Condensation in AHU Systems ENewsleter

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providing insights for today’s hvac system designer

Engineers Newsletter
volume 46–4

Condensation in Air-Handling Systems

Understanding the different sources of Common sources of moisture in an air-

In HVAC systems, undesired moisture undesirable moisture in HVAC systems handling system include:
on surfaces can cause damage to can help prevent or solve moisture-related
building materials or mechanical
• outdoor air that enters through intake
equipment. hoods, dampers, or louvers
Moisture carryover from dehumidifying • leaks from hydronic or steam coils,
This Engineers Newsletter will focus on
how to properly design and operate an
coils, condensation on cold surfaces and or their associated piping and valves
air-handling system to minimize fogging often have different sources and
undesired condensation within HVAC prevention strategies. Because they are • moisture carryover, fogging, or
systems, and how to properly identify often mistaken for each other, it’s condensation related to
causes and return the system to dehumidifying coils
important to clearly define them.
normal operation.
• Moisture carryover is defined as • humidifiers, evaporative air coolers
water droplets from a dehumidifying or air washers
coil that are not captured in the drain • condensation that is a byproduct of
pan. gas-fired burners
• Condensation is caused when the • infiltration of moist air from outside,
temperature of a surface is below the or leakage of liquid water from
dew point of the air contacting the outside
surface. Moisture condensing on a
• condensate drain pans
cold surface often results in the
accumulation of water droplets. • saturated or supersaturated air from
building processes
• Fog is visible water vapor in air that
can form when moist air mixes with air The specific location within the system
at a colder temperature. where leaks, drips, or external water
occur can often be a clue to mitigation
and can often be traced to their source
with some careful investigation.

This EN will focus on condensation and

fogging with guidance for prevention and
problem resolution.

©2017 Trane, a business of Ingersoll Rand. All rights reserved. 1

Figure 1. Typical air handler layout.
Condensation: Where, Why
and How
Condensation requires a cold surface
and air at a dew point above the
temperature of that surface. Most often
a dehumidifying coil is involved, but 1
there are other contributing factors 5 3 2
including: 4 mixing box with
angled filters
access cooling
• infiltration coil
• bypass supply fan
• coil control
• uneven air temperatures
• fogging • contractor-assembled joints when the • Specify air-handling equipment with a
AHU is shipped in separate pieces low leakage rate.
Condensation due to infiltration. Air • drain pan condensate trapping • Minimize and properly seal all
pressure inside an air- handling unit penetrations.
• penetrations for electrical and control
(AHU) cabinet can be both positive and
wiring • Use factory-installed controls to
negative with respect to the
eliminate variability during field
surrounding environment, depending on • access doors or panels
installation and avoid additional
the location of the fans (supply, return,
• exterior joints or associated duct cabinet penetrations due to electrical
or relief/exhaust). When the pressure
connections or control wiring.
inside the AHU is negative with respect
to the exterior there is an opportunity Figure 1 shows a typical layout for an air • Ensure access doors are closing and
for air to infiltrate into the AHU. handler. The air pressure in sections 1 sealing correctly.
thru 4 would be at a negative pressure • Check that drain pan traps are properly
Infiltration can lead to interior
relative to the ambient due to the location sized and primed. This issue is often
condensation if the dew point of the air
of the supply fan in section 5. Infiltration overlooked as a potential infiltration
leaking in is higher than the temperature
that happens prior to the cooling coil path.
of the air inside the AHU. For example,
(section 3) would not necessarily cause
when an AHU is installed outside on the • Use thermal imaging during unit
any condensation issues, but infiltration
roof, the ambient dew point could easily operation to identify leakage paths.
into sections 3 or 4 could result in
be above 60ºF during the humid
summer months, while the cooling coil
might be producing air temperature Figure 2 shows an operating AHU system Figure 2. Unsealed coil drain and vent holes.
around 55ºF. The more humid the where the supply- and return-water piping
ambient air, and the colder the supply connections were sealed, but the coil
air, the greater the potential for drain and vent holes were not. The AHU
condensation to occur due to infiltration. fan configuration results in this section
being under negative pressure with
Where it happens. Any penetration or
respect to the exterior, resulting in a
joint in the air- handling system,
direct path for infiltration directly
whether created in the factory or in the
downstream of the cooling coil.
field, is a potential path for air leakage.
Common culprits include:
Guidance. Identifying possible paths of
• factory and/or field provided infiltration and preventing it can be
accessories and penetrations challenging. The following
• coil piping penetrations (supply and recommendations could help minimize
return connections, drain and vent infiltration during design, installation, and
connections) operation of the equipment.

