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Gabriela Schiappacasse

Professor Campbell
UWRT 1104
November 9, 2018
Studio 5: Writer’s Moves
The Conversation: What Others Are Saying:
1. Many people assume that… we can not do anything about the bad state of the English
language but George Orwell, believes otherwise
2. My whole life I have heard it said that… the thesis was the most important part of your
piece of writing, but this has brought to light that not only is the thesis important but
responding to the larger conversation that the thesis is supposed to address is very
important as well.
3. You would think that… if there was something wrong with modern English, that many
would be willing to reverse the process but that is not the case.
The Art of Summarizing:
1. Famous youtuber Laura Lee was involved in a seemingly career-halting scandal in which
she fat-shamed and made racist remarks, according to Ohlheiser. Her fans celebrated the
fact that she had owned up to her mistakes but did not completely forgive her for what
she had said in the past. (
2. Amongst Behm-Morawtiz and Choi’s main points is that YouTubers can influence their
audience with subconscious tactics such as appealing editing techniques and personal
attractiveness (https://www-sciencedirect-
3. In a documentary by Shane Dawson, a famous youtuber, he interviews Jake Paul to
further understand the YouTube star’s recent actions. Jake shares his side of the recent
events in which the public have developed a hatred towards him because of the reported
“mistreatment I imposed on Team 10,” he admits.
The Art of Quoting
1. Shane Dawson stated, “I’m sorry, I really don’t know what else to say. I’m embarrassed,
I shouldn’t have done that,” in his YouTube video in response to fans lashing out at him
over blackface (
2. According to Abby Ohlheiser with The Washington Post, Beauty YouTube is, “a web of
drama between creators and rival groups…” (
3. When Jeffree Starr, a famous youtuber and makeup guru, responded to the public outcry
due to his several scandals, his “apology prompted a debate among YouTubers and fans
about whether Star deserved forgiveness, whether he had changed, and what to do with
past material from YouTube celebrities who grew up in the public eye” Ohlheiser
recounts. (
Gabriela Schiappacasse
Professor Campbell
UWRT 1104
November 9, 2018
Studio 5: Writer’s Moves
Ways of Responding to Source Material:
1. I’m of two minds about Shane Dawson’s claim that although his humor may be
offensive, it is his right to post what he sees fit. On the one hand, I agree that it is his
channel and his constitutional right to post what he feels. But on the other hand, im not
sure if he knows when enough is enough.
2. Behm-Morawtiz and Choi’s theory that YouTubers are able to subtly influence their
viewers through the use of specific eye-catching techniques is extremely useful because it
sheds light on the difficult problem of distorted information and not always getting
information from credible sources.
3. While Jeffree Starr is probably wrong when he claims that having a rough past can
influence you to make bad decisions for the rest pf your life, he is right that having a
troubled past can be very detrimental to the ones who suffer.

Saying Why it Matters:

1. Ultimately, what is at stake here is our self-awareness as a society. We don’t see the
different racial privileges, gender stereotypes and biases, where they come from and how
to combat them.
2. These findings are important because the amount of privilege that YouTube hands to
people has a strong correlation with scandals they begin, meaning we as a public are
enabling the very actions we take offense in. The more scandals, the more popularity
which means more money for the youtuber.
3. Although the issue of social media influences and their scandals may seem of concern to
only a small group of YouTube users, it should in fact concern anyone who cares about
the supremacist mindset that is growing in society.

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