Bitumen Extraction Test: Gradation of Aggregate of BC WT of Sample

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Bitumen Extraction Test

Sr NO Discription 09.10.18 09.10.18 10.10.18 14.10.18 26.10.18

1 Wt of sample 544 532 510 691 603

2 Initial Wt of Filter Paper 3 3 2 2 2

3 Wt of aggregate after rising in Benzene 506 491 482 649 574

4 Wt of Filter paper after rising in Benzene 4 4 3 3 3

5 Wt of Material Stick to the filter paper 1 1 1 1 1

6 Total Wt of Agregate after Rising 507 492 483 650 575

7 Bitumen cotent 37 40 27 41 28

8 % bitumen content 6.80% 7.52% 5.29% 5.93% 4.64%

Gradation of Aggregate of BC
Wt of sample
Percentage of Wt Cumulative Percentage of
IS Sieve Designation in mm Wt of Sample Retained Percentage Wt Passing
Retained (%) Wt retained
19 285 1.78% 1.78% 98.22%
13.2 466 2.91% 4.69% 95.31%
9.5 1664 10.40% 15.09% 84.91%
4.75 3091 19.32% 34.41% 65.59%
2.36 3688 23.05% 57.46% 42.54%
1.18 1900 11.88% 69.34% 30.66%
0.6 824 5.15% 74.49% 25.51%
0.3 501 3.13% 77.62% 22.38%
0.15 1530 9.56% 87.18% 12.82%
0.075 1813 11.33% 98.51% 1.49%
Total 16000
Gradation of Aggregate of BC
Wt of sample
IS Sieve Designation in mm Wt of Sample Retained Percentage of Wt Cumulative Percentage of Percentage Wt Passing
Retained (%) Wt retained
19 103 1.03% 1.03% 98.97%
13.2 285 2.85% 3.88% 96.12%
9.5 751 7.51% 11.39% 88.61%
4.75 2655 26.55% 37.94% 62.06%
2.36 2102 21.02% 58.96% 41.04%
1.18 705 7.05% 66.01% 33.99%
0.6 514 5.14% 71.15% 28.85%
0.3 1155 11.55% 82.70% 17.30%
0.15 515 5.15% 87.85% 12.15%
0.075 602 6.02% 93.87% 6.13%
Total 10000
26.10.18 28.10.18

503 505

2 3

475 477

3 4

1 1

476 478

27 27

5.37% 5.35%

Percentage Wt Passing Permissible Value

98.22% 100
95.31% 90-100
84.91% 70-88
65.59% 53-71
42.54% 42-58
30.66% 34-48
25.51% 26-38
22.38% 18-28
12.82% 12-20
1.49% 4-10
Percentage Wt Passing Permissible Value
98.97% 100
96.12% 90-100
88.61% 70-88
62.06% 53-71
41.04% 42-58
33.99% 34-48
28.85% 26-38
17.30% 18-28
12.15% 12-20
6.13% 4-10

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