A Note On Astrology

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The Jyotish Digest

Volume II Issue 2

Quarter Apr - Jun, 2006
Released Apr 1, 2006
2 Dasa Mahävidyä Pt. Sanjay Rath
Pt. Sanjay Rath 17 Concept of Vargottama G.K.Goel
Editorial office 32 Principles for Remedies Sarbani Sarkar
SJC Asia, 15B Gangaram Hospital
Road, New Delhi 110060 39 Ashtaka Varga Zoran Radosavljevic
E-mail: srath@srath.com
Consulting editors 46 Käla Chakra Gocara Visti Larsen
Brendan Feeley, Sarbani Sarkar,
Narayan Iyer, P.V.R.Narasimha Rao,
52 Raja-Bhanga Yoga Rafal Gendarz
Phyllis Chubb, Robert Koch, Sanjay 55 Saturn in 9th house Mladen Lubra
Prabhakaran, Sarajit Poddar, Visti
Larsen, Zoran Radosavljevic, Willa 57 Shani Maharaj Tulsi Badrinath
Keizer, Freedom Cole
58 Sensex Movement Rajan Panse
Cover Photo 70 Book Review V.V.Diwekar
Ayaan Ali Khan performing for Sri

Jagannath Center at Delhi. 75 SJC news & events SJC Admn
Credit: Milan Poznanovic

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JD.pmd 1 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

dasa mahävidyä `

Dasa Mahävidyä
Pt. Sanjay Rath

1 Kälacakra: Ten karmic directions païca tattva and tanmäträ or

in simpler words, the quality
of time. The hosts of deities
1.1 Fruits of karma exist within time and their
avatäräëyanekäni hyajasya paramätmanaù | fortunes also changes with
jévänäà karmaphalado graharüpé janärdanaù || 3|| this rotation of the kälacakra.
Paräsara teaches that (1) avatära of Paramätma are many
and that (2) for the purpose of giving the results of karma, 1.2 The change-
Janärdana (Jagannäth) is in the form of the graha [BPHS less axle
The axle is described in the
Figure 1: Kälacakra derivation
Çiva puräëa1 as a column of
light2 (agni3) that rises along
the vertical as light of Çiva.
Viñëu rises along the vertical
upwards to find the end (anta)
of the column of light and
unable to find the physical
end of describes Himself as
‘Ananta’, the endless spiritual
journey. Thus Viñëu is the
spiritual upward journey of
the soul and this is endless as
Näräyaëa is the end Himself.
Karma and its fruit is based on the kälacakra (wheel of
time) which is an eight-spoke wheel with the axle running Prajäpati Brahma makes the
in the direction of heaven (svarga - vertical up) and hell journey along the vertical
(narka – vertical down). The eight spokes are aligned to downwards to ascertain the
the eight plane directions staring from East. The beginning (ädi) of the column,
Kälacakra is composed of two crosses, one ‘+’ and another digging into karmic depths of
‘x’ overlapping each other to incorporate four kendra and sins to determine the
four koëa of the västu puruña, and an axle that is along beginning of the process and
the vertical, having two directions – vertical up and is unable to find it. He realizes
vertical down. that this process of creation
and rebirth is endless as it is
Figure 2: Kälacakra axle based on bottomless depths of
Kälacakra is a fundamental time concept in that the wheel karmic sins and it is
of time moves constantly irrespective of everything and impossible to ascertain
everybody, and it is the most powerful entity as it witnesses exactly how the individual
all creation and destruction and determines their jévätma or jaòätma came into
occurrence by deciding the quality of the païca bhüta, existence. He takes on the


Das Mahavidya.pmd 2 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` sanjay rath
thankless task of creating the jévätma and jaòätma of little perspective of the horizontal plane, Viñëu with ‘U’ is at
intelligence again and again for the sake of correcting their the top, Çiva with ‘M’ is in the middle and Brahma with
karmic balances. Yajïavalkya asserts that Brahma as ‘A’ is at the bottom. So what is seen from the ecliptic is
‘Prajäpati’ is truly the praiseworthy one [for taking on this ‘UMA’ and this becomes the name for the manifested Çakti
thankless task and being so kind as to give the foolish or the horizontal plane that is to support life on earth by
jévätma so many chances to correct their karmic balance]. allowing or providing a path for the jévätma to manifest
in physical bodies. From the mantra viewpoint, UMA
The axle of the kälacakra is the only changeless point as
brings out into life while AUM takes us back to the beam
it always remains fixed at the center; everything else
of light. This is the principle of reversal of name caused
around it changes. For this reason, Brahma, Çiva and
by the nodal axis (Rähu-Ketu). The last sound in the name
Näräyaëa are called the Trimurti or the fountain heads of
indicating its end (antya) is brought to the first place to
dharma as they alone remain unaffected by the rotation of
reverse the life force or direction. Some illustrations:
the kälacakra implying that dharma does not change. All
creation is based on sound is in the form of ‘mantra’ that 1. Valmiki was advised to chant ‘ma-rä’ (meaning dead)
binds individual ätma with a mana and gives them a body. which reversed naturally and became ‘Rä-ma’ and he
The only unchangeable mantra is the praëava or AUM went on to become one of the greatest poet saints of
comprising the three akñara ‘A’ for Brahma, ‘U’ for Viñëu Hinduism. A well known mantra is the reversal of the
and ‘M’ for Çiva which when spoken fast sounds as ‘OM’. name of ‘Rähu’ where the two sounds ‘Ra-ha’ are re-
versed to give ‘Ha-Ra’ and ‘Ha-Ri’. Thus the names
However, in space it is impossible to define any line,
Hara (Çiva) or Hari (Viñëu) reverse the negative effects
whether limited in length or limitless, as ‘vertical’ without
of Rähu.
a reference plane which would define the ‘horizontal’. The
words ‘up and down’ are completely meaningless unless 2. Ravana the demon king of Lanka knew that his end
we have a reference ‘horizontal plane’ that defines that was near when as foretold a monkey (Hanuman) be-
which is flat. This horizontal plane which helps to define longing to the species ‘vanara’ entered his kingdom.
that which is up or down or the vertical column itself is From the name Raa-vab-nac take the first syllable indi-
‘Devé’ or Çakti. The physical manifestation of this cating life, to the end and we get vab-nac-raa. Note the
reference horizontal plane can be any in this material reversal is a-b-c becomes b-c-a and then total destruc-
universe, but for the sake of studying creation in this earth tion of a-b-c is inevitable.
this is the plane of the ecliptic or the zodiac belt, whichever 3. Ua-Mb-Ac changing to Ac-Ua-Mb shows a different pro-
is taken for reference. Then the vertical is a column passing cess where a-b-c is changing to c-a-b instead of chang-
through the center of the earth and the poles called ‘Meru’. ing to b-c-a. This is the spiritual reversal where in-
Figure 3: Çiva liëga stead of destruction, we seek return to the column of
light (and thereafter exit from this process of creation)
when we chant AUM. It also proves that all beings are
created from the column of light (AUM) through the
Divine Mother UMA.

Figure 4: Liëgodbhävamürti
In various Çiva
temples the birth
process is
represented as
The changeless axle is the Çiva liëga which is described an iconographic
as having Brahma at the bottom, Viñëu at the upper-middle representation of the
and Sadäçiva at the apex. One such Çiva liëga in its creation of the
manifested form is the ecliptic plane and earth in which jévätma from this
the Çakti is invisible but holds the earth (center of the liëga) column of light.
in it. The eight plane directions are defined by always However, instead of
placing the Sun in the east and the direction away from viewing the column
the Sun as west. being vertical i.e.
with Brahma at the
Mantra çästra lesson bottom, Çiva at the
As indicated earlier, A-U-M are the three letters (sounds) center and Viñëu at
symbolizing the three Gods of Hinduism. But from the

Das Mahavidya.pmd 3 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

dasa mahävidyä `
the top, the jévätma views the reverse i.e. Viñëu at the in various forms.
bottom and Brahma at the top.
In Figure 5, the red petals indicate the directions of karma
This iconographic representation also confirms our yoga and so does the central column while the blue petals
research about Viñëu avatära. (Refer - paper on show the kälacakra graha that obstruct these directions
dasavatära). based on the ‘ways of nature’ or in legal parlance ‘acts of
God’. The blue column is not visible in the figure but is
1.3 Kälacakra & directions very much there.

The four kendra (doors showing incoming energy) of the 1.3.1 Digbala and Digpäla
kälacakra are ruled by the luminaries Sun and Moon and The planets have digbala in the directions as indicated
the gurus Jupiter and Venus as this alone symbolizes the and to ascertain whether they really have this strength we
purpose of all life i.e. to learn through experience and have to consider their position from the (1) lagna and (2)
overcome ignorance that causes rebirth. The most aruòha lagna. The ten directions are ruled by the ten
important difference between the living and non-living digpäla deities who are also the deities of the dasäàça
world is the power to procreate and this makes the living D10 division of a sign. Based on their predominant tattva,
world superior as they exhibit the trait of Çiva and Çakti. the graha have digbala in the four Kendra (quadrants) –
The Bhagavata Géta alludes to this superiority of the
• påthvi (Mercury) and äkäça (Jupiter) in lagna or aruòha lagna
living world and in Jyotiña we have the two schemes of
seven and eight carakäraka (temporal significators) for the • jala (Moon, Venus) in the fourth house from lagna or aruòha
jaòätma and jévätma respectively. Again among the living
world the differences are primarily in the power to will • Väyu (Saturn) in the seventh house from lagna or aruòha
(Venus) and the power to understand (Jupiter). The four lagna and
koëa (corners) of the kälacakra represent the destructive • Agni (Sun, Mars) in the tenth house from lagna or aruòha
outgoing energy and are ruled by Mars, Mercury, Saturn lagna
and Rähu respectively. The two vertical directions are • Note that Ketu is like Mars and Rähu is like Saturn indicating
indicated by Lagna and Ketu as downward and upward digbala due to Agni (10th house) and Väyu (7th house)
directions respectively. respectively.
• What about lagna? Should we consider vargottama lagna to
Figure 5: Planetary directions and kälacakra have Digbala?
• Planets adjoining the houses that give them digbala also
have middling directional strength. For example Jupiter in
the 2nd or 12th house will have some directional strength
(this can be calculated).

Digbala from lagna

Paräsara teaches that a single Jupiter in strength in lagna
can destroy all evils in the chart and save the native from
all untimely death as a sincere bow to the trident holder
(Çiva) destroys a thousand sins.

The point being made by Paräsara is that while it is

known that Jupiter has the power to stop Yama the God
of death7, its placement in lagna causes it to have digbala
or directional strength and brings the blessings of the
digpäla deity Içäna (Çiva). The hint being given as ‘bow
to Çiva’ is the païcäkñari mantra ‘namaù çiväya’ which
The digbala or directional strength of the planets and gets modified to ‘om namaù çiväya’ as the Içäna mantra.
lagna is also in these ten directions. The planets and lagna Summing up, Paräsara advises us to examine (1) the
get the directional strength from Viñëu to move in the ten digbala of planets from lagna to ascertain the blessings of
directions of karma yoga. The karma yoga fructifies or is the digpäla deity and (2) to worship the digpäla deity with
defeated based on its ability to overcome the obstacles ‘a sincere bow’ or namaù. This also implies that the
indicated in the kälacakra by the Yoginé4, graha-käla5, direction of karma yoga shall fructify in the direction
tithi-Yoginé, diga-Yoginé etc, and representing ignorance indicated by the digpäla deity.


Das Mahavidya.pmd 4 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` sanjay rath
Chart 1: PV Narasimha Rao native hailed from Bengal, India and south-east could
mean any nation in south-east Asia. With
the advent of Venus daçä the native
started planning to go to the United
States for a job but was clearly told that
he would go to Singapore (SE Asia). In
Venus daçä Venus antardaçä he left for
Singapore and his work has been
growing and he has settled there and

Did he worship Agni for this? Definitely

not, as Agni would show the direction of
karma yoga if Venus had digbala and not
the physical SE direction. The digpäla
devatä influence the intelligence and not
the physical direction of travel or
residence. Since Venus is in the 8th house
In the Chart 1: P V Narasimha, the Sun and Mars have
from lagna, there were many obstructions for his going
good directional strength in the tenth house from lagna including passport delays. These delays and obstructions
while Jupiter also has some digbala being in the 12th house were attributed to Ketu in 6th house which obstructs the
from lagna (i.e. close to lagna). The Moon has good digbala argalä of Venus in 8th house. He was asked to perform a
from aruòha lagna AL in Sagittarius.
service for Mahäåñi Jaimini and miraculously, the day he
The major vocation or karma yoga in which the native can finished the work, the next day he got all clearances and
be very successful is to be indicated by either Mars or the left within a week.
Sun as these planets have digbala from lagna. Mars is
combust, so the vocation has to be indicated by the Sun as 1.1.1 Graha Käla
politics. The native was one of the most successful The Kälacakra directions indicate the time when the graha
politicians of India and besides being the Chief Minister tend to obstruct karma in a certain direction. For example,
of Andhra Pradesh in Sun daçä, he went on to be the Prime spirituality and knowledge comes from the feet of the guru
Minister of India in Mars daçä. This was no small which is indicated by the North-East direction. Jupiter
achievement as he broke the psychological barrier of a PM symbolizing all pure knowledge is the ruler of this
coming from the south and staying in the seat for the full direction. The deity or digpäla of this direction is Içäna
term. (one of the five forms of Çiva as the teacher or guru1). Now,
in the kälacakra, Rähu obstructs this direction and any
We do not know whether he worshipped digpäla devatä
activity related to Jupiter, if performed during Rähu käla
Indra (ruling the eastern direction indicated by the Sun)
will result in the destruction of the work, ill fame etc.
in any form, but we do know that he wore a red coral
Monetary dealings, new associations and all karma
(gemstone for Mars) in the right hand middle finger which
indicated by Jupiter should not be undertaken during
strengthened Agni tattva which gives this direction of

Digbala from Aruòha lagna

When planets have digbala from aruòha
lagna they have been found to give
success in the physical directions
indicated by them. [Rath research]

Chart 2: Engineer
In Chart 2 the Sun and Mars have some
digbala from lagna but Venus has strong
digbala from aruòha lagna AL in Aries
as it is placed in the fourth house from
AL. Venus indicates the south-east
direction in the physical plane. The


Das Mahavidya.pmd 5 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

dasa mahävidyä `
Rähu käla. However, capital punishment or such activities Types of vidyä
indicated by Rähu is most favored in Rähu käla. The word vidyä simply means knowledge and includes
Every graha indicates good and bad activities and the sciences, scholarship and philosophy. Based on ‘branches
point here is that we can use the käla graha on a day to of knowledge’ division, some opine that there are four
day basis for our day to day work, especially important Vidyä – (1) the three Veda, (2) anvékñiké or logic, (3) daëòa-
activities or we can also use it to determine the failings néti or political science, and (4) värttä or profession. Others
we have in our spiritual development. add a fifth called ätma-vidyä or spirituality while the former
believe that this is really a subject matter concerning the
Readers can read about Graha Käla from any standard Veda.
work on Jyotiña. Suffice is to say that the time of the day
indicated by the käla graha should be avoided for activity There are a number of opinions on the scope of division
in the directions indicated by the graha (planet). Similarly of ‘vidyä’ based on subject matter and field. Vidyä has been
when one is on a path indicated by one graha, the daçä of divided variously into 14, 18, 33 or 64 parts. These are -
the käla graha generally does not auger well. Exceptions 1. Four Vedas counted 4
2. Six Vedäëga counted 6
being Sun and Ketu which are bad for each other – politics
3. eighteen Puräëa counted 1
and spirituality are really poles apart. 4. Mémäàsä counted 1
5. Nyäya counted 1
6. Dharma counted 1
Total = 14 vidyä … (A)
7. Four Upa Veda counted 4
Total = 18 vidyä … (B)
Table 1: Digbala, Digpäla, Käla-graha Frankly there is no end to the
Planet Direction House Digpäla Käla graha Some Professions differentiation and as the society
Sun East 10 Indra Sun Politics, Government becomes more developed in the
Moon NE 4 Väyu Saturn Medicine
Mars South 10 Yama Jupiter Warriors, Army
sense of work culture, this is
Mercury North 1 Soma Moon Trader, Business bound to reach great numbers.
Jupiter NE 1 Içäna Rähu Teacher, Judge, Jyotiña Later day authors added kalä (art)
Venus SE 4 Agni Mars Manager, Artist and brought the number to 33 or
Saturn West 7 Varuëa Venus Laborer even 64 vidyä. Look at any good
Rähu SW 7 Räkñasa Mercury Hangman, Caëòäla
Ketu Upward 10 Ananta Lagna Sage, Hermit
university list of subjects and you
Lagna Downward Vargottama Prajäpati Ketu Researcher will get an idea that all that is
under the ambit of vidyä or
knowledge and all that which is
not there but is offered elsewhere in oral traditions is also
2 Dasa Mahävidyä
Now all vidyä can be of three types – (1) para vidyä that
Recently I did a web search for the word Dasa Mahävidyä leads to spiritual enlightenment, (2) apara vidyä that
and the web was flooded with just one very hilarious causes understanding of material creation and (3) a-vidyä
definition, largely copied from the free Wikipedia which or anti-knowledge that is comes from forced ignorance.
talks of something like ‘once upon a time when Çiva and This last one is often ignored and most scholars have
Pärvaté were in their love pastime’ and then they assume erroneously divided vidyä into two parts only arguing that
that the Lord wanted to run away from His beloved and a-vidyä is really not vidyä but the anti-thesis of it or the
then she took some horrific forms. This typically sounds lack of it. However that is incorrect as it will cause a
like someone who has had a rough time with his partner lopsided view of Mahävidyä. For example, a person
and wants to paint all women as being tormenting. It also smokes marijuana in spite of knowing about its dreadful
shows the pathetic lack of understanding and side effects. We cannot argue that he does not know that
appreciation of this superb wisdom that has been gifted marijuana is bad. Yet he continues out of addiction or habit
from our tradition. And look at some very inaccurate and this is a-vidyä. Complete ignorance of something is
translations of Mahävidyä as ‘Wisdom Goddess’. We try really not a-vidyä. For example Hitler did not know that
to take a fresh look at the definition before we attempt to man could travel to the Moon. It’s a recent event,
study them or even dare to prescribe mantra. occurring after his death. We can argue that maybe he
would have left the world at peace trying to conquer the
2.1 Vidyä: definition and scope Moon and solar system first, but this lack of knowledge of
man in the Moon is not a-vidyä for Hitler. Even after


Das Mahavidya.pmd 6 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` sanjay rath
knowing the Bible and the compassion of Christ, causing We have seen earlier that all creation can only occur due
so many deaths is a-vidyä. to UMA (another name for Pärvaté), Who is lovingly called
MA by all creatures. And we also know that human beings
These three of para vidyä, apara vidyä and a-vidyä are
are born from manuçya yoni (female organ of a human
borne from three guëa – satva, rajas and tamas
being) as various animals are born from the various paçu
respectively. Perhaps now we should be clearer about
yoni (female organs of these animals) implying that every
tamas guëa as indicating forced ignorance and not blissful
creature must be born due to a form of Pärvaté Who has
manifested in these female organs, be it woman or animal.
Then every thing in this universe has manifested
2.2 What or who is Mahävidyä? physically from another part of creation and this brings
us to question of ‘first man and first woman’ who the
The next question is what is Mahävidyä? Is it another form Bible/Koran calls Adam and Eve. And man (Adam) must
of vidyä or something else altogether? Mahävidyä is that have been created first as he has a rib less than woman.
which includes both types of a-vidyä as well as the para Fair enough – the Hindu must have their own name for
and apara vidyä. It is not just wisdom but also ignorance their various Adams and it is Manu who come at the
as well. Viveka means the power to differentiate and that beginning of every Manvantara. And who created Manu?
is why Öhakkura Ramakrishna Paramhaàsa named his Is he not the son of Sarasvaté (sa+rasa+vati = having all
foremost disciple Vivekananda or the bliss of seven rasa or flavor/sounds, the octave concept) and
discriminative intellect which comes from knowing the Brahma? And is he not the product of an incestuous
Mahävidyä so that we can discriminate between para relationship that Brahma has with His daughter Sarasvaté?
vidyä, apara vidyä and a-vidyä. Everything that Öhakkura A similar situation occurs in the story of Adam where Eve
did or said has a much deeper meaning that what we see is created from his body (rib) and hence is, technically, his
on the surface. And how do we know that we have viveka? daughter. The human race is the product of an incestuous
When we get the level of knowledge of the omniscient relationship that Adam had with Eve. This incest is
Brahma, and realize ‘da’ (from Dattätreya?). At that stage defined as the root sin behind all creation. It is another issue
- that while Çiva chased Brahma with his trident to punish
• due to para vidyä viveka we shall have da for dama (control him for the sin, God blamed Eve for having caused
over the sense organs) temptation in simple Adam. We will not debate about
• due to apara vidyä viveka we shall have da for däna (to give or justice and instead get along with the question of defining
donate and finally give up the material world) the scope of vidyä. Frankly, the scope of vidyä or the field
• due to a-vidyä viveka we shall have da for dayä (mercy for all of the mind includes everything and anything that the
creatures and a kind heart for those suffering due to forced mind knows about, or will ever know about in the future
ignorance or blissful ignorance). or had known is the past as well as that it can never know
(like the end or boundary of the Universe). Now the task
This is what is meant by ‘knowing the Mahävidyä’. The
of knowing all this to be able to transcend the seven loka
word Mahävidyä can be broken into mahä + vidyä as well
and wave goodbye to Brahma sounds terrifying and most
as mahä + a-vidyä.
Consciousness This is the scope of the Mahävidyä and it is by knowing
Knowledge is ruled by Jupiter owning the sign Sagittarius Mahävidyä that we can cross the seven worlds (heavens)
(~ from teaching), Pisces (~ from faith) and exalted in and transcend creation. Just as the offspring from a
Cancer (~ from experience or awareness). Of these, manuçya yoni is a manuçya (man) or a paçu yoni is a paçu
knowledge coming from awareness or experience is a must (animal), so also the entire creation (including all that was
while the others are not mandatory but can follow once created in the past and does not exist now as well as all
the first has been activated. For example, if you have never that which will be created in the future) can be traced back
heard of Kåñëa, how can you ever learn anything about to their Mother and it is by knowing the creator (Mother)
Kåñëa, not to even talk about having faith in Kåñëa? Thus, that we shall know all about the created since the created.
awareness is the first impulse to every form of learning and Thus Mahävidyä is not only that knowledge but also the
this impulse is made on the mind which is ruled by the personification of the knowledge as a Devé (Mother).
Moon. That is why the Moon is not only the ruler of the
natural fourth house of the zodiac but is also the primary 2.3 Origin of Mahävidyä
significator of the fourth house which rules vidyä. Hence,
vidyä or knowledge is also personified and identified with
2.3.1 Episode of origin
Devé (Pärvaté, Durgä or Käli) the pratyadhi devatä of the
Moon. Firstly we need to be clear that there was no such ‘love


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dasa mahävidyä `
pastime’ and the episode narrated in the puräëa speaks bond cannot be broken and that the Moon becomes the real
of the time when Çiva refused to attend a ceremony king after birth and wherever the mana (mind – Moon)
organized by his father-in-law Dakña Prajäpati as he had shall go, the ätma (soul –Sun) which is strongly yoked to
not been invited for it. Pärvaté tried to cover up and insisted it, is forced to follow. This bondage of birth is represented
that she attend the Vedic ceremony as it would become by janma tithi in jyotiña (and Hinduism) and is the real
fruitless in the absence of both of them [as Çiva is the light birthday as it is this bond that represents life.
of the Sun and Pärvaté is the aàåta (nectar) of the Moon
Çiva attempting to flee in the ten directions alludes to the
and without the luminaries, the fruits of karma shall be in
fact that the soul tries to escape from the world of karma
darkness]. Even if the Moon (Mother) is present alone, it
but there is no escape. The mother taking horrific forms
shall radiate and carry some light from the Sun (Father)
shows the terrible karmic sins of the individual soul that
and darkness is banished. Çiva wanted to escape the
cause the mana (mind – Moon - Pärvaté) to have terrible
argument and got up to leave [for other work]. Pärvaté, in
experiences. The fact that Çiva could not escape from any
her anger at this unflinching stand of Çiva, blocked His
of the directions shows that the individual cannot run
way. Every time Çiva took one of the ten directions, she
away from this dåòha karma and has to face the music of
stood in a ferocious form blocking His passage.
his own actions of the past (incarnation).
There was no escape from this confrontation and Çiva out
The separation of Pärvaté after becoming Sati from Çiva
of fear [and anguish] agreed. When they attended the
refers to the breakage of this union between the ätma and
Vedic ceremony, Dakña humiliated Çiva by not even
mana after death. Mahäåñi Jaimini11 refers to Çiva as
offering a seat. Although Nandi (bull) and other followers
Maheçvara for this kind act that releases the ätma from
were infuriated at this behavior, Çiva prevented them from
the mana. The täëòava or dance of death refers to the shock
venting their ire and quietly left with a heavy heart.
and anger that the ätma feels at the time of death, and the
Learning about the humiliation meted out to Çiva, Pärvaté
Sudarçana of Viñëu destroys every attachment that the
jumps into the Vedic fire and immolates herself as Sati. On
ätma may have to the body (corpse reference). The täëòava
getting her corpse, Çiva gets very infuriated and with the
is the surest way for any ätma to shed all attachment by
corpse on His shoulder, starts the täëòava dance to destroy
teaching the mind that this world is mäyä and a lie and
all creation for all time. The host of devas rush to Viñëu
must be destroyed. By this faith that the world is a lie or
for protection. Viñëu releases the Sudarçana chakra and
illusion, any attachment what-so-ever to this world or its
splits the corpse (Sati) into 52 parts (52 akñara including
pleasures or people etc, is fully destroyed. Consequently,
50 standard letters from a to kña and two others). The body
even the devatä with their power to give bounties become
parts fall in 52 spots on the earth which become the Çakti
redundant and it forces the hand of Viñëu to release the
péöha (places of Çakti worship). Later Dakña was killed by
Sudarçana and grant mokña. The Çiva täëòava stotra is
Nandi and Çiva the merciful rejuvenated him with a goats
the greatest gift of Rävaëa for this world as by its regular
head. Today as the Sun passes through the signs, it
recitation Rävaëa finally forced Viñëu to incarnate as Räma
represents the eye of Çiva Who roams the worlds looking
and grant him mokña.
for the body parts of His beloved so that He can rejuvenate
Her. Sudarçana refers to any dvädasäkñari mantra as it is the
standard weapon of all dvädasäkñari mantras. The regular
Purport practice of a dvädasäkñari mantra prepared us for this
The nature of the soul is like Çiva as taught in the work final ordeal and makes it easy as by then, due to regular
‘ätmañaöaka’ wherein Ädi Saìkarä explains what the ätma mantra japa the soul is already very detached from the
is not while stating without any ambiguity that the ätma body and mana. Sudarçana also refers to the horoscope
is like Çiva – “cidänandarüpaù çivo’haà çivo’ham”. The real drawn in the East Indian way (Sürya cakra).
self or the individual ätma is a spark of light from the
column of light that is Çiva. 2.3.2 Devé tattva
Çiva9 in the episode of the Mahävidyä initially refers to Guëa avatära
the individual ätma which is trapped in the body due to Since all creation must come from the Devé (Mother) from
marriage (a binding union) with Pärvaté10 (Moon – mind). the column of light, it follows that the mother is in different
Marriage of Çiva and Pärvaté refers to the inescapable moods to affect this creation. The mood of the Devé is
union of the soul with the mind. Varähamihira speaks of known from the expecting mother at the time of the
this unbreakable bond in Båhat Saàhita stating that it is copulation that causes pregnancy. Since all creation must
created at the moment of conception and hinting that be with the three modes of nature or guëa, the devé has
copulation that leads to conception is the act of Çiva and three guëa avatära: Mahä Sarasvaté, Mahä Lakñmé and
Pärvaté which ordinary mortals emulate. He adds that this Mahä Käli for transcending and controlling the Rajas,

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` sanjay rath
Satva and Tamas guëa respectively. Dividing the mäsa First is a positive affirmation as it refers to ‘doing good’
(month) into 30 tithi, the first ten of the çukla pakña (bright like in iñöa vrata which means doing a vrata or prayer by
half) indicate Mahä Sarasvaté, the next ten from çukla 11 which good karma shall follow. In simpler words good
to kåñëa 5 indicate Mahä Lakñmé and the last ten from kåñëa karma or good results follow a good prayer and here iñöa
6 to kåñëa 15 (amäväsya) represent Mahä Käli as the guëa devatä is generally a Viñëu form which is implied by the
avatära indicating the guëa dominating in the Moon use of Sudarçana (dvädasäkñari) in relieving the soul from
during this period. its torment.

Second is a negative affirmation as it refers to ‘removing

Yoga mäyä
evil’ like in the calculation of ‘iñöa and kañöa’ or the balance
Devé is yoga mäyä personified and represents the forces of ‘good and evil’ or ‘happiness and sorrow’. Something
of nature that cause the ätma to take a form or a body. One is termed as good only if there is a comparative bad to
of Her names is Yogamäyé. Horä çästra (Vedic Astrology) measure against this. The yardstick needs black to be able
divides life into two parts of day and night based on Aho- to define white. This is the iñöa devatä definition used in
Rätra (Day-Night) from where the word Horä is derived. the tantra as it implies the removal of kañöa or suffering due
By this division, the day is ruled by Viñëu and the night to apara vidyä or a-vidyä by praying to and knowing the
is ruled by Çiva. Extending this to the month, bright Mahävidyä. In one stroke of the sword She cuts off the
fortnight is ruled by Viñëu and is called Viñëu pakña while binding karma thereby giving respite. So iñöa (good or
the dark fortnight is ruled by Çiva and is called Çiva pakña. happiness) proceeds after removing kañöa (evil and
Some vaisëava also call the bright fortnight Räma pakña suffering).
and the dark fortnight Kåñëa pakña.

In any case, Yogamäyé Devé takes the form of Durgä for 2.4.2 Jyotiña implications
the çukla pakña and Käli for the kåñëa pakña. Accordingly,
any sädhanä of Durgä (or Her forms Nava Durgä) must Thus there are two meanings for iñöa devatä – one as
start on a çukla pakña whereas sädhanä of Käli or her ten affirmer of good and happiness and the other as remover
forms (Dasa Mahävidyä) are best done in the kåñëa pakña. of evil and suffering. The çloka gives a list of the
Mahävidyä to be worshipped for removing the evils
indicated by each of the graha. These evils can refer to the
2.4 Jyotiña and Mahävidyä
evil daçä, but to our humble experience, it also refers to
the natural significations: Sun –father, Moon – mother,
2.4.1 Tantras Mars – brother, Mercury – uncle, Jupiter – children, Venus
– spouse, sister, Saturn – self, Rähu – maternal elders and
idvakrSy mat¼I cNÔSy ÉuvneñrI Ketu – paternal elders.
k…jSy bgladevI buxSy prsuNdrI,
Finally, it is the approach or attitude that decides the
tara b&hSpteíEv zu³Sy kmlaiTmka
nature of the iñöa devatä. There were hill chieftains who
zneStu di][akail ¢hanaimòdevta,
worshipped Käli with human and animal sacrifices and
iDÚmSta twarahae> ketaexURmavtItwa. there was Ädi Saìkarä who also worshipped Käli in a very
diväkarasya mätaìgé candrasya bhuvaneçvaré pure way like Öhakkura did later after many centuries.
kujasya bagalädevé budhasya parasundaré|
When a situation of comparison came up, Käli favored Ädi
tärä båhaspateçcaiva çukrasya kamalätmikä
Saìkarä as his was the right approach and the tribe was
çanestu dakñiëäkäli grahänämiñöadevatä|
chinnamastä tathärähoù ketordhümävatétathä|| routed.

