תכתבי‬.

prefixes and endings only prefixes

‫ ה ן‬, ‫הם‬ ‫ את ן‬, ‫אתם‬ ‫את‬ ‫א נח נ ו‬ ‫ה יא‬ ‫ה וא‬ ‫את ה‬ ‫אני‬

‫יקומו‬ ‫תקומו‬ ‫תקומי‬ ‫נקום‬

‫ ׳‬T ‫תקום‬ ‫יקום‬ ‫תקום‬ ‫אקום‬
... ta-KOO-mee ..:a-KOOM
‫־‬T ‫תשירו‬T ‫תשירי‬T ‫נשיר‬
‫־‬T ‫תשיר‬T ‫ישיר‬T ‫תשיר‬T ‫אשיר‬T
... ta-SHEE-ree ... 'a-SHEER
‫יבואו‬T ‫תבואו‬T ‫תבואי‬
‫ י‬T ‫נבוא‬T ‫תבוא‬T ‫יבוא‬T ‫תבוא‬T ‫אבוא‬T
... ta-VO-'ee .. ,a-VO

V. Special Root Groups / 3. Verbs Whose Middle Root Letter Is '‫ ו‬or '‫י‬

Imperative (‫)ק ום‬

Imperatives of 'ayeen-vav/yod verbs are commonly used in everyday speech. They are formed
by removing the -‫ ת‬from the future tense forms, for example:

imperative future imperative future imperative future

m.s.\ !‫בוא‬ >= ‫ועבוא‬T

!‫שיר‬ >= ‫שיר‬$
* T
!‫קום‬ >= ‫!עקום‬ •‫>־‬
fis.: !‫בואי‬ »s ‫ועבואי‬T
!‫שיךי‬ »=s ‫ועשירי‬T
!‫קומי‬ >= ‫ועקומי‬ f p l . : !‫בואו‬ >s= ‫ובבואו‬ !‫שירו‬ >= ‫שירו‬$ !‫קומו‬ >= ‫ובקומו‬
Come! Sing! Get up!

See the chapter "Command Forms" (pp. 567-577) for more details.

Let's review
♦ In the present and past tense forms of 'ayeen-vav 'ayeen-yod verbs, the middle
root letter - ‫ ו׳‬or ‫ י׳‬- does not appear:
present tense. ( ‫״‬.‫ שו־ה‬,‫ שר (קמה‬,‫לןם‬
past tense )...‫ שךתי‬,‫ שר (קמתי‬,‫קם‬ ‫׳‬.

♦ In the infinitive, future tense and imperative forms, most verbs have "‫( "ו‬oo) in
the middle and some have ‫י‬: (ee):

'ayeen-yod (‫)י׳‬ 'ayeen-vav (,‫)ו‬

imper. future inf. imper. future inf.

!‫שיר‬ ‫ישיר‬ ‫לקום יקום קום! לשיר‬

Only the verb ‫ בא‬has ‫״ו״‬ ) 0 /7(:


Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs.

.‫ ובשנה הבאה הוא ____________לבד‬,‫ בשנה שעברה דן גב עם שני חברים‬.‫ו‬

.‫ אבל השירים הבאים שאשיר יהיו באנגלית‬,‫ עד עכשיו ___________ שירים בעברית‬:‫ הזמרת אמרה‬.2

V. Special Roof Groups / 3. Verbs Whose Middle Root Letter Is ‫ ו׳‬or ‫י׳‬

?‫ מתי טסתם לצרפתז גם בשנה הבאה _____________ לשם‬.3

.‫ היא תבוא אליי גם מחר‬.‫ אחותי _____________ לבקר אותי בכל יום שלישי‬.4

.‫ והוא לא שם‬,‫ איפה שמת את התיק שליו ביקשתי ממך _____________ א ות ו בחדר שלי‬,‫ מירה‬.5

.‫ לא תגיע לאוטובוס בזמן‬,‫ _____________ מהר ! אם לא תרוץ מהר‬,‫ דויד‬.6

‫ רוץ‬.6 ‫ לשים‬.5 ‫ באה‬.4 ‫ תטוסו‬.3 ‫ שתני‬.2 ‫ יגור‬.1

• Beenyan heef eel (‫)הבין‬

Read the following sentence:

.‫ הטייס האישי שלו הטיס את מטוסו‬.‫נשיא ארה״ב ט ס בחודש שעבר ללונדון‬

The President o f the U.S. flew last month to London. His personal pilot flew his plane.

The two verbs highlighted in the above sentences share the same three-letter root: ‫ ט־ו־ ס‬.
The first verb - ‫ ט ס‬- is in beenyanpa'al, and we know its root from forms such as ‫ לטו ס‬and ‫י טו ס‬.
The second verb - ‫=( הטיס‬to cause a plane to fly, to fly a plane) - contains the tell-tale signs o f a past
tense verb in beenyan heef eel. _ ‫י‬ ‫ה‬, as in a regular verb like ‫( התי ש‬with certain differences
that we will discuss below). All o f the forms of ‫ הטיס‬contain the signs of heef eel, but none of
them contains the full three-letter root. Compare:

‫שם הפועל‬ ‫עתיד‬ ‫הווה‬ ‫עבר‬

infinitive future present past
regular verb: (root ‫ שלהרגיש!רגישמרגישהרגיש‬-‫ג‬
le-har-GEESH yar-GEESH mar-GEESH heer-GEESH
'ayeen-vav: (root:‫ס‬-‫ו‬-‫(ט‬ ‫להטיס‬ ‫יטיס‬ ‫מטיס‬ ‫הטיס‬
le-ha-TEES ya-TEES me-TEES he-TEES

This same pattern is found in the verb ‫( הבין‬to understand), whose root is 9:‫נ‬-‫י‬-‫ב‬

‫׳‬ayeen-yod : (root:‫להבין‬ ‫יבין‬ ‫מבין‬ ‫הבין‬ ‫נ‬-‫(ב־ י‬

le-ha-VEEN ya-VEEN me-VEEN he-VEEN

9 On the basis o f forms in Biblical Hebrew that are regarded as belonging to beenyan pa'al, we see
that the root of ‫ הבין‬is ‫נ‬-‫ב־י‬. See, for example, Proverbs 23:1 ("•‫אשר לפגיה‬-‫ )"בין תבין את‬and Daniel 10:1
( ‫הדבר״‬-‫)״ובין את‬.

V. Special Root Groups / 3. Verbs Whose Middle Root Letter Is ‫ ו׳‬or '‫י‬

In these forms, too, we see only two root letters: ‫נ‬-‫ב‬. As mentioned at the beginning of this
chapter, it is possible that all o f these verbs originally had only two root letters.

Note: In order to conjugate 'ayeen-vav/yod verbs in beenyan heefeel correctly, it is not important
to know whether the middle root letter is ‫ ו׳‬or ‫( י׳‬the overwhelming majority o f roots have a '1),
but only that a verb belongs to the 'ayeen-vav/yod root group.

Now let's look at the differences between regular verbs in heefeel and ,ayeen-vav/yod verbs.

Past tense (‫)הבין‬

Let's take another look at the past tense base forms shown above: ‫ה תי ש‬, ‫ הסיס‬and ‫הבין‬. These
forms all begin with ‫ה׳‬.

Q: What vowel sound follows the h (‫ )ה׳‬in each verb?

A: While the regular verb begins with hee (‫)הרג יש‬, the two ,ayeen-vav/yod verbs begin with heh
( ‫ הבין‬,‫) הטיס‬.

Notice that when ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬follow this prefix - as in ‫( הבין‬he-VEEN) - they are pronounced with a
soft sound (v, ch, f). Here are more examples:
‫הכין‬ ‫הביא‬ )‫(הוא‬
he prepared he brought

These are the past tense forms o f ,ayeen-vav/yod heefeel verbs:10

‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ ‫היא‬ ‫הוא‬ ...‫אתה‬ ‫אני‬

‫הבינו‬ ‫הבינה‬ ‫הבין‬ ‫״‬.‫הבנת‬ ‫הבנתי‬ ‫>י־‬

he-VEE-noo he-VEE-na he-VEEN he-VAN-ta he-VAN-tee

10 The past tense forms o f ‫ הביא‬are slightly different because the third root letter is ‫א׳‬: ...‫ הבאת‬,‫ הבאתי‬. For more,
see the chapter "Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫א‬, ‫ ״‬PP• 561 -562.

V. Special Roof Groups / 3. Verbs Whose Middle Root Letter Is '‫ ו‬or ‫י׳‬

Present tense (‫)מבין‬

Read the following sentence:

‫ אחרי שהוא קרא את המילים‬- ‫ אבל עכשיו‬,‫אורי לא הבין את השיר החדש כשהוא שמע אותו ברדיו‬
.‫ הוא מבין כל מילה‬- ‫של השיר באינטרנט‬
Ori didn't understand the new song when he heard it on the radio, but now - after reading it (lit.: the
words of the song) on the internet - he understands even' word.

As you can see (and hear), the prefix o f the present tense base form ‫( מבין‬me-VEEN) has the sa m e
vowel sound as the past tense base form ‫( הבין‬he-VEEN). It is different from the regular h e e fe e l
base form, which begins with ma, as in: ‫( מ תי ש‬jmar-GEESH).

Here are all present tense forms of ‫( מבין‬contrasted with a regular h e e fe e l verb):

fp l m .p l. f.s. m.s.
‫ הן‬,‫ אתן‬,‫אנחנו‬ ‫ הם‬,‫ אתם‬,‫אנחנו‬ ‫ היא‬,‫ את‬,‫אני‬ ‫ הוא‬,‫ אתה‬,‫אני‬

regular verb : ‫מרגי שות‬ ‫מ תי שי ם‬ ‫מ תי ש ה‬ ‫מךגיש‬ ->

mar-gee-SHOT mar-gee-SHEEM mar-gee-SHA mar-GEESH

'ayeen-vav/yod. ‫מבינות‬ ‫מבינים‬ ‫מבינה‬

T‫!־‬ ‫מבין‬
me-vee-NOT me-vee-NEEM me-vee-NA me-VEEN

Notice that in a ll the ,a yeen va v/yo d present tense forms, the vowel of the prefix -‫ מ‬is pronounced
eh (the vowel sign changes from to but today both are pronounced the same).

Be careful! P e-n o o n verbs in beenyan h e e fe e l , such as ‫( הפיל‬he knocked over) and ‫הכיר‬
(he knew, recognized) also contain only tw o root letters. However, these verbs have the
s a m e prefixes as regular verbs (- ‫ י‬,-‫ מ‬,-‫) ה‬, and when ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,‫ ב׳‬follow the prefix, they have
a hard sound (b, k, p): ‫ הפיר‬Qhee-KEER), ‫( מכיר‬ma-KEER), ‫( יכיר‬ya-KEER).n

11 See the chapter "Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is '‫נ‬,‫ ״‬pp. 498-499 for an explanation.

V. Special Root Groups / 3. Verbs Whose M iddle Root Letter Is '‫ ו‬or '‫י‬

Future tense and infinitive forms ( ‫ להבין‬,‫)יבין‬

Compare the following:
infinitive )‫( ש ם ה פו ע ל‬ future )‫( ע תי ד‬

re g u la r verb: ‫להןגיש‬ ‫יו־גיש‬ ->

le-har-GEESH yar-GEESH
'ayeen-vav/yod: ‫להביז‬ ‫בין‬:
le-ha-VEEN ya-VEEN

The prefixes of the future tense and infinitive forms of 'ayeen-vav/yod verbs sound the same as
regular h e e f eel verbs (the vowel signs are slightly different, but are pronounced the same). The
second vowel - ee (indicated by ‫ )י׳‬- is also the same.

The major difference between the two verbs shown above is that the regular verb (‫ ) ל ה תי ש‬has
a three-letter root and the forms of ‫ להבין‬have only two of the root letters. The conjugation of
the future tense follows the same rules as regular verbs. (See the end of this chapter for a chart
with all the forms.)

Did you know?

Verbs whose m iddle') or '‫ י‬do not disappear

There are some verbs whose second root letter is '‫ ו‬or ‫ י׳‬- but, rather than
disappearing, these root letters remain in all forms and are pronounced as the
consonants v‫ ׳‬and y, for example: ‫( להךוויח‬to earn, make money) and ‫( להחיות‬to


• Beenyan hoof al (‫)הובן‬

The following sentence contains the past tense base form of a regular hoofed verb and a verb
from the 'ciyeen-vav/yod root group:

.‫החוק החדש נגד עישון הוסבר שוב לכל התושבים לאחר שהתברר שהוא לא הובן בצורה נכונה‬ ‫>־‬
The new law against smoking was explained again to all the residents after it turned out that it was not
understood correctly.

V. Special Roof Groups / 3. Verbs Whose Middle Root Letter Is '‫ ו‬or ‫י׳‬

As was the case in heefeel , here, too, the 'ayeen-vav/yod form - ‫ הובן‬- contains only tw o root
letters (‫נ‬-‫)ב‬, as opposed to the th ree in ‫הוסבר‬. This is the case in all three tenses. Compare:

‫עתיד‬ ‫הווה‬ ‫עבר‬

future present past

regular verb : ‫יוסבר‬ ‫מוסבר‬ ‫הוסבר‬ <C

'ayeen-vav/yod: ‫יובן‬ ‫מובן‬ ‫הובן‬

Notice that - as in heefeel - when ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬come at the beginning o f the second syllable, they are
pronounced as soft sounds (v, ch,f)\ ‫הו־בן‬, as opposed to ‫בר‬-‫הוס‬. (See the explanation in heefeel

B e c a r e fu l! The ,ayeen-vav/yod forms have only two root letters, just like pe-noon
hoofal verbs such as ‫( הופל‬it was dropped) and ‫( הוכר‬he/it was recognized); however, when
' ‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬follow the prefix in pe-noon verbs, they are pronounced with a hard sound -
12‫ הוכר‬,‫ הופל‬- as opposed to ‫ הובן‬and ‫הוכן‬.

The conjugations o f ‫׳‬ayeen-vav/yod verbs in hoofal follow the same rules as regular hoofal
verbs (see the chapter "Beenyan H o o f a l pp. 438-443). We have included a chart with all the
forms at the end o f this chapter.

Note: In the present tense forms (which are often considered adjectives),13 we say:

f.s. m.s.
. ‫מובנת‬ ‫המילה‬ .‫מובן‬ ‫המשפט‬
The word is understood. The sentence is understood.

The feminine singular ending here is the same as that on most regular verbs such as:

. ‫מוזמנת‬ ‫גם דינה‬ .‫רמי מוזמן למסיבה‬ *‫>־‬

Dina is also invited. Rami is invited to the party.

12 The dagesh in these letters is a strong dagesh. For an explanation, see the chapter "Verbs Whose First Root
Letter Is ‫נ׳‬," pp. 498-500. On the strong dagesh, see "The Pronunciation of ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh ,‫ ״‬pp. 635-
13 See the chapter "Adjectives Resulting from an Action Taken and Completed," pp. 159-169.

V. Special Root Groups / 3. Verbs Whose Middle Root Letter Is '‫ ו‬or '‫י‬

The feminine forms above end in Jv- (E-et). One blatant exception to this is the feminine singular
form of ‫( מוכן‬prepared, ready), which ends in ‫ה‬- (a-A):

..‫רמי מוכן לצאת עכשיו‬ -‫<גם דינה מוכנה ־‬

Dina is also ready. Rami is ready to go out now.

Let’s review
♦ In heefeel and hoofal ,ayeen-vav and ra yeen-yod verbs, we see only two (the
first and last) of the root letters. There is no trace of the middle root letter ‫ ו׳‬or

♦ The vowels of the prefixes of the heefeel past and present tense forms (‫ הבין‬and
‫ )מבין‬are different from those of regular verbs (‫ ה תי ש‬and ‫) מ תי ש‬.

♦ When ' ‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬are the first root letter in heefeel and hoofal ', they are pronounced
in all forms as soft sounds (v, ch ,p ) : ...‫ הובן‬,‫הבין‬.

♦ These are the base forms o f heefeel and hoofal ,ayeen-vav and ,a yeen-yod
‫ה פ ו ע ל‬ ‫ש ם‬ ‫ע י ת י ד‬ ‫הוו ה‬ ‫ע ב ר‬

infinitive future present past

heefeel : ‫להבין‬ ‫יבין‬ ‫מבין‬ ‫ הבין‬-C

hoofal. ‫יובן מובןהובן‬

Want to see if you've understood?

A . W rite the m issing form s o f the u n d e rlin e d h e e f'e e l verbs.

‫ אסביר שוב ואולי‬,‫ משהו‬1!‫ יש משהו שלא____________אתמול? אם אתה לא מב‬,‫ אורי‬.‫ו‬

____________ )‫(אתה‬

.‫ בוקר‬6-‫ למה הערת אותי כל כך מוקדם? אני לא אוהבת שאת____________ אותי ב‬,‫ שרה‬.2

! 6:00-‫ אל____________ אותי מחר ב‬,‫בבקשה‬

.‫ חבל שלא ____________ אותו לפני שהאורחים הגיעו‬.‫ בבקשה‬,‫ תזיזו את השולחן קצת ימינה‬.3

V. Special Roof Groups / 3. Verbs Whose Middle Root Letter Is '‫ ו‬or ‫י׳‬

?‫ אולי תכיני מרק ירקות לארוחת הערב‬.‫מרק‬ ‫ אני יודעת שאת אוהבת‬.4

A nsw ers:
‫ להכין‬.4 ‫ הזזתם‬.3 ‫ תעירי‬,‫ מעירה‬.2 ‫ תבין‬,‫ הבנת‬.1

B. W rite the m issing form s o f the u n d e rlin e d hoofal verbs.

‫ בשבוע הבא הם‬.‫ האורחים החשובים הוטסו במטוס מיוחד מירושלים לאילת‬.1

.‫____________ מא י לת לתל אביב‬

.‫עוד הרבה יישובים חדשים בנגב‬ ‫ אני מקווה שבעתיד‬.‫ בנגב הוסם יישוב חדש‬.2

A nsw ers:
‫ יוקמו‬.2 ‫ יוטסו‬.1

• Beenyaneem pee’el, poo’al and heetpa'el

)‫ התפוון‬,‫ פוון‬,‫ התקיים; פיוון‬,‫ קוים‬,‫(קיים‬
Some ,ayeen-vav and 'ayeen-yod verbs in pee'el, poo'al and heetpa'el have a consonantal ‫ו׳‬
)pronounced v) or ‫) י׳‬pronounced j/) in the middle o f the root and behave just like regular verbs . 14
Here are some examples :15

Pee’el (‫)פיעל‬
The man set his new watch. .‫האיש כיוון את השעון החדש שלו‬
The girl drew (painted) a house, trees and flowers. .‫ עצים ופרחים‬,‫הילדה ציירה בית‬

Poo’al (‫)פועל‬
The clock was set again after it stopped. .‫השעון כוון שוב אחרי שהוא נעצר‬
The picture was painted in water color. .‫התמונה צוירה בצבעי מים‬

14 For more on how to spell verbs with a middle ‫ ר‬or '‫י‬, see the chapter "Hebrew Spelling," pp. 655, 663-667.
15 In order to avoid confusion, we have not written the strong dagesh in the middle root letters '‫ י‬and ‫ ר‬in these

V. Special Root Groups / 3. Verbs Whose Middle Root Letter Is ‫ ו׳‬or '‫י‬

Heetpa'el )‫(התפעל‬
hadn't intended to get home late 1..‫לא התכוונתי להגיע הביתה מאוחר‬ **C
.‫אתמול התקיימה פגישה של תלמידי כיתה י״ב עם חבר כנסת‬
A meeting of twelfth grade students and a Knesset member was held yesterday.

Many other 'ayeen-vav/yod verbs such as ‫ךד‬1‫{ לע‬root: ‫( )ע־ו־ד‬to encourage) in pee'el, 16‫מע ודד‬
{root: ‫( )ע־־ו־־ד‬to be encouraged) in poo'al and ‫{ להתכונן‬root: ‫( )כ־ו~נ‬to prepare oneself, to get ready) in
heetpa'el have a special kind o f conjugation which is beyond the scope o f this book.

16 The vowel signs indicated above have been accepted by the Hebrew Language Academy. Traditionally, the
vowel signs are ‫מעו ׳דד‬.

‫‪V. Special Root Groups /‬‬ ‫י׳ ‪ or‬ו' ‪3. Verbs Whose Middle Root Letter Is‬‬

‫‪Chapter summary‬‬

‫הופעל ‪♦ H oofal‬‬ ‫הפעיל ‪*H eefeel‬‬ ‫פעל ‪♦ Pa '0.1‬‬ ‫‪ T‬־‬

‫‪'cyeen-va\> t vod‬‬ ‫‪'ayeen-vav /vo d‬‬ ‫‪'ayeen-yod‬‬ ‫‪'ayeen-vav‬‬

‫כ‪-‬ו‪-‬נ‬ ‫ב‪-‬י‪-‬נ‬ ‫כ‪-‬ו‪-‬נ‬ ‫ב‪-‬י‪-‬נ‬ ‫ש‪-‬י‪-‬ר‬ ‫ק‪-‬ו‪-‬מ‬
‫עבר ‪past‬‬
‫הובנתי‬ ‫הבנתי‬ ‫שו־תי‬ ‫קמתי‬ ‫א ני‬

‫־־ ‪T S‬‬
‫הבנת‬‫" ־ ‪T :‬‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫־־ ‪5‬‬
‫קמת‬ ‫אתה‬

‫הובנת‬ ‫הבנת‬ ‫שךת‬ ‫קמת‬ ‫את‬

‫הובנו‬ ‫הבנו׳ הךמנו ‪1‬‬ ‫ש תו‬ ‫קמנו‬ ‫א נ ח נו‬

‫הובנתם‬ ‫הבנתם‬ ‫שרתס‬ ‫קמתם‬ ‫אתם‬

‫הובנתן‬ ‫הבנתן‬ ‫שךתן‬ ‫קמסו‬ ‫א תן‬

‫הובן‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫הוגן‬ ‫הכין‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫הבין‬ ‫שר‬ ‫‪T‬‬ ‫לים‬ ‫הו א‬

‫‪T S‬‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫" *‬
‫שרה‬ ‫‪TT‬‬ ‫קמה‬ ‫הי א‬

‫הובנו‬ ‫הבינו‬ ‫שרו‬ ‫‪T‬‬

‫קמו‬ ‫ה ם ‪ /‬הן‬

‫הווה ‪present‬‬
‫מוכן‪18‬‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫מובן‬ ‫מייז‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫מבין‬ ‫שר‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫הו א‬ ‫א ת ה‪,‬‬ ‫א ני‪,‬‬

‫מובנת‬ ‫מבינה‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪* :‬‬
‫שרה‬ ‫‪T T‬‬ ‫קמה‬ ‫הי א‬ ‫א ת‪,‬‬ ‫א ני‪,‬‬

‫מבינים‬ ‫שרים‬ ‫‪•T‬‬
‫קמים‬ ‫הם‬ ‫א ת ם‪,‬‬ ‫א נ ח נו‪,‬‬

‫מבינות‬ ‫שתת‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫קמות‬ ‫הן‬ ‫א תן‪,‬‬ ‫א נ ח נו‪,‬‬

‫עתיד ‪future‬‬
‫אובן‬ ‫אבין‬ ‫אש־־ר‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫אקום‬ ‫א ני‬

‫תובן‬ ‫תבין‬ ‫תשיר‬ ‫‪T‬‬

‫תקום‬ ‫אתה‬

‫יובן‬ ‫יובן ‪/‬‬ ‫‪:‬כיז‬ ‫‪:‬בין ‪/‬‬ ‫ישר‬ ‫‪• T‬‬

‫‪9‬‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫הו א‬

‫תובן‬ ‫תבין‬ ‫תשיר‬ ‫‪T‬‬

‫תקום‬ ‫הי א‬

‫נובן‬ ‫נביו‬ ‫נשיר‬ ‫‪• T‬‬

‫נקום‬ ‫א נ ח נו‬

‫תובני‬ ‫תביני‬‫‪• T‬‬

‫תשירי‬ ‫‪• T‬‬
‫תקומי‬ ‫את‬

‫תובנו‬ ‫תבינו‬‫‪• T‬‬

‫תשירו‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫תקומו‬ ‫א ת ם ‪ /‬א תן‬

‫יובנו‬ ‫יבינו‬‫‪•T‬‬
‫ישירו‬ ‫‪• T‬‬
‫‪:‬קומו‬ ‫ה ם ‪ /‬הן‬

‫להבין י להביז‬ ‫לעדר‬‫‪• T‬‬

‫לקום‬‫י‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫שם הפועל‬
‫‪/ to be understood‬‬ ‫‪/ to understand‬‬ ‫‪to sing‬‬ ‫‪to get up‬‬ ‫‪infinitive‬‬
‫‪to be prepared‬‬ ‫‪to prepare‬‬

‫‪ ending‬אנחנו ‪ of‬נ' ‪ of the root and the‬נ' ‪ - the‬הובנו ‪ and‬הבנו ‪,‬הכנו ‪ - e.g.,‬נ׳ ‪17 In verbs whose final root letter is‬‬
‫‪ (with a dagesh in texts written with vowel signs).‬נ' ‪combine and are written as one‬‬
‫‪; however, the usual f.s. form of 'ayeen-vm verbs is like‬מוכנה ‪ happens to be‬מוכן ‪18 The feminine singular form of‬‬

Q Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is ‫י׳‬
(or ‫ ל״ה (ה׳‬/ ‫גזרת ל״י‬

‫ ״‬Beenyan pa'al ((‫קנה‬
‫ ״‬Beenyan pee'el ((‫שינה‬
‫ ״‬Beenyan heetpa' el (‫)התכסה‬

Lamed-yod7 lamed-he verbs, i.e., verbs whose third root letter is ‫ י׳‬or ‫( ה׳‬e.g.,‫ קנ׳תי‬I bought and
‫ קנה‬he bought), march to a different drummer in all beenyaneem} Verbs in this root group have
their own private conjugation rules, which are applied in every beenyan. Since these rules are
somewhat different from those of regular verbs, we will examine the entire conjugation of
verbs in this group, not only the base forms.

Lam ed-yod or lam ed-he: What is the third root letter?

Read the following sentence:

Guy wrote us that he bought a new car. .‫גיא כתב לנו שהוא קנה מכונית ח ד שה‬
ka-NA ka-TAV

The two verbs highlighted in the above sentence are both past tense ‫ הוא‬forms in beenyan pa'al
- and both share the same vowel pattern: a-A (‫ כתב‬and ‫) ק נ ה‬. Since the three root letters of ‫כתב‬
are ‫ב‬-‫ת‬-‫כ‬, we might conclude that the three root letters o f ‫ קנה‬are ‫ ה‬-‫נ‬-‫ ק‬. Some grammar books
do present ‫ ה׳‬as the third root letter, as do various dictionaries that list verbs according to roots.2
However, linguistic research teaches us that the third root letter of verbs like ‫ קנה‬was originally
'‫ י‬. We distinctly hear this original consonant^ in the verbal noun ‫( קנייה‬knee-YA - buying) and in
the adjective ‫( קנוי‬ka-NOOY- bought)/ This same ‫ י׳‬appears in all the beenyaneem in past tense

1 By lamed-he (‫ )ל״ה‬here we mean verbs like ‫ ל!ניתי‬t ‫ ל!נה‬and not verbs like ‫ גבהתי‬/ ‫( גבה‬to get taller), whose '‫ה‬
is consonantal and appears in all of the verb's forms There are very few verbs of this latter type, and most of
them are taught at the advanced level.
2 For example. Reuven Alcalay, 1965 and Avraham Even-Shoshan 2003.
3 For more on adjectives like ‫קנוי‬, see the chapter "Adjectives Resulting from an Action Taken and Completed."
pp. 159-169, especially p. 163 ("Did you know?").

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or 'n)

forms such as the following:

?‫ מה אתה לןנית‬.‫ אני לןניתי לאימא ספר ליום ההולדת שלה‬,‫יוני‬ *‫>־‬
ka-NEE-ta ka-NEE-tee
Yoni, I bought Mom a book for her birthday. What did you buy?

Q: Do we still hear the original y sound o f the ‫ י׳‬in these forms?

A: No. The ‫ י׳‬no longer denotes the consonant^; however, it is always written in the first and
second person past tense forms - before the endings ‫תי‬-, ‫ ת‬- etc. - as a kind o f reminder o f its
"glorious past" as a consonant. As we will see below, this is the case in all beenyaneem.

In sum, we can say that those who call this root group "lamed-yod" choose to emphasize the
historic root of these verbs, whose presence is still seen and heard in some forms. Those who
use the term "lamed-he," on the other hand, choose to name the group in accordance with the
three letters that appear in the ‫ הוא‬past tense base form.

In this chapter we will discuss lamed-yod / lamed-he verbs in beenyaneem pa'al, pee'el and
heetpa'el (these are the beenyaneem usually taught at the beginning and intermediate levels).

A chart o f lamed-yod verbs in all the beenyaneem is found at the end o f the chapter.

• Beenyan pa’al (‫)קנה‬

Past tense (‫)קנה‬
In regular pa'al verbs, the ‫ הוא‬form (‫ )נ תב‬is the base form upon which other forms are built. In
lamed-yod verbs, the situation is different. First let's look at the ‫ הוא‬form: 7‫ןנה‬. This form was
originally ‫* ( *קני‬kanaya),4 but its y (‫ )י׳‬disappeared and the form became ‫{ * ק נ‬ka-NA). Only later
was the letter ‫ ה׳‬added to indicate the vowel sound ah: ‫קנה‬.

Be careful! This added ‫ ה׳‬can be a bit confusing since it creates a masculine form
that ends in ah (‫!);ה‬

4 See Yehoshua Blau, 1972, p. 181. For a different explanation, see Jouon and Muraoka, 1996, p. 204 §c, p. 205
§d footnote 1.

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ,‫)ה‬

Now let's see how the first and second person forms are built.

Their base is actually the original ‫*קני‬. It is to this base that the endings are added:

plural singular

ka-NEE-noo :‫אנחנו‬ ‫לןנינו‬ ka-NEE-tee :‫?ןניתי אני‬

ka-NEE-tem / knee-TEM 5:‫ קניתם אתם‬/ ‫לןניתם‬ ka-NEE-ta :‫אתה‬ ‫לןנית‬
ka-NEE-ten / knee-TEN :‫ קניתן אתן‬/ ‫לןניתן‬ ka-NEET :‫את‬ ‫לןנית‬

The presence of the vowel sound ee before the endings ‫תי‬-, ‫ ת‬- etc. is unique to lamed-yod
verbs. As you may recall, in all regular verbs in all beenyaneem, the vowel sound that always
precedes these endings is ah, for example:
heefeel pee'el pa'al
...‫התשתי‬ ‫ךיבו־תי‬ ‫כתבתי‬
heer-GASH-tee dee-B.4JR.-tee ka-TAV-tee

Here are some more examples of lamed-yod verbs:

... ‫א ת בנית‬
... ‫בנית‬
11 ‫א ת ה‬
‫־‬T T
. . . ‫גם אני בניתי‬ >= .‫דני בנה ארמון בחול‬
‫׳‬ T T

ba-NEET ba-NEE-ta ba-NEE-tee ba-NA

Danny built a castle in the sand.

. . . ‫רצית‬
‫ ־‬T‫א ת‬ ... ‫רצית‬
T T ‫את ה‬ .. . ‫רציתי‬
1 ‫ י‬T ‫גם אני‬ 4= .‫רצה גלידה‬
T T ‫א ור י‬
ra-TSEET ra-TSEE-ta ra-TSEE-tee ra-TSA
Ori wanted ice cream.

Now let's look at the ‫ היא‬form. Read the following sentence:

Dalit wrote to us that she, too, bought a new car. .‫דלית כתבה לנו שגם היא לןנתה מכונית ח ד שה‬ ■<C
kan-TA kat-VA

Both the regular verb in this sentence (‫ )כתבה‬and the lamed-yod verb ( ‫ )לן נ תה‬end in the feminine
singular ending ‫; ה‬.

5 The pronunciation used by most Hebrew speakers today is ‫ לןניתן‬/ ‫'( לןניתם‬ka-NEE-tem, ka-NEE-ten). It should
be noted that according to the rules of grammar, the stress is on the ending of the ‫ אתם‬and ‫ אתן‬forms, and this
causes the first vowel to "reduce" (it is written as a shva) : ‫ קניתן‬/ ‫[( קניתם‬knee-TEM, knee-TENor ke-nee-TEM,
ke-nee-TEN). See the chapter "Reduction of Vowels and the Shva," pp. 640-645.

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or 'n)

Q: What letter do we see in 7‫ ןנתה‬immediately before the feminine ending ‫?;ה‬

A: The letter ‫ת׳‬. We can actually regard both letters together - ‫( ־תה‬-TA) - as the ‫ היא‬ending o f
lamed-yod verbs.6 Only two o f the original root letters o f this form remain (the original ‫י׳‬
has disappeared).

Now let's take a look at the ‫ הן‬/‫ ה ם‬form of lamed-yod verbs:

.‫השכנים שלנו לןנו דירה חדשה בתל אביב ועברו לשם לפני שבוע‬
‘av-ROO ka-NOO
Our neighbors bought a new apartment in Tel Aviv and moved there a week ago.

If we compare the regular verb ‫ עברו‬to the lamed-yod verb ‫לן נו‬, we see that both verbs end in
‫ו‬-; however, in ‫ קנו‬there are only two root letters (‫נ‬-‫ )ק‬before the ending, while ‫ עברו‬has three.
None o f the third person lamed-yod forms retains the original third root letter :‫י׳‬

:‫הוא‬ ‫לןנה‬
T :
‫לןנו‬ :‫ הן‬,‫הם‬

Be careful! The past tense forms o f ‫( היה‬to be) require special attention. The original
root letters o f this verb are ‫י‬-‫י‬-‫ה‬. In full spelling, a double ‫ )" יי") י׳‬appears in all forms
except ‫ היה‬and ‫היו‬:;

plural singular

ha-YEE-noo ‫היינו‬‫ ־‬T

:‫אנחנו‬ ha-YEE-tee ‫הייתי‬ ‫ ־‬T
:‫אני‬ *C
ha-YEE-tem 8‫הייתם‬
V * T
:‫אתם‬ ha-YEE-ta ‫היית‬T ‫ ־‬T
ha-YEE-ten ‫הייתן‬ :‫אתן‬ ha-YEET ‫היית‬ ' T

ha-YOO ‫היו‬
‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ ha-YA ‫ה«ה‬ T T
hay-TA ‫הייתה‬ T ! T

6 Actually this 'n was probably the original feminine ending. The ah (‫ה‬-) at the end of the word (‫)קנתה‬
was presumably added later on to make the lamed-yod ‫ היא‬form resemble the ‫ היא‬form of a regular verb (‫כתבה‬,
for example). Thus ‫ קנתה‬actually has two feminine signs: the '‫ ת‬and the '‫ה‬. See Blau, 1972, p. 182.
7 For more details on the rules of full spelling, see the chapter "Hebrew Spelling," pp. 663-665. In standard
spelling, the first and second person forms always have a double ' ‫) י‬.‫ ;) הייתי״‬the third person forms do not
(‫ היה‬,‫ היתה‬,‫)היו‬.
8 This is the pronunciation used by most speakers today. According to the rules of grammar, the stress is on the
ending of the ‫ אתם‬and ‫ אתן‬forms, and they are: ‫ הייתם‬and ‫( הייתן‬he-yee-TEM/TEN).

V. Special Root Groups / 4 . Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ‫)ה׳‬

The ,,head and tail‫ ״‬principle

Let's compare regular pa'al past tense forms and the past tense forms o f lamed-yod verbs. We’ll
color two parts of the forms: the "head" and the "tail." (We have added another lamed-yod verb
for the sake of comparison: ‫ רצה‬to want.)

‫אתן‬ ‫אתם‬ ‫אנחנו‬ ‫את‬ ‫אתה‬ ‫אני‬ ‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ ‫היא‬ ‫הוא‬

regular verb : ‫פתבתן‬ ‫נתבתם‬ •‫פתבת פתגנו‬

: ‫ ־־‬T
‫נ תב ת‬
T : ‫־‬ T
‫פתבתי‬ •‫פתגו‬
: T
‫־‬ T

lamed-yod: ‫לןניתן‬ ‫קמתם‬ ‫קנינו‬ ‫קנית‬ ‫ל!נית‬ ‫קניתי‬ ‫קנתה‬ ‫קנה‬


‫רציתן‬ ‫רציתם‬
•T ‫רצינו‬
•T ‫רצית‬
•T ‫רצית‬
T * T
•T ‫רצו‬T ‫רצתה‬
T : T
‫צה‬T ‫ר‬T
-EE-ten -EE-tem -EE-noo -EET -EE-ta -EE-tee -0 0 -TA -A

Pay special attention to the vowel pattern of the "heads" and the "tails."

Q: Are the "heads" of regular pa'al verbs and lamed-yod verbs the same or different?

A: The "heads" are all the same: they all begin with the first root letter followed by the vowel
sign □ (pronounced ah ).9

Q: Are the "tails" the same or different?

A: The two lamed-yod verbs have the same "tails," but, in most cases, these "tails" are different
from those of the regular verb.

Note: We will find the "head and tail" principle at work in all tenses and beenyaneem o f lamed-
yod verbs. The "heads" o f lamed-yod verbs always resemble regular verbs in the same beenyan ,
and the "tails" of lamed-yod verbs in all beenyaneem resemble each other.

9 Unlike the other lamed-yod forms, the "head" of the ‫ היא‬form includes also the second root letter: ,‫ק נתה‬

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ‫)הי‬

Let's review
♦ Lamed-yod pa'al verbs in the past tense have the same "head" as regular pa'al
ver bs: ‫ כתבת י‬versus ‫קניתי‬.

♦ It is the "tail" of each form that is different.

- The "tail" of the ‫ הוא‬form is ‫ה‬- (-A): ‫ רצה‬,‫ קנה‬. In this form ‫ ה׳‬is written in place
of the third root letter ‫י׳‬.

- The "tail" of the ‫ היא‬form is ‫תה‬- )-7:41: ‫ רצתה‬,‫ קנתה‬. Here, too, we do not see
or hear the original '‫ י‬.

- In the ‫ הן‬/‫ ה ם‬form, as well - ‫ רצו‬,‫ קנו‬- there is no trace of the original third
root letter ‫י׳‬. The regular ending ‫ו‬- appears immediately after the first two
root letters

- The "tail" of all other past tense lamed-yod forms always contains the original
‫י׳‬. This ‫ י׳‬indicates the vowel sound ee before the following endings:

‫קניתן‬ .‫קניתם‬ ,‫קנינו‬ ,‫קנית‬ ,‫קנית‬ ,‫קניתי‬ -‫>־‬

ka-NEE-ten ka-NEE-tem ka-NEE-noo ka-NEET ka-NEE-ta ka-NEE-tee

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing past tense form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs.

?‫אותה‬ ‫אותה? נעמה וענת‬ ‫ ראית את ה״מונה ליזה״ בפריז? רון‬,‫דויד‬ .‫ו‬

‫ רק אנחנו לא‬.‫שמאלה‬ ‫ גם האוטובוס‬.‫ המונית פנתה שמאלה בפינה‬.2

,‫קפה קר‬ ‫ אחותי‬,‫מיץ תפוזים‬ ‫ אני‬,‫ כשהיינו בבית קפה דויד שתה קולה‬.3

.‫מים מינרליים‬ ‫וההורים שלי‬

‫ את יודעת אם דנה‬,‫ נועה‬.‫בכיתה‬ ‫ גם אני לא‬.‫ דניאל לא ה!ה בכיתה אתמול‬.4

A nsw ers:
‫ הייתה‬,‫ הייתי‬.4 ‫ שתו‬,‫ שתתה‬,‫ שתיתי‬.3 ‫ פנינו‬,‫ פנה‬.2 ‫ ךאו‬,‫ ראה‬. 1
V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ,‫)ה‬

Present tense (‫)קמה‬

Read the following sentence:
?‫אתה כ ותב את השם שלך בתוך כל ספר שאתה קונה‬ ‫>״‬
Do you (m.s.) write your name in every book that you buy?

The same "head and tail" principle that we saw in the past tense works also in the present tense
of lamed-yod verbs. The "head" of the regular verb (‫ )כותב‬and that of the lamed-yod verb (‫)קונה‬
are the sam e: the first root letter followed by ‫( ״ו״‬pronounced oh). This is so in all four present
tense forms: f.s. m.s.

‫ הן‬,‫ אתן‬,‫אנחנו‬ ‫ הם‬,‫ אתם‬,‫אנחנו‬ ‫ היא‬,‫ את‬,‫אני‬ ‫ הוא‬,‫ אתה‬,‫אני‬

regular verb: kot-VOT ‫פוונבות‬ kot-VEEM ‫כו תבים‬ ko-TE-vet ‫פותבת‬ ko-TEV ‫ תב‬1‫פ‬
lamed-yod: ko-NOT ‫קונות‬ ko-NEEM ‫קונים‬ ko-NA ‫קונה‬ ko-NE ‫קונה‬

Q: Do any o f the lamed-yod forms contain the original third root letter ‫?י׳‬

A: No. Only the first tw o root letters )‫נ‬-‫ (ק‬are present in these forms. The "tails" that characterize
lamed-yod verbs are added to the end o f the second root letter :

ko-NE ‫קונה‬ :(m.s.) ‫ הוא‬,‫ אתה‬,‫אני‬

ko-NA ‫קונה‬ :(f.s.) ‫ היא‬,‫ את‬,‫אני‬
ko-NEEM ‫קונים‬ :( ‫ הם‬,‫ אתם‬,‫אנחנו‬
ko-NOT ‫קונות‬ :( ‫ הן‬,‫ אתן‬,‫אנחנו‬

As you can see, the "tails" o f the plural forms - ‫ים‬: and ‫ו ת‬- - are the same as those of regular
verbs (e.g., ‫ כותבים‬and ‫)כותבות‬. It is the "tails" of the singular forms o f lamed-yod verbs that
require our attention.

When written without vowel signs, the two singular lamed-yod forms l o o k the same: they both
end in ‫ה‬-. However, the p r o n u n c i a t i o n o f these two forms is d iffe re n t. The masculine form
ends in eh (‫ ה‬:), which - in beenyan pa'al - happens to be the same vowel sound as that o f a
regular pa'al verb:10
ko-TEV ‫כותב‬
ko-NE ‫קונה‬

10 The vowel signs in the last syllable are written differently (□ and □) but sound exactly the same in today's

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ‫)הי‬

Let's review
♦ As in the past tense, lamed-yod present tense verbs have the same "head"
as regular pa'al verbs (‫ פו־תב‬and ‫)קונה‬. The "tails" of the plural forms are the
same as those of regular verbs (‫ים‬:, ‫ ו ת‬-), but the "tails" of the singular forms
are different: both end in ‫ה‬-, but they are pronounced differently (‫ קונה‬ko-NE,
‫ קונה‬k<>-\A).

regular verb :‫ כותבות‬,‫כותבים‬ ,‫כותבת‬

lamed-yod:‫קונים* קונות‬ ,‫קונה‬

♦ In all present tense lamed-yod forms, only two of the three root letters are
present (here ‫נ‬-‫)ק‬:

regular verb :‫ כותבות‬,‫כותבים‬ ,‫כותבת‬

lamed-yod:‫ קונות‬,‫קונים‬ ,‫קונה‬

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing present tense form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs.

,‫סרטים‬ ‫ רון כמעט לא‬,‫ מיכל רואה סרס כל שבוע‬.1

.‫סרט פעם בחודש‬ ‫ומירה ורונית‬

.‫קפה‬ ‫תה תה בבוקר ואשתי‬1‫ ״אני תמיד ש‬:‫ יצחק לשושנה ולאמיר‬.2

‫בבוקר?״‬ ‫מה אתם‬

A nsw ers:
‫ שותים‬,‫ תה‬1‫ ש‬.2 ‫ רואות‬,‫ תאה‬.1

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ,‫)ה‬

Future tense (‫)יקנה‬

Read the following sentences:

‫ אבקש כוס חלב‬,‫ אם הוא ישכח‬.‫ הוא יקנה חלב במכולת בדרך הביתה‬,‫ "אם אבא יזכור‬:‫אימא לענת‬

Mom to Anat: "If Dad remembers (lit.: will remember), he'll buy milk at the convenience store on his
way home. If he forgets (lit.: will forget), I'll ask the neighbors for a cup of milk."

The three pa'al verbs highlighted above share the same "head": they all begin with -‫( י‬yee)
followed by the first root letter (‫ ישכח‬,‫ יקנה‬,‫)יזכור‬. However, their "tails" are very d iffe re n t.
‫ יזכור‬belongs to the 'efol group and ‫ ישכח‬belongs to 'efal.11 Most future tense verbs in pa'al
are similar in form to one o f these two verbs. In contrast, the lamed-yod verb (‫ )יקנה‬has its own
special "tail": it is written as a final ‫ה‬- and is pronounced eh. As in the present tense, here, too,
only t w o root letters (‫נ‬-‫ )ק‬are present (‫ ;) יקנה‬the third root letter ‫ י׳‬is nowhere to be seen.

Here are all the forms that end in ::‫ה‬

‫היא‬ ‫אנ חנו‬ ‫הוא‬ ‫אתה‬ ‫אני‬

‫תקנה‬ ‫נקנה‬ ‫יקנה‬ ‫תקנה‬ ‫אקנה‬

neek-NE teek-NE yeek-NE teek-NE ‘ek-NE

Here are the ‫ א ת‬,‫ א תן‬/‫ א ת ם‬and ‫ הן‬/‫ ה ם‬forms:

‫הן‬/‫הם‬ ‫ א תן‬/‫א ת ם‬ ‫את‬

‫יקנו‬ ‫תקנו‬ ‫תקני‬

yeek-NOO teek-NOO teek-NEE

The endings here are the same endings found on regular verbs (e.g., ‫ יזכרו‬,‫ תזכרו‬,‫) תזכךי‬. In
lamed-yod verbs, they are added after the se c o n d root letter, since the third root letter ‫ י׳‬is n o t

11 On 'efol and 'efal, see the chapter "Beenyan Pa'al" pp. 398-401.

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ‫)הי‬

Be careful! In full spelling, the future tense forms of ‫( היה‬to be) are written with only
one ‫ י׳‬before the end even though this ‫ י׳‬is pronounced with a y sound 1 (Note: we have
added vowel signs to the full spelling in order to make the pronunciation clearer.)

‫אנחנו‬ ‫היא‬ ‫הוא‬ ‫אתה‬ ‫אני‬

forms that end in ‫ה‬:: ‫נהיה‬ ‫תה?ה‬ ‫יה?ה‬ ‫תה!ה‬ ‫אה!ה‬
‫הן‬/‫הם‬ ‫אתן‬/‫אתם‬ ‫את‬
forms with endings: ‫יהיו‬ ‫תהיו‬ ‫תהיי‬

L et’s review
♦ In the future tense, as in the past and present tenses, lamed-yod verbs have the
same "head" as regular verbs: ‫ יכתוב‬and ‫יקנה‬.

♦ However, unlike regular verbs, the "tail" of the lamed-yod base form ends in
‫ה‬- and is pronounced -eh. This ‫ ה׳‬comes after the second root letter. All future
tense forms that have only a prefix end in ::‫ה‬
‫הוא‬ ‫אתה‬ ‫אני‬...
‫יקנה‬ ‫תקנה‬ ‫ אקנה‬...

♦ The original third root letter ‫ י׳‬does not appear in any future tense form. Thus,
when endings are added, they appear after the second root letter:

‫הן‬/‫הם‬ ‫אתן‬/‫אתם‬ ‫את‬

‫יקנו‬ ‫תקנו‬ ‫תקני‬ -‫>־‬

12 According to the rules of the Hebrew Language Academy, we do not write two ‫ י׳‬in these forms since the '‫י‬
appears either before ‫ה׳‬, as in ‫יהיה‬, before ‫ו‬-, as in ‫יהיו‬, or before % as in ‫תהיי‬. For more details, see the chapter
"Hebrew Spelling," pp. 663-665.

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ,‫)ה‬

W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d ?
W rite the m issing future tense form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs.

‫ומה הילדים?״‬ ‫ מה את ___________________________________________________________ ז‬,‫תי‬

.‫ ולא _____________ רו ח חזקה‬,‫ לא _____________ ענני ם בשמים‬.‫ מחר עדה יום יפה‬.2

.‫ בבקשה‬,‫ _____________ א ליי גם אתה‬,‫ דויד‬.‫ תפני אליי אם יהיו לך שאלות‬,‫ מיכל‬.3

A nsw ers:
‫ תפ נה‬.3 ‫ תה יה‬,‫ יהיו‬.2 ‫ ישת ו‬, ‫ תשת י‬.1

Infinitive (‫)לקנות‬
Read the following sentences:

.‫ לקנות אדמה ליד חיפה ולבנות שם בית גדול‬,‫מיכאל רוצה למכור את הדירה שלו בירושלים‬ -‫>־‬
Michael wants to sell his apartment in Jerusalem, buy land near Haifa and build a big house there.

All of the infinitives highlighted above belong to beenyan pa'al, and for this reason they all
have the same "head" (lee_- ‫)ל□־‬:
re g u la r v e rb : {root: ‫למכור‬ ‫(מ־כ־ד‬ -<C
lamed-yod verbs: {root. ‫לקנות‬ ‫י‬-‫נ‬-‫(ק‬
{root: ‫לךאות‬ ‫י‬-‫א‬-‫(ר‬

As you can see, all of these infinitives have an oh vowel (‫ )״ו״‬in the last syllable - ,‫ לקנות‬,‫למכור‬
‫ לךאות‬- however,while the regular verb ends in its third root letter, the ‫י׳‬of the lamed-yod verbs
does not appear in their infinitives.

Q: What ending is shared by both lamed-yod infinitives?

A: They both end in ‫ו ת‬- (- ot): ‫ לקנות‬and 13.‫לךאות‬

13 We regard the ending as ‫ות‬- - and not just ‫ת‬- - since ‫ו־ת‬- is the ending we find on the infinitive forms of all the
other beenyaneem that have infinitives, e.g., ‫ לשפות‬in pee'el, ‫ להתכסות‬in heetpa’el, etc.

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ‫)הי‬

Di d you know?
The verb ‫לחיות‬
The verb ‫( לחיות‬to live) also belongs to the lamed-yod root group, its infinitive
(‫ לחיות‬leech-YOT) has the same form as ‫ לבעת‬:(leev-NOT ), and its root is ‫י‬-‫י‬-‫ ח‬.
However, some o f the most frequently used forms of ‫ לחיות‬are different from
those o f other lamed-yod verbs.

In the present tense, for exam ple, ‫" לחיות‬forgets" that it is a lamed-yod verb and
acts almost as if it belongs to the 'ayeen-vav group 14 Compare:

'ayeen-vav. ,‫לןם‬,‫לןמה‬,‫לןמות קמים‬

ka-MOT ka-MEEM KA-ma 1 KAM
‫חיות‬ ‫חיים׳‬ ‫חיה׳‬ ,‫חי‬
cha-YOT cha-YEEM CHA-■yo CHAI

The past tense ‫ הוא‬form is also "irregular": it is the same as the form used in the
present tense (it, too, looks and sounds like ‫)לן ם‬:
Mozart lived in the eighteenth century. . 1845* ‫ מוצרט חי במאה ה ־‬C

One other past tense form - the plural ‫ ה ן‬/ ‫ ה ם‬form - acts like an 'ayeen-vav verb
(:(‫קמ ו‬
‫ ו‬8 -‫ עד אמ צע המאה ה‬17-‫ באך והנדל חיו מסוף המאה ה‬. -<
Bach and Handel lived from the end of the ’ 7 h century to the middle of the 18,n century.

All the rest o f the past tense forms of this verb are like other lamed-yod verbs:

‫חייתן‬ 17,‫חייתם‬ ,‫חיינו‬ ,‫(היא) חייתה‬ ,‫חיית‬ ,‫חיית‬ ,‫חייתי‬ >

cha-YEE-ten cha-YEE-tem cha-YEE-noo chai-TA cha-YEET cha-YEE-ta cha-YEE-tee

The future tense forms all behave like lamed-yod verbs, for example:

. . . ‫תחיה‬ ,‫ אחיה‬- >

teech-YE 'ech-YE

14 111 actuality, the forms ‫ חיות‬,‫ חיים‬,‫ חיה‬have a strong dagesh in the middle root letter; therefore, the forms are
really like verbs with a double root letter (none of which are usually taught at the beginning and intermediate
15 This is the pronunciation used by most speakers today. According to the rules of grammar the stress is on the
last syllable: ka-M A.
16 This is the pronunciation used by most speakers today. According to the rales of grammar, the stress is on the
last syllable: cha-YA.
17 This is the pronunciation used by most speakers today. According to the rales of grammar, the stress is on the
ending of the ‫ אתם‬and ‫ אתן‬forms and they are: ‫ חייתם‬and ‫( חייתו‬cha-vee-TEM /TEN ).

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ‫)ה׳‬

Let's review
♦ The "head" of lamed-yod infinitives in pa'al is the same as that of regular pa'al
regular verb : ‫לכתוב‬
lamed-yod: ‫ לךאות‬.‫לקנות‬

♦ Lamed-yod infinitives contain only the first two root letters, and always end
in ‫־ו ת‬:
‫ לךאות‬,‫לקנות‬

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing in fin itiv e form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs.

.‫ ל כ ל א ח ד‬. . ‫מ ה ש ה ר ה ל מי כ ל י כו ל‬ .‫ו‬

.‫ה ר ב ה מי ם ב מי ו ח ד בי מי ם ח מי ם‬ . ‫ש תי ת מ ס פי ק מי ם היו ם? ח שו ב‬ .2

A n sw ers:
‫ לשתות‬.2 ‫ לקרות‬.1

See the end of the chapter for a full conjugation of lamed-yod verbs in pa'al.

• Beenyan peefel (‫)שינה‬

The "head and tail" principle described in the preceding section works simply and beautifully
in beenyan pee'el. In all tenses and forms, the "heads" o f pee'el lamed-yod verbs are the same as
the "heads" of regular pee'el verbs, while the lamed-yod "tails" follow the pattern o f the "tails"
of lamed-yod pa'al verbs described above.

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or 'n)

Past tense (‫)שינה‬

Read the following sentences:

‫ הוא שינה את דעתו והחליט לנסוע לדרום‬,‫אחרי שאמיר דיבר עם יוסי על התוכניות שלו לטייל בהודו‬
After Amir spoke with Yossi about his plans to travel in India, he changed his mind and decided to go
to South America.

‫ שיניתי את דעתי והחלטתי לנסוע‬,‫אחרי שדיבךתי עם אימא שלי על התוכניות שלי לטייל בסין‬
After I spoke with my mother about my plans to travel in China, I changed my mind and decided to
go to Australia.

All the verbs highlighted in these sentences are past tense verbs that belong to beenyan pee'el
and, therefore, they all have the same "head" (_ee- -:(□‫י‬

‫אני‬ ‫הוא‬...

regular verbs : dee-BAR-tee . . . ‫ד יברת י‬ dee-BER ‫ד יבר‬

lamed-yod: shee-NEE-tee ... ‫שיניתי‬ shee-NA ‫שינה‬

The "tails" o f each regular verb and its corresponding lamed-yod verb, on the other hand, are
different: ‫ ךיבר‬versus ‫ שינה‬and ‫ ךיבךתי‬versus ‫שיניתי‬. The "tails" o f the lamed-yod verbs are the
same "tails" that we saw on the pa'al verb ‫קנה‬:

... ‫אתה‬ ‫אני‬ ‫ הן‬, ‫הם‬ ‫ה יא‬ ‫ה וא‬

lamed-yod pa'al: (root: ‫י‬-‫נ‬-‫)ק‬ ‫לןנית ״‬ ‫קנייני‬ ‫קנו‬ ‫לןניגה‬ ‫?ןניז‬

lamed-yod pee'el: (root: ‫י‬-‫)ש־נ‬ ...18‫שינית‬
T’ ‫שיניתי‬ ‫שינו‬ ‫שינתה‬
T! ‫שינה‬
-EE-ta -EE-tee -0 0 -TA -A

Note: The ‫ י׳‬before the ending in the forms ‫ קני תי‬,‫ שיני תי‬. .. is actually the third root letter.

18 The Hebrew Language Academy also regards the pronunciation ‫( שיניתי‬shee-NE-tee), ‫( שיפית‬shee-NE-ta) -
with an eh vowel in the middle - as permissible. This pronunciation is less common than the one indicated

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ,‫)ה‬

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing past tense form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs.

‫_י גם דויד‬ ‫ גם את‬.‫ חיכינו ל או טו בו ס במשך שעה‬.1

.‫ גם שרה____________ ל עזו ר לי‬.‫מיכאל ניסה לעזור לי ללמוד למבחן במ תמטיקה‬ .2

...‫ אני מקוו ה שאני ב א מ ת אצליח‬.‫אפילו יוסי ומיקי ____________ ל עזו ר לי‬

‫ איפה את‬,‫ תמר‬.‫א תמול בערב בילינו ב מסיבת יום ההולדת של מיכאל‬ .3

A nsw ers:
‫ בילית‬.3 ‫ ניסו‬,‫ ניסתה‬.2 ‫ היפה‬,‫היפית‬ .1

Present tense (‫)משנה‬

Read the following sentences:

.‫ הוא משנה את טון הדיבור הרגיל שלו‬,‫כשיונתן מז־בר עם ילדים קטנים‬

When Yonatan talks with small children, he changes his regular tone of voice.

.‫ גם היא משנה את טון הדיבור הרגיל שלה‬,‫כשתמר מךבךת עם ילדים קטנים‬

When Tamar talks with small children, she, too, changes her regular tone of voice.

All the highlighted verbs in the sentences above begin with the "head" typical o f pee'el present
tense verbs ( me-_a- :(‫מ □־‬
‫היא‬ ‫הוא‬

regular verb. me-da-BE-RET ‫מךבךת‬ me-da-BER ‫מדבר‬

lamed-yod: me-sha-NA ‫משנה‬ me-sha-NE ‫משנה‬

Now let's look at the "tails" of lamed-yod pee'el forms as compared to regular pee'el forms:

f.p l f.s. m.s.

‫ הן‬,‫ אתן‬,‫אנחנו‬ ‫ הם‬,‫ אתם‬,‫אנחנו‬ ‫ היא‬,‫ את‬,‫אני‬ ‫ הוא‬,‫ אתה‬,‫אני‬

regular verb p e e’el: ‫מךברותמדבריםמדברתמדבר‬

lamed-yod pee'el : ‫ ת‬1‫משנ‬ ‫משנים‬ ‫משנה‬ ‫משנה‬

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is ,‫( י‬or ‫׳‬n)

As was the case in beenyan pa'al, the most striking difference between the "tails" of the regular
pee'el verb and those o f the lamed-yod verb is found in the feminine singular: -E_-et versus
-A. The lamed-yod "tails" on the pee'el verb ‫ משנה‬are the same as those found on the pa'al verb

lamed-yod pa'al: ‫קז־נות‬ ‫גים‬1‫ק‬ ‫ נה‬1‫ק‬

-‫« _|ו‬
lamed-yod pee'el. ‫משנות‬ ‫משנים‬ ‫משנה‬
T‫! ־‬ ‫משנה‬
-OT -EEM -A -E

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing present tense form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs.

. 14:00 ‫ כ ל יו ם שי שי הי א נ ו ס ע ת ל חו ף הי ם ו מ ב ל ה ש ם ע ד‬.‫רוני ת גר ה ב ת ל א ביב‬

.‫ג ם ה ח ב ר ו ת ה ט ו ב ו ת ש ל רוני ת _______________ א י ת ה ב חו ף היו ם‬

.‫ ״ א ת ם מ ח כי ם לד״ר סיל מן ?״ ״ג ם א ת ה ___ ל ד ״ ר סי ל מןז ״‬:‫יו סי שו א ל א ת ה חו לי ם ב ת ו ר ל רו פ א‬

‫״למי א ת _______________ ז ״‬
A nsw ers:
‫ מ חכ ה‬,‫ מחכה‬. 2 ‫ מ ב א ת‬.1

Future tense (‫)ישנה‬

Read the following sentences:

.‫ ״אךבר איתך בטלפון אם אשנה את דעתי בקשר לתוכניות שלנו ללכת לסרט ביחד״‬:‫שי אמר לחברו‬
Shai said to his friend: "I will speak with you on the phone if I change my mind about our plans to go
to a movie together."

.‫שי אמר לחברו שהוא יךבר איתו אם הוא ישנה את דעתו בקשר לתוכניות שלהם ללכת לסרט ביחד‬
Shai told his friend that he would speak with him if he changed his mind about their plans to go to a
movie together.

Compare the "heads" o f the corresponding regular verbs and lamed-yod verbs from the above
‫הוא‬ ‫אני‬

regular verb : ‫ידבדאדבר‬

lamed-yod: ‫ישנה‬ ‫אשנה‬

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ,‫)ה‬

As expected, the "heads" are the same. The "tails," however, are different from one another:
‫ אדבר‬versus ‫אשנה‬. The "tails" of the pee'el lamed-yod verbs are the same as lamed-yod verbs in
pa'al :

‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ ‫ אתן‬,‫אתם‬ ‫את‬ ‫אתה‬ ‫אני‬

lamed-yod pa'al : ‫יקני‬ ‫תקנו‬ ‫תקני‬ ‫תקנה‬ ‫אקנה‬

lamed-yod pee'el. ‫ישנו‬ ‫תשנו‬ ‫תשני‬ ‫תשנה‬ ‫אשנה‬
-00 -00 -EE -E -E

Here, as in pa'al, the original third root letter ‫ י׳‬is nowhere to be seen.

Be careful! When written w i t h o u t vowel signs, the future tense forms o f lamed-yod
verbs in pa'al and pee'el l o o k (but d o n ’t sound) the same (e.g.,‫ יקנה‬and ‫)ישנה‬. You really
have to be familiar with each lamed-yod verb you encounter in a text (i.e., you must
know its beenyan) in order to know how to pronounce its future tense form.

Want to see if you' ve understood?

W rite the m issing future tense form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs.

.‫ אני ל א _______________ א ת ה סו ד ש ל כ ם‬,‫א ם א ת ם ל א ת ג לו א ת ה ס ו ד שלי‬ .1

? ‫מי י שנ ה א ת ה עול ם ? אולי א נ חנו ______________ א ת ה עול ם‬ .2

,‫ דויד‬.‫ ״אני א בו א ל א סו ף א ת כ ם ל א רו ח ת ע ר ב ב ש ע ה ש מונ ה‬:‫ט לי ל דוי ד ו ל מי ר ה‬ .3

.‫ א ת ______________ ל י ב פ ינ ת ה ר חו ב שלך״‬,‫ ו מיר ה‬,‫א ת ה ת ח כ ה לי לי ד ה בי ת שלך‬

A nsw ers:
‫ תחני‬.3 ‫ נשנה‬.2 ‫אגלה‬ .1

Infinitive (‫)לשנות‬
Read the following sentence:
.‫אני רוצה לבקש מכם לנסות לשנות את שעת המפגש‬ -‫>י‬
I want to ask you to try to change the time of the meeting.

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ‫)הי‬

The "heads" of the infinitives of pee'el lamed-yod verbs (‫ לנסות‬and ‫ )לשנות‬are the same as the
"head" of the regular pee'el infinitive (‫)לבקש‬. However, the "tails" of ‫ לנסות‬and ‫ לשנות‬are not
like that of ‫ ;לבקש‬rather, they are exactly the same as the "tail" of lamed-yod pa'al infinitives,
such as ‫ לקנות‬and ‫לו־אות‬.

When written without vowel signs, the infinitive of lamed-yod pee'el verbs looks (but doesn't
sound) the same as that of pa'al verbs. Compare:

lamed-yod pa'al: leek-NOT ‫לקנות‬

lamed-yod pee'el: le-sha-NOT ‫לשנות‬

Only if you are familiar with these verbs (i.e., if you know their beenyan) can you know how
to pronounce them.

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing in fin itiv e form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs.

.‫ ל א י ד ע תי ש היי תי צ רי כ ה ______________ ל ה ב מ ק ו ם א ח ר‬.‫ ו הי א ל א הגי ע ה‬,‫ חי כי תי ל ח ב ר ה שלי ב ר ח ו ב יפו‬. 1

. ‫ ג ם א נ חנו רו צי ם_______________ ש ם‬.‫ רון וגלי סי פ רו ש ה ם מ ל ב ש בו עיי ם נ ה ד רי ם ב רו מ א‬. 2

A nsw ers:
‫ל ב ל ו ת‬ .2 ‫ל ח פ ו ת‬ . 1

Let's review

♦ The "heads" of lamed-yod pee'el verbs are the same as those of regular pee'el verbs. The
"tails" are the same as those of lamed-yod forms in beenyan pa'al. Compare:

infinitive future present past

‫הו א‬ ‫אני‬ fs . m.s. ‫אני‬ ‫הי א‬ ‫הו א‬

regular pee'el: ‫לדבר‬ ‫ידבר‬ ‫אדבר‬ ‫מדברת‬ ‫מדבר‬ ‫דיברתי‬ ‫דיברה‬ T5

lamed-yod pee 'el: ‫לשנות‬ ‫ישנה‬ ‫אשנה‬ ‫מ שנה‬
T ‫־‬ :
‫משנה‬ ‫שיניתי‬ ‫שינתה‬T 5

lamed-yod pa'al: ‫לקנות‬ ‫יקנה‬ ‫אקנה‬ ‫קונה‬ ‫קונה‬ ‫קניתי‬ ‫ ה‬3‫ל!ני‬ ‫?!?ה‬
-OT -E -E -A -E -EE-tee -TA -A

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ,‫)ה‬

• Beenyan heetpa'el (‫)התפסה‬

Heetpa'el is the third - and last - beenyan we will look at in this chapter. Here, too, the "head
and tail" principle makes learning lamed-yod verbs significantly easier.

Past tense (‫)התפסה‬

Read the following sentence:

,‫הארכיאולוג התרגש מאוד כשבחפירות בגליל התגלה בית כנסת עתיק‬ ^

The archaeologist got very excited when an ancient synagogue was discovered at the excavations in
the Galilee.

Here, too, we see that the "head" o f the lamed-yod form ‫ התגלה‬is the same as that o f the regular
verb ‫ ה ת ת ש‬, whereas its "tail" (‫ ; ה‬-A) is the same "tail" that we saw in the ‫ הוא‬form o f lamed-yod
pa'al and pee'el verbs: ‫ לןנה‬and ‫שינה‬.

The same is true of the ‫ היא‬and ‫ הן‬/‫ ה ם‬forms. They have the same "head" as regular verbs:

‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ ‫היא‬

regular heetpa'el: 5*-‫התרגשה‬ ‫גשו‬

lamed-yod heetpa'el. ‫התגלו‬ ‫התגלתה‬

The "tails" of the lamed-yod verbs are the same as those we saw in pa'al and pee'el.

‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ ‫היא‬

lamed-yod pa'al: 1‫?ןניגי‬

lamed-yod pee'el: ‫שינו‬ ‫שינתה‬
lamed-yod heetpa'el: ‫התגלו‬ ‫התגלתה‬

Now let's see what happens to the "tails" of the o t h e r lamed-yod past tense forms.
Read the following:

‫ נכנסתי לשק‬,‫ התלבשתי בבגדים חמים‬,‫ מכיוון שהיה קר מאוד‬,‫בטיול שלי במדבר יהודה ישנתי באוהל‬
.‫השינה שלי וגם התכסיתי בשתי שמיכות חמות‬

On my hike in the Judean Desert I slept in a tent. Since it was very cold, I put on warm clothes, got into
my sleeping bag and covered myself with two warm blankets.

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or 'n)

As expected, the "tail" of the lamed-yod verb ‫( התכסיתי‬heet-ka-SE-tee) is different from that of the
regular verb ‫( התלבשתי‬heet-la-BASH-tee). Also as expected, the original third root letter ‫ י׳‬appears
in the lamed-yod form - as in the other beenyaneem. Compare:

lamed-yod pa'al. ka-NEE-tee -‫<לןניתיי‬

lamed-yod pee'el. shee-NEE-tee ‫שיניתי‬
lamed-yod heetpa'el: heet-ka-SE-tee ‫התכסיתי‬

Notice that when written without vowel signs, the "tails" o f these verbs all look the same

Q: In what way does the "tail" o f the heetpa'el lamed-yod verb differ from the "tails" o f the
pa'al and pee'el verbs?

A: When pronounced, the "tail" o f the heetpa'el verb begins with the vowel sound eh (heet-ka-
SE-tee ‫)התכסיתי‬, whereas in pa'al and pee'el the vowel sound is ee (ka-NEE-tee ‫לן נ יתי‬, shee-NEE-
tee ‫)שיניתי‬.

Note: In lamed-yod verbs, the vowel sound before the endings ‫־תי‬, ‫ ת‬- etc. is ee only in pa'al
and pee'el. In all other other beenyaneem, the vowel sound before these endings is eh, as in
beenyan heetpa'el (heet-ka-SE-tee ‫) ה ת כ ס י ת י‬. (See charts at the end of this chapter.) No matter what
the pronunciation, a ‫ י׳‬is always written before the first and second person endings.

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing past tense form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs.

____________ ‫ גם אשתו‬.‫ אורי השתנה מאז שראינו אותו בפעם האחרונה‬.1

‫אולי גם אני____________ ז‬

.‫ גם החברים שלה____________ בחול‬.‫ הילדה ששיחקה על חוף הים התכסתה בחול‬.2

?‫אתם ____________ פ ע ם בחול‬

A nsw ers:
‫התפסיתם‬ ,‫ התפסו‬.2 ‫השתניתי‬ ,‫השתנתה‬ .1

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ,‫)ה‬

Present tense (‫)מתפסה‬

The present tense forms o f lamed-yod heetpa'el verbs are formed according to the same "head
and tail" principle:
fp l. f.s. m.s.
‫ הן‬,‫ אתן‬,‫אנחנו‬ ‫ הם‬,‫ אתם‬,‫אנחנו‬ ‫ היא‬,‫ את‬,‫אני‬ ‫ הוא‬,‫ אתה‬,‫אני‬

regular verb: ‫מתלבשות‬ ‫מתלבשים‬ ‫מתלבשת‬ ‫מתלבש‬

lamed-yod: ‫מתכסות‬ ‫מתכסים‬ ‫מתכסה‬ ‫מתכסה‬

Here, too, the "heads" o f the lamed-yod verbs are the same as those of the regular ver bs: ,‫מתלבש‬
‫מת כסה‬. The lamed-yod "tails" are the same as those on pa'al and pee'el present tense forms:

‫ה‬ ‫ ת‬1- ‫ים‬- t

‫ה‬- -‫<•* ד‬
-OT -EEM -A -E

In heetpa'el , another feminine singular form - 1) ‫ מתכסית‬meet-ka-SET), also exists and is sometimes
used. Here the original root letter ‫ י׳‬is seen.

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing present tense form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs.

____________ ‫ וגם סגנון הלבוש‬,‫ בכל דור המוזיקה מש תנה‬. 1

. ‫ גם אנחנו____________ ב ש מ י כ ה‬.‫ כשקר בבית רמי מ ת כ סה בשמיכה חמה‬. 2

.‫שרה____________ ב ש ת י שמיכות‬

A nsw ers:
‫ מתנסה‬,‫ מתנסים‬.2 ‫מעותנה‬ .1

Future tense (‫)יתכסה‬

The "heads" o f heetpa'el lamed-yod verbs are the same as those o f regular heetpa'el verbs:

... ‫אתה‬ ‫אני‬

regular verbs: ...‫־‬ ‫תתלבש‬ ‫לבש‬

lamed-yod: ... ‫תתכסה‬ ‫אתכסה‬

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or 'n)

The "tails" are like those o f la m ed -yo d verbs in the other been ya n eem :

‫הן‬/‫הם‬ ‫אתן‬/‫אתם‬ ‫את‬ ... ‫אתה‬ ‫אני‬

la m ed -yo d p a 'a l. ‫יקנו‬ ‫תקנו‬ ‫תקני‬ ...‫תקנה‬ ‫אקנה‬

la m ed -yo d p ee'el. ‫ישנו‬ ‫תשנו‬ ‫תשני‬ ...‫תשנה‬ ‫אשנה‬
la m ed -yo d heetpa'el. ‫יתכסו‬ ‫תתכסו‬ ‫תתכסי‬ ...‫ת תכסה‬ ‫אתכסה‬
-0 0 -0 0 -EE -E -E

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing future tense form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs.

. ____________ ‫ גם התוכניות שלנו לטייל בטבע‬,‫ אם מזג האוויר י שתנה ויהיה קר מדיי‬. 1

_____________ ‫ ) שלו לא‬m.( ‫ דויד הבטיח לאורי שגם הסוד‬.‫ אורי הבטיח לדויד שהסודו ת שלו לא יתגלו‬.2

A n s w e rs :
‫ יתגלה‬.2 ‫ ישתנו‬.1

Infinitive (‫)להתפסות‬
Read the following sentence:

,‫ והוא גם לא יכול להתכסות בעצמו‬,‫הילד הקטן עדיין לא יודע להתלבש לבד‬ ->
The small child still doesn't know how to get dressed by himself and also can't cover himself
(in bed).

As expected, the "heads" o f these two verbs are the same: ‫ להתלבש‬and ‫להתכסות‬. The "tail" o f
‫ להתכסות‬is the same as those of la m ed -yo d verbs in other b eenyaneem : ‫ לקנות‬and ‫לשנות‬.

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ‫)ה׳‬

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing in fin itiv e form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs.

!‫ לא כל אחד יכול ___________ כ ל הכבוד לך‬.‫ השתנית לטובה בשנה האחרונה‬,‫ יוסי‬.1

.‫ היא יכולה __________ ג ם בגיל מבוגר‬.‫ מחלת הסוכרת מתגלה לפעמים בגיל צעיר‬.2

A nsw ers:
‫ להתגלות‬.2 ‫ להשתנות‬.1

Let's review

♦ The "heads" of lamed-yod heetpa'el verbs are the same as those of regular heetpa’el verbs.

♦ In writing, the "tails" are the same as those o f lamed-yod forms in pa'al and p ee’el, however
the pronunciation of the "tails" in the past tense forms that begin with a consonant ( ‫ ת‬- ,‫ תי‬-)
is different: instead o f EE-tee, EE-ta..., as in ‫ קנית‬,‫ קניתי‬, we say E-tee, E-ta .... Compare:

infinitive future present past

‫ה וא‬ ‫אני‬ fs , m.s, ...‫אני‬ ‫היא‬ ‫ה וא‬

regular heetpa'el. ‫אתלבש יתלבש להתלבש‬ ‫מתלבשת‬ ‫מתלבש‬ ...‫התלבשה התלבשתי‬

T ! —: ‫התלבש י‬
lamed-yod heetpa'el: ‫אתכסה יתכסה להתכסות‬ ‫ס ה‬T‫ת ־נ‬I ‫•מ‬ ‫מתכסה‬ ...‫התכסתה התכסיתי‬
T ! ‫התכסה ־ ! ־‬
T‫* ! ־‬
lamed-yod pee 'el: ‫לשנות‬ ‫ישנה‬ ‫אשנה‬ ‫משנה‬
T‫! ־־‬ ‫משנה‬ ...‫שיניתי‬ ‫שינתה‬
T! ‫שינה‬
lamed-yod pa'al: ‫לקנות‬ ‫יקנה‬ ‫אקנה‬ ‫קונה‬ ‫קונה‬ -‫ק ניתי‬ ‫קנתה‬
-OT -E -E -A -E -EE-tee -TA -A

V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫( י‬or ‫)הי‬

Chapter summary

Here are the three beenyaneem discussed in this chapter. The differences between lamed-yod
and regular verbs have been highlighted. Below this chart is a chart with all o f the beenyaneem.
You can see that they have the same "tails" as the beenyaneem we have discussed.

Heetpa 'el ‫התפעל‬ ♦ Pee 'el ‫פיעל‬ ♦ Pa ,at ‫פעל‬

past ‫עבו‬
‫התכסיתי‬ ‫שינ תי‬ ‫קניתי‬ ‫אני‬
‫התכס ת‬ ‫שינית‬
T ‫קני ת‬ ‫אתה‬
‫התכס ת‬ ‫שינית‬ ‫קנית‬ ‫את‬
‫התכסינו‬ ‫שינינו‬ ‫קנינו‬ ‫אנחנו‬
‫התכס תם‬ ‫שיניתם‬ 19‫ ק נ יתם‬/ ‫קניתם‬ ‫א תם‬
‫התכס► תן‬ ‫שיניתן‬ ‫ קנ ית ן‬/ ‫קניתן‬ ‫את ן‬

T‫ ־‬: * ‫שינה‬
T ‫?!נה‬ ‫הוא‬
‫התכסתה‬ ‫שינתה‬
TJ ‫קנ ת ה‬ ‫היא‬
‫התכסו‬ ‫שינו‬ ‫קנו‬ ‫ הן‬/ ‫הם‬

present ‫הווה‬
‫מתכסה‬ ‫משנה‬ ‫קונה‬ ‫ ה וא‬, ‫ אתה‬,‫אני‬
‫ מ ת פ ס י ת‬/‫מתכסה‬ ‫משנה‬
T ‫ ־־‬: ‫קונה‬ ‫ ה יא‬, ‫ את‬,‫אני‬
‫מתכסים‬ ‫משנים‬ ‫קונים‬ ‫ הם‬, ‫ אתם‬,‫אנחנו‬
‫מתכסות‬ ‫משנות‬ ‫קונות‬ ‫ הן‬, ‫ אתן‬,‫אנחנו‬

future ‫עתיד‬
‫אתכסה‬ ‫אשנה‬ ‫אקנה‬ ‫אני‬
‫תתכסה‬ ‫תשנה‬ ‫תקנה‬ ‫אתה‬
‫יתכסה‬ ‫ישנה‬ ‫יקנה‬ ‫הוא‬
‫תתכסה‬ ‫תשנה‬ ‫תקנה‬ ‫היא‬
‫נתכסה‬ ‫נשנה‬ ‫נקנה‬ ‫אנחנ ו‬

‫תתכסי‬ ‫תשני‬ ‫תקני‬ ‫את‬

‫תתכסו‬ ‫תשנו‬ ‫תקנו‬ ‫את ן‬/ ‫אתם‬
‫יתכסו‬ ‫ישנו‬ ‫יקנו‬ ‫ הן‬/ ‫הם‬

‫להתכסות‬ ‫לשנות‬ ‫לקנות‬ infinitive ‫שם הפועל‬

to cover oneself to change to buy

19 The pronunciation used by most Hebrew speakers today is ‫ ל!נ תן‬/ ‫( לןניתם‬ka-NEE-tem, ka-MEE-ten). It should
be noted that according to the rales of grammar, the stress is on the ending of the ‫ אתם‬and ‫ אתן‬forms, and this
causes the first vowel to "reduce" (it is written as a shva)\ ‫ קניתן‬/ ‫( קניתם‬knee-TEM, knee-TENor ke-nee-TEhl,
ke-nee-TEN). See the chapter "Reduction of Vowels and the Shva," pp. 640-645.

‫)ה‪ (or ,‬י' ‪V. Special Root Groups / 4. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is‬‬

‫‪Lamed-yod verbs in all the beenyaneem:‬‬

‫‪♦ N eefal‬‬ ‫‪♦ H oofal‬‬ ‫‪♦ H eef eel‬‬ ‫‪♦ Poo ,al‬‬ ‫‪♦ Heetpa 'el‬‬ ‫‪*Pee'el‬‬ ‫‪♦ Pa'al‬‬
‫נפעל‬ ‫הופעל‬ ‫הפעיל‬ ‫פועל‬ ‫התפעל‬ ‫פיעל‬ ‫פעל‬
‫עבר ‪past‬‬
‫נבניתי‪20‬‬ ‫הופניתי‬ ‫הפניתי‬ ‫כוסיתי‬ ‫התכסיתי‬ ‫שיניתי‬ ‫קניתי‬ ‫אני‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫י ! ־־‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫! ״‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫; ‪..‬‬ ‫■‬
‫התכסית‬ ‫שינית‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫לןנייג‬ ‫אתה‬
‫נבנית‬ ‫הופנית‬ ‫הפנית‬ ‫כוסית‬ ‫התכסית‬ ‫שינית‬ ‫קנית‬ ‫את‬
‫נבנינו‬ ‫הופנינו‬ ‫הפנינו‬ ‫כוסינו‬ ‫התכסינו‬ ‫שינינו‬ ‫קנינו‬ ‫אנחנו‬
‫נבניתם‬ ‫הופניתם‬ ‫הפניתם‬ ‫כוסיתם‬ ‫התכסיתם‬ ‫שיניתם‬ ‫קניתם‬ ‫אתם‬
‫נבניתן‬ ‫הופנית!‬ ‫הפניתן‬ ‫כוסיתן‬ ‫התכסיתן‬ ‫שיניתן‬ ‫קניתן‬ ‫אתן‬

‫נבנה‬ ‫י ! ‪T‬‬
‫הופנה‬ ‫! ‪T‬‬
‫הפנה‬ ‫! ‪T‬‬ ‫־‬
‫כוסה‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫־ ‪T‬‬ ‫!‬ ‫־‬
‫שינה‬ ‫‪T‬‬ ‫לונה‬ ‫הוא‬
‫נבנתה‬‫‪T ! ! 1‬‬
‫! ! ‪T‬‬
‫הפנתה‬‫! ! ‪T‬‬ ‫־‬
‫כוסתה‬‫‪T‬‬ ‫!‬
‫התכסתה‬ ‫שינתה‬‫! ‪T‬‬
‫קניניז‬ ‫היא‬
‫נבנו‬ ‫הופנו‬ ‫הפנו‬ ‫כוסו‬ ‫התכסו‬ ‫שינו‬ ‫קנו‬ ‫הם‪ /‬הן‬

‫הווה ‪present‬‬
‫נבנה‬ ‫מופנה‬ ‫מפנה‬ ‫מכוסה‬ ‫מתכסה‬ ‫משנה‬ ‫קונה‬ ‫אני‪ ,‬אתה‪ ,‬הוא‬
‫נבנית‬ ‫מופנה‪/‬מופנית‬ ‫מפנה‬ ‫־ ! ‪T‬‬
‫מכוסה‬‫‪T‬‬ ‫!‬
‫מתכסה‪/‬מתפסית‪22‬‬ ‫משנה‬ ‫־־ ‪T‬‬ ‫!‬
‫קונה‬ ‫אני‪ ,‬את‪ ,‬היא‬
‫נבנים‬ ‫מופנים‬ ‫מפנים‬ ‫מכוסים‬ ‫מתכסים‬ ‫משנים‬ ‫קונים‬ ‫אנחנו‪ ,‬אתם‪ ,‬הם‬
‫נבנות‬ ‫מופנות‬ ‫מפנות‬ ‫מכוסות‬ ‫מתכסות‬ ‫משנות‬ ‫קונות‬ ‫אנחנו‪ ,‬אתן‪ ,‬הן‬

‫עתיד ‪future‬‬
‫אבנה‬ ‫ז ‪ T‬ז‬
‫אופנה‬ ‫אפנה‬ ‫אכוסה‬ ‫אתכסה‬ ‫אשנה‬ ‫אקנה‬ ‫אני‬
‫‪V T‬‬
‫תופנה‬ ‫תפנה‬ ‫תכוסה‬ ‫תתכסה‬ ‫תשנה‬ ‫תקנה‬ ‫אתה‬
‫ייבנה‬‫‪VT‬‬ ‫־‬
‫יופנה‬ ‫יפנה‬ ‫יכוסה‬ ‫יתכסה‬ ‫ישנה‬ ‫זקנה‬ ‫הוא‬
‫‪7 T‬‬
‫תופנה‬ ‫תפנה‬ ‫תכוסה‬ ‫תתכסה‬ ‫תשנה‬ ‫תקנה‬ ‫היא‬
‫ניבנה‬‫‪VT‬‬ ‫־‬
‫נופנה‬ ‫נפנה‬ ‫נכוסה‬ ‫נתכסה‬ ‫נשנה‬ ‫נקנה‬ ‫אנחנו‬

‫‪ T‬־‬
‫תופני‬ ‫תפני‬ ‫תכוסי‬ ‫תתכסי‬ ‫תשני‬ ‫תקני‬ ‫את‬
‫תופנו‬ ‫תפנו‬ ‫תכוסו‬ ‫תתכסו‬ ‫תשנו‬ ‫תקנו‬ ‫אתם‪/‬אתן‬
‫ייבנו‬ ‫‪T‬‬ ‫־‬
‫יופנו‬ ‫יפנו‬ ‫יכוסו‬ ‫יתכסו‬ ‫ישנו‬ ‫יקנו‬ ‫הם‪/‬הן‬

‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪■ :‬‬
‫להפנות‬ ‫להתכסות‬ ‫לשנות‬ ‫לקנות‬ ‫שם הפועל‬
‫‪to be built‬‬ ‫‪to be‬‬ ‫‪to refer‬‬ ‫‪to be‬‬ ‫‪to cover oneself‬‬ ‫‪to change‬‬ ‫‪to buy‬‬ ‫‪in fin itiv e‬‬
‫‪referred to‬‬ ‫‪someone‬‬ ‫‪covered‬‬ ‫‪(something/‬‬
‫‪to‬‬ ‫)‪someone‬‬

‫‪20 This specific verb is used mainly in the third person. The forms given here are sometimes used in a metaphorical sense, as in‬‬
‫‪ ("We've come to the Land of Israel to build it and to be built by‬״אנו באנו ארצה לבנות ולהיבנות" ‪the song by Menashe Rabina:‬‬
‫‪21 See above, note 19.‬‬
‫‪- (-ET) is sometimes used. In‬ית ‪22 In the present tense of heetpa'el and hoof 01, an additional feminine singular form ending in‬‬
‫‪: is the only form used today.‬ית ‪neefal the form ending in‬‬

5 Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is ‫א׳‬
‫גזרת ל״א‬

• Guidelines for pronouncing 1am ed-'al ef verbs
• Lam ed-'al ef/o/m s that are different from regular verbs

Even though ‫ א׳‬at the end of a root in verbs is often not pronounced at all (see explanation
below), in writing it almost always appears. This persistent '‫ א‬also frequently "sees to it" that
its presence is felt by affecting the vowels that precede it (as in ‫ התפלאתי‬as opposed to ‫)התלבשתי‬
and by causing other noticeable changes in vowels and form (e.g., ‫ אקרא‬rather than ‫)אכתוב‬.
These changes are the focus of this chapter.

• Guidelines fo r pronouncing lam ed-'alef verbs

Before we discuss the forms of lamed-ahfve, rbs, let's look at some guidelines for pronouncing

When is ‫ א׳‬silent?
As a rule, when ‫ א׳‬is not followed by a vowel, it is not pronounced. Here are some examples:

1. When ‫ א׳‬appears at the very end of a word, as in:

‫הקפיא‬ ‫מילא‬ ‫למצזיא‬ ‫מוצא‬ ‫קרא‬ -<

heek-PEE mee-LE leem-TSO mo-TSE ka-RA
he froze (something) he filled to find is finding he read,
called out

If we were to erase the final '‫ א‬that appears in these words (and leave the vowel signs for
guidance), our pronunciation would not change.

V. Special Root Groups / 5. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is ,‫א‬

Be careful! Unlike ‫ע׳‬, a final '‫ א‬is never preceded by a "helping ah." Compare:
‫ל ה ש פי ע‬ ‫לשמוע‬ ‫שומע‬
le-hash-PEE-a leesh-MO-a sho-ME-a
to influence to hear he hears

‫להקפיא‬ ‫למצוא‬ ‫מוצא‬

le-hak-PEE leem-TSO mo-TSE

2. When ‫ א׳‬appears at the end o f a syllable in the middle o f a word, it is not pronounced, for
‫ תי‬- ‫ פ א‬- ‫ה ק‬ ‫לן־ךא־תי‬
heek-PE-tee ka-RA-tee
I froze (something) I read, called out

Here, too, were we to erase the ‫א׳‬, our pronunciation of these words would not change.

3. Also, when '‫ א‬appears in the middle o f a syllable, it is not pronounced, for example:

!?‫ ועכשיו את קוראת מא מר נוסף‬,‫את מול קראת שלושה מאמרים‬

ko-RET ka-RAT
Yesterday you (f.s.) read three articles, and now you are reading another one (lit.: article)?!

Here, again, if we were to erase the silent ‫ א׳‬in these words, their pronunciation would not be

Be careful! Since we don't hear or pronounce the ‫ א׳‬in words like those mentioned
above, we simply must know that their final root letter is ‫א׳‬, and we have to write the ‫א׳‬
in order to spell the word correctly.

1 We have indicated above the pronunciation used by Hebrew speakers who do not pronounce the ,‫ ע‬but still add
the helping ah (furtive patach ‫) פתח גנוב‬. The transcription with '‫ ע‬is: le-hash-PEE-a', leesh-MO-a', sho-ME-a'.

V. Special Root Groups / 5. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫א‬

When is ‫ א׳‬pronounced?
'‫ א‬is pronounced as a kind of "catch" in the throat2 whenever it is followed by a vowel. Here are
some examples:

followed by ah (‫־‬ ‫ה‬-(: .‫שנים‬

neem-tse-'A kar-'A
Adi read in the newspaper about a stolen car that was found after three years.

followed by oo (.‫הילדים מצאו את המתנות שהוחבאו בתוך הארון‬ ‫(״ו״‬:-*<

hooch-be-'OO mats-'OO
The children found the presents that had been hidden in the closet.

followed by ee (‫י‬:(: .‫בכל יום שישי אנחנו קוראים את העיתון וממלאים את התשבץ השבועי‬ <
me-mal- 'EEAI kor- 'EEAI
Every Friday we read the newspaper and fill in the weekly crossword puzzle.

followed by oh (":("‫ו‬
‫ תמיד נמצאות שם שתי מורות‬,‫ כשהתלמידות בבית הספר היסודי לבנות יוצאות לחצר‬.
T : • ‫׳‬ :
neem-tsa-'OT yots-'OT
When the students at the elementary school for girls go out to the playground, two
teachers are always there.

L et’s review
♦ As a rule, when '‫ א‬is not followed by a vowel, it is not pronounced, as in

‫הבךיא‬ ‫נמצאתי‬ ‫קוראת‬ ‫קרא‬ •‫<־‬

heev-REE neem-TSE-tee ko-RET ka-RA

♦ ‫ א׳‬is pronounced as a kind of "catch" in the throat whenever it is followed by

a vowel, as in:
‫הבךיאו‬ ‫נמצאות‬ ‫קוראים‬
heev-REE-'oo neem-tsa-'OT kor-'EEM

2 In books on phonetics, this is often referred to as a "glottal stop." Laufer mentions three ways in which
Hebrew speakers realize (pronounce) the ‫א׳‬: as a short glottal stop, as "creaky voice" or as nothing (i.e., it is
not pronounced). Asher Laufer, 2008. pp. 80-81.

V. Special Root Groups / 5. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter is ,‫א‬

?Want to see if you've understood

Read the fo llo w in g ve rb s out lo u d . C irc le the form s in w h ic h the ‫ א׳‬is h e a rd ,

‫ ת ת פ ל אי‬. 8 ‫ ל ה מ צי א‬. 7 ‫ ל ק רו א‬. 6 ‫ תקו־אי‬. 5 ‫ נ מ צ או ת‬. 4 ‫ ה ק פי או‬. 3 ‫ ה ת פל א‬. 2 ‫ מ צ א נו‬. 1

A n sw ers:
leek-RO .6 neem-tsa-'OT 5. teek-re-'EE A heek-PEE-'oo .3 heet-pa-iE .2 ma-TSA-noo .1
Circled: 3, 4, 5, 8 teet-pal-'EE .8 le-ham-TSEE .7

• Lamed-'alef form s that are different from regular

In writing, lamed-'alef verbs look the same as regular verbs. However, there are two cases in
which the ‫ א׳‬causes a significant change in pronunciation:

1. Feminine singular forms in the present tense

Read the following sentences containing feminine singular verbs in the present.

beenyan pa'al: .‫ היא קוראת את כל החומר ל פח ות שלוש פעמים‬,‫כשמיכל לו מדת למבחנים‬

ko-RET lo-ME-det
When Michal studies for exams, she reads all the material at least three times.

beenyan pee'el: .‫ היא לא מ ב ט א ת א ת כל המילים בצורה ברורה‬,‫כששרה מדברת מהר‬

me-va-TET me-da-BE-ret
When Sarah speaks quickly, she doesn't pronounce all her (lit.: the) words clearly.

beenyan heetpa'el: . ‫נועה מ תר גשת לפני כל מבחן ו מ ת פ ל א ת ש ס טו ד נ ט ים אחרים לא מתרגשים‬

meet-pa-LET meet-ra-GE-shet
Noa gets nervous before every exam and is amazed that the other students don't get nervous.

Since the verbs in each sentence belong to the same beenyan, they begin with the same
lamed-'alef regular
pa'al: ‫קוראת‬ <=> ‫לומדת‬
pee'el: ‫מבטאת‬ ‫מדבךת‬
heetpa'el: ‫מתפלאת‬ <=> ‫מתרג שת‬

V. Special Root Groups / 5. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫א‬

Q: What is the difference between the way the regular verbs and the lamed-'alef verbs end?

A: The regular verbs end with the sounds E-et (‫ א מ ד ת‬lo-ME-det, ‫ מדברת‬me-da-BE-ret, ‫מ ת ת ש ת‬
meet-ra-GE-shet), whereas the lamed-'alef verbs have only one eh vowel before their final
‫ קורא ת) ת׳‬ko-RET, ‫ מבטאת‬me-va-TET, ‫ מתפלאת‬meet-pa-LET)? These feminine singular forms in
beenyaneem pa'al, pee'el and heetpa'el can actually be created simply by adding a ‫ ת׳‬to the
masculine singular forms:

‫קוראת‬ <£= ‫קורא‬

ko-RET ko-RE
‫מבטאת‬ ‫מבטא‬
me-va-TET me-va-TE
‫מתפלאת‬ <= ‫מתפלא‬
meet-pa-LET meet-pa-LE

As mentioned above, the ‫ א׳‬in lamed-'alef feminine singular forms that end in -ET is not
pronounced, but it is always w ritten in Modem Hebrew.

Note: In heef eel there is no difference between the present tense feminine singular form o f
regular verbs (‫ ) מ תי ש ה‬and lamed-'alef verbs (‫ )ממציאה‬since it is the only beenyan in which the
regular feminine singular form ends in -A (‫ ) מ תי ש ה‬rather than E-et (e.g., ‫) א מ ד ת‬.

2. Past tense forms with endings that begins with a consonant (... ‫ת‬- ,‫)~תי‬
Read the following sentences containing verbs in the past tense:

beenyan pee'el: ?‫למה לא סיפרתם לנו שכבר מילאתם את הטופס לבקשת דרכון חדש‬
mee-LE-tem see-PAR-tem
Why didn't you ( tell us that you already filled out the form for ordering a new passport?

beenyan heef eel: *‫ אבל בינתיים הבךאני‬,‫ה ת ש נ ו לא טוב בשבוע שעבר‬

heev-RE-noo heer-GASH-noo
We didn't feel well last week, but since then we've gotten better.

In addition to feminine singular forms like ‫ מבטאת‬and ‫מתפלאת‬, present tense feminine singular forms ending
in n‫( ־‬-AH') also exist and are often used in speech, for example:
‫ מתפלאה‬,‫< מבטאה‬
These forms are grammatically correct. Many speakers who use these forms pronounce them as if the ,‫ א‬were
not present, as in lamed-yod verbs like ‫ מעונה‬and ‫מתנסה‬. They say: me-va-TA and meet-pa-LA.

V. Special Root Groups / 5. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is ,‫א‬

beenyan heetpa'el.
.‫ והתפלאתי שהיא לא התרגשה כמוני‬,‫התרגשתי כשהבת שלי קיבלה את פרס ההצטיינות‬
heet-pa-LE-tee heet-ra-GASH-tee
I got excited when my daughter received a prize for excellence, and I was amazed that she didn't
get as excited as I did.

Since the verbs in each sentence belong to the same beenyan, they begin with the same
lamed-'alef regular
pee'el: ‫<^> מילאתם‬
heefeel: ‫הבראנו‬ ‫הת שנו‬
heetpa'el: ‫<=> התפלאתי‬

Now look at the reg u lar verbs only In keeping with the conjugation rules o f past tense verbs in
all beenyaneem the vowel before endings that begin with a consonant (i. e. , ,-‫תם‬- ,‫נו‬- ,‫ת‬- ,‫ת‬- , ‫תי‬

‫ )־ת ן‬is ah'. ‫( סיפךתם‬see-PAR-tem), ‫( הת שנו‬heer-GASH-noo) , ‫( התר גשת י‬heet-ra-GASH-tee).

Q: What vowel comes before these endings in the lamed-'alef verbs?

A: The vowel eh: ‫( מילאתם‬mee-LE-tem), ‫( הבראנו‬heev-RE-noo), ‫( התפלאתי‬heet-pa-LE-tee). The ‫ א׳‬is

always written, but never pronounced.

This change from ah to eh before consonantal endings takes place in lamed-'alef verbs in
all beenyaneem except for pa'al. Most verbs in beenyan pa'al keep the ah vowel before the
consonantal endings, just like regular verbs:

.‫ ואחר כך לןךאתי אותו לשותפה שלי לחדר‬,‫כתבתי חיבור על הטיול שלי באירופה‬ ->
ka-RA-tee ka-TAV-tee
I wrote a composition about my trip to Europe, and afterwards I read it to my roommate.


sa-NE-ta sa-NE-tee

4 See the chapter "Regular Verbs in All Beenyaneem: Summary," pp. 444-446 (number 1).

V. Special Root Groups / 5. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫א‬

Did you know?

Sometimes ‫ א׳‬becomes '‫י‬

As m e n tio n e d a t th e b e g in n in g o f th is c h a p te r , w h e n ‫א׳‬ is th e th ird ro o t

le tte r, it a lm o s t a lw a y s a p p e a r s in th e w r itte n fo rm o f a w o r d , e v e n if it is n o t
p ro n o u n c e d .

T h e re a re , h o w e v e r, s o m e fo rm s re la te d to v e rb s ( i.e ., a d je c tiv e s a n d verbal

nouns ) in w h ic h th e ' ‫ א‬o f th e r o o t c h a n g e s to a ' ‫ י‬. H e re a re s o m e e x a m p le s :

- A d je c tiv e s o f th e □ ‫ ( □ □ ו‬pa'ool) p a tte rn ( m o del form : 5(‫כתוב‬

Som e lam ed-'alef a d je c tiv e s re ta in th e ir fin a l '‫ א‬: f.s. m.s.

frozen (roof: ‫ א‬- ‫ פ‬- ‫) ק‬ ‫קפואות‬ ,‫קפואים‬ ,‫קפואה‬ ,‫קפוא‬ <
hated (roof: ‫ א‬- ‫ נ‬- ‫) ש‬ ‫שנואות‬ ,‫שנואים‬ ,‫שנואה‬
T 5

O th e rs h a v e ‫ י' כי‬in s te a d :

found (root: ‫ א‬- ‫ צ‬- ‫) מ‬ ‫מצויות‬ ,‫מצויים‬ ,‫מצויה‬

‫י‬ T 5
,, ‫מצו‬T ‫>־‬
called (roof: ‫ א‬- ‫) ק ־ ר‬ ‫קרויות‬ ,‫קרויים‬ ‫קרויהי‬ ‫קרוי׳‬

T h e a d je c tiv e fro m th e r o o t ‫ א‬- ‫( נ ־ ש‬a s in th e v e rb : ‫ משה נשא את שרה לאישה‬Moshe

married Sarah) is s p e c ia l. O n ly th e m a s c u l in e s in g u la r fo rm lo s e s its '‫ א‬.

married ‫נשואות‬ ,‫נשואים‬ ,‫נשואה‬

‫י‬ T :
‫׳‬ T

V e rb a l n o u n s o f beenyan pee•'el (model form: ‫‘)ז־יבור‬

The v e rb a l n o u n s o f m o s t lamed-'alef v e rb s in p ee'el lo s e th e ir fin a l ' ‫ א‬a n d

h a v e a ' ‫ י‬in s te a d , fo r e x a m p le :
filling, stuffing 5*‫־ למלא־‬ ‫ילוי‬
expressing; expression ‫ביטוי‬ ‫־‬ ‫לבטא‬

5 For more on adjectives that result from verbs, see the chapter "Adjectives Resulting from an Action Taken and
Completed," pp. 159-169.
6 For more on verbal nouns, see the chapter "Verbal Nouns," pp. 108-123.

V. Special Root Groups / 5. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫א‬

Let's review
Lamed-'alef verbs look the same as regular verbs, but in two cases the ‫ א׳‬causes a
change in vowels and, hence, in pronunciation:

♦ In feminine singular forms in the present tense

Regular verbs in all beenyaneem except heefeel end in E-et, while lamed-'alef
verbs end in -EL' for example:
lamed-'aJef regular
pa'al: -‫קו ראת ־‬ >=<
pee'el: ‫מבטאת‬ >=< ‫מךבךת‬

In beenyan heefeel , regular and lamed-'alef verbs are the same: ,‫מ תי ש ה‬
T • 5 ‫־‬

♦ In the past tense, the vowel before endings that begin with a consonant (,-‫תי‬
‫ ת‬...-), which is ah in regular verbs, changes to eh in lamed-'alef verbs, as in:

lamed-'alef regular
p ee’el: ‫מילאתם‬ >= ‫סיפךתם‬ -*<
heefeel: ‫רזבראנו‬ >= ‫הו־גשנו‬

This does not usually happen in beenyan p a ’a l - e . g . , ‫ מצאתי‬,‫ קראתי‬- except for
in a small number of verbs like ‫( שנאתי‬with eh).

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the m issing form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs an d say it out lo u d .

.‫אתה סורא ספרים באנגלית ושרה ____________ ס פ רי ם בצרפתית‬ .‫ו‬

?‫ איך את ____________ אותו‬.‫ קשה לי לבטא את שמך‬.2


?____________ ‫ גם אתם‬.‫ יובל הבריא סוף סוף מהשפעת‬.3

?‫ אולי אתה ____________ אותו‬,‫ מישהו מצא את הספר שלי? דויד‬.4

:A n s w e rs

ma-TSA-ta( ( ‫ מצאת‬.heev-RE-tem( 4( ‫ הבךאתם‬.me-va-TET( 3( ‫ מבטאת‬.ko-RET( 2( ‫ קוראת‬.1

‫א' ‪V. Special Root Groups / 5. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is‬‬

‫‪Chapter summary‬‬

‫‪N eefal ♦ H oofal ♦ Poo 'al ♦ H ee f eel ♦ Heetpa ,el ♦ Pee 'el‬‬ ‫‪♦ Pa ,al‬‬
‫נפעל‬ ‫הופעל‬ ‫פועל‬ ‫הפעיל‬ ‫התפעל‬ ‫פיעל‬ ‫פעל‬
‫עבר ‪past‬‬
‫נמצאתי‬ ‫הוחבאתי‪9‬‬ ‫דופאתי‪8‬‬ ‫הבראתי‬ ‫התפלאתי‬ ‫מילאתי‬ ‫קראתי‪7‬‬ ‫א ני‬

‫נמצאת‬‫* ‪*• 5‬‬
‫הוחבאת‬ ‫דוכאת‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫‪** :‬‬ ‫*‬
‫התפלאת‬ ‫מילאת‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫?!!את‬ ‫אתה‬

‫נמצאת‬ ‫הוחבאת‬ ‫דופאת‬ ‫הבראת‬ ‫התפלאת‬ ‫מילאת‬ ‫קראת‬ ‫את‬

‫נמצאנו‬ ‫הוחבאנו‬ ‫דופאנו‬ ‫הבראנו‬ ‫התפלאנו‬ ‫מילאנו‬ ‫?ולאגו‬ ‫א נ ח נו‬

‫נמצאתם‬ ‫הוחבאתם‬ ‫דוכאתם‬ ‫הבראתם‬ ‫התפלאתם‬ ‫מילאתם‬ ‫לןךאתם"'‬ ‫אתם‬

‫נמצאת!‬ ‫הוחבאתן‬ ‫דוכא תן‬ ‫הבראתו‬ ‫התפלאתן‬ ‫מילאתן‬ ‫לןךאתן‬ ‫א תן‬

‫נמצא‬ ‫* ‪T 5‬‬
‫הוחבא‬ ‫דוכא‬ ‫הבךיא‬ ‫התפלא‬ ‫מילא‬ ‫ל‪ 1‬י א‬ ‫הו א‬

‫נמצאה‬ ‫הוחבאה‬ ‫דוכאה‬ ‫הבריאה‬ ‫התפלאה‬ ‫מילאה‬ ‫?!ואה‬ ‫הי א‬

‫נמצאו‬ ‫הוחבאו‬ ‫דוכאו‬ ‫הבריאו‬ ‫התפלאו‬ ‫מילאו‬ ‫ל!ךאו‬ ‫ה ם ‪ /‬הן‬

‫הווה ‪present‬‬
‫נמצא‬ ‫מוחבא‬ ‫מדוכא‬ ‫מבריא‬ ‫מתפלא‬ ‫ממלא‬ ‫קורא‬ ‫הו א‬ ‫א ת ה‪,‬‬ ‫א ני‪,‬‬

‫נמצאת‬ ‫מוחבאת‬ ‫מדוכאת‬ ‫מבריאה‬ ‫מתפלאת‪12‬‬ ‫ממלאת‪11‬‬ ‫קוראת‬ ‫הי א‬ ‫א ת‪,‬‬ ‫א ני‪,‬‬

‫נמצאים‬ ‫מוחבאים‬ ‫מדוכאים‬ ‫מבריאים‬ ‫מתפלאים‬ ‫ממלאים‬ ‫קח־אים‬ ‫הם‬ ‫א ת ם‪,‬‬ ‫א נ ח נו‪,‬‬

‫נמצאות‬ ‫* ‪T 5‬‬
‫‪T :‬‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫מבריאות‬ ‫מתפלאות‬ ‫ממלאות‬ ‫קוו־אות‬ ‫הן‬ ‫א תן‪,‬‬ ‫א נ ח נו‪,‬‬

‫עתיד ‪future‬‬
‫אמצא‬ ‫אוחבא‬ ‫אדוכא‬ ‫אבריא‬ ‫אתפלא‬ ‫אמלא‬ ‫אקך א‬ ‫א ני‬

‫‪•• T‬‬
‫‪T :‬‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪:‬‬
‫תבריא‬ ‫תתפלא‬ ‫תמלא‬ ‫תקוא‬ ‫אתה‬

‫•ך ‪..‬‬ ‫‪.‬‬
‫‪T :‬‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪:‬‬
‫?בריא‬ ‫יתפלא‬ ‫ימלא‬ ‫י קי א‬ ‫הו א‬

‫תימצא‬ ‫תוחבא‬ ‫תדוכא‬ ‫תבריא‬ ‫תתפלא‬ ‫תמלא‬ ‫תקךא‬ ‫הי א‬

‫■ך ‪..‬‬
‫‪T 5‬‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬
‫נבריא‬ ‫נתפלא‬ ‫נמלא‬ ‫נקרא‬ ‫א נ ח נו‬

‫‪7‬‬ ‫שנא ‪A few verbs in pa'al do have an eh vowel in the past as in the other beenyaneem. One of them is the verb‬‬
‫‪ (sa-NE-ta)...‬ש נאת ‪ (sa-NE-tee),‬שנאת י ‪(to hate), as i n:‬‬
‫הוא‪ ,‬היא‪ ,‬הם‪8 These poo'al and hoofal verbs are used in the past and future tense mainly in the third person (,‬‬
‫‪9 See note 8.‬‬
‫‪ forms. This is true of all the‬אתן ‪ and‬אתם ‪10 According to the rules of grammar, the stress is on the ending of the‬‬
‫‪ forms in the table above. In beenyan pa'al verbs, the stress on the final syllable causes the first‬אתן ‪ and‬אתם‬
‫‪ (kra-TEMor ke-ra-TEM).‬קראתם ‪vowel to "reduce" and be written as shva, e.g.:‬‬
‫‪) are often used in‬ה; )‪11 In beenyaneem pee'el and heetpa'el, present tense feminine singular forms ending in 1 .-‬‬
‫‪ . Forms like these are grammatically correct and are also commonly used‬מבטאה‪ ,‬מתפלאה ‪speech, for example:‬‬
‫‪ (she‬היא מדוכאה ‪ (she is reading / calling out) and‬היא קוו־אה ‪here and there in other beenyaneem, for example:‬‬
‫‪is depressed).‬‬
‫‪12 See note 11.‬‬

V. Special Root Groups / 5. Verbs Whose Third Root Letter Is '‫א‬

♦ N eefal ♦ H oofal ♦ Poo 'al ♦ H eefeel Heetpa'el ♦ Pee'el ♦ Pa ‫׳‬al

‫נפעל‬ ‫הופעל‬ ‫פועל‬ ‫הפעיל‬ ‫התפעל‬ ‫פיעל‬ ‫פעל‬
‫תימצאי‬ ‫תוחבאי‬ ‫תדוכאי‬ ‫תבריאי‬ ‫תתפלאי‬ ‫תמלאי‬ ‫תקראי‬ ‫את‬
■ ! T

‫תימצאו‬ ‫תוחבאו‬ ‫תדוכאו‬ ‫תבריאו‬ ‫תתפל או‬ ‫תמלאו‬ ‫תקךאו‬ ‫אתן‬/‫את ם‬

5 T

‫יימצאו‬ ‫יוחבאו‬ ‫ידוכאו‬ ‫יבריאו‬ ‫יתפלאו‬ ‫ימלאו‬ ‫יקראו‬ ‫הן‬/‫הם‬

! T *

‫להימצא‬ ‫להבךיא‬ ‫להתפלא‬ ‫למלא‬ ‫לקרוא‬ ‫שם הפועל‬

to be to be to become to become to be to fill, to read, infinitive
found hidden depressed, healthy, amazed to fill out to call out
to be recuperate
(a revolt)

VI. Command Forms (Imperatives)
• When do we use imperative forms?
‫ ״‬Creating imperative forms
* Negative commands

• When do we use imperative forms?

Here are some instructions commonly found in form al (and, in this case, written) Hebrew:

Write (m.s.) the correct word. .‫כתוב א ת המילה הנכונה‬

Look up (m.s.) the new words in the dictionary7. .‫חפש א ת המילים ה ח ד ש ו ת במילון‬

The words highlighted in these sentences are called commands or imperatives (‫)ציווי‬. They are
verb forms used to tell the reader or listener what to do or not to do. For this reason, they are
always addressed to "you" (s. or pi.), but without the "you" pronouns: ‫ א ת ן‬,‫ אתם‬,‫ את‬, ‫ א ת ה‬.

In Modem Hebrew, we often ask someone to do something by using the future tense forms
instead of the imperative. In most cases, the future tense forms are less form al than the
imperative. Thus, instead of the above, we would say (or write):

Write (m.s.) the correct word, please. .‫ ב בקשה‬,‫תכתוב א ת המילה הנכונה‬ ‫<־‬£
(lit.: you will write)

Look up (m.s.) t he new wor ds in the dictionary. .‫תחפש א ת המ יל ים ה ח דש ות במ יל ו ן‬

(lit.: you will l ook up)

These future tense forms usually sound a bit less direct and harsh than imperative forms.

VI. Command Forms

Even though most imperative forms are used only in formal Hebrew, some are also frequently
used in informal Hebrew, including in everyday speech. For example, a parent might say to a
Come (m.s.) here (please) and sit at the table! !‫ב וא הנה (בבקשה) ושב ליד השולחן‬

The imperatives used in informal Hebrew are all short and belong to special root groups (1‫)גזרו־ת‬
in beenyan pa'al. Here are some more examples:

1st root letter '1 (‫פ"נ) נ‬st root letter '2 (‫פ״י) י‬nd root letter '‫ ו‬or ' ‫)עו״י) י‬

! ‫סע‬ ! ‫קח‬ !...‫ת ן לי‬ ! ‫לך‬ ! ‫צא‬ ! ‫רד‬ ! ‫ש ים‬ ! ‫ר וץ‬ ! ‫ק ום‬
Go! Take! Give me...! Go! Go out! Go down! Put! Run! Get up!
(to a driver) Leave!

The longer feminine singular and plural forms of these words (e .g ., ‫ ק ומ ו‬, ‫)ק ומ י‬, which we will
discuss below, are also used in everyday speech. The future tense forms o f verbs like these
(e.g., ‫ תב וא‬, ‫ )תשב‬are also sometimes used in informal Hebrew.

Did you know?

‫ו‬. Please...( ‫ בבלןשה‬,‫ נא‬,‫)אנא‬
In formal, especially written Hebrew, the wor d ‫( אנא‬please) is sometimes
added before the imperative, as in:

Please inform us by e-mail... ...‫א נא הודיעו לנו באי־־מייל‬ **C

Alternatively, the form ‫ נא‬is sometimes, though less frequently, used before
the imperative:2

Please send us your opinion in writing (lit.:write tous). .‫נא כתוב לנו את דעתך‬

Another w a y of softening acommand is by addi ng ‫ ןשה‬7‫בב‬, whi ch is less

formal than ‫ אנא‬and ‫נ א‬, for example:

Please get up! (f.$.) !‫ בבקשה‬,‫** קומי‬C

Please pay attention! (pi.) ! ‫ בבקשה‬,‫שימו לב‬

1 For more on special root groups, see the chapter "Special Root Groups," Introduction, pp. 488-489.
2 ‫ נא‬appears more frequently before an infinitive form (e. g. , ...‫) נא לכתוב‬. See below, p. 577.

VL Command Forms

2. Imperatives and political correctness

In th e p a s t it w a s c u s to m a r y to use masculine singular im p e r a tiv e fo rm s w h e n
g iv in g in s tru c tio n s to a ll re a d e rs . T h is u s a g e is still s o m e tim e s fo u n d in te xts
to d a y . F o r e x a m p le , o n e x a m s y o u m a y fin d in s tru c tio n s su ch a s "‫כתוב את‬
‫( " הפועל המתאים‬W rite the appropriate verb). In c o o k b o o k s , fe m in in e s in g u la r fo rm s
a re s o m e tim e s u s e d u n d e r th e a s s u m p tio n th a t m o s t c o o k s a re w o m e n ( !) ,
e .g ., "‫( " הוסיפי כוס חלב‬Add a cup of milk). A s a w a re n e s s o f p o lit ic a l c o rre c tn e s s
in c re a s e s in Is ra e li s o c ie ty , th e s e s in g u la r fo rm s a re b e in g r e p la c e d m o re

a n d m o re w ith p lu r a l fo rm s , e .g . , "‫" כתבו את הפועל‬.

• Creating imperative forms

In today's Hebrew, three imperative forms - for ‫( אתה‬m.s.), ‫( את‬f.s.) and ‫אתן‬/‫( אתם‬pi.) - are
generally used. In beenyaneem pa'al and pee'el these forms usually resemble fu tu re tense
forms. For example, compare:
‫ציווי‬ ‫עתיד‬
imperative future

!‫קום‬ ‫תקום‬ :)‫(אתה‬

!‫קומי‬ ‫תקומי‬ :)‫(את‬
!‫קומו‬ ‫תקומו‬ :)‫אתן‬/‫(אתם‬

In these two beenyaneem, we usually use the future tense forms as our starting point for creating
imperatives. In contrast, as we will see below, in the beenyaneem whose infinitive contains a
‫ ה׳‬- ‫( להיכנס‬neefal), ‫( להתלבש‬heetpa'el), ‫( להרגיש‬heefeel) - we use the infinitive (and not the
future tense forms) as our starting point. The remaining beenyaneem - the passive beenyaneem
poo'al and hoofal - do not have imperative forms.

Pa’al and pee’el: starting from future tense forms

Beenyan p a 'a l (‫)כתוב‬
Now look again at the forms of the verb ‫ לקום‬shown above.

3 In Biblical Hebrew, there is a separate form for ‫אתן‬: !‫) קמנה) קומנה‬. This is used today only in very formal or
literary Hebrew.

VI. Command Forms

Q: How do we create imperatives from their future tense forms?

A: In the case of ‫לקום‬, we simply take off the prefix -‫ ת‬:


! ‫ק ום‬ ‫ק ום‬# :)‫(אתה‬

!‫ק ומ י‬ <= ‫!עק ומ י‬ :)‫(את‬
!‫ק ומ ו‬ ‫ק ומ ו‬# : )‫את ן‬/ ‫(אתם‬

This method works for pa'al verbs that belong to special root groups. Here are some more

()‫עו״י‬ ‫(ל״י‬ )‫(פ״נ‬ )‫)(פ״י‬

3rd root letter '‫י‬ first root letter's 1st root letter '2 ‫י‬nd root letter '‫ ו‬or '‫י‬
imperative future imperative future imperative future imperative future

4!‫ק נה => ק נה‬$ ! ‫סע‬ >= ‫סע‬/‫ז?נ‬ ! ‫ז?נשב => שב‬ ! ‫ש ים‬ >= ‫ש ים‬$ : )‫(אתה‬
!‫ק נ י => קני‬$ ! ‫סע י‬ >= ‫סע י‬/ # !‫שב י => שב י‬# ! ‫ש ימ י‬ >= ‫ש ימ י‬# :)‫(את‬
!‫=> קנו‬ ‫נקנו‬/! ! ‫סע ו‬ >= ‫סע ו‬/ # !‫ שב ו‬4= ‫שב ו‬# ! ‫ש ימ ו‬ 4= ‫והש ימ ו‬ : )‫את ן‬/ ‫(אתם‬
Buy! Go! Sit! Put...!

This is also the way we arrive at the imperative base forms (= ‫ אתה‬forms) of regular verbs in
beenyan pa'al, including almost all verbs with gutturals ( ‫ ע ׳‬/ ‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬/‫) א‬:
'efal (‫)אפעל‬ 'efol (‫)אפע ול‬
imperative future imperative future

Study! / Learn! ! ‫למד‬ »= ‫ למ ד‬# Write! !‫כת וב‬ >^= ‫כת וב‬#
Listen! ! ‫שמע‬ >= ‫!?נשמע‬ Stand! ! ‫עמ וד‬ >= ‫ ד‬1‫ ע מ‬#
Ask! ! ‫שאל‬ »= ‫ש א ל‬# Collect! ! ‫אס וף‬ >= ‫אט^ף‬#

Notice that the division into 'efol and 'efal in the future forms applies also to the

Note: The imperative form o f ‫ לאכול‬is !‫ ל‬1‫ אכ‬. This verb and other pe-'alef verbs whose future
tense forms are like those o f ‫ לאכול‬- i.e., ‫ תיאכל‬- form their imperative by removing the -‫ ל‬from
the infinitive:
Eat! !‫> אכול => אכול‬

4 The vowel sign at the end of this form changes from □ to □, but in today's Hebrew the pronunciation of both
of these is the same: eh.
5 On 'efol and 'efal in the future tense of verbs in beenyan pa'al, see the chapter "Beenyan Pa'al" pp. 398-

VI. Command Forms

Now let's see what happens when the endings ‫י‬: and ‫ו‬- are added to these forms:

,efal ,efol

)‫(לכי״‬ )!‫(כתוב‬
!‫למךי‬ ‫למדי‬# !‫כתבי‬ ‫כתבי‬# :)‫(את‬
!‫למדו‬ ‫למדו‬# !‫כתבו‬ ‫כתבו‬# :)‫ אתן‬/‫(אתם‬

As you can see, as in the future forms of ‫ את‬and ‫ אתן‬/‫ א ת ם‬, so too in the imperative forms, there
is no difference between ,efol and ,efal. In all o f the imperative forms with endings, the first
vowel almost always becomes ee ( □) (‫ כתבי‬keet-VEE,‫ כתבו‬keet-VOO. . .).6

Here are some more examples:

)!‫(שמע‬ )!‫(אסוף‬ )!‫(*מוי‬
!‫שמעי‬ !‫אספי‬ !‫עמךי‬ :)‫(את‬ >C
!‫שמעו‬ !‫אספו‬ !‫עמדו‬ :)‫ אתן‬/‫(אתם‬

Only the ‫ את‬and ‫ א תן‬/‫ א ת ם‬forms o f verbs with a middle guttural (e.g., ‫ )שאל‬are different from
these forms: They have three syllables and their first two vowels are a-a:

(!‫)שא ל‬
sha-'a-LEE •4- (‫שאל י‬ :)‫* את‬t

sha-'a-LOO !:)‫ אתן‬/‫אתם‬ ‫)שאל ו‬

Beenyan pee’el (‫)דבי‬

In beenyan pee'el, we simply remove the ‫ ת׳‬prefix to arrive at the three imperative forms. The
first vowel of all pee'el imperatives is ah.

3rd root letter‫)ל״י) ’״‬ 2nd root letter ‫ ד‬o r '‫(עו״י) י‬ regular verbs
imperative future imperative future imperative future

7!‫נסה‬ >= ‫נסה‬# !‫תאר‬

■‫ ־‬T >= ‫תאר‬# !‫דבר‬ >= ‫דבר‬# :)‫(אתה‬
!‫נסי‬ >= ‫נסי‬# 8!=>
‫ !• ־‬T ‫תארי‬ ‫תארי‬# !‫דבךי‬ >= ‫!ברי‬# :)‫(את‬
!‫נסו‬ >= ‫נסו‬# !‫תארו‬
‫־־‬: t >= ‫תארו‬# !‫ךברו‬ >= ‫!ברו‬# :)‫אתן‬/‫(אתם‬
Try! Describe ! Speak!

6 This happens for phonetic reasons. See J. Weingreen, 1959, p. 11.

7 The vowel sign at the end of this form changes from □ to □, but in today's Hebrew the pronunciation of both
of these is the same: eh.
8 On the use of ah (□) after a guttural, see the chapter "Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Pa'al" pp. 450-453.

VI. Command Forms

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the im p e ra tiv e form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs.
!‫____________________________________________________ פ ה‬

!‫> ____________________________________________________________ א ת המפתחות בחדר שלך‬5= !‫בחדר שלך‬

.‫ בבקשה‬, ‫ ל י‬4= .‫ בבקשה‬,‫תחכה לי‬

!‫תבואי בחמ ש! => __ ב ח מ ש‬

!‫תפנה ש מאלה ברמזור! =>_______________ ש מ א ל ה ברמזור‬ .5

!‫ת שי מו לב ל של ט! =?> ל ב ל של ט‬

.‫ בבקשה‬,‫ => _______________ ל י עו ד הזדמנות‬.‫ בבקשה‬,‫תיתו לי עוד הזדמנות‬ .7

.‫ בבקשה‬,‫ =?>_______________ א ת הנעליי ם שלך מן הסלון‬.‫ בבקשה‬,‫תיקחי את הנעליי ם שלך מן הסלון‬ .8

!‫ת ש מרו על עצ מכ ם! => ______________ ע ל עצמכ ם‬ .9

!‫_____________________________________________________ פ ה‬

!‫ ת סראו את הק טע! => ______________ א ת הק טע‬. 11

!‫_____________________________________________________ מ י ד‬

A n s w e rs :9
‫ קךאו‬. 11 ‫ עצור‬. 10 ‫ שמרו‬.9 ‫ קחי‬. 8 ‫ תן‬.7 ‫ שימו‬.6 ‫ פנה‬.5 ‫ בואי‬.4 ‫ חפה‬. 3 ‫ חפשי‬.2 ‫שבו‬ .1
‫ חזרו‬. 12

N eefal, heetpa’el and heefeel: starting from infinitive forms

The infinitives of three beenyaneem - neefal, heetpa'el and heefeel - contain a ‫ ה׳‬after the
initial -‫ל‬. The imperative forms o f all three beenyaneem also begins with a ‫ה׳‬.

9 It is not necessary for you to write vowel signs in your answers. We have added vowel signs to the answers in
the chapters on verbs in order to make clear how the forms are pronounced.

VI. Command Forms

Neefal and heetpa’el ( ‫ התלבש‬,‫)היפנס‬

First let's compare the infinitive and imperative base forms o f neefal and heetpa'el.

‫ציווי‬ ‫שם הפ ועל‬

imperative infinitive

neefal. Come in! !>= ‫היכנס להיכנס‬

heetpa'el. Get dressed! !‫הת ל בש‬ >= ‫ל הת ל בש‬

Q: What must we do in order to create imperative base forms from the infinitives?

A: We simply remove the initial :‫ל־‬

> ‫ה יכ נס‬
‫ יי‬T
4= ‫לה יכ נס‬
‫ ■י‬T :‫־‬
‫הת ל בש‬ >= ‫! להת ל בש‬

Here is what happens when we add endings (‫י‬: and ‫ו‬-) to the base forms:

heetpa'el neefal

!‫התלבש‬ !‫היכנס‬ :)‫(אתה‬

!‫התלבשי‬ !‫היכנסי‬ :)‫(את‬

Notice that the same change in the vowel before the ending that took place in regular verbs
in pa'al (‫ )כתבי‬and pee'el (‫ )ךבךי‬takes place here as well: The vowel "reduces" (it is usually
not pronounced and is written as shva when vowel signs are added), e.g., ‫( היכנסי‬hee-kan-SEE),
‫( התלבשי‬heet-lab-SHEE).

Here are examples o f verbs with gutturals (and 10:(‫ר׳‬

heetpa'el neefal

) ‫(להת נה ג‬ ) ‫(לה ירשם‬ ) ‫(לה ישאר‬

!‫הת נהג‬ ! ‫ה ירשם‬
‫■י‬ T
! ‫ישאר‬
T‫ה‬ .. :)‫(אתה‬
!‫הת נהג י‬ ! ‫ה ירשמ י‬
• ! T ‫־־‬
! ‫ה ישאר י‬
‫ י‬- ‫■ך י‬
!‫הת נהג ו‬ ! ‫ה ירשמ ו‬
! T ‫״‬
! ‫ה ישאר ו‬
‫ !־־‬T
: )‫את ן‬/ ‫(אתם‬
Behave! Register! Stay !

10 See the chapters "Guttural Consonants: Beenyan Heefeel, Hoofal and H e e tp a 'e lpp. 468-469 and ‫״‬Guttural
Consonants: Beenyaneem Pee'el, Poo'al and Neefal," pp. 480-483 for explanations of these changes. The
explanations of changes in neefal future tense verbs apply to the changes in the imperatives.

VI. Command Forms

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the im p e ra tiv e form s o f the u n d e rlin e d verbs.

!‫מחר‬ >=.‫תתסשרו מחר‬

!‫שם‬ >=.‫תישאר שם‬

.‫מהר‬ >=.‫תתקלחי מהר‬

!‫בדרך‬ >=.‫תיזהרו בדרר‬

A nsw ers:
‫ היזהרו‬.4 ‫ התקלחי‬.3 ‫ הישאר‬.2 ‫ התקשרו‬.1

Heef eel (‫)הקשב‬

Read the following instructions:

Complete (m.s.) the sentence! !‫השלם את המשפט‬

Listen (m.s.) to the lifeguard's instructions! !‫הקשב להוראות המציל‬

As you can see, the ‫ אתה‬form o f the imperative in beenyan heefeel is a bit different from the
infinitive form. Compare:

‫ציווי‬ ‫שם הפועל‬

imperative infinitive

regular verb: Order! /Invite!!‫־‬4= ‫הזמן להזמין‬

When we move from the infinitive to the ‫ אתה‬form of the imperative, n o t o n ly does the -‫ל‬
drop off, but also the vowel in the final syllable changes to eh (□) and the ‫ י׳‬that appears in the
infinitive is no longer written: !‫הזמן‬. Here are some more heefeel verbs in which you can see
the same change:

pe-noon: Look! (root: ‫ט‬-‫ב‬-‫)נ‬ !‫הבט‬ <= ‫*(הביט‬

,ayeen-vav/yod: Get ready! / Prepare! (root ‫נ‬-‫ו‬-‫)כ‬ ‫הכח‬ 4= ‫?רריז‬
pe-yod: Take down! (root: ‫ד‬-‫ר‬-‫)י‬ !‫הורד‬ <= ‫*להוריד‬
initial guttural: Believe! (root: ‫נ‬-‫מ‬-‫)א‬ !‫האמן‬ ‫ האמין‬1?

VI. Command Forms

This vowel change takes place only in the ‫ אתה‬form. Compare the forms with endings to the
‫ אתה‬form:
*‫האמן‬ !‫הורד‬ !‫הכן‬ !‫הבס‬ !‫הזמן‬ :)‫(אתה‬ ■>C
!‫האמיני‬ !‫ןיךי‬1‫ה‬ !‫הכיני‬
• ‫י‬T !‫סביטי‬ !‫ס־ומיני‬ :)‫(את‬
!‫האמינו‬ !‫הורידו‬ !‫הכינו‬
‫־‬T !‫הביטו‬ !‫הץמינו‬ :)‫אתן‬/‫(אתם‬

In order to create the ‫ את‬and ‫ א תן‬/‫ א ת ם‬forms, we simply take the infinitive without its ‫ל׳‬
‫להזמין‬, ‫*)) הביס‬...) and add the endings ‫י‬: and ‫ו‬-. Note that - just as in the future ( ‫ תזמינו‬,‫ ) תזמיני‬-
there is no "reduction" here o f the vowel before the ending.

When the final root letter is ‫ ע׳‬or ‫ח׳‬, in addition to omitting the ‫י׳‬, the vowel in the ‫ אתה‬form
changes to ah, as in:
‫להצביע‬ ‫להבטיס‬
!‫הצבע‬ !‫הבטח‬ :)‫(אתה‬
!‫הצביעי‬ !‫הבטיחי‬ :)‫(את‬
!‫הצביעו‬ !‫הבטיחו‬ :)‫ אתן‬/‫(אתם‬
Vote! Promise!

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the im p e ra tiv e form o f the u n d e rlin e d v e rb .

!‫ תסביר לנו שוב! => ____________ ל נ ו שוב‬. 1

.‫ בבקשה‬,‫=> ____________ ל י את המלח‬.‫ בבקשה‬,‫ תעבירי לי את המלח‬.2

!‫ תרים את הידיים למעלה! => ____________ א ת הידיים למעלה‬. 3

!‫ תושיב את האורחים במקומותיהם! => ____________ א ת האורחים במקומותיהם‬.4

A n s w e rs :
‫ הו־שב‬A ‫ הרם‬.3 ‫ העבירי‬. 2 ‫הסבר‬ .1

VI. Command Forms

Let's review
♦ Imperative forms in p a ’a l and pee'el are very similar to future tense forms. To
create the imperatives, we simply remove the prefix -‫ ת‬from the future tense

pee'el (‫)פיעל‬ pa'a! (‫)פעל‬

imperative future imperative future

‫!בר‬ ‫דבר‬$ ‫קום‬ >= ‫קום‬$ ‫>י‬

‫דברי‬ ‫!?דברי‬ ‫קומי‬ >= ‫!עקומי‬
‫דברו‬ <= ‫!?דברו‬ ‫קומו‬ >= ‫ןקומו‬

♦ In the ‫ את‬and ‫ א תן‬/‫ א ת ם‬forms of regular pa'al verbs, there is, in addition, a
change in pronunciation (the imperative begins with ee):

imperative future

> ‫=> נתבי‬ ‫תנתבי‬

‫תבו‬:‫־‬ ‫=> נ תבו‬$

♦ In verbs whose infinitive has a '‫<( ה‬neefal, heetpa'el heefeel), the imperative
form begins with ‫ה ׳‬:
imperative infinitive

neefal. ‫היננסו‬ ,‫היננסי‬ ,‫היכנס‬ >= ‫ • ינ נ ס‬V - <

heetpa'el. 1‫התלבשו‬ ,‫התלבשי‬ ,‫התלבש‬ >= ‫ תתלבש‬/
heefeel. ‫=> ־ז מין‬,‫ וזמן‬,‫הזמיני‬ ‫זמינו‬

♦ In heefeel, the ‫ אתה‬form (‫ )הזמן‬has the vowel eh in its final syllable and there
is no '‫י‬.

• Negative commands
Read the following negative commands:
Don't get up! !‫אל תקום‬ :)‫(אתה‬ ‫־־‬5C
!‫אל תקומי‬ :)‫(את‬
!‫אל תקומו‬ :)‫אתן‬/‫(אתם‬

VL Command Forms

Q: Are these the same imperative forms that we saw above?

A: No. For negative commands, we use the word ‫ אל‬for negation, followed by future tense -
not imperative - forms. Here are some more examples:

!‫א ל תי כנ סו‬ !‫א ל ת ך ב ךי‬ !‫א ל ת כ תו ב‬

Don't come in! Don't talk! Don't write!
(pi.) (f.s.) (m.s.)

Did you know?

Using the infinitive as a "command"

A n o th e r w a y to a s k s o m e o n e to d o ( o r n o t to d o ) s o m e th in g in fo r m a l H e b r e w is
b y u s in g th e in fin itiv e fo rm (o fte n p r e c e d e d b y ‫)נא‬, fo r e x a m p le :

Please do not disturb! ! ‫ל א להפריע‬ ‫ נא‬- C

please turn off all cell phones! ! ‫פ ל א פוני ם‬ ‫נא לכבות‬

W hen ‫נא‬ is o m itte d , th e use o f th e in fin itiv e a s a c o m m a n d s o u n d s less fo r m a l.

S o m e tim e s th e w o r d ‫ ב ב ק ש ה‬is u s e d . F o r e x a m p le , th e b u s d r iv e r m ig h t c a ll o u t:

Please move further in! ! ‫פני מ ה‬ ‫בבקשה להיכנס‬

‫בבקשה‬ ,‫פני מ ה‬ ‫! להיכנס‬ :o r

!‫ ____________ א ת האותיות‬4= !‫ הגדילי את האותיות‬.3

A nsw ers:
‫ אל תגךילי‬.3 ‫ אל תישארו‬.2 ‫ אל תדבר‬.‫ו‬

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem
At the beginning of this book, we discussed two of the basic building blocks o f words in Hebrew:
root and pattern. We saw there that roots usually have a basic meaning, and when they appear in
different patterns, this meaning is modified in some way. In the following chapters, we will see
how the seven basic verb patterns (beenyaneem) can modify the meaning o f roots.

Here's an example o f how the root ‫ת־ב‬-‫כ‬, which has to do with writing, is modified in the five
different beenyaneem in which it appears in Modem Hebrew:1

,‫עו״ד גדעון לוי מירושלים כתב מכתב לעורך דין בניו יורק‬
Mr. Gidon Levy, a Jerusalem lawyer, wrote a letter to a lawyer in New York.

The letter was written last night. .‫המכתב נכתב אתמול בערב‬

Mr. Levy dictated another letter to his secretary. ,‫עו״ד לוי הכתיב מכתב נוסף למזכירה שלו‬
=He caused his secretary to write it.

The letter was dictated and typed yesterday. .‫המכתב הוכתב והוקלד אתמול‬

‫ עו ״ד לוי מתכתב כל הזמן עם עורכי דין בניו יורק‬.

Mr. Levy corresponds all the time with lawyers in New York.
=They write to each other.

Do beenyaneem have fixed and predictable meanings?

We cannot assign a fixed and predictable meaning to each beenyan. The meaning o f two o f
the seven beenyaneem - poo'al and hoofal - is predictable in that these beenyaneem contain
only passive verbs. The other five beenyaneem tend to convey certain kinds o f meanings. By
becoming familiar with the range o f meanings o f each beenyan, we (as readers and listeners) are
better able to guess the meaning o f a verb whose root is known to us. As speakers and writers o f
Hebrew, we use our knowledge o f the possible meanings o f beenyaneem to make an educated
guess as to which beenyan we should use. (Such a guess must, o f course, be checked in the
dictionary or by asking a native speaker).

1 While, theoretically, every three-letter root can fit into every beenyan, in reality this does not happen: One root
may appear in all seven beenyaneem , while another may be found in only two or three.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / Introduction

In the chapters in this unit, we will examine the following categories of meanings and their
connection to various beenyaneem: 2

1. Active and Passive Verbs ‫פעיל וסביל‬

* T J * T

2. Special Categories of Active Verbs

- Causative verbs (i.e.. causing something to happen or be)
- Reflexive verbs (i.e., doing something to oneself)
- Reciprocal verbs (i.e.. doing something to or with each other)
3. Verbs that Are Neither Active Nor Passive
4. Meanings and the Beenyaneem: Summary

2 In grammar books, these meanings are often referred to as voice: the active voice, the passive voice, the
causative voice, the reflexive voice , the reciprocal voice.

Active and Passive Verbs ‫פעיל וסביל‬
n Preview
• T : * T

• Active verbs ‫ אקטיבי‬/ ‫פעיל‬

‫ ״‬Passive verbs ‫ פסיבי‬/ ‫סביל‬
. T • T

• Active-passive pairs (pee'el-poo'al, heef1eel-hoofal)

‫ ״‬Beenyan neefal also contains passive verbs
‫ ״‬Beenyan heetpa'el also contains passive verbs
• Which active verbs can be made passive?

•Active verbs ‫ אקטיבי‬/ ‫פעיל‬

Read the following paragraph:

‫ הקשיבו ללהקה שניגנה‬,‫ אכלו‬,‫ במסיבה הם רקדו‬.‫ירון ואחותו התלבשו יפה ויצאו ביחד למסיבה‬ ‫>־‬
.‫ בבוקר הם נפרדו מהחברים שלהם וחזרו הביתה‬2:00-‫ ב‬.‫ודיברו עם חברים‬

Yaron and liis sister got dressed up and went out together to a party. At the party they danced, ate,
listened to the band that was playing and talked with friends. At 2 a.m., they said goodbye to (lit.:
parted from) their friends and returned home.

The verbs highlighted above belong to five different beenyaneem:

p a ’al: -‫־‬,‫ יצאו‬,‫ רקדו‬,‫אכלו‬

pee'el: ‫ דיברו‬,‫ניגנה‬
heefeel: ‫הקשיבו‬
neefal: ‫נפרדו‬
heetpa'el: ‫התלבשו‬

All these verbs convey that some action has been taken. And who performs this action? The
subject of these verbs (her e: ‫ ירון ואח ותו‬- Yaron and Ms sister - and ‫ הלהקה‬- the band).1

1 In order to simplify our discussion, we say here and elsewhere that the "subject" (a grammatical term) performs
the action, when in reality it is the person (or entity) denoted by the subject that performs the action.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 1. Active and Passive Verbs

f I
verb active subject

‫ חזרו‬/ ‫ נפרדו‬/ ‫ דיברו‬/ ‫ הקשיבו‬/ ‫ אכלו‬/ ‫ רקדו‬/ ‫ יצאו‬/ ‫התלבשו‬ ‫ירון ואחותו‬
‫ניגנה‬ ‫הלהקה‬

When the subject performs the action indicated by the verb, we say that the verbs are active

An active verb in Hebrew appears only in one o f the following five beenyaneem: pa'al, pee'el,
heefeel, neefal and heetpa'el - and never in the other two beenyaneem: poo'al and hoofal.

Be careful! All active verbs appear in one o f these five beenyaneem-, however, not all
verbs in these beenyaneem are active. We will discuss the non-active meanings o f verbs
in each beenyan below and in the chapter "Verbs that Are Neither Active Nor Passive"
(pp. 606-612).

Now let's ask: When we wish to express an active verb in Hebrew, can we know in w hich o f
these five beenyaneem it will appear?

In order to answer this question, let's examine the following translations o f English verbs:

He ran away is in Hebrew both ‫( ברח‬pa'al) and ‫( נמלט‬neefal).

He phoned is in Hebrew ‫( התקשר‬heetpa'el) and ‫( טלפן‬pee'el).
He threw is in Hebrew both ‫( זרק‬pa'al) and ‫( השליך‬heefeel).

As you can see, each of the English verbs above is active, and each has Hebrew equivalents that
appear in m ore th a n one beenyan. We cannot accurately predict into which o f the five "active"
beenyaneem a given active verb will fit. Having said this, we will see in the next chapter that
sometimes there are types o f meanings that allow us to narrow down our choice to fewer than

2 We are using this as our working definition of active verbs since we find it useful for learners of Hebrew,
especially in explaining the transition from active to passive verbs. It should also be noted that in this book we
refer to reciprocal verbs (e.g.,‫ )נפרדו‬and reflexive verbs (e. g. , ‫ )התלבש ו‬as active verbs. See the chapter ‫״‬Special
Categories of Active Verbs," pp. 593-605.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 1. Active and Passive Verbs

• Passive verbs ‫ פסיבי‬/ ‫סביל‬ * T * T

Read the following sentences containing passive verbs:3

The soup was cooked (by Dan). 4.(‫ המרק בושל (על ידי דן‬.‫ו א‬
The telephone was fixed (by Ron). .(‫ הטלפון תוקן ( ע ל ידי רון‬.‫ב‬

Yuval was invited for dinner. .2‫ יובל הוזמן לארוחת ערב‬.‫א‬
The light was turned on (by the teacher). .(‫ האור הודלק (על ידי המורה‬.‫ב‬

Here, too, the verbs indicate that an action has been performed. But these sentences are different
from the ones with active verbs.

Q: Did the subject in these sentences perform the actions denoted by the verbs?

A: No. It is not the subject that performed the actions. Rather, the action was done to the
subject (e.g., the soup was cooked), i.e., the subject is passive. The performer o f the action
- ‫( דן‬Dan) and ‫( רון‬Ron) in sentences ‫ וא׳‬and 1‫ ב׳‬above and ‫( המורה‬the teacher) in sentence 2‫ ב׳‬- is
not always indicated or known. We call the verbs in sentences like these passive verbs.

Q: To which beenyaneem do these passive verbs belong?

A: ‫ בושל‬and ‫ תוקן‬belong to poo'al.

‫ הוזמן‬and ‫ הודלק‬belong to hoofal.

Verbs in poo'al and hoofal always have a passive meaning.5 Notice that both beenyaneem have
the sound oo-ah: poo'al, hoofal. When you hear oo-ah in a verb, you immediately know that
it is passive.

