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Ceili Joy Smaw

Intern of Office Coordinator, Kristen White

Understand The Greater Impact of My Internship
Know What Reality San Francisco Is About

1. Annual Vision and Prayer Video

2. RDNA Conference
3. Updates on Weekly Staff Meetings

Create New Processes

1. Staff Request Form

2. Login Database
Increase Communication Skills/ Competencies
Learn to Communicate with Different Personalities

1. Point of Contact for Login Database

Use Different Communication Platforms

1. Slack, Planning Center, Wufoo, Google Spreadsheets

Develop a Network, and Use It
Find My Go-To People

1. Have Informational Meetings

2. Befriend the Staff
3. Attend Church Events
Develop a Sense of the Inner Working of a Church
Be Exposed to as Many Areas of Ministry as Possible

1. Premarital Class
2. Intro to Community Groups Dinner
3. Coaching and CG Leaders Training
4. The Village Stats
5. Administrative tasks
Develop Hospitable Responses to Diversity
Respond to Inquiries with Compassion and Clarity

1. Answer Info@ Emails

2. Listen to and Respond to Voicemails
Understand Personal/ Professional Gi ts/
Limitations in Relation to Future Vocation

Learn About Myself Through Personal Connection Time

With God

1. Meet with David McKinney for Prayer Sessions

Identify Areas of Excitement and Passion

1. Regularly Meet with Kristen for Feedback

So What?
1. Transferable Skills
2. Insight For Functioning Effectively at a Church?
a. Professionally
b. Personally
Now What?
Finish at Wesmont with a Bachelor's Degree in Theatre
Response Time
Thank You All

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