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Typical Applications for Flotators

Applications for DAF Flotation


Dissolved Air Flotation
• Poultry Processing Circular and Rectangular Designs for Municipal and
• Meat Packing
• Rendering
Industrial Waste Treatment
• Canning
• Prepared Foods
• Seafood Processing
• Snack Foods
• Railroads
• Refinery
• Storm Water Treatment
• Power Plants
• Chemical Processing Plants
• Stockyard and Feedlot Run-Off
• Tanning
• Pulp and Paper
• Ballast Water Treatment
• Produced Water
• Tank Truck Cleaning
• Textile
• Fiber Recovery
• Mining
• Algae Removal
• Heavy Metals Removal
• Automotive
Design Parameters • Aircraft Maintenance
• Durable Goods
Air/Solids, lbs. air/lbs. solids 0.02 • Oil Refinery Waste
Hydraulic surface loading gpm/ft2 1.5 - 2.0
Solids loading, lbs./ft.2 1.5 - 2.0 • Sludge Thickening
Float Concentration, % 4-6 • Algae Removal
• Clarification
Capture - w/o polymer,% 85
-w polymer, % 95+

© Copyright 2007 GLV. All rights reserved. ETE015 For more information visit us at A GLV COMPANY
Flotation Equipment

• Separation of Solids from Our flotator® units are used to ration efficiency, the cost of pumps, In accordance with Henry's Law,
Liquids remove suspended solids from saturation tank, and other pres- more air is dissolved into a given
• Oil and Grease Recovery liquids in industrial and municipal sure system components is re- volume of water at increased pres-
• Sludge Thickening applications. They are especially duced. Once saturated with air, sures. A 65 psi system, requires
effective where oils, fats, fibers, the pressurized clean liquid is less recycled water and produces
Operating Principle greases or colloidal solids are returned to the raw waste flow smaller air bubbles than those
Dissolved air flotation is a method present. In many applications our for injection into the flotation operated at lower pressures.
for separating and removing sus- flotator units recover valuable by- unit. A unique back pressure Recycled water serves only to
pended solids from liquid based products, partially offsetting the valve is specially designed to transport pressurized air to the
on changes in the solubility of gas operating cost of the plant. maintain the proper pressure in flotation unit and provides no other
as pressure varies. Air is dissolved the pressurization tank and to benefit to the process. Minimum
under pressure in a clean liquid, Circular and rectangular configu- aid in the formation of minute air recycling reduces hydraulic load-
usually recycled effluent from the rations are available. Basic operat- bubbles. Pressurized flow is re- ing and turbulence, increasing
DAF unit, and injected into the raw ing principles and many advanced leased in a conical pattern inside the amount of treatable liquid that
feed stream. Upon entering the design features are described in the flotation unit, producing thor- can be introduced in a given tank,
DAF unit, the air pressure is re- this brochure. ough mixing with minimal turbu- thus reducing the cost capital
leased and combined with the lence. Loss of dissolved air in and operating costs.
liquid, which becomes super sat- Pressurization Systems external piping or distribution
urated with micron-sized air bub- Our Pressurization units incorpo- systems is prevented. The air- Once air has been dissolved in the
bles. Suspended materials attach rate unique design features into water-solids mixture is uniformly recycled liquid, the pressurized