Be careful! As we will see below, there are passive verbs also in other beenyaneem,
and they do not contain the sounds oo-ah.

3 We use the term passive verbs to refer to verbs to which ‫״‬by + the performer of the action" can be added, as
in the sentence ‫( המרק בושל על ידי דן‬The soup was cooked by Dan). Other verbs like ‫ נגמר‬in 12:00-2 ‫השיעור נגמר‬
(The lesson ended at 12:00), which are close to passives but to which we cannot add "by + someone," are
called in this book "it happened to him/her/it" verbs. For more on these verbs, see the chapter "Verbs that Are
Neither Active Nor Passive," pp. 608-611.
4 In sentences like these (with passive verbs), we do not usually mention who performed the action. If we wish
to do so, we can add a phrase that begins with ‫( על ידי‬by) (abbreviated as : ‫)ע״י‬.
5 We are speaking here only of the verbs in these beenyaneem and not of adjectives like ‫( מצוין‬excellent) and
‫( מוצלח‬successful), whose forms are those of present tense verbs.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 1. Active and Passive Verbs

• Active-passive pairs (pee'el-poo'al, h eef eel-hoof al)

Now let's look at the following pairs o f sentences that contain active and passive verbs:

passive active

,)‫המרק בושל (על ידי דן‬ >=< .‫ א תמ ול דן בישל א ת המרק המיוחד שלו‬.‫וא‬
The soup was cooked (by Dan). Yesterday Dan cooked his special soup.
.)‫הטלפון תוקן ( ע ל ידי רון‬ .‫ רון תיקן את הטלפון המקולקל‬.‫ב‬
The telephone was fixed (by Ron). Ron fixed the broken telephone.

.‫יובל הוזמן לארוחת ערב‬ >=< .‫ הזמינו א ת יובל לארוחת ערב‬. ‫ א‬2
Yuval was invited to dinner. Someone invited Yuval to dinner.
.)‫האור הודלק (על ידי המורה‬ >=< .‫ המורה הדליקה א ת האור‬.‫ב‬
The light was turned on (by the teacher). The teacher turned on the light.

The passive verbs in Set 1 (‫ בושל‬and ‫ )תוקן‬belong to beenyan poo'al.

Q: To which beenyan do their active counterparts (‫ בישל‬and ‫ )תיקן‬belong?

A: To beenyan pee'el. In Set 1 we see that poo'al and pee'el are paired together:

poo’al ‫פועל‬ <=> pee’el £»**‫פיעל‬ ‫־‬

‫בישל‬ ‫בושל‬
‫תיקן‬ ‫תוקן‬

These two beenyaneem are "genetically" related: They both have a strong dagesh in the middle
root letter (in texts with vowel signs).6 In order to go from one to the other, we leave the
consonants o f the beenyan the same and simply change the vowels:'

poo'al <=> pee'el

‫פיעל‬ ‫פועל‬

Now look at Set 2 above. The passive verbs in this set (‫ הוזמן‬and ‫ )הודלק‬belong to beenyan

Q: To which beenyan do their active counterparts (‫ הזמינו‬and ‫ )הדליקה‬belong?

A: To beenyan heefeel. In Set 2 we see that hoofal and heefeel are paired together:

6 See the chapter "The Pronunciation of ' ‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh ," pp. 631-633.
7 In writing, this change in vowel sounds also involves changing the ‫״‬vowel letters‫ ״‬: '‫ י‬in pee'el and ‫ ר‬in poo'c.
For an enlightening description of these changes, see Mazal Cohen-Weidenfeld, 2000, vol. I, pp. 137, 248.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 1. Active and Passive Verbs

hoofal ‫הופעל‬ heefeel 5* ‫*הפעיל‬t

‫הוזמן‬ ‫הזמינו‬
‫הודלק‬ ‫הדליק‬

These two beenyaneem are also "genetically" related: they both have an initial '‫ ה‬in front o f their
first root letter. Here, too, in order to go from one to the other, we leave the consonants o f the
beenyan the same and simply change the vowels:
hoofal <=> heefeel <C
‫הופעל‬ ‫הפעיל‬

When we change passive sentences to active sentences, the verbs change from poo'al to pee'el
and from hoofal to heefeel. When we change from active to passive, we do the reverse: pee'el
changes to poo'al and heefeel changes to hoofal.8

These four beenyaneem can be thought o f as belonging to two distinct "families": the pee'el-
poo'al family and the heefeel-hoofal family.

passive active

poo'al ‫פועל‬ pee'el ‫פיעל‬

hoofal ‫הופעל‬ heefeel ‫הפעיל‬

Did you know?

Converting active to passive and vice versa

In addition to learning the active-passive pairs of beenyaneem, there are several

other matters that require attention when we change from active to passive
sentences and vice versa.

1. The object and the subject change places

Active to Passive
When we change from an active to a passive sentence, the object of the active
verb (here: ‫ )הטלפון‬becomes the subject of the passive verb:

In unusual cases, the passive of a specific pee'el verb is not found in poo'al, and the passive of a specific
heefeel verb is not found in hoofal. Rather, the passives are found in other beenyaneem, for example:
neefal heefeel heetpa'el pee'el
‫ניצל‬ o ‫הציל‬ ‫התקבל‬ >3< ‫קיבל‬ •<
was saved saved was received received

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 1. Active and Passive Verbs

object subject
active: .‫רון תיקן את הטלפ ו ן אתמול‬

new subject
passive: .(‫הטלפון תוקן אתמול(על ידי רון‬

The original subject‫ ־‬of the active sentence - ‫ רון‬- either disappears in the
passive sentence or - much less frequently - is added as part of a phrase:
‫( על ידי רון‬by Ron).

Passive to A ctive
When we change from passive to active, the reverse process takes place: The
subject of the passive sentence (here: ‫ )הט לפון‬becomes the object of the active
sentence. If the object is definite ,9 we add ‫ את‬before it (for exceptions, see
p. 591):
passive: .‫הטלפון תוקן אתמול על ידי דון‬

active: .‫רון תיקן את הטלפ ו ן אתמול‬

If the performer of the action is noted in the passive sentence (here: ‫) על ידי דון‬,
then the performer (‫ )רון‬becomes the subject of the active sentence.

passive: .‫הטלפון תוקן אתמול על ידי דון‬ -‫<״‬

object new subject

active: .‫רון תיקן את הטלפ ו ן אתמול‬

But what happens when the performer of the action is not indicated in the
passive sentence (i.e., no ‫ על ידי‬phrase appears in the passive sentence)?

passive: .‫הטלפון תוקן אתמול‬

active: .‫תיקנו את הטלפ ו ן אתמול‬

The object is definite (specific) if it is preceded by ‫( ה־‬the), if it is a proper noun (i.e., the name of a person or
place and the like) or if it has a possessive ending (e.g.,‫ בנו‬his son). For more details, see the chapter ‫״‬The
Direct Object and the Use of ‫את‬,‫ ״‬pp. 698-702.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 1. Active and Passive Verbs

As you can see, when we don't know who performed the action, the active
sentence has no subject. It is an impersonal (‫ )סתמי‬sentence with a masculine
plural (‫ )הם‬form of the v e rb :10.‫ת י קנ ו‬

2. Matching the verb to the subject

The verb of each sentence must match its subject (m. «> m., f. m f., sing. <s> sing.,
pi. <=> pi.). Thus, after we change an active sentence to a passive one or a
passive sentence to an active one, we must make sure the verb matches its new
subject, for example:

passive active

f.s. <s> f.s. m.s. <s> m.s.

.)‫הטלוויזיה תוקנה אתמול (על ידי רון‬ .‫רון תיקן את הטלוויזיה אתמול‬
m .pl. •ss> f.s. <^> f.s.
.)‫האורות הודלקו ( ע ל ידי שרה‬ .‫שרה הדליקה את האורות‬

The only time this matching does not take place is when the active sentence is
impersonal and, therefore, has no subject.

Want to see if you've understood?

A . Pee'el-poo'al: W rite the m issing a ctive o r passive verb.

passive active

.‫ => החשבון ____________ בזמן‬.‫ אבי שילם את חשבון הטלפון בזמן‬.‫ו‬

.‫ הם ילכו לסרט‬, ____________‫ => אם החדר‬.‫ הילדים יסדרו את החדר שלהם‬.2

‫ <= הפגישה עם‬.‫ מנהל בית הספר ___________ א ת מ ו ל את הפגישה עם ההורים‬.3

.‫ההורים בוטלה‬
A nsw ers:
‫ ביטל‬.3 ‫ יסודר‬.2 ‫ שולם‬. 1

10 See the chapter "Sentences Without Subjects: Impersonal Sentences," pp. 694-696 for an explanation of
impersonal sentences of this type.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 1. Active and Passive Verbs

B. Heef'eef-hoof'al: W rite the m issing a ctive o r passive v e rb .

passive active

,‫ => המצב __________ ל חו ל ה‬.‫ הרופאה הסבירה לחולה את המצב‬.‫ו‬

.‫ => העבודה___________ ב מח שב‬.‫ הסטודנט הדפיס את העבודה שלו במחשב‬. 2

.‫ <= הכסף יוחזר מחר‬.‫ הגנב___________ מ ח ר את הכסף‬. 3

A nsw ers:
‫ יחזיר‬.3 ‫ הודפסה‬.2 ‫ הוסבר‬.1

• Beenyan n eefa l also contains passive verbs

Now let's look at some more sentences with passive verbs:

The patient was examined (by the doctor). .(‫** החולה נבדק (על ידי הרופא‬C
The letter was sent yesterday (by the bank). .(‫המכתב נשלח אתמול (על ידי הבנק‬

Here, too, the subjects ( ‫ המכתב‬,‫ ) החולה‬are not the performers of the actions, but rather they are
passive: they "receive" the action (the action is performed upon them).

Q: To which beenyan do these passive verbs belong?

A: They belong to beenyan neefal.

Earlier in this chapter, we saw active verbs in beenyan neefal. ‫( נפרד‬he parted) and ‫( נמלט‬he
escaped). Now we see that some verbs in neefal (e.g., ‫ נבדק‬and ‫ )נשלח‬are passive. The fact that
one beenyan contains both active and passive verbs is an "abnormality" that developed as a
result o f special circumstances. (See "Did you know?" below.)

Now let's examine the active counterparts o f the above passive neefal verbs:

passive active

.)‫החולה נבדק (על ידי הרופא‬ <=> .‫הרופא בדק את החולה‬

The patient was examined (by the doctor). The doctor examined the patient.
.)‫המכתב נשלח א ת מול( על ידי הבנק‬ <=> .‫הבנק ש לח את המכתב אתמול‬
The letter was sent yesterday (by the bank). The bank sent the letter yesterday.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 1. Active and Passive Verbs

Q: To which beenyan do the active verbs (‫ שלח‬,‫ ) בדק‬belong?

A: They belong to beenyan pa'al 111the majority of the cases, the active counterparts of passive
verbs in neefal are verbs in pa'al and vice versa: If you want to make a sentence with a pa'al
verb passive, you use a verb in neefal Notice that while the passives of pee'el and heef eel
were created by a simple change of vowels to oo-ah (poo'al, hoofal), the passive of pa'al
doesn’t have the sounds oo-ah. Instead, -‫ נ‬is added to the front (and the vowels change).

Did you know?

Originally, beenyan p a 'a l- !ike pee'el and h e e f'e e l-was paired with a passive
beenyan that contained the vowels oo-ah. Remnants of this beenyan appear in
the Bible, for example:

"because from man she was taken" "‫״כי מאיש לל|חה ז א ת‬

(Genesis 2:23) (23 ,‫) בראשית ב‬
"who were born to him in the land of Canaan" *fjto ‫" א ש ר ילדי־ לי בארץ‬
(Genesis 36:5) (5 ,‫)בראשית לו‬

Apparently, because this beenyan was so similar in form to poo'al, itdisappeared

over tim e." Beenyan neef'al, which originally was not a passive beenyan,
"came to the rescue" and took over as the passive of pa'al. This is the reason
why neef'al contains both active and passive verbs.

Want to see if you've understood?

Pa'al-neef'al : W rite the m issing a ctive o r passive verb.

passive active

.‫ <= החנות נפת חה על ידי מר לוי‬.‫ א ת החנות בשמונה בבוקר‬. ‫ מר לוי‬.‫ו‬

.)‫ => השער____________ ב י ו ם שישי בבוקר (על ידי השומרים‬.‫ השומרים סגרו א ת השער‬.2

.‫ => המכתב____________ ע ל ידי רבקה‬.‫ רבקה כתבה מכתב תודה לחברים שלה בחו״ל‬.3

A nsw ers:
‫ נכתב‬.3 ‫ נסגר‬.2 ‫ פתח‬. 1

11 Actually its "past tense" fonn is similar to poo'al and its "future tense" fonn is similar to hoofal. For an
explanation, see JoiionandMuraoka, 1996,■vol. I, pp 166-168.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 1 . Active and Passive Verbs

Let's review
♦ Here are the three families of beenyaneem (I, II, III) arranged in active-passive
passive active

neefal ‫נפעל‬ pa'al ‫פעל‬ I

.‫החולה נבדק‬ .‫הרופא בדק את החולה‬

poo'al pee'el‫פיעל‬ ‫פועל‬

.‫המרק בושל‬ .‫דן בישל את המרק‬

hoofal heefeel ‫הופעל‬

.‫יובל הוזמן למסיבה‬ .‫אורי הזמין את יובל למסיבה‬

• Beenyan heetpa’el also contains passive verbs

As we saw at the beginning of this chapter, beenyan heetpa'el (e.g., ‫ התלבש‬got dressed, ‫התקשר‬
phoned) primarily contains active verbs. However, when it "saw" that beenyan neefal had started
to take on passive meanings in addition to its active ones (see "Did you know?" above), it, too,
"decided" to do this.12 But how?

Beenyan heetpa'el is actually part of the pee'el-poo’al family of beenyaneem: just like them it
has a strong dagesh in the second root letter. In addition, heetpa'el verbs are often connected in
meaning to verbs in pee'el and poo'al. So, when pee'el verbs found themselves without a poo'al
counterpart, heetpa'el sometimes stepped in and took on the passive meaning. Some examples
are the verbs ‫( קיבל‬received) and ‫( ביקש‬requested), which do not have passive verb counterparts in
beenyan poo'al. Here are the active-passive pairs o f these verbs:13

12 For a more detailed philological accounting of this process, see Abba Bendavid, 1971, vol. I, p. 125; vol. II,
pp. 483, 485-486.
13 In today's Hebrew, there are also cases in which ‫ התפעל‬is used almost interchangeably with poo'al as the
passive of pee'el. See Mazal Cohen-Weidenfeld, 2000, vol. II, p. 177.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 1. Active and Passive Verbs

passive active

.)‫הזמר התקבל במחיאות כפיים (על ידי הקהל‬ >=< .‫>־* הקהל קיבל את הזמר בהתלהבות‬
The singer was received enthusiastically The audience received the singer
(by the audience). enthusiastically.
.‫אבי התבקש (על ידי המנהל) לבוא למשרד‬ >=< 14.‫המנהל ביקש מאבי לבוא למשרד‬
Avi was asked (by the principal) to come to The principal asked Avi to come to the office.
the office.

Here is an amended version o f the active-passive chart:

passive active

neefal ‫נפעל‬ <=> pa'al ‫פעל‬ I <C

.‫החולה נבדק‬ .‫הרופא בדק את החולה‬

poo'al ‫פועל‬ >£< pee'el ‫פיעל‬ II

.‫המרק בושל‬ .‫דן בישל את המרק‬

}heetpa'el ‫(התפעל‬
.‫הזמר התקבל בהתלהבות‬ .‫הקהל קיבל את הזמר בהתלהבות‬

hoofal ‫הופעל‬ o heefeel ‫הפעיל‬ III

.‫יובל הוזמן למסיבה‬ .‫אורי הזמין את יובל למסיבה‬

• Which active verbs can be made passive?

Now look again at the active verbs in the chart above:
‫הזמין‬ ,‫ קיבל‬,‫ בישל‬,‫בדק‬ *>

Q: What preposition comes after them?

A: In all cases, ‫ את‬follows these verbs (when the direct object is definite). If the direct objects
in these sentences had been indefinite, no preposition would have been used after the verb
(e.g., 15.( ‫דן בישל מרק‬

14 ‫ ביקש‬can be made passive when the request is directed to a person (here: ‫)אבי‬. This person, in turn, becomes
the subject of the passive verb.
15 On ‫ את‬and the direct object, see the chapter "The Direct Object and the Use of ‫את‬," pp. 697-704.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / \ . Active and Passive Verbs

The great majority of active verbs that can be made passive are verbs that take the preposition
‫ את‬when their object is definite 01‫ ־‬n o preposition when their object is indefinite.11’ Many other
active verbs c a n n o t be made passive. These include almost all verbs from p a ’al , pee'el and
h eefeel that require ‫ על‬,‫ עם‬,-‫ מ‬,-‫ ל‬,‫ ב־‬etc. and all verbs in n eefa l and heetpa'el, which virtually
never take ‫את‬. Here are just a few examples of such active verbs :

‫ כעבור‬.‫ הוא הלך לתחנת האוטובוס וחיכה שם‬.‫ התלבש ויצא מהבית‬,‫ הוא התקלח‬.‫אסף קם בבוקר‬ -‫>־‬
‫ ונסע‬,‫ החבר הטוב שלו‬,‫ התיישב ליד אבנר‬,‫ אסף עלה לאוטובוס‬.‫חמש דקות האוטובוס הגיע לתחנה‬
.‫ באוניברסיטה הוא נפרד מאבנר והלך לספרייה ללמוד‬.‫איתו עד האוניברסיטה‬

Assaf got up in the morning. He took a shower, got dressed and left the house. He walked to the bus
stop and waited there. Five minutes later, the bus arrived at the bus stop. Assaf got on the bus, sat down
next to his good friend, Avner, and went with him to the university. At the university, he said goodbye
to Avner and went to the library to study.

D id you know?
Active verbs with prepositions like ...‫ על‬,-‫ ב‬that can be made passive
As mentioned above, almost all active verbs that can be made passive take ‫ א ת‬.
However, there are some exceptions, for example:

‫<^> ט ופל‬-‫ט יפל ב‬ ‫^> נתמך‬- ‫תמך ב‬ ‫נקרא‬ <-‫קרא ל‬

took care of supported called

‫החל יט על <?> ה וחלט‬ !7‫דיבר על^> דובר‬ -‫ה ושפע מ‬ ‫השפ יע על־‬
decided about spoke about influenced

16 See "Did you know?" on this page for examples of active verbs with prepositions other than‫ את‬that can be
made passive. Note: Not all verbs that take ‫ את‬have a corresponding passive verb in Hebrew, for example:
‫( לשנוא את‬to hate), ‫( לארח את‬to host), ‫( להרוויח את‬to earn).
17 When ‫ דיבר על‬and ‫ החליט על‬are made passive, we usually use -‫ב‬/‫ דובר על‬and ‫ הוחלט על‬, as in:
.>- ‫ <=> בישיבה דובר על שינוי שיטת הבחירות‬.‫בישיבה דיברו על שינוי שיטת הבחירות‬
‫(הוחלט על‬ )‫)) החליטו על‬
A change in the electoral system was discussed (decided upon) at the meeting.
(Since the active sentence is impersonal, this is the translation of both the active
and passive sentences above.)
The structure of these passive sentences is different from that described above in "Did you know?" ("Converting
active to passive and vice versa"), pp. 584-586.

VII, Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 1. Active and Passive Verbs

Chapter summary
♦ Active verb s can appear in five of the seven beenyaneem:p a 'al, p e e 'el , heefeel ,
neefal and heetpa'el.

♦ Three of these five - pa'al , pee'el and heefeel - have a special feature: only
these beenyaneem contain verbs that take the preposition ‫ את‬when their object
is definite. It is these verbs that can be made passive.18
♦ Passive verbs appear mainly in three beenyaneem. Two of these - poo'al and
ho o fa l - are exclusively passive. The third - n eefa l - contains both passive
and active verbs. A fourth beenyan - heetpa'el - contains mainly active verbs,
but also has some passive ones
♦ When we convert sentences with passive verbs to sentences with active verbs,
and vice versa, we usually change the verb forms according to the following
pairs of beenyaneem:
passive active

neefal ‫נפעל‬ o pa'al ‫פעל‬ I

(/heetpa'el ‫)התפעל‬ poo'al ‫פועל‬ >=< pee'el ‫פיעל‬ II
hoofal ‫הופעל‬ >s < heefeel ‫הפעיל‬ III

Want to see if you've understood this chapter?

Write the missing active or passive verb. (The new verb should be in the same tense
as the verb that is given.)

passive active

.‫ <= הילדים נספרו על ידי המדריך בתחילת הטיול‬.‫ המדריך____________ א ת הילדים‬.‫ו‬

.‫ => הכיתה ___________ לשני חלקים‬.‫ חילפו את הכיתה לשני חלקים‬.2

.‫> אנחנו מקווים שהתמונות ____________בצורה מקצועית‬5= .‫ יפתחו את התמונות מחר‬.3

.‫ =^> המכולת ____________בשעה שבע בערב‬.‫ בעל המכולת יסגור את המכולת בשעה שבע בערב‬.4

.)‫ <= נרות השבת הודלפו ( ע ל ידי אימא‬.‫ אימא____________ א ת נרות השבת‬.5

.‫ => אתם ____________למסיבה‬.‫ אנחנו מזמינים אתכם למסיבה‬.6

‫ מוזמנים‬.6 ‫ הךלמןה‬.5 ‫ תיסגר‬.4 ‫ יפותחו‬.3 ‫ חולקה‬.2 ‫ספר‬ .1

18 See "Did you know?" above for some other verbs in pa'al. pee’el and heefeel that take prepositions other than
‫ את‬and can be made passive.

2 Special Categories of Active Verbs

• Causative verbs: causing something to happen or to be ‫ קוזטיבי‬/ ‫גורם‬
• Reflexive verbs: doing something to oneself ‫חוזר‬ ‫ רפלקסיבי‬/
‫ ״‬Reciprocal verbs: doing something to or with each other ‫הח־י‬

In this chapter, we will look more closely at the following specialized meanings of active verbs
in beenyaneem pee'el, h eef eel, neefal and heetpa’el. causative, reflexive and reciprocal} These
meanings apply to only part of the active verbs in Hebrew. The many verbs that do not fit into
any of these specialized categories may simply be regarded as active.

• Causative verbs: causing something to happen or

to be ‫קוזטיבי‬/‫גורם‬
Read the following sentences:

‫ הסביר את‬,‫ הוא קרא את הסיפור בקול‬.‫אתמול המורה לספרות לימד את התלמידים סיפור חדש‬ -‫>־‬
‫ המורה‬,‫ מכיוון שהם לא הספיקו לסיים את הסיפור‬.‫הקטעים הקשים ושאל את התלמידים שאלות‬
‫ הוא הכתיב לתלמידים את שיעורי הבית‬.‫ביקש להאריך קצת את השיעור ולקצר את ההפסקה‬
‫ ואחר כך הכניסו את המחברות לתיקים‬,‫ הם כתבו את השאלות של המורה במחברותיהם‬.‫במהירות‬
.‫ויצאו מן הכיתה‬
Yesterday the literature teacher taught the students a new story. He read the story aloud, explained the
difficult passages and asked the students questions. Because they didn't manage to finish the story,
the teacher asked that they stay a little longer (lit.: lengthen the lesson a bit) and shorten the break.
He dictated the homework assigmnent to the students. They quickly wrote the teacher's questions
in their notebooks and, after that, put (lit.: inserted) their notebooks in their school bags and left the

1 In many grammar books, reflexive and reciprocal verbs are placed in a category separate from active verbs
(called "middle") because the subject of these verbs both does the action and "receives" it. For the sake of
simplicity, we have labeled as active all verbs whose subject is active, including reflexive and reciprocal

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 2. Special Categories of Active Verbs

All of the verbs highlighted in the above passage are active. In addition, they all take the
preposition ‫ את‬when the object is definite (= specific). When they are indefinite, they are not
followed by any preposition, for example:

The teacher taught a new story. .‫המורה לימד סיפור חדש‬ •<C
We have divided the highlighted verbs into two groups: blue and red. We regard the verbs
highlighted in blue as simply active.

Now look at the verbs that are highlighted in red.

If we regard the simply active verbs as denoting the most basic actions, we can say that the
verbs in red indicate a different "level" of action: they cause something. Some of the verbs in
red cause someone to do the simple actions - for example, ‫( ללמד‬to teach) is to cause someone
to learn (‫(ללמוד‬, ‫( להכתיב‬to dictate) is to cause someone to write (‫ )לכתוב‬and ‫( להכניס‬to put something
in) is to cause something to go in (‫)לה יכ נס‬. The other verbs in red above cause something or
someone to be in a certain state (which can be expressed as an adjective or as a "verb of state /
change of state "):2 ‫( להאריך‬to lengthen) is to cause something to become long or longer (‫ )ארוך‬and
‫( לקצר‬to shorten) is to cause something to become short or shorter (3.(‫ קצר‬These verbs are called
causative verbs.4

Which beenyaneem contain causative verbs?

Look again at the causative verbs in the above sentences.

Q: To which beenyaneem do these verbs belong?

A: To one of two beenyaneem : pee'el (‫ לקצר‬,‫ ) ללמד‬or heefeel (‫ להאריך‬,‫ להכניס‬,‫) להכתיב‬.

2 By "verbs of state" we mean verbs such as ‫( יושב‬to sit) and ‫( שוכב‬to lie down), and by "verbs of change of state"
we mean verbs such as ‫( עולה‬to rise, go up) and ‫( יורד‬to go down), as in ‫( המחירים עולים ויורדים‬The prices go up
and down). Verbs like these will be discussed in the next chapter.
3 For the sake of convenience, we sometimes "stretch our imagination" when defining a verb as causative. For
example, we often regard a verb like ‫( גידל‬e.g., ‫ ההורים גידלו את הילדים‬The parents raised the children) as a kind
of causative, even though the parents didn't actually cause the children to grow or to grow up (‫)לגדול‬.
Note: Many simply active verbs, such as ‫לקרוא‬, do indeed cause something to happen, as in: When we read
a book, we cause it to be read (‫)לה יקרא‬. However, we do not label the active verbs in active-passive pairs
(such as ‫ לקרוא‬- ‫ )להיקרא‬as causative (in relation to their passive "partners").
4 For a detailed discussion of causatives, see Mazal Cohen-Weidenfeld, 1996, vol. I, pp. 129, 237-238.

V II. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 2. Special Categories of Active Verbs

Here are some more examples of causative verbs in pee'el and h eefeel :

pee'el : ‫לגדל‬ ‫לייבש‬ ‫לחזק‬ ‫לשמח‬

to grow (vegetables), to dry something= to strengthens to make someone happy=
to raise (children)= to cause it to to cause something or to cause someone
to cause them to grow become dry someone to be strong to be happy

heefeel. ‫להצחיק‬ ‫להגדיל‬ ‫להקטין‬ ‫להלביש‬

to make someone laugh= to enlarge= to make something smaller= to dress someone=
to cause someone to cause something to cause something to cause someone
to laugh to be larger to be smaller to be dressed

There is no special reason why a specific causative verb is in pee'el rather than h eefeel or vice
versa. In fact, there are even pairs o f opposites, each of which appears in a different beenyan ,
for example:
heefeel pee'el

‫להאריך‬ # ‫לקצר‬ *>

to lengthen to shorten

‫להחליש‬ # ‫לחזק‬
to weaken to strengthen

‫להעציב‬ # ‫לשמח‬
to make sad to make happy

This, of course, is not always the case (e.g., ‫ להקטין‬# ‫ להגדיל‬are both in the same beenyan );
however, the pairs of opposites from different beenyaneem show that we c a n n o t predict whether
a causative verb will be in pee'el or heefeel.

Comparing causative verbs in Hebrew and English

Now let's look at some pairs of simply active verbs or verbs of state and their causative partners:

V II. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 2. Special Categories of Active Verbs

simply active : The cat ate. .‫ה חת ו ל אכל‬ .‫ו‬

causative : The boy fed the cat. , ‫הילד האכיל א ת החת ול‬

verb o f state: .2. ‫החבר ים שלנו שמחו לקבל א ת המת נה‬

The friends were happy to receive the gift.
causative: .‫ש ימח נ ו א ת החבר ים כש נת נ ו להם את המת נה‬
We made our friends happy when we gave them the gift.

simply active: The dog returned home. .3. ‫הכלב ח זר הב יתה‬

causative: .‫השכ ן הח ז יר א ת הכלב האב וד לבעל י ו‬
The neighbor returned the lost dog to its owners.

Notice that in the Hebrew o f each pair of sentences, when the meaning changes from simply
active or state of being to causative, the same root is used, but in a different beenyan5 In the
above examples, beenyan pa'al ( ‫ חזר‬, ‫ שמח ו‬,‫ ) אכל‬is used for the simple action or state of being,
while either heefeel ( ‫ הח ז יר‬, ‫ ) האכ יל‬or pee'el (‫ )ש ימח נ ו‬are used for the causative meaning.

Now look at the English translations of these sentences.

Q: In what way are the English translations o f number 3 different from those o f 1 and 2?

A: In 1 and 2, the English translations o f the verbs in each sentence are different from each
other. Each different form in Hebrew (e.g., ‫ אכל‬and ‫ )האכ יל‬has a different translation in
English. However, in number 3, the different Hebrew forms have the same English translation
("returned"). This fact makes it difficult for English speakers to translate sentences like
those in 3 from English to Hebrew. In each case, we must think about what the verb returned
means. In the first sentence above (The dog returned home), the subject (the dog) performs
a simple action, whereas in the second sentence (The neighbor returned the lost do g ...), the
subject causes the dog to return to its owners. If we know that both ‫ ח זר‬and ‫ הח ז יר‬exist in
Hebrew, knowing that beenyan heefeel is often causative helps us know to choose ‫ חזר‬as the
translation of the simply active verb and ‫ הח ז יר‬as the translation o f the causative action.

5 This is often the case. However, sometimes in Hebrew, just as in English, a given verb may have more than
one kind of meaning. For example,‫ משמין‬can be causative (to be fattening) or can denote a change of state (to
gain weight). For more examples, seethe chapter ‫״‬Verbs that Are Neither Active Nor Passive,‫ ״‬pp. 610-611.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 1. Special Categories of Active Verbs

Be careful! Remember that not every verb in pee'el and h eefeel is causative. Often,
verbs in these beenyaneem, such as ‫( לדבר‬to speak) and ‫( להזמין‬to invite), are simply active.
In addition, even when the s a m e r o o t appears in b o t h pa'al a n d pee'el or heefeel, the
latter are n o t always causative, for example:

pa'al. Yonatan opened the door. .‫יונתן פ תח את הדלת‬

pee'el. The company developed a new drug. .‫החברה פי ת ח ה תרופה חדשה‬

pa'al. Sarit closed the window. .‫שרית סגרה את החלון‬

‫ מקסיקו הסגירה את הפושעים לארה״ב‬.
h e e f eel : Mexico turned over / deported the criminals to the U. S

When we read texts, we have to be aware of this fact. We can guess that a verb in pee'el
or heefeel m a y be causative, but we s h o u l d n o t a s s u m e that it is.

Let's review
♦ One special category of active verbs is causative verbs. Causative verbs may
denote one of the following:
- the causing of an action:
causative: The boy fed the cat. .‫ה ילד האכיל א ת החת ו ל‬
simply active : The cat ate. .‫החת ו ל אכל‬

- the causing of a state:

causative. .‫כש נת נ ו‬ ‫א ת החב ר ים‬ ‫ה מת נ ה שימחנו‬ ‫להם א ת‬ <
We made our friends happy when we gave them the gift.
state o f being: .‫שמחו לק ב ל‬ ‫החב ר ים ש ל נ ו‬ ‫א ת ה מת נ ה‬
The friends were happy to receive the gift.

♦ Causative verbs appear mainly in beenyaneem heefeel and pee'el.

‫‪V II.‬‬ ‫‪Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 2. Special Categories of Active Verbs‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪In the following sentences you are given a choice of a simply active or state of being‬‬
‫‪verb, on the one hand, and a causative verb, on the other. Choose the verb that fits‬‬
‫‪the context.‬‬

‫ח מי ש ה ע צי פרי ___ ב ג י נ ה ש לנו‪.‬‬

‫(גדלים ‪ /‬מגדלים)‬

‫_______________________________________ ל ד י ר ה ח ד ש ה‪.‬‬
‫(עברנו ‪ /‬העברנו)‬

‫_______________________________________ א ת כל ה ר הי טי ם ש לנו ל די ר ה ה ח ד ש ה‪.‬‬

‫(עברנו ‪ /‬העברנו)‬

‫ה הו ד ע ה ע ל ה ח תו נ ה א ו ת נ ו מ או ד‪.‬‬

‫( ש מח ה ‪ /‬שי מח ה)‬

‫א ת ם מ או ד _________________ ה י ו ם ‪.‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫( שמ חי ם ‪ /‬מ ש מ חי ם)‬

‫ה מו ר ה ה ח ד ש ה ____ א ו ת נ ו אנג לי ת‪.‬‬

‫( מל מד ת ‪ /‬לומד ת)‬

‫ת מ ר כל הז מן _________________ א ו ת נ ו ‪.‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫(צו ח ק ת ‪ /‬מצחיק ה)‬

‫________________________________________________________ מ ה ב ד י ח ו ת ( ‪ ) jokes‬של תמר?‬

‫(צו ח ק ת ‪ /‬מצחיק ה)‬

‫_______________________________________ ב ג ד י ם חגיגיי ם ל כ בו ד ה מ סי ב ה‪.‬‬

‫(לבשנו ‪ /‬הלבשנו)‬

‫_______________________________________ א ת א ח ו תי ה ק ט נ ה ל כ בו ד יו ם ה הו ל ד ת של ה‪.‬‬
‫(לבשתי ‪ /‬הלב שתי)‬
‫‪ .9‬לבשנו‬ ‫‪ .8‬צו ח ק ת‬ ‫‪ .7‬מצ חי קה‬ ‫‪ .6‬מל מד ת‬ ‫‪ . 5‬שמחים‬ ‫‪ . 4‬שי מ חה‬ ‫‪ .3‬העברנו‬ ‫‪ . 1‬גדלים ‪ . 2‬עברנו‬
‫‪ .10‬הלב שתי‬

‫‪• Reflexive verbs: doing something to oneself‬‬

‫חוזר ‪ /‬רפלקסיבי‬
‫‪Read the following passage:‬‬

‫ב שעה שמונה בבוקר דפנה קמה‪ ,‬ה ת קל ח ה‪ ,‬התלב שה‪ ,‬התאפרה ויצאה לפגישה ח שובה‪ .‬היא הגיעה‬ ‫>־*‬
‫לפגישה מו קד ם וחיכ תה שעה עד שכל ה מ ש ת ת פי ם נכנסו לחדר הי שיבו ת והתארגנו לקראת הפגישה‪.‬‬

V II. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 2. Special Categories of Active Verbs

At 8 a.m. Dafna got up, showered, got dressed, put on makeup and left for an important meeting. She
arrived at the meeting early and waited an hour until all the participants entered the conference room
and got organized for the meeting.

All the verbs highlighted in the passage above are active verbs (i.e., their subjects are active).
The verbs that are highlighted in blue are simply active, while those highlighted in red have a
special meaning: their subjects all do the action to themselves.

‫להתארגן‬ ‫להתאפר‬ ‫להתלבש‬ ‫להתקלח‬

to get organized= to putonm akeup= to get dressed= to take a shower=
to organize oneself to make oneself up to dress oneself to shower oneself

As you can see, these verbs may have several translations in English, but in all cases the action
is done to oneself. These are called reflexive verbs.

Q: To which beenyan do the above verbs belong?

A: They all belong to beenyan heetpa'el.6 Most reflexive verbs are found in this beenyan.7
Here are some more examples:

‫להתחבא‬ ‫להתגלח‬ ‫להתרחץ‬ ^

to hide (oneself) to shave (oneself) to wash oneself,
to get washed8

Knowing that one possible meaning of heetpa'el verbs is reflexive can help us guess the meaning
of a heetpa'el verb that we may encounter in a text. This knowledge can also help us translate
reflexive verbs from English to Hebrew, i.e., if we know that ‫ לבש‬and ‫ התלבש‬exist, we would
choose the heetpa'el ‫ התלבש‬as a translation o f the reflexive meaning. However, such a choice
cannot be made automatically without consulting a dictionary or asking a Hebrew speaker.

6 The active counterparts of these heetpa'el verbs belong to a variety of beenyaneem, for example: ‫להתלבש‬
means ‫( להלבי ש את עצמו‬heefeel), ‫ להתקלח‬means ‫( לקלח את עצמו‬pee'el).
‫ר‬ Beenyan neefal also contains a number of reflexive verbs, for example:
Yoni registered (=listed himself) for the course. .‫יוני נרשם לקורס‬
The addict is trying to get off of (=wean himself from) drugs. .‫הנרקומן מנסה להיגמל מסמים‬
Though a number of examples of reflexive verbs exist in beenyan neefal, it is unclear whether the reflexive
meaning is widespread enough in neefal for us to view it as one of the meanings that the beenyan gives to
roots that appear in it.
8 This is just one meaning of this verb. It is also commonly used to mean: to go swimming / bathing in the

VII, Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 2. Special Categories of Active Verbs

Be careful! In many cases, a reflexive in English cannot be translated using a heetpa'el

verb in Hebrew. Instead, the Hebrew might require that we use as an active verb followed
by a form of the word ‫( ע צ מו‬oneself), for example:

5 s‫ ־‬The girl saw herself in the mirror. .‫הילדה ר אתה א ת ע צ מ ה בראי‬

Not everyone likes/loves himself. .‫לא כל א ח ד אוהב א ת ע צ מו‬

Comparing reflexive verbs in Hebrew and English

Now read the following pairs of sentences:

simply active: Yoni shaved his head. .‫יוני גילח א ת רא שו‬ ‫<•־‬
reflexive: Yoni shaved before he got dressed. .‫יוני הת ג לח לפנ י שה וא הת ל בש‬

causative‫׳‬. Anne Fr ank hi d her diary. .‫א נה פר נק החב יאה א ת ה י ומ ן ש ל ה‬

reflexive. .‫א נה פר נק ה ת ח ב א ה בעל י ית גג ב א מ ס ט ר דם‬
Anne Frank liid in an attic in Amsterdam.

Q: Do the English translations of the reflexive verbs contain a form o f the word oneself!

A: No. The words himself or herself are understood but not expressed. In fact, in each pair of
sentences above, the same verb form is used in English to express different meanings of
the verbs to shave and to hide. In contrast, Hebrew uses different beenyaneem to express
different meanings of related verbs. In order to translate English verbs like shaved and hid
into Hebrew, we must think about the meaning of the verb and ask if it is reflexive (= is
done to oneself). If it is, as in the case of the second verb in each pair above, we would tend
to choose the heetpa'el form as the proper translation.

Note: Since verbs with a reflexive meaning already contain their own direct object (i.e., oneself,
himself, herself...), they are never followed by ‫ א ת‬. (Indeed, verbs in heetpa'el and neefal are
virtually never followed by ‫ א ת‬.)

Let's review
♦ Another special category of active verbs is reflexive verbs, which denote an
action done to oneself, as in:
Dafna got dressed quickly. .‫דפ נה הת ל בש ה מהר‬
=dressed herself ‫= ע צמ ה א ת ה ל ב ישה‬

♦ Most reflexive verbs in Hebrew appear in beenyan heetpa’el.

V II. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 2. Special Categories of Active Verbs

Want to see if you've understood?

Choose the correct verb.

‫ ל מ ה _________________ א ת הז קן ש ל ח‬,‫דני‬ .1
)‫ ה תגל ח ת‬/ ‫(גילח ת‬

? ‫ב איז ה גי ל דני ה ת חי ל‬

)‫ ל ה תגלח‬/ ‫(לגלח‬

? ‫ או ש אי מ א _________________ א ו ת ה‬, ‫מי כ לי _________________ ב ע צ מ ה‬ .3

)‫ ה ס ת רקה‬/ ‫(סירקה‬ )‫ ה ס ת רקה‬/ ‫(סירקה‬

.‫________________ ח ב ר ח ד ש ל ק בו צ ה שלנו‬ .4
)‫ הצטרפנו‬/ ‫(צירפנו‬

.‫ע ש ר ה ס ט ו ד נ ט י ם __ א ת מ ו ל ל א רגון ה ס ט ו ד נ ט י ם ב או ני ב ר סי ט ה‬
)‫ הצטרפו‬/ ‫(צירפו‬

.‫ב ש בו ע ש ע ב ר ה מנ ה ל _________________ ח מ י ש ה עו ב די ם‬ .6
)‫ ה תפ טר‬/ ‫(פיטר‬

.‫מ נ ה ל ת בי ת ה ס פ ר ב ש ב ו ע שעבר‬

)‫ ה תפ טרה‬/ ‫(פיטרה‬
‫ התפט רה‬.7 ‫ פיטר‬.6 ‫ הצ ט רפו‬.5 ‫ צירפנו‬. 4 ‫ סירקה‬,‫ הסתרקה‬.3 ‫ לה תגלח‬.2 ‫גיל ח ת‬ .1

• Reciprocal verbs: doing something to or with

each other ‫הדדי‬
• t ‫;־־‬
Read the following passage:

.‫ אבל הן לא מתראות הרבה‬,‫מייל‬-‫ הן מתכתבות כמעט כל יום באי‬.‫יעל ומיכל הן חברות קרובות מאוד‬
‫ אחר כך‬.‫ הן התחבקו והתנשקו‬,‫ כשהן נפגשו‬.‫בשבוע שעבר הן סוף סוף מצאו זמן להיפגש בבית קפה‬
‫ ובסוף הן‬,‫ הן צחקו וכרגיל גם קצת התווכחו‬.‫ יעל סיפרה על הטיול שלה להודו‬.‫הן הזמינו קפה ועוגה‬
.‫נפרדו זו מזו בחיבוקים‬
Yael and Michal are very close friends. They correspond by e-mail almost everyday, but they don't
see each other very much. Last week they finally found time to meet at a cafe. When they met, they
hugged and kissed (each other). Afterwards, they ordered coffee and cake. Yael told about her trip to
India. They laughed together and, as usual, also argued a bit. In the end they hugged and said goodbye
to each other (lit.: parted from each other with hugs).

V II. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 2. Special Categories of Active Verbs

All o f the verbs highlighted in this passage are active, but only the verbs in red have an element
of reciprocity: two people who do the same thing to or with each other. (Yael and Michal
correspond with eaeh other, they don't see each other, they meet with each other, etc.). These
verbs denote actions that can't be done alone, but rather require two sides: two people or two
groups o f people (e.g., armies, teams, etc.).

Q: To which beenyaneem do these verbs belong?

A: Most belong to heetpa'el:9

‫להתווכח‬ ‫להתנשק‬ ‫להתחבק‬ ‫להתראות‬ ‫להתכתב‬ -‫>י‬

to argue to kiss to hug to see to correspond
(with each other) (each other) (each other) each other (with each other)

The two remaining verbs with a reciprocal meaning belong to beenyan neefal : 10

‫להיפרד‬ ‫להיפגש‬
to part to meet
(from each other) (with each other)

Clearly, heetpa'el is the beenyan associated most with the reciprocal meaning. Thus, when we
encounter a heetpa'el verb in a text and wish to guess its meaning, one educated guess would
be that the verb has a reciprocal meaning. Here are some more examples of verbs with this
‫להתגרש‬ ‫להתחבק‬ ‫להתחתן‬
to get divorced to hug each other to get married
(from each other) (to each other)

Note: Reciprocity can be expressed in Hebrew not only with verbs like those above, but also by
adding to a simply active verb a variation o f the words ‫( זה את זה‬each other - formal ) or ‫אחד את‬
‫( השני‬each other - informal), just as we do in English:11

The people didn't hear each other. .( ‫ אחד את השני‬: or ) ‫הא נש ים לא שמע ו זה את זה‬ ■<C
They were angry at each other. .( ‫ אחד על הש נ י‬: or ) ‫הם כעס ו זה על זה‬

9 These verbs are not reciprocals of one particular beenyan. Their simply active counterparts belong to a variety
of beenyaneem : ‫ להתכתב‬means ‫( לכתוב זה לזה‬pa'aT), ‫ להתחבק‬means ‫( לחבק זה את זה‬pee'el). Some verbs, such as
‫להתווכח‬, are reciprocal but don't have a simply active counterpart.
10 More reciprocal verbs in n e e fa l are ‫( להילחם‬to fight), ‫( להיאבק‬to struggle). There are varying opinions as to
whether the reciprocal meaning is widespread enough in n e e fa l for us to view it as one of the meanings that
the beenyan gives to roots that appear in it, or whether we should view the appearance of reciprocal verbs
in n e e fa l as a coincidence. (For an example of the former opinion, see Mazal Cohen-We idenfeld, 1996, vol.
I, p. 208; the latter opinion was expressed by Rivka Halevy-Nemirovsky in a lecture on "Constructions of
Reciprocity" that was delivered on April 27, 2010 at the Hebrew University.)
11 For more on ‫ זה את זה‬and the like, see the chapter "Pronouns and Pointing Words," pp. 211-214.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 1. Special Categories of Active Verbs

Comparing reciprocal ("each other") verbs in Hebrew and English

Let's look at some simply active-reciprocal pairs:

The groom kissed the bride. .‫החתן נ ישק את הכלה‬ ->

The couple kissed. 12. ‫בני הזוג הת נשק ו‬

Dana hugged Anat. .‫דנה חיב ק ה את ענת‬

The friends hugged. .‫החברות ה ת ח ב קו‬

Q: Do the English translations of the reciprocal verbs (‫ ה תנ ש קו‬and ‫ ) ה ת ח ב קו‬contain the words
each otherl
A: No These words can be added, but they are not always present In order to translate English
verbs like kissed and hugged into Hebrew, we must think about the meaning of the verb and
ask if it is reciprocal (= is done to each other). If it is, as in the case o f the second o f each of
the two verbs above, we would tend to choose the heetpa'el form as the proper translation.

Notice that - like all heeJpa’el verbs - those with a reciprocal meaning can be followed by a
variety of prepositions (- ‫ להתגרש מ‬,‫) להתווכח עם‬, but never by ‫את‬.

Let’s review
♦ Reciprocal verbs, in which two 01‫ ־‬more people (or groups) do the same thing to
or with each other, constitute another special category of active verbs, as in:

The couple kissed. .‫בני הזוג הת נשק ו‬ •‫<־‬

— kissed each other ‫= ני שקו זה את זה‬
♦ Most reciprocal verbs in Hebrew appear in beenyan heetpa’el.

12 It is also possible to add variations of "‫״זה‬ ‫ ז ה‬to plural reciprocal verbs, for example:
.‫ הן התחבק ו אחת עם הש נ י יה‬.‫הם הת נשק ו זה עם זה‬ ■<C

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 2. Special Categories of Active Verbs

Want to see if you've understood?

Choose the correct verb.

___________________ ‫דני ו ה בן שלו ת מי ד __________________ כ ש ה ם‬ .1

)‫ נפג שים‬/ ‫(פוג שים‬

. ‫דני ת מי ד __________________ א ת בנו כ ש הו א __________________ א ו ת ו‬ .2

)‫ נפגש‬/ ‫(פוג ש‬

!‫א ל __________________ א ת ה כ ל ב מ פ ה‬ .3
)‫ תתגר ש‬/ ‫(תגר ש‬

_‫____________________________________________________________________ ש ל ו ש שני ם א ח רי ש ה ם‬
)‫ ה ת ח תנו‬/ ‫( חי תנו‬ )‫ התגר שו‬/ ‫(גירש‬

.‫___________________________________________________ א ת ה ב ת ש ל ה ם ביו ם ר א שון‬

)‫ י ת ח תנו‬/ ‫(י ח תנו‬
‫ י ח תנו‬. 5 ‫ ה ת ח תנו‬,‫ התגרשו‬. 4 ‫ תגרש‬.3 ‫ פוגש‬,‫ מחבק‬. 2 ‫ נפג שים‬,‫מ ת ח ב קי ם‬ .1

Chapter summary
♦ Some o f the active verbs in beenyaneem pee'el, heefeel, neefal and heetpa'el
have specialized meanings.

♦ Causative verbs denote the eausing of an action or the causing of something

or someone to be in a certain state, as in:

The boy fed the cat. .‫הילד האכיל א ת ה ח תו ל‬ -‫<־‬

= caused the cat to eat
vitamins strengthen the body. .‫ו יטמ י נ ים מח זק ים א ת הג וף‬
= cause it to be strong

This meaning tends to be found in heefeel and pee'el.

♦ Reflexive verbs denote doing something to oneself, as in:

Dafna got dressed quickly. .‫דפנה הת לבשה מהר‬
= dressed herself

This meaning is found mainly in heetpa'el.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 1. Special Categories of Active Verbs

♦ Reciprocal verbs tell about two or more people (or groups) who do the same
thing to or with each other, as in:

The couple kissed. .‫בני הזוג הת נשק ו‬ <

= kissed each other

This meaning is also found mainly in heetpa'el.

♦ When we encounter active verbs in Hebrew, and we are familiar with the root,
it is often helpful to know that the following beenyaneem may denote one of
the following meanings:

- pee'el - simply active or causative

- heefeel - simply active or causative
- heetpa'el - simply active or reflexive or reciprocal
- neefal - simply active (with a number of blatant examples of reflexive and
reciprocal verbs)

3 Verbs that Are Neither Active Nor Passive

Verbs that express a state o f being • ‫מצב‬
• )" ...Verbs that express "it happened to h i m " a change o f state ("he became
or a process ‫ תהליך‬,‫ שינוי מצב‬,"‫"זה קרה לו‬

In Chapter 1 of this section, we looked at active and passive verbs and saw that some active
verbs (especially those that take ‫ ) א ת‬can be made passive (e.g.,‫ כתב‬he wrote => ‫ נכתב‬it was written),
while others cannot (e.g., ‫ הלך‬he went). In the case o f both kinds of active verbs, the subject of the
verb does something - it is active. In sentences with passive verbs, the subject is acted upon,
it "receives" the action - it is passive.

In the present chapter, we will look at verbs whose subjects are neither active nor passive; they
can be placed between the active and passive verbs on a kind of sliding scale. We will examine
two variations of these kinds of verbs and the beenyaneem to which they tend to belong.

• Verbs that express a state o f being ‫מצב‬

Read the following passage:

‫ שלושה ילדים עדיין עמדו‬.‫ רוב הילדים ישבו במקומותיהם‬,‫כשהמורה נכנסה לכיתה אחרי ההפסקה‬
‫ ילד אחד שכב על הרצפה וישן‬.‫ הם מיד התיישבו במקומותיהם‬,‫ אבל כשהם ראו את המורה‬,‫בצד‬.
‫ אבל היא גם לא שמחה לראות את מצב הכיתה‬,‫ היא לא כעסה‬.‫ המורה לא אמרה מילה‬.
T ‫׳‬

When the teacher went into the classroom after recess, most of the children were sitting in their places.
Three children were still standing on the side, but when they saw the teacher, they sat down in their
seats right away. One child was lying on the floor asleep (lit.: and sleeping). The teacher didn't say a
word. She was not angry, but she also was not happy to see the situation in the classroom.

The verbs highlighted in blue are active (i.e., their subjects do something).

VII Meanings and ihe Beenyaneem / 3. Verbs that Are Neither Active N or Passive

Q: Are the verbs highlighted in red also active?

A: No. The subjects of these verbs are in a kind of non-active state: in the state of sitting,
standing, lying down, sleeping, being angry and being happy. These are often called stcitive
verbs or verbs o f state.

Verbs that denote emotion, like ‫ כעס‬above, and also verbs of cognition (e.g., ‫ ידע‬he knew) and of
perception (e.g., ‫ שמע‬he heard), are often considered to be verbs of stated

Q: To which beenyan do the verbs of state (in red above) belong?

A: They all happen to belong to beenyanpa'al.

Did you know?

Verbs of state in beenyan p a 'a l have regular past tense forms (they are like
‫ ;)כתב‬however, in the present tense they may appear in one o f the follow ing
two forms:

- a form like the active verb ‫( כותב‬with V ), as in: ‫( עכשיו הוא יושב‬N o w he is sitting.)
- a form like the adjective ‫( שמן‬called pa'el),2 as in: ‫( עכשיו הוא ישן‬N ow he is

Note: Many, but not all verbs whose present tense form is pa'el are "verbs of
state." As w e w ill see in the next section, some - e.g., ‫ גדל‬he is growing up - are
verbs that describe a process o r change o f state.

While a great many verbs that denote a state of being belong to b e e n ya n p a 'a l , there are verbs
of state in other b ee nya ne em as well, for example: ‫( לחכות ל־‬to wait - -p e e 'e l\ ‫( להצטיין‬to excel -
h e e tp a 'e lif).3

1 It may be convincingly argued that when we are angry or when we think or when we sleep (and the like), our
mind and body are actually active and that there is not always a clear distinction between active and stative
verbs. Be that as it may, recognizing that many verbs are clearly stative heightens our awareness of the fact
that not all verbs are either active or passive. Rather, there is a sliding scale of "activeness": from active verbs
to less active, to non-active and - ultimately - to passive verbs (and subjects).
2 See the chapter "Beenyan Pa'al" p. 383.
3 While many verbs of state have objects (e. g. , ‫ על יוסי דני כועס‬Danny is angry at Yossi), including objects with
‫( את‬e.g., ‫ דליה זוכרת את יוסי‬Dalia remembers Yossi), not many of them can be made passive in Hebrew (e.g.,
‫ זכר את‬he remembered, ‫ רצה את‬he wanted - cannot be made passive). An example of a verb of state that can
be made passive is ‫( להבין את‬to understand):
.‫התרגיל הובן על ידי הסטודנט‬ »=‫־‬ .‫הסטודנט הבין את התרגיל‬ <
The exercise was understood by the student The student understood the exercise.

VII, Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 3. Verbs that Are Neither Active N or Passive

Be careful! Because verbs of state describe a state and not an action, they are close
in meaning to adjectives. Thus, when translating from English to Hebrew, sometimes an
adjective in English w ill be expressed as a verb (of state) in Hebrew, for example:

>*‫ ־‬The teacher was angry. .‫המורה כעסה‬

The teacher was happy to receive the interesting stories that the students wrote.
.‫לקבל את הסיפורים המעניינים שהתלמידים כתבו‬
T : T

L et’s review
♦ Verbs of state (stative verbs) denote the subject's state of being. The subject of
these verbs is not considered to be active, for example:

.‫הוא שמח‬ .‫הוא ישב‬ .‫הוא עמד‬ ->

He was happy. He was sitting. He was standing.

♦ Many verbs of state belong to beenyan pa'al.

Verbs that express ‫״‬it happened to him...," a

change o f state ("he became. . . ") or a process
‫ תהליך‬,‫ שינוי מצב‬,"‫"זה קרה לו‬
Read the following sentences containing more verbs in beenyan pa'al:
‫הפער בין מחירי המכוניות‬ .‫מחיר הלחם עלה‬ .‫הילד גדל בירושלים‬ -‫־‬
.‫קטן בשנה האחרונה‬
The difference (gap) The price of bread went up. The boy grew up in Jerusalem,
between the prices of cars
got smaller in the last year.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 3. Verbs that Are Neither Active Nor Passive

These verbs (and their subjects) are neither active nor passive. They are also not verbs o f state,
such as ‫ ישן‬and ‫ ;ישב‬rather, in these sentences something happens to the subjects, they undergo
a process, they become different (their state changes): the boy grew up (‫ )גדל‬- it happened to
him, he underwent a change; the price o f bread went up (‫ )עלה‬- it changed.4

Verbs in the "it happened to him" / change of state / process category are found in other
beenyaneem , too. For example, here are verbs with this meaning in beenyan neefal:5

. 22:00‫הקונצרט נמשך שעתיים ונגמר ב־‬ .‫האישה נפצעה בתאונה‬ .‫הילדה נרדמה‬
The concert lasted two hours The woman was injured The girl fell asleep,
and ended at 10 p.m. in the accident.

Many verbs in this category o f meaning belong to beeyaneem heetpa'el, for example:6

. ‫ ו‬2:00-‫השיעור הסתיים ב‬ .‫הנערה השתנתה מאוד‬ .‫ המרק התבשל במשך שעתיים‬- >
The lesson ended at 12:00. The girl changed a lot. The soup cooked for two hours.

The meaning o f some verbs in this category (such as ‫ נפצעה‬she was injured = this happened to
close to that o f passive verbs, but they are different from passive verbs in that there is
her) is
no one in the background who performed (performs or w ill perform) the actions denoted by
these verbs.

4 a. There are actually some change o f state verbs that may be seen as active (e.g., ‫ התיישב‬he took a seat, or
perhaps ‫ התגייר‬he converted - became Jewish - which requires that the subject be active). Since we are
defining change o f state verbs as neither active nor passive, we do not include verbs like ‫ התיישב‬here. Rather,
we categorize them as active heetpa'el verbs as mentioned in Chapter 1 above (‫״‬Active and Passive Verbs,‫״‬
pp. 580-581).
b. Here are some more examples of pa'al verbs with this meaning:
‫נפל‬ ‫אבד‬ ‫גבה‬ ‫ירד‬ ‫צמח‬ ‫פחת‬ ‫גבר‬ >
fell was lost got tall(er) went down (he/it) grew lessened grew stronger
(e.g., the price went down)
5 Here are some more examples of neefal verbs:
‫נפסק‬ ‫נעלם‬ ‫נבהל‬ ‫נפתח‬ ‫נסגר‬
(he/it) ceased disappeared was frightened opened closed
(the door opened) (the window closed)
Here are more examples of heetpa'el verbs:
‫השתפר‬ ‫התקדם‬ ‫התפוצץ‬ ‫הזדקן‬ ‫התבגר‬ ‫התקצר‬ ‫התארך‬
(he/it) improved progressed exploded aged matured got shorter got longer

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 3. Verbs that Are Neither Active Nor Passive

Did you know?

Roots that appear in pee'el, p oo 'a l and heetpa'el

In some cases, the root o f heetpa'el verbs in this category appears also in the
related beenyaneem pee'el and poo'al (with the same basic meaning). W hen
this is the case, the pee'el verb is active, the p o o 'a l verb is passive and the
heetpa'el verb often has the meaning "it happened to h im " / change of state /

"it happened to him "I passive active

change o f state / process

.‫המרק התבשל במשך חצי שעה‬ .‫המרק בושל בסיר לחץ‬ .‫> י דניאל בישל מרק בסיר לחץ‬
The soup cooked for half an hour. The soup was cooked Daniel cooked soup
in a pressure cooker. in a pressure cooker.

‫העיר התפתחה מאוד בשנתיים‬ .‫תרופה חדשה פותחה‬ ‫חברה ישראלית פיתחה‬
.‫האחרונות‬ .‫תרופה חדשה‬
The city has developed a lot in A new drug was An Israel company developed
recent years. developed. a new drug.

Notice that in these examples, Hebrew expresses the different meanings by using
different beenyaneem (i.e., different forms). This is not necessarily the case in
English. Thus, when you translate sentences like these from English to Hebrew,
you have to think about w h a t the English verb really means in its context. (Is it
active or not? Causative? etc.) Asking and answering these questions can help
you decide in which beenyan the Hebrew verb is like ly to appear.

In addition to the verbs in pa'al‫ר‬neefal and heetpa’el, there are also verbs in beenyan heefeel
in this category of meaning, for example:8

.‫השיער שלו הלבין‬ .‫החולה הבריא‬ .‫הילד השמין‬ .‫המצב החמיר‬ ‫>*־‬
His hair turned white. The patient got well. The boy got heavier / The situation worsened.
gained weight.

7 It is, of course, not always the case in Hebrew either. For example, as we saw above, ‫ עלה‬can be either active
(‫ ה וא עלה במדרג ות‬He went up the stairs) or stative (‫ המח יר עלה‬The price went up). The verb ‫ נסגר‬can be either
stative ( ‫ ו‬3:00-‫ הח נ ות נסגרה ב‬The store closed at 1 p.m.) or passive (‫ המסעדה נסגרה על ידי משרד הבר יא ות‬The
restaurant was closed by the Department of Health).
8 Here are some more examples of verbs in beenyan heefeel.
. ‫הפר י הבש יל‬ . ‫המצב החר יף‬ . ‫הפ נ ים של הא יש האד ימ ו‬ ->
The fruit ripened. The situation worsened. The man's face turned red.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 3. Verbs that Are Neither Active N or Passive

Some of these verbs may be used to express both the "it happened to him .." meaning and an
active-causative meaning. For example, compare the following:

"it happened to him / her / it" active-causative

.‫המצב הכלכלי החמיר‬ .‫העלייה בערך הדולר ה חמי רה את המצב‬ ->

The economic situation worsened / got worse. The rise in the value of the dollar made
the situation worse.
.‫השיער של האיש הלבין‬ ‫משחת השיניים הזאת יכולה להלבין‬
.‫את שיניך‬
The man's hair turned white. This toothpaste can whiten your teeth.

In these sentences (and in others like them), only the context and the use of ‫( את‬with causative
verbs) tells us what the verb's meaning is.

Note that the change or process indicated by many of the verbs mentioned in this section can
take place over an extended period of time, as in ‫( התפתח‬developed) and ‫( השמין‬gained weight got
"heavy"), or they can be sudden and quick, as in ‫הסתיים‬/‫( נגמר‬ended) and ‫( נרדם‬fell asleep). The
action denoted by some of these verbs can be likened to what happens to a balloon: it expands
(more and more) or shrinks (little by little) or bursts.

We have grouped together the meanings "it happened to him ...," change of state (" he became..." )
and process since they sometimes overlap. The important point here is that verbs with one or
more of these meanings are neither active nor passive. They are never followed by ‫ את‬and
cannot be made passive.

Let's review
♦ Another category of non-active verbs is verbs that denote 'it happened to
h im ..." / change of state / process, for example:

The lesson ended at 12:00. . ‫ ו‬2:00 ‫ה שיעור ה ס תיי ם ב־‬

The girl fell asleep. .‫ה ילדה נרדמה‬
The price of bread went up. .‫מח יר ה ל חם עלה‬
The patient got well. .‫הח ולה הבר יא‬

♦ These verbs are found mainly in beenyaneem heetpa'el, neefal and p a ’al. Some
are found in heefeel.

‫‪VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem /‬‬ ‫‪3. Verbs that Are Neither Active Nor Passive‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪Choose the correct verb.‬‬

‫ו‪ .‬הייתה רוח חזק ה והדלת ______________‬

‫(פתחה ‪ /‬נפתחה)‬

‫‪ . 2‬הבשר_______________ כ ב ר שלוש שעות על האש‪.‬‬

‫(מבשל ‪ /‬מתבשל)‬

‫‪ .3‬יופי! _________________ א ת הציונים שלכם!‬

‫(שיפרתם ‪ /‬השתפרתם)‬

‫‪ .4‬המורה לספורט אמר לי‪ :‬מ אוד _______________ ב רי צ ה‪ .‬כל הכבוד!‬

‫(שיפרת ‪ /‬השתפרת)‬

‫‪ .5‬לפני שבוע ____________ א ת השם של הרחוב שלנו‪.‬‬

‫(שינו ‪ /‬השתנו)‬

‫‪ .6‬מ שהו באחותי ____________ ‪ ,‬אבל אני לא יודע מה בדיוק‪.‬‬

‫(שינה ‪ /‬השתנה)‬

‫‪ .7‬באיזו שעה השיעור ____________ ז‬

‫(גומר ‪ /‬נגמר)‬

‫‪ .8‬יונתן ____________ א ת התיק שלו בכיתה ביום שישי‪ .‬התיק ____________ ש ם עד יום ראשון‪.‬‬
‫(נשאר ‪ /‬השאיר)‬

‫‪ .8‬השאיר‪ ,‬נשאר‬ ‫‪ .7‬נגמר‬ ‫‪ .6‬השתנה‬ ‫‪ .5‬שינו‬ ‫‪ .4‬השתפרת‬ ‫‪ .3‬שיפרתם‬ ‫‪ .2‬מתבשל‬

Q Meanings and the Beenyaneem:

‫ ״‬Chart I: Meanings o f verbs arrangedfrom active to passive
• Chart II: Meanings o f verbs arranged according to beenyaneem

In the chapters in this unit, we have tried to see how the beenyaneem are used to modify the
basic meaning of roots. Fo r example, the root ‫ב‬-‫ת‬-‫כ‬, whose basic meaning is connected with
w riting, has the following specialized meanings in different beenyaneem :

simply active: (pa'al) .‫עו״ד גדעון לוי מירושלים כתב מכתב לעורך דין בניו יורק‬
Mr. Gidon Levy, a Jerusalem lawyer, wrote a letter to a lawyer in
New York.
active-causative: {heefeel) .‫עו״ד לוי הכתיב את המכתב למזכירה שלו‬
Mr. Levy dictated the letter to his secretary.
= He caused his secretary to write it.

active-reciprocal: (hee tpa ,el) .‫עו״ד לוי ועורך הדין האמריקאי מתכתבים כל הזמן‬
Mr. Levy and the American lawyer correspond all the time.
= They write to each other.

passive: (neefal) .(‫המכתב נכתב אתמול בערב (על ידי מר לוי‬

The letter was written last night (by Mr. Levy).
(hoofal) .( ‫המכתב הוכתב אתמול (על ידי מר לוי‬
The letter was dictated yesterday (by Mr. Levy).

B elow you w ill find two charts. The first presents specialized m eanings like these, beginning
with active meanings, continuing down through meanings that are neither active nor passive
and ending with the passive. In the active category we have included simply active, causative,
reflexive and reciprocal verbs 1 In the "neither active nor passive" category, we have included

1 In many grammar books, reflexive and 7vciprocal verbs are placed in a category separate from active verbs
(called "middle") because the subject of these verbs both does the action and "receives" it. For the sake of
simplicity, we have labeled as active all verbs whose subject is active, including reflexive and reciprocal verbs.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 4. Summary

verbs o f state and verbs expressing "it happened to him " / change o f state/ process. Next to the
meanings, we have listed the beenyaneem typ ically used to express them.

The second chart presents the same information, but it is arranged according to the beenyaneem.
Here we see each beenyan and the meanings it typically denotes. The verbs in the second chart
are taken from the sentences in the first chart. We have put parentheses around the meanings that
exist in a given beenyan and are often noted in grammar books as typical o f this beenyan, but
are not commonly found. This chart is intended to give you an overall view as to the connection
between the beenyaneem and the different meanings. It is not exhaustive.

Remember: Except for poo'al and hoofal , which are always passive,2 the beenyaneem do not
have fixed and predictable meanings. Therefore, when we list a beenyan as having a particular
meaning, this does not mean that all verbs in the beenyan have this meaning.

Note: The footnotes for the chart on the next page are found at the bottom of this page.

2 We are speaking here only of the verbs in these beenyaneem and not of adjectives like ‫( מצוין‬excellent) and
‫( מוצלח‬successful), whose forms are those of present tense verbs.
3 ‫ את‬is used when the direct object is definite (= specific), as in ‫( דן כתב את המכתב‬Dan wrote the letter); when
the direct object is indefinite , no preposition is used: ‫( דן כתב מכתב‬Dan wrote a letter). Thegreat majority of
active verbs that can be made passive are verbs that take ‫( את‬and not a different preposition).However, there
are some verbs that take a different preposition and can be made passive, such as: ‫^>נתמך‬-‫ תמך ב‬,‫>טופל‬£<-‫ טיפל ב‬.
For more examples, see the chapter "Active and Passive Verbs," p. 591.
4 Some of these verbs can appear without any preposition, and some can appear with a preposition such as
‫ על‬,‫ ב־ ל־‬or the like, but none take ‫את‬.
5 There are not many examples of n e e fa l verbs with this meaning.
6 There are not many examples of n e e fa l verbs with this meaning.
7 See note 4.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 4. Summary

• Chart I: Meanings o f verbs arranged from active

to passive
♦ Active Simply active pa'al‫׳‬. wrote .‫דן כתב את המכתב‬
pee'el‫׳‬. fixed .‫רון תיקן את המחשב‬
take 3;‫את‬
heefeel‫׳‬, invited .‫אורי הזמין את האורחים‬
can be made
Causative passive pee'el‫׳‬. shortened .‫גדי קיצר את הסיפור‬
heefeel‫׳‬, lengthened .‫רן האריך את הסיפור‬

Simply pa'al‫׳‬. went .‫גיל הלך למכולת‬

active4 pee'el‫׳‬. traveled .‫יוני טייל לבד‬
heefeel: arrived .‫קובי הגיע לפגישה‬
n eefa t entered .‫יוסי נכנס לבנק‬
don't take ‫;את‬ heetpa'el‫׳‬. looked at .‫אלעד הסתכל בתמונה‬
cannot be
Reflexive made passive heetpa'el‫׳‬. got dressed .‫אריאל התלבש מהר‬
("oneself') n e e fa t5 registered .‫גלעד נרשם לקורס‬

Reciprocal heetpa'el‫׳‬. corresponded .‫החברים התכתבו‬

( ”each n e e fa t6 separated .‫בני הזוג נפרדו לאחר שלוש שנות נישואין‬

♦ Neither Verbs o f State take ‫;את‬ various beenyaneem‫׳‬.

Active some can be can be made passive:
Nor made passive, understood .‫הסטודנט הבין את ההרצאה‬
Passive some cannot cannot be made passive:
wanted .‫הילד רצה את הגלידה‬
liked .‫רוני תמיד היבב את שרה‬

Verbs o f State don't take 7;‫את‬ pa'al‫׳‬. sat .‫נדב ישב בחדר שלו‬
cannot be other beenyaneem‫׳‬.
made passive waited .‫רון תיבה לאוטובוס‬
believed .‫השופט האמין לדברי הנאשם‬
meant .‫הוא לא התכוון לפגוע בך‬

"It happened cannot be heetpa'el‫׳‬. developed .‫הילד התפתח‬

to him "/ made passive neef a t fell asleep .‫הבחור נרדם‬
change o f pa'al‫׳‬. went up .‫המחיר עלה‬
state / process heefeel. worsened .‫המצב החמיר‬

♦ Passive neef a t was written .)‫המכתב נכתב (על ידי דן‬

poo'at was fixed .)‫המחשב תוקן ( ע ל ידי רון‬
hoof a t was invited .)‫האורח הוזמן ( ע ל ידי אורי‬
heetpa'el was received .)‫המכתב התקבל אתמול(על ידי עדי‬

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 4. Summary

‫ ״‬Chart II: Meanings o f verbs arranged according to

Active Neith er Active Nor Passive Passive

Simply Causative Simply Reflexive Reciprocal Verbs o f State ‫״‬It

active active (‫״‬oneself) ( ‫״‬each happened
other") to him"/
o f state /

take ‫; א ת‬ don't take ‫;את‬ take ‫;את‬ don't cannot

can be made passive cannot be made passive some can take ‫;את‬ be made
be made cannot passive
passive; be made
some cannot passive

♦ pa'al ‫המחיר‬
‫־‬ T
‫הלך‬ 8‫רצה‬ ‫ישב‬ ‫ ־־‬T

♦ pee'el ‫תילןן‬ ‫קי צי‬ ‫ט?יל‬ )‫(סיבב‬ ‫חיכה‬ T

♦ heefeel ‫הזמין‬ ‫ה אייו‬ ‫הגי?ג‬ ‫הבין‬ ‫האמין‬

♦ heetpa'el ‫הסתכל‬ ‫התלבש‬ ‫התכתבו‬ ‫תתפרון‬ ‫התפתח‬ )‫( ה ת קבל‬

♦ neefal ‫נכנס‬ )‫(נך שם‬ )‫(נפךז־ו‬ ‫נן ד ם‬ ‫נכתב‬

♦ poo'al ‫תוקן‬

♦ hoofal ‫הוזמן‬

8 ‫ רצה‬and ‫ חיבב‬cannot be made passive.

VII. Meanings and the Beenyaneem / 4. Summary

Here are a few points worthy o f attention:

There are verbs that can have m ore than one m eaning and thus will appear in more than one
place in the chart above. In such cases we can determine the meaning of the verb by looking at
the context, for example:
active-causative: .‫הע שן ה ש חי ר א ת קי רו ת הבית‬
The smoke blackened the walls of the house.

"it happened to them " / change o f state : . ‫קירות הבית השחירו‬

The walls of the house turned black.

active: .‫האי ש עלה במדרגו ת‬ ^

The man went up the stairs.

"it happened to it" / change o f state : .‫המחיר עלה‬

The price went up.

Note: In this example and others, looking at whether the subject is animate or not helps us
determine the verb's meaning. Here is another example:

active-reflexive: .‫הילדה התכסתה ב שמיכה‬

The girl covered herself with a blanket.

"it happened to it" / change o f state: .‫המכוני ת התכסתה ב חול‬

The car became / got covered with sand.

Also, sometimes the meaning can be interpreted or understood in more than one way, for
.‫האי שה התקרבה ל טלוויזי ה כדי לראות יותר סוב‬
The woman got closer to the television in order to see better.

The verb ‫ התקרבה‬can be understood here as reflexive - "brought herself closer" - or as a change
o f state or process - "got closer."

In addition, sometimes verbs in different beenyaneem may have the same - or a very similar
- meaning, as in:
Yoni's cousins live in London. .‫בני הדודים של יוני גרים בלונדון‬
.‫בני הדודים של יוני מתגוררים בלונדון‬

The boy is afraid of dogs. .‫הילד פותר מכלבים‬

.‫הילד מפתד מכלבים‬

9 ‫ מתגוררים‬is more formal than ‫גרים‬.


1 B asic C oncepts: Sounds and Syllables

U. The Pronunciation o f ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the D agesh

III. R eduction o f Vowels and the Shva

IV. H ebrew Spelling: Selected Issues

I. Basic Concepts: Sounds and
‫ ״‬Vowels and consonants
• Open and closed syllables
‫ ״‬Syllable stress (accent)

In this chapter we will examine basic concepts that are important for the understanding of the
next two chapters.

• Vowels and consonants

The terms vowel and consonant refer to the two basic sounds in all languages, including Hebrew.
The vowels in Israeli Hebrew are: ah, eh, ee, oh and oo. In Hebrew a vowel is called a ‫( תנועה‬lit.:
movement), since when we pronounce vowels, the air moves quite freely out of our mouth. If you
had enough air (and perhaps operatic training), you could sing the vowels forever: aaaaaaa...,
eeeeeeee..., oooooooo...

The consonants are the sounds that are not vowels, for example: b, d , f g and so on. In Hebrew
a consonant is called an ‫( עיצור‬from the root ‫ר‬-‫צ‬-‫ ע‬to stop), since when we pronounce consonants,
we stop or lim it the flow of air out of our mouth. For example, when we say b, we stop the flow
of air completely; when we say 5, we limit the flow significantly.

Want to see if you've understood?

Read the fo llo w in g list o f sounds a n d w rite each sound under the p ro p e r h e a d in g .

ee d f eh sh 00 s ah t v oh r k

consonants ‫עיצורים‬ vowels ‫תנועות‬

A n sw ers:
consonants: d, f, sh, s, t, v, r, k vo w e ls: ee, eh, oo, ah, oh

I. Basic Concepts: Sounds and Syllables

Open and closed syllables

A s a rule, a syllable in Hebrew begins with a consonant1 and contains one vow el.2 In most
cases, the number of syllables in the word is equal to the number o f vowels in the word. This
means that if there is one vowel in a word, the word has only one syllable. I f there are t wo
vowels, the word has t w o syllables and so on.

one syllable: YAD ‫יד‬

three syllables: har-ga-SHA ‫הך־ג־ שה‬

Read the following words, w hich are divided into syllables:

‫ ן‬1‫ מ‬-‫לי‬ ‫ ש ב‬-‫ת‬ ‫בר‬-‫ד‬

lee-M O N te-SHEV da-VAR

Q: Does the first syllable in the above words end in a vowel or a consonant?

A : The first syllable ends in a vowel: ah in da-VAR, eh in te-SHEV, ee in lee-MON.

A syllable that ends in a vowel is called an open syllable (i.e., the airway is open).

Q : Does the second syllable in the above words end in a vowel or a consonant?

A : The second syllable ends in a consonant: da-VAR, te-SHEV, lee-MON.

A syllable that ends in a consonant is called a closed syllable (i.e., the airway is either completely
or partially cl osed). 3 ,Any one o f the syllables in a word can be open (o) or closed (c):
c o c o o c c
‫ ר ת‬-‫ ב‬-‫מ ח‬ ‫רה‬-‫שי‬ ‫ ח ק‬-‫מ ש‬
m ach-BE-ret shee-RA mees-CHAK
notebook singing, poetry game

1 The one blatant exception is when, for phonetic reasons, the word "‫( "ו‬and) changes to "00) "‫)ו‬. In such a case,
the syllable begins with a vowel ( 00). In addition, speakers who do not pronounce ‫ עי‬or ‫ אי‬at the beginning of
a word actually begin a syllable with a vowel sound. Another case in which a syllable begins with a vowel
is in words like ‫( רוח‬ROO-ach), in which the helping vowel ah begins the final syllable. Note: The division
into syllables presented in this book is based on today's spoken Hebrew. It does not always correspond to the
division into syllables presented in classical Hebrew grammar books.
2 This is the general rule. However, there are cases in which two vowels (i.e., a vowel and a semi-vowel) can
appear in one syllable (as a diphthong ), as i n: ‫( בניי‬ba-N A I my sons).
3 There are syllables that end in two consonants, such as: ‫( כתבת‬ka-TAVT).

I. Basic Concepts: Sounds and Syllables

Want to see if you've understood?

A . Read the fo llo w in g w o rd s a n d d iv id e them in to syllables.

Example: ‫ד ה‬T - 1 ‫ת‬

‫ א נ י‬.4 ‫ ד י ר ה‬.3 ‫ ת ל מ י ד‬.2 ‫ י ל ד‬.‫ו‬

‫ ! מ ל ה‬1 ,) ‫ ם‬1 ‫ ש ל‬.5

B. W rite a b o v e the s y lla b le if it is ope n ( " o " ) o r closed (" c " ).

o o
Example: ‫ ד ה‬- 1‫ת‬
A nsw ers:
‫לה‬-‫ מ‬1‫ ע‬.6 ‫לום‬-‫ ש‬.5 ‫ני‬-‫ א‬.4 ‫רה‬-‫ די‬.3 ‫מיד‬-‫ תל‬.2 ‫לד‬-‫ י‬.1

Syllable stress (accent)

A word usually has one stressed syllable. I f you tap out each syllable on the table with your
hand, you w ill make a louder tap where the stress is. The stress in Hebrew is usually either on
the l ast syllable o f the word or on the syllable bef or e the last.4

the stress is on the last syllable : mees-PAR “‫־‬ ‫ <מס־פי‬£

the stress is on the syllable before last. SE-ret ‫ס ־ךט‬

mach-BE-ret ‫מח־ב־־רת‬

4 In some - especially foreign - words, the stress is two syllables before the last syllable, as in ‫אוטובוס‬
‫ )׳‬O-to-boos).

II. The Pronunciation of ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ב‬
and the Dagesh

Two possible pronunciations o f • ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ב‬
‫״‬ The weak dagesh 1‫דגש קל‬

‫ ״‬The strong dagesh ‫דגש חזק‬

• Two possible pronunciations o f '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ב‬

E ach of the letters ‫ פ ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬has two possible pronunciations: hard and soft.2

s o ft hard
v ‫ב‬ b ‫ב‬
ch ‫כ‬ k ‫כ‬
/ ‫פ‬ p ‫פ‬

Here are examples of words with the hard pronunciation (b, k, p) :

‫לשבור‬ ‫בודק‬ ->
leesh-BOR bo-DEK
to break is checking

‫לשבב‬ ‫כותב‬
leesh-KAV ko-TEV
to lie down is writing

T 5 *
mees-PAR po-GESH
number is meeting

1 In grammar books ‫ דגש ל!ל‬is also called dagesh lene. ‫ דגש חזק‬is also called dagesh forte.
2 We say here that the letters are "pronounced." Properly stated, letters - the graphic representation of consonants
and some vowels - are "realized"; consonants and vowels are "pronounced." In books on phonetics, hard
sounds are called stops or plosives; soft sounds are called fricatives.

II. The Pronunciation of , ‫ פ‬,'‫ ב‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh

When a text has vowel signs, a dot ( dagesh) inside the letters ‫ פ׳‬/‫ פ‬/‫ ב‬indicates that they are to
be pronounced with the hard pronunciation. When there is no dagesh, the soft pronunciation is
used. Here are some examples of the soft pronunciation (v, ch,f)\
‫ הב‬1‫א‬ ‫עובד‬
'o-HEV 'o-VED
likes is working

‫ פה‬1‫ש‬ ‫ כב‬1‫ש‬
sho-FECH sho-CHEV
is pouring is lying down

‫אל ף‬ ‫ פ ץ‬1‫ק‬
'E-lef ko-FETS
a thousand is jumping

But when we read texts w ith o u t vowel signs - and in everyday speech - how do we know when
to pronounce '‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬as b, k, p (hard) and when to pronounce them as v, ch, f (soft)?

In this chapter we w ill examine when ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬are pronounced as hard sounds, i.e., when we
write a dagesh in these (and other) letters in a text with vowel signs. It should be noted that
there are actually two different kinds o f dagesh (a weak dagesh and a strong dagesh ), and each
appears for different reasons. Both kinds o f dagesh look the same and - today - both indicate
the same hard pronunciation when they appear in '3. ‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬/ ‫ב‬

After you learn when the pronunciation o f ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬should be hard, you can assume that in all
other cases it w ill be soft.

3 In the sections below, we have not merely pointed out where ' ‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬are pronounced as hard sounds, but
also we have divided our discussion according to the types of dagesh that are used to indicate this sound.
Knowing which kind of dagesh causes the hard pronunciation is essential for understanding the rules of

II. The Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬,'‫ ב‬,'‫ ב‬and the Dagesh

• The weak dagesh ‫דגש לןל‬

Where do we find a weak dagesh?
There are two places in which the hard pronunciation of ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬is indicated by a weak dagesh.4

1. At the beginning o f a word

When '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬appear at the beginning o f the word, they are almost always pronounced b, k, p
(hard), as in:
p k b
‫ ־‬T
‫פיה‬ ‫כתב‬
‫ ־‬T
‫כלב‬ ‫ביקש‬ ‫בית‬
pa-TACH PO ka-TAV KE-lev bee-KESH BA-yeet
opened here wrote dog requested house

Some exceptions
There are very few exceptions to this rule. One exception is the word ‫ כן‬in the following
‫לפני כן‬ ‫אחרי כן‬ ‫אף על פי כן‬ ->
leef-nei CHEN ,a-cha-rei CHEN 'af-'al-pee CHEN
beforehand afterwards despite this

In all these expressions, ‫ כ׳‬comes at the beginning of the word but is pronounced chen (with a
soft ch). This is because in these expressions ‫ כן‬is not regarded as a separate word, but rather
as part o f one long word.5

Another exception to the rule regarding the hard pronunciation o f ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬at the beginning o f a
word concerns foreign words that have entered Hebrew, including foreign place names. These
words maintain their original soft pronunciation, for example:

T ‫י‬ !
T ‫ ! ־‬V
T !
FLO-ree-da fes-tee-VAL fee-lo-SOF-ya
Florida festival philosophy

4 a. We are dealing here only with the rules that are relevant for the pronunciation of Israeli Hebrew. For a more
complete treatment of the weak dagesh, see a grammar of Biblical Hebrew, for example: J. Weingreen,
1959, pp. 14-17.
b. In texts written with vowel signs, the weak dagesh appears not only in '‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬/‫ב‬, but also in ‫ ת׳‬/‫ ד‬,'‫( ג‬called in
traditional grammar beged kefet or begadkefat: '‫ ת‬,'‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬,‫ ד‬,'‫ ג‬/‫)ב‬. In Modem Hebrew, only in '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬does
the presence or absence of the dagesh indicate a difference in pronunciation.
5 In the middle of a word after a vowel, ,‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬have a soft pronunciation. See the next section for an explanation.

II. The Pronunciation of , ‫ פ‬,'‫ ב‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh

?Want to see if you've understood

Add a w eak dagesh to '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ב‬ w h e re th e y a re p ro n o u n ce d as b, k, p :

‫ ביטחון‬.8 ‫ פוגש‬.7 ‫ שוכב‬.6 ‫ כותב‬.5 ‫ פילוסופיה‬.4 ‫ פתאום‬. 3 ‫ כךטיס‬.2 ‫ בולןר‬.1

‫ פסטיבל‬.9
A nsw ers:
There is a weak dagesh in the following words:
‫ ביטחון‬.8 ‫ פוגש‬.7 ‫ כותב‬.5 ‫ פתאום‬.3 ‫ פךטיס‬.2 ‫ בולןר‬.‫ו‬

2. In the middle o f a word - after a closed syllable

When ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬appear in the middle o f a word, they may be pronounced either as hard or
soft sounds. When they are pronounced as hard sounds, the dagesh that indicates the hard
pronunciation may be one of two kinds: either a weak dagesh or a strong dagesh. First we w ill
learn when a weak dagesh appears in the middle of the word. Afterwards, we w ill learn the rules
for the strong dagesh.

Read the following examples in w hich ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬are pronounced as hard sounds:

‫פוט‬-‫לש‬ ‫כים‬-‫מס‬ ‫בר‬-‫מך‬

leesh-POT mas-KEEM meed-BAR
to judge agrees desert

Q : What kind o f syllable appears before ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬in these words - an open or a closed

A : They appear immediately after a closed syllable: meed-BAR, mas-KEEM , leesh-POT.

In the middle of the word, whenever ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬appear after a closed syllable, they are pronounced
as hard sounds and, thus, in texts with vowel signs, they get a weak dagesh.

6 On open and closed syllables, see the preceding chapter.

II. The Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬,'‫ ב‬,'‫ ב‬and the Dagesh

When is there no weak dagesh in '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫? ב‬

When ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬are not at the beginning of a word and are not in the middle after a closed syllable,
they do not take a weak dagesh, for example:

1. After a vowel
at the beginning of a syllable: ‫שו־ פ ט‬ ‫כב‬-‫ר‬ ‫בר‬-‫ש‬ T
sho-FET RE-chev sha-VAR
judge vehicle broke

at the end of a syllable: ‫ קיד‬-‫תפ‬ ‫ ת ב‬-‫מכ‬

T ! ‫־‬
‫ ל ה‬-‫ט ב‬
T : ‫־‬

taf-KEED meech-TAV tav-LA

position (job), letter chart, table

at the end of a word: ‫דף‬ ‫מלוז‬ ‫ח שוב‬ T

DAF ME-lech cha-SHOOV

sheet (of paper) king important

2. After an initial shva

T • !
‫כפר‬ T :
shchee-VA KFAR kvoo-TSA
lying down village group

Some exceptions
Many words of foreign origin maintain their foreign pronunciation no matter where ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ב‬
appear, for example:
‫*ב‬1‫סנ‬ ‫טיפ‬ ‫פיליפ‬ ‫ טי פ‬1‫ס ט ך א‬
SNOB TEYP FEE-leep ste-re-'o-TEEP
snob tape player Philip stereotype

7 This initial shva was originally a vowel; thus,' ‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬following this shva behave as if they still follow a vowel
(whether the shva is pronounced as eh or is not pronounced at all).

II. The Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬,‫ כ׳‬,'‫ ב‬and the Dagesh

Did you know?

'‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬in the following verbs seem to appear after a closed syllable, and yet
they are pronounced as soft sounds:

‫פו‬-‫ י־קל‬/ ‫ ונ־קןל־פו‬/ ‫פי‬-‫לןל‬-‫ת‬ ‫מת‬-‫ הול‬/ ‫כים‬-‫הול‬ ‫בו‬-‫ פת‬/ ‫בה‬-‫כת‬
ye-kal-FOO te-kal-FOO te-kal-FEE hol-CHOT hol-CHEEM kat-VOO kat-VA

w ill peel are going wrote

In order to understand why they are pronounced like this, let's look at their
masculine singular forms:
‫לף‬-‫לן‬-‫י‬ ‫לך‬-‫הו‬ ‫תב‬-‫כ‬ >
ye-ka-LEF ho-LECH ka-TAV

In ail the masculine singular forms of these verbs, ' ‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬come immediately
after a vowel. Thus, they are pronounced with a soft sound. The other forms
in the same tense, such as those listed above (‫כתבו‬/‫כתבה‬, ‫הולכות‬/‫הולכים‬, etc.),
maintain this same pronunciation of ' 8.‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫כ‬

Let's review
♦ ' ‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬are pronounced as hard sounds b, k, p (and have a weak dagesh in texts
with vowel signs) in the following circumstances:

- At the beginning of a w ord : ‫ פגישה‬,‫ כותב‬,‫בית‬

- Immediately after a closed syllable (=a syllable that ends in a consonant):

‫פוט‬-‫לש‬: *
T T : ‫־‬
‫ביר‬-‫מס‬ ! ‫־‬
leesh-POT has-ka-AlA mas-BEER

♦ In all other cases , '‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬do not have a weak dagesh .

8 111 addition, it should be noted that while the syllables that precede ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬in forms like ‫כתבה‬, ‫ הולכים‬and
‫ תקלפי‬are pronounced in today's Hebrew as closed syllables (and, therefore, we have called them closed in
this book), the traditional syllable division of these words is ‫בה‬/‫ת‬-‫( כ־‬ka-ie l.'l) and ‫כים‬/‫ל‬-‫( הוי‬ho-le/CHEEM).
According to this division,,‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬do not stand at the beginning of a new syllable and, therefore, there is no
reason for them to be pronounced with a hard sound.

II. The Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬,'‫ ב‬,'‫ ב‬and the Dagesh

Want to see if you've understood?

D iv id e the fo llo w in g w o rd s in to sylla b le s a n d a d d the w e a k dagesh to ' ‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬w h e re v e r
they a re p ro n o u n c e d b, k, p.
E xam ple: ‫ פןץז‬-‫ל ש‬

‫ פ ג ש‬. 5‫ מ ש פ ט י ם‬. 4 ‫ מ ז כ י ר ה‬. 3‫ נ כ נ ס‬. 2

‫ מ ס פ ר‬. 10‫ כ פ ר‬. 9‫ ה ס ב י ר‬. 8‫ ה ש פ ע ה‬. 7

‫ ק ר‬i ‫ ב‬. 14 ‫ ה ב ך ל‬.13 ‫ כ ב‬1 ‫ ש‬. 12 ‫ ר‬1 ‫ ל ש ב‬. 11

A nsw ers:

There is a weak dagesh in the following words:

‫ פ ר‬-‫ מ ס‬. 1° ‫ כפר‬.9 ‫ביר‬-‫ הס‬.8 ‫עה‬-‫פ‬-‫ הש‬.7 ‫גש‬-‫ פ‬.5 ‫טים‬-‫פ‬-‫ מש‬.4 ‫רה‬-‫פי‬-‫ מז‬.3 ‫תב‬-‫ הת־נ‬.1
‫־קןר‬1‫ ב‬. 14 ‫ בו ד‬-‫!דל ש‬

• The strong dagesh ‫דגש חזק‬

We said above that ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬in the middle o f a word take a weak dagesh only after a closed
syllable, and in this position they are pronounced as hard sounds (b, k, p). Now look at the
following examples in which ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬are pronounced as hard sounds:

‫ ן‬1‫ר‬-‫עי־פ‬ ‫ ס ף‬- ‫ כ‬-‫ה‬ ‫בר‬-‫ד‬-‫ל‬

,ee-pa-RON ha-KE-sef le-da-BER
pencil the money to speak

Q: What kind o f syllable appears before ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/ ‫ ב‬in these words - an open or a closed syllable?

A: They appeal* after an open syllable (i.e., after a vowel).9

If so, why are ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,‫ ב׳‬pronounced as hard sounds (b, k, p) in these words?

The answer is that the reason for this hard sound is different from the reason for the hard
sounds discussed above and indicated by the weak dagesh (see "Did you know?" below). The
dagesh that indicates the hard sound in words like ‫ לךבר‬is also called by a different name: the
strong dagesh.

9 This is so according to Modem Hebrew pronunciation, which we are using as our guide for syllable division.
In traditional grammar this is not regarded as an open syllable. This will be explained below.

II. The Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬,‫ כ׳‬,'‫ ב‬and the Dagesh

Did you know?

The follow ing background information w ill help you understand the reason for
the hard sound in such w ords as ‫לז־בר‬:

In the distant past, consonants in certain forms were "doubled" in pronunciation

(perhaps pronounced with more emphasis or length). Much later, when vowel
signs were added to the written text in an attempt to indicate the traditional
pronunciation more clearly, a dagesh was added to a letter as a sign of
"d o ub ling ." Thus, *ledabber was written ‫ר‬2‫ לך‬. Because this dagesh indicated a
"doubled" consonant, it was called a strong dagesh.

Today, however, speakers o f M odern Hebrew do not pronounce letters in which

a strong dagesh appears (including ' ‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ) ב‬as a "doubled" (emphasized or
lengthened) consonant. And, though the strong dagesh may appear in any
letter in a text with vowels except for '10, ‫ ר‬,'‫ ע‬,'‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬,'‫ א‬only in ' ‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬does it
indicate a difference in pronunciation: these are pronounced as single, but hard
consonants - b , k, p .11

We will now see where a strong dagesh appears in texts with vowel signs so that we will know
where else to pronounce ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬as hard consonants.

A strong dagesh appears in words for one of the following three reasons:

1. When a dagesh is part o f a pattern

As explained in the chapter "Pattern" (pp. 9-16), words in Hebrew are often formed according
to a pattern (‫)משל !ל‬. Sometimes this pattern includes a strong dagesh in one of the root letters.12

10 Because '‫ ע‬,'‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬,'‫( א‬which represent the guttural consonants) and often ‫ ר׳‬were not "doubled" in ancient times
(and thus do not take a strong dagesh), these consonants cause irregularities in the pronunciation of certain
words. See the end of this chapter, pp. 637-638.
11 In this chapter, as in the rest of the book, we do not write a dagesh in letters other than '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬except for when
it is important for the point being made.
12 When a strong dagesh is part of a pattern it is called ‫( דגש חזק תבניתי‬characteristic strong dagesh).

II. The Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬,'‫ ב‬,'‫ ב‬and the Dagesh

For example, three verb patterns ( beenyaneem) have a strong dagesh in the second root letter
as part o f their pattern.13 When the second root letter happens to be ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬, it is pronounced b,
k, p. Here are some examples (the form in parentheses shows the strong dagesh in a letter other
than ‫ פ׳‬/‫ ב‬/‫) ב‬:

pee'el. )‫(צילם‬ ‫סיכם‬ ‫סיפר‬ ‫דיבר‬

photographed summarized told spoke
poo'at )‫(צולם‬ ‫סוכם‬ ‫סופר‬ ‫דובר‬
was photographed was summarized was told was spoken about
heetpa'el. )‫(התרגש‬ ‫הסתכל‬ ‫הסתפר‬ ‫התלבש‬
got excited looked at had his hair cut got dressed

The noun patterns associated with these beenyaneem also have a dagesh in the second root

(pee'el) □ ‫ □ י ם ו‬: )‫(צילום‬ ‫ליכוד‬ ‫סיפור‬ ‫ךיבור‬ ^

photography consolidation story speaking

(pee'el) ‫ □ □ □ ה‬: )‫ ©ה‬1‫ל‬3( ‫סכנ ה‬

T T ‫־‬
‫קבלה‬T T ‫־׳‬

request danger acceptance;


(heetpa'el) ‫ ה ת ם ם ם ו ת‬: )‫( ה תרג שו ת‬ ‫ה ת מכ רו ת‬ ‫ה תנפלו ת‬ ‫ה ת א ב דו ת‬

excitement addiction attacking suicide

: some other noun patterns that have a dagesh, for example:

T ‫־־־‬
)‫(גנב‬ ‫ספר‬
T ‫־‬
T ‫־־‬

thief barber cook

‫ ן‬1‫ □ י ם ם‬: )‫(שיגעון‬ 14‫<{יפריז‬ ‫ ן‬1‫זיכר‬
craziness pencil memory
‫□□□ת‬: )‫(נלביז‬ 15‫ט ב ע ת‬ ‫שפ ע ת‬ ‫רכב ת‬
rabies ring influenza train

13 This is so when there are three root letters, as is usually the case. For words with four root letters, see the
chapter "Beenyan Pee'el," pp. 389-390.
14 Note that the plural forms of this pattern do not have a dagesh, for example: ‫זיכרונות‬, ‫ עפרונות‬.
15 The vowels in ‫ שפעת‬and ‫ טבעת‬change because of the ‫ע׳‬.

II. The Pronunciation of , ‫ פ‬,'‫ ב‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh

In the following adjective pattern (used for many colors and other common words), there is a
dagesh in the third root letter when an ending is added :
‫ □ □ ו פ ה‬/ □ ‫ □ □ ו‬: yellow‫ צהובו ת‬,‫ צהובים‬,‫ צהובה‬- ‫צהוב‬
long‫ ארוכות‬,‫ ארוכים‬,‫ארוכה‬
red )‫ א דו מו ת‬,‫ אדו מי ם‬,‫אדומה‬

Note the change in the vowel from oh to oo when there is a dagesh (i.e., in all but the base
form )}6

Whenever the consonants ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,‫ ב׳‬appear where a word's pattern requires a dagesh, they are
pronounced as hard sounds: b, k, p.

Want to see if you've understood?

The fo llo w in g c h a rt c o n ta in s e xa m p le s o f patterns that re q u ire a strong dagesh.

heetpa 'el pee 'el

noun noun verbal noun verbal noun heetpa'el poo'al pee'el
‫שיגעון‬ ‫גנב‬ ‫התרג שות‬ ‫צילו ם‬ ‫מתרג ש‬ ‫מ צו ל ם‬ ‫מצל ם‬

W rite the fo llo w in g w o rd s in the a p p ro p ria te p la ce in the c h a rt a b o v e , a n d a d d a

strong dagesh to ' ‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬w h e re re q u ire d .

A n sw ers:
‫שיגעון‬ ‫גנב‬ ‫התרגשות‬ ‫צילום‬ ‫מתרגש‬ ‫מצולם‬ ‫מצלם‬
‫זיכרון‬ ‫סבל‬ ‫התחברות‬ ‫שיפור‬ ‫מתלבש‬ ‫מסוכן‬ ‫מספר‬
‫דיכאון‬ ‫טבח‬
T ‫־‬
‫התנפלות‬ ‫טיפול‬ ‫מתחפש‬ ‫מקובל‬ ‫מדבר‬

16 This pattern is different from the ‫ פעול‬pattern, in which all form s have an 00 sound and no dagesh, for example:
‫ כתובות‬,‫ כתובים‬,‫ כתובה‬,‫כתוב‬.

II. The Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬,'‫ ב‬,'‫ ב‬and the Dagesh

2. Dagesh after ‫ה־‬, after prepositions containing ‫ נ־) ה־‬,‫ )פ־י ל־‬and after ‫ש־‬
and ‫מ־‬
As a rule, the letter after -‫( ה‬the), ‫( ש־‬that, which, who) and -‫( מ‬from, than) always has a strong
dagesh.11 Thus, whenever ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬appear after them, they are pronounced as h a r d sounds: b,

Here are some examples of the strong dagesh.

1. After -‫ה‬:
)‫(המשפחה‬ ‫הפרחים‬ ‫הכדור‬ ‫הבית‬
the family the flowers the ball the house

When -‫ ה‬follows the prepositions "‫ פ‬,‫ ל‬,‫ "ב‬and thus is joined to them to form ‫״‬-‫ כ‬,‫ ל־‬,‫״ב״‬, a strong
dagesh comes in the following letter,
)‫(במשפחה‬ ‫ ו‬8‫לפךךזים‬ ‫ככדור‬ ‫בבית‬

2. After ‫ש־‬:

)‫(הילדה שנפלה‬ ‫התלמידה שכתבה‬ ‫הפרח שפרח‬ ‫הילד שבכה‬

the girl who fell the student who wrote the flower that bloomed the boy who cried

3. ,After -‫מ‬:

)‫(מלונדון‬ ‫מכפר סב א‬ ‫מפתח תקווה‬ ‫מבאר שבע‬

from London from Kfar Sava from PetachTikva from Be'er Sheva

In the next section you can read w h y there is a dagesh after -‫מ‬.

17 Except, of course, for ' ‫ ע‬/‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬/‫ א‬and ‫ר׳‬.

18 According to the rules of grammar, when the prepositions - ‫ ל‬,-‫ כ‬,‫ ב״‬do not contain -‫ה‬, the letter after them does
not have a dagesh. Thus, we hear on the news and in formal Hebrew:
.‫ הם ילונו בכרמיאל‬.‫> התיירים נסעו לבית לחם‬
be-char-mee-'EL le-veit
Many speakers today, especially in informal Hebrew, do not follow these grammar rules and say: ‫לבית לחם‬
(le-beitLE-chem) and ‫( בכרמיאל‬be-kar-mee-EL).

II. The Pronunciation of , ‫ פ‬,'‫ ב‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh

?Want to see if you've understood

W rite a dagesh in '‫ פ‬/‫ ב' כ‬w h e re v e r it is re q u ire d , a n d read the sentence out lo u d ,

.‫ זאת הבחורה שכתבה את הפתק המצחיק‬.‫ו‬

?‫ שמתם לב לפרחים בפינה של הגינה‬.2
.‫ את הכוס הכחולה‬,‫ בבלןשה‬,‫ תן לי‬.3
‫ אתם מפיהו‬.4
?‫ אתם רוצים לבקר בכנסת‬.5

A nsw ers:
?‫ שמתם לב לפרחים בפינה של הגינה‬.2 .‫זאת הבחוךה שכתבה את הפתק המצחיק‬ .1
?‫ אתם רוצים לבקר בכנסת‬.5 ?‫ אתם מפיה‬.4 .‫ את הכוס הכחולה‬,‫ בבלןשה‬,‫תן לי‬ .3

3. When a consonant is missing1

A missing ‫ל‬
Read the following sentence:

(> ‫ אם אתה לא רוצה לפול (ליפול‬.‫ ״תיזהר! השכנה שלנו נפלה אתמול במדרגות ליד הבית‬:‫ אימא לדני‬-‫י‬
‫ תלך בזהירות!״‬,‫כמוה‬

Mother to Danny: ‫״‬Be careful! Our neighbor fell yesterday on the steps next to the house. If you don't
want to fall like she did, walk carefully!"

The root of both the past tense ‫ נפלה‬and the infinitive ‫ ) ליפול) לפול‬is the same: ‫ ל‬- ‫ פ‬- ‫נ‬. In the past
tense, all three root letters are visible. However, in the infinitive, the ‫ נ׳‬o f the root ‫ ל‬-‫ פ‬-‫ נ‬has
disappeared.20 When this happens, a strong dagesh is written in the following letter (h ere : 21.(‫פ׳‬

Other examples o f a strong dagesh that is caused by the disappearance o f a ‫ נ׳‬are found in the
infinitive and future tense forms o f beenyan neefal , for example:

19 In grammar books this dagesh is called ‫( רגש חזק משלים‬compensative strong dagesh).
20 On the disappearing % see the chapter ‫״‬Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is ‫ני‬," pp. 490-503.
21 Here are some more examples of verbs in which the initial root letter '‫ נ‬disappears and causes the appearance
of a strong dagesh.
heefeel. (‫ע‬-‫ג‬-‫(הגיע נ‬ )‫הכיר (נ־כ־ר‬ )‫ל‬-‫פ‬-‫< הפיל(נ‬
arrived knew, recognized dropped
h o o f ah (‫הוכר (נ ־ כ ־י‬ )‫ל‬-‫פ‬-‫הופל (נ‬
was known, recognized was dropped

II. The Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,‫ בי‬and the Dagesh

)‫(להיגמר‬ ‫להיבחן‬ ‫להיפנס‬ ‫להיפגש‬ ->

)‫(ייגמר‬ ‫ייבחן‬ ‫ייפנס‬ ‫ייפגש‬
to be finished to take a test to enter to meet with

In these forms, the ‫ נ׳‬of the beenycm, which appears in the past and present tense forms
(e.g., ‫ נגמר‬,‫ נבחן‬,‫ נכנס‬,‫)נפגש‬, has disappeared. A s was the case in ‫ליפול‬, the letter following the
missing ‫ נ׳‬in the above infinitives and future tense forms has a dagesh.

Still another example of this phenomenon appears in the preceding section, where we saw that
after the preposition -‫ מ‬there is always a strong dagesh (unless that letter is ‫ ר׳‬,'‫ ע‬,'‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬,‫)א׳‬.
This dagesh is actually the result of a missing ‫נ׳‬, since -‫ מ‬is a short form of ‫מן‬.

Fo r exercises on the verbs mentioned above, see the chapters "Verbs Whose First Root Letter
Is ‫( "נ׳‬pp. 497, 501) and "BeenyanNeefal" (pp. 426-427).

Did you know?

The '‫ נ‬does not simply di sappear; rather, it "assimilates to" (becomes the same
as) the consonant that follows it: ‫*לנפול => *לפפול‬. A similar process occurs in
the English *inlegal => illegal, *inregular => irregular. *

In Hebrew, the double ‫ "פפ;׳‬of ‫ *לפפול‬is written as a single letter with a dagesh:
‫לפול‬. Wh e n we write without vowel signs, a '‫ י‬is usually written in place of the '‫נ‬
when the preceding vowel is ee: 23.‫ ליפול‬Here is the whole process:

‫ליפול‬ >= ‫לפול‬ >;= ‫*לפפול‬ >= ‫< *לנפול‬

A missing twin consonant

In some roots the second and third letter are identical But many times only one of the two letters
is written. This one letter has a dagesh in it indicating that it represents a double consonant.
Here are some examples (the roots are in parentheses):

22 For more examples, see Edward Horowitz, 1960, pp. 32-34.

23 a. One blatant exception is past tense verbs in beenvan heefeel, such as: ‫( הכיר‬hee-KEER he knew, recognized),
which comes from the form ‫*הנכיר‬. Verbs like ‫ הכיר‬are not written with a '‫ י‬after the initial '‫ ה‬in order that
they not be written differently from regular heefeel verbs, such as ‫( הרגיש‬heer-GEESH he felt), which also
do not have a '‫ י‬after the initial ‫ה׳‬.
b. We have written the dagesh in ‫( ליפול‬the form without vowel signs) for the sake of clarity. Usually in a text
without vowel signs, this dagesh is not written.

II. The Pronunciation of , ‫ פ‬,'‫ ב‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh

)‫(ס־כ־כ‬ )‫פ‬-‫פ‬-‫(ט‬ ) ‫ב‬- ‫ב‬- ‫(ס‬ ) ‫ב‬-‫ב‬-‫(ס‬

V‫׳‬ V V
T ‫־‬ !
pin drop party reason

When the double letter is at the end o f the word, it has no dagesh, as in:

)‫(ל־ב־ב‬ )‫ב‬-‫ב‬-‫(ד‬ )‫(כ־פ־פ‬ )‫פ‬-‫פ‬-‫(ד‬ )‫(ר־כ־כ‬ )‫(ר־ב־ב‬

‫לב‬ ‫דוב‬ ‫פף‬ ‫דף‬ ‫רד‬ ‫רב‬
heart bear tablespoon sheet of paper soft many,

But when it isn't last, as in the following plural, feminine and possessive forms, the dagesh
‫ לבם‬,‫לבי‬ ‫דובים‬ ‫כפות‬ ‫דפים‬ ‫ רכות‬,‫ רכים‬,‫רכה‬ ‫ רבות‬,‫ רבים‬,‫רבה‬

Did you know?

As mentioned above, the consonants represented by ‫ ר׳‬/‫ ע‬,'‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬,'‫ א‬were almost
never doubled in ancient Hebrew and, therefore, these letters do not1take a
strong dagesh . In the past, when ‫ ר׳‬,'‫ ע‬,'‫ ח‬/ ‫ ה‬,'‫ א‬appeared in a place where
doubling (a strong dagesh) was required - as in beenyan pee'el (‫ )לדבר‬and
after ‫ )הבית) ה־‬- the vowel before them often changed, 24 as follows:

- An ee vowel (□) became eh (□), for example:

Instead o f ‫ * ( *ת יאר‬tee-'ER) - which should have a dagesh in the middle like
‫ ךיבר‬- we get ‫ ( תיאר‬te-'ER') (described).

Instead o f ‫ * ( *פירוש‬pee-ROOShf) - which should have a dagesh in the middle

like ‫ ךיבור‬- we get ‫( פירוש‬pe-ROOSH) (interpretation).

Instead o f ‫*( *? יעלם‬yee-‫׳‬a-I£A1‫ )׳‬- which should have a dagesh in the firs!‫ ־‬root
letter like ‫ ייכנס‬- we get ‫ ( יי^לם‬ye-'o-LEM) (will disappear).

24 Traditional grammarians refer to this change as lengthening and call this phenomenon compensatory
lengthening (‫) תשלום דגש‬. In phonetics, this change is referred to as vowel low ering ( ‫) הנמכת תנועה‬.

II. The Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,‫ בי‬and the Dagesh

- An oo vowel (‫ )ו‬becomes oh (i), for example:

Instead o f ‫* ( *תואר‬too-'AR) - which should have a dagesh in the m iddle like
‫ דובר‬- we get ‫ ( תואר‬to-'AR) (was described).

Instead o f ‫ * ( *שחוו־׳ים‬shchoo-REEM) - which should have a dagesh in the third

root letter like ‫ צהובים‬- w e get ‫( שחוךים‬shcho-REEM) (black).

See more on ' ‫ ר‬,'‫ ע‬/‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬/‫ א‬in the chapter "Guttural Consonants and '‫ ר‬:
Beenyaneem Pee'el, Poo'al a nd N e e fa l" (pp. 474-484).

Chapter summary
♦ A dagesh appears in many letters in texts written with vowel signs. However,
only when it appears in ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬does it indicate a difference in pronunciation in
today's Hebrew.

- When there is a dagesh in ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬they are pronounced as hard sounds:
b, k, p.

- When there is no dagesh they are pronounced as soft sounds: v, c h ,f

♦ Here are the circumstances under which the pronunciation of ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬is hard:
- At the beginning of a word: ‫ פגישה‬,‫ פותב‬,‫( בית‬weak dagesh)

- Immediately after a closed syllable (= a syllable that ends in a consonant):

‫מסביר‬, ‫הספמה‬, ‫( לשפוט‬weak dagesh)

- In certain verb and noun patterns, for example: ‫ שפעת‬,‫ סופר‬,‫( דיבר‬strong
- After - ‫( ה‬and prepositions including - ‫ה‬: ‫״‬-‫ ל‬,-‫פ‬ and after -‫ ש‬and -‫ מ‬,
for exam ple:.‫ הוא ברח מפה‬/ .‫ זה הילד שבךו־ז‬/ ‫ כפ_רח‬,‫ ל^פר‬,‫ בפוס‬,‫( הבית‬strong
- In cases where a consonant is missing, for example:
(strong dagesh) ‫*ינכנס => ייפנס *דובבים => דובים‬ ‫* לנפול => ליפול‬

♦ In all cases other than those mentioned in this chapt er, ‫ פ׳‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬are pronounced
as soft sounds: v, c/7,/

‫‪ and the Dagesh‬ב‪ /‬ב'‪ ,‬פ ‪II. The Pronunciation of ,‬‬

‫‪?Want to see if you've understood this chapter‬‬

‫‪ w h e re v e r it is re q u ire d , a n d read the w o rd s out lo u d ,‬ב' כ‪ /‬פ' ‪W rite a dagesh in‬‬

‫ו‪ .‬המורים כבר בדקו את כל הבחינות‪.‬‬

‫‪ .2‬קיבלתם את כל מה שביקשתם‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬מה כתוב במ שפט הבא?‬
‫‪ .4‬אל ת שכחו להביא כלי כתיבה לטיול‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬ניפגש כשתחזרו מבית הספר‪.‬‬
‫‪ .6‬דני שבר כוס‪ .‬אם לא תיזהרי‪ ,‬גם את תשברי משהו‪.‬‬
‫‪A nsw ers:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬המורים פבר בךקו את פל הבחינות‪ .2 .‬קיבלתם את פל מה שביקשתם‪ .3 .‬מה פתוב במשפט הבא?‬
‫‪ .4‬אל תשפחו להביא פלי פתיבה לטיול‪ .5 .‬ניפגש פשתרוזרו מבית הספר‪.‬‬
‫‪ .6‬דני שבר פ‪1‬־ס‪ .‬אם לא תיזהרי‪ ,‬גם את תשבח משהו‪.‬‬

III. Reduction of Vowels and the
• What is "vowel reduction"? (‫)גדול => גדולה‬
‫״‬ Vowel reduction two syllables before the stress
• What causes the stress to move to a different syllable?
‫״‬ When do vowels not reduce?
• Vowel reduction one syllable before the stress
‫״‬ Vowel reduction and ‫ ע׳‬/‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬,'‫) א‬gutturals(

• What is ‫״‬vowel reduction "?

Read the forms of the following two words out loud:
base form
fpl■ fs. 111.s.

big ‫גדולות‬ ‫גדולים‬ ‫גדולה‬ >= ‫גדול‬T

gdo-LOT gdo-LEEM gdo-LA ga-DOL
short (in stature), low ‫נמוכות‬ ‫נמוכים‬ ‫נמוכה‬
T :
>= ‫נמוך‬
ne-moo-CHOT ne-moo-( 'UEJiM ne-moo-CHA na-MOOCH

In the base forms - ‫ גדול‬and ‫ נמוך‬- the vowel ah appears in the first syllable (it is indicated by
the vowel sign □).

Q : Do we hear this ah sound in the other forms?

A : No. In the other forms of ‫ גדול‬there is no vowel sound at all after the ‫( ג׳‬g):
gdo-LA, gdo-LEEM , gdo-LOT} The ah has totally "reduced" - in this case disappeared -

1 This is the regular pronunciation today. Only in formal pronunciation of Modem Hebrew - for example in
some news broadcasts - and in the reading of Biblical Hebrew, do we hear the shva at the beginning of a word
like ‫ גדולה‬pronounced as eh (ge-do-LA). Note: The division into syllables in this book (e.g.. gdo-L. l) is based
011 the pronunciation of spoken Hebrew and, therefore, does not always correspond to the syllable division in
traditional grammar.

III. Reduction of Vowels and the Shva

and is written with a □ - called a shva.2 In the forms o f ‫נמוך‬, too, we see that a shva (□) is
written where the □ (kamats) was, but because it is difficult to pronounce a word like ‫נמוכה‬
with no vowel after the ‫נ׳‬, we pronounce an eh sound: ne-moo-CHA, ne-moo-CHEEM , ne-

This change in vowels when we move from a base form to other forms o f the same word isn't
unique to Hebrew. It happens in English, too, in words like pronounce and pronunciation ,
supreme and supremacy.

In order fully to understand when vowel reductions do and do not take place, you must have
a good knowledge of traditional Hebrew grammar. The information covered in this chapter
gives you a "feel" for when reductions do and do not occur and w ill enable you to learn Hebrew
pronunciation with heightened awareness.

Did you know?

Most Hebrew speakers today fend not to pronounce the shva a t the beginning
o f a w ord (as in the case o f ‫ גדולה‬gdo-LA ) 3 However, in the follow ing cases
speakers do fend to pronounce the shva as eh:

W hen the first consonant is .1 ;/‫ י‬,‫ ן‬,‫ נ‬,‫ מ‬,‫״ל‬, as in :

T T 5
T T !
T !
‫מקומות‬ ‫לשונות‬ *>.
ye-sha-NA re-cha-VA ne-moo-CHA me-ko-MOT le-sho-NOT
old wide short (in stature), places tongues,
low languages

2. W hen the consonant after the shva is ‫ א׳‬,‫ ה׳‬, ‫ ע׳‬:

‫צ?יךה‬ ‫צהובה‬
T !
T !

fse-’ee-RA fse-hoo-BA ke-'oo-VA

young (f.s.) yellow (f.5.) painful (f.s.)

2 In grammar books this is called vowel reduction or vowel shortening (‫ היחטפות התנועה‬or ‫) חיטוף התנועה‬, and this
shva is called a m obile or vocal shva ( ‫) שווא נע‬, though today we do not always pronounce it, as we see in ‫גדולה‬
3 Properly stated, we do not ‫״‬pronounce,‫ ״‬but rather "realize‫ ״‬the vowel sign (shva).

III. Reduction of Vowels and the Shva

3 . After the prepositions - ‫ ל‬,-‫ כ‬,-‫ ב‬and after - ‫( ו‬and), as in:

‫ורחל‬ ‫כ תינוק‬ ‫בו־יצה‬ -C

ve-ra-CHEL ke-tee-NOK be-ree-TSA
and Rachel like a baby while running

C o m p a re the fo llo w in g , in w h ich the first letter is not a d d e d on, but rather is
p a rt o f the word itself. In these cases the shva is not pronounced:

■ t:
t • :
• :
vra-DEEM ktee-VA BREET

roses w riting alliance, covenant

• Vowel reduction two syllables before the stress

Before reading the following explanation of when vowels tend to reduce, it is recommended
that you read the chapter "Sounds and Syllables" (pp. 621-623), in which the terms used here
(such as vowels, consonants, open and closed syllables and stress) are introduced.

Now let's look at the base form ‫( דבר‬tiling) and its plural form ‫( דבךים‬tilings, also: words).

In the word ‫( ד־בר‬da-VAR), the first syllable (da) is open (i.e., ends in a vowel), and the stress
is on the second syllable (VAR). When we add the plural ending ‫ים‬: (-EEM), we expect the
following plural form: *da-va-REEM4 In *da-va-REEM , the first syllable is still open, but the
stress has moved away from it. It is no longer on the second syllable, but rather on the third
syllable ‫רים‬- (REEM). In the newly created form ‫ ךי ם‬-‫ ב‬-‫*( *ד‬da-va-REEM), the stress is actually
two syllables away from the open syllable da. This is exactly the situation in which the vowel
□ {ah) often reduces to a shva:
‫רים‬-‫דב‬ •
>=T :
)‫רים‬-‫(*ד ב‬ '
■> ' T T

dva-REEM da-va-REEM da-VAR

4 a. An asterisk (*) indicates that the form does not exist.

b. Remember: As a rule, a syllable in Hebrew begins with a consonant; therefore, when the ending -EEM is
added, the R of da-VAR "moves" to the beginning of the third syllable in *da-va-REEM so that the new
syllable will begin with a consonant.

III. Reduction of Vowels and (he Shva

The vowel □ (eh) sometimes reduces in the same w a y:

‫תיו‬-‫שמו‬ )‫ תיו‬-‫ מו‬-‫(* ש‬ >= ‫ מו ת‬-‫ש‬ *>

shmo-TAV she-mo-TAV she-MOT
liis names names

A s was the case in ‫( גדולה‬gdo-LA), the shva in the words ‫( ךבךים‬ch’a-REEM) and ‫( שמותיו‬simio-TAi) is
not pronounced at all in everyday speech. The original ah vowel of ‫( דבר‬da-VAR) and eh of ‫שמות‬
(she-MOT) have reduced com pletely.

Be careful! Not every vowel in an open syllable at the beginning of a word reduces
when it is two syllables before the stress. Usually, when the vowel is indicated by □, the
vowel reduces, and also - though much less frequently - when it is □ However, when
the vowel is indicated by "‫"ו‬, "‫ " ו‬or "‫"□ י‬, the vowel does not reduce, for example;

his aunts V D -il-H

4= P H -il
its forms ‫ ת ת‬-‫צו‬
‫ תיו‬- ‫ רו‬- ‫צו‬ >=
its waits ‫ רו ת‬- ‫קי‬ ‫ תיו‬- ‫ רו‬- ‫קי‬ >=

Did you know?

The reduction of the vowel in an open syllable two syllables before the stress
can also occur in the middle of the word, as in:

their friends ‫חבריהם‬ )‫הם‬-‫ךי‬-‫ב‬-‫(*ח‬ ‫רים‬-‫ב‬-‫ ח‬-»

chav-rei-HEM *cha-ve-rei-HEM cha-ve-REEM

the United States ‫הברית־‬-‫אוצות‬ )-‫צןת‬-‫ך‬-‫(*א‬ = ‫צות‬-‫ר‬-‫א‬ T ‫־‬:

'or-tsof- * 'a-ra-tsot- ,a-ra-TSOT

lands, countries

5 In these words, there is also a change from □ to □. For an explanation see J Weingreen p. 11

III. Reduction of Vowels and the Shva

• What causes the stress to move to a different

1. Endings
The main reason for the shift o f stress is the adding of endings. Endings that are added onto base
forms usually a ttra c t the stress to them. Here are some examples:

a. Plural endings:

thing(s) ‫דברים‬ •T :
)‫ךים‬-‫ב‬-‫(*ד‬ ‫בר‬-‫ד‬

dva-REEM *da-va-REEM da-VAR

place(s) ‫מקומות‬ )‫ מו ת‬-‫ קו‬-‫(* מ‬ Oip-n

me-ko-MOT *ma-ko-MOT ma-KOM

b. The feminine ending ‫;ה‬:

big ‫גדולה‬
T !
)‫לה‬-‫די‬-‫(*ג‬ ‫דול‬-‫ג‬ T

gdo-LA *ga-do-LA ga-DOL

c. Possessive endings:6

your (f.s.) welfare ‫שלומך‬ )‫מןז‬-‫א‬-‫(*ש‬ ‫ א ם‬-‫ש‬ T

(in the expression ?‫)מה שלומך‬ shlo-MECH *sha-lo-MECH sha-LOM

his names ‫שמותיו‬

T !
)‫ תיו‬-‫ מו‬-‫(* ש‬ ‫מו־ת‬-‫ש‬
shmo-TAV *she-mo-TAV she-MOT

d. Other endings (e.g., the abstract ending ‫ו ת‬-, the adjective ending ‫י‬:):

health ‫במאות‬ )‫אות‬-‫ךי‬-‫(*ב‬ ‫ רי א‬- ‫ב‬ T

bree-'OOT *ba-ree-'OOT ba-REE


my place ‫מ קו מי‬ )‫מי‬-‫קו‬-‫(*מ‬ ‫קום‬-‫מ‬

me-ko-MEE *ma-ko-MEE ma-KOM

6 See the chapter "Nouns with Possessive Endings," pp. 60-77.

III. Reduction of Vowels and the Shva

2. Smeechoot
Another situation in which the stress shifts and causes vowel reduction is when one noun is
added to the end of another noun to form asmeechoot phrase. ’ In smeechoot phrases, the main
stress moves away from the first word and is placed on the last word.8 A s a result, the vowels
in the first word reduce, as in:
smeechoot base form
extrapolation of a Torah passage ‫תורה‬-‫ךבר‬ )-‫בר‬-‫(*ד‬
V T '
>= ‫בר‬-‫ד‬

dvar- *da-var- da-VAR

thing; in certain contexts: word

place of birth ‫לידה‬-‫מקוס‬ )-‫ ם‬1‫ק‬-‫(*מ‬ ‫קום‬-‫מ‬

me-kom- *ma-kom- ma-KOM

hibernation *‫חורף‬-‫שנת‬ )‫(*ש־נת־‬ )‫נה (שינה‬-‫ש‬

shnat- *she-nat- she-NA

Q : What happens to □ and □ in the first syllable o f the first word o f the above smeechoot

A : They change to ‫( ם‬shva), just as they did in ‫ ךברים‬and ‫ שמותיו‬above. This reduction occurs
since the vowels ah and eh are both in an open syllable two syllables before the final word
of the these smeechoot phrases. (The final word is considered to be stressed regardless of
exactly which syllable in that word is stressed). Thus, in ‫תורה‬-‫בר‬-‫*ד־‬, the syllable "‫( "ך‬da) is
considered to be two syllables before the stress, and its vowel reduces as shown above.10

7 The first word is not always a noun (e.g., it may be a number). Also, a smeechoot phrase may contain more
than two words. For more on smeechoot, see the chapter "Smeechoot,‫ ״‬pp. 170-199.
8 In today's pronunciation of smeechoot phrases, the stress sometimes may be found on the first word(s) as
well. Nevertheless, the vowel reductions in the first word(s) of smeechoot phrases - which are shown in the
examples that follow - usually still take place in today's pronunciation.
9 The vowel that reduces here is ‫ ם‬- as it is written in standard spelling - and not ‫□י‬, as it is written in full
10 If the smeechoot has more than two words, vowel reductions may take place in each of the words preceding
the last word (as if each is the first word of a two-word smeechoot), for example:
the president of South Africa ‫נשיא ךרום אפריקה‬ >^= ‫ אפריקה‬+ ‫דרום‬ + ‫<• נשיא‬
ne-see drom 'AF-ree-ka da-ROM na-SEE

III. Reduction of Vowels and the Shva

• When do vowels not reduce?

As we saw above, vowels reduce to shva only in open syllables. Thus, the vowel in the first
syllable o f a word like ‫תלמידים‬, which is closed (tal-mee-DEEM), never reduces. In addition, as
we mentioned above, certain vowels, especially those written with a ‫ ו׳‬or '‫י‬, do not reduce (e.g.,
‫ מוכר נעליים‬shoe salesman).

There are also additional cases in which vowels do not reduce:

1. When a syllable sounds open, but in traditional grammar is considered closed. For example,
let's look at the word ‫( טבח‬chef) and its plural ‫טבחים‬. You might expect this word to act like
‫דבר => דבןים‬, but it doesn't. Why not?

The ‫ ב׳‬in the word ‫( טבח‬cook) has a strong dagesh, which - as we saw in the preceding chapter
- represents what once was a double consonant: 11.*‫ טבבח‬Thus, in traditional grammar,
the syllable division is ‫בח‬-‫ טב‬in the singular and ‫חים‬-‫ב‬-‫ טב‬in the plural. According to this
division, the first syllable is closed, so the vowel in it does not reduce. Here are some more
examples, all of which contain a strong dagesh:

no reduction: ‫=< גנבים‬ (traditional syllable division: ‫ים‬: + ‫ביםגנב‬-‫נ‬-‫ (גנ‬4=


no reduction: ‫( =< מפירים‬traditional syllable division: + ‫מכיר‬ ‫ךים‬-‫כי‬-‫ (מכ‬4= ‫ים‬:

know, recognize

2. Exceptional cases
Here are some examples:12

no reduction: ‫ ת‬1‫ ח‬1‫( =< לק‬we would expect: -‫ )ל‬ni n- 1p + ‫!־ לקיירז‬7 >= ‫ ת‬1- ^

no reduction: ‫( =< רהיטים‬we would expect: + ‫רהיט‬ ‫ טי ם (ך־‬-‫ הי‬-‫ים => ך‬:
piece of furniture

Let’s review
♦ When □ (ah) or □ (eh) appear in an open syllable two syllables before the stress,
they tend to "reduce" to shva (□), as in ‫ גדול => גדולה‬and ‫ נמ וך => נמוכה‬.

11 See the chapter "The Pronunciation of ' ‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬and the Dagesh," pp. 630-637.
12 The vowel that remains in these words is called a ‫( לןמץ לןיים‬irreducible kamats).

III. Reduction of Vowels and the Shva

♦ This shva tends not to be pronounced in speech today (gdo-M), but sometimes
- depending on the consonants involved - it is pronounced as eh , as in

♦ Vowel reduction is triggered by the shift of stress aw ay from a given syllable

This shift takes place when endings are added to a base form or when a noun
is added to the end of another noun to create a smeechoot phrase:

the plural endings 7‫ ים‬and ni-; ‫דברים‬ •T :

<= ‫דבר‬ T T
the feminine ending ‫ ;ה‬: ‫גדולה‬ T :
<= ‫גדול‬ T

possessive endings: ‫שלומך‬ <= ‫שלום‬ T

other endings: ‫בךיאות‬ <= ‫בריא‬ •T

adding a noun to form a smeechoot phrase: ‫נשיא המדינה‬ <= ‫שיא‬: • T

♦ There are cases in which a first syllable sounds open, but is considered closed in
traditional grammar because of the presence o f a strong dagesh. Such syllables
do not reduce:
‫=> גנבים‬ ‫ גנב‬-C

Want to see if you've understood?

Write the vowel sign in the first syllable of the form after the arrow.
Circle the words whose first vowel is shva.

Example: ‫ו' דברים ׳‬

V *T : /
> = ‫דבר‬
- >

‫דרום אמךילןה‬ < = ‫אמריקה‬ + ‫דרום‬ T

.‫וו‬ ‫מוךים‬ ‫ מורה‬.6
> = ‫צעידים‬ ‫צעיר‬ • T
‫נשיא צרפת‬
‫־‬ :T
< = ‫צרפת‬ + ‫נשיא‬ • T
.12 ‫ קטז => קטנים‬.7 ‫ירוקה‬ « = ‫ירוק‬ .2
‫שמלת כלה‬ < = ‫כלה‬ + ‫שמלה‬
T : *
. 13 ‫שיךים‬ ‫ שיר‬.8
> = ‫עוגות‬ < = ‫עוגה‬
‫שדה תעופה‬
T :
< = ‫תעופה‬ + ‫שדה‬
. 14 ‫ צהוב => צהובה‬.9
‫ברותם‬ < = ‫ברור‬ T
‫ גבוה => גבוהים‬. 10 ‫תלמידים‬ ‫תלמיד‬ .5

The following words have a reduced vowel (shva) in the first syllable:
-‫ שדה‬.14 -‫ נשיא‬.12 - ‫ ם‬1‫ ך ר‬. 1‫ו‬ ‫ גבוהים‬.10 ‫ צהובה‬.9 ‫ קטנים‬.‫ל‬ ‫ ברורים‬.4 ‫ ירוקה‬.2 ‫ צעירים‬.1

III. Reduction of Vowels and the Shva

• Vowel reduction one syllable before the stress

In the sections above, we saw that a shift in syllable stress often causes the reduction to shva of
an ah vowel and sometimes of an eh vowel in an o p e n syllable tw o syllables before the stressed
syllable. We w ill now examine cases in which a change in syllable stress causes a reduction of
a vowel o n e syllable before the stress.13

Read the following words:

w ith endings base fo rm
-‫־‬ ! T
‫למדו‬ >= ‫־‬

lam -DO O la-M A D

they studied he studied

‫ילמדו‬ >= ‫ילמד‬

yeel-m e-DOO yeel-M AD
they will study he will study

The s e c o n d (final) syllable in the base forms ‫ ל־־מד‬and ‫ יל־־מד‬contains the vowel ah (indicated
by the vowel sign □).

Q : Do we hear this ah sound when an ending is added ( ‫ ילמדו‬,‫?)למדו‬

A : No. When the ending is added to ‫ למד‬to form ‫למדו‬, the ah vowel completely reduces, and
there is n o v o w e l s o u n d at all after the ‫( מ׳‬lam -D O O ).14 When the ending is added to ‫ ילמד‬to
form ‫ילמדו‬, again the ah vowel reduces, but this time we hear the sound eh (yeel-m e-D O O ).15
Here is the process that takes place:

‫למדו‬ »= )‫דו‬-‫מ‬-‫(*ל‬ >= ‫מד‬-‫ל‬ *‫>י‬

lam -DO O *la-m a-D O O la-M A D

‫ילמדו‬ »= )‫דו‬-‫מ‬-‫(*יל‬ >= ‫יל־מד‬

yeel-m e-DOO *yeel-m a-DOO yeel-IvlAD

Now look closely at the forms in parentheses. Notice that once the ending is added, the syllable
preceding it becomes open, and thus its vowel can reduce to shva.

13 In grammar books, the reduction that takes place two syllables before the stress is called propretonic reduction.
The reduction that takes place one syllable before the stress is called pretonic reduction.
14 Only in the reading of Biblical Hebrew is this shva, which is the result of a reduced vowel, pronounced eh
(la-m e-DOO ).
15 You may have noticed that the word ‫ ילמדו‬has two shva'eem. The first shva is simply a graphic sign marking
the end of a closed syllable - called a resting, quiescent or silen t shva (‫) שווא נח‬. It is not the result of a vowel
reduction, as is the second shva.

III. Reduction of Vowels and the Shva

Here are some more examples:

‫כותבים‬ )‫בים‬-‫ת‬-‫(*כו‬ ‫תב‬-‫כו‬
kot-VEEM *ko-te-VEEM ko-TEV

‫ישמרו‬ )‫רו‬-‫מו‬-‫(*יש‬ ‫מור‬-‫יש‬

yeesh-me-ROO *yeesh-mo-ROO yeesh-MOR

As you can see, a variety of vowels can reduce to shva when the reduction takes place one
syllable before the stress (ah □, eh □ and oh I□).16

The reduction one syllable before the stress frequently takes place in verbs, as you can see
above. It also takes place in some words that are not verbs, for example:

‫מחשבים‬ >= ‫מחשב‬ ‫טיפשי‬ >= ‫טיפש‬

mach-she-VEEM 17 mach-SHEV teep-SHEE tee-PESH
computer stupid a stupid
(adj.) person

Be careful! The reduction of ah one syllable before the stress takes place when the
ah vowel is written with □ (patach) (as in ‫ למדו‬4= ‫ ) למד‬not with □ (kamats). Thus, the ah
vowel in ‫( מכתב‬letter), for example, does not reduce when an ending is added: ‫מכתבים‬
(.meech-ta-VEEM). Since both ah vowels (‫ ם‬and ‫ )ם‬sound the same, only if you know its
vowel sign is it possible to predict when an ah vowel will or will not reduce one syllable
before the stress. Knowing noun patterns is also helpful (i.e., if you know that the ah
in ‫ מכתבים‬does not reduce, you know that the ah in words with the same pattern - e.g.,
‫( מטבחים‬kitchen) and ‫( מגדלים‬tower) - does not reduce).

16 The "1" that appears in ‫ ישמור‬is not written with a "‫( "ו‬yav) in standard spelling with vowel signs: ‫ישמר‬. We
mention this fact since, as a rule, vowels indicated by letters in addition to vowel signs, i.e., "1","‫ "ו‬or "‫״□י‬,
do not reduce. The reduction in ‫ )ישמר) ישמו׳ר‬is of □ not of "i".
17 When the shva is pronounced, as in mach-she-VEEM, it sounds the same as the eh vowel in the base form

III. Reduction of Vowels and the Shva

Did you know?

The follow ing are cases in which - in today's Hebrew - w e do pronounce the
shva that results from the reduction of a vowel one syllable before the stress:

W hen this shva follows a silent shva, as in:

‫מחשבים‬ ‫נבדקו‬ ‫ילמדו‬

mach-she-VEEM neev-de-KOO yeel-me-DOO

W hen this shva comes after the first of two identical consonants, as in:

‫מתפללים‬ ‫יבךרו‬ ‫מחממים‬ ->

meet-pa-le-LEEM ye-va-re-ROO me-cha-me-MEEM

Let's review
♦ In certain cases, when an ending is added to a word, the stress shifts to the
ending, and the syllable before the ending becomes open Vowels that appear
in such a syllable (one syllable before the stress) sometimes reduce. These
include ah □, eh □ and oh □), as in:

‫ילמדו‬ ‫ מד‬-‫יל‬
veel-me-DOO veeI-M4D

‫כותבים‬ c=t ‫תב‬-‫כו‬

kot-VEEM ko-TEl"

‫ישמרו‬ <= ‫ מו ר‬-‫י ש‬

yeesh-me-ROO yeesh-MOR

♦ The shva that results from a vowel reduction is sometimes pronounced as eh

(e.g., ‫ יל מדו‬yeel-me-DOO) and sometimes is not pronounced at all, as in ‫כותבים‬

III. Reduction of Vowels and the Shva

Want to see if you've understood?

Write the vowel sign in the syllable before the final syllable.
Circle the words whose vowel sign is a shva.

Example: ‫> ־ הוא שמר‬

‫־‬ T

‫הם יבדקו‬ ‫ הוא יבדוק‬,5 ‫היא למדה‬

‫ הוא למד‬.‫ו‬
‫־‬ T

‫הם יספרו‬ ‫ הוא יספר‬. 6 ‫הם שמעו‬ ‫ב הוא ש מ ע‬

‫היא הלבישה‬
T ! ‫־‬
‫ הוא הלבי ש‬. 7 ‫היא מ ת רג ש ת‬ ‫ הוא מתרג ש‬. 3
‫הם יתלב שו‬ ‫ הוא יתלב ש‬,8 ‫הן טיפלו‬ ‫ הוא טי פל‬.4

The following words should be circled. They have a reduced vowel (shva) one syllable before the stress:
‫ יתלבשו‬.8 ‫ יספרו‬.6 ‫ יבדקו‬.5 ‫ טיפלו‬.4 ‫ שמעו‬.2 ‫ למדה‬.1

• Vowel reduction and ‫ ע׳‬/‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬/‫( א‬gutturals)

Look at the following set of words:

vowel reduces ending added, base form

stress moves

model fo rm : ktoo-VEEM ‫כתובים‬ )‫(*כ־תו־בים‬ ka-Toov ‫פ־תוב‬ T

forbidden 'a-soo-REEM ‫אסוו״ים‬ )‫(*א־סו־רים‬ ‫׳‬a-sooR ‫סור‬-‫א‬T

destroyed ha-roo-SEEM ‫הרוסים‬ )‫סים‬-‫רו‬-‫(*ה‬ ha-R00s ‫רוס‬-‫ה‬T
sour cha-moo-TSEEM ‫ח מו צי ם‬ )‫צים‬-‫(*ח־מו‬ cha-M00TS ‫מוץ‬-‫ח‬
sad ,a-tsoo-VEEM ‫עצובים‬ )‫בים‬-‫צו‬-‫(*ע‬ ‫׳‬a-Tsoov ‫צוב‬-‫ע‬

In the model form, when the ending is added, the stress moves to it and the ah vowel in "‫"כ‬,
which is two syllables before the stress, reduces and is written with a shva ("‫)"פ‬.

Q : Does the same change take place in the words that begin with ‫ ע׳‬,‫ ח׳‬/‫ ה‬/ ‫? א‬

A : Not exactly. We do see a change in the vowel sign at the beginning o f the plural forms - □
has changed to □ (chatafpatach), which is a variation o f shva. For phonetic reasons, / ‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬,'‫א‬
‫( 'ע‬gutturals) cannot take a shva when their vowel reduces and instead are followed by one

III. Reduction of Vowels and the Shva

of three variations of the shva: □, □, Q 18 The fact that we see □ in the plural forms above
shows that a reduction has taken place. However, in today's pronunciation we do not hear
any difference between the sound at the beginning o f the singular ‫ אסור‬and the plural ‫אסורים‬.
What we do hear is the difference between the beginning of ‫ בתובים‬and the beginnings of all
the words listed underneath it in the chart above: ‫אסורים‬, ‫ הרוסים‬and so on.

Here are some more examples in which □ appears instead o f □. This time the reduction takes
place one syllable before the stress:

vowel reduces ending added, base form

stress moves

m o d e lf o r m : wrote kat-VA ‫פתבה‬ T t T

<= )‫בה‬-‫ת‬-‫(*פ‬ <= ka-TAV ‫ תג‬-‫כ‬
— T
asked sha-'a-LA ‫שאלה‬ T ‫־‬: T
)‫ ל ה‬-‫ א‬-‫( * ש‬ sha-'AL ‫ א ל‬-‫ש‬
— T

drove na-ha-GA ‫נהגה‬ T ‫ ־‬:T

)‫ ג ה‬- ‫( *נ ־ ס‬ na-HAG ‫ הג‬-‫נ‬
— T

m o d e lfo r m : kol-VEEM ‫פותבים‬ <= )‫גי ם‬-‫ ת‬-‫(* פו‬ <= ko-TE V ‫תב‬-‫פו‬ <
sho-'a-LEEM ‫שו אלים‬ <= ) ‫ לי ם‬-‫ א‬-‫( * שו‬ <= sho-EL ‫ א ל‬- ‫שו‬
no-ha-GEEM ‫נוהגים‬ ) ‫גי ם‬-‫ ה‬-‫( *נו‬ no-HEG ‫ הג‬-‫נו‬

You can read more about these changes in verbs in the unit "Verbs with Guttural Consonants"
(pp. 448-487).

Let’s review
♦ In a text with vowel signs, when vowel reduction is expected after guttural
consonants (‫ ע׳‬,'‫ ח‬/ ‫ ה‬/‫) א‬, instead of shva, we see one of the variants of the shva:
□, □, □. Here are some examples:

reduction one syllable reduction two syllables

before stress before stress

m o d e lfo rm s : ‫פ־בה‬
T : T
> = ‫פתב‬ T
‫בים‬-‫פתו‬ > = ‫תוב‬: T
- >

kat-VA ka-TAV kloo- l'.l£Kt

1 ka-TOOV
T ‫־‬: T
< = ‫שאל‬
‫־־‬ T
‫אסוךים‬ >-= ‫אסור‬ T

sha- 'a-LA sha-'AL 'a-soo-REEM 'a-SOOR

18 a. Properly stated, gutturals are followed by vowels that are represented in writing by the chatafeem □, □. □.
b. □ (chatafpatach) is pronounced 7/‫( □ ;מ‬chatafsegol) is pronounced eh‫׳‬, □ (chatafkamats) is pronounced oh.

III. Reduction of Vowels and the Shva

Chapter summary
In order fully to understand vowel reduction, a basic knowledge of traditional
Hebrew grammar is necessary. In this chapter, we have tried to give you a "feel"
for when reductions do and do not occur.

♦ We have seen above that when endings are added to a base form, or when a
noun is added to the end of another noun to create a smeechoot phrase, the
stress moves to the ending (or to the last word in smeechoot). This shift may
trigger the reduction of vowels to shva.
♦ Reduction of vowels to shva may take place in one of two places:
- in an open syllable two syllables before the stress, as in: ‫דבר => ךבךים‬
- in an open syllable one syllable before the stress, as i n : ‫ילמד => ילמדו‬
♦ In an open syllable that is two syllables before the stress, only the vowels ah
(□) and eh (□) reduce. In an open syllable that is one syllable before the stress,
the vowels ah (□), eh (□) and oh (□ ) reduce.