Translation: The Dasa Mahävidyä are the iñöa devatä of We have discussed earlier that Käli refers to the kåñëa
the graha: Mätaìgé for Diväkara (Sun); Bhuvaneçvaré for pakña12 or the suffering part of life and then we need a
Candra (Moon); Bagalä devé for Kuja (Mars); Parasundaré tough mother who can pull us up and pull us out from
(Tripurä sundaré) for Budha (Mercury); Tärä for Båhaspati our problems and suffering. If the realization has dawned
(Jupiter); Kamalätmikä for Çukra (Venus); Dakñiëä Käli for that this entire life is a suffering of past karma then we
Çani (Saturn); Chinnamastä for Rähu and Dhümävaté for can never look at the bright side of life i.e. çukla pakña
Ketu. [In another tantra Bhairavé is the Mahävidyä for ceases to exist for us and we are ready to take to the
lagna.] spiritual path and get out of this cycle of rebirth. At such
a stage the only path out is through Mahä Käli and the
Purport Dasa Mahävidyä.
The word iñöa devatä used in the tantra should be In Chart 3, the Sun is the subhapati (lord of the Moon sign
understood differently from the iñöa devatä indicated by and hence considered important). It is ill placed in the 8th
Paräsara. Iñöa has a double implication in jyotiña.

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dasa mahävidyä `
house and afflicted by Saturn the 8 lord and a dire Kamalätmikä and end with Dakñiëä Käli. A perfect
malefic for the chart. Ninth lord Jupiter is also afflicted by example of natural growth in this sädhanä is that of
Saturn and Mars by graha dåñöi. All these factors confirm Öhakkura Ramakrishna as He is an avatära of Çiva
pitåçäpa or curse of father from a previous incarnation. (although many consider Him as a Käli avatära14 ).

Curses fructify during the period of planets connecting Chart 4: Çré Ramakrishna Paramhaàsa
them to the 8th house or lord, Saturn natural significator In Chart 4 the janma räçi is Aquarius which is especially
of 8th house and planets connected. The Sun daçä started suitable for Käli or Kåñëa sädhanä. The dispositor of Moon
in 1986 and the native started suffering very heavily on
account of fathers business suffering a
severe downfall, government action and
all kinds of problems.

He was advised to perform Mätaìgé

worship and continue the sädhanä for 40
days to overcome the negative effects. In
a very strange turn of events, just as the
worship püjä13 started, his father started
feeling sick and as the püjä progressed,
he feel very sick with high fever (Sun
negative). The püjä was aborted and the
sädhanä was stopped. The native passed
through a hellish remaining part of Sun
daçä and even the Moon daçä did not
provide any relief as it is aspected by the
Sun and Saturn. In Mars daçä he shifted
to south India and started a new life. is Saturn and it aspects the lagna and janma räçi by räçi
dåñöi confirming the strength of the Käli sädhanä. Jupiter
Notes: During the progress of a Mahävidyä püjä, the in aruòha lagna can give the image related to great wealth
negative graha will try their level best to prevent its or great knowledge. For Mahävidyä sädhanä, the planet
completion as it confirms the negative karma in the chart must be challenged –
that causes the suffering. Instead of panicking, and
• Venus indicates the first sädhanä of Kamalätmikä and
abruptly stopping the püjä or sädhanä, one must be patient perfect relationship or celibacy depending on its naväàça
and pass through the ordeal realizing that whatever is position. Venus is exalted in räçi chart and debilitated in
happening now is a ‘one time suffering’ of the karma. naväàça which shows räjabhaìga-nica yoga which cancels
Mahävidyä püjä is like a karmic operation and has to be räjayoga and gives renunciation. So this sädhanä comes
suffered for a short duration (normally 40 days) which is automatically as the yoga generating it involves the naväàça
(destiny or fate). Further Venus as the lord of naväàça
the period of recovery. All the suffering of the entire daçä lagna does promise marriage but its position in the 12th
period or life related to a graha is being overcome in a house (rejection thereof) shows celibacy. To our knowledge
short burst instead of prolonging suffering. He is the only married celibate we have ever known or
heard of.

2.5 Order of Dasa Mahävidyä • Mars is also exalted in räçi chart and debilitated in naväàça
showing that this sädhanä will also come naturally as it
There is an order to the Mahävidyä starting with Käli. The generates räjabhaìga-nica yoga. When he was about seven
years (Venus antardaçä15), one day while passing through
order is (1) Dakñiëä Käli for Çani (Saturn) (2) Tärä for a paddy field, He was overwhelmed by a beautiful sight of
Båhaspati (Jupiter) (3) Çré Vidyä or Tripurä Sundaré for uniform formation of white cranes (Bagalä - stork or crane
Budha (Mercury) (4) Bhuvaneçvaré for Candra (Moon) (5) faced) seen against the dark monsoon clouds in the sky.
Chinnamastä for Rähu (6) Bhairavé for Lagna (7) The result dramatic as he lost his outer consciousness for
Dhümävaté for Ketu (8) Bagalä devé for Kuja (Mars) (9) sometime and was carried home in that condition. On
regaining consciousness he was perfectly normal and there
Mätaìgé for Diväkara (Sun) (10) Kamalätmikä for Çukra was no evidence of any post-epileptic headache or
(Venus). The order of the Mahävidyä shows the extent of confusion. He was shown to a doctor who confirmed his
detachment expected during the sädhanä. good health.

In other words, one who wishes to have the complete • Mätaìgé: Sun, Mercury and Moon are together forming
Saìkha Yoga which gives the higher intelligence to initiate
knowledge of the Mahävidyä and overcome all karmic
very good karma (the conch is a symbol of a new beginning)
sins and debts should start the sädhanä in the reverse from and Räjayoga of 5th & 7th lords which gives Çiva Bhakti. In
Rähu daçä (Rähu is AK) another strange samadhi experience

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` sanjay rath
is recorded. One evening while performing the role of Çiva symbols like crane for Bagalä devé. What is the ratio-
in a play for local villagers, Gadadhar went into a trance and nale behind choosing Dakñiëä Käli as the highest
became speechless; profuse tears flowed from his eyes. He
was in a state of samadhi and the onlookers were speechless
to see the beauty and divinity of his countenance, as if he Q 3.Should we recommend Mahävidyä sädhanä for a
was one with God Çiva. The play was ended and he was
planet that is exalted in Naväàça? When should we
carried home in that state. Mätaìgé sädhanä raises the status
of a person – caëòäla become Brahmins and paupers become choose Dasa Avatära of Viñëu and when Dasa
kings while only those as high as Öhakkura and avatära is Mahävidyä? List some conditions with reasons.
considered to be one with Çiva.
Q 4. Copyright in jyotiña has come to mean ‘right to copy’!
• Bhuvaneçvaré: Mercury with the Sun and Moon indicates a Which Mahävidyä will one have to worship to get over
devé associated with eyes or sight (Sun and Moon indicate
this karma?
sight/eyes). It is a part of that great yoga involving the 8th
lord showing karma of a past existence fructifying in this
life. In Sun antardaçä of Rähu daçä (Sun is iñöa devatä and
3 Devé bhakti
indicates temples as well while Rähu is ätmakäraka), one
day on his way to Viçäläkñi temple, he lost his outer
consciousness. Gadadhar insisted that he was in that
3.1 Combinations for Devé bhakti
condition only because his mind had become merged with
the Goddess, as he was contemplating on her. 2.1.1 Räçi (D1 chart)
• Bhairavé – supreme intelligence of the lagna: Gadadhar, 1. The Moon or Venus (jala tatva) in the fifth house or
unsatiated with the experience of seeing the light of Kali, conjoined the fifth lord show bhakti for devé and a com-
prayed to Her for more religious experiences. He especially
passionate person. These planets aspecting the fifth
wanted to know the truths that other religions taught - a
mark of a high intellect is this search for the truth as house by räçi dåñöi also confirm devé bhakti.
ultimately Lagna is satya péöha. Strangely, these teachers 2. The specific form of the devé can be learnt from the
came to him on their own urging and he is said to have
reached the ultimate goals of those religions with ease. Soon mantrapada (aruòha pada of the 5th house – A5).
word spread (lagna sädhanä brings fame, whether one likes 3. The Moon or Venus in lagna or the dominant planet
it or not) about this remarkable man and people of all
denominations and all stations of life began to come to him.
in lagna (or second house, if none are in lagna) can
give great compassion and devé bhakti.
• Tripurä Sundaré: Öhakkura worshipped Çré Sarada Devé, his
wife as a manifestation of Tripurä Sundaré knowing that 4. Moon in signs of Saturn, especially Aquarius or con-
she would be the çakti behind the Ramakrishna order. joining Saturn shows Dakñiëä Käli and the Dasa
• Tärä sädhanä – if done perfectly, the person becomes a Mahävidyä.
greater pundit than his guru or even Båhaspati! It is well
known that Ramakrishna was able to prove to his guru
5. Moon or Venus as bhrätåkäraka shows Devé bhakti
(and convert him) that advaita was not the only path and and initiation.
that there were many paths to God including dvaita and
that bhakti and other spiritual discipline were as necessary
6. Just as the 12th lord in 8th house can show Kåñëa bhakti
as meditation. as 12th house relates to mokña and its lord is nine houses
(dharma – Viñëu/Kåñëa) away from it, the 12th lord in
It is clear now that sädhanä need not be just the rituals the 3rd house can show Devé bhakti.
prescribed in the texts although those are the best forms
for ordinary mortals. Initiation and sädhanä can be in 2.1.2 Naväàça (D9 chart)
many ways. Öhakkura continued Dakñiëä Käli sädhanä
7. Malefic planets in trines to kärakäàça show the effort
till His last days.
made to overcome tamas guëa and hence, Dasa
Mahävidyä sädhanä. If the ätmakäraka is a malefic
2.6 Workshop questions planet and is also placed in a malefic sign, then this
comes naturally. Two malefic planets give some
Q 1.Brahma is not worshipped by the Hindu for this root
knowledge of mantra while three or more give exper-
sin that has resulted in the creation of so many crea-
tise in yantra and tantra.
tures. It is another question that when Çiva chased him
with the trident, why did Brahma run away? Why did 8. Venus or Moon in the 4th house from kärakäàça makes
he not allow Çiva to finish the job so that He could be the person a favorite of the Devé. The strength of such
punished for this sin and then get mokña? After the a Venus or Moon shall show the extent of support and
creation of the first man called Manu (or Adam), the blessings coming from the Devé.
snake (Rähu) caused desire to grow and so man sinned 9. (a) Virgo and Pisces, the axis of exaltation and debility
more and more. How does he get out of this mess? of Venus and (2) Taurus and Scorpio, the exaltation
Q 2. List all the attributes of the Mahävidyä as well as their and debilitation signs of the Moon play a crucial role

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dasa mahävidyä `
in Devé worship. These planets in
these naväàça confirm adoration of
the Devé.

Viàçäàça (D20 chart)
10. Venus or Moon associated with lagna
show the devé bhakti coming from
birth or childhood while in the ninth
house it shows the bhakti coming due
to the guru.
11. The bhäva occupied by the fifth lord
shows how the bhakti increases. If the
fifth lord is in the 9th house then the
bhakti increases due to a deity in a
temple (9th house) while in the fourth
house it is due to a deity at home (4th
house) and so on.
12. The trines to viàçäàça lagna show
the vija (seeds/sounds of knowledge)
that can cause self realization while
transformation comes from the 8th
house and its trines.
13. For a complete understanding of devé,
a thorough study of the fourty vidyä
of the viàçäàça has to be made. The mantrapada A5 is in Libra conjoined Saturn retrograde and
exalted (strong cesöä bala and akin to debility although with
3.2 Illustrations the highest ideals due to exaltation) showing that the form of
the Mahävidyä shall be the deity associated with removing
Chart 5: Ramakrishna Paramhaàsa tamas guëa of Saturn or Dakñiëä Käli.
In the räçi chart of Ramakrishna Paramhaàsa we find (1)
In the naväàça chart (1) Venus is in Virgo; (2) the fourth
the fifth lord conjoined the Moon; (2) Moon is in a sign of
house from kärakäàça is Aries with the Moon in it as BK
Saturn; (3) Venus is in 2nd house and (4) Lagneça Saturn
how that he is a favorite of the devé Who is his real guru
is in Libra, a sign of Venus - showing Devé bhakti and
and shall make him very compassionate and kind; (3)
confirming Mahävidyä. To top this magnificent yoga for
natural malefic planet Rähu is ätmakäraka and is in a
great devé bhakti, we have the Moon as bhrätåkäraka.
natural malefic sign Capricorn; (4) Venus is lagneça and
no planets in lagna – confirm Mahävidyä
and devé worship.

In the viàçäàça D20 chart, the fifth lord

is in the ninth house showing that this
bhakti shall increase in leaps and bounds
as he associates with a temple. He
became a temple priest of Käli temple at
Dakñiëeçvara and stayed there showing
constant learning (devé is also guru) and
spiritual transformation. Moon and
Venus are both in viàçäàça lagna
showing that the devé bhakti is from birth
and is naturally manifesting in

Saturn as the lagna and 12th lord is in the


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` sanjay rath
12th house (dhyäna and samädhi), while the ätmakäraka debilitated vargottama Jupiter showing that the guru-
Rähu is also the co-lord of lagna and is in the same house caëòäla yoga generated can cause death of human beings
of dhyäna and samädhi showing that Öhakkura could due to maraëa mantra; (3) Moon is in the 12th house from
easily and naturally go into samädhi which he displayed the kärakäàça showing that the native will look upon the
from a very young age of about six years. mother as his iñöa devatä; however when he was feeling
trapped in some very unsavory circumstances, he was
Chart 6: Tantrika advised to worship Lord Somanätha (Çiva uplifting the
In Chart 6 we find that (1) fifth house has Venus alone in Moon – Moon in Sun sign) and was subsequently absolved
it showing devé bhakti and the native worships Durgä, and from the court cases; (4) no planets in the fourth house
specifically Kämäkñä devé; (2) lagna does not have any from kärakäàça but Sagittarius is aspected by Venus (räçi
planets and is aspected by its lord Moon; however the dåñöi) showing some protection and support from devé but
second house has Saturn and Mars combination showing nothing as compared to Öhakkura or Vivekananda.
that he might stray from the pure path of devé bhakti; (3)
Finally we can conclude that the native
has been very fortunate in having a guru
(Moon BK) who taught him all this
including the spiritual path to mokña
(Moon in 12th house from kärakäàça)
through devé bhakti and that the guru
was carrying the energy of Lord
Somanätha in protecting him from all ills
and forgiving any misdoings.

Although some of the best names in

jyotiña had seen his chart, they missed
the Dvisaptati Sama daçä which applies
as the lagneça is in 7 th house and
consequently failed to know the real
reason behind his suffering. He went to
jail on May 3, 1996 in Moon daçä (iñöa
devatä & bhrätåkäraka) Mercury
antardaçä (ätmakäraka). Incidentally, Çré
Jayendra Sarasvaté, head of Kanchi Mutt
also faces a tough time in a case in this
very combination of iñöa devatä daçä and
ätmakäraka antardaçä. It is evident that
in such cases one has to beg forgiveness
of sins done and for this reason the
worship of Lord Çiva in the jyotirliëga
form of Somanätha (Moon) was advised.
The remedy worked and he is a free man
today, more so since the Moon daçä
There are two mantrapada A5 – one in lagna/Cancer ended in August 2002. This combination of ätmakäraka
aspected by Venus to show the specific form of and iñöa devatä period can give great räjayoga under other
Kamalätmikä and the other in Aquarius aspected by circumstances as it shows the hand of God. The friendship
debilitated Sun to show Mätaìgé sädhanä; (4) Moon as between these two planets is the most crucial thing in any
bhrätåkäraka confirms that he will learn all about this chart. In the chart of Çré Jayendra Sarasvaté these planets
sädhanä of devé from his guru. To add to this, note that are Jupiter and Saturn who are mutually neutral but can
the Sun is debilitated and the Moon conjoins a debilitated become inimical while in the räçi chart of this täntrika
Jupiter while Rähu is in maraëa käraka sthäna in the ninth these planets Moon and Mercury, are inimically disposed.
house and Saturn and Mars battle away in Leo. In the
naväàça, (1) Venus is along the Virgo-Pisces axis showing Chart 7: Swami Vivekananda
devé bhakti and involving the ätmakäraka Mercury which Çaçöihayani daçä is applicable in this chart as the Sun is
is exalted and vargottama in räçi and naväàça; (2) Rähu very strongly placed in lagna indicating that the ätma
+ Sun indicating an eclipse combination are in trines (soul) is very strong. We have yet to come across a better
showing knowledge of mantra; however, they conjoin a horoscope which fulfills the complete païcäëga

Das Mahavidya.pmd 13 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

dasa mahävidyä `
In the räçi chart (1) Moon is in the tenth
house conjoined Saturn forming sani-
candra räjayoga that promises a very
high status in a field related to
spirituality and also indicates bhakti of
the devé, especially Käli due to
bhrätåkäraka Saturn (Dékña guru
Ramakrishna Paramhaàsa); (2) Sun is in
lagna showing attachment to Gäyatri
mantra (Sürya) and Venus is in the
second house showing devé bhakti as
well; (3) Mars is in the fifth house that
shows bhakti for Kumara – Hanuman,
Çiva or Kärtikeya and maintaining of
perfect celibacy as a mark of this
devotion; however the feminine form of
Kumara is Kumaré (Kanyä Kumaré)(4)
Mantrapada is in Capricorn ruled by
Saturn showing the form of the mother
as Käli but Venus and Mercury together
in the mantrapada show devotion to
Kamalätmikä and Tripurä Sundaré
which can be seen as a Kanyä or Bälä.
Reading (3) and (4) together we get
Kanyä Kumaré4 as the exact form of the
devé and it was at this place where the
great meditation and revelation occurred
to Vivekananda at the spot known as
Vivekananda point where the
Vivekananda memorial stands.

In the naväàça chart (1) exalted Venus

is in the 4th house showing unflinching
support from the devé; (2) Venus is along
the Virgo-Pisces axis; (3) Kärakäàça has
only vargottama Sun in trines without
any malefic planets showing
Vivekananda as a great exponent of the
Gäyatri mantra and that he was not a
mantrika par se and instead focused on
Vedanta. The most extraordinary feature of his naväàça
requirements for representing the Sun God Savitur
and that of Ramakrishna Paramhaàsa are the exact
(Sunrise). Swami Vivekananda was born in Sagittarius
similar positions of Rähu in Capricorn and the Sun in
Lagna which is considered among the most auspicious
Sagittarius with Rähu as the ätmakäraka of Öhakkura and
lagna for the Sun God and specifically indicates Äditya
Sun as ätmakäraka of Vivekananda. This combination is
Savitur (of the most holy Gäyatri mantra of the Hindu’s).
akin to the yoga mentioned in the Dakñiëämürti stotra –
The Sun is the Ätmakäraka in the chart; the Sun is
vargottama in the chart showing that the ätma çakté (soul ra÷¢StidvakreNÊs†zae mayasmaCDadnat!
force) is very strong and the characteristics of the Sun shall sNmaÇ> kr[aeps<hr[tae yae=ÉUTsu;uÝ> puman!,
be seen in the native. The Sun is in Lagna indicating the àagSvaPsimit àbaexsmye y> àTyiÉ}ayte
moment is most auspicious for the Savitur Gäyatri mantra tSmE ïIguémUtRye nm #d< ïIdiKz[amUtRye. 6.
which causes the special daçä called Çaçöihayani daçä to rähugrastadiväkarendusadåço mäyäsamäcchädanät
be applicable. Janma tithi is Kåñëa Saptamé which is ruled sanmätraù karaëopasaàharaëato yo’bhütsuñuptaù pumän |
by the Sun and janma vära (weekday) is Sunday which is prägasväpsamiti prabodhasamaye yaù pratyabhijïäyate
also ruled by the Sun. tasmai çrégurumürtaye nama idaà çrédakçiëämürtaye || 6||


Das Mahavidya.pmd 14 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` sanjay rath
Translation: Even when eclipsed by Rähu, Rähu daçä Mars antardaçä: Rähu is a very malefic daçä
the brilliance of the sun continues to exist and aspects the 9th lord Sun thereby qualifying to kill
although the people of this world perceive father and guru. In D20 chart Mars is bädhaka lord
the darkness only. Just as material from 9th house (guru) and is in the seventh from Rähu
consciousness remains suspended during and it may not have killed the guru had it not been
deep sleep, the real self (soul) continues to the dispositor of maraca Mercury.
exist as a pure being even though the mind Mars and Venus are in the ninth house in Leo showing
is unconscious about it due to the veil of Maya or the the devotion associated with a temple deity and
material world. On waking up, a person becomes aware following on the footsteps of the Guru. The sixteen
that he was asleep earlier (and the sleep or dreams state young ones took Sannyäsa (renunciation) in Sun
was unreal). So also, one who awakens to the pratyantara of Mars antardaçä as well as founded the
consciousness of the soul simultaneously realizes that his Ramakrishna Mutt (which is akin to a temple) at
previous state of ignorance was like an unreal dream. To Baranagore in this very Mars antardaçä. Mars being
that Dakñiëämürti by whose grace alone does one awaken the 5th lord of the Räçi and D20 chart made him the
to self consciousness, and of whom the Guru is an head of the Mutt.
embodiment, we offer profound salutations. 1888 Starting in July pilgrimages into Himalayas and
Jyotiña comments: People with a strong ätmakäraka Rähu throughout India for two years; Rähu daçä Venus &
have the ability to break through this veil of the dream state Saturn antardaçä: He almost died in one of the
and realize the self. Öhakkura Ramakrishna was one such pilgrimages due to starvation. Both antardaçä planets
are very malefic and Saturn is a maraca for Dhanus
great soul or incarnation of Çiva. When such a soul is
coupled with a strong Sun then they can break the
illusionary or dream state for many others. 1890 - 92 Pilgrimages - reaches Kanyä Kumaré, meditates
for three days and decides to go to America; Jupiter daçä
Vivekananda - spiritual events & antardaçä; by now he had already become quite
1881 His first life-changing meeting with Bengali mystic famous for his knowledge in India and among the rich
Sri Ramakrishna; Saturn daçä Moon antardaçä: Saturn and powerful intelligentsia and royalty of India. He
is bhrätåkäraka indicating spiritual master reaches Kanyä Kumaré in Mars antardaçä (expected –
Ramakrishna who was born in Aquarius lagna (ruled see notes earlier) and Mars is also the lord of the 12th
by Saturn) with the Moon in it. In the chart Moon house of the chart.
conjoins Saturn forming Sani-Candra yoga which is
1893 13 May - sails for America, via Japan; Jup-Mar-Sat
Kälika yoga in the 10th house and promising fame after
great initial suffering.
1893 11 September - delivers his famous talk at Parliament
1882 For 4 years, he closely associates with Sri
of Religions in Chicago and lectures in hundreds of
Ramakrishna; deep sädhanä; Saturn daçä Venus
US cities; Jup-Mar-Jup period; Guru-maìgala räjayoga
antardaçä: Venus and Ketu are in trines to naväàça
of Jupiter and Mars involving the fourth and fifth
lagna indicating tapasvi yoga i.e. a person who does
houses is a powerful räjayoga giving powerful speech
a lot of penance. Venus is in a sign of Saturn in räçi
and a vision of Viñëu to consider the whole world as
and Saturn is in a sign of Venus in naväàça. Other
the family – Väsudaiva kutumbakkaà. This vision is seen
aspects of Venus giving devé bhakti have been
in the opening lines of his address ‘Brothers and
indicated earlier.
sisters of America’… and he made history. This yoga
1883 Passes B.A. examination; Saturn daçä ends and Rähu brings success in any field related to teaching of the
daçä begins: beginning of suffering and realization of Veda or Vedäëga (including Vedänta) as the fourth
the highest truths as Rähu is debilitated in måtyupada lord carries the mokña äyana of the fourth house.
(A8) in debility in Scorpio and in Capricorn aàça.
1895 Goes to London, returns to USA and conducts a 7-
1884 Father dies. Vivekananda, age 21, decides not to week course on Hinduism for Americans at Thousand
marry but become a monk; Rähu daçä Rähu antardaçä: Island Park. His daily discourses become the famous
Rähu is Pitåkäraka and is very weak and ill placed. In Inspired Talks. Jupiter daçä Mercury antardaçä; Notice
the dvädasäàça D12 chart Rähu is in the 10th house the name of the discourses – ‘Inspired’ coming from a
which is a maraca for father being the 2nd from 9th powerful fourth lord ‘Jupiter’ who gives faith and
house. As the 3 rd lord in 12 th house it shows his inspiration for noble causes and ‘Talks’ from Mercury
brothers deserting him and suffering of family/sisters. the significator of speech or talk.
1886 Ramakrishna attains Mahäsamädhi on 16th August 1896 Sails to Europe and meets German Vedic scholar Max
1886; Vivekananda founds Baranagore Math; Initiates Muller. Jupiter daçä Venus antardaçä; the crucial role that
himself into sannyäsa with fourteen other young men; Venus plays in the devé bhakti (including nationalism)

Das Mahavidya.pmd 15 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

dasa mahävidyä `
is seen in a very vital impression that as pure light (agni tatva). It is difficult for any Jyotiña
Vivekananda had of Max Mueller. to predict this event from the given chart and hence
Discrediting Max Mueller’s theory of we have always maintained that astrologers should
Aryan invasion as silly, Swami not attempt to predict death from the chart of saints.
Vivekananda said it before an The only indication we get is from the naväàça where
audience in Madras city “Do not these planets are in the 2nd and 7th house (maraca) from
believe such silly things as there was lagna. Of course Näräyaëa daçä of Scorpio with
a race of mankind in South India debilitated Rähu (äyus debility) and çüla daçä of
called Dravidians differing widely Aries-Aquarius with Mars aspected by Rähu does
from another race in northern India called the Aryans. show his iccha måtyu.
This is entirely unfounded.” Not knowing where the
Aryans came from, “of late, there was an attempt made Footnotes
to prove,’’ he laughed and said: ‘’Aryans lived on the 1
Also Väyu and Kürma puräëa
Swiss lakes!” While the world preferred to believe Max 2
Çiva Jyoti or Ätma Jyoti; it is the light of the jyotirliëga
Mueller during the entire 20th century instead of Others translate this as fire but in the context it is light as agni is both
light and fire represented by Sun whose adhi devatä is Fire and
Swami Vivekananda, recently BBC came out with the pratyadhi devatä is Çiva or light (of knowledge etc)
startling disclosure that “there is now ample evidence 4
Monier Williams Dictionary: f. a female demon or any being endowed
to show that Max Mueller and those who followed with magical power, a fairy, witch, sorceress (represented as eight in
number and as created by Durgä and attendant on her or on Siva;
him were wrong.” BBC adds that “the Aryan invasion sometimes 60, 64 or 65 are enumerated but the correct number is 8 for
theory was based on archaeological, linguistic and the eight plane directions and each of these eight Yoginé can manifest
ethnological evidence and later research has either in eight forms bringing the total to 64 Yoginé
Graha-käla is based on the sixteen käla of the day where the eight of
discredited this evidence or provided new evidence
the day are ruled by the graha of the kälacakra starting from the lord
that combined with the earlier evidence makes other of the day and the eight of the night are reckoned from the fifth in order
explanations likely.” from the lord of the day.
Båhat Paräsara Horä Çästra; eka eva balé jévo lagnastho riñöasaïcayam
The greatness of Swamiji lies in his fairness and honesty. | hanti päpakñayaà bhaktyä praëäma iva çülinaù || 3||
Even as he dismissed Max Mueller’s Aryan invasion Mahä Näräyaëa Upanishad
According to the Çiva puräëa there are four levels of guru – (1) Guru,
theory as silly, he lauded Mueller’s work on Indian (2) Parama Guru, (3) Paratpara Guru and (4) Parameñöhi Guru, Who
scriptures as next only to that of Sayanacarya and is really Çiva as Içäna.
Indians loving call him ‘Mokña Müla’ realizing the Çiva is the pratyadhi devatä of the Sun and since the Sun at its
highest level represents the soul, both individual and universal, Çiva
greatness of his contribution.
refers to the auspicious real self, the soul.
Why would Max Mueller do such a thing? It is not very Gouri or Pärvaté is the pratyadhi devatä of the Moon and since the
Moon at its highest level represents the Mana (five levels of the mind),
hard to understand if we knew that his paymasters Pärvaté refers to the individual mind at all its levels and well as to the
were the East India Company. In fact the north-south consciousness of the universe.
divide is among the terrible psychological damages Mahäåñi Jaimini; Upadeça Sütra; translation Sanjay Rath; Sagar
Pub, Delhi
done including Hindu-Muslim divide and so many 12
Para 2.3.2
others. 13
Worship involving sixteen or five ritual offerings
Our belief is based on birth facts related to the period of His birth
India is viewed as a mother land (Venus & Moon) or when Chandradevi His mother recollected two episodes:
Bhäraté which is a form of the devé. It is natural then (1) Conception: She was talking to her friend, Dhani, in front of the
that devé bhakti would necessarily arouse patriotism temple of Jugis, when she suddenly saw a Divine Light emerge from
the Holy image of Lord Shiva filling the path on its way, and rushing
or love for Bhäraté i.e. India. towards her in waves. It was so swift that before she could mention it
to her friend the effulgence engulfed her body and fell unconscious.
1897 Returns to India, establishes the Ramakrishna Dhani thought that her friend had a fit of sorts. However, since then
Mission and speaks throughout India, calling for an Chandradevi had a peculiar feeling as if she was pregnant! She
“awakening” of Hinduism that will uplift the poor mentioned it to Dhani and another friend, who brushed it off as being
ridiculous. She explicitly told her husband that she was carrying and
(Saturn) through education (Jupiter). Jupiter daçä Saturn truly she was, as in nine months Gadadhar (Ramakrishna) was born.
antardaçä; (2) Dream episode: She had a strange vision in which she saw a
luminous being lying on her bed. At first she thought it was her husband
1902 July 4, at age 39 attains Mahäsamädhi at Belur Khudiram, but soon realized that no human being could be as
Math, Calcutta. Sun daçä Mars antardaçä; Once again luminous. Even after waking up, the thought that the luminous being
we see the voice of Öhakkura Ramakrishna booming was still in her bed persisted! She could not make up her mind whether
it was a dream, or in reality some form of God had revealed Himself to
loud as his statement that Vivekananda would leave her.
the world when he realizes his true self comes so 15
Dvisaptati daçä is applicable in the chart as the 7th lord Sun is in
accurately true. The daçä planet Sun is the lagna and is a stronger indicator than the 10 th co-lord Ketu in 10 th
house which would indicate Caturasiti Sama Daçä. The Sun by itself
ätmakäraka and is vargottama in lagna while the (graha bala) is not as strong to indicate Sañöihayani daçä.
antardaçä planet Mars is in trines as the mantreça 16
Temple of devé Kanyä Kumaré is at the southern-most (Mars) tip of
(fifth lord). These planets together define his nature India; it is a rock like a mini-island (Mars) jutting out f the sea on
which Vivekananda meditated.

