Proc No 87 1997 Addis Ababa City Government Charter PDF

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fh.Tr-kf &.~t.I\lf Jt lJDtlt.l1.flf ~Tflft.tI

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Y'it.,.~ 'JOIJT 4:'I'C jl 3,,1Year No. 52

"Jtit ,,"q-(}~ ~, .,.~ Iifitf1. "J\. ""'r-A-, &..fot.l\'£ .IttJDht. ,ce.t TiM. h ADDIS ABABA - 7111 July, 1997
f t"h1l1l i'wttr-:f 9"hC n..'t mll<t.,...,. fWtJ)

"7l&6lit CONTENTS
h'P;f ck1'cft/Ii1f1ti1 ~.~, Proclamation No. 87/1997
fhJti\ "OCth+"? ODi\+,«;1:C
:Fe+c "'P;f 1~ ifIf Addis Ababa City Government Charter
Proclamation Page 613

"'P;f ck1'C 1t%/Ii1f1ti1 PROCLAMA TION No. 871199'7

f "Jti\ Ml Cthi"'? OD(17''«;1:C :Fc.,.c "If';f A PROCLAMATION TO PROVIDE FOR
f"Jti\ M1Ct Ch1Hl 6o()-1 060"" f,,?i\.,.,«;J.'.C 00-1\-
P'A1IJ1 'h1J.'.O?lfl~e; 1fC1f~ OCh'"l'h1J.'.O?lDI'11OCh1OD1
4IJP'.J: f+J.'.~11 OOD")' ! WHEREAS, the constitution provides that the residents of
Oh.Tr-kf t..~I\lf JtlJDtl6ol1.11f ~Tflft.tI Ch1OD1'"1 Addis Ababa shall have full measure of Self-Government the

particulars of which shall be determined by law;

P'T "''''w ~i100 'he; 2t (l!)OIJlPlT fO?h+t\~ :"~~A:: NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Articles 49(1)
and 55(1) of the constitution ofthe Federal Democratic Republic
h~A "'1: of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows:
l!' "6J.bC ClJi\ General
f,1J "'P~ "f"Jti\ "OCt h+"? ODi\.,.,«;1:C:Fc+c "If';f 1. Short Title
ck1'C 1t%/H!f1ti1" +flfto ft.m.,.i\ f,rl\A :: This ProClamation Jllay be cited as the "Addis Ababa City
TC:}~ Government Charter Proclamation No. 87/1997."
, 2. Definitions
f:1>1\-"1Ctfl t\.~ ~C1'~ fO?fl'1m~ I1Atr~ Oi\+.,.c In this charter, unless the context requires otherwise:
OIlIJ :FC+C ,~i\1' ! 1) "Addis Ababa" inCludes the existing urban areas and
k' ""Jtl1 "OCt",,?t\T fh1-"?~1 hAAe; OODi\.,.,«; . the twenty' three rural localities falling under the
J.'.~ hAA ~i\1' f0?11-T1 '/ f Y'i\T f1mC jurisdiction of the City Government;.
"'Ot\.~r11m:1>AI\A ! 2) "Constitution" means the Constitution of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; .
I' "Ch1 oo-1'"1P'T"fP/t\T fh.Tr-kf t..~t.I\lf Jt lJD
h6ol1.flf ~Tflt\.h Ch1 OD1'"1P'T ~(IJ<! 3) "Construction Case" meaps a dispute arising from the
issuance of permit or the enforcement of urban plans
f' "f'"l1Ct:" 1''«;f,'' "?t\T hCh11a t 'hOD111: t
with respect to the construction of a building, a road, a
h1:A1:f, lDf,~ hOlJe;T(IJ<~ 1\.1\'"I1Ct:" ;JC + f
bridge or any other work;
f,Jf fO?'~l} f &.:1>1: "I'1I1J1' lDf,r fh+,,? ,1\1
"&.1a~~ hche- ~(IJ<!

11.1;. "';J 4.40 ~;Jt"'" ,nLtIl ;,..Vf.'h. itn.l!

Unit Price Negarit G.P.O.Box 80,001
11' Illi ~A ~;J~+ ;JJtIl) <ts1'C111t~
j +"t Ijiffi ",."... ~ ~.~ *. S~~,.,. .., ,. 614
ii' '~'P:I" ~tf:l" -,..JS~""'I":" fl);f" "":1" fI"-'~+'t 4) .". ~ C." . Ii..- ....
tlJ~r '~":I" ~AC"t ,,,,--,,,, tlJ~r 1If1:1"
Jruft; cl3iBts
iaYotyi81 ... -- or ,.~..
"'9" ;JC .,.,,,,. ,,,,,-.,14t'b~ ,.", J;",'" hchC ~ orfrem_~'''of'''''''~
~ to ... ~, .. .. .. .u~r4t.,..
rei.. to1aa4-tao14Ua8 .. ... ~ or
c\1f' ~I\ t hID-A (DUO hlD-A 11"f.~+
hP:I"~":I" ;JC'''''''''
f9'l.oP.,Q;Ir hctuf'''' Ii'"
9"C9" .. . frornc~ or.](~ ""'s.
ht;:~ 0-1\:"
PQW«S" Org.., of
"1\"4" holt h¥"l oP""'If.JtCP'AIWt'i
TheA4disA".. City~
3. PowersandDutiesof theAt/diB~ CiI.y.~
~. ~~+'t,("~ P'A"I'" .,..,qc

Ii' '''Jlh J;A'l.h+-r "..".,."'.(-c AL~A- ""'p'+ i) TheAd4t~

~.. htyc vc
1\"~lfII/.M,":" 'P'/'\"I''i .,...flC hAI\ "t: W'I!f-''' pow~Oftall~ o«1w'" faU '*.-
'(-4cMf""f ,,~ Ihtr ,"', ""M"tt+ P'Am ",4. jurisdictionof the~ ,UfRrtivcor... It!w"..
0-9" OIlU ~C.,.c "',,1-+" O+IDA,"'NI,"," ",. judicial powerson CIHI.specifiqlly provided for u..
,~~~:,. p'/.\1IJ1 ~'f ,-,A 81 this Ctwter.
II'cr t
I' 'IlU "'otA'" '0-1\ J;1+sr (Ii) .(-1;J1. "'to"'mO+
2) Without prejudice to the provision of sub..Artic:Ie(t)of
'''Jll\ "Of) b+"Y oPl\.,..-s.(-c '''7.h.,.l\-+ P'1\"I1'i
.,...,I1COT~cr~:I"/.\ I this Article. the Addis Ababa City Government ....
have the powers and duties to:
(a) levy and collect taxes and duties on revenue
v) Ith.,.,.,dJo ~I\"'~'(-C 0.,.1'\111':" '1"" M~'f
sources reserved to it;
h/.\/.\ "'''''C'i "'l1' 'oP"IA'i '-1'\""1'\"" 1
(b) formulate and execute economic and soci" de-
It) 'J\.t1cr"7.'i "'I"'A~C£ 1\"'1+ TC01~"."f1 """'.(-'1' velopment prolflU11DlCs;
''''II\LA9'' 1 (c) approves and. adminilt« its own budlct; and
th) '&-1'\-1 A:l:" ''"IA'"to:"'i MI\"'~toC 2\1"'''''- borrow money from internallOuwes;
hV1C dJol\1' M~1o'oPOtoc 1 (d) administerland and other natUralresources within
oP) nh.,.,.,dJo oPl\"'~'(-C hl\A dJol\1' '''7.1"fdJo1 the tenitory of Addis ~bab.;
oP~:"'i ,.,.l.1'CO V :" MI\.,.III.C 1 (e) establisha policeforce to maintainpublic orderand
11') '''Jll\ "°111 ih1lofl 1Pt\,.'i 1\1':1" It"'ll\mn:" peace within Addis Ababa;
''"1.11\10/.\ '7"ft.1\ :)~/.\ M"'tt,. I (t) establish and define the powers and duties of
l) 'h"""dJo1 oPl\"'~'(-C oP1"'P':I"-e lIDP'tl 0.+ offices, institutions and enterprises of the City
'f'i .,."'.,.'f 2\1"'0-" '/'\"'1+ ,(-C~+T ""It"',.'i government;
/"'/.\1IJ1'i .,...,I1&-:fdJo1'1ID1D1'\11 (g) determine the administration of its civil sm'ants
1'\) ,h"""dJo1 oPl\"'~'(-C IP~"'''''T "".,.lItoC(i 'P'&- and their condition of work;
o-~:I" 'oPID1'\11 (h) issue and enforce regulations and di~tives on
if) np'/.\IIJ," h/.\/.\ /"'C n"7.tlJ.(-cfI"~"'f t\~ to1P1o'i matters falling wiChinits jurisdiQtion:
oPoPtl~'f1 ''"IdJo''l:'''i ''"II\LI\'' I (i) enter into technical. economic and cultural protocol
.,.) hdJo~ "1C 2\t,+ h",,,,1o ;JC 1:ht,,-e t J\.t1cr-u agreements with sister citi,s;
G> establish relations.and entor into ,.m'n~ with
C£'i l1iht\C£'TCO+t1/.\ l\,.r~"'1o M~l.'" I
n) hL1.&-tr oP1..,P':" ""t\""" "'~T 2\'JlIW'
the organs and institutions of - Federal
ment as woDas wiChre,ion".,ov~ntl.
h"1t-t: h/.\t\C£ (lD11P':I"T ;JC +1':1" """f.~:"
M.(-l.., II 3) The :aegul~tions,~tives and d.wiaionsof tlusAddis
'oPoPP'l.}-'i I\""~T
Ababa City Gov~.nt IN\Ybe susp'n4ed or repealed
~.' 'h"'l\ "°Il h.,.'"1 oPl\"'~'(-C mp'f t ".-6''''''1' by the PrimeMinis", of thoF~ Oovernmentwhore
dJolt~"1o "1~f£ 1':"9"1 ~"'~I\- ., A- c\:J-1ID1fiLl. they are dee~ to be prejudicialto thf nationalin.-t.
&-1\- oP1"'p'+ m:"t\~ -ttl\:"C 1W'"1"''i. ft.1f~
~Tt\ I\- .. 4; OrglW of the Addis AINWa City Oov~t
h., , oPl\"'~'(-C "..t\:"
ii' ''''''1\ "nil The Ad,"s AbabaCity Governm,nt _hallhav4'the following
,,,...,, "nil h.,."., oPl\"'~'(-C 1 or,ans:
Ii' ,.hC 0.+ t 1) a Copncil:
I' P'/i. hl\l.l1. t1"t1: t 2) an &~utive Commi-;
~. Cc'A (lD1\.,.4.(-C.t 3) a (lc)vemor;
i' f",,""'4~~ JtihL:" 0.+ t 4) . Officeof dwCity6ov8llUDtftt;
'ut-iUi 4.Ao~ ~:I~"" :Iii"' eJI'I'Cjl f\~ «9 +, Iitritlt ~'9'" FederalNegaritGazeta ~ No. 52 7th July, 1997~Pl\ge 615

