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British Journal of Anaesthesia, 118 (3): 335–43 (2017)

doi: 10.1093/bja/aew477
Review Article

Paediatric emergence delirium: a comprehensive

review and interpretation of the literature
K. P. Mason
Harvard Medical School, Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Boston Children’s
Hospital, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA

Corresponding author. E-mail:

There remain unanswered questions and implications related to emergence delirium in children. Although we know that
there are some predisposing factors to emergence delirium, we still are unable to predict accurately those who are at great-
est risk. Emergence delirium should be considered as a ‘vital sign’, which should be followed and documented in every child
in the postanaesthesia recovery period. Standardized screening tools should be adopted for paediatric emergence delirium.

Key words: anaesthesia; emergence agitation; emergence delirium; maladaptive behaviour; paediatrics

As early as 1960 and 1961, Smessaert and colleagues1 and restlessness within the first 10 min of awake children arriving in
Eckenhoff and colleagues,2 respectively, described behaviour the postanaesthesia recovery room.3 In 2003, Voepel-Lewis and
observed in the recovery period. In an effort to understand ‘emer- colleagues4 reported an 18% incidence of EA in children 3–7 yr of
gence excitement’, Eckenhoff and colleagues2 reviewed 14 436 pro- age, lasting an average of 14 min but up to 45 min. Fifty-two per
spectively collected patient records. Emergence excitement was cent required pharmacological intervention. Emergence agitation
defined as crying, sobbing, thrashing about, and disoriented. The was characterized by non-purposeful movement, restlessness,
highest incidences of excitement were correlated with the ‘youth thrashing, incoherence, inconsolability, and unresponsiveness.
of the patient, the excellence of his health, barbiturate and scopol- Otolaryngology procedures, time to awakening, and isoflurane
amine pre-anaesthetic medication, cyclopropane or ether anaes- were considered to be independent risk factors.
thesia and operative procedures associated with pain or emotional Frequently, delirium and agitation are used interchangeably
stress’. Forty years later, we still struggle to identify, prevent, and in the literature. The challenge to proper treatment is to separ-
treat emergence delirium (ED). This review will consider the evolu- ate EA, ED, pain, and the patient’s baseline behavioural tenden-
tion of emergence agitation (EA) and ED, from their initial identifi- cies when labelling a child’s behaviour as EA or ED.
cation in the 1960s to the current and future implications of their As recently as 2011, we still strive to identify the behaviours
identification, treatment, and prognostic value (Fig. 1). associated with ED. In children 18 months to 6 yr of age, those
with ED were more likely to display non-purposefulness, eyes
averted, staring, or closed, and non-responsivity. Associated be-
Identification of emergence delirium haviours included irrelevant language, activity, and vocaliza-
In 2002, a prospective evaluation of children (10 months to 6 yr of tion.5 Early postoperative negative behaviour after general
age), found up to a 30% incidence of inconsolable crying or severe anaesthesia has been identified in up to 80%.6 Distinguishing

C The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.
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336 | Mason

• Levy identifies postoperative behavior problems in children with no history of behavior issues
1945 (12)

• Eckenhoff correlates unsatisfactory anesthesia induction with manifestation of negative

1953 postoperative behavior (13)

1960, • Smessaert and Eckenhoff describe postanesthetic excitement (1,2)


• Vernon publishers Changes in Children’s Behavior After Hospitalization (14)


• Sevoflurane introduced in Japan


• Post operative agitation first described with Sevoflurane in Japan and suggested to be of higher
1991 incidence than with halothane (20)

• FDA approves Sevoflurane in United States


• Welborn and Lerman in United States report emergence agitation with Sevoflurane and
1996 compare to other volatile agents (18,19)

• Cole defines up to 30% incidence of inconsolable crying or restlessness in post anesthesia

2002 recovery period (3)

• Voepel-Lewis describes 18% incidence of emergence agitation in children 3–7 years old which
2003 can last an average of 14 minutes (4)

• The PAED scale presented for children greater than 2 years age (8)

• Kain describes increased incidence ED, post op anxiety and sleep disturbances for up to 14 days
2006 postoperatively in those with increased level of preoperative anxiety (16)

• A meta-analysis decribes decreased incidence of emergence agitation when alpha 2 agonists

2010 are administered with volatile agents (50)

