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Dani Puspitasari


The trend of people to migrate from the countrysides to cities and to leave the rural areas with
few people is the no news in the state. This essay will examine about several causes and
effects of rural depopulation and provide a logical conclusion.

There are two reasons why country dwellers decide to move in cities. First off, job
opportunity is the major factor of people in village. Many compenies that were building in
cities open chance for people in all areas. For instance, joblessness in rural areas want to get
work in cities which have high level of job opening. Furthermore, a scarcity and lack public
services in rural areas that their needed is the second reason of people to settle in cities.
Urban areas provide facilities and aminities to the public in which they be able to get more
easy to access than in countrysides.

On the other hand, the phenomenon of rural depopulation has appeared many consequences
not only for village but also for cities. firstly, the number of human resources will decend in
rural area, especially youth generation. The large number of country dweller that move to
urban will make destrimental condition in rural areas. Although, they are generation that be
able to repair several aspects and make changes in villages. Secondly, Increasingly of social
problem in cities, such as criminal and environmental damage. The huge number of migration
cities that be able to increase interest of criminals and natural resources often become

I summary, it appears that rural migration is caused by job opporunity and public services
availability. Beside that, this trend has grave impact both villages and cities, such as a
scarcity of human resources in village and the raising of criminal or environmental problems
in urban areas.

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