~. fJr-~+'i" ck'r'rC 00"'!'1 0.+ t 5) Audit and Inspection Office;

i. fl\h.,.c "h4.-~Ot ,,"1\+ 1 6) Sectoral Executive Organs;
7) Woreda and Kebele administrative units; and
i' fdJl.4;'i"f+Ot\. "h"'~"c hCbtfT t h'1 8) Judicial organs as enumerated. under Article 5 of this
Ott.tJ;t:C.,.C "'+;t ~ f.,.oot\h-l:-r f~:t;~-r ""I\-r
f,#.j~:1'A ::
~. f.4l~~+ "111\+ 5. Judicial Organs
f"-'lh "011 h.,.OYooh"'~~C fOth.,.l\--r f~:t;~-r ""I\-r The Addis Ababa city Government shall have the following
f,tf~:1'A I judicial organs:
i' Vb.,.", HI 1-~r-:f ~c~ fl.-r J 1) Municipal Court;
fJ.IP{,'1 1Pt-"'~ 1-~f, 1D,,:t; (1.C~ t 2) Labour Relations Board;
f001..,,,,-r 1Pt-.,.7fo:f lj:C~ fl.-r t 3) Civil Service Tribunal
r' "h"'~"c
§. f..,i1C ""'Il~ ftOt 1-1lfi.1 4) Tax Appeal Commission;
5) Kebele Social Courts.
~. f'+01\. oy"tOt-ce lj:C~ n..,.:f ::
hlj:A V'h-r
Council of the Addis Ababa City Government
f"-'lh "011 h.,.", ODh"'~~C 9"hC fl.-r.
6. Members of the Council
i. frhc fl.1t "Ill\-r
1) Members of the Council shall be elected by the residents
i' f9"hC 0.-1: hlll\-r Of"9"h-r qoo-l: O"..\i\ "°Il
of Addis Ababa for a term of five years. The election
ih1l11 f,ool..lIJl\- :: "L~~OO- OLJ1t-l: f9"C"'i. ih..,
procedures shall be as provided in the country's election
001Pl..-r1-h'1w'1A ::
I' f9"hC fl.-I: "111\+ ck'rC hlJot\-r 00'" f"';l.OA1' 2) The number of members of the council shall not exceed
bllm'1 lJot\:"foPfl1i\ f,1f'1A :: two hundred and not be less than ninety two.
r. oPf1~~9" f9"hc fl.-I: }'.IlA 09"hc fl.-I: ~h1' 3) A member of the council shall not be charged on account
O"t"m~ ~9"1t wf,9" "i\'" If-r J
"f,hfti\9" of any vote he casts or opinion he expresses in the
"i\"'~"t-ce hC9"1C9""f,wft~O-r9" :: Council, nor shall any administative action be taken
§. oPf1~~9" f9"hc fl.-r "IlA w1:(A l1.L1t9" h:P: against any member on such grounds.
hlj:1:P: "1\""11 Oi\.,.+C It\9''hC fl.-I: L:J>~ 4) A member of the council shall not be arrested nor shall a
"f,1119" l'ow1:(A9" "f,hftit9" :: member be charged with a crime without the permission
~. oPf1~~9" f9"hC fl.-I: "IlA l1.1fD-r Wf,9" 01\.1\ of the council except in the case of flagrante delicto.
9"h1,-r l1.1t\A 09"-r& 1\.1\.,.wl1f, f,oollriA :: 5) Where any member of the council diesorretires on other
i. ih1lft' owht\~ f9"hc fl.-r "I1A I\f, "00);:1' grounds, another member shall be elected in
IllrlO-r 1.1f. Oih.., oolPl-r h9"hc fl.-r "11A~-I: replacement.
6) A member of the Council may lose his mandate of
f,W1~A ::
representation upon loss of confidence by the electorate.
i. f9"hC fl.-f:",AlIJ1'1 .,...,IlC
7. Powers and Duties of the Council'
f"-'lit "011 h.,.oPf ooi\"'~~C 9"hC fl.-r "'mt~-I: The Council of the Addis Ababa City Government shall be
t\ool..m~ ih1l11'1 t\~1ot-1\- 001..,,,,-r m:"I\f, Otti\ accountable to the residents of Addis Ababa and to the Prime
+c II'tf fOtb.,.l\--r r'AlrI1'1 .,...,IlC'T f,tf~:1'A I Minister .of the Federal Government and shall have the
i. fb"""~1 ooit.,.~~C ",AlIJ1'1 .,...,IlC O",t- I\f, powers and duties to:
t\oPfCPAfOtli\LA1-,.,nT' lWlrlA I 1) issue Regulations necessary to enforce the powers and
duties of the City Government;
I' h9"hC 0.-1: "Ill\-r oo"hA c6ft oPi\"'~~~1 t
9"h-rA C6ft 00i\"'~~~1 I f9"hC fl.-I:, ~th~.c; 2) elect from among its members, the Governer, Deputy
Governor, Secretary of the Council and members of the
fr't-"l\L"Ot I'1Ot-f:"111\:"1 f,OOClrIAI
Executive Committee;
r. fool\.,..tI~~1 fJr-..\-r'1fck'r'rC' oo",tl fl.-r 1*ck
3) establish and define the powers and duties of the Audit
oPfA: ",AlrI1C: "''''1l~1 f,wh'1A I
and Inspection office of the City Government;
§. Ott.tJ ~C.,.C Ol\.ftoT"'+"'T f"'''~11--r h1""'m 4) without prejudice to other provisions of this charter,
O. 1f~tD-fbToPf~1 ooh"'~~C "i\L~Ot ,,"I\-rl estblish and define the powers and duties of the
A' A' .,.*oPf-rC;fAoPf-r ~C:p:"':f 1*ck1l7A J executive organs, the various institUtions and enter-
",AlIJ1'i" "'''Ilt-T~1 f,wh'1A I prises of the City Government;
~. fhTDYtD-' ooit.,.~,.C f;rt\.i\ ')f,A ",.l1C:(-r 5) determine the organization of the police force of the
f,wl\fiAI City Government;
1W ini ~1.t.&\ ~:JtT ;JILIIJ+''I'C 21 IU.c!) .,., Iufiti1 ,.~. Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 52 7thJuly, 1997-Page 616
i. fh+"7 ~h ~C.(' 0."" T~fl.c;,,,,,, f 9"h""A 6) approve the appointment of the president, vice
T~ll.c;1""'i" .c;7f'f" fh.t""'i" ~'I''I'C OOJP president and judges of the Municipal Court as well
tl 0.""'1 +mt~;t-:f1D- I\C,)(a ooit+.c;.('~'i" I\ooit.,. as heads of the Audit and Inspection Office and
.c;.('~ 1\ ihL"" 0."" flf). f" itL~ D7. 00JPtl 0.'" 'f executive offices accountable to the Governnor and
the Office of the City Government;
~~'('9I'f1 n:oo"",R.(':J>A !
7) approve the policies, the long and short-term
i. fh+"71D-1 ooit+.c;.('C A~ A~ 7'f\.l1.9I'f ! f"6J.b
economic and social development plans and annual
C'i" f(:I;"'1.H. f~\1'iOlJ.'i" "'''rnt-ce A",..,./J:".(''i'' budgets of the City Government;
,oo;t-ce n1:"" IR.(':J> A !
8) levy taxes and ~uties on revenues sources reserved
~. t\h"''''1D- ooit.,..c;~C n+(am"" f1t1. ",,~'f
to the City Government;
hAA ..,-oC'i" "'l'l' ~'I'~A
. ! . 9) approve loan agreements concluded by the Office
u. fh~1D- ooit+.c;.('C 1\ihL"" 0."" fOlJ.CPCP~:f1D-1 of the City Government;
f-o.('C it",,,,~.,.'f IR.(':J>A ! 10) approve technical, economic and cultural protocol
I. hlD-6J.b"1C At,"" h+lfO'f ;lC fOlJ.1.l'l- of:h~t}ce f agreements concluded with sister. cities of other
~\1'iOlJ.lce'i" llih~ce fTC'.,.\1A it",,,,~"''f11R.(' countries;
:J>A! 11) investigate the conduct of the organs of th~ City
Government and .the discharge of their respon-
Iii. fh+"71D-1 ooit+.c;.('c "t}~"" "1Pt-C ~OOl"'t-A :
"itL~1.ooitfto f;t-flD-1 AC9"~ ~mit.c;A !
12) establish standing and ad hoc committees as it
11. I\JPt-1D- "itL~1. flf). 'k0lJ.'i"1.H.lce \101J.of:9I'f1
deems necessary to accomplish its work.
1'k4f671A If
~. itl\ ,.hc 0.1: it-o(all 8. Meetings of the Council
i. f".tit "nil h+"7 ooit.,..c;.('c ",hc 0."" oo1.n~'i" 1) The Council of the Addis Ababa City Government
"it:f\\~ it-o(all ~'i lCPA :1 shall have regular and extra-ordinary meetings.
2) There shall be a quorum where more than half of the
I. f14'7'i"TID-9" f9"hC (1.1:it-o(aIl9l'f h"Il~1: m:"~~
h..,,,,"li n~f, h+11"- 9"A ,.,. 'l-fl'\ ~'i t-A ! members are present at any meeting of the council.
3) Any decision of the council shall be passed by a
c. O"''i''TID-9'' f9"h C 0.1: it-o(afl ID-It). f\..,.~ t\tt:
majority vote of members.present at a meeting.
fOlJ.>:;'t\1D- it-o(afllD- ~f, f+11"-"" "fI~"" h..,,,,7i
4) Meetings of the Council shall be public, provided,
O~f, (}.1...,"''''' ~ID- II
however, that a closed meeting may be held by a
§. f9"hC 0.1: it-o(afl9l'f O..,A1\ f,t}~"i'" f If'i'"
decision supported by more than half of the members
it-o(aflQ)-~" °"'11"-"" h..,,,,7i n~~ nOlJ.If)."" present at the meeting.
"fI~"" h+1.1L 1'''' it-o(afl f\.1.l.., ,,'f~A II