• humidifier supply and drain


2 Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 46-4 providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer
Condensation due to bypass air Condensation due to coil control. Guidance. If cycling control of the valve
(dehumidifying coils). Untreated, Control sequences are not often reviewed is necessary, the valve should be closed
humid air that is allowed to bypass when looking for causes of condensation. gradually rather than abruptly. If possible,
around (or through) a dehumidifying coil But close analysis of control valve stopping airflow in conjunction with
and mix with cold air leaving the coil operation shows how this might be an closing the water flow would also help
may result in condensation downstream issue. When a system is at steady state minimize potential issues.
of the coil. with typical leaving-air conditions, the
interior surface temperature of the AHU Acquiring trend data from control
Properly mounting and sealing a downstream of the cooling coil will be devices over an extended period of time
dehumidifying coil in an AHU typically close to the leaving-air temperature. If the can help diagnose this potential cause.
requires block-off (blank-off) plates that control valve is rapidly closed, while Figure 3 shows trend data for discharge
must be properly fitted to prevent air airflow remains relatively constant, this air temperature, entering air temperature
from bypassing around the coil. Also, air could result in condensation. and humidity, entering and leaving water
must pass through the coil without any temperature, and valve position in an
large inactive sections or gaps that may For several minutes after the control valve AHU. In this particular system the
allow varying leaving air conditions. is rapidly closed, the air continues to be discharge air temperature setpoint is
cooled (and humidified) as the residual 52°F and the fan speed is held constant,
Where it happens. Common locations condensate on the fins of the while the control valve modulates. In
for air bypass are: dehumidifying coil evaporates into the certain intervals, the control valve is
passing air. This cool, humid air then closed while the fan speed is maintained
• seams where the block-offs mount
passes over the cold interior AHU which could result in condensation on
to the coil or walls of the AHU,
surfaces, possibly resulting in the cold interior panels downstream of
• gaps between the coil casing and condensation. Condensation is more likely the coil.The data must be taken rapidly
fins, if this valve cycling happens often, and the enough, such as every minute. Figure 3
• under or above the coil where the dew point of the air entering the coil is shows a 30-minute interval. Trend data
mounting and retaining structures well above the leaving-air dry-bulb taken slower than this could mask the
are installed, temperature. cause.
• inactive portions of the coil (either
by design or due to coil capacity
control), Figure 3. Coil trend data.

• internal wiring chases (control or

power) where wiring passes
through the coil section.
relative humidity
Guidance. Factory mounting of
dehumidifying coils typically results in discharge air temperature
closer attention to block-off design,
installation and sealing. Use gaskets fan speed
and sealants as needed to minimize or
eliminate air gaps.

Coil design also plays a role in air

bypass. Minimizing gaps and bypass valve position
paths is an important design criteria.
Using multiple rows with dehumidifying
coils tends to minimize risks of
downstream condensation compared to
one- or two-row coils, since the leaving-
air conditions tend to vary less.

providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 46–4 3
Condensation due to uneven air Guidance. Consideration should be Because fog is a fine mist entrained in
temperatures. Stratified air occurs given to the equipment and component the airstream, it can be challenging to
when air streams inside a duct or AHU orientation to avoid stratification issues, capture and contain. The moisture can
are at different temperatures, having not if possible. Flexibility of the equipment wet surfaces and components inside
been properly mixed. If the dew point of design may or may not allow for this. the AHU, or ducts and insulation
one of these airstreams is higher than Adding air blenders and/or baffles to immediately downstream. Electrical
the dry-bulb temperature of the adjacent properly mix airstreams can be a trial components could also be at risk.
airstream, condensation on downstream and error process, but can minimize
surfaces may result. stratification once in the field. Another potential drawback of fogging
is that it may result in higher indoor
There are a variety of causes for humidity levels. A dehumidifying coil
Fogging. Fogging can be the cause of
stratified air including component cools the air to condense water vapor,
moisture on surfaces. Fog, as it relates
design, operation, position and control allowing for capture and removal of the
to HVAC systems, is visible water vapor
of the equipment. condensate by the drain pan. Instead
(mist) in the airstream. As moist air
of being captured, fog may travel into
mixes with colder air, miniscule droplets
Where it happens. Stratified air the space, resulting in a higher
can condense on particulate material
downstream of a dehumidifying coil humidity level than desired.
suspended in the cold air, forming visible
might be due to stratified air entering fog. In most situations, dehumidifying coils
the coil, an imbalanced air velocity
are involved in the production of fog.
profile through the coil, or inactive or Under certain conditions, this fog can be
Laboratory and field service
underperforming portions of the coil. so substantial that it can reduce visibility
experience has shown several
The design and circuiting should be and be carried several feet downstream
common triggers and related
considered as it could contribute to of the dehumidifying coil. This may or
conditions that may cause fog to form.
varying leaving air conditions, as can may not be a problem depending on the
airflow or water flow restrictions. configuration, construction, and
intended use of the system.
A non-uniform air-velocity profile can be
caused by fan location relative to the
coil. Fans located downstream of coils Figure 4. High-velocity regions observed on the coil facing the blower exit.
(draw-thru) are less likely to result in
condensation or fogging versus fans
located upstream of coils (blow-thru). A
draw-thru fan tends to create a more
uniform air-velocity profile across a coil
compared to a blow-thru fan. This is
especially noticeable with housed
centrifugal fans with a high discharge
velocity. And, the motor on a draw-thru high-velocity
fan will add a couple degrees of heat regions on coil
into the airstream, which is often
adequate to avoid any condensation.

The proximity of the fan to the

dehumidifying coil can also impact the
air-velocity profile. As the distance
between the fan and coil decreases, the
velocity profile becomes less uniform.

In addition, applications with high indoor

humidity levels (such as laundry rooms,
shower rooms, industrial processes,
swimming pools, etc.) can experience
fogging and condensation when cold air
from outside is mixed with this humid
recirculated air.