• Somaini presents observational data to distinguish acute pain from emergence delirium (78)
• Schieveld advocates for unified standardized screening tool for delirium, from pediatrics to
geratrics (75)

Fig 1 Historical time line of noteworthy events for emergency agitation and delirium.
Paediatric emergence delirium | 337

Table 1 Paediatric Anaesthesia Emergence Delirium scale.8 Table 2 Post Hospital Behaviour Questionnaire (PHBQ).14
Items 1, 2, and 3 are reverse scored as follows: 4¼not at all; Reproduced with permission.
3¼just a little; 2¼quite a bit; 1¼very much; and 0¼extremely.
Items 4 and 5 are scored as follows: 0¼not at all; 1¼just a little; PHBQ
2¼quite a bit; 3¼very much; and 4¼extremely. The scores of
each item were summed to obtain a total Paediatric Items
Anaesthesia Emergence Delirium (PAED) scale score. The de- I: 4. Does your child need a pacifier?
gree of emergence delirium increased directly with the total
5. Does your child seem to be afraid of leaving the house
with you?
6. Is your child uninterested i n what goes on around
PAED scale
him (or her)?
1. The child makes eye contact with the caregiver 8. Does your child bite his (or her) finger nails?
2. The child’s actions are purposeful 12. Does your child seem to avoid or be afraid of new
3. The child is aware of his/her surroundings things?
4. The child is restless 13. Does your child have difficulty making up his (or her)
5. The child is inconsolable mind?
22. Is your child irregular in his (or her) bowel
28. Does your child suck his (or her) fingers or thumbs?

II: 9. Does your child get upset when you leave him (or her)
between these negative behaviours, most importantly pain alone for a few minutes?
and ED, can be challenging. The Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, 17. Does your child seem to get upset when someone
Consolability (FLACC) scale and the Paediatr Anaesth Emergence mentions doctors or hospitals?
Delirium (PAED) scale have been applied in efforts to differenti- 18. Does your child follow you everywhere around the
ate between ED and pain in children 2–6 yr of age after ton- house?
silecctomy, adenoidectomy, or both. Inconsolability and 19. Does your child spend time trying to get or hold your
restlessness were not reliable enough to differentiate between attention?
the two in the early postoperative period.7 Rather, the presence 21. Does your child have bad dreams at night or wake up
of no eye contact, no purposeful action, and no awareness of sur- and cry?
roundings was found to correlate significantly with ED.
III: 1. Does your child make a fuss about going to bed at night?
There are many scales that have been proposed to identify
20. Is your child afraid of the dark?
ED. The limitations of most scales are that they have not been
23. Does your child have trouble getting to sleep at night?
psychometrically tested and that they follow emotional distress
and psychomotor agitation as surrogate markers of delirium. IV: 2. Does your child make a fuss about eating?
The PAED scale, developed in 2004 for children >2 yr of age, has
been psychometrically evaluated and is used most commonly
(Table 1).8
This scale has limitations, which include the subjective nature Behavioural changes were assessed using the Post Hospital
of some of the assessments, inter-rater variability, a high false- Behaviour Questionnaire (PHBQ), created in the 1960s and still a
positive rate, and qualifying behaviours that overlap with other gold standard for posthospital behaviour assessment
negative postoperative diagnosis (pain). The diagnosis of delirium (Table 2).14 An increased level of patient preoperative anxiety
is a DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) IV and V condition;5 9 has been associated with an increase in the incidence of ED and
it is defined as disturbance in a child’s awareness of and atten- up to 14 days of postoperative anxiety and sleep disturbances.16
tion to his/her environment with disorientation and perceptual al- Maladaptive behaviour at up to 1 week after surgery is un-
terations including hypersensitivity to stimuli and hyperactive affected by choice of halothane vs sevoflurane.17
motor behaviour in the immediate postanaesthesia period.11