u. itt\9"hC 0.1: it-o(afl "oot-C 9. Calling Meetings of the council

1) The regular meetings of the Council of the Addis
~. f".tit "Ofl h+'" ooit+.c;.('C 9"hC 0."" 001.0;;:
Ababa City Government shall be called once every
it-o(aflOV'it""mc "'.(' 1.lf.f,mt-A II
three months.
I. OC/J(aooit+.c;.('~ l1.m(a1 mf,'" hJPt- "itL~OIJ. 2) Extra-ordinary meetings of the Council may be
\1ot of:lD-mf,'" h",hc 0.1: "fI~"" h..,,,,7i n~f, called by .the decision of the Governor or at the
fOlJ.If)''''' it-o(aII A1 .t1.l.., l1.m~~ "it:ft;..f, it-o request of more than half of the members of the
(afl f,mt-A== Executiv~ Committee or that of the council.
I. itt\9"hC 0.1: 000+1
10. Dissolution of the Council
Ii. f ~1..t-1t- 001..,JP"" m:"~f, OIJ.~it""C "itL~1.
1) The Prime Minister of the Federal Government shall
If'i l1.11~1D- ",hc 0.1:1 f",(a'i"n""'i" h"'.(' have the Power to dissolve the Council where he
'00"" flAOt\m 1.11.ID-it'l' ".tit 9"}~.(' deems it necessary, and to order the election of new
f"'/.('l.., JPAIIJ1 f,'il'PAI: council within one year.
I. 9"hCo.1: OflU "''''1\ 1~it "''''1\ (Ii) OOlPl"" 2) Where the Council is dissolved in accordance with
A1~'(''i''n'''' h+1.l1 f .".tit 9"C651.AithOlJ.t}~.(' sub Article (1) of this Article, the Prime Minister
.(' lit fh +"7 1D-1 00 it.,..c;.('C f /Jt\ ..,. .,.,) t\"" JP t- shall designate a care-takeradministr~tion to run the
fOlJ.00 t- 1.lf..f«e 00 it.,..c;.('C Om :"~f, OIJ.~it""~ day-to-day activities of the City Government until
f,(a f", A == the dection of new council.
c. 9"C651.1D- +10'1"'''' O(a~It "''1'''' ID-it'l' ".t~ 3) Within thirty days of the conclusion of the election
° the new Council shall convene.
9"hC 0."" JPt-1D-1 f,1:9"t-A ==

.,;t if!1 ~1..t-1A ~';M:" ;ltf.tI) ~'I'C ~~ ...~ @ .,., !i1fiti1 ~.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 52 7'hJuly, 1997-Page 617

htt:A h~:t- PARTFOUR

ill\", ~ 1'1ilL~ 01/.1101/.

