Studio 3 - Research One Schiappacasse 3

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Gabriela Schiappacasse

“Abstinence-Only Education and Teen Pregnancy Rates: Why We Need

Comprehensive Sex Education in the U.S”

• Advocates for Youth. Sex Education Resource Center. State profiles.
Washington, D.C.: Advocates for Youth
• Schalet A.
• Darroch JE, Singh S, Frost JJ.
• Santelli JS, Ott MA, Lyon M, Rogers J, Summers D.
• Kohler PK, Manhart LE, Lafferty WE.
• The National Campaign to prevent teen and unplanned pregnancy
• Callahan J.
• Frost JJ, Darroch E, Remez L.
• Kirby D.
Gabriela Schiappacasse

The above process was surprisingly helpful. Instead of just blindly trying to search
for factual information, there was a process to follow which allowed for less
distractions and procrastination. The process was a little time consuming for me
but that’s just because sometimes we all get lazy and don’t want to go through
different articles to find what we need but it helped in that it allowed me to find
controversies and potential solutions to my problem. I think the only part of this
that may have been challenging or stressful would be having to find the names and
then find information from those hits. It was having to decide what was important
and in relation to my topic and what wasn’t so important. From this exercise I
learned that maybe the longer route is the better one and maybe taking the easy
way out may be easier but taking time to research through different databases and
sources does help in the long run.
I enjoyed the library orientation session that we had. I have used the assignment
paper he gave us many times when researching and doing my topic proposal. The
questions that he asked in that assignment sheet helped me figure out what to
search in order to find more specific documents, research, etc. He also showed us
how to use our most valuable and free source: THE LIBRARY! Many of us take
that for granted because we don’t know where or even how to look for something,
but I think the library session helped us understand how to use it for not only our
EIP but for many other things as well.
My topic proposal assignment went how much of my assignments do; last minute.
When we went to the library I did a lot of great research that I knew would be
useful for my EIP topic proposal assignment. I generated some great search terms
and even found a few articles that would help me further understand the specifics
of my topic. Unfortunately, I didn’t give myself time to read and brainstorm. It
would pop into my head and I would literally brainstorm but as far as physical
research goes, I lacked in that department. I learned that this is something I knew
more about than I thought. I knew that I knew some things but didn’t think I knew
as much as I did. I learned that I am a big questioner. I don’t like to just take things
as they are, and I like to understand why things are the way they are and even with
the little research I did I got to learn more about my topic and learned how to ask
the right questions to generate answers which lead to more questions and so forth. I
learned that I am also wonderful on my feet which is not something to be hugely
proud of. Sometimes that is a good thing but I have programmed myself into
Gabriela Schiappacasse

thinking that last minute work is the best work but what if I gave myself more
time? It made me question who I am as a writer and my writing process as a whole.

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