to the anionically-charged, micron- the DAF unit to provide a uniform distributed across the flotation stream is released into the flotation
sized air bubbles producing a flow of air bubbles for optimum tank by action of the inlet diffu- unit to provide air bubbles to effect
lower specific gravity for the ag- operation and economy. The pres- sion chamber. flotation. A shearing force occurs
glomerate to less than that of surization type and flow rate are as the pressurized stream con-
water, thus effectively raising selected for each individual ap- Dissolving efficiency of the pres- tacts the treated liquid. Micro-sized
the suspended particles to the plication. Used exclusively on all surization tank provides 80 percent air bubbles form by action of the
liquid surface, forming a floating Definitions our DAF units, the recycled flow or greater saturation. The tank relief valve and diffuser, and at-
sludge layer that is removed by The following terms are generally used when describing the dissolved pressurization system generates is specially designed to reduce tach to floc particles in the waste
skimmers. Heavier solids settle air flotation process: 50 to 100 micron-sized air bubbles the exit velocity of the pressur- stream at the point of pressure
to the bottom of the tank and are Feed Or Influent-The wastewater, process water, or sludge being delivered helping to eliminate detrimental ized recycle flow to insure that release. Maximum solids capture
raked to a sludge pocket for re- to the flotation unit. The concentration is measured in mg/1 suspended coalescing. all free air is removed from the and high quality subnatant is as-
moval. Clear subnatant liquid is solids and flow in gpm. liquid prior to leaving the tank. sured when air bubbles form on
withdrawn under the tank baffle Effluent-The liquid being discharged from the flotation unit. A single-stage pressurization This feature insures that turbu- solids particles by the three meth-
and over the weir for disposal or Float-The concentrated sludge skimmed from the top of the unit. The pump and an air compressor are lence caused by large bubbles is ods of air bubble attachment.
reuse. concentration is measured in percent solids. used to pressurize a portion of reduced and that the micron-sized
Flotation Aid-Any chemical that produces coagulation, breaks an clarified effluent in a saturation bubbles form properly.
Flotation of suspended solids is emulsion, and/or aids in the absorption of air bubbles by the liquid tank. As a result of the high satu-
achieved by three methods of or particles to be removed.
attaching waste particles with the Hydraulic Loading-The hydraulic loading rate of the flotation unit is
gas. All three methods of bubble- expressed in gpm/sq. ft. of flotation area. The influent loading rate is the
to-solids attachment are very influent flow plus the recycle flow divided by the surface area.
fragile and turbulence in flotation Solids Loading-Loading of the flotation unit in pounds (dry solids) per sq.
units must be kept to a minimum ft. of effective flotation surface area per hour of operation (lbs./sq. ft./hr.).
to prevent deterioration of oper- Air to Solid Ratio-A/S is the ratio of the pounds of air available for
ating performance. flotation and the pounds of suspended solids to be floated. The A/S
ratio is independent of flotation surface area.
Recycle Flow Pressurization-This applies to a dissolved air flotation