-f:lD"lf The Executive Committee and Officials
of the City Government
ill\h+OIJm- ooit+J;.(-C I1I\",AfIJ'i'f
11. Powers and Duties of the Executive Committee
Ii!- ill\", ~ 1'1ilL~ 01/. 1101/.-f: m- ", A flJ1 If +«111 C
The Executive Committee of the Addis Ababa City
fh.til 1'1011h+OlJ ooil+J;.(-C f", ~ hilL~OI/. 1101/.-f:
Government shall be accountable to the Council of the
+mt~'I: I\h+OIJm- ooil+J;.(-C ~hC o.:t- tf'i fOl/.h+
City Government and shall have the powers and duties
f\o:t- ",AflJ1lf +«1I1~'f f.'i~;J-AI
i!' OA..Io~f\o 001«1",:t-lf Oh+OIJm- ooil+J;.(-C ~hC 1) ensure the proper implementation, within the
o.:t- fmm- ;rlLfl.9'"flf :it1-'f oooil+J;'(-~ hAA territorial jurisdiction of the City Government, of
m-il1' O:t-hhA ",~ Itf. 00'PIt:fm-1 fl;J«1f1JAI policies and laws issued by the Federal Govern-
~, +mt~;J-:fm- I\h+OIJm- ooil+J;.(-C 1\:itL:t- o.:t- ment and the council of the City Government;
ftf~ hilL~OI/. httlt:t-1lf +*1fD'f1 ",~ f.OO~At 2) direct, coordinate and supervise the activities of
fil+I111~Af f.~flJm~AI organs and institutions accountable to the Office of
[, fh+0IJm-1 ooil+J;.(-C fAOIJ:t- iJ:"P.'flf ,00;J-ce the City Government;
O:l:t- fH;JJ{Af l\~hC 0.'1: f+CI1Af fl.L+~~ 3) prepare and submit to the council, the City Govern-
O",~ Itf. fm-ItAI ment's development plans and annual budget; and
§.' Oh+OlJm- ool\+J;.(-C ~hC o.:t- fmm- f.1P'f1 implement same upon approval;
",~ Itf. I\OIJ'PA fOl/.filLA.,. 0000tf9''f1 fm 4) issue directives necessary for the proper implemen-
flJAI tation of Regulations issued by the council of the
~, I\h+OIJm- ooil+J;.(-C ~hc o.:t-lf 1\t..Io~f\o 001«1 City Government;
",:t- m:"ltf. OI/.).il:t-C fOl/.+COm-1 fh+0IJm-1 5) prepare the annual reports of the City Government
ooil+J;.(-C ~oD;J-ce t;rc:t- ftl;JJ{ AI to be submitted to the Council of the City Govern-
ment and the Prime Minister of the Federal Govern-
i' hh+OIJm- ooil+J;.(-C ~hc o.:t- fOl/.(}m-:t-1 fbfr''f
+«1llc-'f fhlfm-lfA::
6) perform such other duties as may be assigned to it
by the council of the City Government.
II' ill\ciJ(} ooil+J;'(-~
12. The Governor
i!' fh.tit hOIl CiJ(} ooil+J;.(-C OtlU :fC+C 1'11+1\ 1) The Governor of Addis Ababa shall be elected by
1(~) oolPl:t- Oh+OIJm- ooil+J;.(-C ~hc o.:t- the Council of th~ city Government in accordance
f.oolfIJA:: with Article 7(2) of this Charter.
~, CiJ(} ooil+J;'(-~ +mt~'I: I\h+OlJm- ooil+J;.(-C 2) The Governor shall be accountable to the Council
~hc o.:t-lf 1\t..Io/..f\o 001«1",:t- m:"ltf. OI/.).il:t-C of the City Government and the Prime Minister of
tf'i fOl/.h+f\o:t- ",AflJ1lf +«1Il~'f f'i~;J-AI the Federal Government and shall have the powers
U) fh.til hOIl h+OIJ ooil+J;.(-C1 f.mhitAI and duties to:
(a) represent the Addis Ababa City Government;
1\) fh+0IJm-1 ooil+J;.(-C ~hC o.:t-lf f"'~
(b) call and preside over the meetings of the
hilL~OI/. 1101/.-f:m-1ill1(}Il9''f f.m~At f.oo
Council and Executive Committee of the City
tit) fh+OlJ ~h tt:C.(- o.:t- T l..tlJ;1:t-1t ~h:t-A
(c) select and submit for approval to the Council
Tl..tlJ;1:t-lf J;i1'f ~1.t1r~ f"Jt:t-lf <k1'1'C
of the City Government the President and
oo",tf o.:t- ~lf +mt~;J-:fm-I\CiJ(} 00i\+J;
vice president of the Municipal Court and the
'(-~lf 1\00il+J;'(-~ 1\:itL:t- o.:t- ftf~ fhilL
heads of the Audit and Inspection Office and
~OI/.oo",tf o..y.'f ~ltL9''f1 ooC(I11\~hC
executive offices accountable to the Governor
0.'1: OOlJ:"ll1 f'(iOlJAI and to the Office of the City Government;
00) OtltJ 1'11+1\ 1o-il 1'11+1\ (~) (tit) f+f.~1 (d) appoint officials other than those referred to
1m- ~1f.+mO+ tf'i fbfr''f (f.00.y.'f1 f'A.(- in sub-Article 2(c) of this Article;
:1>/AI (e) exercise an overall command of the Police
11') fh+"7m-1 ooil+J;.(-C f;r/ ~f.A etOitf. force of the City Government;
~:t- f.oo~AI
q.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 527'11July, 1997-Page 618
IK" UI~ t..~t.A ~;M"" ;JH.lfJch'l'C jjI f1~r!)-t'} Ii!fifi!
(f) enforce .,.the implementation of policies, laws,
l) f t..Yu/r.l\- 001"'p~'1 fh+DlJlD- ooil+J;~C
regulations and directives of the Federal Govern-
;riLlL91"f ~:Jt.ff ~f.1P"f'1 oooo/,Y91"f PI,.
ment and that of the City Government;
I\f, h1-'llD-,," Yf.C;J!A ::
(g) submit periodical reports to the Council of the
(1) fh+DlJlD-1 ooil+J;~C hm,<l>l\f, h 1:til,<l>....
City Government ane the Prime Minister of the
fDIJ.ool\h~ /,;rc~ Of'lltCD« l\h+DlJlD- ooil+
Federal Government on the overall activities of
J;~C 9"nC o.~'1l\t..Yu/r.,," 001"'P~ m:tl\f,
the City Government.
DIJ.~il~C Y"'CI1A::
13. The Deputy Governor
Ii:' ill\9"nTA Cb(} ooil+J;~-r
1) The Deputy Governor shall be elected by the Council
{i. 9"n~A Cb(} ooil+J;~-r OttO :FC+C h1"'1\ %(~)
oolPl~ Oh+DlJlD- ooil+J;~C 9"nC o.~ f,ool of the City Government in accordance with Article
Il}A:: 7(2) of this Charter.
2) The Deputy Governor shall act on behalf of the
Cb(} ooil+J;~-r +..,I1-r 1 l\DlJh'1lD1 ODIJ f,"fAO-r
Governor in the absence or incapacity of the lalter to
'lit Cb(} ooil+J;~-r 1 +n'" f,1P/r.A::
discharge his duties.
C. 9"n''''A Cb(} ooil+J;~-r 09"nC o.i: ~ OP /r.
3) The Deputy Governor shall perform such other dUlies
hilL~DIJ. \'1DIJ. 1:lD-'1 OCb(} ooil+J;~-r fDIJ.(am.""1
as may be assigned to him by the Council, the
lbf\o"f +..,I1/r.-r yh'1lD-'1A::
Executive Committee and the Governor.
I~' ill\9"nC o.i: ~dt&.
14. The Secretary of the Council
{i. fh+DlJlD- ooil+J;f.C 9"nC o.~ ~dt&. OttO :FC+C
1) The Secretary of the Council of the City Government
h,"'1\ %(~) OOlPl-r 09"nC o.i: f,oolfIJA:: shall be elected by the council in accordance with
~. f9"nC o.i: ~dt&. h9"nC o.i:~ hil/r. hilL~DIJ. Article 7(2) of this Charter.
1:lD-'1 hCb(} ooil+J;~-r ODIJ.(}mlD-hm,<l>I\,r.. 2) The Secretary of the council of the City Government
oooo/'Y OOlPl~; shall, subject to general directives to be gi ven to him by
V) fooil+J;~-r1 1\:JtL-r o.-r Yf./r.'P;A~ ,r..oo the Governor:
/r.A~ Yil+J;~/r.A; (a) organize, direct and administer the Office of the
l\) f9"n C 0. i:'1 f P /r. h ilL~ DIJ.\'1DIJ.1: lD- ,<I>
l\ City Government;
1--11~91"f'1(}.,F-"f h1-'lYtr'1 h1-'lmO<k Yf.C (b) keep the minutes and documents of the Council
;JAI and the Executive Committee;
dt) f1\:JtL-r o.i:1 O~-r Y";J'P;A~ lLL"'Y,:9" (c) prepare the budget of the Office; and implement
P /r. I\f, Y lD-1\IA! same upon approval;
(0) Oh+DlJlD- ooil+J;~C flLiiA (}Ciiil f.'}-fl (d) employ and administer employees of the Office
OOlPl-r f1\:JtL-r o.i:1 1P/r.+1f"f ,r...,.1' in accordance with the civil service regulations of
/r.A~ Yil+J;~t.A; the City Government;
IP) hY'il+C;: lD1ti"f ;JC ODIJ.f.l1-- "'1'1..,.,."f (e) represent the Office in all its dealings with third
v-"" ?\:JtL"" o.i:1 f,mnl\AI
l) f1\:JtL"" o.i:1 /,;rc-r h";J~"'l\Cb(} ooil+ (f) prepare and submit to the Governor reports of the
J;~ Y"'CI1A; Office;
(1) 09"n C o.i: ~ OP /r. h ilL~ DIJ. \'1DIJ.1: CD«'1 0 C (g) perform such other duties as may be assigned to
b(} ooil+J;~-r fDIJ.(}m--r1 lbf\o"f +..,I1/r."" him by the Council, the Executivc committee and
Yh'1lD-'1A:: the Governor.

n CJ:A h 9" il""
. Woreda and Kebele Admjnjstrations
ill\lDlJ;'1<tOlbhh+J;f.C 15. Organs of Woreda Administration