Major contributors to emergence delirium

Implications of emergence delirium
In order to have a better understanding of emergence delirium,
Although those children who exhibit ED have episodes of short it is important to be able to critically review the published litera-
duration, there are indications that there may be effects that ture and have a comprehensive understanding of those factors
linger beyond the recovery period, In 1945, Levy12 noted that that have been implicated as contributors to ED. A MEDLINE
some children exhibited postoperative behavioural problems search was queried from 1946 to October 1, 2016 for keywords
that had not existed beforehand. Eckenhoff,13 in 1953, noted a ‘pediatric’, ‘paediatric’, ‘emergence delirium’, or ‘emergence agi-
correlation between unsatisfactory anaesthesia inductions and tation’. All publications were reviewed and considered, with
the manifestation of negative postoperative behaviour. In 1966, emphasis on the past 10 yr, although commonly cited and rele-
Vernon and colleagues14 published ‘Changes in children’s be- vant older publications were included. Pertinent papers identi-
haviour after hospitalization’, identifying anxiety (regression, fied in the references of the searched articles were also
separation, sleep), eating disturbances, aggression, and apathy. reviewed and included, if relevant. A detailed dissection of the
Although the effects of hospitalization, not necessarily inclu- degree of association between the cited factors will be exam-
sive of surgery, have been described as early as the 1960s, the ef- ined. Of interest, observations published >60 yr ago have at
fect of ED on postoperative behaviour became of heightened their core still held true.13 As EA has often been and still is used
interest a decade ago. Children with ED were at 1.43 times interchangeably in reference to ED, I will also use them inter-
greater risk of having maladaptive behavioural change.15 changeably, citing EA or ED according to the mode of citation in
338 | Mason

risk (9.7% incidence) of developing ED compared with those

Table 3 Proposed contributors to emergence delirium without anxiety (1.5% incidence).16 A child’s degree of preopera-
tive anxiety is correlated with their risk of exhibiting ED. A higher
Proposed contributors to emergence delirium
score on the modified Yale Preoperative Anxiety Scale (mYPAS)
Volatile anaesthetics posed an increased risk of ED; specifically, for every additional
Type of surgery 10-point increment, the risk of ED increased by 10%.15
Patient age
Parental anxiety Pre-existing behaviours
Patient anxiety
A child’s temperament, sociability, and cognitive skills are
Patient pre-existing behaviour
Patient and parent interaction with health-care providers related to his level of preoperative anxiety.28 As anxiety is a risk
factor for ED, those who exhibit certain behaviour and tempera-
ment will be at greater risk for preoperative anxiety.