Das Mahavidya.pmd 16 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` g.k.goel

The Concept of Vargottama

A Powerful Predictive Tool

G.K. Goel
Maharishi Parasara, Sage Satyacharya and Acharya ascendant and the planets joining and separating from
Varaha Mihira have unanimously indicated that the each other, the native’s good and bad fortune is deducted”.
following concepts and principles provide the basic
Parasara has given the concept of Bhavas (houses) along
foundation and structural strength for judgment and
with 12 signs in the above narration. This is called the
predictive purpose of a nativity:
compartmental system of houses. In this, system the whole
1. Vargottama sign in which the degree of ascendant falls is generally
considered the first house and so on. The longitude of the
2. Exaltation of the planets.
ascending point becomes the most sensitive points of 1st
3. Planets in their Mool-Trikona and own sines. house, and the sensitive points of other house will be 30°
4. Placement of the Planet (s) in Kendra (angular) houses. apart. The sensitive point of 10th house will fall in 10th sign
from ascending sign and will have the same longitude as
5. Strong placement of the dispositors. that of the ascending point in Lagna. In this system M.C.
6. Strong and auspicious influence on Vesi house i.e. 2nd is not considered as the Mid-point of 10th house. M.C. is
house from the Sun. This however given prime-importance due to it and is widely
used for other purposes.
is in fact applicable for 2nd house from any sensitive point
or Yoga-Karta planet The above mentioned Hindu (Vedic) Method, advocated
by Sage Parasara, seems to be more rational and worthy
which plays pivotal role in the furtherance of Yoga. of being followed in all astrological calculations
The Concept of Vargottama leads the list and is a very particularly in the casting of a nativity. This method is
important and powerful tool in predictive Astrology. This universally applicable and the longitudinal duration of
Concept can only be applicable and adopted if method houses does not get distorted on higher latitudes.
of judgment of the nativity is based on divisional charts. Parasara continued to narrate the description of the
The predictive astrology is based on three main pillars, planets, signs, various Kind of ascendants, up-Grahas
namely, and importance of Deeptamsa of 15° on either side of mid-
1. Planets point of each Ascendant etc. (Deeptamsa means an
effective Zone of 15° on either side of the mid-point of any
2. Signs ascendant or house).
3. Houses After listening the above narration, Maitreya enquired
Maharishi Parasara has precisely explained this concept from Sage Parasara :
to his disciple Maitraye in chapter 3, slokas 4, 5 and 6 of (BPHS Ch. 6 & Sl. 1.)
”O Sage, I have listened from you the description of the
“Those, celestial bodies are called the planets (Grahas) that planets and signs, I, now, desire to know the division and
move through the Nakshatras (or asterisms) along the secrets of Bhavas (houses).
Zodiac (Bhachakra). The Zodiac comprises of 27 asterisms
”Parasara replied:
from Aswin to Revati and also devided in 12 equal parts
(Sloke 6/2)
known as signs (Rashis) from Aries to Pisces. The Zodiac
sign which contains the rising (ascending) point at the ”O Maitreya, Lord Brahma has classified Bhava (houses)
time of Birth is called Lagna (ascendant)”. Based on the in 16 kind of Vargas (Divisions), I will explain to you this
classification of Vargas.”

Vargotama-G.k Goel.pmd 17 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

vargottama `
These two Slokas are of great significance and lay down 7. D-10 - 3º - Dasamsa (Swargamsa)Parasara says that this
the basis of Parasari Astrology :The nativity (sign chart) chart indicates “Mahat Phalam” (the result which
also acts as one of the Bhava chart. indicates the standing and status of the native in society
on account of the interaction of fate and action).
The other 15 kind of Bhava Vargas (houses divisional
charts) are for different purposes and these can be obtained 8. D-12 - 2º30’ – Dwadasamsa (suryamsa).-Parents
by dividing signs (Rashis) into Components and then
9. D-16 - 1º52’30" – Shodasamsa (Kalamsa)Vehicles,
arranging these components in a specified harmonic order.
Luxuries, Happiness, Inner strength of the character.
The division of any Varga chart that contains ascending
10. D-20 - 1º30’ – Vimsamsa - Spiritualism, worship of
degree will act first Bhava of that varga. Each Varga chart
diety, leaning towards a particular sect.
will have 12 Bhavas ( except in Hora-Varga chart)
11. D-24 - 1º15’ – (Siddhamsa) - Chaturvimamsa-
The each house of a varga will be identified by a Zodiac
Education, Learning, success in competition.
12. D-27-1º6’40" – Bhamsa – Nakshatramsa –
BPHS gives clear instruction for construction of each
SaptavisamsaStrength and weakness indicated by planets.
Varga. In this manner each sign is divided in 150 unequal
parts and each part will have specific characteristics, 13. D-30 - 1º- TrimsamsaIn this chart degrees are lumped
which could be ascertained by constructing separate to-gether in a group and each sign is divided in five such
divisional charts.(This also laid down the foundation of groups.This chart indicate evils, inclination of natural
Nadi Astrology). traits based on Trigunas – Swatic, Rajas and Tamas.D-2
and D-30 charts are complimentary to each other and act
Sage parasara has narrated 16 varga charts which are
at different planes in the life.
given below. Each varga chart has a specific portfolio,
purpose and signification. 14.D-40 – 45’ – Chatvarimsamsa (40th part of a sign) -
Khavedamsa (Swavedamsa)Materilineal legacy.
1. D-1, 30º, main rashi(birth) chart.This is the basic chart.
Each sign is synonym to a Bhava (house). This chart 15. D-45-40’ – Akashvedamsa- Patrilineall legacy
indicates physical body and its related activities. The other
divisional charts are sub-divisions of this chart. 16. D-60-30’ – ShastyamsaPast Karma – Rinanubandh,
Repayment of deeds of part lives. D-1 and D-60 are
2. D-2, 15º, Hora chartThis chart deals with sustenance, complementary to each other. D-1 chart indicate when and
mannerism, and attributes of the native. Parasara says this D-60 tells why, events happen in the life of the native.
chart deals with Sampatti. The word Sampatti does not
mean only material wealth but all means of sustenance Each of the 16 divisional chart consists of 12 houses,
including mannerism, nature and attitude towards life as assigned to a Zodiacal sign, which are in turn owned by
a whole. planet(s). (D-2 (Hora chart) and D-30 (Trimsamsa chart)
are exception to the rule. This is the reason that concept of
3. D-3, 10º, DreshkannaThis chart deals with Co-born and Vargottama is not studied in this article w.r.t. Hora and
sources of happiness on account of inner posture of Trimsamsa charts at this stage).
personality (Swaroopa).
Importance of Vargottama Concept
4. D-4, 7º 30’, Chathurthamsa – Turyeeamsa This chart
indicates fortune, fixed assets both in the form of property In chapter 14 (Ashraya Adhyay), in Laghu Jataka, Varaha
and worldly attachments. Due to this season, this chart is Mihira has mentioned Two slokas (Verses) on Rajayoga,
also called Turyeeamsa as great saints do not have any which are very significant. I am reproducing both the
worldly attachments. slokas for the benefit of the Savants;

5. D-7, 4º 17’ 8".57 – SaptamsaThis chart indicates progeny Sloka 5

and cosmic creative ability to maintain cosmic order. Thus,
“A person is born with kingly status (or in the family of
this chart is indicative of God gifted creative imagination
kings) even if one exalted planet is aspected by friendly
or destructive illusion.
planet(s). The commentator Bhattotpala says even temporal
6. D-9 - 3º20’ Navamsa – DharmamsaThis chart is most friendship with aspecting planet will be enough to
important in predictive Astrology. If main sign chart (D- generate Raj-Yoga. If the planets are more than one and
1) is considered as body, then this chart will be synonym strong, then a strong Raj-Yoga will be generated.”
to heart - the basic prime-mover.This chart indicates
“If three strong planets are place in Kendra (angular)
spouse, partners and skills of the native.
house, the Raj-Yoga will be generated. The commentator

Vargotama-G.k Goel.pmd 18 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` g.k.goel
says if there are more Planets than three in angular houses, two Vargas according to specific portfolios of the con-
the quality of Raj-Yoga will be proportionately enhanced. cerned Vargas, such planets are called Bhava
”Sloka 6
The first two versions of Vargottama are commonly
In this sloka, the following principles are enunciated:
discussed in Jatak Granths and subsequent astrological
1. If Moon or Lagna Rashi is Vargottama and aspected literature. But, the third version of Vargottama, which is
by four or more planets, the native becomes king if he even more powerful and equally important, does not get
is born in kingly family. (Obviously if aspecting plan- the attention it deserves.
ets are friend of the aspected Planet or sign and strong,
This may have happened mainly on account of the reason
the powerful Raj-yoga will be generated).
because the some authorities in last 1500 years started
2. The native will attain or inherit the kingly status in suggesting number of ways for construction of houses,
the directional period of most powerful planet form- which were at variance with the method suggested by
ing the Raj-Yoga. Maharishi parasara, sage Satyacharya and Acharya
Varaha Mihira. The method advocated by Parasara is
3. The Vargottama Moon or Lagna help the native to at-
already explained in this article.
tain the kingly status if they receive the aspect of other
planet (s). I have made my study based on some specific fundamental
principles, norms and rules. These rules, which are based
4. Logically, whenever any other Vargottama planet will
on the dictums of Vedic Astrology, are given below;
be aspected by other planet(s), some auspicious results
will accrue according to the signification of planet or 1. Signs and houses are inseparable from each other. In
Divisional Chart. all varga (divisional) charts, each house will be owned
5. It may be worth nothing that the exalted planet gives by a planet. The rising (ascending point) falling in the
good results when aspected by friendly planet (s), sign will become the ascendant of the respective varga
where as, such is not the precondition that Vargottama chart.
planet should be aspected by a friendly planet (s). This 2. The study is made based on Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa.
means if Vargottama planet or ascendant is aspected This Ayanamsa value could be obtained by deducting
by any planet, the auspicious results will accrue. about 56" from the value of Lahiri Ayanamsa for the
years 1950 to 2050 AD. The astronomical definition of
What is the concept of Vargottama Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa is given below:
As mentioned earlier in this article, the three basic “When mean / true tropical longitude of star Chitra (Spica
constitutes which stimulate events in a nativity are (1) 16 – Virgins)is reduced by 180º, the remainder will be
Houses (Bhava) (2) Sign (Rashi) (3) Planets. the mean / true value of Chitra Paksha Ayanamsa of the
The native obtains the results through houses only, but date .”
with the active assistance of signs and planets. The results 3. True longitudes of Rahu / Ketu are adopted in this
of any planetary configuration of yogas are felt by the study.
native through the Bhavas (houses) only.
4. The presence of other auspicious yogas will enhance
In the above context, the concept of Vargottama may be the good results and vice-versa.
explained as under :-
5. The principle of Argala and upchaya will play impor-
1. The planet is called Vargottama, when placed in same tant role in predicting the events .e.g a malefic
Zodiacal sign in any two Vargas. However, if planets Vargottama planet in 3rd house will enhance the sig-
become Vargottama either in sign/Navamsa charts or nificance of concerned varga chart. If such planet in
in Sign/Dreshkanna charts, it becomes comparatively bhava vargottama in D – 1 and D– 24, this planet
more auspicious and even more capable to confers Raj- will enhance educational prospects.
Yoga provided other conditions prevail (such as as-
6. Vargottama melefic planets in 3rd and 6th houses show
pect of other planets).
beneficial results. If planets are benefics in these houses,
2. If Lagna Bhava of two Vargas obtains the same sign, the occurrence of good results is doubtful.
this is called Varga Vargottama, as all houses in both
7. The Vimshottari Dasa is adopted in this study. The
Vargas will fall in same signs.
events occur in major or sub- periods of Vargottama
3. Similarly, if a planet is in same house (Bhava) in the planets.
two Vargas, it also enhances the auspicious results of
8. Whenever a planet is in sign vargottama, it enhances

Vargotama-G.k Goel.pmd 19 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

vargottama `
auspicious results connected with its
own signification as well as the sig-
nificance of concerned varga chart.
If vargottama planet is aspected by
other planet(s), it may help to gener-
ate Rag-Yoga.
9. Similarly, if Ascendant of two Vargas
fall in same sign and aspected by
planets in both vargas, it helps the
native to enhance the status of the
native with the help of signification
and portfolio of two concerned
Vargas, e.g. a Bhava Vargottama
planet in D-9 and D-4 charts, may
indicate acquisition of property and
fortune with the help of spouse or in-
laws family.
10. When a planet is in Bhava
Vargottama, it helps to acquire the
benefit results according to signifi-
cation of the Vargas. e.g. If a planet
is in Bhava Vargottama in D-1/D-9,
it may help in marriage, in case of D-
1/D-10 chart- rise in professional
status, in D-24 success in education
and so on.
11. This study is made based on
Vimshottari dasa system, therefore,
the planetary aspects are considered
as per dictums of Laghu-Parasari. All
the nine planets will aspect seventh
Raj-Yoga will become operative if other planet(s) as-
house. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have special aspects.
Mars aspect 4th and 8th house also, Jupiter 5th and 9th pect the Vargottama planets and/or signs. If, the
aspecting planets are in some kind of sambandha (mu-
houses and Saturn 3rd and 10th houses, in addition to
tual relation-ship), the Raj-Yoga will be stronger and
their seventh house aspect.
auspicious. The Sambandha of three kinds are consid-
12. As per the dictum of Laghu-Jataka, Raja-Yogas are ered in this study (a) mutual aspect (b) exchange of
examined vis-à-vis Vargottama planets and signs. The signs (c) conjunction of planets in one sign.

Illustrative Examples
Ex-1 Male: 27.01.1956, 23:00 hrs (1ST)
77E13, 28N39 Time Zone 5:30 hrs.

Nakshatra: Pushyami 4 charan

Balance Saturn period 2 yrs 3

Months 10 days
1. Saturn is in Bhava Vargottama in
D-1, D-9 and D-24 charts and is aspected
by several planets. Saturn being a natu-
ral malefic is giving strong and auspi-
cious Argala to their respective ascen-


Vargotama-G.k Goel.pmd 20 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` g.k.goel

The native was married in March 1985

in Venus/Venus/Mercury period
(5.11.1984 to 26.4.1985). Venus and
Mercury are the part of yoga formed in
D-1 and D-9 charts. The spouse is very
learned and holds high position in a
Medical Institute.

D-9 and D-7 are in Rashi Vargottama
and Cancer sign is rising both in D-9 and
D-7 charts. The native was blessed with
a son in Venus/Mars dasa (6.3.1988 to
6.5.1989) on 26.10.1988. The ascendant
2. The above combination will enhance the educational of D-7 is hammed by Mars and Venus. Vargottam
carrier and the marriage prospects. ascending sign both in D-9 ad D-7 indicate the attachment
among the spouse and progeny. Mars is also sign
3. The cancer sign is rising in D-9 and D-7 charts. This
Vargottama in D-1 and D-9 chart and placed in fifth house
indicates the marriage will be productive and the na-
in D-9 chart. Mars and owns fifth house in D-7 chart.
tive will have inherent creative capability.

Educational Carrier Example 2

1. Mercury/Saturn Period – 27.6.1972
to 7.3.1975
The native was successful in a tough
competitive examination and admit-
ted in civil engineering course in
2. Ketu/Saturn period – 30.1.1980 to
The native again joined the presti-
gious course in financial Manage-
ment in I.I.T.
3. Venus/Saturn period – 5.1.1995 to
The native joined courses in Astrol-
4. Sun/Saturn period – 10.1.2005 to
The native joined law course of Delhi
Univsersity through competitive ex-

In navamsa chart Bhava Vargottama
Saturn is aspected by Exalted Venus and
Jupiter. The Saturn is the lord of 7th
house in D-9 chart and its dispositor
Mercury is again hammed by Venus and


Vargotama-G.k Goel.pmd 21 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

vargottama `
Male: 25.9.1980, 10.52.40 AM, 77E12, 28N36 TZ: 5.30 hrs. Education
Nakshatra: Revati 1 charan 1. Mercury period was in operation upto the age of 14
Balance Dasa at Birth: Mercury 14 yrs 0 months 19days years. Mercury is Atmakarka and is placed in the as-
cendant of D-9 chart. Mercury is also sign Vargottama
Ketu dasa ends on 13-10-2001 D-9 and D-7 charts. This helps the native to improve
his skills and inherent creativity. The
placement of Mercury in third house of
D-7 chart is not very helpful being a ben-
efic in 3rd house.
2. Major period of Ketu – 14-10-1944
to 13-10-2001
Ketu is in house Vargottama in D-1 and
D-24 and providing auspicious Argala
from 3rd house in both charts. Ketu is
aspected by lagna lord Mars and Venus/
Rahu in D-1 chart. Ketu is conjoined
with Venus, Mars and Rahu and also
aspected by Jupiter in D-24 Chart.

Ketu’s major period was ruling from

the age of 14 to 21 years. Ketu provided
the native with good educational
background which helped him to get
good job in respected private enterprise.

Marriage of the Sister

The sign Scorpio is rising both in D-1
and D-3 charts. The Sun and Saturn are
sign and house Vargottama in these
charts and aspected by several planets
(Mercury and Moon in D-1 chart and
Ketu, Venus and Rahu in D-3 chart).
Mercury is exalted in D-1 chart and
Venus is exalted in D-3 chart. Venus is
Karka of sister and strengthening the
Yoga by its aspect on sun in D-3 chart.

His sister was married in Venus/Sun

period (operating from 19-2-2005 to 19-2-

Example 3 and 4
Husband and wife
The couple was married on 27.11.2005.
The husband was running Rahu major
period. Rahu is placed in 8th house in
Navamsa chart but is Bhava and sign
Vargottama. The wife was running Ketu
dasa. Ketu is placed in 6th house, but in
sign Vargottama.

Husband: 26.8.1979, 16.43 PM 77E13,

28N39 TZ 5.30 hrs.

Vargotama-G.k Goel.pmd 22 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` g.k.goel
Nakshatra: Hasta 3 Charan. 2. Rahu and Ketu are in house and sign Vargottama al-
though Rahu is placed in 8th house. Rahu is with eighth
Moon major period balance at Birth 2 yrs 7 m 15 days.
lord SUN, Yoga-Karka Venus and Ascendant lord Sat-
1. The Capricorn sign is rising both in D-1 and D-9
The native was married on 27.11.2005 in Rahu/Moon/
charts. This indicates strong attachment among the
Venus directional period. Besides Rahu which is
Vargottama, Moon is the lord of Seventh
house and conjunct with Dara Karka
SUN and Venus in D-9 chart.

Wife: 1.10.1972, 15:45 PM, 77E13, 28N39

TZ. 5.30 hrs.

Nakshatra: Pushyami 1 charan

Balance period of Saturn at Birth –16 yrs

1m 26days.

There are following interesting features

in this nativity.
1) Saturn is Atma Karka and occu-
pying Navamsa Lagna.
2) Ascendant sign of wife in D-1
chart is the rising sign in Navamsa chart
of husband.
3) Rahu and Ketu are Rashi
Vargottama and Venus is Bhava
Vargottama. All these planets are
aspected by Jupiter in D-1 chart.
4) Rahu is Dara Karka and is con-
junct with Jupiter in D-1 chart and Ketu
is conjunct with Jupiter in D-9 chart. Ju-
piter is 7th lord in D-9 chart.
5) Jupiter is therefore very important
and strong significator for the marriage
in this nativity.
6) The marriage was negotiated in
the period of Mercury/Saturn/Jupiter,
Mercury and Saturn are Ascendant lords
of D-9 and D-1 charts respectively. The
Jupiter as explained above is the Yoga-
Karta for marriage in this nativity. The
marriage was performed on 27.11.2005 on
commencement of Ketu/Ketu/Ketu pe-
7) This example clearly establishes
the role of Rashi and Bhava Vargottama
Planets provided they are aspected by
other planets.
8) This also establishes the validity
of adopting true Chitra Paksha

Vargotama-G.k Goel.pmd 23 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

vargottama `
Example 5
Male : 25.11.1973, 8:46:24 AM, 77E13,
28N39 TZ-5.20 hrs,

Nakshatra: Anuradha 3 Charan

Saturn Dasa balance at Birth – 5 yrs – 8

m 29 days.
1. Ketu Dasa commenced on 23-8-
2. Married on 29-1-2001 in Ketu/
Period (26-1-2001 to 23-3-2001)
3. Separated on commencement of
9) When ever Venus is in Leo, and sun and/or moon are Venus Dasa on 24-8-2003
in Cancer sign, this yoga does not help marriage. But
on account of strength of Vargottama planets, the mar- This is an interesting nativity which depicts the role of
riage did take place. Vargottama placements:

1) As fifth and seventh houses are occupied by retrograde

malefics, the chances of marriage are bleak.
2) Similarly, fifth house is occupied
by Retrograde Mars in Aswani
Nakshatra. The Karka Jupiter is in debili-
tation and its dispositor Saturn is placed
in Rahu/Ketu axis. These are not good
indication for progeny.
However, the following features in this
nativity are worth noticing.

For Marriage
1. Ketu and Rahu are house
Vargottama and associated with Venus,
Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in D-1 and D-9
2. Mercury, though is in the sign of
debilitation, but in Bhava Vargottam.
Mercury owns seventh house. Mars is in
Rashi Vargottama. Mercury and Mars are
in mutual aspect in D-1 chart. Mercury is
aspected by Sun and Mars are aspected
by Moon in D-9 chart.
The native was married on 29.1.2001 in
Ketu/Jupiter/Venus period. Ketu is in
Bhava Vargottama and in association
with Jupiter and Venus. Besides other
influences, Bhava Vargottama Ketu plays
the key-role in arranging marriage.


Vargotama-G.k Goel.pmd 24 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` g.k.goel
3. Ascendant of both D-1 and D-7
charts are in Vargottama.
4. The native was blessed with the
child in Ketu/Mercury period.
Vargottama Ketu is giving auspicious
argala to 5th house and Vargottma Mer-
cury is aspecting 5th house and its lord.
5. In D-7 chart,Ketu is placed in 8th
house and Mercury in 3rd house. The re-
sult was that the native lost the custody
of child on commencement of Venus dasa.
In D-9 and D-7 Venus is Bhava
Vargottma and thus there is an effinity
amoung the spouse and the child.

For Progeny Separation

As soon as, Venus dasa commenced after
24-8-2003, both partners separated from
each other and wife returned to her
parental home with the child.

It may be noted that no sooner

Vargottama Ketu dasa was over, the
marriage could not sustain on account of
other evil Yogas.

Example 6
This is an example, which proves the
importance of Chitra Paksha Ayanmasa.
The longitude of Venus is 36" in Pisces,
whereas if we use Lahiri Ayanmasa, the
longitude of Venus will work out
1. Mars is in fifth house in D-1 and D-7 and obtains both 29º59’40". In the later case the placement of Venus will be
Rashi and Bhava Vargottama. Mars is aspected by altered in all Vargas.
Mercury in D-1 chart and by Jupiter in D-7 chart.
Female: 28.4.1982, 23:11 PM (1st), 77E13, 28N39 Time Zone
2. Venus is in house Vargottama in D-9 and D-7 chart 5.30 hrs
and aspected by Jupiter in D-7 chart.
Nakshatra: Punarvasu 1 charan

Dasa balance at Birth Jupiter 14 yrs 3

Mon 22 days.

Higher Education in U.S.A.

1. Venus is Bhava Vargottama in D-
1 and D-24 charts and is aspected by
Mars and Saturn in D-1 and Moon, Mars,
Rahu and Ketu in D-24 charts.
2. D-1 and D-3 charts have several
Vargottam planets. Venus and Mercury
are sign Vargottama and SUN and Jupi-
ter are Bhava Vargottama. These planets
are associated with several planets.
3. She went for higher studies with

Vargotama-G.k Goel.pmd 25 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

vargottama `
4. Her elder sister is engaged and
the marriage will be performed in Feb 2006
in the period of Saturn/Venus/Mercury
(operating from 23-12-2005 to 5-6-2006).

Example 7
In this example, I have got excellent
results with True Rahu. In D-1, D-7, D-9
and D-10 True Rahu is Bhava
Vargottama. If we adopt Mean Rahu, It
will be shifted to 8th house in D-9, D-7,
and D-10 chart and will not be
vargottama with D-1 chart either by
house or sign placement.

the active assistance of her elder sister in the period of Male: 24-7-1956, 02:00 AM, 76E31, 9N31 T.Z. 5.30 hrs.
Saturn/Jupiter/Venus (Operating from 19-1-2005 to
Nakshatra: Sravana 3 charan.
23-6-2005). In D-24 chart Jupiter, Venus and Saturn
are providing auspicious arglas and Vargottama Ve- Balance Moon Dasa at Birth 3 yrs 10M17 days.
1. The native joined his first job in
Feb1978 in Rahu/Ketu period (11-12-1977
to 29-12-1978). Both Rahu and Ketu are
in sign Vargottama D-1 and D-10 charts.
2. The native was married on 8-5-
1988 in the Dasa of Jupiter/Saturn/Ketu
(3-5-1988 to 26-6-1988). The Jupiter is
Bhava Vargottama and conjoined with
Moon and Mars in D-9 chart. Saturn is
Yoga-Karka and placed in 7th house and
in exchange of signs with Mars in D-1
chart. Further, Saturn is his Bhava
Vargottama in D-9 and D-10 charts. Ketu
is in sign Vargottama in D-1 and D-9
charts and is providing argala on D-9
nus is placed in fourth house in D-1 and D-24 charts. ascendant from 3rd house. The native is from the state
Jupiter is the 12th lord in D-24 chart. of Kerala and had a Love marriage with girl from the
state of Jammu and Kashmir. Of course, they met each
other at work place.
The role of True Rahu and other
Vargottama planets was not only to
arrange job but also marriage.

Example 8

Portrait of a native based on

Vargottam Principle:
In this example, most of the divisional
charts are connected with each other with
Vargottama planets and some of the
ascendants of Vargas are also Vargottam.
I shall draw a portrait of the native based

Vargotama-G.k Goel.pmd 26 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` g.k.goel
Vargottama and sign Gemini is rising.
2. The sign Libra is rising in D-9 and
D-24 charts.

Saturn Period – 7.2.64 to

Saturn is combust but sign Vargottama in
D-1 and D-12 charts. The Saturn is placed
in 8th house in D-12 chart. Venus and
Mercury is also sign Vargottama in D-1
and D-12 chart and Saturn is hammed by
Mercury and Venus in both charts. Mars,
the 10th Lord, is aspecting Saturn in D-
12 chart.
on this principle only.

Male: 7.2.1964, 13.56(PM), 80E21, 26N29 TZ-5.3. Hrs. The father of the native changed his job from Government
department to a private company on 11.11.1964 in Saturn/
Nakshatra: Anuradha 4 charan Rahu/Venus. Jupiter aspects the 10th house in D-12 chart
and Venus represents bureaucracy in private sector.
Balance Saturn Dasa at Birth: 3 yrs 10 M 3 days.
1. The ascendants of D-1, D-3, D-7 and D-10 are Mercury – 10-12-1967 to 10-12-1984
D-1 and D-3 charts are Vargottama.
Mercury, Venus and Saturn are both
Bhava and sign Vargottama. The native
was blessed with sister on 6.1.1964 in
Mercury/Mercury/Mercury period.
Mercury is with 3 rd lord SUN and
significator of Younger siblings Mars in
D-1 chart.

Mercury is in sign Vargottama in D-1, D-

9, D-3 and D-12 charts. Mercury is Lagna
lord in D-1 and lord of 12th house in D-
12 chart. It is also aspecting ascendant of
D-12 chart. The native achieved good
progress in education. The progress of
his father was satisfactory and mainly
dealing in marketing business on behalf
of foreign companies.

Ketu – 10-12-1984 to 10-12-

1991 (Age 20 yrs to 27 years)
Ketu is strongly placed in Seventh house
in D-1 chart. Ketu is also house
Vargottama D-9, D-10, D-12 and D-24
charts and associated with several
planets inD-24 and D-10 charts. Jupiter is
house Vargottama in D-9 and D-24
charts and aspecting Ketu in D-9, D-10
and D-12 charts. The aspect of Jupiter
will enhance the auspicious results of
Ketu w.r.t. all these charts.


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vargottama `
and placed in 10th house. Venus is in
sixth house in D-10 chart in conjunction
with sign and Bhava Vargottama Moon.
Venus is the lord of ascending sign of D-
24. The Moon is sign Vargottama in D-1,
D-9 and D-10 charts. The Moon is also
Bhava and sign Vargottama at D-1 and
D-10 charts.
The native joined C.A. course and
article-ship in reputed C.A. Firm.
3. Ketu/Jupiter (27-11-1988 to 3-11-
Both Ketu and Jupiter are in house
Vargottama in D-9 and D-24, and Jupiter
aspects Ketu in these Vargas. Ketu & Ju-
1. Ketu/Ketu (10-10-84 to 8-5-1985)
piter are strongly placed in 7th and 10th houses of D-1
Completed his graduation with science subjects (D- chart.
The native successfully com-
pleted his C.A. Course and joined as
Manager in the firm from which he had
complected his article ship. Jupiter is
placed in the ascending sing of D-10
chart (D-1 andD-10 charts are
4. Ketu/Saturn (3-11-1989 to 13-12-
The native left job and decided to
commence his own practice as C.A. in
partnership with his friend.
The native also floated a soft-ware
Company during this period. Ketu
represents computers. This happen
because Ketu is Bhava Vargottama in D-9 and D-10,
2. Ketu/Venus (8-5-1985 to 8-7-1986) Saturn is sign and bhava Vargottama in D-1, and D-10
Venus is in Bhava Vargottama in D-1 and D-9 charts chart. The Saturn is in exaltation sign in Navamsa Lagna.
Saturn is aspected by Jupiter in D-10 chart.
5. Ketu/Mercury – (13-12-1990 to
The native was married on
20.1.1991 in Ketu/Mercury/Mercury pe-
riod (13-12-1990 to 2-2-1991). Ketu is
placed in 7th house in D-1 chart. Mercury
is Lagna Lord and Vargottama in D-1 and
D-9 chart. Mercury is with Jupiter and
aspected by Venus in D-9 chart.
The native was blessed with birth
of a son on 26.10.1991 in Dasa period of
Ketu/Mercury/Saturn (14-10-1991 to 10-


Vargotama-G.k Goel.pmd 28 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` g.k.goel
Example 9
Swearing in ceremony of Dr. Man Mohan
Singh Prime-Minister of India.

Date: 25-05-2004 At 17:32:30 hrs (IST)

TZ-5:30 hrs

Nakshatra: Ardra 3 charan

Rahu/Mercury period – upto 13th May


Rahu/Ketu period – upto 31st May 2006

Rahu/Venus period – upto 31st May 2009

Term of Lok Shabha ends on 22-05-2009

Ketu is providing 3rd house argala to fifth house in D- The efficacy of electional time for the swearing in ceremony
1 chart. Mercury is ascendant lord of D-7 chart and will be examined based on Vargottama principle.
providing argala from 2nd house. Saturn is with Jupi-
ter and is in sign and House Vargottama. Salient features:
Major Period of Venus – (10.12.1991 to 1. Atma Karka Saturn, Amatya Karka Mars and Dara
Karka Moon are conjunct in 9th house and Bhava
Vargottama in D-1 and D-3 charts. This generates a
Venus is in Bhava Vargottama in D-1, D-3, D-9 and d-4 Raj-yoga par-excellent
charts. Venus is in sign Vargottama in D-1, D-3, D-4 and
2. Rahu is giving strong argala from 3rd house to Lagna-
D-12 charts.
pada in Aquarius sign and both Lagna-pada and Rahu
There is a continuous growth in the signification are aspected by Jupiter.
connected with these vargas. 3. Rahu is placed in angular house and conjunct with
In D-10 chart, Venus is placed in Sixth house and is the Mercury- a Trine Lord. This is a powerful Raj-Yoga
Lord of 12th house. The native is doing his own business. which will give excellent results particularly in Rahu
Sign and House Vargottama Moon is placed in sixth Dasa. (Laghu-Parasari Sloka 21).
house in D-1 and D-10 charts. Moon is also Rashi 4. Conjunction of Saturn, Mars, Moon and Venus are also
Vargottama in D-9 chart. Moon is conjoined by Rahu and generating Raj-Yoga par-excellent (Laghu Parasari –
Venus and aspected SUN, Ketu, Mars and Saturn. Venus, chapter on Raj-Yoga).
thus, acting as Yoga-Karta in D-10 chart. The business has
been expanding during this period. 5. Venus is 8th Lord and SUN is 11th Lord and Badhaka
planet. Thus the period of Rahu/Venus/Sun
(30.11.2006 to 24.01.2007) may generate Raj-Bhanga-
Yoga- loss of power and position (Laghu
Parasari - Sloka 22).
We shall now examine this electional
chart from the point of view of
Vargottama principle: -
1. Ascendants of D-1 and D-24
charts are Vargottama while both Jupiter
and Moon are sign and house
This indicates that Mr. Singh, the
Prime-Minister of India will act with lot
of wisdom and balance of mind. But
Rahu, whose major period is in opera-
tion and placed in 12 house in D-24 chart.