2 3
unit operating with effluent recycle. The recycle flow is the percentage
of the influent flow that is recycled.
Flotation Equipment

• Separation of Solids from Our flotator® units are used to ration efficiency, the cost of pumps, In accordance with Henry's Law,
Liquids remove suspended solids from saturation tank, and other pres- more air is dissolved into a given
• Oil and Grease Recovery liquids in industrial and municipal sure system components is re- volume of water at increased pres-
• Sludge Thickening applications. They are especially duced. Once saturated with air, sures. A 65 psi system, requires
effective where oils, fats, fibers, the pressurized clean liquid is less recycled water and produces
Operating Principle greases or colloidal solids are returned to the raw waste flow smaller air bubbles than those
Dissolved air flotation is a method present. In many applications our for injection into the flotation operated at lower pressures.
for separating and removing sus- flotator units recover valuable by- unit. A unique back pressure Recycled water serves only to
pended solids from liquid based products, partially offsetting the valve is specially designed to transport pressurized air to the
on changes in the solubility of gas operating cost of the plant. maintain the proper pressure in flotation unit and provides no other
as pressure varies. Air is dissolved the pressurization tank and to benefit to the process. Minimum
under pressure in a clean liquid, Circular and rectangular configu- aid in the formation of minute air recycling reduces hydraulic load-
usually recycled effluent from the rations are available. Basic operat- bubbles. Pressurized flow is re- ing and turbulence, increasing
DAF unit, and injected into the raw ing principles and many advanced leased in a conical pattern inside the amount of treatable liquid that
feed stream. Upon entering the design features are described in the flotation unit, producing thor- can be introduced in a given tank,
DAF unit, the air pressure is re- this brochure. ough mixing with minimal turbu- thus reducing the cost capital
leased and combined with the lence. Loss of dissolved air in and operating costs.
liquid, which becomes super sat- Pressurization Systems external piping or distribution
urated with micron-sized air bub- Our Pressurization units incorpo- systems is prevented. The air- Once air has been dissolved in the
bles. Suspended materials attach rate unique design features into water-solids mixture is uniformly recycled liquid, the pressurized
to the anionically-charged, micron- the DAF unit to provide a uniform distributed across the flotation stream is released into the flotation
sized air bubbles producing a flow of air bubbles for optimum tank by action of the inlet diffu- unit to provide air bubbles to effect
lower specific gravity for the ag- operation and economy. The pres- sion chamber. flotation. A shearing force occurs
glomerate to less than that of surization type and flow rate are as the pressurized stream con-
water, thus effectively raising selected for each individual ap- Dissolving efficiency of the pres- tacts the treated liquid. Micro-sized
the suspended particles to the plication. Used exclusively on all surization tank provides 80 percent air bubbles form by action of the
liquid surface, forming a floating Definitions our DAF units, the recycled flow or greater saturation. The tank relief valve and diffuser, and at-
sludge layer that is removed by The following terms are generally used when describing the dissolved pressurization system generates is specially designed to reduce tach to floc particles in the waste
skimmers. Heavier solids settle air flotation process: 50 to 100 micron-sized air bubbles the exit velocity of the pressur- stream at the point of pressure
to the bottom of the tank and are Feed Or Influent-The wastewater, process water, or sludge being delivered helping to eliminate detrimental ized recycle flow to insure that release. Maximum solids capture
raked to a sludge pocket for re- to the flotation unit. The concentration is measured in mg/1 suspended coalescing. all free air is removed from the and high quality subnatant is as-
moval. Clear subnatant liquid is solids and flow in gpm. liquid prior to leaving the tank. sured when air bubbles form on
withdrawn under the tank baffle Effluent-The liquid being discharged from the flotation unit. A single-stage pressurization This feature insures that turbu- solids particles by the three meth-
and over the weir for disposal or Float-The concentrated sludge skimmed from the top of the unit. The pump and an air compressor are lence caused by large bubbles is ods of air bubble attachment.
reuse. concentration is measured in percent solids. used to pressurize a portion of reduced and that the micron-sized
Flotation Aid-Any chemical that produces coagulation, breaks an clarified effluent in a saturation bubbles form properly.
Flotation of suspended solids is emulsion, and/or aids in the absorption of air bubbles by the liquid tank. As a result of the high satu-
achieved by three methods of or particles to be removed.
attaching waste particles with the Hydraulic Loading-The hydraulic loading rate of the flotation unit is
gas. All three methods of bubble- expressed in gpm/sq. ft. of flotation area. The influent loading rate is the
to-solids attachment are very influent flow plus the recycle flow divided by the surface area.
fragile and turbulence in flotation Solids Loading-Loading of the flotation unit in pounds (dry solids) per sq.
units must be kept to a minimum ft. of effective flotation surface area per hour of operation (lbs./sq. ft./hr.).
to prevent deterioration of oper- Air to Solid Ratio-A/S is the ratio of the pounds of air available for
ating performance. flotation and the pounds of suspended solids to be floated. The A/S
ratio is independent of flotation surface area.
Recycle Flow Pressurization-This applies to a dissolved air flotation

2 3
unit operating with effluent recycle. The recycle flow is the percentage
of the influent flow that is recycled.
Circular Flotators - Concrete or Steel Construction Circular Flotators