Ii' ill\mlJ;hil+J;f.Ch~I\-r The W oreda Administration shall have the following

f lDlJ; h il+J; f.C fDIJ.h + /\-..,. h ~ 1\-r ,r..ti -r;r A;
1) Woreda Council;
{i. flDlJ; 9"nC o.""~
2) Woreda Executive Committee;
~. flDlJ; P /r. hilL~DIJ. \'1DIJ.
3) Woreda Administrator;
C. flDlJ; hil+J;J;/,~ h'1
4) Office of Woreda Administration.
flDlJ; hil+J;f.C 1\:JtL-r o.-r::
16. Members of Woreda Council
Ii' ,ill\lDlJ; 9"nC 0."" .hl1l\""
{i. flDlJ; 9"nC o.-r hl11\-r OlDlJ;lD- :Jt'H-fl "''1 1) Members of a Woreda Council shall be elected by the
"'1'+C;: 0 1f.,'1 ~9" 1\ 0 9" ilm. C 0 DIJ.(}
l' 0 -r f'" C~-r residents of the Woreda for a tenn of five years on the
Ofh9"il-r ~ooi: f,OOlfIJ,,":: basis of free and direct election held by secret ballot.
.,., Iitfitit 'i'9"~ Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 527111July, 1997-Page 619
1K' ?;f.Iit J..f..t.&\ ~;J~"" ;JrLfIJ <l:1'C ~!l M~ @

fOJ~.c; 9'"hC o.-r "Ilft-r ok'1'C hG' f""l~OA1' he!) 2) The number of members of a W oreda Council shall not
f""l11'" ~lftjA:: exceed 70 and not be less than 30.
I~' fOJ~.c; 9'"hC o.-r FAIlJ1C,' "'''lIlC 17. Powers and Duties ofWoreda Council

fOJ~.c; 9'"hC o.-r f"7..h"'~-r FAIlJ1tj "'11l~:f 1) A Woreda Council shall have the powers and duties to:
~'i~:J'A; (a) elect the Administrator, the Deputy Adminis-
u) f(JJ~.c;0J01 "h.,..c;.c;tt 9'"h-rA "h.,..c;.c;ttj. trator and Secretary of the Woreda as well as
~du'. "1 .'l 0.9'" f F t- "hL~ "7.. \1"7..of: "11ft members of the Executive Committee;
-r1 ~ooCIlJA; (b) formulate the social and economic plans of the
t\) f(JJ~.c;0J01 f""l"lOt-'etj f"-\1'i"7.. A""I-r 1:'- Woreda, and, upon approval by th~ council of the
~At Oh.,.""IOJo ooh.,..c;.(-C 9'"hc o.-r l1.~.(- City Government, direct and supervise the im-
plementation of same;
:'-9'" "L~~oo-1 OOft~~-r ~oot-At ~"'llJm
(c) identify revenue sources of the woreda and
prepare its budget, and submit same to the
th) fOJ~.c;0J01 "h.,..c;1.C f10. 9'"11iJ.b~mok""lAt
t\h.,.ill/OJo ooh.,.J;.(-C nill/:"~' council of the City Government for approval;
01:-r '";J~At
(d) establish standing and ad hoc committees as it
il9'" Ih~f..-j>A;
deems necessary to accomplish its work.
00) t\Ft-OJo "hLft1. flf~ A~ A~ 'k"7..tj1.H.I'e
(e) adopt its own rules of procedure.
\1"7..of:9':f1 l'kok""l A;
ooootl IOJ 2) The Woreda Council shall be accountable to residents
IP) ft 1 fOJo(\'1' 1.1iltj f"IPt-C
of the Woreda and to the Council of the Addis Ababa
City Government.
I, fOJ~.c; 9'"hC n.-r "'mt~-I: t\(JJ~~ar Jt1filtj
18. Meetings ofWoreda Council
t\".'lh "011 h.,.""1 ooh.,..c;.(-C 9'"hC 0 f,lftjA::
!:S. ltt\OJ~.c; 9'"hC o.-r ilil('all 1) Regular meetings of a Woreda council shall be held
once every three months.
Ii' fOJl.c; 9'"hC o.-r O!'?O~ hil"l1 OY'il-r (JJC"1,(-
2) Extra-ordinary meetings of the Council may be called
1.11.~1.~;JA:: by the decision of the Woreda Administrator or at the
O(JJ~.c;(J)«"h.,..c;.c;t l1.OJ('a1 (JJ~'r h'1""11i Oftf.
I' request of more than half of the members of the
f"7..lf~ f F (,. "ilL~ "7.. \1"7..of:(J)«OJ~9'" f9'"hC Executive Committee or that of the Council.
0.-1: "Ilft-r l1.m~ok "h:f\\~ il1ll11l ~mt-A:: 19. Woreda Executive Committee
111' ilt\ (JJ~.c;F t- "ilL~ "7.. \1"7..of:
I) The Woreda executive Committee shall be an organ
OIJ.\1"7..-t hOJ~J;(J)«9'"h C o.-r
Ii' f (JJ~.c;F t- "ilL~ consisting of members to be elected from among
11ft-r 00 '"' hA f"7..00 ~11\' "h .,..c;.c;t(J)«1t 9'"h -r A members of the Woreda Council the number of which
"il.,..c;.c;tw.1tj R.hkW.1 tA9'"e;' 4!1't-:flD" h('a shall not be less tha,nseven and not more than thirteen
ll-r f""l11il h"Ft- Y'h'''' ffl/~Ot\1' hf1ft-r including the Administrator, the Deputy Administrator
f"7..1J-.O-r ",",A ~lftjA:: and the Secretary.
I' fOJ~.c; F t- "ilL~"7.. \1"7..of: "'mt ~-I: t\OJ~.c;w. 2) The Woreda Executive Committee shall be accoun-
9'"hC (l.-rtj t\h.,.""IOJ- ooi\.,..c;.(-C F t- "h6.~D7. table to the Woreda Council and to the Executive
\1"7..of:~,lftj A:: Committee of the City Government.
[. fOJ~.c; Ft- "ilL~"7.. \1"7..'1:f"7..h'f"~-r ?'tVlJ1C,' 3) The Woreda Executive Committee shall have the
"'''lIlC':f ~'i~:J'A; powers and duties to:
U) fh.,.""IOJ- ooil.,..c;.(-C 7'fLl1.9':f. 1.1 (1:f«; (a) ensure the implementation of pol!cies,
ooootl9'i- OOJ~.c;OJow.h'1' Ft- ftf. oo«f'ft:f regulations and directives of the City Govern-
w.1 1~;J"lIlJA; ment within the Woreda;
t\ fOJ~.c;W.1 f""l"lOt-'etj fh.\1'i"7.. AOIJ-r ~:,- (b) prepare and submit to the Woreda Council the
"i- "1.'lo.9'" fCD~.c;(J)«1qoo:t''e 01:-r "";J social and economic plans and annual budget of
"1':+ t\OJ~.c;(J)«9'"he o.-r I+CIlAt l1.L4''(-'r the Woreda, and implement same upon approval
OF t- ft~ f(J)«ftA; (c) maintain public order and peace of the Woreda;
th) fOJ~.c;0J01 :tt1fil~'1':J'tj 1."I1~-r ~milj>A; (d) conserve and develop the natural environment;
00) f.,.L'1'C' ",",110.1 ~milj>A. 1t\""IA;
.'JILI'1 'h1'C im, cU. Iii
.., ..,.') "jjjf';rjj
,.."_..,,.- ..-.'}.9". Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 52 7thJuly, 1997 Page 620
1K' %r7J 4..J!..(..(:\ '1.'J(.'}