Vargotama-G.k Goel.pmd 29 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

vargottama `
3. Rahu is in Bhava Vargottama in
D-1, D-3, D-4, D-7 and D-9 charts. This
makes the Rahu very auspicious.
The placement of Rahu in 7 th
house in these charts indicates that the
government is running on the support
of coalition partners.
4. Mercury: Mercury is house
Vargottama in D-1, D-3 charts and places
in 7th house whereas Mercury is also in
Bhava Vargottama in D-10 and D-12
charts and placed in 5th house. In the
former case Mercury helps the coalition
politics and in the later case, the col-
leagues in congress organization and
governments may have a good rapport.
Mr. Man Mohan Singh has taken the oath
of the office on 26-05-2004 in the direc-
tional period of Rahu/Mercury with the
active support of coalition partners and
with the help of Congress organization.
5. Ketu: Ketu is Bhava Vargottama
in D-1, D-3, D-4, D-9 and D-7 charts. Ketu
is also in sign Vargottama in D-9 and D-
10 charts. Again Ketu is in Bhava
Vargottama in D-10, D-12 and D-24 charts.
The glaring deficiency is that Ketu is not
Vargottama in D-1 and D-10 charts. This
indicate that the government will not fall
in Rahu/Ketu Dasa period but will be
faced with lot of difficulties and problems.
This indicates undue interference from other country
in day to day affairs of the country. 6. Venus is placed in 3rd house in D-10 chart and is in
sign Vargottama in D-1 and D-10 charts. The Benefic
2. In D-10 and D-12 charts, Mercury, Rahu, Moon, Mars,
planets in 3rd house are not able to bring out the native
Saturn, Jupiter and Ketu are Bhava Vargottama.
from difficult situation. The directional period of
This shows government gets significant support from Rahu/Venus may see the end of government headed
parent organization-the Congress party. by Mr. Singh. If his government falls in this period,
then he may not get another chance to
become Prime-Minister. As his birth data
is not available, the comments about his
personal future cannot be foreseen in re-
alistic manner.

Laghu, Jataka of Varaha Mihira sums-
up basic and important concept of
predictive and natal astrology in brief.
Thos Karika has similar importance as
Laghu-Parasari in handling Parasar’s
Vimshottari Dasa System.

Laghu-Jataka lays down the basic

concept and foundation for operation of

Vargotama-G.k Goel.pmd 30 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` g.k.goel

The concept of Vargottam is very

powerful and unique tool of predictive
astrology. This concept thus establishes
a mutual inter connection in Varga
charts and show promise for fulfillment in some specific
Raj-Yogas. These three concepts are given below in
areas of life which otherwise are not so apparent in the
ascending order as prescribed by varaha-Mihira:
nativity. The Vargottama position removes many
1. 1st concept of Raj-Yoga: The exalted planet should be afflictions and is a strong tool to fix auspicious Mahurtas.
aspected by temporal friendly planets.
I have applied Vimshottari Dasa in my study to show the
If the planets are powerful and more than one in num- importance of Vargottama principles with the help of
ber, more powerful Raj Yoga will be generated. several examples. The results are encouraging. The savant
2. 2nd concept of Raj-Yoga: At least, three powerful plan- of Astrology may try to verify the efficacy of this concept
ets may be placed in Kendra (angular houses). If the with the help of other Dasa system also.
planets are more than 3, the more powerful Yoga will I shall feel earnestly happy, if the savants may draw some
be generated. benefit from this study to access the reach of Vargottam in
This concept yield to more powerful yogas compared predictive Astrology.
to the first one.
Parasara also says if powerful planets are placed in mutual
1. Laghu – Parasari
Kendra (angular houses), they act as mutual Karka and
yield to Yoga-Karka results. 2. Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra
3. 3rd concept of Raj-Yoga :This concept not only gives 3. Laghu-Jataka of Varaha Mihira
more powerful results but is more versatile and the
4. Brihat Jataka of Varaha Mihira
quality of yogas generated are very diverse and of far
reaching auspicious results. 5. Varga charka – Edited by Pt. Sanjay Rath
6. Navamsa in Astrology – C.S. Patel.

Vargotama-G.k Goel.pmd 31 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

mantra çästra `

Tattvas: A Few Principles

for Remedies
A Study of Rävaëa’s Uòòiça Tantra

Sarbani Sarkar
Gati: The Direction of the Mind (Moon) position as the tail of a snake during the grand event of
the churning of the ocean. Viñëu smiled and without
Once upon a time, many eons ago, at the time when Çré hesitation headed towards the tail of Väsuki with the
had left the gods, Çiva blessed the High Priest of the dark devas. For he knew, that it was natural for the asuras to
side, Çukräcärya, with the unequivocal Måta Saïjévané opt for the snake’s head as it represented material
knowledge, by which the asuras (demons) came back to enjoyment and abhorr the thought of sitting near the tail,
life from the dead, irrevocably more powerful and supreme which led to the spiritual path and eventually towards
as conquistadors. Shaken by this turn of events, the gods emancipation.
approached Lord Viñëu, who assuming the form of a
unique tortoise2 assisted the devas (gods) in churning3 the The head of the snake was thus occupied by the asuras
Milky Ocean4 whereby Amåta, the Nectar of Immortality while the devatäs sat on the tail. Astrologically depicted,
could be extracted. In this epochal exercise, Viñëu used the the head of the snake is Rähu and the tail is Ketu. Jupiter,
magnificent Mandär Mountain as the churning rod and Sun and Ketu are posited on the tail, on the mokña märga
the Divine Serpent, the multi-headed great Väsuki, as the (path of renunciation) while Saturn, Mars and Rähu are
churning rope. stationed at the head, on the bhoga märga (path of
material enjoyment). The Moon is stationed at the centre
Viñëu arrived on the shores of the Milky Ocean with of the snake, perfectly poised. It depends on the direction
Garuòa, having hauled Mandär on the way, like a puny of the mind, as to whether the Moon will veer towards
toy. Upon arrival, he bade farewell to Garuòa and send Rähu or Ketu, that is, is the mind moving towards a
him off, for Väsuki would not emerge even by mistake, as material or a more spiritual path.
long as Garuòa was present. In his supreme wisdom, Viñëu
knew, even the Divine Serpent Çeça Näga would tremble The churning of the ocean initially released a terrible
in the presence of the greatest eater of snakes. Garuòa is a poison, Kälaküöa, which was subsequently consumed by
bird, admittedly a divine bird, and so represented by the Çiva6. The act of churning affects the indriyas (senses)
Sun, while Rähu represents snakes. Though the latter has through this poison and the indriyas in turn, have an
the power to eclipse the former, the Sun is the one who impact on the mind. The different grahas aspecting the
exposes Rähu. Mantras of Garuòa are therefore the Moon thus influence the mind through the indriyas. Once
supreme remedy for sarpa doña or those troubled by the mind is affected it becomes biased and it is no more in
serpents of all kinds. The simple mantra for warding of perfect balance. It therefore calls for protection, and this
serpentine evils, om pakñé svähä is chanted in reverese as protection is provided by mantras. The ultimate aim of
kñipa om svähä, prempting Rähu’s misdeeds of reversal. mantras is to detach the mind from the indriyas and make
For whilst chanting a mantra for cutting the bondage of it move towards Om. For Om is the one thought, and one
snakes, Rähu would do his utmost to reverse the process. vibration, the singular truth towards which the mind
Kñipa om svähä would thus automatically become om pakñé should be focussed. This is the perfect mantra, the pure
svähä5 . sätvik chant that makes one seek out that unique vibration
that is the source of all reality.
Both the devas and the asuras participated in the churning
of the Kçérasamudra, and after the preliminaries were Mantras which operate at the level of the indriyas, deal
complete, Viñëu proceeded towards the head of Väsuki, with the material plane and are of three types. They are
followed by the other gods. The asuras, slighted at the räjasik by nature and can even be tämasik depending upon
thought that they had to occupy the lowly tail of the Great the nature of the mantra and the purpose of use. The
Snake, ranted that the reputation of their birth and karma, mantras will work through the ärüòhas as the mana works
prevented them from occupying such an “inauspicious” through the ärüòhas.

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` sarbani sarkar
be mitigated and sometimes conquered through remedial
Table 1: Basic Structuring Daçänana or the ten
Devatä Çakti Function Colour Worship Räçi Purpose
headed demon king
A Brahmä Sarasvaté Såiñöi Black/White Jagannäth Lagna New Job, Babies
U Viñëu Lakñmé Sthiti Yellow/Red SubhadräDevé Moon Health, Marriage Rävaëa, in his
M Maheçvara Käli Saàhära White/Black BalarämÇiva Sun Evils, Litigation magnum opus,
Rävaëa Saàhitä,
(which is a veritable
treasure of astrological nuggets and secrets of mantra
Chhanda 7 : The Rhythm of Everyday -çästra), wrote the Uòòéça Tantra, a unique book on
Work (Sun) remedies. Rävaëa’s tremendous knowledge and his
devotion to Lord Çiva are legendary, and it is by
The Sun, resplendent and glorious in his twelve forms, as appeasing the Trident-holder that he acquired his brilliant
the ruler of the day and the lord of the grahas, is the knowledge of the mantras. Prior to embarking upon his
controller of Time. The different käla sankhyäs or the battle with Çré Räma, Rävaëa prayed intensely to Çiva and
measurements of time like kñaë, muhürta, divasa, rätri, the great lord himself imparted this special knowledge of
pakña, mäsa, saàvatsara, åtu, ayana and yugas are the mantra çästra to Rävaëa in his own words, which he in
different parts of his amazing one-wheeled chariot. turn, penned under the title of Uòòéça Tantra. The Uòòéça
Without Äditya, there can be no dimension of time and no hinges on the principle of the five elements or the païca
order in the universe. The Sun’s basic measurement of time tatvas, hinting that when there is a tatva imbalance in the
on earth is from sunrise to sunrise, as it traverses the horoscope it may be rectified by the correct remedial
complete round of the twelve räçis, demarcating the period measure.
into day and night, aho and rätri.
Çiva begins his discourse to Rävaëa by classifying mantras
The Sun executes the entire material work of the universe into six categories, which he calls the ñaökarma or the six
in seven chhandas, which are directly connected to the kinds of action.
seven days (vära) of the week and
the hours (horä and käla) of the
day. The chhandas in the form of Table 2: Shatkarma
seven horses pull the Sun’s chariot Ñaökarma Translation Guëa Purpose
Çänti Peace Sätvik Curing Disease, Propitiation of
through its course in the skies, Planets, Redeeming Bad Karma,
across day and night, the twelve Generating Hope
months, the summer and the Vaçékaraëa Attract/Enslave Räjasik Enslavement
winter solstices. These seven Stambhana Stun/Freeze Räjasik Freezing to inaction
Vidveñaëa Repulse/Separate Rajasik Enmity between people
chhandas are gäyatré, triñöup,
Ucchäöana Expulsion Tämasik Expel from one’s home/country
jagaté, anuñöup, paàkti, båhaté and Märaëa Death/Destruction Tämasik Kill

Material creations are associated with rasas (flavour) as Çänti is the best and the only sätvik karma and should be
everything is defined in terms of the seven rasas. The seven performed at all times and for all purposes. It can pacify
rasas and chhandas correspond with each other as each malefic planets (krüra graha doñas), remove disease,
chhanda activates a rasa within us. For example, the restore health and give hope and peace to the dejected and
gäyatré chhanda activates the sweet or madhur rasa. depressed. Vaçékaraëa includes the entire gamut of
Mantras are set to the rhythm of these chhandas, which mohana mantras, used to attract another person, especially
resonate to a certain vibration within the chanter. those of the opposite sex. It is not recommended that these
methods be resorted to ensnare another human being as it
Ñaökarma8 is not based on true emotions between two people and may
wean off after the effect of mantra wears out. Stambhana
The sixth house of the zodiac is replete with negative is the power to freeze someone into inaction and can stun
connotations both within and without the native, of a person’s speech or any of his bodily functions. Vidveñaëa
diseases, enemies, conflicts, litigation, battles, injuries and
creates rifts and enmity between people, often among
the ñaòripu9 or the six flaws of man, which are the internal
couples, business partners, family members and friends.
enemies by which the mind is increasingly attached to the
The next two karmas are tämasik in nature. Ucchäöana are
indriyas. One can control and eventually eradicate these
ripus or internal enemies by changing the guëa of the mind extremely tämasik mantras and can harm a person
through mantras. Similarly, the evils of the sixth house can seriously by expelling him (ejection) from his home, office,

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mantra çästra `
or country. Märaëa is the worst karma any human being Table 3 details the deities, direction, time, season, day,
can perform, that is killing or robbing someone of his life nakñatras, tithis and lagnas appropriate for carrying out
including a trail of destruction. these ñaökarmas. This seems to follow a predictable pattern.
Riktä tithis like amävasyä and kåñëa caturdaçé, directions
While reading the Uòòéça, it must be kept in mind, that
like Naiååtti (the inauspicious southwest ruled by Rähu)
Rävaëa received this knowledge immediately before he
and Väyu (the west ruled by Saturn), days like Saturdays
waged his final war with Räma. He had received it as an
and Tuesdays and the predominance of malefic planets
answer to his request of learning techniques for this
are suggested while performing tämasik karmas. Sätvik
specific purpose, i.e. to destroy the huge Vänara Senä or
and more benign karmas are suited for Thursdays,
the Monkey Troops, who had amassed in hordes across
Wednesdays and Mondays, tithis like pürëimä, païcamé
the waters of the Indian Ocean, led by the King of Ayodhyä
and tåtéyä, and directions like the Éçäna, which is ruled by
himself, the great Çré Rämachandra and his brother
Jupiter and is the best for knowledge, spirituality and
Lakñmaëa. It then becomes clear as to why there are
blessings. The interesting lesson here is on the suggestions
mantras for death and destruction, of parting the waters,
about time. The six seasons are mapped onto the day
of flaming houses, of creating enmity and separation
starting at local sunrise, with each season being allocated
between people, of mohana or attraction mantras, which
four hours each. This has been worked out in Table 3 using
were probably used to deploy women spies in the enemy
a default sunrise time of 6 a.m.

This is a tantra designed specifically for the purposes of Béjas in Ñaökarma

war and it is apparent that
these war-designed principles
Table 4: Tattvas and Shatkarma
spilled over in the later days to Ñaökarma Tattva Çakti Varëa Posture Béja Mudrä
form the substance of tantra Çänti Jala Rati White Sitting Vouñaö (prosperity), Huà Padma
based mantra çästra and Phaö (graha çänti), Svähä
incorporated into the daily lives (havan),Namah (worship)
Vaçékaraëa Påthvé Väëé Blood Sitting Svadhä, Huà (attraction) Päça
of people. Hence räjasik and
Stambhana Agni Ramä Yellow Sitting Gadä
tämasik mantras designed for Vidveñaëa Äkäça Jyeñöhä Blood Sitting Huà, Vañaö Musala
war and politics, came into Ucchäöana Väyu Durgä Smoky Sleeping Huà, Vouñaö Vajra
vogue for common usage. Such Märaëa Påthvé/Agni Kälé Dark Standing Phaö Khaòga
mantras are prescribed ad lib by
many astrologers in the modern
era as remedial measures. Nevertheless, it conceals some The Uòòéça provides corresponding béjas, äsanas and
high principles of mantra çästra and it would be our task mudräs to the ñaökarmas. Béjas such as namah and svähä
to glean it out as the swan weans the milk from the water. are used for çänti karma and sätvik mantras and remedial
measures, while huà, the damana or suppression béja, is
Table 3: The Deities of Shatkarma

Ñaökarma Çakti Direction Åtu Time1 Vära Tithi Nakñatra Lagna

Çänti Rati Éçäna Hemanta Evening10 Wednesday, Dvétiyä, Tåtéyä Aries, Virgo
(Fall) p.m. to 2 Thursday, Monday Païcamé, Saptamé Pisces,
a.m. for Puñti karma: For Puñöé karma: Sagittarius
Thursday,Monday. Ñañté, Caturthé,
Strong Benefics Trayodaçé, Navamé,
Añöamé, Daçamé
Vaçikaraëa Väëé Uttara Vasanta morning 6 Mähendra Aries, Virgo,
(spring) to 10 a.m. Väruëa Pisces, Sagittarius
Stambhana Ramä East çiçira Night Wednesday, Païcamé, Daçamé Mähendra, Leo, Scorpio
(Winter) 2 to 6 a.m. Monday Pürëimä Väruëa
Vidveñaëa Jyeñöhä Naiååtti Gréñma Noon Friday, Sunday, Riktä Tithis, Dasamé Vahni, Aries, Virgo, Pisces,
10 a.m. to Strong melefics Ekädaçé, Amävasyä Väyu Sagittarius
2 p.m. Navamé, Pratipad,
Pürëimä (if on a
Ucchäöana Durga Väyu Varsä Afternoon Saturday, Strong Riktä Tithis, Ñañté, Vahni, Cancer, Libra
(Monsoon) 2to 6 p.m. Melefics Caturthé, Añöamé Väyu
Caturdaçi (if
Märaëa Kälé Agni çarat Sunset Saturday, Tuesday, Riktä Tithis, Kåñëä Aries, Virgo,
(Autumn) 6 to 10 p.m. strong Malefics Caturdaçé, Amävayä Pisces, Sagittarius

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` sarbani sarkar
used for removing evils, dangers and for tämasik activities. over vessels of water and then drinking it.
Mantras are classified as masculine, feminine and neuter
Lighting of the lamp per se, is an important ritual for any
as well; with feminine mantras having a svähä ending,
worship and remedial measure. The oil in the lamp is the
neuter mantras have a namah ending while masculine
body and hence is a crucial indicator for remedies
mantras end with huà phaö. Ägneya (fiery, hot) mantras end
pertaining to health issues. The wick is the ätmä. If the
with oà. Mantras, which have the chandrabindu, are
wick burns completely it shows that the native has
saumya (cool, peaceful) mantras. If a saumya mantra has a
completed his karma, if half of the wick remains, it shows
phaö in the end, it becomes an ägneya mantra, and if an
that some karma is to be completed. The fire is the
ägneya mantra has a namah in the end, it becomes a saumya
longevity. Offering flowers to the deity, can remove
mantra. The form of the deity to be worshipped, their
vidveñaëa, as when the äkäça tattva is vitiated, enmity
colour, posture and appearance are vividly described in
between people arise.
the Uòòéça for each of the karmas to be prescribed.

Tattvas in Mantras Digbala and Tattvas

There are two kinds of digbala; one from the lagna and
Table 5: Tattvas and Worship in the Paramparä
the other from the ärüòha lagna. The lagna shows
Tattva Béja Devatä Püjä Planets
Jala Vaà Devé Naivedya11 Venus physical direction while the ärüòha lagna shows the ayana
Påthvé Laà Gaëeça Gandha12 Mercury or the goal of life. The planets getting digbala will indicate
Agni Raà Sürya Lamp Mars a strong ayana. The tattvas are used for remedial measures
Äkäça Haà Viñëu Flower Jupiter to achieve these ayanas and to rectify it when it is weak
Väyu Yaà Çiva Incense Saturn
and afflicted. The ayanas are mapped into the four
Tattvas are crucial for worship and remedial measures. kendras:
The ñaökarma in the Uòòéça are associated with the five
elements of water, earth, fire, wind and ether. Such karmas Table 7: Dig and Ayana Bala
are performed when the corresponding tattva is rising. Ayana Bhäva Tattva Graha Deity
Dharma Lagna Påthivé, Mercury, Gaëeça,
Tattvas are of a span of 6 minutes each and there are 240
Äkäça Jupiter Näräyaëa
tattvas in a day. Each day has 8 yamas of 3 hours each. Artha 10th Agni Sun, Mars Sürya
Each yama is divided in two käla of one and a half hours. Käma 7th Väyu Saturn Çiva
Hence, in a day there are 16 kalas. Each käla is divided Mokña 4th Jala Moon, Venus Devé
into 15 tattvas each having a span of 6 minutes. From The two planets, which get digbala in the lagna, are
sunrise to sunset, there are 120 tattvas and from sunset to Jupiter and Mercury. The lagna represents the dharma
sunrise, there are another 120 tattvas. The tattvas are ayana. Dharma is at a dual level. One is at the level of the
mapped starting from the lord of the day in the order of material/physical world based on the påthivé tattva of
jala, agni, påthivé, väyu, äkäça. Therefore, for a Monday, Mercury. This is governed by Gaëeça. The other is the
the starting tattva would be jala, as the lord of the day is sanätana dharma of the world ruled by
a jala tattva planet. The second set of 15 tattvas start in sarvavyäpakeçwara Viñëu and hence indicated by Jupiter
reverse. (Äkäça), and in this form he is Näräyaëa. Hence, Gaëapati
and Näräyaëa are the two protectors of dharma. The
However, the paramparä and most traditions in India,
dharma of the lagna is the ayana of man, which is Nara
teach a different set of béjas corresponding with the five
(man) + Ayana (goal). Sun and Mars get digbala in the
tattvas, and the necessary remedial karma attached with
10th house, which is associated with agni tattva. The tenth
them. The five planets with physical bodies, with the
house, which is the throne of the horoscope, is concerned
exception of the nodes and luminaries, are associated with
with work and income, wealth and success. This is to do
these five elements. When any of these tattvas are afflicted
with artha çästra, which is concerned with the land and
in a chart, mantras with the appropriate béjas are to be
the world. The work performed is converted to energy and
chanted and remedial measures that incorporate the karma
money. Problems in this area can be rectified by balancing
associated with the afflicted tattva should be performed.
the Agni tattva and making it positive. A strong and
For example, if agni tattva is afflicted in a horoscope, then
positive Agni produces a fabulous worker. Both Çürya and
the native should be advised to light a lamp, above other
Çiva can be worshipped to strengthen the Agni tattva and
worship rituals. Those who have an afflicted jala tattva
for purposes of work.
should utilise water in worship rituals. Bowls of pure,
clean water, sweetly perfumed and laced with sandalwood Saturn gets digbala in the seventh house and is to do with
and camphor may be kept in the alter. It would help to the käma ayana, which is to do with relationships, and
remove the blemishes on many a jala tattva planet in a desires in general. Saturn rules väyu tattva, and in the case
chart. Mantras can also be chanted putting one’s hand it is afflicted, worshipping Çiva and doing karma

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mantra çästra `
associated with väyu tattva like burning many incense him the power to ‘see’ the reality of certain events. It would
sticks, lighting a mustard oil rather than a ghee lamp, are be good to observe that the Upapada lagna is with the
recommended remedial measures. Moon and Venus gets ärüòha lagna. After a year, he was prescribed a second
digbala in the fourth house of mokña ayana, the abode of remedy; that of the çakti of his lagna lord Mars. This was
jala and the domain of sätvik karma. This is relevant for hard penance and he lived in near seclusion and in perfect
one’s spiritual life and çänti karma. celibacy, following the remedy assiduously. After this year
completed, he found his life partner and became tempered
Example and calmer in mind and in behaviour. He also made some
achievements in tenth house matters, including the
Chart 1: Agni Affliction publication of a book at a tender age, which gave him
name, fame and reputation.

Chart 2: Mercury Remedy

This chart has afflicted jala tattva, with
Ätmakäraka Venus involved in a terrible
curse of the spouse in the fifth house of
love and affection, conjunct Mars and
Rähu. Moon is in Bharaëé nakñatra
eclipsed by Ketu and aspected by Mars,
Rähu and Saturn. Moreover, both these
jala tattva planets are a part of the Käla
Sarpa Yoga. A remedial measure for
Venus was suggested to him but he was
reluctant to do it. Väyu tattva is strong in
this native, with lagna lord Mercury
forming a beautiful Bhadra Mahäpuruña
Yoga in the fourth house. Mercury has
This example is a severe case of Agni tattva affliction. The
digbala in the ärüòha lagna, so he was prescribed a very
native has Scorpio rising and an exchange between Sun
high and spiritual çakti worship of Mercury. There were
and Mars, the lagna and the 10th lords. Both the houses
many obstacles in his receiving the mantra and the remedy
have signs and lords, which are Agni tattva. Sun is
instructions and although a spiritual person used to doing
strongly afflicted, not only by this exchange, but also by
various spiritual practices, he could not really tune in with
the aspects of Mars, Saturn and Rähu. This affliction is so
this. Once he started, in however imperfect form, he got
intense, that the Agni tattva is not only imbalanced but
immediate results by obtaining an impossible loan to buy
vitiated so that the potential of a Sun in a lagna or a tenth
a beautiful house ensconced in a lovely garden (Virgo).
lord in lagna, which promises brilliance and superb
Hence, Väyu tattva was activated for remedy to temper the
working and executive abilities, threatens ruin. Among the
mischief of Rähu and the nodes in his chart. It is an
jala tattva planets, Moon is conjunct a väyu tattva malefic
important reminder that Mercury and Rähu are posited
in a Mercurial sign. Venus is marginally more beneficial
opposite each other in the Kälacakra, and it is only Mercury
in exchange with Jupiter, although it is
not well placed in the second house.

Sun has digbala in the tenth house from

ärüòha lagna, so remedial measures were
prescribed to alleviate his problems. It
took almost two years for him to undergo
this transformation and realise his
potential. He was first prescribed the
Agni Gäyatré from the Åg Veda. He had
to do it with his hand over a copper (Sun)
pot of water each morning at sunrise. He
is a meticulous and conscientious person,
so he performed the remedies diligently
and with faith. After a few months, he
was able to extricate himself from an
undesirable relationship, as Agni gave

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` sarbani sarkar
who can crush Rähu. 1 Kartaré Scissors
2 Sücé Needle
3 Mudgar Hammer
Astras in Akñaras 4 Musala Mace
5 Krüra Çani Malefic Saturn
An important facet of prescribing mantras is choosing the 6 Çåìkhal Chains
best mantra for the deity based on the weapon the deity 7 Krakacha Saw
8 Çüla Trident
likes to wield. Chakra as weapons are used for all activities,
9 Vajra Thunderbolt
the lotus for çänti karma, bhüçuëòi for märaëa, daëòa for 10 Çakti Spear
vidveñaëa, kartari for breaking others mantras, sücé for 11 Paraçu Axe
separations, kuliça for madness, näräca for breaking into 12 Chakra Wheel
the enemy’s army, çåìkhal for imprisonment and so on. For 13 Kuliça Axe, Hatchet
14 Näräca Iron Arrow
example, all dvädaçäkñaré mantras have the chakra as the
15 Bhüçuëòé Cutlass
weapon. Hence, the best dvädaçäkñaré mantras are that of 16 Padma Lotus
Viñëu, as Viñëu holds the chakra and raises the Sudarçana
The fourth house is the heart lotus or the hådaya padma.
to protect the native. The Sudarçana is the 12-spoked
The fourth from the Kärakäàça is the Mätå Bhäva, and is
wheel of the Bhä Chakra. Fifteen akñara mantras have the
ideal for choosing the highest çakti form. The highest form
bhüçuëòi as the astra, and the most powerful of them all
of çakti is Çré bearing the lotus, which is the ultimate aim
is the one for Kälé. She, who will wield the bhüçuëòi to
of all mantras. Sätvik forms will have the lotus holding
destroy the Mithuna bhäva, which is sexuality and hence
mother in the background, as the most important and the
perfect celibacy is required for märaëa tantra. One of the
only reality is the lotus. Everything else other than the lotus
perfect celibates was Hanumän, who as an avatar of Rudra,
is an illusion. The Goddess or the Divine Mother, in her
deployed väyu tattva to set Lankä in flames. Although
compassion, allows us to see whatever form we wish to
Hanumän holds the gadä or the mace in his hands, the
see her. With the ñoòaçakñaré mantra, She lifts the lotus.
15-akñara mantras of Hanuman have the hidden power
The secret of the ñoòaçé vidyä is Brahma rakñä, and when
of the bhüçuëòi behind the gadä. In effect, his gadä ‘acts’
this is disturbed, one’s gati or direction in life is spoiled.
like a bhüçuëòi rather than a gadä. Sixteen akñara mantras
have the lotus as the weapon. The lotus symbolises the
hådpadma, or the heart lotus, the abode of the Inner Self, Example
the sanctum sanctorum of the Paramhaàsa. The best 16-
akñara mantra is that of Çré, the undisputable ñoòaçé Chart 3: Dvädaçäkñaré Mantra
mantra, for it is only with the 16-akñara
mantra that the lotus blooms in the
hådaya padma, so that the dirt of evil
blocking the iñöa in the heart will be
removed. Other weapons for mantras
are in the table below:

Astras help in the determination of the

best mantras. Since dvädaçäkñaré
mantras hold chakras as their weapons,
the best dvädaçäkñaré mantras are Viñëu
mantras. We therefore recommend 12
akñara Viñëu mantras as iñöa devatä
mantras. In the example given below,
Mercury is the iñöa devatä, so one has to
decipher a 12 akñara mantra for Viñëu,
in this case, the form of Viñëu is Ugra Mercury is the planet representing the iñöa devatä, being
Madhusüdana and the mantra is oà namo bhagavate 12th from the Kärakäàça. The best iñöa devatä mantra is a
väsudeväya. For in the Bhagavad Gétä Kåñëa says, “In Viñëu or a Viñëu avatära mantra, for which one always
whatever form you shall worship me, in that form I will opts for a dvädaçäkñaré mantra, as the 12th house is the
come to you.” One can choose any form of mantra for the house of mokña wherein lies the paramam padam of Viñëu.
Dharma Devatä, depending on the ayana or dhäma of the The Uòòéça reveals that it is also because the astra for 12
native and it need not be Viñëu mantras exclusively. akñara mantras is the chakra, the weapon held by Viñëu to
protect the native. The deity of Viñëu represented by
Table 6: Weapons of Mantras
Mercury is Ugra Madhusüdana and the mantra for it is
Mantra Akñaras Astra Weapon

Tattva in Mantra shastra.pmd 37 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

mantra çästra `
of the deity, in this case, Mahäviñëu or
Sadäçiva, the äkäça tattva manifestation
of the Supreme Being. In this example,
Jupiter is in Pisces, a jala tattva sign,
particularly representing the ocean.
Therefore, the form of Viñëu should be a
higher, äkäça form associated with a
water body or a ocean. The chosen deity
for the native is Jagannäth, the nirguëa
form of Näräyaëa Viñëu, situated on the
shores of Bay of the Bengal in the eastern
coast of India. Since the deity chosen is
that of Viñëu, a 12-akñara mantra of
Jagannäth was given to the native,
which worked wonders for the native.
The reason for opting for a Viñëu mantra
Om Namo Bhagavate Väsudeväya. for the native is strengthened by the yoga of Moon-Mercury
Chart 4: Dharma Devatä in the räçi chart; Moon is the fifth lord exalted and
Dharma Devatä deities need not be Viñëu mantras. In the conjunct Mercury, the Ätmakäraka.
above example, Jupiter is the planet placed in the ninth
house from Kärakäàça, making it the planet representing Om Tat Sat
the dharma devatä. Jupiter in general represents divinity
in a horoscope13, and specifically depicts a superior form
Paper presented in the SJC West Coast Conference, 2005, Sunnyvale,
Kurma avatära.
Samudra manthan
For more mantras of Garuòa, see the Garuòa
Hence, one of Çiva’s names is Nélakaëöha or the
Blue-throated One.
The literal meaning of chhanda is rhythm.
The conference is taking place while Jupiter is
transiting Virgo, the sixth house of the
Kälapuruña. This paper is therefore focussing
on the ñaökarma or the six types of remedial
measures with respect to mantras.
Käma (desire), Krodha (anger) , Lobha (greed)
, Moha (illusion), Mada (arrogance) and
Mätsarya (envy).
The time is calculated from local sunrise.
Default sunrise time of 6 a.m. is used here.
The bhoga offered is called naivedya.
Gandha means smell or perfumed products
like sandalwood paste, camphor, aguru that are
ritually used in a Hindu worship.
Praçna Märga

sarvasyärtihare devi näräyaëi namo’stu te


Tattva in Mantra shastra.pmd 38 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` Zoran Radosavljevic

Ashtaka Varga
It’s Proper use and Transits

Zoran Radosavljevic

Ashta means “eight” while varga means division. The turn given favour to Prajapati or Lagna which is the “Pati”
syllable “ka” refers to Brahma as the creator, representing of or living beings. Normally such division is absent in
Ksetra (having many meanings, one of which is zodiacal Varahamihira scheme, where the mode of ashakavarga is
sign and thus referring to Rashi chart). Ka bija is a part of more applicable to non-living beings.
terminology as introduced by Pt. Sanjay Rath, for noting
Now let us see the distribution of auspicious points for
the difference between Karakamsa and Karakamsa-Ka-
each planet;
where Ka refers to rashi chart. As sage Parashara states
that houses may have favourable and unfavourable results Bindus in Sun’s Ashtakavarga
in relation to the other planets, Ashtaka varga indicates
Planet Bhava from that Planet
the results of the houses in relationship with other planets.
So, this strength is derived on the influence of other planets Sun 1,2,4,7,8,9,10,11.
upon the houses. There are different kinds of strengths Moon 3,6,10,11.
such as Shadbala, Vimsopaka, which derive their strengths Mars 1,2,4,7,8,9,10,11.
on the basis of other parameters. This kind of strength is Mercury 3,5,6,9,10,11,12.
derived on the basis of relationship, so it is a kind of Jupiter 5,6,9,11.
“social surrounding” strength given by the planets to the Venus 6,7,12.
concerned house. In this system , each planet including Saturn 1,2,4,7,8,9,10,11.
Lagna (representing Rahu/Ketu) will grant a certain Ascendant 3,4,6,10,11,12.
house with a bindu (auspicious point) a, and rekha, small The rest places are given rekha. Therefore, there are 48
vertical line, which will indicate inauspicious results. bindus and 48 rekhas in Sun’s ashtakavarga
(Please note, that astrologers of South and East India use
Bindu for auspicious and Rekha for inauspicious points, Bindus in Moon’s Ashtakavarga:
while astrolgers in North India do it vice-versa ). Planet Bhava from that planet
Bindu is a symbol of Shakti or power of Creation, the dot Sun 3,6,7,8,10,11.
that has icha-shakti which causes the whole creation. On Moon 1,3,6,7,10,11.
the contrary the Rekha symbolizes Hara or Shiva in its Mars 2,3,5,6,9,10,11.
destructive form, a form of removal of ignorance. Mercury 1,3,4,5,7,8,10,11.
Jupiter 1,2,4,7,8,10,11
Therefore, each Graha and twelve houses from a graha Venus 3,4,5,7,9,10,11.
have been given auspicious places by other seven grahas Saturn 3,5,6,11.
and lagna. There are two major variations of Ashakavarga Ascendant 3,6,10,11.
system,one is given by Parasara where totally 386
auspicious points have been given. Another is given by The rest places are given rekhas. Therefore, there are 49
Varahamihira where 337 auspicious points are given bindus and 47 rekhas in Moon Ashakavarga
excluding the Lagna, which is in complete line with the Bindus in Mars Ashtakavarga:
schemes of 7/8 charakarakas, where 7 charakarakas and
337 Varahamihira scheme would be more appropriate in Planet Bhava from that planet
delineation of non-human charts. Lagna is taken favour Sun 3,5,6,10,11
instead of Rahu/Ketu schemes where both excluded as two Moon 3,6,11
basic Rudras, where Rahu destroys Sun, Moon and rasis, Mars 1,2,4,7,8,10,11.
while Ketu destroys nakshatras and tatwas. They are in Mercury 3,5,6,11.