4 Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 46-4 providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer
Poor fin surface wettability. Surface Entering air is too close to saturation.
tension between the coil fin surface Laboratory test experience has shown that Closing Thoughts
and the resulting condensate from as entering air approaches saturation (100
dehumidification influences whether percent relative humidity), it is easier to The causes of condensation in air-
the moisture will be properly removed produce fog from dehumidifying coils. handling systems can be complex.
from the airstream and captured in the There are many opportunities during
drain pan, or if it will result in moisture Stratified leaving air and non-uniform the design, installation, and operation
carryover or fogging. air-velocity profile. Fog is more easily of a system to contribute to
produced when the air-velocity profile is uncontrolled moisture. There is no
Hydrophilic fin surfaces have an affinity non-uniform. This can happen when the single source or solution and each
for water and result in the film of fan is too close to the dehumidifying coil situation must be evaluated to
condensate being properly directed (see Figure 4). determine the root cause.
down the fin surface and into the drain Understanding the source can often
pan. Inactive coil sections. Coils with partially lead to an effective solution.
active fin surfaces are more likely to
Hydrophobic fin surfaces repel water produce fog than coils with 100 percent By Brian Hafendorfer, systems engineer, Trane.
and are more likely to result in moisture active fin surfaces. Potential culprits You can find this and previous issues of the
carryover (depending on many other include part-load operation of intertwined Engineers Newsletter at
factors). Fogging could occur if the or horizontally (face) split coils, coils with a engineersnewsletter. To comment, e-mail us at
resulting condensate forms small mist large number of unused/inactive circuits, or
droplets instead of large droplets. inconsistent fin-to-tube bond that could
compromise how uniformly the coil
The properties of the selected fin transfers heat.
surface material or coatings, as well as References
deposited contaminants, can increase Guidance. Solutions to prevent [1] Moisture Control Guidance for Building
the likelihood of a hydrophobic condensation also apply to fogging: Design, Construction and Maintenance. EPA
(repelling) condition. Field experience specifically related to infiltration, bypass,
has shown that many industrial and and uneven air temperatures. If coil fin
[2] Managing Moisture Carryover CLCH-PRB030-
process facilities release gaseous EN. Trane
surface contaminiation is expected,
chemical compounds into the air that remove particles, gases, and vapors from [3] Installation, Operation and Maintenance:
can attach to the coil fin surfaces when the airstream to avoid the deposition of Performance Climate Changer® Air Handlers
air is recirculated from the space. These contaminants.
CLCH-SVX07D-EN. Trane.
compounds can be related to plastics,
[4] ASHRAE Standard 62.1 - Ventilation for
polymers, paper, wax, oils, process Fog seems to be more common in a blow- Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. ASHRAE®
lubricants, release agents, adhesives, thru fan arrangement than in a draw-thru
hydrocarbons, and others. arrangement. The motor heat from a draw- [5] AMCA® 500-L - Laboratory Methods for
Testing Louvers for Rating. Air Movement and
thru fan is usually enough to raise the dry-
Their presence in the airstream could bulb temperature a few degrees, and
Control Association International, Inc.
be continuous or even from a single remove the fog by creating separation
event that has since passed. High between the dry-bulb temperature and
resolution microscopic inspection might dew point. And as mentioned earlier draw-
be required to identify the presence of thru units typically have a more uniform
these substances. velocity profile across face of the coil, thus
they are less prone to disturb the
Once deposited, removal of these
condensing moisture.
contaminants may or may not be
possible or practical. Replacing the coil Traditional mist eliminators often cannot
will likely alleviate the problem if the successfully capture fog because it is too
original source of contamination has fine and simply flows through them.
been removed. Air cleaning and
filtration to remove the airborne
contaminants, or rearranging ductwork
to acquire air from a non-contaminated
space, are other potential solutions.

providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 46–4 5
Announcing TRACE® 3D Plus!
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TRACE 3D Plus is a next generation building design and analysis software program that delivers faster, more accurate results
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6 Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 46-4 providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer
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Chilled-Water System Decisions. Many chilled-water system decisions are

made during the course of the design process and, based on the specific
application, lead to other system decisions - such as bypass line sizing and
length, pump location, use of pressure independent valves, buffer tank size, etc.
This ENL covers the reasons for many system decisions and provides practical
guidance that can help simplify future chilled-water system design.

Controls Communication Technologies. Recent innovations in the industry

have made open, standard communication protocols that deliver flexible,
interoperable control systems more prevalent today. This ENL will review various
communication protocols (using both wired and wireless technologies), discuss
where each best applies, and describe ways to ensure the expectations of the
owner are met.

Demand-Controlled Ventilation. The mobility of a building's occupants poses a

ventilation challenge: To bring enough outdoor air into the building to help ensure
good indoor air quality without wasting energy by bringing in (and conditioning)
too much. This ENL will discuss various methods used to vary outdoor airflow
based on actual demand. It also review the related requirements.

For more information or to register contact your local Trane office today!

providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 46–4 7
Trane, the Circle Logo, myPLV, TRACE, and Performance Climate Changer are trademarks of Trane in the United States
and other countries. ASHRAE is a registered trademark of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Condi-
tioning Engineers, Inc. AMCA is a registered trademark of Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc. En-
ergyPlus is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Energy. Trane is a brand of Ingersoll Rand, a world leader in
creating comfortable, sustainable and efficient environments. Ingersoll Rand's family of brands includes Club Car®, Inger-
soll Rand®, Thermo King® and Trane®.

Trane, This newsletter is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.
A business of Ingersoll Rand Trane believes the facts and suggestions presented here to be accurate. However, final design and
application decisions are your responsibility. Trane disclaims any responsibility for actions taken on
For more information, contact your local Trane
the material presented.
office or e-mail us at

8 Trane Engineers Newsletter volume 46–4 ADM-APN064-EN (December 2017)

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