Cer00001 091118 Issue06-1

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Louis Theroux

“I’m aware of a cult

Oscar Wilde, Sufjan
Stevens, Christina
Rossetti, and more...
Cherwell Independent since 1920
Friday 9 November 2018 | Vol.285 No.6 | 5th week
th @cherwell_online

offshore secrets
• Hundreds of millions in
offshore funds a year after
Paradise Papers
• Oxford colleges to be hauled
in front of Parliament
Jack Hunter tens of millions of pounds in fossil
fuel, arms, and tobacco companies,
Oxford and Cambridge colleges will despite growing pressure from stu-
be hauled before Parliament, after dents and academics to divest their
an investigation by this newspaper endowments.
revealed that many are funnelling John Mann MP, Chair of the
hundreds of millions of pounds into House of Commons’ Treasury Sub- Ben Goldstein // CHERWELL
secretive offshore funds. Committee, which is carrying out an
Using Freedom of Information inquiry into tax avoidance and eva- Educate, agitate, organise! Wadham students staged a front quad
requests, Cherwell and Varsity, the sion, claimed he would call Oxbridge
Cambridge student newspaper, colleges to Parliament to address the demonstration against rent prices. See our full report on page five
obtained and analysed the full findings.

Uni denies rejecting Stormzy scholarship

investment portfolios of over 40 “Oxford and Cambridge colleges
Oxbridge colleges, providing an have attempted to draw a veil of se-
unprecedented insight into how the crecy over their funds,” Mann said.
ancient institutions invest their “They will be called to Parliament to
Greg Ritchie
multi-billion pound assets. account for this behaviour and how work together” on a possible scheme. than black, British students in the
The responses reveal that multiple they intend to remedy it. Oxbridge The scholarship launched by Stormzy The Stormzy Scholarship will com- space of a single year.
Oxford colleges invested almost colleges were already on our radar, to help black British students at pletely fund two students’ tuition fees A spokesperson for the Univer-
£150m in a network of funds regis- and this exposure greatly assists in Cambridge was originally proposed and maintenance grants for up to four sity of Oxford told Cherwell: “Oxford
tered in tax havens stretching from moving them into our agenda.” for Oxford University – only for the years of an undergraduate course. It University is committed to widen-
Jersey to the Cayman Islands. These Other Oxford colleges investing University to reject it, according to the will run this year and in 2019, funding ing access and participation for all
include the same offshore funds a combined £144.9m in offshore award-winning grime artist. four students overall. students from under-represented
that provoked outcry last November funds domiciled in tax havens The musician – who was declared Stormzy himself will fund one backgrounds. We admire Stormzy’s
after being identified in the Paradise including Jersey, Guernsey, Cayman Person of the Year by the Oxford scholarship, with the second being commitment to inspire and support
Papers leaks. and Bermuda include Exeter, Hert- African and Caribbean society in funded by Youtube Music. black students to succeed in higher
One year on, St Catherine’s Col- ford, Keble, Merton, New College, 2017 – was speaking at the launch of Stormzy announced the launch of education. We have not received or
lege Oxford still holds investments Pembroke, Queen’s, Somerville, St his new publishing imprint, Merky the scholarship on A-Levels results turned down any offer or proposal to
in two funds managed by Coller In- Peter’s, Trinity, and University. Books, alongside fellow rapper Akala, today at his old school, where he said: fund undergraduate scholarships at
ternational, the private equity firm New College is Oxford’s biggest poet Benjamin Zephaniah, and writer “We’re a minority, the playing ground Oxford.
in the offshore financial centre of offshore investor, with a combined Malorie Blackman. isn’t level for us, and it’s vital that all “We have contacted to Stormzy’s
Guernsey, that were revealed by The £118.611m invested in three offshore However, Oxford University denied potential students are given the same representatives today to clarify we
Guardian last year to have past links funds based in Cayman, Guernsey, that they had received any “offer or opportunity.” would welcome the opportunity to
to offshore oil and gas exploration. and Jersey. proposal” and noted that they had to- Earlier this year, Cherwell revealed work together on inspiring students
The disclosures also reveal how day contacted Stormzy’s representa- that Oxford admitted more pupils from African-Caribbean heritage to
Oxbridge colleges directly invest Continued on page three tives to “welcome the opportunity to from the private Westminster School study at Oxford.”

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