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Top 51 Bicycle Research Papers

December 4, 2009

1 Mont
[16, 22, 19, 30, 5, 23, 29, 51, 49, 15, 39, 26, 27, 34, 9, 47, 4]

2 Luke
[3, 18, 31, 46, 35, 48, 8, 42, 12, 21, 14, 6, 44, 50, 1, 32, 7]

3 Jason
[17, 24, 20, 28, 36, 43, 10, 41, 2, 40, 37, 38, 11, 25, 45, 13, 33]

[1] F. Biral, D. Bortoluzzi, V. Cossalter, and M. Lio. Experimental study of motorcycle transfer functions for
evaluating handling. Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility,
39(1):1–25, 2003.
[2] I. Boniolo, S. M. Savaresi, and M. Tanelli. Roll angle estimation in two-wheeled vehicles. IET Control Theory
and Applications, 3(1):20–32, January 2009.
[3] E. Döhring. Stability of single-track vehicles. Forschung.-Wes., 21(2):50–62, 1955. Translated by J. Lotsof,
March 1957.
[4] D. J. Eaton. An experimental study of the motorcycle roll stabilization task. In Proceedings of the Ninth Annual
Conference on Manual Control, pages 233–234, May 1973.

[5] D. J. Eaton. Man-Machine Dynamics in the Stabilization of Single-Track Vehicles. PhD thesis, University of
Michigan, 1973.
[6] D. J. Eaton and L. Segel. Lateral dynamics of the uncontrolled motorcycle. In Second International Congress
on Automotive Safety, San Francisco, CA, USA, July 1973.

[7] David J. Eaton. An experimental study of the motorcycle roll stabilization task. Technical report, Highway
Safety Research Institute, 1973.
[8] I. W. Griffiths, J. Watkins, and D. Sharpe. Measuring the moment of inertia of the human body by a rotating
platform method. American Journal of Physics, 73(1):85–92, 2005.

[9] Charles H. Hartman. Human factors portion of the motorcycle dynamics and handling equation. SAE Special
Publications, SP–428:73–78, February–March 1978.
[10] R.A. Hess and A. Modjtahedzadeh. A preview control model of driver steering behavior. In Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, 1989. Conference Proceedings., IEEE International Conference on, pages 504–509 vol.2, Nov 1989.
[11] R.A. Hess and A. Modjtahedzadeh. A control theoretic model of driver steering behavior. IEEE Control Systems
Magazine, 10(5):3–8, August 1990.

[12] Ronald Hess. A Model of the Human’s Use of Motion Cues in Vehicular Control. Journal of Guidance, Control
and Dynamics, 13:476–482, May–June 1990.
[13] Errol R. Hoffmann. Human control of road vehicles. Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle
Mechanics and Mobility, 5(1):105–126, 1975.

[14] Stephen R. James. Lateral dynamics of an offroad motorcycle by system identification. Vehicle System Dynamics,
38(1):1–22, July 2002.
[15] Stephen R James. Lateral dynamics of motorcycles towing single-wheeled trailers. Vehicle System Dynamics:
International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility, 43(8):581–599, 2005.
[16] A. van Lunteren and H. G. Stassen. Investigations on the characteristics of a human operator stabilizing a
bicycle model. In International Symposium on Ergonomics in Machine Design, Prague, 1967.
[17] A. van Lunteren and H. G. Stassen. On-line parameter estimation of the human transfer in a man-bicycle
system. In IVth IFAC Congress, number 70.3, Warsaw, 1969.
[18] A. van Lunteren and H. G. Stassen. Investigations on the bicycle simulator, chapter iii of annual report 1969
of the man-machine systems group. Anual report 1969 of the man-machine systems group WTHD21, Delft
University of Technology, Laboratory for Measurement and Control, 1970.
[19] A. van Lunteren and H. G. Stassen. On the influence of drugs on the behavior of a bicycle rider. In Sixth Annual
Conference on Manual Control, Wrigt-Patterson AFB, Ohio, 1970.
[20] A. van Lunteren and H. G. Stassen. On the variance of the bicycle rider’s behavior. In Procedings of the 6th
Annual Conference on Manual Control, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, April 1970.
[21] A. van Lunteren and H. G. Stassen. Parameter estimation in linear models of the human operator in a closed
loop with application of deterministic test signals. In Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference on Manual
Control, May 1973.

[22] D. McRuer and D.H. Weir. Theory of manual vehicular control. Man-Machine Systems, IEEE Transactions on,
10(4):257–291, Dec. 1969.
[23] D. T. McRuer and E. S. Krendel. Mathematical models of human pilot behavior. Technical Report STI-P-146,
Systems Technology, Inc., Hawthorne, CA, USA, 1974. AGARD AG 188.
[24] D. T. McRuer and D. H. Weir. Theory of manual vehicular control. Ergonomics, 12(4):599–633, 1969.

