Student Name: Kolton Krein School: Medicine Hat High School Grade/Subject: Science 10 and Biology 20

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Student Name: Kolton Krein School: Medicine Hat High School

Grade/Subject: Science 10 and Biology 20

Goals Action Plan Resources Time Frame Reflections

(What I will do to meet goals) Needed (how long) To be completed prior to summative
(people/books/inter evaluation
net/etc.) (Did I meet my goals? Why /Why not?)
 Use effectively  Develop critical questions I would  4 months I completed a professional inquiry project
framed like to ask before the lesson where I researched how to form more
questioning to (Especially striving to hit more effective questions. Following this
increase student areas of Blooms taxonomy). research, I formed questions that were
engagement.  Relate questions developed back used throughout a variety of my lessons.
to the central learning intention As a result, I am now much more effective
(Design to improve or expand on at framing questions and understanding
their knowledge) what accounts as a meaningful question.
 Work on establishing an
appropriate wait time for students
to answer questions.

 Enhance  Determine how I will call upon  4 months From the variety of questions that I had
facilitation of students for answers. students engage with throughout my
group  Model how group discussions practicum, I have also greatly improved
discussions. should work. my ability to facilitate the discussion of
 Evenly circulate to different these questions. I have also developed
groups in order to assess quality strategies for fostering effective classroom
of discussions. discussion attributes and learning
 Work on establishing an environments, such as a willingness to
appropriate wait time for group engage due to a sense of security and
discussions. open-mindedness.
 Improve  Make efforts to think about  Get a  4 Months Throughout this semester, I have
movement while whether I am facing the clicker so continued circulating the classroom while
teaching (Minor smartboard or not when that I teaching, enhancing my classroom
goal) delivering content in class (Face don’t have management and level of engagement. In
students more, whiteboard less). to stay at addition to this, my circulation has
 Circulate the room while talking the front become both more calm and purposeful.
and making eye contact with to switch That is to say, I now more effectively make
students to keep them engaged PowerPoin eye contact and direct my attention to
(Also effectively allows for low- t slides. students who may need it in order to
key classroom management). focus their attention.
 Arrange class desks for easy
 Turn around between writing on
the whiteboard to check for
student behavior and

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