the primary publication. The sections below review the import- Interactions with health-care providers
ant findings in the literature related to the proposed contribu- Careful examination of interactions between parents, their chil-
tions to emergence delirium (Table 3). dren, and health-care providers, using real-time evaluation and a
five-point scoring system called the Perioperative Adult Child
Volatile anaesthetics Behavioural Interaction Scale (PACBIS), reveals that negative inter-
actions and coping are correlated with a higher incidence of EA.29
Although inhalation anaesthesia has been delivered to children
Likewise, negative behaviour on induction (2–12 yr) increases the
for >150 yr, it was not associated with EA until the 1960s, with
risk of ED and subsequent maladaptive behaviour (Fig. 2).30
cyclopropane and ether.2 The first account of EA in the USA was
in 1996,18 19 1 yr after sevoflurane achieved US Food and Drug
Administration approval. In Japan, however, sevoflurane-related Strategies to decrease emergence delirium
agitation was reported as early as 1991, 1 yr after its introduction
Having identified the possible contributors to ED, the challenge
in Japan.20 Isoflurane, halothane, sevoflurane, and desflurane
lies in determining how to modify the perioperative experience
have all been recognized as contributors to ED and EA, with the
in order to decrease the incidence of ED. Strategies for improv-
suggestion that sevoflurane has the greatest propensity.21–27
ing outcomes range from non-pharmacological techniques,
such as behaviour management and distraction techniques, to
Surgery type modification of the delivery of anaesthesia (choice of medica-
Eckenhoff and colleagues,2 in 1961, cited tonsil, thyroid, and cir- tions, techniques, and delivery methods). Each strategy will be
cumcision surgeries as having a higher incidence of emergence reviewed and evaluated (Table 4).
agitation. Forty years later, a higher incidence of EA is reported
after ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology procedures.4 Behaviour management techniques to decrease
preoperative anxiolysis
Age Decreasing anxiety after surgery, regardless of technique (be-
In 1961, up to a 13% incidence of Eckenhoff’s ‘postanesthetic ex- havioural or pharmacological), has been shown in prospective
citement’ was reported in children age 3–9 yr, and 9% cited for trials to have equal effects on decreasing ED in those 2–7 yr of
those 10–19 yr.2 A younger age has been associated with a age. Specifically, parental presence at inhalation induction vs a
greater risk of preoperative anxiety28 and a higher incidence of cartoon video or a combination of the two had equal effects on
ED.8 A prospective cohort study described up to an 18% inci- decreasing anxiety on induction and equal effects on decreasing
dence of EA in those 3–7 yr of age.4 ED.31 Watching cartoons, video goggles, or hand-held video
games have been shown to decrease anxiety in some patients
as effectively as those who received oral midazolam as pre-
Parental anxiety
medication.32–34 In some situations, pharmacological anxiolysis
Although a direct correlation between parental anxiety and ED may be preferable to a parent being present at induction.28
has not been examined specifically, a child’s increased pre- A family-centred approach, ADVANCE, aims at Anxiety re-
operative anxiety level is correlated with an increased risk of duction, Distraction on the day of surgery, Video modelling and
ED. A high level of parental anxiety and parents who are ‘high education before the day of the operation, Adding parents to the
monitors’ in the face of stress create a higher level of preopera- child’s surgical experience, No excessive reassurance, Coaching
tive anxiety in the child.28 ‘High monitors’ are generally of parents by staff, and Exposure/shaping of the child via mask
described as those who are highly sensitive to perceived threats practice. After a 30 min average time commitment of the health-
and who tend to amplify them. Extrapolating from the data, I care staff via videotape, pamphlets, and a kit for practising mask
would suggest that decreasing parental anxiety and making ef- induction, the children exhibited less ED than those with mida-
