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Weekly Report 9/3 - 9/7

Goals for the week

● Complete my first research assessment
● Write a professional voicemail and set up my voicemail box.

Monday 9/5
● I began to write the rough draft of my voicemail script

Tuesday 9/4
● Finished construction on my voicemail script

Wednesday 9/5
● I wrote my initial voicemail script and edited it in class
● I began construction of my first research assessment

Thursday 9/6
● I finished construction of my research assessment and annotated the article

Friday 9/7
● Practiced my initial voicemail and recorded it

● Completed my first research assessment
● Created a professional voicemail

My first research assessment was a handful to complete, other than that, I did not have too much
to do this week, only a voicemail to record. I did my research assessment over an article entitled
“Pros and Cons of becoming a Paramedic”, which was interesting to read, I did not learn all to
much from this but it was good to get some perspective from a professional in the field. Next
week will be interesting with another research assessment, create a linkedin profile, begin
construction on my website and edit my voicemail. To say the least, I will have my hands full so
I will need to plan my week carefully and start on my work early.

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