Ict Training Group3 Assign 1

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ICT Training Group3

DAY (1) 2nd October,2018

Names: Ian Gayah, Shareek Ali, Nicholas Jewnath

Game Based Learning Policy


1) Groups – analyze policies:

(i) Give proposals for amendment and improvement.

(a) Teachers input in terms of needs assessment of schools/students

(b) Cater for the differently abled students. e.g. Visually impaired

(c) Implement National E-gaming competitions in various subjects. e.g. Basketball(P.E.)

(d) Permit schools to develop self-sustaining E-gaming facilities. e.g. MIT USA

(e) Permit E-gaming assessments

(ii) Develop operational policies for use in YOUR school

(a) E-games MUST be used in at least 3 lessons per week

(b) Time Table for inter-class gaming competitions to cater for national E-gaming

(c) Develop E-gaming assessment tools

(d) Develop a database of E-games per subject

(e) Allow the use of E-gaming devices during free time via database etc.

(f) Provide for charging and safe storage of devices. e.g. locker fee of $1/day
ICT Training Group3
DAY (1) 2nd October,2018

Names: Ian Gayah, Shareek Ali, Nicholas Jewnath

Game Based Learning Policy

2) Individual - design classroom practices that support named national and school

(a) Use E-gaming for summative and formative assessments

(b) Use group-work for students to develop their own games and compete etc.

(c) Allow students to bring their own devices to be used in class

(d) Include E-gaming in lesson plans

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