Ashtaka varga.pmd 39 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

ashtakavarga `
Jupiter 6,10,11,12. Venus 6,11,12.
Venus 6,8,11,12. Saturn 3,5,6,11.
Saturn 1,4,7,8,9,10,11. Ascendant 1,3,4,6,10,11.
Ascendant 1,3,6,10,11 Therefore, there are 39 bindus and 57 rekhas in Saturn
Thus, there are 39 bindus and 57 rekhas in Mars ashtakavarga
Bindus in Ascendent Ashtakavarga:
Bindus in Mercury Ashtakavarga:
Planet Bhava from that Planet.
Planet Bhava from that Planet.
Sun 3,4,6,10,11,12.
Sun 5,6,9,11,12.
Moon 3,6,10,11,12.
Moon 2,4,6,8,10,11.
Mars 1,3,6,10,11.
Mars 1,2,4,7,8,9,10,11.
Mercury 1,2,4,6,8,10,11.
Mercury 1,3,5,6,9,10,11,12.
Jupiter 1,2,4,5,6,7,9,10,11.
Jupiter 6,8,11,12.
Venus 1,2,3,4,5,8,9.
Venus 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,11.
Saturn 1,3,4,6,10,11.
Saturn 1,2,4,7,8,9,10,11.
Ascendant 3,6,10,11.
Ascendant 1,2,4,6,8,10,11.
Thus, there are 49 bindus and 47 rekhas in Lagna
Thus, there are 54 bindus and 42 rekhas in Mercury
Therefore the highest number of bindus is given in the
Bindus in Jupiter Ashtakavarga:
following order:
Planet Bhava from that planet 1.Guru- 56
Sun 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,10,11. 2. Budha 54
Moon 2,5,79,11. 3.Shukra 52
Mars 1,2,4,7,8,10,11. 4. Chandra 49
Mercury 1,2,4,5,6,9,10,11. 5. Lagna 49
Jupiter 1,2,3,4,7,8,10,11. 6. Surya 48
Venus 2,5,6,9,10,11. 7.Shani 39
Saturn 3,5,6,12. 8. Mangala 39
Ascendant 1,2,4,5,6,7,9,10,11.
Thus there are 56 bindus and 40 rekhas in Jupiter
Some texts such as Sambhu Hora Prakasha give also Rahu
Ashtakavarga with 43 bindus, but following the scheme
Bindus in Venus Ashtakavarga: of Sage Parashar, the last ashtakavarga is of Lagna.

Planet Bhava from that planet It is obvious that the greatest Benefics Guru and Budha (it
is common knowledge that they add to the strength of the
Sun 8,11,12.
sign), have been given the highest benefic points in their
Moon 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,11,12.
own ashtaka varga. Readers may think further on this.
Mars 3,4,6,9,11,12.
Mercury 3,5,6,9,11. It is also obvious that each sign can have maximum 8
Jupiter 5,8,9,10,11. bindus, or 8 rekhas. The more bindus are found in the sign,
Venus 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,10,11. the more auspicious points it is going to give. Thus, 8
Saturn 3,4,5,8,9,10,11. various charts should be prepared for each horoscope. We
Ascendant 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,11. should differentiate the following terms:
Thus, there are 52 bindus in Venus ashakavarga, which 1. Bhinna ashtaka varga- this are the number of bindus
leaves 44 rekhas given in each sign in each ashtakavarga
Bindus in Saturn Ashtakavarga: 2. Prastara ashtaka varga- this is the same as bhinna,
Planet Bhava from that Planet while instead of number of bindus given, each bindu
is substituted with a planet giving that bindu. Prastara
Sun 1,2,4,7,8,10,11.
means spread-out.
Moon 3,6,11.
Mars 3,5,6,10,11,12. 3. Shodita ashtaka varga is the number of bindus after
Mercury 6,8,9,10,11,12 the reductions.
Jupiter 5,6,11,12.

Ashtaka varga.pmd 40 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` Zoran Radosavljevic
4. Samudaya Ashtakavarga (aggregate ashtakavarga) is them; this will leave all the three Rasis with zero bindu.
the sum of bindus from all eight ashtakavargas. Thus
each sign will get some bindus (before shodana) from Ekadipatya Shodana
each ashtakavarga diagram. This collective
After Trikona Shodhana is complete, Ekaadhipatya
ashtakavarga is very important for judging the
Shodhana is to be carried out. Ekaadhipatya Shodhana is
strength of the houses.
not done for Cancer and Leo Rasis, as their owners do not
Here is an example chart: Pt Sanjay Rath own any other Rasi

Ekaadhipatya (Planetary ownership of

two Rasis) Shodhana:

Here reduction is carried out when one

planet owns two Rasis. Bindus in both
the Rasis owned by a single planet are
subject to Shodhana and the Rules are
as under.

No Shodhana is required if:

1 Both the signs are occupied by
2 If one Rasi, of the two under con-
sideration has no Bindus.
When out of the two Rasis one is
Calculate the bindus in Sun ashtakavarga and draw occupied and other is unoccupied:
Bhinna and Prastara ashtakavarga of Sun 1 If the number of Bindus in occupied Rasi are equal to
or greater than those in unoccupied sign, make unoc-
Shodanas cupied sign Bindus equal to Zero
There are two kinds of Shodanas which have to be 2 If the number of Bindus in occupied Rasi is less than
performed. One is Trikona Shodana, while another is those in the unoccupied Rasi then increase them to
Ekadipatya shodana. equal those in the unoccupied sign.
Trikona Shodana If both the Rasis under consideration are unoccupied:

Trikona Shodhana (Trine Bindu’s Reduction) Rules: 1 If the numbers are equal make both equal to zero

The triad of following Rasis forms the trines: 2 If the numbers are dissimilar, reduce the larger num-
ber to the lesser numbers.
1 Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Exercise: Please check Sun’s ashtakavarga to see whether
2 Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
there is ekadipatya shodana.
3 Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
4 Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
Rasi Ari Tau Gem Can Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cap Aqu Pis
Rules given by Parashara: Rasi Mana 7 10 8 4 10 5 7 8 9 5 11 12

1 When there are bindus in

all three trine points, deduct the least Planet Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn
number of points from the points of all Graha Mana 5 5 8 5 10 7 5
three Rasis.
2 If one of the Rasis forming the trines has zero Bindu,
After completion of Ekadipatya Shodana, the Pinda
no Trikona Shodhana is to be carried out (Because you
Shodana shoud be carried out.
will deduct zero being the least number from bindus of
a Rasi). Pinda Shodana
If all the three Rasis have identical bindus, remove all of
After completion of Ekaadhipatya Shodhana, Pinda

Ashtaka varga.pmd 41 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

ashtakavarga `
Shodhana is to be carried out. This is done by multiplying should analyze bindus in lagna to see the health of the
the finally reduced Bindus by Rasi-Mana (numerical value native. These bindus should be higher than bindus in
of the Rasi) and is called Rasi Pinda. If there are any 6/8 houses which indicate agantuk and nija roga. You
planets in the Rasi, the reduced Bindus are also multiplied can also utilize sun ashtakavarga for various other
by Graha-Mana (numerical value of the Planets) and the purposes such as installation of a puja room depend-
product is called the Graha Pinda. Addition of Rasi Pinda ing on the number of bindus/rekhas. The bindus in
and Graha Pinda is called Shodhya Pinda. the sigh of the sun is also of utmost importance. You
may also see Prastara ashtakavarga and the planets
Rasi Mana (Numerical values of Rasis): contributing good or bad results and judge in the dasas
Graha Mana (Numerical value of Planets): accordingly.
After the reduction in this pinda shodana we got Rashi 3. Moon ashtakavarga is to be studied for mother, mind,
Pinda, Graha Pinda and Shodaya pinda. home etc. You can see the fourth house in this
At this stage we should differentiate the following terms: ashtakavarga and the number of bindus/rekhas. It will
indicate which planets will contribute to mother’s
1. Trikona reduction- this is the trinal reduction health and well being. 4th house is the house of con-
2. Ekadipatya reduction- This is the reduction based on scious thinking, and bindus there can show the state
the ownership of mind. In Vastu shastra, this ashtakavarga is used to
fix the position of water tanks, wells, bathroom etc.
3. Pinda reduction (shodana)- serves for the calculation There are so many rules which can be intelligently
of Shodaya panda used from these bhinna astakavargas. For example, if
4. Rashi Mana- Fixed numerical values of the signs you start a trip, and meet a person whose lagna is the
sign which has the highest number of bindus in Moon
5. Graha Mana- Fixed numerical values of the planets6. astakavarga, the trip will be fruitful (Mukunda
Rashi Pinda- Bindus finally reduced when multiplied Daivajna)
with Rashi Mana7. Graha Pinda- Bindus finally re-
duced when multiplied with Graha Mana8. 4. Mars ashtakavarga can be seen for siblings, proper-
Shodaya Pinda- the sum of graha and rashi pinda ties, strengths etc. See the sign where Mars is placed
and judge accordingly. The third house from Mars in
The use Ashtaka Varga Prastara can indicate the bindus giving the siblings.
Judge these grahas and their strength of weakness
AShtakavarga can be used in so many different ways. I
using the standard rules (triple with exaltation, vakri,
will list various uses of Ashtaka varga, but will focus in
double own signs etc) to see the number of siblings.
this paper work on the following:
See the sign in lagna to see the physical strength of the
1. Bhina Ashtakavarga and Transits native, and 3rd house to judge the fighting power. Judge
the planets and bindus accordingly
2. Transit of Atmakaraka/Charakarakas through Bhinna
ashtakavargas 5. Budha ashtakavarga can be seen for education, uncles,
bandhus, and business. See the planets in 3/6 to see
3. Transits of Planets and Samudaya ashtakavarga
the learning ability and skills (dhimantha of natural
4. Transits of Guru and Shani and Shodaya Pinda zodiac). See the bindus in 4th house to judge the educa-
tion. See the arudha of 7th house for business partners.
As you know each graha and the nodes are related to one
ashtakavarga. 6. Guru ashtakavarga is seen for children, religion,
dharma, wealth etc. Check the 5th from Guru and see
1. Lagna Ashtakavarga is related to intelligence and sins
the bindus and planets. Apply the same procedure as
(rahu) and moksha (ketu) poles of the mind. You can
in Mars ashtakavarga for siblings. Check the 9th house
see the bindus in relevant houses to see where the in-
for Guru and Dharma. Use the logic and apply the
telligence is coming from, and which planets will add
in which way to a native’s dhi shakti. For example, a
large amount of bindus in 7 th house of Lagna 7. Shukra ashtakavarga is seen for spouse, partners, com-
ashtakavarga indicates the growth of vrisdhi-shakti forts, favourable occasions etc. So many different rules
(one part of the dhi) and a person will be materially can be seen in here. 7th from Shukra will bring partners
successful. Therefore, study Lagna ashtakavarga fur- and judge the bindus and planets over there. Compare
ther for status and fame. the dasas also. See the bindus in Darapada and
Upapada. IF a contributing planet to Upapada is the
2. Sun ashtakavarga is studied for father, health and ca-
planet that rules your spouse’s lagna, the compatibil-
reer prospects (and other significations of the sun). You
ity will be good. When shukra transits the sign where

Ashtaka varga.pmd 42 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` Zoran Radosavljevic
the greatest number of bindus is found, the attachment We will examine the following statements:
will come in the jataka’s life.
1. When shani transits the signs with low number of
8. Shani Ashtakavarga is seen for longevity and roga bindus (less than four) in the concerned bhina
(illness). Check the 8 from Shani, and see the planets ashtakavarga, as well as the signs with zero or one
contributing longevity. Planets contributing bindu will bindu in sodhita ashtakavarga, death-like suffering
be giver of good health and longevity, while planets will come in the concerned ashtakavarga (sun- father,
contributing rekhas will destroy the same and bring health, shukra- wife, sister etc)
illness. All matters related to elder siblings (Jaimini),
2. When Guru transits the same signs, prosperity and
can be seen from this Ashtkavarga too. In vastu purush
happiness arise
shastra, the toilets and storages should be fixed ac-
cording to this ashtakavarga. Transits of shani See the following chart of the Author.
through the signs having no bindus or less than four
Shani entered the mesha rashi on 17.april 1998. In the
bindus is considered inauspicious for health and lon-
author’s chart two major incidents took place - (1) Sister’s
sickness culminated and (2) The father died. Let us see
1. Study each bhinna and prastara ashtakavarga sepa- what happened. Check the bhinna ashtakavarga of Sun
rately, using all standard rules such as arudas/padas to check the death of the father. It has four bindus so it is
and various different aspects in life normal. Even after reductions, there is one bindu, and there
2. Use these ashtaka varga in vastu shastra to plan a are signs which have zero bindus where Saturn did not
layout of a house and inner orientation cause death during its transit through these signs. Then,
what is the reason. Parasara teaches that for the night
3. See the relevant planets in transits in own births, Saturn is significator for father, while Moon for
ashtakavarga, whether the transited sign has more or mother. Now, let us check Saturn ashtakavarga and see
less than 4 bindus and declare the results accordingly the mesha rashi. It has one bindu which is very low. That
4. Contemplate on the relationship of Ashtakavaragas explains father’s death. What about sister? Sister should
and Ashtadala Padma and eight charakarakas. Study specifically be seen in Venus ashtakavarga. Lowest bindu
the link of each charakaraka with relevant will be seen in Kumba and Mesha rashi. When Saturn was
ashtakavarga and judge the results accordingly. The transitting kumba (1993), the sister had death-like
main focus should be with Atmakaraka and its accident, while its transit through mesha brought triple
ashtakavarga. Use the standard rules hospitalization. The author remembers Saturn’s transit
through Pisces and Aries as the worst periods in his life
Ashtaka Varga and Transits time, however in Lagna ashtakavarga pisces is having 5
bindus and aries 4. Saturn’s transits through these houses
Now, I will focus on transit of Guru and Shani, being the should be normal. Even in sodhita, the values in these
slowest grahas and those who give the fruits of poorva signs is not zero. Then why is so. See the Atmakaraka
punya (Guru), and papa (Shani). I will also focus on Shani and its ashtakavarga. These signs have 2 and 1
Asthakavarga of Rashi chart, while readers are bindus which indicates death-like experiences on the level
encouraged to conduct the further research with of the soul. That is completely true.
Ashakavargas of relevant divisional charts.
Now, let us check Guru transits for some
auspicious events in the same chart.

-During guru transit through Mesa

rashi (1987) a person got a Diksha from
his Guru. Now Look at Guru
ashtakavarga and note that mesha
holds 6 bindus. A few years later,
another diksha was taken where guru
was in Karka with 5 bindus.

-A person met his Jyotisha Guru when

Guru was vakri in makara with 6
bindus again in Ashtakavarga.

-A person himself became a Jyotish

Guru when guru was transitting


Ashtaka varga.pmd 43 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

ashtakavarga `
vrishabh rashi holding 5 bindus in his

-When guru was again transitting

vrishabh rashi a person got two pieces
of properties. Note Mars ashtakavarga,
and there are 5 bindus in the sign

- When guru was transitting mituna

rashi a person bought a very nice and
comfortable car. Please not mituna rashi
in shukra ashtakavarga. Not only that
it has 6 bindus and is the sign with
highest bindus in this ashtakavarga,
but after reductions four bindus are left
making it extremely favourable.

Shodaya Pinda and Transits Saturn into krittika. If we divide the same result by 12 we
get zero remainder indicating pisces and entering into
Chapter 72 of Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra gives the aries. Actually father died when Saturn was in Aries and
effects of certain planetary transits of Saturn through Krittika Nakshatra, while he seriously fell sick when
certain signs and Nakshatra. Before I explain the process Saturn was in revati and entering Aswini nakshatra.
the following should be noted: During the Saturn transit in Dhanu which is in trines to
Aries, he had a stroke, and remained paralyzed for nearly
1. 9th from the Sun is responsible for bringing Father to
three months. You can also take 9th house from Sun in
the native
Saturn ashtakavarga being karaka for father for night
2. 4th house from the Moon is responsible for bringing births. And you will reach by calculation Nakshatra
mother to the native Vishaka and Cancer rashi. You will see that during the
3. 4th from Mercury is the same for relatives father’s death, Saturn was transitting opposite nakshatra.
This requires further research.
4. 3rd from Mars is the same for siblings
Now, let us see the accident of a sister. During the accident,
5. 5th from Jupiter is the same for children Saturn was in kumbha and dhanishta nakshatra. We
6. 7th from Venus is the same for spouse should examine 3 rd house from Mars in his own
ashtakavarga. Shodaya panda of Mangal is 116 and
7. 8th from Saturn is responsible for bringing death dhanu is the sign in the 3 rd from Mangal in his
The formula is quite simple. Take the number of bindus ashtakavarga having 3 bindus. Thus 3x116 divided by 27
in these signs (9th from Father, 4th from mother etc) and gives 24 remainder which is Shatabhishek Nakshatra. IF
multiply the number with the SHodaya Pinda (graha divided by 12 indicates zero remainder, sign pisces. Thus
panda plus rashi panda). The result is to be divided by 27 Transit Saturn through satabhishek or its trines or pisces
to get the number of nakshatra starting from aries, or by its trines will give the bad results. Actually the accident
twelve to get the number of sign starting from aries. took place during transit Saturn through the previous
nakshatra Dhanistha and kumbha rashi, while during the
1. when Saturn transits that sign or its trines, death or pisces rashi was a heavy period of triple hospitalization.
big distress will come to the person concerned
We can see that approximately this method can help us
2. when Jupiter transits that sign or its trines, happy re-
pinpoint the transit of Saturn through certain nakshatra
sults will follow to the person concerned. It is all but
and signs. In practice slightly earlier results are given then
turns of good luck (Jupiter) and bad luck (Saturn)
in here. Why?
Note: According to my own experience, opposite place
Perhaps the following verse from Mukunda Daivajna can
(nakshatra) or sign can also be taken into account
help us to pinpoint the reason.
Now check the previous example. 9th place from Sun is
“ The sign into which a planet is about to move makes a
virgo and in Sun ashtakavarga it has 6 bindus. Shodaya
planet give a taste of its result in advance. The sun five
Pinda for Sun is 86 When this is multiplied and divided
days before, the Moon 72 minutes before, Mars 8 days
by 27 we get 3 as a remainder, indicating entering the
before, Mercury and Venus 7 days before, Jupiter two

Ashtaka varga.pmd 44 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` Zoran Radosavljevic
pisces again and uttaraphalguni nakshatra. Just
prior to the meeting of his girlfriend, Guru was in
that nakshatra and during the event in the opposite
sign. Note the parivarthana Yoga and try to guess
the sign where Guru will be found during the

om tat sat

Vastu - Directional Influences

on Human Affairs
by Niranjan Babu Bangalore

Release of book on Vastu by H. H. Sri Sri Ravi
Shankar on 14th April 2006 at AOL International
Center, 21st km, Kanakapura Road, Banglore,

Releasing the book Vastu — Directional

Influences on Human Affairs, Sri Sri Ravi
Shankar, Founding father of Art of Living
Foundation expressed happiness that the book
months before and Saturn six months before, and Rahu was authored by Niranjan Babu Bangalore, the
and Ketu three months earlier begin giving their results” son of the celebrated astrological scholar Dr. B. V.
Raman. Over 2000 people listened to the words of
Note: Some texts such as Jyotisha Sagara and Jyotisha wisdom flowing from Sri Sri in rapt attention, He
Prakasha give these periods differently. appreciated the efforts of Mr. Niranjan Babu
Bangalore in coming out with this very relevant
Transit of Guru book on Vastu.
As we did calculation for Saturn we can do the same for
The author detailed out the contents of the book
Guru and its transits through signs and nakshatras. Let
while highlighting the importance of Vastu Shastra
us see the following chart of Bojan Vidakovic.
in today’s modern world. The book delves into the
In this chart 7th house from Venus is in dhanu rashi. If we subject, with incisive insight and doles out practical
take bindus in dhanu in Shukra ashtakavarga it is 3. prescriptions. Highlighting the chapter on natural
Shodaya panda of Shukra is 126. When we multiply these calamities, the author commended the great work of
two and divide by 27 we will get the remainder zero (revati AOL foundation and its volunteers in providing
nakshatra), while if we divide it by 12 we will get the shelter, food and succor to the hapless victims.of the
remainder six (kanya Rashi). During the marriage Gujarat earthquakes, the Orissa cyclones, the 9/11
ceremony, guru was transiting kanya rashi and hasta attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, Tsunami
nakshatra which is opposite the revati. that hit India, Sri Lanka and other countries, the
Katrina cyclones in Florda, etc.
Branka Dragisic
Mr.Balram Sadhwani, Regional Director, UBS
Check the same procedure for this chart. You will reach Publishers’ Distributors introduced the author to the
the sign pisces and revati nakshatra. When she met her audience and spoke of the importance of the book.
important boyfriend, guru was in kanya (opposite sign) He said that the author, with his deep knowledge
and opposite nakshatra over the subject, had conveyed the essence of several
Visti Larsen ancient texts on this great science for easy
assimilation of the modern intelligent mind.
Check the same procedure and you will reach the sign


Ashtaka varga.pmd 45 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

käla chakra `

Käla Chakra Gocara

Visti Larsen
and intentions, only to return back to the center to
rejuvenate. In the center the atma goes through the various
states of sleep, dream, dreamless sleep and samädhi, after
which the atma begins to move through the other directions,
provided that it does not stay there forever. Readers are
recommended to study these çastra for a more detailed
glance into the movement and nature of the atma in each of
these states.
Thus the atma having descended to this world of karma
moves through each of the directions in an attempt to fulfill
certain desires or karma. Being so, the käla chakra is the
basis for all life and the cycle of birth and rebirth. It becomes
the basis of all religion, and one of the most important
tools for Jyotish.
In this article, the käla chakra will be used to time one of
the most important events for the soul - the movement of
the soul out of this world of karma, namely the time of
death. Here, with the use of transits and movement of special
points, the time of death will be confirmed, in an attempt
by this author, to prove the accuracy of the käla chakra in
timing one of the most important events for the soul.
1. Basis of Käla Chakra
2. Calculation
The käla chakra literally means ‘wheel of time’. It consists
of ten directions; eight horizontal directions and two The käla chakra calculation is described in Praçna Märga,
vertical, where the horizontal directions keep one occupied Chapter 16, in çlokas 82 to 84. For brevity, the calculations
with the karma of this world, whilst the two vertical are are now described in a lucid way;
either taking one upwards towards God and heaven, or Draw three squares, one inside the other. The four corners
downwards towards the hells where punishment occurs. and four sides of the squares are the eight directions (i.e.
These directions are assigned to the ten digpälakas1, or ten east, south-east, etc) draw lines horizontally and vertically
nourishers/protectors of each direction, who give one the through the sides and diagonally through the corners of
fruits of ones karma. Literally the fruits of ones karma comes the squares to fix the eight directions in the chart.
from each of these directions. Here specifically the eight Next step is fixing the positions of nakñatras in the chakra.
horizontal directions become the focus of karma, whilst The middle-uppermost direction is the eastern direction
the two vertical directions in the middle take you out of the followed in clockwise direction by the; south-east, south,
same. These eight directions are akin to the eight petal south-west, west, north-west, north and north-east
lotus residing in the heart lotus, or better known as the directions.
hådaya chakra. In the topmost line in the eastern direction fix the first
The Näräyaëa sukta states that the soul resides in the nakñatra. Moving towards the center of the square fix the
hådaya chakra and goes on to describe its size and position second, third and fourth nakñatras. The image below shows
in the body. Dhyäna bindu upaniñad goes one step further the remaining allotments of the chakra, their directions
to describe the nature of each of these petals in the chakra, and the planets presiding over these directions.
and how the atma moves through these directions
throughout the life, accompanied by a variety of emotions Figure 1: Käla Chakra, source: “Eight Petal Lotus”, by
Sanjay Rath

Kalachakra Gochara.pmd 46 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` visti larsen
2.2. Directions in the käla chakra
Finally the well known digpalas or ‘protectors of the
directions’ are allotted to the käla chakra, to understand
the purpose or essence of the various directions. I.e. the
southern direction is considered inauspicious as it is the
direction of Yama, the god of death.

Notably the numbers move inwards from the sides, whilst

moving outwards towards the corners. This is based on
well-known principles of vastu as well, where the präëa
or life-force is said to enter the house from its walls or sides,
whilst it leaves the house through its corners. Similarly
also the präëa in any living being is said to enter the native
through the sides/kendras of the käla chakra, and leave Figure 3: Digpalas and käla chakra
through the corners/trikoëa.
2.3. Two starting points
2.1. Mapping the signs
There are mainly two different nakñatras to start from in
The käla chakra is not limited to the nakñatras. Harihara the käla chakra. One is by placing the Sun in the east. The
in Praçna Märga has allotted the twelve signs to the eight other is by placing the Moon in the north east. Each has
directions in the käla chakra, as well as the eight grahas, their own purpose.
excluding Ketu.
Understanding of Yantras or Vedic diagrams gives us the
key to this difference. In drawing Yantras, the triangle has
a significant impact in deciding the masculine/feminine
energy presiding in the Yantra. If the peak of the triangle
faces upwards, then the Yantra is a masculine one. If it
faces the opposite direction, that is downwards, then
feminine energy presides in the Yantra.

Figure 4: Masculine vs. Feminine triangles

Figure 2: Signs in the käla chakra

The upwards direction is considered as East in the triangle
and the Sun (masculine) is placed in this corner of the käla
The planets are lords over the weekdays and the tithis,
chakra, to identify the impact that God has on the atma.
where the most important is the Tithi and weekday of birth.
This is useful in seeing health and strengths. Similarly the

Kalachakra Gochara.pmd 47 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

käla chakra `
feminine triangle is drawn beginning with the upper-left Praçna Märga, by Hari Hara. These movements have been
corner which is considered as the north-eastern direction. encoded into the sutras, and have to be derived based on
The Moon (feminine) is placed in this corner to see the the kaöapayädi system of numerology.
existence of the individual atma is colored by the käla
As an example, the first eight syllables of chapter twelve,
chakra, and how it interacts with all the other souls.
çloka ninety-six is given below:
3. The movement of the Yoginé kesrIÉaegze;ae ih
kesarébhogaçeño hi
The Yoginé is a very ferocious form of the Goddess and is
said to move through the käla chakra causing destruction Deriving these syllables from the kaöapayädi varga we get:
wherever she sits. She travels through the spokes of the ka(1), sa (7), ra (2), bha (4), ga (3), ça (5), ña (6) and ha (8).
käla chakra for each Yama that passes. There are eight Later Harihara explains that this is for Sundays.
Yama in the day and eight in the night, each consisting
of about 1:30 hrs each. The
exact length of a Yama Table 2: Vära Yoginé
should be found based on
the span of day/night, Vära/Käla 1 2nd 3 rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Sunday East North S. East S. West South West N. West N. East
and divided by eight. This Monday North West N. East S. East East South S. West N. West
can at time cause a greater Tuesday S. East N. East South West S. West N. West North East
variance in the position of Wednesday S. West S. East West North N. West N. East East South
the Yoginé. Thursday South East S. West N. West West North N. East S. East
Friday West South N. West N. East North East S. East S. West
The Yoginé moves Saturday N. West S. West North East N. East S. East South West
through the eight Yama in
the day and repeats its
motion in the night. This
motion is based on the Table 3: Tithi Yoginé
weekday OR tithi of the
Tithi/Käla 1st 2nd 3 rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
day. 1st/9th East North S. East S. West South West N. West N. East
2nd/10th North West N. East S. East East South S. West N. West
The movement of the
3 rd/11th S. East N. East West South S. West N. West North East
Yoginé based on 4th/12th S. West S. East West North N. West N. East East South
weekdays causes the end 5th/13th South East S. West N. West West North N. East S. East
of physical suffering and 6th/14th West South N. West N. East North East S. East S. West
takes the atma out of this 7th/purnima N. West West North East N. East S. East South S. West
8th/amavasya N. East N. West East South S. East S. West West North
world and back to God.
This is seen using the käla
chakra from the Sun. Also In a previous çloka, Harihara has already states that the
our presence in this world is based on relationships and numbers from one to eight correspond to the directions
the Tithi-Yoginé shows the suffering we face due to beginning from East and ending with North-East. Hence
separation from other souls. This separation is found using for the movement of the Yoginé on a Sunday we have
the Tithi-Yoginé. derived the order as: East, North, S. East, S. West, South,
The movement of these two types of Yoginé is given in West, N. West and N. East.
Based on this, we can tabulate
Table 1: Katapayädi varga the following movements
Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
‘ka’ k Oa Ga ¸a f Ca D Ja H | Note that the movements based
Group ka kha ga gha ìa ca cha ja jha ïa on weekday and Tithi are not
‘öa’ Q Q F F [ t w d x n exactly the same. Some exchange
Group öa öha òa òha ëa ta tha da dha na occurs among the movements on
‘pa’ p ) b É m the tithis lorded by Mars (third
Group pa pha ba bha ma and eleventh) and those lorded
‘ya’ y r l v z ; s h by Saturn (seventh and
Group ya ra la va ça ña sa ha Purëimä).


