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WOOD FINISHING COMPRISING f | ; STAINING, VARNISHING, anp POLISHING , \ WITH ENGRAVINGS AND DIAGRAMS 1 ve 1 _ upiygp BY p PAUL N.” HASLUCK | EDITOR OF “WORK” NEW SERIES, AUTHOR OF “ HANDYBOOKS FOR HANDIORAFTS,” ETO, ETC. i cee | CASSELL ann COMPANY, Limitzp LONDON, PARIS § MELBOURNE 1897 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | ' “WORK” HANDBOOKS. A Series of Practical Manuals, Edited by Pauw N. Hastuck, Editor of “ WORK." Price 18.3 or post free, 18. Rd, each, House Decoration. Comprising White - washing, Paperhanging, Painting, etc. With 79 Engravings and Diagrams. r Centents.—On Colour and Paints. ents. Oils, Driers, Varnishes, etc, ‘Tools used by Painters. How to Mix Oil Paints, Distemper or Tempera Painting. White-washing and, Decorating aCelling. Painting a Room. Papering 2 Room. Embellishment of Walls and Ceilings. Boot Making and Mending. Including Repairing, Lasting, and Finishing, With 179 Engravings and Diagrams. Contents, FR g Heels and Half-Soling. Patching Boots and Shoes, Re-Welting and Re-Soling. Boot Making. Lasting the Upper. Sewing and Stitching. Making the Heel, Knifing nd Finishing, Making Riveted Boots and Shoes, How to Write Signs, Tickets, and Posters. With 270 Engravings and Diagrams. ‘Contents.—The Formation of Letters, Stops, and Numerals. The -writer’s Outfit. Making Signboards and Laying Ground Colours. ‘The Simpler Forms of Lettering. ‘Shaded and Fancy Lettering. Paintinga Signboard, Ticket-Writing. Poster Paint- ing. Lettering with Gold, eic, Wood Finishing. Comprising Staining, Varnishing, and Polishing. With Engravings and Diagrams. Contents,— Processes of Fisting Woes Processes of Staining Wood. French Polishing. Fillers for Wood and Filling In. Body- ing In and Spee Off, Glazing and Wax Finishing. Oil Polish- ing and Dry Shining. Re-polishing and Reviving. Hard Stopping TOCESSCS or Beaumontage. Treatment of Floors. Stains. Varnishing Wood. Varnishes, Repolishing Shop-Fronts. CASSELL & COMPANY, Limitep, Ludgate Hill, Londen, ral “ft facturers of all hinds of | Varnishes, Lacquers, Enamels Polishes, Colours, & Stains, COLD, SILVER, & METAL LEAF, & BRONZE POWDERS, Gums, Glues, , Gelatines, Oils, & Wap BRUSHES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PATENT WOOD FILLER. Polishing: Powders, .Glass.&.Emery Pape Pumicé-stone Blocis;* Chemicals, &e. Wo0D- re MAE ia oF EVERY DESGRIPTION Write for Price Lists, ak any Informatt required ( post free). W. H. PALMER & Co., 78, OLD STREET, LONDON, E. Established, 1805.

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