♦ A reduced vowel is written as a shva. This shva either is not pronounced at

all (as in ‫ גדולה‬gdo-LA and ‫ למדו‬lam-DOO) or is pronounced as eh (as in ‫נמוכה‬
ne-moo-CHA and ‫ילמדו‬,yeel-me-DOO).

♦ Gutturals ( ‫ ע׳‬/ ‫ ח‬,'‫ ה‬/‫ )א‬generally are not followed by a shva. Often - in texts
with vowel signs - instead of a shva , we find □, □, □ written under them. These
are pronounced ah, eh and oh, respectively.

IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected
• Full spelling: When do we add a ‫ י׳‬or ‫?ו׳‬ ‫כתיב מלא‬
‫ ״‬Spelling foreign words: selected problems

• Full spelling: When do we add a '‫ י‬or')? ‫כתיב מלא‬

Read the following two versions of the same sentences:

‫ הוא קבל אותו בדאר לפני שבועים ומשחק בו כל‬.‫ יובל הזמין משחק מחשב מיחד מחנות בחו״ל‬.1 - >
.‫לילה‬ T 5 ‫־־‬

‫ הוא קיבל אותו בדואר לפני שבועיים ומשחק בו כל‬.‫ יובל הזמין משחק מחשב מיוחד מחנות בחו״ל‬.2
Yuval ordered a computer game from a store abroad. He received it in the mail two weeks ago and plays
it every night.

In the first version of these sentences, vowel sounds (ah. eh, ee, oh, oo) are indicated by vowel
signs (mainly above and beneath the letters).1 Some vowel sounds are indicated not only by
vowel signs, but also by the letters ‫ ה׳‬, ‫ ו׳‬and ‫י׳‬, as in the words ‫לילה‬, ‫ הוא‬and 2 ‫ הזמין‬This, however,
is not always the case. For example, the oo in ‫ הוא‬is spelled with the letter ‫ו׳‬, but in ‫ מיחד‬it isn't.
The second ee in the word ‫ הזמין‬is spelled with the letter ‫י׳‬, but the first ee isn't. This system of
spelling may, indeed, seem to be inconsistent but, in actuality, it does have fixed rules (which
are beyond the scope of this book). We will call the spelling in the first version above standard
spelling 3 This term refers not to the presence or absence of vowel signs, but rather to spelling
in which no extra yodeem and vaveem are added to make reading easier. In Hebrew today, we
find standard spelling almost exclusively in texts written w ith vowel signs (in poetry, children's
books and the like).

1 These signs are called ‫ סימני ניקוד‬.

2 The letters ‫ י׳‬,'‫ ו‬,'‫ ה‬and also ‫ א׳‬can function as letters that represent vowel sounds (called vowel letters
‫) אמות קריאה‬.
3 The Hebrew term is ‫ כתיב חסר‬, usually translated with the unfortunate term defective spelling.

IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues

It is important to be aware of the fact that standard spelling reflects certain developments that
took place in Hebrew over the course o f its long history. For this reason, there is not always an
exact correspondence between the way we pronounce Hebrew today and the way it is spelled.
For example, you may guess that the word hoo (English: he) would be written ‫הו‬, but, in fact, it
is written ‫ הוא‬- with a silent (and, thus, superfluous) ‫ א׳‬on the end. This spelling, which reflects
a pronunciation of this word that had already gone out o f use by Biblical times (i.e., *HOO-'a),
simply has to be memorized. This is the case with many Hebrew words.

Now look at the second version of the Hebrew sentences presented above. The spelling used
in this version is the system used in most books and articles written today. This system, called
full spelling, uses standard spelling as its base, but usually does not use vowel signs.4 Instead,
‫ ו׳‬and ‫ י׳‬are added in many places in order to make the recognition and pronunciation of words
clearer to readers.

According to the rules of full spelling, generally speaking, ‫ י׳‬is added to indicate ee, and
sometimes also eh\ ‫ ו׳‬is added to indicate oh and oo. In addition, "‫( "וו‬a double ‫ )ו׳‬in the middle
of a word tells us to read v (e.g., ‫ קווים‬ka-VEEM), while "‫ "יי‬is used to indicate a y sound (e.g., ‫קיים‬
ka-YAM). These are general guidelines; however, in order to spell correctly and to understand the
spelling of words, it is necessary to learn the rules o f full spelling in more detail.

In this chapter we will present the main rules for full spelling according to the latest version
published by the Hebrew Language Academy.5

Note: Names of people and places (proper nouns) are not necessarily written according to the
rules of full spelling. For example, the names ‫( יעקב‬ya-'a-KOV) and ‫( משה‬mo-SHE) are usually
spelled without a ‫ו׳‬.

Writing '‫ ו‬for 00

The simplest o f the spelling rules is this: Whenever you hear an oo sound, write ‫ו׳‬. Here are
some examples:

‫סיפור‬ ‫קופה‬ ‫בול‬ ‫מיוחד‬ ‫דובר‬ ‫הוזמן‬ -‫>־‬

see-POOR koo-PA BOOL me-yoo-CHAD doo-BAR hooz-MAN
story ticket counter stamp special was spoken about was invited

4 In this book, we use full spelling as our base - but often, rather than leaving it completely without vowel signs
and other diacritical marks like dagesh, we add some of them in order to make a word's pronunciation clearer.
In most publications in Modern Hebrew, when full spelling is used, vowel signs are not added.
5 The rules given here were published by the Hebrew Language Academy in Leshonenu La'am. See: The
Academy of the Hebrew Language, 1994a, pp. 31-43. Any updates may be found on the internet site of the

IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues

Obviously, since ‫ ו׳‬is used to indicate both oo and <9 / 2, only the context and your knowledge o f
Hebrew tell you how to pronounce these words. The ‫ ו׳‬narrows down the possibilities to one o f
these two vowel sounds.

Writing '‫ ו‬for oh

Almost every oh sound is written with ‫ו׳‬:

‫זול‬ ‫בקושי‬ ‫עיתון‬ ‫ארוך‬ ‫יכול‬ ‫דואר‬ ‫לומד‬ ‫שלום‬ *‫>־‬

ZOL be-KO-shee ,ee-TON ,a-ROCH ya-CHOL DO-'ar lo-MED sha-LOM
cheap with difficulty newspaper long can, is able mail is studying peace

However, a small number o f words with an oh sound are not written with ‫ו׳‬. This means that in
order to read these words correctly (with an oh sound), you have to learn them and their correct
pronunciation. These words include the following:

1. Some words that end in ‫ה׳‬:

‫שלמה‬ ‫איפה‬ ‫פה‬
shlo-MO EI-fo6 PO
Shlomo where here

2. Some words in which a silent ‫ א׳‬comes after the oh, for example:

‫צאן‬ ‫שמאל‬ ‫ראש‬ ‫זאת‬ ‫לא‬

flock left head this (f.) no

The silent ‫ א׳‬is present in the standard spelling of these words and is, therefore, kept in their full

This category includes some verbs whose first root letter is '‫א‬, for example:

‫יאהב‬ ‫יאכל‬ ‫יאמר‬

yo-HAV yo-CHAL yo-MAR
he will love he will eat he will say

6 Most speakers stress the first syllable of this word. In formal pronunciation, the second syllable is stressed:

IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues

Some words that have an oh vowel in the first syllable:''

‫אמן‬ ‫אמנם‬ ‫אנייה‬ ‫צהריים‬ ‫חכמה‬ ‫תכנית‬ >>

'o-MAN 'om-NAM 'o-nee-YA tso-ho-RA-yeem choch-MA toch-NEET
artist it is true that ship noon wisdom program

In this book we have chosen to write some o f these words with a ‫ ו׳‬in order to make their
pronunciation clearer, for example:
‫אומן‬ ‫אונייה‬ ‫חוכמה‬ ‫תוכנית‬

The word ‫( כל‬kol) always has an o h vowel, It is spelled without a ‫ ו׳‬when it is the first part o f a
phrase, as in:
‫כל היום‬ ‫כל לילה‬ ‫כל הילדים‬
kol kol kol
all day every night all the children

It is spelled with a ‫ ו׳‬when it is not the first part of a phrase, as in !‫( זה הכול‬That's all!).

Writing ,‫י‬for ee
The most "fickle" of the vowel sounds is ee. In full spelling, ‫ י׳‬is often added to indicate ee -
but this is not always the case. When an ee sound is not indicated by '‫י‬, we are left to rely on
our knowledge o f Hebrew to guide us in our reading, understanding and pronunciation of the
word. For example, in sentence 2 at the beginning of this chapter, we saw the following words
containing the sound ee:
‫לפני‬ ‫קיבל‬ ‫משחק‬ ‫הזמין‬
leef-NEI kee-BEL mees-CHAK heez-MEEN

Look closely at the transcription that appears under these words.

Q: In which of these words does ee appear in the last syllable?

A: In the word ‫[( הזמין‬heez-MEEN), and - as you can see - it is written with ‫י׳‬.

When ee appears in the final syllable, it almost always likes its presence to be "announced"
by ‫י׳‬. The problem arises when ee appears in the first syllable. As you can see, in both ‫הזמין‬

7 When written wi t h vowel signs, the oh sound in these words is indicated by either a kamats katan (e.g., ‫)תמ ית‬
or a chataf kamats (e.g., ‫)אניה‬.

IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues

(heez-MEEN) and ‫( משחק‬mees-CHAK ), and also in the word ‫( לפני‬leef-NEI), the ee in the first syllable
is not noted by ‫י׳‬. On the other hand, in the following word it is:
kee-BEL ‫ק יבל‬ *‫<־‬

The question is: When is ee that appears in the first syllable indicated by ‫ י׳‬and when is it not?

In order to answer this question, we need to know whether the first syllable is open or closed.8

When ee appears in a first syllable that is open

When we hear the sound ee in an open first syllable, we almost always write 9.‫ י׳‬Here are some

‫ נס‬- ‫כ‬- ‫ת י‬ ‫מד‬- ‫ל י‬ ‫ נ וק‬- ‫ת י‬ ‫שי־ ס ה‬ ‫ב ור‬- ‫ד י‬

tee-ka-NES lee-MED tee-NOK shee-TA dee-BOOR
you/she will enter he taught baby system speaking, speech

Two blatant exceptions are:

1. ,After the preposition ‫( מ־‬mee-) (from, than), we never add ‫י׳‬:

Yossi is from Tel Aviv. .‫יוסי מתל אביב‬


2. In past tense heefeel verbs like ‫( הגיע‬hee-GEE-a) and ‫( הכיר‬hee-KEER), we never add ‫ י׳‬after
the ‫ ה׳‬even though the ee is in an open syllable. By not adding a ‫ י׳‬after the ‫ה׳‬, we spell
these verbs (whose root begins with a ‫ נ׳‬that "drops out" in all its forms) the same as we do
regular heefeel verbs, such as ‫( הרגיש‬heer-GEESH) and ‫'( הזמין‬heez-MEEN).10

On the spelling o f these words, see the next section.

When ee appears in a first syllable that is closed

In the following examples, ee appears in the first syllable o f each word, and that syllable is

8 See the chapter ‫״‬Basic Concepts: Sounds and Syllables," p. 622, for an explanation of open and closed
9 As explained in the chapter "Basic Concepts: Sounds and Syllables," p. 622, note 1, we are defining open and
closed syllables according to their pronunciation in today's Hebrew, and not according to standard rules of
syllable division.
10 On heefeel verbs like ‫ הגיע‬and ‫הכיר‬, see the chapter "Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is '‫נ‬," pp. 498-499.

IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues

‫חיל‬-‫הת‬ ‫מור‬-‫תש‬ ‫נס‬-‫נכ‬ ‫בש‬-‫ל‬-‫הת‬ ‫שות‬-‫רג‬-‫הת‬ ‫רת‬-‫מו‬-‫תז‬ ‫גון‬-‫אר‬ ‫מג־דל‬

heet-CHEEL teesh-MOR neech-NAS heet-la-BESH heet-rag-SHOOT teez-MO-ret ,eer-GOON meeg-DAL

When written with vowel signs, the first syllable in each of these words looks like this: ‫□ □־‬
(it ends with a shva). When a closed syllable like this appears at the beginning o f a word, the
rules of full spelling tell us n o t to add a ‫י׳‬, as you can see in the above examples. There are
however some exceptions.

1. Words whose base fo rm has a ‫יי‬
In some words whose first syllable is closed, a ‫ י׳‬is written in full spelling, for example: ‫זיכרונות‬
(zeech-ro-NOT). This is because, according to the rules o f spelling, if the singular or base form o f
a word is written in full spelling w ith a ‫( י׳‬as is ‫ זיכרון‬zee-ka-RON), so are the forms based on it
(plural or smeechoot forms in nouns and verb forms with endings), for example:

relatedforms base form

initial closed syllable (but spelled like base form) initial open syllable - with '‫י‬

‫ניסיון חיים‬ ‫זיכרונו‬ ‫זיכרונות‬ <= ‫ניסיון‬ ‫ זיכרון‬.‫ו‬ ■

nees-YON cha- YEEM zeech-ro-NO zeech-ro-NOT nee-sa-YON zee-ka-RON
life experience his memory memories experience, attempt memory

‫הם סיפרו‬ ‫היא דיברה‬ <= ‫הוא סיפר‬ ‫ב הוא דיבר‬

seep-ROO deeb-RA see-PER dee-BER
they told she spoke he told he spoke

‫הם ייתנו‬ ‫את תיפלי‬ «= ‫הוא ייתן‬ ‫ אתה תיפול‬.3

yeet-NOO teep-LEE yee-TEN tee-POL
they will give you will fall he will give you will fall
(f.s.) (m.s.)

2. Words o f foreign origin

Words o f foreign origin that have an ee sound in their first syllable are always written with ‫ י׳‬in
full spelling, even when the first syllable is closed, for example:

‫אינטרנט‬ ‫היסטוריה‬ ‫מיליון‬

internet history million

IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues

3. When ee appears in one-syllable words

Most one-syllable words that contain an ee sound are written with a ‫( י׳‬even in standard spelling),
for example:
!‫שים‬ ‫גיל‬ ‫שיר‬
Put...! age song, poem;
(m.s.) Sing! (m.s.)

However, the following words do n ot contain a ‫ י׳‬in standard spelling, and we do n o t add a ‫ י׳‬to
them in full spelling either:
‫מן‬ ‫אם‬ ‫עם‬ ->
from if with

Want to see if you've understood?

The fo llo w in g w o rd s a re w ritte n in sta n d a rd s p e llin g w ith v o w e l signs. R ewrite them in
full s p e llin g , a d d in g a '‫ י‬w h e re re q u ire d . (W rite the w o rd s w ith o u t v o w e l signs.)

‫ ספר‬A 3, ‫גנה‬ ‫ מספר‬, 2 ‫ ספור‬. 1

see-PER gee-NA mees-PAR see-POOR

‫ נגנה‬.8 __________ ‫ הכיר‬,7 __________ ‫ הסביר‬.6 ___________‫ התנגד‬,5

neeg-NA bee-KEER hees-BEER heet-na-GED

‫ נשאר‬. 10 __________ ‫ תכנס‬.9

neesb-'AR tee-ka-NES
A nsw ers:
In the f ol l owi ng wor ds, a ;‫י‬ is required: ‫סיפר‬ ‫ תיכנס‬.9 ‫ ניגנה‬.8 a 1. ‫ גינה‬.3 ‫סיפור‬
All the other wor ds are spelled the same in st andard spelling and in full spelling (i.e., no '‫ י‬is added) .

Writing '‫י‬for eh (often pronounced ei)

In standard spelling with vowel signs, we often see cases o f an eh/ei vowel written with ‫י׳‬. This
‫י׳‬, o f course, is written in full spelling as well. Here are some examples (we have given two
common pronunciations):

‫חיל אוויר‬ ‫בית חולים‬ ‫בין‬ ‫איך‬ ‫איפה‬

air force hospital between How? Where?
cheil- / chel- beit- / bet- bem / ben ECH E l-fo /E -fo

IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues

The last two words - -‫ בית‬and -‫ חיל‬- are smeechoot forms o f ‫( בןת‬BA-yeet) and ‫( חןל‬CHA-yeel).
These words maintain the ‫ )׳<) י׳‬that is present in their non -smeechoot forms. The reason for the
appearance of ‫ י׳‬in the other words listed here has to do with the development o f Hebrew and
the evolution o f its vowels (we will not go into this here). This ‫ י׳‬always appears in these words
- in standard and in full spelling.

Here are some more examples o f words that always have a ‫ י׳‬in standard spelling - and also in
full spelling:
‫לפני השיעור‬ ‫ספרי קודש‬ ‫בתי ספר‬
before class holy books schools
leef-NEI- / leef-NE- seef-REI- / seef-RE- ba-TEl- / ba-TE-

Forms like these with e h ! ei) at the end of the word are usually plural smeechoot forms. The
words ‫ בתי‬and ‫ספרי‬, for example, are smeechoot forms o f the plural nouns ‫ בתים‬and ‫ספךים‬. The
preposition ‫ לפני‬- and also ‫ אחרי‬- are also based on plural forms.11

When eh is not the end o f a word

We will now look at cases in which eh is not indicated by ‫ י׳‬in standard spelling. Here are some

eh in the first syllable eh in the middle o f a word

‫ן‬1‫תאב‬ ‫מנלם‬ ‫תאור‬ ‫ברך‬ ‫שרפה‬ ‫ברכה‬ ‫שאלה‬

te-'a-VON ye-'a-LEM te-'OOR be-RECH sre-FA bre-CHA she-'e-LA
appetite he will description he blessed fire pool question

The question is: When we write in full spelling, when do we add ‫ י׳‬to indicate eh?

The official rules o f full spelling tell us, generally, not to add ‫ י׳‬to indicate eh. According to
these rules, in full spelling we write the first three words in the list above without 12:‫י׳‬

-‫־‬ ‫שרפה‬ ‫ברכה‬

11 Sometimes eh at the end of a word is written in standard spelling with ‫ה׳‬, as in:
‫הךבה‬ ‫לןשה‬ ‫פה‬ ‫הוא בונה‬ <
har-BE ka-SHE PE bo-NE
many, much hard (m.s.) mouth he is building
Most of these words are singular forms of verbs, nouns or adjectives.
12 In practice, many writers of Hebrew do not adhere to the rules of correct spelling and, for example, they write
a '‫ י‬in ‫( בריכה‬in this way it is distinguished from ‫ ברכה‬- blessing).

IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues

In contrast, when we write the words on the left (and other words like them), according to the
rules of the Hebrew Language Academy, we do add a ‫ י׳‬in full spelling:

‫תיאבון‬ ‫ייעלם‬ ‫תיאור‬ ‫בירך‬ -<

The reason why ‫ י׳‬is added to these words has to do with their patterns. For example, the verb
‫ בירך‬belongs to beenyan pee'el and is formed according to the pattern o f ‫( דיבר‬dee-BER) and ‫סיפר‬
(see-PER): □ ‫_( □ י ם‬ee-_E_). However, the vowel in the model verbs ‫ דיבר‬and ‫ סיפר‬is ee (and
is indicated by ‫)י׳‬, while the first vowel in ‫ בירך‬is eh (be-RECET). This variation in pronunciation
is caused by the presence o f 1‫ ׳‬in the middle of the root (13.(‫ בירך‬But, despite the fact that the
vowel is now eh, we still write ‫ י׳‬after the first letter in the past tense (‫ )בירך‬in order to maintain
the verb's identity as a verb in beenyan pee'el.

The change from ee to eh is common and is often caused by the presence o f ‫ ר׳‬or one o f the
gutturals'.‫ ע׳‬/‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬/‫( א‬e.g., ‫ תיאר‬he described). In all cases, the principle is the same: If there is a ‫י׳‬
indicating ee in the model form, this ‫ י׳‬is still w ritten - even when the vowel changes to eh - in
order to maintain the identity of the word pattern.

Now let's look at the rest o f the words on the left side of the list above:

‫( תיאור ־‬te-'OOR) is the verbal noun of the verb ‫( תיאר‬te-'ER) in beenyan pee'el. Its model form
is ‫( דיבור‬dee-BOOR), which is the verbal noun o f ‫( דיבר‬dee-BER). Because o f the guttural ‫ א׳‬in the
middle of ‫תיאור‬, the vowel changes to e/2, but we still write ‫ י׳‬as in the model form. Here are
some more examples: ‫( פירוש‬pe-ROOSH interpretation, meaning), ‫( שירות‬she-ROOT service).

‫( ייעלם ־‬ye-'a-LEM) and ‫'( להיעלם‬le-he-'a-LEM), the future tense and infinitive forms o f neefal , are
modeled after ‫( ייכנס‬yee-ka-NES he will enter) and ‫( להיכנס‬le-hee-ka-NES to enter). Because o f the
presence of ‫ע׳‬, the ee changes to e/2, but the ‫ י׳‬is still added. Here are some more examples:
‫( ייאמר‬ye-a-MER it will be said), ‫( ייהרס‬ye-ha-RES it will be destroyed).

‫[( תיאבון ־‬te-'a-VON), whose model form is a word like ‫( זיכרון‬zee-ka-RON memory), is written with ‫י׳‬
even though its first vowel is eh because of the presence o f ‫א׳‬. Here are some more examples:
‫( ריאיון‬re-'a-YON interview), ‫( היריון‬he-ra-YON pregnancy).

13 This happens when a strong dagesh is expected (here as part of the pattern), but it cannot appear because of
the '‫ ו‬. For more details, see the chapter "Guttural Consonants and ‫ר׳‬:Beenyaneem Pee'el, Poo'al and Neefal ,"
pp. 475, 478, 482.

IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues

Spelling words with a y sound

Read the following sentence, written first with standard spelling and then with full spelling.
Note: As in the rest of the book, at the end of words and syllables, we have used ai (and not
ay) to transcribe the sounds found in the English "lie," "my" and "buy." The i in ai actually
represents the consonant y.

standard spelling: .‫לי‬ ‫של הורי‬ ‫הבנין‬ ‫ליד‬ ‫ןלךי‬ ‫(וים‬ ‫^ לטיל‬
ho-RAI ha-been-YAN le-YAD ye-la-DAI le-ta-YEL ra-LAl

full spelling:.‫עם‬ ‫לטייל‬ ‫עליי‬ ‫של הוריי‬ ‫הבניין‬ ‫ליד‬ ‫ילדיי‬

I have to take a walk with my children next to my parents' building.

As you can see, in full spelling sometimes the sound y is written with one ‫ י׳‬and sometimes with
two ‫)יי) י׳‬. We will now see when we write one ‫ י׳‬and when two (‫)יי‬.

The sound y at the beginning o f a word

When we hear the consonant y at the beginning o f a word, we write only one :‫י׳‬

‫יד‬ ‫ילדים‬ <£

YAD ye-la-DEEM
hand children

This remains the case also when one-letter words (e.g., ‫ כ־‬,-‫ ב‬,-‫ ל‬,‫ מ־‬,‫ ש־‬,‫ )ה־< י־‬are added to the
front o f such words, as in:
‫מיד‬ ‫ליד‬ ‫< היד‬C
mee-YAD le-YAD ha-YAD
immediately next to the hand

The sound y in the middle and end o f a word

There are two general guidelines for indicating the presence o f the consonant y in the middle
or at the end of a word:

1. Generally speaking, when we hear in the middle or at the end of a word, we add a ‫ י׳‬to
create a double 13.( ‫יי) י׳‬

‫ידיים‬ ‫שבועיים‬ ‫אלייך‬ ‫דודייך‬ ‫עליי‬ ‫דודותיי‬ ‫דודיי‬ -<

ya-DA-yeem shvoo-'A-yeem ,e-LA-yeech do-DA-yeech ,a-LAI do-do-TAI do-DAI
hands too weeks to you (f.s.) your (f.s.) uncles on me my aunts my uncles

13 However, we do not add an extra '‫ י‬if it results in the appearance of three yodeem in a row. Thus, for example,
no '‫ י‬is added to the future tense form ‫( ייצא‬ye-ya-TSE he will export).

IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues

Included in this group are words that contain the sound ee-YA, for example ,14

words with the ending ‫ייה‬- verbal nouns

‫עוגייה‬ ‫ספרדייה‬ ‫ספרייה‬ ‫עלייה‬ ‫בנייה‬ ‫קנייה‬

'0 0 -gee-YA sfa-ra-dee-YA seef-ree-YA 'a-lee-YA bnee-YA knee-YA
cookie Spanish woman, library immigration building buying
Sephardic woman to Israel: ascent


2. When the consonant y appears next to the vowel letters ') / ‫ ה‬,% we write only one '‫ י‬to
indicate the consonant y in the middle or end of a word. The one exception is words with
ee-YA mentioned above, in which we write two yodeem (‫ )יי‬before ‫ה‬.

Here are some examples:

next to ' ‫ו‬: ‫היו‬ ‫ציור‬ ‫מצוין‬ ‫בנוי‬ ‫קניות‬

ha-YOO tsee-YOOR me-tsoo-YAN ba-NOOY knee-YOT
were drawing excellent built shopping

next to ‫ ה׳‬: ‫ביולוגיה‬ ‫היה‬ ‫הפניה‬ 1:5‫בעיה‬

bee-yo-LOG-ya ha-YA haf-na-YA be-'a-YA
biology was referral; problem

next to '‫ א‬: ‫בוודאי‬ ‫חקלאי‬

be-va-DAl chak-LAI
certainly farmer;

The following special cases follow neither o f the guidelines stated above. The y sound in them
is indicated by only one ‫( י׳‬when we would expect two). These cases must simply be learned:

14 The three words on the right belong to the same pattern as verbal nouns like ‫( נתיבה‬writing). The third root
letter in the words above is '‫( י‬their roots are ‫י‬-‫נ‬-‫ק‬,‫י‬-‫נ‬-‫ב‬,‫י‬-‫)ע־ל‬, thus:
pattern> □ □ ‫׳‬. ‫י □ ה‬
‫ב ניי ה‬
The three words on the left in the list above all have ee-YA (‫ייה‬-) tacked onto the end.
15 Note: In the smeechoot form of words like ‫ בעיה‬and ‫הפניה‬, where '‫ י‬no longer comes before the vowel letter '‫ה‬
(i.e., it is replaced by ‫ ת׳‬to form ‫)בעמת־‬, we write a double ' ‫ )יי) י‬- in accordance with the first guideline:
‫הפניית הרופא‬ ‫« בעיית למידה‬
haf-na-YAT- be-'a-YAT-
the doctor's referral learning problem

IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues

1. The words ‫( מים‬MA-yeem water) and ‫( שמים‬sha-MA-yeem sky, heavens) end in ‫ים‬: but are spelled
with one ‫ י׳‬only.16

2. Words whose pattern is that of ‫( בית‬.BA-yeet house) and ‫( זית‬ZA-yeet olive), called segolates, 17
are written with one ‫ י׳‬in the middle.

3. Two common words related to the segolates - ‫( לילה‬LAl-la night) and ‫( הביתה‬ha-BAI-ta home, as
in ‫״‬to go home") - are spelled with only one ‫י׳‬.

4. The words ‫ אולי‬Coo-LAI perhaps), ‫( מתי‬ma-TAl When?) and ‫( חי‬CHAI he lives / lived) are written
with only one ‫י׳‬.

?Want to see if you've understood

W rite in full s p e llin g . (A d d '‫ י‬w h e re v e r it is n e e d e d .(

‫ צ י ור‬.9 ‫ מ י ם‬.8 ‫ אלי‬. 7 ‫ ס וצ י ו ל ו ג יה‬. 6 ‫ ה י ום‬. 5 ‫ שת י ה‬. 4 ‫ תליך‬.3 ‫ רגליך‬. 2 ‫ ר גל ים‬. 1

‫ ע גב נ י ו ת‬. ‫ ו‬0

A nsw ers:
‫עג ב ניו ת‬ . 10 ‫ציו ר‬ .9 ‫מי ם‬ .8 ‫א ליי‬ .7 ‫סו ציו לו גי ה‬ .6 ‫היו ם‬ .5 ‫ש תיי ה‬ .4 ‫ר גליי ך‬ .3 ‫רגליך‬ .2 ‫רג ליי ם‬ .1

Spelling words with a')that is pronounced v

The sound v at the beginning and end o f a word
At the beginning o f words whose ‫ ו׳‬is pronounced v, we write one ‫ ו׳‬in full spelling, for
standard spelling: ‫וכוח‬ ‫ועד‬ ‫ורד‬
vee-KOO-ach VA-'ad VE-red
full spelling: ‫ויכוח‬ ‫ועד‬ ‫ורד‬
argument council Rose

16 Proper nouns like ‫( ירושלים‬ye-roo-sha-LA-yeem Jerusalem) and ‫( מצרים‬meets-RA-yeem Egypt) are also spelled
with only one ‫י׳‬. As noted at the beginning of the chapter, rules of full spelling do not necessarily apply to
names of people and places.
17 On segolates, see the chapter " Segolate Nouns," pp. 89-107.
18 A double ‫ )וו) ר‬at the beginning of a word is used to indicate the sound w (e.g., ‫ וושינגטון‬Washington).
See below, p. 669.

IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues

Also at the end of a word only one ‫ ו׳‬is written, as in:

standard spelling ‫סתו‬ ‫׳ עכשו‬.

full spelling: ‫עכשיו‬ ‫סתיו‬
autumn now

Q: What is added before the consonantal ‫ ו׳‬in these words?

A: The letter ‫י׳‬. This ‫ י׳‬does n ot represent a sound; rather, it tells us that the final ‫ ו׳‬is to be
pronounced as the consonant v and not as the vowel oo or oh.

When a word has only one syllable, we do not add a ‫י׳‬, for exam ple:‫( קו‬K A V - line) and ‫( תו‬:TAV- a
musical note).

The sound v in the middle

In the m iddle of a word, when ‫ ו׳‬represents the consonant v - and not the vowels oo or oh - we
write a double ‫ )וו) ו׳‬in full spelling, for example:

standard spelling: ‫הויאן‬ ‫להתפין‬ ‫השואה‬

T T : ‫־‬
7 T
‫הויאן תקוה‬
‫תקיה‬ ‫להתפון‬
ha-vee-LON le-heet-ka-VEN hash-va-'A MA-vet teek-VA
full spelling: ‫הווילון‬ ‫להתכוון‬ ‫השוואה‬ ‫מוות‬ ‫תקווה‬
the curtain to mean, intend comparison death hope

As you can see in ‫הווילון‬, when we add the definite article (-‫ )ה‬to a word that begins with one
‫ו׳‬, the ‫ ו׳‬is doubled (‫)וו‬. This is true whenever one-letter words (e. g. , ‫ ש־‬,‫ )ב״‬are added before a
‫ו׳‬, as in:
standard spelling: .‫אני מאמינה שויסמינים עוזךים לגוף להלחם בוירוסים‬
be- VEE-roo-seem she-vee-ta-MEE-neem
full spelling: ‫אני מאמינה שוויטמינים עוזרים לגוף להילחם בווירוסים‬
I believe that vitamins help the body fight viruses.

As we saw above, this is n ot the case with the consonant y: ‫הילד‬, where only one ‫ י׳‬is written
after -‫ ה‬and other one-letter words added before it.

IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues

Note: We do not double the ‫ ו׳‬when it comes before the vowel letters "1" and "‫"ו‬, so as not to
write more than two ‫ ו׳‬in full spelling, thus:

standard spelling: ‫הן מקוות ש־‬ ‫תקוות‬ *>

me-ka-VOT teek- VOT
fu ll spelling : ‫מקוות‬ ‫תקוות‬
they (f.s.) hope that hopes

?Want to see if you've understood

W rite in full s p e llin g . (A d d ‫ ו׳‬w h e re v e r it should be a d d e d .(

‫ מכ ון‬. 6 ‫ ו יטמ י ן‬. 5 ‫ ל ו ט ר י נ ר‬.4 ‫ ע י ור‬. 3 ‫ ק ו י ם‬.2 ‫ ה ו ח ־ י ם‬.1

A nsw ers:
‫מ כוון‬ .6 ‫וי ט מין‬ .5 ‫לוו ט רינר‬ .4 ‫עיוו ר‬ .3 ‫קווי ם‬ .2 ‫ה וו ר די ם‬ .1

• Spelling foreign words: selected problems

There are quite a few words of foreign origin in Hebrew. In this section we will deal with
questions concerning the way some o f the consonants in these words are represented in Hebrew

The sounds s and k

We use the Hebrew letter ‫( ס׳‬not ‫ )ש‬to spell foreign words that contain the sound 5, for
‫סולו‬ ‫סוציולוגיה‬ *>
SO-10 sots-yo-LOG-ya
solo sociology

The Hebrew letter ‫( ק׳‬not ‫ )כ׳‬is used for the sound k9whether it be spelled with k or c (or with a
different letter) in the foreign language, for example:

‫מקסיקו‬ ‫ארקטי‬ ‫קינטי‬

MEK-see-ko ARK-tee kee-NE-tee
Mexico Arctic kinetic
IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues

Spellingforeign words with t and th

As you probably know, the sound th in foreign words like theater and mathematics does not
exist in Modem Hebrew. Hebrew speakers pronounce the Hebrew versions o f these words with
a t sound identical to the t sound in the second part o f these words: te-'a-TRON and ma-te-MA-
tee-ka. However, when we spell these foreign words in Hebrew, we use two different Hebrew
letters for the one sound t\ ‫ ס׳‬and '‫ ת‬. The choice o f which o f these letters to use is usually based
on the spelling (and pronunciation) o f these words in the foreign language: We use ‫ ט׳‬when the
foreign spelling is t and ‫ ת׳‬when the foreign spelling is th. Here are some examples:

‫תאטרון‬ ‫מתמטיקה‬ ‫דוקטור‬ ‫טקסט‬

te-'at-RON ma-te-MA-tee-ka DOK-tor TEKST
theater mathematics doctor text

Note: The spelling of the word ‫( תה‬TE - tea) is apparently based on the French spelling the.

The sound v
The sound v is usually written with ‫ ו׳‬at the beginning of a word - e.g., ‫־) תטילטור‬ven-tee-LA-tor
ventilator, fan) —and "‫ "וו‬in the middle —e.g., ‫( טלוויזיה‬te-le-VEEZ-ya television).

Exception: In the middle of a word, when the vowel oo or oh - written with a ‫ ו׳‬- appears next
to the v sound, we write the v with a ‫ב׳‬, as in:
‫לבוב‬ ‫נובמבר‬
le-VOV no-JEM-ber
Lvov November
(city in Ukraine)
At the end of a word, v is written with a :‫ב׳‬
a narrative

In order to maintain uniformity, it is also common practice to write the adjective based on
this word - ‫( נרטיבי‬na-ra-TEE-vee = narrative) - with a 19.‫ ב׳‬The spelling o f this and other similar
adjectives derived from nouns ending in "ive" has led to the common practice o f spelling all
words that end in "ive" with a '‫ב‬, for example:

19 At this point in time, the Hebrew Language Academy has not made an official ruling in this matter. What we
have written here is based on information provided by Ms. Ruth Almagor-Ramon and Ms. Ronit Gadish, both
of the Hebrew Language Academy.

6 68
IV. Hebrew Spelling: Selected Issues

‫נאיבי‬ ‫פסיבי‬ ‫אקטיבי‬

na-'EE-vee pa-SEE-vee ,ak-TEE-vee
naive passive active

In addition, some words are spelled with ‫ ב׳‬because Hebrew speakers are so used to spelling
them this way that the spelling has been maintained, for example:

‫אוניברסלי‬ ‫אוניברסיטה‬ ->

'oo-nee-ver-SA-lee 'oo-nee-JER-see-ta
universal university

Words that begin with w

Foreign words that begin with the sound w are usually written with a double ‫)וו( ו׳‬, as in:

‫וואו‬ ‫וולבי‬ ‫וושינגטון‬

WAW WA-la-bee WA-sheeng-ton
Wow! wallaby Washington

Want to see if you've understood?

Translate using the Hebrew versions of the highlighted foreign words.

1. Prof. M ira Cohen teaches mathematics at Washington University, and her

husband, Dr. Rafi Cohen, is a cardiologist.

2. In November we saw two performances (‫ )הצגות‬at the Jerusalem Theater.

3. The new medicine is very effective.

.‫ ובעלה ד״ר רפי כהן הוא קרדיולוג‬,‫ פרופ' מירה כהן מלמדת מתמטיקה באוניברסיטת וושינגטון‬1.
.‫ התרופה החדשה אפקטיבית מאוד‬.3 .‫ בנובמבר ראינו שתי הצגות בתאטרון ירושלים‬.2

A User-friendly Reference and Exercise Book

Gila Freedman Cohen and Carmia Shoval

A User-friendly Reference and Exercise Book
Gila Freedman Cohen and Carmia Shoval



The publication of this book was made possible in part by a grant from
Keren Karev of the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies.

Editorial advisor: Sharon Sokoler

Graphic design: Yossi Pinchuk

Illustrations: Gustavo Viselner - pp. 26, 254, 286-289, 309, 319, 320, 324, 536, 675
Ofer Shoval - pp. 346, 444, 502

Published by The Hebrew University Magnes Press

P.O. Box 39099, Jerusalem 91390
Fax 972-2-5660341

All rights reserved by
The Hebrew University Magnes Press
Jerusalem 2011

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in

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ISBN 978-965-493-601-9
eBook ISBN 978-965-493-602-6

Printed in Israel
Layout: Irit Nachum, Art Plus


I. What Is a Sentence? 673

II. Verb Sentences 675

1. Subjects and Verbs 675
2. Sentences Without Subjects: Impersonal Sentences 694 ‫סתמי‬
3. The Direct Object and the Use of 697 ‫את‬

III. Non-Verb Sentences 705

1. Sentences with a Non-Verb Predicate (.705 (‫יונתן רופא‬
2. Sentences with a Connector (.714 ‫אוגד(יונתן הוא הבן של שרה‬

IV. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and 733 ‫אין‬

1. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬: There is (are), There isn't (aren't) 733
2. Sentences with ...‫ יש לי‬and ...‫אין לי‬: I have / 1 don't have... 742

V. Sentences with Infinitives (.754 (‫ללמוד‬...‫ יכול‬/ ‫ צךיןז‬/ ‫ על ול‬/ ‫ה וא התח יל‬

VI. Impersonal Sentences with ...‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫כדאי‬

and Their Personal Counterparts 768
1. Impersonal Sentences with ‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ כךאי‬and the Like 768
2. Making Impersonal Sentences Personal 778
3. ‫ טוב ש־‬,-‫ חשוב ש‬,-‫ פךאי ש‬and the Like 791

VII. Negation and Negative Expressions 795

VIII. Asking Questions 807

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like 834
1. Adding Information (...834 (‫ בנוסף לכןז‬,‫ גם‬,-‫ו‬
2. Dealing with Alternatives: Or, N ot... But Rather... (.. . 8 4 5 (‫ אלא‬...‫ לא‬,‫או‬
3. But Sentences (...854 (‫אבל‬...‫ אמנם‬,‫אבל‬

X. Adding Clauses 859
1. Clauses that Add Information to Nouns 859 ‫משפטי לוואי‬
2. Sentences with -877 (‫ (פל) מה ש‬,‫כל) מי ש־‬
3. Reporting Speech, Thoughts or Feelings (882 ‫ךיבור י^קיף (הוא אמר ש־‬
4. Expressing Desire (894 (‫ מבקש ש ״‬, ‫ר וצה ש־‬


I. Defining Three Types ("Categories") o f Sentences

) Sentences with ...‫ אחר כך‬,...-‫ אחרי ש‬,...‫(אחרי‬ 903
II. When?: Time Sentences ‫משפטי זמן‬ 917
III. Why?: Reason and Result Sentences ‫ צאה‬1‫משפטי סיבה ות‬
J T T J T * * * I t *
IV. In Order To: Sentences that State an Intended Purpose ‫משפטי תכלית‬ 953
V. In Spite Of: Contrary to Expectation Sentences ‫משפטי ויתור‬ 963
VI. Similarity and Difference: Sentences of Comparison ‫משפטי השוואה‬ 970
1. Similarity ‫ן‬1‫משפט י ךמ י‬ 970
2. Difference ‫משפט י ניגוד‬ 980

VII. What If?: Conditional Sentences ‫משפטי תנאי‬ 991

1. Conditions that May Exist (‫)אם‬ 991
2. Hypothetical Conditions (‫״‬. ‫ א ילולא‬,‫)אילו‬ 995


APPENDIX I: Gender of Nouns 1007

APPENDIX II: Plural Forms of Nouns 1011
APPENDIX III: Declensions of Prepositions 1017
APPENDIX IV: Verbs and their Prepositions 1019
APPENDIX V: "Connecting Words" in Sentences of Three Types 1030

Sources Cited 1033

Hebrew Word Index 103 5
English Subject Index 1043


I. What Is a Sentence?

II. Verb Sentences

in . Non-Verb Sentences (.‫ יונתן הוא הבן של שרה‬.‫) יונתן רופא‬

IV. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and ‫) אין‬-‫ אין ל‬/ -‫ יש ל‬,‫ אין‬/ ‫) יש‬

V. Sentences with Infinitives (.‫ללמוד‬...‫ יכול‬/ ‫ צריך‬/ ‫ עלול‬/ ‫) הו א התח יל‬

VI. Impersonal Sentences with ...‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ כדאי‬and their Personal Counterparts

VII. Negation and Negative Expressions

VIII. Asking Questions

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like (...‫ אבל‬,‫ או‬,-‫) ו‬

X. Adding Clauses (...-‫ הוא רוצה ש‬,...‫כי‬/-‫ הוא אמר ש‬,...-‫ מי ש‬,...-‫)ש‬
I. What Is a Sentence?
‫ ״‬Identifying a sentence
• Not every Hebrew sentence has a verb

• Identifying a sentence
When may a series of words that are linked together in a meaningful way be called a sentence
and when not?

Try this:

In order to answer this question, try to determine which o f the following are complete sentences
and which are not. Add a period or question mark only to the end of the complete sentences.

1. A new student ‫ סטודנטית חדשה‬.‫ו‬

2 . A new student came to class ‫ סטודנטית חדשה הגיעה לכיתה‬.2
3. We spoke with the new student after class ‫ דיברנו עם הסטודנטית החדשה אחרי השיעור‬.3
4. The kibbutznik ‫ חבר הקיבוץ‬.4
5. The kibbutznik who flew to London ‫ חבר הקיבוץ שטס ללונדון‬.5
6 . The kibbutznik who flew to London didn't know English ‫ חבר הקיבוץ שטס ללונדון לא ידע אנגלית‬.6
7. We thought about this ‫ חשבנו על זה‬.7
8. The difficult question ‫ השאלה הקשה‬.8
9. Who asked the difficult question ‫ מי שאל את השאלה הקשה‬.9
10. The question is difficult ‫ השאלה קשה‬.10

Here's the solution:

Numbers 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 and 10 are sentences (‫)משפט ים‬. They express a complete thought, and
therefore should end with a period, an exclamation mark or a question mark.

The rest - numbers 1, 4, 5 and 8 - are phrases (‫)צ יר ופ ים‬. When we say them, we feel they are
not complete. In the sentences that follow them in the list above (2, 6, 9) you can see how they
may be incorporated into a full sentence.

I. W hat Is a Sentence?

• Not every Hebrew sentence has a verb

Hebrew has a variety of sentence types. Some differ significantly from their English counterparts.
For example, let's examine the following sentences:

Daniel is nice ,‫דניאל נחמד‬

Daniel is here. .‫דניאל פה‬

Q: What element in the English sentence is "missing" in the Hebrew?

A: While the English sentences contain the verb is, the Hebrew sentences have no verb at all.
Here are some more examples o f Hebrew sentences that do not contain a verb:

He has problems. .8**‫״ יש לו בעיות‬C

He doesn't have money. .‫אין לו כסף‬

Here, too, the English sentences contain the verbs has and does(n't) have, while their Hebrew
equivalents have no verb at all. We will call these - and other sentences without verbs - non-
verb sentences.1

In the following chapters we will look at how different kinds of Hebrew sentences are built.

1 For didactic reasons, rather than including all non-verb sentences under the rubric "Non-Verb Sentences" (Unit
III), we have devoted separate units to special kinds of non-verb sentences (Unit IV "Sentences with ‫ יש‬and
‫אין‬," part of Unit V "Sentences with Infinitives" and Unit VI "Impersonal Sentences with ...‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫פראי‬
and Their Personal Counterparts"). Non-verb sentences are called ‫( משפטים שמניים‬nominal sentences) in many
Hebrew grammar books.

II. Verb Sentences
In the next three chapters 0 11 verb sentences we will discuss the following:

1. Subjects and Verbs

2. Sentences Without Subjects: Impersonal Sentences (.‫סתמי (ביפן מדברים יפנית‬
3. The Direct Object and the Use of ‫את‬

Q Subjects and Verbs

• The matching o f subject and verb
• When does the subject not appear as a separate word?
‫ ״‬The order o f subject and verb

• The matching of subject and verb

Let's begin our discussion of subjects and verbs with a simple building exercise

Try this:

Read the words in the "quarry" below. Try to build four logical sentences, each containing "rocks”
of three different colors. (You may use each "rock" only once, and you must use all the words.)

II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects and Verbs

Write the sentences here:




H ere's the solution:

He lives in Tel Aviv. ..‫הוא גר בתל אביבו‬

The girl is reading a book. .2.‫הילדה קוראת ספר‬
The students get up early. .3. ‫התלמידים קמים מוקדם‬
The plates are on the table. .4. ‫הצלחות נמצאות על השולחן‬

Q: What are the verbs in each of these sentences?

A: The verbs appear in red. In sentence 1 (in the list of answers) the verb is ‫גר‬, in sentence 2 it
is ‫קוראת‬, in sentence 3 ‫ קמים‬and in sentence 4 ‫נמצאות‬.

If you succeeded inbuilding the sentences above, you had to match each o f these verbs with its
subject (or the subject with its verb).

Let's look at the verbs alongside their subjects:

verb subject
‫פועל‬ ‫נו־עי־א‬

‫גר‬ ‫ הוא‬.‫ו‬
‫קו ר א ת‬ ‫ הילדה‬.2
‫ק מי ם‬ ‫ הבנים‬.3
‫נ מ צ או ת‬ ‫ הצלחות‬.4

Q: In what way does each subject match its verb (and vice versa)?

A: In sentence 1, both the subject (‫ )הוא‬and verb (‫ )גר‬are masculine singular.

In sentence 2, both the subject (‫ )הילדה‬and the verb (‫ )קוראת‬are feminine singular.
In sentence 3, both the subject (‫ )הבנים‬and the verb (‫ )קמים‬are in the masculine plural.
In sentence 4, both the subject (‫ )הצלחות‬and the verb (‫ )נמצאות‬are feminine plural.

The subject in verb sentences can be either a noun, as in sentences 2-4, or a pronoun, as in
sentence 1. In either case, the verb and subject m atch - just as a container and its cover do:

II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects and Verbs

A square container has a square cover, a round container has a round cover and so on.1Matching
(also called "agreement" - ‫ )התאמה‬is a very important feature of Hebrew.

In sentences with present tense verbs, the subject and verb match in two ways:

1. In num ber: singular matches singular, and plural matches plural.

2. In gender: masculine matches masculine, and feminine matches feminine.

While verbs in the present tense have only four forms (e.g., ‫ גרות‬,‫ גרים‬,‫ גרה‬,‫)גר‬, verbs in the past
and future tenses have different forms for the different persons , and they match their subjects
also in a third way: in person. Thus, for example, in ‫( אתה כתבת‬you wrote), the verb ‫ כתבת‬and its
subject ‫ אתה‬match in number (singular), in gender (masculine) and in person (second person).2
See below (pp. 684-687) for further discussion o f past and future tense verbs and for a separate
discussion o f imperatives and their subjects.

Matching in number: singular or plural?

When the subject is a pronoun, we know immediately whether it is singular or plural.3 When
the subject is a noun, we look at its form in order to determine its number (singular or plural).
Plural nouns always take one o f three endings: 4.: ‫יים‬: ,‫ ־(*ת‬,‫ים‬

Nouns without these endings are usually singular, for example: ‫ ילדה‬/ ‫ילד‬. However, some cases
are a bit tricky. For example, Hebrew nouns like ‫( סיים‬life) and ‫( שמים‬sky) are plural because
their form is, even though they may seem to denote singular objects or concepts. Here are some
sentences with these and other similar nouns:

His life is changing quickly. .‫החיים שלו משתנים בקצב מהיר‬

The sky is clearing up now. .‫השמים מתבהרים עכשיו‬
The water is flowing. .‫המים זורמים‬
This bicycle costs a lot. .‫האופניים האלה עולים הרבה‬

1 We are dealing in this chapter only with sentences that contain a subject and a verb. For verb sentences that
have no subject (‫)סתמ י‬, see the next chapter "Sentences Without Subjects: Impersonal Sentences,‫ ״‬pp. 694-
2 For more details, see the chapter "Signs of Tenses and Forms," pp. 369-378.
3 See the chapter "Pronouns and Pointing Words," pp. 204-206.
4 a. We regard the dual ending (-A-yeem 7 ‫ )יי ם‬as plural. It can be masculine or feminine.
b. There are a small number of words that end in what looks and sounds like a plural ending, but is not - for
example: ‫( אחות‬sister, nurse) and ‫( תמות‬mother-in-law).

II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects and Verbs

Note that the English equivalent o f all these nouns is singular. However, because the form o f
the Hebrew noun is plural, the Hebrew noun is considered plural and the verb that matches it
is plural, too.5

Nouns like ‫( משלןפיים‬eyeglasses), ‫( מספריים‬scissors) and ‫( מכנסיים‬pants) are actually plural in both
Hebrew and English, even though they may seem to denote a singular (albeit bipartite) object.
Again, you have to make sure to use a plural verb to match these nouns when they are the
subject of a sentence:
These shoes suit you. .‫הנעליים האלה מתאימות לך‬
These scissors cut very well. .‫המספריים האלה גוזרים מצוין‬
His pants reach his knees. .‫המכנסיים שלו מגיעים לברכיים‬

Other words that sometimes cause confusion are nouns like ‫( משפחה‬family) and ‫( משטרה‬police).
Read the following:
My family lives in the U.S. .*‫י‬ ‫< המשפחה שלי גרה בארה ״ב‬
The police wants to arrest the thief. .‫המשטרה רוצה לעצור את הגנב‬

Q: Are the verbs ‫ גרה‬and ‫ רוצה‬in the above sentences singular or plural?

A: These verbs are singular. Even though the subjects ‫ משפחה‬and ‫ משטרה‬refer to a group, the
form o f these nouns is singular, and therefore in Hebrew (and in American English) the
verbs that match them are singular, too. Here are some more examples:

The government makes decisions about security..‫הממשלה מקבלת החלטות בענייני ביטחון‬
‫ העם חוגג את הניצחון של הקבוצה הלאומית‬.
The nation is celebrating the victoiy of the national team.
.‫בסוף ההצגה הקהל יוצא במהירות מן האולם‬
At the end of the performance, the audience leaves the hall quickly.

5 a. See the chapter "How Are Nouns Made Plural?‫ ״‬p. 49 for more nouns that are plural in Hebrew and
singular in English,
b. There are some exceptions to the general rule, e.g., ‫ בעלים‬and ‫מודיעין‬, as in:
The owner of the dog went away for a week. .‫< הבעלים של הכלב נסע לשבוע‬
Military intelligence claims that war is not about to break out. .‫המודיעין הצבאי טוען שלא עומדת לפרוץ מלחמה‬
Here, despite the fact that the subjects have a plural ending, they are regarded as singular.

II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects and Verbs

Want to see if you've understood?

C irc le the c o rre ct answ er.

.‫______________________________________________ מוזי ק ה חזקה כל הזמן‬

)‫ שומעות‬/ ‫(שומעת‬

.‫______________________________________________ לאירופה בסוכות‬

)‫ טסים‬/ ‫(טסה‬

.‫המים ______________ לב תים בירושלים מהכינרת‬ .3

)‫ מגיעים‬/ ‫(מגיע‬

.‫המשטרה א ת המקרה‬

)‫ חוקרים‬/ ‫(חוקרת‬

.‫_________________________________________ שוקולד‬
)‫ אוהבים‬/ ‫(אוהב‬

.‫המכנסיים שלי תמיד ______________ חוד שיים אחרי שאני קונה אותם‬ .6
)‫ נקרעים‬/ ‫(נקרע‬

.‫הציירת א ת הנוף של ירושלים‬

)‫ מציירות‬/ ‫(מציירת‬

.‫המספריים ע ל השולחן בפינה‬

)‫ נמצאים‬/ ‫(נמצא‬

.‫_________________________________________ ע ם החלטת הממשלה‬

)‫ מסכימים‬/ ‫(מסכים‬
A nsw ers:
‫ מסכים‬.9 ‫ נמצאים‬.8 ‫ מציירת‬.7 ‫ נקרעים‬.6 ‫ אוהבים‬.5 ‫ חוקרת‬.4 ‫ מגיעים‬.3 ‫ טסה‬.2 ‫שומעת‬ .1

Matching in gender: masculine or feminine?

In addition to identifying whether a subject is singular or plural, we also need to know if it
is masculine or feminine. Only then can we match the verb form to it. When the subject is a
pronoun, it is clearly masculine or feminine except for ‫ אני‬and ‫אנחנו‬, which can refer to either a
male or a female speaker. In the case of noun subjects, usually the singular form of the subject
(if it exists) indicates its gender. For example, ‫ ילדה‬and ‫ מנהלת‬are clearly feminine because o f
their endings. Thus we say:
The girl is reading a book. .‫< הילדה קוראת ספר‬C.
The principal (f.) is talking now. .‫המנהלת מדברת עכשיו‬

II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects and Verbs

However, many times we cannot tell by the form o f a noun if it is masculine or feminine.
Here are some examples:

1. Singular nouns: masculine or feminine ?

Read the following sentences:

The glass is in the cabinet .‫הכוס נמצאת בארון‬ ^

The city of Tel Aviv is in Israel. .‫העיר תל אביב נמצאת בישראל‬

Q: What is the subject o f the feminine verb ‫ נמצאת‬in each o f these sentences?

A: The words ‫ כוס‬and ‫עיר‬.

These are feminine singular nouns that have no feminine ending. Since you can't tell by looking
at them that these words are feminine, you just have to learn that they are. In the chapter "The
Gender o f Nouns" (pp. 24-29) you will find some pointers that will help you.

Just as there are feminine nouns that need to be specially learned, there are also some masculine
nouns that require special attention because at first glance they look feminine. Here are some
Night begins early in the winter. .‫הלילה מתחיל מוקדם בחורף‬
The staff is working hard. .‫הצוות עובד קשה‬

For some help in learning these, see the chapter "The Gender o f Nouns" (pp. 20, 22). For helpful
lists, see Appendix I, pp. 1007-1009 (fem. nouns), 1010 (masc. nouns).

2. Plural nouns: masculine or feminine?

Here are some more sentences that show how careful we have to be in identifying whether a
noun is masculine or feminine.

The tables are outside. .‫השולחנות נמצאים בחוץ‬

The words are in the dictionary. .‫המילים נמצאות במילון‬

In order to know that the word ‫ שולחנות‬is masculine and requires the verb form ‫נמצאים‬, we
always need to go to the singular form - in this case ‫ שולחן‬- and ask ourselves if it is masculine
or feminine. The same goes for a word like ‫מילים‬. If we go to its singular form ‫מילה‬, we see that
it is feminine. Thus, the plural verb that matches ‫ המילים‬is the feminine plural ‫נמצאות‬.

In Appendix II (pp. 1012-1013, 1015) you will find lists that will help you learn words like these
with plural forms that require special attention.

II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects and Verbs

Want to see if you've understood?

C irc le the c o rre ct answ er. A hin t is g ive n a t the end o f the sentence.

) f . ‫(אישה‬ .‫הנשים __________________ מסיבה‬ .1

)‫ מארגנות‬/ ‫(מארגנים‬

) m. ‫(שולחן‬ .‫השולחנות ________________ ב חוץ‬ .2

)‫ עומדות‬/ ‫(עומדים‬

) m. ‫(עט‬ .‫ העט שלו ________________ ע ל הרצפה בכל שיעור‬.3

)‫ נופלת‬/ ‫(נופל‬

)J . ‫(אבן‬ .‫ לפעמים אבנים ________________ ע ל הכביש ליד ים המלח‬.4

)‫ נופלות‬/ ‫(נופלים‬

)J . ‫(עיר‬ .‫ העיר הגדולה ביותר בישראל ________________ במרכז הארץ‬.5

)‫ נמצאת‬/ ‫(נמצא‬

) f. ‫(כוס‬ .‫ הכוסות האלה ________________ בקלות‬.6

)‫ נשברות‬/ ‫(נשברים‬

) m. ‫(פרי‬ .‫ הפירות ________________ ע ל השולחן‬.7

)‫ נמצאות‬/ ‫(נמצאים‬
A nsw ers:
‫ נמצאים‬.7 ‫ נשברות‬.6 ‫ נמצאת‬.5 ‫ נופלות‬.4 ‫ נופל‬.3 ‫ עומדים‬.2 ‫ מארגנות‬.‫ו‬

Matching proper nouns: names o f countries, cities, holidays, etc.

Names of countries, cities, holidays, etc. take many forms. For example, the following names
(in blue) appear to be plural:

.‫ גם מצרים תומכת בה‬.‫ארצות הברית תומכת בהצעה החדשה‬

The United States supports the new proposal. Egypt also supports it.
Rechovot is located in the center of Israel. .‫רחובות נמצאת במרכז הארץ‬
Purim is celebrated ("falls‫ )״‬in the month of Adar. .‫פורים חל בחודש אדר‬

Q: Do the subjects and verbs in these sentences match?

A: Perhaps it appears that they don't. But here's the catch: When the subject is a proper noun,
we relate to it as if it were preceded by a noun that denotes what it is: the country (‫ ארץ‬f.s.)

II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects and Verbs

called the United States, the city (‫ עיר‬f.s.) o f Rechovot and the holiday (‫ חג‬in.s.) of Purim.
Since the words ‫ ארץ‬and ‫ עיר‬are singular and feminine, so are all names of countries
and cities.6 Since the word ‫ חג‬is singular and masculine, so are the names o f all holidays,
including ‫פורים‬, despite its plural form. Thus, the verbs in the above sentences actually do
match their subjects.

The same principle applies to the following examples:

Microsoft sells computer software. ,‫־‬ ‫•* מייקרוסופס מוכרת תוכנות מחשב‬C
.‫מכב י תל אביב בדרך כלל מנצחת במשחקים ביתיים‬
Maccabbi Tel Aviv usually wins its home games.

In the first sentence, we relate to the subject as if it were ‫( חברת מייקרוסופס‬f.s.), thus its verb
(‫ )מוכרת‬is feminine and singular since it matches the word ‫חברה‬. In the second sentence, we
relate to the subject as if it were ‫ קבוצת מכבי תל אביב‬. Since the word ‫( קבוצה‬team) is singular and
feminine, the verb (‫ )מנצחת‬matches it.

The rule regarding names o f countries, cities and holidays is basically hard and fast. In other
areas, such as names of organizations, movements, political parties, sports teams, etc. it doesn't
always hold.7

Let's review
As a rule, the verb matches its subject in number and in gender.

♦ Matching in num ber

singular matches singular: .‫הסטודנט קורא‬
plural matches plural: .‫הסטודנטים קוראים‬

As a general rule, the form (and not the meaning) o f a noun tells us whether it
is singular or plural. For example, the word ‫( חיים‬life) takes a plural verb, and
the word ‫( משפחה‬family) takes a singular verb.

♦ Matching in gender
masculine matches masculine: .‫הסטודנט קורא‬
feminine matches feminine: .‫הסטודנטית קוראת‬

6 A rare exception is ‫( הוותיקן‬the Vatican), which is masculine.

7 For more on this subject, see Mazal Cohen, 1992, p. 180.

II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects and Verbs

It is important to look at the singular form of a noun (e. g. , ‫ ש ולח ן‬and not ‫)ש ולח נ ות‬
in order to decide whether it is masculine or feminine, since plural endings of
nouns do not indicate gender.

♦ Names of countries, cities and holidays are treated as if the words ‫( ארץ‬A•),
‫( עיר‬f.s.) and ‫( חג‬m.s.) precede them; thus, the verb matches these words without
regard for the form of the name itself, for example:
f.s. <=> (f.s. = ‫)הארץ‬
The U.S. agrees to the proposal. .‫ארצות הברית מסכימה להצעה‬

Want to see if you've understood?

Ci r c l e t he c o r r e c t a n s w e r .

.‫ החברות שלי לא ___________________________עברית‬.‫ו‬

)‫ מדברות‬/ ‫ מדברים‬/ ‫ מדברת‬/ ‫(מדבר‬

.‫ האוטובוס __________________________ לאט‬.2

)‫ נוסעות‬/ ‫ נוסעים‬/ ‫ נוסעת‬/ ‫(נוסע‬

)m. ‫ (משקפיים‬.‫_________________________________________________________ בתוך התיק‬

)‫ נמצאות‬/ ‫ נמצאים‬/ ‫ נמצאת‬/ ‫(נמצא‬

.‫ חנוכה תמיד ___________________________ לי את ימי ילדותי‬.4

)‫ מזכירות‬/‫ מזכירים‬/ ‫ מזכירה‬/ ‫(מזכיר‬

.‫___________________________________________________________ לנו לעבוד‬

)‫ מפריעות‬/ ‫ מפריעים‬/ ‫ מפריעה‬f ‫(מפריע‬

.‫ הסטודנטים __________________________מבחן עכשיו‬.6

)‫ כותבות‬/ ‫ כותבים‬/ ‫ כותבת‬/ ‫(כותב‬

)name of a companythe= "‫ ("אוסם‬.‫__________________________________________________________ פסטות‬

)‫ מוכרות‬/ ‫ מוכרים‬/ ‫ מוכרת‬/ ‫(מוכר‬

)f. ‫ (רוח‬.‫_____________________________________________________ מן המדבר‬

)‫ מגיעות‬/ ‫ מגיעים‬/ ‫ מגיעה‬/ ‫(מגיע‬

.‫____________________________________________________ לשמור על קשרים טוביםעם ארצות הברית‬

)‫ מבקשות‬/ ‫ מבקשים‬/ ‫ מבקשת‬/ ‫(מבקש‬

II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects and Verbs

) m . ‫(צבא‬ .‫ הצבא ___________________________________ ע ל גבולות המדינה‬. 10

)‫ שומרות‬/ ‫ שומרים‬/ ‫ שומרת‬/ ‫(שומר‬

) f . ‫(ציפור‬ .‫_________________________________________________________________ ל א פ רי ק ה בחורף‬

)‫ עפות‬/ ‫ עפים‬/ ‫ עפה‬/ ‫(עף‬

.‫_________________________________________________________________ ח ן בעיניי‬
)‫ מוצאות‬/ ‫ מוצאים‬/ ‫ מוצאת‬/ ‫(מוצא‬
‫ מבקשת‬.9 ‫ מגיעה‬.8 ‫ מוכרת‬.7 ‫ כותבים‬.6 ‫ מפריעה‬.5 ‫ מזכיר‬.4 ‫ נמצאים‬.3 ‫ נוסע‬.2 ‫ מדברות‬.1
‫ מוצאת‬. 12 ‫ עפות‬.11 ‫ שומר‬. 10

• When does the subject not appear as a separate

Present tense verbs
Until now, we have looked mainly at sentences with verbs in the present tense. In such sentences,
the subject - be it a noun or a pronoun - is almost always written or said as a separate word,
for example:
.‫דויד גר בתל אביב‬
,‫הוא כותב שירים לזמרים ידועים‬
.‫אנחנו שומעים את השירים של דויד ברדיו‬

Now read the following sentence:

.‫ מדברים עם הילדים ואוכלים עוגה‬,‫האורחים יושבים בסלון‬
The guests are sitting in the living room, speaking with the children and eating cake.

Q: Does the subject appear with each o f the present tense verbs in this sentence?

A: No. When verbs appear in a series (separated by a comma or -‫)ו‬, the subject is mentioned
with the first verb, but is usually omitted before the verbs that follow.

Past andfuture tense verbs

Now let's see whether the subject and verb also appear separately when the verb is in the past
or future tense.

II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects and Verbs

Q: What is the subject in the following sentence?

We returned home at the end of the movie. ,‫חזרנו הביתה בסוף הסרט‬

A: At first glance you might not see the subject in the Hebrew sentence because it is not
written as a separate word. In order to find the subject, we can ask: "?‫( " מי חזר‬Who returned?).
The answer i s: ‫( אנחנו‬We). The "‫נו‬-" in ‫ חזרנו‬indicates that the subject is ‫אנחנו‬.

In the following sentences, we have written the subject as a separate word only when it must
be written separately.
future past

.‫א כ תו ב מ כ ת ב‬ .‫כ ת ב תי מ כ ת ב‬ .‫ו‬

.‫ת ש ל ח מ כ ת ב‬ . ‫ת א ת ה מ כ ת ב‬T‫ש ל ח‬ .2
.‫ת ס פ רי ל ה ם סי פו ר‬ .‫ס י פ ר ת ל ה ם ס י פו ר‬ .3
.‫הוא י ד ב ר א י ת י‬ . ‫הוא ד י ב ר א י ת י‬ .4
. ‫היא תנ ג ן ב ק ו נ צ ר ט‬ . ‫הי א נ י ג נ ה ב ק ו נ צ ר ט‬ .5
.‫נ ע ב ו ד ק ש ה‬ .‫ע ב ד נ ו ק ש ה‬ .6
.‫תז מינו או תנו ל מ סי ב ה‬ .‫הז מנ ת ם או תנו ל מ ס י ב ה‬ .7
.‫ת רגי שו ל א טו ב‬ .‫ה רג ש תן ל א טו ב‬ .8
. ‫הם י ת ל ב ש ו מ ה ר‬ . ‫הם ה ת ל ב ש ו מ ה ר‬ .9
. ‫הן כ ב ר י י כ נ ס ו ל ח ד ר‬ . ‫הן כ ב ר נ כ נ ס ו ל ח ד ר‬ .10

Q: Wliich o f the verbs in the sentences above has a separate subject?

A: In the past tense, only the verbs ‫דיבר‬, ‫ניגנה‬, ‫ התלבשו‬and 10 ,9 ,5 ,4) ‫ )נכנסו‬have a separate
subject pronoun. The corresponding verbs in the future tense - ‫ידבר‬,‫תנגן‬,‫ יתלבשו‬and ‫ ייכנסו‬-
also have a separate subject pronoun. These verbs are all in the third person : ‫( הו א‬he), ‫היא‬
(she), ‫( ה ם‬they m.), ‫( הן‬they f ).

The rest o f the verbs, both in the past tense ( ‫ הרגשתן‬,‫ הזמנתם‬,‫ עבדנו‬,‫ סיפרת‬,‫ שלחת‬,‫ ) כתבתי‬and in the
future tense ( ‫ תרגישו‬,‫ תזמינו‬,‫ נעבוד‬,‫ תספרי‬,‫ תשלח‬,‫) אכתוב‬, do not have a separate subject pronoun.
These are all either first person forms, whose subjects are ‫( אני‬I) or ‫( אנחנו‬we) or second person
forms, whose subjects are ‫( אתה‬you m.s), ‫( את‬you f.s.), ‫( אתם‬you or ‫( אתן‬you f p l) . When we
use first and second person forms in the past and future tenses, we do not have to write the
subject separately: ‫ כתבת‬means ‫את כתבת‬, ‫ אכתוב‬means ‫ אני אכתוב‬, and so on. However, when we
wish to emphasize the subject, we often do add the pronoun, for example:

You said we would arrive at 11:00, not 1! !‫ לא אני‬,‫ ו‬1:00‫אתה אמרת שנגיע ב־‬ ‫**״‬C

You go in first and i ’ll follow you. .‫את תיכנסי ראשונה ואני אחרייך‬

II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects and Verbs

In spoken Hebrew, the pronoun is sometimes added even when it is not emphasized. This is
especially common in the ‫ אני‬form in the future tense, as in:

1will try to help you. .‫אני אנסה לעזור לך‬ **C

Some cases when third person subjects are omitted

As in the present tense, so too in the past and future tenses, if a series o f verbs with the same
subject appears, the subject (even if it is in the third person) is usually not repeated before each
verb. This is also the case in English.
Yossi drank coffee, ate cake and spoke with Yael. .‫ אכל‬,‫עוגה ודיבר עם יעל יוסי שתה קפה‬ ■<C.
.‫בעוד שעה הוא יקרא את העיתון וידליק את הטלוויזיה‬
In an hour he will read the paper and turn on the television.

Now read the following sentence:

The children laughed when they saw the play. .‫ראו את ההצגה הילדים צחקו כשהם‬

Here, after ‫כש־‬, the third person subject (‫ )הילדים‬is repeated, but as a pronoun (‫)הם‬, just as in
English. In Hebrew, however, there is another option:
.‫הילדים צחקו כשראו את ההצגה‬

Here, just as in the sentences with ‫ו־‬, the third person subject is omitted. This option does not
exist in English but is acceptable in Hebrew. These same two options exist when a variety o f
connecting words are used, for example:

.‫רינה צלצלה אליי הבוקר משום שהיא רצתה להזמין אותי לסרט‬
.‫רינה צלצלה אליי הבוקר משום שרצתה להזמין אותי לסרט‬
Rina called me this morning because she wanted to invite me to a movie.

.‫הסטודנטיות ביקרו במוזאון אתמול למדות שהן היו שם שלשום‬

.‫הסטודנטיות ביקרו במוזאון אתמול למדות שהיו שם שלשום‬
The students went to the museum yesterday despite the fact that they had been there the day before

In the future tense, we have the same two options:

The children will laugh when they see the clown. .‫הילדים יצחקו כשהם יראו את הליצן‬ -<SC
.‫הילדים יצחקו כשיראו את הליצן‬

However, in sentences like these in the present tense, we m ust repeat the subject before the
second verb.

6 86
II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects and Verbs

The children always laugh when they hear a joke. .‫הילדים תמיד צוחקים כשהם שומעים בדיחה‬

In the present tense, this is the case not only with third person subjects, but also when the
subject is in the first or second persons, for example:

.‫אנחנו שותים שוקו חם אחר< שאנחנו מטיילים בחורף‬

We drink hot chocolate after we go for a hike in the winter.

Commandforms {Imperative ‫)ציווי‬

Now let's look at some command (imperative) forms.

Get up (you, pi.) right now! !‫קומו מיד‬

Come (you, f.s.) here now! !‫בואי לפ־ה עכשיו‬

Q: Does the subject in these sentences appear as a separate word?

A: No. When we use an imperative form, we always address the person who is the subject
(y o u : ‫ אתן‬,‫ אתם‬,‫ את‬,‫) אתה‬. For this reason, we do not state the subject explicitly.

This is also true when we use the future form to express a command - as in !‫תכתוב‬
(Write! m.s.).

Let’s review
♦ When the verb is in the present tense, the subject almost always appears as a
separate word.
.‫אנחנו אוהבים להתכתב‬ .‫מייל‬-‫יוסי שולח לי אי‬ .‫אני כותבת ליוסי מכתב‬

♦ When the verb is in the past or future tense, the subject must appear separately
in the third person only )‫ הן‬,‫ הם‬,‫ היא‬,‫(הוא‬:

future past

.‫יכתוב פתק‬ .‫כתב פתק‬ ‫ יוסי‬/ ‫הוא‬

.‫תכתוב חיבור‬ .‫כתבה חיבור‬
T ! T
‫ שרה‬/ ‫היא‬
.‫ החברים יכתבו סיפורים‬/ ‫הם‬ .‫ החברים כתבו סיפורים‬/ ‫הם‬
! T

.‫ החברות יכתבו שירים‬/ ‫הן‬ .‫ החברות כתבו שירים‬/ ‫הן‬

In the first )‫ אנחנו‬,‫ (אני‬and second )‫ אתן‬,‫ אתם‬,‫ את‬,‫ (אתה‬persons, the subject can
but usually does not - appear as a separate w ord - :

II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects and Verbs

first person :
.‫ נכת וב מכתבים‬/ ‫אכת וב‬
! • ! 7
.‫ כתב נ ו מכתבים‬/ ‫כתבת י‬
! ‫־‬ T • : ‫־‬ T

second person :
.‫ תכתב ו לנו פתק‬/ ‫ תכתב י‬/ ‫תכת וב‬ .‫ כתבת ן לנו פתק‬/ ‫ כתבתם‬/ ‫ כתבת‬/ ‫כתבת‬

In speech, when the verb is in the future tense form, we often add ‫ אני‬before

♦ In all tenses, when a separate subject is normally required and a series of verbs
with the same subject appears, the subject need not be repeated after its first
.‫ אכל עוגה ודיבר עם יעל‬,‫יוסי שתה קפה‬

♦ When we use an imperative form, the subject (you : ‫ אתן‬/ ‫ אתם‬/ ‫ את‬/ ‫ (אתה‬is
always understood and therefore is not stated separately,
!‫ ק ומ ו מיד‬- *>

Want to see if you've understood?

Translate the following sentences. W rite the subject pronoun (...‫ ה וא‬,‫ אתה‬, ‫ )אני‬only if
you must.

1. I sol d my ol d school books (‫)ספרי הלימוד‬.

2. They will write to you soon (‫)בקרוב‬.

3. He took the kids to a movie.

4. Dan broke his leg.

5. You (m .pl.) will ask the teacher tomorrow.

6. She thinks a lot about her friends in England.

II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects and Verbs

7. They didn't turn on the computer.

.‫ הוא לקח את הילדים לסרט‬. 3 .‫ הם יכתבו לך בקרוב‬.2 .‫ מכרתי את ספרי הלימוד הישנים שלי‬.1
.‫ היא חושבת הרבה על החברים שלה באנגליה‬.6 .‫ תשאלו את המורה מחר‬.5 .)‫ דן שבר את הרגל( שלו‬.4
.‫ הם לא הדליקו את המחשב‬.7

• The order of subject and verb

Read the following sentences:

You ( live in Tel Aviv. .‫אתם גרים בתל אביב‬

Daniel gets up every morning at 7 a.m. .7:00 ‫דניאל קם כל בוקר בשעה‬
The students were angry because of the difficult exam. .‫הסטודנטים כעסו בגלל הבחינה הקשה‬

Q: In what order do the subject and its verb appear in these sentences?

A: In all three cases, the subject comes before the verb. In informal Hebrew, this is almost
always the order.8

Q: Where is the additional information (Where? When? Why?) placed in all the above

A: It is placed after the subject and verb.

As we will see below, in formal Hebrew, when information of this kind is added at the beginning
of the sentence, it sometimes affects the order o f the subject and verb when the subject is a noun
(not when it is a pronoun).

Read the following versions o f the same sentence, the last o f which is in formal Hebrew:

.‫רותי נסעה לאירופה ולדרום אמריקה בשנה שעברה‬ *>

Ruthie traveled to Europe and South America last year.

(informal) .‫בשנה שעברה רותי נסעה לאירופה ולדרום אמריקה‬

Last year Ruthie traveled to Europe and South America.

8 See "Did you know?‫ ״‬below for exceptions.

II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects and Verbs

('formal) .‫בשנה שעברה נסעה רותי לאירופה ולדרום אמריקה‬

Last year Ruthie traveled to Europe and South America.

Q: Where is the time element ‫ בשנה שעברה‬placed in each of these sentences - at the beginning
or at the end?

A: In the first sentence ‫ בשנה שעברה‬is at the end; in the second and third sentences it is at the

Q: What comes first in each o f these Hebrew sentences - the subject of the sentence or the

A: In the first sentence, the subject comes before the verb, just as in English. In the second
and third sentences, where the additional information (here, a time element) appears at the
beginning of the sentence, there is a difference in the order o f the subject and the verb. In
informal Hebrew, the subject still comes before the verb. However, in formal Hebrew, the
order is reversed. This is often the case when the verb is in the past or future tense; it is
sometimes the case when the verb is in the present tense.

Here are some more examples of sentences in formal Hebrew in which the additional element
is at the beginning, and the verb comes before the subject:

A similar change in the order o f the subject and verb often occurs in questions in formal

When did the cabinet /government make this decision? ?‫הזאת‬ ‫מתי קיבלה ה מ מ ש ל ה את ההחלטה‬

How much will Rachel pay the salesman? ?‫כמה תשלם ר חל למוכר‬

1 i
Where will the children go next year? ?‫לאן ילכו הי ל די ם בשנה הבאה‬

II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects a n d Verbs

Did you know?

Common cases in which the verb usually comes before the subject

Even though in informal Hebrew the subject almost always comes before the
verb, there are a number of cases in which the verb usually precedes the subject.
Among the most common cases are sentences in which forms of the verbs ‫היה‬
and ‫ י ה י ה‬appear instead of ‫ י ש‬and ‫ א י ן‬in the past and future tenses, as in:

1 had a probl em wi th my (lit.: the) ticket. ‫הייתה ל י בעיה‬

.‫ע ם‬ ‫הכרטיס‬

There will be a lot of empty seats in the theater. . ‫יהיו ה ר ב ה מקומות‬ ‫ריקים בתאטרון‬

In addition, a number of verbs that indicate the existence of something (or the
beginning or ending of the existence of something) tend to appear before the

Here are some examples:

M y throat hurts. . ‫ל י הגרון‬ ‫כואב‬

It is rai ning (lit.: rain is comi ng down) . .‫י ו ר ד ג ש ם‬

‫בתוכנית שלנו‬ ‫ חלו שינויים‬.

There have been changes in our plans (lit.: changes have taken place).

There's no more milk (lit.: The milk is finished). .‫החלב‬ ‫נגמר‬

Identifying the subject o f a verb in a text

In written texts, the positioning of the verb before its subject sometimes makes reading and
comprehension somewhat difficult. When we encounter the verb first, it is often helpful
immediately to ask ourselves what its subject is. We can ask:

Who / What + the verb? ?‫ הפועל‬+ ‫ מה‬/ ‫מי‬ <

For example, let's try to identify the subject in the following sentence;

.1 . ‫ה ב ח ו ר ה ל א י ר ו פ ה ו ל ד ר ו ם א מ ר י ק ה‬ ‫נסעה‬ ‫בשנה שעברה‬ -C

We can say to ourselves: The verb is ‫נסע ה‬, and then we can as k: ?(‫ מה נסע (נסעה‬/ ‫מ י‬. The form
of the verb (here: feminine singular) can, of course, help us locate the subject (which also must
be feminine singular). The answer is: ‫הבחורה‬.

II. Verb Sentences / 1. Subjects and Verbs

Be careful! In order to identify the subject, it is important first to ask ?‫( מי‬Who + the
verb?). If there is no answer to ‫מיז‬, we then ask ?‫( מה‬W'hat + the verb?).

For example, let's find the subject in the following sentence:

.2. ‫את התאונה ראו שלושה אנשים‬

We first ask ?(‫ מי ראה (ראו‬. The answer is ‫שלושה אנשים‬. ‫ שלושה אנשים‬is the subject o f the
sentence. If we had first asked ?‫מה ראו‬, the answer would have been: ‫תאונה‬. ‫ תאונה‬is not
the subject o f the sentence (but rather the direct object).

It is important to remember that the subject will almost never be preceded by a preposition
(such as ‫את‬, ‫ב־‬, ‫על‬, -‫מ‬, ‫בגלל‬, -‫ ל‬, etc.). Thus, since - in sentence 2 above - the preposition ‫את‬
comes before ‫התאונה‬, we know that ‫ התאונה‬is not the subject. Similarly, since sentence 1 above
begins with - ‫) בשנה שעברה) ב‬, we know that ‫ שנה‬is not the subject.

In sentence 1 above, the subject (‫ )הבחורה‬comes immediately after the verb (‫) נסעה‬. However,
this is not always the case. Look, for example, at the following:

r ‫־‬if
.‫בזמן הטיול כתבו לבחורה הוריה וחבריה כמעט כל יום‬ ‫>י־‬
During the trip her parents and friends wrote to her almost every day.

Here a preposition (-‫ )ל‬comes right after the verb and, therefore, we know that the noun that
comes after it - ‫ בחורה‬- is not the subject. We have to look after ‫ לבחורה‬to find the subject: ‫הוריה‬

Want to see if you've understood?

Circle the subject in each sentence, and then choose the verb that matches it.

.‫ה סטודנטי ם עד שעה מאו חרת בלילה‬ ‫ גם א ת מול‬. 1

)‫ למדו‬/ ‫ למדה‬/ ‫(למד‬

.‫החברות לטיול‬ ‫ בגלל הגשם החזק לא‬.2

)‫ יצאה‬/ ‫ יצאו‬/ ‫(יצא‬

.‫ה ס טודנ טים החד שים בספרייה‬ ‫ אחרי השיעור הראשון‬.3

)‫ יבקרו‬/ ‫ תבקר‬/ ‫(יבקר‬

‫‪II. Verb Sentences /‬‬ ‫‪1. Subjects and Verbs‬‬

‫‪ .4‬במסעד ה ________________________ הי ל די ם קולה ופיצה‪.‬‬

‫(הזמינו ‪ /‬הזמין ‪ /‬הזמינה)‬

‫‪ .5‬לאחר התאונה _______________________ ב פ צ ו ע שני רופאים‪.‬‬

‫(טיפלה ‪ /‬טיפלו ‪ /‬טיפל)‬
‫‪verb‬‬ ‫‪subject‬‬
‫למדו‬ ‫‪ .1‬הסטודנטים‬
‫יצאו‬ ‫‪ .2‬החברות‬
‫יבקרו‬ ‫‪ .3‬הסטודנטים‬
‫הזמינו‬ ‫‪ .4‬הילדים‬
‫טיפלו‬ ‫‪ .5‬שני רופאים‬

2 Sentences Without Subjects
Impersonal Sentences ‫סתמי‬

• What is an impersonal sentence?
• When do we use impersonal sentences?

• What is an impersonal sentence?

Try to find the verb and its subject in the following Hebrew sentence;

.‫ ביפן מדברים יפנית‬.‫ו‬

The verb is ‫( מדברים‬speak). But who does the speaking? The answer seems obvious: people.
However, words like ‫( אנשים‬people) or ‫( היפנים‬the Japanese) or even ‫( הם‬they) do not appear here.
The sentence tells us that the speaking takes place ‫( ביפן‬in Japan), but it does not explicitly state
who speaks.

There are a variety of ways to say this sentence in English. Here are a few using active verbs:

In Japan they speak Japanese.

In Japan people speak Japanese.
111 Japan one speaks Japanese.

In each o f these English sentences, the verb has a subject. In Hebrew, on the other hand, there
is no subject.

Here are some more such subjectless sentences in Hebrew:

In the market one buys vegetables and fruit. .2.‫בשוק קונים ירקות ופרות‬
Once they used to write on stone. .3.‫פעם כתבו על אבן‬
"Did you hear? Someone broke into Adi's apartment!" "!4."‫ת? פרצו לדירה של עדי‬

II. Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences Without Subjects

Note the following features o f the verbs in all of these sentences:

‫ ־‬They are active.1

‫ ־‬They are all in the ‫ הם‬f or m: ‫ פרצו‬,‫ כתבו‬,‫ קונים‬, ‫ מדבר ים‬- but the word ‫ הם‬does not appear!

Let's look more closely at sentence 4 above.

The verb ‫ פרצו‬is plural, but does this necessarily mean that more than one person broke into
Adi's apartment?

No, it is possible that only one person broke into the apartment. Even though the Hebrew verb
in these kinds o f impersonal sentences is always plural, this does not necessarily mean that
more than one person actually performed the action.

• When do we use impersonal sentences?

Impersonal sentences tend to be used when the speaker either wants to make a general statem ent
(as in sentences 1, 2 and 3 above), doesn’t know who performed the action (as in sentence 4),
doesn’t w ant to say who performed it, or regards this information as unim portant. The verb
can appear in the past, present or future tenses, for example:

Once people wrote■ on stone. .‫פעם כתבו על אבן‬

Today people write on the computer. .‫היום כותבים במחשב‬
How will people write in the future? ?‫איך יכתבו בעתיד‬

In English, passive verbs are often used to express the same thing as impersonal active verbs in
Hebrew. Here are alternative English translations o f sentences 1 and 4 above:

English - passive Hebrew - active

In Japan, Japanese is spoken. .8*‫ביפן מדברים יפנית‬ •‫־‬SC

"Did you hear? Adi's apartment was broken into!"!‫״שמעת? פרצו לדירה של עדי‬ ‫״‬

Hebrew, too, has passive verbs, but in practice - and especially in speaking - subjectless
sentences with active verbs (called 2(‫ משפטים סתמיים‬are more common.3

1 For an explanation of passive and active verbs, see the chapter ‫׳‬Active and Passive Verbs,‫ ״‬pp. 580-592.
2 In grammar books these are sometimes referred to as sentences with ‫״‬an impersonal subject."
3 For other types of impersonal sentences, see the chapter "Impersonal Sentences with ‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ פראי‬and the
Like," pp. 768-777.

II. Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences W ith o u t Subjects

Let’s review
♦ In Hebrew, when we wish to make a general statement or when, for various
reasons, we do not wish to say or cannot say who performed a certain action,
we use impersonal sentences (‫) משפטים סתמיים‬.

♦ Impersonal sentences contain active verbs in the ‫ הם‬form - but no subject

appears in the sentence. The verb in impersonal sentences may be in the present,
past or future tenses, for example:

in the market one buys vegetables and fruit. ‫בשוק קונים ירקות ופרות־‬
Once they used to write on stone. .‫פעם כתבו על אבן‬
They won't publish your article in the newspaper. .‫לא יפרסמו את הכתבה שלך בעיתון‬
(or: Your article won't be published in the newspaper.)

♦ Impersonal sentences are often translated into English using a passive verb (as
in: "Your article won't be published...").

Want to see if you've understood?

Translate the following into Hebrew. In Hebrew, use the ‫ הם‬form of an active verb
without a subject.

1. How does one dance without a partner?

2. When did people begin to speak Hebrew?

3. When was this building built?

4. When a baby is born, one says "M azai tov!"

5. On what side do they drive in England?

6. W hat do they learn in kindergarten these days?

7. Where are cars sold?

,‫ כשתינוק נולד‬.4 ?‫ מתי בנו את הבניין הזה‬.3 ?‫ מתי התחילו לדבר עברית‬.2 ?‫בת זוג‬/‫ איך רוקדים בלי בן‬.1
?‫ איפה מוכרים מכוניות‬.7 ?‫ מה לומדים בגן היום‬,6 ?‫ באיזה צד נוהגים באנגליה‬.5 ‫אומרים ״מזל טוב!״‬

3 The Direct Object and the Use of ‫את‬

• What, is a direct object?
• Using ‫ את‬when a direct object is preceded by -‫ה‬
‫ ״‬Where else is ‫ את‬required?
‫ ״‬Word order

What is a direct object?

In the first two chapters of this unit, we dealt with two parts of verb sentences: the subject and
the verb. Various additions can be made to the verb in a sentence. Here are some of them:

David lives here. .1. ‫^דויד גר פה‬

Rina is reading now. .‫רינה קוראת עכשיו‬
The cars traveled fast. .‫המכוניות נסעו מהו‬

Netta sat next to the table. .2 ‫ נטע ישבה על יד השולחן‬.‫א‬

Omri read before the meal. .‫עומרי קרא לפני הארוחה‬
We are speaking quietly. .‫אנחנו מדברים בשקט‬

Daniel listened to the radio. .‫ דניאל הקשיב לרדיו‬.‫ב‬

Yoav participated in the game. .‫יואב השתתף במשחק‬

Doron is reading a book. .3.‫דורון קורא ספר‬

Yon love children. .‫אתם אוהבים ילדים‬

In Group 1, the highlighted words added to the verbs are adverbs. They tell when, where, how,

In Group 2, the words added to the verbs are prepositions followed by a noun. Some ( 2 ‫ ) א‬tell
when, where, how, e tc. ( ‫ בשקט‬,‫ לפני הארוחה‬,‫ )על יד השולחן‬and could theoretically be replaced by
other prepositions (...‫ מתחת לש ולח ן‬/ ‫)על הש ולח ן‬, while others (‫ ב‬2 - ‫ במשחק‬, ‫ )לרדיו‬are actually
p a rt of the verb, are always required before a noun is added and usually can't be replaced
without changing the meaning of the verb.1

1 See the chapter "Prepositions and their Meanings." pp. 215-220.

II. Verb Sentences / 3. The Direct Object and the Use of ‫את‬

In Group 3, the words added to the verbs have no preposition before them, and they do not tell
when, where, how, etc. Let's see what questions they answer:
Doron is reading a book. .8*‫דורון קורא ספד‬ •‫•־‬C

The word ‫ ספר‬answers the question "W hat is Doron reading?"

You love children. ‫אתם אוהבים‬
. ‫ילדים‬ ^

The word ‫ ילדים‬answers the question "Whom do you love?"

A noun that is added to the verb w ithout a preposition and answers the questions "What?" or
"Whom?" is called a direct object (‫) מושא ישיר‬. Only certain verbs can take a direct object. If we
wish to add a noun to the verb ‫הקשיב‬, for example, we m ust use the preposition ‫ ל־‬- to listen
to (something or someone).2 Thus, the verb ‫ הקשיב‬cannot take a direct object. Similarly, the
verb ‫ השתתף‬requires the preposition -‫ ב‬when we want to say "to participate in (something)."
However verbs like ‫ קורא‬and ‫ אוהב‬- as in the sentences above - do not require a preposition
when we add a noun to them. Thus, the noun that is added is a direct object.

Note that English and Hebrew do not always behave similarly in this matter. For example, the
verb to use in English takes a direct object (He is using a pen), whereas in Hebrew we must use
a preposition: ‫ הוא משתמש בעט‬.

• Using ‫ את‬when a direct object is preceded by -‫ה‬

Now look at these variations of the two sentences presented above:

Doron is reading his new book. .‫דורון קורא את הספד התדש שלו‬
You love your children. .‫אתם אוהבים את הילדים שלכם‬

Q: What are the differences between these sentences and the parallel sentences above (besides
the added words at the end of each sentence)?

A: In these sentences, the direct objects are definite (= specific). They are made definite by
adding - ‫ה‬: ‫ הספר‬and ‫( הילדים‬as opposed to the indefinite ‫ ספר‬and ‫ ילדים‬in the sentences

2 We are disregarding here the special construction in formal Hebrew: ‫( הוא הקשיב הקשבה מלאה‬literally: He
listened full listening, i.e., He listened carefully.) Here a noun is added to ‫ הקשיב‬without using -‫ל‬, but in this
case we are dealing with a special ‫״‬noun + adjective" phrase (‫ )הקשבה מלאה‬that describes the manner in which
the action is done. This phrase is not a direct object (it does not answer the questions "What?" or "Whom?").

II. Verb Sentences / 3. The Direct Object and the Use of ‫את‬

above). In addition, these sentences have a preposition after the verb: the little word ‫ א ת‬.

definite direct object indefinite direct object

> ‫דורון קורא את הספי שלג‬ .‫דורון קורא ספי‬ -‫־‬

‫אתם אוהבים את הילדים שלכם‬ .‫ אתם אוהבים ילדים‬.

Whenever the direct object is definite, Hebrew requires the use o f ‫ את‬before it. Note: The word
‫ את‬has no parallel in English (and no translation).

B e c a r e fu l! ‫ את‬is n ot used if the verb already has a preposition (- ‫מ‬, -‫ל‬, -‫ ב‬, etc.), as

Ron was afraid of the dogs. .‫רון פחד מהכלבים‬ -<C

Rina worried about the children. .‫רינה דאגה לילדים‬

?Want to see if you've understood

W rite ‫ את‬o n ly w h e re necessary ,

?‫ את אוהבת _______ ה ש ח ק ן הזה‬.6 .‫ פגשנו _______ ה ח ב רי ם שלנו במסעדה‬. 1

? ‫ מתי י צ א ת ם _______ מ ה בי ת‬.7 ? ‫ למה לא ע שי ת ם _______ שי עו רי ם‬. 2

?‫ למה לא קנית _______ מ כ נ סי י ם אדומים‬.8 .‫ה שם שלי‬ . ‫ מיכל שכחה‬. 3

.‫ ה תל מידים כתבו _______ ה מ ש פ טי ם ב מ חברות שלה ם‬.9 .‫ע ם העובדים‬ ‫ המנהל דיבר‬.4

?‫על הילדים שלכם עכשיו‬ ___ ‫ מי שומר‬.5

A nsw ers:
‫ את‬should be written only in the following sentences: 1, 3, 6, 9.

• Where else is ‫ את‬required?

We have seen that ‫ את‬appears before a definite direct object. In all the above examples, the
object was made definite by adding -‫ה‬. However, there are words and forms in Hebrew that are
definite even w ithout the addition of -‫ה‬.

II. Verb Sentences / 3. The D irect O b je c t an d the Use o f ‫את‬

In all of the following cases, the direct object is considered definite:

1. When the object is the nam e of a person, a city or a country:

1 like / love Yossi. .‫י‬ ‫<אני אוהבת את יוסי‬

1like / love Paris. .‫את א והבת את פריז‬

This is also the case when the "names" are ‫ סבתא‬, ‫ סבא‬, ‫ אימא‬,‫אבא‬:‫׳‬.3

Sarah is looking for her mother.

You are photographing my grandfather and grandmother. .‫אתם מצלמים את סבא ואת סבתא שלי‬

:When the object is a noun w ith a possessive ending .2

You took your sister to the bus stop. .‫לתחנת האוטובוס‬

We forgot our books at home.

Similarly, the word ‫ בולם‬and all other forms of ‫ כל‬w ith endings )...‫ כולכם‬,‫ כולנו‬,‫ (כולו‬are also
:considered definite
We met everyone at the party. .‫־־ פגשנו את כולם במסיבה‬C*8
They threw ail of us out of the class. .‫כיתה‬

This is true of other words denoting quantities, such as ‫) רוב‬most) and its forms with endings
)...‫ רובם‬,‫ (רובנו‬and forms of ‫) חלק‬part, some) with endings )...‫ חלקם‬,‫(חלקנו‬:

Rachel doesn't know most of us.

.‫ הוא מכיר רק את חלקם‬.‫רון לא מכיר את כל האנשים בשכונה‬

Ron doesn't know all of the people in the neighborhood. He knows only some of them.

Did you know?

When the word ‫( הכול‬everything) is a direct object, we often do not use ‫ את‬even
though ‫ המל‬is definite. Here are the two options; both are acceptable:

1told him everything. .‫ אמרתי לו את הכול‬/ .‫אמרתי לו הכול‬ ‫<־־‬

3 See the chapter "Definite and Indefinite Nouns," p. 53 ("Did you know?").

II. Verb Sentences / 3. The Direct Object and the Use of ‫את‬

3. When the object is a pronoun such as the following:

a. ‫( זה‬this m.s.) or ‫ אלו‬/ ‫( אלה‬these p i):4

who wrote this? ?‫מי כתב את זה‬

We don't want these. .‫אנחנו לא רוצים את אלה‬

b. - ‫ז ה ש‬,-‫ז א ת ש‬,-‫זו ש‬,-‫ אלה ש‬,-‫ אלו ש‬,-‫ מי ש‬or - ‫ כל מי ש‬:

We chose the one who wears glasses. .‫בחרנו את זה שיש לו משקפיים‬

We liked the one who played in the old movie better..‫אהבנו יותר את זאת ששיחקה בסרט הישן‬
We didn't see the ones who were standing on the side. .‫לא ראינו את אלה שעמדו בצד‬
I don't understand people who think this way. .‫אני לא מבין את מי שחושב כך‬
You invited everyone you know to the party. .‫הזמנת למסיבה את כל מי שאתה מכיר‬

When the words - ‫ כל מה ש‬,‫ מה ש־‬are the object, ‫ את‬is often but not always added (i.e., it is
optional).5 The addition of ‫ את‬does not change the meaning:

1 did what (= that which) you asked. .‫^ עשיתי ( א ת ) מה שביקשת‬

1 did everything (= all that) you asked. .‫עשיתי ( א ת ) כל מה שביקשת‬

4. Some special eases

The following phrases and words - most o f which contain numbers - are like proper nouns
(names o f people, places, etc.) and, thus, are considered definite. For this reason ‫ את‬is added
before them when they are the direct object:

Days o f the week: I like Friday(s). .‫אני אוהב את יום שישי‬

Names o f the months: I remember September / Tishrei. .‫ תשרי‬/ ‫אתה זוכר את חודש ספטמבר‬
Nouns with numbers: You can't find apartment six? ?‫את לא מוצאת את דירה שש‬
He likes channel 8. .8 ‫הוא אוהב את ערוץ‬

4 However, when the feminine singular ‫ זאת‬is used as a reference to a whole sentence, ‫ את‬is usually not used in
today's Hebrew, as in ‫ הוא אמר זאת‬.
5 ‫ את‬is never added when there is n o -‫ ש‬after ‫ מי‬or ‫מה‬: I saw what he did .‫ ראיתי מה הוא עשה‬-«
I didn't see who came in. .‫לא ראיתי מי נכנס‬

II. Verb Sentences / 3. The D irect O b je c t an d the Use o f ‫את‬

B e c a r e fu l! The ‫ את‬before a smeechoot phrase is almost never followed by -‫ ה‬since,

as a rule, even when smeechoot phrases are definite, they do not have -‫ ה‬on the front 6
‫ את‬is used before direct object smeechoot phrases whose definiteness is expressed in one
of the following ways:

The last word in the smeechoot is preceded by -‫ ה‬:

1 1
1 did the homework. .‫הכנתי את שיעורי הבית‬

The last word is a name:

1 1
We saw Jaffa Gate. .‫ראינו את שער יפו‬

The last word has a possessive ending:

Have you met my nephew already? ?‫פגשת כבר את בן אחותי‬

L et’s review
‫ את‬is required before any definite direct object

♦ Before a direct object that has the definite article -‫ ה‬:

.‫קניתי את הספר בחנות הספרים באוניברסיטה‬ -*>

1 1
.‫הכנתי את שיעורי הבית‬

♦ Before the following definite direct objects w ithout ‫ ה־‬:

- The nam e of a person, a city o r a c o u n try : .‫ את ירושלים‬/ .‫אני אוהבת את משה‬

Also the "names " ‫ סבתא‬,‫ סבא‬,‫ אימא‬,‫אבא‬: .‫שרה מחפשת את אימא שלה‬
- A noun with a possessive ending: .‫שכחתם את ספרכם בבית‬
Also words like ‫ כל‬w ith endings: .‫פגשנו את כולם במסיבה‬
- The words ‫אלו‬/‫ אלה‬,‫זה‬: ?‫ את אלה‬/ ?‫מי כתב את זה‬
The expressions -‫ מי ש‬,-‫ זה ש‬and the like : .‫בחרנו את זה שיש לו משקפיים‬
.‫הזמנתי את מי שרציתי‬

See the text above for some more special cases.

6 On smeechoot see the chapter "Smeechoot," pp. 183-184. In reality (and not in keeping with the rules of
grammar), we often do hear Hebrew speakers today add -‫ ה‬to the front of some smeechoot phrases, e. g. , ,‫הב ית ספר‬
‫ה י ום ה ולדת‬.

II. Verb Sentences / 3. The Direct Object and the Use of ‫את‬

Want to see if you've understood?

Add ‫ את‬only where required.
W rite ‫ את‬only where necessary.

. ‫מ יכל בס ינ י‬ ‫פגש נ ו‬ .6 . ‫וודי אל ן‬ ‫יוסי ראה ______ ה ס ר ט הח דש ש ל‬ .1

‫כ ולם‬ ‫השכ נה של י ה זמ י נה‬ .7 ?‫הוריי‬ ‫פ גשתם כבר‬ .2

. ‫לחת ו נה ש ל הב ן שלה‬

. ‫לא קנינו ______ ס פ ר י הל ימ וד‬ .8 . ‫מכ ו נת כב יסה חדשה‬ ‫קנינו‬ .3

?‫זה‬ __ ‫זה מעניין! א יפה ק נ ית‬ .9 .‫מה שאמרתי‬ ‫הם לא י שכחו‬ .4

. ‫יר ושל ים‬ ‫ אנ י א והבת‬. 10 ?‫סבא‬ ‫מת י ב יקרתם‬ .5

.‫ קנינו מכונת כביסה חדשה‬.3 ?‫ פגשתם כבר את הוריי‬.2 .‫ יוסי ראה את הסרט החדש של וודי אלן‬.1
.‫ פגשנו את מיכל בסיני‬.6 ?‫ מתי ביקרתם את סבא‬.5 .‫ הם לא י שכ חו( א ת) מה שאמרתי‬.4
.‫ לא קנינו את ספרי הלימוד‬.8 .‫ ה שמה שלי הזמינה את כולם לחתונה של הבן שלה‬.7
.‫ אני אוהבת את ירושלים‬. 10 ?‫ זה מעניין! איפה קנית את זה‬.9

• Word order
Read the following:
Doron likes this book. .‫דורון אוהב א ת הספר הזה‬

Now let's change the order o f the words here:

This book - Doron likes. .‫את הספר הזה דורון אוהב‬

Or (not literally): It is this book that Doron likes.

Q: Why is ‫ את‬at the beginning o f the second sentence?

A: Because no matter what the order o f the words in the sentence,1‫ הספ‬is still the direct object
o f the verb ‫אוהב‬. Sometimes, for the sake o f emphasis, the direct object is placed at the
beginning o f a Hebrew sentence. When this is the case, if the direct object is definite, ‫את‬
will precede it

II. Verb Sentences / 3. The D irect O b je c t an d the Use o f ‫את‬

B e c a r e fu l ! ‫ את‬comes only before a definite direct object, not before a subject. Thus,
there is no ‫ את‬in the following sentences (in which ‫ הילדים‬and ‫ השירים‬are subjects):

The children wrote beautiful stories. .‫הילדים כתבו סיפורים יפים‬ ■**C
The songs on the radio were beautiful. .‫השירים ברדיו היו יפים‬

Let's review
‫־‬#• ‫ את‬and the definite direct object are sometimes placed at the beginning of the
sentence :
. ‫ את ה ה ו ר י ם הוא פ ג ש ב ש ש‬. ‫את ה ח ב ר י ם ש ל ו דוד פ ג ש ב ח מ ש‬ -*>
David met his friends at five and his parents at six.

Want to see if you've understood?

W r i t e ‫ א ת‬in the b l a n k o n l y if necessar y.

.‫השאלה לא ברורה לי‬ .8 .‫המרק בישלנו כבר אתמול‬ .1

.‫השאלה הזאת כבר שאלתם‬ .9 .‫הספר הזה הוא של עופר‬ .2

?‫ספרים חדשים כבר קניתם‬ .10 .‫שרה אנחנו מכירים טוב מאוד‬ .3

.‫מסעדת ״אימא״ אינני מכירה‬ .‫וו‬ .‫זה לא ראיתי‬ .4

?‫אחותי כבר פגשתם‬ .12 .‫ירושלים היא עיר הבירה של ישראל‬ .5

.‫אחותי גרה בלונדון‬ .13 .‫ירושלים אני אוהבת‬ .6

‫ נ כו ף‬,‫כו ל כ ם כבר פג ש תי קו ד ם‬ .14 .‫ה ש עון ש לי אי ב ד תי א ח מו ל ר מיו ל‬ .7

‫ את‬should be written at the beginning of the following sentences only: 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14.

III. Non-Verb Sentences
In the preceding unit we looked at the two main parts of verb sentences: the subject (‫ )נושא‬and
the verb. In a verb sentence, the verb is the main part of what we call the predicate (‫) נש וא‬.

predicate subject
‫נ שוא‬ ‫נו ש א‬

1 !
The children are running quickly. .‫רצים מהר הילדים‬
The cliildren are running to the pool. •‫רצים לברכההילדים‬

In addition to sentences with a verb as the main part of their predicate, Hebrew also has - in the
present tense - sentences with a non-verb predicate.1 Here is an example:

predicate subject
1 1
The cliildren are big. .‫הילדים‬ ‫גדולים‬
(lit.: The cliildren big.)

In the next two chapters on non-verb sentences, we will discuss the following:.2

1. Sentences with a Non-Verb Predicate (.‫) יונתן רופא‬

2. Sentences with a Connector (.‫אוגד‬ ‫(יונתן הוא הבן של שרה‬

Q Sentences with a Non-Verb Predicate

*Matching ("agreement ") o f the subject and the non-verb predicate
).‫ הם רופאים‬.‫ מירה רופאה‬.‫(דויד רופא‬
• Non-verb sentences in the past and future tenses ).‫ דויד יהיה רופא‬.‫(דויד היה רופא‬

1 Since sentences with a non-verb predicate do not have a verb, they do not actually have a "tense," but they
are understood to be in the present tense. Non-verb sentences are called ‫( משפטים שמניים‬nominal sentences) in
many Hebrew grammar books.
2 These chapters will deal both with non-verb sentences in the present tense and with the same sentences in the
past and future tenses, where they contain a form of the verb ‫להיות‬.

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 1. Sentences with a Non-Verb Predicate

Read the following sentences:
predicate subject
‫נשוא‬ ‫נועי־א‬

I'm at home, (lit.: I at home.) .‫בבית‬ ‫אני‬ .‫ו‬

The principal is busy, (lit.: The principal busy.) .‫עסוק‬ ‫המנהל‬ .2
Yoni is a doctor, (lit.: Yoni a doctor.) .‫רופא‬ ‫יוני‬ .3
This is my apartment, (lit.: This my apartment.) .‫הדירה שלי‬ ‫זאת‬ .4

In each of these Hebrew sentences only the subject and the non-verb predicate appear. In order
to translate these sentences into proper English, we must add forms o f the verb to be: is, am,

Now look again at the above Hebrew sentences, which do not contain a verb.

Q: What part of speech (adjective, noun, etc.) is the predicate o f each sentence?

A: In sentence 1 (.‫ ) אני בבית‬it is a preposition and its noun: ‫בבית‬.

In sentence 2 (.‫ ) המנהל עסוק‬it is an adjective: ‫עסוק‬.
In sentence 3 (.‫ )יוני רופא‬the predicate is a noun: ‫רופא‬.
Sentence 4 (.‫ ) זאת הדירה שלי‬contains an expanded noun: ‫הד ירה של י‬.

These are just some examples of possible non-verb sentences in Hebrew.

• Matching ("agreement") of the subject and the

non-verb predicate
In sentence 1 above, where the predicate is a preposition and its noun (‫)בב ית‬, changing the
subject doesn't affect the predicate:

I'm at home. (lit.: I at home.) .‫ אני בבית‬.‫ו‬ ->

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 1. Sentences with a Non-Verb Predicate

Now let's see what happens when we change the subject o f sentence 2, where the predicate is
an adjective:
The principal Qn.s.) is busy. .‫>־* המנהל עסוק‬
The principal (f.s.) is busy. .‫המנהלת עסוקה‬

The principals (' are busy. .‫המנהלים עסוקים‬

The principals ( are busy. .‫המנהלות עסוקות‬

Q: What else, besides the subject, has changed in these sentences?

A: The form o f the predicate. It changes from ‫[( עסוק‬m.s.% to other forms o f the adjective,
according to whether the subject is masculine, feminine, singular or plural. When the
predicate is an adjective (e.g., ‫)עסוק‬, it m atches its subject in gender (m./f.) and in number

Here are some more examples - this time with inanimate subjects:

feminine masculine

.‫המחברת חדשה‬ .‫הספר חדש‬

The notebook is new. The book is new.

.‫המחברות חדשות‬ .‫הספרים חדשים‬

The notebooks are new. The books are new.

Now let's look at sentence 3, where the predicate is a noun ( ‫)ר ופא‬. If we change the subject, we
Yoni (m.s.) is a doctor. .‫יוני רופא‬

Orit (f.s.) is a doctor. .‫אורית רופאה‬

Yoni and Micha Qn.pL) are doctors. .‫יוני ומיכה רופאים‬

Orit and Tali ( are doctors. .‫אורית וטלי רופאות‬

3 The predicate does not match its subject in definiteness (indefinite or definite).

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 1. Sentences w ith a N on-V erb Predicate

Here, too, the predicate (‫ )רופא‬changes in order to match the subject. When the predicate is an
animate noun that has distinct masculine and feminine forms (here: ‫ רופא‬and ‫)רופאה‬, it matches
its subject in gender (m./f.) and in number (s./pl.). (For cases in which there is no matching, see
"Did you know?" below.)

Did you know?

When the predicate is a noun that does not have distinct mascuiine and feminine
forms, there may be no matching in gender and sometimes also in number
between the subject and the predicate. In such a case a connector (‫ )אוגד‬is

In the following examples there is no matching in gender:

m.s <=> f.s.

Your sister is a special type (of person). .‫מיוחד‬ ‫אחותך היא טיפוס‬

m .s <=> f.s.

Shlomit is a nice person. .‫שלומית היא בן אדם נחמד‬

f.s. <=> m.s.
M y uncle is a special person (lit.: personality). ‫דודי הוא אישיות מיוחדת‬

In the following examples there is no matching in number (and sometimes in

gender too):
m.s. <=>
Exams are a tool for evaluating students. .‫תלמ יד ים‬ ‫מבחנים הם כלי להערכת‬ ‫^*■־‬

m.s. O

Ca r ! a luxury item. . ‫מכוניות הן מ וצר יוקרה‬

4 On connectors, see the next chapter "Sentences with a Connector," pp. 714-732.

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 1. Sentences with a Non-Verb Predicate

When the subject is ‫ אלו‬/‫ אלה‬,‫זו‬/‫ זאת‬,‫זה‬

Let's look again at sentence 4 at the beginning o f this chapter: .‫זאת הדירה שלי‬

A sentence like this is said as we point at a known object. Before we say or write such a
sentence, we must know if the word ‫ דירה‬is masculine or feminine, singular or plural. Once
we know this, we can choose the correct form of the subject (here: ‫)זאת‬. Here are some more
This is my book. )m.s.(.‫זה הספר שלי‬
This is my notebook. )f.s.(.‫המחברת שלי‬ ‫זאת‬
.‫ זו המחברת שלי‬:or

These are Yoni's friends (m.).‫יוני‬ ‫החברים של‬ ‫אלה‬

.‫ אלו החברים של יוני‬:or

These are Yoni's friends (f).‫יוני‬ ‫החברות של‬ ‫אלה‬

.‫ אלו החברות של יוני‬:or

As you can see, when the noun is masculine singular (like ‫ ספר‬in sentence 1), we use ‫זה‬. When it
is feminine singular (‫)מחברת‬, we use either ‫ זאת‬or ft in Modem Hebrew. When it is plural (either
masculine or feminine), we use either ‫ אלה‬or ‫אלו‬, as in sentences 3 and 4.5

Knowing the gender and number (sJpl.) o f nouns

Remember, when you need to match the subj ect and predicate, you must keep in mind that you
can't always tell by the form o f a noun if it is masculine or feminine.6 For example,
‫ אבן‬is feminine even though it has no feminine ending. Thus, when we match it, we say or
The stone is big. .8•‫*האבן גדולה״‬C
This is a big stone. .‫זאת אבן גדולה‬

In the plural, ‫ אבן‬takes the ending ‫ים‬- )‫ )אבנים‬even though it is feminine. Thus, when ‫ אבנים‬is
the subj ect of a sentence, its predicate is feminine, too: ‫( האבנים גדולות‬

5 For more on ‫ אלה‬and ‫אלו‬, see the chapter ‫״‬Pronouns and Pointing Words,‫ ״‬p. 206.
6 See the chapter "The Gender of Nouns," pp. 19-33. See also Appendix I, pp. 1007-1010.

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 1 . Sentences with a Non-Verb Predicate

Let’s review
Above we looked at non-verb sentences in which the predicate is either a
preposition and its noun, an adjective or a noun.

♦ When the predicate is a preposition and its noun, obviously it d oesn 't m atch
the subject (since a preposition has no number or gender), for example:

.‫הילד בבית‬ ->

♦ When the predicate is an adjective, it m atches its subject in number and gender

inanim ate su bject anim ate subject

fe m in in e m asculine

. ‫ ה שולחן חדש‬. ‫המנהל עסוק‬

.‫האבן גדולה‬ .‫ה מנ הל ת ע סו ק ה‬
.‫ה שול חנו ת חד שי ם‬ .‫המנהלי ם ע סו קי ם‬
.‫האבני ם גדולות‬ .‫ה מנ ה לו ת ע סו קו ת‬

♦ When the predicate is an animate noun with distinct masculine and feminine
forms, it m atches its subject in number and gender.
.‫יוני רופא‬ ■>.
.‫או רית רופאה‬
.‫א ת ם רופאים‬
.‫הן רופאות‬

.For cases in which there is no matching, see "Did you know?" above

When the su b ject is ♦ ‫ א לו‬/‫ א ל ה‬,‫זו‬/‫ ז א ת‬,‫ זה‬this subject m atches the predicate :

.‫זה ספר‬ ->

.‫ז א ת מחברת‬
.‫אל ה ספרים‬
. ‫אל ה מחברות‬

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 1. Sentences with a Non-Verb Predicate

Want to see if you've understood?

Translate into Hebrew.

1. He is yo u n g .______________________________________________________

2. She is y o u n g .______________________________________________________

3. This is a problem .__________________________________________________

4. i am at hom e._____________________________________________________

5. The children are next to the school._________________________________

6. These are my friends.______________________________________________

7. Anat (f.) is sm art.__________________________________________________

8. You are a student._________________________________________________

9. Dan is in Tel A viv.__________________________________________________

10. This is an interesting b o o k ._________________________________________

11. Mr. Levy is a teacher.______________________________________________

12. Dorit is from Israel.________________________________________________

.‫ על יד בית הספר‬/ ‫ הילדים ליד‬.5 .‫ אני בבית‬.4 .‫ זאת בעיה‬.3 .‫ היא צעירה‬.2 .‫ הוא צעיר‬.1
.‫ זה ספר מעניין‬.10 .‫ דן בתל אביב‬.9 .‫ אתה סטודנט‬.8 .‫ ענת הכמה‬.7 .‫ אלה החברים שלי‬.6
.‫ דורית מישראל‬.12 .‫ מר לוי מורה‬.11

• Non-verb sentences in the past and future tenses

Let's see how the sentence ".‫ "יוני רופא‬changes in the past and future tenses:

present Yoni is a doctor. .‫יוני רופא‬

past : Yoni was a doctor. .‫יוני היה רופא‬
future: Yoni will be a doctor. .‫יוני יהיה רופא‬

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 1. Sentences with a Non-Verb Predicate

Q: What do we add when we change the present tense sentence to past and future?

A: A form of the verb ‫( להיות‬to be), here: ‫( היה‬was) and ‫( יהיה‬will be).

Sentences without verbs appear only in the present tense. If we wish to say these sentences in
the past or future tense, the appropriate forms of the verb ‫ להיות‬are used. Here are some more
1 was at home. .‫ (אני) הייתי בבית‬.‫ו‬ •<C
The principals were busy. . ‫עס וק ים‬.2.‫היו‬
‫ים ים‬
‫סו ק‬
‫נהל‬ ‫המ ע‬
‫ היו‬.‫המנהלים‬
Yoni was a doctor. . ‫יה ר ופא‬.3.‫ופא ה‬
‫ר יוני‬. 3‫יוני ה יה‬
This was my apartment. . ‫ירה של י‬.4.‫של יהד‬
‫הד ה י‬
. 4‫זאת ה י‬

future :
I'll be at home. . ‫ (אנ י) אה יה בב ית‬.‫ו‬ ->
The principals will be busy. . ‫ המ נהל ים יהיו עס וק ים‬. 2
Yoni will be a doctor. . ‫ יוני יה יה ר ופא‬. 3
This will be my apartment. . ‫ זאת תה יה הד ירה של י‬.4

Here are the forms of ‫ להיות‬in the past and future tenses:
future past

‫אהיה‬ ‫הייתי‬
‫־‬T ‫אני‬
‫תהיה‬ ‫היית‬
T ‫־‬T ‫אתה‬
‫תהיי‬ ‫היית‬
•T ‫את‬
‫יהיה‬ ‫היה‬
TT ‫הוא‬
‫תהיה‬ ‫הייתה‬
T !T ‫היא‬
‫נה!ה‬ ‫היינו‬
‫־‬T ‫אנחנו‬
‫תהיו‬ 7‫הייתם‬
V •T ‫אתם‬
‫תהיו‬ ‫הייתן‬ ‫אתן‬
‫יהיו‬ ‫היו‬T ‫הם‬
‫יהיו‬ ‫היו‬T ‫הן‬

7 We have given the pronunciations and forms used most commonly in Modem Hebrew. The ‫ אתם‬and ‫ אתן‬past
tense forms in formal Hebrew are: ‫ הייתם‬and ‫הייתן‬.

‫‪III. Non-Verb Sentences /‬‬ ‫‪1. Sentences with a Non-Verb Predicate‬‬

‫‪Let's review‬‬
‫‪When non-verb sentences (always in the present tense) are changed into sentences‬‬
‫‪ is used:‬להיות ‪in the past or future tenses, a form of the verb‬‬

‫‪present'.‬‬ ‫‪Yoni is a doctor.‬‬ ‫‪*st‬־ יוני ר ופא‪.‬‬

‫‪.‬־‪p a s t‬‬ ‫‪Yoni was a doctor.‬‬ ‫יוני היה רופא‪.‬‬
‫־‪fu tu re .‬‬ ‫‪Yoni will be a doctor.‬‬ ‫יוני יהיה רופא‪.‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪Fill in the m issing sentences.‬‬

‫עתיד ‪future‬‬ ‫הווה ‪present‬‬ ‫עבר ‪past‬‬

‫עכשיו _________________ < = > גם בשנה הבאה ___________‬ ‫ו‪ .‬לפני שנה דויד היה חייל‪.‬‬

‫א ת ה נחמד‪__ >=<.‬‬ ‫__ < = >‬

‫את סטודנ טי ת‪_ >=<.‬‬ ‫__ < = >‬

‫(אתן) תהיו בבית מחר בערב?‬ ‫‪ ________________ 4‬א ת מו ל ? <=> ________________ עכשיו?‬

‫שלי‪_ >=s<.‬‬ ‫אלה הכלבים‬

‫בצרפת‪_____ >=<.‬‬ ‫השכנים שלי‬

‫_______________________‬ ‫המחברת הייתה על הרצפה‪>ss< _______________________ .‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫אתמול (אנחנו) היינו עצובים‪ >=?<________________ >=< .‬אבל מחר לא ___________________‬ ‫‪.8‬‬

‫‪A n sw ers:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬עכש י ו דויד חייל‪ .‬גם בש נה הבאה דויד יהיה חייל‪ .2 .‬היית נחמד ‪ .‬תה יה נחמד ‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬היית סט וד נט ית ‪ .‬תהי י סט וד נט ית ‪ .4 .‬הייתן בב ית אתמ ול? את ן בב ית עכש י ו?‬
‫‪ .5‬אלה היו הכלב ים שלי ‪ .‬אלה יהיו הכלב ים שלי ‪ .6 .‬השכ נ ים של י היו בצרפת ‪ .‬השכ נ ים של י יהיו בצרפת ‪.‬‬
‫ע צו ב י ם‪.‬‬ ‫נ הי ה‬ ‫ע צ ו ב י ם‪.‬‬ ‫א נ ח נ ו‬ ‫‪.8‬‬ ‫ה ר צ פ ה‪.‬‬ ‫ע ל‬ ‫ת ה י ה‬ ‫ה מ ח ב ר ת‬ ‫ה ר צ פ ה‪.‬‬ ‫ע ל‬ ‫ה מ ח ב ר ת‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

2. Sentences with a Connector ‫אוגד‬
‫יונתן הוא הבן של שרה‬.))

• How do connectors work ? )‫ הן‬,‫ הם‬,‫ היא‬,‫(הוא‬
• Past and future tenses o f sentences with a connector
• Negative connectors )...‫ לא יהיה‬,‫ לא היה‬,‫(אינו‬
‫ ״‬The connector after ‫ אלה‬,‫ זאת‬,‫ זה‬and ‫ מי‬,‫מה‬

Thus far, we have seen two basic kinds of predicates in sentences in the present tense:

p r e d ic a te su b je c t

‫נש וא‬ ‫נ ושא‬

1. A verb predicate: Yossi runs every day. ,‫״־‬ ‫כל יום‬ ‫רץ‬ ‫< יוסי‬

2. A non-verb predicate: Yossi (is) an athlete. .‫יוסי‬ ‫ספורטא י‬

We call sentences like sentence 2 non-verb sentences because they have a non-verb predicate,
in this case a noun (‫)ספ ורטא י‬. Sentences like this one sometimes appear with the following
.‫ יוסי הוא ספורטאי‬-*<

Q: What does the word ‫ הוא‬correspond to in English?

A: It corresponds to the English verb is.

Thus, in Hebrew there are two ways to say the sentence "Yossi is an athlete. "

With no word in place o f is .‫יוסי ספורטאי‬

With the word ‫ הוא‬in place of is .‫יוסי הוא ספורטאי‬ ‫׳‬. :or

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences with a Connector

Neither of these options has a verb form after the subject, since Hebrew does not have verb
forms for the verb to be (is, am and are) in the present tense Because ‫ הוא‬in the second sentence
stands between the subject and predicate and connects them, it is called an ‫( אוגד‬connector).1

Be careful! The connector is used only in non-verb sentences. It never appears

between the subject and predicate in a verb sentence. Thus, it cannot be used in a
sentence like:
Yossi is going to the gym at 8:00. .8.00 ‫הולך לחדר הכושר בשעה‬ X ‫יוסי‬ -*<

Did you know?

O ther words that are not verbs but whose functioning is sim ilar to that of verbs
are never preceded by a connector in the present tense. These include adjectives
such as the follow ing:

David is tied to (= close to) his parents..‫קש ור להורים שלו‬ X ‫דויד‬ ^

The answer depends on various factors. .‫תל ו יה בגורמים שונים‬ X ‫התשובה‬
‫ עס וק ים בפעילות התנדבותית‬. X ‫התלמידים‬
The students are engaged in volunteer activity.
.‫ק י ימת כבר הרבה זמן‬ X ‫הבעיה הזאת‬
This problem has existed for a long time already.

W e also do not use a connector in the present tense before w ords such as the
follow ing, w hich often a ppear before an infinitive:*1

M ichal can help you. .‫יכולה לעזור לך‬ X ‫מיכל‬

‫ צריכים להגיע לשיעור בזמן‬. X ‫הסטודנטים‬
The students have to come to class on time.
.‫ח י יב לקרוא עשרה ספרים עד סוף הסמסטר‬ X ‫רפי‬
Raffi has to read ten books by the end of the semester.

1 The traditional term for the connector (‫ )אמד‬is copula. As we will see below,the connector not only connects
the subject and predicate, but also - and perhaps moreimportantly - it separates them and makes clear the
fact that we are reading a sentence and not a phrase.
2 This is pointed out by Lanzberg, 2007, p. 82.

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences w ith a Connector

The connector matches the subject

Q: What words are used as connectors in the following sentences?
predicate subject
4♦! ‫מצב הכב יש ים בארץ ה וא הס יבה לתא ו נ ות רבנו‬ -‫>י‬
The condition of the highways in Israel is the reason for many accidents.
Tel Aviv is an interesting place. .1‫ק ום_מע נ י י‬, ‫תל אב יב ה יא מ‬
Flowers are a wonderful gift. . ‫פרח ים הם מת נה _ נפלאה‬
♦‫ה י נע‬. 1‫הבע י ות בכב יש ים ה ן ה נ ושא _לדיי‬
The problems on the highways are today's topic of discussion.

A: The pronouns ‫ הן‬,‫ הם‬,‫ היא‬,‫הוא‬.

Q: Which word does the connector in each sentence match - the subject or the predicate?
A: It matches the subject.

Notice that in sentences with a connector, the subject almost always comes before the

‫״‬.‫הוא‬ ‫> * המצב‬

,‫אב יב היא‬ ‫תל‬

f !
...‫הם‬ ‫פרח ים‬

# I
...‫הן‬ ‫הבע י ות‬

3 For sentences that begin with ‫ מה‬/ ‫ מי‬and for sentences whose subjects are ‫ אלה‬/ ‫ זאת‬/ ‫ זה‬and the like, see below
pp. 729-732.
4 In all of these sentences, both the part of the sentence before the connector and the part after the connector
begin with a noun. In sentences like these, it is sometimes difficult to determine which part is the subject and
which is the predicate when the sentence is not in a larger context. For the purposes of our presentation here,
we have used the following guidelines: When one noun is definite and the other indefinite, the definite noun
is the subject; when both nouns are either definite or indefinite, the first noun is regarded as the subject.

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences with a Connector

Let’s review
♦ In non-verb sentences in which a noun is the subject, a connector (,‫ היא‬,‫הוא‬
‫ הן‬,‫ ) הם‬is often used between the noun subject and its non-verb predicate, for
predicate subject
Yossi is an athlete. •‫< יוסי הוא ס פו כט אי־־‬
Our problems are today' s topic of discussion. ,‫הבע י ות של נ ו הן ה נ ושא לד יו ן ה י ום‬

♦ The words ‫ הן‬,‫ הם‬,‫ היא‬,‫ הוא‬are used as connectors in present tense sentences.
They match ("agree with") the subject of the sentence, and their English
equivalents almost always contain present tense forms of the verb to be (am, is
or are), for example:
Tel Aviv is an interesting place. .‫ת ל אב יב היא מק ום מענ י י ן‬

W ant to see if you've understood?

Translate the following sentences using a connector.

1. T h is ta b le is a n e w t a b l e .

2. R on is th e g u y w ith th e re d s h i r t .

3. A c a t is a h o u s e p e t .

4. S a r a h 's b e h a v io r is a s e rio u s p r o b le m .

5. Y o u r jo y (‫ )א ושר‬is o u r j o y .

A n sw ers:
, ‫ רון ה וא הבח ור עם הח ולצה האד ומה‬.2 , ‫ הש ולח ן ה זה ה וא ש ולח ן חדש‬.1
.‫ ההת נהג ות של שרה ה יא בע יה רצינית‬.4 . ) ‫ חת ול ה וא ח י ית ב ית (חיית מחמד‬.3
. ‫ הא ושר שלך ה וא הא ושר שלנו‬.5

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences w ith a Connector

?When is the connector required and when is it optional

A connector between a noun subject and a noun predicate
When the subject and predicate o f a non-verb sentence are both nouns,5the use o f a connector is
often mandatory in Modem Hebrew. This is especially true in written Hebrew. Here are some
examples :6
predicate subject
A guitar is a musical instrument .♦‫ נגינה‬2‫כל‬ ‫ג יטרה היא‬ .1
(lit.: is an excellent bookHis new book is excellent,.(
Shlomi is my brother. .‫אחי‬, ‫שלומי הוא‬

The most blatant case in which the use o f a connector between a noun subject and predicate is
not mandatory is when the predicate denotes a profession, task, trade (and the like) and is not
definite : 7

Daniel is a law student . .‫ למשפטים‬,‫דניאל סטודנט‬

,‫ דניאל הוא סטודנט למשפטים‬,‫ב‬

.In spoken Hebrew, we often omit the connector in sentences like these

Another place in which a connector is often not used between a noun subject and predicate is,
when the predicate begins with -‫ בנות‬,-‫ בני‬,-‫ בת‬,-‫ בן‬:and indicates age

Noa is 17 years old. 07 _‫ נועה בת‬.

, 17 ‫ נועה היא בת‬,‫ב‬

In spoken Hebrew, we prefer option '‫ א‬in such sentences ,

5 We are using the terms noun subject or noun predicate to mean a subject or predicate that begins with a
noun. A noun subject or predicate could consist of a lone noun, as in ‫( ״בננה היא פרי״‬A banana is a fruit).
Alternatively, either could be an ”expanded‫ ״‬noun, as in: ‫( בננה אדומה היא פכי_קנגדל באקעדוכ‬A red banana is a
fruit that grows in Ecuador).
6 The examples given here represent the following categories of sentences in which we always use a
- When we define the subject (sentence 1).
- When we repeat the subject at the beginning of the predicate (e.g., the word "‫ "ספר‬in sentence 2).
- When the subject and predicate can be interchanged (without changing the meaning significantly)
(sentence 3).
7 Rivka Bliboim accounts for the optional use of the connector in a sentence like "‫ " דניאל סטודנט‬by noting
that the connector is not mandatory when the predicate is a noun that can be declined (i.e., it has distinct
masculine and feminine forms, such as ‫ סטודנטית‬- ‫) סטודנט‬. (Rivka Bliboim, 2010, p. 44.) Bliboim notes that
the connector is mandatory when the predicate is a noun that cannot be declined. Thus, for example, we must
use a connector in:
A lon (oak) is the name of a tree. ‫< אלון הוא שם_של‬

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences w ith a Connector

When we do not use the connector in speaking, we use intonation and pauses to separate the
subject and the predicate. In written Hebrew, sometimes a dash is used instead of a connector,
as in the following headline:

Maccabee Tel Aviv - the National Basketball Champion. .‫<• מכבי תל אביב ־ אלופת _האר<ן_בכד!רסל‬C

A connector before a predicate that begins with a quantifier

When thepredicate begins with a quantifier ( e. g. , ‫ חלק‬,‫ רוב‬, ‫כל‬ ‫ שליש מ־‬,-‫ חצי מ‬,‫ מ־‬50% ,-‫)מ‬,
a connector is mandatory, for example:8
predicate subject
The girls are (constitute) 50% of the class. *‫מ ת ה‬ ‫ה‬ ‫_ מתלמ י ד י‬50% ‫הב נ ות ה ן‬
‫* ע ול ים ח דש ים הם ש_ל יש_מהתלמ יד ים ב מ ת ה‬
New i mmigrants are (constitute) a third of the children in the class.
♦‫שאני מכ_יכה‬.‫מיכאל הוא אחד_האגשים_הכעמעמעים‬
Michael is one of the most interesting people I know.

A connector before a predicate that tells the content o f the subject

When the predicate is a clause that tells the content o f the subject, a connector is almost always
used in formal written Hebrew, but less so in spoken Hebrew. Predicates that are content clauses
may begin with a question word (... ‫ מת י‬,‫ למה‬,‫ מי‬, ‫)מה‬, with the word ‫אם‬, with an infinitive or with
9.‫ ש־‬Here are some examples:

predicate begins with

question word: (w ritte n) .‫השאלה היא מה לע ש ות עם הכסף‬ -<C
(spoken) .£‫השאלה (היא) מה_לעשות גגם_הכסן‬
The question is what to do with the money.

‫אם‬: (w ritte n) 02 ‫טעימה _בלי סו‬. ‫השאלה שלי היא אם_ אפשר להכין_עוגה‬
(spoken) .‫סוכר‬.‫השאלה שלי ( הי א) אם_אפשכ ל ה מהעוגה _טעןמה_בל_י‬
My question is whether / if it's possible to make a really good cake without sugar.

8 In many cases a form of the verb ‫( מהווה‬constitutes) is used as a connector in sentences like this:
.‫ מן התלמידים בכיתה‬50% ‫< הבנות מהוות‬
For more on quantifiers such as -‫ הלק מ‬,‫ רוב‬,‫כל‬, see the chapter "All, Part o f...: Quantifiers, ‫ ׳׳‬pp. 291-299.
9 ‫( כי‬that) also belongs to this category. Since it is used in wri tten Hebrew only, it is almost always preceded by
a connector:
‫( כי‬that): .‫<• מססנתנו היא כי_הנאגיום_אקום‬
Our conclusion is that the defendant is guilty.

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences w ith a Connector

in fin itive: 10 (written) .‫המט רה שלי היא להיות_זמר_ת מ פ ו ר ס מ ת‬

(spoken) .‫המט רה שלי ( ה י א ) להעת_ז_מר_ת מ פו ר סמת‬
My goal is to be a famous singer.
­‫ ש‬: (written) .‫הבע יה ה יא שא י [ ל י מס_פ!ק כסף_לק נ_ ות_מחשב_חדש‬
(spoken) .‫ מס_פ!ק כסף_ל^ נ ות_מחשב_חךש‬2‫המ ג יה (ה יא ) ש_א ינ ל‬
The pr obl em is that I don't have enough money to buy a new computer.

Notice that the subjects in the above sentences ( ‫ בעיה‬,‫ מטרה‬,‫ ) שאלה‬are all nouns that denote
something that has content.

A connector before other non-verb predicates

Before a predicate that begins with an adjective or a preposition, the connector - in both
spoken and written Hebrew today - is sometimes used and sometimes not. The following short
sentences, for example, sound better without a connector:
predicate subject
a d jective: The flowers are pretty. . ‫הפרח ים !פי_ם‬
Your question is very interesting. .‫השא לה שלד מ<גני_ינת מא !ד‬

p re p o sitio n : The neighbors are at home. .‫השכ נ ים ב מ ת‬

These shoes are from Rome. . ‫ה נעל י ים הא לה מר ומא‬

On the other hand, there are times - especially in writing - when we tend to use a connector
before an adjective or a preposition. Often the connector is added in order to make clear where
the subject ends and the predicate begins, for example:

1. When the subject is long, and we may lose track o f where it ends
adjective: .‫השיר ששמענו אתמול ביחד ברדיו הוא יפה‬ ^
The song that we heard together yesterday on the radio is pretty.

preposition : .‫חולצת המשי הצבעונית שהוריי נתנו לי במתנה היא מ_יפן‬

The colorful silk shirt that my parents gave me as a present is from Japan.

10 Even though a connector is not used when the predicate is a verb, it can be used before an infinitive. In
traditional grammar, the infinitive is considered to be not a verb, but rather a noun ( ‫) שם הפועל‬. Like a noun, it
can be preceded by the preposition ‫ ל־‬and it has no tense. It, therefore, can also be preceded by a connector, as
in this sentence.
11 According to Mazal Cohen, the connector is used when either the subject or the predicate or both are long
(Mazal Cohen, 1992, p. 154).

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences w ith a Connector

2. When - without a connector - the subject and predicate might easily be understood to be a
phrase and not a sentence, for example:

preposition : The books are Ronit's. ,‫הספר ים הם של ר ונ ית‬

Without the connector (‫)הם‬, a reader might understand ‫ ״הספר ים של ר ונ ית״‬as a p h r a s e meaning
"Ronit's books."

In many cases, a sentence simply sounds better either with a connector or without one. Knowing
whether to use one or not comes with increased exposure to the language and is not governed
by hard and fast rules.

Using ‫ זה‬as a connector

In all the sentences above, only the words ‫ הן‬,‫ הם‬,‫ היא‬,‫ הוא‬were used as connectors.12 In i nf or ma l
Hebrew, and especially in spoken Hebrew, ‫ זה‬is often used as a connector. When it is used, it
often does no t match the subject in number and gender. Here are some examples:

Children are a blessing. ,‫ילד ים זה ברכה‬

His dream is to live in Paris..‫החל ום של ו זה לג ור בפר י ז‬
Her problem is that she has no money. .‫כסף הבע יה ש לה זה שא י ן לה‬

In spoken Hebrew, ‫ זאת‬is sometimes used as a connector when the noun that follows it is
feminine singular, for example:

Lice are a big nuisance. .*"‫כ ינ ים זאת מ כה קש ה״‬C

Raising children is a privilege. .‫גידול ילד ים זאת זכ ות‬

In writing, it is recommended not to use ‫ זה‬and ‫ זאת‬as connectors.

We also saw that in some sentences, forms of 12 ‫) מהווה‬constitute) can be used instead of ‫ הן‬,‫ הם‬,‫ היא‬,‫ ) הוא‬see
footnote 8 above(.

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences with a Connector

Did you know?

Using ‫ זה‬as a connector is especially common in spoken Hebrew when the
subject is an infinitive o r when the sentence begins with - ‫ מה ש‬, as in:

To live next to the sea is my dream. .‫לגור ליד הים וה החל ום של י‬

‫״‬The important thing is not to stop questioning. ‫ ״‬. ‫ ה לא להפס יק לשא ול‬1 ‫שחש וב‬ ‫מה‬
(lit.: What is important...) (Albert Einstein)

Let's review
♦ There are cases when a connector m ust be used and cases when it is optional:

- A connector is m andatory:
1. In many cases when the predicate is a noun, as in:
predicate subject
A guitar is a musical instrument. .‫ג יטרה ה יא כלי_ נגינה‬

See above for cases when it is optional, for example:

Yoni is a doctor. .‫ יוני ה וא ת פ א‬/ . ‫! ! ] פא‬HI

2. W hen the predicate is a quantifier, as in:

• ‫ _מסתלמ יד !ם במתה‬50% ‫הבנ ות הן‬ *>
The girls are (constitute) 50% of the class.

A connector is often used when the predicate tells the content of the subject
(and begins with words such as a question word, ‫אם‬, an infinitive or -‫)ש‬.
It is almost always used in writing; it is sometimes used in speaking:

•‫ הכספ‬.‫ לעש ות גנם‬.‫השאלה היא מ ה‬ -C

The question is what to do with the money.
‫נג‬.‫השאלה היא א_ם_ כ ל ה_תל_מידי_ם הבי‬
The question is whether all the students understood.
•‫מפ נרסמת‬ ‫ז י א ל הי _ו ת _ז מ ר _ ת‬ ‫המטרה של י‬
My goal is to be a famous singer.
•‫חדש‬. ‫הבע יה היא שא י נ לי_ מספ יק כסף_לק נ ות_מחשב‬
The problem is that I don't have enough money to buy a new computer

‫‪III. Non-Verb Sentences /‬‬ ‫‪2. Sentences with a Connector‬‬

‫‪- A connector is sometimes used and sometimes not used when the predicate‬‬
‫)‪begins with an adjective or a preposition. (For details, see above.‬‬

‫הוא‪ ,‬היא‪ ,‬הם‪ is often used as a connector instead of ,‬זה ‪♦ In inform al Hebrew,‬‬
‫‪ .‬הן‬

‫‪?Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪ .o n ly w h e n th e y a re‬הו א‪ ,‬היא‪ ,‬הם‪ ,‬הן ‪A d d‬‬ ‫‪required‬‬ ‫‪in w ritte n H e b r e w‬‬

‫‪.W h e n th e y a r e‬‬ ‫‪optional,‬‬ ‫‪w r ite them in p a re n th e s e s‬‬

‫‪.W h e n th e y‬‬ ‫‪cannot be used,‬‬ ‫‪w r ite X‬‬

‫‪E x a m p le s :‬‬ ‫א ח ת ה ב עיו ת ה ק שו ת ב ש כונ ה הז א ת‪.‬‬ ‫הגנ בי ם‬ ‫א‪.‬‬

‫מ ש כונ ה א ח ר ת‪.‬‬ ‫( ‪)p a‬‬ ‫הגנ בי ם ה א ל ה‬

‫ש ברו א ת ה ח לון‪.‬‬

‫רעש‪.‬‬ ‫ש‬

‫ה שי טו ת ש ל ה מו ר ה הז ה ________ מ ו צ א ו ת חן ב עיניי‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫מ ח ל ת ה ״ ס ר טן" ________ מ ח ל ה ק ש ה‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫ה ב עי ה ___ ש ל י ו ל א שלך‪.‬‬

‫ה ב חו ר ה הז א ת _____ ס ט ו ד נ ט י ת ‪.‬‬

‫מי לון_____ ס פ ר ש בו מ ס בי רי ם א ת מ ש מ עו ת ה מי לי ם‪.‬‬

‫ה צו פי ם ב הצגה _____ צ ח ק ו ‪.‬‬

‫ה ס פ רי ם ה א ל ה _____ ס פ ר י ם ח שו בי ם מ או ד‪.‬‬

‫דלי ה _____ מ ו ר ה ל ע ב רי ת‪.‬‬

‫ה מו רי ם בבית ה ס פר הז ה_____ מ ו ר י ם מ ק צו עיי ם‪.‬‬

‫ה רו פ אי ם ________ ב ו ד ק י ם ע כ שיו א ת ה חו לי ם‪.‬‬ ‫‪. 11‬‬

‫ה סי פו רי ם ש סי פ ר ת לנו א ת מו ל ב לי ל ה ________ מ ע נ י י נ י ם ‪.‬‬ ‫‪. 12‬‬

‫המטרה שלה ______ לחסוך הרבה כסף ולנסוע לחו״ל‪.‬‬ ‫‪. 13‬‬

‫ש ל ב ש תי א ת מו ל ל מ סי ב ה ____ ח ד ש ה ‪.‬‬

‫________________________________ ל מ ה היא אף פעם לא מצליחה‪.‬‬

‫ה מ ח ב רו ת ש לך ________ ע ל ה שו ל חן‪.‬‬ ‫‪. 16‬‬

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences w ith a Connector

.‫ה מ ח ב רו ת ה ח ד שו ת ש קנינו ב ש בו ע ש ע בר ב קניון ________ ע ל ה שו ל חן ב ס לון‬ . 17

.‫ מו ר ה סו ב ________ מ ל מ ד ב ס ב לנו ת‬. 18

‫ הם‬. X 8 .7 ‫ הוא‬.6 )‫ (היא‬. 5 )‫ (היא‬. 4 ‫ היא‬. X .2 (req uire d in w ritten H ebrew 3( ‫ היא‬. 1
)‫ (היא‬. required in w ritten H ebrew ( 14( ‫ היא‬. 13 )‫ (הם‬. X 11.12 ‫ הם‬. 10 )‫ (היא‬.9
X . 18 )‫ (הן‬. 17 )‫ (הן‬. required in w ritten H ebrew ( 16( ‫היא‬ . 15

• Past andfuture tenses o f sentences with a connector

Now let's change the tense o f the connector:

fp L m pl f.s. m.s.