(e) ensure that the preservation and utilization of

II') nOJI...';(I}'(I}.{a'r f01.1'o;. ~ti1tf :"C(t.'f1 Ot..Y-o
antiquities situated in the Woreda are carried out
1..1\'OO'}O'P"}'i Ohrf-D7~ oo{a"'.';~C ~.,..'f'i
in accordance with the laws and directives of the
tlDoot!9"')" OOII'I.:t. f,mll:J>At-r:"9" I\f, h1
Federal Government and the City Government;
-'t~I\' .fY.C;JA:
(f) direct, coordinate and supervise the activities of
I.) fOJI..';~1 A f. A f. IICG:'f h 1:"{a:J>~ !(a.,.1111
departments of the Woreda Administration;
t.A: f,"'flJml..A:
(g) prepare the annual reports of the Woreda to be
(1) t\OJI..';(I}' 9"hC o.'r'i I\h"'0?~ oof1"'.';~C
0.,). subt.nitted to the Woreda Council and the Office
~'(""h'(.'}' f01""CO~1 flDl..';~1 qoo~tf
of the City Government.
t;rc:t- ,fll;J~ A::
20. Woreda Administrator
~. (at\OJI..';t,{a.,..';.';t
1) A Woreda Administrator shall be accountable to the
;!.' fOJI..'; "'{a.,..';.';t 'hnt'1i: I\lDl..';~ 9"hC n.:t-'i
Woreda Council and the Governor.
t\C6f1 OO{a'''.';.l':-rf,tr'iA::
2) A Woreda Administrator shall have the powers and
g. fOJI..'; "'{a.,..';.';t f01.h.,.i\-:t- P'AflJ1'i .,...,I1r.>'f
duties to:
f,ti-r:"'A~ (a) preside over the meetings of the Woreda council
u) flDl..';~') 9"hC o.:t-Ij"P' Ir "'{aL~OI/. \"101/.-t
and the Executive Committee;
hllf1I19"'}" 01L"'OO10C'1:t. f,OOIrA;
(b) ensure the implementation of policies.
t\) fh,"01lD' oo{a"'.';~C 7't\.lL9''ft 1.1P'f1j"
regulations and directives of the City Govern-
oooot!9"'}" OOJI..';~ ~(a'r 0P'1r I\f, h1-'t
ment within the Woreda;
cu.I\' .fY.C;JA: (c) exercise an overall command of the Woreda
ch) fCf)I..';~1 f7.t\.{a ~f,A 00l\f,'1:t- f,OOIrA~ Police force;
00 ) f OJI..';lD' 9"h C o.:t-'i f P' I.. '" {aL~ 01/.\"101/.-t (d) ensure the proper implementation of decisions of
9",1, lD.I));?"'}"(H'hhA P'I.. I\f, ootpl\:f~1
the Woreda Council and the Executive Commit-
.f 1.~"lll)A: tee;
II') {at\OJI.P,~ "'{a'''.';1.C fP'l.. "'{aL~OI/. \"101/.-t (e) submit periodical reports to the Woreda council
9".}'. M'OhC n,.f:'i. t\c6f1 oo{a.,..';Y.'-r Of1.
and the Governor on the activities of the woreda
lLlD' t7'C')' .f"'CI1A:: Executive Committee.
~;!. fOJI..'; 9"h'}'A t,{a".P,.';t P'AflJ11j" .,...,I1C 21. Powers and Duties of Woreda Deputy Administrator
;!. fOJI..';~ "'{a.,..';.';t ,"..,11-r1 I\01h'ilD1 OO1f,'fA 1) A Woreda Deputy Administrator shall act on behalf of
.,.h.,. f,,,.,
(H' 'UI. 9°h'}'A fOJI..';~ "'{a.,..';.';t the Woreda Administrator in the absence or incapacity
of the latter to discharge his duties.
g. 9"h')'A fOJI..P' "'{a"..';.';t~ OlD(..';~ 9"hC n.:t-t
2) A Deputy Woreda Administrator shall perform such
OP'I.. "'{a,(.~01. \"101..1:~1j"O"'{a.,.P,.';t~ fOl/.f1m' other duties as may be assign~d to him by the Woreda
:t'1 1\.1\"-:;'",ol/l1..'}' .fhlj"~1j" A:: Council, the Executive Committee and the Adminis-
~g. fOJI..'; f-("I1'(.P'AlIJ1'i '''''II1C trator.
flDl.P' f-("I1'(. hlDl..';(I}' 9"hC n.:t- t hp' I.. "'{aL~01, 22. Powers and Duties of Secretary of Woreda Administration
t'01.-tcu.1j" ht,{a.,..';.';t~ OOl/.f1m~ hm:J>I\f, oooot!
A Secretary of Woreda Administration shall, subject to
00""(.')': general directives to be given to him by the Woreda
;!. fOJI.P'w'1 "'{a"'.';Y.C ?\~,(.:t- o.:t- !1.Ir~A' Administrator, have the powers and duties to:
I..A: .
1) Organize, direct and adII}inister the Office of the
g. ff-'(""h,(.:t'0..,:1 O:€.'r !II;J~A~ f1.L"'~9" 0P'1r Woreda Administration;
I\f, .fw'I\A:. 2) prepare the budget of the Office and implement same
I:' Oh,,'OI/lD' OO{a"'.';Y:C flLo.A "Co.{a 1.111 00".,
upon approval;
I.'}' f?\ ~,(.:t. n,'1:1u'I...,.?f'f f,"'-rIrAt !{a"'.';~ 3) employ and administer the employees of the Office in
irA: accordance with the civil service regulations of the
~. hY'{a'f'~ lD1(('}" .'JC 001/.1.1.1' ..,T'i-'1.y.'f IJ-i\- City Government;
f-'~'(.'''' o.i:1 f,OJhl\A:. 4) represent the Office in all its dealings with third parties;
?;. ff-'~,(.:" o.i:1 t7'C'}' !II;J~A:. 5) prepare reports of the Office;
1~ ?;~?;li t.,Y../../A '1;11.-)- ;lIL(fJ <I:'I'C ~~ M.I!) <f>'}Htfiti! q.?". Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 52 7'hJuly, 1997-Page 621

?;. 0 IDl.c; (J)o 9'"h C 11.+' 0P't. h lt4t~ oi \"I08J.:f:(J)oCj 6) Perfonn such other duties as may be assigned to 'him by
Ohlt+.c;.c;~m- f08J.l'1m.+1lbf\o"f -t..,llc:"f fhCjm- the Woreda Council, the Executive Committee and the
c;A:: Administrator.

t!r' ltl\<I'Olb hlt-t.c;1.C 23. Kebele Administration

f<l'Olb hlt-t.c;1.C hi}I\+ h1.l~~'rCj P'Aff}1Cj -t..,IlC The organization and powers and duties of organs of a
Oh-t08Jm- oolt-t.c;1.C f.111 ~IDI'1CjA:: Kebele Administration shall be determined by Regulations
of the City Government.
he':A lt~lt+
fh.ctlt hOIl h-t08J oolt-t.c;~'C PART SIX
f.c;~~+ hi}I\+ P'Aff}1 Judicial Organs of the Addis Ababa City
t!~. fh-t08J ~h '),.c;f'1' e.:cy: 0.+ Government

l!' fh.ctil hOIl h+08J oolt-t.c;~c fh-t08J ~h 1'.c;r-"f 24. Municipal Court
CJ:C~ 0.+ OOlJ.h-tt\-+ 1'.c;r-"f I\~ f.';~'l.} P'A
1) The Municipal Court of the Addis Ababa City Govern-
ff}1 ~c:'llfJA;
ment shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the
u) f..,11l;r .)..';f::;';
following cases;
1\) f(1;r ~rl:r 1..c;f::;'; (a) construction cases;
tit) oolt-t.c;~'~ fOlJ.~ff}mt.:r:m-Cj P'Cq.} f08J.f (b) land holding cases;
ltf,.,:r:m-1 f1"l~! fm.C;I f.}9'*tJC.}I fhi} (c) cases related to activities regulated by the City
Iln. 1'0:1"' f08Jtl;J~ o..} h1A"lfto-r-"fC; Government such as trade, health, education,
00 1'1A 1'.c;f."f;
environmental protection and municipal
00) f.}t.~hCj lbf\o1' f1.111 00-tl\1\CJ: 1'4--r-"f:: servIces;
~. fh+08J ~h 1..';f."f e.:/o..} ntLtJ h1<1'7\ 10'{} (d) cases involving traffic and other petty offenses.
h 1<1'1\' (i) 00 IV l.} f08J.I'1mm- aN'); f 00 t;"t' 2) Decisions of the Municipal court on cases referred to in
,,(rCjA:: ,
sub-Article (1) of this Article shall be final.
r' fh'f'08J ~h 1..';f:"''' e.:c~' o..} h1.l~~.}C; hlVlrC 3) The Organization and procedures of the Municipal
Oh-t08Jm- oo{}-t.';Y:C f.111 ~tIJl'1C;A:: Court shall be as defined by Regul~tiOl~sof the City
~?i' fhlV~Cj ~'lr-tC;: 1'.';~ a)I}~ (1C~ Government.