[25] A. Modjtahedzadeh and R. A. Hess. A model of driver steering control behavior for use in assessing vehicle
handling qualities. Journal of Dynamics, Systems, Measurement. and Control, 115:456–464, 1993.
[26] Akihiro Murayama and Masaki Yamakita. Development of autonomous bike robot with balancer, Paper 4601741.
In Annual Conference, pages 1048–1052, Kagawa, Japan, September 2007. SICE.

[27] Hans B Pacejka and Robin S. Sharp. Shear force development by pneumatic tires in steady-state conditions - a
review of modeling aspects. Vehicle System Dynamics, 20(3-4):121–175, 1991.
[28] R. S. Rice. Are high-rise bikes safe? Traffic Safety, 71(1):8–9, January 1971.
[29] R. S. Rice. Accident-avoidance capabilities of motorcycles. Technical Report ZN-5571-V-1, Calspan, June 1975.

[30] R. S. Rice and R. D. Roland Jr. An evaulation of the safety performance of tricycles and minibikes. Technical
Report ZN-5144-K-1, Calspan Corp., November 1972.
[31] Roy S. Rice and R. Douglas Roland. An evaluation of the performance and handling qualities of bicycles.
Technical Report VJ-2888-K, Cornell Aero. Lab., April 1970.

[32] R. D. Roland. Computer simulation of bicycle dynamics. Mechanics and Sports, 1973. ASME.
[33] R. D. Roland. Simulation study of motorcycle stability at high speed. In Second International Congress on
Automotive Safety, San Francisco, July 1973.

[34] R. D. Roland and R. S. Rice. Bicycle dynamics, ride guidance modeling and disturbance response. Technical
Report ZS-5157-K-1, Calspan Corporation, April 1973.
[35] R.D. Roland and J.P. Lynch. Bicycle dynamics tire characteristics and rider modeling. Technical Report
YA-3063-K-2, Cornell Aeronautical Labaratory, Inc. Buffalo, NY, March 1972.

[36] R. Douglas Roland Jr. and Daniel E. Massing. A digital computer simulation of bicycle dynamics. Cal Report
YA-3063-K-1, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Inc., Buffalo, NY, 14221, June 1971. Prepared for Schwinn
Bicycle Company, Chicago, IL 60639.
[37] Robin S. Sharp. Motorcycle steering control by road preview. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and
Control, 129(4):373–382, 2007.

[38] Robin S. Sharp. Optimal stabilization and path-following controls for a bicycle. Proceedings of the Institution
of Mechanical Engineers – Part C – Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 221(4):415–427, April 2007.
[39] Y. Tanaka and T. Murakami. Self sustaining bicycle robot with steering controller. In The 8th IEEE International
Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, 2004. AMC ’04, pages 193–197, March 2004.

[40] Y. Tanaka and T. Murakami. A study on straight-line tracking and posture control in electric bicycle. Industrial
Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, 56(1):159–168, Jan. 2009.
[41] G. Wallis, A. Chatziastros, J. Tresilian, and N. Tomasevic. The role of visual and nonvisual feedback in a vehicle
steering task. Journal of Experimental Psychological Human Perception and Performance, 33(5):1127–44, Oct

[42] D. H. Weir. A manual control view of motorcycle handling. In Second International Congress of Automotive
Safety, number 73018, San Francisco, July 16-18 1973.
[43] David H. Weir. Motorcycle Handling Dynamics and Rider Control and the Effect of Design Configuration on
Response and Performance. PhD Thesis, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, 1972.

[44] David H. Weir and John W. Zellner. Lateral-directional motorcycle dynamics and rider control. Technical
Report 780304, SAE, 1978.
[45] David H. Weir, John W. Zellner, and Gary L. Teper. Motorcycle handling. Technical Report Volume II, U.S.
Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Systems Technology, Inc.,
Washington, D.C., May 1979.

[46] D.H. Weir and D.T. McRuer. Dynamics of driver vehicle steering control. Automatica, 6(1):87 – 98, 1970.
[47] D.H. Weir and J. W. Zellner. Experimental investigation of the transient behavior of motorcycles. Technical
Report 790266, 1979.
[48] M. R. Yeadon. The simulation of aerial movement-II. A mathematical inertia model of the human body. Journal
of Biomechanics, 23:67–74, 1990.
[49] M. R. Yeadon and M. Morlock. The appropriate use of regression equations for the estimation of segmental
inertial properties. Journal of Biomechanics, 22:683–689, 1989.
[50] J. W. Zellner and D. H. Weir. Development of handling test procedures for motorcycles. Technical Report
780313, 1978.

[51] J. W. Zellner and D. H. Weir. Moped directional dynamics and handling qualities. Technical Report 790260,

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