.‫חנה וטלי הן המורות שלי‬ .‫גל ויוני הם המורים שלי‬ .‫ חנה היא המורה שלי‬.‫השנה גל הוא המורה שלי‬ ^
4 U 4
.‫ חנה וטלי היו המורות שלי‬.‫ גל ויוני היו המורים שלי‬.‫ חנה הייתה המורה שלי‬.‫בשנה שעברה גל היה המורה שלי‬

.‫ חנה וטלי יהיו המורות שלי‬.‫גל ויוני יהיו המורים שלי‬ .‫חנה תהיה המורה שלי‬ ,‫בשנה הבאה גל יהיה המורה שלי‬

Q : What happens to the connector in the past and future tenses?

A : As you can s ee, ‫ הן‬,‫ הם‬,‫ היא‬, ‫ ה וא‬change into forms o f the verb ‫להיות‬. These forms match the
subject and must be used.

Here are some more examples:

Her dream was to live in Paris. .‫החלום שלה היה לגור בפאריז‬
The books were Ronit's. .‫הספר ים היו ש ל ר ונ ית‬
The red car will be my brother' s. .‫המכ ו נ ית הא ד ומה תהיה ש ל אח י‬

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences w ith a Connector

?Want to see if you've understood

.W rite the sentence in the m issing tenses

future ‫עתיד‬ post ‫עבר‬ present ‫הווה‬

___________________ ____________________________ >=< .‫ ה ר עיון ש לי הו א ל צ א ת ל פי קני ק‬. 1

___________________ .‫ה ח ב רו ת שלי היו ת מ ר ו רוני ת‬ > = < ___________________________ . 2

___________________ ____________________________ >=< .‫ ה תי ק הי רו ק הו א ש ל ה חיי ל ת‬. 3

___________________ ________________________________ .‫ ה שי ט ה ש ל כ ם הי א שי ט ה טו ב ה‬.4

.‫גלי ת הי ה ה מו ר ה שלך‬ > = < ____________________________ > ^ < _____________________________ . 5

A nsw ers:
.‫ הרעיון שלי יהיה לצאת לפיקניק‬.‫הרעיון שלי היה לצאת לפיקניק‬ .1
.‫ החברות שלי יהיו תמר ורונית‬.‫החברות שלי הן תמר ורונית‬ .2
.‫ התיק הירוק יהיה של החיילת‬.‫התיק הירוק היה של החיילת‬ .3
.‫ השיטה שלכם תהיה שיטה טובה‬.‫השיטה שלכם הייתה שיטה טובה‬ .4
.‫ גלי הייתה המורה שלך‬.‫גלי היא המורה שלך‬ .5

• Negative connectors
Present tense (‫)המה‬
Here are two ways of answering the question ?‫( ת פ ח הוא ירק‬Is an orange a vegetable?):

No, an orange is not a vegetable. .‫ת פ ח הוא לא ירק‬ ,‫לא‬ >

No, an orange is not a vegetable. (formal) .‫ תפ ו ז אינו ירק‬,‫לא‬ :or

Q: What is the difference between the two answers?

A: The first answer, which is less formal, uses ‫הוא לא‬as the negativeconnector. The second
answer, which is in formal Hebrew, uses 1‫אינ‬.

In informal Hebrew, we simply add the word ‫ לא‬after the connector (‫)ה וא‬.Thus, the negative
connectors in informal Hebrew are: ‫ הן לא‬,‫ הם לא‬,‫ היא לא‬,‫ הוא לא‬. Here is another example:

Your problems are not serious (problems). .‫הבע י ות שלך הן לא בע י ות רצ ינ י ות‬

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences w ith a Connector

In form al Hebrew, the word ‫ אין‬with endings is usually used:

Avner is not the director of the company. .5*‫־‬ ‫ מ נהל החברה‬1‫ר אינ‬
The question is not what the country can do for you. .‫השא לה אינה מ ה המד י נה יכ ולה ל עש ות בשב ילך‬
Your explanations are not good (explanations). .‫אינם הסבר ים ט וב ים ההסבר ים שלד‬
Our problems are not serious (probl ems). .‫הבע י ות של נ ו אינן בע י ות רצ י נ י ות‬

The base of these forms is the negator ‫)לא =) אין‬. The endings match the subject o f the
(m.s.) (‫(= אין‬ ‫ הוא אינו‬+ •<£
(f.s.) (‫(= אין‬ ‫אינה‬ ‫ היא‬+
( (‫(־־ אין‬ ‫אינם‬ ‫ הם‬+
(fpL) (‫(= אין‬ ‫אינן‬ ‫ הן‬+

Each o f the sin g u lar forms - *‫ אינו‬and ‫ א י נה‬- has an alternative form with an extra ‫נ׳‬: ‫ איננו‬and
‫א י נ נה‬. The meaning and degree of formality of the forms with and without the extra ‫ נ׳‬is the
same. 13
. ‫אב נר אינו מ נהל החברה‬
‫איננו‬ :or
.‫השא ל ה אינה מ ה המד י נה יכ ולה ל עש ות בשב ילך‬
T V ‫־־‬

Past andfuture tenses ( ‫)עבר ועתיד‬

Now let's see what happens when we use negative connectors in the past and future tenses.

In the following letter to the newspaper, a reader reacts to the fact that Dan Cohen, who published
the results o f a controversial environmental study, is referred to as "Dr." Dan Cohen:

‫ וה וא כמ וב ן לא היה ד וקט ור כשה וא פרסם‬, ‫ ד ן כה ן עד י י ן אינו ד וקט ור‬. ‫ב כתבה ש ל כם נפלה טע ות‬
‫ ולכ ן ה וא גם לא יהיה ד וקט ור בעת יד‬, ‫ ה וא רק עכש י ו מתח י ל את ל ימ וד י הד וקט ורט של ו‬. ‫את מחקר ו‬
. ‫הקר וב‬

There was a mistake in your article. Dan Cohen is stillnot a "Dr.", and he obviously was not a "Dr."
when he published his stud}'‫׳‬. He is only now beginning his doctoral studies; therefore, he will not be
a "Dr.‫ ״‬in the near future.

13 The forms of ‫ אין‬used as negative connectors (i.e., the forms with third person endings) belong to a full set of
forms of ‫ אין‬with endings in all the persons (e.g.,...‫ אינך‬,;‫ אינן‬,‫)איני‬. On the use of these forms as negators (in
both non-verb and verb sentences in the present tense), see the chapter "Negation and Negative Expressions,"
pp. 797-802.

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences with a Connector

This passage is written in form al Hebrew, and therefore the first negative connector - which is
in the present tense - is ‫אינו‬.

Q: What are the past and future tense forms of the negative connector?

A: ‫ לא היה‬and ‫ לא יהיה‬.

Since ‫ אין‬is used only in the present tense, in the past and future tenses we can't use it. Instead,
we simply add ‫ לא‬before ‫ היו‬,‫ הייתה‬,‫ היה‬and ‫ יהיו‬,‫ תהיה‬,‫ יהיה‬. These are the past and future tense
connectors in both formal Hebrew (instead of forms of ‫ )אין‬and in informal Hebrew (instead of
‫ לא‬or ‫) הוא לא‬:

f.p l m pi. f.s. m.s.

.‫ חנה וסלי אינן המורות שלי‬.‫גל ויוני אינם המורים שלי‬ .‫ חנה אינה המורה שלי‬.‫השנה גל אינו המורה שלי‬
‫(הן) לא‬ ‫(הם) לא‬ ‫(היא) לא‬ ‫(הוא) לא‬
past :
.‫ חנה וטלי לא היו המורות שלי‬.‫ גל ויוני לא היו המורים שלי‬.‫ חנה לא ה י יתה המורה שלי‬.‫בשנה שעברה גל לא היה המורה שלי‬
future ‫׳‬.
.‫ חנה וסלי לא יהיו המורות שלי‬.‫ גל ויוני לא יהיו המורים שלי‬.‫ חנה לא תה יה המורה שלי‬.‫בשנה הבאה גל לא יהיה המורה שלי‬

1. In inform al Hebrew, we add ‫ לא‬after the connector:

An orange is not a vegetable. .‫תפוז הוא לא ירק‬

2. In form al Hebrew, we use the forms ‫ אינן‬,‫ אינם‬,‫ אינה‬,‫אינו‬:

Avner is not the director. .‫** אבנר אינו המנהל‬C

The new method is not a good met hod. .‫הש יט ה ה ח דש ה אינה‬ ‫ש י ט ה ט ובה‬
These topics are not interesting (topics). .‫ה נ ושא ים הא לה אינם‬ ‫נ ושא ים מע נ י י נ ים‬
My friends are not law students like me. .‫החבר ות של י אינן סט וד נט י ות למש פט ים כמ ו נ י‬

Alternative forms for ‫ אינו‬and ‫ אינה‬are ‫ איננו‬and ‫איננה‬, with an extra ‫נ׳‬.
T ‫״‬ V ‫״‬ TV ‫״׳׳‬

‫‪III. Non-Verb Sentences /‬‬ ‫‪2. Sentences w ith a Connector‬‬

‫‪ :‬לה י ות ‪ to f or ms o f‬לא ‪♦ In the past and future tenses, we simply add‬‬

‫‪future‬‬ ‫‪past‬‬

‫אב נר לא יה יה המ נהל ‪.‬‬

‫הש יטה ה ח דש ה לא תה יה ש יטה ט ובה ‪.‬‬
‫ה נ ושא ים הא לה לא יהיו נ ושא ים מענ י י נ ים ‪.‬‬
‫החבר ות של י לא יהיו סט וד נט י ות למש פט ים כמונ י ‪.‬‬ ‫החבר ות של י לא היו סט וד נט י ות למש פט ים כמונ י ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪C h a n g e from p o sitive to n e g a tive o r from n e g a tive to p o sitive . W rite a c o n n e c to r in‬‬
‫‪all the sentences.‬‬

‫‪A. Present tense‬‬

‫)‪negative ( formal‬‬ ‫‪positive‬‬

‫לא נכון‪,‬‬ ‫‪ .1‬אמיר הוא בחור מיוחד‪.‬‬

‫_____‬ ‫‪ .2‬התשובה שלו היא תשובה מלאה‪.‬‬

‫_____‬ ‫‪ .3‬המורות בבית הספר הזה (הן) מישראל‪.‬‬

‫_____‬ ‫‪ .4‬הטיול השנתי שלנו הוא לאילת‪.‬‬

‫‪A n sw ers:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬אמיר אינו(איננו) בחור מיוחד‪ .2 .‬התשובה שלו אינה (איננה) תשובה מלאה‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬המורות בבית הספר הזה אינן מישראל‪ .4 .‬הטיול השנתי שלנו אינו(איננו) לאילת‪.‬‬

‫‪B. Past / future tenses‬‬

‫‪negative‬‬ ‫‪positive‬‬

‫<=>‬ ‫‪ .1‬משקפי השמש שלה היו על השולחן‪.‬‬

‫‪ .2‬הדרך שלכם הייתה הדרך הנכונה‪.‬‬

‫<=> הבעיה שלך הפעם לא הייתה הבנת השאלות‪.‬‬ ‫‪_________________________ . 3‬‬

‫‪ .4‬העבודה שלך תהיה הראשונה שאבדוק‪ >=< .‬אני מצטערת‪,‬‬

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences w ith a Connector

.‫הבנות של השכנים החדשים לא יהיו חברות של נעמי‬ _____________________________ .5

.‫ הדרך שלכם לא הייתה הדרך הנכונה‬.2 .‫ משקפי השמש שלה לא היו על השולחן‬.1
.‫ העבודה שלך לא תהיה הראשונה שאבדוק‬.4 .‫ הבעיה שלך הפעם הייתה הבנת השאלות‬.3
.‫ הבנות של השכנים החדשים יהיו חברות של נעמי‬.5

• The connector after ‫ אלה‬, ‫ זאת‬,‫ זה‬and ‫ מי‬, ‫מה‬

Connectors in sentences whose subjects are ‫ אלה‬,‫ זאת‬,‫זה‬
Until now, we have looked almost exclusively at non-verb sentences whose subject is a noun.
We also may find a connector in sentences whose subjects are ‫ אלה‬, ‫ זאת‬,‫ זה‬and the like.

In most cases, a connector in sentences like these is optional no matter what the non-verb
predicate is. Here are examples of sentences without a connector:

This is Yossi and Sarah' s house. *1. ‫זה ה מ ת ש_ל_י!סי_ ושרה‬

This is Noa, their older daughter. .2. ‫ הבת הבכ ורה ש ל הם‬, ‫געה‬
This is Yael, their younger daughter. .3, ‫ הבת הצע ירה ש ל הם‬,‫יעל‬
These are their sons. *4.‫ אל ו הב נ ים_שלהם‬/ ‫אלה‬
These are their granddaughters. *5,‫ אל ו הנכד_ ות_שלהם‬/ ‫לה‬

When we add the optional connector, here is what happens:


. ‫זהו הב ית ש ל יוסי ושרה‬ or . ‫זה הוא הב ית ש ל יוסי ושרה‬ .‫ו‬ -‫>־‬

. ‫ הבת הבכ ורה‬, ‫זו־הי נועה‬ or 14. ‫ הבת הבכ ורה‬, ‫ זו היא נ ועה‬.2
. ‫ אל ו הם הב נ ים שלהם‬/ ‫ אלה‬. 4
. ‫ אל ו הן ה נכד ות שלהם‬/ ‫אלה‬ .5

Q: What happens to the connector in sentences with a singular subject (sentences 1 and 2)?
A: It can appear as a separate word, as in Column A , or - more frequently - it tends to combine
with the subject and lose its final ‫( א׳‬Column B):
> - ‫ הוא => זהו‬+ ‫זה‬
‫ היא => זוהי‬+ ‫זו‬

14 In the feminine singular,‫ זו‬- not ‫ זאת‬- is usually used before the connector ‫היא‬.

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences w ith a Connector

Note that the connector does not combine with the plural ‫ אלה‬and ‫( אלו‬sentences 4 and 5).

Connectors in non-verb questions beginning with ‫ מה‬and ‫מי‬

Here are examples o f non-verb questions. They very often do not have a connector:

what is the name of your son? ?‫ מ ה השם ש ל הב ן שלך‬.‫ו‬ ^

Who is that tall man? ?‫ב מי האיש הגבוה ההוא‬
What are the causes of AI DS? ?3, ‫מ ה ה ג ורמ ים ל מ ח לת הא י ידס‬

A connector can be added after ‫ מה‬or ‫ מי‬in non-verb questions:

what is the name of your son? ?‫״״‬ ‫הש ם ש ל הב ן ש לך‬

Wh o is that tall man? ?‫ב מי הוא האיש הגבוה ההוא‬
What are the causes of AI DS? 13. ‫מ ה הם ה ג ורמ ים ל מ ח ל ת הא י ידס?צ‬

As was the case with ‫ זהו‬and ‫זוהי‬, these connectors are sometimes attached to the question words
and shortened. Here are the shortened forms that are used:
what is the highest mountain in the world? ?‫ר הגב וה ב י ותר בע ולם‬
What is the largest city in the world? ?‫יר הגדולה ביותר בעולם‬
What are the causes of AIDS? ■‫ י‬T ?‫גורמים ל מ ח ל ת האיידס‬
What are the reasons for this phenomenon? ?‫סיבות לת ופ ע ה הזאת‬

who is that tall man ? ?‫איש הגבוה ההוא‬
who is that slender woman? ?‫אישה הרזה ההיא‬

The plurals ‫ מי הם‬and ‫ מי הן‬are written as separate w ords :16

Who are the people who are standing there? ?‫האנשים שעומדים שם‬
who are the young women who are sitting there? ?‫ מי הן הבחורות שיושבות שם‬A

15 In some cases, the connector is actually required, as in a question asking for a definition:
What is a book? ‫מה הוא ( =מהו) ס פ ת‬ <
or in informal Hebrew: ?‫מה זה ספר‬ •<
16 According to Nechama Baras and Esther Delshad, 2000, p. 32.

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences w ith a Connector

Let's look again at the above sentences.

Q: W hich word does the connector in each sentence match in number (s./pl.) and gender

A : The connector matches the word that follows it. (This word is actually the subject o f the


i ^ i 'k
What is the highest mountain in the world? ♦♦♦-‫ מה ו הה!״י‬/ ?‫<מה היא ההב הגב וה ב י ותר בע ולם‬

I * , I ^
what are the reasons for this phenomenon? ♦♦♦‫ מהן הס יב ות‬/ ?‫מ ה הן הס יב ות לת ופעה ה זאת‬

1 ^ I ^
Who is that slender woman? ♦♦♦‫מ י ה יא הא ישה הר זה הה יא? מ יה י הא ישה‬

Be careful! Not every time /;‫ "מה הוא‬appears at the beginning of a question can these
words be combined. They can be combined only when ‫ הוא‬is a connector - not when it
is the subject o f the sentence. For example, in the following question, ‫ הוא‬is the subject
and therefore cannot be shortened and added onto ‫מה‬:
pred. subi.
what is he doing here??‫מה הוא עושה פה‬ ■<C

Let's review
♦ In this section, we have seen that a connector m ay be used in sentences whose
subjects are ‫ אלה‬,‫ זאת‬/ ‫ זו‬,‫ זה‬and the like. When the subject is singular, the
connector is often combined with the subject, and the form is shortened:

This is my brother. .‫ זהו אחי‬or .‫זה הוא אחי‬ •<C

This is my sister..‫ זוהי אחותי‬or .‫ זאת היא אחותי‬/ ‫זו‬

♦ When the subject is plural, the connector does not combine with it, as in:
These are my sons. .‫ אלו הם בניי‬/ ‫אלה‬
These are my daughters. .‫ אלו הן בנותיי‬/ ‫אלה‬

III. Non-Verb Sentences / 2. Sentences with a Connector

♦ A connector can be added also after ‫ מה‬or ‫ מי‬in non-verb questions. Here, too,
it may combine with the question word, for example:
I 1 i
?‫מהי ההב הגבוה בעולם‬ or ?‫מ ה הוא ההב הגבוה בעולם‬ -C
What is the highest mountain in the world?

i I I
?‫מיהי האישה ההיא‬ or ?‫מי היא האישה ההיא‬
Who is that woman?

The connector in these sentences matches the word that follows it.

Want to see if you've understood?

R e w rite the fo llo w in g se n te n ce s u sin g a c o n n e c to r.
.‫אלה הת שובות הנכונות‬ .‫ו‬

.‫זא ת השאלה שאנחנו צריכים ל שאול את עצמנו‬ .2

?‫מ ה הסיבה לשינוי התוכנית‬ .3

.‫זה הפתרון הטוב ביותר לבעיה‬ .4

A n s w e rs :

. ‫ זוהי השאלה שא נח נ ו צר יכ ים לשא ול את עצמנו‬/ ‫ זו ה יא‬.2 . ‫ אלה הן התש וב ות הנכונות‬.1

. ‫ זהו הפתר ו ן הט וב ב י ותר לבעיה‬/ ‫ זה ה וא‬,4 . ‫ מה י הס יבה לשינוי התוכנית‬/ ‫ מה ה יא‬.3

IV. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬ •• ¥ ••

In the next two chapters, we will discuss two uses of ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬and related constructions.1

1. Sentences w ith ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬: There is (are) / There isn 't (aren 't)
2. Sentences w ith ...‫ יש לי‬and...^ ‫ אין‬: I have / 1 d o n 't have...

Q Sentences with ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬:

There is (are) / There isn’t (aren’t)

‫ יש ״‬and ‫ אין‬in present tense sentences
• ‫ היה‬and ‫( לא היה‬past tense)
‫ יהיה ״‬and ‫( לא יהיה‬future tense)

• ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬in present tense sentences

Read the following passage, which contains many there is i there are sentences.

> - ‫ יש בה מסגדים ויש בה בתי כנסת‬,‫ יש בה כנסיות‬.‫בירושלים יש בתים עתיקים וגם בניינים מודרניים‬.
‫ אבל דבר אחד אין‬.‫ יש בה כמעט הכול‬.‫ בעיר החדשה יש אצטדיון גדול‬.‫מסביב לעיר העתיקה יש חומה‬
‫ אין בה ים‬:‫!בירושלים‬

In Jerusalem 1ere are both ancient houses and modem buildings, here are churches, mosques and
synagogues, here is a wall around the Old City. In the newer part of the city there is a big stadium.
In Jerusalem there is almost eveiything. But one tiling does not exist in Jerusalem: There is no beach
(lit.: sea)!

1 The use of ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬followed by an infinitive is discussed in the chapter "Impersonal Sentences with
‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ כדאי‬and the Like," pp. 775-776.

IV. Sentences w ith ‫ יש‬and 1 / ‫אין‬. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬

Q: How do we say there is / there are in Hebrew?

A: Both there is and there are are expressed by one word: ‫יש‬. This versatile little word is used
with both masculine and feminine nouns in the singular and in the plural.

plural singular
masculine: There are stadiums. ,‫יש אצטדיונים‬ There is a stadium. .‫יש אצטדיון‬
feminine : There are walls. .‫יש חומות‬ There is a wall. .‫יש חומה‬

The negative there isn't and there aren't (or: there is no / there are no. ..) are also expressed by
one wor d: ‫אין‬. Here again, no matter whether the next word is masculine or feminine, singular
or plural, we use ‫אין‬:
There isn't a sea. (or: There is no sea.) (m.s.) .‫ים אין‬
There isn't a (small) boat. (f.s.) .‫סירהאין‬
There are no waves. ( .‫גליםאין‬
There are no ships. (f-pl) .‫אתיותאין‬

When ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬are used to indicate the existence or non-existence o f something (there is / are,
there isn't / aren't), they are often accompanied by phrases of place beginning with ,‫ מסביב‬,-‫ב‬
‫ על‬and the like, as in:
In Jerusalem there are ancient houses. .‫** בירושלים יש בתים עתיקים‬Z.
Around the old city there is a wall. .‫מסב<ב לעיר העתיקה יש חומה‬

These sentences with ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬constitute one type o f non-verb sentence in Hebrew. The English
verbs is and are have no equivalent present tense verb in Hebrew.

Did you know?

The place has...: a special case

The Hebrew ‫ אין‬/ ‫ יש‬are used not only for the English there is / there are and
there isn't / there aren't, but also for the following English expressions:

> ‫ •׳״‬Haifa and Tel Aviv have a lot of factories. .‫בחיפה ובתל אביב יש הרבה מפעלים‬
Our house has fi ve r ooms. .‫בבית שלנו יש חמ ישה חדרים‬
Thi s city doesn't have a lot of wealthy people.
.‫בעיר הזאת אין הרבה אנשים עשירים‬

IV. Sentences w ith ‫ יש‬and 1 / ‫אין‬. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬

In all of these sentences we are speaking about w h a t there is ( isn't / are / aren't )
in a place. In English we can say that the piace has something, even though that
thing does not actually belong to the place, but rather is in the place. Hebrew
requires that w e use - ‫ אין ב‬/ -‫ יש ב‬for to have in this sense.

W e w ill discuss the usual possessive meaning of to have (as in: He has a d o g .

.‫ )יש לו כלב‬- in the next chapter.

Want to see if you've understood?

Translate the fo llo w in g sentences.

1 There is no room here, (roo m : ‫)מקום‬

2. There's a problem with (lit.: in) this exercise.

3. There aren't (any) pupils in the classroom.

4. Tel Aviv has a lot of expensive stores.

5. O ur apartm ent has four rooms.

6. There are no w indow s in the kitchen.

A nsw ers:
. ‫ בתל אב יב יש הרבה חנויות יקרות‬.4 . ‫ אין תלמ יד ים בכ יתה‬.3 .‫ יש בע יה בתרג יל הזה‬.2 . ‫ אין פה מק ום‬.‫ו‬
. ‫ אין חל ונ ות במטבח‬.6 . ‫ בד ירה שלנ ו יש ארבעה חדר ים‬.5

IV. Sentences w ith ‫ יש‬and 1 / ‫אין‬. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬

• ‫ היה‬and ‫ ;לא היה‬the past tense o f ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬

T T T T -* *‫׳‬ ‫״‬

The words ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬.are used only in present tense sentences

In the following passage, we see wh at conies instead o f ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬in the past tense :

‫ מסביב להר הבית הייתה חו מה‬,‫ בית המקדש‬:‫לפני שנים רבות היה על הר הבית בניין קדוש ליהודים‬
‫ לא הייתה ת חנה מרכזית‬.‫ לא היו בירושלים מכוניות ולא היו בניינים גבוהים‬,‫ כמובן‬,‫ בימים ההם‬,‫גבוהה‬
.‫ עגלות עם חמורים ובתים קטנים‬,‫ היו רחובות צרים‬.‫ ולא היה קניון מודרני‬,‫בכניסה לעיר‬

Many years ago there was a building that was holy to the Jews on the Temple Mount: the Temple. Around
the Temple Mount there was a high wall. In those days, obviously, there were no cars in Jerusalem, and
there were no tall buildings. There was no central bus station at the entrance to the city, and there was no
shopping mall. There were narrow roads, carts with donkeys and small houses.

Q : What words are used here instead o f the one w or d ‫?יש‬

A: Instead o f ‫יש‬, w e use three different forms o f the past tense o f the verb ‫ ה יה‬:

There was a big house here. (m.s.) .‫היה פה בית גדול‬ **C

I *
There was a pool. (f.s.) .‫הייתה ברכה‬

I It
There were many buildings. ( . ‫היו בניינים רבים‬

There were high walls around the city. (fpl•) .‫היו מסביב לעיר חו מ ות גבוהות‬

As we see above, the noun in all the Hebr ew sentences (which tells what there was or what
there were) is the subject o f the verb, and therefore the verb matches ("agrees with") it. Notice,
too, that in these sentences, the subject usually comes after the verb.

N e g a tin g th e p a s t tense: th e re w a s n 't / th e r e w eren ,t

When we negate these sentences in the past (there wasn ft and there weren % or there was no /
there were n o . ..), we use the word ‫ לא‬+ past tense forms o f ‫ היה‬instead o f the one form ‫ אין‬:

IV. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and 1 / ‫אין‬. Sentences w ith ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬

I ^
There wasn't a shopping mall in Jerusalem. (m.s.) .‫היה בירושלים קניון לא‬ ^

i * ,
There was no central bus station. (f.s.) .‫הייתה תחנה מרכזית לא‬

I *
There weren't tall buildings. ( .‫היו בניינים גבוהים לא‬

There were no cars. (fpl•) .‫היו מכוניות לא‬

Remember, the words ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬are used only in the pres en t, never in the past or future

Want to see if you've understood?

A . W rite the sentences in the past tense.

.‫ גם לפני ע שרים שנה ____________ ב ת ל אביב אופרה‬.‫ בתל אביב יש אופרה‬. 1

.‫ גם לפני עשרים שנה ____________ ב ת ל אביב הרבה בתי קפה‬.‫ בתל אביב יש הרבה בתי קפה‬.2

.‫ גם לפני עשרים שנה ____________ ה ר י ם בתל אביב‬.‫ בתל אביב אין הרים‬.3

‫ גם לפני עשרים שנה ____________ רו ב ע יהודי‬fmasc . ‫ (רובע‬.‫ בתל אביב אין רובע יהודי עתיק‬.4
.‫עתיק בתל אביב‬

‫ גם לפני עשרים שנה ____________ ב ת ל אביב גלריות מעניינות‬.‫ בתל אביב יש גלריות מעניינות‬.5

.‫ גם לפני עשרים שנה ____________ מ רינ ה‬.)marina( ‫ בתל אביב יש מרינה‬. 6

‫ הייתה‬.6 ‫ היו‬.5 ‫ לא היה‬.4 ‫ לא היו‬.3 ‫ היו‬.2 ‫ הייתה‬.1

B. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences.

1. There was a party at David's house last night, (party = f. ‫)מסיבה‬

2. There was no wine at the party, but there was beer.

IV. Sentences w ith ‫ יש‬and 1 / ‫אין‬. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬

3. Last nigh!‫ ( ־‬lit: evening) there were interesting programs on television.

4. There weren't (any) students in classroom yesterday.

.‫ הייתה מסיבה אצל דויד אתמול בערב‬:‫ או‬.‫ אתמול בערב הייתה מסיבה אצל דויד‬.1
.‫ אתמול בערב היו תכניות מעניינות בטלוויזיה‬.3 .‫ אבל הייתה בירה‬,‫ לא היה יין במסיבה‬.2
.‫ לא היו סטודנטים בכיתה אתמול‬.4

• ‫ יהיה‬and ‫ ; לא יהיה‬the future tense o f ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬

If we ask: "What will Jerusalem look like 50 years from now?" - we might answer as follows:

‫ תהיה בה רכבת‬,‫ יהיו בה חנויות מ ת ח ת לאדמה‬,‫בעוד חמישים שנה יהיו בירושלים הרבה גנים ירוקים‬
‫ לא יהיו‬,‫ לא תהיה שנאה‬,‫ לא יהיו מלחמות‬.‫ יהיה בה מרכז שלום גדול ויהיה בה גם מרכז חלל‬,‫ת חתית‬
.‫רחובות מלוכלכים ולא יהיה זיהום אוויר‬

Fifty years from now there will be many green gardens in Jerusalem, there will be stores under ground,
there will be a subway, a large Peace Center and also a Space Center. There won't be wars, hatred, dirty
streets or air pollution.

Q: What words are used instead of ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬here?

A: Instead o f ‫יש‬, we have fu tu re tense forms of the verb ‫להיות‬:

There will be a Peace Center here. (m.s.) .‫יהיה פה מרכז שלום‬

There will be a subway in Jerusalem. )f.s .( .‫תהיה בירושלים רכבת ת חתית‬

There will be green gardens everywhere. ( .‫יהיו בכל מ קום גנים ירוקים‬

There will be stores under the ground. (f-pl■) .‫יהיו חנויות מ ת ח ת לאדמה‬

iV. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬ / ] . Sentences w ith ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬

Instead of ‫אין‬, we use ‫ לא‬+ future tense forms of ‫להיות‬:

There will be no air pollution. (m.s.) .‫יהיה זיהום אוויר לא‬

I ^
There will be no hatred. (f.s.) .‫תהיה שנאה לא‬

I ^
There won't be dirty streets. (m.pi.) .‫יהיו רחובות מלוכלכים לא‬

I ^
There won't be wars here. ( .‫יהיו פה מ ל ח מ ו ת לא‬

Chapter summary

♦ The words ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬are used to indicate the existence or non-existence of

something in the present tense. Their forms are always the same:

pi. f.s. m.s.

present. .‫בעיות‬ ‫ אין‬/ ‫יש‬ .‫מכונית‬ ‫ אין‬/ ‫יש‬ .‫בית‬ ‫ אין‬/ ‫יש‬

♦ In the past and future tenses, forms of ‫ היה‬and ‫ יהיה‬are used. These forms match
the noun that is their subject. (This noun usually comes after these expressions
and - as is generally true of the subject of a sentence - is not preceded by a
I I ^ I ^ f.s. f.s. m.s. m.s.

past‫׳‬..‫ לא היו בעיות‬/ ‫היו‬.‫ לא הייתהמכונית‬/ ‫ הייתה‬.‫בית‬

future ‫׳‬..‫ לא יהיו בעיות‬/ ‫יהיו‬.‫ לא תהיהמכונית‬/ ‫ תהיה‬.‫בית‬

‫‪ and 1‬יש ‪IV. Sentences w ith‬‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫אין ‪ and‬יש ‪. Sentences with‬אין‬

‫‪?Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪(.‬לא) יהיה ‪ /‬תהיה ‪ /‬יהיו ‪A . W rite one o f the fo llo w in g :‬‬

‫‪ . 1‬יש הרבה פרחים באביב‪ .‬גם בשנה הבאה ____________ ה ר ב ה פרחים באביב‪.‬‬

‫‪ .2‬היום אין מיץ תפוזים במכולת‪ .‬אולי גם מחר ____________ מ י ץ תפוזים במכולת‪.‬‬

‫‪ .3‬היום אין בניינים גבוהים מול הבית שלנו‪ .‬אנחנו מ קווי ם שגם בעתיד ____________‬
‫בניינים גבוהים מול הבית שלנו‪.‬‬

‫‪ .4‬יש גינה ליד בית הספר החדש‪ .‬גם בשנה הבאה ____________ גינ ה ליד בית הספר‪.‬‬
‫‪A nsw ers:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬יהיו ‪ .2‬לא יהיה ‪ .3‬לא יהיו ‪ .4‬תהיה‬

‫‪B. Translate in to H e b re w .‬‬

‫‪1. N ext semester there w ill be interesting courses at the university.‬‬

‫‪2. Tomorrow there w ill be a new teacher (f.) here.‬‬

‫‪3. There w ill be many people at the party tomorrow.‬‬

‫‪4. There w on't be (any) changes in the program.‬‬

‫‪) tomorrow.‬פגישה( ‪5. There w on't be a meeting‬‬

‫‪) on Sunday.‬שיעור( ‪6. There w ill be no class‬‬

‫‪A nsw ers:‬‬

‫‪ .1‬בסמסטר הבא יהיו באוניברסיטה קורסים מעניינים‪ .2 .‬מחר תהיה פה מורה הדשה‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬יהיו הרבה אנשים במסיבה מחר‪ .4 .‬לא יהיו שינויים בתכנית‪ .5 .‬לא תהיה פגישה מחר‪.‬‬
‫‪ .6‬לא יהיה שיעור ביום ראשון‪.‬‬

‫‪ and 1 /‬יש ‪IV. Sentences with‬‬ ‫אין ‪ and‬יש ‪. Sentences w ith‬אין‬

‫‪C . C h a n g e the u n d e rlin e d w o rd from p o sitive to n e g a tiv e , o r from n e g a tiv e to p ositive.‬‬

‫!‪D o not ch a n g e the tense‬‬

‫‪ . 1‬פעם הי! הרבה מים בברכה‪.‬‬

‫ם_________________________________________________________________________________________ ‪.‬‬

‫‪! .2‬ש פה בתים חד שים‪.‬‬

‫__________________________________________________________________________________________ ‪.‬‬

‫‪ .3‬א ע פה אנשים נחמדים‪.‬‬

‫__________________________________________________________________________________________ ‪.‬‬

‫‪ .4‬בעתיד יה!ה גן גדול ליד הבית של סבתא‪.‬‬

‫לא נכון‪ .‬אף פעם __________________________________________________________‬

‫‪ .5‬בעוד שנתיים תהיה פה שכונה חדשה‪.‬‬

‫__________________________________________________________________________________________ ‪.‬‬

‫‪ .6‬אף פעם לא הייתה שם רכבת‪.‬‬

‫__________________________________________________________________________________________ ‪.‬‬

‫‪A nsw ers:‬‬

‫‪ .1‬אף פעם לא היו הרבה מים בברכה‪ .2 .‬אין פה בתים חדשים‪ .3 .‬יש פה אנשים נחמדים‪.‬‬
‫אף פעם לא יהיה גן גדול ליד הבית של סבתא‪ .5 .‬לא תהיה פה שכונה חדשה‪ .6 .‬פעם הייתה שם רכבת‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

2 Sentences with ...‫ יש לי‬and ...‫אין לי‬
I have / 1 don’t have. ..

‫ ״‬...‫יש לי‬ and ...‫אין לי‬ )I have / I don't have ...(
• ...‫ היה לי‬a n d ...‫לא היה לי‬ )I had I didn't have ...(
• ...‫ יהיה לי‬and ...‫) לא יהיה לי‬I will have I won't have ...(

• ...‫ יש לי‬and ...‫) אין לי‬I have / / don ft have ...(

In the previous chapter we discussed the use of ‫ יש‬and ‫( אין‬there is/are, there is/are not) in sentences
such as the following:
There are ancient houses in Jerusalem. .‫בירושלים יש בתים עתיקים‬ ‫>״‬
There is no sea in Jerasalem. .‫אין בירושלים ים‬

In this chapter we w ill see that ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬are also used in Hebrew for saying something totally
different in English: I have, you have, etc. Here, for example, is a list of what Rina says she has
or doesn't have at this point in her life.

‫ אבל אין לי מכונית; יש לי בית יפה‬,‫ אבל אין לי עבודה; יש לי רשיון נהיגה‬,‫יש לי תואר במתמטיקה‬ -C
.‫ אבל יש לי חתול‬,‫ויש לי גם רהיטים יפים; אין לי כלב‬

I have a degree in math, but I don't have a job; I have a driver's license, but I don't have a car; I have a
nice house, and 1 also have nice furniture; I don't have a dog, but I have a cat.

Q : In English we've used the words I have and I don't have. What is their Hebrew

A : Since the verb to have does not exist in Hebrew, I have is expressed w ithout a verb. We say
‫יש לי‬, literally: there is to me. In order to say I don't have, we say ‫אין לי‬, literally: there is not
to me.

IV. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and 2 / ‫אין‬. Sentences with ‫ יש לי‬and ‫אין לי‬

Q: Where do the equivalents o f /, you and we (the "possessors") appear in the Hebrew

A: They appear not as subject pronouns (...‫ אתה‬,‫)אני‬, but rather as endings on the preposition
- ‫ ל‬:‫ לנו‬,‫ לך‬,‫לי‬.
I have a cat. (lit.: There is to me a cat.) .‫לי חת ול־‬ ‫■* יש‬C
You have a cat. (lit.: There is to you a cat.) .‫יש לך חתול‬
We don't have a dog. (lit.: There is not to us a dog.) .‫אין לנו כלב‬

In the above sentences, in which the possessor is indicated by a pronoun (lit.: There is to m e.. .)
- rather than by a noun (such as - lit.: There is to David...) - the words ...‫ לך‬,‫ לי‬usually appear
in Hebrew after the words ‫ יש‬or 1.‫אין‬

Changes in the above word order (i.e., ‫ אין לי‬/ ‫ ) יש לי‬may be made in order to emphasize a
specific part o f the expression, for example:

.)‫אין (עבודה‬ ‫לכם‬ ‫ אבל‬,‫יש עבודה‬ ‫לי‬ .‫המצב היום קשה‬ ->
The situation today is bad (lit: hard). I have work, but you don't.
lit.: To me there is work, but to you there isn't.

Here ‫לי‬ (lit.: to me = I) is emphasized and stands in contrast to ‫לכם‬ (lit.: to you = you).

Here's another example. A teacher sees a student without his book and asks (using the normal
word order):
"You don't have a book today?" '‫*״ אין לך ספר ה י ום? ״״‬S

The student might sheepishly answer - placing the "thing possessed" or "not possessed" at the
beginning of the sentence:
.‫ אבל מחברת יש (לי)״‬,‫״ ספר אין לי‬
"I don't have a book, but I do have a notebook."
lit.: "A book - there is not to me, but a notebook - there is (to me).‫'׳‬

1 See below for sentences in which a noun indicates who the possessor is: David has..., The children have...

IV. Sentences w ith ‫ יש‬and 2 / ‫אין‬. Sentences w ith ‫ יש לי‬and ‫אין לי‬

...‫ ליוסי יש‬and ...‫( ליוסי אין‬Yossi has, Yossi doesn’t have...)
So far we have looked at sentences in which the possessor is indicated by a pronoun (which
appears in Hebrew as an ending on - ‫(ל‬: ...‫ להם‬/ ‫ לנו‬/ ‫ לך‬/ ‫לי‬. Now let's look at sentences such
as "Yossi has a book," in which the possessor is indicated by a noun:2

Yossi has a book, (lit.: To Yossi there is a book.) .5*" ‫ליוסי יש ספר‬C
Rina has a nice apartment, (lit.: To Rina there is a nice apartment.) .‫יש דירה יפה‬ ‫לדינה‬
‫לשכנים שלנו אין ילדים‬.
Our neighbors don't have children, (lit.: To our neighbors there are no children.)

Q : How is the word order in these Hebrew sentences different from the order in sentences with
pronouns, such as "‫?" יש לו ספר‬
A: When a pronoun is used ( . . . ‫ לו‬,‫ לך‬,‫)לי‬, we usually begin with ‫ יש‬or ‫ א י ן‬:
He has a book. .‫־‬ ‫<** יש לו ס פר‬£
She doesn't have a notebook. .‫א ין לה מ ח ב רת‬

In contrast, when a noun is used (...‫ לילדים‬,‫)ליוסי‬, we usually begin with -‫ ל‬:
Yossi has a book. .‫ל י וס י יש ס פר‬ **C.
The girl doesn't have a notebook. .‫ל ילדה א י ן מ ח ב רת‬

The following word order is also used in certain contexts:

. ‫יש ל י וס י ספר‬ ‫>*־‬
. ‫א י ן ל ילדה מחברת‬

L e t’s review
♦ ‫ א י ן ל י‬/ ‫ יש ל י‬are the equivalent of I have / 1 don't have in the present tense.

In Hebrew, we do not use the pronouns ‫ את ה‬,‫( אני‬I, you), but rather attach the
"possessor" to - ‫ל‬: ‫ לנו‬,‫ לך‬,‫ יש לי‬. Thus, ‫ יש לי ס פר‬means, literally: There is to m e
a book.

♦ When the possessor is indicated by a pronoun, the usual word order is:
.‫ מחבר ות‬/ ‫ ספר ים‬/ ‫ מ ח ב רת‬/ ‫ס פר‬ ‫ לו‬/ ‫ לך‬/ ‫לי‬ ‫ א י ן‬/ ‫יש‬

2 For sentences like ‫׳׳‬The house has two r ooms. ‫) '׳‬.‫)בב ית יש שני חדרים‬, see the chapter ‫״‬Sentences with ‫ יש‬and ‫איך‬,"
pp. 734-735 ("Did you know?‫)״‬. Note that in such a sentence we are not really talking about possession, but
rather about what is in the house.

IV. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and 2 / ‫אין‬. Sentences with ‫ יש לי‬and ‫אין לי‬

♦ When the possessor is indicated by a noun (e.g., Yossi, the girls), the usual
word order is:
.‫ מחבר ות‬/ ‫ ספר ים‬/ ‫ מ ח ב רת‬/ ‫ס פר‬ ‫ א י ן‬/ ‫יש‬ ‫ לב נ ות‬/ ‫ל י וס י‬ -<

Notice that such sentences begin with -‫ל‬, not with the possessor.

Want to see if you've understood?

A . Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into H e b re w . Use the re g u la r w o rd ord e r,
b e g in n in g w ith ‫ יש‬o r ‫אין‬,

1. She doesn't have tim e .

2. You (m.s.) have three daughters.

3. We have a lot of w o rk .

4. They (m.) don't have many friends.

5. Do they (f.) have a question?

A nsw ers:
?1. ‫ יש לה ן שאלה‬.5 . ‫ אין להם הרבה חבר ים‬.4 . ‫ יש לנו הרבה עבודה‬.3 .‫ יש לךז של וש בנות‬,2 .‫אין לה זמן‬

B. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences. The sentences w ill not necessarily b e g in w ith ‫יש‬
o r ‫א י ן‬,

1. M y neighbors have a d o g .

2. M iri has two children.

3. i have a new c a r.

4. M y friends don't have a c a t.

5. W hat do you have in your (lit: the) b a g ?

A nsw ers:
).‫ יש למירי שני ילדים‬:‫ (או‬.‫ למירי יש שנ י ילדים‬.2 ). ‫ יש לשכ נ ים של י כלב‬:‫ (או‬. ‫ לשכ נ ים של י יש כלב‬.1
?‫ מה יש לך בת יק‬.5 ). ‫ אין לחבר ים של י חתול‬:‫ (או‬. ‫ לחבר ים של י אין חת ול‬.4 . ‫ יש לי מכונית חדשה‬.3

IV. Sentences w ith ‫ יש‬and 2 / ‫אין‬. Sentences w ith ‫ יש לי‬and ‫אין לי‬

• ...‫ היה לי‬and ...‫( לא היה לי‬I had / 1 didn't have...)

In the following passage, Mr. Shimoni tells about how his life suddenly changed.

,‫ היו לי שלושה מח ש ב ים בבית‬,‫ היו לי שתי מכוניות‬,‫ הייתה לי דירה יפה‬,‫לפני שנה היה לי הרבה כסף‬
‫ והחיים שלי השתנו‬,‫ אבל אז פיטרו אותי מהעבודה‬.‫ וכ מעט לא היו לי בעיות‬,‫הייתה לי עבודה טובה‬

A year ago I had lots of money, I had a nice apartment, I had two cars, I had three computers at home,
I had a good job, and I had almost no problems (or: I hardly had any problems). But then I was fired,
and my life changed completely.

Because ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬are used only in the present tense, Hebrew needs a substitute for them in the
past. The verb ‫ היה‬comes to the rescue.

‫( יש לי‬I have) becomes one of the following:

‫היו לי‬ ,‫הייתה לי‬ ,‫היה לי‬

‫( אין לי‬I don't have) becomes:

‫לא היו לי‬ ,‫לא הייתה לי‬ ,‫לא היה לי‬
What determines the form of the verb ‫?היה‬

Like most verbs in Hebrew, the form of ‫ היה‬changes according to its subject. Now comes the
catch: In English, the subject o f had in "I had money" is I. In the Hebrew equivalent ( ‫היה לי‬
‫)כסף‬, we say something like: "Money was (= belonged) to me". Since money (‫ )כסף‬is the subject
in the Hebrew sentence, it determines the form o f the verb ‫היה‬:

I had money. (m.s.) .‫היה לי כסף‬

I had a nice apartment (f.s.) 1 ‫לי‬

.‫דירה יפה‬ u ‫הייתה‬

1 i
I had three computers. ( .‫היו לי שלושה מחשבים‬

1 i
I had no problems. ( .‫לא היו לי בעיות‬

The same principle holds true when there is a noun after -‫ל‬, as in:

Kobi didn't have problems. .‫לקובי לא היו בעיות‬

IV. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and 2 / ‫אין‬. Sentences w ith ‫ י ש לי‬and ‫אין לי‬

Note that in the above Hebrew sentences, the verb (‫ היו‬,‫ הייתה‬,‫ ) היה‬comes before its subject.
How, then, do we know what form of the verb to use?

The truth is, we have to know w hat we are going to say before we begin the sentence! This is
not the case in English. In English we can begin: I had... without knowing what the continuation
will be. If we begin a Hebrew sentence ...‫ היה לי‬, it is because we know that the continuation is
‫( ספר‬or another masculine singular noun) and not ‫ מחברת‬or ‫ בעיות‬or any other word that is not
masculine singular.‫’׳‬

Remember: The form of the verb (‫ היו‬,‫ הייתה‬,‫ ) היה‬is not affected by the person who had
something (denoted by the ending of ...‫ לנו‬,‫ לך‬,‫)לי‬.

Word order
When the possessor is referred to with a pronoun attached to - ‫) ל‬...‫ לך‬,‫)לי‬, we usually begin the
sentence with the verb (‫ היו‬,‫ הייתה‬,‫) היה‬. This is the same order as in ‫ אין לי‬/ ‫ יש לי‬sentences:

.> - ‫יש לי כלב‬

‫ היה לי כלב‬.

When a noun comes after -‫ל‬, we usually find one of the following two word orders :

.‫היה לילדים כלב‬ :or .‫לילדים היה כלב‬ -*>

♦ In order to express possession in the past tense, we use the verb forms - ‫ היו ל‬/ ‫ הייתה‬/ ‫היה‬
instead of ‫ אין ל־‬/ -‫ יש ל‬. These verbs match the subject (the thing possessed) - which usually
appears after the verb, as in:

I ^ I v 1 ^ f.s. f.s. m.s. m.s.

.‫(לא) היו לי בעיות‬ .‫(לא) הייתה לי עבודה‬ .‫(לא) היה לי כלב‬

I had (didn't have) problems. I had (didn't have) work. I had (didn't have) a dog.

3 The truth is that in informal spoken Hebrew, many speakers do not follow the niles of grammar and often
begin the sentence with the singular ‫ היה לי‬even when the subject is feminine singular (e.g., ‫ )בעיה‬or plural
(e.g., ‫)בעיות‬.

IV. Sentences w ith ‫ יש‬and 2 / ‫אין‬. Sentences w ith ‫ יש לי‬and ‫אין לי‬ m.pL f.s. f.s. m.s. m.s.

.‫ליובל (לא) היו כרטיסים להצגה‬ .‫ל יו נ ת ן ( ל א) הייתה עבודה‬ .‫לילדים (לא) היה כלב‬ -*>
Yuval had (didn't have) tickets Yonatan had (didn't have) a job. The children had (didn't
to the performance. have) a dog.

Another possible word order is shown in the chapter.

Want to see if you've understood?

C o m p le te the fo llo w in g sentences in the past tense.

.‫__________________________________________________________ ל י הרבה בעיות‬

.‫_________________________________________________________ ל ו גיטרה‬

.‫__________________________________________________________ לכם הרגשה טובה‬

.‫ גם אתמול ____________ ל ג לי ת רק עשרים שקלים בארנק‬.‫ לגלית יש עשרים שקלים בארנק‬.4

.‫__________________________________________________________ ל ו מפתח‬

.‫ גם א ת מול ____________ ל רוני רק שלוש מחברות בתיק‬.‫ לרוני יש רק שלוש מחברות בתיק‬.6

A nsw ers:
‫ היו‬.6 ‫ לא היה‬.5 ‫ היו‬.4 ‫ הייתה‬.3 ‫ לא הייתה‬.2 ‫ היו‬.1

• ...‫ יהיה לי‬and ...‫( לא יהיה לי‬I will h a v e / I won't

Mr. Shimoni (about whom we read above) is an optimistic person, and he believes things w ill
change for the better. He says:

.‫ יהיו לי שתי מכוניות ושלושה מחשבים‬.‫ ושוב תהיה לי דירה‬,‫בעוד שנה או שנתיים שוב יהיה לי כסף‬ *‫>־‬
.‫ ולא יהיו לי בעיות בכלל‬,‫שוב תהיה לי עבודה טובה‬

In a year or two I'll have money again, and I'll have an apartment again. I'll have two cars and three
computers. I'll have a good job again, and I won't have any problems at all.

IV. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and 2 / ‫אין‬. Sentences w ith ‫ יש לי‬and ‫אין לי‬

Here, too, we use the verb ‫להיות‬. As in the past tense, the verb forms change according to the
Hebrew subject:
I ^
I will have money. (m.s.) .‫יהיה לי כסף‬

(f.sI will have an apartment. .(

___ . V
(m.piwill have computers. 1.(

^ I
(f-plI won't have problems. ■(

This is also the case when there is a noun after -‫ל‬:

Yoni will (won't) have problems. .‫ליוני (לא) יהיו בעיות‬ ‫־‬C■4

I ^
.‫(לא) יהיו ליוני בעיות‬ :or

Remember that the forms ‫ יהיו‬,‫ תהיה‬,‫ יהיה‬are not affected by the possessor (= the person who
will have ""(.

Let's review
♦ The guidelines for forming possessive sentences in the future tense are the
same as the guidelines for the past tense The forms - ‫ יהיו ל‬,‫ תהיה‬,‫) לא) יהיה‬
are used in place of ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬. These verb forms agree with their subject, for
I *
m.s. m.s.
I will have a dog. .‫•■* יהיה לי כלב״־‬C
I ^
Yuval will not have a dog. .‫ליובל יהיה כלב‬

IV. Sentences w ith ‫ יש‬and 2 / ‫אין‬. Sentences w ith ‫ יש לי‬and ‫אין לי‬

Want to see if you've understood?

C o m p le te the fo llo w in g sentences in the future tense.

.‫ גם מחר ____________ ל כ ם בעיה‬.‫ יש לכם בעיה‬. 1

.‫ גם מחר ____________ ל ה ם שאלות‬.‫ לא היו להם שאלות‬.2

.‫ גם בעוד שבוע ____________ ל ר א ש הממ שלה פתרון טוב‬.‫ לראש הממ שלה יש פתרון טוב לבעיה‬.3

.‫ גם בשבוע הבא ____________ ל רינ ה מ ספיק כסף‬.‫ לרינה אין מ ספיק כסף‬.4

?‫ גם לך ____________ ה ר ב ה ספרים בעתיד‬.‫ לסבא שלך היו הרבה ספרים‬.5

A nsw ers:
‫ יהיו‬.5 ‫ לא יהיה‬.4 ‫ יהיה‬.3 ‫ לא יהיו‬.2 ‫ תהיה‬.1

Be careful! Not all sentences with forms o f ‫ היה‬and ‫ יהיה‬in the past and future tenses
have ‫ אין‬/‫ יש‬in their present tense. Only sentences that express existence (i.e., there is),
as in ‫ תהיה בעיה‬/ ‫ יש בעיה‬/ ‫ הייתה בעיה‬, and sentences that express possession (i.e., to
have), as in ‫ תהיה לי בעיה‬/ ‫ יש לי בעיה‬/ ‫ הייתה לי בעיה‬, have ‫ אין‬/‫ י ש‬in their present tense.
In all other cases, when we change ‫ היה‬and ‫ יהיה‬to the present tense we do not use ‫ יש‬or
‫ אין‬:
present future past

.‫הסטודנט בבית‬ .‫הסטודנט יהיה בבית‬ .‫הסטודנט היה בבית‬

The student is at home. The student will be at home. The student was at home.

.‫הסרט מעניין‬ .‫הסרט יהיה מעניין‬ .‫הסרט היה מעניין‬

The movies is interesting. The movie will be interesting. The movie was interesting.

IV. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and 2 / ‫אין‬. Sentences w ith ‫ יש לי‬and ‫אין לי‬

Chapter summary

♦ There is no verb "to have" in Hebrew. Instead, we express possession in the following

- In the present tense, we use - ‫ אין‬/ -‫יש ל‬ ‫ ל‬, as in: .‫ אין‬/ .‫לי כוח יש לי כוח‬

- In the past tense, we use - )‫לא‬ ‫ היו ל‬/ -‫ הייתה ל‬/ -‫) היה ל‬,as in:
.‫ לא היה לי כוח‬/ .‫היה לי כוח‬

- In the future tense we use - ‫ יהיו ל‬/ -‫ תהיה ל‬/ -‫) לא) יהיה ל‬, as in:
.‫ לא יהיה לי כוח‬/ .‫יהיה לי כוח‬

♦ The verb form in the past and future tense matches the thing that is possessed.
- Exam ples with a possessor indicated by a pronoun added to - ‫) לו) ל‬:

^‫ ך־—ן‬, ‫—ן‬
pi. pi. f.s. f.s. m.s. m.s.
past: .‫ לא היו לו בעיות‬/ ‫היו‬ .‫ לא הייתה לו מכונית‬/ ‫הייתה‬ .‫ לא היה לו כוח‬/ ‫ היה‬- <
future: ..‫ לא יהיה לו כוח‬/ ‫יהיה‬ ‫ לא יהיו לו בעיות‬/ ‫יהיו‬ .‫ לא תהיה לו מכונית‬/ ‫תהיה‬

Exam ples with a possessor indicated by a noun (‫ )יוסי‬added to - ‫) ליוסי) ל‬:

I * I * I *
pi. pi. f.s. f.s. m.s. m.s.
past.: .‫ לא היו בעיות‬/ ‫ליוסי היו‬ .‫ לא הייתה מכונית‬/ ‫ליוסי הייתה‬ .‫ לא היה כוח‬/ ‫ ליוסי היה‬-‫>׳‬
future■..‫ לא יהיו בע י ות‬/ ‫ל י וס י יהיו‬ .‫ לא תהיה מכונית‬/ ‫ליוסי תהיה‬ .‫ לא יהיה כוח‬/ ‫ליוסי יהיה‬

Alternative word orders are discussed in the above chapter.

Want to see if you've understood this chapter?

A . Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into H ebrew .

1. She doesn't have (any) questions.________________

2. M y father has two b ro th e rs.______________________

‫‪ and 2 /‬יש ‪IV. Sentences w ith‬‬ ‫אין לי ‪ and‬יש לי ‪. Sentences w ith‬אין‬

‫)דשא ‪3. Our neighbors have a green lawn. (m.‬‬

‫‪4.‬‬ ‫‪You (m.s.) had a different opinion, (f.‬‬ ‫)דעה‬

‫)רעיונות( ‪5. I don't have (any) ideas.‬‬

‫)עבודה ‪6. They (m.)will have a new job. (f.‬‬

‫‪7. You ( had a big apartment‬‬

‫‪8. Your ( daughter will have a lot of friends at her new school.‬‬

‫‪9. Uri had a piano lesson yesterday.‬‬

‫‪A nsw ers:‬‬

‫הייתה לך דעה שונה‪.‬‬ ‫‪a‬‬ ‫אין לה שאלות‪ .2 .‬לאבא שלי יש שני אחים‪ .3 .‬לשכנים שלגו יש דשא ירוק ‪.1.‬‬
‫‪.‬אין לי רעיונות‪ .6 .‬תהיה להם עבודה חדשה‪ .7 .‬הייתה לכם דירה גדולה ‪5.‬‬
‫‪ ...‬לבת שלכם יהיו הרבה חברים בבית הספר החדש שלה‪ /.‬יהיו לבת שלכם הרבה חברים ‪8.‬‬
‫‪.‬היה לאורי שיעור פסנתר אתמול‪ / .‬לאורי היה שיעור פסנתר אתמול ‪9.‬‬

‫‪B. Translate the fo llo w in g sentences in to English.‬‬

‫‪ .1‬דני ה יה בלונדון בש נה שעברה ‪.‬‬

‫‪ .2‬לר ות י היו שנ י כלב ים ‪.‬‬

‫‪ .3‬יש לגו ד ירה קט נה בח יפה ‪.‬‬

‫‪ .4‬בד ירה יש שנ י ש ולח נ ות ועשרה כ יסא ות ‪.‬‬

‫‪ .5‬לחבר ים של נ ו יש ב ית בצפו ן ‪.‬‬

‫‪ .6‬השכ נ ים ש ל מ יכל היו נחמד ים מא וד ‪.‬‬

‫‪ .7‬לדורון לא יה יה זמ ן לאכ ול אחר י הש יע ור ‪.‬‬

IV. Sentences with ‫ יש‬and 2 / ‫אין‬. Sentences with ‫ יש לי‬and ‫אין לי‬

8. ‫רון לא יהיה בבית בערב‬.

A nsw ers:
1. D anny w as in London last year. 2. Ruti had tw o dogs. 3. W e have a small ap artm ent in H aifa.
4. In the apartm ent there are tw o tables and ten chairs. 5. O u r friends have a house in the north.
6. M ic h a l's neighbors w e re ve ry nice. 7. Doron w o n 't have tim e to eat after the lesson / after class.
8. Ron w o n 't be home in the evening.

C . W rite the sentences in the present tense.

.‫ ליוסף היה ספר מעניין על פילוסופיה יוונית‬. 1

.‫ המים היו חמי ם מאוד‬.2

.‫ לחברים שלנו היו שלוש מכוניות‬.3

.‫ לא יהיה לי זמן מחר ל שחק טניס‬.4

A nsw ers:
.‫ לחברים שלנו יש שלוש מכוניות‬.3 .‫ המים חמים מאוד‬.2 .‫ ליוסף יש ספר מעניין על פילוסופיה יוונית‬.1
.‫ אין לי זמן היום לשחק טניס‬.4

V. Sentences with Infinitives
)‫ ללמוד‬...‫ יכול‬/ ‫ צויד‬/ ‫ עלול‬/ ‫(הוא התחיל‬
T T XV • : • ‫׳‬

infinitive+verbA• )•‫ ללמוד בקיץ‬...‫ רצה‬/ ‫(רון התחיל‬
• A ‫״‬non-verb ‫ ״‬+ infinitive ).‫ ללמוד בקיץ‬...‫ עלול‬/ ‫(רון מוכרח‬
‫ ״‬Two special cases: ‫ צריך‬and ‫יכול‬ ).‫ יכול ללמוד בקיץ‬/ ‫(רון צריך‬

Read the following passage about Ronit :

‫ אבל בסוף הסמסטר היא הפסיקה ללמוד שם כי היא‬,‫רונית למדה סמסטר אחד בחוג להיסטוריה‬ -C
‫ ולכן עכשיו‬,‫ אמרו לה שהיא לא יכולה לעבור לחוג אחר באמצע השנה‬.‫החליטה לעבור לחוג לכלכלה‬
.‫ לכן אולי היא תעבוד כמטפלת‬,‫ היא יודעת לטפל בתינוקות‬.‫היא חייבת למצוא עבודה‬

Ronit studied for one semester in the History Department, but at the end of the semester she stopped
studying there because she decided to transfer to the Economics Department. She was told that she
couldn't transfer to a different department in the middle of the year, so now she must find a job. She
knows how to take care of babies, so maybe she could work as a nanny.

Q : What is common to all the Hebrew word combinations highlighted above?

A : They all contain a word followed by an infinitive. (This is not the case in the English
translation. For more on the differences, see "Did you know?" below.)

When learning "word + infinitive" combinations, it is helpful to divide the words that precede
the infinitive into two basic categories: verbs and non-verbs. In the following two sentences
we can see representatives of these two categories:1

verb + infinitive: Ronit stopped studying there. .‫ית הפסיקה ללמוד שם־‬
non-verb + infinitive: Ronit must find work. .2. ‫רונית חייבת למצוא עבודה‬

1 For fixed expressions like ‫ אסור‬,‫ כדאי‬,‫ אפשר‬followed by an in fin itiv e , see the chapters "Impersonal Sentences
with ‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ כדאי‬and the Like," pp. 768-777 and "Making Impersonal Sentences Personal," pp. 778-790.

V. Sentences with Infinitives

In sentence 1 there is a verb - ‫( הפס יקה‬stopped) - before the infinitive. We know that ‫הפסיקה‬
is a verb because it has past and future tense conjugations (past :...‫יק‬-‫ הפנז‬,‫ הפסקת‬,‫ הפסקתי‬and
future :.‫ תפסיקי״‬,‫ תפסיק‬,‫) אפסיק‬, and it also has an infinitive (‫ )להפס יק‬/ In contrast, in sentence 2
the word ‫( ח י יבת‬must), which appears before the infinitive in Hebrew, is not a verb. ‫ ח י יבת‬has
neither past and future tense forms nor does it have an infinitive. It is like an adjective in that it
has only four forms: ‫ ח י יב ות‬, ‫ חייבים‬, ‫ ח י יבת‬,‫ חייב‬It is also similar to English words such as must,
may, might, shall and should, which have no past, future or infinitive forms

Did you know?

A Hebrew infinitive is not always equivalent to an English infinitive

As you can see in the passage above, w hile Hebrew uses infinitives in all
the highlighted w ord combinations, English uses infinitives only in two o f the
decided to transfer ‫החל יטה לעב ור‬ ‫>י‬
knows how to take care of ‫י ודעת לט פ ל‬

In two other phrases, English does not use the w ord to:

couldn't transfer ‫לא יכ ולה לעב ור‬

must find ‫ח י יבת למצ וא‬

in yet another phrase, English uses an -ing form:

stopped studying ‫הפס יקה ללמ וד‬

Because o f the lack of correspondence between Hebrew and English, it is

important to learn the Hebrew structures w ithout translating them directly from

Now let's look more closely at these two kinds of constructions with infinitives:

2 Having an infinitive is a characteristic of all verbs except passive verbs in the poo 'a l and h o o fa l beenyaneem.
Two special cases - ‫ יכול‬and ‫ צריך‬- must also be mentioned in this regard, and they will be discussed below.
3 These words are called modals in English grammar.

V. Sentences with Infinitives

• A verb + infinitive
Here are some Hebrew sentences with verbs followed by infinitives:

.‫רון התחיל ללמוד היסטוריה ב ס מ ס ט ר הראשון‬ ‫>=־־‬

Ron began studying / to study history in the first semester.
He continued studying / to study in the second semester. .‫הוא המשיך ללמוד גם ב ס מ ס ט ר השני‬
He finished studying three years later. .‫ גמר ללמ וד כעב ור ש ל וש ש נ ים‬/ ‫וה וא ס י ים‬
He liked studying / to study history. .‫ה וא אהב ללמ וד ה יסט ור יה‬
Now he wants to teach history. 4.‫עכש י ו ה וא ר וצה ללמ ד ה יסט ור יה‬

Since a verb precedes the infinitive in all o f these sentences, changing the tense of these
sentences is very simple: All we have to do is to change the tense of the verb.

Let's look again at the first sentence, which is in the past tense:

Ron began studying / to study history. .•‫״‬ ‫ל ללמ וד ה יסט ור יה‬

In the present tense we would say:

. ‫רון מתח י ל ללמ וד ה יסט ור יה‬
,And in the future tense:
. ‫רון יתח יל ללמ וד ה יסט ור יה‬

When changing the tenses, only the verb changes. The infinitive remains the same.

Here is another example o f a verb in the three tenses before an infinitive:5

Yaniv want ed / wants / will want to invite Michal. .‫ ירצה לה זמ י ן את מ יכל‬/ ‫ ר וצה‬/ ‫יניב רצה‬ **C.

4 The syntactic structure of these last two sentences, in which the infinitive is a direct object, is actually different
from that of the first three sentences, in which the first verb modifies the infinitive (telling whether the action
is beginning, continuing, ending, etc.). Nonetheless, we have grouped these together because all of these verbs
behave in a similar manner.
5 On sentences with ‫ רוצה‬and other verbs of desire, see the chapter "Expressing Desire," pp. 894-900.

V. Sentences with Infinitives

• A "non-verb ‫ ״‬+ infinitive (...‫ עש ו י‬, ‫ חייב‬, ‫)מ וברח‬

Here are some sentences in which the infinitive is preceded by a word that is n o t a verb (= a
"non-verb"). This word has no past, future or infinitive form:

Ron must sit / has to sit in the library till 10 at night. .‫ ו בלילה‬0 ‫רון מוכרח לשבת בספרייה עד‬
He must finish / has to finish his papers on time. .‫הוא וזייב לסיים את העבודות שלו בזמן‬
‫רון עשוי להצליח בכל הקורסים שלו‬.
Ron is likely to succeed in all his courses./ Ron may very well succeed...
Avi is liable to fail his courses. /Avi might fail... .‫ ילול להיכשל בקורסים שלו‬0 ‫אבי‬
He is supposed to read many articles every week. .‫ה וא אמ ור לקר וא הרבה מאמר ים כל שב וע‬

These words, o f course, match their subjects,6 for example:

f I
.: .‫ ו בל ילה‬0 ‫וכרחה לש בת בספר י יה עד‬
T T :
‫ש יה מ‬
m .p l: . ‫הסט ו ד נט ים ח י יב ים לס י ים א ת העב וד ות ש ל הם ב זמ ן‬
f.p l : .‫הסט ו ד נט י ות עש ו י ות להצל יח בכל הק ורס ים שלה ן‬

Did you know?

Special changes in word order

The words in sentences like these sometimes appear in a different order, i.e., with
the non-verb element + infinitive first, followed by the subject‫־‬, for example:

it is likely to rai n today. . ‫עש ו י לרדת גשם ה י ום‬ ‫•*־‬sC
(lit.: Rain is likely to fall today.)

There are likely to be heavy rains. .‫עש ו י ים לרדת גשמ ים עזים‬

(lit.: Heavy rains are likely to fail.)

.‫חייבים לחול ש ינ ו י ים אמיתיים במערכת החינוך‬

There must be genuine changes in the educational system.
(lit.: Genuine changes need to take place in the educational system.)

6 The feminine singular ending of these words is not always the same, and therefore must be learned in each
case. Of the words mentioned in this section, only the fs . form of ‫ חייב‬ends in ‫ ת‬-:
ends in ‫ת‬-: •‫ היא חייבת״‬/ ‫ את‬/ ‫<• אני‬
end in ‫ח‬-: ...‫אמורה‬
T ‫־־‬:
T —:
T ‫־־‬:
T T:
‫ היא‬/ ‫ את‬/ ‫אני‬

‫ צל‬7
V. Sentences with Infinitives

There are no hard and fast rules for this change in word order. It often happens
when the infinitive denotes existence (i.e., it tells that something happens or
stops happening) and when the subject is not definite.

‫נ‬ * 1

Changing the tense o f a "non verb " + infinitive

N ow let's see what happens when we change the tense o f sentences like those presented at the
beginning of this section:
present: .‫רון חייב לסיים את העבודות שלו בזמן‬
past: .‫רון היה חייב לסיים את העבודות שלו בזמן‬
future■. .‫רון יהיה חייב לסיים את העבודות שלו בזמן‬

Q : How did we change these sentences into the past and future tenses?

A : We simply added ‫ היה‬in the past and ‫ יהיה‬in the future.

past, .‫רון היה חייב לסיים את העבודות שלו בזמן‬

future: .‫רון יהיה חייב לסיים את העבודות שלו בזמן‬

Here are some more examples, with different subjects:

present: Ronit has to finish her papers on time. .‫רונית חייבת לסיים את העבודות שלה בזמן‬
past: Ronit had to finish... ...‫רונית הייתה חייבת לסיים‬
future: Ronit will have to finish... ...‫רונית תהיה חייבת לסיים‬

present: We have to finish our papers on time. .‫אנחנו חייבים לסיים את העבודות שלנו בזמן‬
past: We had to finish... ...‫(אנחנו) היינו חייבים לסיים‬
future: We will have to finish... ...‫(אנחנו) נהיה חייבים לסיים‬

Notice that ‫ חייב‬has only four forms )‫ חייבות‬,‫ חייבים‬,‫ חייבת‬,‫(חייב‬, but ‫ היה‬and ‫ יהיה‬have full
past and future tense conjugations : ...‫ היית‬,‫ היית‬,‫ הייתי‬and ...‫ תהיי‬,‫ תהיה‬,‫אהיה‬. When the subject
changes, the forms of ‫יהיה‬/‫ היה‬and ‫ חייב‬match it .

This is true also of all the other words in the non-verb category:

present: Ronit must look for / has to look for work. .‫רונית מוכרחה לחפש עבודה‬ ‫>־‬
past: Ronit had to look for work. .‫רונית הייתה מוכרחה לחפש עבודה‬

present: 7.‫החברים שלה עשויים לעזור לה‬

Her friends are likely to help her. / They may very well help her.
past: Her friends were likely to help her. .‫החברים שלה היו עשויים לעזור לה‬

7 Since the present tense sentences using ‫( עשוי‬likely), ‫( עלול‬liable), ‫( אמור‬supposed to) and the like actually
refer to something that will take place in the future, we usually don't add a form of ‫ יהיה‬to them.

V. Sentences with Infinitives

In all the examples of past and future tense that we have shown here, the forms of ‫ היה‬and ‫יהיה‬
come before words like ‫ עשוי‬,‫ מוכרח‬,‫ חייב‬and the like. This is the order typically used in spoken
Hebrew. In more formal usage, mainly in the past tense but also in the future tense, the order is
sometimes reversed, as in:

p a st: Romt had to look for work. .‫רונית מוכרחה הייתה לחפ ש עבודה‬
future: Ronit will have to look for work. .‫רונית מוכרחה תהיה לחפ ש עבודה‬

Let's review
♦ In this chapter we have looked at word combinations containing infinitives. We
have divided the words that precede infinitives into two basic categories: verbs
and non-verbs.

♦ In the present tense, words in both o f these categories have four forms and
match their subject:
...‫ הן אוהבות‬...‫ה ם אוהבים‬ .‫ל ל מ ו ד‬ ‫רונית א והב ת‬ .‫ל ל מ ו ד‬ ‫ רון אוהב‬. 1 - >
...‫הן חייבות‬ ...‫הם חייבים‬ .‫עבודה‬ ‫ל מ צו א‬ ‫ רונית חייבת‬.‫עבודה‬ ‫ל מ צו א‬ ‫ רון חייב‬.2

♦ However, in the past and fu tu re tenses verbs and non-verbs that precede
infinitives behave differently.

- When a verb comes before an infinitive, it is the form of this verb that
changes, for example:
present: .‫ רונית אוה בת ל ל מ ו ד‬-‫< *־‬
past: .‫אהבה ל ל מ ו ד רונית‬
future: .‫תאהב ל ל מ ו ד רונית‬

- In contrast, when a non-verb comes before an infinitive, we add the

appropriate form of ‫ היה‬and ‫יהיה‬, respectively:

present: .‫עבודה רונית‬ ‫ל מ צו א‬ ‫חייבת‬

past: .‫עבודה רונית‬ ‫ל מ צו א‬ ‫חייבת‬ ‫היי תה‬
future: .‫עבודה רונית‬ ‫ל מ צו א‬ ‫חייבת‬ ‫תהיה‬

‫‪V. Sentences with Infinitives‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪A . W rite the fo llo w in g sentences in the tenses in d ic a te d .‬‬

‫ו‪ .‬א ת ם רוצים לבקר במרוקו‪.‬‬

‫לפני שנה ______________‬

‫בשנה הבאה‬

‫‪ .2‬למה אתה מוכרח לצאת באמצע ה שיעורז‬

‫____________________________________________________________________ א ת מו ל ?‬

‫_____________________________________________________________________ מ ח ת‬

‫‪ .3‬הילד יבקש ללכת הביתה‪.‬‬

‫אתמול _____________________________________________________________________‬

‫כל יום _____________________________________________________________________‬

‫‪ .4‬תיסע יותר לאס‪ .‬אתה עלול לגרום לתאונה‪.‬‬

‫אתמול בטיול נ סע ת מהר מדיי ___________________________________________________‬

‫‪ .5‬בקרוב מיכל ת ת חיל ללמוד באוניברסיטה‪.‬‬

‫לפני שנה _________________________‬

‫היום _____________________________‬

‫‪ .6‬תאהבו לטייל ביחד‪.‬‬

‫בעבר ___________‬


‫‪ .7‬אנחנו חייבים לקום מוקדם‪.‬‬

‫לפני שבוע ______________‬

‫בשבוע הבא _________________________________________________________________‬

‫‪A nsw ers:‬‬
‫בשנה הבאה תרצו לבקר במרוקו‪.‬‬ ‫לפני שנה רציתם לבקר במרוקו‪.‬‬
‫למה תהיה מוכרח לצאת באמצע השיעור מחר?‬ ‫למה היית מוכרח לצאת באמצע השיעור אתמול?‬
‫כל יום הילד מבקש ללכת הביתה‪.‬‬ ‫אתמול הילד ביקש ללכת הביתה‪.‬‬
‫היית עלול לגרום לתאונה‪.‬‬
‫לפני שנה מיכל התחילה ללמוד באוניברסיטה‪ .‬היום מיכל מתחילה ללמוד באוניברסיטה‪.‬‬
‫עכשיו אתם אוהבים לטייל ביחד‪.‬‬ ‫בעבר אהבתם לטייל ביחד‪.‬‬
‫בשבוע הבא נהיה חייבים לקום מוקדם‪.‬‬ ‫לפני שבוע היינו חייבים לקום מוקדם‪.‬‬

V. Sentences with infinitives

B. Translate in to H e b re w .

1. You (m.s.) are liable to fail the test.

2. Moshe and Danny are likely to succeed on the exam.

3. W ho wants to begin reading?

4. When did you ( .) stop dancing?

5. You (f.s.) didn't have to sing yesterday.

6. We will start writing the paper tomorrow.

7. Rutie likes buying vegetables in the sh u k (open air market).

8. Shmulik was supposed to have arrived home an hour ago.

A nsw ers:
?‫ מי רוצה להתחיל לקרוא‬.3 .‫ משה ודני עשויים להצליח במבחן‬.2 .‫אתה עלול להיכשל בבחינה‬ .1
.‫ מוכרחה לשיר אתמול‬/ ‫ צריכה‬/ ‫ (את) לא היית חייבת‬.5 ?‫מתי הפסקתן לרקוד‬ .4
.‫ רותי אוהבת לקנות ירקות בשוק‬.7 .‫(אנחנו) נתחיל לכתוב את העבודה מחר‬ .6
.‫שמוליק היה אמור להגיע הביתה לפני שעה‬ .8

• Two special cases: ‫ צריך‬and ‫יכול‬

Here is more about Ronit:

.‫ היא יכולה לח פש מודעות בעיתונים או באינטרנט‬.‫רונית צריכה למצוא עבודה ל תק ופה של חצי שנה‬
.‫היא יכולה גם לשאול חברים אם הם שמ עו על מישהו ש מ ח פ ש עובדת‬

Ronit has to find work for the next half a year. She can look for ads in newspapers and on the Internet.
She can also ask friends if they have heard of someone who is looking for a worker.

V. Sentences with Infinitives

The above passage contains the words ‫ צריכה‬and ‫יכולה‬, which are followed by infinitives. ‫צריך‬
and ‫ יכול‬are similar to words like ‫ עשוי‬,‫ עלול‬,‫ מוכרח‬,‫( חייב‬non-verbs) in that they do not have an
infinitive form. Their behavior in the past and future tenses deserves special attention.

‫ צריך‬in the past and future tenses

Let's change Ronit's story to the past tense:
Ronit had to find work. .‫רונית הייתה צריכה למצוא עבודה‬

Q : Does the word ‫ צריך‬have a past tense?

A : No. Instead, the verb ‫ הייתה‬is added, just as was the case with the ‫חייב‬ (non-verb) group

Here are some more examples of ‫ צריך‬in the past tense - this time with different subjects:

Ron had to find work. ,‫רון היה צריך למצוא עבודה‬

We, too, had to find work. .‫גם א נח נ ו היינו צר יכ ים למצ וא עב ודה‬

Here, too, as was the case with ‫ עש ו י‬, ‫ מ וכרח‬, ‫ ח י יב‬and the like, there are only four forms of ‫צר יך‬
‫ צר יכ ות‬, ‫ צר יכ ים‬, ‫ צר יכה‬, ‫) )צר יך‬, while ‫ ה יה‬has a full past tense conjugation. Here, too, we can change
the order of the words in more formal Hebrew and write:

We had to find work. .‫צר יכ ים היינו למצ וא עב ודה‬ ■<C

Now let's look at the future tense o f sentences with ‫צריך‬:

Ronit will have to look for ads on the internet. .‫ר ונ ית תצטרך ל ח פש מ ודע ות בא י נטר נט‬
We, too, will have to l ook for ads. .‫גם א נח נ ו נצטרך ל ח פש מ ודע ות‬

Q : In these sentences do we simply add the verb ‫ תהיה‬before ‫צריך‬, as we did with other non-
verbs ( e. g. , .‫?)ה יא תהיה חייבת למצ וא עב ודה‬

A : No. Instead, a future tense verb form - ‫ תצטרך‬- appears in place of ‫צר יך‬. Here are all the
forms of this verb:9

8 In the past tense, it is also possible - but much less common - to change ‫ צריך‬to a verb in beenyan heetpa'el
and say ‫ הצטרך‬instead of ‫ היה צריך‬.
9 In the future tense, some speakers use forms of ‫ יהיה‬before ‫ צריכות‬,‫ צריכים‬,‫ צריכה‬,‫צריך‬, but this is less common.
For exampl e: .‫מחר אה יה צר יך לצאת מ וקדם‬

V. Sentences with infinitives

prefixes and endings only prefixes

‫אצטרך‬ :‫אני‬
‫תצטרד‬ : ‫אתה‬
‫תצטרכי‬ : ‫את‬
‫יצטרך‬ :‫הוא‬
‫תצטלד‬ :‫ה יא‬
‫נצטרןז‬ :‫אנחנו‬
! T ! ‫י‬
: ‫את ן‬/ ‫אתם‬
‫יצטרכו‬ : ‫ה ן‬/ ‫הם‬

‫ יכול‬in the past and future tenses

In the passage above, there is a sentence with the present tense form :‫יכולה‬

-‫י‬ ‫תונים או באינטרנט‬

Ronit can look for ads in newspapers or on the Internet.

Although ‫ יכול‬has no infinitive form, it does - like all the verbs at the beginning of this chapter
- have both past and future tense forms.

Let's look at the future tense of this sentence first:

.‫רונית תוכל לחפש מודעות בעיתונים או באינטרנט‬
Ronit will be able to look for ads in the newspapers and on the internet.

Here are all the future tense forms of ‫יכול‬:

prefixes and endings only prefixes

‫אוכל‬ :‫אני‬
‫תוכל‬ : ‫אתה‬
‫תוכלי‬ : ‫את‬
‫יוכל‬ :‫הוא‬
‫תוכל‬ :‫ה יא‬
‫נוכל‬ :‫אנחנו‬
‫תוכלו‬ : ‫את ן‬/ ‫אתם‬
‫יוכלו‬ : ‫ה ן‬/ ‫הם‬

When we change the sentence with ‫ יכולה‬above to the past tense, it looks like this:
.‫רונית לא יכלה לחפש מודעות בעיתונים או באינטרנט בסמסטר הראשון‬
Ronit could not look for ads in newspapers or on the Internet in the first semester.

V. Sentences with Infinitives

Here are all the past tense forms of 10:‫יכול‬

p lu ra l singular

‫יכולנו‬ :‫אנחנו‬ ‫יכולתי‬ :‫אני‬ ‫>־‬

V: T :‫א ת ם‬ ‫יכולת‬
T: T :‫א תה‬
‫יכולתן‬ :‫אתן‬ ‫יכולת‬ :‫את‬

:T ‫ הן‬,‫הם‬ ‫יכול‬ ‫הוא‬
‫יכלה‬ ‫היא‬

Because the present and past tense ‫ הוא‬forms are identical - both are 12‫ יכול‬- speakers o f Hebrew
tend almost always to add ‫ היה‬to ‫( יכול‬we say ‫ יכול היה‬or ‫)היה יכול‬, in order to clarify that the
sentence is indeed in the past.13 Here are some examples:

present: .‫היום דויד יכול לחפש מודעות‬

past: .‫אתמול דויד יכול היה לחפש מודעות‬
‫ אתמול דויד היה יכול לחפש מודעות‬. :or

Did you know?

The past tense forms of ‫ יכול‬may mean either "coul d" or "coul d have, " depending
on the context:
.‫> כבר בגיל שתים עשרה יכולתי לאפות עוגות לבד‬
A lre a d y at the a g e o f twelve I could bake cakes all by myself.

. ‫ אבל לא דיברתי איתו‬, ‫יכולתי לדבר איתו‬

I could have spoken to him yesterday, but I d id n 't.

In order to express the meaning "coul d have" (as it appears in the second
sentence) in a less ambiguous way, we can instead use a form of ‫ היה‬with a
present tense form of ‫יכול‬, as in:
.‫ אבל לא דיברתי איתו‬,‫ הייתי יכולה לדבר איתו‬-‫<־‬
I could have spoken to him yesterday, but I d id n 't.

10 For a discussion of these forms, see the chapter "Verbs Whose First Root Letter Is ‫י׳‬," pp. 512-514.
11 The formal pronunciation is ‫ יכולתן‬/ ‫( יכולתם‬ye -ch o l-T E M I ye-chol-TE N ), with the stress on the last syllable
and an eh sound after the '‫י‬.
12 Only in texts with vowel signs is there a difference: ‫( יכל‬in the past, without a ‫ )וי‬and ‫( יכול‬in the present). In
texts without vowel signs, both forms are written the same: ‫יכול‬.
13 When we add ‫היה‬, we are not actually adding ‫ היה‬to the past tense form (this is impossible in Hebrew), but
rather to the form used in the present tense.

V. Sentences with Infinitives

Let's review

The words ‫ צריך‬and ‫יכול‬, when used before infinitives, sometimes act like verbs
and sometimes like non-verbs in the past and future tenses. Here are examples of
the most c o m m o n ways they behave:

♦ The word ‫צריך‬:

future past present
‫רונית תצטרך למצוא‬ >=‫=> רונית הייתה צריכה למצוא‬

♦ The word ‫יכול‬:

future past present
‫=>רונית תוכל למצוא‬ ‫רונית יכלה למצוא‬ >= ‫רונית יכולה למצוא‬
.‫עבודה‬ .‫עבודה‬ .‫עבודה‬

In the past tense with a masculine singular subject, instead of ‫הוא יכול‬, speakers
usually say ‫ הוא יכול היה‬or ‫הוא היה יכול‬.

Want to see if you've understood?

W r it e the fo llo w in g se n te n ce s in th e tenses in d ic a te d .

.‫ הילדים צריכים ללכת לישון מוקדם‬.‫ו‬

______________________ ‫אתמול‬

________________________ ‫מחר‬

.‫ אתה יכול להגיע מוקדם יותר‬.2

_________________ ‫אתמול‬

___________________ ‫מחר‬

.‫ תצטרכו לשלם את החשבון‬.3

___________ ‫בשבוע שעבר‬


‫‪V. Sentences with Infinitives‬‬

‫תוכלו לבקר אותי מחר?‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫__________________________ ע כ שיו ?‬

‫__________________________ א ת מו ל ?‬ ‫למה לא‬

‫‪A nsw ers:‬‬

‫מחר הילדים יצטרכו ללכת לישון מוקדם‪.‬‬ ‫אתמול הילדים היו צריכים ללכת לישון מוקדם‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫מחר תוכל להגיע מוקדם יותר‪.‬‬ ‫אתמול יכולת להגיע מוקדם יותר‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫אתם צריכים לשלם את החשבון עכשיו‪.‬‬ ‫בשבוע שעבר הייתם צריכים לשלם את החשבון‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫למה לא יכולתם לבקר אותי אתמול?‬ ‫אתם יכולים לבקר אותי עכשיו?‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood this chapter‬‬

‫‪W rite the fo llo w in g sentences in the tenses in d ic a te d . Pay a ttention to w h e th e r a v e rb‬‬
‫‪o r a non-verb com es b e fo re the in fin itiv e .‬‬

‫‪ . 1‬אני מת חילה לע שות דיאטה היום‪.‬‬

‫אתמול _____________________‬

‫מחר _______________________‬

‫‪ .2‬אני לא יכולה לעזור לחבר שלי עכשיו‪.‬‬


‫גם מחר‬

‫‪ .3‬יונתן ירצה לקנות דיסק חדש בשבוע הבא‪.‬‬

‫‪ .‬עכשיו‪.‬‬


‫‪ .4‬את ם מוכרחים ללמוד צרפתית השנה‪.‬‬

‫כבר לפני שנה ___________________‬

‫בשנה הבאה ____________________‬

‫‪ .5‬אחותי צריכה להגיע בחמש‪.‬‬

‫אתמול בחמ ש‪.‬‬

‫‪V. Sentences with Infinitives‬‬

‫‪ .6‬התזמורת לא ממשיכה לנגן אחרי ההפסקה‪.‬‬

‫________________________________________________________________________________________ ‪.‬‬
‫מחר ___________________________________________________________________‬

‫‪ .7‬אנחנו חייבים לעזוב את הדירה שלנו‪.‬‬

‫________________________________________________________________________________________ ‪.‬‬

‫_______________________________________________________________________________________ ‪.‬‬

‫‪ .8‬אני לא יודעת לשיר‪.‬‬

‫גם כשהייתי קטנה _________________________________________________________‬

‫גם בעוד שנה _____________________________________________________________‬

‫‪ .9‬ההצגה אמורה להתחיל בשמונה‪.‬‬

‫בשבוע שעבר _________________________________________________ ל ה ת ח י ל בשבע‪.‬‬

‫מחר אתחיל לעשות דיאטה‪.‬‬ ‫אתמול התחלתי לעשות דיאטה‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫גם מחר לא אוכל לעזור לחבר שלי‪.‬‬ ‫לא יכולתי לעזור לחבר שלי אתמול‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫יונתן רצה לקנות דיסק חדש אתמול‪.‬‬ ‫יונתן רוצה לקנות דיסק חדש עכשיו‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫בשנה הבאה תהיו מוכרחים ללמוד צרפתית‪.‬‬ ‫כבר לפני שנה הייתם מוכרחים ללמוד צרפתית‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫אחותי הייתה צריכה להגיע אתמול בחמש‪.‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫מחר התזמורת לא תמשיך לנגן אחרי ההפסקה‪.‬‬ ‫אחרי ההפסקה‪.‬‬ ‫ל התזמורת לא המשיכה לנגן‬
‫בחודש הבא נהיה חייבים לעזוב את הדירה שלנו‪.‬‬ ‫לפני שנה היינו חייבים לעזוב את הדירה שלנו‪.‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫גם בעוד שנה לא אדע לשיר‪.‬‬ ‫גם כשהייתי קטנה לא ידעתי לשיר‪.‬‬ ‫‪.8‬‬
‫בשבוע שעבר ההצגה הייתה אמורה להתחיל בשבע‪.‬‬ ‫‪.9‬‬

VI. Impersonal Sentences with
...‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותו‬,‫ כדאי‬and their
* T • • •• ' t I •

Personal Counterparts
:In this unit we will discuss the following topics

Impersonal Sentences with .1 ‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ בדאי‬and the Like

M aking Impersonal Sentences Personal .2
3 . -‫ טוב ש‬,-‫ חשוב ש‬,-‫ פדאי ש‬and the Like
T ‫ ־‬:

Q Impersonal Sentences with

‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ פדאי‬and the Like
T V:T ‫ ־‬:

‫ אפשר ״‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ כדאי‬and the like followed by an infinitive
Negating sentences with • ‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ כדאי‬and the like
‫ אפשר ״‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ כדאי‬and the like in the past andfuture tenses
Impersonal sentences with • ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬followed by an infinitive

Read the following sentences:

liana gets up early every morning. .‫ אילנה קמה מוקדם כל בוקר‬.‫ו‬

In Israel people work on Sunday . .‫ בישראל עובדים ביום ראשון‬.2

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 1. Impersonal Sentences with ...‫ אפשר‬,‫ מיתר‬,‫בדאי‬

Q: Who gets up early (sentence 1), and who works on Sunday (sentence 2)?

A: In sentence 1, ‫( אילנה‬liana) gets up early every day. In sentence 2, we do not know exactly
wh o works on Sunday in Israel. In Hebrew the person or people are not specified. Not
even the word ‫( אנשים‬people) appears. Sentences like this are often called im personal (‫) ס ת מ י‬
sen ten ces.1

N ow read the following passage which contains another kind o f impersonal sentence:

‫ אסור לאחר‬.‫ אבל צריך לקום כי צריך להגיע בזמן לעבודה‬,‫בחורף לפעמים קשה לצאת מן המ יט ה בבוקר‬
‫ כדאי להתלבש מהר‬.‫ אפשר להדליק תנור בבוקר ואז קל יותר לצאת מן המיטה‬.‫אפילו ב ח מ ש דקות‬
...‫ במשך היום נעים לחשוב על החזרה הביתה ל מיטה החמה‬.‫ולשתות משהו חם‬

In the winter it is sometimes difficult to get out of bed in the morning, but you must get up because you
have to get to work on time: being even five minutes late is not allowed. It is possible to turn on a heater
in the morning, and then it is easier to get out of bed. It's advisable to get dressed quickly and to drink
something hot. During the day it's nice to think about going home to a warm bed...

Q : According to the Hebrew: For whom is it difficult to get out o f bed? Who has to get up?
Who is not allowed to be late?
A: In this whole passage, as in sentence 2 above, the person or people are not specified. These,
too, are called im personal sentences.2 It is this type o f impersonal sentence that we will
discuss in this chapter.

• ‫ אפשר‬, ‫ מ ותר‬, ‫ כדאי‬and the like followed by an

N o w let's take a closer look at some o f the sentences in the passage above and see ho w they are
it is difficult to get out of bed. .‫ה מי טה קשה לצ את מן‬ ■■*■C
It is necessary to get up. / One must get up. . ‫צריך לקום‬
It is forbidden to be late. / Being late is not allowed. .‫אס ור לאחר‬

1 Impersonal sentences like this, which have no subject, are discussed in the chapter ‫״‬Sentences Without
Subjects: Impersonal Sentences," pp. 694-696.
2 The words ‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ כדאי‬and the like are sometimes called ‫( חג״מים‬cha-GA-meem) = ‫( חסרי גוף ומספר‬lacking
person and number). This term was introduced by Haiim Rosen, 1977, p. 220. Note: This type of impersonal
sentence - as opposed to an impersonal sentence like ‫ ביפן מדברים יפנית‬- does have a grammatical subject. For
example, in the sentence ‫ קשה לצאת מן המיטה‬, the grammatical subject is ‫ לצאת מן המיטה‬.

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 1. Impersonal Sentences with ...‫ אפשר‬,‫ מיתר‬,‫בדאי‬

It is possible to turn on a heater. ,‫אפשר להדליק תנור‬

It is easy to get out of bed. . ‫קל לצאת מן המיסה‬
It is advisable to get dressed quickly. .‫כדאי להתלבש מהר‬
It is nice / pleasant to think about returning home. ,‫נעים לחשוב על החזרה הביתה‬

Q: What is common to all the Hebrew sentences?

A: They all begin with a word followed by an infinitive.

Some of these words, such as ‫קשה‬, ‫ קל‬and ‫נעים‬, are adjectives in their masculine singular (‫)הוא‬
form. When used in sentences like these - before an infinitive - their form never changes:
it remains in this fixed form. Other words in the list above, such as ‫ אפשר‬and ‫כדאי‬, are not
adjectives and their forms are not considered masculine singular, but they too remain in this
fixed form when they appear before an infinitive.

Here are some more examples of impersonal sentences with a fixed form + infinitive:
‫ חבל‬, ‫ חשוב לאכול פירות וירקות כל יום וגם לחם מחיטה מלאה‬,‫אם רוצים לחיות חיים בריאים‬
‫ ומותר לשתות גם כוסית‬,‫ טוב לשתות שמונה כוסות מים ביום‬.‫לבזבז קלוריות על אוכל לא בריא‬
.‫אחת של יין אדום ביום‬

If you want to live a healthy life it is important to eat fruits and vegetables every day - and also whole
wheat bread. It's a shame to waste calories on unhealthy food. It's good to drink eight glasses of water
a day, and it is also permissible to drink one glass of red wine a day.

Notice that the parallel English sentences in these and in the list above all begin with It is (or
It's), while the Hebrew sentences do not have such a construction (i.e., they don't begin with

Other English equivalents of these sentences are also possible. For example, the following
Hebrew sentence may be translated in at least three ways:
It is forbidden to smoke here. .‫אסור לעשן פה‬ -‫>י‬
People are not allowed to smoke here.
Smoking is forbidden here.

3 In more formal Hebrew we sometimes write: "‫ ״העישון אסור‬. This structure is similar to the English "Smoking
is forbidden.
VI. Impersonal Sentences / 1. Impersonal Sentences with ...‫ אפשר‬,‫ מיתר‬,‫בדאי‬

• Negating sentences with ‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותו‬,‫ כדאי‬and the

When we wish to negate impersonal sentences like those that appear above, in most cases we
simply add ‫לא‬.
it is unpleasant to sit outside on a hot day. .‫בחוץ ביום חם‬
.‫לא כדאי לאכול אבטיח שלם‬
It is not recommended (lit.:worthwhile) to eat a whole watermelon.
(= One shouldn't eat...)
It's not necessary to worry about the children! !‫לא צריך לדאוג לילדים‬

There are two special cases that have to be learned separately:

1. The word ‫ לא‬is never added to ‫ מותר‬or ‫אסור‬. In order to negate ‫מותר‬, we use ‫ אסור‬and vice
.‫מותר לעשן פה‬ # .‫אסור לעשן פה‬
It is permittedto smoke here. It is forbiddento smoke here.

2. The word ‫ לא‬is never added to ‫אפשר‬. Instead, we use ‫ אי‬as the negative:
.‫אי אפשר לפתוח את הדלת בשקט‬ # .‫אפשר לפתוח את הדלת בשקט‬
.It is impossible to open the door quietly. It is possible to open the door quietly

Let's review
Sentences with the words ♦ ‫ נעים‬,‫ קשה‬,‫ קל‬,‫ אפשר‬,‫ אסור‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ כדאי‬and the like
:followed by an infinitive are impersonal
It is worthwhile / advisable to speak with the principal. .‫המנהל‬

Most of these sentences are negated by ♦ ‫לא‬:

It isn’t worthwhile / advisable to speakwith him. .‫יתו‬

♦ The following two words are negated in a different way:

‫ אסור ־‬is negated by its opposite ‫ מותר‬and vice versa:
.‫מותר לעשן‬ # .‫אסור לעשן‬
It is permittedto smoke. It is forbidden to smoke.

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 1 . Impersonal Sentences with ...‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫כדאי‬

- ‫ אפשר‬is negat ed by :‫א י‬

‫אי אפשר לפתוח את הדלת‬ # . ‫אפשר לפתוח את הדלת‬. -C

It is impossible to open the door. It is possible to open the door.

Want to see if you've understood?

Translate the following sentences.

1. It is difficult to understand y o u ._________________________________________

2. It is pleasant to take a walk outside in the evening.

3. It is impossible to hear you.

4. It is forbidden to smoke in the museum. .

5. In many places in the U.S. it is permissible to turn right at a red light (right
on red).

6. It is not advisable to leave the milk on the table. (= One shouldn't leave...)

7. In the summer it is necessary to drink a lot. (= One must drink alot.)

8. It is not difficult to learn Italian.

.‫ אסור לעשן במוזאון‬.4 .‫ אי אפשר לשמוע אותך‬,3 .‫ נעים לטייל בחוץ בערב‬.2 .‫ קשה להבין אותך‬.1
.‫ בהרבה מקומות בארצות הברית מותר לפנות ימינה באור אדום‬/ ‫ במקומות רבים‬.5
.‫ לא קשה ללמוד איטלקית‬,8 .‫ בקיץ צריך לשתות הרבה‬.7 .‫ לא כדאי להשאיר את החלב על השולחן‬.6

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 1. Impersonal Sentences with ...‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫בדאי‬

• ‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ כדאי‬and the like in the past and future

Past tense
The following passage contains impersonal sentences in the past tense:
‫ היה קשה לנסוע‬,‫ כי עדיין לא היו טלפונים‬,‫ ו אי אפשר היה לדבר עם חברים בטלפון‬8-‫במאה ה‬ *‫>־‬
‫ ולא היה‬,‫ צריך היה לנסוע בעגלות ממקום למקום‬.‫ כי לא היו מכוניות ומטוסים‬,‫למקומות רחוקים‬
.‫כדאי לנסוע בלילה בגלל הסכנות בדרכים‬
In the eighteenth century it was impossible to speak with friends on the telephone because there
weren't yet any telephones. It was difficult to travel to far-offplaces because there weren't any cars or
planes. People had to travel fromone place to another in carriages, and it wasn't advisable to travel at
night because of the dangers on the roads.

Q: How is the past tense indicated in these sentences?

A: To each phrase consisting of a word like ‫ מותר‬,‫ כדאי‬,‫ אפשר‬plus an infinitive the word ‫ היה‬is
added. The form of ‫ היה‬never changes as long as the sentence is in the past tense. Here are
the phrases from the above passage:
‫אי אפשר היה לדבר‬
‫היה קשה לנסוע‬
‫צריך היה לנסוע‬
‫לא היה כדאי לנסוע‬

Q: Where is the word ‫ היה‬placed in each of these phrases?

A: As you can see, it is not always placed in the same place in the phrase. In general, we can
say the following:

In informal Hebrew, usually ‫ היה‬comes right before words like ‫ אפשר‬,‫ צריך‬,‫כדאי‬, as in:
it was easy to leamthis song. .‫קל ללמוד את השיר הזה היה‬ ^
it was forbidden to talk during class. .‫היה‬ ‫אסור לדבר בשיעור‬

This is the case also when the word ‫ לא‬is added, forexample:
it wasn't difficult to solve the problem. .> ‫יי‬ ‫לא היה קשה לפתור את הבעיה‬£

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 1 . Impersonal Sentences with ...‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫כדאי‬

In more formal style, ‫ היה‬comes after words like ‫ אפשר‬,‫ צריך‬,‫כדאי‬. This is so also when the word
‫ לא‬is added, for example :
.‫קל היה ללמוד את השיר הזה‬
.‫אסור היה לדבר בשיעור‬
.‫לא קשה היה לפתור את הבעיה‬

As in the passage above, which is written in fairly formal style, the word orders can be mixed.
Note, however, that when we use ‫ אי אפשר‬there is only one possible word order both in informal
and formal styles: ‫ היה‬is always placed after ‫ אי אפשר‬. Here's an example:

it was impossible to speak with the principal. ,.‫אי אפשר היה לדבר עם המנהל‬

Future tense
In the same way that the fixed form ‫ היה‬is used in past tense impersonal sentences, the fixed
form ‫ יהיה‬is used in the future tense. Its placement is the same as that of ‫ היה‬Here are some

‫ ולא צריך יהיה‬,‫ יהיה קל יותר להגיע ממקום למקום‬.‫בעתיד אפשר יהיה לומר למכונית לאן לנסוע‬ -C
.‫ללמוד נהיגה‬

In the future it will be possible to tell your car where to go. It will be easy to get from one place to
another, and it won't be necessary for people to learn how to drive.

Let’s review
♦ In the past tense we add ‫ היה‬to impersonal sentences with infinitives, and in the
future tense we add ‫יהיה‬. The placement of ‫ היה‬and ‫ יהיה‬depends on whether the
sentence is in informal or formal Hebrew.

future past present

.‫ (לא) יהיה קשה ללמוד גרמנית‬.‫ (לא) היה קשה ללמוד גרמנית‬.‫ (לא) קשה ללמוד גרמנית‬- >
.‫ (לא) קשה יהיה ללמוד גרמנית‬.‫(לא) קשה היה ללמוד גרמנית‬

♦ In sentences with ‫אי אפשר‬, the tense indicators ‫ היה‬and ‫ יהיה‬appear only after
‫אי אפשר‬:
it was impossible to speak with the principal. .‫עם המנהל‬
It will be impossible to speak with him, .‫ר איתו‬

4 Alongside ‫ אי אפשר היה‬also ‫ לא היה אפשר‬can be heard today and sounds less formal. In the future tense it is even
more common to use ‫ לא‬instead of ‫אי‬. i.e., ‫ לא יהיה אפשר‬instead of ‫אי אפשר יהיה‬, especially in informal Hebrew.

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 1. Impersonal Sentences with ...‫ אפשר‬,‫ מיתר‬,‫בדאי‬

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the sentences in the past or future as indicated.

_______________________________________________ ‫ גם בשנה שעברה‬.‫ אסור ל ש חות פה‬. 1

___________________________________________ ‫ אולי ב ע תיד לא‬.‫ היה קשה לדבר עם הילד‬.2

______________________________________________ ‫ בקיץ הבא‬.‫ כדאי לנסוע לרומא עכשיו‬.3

____________________________________________ ‫ א תמול‬.‫ נעים ל טייל בחוץ באוויר הקריר‬.4

___________________________________ ‫ במבחן הקודם‬.‫ מותר לה שתמ ש במילון במבחן הזה‬.5

.‫ אי אפשר לבקר במוזאון היום ____________________________________ ביו ם ראשון שעבר‬.6

.‫ היה אסור לשחות פה‬/ ‫גם בשנה שעברה אסור היה‬ .‫ו‬
.‫ לא קשה יהיה לדבר עם הילד‬/ ‫אולי בעתיד לא יהיה קשה‬ .2
.‫ יהיה כדאי לנסוע לרומא‬/ ‫בקיץ הבא כדאי יהיה‬ .3
.‫ נעים היה לטייל בחוץ באוויר הקריר‬/ ‫אתמול היה נעים‬ .4
.‫ היה מותר להשתמש במילון‬/ ‫במבחן הקודם מותר היה‬ .5
.‫אי אפשר היה לבקר במוזאון ביום ראשון שעבר‬ .6

• Impersonal sentences with ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬followed by

an infinitive
Impersonal sentences are often used to give directions, rules and warnings. For example, here
are two sentences we might say to swimmers at a pool:

Running in the pool area is not allowed. .‫אסור לרוץ ב שטח הברכה‬
(lit.: It is forbidden to run in the pool area.)

Listen to the lifeguard. .‫צריך להקשיב למציל‬

(lit.: It is mandatory to listen to the lifeguard.)

In more formal, written Hebrew, the sign at the pool might say:

It is forbidden to run in the pool area. .‫ב שטח הברכה‬ ‫ אין לרוץ‬.‫ו‬

It is mandatory■ to obey the lifeguard's instructions. .‫להוראות המציל‬ ‫להישמע‬

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 1 . Impersonal Sentences with ...‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫כדאי‬

Q: What word is used here instead of ‫?אסור‬

A: The word ‫ אין‬followed by an infinitive. Here are some more examples:

It is forbidden to eat in the pool area. .‫אין לאכול בשטח הברכה‬

It is forbidden to enter the pool without a bathing cap. .‫אין להיכנס לברכה ללא כובע ים‬

Q: What word is used in sentence 2 above instead of ‫?צריך‬

A: The word ‫ יש‬followed by an infinitive. Here are some more examples:

It is mandatory to shower before entering the pool. .‫יש להתקלח לפני הכניסה לברכה‬

It is mandatory to swim in the appropriate lane. .‫יש לשחות במסלול המתאים‬

Notice that the words ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬are not opposites when they are used before infinitives.3
Note, too, that both of these expressions are used only in the present tense (and are translated
" I t is ... ").

Let's review
♦ Sentences with ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬followed by an infinitive are also impersonal sentences
and are used in formal Hebrew. In the sentences presented above they mean
‫ צריך‬and ‫אסור‬, respectively, as in:

It is mandatory to answer all the questions. .1*‫יש לענות על כל השאלות‬ ‫״־‬C

(. . . ‫לענות‬ ‫צר יך‬ =)

It is forbidden to smoke here. .‫אין לעשן פה‬

‫לעשן‬ ‫אס ו ר‬ ...) =)

5 ‫ אין‬+ infinitive may mean ‫ אסור‬as in the above examples, but sometimes it may have other meanings, such as
‫( אי אפשר‬It is not possible), as in: ‫( אין לדעת‬It is impossible to know) or "One shouldn't necessarily...," as in
- ‫( אין להבין מכך ש‬One shouldn't necessarily understand from this that...).

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 1. Impersonal Sentences with ...‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫בדאי‬

Want to see if you've understood?

Translate into Hebrew using ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬when possible.

1. If is necessary to wash vegetables before eating them.

2. If is forbidden to eat during the lecture.

3. Starting (lit.: From) next week if will be forbidden to travel on this highway.

.‫ אין לאכול בזמן ההרצאה‬.2 .‫ יש לשטוף ירקות לפני שאוכלים אותם‬.‫ו‬
.‫ יהיה אסור לנסוע בכביש הזה‬/ ‫ מהשבוע הבא אסור יהיה‬.3

2 Making Impersonal Sentences Personal

P e r s o n a liz in g • ...‫ אסור‬, ‫ קשה‬,‫ כדאי‬+ in fin itiv e

P e r s o n a liz in g • ‫ צןיןז‬a n d ‫ אפשר‬+ in fin itiv e

‫״‬P e r s o n a liz in g ‫יש‬ a n d ‫ אין‬+ in fin itiv e

• Personalizing ...‫ אס ור‬,‫ ל!שה‬,‫ כדאי‬+ infinitive

In the previous chapter we discussed impersonal sentences like:

it is difficult to understand the math teacher. .‫קש ה להבין את המ ורה למתמט יקה‬ <
it is forbidden to talk during class. .‫אס ור לדבר בש יע ור‬

In these sentences we do not know exactly who finds it difficult to understand the teacher
and who is not allowed to talk. Because the person or people are not specified, we call these
sentences i m p e r s o n a l s e n t e n c e s . Now let's see how we can specify who finds it difficult and
who is not allowed to talk, thereby making such sentences personal:

. ‫ קשה לתלמ יד ים להבין א ת המ ורה למתמט יקה‬.‫ו‬ »>

It is difficult for the students to understand the math teacher.
It is forbidden for the students to talk during class. .2. ‫אס ור להם לדבר בשיעור‬
or: The students are not allowed to talk during class.

Q: What is added to both of the Hebrew sentences above to make them personal?

A: The preposition -‫ ל‬+ the "person": ‫ להם‬,‫לתלמידים‬

Let's look more closely now at sentence 1:

.‫ק שה לתלמידים להבין א ת המורה למתמטיקה‬ -»>

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 3. Making Impersonal Sentences Personal

Q: What form of the word ‫ קשה‬appears in this sentence?

A: The masculine singular form - ‫קשה‬. We use this form because the grammatical subject of
the sentence is actually ‫( להבין את המורה למתמטיקה‬to understand the math teacher).1When we add
‫ לתלמידים‬or ‫ לה‬or any other form of .‫ לך״‬,‫לי‬, these do not affect the form of ‫קשה‬. Thus, we
It is difficult for me to understand the teacher. .‫לי להבין את המורהקשה‬
it is difficult for us to understand the teacher. .‫לנו להבין את המורהקשה‬
It is difficult for David to understand the teacher. .‫לדוד להבין את המורהקשה‬

An alternative translation would be: I (we, David) have I has difficulty understanding the

Now let's look at some variations of sentence 2 above:

.‫אסור לתלמידים לדבר בשיעור‬
‫אסור לך לדבר בשיעור‬.
‫אסור לה לדבר בשיעור‬.

Here, too, the form of ‫ אסור‬remains fixed. The translation of these sentences is either: It is
forbidden for students (for you, for her...) to talk during class. Or: The students (you, she...)
are not allowed to talk during class.

Be careful! In a few cases there is a Hebrew structure that more closely parallels the
English, for example:
.‫התלמידים מתקשים להבין את המורה למתמטיקה‬ *‫>־‬

However, in most cases there is no such parallel structure. For example, if we wish to
say "We are allowed to sing in class," we must use the structure "...‫"מ ותר לנו לשיר‬.

Word order
So far we have seen the usual word order that is used in sentences like these. Now let's look at
a different order, with -‫ ל‬at the beginning of the sentence:

1 Whenever a phrase or a sentence like this is the subject, it is considered masculine singular because we could
substitute "‫"( "הדבר הזה‬this thing") for it (i.e., It is difficult for the students to understand the teacher. = This
thing is difficult for the students.)

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 3. Making Impersonal Sentences Personal

.)‫ אבל לי לא (קל ל ל מו ד מתמטיקה‬,‫ לך קל ל ל מו ד מתמטיקה‬.‫ו‬

For you it is easy to learn math, but for me it is not.

.‫ רק למורה מותר לדבר עכשיו‬.‫ לתלמידים אסור לדבר עכשיו‬.2

The students are not permitted to talk now. Only the teacher is allowed to talk now.

Such a change in word order usually indicates a change in emphasis. For example, in sentence
1, we are highlighting the fact that for you (‫)לך‬, as opposed to me (‫)לי‬, it is easy to learn math.2

Past andfuture o f ^ ‫ לןשה‬,‫ פדאי לי‬+ infinitive

Now let's see how we say these personal sentences in the past and future tenses:
present .‫קשה לתלמידים להבין את המורה למתמטיקה‬
p a st .‫היה קשה לתלמידים להבין את המורה למתמטיקה‬
future: .‫יהיה קשה לתלמידים להבין את המורה למתמטיקה‬
It is / was / will be difficult for the students to understand the math teacher.
Or: The students find / found / will find it difficult to understand the math teacher.

Q: What indicates that these sentences are in the past or future tenses?
A: The addition of ‫ היה‬or ‫יהיה‬.

Note that ‫ היה‬and ‫ יהיה‬remain unchanged no matter what form follows -‫( ל‬here: 3.(‫ להם‬,‫לתלמידים‬
Thus, we say in the past tense:
it was difficult for the students to understand the teacher. .‫המורה‬ ‫היה קשה לתלמידים להבין את‬
for Sarah ‫ל שרה‬
for me ‫לי‬

And in the future tense:

It will be difficult for the students to understand the teacher. .‫המורה־‬ ‫דים להבין את‬
for Sarah ‫ל שרה‬
form e ‫לי‬

2 Another order also exists, for example: .‫ אבל לאכול אסור‬,‫( לשתות בכיתה מותר לכם‬You are allowed to drink in
class, but not to eat.) By putting the infinitive first, we emphasize the action it denotes.
3 This is because the grammatical subject of these verbs is actually the infinitive (‫ לדבר‬,‫ )להבין‬and what follows
it. See footnote 1 above for a more detailed explanation.

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 3. M aking Impersonal Sentences Personal

Several wor d orders are possible in sentences like these. For exampl e, it is possible to place ‫היה‬
or ‫ יהיה‬after ‫ כדאי‬/ ‫ קשה‬and the like, as in:

.‫ קשה יהיה לתלמ יד ים להבין את המורה‬/ .‫קשה היה לתלמ יד ים להבין את המורה‬ <

In some cases - as in this one - the placement of ‫ היה‬or ‫ יהיה‬after the fixed expression makes
the sentence sound a bit more formal. This is not necessarily true of all expressions in this

Another word order that is often used is:

...‫ לתלמידים יהיה קשה להבין‬/ .‫לתלמידים היה קשה להבין את הנושא החדש במתמטיקה‬ -‫>־‬

Still another order is found, especially when -‫ ל‬has a pronoun ending attached, as in :

.‫ יהיה להם קשה להבין‬/ .‫היה להם קשה להבין‬ -*>

‫לי‬ ‫לי‬

Let's review
Sentences with ♦ ...‫ אסור‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ קל‬,‫ קשה‬,‫ אפשר‬,‫ כדאי‬are made personal by adding
the preposition -‫ ל‬+ the "person," as in :

.‫ כדאי לכם ללמוד באוניברסיטה העברית‬- >

It's worthwhile for you to study at Hebrew University.
It's worthwhile for Michal to work as a waitress. .‫כדאי למיכל לעבוד כמלצרית‬

♦ The past and future tenses of such sentences are formed by adding ‫( היה‬for
the past) and ‫( יהיה‬for the future) either before or after expressions like ,‫כדאי‬
‫אפשר‬..., as in:

it was worthwhile foryou to study... .> ‫היה כדאי לכם ללמוד באוניברסיטה העברית‬
‫כדאי היה לכם ללמוד באוניברסיטה העברית‬.

it will be worthwhile for you to study... .‫יהיה כדאי לכם ללמוד באוניברסיטה העברית‬
‫כדאי יהיה לכם ללמוד באוניברסיטה העברית‬.

Other word orders are discussed above.

4 For example, with the expression ‫אסור‬, in the regular (not necessarily formal) word order, ‫ אסור‬is placed first,
before ‫היה‬, as in:
You shouldn't have signed the agreement. ,‫ אסור היה לכם לחתום על ההסכם‬- <
or: It was forbidden fo r you to sign the agreement.

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 3. Making Impersonal Sentences Personal

Want to see if you've understood?

Translate into H e b re w , then c h a n g e the tense as in d ic a te d .

1. It is important to us to win the game.

________ .‫א‬
____ ‫ א תמול‬.‫ב‬

2. I am allowed to go to Eilat for five days.

_________ .‫א‬

‫ בחוד ש הבא‬.‫ב‬

3. You (f.s.) are not allowed to stand here, (lit.: It is forbidden for you...)

_________ ‫א‬
‫ בעוד שעה‬.‫ב‬

4. Dana is n o ta llo w e d to drive, (lit.: It is forbidden for Dana to drive.)

_______ .‫א‬

‫ לפני שנה‬.‫ב‬

5. Everyone should visit the new museum, (lit.: It is worthwhile for everyone
to visit the new museum.)

‫בעוד חוד שיים‬

6. It is unpleasant for me to phone Moshe.

_____ .‫א‬
‫ א תמול‬.‫ב‬

A n sw ers:
In the answers we haye not presented all of the possible word orders.
.‫ אתמול חשוב היה לנו לנצח במשחק‬.‫ ב‬.‫חשוב לנו לנצח במשחק‬ .‫ א‬.1
.‫ בחודש הבא יהיה לי מותר לנסוע לאילת לחמישה ימים‬.‫ ב‬.‫מותר לי לנסוע לאילת לחמישה ימים‬ .‫ א‬.2
.‫ בעוד שעה אסור יהיה לך לעמוד פה‬.‫ ב‬.‫אסור לך לעמוד פה‬ .‫ א‬.3
.‫ לפני שנה אסור היה לדנה לנהוג‬.‫ ב‬.‫אסור לדנה לנהוג‬ .‫ א‬.4
.‫ בעוד חודשיים כדאי יהיה לכולם לבקר במהאון החדש‬.‫ ב‬.‫כדאי לכולם לבקר במחאון החדש‬ .‫ א‬.5
.‫ לטלפן למשה‬/ ‫ להתקשר‬/ ‫ אתמול לא היה לי נעים לצלצל‬.‫ ב‬.‫ לטלפן למשה‬/ ‫ להתקשר‬/ ‫לא נעים לי לצלצל‬ .‫ א‬.6

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 3. Making Impersonal Sentences Personal

• Personalizing ‫ צךיך‬and ‫ אפשר‬+ infinitive

Personalizing ‫ לא צריך‬/ ‫צריך‬
The following are impersonal sentences:
.‫צריך להביא מים ואוכל לטיול בשבוע הבא‬
It is mandatoiy to bring water and food on the trip next week.

It is not necessary to bring a sleeping bag. .‫לא צריך להביא שק שינה‬

When we wish to specify for whom it is mandatory or not necessary to bring something, we
say, for example:
The children have to brmg... .‫הילדים צריכים להביא מים ואוכל לטיול‬ ‫<־״‬
They don't have to bring... .‫הם לא צריכים להביא שקי שינה‬

Q: Is there a ‫ ל־‬before the "person" ( ‫ הם‬,‫ )ילדים‬in these sentences?

A: No. Unlike ‫ אסור לך‬,‫ קשה לי‬and the like, when we make ‫ צריך‬personal, we never add ‫) ל־‬,‫לילדים‬
‫)להם‬. Instead, we add the words ‫ ילדים‬or ‫ הם‬without ‫ל־‬, and they become the subject of the
sentence. The form of ‫ צריך‬matches the subject. Here are some more examples:
f i
Avishai has to buy food for the trip. .‫לטיול‬ ‫אבישי צריך לקנות אוכל‬
You have to bring sandwiches. . ‫סנדוויצ׳ים‬ ‫את צריכה להביא‬
We have to wear closed shoes. . ‫סגורות‬ ‫אנחנו צריכים לנעול נעליים‬
You have to wear long pants. . ‫ארוכים‬ ‫אתן צריכות ללבוש מכנסיים‬

Q: Does the form of ‫ צריך‬remain the same all the time?

A: No.It changes according to the subject. Itsfour forms are: ‫( צריך‬m.s.\ ‫( צריכה‬f.s.% ‫( צריכים‬
and ‫( צריכות‬

Now let's look at sentences with ‫ צריך‬in the past and future tenses:
p a st ‫כ־‬.‫הביא סנדוויצ׳ים‬
future: .‫את‬ ‫תצטרכי להביא סנדוויצ׳ים‬
You had to / will have to bring sandwiches.

You can read more about the past and future tense forms of ‫ צריך‬in the chapter "Sentences with
Infinitives" (pp. 761-763).

5 Some speakers use ‫ הצטרך‬in the past tense instead of the two words ‫ היה צריך‬. However, ‫ היה צריך‬is more

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 3. Making Impersonal Sentences Personal

Personalizing ‫ אי אפשר‬/ ‫אפשר‬

Here are impersonal sentences with ‫ אפשר‬and ‫אי אפשר‬:
It is possible to travel alone or in a group. *‫אפשר לטייל לבד או בקבוצה‬ •**C
.‫אי אפשר לנסוע למדבר יהודה השבוע בגלל שיטפונות‬
It is impossible to travel to the Judean Desert this week because of floods.

Now let's see what happens when we specify for who m it is possible to travel alone or in a
group, and for whom it is impossible to go to the Judean Desert:
Tourists can travel alone or in a group. .3*■‫״‬ ‫תיירים יכולים לטייל לבד או בקבוצה‬C
.‫אנחנו לא יכולים לנסוע למדבר יהודה השבוע בגלל שיטפונות‬
We can't travel to the Judean Desert this week because of floods.

Q: Is there a ‫ ל־‬before ‫ תיירים‬or ‫ אנחנו‬in the Hebrew sentences above?

A: No! There is no -‫ ל‬before the name of the people who can and cannot travel.

Q: What word is used in the personal sentences instead of ‫ אפשר‬and ‫?אי אפשר‬
A: A form of the word .‫יכול‬

‫ אפשר‬and ‫ אי אפשר‬are used only in i mpersonal sentences. When these sentences are made
personal , a completely different word (‫ )יכול‬is used. (In English, too, the verbs can / is able
to are often used as the personal counterpart of it is possible / impossible). The form of ‫יכול‬
changes to match its subject, for example: f |
.‫יובל וגלי יכולים להכין סנדוויצ׳ים בשביל כולם‬ ‫>*־‬
Yuval and Gali can prepare sandwiches for eveiyone.
f.s. f | f.s.
Michal can't walk a lot. .‫מיכל לא יכולה ללכת הרבה ברגל‬

Here are these sentences with ‫ יכול‬in the past and future tenses:
past: .‫יובל וגלי יכלו להכין סנדוויצ׳ים בשביל כולם‬
future: .‫כולם יובל וגלי יוכלו להכין סנדוויצ׳ים בשביל‬
Yuval and Gali could / will be able to prepare sandwiches for everyone.

past: .‫מיכל לא יכלה ללכת הרבה ברגל‬

future: .‫מיכל לא תוכל ללכת הרבה ברגל‬
Michal couldn't / won't be able to walk a lot.

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 3. M aking Impersonal Sentences Personal

For the forms and use of ‫ יכול‬in the past and future tenses, see the chapter "Sentences with
Infinitives" (pp. 763-764).

Let’s review
♦ When we want to personalize sentences such as ‫ צריך להגיע בזמן‬and ‫אפשר לשאול‬
‫שאלות‬, we do not use -‫ ל‬.
- With ‫ צר יך‬we add the subject and use the form of ‫ צריך‬that matches it:
personal impersonal

.‫אתם צר יכ ים להגיע בזמן‬ .‫צריך להגיע בזמן‬ -C

You { ) have to arrive on time. It is necessary to arrive on time .

.‫מיכל לא צר יכה לשלם כדי להיכנס‬ .‫לא צריך לשלם כדי להיכנס‬
Michal doesn't have to pay to get in. It is not necessary to pay to get in.

With ‫ אפשר‬we use a different word completely - ‫יכול‬. To personalize the

sentence, we add the subject and match the form of ‫ יכול‬to it, for example:
personal impersonal

.‫אתן יכולות לשאול שאלות‬ .‫אפשר לשאול שאלות‬ ->

You ( can ask questions. It is possible to ask questions.
.‫יעל לא יכולה להיכנס בלי לשלם‬ .‫אי אפשר להיכנס בלי לשלם‬
Yael can't go in without paying. It is impossible to go in without paying.

For the forms and usage of ‫ צריך‬and ‫ יכול‬in the past and future tenses, see the
chapter "Sentences with Infinitives" (pp. 761-764).

Want to see if you've understood?

M a k e the fo llo w in g sentences perso n a l.

. ‫ => התלמידים‬.‫צריך לענות על כל השאלות‬ .1

_______ ‫ => אתם‬.‫אפשר לנסוע בדרך אחרת‬ .2

_______ ‫ => אתה‬.‫אפשר להתחיל את המבחן‬ .3

______________ ‫ => עדינה‬.‫צריך לעמוד בצד‬ .4

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 3. Making Impersonal Sentences Personal

____________________________________________ ‫ את‬4= . ‫לא צר יך לכע וס על כל דבר‬ .5

_____________________________________ ‫ => אנחנ ו‬. ‫ אי אפשר לפת וח את הבקב וק הזה‬.6

.‫ אתם יכולים לנסוע בדרך אחרת‬.2 .‫ התלמידים צריכים לענות על כל השאלות‬.1
.‫ את לא צריכה לכעוס על כל דבר‬.5 .‫ עדינה צריכה לעמוד בצד‬.4 .‫ אתה יכול להתחיל את המבחן‬.3
.‫ אנחנו לא יכולים לפתוח את הבקבוק הזה‬.6

For exercises with ‫ צריך‬and ‫ יכול‬in the past and future tenses, see the chapter "Sentences with
Infinitives" (pp. 765-766).

• Personalizing ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬+ infinitive

In the previous chapter we saw that in formal Hebrew the words ‫ יש‬and ‫ אין‬can combine with an
infinitive to form impersonal sentences, as in:
It is mandatory to obey the lifeguard's instructions. (...1*‫ (= צריך לה ישמע‬. ‫יש להישמע לה ורא ות המצ יל‬ ‫*־־‬C

It is forbidden to run in the pool area. (...‫ (= אס ור לרוץ‬. ‫אין לרוץ בשטח הברכה‬

Personalizing ‫ יש‬+ infinitive

Here are examples of how sentences with ‫ יש‬+ infinitive are made personal:
The children must obey the lifeguard's instructions. .5*"‫על הילדים להישמע להוראות המציל‬ ‫־‬t
You ( ) must shower before entering the pool. .‫עליכם להתקלח לפני הכניסה לברכה‬

Q: What word is used in the personal sentence instead of ‫?יש‬

A: The word .‫על‬

‫ על‬is used either with a noun following it ( ‫ )על הילדים‬or with an ending attached:
You (') must shower. .‫«**■ עליכם להתקלח‬£
You (m.s.) have to swim twenty laps a day. . ‫עליך לשחות עשרים ברכות ביום‬

‫ על‬with an infinitive is often used in directions and rules and in written (formal) texts. Its
meaning is equivalent to ‫ אתה צריך לשחות‬/ ‫ אתם צריכים להתקלח‬.

As with other expressions above, in past and future tense sentences with ‫על‬, we add ‫ היה‬and ‫יהיה‬.

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 3. Making Impersonal Sentences Personal

These forms always remain masculine singular no matter what person is added to ‫על‬:
past: .‫היה עליכם להתק לח‬
future: .‫יהיה עליכם להתק לח‬
You had to / will have to take a shower.

past .‫היה על העובד לה וד יע על התפטרותו חודש מראש‬

future: ...‫יהיה על העובד לה וד יע‬
The worker was supposed to / required to give notice of his resignation a month in advance.
The worker will be required to give notice...

In most cases, the word order presented above is used, though other orders are sometimes used,
as in:
.‫ על העובד היה לה וד יע על התפטרותו חודש מראש‬- >

Personalizing ‫ אין‬+ infinitive

When we make a sentence with ‫ אין‬+ infinitive personal, it usually takes the less formal form
...-‫ ל‬/ ‫אסור לך‬: 6
personal impersonal

.‫אסור לילדים לרוץ בשטח הברכה‬ >= .‫אין לרוץ בשטח הברכה‬
Children are not allowed to run in the pool area.
.‫אסור לנו לרוץ בשטח הברכה‬ >=
We are not allowed to run in the pool area.

As we saw above, we add ‫ היה‬or ‫ יהיה‬to change these personal sentences to the past or future
past .‫אסור היה לילדים לרוץ בשטח הברכה‬
future: .‫אסור יהיה לילדים לרוץ בשטח הברכה‬
The children were not / will not be allowed to run in the pool area.
(lit.: It was / will be forbidden for the children...)

6 The much more formal ...-‫ אל ל‬, as i n: ". ‫ " אל לילדים לרוץ בשטח הברכה‬and ". ‫ " אל לכם לדבר כך‬is beyond the scope
of this book.

‫‪VI. Impersonal Sentences /‬‬ ‫‪3. M aking Impersonal Sentences Personal‬‬

‫‪Chapter summary‬‬

‫‪The following chart shows how impersonal sentences are made personal in the present, past and future‬‬
‫‪tenses. Only some of the possible word orders are included here.‬‬

‫‪♦ personal - future tense‬‬ ‫‪♦ personal - past tense‬‬ ‫‪♦ personal - present tense‬‬ ‫‪♦ impersonal‬‬

‫יהיה לי קשה לדבר עברית‪.‬‬ ‫היה לי קשה לדבר עברית‪.‬‬ ‫> ‪ -‬קשה ‪ /‬כדאי‪ ...‬לדבר => קשה לי לדבר עברית‪.‬‬
‫‪:or‬‬ ‫‪:or‬‬ ‫עברית‪.‬‬
‫קשה יהיה לי לדבר עברית‪.‬‬ ‫קשה היה לי לדבר עברית‪.‬‬
‫‪:or‬‬ ‫‪:or‬‬
‫יהיה קשה לי לדבר עברית‪.‬‬ ‫היה קשה לי לדבר עברית‪.‬‬
‫קשה ליאיר לדבר עברית‪7,‬‬

‫יאיר יצטרך ללמוד למבחן‪.‬‬ ‫יאיר היה צריך ללמוד למבחן‪.‬‬ ‫>*‪ -‬צריך ללמוד למבחן‪ >= .‬יאיר צריך ללמוד למבחן‪.‬‬

‫תוכלו לצאת מוקדם‪.‬‬ ‫יכ ולתם לצאת מוקדם‪.‬‬ ‫‪ -C‬אפשר לצאת מוקדם‪ >= .‬אתם יכולים לצאת‬
‫לא תוכלו להיכנס לחדר‪.‬‬ ‫לא יכ ולתם להיכנס לחדר‪.‬‬ ‫=> אתם לא יכולים לצאת‬ ‫אי אפשר להיכנס‬
‫מוקדם‪.‬‬ ‫לחדר‪8.‬‬

‫יהיה על הילדים להקשיב‬ ‫היה על הילדים להקשיב‬ ‫=> על הילדים להקשיב‬ ‫ש להקשיב למציל‪.‬‬
‫למציל‪.‬‬ ‫למציל‪.‬‬ ‫למציל‪.‬‬
‫יהיה עליהם להקשיב למציל‪.‬‬ ‫היה עליהם להקשיב למציל‪.‬‬ ‫עליהם להקשיב למציל‪.‬‬

‫אס ור יהיה לכם להיכנס לברכה‬ ‫אס ור היה לכם להיכנס לברכה‬ ‫=> אס ור לכם להיכנס לברכה‬ ‫> ‪ -‬אין להיכנס לברכה‬
‫בלי להתקלח‪.‬‬ ‫בלי להתקלח‪.‬‬ ‫בלי להתקלח‪.‬‬ ‫בלי להתקלח‪.‬‬

‫‪7‬‬ ‫‪ in the two columns to the left.‬לי ‪ can be subsitituted for‬ליאיר‬

‫‪8‬‬ ‫‪, for example:‬לא ‪All of the expressions until this point in the chart are negated with‬‬ ‫> לא קשה לדבר עברית‪.‬‬
‫‪ .‬אי אפשר ‪. Its negative is‬לא ‪ cannot be combined with‬אפשר‬

‫‪VI. Impersonal Sentences / 3. Making Impersonal Sentences Personal‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood this chapter‬‬

‫‪A. Make the following sentences personal.‬‬

‫לא כדאי ל שתות את המים האלה‪( .‬א ת ם)‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫אסור לאחר לשיעור‪ ( .‬ה ס טודנ טי ם)‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫צריך לפתור את כל התרגילים‪( .‬אנחנו)‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫אפשר ללכת למ סעד ה ביחד‪( .‬העובדים)‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫נעים להכיר אתכם‪( .‬אנחנו)‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫אפשר ל ט עו ם מה מרק?( אני ‪) f.‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫מותר לע שן פ הז( אנ חנו)‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫צריך לנקות את החדר‪( .‬רונית)‬ ‫‪.8‬‬

‫אי אפשר ל שמוע פה שום דבר‪( .‬אתה)‬ ‫‪.9‬‬

‫‪ . 10‬יש למלא את כל הפרטים בטופס‪( .‬א ת ם)‬

‫‪ . 11‬אין לעשן פה‪( .‬את)‬

‫‪ . 12‬לא נעים לקבל תשובה שלילית‪( .‬מיכאל)‬

‫‪ .I‬לא כדאי לכם לשתות את המים האלה‪ .2 .‬אסור לסטודנטים לאחר לשיעור‪.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬אנחנו צריכים לפתור את כל התרגילים‪ .4 .‬העובדים יכולים ללכת למסעדה ביחד‪.‬‬
‫‪ .5‬נעים לנו להכיר אתכם‪ .6 .‬אני יכולה לטעום מהמרק? ‪ .7‬מותר לנו לעשן פה?‬
‫‪ .8‬רונית צריכה לנקות את החדר‪ .9 .‬אתה לא יכול לשמוע פה שום דבר‪.‬‬
‫‪ .10‬עליכם למלא את כל הפרטים בטופס‪ /.‬אתם צריכים למלא את כל הפרטים בטופס‪.‬‬
‫‪ .II‬אסור לך לעשן פה‪ .12 .‬לא נעים למיכאל לקבל תשובה שלילית‪.‬‬

‫‪VI. Impersonal Sentences / 3. Making Impersonal Sentences Personal‬‬

‫‪B. C h a n g e to the tense in d ic a te d .‬‬

‫‪ . 1‬כדאי לבקר בספארי‪.‬‬

‫ספארי הילדים אמרו על הביקור‪ :‬״ _______________________________________________________________״‪.‬‬

‫‪ .2‬אסור ל ס טו דנ טי ם לאחר לשיעור‪.‬‬

‫גם בשנה הבאה ___________________________________________________________‬

‫האם מותר לצעירים בני ‪ 17‬לקנות בירה?‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫שנים ____________________________________________________________________________________ ?‬

‫‪ .4‬לא היה לי נעים להפריע להם‪.‬‬

‫גם עכשיו ________________________________________________________________‬

‫‪ .5‬חשוב לנו להזמין את כל החברים לח תונה שלנו‪.‬‬

‫כ שהתחתנו _______________________________________________________________‬

‫כ שנתחתן ________________________________________________________________‬

‫‪ .6‬לאחר שהעובד טעה‪ ,‬אמר לו המנהל‪ :‬״היה עליך להקשיב לכל ההוראות שלי״‪.‬‬

‫כל עובד חדש‪ :‬״ _____________________________________________________________________________״‪.‬‬

‫)‪(present tense‬‬

‫‪ .7‬כשהיינו ילדים‪ ,‬היה למיכל קשה לנצח אותי במ שחקים‪.‬‬

‫גם היום _________________________________________________________________‬

‫‪ .8‬יהיה לנו נעים ל שבת יחד‪.‬‬

‫אתמול __________________________________________________________________‬

‫‪A nsw ers:‬‬

‫‪In the answers we have not presented all of the possible word orders.‬‬
‫אחרי הטיול בספארי הילדים אמרו על הביקור‪ :‬״כדאי היה ‪ /‬היה כדאי לבקר בספארי״‬ ‫ו‪.‬‬
‫גם בשנה הבאה אסור יהיה ‪ /‬יהיה אסור לסטודנטים לאחר לשיעור‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫האם לפני חמש שנים היה מותר ‪ /‬מותר היה לצעירים בני ‪ 17‬לקנות בירה?‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫גם עכשיו לא נעים לי להפריע להם‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫כשהתחתנו חשוב היה לנו ‪ /‬היה לנו חשוב להזמין את כל החברים לחתונה שלנו‪.‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫כשנתחתן יהיה לנו חשוב להזמין את כל החברים לחתונה שלנו‪.‬‬
‫המנהל אומר לכל עובד חדש‪ :‬״עליך להקשיב לכל ההוראות שלי״‪.‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫גם היום קשה למיכל לנצח אותי במשחקים‪.‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫אתמול היה לנו נעים לשבת יחד‪.‬‬ ‫‪.8‬‬

3 ­ ‫ טוב ש‬,-‫חשוב ש‬T ,-‫פדאי ש‬
- :
and the Like

• ‫ ט וב‬, ‫ חשוב‬,‫ כדאי‬and other fixed forms followed by - ‫ש‬
• The tense after - ‫ש‬

• ‫ טוב‬, ‫ חשוב‬,‫ כדאי‬and otherfixed forms followed by ‫ש־‬

In the last two chapters we looked at sentences in which words with fixed forms such as ,‫כדאי‬
‫ אסור‬,‫ חשוב‬and ‫ מותר‬are followed by an infinitive. There we looked at both impersonal and
:personal sentences, for example

It is worthwhile / advisable to speak about problems. .‫דבר על בעיות‬

We should speak about our problems . .‫נו לדבר על הבעיות שלנו‬
)).lit.: It is worthwhile / advisable for us to speak about our problems

In this chapter we will see how these and other words are used in a different kind of construction
without an infinitive. Here is an example seen in the context of what concertgoers might say to
their friends who arrived late :

.‫ אולי נשארו כמה מקומות טובים‬.‫ כדאי שניכנס מיד לאולם‬.‫ רק חבל שאיחרתם‬,‫טוב שהגעתם‬ -C
.‫ כך נוכל לשמוע טוב יותר את הקונצרט‬.‫חשוב שנשב קרוב לבמה‬

It's good that you've arrived, but it's a shame that you're late. We should go into the concert hall right
away. Maybe a few good seats are left. We should sit close to the stage so that we can hear the concert

Q: What is common to the structure of most of the Hebrew sentences in this passage?

A: They begin with fixed forms like ‫טוב‬, ‫חבל‬,‫כדאי‬, ‫ חשוב‬, which we have discussed in the last
two chapters. Here, however, these words are followed by -‫ ש‬.

It should be noted that not all the fixed forms that take an infinitive can take -‫ ש‬.' Thus, it is
recommended that you not automatically switch from a fixed form with an infinitive to the same
form with -‫ ש‬.

1 For example: ‫ קל‬and ‫ קשה‬cannot be followed by -‫ ש‬+ a sentence.

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 3. -‫ טוב ש‬,-‫ חשוב ש‬,-‫ כדאי ש‬and the Like

Did you know?

a. There are fixed expressions that can be followed by - ‫ ש‬but can never take
an infinitive, for example:

It's lucky that you came. .‫מזל שבאתם‬

‫ייתכן שאלמד פילוסופיה בשנה הבאה‬.

It's possible that I'll study philosophy next year.

b. Fixed expressions with - ‫ ש‬can be followed by either an impersonal or a

personal clause:

It's a shame that someone broke our window. .> ‫את החלון שלנו‬ ‫חבל ששברו‬
‫את החלון שלנו‬ ‫חבל שהילדים שברו‬.
It's a shame that the children broke our window.

The fact that we can use this structure to express a personal sentence means
that sometimes we can express an English personal sentence such as "It is
worthwhile for you to visit the Old City" in two ways in Hebrew:

.‫בעיר העתיקה‬ ‫כדאי לכם לבקר‬

.‫בעיר העתיקה‬ ‫כדאי שתבקרו‬
The tense after ‫ש־‬
In the previous section we saw fixed forms with -‫ ש‬followed by past and future tense verbs
(e.g., ‫ כדאי שניכנס‬,‫) טוב שהגעתם‬. Present tense verbs as well can be found after this structure, as
in: ‫( סוב שאתם לומדים כל יום‬it's good that you study every day). Many fixed forms can be followed
by verbs in a variety of tenses. Others, however, are limited in this regard. Here are some

It is worthwhile for us to go to the next concert, too. .‫גם ל קונצרט הבא‬ ‫כדאי שנלך‬ -*>

It is preferable that we leave earlier next time. .‫מוקדם יותר בפעם הבאה‬ ‫עדיף שנצא‬

Does a poem need to rhyme? ?‫חרוזים‬ ‫האם צריך שבשיר יהיו‬

(= Is it necessary for a poem to rhyme?)

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 3. -‫ טוב ש‬,-‫ חשוב ש‬,‫ כדאי ש־‬and the Like

Q: What is the tense of the Hebrew verbs after -‫ ש‬in these sentences?

A: They are all in the future tense: ‫נלך‬, ‫ נצא‬and ‫יהיו‬. The three expressions presented above can
only be followed by future tense verbs.

Now look at the English translations of these sentences.

Q: Do the English sentences also have future tense verbs?

A: No. None of them contains a future tense verb. " Because of the lack of correspondence
between these Hebrew and English sentence structures, it is important for you to learn the
following Hebrew structures in order to form correct sentences:

‫ עתיד‬+ - ‫צריך ש‬ ‫ עתיד‬+ - ‫עדיף ש‬ ‫ עתיד‬+ - ‫כדאי ש‬

+ fu tu r e + f u t u r e +f u t u r e

Let's review
♦ Many fixed forms like ‫ אפשר‬,‫ צריך‬,‫ כדאי‬can be followed by -‫ש‬, for example:

.‫כדאי שתלכו מהר יותר‬ >

You should walk faster. (It's advisable for you to walk faster.)

it's good that you came to visit us. .‫שבאתם לבקר אותנו‬ ‫טוב‬

♦ In some cases, the sentence that follows - ‫ ש‬must be in a certain tense. For
example, the verb after - ‫כדאי ש‬, - ‫ עדיף ש‬and - ‫ צריך ש‬must be in the future

Want to see if you've understood?

Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into H e b re w using the expression ‫ כדאי‬,‫ סוב‬a n d the
like fo llo w e d b y ‫ ש ־‬.

1. It's a shame that you ( didn't meet my son.

2 In English we often use the subjunctive after the word that, as in: It is preferable that he leave earlier next

VI. Impersonal Sentences / 3. -‫ טוב ש‬,-‫ חשוב ש‬,-‫פראי ש‬and the Like

2. It's possible that we'll come visit you ( tomorrow.

3. It is preferable for us to buy a new car.

4. You (m.s.) should start working already today.

5. It is important for the show to start on time. (It is important that the show start
on time.)

6. It's lucky that you (f.s.) found the way.

A nsw ers:
.‫ עדיף שנקנה מכונית חדשה‬.3 .‫ ייתכן שנבוא לבקר אתכם מחר‬.2 .‫ חבל שלא פגשתם את הבן שלי‬.1
.‫ מזל שמצאת את הדרך‬.6 .‫ חשוב שההצגה תתחיל בזמן‬.5 .‫ כדאי שתתחיל לעבוד כבר היום‬.4

VII. Negation and Negative

• The use o f ‫ לא‬and ‫אל‬
‫ ״‬The use o f ‫אין‬
• Negative expressions (‫ אף אחד‬/ ‫ אף פעם‬/ ‫ כלום‬/ ‫שום דבר‬...‫)לא‬

Read the following dialogue:
?‫ טוב‬,‫ אל תשכח לקנות אוכל לדגים באקווריום‬,‫ ליאור‬:‫אימא‬
.‫ אני חושב שדגים טרופיים לא מתים אם הם לא אוכלים כמה ימים‬,‫ אבל אל תדאגי‬.‫ אין לי זמן היום‬:‫ליאור‬
.‫ בספר כתוב שהם אינם יכולים לחיות יותר משלושה ימים בלי לאכול‬:‫אימא‬
.‫ לא יקרה להם שום דבר‬.‫ אל תדאגי! אקנה לדגים אוכל מחר‬,‫ אימא‬:‫ליאור‬
Mom: Lior, don't forget to buy food for the fish in the aquarium, okay?
Lior: I don't have time today. But don't worry, I think tropical fish won't die if they don't eat for a few days.
Mom: In the book it says that they can't live more than three days without eating.
Lior: Mom, don't w orn! I'll buy food for the fish tomorrow. Nothing will happen to them.