forts to improve their coping approach in the pre-, peri- and zolam premedication or parent-present induction.35
postoperative period could all be helpful strategies to decrease
anxiety and ultimately the incidence of ED. Choice of volatile agent and depth of anaesthesia
Volatile agents have been implicated in EA and ED, although
Patient anxiety there is no strong support, in this author’s opinion, for one vola-
Anxious children (5–12 yr old) who present for tonsilectomy and tile agent rather than another. A meta-analysis in 2008 pre-
adenoidectomy without preoperative anxiolytics are at elevated sented 23 studies (children 3 months to 12 yr old) and reported
Paediatric emergence delirium | 339

Postoperative behavior changes

* = High anxiety
5 * = Low anxiety


POD# 1 POD# 2 POD# 3 POD# 7 POD# 14

Fig 2 The number of new-onset maladaptive behaviours throughout a 2 week postoperative period as exhibited by groups of children with high and low pre-
operative anxiety. *Statistical significance; P<0.05, reproduced with permission.36

propofol resulted in less EA vs sevoflurane in children <15 yr of

Table 4 Strategies to decrease emergence delirium age.40 This meta-analysis was limited in interpretation by mul-
tiple confounding factors [no standardized scoring system, the
Strategies to decrease emergence delirium administration of analgesics (narcotics and non-narcotics), re-
gional anaesthesia, adjuvant medications, and a range of surgi-
1. Behaviour management
2. Choice of volatile anaesthetic cal procedures]. Confounders also existed in the TIVA trial that
3. Choice of anaesthetic technique demonstrated less ED after a propofol–remifentanil anaesthetic
4. Choice of medications compared with a sevoflurane anaesthetic in healthy children
a. Benzodiazepine (2–6 yr) for strabismus surgery. Although the TIVA group ex-
b. Opioid hibited less ED, they also exhibited less pain.41 Propofol as a
c. a2-Agonist maintenance anaesthetic, however, has been shown to decrease
d. Gabapentin EA after sevoflurane inductions.42 43
e. Melatonin The time to emergence has been proposed as a contributor
f. Propofol to EA/ED. A prospective cohort study of 521 children aged 3–7 yr
g. Ketamine concluded that a shortened time to awakening (emergence) was
h. Magnesium
an independent risk factor for EA.4 This was corroborated in
5. Acupuncture
2004, with the development and introduction of the PAED scale.8
6. Regional anaesthesia
If a short emergence is a risk for EA, it has been suggested that a
7. pain control
delayed emergence may decrease EA. A prospective randomized
controlled trial of children (1–12 yr of age) undergoing magnetic
resonance imaging with a laryngeal mask airway with sevoflur-
ane, showed a decreased incidence of EA when sevoflurane was
more EA with sevoflurane (vs halothane), a finding similar to that transitioned to propofol 3 mg kg1 (via divided bolus) before
shown for non-painful procedures.22 25 A randomized controlled emergence. A slow washout with nitrous oxide after a sevoflur-
trial of children 2–8 yr of age demonstrated that depth of anaes- ane anaesthetic has also been shown to decrease EA.44 A con-
thesia (measured by bispectral index values) were not correlated founding report, however, showed no difference in EA when a
with the incidence of General anaesthesia (measured by the PAED standardized anaesthetic technique was used to compare
scale).37 Other studies have found no difference between sevoflur- abrupt with gradual sevoflurane emergence in children (1–7 yr)
ane and halothane.17 38 39 Rather, the administration of ketorolac after urological ambulatory procedures.45
or paracetamol can be effective in diminishing EA.26 38
Choice of medications
Choice of anesthetic technique-GA,TIVA, Induction/
Emergence, Regional
The administration of benzodiazepines has largely been done in
Total i.v. anaesthesia (TIVA) vs a general anaesthetic with vola- the preoperative/pre-induction period in efforts to decrease
tile inhalation agent have been compared to determine whether anxiety. Midazolam is not an effective anxiolytic for all children.
there is a difference in the incidence of EA or ED. A meta- In a study of young children, 14.1% did not respond to oral mida-
analysis in 2014 compared 14 studies and demonstrated that zolam and instead displayed extreme distress.46 There are no
340 | Mason