Designs through 50-foot diameter to require maintenance. Hydraulic been demonstrated in many thick-
are standard with customized principles of circular units have ening and clarifying applications.
units available up to 100-foot diam-
eter. A wide range of sizes assures
the correct operational perfor- Flotator Mechanism Sizing – Steel Tanks*
mance in the most economical
Tank Net Flotation
Type Diameter* Area (sq.ft.)
Circular units are equipped with Circular-Type B 9' 60
a heavy-duty drive with overload 11' 92
protection. A variable speed drive 14' 129
or constant speed drive with ad- 16' 173
justable timer is provided to control 18' 226
the float removal rate for maxi- 20' 283
mum float concentration. Positive 25' 452
removal of non-floatable materials 30' 660
is achieved by a bottom-raking 35' 907
mechanism, driven by the same 40' 1194
motor that operates the float 45' 1520
skimmer. 50' 1885
Circular Type C 60' 2733
Low maintenance and operating 70' 3739
costs are provided with the simple 75' 4243
but rugged design of circular DAF 80' 4840
units. There are no stuffing boxes, 85' 5476
underwater bearings or chains *Larger units available in concrete tanks.

4 5
Circular Flotators - Concrete or Steel Construction Circular Flotators

Designs through 50-foot diameter to require maintenance. Hydraulic been demonstrated in many thick-
are standard with customized principles of circular units have ening and clarifying applications.
units available up to 100-foot diam-
eter. A wide range of sizes assures
the correct operational perfor- Flotator Mechanism Sizing – Steel Tanks*
mance in the most economical
Tank Net Flotation
Type Diameter* Area (sq.ft.)
Circular units are equipped with Circular-Type B 9' 60
a heavy-duty drive with overload 11' 92
protection. A variable speed drive 14' 129
or constant speed drive with ad- 16' 173
justable timer is provided to control 18' 226
the float removal rate for maxi- 20' 283
mum float concentration. Positive 25' 452
removal of non-floatable materials 30' 660
is achieved by a bottom-raking 35' 907
mechanism, driven by the same 40' 1194
motor that operates the float 45' 1520
skimmer. 50' 1885
Circular Type C 60' 2733
Low maintenance and operating 70' 3739
costs are provided with the simple 75' 4243
but rugged design of circular DAF 80' 4840
units. There are no stuffing boxes, 85' 5476
underwater bearings or chains *Larger units available in concrete tanks.

4 5
Circular Flotators Circular Flotators

Rotating Center Feedwell

For Applications with Chemical
We offer an optional rotating cen-
ter feedwell in place of the center
cage. The rotating center feedwell
provides a low-velocity chamber
in which the pressurized air stream
comes in contact with the incom-
ing feed, allowing for good disper-
sion of chemicals and enhanced
floc formation. The feed inlet is
located at the bottom of the tank,
and the pressurization line is fed
in from the top. This arrangement
has been proven to be effective
in both municipal and industrial

6 7
Circular Flotators Circular Flotators

Rotating Center Feedwell

For Applications with Chemical
We offer an optional rotating cen-
ter feedwell in place of the center
cage. The rotating center feedwell
provides a low-velocity chamber
in which the pressurized air stream
comes in contact with the incom-
ing feed, allowing for good disper-
sion of chemicals and enhanced
floc formation. The feed inlet is
located at the bottom of the tank,
and the pressurization line is fed
in from the top. This arrangement
has been proven to be effective
in both municipal and industrial

6 7
Rectangular Flotators - Concrete or Steel Construction Rectangular Flotators

A wide selection of sizes is avail- designed radial influent diffuser ported to one end of the tank for
able to suit most application re- is provided to uniformly distribute removal by sludge pumps or an
quirements. An integral float the incoming flow across the sur- optional screw conveyor.
storage sump with inclined bottom face of the flotator.
is incorporated in all our rectan- Flotator Mechanism Sizing-Steel Tanks*
gular flotators. This provides suffi- Positive acting float skimmers Net Flotation
Type Size* Area (Sq.Ft)
cient storage capacity to eliminate complete with wipers and vari-
the need for a separate sludge able-speed drive assure maximum Rectangular RS-10 105
RS-15 168
storage tank. control for removal of floated RS-25 254
material. Bottom raking blades RS-40 422
RS-55 553
Complete mixing of the influent remove non-floatable materials RS-75 760
and pressurized flow is achieved independently of the skimmer drive RS-100 1052
inside the flotation unit. A specially mechanism. Sludge can be trans- RS-125 1250
*Larger units available in concrete tanks.