In this dialogue, we see various negators and negative expressions. Let's look at each in its

• The use o f ‫ לא‬and ‫אל‬

Aside from serving as the negative answer to a yes/no (‫לא‬/‫ )כן‬question, ‫ לא‬is the most common
negator in Hebrew and means no or n o t1 ‫ לא‬is used to negate various kinds of words, and it is

1 For more examples of ‫ לא‬as part of stractures such as ...‫אלא גם‬...‫ לא רק‬and .‫אלא״‬. . . ‫לא‬, see the chapters "Adding
Information," pp. 841-842 and "Dealing with Alternatives: Or, Not... But Rather." pp. 847-850.

VII. Negation and Negative Expressions

usually placed before the word or phrase that it negates, for example:
before a past tense verb: .‫ליאור לא האכיל את הדגים אתמול‬ <C
Lior didn't feed the fish yesterday.

before a future tense verb: .‫הדגים לא ימותו אם הם לא יאכלו יום אחד‬

The fish won't die if they don't eat for one day.

In informal Hebrew, we often use ‫ לא‬before present tense verbs as well. (In formal Hebrew a
form of ‫ אין‬is often preferred - see below.) For example, we say:
Lior doesn't want to buy food for the fish today. ,‫ליאור לא רוצה לקנות אוכל לדגים היום‬

Here are examples of ‫ לא‬used as the negator of parts of speech other than verbs:

before an adjective. .‫הדגים החדשים באקווריום הם דגים לא יקרים‬

The new fish in the aquarium are not expensive fish.
.‫לא חשוב להאכיל את הדגים כל יום‬
Lior says: "It's not important to feed the fish every day."

before an infinitive. .‫ליאור אמר לאימא שלו לא לדאוג‬

Lior told his mother not to worry.

before a noun: .‫דולפינים הם לא דגים‬

Dolphins are not fish.

In the dialogue at the beginning of the chapter, Lior says to his mother: !‫( אל תדאגי‬Don't worry!).
When we place ‫ אל‬in front of a future tense verb, we create a negative command:
Don't worry! (m.s.) !‫אל תדאג‬
Don't worry! (f.s.) !‫אל תדאגי‬
Don't worry! ( 2!‫אל תדאגו‬

2 In literary Hebrew there is a separate form for the feminine plural (‫(אתן‬: !‫ אל תדאגנה‬.

VII. Negation and Negative Expressions

• The use o f ‫אין‬

‫ אין‬without an ending
Here are some of the most common uses of ‫אין‬:

a. ‫ אין‬as the opposite o f ‫ יש‬- meaning there is/are no(t),3 as in:

.‫אין עבודה‬ # .‫יש עבודה‬ ‫>״‬
There isn't any work. There is work,
or: There is no work.

.‫אין הרבה ספרים בחנות‬ # .‫יש הרבה ספרים בחנות‬

There aren't many books There are many books
in the store. in the store.

b. - ‫ אין ל‬as the opposite o f-‫ יש ל‬- meaning doesn't/ don't have4 as in:
.# .‫יש לדינה ארבעה בנים‬ ‫אין לדינה ארבעה בנים‬
Dina doesn't have four sons. Dina has four sons.

c. ‫ אין‬followed by an infinitive - usually meaning the same as ‫אסור‬: One shouldn't, It is forbidden,5
as in:
It is forbidden to smoke here! !‫אין לעשן פה‬

‫ אין‬with an ending:...*‫ אינן‬,‫איני‬/‫אינני‬

In formal Hebrew ‫ אין‬often appears with an ending. Read the following sentences written in
informal and formal Hebrew:

.‫אינני משתתף בדיון היום‬ =.‫אני לא משתתף בדיון היום‬

.I am not participating in the discussion today

am not the representative of the class 1. .‫= אינני הנציג של הכיתה‬.‫אני לא הנציג של הכיתה‬

You are not active in politics..‫= אינך פעיל בפוליטיקה‬.‫אתה לא פעיל בפוליטיקה‬

You are not on campus every day..‫= אינך בקמפוס כל יום‬.‫אתה לא בקמפוס כל יום‬

3 See the chapter "Sentences with ‫ יש‬and ‫אין‬,‫ ׳׳‬pp. 733-735.

4 See the chapter "Sentences with ...‫ יש לי‬and ...‫ אין לי‬," pp. 742-745.
5 For an explanation and additional meanings, see the chapter "Impersonal Sentences with ‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ כדאי‬and
the Like," pp. 775-776.

VII. Negation and Negative Expressions

Q: What form is used instead of ‫ אני לא‬and ‫ אתה לא‬in the formal versions of these sentences?
A: ‫ אינני‬and ;‫אינן‬. The endings on these forms may be regarded as the equivalents of subject
pronouns (‫ אתה‬,‫)אני‬. A complete list of all the forms of ‫ אין‬with endings can be found below
on p. 800.

Let's now see under what conditions forms like this are used in formal Hebrew.

Q: In the sentences above, is there either a past or future tense verb?

A: No. The verb in sentence 1 is in the present tense (‫)משתתף‬. In sentences 2-4 there is no
verb at all. We see here a variety of non-verb predicates:‫ הנציג‬- a noun, ‫ פעיל‬- an adjective,
‫ בקמפוס‬- a preposition and its noun. These sentences are understood in Modem Hebrew to
be in the present tense. (Note the English translation: "I am...".)

Forms of ‫ אין‬with endings are used in formal Hebrew in cases such as those we saw above
(i.e., before a present tense verb and before the predicate of a non-verb sentence). In sentences
in the past and future tenses in formal Hebrew - and in all tenses in informal Hebrew - ‫ לא‬is
used as a negator rather than ‫אין‬.

When is the subject stated before ‫ אין‬with an ending?

Read the following sentences:
formal informal

I do not know the lecturer. .‫אינני מכיר את המרצה‬ .‫אני לא מכיר את המרצה‬ .‫ו‬
You are not the head of the company. .‫אינך מנהל החברה‬ ,‫אתה לא מנהל החברה‬ .2
The boy is not behaving nicely. .‫הילד אינו מתנהג יפה‬ .‫הילד לא מתנהג יפה‬ .3
He is not my brother. .‫הוא אינו אחי‬ .‫הוא לא אחי‬ .4

Q: In which of the formal sentences does no subject come before the form of ‫?אין‬
A: In the first two sentences. These begin with ‫ אינני‬and ‫ אינך‬and do not require that we use the
subject pronouns ‫ אני‬and ‫אתה‬. It is usually not necessary to state the subject if it is a first
or seeond person pronoun (like ‫ אני‬and 6.(‫ אתה‬In this way, forms of ‫ אין‬with endings act
just like past tense verbs like ‫ כתבתי‬and ‫כתבת‬, which do not need to be preceded by ‫ אני‬and

6 When we wish to emphasize the subject, we do state it, as in:

.‫ כך גם אני אינני יודע אותה‬,‫>• כמו שאתה אינך יודע את התשובה‬
Just as you don't know the answer, neither do I. (lit.: so, too, I don't know it.)

VII. N egation and N egative Expressions

In contrast, in the same way that we usually do state the third person subject (a noun or
‫ הן‬,‫ הם‬,‫ היא‬,‫ )הוא‬before past tense verbs (e.g., ‫ דויד כתב‬,‫ )היא כתבה‬- so, too, we usually explicitly
state the third person subjects before forms of ‫אין‬, as in sentences 3 and 4 above. Here are some
more examples:
The car is not in the repair shop. .‫המכונית אינה במוסך‬
It is not in the repair shop. .‫היא אינה במוסך‬

The workers are not working today. .‫הפועלים אינם עובדים היום‬
T *‫־‬

They are not working today .‫הם אינם עובדים היום‬

Did you know?

‫ אין‬with an ending in sentences with a connector

Read the following non-verb sentence:

negative positive

formal informal formal & informal

.‫ = סובארו אינה מכונית יקרה‬.‫ סובארו היא לא מכונית יקרה‬# .‫ סובארו היא מכונית יקרה‬-‫>־‬
A Subaru is not an expensive car. A Subaru is an expensive car.

The word ‫ היא‬appears in the positive sentence on the right - between the
subject (‫ )סובארו‬and the predicate (‫)מכונית יקרה‬. This word is a connector
(‫)אוגד‬,' In informal Hebrew we add ‫ לא‬after the connector in order to negate
the predicate:
.‫< סובארו היא לא מכונית יקרה‬

In formal Hebrew, on the other hand, instead of ‫ היא לא‬we use ‫אינה‬. The ending
on this form represents the connectot.8

negative positive

formal informal formal & informal

.‫ = אבוקדו אינו ירק‬.‫אבוקדו הוא לא ירק‬ # .‫ אבוקדו הוא פרי‬- >
An avocado is not a vegetable. An avocado is a fruit.

7 For an explanation of when we use connectors, see the chapter "Sentences with a Connector," pp. 718-723.
8 For more on negative connectors, see the chapter "Sentences with a Connector," pp. 725-727.

VII. Negation and Negative Expressions

Forms o f ‫ אין‬with endings

Here are all the forms of ‫ אין‬when it is combined with a pronoun.
'ei-NEE 9 ‫ אינני‬/ ‫איני‬ <= ‫ אני‬+ ‫אין‬
,ein-CHA ;‫אינן‬ <= ‫ אתה‬+ ‫אין‬
,ei-NECH ‫אינך‬ ‫ את‬+ ‫אין‬
'ei-NO ‫ איננו‬/ 1‫אינ‬ 4= ‫ הוא‬+ ‫אין‬
'ei-NA ‫ איננה‬/ ‫״אינה‬
TV ‫יי‬ T
<= ‫ היא‬+ ‫אין‬
'ei-NE-noo ‫איננו‬ <== ‫ אנחנו‬+ ‫אין‬
'ein-CHEM ‫אינכם‬ <£= ‫ אתם‬+ ‫אין‬
,ein-CHEN ‫אינכן‬ <= ‫ אתן‬+ ‫אין‬
,ei-NAM ‫־אינם‬
<= ‫ הם‬+ ‫אין‬
,ei-NAN ‫אינן‬ 4= ‫ הן‬+ ‫אין‬

As you can see, each pronoun combines with ‫ אין‬to create a form with one ‫ נ׳‬and an ending, and
some also create a form with two )‫(ע‬. The endings attached to ‫ אין‬in the forms with one ‫ נ׳‬are
the same as the endings attached to a singular noun like ‫ר‬1‫ ד‬or ‫בית‬:10
‫ביתן‬ ,‫ביתם‬ ,‫ביתכן‬ ,‫ביתכם‬ ,‫ביתני‬ ,‫ביתה‬ ,‫ביתו‬ ,‫ביתך‬ ,‫ביתה‬ ,‫ביתי‬
‫אינן‬ ,‫אינם‬ ,‫אינכן‬ ,‫אינכם‬ ,‫איננו‬ ,‫אינה‬ ,‫אינו‬ ,‫אינך‬ ,‫אינה‬ ,‫איני‬

Q: Which pronouns in the chart above have two forms listed next to them?
A: ‫אני‬, ‫ הוא‬and ‫ היא‬have an additional form with two ‫) ע) נ׳‬, the first of which is stressed:11
‫איננה‬ ‫איננו‬ ‫אינני‬
'ei-NE-na 'ei-NE-noo 'ei-NE-nee

These forms are similar in sound to forms of ‫מן‬/-‫מ‬:

(from m e/him / her) ‫ממנה‬ ‫ממנו‬ ‫ממני‬
mee-ME-na mee-ME-noo mee-ME-nee

9 Pronunciations with eh instead of ei are also heard: 'e-NEE, ,en-CHA...

10 The vowel sign in the second syllable of ‫ ביתנו‬is different from that of ‫איננו‬, but these signs are pronounced the
same by most speakers today.
11 The form with "‫ ״ננ‬is found in the Bible, while the form with one '‫ נ‬appears later, in the Mishnah. Modem
Hebrew has inherited both forms.

VII. N egation and N egative Expressions

Did you know?

Choosing between ‫ אינני‬and ‫ איני‬and the like

Wh e n t wo al ternati ve f orms exist, theoreti cal l y ei ther can be used, but in real i ty
there is a t endency to use one or the other in certai n ci rcumstances. This is so in
the cases of ‫אינני‬/ ‫א ינ י‬, ‫א יננ ו‬/ ‫ אינו‬and ‫א י ננה‬/ ‫א י נה‬.

a. ‫ אני‬+ ‫ א י ן‬:
Gener al l y speaki ng, the f orm ‫ אינני‬- wi t h "‫ " ע‬- tends to be used mor e than

b. ‫ה יא‬/ ‫ ה וא‬+ ‫א י ן‬:

- In f or mal Hebr ew there is a t endency to use the shorter f orms wi t h one '‫נ‬
‫ )אינו‬and ‫ )אינה‬more than ‫ איננו‬and .‫איננה‬

‫ ־‬In i nf or mal (spoken) Hebr ew many speakers use f orms of ‫ אין‬wi t h t wo ' ‫) ע ) נ‬
to mean someone is not in, 1’ for exampl e:

Hello. Is Yitzchak home? ?‫ יצחק נמצא‬,‫ שלום‬- -‫>־‬

No, he's not in. .‫ הוא איננו‬,‫ לא‬-
Is M iri also not in? ?‫ וגם מירי איננה‬-

A special note: the form ‫איננו‬

Q: Does the form ‫ איננו‬mean " ‫ הוא‬+ ‫ "אין‬or " ‫ אנחנו‬+ ‫?"אין‬

A: Both. This form appears twice in the chart above, once as " ‫ הוא‬+ ‫ "אין‬and again as
" ‫ אנחנו‬+ ‫"אין‬. Here are some examples of its use:

He doesn't understand the article. .‫ הוא איננו מבין את המאמר‬.‫ו‬ -C

We don't understand the article. .‫ איננו מבינים את המאמר‬. 2

When ‫ איננו‬means " ‫ הוא‬+ ‫"אין‬, its subject (‫ הוא‬or a noun) is usually stated explicitly, as in
sentence 1. In contrast, when it means " ‫ אנחנו‬+ ‫"אין‬, its subject (‫ )אנחנו‬is usually not stated, as in
sentence 2. This is one way in which confusion of these forms is prevented. In addition, in verb
sentences like those above, the verbs that follow ‫( איננו‬here: ‫ מבין‬and ‫ )מבינים‬tell us whether the
form is singular or plural.

12 This and the tendencies listed below are based on information collected from informants and from the internet.
13 These sentences are short for "‫ " איננו נמצא‬or "‫ ;" איננה בבית‬however, they are not particularly recommended
since they could also mean he she is no longer {alive) (!).

VII, Negation and Negative Expressions

Be careful! The forms of ‫ א י ן‬with an ending (e.g., ‫ א י נ נ י‬I am not / 1do not...) should not
be confused with - ‫ל‬ ‫א י ן‬ (e.g.,...‫לי‬ ‫אין‬ I don't have...)!
1am not rich. .‫א י נ נ י עשיר‬
I don't have money. .‫א י ן לי כסף‬

Let's review
In this chapter we have discussed the negators ‫אל‬, ‫ לא‬and ‫אין‬.
♦ Before a future tense form used as a command, the negator in Modern Hebrew
is always :‫א ל‬
‫ !אל תדברו עכשיו‬- <

♦ Before verbs in the past and future tenses, the negator is always :‫ל א‬
‫ יעבדו היום‬/ ‫הפועלים לא עבדו‬ -‫־‬.<

♦ Before verbs in the present tense and before non-verb predicates, ‫ לא‬is
preferred in informal Hebrew, while formal Hebrew prefers ‫ א י ן‬with an
ending. Compare:
formal informal

present tense verb : .‫עובדיםהיום‬ ‫א י נ ם‬ ‫הפועלים‬ .‫היום‬

adjective :.‫גבוהה‬ ‫א י נ י‬ / ‫א י נ נ י‬

noun:.‫סטודנט‬ ‫א י נ נ ו‬ / ‫א י נ ו‬ ‫רון‬

preposition :.‫בבית‬ ‫א י נ ם‬ ‫השכנים‬

) ).See the chapter for more details about the use of these forms

The forms of ♦ ‫ א י ן‬with endings are:

,‫אי נ נ ה‬ / ‫אי נ ה‬ ,‫א י נ נ ו‬ / ‫א י נ ו‬ ,‫אינ ך‬ ,‫אינ ך‬ ,‫אי נ נ י‬ / ‫א י נ י‬ - >

‫א י נ ן‬ ,‫א י נ ם‬ ,‫אי נ כ ן‬ ,‫א י נ כ ם‬ ,‫אי נ נ ו‬

VII. Negation and Negative Expressions

?Want to see if you've understood

Rewrite the following sentences using a form of ‫ אין‬with an ending ),‫ אינה״‬,‫(אינו‬
wherever possible. Write X when a form of ‫ אין‬cannot be used,

______________________________________________ ‫ ההתנהגות שלו לא מו צא ת חן בעיניי‬. 1

______________________________________________ ‫ ההרצאות של פרופ' לוי לא מעניינות‬.2

________________________________ ‫ בשנה שעברה ההרצאות של פרופ׳ לוי לא היו מעניינות‬.3

____________________________________________________ ?‫ את לא תומכת בהצעה שלנו‬.4

______________________________________________________________ ?‫ אתם לא עייפים‬.5

____________________________________________________ ?‫ לא תהיו עייפים אחרי הטיול‬.6

________________________________________________________ ‫ הספר לא נמצא במקומו‬.7

_________________________________________ ‫ אנחנו לא מבק שים שום דבר בשביל עצמנו‬.8

X .3 .‫ ההרצאות של פרופ׳ לוי אינן מעניינות‬.2 .‫ איננה מוצאת חן בעיניי‬/ ‫ ההתנהגות שלו אינה‬. 1
.‫ איננו נמצא במקומו‬/ ‫ הספר אינו‬.X 7 .6 ?‫ אינכם עייפים‬.5 ?‫ אינך תומכת בהצעה שלנו‬.4
.‫ איננו מבקשים שום דבר בשביל עצמנו‬.8

• Negative expressions
)‫ אף אחד‬/ ‫ אף פעם‬/ ‫ פלום‬/ ‫שום דבר‬...‫(לא‬
Read the following excerpts from the interrogation of Mr. Levy conducted after a robbery at a
nearby convenience store:
?‫ נחקרת פעם במשטרה‬,‫ מר לוי‬:‫שוטר‬
Policeman: Mr. Levy, have you ever been interrogated by the police?
Mr. Levy: No, I've never been interrogated. ,‫ לא נחקרתי אף פעם‬,‫ לא‬:‫מר לוי‬
?22:00 ‫ ראית מישהו במכולת אתמול בשעה‬:‫שוטר‬
Policeman: Did you see anyone at the convenience store yesterday at 10 p.m.?
Mr. Levy: No, I didn't see anyone there. ,‫ לא ראיתי שם אף אחד‬,‫ לא‬:‫מר לוי‬
‫ אולי ראית משהו על המדרכה מחוץ למכולת‬:‫?שוטר‬
Policeman: Perhaps you saw something on the sidewalk outside the store?
!‫ אל תעשו לי שום דבר‬,‫ בבקשה‬.‫ ואין לי שום קשר לשוד שהיה‬,‫ לא ראיתי שום דבר‬,‫ לא‬:‫מר לוי‬
Mr. Levy: No, I didn't see anything and I have no connection whatsoever to the robbery that took place.
Please, don't do anything to me!

VII. Negation and Negative Expressions

The questions above contain the words 0^3 (once, ever), ‫( מישהו‬someone, anyone) and •‫( משהו‬something).
If Mr Levy had answered in the affirmative, he would have used these same expressions in his
.‫ ראיתי משהו‬,‫כן‬ / .‫ ראיתי מישהו‬,‫ כן‬/ .‫ נחקרתי פעם‬,‫כן‬
Yes, I saw something. Yes, I saw someone. Yes, I was once interrogated.
Or: I have been interrogated before.

However, Mr. Levy answered in the negative, and therefore these expressions changed as
‫פעם‬ ‫ אף פעם‬...‫לא‬ #
‫מישהו‬ ‫ אף אחד‬...‫לא‬ #
‫משהו‬ ‫ שום דבר‬...‫לא‬ #

The expressions with ‫ אף‬and ‫ שום‬are - like the English anything and anyone - actually not
negative in and of themselves. Therefore, when they are used in a sentence (as opposed to when
they appear as the short answer to a question - see below), they are always used with a negator:
‫לא‬, ‫ אין‬or ‫אל‬. If a sentence contains a verb, these negators are always placed immediately
before the verb, as in:
I never lie. .‫אינני משקר אף פעם‬ ->
I didn't see anyone, and no one saw me .‫ ואף אחד לא ראה אותי‬,‫לא ראיתי אף אחד‬
Don't do anything to me! !‫אל תעשו לי שום דבר‬

When are negators not used?

As mentioned above, under most circumstances, the expressions ‫שום דבר‬, ‫ אף אחד‬and ‫אף פעם‬
require a negator. The exception to this rule is when these expressions are used by themselves
(not as part of a full sentence) as answers to questions, as in:
Who knocked on the door? ?‫בדלת‬ ‫־ מי דפק‬
No one. (.‫ (= אף אחד לא דפק בדלת‬.‫־ אף אחד‬
What happened? ?‫קרה‬ ‫ מה‬-
Nothing. (.‫ ( = שום דבר לא קרה‬.‫־ שום דבר‬
Have you ever been to Australia? ?‫ היית פעם באוסטרליה‬-
Never. (.‫ ( = אף פעם לא הייתי באוסטרליה‬.‫ אף פעם‬-

Expressions used instead o f 1‫שום דב‬...‫לא‬

Instead of ‫שום דבר‬, sometimes only the word ‫ דבר‬is used - and this makes the sentence sound
more formal, as in:
I didn't see anything, and I didn't hear anything. .‫ ולא שמעתי דבר‬,‫לא ראיתי דבר‬
Nothing happened yesterday. .‫דבר לא קרה אתמול‬

VII. Negation and Negative Expressions

,Another expression that is used instead of ‫ שום דבר‬is ‫כלום‬, as in:

He didn't see anything. . 5“‫*הוא לא ראה כלום־‬C
Nothing happened yesterday. .‫כלום לא קרה אתמול‬

Like ‫שום דבר‬, the word ‫ כלום‬is not in and of itself negative and, therefore, when used in a
sentence it requires a negator.

The words ‫ דבר‬and ‫ כלום‬can be substituted for ‫ שום דבר‬except in one situation: In response to a
question like ?‫מה קרה‬, we can say either ‫ שום דבר‬or ‫( כלום‬without a full sentence), but not 14.‫דבר‬

Other words used after ‫ שום‬and ‫אף‬

The words ‫ שום‬and ‫ אף‬are used not only in the expressions ‫ שום דבר‬and ‫ אף פעם‬/ ‫אף אחד‬, but also
with other words, as in the following:
Mr. Levy doesn't have any connection to the robbery. .‫למר לוי אין שום קשז* לשוד‬ ‫**־‬C
or: Mr. Levy has no connection whatsoever to the robbery.

In this sentence the word ‫ קשר‬conies after ‫שום‬. The word ‫( שום‬any) can be added to many nouns,
both singular and plural. It always requires a negator. Here are some examples:
in the lecture 1 didn't hear any new opinion. .‫לא שמעתי בהרצאה שום דעה חדשה‬ "*■C
any new opinions. .‫שום דעות חדשות‬

We can also say:

In the lecture I didn't hear any new opinion. .‫לא שמעתי בהרצאה אף דעה חדשה‬

Here, the word ‫ אף‬has the same meaning as ‫ שום‬- any; however, unlike ‫שום‬, ‫ אף‬is usually used
only before a singular noun that denotes something countable.15 This is probably because it is
often short for ‫אחת‬/‫אחד‬...‫( אפילו‬evenone...), as in:
In the lecture I didn't hear even one new opinion. .‫לא שמעתי בהרצאה אפילו דעה חדשה אחת‬ ^

It should be noted that even with singular countable nouns, where - theoretically - either ‫שום‬
or ‫ אף‬could be used, sometimes either ‫ שום‬or ‫" אף‬sounds" better to a Hebrew speaker. For
example, we tend to prefer "‫( "אין שום בעיה‬rather than using ‫ אף‬in this expression). Exposure to
the language over time helps in learning when to use ‫ שום‬and when to use ‫אף‬.

14 In more formal Hebrew, instead of giving the short answer ‫כלום‬, the variation 10) ‫ לא כלום‬CHLOOM) is
sometimes used.
15 Thus, we can say ‫( לא קיבלתי שום עזרה‬I didn't get any help), but we tend not to substitute ‫ אף‬for ‫ שום‬in this
sentence since ‫ עזרה‬is not countable.

VII. N e g a tio n c nd N e g a tiv e Expressions

Let's review
♦ When expressions with ‫ אף‬and ‫ שום‬- like ‫אף אחד‬, ‫ אף פעם‬and ‫ שום דבר‬- are used
in a sentence, they are always used with a negator, as in:

No one came. .‫אף אחד לא בא‬

Don't do anytiling. !‫אל תעשה שום דבר‬

The same is true of ‫כלום‬:

Nothing happened. .‫כלום לא קרה‬

♦ When these expressions appear as the short answer to a question, they don't
require a negator:

Have you ever been to Australia? ?‫ היית פעם באוסטרליה‬- ^

Never. .‫ אף פעם‬-

♦ The words ‫ אף‬and ‫ שום‬are used also with other nouns, as in the following:

^Sk .‫לא ראינו אף הצגה השנה‬

.‫אין שום בעיה‬

?Want to see if you've understood

Write the full negative answer using a form of ‫ אף‬or ‫שום‬.

_________________________________________________________,‫ יש לכם בעיות? לא‬.1

_______________________________________________________ ,‫ ראית פה מישהו? לא‬.2

__________________________________________________ ,‫מיילים היום? לא‬-‫ קיבלת אי‬.3

_______________________________________________________ ,‫הייתם פעם ביפן? לא‬ .4

________________________________________________ ,‫ אתה רואה פה משהו מחר? לא‬.5

_______________________________________________________ ,‫ יש משהו במקרר? לא‬.6

.‫ לא ראיתי פה אף אחד‬.2 .‫בעיה‬/‫ אין לנו שום בעיות‬.1
,‫מייל היום‬-‫ לא קיבלתי אף אי‬:or ‫מייל היום‬-‫אי‬/‫מיילים‬-‫ לא קיבלתי שום אי‬.3
.‫ אין שום דבר במקרר‬.6 .‫ אינני רואה פה שום דבר מוזר‬/ ‫ אני לא‬.5 .‫ לא היינו שם אף פעם‬.4

VIII. Asking Questions
• "Yes/no" questions1

*Asking about the subject of a sentence: ‫( מיז מוזז‬Who? What?)

• ...?‫( מה ו? מה י? מ יה ו? מ יה י‬What is... ? Who is... ?)
‫״‬Asking about a. direct object: ‫( מה? את מיז‬What? Whom?)
• ...‫( על מה? עם מ י ז ש ל מ י ז‬About, what? With whom? Whose?...)
*Asking about what someone is doing
•Asking about place: ?‫( א יפה? מאין? לא ן‬Where? From M’h ere? Where? = "To" where?)
• Asking about tim e: ?‫( מת י‬When?)
• ?‫מד וע? לשם מה‬/ ‫כ יצד? למה‬/‫( א יןז‬How? Why? For what purpose?)
‫( כמה? ״‬How many? How much?)
• ?‫( א יזה? איזו? א יל ו‬Which? What?)

• Word order in questions

• "Yes/no" questions
Read the following question:
Do you want to study Japanese? ?4‫אתם רוצים ללמוד יפנ ית‬ ‫*־־‬C

This question requires ‫( כן‬yes) or ‫( לא‬no) as an answer. It has no question word; in the Hebrew
sentence only the question mark written at the end tells us that this is a question. Unlike in
English, the word order of Hebrew "yes/no" questions is exactly like that of a statement. Here
are some more examples:

1 Questions are often called interrogative sentences in grammar books.

VIII. Asking Questions

statement question

They are from England. .‫הם מאנגליה‬ Are they from England? ?‫הם מאנגליה‬ ***C
He works here. .‫הוא עובד פה‬ Does he work here? ?‫הוא עובד פה‬
There is room here to sit. .‫יש פה מקום לשבת‬ is there room here to sit? ?‫יש פה מקום לשבת‬

When we ask questions like these in spoken (as opposed to written) Hebrew, it is only our
intonation that makes clear whether we are asking a question or making a statement. However,
in written Hebrew we often add a question word to the front of "yes/no" questions:
Are they from England? ?‫־‬ ‫( <האם הם מאנגליה‬
Does he work here? ?‫האם הוא עובד פה‬
is there room here to sit? ?‫האם יש פה מקום לשבת‬

The word ‫ האם‬is usually not used in informal spoken Hebrew.

• Asking about the subject o f a sentence:?‫מי? מה‬

(Who? What?)
Here are some questions and their answers. All of the following are verb sentences.
full answer short answer question

.‫ דניאל שלח לרינה מכתב אהבה‬- .‫ דניאל‬- ?‫ מי שלח לרינה מכתב אהבה‬.‫ו‬ -‫>־‬
Daniel sent Rina a love letter. Who sent Rina a love letter?

.‫ שרה שלחה לאורי פרחים‬- .‫ שרה‬- ?‫ מי שלח לאורי פרחים‬.2

Sara sent Uri flowers. Who sent Uri flowers?

.‫ מיקי ואורי לא הבינו את התרגיל‬- .‫ מיקי ואורי‬- ?‫ מי לא הבין את התרגיל‬.3

Mickey and Uri didn't understand the exercise. Who didn't understand the exercise?

.‫ הספרים נפלו‬- .‫־ הספרים‬ ?‫ מה נפל‬.4


The books fell. What fell?

As you can see,‫( מי‬Who?) and ‫( מה‬What?) in the questions above correspond to the subject in the
columi 2 The words ‫ מי‬and ‫ מה‬in these questions are actually the
sentences in the "full answer" column.
subjects of the questions themselves.

2 The terms subject and predicate are used here as they are used in traditional grammar books.

VIII. Asking Questions

Q: What is the difference between the forms of the verbs in the "full answer" column and those
in the questions?
A: In the "full answer" column, the verb forms vary in accordance with their subject: If the
subject is masculine singular (‫)דניאל‬, so is its verb (‫ ;)שלח‬if it is feminine singular (‫)שרה‬, so
is its verb (‫ )שלחה‬and so on. In the "question" column, on the other hand, the verb forms
are all masculine singular (‫ נפל‬,‫ הבין‬,‫ שלח‬,‫)שלח‬. This is because the subject of each of these
verbs is either ‫ מי‬or ‫מה‬. Since these words are considered masculine singular, the verb that
follows (and matches) them is usually masculine singular.

Note: Sometimes, when it is known that the person referred to by ?‫ מי‬is female, we may use a
feminine singular verb. For example, we would say to a group of girls:
‫״‬Hi, girls, who wants to come with me to the mall?5‫״‬ "?‫ מי דוצה לבוא איתי לקניון‬.‫ בנות‬,‫"שלום‬ ‫*״־־‬C

Also in non-verb sentences the predicate3 matches ‫ מי‬and ‫ מה‬and thus is masculine singular,
for example:
who is new in the class? ?‫**מי חדש בכיתה״‬sC
what is written on the invitation? ?‫מה כתוב בהזמנה‬

♦♦♦ ?‫( מהו? מהי? מיהו? מיהי‬What is... ? Who is... ?)

In some questions that begin with ‫ מי‬and ‫מה‬, an ending is added onto the question word, for
full answer short answer question

.‫ נושא השיעור היום הוא עונות השנה‬- .‫ עונות השנה‬- ?‫מהו נושא השיעור היום‬ *>
The subject of the lesson today is What is the subject of the lesson today?
the seasons of the year.

.‫ המורה שלי למתמטיקה הוא דויד כהן‬- .‫ דויד כהן‬- ?‫מיהו המורה שלך למתמטיקה‬
My math teacher is David Cohen. Who is your math teacher?

3 On predicates, see the introduction to "Non-Verb Sentences," p. 705.

VIII. Asking Questions

These endings can only be added when the word after ‫ מה‬or ‫ מי‬is a noun that is not followed by
a verb (in these sentences: ‫ נושא‬and 4.(‫ מורה‬For example, in the following question in which the
noun is followed by a verb, we cannot use ‫מהו‬:
What did the teacher say? ?‫מה המורה אמר‬

Here are some more examples of questions in which endings are added to ‫ מה‬and :‫מי‬
‫ התחנה הבאה היא מוזאון ישראל‬- .‫ מוזאון ישראל‬- ?‫ מהי התחנה הבאה‬.‫ו‬.
The next stop is the Israel Museum. What is the next stop?

.‫ הצבעים של דגל ישראל הם כחול ולבן‬- .‫ כחול ולבן‬- ?‫ מהם הצבעים של דגל ישראל‬. 2
The colors of the flag of Israel are What are the colors of the flag of Israel?
blue and white.

.‫ האישה בתמונה היא אימא שלי‬- .‫־ אימא שלי‬ ?‫ מיהי האישה בתמונה‬. 3
The woman in the picture is my mother. Who is the woman in the picture?

These question words are actually combined and shortened forms of the following words:
‫מי‬ ‫מה‬
‫ הוא = מיהו‬+ ‫מי‬ ‫מהו‬ = ‫הוא‬ + ‫מה‬
‫ היא = מיהי‬+ ‫מי‬ ‫מהי‬ = ‫היא‬ + ‫מה‬
‫­י‬ t
= ‫הם‬ + ‫מה‬
‫מהן‬ = ‫הן‬ + ‫מה‬

There is a tendency not to attach the plural ‫ הם‬and ‫ הן‬to the word 5.‫ מי‬Instead the words appear
who are the actors in the movie? ?5*‫י הם השחקנים בסרט־‬
who are your teachers ( ?‫מי הן המורות שלכם‬

The other forms may appear as separate words (e.g., ?‫)מה הוא נושא השיעור‬, but are usually
combined and shortened, as shown above.

Let's look again at sentence 1:

.1. ‫ התחנה הבאה היא מוזאון ישראל‬- .‫ מוזאון ישראל‬- ?‫מהי התחנה הבאה‬ <C

4 In sentences like these, ‫ מה‬and ‫ מי‬are not the subject of the sentence as they were in the examples in the
previous section. Instead, they are the predicate, as you can see in the full answer. (A more detailed analysis of
these sentences is beyond the scope of this book.)
5 Nechama Baras and Esther Delshad, 2000, p. 32.

VIII. Asking Questions

Q: Which word determines what the ending of ‫ מה‬will be?

A: The word in the question that foUows the ending. Here ‫הי‬- matches ‫התחנה‬, which is feminine
singular. This is true of all questions in which ‫ מה‬and ‫ מי‬have endings (and also in the case
of ‫ מי הם‬and ‫ מי הן‬, where the words are separate), for example:
.‫ הצבעים של דגל ישראל הם כחול ולבן‬- .‫ כחול ולבן‬- ?‫מהם הצבעים של דגל ישראל‬
I }
.‫ האישה בתמונה היא אימא שלי‬- .‫ אימא שלי‬- ?‫מיהי האישה בתמונה‬

As you can clearly see in the "full answer" column, the ending of ‫ מה‬and ‫ מי‬is actually a connector
(‫)אוגד‬, which matches the subject of a non-verb sentence.6

Question words (here: ‫ מה‬and ‫ )מי‬with connectors (here: endings) are used mainly in formal
Hebrew. In informal (spoken) Hebrew, we could just as well ask most of the above questions
without the connector, for example:
?‫מה נושא השיעור היום‬
‫?מי המורה שלך למתמטיקה‬

In colloquial Hebrew, the words ‫ זה‬and ‫זו‬/‫ זאת‬are often used as connectors, as in:
?> ‫ מי זה המורה שלך למתמטיקה‬-‫־‬
‫זו האישה שעומדת שם‬/‫?מי זאת‬

Be careful! In a sentence such as ?‫הם עושים‬ ‫( מה‬What are they doing?), ‫ הם‬is not a
connector, but rather it is the subject of the verb ‫ עושים‬and, therefore, is never combined
with the question word ‫מה‬.

L e t’s review
So far we have discussed the following questions and question words:
♦ "Yes/no" questions
‫ ־‬These questions have the same word order as regular statements (they are
similar to their answers) and, in spoken Hebrew, usually have no question
.‫ הוא סטודנט‬,‫ כן‬- ?‫>״ הוא סטודנט‬

6 For more on connectors, see the chapter "Sentences with a Connector," pp. 714-732.

VIII. Asking Questions

- In formal (written) Hebrew the word ‫ האם‬is sometimes used as the question
word in "yes/no" questions, as in:
.‫ הוא סטודנט‬,‫ כן‬- ?‫האם הוא סטודנט‬

♦ Using ‫ מה‬/ ‫ מי‬to ask about the subject of a sentence

The verb or adjective in the question is usually masculine singular since the
words ‫ מי‬and ‫ מה‬are considered masculine singular. In the answer, the verb or
adjective matches its new subject.

.‫רותי קוראת ספר‬ -

.‫מירי ומיכל חדשות בכיתה‬ -
.‫הכוסות נפלו‬ -
.‫השמות של החתן ושל הכלה כתובים בהזמנה‬ - ?‫ מה כתוב בהזמנה‬.4

♦ Questions with a connector attached to them (used mainly in formal written

In non-verb questions, when the word after ‫ מה‬or ‫ מי‬is a noun, a connector
is sometimes added to the question word. The connector (usually an ending)
matches the noun that follows it, for example:
I }
?‫ מהו נושא השיעור היום‬.‫ו‬ ->

?‫ מיהי האישה הזו‬.2

See above for the forms of these question words with endings.

Want to see if you've understood?

A sk the questions fo r the a nsw ers g ive n . (The u n d e rlin e d w o rd is the an sw e r.)

answers questions

.‫ תנה יושבת פה‬- .‫ו‬

.‫ רותי ורחל נוסעות לתל אביב‬- .2

.‫ מנהל בית הספר הוא יונתז שוורץ‬- .3

.‫ הספרים נפלו על הרצפה‬- .4

.‫ המילים החדשות כתובות בדף‬- .5

VIII. Asking Questions

.‫ אני מכיר את השיר הזה‬,‫ מ‬- ‫_________________________________________________________ ז‬

.‫ הילדים בתמונה הם בני הדודים שלנו‬- ?__________________________________________________________

.‫ הטלפוו הסלולרי שלר מצלצל‬-‫_________________________________________________ ז‬

.‫ הסיבות לאסון הן הגשם החזק והרוח העזה‬- ?__________________________________________________________

?‫ מי נוסע לתל אביב‬. 2 ?‫מי יושב פה‬ .1
?‫ מה נפל על הרצפה‬.4 ?‫ מי מנהל בית הספר‬/ ?‫ מי הוא מנהל בית הספר‬/ ?‫מיהו מנהל בית הספר‬ .3
?‫ מי הילדים בתמונה‬/ ?‫ מי הם הילדים בתמונה‬.7 ?‫ (האם) אתה מכיר את השיר הזה‬.6 ?‫מה כתוב בדף‬ .5
?‫ מה הסיבות לאסון‬/ ?‫ מה הן הסיבות לאסון‬/ ?‫ מהן הסיבות לאסון‬.9 ?‫מה מצלצל‬ .8

• Asking about a direct object: ?‫מה? את מי‬

(What? Whom?)
In order to understand the questions in this section, let's first look at the following sentences:
1 saw a car. .,‫ו‬‫ראיתי מכונית‬
I saw a boy. .2. ‫ראיתי ילד‬
1 saw the boy who lives next to us. .3. ‫ראיתי את הילד שגר לידנו‬

The highlighted words in the above sentences are direct objects.7 They all answer one of the
following questions: "You saw what?" or "You saw whom?".

In order for a sentence to have a direct object, it must have a verb. This verb - like ‫ ראיתי‬above
- must be one that requires ‫( את‬and not some other preposition) when the object is definite, as
in sentence 3. The following sections discuss questions that contain only verbs of this kind.

?‫( את מי‬Whom? / Who?)

Read the following questions:
Who likes sad movies? ?‫ מי אוהב סרטים עצובים‬.‫ו‬

Whom (colloquial: Who) did you see at the movie theater? ?2. ‫את מי רא יתם בקולנוע‬

7 See the chapter ‫״‬The Direct Object and the Use of ‫את‬," pp. 697-704 for an in-depth explanation of direct
objects and the use of ‫את‬.

VIII. Asking Questions

In colloquial English, both of these questions begin with Who?, but in Hebrew this is not the
case: In the second sentence, the word ‫ את‬comes before the question word ‫מי‬. (This corresponds
to Whom? informal English.)

When do we begin a question with ‫ מי‬and when with ‫? את מי‬

In order to answer this question, we must identify what we are asking about in each question -
the subject or the direct object.
answer question

Mom likes sad movies. .‫ אימא אוהבת סרטים עצובים‬- ?‫ מי אוהב סרטים עצובים‬.‫ו‬
Who likes sad movies?

‫את מיז‬
We saw Ariel. .‫ ראינו את אריאל‬- ?‫ את מי ראיתם בקולנוע‬. 2
Whom (colloq.: Who) did you see
We saw our friends. .‫־ ראינו את החברים שלנו‬ at the movie theater?

We didn't see anyone. .‫ לא ראינו אף אחד‬-

.‫ אבל לא הכרנו אף אחד‬,‫ ראינו הרבה אנשים‬-
We saw a lot of people, but we didn't know anyone.

As you can see, in question 1 ‫ מי‬is the subject of the verb in the question (i.e., ‫)אוהב‬, and it refers
to the subject in the answer: (. ‫א ימא (אוהבת סרטים עצובים‬.

In contrast,‫ מי‬in question 2 is not the subject of the verb (‫)רא יתם‬. Rather, the verb has a different
subject - ‫אתם‬, and we are asking the question about the object of this verb (which in these
examples is: ‫ הרבה אנשים‬,‫ אף אחד‬,‫ החברים שלו‬,‫)אריאל‬. It doesn't matter whether the answer to our
question will be definite ( ‫ החברים‬,‫ )אריאל‬or indefinite ( ‫ הרבה אנשים‬,‫)אף אחד‬: If the verb is of the
type that requires ‫ את‬before a definite object (as in: ‫)לראות את‬, we always begin our question
with ‫ את מי‬. Here are some more examples:
full answer short answer question

:)‫(לפגוש את‬
.‫אני פוגש את שרון‬ .‫את שרון‬ ?‫את מי אתה פוגש כל יום בעיר‬
I meet Sharon. Sharon. Whom (colloq.: Who) do you meet
every day in the city?
.‫אני פוגש חברים‬ : -
I meet friends. Friends.

VIII. Asking Questions

full answer short answer question

:)‫(לשמוע את‬
.‫שמעתי את ראש הממשלה‬ .‫את ראש הממשלה‬ ?‫את מי שמעת ברדיו אתמול‬
I heard the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister. Whom (colloq.: Who) did you hear
on the radio yesterday?
.‫שמעתי חבר כנסת מהליכוד‬ .‫חבר כנסת מהליכוד‬
I heard a Knesset member A Knesset member
from the Likud. from the Likud.

‫( מהי‬What?)
Read the following questions and answers:
full answer short answer question

.‫ הכוסות נפלו‬- .‫ הכוסות‬- ?‫ מה נפל‬.‫ו‬

The glasses fell. The glasses. What fell?

.‫ קנינו את התפוזים האלה‬- .‫ את התפוזים האלה‬- ?‫ מה קניתם‬. 2

We bought these oranges. These oranges. What did you buy?

.‫ קנינו לימונים‬- .‫ לימונים‬-

We bought lemons. Lemons.

Q: What are we asking about in each of these questions - about the subject or about the direct
A: In question 1 we are asking about the subject (in the answer: ‫)הכוסות‬. The verb in question
2 already has a subject (‫ אתם‬in ‫)קניתם‬. In this question we are asking about the direct object
(in the answer: ‫ לימונים‬,‫)התפוזים האלה‬.

In both questions we use ‫מה‬. Notice that - unlike with ‫ מי‬- we usually do not put ‫ את‬before ‫מה‬,
even when we are asking about the direct object, as in question 2.8

We may hear questions beginning with ‫ את מה‬in certain, very specific situations, such as when someone
doesn't hear what was said to him/her, for example:
.‫ לא קניתי את הנעליים האדומות‬- >
?‫ את מה לא קנית‬.‫ מה? לא שמעתי‬-

VIII. Asking Questions

Let's review
♦ We ask ‫את מ יל‬ when we ask about a direct object that is a person.

?‫יום‬ ‫אתן רואות כל‬ ‫את מ י‬ / ?‫דניאל יפגוש בעיר‬ ‫את מ י‬ / ?‫ראיתם אתמול‬ ‫את מ י‬ -<

♦ We ask ?‫מ ה‬ when we ask about a direct object that is not a person:

?‫אתמול‬ ‫קניתם‬ ‫מה‬ -<

Want to see if you've understood?

The following exercises include all the variations of ‫ מי‬and ‫ מה‬discussed up to this point
in this chapter.

A. Translate the following questions using ...‫ מה י‬, ‫ מה ו‬, ‫ מה‬,‫ את מי‬, ‫מ י‬.

1. W hat are you (f.s.) eating?

2. W ho (formal: Whom) are you ( looking fo r?

3. W ho doesn't hear the teacher?

4. W hat is the correct answer? .

5. W hat are the reasons for the strike (‫? )שב יתה‬

6. W ho (formal: Whom) are you (m.s.) d raw ing?

7. W hat are you (m.s.) draw ing?

?‫ מי לא שומע את המורה‬.3 ?‫ את מי אתם מחפשים‬.2 ?‫ מה את אוכלת‬.1
?‫ מה הסיבות לשביתה‬/ ‫ מה הן‬/ ‫ מהן‬.5 ?‫ מה התשובה הנכונה‬/ ‫ מה היא‬/ ‫ מהי‬.4
?‫ מה אתה מצייר‬.7 ?‫ את מי אתה מצייר‬.6

B. Ask the questions for the answers given. (The underlined word is the answer.)

answers questions
.‫ אנחנו רואים את ההוריםשלנו‬-

.‫ הם לומדים ספרות‬-

.‫ קניתי את עיתוו הבוהר‬-

VIII. Asking Questions

.‫ מיכל פגשה את השכנים החדשים‬- ?___________________________________________________________

.‫ שבה מטיילת בלונדון‬- ?___________________________________________________________

A nsw ers:
?‫ מי מטייל בלונדון‬.5 9?‫ את מי פגשה מיכל‬/ ?‫ את מי מיכל פגשה‬.4 ‫ מה‬.3 ‫ מה‬.2 ‫ את מי‬.1

• ...?‫( על מה? עם מי? של מי‬About what? With whom?

The following questions begin with a preposition followed by ‫ מה‬or ‫מי‬. Read the questions and
their answers:
full answer question

‫עם מיז‬
.‫ אני מדברת עם דליה‬- ?‫עם מי את מדברת כל יום‬ -*>
I speak with Dalia. With whom do you speak every day?
(colloq.: Who do you speak with every day?)

‫על מהז‬
.‫אנחנו מדברות על הבעיות בעבודה‬ ?‫על מה את ודליה מדברות‬
We speak / talk about the problems at work. About what do you and Dalia speak?
(colloq.: What do you and Dalia talk about?)

Q: About which part of the full answer do the above questions ask?
A: They ask about the part that begins with a preposition.

Notice that when we add a preposition to a question word, it always conies before the question
word (e. g. , ?‫)עם מי? על מה‬. Such questions are similar to the more formal English With whom...
or With what... (they are not like the colloquial versions of the questions above, which begin
with Who or What).

9 On word order in questions, see below, pp. 831-832.

VIII. Asking Questions

Here are some more examples of questions like these that ask about someone (‫ )מי‬or something
(10.(‫ מה‬We will present a possible answer first:
answer. I got a letter from Anat. .‫ קיבלתי מכתב מענת‬.‫ו‬ ^‫>י‬


question: From whom did you get a letter? ?‫ממי קיבלת מכתב‬
(colloq.: Who did you get a letter from ?)

answer: David has a sister, (lit.: To David there is a sister.) .‫ לדויד יש אחות‬. 2

question: Who has a sister? (lit.: To whom is there a sister?) ?‫למי יש אחות‬

answer: The book is Avi's. .‫ הספר הוא של אבי‬. 3

?‫של מי‬
question: Whose book is this? ?‫של מי הספר‬

answer. This table is made of wood. .‫ השולחן הזה עשוי מעץ‬.4


question: What is this table made of? ?‫ממה השולחן הזה עשוי‬

Notice that questions like these can contain a verb (as in sentence 1) or can have no verb (as in
sentences 2, 3 and 4).

10 There are some cases in which we use ‫ מי‬for something because it is actually perceived as someone, as in:
Who(m) did you turn to? to the police? to the municipality? ?‫< למי פנית? למשטרה? לעירייה‬

‫‪VIII. Asking Questions‬‬

‫‪Let's review‬‬
‫‪♦ When we ask a question about the part of a sentence that begins with a‬‬
‫מה ‪ (whom) or‬מ י ‪preposition, we often ask using the preposition followed by‬‬
‫‪(what). The Hebrew question always begins with the preposition, for example:‬‬

‫עם מ י די ב ר ת ם ?‬ ‫‪■>,‬‬
‫ע ל מה צ ח ק ת ם ?‬
‫למ י י ש כ ל ב ב ב י ת ?‬
‫ש ל מ י ה בי ת הז ה ?‬

‫‪?Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪Ask the question the a n sw e r to w h ic h is the u n d e rlin e d p h ra s e .‬‬

‫‪ -‬שלחתי למיכל כרטיס ברכה‪.‬‬

‫‪ -‬חשבתי על הבעיה כל היום‪.‬‬

‫‪ -‬הספרים אצל נדב‪.‬‬

‫‪ -‬דאגנו לבת שלנו כל הלילה‪.‬‬

‫‪ -‬הילדים פוחדים מכלבים‪.‬‬

‫‪ -‬העובדים כועסים על ההחלטה של הבוס‪.‬‬ ‫_______________ל‬

‫‪ -‬לשלומי יש חמישה אחים‪.‬‬

‫‪ -‬יובל מנגן בגיטרה‪.‬‬

‫‪A n sw ers:‬‬
‫‪ .1‬למי שלחת כרטיס ברכה? ‪ .2‬על מה חשבת כל היום? ‪ .3‬אצל מי הספרים? ‪ ,4‬למי דאגתם כל הלילה?‬
‫‪ .5‬ממה הילדים פוחדים? ‪ .6‬על מה העובדים כועסים? ‪ .7‬למי יש חמישה אחים? ‪ .8‬במה יובל מנגן?‬

VIII. Asking Questions

• Asking about what someone is doing

Read the following questions and answers:
full answer question

.‫ הוא כותב מכתב‬- ?‫מה דויד עושה‬

He is writing a letter. What is David doing?

.‫ הלכנו לים‬- ?‫מה עשיתם אתמול‬

We went to the beach. What did you do yesterday?

.‫ אני אצא לפיקניק‬- ?‫ מה תעשי מחר‬,‫מירה‬

I will go on a picnic. Mira, what will you do tomorrow?

In these questions we ask what someone is (was, will be) doing. As you can see, all the answers
contain a verb.

In all of the questions, a form of the verb ‫ לעשות‬- meaning to do - appears.

Q: Does a form of the verb ‫ לעשות‬appear also in the answers?

A: No, a different verb appears in the answers. This verb is always in the same tense as the
form of ‫ לעשות‬in the question (i.e., past-past, present-present, etc.).

Be careful! As in English, when we ask what someone is (was, will be) doing, we
usually do not use a form of the verb ‫ לעשות‬in the answer. There are some exceptions
(in both languages), such as:
.‫ אנחנו עושים שיעורי בית‬- ?‫מה אתם עושים‬
We are doing homework. What are you doing?

Want to see if you've understood?

Ask the appropriate question using a form of the verb ‫לעשות‬.

.‫ החשמלאי מתסו את המלזרר שלנו‬- ‫ז‬ .1

.‫ בשנה שעברה למדנו פסיכולוגיה‬- ? .2

VIII. Asking Questions

.‫ ביום שישי בבוקר אלר לים‬- ‫ז‬ .3

?‫ תעשי ביום שישי בבוקר‬/ ‫ מה תעשה‬.3 ?‫ מה עשיתם בשנה שעברה‬.2 ?‫ מה החשמלאי עושה‬.1

• Asking about place: ?‫איפה? מאין? לאן‬

(Where? From where? Where?=‫״‬T0 Nwhere?)
Here are several ways in which we ask Where? in Hebrew:
Where do you live? ‫איפיה אתה גרן‬

Where are you coming from? 11?‫מאין אתה בא‬

(literally: From where are you coming?)

Where are you going? ?‫לאן אתה הולך‬

(literally: To where are you going?)

Q: How many different words for Where? do you see in these questions?
A: Three.

Let's look at the difference between them.

‫( איפהי‬Where?)
Look at the following questions and answers:
full answer short answer question

.‫ אני גר בירושלים‬- .‫ בירושלים‬- ?‫ איפה אתה גר‬.‫ו‬

I live in Jerusalem. In Jerusalem. Where do you live?

.‫ אנחנו עומדים ליד הסופרמרקט‬- .‫ ליד הסופרמרקט‬- ?‫ איפה אתם עומדים‬. 2

We are standing next to the Next to the supermarket. Where are you standing?

.‫ הסופרמרקט שם‬- . ?‫ איפה הסופרמרקט‬.3

The supermarket is over there. (Over) there. Where is the supermarket?

11 On the use of ?‫ מאיפה‬instead of ?‫מאין‬, see below.

VIII. Asking Questions

There is no movement from one place to another nor is there any indication of direction involved
either in the verbs ‫ גר‬and ‫( עומדים‬sentences 1 and 2) or in the non-verb sentence (3), which in
English uses the verb is. When there is neither movement from place to place nor an indication
of direction, we use the question word ?‫ איפה‬to ask about place.12

As you can see above, the short answers to ?‫ איפה‬may or may not begin with a preposition.

Note: The prepositions ‫ מן‬/-‫ מ‬and ‫ אל‬/-‫ ל‬never answer the question ?‫איפה‬. In the sections below,
we will see how we ask about phrases that begin with these prepositions.

?‫( מאין‬Where... from? From where?)

Read the following answers:
We are coming from the bank. .‫־ אנחנו באים מהבנק‬ ‫>י־‬
We are coming from the office. .‫ אנחנו באים מן המשרד‬-

When we wish to ask about where someone / something is from or is coming from (and the
like), the preposition -‫ מ‬must be added before the question word.13 In daily speech many Hebrew
speakers ask in this way:
Where are you coming from?14('colloquial) ?‫מאיפיה אתם באים‬

In more formal Hebrew, we use the word ?‫( מאין‬me-'A-yeen) : 15

From where are you coming? (formal) ?‫מאין אתם באים‬ ‫<־‬C

The word ‫ מאין‬combines two smaller words: ‫ א יך‬+ -‫מ‬/;. ‫אין‬, which means where, is used only when
combined with -‫מ‬. Note that the pronunciation o f -‫ מ‬when combined with ‫ אין‬or ‫ איפה‬is meh.

?‫( מאין‬and ?‫ )מאיפה‬are used to ask about a ‫מן‬/-‫ מ‬phrase not only in a verb sentence (with verbs
that indicate motion from a place), but also in a non-verb sentence, for example:
answer: We are from Mexico. . ‫ממקסיקו‬ ‫־ אנחנו‬

(colloquial) ?‫ מאיפה‬/ (format) ?‫מאין‬

question: Where are you from? ?‫אתם‬ ‫ מאיפה‬/ ‫מאין‬

(lit.: From where are you?)

12 This word is comprised of "‫ פיה‬+ ‫( " אי‬where + here), thus the second part of the word is spelled just like ‫פיה‬.
13 On the usage of ‫מן‬/ -‫ מ‬, see the chapter "How Do Prepositions Behave When No Ending Is Attached?" pp. 226‫־‬
14 ?‫ מאיפה‬is not recognized as "correct" Hebrew by the Hebrew Language Academy.
15 As we will see below, ‫ מ־‬can also be added to a form of ‫( איזה‬which / what) to ask about place, for example:
What place did you come from now? / From what place... ‫< מאיזה מקום באת עכשיה‬

VIII. Asking Questions

?‫( לאן‬Where?= ‫״‬To‫ ״‬where?)

Read the following questions:
Where does Michael live? ?‫איפה מיכאל גר‬
Where did Michael go? ?‫לאן מיכאל נסע‬

Q: Is there a difference between the English translations of the two different question words
?‫ איפה‬and ?‫?לאן‬
A: No. Both are translated as Where?

In order to know whether to use ?‫ איפה‬or ?‫לאן‬, we must ask ourselves the following: Does the
verb in the question indicate either motion or direction to a place (i.e., is it usually followed
by either -‫ ל‬or ‫?)אל‬

If the answer to this question is positive, then we use the question word ?16.‫ לאן‬This word is
formed by adding the preposition -‫ ל‬to the front of the question word ?‫ אן‬to form ‫לאן‬, literally:
to where. ‫ אן‬has the same meaning as ‫ איפה‬and is used in Israeli Hebrew only when combined
with -17.‫ל‬

Here are possible answers to the question ?‫לאן מיכאל נסע‬:

answers: Michael went to the United States. .‫־ מיכאל נסע לארצות הברית‬
Michael went to the Old City. .‫ מיכאל נסע אל העיר העתיקה‬-
M chael went home (= to his house). .‫־ מיכאל נסע הביתה‬

question: 18?‫ לאן נסע מיכאל‬/ ?‫לאן מיכאל נסע‬
formal informal
Where ( - ‫׳‬to" where) did Michael go?

As you can see, the short answer to the question ?‫ לאן‬begins either with -‫ ל‬or ‫( אל‬in the sentences
above: ‫ אל העיר העתיקה‬,‫ )לארה״ב‬or with a word with a directional ah (‫)הב יתה‬, which means the
same thing as the preposition -‫( ל‬to) .19

16 There are also cases in which ?‫ לאן‬is used without a verb, but this is only in clipped, spoken Hebrew, where we
may as k: "?‫ לא ן‬,‫"( "ה י רינה‬Hey Rina, where to?"). In such a question, a verb is actually assumed to be present.
This question actually means: "?‫ נוסעת‬/ ‫" לאן את הולכת‬.
17 As we will see below, we can also ask about a destination by attaching -‫ ל‬to a form of ‫איזה‬, as in:
To what city did you go? ?‫< לאיזו עיר נסעתם‬
18 On word order in questions, see below, pp. 831 -832.
19 On the directional ah, see the chapter " Where Expressions," pp. 303-307.

VIII. Asking Questions

Let's review
♦ ?‫ איפה‬is used for asking Where? when no motion or direction is indicated:

.> - ‫ אנחנו גרים בחיפה‬- ?‫איפה אתם גרים‬

‫־‬#• ?‫( מאין‬or the colloquial ?‫ )מאיפה‬and ?‫ לאן‬are used for asking Where? when
motion or direction are involved :

- ?‫ מאין‬and ?‫ מאיפה‬are used to ask From where?:

.> ‫־ אנחנו באים מהקונצרט‬ ?‫מאין אתם באים‬ -‫־‬

‫ אנחנו באים מהסופרמרקט‬- ?‫ מאיפה אתם באים עכשיו‬.

‫ ?לאן‬- is used to ask Where? with a verb that indicates motion or direction
to a place (i.e., Where? in this case actually means To where? or In which
.‫ אנחנו נוסעים לאילת‬- ?‫>־■ לאן אתם נוסעים‬
.‫־ פנינו ימינה ונסענו ישר‬ ?‫לאן פניתם אחרי שהגעתם לצומת‬

)‫א׳‬/‫(אבות ג‬ ‫ ו ל פ נ י מי א ת ה ^ ת י ד ל ת ן ד ק‬, ‫ ו ל א ן א ת ה ה ו ל ך‬, ‫״ ד ע מ א י ן ב א ת‬

”Know whence thou art come and w hither thou art going and before whom thou art about to give account
and reckoning.” (Avot 3:1, Danby translation)

Want to see if you've understood?

A. Translate.

1. Yonatan, where are you g o in g ? ______________________________

2. Where is David from ?_______________________________________

3. Where do you ( live?___________________________________

4. Where are they ( coming from, and where are they going?

5. Where did you (f.s.) buy this ch air?___________________________

6. Racheii, where are you running (to)?_________________________

VIII. Asking Questions

A nsw ers:
?‫ איפה אתם גרים‬.colloquial( 3: ?‫ מאין דויד?(מאיפה דויד‬. 2 ?‫ נוסע‬/ ‫ לאן אתה הולך‬,‫יונתן‬ .1
?‫ לאן את רצה‬,‫ רחלי‬.6 ?‫ איפה קנית את הכיסא הזה‬.5 ?‫ ולאן הם הולכים‬,‫מאין הם באים‬ .4

W rite the a p p ro p ria te question w o rd )‫ מאין‬,‫ איפה‬o r ‫(לאן‬.

?‫____________ הלכתם אחרי הצהריים‬ .‫ו‬

?‫____________ גר ת בשנה שעברה‬ .2

?‫____________ א ת רוצה לנסוע בקיץ הבא‬ .3


?‫____________ ר אי ת את יוסי‬ .5

A n sw ers:
‫ איפה‬.5 ‫ מאין‬.4 ‫ לאן‬.3 ‫ איפה‬.2 ‫לאן‬ .1

• Asking about time: ‫( מתיז‬When?)

Here are some questions with ?‫( מתי‬When?) and their short answers:
short answer question

.‫ אתמול‬- .‫ אחרי שראינו את הסרט‬- .‫־ בבוקר‬ ?‫מתי למדתם למבחן‬

Yesterday. After we saw the movie. In the morning. When did you study for the exam?

.‫ מחר‬- .‫־ בעוד שעתיים‬ ?‫מתי ההצגה‬

Tomorrow. In two hours. When is the show?

As you can see, the short answer to ?‫ מתי‬sometimes begins with a preposition and sometimes
doesn't. As in English, we do not add prepositions like -‫ ב‬and ‫ אחרי‬to the beginning of the
question word ?‫מתי‬. However, when we wish to ask about the beginning or the end of a span of
time, we do ask ?‫( ממתי‬Since when?) or ?‫( עד מתי‬Until when?), as in:20

20 When asking about a specific time or date (usually indicated with a number), we can also ask using a form of
the word ‫( איזהז‬as i n: ?‫ בא יזו שעה הגעתם הביתה‬,What time did you get home? or ?‫באיזה יום תחגגו את יום הולדתך‬
On what day will you celebrate your birthday?). For more on ?‫איזה‬, see below pp. 828-830.

VIII. Asking Questions

short answer question

.‫ מאז שעלינו לארץ‬- . 2002 ‫מאז‬ .‫משמונה בבוקר‬ ?‫ממתי אתם פה‬ *‫>־‬
Since we came to Israel. Since 2002. Since 8 a.m. Since when have you been here?
Or: Since when are you here?

.‫ עד שכולם ילכו הביתה‬- .‫ בבוקר‬5:00 ‫עד‬ ?‫עד מתי המסיבה‬

Until everyone goes home. Until 5 a.m. Until when is the party?
(= When will the party be over?)

• ?‫מד וע? לשם מה‬/ ‫ביצדי למה‬/‫( איך‬How? Why?

For what purpose?)
The question words listed here have a fixed form. Some already have a preposition attached to
the front (e. g. , ?21(‫ לשם מה‬,?‫ בשביל מה‬, ?‫ למה‬and some do not. In any case, we never add additional
prepositions to the front of any of these words (as we did above with ?‫ עד מתי‬,?‫)ממתי‬.

The use of these question words is similar to their use in English. Here are some examples:22
How do you say "Mother" in Chinese? ?1.‫ך אומרים "אימא" בסינית‬
How was the problem solved? (formal) ?‫כיצד פתרו את הבעיה‬

why didn't you come to visit me? ?2. ‫מה לא באתם לבקר אותי‬
why are there so many accidents? (format) ?‫מדוע יש תאונות דרכים רבות כל כך‬

why did you get up at 6:00? ?6:003. ‫למה קמתם ב־‬

what did you get up at 6:00 for? (colloquial) ?6:00‫בשב יל מה קמתם ב־‬
For what purpose do we need grades? (formal) ?‫לשם מה צריך ציונים‬

Note: The question word ?‫( למה‬Why?) is ambiguous in that it can mean both For what reason?
and For what purpose? and can be answered either with ‫( כי‬because...) or ‫( כדי‬in order to...).

21 These prepositions do not usually appear in the answers to these questions, for example:
.‫ כדי להגיע לאוטובוס בזמן‬- ?6:00-‫> לשם מה קמתם ב‬
22 For examples of answers to these questions, see the chapters "How Expressions," pp. 339-348, "Why?:Reason
and Result Sentences," pp. 944-952 and "In Order To: Sentences that State an Intended Purpose," pp. 953-

VIII. Asking Questions

• ‫( פמה י‬How many? How much?)

We use the word ?‫ כמה‬to ask about quantity ,23
full answer short answer question

.‫תשעה אנשים גרים פה‬ .‫תשעה‬ ?‫ כמה אנשים גרים פה‬.‫ו‬T ‫־‬

Nine people live here. Nine. How many people live here?

.‫יש לי שלוש אחיות‬ .‫שלוש‬ ?‫ כמה אחיות יש לך‬.2

I have three sisters. Three. How many sisters do you have?

.‫שמתי שתי כפיות סוכר בקפה‬ .‫שתי כפיות‬ ?‫ כמה סוכר שמת בקפה‬. 3
I put two teaspoons of sugar Two teaspoons. How much sugar did you put
in the coffee. in the coffee?

The form of this question word is always the same, whether we are asking about a masculine
plural noun (‫)א נש ים‬, a feminine plural noun (‫ )אחיות‬or a singular noun (‫)סוכר‬. Where necessary
we add prepositions before the word ‫כמה‬, as in:
full answer short answer question

.‫אני נוסע לארבע ארצות‬ .‫ ארבע‬- 24?‫לכמה ארצות אתה נוסע‬

I am going to four countries. Four. How many countries are you going to?
(literally: To how many countries are
you going?)

.‫־ כבר דיברתי עם חמש חברות היום‬ .‫ חמש‬- ?‫עם כמה חברות כבר דיברת היום‬
I've already spoken with five friends today. Five. How many friends have you already
spoken with today?
(literally: With how many friends...)

Notice that the preposition in the question corresponds to the preposition in the part of the full
answer being asked about.

23 The proper formal pronunciation of this word is ka-MA. Most speakers, especially in informal Hebrew, say
24 Many speakers today do not follow the rules of formal pronunciation and say le-KA-ma instead of

VIII. Asking Questions

‫ז‬...‫ בת כמה‬/ ‫ז‬...‫בן פמה‬ (How old... ?)

Read the following questions:
How old are you (m.s.)? ?‫בן כמה אתה‬ -‫>י‬
How old is Shira? ?‫בת כמה שירה‬
How old are Yossi and Sara's children? ?‫בני כמה הילדים של יוסי ושרה‬
How old are you ( fp l )? ?‫בנות כמה אתן‬

By adding the smeechoot forms - ‫בן‬, -‫בת‬,-‫ בני‬and -‫ בנות‬in front of the word ‫כמה‬, we ask about
the age of someone (or something).

Q: Which word in the question determines which of the four forms - - ‫ בנות‬,-‫ בני‬,-‫ בת‬,-‫ בן‬- we
should use?
A: The word that comes after ‫ כמה‬and indicates the person (or thing) about whom we are

Note: When we answer questions about age using a sentence, we must include the words
­ ‫בנות‬/ ­ ‫בני‬/-‫בת‬/-‫ בן‬, for example:
I'mtwenty (years old). .‫^ • אני בן עשרים‬

?‫ ) אילו? איזו? איזה‬Which? What?(

Read the following questions and answers:

.‫ רות לובשת סוודר אדום‬- ?‫ איזה סוודר רות לובשת‬.‫ו‬
Ruth is wearing a red sweater. What / which sweater is Ruth wearing?
What kind of...
.‫ רות לובשת את הסוודר של אחותה‬-
Ruth is wearing her sister's sweater.

.‫ רון לובש חולצת כותנה‬- ?‫ איזו חולצה רון לובש‬. 2
Ron is wearing a cotton shirt. What / which shirt is Ron wearing?
,What kind of... ?
.‫ רון לובש את החולצה שהוא קנה אתמול‬-
Ron is wearing the shirt that he bought yesterday.

VIII. Asking Questions

answers questions

.‫ ספרי בישול וספרי שירה נמכרים בהנחה עכשיו‬- ?‫ אילו ספרים נמכרים בהנחה עכשיו‬. 3
Cookbooks and books of poetry are being What / which books are being sold
sold now at a discount. now at a discount?
What kind of... ?

.‫ מחייבות מרשם רופא‬,‫ למשל‬,‫תרופות אנטיביוטיות‬ ?‫ אילו תרופות מחייבות מרשם רופא‬.4
Antibiotic medications, for example, require a What / which medications require a
doctor's prescription. doctor's prescription?
What kind of... ?

As you can see in the left-hand column, the answers to the questions ?‫איזה‬, ?‫ איזו‬and ?‫ אילו‬are
words or phrases that describe a noun. The English equivalent of these question words is either
What? or Which? or What kind of? depending on the context.

Q: What determines which of these forms - ‫איזה‬,‫ איזו‬or ‫ אילו‬- we use?

A: The noun being described determines the form of the question word:
When the noun is masculine singular (e.g., ‫)סוודר‬, the question is ‫?איזה‬
When the noun is feminine singular (e.g., ‫)חולצה‬, the question is ,!‫?איז‬
When the noun is plural - either masculine (‫ )ספרים‬or feminine (‫ )תרופות‬- the question is

This is the case in formal Hebrew. In spoken Hebrew, however, many speakers do not follow
the rules of grammar and tend to use the masculine singular ‫ איזה‬before all plural nouns:
?...‫ איזה ילדות‬/ ?...‫איזה ילדים‬, and even before feminine singular nouns: ?‫א י זה עוגה‬.

B e careful! The English question word What? is rendered as ?‫ אילו‬/ ?‫ איזו‬/ ?‫ איזה‬only
when it is followed by a noun to which it refers, as in:
$ I
What music do you like? ?-‫יזו מוזיקה את אוהבת־‬

In all other cases it is rendered as ?‫מה‬, as in:

what do the tourists like to do in the evening? ?‫מה התיירים אוהבים לעשות בערב‬ ■<C

VIII. Asking Questions

‫ מאיזה? לאיזהז‬and the like

As is the case with other question words that we have seen, the words ‫איזה‬, ‫ איזו‬and ‫ אילו‬are
sometimes preceded by prepositions, as in:
possible answer I live on Ben Gurion Street. .‫אני גרה ביחוב בן גוריון‬
question: What / which street do you live on? ?‫באיזה רחוב את גרה‬
or: On what / which street do you live?

possible answer. We are going to the fifth floor. .‫אנחנו עולים לקומה חמש‬
question: what / which floor are you going to? ?‫לאיזו קומה אתם עולים‬
or: To what / which floor are you going?

possible answer She is afraid of big dogs. .‫היא פוחדת מכלבים גדולים‬
question: what (kind of) dogs is she afraid of? ?‫מאילו כלבים היא פוחדת‬

The only preposition that is not used before these question words is ‫את‬. Thus:
possible answer We saw the soccer game. .‫ ראינו את משחק הכדורגל‬-
question: What game did you see? ?‫איזה משחק ראיתם‬

?Want to see if you've understood

A. Ask the question whose answer is the underlined word. Use one of the following
words : ‫ אילו‬,‫ איזו‬,‫איזה‬.

Example : .‫ השכנים החדשים עושים רעש‬- p ’W

.‫ קנו למיכאל גיטרה חשמלית‬- ?_______________________________________________________________

.‫ אתמול ראינו סרט ישראלי‬- ‫_______________________________________________________________ ז‬

.‫ פ! הגיעו היוםלאולפן‬2‫ הסטודנטים מ‬- ?_______________________________________________________________

‫אני מחפש את רחוב יפג‬

.‫קנינו עוגת גבינה‬

A nsw ers:
?‫ אילו סטודנטים הגיעו היום לאולפן‬.3 ?‫ איזה סרט ראיתם אתמול‬.2 ?‫איזו גיטרה קנו למיכאל‬ .1
?‫ איזו עוגה קניתם‬.5 ?‫איזה רחוב אתה מחפש‬ .4

VIII. Asking Questions

B. Ask the question whose answer is the underlined word. Place the appropriate
preposition )‫״‬.-‫ ב‬,-‫ (ל‬before the question word )‫ אילו‬,‫ איזו‬,‫(איזה‬.

Example : .‫ אני רוצה להשתמש בסיר הסטן‬- ‫רי‬3 (‫ל‬ ‫יל‬0 ->

.‫בילזרנו במוזאוז הטבע‬ -‫___________________________________________________ ז‬

.‫ דיברנו על הטיולים ליוון ולאיטליה‬- ‫_______________________________________________________________ ז‬

.‫ ה שתתפתי במ שחק שח מט‬- ‫_______________________________________________________________ ז‬

.‫ הלכנו לס רט רומנטי‬- ?_______________________________________________________________

?‫ לאיזה סרט הלכתם‬. 4 ?‫ באיזה משחק השתתפת‬. 3 ?‫ על אילו טיולים דיברתם‬. 2 ?‫ באיזה מוזאון ביקרתם‬.‫ו‬

• Word order in questions

Read the two possible versions of the following question:

where did Ruti go? ?‫ לאן רותי נסעה‬.‫א‬

?‫ לאן נסעה רותי‬.‫ב‬

Q: What is the difference between these t wo versions?

A: In the first version, the subject (‫ )רותי‬comes before the verb (‫) נסעה‬. This is the word order
we usually use when we ask questions in informal (especially spoken) Hebrew.

In the second version, the subject (‫ )רותי‬comes after the verb (‫) נסעה‬. This is the word order
usuallyused in questions in formal written Hebrew, especially when the verb is in the past or
future tense.

Here are some more examples:

With whom did the foreign minister meet? (informal) ?‫ עם מי שר החוץ נפגש‬.‫א‬
(formal) ?01: ‫ עם מי נפגש שר החוץ‬.‫*ב‬

When will the train arrive? (informal) ?‫ מתי הרכבת תגיע‬.‫א‬

(formal) ?01: ‫ מת י תגיע הרכבת‬.‫*ב‬

(informal andformal) ?‫עם מי חברי הכנסת דנים עכשיו‬

With whom are the Knesset members speaking (conferring) now?

VIII. Asking Questions

The word order in the last question reflects the fact that, traditionally, the subject comes before
the verb in the present tense. However, in today's formal Hebrew, there is a growing tendency
to place the subject after the verb, as we do in the past and future tenses, for example;
?‫עם מי דנים חברי הכנסת‬

Note: The change in word order discussed here applies only to verb sentences in which the
subject is a noun, not a pronoun (‫ הן‬,‫״הם‬.‫ היא‬,‫הוא‬...‫ אתה‬,‫)אני‬. When the subject is a pronoun, it
almost always comes before the verb, for example:
To whom did they send an invitation? ?‫למי הם שלחו הזמנה‬ ‫^־‬C
whom did you meet at the concert? ?‫את מי ( א ת ם) פגשתם בקונצרט‬

Let's review
♦ In questions in formal Hebrew, when the verb is in the past or future tense, we
usually write the verb before the subject, as in:
What did the foreign minister say? ?‫מה אמר שר החוץ‬
when will the tourists return to the hotel? ?‫מתי יחזרו התיירים למלון‬

This happens only in verb sentences in which the subject is a noun, not a
pronoun. In informal Hebrew this change in word order usually does not take

For questions with present tense verbs, see above.

W ant to see if you've understood?

Translate. W rite tw o p o ssib le w o rd orders fo r the fo llo w in g questions.

1. W hen did the President arrive at the Knesset?

(informal) ?_______________________________________________________________________ .‫א‬

( formal) ?_________________________________________________________________________.‫ב‬

VIII. Asking Questions

2. W ith whom will the President meet tomorrow?

(informal) 1___________________________________________________________________ .‫א‬

(formal) ?_____________________________________________________________________ ‫ב‬

?‫ מתי הנשיא הגיע לכנסת? ב מתי הגיע הנשיא למסת‬.‫ א‬. 1
‫ עם מי ייפגש הנשיא מהרז‬.‫ עם מי הנשיא ייפגש מחר? ב‬.‫ א‬.2

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But
and the Like
This unit deals with the following words and structures:
1. Adding Information (.‫ בנוסף לפןי״‬,‫ גם‬,‫) ו־‬
2. Dealing wi t h Al t ernat i ves: Or, Not . . . But Rat her . . . (‫״‬.‫אלא‬...‫ לא‬,‫)או‬
3. But Sent ences (.‫״אבל״‬. ‫ אמ נם‬, ‫)אבל‬

Q Adding Information

« - ) and( 1
Read the following passage :
‫ הם לומדים בבוקר ועובדים אחרי‬.‫ לקרוא ולכתוב‬,‫ הם לומדים לדבר‬.‫דניאל ודויד לומדים עברית‬ -C

Daniel andDavid are learning Hebrew. They are learning to speak, to read andto write. They study in
the morning and work in the afternoon.

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 1. Adding Information

Q: Ho w is and expressed in the Hebrew sentences above?

A: With the one-letter word -1.‫ו‬

Like all one-letter words in Hebrew, -‫ ו‬is always attached to the word that follows it. Like and in
English, -‫ ו‬can connect individual words, phrases or whole sentences {clauses), for example:
r ‫ן‬
connecting nouns: . ‫ ד נ יאל וד ו יד ל ומד ים עבר ית‬.‫ו‬
Daniel and David are studying Hebrew.

r ‫ר־‬
connecting adjectives: . ‫ הם תלמ יד ים נחמד ים וחר וצ ים‬. 2
They are nice and hard-working students.

r ‫ר‬
connecting infinitives: . ‫ לקר וא ולכת וב‬, ‫ הם ל ומד ים לדבר‬. 3
They are learning to speak, to read and to write.

r ‫ר־‬
connecting phrases: . ‫ ד יבר נ ו עם ד נ יאל ועם סט וד נט ים אחר ים‬. 4
We spoke with Daniel and (with) other students.

r ‫ו־‬
connecting clauses: . ‫ והם ע נ ו על כולן‬, ‫ שאל נ ו א ת התלמ יד ים כמה שאל ות‬.5
We asked the students several questions, and they answered all of them.

Notice that -‫ ו‬connects either two words of the same type (e.g., two nouns, as in sentence 1, two
adjectives as in sentence 2 and so on), two phrases (sentence 4) or two clauses (sentence 5).
When it connects two clauses, we usually place a comma before ‫ו־‬.

When m ore than two words are connected (as in sentence 3), we usually place a comma between
all the words in the list except for the last two, which are connected with -‫( ו‬sentence 3).
When we connect more than two clauses, we usually place a comma at the end of each and
-‫ ו‬only before the last clause:
r ‫ר־‬
. ‫ ואנ י טסת י לארה ״ב‬, ‫ אח ות י ט ס ה לק נדה‬, ‫הה ור ים של י טס ו לצרפת‬
My parents flew to France, my sister flew to Canada and I flew to the United States.

1 This is called ‫( ו״ו החיבור‬the conjunctive vav or waw) in many grammar books.

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 1. Adding Information

Did you know?

The pronunciation of - ‫ו‬
1. The vowel that usually follows - ‫ ו‬is shva (‫)ו‬, pronounced veh.
‫ד ן ועמ וס‬
dan ve-'a-MOS

However, according to grammar rules, the pronunciation of -‫ ו‬sometimes

changes before certain consonants and vowels and in certain other
circumstances. M any speakers today do not follow these rules and simply
pronounce -‫ ו‬veh. In formal Hebrew, however,- ‫ ו‬is often pronounced according
to the rules noted below (especially on television and radio news programs).

2. According to grammar rules, - ‫ ו‬is pronounced oo (‫ )ו‬in the following


- Before the letters ‫ פ ׳‬,' ‫ מ‬,'‫ ו‬,' ‫( ב‬read by many as one word: jboo-M4f):

2‫ה י ום ומחר‬ ‫מפ ות ו ו יל ונ ות‬ ‫ש ל ום וב יטח ו ן‬ ‫מ ח ק ר ופ ית וח‬

oo-fee-TOO-ach oo-ma-CHAR oo-vee-lo-NOT oo-vee-ta-CHON
research to d a y tablecloths peace
an d development an d tom orrow and curtains an d security

- When the letter after - ‫ ו‬is followed by a shva (□):

‫מב ו גר ים וצע יר ים‬ ‫ס ופר ים וספר ים‬ ‫נש ים וגבר ים‬ ‫עשר ים ושנ י ים‬ ‫זכר ו נקבה‬
oo-tse-'ee-REEM oos-fa-REEM ocg-va-REEM ocsh-NA-yeem oon-ke-VA
adults writers wom en twenty two masculine
and young people and books an d men an d feminine

Exception: When - ‫ ו‬is attached to a word that begins with ‫( י׳‬e.g.,

‫ יר ושל ים‬, ‫) ילד ות‬, the - ‫ ו‬is pronounced vee (- ‫ )ו‬and the shva under the ‫י׳‬

‫ילד ים ו ילד ות‬ ‫תל אב יב ו יר ושל ים‬

vee-la-DOT vee-roo-$ha-LA-yeem
boys an d girls Tel A viv an d Jerusalem

2 Since, according to grammar rules, a dagesh never follows -‫ ו‬in formal Hebrew,'‫ ב‬is always pronounced v
after - ‫ו‬, and '‫ פ‬is always pronounced f. However, many speakers do not abide by these rules, and even if they
pronounce - 00 ‫ו‬, they may pronounce the '‫ ב‬or '‫ פ‬that follows - ‫ ו‬as b or p, respectively. (Note: The other letter
whose pronunciation changes after ‫ ו־‬in formal Hebrew is '‫כ‬, which is pronounced ch, as in ‫ = וכולי‬etc.).

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 1. A dding Information

3. - ‫ו‬ is pronounced ah in the following situations:

- Before the vowel Ci as in:

‫ישנים וחדשים‬ ‫מאה ועשרה‬ ‫> עשרים וחמישה‬

va-cha-da-SHEEM va-'a-sa-RA va-cha-mee-SHA
old and new 110 - masc. 25 - masc.

- In some fixed expressions and in numbers containing - ‫ ו‬, when the stress
after the - ‫ ו‬is on the first (or only) syllable of the next w ord:

‫עשר ים שש עשר ים ושבע‬

‫י ום ול ילה‬
‫שמ ים וארץ‬
‫בשר ־דם‬
‫ ב ית וגן‬- >
'es-REEM 'es-REEM YOM sha-MA-yeem ba-SAR BA-yeet
va-SHE-va va-SHESH va-LAI-la va-'A-ret$ va-DAM va-GAN
twenty seven twenty six day and night heavens and earth flesh home
and blood and garden

• ‫( גם‬also, too‫ י‬as well as)

Read the following passage:

‫דויד הם‬ ‫ו ג ם‬ ‫דניאל‬ ‫ג ם‬ .‫ערבית‬ ‫ו ג ם‬ ‫ דויד לומד עברית‬.‫דויד לומד עברית‬ ‫ג ם‬ .‫דניאל לומד עברית‬ ‫>־‬
.‫תלמידים רציניים‬

Daniel is learning Hebrew. David, too, is learning Hebrew. David is learning Hebrew and also Arabic.
Both Daniel and David are serious students.

Q: Which word corresponds to the English also or too?

A: The word ‫ ג ם‬.

The placement of the word ‫ג ם‬ is not random . Look again at the first two sentences in the
passage above:
.‫דויד לומד עברית‬ ‫ג ם‬ .‫דניאל לומד עברית‬
Daniel is studying Hebrew. David, too, is studying Hebrew.

3 When - ‫ ו‬comes before a half-vowel - □ or □ - its vowel matches the vowel that follows. Therefore, before
□ vve get - ‫( ו‬va), as shown above; before □ we get - ‫( ו‬ve/7), as in ‫ ( צדק ואמת‬TSE-dek ve-'e-MET justice and
truth) and before □ we get - ‫( ו‬vo) as In "‫( " סירות ואניות‬see-ROTvo-'o-nee-YOT small boats and ships) (the last
of these is actually almost never pronounced as such today).

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 1. Adding Information

Q: Which word in the second sentence adds new information not mentioned in the first

A: The word ‫ דויד‬- the name of an additional student who is studying Hebrew.

The word ‫ גם‬is placed before this added element. Notice that this is not the case in the English
equivalent of this sentence.

Let's look at another example:

.‫ הוא לומד גם צרפתית‬.‫דניאל לומד עברית‬
Daniel is studying Hebrew. He is studying French, too.
Or: He is also studying French.

Be careful! As you can see in this sentence, the placement of the words too and also
in English can be very different from the placement of ‫ גם‬in Hebrew. Special attention
must be paid to the proper placement of ‫ גם‬since its placement affects the meaning of the
sentence: It raises our expectation that whatever follows is a new element.

A special note on pronouns before verbs

Read the following sentence:
!‫ גם אני נולדתי שם‬.‫אני רואה שנולדת בדרום אפריקה‬
I see you were born in South Africa. I, too, was bom there, (or: I was bom there, too.)

Q: What word follows ‫ גם‬in this sentence?

A: The pronoun ‫אני‬. Even though we usually do not need to use the pronoun ‫ אני‬before the past
tense verb 4,‫ נולדתי‬in this sentence (and in others like it) we must use ‫ אני‬after ‫ גם‬since it is
the information that is added and stressed (I was b o m . .. as opposed to you in the previous

Using the expression ‫גס בן‬

Sometimes, the expression ‫ גם כן‬is used instead of ‫גם‬. In formal Hebrew ‫ גם כן‬is placed at the
end of the sentence, as in:

.‫ חותכים את העגבניות לחתיכות קטנות ואת המלפפונים גם כן‬,‫כשמכינים סלט ישראלי‬

)‫(=וגם את המלפפונים‬
When you make an Israeli salad, you cut the tomatoes into small pieces and the cucumbers, too.

4 See the chapter "Subjects and Verbs," pp. 684-688 for when pronouns are and are not used before verbs.

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 1. Adding Information

In informal Hebrew ‫ גם כן‬is often placed elsewhere in the sentence, as in :

.‫ אבל היא לא יכלה‬,‫ מירי גם כן רצתה לנסוע איתם‬.‫האחים של מירי נסעו לאילת‬ *‫>־‬
Miri's brothers went to Eilat. Miri wanted to go with them, too, but she couldn't.

♦♦♦‫וגם‬...‫( גם‬both...and...)
In the passage above, we read the following:

Both Daniel and David are serious students. .‫גם דניאל וגם דויד הם תלמידים רציניים‬

Q: How is the first ‫ גם‬translated here?

A: When ‫ גם‬is the first element in the structure ...‫וגם‬...‫גם‬, it is translated as both. We use ...‫גם‬
‫וגם‬... to emphasize that we are referring to two elements of equal value. In the sentence
above, we refer to two nouns: ‫ דניאל‬and ‫דויד‬. We can add ...‫וגם‬...‫ גם‬to other parts of speech
as well, for example:
two verbs: .‫דניאל גם לומד וגם עובד‬
Daniel both studies and works.

two adjectives: .‫דניאל הוא גם רציני וגם מצחיק‬

Daniel is both serious and funny.

Q: Where are the words ...‫וגם‬...‫ גם‬placed in these sentences?

A: Before each of the two elements that are being referred to.

Be careful! When an "element" being referred to begins with a preposition (like ‫ על‬in
sentence 1 below) or a connecting word (<conjunction) like ‫( משום ש־‬in sentence 2), ‫גם‬
will come before these words in Hebrew. This is not always the case in English:

.‫ סיפרנו לחברינו גם על הטיול שלנו לקנדה וגם על הטיול שלנו לארגנטינה‬.‫ו‬

We told our friends about both our trip to Alaska and our trip to Canada.
Or (literally): We told our friends both about our trip to Alaska and about our trip to Canada.

‫ מיקי לא התקבל לעבודה במשרד החוץ גם משום שאין לו ניסיון מתאים וגם משום שהוא‬.2
.‫לא למד מדע המדינה‬
Mickey was not accepted for the job at the Foreign Ministry both because he lacks the proper
experience and because he didn't study political science.

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 1. Adding Information

When using ...‫וגם‬...‫גם‬, Hebrew tends not to break up "noun + adjective" phrases. For
example, read the following sentence:

.‫בפסטיבל ראינו גם סרטים איטלקיים וגם סרטים צרפתיים‬ -‫>י‬

At the festival we saw both Italian and French movies,
or: At the festival we saw bothItalian movies and French movies.

Here the noun ‫ סרטים‬is repeated and ‫ גם‬comes before it each time. This is not necessarily
the case in English.5

Want to see if you've understood?

A. Translate using ‫ גם‬or ...‫וגם‬...‫גם‬

1. Yoni wants to come with us to the movie, and Ruti wants to come, too!

2. W e met with the principal both last week and this week.

3. Are you (f.s.) both an artist and a teacher?

4. W e visited both "Yad Vashem" and the Knesset.

.‫ת גם בשבוע שעבר וגם השבוע‬/‫ נפגשנו עם המנהל‬.2 !‫ וגם רותי רוצה לבוא‬,‫ יוני רוצה לבוא איתנו לסרט‬.1
.‫ ביקרנו גם ב״יד ושם״ וגם בכנסת‬.4 ?‫ את גם ציירת וגם מורה‬.3

B. Choose the correct answer.

.‫ גם רותי רוצה לטוס ללונדון‬..

‫ רותי רוצה לטוס לאמסטרדם‬.‫א‬
‫ מירי רוצה לטוס ללונדון‬.‫ב‬

5 For more on the placement of words like ‫גם‬, ‫רק‬,‫ אפילו‬and the like, see Lewis Glinert, 1989, pp. 248-254.
IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 1. Adding Information

.‫אבי הגי ע ל שי עו ר‬ .2
‫ ג ם מיכאל הגיע ל שיעור‬.‫א‬
‫ מיכאל הגיע גם ל שיעור‬.‫ב‬

.‫ב ח נ ו ת ה ז א ת מו כ רי ם כלי כ תי ב ה‬ .3
‫ מוכרים פה גם דיס קי ם‬.‫א‬
‫ ג ם מוכרים פה דיס קי ם‬.‫ב‬
A nsw ers:
‫ א‬.3 ‫ א‬.2 ‫ב‬ .1

• ...‫אלא גם‬. . . ‫( לא רק‬not only...but also.. .)

Compare the following sentences:

David both studies and works. .‫דויד גם לומד וגם עובד‬

David not only studies but also works. .‫דויד לא רק לומד אלא גם עובד‬

While these sentences are similar, they are not exactly the same. As we mentioned ab ove, ...‫גם‬
‫וגם‬... (in the first sentence) gives equal weight to the elements that follow each ‫גם‬. This is not
the case with ...‫אלא גם‬...‫( לא רק‬in the second sentence).

Q: Which part of the sentence is emphasized when we use ...‫אלא גם‬...‫ לא רק‬: the part after ‫לא רק‬
or the part after ‫? אלא גם‬

A: The part after ‫ אלא גם‬. It is in order to add this emphasis that we use this structure rather than

As is the case with ...‫וגם‬...‫גם‬, ...‫אלא גם‬...‫ לא רק‬can refer to various parts of the sentence. In the
sentence above, it referred to the verbs in the predicate ( ‫לומד‬, ‫) עובד‬. Here are some additional
David is not only bright but also nice. .‫ דויד לא רק חכם אלא גם נחמד‬.‫ו‬
2. ‫)לא רק דויד לומד עברית אלא גם שירה (לומדת עברית‬.
Not only David studies Hebrew, but also Shira does.

In sentence 1, ‫ לא רק‬and ‫ אלא גם‬again come before the predicate of the sentence (this time it
is an adjective: ‫ נחמד‬,‫) חכם‬. In sentence 2, they come before the subject ( ‫ שירה‬,‫)דויד‬. Notice
that when this is the case, we tend to omit the repeated part of the sentence ( ‫ ) לומדת עברית‬and
mention only the second subject (‫)ש ירה‬.

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 1. Adding Information

We can also use ...‫אלא גם‬...‫ לא רק‬to refer to full clauses, as in :

.‫ אלא גם טיילו על החומות סביב העיר העתיקה‬,‫ התיירים לא רק ביקרו בכותל המערבי‬.3
The tourists not only visited the Western Wall, but also walked on the wall around the Old City.

Be careful! The structure ...‫אלא גם‬...‫ לא רק‬uses the word ‫ אלא‬and not the word ‫אבל‬. In
addition, sometimes the word ‫ אלא‬is omitted. In this case, two sentences are formed and
‫ גם‬appears alone in the second sentence, as in:

Orit doesn't only sing, she also writes songs. .‫ היא גם כותבת שירים‬.‫אורית לא רק שרה‬ ■<C.

W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d ?

1. I not only spoke with the manager (£), but also I wrote her a letter.

2. N o t only G alia cleans the house, but also her husband does.

A nsw ers:
.)‫ אלא גם בעל ה ( מנ קה‬,‫ ל א רק גליה מנק ה א ת הבית‬. 2 .‫ אלא גם כ תב תי לה מכתב‬,‫ ל א רק דיברתי ע ם המנהלת‬. 1

• ‫ ג נ וסף לכ ן‬,‫( נוסף על פך‬In addition)

Read the following sentence:

.‫ ובנוסף לכך היא לומדת בקורס למורי דרך‬,‫רחל לומדת אומנות והיסטוריה‬ ‫>״־‬
Rachel studies art and history. In addition, she is taking a course for tour guides.

Q: What does the expression ‫ בנוסף לכך‬join - two words (e.g., two nouns, two verbs, etc.) or
two sentences (clauses)?

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 1. Adding Information

A: It joins two sentences. In this way, it is similar to expressions such as:6

‫בניגוד לכך‬ ‫משום כך‬ ‫אחר כך‬ *‫>־‬

in contrast afterwards because of this

Q: What word appears in all these expressions?

A: The little word ‫כך‬. The word ‫ כך‬refers back to the previous sentence. The expression
‫ בנוסף לכך‬means literally in addition to this and is used in formal Hebrew.

A number of variations of ‫ בנוסף לכך‬are used in formal Hebrew. The most common of them
is ‫ נוסף על כך‬. You may also encounter ‫ בנוסף על כך‬and ‫ נוסף לכך‬. In informal Hebrew ‫ בנוסף‬or
‫ בנוסף לזה‬are often used.

Note that a -‫ ו‬can be added before ‫ בנוסף לכך‬and its variations, as in the example at the beginning
of this section.

Want to see if you've understood?

Translate using ‫בנוסף לכך‬.

1. Miriam is the principal of a large school and, in addition, is raising (‫)מגדלת‬

four children.

2. The boy comes late (‫ )מאחר‬a lot, doesn't do his homework and, in addition,
talks to his friends during class.

.‫ ובנוסף לבך היא מגדלת ארבעה ילדים‬,‫ מרים מנהלת בית ספר גדול‬.1
.‫לא עושה שיעורי בית ובנוסף לכך מדבר עם החברים שלו בזמן השיעור‬/ ‫ אינו‬,‫ הילד מאחר הרבה‬.2

6 a. These, as well as ‫בנוסף לכך‬, are all Category III expressions. See the chapter"Defining ThreeTypes of
Sentences," pp. 903-916 for an explanation of the three categories,
b. Other expressions for adding information, such as the Category I expressions-‫ נוסף על בנוסף ל‬/ (in addition
to), also exist but are beyond the scope of this book. Here is an example:
.‫ גלידה ופירות‬,‫>• בנוסף לעוגות היו על השולחן גם עוגיות‬
In addition to cakes, there were also cookies, ice cream and fruit on the table.

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / ] . A d d in g Information

Chapter summary
In this chapter we examined various connecting and adding words:
♦ The most common connecting word is - ‫( ו‬and). - ‫ ו‬connects either individual
words, phrases or whole sentences (clauses). The rules of pronouncing -‫ ו‬are
listed above in "Did you know?".

♦ The word ‫( גם‬also) differs from English in its placement in the sentence. In
Hebrew, ‫ גם‬is placed before the added element, as in:
.‫ גם דויד לומד עברית‬.‫דניאל לומד עברית‬ «<
Daniel is studying Hebrew. David, too, is studying Hebrew.
.‫ דויד לומד גם ערבית‬.‫דניאל ודויד לומדים עברית‬
Daniel and David are learning Hebrew. David is also learning Arabic.
Or: David is learning Arabic, too.

♦ Hebrew uses the structure ...‫וגם‬...‫( גם‬both... and...) for emphasizing that two
elements (of equal value) are being referred to. Each ‫ גם‬appears before the
element referred to, as in:
Daniel is bo serious and funny. . -‫׳*׳‬ ‫ד נ יאל ה וא גם רציני וגם מצח יק‬C

♦ We can emphasize only the second of the two elements by using the structure
...‫אלא גם‬. . . ‫( לא רק‬not only...but also...), as in:

.(‫לא רק דויד ל ומד עבר ית אלא גם ש ירה (ל ומדת עבר ית‬ *<
Not only David studies Hebrew, but also Sliira does.

♦ The expression ‫( ב נ וסף לכך‬in addition), or variations such as ‫ נ וסף על כך‬, are used
to connect two sentences, as in:
. ‫ ובנ וסף לכך ה יא ל ומדת בק ורס למ ור י דרך‬, ‫מ יכל ל ומדת א ומ נ ות וה יסט ור יה‬ ->
Michal studies art and liistory. In addition, she is taking a course for tour guides.

Dealing with Alternatives:
Or, Not...But Rather...

• ‫או‬. ..,‫אג״ או‬

‫ ״‬...‫אלא‬...‫לא‬

• ‫( א ו‬or), ...‫או‬...‫( או‬either...or...)

Read the following dialogue between a husband and wife:
Orit: Yossi, who phoned me? ?‫טלפן‬ ‫ מי‬,‫ יוסי‬:‫אליי אורית‬
Yossi: When? This morning or this afternoon? ?‫הבוקר‬ ?‫ מתי‬:‫יוסי‬ ‫או אחרי הצהריים‬
Orit: This morning. .‫ הבוקר‬:‫אורית‬
Yossi: I don't remember. Either Dalit or Sliira. ..‫זוכר‬ ‫ אני לא‬:‫יוסי‬ ‫או דלית א ו שירה‬

The word ‫ או‬in this dialogue makes it clear to us that alternatives are being presented.1

Q: Is ‫ או‬always translated the same in English?

A: In Yossi's first response, there is one ‫ או‬in Hebrew, and it is translated as or:
This morning or this afternoon? ?‫הצהריים‬ ‫הבוקר או אחרי‬ ^

In his second response, ‫ או‬appears twice in Hebrew, once before each alternative:
.‫או דלית או שירה‬

In this case, the first ‫ או‬is translated as either, and the second as o r . ...‫או‬. . . ‫ או‬is the equivalent of
either ...or... 2

1 Glinert points to different meanings of ‫או‬. See Lewis Glinert, 1989, pp. 393-397.
2 Note that, as in English, in a question ‫ או‬is never written before the first alternative, for example:
Who arrived first - Ori or Gali? ?‫ אורי או גלי‬- ‫ מי הגיע ראשון‬-«

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 2. Dealing with Alternatives: Or, Not... But Rather..

As in English, we can also use ‫ או‬to present more than two alternatives, as in:

,1. ‫אני רוצה לאכול או פיצה או ס פג טי או ס ל ט‬ *<

I would like to eat either pizza (or) spaghetti or salad.
1 would like to eat pizza or spaghetti or salad. .2.‫אני רוצה לאכול פיצה או ס פ ג טי או ס ל ט‬
1 would like to eat pizza, spaghetti or salad. .3. ‫ ס פ ג טי או ס ל ט‬,‫אני רוצה לאכול פיצה‬

Here, t o o , ‫ או‬may be repeated either before each alternative (as in sentence 1), or before each of
the last two alternatives (sentence 2) or before the last alternative only (sentence 1).

Now read the following sentence:

Either Dalit or shira phoned this morning. .‫) או) דלית או שירה טלפנו הבוקר‬

Q: Is the verb ‫ טלפנו‬singular or plural?

A: It is plural even though only one person phoned. It is very common to refer to two subjects
connected by ‫ או‬as plural. However, it is also possible, but less common, to use a singular
verb here:
.‫) או) דלית או שירה טלפנה‬

The Hebrew word ‫ או‬can appear not only between individual words (e.g., ‫) ד לי ת או שירה‬, but also
between sentences:

.‫ או ( ש ) ה י א מדברת או ( ש ) א ח ד הילדים שלה מדבר‬:‫הטלפון של דלית ת פו ס כל הזמן‬

Dalit's telephone is always busy: Either she is talking or one of her children is talking.

There is a tendency, especially in spoken Hebrew, to add ‫ ש־‬after ‫ או‬when a sentence follows it
(as in the above sentence).

Want to see if you've understood?


1. Tomorrow w e can either go to the beach or stay at home.

2. W h a t should we eat? (use:‫ )כדאי‬Salad or pasta?

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 2. Dealing with Alternatives: Or, N ot... But Rather...

3. W hen N o a grows up ( lit: w ill be big) she w ill be either a singer or a


.‫ מחר אנחנו יכולים או ללכת (לנסוע) לחוף הים או להישאר בבית‬.1
.‫ כשנועה תהיה גדולה היא תהיה או זמרת או רקדנית‬.3 ‫ מה כדאי(לנו) לאכול? סלט או פסטהל‬.2

• ...‫אלא‬. . . ‫( לא‬not... but rather...)

Read the following sentences:

I will speak either with Yossi or with Danny. .‫ אדבר או עם יוסי או עם דני‬.‫ו‬
I will not speak with Yossi - I’ll speak with Danny. .‫ לא אדבר עם יוסי אלא עם דני‬. 2
= I will speak not with Yossi, but rather with Danny.

In both of these sentences, we see two alternatives that (theoretically) can be substituted for
one another: to speak with Yossi or to speak with Danny

Q: In which sentence is one of these alternatives chosen?

A: In sentence 2. The word ‫( אלא‬but rather) always comes before the alternative that has been
chosen (in this case: ‫) עם דני‬. This alternative actually presents the main point being made.
We could just as well have omitted ‫ לא‬and the first alternative and said:

I will speak with Danny. .‫אדבר עם דני‬

As in English, when we choose first to state the rejected alternative by using ‫( לא‬or some other
negator) in the first part of the sentence, we usually do this not in order to make our main point,
but rather for other reasons (e.g., to emphasize that an unexpected choice was made, etc.).

Using other negators instead o f ‫לא‬

Instead of ‫ לא‬in the first part of ...‫אלא‬. . . ‫לא‬, other negators - such as ‫( אל‬don't) and the word ‫ אין‬and
its forms (3(‫״‬.‫ אינך‬,‫ איני‬are sometimes used, for example:

Don't listen to him - listen to me! .‫אל תקשיבו לו אלא לי‬

= Listen not to him, but rather to me.

3 See the chapter ‫׳׳‬Negation and Negative Expressions,‫ ״‬pp. 800-802 for more on these forms.
IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 2. Dealing with Alternatives: Or, Not... But Rather..

/ ,‫ אלא מ ה א ת ה יכול ל ע שו ת למען המדינה‬,‫״ אל ת ש אל מה המדינה יכולה ל ע שו ת למענך‬

"Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."
= - but rather ask... (J. F. Kennedy)

He doesn't have a dog - he has a cat! .‫אין לו כלב אלא ח תו ל‬

= He has not a dog, but rather a cat.

They are not from Japan - they're from China. .‫הם אינם מיפן אלא מ סין‬
= They are not from Japan, but rather from China.

The placement o f ‫ לא‬and other negators

The negators ‫ אינו‬,‫ אל‬,‫ לא‬and the like usually appear in the same place as they appear in regular
negative sentences, for example:
.‫ ה ט ב ח לא טיגן א ת הביצים אלא בישל אותן במים‬.‫ו‬
The chef did not fry the eggs, but rather cooked them in water.
(regular negative sentence: .‫)הביצים ה ט ב ח לא טיגן א ת‬

The problem is not the roads but rather the drivers. .2. ‫הבעיה אינה הכבישים אלא הנהגים‬
(regular negative sentence: .‫) ה ב עי ה אינה הכבישים‬

I don't have a dog - 1 have a cat. .3. ‫אין לי כלב אלא חת ו ל‬

= I have not a dog, but rather a cat.
(regular negative sentence: .‫)אין לי כלב‬

I will not speak with Yossi - I'll speak with Danny. .4. ‫לא אדבר עם יוסי אלא עם דני‬
= I will speak not with Yossi, but rather with Danny.
(regular negative sentence: .‫) לא אדבר עם יוסי‬

B e c a r e fu l! In most cases, the key to the correct placement of the negator is the regular
negative sentence in Hebrew, and not necessarily the English equivalent (whose word
order is often different from the Hebrew).

There is one kind of sentence that deserves special attention. Read the following:

.)‫לא דויד איבד את המפתח אלא שרה (איבדה אותו‬

David didn't lose the key - (rather) Sarah did.
= It was not David who lost the key, but rather it was Sarah.
(regular negative sentence: .‫)דויד לא איבד את המפתח‬

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 2. Dealing with Alternatives: Or, N ot... But Rather..

Q: Where is the negator ‫ לא‬placed in the sentence with ...‫אלא‬. . . ‫?לא‬

A: Unlike in the regular negative sentence, here ‫ לא‬is placed immediately beforethe subject
(‫)דויד‬. This often happens when the rejected alternative is the subject of the sentence.4

When the subject of such a sentence is a pronoun (e. g. , ‫אני‬, ‫ אתה‬, etc.), we say:

I didn’t lose the key, rather you did. .( ‫ אל א‬,‫המפתח‬ ‫אתה (איבדת אותו לא אני איבדתי את‬
= It was not I who lost the key, but rather it was you.

In a sentence like this, because the subject is the element being rejected and then favored
( ‫) לא אני אלא אתה‬, it must be stated as a word separate from the verb (‫ אני‬and ‫ אתה‬- not just
‫ איבדתי‬and ‫)איבדת‬.

What comes after ‫?אלא‬

The part of the sentence after the word ‫ אלא‬can be comprised of a word, a phrase or a clause.5
Here are some examples taken from the sentences we saw above:

I don't have a dog - 1 have a cat. .‫חתול‬ ‫אין לי כלב אלא‬

= I have not a dog, but rather a cat.

I won't speak with Yossi - I'll speak with Danny. . ‫דני‬ ‫לא אדבר עם יוסי אלא עם‬
= I'll speak not with Yossi, but rather with Danny.

1 didn't fry the eggs - 1 cooked them in water.. ‫בישלתי‬ ‫ אלא‬,‫אותן במיםלא טיגנתי את הביצים‬
- but rather I cooked them...

4 a. Another possible - though less frequently used - sentence structure is:

.‫ לא דויד אלא שרה היא שאיבדה את המפתח‬:or .‫< לא דויד אלא שרה איבדה את המפתח‬
b. The placement of the negator can change also when the rejected element is something other than the
subject, as in:
.‫> בעניין המשכורת אדבר לא עם יוסי אלא עם דני‬
Regarding my salary I will speak not with Yossi, but rather with Danny.
This is less common than the usual placement, which is the same as the regular negative sentence:
.‫< בעניין המשכורת לא אדבר עם יוסי אלא עם דני‬
(regular negative sentence: .‫)בעניין המשכורת לא אדבר עם יוסי‬
5 A clause is a sentence. For an explanation, see the chapter "Defining Three Types ("Categories‫ )״‬of Sentences,"
p. 903, note 1.

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 2. Dealing with Alternatives: Or, N o t... But Rather...

Let's review
♦ The construction ...‫אלא‬. ‫( לא״‬not...but rather...) is used to express the rejection of
one option in favor of another, as in:
I will not speak with Yossi - I'll speak with Danny. .‫עם יוסי אלא עם דני‬ ‫אדבר‬ ‫לא‬

♦ Other negative words may be used instead of ‫לא‬, such as ‫ אל‬and ‫אין‬, as in:
Don't ask Michal - rather, ask her mother. .‫א ת מ יכל אלא א ת א ימא ש ל ה‬ ‫תש א ל‬ ‫■®־ אל‬C
. ‫הנהג ים‬ ‫אינה הכב יש ים אלא‬ ‫הבע יה‬
The problem is not the roads but rather the drivers.

♦ The word ‫ אלא‬always comes before the alternative that has been chosen. The
negator is usually placed in its regular place in the sentence (as in sent. 1
below), unless the rejected element is the subject (as in sent. 2):
.‫לא ל מ ד ל נ ג ן ב ג יטרה א לא בפס נתר‬ ‫מ יכאל‬ .‫ו‬ -<C
Mi chael didn't learn to play the guitar - rather, he learned to play the piano.

.‫אלא תלמידיו‬ ‫צר יך ל ק ב ל פ ר ס‬ ‫לא פרופ׳ לוי‬ .2

Prof. Levy shouldn't receive a prize - rather, his students should.

♦ The part of the sentence after ‫ אלא‬can be comprised of a word, a phrase or a


?Want to see if you've understood

Combine the two sentences using ...‫אלא‬...‫ אין‬/ ‫ אל‬/ ‫לא‬.

pl Example:‫ ׳‬D Icflc ‫ & אמר‬t<D‫׳‬j (cf .‫ ניפגש ביום חמישי‬/ .‫מחר‬

.‫ תלכי לסרט בשבוע הבא‬/ .‫ אל תלכי לסרט השבוע‬,‫ יעל‬.‫ו‬

.‫ יונתן כתב את השיר הזה‬/ .‫ אתה לא כתבת את השיר הזה‬.2

.‫ דניאל מנגן בצ׳לו‬/ .‫ דניאל אינו מנגן בגיטרה‬.3

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 2. Dealing with Alternatives: Or, N ot... But Rather..

. ‫ ב פגי שה ה ר א שו נ ה מי כ ל וד ויד י צ א ו ל ס ר ט‬/ . ‫ בפגישה ה ר א שו נ ה מי כ ל ודויד ל א י צ א ו ל א ר ו ח ה‬. 4

.‫ ההורים של אילן כעסו מפני שהם לא ידעו איפה הוא‬/ .‫ ההורים של אילן לא כעסו בגלל האיחור שלו‬. 5

.‫ אל תלכי לסרט השבוע אלא בשבוע הבא‬,‫ יעל‬.1
.‫ לא אתה אלא יונתן כתב את השיר הזה‬/ .)‫ לא אתה כתבת את השיר הזה אלא יונ תן(כ ת ב אותו‬.2
.‫ ל א מנגן בגיטרה אלא בצ׳לו‬/ ‫ דניאל אי נו‬.3
.‫ בפגישה הראשונה מיכל ודויד לא יצ או לארוחה אלא לסרט‬. 4
.‫ ההורים ש ל אילן לא כעסו בגלל האיחור שלו אלא מפני שהם לא ידעו איפה הוא‬.5

The difference between ‫ אבל‬and ‫אלא‬

Read the following incomplete sentences:

.‫ב כ ל ז א ת נהניתי ב חו פ ש ה‬ ‫לא נ ס ע תי לאיל ת‬, .la

.‫ט י י ל ת י בנגב‬ ‫לא נ ס ע תי לאיל ת‬, .lb
I didn’t go to Eilat... I enjoyed my vacation anyway.
I didn’t go to Eilat... I traveled around in the Negev.

Note that the first part of these sentences is negated, and the second part is a clause (and not
just a word or a phrase). Many English speakers mistakenly use the word ‫( אבל‬but) to complete
both of these sentences.6 In order to know when to use ‫ אלא‬rather than ‫ אבל‬in sentences like
these, we can ask:

Q: Can the English but rather - and not just but - be placed in the blank?

A: Not in both sentences. Only in sentence lb can but rather be used since what follows the
blank (‫ ) טיי ל תי בנגב‬is an alternative that can be substituted for the clause in the first part of
the sentence (‫) נ ס ע תי לאיל ת‬.

When this is the case, we use ‫ אלא‬in Hebrew:

I didn't go to Eilat, but rather I traveled around in the Negev. .‫ אלא טיילתי בנגב‬,‫לא נ ס ע תי לאילת‬ **C

6 For more on ‫אבל‬, see the next chapter "But Sentences," p. 854.

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 2. Dealing with Alternatives: Or, Not... But Rather..

In sentence la, no alternative is presented in the second part of the sentence. Therefore, we use
.‫ אבל בכל זאת נהניתי בחופשה‬,‫לא נסעתי לאילת‬
I didn't go to Eilat, but I enjoyed myself during the vacation anyway.

Here is another pair of examples:

.‫ב פ סנ תר‬ ‫ מיכאל לא למד לנגן בגיטרה‬.2 a
.‫ה ו א מנגן יפה‬ ‫ מיכאל לא למד לנגן בגיטרה‬.2 ,b
Michael didn't learn to play the guitar ... the piano.
Michael didn’t learn to play the guitar ... he plays nicely.

Again we can ask:

Q: Can but rather be placed in the blank?

A: But rather fits only in sentence 2a, showing that what follows it (‫ )בפסנתר‬is an alternative
that can be substituted for ‫בגיטרה‬. Thus, ‫ אלא‬should be used in sentence 2a:

.2. ‫ מיכאל לא למד לנגן בגיטרה אלא בפסנתר‬a

Michael didn't leam to play the guitar - rather, he learned to play the piano,
or: Michael learned to play not the guitar, but rather the piano.

In the second sentence, we would use :‫אבל‬

2. ‫ אבל הוא מנגן יפה‬,‫ מיכאל לא למד לנגן בגיטרה‬.b
Michael didn’t leam to play the guitar, but he plays nicely.

Q: What follows the word ‫ אלא‬in sentence 2a above - a word, a phrase or a clause?

A: A phrase: ‫בפסנתר‬.

Since ‫ אבל‬can only be followed by a clause, this is an additional reason why ‫ אבל‬cannot be used
in sentence 2a.

B e c a r e fu l! When choosing the correct Hebrew word (‫ אבל‬or ‫)אלא‬, it is important to

ask questions such as those we asked above rather than simply translating from English.
This is because, as we have seen above, the English version of sentences that require
‫ אלא‬does not always include a literal translation of this word (i.e., sometimes it is not
translated, and sometimes it is translated as but or rather or instead).

‫‪IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / 2. Dealing with Alternatives: Or, N ot... But Rather..‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪ .‬א ב ל ‪ o r‬אלא ‪W rite‬‬

‫_ צ ר פ תי ת‪.‬‬ ‫‪ . 1‬ל א ל מ ד נו ע ב רי ת ‪.‬‬

‫_ א נ ח נ ו יו ד ע י ם כמה מי לי ם‪.‬‬ ‫‪ . 2‬ל א ל מ ד נו עברי ת‪,‬‬

‫______ ל א סי פ רו ל נו א ת סו פו‪.‬‬ ‫‪ . 3‬סי פרו ל נו סי פור יפה‪,‬‬

‫‪ .4‬הפגישה תהיה ל א ב ש מ ו נ ה ____________ ב ת ש ע ‪.‬‬

‫_________ א ת ם י כולים ל ח כ ו ת לו ב ח ד ר ש לו‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .5‬דוי ד אינו ב בית כרגע‪,‬‬

‫________ א צ ל ס ב ת א ש לו‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .6‬דוי ד אינו ב בית כרגע ‪.‬‬

‫א ל ת ל ב שי ל ט י ו ל ש מ ל ה ____________ מ כ נ ס י י ם ‪.‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫‪ . 8‬פריז אינה ביפן ____________ ב צ ר פ ת ‪.‬‬

‫___________________________________________________________ נ פ ג ש ת ם ע ם ח ב ר י ם ב בי ת קפה‪.‬‬

‫‪ .9‬אלא‬ ‫‪ . 8‬אלא‬ ‫‪ . 7‬אלא‬ ‫‪ . 6‬אלא‬ ‫‪ . 5‬אבל‬ ‫‪ . 4‬אלא‬ ‫‪ . 3‬אבל‬ ‫‪ .2‬אבל‬ ‫‪ . 1‬אלא‬

But Sentences
• ‫ אולם‬,‫ אך‬,‫אבל‬
‫ ״‬...‫אולם‬/‫אך‬/‫אבל‬..«‫אמנם‬
T‫־ י‬ T ‫־‬T 5 T 5

• ‫ א ולם‬,‫ אך‬, ‫) אבל‬but(

The word ‫ אבל‬is the most common word in Hebrew for but.
T :‫־‬

‫ אבל בסופו של דבר נסענו לאיטליה‬,‫רצינו לנסוע השנה ליוון‬. *<

We wanted to go to Greece this year, but in the end we went to Italy.

.‫ אבל (הם) לא היו בכנסת‬,‫התיירים ביקרו בירושלים‬

The tourists were in Jerasalem but (they) didn't go to the Knesset.

The word ‫ אך‬has the same meaning as ‫אבל‬. It is sometimes used in informal (spoken) Hebrew,
but mostly appears in formal Hebrew.

.‫ אך לא מצאתי אותו על המדף‬,‫הספר רשום בקטלוג של הספרייה‬ -‫>־‬

The book is listed in the catalogue of the library, but I did not find it on the shelf.

‫אולם‬, which is yet another word for but, is used only in formal Hebrew, for example:

.‫ אולם (הם) לא השיגו דבר‬,‫העובדים שבתו במשך שבוע‬ -C

The workers were on strike for a week, but (they) achieved nothing.

Unlike the English but, ‫ אולם‬is sometimes preceded by "‫" ו‬, as in:

> ‫ ואולם לאחר הדיון הוא השתכנע כי‬,‫בתחילה התנגד מר מזרחי לתוכנית החדשה של מנהל המפעל‬ -‫־‬
‫ התוכנית טובה‬.
At first Mr. Mizrachi opposed the new plan of the director of the plant, but following the discussion he
became convinced that the plan was good (however)

IX. Sentences with And, O r, But and the Like / But Sentences

• ...‫ א ולם‬/ ‫ אך‬/ ‫אבל‬. . . ‫( אמנם‬It is true that... but...)

Read the following sentences:
.‫ אבל בסופו של דבר נסענו לאיטליה‬,‫אמנם רצינו לנסוע ליוון‬
It's true that we wanted to go to Greece, but in the end we went to Italy.

(more formal) .‫ אך הם לא השיגו דבר‬,‫אמנם העובדים שבתו במשך שבוע‬

‫ א ו ל ם‬:or
It's true that the workers were on strike for a week, but they achieved nothing.

These are the same sentences that we saw in the preceding section, but with a slight change.

Q: What word has been added to the first clause in these sentences?

A: ‫ אמנם‬- pronounced 'om-NAM (and often written 1.(‫ אומנם‬In the sentences above, this word
means It's true that. .. and is always followed by a clause (sentence), even though we do
not use ‫ ש־‬after it.2 Usually when ‫ אמנם‬appears in the first part of a sentence, the second part
will contain a qualification or reservation beginning with the word ‫אבל‬, ‫ אך‬or ‫( אולם‬but,

Above we saw sentences in which ‫ אמנם‬was placed at the beginning of the sentence; however,
the place of ‫ אמנם‬can vary, especially in informal Hebrew, as you can see in these variations of
the first sentence above:
.‫ אבל בסופו של דבר נסענו לאיטליה‬,‫רצינו אמנם לנסוע ליוון‬
.‫ אבל בסופו של דבר נסענו לאיטליה‬,‫רצינו לנסוע ליוון אמנם‬

In informal (especially spoken) Hebrew, we often use -‫) נכון ש‬but only at the beginning of a
sentence) to convey the same meaning as ‫אמנם‬:

.‫ אבל בסופו של דבר נסענו לאיטליה‬,‫נכון שרצינו לטייל ביוון‬

1 According to the spelling rules of the Hebrew Language Academy, this word is to be written without a ‫ ר‬.
2 Usually it is necessary to use -‫ ש‬in order to link a clause (sentence) to words like ‫אחרי‬,‫לפני‬,‫מפני‬, ‫ למרות‬etc.
Accordingly, we would expect it here. See the chapter "Defining Three Types ("Categories") of Sentences,"
pp. 907-912 for an explanation.
3 Sometimes a sentence with ‫ אמנם‬has only one part, as in:
Moshe's father is indeed writing an autobiography! !‫ אביו של משה אמנם כותב אוטוביוגרפיה‬c
In cases like this, ‫ אמנם‬has the same meaning as ‫( באמת‬really), and the sentence has no second part beginning
with ‫אבל‬.

IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / But Sentences

In many cases - but not always (see "Did you know?" below) - sentences with ...‫אבל‬...‫ אמנם‬can
be expressed as contrary to expectation sentences using expressions like -‫)) אף על פי ש‬even though
or ‫) אף על פי כן‬nevertheless)4 Here are some examples :

.‫ אבל בסופו של דבר נסענו לאיטליה‬,‫אמנ ם רצינו לנסוע ליוון‬

.‫ בסופו של דבר נסענו לאיטליה‬,‫אף על פי שרצינו לנסוע ליוון‬
It's true that we wanted to go to Greece, but in the end we went to Italy.
Even though we wanted to go to Greece, in the end we went to Italy.

.‫ אך הם לא השיגו דבר‬,‫אמנ ם העובדים שבתו במשך שבוע‬

.‫ ואף על פי כן הם לא השיגו דבר‬,‫העובדים שבתו במשך שבוע‬
It's true that the workers were on strike for a week, but they achieved nothing.
The workers were on strike for a week, but despite this they achieved nothing.

When we use - ‫ אף על פי ש‬or ‫ אף על פי כן‬in these sentences, the fact that what happened is
contrary to expectation is somewhat more pointed.

Did you know?

Not every sentence with ...‫אבל‬. . . ‫ אמ נם‬can be changed to a contrary to expectation
sentence, for example:

.‫ אבל הידע שלה מדהים‬,‫^ אמ נם השיעורים של פרופ׳ רבקה כרמון משעממים‬

It's true that Prof. Rivka Carmon's classes are boring, but her knowledge is amazing.

This sentence cannot■ be expressed with ‫ אף על פי ש־‬or ‫ אף על פי כן‬since the

second part of the sentence is not‫ ־‬in direct contrast to our expectations. If we
write ‫ אף על פי כן‬in the second part, a different continuation is required, for

‫ ואף על פי כן הסטודנטים ממשיכים לבוא‬,‫השיעורים של פרופ׳ כרמון משעממים‬

.‫לכל שיעור ושיעור‬
Prof. Carmon's classes are boring, but despite this students continue to attend each
and every class.

4 Other contrary to expectation expressions include - ‫למרות ש‬, ‫ למרות זאת‬and ‫ בכל זאת‬. See the chapter "In Spite
Of: Contrary to Expectation Sentences," pp. 963-969.

IX. Sentences w ith And, Or, But and the Like / But Sentences

Here are two more examples of sentences with ...‫אבל‬...‫ אמנם‬that cannot be
expressed with ‫אף על פי כן‬:

.‫ אבל היא קרובה לאוניברסיטה‬,‫ אמנם הדירה יקרה‬.1

It's true that the apartment is expensive, but if is close to university.

.‫ אבל היא הייתה מאוד ארוכה‬,‫ אמנם ההצגה הייתה מעניינת‬.2

It's true that the show w as interesting, but it w a s very long.

In all the sentences above that contain ...‫אבל‬. . . ‫ אמנם‬but cannot be expressed with
- ‫ אף על פי ש‬or P ‫אף על פי‬, there is an unspoken message that we understand
from what is written (this message begins with therefore). For example, in the
first sentence about Prof. Carmon, we understand the speaker to mean: ...
(but) her knowledge is amazing, therefore the students continue to go to her
classes (anyway). In sentence 1 about the expensive apartment, we understand
something like the following: ...(but) it is close to the university, therefore we
have decided to rent it (anyway). In sentence 2 about the show, we understand
something like: ...(but) it was very long, and therefore we cannot recommend
wholeheartedly that you go see it (even though it was interesting).

Let's review
♦ The words ‫ (ו)אולם‬,‫ אך‬,‫ אבל‬mean but in Hebrew.

♦ Sentences beginning with ‫( אמנם‬It is true that) are often followed by a clause
beginning with ‫ אבל‬or its equivalent. This construction is used for presenting a
statement and adding some qualification or reservation regarding it, as in:
.‫ אבל בסופו של דבר נסענו לאיטליה‬,‫אמנם רצינו לנסוע ליוון‬ ->

‫‪IX. Sentences with And, Or, But and the Like / But Sentences‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪. (The sentences do not necessarily appear‬אמ נם ‪. . .‬אבל‪Combi ne the t wo sentences using ...‬‬
‫)‪here in the order in whi ch they will appear in your answer.‬‬

‫‪ . 1‬א‪ .‬עדיין אין מספיק מים בכינרת‪.‬‬

‫ב‪ .‬ירדו הרבה גשמים בחורף‪.‬‬

‫‪ .2‬א‪ .‬המחשב הזה סוב‪.‬‬

‫ב‪ .‬אני רוצה לקנות מחשב מתקדם יותר‪.‬‬

‫‪ .3‬א‪ .‬שמעתי שהספר מצוין‪.‬‬

‫ב‪ .‬לצערי אין לי זמן לקרוא עכשיו‪.‬‬

‫‪ .4‬א‪ .‬סבי כבר בן שמונים‪.‬‬

‫ב‪ .‬הוא עדיין שוחה כל בוקר‪.‬‬

‫ירדו הרבה גשמים בחורף‪ ,‬אבל עדיין אין מספיק מים בכינרת‪.‬‬ ‫אמנם‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫המחשב הזה טוב‪ ,‬אבל אני רוצה לקנות מחשב מתקדם יותר‪.‬‬ ‫אמנם‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫שמעתי שהספר מצוין‪ ,‬אבל לצערי אין לי זמן לקרוא עכשיו‪.‬‬ ‫אמנם‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫סבי כבר בן שמונים‪ ,‬אבל הוא עדיין שוחה כל בוקר‪.‬‬ ‫אמנם‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫‪.‬אמנם ‪Note: We have shown here only one possible place to write‬‬

X. Adding lauses
The chapters in this unit deal with cases in which one sentence (also called a clause) is added
to another to form one longer sentence.1We will examine the following:

1. Clauses that Add Information to Nouns (.‫ (הסטודנט שהגיינ אתמול מדבר רוסית‬2‫משפטי לוואי‬
2. Clauses with - ‫ )בל) מי ש‬and - ‫)פל) מה ש‬
3. Reporting Speech, Thoughts or Feelings ,(- ‫ך יב ו ו עקיף (הוא אמר ש‬
4. Expressing Desire (- ‫ מבקש ש‬,‫) רוצה ש־‬

Additional types of added clauses are discussed in Part Five: "Telling When, Why and the Like
in Sentences of Three Types," pp. 903-1003 (Category II sentences).

Ill Clauses that Add Information to Nouns

‫משפטי לוואי‬

• Type A added clauses .‫השכנים שנסעו לחו״ל יחזרו בעוד שבוע‬
The neighbors who_went abroad will return in a week.

• Type B added clauses .‫המזכירה שפנית! _א_ל!ה עזרה לי מאוד‬

The secretary towhomj.turned helped me a lot.
(whom I turned to)

‫ ״‬Words used instead o f -‫ש‬

1 The Hebrew term for clause is ‫פסוקית‬. However, many language teachers use the more general term ‫משפט‬. In
this unit, the clauses that are added to other clauses are all dependent clauses (i.e., they cannot stand on their
own), for example: "who arrived yesterday" or "that I am coming home tomorrow."
2 In Hebrew grammar books, these are called ‫ פסוקיות לוואי‬The clauses discussed in this chapter are "attributive
relative clauses," which belong to a broader category of clauses called ‫ ת זיקה‬1‫( פםוקי‬relative clauses).
3 The clauses discussed in chapters 3 and 4 of this unit are clauses that follow -‫ ש‬in reported speech (e.g., after
- ‫ )הוא אמר ש‬and clauses that follow -‫ ש‬in sentences expressing desire (e.g., after - ‫)הוא רצה ש‬. In Hebrew
grammar books, these clauses are often called ‫ פסוקעת מושא‬or ‫פסוקיוית תוכן מושא‬.

X. Adding Clauses / 1. Clauses that Add Information to Nouns

There are a variety of ways in which we add information to nouns in Hebrew. The following
sentence contains an example of one of the most common of them:

The new student speaks Russian. .‫הסטודנט החדש מדבר רוסית‬

Q: Which student speaks Russian?

A: The new student: ‫ הסטודנט החדש‬. The adjective ‫ )ה)חדש‬adds information about the noun that
precedes it: ‫הסטודנט‬.

Now let's compare this to a different sentence:

The new student speaks Russian. .‫נט החדש מדבר רוסית״*״‬

The student who arrived yesterday speaks Russian. .2. ‫הסטודנט שהגיע אתמול מדבר רוסית‬

Q: Is the information that is added to the noun in sentence 2 also an adjective?

A: No. This time it takes the form of a clause (sentence).

Q: What marks the beginning of this clause?

A: The little word ‫ש־‬. Very often -‫ ש‬is used in order to connect a clause to the noun to which
it is referring.4

Here is another example:

We met an interesting (young) person. .3. ‫פגשנו בחור מעניין‬

We met a (young) person who had traveled all over theworld. .4. ‫פגשנו בחור שטייל בכל העולם‬

Here, too, the first sentence contains an adjective (‫ )מעניין‬that describes the noun, and the second
sentence contains a clause beginning with ‫ש־‬. Notice that in the first set of sentences (1-2), the
noun being described (‫ )הסטודנט‬was the subject of the sentence, whereas here the noun (‫)בחור‬
is the object. Thus, we see that an adjective or a clause can be added to a noun in any part of a

In both sets of sentences, the added information answers the question ?‫איזה‬. (In English:
Which? / Wrhat? / What kind of?).

4 For other words used instead of ‫ש־‬, see below pp. 873-875.

X. Adding Clauses / 1. Clauses that A dd Information to Nouns

question. Which student speaks Russian? ?‫איזה סטודנט מדבר רוסית‬

answers‫־‬. The new student. .‫הסטודנט החדש‬ •‫>־‬
The student who arrived yesterday. .‫הסטודנט שהגיע אתמול‬

question : What (kind of) person did you meet? ?‫איזה בחור פגשתם‬ ->
answers‫׳‬. An interesting person. .‫בחור מעניין‬ ->
A person who had traveled all over the world. .‫בחור שטייל בכל העולם‬

Did you know?

According to punctuation guidelines published in 1994 by the Academy of the
Hebrew Language,‫ ־‬commas are only to be put around an added clause when
that clause is not essential to the meaning of the sentence/' as in:

.‫ נוסעת יום יום לחיפה‬,‫ שהיא כלי תחבורה חשוב מאוד‬,‫הרכבת‬ -‫>־‬
The train, which is a very important means of transportation, goes daily to Haifa.

Accordingly, as in English punctuation practice, we do not use commas in

sentences in which the clause is essential to the meaning of the sentence, for

.‫הרכבת שיוצאת בשעה חמש וחצי נוסעת לחיפה‬ -C

The train that is leaving at 5 :3 0 is going to Haifa.
?‫אתם רואים את הילדים ששוחים בברכה‬
Do you see the children (who are) swimming in the pool?

You will undoubtedly also encounter texts that are punctuated differently,
according to older guidelines.

5 The Academy of the Hebrew Language, 1994, pp. 14-15.

6 A non-essential added clause is called ‫( פסוקית זיקה לא מצמצמת‬non-restrictive relative clause). An added clause
that is essential to the meaning of the sentence is called ‫( פסוקית זילןה מצמצמת‬restrictive relative clause).
7 For example:
.‫ נוסעת לחיפה‬,‫ שיוצאת בשעה חמש וחצי‬,‫ הרכבת‬.‫> ו‬.
‫ ששוחים בברכהל‬,‫ אתם רואים את הילדים‬.2

X. Adding Clauses / 1. Clauses that Add Information to Nouns

• Type A added clauses

Let's look at the following sentence:

The student who_arnv_edjesterday, speaks Russian. .‫הסטודנט שדנגמנ ^תמול מדבר ר וס ית‬ ‫**־־‬t

This sentence is made up of two original clauses that have been combined to form one sentence.
We will call one clause the base clause. This is the clause to which the second clause is

Here is the base clause in the sentence above:

base clause: The student speaks Russian. .‫הסטודנט מדבר רוסית‬

To this clause, we add a clause containing additional information about a noun in the base
added clause: The student arrived^esterday. ♦‫הסט_וךנ_ט הגי_ע_ א תמול‬ ■<C

Q: About which noun in the base clause does this clause add information?

A: About ‫הסטודנט‬.

When we add the second clause to the first, we add ‫ ש־‬after this word (‫ )הסטודנט‬and then add
the second clause:
r added clause ‫ר‬
‫ הסטודנט ש(הסטוךנט)_הג_יע אתכעל מדבר רוסית‬. -<£

Q: What else must we do in order to create an acceptable sentence?

A: We must erase the repeated word in the added clause, here: ‫הסטודנט‬. Once it is erased in the
second clause, the word ‫ הסטודנט‬in the base clause is the understood subject of the added

The student who am\ ‫!׳‬ed yesterday, speaks Russian. .‫ ^ אתמ ול מדבר ר וס ית‬2‫הסט וד נט שה_ג‬

Her e is another example:

base clause: The student will live in an apartment. .‫הסטודנט יגור בדירה‬
added clause: Jhe agartment_1s located in ce_ntra|. Jerus_alern. . ‫הךירה_ נמצאת במךכז_ ירו שלי ם‬

8 We are using the terms base clause to refer to the ‫( משפט משעבד‬main, independent clause) and added clause to
refer to the ‫ פסוקית משועבדת‬/ ‫( משפט משועבד‬subordinate, dependent clause).

X. A dding Clauses / 1. Clauses that A dd Information to Nouns

Here is the combined sentence after the repeated word ‫ הדירה‬has been erased from the added
•‫ירושלים‬:‫במרכז‬.‫ הסטודנט יגור בדירה שנמצאת‬-‫>־‬
The student will live in an apartment that center of Je.rusalem.

The little word -‫ ש‬may be translated as who, that ox which.9 In some cases an English translation
may contain no parallel to -‫ ש‬at all, for example:
.‫האו_טובנס מחכה לאוטובוס כבר חצי שעה‬.‫בתחנת‬.‫האיש שעומד‬ -C
The man standing aI. the bus stop has already been waiting for the bus for half an hour.
(lit.: The man w ho .is standing at.the bus. stop has already been waiting for the bus for half an hour.)

In all of the combined sentences that we have seen thus far, the word that comes before -‫ ש‬is the
subject of the added clause. We will call an added clause like this a Type A added clause.

?Did you know

There are some Type A added clauses that require the use of the pronouns ,‫הוא‬
‫ הן‬,‫ הם‬,‫היא‬, for exam ple :

.‫ קיבלה מלגה להמשך לימודיה‬,‫ינ_ת‬.‫מצטי‬.‫סטודנטי_ת‬.‫ שה_יא‬,‫רונית שוורץ‬

Ronit Schwartz, who j,s_qn_qutsta_nding student, received a scholarship to continue (lit.: for
(lit.: that an outstanding, student) the continuation of) her studies.

This happens when the added clause is a non-verb sentence (‫רומת״סטודנטנת‬

‫)מצטי_ינת‬. If we erase the subject in the non-verb sentence (‫)ר ונ ית‬, the remaining
words ( ‫ ) סטודנטית מצטיינת‬do not constitute a sentence that can stand alone after
­‫ ש‬. For this reason, w e use a pronoun (‫ )היא‬in place o f the subject that has been
erased .

9 There is not. however, an exact correspondence between these words in Hebrew and English from a grammatical
point of view: In Hebrew -‫ ש‬is a particle whose job is to connect, while in Bnglish that, which,who, whom and
the like are pronouns - words that take the place of nouns. These particular pronouns are relative pronouns:
they relate or connect back to the noun to which they are adding information.

X. A dding Clauses / 1. Clauses that A dd Information to Nouns

Let's review
♦ A clause can be added after a noun in the base clause in order to add information
to that noun. The little word -‫ ש‬is used in order to connect the added clause to
the noun:

.‫נעים להיות עם אנשים שצ_וחקי_ם כיכבה‬ ->

It is pleasant to be with people w]10 _laugh_a_10!.

.‫ברות_פה הן בדרך לאירופה‬1‫הציפורים ש_ע‬

The birds that pass through here are on their way to Europe.

♦ In these sentences the word that comes before - ‫ ציפורים) ש‬,‫ ) אנשים‬is the subject
of the added clause. In this book we call these Type A added clauses.

?W ant to see if you've understood

.Combi ne the two clauses and translate the resulting sentence
.Make sure that the first clause is the base clause in the sentence that you wri t e
The symbol ‫ ״‬shows where to pl ace the added cl ause,

.‫ התלמידיכו״הצליחו במבחן‬.‫ א‬.1

.‫ התלמידים למדו הרבה שעות‬.‫ב‬


.‫ הרופא״הוא רופא מצוין‬.‫ א‬.2

.‫ הרופא בודק אותך עכשיו‬.‫ב‬


^‫ אהבתי את הכוס‬.‫ א‬.3

.‫ הכוס נשברה‬.‫ב‬


X. Adding Clauses / 1. Clauses that Add Information to Nouns

?/,‫ אתם רואים את הילדים‬.‫א‬ .4

.‫ הילדים שוחים בברכה‬.‫ב‬

transl ate:_________________________________________________________________

.‫ הרכבת^נוסעת לחיפה‬.‫ א‬.5

.‫ הרכבת יוצאת בשעה חמש וחצי‬.‫ב‬

transl ate:_________________________________________________________________

.‫ התלמידים שלמדו הרבה שעות הצליחו במבחן‬.1
.The students who studied for many hours succeeded (did well) on the test
The doctor who is examining you now is excellent. .‫ הרופא שבודק אותך עכשיו הוא רופא מצוין‬.
I loyed/liked the glass that broke. .‫ אהבתי את הכוס שנשברה‬.
Do you see the children (who are) swimming in the pool? ?‫ אתם רואים את הילדים ששוחים בברכה‬.4
.‫ הרכבת שיוצאת בשעה חמש וחצי נוסעת לחיפה‬.5
The train that is leaving/departing at 5:30 is going to Haifa.

• Type B added clauses

Now let's look at another sentence made up of a base clause and an added clause.

.‫הבית שגכת_ב_ו_לפני_שלנשי_ם_שנה כבר לא קיים‬

The house that you live.djri .thirty years ago no longer exists.
(lit.: you lived injt thirty years ago)

Here are the two sentences (clauses) that have been combined to make up this sentence:

base clause: The house no longer exists. .‫הבית כבר לא קיים‬ ■<C
added clause: You jived m_the house thirty years ago. *‫ת לפני_שלו_שים_שנה‬2‫גרת בב‬

When we combine these clauses using ‫ ש־‬to connect the added clause to a noun (here: ‫ )הבית‬in
the base clause, the result is the following:
r added clause ‫ר‬
-‫ת)_ל^מ שלנשי_ם_ שנה כבר לא קיים ־‬2‫הבית ש_גרת_ב(ב‬.<
The house that you LivedjnjTheJiousej thirty years ago no longer exists.

X. Adding Clauses / 1. Clauses that Add Information to Nouns

This combination is not yet an acceptable sentence since the noun ‫ הבית‬is repeated in the added
clause. Before we erase it, look more closely at the word ‫ הבית‬that comes before -‫ ש‬:

Q: Is the word ‫ הבית‬the subject of the added clause ( ‫ _שלוש_ים_שנה‬2‫)ג כת _בב_ית_לפנ‬, as was the
repeated word in the Type A added clauses above?

A: No, this added clause has a different subject: ‫( אתה‬which in this case is understood from the
verb form ‫)גרת‬. We will call this kind of added clause a Type B added clause.

TypeB added clauses have two special characteristics:

1. Their subject is no t the noun in the base clause to which information is added (in this case:
‫)הבית‬, but rather their subject is contained in the added clause itself

2. In the added clause, a preposition (such as ‫ של‬,‫ מ־־‬,‫ את‬,‫ על‬,-‫ )ב‬always precedes the repeated
noun (‫)הב ית‬.

Q: What word comes before ‫ הבית‬in the added clause ‫? גרת בבית לפני שלושים שנה‬

A: The preposition - ‫ב‬: ‫ בבית‬.

Now let's look again at the combination of the two clauses:

.‫ שנה כבר לא קיים‬.‫ ולנשים‬2‫נ‬.‫הבית ^ו_גרת_ב(בית)_לפ‬

In order to make this an acceptable sentence, we need to replace the second mention of the word
‫ הבית‬with a pronoun (it). In Hebrew this is done by adding an ending onto the preposition:

.‫הבית שגכת_ב_ו_לפני_שלנשי_ם_שנה כבר לא קיים‬

The house that you lived, in thirty .years ago no longer exists,
or: The house in whichjouJw ed tiiirty years ago.

Notice that the translation of this sentence is not literal. The literal translation would be:
The house thatJwhich_you livedj n j t thirty_ye_ar_s_qgo no longer exists. In the non-literal English
translations, there is no equivalent of the Hebrew ‫( בו‬in it).

Here are some more examples of Type B sentences, all of which contain a preposition with an
ending in their added clause:

X. Adding Clauses / 1. Clauses that Add Information to Nouns

With -‫ ל‬:

base clause: The student did not come today. .. 1 ‫הסטודנט לא הגיע היום‬
added clause : I gav e_(to) .the. student my.notebook. .‫ ת _ה_מחבר_ת שלי‬g .2. ‫ לסטודנט‬.‫נתתי‬
final sentence : . ‫הסטודנט שנ ת ת! א את_ ה מ ח ב ר ת שלי לא הגיע היום‬ ^
The student whom_I_gaye m x note to o k to did not come today,
or: The student to whom J ^ v e my .notebook did not come today.