substantive data to suggest that midazolam, diazepam, or cloni- Ketamine

dine decreases the incidence of ED associated with volatile Premedication with ketamine 1 mg kg1 i.v. may decrease the inci-
anaesthetics.23 37 47–49 50 A recent meta-analysis of 37 papers dence of early EA (first 20 min) more effectively than midazolam
with sevoflurane, desflurane, or both indicates that midazolam 0.1 mg kg1 i.v.66 Premedication with ketamine (6 mg kg1 orally
has no preventative role.51 30 min before induction) has also been effective in decreasing EA
Although benzodiazepines may not decrease ED, their ability from 56 to 18% after desflurane for adenotonsillectomy.67
to decrease preoperative anxiety and negative, maladaptive be- Intraoperative ketamine (1 mg kg1 i.v. followed by a 1 mg kg1 h1
haviours for up to 7 days warrants strong consideration of their infusion) may be equally effective as dexmedetomidine (1 lg kg1
use, particularly in the at-risk patient.52 i.v. followed by 1 lg kg1 h1 infusion) in preventing EA after stra-
bismus surgery with sevoflurane.68
Choice of narcotic
Narcotics have not been definitively shown to decrease EA or Magnesium
ED. Intraoperative fentanyl i.v. (2.5 lg kg1) did not decrease the Magnesium sulphate may decrease the incidence and severity of
incidence of EA exhibited after desflurane or sevoflurane for EA. A randomized, controlled, double-blind study concluded that
tonsillectomy, adendectomy, or both.27 postinduction magnesium sulphate (30 mg kg1 i.v. followed by
10 mg kg1 h1) decreased the incidence and severity of EA after
a2-Agonists sevoflurane for adenotonsillectomy. There was no difference in
Used in conjunction with volatile anaesthetics, a2-agonists, re- pain scores between the magnesium and control group, suggest-
gardless of when administered (pre- or intraoperative) have been ing that the effect was attributed to the magnesium.69
found to decrease the incidence and degree of EA and ED.51 As a
premedication, dexmedetomidine at 1 or 2 lg kg1 intranasally Acupuncture
decreased ED in a prospective, randomized, double-blind placebo- A prospective, randomized, double-blind controlled study dem-
controlled trial53 and may be superior to clonidine (4 lg kg1 intra- onstrated that intraoperative electrical stimulation of the heart
nasal) in decreasing incidence and severity of EA.54 7 acupuncture site in healthy children (1.5–8 yr) resulted in
Dexmedetomidine i.v. (bolus, continuous infusion, or both) decreased ED after a variety of ambulatory surgeries.70
has been shown to decrease the EA after a volatile anaes-
thetic.24 55–58 Dexmedetomidine infusions appear to be more ef-
Regional anaesthesia
fective than narcotic. A prospective, randomized trial
demonstrated that dexmedetomidine (2 lg kg1 i.v. bolus fol- Although regional anaesthesia may decrease pain and narcotic
lowed by 0.7 lg kg1 h1) was more effective than a single dose requirement in the postoperative period, there is no definitive
of fentanyl 1 lg kg1 i.v. in decreasing EA in children with ob- evidence to suggest that, in combination with sevoflurane, it de-
structive sleep apnoea undergoing tonsillectomy or adenoidec- creases EA/ED.38 71 The effect of caudal blocks on EA is con-
tomy with sevoflurane.59 Intraoperative dexmedetomidine 0.3 founded by their analgesic effect. A prospective randomized,
lg kg1 i.v. may be more effective than propofol 1 mg kg1 i.v. in double-blind study of children (1–6 yr) showed that ilioinguinal/
decreasing EA after adenotonsillectomy with sevoflurane.60 In a iliohypogastric blocks did not decrease ED after a sevoflurane
double-blind trial, intraoperative clonidine 2 lg kg1 i.v. anaesthetic, despite equal pain relief between those with and
decreased the incidence and severity of EA in children who without blocks.72
received sevoflurane and a penile block for circumcision.61
Minimize pain
Gabapentin It is important to ensure that there is adequate analgesia, as
Gabapentin given as an oral premedication (15 mg kg1) pain behaviour can be misinterpreted as EA or ED (some of the
decreased the severity of EA in healthy children (3–12 yr) after a pain behaviours overlap with those behaviours that are identi-
sevoflurane anaesthetic for adenotonsillectomy.62 fied using the PAED scale, for example).
Controlling for pain, there is a suggestion that fentanyl
Melatonin can decrease EA. Using an up–down method with fentanyl
Preoperative oral administration of melatonin (0.2 or 0.4 (1.25–4.2 lg kg1 i.v.) for adenoidectomy with desflurane, al-
mg kg1), despite it having no effect on preoperative anxiety, though different doses conferred equal analgesia in recovery,
has been shown to have greater benefits than midazolam the dose of fentanyl 2.5 lg kg1 i.v. decreased EA.73
0.5 mg orally in decreasing incidence of emergence delirium. A
dose-dependent effect was found. The incidence of ED was
25.6% with midazolam and 8.3 and 5.4% with melatonin 0.2 and Thoughts for the future
0.4 mg kg1, respectively.63 Whether there are long-term or permanent effects of ED has yet
to be studied. Long-term effects beyond 14 days have not been
Propofol examined. To date, maladaptive behaviour up to 2 weeks after
The perioperative administration of propofol i.v. has not been surgery has been identified. Delirium in the intensive care unit
definitively shown to be effective in decreasing ED after a vola- and postoperative delirium in the elderly, however, can have
tile anaesthetic.23 42 64 Although a recent meta-analysis demon- more grave implications and consequences. Poorer outcomes,
strated that intraoperative propofol (1–3 mg kg1) decreased EA increased health-care costs, and even cognitive dysfunction,
in children, there were multiple confounders (midazolam, para- have all been attributed to delirium in these patient popula-
cetamol, ketorolac, thiopental, morphine, fentanyl, sevoflurane, tions. In children, however, ED has not been carefully examined
desflurane, and painful and non-painful procedures)65 which, in for longer-term consequences. The patient’s pre-existing tem-
this author’s opinion, make the interpretation of the benefits of perament, anxiety, and coping behaviour are important factors
intraoperative propofol inadmissible. in predicting emergence delirium. The anaesthetic technique
Paediatric emergence delirium | 341