Kalachakra Gochara.pmd 48 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` visti larsen
Principle 1: Draw the Käla Chakra from Sürya in the east,
and find planets joined one of angles, i.e. east-west, north-
south, etc. The Vära-Yoginé will transit that direction at the
time of death.

Chart 1: Indira Gandhis Punya

Sürya käla chakra; 31st October 1984, Wednesday at 9:20
AM, Delhi India.

Mr. Gandhi was born before the Indian Standard Time was
taken into account, hence the time zone adjustment will
be akin to 4:21 pm for him. This would be akin to the
seventh Yama. The seventh Yama on a Friday is the south-
eastern direction.

Vära Yoginé was transiting the south-eastern direction

occupied by Jupiter and the nodes about to enter it. Mr.
Gandhi was shot dead on the spot whilst exclaiming the
Indira Gandhi was born with Sun in Anuradha (17th) holy words of Ram! The presence of the nodes is
nakñatra, so all the transits should be seen from anurädha reappearing in the transit results.
nakñatra to see the state of her body. On the day of her
Chart 3: Rajiv Gandhi Punya
death, the nodes and Venus were along the East-West
direction. Mercury, Saturn and Sun were along the N. East Sürya käla chakra; 21st May 1991, Tuesday at 10:18 pm,
and S. West directions. Mars and Jupiter were close to Chennai, India.
approaching the S. East direction where the Moon sits.

At the exact time of her demise, the third Yama was

undergoing. On a Wednesday this corresponds to the
western direction according to Table 2. Here the Yoginé
was exciting the East-West axis where Rähu, Ketu and
Venus are transiting, and hence are malefic for health. It
is well known that Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her
guards during this fateful transit.

Chart 2: Mahatma Gandhi Punya

Surya käla chakra; 30th January 1948, Friday at 17:12 pm,
Delhi India

Mahatma Gandhi was born with the Sun in Hasta (12th)

nakñatra, from which we will draw the käla chakra.
During the time of demise Jupiter was transiting the South
Eastern spoke, with the nodes just about to enter it from
the center of the käla chakra. Saturn and Sun are about to
enter the North-East and South-west spokes, where Mars,
Mercury and Venus are already presiding.

Kalachakra Gochara.pmd 49 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

käla chakra `
Rajiv Gandhi was born with the Sun in
Magha nakñatra, from which the käla
chakra will be drawn. At the time of his
demise, a large cluster of planets is
transiting the North-east/South-west
axis. It would be very likely to find the
Yoginé transiting this axis at the time of
his demise.

On this fateful Tuesday, the second Yama

was running at this particular time. In
the tables given above, this corresponds
to the position of the Vära Yoginé in the
north-eastern direction, activating the
major axis of planets in the käla chakra.
Again the nodes are involved.

More charts for reference:

Chart 4: Ronald Reagan, Dhanista Sürya-

nakñatra; Born 6th February 1911 at 4:16
am, Tampico, Illinois, USA.
Punya on 5th June 2005, Sunday at 1 pm,
Los Angeles, California, USA.

Chart 5: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Sravana

Surya-naksatra; Born 30th January 1882
at 8:07 pm LMT (73w59; 40n43)
Punya on 12th April 1945, Thursday at
3:35 pm Warm Springs, Georgia, USA.

4. Käla Chakra Dasa and

The pivot of transit analysis is being able to link them to Principle 2: The death causing transit-planets will associate
daçäs. The native may undergo many transits, but only with the märaka-daçä.
one of these will cause the final demise of the native, as Chart 6: Indira Gandhi
indicated by the daçä running at the same time.
The käla chakra daçä at the time of demise is Gemini,
Having dealt with the transits in the käla chakra, the
natural step would be to analyze the käla chakra daçä.
Here some basic daçä interpretations,
revealed by Pt. Sanjay Rath in Mumbai
2005, should be kept in mind.
I. Daçäs associated with the märaka
sthäna from lagna or ärüòha lagna
will cause the demise.
II. Daçäs in the first, third, eighth or
tenth from Saturn’s rudrämça will
cause demise.
III. Daçäs of the first, third, eighth or
tenth from rudrämça lagna, will also
be able to cause demise.
To this we will add for our own purpose:


Kalachakra Gochara.pmd 50 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` visti larsen
Käla chakra Dasa (Moon, Savya group):
Ar (PBha1): 1958-01-22 - 1965-01-22
Ta (PBha2): 1965-01-22 - 1981-01-22
Ge (PBha3): 1981-01-22 - 1990-01-22
which is in the third from ärüòha lagna,
the place of demise. Gemini is joined Ketu
and is aspected by Venus and Rähu.
Referring to the käla chakra diagram in
Chart 1, we see that Venus and the nodes
are the grahas causing the demise.

Chart 7: Rajiv Gandhi

In the chart of Rajiv Gandhi, the Kala
Chakra Dasa of Aquarius was running at
the time of his demise in 1991. Aquarius
is the seventh house and is thus a Märaka
to lagna, it is lorded and aspected by
Rähu, whilst receiving Graha dristi from
all the planets in the lagna. These
planets (except Moon and Mercury)
contributed to the death Mr. Gandhi as
per Chart 3 above.
Kalachakra Dasa (Moon, Apasavya group):
Sg (Ardr4): 1975-04-17 - 1985-04-89-04-17
Aq (Ardr2): 1989-04-17 - 1993-04-17
Aq (Ardr2): 1989-04-17 - 1993-04-17
Pi (Ardr1): 1993-04-17 - 2003-04-18
Ar (Mrig4): 2003-04-18 - 2010-04-17
Ta (Mrig3): 2010-04-17 - 2026-04-17
Chart 8: Franklin Delano Roosevelt
The death giving käla chakra daçä was
that of Scorpio for Mr. Roosevelt. Scorpio
is occupied by märakeña lord Rähu and
is receiving dåñöi from Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn.

During the particular time of demise, Saturn, Rähu and

Ketu were aligned across the north-east and south-west

The day was Thursday and the seventh Yama was

running, which is akin to the north-west direction thus
causing the demise.
Kalachakra Dasa (Moon, Apasavya group)
Vi (Srav3): 1916-01-21 - 1925-01-21
Li (Srav2): 1925-01-21 - 1941-01-21
Sc (Srav1): 1941-01-21 - 1948-01-22
Pi (USha4): 1948-01-22 - 1958-01-21

Om Tat Sat
Monier Williams:
n. guar
ding , protecting , nourishing w. m. a guardian , protector ,
a world-protector. a maintainer , observer.
Starting from east to north-east, these are: Indra, Agni, Yama, Nirriti,
Varuna, Väyu, Kubera and Isaana. The upper vertical direction is
lorded by Ananta, whilst the downwards is lorded by Brahma.


Kalachakra Gochara.pmd 51 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

raj-bhanga `

Raja-Bhanga Yoga
Rafal Gendarz

1. Raja – bhanga Yoga: - Definition lords of bhavas which natural karaka is Saturn, namely
the dusthäna lords.

To understand Raj-Bhanga Yoga first of all we must 3. Houses of Sürya

understand what Raja yoga is;
Sun exalts in and is Karaka for the first house in the natural
Its essence in definition is corelated to a situation where zodiac, it owns the fifth house and gets Dig-bala in the
one can control and maintain a position of authority. Its tenth house; therefore, these three bhava’s are of utter
secondary definition is connected to wealth, fortune and importance in regard to Raja Yoga. We must see the
fame which are usually, but not always, connected to Raja situation in these bhava’s and also lord of the same placed
Yoga’s; therefore, we can see that results mentioned in in the Kundali.
sastra’s are connected to those two definition’s. Its also Bhava Connection to Surya
worthy to differentiate between Raja Yoga’s and Raja- First Sun gets exalted in Aries – the first natural bhava and
Sambandha Yoga’s which are similar constructed but give is karaka of Lagna
Fifth Its house of power and Leo is lorded by Sun
slightly different results. Raja-Sambandha means
Tenth Sun has Dig – bala (directional strength) in the tenth
connections to Raja; therefore, it does not imply a situation house (Svarga)
of ruling but a situation which gives us a possibility to be
close to people in charge. Raja means king and of course 4. Dusthäna lords in Raja-Bhävas
its literal meaning can be misleading, but we must grasp
To properly understand and appreciate the steps in
the essence and give up the details that are changing
identifying Raja-bhanga yogas, the principles are given
according to time / place & circumstances. A king
below, one by one.
nowadays will imply a person with some sort of power,
be it in a goverment atmosphere / administrative or any Rule 1: Lord of dushtana’s in Raja-Bhava’s namely: first,
other where power is an exerted function. It’s very often fifth and tenth will indicate possibility of falldown; the
that this power and authoritative functions had their end same is indicated by presence of the first, fifth or tenth
and the ruler sometimes falls from position due to some lords in dushtana bhava (Shani is karaka).
sad events. We as Jyotisha’s know that these events are
born from our Karma which is described in our charts and · If the first bhava / lord is engaged one can by own will fall from
can be read by a qualified Seer. Therefore there is need for heights.
this article. It’s about Yoga’s which can bring one from
· If the fifth bhava / lord is engaged then the followers can leave the
the top to the bottom. native.
· If the tenth bhava / lord is engaged then one is not skilled enough
2. Surya and Shani Lets study some charts:
rivcNÔaE tu rajana ravichandrau tu räjänä – Sun and In this chart we see that the tenth bhäva is occupied by
Moon are of Royal status. sixth and twelfth lords clearly indicating Raja-bhanga
Sun is leader among Graha’s and in the planetary cabinet Yoga. He was a very good player and was captain of the
He is the King. Saturn is the Karaka of servant; therefore, team; unforunately there were some who disapproved of
is responsible for Bhanga of Surya (influence & royalty). his skills, due to which he was stripped of his title as
Saturn exalts in Libra - the sign of democracy and is also captain. Rajbhanga in the tenth house indicates lack of
karaka for dethrownining others, which is very often for ability/qualification.
todays politics. Therefore we should be careful about these

Raj-Bhanga.pmd 52 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` rafal gendarz
In Rahu-rahu period this
happened and it caused fall
of authority in minds of
religious society He is
belonging to. As this forms
Bandhana Yoga this also
obstruct his freedom. Its
worth to add that Rahu in
fifth house means that one
will be cheated by someone
close to you.

Sri Jayendra Saraswati was

arrested in Andhra Pradesh
late on the night of November
12, 2004. He was arrested on
charges of murder of Shankararaman, the manager of Sri
Varadarajan Temple in Kancheepuram. We see the twelfth
lord in tenth house and fifth & tenth lords in eighth house
which again constitute Raja-Bhanga Yoga.

It was Mercury-Saturn daçä, and Saturn is aspecting fifth

lord in eight bhava.

Now he is realesed from the jail but this case had negative
bearing on the native due to this fall – Raja bhanga.

This person was engaged in promoting Veganism and a

Pro-life stance with his band “Healing” in Poland which
was one of the first Hardline bands. In early years of
existence of this project he was very well known and
famous due to his straight and uncompromising character.
In the course of time some of followers turned into enemies
and this project got a bad name as being fanatical and full
of violence. First lord is in eight bhava forming Raja-
bhanga and its caused through one’s own decisions/
actions (lagnesh).

5. Neecha Navamsa
In this chart we see sixth lord in fifth house; therefore, one
can see Raja-bhanga from follower. As Arudha Pada is The next principle is about Navamsa also called Dharma-
amsa. The karaka of this amsa is Vishnu and any neecha
there in dasa of planet concerned one will be accused. And
Graha here indicates adharma which afflicts the native’s
it was about negliegence of family duties. The wife of this
bhagya. This lack of bhagya stops one from earning a
person was accusing him that he was not dedicated
Royal position and favour. Chandra Kala Nadi clearly
enough to the family and she turned away from him,
“says” that debilitated planets in Navamsa are very
which was a cruel experience for native.
adverse. They are worse than in räçi because they indicate
Influence of Rahu on Arudha Pada give scandal and type lack of result and phala which is seen in this important
of this we read by Varga namely navämça.
a n a l y z i n g
Rule 2 : Neecha Navamsa of Graha indicates Raja-bhanga.
dispositor which
is Sani which Lets’ see an example :
means that
accusing is Here Venus is in debilitated navämça and is responsible
connected to his for raja-bhanga yoga. In Libra-daçä the native had a grand
work abilities fall in fortune. The episode happened after a legal battle,
(Sani). as in court he was defamed and the company was pushed


Raj-Bhanga.pmd 53 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

raj-bhanga `
Throne-Yoga (along with Guru in Pisces in first, fifth or
tenth). For understanding why Cancer gives Raja Yoga
we must hear the story of Shani/Saturn & Ganesha.

Parvati give birth to Ganesha and wanted that all the

Devas would see her child. Shani was however cursed by
his wife that if he should look at someone he will turn that
person to ashes, so Shani knowing this fact couldnt bring
his eyes unto the newborn child, but Parvati insisted and
it brought what could be expected. Ganesha’s head was
decapitated by Shiva. The rest of the story we know.

In return Parvati cursed Shani, and said that if he would

look at her child again, she will incarnate to destroy
Shani’s entire lineage until the pralaya. Shani was very
scared of this and whenever he enters the natural fourth
house of cancer, he will not afflict/destroy the head/
inteligence of the person.

Rule 3 : When the Raja-bhanga occurs in Karka-rasi native

is protected and controls it fully.

Here we see that altough eight and sixth lords are in fifth
bhava the healing power of Cancer is protective and if any
fall will be there it will take the form of own resignation
as independence and control is associated with it. Sanjay
Rath was engaged in government service, and he resigned
to large expenditure. from that position to turn his attention completely towards
6. Karka Rasi
The native is getting money from healing and medicine
We see that Shani in Cancer in the first, fifth or tenth houses (cancer and shani in eleventh from AL) and a lot of
gives good result and this Yoga is also called Simhasana/ financial transformation is going on there. Though he
made many high-risk moves which should have caused
his downfall, the presence of the rajbhanga yoga in
cancer, protected him throughout.

Om Tat Sat

sarva maìgala mäìgalye çive sarvärtha sädhike |

çaraëye tryambake gauri näräyaëi namo’stu te || 3||


Raj-Bhanga.pmd 54 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM


Saturn in 9 house
Erwin Rommel: A great warrior is born

Mladen Lubra
Introduction life. Bratru karaka (BK) is very important chara karaka,
because it is connected to our Guru devata, i.e. planet
It is April, 1944. Hidden Castle which is always above the head, and whose principles
in La Roche-Guyon, half way become our principles in life. BK is very, very important.
between Paris and Normandy. Look at the example.
In a room darkened by thick
curtains, sits the seriously What reveals a great warrior, and what at all gives a
worried, youngest feldmarshal military profession? In Rommel’s case we see Mars is
in the history of German army, Bratru karaka. Mars is kshatria, it is known, that that is
Erwin Rommel. the class of warriors. Mars in the 9th house in conjunction
with the lord of the ascedent Saturn, which gives high
He is desperate after realizing principles to a person and preparedness to fight for them.
that the “impervious fortress of Yoga Saturn/Mars is very typical yoga which gives a
the West Wall (Atlantic Wall)” military carrier. Life motto which Rommel held to was
is not as impervious as the German propaganda presented Saturn’s motto – to serve with great discipline, and motto
it to be. He feels that the Allies landing is very close, but of Marsa – to be a leader, and to protect.
when is it going to happen, and where… What more can
be done … Can he convince the Fuhrer to let him organize Saturn
the defense. He does not agree with Hitler for a long time,
Saturn is the son of Sun, and as being one has a special
nor with the atrocity of SS troops, but his loyalty to his
status. The traditional story represents him as the son of
country is impeccable – but he is still “the Prussian general,
Sun, where he is completely devoted to his father. As every
and they always obey”.
son he wants to be as powerful as his father, which gives
Profession and ideals Saturn great need for success and carrier. On the other
side, Saturn is farthest away from the Sun, and his awful
In Jyotish when we define the profession of the person, we enemy. Saturn rules Makara rashi (Capricorn) which is the
must not ignore the interest and attitude in the person’s sign of Kali yuga, and can give a huge popularity and

The ninth house

The 9th house is Bhagya or fortune. The
lord of 9 th house, or the planet in
conjuction with the lord of the 9th house,
can completely strengthen our fortune, or
break it.

In Rommel’s case, we have the lord of the

9th house in conjuction with the lord of
8th house, Sun, which is situated on 0
degree (Sandi). This combinations shows
that some authority (Sun), State or boss,
can completely ruin his life. We know,
Hitler forced Rommel to commit suicide.

Rommel_Erwin.pmd 55 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

erwin rommel `
In 9 th house of the natural Zodiac, Dhanu rashi or retrograde
Sagittarius, is situated. It represent battlefields, military Saturn in the
barracks etc. The Lord of Rommel’s Ascedent is in the 9th 9 th house
house which is the house of dharma, house of high which gave
principles. He was different compared to other German attitude like:
military leaders of that time. The Allies considered Rommel “As long as
as the “last knight”, because of his high principles which you attack
never allowed the atrocity so typical of German army them, they
during II world war. He was considered to be a dangerous cannot find the
but respected enemy (exalted North node on his Aruda time to attack
Lagna), which is evident from the statement of Winston you”. Because
Churchill in The British Parliament: ”We have a very of Saturn’s retrograde nature, Patton was unstoppable and
daring and skillful opponent against us, and, may I say considered that the best way to assure victory is to attack
across the havoc of war, a great General.” with 100% of your being, hold nothing back, and go right
at your opponent.
Malefic in 9th house is always bad for fortune, and can give
bad attitude to a person. This is especially highlighted if Conclusion
ashuba yoga is formed, i.e. unfavorable combinations
without the influence of benefic planets. In Rommel’s case Saturn in the 9th house gave Rommel high popularity
Mars/Saturn in 9th house gives destructive ashuba yoga. among masses, and a great sense of duty and equality –
Mars gave Rommel a great courage and strength, but Mars he was known for his attitude to fight in the first line of
is afflicted which gave blind fate in his principles and the battle, shoulder to shoulder with his soldiers.
fundamentalism. Even though he had resistance towards Nevertheless, like malefic in the 9th house, Saturn gave
Hitler, Rommel couldn’t find the strength to refuse dharmic fall, and self-deceit (Saturn is the planet of
obedience and to confront him. Saturn gave the traditional ignorance). Rommel,
state and rigidity (“the Prussian general always obeys”), as many others, was
and like a natural badakesh in the house of dharma and deceived by the lies of
fortune, a lot of hard work and many dangerous situations. German propaganda
That proves the position of Saturn in fixed sign in which transformed
Navamsha kundali (v-9), at the same time in the 8th house, Hitler’s interests into
confirm many heavy moments and great suffering. the interests of whole
German nation. In that
Saturn in the 9th house – a great warrior self-deceit is the whole
Rommel tragedy. His
Saturn is the planet which is responsible for our
wife after the war said:
profession. We must not forget that in natural Zodiac
“This is how a man
Saturn rules the 10th house, which is Karya bhava or the
who was devoted to
prime house of profession. Also, there is another important
his country with his
reason: Saturn rules time, and time is a crucial factor for
whole being, ended”.
all our activities.
Saturn’s the 10th drishti is called Karma dristhi, and gives We sow that Saturn in
the 9 th house can
enormous strain and focus on the 10th house from it’s
really give a great and
position. devoted warrior. But always keep in mind that Saturn is a
For example, Saturn in the 1st house is marana karaka malefic planet in the 9th house of dharma, and without the
sthan (badly placed), but it has 10th dristhi on the 10th control of Jupiter, or some other shuba (benefic) yoga, the
house of profession and karma, so it can give a person ultimate principle that rule a person can be blindly holding
great ambition to reach status and success in carrier. In on to an idea, where the dharma of the person falls.
Erwina Rommel’s horoscope, Saturn is in the 9th house, Precisely, the person strictly serves his duty, without
which gives a lot of work on the field of the 6th house, wanting to know high principles and truth which lies in
which is the house of enmity and struggles. It is obvious the 9th house.
that the 10th house from Saturn is the house where we
invest a lot of our strength, our time and energy.

Another example of Saturn in the 9th house which gave a Om Tat Sat
great warrior: American general George Patton, had

Rommel_Erwin.pmd 56 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` tulsi badrinath

Shani Maharaj in Varanasi

Tulsi Badrinath

The famous Viswanath Gali in Varanasi is a delightful

place. Narrow and full of shade, as galis are, it is lined
with shops on either side. In some of them, one finds toys
and tall kumkum holders among the other handicrafts of
this area. Others sell myriad kinds of supari. Then there
are shops that sell brassware and puja-related things,
including pairs of eyes that are white tinged red at the
corners. These are so realistic that once placed on the face
of an idol, they make it come to life. Shop-keepers also vend
mithai, clothes, lovely bangles and bindis, not to mention
magai paan.

The lane curves to a point beyond which it becomes even

more narrow. Flowers and bilva leaves are sold here, as
also milk and curds for Viswanath. For Annapurna Devi,
had sold those diyas, handed over a few more sticks good-
there are special garlands of long red flowers and deep
naturedly. One wondered what meaning it had for that
pink roses. People jostle one another in this crowded space
young boy to be in such proximity with Shani Maharaj.
and the road is wet with the Ganga water that sloshes out
Balancing the impression created by him, later, another
of their brass jars. One is transported to a different world,
shop-keeper, in front of the golden temple of Viswanath,
where the burdens of everyday life fall away, seem
refused to accept payment for the offerings until one had
insignificant. They say that one becomes rudramaya on
returned after darshan.
entering Kashi.
It is interesting to note that this visit to a tirtha kshetra took
Mid-way between the temples of Annapurna Devi and
place when the transit Sun and 9th Lord Mercury were over
Viswanath, is the shrine of Shani Maharaj. Unlike the
bhagya pada, A9, in Aquarius. Transit Shani Maharaj
shrines of the South, the entire body of Shani Maharaj is
himself was in the 9th house, Gemini, over mantra pada,
not visible here. His face, magnificently cast in silver,
A5, retrograde and conjunct the Moon. Narayan Dasha of
shines in the flickering light of the diyas. Below there are
the 9th house was running. Saturn Antardasha in Jupiter
layers of bright cloth and garlands. The visual effect is
Mahadasha had just begun the previous day.

On a Saturday evening, a big crowd of people had come om tat sat

to pay their respects to him. They lit flat, plate-like diyas
in which were placed pieces of metal, black sesame seeds,
and of course the wick dipped in sesame oil. There is
limited space in front of this awesome figure and fresh
diyas were placed over those already lit by others, the oil
flowing out onto the gali. The many hundred flames,
rising from diyas stacked unevenly, burned with great

Even here, in front of this deity, human nature remained

what it is. When the few matchsticks given to light the
diyas ran out, the boy selling diyas within the shrine
refused to part with any of his. One had to return to the
adjacent shop, stepping carefully on the slippery, oil-
coated path, carrying unlit diyas. Thankfully, the man who

Shani Maharaj -Tulsi Badrinath.pmd 57 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

mumbai stock exchange `

Sensex Movement
The paper on Sensex Movement For Mumbai Stock Exchange During
Nov 04 to Oct 05 On relation to The Transit of Planets
Rajan Panse

There are numerous items & products which has away from Sun beyond orb degrees then it is said to be
transacted every day. There prices either remain steady or risen (Uday). Planets in Set/Risen state alter the market
fluctuate from time to time. Under economic theory, prices trends compared with trends before such phenomena
largely depend on supply & demand but according to occur. Planets like Mercury/Venus (Inferior planets) Rise/
astrological precepts such incidences are directly related Set for more than single occasion in a year, while other
to the perpetual rotation of celestial objects. It is said: planets (Superior planets) Rise/Set only once in a year.
Planets with different speeds in transits can have different
“ yt! ip{fI tt! äMha<fI” “yat pindé tat bramhändé”
kind of VEDHA on other planets/signs/nakshatras. This
It means that celestial phenomena are repeated on earth; is elaborated in Sarvatobhara Chakra in more details. That
for individual & other worldly events. This is the Vedic is not the Subject of this paper. Planet in transit created
basis of astrology. Economic & financial processes are also different aspect with natal/inception chart of mundane
governed by planetary positions, motions & relationships. affairs. Benefic aspects cause bullish conditions while
Therefore, the pricing pattern & market behaviour are the malefic aspects cause bearish results. Zodiacal signs &
direct results of planetary forces drawn on the earth & there planets have bullish & bearish tendencies. Details are
is no terrestrial matter which escapes the astronomical indicated in a chart indicated below. The Significator
radiations & gravitational energies. Oceanic tide on full planets for stocks & shares values are Saturn, Mercury,
moon is one such phenomenon which is well known even Jupiter, Uranus, and Neptune. Some nakshatras have main
to common person. The zodiacal signs, planets, nakshatras role in stock shares, stock exchanges & their operators.
are the prime astrological movers which play dominant
role & induce perceptible changes in the mundane affairs Share Market
just as in natal astrology but in a different format. Transit The share markets, securities, or national bonds are the
of planets in different signs round the year post aspects of marketable items & both the speculators & investors are
different nature (Bearish/Bullish) which decides the regularly indulged in buying & selling stocks. Saturn &
market trends. Planets in own/exalted sign is considered Uranus planets normally regulate stock markets. Taurus,
to be stronger & in debilated/enemy signs, is considered Sagittarius, Capricorn & Aquarius signs rules money
to be weak. While transiting through a friendly signs a matters as in a natural horoscope these signs represent 2nd
planet gives more favorable result & transiting through a , 9th, 11th house markets. Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn
friendly signs a planet gives more favorable result & & Aquarius signs rules money matters as in a natural nos.
transiting through inimical signs, reflects other way. of planets transists in bearish signs then share prices by
Retrograde planet shows exactly opposite results as it and large get depressed. Further when Jupiter transits
reflects, while in a direct motion, in transit. During transit, these signs & also comes under bearish aspects from Moon,
benefic planet created bullish trend in market. Silver is Mercury, Neptune it causes greater fall in share markets.
controlled over by moon, when moon in cancer indicated If Mercury, Neptune in retrograde state cast bearish aspect
strong silver market also when Sun & Venus transits in on Jupiter, falls of short duration are witnessed in share
this sign silver price shows bullish trend. market.
Helical rising & setting of different planets also affects the If Neptune transits Cancer, Gemini and Pisces & receives
market trends. When Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, aspect from Mercury & Jupiter the share prices operate in
Saturn, while transiting looks like coming near (from earth) bearish manner. On the contrary when most of the planets
to Sun within specified orb degree (Different orb is transits through bullish signs as Aries, Taurus, Leo,
indicated for different planet.) the said transiting planet Scorpio, Sagittarius & Capricorn, buying activities
is considered to be Set (Asta) & when it looks like moving flourishes in stock markets & rising trends are observed.

Stock Exchange-Rajan Panse.pmd 58 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` rajan panse
Mars & Saturn transiting in bullish signs & receive aspects numbers for the same reasons.
from Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Uranus, share prices shows
rising vertical jump. In retrograde state, effect remains for Mercury:
longer period in the market.
Mercury apart from many other traits also signifies
Table of Bearish & Bullish Planets & signs: business and commercial activities. Therefore, the transit
of this planet
Bullish Planets Bearish Planets
Sun, Mars, Saturn, Venus, Rahu, Uranus, Pluto Moon, Jupiter, Mercury Neptune
g r e a t e r
North Declination South Declination North Delination South Declination Bullish Signs:
credibility in
Fall in prices with Steep rise in one Steep rise with Steep fall in one Aries, Taurus, Leo
t h e
Short correction direaction recovery direction without Scorpio, Sagittari
Recovery Capricorn,
Fall steeply with Fall with Fall with possible Rising tendencies Bearish Signs: Gemini
No chance of re corrections short term corr- with occasional Cancer, Virgo, Libra,
with Venus
Covery for rise at times ection for rise fall Pisces Aquarious
w h i c h
controls the pricing pattern of the markets, all the
There are 3 dominants planets i.e. Jupiter, Saturn &
commercial operations including speculative activities fall
Uranus which controls rise & fall in Share markets for long
in the ambit of these two planets. The movements of trio.
term effects.
The Sun, Mercury and the Venus indicate the monthly
Jupiter: Signifies expansion, opportunity & optimism. market trends.