With 10:‫אל‬/-‫ל‬

base clause: The people helped us right away. .1. ‫האנשים עזרו לנו מיד‬
added clause : We_tumed to the people. .2. ‫פנינו לאנשים‬
final sentence: .‫האנשים ש_פני_ננ אליהם עזרו לנו מיד‬
The people helped us right away,
or: The people to whom w. e. tumed helped us right away.

With ‫ ע ם‬:

base clause: I met the young woman. .1. ‫פגשתי א ת הבחורה‬

added clause: I corresponded.with the young_woman. ♦]‫ הב ח ! כ י‬uy_2. ‫התכתבר^י‬
final sentence: 11*‫ אי_ת ה‬.‫פגשתי א ת הבחורה ש_ה_תכתבתי‬
I met the young woman whpmJjcorre^onded_w1^ .
or: I met the young woman wjth. whorn

With ‫של‬:

base clause: The man called the police. .1. ‫האי ש צלצל ל מ ש ט ר ה‬
added clause: The man's car_was_stolen. *2. ‫ ת ש ל _ הא יש נגנבה‬2‫המכ ו נ‬
final sentence: .‫הא יש שה_מכ_ונ_ית_שלו_נגנבה צלצל ל מש ט ר ה‬
01: ‫*ש_מכ!נ_יתו נגנבה‬
The man pilose car_was_stqlen called the police.

As you can see, in the final sentence we can either use ‫ של‬with an ending (here: ‫ )שלו‬or we can
add a possessive ending to the noun: ‫ מכוני תו‬. Notice that in either case the English translation
uses the word whose rather than two words like to whom, to which, with whom, with which, as
was the case in the other examples above.

10 Some verbs take ‫אל‬/-‫ל‬. This means that they may take the preposition -‫ ל‬or ‫ אל‬before a noun, but with a
pronoun ending, only ‫ אל‬is used. See more about this in the chapter "How Do PrepositionBehave When No
Ending Is Attached?" pp. 227-228. See a list of such verbs in Appendix IV, p. 1025.
11 See the chapter "Adding Endings to Prepositions," p. 236 for the declension of ‫עם‬.

X. Adding Clauses / 1. Clauses that Add Information to Nouns

All prepositions except for ‫ את‬behave in the way we have seen in these examples. We will deal
with ‫ את‬below.

• Type B sentences with ‫ את‬in the added clause

Here are two sentences to be combined into one:

base clause : We laughed at the movie. .1. ‫צ חקנו מהסרט‬

added clause : We_s_aw_the mpv 1_eyesterday. .2. ‫ו־אינו_א ת הסךט_ א ת מ ! ל‬

When we add the information in the second clause to the noun ‫ סרט‬in the first, we get:

We laughed at the movie that we_sawflit:jt)yesterday. .‫אתמול‬.‫ _א_ותג‬1‫\ראינ‬2 ‫צחקנו מהסרט‬

This sentence is structured like the sentences above with other prepositions. Usually, however,
the combined sentence will be:
We laughed at the movie (that) we_sawyesterday. ♦‫ ל‬1‫צחקנו מהסרט (ץ_רא_ינו_^תמ‬ "**C

Q: What is missing in the added clause?

A: ‫) את הסרט =) אותו‬.

When the preposition before the repeated noun is ‫ את‬, the form with the ending (‫ )אותו‬is usually
omitted from the added clause, as in English.

Let's review
♦ TypeB added clauses are clauses whose subject is contained in the added clause
itself, i.e., the subject is not the noun in the base clause to which information
is added:

‫החבר ים שח_יכינו_להם איחרו בגלל פקק‬ -‫<־‬
(The subject of the added clause is ‫אנחנו‬.)
The friends w_e_waite_d_for were late because of a traffic jam.
(lit.: that we waited for them)

♦ In Type B added clauses, the repeated noun (in this case ‫ )החברים‬follows a
preposition (in this case "‫ (ה )חבר ים‬+ - ‫ " ל‬becomes ‫הם‬+‫) להם <= ל‬.

X. A dding Clauses / 1. Clauses that A dd Information to Nouns

♦ When the preposition before the repeated noun is ‫ א ת‬, the preposition with its
ending (‫ אותן‬,‫ אותם‬,‫ אותה‬,‫ )אותו‬is usually omitted from the added clause, as in
English, as in:
The book £that! I read was excellent. .‫ היה מצוין‬2‫הספר של[ךאת‬

W ant to see if you've understood?

Com bine the two sentences (clauses) and translate the resulting sentence.
M ake sure that the first sentence is the base clause in the final sentence.
The symbol ‫ ״‬shows w here to place the added clause.

.‫ הילד״ בוכה עכשיו‬.‫ א‬.1

.‫ צעקת על הילד‬.‫ב‬


^‫ לא קיבלנו תשובה מן המזכירה‬.‫ א‬.2

.‫ דיברנו עם המזכירה‬.‫ב‬


.‫ עדיין לא ראיתי את הדירה״‬.‫ א‬.3

.‫ קניתם דירה‬.‫ב‬


.‫ הבחור״לא הפסיק לדבר‬.‫ א‬.4

.‫ עמדתי אחרי הבחור בתור‬.‫ב‬

‫ השמלה״חדשהל‬.‫ א‬.5
.‫ לבשת את השמלה אתמול‬.‫ב‬


X. Adding Clauses / 1. Clauses that Add Information to Nouns

.‫ה כ ל ב י ם ^ ה יו ג דו ל י ם ו מ פ חי די ם‬ .‫א‬ .6

.‫ה כל בי ם‬ ‫מן‬ ‫ב ר חנו‬ .‫ב‬

t ra n s la te :

.‫א כ לנו א ת כל האוכלת‬ .‫א‬ .7

.‫ה אוכל‬ ‫את‬ ‫שרה הכינה‬ .‫ב‬

t ra n s la te :

.^ ‫ת ז ר קו א ת ה כו סו ת‬ .‫א‬ .8
.‫ה כו סו ת נ ש ברו‬ ‫של‬ ‫הי דיו ת‬ .‫ב‬


/ at whom you yelled The boy (whom) you yelled at is crying now.. .‫הילד שצעקת עליו בוכה עכשיו‬
.‫לא קיבלנו תשובה מן המזכירה שדיברנו איתה‬
We didn't receive an answer from the secretary with whom we spoke /(whom) we spoke with.

.‫עדיין לא ראיתי את הדירה שקניתם‬

I still haven't seen the apartment (that) you bought. / I haven't yet seen...
.‫הבחור שעמדתי אחריו בתור לא הפסיק לדבר‬
...The guy (young man) (whom) I stood behind in line didn't stop talking. / behind whom I stood
Is the dress (that) you wore yesterday new ??‫השמלה שלבשת אתמול חדשה‬
big andThe dogs (that) we ran away (fled) from were .‫הכלבים שברחנו מהם היו גדולים ומפחידים‬
... )scary. / The dogs from which we ran away (fled
We ate all the food that Sarah prepared ..‫אכלנו את כל האוכל ששרה הכינה‬
Throw out the glasses whose handles broke..‫תזרקו את הכוסות שהידיות שלהן נשברו‬

Word order in Type B added clauses

The words in Type B added clauses may be ordered in Hebrew in two different ways:

♦‫ אי_תה‬. ‫ש ה ת כ ת ב ת י‬ ‫הבחורה‬ ‫ פ ג ש ת י א ת‬.‫ו‬

I met the young woman wjthjwlpni I had_corresponded. / whomJ_hadj:pn‫־‬e^pnded_with.
(lit.: that I had corresponded wjthjier.)

X. Adding Clauses / 1. Clauses that Add Information to Nouns

♦22. ‫פגשתי את הבחורה שא יתה_התכתבת‬

I met the young woman wjth_whorn I had_cpn:esj20nded. / whomJ_hadj:pn‫־‬e^pnded_wrth.
(lit.: that wjth her I. had_corr_esg.o_nded.)

Q: What is the difference in the word order of these two sentences?

A: In the first sentence the preposition with its ending (‫ )איתה‬appears after the verb, whereas
in the second sentence ‫ איתה‬appears before the verb, immediately after -12.‫ש‬

Here are some more examples:

.‫שב_יקכתי_אצלם אירחו אותי בצ ורה יפה‬ ‫החברים‬ -‫>־‬
.‫^_צ_לם_בילןרתי אירחו אותי בצ ורה יפה‬.‫החברים ש‬
The friends (wJ10 m)J_visjted were wonderful hosts (lit.: hosted me in a lovely way).

‫את יכולה לתת לי את הספר ים ש את לא_משתמשת_בהם ז‬

‫את יכולה לתת לי את הספרים ש_בהם_ א ת _לא_ מש_תמ_עתל‬
Can you give me the books {that) you arejiot using?

‫יש קורסים‬
♦2‫שא_פ_ש_ר ללמ וד_ (א ותם )_כ^ בסמסטר_הכאש י‬
*11‫אפשר_ללמ וד רל ן_בסמסטכ ה_ר_א_ש‬j d ‫יש קורסים שאות‬
There are courses (that) you can take pnly_in!he_first semester.
(lit.: that itis possible to take.)

Did you know?

Often, in more advanced texts and in newspapers, you may encounter sentences
like these:
. ‫א ירח ו א ות י בצ ורה יפה‬ ‫ ןבתי‬2‫החברים ^צלם_בי‬
The friends I,visited were lovely hosts (lit.: hosted me in a lovely way).
‫את יכ ולה לתת ל י את הספר ים בהם_א י_ נ נ משתמשת_עכ_ש יח‬
Can you give me the books you_ gr_e_not usjncj_ now.
. ‫אתה צר יך ל נס ות להש י ג את המט רה א ותה_בחרת‬
You must try to achieve the goal you chose.

In these sentences there is no sign that there is an added clause (e.g., there is no
‫)ש־‬. In H e b re w ,- ‫( ש‬or its formal equi val ent,‫אשר‬, which w ill be discussed below)

12 The first word order is found in Hebrew sources; the second is the result of foreign influences on Hebrew and
is used less in spoken Hebrew.

X. A dding Clauses / 1. Clauses that A dd Information to Nouns

can be omitted only with Type B added clauses and only when the preposition
and its ending come before the verb. The omission o f -‫ ש‬before a clause that is
added to a noun is not recommended by the Hebrew Language Academy, but
it is very common in the language o f the media

?W ant to see if you've understood

Change the order of the w ords in the added clause (after ‫(ש־‬.

Exam ple : .‫>■ אלה המקומות שבהם ביקרנו‬C

These are places (that) we visited / have visited. .pao ^‫אלה המקומות שמעןל‬

.‫יש אנשים שמהם כדאי לך להתרחק‬ .‫ו‬

There are people (whom) it is advisable for you to stay away (keep your distance) from.

.‫לא קיבלנו תשובה מהמשרדים שאליהם פנינו‬

We didn't receive / haven't received an answer from the offices (that) we turned to /

.‫הכיסא שעליו את יושבת היה של סבא שלי‬

The chair (that) you are sitting on was my grandfather's.

.‫ לא קיבלנו תשובה מהמשרדים שפנינו אליהם‬.2 .‫ יש אנשים שכדאי לך להתרחק מהם‬.‫ו‬
.‫ הכיסא שאת יושבת עליו היה של סבא שלי‬. 3

13 Interestingly, this phenomenon is found already in Biblical poetry, e.g.:

"Perish the day on which I was bom" (Job 3:3, new JPS translation) (3 ,‫ "יאבד יום אולד בו״ (איוב ג‬-«
See also, for example, Jeremiah 2:6, 23:9. Nevertheless, the widespread omission of -‫ ש‬before Type B added
clauses today is undoubtedly the result of the influence of foreign languages

X. Adding Clauses / 1. Clauses that Add Information to Nouns

• Words used instead of-M)14
Beginning the added clause with ‫( אשר‬Type A and B clauses)
Read the following sentence:
,‫הסטודנט אשך_הצטנת לכיתה אתכעל מדבר רוסית‬
The student who joined thejclass yesterday, speaks Russian.

Q: Which word is used here instead of -‫?ש‬

A: The word ‫אשר‬. In formal Hebrew the word ‫ אשר‬may be used instead of ‫ ש־‬at the beginning
of the added clause.

Here are some more sentences - both Type A and Type B - with ‫אשר‬:

We met people who had traveled all over the_world. . ‫ה^ י ולם‬
‫ילכ בכל‬2‫פגשנו אנשים אשך_ט‬ ‫*״־‬SC
♦‫להם_ב ילד ותע‬. ‫ה ילד ים של נ ו א י נם מכ יר ים את הש יר ים אשר_סקשב נ ו‬
‫ב ילד ות נג‬. 1 ‫ ^שך_ לסם_ה_קשב נ‬:or
Our children don't know the songs that we .listened to_in_our childhood.

Beginning the added clause with ‫( ה־‬only Type A clauses)

Read the following sentence:

Students whp_wqrk_hardusually succeed. .-‫י‬ ‫< סטודנטים ה^ובד_ים_קשה מצליחים בדרך כלל‬

Q: What comes instead of ‫ ש־‬in this sentence?

A: -‫ה‬. This is not the definite article -‫ ה‬and is never translated as the. Rather, it serves the exact
same function as the little word -‫ ש‬in the sentences above. However, -‫ ה‬can be substituted
for ‫ ש־‬only under certain conditions.

14 We are including here only clauses that add information to a noun, and not clauses that convey the content
of the noun, like the following:
.‫> ההודעה שה מוח ם ישבתו מחר פורסמה היום‬
The announcement that the_teachers_wiil_go_qn strike torno_rrow was published today.
In such sentences -‫ ש‬can be replaced by ‫כי‬, as in:
.> ‫ההודעה כי_המורים !שבוע מחב פורסמה היום‬
‫ כי‬is used in a sentence like this only in formal written Hebrew. In Hebrew grammar books, these clauses with
‫כי‬/-‫ ש‬are called ‫ פסוקיות לוואי תוכן‬. See the chapter "Reporting Speech, Thoughts or Feelings," p. 884 ("Did you
know?" and note 5) for more uses of ‫ כי‬instead of -‫ש‬.

X. Adding Clauses / 1. Clauses that A dd Information to Nouns

Let's look at some more examples in order to see what these conditions are:

.‫ לקבוצת הכדורגל צריכות לרשום את שמן ברשימה‬.‫ להצטרף‬.‫ילדות הר נצות‬ *>

Girls who.want to join thejsoccer team must put their names on the list.

0 ‫להיבסנלפנ_י _סוף_ה_סמסט‬.‫המזכירה תשלח אישורים לסטודנטים המבקש_ים‬

The secretary will send permission slips to the students whp.ask to.take the _exam before the.endof

Q: What is the subject of the verb in the added clause in each example (i.e., ,‫ רוצות‬,‫עובדים‬
A: The noun before the - ‫ ה‬is always the subject: ‫ סטודנטים‬,‫ ילדות‬,‫סטודנטים‬.

This is the first condition for using -‫ ה‬instead of - ‫ ש‬: The noun before the added clause has to
be the subject of the added clause. Since this is the case only in Type A added clauses, only in
Type A clauses can - ‫ ה‬be used instead of - ‫ ש‬.

Q: What is the tense of the verb in the added clause in each of the examples (past, present or

A: The verbs - ‫ מבקשים‬,‫ רוצות‬,‫ עובדים‬- are all in the present tense.

This is the second condition for using -‫ ה‬instead o f -‫ ש‬: If there is a verb in the added clause, it
has to be in the present tense.

Like ‫אשר‬, -‫ ה‬is used only in formal Hebrew

Did you know?

Usually the w ord follow ing -‫ ה‬in Type A added clauses is a verb in the present
tense. There are, however, cases in which -‫ ה‬appears before a w ord that is not
a verb, for example:

•‫בספר החדש יש טקסטים הכתובים_בעברית_קלה וטקסטים הכתובים_בעברית_רג_ילה‬ -<

In the new book there are texts (that are)_writte_n_in_ea_sy‫״‬Hebrew and texts (that a_re)
written injeguJqr_Heb_rew.

•‫לפ_גנע במחשבים_אישינם‬.‫יש כמה סוגי וירוסים העלנלים‬

There are several types of viruses that arejiabjejo damage persona] comguters.

X. A dding Clauses / 1. Clauses that A dd Information to Nouns

o B e c a r e fu l! In the following sentences we cannot use -‫ ה‬instead of -:‫ש‬

‫עזבךנת־‬. ‫בעיתון התפרסם ריאיון עם נשים שאינן‬ <
An interview with women who working was published in the newspaper.

•‫הזמן מדברים‬. ‫יש כמה אנשים בקהל שכל‬

There are several people in the audience who .keep talking all thejime.

The presence of any word (e.g., ‫ כל הזמן‬,‫ אינן‬in these sentences) after -‫ ש‬and before
the present tense verb (or before a word like ‫ כתובים‬and ‫ עלולים‬mentioned in "Did you
know?" above) prevents the use o f -‫ה‬.

Let's review
There are two other words sometimes used instead of -‫ ש‬in order to join a clause
to a noun:

♦ ‫ אשר‬may be used in formal Hebrew, as in:

.‫ תשודר שוב מחר‬,‫לה‬1‫גד‬,‫זכתה_להצ<חה‬,‫ אשר‬,‫התוכנית‬ -‫<־‬

The program, i\J11di_succccdcd_trc1n g 1dpusly. will be broadcast again tomorrow.

♦ Sometimes -‫ ה‬may be used instead of ‫ ש־‬in formal Hebrew, as in:

.‫ החיים_באו_ס_ט_ר_ליה זכתה בפרס‬.‫תוכנית הטלוויזיה המתארת_את_חי! בעלי‬ -<

The television program describing (lit.: that describes) the.ljfe.of.the.animals jn
Australia won a prize.

­ ‫ ה‬may be used only under the following conditions:

- The noun before the added clause is the subject of the added clause (i.e.,
it is a Type A added clause).

- If the first word of the added clause is a verb - which is usually the case
it must be in the present tense.

X. Adding Clauses / 1. Clauses that Add Information to Nouns

Want to see if you've understood?

The f ol l owi ng sentences cont ai n ‫ש ־‬. Mak e them mor e f ormal by wri t i ng ‫ אשר‬or, when
possi bl e, - ‫ ה‬i nstead of .‫ש ־‬

1. ‫כל התמונות שמופיעות באתר זה שייכות לבעלי האתר‬.

All the pictures that appear on this website belong to the owner(s) of the site.

. ‫ רצוי להשתמש בא י נפ ורמצ יה ש נמצאת באתר י א י נטר נט אמ ינ ים‬.2

It is desirable to use information that is on reliable websites.

.‫ כדאי למחוק הודעות ישנות שנמצאות בתיבת הדואר האלקטרוני‬.3

It is advisable to erase old messages that are in your email inbox (lit.: electronic mail box).

. ‫ הסט וד נט ים בק ורס ש ישל ימ ו את ל ימ וד יהם בהצלחה יקבל ו תע ודת ס י ום‬.4

The students in the course who complete their studies successfully will receive a diploma.

.‫ כל האנשים שעומדים במעבר מתבקשים לשבת מיד‬.5

All the people who are standing in the aisle are requested to be seated immediately.

. ‫ הספר ים שמ וכר ים עכש י ו בא ו נ יברס יטה א י נם יקר ים‬.6

The books that they are selling now at the university are not expensive.

. ‫ המ ופ יע ות באתר זה ש י יכות לבעל י האתר‬/ ‫כל התמ ו נ ות אשד‬ .1
. ‫ ה נמצאת באתר י א ינטרנט אמינים‬/ ‫רצוי להשתמש בא ינפורמצ יה אשר‬ .2
. ‫ ה נמצא ות בת יבת הד ואר האלקטר ונ י‬/ ‫כדאי למח וק ה ודע ות ישנות אשד‬ .3
. ‫הסט וד נט ים בק ורס אשר ישל ימ ו את ל ימ וד יהם בהצלחה יקבלו תע ודת סיום‬ .4
.‫ הע ומד ים במעבר מתבקש ים לשבת מיד‬/ ‫כל הא נש ים אשר‬ .5
. ‫הספר ים אשד מ וכר ים עכש י ו בא ונ יברס יטה א ינם יקרים‬ .6

2 Sentences with -‫ (פל) מה ש‬,-‫(פל) מי ש‬

• "- ‫ ) כל) מי ש‬and - ‫ ) כל) מ ה ש‬clauses" that are the subject o f a sentence

• "- ‫ ) כל) מי ש‬and - ‫ ) כל) מ ה ש‬clauses" that are not the subject o f the sentence

‫ ״‬-‫ ) כל) מי ש‬and - ‫ ) כל) מ ה ש‬that are not the subject o f their own clause

• "‫ (פל) מי ש ־‬and ‫ (כל) מה ש ־‬clauses ‫ ״‬that are the

subject o f a sentence
:Read the following sentences
whoever broke this chair will fix it. .‫ א ת הכיסא הזה יתקן אותו‬:‫ מ! ששבו‬.‫ו‬ ■>>
The person who ...
.‫ בתרומת קיבל חולצה במתנה‬£‫ מ! שהשתתן‬.2
Whoever participated in the contest received a shirt as a gift.
The people w ho...
.‫ יי! בדרך כלל מזמין יין ב מ ס ע דו ת‬.‫ מי שאוהב‬.3
People who like wine usually order wine in restaurants.
A person who likes wine usually orders wine in restaurants.

What happened to you can happen to anyone. .4. ‫מה_שקוה לב יכול לקרות לכל א ח ד‬

As you can see, ‫ מי ש־‬is used for a person (or persons) and is translated whoever the person
who (the) people who. - ‫ מה ש‬is used for a thing or things and is translated what whatever
that which.

Notice that the verb that comes immediately after - ‫ מי ש‬and - ‫ מה ש‬is masculine and singular
(‫ קרה‬,‫ אוהב‬,‫ השתתף‬,‫)שבר‬. This is because the words ‫ מי‬and ‫מה‬, which are the subjects of these
verbs, are usually regarded as masculine singular. In addition, since in all the sentences above
- ‫ מי ש‬and - ‫( מה ש‬and the clause that follows them) are the subject of the sentence, also the
verb of the main sentence is masculine singular (‫ יכול‬,‫ מזמין‬,‫ קיבל‬,‫) יתקן‬. You may also encounter
sentences with a plural form of the verb, but this is less common:1

1 In very specific circumstances,‫ מי‬may be regarded as feminine singular. For example, a teacher in a class of
all women may say:
Whoever wrote a correct answer got two points. .‫ מי_ שכתבה_תש_ובה_נכו_נה קיבלה שתי נקודות‬-«

X. Adding Clauses / 2. Sentences with -‫ (בל) מה ש‬,-‫)כל) מי ש‬

.‫מ! _עהק\תתפו_ ב ת ח רו ת קיבלו חולצה במתנה‬

The people who participated in the competition received a shirt as a gift.

When we wish to emphasize that ‫ מי ש־‬or - ‫ מה ש‬include (or may include) more than one person
or thing, we can add ‫ כל‬before these expressions, as in:

Everyone who was on the trip enjoyed it. .‫ ל נהנה‬1‫כל_מ_י_ק\הי ה_בטי‬ ■<C

Everything that happened to you interests us. .‫ לב מעניין אותנו‬JTIR.V2 ‫כל_מה‬

Notice that the verbs that match these expressions are singular.

B e c a r e fu l! The English equivalent of ‫ כל מי ש־‬and ‫ כל מה ש־‬is often everyone or

everything, as in the sentences above. For this reason, in sentences like these, learners of
Hebrew sometimes mistakenly use the Hebrew words ‫( כולם‬everyone) and ‫( הכול‬everything)
- which cannot be followed by ‫ ש ־‬.

• ‫״‬- ‫ )פל) מי ש‬and - ‫ )פל) מה ש‬clauses” that are not th

subject o f the sentence
Besides serving as the subject of a sentence, clauses that begin with - ‫ )כל) מי ש‬and - ‫)כל) מה ש‬
can have other functions as well. For example, they can be the predicate of a non-verb sentence,
as in:

.‫המנצח הו א מ_י _שעובב _רא_שון _א_ת לןו ה סי נם‬ -C

The winner is the person who crosses the finish line first.
the one who / whoever...

In a verb sentence, they can serve (among other things) as an indirect object, as in:

♦‫ש ל ח תי מכתב ל(כל)_מי_שבשם_ את_שמו_ בכשימה‬ ‫>*־‬

I sent a letter to everyone who wrote his/her name on the list.
anyone who / whoever...

♦‫בישיבה נדבר ג(ל_כ_ל_מס _שקורה_בשכונס _הינם‬

At the meeting we will speak about everything that is happening today in the neighborhood.

X. Adding Clauses / 2. Sentences with ‫ (כל) מה ש־‬,-‫)כל) מי ש‬

Here are examples of ‫ (כל ) מי ש ־‬and - ‫ (כל) מה ש‬as direct objects :2

.‫אני זוכרת את_ (כל )_מ י_שלמד איתי_בבית_וזספכ היסודי‬ .1

I remember everyone who studied with me in elementary school.
all the people who...

♦‫ תיקחו את_ (כל )_מה ש_שי!ך_לכם‬,‫ א‬2

Take everything that belongs to you.
anything that / whatever ...
*‫ך_ לכם‬1‫ תיקחו (כ ל ) _מה ששי‬.‫ב‬

As you can see in sentence 1, when ‫ ) כל ) מי ש ־‬is the direct object, ‫ את‬appears before it. This
is often the case when - ‫ ) כל ) מה ש‬is the direct object (as in sentence 2‫) א‬, but sometimes ‫ את‬is
omitted in such sentences (12).

Want to see if you've understood?


1. Everyone who was at the parly ate and danced.

2. The salesman gave a receipt to everyone who paid.

3. Yossi and his friends ate everything that was in the refrigerator.

4. Whoever wants to come with us on Shabbatcan call us tomorrow.

5. We ( know everyone who came on (lit.: participated in) the trip.

. ‫ המ וכר נתן קבלה לכל מי שש ילם‬.2 .‫ כל מי שה יה במס יבה אכל ורקד‬.1
. ‫ ההבר ים של ו) אכל ו (את ) כל מה שה יה במקרר‬:or ( ‫ יוסי וחבריו‬.3
. ‫ לטלפ ן ) אלינו מחר‬/ ‫ (כל) מי שר וצה לב וא איתנו בשבת יכול להתקשר (לצלצל‬.4
. ‫ אנחנו מכ יר ים את כל מי שהשתתף בטיול‬.5

2 See the chapter "The Direct Object and the Use of ‫את‬," pp. 697-704.

X. Adding Clauses / 2. Sentences with -‫ (בל) מה ש‬,-‫)כל) מי ש‬

• ‫ )פל) מי ש ־‬and ‫ )כל) מה ש ־‬that are not the subject o f

their own clause
Now let's look at "- ‫ מי ש‬and - ‫ מה ש‬clauses" themselves, without regard for whether the clause
functions as the subject, the object, etc. Compare the underlined clauses in the following two

Whoever learned the material succeeded on the test. .‫־‬ ‫ מי ע\למד_את ה ה! מ ד הצליח בבח י נה‬. 1<SC

.2. ‫כננע< נמצא עכשיו בכיתה‬8 ‫ גליג‬1 ‫מי _שר&נ^לכנ_דיבוס‬

The person about whom the director spoke yesterday is now in the classroom.

Q: What is the subject of the verb that follows - ‫ ש‬in each of these clauses?

A: In sentence 1, the subject of ‫ למד‬is ‫מי‬. In sentence 2, however, the subject of the verb ‫דיברה‬
is not ‫מי‬, but rather ‫המנהלת‬. When this is the case (i.e., when ‫ מי‬is not the subject of the
clause), we usually find in the clause a preposition with an ending - like ‫עליו‬. The ending
on the preposition refers back to ‫מי‬. Thus, the ending on ‫ עליו‬in sentence 2 refers back to
‫ מי‬and matches it (both are masculine singular):
.‫כננע< נמצא פה עכשיו‬8 _‫נ[ננזלכנ_דיבבה_על_יו‬1‫מ! _שו‬

This sentence is very similar to sentences in which we add information to a noun, for example:

.‫הבחור שה_מנהלת_דיבכה _עליו_ אתמ!ל נמצא פה עכשיו‬

The person about whom the director spoke yesterday is here now.

Here ‫ עליו‬refers to ‫( הבחור‬it means: ‫ ) על הבחור‬and matches it.3

‫מה‬, too, can be followed by a clause of which it is not the subject, for example:

what you are sitting on is not a chair. .‫מה_שאת_י_ושבת_^ליו אינו כיסא‬ **C

Here, the clause after -‫ ש‬has its own subject (‫)את‬, and ‫ עליו‬refers back to :‫מ ה‬

‫מה_שאת_י_ושבת_עלינ אינו כיסא‬. -<

This sentence is similar to the following sentence:

The thing that you are sitting on (lit. : it) is not a chair..5>■ ‫הדבר ש_א_ת יושבת_עלינ אינו כיסא‬C

3 In the chapter"Clauses that Add Inform ation to Nouns" ( ‫)משפטי לוואי‬, pp. 865-869, we call this a Type B added
clause, while sentence 1 above resembles what we call a Type A added clause.

X. Adding Clauses / 2. Sentences with ‫ (כל) מה ש־‬,-‫)כל) מי ש‬

‫ עליו‬in the second sentence refers back to ‫ הדבר‬just as ‫ עליו‬refers back to ‫ מה‬in the previous

Here are some more examples of prepositions that refer back to ‫ )כל) מי‬or ‫)כל) מה‬:

Throw away anything / everything that you didn't use (lit.: it). . ‫בותזרקו את_ כל מה_ של א_ה ש ת משתם‬
Did you catch the person you were chasing? ‫תפסת‬
Everyone to whom I turned helped me. .‫כל _מ_י_שפניתי_אלמ עזר לי‬

When the preposition in the clause after ‫ מי‬or ‫ מה‬is ‫) את‬...‫ אותה‬,‫) אותו‬, it is usually omitted:

Choose the person / whomever you want. ‫שאת רוצה‬. ‫תבחרי במי‬
Buy what you like. ‫תקנו את_ מה שאתם_אוהב*ם‬

Want to see if you've understood?

Transl ate usi ng ‫ )כל) מי ש ־‬or ‫)כל) מה ש ־‬.

1. They forgot w h a t we s a id .

2. W e have stayed in touch with everyone w e've worked with.

3. O nly the people to whom we sent an invitation w ill be able to come in.

4. Sarah's parents bought her everything she wanted.

. ‫ נשארנ ו בקשר עם כל מי שעבד נ ו איתו‬.2 . ‫ הם שכח ו (את ) מה שאמרנ ו‬.1
. ‫ הה ור ים של שרה קנו לה (את ) כל מה שה יא רצתה‬.4 . ‫ רק מי ששלח נ ו לו ה זמנה יוכל להיכנס‬.3

3 Reporting Speech, Thoughts or
Feelings ‫דיבור עקיף‬

• Reporting statements (.(‫ה רופ א אמר ל חולה שאין סיבה לדאגה‬

‫ ״‬Reporting questions (.(‫דויד ש אל א ם נבוא מ ח ר‬

‫ ״‬Reporting requests, suggestions and commands
(. ‫) ה ס ט ו ד נ ט ביקש שהמו ר ה תדבר ל א ט יותר‬

Here is an excerpt from a phone conversation between Noa Cohen's ninth-grade teacher and
Noa's mother.
Teacher: Hello. Mrs. Cohen, 1'd like (lit.: 1 want) .‫ אני רוצה לקבו ע איתך פגישה‬,‫ גב׳ כהן‬,‫ שלום‬:‫המורה‬
to set up a meeting with you.
Mrs. Cohen: Oh? What do you want to speak with me about? ?‫ כן? על מ ה א ת רוצה לדבר אי תי‬:‫גברת כהן‬
Teacher: I'm sorry, it's not for the phone. .‫ זה לא לטלפון‬,‫ אני מצ ט ע ר ת‬:‫המורה‬
Mrs. Cohen: Okay. Can we meet on Monday? ?‫ נוכל להיפגש ביום שני‬.‫ טוב‬:‫גברת כהן‬
Teacher: Yes. Please come with Noa. .‫ ע ם נועה‬,‫ בבקשה‬,‫ תבואי‬.‫ כן‬:‫המורה‬
Mrs. Cohen: Fine, then we'll meet on Monday. .‫ אז ניפגש ביום שני‬.‫ בסדר גמור‬:‫גברת כהן‬

Noa, the daughter, is obviously very anxious and tells her best friend about the phone call. Noa
‫ אי מ א שלי ה תפל אה ו שאלה‬.‫המורה צלצלה ל אי מ א שלי ואמרה לה שהיא רוצה לקבו ע אי ת ה פגישה‬ -C
‫ אי מ א שלי שאלה‬.‫ שזה לא לטלפון‬,‫ המורה ענ ת ה שהיא מצ ט ע ר ת‬.‫א ת המורה על מ ה היא רוצה לדבר‬
1.‫ והמורה ענ ת ה שכן וביקשה שגם אני אבוא לפגישה‬,‫א ם הן יוכלו להיפגש ביום שני‬

The teacher called my mother and told her that she wanted to set up a meeting with her. My mother
was a bit surprised and asked the teacher what she wanted to speak about. The teacher answered that
she was sorry, that she couldn't tell her over the phone (lit.: it wasn't for the phone). My mother asked
if they could meet on Monday, and the teacher said that they could and asked that I, too, come to the

1 A note on punctuation in reported speech: You may encounter texts in which a comma is placed after the
verb and before -‫ ש‬in a sentence like:.‫ שהיא רוצה לדבר עם אימא של התלמידה‬,‫המורה אמרה‬. This was the proper
punctuation according to older rules. According to the updated punctuation rules published by The Academy
of the Hebrew Language, 1994, p. 13, such a sentence would not have a comma.

X. Adding Clauses / 3. Reporting Speech, Thoughts or Feelings

In this chapter we will look at the differences between the direct speech of the conversation
itself and the reporting of the conversation by Noa (in reported or indirect speech ).

• Reporting statements
Using ‫ ש־‬before reported speech
The conversation between Noa's teacher and mother consists of statements, questions and
suggestions. First let's examine how statements in the conversation (= direct speech) are
reported by Noa (= indirect speech).

direct speech : "I want to setup a meeting with you. ‫״‬ .‫ אני רוצה לקבוע איתך פגישה‬:‫המורה‬

reported (indirect) speech : .‫המורה‬ ‫אמרה לאימ א שלי שהיא רוצה לקבוע אי ת ה פגישה‬
The teacher told my mother that she wanted to set up a meeting with her.
(lit.: The teacher said to my mother that she wanted to set up a meeting with her.)

The daughter begins her report by saying: ‫( המורה אמרה ש־‬The teacher said that...). The verb of
speech (thought, feeling, etc.)2 can be varied and may include verbs such as:

‫דיווח‬/ ‫מסר‬ ‫כתב‬ ‫הרגיש‬ ‫האמין‬ ‫חשב‬ ‫קיווה‬ ‫טען‬ ‫הודיע‬ ‫ענה‬ ‫הסביר‬ ‫סיפר‬ ‫אמר‬
reported wrote felt believed thought hoped claimed announced answered explained told / said

When we report statements in Hebrew using verbs like these, the verb is always followed by

The teacher said (that) she wanted to meet with her. .‫רה שהיא רוצה להיפגש אי תה המורה‬

The teacher said (that) it wasn't for the phone. .‫ענ ת ה שזה לא לטלפון המורה‬

Noa's mother hoped (that) everything was okay. .‫אימא של נועה קיוו תה שהכול בסדר‬

2 All references in this chapter to speech (reported speech, verbs o f speech, etc.) refer also to thoughts, feelings
and the like.
3 The verbs ‫ אמר‬and ‫ סיפר‬can both be translated as said or told depending on the context. It is difficult to define
exactly when ‫ סיפר‬can be used instead of ‫ אמר‬and when it can't. It seems that ‫ סיפר‬is often used when a story
can be told about what is being reported, as in:
I told Yossi that we took a trip to the Negev last week. .‫«• סיפרתי ליוסי שטיילנו בנגב בשבוע שעבר‬
We could also use ‫ אמרתי‬in this sentence. However, in the following sentence we can only use ‫ אמר‬and not
The teacher told my mother that she wanted to meet with her. .‫ המורה אמרה לאימא שהיא רוצה להיפגש איתה‬c
4 In Hebrew grammar books, the clause attached to -‫ ש‬in these sentences is called ‫( פסוקית מושא‬object clause)
or ‫כן‬1‫( פסוקית ת‬content clause).

X. A dding Clauses / 3. Reporting Speech, Thoughts or Feelings

In contrast, in English the parallel word - th a t- is optional in reported speech. For this reason,
English speakers have to be particularly careful always to use - ‫ ש‬when reporting speech,
thoughts or feelings.

Did you know?

Using ‫ כי‬instead of -‫ש‬
In formal (written) Hebrew ‫ כי‬is often used instead of - ‫ ש‬for reporting speech,
as in:
.‫> י שר החוץ הישראלי אמר כי בקרוב ייפגש עם שר החוץ של צרפת‬
The Israeli foreign minister said that he would meet soon with the foreign minister of
.‫בני הזוג הודיעו לנו כי אינם מעוניינים לקנות את הדירה‬
The couple informed us that they were not interested in buying the apartment.

This use of ‫ כי‬is generally not found in spoken Hebrew !

Remember: W hen ‫ כי‬appears after a verb o f speech (thought or feeling), it

means - ‫( ש‬that), not because.

Changing the persons

:Let's go back now to the original sentence

direct speech. "I want to set up a meeting with you." .‫תך פגישה‬
.‫המורה אמרה לאימא שהיא רוצה לקבוע איתה פגישה‬
reported speech : The teacher told my mother that she wanted to set up a meeting with her.

Since the teacher spoke in the first person (‫)אני‬, when Noa reported what she had said, she
changed ‫( אני‬I) to ‫( היא‬she). The word ‫( איתה‬with her) has also been changed from the original ‫איתך‬
(with you). We make these same changes of person in English as well.

5 The same usage of ‫ כי‬instead of -‫ ש‬in formal (written) Hebrew can follow not only verbs of speech (like
‫)הודיעו‬, but also their verbal nouns (i.e., ‫)הודעה‬, as in:
.‫ קיבלנו את ההודעה שבני הזוג מעוניינים לקנות את הדירה‬-«
(formal ) .‫= קיבלנו את ההודעה כי בני הזוג מעוניינים לקנות את הדירה‬
We received the message that the couple was interested in buying the apartment.
X. Adding Clauses / 3. Reporting Speech, Thoughts or Feelings

The tense o f the reported speech

Now let's look at the tense of the sentence in the conversation (direct speech) and in Noa's

direct speech :"I want to set up a meeting with you ,‫אני רוצה לקבו ע איתך פגישה‬ : ‫המ ורה‬ ‫<•״‬£

reported speech: .‫המורה אמרה לאי מ א שהיא רוצה לקבוע אי תה פגישה‬

The teacher told my mother that she wanted to set up a meeting with her.

Q: When Noa reports what the teacher says, does she change the tense of the verb ‫?רוצה‬
A: No, in Hebrew there is no change in tense.

Q: Does the tense change in English?

A: Yes, want (present tense) changes to wanted (past tense).6

In Hebrew, the tense of the original, direct speech remains the same when it is reported.; Here
are some more examples. Notice the difference between the Hebrew, in which the tense of the
verb does not change in reported (indirect) speech, and the English, in which a change often
takes place.

reported speech direct speech

present present
same tense : .‫המורה אמרה לאימא שזה לא לטלפון‬ >= .‫* זה לא לטלפון‬.‫המורה‬
tense changes: The teacher told Mom that it wasn't for the phone. "It isn't for the phone."

past past
same tense : .‫גב׳ כהן אמרה לנועה שהמורה שלה התקשרה‬ 4= .‫המורה שלך התקשרה‬ :‫גב ' כהן‬
tense changes: Mrs. Cohen told Noa that her teacher had called. "Your teacher called."

future future
same tense : .‫גב' כהן אמרה למורה שהן ייפגשו ביום שני‬ >= .‫אז ניפגש ביום שני‬
:‫גב; כהן‬
tense changes‫׳‬. Mrs. Cohen told the teacher that they would meet on Monday. ‫״‬We'll meet on Monday."

6 English does not always change the tense of the quoted verb, especially when direct speech is reported
immediately. We could say (as in Hebrew): The teacher told my mother that she wants to set up a meeting with
7 See below for what happens when the verb is an imperative.

X. Adding Clauses / 3. Reporting Speech, Thoughts or Feelings

Be careful! Notice that with the following verbs the preposition -‫ ל‬alw ays comes
before the name (or other indication) of the person being addressed. This is not always
the case in English:
Doron told Miri (lit.: said to Miri) that the salad was excellent. .4‫־־‬ ‫■דורון אמר למירי שהסלט מציין‬C

Michael told us (lit.: said to us) that he had been fired. .‫מיכאל סיפר לנו שפיטרו אותו‬
‫שרה ענ ת ה ליעל שהיא לא תוכל לבוא לסרט‬.
Sarah told Yael (lit.: answered to Yael) that she couldn't come to the movie.

Time words in reported speech

Another change that may take place when changing from direct speech to reported (indirect)
speech concerns time expressions. For example, let's say that a w eek ago Mrs. Cohen told the
"We'll meet tomorrow." ."‫" ניפגש מחר‬
This is how we would report her words now:
Mrs. Cohen said (that) they would meet the next day. .‫גב' כהן אמרה שהן ייפגשו ל מ ח ר ת‬ ^

You can read more about time expressions like ‫ למחרת‬in the chapter "When Expressions"
(pp. 319-325).

Did you know?

Reporting speech using a passive verb
Speech, thoughts and feelings can also be reported using a passive verb, as in:

.‫ אתמול נאמר ששני הצדדים מעוניינים להגיע להסכם‬.‫> * ו‬

Yesterday it was said that the two sides are interested in reaching an agreement.

.‫ הוס כ ם שהפגישה תיערך ביום ראשון‬.2

It was agreed that the meeting would be held on Sunday.

When a passive verb like ‫ נאמר‬or ‫ הוס כם‬is used in reported speech, we do not
know who the speaker is. The passive verb of speech is masculine singular
since its subject is actually the whole clause that follows it:

(sentence ‫<* ששני הצדדים מעוניינים להגיע להסכם ( ו‬

(sentence 2) ‫שהפגישה תיערך ביום ראשון‬

We can think of these clauses as being the equivalent of ‫( זה‬this) or ‫( הדבר הזה‬this
thing) and, thus, as masculine singular.

X. A dding Clauses / 3. Reporting Speech, Thoughts o r Feelings

Let's review
When we report speech, thoughts or feelings in Hebrew (reported speech), we
must remember the following:

♦ We always use -‫( ש‬or ‫ כי‬in more formal Hebrew) after verbs of speech, thought
and feeling:

-‫רון אמר ש‬ ->

.‫הסרט ארוך מדיי‬ -‫רון חשב ש‬
-‫רון הרגיש ש‬
Ron said / thought / felt (that) the movie was too long.

♦ We often change the persons (as in English):

.‫רון אמר שהוא לא אוהב סרטים ארוכים‬ >= .‫אני לא אוהב סרטים ארוכים‬ :‫רון‬ -*>
Ron said that he didn't like long movies. "I don't like long movies."

♦ We don't change the tense of the sentence quoted

.‫רון אמר שהוא אוהב סרטים קצרים‬ >= .‫אני אוהב סרטים קצרים‬ :‫רון‬
Ron said that he liked short movies. "I like short movies."

Note that in English the tense often changes.

?W ant to see if you've understood

A . Change from direct to reported (indirect) speech. Use the verb indicated in
Exam ple : ]‫[אמרה‬ !‫ אתה נחמד מאוד‬:)‫רינה (ליונתן‬
. MO] (c? 0 1 (3 1 . (<‫ &(־‬jA jI’f >)J' 7

]‫[אמר‬ .‫במתמטיקה‬

]‫[סיפר‬ .‫ פתחו חנות חדשה בקניון‬:)‫או רי( לי ע ל‬ .2

] ‫[הודיעו‬ . ‫ א נח נ ו ר וצ ות ל נס וע לא ילת‬: )‫ סת י ו ומ יטל (לה ור יה ן‬.3

X. Adding Clauses / 3. Reporting Speech, Thoughts or Feelings

] ‫[ס יפר ו‬ . ‫ א יבדנ ו את הכד ור‬: ) ‫ת ומר ואב י (ל י ואב‬ .4

] ‫[אמרה‬ . ‫ אבד וק את הח ול ים בשעה חמש‬: ‫הר ופאה‬ .5

.‫ אורי ס יפר ל יעל שפתח ו חנ ות חדשה בקניון‬.2 . ‫ ה ילד אמר לאמ ו שב י ום של יש י יהיה לו מבח ן במתמט יקה‬.1
. ‫ ת ומר ואבי סיפרו ליואב שהם איבדו את הכדור‬.4 . ‫סת י ו ומ יטל הודיעו להוריהן שה ן רוצות לנס וע לאילת‬ .3
. ‫הר ופאה אמרה ש (ה יא ) תבד וק את הח ול ים בשעה חמש‬ .5

B. Translate the fo llo w in g into Hebrew. (Remember: The tense in H ebrew does not

Example: (The guests: "It is permitted to smoke there.") .‫ מ ותר לעש ן שם‬: ‫הא ורח ים‬
The guests thought it w as permitted to smoke there.

) The boy: "M y tummy hurts."( . ‫הבט ן‬

.The boy said that his tummy hurt _____________________________________________

The pianist: "I'll play a sonata by Beethoven( ."( . ‫ אנגן ס ו נטה של בטה וב ן‬: ‫ הפס נתר ן‬.2

.The pianist said he w ould play a sonata by Beethoven

Dana: "I will do well on the exam( ."( . ‫ אני אצל יח במבח ן‬: ‫ דנה‬.3

.Dana believed she w ould do w ell on the exam _______________________________

Yonatan said: "My parents were born in France(."( . ‫ הוריי נולדו בצרפת‬:‫ יונתן‬.4

Yonatan told us that his parents w ere born in France . _________________________

. ‫ יש מכ יר ות ס וף ע ו נה בכל החנו י ות‬:‫ דני‬.5

(Danny: "There are end-of-the-season sales in all the stores.")
Danny told us there w ere end-of-the-season sales in all the stores.

. ‫ הפס נתר ן אמר ש (ה וא ) ינגן ס ו נטה של בטהובן‬.2 . ‫ה ילד אמר שכ ואבת לו הבטן‬ .1
. ‫ אמר לנו שה ור י ו נולדו בצרפת‬/ ‫ יונתן ס יפר‬.4 . ‫דנה האמ י נה ש (ה יא ) תצל יח במבחן‬ .3
.‫ ס יפר לנו ש יש מכ יר ות ס וף עונה בכל החנויות‬/ ‫דני אמר‬ .5

X. Adding Clauses / 3. Reporting Speech, Thoughts or Feelings

• Reporting questions
In the conversation at the beginning of this chapter, Mrs. Cohen asked the teacher:

direct speech. "What do you want to speak with me about?" "?‫" ע ל מה את ר וצה לדבר א ית י‬ •<<C

This is how this question would be reported:

reported speech. .‫גב ׳ כה ן שא לה את המ ורה ע ל מה ה יא ר וצה לדבר א יתה‬

Mrs. Cohen asked the teacher what she wanted to speak with her about.

In reported questions we simply state the question - including the question word - after saying
‫ ״‬. ‫ ה יא שאלה‬/ ‫ה וא שא ל‬. Just as in English, there is no ‫( ש ־‬that) in a reported question.

. ‫גב ׳ כה ן שא לה על מה ה יא ר וצה לדבר א יתה‬ 4= ?‫ ע ל מה את ר וצה לדבר א ית י‬:‫גב' כהן‬

Reported questions resemble reported statements in that:

1. The person often changes (as in English):

. ‫גב; כה ן שא לה את המ ורה על מה ה יא ר וצה לדבר א יתה‬ >= ?‫ על מה את ר וצה לדבר איתי‬:‫גב ' כהן‬
Mrs. Cohen asked the teacher what she wanted to speak "What do you want to speak with me about?"
with her about.

2. The tense doesn't change in Hebrew (as opposed to English):

present present
. ‫גב ׳ כה ן שא לה את המ ורה על מה ה יא ר וצה לדבר א יתה‬ >= ?‫ על מה את ר וצה לדבר א ית י‬:‫גב ' כהן‬
past present
Mrs. Cohen asked the teacher what she wanted to speak "What do you want to speak with me about?"
with her about.

Here are some more examples of reported questions (with one possible translation):

reported speech direct speech

.‫ גב׳ כהן שאלה מה הבעיה‬4 =

.‫=> המורה שאלה מתי הן יוכלו להיפגש‬
.‫גב׳ כהן שאלה את המורה למה היא רוצהלהיפגש איתה‬ >=?‫איתי‬

Mrs. Cohen asked what the problem was.‫״‬What's the problem ?"
The teacher asked when they could meet. "When can we meet ?" .
Mrs. Cohen asked the teacher why she wanted to meet with her. "Why do you want to meet with me ?" .3

X. A dding Clauses / 3. Reporting Speech, Thoughts o r Feelings

Reporting ”yes/no" questions

"Yes/no" questions in Hebrew are also reported in the same way as in English, for example:

.‫{ =< גב׳ כהן שאלה אם הן יוכלו להיפגש ביום שני‬form al) ?‫ האם נוכל להיפגש ביום שני‬:‫ כהן‬,‫גב‬ -<
{informal) ?‫נוכל להיפגש ביום שני‬ :01‫־‬
Mrs. Cohen asked if they could meet on Monday. "Can we meet on Monday?"
or: whether (lit.: "Will we be able to meet on Monday?")

As you can see, when we report a "yes/no" question, we add ‫ אם‬after a form of the verb ‫שאל‬.
We do this whether the question in direct speech begins with the word ‫ האם‬or not.8

Be careful! Notice the preposition after the verb :‫שא ל‬

‫גב׳ כהן שאלה את המורה אם הן יוכלו להיפגש ביום שני‬. ■<C

Mrs. Cohen asked the teacher whether they could meet on Monday.

Only the verb ‫ שאל‬requires ‫את‬, while other verbs of speech (e. g. , ...‫ ע נה‬,‫ סיפר‬, ‫ )אמר‬require
-‫ ל‬before the name (or other indication) of the person being addressed.

Let's review
♦ When we report questions (except for "yes/no" questions), we simply insert the
question word after ‫שאל‬, as in:

.‫=> דויד שאל מה השעה‬ ?‫ מה השעה‬:‫דויד‬ >

.‫ מתי האורחים הגיעו? => יואב שאל מתי האורחים הגיעו‬:‫יואב‬

♦ When we report "yes/no" questions, we use ‫ א ם‬:

.‫ » דויד שאל את גיל אם הוא בא לטיול‬3 ?‫ אתה בא לטיול‬,‫ גיל‬:‫דויד‬ ‫>״‬

^Sk As in all reported speech, when we report questions we often change the person
(e.g., ‫ אתה‬becomes ‫)הוא‬, but we do not change the tense.

8 On the use of ‫האם‬, see the chapter "Asking Questions," p. 808.

‫‪X. Adding Clauses / 3. Reporting Speech, Thoughts or Feelings‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪Change from direct to reported questions.‬‬

‫אורי(לנהג האוטובוס)‪ :‬איפה המוזאון?‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫אורי‪ :‬באיזו תחנה אני צריך לרדת?‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫אורי‪ :‬אפשר לראות את המוזאון מהתחנה?‬ ‫‪.3‬‬

‫רן‪ :‬מה הבעיהז‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫מיטל‪ :‬שרה‪ ,‬כמה ילדים יש לך?‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫טליה‪ :‬ילדים‪ ,‬ראיתם את דנית?‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫המורה החדשה‪ :‬למי אין ס פ ת‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫אורי שאל את נהג הא וט וב וס א יפה המוזאון‪ .2 .‬אורי שאל באיזו תח נה ה וא צריך לרדת ‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫אורי שאל אם אפשר לרא ות את המוזאון מהתח נה ‪ .4 .‬רן שאל מה הבעיה ‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫‪ 5‬מ יטל שאלה את שרה כמה ילדים יש לה‪ .6 .‬טל יה שאלה את ה ילד ים אם הם רא ו את דנית‪.‬‬
‫המ ורה החדשה שאלה למ י אין ספר ‪.‬‬ ‫‪.7‬‬

‫‪• Reporting requests, suggestions and commands‬‬

‫‪In the original conversation, Noa Cohen's teacher made a request of Noa's mother:‬‬

‫)"?‪ (lit.: "Come with Noa, okay‬״‪"Please come with Noa.‬‬ ‫המורה‪ :‬תבו אי עם נועה‪ ,‬בסדר?‬

X. Adding Clauses / 3. Reporting Speech, Thoughts or Feelings

In her (non-literal) report of the conversation, Noa used the verb ‫( ביקשה‬requested, asked) to
indicate that a request had been made and said:
The teacher asked that 1, too, come to the meeting. .‫לפגישה‬ ‫אב וא‬ ‫המורה ביקשה שגם אני‬

The reporting of the teacher's request in this sentence is very similar to the reporting of statements
described in the first part of this chapter. Note that when a future tense verb is used in the
request (here: ‫)תבואי‬, its tense remains the same in reported speech (‫)אב וא‬. This is not the case
in English, where neither of these verbs is in the future tense.

Since requests always refer to something that is to be done in the future, the verb ‫ ביקש‬- when
followed by -‫ ש‬- is always followed by a clause with a verb in the future tense 9 Thus, even when
a request is expressed in direct speech with an imperative (as it is in English), the imperative is
changed to a future tense verb in reported speech in Hebrew. Here's an example:
direct speech: .‫ ונדבר אז‬,‫ בבקשה‬,‫ביום שני‬ ‫ ב וא י‬:‫המורה‬ ^
"Come in on Monday, if you would, and we'll talk then."

reported speech : ...‫ביום שני‬ ‫תב וא‬ ‫המ ורה ביקשה שאימא‬
The teacher asked that Mom come in on Monday..

There exist several other ways of reporting requests, suggestions and commands, such as:
...‫המורה ביקשה מאימא לבוא ביום שני‬ ->

This and other variations will be discussed in the next chapter ("Expressing Desire").

Let’s review
♦ In this section we have discussed one of the ways of reporting requests,
suggestions and commands: with a form of the verb ‫ ביקש‬+ -‫ ש‬+ a clause with
a future tense verb.
r e p o r te d sp e e c h d ir e c t s p e e c h

.‫איתו לקניון‬ ‫תב וא‬ ‫רון ביקש ששירי‬ >?= .‫ בבקשה‬,‫תב וא י איתי לקניון‬ :)‫רון(ל שירי‬ ->
.‫איתו לקניון‬ ‫תב וא‬ ‫רון ביקש ששירי‬ >= .‫ בבקשה‬,‫ב וא י איתי לקניון‬
Ron asked that Sliiri come with him to the mall. "Please come with me to the mall!"

9 For more verbs that are always followed by a clause with a future tense verb, see the next chapter "Expressing
Desire." pp. 894-900.

‫‪X. Adding Clauses /‬‬ ‫‪3. Reporting Speech, Thoughts or Feelings‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪Change from direct speech to reported speech. Use the verb that appears in brackets.‬‬

‫[ביק שה ש ‪] -‬‬ ‫מיכל (ל חברו ת של ה)‪ :‬ת תק שרו אליי בעשר‪ ,‬טוב?‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫[ביק ש ש ‪] -‬‬ ‫אבא ( לי ל די ם)‪ :‬בו או הביתה מו קד ם!‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫‪Answers :‬‬
‫‪ .1‬מיכל ביקשה שהחברות שלה יתקשרו אליה בעשר‪ : or ( .‬מיכל ביקשה מהחברות שלה שיתקשרו אליה בעשר‪).‬‬
‫‪ .2‬אבא ביקש שהילדים יבואו הביתה מוקדם‪ : or ( .‬אבא ביקש מהילדים שיבואו הביתה מוקדם‪).‬‬

Q Expressing Desire
‫ ״‬Adding a clause to express a desire or a request (.(‫א נ י ר וצה שת ב ו א א ית י ל ס ר ט‬

‫ ״‬Adding a clause to make a suggestion or a recommendation

(. ‫)א נ י מצ י ע שתט י יל ו בצפ ו ן הא רץ‬

• Adding a clause to express a desire or a request

Read the following set of sentences:

Set 1
1 want to hear Prof. Sadan' s lecture. .‫א נ י ר וצה לש מ ו ע א ת ה ה ר צ א ה ש ל פר ופ ׳ ס ד ן‬ •‫<־‬

1 a m aski ng (requesting) to leave class early. .‫א נ י מ ב ק ש ל צ א ת מ ו ק ד ם מ ן הש יע ור‬

I demand to speak wi t h the director / principal. .‫א נ י ד ורש לדבר ע ם המ נ ה ל‬

Q: What do these sentences have in common (aside from their subject ‫?)אני‬

A: Each sentence contains a verb that expresses a desire of the speaker: ‫ ד ורש‬, ‫ מ ב קש‬, ‫ר וצה‬
followed by an infinitive that expresses the content o f the desire: ‫ ל דבר‬, ‫ לצאת‬, ‫ לשמ ו ע‬.

We mentioned this structure in the chapter "Sentences with Infinitives" (pp. 754-756).1 It is one
way in which we express desire in Hebrew. The corresponding English sentences are built in
the same way.

Now let's look at a different structure used to express desire, requests and the like:

Set 2
. ‫א נ י לא ר וצה ש ת פ ת ח ו א ת ה מ ת נ ות עכש י ו‬ >
I don' t want you to open (lit.: that you will open) the presents now.

.‫אני מ ב ק ש ש ת ב דו ק שו ב א ת ה ח ש בון‬
I am asking you to check (lit.: that you will check) the account again.
.‫אני דו ר ש ש ה מו כ ר י חזי ר לי א ת הכסף‬
I demand that the salesman return (lit.: will return) my money.

1 Technically speaking, the infinitive added 10 some of the verbs of desire is actually a kind of clause. In this
unit, however, we are concentrating on clauses that are added with -‫ש‬.

X. Adding Clauses / 4. Expressing Desire

Q: What verb form appears instead of an infinitive in the second part of these sentences?
A: A verb in the future tense: ‫ יצאו‬,‫ תבדוק‬,‫ תפתחו‬. This verb is part of a clause that is added
with -‫ ש‬to the verb of desire, and it is always in the future tense.2 This is quite logical
since the desire is for something in the future. Notice that the English equivalents of these
clauses do not contain future tense verbs.

We might ask: How do we know when to use the structure in Set 1 ("verb + infinitive") and
when to use the structure in Set 2 ("verb + ‫ ש־‬+ future")? In order to answer this question we
have to look at the subjects of the verbs.

First let's look at Set I.

Q: What is the subject of ‫ רוצה‬in ‫אני רוצה לשמוע‬, and who will do the hearing?
A: The subject of ‫ רוצה‬is ‫אני‬. The one who will do the hearing is also ‫אני‬. The clauses share the
same subject: ‫ אני אשמע‬, ‫( אני רוצה‬I want, I will hear).

This is also the case in the rest of the sentences in Set 1:

I am asking to leave class early. .‫אני מבקש לצאת מוקדם יותר מן השיעור‬
I am asking / 1 will leave class. .‫ אני אצא מן השיעור‬/ ‫אני מבקש‬
I demand to speak with the director / principal. .‫אני דורש לדבר עם המנהל‬
I demand / 1 will speak with him. .‫ אני אדבר עם המנהל‬/ ‫אני דורש‬

Now let's look again at a sentence from Set 2 above:

?‫אני לא רוצה שתפתחו את המתנות עכשיו‬ *‫>־‬

Q: Who are the subjects of the verbs in this sentence?

A: The subject of ‫ רוצה‬is ‫אני‬. The subject of ‫ תפתחו‬is ‫אתם‬. The subjects are different. This is
the case in all the sentences with ‫ש־‬. Here are some more examples from Set 2 above:
1am asking that you check the account again. . ‫״־‬ ‫ק שוב את החשב ו ן‬
lam asking/You will check... ...‫ אתה תבדוקאני‬/ ‫מבקש‬

1 demand that the salesman return my money. .‫דורש שהמוכר יחזיר לי את הכסף אני‬
I demand / The salesman will return... ...‫ המוכז* יחזיראני‬/ ‫ד ורש‬

2 In Hebrew grammar books, the clause attached to -‫ ש‬in these sentences is called ‫( פסוקית מושא‬object clause)
or ‫כן‬1‫( פסוקית ת‬content clause).
X. Adding Clauses / 4. Expressing Desire

Thus, we see that when the subject of the verb of desire or request (‫״‬.‫ דורש‬,‫ מבקש‬,‫ )רוצה‬is the
same as that of the second verb, Hebrew uses the structure "verb + infinitive" as in:
‫ ״‬. ‫א נ י ר וצה לשמ וע‬

When the subject of the verb of desire or request and the subj ect of the second verb are different,
Hebrew usually uses the structure "verb + ‫ ש־‬+ future ," as in:3
...‫א נ י ר וצה ש את ה תשמ ע‬

Here are more verbs and some adjectives that can be followed by "‫ש־‬ + future" :4
1 want you to write to me more about this topic. . ■‫״‬ ‫שתכתב ו ל י ע וד ע ל ה נ ושא ה זה‬ ‫מעוניין‬ ‫■*א נ י‬C

1 expect / am expecting you to come soon. .‫שתב וא ו בקר ובא נ י‬ ‫מצפה‬

I prefer that you answer me by email. .‫שתע נ ו ל י בא י ־מ י יל א נ י‬ ‫מעדיף‬
or: I prefer for you to answer me by email.

1 am not willing for you to tell me what to do. .‫לא מוכן שת ג יד ו ל י מה לעש ות אנ י‬
or: I am not willing to have you tell me what to do.

As you can see, the English translations of these sentences are not always parallel to the Hebrew.
Thus, it is important to learn and use the Hebrew sentence structure rather than trying to translate
directly from English.

Note: The verb of desire in sentences like these can be in any tense, for example:
. ‫ש נ יפ גש מ וקדם בב וקר‬ ‫תרצה‬ / ‫רצתה‬ / ‫רוצה‬ ‫של ומ ית‬
Shlomit wants / wanted / will want us to meet early in the morning.

Did you know?

...‫ וצה‬1 ‫ה י ית י‬ (I would like...)
The Hebrew equivalent‫ ־‬of I would like or I would have liked ... is ...‫ה י ית י ר וצה‬.
Here are some exampl es:

i woul d like to be a doctor. .‫לה י ות ר ופא‬ ‫הייתי רוצה‬ .‫ו‬

We woul d like you to come visit tomorrow. .2. ‫שתב וא ו לבקר מחר‬ ‫היינו רוצים‬

3 Another possible structure used with verbs of request - but not with ‫ רוצה‬- is discussed in "Did you know?"
below. Still another possibility - ...‫ אני מבקש מדני שיבדוק‬- is beyond the scope of this book.
4 These can also be followed by an infinitive when the subjects of the two verbs are the same, for example:
I want to correspond with interesting people. .‫< אני מעוניין להתכתב עם אנשים מעניינים‬
I expect to see you soon. .‫אני מצפה לראות אתכם בקרוב‬

X. Adding Clauses / 4. Expressing Desire

As you can see, here too either an infinitive (sentence 1) or "- ‫ ש‬+ future"
(sentence 2) can foi i ow ...‫ ה י י ת י רוצה‬.

Let's review
♦ When we desire 01‫ ־‬request that someone else do something, we usually add to
the verb of desire -‫ ש‬and a clause with a future tense verb:

.‫אני רוצ ה שתלמד‬ >= ‫ אתה תלמד‬/ ‫אני רוצה‬ -<

This is different from sentences in which the subjects o f the verb of desire and
the verb in the second part of the sentence are the same. In such a case we use
an infinitive
.‫ אני אלמד => אני רוצה ללמוד‬/ ‫ אני רוצה‬-*>

Want to see if you've understood?

Translate the follow ing sentences into Hebrew.

1. My friends want to fly to China this year.

2. Gaiia wants you (m.s.) to visit her.

3. Are you ( m . p l . ) willing to answer a few questions?

4. We ask that you ( turn off your cell phones before the performance.

5. The workers are demanding that their boss meet with them immediately.

X. Adding Clauses / 4. Expressing Desire

6. Are you (m.s.) interested in registering for the new course? (or: Do you want
to register...)

7. Our teacher expects us to do all the homework.

.‫ גליה רוצה שתבקר אותה‬.2 .‫החברים שלי רוצים לטוס לסין השנה‬ .1
?‫(האם) אתם מוכנים לענות על כמה שאלות‬ .3
.‫הטלפונים הסלולריים לפני ההצגה‬/‫אנחנו מבקשים שתכבו את הפלאפונים‬ .4
?‫ (האם) אתה מעוניין להירשם לקורס החדש‬.6 .‫תובעים שהבוס ייפגש איתם מיד‬/‫העובדים דורשים‬ .5
5.‫המורה שלנו מצפה שנעשה את כל שיעורי הבית‬ .7

• Adding a clause to make a suggestion or a

The verbs ‫( להציע‬to suggest) and ‫( להמליץ‬to recommend) are semantically related to verbs of desire,
and they too may be followed by a clause with a future tense verb: "verb + ‫ ש־‬+future."Usually,
as with ‫ רוצה‬and ‫מבקש‬, this structure is used when the subjects of both verbs are different:
1 suggest that you write (lit.: will write) in pencil. .‫בעיפרון‬ ‫אני מציע שתכתוב‬
1 su g g est/ You will write... ... ‫ אתה תכתוב‬/ ‫אני מציע‬
‫אנחנו ממליצים שתראו את הסרט הקלסי של וודי אלן‬.
We recommend that you see (lit.: will see) the classic film by Woody Allen.
We recom m end/ You will see... ...‫אתם תראו‬ / ‫אנהנו ממליצים‬

But with verbs of suggestion this structure may also be used when the subjects are the same,
for example:
.‫שמואל מציע שהוא יקנה את הכרטיסים לסרט‬
Shmuel suggests that he buy the tickets for the movie.

As with verbs of desire, the verb of suggestion in these sentences can be in any tense:
.‫ אציע שתראו את הסרט של וודי אלן‬/ ‫ הצעתי‬/ ‫אני מציע‬
I suggest / suggested / will suggest that you see the film by Woody Allen.

5 Another possible translation is: .‫ המורה שלנו מצפה מאיתנו לעשות את כל שיעורי הבית‬. For a discussion of this
variation of the sentences in this exercise, see "Did you know?" below.

X. Adding Clauses / 4. Expressing Desire

Verbs like ‫ להציע‬and ‫ להמליץ‬can also be followed by an infinitive. For more on this structure, see
"Did you know?" below.

Did you know?

Using an infinitive with requests and suggestions for someone else

We actually have the option of using an infinitive to request that someone else
do something if we add - ‫( מ‬+ noun/ending) after a verb of request, as in:

1 a m aski ng y ou t o g o out si de / t o l eave. .‫א נ י מ ב ק ש מ מ ך ל צ א ת ה ח ו צ ה‬ • *sf

. ‫ה ב ו ס ד ו רש מ ה ע ו ב ד י ם לה ג יע ל ע ב ו ד ה ב זמ ן‬
The boss de man ds of hi s employees t hat they get t o wo r k on t i me.
(lit.: f r om hi s employees t o get . . . )

This structure may also be used with verbs of suggestion (6. ( ‫מ מ ל י ץ‬ , ‫מצ יע‬ However,
in this case - ‫( ל‬+ noun/ending) is added, as in:
. ‫א נ י ת מ י ד מ צ י ע לת י י ר ים ל ב ק ר במ ו זא ו ן‬ -‫<־‬
1 al ways suggest t o tourists t hat t hey vi si t t he museum.

. ‫ה מ ד ר י כ ה מ מ ל י צ ה ל ה ם ל ב ק ר ב כ ות ל‬
The guide r ecommends t hat they vi si t t he West er n Wal l .

After verbs of suggestion, -‫ל‬ and its noun or ending are sometimes omitted, as

1suggest vi si t i ng t he museum. .‫א נ י מ צ י ע ל ב ק ר ב מ ו ז א ו ן‬ ‫^ *־‬

The person making the suggestion in such sentences can include himself or
herself among those to whom he is making the suggestion, but - unlike in
sentences with ‫ ר ו צ ה‬or ‫ מ ב ק ש‬- the "subject" of the infinitive is never the same as
the subject of the verb of suggestion.

Note: We cannot add a preposition to ‫ר וצה‬ and various other verbs and
expressions of desire.‫׳‬

6 It should be noted that the structures "verb + -‫ל‬/-‫ מ‬+ in fin itiv e " and "verb + -‫ ש‬+ fu tu re " are not always
equivalent in meaning or connotation. For example, there is a difference between the following:
I expect that you'll tell me the truth. .‫ אני מצפה שתאמרו לי את האמת‬-«
I expect you to tell me the truth. .‫אני מצפה מכם לומר לי את האמת‬
7 For example, we cannot add a preposition to ‫( מעדיף‬prefer),‫( מעוניין‬want) and ‫( מוכן‬willing).

X. Adding Cla jses / 4 . Expressing Desire

Let's review
♦ Verbs of suggestion are often followed by -‫ ש‬and a clause containing a future
tense verb.

This structure is often used when the subjects are different, as in;

.‫כרטיסים לסרט החדש‬ ‫ש ת קנו‬ ‫=> אני מציע‬ ...‫ אתם ת קנו כ ר טי סי ם‬/ ‫אני מציע‬ ->

Unlike with ‫ רוצה‬and ‫מבקש‬, this structure can also be used when the subjects of
the two verbs are the same, as in:

.‫כרטיסים לסרט החדש‬ ‫יקנ ה‬ ‫=> שמואל מציע שהוא‬ ...‫ שמואל י קנ ה‬/ ‫>■ שמואל מציע‬.

Want to see if you've understood?

Translate the fo llo w in g sentences into H ebrew using a clause w ith ‫ ש־‬.

1. D avid suggested that w e g o to the n ew French m ovie.

2. Tamar recom m ends that w e travel in South A m e rica .

3. Do you (f.s.) suggest that w e buy an a p a rtm e n t in H aifa?

4. The d o c to r recom m ended that the p a tie n t stay a t hom e one more day.

.‫ תמר ממליצה שנטייל בדרום אמריקה‬.2 .‫ דויד הציע שנלך לסרט הצרפתי החדש‬.1
.‫ הרופא המליץ שהחולה יישאר עוד יום בבית‬.4 ?‫ את מציעה שנקנה דירה בחיפה‬.3


I. Defining Three Types ("Categories") of Sentences

Sentences with( ...‫ אחר פך‬...-‫״ אחרי ש‬.‫(אחרי‬

II. When?: Time Sentences ‫משפטי זמן‬

I II. Why?: Reason and Result Sentences ‫ צאה‬1‫משפטי סיבה ות‬

IV . In Order To: Sentences that State an Intended Purpose ‫משפטי תכלית‬

V. In Spite Of: Contrary to Expectation Sentences ‫משפטי ויתור‬

V I. Sentences of Comparison: Similarity and Difference ‫משפטי השוואה‬

T T : ‫־‬ •

V II. What If?: Conditional Sentences ‫משפטי תנאי‬

I. Defining Three Types
(”Categories‫ ) ״‬of Sentences
‫ ״‬Category I: One sentence containing a preposition and its noun /
"Adding a noun"
We had coffee fafter the movie). ,( ‫ש ת י נו ס פ ה ( א ח רי ה ס ר ט‬ *‘5‫׳‬C

• Category II: A base clause plus a connecting expression and its clause /
"Adding a clause "
We had coffee after we saw the movie. .£>■ ‫ש ת ינו ס פ ה א ח רי שו׳ א מו א ת ה ס ר ט‬

‫ ״‬Category 111: Two clauses joined by an expression containing a reference

back to the first
We saw‫ ׳‬a movie, and after that we had coffee. .‫ ש תי נו ס פ ה‬13 ‫ ו א ח ר‬.‫ראינו ס ר ט‬ ^

In this chapter we will examine three different structures in which information such as when,
why and the like is added to a sentence (or clause).1We refer to each o f the resulting sentence
structures as "Category I" sentences, "Category II" sentences and "Category III" sentences.

In the chapters that follow this one, we will focus on different kinds of information added
(i.e., information about time, aboutreason, etc.) and will see how the three categories of sentences
are used to convey this information. “ For a concise list of all the "connecting expressions"
(time expressions, reason expressions, etc.) discussed in this part of the book, see Appendix V,
pp. 1030-1032.

1 a. In this book, we have used the term clause to refer to smaller "sentences" that are combined to make up a
larger sentence.
b. Other ways in which such information is added are presented in the chapters on adverbials, pp. 300-349.
2 For ease of reference we have called each semantic group tim e sentences, reason sentences and so on. These
terms are usually not used in grammar books.

I. Defining Three Types ("Categories") of Sentences

• Category I: One sentence containing a

preposition and its noun / "Adding a noun ft
)...‫ בגלל הגשם‬,‫(אחדי הסרט‬
Let's start with a simple sentence:
We had (= drank) coffee.
Now let's add information:
We had coffee after the movie.

We had coffee in a restaurant..‫שתינו קפה במסעדה‬

.‫קפאין בגלל השעה המאותרת‬-‫שתינו קפה נטול‬

We had decaf coffee because of the late hour.

Q : What kind o f information have we added in each case?

A: We have added information about when (time), where (place) and why (the reason) we had

Q : What kinds o f words did we use to add this information?

A: In each case we added a preposition (‫ ) מ ילת יחס‬followed by a noun ( 3:( ‫שם עצם‬
‫שם עצם‬ + ‫מילת יחס‬
noun preposition


What kind of word comes after a preposition?

A s we saw above, the word after the preposition is a noun. This noun can be of several types:

It may be a lone noun:

after the movie ‫ז*ט‬0 ‫אחרי ה‬
to the supermarket ‫ מרקט‬1‫לסופ‬

3 This combination is called a prepositional phrase (‫)צירוף !סס‬.

I. Defining Three Types ("Categories") of Sentences

or an expanded noun:
1. a noun accompanied by one or more words (e.g., an adjective, another noun, etc.):
because of the final exam ‫בגלל ה ב חינ ה הסופית‬
with the neighbors' son ‫ע ם בן השכנים‬
(= the son of the neighbors)
like this boy ‫כמו הילד הזה‬

2. a noun followed by a clause that describes it:

to the house that is at the end of the street ‫לבית שנמצא בסוף הרתוב‬
for the students who are taking the course ‫ב ש ביל‬ ‫לומדים בקורס‬

The noun that follows a preposition - be it lone or expanded - can never be the first word of a
new clause. In order to understand what we mean, look at the following sentences:
I was late because of my roommate. .1. ‫איחרתי בגלל השותפה שלי‬
2. ‫*!איחרתי מפני שה שותפה_של_י_לא_ ה תעו_ררה_בזמ‬
I was late because my roommate didn't wake up on time.

The expanded noun ‫ השותפה שלי‬appears in both sentences; however, in sentence 2 it begins a
new clause. When we say that a preposition like ‫ בגלל‬is followed by a noun, we are referring to
a situation like the one in sentence 1 - where the noun does not begin a new clause - and not
to a situation like the one in sentence 2.

Note: Sometimes a pronoun {me, you...) is substituted for the noun that follows the preposition.
In Hebrew, the pronoun appears as an ending on the preposition, as in:
I was late because of her. .‫איחרתי בגלל ה‬

In this book we call sentences like sentence 1 above "Category I" sentences, i.e., one sentence
that contains a preposition and its noun (or pronoun).

Are Category I prepositions always followed by -7 \?

Let's look again at some of the Category I sentences that we saw above:
We had coffee after the movie. .‫*״־ שתינו קפה א ח רי הסרט‬sC
We had decaf coffee because of the late hour. .‫קפאין בגלל השעה המא וחרת‬-‫שתינ ו קפה נט ול‬

I. Defining Three Types ("Categories") of Sentences

Q: Are the nouns after the prepositions in the above sentences definite (specific) or
A: They are definite.

Prepositions in Category I sentences are often followed by a definite noun - either a noun with
­‫ ה‬attached to it (as in the sentences above) or a noun considered definite for other reasons,4
as in :
because of Maya... ....‫<■ בגלל מאיה‬iC
in spite of your request... 5...‫ל מ רו ת בקשתכם‬

However, there are cases when the noun after Category I prepositions is indefinite. This happens,
for example, when we are talking about something general, as in:6
.‫א ח רי פגישות עם אנשים מארצות אתרות אני תמיד מרגיש כמה העולם קטן‬
After meetings with people from other countries, I always feel how small the world is.

.‫בגלל איתורים חוזרים התלמיד נשלח הביתה‬

Because of repeated late arrivals to class, the student was sent home.

Be careful! Often the use of -‫ ה‬in Hebrew does not correspond to the use of the
in English. Even when there is no the in English, -‫ ה‬is often required in Hebrew, for
We arrived home before sunset. .‫הגענו הביתה לפני השקיעה‬

A noun or a clause?
Before we go on to the next section, it is important to make sure that you know the difference
between a noun and a clause (sentence).7

4 For example, names of people and places and nouns with endings are considered definite. For more details, see
the chapter "Definite and Indefinite Nouns," p. 57.
5 We are using the term prepositions to refer also to p a rticle s (‫ )מיליות‬like ‫ למרות‬and ‫ על אף‬to which we cannot
add an ending. See also Mordechai Ben Asher, 1974, pp. 285-294.
6 In these sentences the noun is actually defined to a certain extent by the addition of a phrase (e.g., ‫עם אנשים‬
‫ מארצות אחרות‬in the first sentence) or an adjective (e.g., ‫ חוזרים‬in the second sentence).
7 On the use of the terms clause and sentence in this book, see note 1 above.

I. Defining Three Types ("Categories") of Sentences

Try this:
Which of the following is a noun (lone or expanded) and which is a clause (sentence)? (Hint:
if you can put a period at the end, it is a clause / sentence.)
‫משפט‬ / ‫שם עצם‬

clause noun the lesson ‫ה שיעור‬ .‫ו‬

clause noun a big breakfast ‫א ר ו ח ת בוק ר גדולה‬ .2
clause noun the breakfast is big ‫א ר ו ח ת הבוקר גדולה‬ .3
clause noun we ate breakfast ‫אכלנו א ר ו ח ת בוק ר‬ .4
clause noun we studied ‫ל מ דנו‬ .5
clause noun the end of the lesson ‫סו ף ה שי עו ר‬ .6
clause noun we saw the movie ‫ראינו א ת ה ס ר ט‬ ,7
clause noun the movie that we saw ‫ה ס ר ט שראינו‬ .8

Here's the solution:

Numbers 1, 2, 6 and 8 are nouns ( ‫)שמות עצם‬. Note: Number 8 is a noun that has been expanded
by the addition of a clause.
Numbers 3, 4, 5 and 7 are clauses / sentences (‫)משפט ים‬.

• Category II: A base clause plus a connecting

expression and its clause/ "Adding a clause"
)...‫ מפני שירד גשם‬,‫(אחרי שלמדנו‬
In English we have no problem adding a clause to a preposition:8
prep. + clause
We went out to eat after + we sawJ;he_show.

In Hebrew, however, we cannot simply add a clause to a preposition. In order to do so, we

usually need an "adapter," which stands between the preposition and the clause. To understand
how this "adapter" works, imagine that you have a 2‫־‬hole socket into which you want to plug a
3‫־‬pronged plug. A preposition is like a 2‫־‬hole socket. It can only have a noun9 (= a 2‫־‬pronged

8 Technically, once a clause is added to after, the word after is no longer called a preposition (but rather a
conjunction). Despite this we are using the term preposition in order to make our explanation clearer
9 Or a pronoun.

I. Defining Three Types ("Categories") of Sentences

plug) plugged directly into it. To plug in a clause (= a 3‫־‬pronged plug), we need to use the little
word ‫ ש־‬as an "adapter."

For example, if someone asks:

when did you have coffee? ?‫מ ת י ש ת י ת ם ק פ ה‬

We might answer in one of two ways:

no adapter‫׳‬. We had coffee after the meal. . ‫א ח רי ה א ד ו ת ה‬ .‫א‬
‫ שתינו קפה אחרי הארוחה‬.)=)

with an adapter. We had coffee after we ate_dinner. .‫ב‬1(<_‫א ח רי שאכלנו_ארוחת‬ ,‫ב‬

‫ב‬1‫))•־־שתינו קפה אחרי שאכלנגאכוסת_ע‬

Q: Why do we need an adapter in answer '‫ ב‬and not in ‫?א׳‬

A: In the first answer (‫)א׳‬, the preposition ‫ א ח רי‬is followed by a noun (‫)האר וחה‬, so there is no
adapter. In contrast, in the second answer (1‫)׳‬, the preposition ‫ א ח רי‬is followed by a clause
(‫)אכלנו_אכוח_ת עכב‬. In Hebrew, the adapter -‫ ש‬has to be used, whereas in English there is no

In this book we use the term "Category II" sentences to refer to a base clause plus a connecting
expression and its clause (usually linked with 10.(‫ש־‬

Did you know?

‫ ש־‬as an "adapter"

The word ‫ ש־‬is a versatile little word with a variety of English equivalents.

In many contexts it means that or which or who or whom - as in:

The letter that you wrote arrived yesterday. .1. ‫המכתב שכתבת הגיע אתמ ול‬
The boy who Iives_h_ere is in my class. .2. ‫ה ילד שגר פה ל ומד א ית י בכ יתה‬

The - ‫ ש‬in these sentences has a special function: It serves as an “adapter" into
which a clause can be "plugged."

10 The base clause is an independent clause (i.e., a clause that can stand on its own), and the added clause with
its "connecting word" is a dependent clause (i.e., a clause that cannot stand on its own).

I. Defining Three Types ("Categories") of Sentences

But notice that in English we could say sentence 1 without the adapter:

"The letter you_wro_te arrived yesterday."

This, however, is not an option in Hebrew. The Hebrew equivalent of this

sentence must have the - 11‫( ש‬or its equivalent): ‫ ה מ כ ת ב ש כ ת ב ת ה ג י ע א ת מ ו ל‬. 1"‫־‬

Such is the case with many other sentences. For example, compare the Hebrew
and English in the following:

After we_da_nced, w e went home. .3. ‫ ה ל כ נ ו ה ב י ת ה‬, ‫א ח ר י ש ך ל ן ד נ ו‬

4. ‫ו_ עניפי״ם‬:‫• נ ר ד מ נ ו מ י ד מ פ נ י שהיינ‬

W e fell asl eep i mmedi at el y because we_wer e. t i r ed.

Remember, when we translate from English to Hebrew, we almost always add

-‫ש‬ (or its equivalent) to the Hebrew when an adapter is needed, even if an
adapter is not necessary in English.

Want to see if you've understood?

Read the fo llow ing sentences. A d d - ‫ ש‬only if a clause comes after the preposition
.‫א ח ר י‬

. ‫הש יע ו ר‬ ‫שת י נ ו ק פה ב ק פ ט ר י ה אח ר י‬ .‫ו‬ ‫< *־‬

.W e had cof f ee in t he cafeteria after the lesson

W e left the cafeteria after w e had cof f ee .

. ‫הלכ נ ו ל ס פ ר י י ה א ח ר י ______ י צ א נ ו מ ה ק פ ט ר י ה‬ .3
W e went to the li brary after w e left the cafeteria.

11 In Biblical poetry this -‫ ש‬is sometimes missing. Also sometimes in Modem Hebrew, because of the influence
of foreign languages such as English, we find clauses attached without -‫ ש‬. These are found mainly in written
texts and only when the clause begins with a word like ‫בו‬,‫עליו‬, ‫ אליה‬, i.e., a preposition with a (referring back)
ending attached to it, for example:
The house in which I live is in Tel Avi v. .‫ הב ית ב ו (=שב ו ) אני גו נמצא בתל אב יב‬-«
12 On the use of ‫ אשר‬and -‫ ה‬as equivalents of -‫ש‬, see the chapter "Clauses that Add Information to Nouns,"
pp. 873-875. On the use of ‫ כי‬as a substitute for -‫ש‬, see the chapter "Reporting Speech, Thoughts or Feelings,"
p. 884.

I. Defining Three Types ("Categories") of Sentences

. ‫ א כ ל נ ו א ר ו ח ה ק ל ה א ח ר י ______ ה ס ר ט ש ר א י נ ו ב ק ו ל נ וע‬. 4

W e ate a light meal after the movi e that w e s a w at the movi e theater.

W e went to a movie after w e studied. .‫ל מ ד נ ו‬ ‫ הלכ נ ו ל ס ר ט אחר י‬. 5

W e returned to the dorms after the meal. .‫ה א ר ו ח ה‬ ‫ ח ז ר נ ו ל מ ע ו נ ו ת אח ר י‬. 6

‫ ש ־‬must be a d d e d in sentences 2, 3 and 5.

Two types o f sentences

So far we have seen two types of sentences that contain information about when, why and the

Category I: One sentence that contains a preposition and its noun

(in short: "Adding a noun")

Category II: A base clause plus a connecting expression and its elause (usually linked
with ‫)ש־‬ (in short: "Adding a clause")

Here are some more examples of each category:

Category II Category I
.‫שתינו ספה אחרי שראי_ע את_הסכע‬ .‫ שתינו קפה אחרי הסיט‬,‫ו‬ *‫>־‬
We had coffee after we saw the movie. We had coffee after the movie.

*‫אכלנו ארוחת ערב לפני שהלכנו_לסרט‬ ,‫ אכלנו ארוחת ערב לפני הסיט‬,2
We ate dinner before we went to the movie. We ate dimer before the movie.

.‫איחרנו מפני שהיו_ פקקים‬ ,‫ איחרנו בגלל הפממ«ם‬. 3

) spoken H ebrew ( ‫בגלל ש־‬
We were late because there were traffic jams . We were late because of the traffic jams.

.‫הם הלכו לים למרות שירד_ג_שם‬ .‫ הם הלכו לים למרות הגשם‬A

They went to the beach even though it was raining. They went to the beach despite the rain.

I. Defining Three Types ("Categories") of Sentences

Reversing the order

In most cases we can reverse the order of the elements in the sentence and place the preposition
and what follows it either at the beginning of the sentence or at the end of the sentence. For

Category II Category I
.‫שתינו קפה אחרי שיבינו אס תערט‬ /‫שתינו קפה ואחרי ה סי ט‬ *=>

.‫ שתינו קפה‬,‫ שרא_מו_אס_^עוט‬:‫אחר‬ .‫ואחרי הסדט^ שתינו קפה‬

The special cases in which the order cannot be reversed will be noted in the chapters that

The use o f a comma in Category II sentences

The rules for the use of a comma in Category II sentences are not hard and fast. The general
guidelines are similar to those in English and are as follows:13

1. When the added_clause comes before the base clause, a comma will usually separate the two
clauses, for example:
with a comma: .‫ הם רחצו ידיים‬.‫לפני שהילדים התיישבו לאכול‬ ‫<־‬-£
Before the children sat down to eat, they washed their hands.

Exception: If the first clause is very short, a comma is usually not used in Hebrew, as in:
Before you arrive, call us. . ‫תתקשר אלינו‬ (‫לפני שתגמ‬ ‫'*‘־‬C

2. When the added ,clause comes after the base clause, a comma is usually not used, for
without a comma: .‫הילדים רחצו ידיים לפני שהם התיישבו לאכול‬
The children washed their hands before they sat down to eat.

Exception: If the second clause is very long, a comma may be used:

♦‫ _לא_שנלמו_להם‬1‫<\_ספטמבכ_עד!י‬2‫ מ פני שהכשנמככת (<\ל_חוך‬.‫העובדים פתחו בשביתה‬ -C
The workers began striking because their September salaries had not yet been paid to them.

13 See: The Academy of the Hebrew Language, 1994b, pp. 13-14. These guidelines are also found in Avraham
Even-Shoshan, 2003, vol. 6, pp. 2187-2196.

I. Defining Three Types ("Categories") of Sentences

Let's review
We have seen two types of sentences that contain information about when, why
and the like:
♦ Category I: One sentence containing a preposition and its noun /
"Adding a noun"
♦ Category II: A base clause plus a connecting expression and its clause (usually
linked with - ‫ )ש‬/ "Adding a clause"
Here are sketches of how information is added in these two types of sentences:
♦ Category II ♦ Category I
"Adding a clause" "Adding a noun"

a ). > ‫־‬ ( >

‫שתינו ספה אחרי ש!אי_ננ את״הסנט‬ .‫• שתינו קפה אחרי הסרט‬

or in reverse order: or in reverse order:

. a c * (---------- - ) •<
.‫ שתינו ספה‬,‫אחרי שראיע את_ הסרט‬ .‫אחרי הסרט שתינו קפה‬

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite I or II in order to indicate whether the sentence belongs to C ateg ory I or
C ategory II.
____ .‫ בבוקר דנה לומדת‬.‫ו‬

____ .‫ אחרי הצהריים יעל ממנה שיעורי בית‬.2

.‫ הוא משחק כדורסל‬,‫ אחרי שיונתן מכין שיעורי בית‬.3

_ .‫ דניאלה משחקת כדורגל מפני שהיא אוהבת לרוץ‬.4

____ .‫ לא שמעתי אותך בגלל הרעש‬.5

____ .‫ אני אוכלת אחרי שאני חוזרת הביתה‬.6

Category II Category I
6,4,3 5,2,1

I. Defining Three Types ("Categories") of Sentences

• Category III: Two clauses joined by an expression

that refers back to thefirst (...‫ לכן‬,‫)אחר כך‬
Here are two sentences:
We had coffee. .‫שת י נ ו קפה‬ ‫**׳־‬sC
We saw the new movie. .‫רא ינ ו את הסרט החדש‬

In Category II (discussed above), we saw one way to join them: One sentence becomes the base
clause, while the other becomes a clause added to it by means of a connecting expression.
* ‫שת י נ ו ספה אחרי שרא י נ ו _את הסבט_החדש‬ -‫>־‬
We had coffee after we saw the new movie.

In this section we will examine another way to join these two sentences:
.‫כך שת י נ ו קפה‬ ‫ (ו)אחר‬.‫רא ינו את הסרט החדש‬ *>
We saw the new movie, and after that we had coffee.

In this new sentence - which we will call "Category III" - there are two clauses. The second
clause is joined to the first with an expression that is made up of two elements (here two words:
‫ כך‬+ ‫)אחר‬. The second word (here: ‫ )כך‬refers back to the first clause.14 The two clauses may be
separated by a comma, as in the sentence above, or by a period:15
.‫כך שת י נ ו ספה‬ ‫ אחר‬.‫ראינו את הסרט החדש‬
We saw the new movie. After that we had coffee.

‫ פך‬and other words like it in Category III sentences

Q: What is the meaning of ‫ אחר כך‬in the above sentence?
A: The meaning is actually:
. ‫ שת י נ ו קפה‬, ‫ אחרי שרא י נ ו את הסרט‬. ‫ראינו את הסרט‬
1______________ 1
‫כך‬ ‫אחר‬
We saw the movie. After we saw the movie, we had coffee.
After that

14 In English grammar books these are called conjunctive adverbs.

15 When the two clauses are separated with a period, they are called sentences. Here, for purposes of simplicity,
we still call them clauses.

I. Defining Three Types ("Categories") of Sentences

The little word ‫ כך‬comes instead of the clause that precedes it: ‫ ר אינו א ת ה ס ר ט‬. This is what we
mean when we say that the expression containing ‫ כך‬refers back to the preceding clause.

Please note: In a larger text (of more than two sentences), the word ‫ כך‬may refer back to more
than one sentence.16

Instead of ‫כך‬, the little words ‫זה‬, ‫ זאת‬and ‫ כן‬may sometimes be used with the same referring
back function. When they have this function, they are all often translated as this or that. Here
are some examples of expressions using ‫ זאת‬and ‫כן‬:

it rained. Despite this, we went for a walk outside. .‫ז א ת טיי לנו ב ח ו ץ‬ ‫ למרות‬,‫ירד ג שם‬
‫ז א ת א חי ו לא עבד בכלל‬ ‫ לעומת‬.‫ ש מ עון ע ב ד ק ש ה כל היום‬.
Shimon worked hard all day. In contrast (to this), his brother didn't work at all.

.‫ א ח רי כן חזרנו הביתה‬,‫ש י ח ק נו ט ני ס‬
We played tennis. After that (= afterwards), we returned home.

.‫כן הוא אכ ל עוגיי ת שו קולד‬ ‫ ואף על פי‬,‫הוא אלרגי ל שו קו ל ד‬

He is allergic to chocolate, and in spite of this he ate a chocolate cookie.

The expressions in all the above examples are used mainly in formal Hebrew. Each of them will
be discussed in the following chapters. Even though the little words ‫ זאת‬,‫ כן‬,‫ כך‬and ‫ זה‬all mean
the same thing in these expressions, you can’t interchange them at will. Instead, you have to
learn each expression and when it is used.

In general, we can say that when the word ‫ זה‬is used, it very often makes the expression more
informal than others. For example, in informal, spoken Hebrew we may hear:
We saw the movie, and after that we had coffee. .‫זה ש תי נו ק פ ה‬ ‫ ואחרי‬,‫ראינו א ת ה ס ר ט‬ *<C

Did you know?

The word 1‫פן‬

The word ‫ כך‬has various functions in Hebrew. One of the most common is the
one mentioned here, where it is part of an expression and refers back to what
has just been said (e.g., ‫ א ח ר כך‬afterwards, after this and ‫ מ ש ו ם כך‬because of this).

16 Mazal Cohen, 1992, p. 64.

I. Defining Three Types ("Categories") of Sentences

p functions in this way in formal Hebrew also when it is not part of an expression,
for example:
.‫ הוא דיבר איתנו על כך‬.‫שמעון רוצה לנסוע להודו‬
Shimon wants to go to India. He spoke with us about this.

.‫ אנחנו באמת פוחדים מכך‬.‫הרוח עלולה להרוס את העצים‬

The wind is liable to destroy the trees. We are really afraid of this.

In informal language, especially in speaking, we may use ‫ זה‬instead of ‫כך‬, as

.‫ הוא דיבר איתנו על זה אתמול‬.‫שמעון רוצה לנסוע להודו‬

Shimon wants to go to India. He spoke with us about this yesterday.

Where do we place expressions like ‫ אחר פך‬in the sentence?

Expressions that refer back to what has been said (e.g., ‫ למרות זאת‬,‫ לאחר מכן‬,‫ אחר כך‬and others)
usually come between the two clauses, as in all the examples we have seen thus far. They may,
however, appear elsewhere in the second clause.

.‫הם קנו את הירקות בסופר והכינו את הסלט רק לאחר מכן‬ -‫>־‬

They bought the vegetables at the supermarket and prepared the salad only after that (afterwards).

.‫ שמענו אחר כך שהוא היה חולה‬.‫רון לא הגיע למסיבה ביום שני‬

Ron didn't make it to the party on Monday. We heard afterwards that he was (or: had been) sick.

L et’s review
♦ In C ategory III sentences, two clauses are joined together with an expression
that contains a word that refers back to the first clause.

Category III can be sketched as follows:

-------------------------------- 6 0 ) -------------------------------- <

6 .

.‫ ואחר כך שתינו ספה‬.‫ראינו את הסרט‬

♦ In these sentences, E□ usually contains a little word like ‫) כך‬or ‫ זה‬,‫ זאת‬,‫ (כן‬that
refers back to the preceding clause ,

I. Defining Three Types ("Categories") of Sentences

Want to see if you've understood?

Write II or III in order to indicate whether the sentence belongs to Category II or
Category III.

_____ ‫אנחנו נוסעים לאיטלי ה מ שום שהיא ארץ מעניינת‬ .‫ו‬

_____ ‫ מ שום בך אנחנו נוסעים לשם‬,‫אי טלי ה היא ארץ מעניינת‬ .2

_____ ‫ אני שוטפת ידיים‬,‫לפני שאני אוכלת‬ .3

_ .‫ ואחר כך אני אוכלת‬,‫אני שוטפת ידיים‬ .4

____ ‫אני אוכלת אחרי שאני שוטפת ידיים‬ .5

.‫הם שותים מפני שהם צמאים‬ .6

_ .‫ ומ שום כך הם עייפים‬,‫הם רצו קילומטר‬ .7

.‫ ואחר כך הם שתו מים‬,‫הם רצו קילומטר‬ .8

. .‫ ולמרות ז א ת הילדים מ שחקי ם בחוץ‬,‫יורד גשם‬ .9

____ ‫ הילדים מ שחקי ם בחוץ‬,‫ למרות שיורד גשם‬. 10

Ca t e go r y III Ca t e go r y II
9 ,8 , 7 , 4 ,2 1 0 ,6 ,5 ,3 ,1

Chapter summary

Here are sketches of the three basic categories of sentence structure that have been discussed
in this chapter:

♦ Category III ♦ Category II ♦ Category I

"Adding a clause" / "Adding a noun" /
tw o clauses joined by an a base clause plus a connecting one sentence containing a
expression containing a reference expression and its clause preposition and its noun
back to the first usually linked with -‫ש‬

0),. - < ............................ a _______

or with a period: or in reverse order: or in reverse order:

a )
.‫ (ו)אחר כך הלכנו לבית קפה‬,‫ראינו סרט‬ •‫הלכנו לבית ספה אחרי שבאינו_את_הסבע‬ .‫הלכנו לבית קפה אחרי הסרט‬
.‫ אחר כך הלכנו לבית קפה‬.‫ראינו סרט‬ .‫ הלכנו לבית ספה‬,‫אחרי שנאינו_את_הסבט‬ .‫אחרי הסרט הלכנו לבית קפה‬

II. When?: Time Sentences
‫משפטי זמן‬
r ™ »

• • •

Category III Category II Category I
(beforehand, afterwards...) (before, after, when...) (before, after, during...)

**‫ קוךם‬,‫ קודם לכן‬,‫לפני כן‬ ­ ‫לפני ש‬ ‫לפני‬

‫ לאחר מכן‬,‫ אחרי כן‬,‫אחר כך‬ ­ ‫ לאחר ש‬,-‫אחרי ש‬ ‫ לאחר‬,‫אחרי‬
‫ באותם ימים‬,‫באותו זמן‬ ­ ‫ כש‬,‫כאשר‬ ‫ בשעת‬,‫בזמן‬
‫ בזמן ההוא‬,‫בימים ההם‬ ­ ‫ ברגע ש‬,-‫ בשעה ש‬,-‫בזמן ש‬ ‫ במהלך‬,‫במשך‬
‫תוך כדי‬
‫אז‬ T

‫עד אז‬
T ‫־‬
­ ‫עד ש‬ )...‫עד‬...-‫עד (מ‬
‫מאז‬T **
)-‫מאז (ש‬ ‫מאז‬
**‫בינתיים‬ -‫כל פעם ש‬
‫־ ־‬ T

)-‫(בכל פעם ש‬
**These words are different from the others in that they do not contain a specific word that
refers back.

In this chapter, we will discuss time expressions that belong to the three-category scheme
described in the preceding chapter.1

• Category I: Adding a noun to a preposition

Time prepositions: ‫ל אחי‬/‫ א חיי‬,‫( לפני‬before, after)
Let's look at sentences describing what Yaron did after he got up in the morning:

Yaron got dressed before breakfast. .‫ירון התלבש לפני ארוחת הבוקר‬
After the meal he went to work by bus. .‫א ח רי הארוחה הוא נסע לעבודה באוטובוס‬
{more fo rm a l) .‫באוטובוס‬ ‫ל א ח ר הארוחה הוא נסע לעבודה‬ :or

1 a. For a clarification of our use of the term tim e sentences, see p. 903, note 2. In some grammar books.
Category II time clauses are called tem poral clauses.
b. For time expressions that do not fall into the above three-part scheme, such as ‫( מחר‬tomorrow), ‫בעוד שבוע‬
(in a week) and ‫( למחרת‬the next day, on the following day), see the chapter" When Expressions," pp. 309-325.
For a discussion of the Category I expression ‫כעבור‬, see pp. 321, 323-325.

II When?: Time Sentences

In each of the above sentences there is a time phrase. Note that the time phrases can come at the
end or at the beginning of the sentence.

Q: What comes after all the time expressions (‫ לאחר‬,‫ אחרי‬,‫ )לפני‬in the above sentences - a noun
or a clause?

A: They are followed by a noun: ‫ הארוחה‬,‫ ארוחת הבוקר‬. Often, as with Category I expressions
of other types (e.g., reason expressions, contrary to expectation expressions, etc.), this noun
is definite (as in the sentences above). Sometimes, however, it is indefinite, as in:

.‫לפני קניית דירה כדאי להתייעץ עם עורך דין‬ -‫>־‬

Before buying an apartment it is advisable to consult with a lawyer.

Did you know?

When an indefinite noun that is a time unit (...‫ שב וע‬, ‫ ) יומ י ים‬is added after ‫לפנ י‬,
the meaning of ‫ לפנ י‬is ago:2

W e went to the Gal i l ee a w e e k ago. .‫לפ נ י ש ב ו ע נ ס ע נ ו ל ג ל י ל‬

When an indefinite noun that is a time unit is added after ‫אחר י‬, the meaning of
‫ אחר י‬is later, as in:

.‫ ואחר י כמה ימ ים הר גשת י הרבה י ותר ט וב‬, ‫לקחת י תר ופה חדשה‬ -<£
I took a n e w medication, and after several days (= several days later) I felt much better.

Various uses o f ‫( ער‬until, to, by)

We might ask and answer:
Until when did Yaron work? ?‫ ע ד מ ת י ירון ע ב ד‬-

He worked 6:00 p.m. . ‫ הו א ע ב ד ע ד ש ש בע ר ב‬-

Until is the most common English equivalent of ‫ ע ד‬. However, English speakers should be
aware of two additional uses of 3:‫ע ד‬

2 See the chapter" When Expressions," p. 315.

3 It is also possible to use - ‫ עד ל‬instead of just ‫עד‬, as in: .19:00 ‫ חיכיתי לו עד לשעה‬/ .18:00 ‫הוא עבד עד לשעה‬

II. When?: Time Sentences

1. In the expression ...‫ע ד‬. ‫ ״‬- ‫( מ‬, as in:4

He works everyday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. .18:00 ‫ ע ד‬8:00 - ‫הוא עובד כל יום מ‬ ->
Yaron worked from morning till / to evening. .‫ירון עבד מהבוקר ע ד הערב‬

2. Before units of time, meaning by:

He has to finish his work by 6:00 p.m. .18:00 ‫הוא צריך לסיים את העבודה שלו ע ד‬
‫הם צריכים לעזוב את הדירה ע ד סוף החודש‬.
They have to leave the apartment by the end of the month.

This meaning of ‫ ע ד‬is usually found with verbs that indicate the termination of activity, for
‫לעזוב‬ ‫לצאת‬ ‫ לגמור‬/ ‫ לסיים‬- >
to leave to get out to finish

‫( מא ז‬since)
The word ‫ מ א ז‬corresponds to the English time word since, as in the following sentences:
.‫ ״ מ אז אר וחת הבוקר לא אכלתי שום דבר״‬:‫ ירון אמר לדני‬12:00 ‫בשעה‬ -<
At 12:00 Yaron said to Danny. "Since breakfast I haven't eaten a tiling."

‫ ״ואני לא אכלתי שום דבר מ א ז אתמול בערב!״‬:‫דני אמר לירון‬

Danny said to Yaron, "And I haven't eaten anything since last night!

Let’s review
The Category I time expressions that we have examined thus far are:
♦ ‫ ל א ח ר‬/ ‫ א ח ר י‬,‫לפני‬

I spoke to Yossi before the meal. .‫דיברתי עם יוסי לפני הארוחה‬ ->
After the meal we saw an interesting movie. .‫א ח ר י הארוחה ראינו סרט מעניין‬
(more fo rm a l) .‫ל א ח ר הארוחה ראינו סרט מעניין‬

‫עד‬ ♦ - three different uses:

Yaron worked until evening. .‫ירון עבד ע ד הערב‬ ->
Yaron worked from morning till / to evening. .‫ירון עבד מהבוקר ע ד הערב‬
Yaron has to finish by 6 p.m. .18:00 ‫ירון צריך לסיים ע ד‬
♦ ‫מ אז‬

We haven't met since the trip (outing). .‫לא נפגשנו מ אז הטיול‬ ->

4 Note that in Hebrew we do not say ...-‫ל‬...‫מ״‬, but rather ...‫עד‬. . . -‫מ‬.

II. When?: Time Sentences

Want to see if you've understood?

Tr ansl at e t he f o l l o w i n g s ent ences. W r i t e t he a f t e r n o o n a n d e v e n i n g ho ur s e i t h e r b y

a d d i n g 1 2 ( f o r e x a m p l e : 7 : 0 0 p . m . = 1 9 : 0 0 ) o r in w o r d s : ‫ ש ב ע ב ע ר ב‬.

1. You (m .s.) have to present (‫ )להציג‬your passport before the flight.

2. We worked until 7:00 p.m.

3. Did you visit him after the accident?

4. The children arrived home a little before 11:00 a.m.

5. We were at the restaurant from 7:30 to 9:30 in the evening.

6. I haven't spoken with Uri and Yael since our last meeting.

7. I'm going to read until midnight.

8. Rachel wanted to get home by 10:00 p.m.

.)‫ (שבע בערב‬19:00 ‫ עבדנו עד‬.2 .‫אתה צריך להציג את הדרכון שלך לפני הטיסה‬ .1
.11:00 ‫ הילדים הגיעו הביתה קצת לפני‬.4 ?‫(האם) ביקרת אותו אחרי התאונה‬ .3
.)‫ (משבע וחצי עד תשע וחצי בערב‬21:30 ‫ עד‬19:30-‫היינו במסעדה מ‬ .5
.‫ (אני) אקרא עד חצות‬.7 .‫לא דיברתי עם אורי ויעל מאז הפגישה האחרונה שלנו‬ .6
).22:00 ‫ רחל רצתה לחזור הביתה עד‬:‫ (עשר בלילה)(או‬22:00 ‫רחל רצתה להגיע הביתה עד‬ .8

II When?: Time Sentences

The expressions ‫ ת וך פדי‬, ‫ במהלך‬, ‫ בשעת‬, ‫ בזמן‬, ‫( במשך‬during, over the course of...)
Now let's look at several time expressions that are very close to each other in meaning. We will
try to present the basic differences between them. In today's Hebrew, however, some of the fine
differences are often blurred.

‫( במשןי‬during, over the course of)

‫במשך‬ means during or over the course of. Here are examples of its use:
Yaron worked hard during the last week. .‫ירון עבד קשה ב מ ש ך השבוע האחרון‬ ^
over the last week.

Durmg the m orning he called home three times. .‫פעמים‬ ‫ב מ ש ך הבוקר הוא טלפן הביתה שלוש‬
Over the course of the m orning

Q: What do the words that follow ‫ הבוקר) ב מ ש ך‬,‫ )השבוע‬have in common?

A: They are both units of time, and they are both definite.

Besides definite units of time, ‫ במ ש ך‬can be followed by words like ‫( הקורס‬the course), ‫ההרצאה‬
(the lecture), ‫( השיעור‬the class/lesson) and ‫( ההצגה‬the performance), which designate an activity with
a defined beginning and end. As such, they are quite similar to a unit of time ‫ י‬Here is an
We learned a lot of new words during the course. .‫למדנו הרבה מילים חדשות ב מ ש ך הקורס‬

?Did you know

When ‫ ב מ ש ך‬is used with a unit of time that is not definite, its English equivalent
is for :6

W e spoke for hours on the p h o n e . .‫בטלפון‬ ‫שעות‬ ‫ך‬

W e studied for five straight w e e k s . .‫ח מ י ש ה ש בו עו ת רצו פים‬ ‫ך‬

When ‫ ב מ ש ך‬:is used in this way, it may be omitted in Hebrew

W e spoke for hours on the p h o n e . .‫בטלפון‬ ‫ות‬

W e studied (for) five straight w e e k s . .‫ש ה ש בו עו ת רצופים‬

5 This idea is mentioned by Nechama Baras and Esther Delshad, 2000, p. 71.
6 For a further discussion of ‫ל־‬/‫במשך‬, see the chapter "How Long Expressions and How Often Expressions,"
pp. 331-333.

II. When?: Time Sentences

‫ב שעת‬ ,‫( בזמן‬during, while, at the time of, in time o f . . )

The expressions ‫ בזמן‬and ‫ בשעת‬have various meanings and usages.

Unlike ‫במשך‬,‫ בזמן‬and ‫ בשעת‬cannot be followed by a unit of time such as ‫ החודש‬,‫ השבוע‬,‫היום‬.

Like ‫במשך‬, they can mean during, as in:

The student drank coffee during the lesson. .‫הסטודנט שתה קפה בזמן השיעור‬
They didn’t speak among themselves during the lecture. .‫הם לא דיברו ביניהם בזמן ההרצאה‬

In addition,‫ בזמן‬and ‫ בשעת‬are often used to mean while, as in:

.‫איילת הקשיבה למוזיקה בזמן ההליכה‬
Ayelet listened to music while walking (lit.: at the time of the walking).

.‫מים חדרו לאוזניו של השחיין בזמן השחייה‬

Water got into the swimmer's ears while he was swimming (lit.: at the time of the swimming).

When they have this meaning, they are followed by a verbal noun1(which is usually definite).
In this respect they are different from ‫במשך‬: ‫ במשך‬generally is not followed by a verbal noun,
and it does not mean while.

‫ בזמן‬and ‫ בשעת‬are basically interchangeable in both of the usages mentioned above, though
‫ בשעת‬is more formal than ‫בזמן‬.

However, in some cases these two expressions are not interchangeable. For example, the
expression ‫ בזמן‬is sometimes used to mean the same thing as ‫( בתקופת‬at the time o f - referring
to a historical period), as in:
.‫בזמן הטורקים נבנו מסגדים רבים בארץ ישראל‬
At the time of the Turks many mosques were built in Palestine.

‫ בשעת‬may not be used to mean ‫בתקופת‬.

7 On verbal nouns (gerunds) (‫ ־(שם פעולה‬see the chapter ‫״‬Verbal Nouns," pp. 108-123.
II. When?: Time Sentences

By the same token, in many contexts (and especially in fixed expressions), ‫ ב ש ע ת‬is used and
‫ בז מן‬may not be used in its stead, for example:

.‫בשעת הצורך אפשר לקבוע שיחה עם מנהל בית הספר‬

In time of need it is possible to set up a meeting with the principal of the school.

‫במהלך‬ ( during, over the course of, while)

Another word that may be translated as during, in the course o f or while is ‫ ב מ ה ל ך‬. This word has
a broader range than ‫ במשך‬and ‫בשעת‬/‫בזמן‬, and it is a bit more formal than ‫ בזמן‬and ‫במשך‬.

Like ‫( במשך‬and unlike ‫בשעת‬/‫(בזמן‬, ‫ ב מ ה ל ך‬can be used before a unit of time, as in:
Over the course of the last month 1read two books. .‫״־‬ ‫** ב מ ה ל ך הת ודש האחר ון קראתי שני ספרים‬£

Like ‫ במשך‬and ‫בשעת‬/‫בזמן‬, ‫ ב מ ה ל ך‬can be used before an event that is limited in time (e.g.,‫הרצאה‬
lecture), for example:

1 was busy with other things during the lecture. .‫הייתי עסוקה בדברים אחרים ב מ ה ל ך ההרצאה‬
‫בז מן‬

Like ‫בשעת‬/‫( בזמן‬and unlike ‫(במשך‬, ‫ ב מ ה ל ך‬can be used before a verbal noun and means while:
.‫הסטודנטים ענו על שאלות המורה ב מ ה ל ך הקריאה‬
The students answered the teacher's questions while reading (lit.: during the reading).

.‫ב מ ה ל ך ה רח ב ת כביש בירושלים גילו הפועלים כנסייה עתיקה‬

While / in the course of widening a highway in Jerusalem, the workers discovered an ancient church.

For more on the differences between these expressions, see "Did you know?" below.

Did you know?

What kind of action (one-time, repeated or continuous action) accompanies
‫ בשעת יבזמן י במשך‬and ‫?במהל ך‬

1. A ll four expressions m ay be used for a continuous a ctio n , as in:

Amos slept during the lesson. .‫ ב מ ה ל ך השיעור‬/ ‫עמוס ישן ב מ ש ך‬

‫ ב שע ת‬/‫בז מן‬

II When?: Time Sentences

However, we tend to use ‫במשך‬ or ‫במהלך‬ more than ‫בזמן‬ and ‫בשעת‬ when an
action is performed constantly during the whole time period mentioned. This
is why we often add the word ‫ כל‬after them:

He slept through (during) the entire lesson. . 5' ‫כל ה שי עו ר‬ ‫במהלך‬/‫במשך‬ ‫' הו א י שן‬C
Mi r i ' s friend slept all mor ni ng. 8.‫כל הבו ק ר‬ ‫במהלך‬/‫במשך‬ ‫ה ח ב ר ה ש ל מירי י שנ ה‬

‫בשעת‬/‫בזמן‬ are never followed by ‫כל‬

2 . W ith actions that occur a number of times during the time period mentioned,
all four expressions can be used, as in:

.‫ה קונ צ ר ט‬ ‫במהלך‬/‫במשך‬ ‫ע מו ס ה ש ת על מספ ר פ ע מי ם‬ ->

‫ב שעת‬/‫בזמן‬
Amos coughed a f ew times during the concert.

3. For an action that occurred once, ‫בזמן‬, ‫ב ש ע ת‬ and ‫במהלך‬ are preferred.

The student fell asleep duri ng the lecture. .‫ה ה ר צ א ה‬ ‫בזמן‬ ‫ה ס טו דנ טי ת נרדמה‬
‫במשך‬ is generally not used for one-time actions.

The differences we have presented here are only some of the differences between
these expressions. Knowing which expressions can be used when is largely a
matter of exposure to the language and is learned over time.

‫תון־ כ ל י‬ (While rid in g , ta lk in g ...)

Now let's look at another word that is similar in meaning to the last four time words we examined

Yaron spoke on his cell phone while riding to work. .‫ירון דיבר ב ט ל פון ה ס לו ל רי תו ך פך י נ ס י ע ה ל ע בו ד ה‬

while washing the dishes, Yaron listened to music. .‫תוך כדי ש ט י פ ת כלי ם ירון ה ק שי ב ל מו זי ק ה‬

In both sentences Yaron performed two actions sim ultaneously. In the first, he spoke on the
telephone and rode to work at the same time. In the second sentence, he washed the dishes

8 On the use of (,..‫ יום‬,‫(בוקר‬-‫ כל ה‬without the word ‫במשך‬, see the chapter "How Long Expressions and How Often
Expressions," p 334.

II. When?: Time Sentences

and listened to music at the same time. The expression ‫ תוך כדי‬indicates that two actions were
carried out simultaneously.

Q: What kind of word follows ‫ תוך כדי‬in the sentences above?

A: A verbal noun ( ‫( ש ם פ עו ל ה‬: ‫( נ סי ע ה‬riding) and ‫( ש ט י פ ה‬washing).

‫ תוך כדי‬is usually followed by an indefinite verbal noun - and this is the recommended usage.
In today's Hebrew, we sometimes also find ‫ תוך כדי‬followed by a definite noun (which may or
may not be a verbal noun). Thus, we may encounter sentences such as:

. ‫ ש ח ק נ י הכדורגל דיברו זה ע ם זה תוך כדי ה מ ש ח ק‬.‫> ו‬

The soccer players spoke with each other during the game.

The prisoner contacted his family during the war. .2. ‫ה ש בוי יצר ק ש ר ע ם מ ש פ ח ת ו תוך כדי ה מ ל ח מ ה‬

In sentences like these, it is recommended to use an expression like ‫בזמן‬: ... ‫ בזמן ה מ ש ח ק‬.

Let's review
The Category I words ‫ במהלך‬,‫ בשעת‬,‫ בזמן‬,‫ במשך‬and ‫ תוך כדי‬are very close in meaning.
Here are some of the similarities and differences:

♦ ‫ במהלך‬,‫ בשעת‬,‫ בזמן‬,‫ במשך‬can be used with nouns like ‫ ה ה ר צ א ה‬,‫י עו ר‬

designate an activity with a defined beginning and end. In this case, they all
mean during.

‫ במהלך‬and ‫ בשעת‬are more formal than ‫ במשך‬and ‫בזמן‬.

♦ Only the words ‫ במשך‬and ‫ במהלך‬can be followed by a time unit:

during the day, over the course of the day... ... ‫במהלך היום‬/ ‫במשך‬ **C

♦ The word ‫ בזמן‬and the more formal ‫ בשעת‬and ‫ במהלך‬can be followed by a

verbal noun. In such a case, they mean while, as in:
Ayeiet listened to music while walking. .‫אי י ל ת ה ק שי ב ה ל מו זי ק ה בזמן ה ה לי כ ה‬

‫ ♦ תוך כדי‬also means while and is usually followed by an indefinite verbal noun.

Sarah listened to music while walking. .‫ש ר ה ה ק שי ב ה ל מו זי ק ה תוך כדי הליכ ה‬ ■<C

II. When?: Time Sentences

Want to see if you've understood?

W rite the correct answer.
.‫ טלי לא שותה קפה _______________ היו ם‬. 1
)‫ במשך‬/ ‫(בזמן‬

.‫ ___________________ ה מ נ ד ט הבריטי ה חליטו שצריך לצפות את הבניינים בירושלים באבן‬.2

)‫ תוך כדי‬/ ‫ בשעת‬/ ‫(בזמן‬

.‫ לא הייתי בארץ _______________ ה ח תי מ ה על ההסכם‬.3

)‫ במשך‬/ ‫(בשעת‬

.‫______________________________________________________________ ה שנ ה האחרונה‬
)‫ במהלך‬/ ‫(בזמן‬

.)stirring( ‫_____________________________________________________________ ב חי ש ה‬
)‫ תוך כדי‬/ ‫ בזמן‬/ ‫(במשך‬

.‫ היו ה תפ תחויות טכנולוגיות רבות‬20-‫ __________________ ה מ א ה ה‬.6

)‫ במהלך‬/ ‫ בשעת‬/ ‫(בזמן‬

.‫ יצאנו לשני טיולים _______________ ה ס מ ס ט ר הראשון‬.7

)‫ במהלך‬/ ‫(בזמן‬
‫ במהלך‬.7 ‫ במהלך‬.6 ‫ תוך כדי‬.5 ‫ במהלך‬.4 ‫ בשעת‬.3 ‫ בזמן‬.2 ‫ במשך‬.‫ו‬

• Category II: Adding a clause to a time expression

‫לאחר ש־‬/‫ אחרי ש־‬,‫( לפני ש־‬before, after)
Here are two sentences describing a day in Maya's life. Each sentence contains a time
expression answering the question When?.

Maya woke up before the clock rang. .‫מאיה התעוררה לפני שהשעון צלצל‬ -**C
After she got dressed, she read the newspaper. .‫ היא קראה את העיתון‬,‫א ח רי שהיא התלבשה‬
(moreformat) 01: ‫* ל א ח ר ש־‬

Q: What comes after the time expression in each sentence - a clause or a noun?
A: A clause. In sentence 1: .‫ צלצל‬.[‫( הש״עו‬The clock rang.)
In sentence 2: .‫( היא התלבשה‬She got dressed.)

II. When?: Time Sentences

Q: What little word comes before the clause in Hebrew?

A: The little word -‫ ש‬comes between the clause and the time word. It functions as an "adapter"
that enables the clause to be "plugged into" the time word.9

‫פאשר‬/‫( פש־‬when)
In the following example, we see two ways to say when in situations where it is not a question
.‫^ מאיה צלצלה לירוז בסלפוו הסלולרי כשה!א יצאה פע הבנת‬
(moreformal) .‫א יצא ה פע הבית‬2‫כ אשר ה‬
Maya phoned Yaron on the cell phone when she left home.

‫ כש־‬and the more formal ‫ כאשר‬have the same meaning. ‫ כש־‬is comprised of -‫ כ‬+ the "adapter"
‫ש־‬, while ‫ כאשר‬is made up of -‫ כ‬+ the "adapter" 10.‫אשר‬

Did you know?

When?:‫ פאשר‬or ?‫מתי‬

‫מתי‬ is the question word When?. 11‫ ־‬is used mainly in the following cases:

‫ ו‬. At the beginning of a question:

W h e n di d you finish studying / (your) studies? ?‫ה לי מו די ם‬ ‫סיי מת את‬ ‫מתי‬ ‫(י*־‬

2. When felling the content of a question, a thought, an idea etc., as in:

(reportedspeech) . ‫ה לי מו די ם‬ ‫סיי מ ת א ת‬ ‫מתי‬ ‫או ת ך‬ ‫שאלתי‬

I asked you when you finished studying / (your) studies.

.‫צריך ל ה כ נ י ס א ת ה עוף לתנור‬ ‫מתי‬ ‫היא‬ ‫השאלה‬

The question is when w e haye to put the chicken in the oyen.

(after a verb like ‫(יודע‬ .‫ה או ר ח י ם יגיעו‬ ‫יודעים מ תי‬ ‫אנ חנו לא‬
W e don' t k no w when the guests will arrive.

W e don' t care when they'll come. . ‫י בו או‬ ‫הם‬ ‫מתי‬ ‫לא אי כ פ ת לנו‬

In each of these cases, ‫מתי‬ appears at the beginning of a content clause.

9 On this use of -‫ש‬, see the chapter "Defining Three Types of Sentences,‫ ״‬pp. 907-909.
10 For more on the use of ‫ אשר‬as an ‫״‬adapter," see the chapter ‫״‬Clauses that Add Information to Nouns," p. 873.

II When?: Time Sentences

In most other cases, we use - ‫י* ש‬1‫ כאשו‬for the English when.

in spoken Hebrew, you may hear - ‫ש‬ ‫מתי‬ used to mean whenever, for example:

Come visit us whenever you want ! !‫שאתם רוצים‬ ‫מתי‬ ‫בואו אלינו‬

This usage is not considered "correct" Hebrew. In formal Hebrew, we w ould use
-‫ש‬ ‫ז ־מ ׳ן‬: ‫בכל‬
T :
,-‫ש‬ ‫ בכל שעה‬instead.
T T T :

- ‫ ברגע ש‬, -‫ בשעה ש‬, ‫( בזמן ש־‬while, at the moment/time that...)

Here are some more sentences about Maya, now with different time clauses.
.‫ היא הלכה לספרייה‬,‫ נ הסלולת‬1‫בזמן שמא!ה דנברה_עם_ירון_בט_ל_פ‬ -*<
{moreformal) ‫בשעה ש־‬
While (or: at the same time that) Maya_spoke_t_o_Yaron, she walked to the library.
.‫ היא כיבתה את הטלפון הסלולרי‬,‫נכנסה לספ נעה‬.‫ברגע שהיא‬
The moment (or: at the moment that) she_e_nte_red the jibrarv. she switched off the cell phone.

Note that the alternative English translations - at the moment that, at the time that - are definite,
whereas the Hebrew expressions - ‫בזמן ש‬, -‫בשעה ש‬, -‫( ברגע ש‬literally: at a time that, at a moment
that) are indefinite. In informal Hebrew, however, speakers often make - ‫( ברגע ש‬be-RE-ga sheh)
definite and say - ‫( ברגע ש‬ba-RE-ga sheh).

- ‫( עד ש‬until, by the time that)

And how long did Maya stay at the library?
She studied at the library until she got tired. .‫היא למדה בספרייה עד שוהיא) התעייפה‬

Note that the expression - ‫ עד ש‬can mean not only until or up until, but also by the time (that)
.‫־‬ ‫ כבר יהיה לילה‬,‫זה‬
Maya thought: By the time I finish readmj^this.article. it will be night time.

II. When?: Time Sentences

(‫( מאז(ש־‬since)
At the library Maya saw an old friend sitting at a nearby table.
.!‫סיימה ^ת_בית_הספכ התיכו‬.‫ מאז(ש)ה!א‬.‫מאיה לא ראתה את החברה הזאת‬
Mava hadn't seen this friend since she_fimshe_d_h1gh school.

The expression ‫ מאז‬is somewhat different from the other time expressions in Category II in that
it does not require the addition of the adapter -‫ ש‬when a clause is added. In formal Hebrew, ‫ש־‬
is not used after ‫מאז‬. However, most speakers of Hebrew tend to say ‫ מאז ש־‬in informal speech
and writing.11

‫ בכל פעם ש־‬/ ‫( פל פעם ש־‬whenever; every time that)

Here's one more Category II time expression:
,‫(ב)כל פעם שמאיה _פ_וגשת_חברה_מהתיכע היא מתרגשת מחדש‬ -*>
Every time (that) M&ja rne_ets_a friend from.high school, she gets excited fall over again).

In informal Hebrew we say - ‫ כל פעם ש‬. In more formal Hebrew ‫ ב־‬may be added to the beginning
of the expressi on:- ‫בכל פעם ש‬.

The placement o f time clauses in sentences

As you can see from all of the examples above, an added time ,clause may come either after or
before the base clause.
.‫>י* מאיה צלצלה לירון בטלפון הסלולרי כשה!א!צאה מ! הבנת‬
Mava phoned Yaron on the cell phone when shejeft home.

,‫ היא צלצלה לירוד בטלפוו הסלולרי‬,‫כשמאיה!צאה מ! הבית‬ :01*

♦‫ היא מתרגשת מחדש‬,‫מהתיכע‬ ‫שמאיה _פ_וגשת_חבר_ה‬ ‫(ב)כל פעם‬

Every time (that) Maya meets_a friend from.high school, she gets excited fall over again).
.!‫פוגשת_חברה_מהתנט‬. ‫מאיה מתרגשת מחדש (ב)כל פעם שהיא‬ :01*

11 As is often the case, speakers have a tendency to make language follow familiar patterns. Thus, since we
usually use -‫ ש‬before a clause, it is added after ‫ מאז‬as well. This usage is not considered correct in formal

II. When?: Time Sentences

Verb tenses in Category II time sentences

Here are sentences in each of the three tenses:
p a st ♦‫> עם דניאל‬ma>1 .‫ א ח רי ש נ פג ש תי איתד‬.‫ו‬
After I m e t with you, I spoke to Daniel.

present .2. ‫ אני ב ו ד ק ת אותו‬,‫א_ת הטבח! למוכה‬.‫לפני ש!עי_ מ נ ע ר ת‬

Before I hand hi myjeramjo the_teacher, I check it.

future: .3. ‫ אצלצל לכל החברים שלי‬,‫ הביתה‬.‫א ח רי ש&נטנר‬

After I return home, I'll call all mv friends.

Q: What do you notice about the tense of the two verbs in each of the Hebrew sentences
A: The tense of both verbs is the same.
In sentence 1:‫ נפגשתי‬and ‫ דיברתי‬are both in the past tense.
In sentence 2: ‫ מוסרת‬and ‫ בודקת‬are both in the present tense.
In sentence 3: ‫ אחזור‬and ‫ אצלצל‬are both in the future tense.

In Hebrew, the verb in a time .clause is usually in the same tense as the verb in the base

Q: In which of the three sentences are the tenses of the Hebrew verbs different from those of
their English counterpart?
A: In sentence 3. In Hebrew both verbs are in the future tense (,‫)אצלצלאחזור‬, whereas in
English the verb in the time .clause is in the present tense, while only theverbin thebase
clause is in the future tense. Here are some more examples:
present future future future
After 1 do mxhornewprk, rii goto a movie. . ‫לסרס‬ ‫ אלד‬,‫ת‬2‫ הב‬2‫עןב‬2‫א ח רי שא<גש_ה את_ש‬
future future
present future .‫ נענ ה מייד‬.‫כשנשמע את הצלצול בדלת‬
When w_e_hear the_doorbelj_ring, we'II answer immediately.

And in reverse order:

future future
.‫אדבר איתר בטלפוו א ח רי שאחזוך_מהעב_ודה‬
future present
I'll speak with you on the phone after I getjbackjxom work.

II. When?: Time Sentences

Some exceptions
Not always are the tenses of the two verbs in a Hebrew time sentence the same.12 For example,
especially in spoken Hebrew, the present tense is often used instead of a future tense verb to
refer to the future (especially to the not-too-distant future).13 Thus, instead of:
future future
The moment you finish the_cola. we'll go into the theater. , ‫ ניכנס לאולם‬,‫ם א_ת הקולה‬2‫ברגע שתס_י‬ ‫^יי“־‬

you may hear:

future present
,‫ ניכנס לאולם‬,‫ברגע ש^תה_מסי_ים_את ה_ק_ולה‬

In formal Hebrew, the first of these sentences - using a future tense verb to refer to the future -
is generally preferred.

In addition, in formal Hebrew sometimes imperative forms are used in the base clause, while
the time clause contains a future tense verb, as in:
imperative future
Before you sit down, please wash your hands. ,‫ בבקשה‬,‫ ידיים‬1‫צ‬1‫ ו‬1 ,‫ל‬1‫לפני שבע!\בו_ל^כ‬

Another place in which we often find verbs in different tenses is in sentences with ( ‫מאז (ש־‬
present past
,‫ אתה מדבר אנגלית בל הזמו‬,‫מאז (ש )ח זרת מ_קנדה‬
Since you came back ( o r Smce_you^ve_coine_ba_ck} from_Canada, you speak English all the time.

Let's review
♦ The tense of the verb in the base clause and the tense of the verb in the time
clause are usually the same in Hebrew:
past past
Before you left home, you called me. ,-*‫־‬ ‫ הונ?זשרת אליי‬,!‫ לפני שיצאת מ[ הבע‬,‫ו‬C
present present
,‫ מכבים את רוב האורות‬,‫מהבית‬. ‫ לפני שיוצאים‬, 2
Before ieaym^ftheyjeave) thejhouse, people turn off most of the lights.

future future
,‫ הוא יתהשר‬,‫ לפני שיו_סי_יגי_?ג אלי_ע‬, 3
Before Yossi arrives at our house, he’ll call us.

12 See also Lewis Glinert, 1989, pp. 121-129.

13 For example, see the chapter "What If?: Conditional Sentences," pp. 992-993.
14 Nechama Baras and Esther Delshad, 2000, p. 72; Lewis Glinert, 1989, p. 122.

II. When?: Time Sentences

For English speakers, sentence 3 (future-future in the Hebrew) is particularly

significant since it differs from the English (present-future).

Sentences whose verbs are not in the same tense are also discussed above

Want to see if you've understood?

Translate the fo llo w in g sentences.

.‫ הם יהיו בכנסת‬,‫ לפני שהם יבקרו במוזאון‬.1

.‫ אחרי ששרה תגמור את הסלט היא תשתה קפה‬.2

.‫ היא תספר לנו מה קרה‬,‫ כשיהיה לדינה זמן‬.3

4. After you (m.s.) sit down, I'll tell you what to do.

5. Before you write your composition, I'll read you an interesting article.

6. After we arrive, w e'll call our parents.

1. Before they visit the museum, they wi l l be at the Knesset.
2. After Sarah finishes the salad, she'll have (lit.: dr i nk) coffee.
3. W h e n Dina has time, she'll tell us w h a t happened.
.‫ אגיד לך מה לעשות‬,‫ אחרי שתשב‬.4
‫ לפני שאתה כותב את‬:also in informal H e b r ew ( .‫ אקרא לך מאמר מעניין‬,‫ לפני שתכתוב את החיבור שלך‬.5
).‫ אקרא לך מאמר מעניין‬,‫החיבור שלך‬
.‫ נטלפן) להורים שלנו‬/ ‫ נתקשר (נצלצל‬,‫ אחרי שנגיע‬.6

II. When?: Time Sentences

Let's review
♦ Category I I
"Adding a clause"

In this section we have dealt with the following Category II time expressions,
which are followed by a clause:
before ‫לפני ש־‬
after ‫ לאחר ש־‬,-‫אחרי ש‬
when ‫ כאשר‬,- ‫כ ש‬
when -‫ בשעה ש‬,-‫בזמן ש‬
at the moment that ‫ברגע ש־‬
until, by the time that ‫עד ש־‬
since )‫מאז ( ש־‬
every time, whenever ‫(ב)כל פעם ש־‬

The time clause and the base clause may appear in either of the following

...................................... a <
.‫ היא יצאה מו הבית‬.‫אחרי שמאיה סיימה לדבר עם ירון‬
.‫ היא צלצלה לירון‬.‫לפני שמאיה יצאה מו הבית‬

>‫־‬1 >>
.‫מאיה יצאה מן הבית אחרי שהיא סיימה לדבר עם ירון‬
.‫מאיה צלצלה לירוו לפני שהיא יצאה מו הבית‬

W ant to see if you've understood?

A . Ci r c l e t he c o r r e c t an s we r .

.‫ אתם יכולים לשמוע קצת מוסיקה _________________ האורחים יגיעו‬.‫ו‬

)‫ בזמן‬/ -‫ עד ש‬/ ‫(עד‬

.‫ הסטודנט למד _____________________ המבחן והצליח בו‬.2

)-‫ אחרי ש‬/ -‫ לפני ש‬/ ‫(לפני‬

.‫ שמחנו _________________ ראינו אותך‬.3

)-‫ כש‬/ ‫ לפני‬/ ‫(בזמן‬

II. When?: Time Sentences

.‫תטלפנו אליי ____________________ ת בו א ו לבקר‬ .4

)-‫ לפני ש‬/ ‫ לפני‬/ ‫(אחרי‬

.‫ ונעשה את שיעורי הבית ביחד‬,‫________________________________________ ה שי עו ר נלך הביתה‬

)‫ אחרי‬/ -‫ אחרי ש‬/ ‫(בזמן‬

.‫ שטפנו את הכלים‬,‫________________________________________ ג מ רנו לאכול‬

)-‫ אחרי ש‬/ ‫ אחרי‬/ ‫(בזמן‬

.‫אסור לדבר בטלפון ___________________ ה שי עו ר‬ .7

)‫ בזמן‬/ -‫ מ מן ש‬/ ‫(מאז‬

‫ בזמן‬.7 -‫ אחרי ש‬.6 ‫ אחרי‬.5 -‫ לפני ש‬.4 -‫ כש‬.3 ‫ לפני‬.2 -‫ עד ש‬.1

B. Translate the following sentences using expressions from Category I or II.

I. They got married three months after they met.

2. Before she studied in Jerusalem, she studied in New York.

3. W e will let you ( know (‫ )נודיע‬when they arrive.

4. Let's meet (lit.: Come m. pi. let's meet) before the movie.

5. Call me when you (f.s.) get home.

6. After my visit to Israel, I flew to Spain.

7. I (m.s.) have to finish cooking before the guests arrive.

8. Every night Yael reads until she falls asleep.

II. When?: Time Sentences

9. Do not talk ( during the lesson.

.‫ היא למדה בניו יורק‬,‫ לפני שהיא למדה בירושלים‬.2 .‫הם התחתנו שלושה חודשים אחרי שהם הכירו‬ .1
.‫ בואו ניפגש לפני הסרט‬.4 .‫נודיע לכן כשהם יגיעו‬ .3
.‫טלפני אליי כשתגיעי הביתה‬/‫צלצלי‬/‫ התקשרי‬: or .‫תטלפני אליי כשתגיעי הביתה‬/ ‫תצלצלי‬/ ‫תתקשרי‬ .5
.‫ אחרי הביקור שלי בישראל טסתי לספרד‬/‫לאחר‬ .6
.‫ (ב)כל לילה יעל קוראת עד שהיא נרדמת‬.8 .‫ לגמור לבשל לפני שהאורחים יגיעו‬/ ‫אני צריך(חייב) לסיים‬ .7
.‫אל תדברו בזמן השיעור‬ .9

• Category III: Two clauses joined by a time

expression containing a reference back to the first
Referring back with ‫ פן‬and ‫כך‬
Let's look again at some of the things Yaron and Maya did.
. ‫הוא התלבש‬ ‫ לפני כן‬. 7: 00 ‫ב־‬ ‫ירון אכל אר וחת בוקר‬ <C
(moreformat) .‫הוא התלבש‬ ‫ קודם לכן‬. 7: 00‫ב־‬ ‫ירון אכל אר וחת בוקר‬
Yaron ate breakfast at 7:00. Before that he got dressed.

1‫צ‬.‫ ואחר כך היא יצאה מהבית‬,‫מאיה צלצלה לירון‬

(more form al ):
.‫היא יצאה מן הבית‬ ‫ואחרי כן‬ ,‫מאיה צלצלה לירון‬
.‫היא יצאה מן הבית‬ ‫לארור מכן‬ .‫מאיה צלצלה לירון‬
Maya phoned Yaron. After that she left the house.

Q: What is common to all the highlighted words?

A: They all appear between the two clauses and contain an element that refers back to the
previous clause. The word that refers back is either ‫ כך‬or :‫כן‬
‫ קודם לכן‬,‫ לפני כן‬,‫ לאחר מכן‬,‫אחרי כן‬ ‫אחר כך‬

15 On the use of a comma and, often, -‫ =( ו‬and) instead of a period, see the chapter "Defining Three Types of
Sentences," p. 913.

II When?: Time Sentences

Notice that in the expressions with ‫ כ ן‬, only in ‫ ל א ח ר מ כ ן‬is ‫ כ׳‬pronounced k. In all the other
expressions it is pronounced ch, as in Bach : 16. ‫ קז־דם ל כ ן‬,‫ ל פ נ י כן‬,‫א ח ר י כן‬

In spoken Hebrew we often hear ‫זה‬ ‫לפני‬ and ‫זה‬ ‫אחרי‬, using ‫ זה‬as the referring back element.

The special case o f ‫( קודם‬first, beforehand, before)

Let's look at the following sentence:
.‫ אבל קוז־ם נהיה כמה ימים בלונדון‬,‫נבקר בפריז‬ ->
We'll go to Paris, but first/beforehand we'll be in London for several days.

Q: In what way is ‫קודם‬ different from the expressions ‫קודם לכן‬ and ‫? ל פ ני כן‬

A: Although ‫ ק ו ד ם‬- like ‫ ק ו ד ם ל כ ן‬and ‫ ל פ נ י כן‬- refers to the previous clause, it lacks the referring
back element: There is no ‫ כך‬or p after it. This use o f ‫ קודם‬is common in spoken Hebrew.

Now let's look at a somewhat different use of :‫קוד ם‬

‫קודם?״‬ ‫ל למה לא אמרת את זה‬₪ 200 ‫ ״מה? המחיר‬:‫רינה למוכרת‬ ■<

Rina to the saleswoman: "What? The price is 200 shekels? Why didn't you say that before?"

Here ‫קודם‬ doesn't refer to a previous clause. Here it means earlier, before now.

D id you know?
A special use of ‫( קוז־ם‬First...then ‫אחר כך‬. . . ‫)קוךם‬

When we wish to emphasize the order of actions, we can start with the word
‫ ( ק ו ד ם‬KO-dem ) (first) and continue with ‫( א ח ר כך‬afterwards) or one of its synonyms,

for example:

.‫מכניסים את הפסטה‬ ‫ו א ח ר כך‬ ,‫מרתיחים את המים‬ ‫קודם‬ ,‫כשמכינים פסטה‬

W h e n you prepare pasta, first you boil the water, and after that you put in the pasta.

In this usage, we begin with the word ‫קוד ם‬. It does not refer back to a previous

16 For a more in-depth explanation, see the chapter "The Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬,'‫ כ‬,'‫ ב‬and the Dagesh," p 626.

II. When?: Time Sentences

Referring back with ‫אז‬

The word ‫( אז‬then) is one of the most basic ways of referring back to the time mentioned in the
previous clause.
.‫הוא עדיין ל א ידע מ תי הוא יסיים לעבוד‬ ‫אז‬ .‫ בב וק ר‬7: 0 0 - ‫מ א י ה די ברה ע ם ירון ב‬

Maya had spoken with Yaron at 7:00 a.m. He still hadn't known then when he would finish working.

‫ אז‬actually means at that time, here: at 7:00 a.m.

‫( עד אז‬until then, by then)

We can add the preposition ‫ עד‬before :‫אז‬
‫היא לא ש מ ע ה מ מנו מיל ה‬ ‫אז‬ ‫ עד‬. ‫ ו ירון ס י י ם ל ע ב ו ד ו צ ל צ ל ל מ א י ה‬7:3 0 - ‫ ב‬.
At 5:30 p.m. Yaron finished working and called Maya. Until then she hadn't heard a word from him.

In other contexts,‫אז‬ ‫עד‬ can be translated as by then, for example:

. ‫ י ר ו ן ח ש ב ש ה ו א י צ ל י ח ל ה ג י ע ל ש ם ע ד אז‬. ‫ ו ב מ ס ע ד ה‬8 : 3 0 ‫ה ם ק ב ע ו ל ה י פ ג ש ב ־‬

They arranged to meet at 6:30 p.m. at a restaurant. Yaron thought that he would manage to get there
by then.

‫( מאז‬since then)
‫ אז‬can also be preceded by the preposition -‫( מ‬pronounced meh before ‫(אז‬.17 ‫ מאז‬is equivalent to
since then or, at the end of an English sentence, ever since:
.‫ ו מ א ז הם נ פג ש י ם כ מ ע ט כ ל יום‬, ‫ירון ו מ א י ה נ פג שו בי ו ם ש ל י ש י ש ע ב ר‬

Yaron and Maya met last Tuesday, and since then they have met almost every day.
or: and they have met almost daily ever since.

?Did you know

Other meanings of ‫אז‬

The word ‫ אז‬is used not only to refer to the time of an event in the preceding
:clause (then), but also, in informal Hebrew, to mean one of the following

Therefore, 5 0 ‫ל ?ן‬

0informal( . ‫אולי אני א א ח ר ״‬ ‫אז‬ , ‫ ״יורד ג ש ם ע כ ש יו‬: ‫מ א‬

) more formal( .‫ייתכן ש אני א א ח ר״‬ ‫ לכן‬, ‫ע כ ש י ו‬ ‫ ״יורד ג ש ם‬: ‫ה ל ת‬

17 On when -‫( מ‬mee) changes to ‫( מ־‬meh), see the chapter "How Do Prepositions Behave When No Ending Is
Attached?: Writing and Pronunciation," p. 224.