fh.ctlt hOIl h-t08J oo{}-t.';~.C fhlV~Cj IVlr-t;;: 'J..';" 25. Labour Relations Board
tIJI}~ (1C~' f.c;~~.1' P'Aff}1: h1.l~~.}C; h~'I..C The provisions of the Labour Proclamation No. 42/1993
OhlV~Cj 1V/..-tC;:1'.c;~ hlfJ~ <k1'C ij~/ IiHif?i 0-t1.~1 shall apply with respect to the jurisdiction, organization and
1m- oo.J.'l''f ~t."'Of/A:: procedures of the Labour Relations Board of the Addis
~}. f001"'P'~' 1V/..-t7f"f hlt-t.c;1.C CJ:C~'o..} Ababa City Government.
26. Civil Service Tribunal
;>.. fh.ct{} hOIl h'f'08J oo{}-t.';~.C f001"lP"r IV/..-t
1,;''''''. hlt-t.c;1.C
e.:cy.' o..} Oh-t08Jm- oo{}-t.';~C I)
The Civil Service Tribunal of the Addis Ababa City
1'1.itA I'1c;i.{} f.1'0 oo~. l.} fOlJ.<I'C 0' 1\""1 f 00 {} Government shall have the power to hear and decide
-t.c;.f:~ 1 ~'lr"'1,;":;' ,)..';~ f08Jf'rCj footIJl'1,} P' A on civil service cases presented to it in accordance with
ff}1 ~(i llfJA:: the civil service Regulations of the City Government.
~. ft,.ct{} t,OIl h"'08J oo{}-t.';y..C fOO'}"lP'.} 1V/...f' 2) The organizaition and procedures of the Civil Service
7f""'. h{}-t.c;f.C e':C,f: 0...,. t,f.l~:~.}Cj hlJ.'t.C Tribunal of the Addis Ababa City Government shall be
Oh'f'08Jm- oo{}.f'.c;y:C f.'}fO ~tIJftCjA:: as defined by Regulations of the City Government.
27. Tax Appeal Commission
~~. f"l11C ~"lll~ 1'101J.'J'Ill}.
1) The Tax Appeal Commission of the Addis Ababa City
l!' fh.ctlt hOIl h"'OY oolt-t.c;y.'c f"l11C ~"'Il~ 1'10tJ.
Government shall have the power to, hear and decide
1'W}. Ohrf'OIJtIJ. oo{}.f'.c;Y.'C fOlJ.ftOl'1o- "l11C:':;'C;
on appeals against assessment of tax and duties of the
<l'll""Y' hIDI}1'11 I\~ fOlJ.<I'CO' ,e..,1l7f1''} fOtJfrrCj
City Government.
fooml'1,} P'An]'} ~(illfJA::
2) Decisions of the Commission on question of facts shall
~. .).WtlD- oe.:/.. ~'JC hchc 1\" fOlJ.ftmro- ro-I});
(Jl1P(,L1.l1i~(rC;A:: (r'i?" ",n"l tJchc I\f, fOlJ.ft be final; provided, ho~ever, tl)at decisions of the
commission relating to question of law shall be
miD' ro-I}); l\&of..I..I\' he.:-t;;: e.:cy: o.,}' O~"'Il~
appealable to the Federal High Court.
t\.cf>C11I\+ f,"Y'I\A::
,,..} nn,u'j! (HIP. Federal NegaritGazeta - No. 527'11July, I997-page 622
',K' ?;~?;.~ /...J!ot,.A '.U..} :J/l,fl! ,p."'I'C::i!{ M, 0

f',,'Ub(D' t,Y.L~':(1:.).c; t,IJ.'I,.C nh.t-llI/(D. OD"',"P' 3) The. organization and procedures of the commis-
.f:C Y.,}'O ~aJOc;A:: sion shall be as defined by Regulations of the City
?}'~';' f",Ol\. llI/'~nt.LP. (t:C.f: n,.r:.)'.
28. Kebele Social Courts
/i' f<\. OY'~Ot.q~ r,;c,l-': O..r:.f. "19":r:fw- hoOC ?;~
f'}.nL:f.e; f1'}UoO ncnc.>7f'.'} rlll/f.).e; 1) Kebele Social Courts shall have jurisdiction over
cases regarding property and money claims where
fUP(lJO'} 1'"A a)'} ~lf t.:PPA::
'}O.... the amount involved does not exceed Birr 500.
~, fcI'Ol\. llI/'H1t.q~ (t:C:.f: n,.} OflU t,'}"'~'
2) Decisions of a Kebele Social Court rendered
t, '}<"~' (/i) OD IJ.' I.')' flll/.OtH(D' CD-"'~ f ODb"),L i'f
pursuant to sub-Article (1) of this Article shall be
i~' f<,.nl\. llI/'Wt.LP.~C.f: O..r:.Y'hY.L,Cr.'}C; t,wl,.C
3) The organization and procedures of Kebele social
IH1'l'o,/CD'up"",',V,.f:C Y:HI ~aJO("A:: Courts~hall be as defined by ,Regulations of the
City Government.
h(t:A (\'H.
A f. A f. ".p,r:'Y' PART SEVEN
~fi' ...t\~~e;,}"'h...~p,~C:C;n~~ . . .

.." Miscellaneous Provisions

/i' Oh, .}r'~'! &...\'..t.l\ LP.OD'}"IP':" f1~~e;'}... t, t-P, 29. Financial Administration and Budget
~C t,CP:~ ~1'C ~?JI:!H~'lfi! ht,'}<,.~, y~~ 1,"'h :?~~ 1) Without prejudice to the Provisions of Articles 58-
f,"ODt\h'f:"" ,f:1;Yl.9)'.f. ),,}1.'hnO~ If'1CD': ft,
62 of the Federal Government of Ethiopia Finan-;'}... h"""Y.Y.C
-'tit ~,0l1 h"'llI/ uP"""P',f:C cial Administration Proclamation No. 57/1996, the
IHH'llI/CD' lID""".V,J':C Y:HI (IDII'L;" ~ODt.A:: financial administration of the Addis Ababa City
~, fh,,'llI/cD' OD"""P'.f:C fO:r.') (}OD') h&".\'..I,.t\.
Government shall be directed in accordance with
OD'}Olp'~} fO:r.'} (~OD') :J(: "'OD"''''~ ~lre;A::
Regulations of the City Government.
C!}. f"NIC p'Af.)'} 2) The City Government shall have the same fiscal
h,,'llI/ .flD...,t-P,.f:C flll/,h"'t\")''} °NI year with that of the Federal Government.
/i' fhJ;,tl t,O'1
(~".y.: <"I.(I")"c; tJf';,('9)"Y' fODaJA~' fODO'O.)oO p'A
30. Power of Taxation

a)'} ,r,(f I.lf'A: 1) The Addis Ababa city Government shall have the
0) . ntH'~llI/(D' fID ,..v,.r:C hAA CD'...'r Olll/,IJ.'';' power to levy and collect the follwoing taxes,
":JY..9)',y. A.~ flll//'JA f'}"I.r: ,h:r,:: duties and charges:
"NICe; f'ii.('6P.'C; lbh"'~'Jf ;,.tJ"':
(a) profit, sales and excise taxes imposed on
individual traders carrying out their busines-
t\) nh,,'llI/cD' flD""".V,J':C '1t\n,'}"'} P'C nlll/:1'r
fAllI/')' J':c:(1;.r:,)'. J\~ flll/.alA f'}"I,r: ')'Cr,:
ses with in the territory of Addis Ababa;
(b) profit, sales and exCise taxes imposed on
°NIC~' f'ii,('6f!>C; lbh"'~11 :,.tJ(\;
enterprises owned by the city Government;
(11) f&".\'o/,.&\ OD'}OI,..",:'}: fM':llI/,Y tJAJ\LP. OD'}"1
(c) income tax imposed on income from em-
p,.}'} 1,c; f(}t\9" l,<,.c,; Y:C'f:.r::;. .,.<,.aJt?J',)'..}
ployment excluding employees of the
"'~bL).9"C:nOO<"tnC Olll/,1~\ 10, J\~ flll/fl)A
Federal Government, the State of Oromia and
f'lI1. °N1C:
International Organizations;
OD) Oh,,'llI/co- uo"""P'.l'.'C hAA CD'...'r WIA '1t\n,
(d) taxes imposed on income derived from
,}.,.} o,.r:,y.e; l\.t\o',)'. 'HIL,r:,)'. nlll/:'~\
h"'.f'" private houses and other properties within the
'In, J\~ flll//'JA .'I.m:: territory of Addis Ababa;
IJ.') fh".oy (1;" tLt.~c; fh"'llI/ (V,. °NIC: (e) urban land rent and urban house tax;
, nh,,'llI/(D' uP"""P'J':C t,l1J\'} hlll/,OtH, &.:1'f.
I.) (f) fees relating to licenses issued by organs of
',f.e;. hh"'llI/ .,h h',Aolt\°-r:.Y. flll/.OD"f,l.b he,;! , the City Gove~l1mentand charges relating to
9)1:: municipal services;
0) ntJIAe; O'Hll.'} 1"'1,. llI/un/,.'} "'Y.t.'f:"'CD' (g) agricultural income tax imposed on in-
'(1ll1/..fch, 1 n/09)")" J\~ flll/f'} A f1,C'" P't. '1(1. dividual farmers and farmers incorporated
°l,oe; cooperative associations;
Ii) fY.'} LJ.0.}OODtH<"9" flll/.h&.A Co',flL'l;; (h) royalty for 4se of fore~t re~o~lrces.
,.,- u.e.A !lIeU.c9.,., Iitfitu ~'9'"
.,?~.). :/f!"1 <h.'I'L: Federal Negarit Gazeta - No. 52 7thJuly, 1997-Page 623