Saturn: Gives value for money & cause fear factor in share Mercury also governs the intellectual and the mental frame
markets. of mind of the human beings and if this planet is
inharmoniously positioned in the natal horoscope, that
Uranus: Related to innovativeness & strategies.
individual should not venture in the speculative and high
Mars transit also to be watched as it triggers the trends & risk commercial activities as he could never be able to read
brings volatilit in share market. Planetary combinations of market’s behaviors and his competitors correctly. Mercury
Moon, Venus and Neptune are to be studied for evaluating is fast moving planet and therefore, it causes short term
short term share price variations. effects while remaining in different state of motion like
retrograde, stationary and direct. When Mercury sojourns
Inferior Planets any malefic or detrimental houses. (House opposite of the
signs ruled by a planet are called detrimental house w.r.t.
Mercury and Venus are located between the Sun the Earth.
that planet. In the case of Mercury the houses represented
They are known as inferior planets. Both these planets
by, Sagittarius ad Pisces sign are detrimental houses)
remain in the periphey of the Sun in the solar system.
conversely, mercury while remaining in the direct state
Mercury never parts beyond the longitudinal distance of
and in normal speed, if transits benefic, friendly, own or
28 degrees while maximum stretch of Venus is up to 48
exalted house, sets bearish trends. But in the same house,
degrees. The aspectual position between the Sun and
if Mercury is set in an accelerated motion, the fall in the
Mercury at best is in a conjunction besides one odd minor
market prices is rather severe. Merury’s passage through
aspect of insignificant nature. Mercury while moving in
the malefic houses in a swift motion produces rapid rise
the celestial hemisphere comes between the Earth and the
in the markets. According to some learned astrologers,
Sun, the apparent conjuntion thus formed is called inferior
Mercury’s passage through signs and nakshatras is in the
conjunction. Mercury when gets aligned with the Earth and
northern Hemisphere (Uttarayana) generated bearish
Sun, keeping the Sun in the middle, this conjuntion of
trends while being in the Southern orbits (Dakshinayana);
Mercury and the sun is known as Superior conjunction. The
it sets bullish tone due to poor availability against the
position of Mercury comes in the vicinity of the Sun has
higher demands.
assumed great importance. Firstly, Mercury comes in
contact with the Sun too often and as a result of which it Effects of setting and rising states of
changes its speed at number of times during its course.
Secondly, the proximity of the Sun and frequently going
ahead and back of the Sun due to variation in the speed Unlike superior planets which set or rise only in one
(though the normal pace of Mercury is near about the same direction because of distance and slower speeds from the
as that of the Sun), Mercury gets into setting and rising Sun, the setting and rising of Mercury are from two
positions in a quick succession. Thirdly, Mercury acquires directions: i.e. West and East.
retrograde and direct motions of short spans but in greater

Stock Exchange-Rajan Panse.pmd 59 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

mumbai stock exchange `
In the normal course of setting and rising, Mercury tends and run through the entire zodiac around one year time,
to be highly volatile in these states and generated a lot they basically govern the monthly trends. There around
complications and troubles. If markets are weak at the time one year time, they basically govern the monthly trends.
of setting, it created bullish trends in the affected items on There positions to the nearness to the Earth tend to deliver
its attaining rising position and the prices continue to go quick results. Therefore, sharp and short spurts, quick fall
up till Mercury remains in the oral degrees of the sun. etc., in the market are generally attributed to the interplay
Reverse is the case, when the markets are high at the time and type of influences they receive from the other heavenly
of setting, they will shift to bearish, the moment, mercury bodies. The variant speeds of Mercury and Venus which
rises or gets out of the Sun’s influence. In other words, the is earthly swifter than Venus, it emulated bullish tone.
trends get reversed with the change of position from setting Under the reverse situation i.e., when Venus gets faster
to rising or Vice-versa. The results are quite different, if we then Mercury, the markets remain in a bearish mood. In
take into account the setting and rising positions form the event of both the planets are running more or less at
Eastern or Western directions. The general effects are that the same speed, the sway in the market is going to be
Mercury while setting and rising in the Eastern direction, marginal and prices face mild fluctuations.
it always brings about bullish trends compatible with the
element of the sign and realtionship of the house it Long term market trends:
transits. These states of Mercury if occurs from the
Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune & Uranus control long term
Western direction, the markets go bearish depending upon
trends. Except Jupiter (Only benefic planet) all other
the other influences which are being exerted on the planet.
planets are malefic & create unpleasant in the market.
As a general rule in respect of stock markets, if mercury
Jupiter brings prosperity but effects do not last long as
sets in Western direction, share’s values initially rise
those of other planets. Saturn brings shortage, crop failure,
marginally, if mercury gets conjunct with the Sun, the
depression in market. Jupiter’s benefic aspects brings
scrips become bearish thereafter. Similarly, when Mercury
steadiness. Uranus causes sudden price fluctuations,
sets in eastern direction, the stock shares rise. After
political upheavals, revolution & destabilized markets.
retrogression, if Mercury goes into the setting stage in the
Eastern direction, the bullion markets attain buoyancy. But Short term market trends:
if Mercury happends to rise in the Western direction, the
same markets become bearish. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, faster planets stays for shorter
durations in a sign hence affects market for short period.
Effects of the retrograde motion of the Moon controls daily variations. Venus & Mercury controls
Mercury: monthly trends & gets extended while in retrogression for
2 months. These planets always stay in the vicinity of Sun,
The retrograde and direct motion of Mercury influences both planets shows greater influences on share prices
the market according to the status of the sign occupied by when they are in slow speed. In accelerated motion, their
it. If it comes under favorable aspects of Jupiter, Saturn, impact over share market become frivolous & of trivial
Rahu or Uranus, the markets show rising trends. However, nature.
the good aspects from Venus set bearish tone or bring
steadiness in the markets. When both Mercury and Jupiter Aspects
retrograde at the same time and Mercury sets in the Eastern
Conjuncation: Between two planets. If both are malefic then
direction, while most of the markets get bearish. The
results are indicated as bullish markets. For different
moment Mercury reverts to direct motion, the value of stock
planets conjuntion orb varies from 7 degrees for Venus to
markets slides down.
12 degrees for Moon. If one planet is benefic & other is
Venus: benefic effect depending on the strength & signs in which
both are conjunct.
While Mercury signifies business, acumen, sharp
perceptions and sagacity, Venus plays dominant role in Parallel: (00) It’s like conjunction except delination of both
the fluctuation, vacillation, unsteadiness and sway of the planets is same either in north or south of Sun’s orbit.
market’s behaviour. It is responsible for alterations, ups Effect of superior planets, last for more period & those for
and downs and change in the values of all trades and inferior planets, last for a while. Kind of effects is same as
commerce, besides being a pleasure seeker planet. As conjuncation aspect. Oly it is very sensitive & delivers spot
notified earlier those alliances amongst the Sun (grit), results.
Mercury (intelligence) and Venus (materialistic) perform Opposition (1800)
predominant and cardinal role in the trade, commerce,
material and money matters. They are the key factors in Planets are exactly in opposite signs in same degrees. Orb
the whole business gamut. All of them being swift planets is 7 degrees. It sets bearish trends. If both the planets are

Stock Exchange-Rajan Panse.pmd 60 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` rajan panse
benefic then bearish effects get more pronounced. If one is 4) Square aspect of Mars with other planets. (4th )
benefic & other is malefic then berish trend is observed. 5) Square aspect of Saturn with other planets. (10th)
6) Quincunx aspect of Mars with other planets. (6th & 8th)
Trine (1200)
7) Trine aspect of Jupiter with other planets. (5th & 9th)
Orb is 7 degree. Healthy aspect. Produce bearishness. This Sensex movement for Bombay stock Exchange
aspect brings functional harmony between both the
planets. Only bearish & bearish nature of planets has to Financial New Year Chart based on
be considered while analyzing the share market. Laxmi Pooja day:
Other Aspects

Square (900) Date High Low Date High Low Date High Low
02-Nov-05 8086.84 7891.23 19-Aug-05 7867.89 7760.69 07-Jun-05 6795.03 6737.09
Orb 7 degrees: As per western 01-Nov-05 8023.52 7914.77 18-Aug-05 7921.39 7791.91 06-Jun-05 6813.91 6740.63
astrology this aspect is evil 31-Oct-05 7905.7 7717.07 17-Aug-05 7870.62 7735.37 03-Jun-05 6761.13 6647.69
aspect. Market fluctuations 28-Oct-05 7795.03 7656.15 16-Aug-05 7828.01 7737.76 02-Jun-05 6756.62 6647.36
observed with bearish tone. 27-Oct-05 7994.82 7766.99 12-Aug-05 7861.26 7755.58 01-Jun-05 6763.28 6710.37
26-Oct-05 8047.86 7951.05 11-Aug-05 7842.55 7727.5 31-May-05 6721.61 6647.7
Indicative of some sort of crisis 25-Oct-05 8074.08 7921.44 10-Aug-05 7741.35 7615.9 30-May-05 6724.99 6642.61
24-Oct-05 8126.27 7898.41 09-Aug-05 7686.85 7559.8 27-May-05 6772.74 6689.14
Sextile (600)
21-Oct-05 8080.77 7901.14 08-Aug-05 7781.04 7594.94 26-May-05 6685.33 6587.57
Orb 7 degrees: Evil aspect. 20-Oct-05 8134.83 7838.02 05-Aug-05 7817.61 7738.64 25-May-05 6612.25 6537.61
19-Oct-05 8084.79 7922.89 04-Aug-05 7826.36 7756.97 24-May-05 6579.05 6522.8
Market fluctuations observed 18-Oct-05 8317.38 8067.91 03-Aug-05 7843.77 7740.83 23-May-05 6549.57 6499.21
with bearish market. Effects are 17-Oct-05 8254.8 8131.77 02-Aug-05 7762.8 7683.13 20-May-05 6512.96 6438.6
some what similar to square 14-Oct-05 8396.42 8180.1 01-Aug-05 7681.11 7596.74 19-May-05 6537.74 6460.24
aspect. 13-Oct-05 8547.8 8346.32 29-Jul-05 7708.59 7545.79 18-May-05 6457.37 6380.53
11-Oct-05 8563.85 8381.96 27-Jul-05 7620.37 7504.96 17-May-05 6568.61 6450.86
Semi-square (450) 10-Oct-05 8564.85 8465.9 26-Jul-05 7564.79 7473.24 16-May-05 6532.15 6456.97
07-Oct-05 8586.43 8410.69 25-Jul-05 7526.88 7427.65 13-May-05 6462.85 6418.78
Orb 4 0: A minor aspect. Evil 06-Oct-05 8693.2 8508.43 22-Jul-05 7429.95 7273.19 12-May-05 6482.39 6432.17
effects as indicated in square 05-Oct-05 8821.84 8695.69 21-Jul-05 7380.69 7275.59 11-May-05 6454.41 6380.76
aspect. Market goes bearish. 04-Oct-05 8808.83 8706.7 20-Jul-05 7392.67 7334.48 10-May-05 6494.91 6439.69
03-Oct-05 8725.75 8662.99 19-Jul-05 7385.69 7317.85 09-May-05 6486.07 6391.8
Aspect has little consequences.
30-Sep-05 8683.57 8527.38 18-Jul-05 7359.81 7308.87 06-May-05 6402.35 6334.01
Semi-Sextile (300) 29-Sep-05 8722.17 8588.47 15-Jul-05 7283.04 7178.09 05-May-05 6391.32 6322.02
28-Sep-05 8613.83 8475.68 14-Jul-05 7263.03 7163.85 04-May-05 6294.85 6218.95
Orb 20: Weak but good aspect, 27-Sep-05 8585.76 8444.98 13-Jul-05 7338.01 7236.78 03-May-05 6246.24 6189.16
26-Sep-05 8487.36 8280.06 12-Jul-05 7352.46 7217.6 02-May-05 6223.78 6141.37
creates bullish share market.
23-Sep-05 8327.35 8121.81 11-Jul-05 7320.25 7227.51 29-Apr-05 6288.44 6138.47
Other than above, Semi-quintile 22-Sep-05 8519.6 8186.13 08-Jul-05 7240.39 7158.14 28-Apr-05 6292.91 6233.29
21-Sep-05 8521.75 8261.58 07-Jul-05 7306.54 7123.11 27-Apr-05 6357.56 6258.07
(360), Sesquir-quadrate (1350),
20-Sep-05 8515.5 8376.12 06-Jul-05 7296.18 7227.22 26-Apr-05 6377.54 6323.53
Quincunx (150 0 ) aspect are 19-Sep-05 8461.1 8382.96 05-Jul-05 7308.72 7209.86 25-Apr-05 6391.73 6308.48
there. All these aspects are of 16-Sep-05 8388.8 8268.6 04-Jul-05 7284.41 7186.74 22-Apr-05 6374.03 6302.86
very little consequences but at 15-Sep-05 8294.24 8203.77 01-Jul-05 7228.57 7154.93 21-Apr-05 6305.88 6174.3
time it plays decisive role. 14-Sep-05 8260.01 8144.32 30-Jun-05 7218.28 7154.27 20-Apr-05 6259.28 6151.26
13-Sep-05 8202.04 8121.08 29-Jun-05 7125.21 7034.48 19-Apr-05 6269.75 6121.42
Hence all aspects are to be seen 12-Sep-05 8142.81 8072.99 28-Jun-05 7175.15 7036.06 18-Apr-05 6220.98 6118.42
carefully & then to be applied 09-Sep-05 8077.74 8015.75 27-Jun-05 7228.21 7133.94 15-Apr-05 6339.73 6232.37
to situation. 08-Sep-05 8060.26 7957.35 24-Jun-05 7178.04 7058.01 13-Apr-05 6515.82 6449.33
06-Sep-05 7976.4 7914.41 23-Jun-05 7156.55 7090.48 12-Apr-05 6472.04 6404.35
05-Sep-05 7983.33 7901.35 22-Jun-05 7167.32 7079.87 11-Apr-05 6444.33 6382.13
Following aspects are strong 02-Sep-05 7928.07 7836.34 21-Jun-05 7083.58 6967.95 08-Apr-05 6560.88 6456.84
enough to effect changes in 01-Sep-05 7902.19 7818.9 20-Jun-05 7001.55 6940.06 07-Apr-05 6644.69 6530.97
31-Aug-05 7807.67 7726.98 17-Jun-05 6921.6 6855.55 06-Apr-05 6617.07 6551.68
30-Aug-05 7758.36 7679.44 16-Jun-05 6933.26 6869.47 05-Apr-05 6621.91 6532.94
1) Conjunction & opposition 29-Aug-05 7699.56 7566.21 15-Jun-05 6916.33 6858.08 04-Apr-05 6649.42 6586.25
aspects of all planets. 26-Aug-05 7732.31 7644.41 14-Jun-05 6865.18 6819.31 01-Apr-05 6618.08 6468.52
2) Semi-square aspect between 25-Aug-05 7672.18 7595.84 13-Jun-05 6843.62 6757.04 31-Mar-05 6509.02 6404.78
24-Aug-05 7639.68 7537.5 10-Jun-05 6883.67 6774.14 30-Mar-05 6400.07 6321.31
Venus & the Sun. 23-Aug-05 7770.83 7601.34 09-Jun-05 6862.79 6813.2 29-Mar-05 6512.98 6326.73
3) Sextile aspect of Saturn with 22-Aug-05 7845.96 7711.18 08-Jun-05 6862.83 6768.2 28-Mar-05 6555.1 6471.47
other planets. (3rd)

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mumbai stock exchange `
debilation state.
nIciSwtI jNmin yae ¢h> SwaÄÔaiznawae=ip tdu½nawa>,
Date High Low Date High Low
24-Mar-05 6514.73 6412.89 11-Jan-05 6329.89 6208.82 s c<Ô l¶ayid keNÔvtIR raja ÉveÖaimRk c³vtIR .26.
23-Mar-05 6568.2 6435.82 10-Jan-05 6469.09 6286.85 nécasthité janmani yo grahaù sthättadräçinatho’pi
22-Mar-05 6656.31 6520.15 07-Jan-05 6440.17 6348.75 taduccanäthäù|
21-Mar-05 6734.72 6633.52 06-Jan-05 6481.23 6325.36 sa candra lagnäyadi kendravarté raja bhavedvärmika
18-Mar-05 6710.98 6595.53 05-Jan-05 6629.98 6337.61 cakravarti
17-Mar-05 6737.29 6642.6 04-Jan-05 6696.31 6640.9 ||26|
16-Mar-05 6806.72 6732.33 03-Jan-05 6684.22 6626.49
15-Mar-05 6823.46 6730.23 31-Dec-04 6609.78 6541.38 (Rules for cancellation of belilation From Phaldipika
14-Mar-05 6882.23 6794.92 30-Dec-04 6608.3 6507.3 Adhya 7)
11-Mar-05 6948.54 6839.35 29-Dec-04 6617.15 6552.06
10-Mar-05 6917.6 6849.98 28-Dec-04 6568.57 6517.9 Although Venus is ebilated, due to nichbhanga yoga
09-Mar-05 6954.86 6843.44 27-Dec-04 6566.64 6469.96 (Lord of Venus, Mercury is in the Kendra to Moon).
08-Mar-05 6929.59 6872.72 24-Dec-04 6507.94 6463.85 Debilation effect is cancelled. Venus & Jupiter are
07-Mar-05 6902.49 6854.96 23-Dec-04 6455.69 6409.29
vargotam. Lord of AL is Saturn & Saturn is aspecting
04-Mar-05 6864.62 6798.62 22-Dec-04 6480.2 6396.43
03-Mar-05 6793.24 6691.18 21-Dec-04 6461.64 6400.56 AL & Ascendant’s Lord Venus & HL lord Jupiter.
02-Mar-05 6708.78 6647.11 20-Dec-04 6409.52 6345.87 Ascendant is aspected by 2nd lord Mercury (Dhanesh)
01-Mar-05 6725.92 6628.22 17-Dec-04 6436.08 6329.71 which also make Ascendant very strong. Ascendant’s
28-Feb-05 6720.94 6545.94 16-Dec-04 6437 6373.55 Lord Venus & HL lord Jupiter are in trine to HL. So we
25-Feb-05 6622.62 6543.91 15-Dec-04 6423.27 6334.27
can conclude that the year 2004-2005 will be a good
24-Feb-05 6621.68 6565.81 14-Dec-04 6331.57 6280.49
23-Feb-05 6607.78 6565.42 13-Dec-04 6274.24 6220.58 period for Bomaby stock exchange. In reality we found
22-Feb-05 6603.14 6515.73 10-Dec-04 6336.9 6221.4 that Sensex was shot from 5700 points to 8800 points
21-Feb-05 6602.53 6521.07 09-Dec-04 6319.01 6241.27 during this year. In the chart compressed vimshottari
18-Feb-05 6642.77 6564.55 08-Dec-04 6359.2 6250.24 dasa for a year is calculated for a year based on 360
17-Feb-05 6599.48 6533.13 07-Dec-04 6354.26 6287.46
16-Feb-05 6714.13 6581.53 06-Dec-04 6386.29 6312.13
15-Feb-05 6694.79 6640.43 03-Dec-04 6361.53 6304.22 1) Part of Jupiter dasa is left on Laxmi Pooja day. Till 20-
14-Feb-05 6719.17 6659.64 02-Dec-04 6335.14 6275.41
11-Feb-05 6640.11 6594.32 01-Dec-04 6272.68 6176.09
11-04 middle part of Jupiter dasa is effective. Results
10-Feb-05 6608.96 6533.97 30-Nov-04 6248.43 6194.61 are based of strength of planet. Jupiter is having 87.44%
09-Feb-05 6613.54 6553.4 29-Nov-04 6166.72 6029.82 strength & less Ishta Phalas than Kashta Phalas. As it
08-Feb-05 6573.93 6508.33 25-Nov-04 6081.74 6014.98 is the Lord of HL, overall effect was nullified & Sensex
07-Feb-05 6658.33 6514.86 24-Nov-04 6053.19 6001.46 remained at stationary level during this period. From
04-Feb-05 6684.16 6571.51 23-Nov-04 6031.59 5977.76
03-Feb-05 6630.68 6550.75 22-Nov-04 5979.1 5877.97
20-11-04 to 6-12-04, 3rd part of Jupiter dasa was effective
02-Feb-05 6600.02 6510.42 19-Nov-04 6044.55 5953.42 which gives results due to aspect on/of planet in the
01-Feb-05 6586.25 6508.99 18-Nov-04 6035.22 5985.57 chart. Jupiter is aspecting Ascendant, AL, HL, positive
31-Jan-05 6565 6455.55 17-Nov-04 6036.7 5997.74 argala on 2nd house & 2nd lord Mercury. This has
28-Jan-05 6430.72 6245.26 16-Nov-04 6002.03 5949.24 consolisated benefic effect & Sensex rose to 6386 points.
27-Jan-05 6252.24 6188.38 12-Nov-04 6001.99 5945.98
25-Jan-05 6174 6069.33 11-Nov-04 5995.33 5943.33 2) Saturn dasa was effective from 6-12-04 to 1-2-05. First
24-Jan-05 6215.78 6089.52 10-Nov-04 5979.78 5918.95 part of malefic planets aspect on/of the planet. Period
20-Jan-05 6197.21 6091.08 09-Nov-04 5957.94 5910.41
19-Jan-05 6230.62 6160.66 08-Nov-04 5955.94 5912.52
up to 24th dec. 2004. 3rd aspect on Ascendant lord Venus
18-Jan-05 6267.61 6173.09 05-Nov-04 5900.51 5823.44 & Jupiter, 7th aspect on AL, 10th aspect on Rahu. Rahu’s
17-Jan-05 6232.97 6087.55 04-Nov-04 5883.39 5814.37 virodha argala, Jupiter & Venus is casting virodha
14-Jan-05 6249.39 6144.08 03-Nov-04 5845.5 5771.73 argala on Saturn. Overall negative effect Sensex
13-Jan-05 6242.95 6138.05 02-Nov-04 5765.14 5713.24 dropped down till 6409 then started climbing up to
12-Jan-05 6263.71 6070.33 01-Nov-04 5714.36 5649.03
6507 points due to lordship of AL. Middle part up to
12-01-2005. Saturn with 111.51% strength & higher
Financial New Years chart is cast at Mumbai as the Sensex Ishta Phalas Sensex rose to 6696 points, then dropped
taken in to consideration is evaluated for Bombay Stock down to 6263 points till 12-01-05. Last part was up to
Exchange. This Rashi & D2kn chart is cast for Laxmi Pooja 1-02-05. Dasa effect due to ownership & placement in
day 12th November 2004 at 19/57/45 Hrs. at Mumbai. the house. Yogakarak for Taurus ascendant chart lord
(Reference- Article from Mr. Narasimha Rao on F.N.Y.C.) of 9th & 10th house but placed in 3rd house. Initially Sensex
The Rashi chart is indicative of good financial position of drooped down but again rose
stock exchange during 04-05. From the chart, Venus is the
Financial New Years chart for mumbai on 12-11-2004
ascendant & placed in trine with HL lord Jupiter, in
at 19/57/45 Hrs


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` rajan panse
Figure 1 Figure 2 Kn chart & placement in 6 th house & Ascendant
Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): respectively, Sexsex value dropped to 6400 till 30th
Jup: 2004-10-19 - 2004-12-06 Sat: 2004-12-06 - 2005-02-01
March then rose to 6649 points & further dropped to
6400 till 30th March then rose to 6649
points & further dropped to 6444 points
till 11th April 2005. Overall Ketu gave
negative effect during the dasa.
5) Venus dasa fro 12-4-2005 to 10-
06-2005. Venus is lord of ascendant, 6th
house & placed in 5th house in Rashi
char also owner of Ascendant, 8th house
& placed in 12th house in D-2 Kn. This
mixed position of Venus resulted in
drooping Sensex to 6259 points & then
raised to 6351 points till 25th April.
Merc: 2005-02-01 - 2005-03-23 Ket: 2005-03-23 - 2005-04-12 Again till 1st May 05 Sensex dropped
Ven: 2005-04-12 - 2005-06-10 Sun: 2005-06-10 - 2005-06-27 to 6223 points, during first 1/3 of the dasa period. Here
Moon:2005-06-27 - 2005-07-27 Mars: 2005-07-27 - 2005-08-17 we can see mixed effect on Sexsex position. Next 1/3
Rah: 2005-08-17 - 2005-10-09 dasa up to 20th May 2005 indicated effect of strength.
to 6586 points. Lord of Saturn in Kashinath Hora chart Venus with higher strength of 114.27% & being on
is Again Moon but placed in 8th house. owner of ascendant in both Rashi & D-2 Kn chart it’s
strength is increased. Due to less Ishta phalas progress
3) Mercury dasa was effective from 1-2-05 to 23-03-05.
of Sensex was steep rise but few falls reached to 6512
First part up to 17th Feb. due to ownership to 2nd & 5th
points. Last period of dasa was up to 10th june. Venus
house & placement in 7th house in Rashi chart &
is aspecting HL in D-2 Kn chart & aspected by AL lord
ownership of 9 th , 12 th house in D-2 Kn chart &
Saturn in both chart also receiving argala from Mars,
placement in 2nd house Sexsex rose to 6599 points after
Ketu, Sun, Moon. This position of Venus helped to raise
initial fall. Middle part was effective up to 6th March
the Sensex to 6883 points.
05. Mercury having higher Ishta Phalas & strength of
102.36%, Sensex slowly but steadily rose to 6902 6) Sun dasa was from 10-06-2005 to 27-06-2005. Sun has
points. Last part was effective till 23rd March 05. In D- higher Kashta phalas & less Ishta phalas, higher
2 Kn chart it is associated with Rahu having virodha strengh of 115.42%, placement in 6th house & owner of
argala from Mars & Ketu & in Rashi chart Saturn, 4th house, in Rashi & 8th house, owner of 11th house in
Mars, Sun, Ketu, Moon casting virodha argala on D-2 Kn chart with lordship of Al, has made dasa quite
planet reduced Sensex to 6568 points. rewarding for rise of sensex value. Sensex rose to 7228
points during dasa.
4) Ketu dasa from 23-03-2005 to 12-4-2005. Due to
ownership of 8th house in Rashi chart & 3rd house D-2 7) Moon dasa was from 27-06-2005 to 27-07-2005. Moon
Figure 3


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mumbai stock exchange `
with very high Strength 138.43% & less Ishta phalas, when the Sun is in 6th, 3rd & 10 houses (counted from the
placement like Sun, owner of 3 rd & 10th house Moon); the Moon in the 3rd, 10th, 6th, 7th & 1st; Jupiter in
respectively, aspecting dhanasthan in D-2 Kn chart, the 7th, 9th , 2nd & 5th ; Mars & Saturn in the 3rd , 6th ;
has helped to move Sensex to 7564 points with slow Mercury in the 6th, 2nd , 4th, 10th & 8th ; all planets in the
rise. Moon is also a depositor for AL lord Saturn in 11th; Venus in all places other than the 10th, 7th & 6th, Rahu
Rashi chart. & Ketu are similar to the sun.
8) Mars dasa was from 27-07-2005 to 17-08-2005. Mars Sensex variation over a year 2004-2005
with strength of 120.36% less of Ishta phalas (Being a
malefic planet), owner of 7th house in both charts, 12th In above graphical representation period is taken from 1st
House placement in 6th house in Rashi chart, 2nd house November 2004 to 11-11-2004. From 1st November till 5th
& placement in ascendant in D-2 Kn chart, Owner of November step jump of Sensex by 186 points. On 1-10-2004
Shree lagna & A2 in Rashi chart has improved Sensex Mercury enters Scorpio sign (Bullish in nature). Dhanesh
to new heights of 7921 points. of F.N.Y.C. enters bullish sign is a indicative of short time
jump in Sensex value. Mars occupies Libra from 3rd
8) Rahu dasa was from 17-08-2005 to 9-10-2005. Rahu is
November 04 & from 5th November 2004 it comes in square
owner of 10th house & placed in 12th house of expenses
aspect with Saturn in Cancer. As per principles of square
with AL lord Saturn aspecting it in Rashi chart. Rahu
aspect when Mars forms square aspect with Saturn in
is owner of 5th house & placed in Dhanasthan; in
bearish sign, share market moves in steady trend (Ref.
conjunction with 9th lord Mercury; in D-2 Kn chart.
Vedic Astrology in Money Matters by Mr. P.K.Vasudeo).
Barring few falls Sensex was on rise during Rahu’s
Saturn gets retrograde from 8th in Cancer. This change has
dasa period.
further arrested the sensex rise. From 8th onward sensex
9) Balance Dasa of Jupiter was in operation from 9-10- value is almost steady & remains at the same level.
2005 onwards. Jupiter is functional malefic for Taurus From16th Nov. 04 Sun enters in to bullish sign Scorpio
& Libra ascendant chart. (Rashi & D-2 Kn chart) it has from Libra. From 17th Nov. Sun forms a trinal aspect with
given bad results up to 28th October. Saturn which is indicative of initial rise but uncertain with
down word reaction. We can see in above graph that
Here we can see that theory put forward in F.N.Y. chart is
by and large applicable for Sensex
movement for B.S.E. movement is largely S.No Period of Change Sensex Rise+ Base Sensex & Variation
marked by dasas of compressed vimshottari Days
dasa system. Points Fall- In points
1 01-11-04 To 05-11-04 + 186 Steep 5714 3.26 % Rise 5
2 05-11-04 To 22-11-04 + 79 Steady 5900 1.32 % Rise 15
Transits related analysis 3 22-11-04 To 06-12-04 + 407 Steep 5979 6.81 % Rise 14
Now we will try to apply transits to annual 4 06-12-04 To 13-12-04 - 112 Steady 6386 1.75 % Fall 7
Sensex movement during November 04 to 5 13-12-04 To 04-01-05 + 422 Steady 6274 6.73 % Rise 22
6 04-01-05 To 11-01-05 - 367 Steep 6696 5.48 % Fall 7
October 05
7 11-01-05 To 25-01-05 - 155 Steady 6330 2.45 % Fall 14
8 25-01-05 To 16-02-05 + 540 Steady 6174 8.74 % Rise 22
gaecr gocara 9 16-02-05 To 17-02-05 - 115 Steep 6714 1.71 % Fall 1
sUyR> ;q!iÇdziSwiSdz;q!sPta*gíNÔma> 10 17-02-05 To 09-03-05 + 355 Steady 6599 5.38 % Rise 21
11 09-03-05 To 30-03-05 - 554 Steady 6954 7.97 % Fall 21
jIvSTvSttpaeiÖpímgtae v³akRjaE ;q!iÇgaE 12 30-03-05 To 04-04-05 + 249 Steep 6400 3.89 % Rise 5
, 13 04-04-05 To 18-04-05 - 429 steady 6649 6.45 % Fall 14
saEMy> ;q!SvctudRza:qmgt> 14 18-04-05 To 25-04-05 + 171 Steady 6220 2.75 % Rise 7
15 25-04-05 To 02-05-05 - 168 Steady 6391 2.63 % Fall 7
sveR=:yupaNtiSwta> 16 02-05-05 To 27-05-05 + 550 Steep 6224 8.84 % Rise 25
zu³> SvaStirpUiNvhay 17 27-05-05 To 12-07-05 + 580 Steady 6773 8.56 % Rise 46
18 12-07-05 To 14-07-05 - 089 Steady 7352 1.21 % Fall 2
zuÉdiStma<zukÑaeiynaE. 19 14-07-05 To 03-08-05 + 550 Steady 7263 7.57 % Rise 19
süryaù 20 03-08-05 To 09-08-05 - 157 Steady 7843 2.00 % Fall 6
ñaötridaçasthitastridaçañaösaösaptädyagaçcandramäù 21 09-08-05 To 18-08-05 + 235 Steady 7686 3.05 % Rise 9
jévastvastatapodivpaçcamagato 22 18-08-05 To 24-08-05 - 282 Steep 7921 3.56 % Fall 6
vakrärkajauñaötrigau| 23 24-08-05 To 22-09-05 + 880 Steep 7639 11.52% Rise 29
saumyaù ñaösvacaturdaçäñöamagataù 24 22-09-05 To 23-09-05 - 192 Steep 8519 2.25 % Fall 1
sarve’ñyupäntasthitäù 25 23-09-05 To 05-10-05 + 494 Steep 8327 5.93 % Rise 12
çukraù svästaripünvihäya 26 05-10-05 To 28-10-05 - 1026 Steep 8821 11.63% Fall 23
27 28-10-05 To 11-11-05 + 688 Steep 7795 8.83 % Rise 14
Steep Fall Steep Rise Steady Fall Steady Rise
During transit the Sun gives good results