II When?: Time Sentences

M a y a said to her mother, "It's rai ning now, so I may be late."

M a y a said to the principal, "It's raining now, therefore I m a y be iate."

After that ‫אחר פך‬

( informal) .‫ ואז הם הזמינו קפה‬,‫ הם גמרו את הפסטה‬-C
(more forma!) .‫ואחר כך הם הזמינו קפה‬
They finished the pasta, and then they ordered coffee.
and after that they ordered coffee.

If...(then) ...(‫(א ז‬. . . ‫אם‬

(informal) !‫ בבקשה‬,‫ אז תן לי כסף‬,‫אם אתה רוצה שאקנה לך גלידה‬
(more formal) !‫ בבקשה‬,‫תן לי כסף‬
If you w a n t me to buy you ice cream, then please gi ve me money.
please gi ve me money.

If so ‫אם פן‬
(informal) !‫<־־ אתה רוצה שאקנה לך גלידהז אז תן לי כסף‬
(more formal) !‫ תן לי כסף‬,‫אם כן‬
Do you w a n t me to buy you ice cream? If so, gi ve me money!

In formal Hebrew, it is preferable not to use any of the four informal (colloquial)
uses of ‫ אז‬shown above.

Referring back with ‫ א ותן‬, ‫ א ותם‬, ‫ א ותה‬, ‫ )) אותו‬that / those

Here is another way to refer back to the previous clause (or sentence(:
.‫ באותו רגע הם לא חשבו על המבחנים שלהם‬.‫הם ישבו ואכלו‬ ->
They sat and ate. At that moment they didn't think about their exams.

In this sentence, the word ‫ אותו‬is combined with a time word (‫ )רגע‬to mean at that moment, i.e.,
at the moment that they sat and ate. The forms ‫ אותן‬,‫ אותם‬,‫ אותה‬,‫אותו‬, which mean that those,
may be combined with time words to form such phrases as:
with m.s. time words‫׳‬. (at that moment) ‫ באותו רגע‬,(at that time) ‫באותו זמן‬
with f.s. time words‫׳‬. (at/in that period, at that time) ‫ באותה תקופה‬,(at that time) ‫באותה שעה‬ time words: (in those days) ‫באותם ימים‬
with f. pi. time words: (in those years) ‫באותן שנים‬

II When?: Time Sentences

As you can see, the forms ‫ א ות ן‬, ‫ א ותם‬, ‫ א ותה‬, ‫ א ות ו‬match the time word )‫״‬. ‫ רגע‬, ‫ שעה‬,‫ (זמן‬both in
gender (masculine / feminine) and num b er (singular / plural (.

Did you know?

The expression ‫ בא ות ו זמן‬has tw o diffe re n t m eanings. It can mean at that time, as
m entioned ab o ve , o r it can be used to m ean simultaneously / at the same time,
as in:

.‫ ובא ות ו זמן היא שומעת מוזיקה‬,‫היא נוהגת‬

She's dri ving, and at the same time she's listening to music.

The following expressions from this group are used when we refer to a (more or less) distant
.‫ בא ותה תק ופה הילדים ישנו בבתי ילדים‬.‫ בשנות החמישים גרנו בקיבוץ‬- >
‫בא ותם ימ ים‬
‫בא ות ן ש נ ים‬
In the fifties we lived on a kibbutz. At that time the cliildren slept in children's houses.
In those days / years...

‫ ה־‬can be added to the front of the time word in these expressions, as in: ,‫בא ות ו ה זמ ן‬
‫ בא ותה התק ופה‬. This causes no change in meaning or in the level of formality.

Referring back with ‫ ההן‬,‫ ההם‬,‫ ההיא‬,‫ההוא‬

Here is still another way to refer back to the previous clause (or sentence (:

. ‫ לא הייתי בכיתה ב י ום הה וא‬.‫יום הזיכרון היה ביום חמישי‬ »>

Memorial Day was on Thursday . I wasn't in class on that day.

II. When?: Time Sentences

The forms ‫ ההם‬,‫ ההן‬,‫ ההיא‬,‫ ההוא‬mean that/those18 and may be combined with time words to
form such phrases as:
> ‫בשנים ההן‬‫ ■־‬T
‫בימים ההם‬
‫ ־‬T ‫־־‬
‫בשנה ההיא‬
‫״‬ T ‫ ־‬T
‫־* ביום ההוא‬
‫־‬ ‫־‬ ‫ ־‬TT‫־‬

in those years in those days in that year on that day

( ( (f.s.) (m.s.)

The pronoun on the end (‫ הן‬,‫ הם‬,‫ היא‬,‫ )הוא‬matches the time word in gender (masculine / feminine)
and number (singular / plural).

These forms have the same meaning as expressions such as ‫ באותו יום‬and ‫ באותה שעה‬but are
more formal. They often refer to the distant past.

The word ‫( בינתיים‬in the meantime)

The word ‫ בינתיים‬means meanwhile, in the meantime. Here are some examples of how it
‫ כי אני רעב מאוד!״‬,‫ נכון? בינתיים אוכל משהו‬,‫ ״תגיעי רק בשבע‬:‫ ירון צלצל למאיה ואמר‬.‫ו‬
Yaron called Maya and said, "You'll get here only at seven, right? In the meantime, I'm going to eat
something 'cause I'm really hungry."

"‫ שבי בחדר ההמתנה בינתיים‬.‫ ״הרופאה מטפלת בחולה אחר כרגע‬:‫ המזכירה אמרה לאישה‬.2
The receptionist said to the woman, "The doctor is seeing another patient right now. You can sit in the
waiting room in the meantime."

The word ‫ בינתיים‬refers to a period between two points in time. In sentence 1 above ‫בינתיים‬
means in the time between "now" and "when you'll get here." In sentence 2 it refers to a time
between "now " and when the doctorfinishes what she is doing. The two points in time are often
not stated explicitly, but rather are understood from what is said in the first clause. ‫ בינתיים‬is
similar to the other expressions in Category III in that it appears in the second of two related
clauses, but unlike most Category III expressions it does not contain a specific word that refers
back to the first clause.

18 See the chapter "Pronouns and Pointing Words," pp. 209-210.

II. When?: Time Sentences

Chapter summary

♦ Category III ♦ Category II ♦ Category I

"Adding a clause" / "Adding a noun" /
two clauses joined by an a base clause plus a connecting one sentence containing a
expression usually containing a expression and its clause preposition and its noun
reference back to the first usually linked with -‫ש‬

.6.. .< . . .a . )-
**Alternatively, the two clauses or in reverse order: or in reverse order:
may be separated by a comma. .> ‫ > כ‬--------------(----------- )<
*‫ ק וךם‬,‫ ק וךם לכן‬,‫לפני כן‬ ­ ‫לפני ש‬ ‫לפני‬
‫ לאחר מכן‬,‫ אחרי כן‬,‫אחר כך‬ ­ ‫ לאחר ש‬,-‫אחרי ש‬ ‫אחלי׳ לאחר‬

‫ בא ותם ימים‬,‫בא ות ו זמן‬ -‫ כש‬,‫כאשר‬ ‫ בשעת‬,‫בזמן‬

‫ בזמן ההוא‬, ‫בימים ההם‬ ­ ‫ ברגע ש‬,-‫ בשעה ש‬,-‫בזמן ש‬ ‫ במהלך‬, ‫במשך‬

‫תוך כדי‬

‫עד אז‬
T ‫־‬
­ ‫עד ש‬ )...‫עד‬...-‫עד (מ‬

T **
)-‫מאז (ש‬ ‫מאז‬

*‫בינתיים‬ -‫כל פעם ש‬

) -‫(בכל פעם ש‬

: These words are different from the others in that they do not contain a specific word that refers back.

Want to see if you've understood the last section?

T r ansl at e t he f o l l o w i n g s ent ences usi ng e x p r es s i o n s f r om C a t e g o r y III.

1. The students are waiting for the teacher. In the meantime they can prepare
for the exam.

II. When?: Time Sentences

2. W e read the questions, and after that we answered them.

3. Children in Israel learn to write in English in fourth grade. Until then they
only sing songs and say simple sentences in English.

4. Michael completed his undergraduate studies (lit.: studies for the B.A.) in
1980. In those days students didn't yet write papers on the computer.

5. The Prime Minister will meet with the President of the United States on
Tuesday. Beforehand he'll meet with the American Secretary of State.

6. Children, come and eat - and (lit.: only) don't forget to wash your hands
first (lit.: beforehand).

7. I was saying that I hadn't seen my brother for a long time, and at that very
moment the door opened and he came in (lit.: appeared).

.‫ בינתיים הם יכולים להתכונן למבחן‬.‫התלמידים מחכים למורה‬ .1
.‫ ולאחר מכן ענינו עליהן‬/ ‫ואחרי כן‬/‫ ואחר כך‬,‫קראנו את השאלות‬ .2
.‫ עד אז הם רק שרים שירים ואומרים משפטים פשוטים‬/‫(ה)ילדים בישראל לומדים לכתוב באנגלית בכיתה ד‬ .3
‫ באותם ימים סטודנטים עדיין לא כתבו‬/‫ באותה תקופה‬.1980‫ ב־‬.‫א‬.‫לב‬/‫מיכאל סיים את הלימודים לתואר ראשון‬ .4
.‫עבודות במחשב‬
.‫ לפני כן הוא ייפגש עם שר החוץ האמריקני‬.‫ראש הממשלה ייפגש עם נשיא ארה״ב ביום שלישי‬ .5
.‫ קודם‬/ ‫ קודם לכן‬/ ‫ רק אל תשכחו לרחוץ את הידיים לפני כן‬.‫ בואו לאכול‬,‫ילדים‬ .6
.‫ ובאותו רגע נפתחה הדלת והוא הופיע‬,‫אמרתי שלא ראיתי את אחי הרבה זמן‬ .7

‫‪II. When?: Time Sentences‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood this chapter‬‬

‫‪Choose the correct time expression.‬‬

‫_______________________ ש מ ע תי את החד שות הטובות‪ ,‬צעקתי מ שמחה‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫(לפני ש‪ / -‬כש‪ / -‬לפני ‪ /‬אחרי)‬

‫למדתי רפואה באוניברסיטת באר שבע‪ _______________________________ .‬ע ב ד ת י כרופא בבית‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫(לפני כן ‪ /‬אחרי ש‪ / -‬אחרי כן ‪ /‬כאשר)‬
‫החולים ״הדסה״ בירושלים‪.‬‬

‫____________________________________________ פ ת ח ו את הקניון בירושלים‪ ,‬אנ שים התחילו לקנות שם במקום לקנות‬

‫(לפני ש‪ / -‬בזמן ‪ /‬כאשר ‪ /‬אחרי)‬
‫במרכז העיר‪.‬‬

‫עבודות לאוניברסיטה ____________________________________________________________________ הנ סי ע ה שלי לחו׳׳ל‪.‬‬

‫(אחרי ש‪ / -‬לפני ש‪ / -‬לפני ‪ /‬בזמן ש‪)-‬‬

‫___________________________ ה ס ר ט נשב בבית קפה‪.‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫(אחרי ‪ /‬עד אז ‪ /‬לפני ש‪ / -‬בזמן ש‪)-‬‬

‫בעוד שבועיים נ טו ס לצרפת‪ __________________________ .‬א נ ח נ ו צריכים לקנות כרטיסי טיסה‪.‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫(עד ‪ /‬לפני ש‪ / -‬אחר כך ‪ /‬עד אז)‬

‫האוניברסיטה ת שלח מכתבי קבלה בעוד שבועיים‪ ____________________________ .‬א נ ח נ ו מחכים‬ ‫‪.7‬‬
‫(בינתיים ‪ /‬עד ש‪ / -‬לפני כן ‪ /‬בזמן)‬
‫בחוסר סבלנות ל שמוע אם התקבלנו‪.‬‬

‫ראיתי את השחקן המפורסם במסעדה בעיר‪ ,‬ו ____________________________ ל א ידעתי אם להגיד‬ ‫‪.8‬‬
‫(לפני כן ‪ /‬באותו רגע ‪ /‬מאז ‪ /‬עד ש‪)-‬‬
‫לו שלום‪.‬‬

‫בשנות ה‪ 50-‬הגיעו עולים רבים לישראל‪ ___________________________________ .‬עו לי ם רבים גרו‬ ‫‪.9‬‬
‫(ביום ההוא ‪ /‬בתקופה ההיא ‪ /‬בינתיים ‪ /‬אחרי)‬
‫באוהלים ובבתים זמניים‪.‬‬

‫‪ .9‬בתקופה ההיא‬ ‫‪ .8‬באותו רגע‬ ‫‪ .7‬בינתיים‬ ‫כש‪ .2 -‬אחרי כן ‪ .3‬כאשר ‪ .4‬לפני ‪ .5‬אחרי ‪ .6‬עד אז‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

III. Why?: Reason and Result
Sentences ‫משפטי סיבה ותוצאה‬ T T I T ‫״‬ : I *

We will begin our discussion of reason and result sentences with sentences in Category II.1

‫ י‬Category II: Adding a clause to a reason expression

(...‫ מפני ש־‬,‫ פי‬because, since)
How could we answer the following question?
w hy didn't Yoni show up at the party last night? ?‫למה יוני לא הגיע למסיבה אתמול‬

The answer to this question is commonly stated in Hebrew by using the little word ‫ פי‬:
Yoni didn't come because he doesn't like parties. .‫מסיבות‬ ‫יוני לא הגיע כי הוא לא אוהב‬ ‫־‬5‫־‬C

Q: What comes after ‫ כי‬- a clause or a noun?

A: A clause: .‫מסיבות‬.‫הוא לא _אוהב‬

1 a. For a clarification of our use of the term reason and result sentences, see p. 903, note 2. In some grammar
books. Category II reason clauses are called causal clauses.
b. For a description of the three categories, see the chapter "Defining Three Types of Sentences," pp. 903-916.

III. Why?: Reason and Result Sentences

Instead of ‫ כי‬we can also use the following expressions - all of which are also followed by a
clause (in this case a reason clause):
reason clause base clause
> ‫יוני לא הגיע מפני שהוא לא_אוהב_מסיבנתי‬ -‫־‬
‫­משום ש‬
‫ כיוון ש‬/ -‫מכיוון ש‬-

As you can see, all of these expressions use the "adapter" ‫ ש־‬in order to attach the clause that
follows them. In contrast, the word ‫כי‬, which is always followed by a clause, does not require
‫ ש־‬and functions here both as a reason word and as an "adapter."

In informal Hebrew we often say the following:

.‫יוני לא הגיע בגלל שהוא לא_אוהב_מסיבנת‬

Here, as expected, ‫ ש־‬is used to connect the reason word and the clause that follows it.

Note: Since ‫ בגלל‬is not used with -‫ ש‬followed by a clause in traditional sources, the expression
‫ בגלל ש־‬with a clause is not considered correct.

The expressions in Category II differ from each other mainly in style. - ‫ בגלל ש‬and ‫ כי‬are the
most common in spoken Hebrew; all others are considered more formal style, though they too
are used in speaking.

Word order
We cannot begin a complete sentence with ‫כי‬, nor is it considered good style to begin with
­ ‫ משום ש‬or - ‫מפני ש‬. Rather, it is preferable to use these three expressions after the base clause
and before the reason_clause, as in the examples above.2

In contrast, the words ‫ כיוון ש־‬/ -‫ מכיוון ש‬can come either in the same place as :‫כי‬
‫*יוני לא הגיע אתמול למסיבה מכיוון שהוא לא_אוהב_מסיבנת‬
‫כיוון ש‬-
Yoni didn't come to the party yesterday since / because he doesn't like parties.

2 Naturally, these words may come at the beginning of a partial sentence that answers a question, as in the
answer to the question:
‫־ למה הגעת מאווזת‬
.‫ כי האוטובוס לא הגיע ממן‬-

III. Why?: Reason and Result Sentences

or at the very beginning of the complete sentence:

.‫ הוא לא הגיע אתמול למסיבה‬,‫מסיבות‬.‫ו_ני_לא_אוהב‬:‫מכיוון ש‬ -C
-‫כיוון ש‬
Since / Because Yoni doesn't like parties, he didn't come to the party yesterday.

Let's review
♦ Category II
"Adding a clause"

Cl <
.‫יוני לא הגיע למסיבה מפנ י שהוא לא אוהב מסיבות‬
- ‫מש ום ש‬
­ ‫ כיוון ש‬/ -‫מכיוון ש‬
**-‫בגלל ש‬
**used in informal Hebrew

or in reverse order:
, ------------------- -------- > ‫ ב‬c
.‫ הוא לא הגיע למסיבה‬.‫מכיווו שיוני לא אוהב מסיבות‬
- ‫כיוון ש‬

4£k - ‫ מכיוון ש‬and - ‫ כיוון ש‬are the only expressions of those listed above that are used at
the beginning of the sentence in what many consider good writing style.

• Category I: Adding a noun to a preposition

(...‫ בגלל‬because of)
There could be other reasons for Yoni's not showing up at the party. We could simply say:
.‫יוני לא הגיע אתמול למסיבה בגלל ההורים שלו‬ -C
Yoni didn't come to the party yesterday because of his parents.

.‫יוני לא הגיע אתמול למסיבה בגלל ההתנגדות של הוריו‬

Yoni didn't come to the party yesterday because of his parents' objection.

III. Why?: Reason and Result Sentences

Q: What comes after the preposition ‫ בגלל‬in these sentences - a clause or a noun?
A: A noun. In this case, it is an expanded noun: ‫ ההורים שלו‬or .‫ההתנגדות של הוריו‬

‫ בגלל‬is often (but not necessarily) used when the reason and/or the result are viewed as undesirable
or negative.

Words that can be substituted for ‫בגלל‬

In more formal style, we sometimes use ‫ בשל‬as the reason word in a Category I sentence:
.‫־־‬ ‫בשל התנגדות הוריו‬
Yoni didn't come to the party yesterday because of his parents’ objection.

If the reason or the result are viewed as positive, we often use ‫( בזכות‬beez-CHOOT) instead of
‫ בגלל‬or ‫בשל‬. For example, if Yoni lands a summer job that he applied for, he might say:
.‫קיבלתי את העבודה בזכות הקשרים שלי עם הבוס‬
I got the job because of (thanks to) my connections with the boss.

Adding endings
Like many other prepositions, ‫ בגלל‬and ‫ בזכות‬take endings when they are followed by a pronoun
(e.g., me, him... )?
because of me, you...him...them ‫בגללם‬...‫בגללו‬...‫ בגללף‬,‫**" בגללי‬C
thanks to me, you...him...them ‫בזכותם‬...‫בזכותו‬.‫ בזכותף״‬,‫בזכותי‬

The word ‫ בשל‬is different in that it does not take endings in Modem Hebrew.4

3 For a full presentation of these forms, see the chapter "Adding Endings to Prepositions," pp. 232-233.
4 In addition,‫ בשל‬cannot be followed by a person or an animal. For example, we don't use ‫ בשל‬in place of ‫בגלל‬
in the following:
Yoni didn't come to the party yesterday because of his parents. .> ‫יוני לא הגיע אתמול למסיבה בגלל הוריו‬
‫לא נכנסנו לבית של השכנים בגלל הכלב המעצבן שלהם‬.
We didn't go into our neighbors' house because of their annoying dog.
See Nechama Baras and Esther Delshad, 2000, p. 55.

‫‪III. Why?: Reason and Result Sentences‬‬

‫‪Word order‬‬
‫‪) can come at the beginning or at the end of‬ב זכ ות ‪ or‬בשל ‪,‬בגלל ‪A reason phrase (beginning with‬‬
‫‪the sentence, for example:‬‬
‫>־‪ -‬יוני לא הג יע אתמ ול למס יבה (בגלל הה ור ים שלו) ‪.‬‬
‫‪Yoni didn't come to the party yesterday because of his parents.‬‬

‫(בגלל הה ור ים של ו) יוני לא הג יע אתמ ול למס יבה ‪.‬‬

‫‪Because of his parents Yoni didn't come to the party yesterday.‬‬

‫‪Let's review‬‬
‫‪♦ C ategory I‬‬
‫"‪"Adding a noun‬‬

‫‪.(--------------- ,-------- )--------------------------------------‬‬

‫יוני לא הג יע אתמ ול למס יבה בגלל הה ור ים של ו ‪.‬‬
‫יוני לא הג יע אתמ ול למס יבה בגללם ‪.‬‬
‫יוני א יחר לפג ישה בשל הפקק ים בדרך ‪.‬‬
‫יוני הצל יח במבח ן ב זכ ות הע זרה שלך ‪.‬‬
‫יוני הצל יח במבח ן בזכותך ‪.‬‬

‫‪or in reverse order:‬‬

‫< ) ‪-(-----------------‬‬
‫בגלל הה ור ים של ו יוני לא הג יע למס יבה ‪.‬‬
‫בגללם יוני לא הג יע למס יבה ‪.‬‬
‫בשל הפקק ים בדרך יוני א יחר לפג ישה ‪.‬‬
‫ב זכ ות הע זרה שלך יוני הצל יח במבח ן ‪.‬‬
‫ב זכ ותך יוני הצל יח במבח ן ‪.‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪C h o o s e t he c o r r e c t r ea s o n w o r d .‬‬

‫ו‪ .‬אתה ל ומד עבר ית ____________ א ת ה לא יודע עבר ית ‪.‬‬

‫(בגלל ‪ /‬כי)‬

‫‪ .2‬רונית לא באה לשיעור ______________ כאב לה הראש‪.‬‬

‫(משום ש‪ / -‬בגלל)‬

III. Why?: Reason and Result Sentences

. ‫ אני א וכלת הרבה ש וק ולד ________________ א נ י א והבת שוקולד‬.3

)‫ בגלל‬/ -‫(מכיוון ש‬

. ‫_______________ הפקק ים הגעתי מא וחר לעבודה‬ .4

)‫ בזכות‬/ ‫(בגלל‬

! ‫ חבל‬. ‫ אנחנו לא יוצאים לטייל ____________________ ה גשם החזק‬.5

)-‫ מפני ש‬/ ‫ בגלל‬/ ‫(בזכות‬

.‫ אני יכול לבקר את החבר ים שלי היום ______________________ א י ן לי שיעורי בית‬.6

)‫ בגלל‬/ - ‫ משום ש‬/ ‫(בזכות‬

.‫ יש הרבה פרח ים והכול ירוק‬, ‫ ___________________ הש נה ירד הרבה גשם‬.7

)‫ בזכות‬/ -‫ מכיוון ש‬/ ‫(כי‬

.‫ _______________ המ ורה שלי הצלחת י במבח ן בפיזיקה‬.8

)‫ בזכות‬/ - ‫(מכיוון ש‬
‫ בזכות‬.8 -‫ מכיוון ש‬.7 ‫ משום ש־‬.6 ‫ בגלל‬.5 ‫ בגלל‬.4 - ‫ מכיוון ש‬.3 ‫ משום ש־‬.2 ‫ כי‬.‫ו‬

• Category III: Two clauses joined by an expression

containing a reference back to the first
(‫״‬.‫ לכן‬therefore)
Relationships of reason-result can be expressed in a third way. Here is an example:

(3) (2) (1)

.‫ ולכן הוא לא הגיע לבית שלי‬.‫יוני לא אוהב מסיבות‬ ‫>־־‬
Yoni doesn't like parties, and therefore he didn't come to my house.

First we make a statement:

Yoni doesn't like parties. .‫) ו) יוני לא אוהב מסיבות‬

Next we add a result word (2), in this case ‫( לכן‬therefore) - with or without ‫ו־‬. Next comes the
result clause ( 3) : .‫ה וא לא הגיע לבית שלי‬

‫ לכן‬is used in speaking and writing, but sounds more formal than the following alternative:
.‫ בגלל זה הוא לא הגיע לבית שלי‬.‫יוני לא אוהב מסיבות‬
Yoni doesn't like parties. That's why (lit.: because of this) he didn't come to my house.

III. Why?: Reason and Result Sentences

This sentence would be used in informal, spoken Hebrew.

The following is more formal than ‫ לכן‬and is used mainly in written Hebrew:
.‫ משום פך ה וא לא הג יע לב ית י‬, ‫יוני לא א והב מס יב ות‬

Q: What is common to the expressions ‫ משום כך‬,‫ בגלל זה‬,‫?לכן‬

A: 1. They all appear between two clauses and indicate that the second clause is the result or
effect of the first.
2. They all contain a little word like ‫ כך‬,‫ כן‬or ‫ זה‬that refers back to the previous clause and
means because of this, for this reason, etc.

Chapter summary

♦ Category III ♦ Category II ♦ Category I

/ "Adding a clause " "Adding a noun" /
two clauses joined by an a base clause plus a connecting one sentence containing a
expression containing a reference expression and its clause preposition and its noun
back to the first usually linked with -‫ש‬

...............a _______ )-
.‫ בגלל זה הוא לא הגיע‬.‫יוני לא אוהב מסיבות‬ .‫ב_ות‬1‫הב_מ_ס‬1‫יוני לא הגיע למסיבה מפני שהו_א_לא_א‬ .‫יוני לא הגיע למסיבה בגלל ההווים שלו‬
‫לכו‬ -‫משום ש‬ .‫ בגללם‬:or
‫משום כך‬ ‫כי‬ .‫יוני איחר לפגישה בשל הפקקים בדרך‬
­ ‫ כיוון ש‬/ -‫מכיוון ש‬ .‫יוני הצליח במבחן בזכות העזרה שלך‬
**-‫בגלל ש‬ .‫ בזכותך‬:or
Of the above expressions - the
following appear at the beginning in
good style: or in reverse order:

________ __________________ a < ■ )<

■‫ הוא לא הגיע למסיבה‬,‫מכיוון שנוני_לא_אוהב מסי_ב!ת‬ .‫בגלל ההורים שלו יוני לא הגיע למסיבה‬
-‫כיוון ש‬ ‫ בגללם‬:or
.‫בשל הפקקים בדרך יוני איחר לפגישה‬
.‫בזכות העזרה שלך יוני הצליח במבחן‬
.‫ בזכותך יוני הצליח במבחן‬:or
** Alternatively, the two clauses : used in informal Hebrew
may be separated by a comma.

‫‪III. Why?: Reason and Result Sentences‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood this chapter‬‬

‫‪A. Choose the correct word.‬‬

‫‪ . 1‬היום נסעתי לעבודה באוטובוס _______________ ל א מצאתי את ה מפ ת חו ת של המכונית שלי‪.‬‬

‫(לכן ‪ /‬כי ‪ /‬בגלל)‬

‫‪ .2‬לא למדתי למבחן‪ ___________________ ,‬ל א הצלחתי בו‪.‬‬

‫(בגלל ‪ /‬לכן ‪ /‬משום ש‪)-‬‬

‫____________________________________________________ ל א היה לנו זמן‪.‬‬

‫(מפני ש‪ / -‬בגלל ‪ /‬לכן)‬

‫‪ .4‬לא קיבלו את גלית לאוניברסיטה ___________________ ה ציוני ם הנמוכים שלה‪.‬‬

‫(לכן ‪ /‬משום ש‪ / -‬בגלל)‬

‫‪ .5‬אין לך עבודה‪ ___________________ ,‬א י ן לך כסף‪.‬‬

‫(משום ש‪ / -‬לכן ‪ /‬בגלל)‬

‫‪ .6‬ה סטודנטים כעסו על המורה ___________________ ה מ ב חן הקשה שהוא נתן להם‪.‬‬

‫(לכן ‪ /‬בגלל ‪ /‬מכיוון ש‪)-‬‬
‫כי ‪ .2‬לכן ‪ .3‬מפני ש‪ .4 -‬בגלל ‪ .5‬לכן ‪ .6‬בגלל‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫‪Rewrite the following sentences using the given expressions.‬‬

‫‪ . 1‬העולים החד שים אינם יודעים עברית‪ ,‬לכן הם צריכים ללמוד באולפן‪.‬‬

‫__________________________ מ פ ני ש ______________________________‬

‫‪ .2‬ילדים קטנים ישנים ע ם אור בגלל הפחד שלהם מחושך‪.‬‬

‫‪ , ----------------------------------------‬לכן ‪-------------------------------------------------‬‬

‫‪ .3‬הפסקתי לקנות בחנות הזאת‪ ,‬מכיוון שהמחירים בה גבוהים‪.‬‬

‫‪ ,‬מ שום כך ___________‬

‫‪ .4‬לא למדתי למבחן‪ ,‬מ שום כך לא הצלחתי‪.‬‬

‫מכיוון ש _________________________‬

‫‪III. Why?: Reason and Result Sentences‬‬

‫התושבים התנגדו לפ תי ח ת די ס קו ט ק בשכונה‪ ,‬ומ שום כך הוא לא נפתח‪.‬‬

‫__________________________ מ ש ו ם ש ____________________________ ‪.‬‬


‫העולים החדשים צריכים ללמוד באולפן‪ ,‬מפני שהם אינם יודעים עברית‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫ילדים קטנים פוחדים מחושך‪ ,‬לכן הם ישנים עם אור‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫המחירים בחנות הזאת גבוהים‪ ,‬משום כך הפסקתי לקנות בה‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫מכיוון שלא למדתי למבחן‪ ,‬לא הצלחתי‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫הדיסקוטק בשכונה לא נפתח‪ ,‬משום שהתושבים התנגדו לפתיחתו‪.‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
IV. In Order To: Sentences that
State an Intended Purpose
‫משפטי תכלית‬ • •

™ •• •

Category III Category lib Category Ila Category I
(for this) (so that, in order that) (in order to) (for)

‫בשב יל זה‬ ‫ עתיד‬+ - ‫פדי ש‬ 1)‫שם הפועל‬+( -‫פדי ל‬ ‫ל־‬

‫לשם כך‬ +future + infinitive ‫בשב יל‬

Before we begin our discussion of the three basic categories of intended purpose sentences, let's
take a look athow we ask questions about intended purpose 2

The mostregular question word used to ask about the purpose behind something is ?‫למה‬.
However, in many cases a question that begins with ?‫ למה‬may be understood in two ways:
either as a question about the reason for something (as we saw in the previous chapter) or,
indeed, as a question about its intended purpose. For example, we might ask:

Wh y is Yossi driving so fast? ?‫למה יוס י נ וסע כל כך מהר‬ -C

These are some of the possible answers:

Because important guests are waiting for him. .5■5" 1. ‫כי א ורח ים חש וב ים מח כ ים לו‬C
Because he left home late. .2. ‫כי ה וא יצא מהב ית בא יח ור‬

in order to get to wor k on time. .3. ‫פד י לה ג יע לעב ודה ב זמ ן‬

So that his son will get to school on time. .4. ‫פד י שב נ ו יגיע לב ית הס פר ב זמ ן‬

The -‫ ל‬in - ‫ כדי ל‬is actually the first letter of the infinitive. We are using -‫ ל‬here as an abbreviation of the
infinitive form.
a. For a clarification of our use of the term intended purpose sentences, see p. 903, note 2. In some grammar
books. Category II intended purpose clauses are called purpose clauses or intent clauses.
b. For a description of the three categories, see the chapter "Defining Three Types of Sentences," pp. 903-916.

IV. In Order To: Sentences that State an Intended Purpose

While the first two answers relate to the reasons for Yossi's speeding (rooted either in the
present - as in sentence 1 - or in the past - as in sentence 2), the second two tell us about what
he wishes to achieve or prevent at a later time. It is such sentences that we will discuss in this

In informal Hebrew, the question ?‫ בשביל מה‬, too, may be used to ask about either reason or
intended purpose:
Why do you study all the time ?‫בשביל מה א תה לומד כל הזמן‬ -‫<־‬
(= What do you study all the time for?)
Because 1 want to understand better. ,‫כי אני רוצה להבין‬ ‫את הדברים סוב יותר‬
In order to get ahead. .‫כדי ל ה ת ק דם‬

In more formal Hebrew, ?‫ מדוע‬is used to ask specifically about reason, while ?‫ לשם מה‬is used
to ask in a more pointed way about purpose. ?‫ לשם מה‬is almost always answered using an
intended purpose expression.
Why (for what purpose) are you rushing? ?‫לשם מה א ת ה ממה ר‬ ***C
In order not to be late. .‫כדי לא לאחר‬

• Category II: Adding a clause or an infinitive

)~\!(‫ פדי‬/ -‫(פדי ל‬
Intended purpose sentences in Category II can be divided into two basic sub-categories.
We will first look at sentences that are different in structure from the Category II sentences in
other chapters.

Categoiy Ila: Adding an infinitive (~b ‫כדי‬ in order to)

Read the following sentences:
Nadav and Yael went to the club in order to dance. .‫ נדב ו יעל הלכ ו למ ועד ו ן כדי לרלןוד‬.‫■<־ ו‬£
We read in order to leam new words. .2. ‫אנחנ ו ק ורא ים כדי ללמ וד מ יל ים_םכש גת‬

Q: What comes after the word ‫ כדי‬in these sentences?

A: The answer is the same in Hebrew and in English: an infinitive (‫על‬1‫) ש ם פ‬, i.e., ‫( לרקוד‬to
dance) and ‫( ללמוד‬to leam). The infinitive may stand alone (as in sentence 1), or it may be
"expanded" (as in sentence 2).

IV. In Order To: Sentences that State an Intended Purpose

Look again at sentence 1.

Q: Who wanted to dance (‫?)לרקוד‬

A: Nadav and Yael (‫ )נדב ויעל‬- the same people who went (‫ )הלכו‬to the club.

Now look at sentence 2.

Q: Who wants to learn (‫ )ללמוד‬new words?

A: We (‫ )אנחנו‬do - the same people who read (‫)ק וראים‬.

When the subject of the sentence (‫ נדב ויעל‬in sentence 1, and ‫ אנחנו‬in sentence 2) is the same as
the "subject" of the infinitive,3 we use an infinitive after ‫) כדי‬-‫)כדי ל‬.

We regard sentences that use -‫ כדי ל‬followed by an infinitive as a subgroup of Category II, and
thus in this book we call them Category Ha sentences.

Categoiy lib: Adding a clause (-‫ פדי ש‬so that)

Now let's examine another set of sentences using :‫כדי‬
-‫י‬ ‫ם ילמדו את השפה‬
We read the children books in Hebrew so that they will learn the language.

.‫המורה הסבירה כדי שהתלמידים יבינו‬

The teacher explained again so that the students would understand.
Q: What comes after the word ‫ כדי‬in these sentences?
A: The little word ‫( ש־‬that) followed by a claus_e\4
.> ‫״־‬ ‫ם_ילמדו_ את_השפה‬
‫כדי שהתלמידים_יבעג‬
The clauses that follow ‫ כדי ש־‬always contain a verb.

Q: In what tense are the Hebrew verbs that come after ‫?כדי ש־‬
A: They are in the future tense. This is logical, since the clause after ‫ כדי ש־‬conveys the
intended purpose (i.e., something that will happen at a later time).

3 We say that the infinitive has a subject since an infinitive is often an abbreviation of a longer clause (in
grammar books it is called a reduced or abridged clause, in Hebrew: ‫) פסוקית מצומצמת‬. Here, for example,‫כדי‬
‫ ללמוד‬is equivalent to the longer clause ‫כדי שהם ילמדו‬, thus ‫ הם‬is the subject of the reduced clause ‫ללמוד‬.
4 On the use of the word clause in this book, see the chapter "Defining Three Types of Sentences, " p. 903,
note la.

IV. In Order To: Sentences that State an Intended Purpose

‫ כדי ש־‬is always followed by a clause with a verb in the future tense. For this reason, you
should try to remember the formula:
‫ עתיד‬+ - ‫כדי ש‬
+ future

In English the verb after so that and in order that is often not in the future tense, thus we cannot
necessarily translate literally from English to Hebrew. For example, the Hebrew translation of
"The parents closed the door so that the children would 11_o_t_hear'' requires the future tense
after -:‫כדי ש‬
-‫הה ור ים סגר ו את הדלת כדי שה ילד ים_לא ישמ<ע י‬.<
Literally: The parents closed the door so that the children will not hear.

When must "‫ עתיד‬+ -‫ "כדי ש‬be used?

Let's look again at the above sentence and ask:

Q: What are the subjects of the verbs (‫ ישמע ו‬, ‫ )סגרו‬in the two clauses in this sentence?
A: The subject of ‫ סגר ו‬is ‫ההודים‬, and the subject of ‫ ישמע ו‬is ‫הילדים‬. The two subjects are different
from each other.

Generally speaking, when the subjects in the two clauses are different from each other, we tend
to use "‫ עת יד‬+ - ‫ "כדי ש‬rather than -‫ כדי ל‬followed by an infinitive.

.*‫־‬ ‫<הה ור ים סגר ו את הדלת כדי שה ילד ים לא ישמע ו‬

Did you know?

There are cases in whi ch " ‫ עתיד‬+ - ‫ "כדי ש‬is used despite the fact that the subjects
in both clauses in the sentence are the same (and we would expect to use
-‫)כדי ל‬. Among the most common of these are sentences in which the verb after
‫ כדי‬does not have an infinitive form in Hebrew, for example:

1. the verb ‫יכול‬

0 ‫י שג וכל_לר_א_ו ת_ט וב_יו ת‬
)‫אנחנו‬ ‫))(אנחנו‬
W e turned on the light so that we_coyld_see better

(lit.: so that we_wil] be ab]e_to_see better.)

or: W e turned on the light in order to be able to see better.

IV. In Order To: Sentences that State an Intended Purpose

2. a passive verb, for example:

•‫>*■ א ת צר יכה להג יע מ וסדם כד י שתט_ ופל י_ראש ונה‬
)‫(את‬ )‫(את‬
You have to arrive e a rly in o rd e r to be seen by the doctor first.
(lit .: so that you_wjJI_b_eJgken_care_qf_firs_t.)

Reversing the word order

We can also begin a sentence with - ‫ל‬ ‫כד י‬ and - ‫ש‬ ‫ כד י‬, especially when we wish to emphasize the

,‫ פרסמ נ ו מ ודעה בעית ו ו הסט וד נט ים‬, ‫ב וא ו _למס_יבה‬: ‫כד י שמלם‬

In order that evejyone.would !lit :.will} come to_the party, we put an ad in the student paper.
So that

Let's review
♦ The sentences in Category II are made up of two clauses. The use of - ‫ כד י ל‬or
- ‫ כד י ש‬to express an intended purpose is usually determined by the subjects of
these clauses.5

- When the subjects are the same, we use ‫כד י‬ followed by an infinitive
) ‫ (כד י ל ־‬:
. ‫ אנחנ ו ר וצ ים ללמ וד מ יל ים חדש ות‬.2 + . ‫ אנחנ ו ק ורא ים‬.‫ו‬ ->

•‫סדש נת‬. ‫ללמ וד מ נל ים‬ ‫כד י‬ ‫אנחנ ו ק ורא ים‬

5 These are the same two subcategories found in sentences with ‫ר וצה‬:
JJ[ultjre)_VT1)1 + + ‫ש‬ [,infinitive)^ +
‫יוסי רוצה שהאורםי_ם_לא_יחכו_לו הבבה זנע‬. .‫יוסי רוצה להג״נ בזנע‬ :‫ רוצה‬->
•1‫יחכו_ל_ו_הבבה_ז_מ‬.‫סי_ם_לא‬1 ‫יוסי נוסע מהר כדי שהאו‬ •1‫<נ בזכי‬1‫יוסי נוסע מהר כדי להג‬ :‫כדי‬
In many cases, we can see a connection between sentences with ‫ רוצה‬and ‫כדי‬. For example, when we say the
following sentences with ‫כדי‬, we can imagine a reason sentence containing ‫ רוצח‬underlying it:
•1‫ בזמ‬.‫ע‬:‫ יוסי נוסע מהר כדי להג‬.‫<■ ו‬
•1‫ בזמ‬.‫יוסי נוסע מהר כי הוא רוצה להגנע‬
2. ‫ל_א_יחכו_לו הבבה עי‬.‫ם‬.‫! יוסי נוסע מהר כדי שהאו_רםי‬.
•1‫יוסי נוסע מהר כי הוא רוצה שהאוךםי_ם_לא_יחכו_לו הנבה זני‬
For more on sentences with ‫רוצה‬, see the chapter "Expressing Desire," pp 894-897.

IV. In O rder To: Sentences that State an Intended Purpose

- When the subjects are different, we use - ‫ כד י ש‬followed by a future tense

. ‫ ה ם ילמד ו א ת השפה‬. 2 + . ‫א נח נ ו ק ו רא ים ל י לד ים בעבר ית‬ .‫ו‬

. ‫את _הש פה‬ _‫כד י שהם_ ילמד ו‬ ‫א נח נ ו ק ו רא ים ל ילד ים ב עב ר ית‬

For special cases, see "Did you know?" above.

Want to see if you've understood?

Translate the following into Hebrew.

1. They went to Tel Aviv in order to visit the museum there.

2. We took our children to the beach so (that) they could play in the sand.

3. I'm dieting so that I can wear my new dress to the wedding.

4. We were speaking quietly so that Rachel wouldn't hear.

5. In order to finish my paper, I’ll have to work all night.

. ‫ הם נסעו לתל אביב כדי לבקר במוזאון שם‬. 1
.‫ כדי ש (הם ) יוכלו לשחק בחול‬/ ‫ לקחנ ו את הילדים שלנו לחוף הים כדי ש (הם ) ישחק ו בחול‬.2
. ‫ אני ע ושה ד יאטה כדי שא וכל ללב וש את השמלה החדשה שלי לחתונה‬.3
. ‫ דיברנו בשקט כדי שרחל לא תשמע‬.4
.‫ אצטרך לעבוד כל הלילה‬,‫ לסיים את העבודה שלי‬/ ‫ כדי לגמור‬.5

IV. In O rd e r To: Sentences that State an Intended Purpose

Other ways to say ”in order to”

In informal Hebrew we can express intended purpose by substituting - ‫ל‬ ‫בשב י ל‬ for - :‫ל‬ ‫כד י‬

‫• נסעת י לצרפת כד י ללמרר צרפתי״ת‬ -<

(.informal) .‫נסעת י לצרפת בשב י ל ללמ וד צרפת ית‬
I went to France in order to learn French.

An additional feature of Category Ha is the fact that, as in English, we can actually omit ‫ כדי‬and
‫ בשב יל‬in many sentences and still express the intended purpose by using the infinitive form
(here, ‫)ללמ וד‬.

I went to France to l earn French. (= in order to learn French.) 5‫נסעת י לצרפת ללמ וד צרפת ית־‬ •‫־‬C

Let's review
♦ Category lib ♦ Category Ha
"Adding a clause ‫״‬ "Adding an infinitive"

. jyijije. +Q ‫י*־‬£ .infinitive +□

•‫ _ילמדו_צ_רפתנת‬:‫נסענו לצרפת כדי שהילדים‬ . ‫נסענו לצרפת כדי ללמ וד צרפתי״ת‬
(informal) .‫נסענו לצרפת בשב יל ללמ וד צרפת ית‬
‫ נסענו לצרפת ללמ וד צרפת ית‬.
:or in reverse order
.__________ ,_____ future __ Q + ‫>״־־‬ . ____________ mjuuljve_ + □
.‫ נסענו לצרפת‬, ‫כדי שה ילד ים _ילמדו_צרפתנת‬ .‫כדי ללמ נד צרפת ית נסענ ו לצרפת‬
. ‫בשב יל ללמ וד צרפת ית נסענ ו לצרפת‬

• Category I: Adding a noun to a preposition

(...‫ בשביל‬for)
In the sentences in Category II above, either a clause or an infinitive (which here has the status
of a clause) followed ‫ בשביל‬/ ‫כדי‬.

Q: How do the following sentences differ from those in Category II?

These books are for Yossi. .‫הספר ים הא לה הם בשביל יוס י‬ ‫<*־‬

I bought the game for t he chi l dren. . ‫ק נ ית י א ת ה מש ח ק ל ילד ים‬

IV. In Order To: Sentences that State an Intended Purpose

.‫המשחק הזה הוא בשביל ילדים שאוהבים לשחק משחק י לוח‬

This game is for children who like to play board games.

A: Here only a noun (lone or expanded)6 follows the preposition.

Adding a pronoun (him, her, it...) after the prepositions -‫ ל‬and ‫בשביל‬
If, instead of saying "This present is for Yossi," we wish to say: "This present is for him," we
simply add an ending onto the preposition 7.‫בשביל‬

This present is for Yossi. .‫המתנה הזאת היא‬ ‫בשביל יו סי‬ <<
= This present is for him. .‫המתנה הזאת היא‬ ‫= בשבילו‬

This is al so t rue of t he preposition -‫ ל‬:

1bought iris a present.(.‫ קניתי מת נה לאיריס‬:‫ (או‬. ‫קנ ית י לאיריס מת נה‬ -*<
= 1bought her a present. .‫= קנ ית י לה מת נה‬

Not e that in the case o f - ‫ל‬, the forms with an added ending (...‫ לו‬,‫ לך‬,‫ ) לי‬are usually placed right
after the verb and before the direct object (here: ‫)מתנה‬.

6 For more on these terms, see the chapter "Defining Three Types of Sentences," pp. 904-905.
7 See the chapter "Adding Endings to Prepositions." p. 232 for the declension of ‫בשביל‬.

IV. In Order To: Sentences that State an Intended Purpose

• Category III: Two clauses joined by an expression

containing a reference back to the first
(‫ לשם פך‬for this purpose)
An intended purpose can be expressed in still another way, for example:

.‫ ק ״מ כל י ום‬5 ‫ לשם כך ה יא רצה‬. ‫הס פ ורטא ית ר וצה ל זכ ות במדל יה‬ -C

The athlete wants to win a medal. In order to achi eve this (for this purpose), she runs 5 km. a day.

This sentence contains two clauses. The intended purpose (or goal) is stated in the first clause,
and what is done to achieve this goal is stated in the second clause. The expression between the
two clauses (here: ‫ ) לשם כך‬contains an element that refers back to the first clause.

‫ לשם כך‬is used in formal Hebrew. In informal Hebrew we may say ‫ בשב יל זה‬:

(informal) .‫ ק ״מ כל י ום‬5 ‫ בשב יל זה ה יא רצה‬. ‫הס פ ורטא ית ר וצה ל זכ ות במדל יה‬ -<
The athlete wants to win a medal. For this (= to do this) she runs 5 km. a day.

Both ‫ לשם כך‬and ‫ בשב יל זה‬contain an element that refers back to the previous clause: ‫ זה‬, ‫כך‬.

♦ Category III ♦ Category I

"Adding a noun" /
two clauses joined by an expression containing one sentence containing a
a reference back to the first preposition and its noun

•(- )-
)informal( .‫ בשביל זה באנו לירושלים‬.‫אנחנו רוצים להיפגש עם השר‬ .‫קניתי את המתנה לילדים של תתי‬
)formal( .‫ לשם כך באנו לירושלים‬.‫אנחנו רוצים להיפגש עם השר‬ .‫קניתי את הפרחים בשבילכם‬
or in reverse order:

** Alternatively, the two clauses may be separated .‫למירי קניתי סוודר‬

by a comma. ?‫בשביל מה קניתם את כל התפוחים האלה‬

‫‪IV. In Order To: Sentences that State an Intended Purpose‬‬

‫‪♦ Category lib‬‬ ‫‪♦ Category Ha‬‬

‫״‪"Adding a clause‬‬ ‫"‪Adding an infinitive‬‬ ‫״‬

‫_____ ‪>.Juture__ + C 3‬‬ ‫________ □ ‪.infinitive +‬‬

‫ש חי _ ל די ם _י ל מ ד _ו צ כ פ תי ת‪.‬‬ ‫כדי‬ ‫נ ס ע נו ל צ ר פ ת‬ ‫ל ל מ ו ד צ ר פ ת _י ת‪.‬‬ ‫כדי‬ ‫נ ס ע נו ל צ ר פ ת‬

‫(‪)informal‬‬ ‫ל ל מ ו ד צ ר פ ת י ת‪.‬‬ ‫בשביל‬ ‫נ ס ע נו ל צ ר פ ת‬

‫ל ל מ ו ד צ ר פ ת י ת‪.‬‬ ‫נ ס ע נו ל צ ר פ ת‬

‫‪or in reverse order:‬‬ ‫‪or in reverse order:‬‬

‫‪.____________Juture‬‬ ‫‪+ O‬‬

‫נ ס ע נ ו ל צ ר פ ת‪.‬‬ ‫ש ה י ל ד י ב ע ל מ ד ! צ נ פ תי ת‪,‬‬ ‫כדי‬ ‫נ ס ע נ ו ל צ ר פ ת‪.‬‬ ‫ל ל מו ד צ נ פ תי ת‬ ‫כדי‬
‫נ ס ע נ ו ל צ ר פ ת‪.‬‬ ‫ל ל מ ו ד צ ר פ תי ת‬ ‫בשביל‬

‫? ‪W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d th is c h a p te r‬‬
‫‪Ch o os e the corr ect expr essi on.‬‬

‫ל ע בו ר‪.‬‬ ‫יו כ ל‬ ‫י מ י ן_______________________________________________________ ה א מ ב ו ל נ ס‬ ‫ל צד‬ ‫לזוז‬ ‫צ רי כו ת‬ ‫ה מ כו ניו ת‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫ש ־)‬ ‫כ די‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫כך‬ ‫לשם‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫( כ די‬

‫צ ר פ ת‪.‬‬ ‫של‬ ‫מפה‬ ‫ב צ ר פ ת_______________________________________________________________ ק נ י נ ו‬ ‫ל טיי ל‬ ‫ר צי נו‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫ב ש בי ל)‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫כך‬ ‫לשם‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫ש‪-‬‬ ‫( כ די‬

‫‪ . 3‬המורה סיפר בדיחות‪ __________________ ,‬ה ת ל מ י ד י ם ירגישו נוח בשיעור‪.‬‬

‫ש ‪)-‬‬ ‫כ די‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫כך‬ ‫לשם‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫( כ די‬

‫ה א ל ה‪.‬‬ ‫ה ת ר גי לי ם‬ ‫את‬ ‫מ ת מ ט י ק א י_________________________________________________________ ל פ ת ו ר‬ ‫ל היו ת‬ ‫צ רי ך‬ ‫לא‬ ‫‪.4‬‬

‫כ ך)‬ ‫לשם‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫כ די‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫ש‪-‬‬ ‫( כ די‬

‫ע בו ד ה‪.‬‬ ‫א ב י ב _________________________________________________ פ ג י ש ת‬ ‫ל תל‬ ‫נ ס ע תי‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫כ די)‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫ל‪-‬‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫כך‬ ‫(ל שם‬

‫ה ם___________________________________________________________‬ ‫ה פ ר ח י ם‪,‬‬ ‫את‬ ‫ק חי‬ ‫רו ני ת‪,‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫כ די)‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫ל ש ם כך‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫( ב ש בי ל ך‬

‫‪ . 7‬א ת ה יכול להצליח בעבודה הזאת_____________________ א ת ה צריך ל ד ע ת לעבוד קשה‪.‬‬

‫כ ך)‬ ‫לשם‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫ש‪-‬‬ ‫כ די‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫( ב ש בי ל‬

‫‪ __________________ .8‬ק ר א ת לי?‬

‫ש ‪)-‬‬ ‫כ די‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫מה‬ ‫לשם‬ ‫‪/‬‬ ‫( כ די‬

‫‪Answer s:‬‬
‫מה‬ ‫לשם‬ ‫‪.8‬‬ ‫ל ש ם כך‬ ‫‪.7‬‬ ‫ב ש בי ל ך‬ ‫‪.6‬‬ ‫ל‪-‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬ ‫כ די‬ ‫‪.4‬‬ ‫ש‪-‬‬ ‫כ די‬ ‫‪.3‬‬ ‫כך‬ ‫לשם‬ ‫‪.2‬‬ ‫ש‪-‬‬ ‫כ די‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

V. In Spite Of: Contrary to
Expectation Sentences
‫משפטי ויתור‬ • •• •

Before we discuss how contrary to expectation expressions function in each category, let's see
what exactly we mean by contrary to expectation sentences1

Read the following passage about two graduate students, Gadi and Yael
‫ כשהגיע יום‬.‫ והיא הסכימה‬,‫> » ביום רביעי גדי שאל א ת יעל א ם היא רוצה להצטרף אליו ל טיול ביום שישי‬
‫ היא‬,‫שישי יעל ה ח לי ט ה שלמ רות שהיא מ אוד רוצה ל צ א ת ל טיול ולמרות שמזג האוויר אידאלי לטיולים‬
.‫תישאר בבית כדי ל סיי ם א ת העבודה הסמינריונית שלה‬

On Wednesday Gadi asked Yael if she wanted to join him for a walk on Friday, and Yael said yes. When
Friday came around, Yael decided that even though she wanted to go for a walk and even though the
weather was ideal for taking a walk, she would stay home to finish her seminar paper.

1 a. For a clarification of our use of the term contrary to expectation sentences, see p 903, note 2. In some
grammar books. Category II contrary to expectation clauses are called concession clauses.
b. For a description of the three categories, see the chapter "Defining Three Types of Sentences," pp. 903-916,
c. For sentences with a close semantic connection to these, such as those with ...‫אבל‬. . . ‫( אמנם‬It's true that...
but...), see the chapter "But Sentences," pp. 855-857.

V. In Spite Of: Contrary to Expectation Sentences

Gadi expected Yael to go for a walk with him since she had already agreed to do so and since
the weather was beautiful. However, Yael surprised Gadi and told him that she had decided to
stay home.

What Yael did was contrary to Gadi's expectations.

• Category II: Adding a clause (...‫ למרות ש־‬even though)

The following sentence appeared in the passage above:
,‫ יעל החליטה להישאר בבית כדי לסיים את העבודה שלה‬,‫היה&ידאלי_לטיולים‬.‫למרות שמזג האוויכ‬
Even though the weather was ideal for taking a walk, Yael decided to stay home to finish her paper.

Q: Which part of the sentence conveys the surprise?

A: The base clause: ,‫יעל החליטה להישאר בבית כדי לסיים את העבודה שלה‬
Yael decided to stay home to finish her paper.

Q: Wliich part conveys the basis of our expectations?

A: Thq added clause: .‫ם‬2‫מזג ה אוו! כ ה_יה_אידאלי_לטעל‬
The weather was ideal for taking a walk.

The expression ‫( למרות ש־‬lam-ROT sheh = even though), which precedes this clause, alerts us
to the fact that the information that will be presented in the base clause will be contrary to

Notice that the expression ‫ ת ש־‬1‫ למר‬contains the little word -‫ש‬, which enables us to attach a

Here's another example:

,‫ הוא הלר לעבודה‬,‫ היה חולה‬.‫למרו־ת שתן‬ -»>
Even though Ron was sick, he went to work.

We know from the added_clause that Ron was sick. Therefore, we expect him not to go to work.
The other part of the sentence - the base clause - contains the surprise:
He went to work. ,‫הוא הלר לעבודה‬ -<

2 Since ‫ למרו־ת‬does not appear in traditional sources with -‫( ש‬followed by a clause), - ‫ למרות ש‬is not considered
correct Hebrew. Nonetheless, it is commonly used in both spoken and written Hebrew.

V. In Spite Of: Contrary to Expectation Sentences

Alternatively, in such sentences we can reverse the order of the base clause and the added
.‫רוו הלר לעבודה למרות שהוא היה חולה‬
Ron went to work even though he was sick.

•‫אידאלי לטיולי״ם‬. ‫יעל החליטה להישאר בבית למרות שמזג האוויר ה_יה‬
Yael decided to stay home even though the weather was ideal for taking a walk.

What can we use instead o f -‫?למרות ש‬

Instead o f -‫ למרות ש‬we can use the expression -‫אף על פי ש‬:3
.‫ הוא הלד לעבודה‬,‫ חולה‬.‫סיה‬.‫אף על פי שינן‬ -‫>־‬
Even though Ron was sick, he went to work.

We can also reverse the order:

.‫רוז הלד לעבודה אף על פי שהוא היה חולה‬ -C
Ron went to work even though he was sick.

Let's review
♦ Category II
"Adding a clause"

>□ ‫> ־‬
.‫ הוא הלד לעבודה‬,‫ חולה‬.‫ היה‬.‫למרות שבנן‬
-‫אף על פי ש‬
or in reverse order:
_________________ > ‫____________ כ‬
.‫רון הלד לעבודה ‘ מרות שהוא היה חולה‬
-‫אף על פי ש‬

3 Another expression - - ‫ אפילו ש‬- is very common in informal (spoken) Hebrew, even though it is regarded by
many as incorrect.

V. In Spite Of: Contrary to Expectation Sentences

• Category I: Adding a noun to a preposition

(...‫ למדות‬despite)
Let's see what happens when a noun follows :‫למרות‬
‫ למרות המשכורת הגבוהה דינה עזבה א ת העבודה שלה‬.
Despite the high salary, Dina quit her job.

.‫ היא עזבה א ת העבודה שלה‬,‫למרות המשכורת הגבוהה שדמה קיבלה כל תודש‬

Despite the high salary that Dina got every month, she quit her job.

As you can see, when a noun (lone or expandedf is added to ‫למרות‬, it "plugs in" directly -
without the use of ‫ש־‬.

In more formal Hebrew, we can use the expression ‫ על אף‬instead of .‫למרות‬

‫על אף הסכנה לבריאותם אנשים ממ שיכים לעשן סיגריות‬.
Despite the danger to their health, people continue to smoke cigarettes.

Note that in ‫על אף‬, the word ‫ על‬comes before ‫ אף‬- a reversal of the order found in
­ ‫)אף על פי ש‬.

We can also write these same sentences with the ‫ למרות‬or ‫ על אף‬phrase at the end :
.‫דינה עזבה א ת העבודה שלה למרות המשכורת הגבוהה‬
Dina quit her job despite the high salary.

.‫דינה ע זבה א ת העב ודה ש לה למרות המשכורת הגבוהה שהיא קיבלה כל תודש‬
Dina quit her job despite the high salary that she got every month.

.‫א נש ים ממש יכ ים לעש ן סיגריות על אף הסכנה לבריאותם‬

People continue to smoke cigarettes despite the danger to their health.

4 For more on these terms, see the chapter "Defining Three Types of Sentences," pp. 904-905.

‫‪V. In Spite Of: Contrary to Expectation Sentences‬‬

‫‪Let's review‬‬
‫‪«> Category I‬‬
‫"‪"Adding a noun‬‬

‫‪--------- (-----------‬‬ ‫< )‬

‫למר ות הסכנה לבריאותם אנשים ממשיכים לעשן‪.‬‬
‫על אף‬
‫‪or in reverse order:‬‬

‫‪I‬‬ ‫‪)-‬‬
‫אנשים ממשיכים לעשן למר ות הסכנה לבריאותם‪.‬‬
‫על אף‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪Read the sentences a n d ask yoursel f w h a t comes aft er the bl ank: a noun (l one or‬‬
‫‪e x p a n d e d ) o r a cl ause? Ch o o s e the cor r ect expressi on.‬‬

‫‪ . 1‬קנינו כרטיסים להצגה ________________ ה מ חי ר שלהם היה גבוה‪.‬‬

‫(למר ות ש■ ‪ /‬למר ות )‬

‫_____________________________________ ל א סיימתי את הספר‪ ,‬החזרתי אותו לספרייה‪.‬‬

‫(על אף ‪ /‬אף על פי ש ‪) -‬‬

‫___________________________________ ה ב עיו ת בבית הבחור הצליח בלימודים‪.‬‬

‫(למר ות ‪ /‬למר ות ש ‪) -‬‬

‫‪ .4‬הבחורה הצליחה בבחינה _________________ ה י א לא למדה‪.‬‬

‫(אף על פי ש ‪ / -‬למר ות )‬

‫‪ .5‬יעל לא רזתה ________________ ה די א ט ה שהיא עשתה‪.‬‬

‫(על אף ‪ /‬למר ות ש ‪) -‬‬

‫_____________________________________ ג ד י שתה שלוש כוסות מים‪ ,‬הוא עדיין צמא‪.‬‬

‫(למר ות ‪ /‬אף על פי ש ‪) -‬‬
‫‪Answer s:‬‬
‫‪ .6‬אף על פי ש ‪-‬‬ ‫‪ .5‬על אף‬ ‫‪ .4‬אף על פי ש ‪-‬‬ ‫‪ . 3‬למר ות‬ ‫‪ .2‬אף על פי ש ‪-‬‬ ‫למר ות ש ‪-‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

V. In Spite Of: Contrary to Expectation Sentences

• Category III: Two clauses joined by an expression

containing a reference back to the first
(...‫ למתת זאת‬nevertheless)
Read the following sentence:
.‫ ת ז א ת יעל נשארה בבית‬1‫ ולמר‬,‫מזג האוויר היה א ידאלי לט י ול ים‬ -‫>־‬
The weather was ideal for taking a walk. Nevertheless, Yael stayed at home.
Despite this,

Here we have two separate clauses. The first clause states that the weather was ideal for taking
a walk. Knowing this, we expect Yael to go out for a walk. However, in the second clause we
find out that Yael did the unexpected: She stayed home.

In this example, the expression ‫( למר ות זאת‬despite this) makes clear that the second clause is
contrary to our expectations. Note that the little word ‫ זאת‬refers back to the previous clause -
where the basis of our expectations is stated:
.‫ ולמר ות ז א ת היא נשארה בבית‬, ‫מזג האוויר היה אידאלי לטי ול ים‬ -*>

Here are two other expressions that may be used in place of ‫למרות זאת‬:

-------------------- ‫ (ו)אף ע ל פי כן‬, ____________ ->

---------------------------- ‫ (ו)בכל ז את‬, ___________

These expressions correspond to a variety of English equivalents, for example: despite this, in
spite o f this, nevertheless, nonetheless, and yet, anyway. Note that in Hebrew, unlike English,
all the expressions in Category III contain a little word that refers back to the preceding clause:
‫ בכל זאת‬,‫ אף על פי כן‬,‫ ת זאת‬1‫למר‬. Here are some more examples:
.‫ אף על פי כן רבים בחר ו בה ש וב‬.‫ בימי ה מ מש ל ה ה ק ו דמת היו הרבה בע י ות כלכליות‬.‫ו‬
In the days of the previous government, there were many economic problems. In spite of this, many
people voted for that government again.

.‫ ובכל ז א ת היא ה ח לי ט ה ללמוד ספרות‬,‫נועה התקבלה ללימודי רפואה‬ ‫ב‬

Noa was accepted to medical school. Nevertheless, she decided to do her degree in literature.

,‫ אבל היא בכל ז א ת הלכה‬,‫לרינה לא ה ת ח ש ק ללכת לסרט‬ .3

Rina didn't feel like going to a movie, but she went anyway.

In spoken Hebrew, as in English, the word ‫ אבל‬is sometimes added, as you can see in sentence 3.

‫‪V. In Spite Of: Contrary to Expectation Sentences‬‬

‫‪Chapter summary‬‬

‫‪♦ Category III‬‬ ‫‪♦ Category II‬‬ ‫‪♦ Category I‬‬

‫‪"Adding a clause" /‬‬ ‫‪"Adding a noun" /‬‬
‫‪two clauses joined by an‬‬ ‫‪a base clause plus a connecting‬‬ ‫‪one sentence containing a‬‬
‫‪expression containing a reference‬‬ ‫‪expression and its clause‬‬ ‫‪preposition and its noun‬‬
‫‪back to the first‬‬ ‫ש‪usually linked with -‬‬

‫‪a .‬‬ ‫<‬ ‫‪•(-‬‬ ‫‪)-‬‬

‫היו לבחור בעיות‪ .‬למרות זאת הוא הצליח‪.‬‬ ‫הבחור הצליח מרות שהי_ו_ל‪ 1‬בעי!ת‪.‬‬ ‫הבחור הצליח למרות הבעיות בבית‪.‬‬
‫אף על פי כן‬ ‫אף על פי ש‪-‬‬ ‫על אף‬
‫בכל זאת‬
‫‪or in reverse order:‬‬ ‫‪or in reverse order:‬‬

‫<‪.a -‬‬
‫‪**Alternatively, the two‬‬ ‫למרות שהי_ו_לבחו! בצמת‪ ,‬הוא הצליח‪.‬‬ ‫למרות הבעיות בבית הבחור הצליח‪.‬‬
‫‪clauses may be separated by‬‬ ‫אף על פי ש ­‬ ‫על אף‬
‫‪a comma.‬‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood this chapter‬‬

‫‪C irc le th e c o rre c t e x p re s s io n .‬‬

‫______ מרים לא אוהבת מוסיקה קלסית‪ ,‬היא הלכה עם חבריה‬

‫(על אף ‪ /‬אף על פי ש‪ / -‬למרות זאת)‬
‫לקונצרט של התזמורת הפילהרמונית‪.‬‬

‫הוא גר‬ ‫‪ .2‬ראובן תמיד נוסע לאוניברסיטה במכונית שלו‬

‫(אף על פי כן ‪ /‬על אף ‪ /‬למרות ש‪)-‬‬
‫קרוב מאוד לקמפוס‪ .‬הוא יודע שבריא יותר ללכת ברגל‪ ,‬ו __________________‬
‫(למרות זאת ‪ /‬למרות ש‪ / -‬למרות)‬
‫הוא תמיד נוסע במכוניתו‪.‬‬

‫המאמצים הרבים‬ ‫‪ .3‬שני הצדדים לא הצליחו להגיע להסכמה ‪,‬‬

‫(על אף ‪ /‬אף על פי ש‪ / -‬אף על פי כן)‬
‫לעשות זאת‪.‬‬

‫הוא‬ ‫‪ .4‬החבר של מיכאל הבטיח לא לספר את הסוד שלו‪ ,‬ו __________________‬

‫(אף על פי ש‪ / -‬למרות ‪ /‬בכל זאת)‬
‫סיפר אותו לכולם‪.‬‬
‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬
‫‪ .3‬על אף ‪ .4‬בכל זאת‬ ‫‪ .2‬למרות ש‪ ,-‬למרות זאת‬ ‫ו‪ .‬אף על פי ש‪-‬‬

VI. Similarity and Difference:
Sentences of Comparison
‫משפטי השוואה‬ T 1 •
-r • ™ •• •

In this unit we will discuss comparison expressions that belong to the three-category
scheme,1 Our discussion will be presented in two separate sections;

1. Similarity ‫משפטי דמיון‬

2. Difference ‫משפטי ניגוד‬

Similarity ‫משפטי ךמלן‬

Category II Category I
(just as; as if) (like)
‫״‬. )‫(פך גם‬. ‫״‬-‫כמ ו ש‬ ‫כמ ו‬
, ‫״(כך גם)״‬. -‫כפי ש‬ -‫כ‬
‫(כןז גם)״‬...-‫כשם ש‬

) - ‫כא יל ו (ש‬

Our discussion of similarity includes only expressions in Categories I and II.

1 a. For a clarification of our use of the terms sentences o f comparison / similarity7 ‫ ׳‬difference, see p. 903,
note 2.
b. For a description of the three categories, see the chapter "Defining Three Types of Sentences," pp. 903-916,
c. Expressions of comparison that do not belong to the three-category scheme are discussed in the chapter
"Making Comparisons: Comparative, Superlative and the Like," pp. 350-358.

VI. Similarity and Difference / !.S im ila rity

• Category I: Adding a noun to a preposition

(- ‫ ב‬,‫ כמו‬like / as)

In the following sentences, we use the preposition ‫ כמו‬in order to point to the similarity between
two or more things:
Ariel swims like a fish. ‫< אריאל שוחה כמו דג‬C
This roll is as hard as a rock. .‫כמו אבן הלחמנייה הזאת קשה‬

Q: What follows ‫ כמו‬- a noun or a clause?

A: A noun (‫ דג‬,‫)אבן‬.

When we wish to add a pronoun (me/I, him/he, her/she...) after the word ‫כמו‬, we do so by
adding an ending. Instead of:
Ronit is as talented as her sister. .‫רונית מוכשרת כמו אחותה‬ >‫י‬£
or: Ronit is talented like her sister.
we say:
Ronit is as talented as she (is). 2*?,'5* ‫*רונית מוכשרת ז מ‬C
or: Ronit is talented like her.

Dance like me! !‫תרקדי כמוני‬

or: Dance as I do!

Sometimes, the word -‫( כ‬whose vowel sound changes depending on what word follows it) is
used to indicate similarity.3 This is the case, for example, when -‫( כ‬pronounced ka) is used
before the words ‫זה‬,‫זו‬/‫ זאת‬or ‫אלו‬/‫אלה‬, as in:
I've never seen a thing like this. .‫פעם לא ראיתי דבר כזהאף‬
I've never seen a stone like this. ,‫פעם לא ראיתי אבן כזאתאף‬
I've never seen flowers like these. *‫פעם לא ראיתי פרחים כאלה אף‬

2 For the forms of ‫ כמו‬with an ending, see the chapter ‫״‬Adding Endings to Prepositions," pp. 237-238.
3 For details on the pronunciation of -‫כ‬, see the chapter ‫״‬How Do Prepositions Behave When No Ending Is
Attached?: Writing and Pronunciation," pp. 223-224.

VI. Similarity and Difference / !.S im ila rity

In these expressions -‫ כ‬means just like, exactly like. ‫ כמו‬cannot be substituted for -‫ כ‬if we wish
to maintain this exact meaning 4

Aside from this usage (‫ ״‬. ‫ מ א ת‬,‫) כזה‬, in Modem Hebrew we sometimes use -‫ כ‬- meaning like or
as - in fixed expressions, many of them literary. Here are some examples:
.‫לעגבניות שגדלות בגינה שלי יש ט ע ם מ תו ק כז־בש‬
The tomatoes from my garden are as sweet as sugar.
(lit.: The tomatoes that grow in my garden have a taste as sweet as honey.)

.‫ זה ברור כשמ ש בצהריים‬.‫מיכל ואלון מאוהבים‬

Michal and Alon are in love. It's as clear as day.
(lit.: as clear as the sun at noon.)

D id y o u k n o w ?
O ther m eanings o f - ‫כ‬

Although the little word - ‫ כ‬sounds as if if is fust a shortened form of ‫כמו‬, if should
be regarded as having a "life of its own" in Modern Hebrew. It is best not to
assume that ‫ כמו‬and - ‫ כ‬can be freely substituted for each other.

In the following cases - in which - ‫ כ‬does not function as a word of comparison

- only -‫( כ‬and not ‫ )כמו‬can be used:

a. -‫ = כ‬as, in the following usage:5

she w orks as a doctor. , ‫כרופאה‬

‫־ היא עובד ת‬,‫•״‬C
He brought the story as an exam ple. .‫הוא הביא א ת הסיפור כדוגמה‬

Here are some additional verbs usually followed by -‫ כ‬whose meaning is

similar to that of - ‫ לעבוד כ‬above:
-‫לתפקד כ‬ -‫לכהן כ‬ -‫ ל שמ ש כ‬-‫<־‬
to function as to serve as to serve as
(in an o fficia l cap acity)

4 When we use ‫ כמו‬in place of -‫ כ‬before ‫ אלה‬/ ‫ זאת‬/ ‫ זה‬and the like - as in ‫( מצאתי אבן כמו זאת‬I found a stone like
this/that one) - the meaning is that the newly found stone is similar - but not just like - the other one.
5 The use of -‫ כ‬with this meaning is veiy common in today's Hebrew, but since it is not found in traditional
sources, it is not recommended usage in formal Hebrew (according to Ruth Almagor-Ramon of the Hebrew
Language Academy). In the Mishnah, for example, ‫ משמש‬appears without -‫ כ‬after it:
(‫ ג‬,‫״שני שערי חולדה מן הדרום משמשין כניסה ויציאה״(מידות א‬.‫ ״‬c
"... the two Huldah Gates on the south, that served for coming in and for going out" (Middoth 1:3)
(Danby translation)

VI. Similarity and Difference / !.S im ila rity

Sometimes in informal Hebrew the word ‫ב תו ר‬ is used instead of this -‫ כ‬.

Other verbs that can be followed by -‫כ‬ include : ...-‫ כ‬...‫) לראות את‬/ to see som eone
som ething as ( ...‫כ־‬ ...‫) לתאר את‬to describe som eone/som ething as), as in :

.‫אזרחי ישראל רואים את המשטרה כאחראית לביטחונם האישי‬ ->

The citizens of Israel see the police as responsible fo r their personal security.

.‫הכדורגלן תיאר את המשחק כקטסטרופה‬

The soccer player described the gam e as a catastrophe.

b. - ‫ = כ‬a p p r o x im a t e ly , as in:

.‫פאלפיים איש היו בהפגנה‬

A p p ro xim a te ly 2 0 0 0 people w e re at the dem onstration.

The expression ‫פערך‬ can be substituted for the more formal -‫כ‬ when it has this

• Category II: Adding a clause )...‫ ) פמו ש־‬just as

Here are some more sentences that use ‫ כמו‬to state a comparison :

.‫אנחנו רוצים לנצח‬ ‫כך ג ם‬ ,‫שהם רוצים לנצח במשחק הזה‬ ‫כ מו‬ .‫ו‬ ->
Just as they want to win this game, so too we want to win.

.‫אני לא רוצה שיפסיקו אותי באמצע דבריי‬ ‫כך ג ם‬ ,‫שאתם רוצים שישמעו אתכם עד הסוף‬ ‫כ מו‬ .2
Just as you wish to be heard until you are finished, so too I don't want to be intenupted.

Q: What comes after ‫ כ מו‬in the sentences above?

A: The little word -‫ש‬ followed by a clause

­ ‫ כתפם _לנצח במשחק הזה‬.‫שהם‬ ‫ כמו‬. ‫ו‬ <C
•‫פ״‬1‫הס‬ ‫שאתם נו_צים_שישמעו_אתכם_עד‬ ‫כ מו‬ •‫ב‬

Because a clause (and not just a noun) follows ‫ כ מו‬, we have to use -‫ש‬ as an "adapter" to connect
the clause to 6‫כ מ ו‬

6 On - ‫ ש‬as an "adapter," see the chapter "Defining Three Types of Sentences," pp. 907-909.

VI. Similarity and Difference / !.S im ila rity

N ow read the follow ing variations o f sentence 1 above:

,‫ כר גם אנחנו רוצים לנצ ח‬,‫ כמו ש הם רוצים לנצח במשוזס הזה‬,‫א‬ *‫>־‬
,‫ כך אנחנו רוצים לנצח‬,‫ כמו שהם_ כוצים _לנצח ב מ ש ח ^ הזה‬,‫ב‬
,‫ גם אנחנו רוצים לנצח‬,‫ כמו שהם_ רוצים לנצח ב מ ש ח ע הזה‬,‫ג‬
,‫ אנחנו רוצים לנצח‬,‫ כמו שהם_ ת צ י ם לנצח במשחק[ הזה‬,‫ד‬

Q : H ow do these variations differ from each other?

A: The difference is found in the second p art o f each sentence: In variation ‫א׳‬, ‫ כך גם‬is used. In
'‫ב‬, instead o f ‫ כך גם‬, only ‫ כך‬is used. In ‫ג׳‬, only ‫ גם‬is used. In ‫ד׳‬, neither ‫ כך‬nor ‫ גם‬appear.

The four acceptable variations o f this structure are:

...‫ כך גם‬,...-‫כמ ו ש‬
‫ כך‬,...-‫ כמו ש‬...
‫ גם‬,...-‫ כמו ש‬...
‫ כמו ש‬-...,....

The use o f ‫ כך גם‬emphasizes the similarity. So do ‫ כך‬alone and ‫ גם‬alone, but slightly less.
Therefore, some kind o f com bination o f ‫ כך‬and ‫ גם‬is usually used in such sentences.

Alternatively, in such sentences we can reverse the order o f the tw o clauses, as in:

.‫יי‬ ‫ ת צ י ם לנצח‬.‫< אנחנו רוצים לנצח ב מ ש ח ק הזה כמו שהכו‬

Obviously, w h e n ‫ כמו ש־‬begins the second part o f the sentence, the w ords ‫( כך גם‬so too), ‫ כך‬or ‫גם‬
are not used.

Words that add emphasis

O ften the w ord ‫( בדיוק‬exactly) is added before ‫ כמו ש־‬, as in:

.‫ גם הם רוצים לנצח‬,‫בדיוק כמו שאנחנו_רוצים לנצח במשחלג הזה‬

In colloquial Hebrew, we som etim es use ‫( מ מ ש‬really) instead o f ‫בדיוק‬, as in:

*‫הם רוצים לנצח ב מ ש ח ס הזה מ מ ש כמו שאנחנו_רוצים לנצח‬ <

VI. Similarity and Difference / !.S im ila rity

What can we use instead o f ‫?פמ ו ש־‬

Instead of ‫ ש־‬,‫ כמו‬we can use the expressions - ‫ כפי ש‬and - ‫כשם ש‬. The same variations as above
are found in the second clause:
.‫ כך גם ההורים זסוסים לילדיהם‬,‫כפי שילדים_זלןוקים_להוריהם‬
‫כך גם‬ -‫כשם ש‬
.‫ כך ההורים זקוקים לילדיהם‬,‫כפי שילדים _זקוקים_ להורי הם‬
‫כך‬ -‫כשם ש‬
.‫ גם ההורים זקמזים לילדיהם‬,‫להוריהם‬.‫כפי שילדים_זלןוקים‬
‫גם‬ -‫כשם ש‬
.‫ ההורים זסוסים לילדיהם‬,‫כפי שילדים _זקוקים_ להורי הם‬
-‫כשם ש‬
Just as children need their parents, parents too need their children.

‫ כפי ש־‬and - ‫ כשם ש‬too can appear in the second part of the sentence.
♦> ‫הילדים שלכם ייהנו מן הטיול הזה כפי שאתם_נ_הני_תם‬ *‫י‬
‫כשם ש‬-
Your children will enjoy this trip just as you did.

‫ כפי ש־‬is somewhat more formal than ‫כמו ש־‬. -‫ כשם ש‬is much more formal than - ‫כמו ש‬.

Cutting offpaH o f the second clause

When the sentence begins with ‫כמו ש־‬,-‫ כפי ש‬or - ‫כשם ש‬, we tend to cut off the end of the second
clause. This is the case in English as well. Instead of saying:
.‫ כך גם אני מתעניין בספורט‬,‫ בספורט‬.‫כמו שאת_ה מתגגני״ין‬
Just as you are interested in sports, so too I am interested in sports.

we often say:
.‫ כך גם אני‬,‫כמו שאתה מתעני_ינ בספורט‬ -‫>־‬
Just as you are interested in sports, so too am I.

Because of the shortening of the end of the second clause, it seems as if we don't really have
two clauses here, but rather only a remnant of the second clause: ‫אני‬.

VI. Sim ilarity and Difference / ].S im ila rity

Did you know?

Here are two more contexts in which - ‫ כמו ש‬and - ‫ כפי ש‬are used.
Note: - ‫ כשם ש‬cannot be used in these sentences.

‫ ו‬. -‫ כמו ש‬and - ‫ כפי ש‬that tell how something is done

- ‫ כמו ש‬and - ‫( כפי ש‬still translated as as in English) are also used for a different
purpose: to express how something is done.

Read the following sentence:

‫פתרנו את התרגילים כמו שהמורה הסביר_לנג‬
W e solved the problem s n the w a y that (just as) the teacher had exp la ine d.

The added clause here tells us how.

Here are some more examples:

how ?
D ra w me as I really look. .‫ ' נראית באמת‬1m, ‫> תציירי אותי כמו‬

.‫ והמצלמה עבדה‬,‫עשיתי הכול כפי שהסבנרו_לי_בח_ננת‬

I d id everything just as they had told me in the store, and the cam era w orked!

When - ‫ כמו ש‬and - ‫ כפי ש‬mean how, we usually do not begin the sentence
with these expressions.

2. - ‫ כמו ש‬and - ‫ כפי ש‬in the phrases: as you know, as I said, etc.
The words - ‫ כמו ש‬and - ‫ כפי ש‬may also be used in such parenthetical
expressions as as you know, as we learned, as is written, etc.

.‫ מחר תהיה לכם בחינה‬,‫> כפי שכבנ_אמרתי_לכם‬

As I have a lre a d y told you, tom orro w you w ill have a test.

.‫לכולכם) אסור לשחות בים כשאיז מציל‬.‫כמו ש!סצ‬

As you know, it is fo rb id d e n to swim w hen there is no lifeguard.

.‫ כמו שאתם י_וד<גי_ם‬.‫בסוף הוא כתב על נושא אחר‬

In the end he w ro te a b o u t a different top ic, as you know.

Note: When - ‫ כמו ש‬and - ‫ כפי ש‬are used in parenthetical expressions like
those shown here, we do not use p , ‫ גם‬or ‫ גם‬p .

VI. Similarity and Difference / !.S im ila rity

(‫פא י ל ו (ש ־‬ (as if)

In the following sentence we see another Category II expression that points out sim ila rity :
Dalia acts as if she were the Queen of England. *‫;אנגליה‬jpJ7jp_ ‫דליה מ תנ הג ת כאילו ( ש ) ה! א‬

Obviously Dalia is not the Queen of England, and the speaker of the sentence both recognizes
that there is pretense here and wants to point it out: She behaves like the Queen, but she is
n o t the Queen, as we all know. In such a case, we use the Hebrew equivalent of as if. ‫כאילו‬. In
informal Hebrew we tend to add ‫)כאילו ש״) ש־‬, as we do with most Category II expressions. In
formal Hebrew we don't add ‫ ש־‬even though a c la u s e follows:
(format) .‫דליה מ תנ הג ת כאילו היא מל כ ת אנגליה‬
Here are some more examples:
They look as if they are from another planet. ‫הם נראים כאילו (ש)הםע‬
0 3 1 ‫א ת ה ה מ ש כ ת ל ש ח ? כאילו (ש)לא_קךה_שום‬
You continued to play as if nothing had happened.

The expression (- ‫ כאילו (ש‬usually does not appear at the beginning of a sentence.

Be careful! In colloquial English, like is sometimes used instead of as if for example:

"He acted like he'd never met me before." For this reason, English speakers sometimes
use ‫ כמו ש־‬when ( ‫ כ אי ל ו ( ש ־‬should be used.

Remember, if you c a n use as ifm English (as in the sentence in the preceding paragraph),
you should use ( ‫ כאילו (ש״‬in Hebrew and not ‫ כ מו ש־‬. Thus in Hebrew this sentence would
.‫הוא התנהג כאילו ( ש ) ה ו א לא מכיר אותי‬

‫‪VI. S im ila rity an d D ifference /‬‬ ‫‪!.S im ila rity‬‬

‫‪Let's review‬‬
‫‪♦ Category II‬‬ ‫‪♦ Category I‬‬
‫"‪"Adding a clause‬‬ ‫"‪"Adding a noun‬‬

‫‪--------------------- ________ _______ a‬‬ ‫<‬ ‫‪•C--------‬‬ ‫< ‪)-------------‬‬

‫כמו שאת אוהבת אןתו‪( ,‬כך) (ג ם) הוא אוהב אותו‪.‬‬ ‫היא שוחה כמו דג‪.‬‬
‫(כך) (ג ם)‬ ‫העגבניות מתוקות כדבש‪.‬‬ ‫כפי ש‪-‬‬
‫(כך)(גם)‬ ‫כשם ש‪-‬‬

‫‪ :)and the like‬כך גם ‪or in reverse order (without‬‬

‫‪________________ a‬‬ ‫____________‬ ‫>‬
‫הוא אוהב אותו כמו שאת אהזבת אותג‬
‫כפי ש ­‬
‫כשם ש‪-‬‬

‫> __________ ב > ____________________‬

‫היא מתנהגת כאילו(ש)ה!א מלכת_אנגלנה•‬

‫?‪Want to see if you've understood‬‬

‫‪A. C h o o s e th e c o rre c t a n s w e r.‬‬
‫ו‪ ____________ .‬אתה מנגן שעות בגיטרה‪ ,‬כך אני מתאמן שעות בפסנתר‪.‬‬
‫(כמו ‪ /‬כמו ש‪ / -‬גם)‬

‫‪ .2‬העוגה הזו מתוקה _______________דבש‪.‬‬

‫(כמו ש‪ / -‬כמו ‪ /‬כאילו)‬

‫‪ .3‬באירופה חגגנו את חג החנוכה בדיוק ______________חוגגים אותו בארץ‪.‬‬

‫(כמו ‪ /‬כשם ש‪ / -‬כך)‬

‫‪ ______________ .4‬לך קשה ללמוד מתמטיקה‪ ,‬כך לי קשה ללמוד ספרות‪.‬‬

‫(כשם ש‪ / -‬כמו ‪ /‬דומה)‬

‫‪________________ .5‬ידוע לכולם‪ ,‬מחר אין לימודים‪.‬‬

‫(כמו ‪ /‬כשם ש‪ / -‬כפי ש‪)-‬‬

‫‪ .6‬תשתמשו בתנור ________________ כתוב בהוראות‪.‬‬

‫(כמו ‪ /‬כמו ש‪ / -‬כשם ש‪)-‬‬

VI. Similarity and Difference / !.S im ila rity

.‫ הילדים האלה מתנהגים __________________ ה עו ל ם שייך רק להם‬.7

)‫ כמו‬/ ‫ כאילו‬/ -‫(כמו ש‬
Answer s:
‫ כאילו‬.7 -‫ כמו ש‬.6 -‫ כפי ש‬.5 -‫ כשם ש‬.4 -‫ כשם ש‬.3 ‫ כמו‬.2 -‫ כמו ש‬.1

B. Transl ate the f ol l o wi n g sentences.

!. This melon is as sweet as honey.

2. Just as adults like to travel in Israel, so too do teenagers.

3. As you ( know, if usually doesn't rain in Israel in the summer.

4. Like most children, Yossi too likes to play on the computer.

5. Just as students in England don't pay tuition (‫)שכר לימוד‬, so too students
in Germany don't have to pay.

6. He is crying as if if (‫ )זה‬is the end of the world.

:A n s we r s
literary-o( ( .‫כדבש‬/‫המלון הזה מתוק כמו דבש‬ .1
.)‫ כך גם בני נוער(אוהבים‬,‫ כשם ש) מבוגרים אוהבים לטייל בארץ‬,‫כמו ש(כפי ש‬ .2
.‫ בדרך כלל לא יורד גשם בקיץ בישראל‬,‫כפי ש(כמו ש) אתם יודעים‬ .3
.‫כמו רוב הילדים גם יוסי אוהב לשחק במחשב‬ .4
.‫ כך גם סטודנטים בגרמניה לא צריכים לשלם‬,‫ כשם ש) סטודנטים באנגליה לא משלמים שכר לימוד‬,‫כמו ש(כפי ש‬ .5
.‫הוא בוכה כאילו(ש)זה סוף העולם‬ .6

Difference ‫משפטי ניגוד‬

Category I I I Category I
(as opposed to this, whereas...) (as opposed to, compared to...)
‫בניגוד לכך‬ -‫בניגוד ל‬
‫לעומת זיאת‬ ‫לעומת‬
‫ואילו‬ • :
-‫**בהשוואה ל‬T T : ‫־‬ :

** This expression is different from the others in that it does not contain a specific word that
refers back.

Our discussion of difference includes only expressions in Categories I and III.1

• Category III: Two clauses joined by an expression

containing a reference back to the first
(...‫ לע ומת זאת‬as opposed to this9 whereas...)
‫ לעומת זאת‬and ‫בניגוד לפך‬
In comparing the United States and Israel, we can point to at least one obvious difference:

.‫ לעומת זאת בישראל רוב האנשים מדברים עברית‬,‫ בארה״ב רוב האנשים מדברים אנגלית‬.‫ו‬ -‫>־‬
In the U.S. most people speak English, whereas in Israel most people speak Hebrew.

Q: How many clauses make up this one sentence?

A: Two:
.‫ בישראל רוב האנשים מדברים עברית‬.‫ב‬ .‫ בארה״ב רוב האנשים מדברים אנגלית‬.‫א‬
In Israel most people speak Hebrew. In the U.S. most people speak English.

The two clauses (‫ א‬and ‫ )ב‬can be joined by ‫ לעומת זאת‬only because they share a common
element: ...‫( רוב האנשים מדברים‬most people speak...). This common element provides a basis for
contrast. In the case of sentence 1 above, ‫ לעומת זאת‬points to the fact that the second clause

1 For a description of the three categories, see the chapter "Defining Three Types of Sentences," pp. 903-916.

VI. S im ila rity an d D ifference / 2. D ifference

stands in contrast to the first. The word ‫ זאת‬refers back to the first clause and - together with
‫ לעומת‬- it means: as opposed to what we have just stated. In English we have simply translated
it as whereas.

Q: How many points are contrasted in sentence 1 above?

A: Two. The places: ‫ בארה״ב‬versus ‫ ;בישראל‬and the languages: ‫ אנגלית‬versus ‫עברית‬.

Here are some more examples:

‫ז א ת י ש ר א ל הי א א ח ת ה מ ד י נ ו ת ה ק ט נ ו ת‬ ‫ לעומת‬, ‫ב ע ו ל ם‬ ‫א ר ה ״ ב הי א א ח ת ה מ ד י נ ו ת ה ג ד ו ל ו ת ב יו ת ר‬ .2 -‫>י‬
.‫ביו ת ר‬

The U.S. is one of the largest countries in the world, whereas Israel is one of the smallest.

‫ר בו ת‬ ‫ה ד מויו ת‬ ,‫ז א ת‬ ‫לעומת‬ ,‫ה ש ני‬ ‫בספר‬ .‫פ שו טו ת‬ ‫היו‬ ‫ה ד מויו ת‬ ‫ה סו פ ר‬ ‫של‬ ‫ה ר א ש ון‬ ‫בספר‬ .3

. ‫ו מ ו ר כ בו ת‬

In the author's first book, the characters were simple. In his second book, on the other hand, they
are numerous and complex.

Note that ‫ לעומת זאת‬is often, but not always, placed immediately after the first clause (as in
sentences 1 and 2). Sentence 3 above provides an example of a different placement.

An expression similar in meaning to ‫ לעומת זאת‬is 2.‫ בניגוד לכך‬Here is an example of its use:
‫י ל די ם מ א מיני ם ל פ ר סו מו ת‬ ‫ בניגוד לכך‬, ‫ב פ ר ס ו מ ו ת‬ ‫מ ב ו ג ר י ם י ו ד ע י ם ש ל א צ רי ך ל ה א מ י ן ל כ ל מ ה ש נ א מ ר‬

‫ ב ק לו ת‬.

Adults know that one shouldn't believe everything that is said in advertisements. In contrast, children are
easily led to believe what is said in advertisements.

Another expression o f contrast: ‫( ואילו‬whereas)

In the following sentences, we see yet another expression of contrast:
.‫ק נ ד ה נ מ צ א ת ב א מ ר י ק ה ה צ פו ני ת‬ ‫ואילו‬ ,‫י ש ר א ל נ מ צ א ת ב מ ז ר ח ה ת י כון‬ ‫> >־‬

Israel is in the Middle East, whereas Canada is in North America.

.‫א נ ג ל י ת נ כ ת ב ת מ ש מ א ל ל י מ י ן‬ ‫ואילו‬ , ‫ע ב רי ת כו ת ב י ם מ י מ י ן ל ש מ א ל‬

Hebrew is written from right to left, whereas English is written from left to right.

2 Sometimes we cannot substitute ‫ בניגוד לכך‬for ‫( לעומת זאת‬or for ‫ואילו‬, which is discussed below). This is the
case when the contrasted points are not opposites. For example, in sentence 1 above we cannot use ‫ בניגוד לכך‬.

VI. Similarity and Difference / 2. Difference

Q: What is missing in this expression?

A: An element like ‫ ז א ת‬or ‫ כך‬that refers back to the first clause. In this way it is different from
the two other Category III expressions ‫ בניגוד לכך‬and ‫ ל ע ו מ ת זאת‬.

Because of the "‫ "ו‬of ‫ואילו‬,‫ ואילו‬will always come in between the two clauses and will usually
be preceded by a comma. As you can see in the examples above, the word that follows ‫ ואילו‬is
always one of the two points that are being contrasted.

‫ ואילו‬and ‫אבל‬
Sometimes English speakers confuse words of contrast (‫ ואילו‬etc.) and ‫אבל‬.

Here is a sentence with ‫( אבל‬but):

.‫ אבל הם איבדו אותם בדרך הביתה‬,‫דויד וגלי קנו כרטיסים לאופרה‬
David and Gali bought tickets for the opera, but they lost them on the way home.

Unlike sentences with ‫ואילו‬, ‫ לעומת זאת‬and ‫בניגוד לכך‬, this is not a sentence of contrast Why?

Q: Do the two clauses contain a common ground for comparison?

A: No.

Q: Are there two points of contrast on each side of the word ‫?אבל‬
A: No.

For these two reasons we cannot use an expression of contrast like ‫ ואילו‬in this sentence.

Here is another sentence.

.‫ ואילו חבריהם קנו כרטיסים למשחק כדורגל‬,‫דויד וגלי קנו כרטיסים לאופרה‬
David and Gali bought tickets for the opera, whereas their friends bought tickets for a soccer game.

Q: Do the two parts of this sentence contain a common ground for comparison?
A: Yes, both deal with how people like to spend their free time.

Q: Are there two points of contrast on each side of the word ‫?ואילו‬
A: Yes: 1 . ‫ דויד וגלי‬versus ‫ חבריהם‬and 2. ‫ אופרה‬versus ‫משחק כדורגל‬.

VI. Similarity and Difference / 2 . Difference

For these reasons, if we want to express the contrast in a precise way, it is preferable to use
a word of contrast like ‫ ואילו‬and not ‫אבל‬, especially in formal Hebrew. In spoken Hebrew,
however, ‫ אבל‬or -‫ ו‬are often used in a sentence like this.

Let's review
♦ Category III
two clauses with a
reference back to the first

** Fn ■<s^
.‫ לעומת זאת אנגלית נכתבת משמאל לימין‬.‫עברית כותבים מימין לשמאל‬
‫בניגוד לכך‬
3‫ ואילו‬,

**Alternatively, the two clauses may be separated by a comma.

Want to see if you've understood?

Ci rcl e the cor r ect answer.

.‫ הוא שקט וסגור‬.‫ בכיתה_ __________________״‬.‫ בבית אורי הוא ילד חברותי‬.‫ו‬
) ‫ לע ומת זאת‬/ ‫ אבל‬/ ‫(ואילו‬

.‫ ____________________ בסוף נסעתי לטייל בעולם‬,‫ רציתי ללמוד השנה באוניברסיטה‬.2

)‫ אבל‬/ ‫ ואילו‬/ ‫(לע ומת זאת‬

.‫ אתמול ______________ ל א ירד גשם בכלל‬.‫ היום ירד גשם רב‬.3

)‫ ואילו‬/ ‫(בניגוד לכך‬

.‫ ___________________ היא הפסיקה אחרי חודשיים‬,‫ רותי התחילה ללמוד סינית‬.4

)‫ לע ומת זאת‬/ ‫ אבל‬/ ‫(ואילו‬
Answer s:
‫ אבל‬.4 ‫ בניגוד לכך‬.3 ‫ אבל‬.2 ‫לע ומת זאת‬ .1

3 ‫ ואילו‬does not have a referring back element, but we include it in Category I I I since, like other Category II I
expressions, it is placed between the two clauses. Unlike the other two expressions,‫ ואילו‬can be preceded only
by a comma and not by a period.

VI. Similarity and Difference / 2. Difference

• Category I: Adding a noun to a preposition

(...-‫ בהש ו ואה ל‬, - ‫ בניגוד ל‬as opposed to, compared to)
Expressing a contrast (‫ לע ומת‬,‫)בניגוד ל־‬
Here is an alternative (and shorter) way to express a contrast between two things:
. ‫בניגוד ליוונים הקדמונים בני ישראל האמ י נ ו באל אחד‬
As opposed to the ancient Greeks, the Israelites believed in one God.

Q: What conies after -‫ בניגוד ל‬- a noun or a clause?

A: A noun (here an expanded noun, i.e., a noun followed by an adjective that describes it):
‫היוונים הקדמ ו נ ים‬.

In this sentence, the Greeks and the Israelites are contrasted. The fact that the Israelites believed
in one God is stated, and we understand (but are not told) that the Greeks believed in many

The placement of the phrase beginning with -‫ בניגוד ל‬can vary. Here are some more possibilities:
,‫בני ישראל האמ י נ ו באל אחד בניגוד ליוונים הקדמונים‬
‫ האמ י נ ו באל אחד‬,‫ בניגוד ליוונים הקדמונים‬, ‫בני ישראל‬.

Sometimes ‫לעומת‬, too, can be used to express contrast, as in:

.‫בח ורף ה זה ירדו הרבה גשמ ים לעומת הח ורף שעבר‬
This winter, as opposed to last winter, there was a lot of rain.

However, the more common use of ‫ לעומת‬is to express comparison, as we will see below.

D id y o u k n o w ?
- ‫ בניגוד ל‬has ot her uses. Her e ar e t wo of t hem:

1. ‫ בניגוד ל־‬th a t tells how som ething is done

You acted co n tra ry to your conscience. .‫פעלתם בניגוד למצפתכם‬ "*‫^יי‬

VI Similarity and Difference / 2. Difference

W e acted co n tra ry to the instructions, . ‫נהגנו בניגוד להוראות‬
(i.e ., W e d id n 't fo llo w the instructions.)

In this meaning - ‫ בניגוד ל‬almost always appears in the second part of the

2. - ‫ בניגוד ל‬in th e p h ra s e s "a s o p p o s e d to w h a t is th o u g h t / k n o w n / s a id . . . "

The words - ‫ בניגוד ל‬may also be used in parenthetical expressions such as:

.‫ ה יא א והבת א ות ו מא וד‬, ‫בניגוד למה שח ושב ים‬ <

As opposed to w h a t people think, she loves him very much.
. ‫ המלחמה ע וד לא נגמרה‬, ‫בניגוד למה שכת וב בעיתון‬
As opposed to w h a t is w ritten in the newspaper, the w a r has not yet ended.

Making a comparison ( ‫ לע ומת‬,-‫)בהש ו ואה ל‬

Here is another Category I expression followed by a noun:

.‫מצב נ ו הכלכל י מצוין בהש ו ואה למצבם של הורינו‬

Our financial situation is excellent in comparison to our parents' situation.

We use - ‫ בהש ו ואה ל‬in order to look at two things r el at i ve t o each other. In the above sentence,
our financial situation may not be wonderful in absolute terms, but when compared to our
parents' situation, it is excellent.

Here's another example:

. ‫בהש ו ואה לשב וע שעבר השב וע הח ולה מרג יש הרבה י ותר סוב‬ »>
lit.: Compared to last week, this week the patient feels much better.

The word ‫ לע ומת‬is frequently used instead of - ‫ בהש ו ואה ל‬to make a comparison, as in:

.‫הש נה הת ושב ים מר וצ ים י ותר מח י יהם לע ומת הש נה שעברה‬ -<

This year the residents are more satisfied with their lives than they were last year.
(lit.: in comparison to last year.)

. ‫ ד ולר בלבד ל נש ים‬2000 ‫ ד ולר לח ודש לע ומת‬3000 ‫ממ וצע המשכ ור ות של הגבר ים במפעל ה זה ה וא‬
The average salary of men in this factory is $3000 a month as compared with the mere $2000 earned
by women.

VI. S im ila rity an d D ifference / 2. Difference

.‫ מיליון דולר בשנה שעברה‬20 ‫ מיליון דולר ל עו מ ת‬106 ‫הרווח של החברה ה שנה היה‬
The company's profit was 106 million dollars this year, as compared with 20 million dollars last

In the English translations of the last two sentences, we could actually write expressions of
contrast - as opposed to or versus - instead of the expression of comparison that we wrote:
as compared with. This shows how closely related sentences of comparison and contrast really

Let's review
♦ Category I
"Adding a noun'

) <
contrast. .‫בניגוד ליוונים הקדמונים בני ישראל האמינו באל אחד‬
.‫ל עו מ ת החורף ש ע ב ו בחורף הזה ירדו הרבה גשמים‬

comparison: .‫בה שוו אה למצבם הכלכלי של הורינו מצבנו מצוין‬

‫ל עו מ ת‬
or in reverse order:
•(- )■ <
contrast: .‫בני ישראל האמינו באל א ח ד בניגוד ליוונים הקדמונים‬
.‫בחורף הזה ירדו הרבה גשמים ל עו מ ת החורף שעבר‬

comparison: .‫מצבנו הכלכלי מצוין בה שוו אה למצבם של הורינו‬

‫ל עו מ ת‬

Want to see if you've understood?

T ra n s la te th e fo llo w in g sen tence s.

1. in comparison to our neighbors we are rich.

2. As opposed to Rina’s friends (f.), Sarah's friends (f.) love ballet.

VI. Similarity and Difference / 2. Difference

3. Compared to last year, this year our business is doing well (succeeding).

4. This year, as opposed to last year, we were able to hire ten new workers.

A n s w e rs :
.‫ לעומת השכנים שלנו אנחנו עשירים‬/ ‫בהשוואה לשכנים שלנו‬ .1
.‫ החברות של שרה אוהבות בלט‬,‫בניגוד לחברות של רינה‬ .2
.‫ השנה העסק מצליח‬,‫ לעומת השנה שעברה‬/ ‫בהשוואה לשנה שעברה‬ .3
.‫ פועלים חדשים‬/ ‫ יכולנו לשכור עשרה עובדים‬,‫ בניגוד לשנה שעבדה‬,‫השנה‬ .4

Adding a pronoun ("...‫אליה‬/ ‫ בניגוד לה‬, ‫ לעומתי‬as opposed to me,

in contrast to her...)
In all the above examples, we used a noun after the prepositions of contrast and comparison
(e. g. , ...‫ לעומת מצבם של הורינו‬,,..‫)בניגוד ליוונים‬. Now let's see what happens when we substitute a
pronoun (her, you, us...) for the noun:
.‫ מאמינים בחינוך פתוח ודמוקרטי‬,‫אליכם‬/‫ בניגוד לכם‬,‫ אנחנו‬.‫ו‬ -‫>־‬
We, as opposed to you, believe in open and democratic education.
unlike you

."‫ ״בהשוואה אלייך אני נמוכה‬:‫ אמרתי לרינה‬.2

I said to Rina: "Compared to you, I'm short.‫״‬

.‫ לא סובל את המשחק הזה‬,‫ לעומתו‬,‫ אני‬.‫ רון אוהב כדורגל‬.3

Ron likes soccer, but I, as opposed to him, can't stand the game.
unlike him

When we add a pronoun to -‫( בניגוד ל‬as in sentence 1), it appears either as an ending on -‫ ל‬or,
surprisingly, as an ending on ‫אל‬:
4...‫ בניגוד לך‬,‫בניגוד לי‬
5...‫ בניגוד אליך‬,‫ בניגוד אליי‬:or

In contrast, when we add endings to -‫( בהשוואה ל‬as in sentence 2), endings are added only to ‫אל‬,
which takes the place o f -:‫ל‬
‫ בהשוואה אליך‬,‫בהשוואה אליי‬...

4 For the forms of -‫ ל‬with an ending, see the chapter ‫'׳‬Adding Endings to Prepositions," pp. 230-231.
5 For the forms of ‫ אל‬with an ending, see the chapter "Adding Endings to Prepositions," pp. 244-245.

VI. S im ila rity an d D ifference / 2. Difference

The behavior of ‫ לעומת‬is different. As you can see in sentence 3, in this case endings are added
to the word itself:
6...‫ לעומתם‬,‫ לעומתו‬,‫ לעומתך‬,‫> • לעומתי‬

Let's review
When we add pronoun endings onto ♦ -‫ בניגוד ל‬-‫ בהשוואה ל‬and ‫לעומת‬, the
:following forms are used

ending anwith ...‫ אליך‬,‫אליי‬ ,..‫ לך‬,‫לי‬

...‫ אליהם‬,‫ אליך‬,‫ בניגוד אליי‬/ ...‫ להם‬,‫ לך‬,‫בניגוד לי‬ :-‫> בניגוד ל‬

...‫ אליהם‬,‫ אליך‬,‫בהשוואה אליי‬ - :-‫בהשוואה ל‬

,‫ לעומתך‬,‫לעומתי‬ - - :‫לעומת‬

Here is an example:
.‫ אתה כל כך גבוה ! בהשוואה אליך אני נמ וך‬, ‫אורי‬ ■<C
Uri, you are so tall! Compared to you, I am short.

Want to see if you've understood?

T ra n s la te th e fo llo w in g sen tence s.

1. Unlike you (f.s.), I really liked the new movie that we saw.

2. Compared to me, Noam is really a w hiz at computers (lit.: genius in


3. The French, as opposed to you (, have an understanding of

(= understand) food.

a. The endings are the same as those on 6 ‫בשביל‬:

‫ לעומתן‬,‫ לעומתם‬,‫ לעומתכן‬,‫ לעומתכם‬,‫ לעומתנו‬,‫ לעומתה‬,‫ לעומתו‬,‫ לעומתך‬,‫ לעומתו‬,‫ לעומתי‬->
b. When ‫ לעומת‬takes an ending, it tends to be understood more as an expression of contrast (as opposed to
me, unlike me) than as an expression of comparison, as you can see in sentence 3 above,

‫‪VI. S im ila rity and D ifference / 2 . Difference‬‬

‫‪4. Compared to us, you ( are excellent soccer players.‬‬

‫‪5.‬‬ ‫‪Unlike me, you‬‬ ‫)‪( f.s.‬‬ ‫‪have a lot of friends.‬‬

‫‪A n s w e rs :‬‬
‫בניגוד לך ‪ /‬בניגוד אלייך ‪ /‬לעומתך אני ממש אהבתי את הסרט החדש שראינו‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫בהשוואה אליי נועם ממש גאון במחשבים‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫הצרפתים‪ ,‬לעומתכם ‪ /‬בניגוד אליכם ‪ /‬בניגוד לכם‪ ,‬מבינים באוכל‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫בהשוואה אלינו אתם שחקני כדורגל מצוינים‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫לעומתי ‪ /‬בניגוד לי ‪ /‬בניגוד אליי לך יש הרבה חברים‪ :or .‬לך יש הרבה חברים לעומתי ‪ /‬בניגוד לי ‪ /‬בניגוד אליי‪.‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬

‫‪Section summary‬‬

‫‪♦ Category III‬‬ ‫‪♦ Category I‬‬

‫‪"Adding a noun" /‬‬
‫‪two clauses joined by an expression containing‬‬ ‫‪one sentence containing a‬‬
‫‪a reference back to the first‬‬ ‫‪preposition and its noun‬‬

‫‪.6 ..‬‬ ‫< )‬

‫עברית כותבים מימין לשמאל‪ .‬בניגוד לכך אנגלית נכתבת משמאל לימין‪.‬‬ ‫בניגוד ליוונים הקדמונים בני ישראל האמינו באל אחד‪.‬‬
‫לעומת זאת‬ ‫לעומת החורף שעבד בחורף הזה ירדו הרבה גשמים‪.‬‬
‫‪ ,‬ואילו‬ ‫בהשוואה למצבם של הורינו מצבנו מצוין‪.‬‬

‫‪or in reverse order:‬‬

‫בני ישראל האמינו באל אחד בניגוד ליוונים‪.‬‬
‫בחורף הזה ירדו הרבה גשמים לעומת החורף שעבר‪.‬‬
‫מצבנו מצוין בהשוואה למצבם של הורינו‪.‬‬

‫‪With a pronoun ending:‬‬

‫בניגוד לך‪/‬אליך אני אוהב מוזיקה קלאסית‪.‬‬
‫בהשוואה אליך מצבי טוב‪.‬‬
‫‪** Alternatively, the two clauses‬‬
‫‪may be separated by a comma.‬‬

‫‪VI. Similarity and Difference / 2. Difference‬‬

‫? ‪W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d th is s e c tio n‬‬

‫‪Circle the correct answer.‬‬

‫ו‪ _________________________ .‬ציוני ם שלך בשנה שעברה‪ ,‬השנה הציונים שלך טובים יותר‪.‬‬
‫(ואילו ‪ /‬בניגוד לכך ‪ /‬בהשוואה ל‪)-‬‬

‫‪ .2‬לפני כמה שנים המצב הכלכלי היה טוב‪ _________________________ ,‬עכ שיו לאנשים רבים אין עבודה‪.‬‬
‫(בניגוד ל־ ‪ /‬ואילו ‪ /‬בהשוואה ל‪)-‬‬

‫‪ .3‬בשנה שעברה התחתנו בישראל כ~‪ 15,000‬זוגות _______________________ ‪ 4,555‬זוגות שהתגרשו‪.‬‬

‫(לעומת ‪ /‬לעומת זאת ‪ /‬ואילו)‬

‫‪ .4‬מספר המתגרשים השנה עלה _______________________________ מ ס פ ר המתגרשים בשנה שעברה‪.‬‬

‫(בהשוואה ל‪ / -‬בניגוד לכך ‪ /‬לעומת זאת)‬

‫‪ .5‬הבן הקטן של השכנים אוהב ללכת לבית הספר __________________________ ה בן הבכור שלהם ממש‬
‫(בניגוד ל‪ / -‬לעומת זאת ‪ /‬לעומת)‬
‫שונא את הלימודים שם‪.‬‬

‫את‪ ________________________ ,‬א חו תך‪ ,‬מתנהגת כמו בן אדם‪.‬‬ ‫‪.6‬‬

‫(בניגוד ל‪ / -‬ואילו ‪ /‬לעומת זאת)‬
‫‪Answers :‬‬
‫‪ .5‬לעומת זאת ‪ .6‬בניגוד ל ­‬ ‫בהשוואה ל‪ .2 -‬ואילו ‪ .3‬לעומת ‪ .4‬בהשוואה ל‪-‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

‫? ‪W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d th e tw o s e c t io n s o n c o m p a r is o n‬‬
‫‪Circle the correct answer.‬‬

‫עידו הוא בחור שקט ופסיבי‪ __________________ ,‬ש מו א ל הוא בחור אנרגטי וקולני‪.‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫(כמו ‪ /‬ואילו ‪ /‬לעומת)‬

‫השנה הציבור קנה יותר מכוניות ______________________ ה שנ ה שעברה‪.‬‬ ‫‪.2‬‬

‫(לעומת זאת ‪ /‬לעומת ‪ /‬כמו)‬

‫__________________________ ח נ ו ת בקניון בחנות שבמרכז העיר נותנים יחס נהדר ללקוחות‪.‬‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫(לעומת זאת ‪ /‬בניגוד ל‪ / -‬כמו ש‪)-‬‬

‫נצליח לפתור את הבעיות החדשות בדיוק ____________________ ה צ ל חנו לפתור את הבעיות הקודמות‪.‬‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫(כמו ‪ /‬בניגוד ל‪ / -‬כמו ש‪)-‬‬

‫ספרי פנטזיה מעניינים אותי; ספרים היסטוריים‪ , __________________________ ,‬משעממים אותי‪.‬‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫(בהשוואה ל‪ / -‬בניגוד לכך ‪ /‬ואילו)‬

‫‪ .2‬לעומת ‪ .3‬בניגוד ל‪ .4 -‬כמו ש‪ .5 -‬בניגוד לכך‬ ‫ואילו‬ ‫‪.1‬‬

VII. What If?: Conditional
Sentences ‫משפטי תנאי‬ ™ • •• • • •

In this unit, we will discuss conditional sentences that belong only to Category II of the three-
category scheme.1 Our discussion will be divided into two parts:

1. Conditions that May Exist (‫)אם‬

2. Hypothetical Conditions (‫״‬.‫ אילולא‬,‫)אילו‬

Q Conditions that May Exist (‫)אם‬

• Conditions that may exist in the future2
• Conditions that may exist in the present or that existed in the past

• Conditions that may exist in the future

We frequently use the word ‫( א ם‬if) to make promises, to give assurances and sometimes even to
voice threats. Here are a few examples:

.‫ נזמין או ת ם שוב ל א רו ח ת ערב‬,‫יתנהג! יפה‬.‫א ם הנלדים‬ >

If tl1c_cj1ndrcj1_bchavc_11iccjv. we'll invite them again for supper.

.‫ הוא ימצ א א ת ה מ חב ר ת שלו‬,!‫א ם דניאל _יסדכ א_ת_החדר של‬

If P_ani_el stra_ightens_up_11is room, he'll find his notebook.

if you donVhe!p_me. 1 won't help you. .‫ אני לא אעזור לד‬,2‫ לא _ת עז! כ ל‬.‫א ם אתה‬

1 For a description of the three categories, see the chapter "Defining Three Types of Sentences," pp. 903-916.
2 These are often called real conditionals or type 1 conditionals in English grammar books.

VII. W hat If?: Conditional Sentences / 1. Conditions that M ay Exist

In each sentence, the main part (base clause')3 tells us what may happen in the future under
certain conditions.

Let's look at the cl.ause added after the word ‫אם‬. This is where the conditions are presented.

Q: What is the tense of the verb after ‫ אם‬in each Hebrew sentence above?
A: The verbs ‫יתנהגו‬, ‫ יסדר‬and ‫ תעזור‬are in the future tense.

This is quite logical since these conditions must exist in the future in order for what is described
in the base clause to take place. Note that in English the tense of the verbs after if is different
from the Hebrew: The verbs behave, straightens up and don't help are all in the present tense
even though they refer to future events. In Hebrew the verb after ‫ אם‬in sentences like these is
usually in the future tense.

Reversing the order

We can reverse the order of the two parts of if sentences and place the clause with ‫ אם‬after the
base clause:
I won't help vou if you do!Vt_help_me. .‫ ור לי‬0 <‫אני לא אעזור לד אם &תה_ לא _ת‬

PtAesent tense verbs that refer to the future

While in formal Hebrew we use a future tense verb to refer to events in the future, in informal
Hebrew we sometimes use a present tense verb to refer to the future, especially to the not-too-
distant future,4 as in:
Tomorrow we are going to Eilat. .‫מחר אנחנו נוס עים ל אילת‬

Notice that the tenses here are the same in English and in Hebrew. This use of the present tense
to refer to the future can also be found after the word ‫אם‬. For example, both of the following
sound fine in informal Hebrew and mean the same thing:
.‫ ניסע ב או טו של מיכאל‬,‫ כ‬DP_‫אם את_ם באי_ם א! תנו‬
‫ ניסע ב או טו של מיכאל‬,‫ אם תבןאו איתנ_ו_מחכ‬.
If you're coming with us tomorrow, we'll go in Michael's car.

3 In this book we have used the term clause to refer to smaller ‫'׳‬sentences'‫ ׳‬that are combined to make up a larger
4 We thank Sarah Israeli for pointing out that the future referred to is usually the not-too-distant future.

VII. W hat If?: Conditional Sentences / 1. Conditions that M ay Exist

But, English speakers beware! In many cases you cannot translate directly from English into
Hebrew when speaking of future events, and the Hebrew structure "‫ עתיד‬+ ,‫ עת!ד‬+ ‫ " אם‬must
be used.

Let's review
♦ This is the regular structure of Hebrew if sentences that refer to the future:
future future
‫ עתיד‬+ , ‫ עתיד‬+ ‫אם‬ ->
.‫ תדע את התשובה‬,‫המשפט‬.‫אם ת_קךא_את‬
If you read the sentence, you'll know the answer.

future future
, ..........._‫ _עתי_ד‬+_ ‫עתיד ______ א ם‬ ->
­‫המשפט‬.‫את‬.‫תדע את התשובה אם ת_קרא‬
You'll know the answer if you read the sentence .

♦ Sometimes, especially in informal Hebrew, the present tense is used instead of

the future tense after the word ‫אם‬.

Want to see if you've understood?

Transl ate the f ol l owi ng usi ng a ver b in the f ut ur e tense after the w o r d ‫ א ם‬.

1. Sarah, if you study, you will succeed.

2. If it rains, we w on't go for a hike (‫)לצאת לטיול‬.

3. If Ari cries, we w on't take him with us.

4. Uri, I'll buy you ice cream if you give me money.

Answer s:
.‫ לא ניקח אותו איתנו‬,‫ אם ארי יבכה‬.3 .‫ לא נצא לטיול‬, ‫ אם ירד גשם‬.2 .‫ תצליחי‬,‫ אם תלמדי‬, ‫ שרה‬. 1
.‫ אקנה לך גלידה אם תיתן לי כסף‬,‫ אורי‬.4

VII. W hat If?: Conditional Sentences / 1. Conditions that M a y Exist

• Conditions that may exist in the present or that

existed in the past
When speaking of other than future events, we can use either present or past tense verbs after
‫ א ם‬. As you can see in the examples below, various combinations of tenses in the two parts of
the sentence are possible. (Note that the Hebrew and English are fairly similar.)

future present
if it is raining (now), we'll play inside. .‫בפ נ ים‬ ‫ נשחס‬, ) ‫אם מךך _גש _ם (עכש י״ ו‬

future past
.‫ לא נ וכל לשתה כד ורגל‬, ) ‫ר_ט ובה‬. ‫ ן‬. ‫ י י‬. ‫סאךמס_עד‬1( _ ‫יכד גשם‬ ‫אם‬
If it rained (and the ground is still wet), we won't be able to play soccer.

past past
. ‫את הט י ול ש ל כם‬ ‫ ב ו ודא י מ ט־‬, ‫ גשם אתמ ול‬t v ‫אם‬
If it (really) rained yesterday, your trip must have been cancelled.
(lit.: they certainly cancelled your trip.)

imperative past
.‫ עצ ו לפ נ ות א ותם עכש י ו‬, ‫להצגה‬. ‫ כרט יס ! ם‬.‫קניתם‬. ‫לא‬ ‫אם‬
I f you haven't bought tickets to the show, run to buy them now.

present present
.‫ לא נופלים‬,‫לאט‬. ‫אם הולכים‬
I f you walk slowly, you don't fall, (or: If one walks slowly, one doesn't fall.)

In the last sentence, both verbs are in the present tense. We often use this structure, especially
with the impersonal third person plural, to express a general truth.5

Did you know?

There are certain rare cases in which ‫ אם‬may be omitted, for example:

You broke it - you pay. ( = If you break it, it's yours!) . ‫ ש י למת‬- ‫ש ב רת‬

‫ לא תקבל ו‬- ‫ לא תב וא ו‬, ‫ תקבל ו‬- ‫תב וא ו‬.

II you com e, y o u 'll get (a free gift), i you d o n 't come, you w o n 't get (one).

5 On impersonal sentences, see the chapter "Sentences Without Subjects: Impersonal Sentences," pp. 694-696.

Hypothetical Conditions )...‫ אילולא‬,‫(אילו‬

What if things had been different •?1 )‫ לו‬,‫(אילו‬
• Negating ‫ לו‬/ ‫אילו‬ )‫ אלמלא‬,‫ לולא‬,‫(אילולא‬

• What if things had been different? (‫ לו‬,‫ אילו‬if)

Let's say that you banged up your car, and it won't be out of the garage for a week. You might
be very upset with yourself and think:
If I had looked straight ahead, I wouldn't have hit the car in front of me.
(But I didn’t look straight ahead, so I did hit it!)
If I had concentrated on my driving, I wouldn't have caused an accident
(But I didn’t concentrate on my driving, so I caused an accident!)

These if sentences may be tme hypothetically, but what happened happened!

Now let's look at a Hebrew hypothetical sentence like the English ones above. This sentence is
written in formal style:
(formal) .‫ הייתי נוהגת טוב יותר‬,‫ אילו ישנ_תי_י_ותר_שעות‬-<

This sentence is the equivalent of two different English sentences:

If I slept more (in general), I would drive better.
and: If I had slept more (last night), I would have driven better.
(or: Had I slept more, I would have driven better.2)

Q: What is the word for if in the Hebrew sentence above?

A: The word ‫׳) אילו‬EE-loo) is used instead of ‫אם‬.

1 These are often called unreal conditionals or type II and type III conditionals in English grammar books.
2 In this last English translation, the word if does not appear. In Hebrew, the words ‫ אילו‬or ‫ לו‬are never omitted.

VII. W hat If?: Conditional Sentences / 2. Hypothetical Conditions

We could say this sentence with the word ‫( לו‬LOO) as well:

)formal( .‫ב יותר‬

In formal Hebrew today, ‫ אילו‬is used more frequently than ‫ לו‬. In spoken Hebrew, however,
neither ‫ אילו‬nor ‫ לו‬is used much. Speakers tend to use ‫ אם‬instead of ‫ לו‬/ ‫ אילו‬in these sentences.
When they do so, the verb that follows ‫ אם‬takes a special form (see below).

What verb forms are used in ‫ לו‬/ ‫ אילו‬sentences?

Let's look at several variations of the same sentence:
(formal) ,‫ הייתי מצליח לעצור בזמו‬.‫ לו נהגתי לאט יותר‬/ ‫ אילו‬.‫ו‬
(slightly lessformal) .2. ‫ לו היי תי_נוהג_ לאט_יותכ< הייתי מצליח לעצור בזמן‬/ ‫אילו‬
If I drove more slowly (in general), I would manage to stop in time,
or: If I had driven more slowly (last night), I would have managed to stop in time.

Q: What verb forms appear in the ifclauses in Hebrew?

A: After ‫ אילו‬in sentence 1, we use ‫ נהגתי‬- the simple past tense (‫)עבר‬. In contrast, in sentence
2 we use ‫ הייתי נוהג‬- a compoundform comprised of the past tense of the verb ‫)הייתי) ה<ה‬
and the present tense (‫ )הווה‬of another verb (‫)נוהג‬, in short:"‫ הווה‬+ ‫"היה‬.

Thus, in formal Hebrew we have two options in the clause after ‫ לו‬/ ‫ אי לו‬:

(formal) . , ±__‫עבב‬ *‫־‬ ‫ לו‬/‫< אי לו‬

simple past
(slightly less formal) .‫ הווה‬+_‫ לו __ _היה‬/ ‫אילו‬
compound form

Now let's look at the same sentence in informal Hebrew:

(informal) .‫ הייתי מצליח לעצור בזמו‬0 ‫ א ם היי_תי_עהג_לאט_ינת‬. 3

In informal Hebrew, ‫ אם‬is usually used instead of ‫ לו‬/ ‫אילו‬. When this is the case, only the
second option - "‫ הווה‬+ ‫ "היה‬- is possible in the ifclause. The following is the structure of a
hypothetical ‫ אם‬clause:
(informal) ‫ הווה‬+_‫_היה‬+...............‫אם‬
compound form

VII. W hat If?: Conditional Sentences / 2. Hypothetical Conditions

This special co m p o u n d verb fo r m after ‫ אם‬tells us immediately that this is a h y p o t h e t ic a l

i f clause. In English, too, the verb form in sentences like I f / we_re_a rich m a n . .. tells us that the
i f clause is hypothetical.

Q : What verb forms are used in the clause w i t h o u t i f (here, in the second clause) in the three
Hebrew sentences above?
A: The co m p o u n d fo r m "‫ הווה")"הייתי מצל יח‬+ ‫)"היה‬. This form a lw a y s appears in the part of
the sentence w i t h o u t ‫ אם‬/ ‫ לו‬/ ‫ אילו‬no matter what form appears in the i f clause. (See "Let's
review" below for sketches of these structures.)

Reversing the order

When we reverse the order of the parts of these sentences and put ‫ אם‬/ ‫ לו‬/ ‫ אילו‬in the se co n d
half of the sentence, the part of the sentence w i t h o u t ‫ א ם‬/ ‫ ל ו‬/ ‫ א י ל ו‬- which is now the first part
- still contains a co m p o u n d fo r m "‫ הווה‬+ ‫"היה‬:
(formal) ‫לעצורמצליחהייתי‬ ‫נהג‬
(slightly less format) ‫ לו הייתי_עהג_ לאט_יני?ס‬/ ‫אילו‬
(informal) ‫הייתי_נוהג_ לאט אם‬

Let's review
:Hypothetical i f sentences may be expressed as follows ♦
simple past
or compoundform
fannat ((. ‫ ה ו וה‬+ ‫ה יה‬ .‫________________________________________________________ עבכ‬

)slightly less format( . ‫ ה ו וה‬+ ‫ה יה‬

)informal(. ‫ ה ו וה‬+ ‫ה יה‬ , _‫_הו !ה‬+ _‫_________________________________________________ה יה‬

.‫ הייתי רואה יותר טוב‬,‫ עת‬1‫יתי_את_החל‬2 ‫ לו ני‬/ ‫אילו‬

.‫ הייתי רואה יותר טוב‬,‫ לו הי_יתי_מנלןה_את_הח_לונ!ת‬/ ‫אילו‬
.‫ הייתי רואה יותר טוב‬,‫הי_יתי_מנלןה_את_החלועת‬
If I cleaned the windows (more often), I would see better,
or: If I had cleaned the windows (this morning), I would have seen better,
or: Had I cleaned...

VII, W h at If?: Conditional Sentences / 2. Hypothetical Conditions

♦ Hypothetical if sentences may also be expressed in the reverse order:

simple past compoundform
or compoundform
(formal) . ‫ לו _עבר‬/ ‫ ה ו והאילו‬+ ‫ה יה‬

(slightly less formal) •_ ‫ת ונה‬. . + _‫_ _ה_ יה‬+_ _ ‫ לו‬/ ‫ ה ו וה אי לו‬+ ‫ה יה‬

(informal) . ‫ה ו וה‬ + ‫ה יה‬ + ‫אם‬ ‫ה ו וה‬ + ‫ה יה‬ .3

. ‫ עת‬1‫ לו נילןיתי _את_החל‬/ ‫ ילו‬1 ‫הייתי רואה יותר ט וב‬

.‫ ע ת‬1‫ לו הייתי_מנלןה_את_החל‬/ ‫הייתי רואה יותר ט וב *ילו‬
.‫ ע ת‬1‫הי_יתי_מנלןה_את_החל‬ ‫הייתי רואה יותר ט וב !ם‬
I would see better if I cleaned the windows (more often),
or: I would have seen better if I had cleaned the windows (this morning),
or: had I cleaned...

Want to see if you've understood?

Transl ate t he f ol l owi ng sentences into He b r e w usi ng the wo r d i ndi cat ed in parentheses.

1. If Ron had paid attention, he wouldn't have fallen. (‫)אילו‬

2. If I had seen Ron fall, I would have helped him. (‫)לו‬

3. If someone had helped Ron, he would have felt better. (‫)אילו‬

4. Ron would not be suffering from back pains now if he had looked where he
was going. (‫)לו‬

Answer s:
.‫ הוא לא היה נופל‬.‫ אילו רון היה שם לב‬:or .‫ הוא לא היה נופל‬.‫ אילו רון שם לב‬. 1
.‫ הייתי עוזרלת) לו‬,‫ לו הייתי רואה את רון נופל‬: or .‫ הייתי עוזרות) לו‬,‫ לו ראיתי את רון נופל‬.2
)...‫ ב לרון‬12 ‫ אילו מ ישה ו‬: or ( .‫ הוא היה מרגיש יותר טוב‬,‫ זת לרון‬2 ‫ אילו‬.3
)...‫ אילו מ ישה ו היה עוזר לרון‬:or ( .‫ הוא היה מרגיש יותר טוב‬,‫ אילו היו עוזרים לרון‬:or
.‫ רון לא היה סובל מכאבי גב עכשיו ל ו (ה וא ) הסתכל לאן הוא הולך‬.4
.‫ רון לא היה סובל מכאבי גב עכשיו ל ו (ה וא ) היה מסתכל לאן הוא הולך‬:or

VII. W hat If?: Conditional Sentences / 2. Hypothetical Conditions

‫ אילו‬/ ‫ לו‬and the verbs to be and to have

Now we'll look at some cases that might seem strange to an English speaker. These cases
involve the verbs to be and to have.

Let's imagine that you had to get up at 4 a.m. to catch a plane to visit your brother. When you
arrive exhausted at your destination, you might say to him:
"If you had gotten up at 4 a.m., you'd be tired too!"

In Hebrew:
,*‫־‬ ‫ה ה י ית עייה עכש י ו‬

(in formal style: .‫ גם אתה ה י ית עייר עכש י ו‬, ‫ _בבוקכ‬4: ‫עע‬- ‫ל ןמת_ב‬ ‫)א יל ו‬

Let's now concentrate on the second part of these sentences, where a compound form
("‫ הווה‬+ ‫ )"היה‬is required (here, the equivalent of you'd be).

Q: Is there a present tense verb after ‫ היית‬in the second part of the sentence?
A: No. Remember, the verb to be (in you'd be tired) has no present tense form in Hebrew.
Therefore, in order to say would be or would have been, we simply use the past tense form
of ‫ היה‬by itself. To this form we add the adjective - here, ‫( עייף‬tired).

Now, let's say your brother comments on your tiredness and says:
"I'm sure that if you'd gotten up at 9 a.m., you'd have more energy."

Here, too, we expect the compound form "‫ הווה‬+ ‫ "היה‬in the part of the sentence without
‫ אם‬/ ‫ ל ו‬/ ‫( א יל ו‬here, as the equivalent of you'd have in the second part of the sentence). But
here's the Hebrew:
.‫ ה יה לר י ותר כ וח‬, ‫קכ‬1‫_בב‬9: ‫אם ה י ית״קמה ב־עע‬

) in formal style: . ‫ ה יה לד י ותר כוח‬,‫ _בב !קכ‬9: ‫עע‬- ‫(א ילו לן מת_ ב‬

Since there is no verb to have in Hebrew, here too we simply use the past tense of ‫ היה‬and don't
add a present tense verb form,

VII. W hat If?: Conditional Sentences / 2. Hypothetical Conditions

W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d ?
Transl ate the f ol l owi ng sentences i nto Heb r e w usi ng the w o r d i ndi cat ed in parentheses.

1. If there were more love in the world, there wouldn't be wars. (‫)אילו‬

2. If they had nice neighbors, they would be happy. (‫)אילו‬

3. If I had bought anot her cat, I woul d have three cats at home. (‫)לו‬

4. She woul d have a lot of fri ends if she wer e nicer. (‫)לו‬

5. She would have eaten if she had been hungry. (‫)אילו‬

Answer s:
.‫ שמחים‬/ ‫ הם היו מאושרים‬,‫ אילו היו להם שכנים נחמדים‬.2 .‫ לא היו מלחמות‬,‫ אילו הייתה יותר אהבה בעולם‬.1
.‫ היו לי שלושה חתולים בבית‬,‫ קניתי) עוד חתול‬:‫ לו הייתי קונה (או‬.3
.‫ היא הייתה אוכלת אילו היא הייתה רעבה‬.5 .‫ היו לה הרבה חברים לו היא הייתה נחמדה יותר‬.4

• Negating ‫לו‬/‫ אלמלא) אילו‬, ‫ לולא‬, ‫ אילולא‬if...not...)

Uri, an over-worked computer programmer, has no time for his family or for himself We might
conjecture how his life would be if he did not work in his current job:
(formal) , ‫ הוא היה מבלה יותר עם משפחת ו‬,£‫_ט‬-‫א !כ י_ לא _עבך_בהיי‬ ‫א יל י‬
If Uri did not work in hi-tech, he would spend more time with his family.

(format) ,‫ הוא היה הולד לסרט פעם בשב וע‬,‫בלילה‬. 22:00_‫לא היה _עובד כל״עם _עך‬. ‫לו א !כי‬
If Uri did not work every day until 10 p.m., he would go to a movie once a week.

(informat) , ‫ הוא היה ל וסח את הילדים לפארס‬, ‫א ם הוא לא_היה_כל כך_ ^סוע‬
If he weren't so busy, he would take the kids to the park.

VII. W hat If?: Conditional Sentences / 2. Hypothetical Conditions

Q: What word appears in the ifjclguse in all of the Hebrew sentences?

A: The word ‫לא‬.

In formal Hebrew, where we use ‫ אילו‬and ‫לו‬, there is a way of combining the words ‫ אילו‬or ‫לו‬
with the word ‫לא‬, as in the following examples:
.‫ הוא היה מבלה יותר ע ם מ ש פ ח תו‬, ppr!‫א!כי_עבד_בהי‬. ‫אילולא‬ ■<C
..,,‫_עק‬-‫אילולא א!כי_היה_עו_בד_בהע‬

‫אוכי_עבד_בסי_י־_ע‬. ‫^לולא‬...
...,pp‫־‬2‫לולא א!כי_היה_עו_בד_בהי‬
If Uri did not work in hi-tech, he would spend more time with his family.

The words ‫ אילולא‬and ‫ לולא‬area combination of twowords:

'ee-loo-LE ‫ לא‬+ ‫= אילולא אילו‬ -<
loo-LE = ‫ לא‬+ ‫לו‬ ‫לולא‬

In these forms, you can stillsee the negative word‫לא‬, but itspronunciation is different (here
it is leh)?

There is also another variation of these words: ‫׳) אלמלא‬eel-ma-LE). The usage and meaning of
‫ אלמלא‬in Modern Hebrew is the same as ‫ אילולא‬and ‫לולא‬, and it too is formal:
•• T : 7‫־‬

‫ הוא היה מבלה יותר ע ם מ ש פ ח תו‬. ,PPj ‫אלמלא או ר י_עבד_ ב הי_י‬

‫_עק‬-‫אלמלא א!כי_הי_ה_עו_בד_בהיי‬,...

A good way to make sure you have understood all of these sentences that express hypothetical
situations is by adding: But it does/did..., therefore... Here is an example:

.‫ הוא היה מבלה יותר עם מ ש פ ח תו‬,‫ט ע‬-‫ ורי_עבד בהיי‬11 ‫ אלמלא‬/ ‫ לולא‬/ ‫אילולא‬

If Uri did not work in hi-tech, he would spend more time with his family.
But Uri does work in hi-tech, therefore he cannot spend more time with his family.

Here's another point to remember: Whatever is written in the clause after the words
‫ אלמלא‬/ ‫ לולא‬/ ‫ אילולא‬is true. Thus, in the sentence ...‫סק‬-‫( אילולא אורי עבד בהיי‬IfU rid id n o tw o rk in
hi-tech), Uri does work in hi-tech (...‫טק‬-‫)אורי עובד בהיי‬.

3 The spelling ‫ אילולי‬and ‫ לולי‬- with ‫ י׳‬on the end - is also found. This is true also in the case of ‫)אלמלי) אלמלא‬,
which is discussed in the next paragraph.

VII, W h at If?: Conditional Sentences / 2. Hypothetical Conditions

R e v e rsin g th e order o f se n te n c es w ith ...‫א יל ולא‬

Sentences with ‫ אלמלא‬/ ‫ לולא‬/ ‫ אילולא‬can also appear in reverse order:

formal) 02 ‫ אלמלא ! ס ג ת ^ מ ה כ כ ל‬/ ‫ לולא‬/ ‫ אילולא‬.‫הייתי מצלי ח לעצור בזמו‬ -<
{slightly lessformal) 0 3 ‫נז ^ מ ה ^ כ ל‬.
‫ אלמלא‬/ ‫ לולא‬/ ‫אילולא‬
‫היי תי‬

I would have managed to stop in time if I hadn't driven so fast.

Let's review
♦ In formal Hebrew a form that combines ‫ לו‬/ ‫ אילו‬and ‫ לא‬is sometimes used in
negative hypothetical sentences:

.‫עוצר את המכונית בזמו‬ ‫ הוא ה<ח‬,‫ אלמלא אורי _נסע מהו; כל כב‬/ ‫ לולא‬/ ‫אילולא‬ -*>
If Uri had not driven so fast, he would have stopped the car in time,
or: Had Uri not driven so fast...

♦ Like ‫אילו‬, these negative forms can appear either at the beginning of the
sentence or in the second part o f the sentence.

at the beginning:
compoundform simple past
or compoundform
(formal) . ‫ הווה‬+ ‫היה‬ . . ‫עבר‬. ‫ אלמלא‬/ ‫ לולא‬/ ‫ אילולא‬.‫ו‬ -<
(slightly less formal) . 2. ‫ הווה‬+ ‫היה‬ <‫_הונה‬+.‫_היה‬+.‫ אלמלא‬/ ‫ לולא‬/ ‫אילולא‬

‫ הייתי כועסת‬,‫ אלמלא סנפרת״לנ כיס לןרה‬/ ‫ לולא‬/ ‫אילולא‬.

‫ הייתי כועסת‬,‫ אלמלא הי_ית מספרת_לי מה_קרה‬/ ‫ לולא‬/ ‫אילולא‬.
If you liadn't told me what happened, I would have been angry,
or: Had you not told me what happened, I would have been angry.

in the second part of the sentence:

simple past compoundform
or compound form
(formal) ‫_ עבר״‬. _ ‫למלא‬
(slightly less formal) . 2. ‫ _ה ו וה‬+_ ‫ה _ יה‬ +_ ‫ אלמלא‬/ ‫ לולא‬/ ‫אילולא‬ ‫ה ו וה‬ + ‫ה יה‬

‫_רת_ל‬£‫ אלמלא סמ‬/ ‫ לולא‬/ ‫הייתי כועסת אילולא‬:•

•1‫ אלמלא הי_ית מספרת_ל‬/ ‫ לולא‬/ ‫הייתי כועסת אילולא‬
I would have been angry if you hadn't told me what happened,
or: I would have been angry had you not told me what happened.

VII. W hat If?: Conditional Sentences / 2. Hypothetical Conditions

W a n t to s e e if y o u 'v e u n d e r s to o d ?
A. Translate the sentence and complete the But...there fore... sentence in English.

.‫ לא היית מדריכה תיירים מסין‬,‫ אילולא דיברת סינית‬.‫ו‬

1. If you --------, y o u --------------------------------------------

But you ____, therefore y o u _______________________

.‫ לא היינו מכירים את השירים‬,‫ אלמלא ראינו את ההצגה‬.2

2. If we _______ , w e _____________________________

But we , therefore

1. If you d id n 't speak Chinese, you w o u ld n 't be g u id in g tourists from C hina.
(or: If you h a d n 't spoken Chinese, you w o u ld n 't have been g u id in g tourists from C h ina [ten years a g o ].)
But you do speak Chinese, therefore you d o g u id e tourists from C hina.

2. If w e d id n 't see the show, w e w o u ld n 't know the songs.

(or: If w e h a d n 't seen the show, w e w o u ld n 't have known the songs.)
But w e d id see the show, therefore w e do kno w the songs.

W rite the correct form of the verb.

.‫ (אתה) לא ____________________ ל ת אונ ה‬,‫ אילולא דיברת בטלפון הסלולרי בזמן הנהיגה‬. 1

.‫ (אני) לא ___________________ שהוא צריך עזרה‬,‫ אלמלא שמעתי את הצעקות של הילד‬.2


.‫ (אנחנו) ____________________ בז מן אילולא טעינו בדרך‬.3

‫ היינו מגיעות‬/ ‫ היינו מגיעים‬.3 ‫ הייתי יודעת‬/ ‫ הייתי יודע‬.2 ‫ היית גורם‬.1


APPENDIX I: Gender of Nouns

APPENDIX II: Plural Forms of Nouns

APPENDIX III: Declensions of Prepositions

APPENDIX IV: Verbs and their Prepositions

APPENDIX V: "Connecting Words" in Sentences o f Three Types

Gender of Nouns
• Feminine Nouns
Many feminine nouns can be identified by their endings. These are listed below in Part A.
Feminine nouns without feminine endings are listed in Part B.

A. The feminine endings

1. Final ‫( ;ה‬-ah)

examples: ‫היסטוךיה‬ ‫לןפטךיה‬ ‫לחמנייה‬ ‫עוגךה‬ ‫מורה‬

T ! ‫־‬

history cafeteria roll cookie teacher (f.) girl

Note: ‫( לילה‬night) ends in ‫ ;ה‬but is masculine.

2. Final ‫ ת‬- (-t)

‫חמות‬ ‫אחות‬ ‫במאות‬ ‫חנות‬ ‫סטודנטית‬ ‫מכונית‬ ‫צלחת‬ ‫מקלחת‬ ‫כתובת‬ ‫מחברת‬
mother- nurse; health store student (f.) car plate shower address notebook
in-law sister

Note: In the following feminine words, the ‫ ת׳‬is not an added ending (in most cases):1
‫אמת‬ ‫דלת‬ ‫עת‬ ‫מחבת‬ 2‫אות‬ ‫שבת‬ ‫כת‬ ‫דת‬ T

truth door time pan letter (of alphabet) Sabbath sect religion

B. Grouping feminine nouns according to meaning

The following categories can help you memorize feminine nouns that do not have a feminine
ending.3 Remember: These categories of meaning contain masculine nouns as well, but we
have listed here only the feminine nouns in these categories.

1 The 'n is part of the root, except for in the case of ‫( אמת‬root : ‫ נ‬-‫מ‬-‫ )א‬and perhaps ‫( דלת‬the root may be ‫י‬-‫)ד־ל‬.
2 When ‫ אות‬means sign, it is masculine.
3 These are the categories suggested by Mordechai Kashtan, 1982, pp. 39-42.

APPENDIX I: Gender of Nouns

1. Parts o f the body (pairs and singles)

a. Paired parts with the ending 0”: in the plural
‫שוק‬ ‫ירי‬ ‫לחי‬ ‫ציפורן‬ ‫שן‬ ‫כתף‬ ‫נוי‬ ‫תל‬ ‫יד‬T ‫ זן‬1‫א‬ ‫> ־ עין‬
‫כנפיים‬ ‫?ן?ים‬1‫<גי‬ ‫ירכיים‬ ‫לרעים‬ ‫ציפוךניים‬ ‫שיניים‬ ‫כתפיים‬ ‫בדכיים‬ ‫רגליים‬ ‫ידיים‬ ‫עיניים אוזניים‬
wing calf, thigh cheek fingernail, tooth shoulder knee leg, hand ear eye
drumstick toenail foot

Also: ‫( נ?(ל‬shoe), though not a body part, is feminine (plural: ‫)נעליים‬.