I' 1'''~A "-M hrl.oytIDh+~~ fitUJ h1+1\ 1o-11 2) The Addis Ababa City Government shall, in imposing
"".A" (i} -lPl+ ..,-oeCJ'+l1' f1.1'ACJ'htt:l9' taxes and duties and fixing charges pursuant to sub-
"f"t A.-It'} ftJh1-11P'1: 1\1+1\ !if f1'oot\h1: Article (1) of this Article, comply with the principles
+, f-HtC I\nttfJA ~etf9'";}"CJ'llt\;J-hll m-Uf.+ of taxation provided for in Article 100 of the Cons-
ftk+f-A-, .f..1..(,.I\4£ OO1"1P'+ f4-f8111 hll1'~ titution and the Provisions of tax harmonization
f.e h"~ -k1'C ,~/Ii1fifit h1+1\ j:.t f1'oot\h1: contained in Article 58 of the Federal Government of
, ~, ,71.9'," -t1+A ht\O+:: Ethiopia Financial Administration Proclamation No.
Ii' fT'AJtf; 0.+&.t.1 P'AIIJ1CJ'+"Ifle
31. Powers and Duties o{Police and Prosecutors
I' 1'tt4." ttnt1 h+D7 ooll+~~C Tt\.llCJ'o.4"n.
;,.-, 'CD11:A 1'~f"'f1 OooOOCooCCJ' oooh 1) Police and Public Prosecutors of the Addis Ababa City
Government shall have the powers and duties provided
M (..11: f1CD"t~t\;;: 00:r>65J,
P''' P'C~+ ;"°1
P'l\tfJ1CJ' +"IIlC>'f f,lf~:ftpA:: for in the Criminal Procedure code in relation to the
investigation and prosecution of criminal cases.
I' flhU "art h+"Y oot\+~~C Tt\.ll f+1:ool 2) Where an investigation initiated by the Addis Ababa
'6J'J:A rC08(,.1-~f, f~Yu~A CD11:A1fD7.OO
City Government Police reveals a crime falling under
A""" tt'rr ct 1~ t\~Yu~A Tt\.ll h1-'t+I\t\~ Federal jurisdiction, the case shall be transferred to the
"-''';11\11 Federal police.
II' '''''do st,t 32. Working Language
,1\4." I\Of1ODl\1''''~CfP'~ *,* htl'/C;;:f,tfCJ'A:: The working language of the Addis Ababa City Govern-
ie. 01\"''' ,",0f1"A~r:"'I.1 hAl\ce 001"1P'+ A~ 1':"9" ment shall be Amharic.
Ii' OtLU :Fe+e h1+'" 1(6) OOlPl+ ftl'/.ht\t\m- 33. Special Interest ofthe State ofOromia in Addis Ababa
,1\.4." 1\011 CDA1 Oh+tI'/m- ooll+~~CCJ' OM~) 1) The boundaries of Addis Ababa to be delimited
"'1.1 hl\l\4£ OO1"1P':" O;J(,. rf-t\f,'" fCD"" 9"A pursuant to Article 2 (1) of this Charter shall jointly be
hot. "~l"lO:J'A:: marked by the City Government and the Government
of the State of Oromia.
I' '~r:"t1 hl\l\4£ 00')"1P'+ 00+ooli1iJ.m-1 Oh-'tll
1\1111 f"'l~l"l 0011'1' f,liltpA::
2) The state of oromia shall have the right to make Addis
Ababa the seat of its Government.
t~. fl\.4." hOf1 hrf-OIJooll""~'('C t\h-'tll hOIl tlt1lrO
3) Services provided to the residents of Addis Ababa by
f"t1+ell1fm- J\1A"It\-.,.'f oooll+~~-r J\tplt~
the City Government shall be extended to the surroun-
t\"".ci lm- fl-r:tI'/.1 hAA tltltrO t\.~lf\. fD7.'fit-
ding residents of the State of Oromia on the same terms
A.lr1 ~tpt9'=t: O+ooltltf, V-~;J- fJ\1A"It\--f:r:
and conditions where such services are equally acces-
"'111.4""'1. ~ ,} "'.l;JA::
sible to them.
'''4.h hOIl h1'tI'/ ooll+~'('C t\J\-'tll hOIl tltl'rO 4) The Addis Ababa City Government shall consult with
h"'l.1+Cf11fm- h1A"It\--f'f ;JC f+lllt- fAtI'/+
and obtain the consent of the government of the state of
P'(,.fP'f'} O~r:tI'/.1 hAA m-ll1' 00P'(,.+ fD7.'f
Oromia prior to undertaking any development activity
t\m- 0:"I:D7.1 hl-c>tI'/.1 hAI\ce OO1"1P'+ ;JC
within the territory of the State of Oromia with a view
ooooottheCJ' ooolltl'/tI'/+ f,tfCJ'A::
to providing services to the residents of Addi~ Ababa.
01' ih;.J4£ Am-~+
34. Legal personalities
'hJll\ 1\011 h+OlJ ool\+~'('Ct fCDl~CJ'f+Ot\. hll+~ The Addis Ababa City Government, the Woreda and
'.e ~eh't"f hCi oooll+~~-r 1-1rO~1t=J:m-1'ft\m- . Kebele Administrative units and organs and institutions
~'}4."'''''.4- ''''.**00- fooll+~.('-r httl\+CJ'1'*'fO'f established by Regulations of the City Government as
f ih"l AfDo"+ ,.Ii (,.=J:tpA:: autonomous bodies shall have their own legal personalities.
0?;' '-'fi;J1t1.(''};J1. 35. Transitory Provisions

A' fh.4.h hOIl hr'-OIJ ool\+~'('C f(,."" ,.1n:f. 1) Existing laws applicable to matters falling under the
hl\hOlJ.ICDtfJCJ'hith"'l. +tt:fm- Y,:lll tlt'loo1"1P' jurisdication of the Addis Ababa city Government
,1:1 fOlJf,.4"l).CJ'Oh+tI'/m- ooll+~'('C fP'AtTf1 shall, in so far as they are not inconsistent with the
hAA ite ftl'/.CD.('+' 1'~f''f1 ftl'/.oot\h1: .,IlC constitution, continues in force until the City Govern-
iIt,..~. +L~OIJ..,:,. ""'1'I\A:: ment issues its own Regulations to replace them.
I!tfifu ~.,... No. 52 7thJuly
1K' if?)!! 4..1.t.&\ .,;J&-r ;JfI,lf) ~'1'C n (t),1!j+, Federal Negarit Gazeta - "~
997--:-page 624

I' "0 :FCTC OOl/.R'i"O"" Ot..~&-A lJ:C.(' o..,.'f 2) Cases falling under the ,judicial powers of the Addis
O"7'i"TlD"9" 1.l.~ 000 ;rf""
1\" f"7.1"f.'i" O".&tit Ababa City Governmeht.and which arepending before
"Oq hT"7 ooitT~.('C f~~'l"" "111\"" the Federal Courts on the effective date ofthis Charter
P'C fOl/.(JJ.('~ 1--~f"'f P'AflJ.,. I\I\TlD" fhT"7lD" shall be transferred to the competent judicial organs of
ooitT~.('C f~~'l"" "111\"" "TI\f\~~:: the City Government.

36. Amendment of the Charter

t!)}. f:FCT~ QD?I?IA
This Charter may be amended where any proposed amend-
"0 :FCTC f"Jlit "Oq I1T"7 ooitT~.('C
9"hC 0."" ment by the Council of the Addis Ababa City Government
f0l/.1'" COlD"f"7?1?11 ""111 T'" q" 'l"" l1.11~ (JJ ~9" is approved or where any amend~ent is initiated by the
f t..Y-../..~ oo,,}"'lP'''''O/..{t. "'ll}1i'l"" l\.1?11if\dJc~'f Federal Government.
37. Effective Date
t!)~. :FCT~ fOl/.R'i"O""'lit
This Charter shall enter into force as of the 7thday of July
.,."} Iitfiflt q.9'" "f.9"r: fR'i"
"0 :FCTC h{)~ t!) 1997.
"If'i" A:: (The House ratified amendments inserted herein, at the
(fOl/. t it"" r:'f 9"hC 0."" "7 ?I?I19''f ,,") .&t1.l.1-- m f
° request of the Council of Ministers, at its session held on the
"'I(J" 00 lP l. ..,. O.(';J 01/. 1':" 9""" ti~ .,."}
Iitn q .9" . 4thday of November, 1997.)
OOC9"r: "K'.('!l:A)

Done at Addis Ababa, this 7thday of July, 1997.

".&tit "Oq {}~t!) .,."} Iitfitit q.9".

'l;J{\ 'l~~ NEGASO GIDADA (DR)

fh. ""f" k 1 t..Y-..&-1\ If .&t'fOh &-l1.11f
~Tl1l\.h T"}""

oftcn... (\1\9" "".,..""..1' .I.':c~:r'



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