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` rajan panse
sensex value has dropped to 5979 points till 22nd Nov. Venus & Mercury are moving together with Mercury
From 22-11-04 to 06-12-2004 steep rise was noticed in attaining faster speed compared with Venus. This is
sensex by 407 points. Sun forms semisextile (300) aspect indicative of bearish market as both planets along with Sun
with Venus from Scorpio. This has initiated bullish trend in the same sign create acute bearish market due to
in share market. On 30th nov. Mercury got retrograde in shortage (Ref. Retrogression & helical Setting Book
bullish sign Sagittarius. We can observe that from 30th nov. V.A.M.M.). We have analyzed graph -1 with respect Vedic
sensex got additional boost & rose to 6386 points. Mercury astrology.
got set in west from 5th Dec. onwards. Sensex has shown
Now we will see graph-2. From 12-01-2005 till 24-01-2005
down word trend from 6th Dec. 04. This continued till 13th
sensex was lowered by, 45 points. From 12th onward Sun
Dec. 04. Sensex value registered on 13th was 6274 points.
forms opposition aspect with Saturn. This is indicative of
From 14th Dec. Mercury rises in the east & trend gets
“Rise but uncertain with downward reaction” hence
reversed to bullish market. Sensex rose to 6436 points till
sensex lowered by 45 points. On 25th Jan.05 Mercury is set
17th Dec.04. From 20th Dec. Mercury moves forward in
in the east, as per Vedic astrology principles, When
Scropio sign. Sensex dropped on 20th Dec. to a value of
Mercury set in east/west it reverts earlier trend. Hence we
6409 points, momentarily, to show a change in retrograde
observe that market become buoyant & sensex started
motion. From then onwards, till 4th jan. 2005, Sensex moved
rising. Jupiter went retrograde from 2nd Feb. 05 in Virgo
steadily to 6696 points. Here we can observe that Sun,
Sign. From 4th onwards Sun forms trinal aspect with
Mars, Mercury, Venus are placed in bullish signs. From
retrograde Jupiter. It is indicative of bearish market. This
4th onward sensex registered steep bearish tone. Here
trend continued till 8th Feb.05. From 8th Feb. onwards Sun
f o r m e d
Planetary positions for Rise & Fall of Sensex for Bombay Stock Exchange 2004-2005 Quincunx
Steep Rise for Sensex. aspect with
Planets positions Saturn by
starting Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu
Sun, market
01/11/2004 Li/ 14-59 Ta/ 28-41 Vi/ 29-19 Sc/ 0-50 Vi/ 13-50 Vi/ 9-40 Cn/ 3-22 Ar/ 8-12
22/11/2004 Sc/ 6-6 Pi/ 10-20 Li/ 13-16 Sc/ 28-8 Vi/ 17-48 Li/ 5-23 Cn/ 3-15 R Ar/ 8-2 shows good
30/03/2005 Pi/ 15-28 Sc/ 6-7 Cp/ 13-29 Pi/ 14-59S Vi/ 20-38R Pi/ 15-10 Ge/ 26-31 Pi/ 28-51 rise. We can
02/05/2005 Ar/ 17-46 Cp/ 27-26 Aq/ 6-42 Pi/ 21-25 Vi/ 16-43R Ar/ 26-0U Ge/ 27-57 Pi/ 28-44 see that
24/08/2005 Le/ 7-0 Ar/ 4-57 Ar/ 19-56 Cn/ 18-36 Vi/ 23-6 Vi/ 14-12 Cn/ 10-57 Pi/ 20-31 sensex rose to
23/09/2005 Vi/ 6-8 Ta/ 9-47 Ar/ 28-51 Vi/ 10-11S Vi/ 28-57 Li/ 19-6 Cn/ 14-14 Pi/ 19-45
6719 points by
28/10/2005 Li/ 10-44 Le/ 12-46 Ar/24-41R Sc/ 3-12 Li/ 6-28S Sc/ 27-35 Cn/ 16-47 Pi/ 19-36
Steep Fall for Sensex. 14th Feb.05.
Planets positions
starting Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Sun enters
04/01/2005 Sg/ 19-48 Vi/ 22-54 Sc/ 12-30 Sc/ 28-00 Vi/ 23-38 Sc/ 28-56 Cn/ 0-46R Ar/ 4-54 Aquarius
16/02/2005 Aq/ 3-29 Ta/ 3-22 Sg/ 12-37 Aq/ 4-43 Vi/ 24-38 Cp/ 22-47 Ge/27-30R Ar/ 0-41 (Bearish sign)
18/08/2005 Le/ 1-13 Cp/ 6-17 Ar/ 17-11 Cn/ 15-1 Vi/ 22-3 Vi/ 7-6 Cn/ 10-13 Pi/ 20-52 from 13th Feb.
22/09/2005 Vi/ 5-9 Ar/ 26-40 Ar/ 28-43 Vi/ 8-24S Vi/ 28-45 Li/ 17-58 Cn/ 14-8 Pi/ 19-44
05. Quincunx
05/10/2005 Vi/ 17-55 Li/ 6-2 Ar/29-22R Li/ 0-15S Li/ 1-29 Sc/ 2-40 Cn/ 15-18 Pi/ 1-41
Steady Rise for Sensex aspect is over
Planets positions by then & new
starting Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu sextile aspect
05/11/2004 Li/ 18-59 Cn/ 16-17 Li/ 1-57 Sc/ 6-38 Vi/ 14-38 Vi/ 14-32 Cn/ 3-25 Ar/ 8-9 with Rahu
13/12/2004 Sc/ 27-24 Sg/ 10-43 Li/ 27-26 Sc/21-10U Vi/ 21-7 Sc/ 1-27 Cn/ 2-20R Ar/ 7-3
from Aquatius
25/01/2005 Cp/ 11-11 Cn/ 6-24 Sc/ 27-6 Sg/27-50S Vi/ 24-50 Sg/ 25-14 Ge/ 29-3R Ar/ 2-40
17/02/2005 Aq/ 4-30 Ta/ 15-33 Sg/ 13-19 Aq/ 6-33 Vi/ 24-35R Cp/ 24-2 Ge/27-27R Ar/ 0-41 sign. Vedic
18/04/2005 Ar/ 4-8 Cn/ 19-19 Cp/ 26-33 Pi/ 9-10 Vi/ 18-14R Ar/ 8-43 Ge/ 27-7 Pi/ 28-50 astrology
27/05/2005 Ta/ 11-53 Sg/ 24-58 Aq/ 24-42 Ta/ 3-2S Vi/ 15-8R Ta/ 26-43 Cn/0-5 Pi/ 27-58 principles
14/07/2005 Ge/27-44 Vi/ 20-20 Pi/ 27-24 Cn/23-19R Vi/ 17-8 Cn/ 25-10 Cn/ 5-44S Pi/ 23-46 state that this
09/08/2005 Cn/ 22-35 Vi/ 4-59 Ar/ 12-39 Cn/17-29S Vi/ 20-35 Le/ 26-24 Cn/ 9-5U Pi/ 21-12
gives steady
Steady Fall for Sensex
Planets positions with slight
starting Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu rise then fall
06/12/2004 Sc/ 20-17 Vi/ 1-24 Li/ 22-41 Sg/ 0-7S Vi/20-6 Li/ 22-44 Cn/ 2-43R Ar/ 7-18 in market.
11/01/2005 Sg/ 26-56 Cp/ 4-5 Sc/ 17-20 Sg/ 7-13 Vi/ 24-11 Sg/ 7-42 Cn/ 0-12R Ar/ 4-14 Working on
09/03/2005 Aq/ 24-35 Aq/ 5-45 Sg/ 27-37 Pi/ 12-7 Vi/ 23-5 Aq/ 19-1S Ge/ 26-38 Pi/ 29-14
V e d i c
04/04/2005 Pi/ 20-24 Cp/ 16-30 Cp/ 16-23 Pi/ 10-51S Vi/ 20-0 R Pi/ 21-23 Ge/ 26-37 Pi/ 28-52
25/04/2005 Ar/ 10-58 Li/ 18-17 Aq/ 1-38 Pi/ 13-59 Vi/ 17-26 Ar/17-22U Ge/ 27-30 Pi/ 28-53 principles, we
12/07/2005 Ge/ 25-49 Le/ 25-56 Pi/ 26-8 Cn/ 21-51 Vi/ 16-55 Cn/ 22-45 Cn/ 5-29 Pi/ 23-49 observe that
03/08/2005 Cn/ 16-50 Ge/ 23-36 Ar/ 9-23 Cn/21-59S Vi/ 19-40 Le/ 19-13 Cn/ 8-19S Pi/ 22-5 rise from 6694
to 6714 points

Stock Exchange-Rajan Panse.pmd 65 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

mumbai stock exchange `
also set in Pisces (Sign of
debilation for mercury) from 23
March 05. From 31 st March
onwards Sun, Venus & Rahu
all are in same nakshatra
Revati. Revati nakshatra riles
over stock exchange.
Nakshatras deliver micro level
result & short term market
trends. On 30th March, Moon
also transits in sign of
debilation, Scorpio. On 31 st
March Moon enters in Jyeshta
Nakshatra & share market
become byoyant since then. As
Venus & Sun both enters
Jyeshta from 31 st March 05,
Market started to rise. This
condition prevailed till 4th April
05. From 6th April Mercury rises
from east. This has changed the
trend to bearish market till 12th
April as long as Mercury
remains retrograde. Venus
enters in to Aries from 10th April
05. We can observe that from
10th April till 12th April Market
shows rising trend Sensex raied
from 11 th April to 13 th April
(6444 points to 6515 points). On
14 th April Sun enters Aries.
Mercury is almost stationary till
18th April 05 & then moves in
direct motion from 19 th April
onward. Sensex is on rise from
then fall up to 6599 on 17th Feb. 05. Then market registered
19th April onwards. Rise continued till 25th April. From 23rd
steady progress after 18th Feb. 05. From 21st onward.
April onwards Venus rises in the west in Aries. This has
Mercury rises on 26th Feb. In West. This indicated slight
latered earlier bullish trend to bearish market. Sensex
bearish with chances of recovery. Sensex moves to 6720 moved from 6391 to 6223 points till 2nd May 05. Sun is
on 28th Feb. Then drop to 6708 points on 2nd March. From
forming quincunx aspect with retrograde Jupiter from Ist
2nd March to 9th March steady rise to 6954 points increase
May 2005. This aspect indicates rise with minor
by 248 points. Mars forms square aspect with retrograde
corrections in share market. From 2nd May onwards market
Jupiter & opposite with retrograde Saturn from Sagittarius.
showed rising trends. Mars is getting conjunct with
In normal condition this indicates bearish market but due
Uranus from 2nd May 05. (Orb of 80) till 27th May 2005
to retrograding stage market showed bullish trend & (Uranus is 160 degree) in Aquarius & during this period
sensex shot up to 6954 points. It is observed that from 9th
Mars moves from 80 to 24 0 in Aquarius). This aspect
March 05 onwards sensex dropped to 6400 poits by 30th
indicates rise of market with corrections. We can observe
March 05. All the planets (except Mars) are in bearish
same trend for Sensex during this period in graph 3.
signs. (Sun in Aq/pi, Mars in Sg/Cp, Me in Pi, Jupiter in
Vi, Venus in Aq/pi, Sat in Ge, Rahu in Pi) This situation Mercury sets in West from 24th May onwards & rises again
forced market to go bearish. From 20th March Mercury got in east from 11th June 05. Jupiter moves direct from 5th June
retrograde in Pisces. This increased the bearish trend 2005. Venus has semisextile aspects with Saturn on 30th
further. May 05. This aspect brings rise in sensex points. Share
sensex started rising from 31st May onwards in a steady
Venus, lord of ascendant, is set from 22nd February 05
manner. During the month of June & July Jupiter & Uranus
Pisces (Sign of exaltation for Venus). Mercury, 2nd lord is

Stock Exchange-Rajan Panse.pmd 66 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` rajan panse

are having quincunx aspect. This aspect shows firmness July 05. From 12th to 14th July 05 Venus & Mercury are
in market. We can observe that till 12-07-05 market showed conjunct in Cancer sign & having trinal aspect with Rahu.
rise of 580 points in 46 days. Saturn sets in west from 5th Venus & Mercury show firm market conditions while


Stock Exchange-Rajan Panse.pmd 67 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

mumbai stock exchange `

trinal aspect with Rahu. Venus & Mercury show firm again picked up, (8327 points on 23rd September 2005 to
market conditions while trinal aspect shows bearish 8821 points on 5th October 2005) rose by 494 points in 12
market with corrections. Sensex dropped by 89 points in 2 days. This can be seen from above graph 5. Here Mercury
days & again moved steadily by 550 points in 19 days, till is swifter than Venus & creates bullish market. Mars in
3rd August. This is clearly visible in graph 4, below. stationary conditions in swifter than venus & creates
Mercury is retrograde & set in Cancer sign, from 23rd July bullish market. Mars in stationary condition in Aries
05 to 16th August 05. From 3rd August 05 sensex dropped creates bullish market till it becomes retrograde or direct.
by 157 points to 9th August 2005. When Mercury is on It is clear from above graph that as Mars retrogrades from
declining speed & Venus is on rise market shows bearish 2nd October 2005 sensex showed a drop from 5th October
trend. From 9th onward Saturn rises in the east & sensex 2005 onwards. Sensex plunged to new low value of 7795
showed rising trend till 18th August 2005. points by 28th October to 7th October 2005. Mercury rises
from 9 th October 2005 in west & heavy drop due to
From 17th August 2005 Sun enters in own bullish sign Leo
retrogression of Mars was arrested on 10th October 2005.
& Mercury becomes direct from 16th August 2005 in its
Jupiter sets in Libra from 8th October 2005. Mars & Jupiter
enemy sign Cancer. Sensex moves from 7828 points on 16th
are in opposite aspect from 5th October till 28th October
August to 7921 points on 18th August & then drops to
2005. Net result of this aspect is sharp bearish trend with
7639 points on 24th August. (Visible from graph 4 & 5)
recovery. From graph 5 it is quite evident that market
From 24-8-2005 onward sensex zoomed to 8519 points picked up after fall of 569 points after 28th October 2005.
from 7639 points (rise of 11.52%) Sun is forming opposite
Jupiter rises in the east from 2nd November 2005. Bearish
aspect with retrograde Uranus from 25th August 05 to 9th
trend of sensex reversed & market again rose to new height.
September 2005. (Orb 80) (Uranus is retrograde at 150 &
Uranus also became direct from 28th October 2005.
Sun moves in Leo from 40 to 230) Uranus shows rise in
Aquarias sign & when associated with Sun in bullish sign Conclusion
(Leo) gives sharp rise. From 8th September 2005 onwards
Mercury sets in Leo sign in east. As Venus remains in It is evident that planets transits has direct impact on share
farthest position from Sun market remains bullish. Mars market movement. Also it has to be kept in mind that one
is stationary during this period & retrogrades from 2nd has to decide trend of financial growth from Laxmi-Pooja
October 2005 in Aries sign. Venus & Saturn were in Squre chart (F.N.Y.C), casted when Sun & Moon are in same
aspect from 20th September to 23rd September in Libra & longitude in Libra sign. This should be the base for transit
Cancer sign. Short time reversal of market trend & analysis. Chart casted on this day is decisive of the 1 year
indicated rise with fall at times. From 23rd 2005 market trend in financial matters. Depending on the dasas of

Stock Exchange-Rajan Panse.pmd 68 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` rajan panse

various planets approximate movements in money matters forecast.

can be analyzed & further with the help of transits results
can be strengthened. Short term trends are more Even after taking due care while forecasting financial
dependants on transit of inferior planets Mercury, Venus. trends, nobody can assure 100% success rate of his
Monthly variation are studied largely on transition of Sun prediction. In this small attempt, I have corelated theory
in various signs & superior planets are mostly responsible put forward by Mr. P.K.Vasudeo in his book ‘Vedic
for long term variations. In my earlier analysis it is quite Astrology in money matters’ to past events occurred in
evident. As we always keep natal horoscope as a guiding relation to Sensex movement of Bombay stock exchange
factor while analyzing transits for individual, same theory during November 2004 to October 2005. I have restricted
is applicable in mundane matters. Financial variations can myself to basic principles put forward by Mr. Vasudeo in
be studied in a background of Financial New Year Chart, his above book & I am very much satisfied with the results
for transits. Different astrologers use different horoscope based on above principles. Financial Astrology is an
to study financial matters i.e. when Sun enters in Aries, upcoming branch in Vedic astrology which deserves lot
Chaitra Shukla pratipada (Sun & Moon together in Pisces), more attention in the present scenario for accurate
When Sun & planetary transits during the period actuation predictions.
of event can be diagnosed.
Om Tat Sat
One thing has to be always remembered that while
relating events in the past with dasas & transits one Editor’s note:
converges to a specified result out of different possible The principles of stocks and markets taight by
explanations available in Vedic astrology. When one try Varahamihira in the Brihat Samhita need to be examined
to forecast the future events, he has lot many possible in the light of modern developments in the market
combinations which suits to the planetary transits & in economy. The present article is an excellent attempt to use
such condition one has to be more careful while forecasting ancient principles and truths for modern technology and
for future event. He has to consider place of the event, the modern market economy.
period of event, present scenario related to event, different
customs & facts pertaining to the event in different part of
world. This will lead the astrologer to deliver better

Stock Exchange-Rajan Panse.pmd 69 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

book review `

Book Review
Jyotish Fundamentals:My Master’s Words
by Visti Larsen
Sagittarius Publications, New Delhi, 2005

This the first book of author Visti Larsen, a maiden effort

which must be appreciated. He has constructed a grand
pyramid at an early age and distributed the Guru Prasad
(àsad) to all students of astrology. The prasad has a
religious meaning. After the pooja (worship) the prasad
is distributed to all fellow worshipers. This is one of the
best books distributing a million dollar note – the pure
parampara knowledge – without any reservation to
strengthen the foundation of Jyotish shastra. In India,
parampara has a sacred meaning and the secret
knowledge is available only to the followers of parampara.
But, a new way is paved by his master Guru Sanjay Rath
to give this deep knowledge of tradition (parampara) in
annual SJC conferences and publishing the books and CDs
which are made available to everybody. One shishya (P.
V. R. Narasimha Rao) has distributed Jagannath Hora J
Hora 7(software) CD freely and has shown the old Vedic
way of putting service before self. So I admire the
parampara of guru and shisyas who are enriching the

Now, the book is written in 12 chapters (Stambha) or pillars

giving Gayatri shloka at the beginning to resemble
Dwadasha Aditya. This is a fundamental of Jyotish. Nakshatra in Vimshottari or the lord of yoga i.e. Nakshatra
The first Aditya or chapter is one the Panchanga and deals is called Yogi and the opposite Nakshatra lord is called
with five limbs or the Panchanga. Avayogi and the lord of sign of Yogi Nakshatra is called
duplicate yogi. This is not well exhibited.
The five limbs of Kalpurusha are Samvatsara s<vTsr ruled
by Shani on Jupiter’s 60 years cycle or samvastra chakra, The rare knowledge of Tithi-Vara-Tattva conflict and
then Ayana ruled by Ravi showing solar declination north Ghatachakra (¸aatc³) is explained but the Janan Shanti
and south a period of six months then Ritu ruled by (jnnza<it) is not shown like Mula (mUl), Ashlesha (AaÜle;a)
Mercury a season or a period of two months. Then Masa and Amavasya tithi (AmavSya). But, he has given Sankranti
(mas)showing one luner month ruled by Jupiter then (s< ³ a< i t dae ;) dosha. Eka Nakshatra (@k n]Ç) dosha is
paksha (p]) two parts of month Tera & Kali (zuKlp]- explained with examples. The Sun is not clearly visible due
k¯:[p]) ruled by Venus and then comes Vara ruled by Mars to fog or mist in the winter day so also his first Aditya or
and it is also composed of five limbs viz. Tithi (itiw) Vara chapter is covered with mist.
(var), Nakshatra (n]Ç), Yoga (yaeg) and Karana (kr[). These
five limbs are explained very shortly and has given In the second chapter, rasis and grahas are explained in a
practical use of these with examples. These require a short and sweet way and bhava and graha tithis are
retouch to show the finer points of mathematics and it is a explained. This is a novel portion and the remedies are
base of all Muhurta Shastra (mUht u R zaSÇ). also explained. Aprakash Grahas (Aàkaz ¢h) and Yama
grahas (ym ¢h) with the Rashi Shila and Graha Shila
The yoga is not explained properly except as a basis of (razIzIl, ¢hzIl) are explained in short.
tithi. It is shown by Sheshadri Ayyar as yoga points and
worked as Spashta Ravi + Spashta Chandra + 93o-20’ The second house is called wealth and the second Aditya
Pushya Nakshatra. The yoga point and the lord of (chapter) explains family wealth.


Book Review.pmd 70 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` jyotish fundamentals
Now from the third chapter on bhavas he has started to important as it deals with the partner. “The proper use of
give details as this is an important portion in phalita and the grahas comes first into light when applied with reference to
says “The twelve bhavas begin from the Lagna (Asc) which is Bhavas” explaining naisargika and judging the karaka –
the sign and degree in which the sunlight intercepts with ecliptic the three viz. Bhava, Lord and Karaka form the most
at that particular time (and place). Each sign following the important aspect of the chart. “Judge the Bhava lord with
lagna is allotted to a house” (known as bhava). Then he takes reference to Karaka of the Bhava. Then he explains chara
a short cut to discussing other systems. “The other karaka and their grouping, Atma Karaka, Karaka lagna.
method(s) depend on the exact point of midday (M.C.)
The yoga of karaka lagna with other grahas shows the
after which the space and time between the sunrise and
strong inclinations of the native to understand a person’s
midday is equally distributed between the houses to
personal and sometimes unconscious inclinations. A more
ascertain the bhava span. This is seen in the distribution
noteworthy way of using of karaka lagna is to analyze its
method of Placidus. Porphyry Koch and others say these
presence in the natal chart with respect to lagna, Arudha
techniques are not wrong but require a different
Lagna etc. Since the karaka lagna will show the soul, it
application of principles to understand the chart as they
means that the soul is reliving some important lessons in
find their basis within boundaries which are breaking that
of the physically created universe namely the sign.”
Then he gives Navamsa and Karakamsa: “AK indicates
This is a very wise step sidetracking a vexed question and
important issues we need to learn and over come. The planet
unnecessary discussion saying “these variations of
owning the Karakamsha shows which new issues we may be
distribution techniques are beyond the purview of this
creating for the next life.”
“Parashara Jaimini and Mahadeva have given the list of evils
He explains Bhavat Bhavam, relatives from bhava and
associated with the sign becoming the Karakamsa these units
then bhava classification which is a base for chapters 8 to
apply to the placement of any planet in Navamsa and not just
11 where detailed discussion is done. He has given a brief
the Karakamsa. Since, the Navamsa is said to show our luck as
discussion on dusthanas, upachaya, marakas (2nd, 7th)
given by god. The evils pertaining to each amsa are omens that
chaturasraya, and then the 2nd and 12th bhavas also and
god gives us to protect.”
then touched lordship and Kalpadruma yoga – the novel
way to analyze placement of lagnesh and judging duel Then he gives a list of Navasma lagna from Karakamsa
lordship. lagna and says” As it indicate the purpose of the Native’s
current Birth”. The reference from Karakamsa becomes
The 4th bhava (not house) is the mother and sambandha
important as this will show the intensions the Atma has
and he puts the subject sambandha correctly giving
for this birth.”
Naisargika, Tatkalika, Bhava Graha and Raja yoga
sambandhas. A full list is given on page no. 141 with examples from
practical life.
The 5th chapter is explaining tools. Drishti with a diagram
making the concept clear on Rashi and Graha Dristi with Then AK and Raj Yoga are explained. He has covered real
calculation of Sphuta Dristi, curses and remedy, the foundation in seven chapters. As the Medini (the earth) is
Avastha of planets, Astakavarga SAV, BAV PAV etc. having Sapta Dwipa (sPtÖIp) or the seven rashis who are
which grahas (people) are contributing to which bhava rotating around Dhruva(Øuv). It gives some similar hint.
(area of life) in BAV is useful in determining the effect of
antardasha on a person. Also, he gives – “In case of lagna’s This is the real secret of this book which answers Koham
contribution the dasas of Rahu and Ketu can give results” (kae=h<) Kuto Ayat (kutae Aayat). This is explained in Anudita
golardha (Anuidt gaelaxR) that portion of sky not visible and
In the 6th stambha (chapter) he explains Arudha: the the foundation of the building is also not visible. The
placement of planets from Arudha Lagna will indicate the Vedanta base is Karma Siddhanta (kmR isÏaNt) and Rebirth
actual influences of events on the native and gives (punj
R Nm) and the purpose known as Moksha (mae]) is the real
examples to prove it. Then on Arudha and Sambandha – purushartha (pué;awR) to achieve.
“one must apply two methods – chara karaka and lordship from
Arudha lagna.” This sambandha shows how people in Now, from chapters 8 to 11 he explains the normal Jyotish
one’s social circle have an impact on one’s life e.g. – for in Vedantic (ve d aiNtk) pattern. Bhavas 1, 5, 9 shows
father see 9th lord from AK and Chara PitriKaraka and their (xmR ) Dharma trikona. He explains complexions and
placement from AL. internal nature (SvÉav), knowledge and spirituality. The 9th
house explains father and guru and spirituality. In 4th
He touches upon the concept of Graha Arudha with house, children, knowledge and Dhimanta yoga and tools
examples of Vimshottari dasa interpretation. The 7th is very of Dhi-lagna, AK, AL.

Book Review.pmd 71 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

book review `
In the 9th chapter, bhavas 2, 6, 10 the Artha (p«WvI) Trikona
(iÇkae[) are discussed. In 2nd house sources of wealth, then
6th house, injury and ailments, enmity and war and in the
10th house occupation is discussed. In the 10th chapter
bhavas 3, 7, 11 are explained as Kama Trikona (kamiÇkae[)
The 3rd house of co-borns, then 7th house of spouse/
marriage and substance of marriage and the 11th Bhava –
often misunderstood as gain and punishment. The deity
sits in 11th as Hara a form of Shiva to give life force to the Now Available in India
person and when a person uses up this life force or prana SJC US Conference MP3 CDs
then the presence in this world is over – understanding
the evil of 11th Bhava the 11 forms of misery have been Í 2002 West Coast Conference
listed out in Prasna Marga. Then Badhaka – Deva, Sarpa,
Pitr, Pret Dristi and Abhichara are explained with remedy. 4 CD Set Rs. 1000

In the 11th chapter bhavas 4, 8, 12 are explained as Moksha Í 2003 Relationship Seminar (West Coast)
trikona (mae] iÇkae[).
5 CD Set Rs. 1200
Í 2004 West Coast Conference
The 4th Bhava – mother, property, Vastu, organization and
education are enlightened with examples. The 8th house –
Balarista, Sun’s and Moons placement and lagna lord and
4 CD Set Rs. 1000
Jupiter are explained. Also 10 th, 8 th and lagna are
important for judging life. He has given a small para about Í 2004 SJC India Annual Conference Puri
Kundalini and occult practitioners. Then 12th bhava is an
important house for marriage and relationships. The 2 CD Set Rs. 500
twelfth house and arudha deals with what we share with (Price inclusive of shipping in India)
the world. Then Ista Devata, Dharma Devata, Guru Devata
is discussed in it. Payment Details

The 12th chapter is Narayan Dasa and its interpretation 1. Cheques/DD: Post a cheque/DD payable to Sri
which is used for timing the events. Narayan Dasa focuses Jagannath Center.
on places and circumstance. The best way to use Narayan 2. MO: Post a MO payable to Mihir Guha Roy with your
Dasa is with Vimshottari dasa. Vimshottari will show mind complete details.
of individual and the manner in which it interacts with
the society. The desire is caused by mind but Narayan 3. Transfer: Deposit directly into SJC account no.
provides the availability from a circumstantial point of 0262000022052 with HDFC Bank, ORN Branch, New
view and gives simple rules to interpret as given by Sanjay Delhi, India. Bank: http://www.hdfcbank.com
Rath his master.
To enquire about availability and purchase,, please contact
This book is a novel work of Visti Larsen. He has devoted
Mihir Guha Roy
many days of his life with Sanjay Rath in jyotish learning
and Sanjayji has also taught him from the bottom of his Sri Jagannath Center, 15B Gangaram Hospital Road, New
heart. This book is nothing but a real dialogue between Delhi-110060, India
the Guru and the Disciple. It is nothing but the Guru-
Phone: (011) 25717162 Mobile: 9811284718
Shishya Samvad. I have seen personally, at the time of SJC
conferences at Nagpur and Mumbai, Visti Larsen and his E-Mail:admn@srijagannath.org
deep insights in the subject which is impossible without
a real great hard work under the guidance of a great Guru.

This work is mainly devoted for prediction and will serve

as a Deepstambha (dIpSt<É) and hope he will serve the
astrologer to enrich knowledge to open Pragyna chakshu

May god Jagannath bless him.

V. V. Divekar


Book Review.pmd 72 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` professional directory

Perfect Predictions & Wise Counsel Phyllis Chubb

Pt Sanjay Rath a trusted name for kind guidance and
learning Vedic astrology
Vedic Astrologer & Jyotish Guru
Sri Jagannath Center C-3, Site 190, RR#1
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phyllischubb.com or
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Consultation by prior appointments only When and why fast?

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astrology, Gemstone (prescriptions only - we
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don’t sell gems or jewelry), Mantra - Vedic ... for these and all your personal
remedies, Business & career issues, Marriage questions, consult with
matching & relationships, Children, Family
etc... Robert A. Koch
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VedicReading@srath.com The Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic Astrology
webpages: http://robertkoch.com
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JD Ads.pmd 73 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

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JD Ads.pmd 74 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` news & events

SJC news & events

2006 Delhi Conference CDs

The audio recordings of the B. V. Raman Memorial
Conference on Gochara and Workshop on Vedic
Remedies are now available from the SJC office at New
Delhi, India. This was the 4th Annual SJC Conference
which took place in New Delhi in January 2006 and is
now available in Mp3 format. They can be obtained as a
4-CD set or as a single DVD. This is your chance to listen
to some great presentations on a wide variety of topics
such Västu, Ratna and Uparatna (gemstones), Transits of
Jupiter, Saturn and Venus, Transits from Ärüòha, Sarod maestro Amaan & Ayaan Khan enthrall the conference with a superb
Transits in Vargas and the Kalachakra, Financial performance after their father and Guru, Ustad Amjad Ali Khan enlightened us
Astrology and Spiritual Astrology topics like the about the essence of Indian classical music and why it cannot be written.
Dwadasadityas, the Dasavatars, the Dasamahavidya and
the Jyotirlingas.
The speakers include Niranjan Babu Bangalore, Raman
Suprajarama, Sanjay Rath, Visti Larsen, Swee Chan, G. K.
Goel, P. S. Ramnarayan, V. Parthasarathy, Zoran
Radosavljevic, Willa Keizer, Sarbani Sarkar, Prashun Dutt,
Voja Trajkovic, Zjelko Krogvic.
The cost of the audio recordings is as follows:
4 CD set: Rs. 600, USD 40, Euro 30, GBP 20
DVD: Rs. Rs. 250, USD 20, Euro 15, GBP 10
The above costs include postage. Please book your copy
now with admn@srijagannath.org or with
Payment options:
Raman Suprajarama, B.Niranjan Babu, Willa Keizer & Lakshmi Kary
1. Paypal: Pay through Paypal www.paypal.com to
2. Western Union: Send it to Old Rajinder Nagar, New
Delhi, payable ONLY to Mihir Guha Roy.
3. Bank transfer to HDFC Bank, Old Rajinder Nagar
Branch, New Delhi. Swift Code: HDFCINBB
4. Send a cheque payable to ‘Sri Jagannath Centre’ and
post it to: Sri Jagannath Center, 15B Gangaram Hospital
Marg, New Delhi - 110060
5. Deposit it directly to the SJC account.
Account Name: Sri Jagannath Centre ,
Number: 0262000022052
Bank: HDFC Bank, Old Rajinder Nagar Branch, New
6. Send it though Money Order at the SJC office address,
payable ONLY to Mihir Guha Roy, Manager, SJC India. Dr.B.V.Raman memorial SJC 2006 (New Delhi) Conference in progress

JD Ads.pmd 75 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

sri jagannath center `

Sri Anang U. Singh Deo, Minister, Lights the lamp for Sri B. Niranjan Babu, son of Late Dr.B.B.Raman, Chief Guest Sri B. Niranjan Babu delivering the
Jagannath Mahaprabhu lighting the lamp. keynote address.

Willa E. Keizer: Medical Astrology (Winner of Best G.K.Goel explaining Vargottama and other concepts Sri P.S.Ramnarayan presenting Ramakrishna Hora
Paper award) (research paper).

V.Parthasarathy, Jyotish Guru on Jupiter transits Zelko Krogvic explains the basics of transit Saturn Raman Suprajarama, Grandson of Late
and the importance of its aspect. Dr.B.V.Raman, presenting excellent views.

Swee Chan presents her extensive research on Zoran Radosavljevic on New Concepts on Visti Larsen speaks on timing events using transits
Maharatna and Uparatna Astakavarga Transits based on Kalachakra

JD Ads.pmd 76 4/17/2006, 10:18 AM

` news & events

Sanjay Rath on Mrityu Gochara - timing death to the Prashun Dutt (Singapore) presenting a paper on Sarbani Sarkar illustrates some principles of Mantra
date and hour integrating Bhava and Arudha transits while explaining the various types of Diksha

Zoran Radosavljevic, Mayapur Das, Eric Rosenbush Participants shared great moments together - Brilliant and enterprising Bipin Prag from South Africa.
& Visti Larsen especially with Sandra and Miki.

Voja and Maya could easily pass off as Kashmiri The Khanna’s (Nitin in pic) organised Agnihotri havan Visti Larsen explains the Agnihotri havan at the
Pandits in their Indian dresses! (fire sacrifices) for teaching the participants Khanna residence.

For downloading pictures (both small and large print versions) online, visit http://thejyotishdigest.com

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Prized Moments

Dana congradulates Willa for bagging the rare Shiva Sarbani and Willa spending a few very happy The awesome presentation - very systematic, to the
idol presented to the winner of the best paper moments at the venue point and using various tools to time diseases.

Nitin Khanna and Rosemary Innes Jones Dana Novakovic had a spiritually rewarding visit - Swee Chan, in a lighter vein sharing thoughts with
spent a month at Rishikesh refecting on Jyotish. Rosemary and others.

SJC Members were on clud nine after they could photograph with the Khan brothers - Amaan and Ayaan, and the musicians. Truly a prized moment in the history of
SJC. We hope to share more such great moments together in future.

SJC Asia 2006 ‘Dr. B.V.Raman Memorial Conference’ Album’


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` news & events

New Vedic Astrology Di-
ploma Program
Learn jyotish at the deepest level from the most knowl-
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