Exception: The word ‫( שד‬plural: ‫ שז־יים‬woman's breast) is masculine even though it is a dual body
part. (Other exceptions are beyond the scope of this book.)

b. Additional parts o f the body (without the ending ‫יים‬: in the plural)
‫נפש‬ ‫עצם‬ ‫לשון‬ )‫כרס (כרס‬ ‫בטן‬ ‫אצבע‬ ‫צלע‬
soul bone tongue pot belly belly finger rib arm

A special case: ‫( פנים‬face) is both feminine and masculine in Modern Hebrew.

2. Geographical areas and related words

‫לןךקע‬ ‫באר‬ ‫חצר‬T

‫תהום‬ ‫גדי‬ ‫ךךןז‬ ‫כיכר‬
T ‫־‬
‫<גיר‬ ‫ארץ‬
ground well yard a steep drop fence way, road city square, city country,
traffic circle land

See the chapter "The Gender of Nouns," p. 26 for a drawing containing these words.

3. Names o f all cities and countries

examples: ‫אךצות הבו־ית‬ ‫מצרים‬ ‫ישראל‬
•• T : ‫־‬
‫ ן‬1‫ נד‬1‫ל‬ >-‫ ■ ־‬T

the United States Egypt Israel London Jerusalem

Exception:‫( תוורניסץן‬the Vatican) is masculine

4. Objects and forces in nature

Hi? ‫שמ ש‬ ‫רוח‬ ‫אש‬ ‫אבן‬ *>
ray; sun wind; fire stone
horn spirit

4 Note: When the word ‫ עצם‬means thing, it is masculine.

5 ‫ כיכר‬also means a loaf o f bread.
6 Because some of these words (e.g., ‫ שמש‬,‫ אש‬,‫ )רוח‬are both feminine and masculine in the Bible, they may
appear in modern literary texts as either, but in regular use they are feminine.

APPENDIX I: Gender of Nouns

5. Utensils
Di3 ‫נף‬ ‫ספיו‬ ‫חרב‬ ‫מסט‬
glass soup spoon, knife sword needle

6. Names o f animals and humans

biologically female: ‫ן‬1‫את‬ ‫אם‬ ‫>־‬

donkey (f.) nanny goat mother

both sexes: ‫צ?רדע‬ ‫ציפור‬

frog bird

7. ^4// letters o f the alphabet

examples'. ‫מ״ם סופית‬ ‫אל״ף גדולה‬

' V T

final mem a big 'alef

8. The word (a time, once)

• Masculine Nouns
Masculine nouns are those that do not have a feminine ending and are not mentioned in the list
of feminine nouns without a feminine ending that appears in Part B above.8

A. Signs of masculine nouns

The following endings can help you identify masculine nouns:

1. Nouns ending in ‫ה‬: and ‫ה‬:

When a final ‫ה‬- is preceded by eh, it is masculine.

examples: ‫תה‬ ‫לןפה‬ ‫שדה‬ ‫מחנה‬ ‫ךה‬1‫מ‬
tea coffee field camp male teacher

7 The word ‫ סכין‬is both feminine and masculine in Modem Hebrew.

8 We are speaking here of the nouns learned by most intermediate level students. A number of additional nouns
usually learned at the advanced level can be added to the lists above (feminine nouns) and here (masculine

APPENDIX I: Gender of Nouns

2. Nouns ending in ‫ון‬-

examples: ‫מחאון‬ ‫פתרון‬ ‫עיתון‬ ‫מילון‬ ‫מלון‬ ‫חלון‬
museum solution newspaper dictionary hotel window

Exceptions: The following are feminine:

‫אתון‬ ‫לשון‬ >£
she-donkey language; tongue

3. Nouns that end in 0”: and ‫ים‬: (-A-yeem) (and do not denote body parts)

The following masculine nouns are usually used only in the plural:
‫־‬ • T
‫מים‬ ‫אופניים‬ ‫מספריים‬
‫ ־ ־‬T ! ‫־‬
‫משקפיים‬ ‫מכנסיים‬
. - T! ‫־‬
sky, heaven(s) water bicycle scissors eyeglasses pants

The following are masculine nouns whose plural is ‫יים‬::

‫מגף‬ ‫גרב‬
‫מגפיים‬ ‫גךביים‬
boot sock

B. Masculine nouns that may be mistaken for feminine

Special attention should be paid to the following masculine nouns:
1. Masculine nouns ending in ‫ת׳‬

‫שירות‬ ‫מוות‬
7 T
‫צומת‬ ‫צוות‬ ‫אות‬ ‫זית‬ ‫בית‬
service death intersection crew, staff sign olive house

2. Masculine nouns ending in ‫ה‬-

T : ‫־‬


Nouns that are both masculine andfeminine

The following nouns are both masculine and feminine in Modem Hebrew:
T 7 ‫׳‬
‫מטבע‬ ‫סכין‬ ‫פנים‬‫ ־‬T

colleague coin knife face

9 When ‫ אות‬means a letter (of the alphabet), it is feminine.

Plural Forms of Nouns
For an in-depth explanation of plural forms of nouns, see the chapter "How ,Are Nouns Made
Plural?" (pp. 34-51). The following lists include only nouns whose plural forms are noteworthy
or "irregular" and, therefore, must be memorized. The nouns included in each category are
those usually studied at the beginning and intermediate levels of Hebrew study.

• Plural Forms o f Masculine Nouns

A. Masculine plural nouns ending in ‫ ־ים‬with changes in their base form
child, boy 1‫ילדים‬
‫ י‬T !
<= ‫ילר‬
morning ‫בלןךים‬ ‫ב^קי‬

house ‫בתים‬‫־‬ T
<= ‫בית‬
day ‫ימים‬ ‫ ־‬T

olive ‫זיתים‬ <= ‫זית‬

summer ‫ קייצים‬/ ‫קיצים‬ ‫ק יץ‬

man ‫אנשים‬
‫ י‬T ‫!־־‬
rabbi ‫רבנים‬
• T ‫־‬

side ‫צדדים‬
‫ ״‬T !
shadow ‫צללים‬
■ T 5

grandfather ‫סבים‬ )‫סב (סבא‬

bear ‫דובים‬ ‫דוב‬

drum ‫תופים‬ ‫תוף‬
law ‫חו קים‬ ‫חוק‬

tax ‫מ סי ם‬ ‫מס‬
arrow ‫חצים‬ ‫סץ‬

market ‫שווקים‬ ‫שוק‬

half ‫חצאי ם‬
‫ ־‬T ‫!־‬
<= ‫ חצי‬/ ‫חצי‬
deer ‫צבאים‬ ‫צבי‬

1 On nouns like ‫ ילד‬and ‫בוקר‬, whose first syllable is stressed, see the chapter ‫״‬Segolate Nouns,‫ ״‬pp. 93-96.

APPENDIX II: Plural Forms of Nouns

B. Masculine plural nouns ending in ‫ ו ת‬-

1. Almost all words in the ‫ □*□□ון‬and 1‫ □□□ן‬patterns
‫□ □ □ונות‬ >= ‫□ □ □ון‬ ‫□♦□□ונות‬ ‫□י ם םון‬
rule, authorities ‫ש ל טונו ת‬ >= ‫שלטון‬ memory ‫זיכרונות‬ <= ‫זיכרון‬
solution ‫פתרונות‬ >= ‫פתרון‬ attempt ‫ניסיונות‬ <= ‫ניסיון‬

Many words with '1 (o or oo) before the last letter2

Many o f these are places
palace ‫ארמונות‬ >= ‫ארמון‬ place ‫מ קו מו ת‬ ‫מ קו ם‬
street, road ‫ןחובו ת‬ >= ‫רחוב‬ hotel ‫מלונות‬ ‫מ אן‬
border ‫גבולות‬ >= ‫גבול‬ day care center; ‫מ עונות‬ <= ‫מ עין‬
(in pi. only)

b. Miscellaneous words
customer ‫ל קו חו ת‬
‫׳‬ T
<= ‫ל יקו ח‬T
dream ‫ח לו מו ת‬ <= 3‫חלום‬
baby ‫תינוקות‬ ‫תינוק‬ disaster ‫א סונות‬ < = ‫אסון‬
profession ‫מ ק צו עו ת‬ ‫מ ק צו ע‬ source ‫מ קו רות‬ ‫מקור‬
week ‫שבו עות‬ <= ‫שבוע‬

Many short words with the vowel ‫ ״‬1‫( ״‬0) or "H" (oo)4
secret ‫סו דו ת‬ < = ‫סוד‬ light ‫אורות‬ < = ‫אור‬
force, strength, power ‫כוחו ת‬ <= ‫כוח‬ pit ‫בורות‬ <= ‫בור‬
brain ‫מו חו ת‬ <= ‫מו ס‬ generation ‫דורות‬ ‫דור‬
blackboard, board ‫לוחו ת‬ <= ‫לוס‬ sand ‫חו לו ת‬ <= ‫חול‬
report; traffic ticket ‫ ת י‬1‫דו״ח‬ <= ‫דו״ס‬ voice, sound ‫קולות‬ <= ‫קול‬
couple ‫זוגות‬ <= ‫זוג‬ fowl, chicken ‫עופו ת‬ <= ‫עוף‬
(mainly as food)
signal, sign ‫או תו ת‬ <= ‫אות‬

2 Note, however, the following examples of masculine nouns that end in 1‫ן‬- and take the plural ending ::‫ים‬
‫ בלונים‬4= ‫ב אן‬ ‫ שעונים‬4 = ‫שעון‬ ‫ספרון => ספרונים‬ ‫ עיתונים‬4 = ‫עיתון‬ ‫ מילונים‬4= ‫< מילון‬
balloon clock booklet newspaper dictionary
3 Also ‫חלון‬,‫ וילון‬and ‫ארון‬, which are listed on the next page.
4 Some short words with "‫ "ו‬or "‫ "ו‬end in ‫ים‬:, such as: ‫ נופים‬4= ‫( נוף‬landscape), ‫חוף‬ ‫ חופים‬4= (seashore). See
above for nouns like these whose base form changes, such as: ‫ דובים‬4= ‫( דוב‬bear).
5 The word ‫ דו״ ח‬is formed from the first letters of ‫( דין וחשבון‬a report). The Hebrew Language Academy also
recognizes the spelling ‫ דוחות‬/ ‫ דוח‬- written without the sign of an abbreviation.

APPENDIX II: Plural Forms of Nouns

Masculine plural nouns (continued)

From here on the lists are arranged according to meaning and not the form of the word:

3. Things in a house
table ‫שול חו ת‬
T !
< = ‫שולחן‬ wall ‫קירות‬ 4 = ‫קיר‬
chair ‫כיסאו ת‬ 4 = ‫כיסא‬ roof ‫גגות‬ < = ‫גג‬
key ‫מפ תחות‬ < s= ‫מפתח‬ window ‫חלונות‬ 6‫חלון‬
paper ‫ניי ^ ת‬ T5
< = ‫נייר‬ T!
curtain ‫וי אנו ת‬ < = ‫וילון‬
cupboard, cabinet; ‫ארונות‬ ‫ארון‬
In the kitchen
drink ‫מ ש ק או ת‬ < s= ‫משקה‬ fork ‫מזלגות‬ ‫מ׳ןלג‬
wine ‫יינות‬ < =
‫!ין‬ fruit ) ‫פרות ( פ י ר ו ת‬ < = ‫פ ך י‬

smell, aroma ‫ריחות‬ < = ‫וי ס‬ vegetable ‫ירקות‬ < =

‫י ק‬:

Nature, the world around us

tree ‫אילנות‬T
< =
‫אילן‬ spring ‫מ עיינו ת‬ 4 = ‫מ עזיין‬
forest ‫י^רות‬ 4 = ‫יער‬. river ‫נהרות‬ T !
< = ‫נהר‬

field ‫שדות‬ T
4 = ‫שדה‬ V T
world ‫עו ל מו ת‬ < = ‫עולם‬
night ‫לילות‬ < = ,‫לילה‬
‫׳‬ T ! ‫־‬
lion ‫אריות‬‫־־ז‬:
< = ‫אךיה‬

battle ‫קרבות‬ < =
‫? ! ! ב‬
army ‫צבאו ת‬T !
< = ‫צבא‬T T

camp ‫מ חנו ת‬ ‫מחנה‬

suspicion ‫ח שדות‬ T ‫!־‬
< s= ‫ח שד‬ T ‫!־‬
feeling ‫רגשות‬ T !
fear, concern, worry ‫ח ש שו ת‬
T ‫!־‬
< = ‫חשש‬T ‫!־‬

fine (money) ‫קנ סו ת‬ < = ‫קנ ס‬ father ‫אבות‬ T
< = )‫אב (אבא‬
institution ‫מו ס דו ת‬
4 = ‫ ס ד‬1‫מ‬
name ‫ש מו ת‬ ‫שם‬
hall ‫אול מות‬ 4 = ‫אולם‬T
candle ‫נרות‬ < = ‫נר‬
status; (social) class ‫מ ע מ דו ת‬ < = ‫מ ע מד‬ heart ‫לבבות‬ T !
< = ‫לב‬
sacrifice; victim ‫קוךבנות‬ < = ‫קוייבז‬ ritual bath ‫מ קוו או ת‬ <= ‫מקווה‬

6 The words ‫חלון‬,‫וילון‬,‫ ארון‬belong also to category 2 above (words with '‫ ו‬before their last letter).

A P P E N D I X II: P lu ra l F o r m s o f N o u n s

C. Masculine plural nouns ending in ‫יים‬- or ‫ים‬: (-A-yeem)

water ‫מ ים‬ sock ‫גרב י ים‬ < = ‫גרב‬
sky ‫שמ ים‬‫־־ י‬ T
boot ‫מגפ י ים‬
‫ ־ י‬T ‫־‬
pants ‫מכ נס י ים‬
‫ ־ ־‬T ! ‫י‬
breast ‫שד י ים‬
• ‫ ־‬T
<= ‫שד‬ T

eyeglasses ‫משקפ י ים‬ (of a woman)

bicycle ‫א ופנ י ים‬
scissors ‫מספר י ים‬

• Plural Forms o f Feminine Nouns

A. Feminine plural nouns ending in Di-
1. Singular form with feminine ending
daughter ‫ב נ ות‬ T
university ‫ א ו נ יברס יט ות‬/ ‫א ו נ יברס יטא ות‬ ‫א ו נ יברס יטה‬
T ‫־‬ ! ? ‫־‬

chain ‫ שרשר ות‬/ ‫שרשרא ות‬ ‫שרשרת‬

2. Singular form without feminine ending

a. Some words related to geography and nature

land, country 7‫ארצ ות‬ T ‫־־‬:

fence ‫גדר ות‬ <== ‫גדר‬ *T

yard ‫ ת‬1‫רוצר‬ 4 = ‫חצר‬ ■‫ י‬T

(city) square, traffic circle; loaf (of bread) ‫כ יכר ות‬

T ‫־‬
4 = ‫פ יכר‬
T ‫־‬

land, soil ‫קךל ןע ות‬ <= ‫קרקע‬

chasm, drop-off ‫תה ומ ות‬ ‫תה ום‬
well ‫באר ות‬ ‫באר‬
wind; spirit ‫ר וח ות‬ 4= ‫ר וח‬

7 For segolate nouns like those in this group, see the chapter "Segolate Nouns," p. 94.

A P P E N D I X II: P lu ra l F o r m s o f N o u n s

Feminine plural nouns (continued)

b. Some parts o f the body
finger ‫אצבעות‬ ‫אצבע‬
tongue; language ‫לשונות‬ <== ‫לשון‬
bone 8‫עצמות‬ ‫עצם‬
arm ‫זרועות‬ <= ‫זרוע‬
rib ‫צלעות‬ <= ‫צלע‬
soul ‫נפשות‬ T !

c. Some utensils
(drinking) glass ‫כוסות‬ ‫כוס‬
soup spoon, tablespoon ‫כפות‬ <== ‫כף‬
sword ‫חרבות‬ T ‫־־‬:

d. Females
mother ‫אימהות‬ T
<= )‫אם (אימא‬
female donkey ‫אתונות‬ ‫אתון‬

B. Feminine plural nouns ending in ‫ים‬:

1. Feminine singular nouns that end in ‫ ;ה‬or ‫ ת‬-

word ‫מילים‬ < = ‫מילה‬

woman, wife ‫נשים‬ * T
4= ‫אישה‬

egg ‫ביצים‬ ‫ביצה‬

T ‫״‬
year ‫שנים‬ • T
<= ‫שנה‬ T T

fig ‫תאנים‬ ‫תאנה‬

T ‫״‬ !

ant ‫נמלים‬ ‫ י‬T !

T T !
bee ‫ךבורים‬ ‫דבוךה‬
worm ‫תולעים‬ ‫תולעת‬ dove, pigeon ‫יונים‬ 4 = ‫יונה‬T

tinine nouns with no feminine ending in the singular

needle ‫מחטי ם‬
• T !
<= ‫מ סט‬ city ‫ערים‬ <= ‫עיר‬
knife ‫סכינים‬ 9‫סכין‬ way ‫!דרכים‬
‫י‬ T
<= ‫דדד‬
stone ‫אבנים‬• T ‫־‬:
4= ‫אבן‬
female goat ‫עזים‬ <= ‫עז‬ time (once) / times ‫פ^מים‬ ‫פעם‬
frog ‫צפרדעים‬ ‫צפרדע‬ time ‫עתים‬ <= ‫עת‬
bird ‫ציפורים‬ <= ‫ציפור‬

8 When ‫ עצם‬means a thing, it is masculine and its plural form is ‫עצמים‬.

9 ‫ סכין‬is also masculine.

A P P E N D I X II: P lura l F o r m s o f N o u n s

C. Feminine plural nouns ending in ‫יים‬-

eye ‫עיניים‬ < =
‫עין‬ hand ‫ידיים‬
■ “T
4= ‫יד‬

leg, foot ‫ךגליים‬ < = ‫רגל‬ ear ‫אתניים‬ < = ‫אוזן‬

knee ‫ברכיים‬ < =
‫!ד‬.? tooth ‫שיניים‬ ‫שן‬
cheek ‫לחיים‬
■‫ ־‬T !
< = ‫ל חי‬ shoulder ‫כתפיים‬ ‫כתף‬
wing ‫כנפיים‬
‫ ־ י‬T !
< = ‫?נר‬ (finger or toe) nail ‫ציפו תיי ם‬ •4= ‫ציפורן‬
shoe ‫נעליים‬ < = ‫נעל‬ horn; rays (of sun...) ‫קךניים‬ ‫ךן‬.‫לן‬

Declensions of Prepositions
• Group I: Endings without an extra ‫יי‬
The endings added to prepositions in this group are similar to the endings added to s i n g u l a r
n o u n s (for example: ... ‫ דוךך‬,‫ךי‬1‫ ד‬my uncle, your uncle...). The endings o f Group lb are identical
to those o f singular nouns. The endings o f Group la are similar but not identical. Some o f the
endings on ‫ כמו‬and ‫ מן‬are similar to those of la and lb, while others are markedly different.

special cases lb la
,‫ אצל‬,‫בקגביל‬
,‫ בגלל‬,‫ליד‬
‫מן‬ ‫כמו‬ ‫ במקום‬,‫בזכות‬ ‫את‬ ‫עם‬ ‫ של‬,1 ,‫ל־‬
‫ממני‬ ‫כמוני‬ T
‫בשבילי‬ ‫אותי‬ ‫איתי‬ ‫לי‬
‫ממה‬ ,‫כמוך‬ ‫בשבילה‬ ‫אותה‬ ‫איתה‬ ‫לה‬
‫ממר‬ ‫כמוך‬ ‫בשבילד‬ ‫אותך‬ ‫איתך‬ ‫לד‬
‫ממנו‬ ‫כמוהו‬ T
‫בשבילו‬ ‫אותו‬ ‫איתו‬ ‫לו‬
‫ממנה‬T V *
T * ! ‫־‬
‫לה‬ T

T ‫י‬ ‫״‬
‫כמונו‬ T
‫בשבילנו‬ ‫אותנו‬

‫מכם‬ ‫כמוכם‬ ‫בשבילכם‬ ‫אתכם‬ ‫איתכם‬ ‫לכם‬

7 T

‫מכן‬ ‫כמוכן‬ ‫בשבילכן‬ ‫אתכן‬ ‫איתכן‬ ‫לכן‬

‫מהם‬ ‫כמוהם‬ ‫בשבילם‬
T ‫י‬ ! ‫י‬
7 T

‫מהן‬ ‫כמוהן‬ ‫בשבילן‬ ‫אותן‬ ‫איתן‬ ‫לסן‬

A P P E N D I X III: D e c l e n s i o n s o f P r e p o s i t i o n s

• Group II: Endings with an extra '‫י‬

The endings added to prepositions in this group are similar to the endings added to p lu r a l
n o u n s (for example: ‫״‬.;pTn ,” Til my uncles, your uncles...).

Exception: the first half o f the declension o f ‫ בין‬does not have an extra .‫י׳‬

‫ מתחת‬,‫ מעל‬,‫על‬,
special case ,‫ מאחורי‬,‫יי‬
‫בין‬ ‫לפני‬ ‫אל‬ )‫(בלעדי‬
‫ביני‬ ‫לפניי‬
‫ ־‬T ! ‫אליי‬ ‫ליי‬¥
*‫בינן‬ ‫לפניג‬ ‫אליה‬ ‫ץליה‬
‫בינזז‬ ‫לפנייול‬ ‫אלייד‬ ‫עלייול‬
‫בינו‬ ‫לפניו‬
T T !
‫עליו‬T T

T ‫״‬
t ‫ ד‬t : T
7 ‫״‬

‫ביניני‬ ‫לפנינו‬
‫ ■־‬T :
‫אליני‬ ‫^לינו‬
‫ביניכם‬ ‫לפניכם‬ ‫אליכם‬ ‫עליכם‬
‫ביניכן‬ ‫לפניכן‬ ‫אליכן‬ ‫עליכן‬
‫ביניהם‬ ‫לפניהם‬ ‫אליהם‬ ‫עליהם‬
‫ביניהן‬ ‫לפניהן‬ ‫אליהן‬ ‫עליהן‬

Verbs and their Prepositions
In the following lists we have grouped verbs according to their prepositions. Since many times
these prepositions are different from those that accompany verbs in English (and in other
languages), they must be memorized. You may be able to remember these "verbs + prepositions"
more easily if you can find a meaning common to the words in each o f the groups we have
created below.

The verbal noun1 that corresponds to a given verb usually takes the same preposition as the
verb, for example:
verb: to take care of - ‫לטפל ב‬
verbal noun: taking care of, caring for - ‫טיפול ב‬

We have not included verbal nouns in this list; however, we have included some very common
adjectives (e.g., - ‫ תלוי ב‬depends on) that require specific prepositions.

Please note:
‫ ־‬We have added in smaller letters cases of the same verb with a different preposition, for
to call - ‫לקרוא ל‬
to read ‫לקרוא א ת‬

‫ ־‬Some verbs require that you learn two prepositions, for example:

to speak with (someone) about (something) ( )‫על (משהו לדבר עם (מישהו‬

to ask (someone) for (something) ( )‫ ( מי ש הו‬-‫את (משהו לבקש מ‬

‫ ־‬Verbs that require the preposition -‫ ל‬when followed by a noun are included in two charts
below: ‫ ל־‬and ‫ אל‬/-‫ ל‬. The preposition o f verbs in these two groups acts differently when an
ending is added to the preposition:
‫ ל־‬group: .>= .‫עזרתי ליוסי‬ ‫עזרתי לו‬

‫ אל‬/‫ ל־‬group: .>= ,‫פניתי ליוסי‬ ‫פניתי אליו‬

‫ ־‬We have included in the ‫ את‬column o n ly verbs that require special attention because they
differ from English.

1 On verbal nouns, see the chapter ‫״‬Verbal Nouns," pp. 108-123.

A P P E N D I X IV: V e r b s a n d t h e i r P r e p o s i t i o n s

to recommend ‫להמליץ על‬ to be angry with, mad at ‫לכעוס על‬
to be angry with, mad at ‫להתרגז על‬
to be angry with, mad at ‫להתעצבן על‬
to yell at ‫לצעוק על‬
to think about ‫לחשוב על‬
to dream about ‫לחלום על‬

to laugh at (in spoken Hebrew) ‫לצחוק על‬

(negative connotation)
to feel sorry for ‫לרחם על‬ but:
to forgive (someone( )‫ (מישהו) על (משהו‬-‫לסלוח ל‬ to laugh at (ajoke) ­ ‫לצחוק מ‬
for (something)

to speak about... with... .‫ עם‬...‫לדבר על‬

to be sony about ‫להצטער על‬ to gossip about... with... .‫ עם‬...‫לרכל על‬
to apologize for 2‫להתנצל על‬ to speak, converse about... with ‫ עם‬...‫לשוחח על‬
to discuss... with... ...‫ עם‬...-‫ ב‬/ ‫לדון על‬
to argue about... with... ...‫ עם‬...‫להתווכח על‬
to quarrel about / over... with... . . ‫ עם‬...‫לריב על‬
to press; to pressure ‫ללחוץ על‬

to thank )‫ (מישהו) על (משהו‬-‫(להגיד) תודה ל־‬

to bless, recite a blessing over )‫ החלה‬,‫לברך על(היין‬ (someone) for (something)
to bless someone )‫לברך את (מישהו‬

to sign ‫לחתום על‬

to give up ‫לוותר על‬

to give in to -‫לוותר ל‬ to look at -‫ ב‬/ ‫להסתכל על‬

2 If we wish to refer to the person to whom we are apologizing, we use ‫בפני‬, as in:
The principal of the school apologized to the parents. .‫< מנהלת בית הספר התנצלה בפני ההורים‬

A P P E N D I X IV: V e r b s a n d t h e i r P r e p o s i t i o n s

to pay (someone) for 4(‫(משהו‬ ‫ (מישהו) על‬-‫לשלם ל‬ to guard; to keep ‫לשמור על‬
(something) but:
to keep, observe ‫לשמור את‬

to hang (something) (‫(משהו‬ ‫לתלות את (משהו) על‬

on (a hook, the w all...) to influence, have influence over ‫להשפיע על‬
to be hanging on )‫תלוילהיות‬ ‫)על‬
(in the physical sense)
to be dependent on, depend on - ‫)להיות) תלוי ב‬ to announce ( ‫ (מישהו‬-‫(משהו) ל‬ ‫להודיע על‬
(something) to (someone)

to answer (a question) 3( ‫(שאלה‬ ‫לענות על‬

to answer (someone, (‫ טלפון‬,‫ (מישהו‬-‫לענות ל‬
the phone)

3 In today's Hebrew ‫ לענות לשאלה‬is often used.

4 In form al Hebrew the words ‫ )ב)עבור‬and ‫ בעד‬are often used instead of ‫ ע ל‬. In informal Hebrew ‫ עבור‬is som etim es
used, as in:
How much did you pay for this sofa? ?‫< כמה שילמתם עבור הספה הזאת‬

A P P E N D I X IV: V e r b s a n d t h e i r P r e p o s i t i o n s

‫•ב ־‬
to participate in ‫להשתתף ב־‬ to visit (a place) (‫לבקר ב־ (מק ום‬
to touch ‫ לגעת ב־‬/ -‫לנגוע ב‬ to travel around (in...) 5- ‫לטייל ב‬

to take care of; to deal with ‫ב־ לטפל‬ to look at ‫ב־ להסתכל‬/‫על‬
to be busy with ‫ ־ עסוק להיות‬1to watch (TV, a movie) ‫ ־ לצפות‬1
to deal with; to do (for a living) ‫ ־ לעסוק‬1

to use ­ ‫להשתמש ב‬
to hurt, harm ­ ‫לפגוע ב‬ to play with (something) ) ‫ (משה ו‬-‫לשחק ב‬
to shoot )‫ על‬:or( -‫לירות ב‬ but:
to fight (against) )‫ נגד‬:or( -‫להילחם ב‬ to play with (someone) ) ‫לשחק עם (מ ישה ו‬
but: to play (an instrument) ‫לנגן ב־‬
tofightfor ‫לה ילחם על‬ to drive (a car, a vehicle) -‫לנהוג ב‬

to succeed (at, on, in) - ‫להצליח ב‬ to be dependent on, depend on - ‫)לה י ות) תלוי ב‬
to win (a game,(, ‫ (משחק‬-‫לנצח ב‬ ‫ בח יר ות‬, ‫מלחמה‬ (it depends on...) (‫״‬.‫) זה תלוי ב־‬
a war, elections) to be related to, connected with ‫)לה י ות) קשור ב־‬
but: but:
to beat (‫ל נצח את (מ ישה ו‬ to be tied to (especially in a ‫ אל‬/ - ‫)לה י ות) קש ור ל‬
to win (a prize) (‫ (פרס‬-‫לזכות ב‬ concrete sense), attached to, connected to
to fail - ‫להיכשל ב‬
to lose (a game,(, ‫ (משחק‬-‫ בח יר ות להפסיד ב‬, ‫מלחמה‬
a war, elections)
to start with / at ­ ‫להתחיל ב‬
to start ‫להתח יל את‬
to believe in -‫להאמין ב‬ to continue / proceed with -‫להמשיך ב‬
to believe ) ‫ משה ו‬/ ‫ (מ ישה ו‬-‫להאמ י ן ל‬

5 In spoken Hebrew we hear more and more -‫ לטייל ל‬and - ‫ טיול ל‬when talking about the destination of the trip.

A P P E N D I X IV: V e r b s a n d t h e i r P r e p o s i t i o n s

‫•ב ־‬
to discuss, hold a discussion about (‫ על‬:or) ‫לדון ב־‬ to recall ‫ב־להיזכר‬

to suspect (someone) (‫ב־ (מישהו‬ ‫לחשוד‬ to be interested in (intellectually) ‫להתעניין‬ ‫ב־‬

to accuse (‫ (משהו‬- ‫להאשים את (מישהו) ב‬ to be interested in (having), to w ant-1 ‫להיות מעוניין‬
(someone) o f (something) to be jealous of ‫ לקנא ב‬-
to fall in love with ‫­ להתאהב ב‬
to be in love with ‫ להיות מאוהב ב‬-
to choose ‫ )את‬:o r) ‫לבחור ב־‬

A P P E N D I X IV: V e r b s a n d t h e i r P r e p o s i t i o n s


to answer (someone, )‫ טלפ ו ן‬, ‫ (מ ישה ו‬-‫ל‬ ‫־ת‬1‫לענ‬ to he ‫קן‬ -‫לעזור ל‬

the phone) to worry about; to care for ­ ‫לדאוג ל‬
to answer someone's ) ‫(לענ ות למ ישה ו על שאלה‬

to disturb, bother ‫להפריע‬

to cause harm to - ‫לגרום נזק ל‬
to call (someone / something a name); ‫ל ק רו א ל־‬ to hurt (someone), to cause (someone) ‫להכאיב ל־‬
to call (out) to to feel pain
(W hat's your name?) (?‫)א י ן ק ורא ים לך‬ to hurt (as in: It hurts me.) -‫ל‬ ‫לכאוב‬
but: (My throat hurts.) (.‫)כ ואב לי הגרון‬
to read ‫אתלקר וא‬

to cause (something ( ) ‫ את משה ו‬:or( ) ‫ל־ (משה ו‬ ‫לגרום‬

to oppose, be opposed (to) ‫להתנגד ל־‬ to cause (someone ) ‫ (מ ישה ו ) את (משה ו‬-‫לגרום ל‬
something (

to give ([to] someone (‫(מ ישה ו ) את (משה ו‬ -‫למסור ל‬

somethmg / a message), to hand in to listen to -‫להקשיב ל‬
(to someone something) to listen to (music, the news) ‫להאזין ל־‬
to give ([to] someone (‫לתת ל ־ (מ ישה ו) את (משה ו‬
to send ([to] someone (‫(מ ישה ו ) את (משה ו‬ ‫לשלוח ל־‬
something) to say to / tell (to) ( ‫ (מ ישה ו ) את (משה ו‬-‫ל‬ ‫לומר‬
to pass / hand over (‫(מ ישה ו ) את (משה ו‬ ‫להעביר ל־‬ (someone) (somethmg)
(to) (someone somethmg) to tell (to) (‫ (מ ישה ו) את (משה ו‬-‫ל‬ ‫לספר‬
to pay (‫(מ ישה ו) את (הכסף ) על (משה ו‬ -‫לשלם ל‬ (someone) (somethmg)
(someone) (money) / for (something) to tell, make known, (‫ל־ (מ ישה ו) על (משה ו‬ ‫להודיע‬
to return (‫(מ ישה ו) את (משה ו‬ -‫להחזיר ל‬ announce (to) (someone) (something)
(to someone something) to wish (someone) (‫ (מ ישה ו ) (משה ו‬-‫לאח ל ל‬
to forgive (someone) (‫ (מ ישה ו ) על (משה ו‬-‫ל‬ ‫לסלוח‬
for (something)
to let, allow (‫ (מ ישה ו ) לעשות (משה ו‬- ‫ל‬ ‫לתת‬
(someone) to do (something)

to wait (for) -‫לחכות ל‬

to be similar to ‫(להיות) דומה ל־‬ to wait (for) -‫להמתין ל‬
to expect; to look forward to -‫לצפו׳ת ל‬
to be married to ‫ נשואה ל־‬/‫(להיות) נשוי‬

A P P E N D I X IV: V e r b s a n d t h e i r P r e p o s i t i o n s

‫ א ל‬/‫• ל ־‬

The following group o f verbs denotes moving from one place to another.

to turn (right, left...), to turn to ‫ א ל‬/ ‫ל־‬ ‫ ת‬1‫לפ נ‬ All these verbs can be followed b y .^ N / ^ .- n .
(someone) (e.g. for help, information, etc.) to go, walk (to) ‫ אל‬/ -‫ללכת ל‬
to call someone (on the phone) ‫ א ל‬/ ‫ל ־‬ ‫להתקשר‬ to come (to) ‫ א ל‬/‫לבוא ל־‬
to call someone (on the phone), ‫ א ל‬/ ‫ל צ ל צ ל ל־‬ to run (to) ‫ אל‬/-‫לרוץ ל‬
to "ring (up)" someone
to get to, arrive (at) ‫ אל‬/ ‫להגיע ל־‬
to call someone (on the phone), ‫ אל‬/‫ל ־‬ ‫לטלפן‬
to phone someone
to return ‫ אל‬/-‫לחזור ל‬
to return ‫ אל‬/‫לשוב ל־‬
to move (to a different place, ‫ אל‬/ ‫לעבור ל־‬
a new house, apt., etc.)

to miss, long for ‫ אל‬/-‫להתגעגע ל‬

to go in, enter ‫ אל‬/-‫להיכנס ל‬

to join ‫ א ל‬/ -‫להצטרף ל‬
to pay attention to ‫ א ל‬/-‫לשים לב ל‬
to mean, intend ‫ אל‬/-‫להתכוון ל‬
I / you... m e a n .... ‫ אל‬/-‫הכוונה ל‬

to approach, draw near (to) ‫ א ל להתקרב‬/ ‫ל ־‬

to be close to, to be close with ‫ א ל‬/ ‫)להיות) קרוב ל ־‬
to be connected to, )‫ א ל להיות‬/ - ‫ל‬ ‫)קשור‬
tied to (especially in a concrete sense), attached to
to be related to, connected with - ‫) להיות) קשור ב‬

The following are exceptional in that they do not involve motion or direction, but they do require ... ‫ אליך‬,‫ אליי‬when
endings are added.
to get used to ‫ א ל‬/‫ל ־‬‫להתרגל‬
to get used to ‫ א ל‬/ -‫להסתגל ל‬
to be used to ‫ א ל‬/ - ‫) להיות) רגיל ל‬

A P P E N D I X IV: V e r b s a n d t h e i r P r e p o s i t i o n s

­‫• מ‬
to be different from ­ ‫(להיות) שונה מ‬ to be afraid of, to fear ‫לפחד מ־‬
to be afraid of, to fear -‫לפחוד מ‬
to fear ‫לחשוש מ־‬
to be frightened by -‫להיבהל מ‬
to make a living from / by, ‫להתפרנס מ־‬ to watch out (for), be careful (of) 6-‫להיזהר מ‬
to support oneself from / by (watch out for the pothole) )‫(להיזהר מהבור‬

to be worried about ‫(להיות) מודאג מ־‬ to part from, say goodbye to ‫להיפרד מ־‬
to go away from, distance ‫להתרחק מ־‬
to suffer from; to have (an ailment) ‫מ־ לסבול‬ oneself from
to be far away from ‫להיות רחוק‬ ‫מ־‬
to quit, resign from (a job, a position) ‫להתפטר מ־‬
to get divorced from ‫להתגרש מ־‬
to ask (‫ לעשות (משהו‬/ ‫ (מישהו) את‬-‫לבקש מ‬ to go out of, get out of, leave ‫לצאת מ־‬
(someone) for / to do (something), to request (a place physically)
to demand (‫ לעשות ( מ ש הו‬/ ‫ (מישהו) את‬-‫לדרוש מ‬ to flee (from), to run away (from) ‫מ־ לברוח‬
(from someone, that someone) do (something)

to enjoy, derive enjoyment from ‫ליהנות מ־‬

to be (a) part of ‫ מ־ חלק להיות‬to be satisfied with )‫מרוצה להיות‬ ‫מ־‬
to get/be excited by - ‫להתרגש מ‬

6 In informal Hebrew we say ‫ להיזהר על‬when we mean to be careful not to hurt something, as in:
Be careful not to hurt your head. .‫< תיזהר על הראש‬

A P P E N D I X IV: V e r b s a n d t h e i r P r e p o s i t i o n s

‫• עם‬
to cooperate with ‫לשתף פעולה עם‬ to meet with ‫להיפגש עם‬
to get along with ‫להסתדר עם‬ to play with (someone) )‫לשחק עם (מי שהו‬
to agree with ) ‫ משה ו‬/ ‫להסכים עם (מ ישה ו‬ but:
(someone / something) to play with ( something) ) ‫ (משה ו‬- ‫לשחק ב‬
but also:
to agree to (something) ) ‫להסכ ים ל־ (משה ו‬
to speak with... about... ...‫ על‬...‫לדבר עם‬
to gossip with... about... ...‫ על‬...‫לרכל עם‬
to speak, converse with... about... ...‫ על‬...‫לשוחח עם‬
to correspond with ‫להתכתב עם‬ to discuss... with... ...-‫ ב‬/ ‫ על‬...‫לדון עם‬
to argue with... about... ...‫ על‬...‫להתווכח עם‬
to quarrel with... about / over... ...‫ על‬...‫לריב עם‬

marryto ‫לה תח תן עם‬

A P P E N D I X IV: V e r b s a n d t h e i r P r e p o s i t i o n s

‫• את‬
to leave ‫א ת לעזוב‬ to visit (someone) ) ‫ אצל (מ ישה ו‬/ 7‫לבקר א ת‬
(someone, a situation, a job, a place) but:
but: to visit (a place) ) ‫ (מק ום‬-‫לבקר ב‬
to go out, leave (a place) - ‫לצאת מ‬

to look for, search for ‫את‬ ‫לחפש‬

to keep, observe ‫א ת לשמור‬
(to keep, ( ‫ לשמ ור את השבת‬, ‫)לשמ ור את המצ ו ות‬
observe the mitzvot [commandments], to teach ( ‫א ת (מ ישה ו ) א ת (משה ו‬ ‫ללמד‬
the Sabbath)
(someone) (something)
to guard, keep ‫עללשמ ור‬
(somethingfo r someone)
to ask ( ‫א ת (מ ישה ו ) א ת (שאלה‬ ‫לשאול‬
(someone) (a question)

to request, ask for (‫א ת (משה ו ) מ ־ (מ ישה ו‬ ‫לבקש‬

(something) from (someone)

7 ‫ לבקר את‬also means to criticize.

A P P E N D I X IV: V e r b s a n d t h e i r P r e p o s i t i o n s

When two nouns are involved, we use .‫ לבין״‬.‫ בין״‬or ...‫ ובין‬...‫ בין‬or .‫״‬-‫ ל‬...‫בין‬, :as in

We separated the white clothes and the dark clothes. ,‫בין הבגדים הלבנים לבגדים הכהים‬

to differentiate between ‫ל ה ב די ל בין‬

to separate ‫ל ה פ רי ד בין‬
. -‫ מ‬...‫להפריד את‬

to compare ‫ל ה שוו ת בין‬

‫ ל־‬...‫להשוות את‬

‫ נגד‬/ ‫• בעד‬
to demonstrate for / against ‫ נגד‬/ ‫בעד‬ ‫ל ה פגין‬

to vote for / against (‫ משהו‬/ ‫ נגד (מישהו‬/ ‫בעד‬ ‫ל ה צ בי ע‬

to vote fo r (someone) (‫ (מישהו‬-‫להצביע ל‬

‫• אתרי‬
to chase (after) ‫ל ר דו ף א ח רי‬

to follow ‫ל ע קו ב א ח רי‬

Connecting Words in Sentences of
Three Types
The following words o f time, reason and the like are generally taught at the beginning and
intermediate levels o f Hebrew language instruction. These are the items included and explained
in Part Five: "Telling When, Why and the Like in Sentences o f Three Types," pp. 903-1003.1

♦ Categoiy III ♦ Category II ♦ Category I

"Adding a clause"/ "Adding a noun"/
two sentences joined by an a base clause plus a one sentence
expression containing a connecting expression containing a
reference b ack to the first and its clause usually a preposition and its
linked with -‫ש‬ noun

♦ Time Sentences ‫לפני כן‬ ‫­לפני ש‬ ‫לפני‬

‫משפטי זמן‬ ‫קודם לכן‬
‫אחר כך‬ ­ ‫אחרי ש‬ ‫אחרי‬
‫אחרי כן‬ ­ ‫לאחר ש‬ ‫לאחר‬
‫לארור מכן‬
‫ תם ימים‬1‫ בא‬,‫ זמן‬1‫באות‬ ­‫ כש‬,‫כאשר‬ ‫בץמן‬
‫ בימים ההם‬,‫בזמן ההוא‬ ­ ‫בזמן ש‬ ‫בשעת‬
­ ‫בשעה ש‬
TT : ‫במשד‬
­ ‫ברגע ש‬
‫אז‬T ‫ןז כדי‬1‫ת‬
‫עד אז‬ ­ ‫עד ש‬ )...‫עד‬...-‫עד (מ‬
T ‫־־‬ )-‫מאז (ש‬ ‫מאז‬
‫(ב)כל פעם ש־‬

** This word is different from m ost other Category III expressions

in that it does not contain a specific word that refers back.

1 We are using the terms Time Sentences, Reason and Result Sentences and the like to refer to sentences that
contain a time expression, a reason or result expression, etc.

A P P E N D I X V: C o n n e c t i n g W o r d s in S e n t e n c e s o f T h r e e T y p e s

♦ Category III ♦ Category II ♦ Category I

♦ Reason and Result ‫זהבגלל‬ ­ ‫מפני ש‬

Sentences ‫כך משום‬ ­ ‫משום ש‬
TT * ‫סיבה‬
T * ‫משפטי‬
* * XX* ‫לכן‬
‫ יי‬T ­ ‫ כיוון ש‬/ -‫מכיוון ש‬
2-‫בגלל ש‬

♦ Intended Purpose ‫זה בשביל‬ -‫כדי ש‬-‫כדי ל‬

Sentences )‫ עתיד‬+( 3)‫שם הפועל‬+(
‫משפטי תכלית‬ ‫לשם כך‬ infinitivefuture ‫ב ש בי ל‬

♦ Contrary to ‫למרות זיאת‬ 4-‫למרות ש‬ ‫למרות‬

Expectation ‫אף על פי כן‬ ­‫אף על פי ש‬ ‫על אף‬
Sentences ‫משפטי ויתור‬ ‫בכל זיאת‬

♦ Sentences o f
XTT ‫משפטי ־‬
***X X
Similarity ‫דמיון‬ ...)‫(כך גם‬...-‫כמו ש‬ ‫כמו‬
...)‫(כך גם‬...-‫כפי ש‬ ­‫כ‬
..)‫(כך גם‬...‫כשם ש־‬

)-‫כאילו( ש‬

Difference ‫ניגוד‬ ‫בניגוד לכך‬ -‫בניגוד ל‬

‫לעומת זאת‬ ‫לעומת‬
-‫בהשוואה ל‬
TT ! ‫! ־‬

** This word is different from most other Category III expressions

in that it does not contain a specific word that refers back.

2 - ‫ בגלל ש‬is commonly used in informal Hebrew even though it is not considered correct according to the official
rules o f grammar.
3 The -‫ ל‬in - ‫ כדי ל‬is actually the first letter of the infinitive. We are using -‫ ל‬here as an abbreviation of the
infinitive form.
4- ‫ למרות ש‬is commonly used in both informal and formal Hebrew even though it is not recognized as correct
according to the official rules o f grammar.

A P P E N D I X V: C o n n e c t i n g W o r d s in S e n t e n c e s o f T h r e e T y p e s

♦ Category III ♦ Category II ♦ Category I

♦ Conditional Sentences ‫אם‬

‫משפטי תנאי‬

‫ יי‬T ! ‫י‬

Sources Cited
The Academy o f the Hebrew Language. 1994a = .‫ ״כללי הכתיב חסר הניקוד״‬.‫האקדמיה ללשון העברית‬
.43-3 ‫ עבר ו‬,‫ תשנ״ד‬,‫לשוננו לעם‬

The Academy of the Hebrew Language. 1994b = /‫ "כללי הפיסוק החדשים׳‬.‫האקדמיה ללשון העברית‬
. 29-5 ‫ עכי‬,‫ תשנ״ד‬,‫לשוננו לעם‬

The Academy o f the Hebrew Language (Internet) =

Alcalay, Reuven. 1965. The Complete Hebrew-English Dictionary. Tel Aviv and Jerusalem:
Massadah Publishing Co.

Avinery, Isaac. 1964 = .‫ הוצאת יזרעאל‬:‫ תל אביב‬.‫ יד הלשון‬.‫ יצחק‬,‫אבינרי‬

Baras, Nechama and Esther Delshad. 2000 = : ‫ ירושלים‬.‫ תחביר למתקדמים‬.‫ נחמה ואסתר דלשד‬,‫ברס‬

Ben Asher, Mordecai. 1974 = ,‫ תשל״ד‬,‫ לשוננו ל״ח‬/'‫ הי ח ס בעברית החד שה‬-‫ ״ על מי לו ת‬.‫ מרדכי‬,‫בן אשר‬
.294-285 ‫עמ׳‬

Bendavid, Abba. 1971 = .‫ דביר בע״ מ‬:‫ תל אביב‬.‫ לשון מקרא ולשון חכמים‬.‫ אבא‬,‫בנדויד‬

Blau, Yehoshua. 1971. "Hebrew Language." In Encyclopedia Judaica. Vol. 16. Jerusalem: Keter
Publishing House Ltd., pp. 1560-1662.

Blau, Yehoshua. 1972 = .‫ הוצאת הקיבוץ המאוחד‬.‫ תורת ההגה והצורות‬.‫ יהושע‬,‫בלאו‬

Bliboim, Rivka. 2010 = .‫ אקדמון‬:‫ ירושלים‬.‫ עברית בה״א הידיעה‬.‫ רבקה‬,‫בליבוים‬

Bliboim, Rivka. 1995 = .‫ אקדמון‬:‫ ירושלים‬.+‫ תחביר‬.‫ רבקה‬,‫בליבוים‬

Brown, Francis, S.R. Driver and Charl es A. Briggs. 1968. A Hebrew and English Lexicon o f the
Old Testament. Oxford: Oxford at the Cl arendon Press.

Choueka, Yaacov. 1997 = .‫ סט ימצק י‬, ‫ משכל‬,‫ המרכז לטכנולוגיה חינוכית‬.‫ רב מילים‬.‫ יעקב‬, ‫שויקה‬

S o u rc e s C ited

Coffin, Edna Amir and Bolozky, Shmuel. 2005. A Reference Grammar o f Modern Hebrew.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Cohen, Mazal. 1992 = .‫ תשנ״ב‬,‫ אקדמון‬:‫ ירושלים‬.‫ אגדה של שפה‬.‫ מזל‬,‫כהן‬

Cohen-Weidenfeld, Mazal . 2000 = .‫ ה וצאת רחל ים‬: ‫ יר ושל ים‬.‫ פועל י בניין‬. ‫ מזל‬, ‫ויידנפלד‬-‫כהן‬

Even- Shoshan, Avr aham. 2003 = .‫ המ יל ון החדש בע״ מ‬. ‫ מלו ן אב ן־ש וש ן‬. ‫ אברהם‬, ‫אב ן־ש וש ן‬

Gli nert , Lewis. 1989. The Grammar o f Modern Hebrew. Cambridge: Cambridge University

Horowitz, Edward. 1960. How the Hebrew Language Grew. New York: Ktav Publishing House,

Jouon, Paul and T. Muraoka. 1996. A Grammar o f Biblical Hebrew. Rome: Editrice Pontificio
Istituto Biblico.

Kashtan, Mordecai. 1982 = .‫ מסדה‬:‫ גבעתיים‬.‫גונית‬-‫ שיפור הלשון בשיטה רב‬:‫ עברית‬.‫ מרדכי‬,‫קשתן‬

Lanzberg, Ger shon. 2007 = .‫ אקדמ ו ן‬: ‫ יר ושל ים‬. ‫ תחב יר מש ולב‬.‫ גרשון‬, ‫לנצברג‬

Laufer, Asher. 2008 = .‫ תשס ״ט‬, ‫ ה וצאת מאג נס‬: ‫ יר ושל ים‬.‫ פרק ים בפ ו נט יקה ובר יש ום פונטי‬. ‫ אשר‬, ‫לא ופר‬

Rosen, Hayiim. 1977 = .‫ קר י ית ספר‬: ‫ יר ושל ים‬. ‫ עבר ית ט ובה‬. ‫ ח י ים‬,‫רוזן‬

Rom, Meira and Rina Refael i . 2008 = ,‫ מהד ורה שנ י יה‬.‫ ללמ וד עבר ית ברמה ג׳‬. ‫ מא ירה ורנה רפאל י‬, ‫רום‬
‫ אקדמ ו ן‬:‫ יר ושל ים‬.

Wei ngr een, J. 1959. A Practical Grammar fo r Classical Hebrew. 2d ed. London: Oxford
University Press.

V olum e I = p p . x i- 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

H ebrew W ord Index

This index contains only a portion of the Hebrew words mentioned in the book. In many cases
we have listed only one example of a certain grammatical phenomenon. In such a case, many
other such examples may appear in the book itself. Verbs are listed according to the past tense
‫ הוא‬form. For Hebrew grammatical terms, see the "English Subject Index" (many Hebrew terms
are listed there in transcription).

‫ אבא‬,‫אב‬
T ‫־‬ T
38, 53, 66-67, 700 ‫איטלקי‬ 150,157
T “I
851-852, 854-857, 982 ‫איר‬ 660, 826
‫ ־‬T
656, 698, 756, 759 ‫אילו‬ 995-1001, 1032
...‫או‬...‫ או‬,‫או‬ 845-847 ‫אילולא‬ 995, 1000-1002, 1032
‫אולם‬ 854-855 )‫ אין(ב־‬,‫אין‬ 733-735, 739, 797, 802
‫״‬.)‫אותו(האיש‬ 320, 323-325,350-351, ...‫אלא‬...‫אין‬ 847-850
357, 938-939, 941, 1030 ­ ­ ‫אין ל‬ 742-745, 751
...;‫ אותן‬,‫אותי‬ 218-219, 234-235, 243, ‫ שם הפועל‬+ ‫אין‬ 775-776,786-787
1017 ...‫אינני‬/‫איני‬ 725-727, 797-802
‫אז‬ T
937-938, 941, 1030 ‫איפיה‬ 656, 660, 821-824
‫אח‬ T
66-67, 70 ‫אישה‬ 35, 64-65,73,201
*11‫אי‬ 254, 257, 259-260, 263 ..^‫ אית‬,‫איתי‬ 236,243, 1017
‫אחד אחד‬ 346, 348 ‫או‬ 854-857
...‫אחד את השני‬ 213-214 ‫אכל‬ 454-455, 459-460, 656
‫אחךים‬ 292 ‫אל‬ 227-228, 242, 244-247,
‫אחוזים‬ 292, 297 251, 1018
‫אחורה‬ 304-405 ‫אל‬ 796, 802
‫אחר פך‬ 322, 325, 913-916, ‫אלא‬ 845, 847-852
935-936, 938, 941, 1030 ‫ אלו‬,‫אלה‬ 205-210, 701-704,
‫אחרי‬ 245,251,312,321-322, 709-710, 729-731
325, 904-906, 908, ‫אלמלא‬ 1000-1002, 1032
910-912, 916-919, 941, ‫אלף‬ 272-276
1018, 1030 ‫ אימא‬,‫אם‬ 38, 53, 64-65, 700, 702
‫אחרי זה‬ 936 ‫אם‬ 660, 889-890, 938,
‫אחרי כן‬ 322, 325-626, 914, 991-1000, 1032
935-936, 941, 1030 ‫אם פן‬ 938
­ ‫אחרי ש‬ 908-909,911-913,916, ‫אמור‬ 757
926, 930, 933, 941, ...‫אולם‬/‫אןז‬/‫״אבל‬.‫אמנם‬ 657, 855-857
1030 ‫אמר‬ ‫־‬ T
455, 515,656, 883-886
‫אחת‬ 254, 257, 259-260, 263 ‫אמךילןני‬/‫אמךילןאי‬ 152, 157
‫אי אפשר‬ 771, 773, 788 1‫אמי‬ 22
‫ אילו‬,‫ איזו‬,‫איזה‬ 828-830 ‫אנא‬ 568

‫‪H e b re w W o rd Index‬‬ ‫‪, V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2‬־ ‪V o l u m e I = p p . x i 6 7 2‬‬

‫אנ חנו‬ ‫‪2 0 4 -2 0 5‬‬ ‫בגלל ש‪-‬‬ ‫! ‪9 4 5 -9 4 6 , 9 5 0 , 103‬‬

‫אני‬ ‫‪2 0 4 -2 0 5‬‬ ‫ב דיו‬ ‫‪3 4 2 -3 4 4‬‬
‫‪T‬א סו ר‬ ‫‪7 6 9 -7 7 4 , 7 7 8 -7 8 1 ,‬‬ ‫ב ה שוו א ה ל ־ ‪ /‬א ל‬ ‫‪9 8 4 -9 8 9 , 1031‬‬
‫‪7 8 6 -7 8 8‬‬ ‫בוד ד‬ ‫‪1 4 4 -1 4 6‬‬
‫אסף‬ ‫‪4 5 4 - 4 5 5 ,4 5 9 - 4 6 0 , 571‬‬ ‫בז כו ת‬ ‫‪9 4 7 -9 4 8 , 9 5 0 , 1031‬‬
‫אף‬ ‫‪8 0 5 -8 0 6‬‬ ‫בזמן‬ ‫‪9 2 2 -9 2 5 , 9 4 1 , 1030‬‬
‫אף א ח ד (ליא)‬ ‫‪8 0 3 -8 0 6‬‬ ‫בזמן ההוא‬ ‫‪9 3 9 -9 4 1 , 1030‬‬
‫אף על פי כן‬ ‫‪6 2 6 , 8 5 6 -8 5 7 , 9 1 4 ,‬‬ ‫בזמן ש ­‬ ‫‪9 2 8 , 9 3 3 ,9 4 1 , 1030‬‬
‫‪9 6 8 -9 6 9 , 1031‬‬ ‫ביו ם ההוא‪...‬‬ ‫‪9 4 0 -9 4 1‬‬
‫אף על פי ש ­‬ ‫‪8 5 6 , 9 6 5 , 9 6 9 , 1031‬‬ ‫ביו ת ר‬ ‫‪355, 357‬‬
‫אף פ ע ם ( ל א)‬ ‫‪8 0 3 -8 0 6‬‬ ‫בי מי ם ה ה ם‬ ‫‪9 3 9 -9 4 1 , 1030‬‬
‫אפילו ש‪-‬‬ ‫‪8 0 5 , 9 6 5 n o te 3‬‬ ‫בין‬ ‫‪2 4 9 -2 5 1 , 1018‬‬
‫אפ שר‬ ‫‪7 6 9 -7 7 4 , 7 8 4 -7 8 5‬‬ ‫בינ תיי ם‬ ‫‪9 4 0 -9 4 1 , 1030‬‬
‫אצל‬ ‫‪2 1 6 -2 1 7 , 2 3 2 , 2 4 3 ,‬‬ ‫ביק ש‬ ‫‪3 8 7 , 8 9 2 , 8 9 4 -8 9 7 , 8 9 9‬‬
‫‪101 7‬‬ ‫בידר‬ ‫‪4 7 5 -4 7 6 , 485‬‬
‫א רב ע תנו״‪.‬‬ ‫‪2 8 4 -2 8 5‬‬ ‫בי ת‬ ‫‪22 , 3 1 , 3 9 , 6 6 , 9 2 , 9 5 ,‬‬
‫ארוך‬ ‫‪632‬‬ ‫‪1 7 4 -1 7 5 , 179, 181, 188,‬‬
‫ארץ‬ ‫‪26, 35, 65, 8 9 - 9 0 , 9 4 ,‬‬ ‫‪195‬‬
‫‪102, 3 0 5 , 6 4 3‬‬ ‫ב כל בו ק ר‬ ‫‪335, 337‬‬
‫א שי‬ ‫‪87 1 , 8 7 3 , 8 7 5 , 9 2 7‬‬ ‫ב כל זיאת‬ ‫‪9 1 5 , 9 6 8 -9 6 9 , 1031‬‬
‫את‬ ‫‪58, 121, 184, 186, 2 0 6 ,‬‬ ‫ב כל פ ע ם ש ­‬ ‫‪9 2 9 , 9 4 1 , 1030‬‬
‫‪2 1 8 -2 1 9 , 2 3 4 -2 3 5 , 2 3 6‬‬ ‫בלי‬ ‫‪2 4 5 , 2 4 8 , 3 4 3 -3 4 4 ,‬‬
‫‪n o te 7, 2 4 3 , 6 9 7 -7 0 4 ,‬‬ ‫‪1018‬‬
‫‪101 7‬‬ ‫בלעדי‬ ‫‪2 4 5 , 2 4 8 , 2 5 1 , 1018‬‬
‫את‬ ‫‪2 0 4 -2 0 5‬‬ ‫ב מ ה לו‬ ‫‪9 2 3 -9 2 5 , 9 4 1 , 1030‬‬
‫אתה‬ ‫‪2 0 4 -2 0 5‬‬ ‫ב מ קו ם‬ ‫‪2 3 3 ,2 4 3 , 1 0 1 7‬‬
‫אתם‬ ‫‪2 0 4 -2 0 5‬‬ ‫במש!‪7‬‬ ‫‪3 3 3 , 9 2 1 -9 2 5 , 9 4 1 ,‬‬
‫א ת מו ל‬ ‫‪3 1 0 - 3 1 1 ,3 2 3‬‬ ‫‪10 3 0‬‬
‫אתן‬ ‫‪2 0 4 -2 0 5‬‬ ‫בן‬ ‫‪64 , 179‬‬
‫בן א ד ם‬ ‫‪708‬‬
‫ב­‬ ‫‪53, 2 1 7 , 2 2 2 -2 2 6 ,‬‬ ‫בן כמה‪...‬‬ ‫‪7 1 8 , 828‬‬
‫‪2 3 0 - 2 3 1 ,2 4 3 , 9 0 4 ,‬‬ ‫בנוי‬ ‫‪1 6 3 ,6 6 4‬‬
‫‪101 7‬‬ ‫בנו ס ף ל ‪-‬‬ ‫‪843 n o te 6b‬‬
‫‪T‬בא‬ ‫‪5 2 1 -5 2 2‬‬ ‫בנו ס ף לכך‬ ‫‪8 4 2 -8 4 4‬‬
‫באופן‬ ‫‪3 4 2 -3 4 4‬‬ ‫בניגוד ל ‪-‬‬ ‫‪9 8 4 -9 8 9 , 1031‬‬
‫ב או ת‪ 1‬״‪.‬‬ ‫‪3 2 0 , 3 2 3 -3 2 5 , 9 3 8 -9 3 9 ,‬‬ ‫בניגוד לכך‬ ‫‪9 8 1 - 9 8 3 ,9 8 9 , 1031‬‬
‫‪9 4 1 , 1030‬‬ ‫בעוד‬ ‫‪3 1 1 , 3 1 5 ,3 1 8 , 3 2 3 , 3 2 5‬‬
‫ב או תו זמן‬ ‫‪9 3 8 -9 3 9 , 941‬‬ ‫ב ע לי ם‬ ‫‪678‬‬
‫בגלל‬ ‫‪2 1 5 -2 1 6 , 2 2 2 , 2 3 3 , 2 4 3 ,‬‬ ‫בערך‬ ‫‪973‬‬
‫‪9 0 4 -9 0 6 , 9 1 0 , 9 4 6 -9 4 8 ,‬‬ ‫בצורה‬ ‫‪3 4 2 -3 4 4‬‬
‫‪9 5 0 , 1017, 1031‬‬ ‫ברגע ש ­‬ ‫‪9 2 8 , 9 3 1 ,9 3 3 , 9 4 1 ,‬‬
‫בגלל זה‬ ‫‪9 4 9 -9 5 0 , 1031‬‬ ‫‪1030‬‬

‫‪H e b re w W o rd Index‬‬ ‫‪V olum e I = p p . x i- 6 7 2 ,‬‬ ‫‪V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2‬‬

‫ברצון‬ ‫‪341, 343‬‬ ‫ה ב סי ס‬ ‫‪4 6 4 -4 6 5 , 4 7 1 , 575‬‬

‫ב שביל‬ ‫‪2 3 2 , 2 4 3 , 9 0 5 , 9 5 9 -9 6 2 ,‬‬ ‫הביא‬ ‫‪524‬‬
‫‪1 017, 1031‬‬ ‫הביט‬ ‫‪575‬‬
‫ב שביל זה‬ ‫‪9 6 1 , 1031‬‬ ‫הביז‬ ‫‪5 2 3 -5 2 6 , 531‬‬
‫שביל ‪T‬מה‬ ‫ב‬
‫י ‪ 1‬י‬
‫‪8 2 6 , 9 5 4 , 1031‬‬ ‫הבמזה‬ ‫‪3 0 3 -3 0 5 , 3 0 7 , 6 6 5‬‬
‫ב של‬ ‫‪9 4 7 -9 4 8 , 9 5 0 , 1031‬‬ ‫הבריא‬ ‫‪5 5 9 , 5 6 1 -5 6 2 , 5 6 4 ,‬‬
‫ב שעה ש ­‬ ‫‪9 2 8 , 9 3 3 , 9 4 1 , 1030‬‬ ‫‪5 6 5 -5 6 6 ,6 1 0 - 6 1 1‬‬
‫ב שעת‬ ‫‪9 2 2 -9 2 5 , 9 4 1 , 1030‬‬ ‫הגביה‬ ‫‪464‬‬
‫בת‬ ‫‪6 4 -6 5 , 7 3 , 179‬‬ ‫ההוא‪...‬‬ ‫‪55, 2 0 9 -2 1 0 , 3 2 0 , 3 2 5 ,‬‬
‫ב תו ר‬ ‫‪973‬‬ ‫‪9 3 9 -9 4 1 , 1030‬‬
‫ב ת קו פ ת‬ ‫‪922‬‬ ‫הוא‬ ‫‪2 0 4 -2 0 5 , 2 0 7 , 7 0 8 ,‬‬
‫‪7 1 4 -7 3 2 , 7 9 9‬‬
‫גבה‬ ‫‪4 5 7 -4 5 8 , 6 0 9‬‬ ‫הובן‬ ‫‪5 2 6 -5 2 8 , 531‬‬
‫גדול‬ ‫‪125-1 3 1‬‬ ‫הוזמן‬ ‫‪4 3 9 -4 4 2 , 4 4 5 , 4 4 7 ,‬‬
‫גלל‬ ‫‪3 9 3 - 3 9 5 ,4 0 1 , 4 0 5 ,5 0 8 ,‬‬ ‫‪5 8 2 - 5 8 4 ,5 8 9 - 5 9 0 , 6 5 5‬‬
‫‪6 0 6 -6 0 9‬‬ ‫הוחב א‬ ‫‪5 6 5 -5 6 6‬‬
‫גם‬ ‫‪8 3 7 -8 3 8 , 8 4 1 -8 4 2 , 8 4 4‬‬ ‫הו חזר‬ ‫‪467, 472‬‬
‫גם״‪.‬וגם‪...‬‬ ‫‪8 3 9 -8 4 0 , 8 4 4‬‬ ‫הו ח ל ט על‬ ‫‪591‬‬
‫גם כן‬ ‫‪8 3 8 -8 3 9‬‬ ‫הועבר ( הו ע ב ר)‬ ‫‪467, 472‬‬
‫הו פל‬ ‫‪4 9 9 -5 0 0 , 503‬‬
‫דובר‬ ‫‪591, 632, 655‬‬ ‫הופנה‬ ‫‪556‬‬
‫דוג‪T‬מ ה‪ /‬דו ‪1‬ג ‪T‬מ א‬
‫‪2 0 ,3 8‬‬ ‫הורד‬ ‫‪5 1 0 ,5 1 5‬‬
‫דוכא‬ ‫‪5 6 5 -5 6 6‬‬ ‫הוךיד‬ ‫‪5 0 9 - 5 1 0 ,5 1 5 ,5 7 5‬‬
‫ליבר‬ ‫‪3 7 0 , 3 7 3 -3 7 4 , 3 7 7 -3 7 8 ,‬‬ ‫הו שאר‬ ‫‪466‬‬
‫‪3 8 0 -3 8 6 , 4 4 5 -4 4 7 , 5 7 1 ,‬‬ ‫הזלקן‬ ‫‪4 1 2 -4 1 3‬‬
‫‪57 7 , 6 3 0 -6 3 2‬‬ ‫הזמין‬ ‫‪575‬‬
‫דל ת‬ ‫‪2 2 ,9 4‬‬ ‫ה חלי ט‬ ‫‪4 6 2 -4 6 3 , 471‬‬
‫לעה‬ ‫‪66‬‬ ‫היא‬ ‫‪2 0 4 -2 0 5 , 7 1 6 -7 3 2 , 7 9 9‬‬
‫דתמה‬ ‫‪305‬‬ ‫הייתה‪T ,‬היו‬
‫‪T I T‬‬
‫‪T T‬‬
‫‪7 3 6 -7 3 7 , 7 3 9‬‬
‫דרש‬ ‫‪8 9 4 -8 9 5 , 8 9 9‬‬ ‫)יש ‪(p ast te n se o f‬‬
‫דיני ­‬ ‫‪128, 155‬‬ ‫הייתה‪T ,‬היו ל‪-‬‬
‫‪T I T‬‬
‫‪T T‬‬
‫‪6 9 1 ,7 4 6 - 7 4 8 , 7 5 0 -7 5 1‬‬
‫) יש ל ‪(p a st ten se o f -‬‬
‫ה ­ )‪(th e‬‬ ‫‪5 2 -5 6 , 5 8 -5 9 , 1 3 2 -1 3 4 ,‬‬ ‫היה ‪ +‬היווה‬ ‫‪3 7 3 , 7 6 4 , 8 9 6 -8 9 7 ,‬‬
‫‪1 8 3 -1 8 4 , 1 8 6 ,2 0 8 -2 1 0 ,‬‬ ‫‪9 9 6 -9 9 8 , 1 0 0 2‬‬
‫‪2 2 6 , 2 6 1 -2 6 3 , 2 6 7 , 2 7 0 ,‬‬ ‫היה‪...‬‬ ‫‪5 3 5 , 5 4 1 ,7 1 1 - 7 1 3 ,7 2 4 ,‬‬
‫‪2 7 7 , 2 7 9 -2 8 0 , 2 9 1 -2 9 2 ,‬‬ ‫‪7 2 7 -7 2 8 , 7 3 6 -7 3 7 , 7 3 9 ,‬‬
‫‪3 5 1 ,3 5 5 ,3 5 7 ,6 3 4 ,‬‬ ‫‪7 5 8 -7 5 9 , 7 6 2 , 7 7 3 -7 7 4 ,‬‬
‫‪6 9 8 -6 9 9 , 7 0 2 , 9 0 5 -9 0 6‬‬ ‫‪7 8 0 - 7 8 1 ,7 8 7 - 7 8 8‬‬
‫ה‪ = (-‬ש)‬ ‫‪8 6 0 - 8 6 1 ,8 7 3 - 8 7 5‬‬ ‫היום‪ ,‬ה שבוע‪...‬‬ ‫‪3 1 0 ,3 1 7‬‬
‫האם‬ ‫‪808, 812, 890‬‬ ‫הכ‪ 1‬ל‬ ‫‪700‬‬
‫האמין‬ ‫‪4 6 3 , 575‬‬ ‫הכי‬ ‫‪3 5 5 -3 5 7‬‬
‫הבא‪...‬‬ ‫‪3 1 3 - 3 1 4 ,3 1 8‬‬ ‫הכין‬ ‫‪575‬‬

‫‪H e b re w W o rd Index‬‬ ‫‪V olum e I = p p . x i- 6 7 2 ,‬‬ ‫‪V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2‬‬

‫הכיר‬ ‫‪4 9 8 -4 9 9 , 5 0 1 , 5 0 3 ,5 2 5 ,‬‬ ‫זוהי(זו היא)‬ ‫‪7 2 9 , 731‬‬

‫‪636, 646, 658‬‬ ‫זיכרון‬ ‫‪12, 4 7 , 6 4 , 6 3 2 , 6 5 9‬‬
‫הלו‬ ‫‪5 0 5 -5 0 6 , 6 2 9‬‬
‫הם‬ ‫‪2 0 4 -2 0 5 , 7 1 6 -7 3 2‬‬ ‫לידי‬ ‫‪9 8 , 191‬‬
‫המליץ‬ ‫‪8 9 8 -8 9 9‬‬ ‫ח<ץש‬ ‫‪9 0 , 9 4 , 101, 1 0 3 ,3 1 6 ,‬‬
‫הן‬ ‫‪2 0 4 -2 0 5 , 7 1 6 -7 3 2‬‬ ‫‪701‬‬
‫הסתכל‬ ‫‪4 1 1 - 4 1 2 ,4 1 4‬‬ ‫חזי‬ ‫‪4 5 3 , 4 5 9 -4 6 0‬‬
‫העדיף‬ ‫‪4 6 2 -4 6 3 , 4 7 1 , 8 9 6‬‬ ‫חי‬ ‫‪5 4 3 -5 4 9 , 5 5 4 -5 5 6 , 6 6 5‬‬
‫הפיל‬ ‫‪4 9 8 -4 9 9‬‬ ‫חייב‬ ‫‪7 1 5 , 7 5 4 -7 5 5 , 7 5 7 -7 5 9‬‬
‫הפנה‬ ‫‪556‬‬ ‫חיים‬ ‫‪32, 49, 76, 6 7 7‬‬
‫הפןיע‬ ‫‪4 6 4 -4 6 5‬‬ ‫חלק‬ ‫‪2 9 1 -2 9 2 , 2 9 4 n o te 7,‬‬
‫הצטער‬ ‫‪412, 414, 464‬‬ ‫‪298‬‬
‫הצטרך‬ ‫‪7 6 2 -7 6 3 , 7 6 5‬‬ ‫חלק‪...1‬‬ ‫‪2 9 7 -2 9 8 , 7 0 0‬‬
‫הציע‬ ‫‪5 0 0 , 8 9 8 -9 0 0‬‬ ‫חצי‪ ,‬חצי‪-‬‬ ‫‪2 9 1 -2 9 4 , 2 9 7‬‬
‫הרגיש‬ ‫‪3 7 1 ,4 1 6 - 4 2 1 , 4 4 5 , 4 4 7‬‬
‫השעה ‪...4:00‬‬ ‫‪2 8 6 -2 9 0‬‬ ‫טייל‬ ‫‪388‬‬
‫השתכר‬ ‫‪4 1 1 - 4 1 2 ,4 1 4‬‬
‫השתמש‬ ‫‪4 1 1 ,4 1 4‬‬ ‫ידע‬ ‫‪5 0 5 -5 0 7 , 755‬‬
‫התבלבל‬ ‫‪9 1 4 -9 1 5‬‬ ‫יהיה‪...‬‬ ‫היה ‪see‬‬
‫התחיל‬ ‫‪756‬‬ ‫יהיה‪ ,‬תהיה‪ ,‬יהיו‬ ‫‪7 3 8 -7 3 9 , 691‬‬
‫התכסה‬ ‫‪5 5 0 -5 5 6‬‬ ‫)יש ‪(future tense of‬‬
‫התלבש‬ ‫‪3 7 1 ,3 7 4 , 4 0 6 -4 1 1 ,‬‬ ‫יהיה‪ ,‬תהיה‪ ,‬יהיו ל‪-‬‬ ‫‪7 4 8 -7 5 1‬‬
‫‪4 4 5 -4 4 7 , 5 7 3 , 5 9 9 , 6 0 0 ,‬‬ ‫)יש ל ‪(future ten se o f -‬‬
‫‪604, 632‬‬ ‫יום יום‬ ‫‪336, 346‬‬
‫התנהג‬ ‫‪469, 473‬‬ ‫יום ראשון‪...‬‬ ‫‪280‬‬
‫התפלא‬ ‫‪5 6 0 -5 6 2 , 5 6 5 -5 6 6‬‬ ‫יומיים‬ ‫‪3 1 1 ,3 1 5 - 3 1 6‬‬
‫התפתח‬ ‫‪470, 473‬‬ ‫יוצא‬ ‫‪435‬‬
‫יותר מ‪/-‬מאשר‬ ‫‪3 5 2 -3 5 3 , 3 5 7‬‬
‫ו‪-‬‬ ‫‪8 3 4 -8 3 7 , 8 4 4‬‬ ‫ייבש‬ ‫‪388‬‬
‫ואילו‬ ‫‪9 8 1 - 9 8 3 ,9 8 9‬‬ ‫ייתכן ש‪-‬‬ ‫‪792‬‬
‫וינילןן‬ ‫‪26‬‬ ‫יכול‬ ‫‪5 1 2 - 5 1 4 ,7 1 5 , 7 5 5 ,‬‬
‫‪7 6 1 -7 6 5 , 7 8 4 -7 8 5‬‬
‫זיאת‬ ‫‪2 0 6 -2 1 0 , 6 5 6 , 7 0 1 ,‬‬ ‫ילד‬ ‫‪89, 100, 105, 180‬‬
‫‪7 0 9 -7 1 0 , 7 2 1 , 7 2 9 ,7 3 1 ,‬‬ ‫ימינה‬ ‫‪3 0 3 -3 0 5 , 3 0 7‬‬
‫‪9 1 4 -9 1 5 , 9 6 8‬‬ ‫יצי‬ ‫‪5 0 8 , 515‬‬
‫זה‬ ‫‪55, 2 0 5 -2 1 0 , 2 2 4 ,‬‬ ‫יש‪ ,‬יש (ב‪)-‬‬ ‫‪7 3 3 -7 3 5 , 7 3 9‬‬
‫‪7 0 1 -7 0 2 , 7 0 9 -7 1 0 ,‬‬ ‫יש ל­‬ ‫‪7 4 2 - 7 4 5 ,7 4 7 , 7 5 0 -7 5 1‬‬
‫‪7 2 1 -7 2 2 , 7 2 9 , 9 1 4 -9 1 5 ,‬‬ ‫יש ‪ +‬שם הפועל‬ ‫‪7 7 5 -7 7 6 , 7 8 6‬‬
‫‪950, 961‬‬ ‫ישב‬ ‫‪5 0 4 - 5 0 7 ,5 1 5 ,5 7 0‬‬
‫זה את זה‪...‬‬ ‫‪2 1 2 -2 1 4‬‬ ‫‪:‬שן‬ ‫‪3 9 3 - 3 9 5 ,4 0 1 ,4 0 5 , 5 0 8 ,‬‬
‫זהו(זה הוא)‬ ‫‪7 2 9 , 731‬‬ ‫‪5 1 5 ,6 0 6 - 6 0 8‬‬
‫זו‬ ‫‪2 0 6 - 2 1 0 ,2 1 3 - 2 1 4 ,7 0 1 ,‬‬ ‫ישךאלי‬ ‫‪4 2 , 128, 135, 1 5 2 -1 5 6‬‬
‫‪709-710, 729, 731‬‬

‫‪H e b r e w W o r d Index‬‬ ‫‪V olum e I = p p . x i - 6 7 2 ,‬‬ ‫‪V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2‬‬

‫כ‪-‬‬ ‫‪53, 2 2 2 -2 2 6 , 9 7 1 -9 7 3 ,‬‬ ‫כ תב‬ ‫‪3 7 0 -3 7 5 , 3 9 7 -3 9 8 ,‬‬

‫‪9 7 8 , 1031‬‬ ‫‪4 0 2 -4 0 3 , 4 4 6 -4 4 7 ,‬‬
‫כ אי ל ו ( ש ‪) -‬‬ ‫‪9 7 7 -9 7 8 , 1031‬‬ ‫‪5 7 0 - 5 7 1 ,5 7 7 ,6 1 3 - 6 1 6 ,‬‬
‫פאשר‬ ‫‪9 2 7 -9 2 8 , 9 3 0 , 9 4 1 ,‬‬ ‫‪624, 629, 649‬‬
‫כבר‬ ‫‪3 2 7 -3 2 9‬‬ ‫ל־‬ ‫‪53, 2 1 7 , 2 2 2 -2 3 2 , 2 3 4 ,‬‬
‫כבר לא‬ ‫‪3 2 7 -3 2 9‬‬ ‫‪2 4 2 -2 4 3 , 8 1 8 -8 1 9 ,‬‬
‫פלאי‬ ‫‪7 6 9 -7 7 4 , 7 7 8 , 7 8 0 -7 8 1 ,‬‬ ‫‪8 8 6 , 9 0 4 -9 0 5 , 9 5 9 -9 6 1 ,‬‬
‫‪7 9 1 -7 9 3‬‬ ‫‪1 0 17, 1031‬‬
‫?דורגל‬ ‫‪88‬‬ ‫ל‪ (-‬ל ש בו ע)‬ ‫‪3 3 1 -3 3 3‬‬
‫פדי יל‪-‬‬ ‫‪9 5 3 -9 5 5 , 9 5 7 , 9 5 9 ,‬‬ ‫לא‬ ‫‪6 5 6 , 7 9 5 -7 9 6 , 8 0 2 , 8 0 7 ,‬‬
‫‪9 6 2 , 1031‬‬ ‫‪1001‬‬
‫פ ך ש‪-‬‬ ‫‪9 5 3 , 9 5 5 -9 5 8 , 9 6 2 ,‬‬ ‫ל'א‪...‬אלא‪...‬‬ ‫‪8 4 7 -8 5 2‬‬
‫‪1031‬‬ ‫לא ךק‪ ...‬אל א גם‪...‬‬ ‫‪8 4 1 -8 4 2 , 8 4 4‬‬
‫כו אב לי‬ ‫‪54, 691‬‬ ‫לאחר‬ ‫‪3 2 1 ,3 2 5 ,9 1 7 - 9 1 9 , 9 4 1 ,‬‬
‫פולו‪ ,‬כול ם ״‬ ‫‪2 9 4 -2 9 8 , 7 0 0 , 7 0 2‬‬ ‫‪1030‬‬
‫כ חו ל‬ ‫‪128, 140‬‬ ‫ל א ח ר מכן‬ ‫‪3 2 2 -3 2 4 , 9 1 5 , 9 3 5 -9 3 6 ,‬‬
‫כי‬ ‫‪9 4 4 -9 4 6 , 9 5 0 , 9 5 3 -9 5 4 ,‬‬ ‫‪9 4 1 , 1030‬‬
‫‪1031‬‬ ‫ל א ח ר ש‪-‬‬ ‫‪9 2 6 , 9 4 1 , 1030‬‬
‫פי( = ש־)‬ ‫‪873 n o te 14, 8 8 4‬‬ ‫לאט‬ ‫‪340, 346‬‬
‫כיוון ש ­‬ ‫‪9 4 5 -9 4 6 , 9 5 0 , 1031‬‬ ‫לאן‬ ‫‪8 2 1 ,8 2 3 - 8 2 4 , 831‬‬
‫כיצד‬ ‫‪826‬‬ ‫לב‬ ‫‪6 4 -6 5 , 6 3 7‬‬
‫?י‬ ‫‪8 4 3 ,9 1 3 - 9 1 5 , 9 5 0 , 9 6 1 ,‬‬ ‫לבש‬ ‫‪4 0 3 -4 0 5‬‬
‫‪974, 976‬‬ ‫לדעתי‬ ‫‪66, 67‬‬
‫כל‬ ‫‪2 9 1 -2 9 4 , 2 9 7 , 3 3 4 -3 3 5 ,‬‬ ‫ל ו'‬ ‫‪9 9 5 -1 0 0 1 , 10 3 2‬‬
‫‪337, 657‬‬ ‫לול א‬ ‫‪1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 2 , 1 0 3 2‬‬
‫כל מה ש ­‬ ‫‪7 0 1 ,8 7 8 - 8 8 1‬‬ ‫ליד‬ ‫‪215, 222, 232, 243,‬‬
‫פל מי ש ­‬ ‫‪7 0 1 ,8 7 8 - 8 8 1‬‬ ‫‪1017‬‬
‫כל פ ע ם ש ­‬ ‫‪9 2 9 , 9 3 3 , 9 4 1 , 1030‬‬ ‫ליל ה‬ ‫‪30 , 176, 6 6 5 , 6 8 0 ,‬‬
‫כלו ם (ליא)‬ ‫‪8 0 3 -8 0 6‬‬ ‫‪10 0 7 , 1 0 10, 1013‬‬
‫־ ‪T‬‬
‫‪827‬‬ ‫לי מד‬ ‫‪570, 571, 594‬‬
‫כמו‬ ‫‪2 3 7 -2 3 8 , 2 4 3 , 9 0 5 , 9 7 1 ,‬‬ ‫לכן‬ ‫‪9 3 7 , 9 4 9 -9 5 0 , 1031‬‬
‫‪9 7 2 n o te 4, 9 7 8 , 1017,‬‬ ‫ל מי‬ ‫‪4 0 0 - 4 0 1 ,4 0 5 ,6 4 8 , 6 5 0‬‬
‫‪1031‬‬ ‫למה‬ ‫‪826, 889, 944, 953,‬‬
‫כמו ש ­‬ ‫‪9 7 3 -9 7 6 , 9 7 8 , 1031‬‬ ‫‪1031‬‬
‫פן‬ ‫‪80 7 , 9 1 4 , 9 5 0‬‬ ‫למחרת‬ ‫‪3 2 1 -3 2 5 , 886‬‬
‫כסף‬ ‫‪104‬‬ ‫למטה‬ ‫‪306‬‬
‫כעבור‬ ‫‪3 2 1 -3 2 5‬‬ ‫למעלי•‬ ‫‪306‬‬
‫כפי ש‪-‬‬ ‫‪9 7 5 -9 7 6 , 9 7 8 , 1031‬‬ ‫ל מ רו ת‬ ‫‪9 0 6 , 9 1 0 , 9 6 6 -9 6 7 , 9 6 9 ,‬‬
‫כש ­‬ ‫‪9 2 7 -9 3 0 , 9 4 1 , 1030‬‬ ‫‪1031‬‬
‫פ שם ש ­‬ ‫‪9 7 5 , 9 7 8 , 1031‬‬ ‫ל מ רו ת זיאת‬ ‫‪9 1 4 , 9 6 8 -9 6 9 , 1031‬‬

‫‪H e b re w W o rd Index‬‬ ‫‪V olum e I = p p . x i - 6 7 2 ,‬‬ ‫‪V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2‬‬

‫ל מ רו ת ש‪-‬‬ ‫‪9 1 0 , 9 6 4 -9 6 5 , 9 6 9 ,‬‬ ‫מ‪ 1‬ן ךני‬ ‫‪136, 138, 157‬‬

‫‪1031‬‬ ‫מוו ת‬ ‫‪9 3 , 101, 6 6 6‬‬
‫ל עו מ ת‬ ‫‪9 8 4 -9 8 9 , 1031‬‬ ‫מוכן‬ ‫‪6 7 , 145, 160, 164, 5 2 8 ,‬‬
‫ל עו מ ת זיאת‬ ‫‪9 1 4 , 9 8 0 -9 8 3 , 9 8 9 ,‬‬ ‫‪896‬‬
‫‪1031‬‬ ‫מוכ‪T‬ר ח‬
‫‪7 5 7 -7 5 9‬‬
‫לפי‬ ‫‪6 6 -6 7‬‬ ‫מו ת ר‬ ‫‪7 6 9 -7 7 3 , 7 7 9 -7 8 1‬‬
‫לפני‬ ‫;‪2 4 4 -2 4 5 , 2 5 1 , 3 1 1 , 3 15‬‬ ‫מ חר‬ ‫‪31 1 , 3 2 1 , 3 2 3 ,3 2 5 , 8 8 6‬‬
‫‪3 1 8 , 3 2 5 , 9 0 6 ,9 1 0 ,‬‬ ‫תיי ם‬ ‫מחר‬
‫‪ TTI T‬־ ■‬
‫‪3 1 0 - 3 1 1 ,3 1 6 - 3 1 7‬‬
‫‪9 1 7 -9 1 9 , 9 4 1 , 1018,‬‬ ‫מי‬ ‫‪7 3 0 - 7 3 1 ,8 0 8 - 8 1 9 ,‬‬
‫‪1030‬‬ ‫‪8 3 1 -8 3 2‬‬
‫לפני זה‬ ‫‪936‬‬ ‫מי ש‪T ,-‬כל מי ש‪-‬‬ ‫‪7 0 1 -7 0 2 , 8 7 7 -8 8 1‬‬
‫לפני כן‬ ‫‪3 2 2 , 3 2 5 , 6 2 6 , 9 3 5 -9 3 6 ,‬‬ ‫מיהו‪...‬‬ ‫‪8 0 9 -8 1 2‬‬
‫‪9 4 1 , 1030‬‬ ‫מילא‬ ‫‪5 5 7 ,5 5 9 , 5 6 1 -5 6 6‬‬
‫לפני ש ­‬ ‫‪9 1 0 -9 1 1 , 9 2 6 -9 2 7 ,‬‬ ‫מילה‬ ‫‪73 , 181, 6 8 0‬‬
‫‪9 3 0 -9 3 1 , 9 3 3 , 9 4 1 ,‬‬ ‫מים‬ ‫‪3 2 , 4 5 -4 6 , 6 6 5 , 6 7 7‬‬
‫‪1030‬‬ ‫מי ש הו‬ ‫‪8 0 3 -8 0 4‬‬
‫לקח‬ ‫‪4 9 3 -4 9 5 , 4 9 7‬‬ ‫מכיוון ש ­‬ ‫‪9 4 5 -9 4 6 , 9 5 0 , 1031‬‬
‫ל שם כך‬ ‫‪9 6 1 , 1031‬‬ ‫מן‬ ‫‪2 2 2 , 2 2 6 -2 2 7 , 2 4 1 n o te‬‬
‫ל שם מה‬ ‫‪8 2 6 , 9 5 4 , 1031‬‬ ‫‪15, 2 9 1 -2 9 2 , 2 9 4 , 2 9 7 ,‬‬
‫‪660, 1017‬‬
‫מ‪ /-‬מן‬ ‫‪2 1 9 -2 2 0 , 2 2 4 -2 2 7 ,‬‬ ‫מסעדה‬ ‫‪7 9 , 81, 181‬‬
‫‪2 3 9 -2 4 3 , 2 9 1 -2 9 2 , 2 9 7 ,‬‬ ‫מ על‬ ‫‪2 4 5 , 1018‬‬
‫‪6 3 4 , 6 6 0 ,8 1 8 , 10 1 7‬‬ ‫מעניין‬ ‫‪1 2 7 -1 2 8 , 137‬‬
‫מ ־‪...‬עד‪...‬‬ ‫‪9 1 9 , 9 4 1 , 1030‬‬ ‫מפני ש ­‬ ‫‪9 0 5 ,9 0 9 - 9 1 1 ,9 4 5 - 9 4 6 ,‬‬
‫״מ ‪T‬אה‬ ‫‪2 7 1 -2 7 6‬‬ ‫‪9 5 0 , 1031‬‬
‫‪9 1 9 , 9 3 7 ,9 4 1 , 1030‬‬ ‫מצוי‬ ‫‪563‬‬
‫מ אז( ש־)‬ ‫‪929, 931, 933, 941,‬‬ ‫מ קו ם‬ ‫‪3 5 , 178, 645‬‬
‫‪1030‬‬ ‫מ ש הו‬ ‫‪8 0 3 -8 0 4‬‬
‫מ א חויי‬ ‫‪2 4 5 , 1018‬‬ ‫מ שו ם כך‬ ‫‪9 1 4 , 9 5 0 , 1031‬‬
‫מא‪:‬ן‬ ‫‪8 2 1 -8 2 2 , 8 2 4‬‬ ‫מ שו ם ש־‬ ‫‪9 4 5 -9 4 6 , 9 5 0 , 1031‬‬
‫מאיפיה‬ ‫‪822, 824‬‬ ‫מ ש פיזה‬ ‫‪1 8 1 ,4 0 5 ,6 7 8‬‬
‫מא שר‬ ‫‪3 5 3 -3 5 4 , 3 5 7‬‬ ‫מת‬ ‫‪5 1 9 -5 2 0‬‬
‫מ א תיי ם‬ ‫‪44, 171-172‬‬ ‫מתרזת‬ ‫‪2 4 5 , 1018‬‬
‫מבו של‬ ‫‪1 6 3 -1 6 4 , 166‬‬ ‫מתי‬ ‫‪8 2 5 -8 2 6 , 8 3 1 -8 3 2 ,‬‬
‫מדוע‬ ‫‪826‬‬ ‫‪8 8 9 -8 9 0 , 9 1 8‬‬
‫מזרי יום‪...‬‬ ‫‪3 3 6 -3 3 7‬‬ ‫מתי ש‪-‬‬ ‫‪9 2 7 -9 2 8‬‬
‫מה‬ ‫‪7 3 0 -7 3 1 , 8 0 8 -8 2 0 , 8 2 9 ,‬‬
‫‪832, 889, 890‬‬ ‫נא‬ ‫‪568, 577‬‬
‫מה ש ­‬ ‫‪70 1 , 8 7 7 -8 8 1‬‬ ‫נבנה‬ ‫‪556‬‬
‫מה ו‪...‬‬ ‫‪7 3 0 -7 3 2 , 8 0 9 -8 1 2‬‬ ‫נגע‬ ‫‪4 9 2 -4 9 5 , 4 9 7 , 503‬‬
‫מהר‬ ‫‪340‬‬ ‫נ‪ 1‬ס ף ע ל‬ ‫‪843 n o te 6b‬‬
‫מודיעין‬ ‫‪678‬‬ ‫נוסף ע ל כך‬ ‫‪8 4 2 -8 4 4‬‬
‫מו ד פ ס‬ ‫‪161-163‬‬

‫‪H e b re w W o r d Index‬‬ ‫‪V olum e I = p p . x i- 6 7 2 ,‬‬ ‫‪V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2‬‬

‫נכנס‬ ‫‪422-427, 429, 440, 445,‬‬ ‫עם (איתי‪)...‬‬ ‫‪215, 222, 226, 236,‬‬
‫‪447, 573, 577, 598-599,‬‬ ‫‪243, 660, 817, 819,‬‬
‫‪615-616, 636, 658‬‬ ‫‪905, 1017‬‬
‫נמצא‬‫• ‪T 1‬‬
‫‪559, 565-566‬‬ ‫עמד‬ ‫‪453,459-460, 571‬‬
‫נסע‬ ‫‪492-495, 497, 570‬‬ ‫עצם‬ ‫‪25, 47, 94, 107‬‬
‫נעל‬ ‫‪24, 32, 44, 92, 95,‬‬ ‫עשוי‬ ‫‪757-759‬‬
‫‪176-177, 678‬‬
‫נעלם‬ ‫‪480-482‬‬ ‫פגש‬ ‫‪402-403, 624‬‬
‫נעצר‬ ‫‪487‬‬ ‫פה‬ ‫‪67‬‬
‫נפגש‬ ‫‪424-425, 427‬‬ ‫פחות מ‪/-‬מאשר‬ ‫‪353-354, 357‬‬
‫נפל‬ ‫‪490-495, 497, 503,‬‬ ‫פיתח‬ ‫‪476, 485‬‬
‫‪635-636, 659‬‬ ‫פנים‬ ‫‪25, 46, 49-50‬‬
‫נח־ם‬ ‫‪482, 487‬‬ ‫פעם‬ ‫‪803-804‬‬
‫נןשם‬ ‫‪615-616, 573, 599 note 7‬‬ ‫פעם ב‪...-‬‬ ‫‪336-337‬‬
‫נשאל‬ ‫‪482, 487‬‬ ‫פעמיים‬ ‫‪316‬‬
‫נשבר‬ ‫‪428‬‬
‫נשוי‬ ‫‪163, 563‬‬ ‫צד‬ ‫‪56, 64-65, 76‬‬
‫נשלח‬ ‫‪483, 487‬‬ ‫צוות‬ ‫‪22,31,39,680, 1010‬‬
‫נשם‬ ‫‪ T‬־‬
‫‪491‬‬ ‫צולם‬ ‫;‪430-434, 437, 439, 445‬‬
‫נשק‬ ‫‪49‬‬ ‫‪447‬‬
‫נתז‬ ‫‪493-497‬‬ ‫צפונה‬
‫‪T‬‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫צךיןז‬ ‫‪715, 761-765, 769,771,‬‬
‫סבא‬ ‫‪38, 53, 700‬‬ ‫‪773-774, 783-784, 788,‬‬
‫‪T 1 T‬‬
‫‪38, 53, 700‬‬ ‫‪792-793‬‬
‫סגור‬ ‫‪140-143‬‬
‫סגר‬ ‫‪392-393, 395-397, 404‬‬ ‫לןבי‬ ‫‪94‬‬
‫לן דימה‬ ‫‪304-305‬‬
‫עי‬ ‫‪918-919, 937, 941, 1030‬‬ ‫קוךם )‪(KO-dem‬‬ ‫‪322, 325, 936, 941‬‬
‫עד אז‬
‫‪937, 941, 1030‬‬ ‫קוךם )‪(ko-DEM‬‬ ‫‪313‬‬
‫עד ש‪-‬‬ ‫‪928, 933, 941, 1030‬‬ ‫קוךם לכן‬ ‫‪322-325,935-936, 941,‬‬
‫עדיין‬ ‫‪327, 329‬‬ ‫‪1030‬‬
‫עדיין לא‬ ‫‪328-329‬‬ ‫לןטן‬ ‫‪393-395, 401,508,‬‬
‫עוד‬ ‫‪327, 329‬‬ ‫‪606-608‬‬
‫עוד לא‬ ‫‪328-329‬‬ ‫לן ם‬ ‫‪370, 372-378, 517-522,‬‬
‫עכשיו‬ ‫‪666‬‬ ‫‪531, 569-570, 576‬‬
‫על ז‬ ‫‪244-245,251,817-819,‬‬ ‫לן ני׳‬ ‫‪532-537, 544, 555, 570‬‬
‫‪1018‬‬ ‫לןפוא‬ ‫‪563‬‬
‫על אף‬ ‫‪905 note 5, 966-967, 969,‬‬ ‫לןשה‬ ‫‪135-136, 340, 343,‬‬
‫‪1031‬‬ ‫‪769-771, 773-774,‬‬
‫על ידי‬ ‫‪249, 582, 585‬‬ ‫‪778-781,788‬‬
‫על‪ + ...‬שם הפועל‬ ‫‪786-788‬‬ ‫?זךא‬ ‫‪457-460, 557-562,‬‬
‫עלול‬ ‫‪757‬‬ ‫‪565-566, 698‬‬

‫‪H e b re w W o rd Index‬‬ ‫‪, V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2‬־ ‪V o l u m e I = p p . x i 6 7 2‬‬

‫ךאשון‪ ,‬שני‪...‬‬ ‫‪277-281‬‬ ‫שליש‬ ‫‪292-293, 297‬‬

‫רב‬ ‫‪637‬‬ ‫שלש‪ 1‬ם‬ ‫‪310-311,317‬‬
‫רבע‬ ‫‪292-293, 297‬‬ ‫שם‬ ‫‪247, 300-306‬‬
‫רוב‪ ,‬ר‪1‬ב ה ­‬ ‫‪291-292, 294, 297, 700‬‬ ‫שם‬ ‫‪521, 570‬‬
‫רובנ ו‪...‬‬ ‫‪294-296, 298, 700‬‬ ‫שמיאל‪ ,‬שמיאלה‬ ‫‪303-305, 656‬‬
‫רכב‬ ‫־‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫‪397, 405‬‬ ‫שמח‬ ‫‪305‬‬
‫רצה‬ ‫‪T T‬‬
‫‪534, 536-537, 756,‬‬ ‫שמים‬ ‫‪32, 45-46, 665, 677‬‬
‫‪894-897‬‬ ‫שכיו‬ ‫‪140, 142, 394‬‬
‫שמע‬ ‫‪457-460, 571‬‬
‫ש­‬ ‫‪634, 860-875, 873 note‬‬ ‫שנא‬ ‫‪562‬‬
‫‪14, 883-884, 886-887,‬‬ ‫שנח‬ ‫‪35-36, 44-45,73, 181,‬‬
‫‪892, 908-910, 912‬‬ ‫‪256-257,316‬‬
‫שאר‬ ‫‪291-292, 294, 297‬‬ ‫שנוא‬ ‫‪563‬‬
‫שאל‬‫‪ T‬־־־‬
‫‪450-452, 458-460,‬‬ ‫שניים‪/‬שני‬ ‫‪254-255, 257, 259-260‬‬
‫‪889-890‬‬ ‫שנינו‪ ,‬שתינו״‪.‬‬ ‫‪283-285‬‬
‫שום‬ ‫‪805-806‬‬ ‫שעבר‪-‬‬ ‫‪313-314,318‬‬
‫שום דבר (לא)‬ ‫‪803-805, 806‬‬ ‫שר‬ ‫‪520-522, 531‬‬
‫שיחק‬ ‫‪475-476, 485‬‬ ‫שתיים‪/‬שתי‪-‬‬ ‫‪254-255, 257, 259-260‬‬
‫שכב‬ ‫־‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫‪397, 405, 624-625‬‬
‫שינה‬ ‫‪T‬‬
‫‪544-549, 555‬‬ ‫ת‪1‬אר‬ ‫‪456, 478-479‬‬
‫של‬ ‫‪54, 121, 173, 200-203,‬‬ ‫ת‪1‬ןז כך‬ ‫‪924-925, 941, 1030‬‬
‫‪232, 243,818-819,‬‬ ‫תיאר‬ ‫‪474-476, 485,571, 637,‬‬
‫‪1017‬‬ ‫‪662‬‬
‫של‪1‬שה ( ש א ש‬ ‫‪171,261-263‬‬ ‫תק'מנה‬ ‫‪376‬‬
‫שלושתנו‪...‬‬ ‫‪284-285‬‬ ‫תתם‬ ‫‪389, 390‬‬

V olum e I = p p . x i- 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

English Subject Index

Abstract Ending see Nouns
Accent see Stress
Active Participle (‫ )בינו־ ני פועל‬see Tense: Signs of Tenses (Present)
Active Verbs 580-605, 613-617
"Adding" Expressions (834-844 (‫ספה‬1‫ה‬
Adjectives (124-169 (‫אר‬1‫שמות ת‬
Added to Smeechoot Phrase 190191 ‫־‬
As Adverbials 340-342
As Predicates 135-137,707-708
Base + Ending 148152 ‫־‬
Declension 126, 153-157
Endings of Feminine Adjectives 141-142, 145-147, 153-155
Patterns 138-147,394
In Noun-Adjective Phrases (Matching) 126131 ‫־‬
Resulting from Actions (pa'ool, mefoo'al, moofal) (Passive Participle) 159-169, 563
Used as Nouns (281 ,135 (‫הזקן‬
Adverbs and Adverbials (300-301 (‫ על ותיאוךים‬1‫תוארי פ‬
How Expressions 339-348
How Long Expressions 331-334
How Often Expressions 335-337
When Expressions 309-330
Where Expressions 301-308
see also Comparison (Category I, Category II); Conditional (Cat. II); Contrary to Expectation
(Cat. I, Cat. II); Manner; Place and Direction; Purpose (Cat. I, Cat. II); Reason and Result
(Cat. I, Cat. II); Time (Cat. I, Cat. II)
Agreement (‫ )התאמה‬see Matching
Alternatives, Expressions of (845-852 (‫או‬
Appositives (174 (‫תמורה‬
,Assimilation (492 ,427 ,425 ,411-413 (‫ הידמות‬notes 6 and 8, 496 note 15, 498 note 16, 635-636
Attributive Clauses (‫ )פסוקיו־ת לוואי‬see Clauses: Levai
,Ayeen-Groneet (Middle Guttural) see Gutturals: In Verbs: Middle Guttural {,Ayeen-Groneet)
,Ayeen- Vav (Middle Vav) see Root Groups in Verbs
Ayeen-Yod (Middle Yod) see Root Groups in Verbs

B7K. P (;‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ )ב‬see Pronunciation: Of '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ב‬

Base Form: Verbs see Verbs: Patterns
Beenyaneem 124-137, 361-367, 444-447
Beenyan Heefeel

E n g li s h S u b j e c t I n d e x V olum e I = p p . x i - 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

Forms (Regular Verbs) 365, 416-421

Meanings 580-584, 593-597, 610-611
Beenyan Heetpa'el
Forms (Regular Verbs) 364-365, 406-415
Initial Sibilants ('411-413 (‫ צ‬,'‫ ס‬/‫ ש‬/‫ש‬
Meanings 589-590, 598-603, 608-610
Beenyan Hoofal
Forms (Regular Verbs) 365-367, 438-443
Meaning 582-584
Beenyan Neefal
Forms (Regular Verbs) 364, 422-429
Meanings 587-588, 599 note 7, 601-602, 608-609
Beenyan Pa'al (Kal)
Forms (Regular Verbs) 363-364, 392-405
Future Tense ( 'efal) 400-401, 452, 45 8
Future Tense ('efol) 398-399
Meanings 580-581, 587-588, 606-609
Present Tense (pa'el) 393-395
Beenyan Pee'el
Forms (Regular Verbs) 364, 380-391
Meanings 580-584,593-597
Beenyan Poo'al
Forms (Regular Verbs) 365-366, 430-437
Meaning 582-584
Meanings of Beenyaneem 613-617
see also Active Verbs; Causative Verbs; Change of State Verbs; It Happened to Him; Middle
Voice; Passive Verbs; Process; Reciprocal Verbs; Reflexive Verbs; Stative Verbs
see also Gutturals: In Verbs; Root Groups in Verbs
Beinonee (‫ )בינו־ני‬see Tense: Signs of Tenses (Present)
But (Reservation) Sentences 854-858

Category I, II, III Sentences see Sentences: Complex (Category II); Sentences: Compound
(Category III); Sentences: Simple (Category I)
Causal Expressions see Reason and Result Expressions
Causative Verbs 593-597, 613-617
Change of State (Inchoative) Verbs 608-611, 613-617
Chatafeem (‫ )חטפים‬see Vowels: Half-vowels
Abridged (955 ,954-955 ,899 ,894-896 ,768-790 (‫ שם הפועל‬+ ...‫ כדאי‬/ ‫ כדי‬note 3, 957 note 5
Added (Dependent, Subordinate) 859 note 1, 903 note 1, 906-912
see also Clauses: Adverbial; Clauses: Levai;Mee sheh, Ma sheh Clauses
Adverbial see Comparison: Similarity (Category II); Conditional (Cat. II); Contrary to
Expectation (Cat. II); Purpose (Cat. II); Reason and Result (Cat. II); Time (Cat. II)

E n g li s h S u b j e c t I n d e x V olum e I = p p. x i - 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

Attributive ( ‫ ת לוואי‬1‫ )פסוקי‬see Clauses: Levai

Base (Independent, Main) 859-881, 907-912
Content see Clauses: Levai Content Clauses; Desire; Indirect Speech
Dependent see Clauses: Added Clauses
Independent see Clauses: Base Clauses
Levai (‫ לוואי‬ni 859-876 (‫פסוקי‬
Levai Content Clauses (873 (‫כי‬/-‫ הידיעה ש‬note 14
Restrictive and Non-restrictive Clauses (861 (‫ פסוקית זילןה מצמצמת ולא מצמצמת‬note 6
Type A Added Clause 862-864, 873-875
Type B Added Clause 865-873
Object (‫ )פסוקיו׳ת מושא‬see Desire; Indirect Speech
Reduced see Clauses: Abridged
Relative (‫ )פסוקיו׳ת זילן ה‬see Clauses: Levai; Mee sheh, M a sheh Clauses
The Term "Clause" in this book 859 note 1, 903 note 1, 908 note 10, 913 note 15
Command Forms (Imperative 892 ,687 ,567-577 ,506 ,493-494 (‫ציווי‬
Comparison (Similarity and Difference) Expressions
Comparative Degree (352-354 (‫ פחות‬,‫יותר‬
In Compound Sentences (Category III) 980-983
In Simple Sentences (Category I) 984-989
‫אותו‬, ‫אותה‬, ‫אותם‬,‫( אותן‬the same) 350-351
In Complex Sentences (Category II) 973-978
In Simple Sentences (Category I) 971-972
Superlative Degree (355-357 (‫ ביותר‬,‫הכי‬
Compensatory Lengthening (‫ )תשלום דגש‬see Vowels: Influence of Gutturals on Vowels
Complements (Modifiers)
Of Nouns see Adjectives; Clauses: Levai; Numbers; Quantifiers; Smeechoot
Of Verbs see Adverbs and Adverbials; Desire; Indirect Speech; Object, Direct
Complex Sentences see Sentences: Complex
Compound Sentences see Sentences: Compound
Compound Verb Form (‫ הווה‬+ ‫)היה‬
Expressing Desire 896-897
Expressing Habitual Action 373
In Hypothetical Conditional Sentences 996-998
‫ הייתי יכול‬764
Concession Sentences see Contrary to Expectation Expressions
Conditional Expressions (‫)תנאי‬
Hypothetical (Unreal) Conditions (Types II and III) (Category II) 995-999
Negative Hypothetical Conditions 1000-1002
Real Conditions (Type I) (Category II) 991-994
Coordinating 913, 1030-1032

E n g li s h S u b j e c t I n d e x V olum e I = p p . x i - 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

Subordinating 907, 1029-1031

see also "Index of Hebrew Words"
Conjunctive Vav see Vav
Connector (714-732 ,708 (‫אוגד‬
After ‫ אלה‬,‫ זיאת‬,‫ זה‬and 729-732 ‫ מי‬,‫מה‬
Demonstratives (‫ זאת‬,‫ )זה‬as Connectors 721-722
In Past and Future 724
Negative Connector 725-727, 799
Consonants 621
B, P, K ('‫ כ‬/‫ פ‬/‫ ) ב‬see Pronunciation: Of '‫ כ‬/‫ פ‬/‫ ; ב‬Dagesh
Glottal Stop (559 (‫אי‬
Gutturals (‫ ע׳‬/‫ ח‬/‫ ה‬/‫ )עיצוו־ים גרוניים)(א‬see Gutturals
Sibilants ('‫ צ‬/‫ ס‬,'‫ ש‬/‫ ) ש‬see Beenyaneem: Beenyan Heetpa'el
Construct Phrases see Smeechoot
Content Clauses see Clauses: Levai Content Clauses; Desire; Indirect Speech
Contrary to Expectation (Concession) Expressions (‫)(ויתור‬.‫)למרות״‬
In Complex Sentences (Category II) 964-965
In Compound Sentences (Category III) 968-969
In Simple Sentences (Category I) 966-967
Contrast see Comparison: Difference
Coordinate Sentences see Sentences: Compound
Copula (‫ אוגד‬,oged) see Connector

Dagesh 624-625
Strong Dagesh, Dagesh Forte (‫)דגש חזק‬
Characteristic Strong Dagesh (64 ,10 (‫ דגש חזק תבניתי‬note 6, 381, 406-407, 430, 630-633
Compensative Strong Dagesh (496 ,495 ,492-493 ,427 ,425 (‫ דגש חזק משלים‬note 15, 635-637
Strong Dagesh after ‫ ה־‬and -634 ,52 ‫ש‬
see also Vowels: Influence of Gutturals on Vowels (Compensatory Lengthening)
Weak Dagesh, Dagesh Lene (626-629 ,434-435 ,428 ,402-404 ,387 (‫דגש קל‬
Days of the Week 280
Definite Article (-52-58 (‫ה‬
,After 226 ‫ כ־‬,‫ ל־‬,‫ב־‬
After -‫ מ‬and 226 ‫מן‬
In Superlatives (357 ,355 (‫הכי‬...-‫ ה‬,‫ ביותר‬...-‫ה‬...-‫ה‬
Pronunciation of 52 note 1
see also Definiteness
Adding a Number to a Definite Noun (274 ,270 ,267 ,261-263 (‫שני הילדים‬
Adding a Quantifier to a Definite Noun (291- 292 (‫ חלק מהאנשים‬,‫כל האנשים‬
Definite Article after Category I Prepositions 905-906
Definite Direct Object and ,Et 58, 697-704
Definite Nouns 52-58

E n g li s h S u b j e c t I n d e x V olum e I = p p. x i - 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

In a Smeechoot Phrase 183-184, 186

In Words with a Directional Ending (305 (‫הביתה‬
Matching in Definiteness
Matching of an Added Adjective to a Definite Smeechoot Phrase 190191 ‫־‬
Matching of an Adjective to a Definite Noun (in a phrase) 58, 132-134
Matching of a Demonstrative (‫״‬.‫ זאת‬,‫ )זה‬to a Definite Noun (in a phrase) 208-210
Matching of an Ordinal Number to a Definite Noun (in a phrase) 277, 279-280
Demonstratives (Pointing Wor ds) ( ‫ ההוא‬,‫ זאת‬,‫)זה‬
As Connector (721-722 (‫אוגד‬
As Modifier (938- 941 ,357 ,350-351 ,323-325 ,320 ,55, 208-210 (‫ אותו ילד‬,‫ הילד ההוא‬,‫הילד הזה‬
As Object 206
As Subject 206, 709, 729-730
Demonstratives that Refer to a Sentence 207 ("Did }'0 u know?"), 914
Mutual Expressions (211-214 (‫ אחד את השני‬,‫זה את זה‬
Dependent Clauses see Clauses: Added (Dependent) Clauses
Desire, Expressing 859 note 3, 894-900
Diacritical Marks see Dagesh; Mapeek
Difference see Comparison: Difference
Direct Object see Object, Direct
Directional (Locative) Ending (Directive Heh 303-307 (‫ה׳ המגמה‬
Disjunction see Alternatives, Expressions of
Double Construct see Double Possessives
Double Possessives (200-203 (‫סמיכות כפולה‬
Double Words (346 ,336 (‫ אחד אחד‬,‫יום יום‬
Doubling of Consonants see Dagesh Strong Dagesh
Dual Ending on Nouns see Endings: Dual Ending
Duration and Degree Expressions see Time Expressions: How Long and How Often Expressions

'Efol and 'Efal see Beenyaneem: Beenyan Pa'al: Future Tense

Ein (‫)אין‬
With Endings (800-802 ,725-726 (‫״‬.‫ אינך‬,‫אינני‬
see also Negation and Negative Expressions; Yesh and Ein Sentences
Endings (Suffixes)
Dual Ending 43-46, 255, 271-272, 316, 677
see also Adjectives: Forms: Base + Endings; Adjectives: Forms: Declension; Command Forms;
Directional Ending; Ein with Endings; Nouns: Forms: Base + Ending; Possessives: Possessive
Endings on Nouns; Prepositions: With Endings; Tense: Signs of Tenses
Et (‫)את‬
Use of see Object, Direct
With Endings (...‫ א ותך‬,‫ )אותי‬see Prepositions: With Endings ‫ ־‬without an additional yod
Existential Sentences with ‫ יש‬or ‫ אין‬see Yesh and Ein Sentences

E n g li s h S u b j e c t I n d e x V olum e I = p p . x i - 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

Fixed Forms (.‫ אפשר״‬,‫ )כדאי‬see Impersonal Sentences

Foreign Words see Spelling: Foreign Words; Pronunciation: Of ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ; ב‬Nouns: Forms: Foreign
Fricatives (Soft Sounds) 624
see also Pronunciation: Of '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ב‬
Furtive Patach (‫ ) פתח גנוב‬see Patach Ganoov
Future Tense see Tense

Geezra (‫ )גזרה‬see Root Groups in Verbs

Geematria see Numbers: Numerical Value of Letters
Gender see Nouns: Gender; Matching (Agreement)
Gerund (‫ )שם פעולה‬see Verbal Nouns
Glottal Stop see Consonants: Glottal Stop
Groneeyot (‫ )גרויניות‬see Gutturals
Gutturals (448-449 (‫ניים‬1‫עיצוו־ים גר‬
In Adjectives 142
In Segolate Nouns 92, 94
In Verbs
Final Guttural (Lamed-Groneet)
Beenyan Heefeel 464-465, 471
Beenyan Heetpa'el 469-470, 473
Beenyan Hoofal 467-468, 472
Beenyan Neefal 483, 487
Beenyan Pa'al 452, 456-460
Beenyan Pee'el 476-477, 485
Beenyan Poo'al 479-480, 486
Initial Guttural (Pe-Groneef)
Beenyan Heefeel 462-463, 471
Beenyan Hoofal 466, 472
Beenyan Neefal 480-482, 487
Beenyan Pa'al 452-45 5, 459-460
Middle Guttural ('Ayeen-Groneet)
Beenyan Heetpa'el 468-469, 473
Beenyan Hoofal 466, 472
Beenyan Neefal 482-483, 487
Beenyan Pa'al 450-452, 45 8-460
Beenyan Pee'el 474-476, 485
Beenyan Poo'al 478-479, 486
Pe-Alef (Initial Alef) 454-455
see also Vowels: Influence of Gutturals on Vowels

Habitual Action in the Past (373 (‫ הווה‬+ ‫היה‬

Half-vowels (‫ )חטפים‬see Vowels: Influence of Gutturals on Vowels

E n g li s h S u b j e c t I n d e x V olum e I = p p. x i - 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

Hard Pronunciation see Pronunciation: Of '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬,'‫ב‬

Heefeel see Beenyaneem
Heetpa'el see Beenyaneem
Helping Vowel see Patach Ganoov
Hoofal see Beenyaneem
How Expressions see Manner Expressions; State: Expressing State
How Long and How Often Expressions see Time: How Long and How Often Expressions

Imperative see Command Forms

Impersonal Sentences (‫)סתמי‬
With ...‫ צריך‬,‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ כדאי‬+ Infinitive (in all tenses) 768-777
With ...791-794 ‫ חשוב ש־‬,-‫כדאי ש‬
T 1‫־‬

With ...‫ צףןז‬,‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ כדאי‬Made Personal (in all tenses) 778-790
With Yesh and 'Ein (‫ אין‬,‫ )יש‬+ Infinitive 775-776
With Yesh and 'Ein (‫ אין‬,‫ )יש‬+ Infinitive Made Personal 786-787
Without Subjects 585-586, 591 note 17, 694-696
Inchoative Verbs see Change of State Verbs
Indirect Speech 859 note 3, 882-893
Verb Tenses in 885, 889, 892
Infinitive (374 (‫שם הפועל‬
As Command 577
Forms see Beenyaneem (under each beenyan)
Making Impersonal Sentences with Infinitives Personal 778-790
Sentences with Infinitives 754-767, 768-777, 894-900, 954-955
Intended Purpose / Intent Expressions see Purpose Expressions
Interrogatives see Questions and Question Words
It Happened to Him (one of the meanings of the beenyaneem) 608-611

Kal (Qal) see Beenyaneem: Beenyan Pa'al (Kal)

Kamats Kayam (‫)לןמץ קיים‬, Irreducible Kamats 646
Kteev (‫ )כתיב‬see Spelling

Lamed-'Alef (Final ,Alef) see Root Groups in Verbs; Gutturals: In Verbs: Final Guttural
Lamed-Groneet (Final Guttural) see Gutturals: In Verbs: Final Guttural
Lamed-He (Final He) see Root Groups in Verbs: Lamed-Yod (Final Yod)
Lamed-Yod (Final Yod) see Root Groups in Verbs
Levai Clauses (‫ ת לוואי‬1‫ )פסוקי‬see Clauses: Levai
Locative Ending (‫ )ה׳ המגמה‬see Directional Ending

Manner Expressions (How Expressions) 339-349

Mapeek (‫ )מפיק‬xvii, 61 note 3
Matching (Agreement ‫)התאמה‬
In Yesh and 'Em Sentences in Past and Future Tenses 736-739

E n g li s h S u b j e c t I n d e x V olum e I = p p . x i - 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

In Yesh lee and 'Em lee Sentences in Past and Future Tenses 746-749
Of Adjective to Noun 126-131, 277, 279-280, 707-708
Of Adjective, Connector or Verb to Smeechoot Phrase see Smeechoot: Matching (Agreement)
Of Connector (‫ )אוגד‬to Subject 716, 730-731, 811
Of Demonstrative to Noun (.208-210 ,206 (‫ זאת״‬,‫זה‬
Of Number to Noun (...269-270 ,265 ,259-260 (‫ שתי‬,‫שני‬
Of Quantifier and Predicate 294-296
"Referring Back" Pronoun (‫ )בינוי מוסב‬see Pronouns: "Referring Back" Pronoun
Subject and Non-Verb Predicate 135-137, 675-683, 707-708, 808
Subject and Verb 675-683, 808, 877-878
Meanings of Beenyaneem 613-617
see also Active Verbs; Causative Verbs; Change of State Verbs; It Happened to Him; Middle Voice;
Passive Verbs; Process; Reciprocal Verbs; Reflexive Verbs; Stative Verbs
Mee sheh,Ma sheh Clauses (-877-881 (‫ מה ש‬,-‫מי ש‬
Metathesis (411-413 (‫שיפול עיצוו־ים‬
Middle Voice 593 note 1,613 note 1
Meel'el (‫ )מלעיל‬see Segolate Nouns
Meeshkal (Pattern) see Pattern
Modal Expressions see Desire; Impersonal Sentences with ‫״‬.‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ ;פלאי‬Impersonal Sentences
with ...‫ צו־יף‬,‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ פז־אי‬Made Personal; Infinitive: Sentences with Infinitives
Modifiers (Complements)
Of Nouns see Adjectives; Clauses: Levai; Numbers: Quantifiers; Smeechoot
Of Verbs see Adverbs and Adverbials; Desire; Indirect Speech; Object, Direct
Mutual Expressions (211-214 (‫ אחד את השני‬,‫זה את זה‬
Mutual Verbs ("each other") see Reciprocal Verbs

Neekood (‫ )ניקוד‬see Vowels and Vowel Signs: Vowel Signs

Negation and Negative Expressions
847-852 ‫אלא‬.‫לא״‬
803-806 ‫שום דבר‬.‫ל'א״‬
Ein (‫ )אין‬with Endings (...800-802 ,725-726 (‫ אינך‬,‫אינני‬
In Impersonal Sentences with —771 ‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫פדאי‬
Negative Commands 576-577
Negative Connectors 725-727
The Use of 797 ‫אין‬
see also Impersonal Sentences with Yesh and 'Ein + Infinitive; Yesh and 'Ein Sentences; Yesh
lee and 'Ein lee Sentences
The Use of 796 ‫אל‬
The Use of 795-796 ‫לא‬
Nominal Sentences see Non-Verb Sentences
Non-Verb Sentences 705-732
Adjectives as Predicate 135-137, 164

E n g li s h S u b j e c t I n d e x V olum e I = p p. x i - 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

Past and Future Tenses in 711-712, 724, 726-727

With Infinitives 758-759
see also Connector (‫)אוגד‬, Impersonal Sentences with ‫ אפשר*״‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ ;כדאי‬Impersonal Sentences
with *‫ אפשר״‬,‫ מותר‬,‫ כדאי‬Made Personal; Impersonal Sentences with ‫״‬.-‫ חשוב ש‬,-‫ ; כז־אי ש‬Yesh
and ,Ein Sentences; Yesh lee and Ein lee Sentences
Normativity xv
Noun Phrases
Noun + Adjective Phrases see Adjectives: Adjectives in Noun-Adjective Phrases
Noun + Noun Phrases see Smeechoot
Number + Noun Phrases see Numbers: Adding a Number to a Definite Noun; Numbers: Cardinal
Quantifier + Noun Phrases see Quantifiers
Noun (Nominal) Sentences (‫ ) משפט שמני‬see Non-Verb Sentences
Nouns (‫) שמות עצם‬
Abstract Nouns 17, 79, 84-85
Definite Nouns 52-58
Forms and Endings of Nouns
Base + Ending (Suffix) 82-87
Compound Nouns (88 (‫ הלחם‬,‫הו־כב‬
Dual Ending 43-46, 316, 677
Foreign Words 85-86
Nouns Ending in ‫ה‬/‫( א‬ah) 38
Patterns 78-82, 181
Possessive Endings on Nouns see Possessives: Possessive Endings on Nouns
Gender 18,34-35
Feminine 17-29, 1007-1010
Masculine 27 notes 19-20,30-33, 1009-1010
Number (Singular, Plural, Dual) 34-59
Irregular Plural Forms 34-35, 1012-1013, 1015
see also Segolate Nouns: Plural Forms
Proper Nouns 57-58, 184, 681-682, 700-701
Segolate Nouns (‫ בוקר‬,‫ בגד‬,‫ )ילד‬see Segolate Nouns
Verbal Nouns (Gerunds) see Verbal Nouns
Number (Singular, Plural, Dual) see Nouns: Number; Matching (Agreement)
Adding a Number to a Definite Noun 261-263, 267, 270, 274
Cardinal (Counting) Numbers 253-276
Numbers with Endings (...283-285 (‫ שלושתנו‬,‫שנינו‬
Numerical Value of Letters (282 (‫גימטךייה‬
Ordinal Numbers 277-281
Telling the Time see Time: Telling the Time
Numerals see Numbers

E n g li s h S u b j e c t I n d e x V olum e I = p p . x i - 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

Object, Direct 58, 206, 208, 697-704, 813-816, 879

Object Pronouns see Pronouns: Object Pronouns
Vged (‫ אוגד‬Copula) see Connector
Order of Words see Word Order

Pa'al see Beenyaneem

Pa 'eel (‫ )פעיל‬see Passive Verbs
Pa 'el see Beenyaneem: Beenyan Pa 'ah Present Tense {pa 'el)
Pa'ool see Adjectives: Resulting from Actions
Participle, Active (‫ )בינוני פועל‬see Tense: Signs of Tenses (Present)
Participle, Passive (‫ בינוני פעול‬pa'ool) see Adjectives: Resulting from Actions
Particles 906 note 5
see also "Index of Hebrew Words"
Parts of Speech see Adjectives; Adverbs; Conjunctions; Nouns; Prepositions; Pronouns; Verbs
Passive Verbs 430, 438, 580-592, 613-617, 886
Past Tense see Tense
Patach Ganoov (‫ פתח גנוב‬Furtive Patach) 456-457, 460
see also Gutturals: In Verbs: Final Guttural
Pattern (631-633 ,9-16 (‫משלןל‬
see also Adjectives: Forms; Beenyaneem; Nouns: Forms: Patterns; Verbal Nouns: Forms; Verbs:
Pe- 'Alef (Initial Alej) see Root Groups in Verbs
Pee'el see Beenyaneem
Pe-Groneet (Initial Guttural) see Gutturals: In Verbs: Initial Guttural
Pe-Noon (Initial Noon) see Root Groups in Verbs
Personal Sentences Made from Impersonal Sentences see Impersonal Sentences (‫)סתמי‬
Persons (First, Second, Third) 204-205, 369-378, 884
Pe-Yod (Initial Yod) see Root Groups in Verbs
Phrases 673
see also Adjectives: In Noun-Adjective Phrases; Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases; Smeechoot
Place and Direction
Directional Ending 303-307
Question Words 821-824
Where Expressions 301-307
Plosives (Hard Sounds) 624
see also Pronunciation: Of '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ב‬
Plural Nouns see Nouns: Number
Pointing Words (‫ ההוא‬,‫ זאת‬,‫ )זה‬see Demonstratives; Matching: Of a Demonstrative to a Definite Noun
Poo'al see Beenyaneem
Possessive Endings (Suffixes) on Nouns (200- 203 ,184 ,97-101 ,60-77 ,57 (‫״‬.‫ דודתי‬,‫דודי‬
Definiteness of Nouns with Possessive Endings 57-58, 60, 700
Possessive Pronouns (.‫ שלך״‬,‫ )שלי‬see Prepositions: With Endings ‫ ־‬without an additional yod

E n g li s h S u b j e c t I n d e x V olum e I = p p. x i - 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

Possessive Sentences see Yesh lee and 'Ein lee Sentences

In Non-Verb Sentences 705-723
see also Matching (Agreement): Subject and Non-Verb Predicate
In Verb Sentences see Matching: Subject and Verb
Prefixes see Beenyaneem: Forms (under each beenyan); Tense: Signs of Tenses
Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases see "Index of Hebrew Words" for specific prepositions
-223-226 ‫ כ‬,‫ ל־‬,‫ב־‬
‫ מ־‬and 224-227 ‫מן‬
Before Question Words 813-815, 817-819, 821-827, 830
In Category I (Simple) Sentences 904-906
see also Comparison: Difference (Category I); Comparison: Similarity (Cat. I); Contrary to
Expectation (Cat I); Manner; Place and Direction; Purpose (Cat. I); Reason and Result
(Cat. I); Time (Cat. I)
Of Direction (-227-228 (‫ ל‬,‫אל‬
Required by Verbal Nouns 121
Required by Verbs (1019-1029 ,217-220 (‫ ת‬1‫מילות יחס מוצךכ‬
With and Without Fixed Meanings 215-220
With Endings (Suffixes) - with an additional yod 244-251
With Endings (Suffixes) - without an additional yod 229-243
With "Referring Back" Endings (880-881 ,870-872 ,865-868 (‫פינוי מוסב‬
Present Tense see Tense
Process (one of the meanings of the beenyaneem) 608-611
Pronouns 204-214
As Endings on Prepositions see Prepositions: With Endings (Suffixes)
Demonstrative Pronouns (Pointing Words) see Demonstratives
Object Pronouns (...234-235 (‫ אותך‬,‫אותי‬
Possessive Pronouns (...230-231 (‫ שלך‬,‫שלי‬
see also Possessives: Possessive Endings on Nouns
Pronouns of Mutuality (‫ )זה את זה‬see Mutual: Mutual Expressions
"Referring Back" Pronoun Ending on Preposition (880-881 ,870-872 ,865-868 (‫כינוי מוסב‬
Subject Pronouns (...204-205 (‫ אתה‬,‫אני‬
Of ' ‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫( ב‬Hard and Soft Pronunciation) 64 note 6, 99, 103-104, 225, 624-639, 836 note 2
see also Dagesh: Strong Dagesh; Dagesh: Weak Dagesh
Of Definite Article (-‫ )ה‬see Definite Article: Pronunciation
Of Prepositions see Prepositions: - ‫ כ‬,‫ ל־‬,‫ ;ב־‬Prepositions:-‫ מ‬and ‫מן‬
Of Vav (‫ )ו׳ החיבור‬see Vav: Pronunciation
Punctuation 861, 882 note 1, 911, 913
Purpose Expressions (‫״)(תכלית‬.-‫ כדי ש‬,‫)כדי‬
In Complex Sentences (Category II) 954-959
In Compound Sentences (Category III) 961
In Simple Sentences (Category I) 959-960

E n g li s h S u b j e c t I n d e x V olum e I = p p . x i - 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

Qal (Kal) see Beenyaneem: Beenyan Pa'al (Kal)

Quantifiers 291-298,719
Questions and Question Words (Interrogatives) 807-833

Reason and Result Expressions (‫צאה‬1‫)סיבה ות‬

In Complex Sentences (Category II) 944-946
In Compound Sentences (Category III) 949-950
In Simple Sentences (Category I) 946-948
Reciprocal Expressions see Mutual: Mutual Expressions
Reciprocal Verbs ("each other") 601-603, 613-617
Reduction of Vowels see Vowels: Vowel Reduction
Reflexive Verbs ("oneself') 598-600, 613-617
Relative Clauses see Clauses: Levai;Mee sheh, Ma sheh Clauses
Reported Speech see Indirect Speech
Reservation, Expressing see But Sentences
Requests see Desire
Result Expressions see Reason and Result Expressions
Root (‫( )שורש‬with Three Letters) 3-8, 9-13
With Two Letters 6-7
With Four Letters (Quadraliteral Roots) 4, 144 note 9, 145 note 12, 389, 414-415, 436
Root Groups (‫ גזרות‬/ ‫ )גזרה‬in Verbs
'Ayeen-Vav/Yod(Middle Vav/Yod)
Beenyan Heefeel 523-526
Beenyan Heetpa'el 530
Beenyan Hoofal 526-528
Beenyan Pa'al 518-522
Beenyan Pee'el 529
Beenyan Poo 'al 529
Geminate Roots (488 (‫ כפולים‬note 2, 636-637
Lamed- Alef (Final Alef) 557-566
see also Gutturals: In Verbs: Final Guttural
Lamed-Yod (Final Yod)! Lamed-Heh (Final Heh) 532-533
Beenyan Heetpa 'el 550-554
Beenyan Pa'al 533-544
Beenyan Pee 'el 544-5 50
Beenyaneem Poo'al, Heefeel, Hoofal and Neefal appear in the chart only 556
Pe-'Alef(Initial Alef) see Gutturals: In Verbs: Initial Guttural
Pe-Noon (Initial Noon)
Beenyan Heefeel 498-499
Beenyan Hoofal 499-501
Beenyan Pa'al 490-497
Beenyaneem Pee'el, Poo'al, Heetpa'el 502

E n g li s h S u b j e c t I n d e x V olum e I = p p. x i - 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

Pe-Yod (Initial Yod)

Beenyan Heefeel 509
Beenyan Hoofal 510
Beenyan Pa'al 504-508
Beenyaneem Pee'el, Poo'al, Heetpa'el 511
‫ יכול‬512-514
see also Gutturals: In Verbs; Verbs: Regular Verbs

Saveel (‫ )סביל‬see Passive Verbs

Segolate Nouns (‫ שמות סגוליים‬,‫ בוקר)(שמות מלעיליים‬,‫ ספר‬,‫)ילד‬
Gutturals in 92, 94
In Smeechoot 102-104,180-181
Plural Forms 47-48, 93-96
Pronunciation of '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ ב‬in 99, 103-104
Singular Forms 89-93
With Possessive Endings (Suffixes) 74-75 "Did you know?" number 3, 97-101
Complex (Category II) 907-912
see also Comparison: Similarity (Category II); Conditional (Cat. II); Contrary to Expectation
(Cat. II); Time (Cat. II); Purpose (Cat. II); Reason and Result (Cat. II); Indirect Speech;
Desire; Clauses: Levai', Mee sheh,Ma sheh Clauses
Compound (Category III) 842-843, 913-916
see also Time (Category III); Reason and Result (Cat. Ill); Purpose (Cat. Ill); Comparison:
Difference (Cat. Ill); Contrary to Expectation (Cat. Ill); But Sentences
Identifying a Sentence 673-674, 906-907
Simple (Category I) 904-907
see also Comparison: Difference (Category I); Comparison: Similarity (Cat. I); Contrary to
Expectation (Cat. I); Manner; Place and Direction; Purpose (Cat. I); Reason and Result
(Cat. I); Time (Cat. I)
Subjectless Sentences see Impersonal Sentences: Without Subjects
Verb Sentences 675-704
see also Clauses; But Sentences; Comparison; Conditional; Contrary to Expectation; Impersonal
Sentences; Infinitive: Sentences with; Manner; Non-Verb Sentences; Place and Direction;
Purpose; Questions; Reason and Result; Time; Yesh and 'Em Sentences; Yesh lee and Ein lee
Shlemeem (Regular Verbs) see Verbs: Regular Verbs
Shva (‫)שווא‬
Mobile / Vocal (‫ )שווא נע‬see Vowels: Vowel Reduction
Silent / Resting / Quiescent (648 (‫ שווא נח‬note 15
Two Shva'eem at the Beginning of a Word 223
Shortening of Vowels see Vowels: Vowel Reduction
Sibilants see Beenyaneem: Beenyan Heetpa 'el
Similarity see Comparison

E n g li s h S u b j e c t I n d e x V olum e I = p p . x i - 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

Simple Sentences see Sentences: Simple

Smeechoot (Construct Phrases)(170-188 (‫סמיכות‬
Adjective + Noun 171 note 3
Definite 5 3, 183-184
Forms 175-182, 187-188
Forms of ‫ פה‬and 67 ‫ אב‬notes 11, 12
V T 7

Matching (Agreement) of Adjective to Smeechoot Phrase 185, 189-192

Matching (Agreement) of Connector to Smeechoot Phrase 185
Matching (Agreement) of Verb to Smeechoot Phrase 185
Number + Noun 171 note 2
Plural 176-177, 180, 187-188
Quantifiers in (-291-294 (‫ רוב ה‬,‫כל ה־‬
Reduction of Vowel in 178-179, 645
Segolate Nouns in 102-104,180-181
Verbal Nouns in 115
Shem 'Etsem (‫ )שם עצם‬see Nouns
Shem Pe'oola (‫ )שם פעולה‬see Verbal Nouns
Shem Po'al (‫ )שם פועל‬see Infinitive
Shem To'ar (‫ )שם תו־אר‬see Adjectives
Smeechoot Kfoola see Double Possessives
Soft Pronunciation ,see Pronunciation: Of '‫ פ‬/‫ כ‬/‫ב‬
Foreign Words 659, 667-669
Full (Plene) Spelling (654-669 ,488 ,438 ,430 ,427 ,425 ,382 ,90 (‫כתיב מלא‬
Standard (Defective) Spelling (666 ,663 ,661 ,657 ,654-655 (‫כתיב חסר‬
Spelling in this book xiii-xiv
Stamee (‫ )סתמי‬see Impersonal Sentences
State: Expressing State 347-348
see also Stative Verbs
Stative Verbs 393-395,401
Stops (Hard Sounds) 624
see also Pronunciation: Of ‫ פ׳‬/‫ כ‬/‫ב‬
Stress (Accent) xv, 10-11, 89-91, 149, 154, 177 note 6, 181, 370, 372, 373 note 5, 518 note 4, 623
Movement of Stress and Reduction see Vowels: Vowel Reduction
Strong Verbs see Verbs: Regular Verbs
Adding a Subject Pronoun for Emphasis 838
Asking Questions 808-809
Identifying the Subject of a Verb 691-692
In Levai Clauses 862-864, 873-875
In Sentences with Mee sheh, Ma sheh 877-878
Included in Verb Forms 684-688
Omitting a Third Person Subject Pronoun 686-687, 838

E n g li s h S u b j e c t I n d e x V olum e I = p p. x i - 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

Subject and Verb Matching (Agreement) see Matching: Subject and Verb
Subjectless Sentences see Impersonal Sentences: Without Subjects
Subordinate Clauses see Clauses: Added
Subordinating Conjunctions see Conjunctions: Subordinating
Suffixes (Endings) see Adjectives: Forms: Base + Ending; Adjectives: Forms: Declension;
Command Forms; Directional Ending; Nouns: Forms: Base + Ending; Possessives: Possessive
Endings on Nouns; Prepositions: With Endings; Tense: Signs of Tenses
Superlative Degree see Comparison: Superlative Degree
Syllable, Open and Closed xiii, xv, 397 note 8, 404 note 12, 404 note 13, 622, 646, 658-659
see also Vowels: Vowel Reduction

Tachleet (‫ )תכלית‬see Purpose Expressions

Tashloom Dagesh (‫( )תשלום דגש‬Compensatory Lengthening) see Vowels: Influence of Gutturals on
Temporal Sentences see Time Expressions
Future Tense
Forms see Beenyaneem: Forms (listed under each beenyan); Tense: Signs of Tenses
In -‫ כלאי ש‬and the like 792-793
In Intended Purpose Sentences (-955-957 (‫כדי ש‬
In Non-Verb Sentences see Non-Verb Sentences: Past and Future Tenses in
In Sentences of Desire (894-900 (‫ רוצה ש״‬,-‫מבקש ש‬
In Conditional Sentences 991-1002
In Indirect Speech see Indirect Speech: Verb Tenses in
In Time Sentences 930-931
Past Tense
Forms see Beenyaneem: Forms (listed under each beenyan)■, Tense: Signs of Tenses
Habitual Action in the Past (373 (‫ הווה‬+ ‫היה‬
In Non-Verb Sentences see Non-Verb Sentences: Past and Future Tenses in
Present Tense
Forms see Beenyaneem: Forms (listed under each beenyan); Tense: Signs of Tenses
Present Tense for Future Events 931, 992
Signs of Tenses (Past, Present, Future) 369-378
see also Impersonal Sentences with ...‫ צו־יף‬,‫ אפשר‬,‫ מותר‬,‫כדאי‬
Time (Temporal) Expressions
How Long Expressions 331-335
How Often Expressions 335-337
In Complex Sentences (Category II) 926-933
In Compound Sentences (Category III) 935-941
In Simple Sentences (Category I) 917-925
Telling the Time 286-290
When Expressions 309-330, 886
Transcription of Hebrew Words xiii-xvii

E n g li s h S u b j e c t I n d e x V olum e I = p p . x i - 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

Vav (the conjunctive vav)(834-835 (‫ו; החיבור‬

Pronunciation of 270 note 17, 836
Ve (and) see Vav
Veetoor (‫ )ויתור‬see Coutrary to Expection Expressions
Verb Sentences see Sentences: Verb Sentences
Verbal Nouns (Gerunds ‫) שמות פעולה‬
Automatic (Regular) 110-116
Non-Automatic (Irregular) 117-120
In Time Sentences 922-925
Meaning of 108-110
Verbs (‫)פעלים‬
Active see Active Verbs
Base Form see Verbs: Patterns
Beenyaneem see Beenyaneem
Gutturals in Verbs see Gutturals: In Verbs
Irregular see Root Groups in Verbs
Meanings of Beenyaneem see Meanings of Beenyaneem
Passive see Passive Verbs
Patterns 12-13,361-368, 444-447
see also Beenyaneem: Forms (listed under each beenyan)
Reciprocal see Reciprocal Verbs
Reflexive see Reflexive Verbs
Regular Verbs (444-447 ,361-368 (‫שלמים‬
see also Beenyaneem: Forms (listed under each beenyan)
Root Groups (Irregular Verbs) see Root Groups in Verbs
Shlemeem see Verbs: Regular Verbs
Stative (Verbs of State) see Stative Verbs
Tenses see Tense
Voice see Active Verbs; Middle Voice; Passive Verbs; Reciprocal Verbs; Reflexive Verbs; Stative
Vowels and Vowel Signs 621
Influence of Gutturals on Vowels
- ‫ כ‬,‫ ל־‬,‫ ב״‬Before Gutturals with Half-vowels 223-224
Compensatory Lengthening (661- 662 ,637-638 ,481-482 ,478-479 ,474-475 (‫תשלום דגש‬
Half-vowels (657 ,651-652 (‫ חספים‬note 7
Heh (‫ ) ה' היךיעה‬Before Gutturals with Half-vowels 52 note 1
In Segolate Nouns 92, 94
Vav (‫ ) ו' החיבור‬Before Gutturals with Half-vowels 837
Vowel Lowering 637
see also Vowels: Influence of Gutturals on Vowels: Compensatory Lengthening
Kamats Katan xvi-xvii, 657
Kamats Kayam see Kamats Kayam (Irreducible Kamats)

E n g li s h S u b j e c t I n d e x V olum e I = p p. x i - 6 7 2 , V o l u m e II = p p . 6 7 3 - 1 0 3 2

Vowel Letters (;654 (‫ י‬,'‫ ו‬,'‫ ה‬/‫ ת לןךיאה)(א‬1‫אמ‬

Vowel Lowering see Vowels: Influence of Gutturals on Vowels
Vowel Reduction (Shortening)(640-650 ,223 (‫ היחטפות‬,‫חיטוף‬
In Adjectives 141142 ‫־‬
In Nouns with Possessive Endings 64-65, 72-74
In Plural Nouns 46-47
In Smeechoot 178-179
In Verbs 446 numbers 2, 4, 5, 393, 395 note 6, 396, 399
Vowel Signs (‫ )סימני ניקוד‬xiii, xv-xvii
see also Shva: Silent (‫)שווא נח‬

Want see Desire

Weak Verbs see Root Groups in Verbs
Whatever (-‫ )כל מה ש‬see "Index of Hebrew Words"
When Expressions see Time Expressions
Where Expressions see Place and Direction
Whoever (-‫ )כל מי ש‬see "Index of Hebrew Words"
Word Order 689-693, 703-704, 743-744, 747, 757-758, 779-781, 787, 831-832, 870-871, 911

Yesh and 'Ein Sentences (‫ אין‬,‫( )יש‬there is/are...) 733-735

In Future Tense (738-739 (‫ יהיו‬,‫ תהיה‬,‫יהיה‬
In Past Tense (736-737 (‫ היו‬,‫ הייתה‬,‫היה‬
Yesh and 'Ein + Infinitive see Impersonal Sentences: With Yesh and 'Ein
Yesh and 'Ein + Infinitive Made Personal see Impersonal Sentences: With Yesh and 'Ein Made
Yesh lee and 'Ein lee Sentences (‫ אין לי‬,‫( )יש לי‬to have) 742-745
In Future Tense (749 (‫ יהיו לי‬,‫ תהיה לי‬,‫יהיה לי‬
In Past Tense (746-747 (‫ היו לי‬,‫ ה י יתה לי‬,‫ה יה לי‬


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