8 9
Rectangular Flotators - Concrete or Steel Construction Rectangular Flotators

A wide selection of sizes is avail- designed radial influent diffuser ported to one end of the tank for
able to suit most application re- is provided to uniformly distribute removal by sludge pumps or an
quirements. An integral float the incoming flow across the sur- optional screw conveyor.
storage sump with inclined bottom face of the flotator.
is incorporated in all our rectan- Flotator Mechanism Sizing-Steel Tanks*
gular flotators. This provides suffi- Positive acting float skimmers Net Flotation
Type Size* Area (Sq.Ft)
cient storage capacity to eliminate complete with wipers and vari-
the need for a separate sludge able-speed drive assure maximum Rectangular RS-10 105
RS-15 168
storage tank. control for removal of floated RS-25 254
material. Bottom raking blades RS-40 422
RS-55 553
Complete mixing of the influent remove non-floatable materials RS-75 760
and pressurized flow is achieved independently of the skimmer drive RS-100 1052
inside the flotation unit. A specially mechanism. Sludge can be trans- RS-125 1250
*Larger units available in concrete tanks.

8 9
Rectangular Flotators Pilot Plant Equipment

Complete pilot plant units are

available in circular and rectangu-
lar designs for testing industrial
or municipal wastes at your facil-
ities. Our qualified engineers can
assist your engineers in determin-
ing design loadings, air require-
ments and expected results. Bench
tests can determine suitability of
your waste to dissolved air floata-
tion treatment. Bench test kits
are available for in-site testing
and can be purchased to optimize
your floatation applications.

Bench test kit, packed in aluminum case, is easily assembled for use.

10 11
Rectangular Flotators Pilot Plant Equipment

Complete pilot plant units are

available in circular and rectangu-
lar designs for testing industrial
or municipal wastes at your facil-
ities. Our qualified engineers can
assist your engineers in determin-
ing design loadings, air require-
ments and expected results. Bench
tests can determine suitability of
your waste to dissolved air floata-
tion treatment. Bench test kits
are available for in-site testing
and can be purchased to optimize
your floatation applications.

Bench test kit, packed in aluminum case, is easily assembled for use.

10 11
Typical Applications for Flotators

Applications for DAF Flotation


Dissolved Air Flotation
• Poultry Processing Circular and Rectangular Designs for Municipal and
• Meat Packing
• Rendering
Industrial Waste Treatment
• Canning
• Prepared Foods
• Seafood Processing
• Snack Foods
• Railroads
• Refinery
• Storm Water Treatment
• Power Plants
• Chemical Processing Plants
• Stockyard and Feedlot Run-Off
• Tanning
• Pulp and Paper
• Ballast Water Treatment
• Produced Water
• Tank Truck Cleaning
• Textile
• Fiber Recovery
• Mining
• Algae Removal
• Heavy Metals Removal
• Automotive
Design Parameters • Aircraft Maintenance
• Durable Goods
Air/Solids, lbs. air/lbs. solids 0.02 • Oil Refinery Waste
Hydraulic surface loading gpm/ft2 1.5 - 2.0
Solids loading, lbs./ft.2 1.5 - 2.0 • Sludge Thickening
Float Concentration, % 4-6 • Algae Removal
• Clarification
Capture - w/o polymer,% 85
-w polymer, % 95+

© Copyright 2007 GLV. All rights reserved. ETE015 For more information visit us at A GLV COMPANY

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