and agents administered (or not administered) are also import- been no trials that have specifically aimed at evaluating or com-
ant contributors. paring treatment options. Currently, the best approach to miti-
Only a few studies have used BIS to guide anaesthetic manage- gating ED should be founded in its prevention, rather than in its
ment in the paediatric studies being examined for ED. In adults, treatment. In the postanaesthesia care unit, if in doubt whether
however, the depth of anaesthesia extrapolated from intraopera- the exhibited behaviour is ED or acute pain, treatment should
tive BIS and EEG in some instances, predicts not only postopera- err by treating for pain in conjunction with, in this author’s
tive delirium, but also morbidity and mortality.74 Prospective, opinion, a single dose of an a2-adrenergic agonist. A PAED score
randomized trials are needed to determine whether intraoperative should be documented before discharge from the recovery
BIS levels affect ED and subsequent maladaptive behaviour. room, and patients should remain until the PAED score reaches
their preoperative baseline.
In order to further the understanding of ED in children, it is
Summary crucial that prospective studies of large enrolment are per-
We must carefully design large studies to evaluate the risk fac- formed, collecting data that are standardized with respect to
tors for ED prospectively, eliminating as many confounders as terminology and identification.77 Standardized data collection
possible. In order to compare outcomes between studies, or will enable us to compare results across all spectra. Once we
even to share data between research groups, it is essential that agree on a unified approach to data identification and collec-
everyone uses the same tools. Standardized screening and tion, we will then be better equipped to identify risk factors, pre-
evaluation tools should be adopted by all researchers of paediat- ventative and therapeutic treatment outcomes, and to follow
ric ED.75–77 Emergence delirium should be considered a ‘vital both short- and long-term outcomes from ED.
sign’, which should be followed and documented on every child
in the postanaesthesia recovery period. Currently, ED assess- Declaration of interest
ment is not being performed consistently. Even in the paediatric
intensive care unit setting, where >20% may have delirium,78 a None declared.
majority of children are still not being screened for delirium.79
Currently, the PAED scale is the most widely used and vali- References
dated means of identifying delirium. It is important to recognize,
1. Smessaert A, Schehr CA, Artusio JF Jr. Observations in the
however, that the PAED assigns scores based on exhibited behav-
immediate postanaesthesia period. II. Mode of recovery. Br J
iour. An important consideration, however, is that even at base-
Anaesth 1960; 32: 181–5
line not all children can make eye contact, have purposeful
2. Eckenhoff JE, Kneale DH, Dripps RD. The incidence and eti-
actions, show an awareness of surroundings, or maintain calm be-
ology of postanesthetic excitment. A clinical survey.
haviour (all behaviours which are assessed and scored by the
Anesthesiology 1961; 22: 667–73
PAED). Specifically, infants and those with behavioural, neuro-
3. Cole JW, Murray DJ, McAllister JD, Hirshberg GE. Emergence
logical, or developmental challenges may always score high on
behaviour in children: defining the incidence of excitement
some or all the qualifiers. Particularly in the stressful pre- or
and agitation following anaesthesia. Paediatr Anaesth 2002;
postoperative period, any child may exhibit behaviours that do
12: 442–7
not reflect his usual behaviour. For this reason, a baseline, preop-
4. Voepel-Lewis T, Malviya S, Tait AR. A prospective cohort
erative PAED score should be assessed and documented on every
study of emergence agitation in the pediatric postanesthesia
child. This preoperative score may be useful to provide a compara-
care unit. Anesth Analg 2003; 96: 1625–30
tive reference point in the recovery room, specifically in efforts to
5. Malarbi S, Stargatt R, Howard K, Davidson A. Characterizing
decrease risk of false positives, particularly in those children for
the behavior of children emerging with delirium from gen-
whom it may be difficult to distinguish between pain, a variant of eral anesthesia. Paediatr Anaesth 2011; 21: 942–50
baseline behaviour, general agitation, and delirium. 6. Vlajkovic GP, Sindjelic RP. Emergence delirium in children:
This author asserts that by adopting the PAED as a pre- and many questions, few answers. Anesth Analg 2007; 104: 84–91
postoperative assessment tool, scores should be documented as 7. Somaini M, Sahilliog  lu E, Marzorati C, Lovisari F, Engelhardt
soon as the child arrives in the recovery unit, in conjunction T, Ingelmo PM. Emergence delirium, pain or both? A chal-
with the routine initial intake vital signs. Upon any change in lenge for clinicians. Paediatr Anaesth 2015; 25: 524–9
behavioural status (or after an intervention to alleviate pain or 8. Sikich N, Lerman J. Development and psychometric evalu-
delirium), the PAED score should be reassessed. The PAED score ation of the pediatric anesthesia emergence delirium scale.
must always be evaluated in relationship to the pain score, with Anesthesiology 2004; 100: 1138–45
vigilant attention to those patients who are not able to express 9. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical
pain verbally (infants or those neurologically, developmentally, Manual of Mental Disorders: Fourth Edition-Text Revision.
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Handling editor: Jonathan Hardman

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